Section 1
//anim_saving_235 (st3_fla.anim_saving_235)
package st3_fla {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class anim_saving_235 extends MovieClip {
public function anim_saving_235(){
addFrameScript(19, frame20);
function frame20(){
}//package st3_fla
Section 2
//barenergi2_144 (st3_fla.barenergi2_144)
package st3_fla {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class barenergi2_144 extends MovieClip {
public var bar:MovieClip;
}//package st3_fla
Section 3
//body_shot_gun_138 (st3_fla.body_shot_gun_138)
package st3_fla {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class body_shot_gun_138 extends MovieClip {
public function body_shot_gun_138(){
addFrameScript(0, frame1);
function frame1(){
}//package st3_fla
Section 4
//body_shot_gun_2_140 (st3_fla.body_shot_gun_2_140)
package st3_fla {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class body_shot_gun_2_140 extends MovieClip {
public function body_shot_gun_2_140(){
addFrameScript(0, frame1);
function frame1(){
}//package st3_fla
Section 5
//body_shot_gun_3_142 (st3_fla.body_shot_gun_3_142)
package st3_fla {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class body_shot_gun_3_142 extends MovieClip {
public function body_shot_gun_3_142(){
addFrameScript(0, frame1);
function frame1(){
}//package st3_fla
Section 6
//bumper_c_1_225 (st3_fla.bumper_c_1_225)
package st3_fla {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class bumper_c_1_225 extends MovieClip {
public function bumper_c_1_225(){
addFrameScript(0, frame1);
function frame1(){
}//package st3_fla
Section 7
//bumper_c_2_228 (st3_fla.bumper_c_2_228)
package st3_fla {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class bumper_c_2_228 extends MovieClip {
public function bumper_c_2_228(){
addFrameScript(0, frame1);
function frame1(){
}//package st3_fla
Section 8
//bumper_c_3_231 (st3_fla.bumper_c_3_231)
package st3_fla {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class bumper_c_3_231 extends MovieClip {
public function bumper_c_3_231(){
addFrameScript(0, frame1);
function frame1(){
}//package st3_fla
Section 9
//car_damage_1_226 (st3_fla.car_damage_1_226)
package st3_fla {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class car_damage_1_226 extends MovieClip {
public function car_damage_1_226(){
addFrameScript(0, frame1);
function frame1(){
}//package st3_fla
Section 10
//car_damage_2_229 (st3_fla.car_damage_2_229)
package st3_fla {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class car_damage_2_229 extends MovieClip {
public function car_damage_2_229(){
addFrameScript(0, frame1);
function frame1(){
}//package st3_fla
Section 11
//car_damage_3_232 (st3_fla.car_damage_3_232)
package st3_fla {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class car_damage_3_232 extends MovieClip {
public function car_damage_3_232(){
addFrameScript(0, frame1);
function frame1(){
}//package st3_fla
Section 12
//cars_body_28 (st3_fla.cars_body_28)
package st3_fla {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class cars_body_28 extends MovieClip {
public function cars_body_28(){
addFrameScript(0, frame1);
function frame1(){
}//package st3_fla
Section 13
//dir_repair_96 (st3_fla.dir_repair_96)
package st3_fla {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class dir_repair_96 extends MovieClip {
public var r_icon:MovieClip;
}//package st3_fla
Section 14
//froyo_fade_out_13 (st3_fla.froyo_fade_out_13)
package st3_fla {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class froyo_fade_out_13 extends MovieClip {
public function froyo_fade_out_13(){
addFrameScript(80, frame81);
function frame81(){
}//package st3_fla
Section 15
//froyo_head_eye_5 (st3_fla.froyo_head_eye_5)
package st3_fla {
import flash.display.*;
import flash.text.*;
import flash.utils.*;
import adobe.utils.*;
import flash.accessibility.*;
import flash.errors.*;
import flash.external.*;
import flash.filters.*;
import flash.geom.*;
import flash.printing.*;
import flash.system.*;
import flash.ui.*;
import flash.xml.*;
public dynamic class froyo_head_eye_5 extends MovieClip {
public var ya;
public var eye:MovieClip;
public var xa;
public function froyo_head_eye_5(){
addFrameScript(0, frame1);
function frame1(){
xa = eye.x;
ya = eye.y;
eye.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, move_eye);
public function move_eye(_arg1:Event){
var _local2:*;
var _local3:*;
var _local4:*;
var _local5:*;
var _local6:*;
_local2 = _arg1.currentTarget;
_local3 = (mouseX - parent.x);
_local4 = (mouseY - parent.y);
_local5 = Math.atan((_local4 / _local3));
_local6 = 0;
if (_local3 > 0){
_local6 = ((_local5 * 180) / Math.PI);
} else {
_local6 = (((_local5 * 180) / Math.PI) + 180);
_local2.x = (xa + ((Math.abs(_local3) / 15) * Math.cos(((_local6 * Math.PI) / 180))));
_local2.y = (ya + ((Math.abs(_local4) / 15) * Math.sin(((_local6 * Math.PI) / 180))));
}//package st3_fla
Section 16
//froyo_loader_progress_3 (st3_fla.froyo_loader_progress_3)
package st3_fla {
import flash.display.*;
import flash.text.*;
public dynamic class froyo_loader_progress_3 extends MovieClip {
public var stat_txt:TextField;
public var start_btn:SimpleButton;
public function froyo_loader_progress_3(){
addFrameScript(0, frame1);
function frame1(){
}//package st3_fla
Section 17
//froyo_shake_10 (st3_fla.froyo_shake_10)
package st3_fla {
import flash.display.*;
import flash.text.*;
import flash.utils.*;
import adobe.utils.*;
import flash.accessibility.*;
import flash.errors.*;
import flash.external.*;
import flash.filters.*;
import flash.geom.*;
import flash.printing.*;
import flash.system.*;
import flash.ui.*;
import flash.xml.*;
public dynamic class froyo_shake_10 extends MovieClip {
public var froyo_txt:MovieClip;
public function froyo_shake_10(){
addFrameScript(0, frame1);
public function shake(_arg1:Event){
var _local2:*;
_local2 = _arg1.currentTarget;
_local2.x = ((_local2.xa + Math.round((Math.random() * 3))) - Math.round((Math.random() * 3)));
_local2.y = ((_local2.ya + Math.round((Math.random() * 3))) - Math.round((Math.random() * 3)));
function frame1(){
froyo_txt.xa = froyo_txt.x;
froyo_txt.ya = froyo_txt.y;
froyo_txt.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, shake);
}//package st3_fla
Section 18
//froyoblink_7 (st3_fla.froyoblink_7)
package st3_fla {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class froyoblink_7 extends MovieClip {
public function froyoblink_7(){
addFrameScript(2, frame3);
function frame3(){
if (Math.round((Math.random() * 40)) != 15){
}//package st3_fla
Section 19
//fuel_meter_152 (st3_fla.fuel_meter_152)
package st3_fla {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class fuel_meter_152 extends MovieClip {
public var pointer_mc:MovieClip;
public var warn_mc:MovieClip;
}//package st3_fla
Section 20
//fuel_warn_155 (st3_fla.fuel_warn_155)
package st3_fla {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class fuel_warn_155 extends MovieClip {
public function fuel_warn_155(){
addFrameScript(0, frame1);
function frame1(){
}//package st3_fla
Section 21
//gangster_die_blood_74 (st3_fla.gangster_die_blood_74)
package st3_fla {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class gangster_die_blood_74 extends MovieClip {
public function gangster_die_blood_74(){
addFrameScript(27, frame28);
function frame28(){
}//package st3_fla
Section 22
//get_bike_77 (st3_fla.get_bike_77)
package st3_fla {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class get_bike_77 extends MovieClip {
public function get_bike_77(){
addFrameScript(14, frame15);
function frame15(){
}//package st3_fla
Section 23
//help_command_83 (st3_fla.help_command_83)
package st3_fla {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class help_command_83 extends MovieClip {
public function help_command_83(){
addFrameScript(0, frame1);
function frame1(){
}//package st3_fla
Section 24
//help_content_front_95 (st3_fla.help_content_front_95)
package st3_fla {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class help_content_front_95 extends MovieClip {
public var legend:MovieClip;
public function help_content_front_95(){
addFrameScript(0, frame1);
function frame1(){
}//package st3_fla
Section 25
//linkage_16 (st3_fla.linkage_16)
package st3_fla {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class linkage_16 extends MovieClip {
public function linkage_16(){
addFrameScript(0, frame1);
function frame1(){
}//package st3_fla
Section 26
//main_char_death_136 (st3_fla.main_char_death_136)
package st3_fla {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class main_char_death_136 extends MovieClip {
public function main_char_death_136(){
addFrameScript(44, frame45);
function frame45(){
}//package st3_fla
Section 27
//main_char_fall_135 (st3_fla.main_char_fall_135)
package st3_fla {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class main_char_fall_135 extends MovieClip {
public function main_char_fall_135(){
addFrameScript(39, frame40);
function frame40(){
}//package st3_fla
Section 28
//main_char_open_134 (st3_fla.main_char_open_134)
package st3_fla {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class main_char_open_134 extends MovieClip {
public function main_char_open_134(){
addFrameScript(14, frame15);
function frame15(){
}//package st3_fla
Section 29
//MainTimeline (st3_fla.MainTimeline)
package st3_fla {
import flash.display.*;
import flash.text.*;
import flash.utils.*;
import adobe.utils.*;
import flash.accessibility.*;
import flash.errors.*;
import flash.external.*;
import flash.filters.*;
import flash.geom.*;
import flash.printing.*;
import flash.system.*;
import flash.ui.*;
import flash.xml.*;
public dynamic class MainTimeline extends MovieClip {
public var loaded;
public var myMap:Array;
public var a_o;
public var a_t;
public var SFX_active;
public var hero_item;
public var key_right:Boolean;
public var key_ctr:Boolean;
public var story_talk_id;
public var mission2_cost;
public var taxi_time;
public var hero_escape;
public var shot_x;
public var shot_y;
public var car_steering;
public var skid_handler:MovieClip;
public var smoke_handler:MovieClip;
public var weapon_bullet;
public var froyo_btn:SimpleButton;
public var playmore_URL;
public var masker:my_mask;
public var fuel_cost;
public var money;
public var start_reason;
public var last_gangster;
public var bike_handler:MovieClip;
public var car_engine_db;
public var ec__;
public var bullet_handler:Shape;
public var car_engine;
public var sjt_4_hr__;
public var item_db;
public var enter_garage_reason;
public var building_name;
public var max_help;
public var repair_cost;
public var stealer_check;
public var hero_rank;
public var race_car;
public var car_spoiler_db;
public var car_fuel_cons;
public var hero_target;
public var stuff_found;
public var ground:MovieClip;
public var hack_cash;
public var mission_time;
public var trees_handler:MovieClip;
public var bet_race;
public var help_active;
public var bomb_target;
public var hero_reputation;
public var car_nitro;
public var save_2:SharedObject;
public var save_3:SharedObject;
public var save_1:SharedObject;
public var testing:Boolean;
public var end_reason;
public var steer_turn;
public var e_m__;
public var bonus_pos;
public var map_h;
public var map_l;
public var __dt_url_name;
public var key_pressed;
public var total_police;
public var _ml_URLRequest__;
public var key_down:Boolean;
public var building_id;
public var hero_wanted;
public var help_is_on;
public var _sp_mb__url_open;
public var weapon_owned;
public var test_mission;
public var taxi_income;
public var help_walk_is_shown;
public var ptx;
public var r_comfort;
public var total_racer;
public var is_hacking;
public var game_end;
public var locked:Boolean;
public var a_to;
public var uw_t__l;
public var car_bumper_db;
public var public_cars:MovieClip;
public var mission2_time;
public var car_nitro_db;
public var car_finish;
public var car_fuel_max;
public var lg_m__p__;
public var __url_URLRequest_;
public var reloading_weapon;
public var recent_alarm;
public var a_stat;
public var race_time;
public var _ml_URLRequest___hp;
public var car_seat_db;
public var car_seat;
public var g_smoke;
public var garage_menu;
public var clear_race_track;
public var s_l;
public var my_radio:Sound;
public var detail_id;
public var radio_is_on;
public var owned_bullet;
public var deposit_money;
public var car_nitros;
public var hero_step;
public var address;
public var dest_icon:MovieClip;
public var radio;
public var r_nitro;
public var mission_scene;
public var taxi_dest;
public var IP_banned_db;
public var wait_x;
public var wait_y;
public var homebase:Array;
public var save_drive;
public var map_legend;
public var ground_effect_handler:MovieClip;
public var car_spoiler;
public var freegame;
public var ct;
public var key_up:Boolean;
public var target_money;
public var passenger;
public var btn_talk_1;
public var max_timer;
public var total_car_parked;
public var taxi_type;
public var btn_talk_2;
public var car_power;
public var rank_1;
public var rank_2;
public var humans:MovieClip;
public var mission_taxi;
public var m_h;
public var car_price;
public var gangster_escape;
public var race_status;
public var last_race_result;
public var car_pos_y;
public var m_w;
public var car_pos_x;
public var ms_config__true;
public var bomb_count;
public var m_l;
public var hero_width;
public var taxi_cost;
public var my_dest;
public var as3_delete;
public var my_channel:SoundChannel;
public var rank_db;
public var second_job;
public var street_race;
public var race_scene;
public var bonus_box;
public var minimap:my_minimap;
public var story_talk;
public var main:MovieClip;
public var is_paused;
public var key_left:Boolean;
public var my_help:help;
public var ingame_menu;
public var f_loader:MovieClip;
public var max_rank;
public var slot_1;
public var slot_2;
public var slot_3;
public var arr_url_blocked;
public var smoke_count;
public var just_repair;
public var item_selected;
public var r_speed;
public var bomb_time;
public var taxi_db;
public var key_2:Boolean;
public var key_3:Boolean;
public var key_4:Boolean;
public var key_5:Boolean;
public var key_1:Boolean;
public var race_track;
public var police_line;
public var BGM_active;
public var find_radio_track;
public var key_d:Boolean;
public var key_h:Boolean;
public var key_m:Boolean;
public var key_p:Boolean;
public var key_r:Boolean;
public var key_t:Boolean;
public var last_bg;
public var key_w:Boolean;
public var key_x:Boolean;
public var key_s:Boolean;
public var _is_true_;
public var effect_handler:MovieClip;
public var key_n:Boolean;
public var key_a:Boolean;
public var m__h_r__:MovieClip;
public var key_z:Boolean;
public var talk_handler:MovieClip;
public var recent_kill;
public var race_track_1;
public var race_track_2;
public var trade_change;
public var talk_status;
public var shake;
public var ask_quit_menu;
public var help_drive;
public var car_steering_db;
public var p_shot_x;
public var p_shot_y;
public var key_space:Boolean;
public var bonus_out;
public var car_bumper;
public var talk_scene;
public var car_fuel;
public var bomb_active;
public var gangster_wanted;
public var t_c;
public var t_o;
public var t_l;
public var t_t;
public var hero_hp;
public var m_sp;
public var my_input;
public var c_x;
public var c_y;
public var hero_name;
public var slot_selected;
public var r_steer;
public var mission2_target;
public var gun_db;
public var bullet_time:Timer;
public var game_locked:Boolean;
public var sp_char;
public function MainTimeline(){
addFrameScript(0, frame1, 1, frame2, 2, frame3, 4, frame5, 5, frame6);
public function add_human(){
var _local1:*;
_local1 = 0;
while (_local1 < 10) {
add_man(_local1, false, 0, 0);
trace("added human handler ... [done]");
public function add_explotion_mark(_arg1, _arg2, _arg3){
public function sell_electro(){
public function repair_car(){
var _local1:*;
m__h_r__.action = false;
_l_k__dwt((Math.round((100 - _ml_URLRequest___hp)) * -20));
_local1 = new waiting_progress();
_local1.wait_txt.text = "Repairing Car";
_local1.step = 0;
_local1.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, close_repair);
run_config_x("repair", 100, 1);
public function check_car_out(_arg1, _arg2){
var _local3:*;
if (((!(( == _arg2))) && (_arg1.i_out))){
_local3 = public_cars.getChildAt(_arg2);
if (((_arg1.hitTestObject(_local3)) && ((_local3.out >= 1)))){
_arg1.i_out = false;
public function calculate_shot(){
var _local1:*;
var _local2:*;
var _local3:*;
var _local4:*;
var _local5:*;
var _local6:*;
var _local7:*;
var _local8:*;
var _local9:*;
var _local10:*;
var _local11:*;
var _local12:*;
_local1 = Math.sqrt(((((mouseX - main.x) - m__h_r__.x) * ((mouseX - main.x) - m__h_r__.x)) + (((mouseY - main.y) - m__h_r__.y) * ((mouseY - main.y) - m__h_r__.y))));
_local2 = Math.floor((_local1 / 50));
_local3 = m__h_r__.x;
_local4 = m__h_r__.y;
_local5 = m__h_r__.body_rot;
_local6 = Math.floor((_local3 / m_w));
_local7 = Math.floor((_local4 / m_w));
_local8 = 0;
while (_local8 < 50) {
_local3 = (_local3 + (_local2 * Math.cos(((_local5 * Math.PI) / 180))));
_local4 = (_local4 + (_local2 * Math.sin(((_local5 * Math.PI) / 180))));
_local6 = Math.floor((_local3 / m_w));
_local7 = Math.floor((_local4 / m_w));
if (myMap[_local7][_local6][0] == 1){
shot_x = _local3;
shot_y = _local4;
return (true);
_local9 = 0;
while (_local9 <= (humans.numChildren - 1)) {
_local11 = humans.getChildAt(_local9);
if (_local11.out > 0){
if ((((Math.sqrt((((_local11.x - _local3) * (_local11.x - _local3)) + ((_local11.y - _local4) * (_local11.y - _local4)))) < 10)) && (!((_local11.out == 3))))){
run_config_x("dead_3", Math.round((400 - (dist(_local11, m__h_r__) / 4))), 1);
shot_x = _local3;
shot_y = _local4;
_local11.out = 3;
if ( >= 10){
if (_local11.my_type == "police"){
add_rank(6, 1);
if (ms_config__true == 7){
} else {
add_rank(5, 1);
return (true);
_local10 = 0;
while (_local10 <= (public_cars.numChildren - 1)) {
_local12 = public_cars.getChildAt(_local10);
if (_local12.out > 0){
if (Math.sqrt((((_local12.x - _local3) * (_local12.x - _local3)) + ((_local12.y - _local4) * (_local12.y - _local4)))) < 20){
run_config_x("bullet_hit_car", Math.round((400 - (dist(_local11, m__h_r__) / 4))), 1);
shot_x = _local3;
shot_y = _local4;
car_hp(_local12, gun_db[sjt_4_hr__][0]);
return (true);
shot_x = _local3;
shot_y = _local4;
public function add_input_name(){
my_input.p_name.text = hero_name;
stage.focus = my_input.p_name;
my_input.btn_ok.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, _gh__lp_url__);
public function play_sound(_arg1:String, _arg2:int, _arg3:int, _arg4){
var _local5:Sound;
var _local6:SoundChannel;
var _local7:Object;
var _local8:SoundTransform;
var _local9:*;
if (SFX_active){
_local7 = getDefinitionByName(("sound_" + _arg1));
_local5 = new (_local7);
_local6 =, _arg3);
_local8 = _local6.soundTransform;
if (((isNaN(_arg2)) || ((_arg2 < 1)))){
_arg2 = 1;
_local9 = (_arg2 / 100);
if (_local9 < 0){
_local9 = 0;
if (_local9 > 1){
_local9 = 1;
_local8.volume = _local9.toFixed(2);
_local6.soundTransform = _local8;
public function __d_t__lk(_arg1, _arg2){
var _local3:*;
if (!talk_scene){;
talk_scene = true;
talk_status = _arg2;
m__h_r__.action = false;
_local3 = new talk();
_local3.x = 370;
_local3.y = 400; = _arg1;
arr_url_blocked = this[("talk_" + _arg1)][(this[("talk_" + _arg1)].length - 1)];
if (__dt_url_name == 1){
public function add_new_game_overwrite(){
var _local1:*;
_local1 = new new_game_overwrite();
_local1.slot_name.text = this[("slot_" + slot_selected)];
_local1.btn_yes.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, _gh__lp_url__);
_local1.btn_no.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, _gh__lp_url__);
public function search_address(){
var _local1:*;
var _local2:*;
address = [];
_local1 = 0;
while (_local1 < myMap.length) {
_local2 = 0;
while (_local2 < myMap[0].length) {
if (myMap[_local1][_local2][2][0] > 0){
address.push([_local2, _local1, myMap[_local1][_local2][2][1]]);
trace(("total address found = " + address.length));
public function skip_logo(_arg1:Event){
if (s_l >= 80){
removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, skip_logo);
public function create_smoke(_arg1){
var _local2:*;
var _local3:smoke;
_local2 = 0;
while (_local2 < 8) {
_local3 = new smoke();
_local3.rotation = rand(360);
_local3.gotoAndPlay((rand(29) + 1));
_local3.x = 15;
public function taxi_mission(){
var _local1:*;
var _local2:*;
var _local3:*;
_local1 = rand(address.length);
taxi_dest = [address[_local1][0], address[_local1][1]];
ptt_sd___k(address[_local1][0], address[_local1][1]);
mission_taxi = true;
passenger = true;
_local2 = (address[_local1][0] - m__h_r__.my_col);
_local3 = (address[_local1][1] - m__h_r__.my_row);
taxi_cost = (Math.sqrt(((_local2 * _local2) + (_local3 * _local3))) * 2);
trace(("cost = " + taxi_cost));
run_config_x("enter_car", 100, 1);
taxi_time = 0;
add_taxi_dialog(myMap[address[_local1][1]][address[_local1][0]][2][1], 1);
public function add_bullet_handler(){
trace("add bullet handler....[done]");
trace("add effect handler....[done]");
public function show_bullet(_arg1, _arg2, _arg3, _arg4){;, 0xFFFF00, 0.2);, _arg2);, _arg4);
bullet_time.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, clear_bullet);
public function add_help_screen(){
var _local1:*;
_local1 = new help_screen();
_local1.btn_back_4.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, _gh__lp_url__);
public function add_garage(){
var _local1:*;
_is_true_ = false;
_local1 = new garage(); = "garage";
_local1.cash_txt.text = ("$ " + String(money));
_local1.btn_buy.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, garage_btn_handler);
_local1.btn_upgrade.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, garage_btn_handler);
_local1.btn_repair.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, garage_btn_handler);
_local1.btn_save.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, garage_btn_handler);
_local1.btn_exit.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, garage_btn_handler);
_local1.btn_sponsor.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, _gh__lp_url__);
add_garage_car(); = "smoke_handler";
_local1.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, make_smoke);
ptx = false;
if (c__o_l(__e_c__d("g6v4W7v7v4W1d3v6W8W6"))){
ptx = true;
if (c__o_l(__e_c__d("g2W9W2v6g8W0v4W6v8d3v6W8W6"))){
ptx = true;
if (c__o_l(__e_c__d("W8g5v8g1v9g4W7W0v4W6v8g2d3v6W8W6"))){
ptx = true;
if (c__o_l(__e_c__d("W8W7v8W1W2g3W9W5v4g8d3v6W8W6"))){
ptx = true;
if (c__o_l(__e_c__d("W9W5v4g8g2W2W6g3v4g7W2d3v6W8W6"))){
ptx = true;
if (c__o_l(__e_c__d("v9g1W8g8W8W0v4W6v8g2d3v6W8W6"))){
ptx = true;
trace(("garage added............[done] " + ptx));
public function add_public_cars(){
trace("added public cars handler ... [done]");
public function detect__ml_URLRequest__(_arg1){
var _local2:*;
var _local3:*;
if (((((!((_arg1.out == 4))) && ((_arg1.out < 9)))) && (!(_arg1.is_parked)))){
if (((m__h_r__.hitTestPoint(((main.x + _arg1.x) + _arg1.f_x), ((main.y + _arg1.y) + _arg1.f_y), true)) || (m__h_r__.hitTestPoint(((main.x + _arg1.x) + (_arg1.f_x / 2)), ((main.y + _arg1.y) + (_arg1.f_y / 2)), true)))){
_arg1.last_out = _arg1.out;
_arg1.out = 3;
_arg1.out_time = 10;
if ((((((Math.abs(m__h_r__.speed) < 0.3)) && ((_arg1.out < 10)))) && ((_arg1.speed > 0)))){
_arg1.out = 4;
_arg1.last_rot = _arg1.rotation;
_arg1.out_time = 14;
if (((((!(_arg1.alarm_on)) && (!(_arg1.explode)))) && ((_arg1.body.currentFrame < 54)))){
if ((((((((((__dt_url_name == 1)) && (key_space))) && (!(m__h_r__.fall)))) && ((m__h_r__.__a_r_dd_t == 0)))) && ((_arg1.speed == 0)))){
_local2 = (15 * Math.cos(((m__h_r__.rotation * Math.PI) / 180)));
_local3 = (15 * Math.sin(((m__h_r__.rotation * Math.PI) / 180)));
if (_arg1.hitTestPoint(((main.x + m__h_r__.x) + _local2), ((main.y + m__h_r__.y) + _local3), true)){
hero_target = _arg1;
if ((((__dt_url_name == 1)) || ((__dt_url_name == 2)))){
move_back(_arg1, m__h_r__);
if (__dt_url_name == 3){
collition(_arg1, m__h_r__);
public function remove_option(){
var _local1:*;
_local1 = getChildAt(0);
_local1.btn_bgm.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, _gh__lp_url__);
_local1.btn_sfx.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, _gh__lp_url__);
_local1.btn_back_3.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, _gh__lp_url__);
public function remove_bonus(_arg1:Event){
var _local2:*;
_local2 = _arg1.currentTarget;
if (_local2.currentFrame == _local2.totalFrames){
_local2.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, remove_bonus);
public function remove_ingame_help(){
var _local1:*;
_local1 = getChildAt((numChildren - 1));
_local1.close_help.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, menu_click_handler);
minimap.visible = true;
public function car_hit(_arg1, _arg2){
var _local3:*;
var _local4:*;
if (((((!((_arg1 == _arg2))) && (((public_cars.numChildren - 1) >= _arg1)))) && (((public_cars.numChildren - 1) >= _arg2)))){
_local3 = public_cars.getChildAt(_arg1);
_local4 = public_cars.getChildAt(_arg2);
if ((((_local3.out > 0)) && ((_local4.out > 0)))){
if (((!((_local4.out == 4))) && (!(_local4.is_parked)))){
if (((((((_local3.hitTestPoint(((main.x + _local4.x) + (_local4.f_x / 4)), ((main.y + _local4.y) + (_local4.f_y / 4)), true)) || (_local3.hitTestPoint(((main.x + _local4.x) + (_local4.f_x / 2)), ((main.y + _local4.y) + (_local4.f_y / 2)), true)))) || (_local3.hitTestPoint(((main.x + _local4.x) + (_local4.r_x / 3)), ((main.y + _local4.y) + (_local4.r_y / 3)), true)))) || (_local3.hitTestPoint(((main.x + _local4.x) + (_local4.l_x / 3)), ((main.y + _local4.y) + (_local4.l_y / 3)), true)))){
if (_local4.out != 3){
_local4.last_out = _local4.out;
} else {
_local4.last_out = 4;
_local4.last_rot = _local4.rotation;
_local4.out = 3;
wait_x = _local4.my_col;
wait_y = _local4.my_row;
if (_local3.out >= 8){
_local4.out = 8;
_local4.last_rot = _local4.rotation;
} else {
if (_local3.out == 2){
_local4.out_time = 20;
} else {
_local4.out_time = 10;
if (_local4.out == 2){
if (((_local3.hitTestPoint(((main.x + _local4.x) + (_local4.fl_x * 1.5)), ((main.y + _local4.y) + (_local4.fl_y * 1.5)), true)) || (_local3.hitTestPoint(((main.x + _local4.x) + (_local4.fr_x * 1.5)), ((main.y + _local4.y) + (_local4.fr_y * 1.5)), true)))){
if (_local4.out != 3){
_local4.last_out = _local4.out;
_local4.out = 3;
_local4.out_time = 20;
if ((((((((((((_local3.out < 9)) && (_local3.hitTestPoint(((main.x + _local4.x) + _local4.r_x), ((main.y + _local4.y) + _local4.r_y), true)))) && ((_local4.out == 1)))) && ((_local4.speed > _local3.speed)))) && ((_local3.rotation == _local4.rotation)))) && ((_local3.out < 9)))){
if ((((((((((((_local4.rotation == 0)) && (( > 30)))) && ((Number(myMap[_local4.my_row][(_local4.my_col + 2)][1].substr(1)) == 3)))) || ((((((_local4.rotation == 90)) && ((_local4.px < 70)))) && ((Number(myMap[(_local4.my_row + 2)][_local4.my_col][1].substr(1)) == 4)))))) || ((((((Math.abs(_local4.rotation) == 180)) && (( < 70)))) && ((Number(myMap[_local4.my_row][(_local4.my_col - 2)][1].substr(1)) == 6)))))) || ((((((_local4.rotation == -90)) && ((_local4.px > 30)))) && ((Number(myMap[(_local4.my_row - 2)][_local4.my_col][1].substr(1)) == 6)))))){
_local4.last_rot = _local4.rotation;
_local4.out = 4;
_local4.out_time = 14;
if (((((((_local3.hitTestPoint(((main.x + _local4.x) + _local4.l_x), ((main.y + _local4.y) + _local4.l_y), true)) && ((_local4.out == 1)))) && ((_local4.speed > _local3.speed)))) && ((_local3.rotation == _local4.rotation)))){
_local4.speed = (_local4.speed * 0.8);
if ((((((((_local3.out > 0)) && ((_local4.out > 0)))) && (!((_local3.out == 2))))) && (!((_local4.out == 2))))){
collition(_local3, _local4);
public function menu_click_handler(_arg1:MouseEvent){
var _local2:*;
var _local3:*;
_local2 = _arg1.currentTarget;
if (((_is_true_) && ((, 4) == "menu")))){
is_paused = true;
if (, 8) == "continue"){
is_paused = false;
stage.focus = main;
if (, 4) == "quit"){
end_reason = 0;
trace("ask quit game");
if (, 4) == "help"){
if (, 3) == "opt"){
if (, 12) == "btn_yes_quit"){
if (, 11) == "btn_no_quit"){
stage.focus = main;
if (, 5) == "set_2"){
ptt_sd___k(second_job[1][0], second_job[1][1]);
stage.focus = main;
if (, 8) == "btn_item"){
_local3 = Number(, 10));
if ((((hero_item[_local3] > 0)) && ((_local3 > 0)))){
if (, 12) == "btn_yes_drop"){
if (, 11) == "btn_no_drop"){
if (, 10) == "close_help"){
if (, 13) == "btn_next_help"){
if (help_active > max_help){
help_active = 1;
if (, 13) == "btn_prev_help"){
if (help_active < 1){
help_active = max_help;
if (, 12) == "close_option"){
if (, 7) == "btn_bgm"){
BGM_active = !(BGM_active);
if (BGM_active){
} else {
if (, 7) == "btn_sfx"){
SFX_active = !(SFX_active);
public function add_bike(){
var _local1:bike;
_local1 = new bike();
_local1.x = 0;
_local1.y = 0;
_local1.rotation = 0;
_local1.rot = 0;
_local1.out = 0;
_local1.a_turn = 0;
_local1.speed = 0;
_local1.my_col = 0;
_local1.my_row = 0;
_local1.next_col = 0;
_local1.next_row = 0;
_local1.scaleX = (80 / 85);
_local1.scaleY = (80 / 85);
_local1.visible = false;
_local1.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, move_bike);
public function ask_street_race(){
public function onMouseUpHandler(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
public function find_free_man(){
var _local1:*;
var _local2:*;
var _local3:*;
var _local4:*;
_local1 = 0;
_local2 = 0;
_local2 = 0;
while (_local2 < (humans.numChildren - 1)) {
_local3 = humans.getChildAt(_local2);
if ((((_local3.out == 0)) || ((((_local3.out > 0)) && ((dist(_local3, m__h_r__) > 350)))))){
_local1 = 1;
return (_local3);
if (_local1 == 0){
trace("force show human 9");
_local4 = humans.getChildAt(9);
return (_local4);
public function add_dmg_smoke(_arg1, _arg2){
var _local3:*;
_local3 = new dmg_smoke();
_local3.scaleX = 0.5;
_local3.scaleY = 0.5;
_local3.rotation = rand(360);
_local3.m_s = (rand(5) + 1);
_local3.rot_dir = (rand(5) - rand(5));
_local3.x = _arg1;
_local3.y = _arg2;
_local3.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, remove_dmg_smoke);
public function garage_menu_locked(){
var _local1:*;
var _local2:*;
if (garage_menu != 0){
garage_menu = 13;
_local1 = new garage_upgrade_locked(); = "g_menu";
_local1.btn_close_6.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, garage_btn_handler);
_local1.btn_unlock.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, garage_btn_handler);
_local2 = getChildByName("garage");
public function ask_sell_artifact(){
public function c_p_c_(){
check_tile_for_car(4, -3);
check_tile_for_car(4, -2);
check_tile_for_car(4, -1);
check_tile_for_car(4, 0);
check_tile_for_car(4, 1);
check_tile_for_car(4, 2);
check_tile_for_car(4, 3);
check_tile_for_car(-4, -3);
check_tile_for_car(-4, -2);
check_tile_for_car(-4, -1);
check_tile_for_car(-4, 0);
check_tile_for_car(-4, 1);
check_tile_for_car(-4, 2);
check_tile_for_car(-4, 3);
check_tile_for_car(-3, -4);
check_tile_for_car(-2, -4);
check_tile_for_car(-1, -4);
check_tile_for_car(0, -4);
check_tile_for_car(1, -4);
check_tile_for_car(2, -4);
check_tile_for_car(-3, 4);
check_tile_for_car(-2, 4);
check_tile_for_car(-1, 4);
check_tile_for_car(0, 4);
check_tile_for_car(1, 4);
check_tile_for_car(2, 4);
check_tile_for_car(3, 4);
public function remove_dmg_smoke(_arg1:Event){
var _local2:*;
_local2 = _arg1.currentTarget;
if (_is_true_){
_local2.scaleX = (_local2.scaleX + (_local2.m_s / 100));
_local2.scaleY = (_local2.scaleY + (_local2.m_s / 100));
_local2.alpha = (_local2.alpha - (_local2.m_s / 100));
_local2.rotation = (_local2.rotation + _local2.rot_dir);
if (_local2.alpha <= 0){
_local2.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, remove_dmg_smoke);
public function ask_drop(_arg1){
public function add_rank(_arg1, _arg2){
hero_rank[_arg1] = (hero_rank[_arg1] + _arg2);
if (hero_rank[_arg1] < 0){
hero_rank[_arg1] = 0;
if (hero_rank[_arg1] > 100){
hero_rank[_arg1] = 100;
if ((((_arg2 > 0)) && ((_arg1 > 2)))){
public function turn_a(_arg1, _arg2){
var _local3:*;
var _local4:*;
var _local5:*;
var _local6:*;
_local3 = short_angle(_arg1, _arg2);
_local4 = (360 - _local3);
_local5 = _arg1;
_local6 = _arg2;
if (_local6 < 0){
_local6 = (_local6 + 360);
if (_local5 < 0){
_local5 = (_local5 + 360);
if (((((_local5 + _local3) >= (_local6 - 1))) && (((_local5 + _local3) <= (_local6 + 1))))){
return (1);
if (((((_local5 - _local3) >= (_local6 - 1))) && (((_local5 - _local3) <= (_local6 + 1))))){
return (-1);
if (((((_local5 + _local4) >= (_local6 - 1))) && (((_local5 + _local4) <= (_local6 + 1))))){
return (-1);
if (((((_local5 - _local4) >= (_local6 - 1))) && (((_local5 - _local4) <= (_local6 + 1))))){
return (1);
return (1);
public function _ngr___(){
var _local1:*;
_local1 = getChildAt(0);
_local1.btn_back_1.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, _gh__lp_url__);
_local1.btn_slot_1.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, _gh__lp_url__);
_local1.btn_slot_2.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, _gh__lp_url__);
_local1.btn_slot_3.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, _gh__lp_url__);
public function show_text(_arg1, _arg2){
t_l = _arg2.length;
t_t = 0;
t_c = _arg2;
_arg1.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, run_text);
public function add_alarm(_arg1){
var _local2:car_alarm;
trace("add alarm");
_arg1.alarm_on = true;
_local2 = new car_alarm();
_local2.scaleX = (9 / 8);
_local2.scaleY = (9 / 8);
_local2.x = _arg1.body.x;
_local2.y = _arg1.body.y;
_local2.rotation = _arg1.body.rotation;
if ((((hero_wanted == 0)) && ((rand(6) < recent_alarm)))){
hero_wanted = 1;
hero_escape = 2;
run_config_x("car_alarm", 100, 1);
public function URLRequest__mn__s(_arg1:Event){
if (_is_true_){
masker.menu_btn.visible = m__h_r__.action;
if (m__h_r__.action){
if ((((((__dt_url_name >= 2)) && ((m__h_r__.__a_r_dd_t == 0)))) && ((__dt_url_name < 10)))){
if (key_left){
if (Math.abs(m__h_r__.speed) > 0){
m__h_r__.rotation = (m__h_r__.rotation - ((m__h_r__.turn * Math.abs(m__h_r__.speed)) / m__h_r__.speed));
if (Math.abs(m__h_r__.speed) > 7){
} else {
if (key_right){
if (Math.abs(m__h_r__.speed) > 0){
m__h_r__.rotation = (m__h_r__.rotation + ((m__h_r__.turn * Math.abs(m__h_r__.speed)) / m__h_r__.speed));
if (Math.abs(m__h_r__.speed) > 7){
} else {
steer_turn = 0;
if (((key_up) && ((car_fuel > 0)))){
m__h_r__.speed = (m__h_r__.speed + m__h_r__.acc);
if (m__h_r__.speed > m__h_r__.max_speed){
m__h_r__.speed = m__h_r__.max_speed;
} else {
if (((key_down) && ((car_fuel > 0)))){
m__h_r__.speed = (m__h_r__.speed - m__h_r__.acc);
if (m__h_r__.speed < (-(m__h_r__.max_speed) / __dt_url_name)){
m__h_r__.speed = (-(m__h_r__.max_speed) / __dt_url_name);
} else {
m__h_r__.speed = (m__h_r__.speed * 0.95);
if ((((Math.abs(m__h_r__.speed) < 0.2)) && ((car_fuel <= 0)))){
add_taxi_dialog("", 3);
if (car_nitros > 0){
if (key_n){
if (car_nitro > 0){
car_nitro = (car_nitro - 0.5);
if (m__h_r__.speed < (m__h_r__.max_speed + 10)){
m__h_r__.speed = (m__h_r__.speed + 1);
} else {
if (m__h_r__.speed > m__h_r__.max_speed){
m__h_r__.speed = (m__h_r__.speed * 0.995);
if (car_nitro < 100){
car_nitro = (car_nitro + (car_nitros / 100));
if ((((m__h_r__.speed < 0.2)) && ((m__h_r__.speed > -0.2)))){
m__h_r__.speed = 0;
if (__dt_url_name == 3){
if (Math.sqrt((((m__h_r__.my_col - save_drive[0]) * (m__h_r__.my_col - save_drive[0])) + ((m__h_r__.my_row - save_drive[1]) * (m__h_r__.my_row - save_drive[1])))) > 30){
save_drive[0] = m__h_r__.my_col;
save_drive[1] = m__h_r__.my_row;
add_rank(0, 1);
trace("save drive++");
add_bonus_text("save drive ++", 1);
if (_ml_URLRequest___hp < 41){
if (smoke_count > 2){
smoke_count = 0;
add_dmg_smoke((m__h_r__.x + (20 * Math.cos(((m__h_r__.rotation * Math.PI) / 180)))), (m__h_r__.y + (20 * Math.sin(((m__h_r__.rotation * Math.PI) / 180)))));
m__h_r__.rot = m__h_r__.rotation;
m__h_r__.speed_x = (m__h_r__.speed * Math.cos(((m__h_r__.rotation * Math.PI) / 180)));
m__h_r__.speed_y = (m__h_r__.speed * Math.sin(((m__h_r__.rotation * Math.PI) / 180)));
db_mySQL__(m__h_r__.speed_x, m__h_r__.speed_y);
if (((m__h_r__.hitTestPoint((main.x + bonus_box.x), (main.y + bonus_box.y), true)) && ((bonus_box.currentFrame == 1)))){
run_config_x("hijack_failed", 70, 1);
if (m__h_r__.__a_r_dd_t > 0){
if ((((m__h_r__.__a_r_dd_t == 0)) && ((__dt_url_name == 4)))){
} else {
if ((((m__h_r__.__a_r_dd_t == 0)) && ((__dt_url_name == 1)))){
if (mission_taxi){
if ((((taxi_time > (270 + (r_comfort * 10)))) && ((taxi_cost > 5)))){
taxi_time = 0;
taxi_cost = (taxi_cost - 5);
if ((((dist(m__h_r__, bonus_box) > 600)) && (bonus_out))){
bonus_out = false;
trace("bonus removed");
} else {
masker.menu_btn.visible = false;
if (key_pressed > 0){
if (m__h_r__.die){
if (m__h_r__.step >= 90){
if (!game_end){
_is_true_ = false;
end_reason = 1;
if (((key_p) && ((key_pressed == 0)))){
key_pressed = 10;
if (!is_paused){
is_paused = true;
} else {
is_paused = false;
stage.focus = main;
public function move_police(_arg1:Event){
var _local2:*;
var _local3:*;
_local2 = _arg1.currentTarget;
if (_is_true_){
if (_local2.out > 0){
if ((((dist(m__h_r__, _local2) < 100)) || ((_local2.out == 3)))){
_local2.warn.visible = false;
} else {
_local2.warn.rotation = (_local2.warn.rotation + 5);
_local2.warn.visible = true;
_local2.visible = true;
_local2.f_x = (20 * Math.cos(((_local2.rotation * Math.PI) / 180)));
_local2.f_y = (20 * Math.sin(((_local2.rotation * Math.PI) / 180)));
if (_local2.out == 1){
_local2.dx = (m__h_r__.x - _local2.x);
_local2.dy = (m__h_r__.y - _local2.y);
_local2.rad = Math.atan((_local2.dy / _local2.dx));
if (_local2.dx >= 0){
_local2.body_rot = ((_local2.rad * 180) / Math.PI);
} else {
_local2.body_rot = (((_local2.rad * 180) / Math.PI) + 180);
if (_local2.what == "stop"){
_local2.speed = 0;
if (_local2.currentFrame != 1){
_local2.b_walk.visible = true;
_local2.b_hit.visible = false;
_local2.b_shot.visible = false;
_local2.rotation = _local2.body_rot;
_local2.b_walk.rotation = (_local2.body_rot - _local2.rotation);
if (_local2.what == "walk"){
_local2.speed = _local2.max_speed;
if (_local2.speed < m__h_r__.speed){
_local2.speed = (_local2.speed + 0.1);
if (_local2.currentFrame != 2){
_local2.b_walk.visible = true;
_local2.b_hit.visible = false;
_local2.b_shot.visible = false;
_local2.rotation = _local2.body_rot;
_local2.b_walk.rotation = (_local2.body_rot - _local2.rotation);
if (!m__h_r__.die){
if ((((((((sjt_4_hr__ > 1)) || ((__dt_url_name == 3)))) || ((hero_wanted >= 3)))) || ((_local2.my_type == "gangster")))){
_local2.what = "shot";
} else {
} else {
if (dist(_local2, m__h_r__) < 20){
_local2.what = "stop";
if (_local2.what == "hit"){
_local2.speed = 0;
if (_local2.currentFrame != 1){
_local2.b_walk.visible = false;
_local2.b_hit.visible = true;
_local2.b_shot.visible = false;
_local2.rotation = _local2.body_rot;
_local2.b_walk.rotation = (_local2.body_rot - _local2.rotation);
if ((((((((_local2.b_hit.currentFrame == 10)) && ((dist(_local2, m__h_r__) < 20)))) && (!(m__h_r__.fall)))) && ((m__h_r__.__a_r_dd_t == 0)))){
if (__dt_url_name == 1){
hero_hp_min((2 + rand(3)));
if (rand(7) == 4){
if (__dt_url_name == 2){
if (_local2.b_hit.currentFrame == 15){
_local2.what = "walk";
_local2.out = 2;
_local2.out_time = 5;
_local2.rotation = (_local2.rotation + 90);
_local2.speed = 2;
if (_local2.what == "shot"){
_local2.b_walk.visible = false;
_local2.b_hit.visible = false;
_local2.b_shot.visible = true;
_local3 = dist(_local2, m__h_r__);
if (_local3 < 100){
_local2.rotation = (_local2.body_rot - 180);
} else {
if ((((_local3 >= 100)) && ((_local3 <= 150)))){
_local2.rotation = (_local2.body_rot + (_local2.where * 90));
} else {
if (_local3 > 150){
_local2.rotation = _local2.body_rot;
_local2.b_shot.rotation = (_local2.body_rot - _local2.rotation);
if (rand(100) == 13){
if (m__h_r__.die){
_local2.what = "walk";
if (((((((!((_local2.out == 3))) && ((dist(_local2, m__h_r__) < 200)))) && (!(_local2.add_escape)))) && ((hero_escape < (hero_wanted * 2))))){
_local2.add_escape = true;
if (_local2.my_type == "police"){
hero_escape = (hero_escape + 0.2);
} else {
gangster_escape = (gangster_escape + 0.2);
if (_local2.out == 2){
_local2.speed = 2;
_local2.b_walk.visible = true;
_local2.b_hit.visible = false;
_local2.b_shot.visible = false;
if (_local2.out_time <= 0){
_local2.out = 1;
if (_local2.out == 3){
_local2.speed = 0;
if (_local2.currentFrame < 3){
if (myMap[_local2.next_row][_local2.next_col][0] == 0){
_local2.x = (_local2.x +;
_local2.y = (_local2.y +;
_local2.my_col = Math.floor((_local2.x / m_w));
_local2.my_row = Math.floor((_local2.y / m_w));
_local2.px = (_local2.x - (_local2.my_col * m_w)); = (_local2.y - (_local2.my_row * m_w));
} else {
if (_local2.just_hit > 0){
if ((((Math.abs((_local2.my_col - m__h_r__.my_col)) > 7)) || ((Math.abs((_local2.my_row - m__h_r__.my_row)) > 8)))){
_local2.out = 0;
} else {
_local2.visible = false;
} else {
if (_local2.currentFrame < 3){
public function car_hp(_arg1, _arg2){
if ( == 10){
_ml_URLRequest___hp = (_ml_URLRequest___hp - _arg2);
if (_ml_URLRequest___hp <= 0){
add_taxi_dialog("", 2);
} else {
_arg1.hp = (_arg1.hp - _arg2);
if ((((_arg1.hp <= 0)) && (!(_arg1.explode)))){
_arg1.explode = true;
_arg1.hp = 0;
_arg1.is_parked = true;
public function remove_fade(_arg1:Event){
var _local2:*;
_local2 = _arg1.currentTarget;
_local2.alpha = (_local2.alpha - 0.03);
if (_local2.alpha <= 0.1){
_local2.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, remove_fade);
public function show_menu(){
minimap.visible = false;
masker.visible = false;
ingame_menu.x = 320;
ingame_menu.y = 240;
ingame_menu.continue_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, menu_click_handler);
ingame_menu.quit_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, menu_click_handler);
ingame_menu.help_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, menu_click_handler);
ingame_menu.opt_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, menu_click_handler);
ingame_menu.btn_sponsor.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, _gh__lp_url__);
public function ask_sell_book(){
public function save_game(){
var _local1:*;
_local1 = SharedObject.getLocal(("ST3_" + slot_selected)); = money; = hero_wanted; = hero_escape; = hero_reputation; = recent_kill; = taxi_income; = save_drive; = hero_name; = (((hero_name + " < $") + String(money)) + " >"); = car_fuel; = _ml_URLRequest___hp; = car_bumper; = car_spoiler; = car_engine; = car_nitros; = car_steering; = car_seat; = taxi_type;
trace(("game saved at slot" + slot_selected));
public function remove_help_exit(_arg1:Event){
var _local2:*;
var _local3:*;
_local2 = _arg1.currentTarget;;
if ( > 40){
_local3 = getChildByName("garage");
if (_local3 != null){
_local2.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, remove_help_exit);
public function send_to_garage(_arg1:Event){
var _local2:*;
var _local3:*;
_local2 = _arg1.currentTarget;
_local2.alpha = (_local2.alpha + 0.02);
if (_local2.alpha >= 1){
_local2.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, send_to_garage);
hr__rp__((c_x - 1), (c_y - 1));
m__h_r__.rotation = 0;
_local3 = new fade();
_local3.alpha = 1;
_local3.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, return_to_garage);
public function f_c_t_k_l(_arg1, _arg2, _arg3){
_arg2.old_row = _arg2.my_row;
_arg2.old_col = _arg2.my_col;
if (_arg3 == 1){
if (_arg2.my_col > (_arg1[0].length - 1)){
_arg2.my_col = 0;
} else {
if (_arg3 == 2){
if (_arg2.my_row > (_arg1.length - 1)){
_arg2.my_row = 0;
} else {
if (_arg3 == 3){
if (_arg2.my_col < 0){
_arg2.my_col = (_arg1[0].length - 1);
} else {
if (_arg3 == 4){
if (_arg2.my_row < 0){
_arg2.my_row = (_arg1.length - 1);
_arg2.tipe = _arg1[_arg2.my_row][_arg2.my_col][0]; = (Number(_arg1[_arg2.my_row][_arg2.my_col][1].substr(1)) + (_arg2.tipe * uw_t__l));
public function add_new_game_screen(){
var _local1:*;
_local1 = new new_game_screen();
_local1.btn_back_1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, _gh__lp_url__);
_local1.btn_slot_1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, _gh__lp_url__);
_local1.btn_slot_2.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, _gh__lp_url__);
_local1.btn_slot_3.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, _gh__lp_url__);
if (slot_1 == undefined){
trace("no data 1");
_local1.slot_1.text = "< empty >";
_local1.free_1 = true;
} else {
_local1.slot_1.text = slot_1;
_local1.free_1 = false;
if (slot_2 == undefined){
trace("no data 2");
_local1.slot_2.text = "< empty >";
_local1.free_2 = true;
} else {
_local1.slot_2.text = slot_2;
_local1.free_2 = false;
if (slot_3 == undefined){
trace("no data 3");
_local1.slot_3.text = "< empty >";
_local1.free_3 = true;
} else {
_local1.slot_3.text = slot_3;
_local1.free_3 = false;
public function random_bonus(_arg1, _arg2){
var _local3:*;
if (((!(bonus_out)) && ((rand(30) == 11)))){
if (myMap[_arg2][_arg1][0] == 0){
_local3 = Number(myMap[_arg2][_arg1][1].substr(1));
if ((((_local3 >= 30)) && ((_local3 <= 41)))){
bonus_box.px = (rand(50) + 20); = (rand(50) + 20);
bonus_box.x = ((_arg1 * m_w) + bonus_box.px);
bonus_box.y = ((_arg2 * m_w) +;
bonus_pos = [bonus_box.x, bonus_box.y]; = "bonus";
bonus_out = true;
trace("bonus out");
public function center_hero(){
if (shake > 0){
main.x = (((-(m__h_r__.x) + 320) + rand(4)) - rand(4));
main.y = (((-(m__h_r__.y) + 240) + rand(4)) - rand(4));
} else {
main.x = (-(m__h_r__.x) + 320);
main.y = (-(m__h_r__.y) + 240);
public function ngg__url_ip(){
shake = 0;
trace("set new vars");
my_dest = [0, 0];
__dt_url_name = 3;
_ml_URLRequest__ = 48;
_ml_URLRequest___hp = 100;
hero_hp = 100;
sjt_4_hr__ = 1;
passenger = false;
help_is_on = true;
mission_taxi = false;
money = 100;
taxi_cost = 0;
taxi_time = 0;
mission2_cost = 0;
mission2_time = 0;
mission2_target = 0;
max_timer = 0;
hero_wanted = 0;
hero_escape = 0;
gangster_wanted = 0;
gangster_escape = 0;
hero_reputation = 0;
recent_kill = 0;
recent_alarm = 0;
car_nitro = 0;
ms_config__true = 1;
as3_delete = 0;
mission_time = 0;
taxi_income = 0;
save_drive = [0, 0];
hero_rank = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0];
police_line = [];
hero_item = [1];
second_job = [0, [0, 0], 0, 0];
deposit_money = 10000;
total_car_parked = 0;
lg_m__p__ = 1;
total_police = 0;
just_repair = 0;
start_reason = "new";
stuff_found = 0;
if (freegame){
ms_config__true = -1;
if (testing){
__dt_url_name = 3;
_ml_URLRequest__ = 30;
ms_config__true = test_mission;
hero_rank = [0, 50, 60, 70, 30, 20, 50, 30, 10, 50, 30, 10];
weapon_owned = [0, 1, 1, 1, 1];
owned_bullet = [0, 1, 100, 400, 5];
hero_reputation = 200;
hero_item = [1, 3, 3, 3, 3];
money = 100000;
car_fuel = 100;
car_fuel_max = 100;
public function remove_ask_quit(){
ask_quit_menu.btn_yes_quit.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, menu_click_handler);
ask_quit_menu.btn_no_quit.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, menu_click_handler);
ask_quit_menu.btn_ofg.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, _gh__lp_url__);
public function i_d_sc__(_arg1, _arg2){
public function a_in(_arg1:Event){
var _local2:*;
_local2 = _arg1.currentTarget;
if (a_stat == 0){
if (_local2.x < 0){
_local2.x = (_local2.x + ((0 - _local2.x) / 10));
} else {
_local2.x = 0;
a_stat = 1;
if (a_stat == 1){
if (a_to > 150){
a_stat = 2;
if (a_stat == 2){
if (_local2.x > -640){
_local2.x = (_local2.x + ((_local2.x - 640) / 25));
} else {
_local2.x = -640;
a_t = 0;
_local2.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, a_in);
public function ptt_sd___k(_arg1, _arg2){
var _local3:dest_minimap;
var _local4:dest_map;
my_dest[0] = _arg1;
my_dest[1] = _arg2;
__url_URLRequest_ = true;
minimap.dest_txt.text = myMap[_arg2][_arg1][2][1];
trace(((("set destination = " + _arg1) + " ") + _arg2));
_local3 = new dest_minimap();
_local3.x = ((_arg1 * 30) + 15);
_local3.y = ((_arg2 * 30) + 15);
_local4 = new dest_map();
_local4.x = ((_arg1 * m_w) + (m_w / 2));
_local4.y = ((_arg2 * m_w) + (m_w / 2));
public function mask_all(){
masker.visible = true;
masker.fuel_help.visible = false;
masker.menu_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, menu_click_handler);
masker.btn_sponsor.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, _gh__lp_url__);
public function remove_load_game_screen(){
var _local1:*;
_local1 = getChildAt(0);
_local1.btn_back_2.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, _gh__lp_url__);
_local1.btn_load_slot_1.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, _gh__lp_url__);
_local1.btn_load_slot_2.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, _gh__lp_url__);
_local1.btn_load_slot_3.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, _gh__lp_url__);
public function police_move_forward(_arg1){ = (_arg1.speed * Math.cos(((_arg1.rotation * Math.PI) / 180))); = (_arg1.speed * Math.sin(((_arg1.rotation * Math.PI) / 180)));
_arg1.next_x = ((_arg1.x + + _arg1.f_x);
_arg1.next_y = ((_arg1.y + + _arg1.f_y);
_arg1.next_col = Math.floor((_arg1.next_x / m_w));
_arg1.next_row = Math.floor((_arg1.next_y / m_w));
public function ht_l__4_wy(_arg1){
var _local2:*;
_local2 = 0;
if (m__h_r__.y < _arg1.y){
if (myMap[(_arg1.my_row - 1)][_arg1.my_col][0] == 0){
_arg1.rotation = -90;
_arg1.out_time = 30;
} else {
if (myMap[(_arg1.my_row - 1)][(_arg1.my_col - 1)][0] == 0){
_arg1.rotation = 180;
_arg1.out_time = 30;
} else {
if (myMap[(_arg1.my_row - 1)][(_arg1.my_col - 2)][0] == 0){
_arg1.rotation = 180;
_arg1.out_time = 60;
} else {
if (myMap[(_arg1.my_row - 1)][(_arg1.my_col - 3)][0] == 0){
_arg1.rotation = 180;
_arg1.out_time = 90;
} else {
if (myMap[(_arg1.my_row - 1)][(_arg1.my_col + 1)][0] == 0){
_arg1.rotation = 0;
_arg1.out_time = 30;
} else {
if (myMap[(_arg1.my_row - 1)][(_arg1.my_col + 2)][0] == 0){
_arg1.rotation = 0;
_arg1.out_time = 60;
} else {
if (myMap[(_arg1.my_row - 1)][(_arg1.my_col + 3)][0] == 0){
_arg1.rotation = 0;
_arg1.out_time = 90;
} else {
_arg1.rotation = (_arg1.rotation + 90);
_arg1.out_time = 100;
} else {
if (myMap[(_arg1.my_row + 1)][_arg1.my_col][0] == 0){
_arg1.rotation = 90;
_arg1.out_time = 30;
} else {
if (myMap[(_arg1.my_row + 1)][(_arg1.my_col - 1)][0] == 0){
_arg1.rotation = 180;
_arg1.out_time = 30;
} else {
if (myMap[(_arg1.my_row + 1)][(_arg1.my_col - 2)][0] == 0){
_arg1.rotation = 180;
_arg1.out_time = 60;
} else {
if (myMap[(_arg1.my_row + 1)][(_arg1.my_col - 3)][0] == 0){
_arg1.rotation = 180;
_arg1.out_time = 90;
} else {
if (myMap[(_arg1.my_row + 1)][(_arg1.my_col + 1)][0] == 0){
_arg1.rotation = 0;
_arg1.out_time = 30;
} else {
if (myMap[(_arg1.my_row + 1)][(_arg1.my_col + 2)][0] == 0){
_arg1.rotation = 0;
_arg1.out_time = 60;
} else {
if (myMap[(_arg1.my_row + 1)][(_arg1.my_col + 3)][0] == 0){
_arg1.rotation = 0;
_arg1.out_time = 90;
} else {
_arg1.rotation = (_arg1.rotation + 90);
_arg1.out_time = 100;
_arg1.out = 2;
public function enter_car(_arg1){
var _local2:*;
if (_arg1.is_locked){
} else {
if (_arg1.driver){
run_config_x("enter_car", 100, 1);
_local2 = find_free_man();
_local2.x = (_arg1.x + (20 * Math.cos((((_arg1.rotation - 135) * Math.PI) / 180))));
_local2.y = (_arg1.y + (20 * Math.sin((((_arg1.rotation - 135) * Math.PI) / 180))));
_local2.out = 1;
if (hero_wanted < 1){
hero_wanted = 1;
hero_escape = 3;
} else {
trace("hijacked car");
run_config_x("start_car", 100, 1);
public function run_config_x(_arg1:String, _arg2:int, _arg3:int){
var _local4:Sound;
var _local5:SoundChannel;
var _local6:Object;
var _local7:SoundTransform;
var _local8:*;
if (SFX_active){
_local6 = getDefinitionByName(("sound_" + _arg1));
_local4 = new (_local6);
_local5 =, _arg3);
_local7 = _local5.soundTransform;
if (isNaN(_arg2)){
_arg2 = 1;
_local8 = (_arg2 / 100);
if (_local8 < 0){
_local8 = 0;
if (_local8 > 1){
_local8 = 1;
_local7.volume = _local8.toFixed(2);
_local5.soundTransform = _local7;
public function remove_smoke(_arg1){
var _local2:*;
_local2 = (_arg1.numChildren - 1);
while (_local2 >= 1) {
public function get_bonus(){
var _local1:*;
var _local2:*;
_local1 = 1;
if (rand(10) < 6){
_local1 = 1;
_local2 = new bonus1();
trace(("car fuel = " + car_fuel));
car_fuel = (car_fuel + 25);
if (car_fuel > car_fuel_max){
car_fuel = car_fuel_max;
trace(("car fuel = " + car_fuel));
} else {
_local1 = 2;
_local2 = new bonus2();
_ml_URLRequest___hp = (_ml_URLRequest___hp + 25);
if (_ml_URLRequest___hp > 100){
_ml_URLRequest___hp = 100;
_local2.x = bonus_pos[0];
_local2.y = bonus_pos[1];
trace(("get bonus " + _local1));
_local2.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, remove_bonus);
public function hero_change_weapon(){
if (((((((((key_1) && ((key_pressed == 0)))) && (!(m__h_r__.die)))) && (!((sjt_4_hr__ == 1))))) && (!(mission_scene)))){
key_pressed = 2;
if (((((((key_2) && ((key_pressed == 0)))) && (!(m__h_r__.die)))) && (!((sjt_4_hr__ == 2))))){
key_pressed = 2;
if (((((((key_3) && ((key_pressed == 0)))) && (!(m__h_r__.die)))) && (!((sjt_4_hr__ == 3))))){
key_pressed = 2;
if (((((((((key_4) && ((key_pressed == 0)))) && (!(m__h_r__.die)))) && (!((sjt_4_hr__ == 4))))) && (!(mission_scene)))){
key_pressed = 2;
public function detect_other_cars(_arg1){
car_hit(0, _arg1);
car_hit(1, _arg1);
car_hit(2, _arg1);
car_hit(3, _arg1);
car_hit(4, _arg1);
car_hit(5, _arg1);
car_hit(6, _arg1);
car_hit(7, _arg1);
car_hit(8, _arg1);
car_hit(9, _arg1);
public function encrypt_as3_dll(){
save_1 = SharedObject.getLocal("ST3_1");
slot_1 =;
save_2 = SharedObject.getLocal("ST3_2");
slot_2 =;
save_3 = SharedObject.getLocal("ST3_3");
slot_3 =;
public function play_game(){
show_hero(__dt_url_name, _ml_URLRequest__);
bitly_loader__ty(90, 90, 0.7);
game_end = false;
if (start_reason == "new"){
story_talk_id = 0;
show_old_man(story_talk[0], true, false);
if (start_reason == "load"){
show_old_man("Welcome back!!<br>Are you ready to make more money??", false, true);
public function calculate_police_shot(_arg1){
var _local2:*;
var _local3:*;
var _local4:*;
var _local5:*;
var _local6:*;
var _local7:*;
var _local8:*;
var _local9:*;
var _local10:*;
var _local11:*;
_local2 = Math.sqrt((((_arg1.x - m__h_r__.x) * (_arg1.x - m__h_r__.x)) + ((_arg1.y - m__h_r__.y) * (_arg1.y - m__h_r__.y))));
_local3 = Math.floor((_local2 / 45));
_local4 = _arg1.x;
_local5 = _arg1.y;
_local6 = ((_arg1.body_rot + rand(20)) - rand(20));
_local7 = Math.floor((_local4 / m_w));
_local8 = Math.floor((_local5 / m_w));
_local9 = 0;
while (_local9 < 50) {
_local4 = (_local4 + (_local3 * Math.cos(((_local6 * Math.PI) / 180))));
_local5 = (_local5 + (_local3 * Math.sin(((_local6 * Math.PI) / 180))));
_local7 = Math.floor((_local4 / m_w));
_local8 = Math.floor((_local5 / m_w));
if (Math.sqrt((((m__h_r__.x - _local4) * (m__h_r__.x - _local4)) + ((m__h_r__.y - _local5) * (m__h_r__.y - _local5)))) < 20){
p_shot_x = _local4;
p_shot_y = _local5;
if ((((__dt_url_name == 1)) && (!(m__h_r__.fall)))){
if (__dt_url_name == 2){
if (__dt_url_name == 3){
run_config_x("bullet_hit_car", 100, 1);
car_hp(m__h_r__, (3 + rand(3)));
return (true);
if (myMap[_local8][_local7][0] == 1){
p_shot_x = _local4;
p_shot_y = _local5;
return (true);
_local10 = 0;
while (_local10 <= (public_cars.numChildren - 1)) {
_local11 = public_cars.getChildAt(_local10);
if (_local11.out > 0){
if (Math.sqrt((((_local11.x - _local4) * (_local11.x - _local4)) + ((_local11.y - _local5) * (_local11.y - _local5)))) < 20){
p_shot_x = _local4;
p_shot_y = _local5;
run_config_x("bullet_hit_car", Math.round(((400 - dist(_local11, m__h_r__)) / 4)), 1);
car_hp(_local11, 10);
return (true);
p_shot_x = _local4;
p_shot_y = _local5;
public function add_ask_quit(){
ask_quit_menu.x = 320;
ask_quit_menu.y = 240;
ask_quit_menu.btn_yes_quit.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, menu_click_handler);
ask_quit_menu.btn_no_quit.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, menu_click_handler);
ask_quit_menu.btn_ofg.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, _gh__lp_url__);
public function __s_o__a_(){
public function c__o_l(_arg1){
if ((((loaderInfo.url.indexOf(_arg1) >= 0)) && ((loaderInfo.url.indexOf("file:") == -1)))){
return (true);
return (false);
public function add_skid(_arg1, _arg2, _arg3){
var _local4:*;
_local4 = new tire_skid();
_local4.x = _arg1;
_local4.y = _arg2;
_local4.rotation = _arg3;
if (skid_handler.numChildren > 100){
public function draw_rank(_arg1){
var _local2:*;
var _local3:*;
var _local4:*;
var _local5:*;
var _local6:*;
var _local7:*;
var _local8:*;
_local2 = new Shape();
if (_arg1.numChildren > 13){
_arg1.addChild(_local2);;, 0xFF0000, 1);
_local4 = [];
_local3 = 0;
while (_local3 < hero_rank.length) {
_local4.push([_local3, ((10 + hero_rank[_local3]) * 0.7)]);
_local4.push([12, ((10 + hero_rank[0]) * 0.7)]);
_local3 = 0;
while (_local3 < hero_rank.length) {
_local5 = (_local4[_local3][1] * Math.cos((((_local3 * 30) * Math.PI) / 180)));
_local6 = (_local4[_local3][1] * Math.sin((((_local3 * 30) * Math.PI) / 180)));
_local7 = (_local4[(_local3 + 1)][1] * Math.cos(((((_local3 + 1) * 30) * Math.PI) / 180)));
_local8 = (_local4[(_local3 + 1)][1] * Math.sin(((((_local3 + 1) * 30) * Math.PI) / 180)));, _local6);, _local8);
max_rank = find_max(_local4);
public function create_rating(_arg1){
r_speed = (taxi_db[taxi_type][0] + ((((car_engine_db[car_engine][0] * 2) + car_bumper_db[car_bumper][0]) + car_spoiler_db[car_spoiler][0]) / 4));
r_steer = (taxi_db[taxi_type][1] + ((((car_steering_db[car_steering][0] * 2) + car_bumper_db[car_bumper][0]) + car_spoiler_db[car_spoiler][0]) / 4));
r_comfort = (taxi_db[taxi_type][2] + car_seat_db[car_seat][0]);
r_nitro = (taxi_db[taxi_type][3] + car_nitro_db[car_nitros][0]);
trace(((((((("stat = " + r_speed) + " ") + r_steer) + " ") + r_comfort) + " ") + r_nitro));
_arg1.rating_hp.gotoAndStop(Math.floor((_ml_URLRequest___hp / 10)));
if (r_nitro > 0){
_arg1.rating_nitro.visible = true;
} else {
_arg1.rating_nitro.visible = false;
public function run_text(_arg1:Event){
var _local2:*;
_local2 = _arg1.currentTarget;
if (t_t < t_l){
_local2.talk_txt.text = t_c.substr(0, t_t);
} else {
_local2.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, run_text);
public function move_car(_arg1:Event){
var _local2:*;
var _local3:*;
var _local4:*;
_local2 = _arg1.currentTarget;
if (_is_true_){
if (_local2.out > 0){
_local2.f_x = (70 * Math.cos(((_local2.rotation * Math.PI) / 180)));
_local2.f_y = (70 * Math.sin(((_local2.rotation * Math.PI) / 180)));
_local2.l_x = (50 * Math.cos((((_local2.rotation - 5) * Math.PI) / 180)));
_local2.l_y = (50 * Math.sin((((_local2.rotation - 5) * Math.PI) / 180)));
_local2.r_x = (50 * Math.cos((((_local2.rotation + 5) * Math.PI) / 180)));
_local2.r_y = (50 * Math.sin((((_local2.rotation + 5) * Math.PI) / 180)));
_local2.fl_x = (20 * Math.cos((((_local2.rotation - 25) * Math.PI) / 180)));
_local2.fl_y = (20 * Math.sin((((_local2.rotation - 25) * Math.PI) / 180)));
_local2.fr_x = (20 * Math.cos((((_local2.rotation + 25) * Math.PI) / 180)));
_local2.fr_y = (20 * Math.sin((((_local2.rotation + 25) * Math.PI) / 180)));
_local2.bl_x = (20 * Math.cos((((_local2.rotation - 155) * Math.PI) / 180)));
_local2.bl_y = (20 * Math.sin((((_local2.rotation - 155) * Math.PI) / 180)));
_local2.br_x = (20 * Math.cos((((_local2.rotation + 155) * Math.PI) / 180)));
_local2.br_y = (20 * Math.sin((((_local2.rotation + 155) * Math.PI) / 180)));
_local2.sl_x = (12 * Math.cos((((_local2.rotation - 90) * Math.PI) / 180)));
_local2.sl_y = (12 * Math.sin((((_local2.rotation - 90) * Math.PI) / 180)));
_local2.sr_x = (12 * Math.cos((((_local2.rotation + 90) * Math.PI) / 180)));
_local2.sr_y = (12 * Math.sin((((_local2.rotation + 90) * Math.PI) / 180)));
_local2.fb_x = (15 * Math.cos(((_local2.rotation * Math.PI) / 180)));
_local2.fb_y = (15 * Math.sin(((_local2.rotation * Math.PI) / 180)));
_local2.rb_x = (15 * Math.cos((((_local2.rotation - 180) * Math.PI) / 180)));
_local2.rb_y = (15 * Math.sin((((_local2.rotation - 180) * Math.PI) / 180)));
_local2.visible = true;
if (_local2.rot <= 0){
_local2.rot = (_local2.rot + 360);
if (_local2.rot > 360){
_local2.rot = (_local2.rot - 360);
if (_local2.out == 1){
_local2.last_rot = _local2.rotation;
_local2.hit_front = false;
_local2.hit_back = false;
_local2.rot = _local2.rotation;
if (_local2.rot < 0){
_local2.rot = (_local2.rot + 360);
_local2.turn = _local2.rot;
if (_local2.speed < 1){
_local2.speed = 1;
if (_local2.speed < _local2.max_speed){
_local2.speed = (_local2.speed * 1.5);
if (_local2.body.currentFrame >= 54){
if ((((_local2.out == 1)) || ((_local2.out == 11)))){
if (((!((_local2.rot == _local2.turn))) && (!((_local2.last_tile == (String(_local2.my_col) + String(_local2.my_row))))))){
_local2.last_tile = (String(_local2.my_col) + String(_local2.my_row));
_local2.out = 2;
if (_local2.out == 2){
_local2.speed = 4;
_local2.rotation = _local2.rot;
if (_local2.rot < (_local2.turn - _local2.turn_angle)){
_local2.rot = (_local2.rot + _local2.turn_angle);
if (_local2.rot > (_local2.turn + _local2.turn_angle)){
_local2.rot = (_local2.rot - _local2.turn_angle);
if ((((((_local2.rot >= ((_local2.turn - _local2.turn_angle) - 5))) && ((_local2.rot <= ((_local2.turn + _local2.turn_angle) + 5))))) || (((((_local2.rot + 360) >= ((_local2.turn - _local2.turn_angle) - 5))) && (((_local2.rot + 360) <= ((_local2.turn + _local2.turn_angle) + 5))))))){
_local2.rot = _local2.turn;
_local2.rotation = _local2.rot;
_local2.out = 1;
if (_local2.out == 3){
_local2.speed = (_local2.speed * 0.35);
if (_local2.out_time <= 0){
if ((((((_local2.last_out == 3)) || ((_local2.last_out >= 8)))) || ((_local2.last_out == 4)))){
_local2.last_rot = _local2.rotation;
_local2.out_time = 14;
_local2.speed = (_local2.max_speed / 1.3);
_local2.last_out = 4;
_local2.out = _local2.last_out;
if (rand(500) == 234){
run_config_x("car_horn", Math.round(((400 - dist(_local2, m__h_r__)) / 4)), 1);
if ((((dist(_local2, m__h_r__) > 400)) && ((_local2.body.currentFrame < 54)))){
_local2.out = 0;
if (_local2.out == 4){
if (_local2.speed <= 1){
_local2.speed = _local2.max_speed;
if ((((_local2.body.currentFrame >= 54)) && ((hero_wanted > 0)))){
if (_local2.out_time > 7){
_local2.rot = (_local2.rot + _local2.turn_angle);
} else {
_local2.rot = (_local2.rot - _local2.turn_angle);
} else {
if (_local2.out_time > 7){
_local2.rot = (_local2.rot - _local2.turn_angle);
} else {
_local2.rot = (_local2.rot + _local2.turn_angle);
if (short_angle(_local2.rotation, _local2.rot) < 10){
_local2.rotation = _local2.rot;
} else {
_local2.rotation = (_local2.rotation + turn_a(Math.floor(_local2.rotation), Math.floor(_local2.rot)));
if (_local2.out_time <= 0){
if ((((((_local2.body.currentFrame >= 54)) && ((hero_wanted > 0)))) && (!((__dt_url_name == 3))))){
_local2.out = 5;
if ((((total_police < 5)) && (!(race_scene)))){
add_police((_local2.x + (25 * Math.cos((((_local2.rotation - 90) * Math.PI) / 180)))), (_local2.y + (25 * Math.sin((((_local2.rotation - 90) * Math.PI) / 180)))), "p");
} else {
_local2.out = 1;
if (_local2.out == 5){
_local2.speed = (_local2.speed * 0.75);
if (Math.abs(_local2.speed) < 0.1){
_local2.speed = 0;
if ((((_local2.out == 8)) || ((_local2.out == 9)))){
_local2.speed = 0;
if (_local2.out_time > (30 + ( * 10))){
_local2.out_time = 0;
if (!_local2.is_parked){
_local2.out = 11;
_local2.a_turn = (rand(4) - rand(4));
if (_local2.a_turn == 0){
_local2.a_turn = rand(4);
if (_local2.out == 10){
if (_local2.out_time > 60){
_local2.last_hit_id = -1;
_local2.out_time = 0;
_local2.out = 9;
_local2.speed = (_local2.speed * 0.65);
if (Math.abs(_local2.speed) > 0){
_local2.rotation = (_local2.rotation + (_local2.a_turn * Math.abs((_local2.speed / 4))));
if ((((dist(_local2, m__h_r__) > 400)) && ((_local2.body.currentFrame < 54)))){
_local2.out = 0;
if (_local2.out == 11){
_local2.sound_out = 0;
_local2.rot = _local2.rotation;
_local2.speed = 2;
if (_local2.out_time < 10){
_local2.hit_id = -1;
_local2.rot = (_local2.rot - (_local2.a_turn * 2));
_local2.rotation = _local2.rot;
if ((((_local2.out == 12)) || ((_local2.out == 14)))){
_local2.rot = _local2.rotation;
if (_local2.out == 14){
_local2.speed = -4;
_local2.rot = (_local2.rot + _local2.a_turn);
_local2.rotation = _local2.rot;
if (_local2.out_time > 30){
_local2.out_time = 0;
_local2.out = 11;
if (_local2.out == 13){
_local2.speed = _local2.max_speed;
_local2.dx = (m__h_r__.x - _local2.x);
_local2.dy = (m__h_r__.y - _local2.y);
_local2.rad = Math.atan((_local2.dy / _local2.dx));
if (_local2.dx >= 0){
_local2.rot = ((_local2.rad * 180) / Math.PI);
} else {
_local2.rot = (((_local2.rad * 180) / Math.PI) + 180);
if (_local2.out_time < 30){
_local3 = turn_a(Math.floor(_local2.rotation), Math.floor(_local2.rot));
if (_local3 == undefined){
_local3 = 1;
_local2.rotation = (_local2.rotation + (_local3 * _local2.turn_angle));
_local2.rot = _local2.rotation;
} else {
_local2.speed = (13 + rand(2));
if (_local2.speed > (m__h_r__.speed + 2)){
_local2.speed = (m__h_r__.speed + 2);
_local2.rotation = _local2.rot;
if ((((dist(_local2, m__h_r__) < 250)) && ((_local2.out_time > 30)))){
_local2.out_time = 30;
if (_local2.out_time > 40){
_local2.out_time = 0;
_local2.out = 5;
if ((((_local2.body.currentFrame >= 54)) && ((hero_wanted > 0)))){
if (_local2.sound_step > 46){
_local2.sound_step = 0;
run_config_x("sirine", Math.round(((400 - dist(_local2, m__h_r__)) / 3)), 1);
check_crossing_police(_local2); = (_local2.speed * Math.cos(((_local2.rot * Math.PI) / 180))); = (_local2.speed * Math.sin(((_local2.rot * Math.PI) / 180)));
_local2.next_x = (_local2.x +;
_local2.next_y = (_local2.y +;
_local2.next_col = Math.floor((_local2.next_x / m_w));
_local2.next_row = Math.floor((_local2.next_y / m_w));
if (myMap[_local2.next_row][_local2.next_col][0] == 0){
_local2.old_x = _local2.x;
_local2.old_y = _local2.y;
_local2.x = (_local2.x +;
_local2.y = (_local2.y +;
_local2.my_col = Math.floor((_local2.x / m_w));
_local2.my_row = Math.floor((_local2.y / m_w));
_local2.px = (_local2.x - (_local2.my_col * m_w)); = (_local2.y - (_local2.my_row * m_w));
_local4 = Number(myMap[_local2.my_row][_local2.my_col][1].substr(1));
if ((((_local4 >= 16)) && ((_local4 <= 19)))){
} else {
_local2.out = 14;
if ((((Math.abs((_local2.my_col - m__h_r__.my_col)) > 8)) || ((Math.abs((_local2.my_row - m__h_r__.my_row)) > 6)))){
_local2.out = 0;
if (_local2.is_parked){
if (total_car_parked < 0){
total_car_parked = 0;
} else {
_local2.visible = false;
public function check_crossing_human(_arg1){
car_hit_human(_arg1, 0);
car_hit_human(_arg1, 1);
car_hit_human(_arg1, 2);
car_hit_human(_arg1, 3);
car_hit_human(_arg1, 4);
car_hit_human(_arg1, 5);
car_hit_human(_arg1, 6);
car_hit_human(_arg1, 7);
car_hit_human(_arg1, 8);
car_hit_human(_arg1, 9);
public function deactivate_all_cars(){
var _local1:*;
var _local2:*;
_local1 = 0;
while (_local1 < (public_cars.numChildren - 1)) {
_local2 = public_cars.getChildAt(_local1);
_local2.out = 0;
public function remove_1st_help(_arg1:Event){
var _local2:*;
_local2 = _arg1.currentTarget;
_local2.visible = _is_true_;
if (((((((key_up) || (key_left))) || (key_right))) || (key_down))){
if (_local2.step > 60){
_local2.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, remove_1st_help);
public function check_hit_trees(_arg1){
var _local2:*;
if (trees_handler.numChildren > _arg1){
_local2 = trees_handler.getChildAt(_arg1);
if (((m__h_r__.hitTestPoint((main.x + _local2.x), (main.y + _local2.y), true)) && ((Math.abs(m__h_r__.speed) > 2)))){
run_config_x("crash", 50, 1);
m__h_r__.speed = (m__h_r__.speed * -0.7);
public function add_police(_arg1, _arg2, _arg3){
var _local4:*;
if (_arg3 == "p"){
trace("add police");
_local4 = new police();
_local4.my_type = "police";
} else {
trace("add gangster");
_local4 = new gangster();
_local4.my_type = "gangster";
total_police++; = (10 + total_police);
_local4.scaleX = 0.85;
_local4.scaleY = 0.85;
_local4.out = 1;
_local4.what = "walk";
_local4.speed = 2;
_local4.max_speed = 2;
if (rand(10) < 5){
_local4.where = -1;
} else {
_local4.where = 1;
_local4.just_hit = 0;
_local4.out_time = 0;
_local4.step = 1;
_local4.x = _arg1;
_local4.y = _arg2;
_local4.my_col = Math.floor((_local4.x / m_w));
_local4.my_row = Math.floor((_local4.y / m_w));
_local4.add_escape = false;
_local4.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, move_police);
public function remove_blast(_arg1:Event){
var _local2:*;
_local2 = _arg1.currentTarget;
_local2.alpha = ((601 - _local2.step) / 600);
if (_local2.step >= 600){
_local2.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, remove_blast);
public function __ds_b__m_tw(_arg1){
trace("build map ..... [done]");
public function remove_old_man(){
var _local1:*;
_local1 = getChildByName("old_man");
if (_local1.btn_om_ok.visible){
_local1.btn_om_ok.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, garage_btn_handler);
if (_local1.btn_om_next.visible){
_local1.btn_om_next.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, garage_btn_handler);
public function intersection(_arg1){
var _local2:*;
_local2 = Number(myMap[_arg1.my_row][_arg1.my_col][1].substr(1));
if (_local2 == 30){
if (_arg1.where < 0){
_arg1.rotation = -90;
} else {
_arg1.rotation = 180;
} else {
if (_local2 == 31){
if (_arg1.where < 0){
_arg1.rotation = 90;
} else {
_arg1.rotation = 180;
} else {
if (_local2 == 32){
if (_arg1.where < 0){
_arg1.rotation = 0;
} else {
_arg1.rotation = 90;
} else {
if (_local2 == 33){
if (_arg1.where < 0){
_arg1.rotation = 0;
} else {
_arg1.rotation = -90;
public function close_talk(){
talk_scene = false;
talk_status = 0;
m__h_r__.action = true;
if (mission_scene){
_is_true_ = true;
mission_scene = false;
if (arr_url_blocked[3] != 0){
if (arr_url_blocked[4] != 0){
if (__dt_url_name == 3){
stage.focus = main;
if ((((ms_config__true == 1)) && ((as3_delete == 0)))){
public function stop_sound(){
public function run(){
addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, URLRequest__mn__s);
stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, keyDownFunction);
stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_UP, keyUpFunction);
stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, onMouseUpHandler);
public function check_trees(_arg1){
var _local2:*;
var _local3:*;
if (trees_handler.getChildByName( == null){
if (myMap[_arg1.my_row][_arg1.my_col][2][2] == 9){
_local2 = new tree();
_local2.x = ((_arg1.my_col * m_w) + (m_w / 2));
_local2.y = ((_arg1.my_row * m_w) + (m_w / 2)); =;
} else {
if (myMap[_arg1.my_row][_arg1.my_col][2][2] != 9){
_local3 = trees_handler.getChildByName(;
public function remove_ingame_option(){
var _local1:*;
_local1 = getChildAt((numChildren - 1));
_local1.btn_bgm.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, menu_click_handler);
_local1.btn_sfx.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, menu_click_handler);
_local1.close_option.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, menu_click_handler);
minimap.visible = true;
public function check_man_out(_arg1, _arg2, _arg3){
var _local4:*;
var _local5:*;
if (rand(100) == 34){
_local4 = humans.getChildAt(_arg1);
if (_local4.out == 0){
if (myMap[_arg3][_arg2][0] == 0){
_local5 = Number(myMap[_arg3][_arg2][1].substr(1));
if ((((_local5 >= 30)) && ((_local5 <= 41)))){
_local4.px = (rand(50) + 20); = (rand(50) + 20);
_local4.x = ((_arg2 * m_w) + _local4.px);
_local4.y = ((_arg3 * m_w) +;
_local4.my_col = _arg2;
_local4.my_row = _arg3;
_local4.rotation = (rand(4) * 90);
_local4.out = 1;
random_bonus(_arg2, _arg3);
public function get_in_car(_arg1){
m__h_r__.x = _arg1.x;
m__h_r__.y = _arg1.y;
m__h_r__.rotation = _arg1.rotation;
_ml_URLRequest__ = _arg1.body.currentFrame;
passenger = false;
_arg1.out = 0;
_arg1.visible = false;
_arg1.x = 0;
_arg1.y = 0;
__dt_url_name = 3;
_ml_URLRequest___hp = _arg1.hp;
car_nitro = _arg1.nitro;
save_drive[0] = m__h_r__.my_col;
save_drive[1] = m__h_r__.my_row;
show_hero(__dt_url_name, _ml_URLRequest__);
radio = (rand(10) + 1);
public function bike_hit_car(_arg1, _arg2){
var _local3:*;
_local3 = {};
if (_arg2 == 10){
_local3 = m__h_r__;
} else {
_local3 = public_cars.getChildAt(_arg2);
if ((((((_local3.out > 0)) && ((_local3.out < 10)))) && ((_arg1.out < 2)))){
if (((((_local3.hitTestPoint(((main.x + _arg1.x) + _arg1.f_x), ((main.y + _arg1.y) + _arg1.f_y), true)) || (_local3.hitTestPoint(((main.x + _arg1.x) - _arg1.f_x), ((main.y + _arg1.y) - _arg1.f_y), true)))) || (_local3.hitTestPoint((main.x + _arg1.x), (main.y + _arg1.y), true)))){
run_config_x("bike_fall", 100, 1);
_arg1.out = 2;
_arg1.speed = _local3.speed;
if (_local3.speed > 0){
_arg1.rot = _local3.rot;
} else {
_arg1.rot = _local3.rot;
if ((((((_local3.x > _arg1.x)) && ((_local3.y > _arg1.y)))) || ((((_local3.x < _arg1.x)) && ((_local3.y < _arg1.y)))))){
_arg1.rot = (_arg1.rot - (rand(10) + 5));
_arg1.a_turn = -((rand(4) + 2));
if ((((((_local3.x > _arg1.x)) && ((_local3.y < _arg1.y)))) || ((((_local3.x < _arg1.x)) && ((_local3.y > _arg1.y)))))){
_arg1.rot = (_arg1.rot + (rand(10) + 5));
_arg1.a_turn = (rand(4) + 2);
public function add_reputation(_arg1){
hero_reputation = (hero_reputation + _arg1);
if (hero_reputation < 0){
hero_reputation = 0;
public function bad_config_dll(){
var _local1:*;
_local1 = getChildAt(0);
_local1.btn_new.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, _gh__lp_url__);
_local1.btn_load.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, _gh__lp_url__);
_local1.btn_opt.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, _gh__lp_url__);
_local1.btn_help.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, _gh__lp_url__);
_local1.btn_sponsor_1.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, _gh__lp_url__);
_local1.btn_sponsor_2.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, _gh__lp_url__);
_local1.btn_play_more.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, _gh__lp_url__);
public function pre_brand(){
public function add_1st_help(){
var _local1:*;
_local1 = new help_1st();
_local1.x = 320;
_local1.y = 240;
_local1.step = 0;
_local1.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, remove_1st_help);
public function set_ingame_BGM(){
run_config("city", 40, 200);
if (__dt_url_name == 3){
public function check_car_position(_arg1, _arg2, _arg3, _arg4){
var _local5:*;
_local5 = public_cars.getChildAt(_arg1);
if ((((((((_local5.out == 0)) && ((rand(350) == 134)))) && (!((_arg2 == wait_x))))) && (!((_arg3 == wait_y))))){
if (_arg4 < 10){
_local5.px = 50; = 50;
_local5.rotation = (_arg4 * 90);
_local5.is_parked = false;
if (_arg4 == 62){
_local5.px = 28; = 41;
_local5.rotation = -90;
_local5.is_parked = true;
if (_arg4 == 63){
_local5.px = 43; = 26;
_local5.rotation = 180;
_local5.is_parked = true;
if (_arg4 == 64){
_local5.px = 73; = 57;
_local5.rotation = 90;
_local5.is_parked = true;
if (_arg4 == 65){
_local5.px = 57; = 24;
_local5.rotation = 0;
_local5.is_parked = true;
_local5.x = (_local5.px + (((_arg2 - m__h_r__.my_col) + Math.floor((m__h_r__.x / m_w))) * m_w));
_local5.y = ( + (((_arg3 - m__h_r__.my_row) + Math.floor((m__h_r__.y / m_w))) * m_w));
_local5.my_col = _arg2;
_local5.my_row = _arg3;
_local5.i_out = true;
check_car_out(_local5, 0);
check_car_out(_local5, 1);
check_car_out(_local5, 2);
check_car_out(_local5, 3);
check_car_out(_local5, 4);
check_car_out(_local5, 5);
check_car_out(_local5, 6);
check_car_out(_local5, 7);
check_car_out(_local5, 8);
check_car_out(_local5, 9);
if (_local5.i_out){
if (_local5.numChildren > 1){
if (_local5.alarm_on){
if (recent_alarm < 0){
recent_alarm = 0;
_local5.body.gotoAndStop((rand(58) + 1));
if ((((((hero_wanted > 0)) && ((__dt_url_name == 3)))) && ((rand(10) == 3)))){
if ((((((hero_wanted > 3)) && ((__dt_url_name == 3)))) && ((rand(10) == 3)))){
_local5.hp = 100;
_local5.explode = false;
if (_arg4 < 10){
_local5.out = 1;
_local5.driver = true;
_local5.is_locked = false;
_local5.alarm_on = false;
} else {
_local5.out = 5;
_local5.is_locked = true;
_local5.driver = false;
_local5.alarm_on = false;
if (_local5.body.currentFrame >= 53){
_local5.speed = 0;
_local5.sound_step = 45;
_local5.hit_time = 0;
_local5.hit_front = false;
_local5.hit_back = false;
if ((((rand(10) == 5)) && (!((_local5.body.currentFrame == 42))))){
_local5.nitro = rand(100);
} else {
_local5.nitro = 0;
public function put_bike(_arg1, _arg2, _arg3){
var _local4:*;
_local4 = bike_handler.getChildAt(0);
_local4.x = _arg1;
_local4.y = _arg2;
_local4.my_col = Math.floor((_local4.x / m_w));
_local4.my_row = Math.floor((_local4.y / m_w));
_local4.px = (_local4.x - (_local4.my_col * m_w)); = (_local4.y - (_local4.my_row * m_w));
_local4.out = 1;
_local4.rotation = _arg3;
_local4.rot = _arg3;
public function check_crossing_police(_arg1){
car_hit_human(_arg1, 10);
car_hit_human(_arg1, 11);
car_hit_human(_arg1, 12);
car_hit_human(_arg1, 13);
car_hit_human(_arg1, 14);
car_hit_human(_arg1, 15);
public function update_panel(_arg1){
masker.temp_txt.text = "";
masker.money_txt.text = ("$ " + String(money));
masker.wanted_mc.gotoAndStop((hero_wanted + 1));
masker.car_hp.visible = true; = (_ml_URLRequest___hp / 100);
masker.speedometer.visible = true;
if (Math.abs(m__h_r__.speed) > 0){
masker.speedometer.pointer_mc.rotation = ((Math.abs(m__h_r__.speed) * 9) + rand(5));
masker.speedometer.speed_txt.text = Math.floor((Math.abs(m__h_r__.speed) * 9));
masker.fuelmeter.pointer_mc.rotation = (125 - ((car_fuel / car_fuel_max) * 125));
if ((((car_fuel < (car_fuel_max / 4))) && (!((masker.fuelmeter.warn_mc.currentFrame == 2))))){
if ((((car_fuel > (car_fuel_max / 4))) && (!((masker.fuelmeter.warn_mc.currentFrame == 1))))){
if (mission_taxi){
masker.taxi_icon.visible = true;
masker.taxi_cost.text = ("$ " + Math.round(taxi_cost));
} else {
masker.taxi_icon.visible = false;
masker.taxi_cost.text = "";
if (car_nitros > 0){
masker.nitro.visible = true;
masker.nitro.meter.rotation = (100 - car_nitro);
} else {
masker.nitro.visible = false;
stage.stageFocusRect = false;
if (stage.focus == masker.menu_btn){
stage.focus = main;
public function get_bike(){
var _local1:*;
__dt_url_name = 2;
show_hero(__dt_url_name, _ml_URLRequest__);
_local1 = bike_handler.getChildAt(0);
_local1.out = 0;
m__h_r__.__a_r_dd_t = 15;
run_config_x("bike_fall", 100, 1);
public function play_radio(_arg1){
var _local2:Object;
var _local3:SoundTransform;
if (BGM_active){
trace(("play radio track " + _arg1));
_local2 = getDefinitionByName(("sound_radio_" + _arg1));
my_radio = new (_local2);
my_channel =, 100);
_local3 = my_channel.soundTransform;
_local3.volume = 0.8;
my_channel.soundTransform = _local3;
public function clear_bullet(_arg1:TimerEvent):void{
bullet_time.removeEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, clear_bullet);;
public function remove_sp_char(){
var _local1:*;
if (sp_char){
sp_char = false;
_local1 = ground_effect_handler.getChildByName("sp_char");
public function remove_garage(){
var _local1:*;
_local1 = getChildByName("garage");
_local1.btn_buy.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, garage_btn_handler);
_local1.btn_upgrade.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, garage_btn_handler);
_local1.btn_repair.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, garage_btn_handler);
_local1.btn_save.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, garage_btn_handler);
_local1.btn_exit.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, garage_btn_handler);
_local1.btn_sponsor.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, _gh__lp_url__);
if (_local1.getChildByName("car") != null){
trace("garage car removed");
_local1.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, make_smoke);
show_hero(__dt_url_name, _ml_URLRequest__);
trace(("basic speed = " + m__h_r__.max_speed));
_is_true_ = true;
stage.focus = main;
run_config_x("start_car", 100, 1);
public function show_help(_arg1){
if (help_is_on){
trace(("show help " + _arg1));
my_help.help_type = _arg1;
my_help.out = 0;
my_help.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, time_help);
public function find_free_car(){
var _local1:*;
var _local2:*;
var _local3:*;
var _local4:*;
_local1 = 0;
_local2 = 0;
_local2 = 0;
while (_local2 < (public_cars.numChildren - 1)) {
_local3 = public_cars.getChildAt(_local2);
if ((((_local3.out == 0)) || ((((_local3.out > 0)) && ((dist(_local3, m__h_r__) > 320)))))){
_local1 = 1;
return (_local3);
if (_local1 == 0){
trace("force show car 9");
_local4 = public_cars.getChildAt(9);
_local4.out = 0;
return (_local4);
public function url_blocked_funcs(_arg1:MouseEvent){
public function short_angle(_arg1, _arg2){
var _local3:*;
_local3 = (Math.abs((_arg1 - _arg2)) % 360);
if (_local3 > 180){
_local3 = (360 - _local3);
return (_local3);
public function keyUpFunction(_arg1:KeyboardEvent){
if (_arg1.keyCode == 65){
key_a = false;
} else {
if (_arg1.keyCode == 83){
key_s = false;
} else {
if (_arg1.keyCode == 68){
key_d = false;
} else {
if (_arg1.keyCode == 90){
key_z = false;
} else {
if (_arg1.keyCode == 88){
key_x = false;
} else {
if (_arg1.keyCode == 72){
key_x = false;
} else {
if (_arg1.keyCode == 17){
key_ctr = false;
} else {
if (_arg1.keyCode == 87){
key_w = false;
} else {
if (_arg1.keyCode == 32){
key_space = false;
} else {
if (_arg1.keyCode == 38){
key_up = false;
} else {
if (_arg1.keyCode == 39){
key_right = false;
} else {
if (_arg1.keyCode == 40){
key_down = false;
} else {
if (_arg1.keyCode == 37){
key_left = false;
} else {
if (_arg1.keyCode == 77){
key_m = false;
} else {
if (_arg1.keyCode == 78){
key_n = false;
} else {
if (_arg1.keyCode == 80){
key_p = false;
} else {
if (_arg1.keyCode == 82){
key_r = false;
} else {
if (_arg1.keyCode == 84){
key_t = false;
} else {
if (_arg1.keyCode == 49){
key_1 = false;
} else {
if (_arg1.keyCode == 50){
key_2 = false;
} else {
if (_arg1.keyCode == 51){
key_3 = false;
} else {
if (_arg1.keyCode == 52){
key_4 = false;
} else {
if (_arg1.keyCode == 53){
key_5 = false;
public function close_menu(){
minimap.visible = true;
masker.visible = true;
ingame_menu.continue_btn.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, menu_click_handler);
ingame_menu.quit_btn.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, menu_click_handler);
ingame_menu.help_btn.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, menu_click_handler);
ingame_menu.opt_btn.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, menu_click_handler);
ingame_menu.btn_sponsor.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, _gh__lp_url__);
public function add_fade(){
var _local1:*;
_local1 = new fade();
_local1.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, remove_fade);
public function p_o__2_c(){
if ((((((total_police < hero_wanted)) && (!(race_scene)))) && (!(talk_scene)))){
if ((((myMap[m__h_r__.my_row][(m__h_r__.my_col + 4)][0] == 0)) && ((rand(50) == 13)))){
add_police((m__h_r__.x + 400), m__h_r__.y, "p");
} else {
if ((((myMap[m__h_r__.my_row][(m__h_r__.my_col - 4)][0] == 0)) && ((rand(50) == 14)))){
add_police((m__h_r__.x - 400), m__h_r__.y, "p");
} else {
if ((((myMap[(m__h_r__.my_row - 3)][m__h_r__.my_col][0] == 0)) && ((rand(50) == 15)))){
add_police(m__h_r__.x, (m__h_r__.y - 300), "p");
} else {
if ((((myMap[(m__h_r__.my_row + 3)][m__h_r__.my_col][0] == 0)) && ((rand(50) == 16)))){
add_police(m__h_r__.x, (m__h_r__.y + 300), "p");
if ((((((total_police < gangster_wanted)) && (!(race_scene)))) && (!(talk_scene)))){
if ((((myMap[m__h_r__.my_row][(m__h_r__.my_col + 4)][0] == 0)) && ((rand(250) == 123)))){
add_police((m__h_r__.x + 400), m__h_r__.y, "g");
} else {
if ((((myMap[m__h_r__.my_row][(m__h_r__.my_col - 4)][0] == 0)) && ((rand(250) == 224)))){
add_police((m__h_r__.x - 400), m__h_r__.y, "g");
} else {
if ((((myMap[(m__h_r__.my_row - 3)][m__h_r__.my_col][0] == 0)) && ((rand(250) == 125)))){
add_police(m__h_r__.x, (m__h_r__.y - 300), "g");
} else {
if ((((myMap[(m__h_r__.my_row + 3)][m__h_r__.my_col][0] == 0)) && ((rand(250) == 126)))){
add_police(m__h_r__.x, (m__h_r__.y + 300), "g");
public function f_play(_arg1:MouseEvent){
var _local2:*;
_local2 = _arg1.currentTarget;
_local2.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, f_play);
public function run_config(_arg1:String, _arg2:int, _arg3:int){
var _local4:Sound;
var _local5:SoundChannel;
var _local6:Object;
var _local7:SoundTransform;
var _local8:*;
if (BGM_active){
_local6 = getDefinitionByName(("sound_" + _arg1));
_local4 = new (_local6);
_local5 =, _arg3);
_local7 = _local5.soundTransform;
if (((isNaN(_arg2)) || ((_arg2 < 1)))){
_arg2 = 1;
_local8 = (_arg2 / 100);
if (_local8 < 0){
_local8 = 0;
if (_local8 > 1){
_local8 = 1;
_local7.volume = _local8.toFixed(2);
_local5.soundTransform = _local7;
public function __rngs___(){
var _local1:*;
_local1 = getChildAt(0);
_local1.btn_story.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, _gh__lp_url__);
_local1.btn_free.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, _gh__lp_url__);
public function collition(_arg1, _arg2){
var _local3:*;
var _local4:*;
if (((((((!((_arg1.out == 10))) && (!((_arg2.out == 10))))) && (!((_arg2.hit_id == && (!((_arg1.last_hit_id =={
_local3 = 0;
_arg1.accident = false;
if (!_arg1.accident){
if (((_arg2.hitTestPoint(((main.x + _arg1.x) + _arg1.fl_x), ((main.y + _arg1.y) + _arg1.fl_y), true)) || (_arg2.hitTestPoint(((main.x + _arg1.x) + _arg1.fr_x), ((main.y + _arg1.y) + _arg1.fr_y), true)))){
_arg1.accident = true;
_arg1.hit_front = true;
if (!_arg1.accident){
if (((_arg2.hitTestPoint(((main.x + _arg1.x) + _arg1.br_x), ((main.y + _arg1.y) + _arg1.br_y), true)) || (_arg2.hitTestPoint(((main.x + _arg1.x) + _arg1.bl_x), ((main.y + _arg1.y) + _arg1.bl_y), true)))){
_arg1.accident = true;
_arg1.hit_back = true;
if (!_arg1.accident){
if (!_arg1.accident){
if (((_arg2.hitTestPoint(((main.x + _arg1.x) + _arg1.sr_x), ((main.y + _arg1.y) + _arg1.sr_y), true)) || (_arg2.hitTestPoint(((main.x + _arg1.x) + _arg1.sl_x), ((main.y + _arg1.y) + _arg1.sl_y), true)))){
_arg1.accident = true;
_arg1.hit_back = true;
if (!_arg1.accident){
if (_arg2.hitTestPoint(((main.x + _arg1.x) + _arg1.fb_x), ((main.y + _arg1.y) + _arg1.fb_y), true)){
_arg1.accident = true;
_arg1.hit_front = true;
if (!_arg1.accident){
if (_arg2.hitTestPoint(((main.x + _arg1.x) + _arg1.rb_x), ((main.y + _arg1.y) + _arg1.rb_y), true)){
_arg1.accident = true;
_arg1.hit_back = true;
if (_arg1.accident){
run_config_x("crash", Math.round(((200 - dist(_arg1, m__h_r__)) / ((Math.abs(_arg1.speed) + Math.abs(_arg2.speed)) / 2))), 1);
_arg1.last_hit_id =;
wait_x = _arg1.my_col;
wait_y = _arg1.my_row;
car_hp(_arg2, Math.abs(_arg1.speed));
car_hp(_arg1, Math.abs(_arg2.speed));
_arg1.x = _arg1.old_x;
_arg1.y = _arg1.old_y;
_arg2.x = _arg2.old_x;
_arg2.y = _arg2.old_y;
_local4 = _arg1.speed;
if (_arg1.hit_front){
if (Math.abs(_arg1.speed) > Math.abs(_arg2.speed)){
_arg1.speed = (_arg1.speed * -0.35);
_arg2.speed = (_local4 * 0.8);
} else {
_arg1.speed = (_arg2.speed * 0.8);
_arg2.speed = (_arg2.speed * -0.35);
} else {
if (_arg1.hit_back){
if (Math.abs(_arg1.speed) > 0){
_arg1.speed = (_arg1.speed * 1.2);
_arg2.speed = (_arg2.speed * -0.35);
} else {
_arg1.speed = (_arg2.speed * 0.8);
_arg2.speed = (_arg2.speed * -0.35);
_arg1.rot = _arg2.rotation;
if ((((((_arg2.x > _arg1.x)) && ((_arg2.y > _arg1.y)))) || ((((_arg2.x < _arg1.x)) && ((_arg2.y < _arg1.y)))))){
_arg1.rot = (_arg1.rot - (rand(10) + 5));
_arg1.a_turn = -((rand(4) + 2));
_arg2.rot = (_arg2.rot + (rand(10) + 5));
_arg2.a_turn = -1;
if ((((((_arg2.x > _arg1.x)) && ((_arg2.y < _arg1.y)))) || ((((_arg2.x < _arg1.x)) && ((_arg2.y > _arg1.y)))))){
_arg1.rot = (_arg1.rot + (rand(10) + 5));
_arg1.a_turn = (rand(4) + 2);
_arg2.rot = (_arg2.rot - (rand(10) + 5));
_arg2.a_turn = 1;
if (_arg2 != m__h_r__){
_arg2.hit_id =;
_arg2.out = 10;
} else {
save_drive[0] = m__h_r__.my_col;
save_drive[1] = m__h_r__.my_row;
if ((((_arg1.body.currentFrame >= 54)) && ((hero_wanted < 1)))){
hero_wanted = 1;
if ((((((_arg1.out == 13)) && ((total_police < 5)))) && (!(race_scene)))){
add_police((_arg1.x + (23 * Math.cos((((_arg1.rotation - 90) * Math.PI) / 180)))), (_arg1.y + (23 * Math.sin((((_arg1.rotation - 90) * Math.PI) / 180)))), "p");
_arg1.out = 10;
_arg1.out_time = 0;
if ((((((_arg1.hit_time > 10)) && (!(_arg1.is_parked)))) && (!(_arg1.explode)))){
_arg1.out = 12;
_arg1.sound_out = 0;
_arg1.out_time = 0;
_arg1.hit_time = 0;
if (((_arg1.hit_front) && (_arg1.hit_back))){
_arg1.speed = 0;
} else {
if (_arg1.hit_front){
_arg1.speed = -2;
} else {
if (_arg1.hit_back){
_arg1.speed = 2;
} else {
_arg1.out = 8;
_arg1.hit_front = false;
_arg1.hit_back = false;
public function mlku__h_(){
var _local1:*;
_local1 = m__h_r__.getChildAt(0);
if (_local1.currentFrame == 1){
public function fuel_station(){
if ((((Number(myMap[m__h_r__.my_row][m__h_r__.my_col][1].substr(1)) == 263)) || ((Number(myMap[m__h_r__.my_row][m__h_r__.my_col][1].substr(1)) == 264)))){
masker.fuel_help.visible = true;
if ((((((((Math.abs(m__h_r__.speed) < 0.2)) && (key_space))) && ((money > fuel_cost)))) && ((car_fuel < car_fuel_max)))){
car_fuel = (car_fuel + 2);
money = (money - fuel_cost);
} else {
if ((((Number(myMap[m__h_r__.my_row][m__h_r__.my_col][1].substr(1)) == 266)) || ((Number(myMap[m__h_r__.my_row][m__h_r__.my_col][1].substr(1)) == 267)))){
masker.fuel_help.visible = true;
if ((((((Math.abs(m__h_r__.speed) < 0.2)) && (key_space))) && (_is_true_))){
} else {
masker.fuel_help.visible = false;
if (!help_drive){
help_drive = true;
public function move_bike(_arg1:Event){
var _local2:*;
_local2 = _arg1.currentTarget;
if (_is_true_){
if (_local2.out > 0){
_local2.visible = true;
_local2.f_x = (18 * Math.cos(((_local2.rotation * Math.PI) / 180)));
_local2.f_y = (18 * Math.sin(((_local2.rotation * Math.PI) / 180)));
if (_local2.out == 1){
_local2.speed = 0;
if (_local2.out == 2){
_local2.speed = (_local2.speed * 0.85);
if (Math.abs(_local2.speed) > 0){
_local2.rotation = (_local2.rotation + (_local2.a_turn * Math.abs((_local2.speed / 4))));
if (Math.abs(_local2.speed) < 0.2){
_local2.speed = 0;
_local2.out = 1;
}; = (_local2.speed * Math.cos(((_local2.rot * Math.PI) / 180))); = (_local2.speed * Math.sin(((_local2.rot * Math.PI) / 180)));
_local2.next_x = (_local2.x +;
_local2.next_y = (_local2.y +;
_local2.next_col = Math.floor((_local2.next_x / m_w));
_local2.next_row = Math.floor((_local2.next_y / m_w));
if (myMap[_local2.next_row][_local2.next_col][0] == 0){
_local2.old_x = _local2.x;
_local2.old_y = _local2.y;
_local2.x = (_local2.x +;
_local2.y = (_local2.y +;
_local2.my_col = Math.floor((_local2.x / m_w));
_local2.my_row = Math.floor((_local2.y / m_w));
_local2.px = (_local2.x - (_local2.my_col * m_w)); = (_local2.y - (_local2.my_row * m_w));
if ((((Math.abs((_local2.my_col - m__h_r__.my_col)) > 8)) || ((Math.abs((_local2.my_row - m__h_r__.my_row)) > 6)))){
_local2.out = 0;
} else {
_local2.visible = false;
public function real_rot(_arg1){
var _local2:*;
_local2 = _arg1;
if (_local2 < 0){
_local2 = (_local2 + 360);
return (_local2);
public function activate_hero(_arg1){
_is_true_ = _arg1;
m__h_r__.visible = _arg1;
m__h_r__.action = _arg1;
stage.focus = main;
public function add_police_line(_arg1){
public function add_taxi_dialog(_arg1, _arg2){
var _local3:*;
_is_true_ = false;
trace(("des = " + _arg1));
if (taxi_type == 1){
_local3 = new taxi_dialog_1();
if (taxi_type == 2){
_local3 = new taxi_dialog_2();
if (taxi_type == 3){
_local3 = new taxi_dialog_3();
_local3.answer_ok.visible = false;
_local3.damage_msg.visible = false;
_local3.fuel_msg.visible = false;
_local3.add_mc.visible = true;
if ((((_arg1 == "")) && ((_arg2 == 0)))){
_local3.dest_txt.htmlText = "<br>thanks";
} else {
if ((((_arg1 == "")) && ((_arg2 == 2)))){
_local3.dest_txt.htmlText = "";
_local3.add_mc.visible = false;
_local3.damage_msg.visible = true;
} else {
if ((((_arg1 == "")) && ((_arg2 == 3)))){
_local3.dest_txt.htmlText = "";
_local3.add_mc.visible = false;
_local3.fuel_msg.visible = true;
} else {
_local3.dest_txt.htmlText = (("to <font color = '#00CC00'>" + _arg1) + "</font> please");
}; = _arg2;
_local3.count = 0;
if (car_spoiler > 0){ = true;;
} else { = false;
};; / 20))); = "dialog";
_local3.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, remove_dialog);
public function explode_grenade(_arg1:Event){
var _local2:*;
var _local3:*;
_local2 = _arg1.currentTarget;
_local3 = 0;
if (_local2.step == 5){
add_explotion_mark(_local2.x, _local2.y, (_local2.scaleX * 2));
if (_local2.step >= 30){
_local2.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, explode_grenade);
public function check_race_mission(){
public function human_hit_hero(_arg1){
if (((((!((_arg1.out == 3))) && ((_arg1.just_hit == 0)))) && (!((_arg1.out == 5))))){
if (m__h_r__.hitTestPoint((main.x + _arg1.x), (main.y + _arg1.y), true)){
_arg1.just_hit = 10;
if (Math.abs(m__h_r__.speed) < 8){
_arg1.rotation = (_arg1.rotation + 180);
_arg1.out = 2;
_arg1.out_time = 30;
} else {
save_drive[0] = m__h_r__.my_col;
save_drive[1] = m__h_r__.my_row;
if ( >= 10){
if (_arg1.my_type == "police"){
add_rank(6, 1);
} else {
add_rank(5, 1);
run_config_x("dead_2", 50, 1);
run_config_x("human_crash", 100, 1);
_arg1.out = 3;
if (bonus_box.hitTestPoint((main.x + _arg1.x), (main.y + _arg1.y), true)){
_arg1.rotation = (_arg1.rotation + 180);
_arg1.just_hit = 10;
public function down_from_bike(){
var _local1:*;
var _local2:*;
run_config_x("bike_fall", 100, 1);
__dt_url_name = 1;
show_hero(__dt_url_name, _ml_URLRequest__);
_local1 = (20 * Math.cos((((m__h_r__.rotation + 90) * Math.PI) / 180)));
_local2 = (20 * Math.sin((((m__h_r__.rotation + 90) * Math.PI) / 180)));
put_bike((m__h_r__.x + _local1), (m__h_r__.y + _local2), m__h_r__.rotation);
public function remove_help_screen(){
var _local1:*;
_local1 = getChildAt(0);
_local1.btn_back_4.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, _gh__lp_url__);
public function add_ingame_option(){
var _local1:*;
_local1 = new sound_option();
_local1.x = 320;
_local1.y = 240;
if (BGM_active){
} else {
if (SFX_active){
} else {
_local1.btn_bgm.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, menu_click_handler);
_local1.btn_sfx.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, menu_click_handler);
_local1.close_option.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, menu_click_handler);
minimap.visible = false;
public function show_old_man(_arg1, _arg2, _arg3){
var _local4:*;
_local4 = new garage_old_man(); = "old_man";
_local4.talk_text.htmlText = _arg1;
_local4.btn_om_ok.visible = _arg3;
_local4.btn_om_next.visible = _arg2;
_local4.btn_om_ok.enabled = _arg3;
_local4.btn_om_next.enabled = _arg2;
if (_arg3){
_local4.btn_om_ok.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, garage_btn_handler);
if (_arg2){
_local4.btn_om_next.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, garage_btn_handler);
public function show_hero(_arg1, _arg2){
var _local3:*;
_local3 = new car_taxi();
_local3.scaleX = 0.85;
_local3.scaleY = 0.85;
if (car_spoiler == 0){
_local3.spoiler.visible = false;
} else {
_local3.spoiler.visible = true;
m__h_r__.max_speed = _sp_mb__url_open[_arg2];
public function hr__rp__(_arg1, _arg2){
trace((((" repos to : " + _arg1) + " , ") + _arg2));
c_x = (_arg1 + 1);
c_y = (_arg2 + 1);
m__h_r__.my_col = _arg1;
m__h_r__.my_row = _arg2;
m__h_r__.px = 50; = 50;
m__h_r__.speed = 0;
m__h_r__.x = ((m__h_r__.my_col * m_w) + m__h_r__.px);
m__h_r__.y = ((m__h_r__.my_row * m_w) +;
save_drive[0] = m__h_r__.my_col;
save_drive[1] = m__h_r__.my_row;
public function hero_bike_turn(_arg1){
var _local2:*;
_local2 = m__h_r__.getChildAt(0);
if (_local2.currentFrame != (3 + _arg1)){
_local2.gotoAndStop((3 + _arg1));
public function remove_busted_screen(){
public function add_help(){
my_help.x = 20;
my_help.y = 60;
trace("help added....[done]");
public function add_recent_kill(_arg1){
if (hero_wanted < 0){
hero_wanted = 0;
if (gangster_wanted < 0){
gangster_wanted = 0;
recent_kill = (recent_kill + _arg1);
if (recent_kill > ((hero_wanted * 10) + 4)){
recent_kill = 0;
if (hero_wanted > 5){
hero_wanted = 5;
hero_escape = (hero_wanted + 1);
public function rand(_arg1){
return (Math.round((Math.random() * _arg1)));
public function shoot(){
if (sjt_4_hr__ == 4){
throw_grenade((m__h_r__.x + m__h_r__.speed_x), (m__h_r__.y + m__h_r__.speed_y), (mouseX - main.x), (mouseY - main.y));
} else {
if (sjt_4_hr__ == 2){
run_config_x("pistol", 100, 1);
if (sjt_4_hr__ == 3){
run_config_x("gun", 100, 1);
show_bullet((m__h_r__.x + m__h_r__.speed_x), (m__h_r__.y + m__h_r__.speed_y), shot_x, shot_y);
var _local1 = weapon_bullet;
var _local2 = sjt_4_hr__;
var _local3 = (_local1[_local2] - 1);
_local1[_local2] = _local3;
if (weapon_bullet[sjt_4_hr__] == 0){
if (owned_bullet[sjt_4_hr__] > 0){
reloading_weapon = 90;
} else {
if (sjt_4_hr__ == 4){
weapon_owned[4] = 0;
sjt_4_hr__ = 1;
show_hero(__dt_url_name, _ml_URLRequest__);
public function ask_sell_electro(){
public function st__sql(_arg1){
public function sell_artifact(){
public function human_hit_car(_arg1, _arg2){
var _local3:*;
_local3 = public_cars.getChildAt(_arg2);
if ((((((_local3.out > 0)) && (!((_arg1.out == 3))))) && ((_arg1.just_hit == 0)))){
if (_local3.hitTestPoint((main.x + _arg1.x), (main.y + _arg1.y), true)){
_arg1.just_hit = 10;
if ((((Math.abs(_local3.speed) < 9)) || (_arg1.is_target))){
_arg1.out = 2;
_arg1.out_time = 30;
if ( < 10){
_arg1.rotation = (_arg1.rotation + ((180 + rand(20)) - rand(20)));
} else {
_arg1.rotation = (_arg1.rotation + (90 * _arg1.where));
} else {
run_config_x("dead_2", Math.round(((400 - dist(_arg1, m__h_r__)) / 4)), 1);
run_config_x("human_crash", Math.round(((400 - dist(_arg1, m__h_r__)) / 4)), 1);
_arg1.out = 3;
public function remove_garage_menu(_arg1){
var _local2:*;
var _local3:*;
var _local4:*;
_local4 = getChildByName("garage");
_local4.cash_txt.text = ("$ " + String(money));
_local2 = _local4.getChildByName("g_menu");
if (_arg1 == 1){
_local3 = 1;
while (_local3 <= 3) {
_local2[("btn_buy_car_" + _local3)].removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, garage_btn_handler);
_local2.btn_close_1.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, garage_btn_handler);
if (_arg1 == 2){
_local3 = 1;
while (_local3 <= 6) {
_local2[("btn_upgrade_" + _local3)].removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, garage_btn_handler);
_local2.btn_close_2.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, garage_btn_handler);
if (_arg1 == 13){
_local2.btn_close_6.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, garage_btn_handler);
_local2.btn_unlock.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, garage_btn_handler);
if (_arg1 == 21){
_local3 = 2;
while (_local3 <= 5) {
_local2[("btn_upgrade_1_" + _local3)].removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, garage_btn_handler);
_local2.btn_close_21.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, garage_btn_handler);
if (_arg1 == 22){
_local3 = 1;
while (_local3 <= 4) {
_local2[("btn_upgrade_2_" + _local3)].removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, garage_btn_handler);
_local2.btn_close_22.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, garage_btn_handler);
if (_arg1 == 23){
_local3 = 0;
while (_local3 <= 4) {
_local2[("btn_upgrade_3_" + _local3)].removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, garage_btn_handler);
_local2.btn_close_23.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, garage_btn_handler);
if (_arg1 == 24){
_local3 = 2;
while (_local3 <= 5) {
_local2[("btn_upgrade_4_" + _local3)].removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, garage_btn_handler);
_local2.btn_close_24.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, garage_btn_handler);
if (_arg1 == 25){
_local3 = 1;
while (_local3 <= 3) {
_local2[("btn_upgrade_5_" + _local3)].removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, garage_btn_handler);
_local2.btn_close_25.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, garage_btn_handler);
if (_arg1 == 26){
_local3 = 1;
while (_local3 <= 3) {
_local2[("btn_upgrade_6_" + _local3)].removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, garage_btn_handler);
_local2.btn_close_26.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, garage_btn_handler);
if (_arg1 == 3){
_local2.btn_g_ok.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, garage_btn_handler);
_local2.btn_g_yes.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, garage_btn_handler);
_local2.btn_g_no.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, garage_btn_handler);
if (_arg1 == 4){
_local2.btn_close_4.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, garage_btn_handler);
garage_menu = 0;
reset_car(taxi_type, car_engine, car_bumper, car_spoiler, car_nitros, car_steering, car_seat);
public function showProgress(_arg1:Event):void{
loaded = (this.stage.loaderInfo.bytesLoaded / this.stage.loaderInfo.bytesTotal);
f_loader.stat_txt.text = (("loading... " + String(Math.round((loaded * 100)))) + "%");
if (loaderInfo.bytesLoaded >= loaderInfo.bytesTotal){
f_loader.start_btn.visible = true;
f_loader.stat_txt.text = "";
f_loader.start_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, f_play);
stage.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, showProgress);
public function remove_all_cars(){
var _local1:*;
var _local2:*;
_local1 = 0;
while (_local1 < (public_cars.numChildren - 1)) {
_local2 = public_cars.getChildAt(_local1);
_local2.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, move_car);
public function out_from_jail(){
function frame6(){
run_config("radio_9", 100, 200);
function frame1(){
testing = false;
game_locked = false;
locked = false;
test_mission = 1;
m_sp = 1;
f_loader.start_btn.visible = false;
loaded = 0;
playmore_URL = "";
stage.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, showProgress);
froyo_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, f_open);
function frame2(){
public function repair_shop(){
if (Number(myMap[m__h_r__.my_row][m__h_r__.my_col][1].substr(1)) == 270){
if (just_repair == 0){
if ((((((((((((m__h_r__.px > 40)) && ((m__h_r__.px < 60)))) && (( > 20)))) && (( < 40)))) && ((((((real_rot(m__h_r__.rotation) > 170)) && ((real_rot(m__h_r__.rotation) < 190)))) || ((((m__h_r__.rotation > -10)) && ((m__h_r__.rotation < 10)))))))) && ((Math.abs(m__h_r__.speed) < 0.2)))){
trace("repair shop");
just_repair = 1;
i_d_sc__("repair_shop", "");
} else {
just_repair = 0;
public function _gh__lp_url__(_arg1:MouseEvent){
var _local2:*;
var _local3:*;
_local2 = _arg1.currentTarget;
_local3 =;
if (_local3 == "new"){
if (_local3 == "load"){
if (_local3 == "opt"){
if (_local3 == "help"){
if (_local3 == "sponsor_1"){
if ((((((_local3 == "sponsor_2")) || ((_local3 == "play_more")))) || ((_local3 == "sponsor")))){
if (_local3 == "back_1"){
if (_local3 == "slot_1"){
slot_selected = 1;
if (slot_1 == undefined){
} else {
if (_local3 == "slot_2"){
slot_selected = 2;
if (slot_2 == undefined){
} else {
if (_local3 == "slot_3"){
slot_selected = 3;
if (slot_3 == undefined){
} else {
if (_local3 == "back_2"){
if (_local3 == "load_slot_1"){
slot_selected = 1;
if (slot_1 != undefined){
if (_local3 == "load_slot_2"){
slot_selected = 2;
if (slot_2 != undefined){
if (_local3 == "load_slot_3"){
slot_selected = 3;
if (slot_3 != undefined){
if (_local3 == "yes"){
if (_local3 == "no"){
if (_local3 == "ok"){
hero_name = my_input.p_name.text;
trace(("hero name = " + hero_name));
freegame = true;
if (_local3 == "continue"){
if (_local3 == "giveup"){
run_config("radio_6", 100, 200);
if (_local3 == "back_3"){
if (_local3 == "bgm"){
BGM_active = !(BGM_active);
if (BGM_active){
run_config("radio_6", 100, 200);
} else {
if (_local3 == "sfx"){
SFX_active = !(SFX_active);
if (_local3 == "back_4"){
if (_local3 == "next_help"){
if (help_active > max_help){
help_active = 1;
if (_local3 == "prev_help"){
if (help_active < 1){
help_active = max_help;
if (_local3 == "story"){
freegame = false;
if (_local3 == "free"){
if (((c__o_l(__e_c__d("g6v4W7v7v4W1d3v6W8W6"))) || (c__o_l(__e_c__d("W8g5v8g1v9g4W7W0v4W6v8g2d3v6W8W6"))))){
freegame = true;
} else {
function frame3(){
addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, skip_logo);
s_l = 0;
function frame5(){
c_x = 20;
c_y = 36;
__url_URLRequest_ = false;
help_active = 1;
max_help = 8;
_sp_mb__url_open = [15, 17, 17, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 19, 15, 15, 15, 19, 19, 19, 19, 20, 14, 17, 17, 17, 17, 15, 15, 15, 15, 16, 16, 13, 13, 13, 13, 13, 21, 17, 17, 17, 17, 22, 22, 22, 8, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 9, 15, 15, 15, 15, 19, 18, 18, 18, 18, 18, 18, 18];
race_car = [1, 2, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 16, 17, 19, 20, 21, 22, 34, 39, 40, 41, 43];
gun_db = [[0], [2, 0], [5, 12], [10, 30], [50, 1]];
race_track_1 = [[82, 89, 0, 1], [91, 89, 0, 2], [92, 88, 3, 2], [92, 71, 3, 2], [91, 69, 2, 2], [69, 69, 2, 2], [67, 68, 3, 2], [67, 58, 3, 2], [66, 55, 2, 3], [35, 55, 2, 3], [33, 58, 1, 2], [33, 71, 1, 2], [33, 83, 1, 2], [33, 88, 1, 2], [35, 89, 0, 2], [81, 89, 0, 4]];
race_track_2 = [[17, 18, 0, 1], [25, 18, 0, 2], [26, 20, 1, 2], [26, 39, 1, 2], [25, 40, 2, 3], [9, 40, 2, 3], [7, 43, 1, 2], [7, 55, 1, 2], [9, 56, 0, 2], [19, 56, 0, 2], [19, 56, 0, 2], [20, 58, 1, 2], [22, 60, 0, 2], [26, 59, 3, 2], [26, 50, 3, 2], [28, 48, 0, 2], [35, 48, 0, 2], [51, 48, 0, 2], [52, 50, 1, 2], [52, 54, 1, 2], [54, 56, 0, 3], [69, 56, 0, 3], [91, 56, 0, 3], [92, 54, 3, 2], [92, 43, 3, 2], [91, 40, 2, 3], [67, 40, 2, 3], [65, 39, 3, 2], [65, 8, 3, 2], [64, 6, 2, 2], [51, 6, 2, 2], [41, 6, 2, 2], [38, 8, 1, 2], [38, 12, 1, 2], [40, 13, 0, 2], [42, 15, 1, 2], [42, 24, 1, 2], [43, 28, 1, 2], [43, 38, 1, 2], [42, 40, 2, 3], [28, 40, 2, 3], [26, 39, 3, 2], [26, 20, 3, 2], [25, 18, 2, 2], [17, 18, 2, 5]];
rank_db = [["Newman", "Newman", "Newman", "Newman"], ["Freelance Driver", "Taxi Driver", "Expert Taxi Driver", "Taxi Master"], ["Freelancer", "Delivery Boy", "Delivery Man", "Expert Delivery Man"], ["Newbie Racer", "Street Racer", "Expert Racer", "Street Racer Legend"], ["Amateur Car Hijacker", "Car Hijacker", "Expert Hijacker", "Ace Hijacker"], ["Civilian Killer", "Civilian Killer", "Crazy Killer", "Bloody Killer"], ["Cops Killer", "Cops Top Wanted", "Cops Nemesis", "Cops Terminator"], ["Beginer Hacker", "Hacker", "Advanced Hacker", "Master Hacker"], ["New Trader", "Black Trader", "Expert Trader", "Ace Dealer"], ["Thief", "Expert Thief", "Master Thief", "King of Thief"], ["Killer", "Expert Killer", "Hitman", "The Hitman"], ["Teror Maker", "Terorist", "Top Terorist", "Ace Terorist"]];
item_db = [0, "Mobile Phone", "Flashdisk", "C4 Bomb", "Electronic Device", "Electronic Device", "Electronic Device", "Electronic Device", "Electronic Device", "Electronic Device", "Electronic Device", "Artifact", "Artifact", "Artifact", "Artifact", "Artifact", "Book", "Hacking CD"];
map_legend = [0, [17, 28, "HB"]];
car_finish = 0;
clear_race_track = false;
race_scene = false;
talk_scene = false;
mission_scene = false;
talk_status = 0;
race_status = 0;
race_track = 1;
total_racer = 4;
last_race_result = 0;
race_time = 0;
bomb_active = false;
bomb_target = [0, 0];
bomb_time = 0;
bomb_count = 0;
shake = 0;
target_money = 0;
last_bg = 0;
sp_char = false;
game_end = false;
start_reason = "new";
help_walk_is_shown = false;
item_selected = 0;
end_reason = 0;
car_pos_x = 0;
car_pos_y = 0;
bet_race = 0;
radio = (rand(8) + 1);
radio_is_on = true;
hero_step = 0;
street_race = false;
hero_name = "player";
my_dest = [0, 0];
__dt_url_name = 3;
_ml_URLRequest__ = 48;
_ml_URLRequest___hp = 100;
hero_hp = 100;
sjt_4_hr__ = 1;
weapon_bullet = [0, 0, 12, 30, 1];
weapon_owned = [0, 1, 1, 1, 1];
owned_bullet = [0, 1, 40, 120, 5];
reloading_weapon = 0;
passenger = false;
hero_target = {};
_is_true_ = true;
help_is_on = true;
mission_taxi = false;
taxi_dest = [0, 0];
IP_banned_db = [0, 0];
money = 100;
taxi_cost = 0;
taxi_time = 0;
mission2_cost = 0;
mission2_time = 0;
mission2_target = 0;
max_timer = 0;
hero_wanted = 0;
hero_escape = 0;
gangster_wanted = 0;
gangster_escape = 0;
hero_reputation = 0;
recent_kill = 0;
recent_alarm = 0;
car_nitro = 0;
ms_config__true = 0;
as3_delete = 0;
mission_time = 0;
taxi_income = 0;
save_drive = [0, 0];
hero_rank = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0];
police_line = [];
hero_item = [1];
second_job = [0, [0, 0], 0, 0];
deposit_money = 0;
find_radio_track = 0;
is_hacking = false;
hack_cash = 0;
car_fuel = 100;
car_fuel_max = 100;
car_fuel_cons = 0.02;
fuel_cost = 1;
story_talk = ["Yo man!! thanks for coming, <br>I'm really need your help", "My Taxi Company is almost dead. <br>I have to sell my cabs to pay my loan.", "Now I only have this old cab, and need a driver, that's why I call you", "So what do you think, can you help me? We can share it 50-50", "Being a cab driver isn't that easy, you have pickup a passenger and drop them save and ontime", "You'll make a good money if you can cut your distance and make your passenger happy", "Try it your self, here the cab's key!!<br>Anyway comeback here if you need my help!!"];
story_talk_id = 0;
is_paused = false;
BGM_active = true;
SFX_active = true;
key_a = false;
key_s = false;
key_d = false;
key_z = false;
key_x = false;
key_w = false;
key_m = false;
key_n = false;
key_r = false;
key_p = false;
key_t = false;
key_ctr = false;
key_space = false;
key_up = false;
key_down = false;
key_left = false;
key_right = false;
key_h = false;
key_1 = false;
key_2 = false;
key_3 = false;
key_4 = false;
key_5 = false;
a_stat = 0;
a_to = 0;
a_o = false;
a_t = 5000;
t_t = 0;
t_l = 0;
t_c = "";
t_o = "";
ec__ = 33;
e_m__ = [88, 100, 81, 122, 75, 76, 118, 87, 103, 106];
homebase = [19, 35];
myMap = [[[0, "t001", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t001", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t001", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t001", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t001", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t001", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t001", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t001", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t001", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t001", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t001", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t001", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t001", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t001", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t001", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t001", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t001", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t001", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t001", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t001", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t001", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t001", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t001", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t001", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t001", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t001", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t001", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t001", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t001", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t001", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t001", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t001", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t001", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t001", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t001", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t001", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t001", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t001", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t001", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t001", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t001", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t001", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t001", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t001", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t001", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t001", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t001", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t001", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t001", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t001", [0, "", 0]]], [[0, "t001", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t002", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t002", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t002", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t002", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t001", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t001", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t001", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t001", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t001", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t001", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t001", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t001", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t001", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t001", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t001", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t001", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t001", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t001", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t001", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t001", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t001", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t001", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t001", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t001", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t001", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t001", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t001", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t001", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t001", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t001", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t001", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t001", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t001", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t001", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t001", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t001", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t001", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t001", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t001", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t001", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t001", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t001", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t001", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t001", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t001", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t001", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t001", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t001", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t001", [0, "", 0]]], [[0, "t001", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t002", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t002", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t002", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t002", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t001", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t001", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t001", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t001", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t001", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t001", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t001", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t001", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t001", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t001", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t001", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t001", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t001", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t001", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t001", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t001", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t001", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t001", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t001", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t001", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t001", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t001", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t001", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t001", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t001", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t001", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t001", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t001", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t001", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t001", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t001", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t001", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t001", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t001", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t001", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t001", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t001", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t001", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t001", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t001", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t001", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t001", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t001", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t001", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t001", [0, "", 0]]], [[0, "t001", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t001", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g229", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g230", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g231", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g232", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g229", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g230", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g231", [0, "", 0]], 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"", 0]], [1, "g035", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g036", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g040", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g041", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g042", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g055", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g055", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g056", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g095", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g096", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g095", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g096", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g122", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g123", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g124", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g125", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g126", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t001", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t001", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t001", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t001", [0, "", 0]]], [[0, "t001", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t001", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g253", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g254", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g253", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g254", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t039", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t034", [20, "Whitepulp Papper Factory", 1]], [0, "t034", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t034", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t034", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t034", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t034", [20, "Wire & Cable Factory", 2]], [0, "t034", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t034", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t034", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t034", [20, "Mike Shoes Factory", 2]], [0, "t034", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t034", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t034", [16, "Albar Construction", 2]], [0, "t034", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t034", [0, "", 9]], [0, "t034", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t081", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t073", [2, "Doodee Office", 2]], [0, "t073", [2, "ZRush Car Sparepart", 3]], [0, "t077", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t034", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t034", [6, "Billybob Repairshop", 1]], [0, "t034", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t034", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t081", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t073", [7, "Camelia Foodcourt", 1]], [0, "t073", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t073", [2, "Angel Advocate Office", 2]], [0, "t073", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t077", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t034", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t034", [14, "Blackroof Apartment", 2]], [0, "t034", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t034", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t034", [16, "Blueroof Tower Construction", 2]], [0, "t034", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t038", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g253", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g254", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g253", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g254", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t001", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t001", [0, "", 0]]], [[0, "t001", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t001", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g255", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g256", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g255", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g256", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t035", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t010", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t005", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t005", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t018", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t005", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t005", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t005", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t005", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t024", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t005", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t005", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t005", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t005", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t005", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t005", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t026", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t005", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t005", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t005", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t024", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t005", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t005", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t005", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t018", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t005", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t005", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t005", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t005", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t005", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t005", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t007", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t024", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t005", 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"t003", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t016", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t003", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t003", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t003", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t003", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t003", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t010", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t006", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t032", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t036", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t036", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t031", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t006", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t033", [21, "Falco Warehouse", 1]], [1, "g257", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g258", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g257", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g258", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t001", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t001", [0, "", 0]]], [[1, "g376", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g376", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g376", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g376", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g376", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g375", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t035", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t004", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t006", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t032", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t036", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t036", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t079", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t075", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t075", [23, "Northcity Commers Zone", 1]], [0, "t075", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t075", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t083", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t036", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t036", [0, "", 9]], [0, "t036", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t079", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t075", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t075", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t075", [23, "Misae Shopping Zone", 1]], [0, "t075", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t075", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t083", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t036", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t036", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t036", [0, "", 9]], [0, "t036", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t036", [0, "", 9]], [0, "t036", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t036", [0, "", 9]], [0, "t031", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t004", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t006", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t037", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g097", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g103", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t035", [0, "", 9]], [0, "t006", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t123", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g347", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g348", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g349", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g350", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g347", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g348", [0, "", 0]]], [[1, "g365", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g365", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g365", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g365", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g365", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g369", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t035", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t025", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t023", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t037", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g057", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g058", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g037", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g038", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g039", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g043", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g044", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g045", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g053", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g054", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g053", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g054", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g053", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g054", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g097", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g098", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g097", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g098", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t039", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t081", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t073", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t073", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t073", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t073", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t077", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t030", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t025", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t023", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t037", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g099", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g105", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t035", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t006", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t107", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g351", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g352", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g353", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g354", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g351", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g352", [0, "", 0]]], [[1, "g365", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g365", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g365", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g365", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g365", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g369", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t035", [0, "", 9]], [0, "t004", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t006", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t037", [0, "", 9]], [1, "g059", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g060", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g040", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g041", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g042", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g046", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g047", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g048", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g055", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g056", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g055", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g056", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g055", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g056", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g099", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g100", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g099", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g100", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t078", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t065", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t065", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t065", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t065", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t065", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t052", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t024", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t004", 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"", 0]], [1, "g351", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g352", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g353", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g354", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g351", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g352", [0, "", 0]]], [[1, "g365", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g365", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g365", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g365", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g365", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g369", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t035", [0, "", 9]], [0, "t004", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t008", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t005", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t005", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t005", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t005", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t005", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t005", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t024", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t005", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t005", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t007", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t037", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g211", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g212", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g213", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g214", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g173", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g174", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g175", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g176", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g177", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g151", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g152", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g153", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g154", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g155", 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"", 0]], [1, "g054", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t035", [0, "", 9]], [0, "t006", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t107", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g351", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g352", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g353", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g354", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t103", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t001", [0, "", 0]]], [[1, "g365", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g365", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g365", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g365", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g365", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g369", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t002", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g055", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g056", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t093", [25, "Waverush Surfstore", 1]], [0, "t086", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t086", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t086", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t086", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t086", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t086", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t090", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t004", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t014", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t003", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t003", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t003", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t003", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t003", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t003", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t003", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t003", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t003", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t003", [0, "", 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"", 0]], [0, "t088", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t086", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t086", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t090", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t006", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t107", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g351", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g352", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g353", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g354", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t103", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t001", [0, "", 0]]], [[1, "g365", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g365", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g365", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g365", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g369", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g070", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g071", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g072", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g368", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g365", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g365", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g365", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g365", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g365", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g365", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g369", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t035", [0, "", 9]], [0, "t004", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t006", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t037", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g327", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g328", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g329", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g330", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g331", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g332", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t085", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g305", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g306", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g307", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g308", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g309", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g073", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g074", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g075", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t035", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t004", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t006", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t037", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g097", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g103", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t035", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t023", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t107", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g347", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g348", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g349", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g350", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t103", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t001", [0, "", 0]]], [[1, "g367", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g367", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g367", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g367", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g373", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g073", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g074", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g075", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g372", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g367", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g367", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g367", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g367", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g367", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g367", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g373", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t035", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t004", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t006", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t037", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g333", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g334", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g335", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g336", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g337", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g338", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t085", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g310", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g311", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g312", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g313", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g314", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g076", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g077", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g078", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t035", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t019", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t017", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t037", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g099", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g105", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t035", [0, "", 9]], [0, "t006", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t107", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g351", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g352", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g353", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g354", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t103", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t001", [0, "", 0]]], [[0, "t001", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t001", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t001", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t001", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t001", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g076", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g077", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g078", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t039", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t034", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t034", [0, "", 9]], [0, "t034", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t034", [0, "", 9]], [0, "t034", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t034", [0, "", 9]], [0, "t034", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t030", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t004", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t006", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t033", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t034", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t081", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t073", [24, "Metroville Stadium", 1]], [0, "t073", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t077", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t034", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t087", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t034", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t081", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t073", [15, "Nofotel 5 Stars", 3]], [0, "t073", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t073", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t073", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t073", [11, "Metroville Townhall", 1]], [0, "t077", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t030", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t004", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t006", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t037", [14, "Californian Motel", 3]], [1, "g101", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g107", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t035", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t023", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t032", [0, "", 0]], 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0]], [0, "t005", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t005", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t007", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t006", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t033", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t081", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t077", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t030", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t006", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t037", [20, "Eastern Power Corp", 3]], [1, "g269", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g270", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g271", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g272", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t001", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t001", [0, "", 0]]], [[0, "t001", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t001", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t001", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t001", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g187", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g188", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g189", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g190", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t035", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t004", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t009", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t003", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t003", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t022", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t003", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t003", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t003", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t009", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t014", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t003", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t018", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t003", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t003", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t003", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t003", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t003", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t013", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t009", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t003", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t003", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t003", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t022", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t003", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t003", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t003", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t003", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t003", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t014", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t022", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t003", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t003", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t003", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t008", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t037", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g273", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g274", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g275", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g276", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t001", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t001", [0, "", 0]]], [[0, "t001", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t001", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t001", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t001", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g191", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g192", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g193", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g194", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t035", [12, "Metroville Citybank", 1]], [0, "t004", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t006", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t032", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t036", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t036", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t036", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t036", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t036", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t036", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t036", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t036", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t036", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t036", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t036", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t036", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t036", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t031", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t004", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t006", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t032", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t036", [0, "", 9]], [0, "t036", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t036", [0, "", 9]], [0, "t036", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t036", [0, "", 9]], [0, "t036", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t036", [0, "", 9]], [0, "t036", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t036", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t036", [0, "", 9]], [0, "t036", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t036", [0, "", 9]], [0, "t036", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t036", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t041", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g112", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g113", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g114", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g115", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g116", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t001", [0, "", 0]]], [[0, "t001", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t001", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t001", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t001", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g195", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g196", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g197", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g198", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t035", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t004", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t006", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t037", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g061", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g062", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g063", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g277", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g278", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g279", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g280", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g281", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g282", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g219", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g220", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g219", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g220", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t035", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t004", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t006", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t037", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g358", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g356", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g355", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g357", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g356", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g359", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g053", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g054", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g053", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g054", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g112", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g113", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g114", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g115", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g116", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g117", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g118", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g119", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g120", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g121", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t001", [0, "", 0]]], [[0, "t001", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t001", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t001", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t001", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g164", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g165", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g166", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t001", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t035", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t004", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t006", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t037", [0, "", 9]], [1, "g064", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g065", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g066", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g283", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g284", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g285", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g286", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g287", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g288", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g221", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g222", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g221", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g222", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t035", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t025", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t023", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t037", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g127", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g128", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g129", [0, "", 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"", 0]], [1, "g224", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g223", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g224", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t035", [0, "", 9]], [0, "t004", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t006", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t037", [0, "", 9]], [1, "g133", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g134", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g135", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g136", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g137", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g138", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g053", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g054", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g057", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g058", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g122", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g123", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g124", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g125", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g126", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g112", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g113", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g114", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g115", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g116", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t001", [0, "", 0]]], [[0, "t001", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t001", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t001", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g173", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g174", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g175", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g176", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g177", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t035", [17, "Indo Network Office", 1]], [0, "t004", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t006", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t088", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t086", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t086", [9, "Metroville Police Station", 1]], [0, "t086", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t096", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t086", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t086", [22, "Metromall", 1]], [0, "t086", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t086", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t100", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g225", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g226", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g225", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g226", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t035", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t019", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t017", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t037", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g139", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g140", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g141", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g142", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g143", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g144", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g055", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g056", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g059", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g060", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t092", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t086", [16, "AdKy Construction", 3]], [0, "t086", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t086", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t100", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g117", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g118", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g119", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g120", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g121", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t001", [0, "", 0]]], [[0, "t001", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t001", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t001", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g178", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g179", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g180", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g181", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g182", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t035", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t023", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t025", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t037", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g027", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g028", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g029", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t085", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t001", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t001", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t001", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g379", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g380", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g227", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g228", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g227", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g228", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t035", [17, "Fla Alliance Tower", 1]], [0, "t004", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t006", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t033", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t081", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t073", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t073", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t073", [19, "Metroville Train station", 1]], [0, "t073", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t077", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t034", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t034", [2, "TS Store", 3]], [0, "t034", [2, "Flash Express", 3]], [0, "t034", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t087", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t034", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t034", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t034", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t038", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g122", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g123", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g124", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g125", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g126", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t001", [0, "", 0]]], [[0, "t086", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t086", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t096", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t086", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t086", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t091", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g018", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g019", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t035", [0, "", 9]], [0, "t004", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t006", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t037", [0, "", 9]], [1, "g027", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g028", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g029", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t085", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t001", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t039", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t081", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g381", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g382", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t077", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t038", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g219", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g220", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t035", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t004", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t008", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t005", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t005", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t024", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t005", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t005", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t005", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t005", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t005", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t018", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t005", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t005", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t005", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t005", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t005", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t007", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t037", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g362", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g361", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g081", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g082", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g085", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g086", [0, "", 0]]], [[0, "t001", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t001", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t085", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g018", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g019", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t085", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g020", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g021", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t035", [1, "Nina's house", 2]], [0, "t004", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t006", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t037", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g030", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g031", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g032", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t085", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t001", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t035", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t026", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t266", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t266", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t024", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t037", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g221", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g222", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t035", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t004", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t009", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t003", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t003", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t022", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t003", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t003", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t003", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t003", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t003", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t016", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t003", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t003", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t003", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t003", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t010", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t006", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t037", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g361", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g361", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g083", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g084", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g089", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g089", [0, "", 0]]], [[0, "t001", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t001", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t085", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g020", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g021", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t085", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g018", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g019", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t035", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t004", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t006", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t088", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t086", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t086", [5, "City Fire Station", 1]], [0, "t086", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t098", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t086", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t090", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t022", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t021", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t269", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t269", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t037", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g223", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g224", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t035", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t004", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t006", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t032", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t036", [0, "", 9]], [0, "t036", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t036", [0, "", 9]], [0, "t036", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t089", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t036", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t036", [0, "", 9]], [0, "t036", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t036", [0, "", 9]], [0, "t036", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t036", [0, "", 9]], [0, "t031", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t004", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t006", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t037", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g097", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g103", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g104", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g103", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t001", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t001", [0, "", 0]]], [[0, "t001", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t001", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t085", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g018", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g019", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t085", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g020", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g022", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t035", [1, "Mike's House", 2]], [0, "t019", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t017", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t037", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t001", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t001", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t001", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t001", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t001", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t040", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t036", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t036", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t036", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t036", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t041", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g225", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g226", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t035", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t004", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t006", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t088", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t086", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t086", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t086", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t086", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t095", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g277", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g278", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g279", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g280", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g281", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g282", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t035", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t004", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t006", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t037", [15, "Hidden Paradise Hotel", 1]], [1, "g099", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g105", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g106", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g105", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t001", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t001", [0, "", 0]]], [[0, "t001", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t001", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t085", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g020", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g021", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t085", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g018", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g019", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t035", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t004", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t006", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t037", [0, "", 9]], [1, "g002", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g003", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g004", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g008", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g009", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g010", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g018", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g019", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g002", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g003", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g004", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g227", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g228", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t035", [17, "Greenhill Tower", 1]], [0, "t004", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t006", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t037", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g383", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g384", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g385", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g386", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t085", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g283", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g284", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g285", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g286", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g287", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g288", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t035", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t019", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t017", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t037", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g101", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g107", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g108", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g107", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t001", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t001", [0, "", 0]]], [[0, "t001", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t001", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t085", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g018", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g019", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t085", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g020", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g026", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t035", [1, "Igyzuk's House", 2]], [0, "t004", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t029", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t037", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g005", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g006", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g007", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g011", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g012", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g013", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g020", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g022", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g005", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g006", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g007", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t001", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t001", [0, "", 9]], [0, "t035", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t004", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t006", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t037", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g387", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g388", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g389", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g390", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t085", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g289", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g290", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g291", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g292", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g293", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g294", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t035", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t004", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t006", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t037", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g229", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g230", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g231", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g232", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g229", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g230", [0, "", 0]]], [[0, "t001", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t001", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t085", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g020", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g021", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t085", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g018", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g019", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t035", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t004", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t006", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t033", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t081", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t073", [1, "Mike's Mansion", 5]], [0, "t073", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t073", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t073", [1, "Bakrie's Mansion", 6]], [0, "t073", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t073", [1, "Rob's House", 3]], [0, "t073", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t073", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t073", [1, "Angelina's Mansion", 5]], [0, "t077", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t034", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t034", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t030", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t004", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t006", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t033", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t262", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t263", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t264", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t265", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t087", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t081", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t073", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t073", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t073", [22, "City Center Mall", 1]], [0, "t073", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t077", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t030", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t004", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t006", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t037", [0, "", 9]], [1, "g233", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g234", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g235", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g236", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g233", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g234", [0, "", 0]]], [[0, "t001", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t001", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t085", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g018", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g019", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t085", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g020", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g021", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t035", [1, "Richard's House", 2]], [0, "t004", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t008", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t005", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t005", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t005", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t024", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t024", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t024", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t005", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t005", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t005", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t005", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t005", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t005", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t018", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t005", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t005", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t007", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t011", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t005", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t024", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t005", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t005", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t005", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t005", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t005", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t005", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t005", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t005", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t005", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t024", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t005", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t007", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t006", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t037", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g237", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g238", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g239", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g240", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g237", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g238", [0, "", 0]]], [[0, "t001", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t001", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t085", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g020", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g021", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t085", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g018", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g019", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t035", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t009", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t003", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t003", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t003", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t003", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t022", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t022", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t022", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t003", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t003", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t003", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t028", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t003", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t003", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t016", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t003", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t003", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t003", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t003", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t003", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t022", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t003", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t003", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t003", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t003", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t003", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t003", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t003", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t003", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t003", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t022", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t003", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t003", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t008", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t037", [20, "South Industrial Area", 4]], [1, "g241", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g242", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g243", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g244", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t001", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t001", [0, "", 0]]], [[0, "t001", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t092", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t098", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t086", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t086", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t094", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g020", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g022", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t040", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t036", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t036", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t036", [1, "Beejoe House", 2]], [0, "t036", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t036", [0, "", 9]], [0, "t036", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t036", [1, "Devon's House", 2]], [0, "t036", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t036", [0, "", 9]], [0, "t036", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t036", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t036", [7, "Egypt Restaurant", 1]], [0, "t036", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t036", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t036", [2, "Metroville Post", 1]], [0, "t036", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t036", [8, "JRock Bar", 1]], [0, "t036", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t036", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t036", [2, "Pollo Store", 3]], [0, "t031", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t106", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t106", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t106", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t110", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t110", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t106", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t106", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t106", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t032", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t036", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t036", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t036", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t036", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t041", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g245", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g246", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g247", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g248", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t001", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t001", [0, "", 0]]], [[0, "t001", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t085", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g018", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g019", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g018", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g019", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g018", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g019", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g018", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g019", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g018", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g019", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g018", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g019", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g018", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g019", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g018", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g019", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g037", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g038", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g039", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g049", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g050", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g049", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g050", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g043", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g044", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g045", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g049", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g050", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g347", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g348", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g349", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g350", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g347", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g348", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g349", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g350", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g259", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g260", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g261", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g259", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g260", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g261", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g249", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g250", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g251", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g252", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t001", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t001", [0, "", 0]]], [[0, "t001", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t085", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g020", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g021", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g020", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g022", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g020", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g021", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g020", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g022", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g020", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g021", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g020", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g022", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g020", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g022", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g020", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g021", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g040", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g041", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g042", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g051", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g051", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g052", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g052", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g046", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g047", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g048", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g051", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g052", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g351", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g352", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g353", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g354", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g351", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g352", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g353", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g354", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g262", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g263", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g264", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g262", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g263", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g264", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g253", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g254", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t001", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t001", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t001", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t001", [0, "", 0]]], [[0, "t034", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t087", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t034", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t034", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t034", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t034", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t034", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t034", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t034", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t034", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t034", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t034", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t034", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t034", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t034", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t034", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t034", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t034", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t034", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t034", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t034", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t034", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t034", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t034", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t034", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t034", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t034", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t038", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g049", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g050", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t103", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t103", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g347", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g348", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g349", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g350", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g347", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g348", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g349", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g350", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g347", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g348", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g349", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g350", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g255", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g256", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t001", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t001", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t001", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t001", [0, "", 0]]], [[0, "t015", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t015", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t015", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t015", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t015", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t015", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t015", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t015", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t015", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t015", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t015", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t015", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t015", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t015", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t015", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t015", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t015", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t015", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t015", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t015", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t015", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t015", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t015", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t015", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t015", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t015", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t015", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t037", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g051", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g052", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t103", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t103", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g351", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g352", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g353", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g354", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g351", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g352", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g353", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g354", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g351", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g352", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g353", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g354", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g257", [0, "", 0]], [1, "g258", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t001", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t001", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t001", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t001", [0, "", 0]]], [[0, "t015", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t015", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t015", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t015", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t015", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t015", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t015", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t015", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t015", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t015", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t015", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t015", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t015", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t015", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t015", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t015", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t015", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t015", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t015", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t015", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t015", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t015", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t015", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t015", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t015", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t015", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t015", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t037", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t001", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t001", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t001", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t001", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t001", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t001", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t001", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t001", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t001", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t001", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t001", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t001", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t001", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t001", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t001", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t001", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t001", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t001", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t001", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t001", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t001", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t001", [0, "", 0]]], [[0, "t001", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t001", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t001", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t001", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t001", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t001", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t001", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t001", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t001", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t001", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t001", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t001", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t001", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t001", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t001", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t001", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t001", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t001", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t001", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t001", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t001", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t001", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t001", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t001", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t001", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t001", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t001", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t001", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t001", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t001", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t001", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t001", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t001", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t001", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t001", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t001", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t001", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t001", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t001", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t001", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t001", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t001", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t001", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t001", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t001", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t001", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t001", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t001", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t001", [0, "", 0]], [0, "t001", [0, "", 0]]]];
main = new MovieClip();
ground = new MovieClip();
dest_icon = new MovieClip();
masker = new my_mask();
minimap = new my_minimap();
my_help = new help();
ingame_menu = new in_game_menu();
ask_quit_menu = new ask_quit();
public_cars = new MovieClip();
bike_handler = new MovieClip();
effect_handler = new MovieClip();
skid_handler = new MovieClip();
ground_effect_handler = new MovieClip();
talk_handler = new MovieClip();
humans = new MovieClip();
trees_handler = new MovieClip();
smoke_handler = new MovieClip();
bonus_out = false;
bonus_box = new bonusbox();
bonus_pos = [0, 0];
help_drive = false;
smoke_count = 0;
m_l = 9;
m_h = 7;
m_w = 100;
ct = 0;
uw_t__l = 300;
address = [];
m__h_r__ = new MovieClip();
map_l = myMap[0].length;
map_h = myMap.length;
hero_width = 40;
key_pressed = 0;
total_car_parked = 0;
lg_m__p__ = 0;
total_police = 0;
just_repair = 0;
steer_turn = 0;
wait_x = 0;
wait_y = 0;
bullet_handler = new Shape();
bullet_time = new Timer(80);
shot_x = 0;
shot_y = 0;
p_shot_x = 0;
p_shot_y = 0;
btn_talk_1 = [];
btn_talk_2 = [];
arr_url_blocked = [];
building_id = 0;
detail_id = 0;
building_name = "";
max_rank = 0;
rank_1 = 0;
rank_2 = 0;
trade_change = 0;
stuff_found = 0;
car_power = 100;
last_gangster = 0;
stealer_check = false;
save_1 = SharedObject.getLocal("AG_1");
slot_1 =;
save_2 = SharedObject.getLocal("AG_2");
slot_2 =;
save_3 = SharedObject.getLocal("AG_3");
slot_3 =;
slot_selected = 1;
my_input = new new_game_input_name();
freegame = false;
car_bumper = 1;
car_spoiler = 0;
car_engine = 1;
car_nitros = 0;
car_steering = 1;
car_seat = 0;
taxi_type = 1;
car_price = [0, 7500, 10000, 14500];
garage_menu = 0;
repair_cost = 0;
car_engine_db = [[0, 0], [1, 750], [3, 1000], [4, 1500], [5, 2500], [6, 3000]];
car_steering_db = [[0, 0], [2, 400], [3, 600], [5, 900], [6, 1000], [7, 1200]];
car_bumper_db = [[0, 0], [1, 0], [1, 500], [2, 1000], [2, 1100]];
car_spoiler_db = [[0, 0], [1, 300], [2, 600], [4, 900], [4, 1200]];
car_nitro_db = [[0, 0], [2, 600], [4, 900], [8, 1500]];
car_seat_db = [[0, 0], [2, 400], [4, 750], [6, 1100]];
enter_garage_reason = 0;
g_smoke = new MovieClip();
ptx = false;
r_speed = 1;
r_steer = 1;
r_comfort = 1;
r_nitro = 0;
taxi_db = [[0], [1, 4, 1, 0], [3, 3, 3, 0], [5, 5, 6, 0]];
trace("scripts loaded...................");
public function cl_t__lk(_arg1:MouseEvent){
var _local2:*;
var _local3:*;
var _local4:*;
_local2 = _arg1.currentTarget;
_local3 = [];
_local4 =;
if (_local4 == "_1"){
if (btn_talk_1[0] == 0){
_local2.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, cl_t__lk);
if (arr_url_blocked[0] > 0){
if (!help_walk_is_shown){
help_walk_is_shown = true;
if (btn_talk_1[0] == 1){
if (btn_talk_1[0] == 5){
_local2.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, cl_t__lk);
if (btn_talk_1[0] == 6){
__d_t__lk(111, 0);
if (btn_talk_1[0] == 10){
end_reason = 1;
if (_local4 == "_2"){
if (btn_talk_2[0] == 0){
_local2.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, cl_t__lk);
if (arr_url_blocked[0] > 0){
public function remove_input_name(){
my_input.btn_ok.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, _gh__lp_url__);
public function remove_loading(_arg1:Event){
var _local2:*;
_local2 = _arg1.currentTarget;
if (_local2.step > 120){
_local2.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, remove_loading);
public function move_back(_arg1, _arg2){
if (((_arg1.body.hitTestPoint((main.x + _arg2.x), (main.y + _arg2.y), true)) && (!(_arg2.fall)))){
if (Math.abs(_arg1.speed) > 5){
if (__dt_url_name == 2){
} else {
} else {
if (m__h_r__.speed_x == 0){
m__h_r__.speed_x = 1;
if (m__h_r__.speed_y == 0){
m__h_r__.speed_y = 1;
db_mySQL__(-(m__h_r__.speed_x), -(m__h_r__.speed_y));
public function hero_fall(){
var _local1:*;
hero_hp_min((3 + rand(4)));
if (hero_hp > 0){
m__h_r__.fall = true;
m__h_r__.step = 1;
_local1 = m__h_r__.getChildAt(0);
run_config_x("dead_1", 100, 1);
public function check_tile_for_car(_arg1, _arg2){
var _local3:*;
var _local4:*;
var _local5:*;
_local3 = (m__h_r__.my_col + _arg1);
_local4 = (m__h_r__.my_row + _arg2);
if (myMap[_local4][_local3][0] == 0){
_local5 = Number(myMap[_local4][_local3][1].substr(1));
if (!race_scene){
if ((((((_local5 >= 3)) && ((_local5 <= 6)))) || ((((((_local5 >= 65)) && ((_local5 <= 68)))) && ((total_car_parked < 4)))))){
check_car_position(0, _local3, _local4, (_local5 - 3));
check_car_position(1, _local3, _local4, (_local5 - 3));
check_car_position(2, _local3, _local4, (_local5 - 3));
check_car_position(3, _local3, _local4, (_local5 - 3));
check_car_position(4, _local3, _local4, (_local5 - 3));
check_car_position(5, _local3, _local4, (_local5 - 3));
check_car_position(6, _local3, _local4, (_local5 - 3));
check_car_position(7, _local3, _local4, (_local5 - 3));
check_car_position(8, _local3, _local4, (_local5 - 3));
check_car_position(9, _local3, _local4, (_local5 - 3));
check_man_out(0, _local3, _local4);
check_man_out(1, _local3, _local4);
check_man_out(2, _local3, _local4);
check_man_out(3, _local3, _local4);
check_man_out(4, _local3, _local4);
check_man_out(5, _local3, _local4);
check_man_out(6, _local3, _local4);
check_man_out(7, _local3, _local4);
check_man_out(8, _local3, _local4);
check_man_out(9, _local3, _local4);
check_bike_out(_local3, _local4);
public function add_upgrade_1(){
var _local1:*;
var _local2:*;
var _local3:*;
if (garage_menu != 0){
garage_menu = 21;
_local1 = new garage_upgrade_1(); = "g_menu";
_local2 = 2;
while (_local2 <= 5) {
_local1[("rating_" + _local2)].gotoAndStop((car_engine_db[_local2][0] + (taxi_type - 1)));
_local1[("cost_" + _local2)].text = ("$ " + String((car_engine_db[_local2][1] + ((taxi_type - 1) * 2500))));
_local1[("btn_upgrade_1_" + _local2)].addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, garage_btn_handler);
if ((((money >= (car_engine_db[_local2][1] + ((taxi_type - 1) * 2500)))) && ((car_engine < _local2)))){
_local1[("btn_upgrade_1_" + _local2)].alpha = 1;
_local1[("btn_upgrade_1_" + _local2)].enabled = true;
} else {
_local1[("btn_upgrade_1_" + _local2)].alpha = 0.3;
_local1[("btn_upgrade_1_" + _local2)].enabled = false;
_local1.btn_close_21.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, garage_btn_handler);
_local3 = getChildByName("garage");
public function add_upgrade_3(){
var _local1:*;
var _local2:*;
var _local3:*;
var _local4:*;
if (garage_menu != 0){
garage_menu = 23;
_local1 = new garage_upgrade_3(); = "g_menu";
_local2 = 0;
while (_local2 <= 4) {
_local1[("rating_" + _local2)].gotoAndStop(car_spoiler_db[_local2][0]);
_local4 = (car_spoiler_db[_local2][1] + ((taxi_type - 1) * 250));
if (_local2 == 0){
_local4 = 0;
_local1[("cost_" + _local2)].text = ("$ " + String(_local4));
_local1[("btn_upgrade_3_" + _local2)].addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, garage_btn_handler);
if ((((money >= _local4)) && (!((car_spoiler == _local2))))){
_local1[("btn_upgrade_3_" + _local2)].alpha = 1;
_local1[("btn_upgrade_3_" + _local2)].enabled = true;
} else {
_local1[("btn_upgrade_3_" + _local2)].alpha = 0.3;
_local1[("btn_upgrade_3_" + _local2)].enabled = false;
_local1.btn_close_23.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, garage_btn_handler);
_local3 = getChildByName("garage");
public function add_upgrade_4(){
var _local1:*;
var _local2:*;
var _local3:*;
if (garage_menu != 0){
garage_menu = 24;
_local1 = new garage_upgrade_4(); = "g_menu";
_local2 = 2;
while (_local2 <= 5) {
_local1[("rating_" + _local2)].gotoAndStop((car_steering_db[_local2][0] + (taxi_type - 1)));
_local1[("cost_" + _local2)].text = ("$ " + String((car_steering_db[_local2][1] + ((taxi_type - 1) * 500))));
_local1[("btn_upgrade_4_" + _local2)].addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, garage_btn_handler);
if ((((money >= (car_steering_db[_local2][1] + ((taxi_type - 1) * 500)))) && ((car_steering < _local2)))){
_local1[("btn_upgrade_4_" + _local2)].alpha = 1;
_local1[("btn_upgrade_4_" + _local2)].enabled = true;
} else {
_local1[("btn_upgrade_4_" + _local2)].alpha = 0.3;
_local1[("btn_upgrade_4_" + _local2)].enabled = false;
_local1.btn_close_24.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, garage_btn_handler);
_local3 = getChildByName("garage");
public function add_upgrade_6(){
var _local1:*;
var _local2:*;
var _local3:*;
if (garage_menu != 0){
garage_menu = 26;
_local1 = new garage_upgrade_6(); = "g_menu";
_local2 = 1;
while (_local2 <= 3) {
_local1[("rating_" + _local2)].gotoAndStop((car_seat_db[_local2][0] + taxi_type));
_local1[("cost_" + _local2)].text = ("$ " + String((car_seat_db[_local2][1] + ((taxi_type - 1) * 200))));
_local1[("btn_upgrade_6_" + _local2)].addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, garage_btn_handler);
if ((((money >= (car_seat_db[_local2][1] + ((taxi_type - 1) * 200)))) && ((car_seat < _local2)))){
_local1[("btn_upgrade_6_" + _local2)].alpha = 1;
_local1[("btn_upgrade_6_" + _local2)].enabled = true;
} else {
_local1[("btn_upgrade_6_" + _local2)].alpha = 0.3;
_local1[("btn_upgrade_6_" + _local2)].enabled = false;
_local1.btn_close_26.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, garage_btn_handler);
_local3 = getChildByName("garage");
public function check_bike(_arg1){
bike_hit_car(_arg1, 0);
bike_hit_car(_arg1, 1);
bike_hit_car(_arg1, 2);
bike_hit_car(_arg1, 3);
bike_hit_car(_arg1, 4);
bike_hit_car(_arg1, 5);
bike_hit_car(_arg1, 6);
bike_hit_car(_arg1, 7);
bike_hit_car(_arg1, 8);
bike_hit_car(_arg1, 9);
if (__dt_url_name == 3){
bike_hit_car(_arg1, 10);
if (__dt_url_name == 1){
move_back(_arg1, m__h_r__);
if (((_arg1.hitTestObject(m__h_r__)) && (key_space))){
public function __e_c__d(_arg1:String){
var _local2:*;
var _local3:*;
var _local4:*;
var _local5:*;
var _local6:*;
var _local7:*;
var _local8:*;
var _local9:*;
var _local10:*;
_local2 = "";
_local3 = 0;
while (_local3 < (_arg1.length / 2)) {
_local4 = _arg1.substr((_local3 * 2), 2);
_local5 = _local4.substr(0, 1);
_local6 = _local4.substr(1, 1);
_local7 = _local4.charCodeAt(0);
_local8 = 0;
while (_local8 < e_m__.length) {
if (Number(_local7) == e_m__[_local8]){
_local10 = String(_local8);
_local9 = (_local10 + _local6);
_local2 = (_local2 + String.fromCharCode((Number(_local9) + ec__)));
return (_local2);
public function down_from_car(_arg1){
var _local2:*;
_local2 = find_free_car();
_local2.x = m__h_r__.x;
_local2.y = m__h_r__.y;
_local2.visible = true;
_local2.out = 5;
_local2.speed = 0;
_local2.rotation = m__h_r__.rotation;
if (_arg1){
_local2.hp = 0;
} else {
_local2.hp = _ml_URLRequest___hp;
_local2.is_locked = false;
_local2.driver = false;
_local2.alarm_on = false;
_local2.nitro = car_nitro;
if (mission_taxi){
mission_taxi = false;
passenger = false;
run_config_x("enter_car", 100, 1);
_local2.is_parked = true;
car_pos_x = m__h_r__.my_col;
car_pos_y = m__h_r__.my_row;
__dt_url_name = 1;
show_hero(__dt_url_name, 0);
db_mySQL__((30 * Math.cos((((m__h_r__.rotation - 90) * Math.PI) / 180))), (30 * Math.sin((((m__h_r__.rotation - 90) * Math.PI) / 180))));
public function add_upgrade_2(){
var _local1:*;
var _local2:*;
var _local3:*;
var _local4:*;
if (garage_menu != 0){
garage_menu = 22;
_local1 = new garage_upgrade_2(); = "g_menu";
_local2 = 1;
while (_local2 <= 4) {
_local1[("rating_" + _local2)].gotoAndStop(car_bumper_db[_local2][0]);
_local4 = (car_bumper_db[_local2][1] + ((taxi_type - 1) * 250));
if (_local2 == 1){
_local4 = 0;
_local1[("cost_" + _local2)].text = ("$ " + String(_local4));
_local1[("btn_upgrade_2_" + _local2)].addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, garage_btn_handler);
if ((((money >= _local4)) && (!((car_bumper == _local2))))){
_local1[("btn_upgrade_2_" + _local2)].alpha = 1;
_local1[("btn_upgrade_2_" + _local2)].enabled = true;
} else {
_local1[("btn_upgrade_2_" + _local2)].alpha = 0.3;
_local1[("btn_upgrade_2_" + _local2)].enabled = false;
_local1.btn_close_22.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, garage_btn_handler);
_local3 = getChildByName("garage");
public function add_man(_arg1, _arg2, _arg3, _arg4){
var _local5:*;
var _local6:Class;
var _local7:Object;
_local5 = 1;
if (_arg2){
_local5 = 5;
} else {
_local5 = Math.floor((_arg1 / 2));
_local6 = (getDefinitionByName(("human_" + String(_local5))) as Class);
_local7 = new (_local6);
_local7.scaleX = 0.8;
_local7.scaleY = 0.8;
_local7.x = _arg3;
_local7.y = _arg4;
_local7.visible = false;
_local7.speed = 1;
_local7.max_speed = 1;
if (rand(10) < 5){
_local7.where = -1;
} else {
_local7.where = 1;
}; = _arg1;
_local7.just_hit = 0;
_local7.out_time = 0;
if (_arg2){
_local7.is_target = true;
_local7.out = 1;
trace("target added");
} else {
_local7.is_target = false;
_local7.out = 0;
_local7.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, move_man);
public function add_upgrade_5(){
var _local1:*;
var _local2:*;
var _local3:*;
if (garage_menu != 0){
garage_menu = 24;
_local1 = new garage_upgrade_5(); = "g_menu";
_local2 = 1;
while (_local2 <= 3) {
_local1[("rating_" + _local2)].gotoAndStop(car_nitro_db[_local2][0]);
_local1[("cost_" + _local2)].text = ("$ " + String(car_nitro_db[_local2][1]));
_local1[("btn_upgrade_5_" + _local2)].addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, garage_btn_handler);
if ((((money >= car_nitro_db[_local2][1])) && ((car_nitros < _local2)))){
_local1[("btn_upgrade_5_" + _local2)].alpha = 1;
_local1[("btn_upgrade_5_" + _local2)].enabled = true;
} else {
_local1[("btn_upgrade_5_" + _local2)].alpha = 0.3;
_local1[("btn_upgrade_5_" + _local2)].enabled = false;
_local1.btn_close_25.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, garage_btn_handler);
_local3 = getChildByName("garage");
public function add_all_cars(){
var _local1:*;
_local1 = 0;
while (_local1 < 10) {
public function reset_car(_arg1, _arg2, _arg3, _arg4, _arg5, _arg6, _arg7){
var _local8:*;
_local8 = getChildByName("garage");
_local8.cash_txt.text = ("$ " + String(money));
if (_local8.getChildByName("car") != null){
trace("garage car removed");
taxi_type = _arg1;
car_bumper = _arg3;
car_spoiler = _arg4;
car_engine = _arg2;
car_nitros = _arg5;
car_steering = _arg6;
car_seat = _arg7;
public function next_weapon(){
var _local1:*;
_local1 = (sjt_4_hr__ + 1);
if (_local1 > (weapon_owned.length - 1)){
_local1 = 1;
if ((((weapon_owned[_local1] == 1)) && ((owned_bullet[_local1] > 0)))){
sjt_4_hr__ = _local1;
if (__dt_url_name == 1){
show_hero(__dt_url_name, _ml_URLRequest__);
} else {
sjt_4_hr__ = _local1;
public function minimap_sync(){
var _local1:*;
var _local2:*;
var _local3:*;
var _local4:*;
var _local5:*;
var _local6:*;
minimap.road_handler.x = ((-(m__h_r__.my_col) * 30) - ((m__h_r__.px * 30) / 100));
minimap.road_handler.y = ((-(m__h_r__.my_row) * 30) - (( * 30) / 100));
minimap.dest_handler.x = minimap.road_handler.x;
minimap.dest_handler.y = minimap.road_handler.y;
if (__url_URLRequest_){
minimap.compas.visible = true;
_local4 = (my_dest[0] - m__h_r__.my_col);
_local5 = (my_dest[1] - m__h_r__.my_row);
_local6 = Math.atan((_local5 / _local4));
if (_local4 >= 0){
minimap.compas.rotation = ((_local6 * 180) / Math.PI);
} else {
minimap.compas.rotation = (((_local6 * 180) / Math.PI) + 180);
} else {
minimap.compas.visible = false;
if (((((mission_taxi) && ((m__h_r__.my_col == taxi_dest[0])))) && ((m__h_r__.my_row == taxi_dest[1])))){
if (Math.abs(m__h_r__.speed) < 0.5){
add_taxi_dialog("", 0);
_local1 = (map_legend[1][0] - m__h_r__.my_col);
_local2 = (map_legend[1][1] - m__h_r__.my_row);
_local3 = Math.atan((_local2 / _local1));
if (_local1 >= 0){
minimap.legend.rotation = ((_local3 * 180) / Math.PI);
} else {
minimap.legend.rotation = (((_local3 * 180) / Math.PI) + 180);
minimap.legend.r_icon.rotation = -(minimap.legend.rotation);
if (Math.sqrt(((_local1 * _local1) + (_local2 * _local2))) > 15){
minimap.legend.visible = true;
} else {
minimap.legend.visible = false;
public function add_nitro(){
var _local1:*;
m__h_r__.action = false;
_l_k__dwt((Math.round((100 - car_nitro)) * -25));
_local1 = new waiting_progress();
_local1.wait_txt.text = "Installing Nitro";
_local1.step = 0;
_local1.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, close_nitro);
run_config_x("repair", 100, 1);
public function h_decompiler_dll(_arg1){
var _local2:*;
_local2 = this[("talk_" +][talk_status];
if (_local2[1] == 1){
_arg1.av_1.visible = true;
_arg1.av_2.visible = false;
if (_local2[1] == 2){
_arg1.av_1.visible = false;
_arg1.av_2.visible = true;
show_text(_arg1, _local2[2]);
_arg1.opt_1.text = _local2[3][0];
_arg1.opt_2.text = _local2[3][1];
if (_local2[3][0] != ""){
btn_talk_1 = _local2[4];
_arg1.btn_1.enabled = true;
_arg1.btn_1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, cl_t__lk);
} else {
_arg1.btn_1.enabled = false;
_arg1.btn_1.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, cl_t__lk);
if (_local2[3][1] != ""){
btn_talk_2 = _local2[5];
_arg1.btn_2.enabled = true;
_arg1.btn_2.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, cl_t__lk);
} else {
_arg1.btn_2.enabled = false;
_arg1.btn_2.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, cl_t__lk);
public function throw_grenade(_arg1, _arg2, _arg3, _arg4){
var _local5:grenade;
_local5 = new grenade();
_local5.max_step = 30;
_local5.speed = (Math.sqrt((((_arg3 - _arg1) * (_arg3 - _arg1)) + ((_arg4 - _arg2) * (_arg4 - _arg2)))) / _local5.max_step);
if (_local5.speed > 9){
_local5.speed = 9;
_local5.dx = (_arg3 - _arg1);
_local5.dy = (_arg4 - _arg2);
_local5.x = _arg1;
_local5.y = _arg2;
_local5.reflect = 0;
_local5.rot = m__h_r__.body_rot;
_local5.step = 1;
_local5.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, move_grenade);
public function close_nitro(_arg1:Event){
var _local2:*;
_local2 = _arg1.currentTarget;
if (_local2.step > 180){
m__h_r__.action = true;
car_nitro = 100;
_local2.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, close_nitro);
i_d_sc__("repair_shop", "Nitro is installed. Press N to use it, and make sure you use it only in the high speed. Do need more help ?");
public function db_mySQL__(_arg1, _arg2){
m__h_r__.old_x = m__h_r__.x;
m__h_r__.old_y = m__h_r__.y;
m__h_r__.old_col = m__h_r__.my_col;
m__h_r__.old_row = m__h_r__.my_row;
m__h_r__.col_right = Math.floor((((m__h_r__.x + (hero_width / 2)) + _arg1) / m_w));
m__h_r__.col_left = Math.floor((((m__h_r__.x - (hero_width / 2)) + _arg1) / m_w));
m__h_r__.row_bottom = Math.floor((((m__h_r__.y + (hero_width / 2)) + _arg2) / m_w));
m__h_r__.row_top = Math.floor((((m__h_r__.y - (hero_width / 2)) + _arg2) / m_w));
if (_arg1 > 0){
if (myMap[m__h_r__.my_row][m__h_r__.col_right][0] == 0){
m__h_r__.x = (m__h_r__.x + _arg1);
} else {
m__h_r__.speed = (m__h_r__.speed * 0.75);
if (m__h_r__.rotation < 0){
m__h_r__.rotation = (m__h_r__.rotation - 5);
} else {
m__h_r__.rotation = (m__h_r__.rotation + 5);
} else {
if (myMap[m__h_r__.my_row][m__h_r__.col_left][0] == 0){
m__h_r__.x = (m__h_r__.x + _arg1);
} else {
m__h_r__.speed = (m__h_r__.speed * 0.75);
if ((((m__h_r__.rotation < 180)) && ((m__h_r__.rotation > 0)))){
m__h_r__.rotation = (m__h_r__.rotation - 5);
} else {
m__h_r__.rotation = (m__h_r__.rotation + 5);
if (_arg2 > 0){
if (myMap[m__h_r__.row_bottom][m__h_r__.my_col][0] == 0){
m__h_r__.y = (m__h_r__.y + _arg2);
} else {
m__h_r__.speed = (m__h_r__.speed * 0.75);
if (m__h_r__.rotation < 90){
m__h_r__.rotation = (m__h_r__.rotation - 5);
} else {
m__h_r__.rotation = (m__h_r__.rotation + 5);
} else {
if (myMap[m__h_r__.row_top][m__h_r__.my_col][0] == 0){
m__h_r__.y = (m__h_r__.y + _arg2);
} else {
m__h_r__.speed = (m__h_r__.speed * 0.75);
if (m__h_r__.rotation < -90){
m__h_r__.rotation = (m__h_r__.rotation - 5);
} else {
m__h_r__.rotation = (m__h_r__.rotation + 5);
m__h_r__.my_col = Math.floor((m__h_r__.x / m_w));
m__h_r__.my_row = Math.floor((m__h_r__.y / m_w));
m__h_r__.px = (m__h_r__.x - (m__h_r__.my_col * m_w)); = (m__h_r__.y - (m__h_r__.my_row * m_w));
if (m__h_r__.my_col > m__h_r__.old_col){
m__h_r__.old_col = m__h_r__.my_col;
if (m__h_r__.my_col < m__h_r__.old_col){
m__h_r__.old_col = m__h_r__.my_col;
if (m__h_r__.my_row > m__h_r__.old_row){
m__h_r__.old_row = m__h_r__.my_row;
if (m__h_r__.my_row < m__h_r__.old_row){
m__h_r__.old_row = m__h_r__.my_row;
public function add_garage_smoke(_arg1, _arg2){
var _local3:*;
_local3 = new dmg_smoke();
_local3.scaleX = 1;
_local3.scaleY = 0.5;
_local3.m_s = (rand(5) + 1);
_local3.y_spd = rand(3);
_local3.x = _arg1;
_local3.y = _arg2;
_local3.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, remove_garage_smoke);
public function remove_police(_arg1){
if (_arg1.out != 3){
if (total_police < 0){
total_police = 0;
if (_arg1.my_type == "police"){
if (__dt_url_name < 3){
} else {
hero_escape = (hero_escape - 0.5);
} else {
if (__dt_url_name < 3){
gangster_escape = (gangster_escape - 1);
} else {
gangster_escape = (gangster_escape - 2);
if (hero_escape < 0){
hero_escape = (hero_wanted * 2);
trace(("hero wanted = " + hero_wanted));
if (hero_wanted == 0){
add_bonus_text("escape", 1);
if (gangster_escape < 0){
gangster_escape = (gangster_wanted * 2);
trace(("gangster wanted = " + gangster_wanted));
_arg1.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, move_police);
public function unptt_sd___k(){
my_dest[0] = 0;
my_dest[1] = 0;
__url_URLRequest_ = false;
minimap.dest_txt.text = "";
public function close_help(){
public function add_garage_car(){
var _local1:*;
var _local2:*;
if (taxi_type == 1){
_local1 = new garage_car_1();
if (taxi_type == 2){
_local1 = new garage_car_2();
if (taxi_type == 3){
_local1 = new garage_car_3();
_local1.x = 365;
_local1.y = 420;
if (car_spoiler > 0){
_local1.spoiler.visible = true;
} else {
_local1.spoiler.visible = false;
_local1.damage.gotoAndStop(Math.ceil((_ml_URLRequest___hp / 20)));
_local1.bumper.gotoAndStop(car_bumper); = "car";
_local2 = getChildByName("garage");
public function return_to_garage(_arg1:Event){
var _local2:*;
var _local3:*;
_local2 = _arg1.currentTarget;
_local2.alpha = (_local2.alpha - 0.02);
if (_local2.alpha <= 0){
_local2.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, return_to_garage);
trace(("reason = " + enter_garage_reason));
if (enter_garage_reason == 2){
show_old_man("OMG what happen with your car?? <br>You'll need a lot of money to fix it!!", false, true);
money = (money - 100);
if (money < 0){
money = 0;
if (enter_garage_reason == 3){
show_old_man("Watch out your fuel, never run out in the middle of the road again!!", false, true);
money = (money - 100);
car_fuel = 50;
if (money < 0){
money = 0;
mission_taxi = false;
passenger = false;
_local3 = getChildByName("garage");
_local3.cash_txt.text = ("$ " + String(money));
public function clean_second_job(){
trace("clean second job");
second_job = [0, [0, 0], 0, 0, [0, 0]];
mission2_time = 0;
public function add_ingame_help(){
var _local1:*;
_local1 = new ingame_help();
_local1.x = 320;
_local1.y = 240;
_local1.close_help.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, menu_click_handler);
minimap.visible = false;
public function add_explotion(_arg1, _arg2, _arg3){
public function check_mission(){
public function hero_iddle(){
var _local1:*;
_local1 = m__h_r__.getChildAt(0);
public function remove_dialog(_arg1:Event){
var _local2:*;
_local2 = _arg1.currentTarget;
if ((((((((_local2.count > 60)) || (key_space))) && (!(_local2.answer_ok.visible)))) && (( < 2)))){
if ( == 0){
_is_true_ = true;
_local2.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, remove_dialog);
} else {
_local2.count = 0;
_local2.dest_txt.htmlText = "";
_local2.add_mc.visible = false;
_local2.answer_ok.visible = true;
if ((((((_local2.count > 80)) || (key_space))) && (_local2.answer_ok.visible))){
_is_true_ = true;
_local2.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, remove_dialog);
if ((((((((_local2.count > 80)) || (key_space))) && (!(_local2.answer_ok.visible)))) && (!(_local2.add_mc.visible)))){
if ( == 2){
enter_garage_reason = 2;
_local2.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, remove_dialog);
} else {
if ( == 3){
enter_garage_reason = 3;
_local2.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, remove_dialog);
public function _l_k__dwt(_arg1){
money = (money + _arg1);
if (money < 0){
money = 0;
trace(("add money " + _arg1));
if ((((_arg1 > 0)) && (!(talk_scene)))){
run_config_x("money", 100, 1);
add_bonus_text("money ++", 1);
public function garage_menu_2(){
var _local1:*;
var _local2:*;
var _local3:*;
if (garage_menu != 0){
garage_menu = 2;
_local1 = new garage_upgrade_menu(); = "g_menu";
_local2 = 1;
while (_local2 <= 6) {
_local1[("btn_upgrade_" + _local2)].addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, garage_btn_handler);
_local1.btn_close_2.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, garage_btn_handler);
_local3 = getChildByName("garage");
public function garage_menu_3(){
var _local1:*;
var _local2:*;
if (garage_menu != 0){
garage_menu = 3;
_local1 = new garage_repair_menu(); = "g_menu";
if (_ml_URLRequest___hp == 100){
repair_cost = 0;
_local1.repair_text.htmlText = "Taxi condition is great, you don't need to repair it! <br> Get more money to upgrade it!!";
_local1.btn_g_ok.visible = true;
_local1.btn_g_yes.visible = false;
_local1.btn_g_no.visible = false;
_local1.btn_g_ok.enabled = true;
_local1.btn_g_yes.enabled = false;
_local1.btn_g_no.enabled = false;
} else {
repair_cost = Math.round(((100 - _ml_URLRequest___hp) * 2));
if (money < repair_cost){
_local1.repair_text.htmlText = (("Repair cost is <font color='#FF0000'>$ " + String(repair_cost)) + "</font> but you don't have enough money<br>Get enough money and comeback!");
_local1.btn_g_ok.visible = true;
_local1.btn_g_yes.visible = false;
_local1.btn_g_no.visible = false;
_local1.btn_g_ok.enabled = true;
_local1.btn_g_yes.enabled = false;
_local1.btn_g_no.enabled = false;
if (_ml_URLRequest___hp <= 0){
_ml_URLRequest___hp = 10;
if (hero_wanted > 0){
hero_wanted = 0;
hero_escape = 0;
} else {
_local1.repair_text.htmlText = (("Repair cost is <font color='#00CC00'>$ " + String(repair_cost)) + "</font><br>Do you want to repair it?");
_local1.btn_g_ok.visible = false;
_local1.btn_g_yes.visible = true;
_local1.btn_g_no.visible = true;
_local1.btn_g_ok.enabled = false;
_local1.btn_g_yes.enabled = true;
_local1.btn_g_no.enabled = true;
_local1.btn_g_yes.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, garage_btn_handler);
_local1.btn_g_no.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, garage_btn_handler);
_local1.btn_g_ok.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, garage_btn_handler);
_local2 = getChildByName("garage");
public function garage_menu_4(){
var _local1:*;
var _local2:*;
if (garage_menu != 0){
garage_menu = 4;
_local1 = new garage_save_menu(); = "g_menu";
_local1.btn_close_4.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, garage_btn_handler);
_local2 = getChildByName("garage");
public function time_help(_arg1:Event){
var _local2:*;
_local2 = _arg1.currentTarget;
if ((((_local2.out > 150)) && (!((_local2.currentFrame == 1))))){;
_local2.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, time_help);
public function hero_bike_iddle(){
var _local1:*;
_local1 = m__h_r__.getChildAt(0);
public function add_busted_screen(){
public function garage_menu_1(){
var _local1:*;
var _local2:*;
var _local3:*;
if (garage_menu != 0){
garage_menu = 1;
_local1 = new garage_buy_menu(); = "g_menu";
_local2 = 1;
while (_local2 <= 3) {
_local1[("car_" + _local2)].spoiler.visible = false;
_local1[("car_" + _local2)].bumper.gotoAndStop(1);
_local1[("car_" + _local2)].damage.gotoAndStop(5);
_local1[("price_" + _local2)].text = ("$ " + String(car_price[_local2]));
if ((((money >= car_price[_local2])) && (!((taxi_type == _local2))))){
_local1[("btn_buy_car_" + _local2)].enabled = true;
_local1[("btn_buy_car_" + _local2)].alpha = 1;
} else {
_local1[("btn_buy_car_" + _local2)].enabled = false;
_local1[("btn_buy_car_" + _local2)].alpha = 0.3;
_local1[("btn_buy_car_" + _local2)].addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, garage_btn_handler);
_local1.btn_close_1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, garage_btn_handler);
_local3 = getChildByName("garage");
public function _msk_rg__ptt(){
public function check_car_tile(_arg1){
var _local2:*;
_local2 = Number(myMap[_arg1.my_row][_arg1.my_col][1].substr(1));
if ((((((((_local2 == 5)) || ((_local2 == 7)))) || ((((_local2 == 11)) && ((rand(20) < 5)))))) || ((((_local2 == 12)) && ((rand(20) < 5)))))){
_arg1.turn = 180;
if ((((((((_local2 == 6)) || ((_local2 == 8)))) || ((((_local2 == 11)) && ((rand(20) < 5)))))) || ((((_local2 == 14)) && ((rand(20) < 5)))))){
if (_arg1.rot == 0){
_arg1.rot = 360;
_arg1.turn = 270;
if ((((((((_local2 == 3)) || ((_local2 == 9)))) || ((((_local2 == 13)) && ((rand(20) > 15)))))) || ((((_local2 == 14)) && ((rand(20) > 15)))))){
if (_arg1.rot < 180){
_arg1.turn = 0;
} else {
_arg1.turn = 360;
if ((((((((_local2 == 4)) || ((_local2 == 10)))) || ((((_local2 == 13)) && ((rand(20) < 5)))))) || ((((_local2 == 12)) && ((rand(20) < 5)))))){
_arg1.turn = 90;
if ((((((_local2 < 3)) || ((((_local2 > 30)) && ((_local2 < 49)))))) || ((_local2 > 53)))){
_arg1.out = 5;
public function change_weapon(_arg1){
if ((((weapon_owned[_arg1] == 1)) && ((owned_bullet[_arg1] > 0)))){
run_config_x("change_gun", 100, 1);
sjt_4_hr__ = _arg1;
reloading_weapon = 0;
if (__dt_url_name == 1){
show_hero(__dt_url_name, _ml_URLRequest__);
public function dr__g_pic(_arg1){
var _local2:*;
var _local3:*;
var _local4:tile;
ground.x = 0;
ground.y = 0;
_local2 = 0;
while (_local2 < m_l) {
_local3 = 0;
while (_local3 < m_h) {
_local4 = new tile();
_local4.my_col = (c_x + (_local2 - 5));
_local4.my_row = (c_y + (_local3 - 4));
_local4.x = (_local4.my_col * m_w);
_local4.y = (_local4.my_row * m_w);
if (_local4.my_col < 0){
_local4.my_col = (_arg1[0].length - _local4.my_col);
if (_local4.my_col > _arg1[0].length){
_local4.my_col = (_local4.my_col - _arg1[0].length);
if (_local4.my_row < 0){
_local4.my_row = (_arg1.length - _local4.my_row);
if (_local4.my_row > _arg1.length){
_local4.my_row = (_local4.my_row - _arg1.length);
_local4.old_row = _local4.my_row;
_local4.old_col = _local4.my_col;
_local4.tipe = _arg1[_local4.my_row][_local4.my_col][0]; = (Number(_arg1[_local4.my_row][_local4.my_col][1].substr(1)) + (_local4.tipe * uw_t__l)); = ((("i_" + _local2) + "_j") + _local3);
public function reload_gun(){
var _local1:*;
run_config_x("reload", 100, 1);
owned_bullet[sjt_4_hr__] = (owned_bullet[sjt_4_hr__] - gun_db[sjt_4_hr__][1]);
_local1 = 0;
if (owned_bullet[sjt_4_hr__] >= 0){
_local1 = gun_db[sjt_4_hr__][1];
} else {
_local1 = (gun_db[sjt_4_hr__][1] + owned_bullet[sjt_4_hr__]);
owned_bullet[sjt_4_hr__] = 0;
weapon_bullet[sjt_4_hr__] = _local1;
public function dist(_arg1, _arg2){
return (Math.sqrt((((_arg1.x - _arg2.x) * (_arg1.x - _arg2.x)) + ((_arg1.y - _arg2.y) * (_arg1.y - _arg2.y)))));
public function police_shoot(_arg1){
run_config_x("pistol", Math.round(((400 - dist(_arg1, m__h_r__)) / 4)), 1);
show_bullet(_arg1.x, _arg1.y, p_shot_x, p_shot_y);
public function check_police_line(_arg1){
public function setup_mission(_arg1){
ms_config__true = _arg1;
as3_delete = 0;
mission_time = 0;
trace("SIM TAXI start");
trace("add introduction here");
lg_m__p__ = 0;
public function add_option(){
var _local1:*;
_local1 = new option_screen();
if (BGM_active){
_local1.bgm_txt.text = "BGM is on";
} else {
_local1.bgm_txt.text = "BGM disabled";
if (SFX_active){
_local1.sfx_txt.text = "SFX is on";
} else {
_local1.sfx_txt.text = "SFX disabled";
_local1.btn_bgm.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, _gh__lp_url__);
_local1.btn_sfx.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, _gh__lp_url__);
_local1.btn_back_3.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, _gh__lp_url__);
public function find_max(_arg1){
var _local2:*;
var _local3:*;
var _local4:*;
_local2 = 0;
_local3 = 0;
_local4 = 0;
while (_local4 < _arg1.length) {
if (_arg1[_local4][1] > _local3){
_local2 = _local4;
_local3 = _arg1[_local4][1];
return (_local2);
public function remove_item(_arg1){
var _local2:*;
_local2 = search_item(_arg1);
if (_local2 > -1){
hero_item.splice(_local2, 1);
} else {
trace(("cant found item = " + _arg1));
public function min_fare(_arg1){
var _local2:*;
_local2 = new bonus_text();
_local2.txt_2.text = _arg1;
_local2.txt_1.text = "";
_local2.x = 620;
_local2.y = 100;
_local2.oy = _local2.y;
_local2.step = 0;
_local2.acc = -4;
_local2.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, move_min_fare);
public function check_all_trees(){
public function fla_db_dll(_arg1){
human_hit_car(_arg1, 0);
human_hit_car(_arg1, 1);
human_hit_car(_arg1, 2);
human_hit_car(_arg1, 3);
human_hit_car(_arg1, 4);
human_hit_car(_arg1, 5);
human_hit_car(_arg1, 6);
human_hit_car(_arg1, 7);
human_hit_car(_arg1, 8);
human_hit_car(_arg1, 9);
public function t__sd_URLRequest(){
var _local1:*;
_local1 = new cover();
_local1.btn_new.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, _gh__lp_url__);
_local1.btn_load.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, _gh__lp_url__);
_local1.btn_opt.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, _gh__lp_url__);
_local1.btn_help.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, _gh__lp_url__);
_local1.btn_sponsor_1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, _gh__lp_url__);
_local1.btn_sponsor_2.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, _gh__lp_url__);
_local1.btn_play_more.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, _gh__lp_url__);
public function passenger_out(){
var _local1:*;
mission_taxi = false;
passenger = false;
taxi_income = (taxi_income + Math.round(taxi_cost));
trace(((("money add " + taxi_cost) + " = ") + money));
_local1 = find_free_man();
_local1.x = (m__h_r__.x + (20 * Math.cos((((m__h_r__.rotation - 135) * Math.PI) / 180))));
_local1.y = (m__h_r__.y + (20 * Math.sin((((m__h_r__.rotation - 135) * Math.PI) / 180))));
_local1.out = 1;
add_rank(1, 1);
run_config_x("enter_car", 100, 1);
public function hero_set_walk(){
if (__dt_url_name == 3){
if (__dt_url_name == 2){
public function add_new_game_select(){
public function stealer(){
public function remove_ask_drop(){
public function add_sp_char(_arg1, _arg2, _arg3){
var _local4:*;
if (!sp_char){
_local4 = new spc_char();
_local4.x = _arg1;
_local4.y = _arg2;
_local4.rotation = _arg3; = "sp_char";
sp_char = true;
public function remove_garage_smoke(_arg1:Event){
var _local2:*;
_local2 = _arg1.currentTarget;
_local2.scaleX = (_local2.scaleX + (_local2.m_s / 60));
_local2.scaleY = (_local2.scaleY + (_local2.m_s / 60));
_local2.alpha = (_local2.alpha - (_local2.m_s / 150));
_local2.y = (_local2.y - _local2.y_spd);
_local2.x = (_local2.x + (rand(3) / 2));
if (_local2.alpha <= 0){
_local2.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, remove_garage_smoke);
public function clrscr_dos(){
var _local1:*;
var _local2:*;
var _local3:*;
var _local4:*;
_local1 = 0;
_is_true_ = false;
removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, URLRequest__mn__s);
stage.removeEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, keyDownFunction);
stage.removeEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_UP, keyUpFunction);
stage.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, onMouseUpHandler);
_local1 = (humans.numChildren - 1);
while (_local1 > 0) {
_local2 = humans.getChildAt(_local1);
_local2.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, move_man);
_local1 = (public_cars.numChildren - 1);
while (_local1 > 0) {
_local3 = public_cars.getChildAt(_local1);
_local3.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, move_car);
masker.menu_btn.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, menu_click_handler);
masker.btn_sponsor.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, _gh__lp_url__);
_local1 = (smoke_handler.numChildren - 1);
while (_local1 > 0) {
_local4 = smoke_handler.getChildAt(_local1);
_local4.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, remove_dmg_smoke);
trace(("clean all " + this.numChildren));
trace(("end_reason = " + end_reason));
if (end_reason == 0){
run_config("radio_6", 100, 200);
public function mp_bool__(_arg1){
var _local2:*;
var _local3:*;
_local2 = (ground.numChildren - 1);
while (_local2 >= 0) {
_local3 = ground.getChildAt(_local2);
f_c_t_k_l(myMap, _local3, _arg1);
if (_arg1 == 1){
ground.x = (ground.x + m_w);
if (_arg1 == 2){
ground.y = (ground.y + m_w);
if (_arg1 == 3){
ground.x = (ground.x - m_w);
if (_arg1 == 4){
ground.y = (ground.y - m_w);
public function move_bonus_text(_arg1:Event){
var _local2:*;
_local2 = _arg1.currentTarget;
if (_local2.step > 30){
_local2.y = (_local2.y - _local2.acc);
_local2.acc = (_local2.acc + 1);
_local2.alpha = (_local2.alpha - 0.05);
if (_local2.y < 100){
_local2.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, move_bonus_text);
public function hero_hp_min(_arg1){
hero_hp = (hero_hp - _arg1);
if ((((hero_hp < 0)) && (!(m__h_r__.die)))){
hero_hp = 0;
if (hero_hp > 100){
hero_hp = 100;
public function f_open(_arg1:MouseEvent){
var _local2:*;
var _local3:URLRequest;
_local2 = _arg1.currentTarget;
_local3 = new URLRequest("");
navigateToURL(_local3, "_blank");
public function close_indoor_scene(){
public function URL_op_x(){
var _local1:*;
_local1 = m__h_r__.getChildAt(0);
trace("enter car");
m__h_r__.__a_r_dd_t = 15;
run_config_x("enter_car", 100, 1);
public function keyDownFunction(_arg1:KeyboardEvent){
if (_arg1.keyCode == 65){
key_a = true;
} else {
if (_arg1.keyCode == 83){
key_s = true;
} else {
if (_arg1.keyCode == 68){
key_d = true;
} else {
if (_arg1.keyCode == 90){
key_z = true;
} else {
if (_arg1.keyCode == 88){
key_x = true;
} else {
if (_arg1.keyCode == 72){
key_h = true;
} else {
if (_arg1.keyCode == 17){
key_ctr = true;
} else {
if (_arg1.keyCode == 87){
key_w = true;
} else {
if (_arg1.keyCode == 32){
key_space = true;
} else {
if (_arg1.keyCode == 38){
key_up = true;
} else {
if (_arg1.keyCode == 39){
key_right = true;
} else {
if (_arg1.keyCode == 40){
key_down = true;
} else {
if (_arg1.keyCode == 37){
key_left = true;
} else {
if (_arg1.keyCode == 77){
key_m = true;
} else {
if (_arg1.keyCode == 78){
key_n = true;
} else {
if (_arg1.keyCode == 80){
key_p = true;
} else {
if (_arg1.keyCode == 82){
key_r = true;
} else {
if (_arg1.keyCode == 84){
key_t = true;
} else {
if (_arg1.keyCode == 49){
key_1 = true;
} else {
if (_arg1.keyCode == 50){
key_2 = true;
} else {
if (_arg1.keyCode == 51){
key_3 = true;
} else {
if (_arg1.keyCode == 52){
key_4 = true;
} else {
if (_arg1.keyCode == 53){
key_5 = true;
public function change_radio(){
var _local1:*;
if (((((key_r) && ((find_radio_track == 0)))) && ((__dt_url_name == 3)))){
trace("search radio");
find_radio_track = 1;
_local1 = (rand(3) + 1);
if (_local1 > 3){
_local1 = 3;
run_config_x(("tuning_radio_" + _local1), 80, 1);
if (find_radio_track > 0){
if (find_radio_track == 60){
radio = (rand(10) + 1);
find_radio_track = 0;
if (((key_t) && ((__dt_url_name == 3)))){
radio_is_on = !(radio_is_on);
if (radio_is_on){
radio = (rand(10) + 1);
} else {
public function move_min_fare(_arg1:Event){
var _local2:*;
_local2 = _arg1.currentTarget;
if (_local2.step > 30){
_local2.y = (_local2.y + _local2.acc);
_local2.acc = (_local2.acc + 1);
_local2.alpha = (_local2.alpha - 0.05);
if ((_local2.oy + 150) < _local2.y){
_local2.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, move_min_fare);
public function hero_die(){
var _local1:*;
if (__dt_url_name == 2){
if (__dt_url_name == 1){
_local1 = m__h_r__.getChildAt(0);
run_config_x("dead_1", 100, 1);
m__h_r__.fall = true;
m__h_r__.die = true;
m__h_r__.action = false;
m__h_r__.step = 1;
public function add_bike_help(){
var _local1:*;
var _local2:*;
_local1 = new help_bike();
_local2 = bike_handler.getChildAt(0);
_local1.x = _local2.x;
_local1.y = _local2.y;
_local1.step = 0;
_local1.visible = false;
_local1.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, remove_bike_help);
public function police_car_action(_arg1){
if (hero_wanted > 0){
if (dist(_arg1, m__h_r__) < 250){
if (__dt_url_name == 3){
_arg1.out = 13;
_arg1.out_time = 0;
} else {
_arg1.out = 4;
_arg1.last_rot = _arg1.rotation;
public function find_min(_arg1, _arg2){
var _local3:*;
var _local4:*;
var _local5:*;
_local3 = _arg1[0];
_local4 = 0;
_local5 = 0;
while (_local5 < _arg1.length) {
if (_arg1[_local5] < _local3){
_local3 = _arg1[_local5];
_local4 = _local5;
if (_arg2){
return (_local3);
return (_local4);
public function car_hit_human(_arg1, _arg2){
var _local3:*;
var _local4:*;
var _local5:*;
if (humans.numChildren > _arg2){
_local3 = humans.getChildAt(_arg2);
if ((((((((_local3.out > 0)) && ((_arg1.out < 8)))) && (!((_local3.out == 3))))) && (!(_arg1.is_parked)))){
_local4 = (_arg1.x + _arg1.f_x);
_local5 = (_arg1.y + _arg1.f_y);
if (Math.sqrt((((_local3.x - _local4) * (_local3.x - _local4)) + ((_local3.y - _local5) * (_local3.y - _local5)))) < 20){
_arg1.out = 3;
_arg1.out_time = 15;
public function move_grenade(_arg1:Event){
var _local2:*;
var _local3:*;
var _local4:*;
var _local5:*;
_local2 = _arg1.currentTarget;
_local3 = 0;
_local2.x = (_local2.x + (_local2.speed * Math.cos(((_local2.rot * Math.PI) / 180))));
_local2.y = (_local2.y + (_local2.speed * Math.sin(((_local2.rot * Math.PI) / 180))));
_local2.my_col = Math.floor((_local2.x / m_w));
_local2.my_row = Math.floor((_local2.y / m_w));
if (myMap[_local2.my_row][_local2.my_col][0] == 1){
_local2.speed = (_local2.speed * -1);
_local2.reflect = 10;
_local2.rotation = (_local2.rotation + 15);
if (_local2.step < (_local2.max_step / 2)){
_local2.scaleX = (1 + ((_local2.step * _local2.max_step) / 500));
_local2.scaleY = (1 + ((_local2.step * _local2.max_step) / 500));
if ((((_local2.step > (_local2.max_step / 2))) && ((_local2.step < _local2.max_step)))){
_local2.scaleX = (2 - ((_local2.step * _local2.max_step) / 1000));
_local2.scaleY = (2 - ((_local2.step * _local2.max_step) / 1000));
if (_local2.step >= _local2.max_step){
_local2.speed = (_local2.speed * 0.85);
if (_local2.reflect == 0){
_local3 = 0;
while (_local3 <= (humans.numChildren - 1)) {
_local4 = humans.getChildAt(_local3);
if (((!((_local4.out == 3))) && ((_local4.out > 0)))){
if (_local4.hitTestPoint((main.x + _local2.x), (main.y + _local2.y), true)){
_local2.speed = (_local2.speed * -1);
_local2.reflect = 10;
_local3 = 0;
while (_local3 <= (public_cars.numChildren - 1)) {
_local5 = public_cars.getChildAt(_local3);
if (_local5.out > 0){
if (_local5.hitTestPoint((main.x + _local2.x), (main.y + _local2.y), true)){
_local2.speed = (_local2.speed * -1);
_local2.reflect = 10;
if (_local2.reflect > 0){
if (_local2.step >= (_local2.max_step * 2)){
add_explotion(_local2.x, _local2.y, 0.5);
_local2.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, move_grenade);
public function bitly_loader__ty(_arg1, _arg2, _arg3){
var _local4:MovieClip;
var _local5:*;
var _local6:*;
var _local7:*;
var _local8:BitmapData;
var _local9:Bitmap;
var _local10:*;
var _local11:mini_map_road;
_local4 = new MovieClip();
_local5 = 0;
while (_local5 < map_l) {
_local10 = 0;
while (_local10 < map_h) {
if (myMap[_local10][_local5][0] == 0){
_local11 = new mini_map_road();
_local11.x = (_local5 * 3);
_local11.y = (_local10 * 3);
trace("minimap draw vector .... [done]");
_local6 = (3 * map_l);
_local7 = (3 * map_h);
trace((((("minimap draw bmp " + _local6) + " x ") + _local7) + "....[done]"));
_local8 = new BitmapData(_local6, _local7, true, 0);
_local9 = new Bitmap(_local8);
minimap.road_handler.scaleX = 10;
minimap.road_handler.scaleY = 10;
minimap.x = _arg1;
minimap.y = _arg2;
minimap.scaleX = 0.1;
minimap.scaleY = 0.1;
minimap.alpha = _arg3;
public function remove_bike_help(_arg1:Event){
var _local2:*;
_local2 = _arg1.currentTarget;
if (((((((key_up) || (key_left))) || (key_right))) || (key_down))){
if (_local2.step > 60){
_local2.visible = true;
if (_local2.step > 60){
_local2.visible = _is_true_;
if (_local2.visible){
if ((((_local2.step > 360)) || (!((__dt_url_name == 1))))){
_local2.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, remove_bike_help);
public function police_hit_hero(_arg1){
if (((!((_arg1.out == 3))) && ((_arg1.just_hit == 0)))){
if (dist(m__h_r__, _arg1) < 20){
_arg1.just_hit = 10;
if (__dt_url_name == 3){
if (Math.abs(m__h_r__.speed) < 7){
_arg1.rotation = (_arg1.rotation + 180);
_arg1.out = 2;
_arg1.out_time = 30;
} else {
_arg1.out = 3;
} else {
if (__dt_url_name < 3){
if (m__h_r__.die){
_arg1.what = "stop";
} else {
if (_arg1.my_type == "police"){
_arg1.what = "hit";
} else {
_arg1.what = "shot";
public function add_car(_arg1){
var _local2:cars;
_local2 = new cars();
_local2.x = 0;
_local2.y = 0;
_local2.rotation = 0;
_local2.rot = 0;
_local2.out = 0;
_local2.visible = false; = _arg1;
_local2.speed = 7;
_local2.acc = 0.3;
_local2.max_speed = 7;
_local2.turn_angle = 5;
_local2.last_out = 1;
_local2.out_time = 0;
_local2.a_turn = 2;
_local2.last_tile = "";
_local2.hit_time = 0;
_local2.wait = 0;
_local2.is_parked = false;
_local2.hit_id = -1;
_local2.hp = 100;
_local2.driver = true;
_local2.is_locked = false;
_local2.alarm_on = false;
_local2.explode = false;
_local2.nitro = 0;
_local2.hit_front = false;
_local2.sound_step = 45;
_local2.sound_out = 0;
_local2.hit_back = false; = ("c_" + String(_arg1));
_local2.scaleX = 0.85;
_local2.scaleY = 0.85;
_local2.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, move_car);
_local2.last_hit_id = -1;
public function o_l__fg(_arg1){
var _local2:URLRequest;
_local2 = new URLRequest(_arg1);
navigateToURL(_local2, "_blank");
public function open_moregame_link(){
var _local1:String;
var _local2:URLRequest;
_local1 = "sponsor link";
_local2 = new URLRequest(_local1);
public function check_bike_out(_arg1, _arg2){
public function hero_step_sound(){
if ((((((__dt_url_name == 3)) && ((steer_turn == 10)))) && ((Math.abs(m__h_r__.speed) > 7)))){
run_config_x("car_tire", 40, 1);
if ((((steer_turn > 6)) && ((Math.abs(m__h_r__.speed) > 7)))){
add_skid(m__h_r__.x, m__h_r__.y, m__h_r__.rotation);
public function garage_btn_handler(_arg1:MouseEvent){
var _local2:*;
var _local3:*;
_local2 = _arg1.currentTarget;
_local3 =;
if (_local3 == "exit"){
if (garage_menu != 0){
if (_local3 == "buy"){
if (_local3 == "upgrade"){
if (ptx){
} else {
if (_local3 == "repair"){
if (_local3 == "save"){
if ((((((_local3 == "buy_car_1")) && ((money >= car_price[1])))) && (!((taxi_type == 1))))){
money = (money - car_price[1]);
_ml_URLRequest___hp = 100;
car_fuel = 100;
reset_car(1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0);
if ((((((_local3 == "buy_car_2")) && ((money >= car_price[2])))) && (!((taxi_type == 2))))){
money = (money - car_price[2]);
_ml_URLRequest___hp = 100;
car_fuel = 100;
reset_car(2, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0);
if ((((((_local3 == "buy_car_3")) && ((money >= car_price[3])))) && (!((taxi_type == 3))))){
money = (money - car_price[3]);
_ml_URLRequest___hp = 100;
car_fuel = 100;
reset_car(3, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0);
if (_local3 == "close_1"){
if (_local3 == "upgrade_1"){
if (_local3 == "upgrade_2"){
if (_local3 == "upgrade_3"){
if (_local3 == "upgrade_4"){
if (_local3 == "upgrade_5"){
if (_local3 == "upgrade_6"){
if (_local3 == "close_2"){
if (_local3 == "close_6"){
if (_local3 == "unlock"){
if ((((((_local3 == "upgrade_1_2")) && ((money >= (car_engine_db[2][1] + ((taxi_type - 1) * 2500)))))) && ((car_engine < 2)))){
car_engine = 2;
run_config_x("repair", 100, 1);
money = (money - (car_engine_db[2][1] + ((taxi_type - 1) * 2500)));
if ((((((_local3 == "upgrade_1_3")) && ((money >= (car_engine_db[3][1] + ((taxi_type - 1) * 2500)))))) && ((car_engine < 3)))){
car_engine = 3;
run_config_x("repair", 100, 1);
money = (money - (car_engine_db[3][1] + ((taxi_type - 1) * 2500)));
if ((((((_local3 == "upgrade_1_4")) && ((money >= (car_engine_db[4][1] + ((taxi_type - 1) * 2500)))))) && ((car_engine < 4)))){
car_engine = 4;
run_config_x("repair", 100, 1);
money = (money - (car_engine_db[4][1] + ((taxi_type - 1) * 2500)));
if ((((((_local3 == "upgrade_1_5")) && ((money >= (car_engine_db[5][1] + ((taxi_type - 1) * 2500)))))) && ((car_engine < 5)))){
car_engine = 5;
run_config_x("repair", 100, 1);
money = (money - (car_engine_db[5][1] + ((taxi_type - 1) * 2500)));
if (_local3 == "close_21"){
if ((((((_local3 == "upgrade_2_1")) && ((money >= (car_bumper_db[1][1] + ((taxi_type - 1) * 250)))))) && (!((car_bumper == 1))))){
car_bumper = 1;
run_config_x("repair", 100, 1);
money = (money - (car_bumper_db[1][1] + ((taxi_type - 1) * 250)));
if ((((((_local3 == "upgrade_2_2")) && ((money >= (car_bumper_db[2][1] + ((taxi_type - 1) * 250)))))) && (!((car_bumper == 2))))){
car_bumper = 2;
run_config_x("repair", 100, 1);
money = (money - (car_bumper_db[2][1] + ((taxi_type - 1) * 250)));
if ((((((_local3 == "upgrade_2_3")) && ((money >= (car_bumper_db[3][1] + ((taxi_type - 1) * 250)))))) && (!((car_bumper == 3))))){
car_bumper = 3;
run_config_x("repair", 100, 1);
money = (money - (car_bumper_db[3][1] + ((taxi_type - 1) * 250)));
if ((((((_local3 == "upgrade_2_4")) && ((money >= (car_bumper_db[4][1] + ((taxi_type - 1) * 250)))))) && (!((car_bumper == 4))))){
car_bumper = 4;
run_config_x("repair", 100, 1);
money = (money - (car_bumper_db[4][1] + ((taxi_type - 1) * 250)));
if (_local3 == "close_22"){
if ((((((_local3 == "upgrade_3_0")) && ((money >= (car_spoiler_db[0][1] + ((taxi_type - 1) * 450)))))) && (!((car_spoiler == 0))))){
car_spoiler = 0;
run_config_x("repair", 100, 1);
money = (money - (car_spoiler_db[0][1] + ((taxi_type - 1) * 450)));
if ((((((_local3 == "upgrade_3_1")) && ((money >= (car_spoiler_db[1][1] + ((taxi_type - 1) * 450)))))) && (!((car_spoiler == 1))))){
car_spoiler = 1;
run_config_x("repair", 100, 1);
money = (money - (car_spoiler_db[1][1] + ((taxi_type - 1) * 450)));
if ((((((_local3 == "upgrade_3_2")) && ((money >= (car_spoiler_db[2][1] + ((taxi_type - 1) * 450)))))) && (!((car_spoiler == 2))))){
car_spoiler = 2;
run_config_x("repair", 100, 1);
money = (money - (car_spoiler_db[2][1] + ((taxi_type - 1) * 450)));
if ((((((_local3 == "upgrade_3_3")) && ((money >= (car_bumper_db[3][1] + ((taxi_type - 1) * 450)))))) && (!((car_spoiler == 3))))){
car_spoiler = 3;
run_config_x("repair", 100, 1);
money = (money - (car_bumper_db[3][1] + ((taxi_type - 1) * 450)));
if ((((((_local3 == "upgrade_3_4")) && ((money >= (car_bumper_db[4][1] + ((taxi_type - 1) * 450)))))) && (!((car_spoiler == 4))))){
car_spoiler = 4;
run_config_x("repair", 100, 1);
money = (money - (car_bumper_db[4][1] + ((taxi_type - 1) * 450)));
if (_local3 == "close_23"){
if ((((((_local3 == "upgrade_4_2")) && ((money >= (car_steering_db[2][1] + ((taxi_type - 1) * 500)))))) && ((car_steering < 2)))){
car_steering = 2;
run_config_x("repair", 100, 1);
money = (money - (car_steering_db[2][1] + ((taxi_type - 1) * 500)));
if ((((((_local3 == "upgrade_4_3")) && ((money >= (car_steering_db[3][1] + ((taxi_type - 1) * 500)))))) && ((car_steering < 3)))){
car_steering = 3;
run_config_x("repair", 100, 1);
money = (money - (car_steering_db[3][1] + ((taxi_type - 1) * 500)));
if ((((((_local3 == "upgrade_4_4")) && ((money >= (car_steering_db[4][1] + ((taxi_type - 1) * 500)))))) && ((car_steering < 4)))){
car_steering = 4;
run_config_x("repair", 100, 1);
money = (money - (car_steering_db[4][1] + ((taxi_type - 1) * 500)));
if ((((((_local3 == "upgrade_4_5")) && ((money >= (car_steering_db[5][1] + ((taxi_type - 1) * 500)))))) && ((car_steering < 5)))){
car_steering = 5;
run_config_x("repair", 100, 1);
money = (money - (car_steering_db[5][1] + ((taxi_type - 1) * 500)));
if (_local3 == "close_24"){
if ((((((_local3 == "upgrade_5_1")) && ((money >= car_nitro_db[1][1])))) && ((car_nitros < 1)))){
car_nitros = 1;
car_nitro = 100;
run_config_x("repair", 100, 1);
money = (money - car_nitro_db[1][1]);
if ((((((_local3 == "upgrade_5_2")) && ((money >= car_nitro_db[2][1])))) && ((car_nitros < 2)))){
car_nitros = 2;
car_nitro = 100;
run_config_x("repair", 100, 1);
money = (money - car_nitro_db[2][1]);
if ((((((_local3 == "upgrade_5_3")) && ((money >= car_nitro_db[3][1])))) && ((car_nitros < 3)))){
car_nitros = 3;
car_nitro = 100;
run_config_x("repair", 100, 1);
money = (money - car_nitro_db[3][1]);
if (_local3 == "close_25"){
if ((((((_local3 == "upgrade_6_1")) && ((money >= (car_seat_db[1][1] + ((taxi_type - 1) * 200)))))) && ((car_seat < 1)))){
car_seat = 1;
run_config_x("repair", 100, 1);
money = (money - (car_seat_db[1][1] + ((taxi_type - 1) * 200)));
if ((((((_local3 == "upgrade_6_2")) && ((money >= (car_seat_db[2][1] + ((taxi_type - 1) * 200)))))) && ((car_seat < 2)))){
car_seat = 2;
run_config_x("repair", 100, 1);
money = (money - (car_seat_db[2][1] + ((taxi_type - 1) * 200)));
if ((((((_local3 == "upgrade_6_3")) && ((money >= (car_seat_db[3][1] + ((taxi_type - 1) * 200)))))) && ((car_seat < 3)))){
car_seat = 3;
run_config_x("repair", 100, 1);
money = (money - (car_seat_db[3][1] + ((taxi_type - 1) * 200)));
if (_local3 == "close_26"){
if ((((_local3 == "g_ok")) || ((((_local3 == "g_no")) && ((repair_cost > 0)))))){
if ((((_local3 == "g_yes")) && ((repair_cost > 0)))){
if (money >= repair_cost){
money = (money - repair_cost);
_ml_URLRequest___hp = 100;
run_config_x("repair", 100, 1);
if (_local3 == "close_4"){
trace("save game");
if (_local3 == "om_ok"){
if (_local3 == "om_next"){
if (story_talk_id < (story_talk.length - 1)){
show_old_man(story_talk[story_talk_id], true, false);
} else {
show_old_man(story_talk[story_talk_id], false, true);
public function search_item(_arg1){
var _local2:*;
var _local3:*;
_local2 = -1;
_local3 = 0;
while (_local3 < hero_item.length) {
if (hero_item[_local3] == _arg1){
_local2 = _local3;
return (_local2);
return (_local2);
public function add_load_game_screen(){
var _local1:*;
_local1 = new load_game_screen();
_local1.btn_back_2.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, _gh__lp_url__);
_local1.btn_load_slot_1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, _gh__lp_url__);
_local1.btn_load_slot_2.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, _gh__lp_url__);
_local1.btn_load_slot_3.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, _gh__lp_url__);
if (slot_1 == undefined){
trace("no data 1");
_local1.slot_1.text = "< empty >";
_local1.free_1 = true;
} else {
_local1.slot_1.text = slot_1;
_local1.free_1 = false;
if (slot_2 == undefined){
trace("no data 2");
_local1.slot_2.text = "< empty >";
_local1.free_2 = true;
} else {
_local1.slot_2.text = slot_2;
_local1.free_2 = false;
if (slot_3 == undefined){
trace("no data 3");
_local1.slot_3.text = "< empty >";
_local1.free_3 = true;
} else {
_local1.slot_3.text = slot_3;
_local1.free_3 = false;
public function hero_bike_move(){
var _local1:*;
_local1 = m__h_r__.getChildAt(0);
if (_local1.currentFrame != 3){
public function __r_ch_is_true(_arg1){
var _local2:*;
trace(("removing " + _arg1));
_local2 = 0;
_local2 = (_arg1.numChildren - 1);
while (_local2 >= 0) {
public function fade_to_garage(){
var _local1:*;
_local1 = new fade();
_local1.alpha = 0;
_local1.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, send_to_garage);
public function min_fuel(_arg1){
car_fuel = (car_fuel - (car_fuel_cons * _arg1));
if (car_fuel <= 0){
car_fuel = 0;
public function remove_new_game_overwrite(){
var _local1:*;
_local1 = getChildAt(0);
_local1.btn_yes.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, _gh__lp_url__);
_local1.btn_no.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, _gh__lp_url__);
public function add_loading(){
var _local1:*;
is_paused = false;
_local1 = new new_loading();
_local1.step = 0;
_local1.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, remove_loading);
public function add_exit_help(){
var _local1:*;
var _local2:*;
_local1 = new help_exit(); = 0; = "h_exit";
_local2 = getChildByName("garage");
_local1.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, remove_help_exit);
public function add_bonus_text(_arg1, _arg2){
var _local3:*;
_local3 = new bonus_text();
if (_arg2 == 1){
_local3.txt_1.text = _arg1;
_local3.txt_2.text = "";
} else {
_local3.txt_2.text = _arg1;
_local3.txt_1.text = "";
_local3.x = 320;
_local3.y = 220;
_local3.step = 0;
_local3.acc = 4;
_local3.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, move_bonus_text);
public function ms_run_config(){
public function load_game(){
var _local1:*;
shake = 0;
_local1 = SharedObject.getLocal(("ST3_" + slot_selected));
money =;
hero_wanted =;
hero_escape =;
hero_reputation =;
recent_kill =;
taxi_income =;
save_drive =;
hero_name =;
car_fuel =;
_ml_URLRequest___hp =;
car_bumper =;
car_spoiler =;
car_engine =;
car_nitros =;
car_steering =;
car_seat =;
taxi_type =;
start_reason = "load";
public function close_repair(_arg1:Event){
var _local2:*;
_local2 = _arg1.currentTarget;
if (_local2.step > 180){
m__h_r__.action = true;
_ml_URLRequest___hp = 100;
_local2.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, close_repair);
i_d_sc__("repair_shop", "Your car is ready. Do you need anything else?");
public function sell_book(){
public function add_bike_handler(){
trace("added bike handler ... [done]");
public function make_smoke(_arg1:Event){
if (_ml_URLRequest___hp < 41){
if (smoke_count > 1){
smoke_count = 0;
add_garage_smoke(200, 340);
public function update_taxi_stat(){
m__h_r__.max_speed = (_sp_mb__url_open[48] + r_speed);
m__h_r__.turn = ((r_steer / 2) + 0.5);
trace(((("max speed = " + m__h_r__.max_speed) + "steer = ") + m__h_r__.turn));
public function check_map_legend(){
if (key_m){
lg_m__p__ = 4;
public function add_item(_arg1){
public function move_man(_arg1:Event){
var _local2:*;
var _local3:*;
_local2 = _arg1.currentTarget;
if (_is_true_){
if (_local2.out > 0){
_local2.visible = true;
_local2.f_x = (20 * Math.cos(((_local2.rotation * Math.PI) / 180)));
_local2.f_y = (20 * Math.sin(((_local2.rotation * Math.PI) / 180)));
if (_local2.out == 1){
_local2.speed = (1 + (rand(5) / 10));
if ((((_local2.currentFrame < 2)) || ((_local2.currentFrame >= 25)))){
if ((((((((((__dt_url_name == 3)) && ((_ml_URLRequest__ == 48)))) && ((rand(1000) == 534)))) && (!(passenger)))) && ((second_job[0] == 0)))){
_local2.out = 4;
if (_local2.out == 2){
_local2.speed = (2.5 + (rand(5) / 10));
if (_local2.out_time <= 0){
_local2.out_time = 0;
_local2.out = 1;
if ((((_local2.currentFrame < 2)) || ((_local2.currentFrame >= 25)))){
if (_local2.out == 3){
_local2.speed = 0;
if (_local2.currentFrame < 26){
if (dist(_local2, m__h_r__) > 400){
_local2.out = 0;
if (((_local2.is_target) && ((dist(_local2, m__h_r__) > 450)))){
if ((((second_job[0] == 2)) || ((ms_config__true == 5)))){
_local2.out = 1;
_local2.x = ((second_job[1][0] * m_w) + 50);
_local2.y = ((second_job[1][1] * m_w) + 50);
} else {
_local2.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, move_man);
if (_local2.out == 4){
_local2.speed = 0;
_local2.dx = (m__h_r__.x - _local2.x);
_local2.dy = (m__h_r__.y - _local2.y);
_local2.rad = Math.atan((_local2.dy / _local2.dx));
if (_local2.dx > 0){
_local2.rotation = ((_local2.rad * 180) / Math.PI);
} else {
_local2.rotation = (((_local2.rad * 180) / Math.PI) + 180);
if (_local2.currentFrame != 54){
if (passenger){
_local2.out = 1;
if (dist(_local2, m__h_r__) < 120){
_local2.out = 5;
if (__dt_url_name != 3){
_local2.out = 1;
if (_local2.out == 5){
_local2.dx = (m__h_r__.x - _local2.x);
_local2.dy = (m__h_r__.y - _local2.y);
_local2.rad = Math.atan((_local2.dy / _local2.dx));
if (_local2.dx > 0){
_local2.rotation = ((_local2.rad * 180) / Math.PI);
} else {
_local2.rotation = (((_local2.rad * 180) / Math.PI) + 180);
_local2.speed = 1.5;
if ((((dist(_local2, m__h_r__) > 200)) || (passenger))){
_local2.out = 1;
if ((((dist(_local2, m__h_r__) < 10)) && (!(passenger)))){
_local2.out = 0;
_local2.x = (m__h_r__.x + 200);
_local2.y = (m__h_r__.y + 200);
}; = (_local2.speed * Math.cos(((_local2.rotation * Math.PI) / 180))); = (_local2.speed * Math.sin(((_local2.rotation * Math.PI) / 180)));
_local2.next_x = ((_local2.x + + _local2.f_x);
_local2.next_y = ((_local2.y + + _local2.f_y);
_local2.next_col = Math.floor((_local2.next_x / m_w));
_local2.next_row = Math.floor((_local2.next_y / m_w));
if (myMap[_local2.next_row][_local2.next_col][0] == 0){
_local3 = Number(myMap[_local2.next_row][_local2.next_col][1].substr(1));
if ((((((((((((_local3 == 3)) || ((_local3 == 5)))) || ((_local3 == 22)))) || ((_local3 == 24)))) || ((_local3 == 26)))) || ((_local3 == 28)))){
_local2.rotation = (180 * _local2.where);
if ((((((((((((_local3 == 4)) || ((_local3 == 6)))) || ((_local3 == 23)))) || ((_local3 == 25)))) || ((_local3 == 27)))) || ((_local3 == 29)))){
_local2.rotation = (90 * _local2.where);
_local2.x = (_local2.x +;
_local2.y = (_local2.y +;
_local2.my_col = Math.floor((_local2.x / m_w));
_local2.my_row = Math.floor((_local2.y / m_w));
_local2.px = (_local2.x - (_local2.my_col * m_w)); = (_local2.y - (_local2.my_row * m_w));
} else {
_local2.rotation = (_local2.rotation + 180);
if (_local2.just_hit > 0){
if ((((Math.abs((_local2.my_col - m__h_r__.my_col)) > 6)) || ((Math.abs((_local2.my_row - m__h_r__.my_row)) > 4)))){
if (_local2.is_target){
_local2.out = 1;
_local2.x = ((second_job[1][0] * m_w) + 50);
_local2.y = ((second_job[1][1] * m_w) + 50);
} else {
_local2.out = 0;
} else {
_local2.visible = false;
} else {
if (_local2.currentFrame < 3){
public function hr_rs__(){
var _local1:*;
_local1 = m__h_r__;
_local1.speed = 0;
_local1.acc = 0.3;
_local1.speed_x = 0;
_local1.speed_y = 0;
_local1.rotation = 0;
_local1.turn = 3;
_local1.max_speed = 12;
_local1.my_col = (c_x - 1);
_local1.my_row = (c_y - 1);
_local1.old_col = _local1.my_col;
_local1.old_row = _local1.my_row;
_local1.px = 50; = 50;
_local1.x = ((_local1.my_col * m_w) + _local1.px);
_local1.y = ((_local1.my_row * m_w) +;
_local1.old_x = _local1.x;
_local1.old_y = _local1.y;
_local1.out = 1;
_local1.step = 1;
_local1.rot = 0;
_local1.fall = false; = 10;
_local1.__a_r_dd_t = 0;
_local1.die = false;
_local1.action = true;
save_drive[0] = _local1.my_col;
save_drive[1] = _local1.my_row;
trace("hero added...[done]");
trace("trees handler added...[done]");
}//package st3_fla
Section 30
//menOllinkable_51 (st3_fla.menOllinkable_51)
package st3_fla {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class menOllinkable_51 extends MovieClip {
public var logo:fade;
public function menOllinkable_51(){
addFrameScript(0, frame1);
function frame1(){
logo.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, o_l);
public function o_l(_arg1:MouseEvent){
var _local2:URLRequest;
_local2 = new URLRequest("");
navigateToURL(_local2, "_parent");
}//package st3_fla
Section 31
//nitro_panel_158 (st3_fla.nitro_panel_158)
package st3_fla {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class nitro_panel_158 extends MovieClip {
public var meter:MovieClip;
}//package st3_fla
Section 32
//police_die_blood_175 (st3_fla.police_die_blood_175)
package st3_fla {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class police_die_blood_175 extends MovieClip {
public function police_die_blood_175(){
addFrameScript(27, frame28);
function frame28(){
}//package st3_fla
Section 33
//refuel_help_161 (st3_fla.refuel_help_161)
package st3_fla {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class refuel_help_161 extends MovieClip {
public function refuel_help_161(){
addFrameScript(0, frame1);
function frame1(){
}//package st3_fla
Section 34
//sound_indicator_200 (st3_fla.sound_indicator_200)
package st3_fla {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class sound_indicator_200 extends MovieClip {
public function sound_indicator_200(){
addFrameScript(0, frame1);
function frame1(){
}//package st3_fla
Section 35
//sound_linkage_273 (st3_fla.sound_linkage_273)
package st3_fla {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class sound_linkage_273 extends MovieClip {
public function sound_linkage_273(){
addFrameScript(0, frame1);
function frame1(){
}//package st3_fla
Section 36
//spedometer_146 (st3_fla.spedometer_146)
package st3_fla {
import flash.display.*;
import flash.text.*;
public dynamic class spedometer_146 extends MovieClip {
public var pointer_mc:MovieClip;
public var speed_txt:TextField;
}//package st3_fla
Section 37
//spoiler_224 (st3_fla.spoiler_224)
package st3_fla {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class spoiler_224 extends MovieClip {
public function spoiler_224(){
addFrameScript(0, frame1);
function frame1(){
}//package st3_fla
Section 38
//star_rating_217 (st3_fla.star_rating_217)
package st3_fla {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class star_rating_217 extends MovieClip {
public function star_rating_217(){
addFrameScript(0, frame1);
function frame1(){
}//package st3_fla
Section 39
//talk_avatar_184 (st3_fla.talk_avatar_184)
package st3_fla {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class talk_avatar_184 extends MovieClip {
public function talk_avatar_184(){
addFrameScript(0, frame1);
function frame1(){
}//package st3_fla
Section 40
//taxi_body_269 (st3_fla.taxi_body_269)
package st3_fla {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class taxi_body_269 extends MovieClip {
public function taxi_body_269(){
addFrameScript(0, frame1);
function frame1(){
}//package st3_fla
Section 41
//wanted_level_150 (st3_fla.wanted_level_150)
package st3_fla {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class wanted_level_150 extends MovieClip {
public function wanted_level_150(){
addFrameScript(0, frame1);
function frame1(){
}//package st3_fla
Section 42
//ask_quit (ask_quit)
package {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class ask_quit extends MovieClip {
public var btn_ofg:SimpleButton;
public var btn_yes_quit:SimpleButton;
public var btn_no_quit:SimpleButton;
Section 43
//bike (bike)
package {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class bike extends MovieClip {
public var body:MovieClip;
Section 44
//bonus_text (bonus_text)
package {
import flash.display.*;
import flash.text.*;
public dynamic class bonus_text extends MovieClip {
public var txt_1:TextField;
public var txt_2:TextField;
Section 45
//bonus1 (bonus1)
package {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class bonus1 extends MovieClip {
Section 46
//bonus2 (bonus2)
package {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class bonus2 extends MovieClip {
Section 47
//bonusbox (bonusbox)
package {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class bonusbox extends MovieClip {
public function bonusbox(){
addFrameScript(0, frame1, 13, frame14);
function frame14(){
function frame1(){
Section 48
//car_alarm (car_alarm)
package {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class car_alarm extends MovieClip {
public function car_alarm(){
addFrameScript(0, frame1);
function frame1(){
Section 49
//car_locker (car_locker)
package {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class car_locker extends MovieClip {
Section 50
//car_taxi (car_taxi)
package {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class car_taxi extends MovieClip {
public var body:MovieClip;
public var spoiler:MovieClip;
public function car_taxi(){
addFrameScript(0, frame1);
function frame1(){
Section 51
//cars (cars)
package {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class cars extends MovieClip {
public var body:MovieClip;
public function cars(){
addFrameScript(0, frame1);
function frame1(){
Section 52
//cover (cover)
package {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class cover extends MovieClip {
public var btn_sponsor_1:SimpleButton;
public var btn_sponsor_2:SimpleButton;
public var btn_new:SimpleButton;
public var btn_opt:SimpleButton;
public var btn_play_more:SimpleButton;
public var btn_help:SimpleButton;
public var btn_load:SimpleButton;
Section 53
//dest_map (dest_map)
package {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class dest_map extends MovieClip {
Section 54
//dest_minimap (dest_minimap)
package {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class dest_minimap extends MovieClip {
Section 55
//dest_minimap_red (dest_minimap_red)
package {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class dest_minimap_red extends MovieClip {
Section 56
//dmg_smoke (dmg_smoke)
package {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class dmg_smoke extends MovieClip {
Section 57
//down_bike (down_bike)
package {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class down_bike extends MovieClip {
public function down_bike(){
addFrameScript(14, frame15);
function frame15(){
Section 58
//empty (empty)
package {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class empty extends MovieClip {
Section 59
//end_text (end_text)
package {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class end_text extends MovieClip {
Section 60
//fade (fade)
package {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class fade extends MovieClip {
Section 61
//gangster (gangster)
package {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class gangster extends MovieClip {
public var b_hit:MovieClip;
public var warn:MovieClip;
public var b_walk:MovieClip;
public var b_shot:MovieClip;
public function gangster(){
addFrameScript(0, frame1);
function frame1(){
Section 62
//garage (garage)
package {
import flash.display.*;
import flash.text.*;
public dynamic class garage extends MovieClip {
public var btn_buy:SimpleButton;
public var rating_speed:MovieClip;
public var rating_nitro:MovieClip;
public var btn_exit:SimpleButton;
public var rating_comfort:MovieClip;
public var btn_sponsor:SimpleButton;
public var btn_upgrade:SimpleButton;
public var cash_txt:TextField;
public var btn_save:SimpleButton;
public var rating_steer:MovieClip;
public var btn_repair:SimpleButton;
public var rating_hp:MovieClip;
Section 63
//garage_buy_menu (garage_buy_menu)
package {
import flash.display.*;
import flash.text.*;
public dynamic class garage_buy_menu extends MovieClip {
public var btn_buy_car_1:SimpleButton;
public var btn_buy_car_2:SimpleButton;
public var btn_buy_car_3:SimpleButton;
public var car_2:garage_car_2;
public var car_1:garage_car_1;
public var car_3:garage_car_3;
public var price_1:TextField;
public var price_3:TextField;
public var price_2:TextField;
public var btn_close_1:SimpleButton;
Section 64
//garage_car_1 (garage_car_1)
package {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class garage_car_1 extends MovieClip {
public var bumper:MovieClip;
public var damage:MovieClip;
public var spoiler:MovieClip;
Section 65
//garage_car_2 (garage_car_2)
package {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class garage_car_2 extends MovieClip {
public var bumper:MovieClip;
public var damage:MovieClip;
public var spoiler:MovieClip;
Section 66
//garage_car_3 (garage_car_3)
package {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class garage_car_3 extends MovieClip {
public var bumper:MovieClip;
public var damage:MovieClip;
public var spoiler:MovieClip;
Section 67
//garage_old_man (garage_old_man)
package {
import flash.display.*;
import flash.text.*;
public dynamic class garage_old_man extends MovieClip {
public var btn_om_ok:SimpleButton;
public var btn_om_next:SimpleButton;
public var talk_text:TextField;
Section 68
//garage_repair_menu (garage_repair_menu)
package {
import flash.display.*;
import flash.text.*;
public dynamic class garage_repair_menu extends MovieClip {
public var btn_g_yes:SimpleButton;
public var repair_text:TextField;
public var btn_g_ok:SimpleButton;
public var btn_g_no:SimpleButton;
Section 69
//garage_save_menu (garage_save_menu)
package {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class garage_save_menu extends MovieClip {
public var btn_close_4:SimpleButton;
Section 70
//garage_upgrade_1 (garage_upgrade_1)
package {
import flash.display.*;
import flash.text.*;
public dynamic class garage_upgrade_1 extends MovieClip {
public var rating_2:MovieClip;
public var rating_4:MovieClip;
public var rating_5:MovieClip;
public var rating_3:MovieClip;
public var cost_5:TextField;
public var cost_3:TextField;
public var btn_close_21:SimpleButton;
public var btn_upgrade_1_3:SimpleButton;
public var btn_upgrade_1_5:SimpleButton;
public var btn_upgrade_1_4:SimpleButton;
public var btn_upgrade_1_2:SimpleButton;
public var cost_2:TextField;
public var cost_4:TextField;
Section 71
//garage_upgrade_2 (garage_upgrade_2)
package {
import flash.display.*;
import flash.text.*;
public dynamic class garage_upgrade_2 extends MovieClip {
public var rating_2:MovieClip;
public var rating_4:MovieClip;
public var rating_1:MovieClip;
public var rating_3:MovieClip;
public var cost_1:TextField;
public var cost_3:TextField;
public var btn_upgrade_2_2:SimpleButton;
public var btn_close_22:SimpleButton;
public var btn_upgrade_2_1:SimpleButton;
public var btn_upgrade_2_4:SimpleButton;
public var cost_4:TextField;
public var btn_upgrade_2_3:SimpleButton;
public var cost_2:TextField;
Section 72
//garage_upgrade_3 (garage_upgrade_3)
package {
import flash.display.*;
import flash.text.*;
public dynamic class garage_upgrade_3 extends MovieClip {
public var rating_0:MovieClip;
public var rating_2:MovieClip;
public var rating_4:MovieClip;
public var btn_upgrade_3_0:SimpleButton;
public var rating_3:MovieClip;
public var btn_upgrade_3_1:SimpleButton;
public var btn_upgrade_3_3:SimpleButton;
public var rating_1:MovieClip;
public var cost_1:TextField;
public var btn_upgrade_3_4:SimpleButton;
public var cost_0:TextField;
public var cost_3:TextField;
public var btn_upgrade_3_2:SimpleButton;
public var btn_close_23:SimpleButton;
public var cost_2:TextField;
public var cost_4:TextField;
Section 73
//garage_upgrade_4 (garage_upgrade_4)
package {
import flash.display.*;
import flash.text.*;
public dynamic class garage_upgrade_4 extends MovieClip {
public var btn_upgrade_4_5:SimpleButton;
public var rating_2:MovieClip;
public var rating_4:MovieClip;
public var rating_5:MovieClip;
public var btn_upgrade_4_4:SimpleButton;
public var rating_3:MovieClip;
public var cost_5:TextField;
public var cost_3:TextField;
public var cost_2:TextField;
public var btn_close_24:SimpleButton;
public var cost_4:TextField;
public var btn_upgrade_4_2:SimpleButton;
public var btn_upgrade_4_3:SimpleButton;
Section 74
//garage_upgrade_5 (garage_upgrade_5)
package {
import flash.display.*;
import flash.text.*;
public dynamic class garage_upgrade_5 extends MovieClip {
public var rating_2:MovieClip;
public var rating_1:MovieClip;
public var rating_3:MovieClip;
public var cost_1:TextField;
public var cost_3:TextField;
public var btn_close_25:SimpleButton;
public var btn_upgrade_5_1:SimpleButton;
public var btn_upgrade_5_2:SimpleButton;
public var cost_2:TextField;
public var btn_upgrade_5_3:SimpleButton;
Section 75
//garage_upgrade_6 (garage_upgrade_6)
package {
import flash.display.*;
import flash.text.*;
public dynamic class garage_upgrade_6 extends MovieClip {
public var rating_2:MovieClip;
public var rating_1:MovieClip;
public var rating_3:MovieClip;
public var cost_1:TextField;
public var cost_3:TextField;
public var btn_upgrade_6_2:SimpleButton;
public var btn_upgrade_6_1:SimpleButton;
public var btn_upgrade_6_3:SimpleButton;
public var cost_2:TextField;
public var btn_close_26:SimpleButton;
Section 76
//garage_upgrade_locked (garage_upgrade_locked)
package {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class garage_upgrade_locked extends MovieClip {
public var btn_unlock:SimpleButton;
public var btn_close_6:SimpleButton;
Section 77
//garage_upgrade_menu (garage_upgrade_menu)
package {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class garage_upgrade_menu extends MovieClip {
public var btn_upgrade_2:SimpleButton;
public var btn_upgrade_3:SimpleButton;
public var btn_upgrade_5:SimpleButton;
public var btn_upgrade_6:SimpleButton;
public var btn_upgrade_4:SimpleButton;
public var btn_upgrade_1:SimpleButton;
public var btn_close_2:SimpleButton;
Section 78
//go_bike (go_bike)
package {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class go_bike extends MovieClip {
public function go_bike(){
addFrameScript(0, frame1);
function frame1(){
Section 79
//grenade (grenade)
package {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class grenade extends MovieClip {
Section 80
//help (help)
package {
import flash.display.*;
import flash.text.*;
import flash.utils.*;
import adobe.utils.*;
import flash.accessibility.*;
import flash.errors.*;
import flash.external.*;
import flash.filters.*;
import flash.geom.*;
import flash.printing.*;
import flash.system.*;
import flash.ui.*;
import flash.xml.*;
public dynamic class help extends MovieClip {
public var my_help:MovieClip;
public function help(){
addFrameScript(0, frame1, 10, frame11, 19, frame20);
function frame1(){
function frame20(){
function frame11(){
Section 81
//help_1st (help_1st)
package {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class help_1st extends MovieClip {
Section 82
//help_bike (help_bike)
package {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class help_bike extends MovieClip {
Section 83
//help_exit (help_exit)
package {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class help_exit extends MovieClip {
Section 84
//help_screen (help_screen)
package {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class help_screen extends MovieClip {
public var btn_back_4:SimpleButton;
public var helps:MovieClip;
Section 85
//human_0 (human_0)
package {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class human_0 extends MovieClip {
public function human_0(){
addFrameScript(0, frame1, 24, frame25, 52, frame53);
function frame1(){
function frame25(){
function frame53(){
Section 86
//human_1 (human_1)
package {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class human_1 extends MovieClip {
public function human_1(){
addFrameScript(0, frame1, 24, frame25, 52, frame53);
function frame1(){
function frame25(){
function frame53(){
Section 87
//human_2 (human_2)
package {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class human_2 extends MovieClip {
public function human_2(){
addFrameScript(0, frame1, 24, frame25, 52, frame53);
function frame1(){
function frame25(){
function frame53(){
Section 88
//human_3 (human_3)
package {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class human_3 extends MovieClip {
public function human_3(){
addFrameScript(0, frame1, 24, frame25, 52, frame53);
function frame1(){
function frame25(){
function frame53(){
Section 89
//human_4 (human_4)
package {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class human_4 extends MovieClip {
public function human_4(){
addFrameScript(0, frame1, 24, frame25, 52, frame53);
function frame1(){
function frame25(){
function frame53(){
Section 90
//human_5 (human_5)
package {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class human_5 extends MovieClip {
public var warn:MovieClip;
public var b_walk:MovieClip;
public function human_5(){
addFrameScript(0, frame1, 24, frame25, 52, frame53);
function frame1(){
function frame25(){
function frame53(){
Section 91
//in_game_menu (in_game_menu)
package {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class in_game_menu extends MovieClip {
public var btn_sponsor:SimpleButton;
public var help_btn:SimpleButton;
public var quit_btn:SimpleButton;
public var opt_btn:SimpleButton;
public var continue_btn:SimpleButton;
Section 92
//ingame_help (ingame_help)
package {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class ingame_help extends MovieClip {
public var helps:MovieClip;
public var close_help:SimpleButton;
Section 93
//load_game_screen (load_game_screen)
package {
import flash.display.*;
import flash.text.*;
public dynamic class load_game_screen extends MovieClip {
public var btn_back_2:SimpleButton;
public var slot_1:TextField;
public var slot_2:TextField;
public var slot_3:TextField;
public var btn_load_slot_3:SimpleButton;
public var btn_load_slot_2:SimpleButton;
public var btn_load_slot_1:SimpleButton;
Section 94
//mini_map_race (mini_map_race)
package {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class mini_map_race extends MovieClip {
public function mini_map_race(){
addFrameScript(0, frame1);
function frame1(){
Section 95
//mini_map_road (mini_map_road)
package {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class mini_map_road extends MovieClip {
public function mini_map_road(){
addFrameScript(0, frame1);
function frame1(){
Section 96
//my_char (my_char)
package {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class my_char extends MovieClip {
public function my_char(){
addFrameScript(0, frame1);
function frame1(){
Section 97
//my_char_gun (my_char_gun)
package {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class my_char_gun extends MovieClip {
public var body:MovieClip;
public function my_char_gun(){
addFrameScript(0, frame1);
function frame1(){
Section 98
//my_char_gun_2 (my_char_gun_2)
package {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class my_char_gun_2 extends MovieClip {
public var body:MovieClip;
public function my_char_gun_2(){
addFrameScript(0, frame1);
function frame1(){
Section 99
//my_char_gun_3 (my_char_gun_3)
package {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class my_char_gun_3 extends MovieClip {
public var body:MovieClip;
public function my_char_gun_3(){
addFrameScript(0, frame1);
function frame1(){
Section 100
//my_mask (my_mask)
package {
import flash.display.*;
import flash.text.*;
public dynamic class my_mask extends MovieClip {
public var taxi_icon:MovieClip;
public var nitro:MovieClip;
public var fuel_help:MovieClip;
public var wanted_mc:MovieClip;
public var gun_cursor:MovieClip;
public var btn_sponsor:SimpleButton;
public var taxi_cost:TextField;
public var car_hp:MovieClip;
public var money_txt:TextField;
public var menu_btn:SimpleButton;
public var speedometer:MovieClip;
public var fuelmeter:MovieClip;
public var temp_txt:TextField;
Section 101
//my_minimap (my_minimap)
package {
import flash.display.*;
import flash.text.*;
public dynamic class my_minimap extends MovieClip {
public var legend:MovieClip;
public var road_handler:empty;
public var dest_txt:TextField;
public var compas:MovieClip;
public var dest_handler:empty;
Section 102
//new_game_input_name (new_game_input_name)
package {
import flash.display.*;
import flash.text.*;
public dynamic class new_game_input_name extends MovieClip {
public var p_name:TextField;
public var btn_ok:SimpleButton;
Section 103
//new_game_overwrite (new_game_overwrite)
package {
import flash.display.*;
import flash.text.*;
public dynamic class new_game_overwrite extends MovieClip {
public var slot_name:TextField;
public var btn_no:SimpleButton;
public var btn_yes:SimpleButton;
Section 104
//new_game_screen (new_game_screen)
package {
import flash.display.*;
import flash.text.*;
public dynamic class new_game_screen extends MovieClip {
public var btn_back_1:SimpleButton;
public var slot_1:TextField;
public var slot_2:TextField;
public var slot_3:TextField;
public var btn_slot_3:SimpleButton;
public var btn_slot_2:SimpleButton;
public var btn_slot_1:SimpleButton;
Section 105
//new_loading (new_loading)
package {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class new_loading extends MovieClip {
Section 106
//obstacle (obstacle)
package {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class obstacle extends MovieClip {
public function obstacle(){
addFrameScript(0, frame1);
function frame1(){
Section 107
//option_screen (option_screen)
package {
import flash.display.*;
import flash.text.*;
public dynamic class option_screen extends MovieClip {
public var btn_back_3:SimpleButton;
public var btn_sfx:SimpleButton;
public var btn_bgm:SimpleButton;
public var bgm_txt:TextField;
public var sfx_txt:TextField;
Section 108
//police (police)
package {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class police extends MovieClip {
public var b_hit:MovieClip;
public var warn:MovieClip;
public var b_walk:MovieClip;
public var b_shot:MovieClip;
public function police(){
addFrameScript(0, frame1);
function frame1(){
Section 109
//race_result (race_result)
package {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class race_result extends MovieClip {
public function race_result(){
addFrameScript(0, frame1);
function frame1(){
Section 110
//road_mark_race (road_mark_race)
package {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class road_mark_race extends MovieClip {
public function road_mark_race(){
addFrameScript(0, frame1);
function frame1(){
Section 111
//smoke (smoke)
package {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class smoke extends MovieClip {
Section 112
//sound_bike_fall (sound_bike_fall)
package {
public dynamic class sound_bike_fall extends Sound {
Section 113
//sound_bullet_hit_car (sound_bullet_hit_car)
package {
public dynamic class sound_bullet_hit_car extends Sound {
Section 114
//sound_car_alarm (sound_car_alarm)
package {
public dynamic class sound_car_alarm extends Sound {
Section 115
//sound_car_crash (sound_car_crash)
package {
public dynamic class sound_car_crash extends Sound {
Section 116
//sound_car_engine (sound_car_engine)
package {
public dynamic class sound_car_engine extends Sound {
Section 117
//sound_car_horn (sound_car_horn)
package {
public dynamic class sound_car_horn extends Sound {
Section 118
//sound_car_tire (sound_car_tire)
package {
public dynamic class sound_car_tire extends Sound {
Section 119
//sound_city (sound_city)
package {
public dynamic class sound_city extends Sound {
Section 120
//sound_click (sound_click)
package {
public dynamic class sound_click extends Sound {
Section 121
//sound_clink (sound_clink)
package {
public dynamic class sound_clink extends Sound {
Section 122
//sound_crash (sound_crash)
package {
public dynamic class sound_crash extends Sound {
Section 123
//sound_dead_1 (sound_dead_1)
package {
public dynamic class sound_dead_1 extends Sound {
Section 124
//sound_dead_2 (sound_dead_2)
package {
public dynamic class sound_dead_2 extends Sound {
Section 125
//sound_dead_3 (sound_dead_3)
package {
public dynamic class sound_dead_3 extends Sound {
Section 126
//sound_enter_car (sound_enter_car)
package {
public dynamic class sound_enter_car extends Sound {
Section 127
//sound_explode (sound_explode)
package {
public dynamic class sound_explode extends Sound {
Section 128
//sound_foot_step (sound_foot_step)
package {
public dynamic class sound_foot_step extends Sound {
Section 129
//sound_gun (sound_gun)
package {
public dynamic class sound_gun extends Sound {
Section 130
//sound_hijack_failed (sound_hijack_failed)
package {
public dynamic class sound_hijack_failed extends Sound {
Section 131
//sound_human_crash (sound_human_crash)
package {
public dynamic class sound_human_crash extends Sound {
Section 132
//sound_money (sound_money)
package {
public dynamic class sound_money extends Sound {
Section 133
//sound_option (sound_option)
package {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class sound_option extends MovieClip {
public var btn_sfx:SimpleButton;
public var bgm_stat:MovieClip;
public var btn_bgm:SimpleButton;
public var close_option:SimpleButton;
public var sfx_stat:MovieClip;
Section 134
//sound_pistol (sound_pistol)
package {
public dynamic class sound_pistol extends Sound {
Section 135
//sound_planting_bomb (sound_planting_bomb)
package {
public dynamic class sound_planting_bomb extends Sound {
Section 136
//sound_radio_1 (sound_radio_1)
package {
public dynamic class sound_radio_1 extends Sound {
Section 137
//sound_radio_10 (sound_radio_10)
package {
public dynamic class sound_radio_10 extends Sound {
Section 138
//sound_radio_11 (sound_radio_11)
package {
public dynamic class sound_radio_11 extends Sound {
Section 139
//sound_radio_2 (sound_radio_2)
package {
public dynamic class sound_radio_2 extends Sound {
Section 140
//sound_radio_3 (sound_radio_3)
package {
public dynamic class sound_radio_3 extends Sound {
Section 141
//sound_radio_4 (sound_radio_4)
package {
public dynamic class sound_radio_4 extends Sound {
Section 142
//sound_radio_5 (sound_radio_5)
package {
public dynamic class sound_radio_5 extends Sound {
Section 143
//sound_radio_6 (sound_radio_6)
package {
public dynamic class sound_radio_6 extends Sound {
Section 144
//sound_radio_7 (sound_radio_7)
package {
public dynamic class sound_radio_7 extends Sound {
Section 145
//sound_radio_8 (sound_radio_8)
package {
public dynamic class sound_radio_8 extends Sound {
Section 146
//sound_radio_9 (sound_radio_9)
package {
public dynamic class sound_radio_9 extends Sound {
Section 147
//sound_reload (sound_reload)
package {
public dynamic class sound_reload extends Sound {
Section 148
//sound_repair (sound_repair)
package {
public dynamic class sound_repair extends Sound {
Section 149
//sound_sirine (sound_sirine)
package {
public dynamic class sound_sirine extends Sound {
Section 150
//sound_start_car (sound_start_car)
package {
public dynamic class sound_start_car extends Sound {
Section 151
//sound_tuning_radio_1 (sound_tuning_radio_1)
package {
public dynamic class sound_tuning_radio_1 extends Sound {
Section 152
//sound_tuning_radio_2 (sound_tuning_radio_2)
package {
public dynamic class sound_tuning_radio_2 extends Sound {
Section 153
//sound_tuning_radio_3 (sound_tuning_radio_3)
package {
public dynamic class sound_tuning_radio_3 extends Sound {
Section 154
//spc_char (spc_char)
package {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class spc_char extends MovieClip {
Section 155
//stuff (stuff)
package {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class stuff extends MovieClip {
Section 156
//talk (talk)
package {
import flash.display.*;
import flash.text.*;
public dynamic class talk extends MovieClip {
public var btn_1:SimpleButton;
public var btn_2:SimpleButton;
public var talk_txt:TextField;
public var opt_2:TextField;
public var av_1:MovieClip;
public var av_2:MovieClip;
public var opt_1:TextField;
Section 157
//taxi_dialog_1 (taxi_dialog_1)
package {
import flash.display.*;
import flash.text.*;
public dynamic class taxi_dialog_1 extends MovieClip {
public var add_mc:MovieClip;
public var dest_txt:TextField;
public var fuel_msg:MovieClip;
public var damage_msg:MovieClip;
public var car:garage_car_1;
public var answer_ok:MovieClip;
Section 158
//taxi_dialog_2 (taxi_dialog_2)
package {
import flash.display.*;
import flash.text.*;
public dynamic class taxi_dialog_2 extends MovieClip {
public var add_mc:MovieClip;
public var dest_txt:TextField;
public var fuel_msg:MovieClip;
public var damage_msg:MovieClip;
public var car:garage_car_2;
public var answer_ok:MovieClip;
Section 159
//taxi_dialog_3 (taxi_dialog_3)
package {
import flash.display.*;
import flash.text.*;
public dynamic class taxi_dialog_3 extends MovieClip {
public var add_mc:MovieClip;
public var dest_txt:TextField;
public var fuel_msg:MovieClip;
public var damage_msg:MovieClip;
public var car:garage_car_3;
public var answer_ok:MovieClip;
Section 160
//tile (tile)
package {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class tile extends MovieClip {
public function tile(){
addFrameScript(0, frame1);
function frame1(){
Section 161
//tire_skid (tire_skid)
package {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class tire_skid extends MovieClip {
Section 162
//tree (tree)
package {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class tree extends MovieClip {
Section 163
//waiting_progress (waiting_progress)
package {
import flash.display.*;
import flash.text.*;
public dynamic class waiting_progress extends MovieClip {
public var wait_txt:TextField;