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Pony Comic Generator v1.01 - Vacation Update by GingerFoxy.swf

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Flash #235949

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Rares! You'll never
believe what i've baked!

Hello, fashion horse!

You put a
gator in
my tub!

You're late!

can twi's life potion
affect marshmallows?

um... Rarity, I may have
accedentallly filled
your boutique with
cotton candy clouds...

rares, want some of
this eggnog i found in
the basement?

you know what your
horn reminds me of?


Do you ever wonder
where this stuff
comes from?

Want some cupcakes?

This is what you sound
like to me.

Are you ready to join
the sisterhood of the
sacred cupcake?

Do you think Celestia is
really watching us?

gaze deep into my
crystal ball...

Are you my mummy?

Wanna put these on
and go beat up dash

Pinkie dear! come here
for a bit! I've got
something to show you.

We need your help!
It's an emergency!

Shhhh! My pinkie sense
is tingling...

You're a silly filly,
Pinkie Pie...

When was the last time
you've been to the gym?

Shhh... I'm gonna tell
you a secret.

Guess what I can do!

meet my new
friend. He really
likes unicorns!

Are you okay?

Raaaarity... let's go to
the candy mountain...

What happened?
You're a mess!

You think you're sooo

Let's see
what you
look like
under all

Hey Rares! I've learned
to be fabulous!
wanna see?

Wheeeen you're rife with
devastation there's a
simple explanation:

you're a
inside a

Where were you on the
night of the sixteenth?

Hey, Rares,
what do you
think your
chances are
of surviving
a zombie

Do you ever feel bad
about shamlessly using
a baby dragon, who has
feelings for you?

Have you ever considered
living in a pineapple under
the sea?

wanna sneak into
zecora's and try all of
her unlabeled potions?

...In a world
where sorcery is rife and
fate is predetermined by
enchanted butt tattoos,
one pony dares to defy the
monarchy and bring the
whole system crashing down.
Pinkie pie is...

my little

in cinemas

Hey, Rarity!
check out my
new mallet!

Hey! Do you know how
many sugar cubes it
takes to get to the

Hey, Rarity! Will you go
to this black metal
concert with me?

Stylish like
you. I think
got a crush!

Rarity, meet my friend!

Rarity! I got your mail!
you gotta make 5000
dresses by tuesday!

Hey, Rarity! What would
you do if you found out

That every
day I'm

Heeey, pretty filly!

All you do is take a cup
of flour, add it to the
mix. Now just take a
little something sweet
not sour, a little salt,
just a pinch!


Look what I found!

Can you smeeeell what
the Pie is cooking?

*grnt* *snort* Rarity the
unicorn! heed my words. for
until you have witnessed

riding the
winds on the

backs of
dolphins, you,
Rarity the
unicorn, will

the true
of pinkie

Jumping jackrabbits,
Rarity! what are we
gonna do tonight?

Hey, Rare! How about I launch
myself into this guy's mouth
and you teleport me out
last minute?

My mane is on fire!
My mane is on fire!

Rarity, do you actually
know your sister's a

Guess what, Rares!
I got a new job!

Raaaaarity!!!! The
entirety of Ponyville
has been turned into

Check out this sweet
tape I found!

Hey, Rarity! I picked up
some light reading for ya!

What would you do if you
found out that Princess
Celestia is the most
handsome stallion in all
of equestria?

Description of a grin. 8
letters, starts with ''S''.

I have something to
confess. I eat
There, I said it! You must
think I'm a cannibal.

Can you use your magic to
line these candies up in a
single file and make them
fly into my mouth?

You look funny upside

Does it worry you that
there could be some
truth to those hurtful
things Fluttershy said
about us?

Do you think we'd
suffocate in space,
or is there space
magic in this world?

What if this horrible
prophecy does come

They're raising money for
the ponyville orphanage
at the town hall. would
you mind donating a dress
or two to the

Here, Spike asked me to give
these to you and say it's
from him. But then he said
not to say it's from him.

Soo have these
flowers, which
may or may not
be from Spike.

Hello, Rarity!

Oh, Celestia... It's like
the whole world is
going to Tartarus!

Shut your face!

Rares! Let's dig you a pool
and then fill it with jelly.
It'll be like a spa,
except fun!

The ocean is burning!
It's made of magic and
that junk's flammable!

My Pinkie sense is
tingling. I think we're
in a dark fic...

You know how communists
call each other commrades?
What if this whole friendship

magic philosophy
we're involved
in is just
made more

Guess what, Rarity!
I've got 99 problems,

but you
ain't one
of them!

Why did the cockatrice
cross the road?

Hey, Rarity, What would
you do if you found out
that your destiny wasn't
a rock,

It was
The Rock?

We're about to meet one
of the leading fashion
designers of our time -

How many licks would it
take to get to the centre
of this lollipop?

Raaaaarity! I've got
fresh donuts!

So how do you become a
fashionista? Is it a curse,
or do you get bitten by a
Barbie or something?

There's no biological
reason for us to be
vegetarian. We're not
vegan. Are we... avoiding
meat just to keep
Fluttershy happy?

I know what you're
thinking. You wish you
had cool fangs like
Nightmare Moon.

Rarity, what are
hotdogs made of?

I've made
a balloon
you! do you
like it?

I hope you're ready to
carboload on these

So, dollface, ya think ya
special 'cuz ya talk

You know that five
seasons of Gossip Filly
don't make a movie
marathon, right?

I'll tell you what I
want, what I really
really want.

Raaaaarity... I think
your shop is haunted...

Listen to me carefully.
What I'm about to say
will change your view
on life forever.

I will only
say this once,
or they will
come after me.

Rares, if you ever have
babies, can I call them

If you didn't pretend to
be British, would you
call yourself

Tell me the words
I want to hear!

There is something
I must tell you.

it cannot

Sing for me, Rarity!

I signed us up
for hula lessons!
I hope you're happy!

Hey, you coming to Discord's
pool party?

You might
catch Smooze

Wanna go to the forest
and pick berries?

Open air concert tonight!
Plenty of ponies, music
and mosquitoes!


Could you watch this
box for me?
just don't look

Let's go for a ride!

I've learned magic!
This spell will blow
your mind!


Guess what
time it is!


I've been a terrible

How could I
ever make
up for it?

We have to make this
the best summer ever.
But how?

Stop what you're doing
and try this cake!

in it

The carnival's
in town!


I got
a uke!

I'm Pinkie Pie. Let's party!

Why so serious, puddin'?

Let's play
a board

Quick! Help me drink
this cider so Dash won't
get any! again!

Check this out!

Hey, do you know much about
rhythm? It's like... music
magic that brings the beat
to your very soul and
reveals your inner groove!

Try on this
giant hat,

How utterly unfabulous.


Shhh... Did you
hear that?

I'm feeling faint...



I did not agree to this!

Look at me! I'm Pinkie
Pie! I'm Pink, antsy and
loud! Let's have a party
to celebrate that!

who are you and what
have you done with

You monster!



i never wanted this!

Oh, it is on.

Oh, Pinkie Pie! Why must
you be so random?

Shush! Don't you say
another word!

It's a fashion
emergency, Rarity!

I know.

I'm Rarity.

I never
leave the
house without
a fainting
couch and I
play Alliance.

i am not sure anypony

Absoutely not.

Yes, Pinkie. So you keep

I have a
bad feeing
about this.



Rarity! Rarity!
I'm your hat,

No! I've had it with
your gypsy magic!

What is that smell?

Well, at least I am not
the one,
who eats
candy as if
is as
of a
as her
worth to

It is not like that at all!
and even if it was,
you have
no proof.

How about
some tea
and cake?

Don't do

Nice try!
Let's see

Stop it this instant
before anypony gets hurt!


I wish...

Did I do that?

When I grow up
I want to be
a beautiful

Not like anything really
matters. David Bowie
is dead...

Tell me,
have you
any idea

Hmm... Are
you speaking

I am not sure I want to
know you anymore.
I am moving away
to live in exile!

I'll take your word for it,
I never
did care
much for

There you slackers are!
Where's that friendship

Perhaps you should go
spend some quality time
with the CMC. They might
prove a more

Pinkie! I am not
that kind of unicorn!

Greetings, sister unit and
Pinkie Pie. What a wonderful
day to  be an organic life

Juuuust kidding!

'Cause I'm the pink pony,
Yes I'm the pink pony
all you other pink ponies
are just being phonies


What? It's
nap time.

Pinkie, while it is flattering
that you think so highly
of me-

are you


How about we just
have some nice
earl grey

That's nice, Pinkie dear.

I've met the most
gorgeous stallion
today. He has one
angel wing, one
bat wing,

did I
he's an

Also, I worry about you.

I've heard Twi is about to
make bathroom selfies


Exiting! tell me more!

-Oh! Pinkie. I see you found
your way out of the attic...

Hold this.

Bump, bump,
sugar lump,

Now Pinkie, You cannot just
have everything you want
every time.

I know.

Actually, Pinkie, I've
just found out this
horrible secret...

you won't

Pinkie! Is that even

Oh come now, Pinkie!
I refuse to believe
that anything
this horrible

You shut your face!

Yes, yes. You know what
concerns me more?

Ever since I became the
element generosity
I've had this
to give away
all of my
to just

also, why am I
generosity and
not fabulosity?
or inspiration?

Actually, save it.

I mean, what is the meaning
of it all?.. It's like a party.

planned for
weeks, done
in five hours,
forgotten in
a day...

save it.

Sit down.
We have
much to

That's just silly. Princess
Twilight would never
let this happen!

...would she?

...And then the rain of lava
came down and they all
lived happily ever after.

heard it


Are we going
to the spa
or not?

...Pinkie, you wouldn't happen
to know who replaced all of
my citronites with lemons,
would you?

Oh, Pinkie!
You're on fire

Pinkie, my dear! Have you
ever heard of tact?

I suppose
not. They
don't teach
it at the

How does it feel to be the
least business-oriented
businessmare in Equestria?




But I've
just crowned
myself the
queen and
care not for
your petty

This is going to be the best
day ever!

This is most

Who cares?! I need urgent
help! I only got ten likes
on my latest selfie!

How about a toast?
to friendship.

Stand back!

I am about to
be amazing!

oh my...

So tell me what you want,
what you really really want.

I am not talking to ponies,
who cannot keep secrets.

I feel so alive!

I woud expect no less from
a pony, who fails to see
the difference between
a mud bath and
a chocolate

Well, I would do anything
for friends, but I won't
do that.

I have heard of ponies going
there and I did not like
their stories!

I think I have the disco
fever. I just want to boogie
all night long!

I've got this feeling,
so appealing, that we
should get
and sing!

I did not devote my life
to fashion
to put up
with this!

oh, will you just stop
me that...

But first...

I'd like to forget all that
and go somewhere tropical!

I made exotic

Oh come now, Pinkie.
You know
how I feel
about such

Get that
from me!

you even



I must



I am done!

I've been
putting up
with your
for far
too long!

What have
you got
to say for

I have no idea what you're
talking about,

but I kind of
hope this
leads to us
going to the
tea shop.

I feel a kind of sadness...
summertime sadness.

I would much
rather do some

I could think of
a thing or two.

Perhaps we
should find


If it

Go, and never darken
my towels again.

It's... oddly

I'll show you!

Yes, Pinkie! THat's
a great idea!





Two local mares ended up in
Ponyville hospital after
injesting a batch of tainted

Despite the nasty symptoms, these
ponies are not in danger.

Typical Rarity.


You look
like you've
a lot about

I'm a wild party animal!

I do
have a

How did we get here?!

There there. Life's too
short for junk like that
to matter.

That was indeed our
last conversation prior
to Pinkie's mysterious

Tragic, I'm

Well, that's game night

'cause it's party time!

Don't move, darling. I am
in the zone, as it were...

Clap your hooves
and do a little shake!


Now, you are to stay this
way until you learn to

I did not think that would lead
to a junk food binge. Sweet
Celestia, I feel like a pig!

I know! Isn't
it great?

Ha ha ha ha!

What is this
giant pile of
candy doing
in my yard?

It's a

That was the last I
ever saw her.


You do realize
we're in the
middle of a
battle, right?

I apologize for my
friends' behavior...

And that's what the magic
of friendship is all about!

we're trying
to rest here.

Oh, Spike! I forgot
you were here!

I ain't judging.

See? That's how true
friends interact.


Maybe we

thanks, M. A.


How very g3 of you.

Well, this was



this was


Hey! Get
out of my

Delivery for Pinkie Pie.
...I'll just
leave it here
for you.

Look, Rarity! I'm riding
side saddle!

And that was the last time
I ever saw her.

Way to turn this into
a sadfic.

And I say to myself...
What a wonderful world.

Won't Spike be surprised
if you're in another castle!

Rarity will be very busy
doing community service.

I saw the forbidden
book in your bag.

What is the meaning
of this?!

Promise me you'll never
tell Sweetie Belle!

I thought i could trust you
to set up the pentagram for
the friendship ritual!

Pardon, friends. Is this
truly the way one throws
a slumber party?

never mind.

Hi, princess
book horse!

hey, could you help me?

Is... that a dress made
of cheese?

Yes. Entirely.
my finest
work, no?

And that,
Nyx, is how
to be a

What is love? Baby,
don't hurt me...

Guys, if you don't put some

magic into your friendship
right now, I will be forced
to send
you to
the frozen
North on
a bonding

They told me... "Don't
hang out with Pinkie Pie..."

But I

Are we best
friends yet?

I think we're being watched.

Look, I didn't want to say
anything... but at this rate
you will become a crazy
cat lady.


We will never get any
cleaning done if we keep
getting distracted like this!

Come with me if you
want to Live.

Cheer up, girls. We wouldn't
want to send anypony to
the ministry of love,
now would we?

Here, darling. You are in
charge of the boutique.
I am off on a journey of

Good thing
this and other
difficulties in
life are easily
solved with
a party!


What is the world coming to?

Rares, what's with the

I told you,
keep out of
my closet!

Psssst! Girls, would you
like some sweet dreams
for a nominal fee?

Well, look who's skipping
their dark arts class. again!

Do you really think you
don't need this knowledge?
Do you think the magic of
friendship is just a cute

jazz hooves!

Make it stooooop!!!

takes one to
know one!

...And that's the news!

You know Rarity... It ain't
punk rock til the punk
rockers say it's punk rock.

Rarity of

you have
great rage
in your

to the red


Worth it!

Hey! That's my line!

Will you just pay
to my lesson?!

This mop
represents you,
the water
the world.
Now, in this
context, what
does the
bucket stand

Drink potions
every day!

* Please don't


I've conjured
up this foal
for you from
scraps of
your dna!

Well, I didn't want that!

Rarity is not home.
Please go away!

You're a bad role model.
You know that?



a sticky

Fighter of
the nightmare...
of the sun!
You're the master
of karate
and friendship
for everyone!

oh my!


I had
in mind.

I am Rarity and I
approve this

...And that's how
Equestria was made!

This would have
been lovely
with better weather,
a 5 star hotel and
fewer skeletons
in the bushes.

...Do you

This is a sand jail and
you're under arrest for
being mean!

And that's
a rock fact!

I'd rather
be paranoid
than sorry.


...and that's all
you need to know
about being a pony!

Miss Celestia,
I don't like you!
You don't know
how to rock!

I don't get it.

I've never been so insulted
in my whole entire life!
Good day, madam!

I told you the world would end
if you carried on with your

but hey,
why listen
to the

Tap the panels to make them stop and go.

There's no way to save yet, other than by screenshot.

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ActionScript [AS1/AS2]

Instance of Symbol 3 MovieClip in Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._xscale = _root.percentloaded; }
Frame 2
Frame 3
Frame 4
Symbol 15 Button
on (press) { play(); }
Symbol 26 Button
on (press) { play(); }
Symbol 31 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (2); _parent.stop(); }
Symbol 32 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (1);; }
Symbol 33 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 33 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 292 MovieClip Frame 1
Math.floor(Math.random() * ((max - min) + 1)) + min;
Symbol 554 MovieClip Frame 1
Math.floor(Math.random() * ((max - min) + 1)) + min;

Library Items

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Created: 9/7 -2020 02:39:49 Last modified: 9/7 -2020 02:39:49 Server time: 11/03 -2025 13:00:29