Combined Code
movieClip 24 white {
// unknown tag 88 length 151
movieClip 30 {
movieClip 32 {
movieClip 37 {
movieClip 41 {
movieClip 50 {
movieClip 52 {
movieClip 58 {
frame 1 {
movieClip 62 {
movieClip 66 {
movieClip 70 {
movieClip 72 mainMenu {
movieClip 80 {
// unknown tag 88 length 146
movieClip 83 fileButton {
movieClip 85 saveLoadScreen {
movieClip 88 saveGame {
movieClip 91 {
movieClip 92 {
movieClip 93 premiumTopLeft {
// unknown tag 88 length 48
movieClip 99 patreonButton {
movieClip 101 overButtonShade {
movieClip 104 {
movieClip 108 {
frame 1 {
movieClip 115 {
movieClip 116 {
movieClip 120 lockIcon {
movieClip 121 {
frame 1 {
movieClip 124 {
frame 1 {
this._alpha = 0;
movieClip 125 optionsScreen {
// unknown tag 88 length 40
movieClip 131 noticeDialogueChoice {
movieClip 133 noticeDialogueBottom {
movieClip 134 {
movieClip 137 noticeDialogue {
// unknown tag 88 length 58
// unknown tag 88 length 19
// unknown tag 88 length 49
// unknown tag 88 length 215
movieClip 146 necessaryForItalics {
movieClip 148 {
movieClip 151 muteThing {
movieClip 153 menuBack {
movieClip 156 loadGame {
movieClip 158 {
movieClip 160 {
movieClip 161 {
movieClip 163 {
movieClip 164 {
movieClip 166 {
movieClip 167 {
movieClip 169 {
movieClip 170 {
movieClip 171 {
movieClip 172 {
movieClip 174 {
movieClip 175 {
movieClip 177 {
movieClip 178 {
movieClip 180 {
movieClip 181 {
movieClip 182 {
movieClip 183 {
movieClip 185 {
movieClip 186 {
movieClip 187 {
movieClip 189 {
movieClip 190 {
movieClip 191 {
movieClip 193 {
movieClip 194 {
movieClip 196 {
movieClip 198 {
movieClip 199 {
movieClip 200 {
movieClip 202 {
movieClip 203 {
movieClip 204 lensflare {
movieClip 207 gallery {
movieClip 209 fileButtonSmaller {
movieClip 210 {
movieClip 239 {
frame 1 {
movieClip 243 {
frame 1 {
movieClip 247 {
frame 1 {
movieClip 265 dialogue {
movieClip 267 {
// unknown tag 88 length 91
movieClip 271 choiceBoxRemaid {
movieClip 273 {
movieClip 276 {
movieClip 277 choiceBoxMenu {
movieClip 281 choiceBoxCrusoe {
movieClip 284 {
movieClip 289 {
frame 1 {
movieClip 291 choiceBoxPremium {
movieClip 294 {
frame 1 {
movieClip 296 choiceBox {
movieClip 298 black {
movieClip 558 {
frame 1 {
frame 2 {
frame 3 {
frame 5 {
frame 30 {
frame 3 {
function f(s1, s2, s3, s4, s5, s6, s7, s8, s9, s10, s11, s12) {
parsing['s' + parser] = [s1, s2, s3, s4, s5, s6, s7, s8, s9, s10, s11, s12];
var v1 = parsing['s' + parser];
for (var v4 in v1) {
if (v1[v4] == undefined) {
v1.splice(v4, 1);
var v2 = false;
if (v1.length == 1) {
for (var v5 in commands) {
if (v1[0] == commands[v5]) {
v2 = true;
if (!v2) {
v1.splice(0, 0, 'thinking');
} else {
if (v1.length == 2 or v1.length == 3) {
for (var v5 in commands) {
if (v1[0] == commands[v5]) {
v2 = true;
if (!v2) {
v1.splice(0, 0, 'talking');
if (v1[0] == label) {
if (v1[2] == undefined or v1[2] == true) {
var v6 = v1[1];
parsing['s' + parser] = [jump, v1[1]];
v1 = parsing['s' + parser];
parser = Math.ceil((parser + 1) / 10000) * 10000;
labels[v6] = parser;
} else {
labels[v1[1]] = parser;
} else {
if (v1[0] == label) {
} else {
if (v1[0] == 'talking' || v1[0] == 'thinking') {
} else {
if (v1[0] == 'ending') {
var v3 = true;
for (v4 in allUniqueEndings) {
if (allUniqueEndings[v4] == v1[1]) {
v3 = false;
if (v3) {
} else {
if (v1[0] == jump) {
} else {
if (v1[0] == 'person') {
allPersonsAndMoods.push([v1[0], v1[1], v1[2]]);
} else {
if (v1[0] == 'choice' && v1[1] == undefined) {
} else {
if (v1[0] == 'endChoice') {
} else {
if (v1[0] == 'whatIf') {
} else {
if (v1[0] == 'endIf') {
parsing = new Object();
labels = new Object();
parser = 1;
scene = 'scene';
doCall = 'doCall';
endCall = 'endCall';
sceneClip = 'sceneClip';
cg = 'cg';
cgs = 'cgs';
addButton = 'addButton';
addToCg = 'addToCg';
changeBg = 'changeBg';
panAll = 'panAll';
setFilter = 'setFilter';
setZoom = 'setZoom';
setAlpha = 'setAlpha';
url = 'url';
pan = 'pan';
jump = 'jump';
person = 'person';
choice = 'choice';
endChoice = 'endChoice';
startGameAndJump = 'startGameAndJump';
continueLastGame = 'continueLastGame';
openMainMenu = 'openMainMenu';
playMusic = 'playMusic';
chibi = 'chibi';
setVolume = 'setVolume';
playSound = 'playSound';
stopMusic = 'stopMusic';
label = 'label';
ending = 'ending';
effect = 'effect';
screenEffect = 'screenEffect';
removeScreenEffects = 'removeScreenEffects';
item = 'item';
mcItem = 'mcItem';
pause = 'pause';
whatIf = 'whatIf';
elseIf = 'elseIf';
pass = 'pass';
otherwise = 'otherwise';
endIf = 'endIf';
setVariable = 'setVariable';
incrementVariable = 'incrementVariable';
languageScreen = 'languageScreen';
screenIsALink = 'screenIsALink';
changeName = 'changeName';
removeAllChars = 'removeAllChars';
remove = 'remove';
save = 'save';
calculate = 'calculate';
black = 'black';
me = 'me';
right = 'right';
left = 'left';
center = 'center';
fadeOut = 'fadeOut';
commands = [label, save, pan, doCall, endCall, setVolume, panAll, setZoom, setAlpha, sceneClip, setFilter, chibi, removeScreenEffects, screenIsALink, addButton, calculate, changeName, openMainMenu, item, mcItem, playMusic, stopMusic, playSound, choice, continueLastGame, endChoice, person, scene, cg, addToCg, cgs, changeBg, ending, screenEffect, effect, startGameAndJump, jump, pause, url, setVariable, incrementVariable, whatIf, elseIf, otherwise, endIf, pass, languageScreen, removeAllChars, remove];
totalNumberOfDialogues = 0;
allJumps = new Array();
allLabels = new Array();
allUniqueEndings = new Array();
allPersonsAndMoods = new Array();
allChoices = 0;
allEndChoices = 0;
allIfs = 0;
allEndIfs = 0;
x = '';
frame 3 {
all = 'all';
n = 'n';
e = 'e';
h = 'h';
k = 'k';
ai = 'ai';
maid = 'maid';
c_t = 'c_t';
c_b = 'c_b';
frame 3 {
f(scene, 'black');
f(pause, 0.4);
f(scene, 'parentalAdvisory', 'fade');
f(pause, 1);
f(scene, 'white', 'fade');
f(scene, 'marblesyrup', 'fade');
f(pause, 1);
f(scene, 'white', 'fade');
f(pause, 0.5);
f(label, 'startMenu', false);
f(scene, 'white', 'fade');
f(pause, 1);
f(scene, 'title', 'whiteFade');
f(label, 'startMenu2', false);
f(playMusic, 'bossaNovaLoop');
f(label, 'startMenu3', false);
f(scene, 'title');
f(pause, 0.1);
f(choice, {'style': 'Remaid'});
f(choice, 'CONTINUE', 'continueCheck');
f(pause, 0.5);
f(choice, 'NEW GAME');
f(startGameAndJump, 'scene0');
f(choice, 'LOAD GAME', 'autoSaveExists');
f(openMainMenu, 'load');
f(choice, 'OPTIONS');
f(openMainMenu, 'options');
f(choice, 'MORE GAMES!');
f(url, 'patreonURL');
f(jump, 'startMenu3');
f(choice, 'SUPPORT THE ARTIST');
f(url, 'artistPatreonURL');
f(jump, 'startMenu3');
f(label, 'scene0');
f(setVariable, 'Erika', 'Erika');
f(setVariable, 'Hana', 'Hana');
f(setVariable, 'my_parents', 'my parents');
f(setVariable, 'cuzOrNishi', 'Nishi');
f(whatIf, 'sister');
f(setVariable, 'Erika', 'Eiko');
f(setVariable, 'my_parents', 'my mom');
f(whatIf, 'cousin');
f(setVariable, 'Hana', 'Hikari');
f(changeName, h, 'Hikari');
f(setVariable, 'cuzOrNishi', 'cuz');
f(label, 'scene1');
f(scene, 'white', 'fade', 0.5);
f(playMusic, 'mainSong');
f(scene, 'auditorium_day', 'whiteFade');
f(n, 'Hi.');
f('I\'m Nishi, and today\'s my first day as a freshman at Kumatani University… in the frightening and unfamiliar <i>Neo-Tokyo</i>.');
f('Or, you know… good old regular real life Tokyo, in case… in case you\'re not into <i>Akira</i>.');
f('Then again, most people are…');
f(c_b, 'Welcome to the commentary of Re:Maid!', 'happy');
f(c_t, 'I\'m Taxcup, the main writer of this game…', 'happy');
f(c_b, '... and I\'m BigB, the head honcho at Marble Syrup.');
f(c_b, 'Our second writer, Ben, did some light copy-editing but didn\'t have time to sit down to do the commentary this time.');
f(c_t, 'Damn you, Ben! I did the stupid commentary for your game!', 'angry');
f(c_b, 'So in this commentary, we\'ll both react to stuff happening in the story and sort of talk more generally about the development of the game, and so on.');
f(c_b, 'Remember that if you should tire of us babbling, you can always turn off the commentary mode at any time. Just pause and go into the options.', 'worried');
f(c_t, 'OK, let\'s give the story a chance to develop a little further…');
f('Orientation just finished... I\'m in a class of some 150 people. I say "class" but apparently it\'s not like we\'re going to have a lot of lectures together, like it was back in high school.');
f('Everybody else has already left, while I\'m standing here in this empty auditorium like a dork because I haven\'t figured out where my first class is.');
f(c_t, 'For those of you who\'ve been following the game\'s development… you might notice I moved a huge chunk of text out of here.');
f(c_t, 'Thought it was better to get to introducing $Hana$ as soon as possible, instead of dwelling on Nishi, trying to make his perfectly adequate childhood sound miserable…');
f(stopMusic, 'fadeOut');
f(n, 'B-32… B-32...');
f(c_b, 'So by the way, I just googled this and… well, it turns out the B-32 was actually a bomber plane as well. The less famous cousin of the B-39, the planes that dropped the atomic bombs over Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Actually the B-32\'s were also used primarily against Japanese targets during WWII.');
f(c_t, '...', 'dumbfounded');
f(c_b, 'You sick-o! What are you trying to say? Is this some kind of foreshadowing of the whole game ending in an explosion..?', 'angry');
f(whatIf, 'commentary');
f(setVariable, 'bomb', 1);
f(c_t, 'I swear it\'s a coincidence!', 'surprised');
f(whatIf, 'cousin');
f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2);
f(h, 'Boo!');
f(playMusic, 'hanaThemeMusic');
f(scene, 'auditorium_day', x, x, true);
f(person, h, 0, 'smiling');
f(setZoom, h, 1.5);
f(pause, 2);
f(h, 'Hey Nishi! We ended up in the same class, huh! Who\'d have thought?');
f(n, 'Oh, $Hana$..! Hi..!');
f('My Tokyo cousin - $Hana$..!');
f(c_t, 'Welcome to cousin mode...', 'happy');
f(c_t, '... you perv!', 'angry');
f(c_b, '!', 'surprised');
f(whatIf, 'bitcoin');
f('In a … in a ridiculously skimpy outfit. What\'s going on? She was never the slutty one… I mean, she\'s the rich kid!');
f(doCall, 'hanaCousinIntro');
f(n, 'Hey $Hana$, nice to meet you, uh, but…');
f(choice, 'Ask her about her outfit.');
f(setVariable, 'bitcoinExplained');
f(n, 'Seriously, what\'s… what\'s with the… you know, the…');
f(effect, h, 'joltRight');
f(h, 'The outfit? What, you haven\'t heard?');
f(doCall, 'bitcoinExplanationHana1');
f(changeBg, 'auditorium', 'fade');
f(doCall, 'bitcoinExplanationHana2');
f(choice, 'Pretend like it\'s perfectly normal, just say hi, and hurry to your next class.');
f(n, 'I mean, it\'s so nice to see you again! You\'re looking…. you\'re looking great, really.');
f('I mean, wow. Check out those knockers. It\'s been, what, 4-5 years since we last met? She\'s… she\'s really changed. I mean, not least considering the clothing…');
f('Fuck, I\'m almost getting horny just from looking at my own cousin… this is bad. Avert thine eyes!');
f(person, h, 0, 'happy');
f(h, 'Thanks, Nishi! You too! You look… you look strapping. I mean, wow. You\'ve really grown. You used to be so scrawny..! What happened?');
f('$Hana$\'s right - I used to be really quite lanky, but now… I don\'t know how it happened because I never work out, but… I\'m quite muscular, actually.');
f(n, 'Uh, nothing, really. I don\'t know, hormones and stuff? I mean, just growing up.');
f(h, 'Right.');
f(choice, 'Compliment her on her knockers.', 'crazyconvos');
f(n, 'Damn, cuz. You\'ve grown a great set!');
f('I poke her right breast gently with my index finger, before she pushes my arm away.');
f(effect, h, joltRight);
f(person, h, 0, 'angry');
f(h, 'Hey! Look, but no touch!');
f(h, 'Actually, no look either! We\'re cousins, you perv...');
f(n, 'Hey, sorry. I\'m just saying, though. Man, to get to motorboat those...');
f(person, h, 0, 'upset');
f(h, 'I see you haven\'t changed much, huh.');
f(person, h, 0, 'smiling');
f(h, 'Well, anyways! I need to head to my next class, before I\'m late. But it\'s awesome we\'re in the same class, really! I\'ll see you later, we\'re gonna have to sit down and compare our schedules later. See ya!');
f(remove, h);
f('With that, she disappears.');
f(doCall, 'hanaCousinIntro');
f(n, 'Oh, hi, $Hana$! What, are you in this… wow! What a coincidence!');
f(h, 'I know, right? I\'m like sitting in the back, I see you sitting up the front…');
f(person, h, 0, 'laughing');
f(effect, h, 'joltRight');
f(h, '... like a dork!');
f(n, 'Hey, come on. Everyone can\'t fit in the back...');
f(person, h, 0, 'happy');
f(h, 'And I\'m like - don\'t I know this guy?? And you know what?! Turns out I do, huh!');
f('I knew, of course, that $Hana$ had anerolled at Kumatani as well. But that we\'d end up in the same class, well, that\'ss a bit of a shock. A pleasant one, for sure.');
f(choice, 'Tell her she\'s grown.');
f(n, 'Man, this is a bit corny, but… wow, you\'ve really grown since we last met!');
f(h, 'I know, right? It must have been like… what 5 years!?');
f(n, 'Something like that.');
f(h, 'You\'ve… well, you\'ve grown too! You… little Nishi! You used to be so scrappy! Look at you now! Where did all those muscles come from?');
f('That\'s a mystery I don\'t think we\'ll ever find the answer too. I don\'t work out or anything, but just the past few years… I went from Lanky McScrawny to… well, I\'m not Hulk Hogan, but my musculature… is, uh, well, it\'s pretty well-defined.');
f(n, 'I don\'t know… genetic disposition, I guess?');
f(h, 'Right, them Okamoto genes, huh? Nothing beats them');
f('Okamoto is my mother\'s and my aunt\'s maiden name.');
f(n, 'Yeah, uh… maybe.');
f(choice, 'Tell her she looks great.');
f(n, 'You look… you look stunning. It\'s been, what, 5 years? You\'ve really changed...');
f(h, 'Well, you too!');
f(c_t, 'I was going to make her hug Nishi here, but… that\'s not entirely realistic, in Japan. People don\'t hug. And they don\'t really kiss either.');
f(c_b, 'They just fuck like rabbits?', 'happy');
f(c_t, 'That\'s beyond my area of expertise…', 'worried');
f(choice, 'Compliment her on her knockers.', 'crazyconvos');
f(n, 'Damn, cuz. You\'ve grown a great set!');
f('I poke her right breast gently with my index finger, before she pushes my arm away.');
f(effect, h, joltRight);
f(person, h, 0, 'angry');
f(h, 'Hey! Look, but no touch!');
f(h, 'Actually, no look either! We\'re cousins, you perv...');
f(n, 'Hey, sorry. I\'m just saying, though. Man, to get to motorboat those...');
f(person, h, 0, 'upset');
f(h, 'I see you haven\'t changed much, huh.');
f(h, 'Hey, it\'s great meeting up and all, but I need to hurry to my next class! I\'ll see you later, OK?');
f(n, 'Yes, of course! See you!');
f(remove, h);
f('Fancy that..! In the same class, and all.');
f('I mean… she\'s a little intimidating. Though I\'m muscular, I\'m still kind of socially… well, I\'m a little awkward when I\'m with people I don\'t know too well.');
f('I think $Hana$\'s always been the popular girl, at least she always seemed to be getting whatever she pointed her finger at, the times I saw her. Her father spoiled her beyond redemption, I\'m afraid.');
f('I get him though, $Hana$ was always so darn… cute. If she were my daughter, I don\'t know…');
f('She\'s a grown woman now, though.');
f('Imagine seeing your little girl grow those watermelons… it must feel conflicting.');
f('Actually… I need to get a move on too. Let\'s see… room B-32… where might it be?');
f(h, 'Do you need help?');
f('A girl speaks to me from behind. I turn around, just a little too quickly.');
f(playMusic, 'hanaThemeMusic');
f(scene, 'auditorium_day', x, x, true);
f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2);
f(person, h, 0, 'surprised');
f(effect, h, 'joltLeft');
f(setZoom, h, 1.4);
f(pause, 1.2);
f(c_b, 'Da-dah! $Hana$.', 'inlove');
f(c_t, 'So this girl… she didn\'t use to be this hot, but, uh… more on the whole art situation later…');
f(c_b, '...', 'worried');
f(whatIf, 'bitcoin');
f('A beautiful girl in a… in a crazily skimpy outfit..? The… what?');
f(h, 'Oh!');
f(person, h, 0, 'smiling');
f(setZoom, h, 1.2);
f(h, 'Sorry, I didn\'t mean to startle you. You looked like you could need some help?');
f(n, 'Uh, sorry! I\'m not startled. I, uh…');
f(choice, 'Ask for help.');
f(n, 'I, uh, yes, I\'m a little lost here.');
f(effect, h, 'joltRight');
f(person, h, 0, 'neutral');
f(h, 'Where are you headed?');
f(jump, 'lostConvo');
f(choice, 'Say you\'re fine.');
f(n, 'Uh, I\'m fine! Just… uh… enjoying the view.');
f(c_b, 'Why would you blow off a girl like her?', 'angry');
f(c_t, 'Player choice. So that your most retarded wishes to blow off incredibly hot women may come true.', 'neutral');
f(effect, h, 'joltLeft');
f(person, h, 0, 'surprised');
f(h, '... The view of an empty auditorium?');
f(n, 'Uh… yeah.');
f(person, h, 0, 'neutral');
f(effect, h, 'joltRight');
f(h, 'OK, sorry to interrupt you.');
f(remove, h);
f(stopMusic, 'fadeOut', 2);
f(setVariable, 'hanaName', 'that girl who talked to me');
f('Damn it, why am I always so awkward.');
f('It takes me a minute or two but I finally realize where my next class is. I hurry my ass over there.');
f(choice, 'Ask her if her father is a thief.', 'crazyconvos');
f(n, 'Is your father a thief?');
f(person, h, 0, 'surprised');
f(effect, h, joltRight);
f(h, 'W-what?');
f(n, 'I think he must be.. because he\'s stolen all the stars from the sky and put them in your eyes.');
f(person, h, 0, 'embarrassed');
f(h, 'H-...haha…');
f(n, 'Sorry for the corniness… I\'m kinda lost, actually, could you help me, maybe?');
f(person, h, 0, 'neutral');
f(h, 'Where are you headed for?');
f(whatIf, 'bitcoin&&!bitcoinExplained');
f('I figure out which building I need to go and hurry over there.');
f('What the hell is up with that outfit, though?');
f('As I hurry over to room B-32, I notice several other girls wearing similar clothing - I notice that besides the skimpiness… there\'s the same logo and all of them. I\'m sure I\'ve seen it somewhere before…');
f('Oh! Bit… bitcoin? But… but why? Huh.');
f('Oh, brave new world...');
f(jump, 'day1more');
f(label, 'lostConvo');
f(n, 'Well, it says here my class is in room B-32, but … I don\'t understand what \'B\' means here. I mean, how do I know which building it is?');
f(person, h, 0, 'smiling');
f(effect, h, 'joltLeft');
f(h, 'If you flip the paper…');
f('I do as she says. Yeah, there\'s a map over the campus along with a legend for the different buildings. D\'uh.');
f(n, 'Ahahah… I\'m such a doofus. "B" is for "B-building", huh! Well, thanks!');
f(changeName, h, 'Hana');
f(person, h, 0, 'happy');
f(effect, h, 'joltRight');
f(h, 'You\'re welcome. I\'m $Hana$, by the way. Nice to meet you.');
f(setVariable, 'hanaName', 'Hana');
f(n, 'Oh, I\'m Nishi. Nice to meet you. I… I guess I need to head over to the B-building before I get late.');
f(person, h, 0, 'smiling');
f(effect, h, 'joltLeft');
f(h, 'Sure! See you around. Maybe we have some classes together.');
f(h, 'Bye!');
f(stopMusic, 'fadeOut', 1);
f(remove, h);
f(label, 'day1more');
f(scene, 'black', 'fade');
f(c_b, 'OK, so there\'s maybe some stuff we should address straight out of the box. This is a remake of Marble Syrup\'s first release, "My Housemate is a Maid?!", which we originally released back in June, 2015.');
f(c_b, 'You might have played it, but… you might also have heard the reason we took it down.', 'worried');
f(c_b, 'So I\'m not going to go into the grisly details of it because you can find the backstory through Google, but…', 'worried');
f(c_b, 'Well…', 'worried');
f(c_b, '...', 'dumbfounded');
f(c_t, 'Hm?', 'worried');
f(c_t, 'Is this the cue for me to break in? Alright. Short version?', 'unhappy');
f(c_t, 'BigB stole the art from an older Japanese-only game, while telling everybody on the team that he had bought the right to use of the art from the original developer. Which he hadn\'t.', 'unhappy');
f(c_b, 'So I didn\'t actually say I had paid for it, but yeah, I guess that was the implication.', 'worried');
f(c_t, 'Well, I\'m not going to dig through the e-mails, but that was the impression you left me with, at the very least.', 'unhappy');
f(c_b, 'So what happened was that this was dug up… thank you, Google Image Search… and brought to light on Reddit, where I was tore a new one. As was Taxcup, who got on the case of defending our honor before I had had a chance to respond.', 'confused');
f(c_t, 'I actually got a death threat or two. Thanks, BigB.', 'angry');
f(c_b, 'Maybe you should thank the people who threatened you, instead… but yeah, sorry. I apologized, took down the game, and contacted the original artist, who was like, "cool beans, bro."', 'unhappy');
f(c_t, 'Don\'t steal my character\'s expressions!', 'angry');
f(c_b, 'Well, being a super nice and generous Japanese guy, he didn\'t mind, basically. He scolded me lightly and asked me to not do it again.', 'worried');
f(c_b, 'But while some of the art was stolen… well, the script was completely original.', 'unhappy');
f(c_t, 'While some of the art was stolen <i>by you</i>.', 'unhappy');
f(c_b, '... So, we decided we\'d get somebody to re-skin it, and then re-upload it as fast we could.', 'worried');
f(c_b, 'The previous release was only "Episode 1", so we figured-', 'unhappy');
f(c_t, 'You figured.', 'unhappy');
f(c_b, 'OK, fine, I figured… hey, are you going to be this antagonistic the whole time? Would you rather do the commentary on your own..?', 'angry');
f(c_t, 'Don\'t worry, you can edit this to make yourself sound better afterwards, anyway.', 'angry');
f(c_b, 'Fine, you tell the audience what happened, then.', 'angry');
f(c_t, 'Alright then, I will.', 'angry');
f(c_t, 'BigB figured that we should finish the story, too. Which actually was a bit of a bummer to me because… well, to be honest - I didn\'t really enjoy writing the first half of the story. I had a really hard time finishing it, which is pretty much why we released it half-finished in the first place.', 'unhappy');
f(c_t, 'To be honest, I didn\'t expect to have to finish it, especially when considering its lack of success compared with Ben\'s "Crusoe Had It Easy", which was a smash hit.', 'unhappy');
f(c_t, 'I figured there wasn\'t that much interest anyway.', 'unhappy');
f(c_t, 'But it turns out, it was actually really good for me to go back to this game, after working on a couple of other scripts, and after seeing how Ben dealt with things.', 'neutral');
f(c_t, 'It felt like a double bumfuck at first, I mean, with the whole art thing as well, but I started to really enjoy writing the second half soon enough.', 'confused');
f(c_t, 'That said, it was a pain to write, because of all the dwindling paths. This story was written entirely without any blueprint. I was just like… OK, so what happens next? At almost literally… every step of the way.', 'confused');
f(c_t, 'Which probably shows, there\'s little intent, not much point to most of anything but, you know, to get to know and have sex with the girls, but…', 'worried');
f(c_t, 'People seemed to enjoy part 1 nonetheless!', 'happy');
f(c_b, 'Right. So, what about the new illustrator..?', 'neutral');
f(c_t, 'So BigB got this completely awesome Taiwanese guy, Lasterk, to agree to do the re-skinning. And the result is what you have in front of you. Glorious HD-', 'inlove');
f(c_b, 'Slightly less glorious if you\'re playing this online...', 'worried');
f(c_t, 'What, do people still do that? Shame on you! You know you only have to pledge a $1 to get access to the beautifully uncompressed HD version, right?', 'surprised');
f(c_t, 'Uh… glorious HD, cute, uh, beatiful looking… and what have you. Version. Wait, how did that sentence start?', 'confused');
f(c_b, 'I also want to apologize for the many delays this game has had. Mainly, it was because of that theft monkey wrench was thrown into everything and we kind of dropped all the other nearly finished stuff to get this out as quick as possible.', 'worried');
f(c_b, 'It seemed like a good idea at the time. The game was half-finished and all…', 'worried');
f(c_t, 'Yeah. Well obviously I had a much harder time finishing it than BigB had assumed I would.', 'angry');
f(c_b, 'Maybe it\'s about time we let the player back into the game. I want to add though that the backgrounds aren\'t actually by Lasterk, and there\'s some additional character art by another artist - check the credits for full info on that..!');
f(c_t, 'OK, sorry! Back to the game.', 'worried');
f(playMusic, 'pokkariMusic');
f(scene, 'classroom_day', 'blackFade');
f('Eventually, I make it over to B-32, just as the class is about to begin. Phew! Got lucky.');
f('My first real class at university, already...');
f('Can\'t believe I\'m pretty much an adult, now.');
f(whatIf, 'sister');
f('I grew up way up north, with my single mother.');
f('My parents got divorced when I was 14. It\'s a long, kinda sad story. I haven\'t actually seen my father a single time since then.');
f('My younger sister, who ended up living down in Fukuoka with him - yeah, that\'s where\'s from - does come to visit every once in a while.');
f('I mean, she would come up to Aomori once in a while, but me and my mom haven\'t actually seen her for… how long must it be?');
f('More than one year now, for sure.');
f('And even when she came to visit, it would usually be a weekend at most. So you get that we aren\'t really close, then.');
f('But siblings - it is what it is. I don\'t have any particular desire to see her more often.');
f(whatIf, 'cousin');
f('Actually I think $Hana$ is probably closer to her than what I am. Though once you get on the plane, it\'s only 1 1/2 hours time difference, there\'s… there\'s of course a lot more to do and see in Tokyo.');
f('I\'ve gathered my sister would visit $Hana$ here in Tokyo more often then she would visit us, up in $Aomori$. Not that I blame her, or whatever.');
f('I suppose Aomori must suck in comparison. For me, it\'s the very first time I\'m here though, so I can only assume...');
f('Anyways, my dad, though he seems to have little interest in actually seeing me, agreed to pay the rent for me here while I go to school in Tokyo.');
f('He ended up renting this kinda shoddy house, which I\'m now using all by myself. I mean I shouldn\'t complain, my room\'s alright, it\'s not too bad.');
f('But... seriously, in the wintertime… it\'s gonna be freezing. The walls are almost literally paper thin.');
f('Of course it gets really cold up where I\'m from, I can deal with that - the difference is that <i>we</i> actually build houses to withstand the cold - not invite it. The cold.');
f('Houses down here in Tokyo… from what I hear, it\'s not just my house - there\'s basically no isolation whatsoever unless you\'re talking the most recent apartments.');
f('I grew up way north, and even though this is only a suburb to Tokyo, everything feels completely new and different. And a little scary.');
f(whatIf, 'cousin');
f(whatIf, 'bitcoin');
f('So seeing a familiar face like $Hana$\'s… I mean, once you get past the crazy outfit… it was something of a godsend. But yeah, now I\'m on my own again.');
f('So seeing a familiar face like $Hana$\'s was something of a godsend… but alas, now I\'m on my own, again.');
f('I arrived only yesterday, by myself. Normally, you would come down with your parents a couple of months in advance, to scout the area and find a good place to live.');
f('But … well, my parents are kind of poor, and I\'m here on a scholarship. We couldn\'t afford it.');
f('Despite the scholarship, I couldn\'t get a place in the school\'s dorms. Turns out the school has a single dorm which houses some 50 students… while there\'s like 5000 students here.');
f(c_b, 'OK, so I\'m laying it on really thick here in the intro, but I was thinking, do you have anything interesting to say about Nishi\'s background? Why you created him, like you did? Or you know, the whole setting.');
f(c_t, 'Uhm, well… so the setting is of course based on the graphics you provided me with.', 'unhappy');
f(c_t, 'The <i> stolen</i> graphics.', 'angry');
f(c_b, 'OK OK OK.', 'surprised');
f(c_t, 'I wrote down a bunch of ideas that would make sense with a maid character, none of which I can remember at the moment, but I wasn\'t really happy with any of them. I wanted to have, you know, some kind of a plot, or something.');
f(c_t, 'In the end, I decided to just do a straight forward romance kind of thing.');
f(c_b, 'I know you\'re self-deprecating to a fault, but I honestly think you pulled it off rather well. And I think our supporters do too - this remake was the most requested in the monthly survey, you know.');
f(c_t, 'Yah, yah. After you showed them the new art, at least...', 'worried');
f('I had to resort to using the Internet to find anything.');
f('I found a small old Japanese style house. It\'s surprisingly nice, but I\'m sharing it with another dude, another junior.');
f('I haven\'t met him yet though, not sure when he\'ll turn up.');
f(scene, 'cafeteria_day', 'blackFade');
f('After class, I end up eating lunch by myself in the cafeteria. I haven\'t been able to talk to anybody else yet…');
f('But I bet pretty much all other freshmen are as nervous as I am. So it\'s a level playing field, really.');
f(choice, 'Look like you\'re busy on your phone.');
f(c_b, 'The oldest trick in the book. Nice one, Nishi… seriously I doubt anybody\'s even noticing you. They\'re probably busy looking busy on their phones.', 'happy');
f(c_t, 'Hey grampa, get with the times already.', 'angry');
f('I play around with my phone for a while, but soon grow bored.');
f(choice, 'Take this lonesome opportunity to navel-gaze for a little while.');
f(whatIf, 'cousin');
f('She\'s… despite everything, despite our differences…');
f('She\'s one of the… <i>easiest</i> girls I know. I mean, to hang out with.');
f('I\'m kind of shy… that said though, I mean, who isn\'t, really?');
f('OK, so I\'m probably more shy than most others. But, uh… with $Hana$, I don\'t have to feel like that. I can be myself.');
f(whatIf, 'sister');
f('It\'s kind of odd how we get along so swimmingly, when things are so much more complicated with my sister…');
f('I mean, the few times we met since our parents separated… I don\'t know, it\'s just been weird.');
f('We actually used to be quite close as kids, but…');
f('She can act a little crazy at sometimes… and she\'s… well, she is… I don\'t know, stuck-up? Maybe not <i>stuck-up</i> stuck-up, but… I don\'t know, something along those lines.');
f(c_b, 'What… what is he even saying here.', 'confusion');
f(c_t, 'He\'s… he\'s just being a little vague!', 'worried');
f(c_t, 'The next few lines were written by an anonymous contributor, one of our supporters on Patreon...', 'happy');
f(c_b, '... where we posted the script and invited people to edit.');
f(c_t, 'I should say I re-edited it a little though, just to be on the safe side when it comes to copyright and stuff. Not because there was anything wrong with the writing, mind you! Don\'t smite us, noble anonymous author!', 'worried');
f(c_b, '...', 'dumbfounded');
f(c_t, 'Ehem. Anyways, I like how it expands a little on Nishi\'s personality. There\'s not much of that kind of exposition otherwise, in the rest of the script I mean.');
f('That girl, huh! She really took me by surprise. I mean, how often do people just...well, walk up to a random stranger and begin talking to them just like that..?');
f('I mean, I\'m not the most socially approachable guy around. I mean… I\'m not quite "socially awkward penguin," but… hey… close enough, really.');
f('She\'s not like me, at all. I mean, she seems nice enough, for a rich kid...');
f('How can I tell, you ask?');
f(whatIf, 'bitcoin');
f('Well, this is going to sound weird, considering the slutty outfit but… you know, I can tell from the way she talks. I mean, at the very least, she\'s from a "good" family.');
f('Well, I don’t really know for sure of course, but there are certain signs, if you know what to look for. Like the clothes, for example. Or the speech pattern.');
f('I\'m not hating, though!');
f('It’s just that...well, while not comparable to city riches, we did have one or two kids in my class back home that hailed from families that were supposedly a little bit better than the rest of us.');
f('I twinge a little at the very thought of them. No good memories of that lot, no.');
f('Anyways, that\'s why I guess I\'ve developed this slight aversion for people from the riches.');
f('I know it\'s not fair but it\'s not intellectual, it\'s emotional. What can you do?');
f(stopMusic, 'fadeOut', 1);
f(jump, 'day1_continued');
f(label, 'day1_continued');
f(scene, 'classroom_day', 'blackFade');
f(c_t, 'Howdy classroom.', 'happy');
f(c_t, 'There\'s still a lot of basic stuff I\'d like to take up about the game before it starts going into different routes.');
f(c_b, 'Go ahead.');
f(c_t, 'Like… firstly, on routes, this game isn\'t done in the typical Japanese VN thing with different routes for different girls, as such. Like the typical Japanese way of doing it, for those not in the know…');
f(c_t, 'It\'s to have one common story route, which you can branch off from to hook up with one of the girls. Usually this stops the common story from progressing.');
f(c_t, 'This story is actually much more complicated that that. Basically… basically you just play along, and the game looks back to your previous choices quite a bit to determine what\'s going to happen next.');
f(c_t, 'This is also the main reason the game was delayed so much…', 'worried');
f(c_b, 'Because the script is a clusterfuck. Trust me - I know what I\'m talking about. I\'m looking at it right now..!', 'worried');
f(c_t, 'This is the same thing that Ben did for Crusoe Had It Easy, more or less, but I think it worked out better then because there was only the one girl, and basically just the one location.');
f(c_b, 'And what a girl at that…', 'love');
f(c_t, 'That plus the complete lack of foresight and planning for this game…', 'worried');
f(c_b, 'The results is interesting though, precisely because it doesn\'t play like what you might be used to. Parts of it might be frustrating though… just like Crusoe was.', 'worried');
f('After lunch, I have two more classes, and one more orientation type of thing, to top it all of.');
f('We\'re handed pamphlets from the different school clubs, or "circles".');
f('All the major sports are represented, obviously, including sumo…');
f('But there\'s a bunch of other, more offbeat stuff as well, like film-making, manga drawing, and so on.');
f('In high school, I was a long-standing and proud member of the Just Go Home Club… i.e. I didn\'t do shit.');
f(scene, 'classroom_zoom', 'fade');
f(person, ai, 0, 'smiling');
f(setZoom, ai, 1.5);
f('I don\'t really listen to what anyone is saying, but there\'s this one girl who kind of catches my... imagination, if not my undivided attention.');
f(pause, 1);
f('She looks a bit like the main character from Frozen, the Disney movie…');
f(pause, 1);
f(c_b, 'So this is Aina, a very last minute character addition. Don\'t get your hopes up though, there\'s no Aina route, there are no Aina CG\'s, and there are no cheats to undress her.');
f(c_b, 'So, Taxcup? Are you there? Why did you add her?', 'confused');
f(c_t, 'I\'m here. Well, uh… you know, uh, I had a good reason for it, but, uh…', 'worried');
f(c_t, 'Hmm.', 'dumbfounded');
f(c_t, 'There was a need for another character during the hiking, I think. Oh right, it was to spice up the "the loneliest hike" route, for when the player didn\'t invite $Erika$ and got $Erika$ pissed.');
f(c_b, 'Right, I remember us writing about this in the commentary for that part.');
f(c_t, 'Sorry guys if this is confusing, but we started doing the commentary way before the script was actually finished. So it\'s not all... chronological. There\'s been a bunch of cutting-and-pasting.', 'confused');
f(c_b, 'And editing of other people\'s commentaries..!', 'angry');
f(c_b, 'Anyways, Aina is a Frankenstein\'s bride kind of character, actually. Her glasses come from the glasses cheat in "Crusoe Had It Easy", her face is from $Erika$, her upper body is from $Hana$\'s hiking clothing, the bottom from $Hana$\'s bitcoin outfit…', 'happy');
f(c_b, 'And her hair is one of a bunch of hairstyles we suggested for the Re:Maid Bonus Chapter we hope to release in about a month from now, eg. January 2016, for those of you visiting us from the faraway future.', 'happy');
f(c_t, 'Do you think there might be somebody around still playing this game in… I don\'t know, 25 years from now?', 'worried');
f(c_b, 'It\'d be kind of cool if they did, with the commentary turned on, so they\'d known we gave them a thought.');
f(c_t, 'The data will probably survive, even if the game itself maybe won\'t. I mean, it will all be indexed in some searchable super data bank, and-', 'happy');
f(c_b, 'Enough with the singularity talk…', 'worried');
f('♪ <i>Rerigooooo, rerigo…</i> ♪');
f(c_b, '...');
f(c_t, 'That\'s, er... how they sing it in Japan…', 'worried');
f(c_t, 'Don\'t blame me!', 'surprised');
f(whatIf, 'bitcoin');
f('She\'s one of few… more well-endowed girls on campus, who isn\'t showing half of her boobs to get bitcoin tips… so she has integrity, huh?');
f(scene, 'outside_uni_evening', 'blackFade');
f('I didn\'t think I\'d be quite so knackered by the end of the day…');
f('But then again, I didn\'t sleep that well last night.');
f('I\'m not actually at all used to sleeping on futon mattresses...');
f('Yes, you might think everybody out in the countryside sleeps on futons, but that\'s not actually true.');
f('I grew up sleeping in a bed... Wait, that sounds a little odd. I mean, I wasn\'t prostrate my entire childhood. Ah, you know what I mean.');
f('I\'m sure I\'ll get used to it eventually, though.');
f('As everybody is heading outside of the main building, I\'m too socially awkward to talk to any of my classmates, but do I spot $hanaName$ leave together with a bunch of people. Maybe they\'re heading out to eat together?');
f(jump, 'day1_konbini');
f(label, 'hanaCousinIntro');
f('Unlike my unfortunate mother, my aunt… she married rich… stayed married... and stayed rich.');
f('My cousin is a proper <i>Edokko</i> - a Tokyoite through and through, while I grew up in the far north, in Aomori, and the countryside of Aomor, at that. Talk about separate worlds…');
f(label, 'day1_konbini');
f(scene, 'konbini', 'blackFade');
f(stopMusic, 'fadeOut', 3);
f(playSound, 'konbiniChime');
f('I sneak into a convenience store on my way home. A box of reheated fried chicken and a can of coke will have to do for dinner tonight.');
f('"That will be 448 yen."');
f(playSound, 'registersound');
f('"Thank you very much, honored customer."');
f('The store clerks are so polite compared to back home.');
f(c_t, 'So maybe it bears mentioning, that you actually spent like a year in Japan, correct?');
f(c_t, 'Well, yes. I mean I don\'t want to give out too much private information that could identify the real me-');
f(c_b, 'There\'s a price on your head, right?', 'worried');
f(c_t, 'No, but with my commentary avatar already being a dead ringer, you know… but yeah, I\'ve been to Japan twice actually, for a total of almost 5 months. But I don\'t actually speak the language…', 'worried');
f(c_b, 'You were in Tokyo?');
f(c_t, 'Yes.');
f(c_b, 'Are they actually more polite in Tokyo than way up north?');
f(c_t, 'Well, uh, that\'s really just an assumption on my part, actually. I mean no, it\'s probably pretty much the same in the countryside too.');
f(pause, 0.5);
f(scene, 'washitsu_evening', 'blackFade');
f('It\'s only 6 PM by the time I get home. I eat my dinner and play with my phone for a couple of hours.');
f(scene, 'cellphone2', 'fade');
f('I scan Yahoo! News and read a couple of vapid entertainment articles.');
f(c_t, 'So Yahoo! is like, still crazy big in Japan. Everybody uses it, for news, for search, you name it. And don\'t ask me why, because I really don\'t have a clue.', 'confused');
f('Mogura Yanko is apparently getting married to Onguri Shunto. Hmmmmm…');
f('What do you know.');
f(c_t, 'These names are made up…', 'confused');
f(scene, 'lamp_lit', 'fade');
f('The battery on my phone is about to die, so I decide to call it a night. I meant to read through some of the pamphlets about school and properly check my schedule for tomorrow, but … ');
f(c_b, 'This is some hard-hitting realism here..!', 'surprised');
f(c_t, 'How do you mean?', 'worried');
f(c_b, 'Smartphone batteries running out! I can relate to that, man.', 'happy');
f(c_b, '"Master of None" level material right there, homie!');
f(c_t, '<i>Maaaaaaaaaaan!</i>', 'happy');
f(playSound, 'lights');
f(scene, 'lamp_off');
f('I\'ll get an early start tomorrow.');
f(scene, 'black', 'fade');
f('I slowly drift to sleep.');
f(pause, 1);
f('Huh… what\'s that?');
f(scene, 'lamp_off', 'fade');
f('I wake up in the middle of the night. I can hear something…');
f(pause, 1);
f(playSound, 'burglarSound');
f(pause, 2.2);
f(playSound, 'burglarSound2');
f(pause, 1.2);
f('That\'s… that\'s definitely somebody, in the room next to me. What the hell! A burglar?! Fuck, I should have expected as much from a dodgy house like this.');
f('There\'s a lock on the door, but even if you lock it, all you have to do is to pull a little harder to get it to open, as I realized yesterday when I got here.');
f('What should I do? Pretend I\'m dead? Wait, that\'s probably only with raptors... Fuck, I\'m gonna have to do something.');
f('I slid slowly out of my mattress and walk clumsily towards the door connecting my room and the one next to it. Sounds like somebody going through a bag, or something. Did I leave a bag in that room?');
f('I\'m gonna have to surprise them… That\'s all I\'ve got, the element of surprise!');
f('I gather some courage and then…');
f(scene, 'black');
f('I slam the sliding door open and scream at the top of my lungs.');
f(playSound, 'fastDoorOpen');
f(scene, 'washitsu_hana_night', 'fade', 0.5);
f(screenEffect, 'shake');
f(person, e, 'silhouette', x);
f(changeName, e, '???');
f(c_b, 'Who could that be? I can\'t tell, <i>he</i> is all black!', 'surprised');
f(n, 'AAAAAAAHHHHHH!', 'surprised');
f(c_b, 'GAAAAAHHHH!!', 'surprised');
f(c_t, 'GNYAAAAAHHH!!!', 'surprised');
f(whatIf, 'commentary');
f(pause, 1);
f(c_t, '...', 'worried');
f(c_t, 'Alright now, easy does it.', 'unhappy');
f(pause, 1);
f(e, 'What the hell??!?!');
f(n, 'Get the fuck out of here or I\'ll call the cops!!');
f(e, 'Huh?!?');
f(playSound, 'lights');
f(changeBg, 'washitsu_hana_day');
f(whatIf, 'sister');
f(whatIf, 'bitcoin');
f(person, e, '0', 'angrymore');
f(person, e, 'underwear', 'angrymore');
f(changeName, e, 'Eiko');
f(n, 'S-, sis?!');
f('What the hell is going on here?! What is my sister doing in Tokyo? I mean, here?');
f(e, 'What the fuck\'s wrong with you, man! Are you trying to give me a heart attack?!');
f(n, 'Wh-, what are you even doing here?');
f(e, 'What..? Are you kidding me?');
f(n, 'What?');
f(e, 'Wait, what, you thought this whole house was just for you?');
f('Wait a minute…');
f(e, 'I… I can\'t believe mom didn\'t tell you. I\'m at Kumatani, too..!');
f(e, 'We\'re to share this house, you and me.');
f(n, 'WHAT? You have to be kidding me?!');
f(e, 'Hey, calm it down, OK?! I didn\'t ask for this either. But what did you expect from dad? He\'s a cheapskate.');
f(n, '...');
f('My head is spinning. How did this happen? How come I didn\'t find out about it until now? Why wouldn\'t anybody tell me?');
f(e, '...');
f('And… I\'m stuck living with my sister, just like that? What the hell, I hardly even know her. To be plain… we haven\'t gotten along at all the past few years, at all, though we were close as kids…');
f(n, '...');
f(whatIf, 'bitcoinExplained');
f('And why the fuck is she also doing the slutty bitcoin thing..?!');
f(elseIf, 'bitcoin');
f('And what the fuck is up with this bitcoin stuff everywhere..?!');
f(whatIf, 'bitcoin');
f('To make matters worse, this is even sluttier than what $Hana$ was wearing… if possible.');
f('It hurts my soul to see my baby sister like this…');
f('Though… wow, she\'s grown. I mean…');
f('No, sorry, that was totally inapproriate.');
f('Either way, though…');
f('This is… this is not OK. This is not what I signed up for.');
f(e, 'Well… it\'s… it\'s nice to see you, Nishi..?');
f(n, 'Uh… sorry. I\'m just… I can\'t believe this is… ah, whatever. I guess there\'s nothing to be done about it now.');
f(n, 'I mean, I\'m sorry. It\'s nice to see you too. And, uh… welcome to Tokyo.');
f(e, '...');
f(choice, 'Ask her why she\'s doing the bitcoin thing.', 'bitcoinExplained');
f(n, 'Seriously though, sis… what the hell are you wearing..?');
f(e, 'What, haven\'t you heard?');
f(n, 'No, I\'ve heard… I know what it is, what\'s going on.');
f(n, 'What I\'m asking you though, is why the hell you are doing it?');
f(choice, 'Ask her what the hell is up with her outfit.', 'bitcoin&&!bitcoinExplained');
f(n, 'Seriously, I\'m happy to see you, but… what the hell is it you\'re wearing, and why?!');
f(e, 'What, you haven\'t heard?');
f(n, 'No. I mean, I noticed several other girls on campus wearing stuff with the same logo, but… what is up..?');
f(doCall, 'bitcoinExplanationErika1');
f(changeBg, 'washitsu_hana_day', 'fade');
f(doCall, 'bitcoinExplanationErika2');
f(choice, 'Ask her to put something on.');
f(n, 'Sis… I\'m happy to see you, but…');
f(n, 'Do you have to show quite so… much of you..?');
f(whatIf, 'bitcoin');
f(person, e, 'blush', 'angry');
f(e, 'Get out!');
f(n, 'Alright, alright! Jeez.');
f(remove, e);
f(person, e, 'underwear_blush', 'neutral');
f('$Erika$\'s face soon turns a brilliant shade of red.');
f(person, e, 'underwear_blush', 'angry');
f(effect, e, 'joltLeft');
f(e, 'Hey, you\'re the one who barged in here without knocking!!');
f(e, 'I could have been naked, for all you care!');
f(n, 'Ugh, seriously…');
f(person, e, 'underwear_blush', 'angry');
f(setZoom, e, 1.7);
f(effect, e, 'joltRight');
f(e, 'Now get out!');
f('As Erika thrusts towards me to get me to move out, I can\'t help but notice her breasts nearly bounce out of her bra. Damn it, sis...');
f(n, 'Alright, alright!');
f(remove, e);
f(choice, 'Say good night.');
f(remove, e);
f('I turn around and leave.');
f(n, 'Well. Good night, then.');
f(person, e, 0, 'angrymore');
f('A… a girl??');
f(c_t, 'Hi, $Erika$.', 'inlove');
f(effect, e, 'joltRight');
f(e, 'Who the hell are you!?');
f(c_t, 'I\'m your creator! How… how dare you!', 'surprised');
f(n, 'Me?! I\'m the guy who lives here! Who the hell are you?!');
f(whatIf, 'bitcoinExplained');
f('And why are you too dressed up in a super skimpy bitcoin outfit..!?');
f(elseIf, 'bitcoin');
f('And why are you dressed in a super skimpy outfit?!');
f(person, e, 0, 'angrysurprised');
f(effect, e, 'joltLeft');
f(e, 'Huh?! A guy?! Is my housemate a guy?!');
f(n, 'R-, roommate? You? A, a girl?!');
f(e, '...');
f(n, '...');
f(person, e, 0, 'angry');
f(effect, e, 'joltRight');
f(e, 'Uh…');
f(n, 'Uh, yeah… so…');
f(choice, 'Apologize.');
f(incrementVariable, 'erikaLikesPlayer', 1);
f(n, 'Uh, I\'m… I\'m sorry I came in here screaming like a madman… I thought you were a burglar!');
f(person, e, 'alt', 'alt_irritated');
f(effect, e, 'joltLeft');
f(e, '...');
f(e, 'Uh… whatever.');
f(n, 'I\'m.. I\'m Nishi. I didn\'t expect my roomie would be a girl…');
f(changeName, e, 'Erika');
f(person, e, 0, 'neutral', x, x, true);
f(effect, e, 'joltRight');
f(e, 'I\'m… I\'m $Erika$. And we\'re not roomies, OK? There\'s a door between our rooms for a reason.');
f(n, 'N-no, I meant nothing by it...');
f(person, e, 0, 'eyes_down');
f(effect, e, 'joltRight');
f(e, 'Wow, I can\'t believe that landlord of ours. So desperate to fill the place as soon as possible, she went with one guy and one girl… I mean, what the...');
f(n, 'Yeah… uh…');
f(person, e, 0, 'neutral');
f(effect, e, 'joltRight');
f(e, '...');
f(e, 'Well… nice to meet you... Nishi.');
f(n, 'Uh, yes…');
f(e, '...');
f(whatIf, 'bitcoin&&!bitcoinExplained');
f(doCall, 'explanationErikaBitcoin3');
f(person, e, 'alt', 'alt_unimpressed');
f(effect, e, 'joltLeft');
f(e, 'Good night?');
f(n, 'Oh, right, good night.');
f('I take the cue and head back to my room.');
f(choice, 'Blame her for sneaking in.');
f(n, 'Well, next time, maybe don\'t sneak in in the middle of the night, alright? You scared me shitless.');
f(person, e, 0, 'angrymore', x, x, true);
f(effect, e, 'joltLeft');
f(e, 'Huh?! Maybe next time, <i>YOU</i> don\'t run in screaming like a madman in the middle of the night, how about that?');
f(n, 'Huh, well… uh, I\'ll concede that seems like a somewhat retarded move now that the lights are on. You know, it takes a while to get them wheels turning properly after waking up...');
f(person, e, 'alt', 'alt_neutral');
f(effect, e, 'joltRight');
f(e, 'Well… uh…');
f(person, e, 0, 'eyes_down');
f(e, 'I\'m.. I\'m sorry I woke you up, and scared you.');
f(e, 'Sorry.');
f(e, '... but what the hell, my housemate is a guy? That\'s all kinds of … of … fucked up..!');
f(n, 'Yeah, I know…');
f(n, 'Uh… our landlord must have been desperate to get tenants, I guess.');
f(e, '...');
f(n, 'Hey, for what it\'s worth, I\'m as surprised as you are.');
f(n, 'Oh… I\'m Nishi, by the way.');
f(changeName, e, 'Erika');
f(e, 'I\'m $Erika$… nice to meet you, I… I guess?');
f(n, 'Haha. Yeah… nice to meet you.');
f(e, '...');
f(whatIf, 'bitcoin&&!bitcoinExplained');
f(doCall, 'explanationErikaBitcoin3');
f(n, 'OK… I need to get some sleep. Good night.');
f(e, 'G-, good night.');
f('I head back into my room and shut the door behind me.');
f(choice, 'Get this over with.');
f(n, 'Well, wham bam thank you ma\'am, I\'m Nishi, nice to meet you, good evening, good night, sleep tight, I need to go back to bed.');
f(c_b, 'What a charmer.', 'angry');
f(person, e, 0, 'surprised', x, x, true);
f(changeName, e, 'Erika');
f(e, '... I\'m $Erika$. Good night.');
f(remove, e);
f('I turn as she says the words and head back to my room, shutting the door behind me.');
f(c_b, 'Right, so now you\'ve met both girls. Those are the two romanceable characters in this game. What\'s that? Well, yes, player, thank you for pointing it out. That <i>is</i> indeed kind of few, if you compare it to your average Japanese visual novel…', 'worried');
f(c_t, 'But your average Japanese visual novel will not have been written in total of just one month\'s time, with an original budget of about, what was it now, $0?', 'surprised');
f(c_b, 'And the average VN would carry a price tag of $30, or more. Dear player, would you remind me of how much this game actually costs? Hm? Sorry, I can\'t hear you. Oh, nothing? Is that what you said? The game cost you nothing?', 'angry');
f(c_t, 'Like… how stealing art and lying to your team cost <i>you</i> nothing..?', 'unhappy');
f(c_b, 'Come on, let\'s not make this commentary into an apologo-... <i>apologorama.</i> I\'m sorry. It was supremely shitty and misguided and stupid. It won\'t happen again. There, that\'s me putting this behind us... at least for the remainder of this commentary.', 'worried');
f(label, 'day2');
f(scene, 'black', 'fade');
f(playSound, 'fastDoorClose');
f(pause, 4);
f(scene, 'washitsu_day', 'fade', 3);
f('What the hell, what time is it?');
f('I grab my phone.');
f(n, 'Oh, fuck.');
f('What the hell happened..? I was supposed to get an early start today..?!');
f('Shit. I must have turned off the alarm and gone back to sleep… though I don\'t remember it at all.');
f(c_b, 'More of that hard-hitting realism right there.');
f('I\'m already late!');
f(scene, 'walk_day', 'blackFade');
f('I gather my things in a hurry and jog slash half-run to school.');
f('I really need to get a bike.');
f('It\'s only halfway to school that I remember - I\'m not alone in my house any longer.');
f(whatIf, 'sister');
f('I\'m living with my sister..!');
f('$Erika$, what the hell..? What are you even doing here?');
f('We don\'t see each other at all for more than a year… only intermittently for the past four… and now, we\'re to live together..?!');
f('My housemate… is a girl.');
f('That\'s… that\'s just crazy. A cute girl, at that, I mean… maybe not personality-wise, but…');
f('And all that happened in the middle of the night. Well, shucks, no wonder I was too sleepy to properly wake up to the alarm.');
f(scene, 'outside_uni_gate_day', 'blackFade');
f('I eventually reach the school gates. I stop in my tracks to take a good gander at them.');
f('"Kumatani Gakuen University."');
f('Of course, it\'s only a second-rate university, at best. Private, of course.');
f(c_t, 'State universities are better, in Japan, for some reason. But every anime nerd knows this, I guess. Tokyo University #1!');
f('What, you thought I was going to a nice school because I\'m getting a scholarship? No, even shitty schools have scholarships, you know.');
f('Kumatani is probably not as much "shitty" as it\'s just "mediocre", to be fair. I think it\'s rated as the… 119th..? Best university in the Tokyo area, or something like that.');
f('Of course, there\'s a whole bunch of universities here, not sure just how many. Still, it doesn\'t sound very impressive.');
f('I hope I\'ll be able to find a job when I get out of here in four years… I mean, with a diploma from a third-tier university, competition\'s going to be tough, especially with the economy in the shitter like it\'s now…');
f('I stop daydreaming and step inside the gates.');
f(scene, 'auditorium_day', 'blackFade');
f('I spend my second day at school about as confused as my first day. In and out of class, running between buildings.');
f('The buildings and classrooms are actually all quite top notch, despite the university\'s poor placement in the national rankings.');
f('I guess the people who aren\'t here on scholarships are paying for it all through their tuition fees…');
f('In essence, they are also paying for my scholarship, I suppose. Well, fuck you guys. I mean, <i>Thank you oh so very much</i>.');
f(scene, 'cafeteria_day', 'blackFade');
f('After the morning classes, I end up eating lunch by myself in the school cafeteria, feeling awkward.');
f('I\'m not making any contact with any of my classmates... but on the plus side, it doesn\'t seem like I\'m the only one who hasn\'t made any friends yet. I see other people sitting by themselves, looking a little pathetic.');
f('There will be a get-together thing towards the end of the week, and then there\'s the clubs of course… I guess that\'s how you get to know people here.');
f(scene, 'black', 'fade');
f('Still, it\'s scary, being on your own like this, not knowing anyone, not knowing how to fit in…');
f('Tokyo is a scary place for a redneck like me.');
f(label, 'erikaSchoolMeet');
f(scene, 'hallway_day', 'blackFade');
f('I\'m heading to my first class after lunch when I suddenly bump into…');
f(person, e, 'alt', 'alt_lookingaway');
f(setZoom, e, 1);
f(whatIf, 'sister');
f('As if it wasn\'t awkward enough yesterday…');
f('No, I\'m not really in the mood for more family reunion stuff right now…');
f('So it turns out she\'s at Kumatani too. Oh well. After the awkwardness of yestersday, I don\'t know…');
f(choice, 'Pretend you didn\'t see her.');
f(setVariable, 'pretendedNoSeeErika');
f(scene, 'hallway_day', 'fade', 1, true);
f('I quickly make a detour. Not sure whether she saw me or not, but it is what it is.');
f('After what happened yesterday… it would just have been too embarrassing.');
f('I mean, whatever, obviously I\'m not going to avoid her from now on until forever, but I just… it was just the old "evade!" instinct that kicked in. You know? You don\'t really think about it sometimes. You just hide.');
f('At least if you\'re like me…');
f('I guess all kids who\'ve been bullied have developed the same instinct.');
f('Yeah, I was maybe a little bullied back in elementary school. High school was… mostly fine though.');
f('I\'m not really one of those tortured souls, I don\'t dwell on it, to be honest. It happened. Kids are kids, and all that. It didn\'t leave a deep scar or anything.');
f('But I guess it did perhaps shape me in some ways I wish it hadn\'t.');
f('God, I hope we\'re not going to up in the same class right now…');
f(scene, 'black');
f('Turns out we didn\'t. Phew.');
f(choice, 'Walk up to her and say hi.');
f(setVariable, 'talkedToErikaInSchool');
f(incrementVariable, 'erikaLikesPlayer', 1);
f(whatIf, 'sister');
f('What the hell. She is my sister, I can\'t just pretend I didn\'t see her. I mean, what? Am I going to avoid her for the next four years?');
f('Though I\'m kind of embarrassed by what happened yesterday… I\'m a man, right? I can\'t just run at the sight of her. Though I can kind of sense my spider sense tingle...');
f('I walk up to her.');
f(person, e, 0, 'surprised');
f(setZoom, e, 1.15);
f(n, 'Uhm… hi.');
f(e, '...');
f(person, e, 0, 'neutral');
f(e, 'Hi.');
f(n, 'Listen, I\'m, uh, sorry about yesterday and all.');
f(e, 'Don\'t mention it.');
f(whatIf, 'sister');
f(n, 'You know, I\'m… I\'m happy you\'re here, too. I guess… I guess it\'s been too long-');
f(n, 'Um… so you-');
f('Seemingly embarrassed, $Erika$ interrupts me before I can finish.');
f(person, e, 'alt', 'alt_lookingaway');
f(effect, e, 'joltLeft');
f(e, 'Sorry, I… I have to go to class.');
f(n, 'Oh, well-');
f(remove, e);
f('She hurries past me before I can even say good bye.');
f('Oh well. I do too have to go to class.');
f(scene, 'classroom_evening', 'blackFade');
f('In the afternoon, I have three classes.');
f('I don\'t pay too much attention to any of them, to be honest…');
f(scene, 'cellphone2', 'blackFade');
f(pause, 1);
f(label, 'backHome');
f(playMusic, 'showerLoop', 0.2);
f('I\'m back at home, and it\'s late.');
f(whatIf, 'talkedToErikaInSchool');
f('$Erika$ got home around an hour ago.');
f('I heard $Erika$ come in about an hour ago, but I didn\'t bother going up to say hi.');
f('This was an uneventful day, all in all.');
f('I\'ve been killing some time on my phone, but it\'s about time I went to bed.');
f('Hmm… I can hear the shower is still running. $Erika$ must have been in there for some 20 minutes already.');
f(scene, 'washitsu_night_bright', 'fade');
f('The sink, and of course my toothbrush and toothpaste, is right outside the shower room though. I don\'t know, maybe I should wait for her to come out.');
f(choice, 'Wait.');
f('Ah what the hell. I\'m a gentleman, I\'ll wait.');
f(whatIf, 'sister');
f('Besides, the window to the shower room is like, super see-through. I could end up seeing my own sister naked, even if I didn\'t want to.');
f('I mean, of course don\'t want to.');
f(choice, 'You\'ve waited enough already.');
f(jump, 'peekaboo');
f('It\'s another 15 minutes before the shower finally stops running.');
f(stopMusic, 'fadeOut', 2);
f(n, 'About time!');
f(choice, 'Go brush your teeth.');
f(jump, 'innocentbrush');
f(choice, 'Wait for her to go back to her room.');
f(jump, 'nothingbrush');
f(label, 'nothingbrush');
f('She might theoretically still be in some degree of undress. I should wait until I hear her go back inside her room.');
f(c_b, 'Boooooring!!!', 'angry');
f('Eventually, I hear her <i>shoji</i> door close.');
f(playSound, 'fastDoorOpen', 0.5);
f('Coast is clear.');
f(c_b, 'For what?! "Coast is clear," he says, as if he were actually about to do something <i>interesting</i> - he\'s literally just going to brush his teeth!', 'angry');
f(c_t, 'Incidentally, you need to make this choice plus to be able to get the weird Kenji gay ending.');
f(c_b, 'Oops! You gave it away!', 'worried');
f(c_t, 'Let me just clarify, for the straight audience, that there are no CG\'s involving Kenji. There\'s not even any nudity, just this one outfit, that… uh. Well, if you\'re into that kind of stuff, just play as if you were, I mean, as if you weren\'t into girls, and you\'ll get there.', 'worried');
f(scene, 'senmenjo', 'fade');
f(label, 'nothingbrush2');
f('I brush my teeth…');
f(c_b, 'Exciting stuff. Absolutely thrilling. I\'m at the edge of my seat!', 'angry');
f(playSound, 'lights');
f(scene, 'washitsu_night', 'fade');
f('... and go to bed. Good night, world.');
f(scene, 'black', 'fade', 3);
f(pause, 1);
f(jump, 'day3');
f(label, 'innocentbrush');
f(setVariable, 'walkedin');
f('I get up and walk to the bathroom.');
f(scene, 'senmenjo', 'fade');
f('As I walk in…');
f(person, e, 'alt_towel', 'alt_surprised');
f(screenEffect, 'shake');
f(whatIf, 'sister');
f(e, 'H-hey! I was just about to get dressed!');
f(person, e, 'alt_towel', 'alt_irritated');
f(n, 'Come on, do it your in room, I need to brush my teeth.');
f(e, '…');
f(n, 'What? Seriously, I want to go to sleep. I need to brush my teeth');
f(person, e, 'alt_towel', 'alt_unimpressed');
f(e, 'Whatever…');
f('$Erika$ leaves for her room.');
f(e, 'H-hey! Do you mind..?!');
f('Oh, damn!');
f(n, 'Oh, sorry. I thought you were finished...');
f(person, e, 'alt_towel', 'alt_neutral');
f(e, 'It\'s… it\'s fine. I\'ll change in my room…');
f(n, 'Sorry…');
f('As $Erika$ walks past me…');
f(person, e, 'alt_towel', 'alt_lookingaway', 'p4.5', x, true);
f(setZoom, e, 2);
f(effect, e, 'joltRight');
f('I can practically feel her breasts brush towards me.');
f(remove, e);
f('Huh. That was… kinda hot.');
f(whatIf, 'sister');
f('Don\'t get me wrong here - I\'m just stating the facts. No, I\'m not turned on, or whatever. She\'s my sister. I\'m just saying, though.');
f('If she weren\'t…');
f('She has got quite the body. She\'s grown so much these past years, I hardly recognize her.');
f('To think we used to bathe together until we were 14…');
f(n, 'Huh.');
f('Kinda weird, now that I think about it.');
f('Mom and dad did tell us to stop when we were 10, but we\'d still sneak in together every once in awhile. Obviously, we were just kids, there was nothing overtly sexual about it, we just liked being in the bath together…');
f('Though I guess things started get a little weird, for both of us, when her breasts began to seriously grow.');
f('I remember feeling confused… but a little excited.');
f('Come to think of it… I think the reason we stopped was because I got a hard on.');
f('Gosh, just the memory of it is embarrassing. I was old enough to know better, but…');
f('I remember asking $Erika$ to touch it. She refused, of course, so I grabbed her hand, and…');
f('OK, some memories are not really meant to be relived. We all did embarrassing and weird shit as kids. Enough dreaming of days past.');
f('Turns out my housemate has quite the body…');
f('Oh well.');
f(c_t, 'I was thinking about adding another potential rape scene here, i.e. an option to go into her room and push her down… so it\'d kind of be a violent rape scene.', 'worried');
f(c_t, 'But I don\'t know, it complicated stuff a bit, and we\'d have to reuse the CG from the other rape scene anyway… I mean the one where she\'s asleep.', 'worried');
f(scene, 'washitsu_night_dark', 'fade');
f('Time to go to sleep.');
f('Good night.');
f(scene, 'black', 'fade');
f(pause, 1);
f(jump, 'day3');
f(label, 'peekaboo');
f('Ah, to hell with it. It\'s not like she\'s going to jump out stark naked the exact moment I\'m standing there. I\'ll brush my teeth real loud, so she\'ll know I\'m there. No worries.');
f(scene, 'senmenjo', 'fade');
f(setVolume, 0.8, 'fade');
f(whatIf, 'sister');
f('I walk past the shower door, without peeking. No, I wouldn\'t do that to my own sister, for real.');
f('That said… you can\'t actually see through the window anyway, can you? Even if I happened to turn my head in the direction of the shower room… I mean, I wouldn\'t see anything anyways, so…');
f('I walk past the shower door, without peeking. No, I\'m not a perv...');
f('Or hold on, am I?');
f('I mean, you can\'t actually see through the window, can you? So it\'s not even peeking.');
f(choice, 'Turn your head towards the shower door.');
f(setVariable, 'peeked');
f(jump, 'peekaboo2');
f(choice, 'Don\'t.');
f('I quickly brush my teeth…');
f(setVolume, 0.2);
f(scene, 'washitsu_night_dark', 'fade');
f('... and hurry back to my room. Good night, world.');
f(stopMusic, 'fadeOut', 2);
f(scene, 'black', 'fade', 3);
f(pause, 1);
f(jump, 'day3');
f(label, 'peekaboo2');
f(scene, 'black', 'fade');
f(whatIf, 'sister');
f('I turn my head, slowly.');
f('A little glance won\'t hurt…');
f(setVolume, 1);
f(pause, 2);
f('Oh, snap.');
f(scene, 'shower_back');
f(person, e, 'nude_alt', 'alt_eyesclosed', x, -200);
f(setZoom, e, 1.8);
f(item, 'shower_door', 0, 0, 'nofade');
f(pan, 'bg', -20, 0, 6);
f(pan, e, -50, 0, 6);
f(pan, 'shower_door', -160, 0, 6);
f('$Erika$… in the shower.');
f(c_b, '*Drool*.', 'inlove');
f('I\'m spellbound and can barely remove my eyes from her bosom - but fuck, she could catch me looking at her any instance now.');
f('I turn my back to the shower...');
f(c_t, 'Just one last peek…', 'inlove');
f(setVolume, 0.8, 'fade');
f(scene, 'senmenjo', 'fade');
f('... and proceed to brush my teeth as quietly as possible. Yes, I know what I said about doing it loudly, but I didn\'t know just how damn see-through the shower window was. If she finds out I\'m standing just outside… Christ! I could be arrested.');
f('I wrap up, and hurry back to my room.');
f(scene, 'washitsu_night_bright', 'fade');
f(setVolume, 0.2);
f('Fu-------ck, that was intense.');
f(playSound, 'lights');
f(scene, 'washitsu_night');
f('Well, good night.');
f(choice, 'Go to sleep.');
f(setVariable, 'badSleep');
f('I\'m fidgety and restless… and it takes more than an hour until I finally fall asleep.');
f(scene, 'black', 'fade', 2);
f(pause, 2);
f(jump, 'day3');
f(choice, 'Masturbate yourself to sleep.');
f('My raging boner basically leaves me no choice... but to masturbate myself to sleep.');
f(whatIf, 'sister');
f('I swear, it\'s a… it\'s coincidence. I swear I\'m not thinking of my sister\'s naked body. I\'m not a perv.');
f('I do my best not to think of what I just saw, because… well, I feel that would be creepy. I mean, even peeking on her was a… an innocent accident, right?');
f('I mean, I\'m not a perv.');
f('I swear, I\'m not a… ');
f(screenEffect, 'shake');
f('Nggh! Nnghh!!');
f('Aaah… bliss...');
f(scene, 'black', 'fade', 2);
f(pause, 2);
f(jump, 'day3');
f(label, 'day3');
f(playMusic, 'phoneAlarm');
f(scene, 'washitsu_day_rain', 'fade', 2);
f(pause, 1);
f(stopMusic, 'phoneAlarm');
f(playMusic, 'rainMusic', 0.2);
f(whatIf, 'badSleep');
f('I really don\'t want to get out of bed, just yet. I\'ve slept like shit. I wish I\'d just masturbated myself to sleep, like any good boy.');
f(c_t, 'So the only reason we even included the choice not to masturbate is it because was suggested by one of our patrons, Arcana37210. Arcana, this is on you! Poor Nishi! Why wouldn\'t you let him masturbate?!?!', 'angry');
f(c_t, 'We\'ll keep punishing him throughout the day for not masturbating.', 'happy');
f(c_b, 'Just so we don\'t get people making suggestions?', 'worried');
f(c_t, 'Uh… no, I like suggestions. But I like having fun with suggestions, too.', 'worried');
f('I wake up feeling rested, in a great mood… at least until the drudge of reality hits me. Ugh. Another day of being a social outcast at school...');
f('OK, I\'m exaggerating. But it does feel a little gray…');
f(scene, 'black', 'fade');
f('To make matters worse…');
f(setVolume, 1, 'fade');
f(scene, 'walk_day_rain', 'fade');
f('Yup, it\'s raining cats and dogs.');
f('I get confused on the way to school because of the rain and end up taking the wrong way, still not being entirely used to the neighbourhood.');
f('I don\'t even have an umbrella yet… normally I\'d have passed the convenience store and bought one, but alas, I walked another way…');
f('As a result…');
f('I\'m soaked by the time I finally reach the school gates.');
f(scene, 'black', 'fade');
f(setVolume, 0, 'fade');
f(pause, 0.5);
f('After the morning classes…');
f(scene, 'cafeteria_day_rain', 'blackFade');
f(setVolume, 0.1, 'fade');
f('It\'s lunchtime.');
f('I\'m sitting by myself, again, quietly contemplating suicide.');
f('I kid, I kid. But I do wonder what a guy needs to do for company around these parts.');
f('My clothes have just about… just about dried, but I… I feel like a wet... <i>dog.</i>');
f('The rain hasn\'t subsided yet either… adequately reflecting my state of mind, you could say.');
f('There\'s still a lot of people sitting by themselves, like me, but already noticeably fewer than there were yesterday.');
f('I guess I need to step up my "game."');
f(c_b, 'People who say quote unqoute "game"... don\'t have game.');
f(c_t, 'True story?');
f(c_b, 'That happened.');
f(c_t, 'You\'ll find it\'s not the spoon that\'s bending… it\'s the game.', 'confused');
f(c_b, 'Wut?', 'worried');
f(c_t, '...', 'dumbfounded');
f(c_t, 'Sorry.', 'worried');
f(stopMusic, 'fadeOut');
f(jump, 'hanaSecondMeet');
f(label, 'hanaSecondMeet');
f(playMusic, 'hanaThemeMusic');
f(scene, 'black', 'fade');
f(pause, 1);
f(scene, 'hallway_evening', 'fade');
f('I\'ve just finished my last class for the day.');
f('The rain has finally subsided. Thank God.');
f('As I step into the hallway…');
f(pause, 0.5);
f('I see a recognizable face.');
f(person, h, 0, 'happy');
f(whatIf, 'cousin');
f(h, 'Hey cousin!');
f(n, 'Oh, hey $Hana$. What\'s up?');
f(h, 'Oh, nothing much.');
f(whatIf, 'bitcoin');
f(person, h, 0, 'laughing');
f(h, 'Except getting <i>mad</i> likes on my outfit online!');
f(n, 'You mean… bitcoin tips?');
f(person, h, 0, 'upset');
f(h, 'Yeah, bitcoin, likes… whatever! I\'m getting it. I\'m definitely in the top 5 most tipped girls.');
f(person, h, 0, 'smiling');
f(jump, 'rightName');
f(whatIf, 'hanaName==Hana');
f(changeName, h, '???');
f(h, 'Hi ya. Nishi, was it? How are you doing?');
f(n, 'Oh, hi…');
f(jump, 'hanaNameChoice');
f(h, 'Hi ya. Not staying to enjoy the view today?');
f(n, 'Uh… hi. Well, uh… I, uh… uhm…');
f(changeName, h, 'Hana');
f(person, h, 0, 'teasing');
f(effect, h, 'joltLeft');
f(h, 'Hey, I\'m just kidding. I\'m $Hana$, by the way. Nice to meet you.');
f(n, 'Oh, haha. Uh, I\'m Nishi. Pleased to meet you, $Hana$.');
f(jump, 'rightName');
f(label, 'hanaNameChoice');
f(choice, '"Hi, you."');
f(choice, '"Hi Harumi."');
f(choice, '"Hi Hana."');
f(changeName, h, 'Hana');
f(jump, 'rightName');
f(choice, '"Hi Hanako."');
f(choice, '"Hi Sanah."');
f(choice, '"Hi Anna."');
f(person, h, 0, 'laughing');
f(changeName, h, 'Hana');
f(person, h, 0, 'irritated_smile');
f(effect, h, 'joltRight');
f(changeName, h, 'Hana');
f(h, 'Haha, it\'s $Hana$. You forgot already?');
f(c_b, 'Come on, man! This must at least be your second time playing, considering the commentary is turned on. You don\'t forgot somebody like $Hana$\'s name. You just don\'t.', 'angry');
f(c_t, '♪ $Hana$ $Hana$ $Hana$ $Hana$ ♪', 'inlove');
f(n, 'Sorry, I feel stupid. I\'m just bad with names.');
f(person, h, 0, 'smiling');
f(effect, h, 'joltLeft');
f(h, 'No worries.');
f(label, 'rightName');
f(person, h, 0, 'happy');
f(effect, h, 'joltRight');
f(h, 'So, how do you like it here at Kumatani so far?');
f(n, 'Well… honestly, it\'s all still really new to me. Not just school, I mean, everything around it too…');
f(person, h, 0, 'neutral');
f(effect, h, 'joltLeft');
f(h, 'What do you mean?');
f(choice, 'Ask her if she knew your sister was coming to Kumatani.', 'cousin&&sister');
f(setVariable, 'toldCousinAboutSister');
f(n, 'Hey… did you… did you know that $Erika$ got enrolled here too? At Kumatani?');
f(person, h, 0, 'upset');
f(effect, h, 'joltRight');
f(h, 'Huh? What do you mean? Of course I knew!');
f(person, h, 0, 'surprised');
f(effect, h, 'joltLeft');
f(h, 'What… you didn\'t? Nobody told you..?');
f(n, 'No! They didn\'t! I found out yesterday night… that we\'re sharing a house together..! I was asleep when I heard somebody arrive… I thought it was a burglar..!');
f(h, 'You thought that… that $Erika$..?');
f(person, h, 0, 'laughing');
f(effect, h, 'joltRight');
f(h, 'That\'s hilarious, Nishi!');
f(person, h, 0, 'concerned');
f(h, 'But also kinda sad. I feel sorry for you guys, having drifted apart like that.');
f(person, h, 0, 'sad');
f(h, 'I wouldn\'t wish that upon anyone! Brother and sister, tragically separated at birth…');
f(n, '... we didn\'t get separated at birth…');
f(h, '... only chance brings them back together, 18 years later… they get enrolled at the same school and meet by chance…');
f(n, '... what?');
f(h, '... but they don\'t recognize one another…');
f(n, '... <i>if</i> we had actually been separated at birth, that much would be a given, wouldn\'t it?');
f(h, '... and fall instantly in love, beginning a tragic yet oh-so romantic love affair…');
f(n, 'Eww.');
f(h, '... this one night, as they make passionate love to another, their beautiful cousin, who happens to know the truth, walks in on them, and tell them the heart-breaking truth.');
f(n, 'That\'s disgusting.');
f(person, h, 0, 'angry');
f(h, 'Love is never disgusting, Nishi!');
f(n, 'Seriously, you need too lay off that <i>shojo manga</i>, $Hana$. I think it\'s getting to your brain.');
f(n, 'I can tell you, it was definitely no love at first sight. I mean, $Erika$ and I… we\'re nothing alike, we have nothing in common, and we don\'t even know each other any longer.');
f(person, h, 0, 'sad');
f(h, 'Awww… that\'s so sad. But it\'s great that you\'re living together now! You\'ll get on better terms in no time.');
f(person, h, 0, 'laughing');
f(h, 'Even if you don\'t begin an incestuous affair!');
f(n, 'Cuz, seriously, that\'s not going to happen.');
f('Never knew $Hana$ had such a sick mind…');
f(n, 'Anyway… what\'s up with you? Are you settling in?');
f(choice, 'Tell her you\'re a country bumpkin.', '!cousin');
f(n, 'Well… this is a bit embarrassing, but I\'m totally a country bumpkin. I\'ve never been to Tokyo before…');
f(person, h, 0, 'laughing');
f(effect, h, 'joltRight');
f(h, 'You know we\'re not actually in Tokyo right now, right?');
f(n, 'Hah, well, sure, but I mean, close enough.');
f(person, h, 0, 'smiling');
f(effect, h, 'joltRight');
f(h, 'Where are you from?');
f(n, 'Way up north, from a very small town... You\'ve probably never heard of it.');
f('$Hana$ prepares to ask me where I\'m from, but I feel inadequate and not quite comfortable to talk about my… well, my humble upbringing, or whatever you want to call it, so I interrupt her.');
f(h, 'S-');
f(n, 'Anyway, what about you?');
f(h, 'Oh, me? Well, I\'m from around here.');
f(n, 'So… how have you been settling in?');
f(choice, 'Tell her you\'re not used to living in the city yet.', 'cousin');
f(n, 'Don\'t laugh, but… I\'m just not used to living in the middle of the city.');
f(person, h, 0, 'surprised');
f(h, 'City..?');
f(person, h, 0, 'laughing');
f(h, 'Nishi, you break me up. You know we\'re not actually in Tokyo here, right? Kumatani is a separate city.');
f(person, h, 0, 'smiling');
f(n, 'Yeah but… well, whatever. You know what I mean. Even Kumatani is a city compared to back home.');
f(h, 'Well, that much is true, for sure.');
f(n, '...');
f(n, 'What about you? How are you settling in?');
f(choice, 'Tell her you have a hard time concentrating in class.');
f(n, 'Well, you know… it\'s kind of hard to concentrate in class, isn\'t it?');
f(whatIf, 'cousin');
f(n, 'I meant, last class in high school was back in December, right?');
f(h, 'Right. You should have come down here for spring break, though! I could have shown you around and stuff. It would have been a blast!');
f(n, 'Well, uh… yeah. If I had had the money, maybe.');
f(person, h, 0, 'surprised');
f(n, 'Oh… right. That.');
f(person, h, 0, 'smiling');
f(n, 'So… what did you end up doing for spring break?');
f(n, 'I mean I haven\'t had any classes since December, you know? I guess the same for you?');
f(h, 'Yeah, that\'s true. What did you do for spring break?');
f(n, 'Oh, I worked part-time at the local supermarket… and played video games, I guess.');
f(n, 'Never mind about me though. How do you find everything?');
f(choice, 'Tell her you just moved in with a girl.', '!sister');
f(jump, 'tellHanaAboutErika');
f(choice, 'Ask her what she thinks.');
f(n, 'So… how have you been settling in?');
f(h, 'Oh, I\'m good. I mean the campus is actually quite a bit smaller than my high school, and I came here a couple of times for open day, and to take the test and so on…');
f(whatIf, 'cousin');
f(person, h, 0, 'surprised');
f(n, 'But you weren\'t here then, were you?');
f(n, 'Oh, right. Well, if you live nearby, it\'s no big deal of course. I had never set my foot here until yesterday.');
f(person, h, 0, 'surprised');
f(setVariable, 'toldHanaNoFootHere', true);
f(h, 'Not even for the test?');
f(n, 'Uh, no, I was admitted through recommendation. Which is lucky, I guess, I couldn\'t have afforded to come down here just to sit a bunch of tests, not knowing if I\'d even pass a single one of them.');
f(h, 'Oh, alright.');
f(jump, 'hanaAskEat');
f(label, 'tellHanaAboutErika');
f(setVariable, 'toldHanaAboutErika', true);
f(setVariable, 'hanaKnowsOfErika', true);
f(setVariable, 'toldHanaHouse');
f(n, 'Well… for starters, I\'ve just moved in with a girl, it turns out!');
f(person, h, 0, 'surprised');
f(effect, h, 'joltLeft');
f(h, 'Huh?');
f(person, h, 0, 'neutral');
f(n, 'Uh, I mean, not like that, just… the place I\'m renting, turns out my housemate is a girl.');
f(person, h, 0, 'surprised');
f(effect, h, 'joltRight');
f(h, 'What, in the dorm?');
f(n, 'Uh, no, we have an entire little house to ourselves. I mean, it\'s just two small rooms and a kitchen, but…');
f(person, h, 0, 'sad');
f(effect, h, 'joltLeft');
f(h, 'Uh… wow.');
f(person, h, 0, 'neutral');
f(h, 'That\'s… that\'s kind of weird.');
f(n, 'No, yeah, I know, totally, totally weird. I mean I assumed I\'d share it with a guy, but then yesterday night… you know, all of a sudden, there\'s a young girl there? Like, what the..?');
f(person, h, 0, 'smiling');
f(effect, h, 'joltRight');
f(h, 'Oh well… is she pretty, at least?');
f(c_b, 'It\'s a trap! It\'s a trap!', 'surprised');
f(whatIf, 'cousin');
f(c_t, 'Not in cousin mode, it isn\'t.', 'worried');
f(choice, 'Tell her she\'s hot.');
f(n, 'Well, to tell the truth… she\'s kinda hot, actually.');
f(whatIf, 'bitcoin');
f(n, 'She\'s also into the bitcoin thing, like you… her outfit is actually even… well, to be honest it\'s even skimpier than yours. You might have found yourself a bit of competition!');
f(whatIf, 'cousin');
f(setVariable, 'rapeJoke');
f(person, h, 0, 'happy');
f(h, 'Hey, that\'s awesome, Nishi! So what are you complaining about, then..?');
f(n, 'Yeah, you\'re right. I guess I should look on the bright side.');
f(n, 'There\'s a hot girl on the other side of my paper-thin wall… meaning I don\'t have to bother even trying doing useless things like oh I don\'t know, ever masturbating again?');
f(person, h, 0, 'laughing');
f(h, 'Haha!');
f(person, h, 0, 'smiling');
f(h, 'But Nishi… why masturbate when you have a real girl in arm\'s reach?');
f('$Hana$ winks meaningfully.');
f(n, '$Hana$, are you suggesting I rape my housemate..? That\'s kind of rich, even coming from you..!');
f(person, h, 0, 'angry');
f(h, 'What..? No! Bad cousin, bad, bad cousin!');
f(person, h, 0, 'laughing');
f(h, 'OK, maybe I kind of just did.');
f(person, h, 0, 'concerned');
f(h, 'Um… this conversation got kind of weird…');
f(n, 'Uh, yeah. Sorry..');
f(jump, 'hanaAskEat');
f(c_b, 'Good job.', 'happy');
f(person, h, 0, 'surprised');
f(h, 'Oh, well… that\'s good, I guess.');
f(h, 'Oh, look at the time… I need to head home. See you around, Nishi.');
f(stopMusic, 'fadeOut', 3);
f(remove, h);
f(pause, 1);
f('Did I say something wrong?');
f(jump, 'day3Alone');
f(choice, 'Say she\'s cute, maybe.');
f(n, 'She\'s cute, I suppose.');
f(choice, 'Tell her she is not your type.');
f(n, 'She\'s not really my type, I guess.');
f(person, h, 0, 'teasing');
f(setZoom, h, 1.1);
f(effect, h, 'joltLeft');
f(h, 'Mr. Picky, huh?');
f(n, 'N-no, I don\'t mean like that…');
f(label, 'hanaAskEat');
f(person, h, 0, 'neutral');
f(effect, h, 'joltRight');
f(h, 'Hey… are you hungry?');
f(n, 'I, uh-');
f(h, 'Do you want to go get something to eat? There\'s a Denny\'s around the corner.');
f(c_b, 'She don\'t waste no time…', 'inlove');
f(whatIf, 'cousin');
f(person, h, 0, 'happy');
f(h, 'It\'s about time we did some cuz-to-cuz catchin\' up, don\'t you think?');
f(whatIf, 'sister');
f('I\'ll text $Erika$ too, see if she can\'t make it!');
f(whatIf, '!toldCousinAboutSister');
f('Oh, flip..!');
f(c_t, 'BigB hasn\'t helped out with the script much… except making characters say "flip" and "flippin\'". Thank you for your input...', 'confused');
f(n, 'Oh, so <i>you</i> they tell? Seriously, I don\'t believe this.');
f(person, h, 0, 'surprised');
f(effect, h, 'joltRight');
f(h, 'What?');
f(n, 'Nobody even bothered telling me $Erika$ was coming to Kumatani! I mean, that we were going to share the house between us, even! I found out yesterday late at night, when she came in. I took her for a burglar..!');
f(effect, h, 'joltRight');
f(h, 'What, for real? Aunt didn\'t tell you?');
f(n, 'My mum didn\'t, my dad didn\'t… my sister didn\'t. You didn\'t!');
f(person, h, 0, 'neutral');
f(h, 'Well, I assumed you knew, you know.');
f(n, 'No, yeah, of course. I don\'t blame you, or whatever. It\'s my stupid parents\' fault.');
f(person, h, 0, 'upset');
f(h, 'But seriously, what do you say? Get something to eat?');
f(choice, 'Go for it.');
f(person, h, 0, 'smiling');
f(n, 'Hey, sure, that sounds nice.');
f(setVariable, 'day3HanaDate', true);
f(h, 'OK, let\'s go.');
f(choice, 'Make an excuse.');
f(n, 'Hey, thanks for the offer, but I need to head home. Need to prepare for tomorrow.');
f(whatIf, 'cousin');
f(person, h, 0, 'surprised');
f(h, 'Really?');
f(person, h, 0, 'angry');
f(h, 'You don\'t have time for your own cousin, huh?!');
f(n, 'Sorry…');
f(person, h, 0, 'upset');
f(whatIf, 'rapeJoke');
f(h, 'Well, fine then. Don\'t rush home to rape that poor girl and then blaming me for it, OK?');
f(n, 'Cuz, that\'s…');
f(person, h, 0, 'smiling');
f(h, 'Sorry. No more dirty jokes!');
f(h, 'Well, let\'s go out later this week then, maybe. See you around little cousin. Bye.');
f(stopMusic, 'fadeOut', 3);
f(remove, h);
f(person, h, 0, 'surprised');
f(h, 'Oh, right, uhm, fine. Well… see you around.');
f(stopMusic, 'fadeOut', 3);
f(remove, h);
f('Uh… why didn\'t I just say yes? Making at least one friend would be nice.');
f(jump, 'day3Alone');
f(scene, 'restaurant_evening', 'blackFade');
f('We\'ve made our way to the Denny\'s. It\'s fairly similar to the family restaurants back in Tohoku, except… the menu is humongous. I mean, both the amount of things there are on it, but just the size of it too, the dimensions.');
f(c_t, 'I got a reply on Reddit how it\'s completely unrealistic that there\'s a Denny\'s in Japan. Well, fudge you! Denny\'s are super big in Japan.', 'angry');
f(c_b, 'It\'s a little funny when you have all these… well, excuse the wording, but all these weeaboos picking out things that doesn\'t fit with their image of Japan… when all they know of Japan is from anime and visual novels.', 'confused');
f(c_t, 'I\'ll drop a hint for you - Japan isn\'t like that, at all.', 'angry');
f(c_b, 'The <i>funniest</i> part is, you didn\'t even want to write this set in Japan at first, right?');
f(c_t, 'Well. I do watch anime. I play visual novels, obviously.', 'worried');
f(c_t, 'But... I think… if you\'re going to do a story set in Japan, you know, you\'re competing with all these great works, and you\'re not going to come out on top. Firstly, I mean, I feel like I know Japanese culture fairly well, but I\'m not Japanese.', 'unhappy');
f(c_t, 'I feel like, I mean, I don\'t take this as a cardinal rule or whatever, but I feel that for most of the time, stories set in Japan are best left to the Japanese themselves.', 'worried');
f(c_b, 'You shouldn\'t worry too much. I think you\'re doing a good job.', 'happy');
f(person, h, 0, 'smiling', 'p2.3');
f(setZoom, h, 2.2);
f(h, 'I think I\'ll have the sea urchin cream pasta. What about you?');
f(n, 'Uh…');
f(choice, 'Go with what she ordered');
f(n, 'I\'ll just have what you had.');
f(h, 'Oh, OK.');
f(setVariable, 'dinner', 'urchin');
f(choice, 'Order the super mega 5-storey burger');
f('I hold up the menu to $Hana$ and proudly point to the hamburger.');
f(n, 'Did you see this? The burger?');
f(person, h, 0, 'laughing');
f(effect, h, 'joltRight');
f(h, 'Yeah, haha, I mean, who orders something like that? There should be a warning or something there, "Only for people who want to die of a heart attack within the next 24 hours."');
f(person, h, 0, 'smiling');
f(whatIf, 'cousin');
f(n, 'Oh, shut up! That\'s what I\'m having!');
f(c_t, 'So Nishi going through with the order, despite $Hana$ ridiculing it - that only happens in the cousin route.');
f(c_t, 'There\'s been a lot of effort gone into these cheats.');
f(person, h, 0, 'disturbed');
f(effect, h, 'joltLeft');
f(h, 'Uh… really?');
f(h, '...');
f(person, h, 0, 'smiling');
f(h, 'Well, you are a big guy, of course.');
f(h, 'Don\'t expect me to help you out if you can\'t finish it, though!');
f(n, 'Hah, not a chance!');
f(setVariable, 'dinner', 'bigBurger');
f(n, 'Uh, a-haha, yeah, exactly.');
f('Oh, flip.');
f(n, 'I\'ll… uh, I\'ll just go with the mini hamburger and salad, no fries.');
f(setVariable, 'dinner', 'burger');
f(choice, 'Order the eggplant pasta');
f(n, 'I\'ll go with the eggplant thing.');
f(h, 'Cool beans.');
f(incrementVariable, 'dinnerScore', 1);
f(setVariable, 'dinner', 'eggplant');
f(changeBg, 'restaurant_night', 'fade', 15);
f('A waiter comes and take our orders. He takes the menus with him as he leaves.');
f(whatIf, 'cousin');
f('I feel strangely relaxed, though we haven\'t seen each other for quite some time. I don\'t know, there\'s just no other girl I get along with as well as $Hana$.');
f('I sense a slight nervosity in the air… or am I just imagining things? Or is it just me, who\'s nervous?');
f('I guess $Hana$ does seem reasonably comfortable.');
f(h, 'So… what do you think of our class?');
f(choice, 'Tell her you don\'t recognize anybody but her.');
f(n, 'Well, huh… to be honest, I hardly know who\'s in it. I mean we only had two things all together, right? I\'m not sure I recognize anybody but you.');
f(person, h, 0, 'surprised');
f(choice, 'Tell her you like it.');
f(incrementVariable, 'dinnerScore', 1);
f(n, 'Well, it seems like a nice group of people!');
f(person, h, 0, 'happy');
f(h, 'Yeah? I think so too!');
f(person, h, 0, 'smiling');
f(n, 'I mean, I haven\'t actually talked to anybody but you, yet. But uh… viewed from a distance, sure it\'s a… it\'s pretty picture…');
f('No wait, could she misconstrue that..?');
f(n, 'Er, I mean, the class! Not, uh… not you. You, uh, you look good close-up as… as well.');
f(person, h, 0, 'laughing');
f(h, 'Hah, thanks.');
f(person, h, 0, 'surprised');
f(h, 'But you haven\'t talked to anybody?');
f(n, 'No, I mean… I\'m kinda shy, and it\'s a little hard to just… walk up to people and start chatting them up isn\'t it?');
f(choice, 'Tell her you don\'t think much of it.', '!cousin');
f(incrementVariable, 'dinnerScore', -1);
f('Hm. How should I phrase this to make myself seem interesting… oh, I know. Ennui is kinda suave, isn\'t it?');
f(n, 'I don\'t know… it\'s a little boring, isn\'t it?');
f(person, h, 0, 'disturbed');
f(effect, h, 'joltLeft');
f(h, 'Boring..? Really? You think?');
f(n, 'I don\'t know. People aren\'t very talkative, are they? I mean, except for you.');
f(person, h, 0, 'irritated_smile');
f(h, 'Yeah, but there was a party yesterday, at 8. I think everyone must have been there. Well, everyone but you, I guess...');
f(n, 'Oh, was that yesterday? I thought that was next week…');
f(person, h, 0, 'neutral');
f(h, 'No, there\'s a separate party on Monday next week, though, but you know… yesterday was the first, uh, proper... get-to-know-meet.');
f(n, 'Oh. Well.');
f('Typical me. Missing out on stuff from Day 1. Damn it.');
f(n, 'So… was it fun?');
f('I pray it wasn\'t.');
f(person, h, 0, 'smiling');
f(h, 'Yeah, it was, actually! We played some games, tried and memorize each other\'s names, and, you know, so on. It\'s… it\'s a good group. Slightly more girls than guys, too.');
f(whatIf, 'cousin');
f(person, h, 'laughing');
f(effect, h, 'joltRight');
f(h, 'Maybe even someone for you in there, haha!');
f(n, 'Hey! What\'s up with the laughing, huh!');
f(h, '<i>Datte</i>... you are one of those guys, right?');
f(n, 'What?!');
f(person, h, 'teasing');
f(h, 'Your history without a girlfriend… equals the amount of years you\'ve lived on this green Earth… right?');
f(n, '...');
f(h, 'Hah! I knew it.');
f(person, h, 0, 'laughing');
f(effect, h, 'joltLeft');
f(h, 'Dear cousin is a virgin!');
f(n, 'H-hey, shut up!');
f(person, h, 0, 'smiling');
f(n, 'OK, OK.');
f(whatIf, 'toldHanaAboutErika&&!sister');
f(n, 'Right.');
f(h, '...');
f(person, h, 0, 'irritated_smile');
f(effect, h, 'joltRight');
f(h, 'So, Nishi… it\'s time for you to spill the beans!');
f('What? What is she implying? I look at her, questioningly.');
f('I\'ll confess to nothing!');
f(person, h, 0, 'happy');
f(effect, h, 'joltLeft');
f(h, 'Come on, you know what I mean! Tell me about her!');
f(n, 'Who?');
f(person, h, 0, 'irritated_smile');
f(effect, h, 'joltRight');
f(h, 'Who? This girl you\'re living with it, of course!');
f(n, 'Oh, her.');
f(person, h, 0, 'neutral');
f(jump, 'tellOrNot');
f(setVariable, 'hanaMentionedHanami');
f(person, h, 0, 'smiling');
f(h, 'There\'s a hanami, a blossom-viewing party this Saturday, too. But you know that much, right?');
f(n, 'N-no, I didn\'t…');
f(person, h, 0, 'surprised');
f(effect, h, 'joltLeft');
f(h, 'Oh.');
f(person, h, 0, 'smiling');
f(h, 'Well, now you know!');
f(h, '...');
f(choice, 'Ask her what\'s up with the outfit.', '!bitcoinExplained&&bitcoin');
f(n, 'So… seriously. I have to ask. What\'s up with the outfit? Like, I\'ve seen other girls around campus walk around with similar stuff. I mean, if there was a bitcoin craze, sure, but… none of the guys are wearing bitcoin shirts! And all the girls, I mean…');
f('How do I phrase this without calling $Hana$ a slut..?');
f(n, 'Like, what they\'re wearing is… well it\'s kind of revealing, if you know what I mean? Like.. like what you\'re wearing, I mean, in a way, not saying that, uh, you know-');
f(person, h, 0, 'laughing');
f(h, 'Haha, don\'t worry!');
f(person, h, 0, 'smiling');
f(h, 'I mean, the whole point of it is for it to be revealing… in a way.');
f(person, h, 0, 'surprised');
f(effect, h, 'joltRight');
f(h, 'But like… seriously, you haven\'t heard?');
f(doCall, 'bitcoinExplanationHana1');
f(changeBg, 'restaurant_night', 'fade');
f(doCall, 'bitcoinExplanationHana2');
f(choice, 'Ask her how the bitcoin thing is going.', 'bitcoinExplained&&bitcoin');
f(n, 'So, uh… how\'s the bitcoin thing going out for you?');
f(person, h, 0, 'smiling');
f(h, 'Pretty great actually! I mean, I don\'t keep count of the coins or whatever, but…it\'s all public, you know? The wallets.');
f(n, 'How\'s that?');
f(h, 'Um… something something open ledger. I don\'t know, but the point is, it\'s easy to see whose earning the most.');
f(person, h, 0, 'happy');
f(h, 'And guess what?');
f(whatIf, 'cousin');
f(h, 'You, Nishi, are the proud cousin of one of the top 5 most tipped girls on campus!');
f(n, 'Uh. Well. I guess you want me to say "wow"?');
f(person, h, 'smiling');
f('Hana nods approvingly.');
f(n, 'Uh. <i>Wow</i>,');
f(h, 'You happen to sit opposite one of the top 5 most tipped girls on campus!');
f(person, h, 'smiling');
f(n, 'Uh… wow. That\'s… that\'s impressive.');
f('But I still think this whole thing is totally balls.');
f(c_t, 'It… it kinda is. Yeah.');
f(choice, 'Ask her what her favorite part of Tokyo is.');
f(whatIf, 'cousin');
f(n, 'So, $Hana$... now as it looks as if I\'m going to be stuck here for the next four years, I guess I should learn to know the city better. What\'s your favorite part of Tokyo?');
f(n, 'So, $Hana$... I take it you\'re a proper Tokyoite?');
f(person, h, 0, 'happy');
f(h, 'You bet!');
f('Typical Tokyoite… she reacts as if it were a compliment. It\'s just a place where you live, really. Don\'t let it define your entire person!');
f(n, 'So, what\'s your favorite part of Tokyo?');
f(person, h, 0, 'smiling');
f(h, 'Oh, that\'s a good question!');
f(h, 'There\'s so many nice places in Tokyo, you know! I mean, Omotesando isn\'t what it used to be, but… there\'s a whole lot of shops there. And the place does have a lot of atmosphere.');
f(h, 'I\'m partial to Shimokita, really.');
f(n, 'Shimokita? But… that\'s in Aomori..?');
f(person, h, 0, 'surprised');
f(h, 'What?');
f(n, 'The Shimokita peninsula..? The top part of Aomori?');
f(whatIf, 'cousin');
f(person, h, 0, 'irritated');
f(effect, h, 'joltRight');
f(h, 'Tsk! I\'m not talking about some old peninsula, dummy! I mean, the full name <i>Shimokitazawa</i>, but everyone just calls it Shimokita. It\'s west of Meguro.');
f(person, h, 0, 'smiling');
f(person, h, 0, 'smiling');
f(effect, h, 'joltRight');
f(h, 'Oh, right. No, I\'m talking about <i>Shimokitazawa</i>, west of Meguro.');
f(h, 'Meguro\'s really nice too, actually. Naka-Meguro especially.');
f(n, 'Right…');
f('I\'m starting to regret I asked. She\'s just reciting nouns, as far as I\'m concerned.');
f(n, '...');
f(choice, 'Ask her if she comes here often.');
f(incrementVariable, 'dinnerScore', -1);
f(n, 'So, uh… $Hana$, do you… do you come here often?');
f(person, h, 0, 'surprised');
f(effect, h, 'joltRight');
f(h, 'Huh? To Denny\'s?');
f(n, 'Um… yeah.');
f(person, h, 0, 'irritated_smile');
f(whatIf, 'cousin');
f(h, 'Uh… that\'s an odd question, cuz. No. This is a Denny\'s.');
f(n, 'Uh… OK?');
f('What\'s gotten to her?');
f(h, 'Uhm… no, I don\'t. I mean… no.');
f(c_t, 'I don\'t know if it\'s entirely clear here to you why she\'s reacting kind of negatively, so I thought I\'d just explain how I was thinking here.', 'worried');
f(c_t, 'I mean, it\'s just a sort of… nothing left to talk about question, but also… they\'re at Denny\'s, it\'s not that high-class or whatever. I mean, overall, it\'s just kind of a weird thing to ask at a place like this.', 'worried');
f(c_t, 'You wouldn\'t ask it at a McDonald\'s, right? And I think it\'s kinda similar at Denny\'s.', 'worried');
f(choice, 'Ask her how her mother is.', 'cousin');
f(n, 'So, $Hana$... how\'s aunt Shigeko doing?');
f(person, h, 0, 'smiling');
f(h, 'Oh, she\'s good. She was talking about goin up to Aomori to see your mom this summer, actually.');
f(person, h, 0, 'concerned');
f(h, 'During that big festival, the… whaddayacallit…');
f(n, 'The Nebuta?');
f(person, h, 0, 'smiling');
f(h, 'Yeah, that\'s the one!');
f(choice, 'Say nothing.');
f(n, '...');
f(choice, 'Ask if you can touch her boobs.', 'crazyconvos');
f(whatIf, 'cousin');
f(n, 'Hey, my favorite cousin in the whole wide world…');
f(n, 'Hey, $Hana$…');
f(person, h, 0, 'surprised');
f(n, 'Can I touch your boo-boo\'s? I mean, just a squeeze? They keep… you know, staring me in the face. I feel like, I need to get this out of my system.');
f(h, '...');
f(h, 'So… how\'s your place?');
f(choice, 'Say it\'s fine');
f(setVariable, 'toldHanaHouse');
f(n, 'Oh, it\'s alright. A bit old but, you know... it\'s, uh, it\'s a Japanese-style house. With tatami mats, and futons, and all.');
f(whatIf, 'cousin&&sister');
f(h, 'Nice.');
f(jump, 'hanaDinnerClubTalk');
f(h, 'Oh, that\'s nice, classic style huh? Do you live by yourself?');
f(n, 'No, I… I do have a... housemate.');
f(h, 'That\'s nice. The two of you get along?');
f(whatIf, 'sister');
f(n, 'Well, uh… she\'s my sister, so…');
f(n, 'Uhm… so far, so good. I mean we only met once… and, uh, super-briefly. Just yesterday.');
f(h, 'OK.');
f(jump, 'hanaDinnerClubTalk');
f(choice, 'Deflect and ask her where she lives.', '!cousin');
f(n, 'Oh, it\'s alright. It\'s close and all, just a 30 minute walk from here. Where do you live?');
f(h, 'Oh, you know, I\'m from the area, so I\'m still staying with my parents, of course.');
f(n, 'You get along?');
f(h, 'Well, yeah, they\'re my parents. They\'re a little strict, I guess.');
f(jump, 'hanaDinnerClubTalk');
f(choice, 'Tell her about $Erika$', '!sister');
f(incrementVariable, 'dinnerScore', 1);
f(n, 'Well, it\'s funny… or I don\'t know, weird, I guess, but you know, I live in this old Japanese-style house.');
f(whatIf, 'toldHanaNoFootHere');
f(n, 'As I told you, I hadn\'t set my foot here until two days ago… so I found a place to stay online, kind of randomly.');
f(n, 'I found it online, actually, because I couldn\'t afford coming down here just to look for a place.');
f(n, 'Like, all I knew was that it was a tatami room and that I\'d have a housemate. I don\'t know, I guess this might have been the landlord\'s mother\'s old house or something?');
f(n, 'Anyway, I figure a little company will be nice, but this guy didn\'t turn up all day yesterday.');
f(n, 'I wasn\'t worried or anything, but, you know, you do wonder when he\'s gonna turn up. So I go to bed and all and suddenly, in the middle of the night, I hear somebody going through, what I assume, is my stuff.');
f(person, h, 0, 'laughing');
f(h, 'But it was him moving in, right?');
f(n, 'Yeah, well if my brain wasn\'t still half asleep that\'s what I would have assumed too, right? But I storm into the room next door and there\'s… a girl in there.');
f(person, h, 0, 'surprised');
f(h, 'He brought his girlfriend?');
f(n, 'No, it turns out … she\'s my housemate.');
f(h, 'What?!');
f(n, 'Yeah, I\'m sharing this small house with a girl our age.');
f(h, 'Wow… that\'s… decadent. Like… I don\'t know, a US TV show or something.');
f(n, 'Yeah, right? I mean this is Japan. Like… is it even legal?');
f(person, h, 0, 'smiling');
f(h, 'Haha, for the landlord to rent out to mixed sexes? No I\'m pretty sure it\'s legal, but it\'s very odd, nonetheless.');
f(n, 'Yeah…');
f(h, 'So, tell me about her.');
f(setVariable, 'toldHanaAboutErika', true);
f(setVariable, 'hanaKnowsOfErika', true);
f(setVariable, 'toldHanaAboutErikaLater', true);
f(label, 'tellingAboutErika');
f(n, 'Uh, well, there\'s not much to tell. I mean, I practically don\'t know <i>anything</i> about her, but her name.');
f(person, h, 0, 'neutral');
f(n, '$Erika$. That\'s her name.');
f(effect, h, 'joltRight');
f(h, 'Well… does she go to Kumatani?');
f(c_t, '<i>Kumatani</i> is made up but it does sound like a real place name in Japan. It literally means "bear valley". There\'s a couple of place names with <i>Kuma</i> in them, like Kumamoto Prefecture, for example.');
f(c_t, 'Totally incidentally, "Kumamoto" actually means "hot pussy" in Swahili. True story, bro.', 'happy');
f(c_b, 'No way?', 'surprised');
f(c_t, 'Yup.');
f(n, 'Uh, yeah.');
f(n, 'I mean, not that she told me, but I bumped into her outside my lecture hall.');
f(whatIf, 'toldHanaAboutErikaLater');
f(person, h, 0, 'surprised');
f(effect, h, 'joltLeft');
f(h, 'So you haven\'t talked to her yet? At all?');
f(n, 'Well, no, I did talk to her… sort of. I mean…');
f('Oh boy, how do I tell her about this without sounding like a complete doofus?');
f('I sit quiet for a couple of seconds, considering strategies… ah, to hell with it. I guess I was a doofus, and maybe that\'s alright.');
f(n, 'So… you\'re going to laugh, but…');
f(n, 'The thing was…');
f(n, 'I assumed she was a burglar, right? So… I guess you could say we got off on the wrong foot...');
f(n, 'The first words I yelled to her was that I was going to call the police.');
f(person, h, 0, 'surprised');
f(effect, h, 'joltLeft');
f(h, 'Really?');
f(person, h, 0, 'laughing');
f(effect, h, 'joltRight');
f(h, 'That\'s hilarious!');
f(n, 'Yeah, yeah, I know. I\'m a doofus.');
f(person, h, 0, 'smiling');
f(h, 'Haha! That\'s alright, we all are, on occasion.');
f(jump, 'hanaDinnerClubTalk');
f(label, 'tellOrNot');
f(n, 'Well…');
f(choice, 'Try and change the topic.');
f(n, 'There\'s not that much to tell, really.');
f(person, h, 0, 'sad');
f(effect, h, 'joltLeft');
f(h, 'Oh… OK.');
f('$Hana$ looks a little disappointed.');
f(jump, 'hanaDinnerClubTalk');
f(choice, 'Tell her about $Erika$.');
f(jump, 'tellingAboutErika');
f(label, 'hanaDinnerClubTalk');
f(whatIf, '!cousin');
f(h, '...');
f(person, h, 0, 'neutral');
f(h, 'So…');
f(person, h, 0, 'smiling');
f(effect, h, 'joltRight');
f(h, 'Have you thought about joining any of the clubs?');
f(n, 'I don\'t know… I guess I should.');
f(whatIf, 'cousin');
f(h, 'I thought you were in the … what was it, the rugby club or something?');
f(n, 'What? Are you joking? That doesn\'t sound like me at all.');
f(person, h, 0, 'surprised');
f(effect, h, 'joltLeft');
f(h, 'Oh.');
f(person, h, 0, 'neutral');
f(h, 'Hm. Must be confusing you with one of my other cousins, then. On my father\'s side.');
f(person, h, 0, 'smiling');
f(effect, h, 'joltRight');
f(h, 'Really? You\'re not into any sports? Such a waste, you look like you\'d… you know. Like you\'d be good at it.');
f(n, 'What about you, though?');
f(person, h, 0, 'irritated_smile');
f(effect, h, 'joltLeft');
f(h, 'They didn\'t have any clubs at your high school up north?');
f(n, 'Hah, come on. But no, I wasn\'t actually in any…');
f(person, h, 0, 'surprised');
f(effect, h, 'joltLeft');
f(h, 'Really? You look kind of sporty, though?');
f('I get this a lot. For some odd reason, I\'m pretty buff. I\'ve wondered myself if it\'s because of a genetic condition or something.');
f(c_t, 'Or just because, you know… BigB forgot to tell Lasterk any single detail about what you should look like in the CG\'s..?', 'angry');
f(c_b, 'Come on, cut me some slack.', 'surprised');
f(n, 'Nah, I\'m not, really. What about you, though?');
f(whatIf, 'cousin');
f(h, 'Me? Well, you know I\'m a volleyball girl, right?');
f(person, h, 0, 'smiling');
f(h, 'Me? Well, I was in the volleyball club in high school….');
f(h, 'I\'ve already signed up for Kumatani\'s volleyball club too.');
f(person, h, 0, 'surprised');
f(effect, h, 'joltLeft');
f(h, 'So, hold on, let me just get this straight - you don\'t do any sports at all?');
f(choice, 'Tell her the truth and say you don\'t.');
f(whatIf, 'cousin');
f(n, 'No, I told you already!');
f(n, 'Uh, no, I don\'t, actually.');
f(person, h, 0, 'neutral');
f(effect, h, 'joltRight');
f(h, 'Well, it\'s never too late to start something. There\'s lots of sports clubs which aren\'t too serious either, just for fun.');
f(whatIf, 'cousin');
f(n, 'Well…');
f(n, 'I\'ll think about it.');
f(jump, 'hanaDinnerEnd');
f(choice, 'Lie and say you do.');
f(incrementVariable, 'dinnerScore', 1);
f(n, 'Uh, no, of course I do, uh, I mean I wasn\'t in a club but I did play…');
f(choice, 'Tennis');
f(n, 'I do play Tennis.');
f(setVariable, 'sports', 'tennis');
f(choice, 'Badminton');
f(n, 'I do play Badminton.');
f(setVariable, 'sports', 'badminton');
f(choice, 'Soccer');
f(n, 'I do play soccer.');
f(setVariable, 'sports', 'soccer');
f(choice, 'Baseball');
f(n, 'I do play baseball.');
f(setVariable, 'sports', 'baseball');
f(choice, 'The flute');
f(n, 'I… I play the flute.');
f(setVariable, 'sports', 'flute');
f(whatIf, 'sports!=flute');
f(person, h, 0, 'happy');
f(effect, h, 'joltRight');
f(h, 'Oh, cool. Well, why don\'t you join the $sports$ club then?');
f(n, 'Uh, yeah… I\'ll… I\'ll think about. I guess.');
f(whatIf, 'cousin');
f(person, h, 0, 'irritated_smile');
f(effect, h, 'joltRight');
f(h, 'Haha.');
f(person, h, 0, 'surprised');
f(effect, h, 'joltLeft');
f(h, 'I didn\'t know that, though.');
f(n, 'Well, yeah, I do, or you know, I did, actually...');
f(person, h, 0, 'surprised');
f(effect, h, 'joltLeft');
f(h, 'Huh?');
f(person, h, 0, 'laughing');
f(effect, h, 'joltRight');
f(h, 'You doofus!');
f(person, h, 0, 'surprised');
f(h, 'Do you though? Play the flute?');
f(n, 'I do, actually.');
f(person, h, 0, 'smiling');
f(effect, h, 'joltLeft');
f(h, 'You could join a band, or something?');
f(n, 'On the flute? Uh… I don\'t know.');
f(h, 'Yeah, maybe you\'re right.');
f(label, 'hanaDinnerEnd');
f(remove, h);
f('It didn\'t take long before our food came in.');
f(whatIf, 'dinner==burger');
f('So, my mini burger... was super mini. $Hana$ even glanced at me with a questioning look, but thank God didn\'t say anything. I guess she might have wanted to ask me if I\'d be full.');
f(elseIf, 'dinner==bigburger');
f(incrementVariable, 'dinnerScore', 1);
f('My gigaburger… was enormous. $Hana$ laughed like a little girl when they brought it in, and carried on giggling for another minute or so, before she could calm down.');
f('It wasn\'t easy, but I managed to finish it all. $Hana$ was duly impressed.');
f(elseIf, 'dinner==urchin');
f('I felt like a bit of a doofus, ordering the same food as $Hana$. Mostly because… Well, I fucking hate urchin. It tastes awful, and in a pasta? Christ.');
f('I was dangerously close to gag on it, which I don\'t think I was able to hide very well from $Hana$.');
f(c_t, 'This is 99% autobiographical. The autobiographical path. The girl might not have been as hot as $Hana$, but… I nearly threw up the instant the urchin hit my tongue. My god.', 'unhappy');
f(c_b, 'Why would you even order urchin?!', 'surprised');
f(c_t, 'So she said it in Japanese, and I had no idea what it was, but it was in a pasta, right? How bad would you expect it to be?', 'worried');
f('My pasta tasted great.');
f(whatIf, 'cousin');
f(jump, 'cousinDinner');
f(elseIf, 'dinnerScore>1');
f(jump, 'niceDinner');
f(elseIf, 'dinnerScore==1');
f(jump, 'OKDinner');
f(jump, 'notSoNiceDinner');
f(label, 'OKDinner');
f('We had an OK time together. There were some moments of silent awkwardness but $Hana$ is good at coming up with a topic for conversation, it seems.');
f(jump, 'payDinner');
f(label, 'niceDinner');
f('We had a really nice time together. I don\'t know... she\'s nice. Really nice. Despite being a rich kid, and all. We talked about our families and she told me how they still expected her to be home by 10.');
f(c_t, 'So you made the most of the dinner. Good job. There\'s a couple of ways to accomplish what you just did, but... uh…<i>a couple of Ctrl-F\'s later</i>, basically order the eggplant. And tell her about $Erika$.');
f(c_b, 'That\'ll be in the walkthrough, of course. Always choose eggplant-based dishes. Always. Trust us on this one.', 'happy');
f(c_t, '...', 'dumbfounded');
f(jump, 'payDinner');
f(label, 'notSoNiceDinner');
f('The rest of the dinner, well, it… it didn\'t go…');
f('Well, it didn\'t go too well. There were <i>lots</i> of moments of silent awkwardness and I nearly felt like excusing myself to hurry home.');
f('By the end of it, I think we were both deeply regretting doing this. Christ.');
f(jump, 'payDinner');
f(label, 'payDinner');
f('When it came to footing the bill…');
f(choice, 'Pay for both.');
f('I paid it all, though it ended up a little more expensive than what I would have wanted.');
f(person, h, 0, 'smiling');
f(h, 'Aw, thank you, that\'s very nice of you.');
f(choice, 'Go dutch.');
f('We split the bill - no funny business here, no.');
f(choice, 'Say you have no money.');
f(setVariable, 'hanaPaidDinner');
f('I lied, and told $Hana$ I forgot my wallet at home.');
f(whatIf, 'dinnerScore>=1');
f('$Hana$ didn\'t seem too bothered and paid the full amount. Rich kids, huh!');
f(incrementVariable, 'dinnerScore', -1);
f('$Hana$ seemed a little irritated, but paid without complaining. God damn rich kid, don\'t give me none of that attitude, yo, just pay up!!');
f('I\'m joking, of course.');
f(jump, 'postRestaurant');
f(label, 'cousinDinner');
f('Altogether, I really enjoyed spending some time with $Hana$, for the first time in a while. She\'s… well, she\'s grown into a… a real <i>woman</i>, but she\'s still the crazy, silly girl I used to play with as a kid.');
f(label, 'postRestaurant');
f(stopMusic, 'fadeOut', 3);
f(scene, 'outside_restaurant', 'blackFade');
f(setFilter, 'night');
f(whatIf, 'cousin');
f(person, h, 0, 'smiling');
f(setZoom, h, 1.6);
f('We\'re standing outside the restaurant. It\'s a nice, cool night outside.');
f(h, 'Hey, I had a really good time tonight, Nishi.');
f(n, 'I had a really nice time too!');
f(h, 'You know…');
f(person, h, 0, 'teasing');
f(h, 'I\'ve really missed you.');
f(e, 'I… I\'ve missed you too, $Hana$.');
f('There\'s a slightly… odd, kind of tension in the air… something new. Something I don\'t recognize. Almost… <i>nah.</i>');
f('Well, uh… I was going to say, almost <i>sexual</i>, but it felt a little… fucked up.');
f('I don\'t know, the word just popped into my head.');
f(person, h, 0, 'laughing');
f(effect, h, 'joltRight');
f(h, 'Well, of course you have! Haha!');
f('I smile in return.');
f(person, h, 0, 'smiling');
f(h, 'Can\'t wait for the weekend, huh? More school tomorrow…');
f(n, 'Uh, yeah, tell me about it.');
f(h, 'Classes are nice and all, but…');
f(h, 'Anyways, I\'m babbling. I\'ll shut my mouth and I\'ll… I\'ll see you tomorrow, right?');
f(n, 'Of course. Well, good night then, $Hana$.');
f(h, 'Good night, Nishi.');
f(whatIf, 'sister');
f(h, 'Oh, and tell that sexy little sister of yours she had better responded to my messages next time!');
f(n, 'Bye!');
f(elseIf, 'dinnerScore>1');
f(person, h, 0, 'smiling');
f(setZoom, h, 1.6);
f('We\'re standing outside the restaurant. It\'s a nice, cool night outside.');
f(h, 'Hey, I had a really good time tonight, Nishi. You\'re alright, you know?');
f(n, 'I had a really nice time too!');
f('There\'s a good kind of tension in the air…');
f('But I\'m way too much of a pussy to make a move and kiss her, or whatever.');
f('It\'d be a little rash, right? And there\'s always the chance I\'m misinterpreting her signals. I don\'t want to sexually assault the poor girl… or, at least, I don\'t want to be accused of doing it.');
f('Should I compliment her? She did complement me already, didn\'t she? Would it be rude not to return the compliment, even? God, I suck at this kind of stuff.');
f(h, 'What are you grappling with inside that little head of yours?');
f('Damn, she called me out..!');
f(n, 'Uh, you… you are nice.');
f(person, h, 0, 'laughing');
f(effect, h, 'joltRight');
f(h, 'Haha!');
f(person, h, 0, 'smiling');
f(h, 'Well, thank you. You\'re nice too.');
f('Is she being flirty?');
f(effect, h, 'joltRight');
f(h, 'Can\'t wait for the weekend, huh? More school tomorrow…');
f(n, 'Uh, yeah, tell me about it.');
f(h, 'Classes are nice and all, but…');
f(h, 'Anyways, I\'m babbling. I\'ll shut my mouth and I\'ll… I\'ll see you tomorrow, right?');
f(n, 'Of course. Well, good night then, $Hana$.');
f(h, 'Good night, Nishi.');
f(elseIf, 'dinnerScore==1');
f(person, h, 0, 'smiling', 'p2.5', x, true);
f(setZoom, H, 1.4);
f('We\'re standing outside the restaurant.');
f(h, 'Well, that was nice.');
f(person, h, 0, 'neutral', x, x, true);
f(effect, h, 'joltRight');
f(h, 'It\'s kinda late though, I think I need to hurry home now.');
f(c_t, 'She has a curfew. I don\'t remember if this is ever spelled out...');
f(person, h, 0, 'smiling', x, x, true);
f(effect, h, 'joltLeft');
f(n, 'Right, right. Well, um, see you tomorrow, then.');
f(h, 'Yeah, you too, Nishi.');
f(n, 'Bye!');
f(person, h, 0, 'neutral');
f(setZoom, h, 1.2);
f(h, '...');
f(n, 'Uhm, that was nice... I-, uh, I guess I should be on my way home now, though.');
f(person, h, 0, 'smiling');
f(effect, h, 'joltLeft');
f(h, 'Uh, yeah, that was nice. Yeah, me too, I need to hurry home.');
f(n, 'Alright then… see you tomorrow?');
f(h, 'Right… bye.');
f(n, 'Bye.');
f('We say goodbye and I start walking back home.');
f(setFilter, 'default');
f(scene, 'night_lights', 'blackFade', x, x, x, 0, 'bottom', 480);
f(pan, 'bg', 0, 190, 15);
f(whatIf, 'cousin');
f('OK, so… you\'re going to think I\'m a perv for saying this, but…');
f(n, 'Well well well. I don\'t know if that counts as a date… but it was something, at least!');
f('If it indeed was a date… it would actually be my very first.');
f('Come on, you know what it\'s like in the countryside, don\'t you?');
f('If you\'re not the popular kid by the time you\'re 10, you\'re not going to be the popular kid by the time you\'re 16 either, no matter how your looks or style or personality may have changed.');
f('But… well, I don\'t know what $Hana$\'s intentions were.');
f('I\'m also not sure I\'m romantically interested in her and all, but... ');
f('Man, it has to be said.');
f('$Hana$ does have a fucking <i>beautiful</i> set of boobs.');
f('Christ. How do you get a set like that?');
f('She must have been chugging milk like crazy ever since she was a kid, or something. But then again, she\'s really thin.');
f(whatIf, 'cousin');
f('And, well… I don\'t have any recollection of her doing anything odd like that. I mean, only last year…');
f('Seriously, she didn\'t look like this.');
f('Or… did she?');
f('It was last winter, so she was wearing bulky clothes. Maybe… maybe she was just hiding… <i>the goods.</i>');
f('Man, she has a nice figure. That\'s… that\'s just an incredible body.');
f(whatIf, 'cousin');
f('Fuck, don\'t read too much into this, but… I almost get an erection, just from thinking about it. I\'ve gotta remind myself...');
f('She\'s almost like a sister to me… nice boobs or no.');
f(whatIf, 'sister');
f('In many ways, more of a sister than my real sister.');
f('Fuck, I\'m getting an erection just thinking about it. Gotta stop picturing her naked!');
f(whatIf, 'dinnerScore<=1');
f('Shame the date went like shit, though.');
f(c_t, 'The original text here, when $Hana$ was a lot less hotter, read something like "I don\'t know if she\'s girlfriend material, but…". I mean, scratch that.');
f(c_b, '<i>Scratch that.</i> If $Hana$ isn\'t girlfriend material to you, who the hell do ? The President of Mars?');
f(scene, 'washitsu_night_bright', 'blackFade');
f('I get home and go to sleep after sifting through some of the papers I\'ve received today.');
f('$Erika$ doesn\'t seem to be around, from what I can tell.');
f('It\'s not that odd though, I suppose. It\'s fairly typical for college students to work nights at the izakaya restaurants.');
f('I mean, there are other… <i>types of establishments</i> that are open late too... ');
f(whatIf, 'sister');
f('I shake my head. God, what am I thinking of? My baby sister as a prostitute..?');
f(whatIf, 'cousin');
f('First I almost get an erection thinking about my cousin, and… now?');
f('That said… the idea is oddly alluring. Of her… working as a...');
f('Ugh, OK, never mind.');
f('God, wouldn\'t that be super hot? If she was working as a call girl, or whatever.');
f('Imagine that! "My Houstemate, the Callgir"...');
f('OK, enough imagining. Time to go to bed.');
f(scene, 'washitsu_night');
f(playSound, 'lights');
f(whatIf, 'sister');
f('That was the actual story for one of my favorite porn mangas I had back home, actually.');
f('Not digital manga, actual physical copies me and my friends had somebody\'s older brother buy for us, for a nice little provision of course.');
f('We hid them out in some burned-out old van in the forest… as you were expected to do, before the advent of smarphones.');
f('The story was about a guy who goes to the brothels, to the <i>soapland</i>... so the girl, the prostitute, she comes into his room, right?');
f('And he, he\'s sitting on the bed with the back towards the door, already getting undressed… she puts her hand on his back and says, with a seducing voice: "My, you\'re a big guy, aren\'t you?"');
f('The guy gets a look on his face like "hold on", as if he sensed something is off... so he lifts his face towards her, and they both realize - they\'re siblings!');
f('She\'s acting all shocked, and also begins admonishing her brother for going to a place like that, implying he\'s not a real man, and stuff.');
f('Well, that was a mistake.');
f('The brother gets pissed and gives her a push - just a regular sibling kind of shove, not abusive madman knock-over, but she falls over on the bed, and there\'s this odd tension in the air just for a second - like, her face is like, "what\'s happening"...');
f('The brother, seeing his sister like that, on the bed, with that expression… something stirs deep inside of him and he realizes - he\'s horny. He came here with one thing on his mind, and…');
f('His facial expression changes, and his sister realizes something is off…');
f('While she\'s crying for him to stop, he pushes down her arms above her hand with his right hand, tears off her top and begins fondling her breasts, violently, with the left hand…');
f('He\'s inside of her before she can stop him, though all the while she\'s struggling, and trying to get him off of her, but he\'s a big guy, and he\'s on a power rush, with a wild look on his face, like sex never felt this good.');
f('As he keeps humping and fondling her, she can\'t help herself but start enjoying it, . Eventually, they come in tandem.');
f('I don\'t know what it was about that story, but… I mean, I\'ve never been interested in incest, in general, but something about that story… well, I don\'t know.');
f('It\'s a nice story, at any rate.');
f(scene, 'black', 'fade');
f(pause, 2);
f(jump, 'onsenDream');
f(label, 'day3Alone');
f(scene, 'walk_day', 'blackFade');
f('I start heading back home, when I realize it\'s still only 5 PM. What should I do with the rest of my day?');
f('Hmm… while I\'m perpetually low on cash, I did get some money from $my_parents$ to buy myself a cheap laptop. Of course there\'s a computer room at the school, but…');
f('I mean I can watch porn on my phone, but porn games? I can\'t play those without a computer.');
f('I say that in jest… or do I? I don\'t know how much I\'ll even dare to masturbate now that there\'s a girl in the next room. Hopefully she\'s joining a club… or even better, has a part time job.');
f('Should I head into town and get a computer, or just go straight home?');
f(c_b, '♪ Should I stay or should I go now! ♪');
f(choice, 'Head into town.');
f('Heck, it\'s not like I have that much to do back home. Let\'s go burn some god damn money.');
f(jump, 'day3Nakano');
f(choice, 'Go home.');
f(setVariable, 'decideNotBuyComputer');
f('Well… it\'s not like I couldn\'t use that money on other stuff. Maybe I\'ll just wait a week or two and see how it feels using the school\'s computers.');
f('I head back home.');
f(scene, 'washitsu_evening');
f('$Erika$ hasn\'t made it home yet, it seems - great. I seize the opportunity and have a quick wank to some random porn online.');
f(changeBg, 'washitsu_night_bright', 'fade', 5);
f('After coming, I feel enlightened - I\'m in "sage mode", free from all temptation, dirty thougths, and sin. I take this opportunity to sift through all the papers I\'ve managed to gather up during these first two days.');
f('I sort them neatly into two piles "throw away" and "keep". When I\'m done with that, I make a list of all the textbooks I\'m gonna need.');
f('Christ… there\'s a whole bunch of them. Maybe I can find some online, second hand. Might have been for the best, not splurging on a laptop just yet.');
f('After a while, I can hear $Erika$ coming home. I left the door facing the entrance open, so I see her pass by.');
f(person, e, 0, 'neutral', 'left');
f(n, 'Uh, hi...');
f(e, 'Hi…');
f(remove, e);
f('$Erika$ doesn\'t stop to chat but immediately heads off to her room.');
f('Oh well.');
f(playSound, 'lights');
f(scene, 'washitsu_night');
f('I decide to call it a night.');
f(scene, 'black', fade);
f(jump, 'onsenDream');
f(label, 'day3Nakano');
f(setVariable, 'sawMaidDay3');
f(setVariable, 'knowsOfErikasMaidening');
f(scene, 'downtown_evening', 'blackFade');
f(playMusic, 'citySounds');
f('I head for Nakano, an area with lots of electronics but also otaku stuff that\'s not too far away from school.');
f(n, 'Let\'s see… where\'s the computer store?');
f(maid, 'Master-sama! Come join us at our maid cafe!');
f(c_t, 'In case you didn\'t know, "-sama" is a <i>suffix</i> much like "-san", only even more polite.');
f('A young girl is standing outside a building, dressed as a French maid. Of course they\'d have maid cafes here… real otaku stuff. I mean sure, it\'s kind of hot, but… also kind of creepy.');
f(c_b, 'Did you ever go to a maid cafe yourself, by the way? While you were over there?');
f(c_t, '...', 'dumbfounded');
f(c_t, 'I decline to comment.', 'worried');
f('I feel kind of sorry for the girls working there...');
f(maid, 'Mast-');
f('The maid interrupts herself mid-speech. I glance a look at her.');
f('Wait a minute..!');
f(person, e, 'maid', 'surprised', 'right');
f(e, 'Oh, shit.');
f(n, 'E-, $Erika$? You… you work here?');
f(c_b, 'The big reveal.');
f(c_t, 'Yup.');
f(c_b, 'Who\'d have thunk it?!', 'surprised');
f(person, e, 'maid', 'angry');
f(e, 'Uh…');
f(e, 'No, I just dress up as a maid and, you know, advertise the services of a maid cafe because I find it so much fun..!');
f(person, e, 'maid', 'neutral');
f(e, 'Yes, I work here…');
f(choice, 'Tease her.');
f(incrementVariable, 'erikaLikesPlayer', -1);
f(n, 'Haha, is this your part-time job? Is this the best you could do?');
f(person, e, 'maid', 'more?angry');
f(e, 'Oh, eff off, would you?');
f('Wow. That\'s… feisty.');
f(n, 'Hey hey, now that\'s no language for a maid, is it?');
f(person, e, 'maid', 'more?angry');
f(e, '...');
f(e, 'Come on, don\'t make this any worse than it already is.');
f('I start to feel bad.');
f(n, '... I\'m sorry, I\'m just teasing you. I-, I don\'t judge you.');
f(c_b, 'Nishi says that, but he probably does. In his heart of hearts.');
f(c_t, 'The player probably doesn\'t, though. Do you player?');
f(person, e, 'maid', 'angry');
f(e, 'OK, fine.');
f(n, '...');
f(n, 'Uh, yeah, sorry to keep you. See… see you at home, I guess.');
f(e, '...');
f(e, 'OK, bye…');
f(n, 'Break a leg!');
f(remove, e);
f('I leave her to it. Poor girl.');
f(choice, 'Apologize and leave.');
f(n, 'I\'m, I\'m sorry. I didn\'t mean to intrude. I\'ll leave you to it.');
f(person, e, 'maid', 'neutral');
f(e, '...');
f(e, 'Sorry for being sarcastic. I… uh, see you at home.');
f(n, 'Uh, yes! Exactly. See you.');
f(remove, e);
f(whatIf, 'sister');
f('Fuck, sis…');
f(whatIf, 'bitcoin');
f('First the bitcoin stuff, now this? Dad must be even deeper in the hole than I had thought, if he can\'t even afford his precious princess daughter an allowance that would allow her to get away from this kind of stuff...');
f('... a maid cafe..?');
f('I leave her to it. Poor thing.');
f(choice, 'Compliment the uniform.');
f(setVariable, 'uniformComplimenter', true);
f(n, 'Well, it suits you, at least!');
f(person, e, 'maid', 'angry');
f('$Erika$ mutters something under her breath. I can just barely make it out…');
f(e, 'Creep...');
f(whatIf, 'sister');
f(n, 'Oh, shut up!');
f(n, 'W-what? That was a compliment!');
f(e, 'Okaythankyouverymuch, would you please leave now? You\'re scaring away customers.');
f('I see red. Who the hell does she think she is?');
f(n, 'Hmf… customers? Don\'t you mean <i>johns?!</i>');
f(setVariable, 'saidJohns');
f(person, e, 'maid', 'angry');
f('As soon as the last word leaves my lips, I\'m starting to think I maybe took things too far.');
f(c_t, 'It is a little… <i>rich,</i> implying that she services her customers sexually. Girls tend to not take kindly to those kind of insinuations. I mean, just in general.');
f(c_b, 'So in the maid cafe you did or didn\'t go to yourself… were such services actually offered?');
f(c_t, 'Come on, dream on. I mean, there probably are such places, but… not out in the open. I don\'t think you\'ll be able to find stuff like that if you\'re a foreigner. I hear the red light districts aren\'t to fond of us <i>gaijin</i>.');
f(c_b, 'You </i>hear</i>?');
f(c_t, 'Yes. Hearsay. I mean, come on. The yakuza run the brothels. I don\'t want any part of that. I\'m not, like, morally opposed to the idea of prostitution. I don\'t think it\'s wrong, if people are choosing to do it freely. But I can\'t imagine myself ever going.');
f(person, e, 'maid', 'angrymore');
f(e, 'Get the hell out of here!');
f(whatIf, 'sister');
f(n, 'Pft. Whatever.');
f(remove, e);
f('I turn around in a leisuredly pace, to demonstrate she has no power over me.');
f('Talk about over-reacting! Classical $Erika$...');
f(n, 'F-fine! I will!');
f(remove, e);
f('I hurriedly leave. Girls these days! Can\'t even take a compliment. Creepy?! How was it creepy, exactly?!');
f('Though… fuck, I probably shouldn\'t have insinuated she\'s a prostitute. Girls… tend to not take too kindly to that kind of stuff, I would… I\'d assume.');
f(stopMusic, 'fadeOut');
f(scene, 'black', 'fade');
f(whatIf, 'sister');
f('After walking around aimlessly for a couple of minutes, I find a store selling laptops.');
f('After walking around aimlessly, slightly shell shocked, for a couple of minutes, I find a store selling laptops.');
f('I settle for one of the more economical models … and also pick up an 18+ visual novel game from the bargain bin.');
f(setVariable, 'boughtComputer');
f('Hm? Oh, the game? Uh, you know, I just picked one at random, let me have a look…');
f(whatIf, 'sister');
f('"Degrading Sister Rape IV"... it\'s a... well, uh, on the back, it says, uh, you know. You play as a…');
f('Well, if there\'s three previous titles in the series, it\'s got to be good, right..?');
f('"Maid Cafe Rape III"... it\'s a... well, uh, on the back, it says, uh, you know. You play as a…');
f('Uh, yeah, I will obviously hide it well and all.');
f(c_b, 'Funniest part of the game, hands down. Kudos for thinking of this.');
f(playMusic, 'citySounds');
f(scene, 'downtown_evening', 'blackFade');
f('I don\'t see $Erika$ standing outside the cafe as I head back to the station. Maybe she already headed back home?');
f('I go to the McDonalds in front of the station and quickly devour two 100 yen hamburgers, before I head home.');
f('I know this junk food is bad for me. I\'m going to have to learn to cook sometime, it\'s just…');
f(whatIf, 'sister');
f('I don\'t know, it feels awkward, especially with my sister around.');
f('I don\'t know, it feels awkward, especially with a girl around the house.');
f('Maybe I could just command her to do stuff for me. I mean, she\'s supposed to be maid, isn\'t she?');
f('Maid, make me a sandwich!!');
f(c_t, 'This is not a meme in Japan, by the way. At least not that I know of.');
f('Yeah, that might… that might not work out as I\'d hope it would.');
f(whatIf, 'sister');
f('It\'s weird because personality-wise… $Erika$ is pretty much the polar opposite of what you\'d actually want from a maid, right?');
f('She\'s contrarian… not respecting her elders, including older brothers…');
f('$Erika$ really doesn\'t seem the type. I mean her personality is like the opposite of what you\'d want from a maid, isn\'t it?');
f('It\'s a strange world.');
f(c_t, 'Where tsunderes are maids, and maids are…');
f(c_b, 'Tsunderes?');
f(stopMusic, 'fadeOut');
f(scene, 'washitsu_evening', 'blackFade');
f('$Erika$ is not back yet, it seems. Well, you can bet I\'m not going to wait up for her.');
f('I guess I go through some of the papers I\'ve been handed in class...');
f('But hell. I have a new computer.');
f(cgs, 'pc', 'fade', [0, 'white']);
f(c_b, 'I wonder how many of our dear players are now staring at a picture of what is pretty much in front of their eyes.');
f('It ends up taking me over an hour just to get it set up, and remove all the bloatware it came loaded with.');
f('No, I\'m not playing… <i>that game</i>, I\'m just surfing, idly.');
f(whatIf, 'sister');
f(cgs, 'pc', 'fade', [0, 'blue', 'rape']);
f('OK, so maybe I am, then. Who cares?');
f('It\'s not like $Erika$ is around, to… to misconstrue it.');
f('Because it\'s just a game, you know.');
f('And… it\'s not too bad of a game. The visuals in particular are pretty good.');
f(c_b, 'This screen is from our upcoming title, The Untitled Zombie Game. No, it\'s not stolen..!');
f('The story is kind of non-existing though. You\'re a fat otaku, but your younger sister is hot as fuck, for whatever reason.');
f('And then, you know… then you rape her. After that you rape her some more.');
f('From the walkthrough I glanced online, it looks like there\'s… yep, you guessed it, some more rape coming up after this particular rape scene.');
f('Can\'t blame them for false marketing at least - it most definitely is what it says on the box.');
f(cgs, 'pc', 'fade', [0, 'white', 'maid']);
f('OK, so maybe I am? What of it..?');
f('It\'s not too bad of a game. The visuals are absolutely amazing, they must have spent a fortune to have some famous artist do these, or I don\'t know what.');
f(c_b, 'Props to Lasterk.');
f('The story isn\'t all that great though. I\'m a guy trapped in a maid cafe with three maids… and… well, that\'s pretty much it. I mean, in terms of story. I read online there\'s some intricate backstory, but uh… maybe a couple of hours more before I get there, I guess.');
f('In terms of <i>plot</i>, it\'s got plenty, though.');
f('If you know what I mean.');
f(c_b, '*Raises eyebrows meaningly and nudges the player with elbow*');
f('OK, that\'s enough fapping for today.');
f('I say a silent prayer as a thanks to whatever God prevented $Erika$ from barging in on me while playing.');
f(pause, 0.3);
f(scene, 'black', 'fade');
f('Good night.');
f(pause, 2);
f(jump, 'onsenDream');
f(label, 'onsenDream');
f(playMusic, 'onsenLoop', 0.3);
f(pause, 2);
f(setVolume, 0.6, 'fade');
f(scene, 'onsen', 'fade');
f('Wh-… where am I?');
f('Oh… this… I\'m at the Aobani hot springs back home? Oh, OK.');
f('That\'s cool.');
f('Mmm, the water is nice and warm. I could soak up here all night.');
f(setFilter, 'night');
f(person, e, 'nude', 'surprised', 'left');
f(setZoom, e, 1.4);
f(e, 'N-Nishi?!');
f('... what?!');
f(person, e, 'nude', 'angrymore', 'left');
f(setZoom, e, 1.3);
f(effect, e, 'joltLeft');
f(e, 'W-what are you doing here?! You perv!');
f('OH MY GOD!! This is the girl\'s bath, what am I doing!?');
f(whatIf, 'sister');
f('And my sister\'s… nude..! Oh shit! What the hell!');
f(person, h, 'nude', 'surprised', 'right');
f(setZoom, h, 1.4);
f(h, 'N-Nishi?! What… what the hell are you doing here?!?');
f(whatIf, 'cousin');
f('Oh, shit!! Not my cousin, too!!');
f('Oh shit, not $Hana$ too!');
f('And… oh crap, I\'m naked, too! Shit! Shit! Shit!');
f('This is so embarrassing!');
f('How the hell did this happen?!?!');
f(n, 'I-, I\'m so sorry! I don\'t know how…');
f('... how the hell I ended up here?!');
f(person, h, 'nude', 'neutral', x, x, true);
f(setZoom, h, 1.8);
f(h, 'Nishi… you…');
f(person, h, 'nude', 'angry');
f(setZoom, h, 2);
f(effect, h, 'joltRight');
f(h, 'Idiot!');
f('Hana suddenly steps up just inches from me, her breasts briefly brushing my chest…');
f(person, e, 'nude_alt', 'alt_neutral');
f(setZoom, e, 1.65);
f(effect, e, 'joltRight');
f(whatIf, 'cousin&&sister');
f(e, 'You\'ve seen both your cousin <i>and</i> your sister, naked! You\'re a criminal! A dirty criminal!');
f(person, h, 'nude', 'disturbed', x, x, true);
f(effect, h, 'joltRight');
f(h, 'What the hell?! You perv!');
f(h, 'How could you look at us like that?!');
f(person, e, 'nude', 'unimpressed');
f(effect, e, 'joltLeft');
f(e, 'That\'s incest! It\'s a dirty, dirty, crime!');
f(n, 'Oh my God…');
f('She is right! Oh no, I\'m going to prison for this! Oh hell! I\'ve thrown away my life... ');
f('And I don\'t even know why I\'m in here?!?!');
f(person, e, 'alt_nude', 'alt_teasing');
f(effect, e, 'joltLeft');
f(e, 'Well… we\'re not letting you go now, are we?');
f(elseIf, 'cousin||sister');
f(whatIf, 'sister');
f(e, 'You perv!');
f(person, h, 'nude', 'irritated');
f(effect, h, 'joltLeft');
f(h, 'You\'d look at your own sister, in the nude..?!');
f(elseIf, 'cousin');
f(e, 'You would look at your own cousin, in the nude..?!');
f(person, h, 'nude', 'sad');
f(effect, h, 'joltRight');
f(h, 'H-how could you! I thought… I thought you were different!');
f(n, 'N-no, it\'s not like that!');
f(person, e, 'nude', 'angry');
f(effect, e, 'joltLeft');
f(e, 'You… incestous bastard! You… criminal!');
f(person, e, 'alt_nude', 'alt_teasing');
f(effect, e, 'joltLeft');
f(e, 'Well… we\'re not letting you go now, are we?');
f(e, 'You\'ve seen us naked! We can\'t just let you leave can we..?');
f(n, 'W-, what?');
f(person, h, 'nude', 'irritated', x, x, true);
f(effect, h, 'joltRight');
f(h, 'You heard her.');
f(person, e, 'nude_alt', 'alt_unimpressed');
f(effect, e, 'joltLeft');
f(e, 'Well. Get to it then.');
f(n, 'What? Get to what?');
f(person, e, 'nude', 'angrymore');
f(effect, e, 'joltRight');
f(e, 'Start masturbating!');
f(n, 'Wh-what!?');
f(person, e, 'nude_alt', 'alt_angry');
f(effect, e, 'joltRight');
f(e, 'Hurry up! Get to it!');
f(person, h, 'nude', 'angry', x, x, true);
f(h, 'We haven\'t got all day! Look, just grab it! It\'s hard already!');
f('I look down and realize she\'s right. My dick is rock-hard, surfacing above the water.');
f(effect, e, 'joltLeft');
f(e, 'Start pulling at that foreskin!');
f(n, 'B-but…');
f(person, h, 'nude', 'irritated', x, x, true);
f(person, e, 'nude', 'angrymore');
f(effect, e, 'joltLeft');
f(h, 'Just do it!');
f(choice, 'Begin to masturbate');
f(person, e, 'nude', 'neutral');
f('I begin masturbating in front of the girls, timidly.');
f(person, h, 'nude', 'angry', x, x, true);
f(effect, h, 'joltRight');
f(h, 'What the hell are you even doing? $Erika$, look at this idiot! He hardly knows how to jerk off his own god damn dick.');
f('We\'re going to have to do it for him.');
f(person, e, 'nude', 'angry');
f(effect, e, 'joltRight');
f(e, 'You moron!');
f(choice, 'Refuse');
f(setVariable, 'refusedM');
f(n, 'Noo!! You can\'t make me if I don\'t want to!');
f(person, h, 'nude', 'angry', x, x, true);
f(effect, h, 'joltRight');
f(h, 'You moron! $Erika$, he\'s too stupid to manage on his own! You have to do it for him!');
f(person, e, 'nude', 'unimpressed');
f(e, 'Pfft! What a loser!');
f(person, e, 'nude_alt', 'alt_almost_smiling', x, x, true);
f(e, 'Should I use my mouth?');
f(person, h, 'nude', 'irritated_smile', x, x, true);
f(effect, h, 'joltLeft');
f(h, 'Haha, yeah, do that! And make sure you bite him, just niggle into him, a little bit.');
f(whatIf, 'sister');
f(person, h, 'nude', 'angry');
f(h, 'See if the little worm doesn\'t enjoy it - having his own flesh and blood go down on him!');
f(n, 'N-no, It\'s not like that!');
f(n, 'N-no! Don\'t! Stop it!');
f(n, 'Wait, no, hold on…!');
f(scene, 'black', 'fade', 1);
f(n, 'Ngh…');
f(n, 'Ahh…');
f(h, 'Do it faster, $Erika$! Faster! He\'s about to cum!');
f(whatIf, 'sister');
f(h, 'Make your worthless brother come!');
f(whatIf, '!refusedM');
f(e, 'Ew, look at this perv! He\'s enjoying it! Nishi, for crying out loud… I\'m your sister!');
f(whatIf, 'refusedM');
f(e, 'I\'m...pthh… I\'m gwoin ick asch fasch asch I can!');
f(h, 'Stop talking!');
f(h, 'Take him in deeper!!');
f(stopMusic, 'fadeOut', 0.5);
f(pause, 0.5);
f(playMusic, 'phoneAlarm');
f(scene, 'washitsu_day', 'fade');
f(setFilter, 'default');
f('I wake up to the alarm of my phone with a raging boner.');
f('Well, that was weird.');
f('Super weird.');
f('Like, embarrassingly weird.');
f(whatIf, '!cousin&&!sister');
f('But also fucking hot.');
f('Ugh, that was fucked up.');
f(whatIf, 'cousin');
f('I mean, Erika, fine… a little creepy considering that she lives next door, but…');
f(elseIf, 'sister');
f('I mean, Hana, fine… I mean, she\'s pretty fucking hot. Nothing odd about that. But, uh… the way it ended…');
f('I mean, that\'s just not… it\'s not OK.');
f(whatIf, 'sister');
f(whatIf, 'peeked');
f('That\'s… that\'s what I get for peeking on her in the shower. Christ, that was fucked up. What was I thinking?');
f('I mean, it wasn\'t really intentional or anything, it was an accident…');
f(c_b, 'Yeah, right.');
f('But still.');
f(elseIf, 'walkedin');
f('That\'s what I get for walking in on her before she\'s changed… Christ. Let\'s not repeat that, ever again.');
f(elseIf, 'boughtComputer');
f('I shouldn\'t have bought that stupid game… I stayed up way too long playing it. It must have… I don\'t know, infiltrated my subconscious somehow. Scary stuff.');
f(stopMusic, 'phoneAlarm');
f('I turn off the alarm. I hear a groan from $Erika$\'s room - I guess my alarm disturbed her sleep a little.');
f(choice, 'Masturbate.');
f('I wait for a while to make sure she\'s gone back to sleep - before I close my eyes and grasp at the last straws of the dream...');
f(scene, 'black', 'fade');
f(whatIf, 'sister||cousin');
f('It\'s not… I\'m not thinking about the dream, or whatever. It\'s just this raging boner… I need to put him to sleep, before the rest of my body wakes up.');
f('Fap, fap…');
f('Fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fapfapfapfap');
f(screenEffect, 'shake');
f(n, 'Anghhh..!');
f('I come almost immediately.');
f('I masturbate for a good 20 minutes before I give up. I\'m not cumming. The dream faded from my conscious before I got around to it. Shit. Nothing more frustrating than not being able to jerk off in time.');
f(choice, 'Don\'t.');
f('Nah, not now. She might notice.');
f(whatIf, 'sister');
f('The last thing I\'d need now is her walking in on me masturbating…');
f('... oddly, my dick, which was beginning to relax, once again got super hard at the thought. ');
f('Christ, that\'s fucked. But… I\'m still, I\'m almost dreaming. It\'s not me, it\'s just… whatever garbage handling goes on in my brain while I\'m asleep…');
f('Yes, that\'s it.');
f(scene, 'washitsu_day', 'fade');
f(c_b, 'I\'ve been trying to spot a good place to do some general commentary on something. This is probably as good as it gets, I think. It\'s in the main path and all.');
f(c_b, 'I forgot what it was I wanted to talk about, though. Do you have anything on your chest, Taxcup?');
f(c_t, 'Uh, I don\'t know. Like what, the Patreon leak, for instance?');
f(c_b, 'Right. So that was like, what, a month or two ago by now? If you\'re unaware, Patreon had a massive user data leak. Um. I don\'t know if I have any real comments on that. So all our Patreon-only material was leaked, but it wasn\'t a first. Our password got leaked, though it was encrypted.');
f(c_b, 'Then again, even if would get cracked, I have a password manager so I use unique passwords across all sites…');
f(c_b, 'I hadn\'t actually entered any tax info at the time of the leak, and never entered a shipping address either. PM\'s got leaked, and I guess there\'s a few where I tell people off for doing pledge-and-run\'s, but...');
f(c_t, 'Right.');
f(c_t, 'Well, I thought it could be interesting to talk about our Patreon campaign in itself, maybe.');
f(c_b, 'Oh yeah, sure. Well, uh… so, where to start… well, after the release of "Crusoe", our campaign just, it spiked. The pledges went straight up. It was crazy. It was only a month after we had released the original "Housemate", but we had only… I think we had only $60 or so in pledges. Or, you know, maybe slightly more.');
f(c_b, 'But the reaction to "Crusoe" was kind of crazy. So we hit $8K in pledges, after 3 months. Now, this is awesome, and much more than we had expected, but the sad part is it\'s not actually all that much, when you consider all the costs.');
f(c_t, 'Now that we\'re paying for he art... ');
f(c_b, 'Shut up. Well, yes, that. And also the amount of people who cancel their pledges the last minute only to repledge in the beginning of the next month, the amount of people whose pledges don\'t actually go through, etc. etc.');
f(c_t, 'And at the end of the day, after all that, after Patreon\'s cut, after Paypal\'s cut… there\'s four of us, sharing the spoils.');
f(c_t, 'I mean, not to complain. It sounds extremely entitled. I have my day job, still.');
f(c_b, 'Yeah. I just want to explain this, because I feel like a lot of people might see our Patreon, see the $8K or whatever it might be at the moment, and think: "Oh, well, they\'ve made it. They\'re rich." Especially when people use that as an excuse to steal stuff from us.');
f(c_b, 'You know, if you\'ve gotta steal from us, fine, do it, but don\'t come up with a bunch of excuses trying to make it OK.');
f(c_b, 'Right. That ended up a little longer and probably a lot less general-interest than I had intended. Back to the game.');
f(jump, 'day4morning');
f(label, 'day4morning');
f(playMusic, 'dreamingOfYou');
f(scene, 'kitchen', 'fade');
f('I get my shit together and sit down for a breakfast in our dirty old kitchen.');
f(whatIf, 'sister');
f('What can I say… our dad is a cheapskate. Though considering how he would always spoil and favoritize $Erika$... I\'m kind of surprised he\'d let her live in a place like this.');
f('Man, our landlord really screwed us over on this one… at least when you consider the rent.');
f('I eat my breakfast consisting of a banana and a soy energy bar.');
f('The kitchen isn\'t… I don\'t know, it\'s not really <i>dirty</i>, per se. I mean… there\'s no dirt you could actually ever hope to remove.');
f(whatIf, 'bomb>=1');
f('The dirt is so ingrained and permanently stained the only solution would probably be blowing it up with an atomic bomb, waiting 20 years for the radiation to subside, and then rebuild it from scratch.');
f('And honestly, it might still be kind of dirty even after all that. Yes, even if you replaced it and rebuilt it part by part. That\'s what I\'m telling you here, about the nature of this dirt.');
f('I mean, it\'s all permanent. There\'s no way you could remove any of it no matter how hard you tried.');
f('I finish my meal and prepare to leave.');
f('$Erika$\'s up too and I meet her as she comes out of the bathroom, as I get to the porch.');
f(scene, 'genkan_day', 'fade');
f(stopMusic, 'fadeOut');
f(pause, 1);
f(person, e, 0, 'neutral', 'right');
f(setZoom, e, 1.3);
f(n, 'Hey, good morning…');
f(e, 'Good morning.');
f('Don\'t think about the dream don\'t think about the dream don\'t think about the dream…');
f(whatIf, 'sawMaidDay3');
f(n, 'Hey, I just wanted to say... sorry, for yesterday.');
f(person, e, 'alt', 'alt_almost_smiling');
f(effect, e, 'joltLeft');
f(whatIf, 'uniformComplimenter&&!sister');
f(e, 'Uh… OK…');
f(n, 'I, uh… I didn\'t mean to be a creep. Peace?');
f(e, 'Sure, peace.');
f(e, 'Don\'t sweat it.');
f(n, 'Are you… are you heading to… I mean, are you enrolled at Kumatani? Are you heading for class?');
f(person, e, 'alt', 'alt_neutral');
f(effect, e, 'joltLeft');
f(whatIf, 'pretendedNoSeeErika');
f(e, 'Uh, yeah. I am. So… you too?');
f('Phew. If she did notice I consciously avoided her the other day, she\'s pretending like she didn\'t.');
f('That\'s the basic decency you need for society to thrive, right? People ignoring things that make things awkward.');
f(n, 'Yeah, that\'s right. So, what\'s your major then?');
f(e, 'Uh...');
f(e, 'We met there the other day..? What did you think I was doing there?');
f('Ugh, I\'m an idiot.');
f(e, 'You thought I was faculty?');
f(n, 'No, sorry, I was just trying to make conversation. I should have asked…');
f(n, 'Uh... What\'s your major?');
f(person, e, 0, 'eyes_down');
f(effect, e, 'joltLeft');
f(e, 'It\'s… English....');
f(e, '...');
f(person, e, 0, 'neutral');
f(e, 'What about you?');
f(n, 'Literature. you want to, walk there together? If you have a class for the first period.');
f(person, e, 0, 'eyes_down');
f(e, 'Uh… I have a bike, so…');
f(c_b, 'ZING!! Shot down!');
f(c_b, '...');
f(c_b, '... stole that comment from the reddit thread on the original release.');
f(n, 'Oh, OK. Of course. Never mind then. Maybe see you at school then?');
f(person, e, 'alt', 'alt_neutral');
f(effect, e, 'joltRight');
f(e, 'Yeah... sure. Maybe. Bye.');
f(remove, e);
f(pause, 0.5);
f(scene, 'walk_day', 'blackFade');
f('I walk by myself to school.');
f('Little by little, the neighbourshoods are becoming… familiar. I realize where I took a wrong turn yesterday.');
f(scene, 'auditorium_day', 'blackFade');
f('Another day at school. Still several new classes, new introductions, during the day, but... I\'m starting to feel a little bit more settled in.');
f(whatIf, 'day3HanaDate');
f(whatIf, 'dinnerScore>0');
f(stopMusic, 'fadeOut', 2);
f('$Hana$ is in the same class as me just before lunch and we end up eating together.');
f(playMusic, 'hanaThemeSong');
f(jump, 'day4HanaLunch');
f('I see $Hana$ in one of my classes. She nods and smiles but doesn\'t bother coming up to say hi. Did I really burn that bridge already?');
f(scene, 'cafeteria_day', 'blackFade');
f('I end up eating lunch by myself, again.');
f('The food in the cafeteria is really nice, though. I\'m amazed at the quality and selection. It\'s mostly <i>yoshoku</i>, i.e. Westernized Japanese food, like <i>tonkatsu</i> and other stuff… lots of meat, lots of pork.');
f('I\'m a meat eater though - I love it!');
f(c_b, 'I\'m a meat lover! I eat it!', 'confused');
f('There\'s of course yer regular tofu and miso soup and what have you too.');
f('The food... it\'ss really cheap as well. I mean, I\'m on a scholarship and everything and kind of strapped for cash, so what I really ought to be doing is bringing a lunch box, but... heck, nobody ever taught me to how to do that kind of stuff.');
f('Maybe I should buy a recipe book or something on Amazon…');
f('<i>How to Make Character Bento...</i>');
f('Pfft, yeah, right.');
f(' I\'m mostly fine by myself. Who needs friends..? I have my thoughts to entertain me.');
f('Thoughts. You\'re the best. Come here you… oh you rascals!');
f(c_b, 'Slowly descending into madness here.');
f(c_b, 'Couldn\'t we have done a thought sex scene here? With a super deformed faceless protagonist sprite having sex with a thought bubble?');
f(c_t, 'That would have been kind of fun, actually. Maybe that\'s something we should do more of?');
f(scene, 'auditorium_day', 'blackFade');
f('I sit through a bunch of more classes, only partially paying any attention.');
f('So far, the worst part of university live… I guess it has to be the classes.');
f('That… or the profound loneliness...');
f(scene, 'outside_uni_day', 'blackFade');
f(jump, 'day4RunIntoErika');
f(label, 'day4HanaLunch');
f(scene, 'outside_uni_day', 'blackFade');
f(person, h, 0, 'smiling');
f(setZoom, h, 1.7);
f('It\'s a beautiful spring day so we sit outside, chatting about this and that.');
f('After rain, comes sunshine - I guess it\'s true like they say.');
f('When we\'ve just about finished our meal…');
f(person, h, 0, 'neutral');
f(effect, h, 'joltRight');
f(h, 'Hey, so…');
f(h, 'I actually only have one more class today…');
f(h, 'Would you… do you want to head into town afterwards? I could show you around a bit, if you\'d like?');
f(whatIf, '!cousin');
f('Wow, this girl is… she\'s confident. I mean, I\'m not saying she\'s necessarily… I mean, <i>interested</i> in me or whatever… though, I mean… that would be pretty sweet…');
f('I\'m just saying though, it would have taken me probably two years of seeing each other before I could work up the courage to ask something like that.');
f('Honestly, two years would probably not cut it… considering I never asked out that girl from my class back in high school… Yui…');
f('... not that she was as cute as Hana is, though.');
f(c_b, 'Bro! Your inner monologue is too long! This is turning into Dexter or something! She\'s gonna think you\'re a serial killer! Answer her already!');
f(c_t, 'You\'re just making it take even longer, though..!');
f(c_b, 'Really?');
f(c_b, 'I had always assumed time froze as we commented.');
f(c_t, 'Hey, they don\'t pause the movie for the DVD commentary, now do they?');
f(c_b, 'Oh… well, then I\'m sorry, Nishi. For making you seem even crazier by this… and a couple of other… prolonged pauses.');
f('I actually have two more classes after lunch today, but I guess it wouldn\'t be the end of the world if I skipped the last one.');
f('It\'s called… well, "Perspectives on Wizardry". Yeah, I know, I know.');
f('I only signed up for it because the teacher is this... guy, I dunno, a semi-celebrity? He appears on TV sometimes. Or used to when I was a kid, at least. I recognized his name in the course catalogue.');
f(choice, 'Agree to go');
f(setVariable, 'dateTimeHana', 'early');
f(n, 'Sure, let\'s meet up here after class then?');
f(person, h, 0, 'smiling');
f(effect, h, 'joltLeft');
f(h, 'Cool! See you.');
f(stopMusic, 'fadeOut', 2);
f(remove, h);
f(scene, 'classroom_day', 'blackFade');
f('I sit through one class without understanding much of what\'s happening.');
f('I never thought of myself as stupid… but I\'m starting to wonder whether the scholarship wasn\'t really wasted on me.');
f('On the other hand… I guess everybody is overwhelmed at first though, right?');
f(scene, 'outside_uni_day', 'fade');
f(jump, 'day4IntoTownWithHana');
f(choice, 'Say you have one more class');
f(setVariable, 'setDateWithHana');
f(n, 'Sounds fun, but I have one more class after that…');
f(h, 'I could wait though?');
f(n, 'Oh, OK then. Sure! Let\'s meet around here afterwards then.');
f(h, 'Right. I\'ll be by the benches. See you in a bit.');
f(stopMusic, 'fadeOut', 2);
f(scene, 'classroom_day', 'fade');
f('I sit through two more classes, one more confusing than the next.');
f('I\'m sure everybody is overwhelmed at first though… right? Oh please God don\'t let it just be me.');
f(setVariable, 'dateTimeHana', 'late');
f(scene, 'outside_uni_evening', 'blackFade');
f(jump, 'day4RunIntoErika');
f(choice, 'Make an excuse');
f(n, 'Ah, sounds fund but I have one more class after that and then there\'s some stuff I need to do at the post office and-');
f(person, h, 0, 'neutral');
f(h, 'OK, don\'t sweat it. See you later, then.');
f(stopMusic, 'fadeOut', 2);
f(scene, 'auditorium_day', 'fade');
f('I sit through two more classes, one more confusing than the next.');
f('I\'m sure everybody is overwhelmed at first though… right? Oh please God don\'t let it just be me.');
f(scene, 'outside_uni_evening', 'blackFade');
f(jump, 'day4RunIntoErika');
f(label, 'day4RunIntoErika');
f(scene, 'outside_uni_evening');
f(setFilter, 'sunset');
f('As I head out from class, I see $Erika$ by the bicycle parking.');
f(person, e, 0, 'neutral');
f(setZoom, e, 1.2);
f(n, 'Hi ya. Heading home?');
f(e, 'Uh, yeah. You too?');
f(whatIf, '!setDateWithHana');
f(n, 'Yeah, but you\'re biking, right? See you at home.');
f(e, 'I, uh… I don\'t mind. I can walk with you.');
f(n, 'Cool.');
f(jump, 'day4WalkHomeWithErika');
f(n, 'Uh, well…');
f(choice, 'Ditch $Hana$ and walk home with $Erika$');
f(setVariable, 'ditchedHana');
f(n, 'Yeah, but you\'re biking, right?');
f(e, 'I, uh… I don\'t mind. I can walk with you.');
f(n, 'Cool.');
f(jump, 'day4WalkHomeWithErika');
f(choice, 'Tell $Erika$ you have a date');
f(n, 'No, I have a date actually.');
f(person, e, 0, 'unimpressed');
f(e, 'Oh really? Well… good for you.');
f(n, '...');
f(n, 'See you later, then.');
f(remove, e);
f('Well… she didn\'t seem very impressed by my romancing. But if there\'s one thing I know from playing visual novels, is that you\'ve gotta make the girl reason to be jealous. It\'s absolutely key.');
f(stopMusic, 'fadeOut', 2);
f('Right… now for $Hana$.');
f(jump, 'day4IntoTownWithHana');
f(choice, 'Tell $Erika$ you are heading into town');
f(n, 'Nah, I\'m heading into town with a friend, actually. See you later.');
f(e, 'Bye.');
f(remove, e);
f(stopMusic, 'fadeOut', 2);
f(jump, 'day4IntoTownWithHana');
f(choice, 'Invite $Erika$ to come along');
f(n, 'I\'m heading into town with a friend from class, actually. A girl. Do you want to come along?');
f(e, 'Oh, I don\'t want to be the third wheel…');
f(n, 'No, it\'s not like that, we\'re just friends.');
f(e, 'Uh… well… I can\'t just leave my bike here, so I think I\'ll head home. I\'ll see you later.');
f(e, 'Thanks… for inviting me though.');
f(stopMusic, 'fadeOut', 2);
f(remove, e);
f('Well, I tried to include her at least. Gold star for me.');
f(jump, 'day4IntoTownWithHana');
f(label, 'day4WalkHomeWithErika');
f(scene, 'walk_evening');
f(person, e, 'alt', 'alt_lookingaway', 'left', x, true);
f(setZoom, e, 1.7);
f(n, 'So, $Erika$… where are you from?');
f(setVariable, 'knowsFukuoka');
f(person, e, 'alt', 'alt_neutral');
f(effect, e, 'joltRight');
f(e, 'I\'m from down south... from Hakata.');
f(n, 'Oh, really? Fukuoka, then? That\'s quite the city, isn\'t it? So you don\'t feel entirely out of place here, then?');
f(c_t, 'Fukuoka and Hakata are different names for the same city. This is pretty deep otaku knowledge though… unless you\'re a dialect freak, of course. Then you\'ll have heard of <i>hakata-ben</i>.');
f(person, e, 0, 'neutral', x, x, true);
f(effect, e, 'joltLeft');
f(e, 'Well, it\'s more of a city then Kumatani of course, but if you compare it to Tokyo, you know…');
f(e, 'It\'s nothing.');
f(c_b, 'Have you been?');
f(c_t, 'Nope. But it\'s one of Japan\'s major cities. But you know, nothing compares to Tokyo, really.');
f(c_t, 'Not just when comparing to other cities in Japan, but… in general.');
f(c_b, 'New slogan in the time for the Tokyo Olympics? "Tokyo - Nothing Else Compares"? You heard it here first, folks!');
f(c_t, 'Most likely taken already by some wholly unimpressive city like… I don\'t know, Charlottesville?');
f(person, e, 'alt', 'alt_lookingaway', 'left', x, true);
f(effect, e, 'joltRight');
f(e, 'So… you\'re from the countryside, then?');
f(n, 'Yeah, from a small village way up north. Nothing like here, obviously.');
f(person, e, 'alt', 'alt_surprised');
f(effect, e, 'JoltLeft');
f(e, '...');
f(e, 'Wow. You lived there your whole life?');
f(n, 'Yup. I\'m a born-and-bred country bumpkin, don\'t cha know.');
f(person, e, 0, 'smallsmile', x, x, true);
f(effect, e, 'JoltRight');
f(e, 'Hmm.');
f(n, '...');
f(n, 'So… how do you find school?');
f(person, e, 'alt', 'alt_lookingaway', x, x, true);
f(effect, e, 'JoltLeft');
f(e, 'It\'s alright, I s\'pose.');
f(n, '...');
f('Damn, she\'s not volunteering much information here. Making conversation is all up to me.');
f('I couldn\'t come up with anything to say so we walked in silence for what seemed like a very long time.');
f('I decide I have to break the silence somehow.');
f(whatIf, 'knowsOfErikasMaidening');
f(n, 'So… uh, how did you come up with the idea to work at a maid cafe?');
f(person, e, 'alt', 'alt_angry', x, x, true);
f(effect, e, 'joltRight');
f(e, 'Hey, it\'s not like I set out looking for that kind of job!');
f(person, e, 0, 'neutral');
f(e, 'I mean… it\'s just money, and it was available. It\'s not like… you know, I\'ve never done any kind of cosplaying before, OK? It\'s not like…');
f(e, '... I don\'t find any particular enjoyment doing it.');
f(c_b, 'Hey, Taxcup, know what would be kind of hot? If $Erika$ was actually cosplaying. I mean, fuck, in one of those skimpy things…');
f(c_t, 'You\'re right. That would be sexy. You were saying something about doing mini-episodes, right? For months when we don\'t have full releases?');
f(c_t, 'I… I should say I\'d prefer if you could get somebody else to write it though, I\'ve got other projects I\'d rather work on.');
f(c_b, 'Well, it\'s a thought, at least.');
f(n, 'No, I didn\'t mean it like that, it\'s just, you know… it\'s an odd job, right? No shame in that, everyone can\'t work at the convenience stores.');
f(whatIf, 'saidJohns');
f(person, e, 'alt', 'alt_unimpressed');
f(e, 'Uh, right... only, that\'s not exactly what you were saying yesterday…');
f(c_t, 'The "johns" comment spooking around.');
f(n, 'I\'m… I\'m really sorry about that. It just… I just got mad, you know. I\'m sorry.');
f(person, e, 0, 'smallsmile');
f(e, 'Nah, it\'s fine. I\'m embarrassed by it too, so … I guess there is some shame in it.');
f(e, 'Exactly.');
f(person, e, 0, 'smallsmile');
f(e, 'I mean, I\'m embarrassed by it though, obviously. So I guess there\'s some shame in it.');
f(e, 'Yeah…');
f(person, e, 'alt', 'alt_neutral');
f(n, 'Uh, so… did you… did you find a part-time job yet?');
f(person, e, 'alt', 'alt_lookingaway');
f(e, '… why do you ask?');
f(n, 'No reason, just wondering. I haven\'t found anything myself yet but I guess I\'m gonna see if I can\'t find something at a convenience store. I think working at restaurant might be too tough…');
f(e, 'Oh, it is.');
f(n, 'So you work at a restaurant, then?');
f(e, 'Well... kind of.');
f(setVariable, 'erikaWorksAtRestaurant');
f(n, 'Cool. Is it around here?');
f(e, 'Uh…');
f(e, 'No, it\'s in the city.');
f(remove, e);
f('We continue making small talk on the way home. $Erika$ is a bit of a tough nut to crack - I mean, I thought I was kind of shy and socially awkward, but at least I try.');
f('$Erika$ seems very shut off. She doesn\'t tell me much about herself, so I keep volunteering more and more information about myself, blabbering on.');
f('She doesn\'t seem to mind, except the occasional scoff when I try and make a joke.');
f(person, e, 'alt', 'alt_almost_smiling', 'left', x, true);
f(setZoom, e, 1.7);
f('There\'s something resembling a smile on her lips now, though.');
f('She\'s cute when she smiles.');
f(person, e, 0, 'neutral');
f(e, 'What are you staring at?');
f(n, 'Hm? Oh, nothing.');
f(choice, 'Tell her she\'s cute.');
f(n, 'You\'re cute, you know?');
f('I\'m not used to giving compliments to girls - I don\'t think that sounded as suave as I had hoped for.');
f(person, e, 0, 'angry');
f(effect, e, 'joltRight');
f(e, 'Shut up!');
f(n, 'Alright.');
f(person, e, 0, 'neutral');
f(e, '...');
f(choice, 'Change the topic - talk about Mogura Yanko\'s upcoming wedding.');
f(n, 'I was just thinking… did you hear about Mogura Yanko?');
f(person, e, 0, 'suprised');
f(person, e, 'joltRight');
f(e, 'The actress? No, what? What happened? Did she have an accident or something?');
f(n, 'What? Accident? Nono, she\'s gonna marry that guy! Whatshisface, Ongura Shunto. Can you believe it? He\'s divorced, you know. And 15 years her elder!');
f(person, e, 0, 'unimpressed');
f(person, e, 'Left');
f(e, 'Tsk! Who cares about some marriage.');
f('Hey, that\'s a little harsh. I\'m just making conversation here.');
f(n, 'Uh… right. It\'s silly stuff, I mean.');
f(e, '...');
f(e, 'You read those kind of news?');
f(n, 'Hey, it was on Yahoo! I don\'t go searching for gossip and stuff. Besides, a major actress like Yan-chan getting married? That\'s kind of big news.');
f(e, 'Is she really a <i>major</i> actress? She only does TV, doesn\'t she?');
f(n, 'But, still… Ah, well, never mind.');
f(whatIf, 'ditchedHana');
f('I wonder how long $Hana$ sat and waited for me. She must have left, by now? It\'s been almost half an hour. I feel a sting of guiltiness, but... ');
f('Hell, a man\'s gotta prioritize.');
f(whatIf, 'knowsOfErikasMaidening');
f('I mean, this is my one chance of getting together with a girl in a maid uniform. $Hana$ would understand, surely. I mean... she definitely won\'t, but… there\'s more important things to consider right now.');
f('Probably a good thing I didn\'t give her my phone number.');
f('Though… I guess I could have texted her and called it off if I had her number though. Oh well.');
f('We finally get home. $Erika$ parks her bike outside and we head inside');
f(scene, 'genkan_evening');
f(setFilter, 'default');
f(person, e, 0, 'neutral');
f(n, 'Hey, thanks for walking with me. You really didn\'t have to.');
f(e, '...');
f(e, 'No biggie.');
f(person, e, 0, 'teasing');
f(e, 'I… you know, I just needed to make sure that, uh... you\'re not a rapist, considering we\'re living together.');
f(whatIf, 'playerIsAPervert');
f('Yeah… good thing she doesn\'t know what was going through my head this morning…');
f('"Go into her room and ask what she thinks of my boner"..? I mean, seriously?');
f('Wow. That\'s dark. And kind of out of character...');
f(n, 'So you\'re convinced I\'m normal now, then?');
f(e, 'I don\'t know, is anyone really normal?');
f(person, e, 0, 'eyes_down');
f(e, 'Sometimes I think the people who are able to act "normal" must be the least normal people of all…');
f(e, 'Because it has to be an act, somewhere… don\'t you… don\'t you think?');
f(e, 'There must be something you\'re suppressing, something you\'re not… letting out.');
f(person, e, 0, 'neutral');
f(e, 'Um… I\'m sorry.');
f(person, e, 0, 'smallsmile');
f(effect, e, 'joltRight');
f(e, 'You… you seem normal enough, Nishi.');
f(e, '...');
f(e, 'Hey, I\'ve got some studying to do. See you later.');
f(choice, 'Ask her if you can study together.');
f(n, 'Hey, I have some studying to do too, do you want to study together?');
f(e, 'Uh…');
f('She pauses, as if she\'s not really up for it, but can\'t come up with a good excuse.');
f(e, 'OK, fine. But, uh, I\'m going to bed early, so…');
f(n, 'No worries.');
f(jump, 'day4StudyTogether');
f(choice, 'Let her go.');
f(jump, 'day4LonelyEvening');
f(choice, 'Ask her if she wants to sit down and have a drink');
f(n, 'Hey, $Erika$… do you… do you, you know, maybe want to sit down and have a drink? I found this bottle of brandy under the sink the other day.');
f(n, 'You know, uh… to celebrate surviving our first week at Kumatani?');
f(e, '...');
f(e, 'Er… thanks, but I\'m good. I\'m not a drinker.');
f(choice, 'Make fun of her.');
f(whatIf, 'knowsOfErikasMaidening');
f(n, 'Oh well, I guess I shouldn\'t expect a French maid to be able to hold anything down, anyway. I mean, for all that attitude you\'re copping, you\'re still a girl after all, right?');
f(person, e, 0, 'angrysurprised');
f(e, 'Huh?');
f(n, 'No, I\'m just saying… you\'re a girl. You can\'t drink. It\'s… well, it\'s typical, isn\'t it? Nothing wrong with it, or anything, though.');
f(person, e, 'alt', 'alt_angry');
f(e, 'Oh, shut up! I\'ll show you who\'s the fucking girl! Get me a glass now, farmer boy!');
f(jump, 'erikaDrinking');
f(n, 'Oh, so you can\'t drink, huh? Oh well. You\'re like most other girls, then.');
f(person, e, 0, 'unimpressed', x, true);
f(e, 'Are you trying to cajoling me into drinking?');
f(n, '... yes?');
f(e, '... well, it\'s not going to work. I do need to study.');
f(n, 'Uhm… alright, sorry. That was… a bit transparent, wasn\'t it.');
f(remove, e);
f(choice, 'Beg');
f(n, 'Oh come on, pretty please with a cherry on top? I could really use a break.');
f(e, 'Yeah, well… I could really use some time to study.');
f('She\'s starting to sound a little irritated.');
f(n, 'Alright then, more left for me!');
f(remove, e);
f('... come to think of it, I don\'t really feel like drinking alone. Damn it.');
f(choice, 'Let her go');
f(n, 'Alright then, more left for me then!');
f(remove, e);
f('... come to think of it, I don\'t really feel like drinking alone.');
f(jump, 'day4LonelyEvening');
f(label, 'day4StudyTogether');
f(scene, 'wall', 'blackFade');
f(setVariable, 'studiedTogetherDay4');
f(person, e, 'walled', 'eyes_down');
f('We sit together for an hour or so, studying without making much conversation.');
f('I try to initiate conversation a couple of times, but $Erika$ being $Erika$, she doesn\'t really respond.');
f(e, 'Hey, I told you I need to study. If you\'re going to be like this, I\'ll just go sit in my room.');
f(n, '... Sorry.');
f('Eventually, $Erika$ closes her textbook.');
f(playSound, 'closingThickBook');
f(e, 'OK, that\'s about it for me today.');
f(n, 'Uh, OK.');
f(person, e, 0, 'smiling');
f('$Erika$ forces a smile to her lips.');
f(e, 'See you tomorrow.');
f(n, 'See you.');
f(remove, e);
f('Well, it\'s about time I went to sleep to, I guess. Studying together was kind of good, though. I actually managed to finish one of my assignments for next week.');
f('Hopefully we can do this again. I\'d better learn to keep my mouth shut, though.');
f(playSound, 'lights');
f(scene, 'washitsu_night_dark');
f('Good night.');
f(scene, 'black', 'fade');
f(jump, 'day5');
f(label, 'erikaDrinking');
f(setVariable, 'drankWithErika');
f(scene, 'washitsu_evening', 'blackFade');
f(playMusic, 'bossaNovaLoop');
f('I get the bottle and glasses and we sit down in my room.');
f(person, e, 0, 'angry');
f(n, 'Well, <i>kanpai</i>, then! Here\'s to $Erika$ being able to hold on down!');
f(e, '<i>Kanpai</i>, asshole!');
f(person, e, 'alt', 'alt_smiling');
f('It doesn\'t take $Erika$ many drinks before her face gets red, and she finally relaxes a bit.');
f('I don\'t let her stop just there though, but keep daring her to drink more.');
f('$Erika$ thought she could beat my scrawny ass, but this scrawny ass comes from the North, baby. <i>Jomon blood,</i> fuck yeah.');
f(person, e, 0, 'drunk');
f('$Erika$\'s face eventually takes a beaming nuance of red. So I guess she\'s more <i>Yayoi</i> then <i>Jomon</i> - apparently there\'s a gene lacking, or something, which means some are just completely unable to break down alcohol.');
f('For the past 10 minutes, $Erika$ has been telling a mostly incomprehensible story about something that happened her in high school last year. Her speech is becoming less and less coherent.');
f(e, '... and I was like, "how do you like them Mr. Crabapples!" An\' uh, she\'s like… "bloh bloh bloh bloh bloh!"');
f(n, 'M-hm…');
f(e, 'Oh my God! What a … what a retard. An\' I tole \'em, y\'know, I tole \'em... ');
f(n, 'Yeah, so, $Erika$…');
f(e, 'Anthslike… "Noooo!"');
f(n, 'Hey $Erika$, I\'m sorry… I think… I think I might have made you drink a little bit too much. Maybe we should…');
f(person, e, 'alt', 'alt_drunksleep');
f(e, '<i>Zzzzzz…</i>');
f(n, '... call it a night..? $Erika$?');
f(stopMusic, 'fadeOut', 5);
f(person, e, 0, 'drunk');
f(e, 'Wha\'? I\'m… I\'m awake…');
f(person, e, 'alt', 'alt_drunksleep');
f('Oh dear. I guess I pushed her over her limit. Bad me.');
f(n, '$Erika$? I\'m gonna help you into your room, OK?');
f(e, '<i>Zzzzzz…</i>');
f(remove, e);
f('I put my head under her arm and help her stumble into her room, and let her collapse on top of her bed.');
f(scene, 'washitsu_hana_night', 'blackFade', x, true);
f(choice, 'Leave the room.');
f('I leave her as she is.');
f(choice, 'Put the blanket over her.');
f(setVariable, 'kindBlanketMan');
f('I put the blanket over her and head back to my room to get some sleep.');
f(choice, 'Try and seduce her.');
f(n, 'Uh… $Erika$? $Erika$?');
f('I poke her gently.');
f(e, '<i>Zzzzzzzzzzz</i>');
f('Yeah… I think that ship has sailed, buddy. I\'m not the world\'s best seducer to start off with, and I think you need some pretty high level skills if you\'re working on somebody who\'s unconscious.');
f('I leave her as she is and go back to my room.');
f(choice, 'Help her undress.');
f('Hmm… she\'s not going to be able to change her pajamas herself, in this state. I\'m sure… I\'m sure she\'d be happy, if…');
f('Oh fuck it, I\'m not going to bother to come up with some stupid excuse. She\'s so drunk she won\'t mind if I sneak a peek, and when she wakes up she will assume she put it on herself anyway.');
f('Surely a win/win situation.');
f(jump, 'undressingErika');
f(scene, 'washitsu_night_bright', 'fade');
f('Phew… that was… stupid. I\'d have hoped she\'d become a little clingy after a drink or two, but… well, she just fell asleep.');
f(whatIf, 'ditchedHana');
f('Maybe I pulled the shorter straw this time. Perhaps I shouldn\'t have ditched $Hana$…');
f('Well, time for me to catch some Z\'s as well, I guess.');
f(playSound, 'lights');
f(scene, 'washitsu_night');
f('Good night.');
f(scene, 'black', 'fade', 2);
f(pause, 2);
f(jump, 'day5BlowjobMorning');
f(label, 'undressingErika');
f(setVariable, 'undressingProgress', 1);
f(scene, 'black', 'fade');
f('I find her pajamas and then sit down by her and begin to gently undress her. As I get to the bra and the underpants, my hand begin to tremble a little, but… the alcohol motivates me to go on.');
f('$Erika$ is dead asleep - there\'s no way she\'ll ever find out. No way…');
f('I repeat this thought to myself as my dick stiffens at the sight of $Erika$\'s naked body.');
f(cg, 'e_asleep1_back');
f(addToCg, 'e_asleep1_body');
f(addToCg, 'e_asleep1_body_legs1');
f(addToCg, 'e_asleep1_expression');
f(addToCg, 'e_asleep1_hair');
f(addToCg, 'e_asleep1_ear');
f('Oh fuck, that\'s… that\'s hot. Her boobs are larger than you might have thought, without being too big. She has…');
f('Fuck, she has a perfect little body.');
f(pause, 1);
f('It\'d be… it\'d be kind of a shame not to be able to see this again, come to think of it…');
f(choice, 'Snap a photo with your phone before you put on her pajama');
f(incrementVariable, 'undressingProgress', 1);
f(setVariable, 'tookPhoto');
f('Yes. Obviously I need to be able to remember this even while I\'m sober. I mean, what\'s the harm really, as long as I don\'t show it to anybody else?');
f('It\'s a victimless crime.');
f('If you even want to call it a crime.');
f(playSound, 'pashapashapasha');
f('I take out my phone from my right pocket, go into the camera mode and snap… a couple of pictures. I also end up recording a movie, hovering the camera over her body, slowly panning.');
f('It\'s… it\'s all harmless. A victimless crime.');
f('Fuck, my dick is hard.');
f(choice, 'Enough is enough. Let\'s get her dressed');
f('No… fuck, I\'ve already gone too far. A photo, that\'s dangerous, it\'s actual evidence of me doing something, even.');
f('I mean, this is all relatively innocent… right?');
f('A slight feeling of panic is starting to creep up on me as I hurry and put $Erika$\'s pajamas on her and go back to my room.');
f(jump, 'undressedHerButGoToSleep');
f('I put away my phone.');
f('I realize… there\'s a liquid running down from her crotch, over her ass. Is this… is she wet? Or is it just sweat?');
f(choice, 'Lift her leg and have a look');
f(incrementVariable, 'undressingProgress', 1);
f(choice, 'I\'ve gone too far already. Time to wrap things up.');
f('I sense a pang of guiltiness and hurriedly put $Erika$\'s pajamas on and get back to my room.');
f(jump, 'undressedHerButGoToSleep');
f('I\'ve already gone this far… one more little peek won\'t do much of a difference, will it? Not at this stage?');
f('I slowly lift her leg.');
f(cg, 'e_asleep1_back');
f(addToCg, 'e_asleep1_body');
f(addToCg, 'e_asleep1_body_legs2');
f(addToCg, 'e_asleep1_sweat');
f(addToCg, 'e_asleep1_expression');
f(addToCg, 'e_asleep1_hair');
f(addToCg, 'e_asleep1_ear');
f('A pleasant, musky smell rises up towards me.');
f('Whatever the reason, $Erika$ is without a doubt wet.');
f('My already throbbing cock makes a sudden jerk. Fuck, this… is making me horny.');
f(choice, 'Snap some more photos and be done with it.');
f(incrementVariable, 'undressingProgress', 1);
f(setVariable, 'undressedErikaAndForgotToRedressHer');
f('I excitedly pull out my phone, accidentally dropping it onto $Erika$\'s leg.');
f(playSound, 'phoneFallOnLeg');
f('I freeze. Oh my god, I\'m fucked.');
f(e, 'Mmm…');
f('$Erika$ makes no attempt to move and only moans slightly.');
f('Panicked, I still don\'t move a muscle for the next minute.');
f('When $Erika$ begins to snore again, I pick up the phone, pull her blanket over her without even bothering to put her pajamas on and head straight to my room, shaking.');
f(jump, 'undressedHerButGoToSleepDistressed');
f(choice, 'Return to your room before you do something you will regret.');
f('What… what am I doing?');
f('This has already gone way too far. I hurry and put on her pajamas and head straight back to my room.');
f(jump, 'undressedHerButGoToSleep');
f(choice, 'Hmmm….');
f('You know… she\'s dead out of it. She… she wouldn\'t even notice if I did … <i>something</i>. If she isn\'t aware of me… doing <i>something</i>… it\'s not like she\'d really be a victim of anything, is there?');
f('Really… what would be the difference between undressing her, and… going a little further… really be? She won\'t remember anything anyway. It will be as if nothing ever happened.');
f('Again, it\'s victimless.');
f('Don\'t you think?');
f(choice, 'You\'re not a rapist');
f('This is bizarre. This… this is sexual assault already. This… this is so not me. I\'m not a rapist.');
f('What\'s gotten over me!?');
f('This has already gone way too far. I hurry and put on her pajamas and head straight back to my room, shaking.');
f(jump, 'undressedHerButGoToSleepDistressed');
f(choice, 'It\'s not rape if she doesn\'t resist');
f(incrementVariable, 'undressingProgress', 2);
f('Or, I dunno, maybe it is… but… she won\'t remember it, will she? Also, I\'m drunk, she\'s drunk. These kind of things happen. It\'s nobody\'s fault, really.');
f('That\'s it… I can\'t be expected to help myself, to restrain myself. I\'m drunk… and well, it\'s only natural. This is like these things have happened for as long as there\'s been alcohol around, I\'m sure.');
f(playSound, 'zipper');
f('I hurriedly remove my trousers and pants, as if I\'m obsessed. I\'ve never felt my dick this achingly hard before.');
f('I place one hand on $Erika$\'s shoulder and the other on her leg and immediately plunge my cock inside of her wet pussy.');
f(cg, 'e_asleep2_back');
f(addToCg, 'e_asleep2_body');
f(addToCg, 'e_asleep2_cum');
f(addToCg, 'e_asleep2_ears');
f(addToCg, 'e_asleep2_expression_eyesclosed');
f(addToCg, 'e_asleep2_hair');
f(addToCg, 'e_asleep2_man');
f('The warm feeling as my penis slides into her is indescribable.');
f('I lose all control of myself, and just pound and thrust myself inside $Erika$. I\'m losing my virginity, and it\'s the best feeling I\'ve ever experienced. I\'m euphoric, high above the clouds.');
f('I hardly notice $Erika$ squirming a little, and beginning to moan. She still seems to be asleep.');
f('But I don\'t even care, any longer.');
f(e, 'Hnfh… mmm… ah… mmm… ah…');
f('$Erika$\'s mouth is still closed, but she\'s making more and more sounds. The groaning brings me to the very brink of cumming. I would stop myself and hold it…');
f('But I\'m too excited. I can\'t stop.');
f('Suddenly, I feel $Erika$\'s pussy tightening around my dick.');
f(screenEffect, 'shake', 14, 0.4);
f('I cum, violently, inside of $Erika$, shaking. $Erika$ screams, in pain, or what else, I don\'t know, but her eyes remain closed.');
f(cg, 'cg_sleeping3');
f('I continue to thrust erratically as I cum, with the cum ending up both inside and outside of her.');
f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2);
f('$Erika$ lets out one more shout before she goes quiet.');
f('As my euphoria subsides, it begins to dawn on me what I\'ve done.');
f(n, 'Shit…');
f(cg, 'e_asleep1_back');
f(addToCg, 'e_asleep1_body');
f(addToCg, 'e_asleep1_body_legs1');
f(addToCg, 'e_asleep1_sweat');
f(addToCg, 'e_asleep1_cum');
f(addToCg, 'e_asleep1_expression');
f(addToCg, 'e_asleep1_hair');
f(addToCg, 'e_asleep1_ear');
f(n, 'Oh, shit shit shit!!');
f('I cover my mouth.');
f('I hurry to my room and pick up some tissue and begin to lightly clean up the mess I\'ve left on $Erika$\'s stomach, but I\'m instead smearing it all over, and getting small pieces of the flaky tissue paper stuck in the cum.');
f('I don\'t dare to wipe any harder, and panic. I put her pajamas on over the cum and tissue and and hurry back to my room.');
f(scene, 'washitsu_night_bright');
f('The light in my room is still on, which greatly unsettles me for some reason.');
f(playSound, 'lights');
f(scene, 'washitsu_night');
f('I feel sick to my stomach.');
f('I try to go to sleep, but I\'m haunted by what I\'ve done, and what might await in the morning.');
f('Deliriously, I slowly fade into sleep…');
f(scene, 'black', 'fade', 2);
f(jump, 'day5Rapist');
f(label, 'undressedHerButGoToSleep');
f(scene, 'washitsu_night_bright');
f('I turn off the lamp and jump straight in bed.');
f(playSound, 'lights');
f(scene, 'washitsu_night');
f('My dick is hard as titanium and throbbing so much it feels like there\'s a minor earthquake or something happening. I masturbate myself to sleep, thinking of $Erika$\'s naked body.');
f(jump, 'day5');
f(label, 'undressedHerButGoToSleepDistressed');
f(scene, 'washitsu_night_bright');
f('I turn off the lamp and jump straight in bed.');
f(playSound, 'lights');
f(scene, 'washitsu_night');
f('My dick is throbbing so much it hurts but I feel sick to my stomach and can\'t get myself to masturbate.');
f('I slowly drift to sleep.');
f(scene, 'black', 'fade', 2);
f(jump, 'day5');
f(label, 'day4LonelyEvening');
f(stopMusic, 'fadeOut', 2);
f(scene, 'washitsu_evening');
f('I spend the evening in my room, going through paperwork from school.');
f(whatIf, 'ditchedHana');
f('Maybe I shouldn\'t have ditched $Hana$ after all…');
f(playSound, 'lights');
f(scene, 'washitsu_night');
f('Good night.');
f(scene, 'black', 'fade');
f(jump, 'day5');
f(label, 'day4IntoTownWithHana');
f('I find $Hana$ sitting by the benches, just like she said she would.');
f(whatIf, 'dateTimeHana==late');
f('She\'s looking like she\'s almost half bored to death, half-attempting to read a brick-thick textbook.');
f(n, 'Hi ya, sorry to keep you waiting. You look kind of bored!');
f(person, h, 0, 'smiling');
f(h, 'Yeah.');
f(n, 'I see you got the textbooks already?');
f(h, 'Uh-huh. I figured, why wait?');
f(n, 'True. I\'m going to see if I can\'t find some of these second hand, though.');
f(playSound, 'closingThickBook');
f('$Hana$ slams the textbook closed.');
f(person, h, 0, 'happy');
f(setZoom, h, 1.2);
f(n, 'OK, let\'s get going then!');
f(person, h, 0, 'smiling');
f(setZoom, 1.4);
f(n, 'Where do you want to go? Is there anything you want to see?');
f(h, 'Well… I was thinking yesterday about going to Nakano to look for a computer, but I don\'t know…');
f(person, h, 0, 'smiling');
f(h, 'That\'s not too far from here! Alright, let\'s get to it!');
f(label, 'onTrainToNakano');
f(scene, 'station_day', 'blackFade');
f('Before I have time to protest, we\'re at Kumatani Station.');
f('My point of entry to Kumatani overall, of course, so nothing new.');
f('It\'s fairly large and new, considering how little Kumatani is. Or feels, at least.');
f(scene, 'train_up', 'blackFade', x, x, x, 0, 'top', 480);
f(pan, 'bg', 0, -190, 10);
f(pause, 1.5);
f('Before I know what\'s even happened, $Hana$\'s bought tickets for me, pushed me through the ticket gate, and off we go, on the train to Nakano.');
f('She\'s quick.');
f(h, 'So Nishi, where have you been in Tokyo so far?');
f(n, 'Um… nowhere, yet?');
f(h, 'Oh my God, I don\'t believe this..! Nowhere?');
f(n, 'Well, this is my first time visiting Tokyo, and-');
f('$Hana$ interrupts me before I can finish the sentence.');
f(h, 'You know, we shouldn\'t be heading for Nakano… we should go to, I don\'t know, Harajuku or something. Or Meguro. Or up the Metropolitan Government Building in Shinjuku.');
f('This is starting to sound expensive.');
f(n, 'Uh, let\'s just take it slow, right? Let\'s settle for Nakano.');
f(h, 'OK, if that\'s what you want.');
f(label, 'arriveNakano');
f(scene, 'downtown_day', 'whiteFade', 'right');
f(playMusic, 'citySounds');
f('We soon arrive in Nakano. You do get a sense that you\'re actually in <i>Tokyo</i> - megalopolis among megalopolis…-es….eses... when you\'re here, in a different way than when you\'re out in Kumatani.');
f('There\'s not not much in terms of high-rises, though. I guess we\'d need to head a little bit further east, maybe to Shinjuku.');
f('I passed through it on the way to Kumatani from the airport, of course. It\'s an impressive cluster of skyscrapers, for sure.');
f(person, h, 0, 'smiling', 'p2.5');
f(setZoom, h, 1.15);
f(h, 'OK, I guess we should be heading to Yodobashi Camera!');
f(whatIf, 'dateTimeHana==early');
f(jump, 'erikaAndHanaInNakano');
f('We start walking just as I\'m starting to get second thoughts about buying the laptop.');
f(whatIf, 'decideNotBuyComputer');
f('I mean, I did already decide I\'d wait, didn\'t I?.');
f('I need a computer, probably, but maybe not just yet. I mean, I do have my smartphone for internet access, and I could use the computer room at school for starters. I mean, I sure could use the money.');
f('And with $Hana$ around, I\'ll probably be nervous and stress to close the deal, I mean, I\'m not sure what model I want… having her around will just mean… no, it\'s not a good idea.');
f(changeBg, 'downtown_evening', 8);
f('Let\'s re-route this whole thing before I end up doing something stupid.');
f(label, 'letsSkipYodobashi');
f(person, h, 0, 'surprised');
f(n, 'Hey, $Hana$. Maybe we should skip Yodobashi Camera and just…');
f(choice, '"... go to the video arcade."');
f(person, h, 0, 'happy');
f(h, 'The video arcade? I haven\'t been in ages! That sounds like fun!');
f(person, h, 0, 'surprised');
f(h, 'Are you sure, though? What about your laptop?');
f(n, 'Oh, that can wait!');
f(person, h, 0, 'happy');
f(h, 'OK, cool beans, let\'s do this! I will beat at… whatever it is you play at the arcades these days!');
f(n, 'Don\'t be so sure!');
f('Phew, she swallowed the bait. Good, good. I can afford to lose a couple of 100 yen coins to the neon-clawed gambling monster I call Gamblor at this stage. The computer will have to wait until I know which model is the most reasonably priced.');
f(jump, 'arcadeWithHana');
f(choice, '"... find a karaoke bar."');
f(h, 'Karaoke?');
f(person, h, 0, 'concerned');
f(h, 'Uhm…');
f(h, 'You know... I\'m not a great singer, but ... ');
f(h, 'Hell, why not? As long as you\'re not going to tell people how much I suck, alright!?');
f(n, 'Oh, don\'t worry! I\'m no Pavarotti myself.');
f(person, h, 0, 'surprised');
f(h, 'Are you sure, though? What about your laptop?');
f(n, 'Oh, no worries, that can wait.');
f('Phew… she swallowed the bait. I hope we\'ll split the bill for the karaoke though, that stuff can end up kind of expensive…');
f(jump, 'karaokeWithHana');
f(choice, '"... go back home."');
f(person, h, 0, 'surprised');
f(h, 'What..?');
f(h, 'What do you mean?');
f(n, 'Uhm, I don\'t know, I just… I feel like going home.');
f(person, h, 0, 'surprised');
f(h, 'After coming out all the way here? Why?');
f(person, h, 0, 'upset');
f(n, 'Well, I… well, you know, you kind of spirited me away there, didn\'t you? You didn\'t really give me a chance to say I didn\'t want to come out here…');
f(n, 'And, you know, I said I wasn\'t so sure about buying the computer…');
f(h, 'Well, couldn\'t you have said something sooner?');
f(n, 'I-... I\'m sorry.');
f(person, h, 0, 'neutral');
f(h, 'OK, well, you go back to Kumatani then…');
f(h, 'I\'m... I\'ll stay for a little longer. See you later, I guess.');
f(n, 'Yeah, sorry about tha-');
f(remove, h);
f('$Hana$ turns her back on me before I have time to finish what I was about to say.');
f('I guess… I guess I pissed her off.');
f('I could have handled that better, I guess…');
f('Tsk, who needs $Hana$ anyway? She\'s … she\'s way too domineering.');
f('I go home by myself. Wish I didn\'t have to waste this money on the train ticket.');
f(jump, 'day4LonelyEvening');
f(label, 'erikaAndHanaInNakano');
f(setVariable, 'knowsOfErikasMaidening');
f(setVariable, 'hanaErikaMaidMeet');
f(setVariable, 'hanaKnowsOfErika');
f('As we walk towards the computer store, we pass a girl wearing a French maid\'s uniform.');
f(maid, 'Master-sama! Come join us at our maid cafe!');
f('Oh, OK, that\'s what it is. Well, of course they\'d have maid cafes here… real otaku stuff. I mean sure, it\'s kind of hot, but… also kind of creepy.');
f('I\'ve only heard about these before, as obviously, we don\'t have any back in Aomori. But I thought they had gone out of fashion in Tokyo too, by now…');
f('That\'s the typical way of things… by the time it gets to Aomori, it will already be a thing of the past in Tokyo…');
f('"What, strawberry-filled crepes? Oh em gee, that\'s <i>soooo</i> 2013..."');
f('... I could totally imagine $Hana$ say something like that.');
f(c_b, 'TIL: Tokyo girls = valley girls.');
f(c_t, 'Make that a ">."');
f(person, h, 0, 'concerned');
f(effect, h, 'joltLeft');
f(h, 'Man, I feel sorry for the girls working there…');
f(changeBg, 'downtown_evening', 'fade', 12);
f(person, e, 'maid', 'happy', 'rightOutside');
f(setZoom, e, 1.15);
f(pan, e, -300, 0, 1);
f(pan, h, -120, 0, 1);
f(pause, 0.5);
f(person, h, 0, 'surprised');
f(effect, h, 'joltLeft');
f(maid, 'Couples are welcome too!');
f(n, 'E-... $Erika$?');
f(person, h, 0, 'concerned');
f(person, e, 'maid', 'surprised');
f(effect, e, 'joltRight');
f(e, '... Nishi?');
f(person, h, 0, 'surprised');
f(effect, h, 'joltLeft');
f(h, 'You… you know this girl?');
f(person, h, 0, 'upset');
f(h, 'You… you go to maid cafes?');
f(person, h, 0, 'angry');
f(effect, h, 'joltRight');
f(h, 'You perv!');
f(n, 'Wh-what? No, no! I\'d-, I\'d never! It\'s not like that, I don\'t have anything to do with this!');
f(person, e, 'maid', 'unimpressed');
f('I can tell something flickering in $Erika$\'s eyes. Did that… did that tick her off?');
f(person, e, 'maid', 'angry');
f(effect, e, 'joltLeft');
f(e, 'Hey! I\'m standing right… fucking... here..!');
f(n, '$Erika$, I\'m so-');
f(person, e, 'maid', 'angrymore');
f(effect, e, 'joltLeft');
f(e, 'No, fuck you guys! There\'s nothing perverted about this!');
f('Damn it, why does she be so contrarian! There\'s no need to read things that way. Let\'s sort this out real quick. I\'ll introduce them, that\'s what.');
f(whatIf, 'sister');
f(n, 'I\'m sorry, uh, $Hana$... this is $Erika$... my… my estranged sister. $Erika$, this is $Hana$, she\'s, uh, she\'s a classmate.');
f(n, 'I\'m sorry, uh, $Hana$... this is $Erika$, my housemate. $Erika$, this is $Hana$… she\'s, uh, she\'s in my class.');
f(person, h, 0, 'surprised');
f(effect, h, 'joltLeft');
f(h, 'Oh… I\'m… I\'m so sorry! That was… sorry, I-, uh it\'s, uh, it\'s nice to meet you, $Erika$.');
f('There, phew. I managed to patch it all up. No worries.');
f(person, e, 'maid', 'angry', x, true);
f(effect, e, 'joltRight');
f(e, 'OK, great nice to meet you!');
f(person, e, 'maid', 'angrymore', x, true);
f(effect, e, 'smallShake');
f(effect, h, 'joltRight');
f(e, 'Now would you most kindly fuck the fuck off, please?!');
f('No-nonono, that\'s not what you were supposed to say..!');
f(person, h, 0, 'surprised');
f(h, 'Huh?');
f(person, h, 0, 'angry');
f(effect, h, 'joltLeft');
f(h, 'Hey!');
f(h, 'Just who the hell do you think you are, talking to <i>me</i> like that?!');
f(whatIf, 'sister');
f(h, 'That\'s it! I\'m sorry Nishi, I don\'t care if she\'s your sister or not! $Erika$, I want to talk to your superiors!');
f(h, 'That\'s it! I want to talk to your boss! Get me your superior!');
f('Aw, shit, $Hana$! Did you really have to go nuclear?');
f(person, e, 'maid', 'angry', x, true);
f(effect, e, 'joltRight');
f(e, 'Why, do you think he\'s going to pay to talk to your ugly ass?');
f(person, h, 0, 'surprised');
f(h, 'Why, you..!');
f('Shit-shit-shit, I need to break this up quicker than quick.');
f('I\'m at a loss for what to do - everything I say just seems to make everything worse. I start pushing $Hana$ away from $Erika$.');
f(pan, e, 120, 0, 12);
f(pan, h, -300, 0, 12);
f(n, 'Girls, girls… so sorry for the misunderstanding! Let\'s meet up all together sometime!');
f(person, h, 0, 'angry');
f(h, 'Perv enabler! Rude little… little shit!');
f(e, 'Conformist! Rich fuckin\' kid!');
f(scene, 'black');
f(c_t, 'So this scene left a lot of people confused, from the original release. Like, "why would $Erika$ fly off the handle like that? And $Hana$ too?"...');
f(c_t, 'The intention here is… well, $Erika$ just has a lot of insecurities, and if she feels she\'s being attacked, she will lash out, because of this.');
f(c_t, 'Essentially… I guess, an extreme lack of sense of self-worth. She feels her whole world could crumble if she let somebody in, let them hurt her, let them smear her…');
f(c_b, 'And she thinks $Hana$ smeared her when she accused Nishi of knowing her…');
f(c_t, 'Yeah, exactly. Which, you know, she did. "Do you know this girl? You perv!".');
f(c_t, 'I mean, obviously, the girl in question wouldn\'t take kindly to that.');
f(c_t, 'And then, $Hana$ blowing up is, well… Japanese people are polite and all, in general, but when they think they\'ve been wronged by somebody who is <i>below them in social rank</i>, you know… especially when they\'re off work…');
f(c_t, 'Then, you can see explosions like this.');
f(c_t, 'OK, to be fair, I should say I\'ve never seen a girl get pissed off like this, in my time there. Only… you know, older guys, really.');
f(c_t, 'I\'d imagine your typical Japanese girl would rise above it... ');
f(c_t, 'That, or start crying and run home.');
f(c_b, 'You male chauvinist!');
f(c_t, 'It\'s not chauvinist if it\'s true…');
f(c_t, 'Anyway, just wanted to provide a little insight in how this scene came about and all. And how I was thinking when I wrote it.');
f(scene, 'gamecenter_evening', 'fade');
f('Somehow, I manage to drag $Hana$ along, off the street. We\'re inside a video arcade. Phew.');
f(whatIf, 'sister');
f('Thanks a bunch for that, sis…');
f('She still seems quite upset.');
f(person, h, 0, 'upset');
f(setZoom, h, 1.3);
f(whatIf, 'sister');
f(h, 'I\'m… I\'m sorry, I know she\'s your sister, but… I can\'t believe it! She was so… <i>rude</i>..! I mean, I\'ve never…');
f(h, 'That girl… so rude! I can\'t believe it.');
f(n, 'Yeah, she\'s a little feisty. I mean, she has a… a <i>strong</i> personality.');
f(h, 'Well, you could say that again…');
f(whatIf, 'sister');
f(n, 'You know, if you got to know her, I\'m sure you two would-');
f(person, h, 0, 'surprised');
f(effect, h, 'joltLeft');
f(h, 'Hey, look! We\'re in a video arcade!');
f(person, h, 0, 'happy');
f(h, 'Oh my God, I haven\'t been in one of these for ages..! Hey, let\'s play something!!');
f(n, 'Sure. Hey, there\'s an air hockey board, do you want to give it a go!');
f(person, h, 0, 'laughing');
f(effect, h, 'joltRight');
f(h, 'Let\'s do it!');
f('Wow… it really didn\'t take her long to turn around from mad cussing bitch back to well-behaved rich kid. Impressive.');
f(effect, h, 'joltRight');
f(h, 'I\'m gonna kick your ass through and through! I\'m going to make you cry like a little bitch..!');
f('Um… yeah, OK... whatever.');
f(c_t, 'You know <i>nothing</i>... Jon Snow.');
f(c_b, 'Young padawan.');
f(remove, h);
f(jump, 'airHockey');
f(label, 'karaokeWithHana');
f(stopMusic, 'fadeOut');
f(scene, 'karaoke', 'blackFade');
f(pause, 2);
f('We spend a couple of hours at the karaoke. Of course, $Hana$ being a girl, saying "she sucks" is of course only coded girl language for, "I haven\'t been signed yet". She sings a bunch of classics from when we were in middle and high school.');
f('When it\'s my turn, I sing some more rocky tunes, but in general, I don\'t really know the lyrics beyond the refrains.');
f(jump, 'darkNight');
f(label, 'arcadeWithHana');
f(stopMusic, 'fadeOut');
f(scene, 'gamecenter_evening', 'blackFade');
f(person, h, 0, 'surprised');
f(h, 'Wow, this place feels kind of dated.');
f(person, h, 0, 'happy');
f(h, 'Hey, there\'s an air hockey board! Let\'s play!');
f(n, 'OK, let\'s do it!');
f(label, 'airHockey');
f(scene, 'black', 'fade');
f(playMusic, 'airHockeyMatch');
f(h, 'Take this… and that!');
f('$Hana$ does… beat my ass black and blue.');
f('My eye-hand coordination kind of sucks, I guess. Nothing the muscles will help with, unfortunately.');
f('Also… I don\'t know, maybe playing video games... only really makes you good at video games.');
f(c_t, 'I think I\'ve read something on this. Don\'t buy applications and stuff that are supposedly making you smarter by doing some small repetitive task.');
f(c_t, 'You\'ll only get better at doing precisely that small, repetitive task, and nothing else.', 'angry');
f(c_t, 'I mean… in my understanding of it.', 'worried');
f(stopMusic, 'fadeOut');
f(scene, 'gamecenter_night', fade);
f('We hang around until it gets really late, having a lot of fun. I beat $Hana$ at some of the arcade games, until I start to feel bad and let her win.');
f(label, 'darkNight');
f(scene, 'downtown_night', 'blackFade');
f('It\'s all dark by the time we head outside.');
f(setFilter, 'night');
f(person, h, 0, 'happy');
f(h, 'Hey, Nishi… I had a really good time today!');
f(n, 'Yeah, me too. It was good fun.');
f(person, h, 0, 'smiling');
f(h, 'Are you in a hurry to get home? Do you wanna go get a drink?');
f(n, 'A drink? But you have to be twenty, don\'t you?');
f(h, 'Don\'t worry, nobody cares.');
f(choice, 'Go for it.');
f(choice, 'Don\'t.');
f(n, 'Hey, we really shouldn\'t… I mean, we have school tomorrow, right?');
f(person, h, 0, 'neutral');
f(h, 'Uh… yeah, I suppose. I… I think I\'ll stay out a little longer though.');
f(h, 'See you later.');
f('I go home by myself.');
f(setFilter, 'default');
f(jump, 'day4LonelyEvening');
f(setFilter, 'default');
f(n, 'Uh, sure.');
f(label, 'barWithHana');
f(setFilter, 'yellowish');
f(scene, 'bar', 'blackFade');
f(person, h, 0, 'laughing', 'left');
f(setZoom, h, 1.75);
f(effect, h, 'joltRight');
f(h, 'Are you serious..?');
f(person, h, 0, 'happy', 'left');
f(h, 'That\'s just… I mean, that\'s absolutely hilarious!');
f(n, 'But wait, that\'s not even the best part… the next day, she went over to his house, right, and then… then she told him she had had a great time, and would love to go there again..! Can you imagine the look on his face..?');
f(person, h, 0, 'laughing');
f(effect, h, 'joltLeft');
f(h, 'Oh my god, stop it! You\'re killing me!');
f(person, h, 0, 'smiling');
f('We\'ve had a few to drink, and with the alcohol in, my inhibitions are finally out. We\'re having an actual conversation that both of us are enjoying.');
f(whatIf, 'cousin');
f(h, 'Man, I never knew I had such a kick-ass cousin.');
f('There\'s something odd in her eye, something, I don\'t know how to describe it… something slightly inappropriate, the look she gives me, as she says this.');
f(n, 'You… uh, you\'re pretty kick-ass yourself… I mean, for a girl.');
f(person, h, 0, 'happy');
f(effect, h, 'joltRight');
f(h, 'You bet I am! You\'re lucky to be sitting next to a girl like me, in a bar like this.');
f(person, h, 0, 'teasing');
f(h, 'I mean, the people around us are probably assuming we\'re dating. They\'re probably all looking up to you right now.');
f(person, h, 0, 'irritated_smile');
f(h, 'They be like, "wow, how did a guy like <i>this</i> bag a girl like <i>that</i>?');
f('$Hana$ puts on a "male bar patron" voice so horribly bad it\'s comical. Though she seems mostly fine, she\'s even more unhinged than usual. She can take her drink, but... drunk girl is still drunk.');
f(n, 'Hey, I don\'t like this new direction the conversation is taking. Just a second ago we were talking about how kick-ass I am…');
f(person, h, 0, 'teasing');
f(effect, h, 'joltLeft');
f(h, 'Well, I can\'t help what people are thinking, little cousin.');
f(n, 'Well, keep shouting to the skies that I\'m your cousin, and you can.');
f(person, h, 0, 'sad');
f(h, 'Aw shit, did I ruin the illusion for you?');
f('$Hana$ looks around the bar, pause, and then looks back to me with a mischievous look on her face..');
f(person, h, 0, 'smiling');
f(effect, h, 'joltRight');
f(h, 'Hey... I know how to put you back up on your little throne…');
f(n, 'Really..? How?');
f(person, h, 0, 'teasing');
f(setZoom, h, 2.1);
f(h, 'Kiss me!');
f(n, 'What?!');
f(n, '... no!');
f('I feign a protest, but… in my hearts of hearts - if I\'m being 100% honest with you - my heart skips a beat.');
f(h, 'Come on! It\'s perfect. Everybody will be convinced we\'re girlfriend slash boyfriend! It\'s a brilliant plan!');
f('$Hana$ has begun slurring her words.');
f(c_t, 'She\'s half-faking it, because she actually <i>wants</i> to kiss Nishi, but needs to come up with a bullshit excuse for herself to justify it. In case that much wasn\'t obvious.');
f(c_b, '... I doubt it was.');
f(n, '$Hana$, no… come on, we\'re cousins!');
f(h, 'Shhh! They don\'t need to know! Hurry up!');
f(person, h, 0, 'moaning');
f(setZoom, h, 2.5);
f('$Hana$ grabs me by the collar, and reels me in.');
f(scene, 'white', 'fade');
f('We lock lips…');
f('And $Hana$ presses her warm tongue into my mouth. Only half-knowing what I\'m doing, I respond in kind, and before anybody knows what\'s happening, we\'re full-on making out.');
f(person, h, 0, 'angry');
f(h, 'That\'s a fucked up story, Nishi! Nothing you should tell in a lady\'s company…');
f(person, h, 0, 'laughing');
f(h, 'Oh, hahahahaha…');
f('Though $Hana$\'s face hasn\'t got red, she\'s begun slurring her words, doing some excessive moves…');
f(c_t, 'Re: red face - it\'s called Asian flush syndrome, and it\'s a real thing, as you\'ll know if you\'ve ever been drinking with Asians. It doesn\'t happen to everyone, but… most of them.');
f('And she\'s even more unhinged than usual.');
f('In a word, she\'s drunk.');
f('That said, we\'ve had quite a few. She can really hold her drink, this one. I\'ve got to admit I\'m a little impressed.');
f(n, 'Oh, not appropriate, eh? Well in that case, I\'m sorry, m\'lady, for the grave offence I have committed against thee…');
f(person, h, 0, 'laughing');
f(effect, h, 'joltRight');
f('$Hana$ is, at this stage, laughing riotously at almost anything I say. I feel like a king, on top of the world… invincible, even, sitting next to this beautiful girl who clings onto my every word.');
f(person, h, 0, 'moaning');
f(effect, h, 'joltLeft');
f(h, 'Ho…');
f(person, h, 0, 'irritated_smile');
f(h, 'Well, go on then, lowly knight!');
f(n, 'Knights aren\'t that lowly, you know…');
f(h, 'Low enough! I\'m your Queen, am I not? Doth thou thinketh… <i>thine?</i> Thine... Doth thou thinketh thine Queen would even waste a yota of her precious time on a…');
f(person, h, 0, 'disturbed');
f(effect, h, 'joltRight');
f('... on a squ… on a squid?');
f(n, 'On a squire, m\'lady? Yes, I am but a knavish square… a squalid knave...');
f(person, h, 0, 'angry');
f(effect, h, 'joltRight');
f(h, 'Yes, that\'s what I was about to say! Don\'t you dare interrupt me, you, you… lowborn!');
f('$Hana$ seems to be really getting off on this… this little "roleplay".');
f(c_t, 'She likes to consider herself a princess, is the thing. I was trying to compound the "rich kid" thing here. I mean, she\'s been treated like one her whole life, presumably, because her parents\' relative wealth. So… she gets off on it.');
f(c_t, 'Also, you could think of this conversation as done in samurai Japanese instead of English, if it helps you with immersion. But that conversation would be untranslatable, so…');
f('I decide to keep playing along, as she expects me to.');
f(n, 'Nay, m\'queen…');
f(person, h, 0, 'angry');
f(h, 'Pronounce it properly! I\'m no McQueen!');
f(effect, h, 'joltLeft');
f(n, 'Forgive me, my queen, but I have a lithp, and, w-w-well, variouth other thpeech defect-th… y-y-you thee, it\'s thycological... I grow up in a very p-p-p-poor f-family, tho my parenth w-w-would beat me and my brotherth in lieu of food...');
f(c_b, 'This… this is kind of demeaning. Especially as the fantasy mirrors their positions in real life…');
f(c_t, 'That\'s what she gets off on! This is kind of the dark side of $Hana$. I mean, it\'s not pitch black, you could say it\'s all in good fun, if that\'s how you decide you want to take it.');
f(c_t, 'But it\'s sort of a hint what kind of person she might be on the inside. A glimpse of it, if you like.');
f(person, h, 0, 'laughing');
f(effect, h, 'joltRight');
f(h, 'Nishi!! You crack me up!!');
f(setFilter, 'night');
f(scene, 'downtown_midnight', 'blackFade');
f('Soon, the bar closes, and we end up on the street outside.');
f('Most places are shutting down too, and office workers everywhere are hurrying to the station, so they don\'t miss their last trains home to their ailing wives and children...');
f('Really, we should be hurrying along too and we might just make it for the last train to Kumatani, but…');
f(whatIf, 'cousin');
f(person, h, 0, 'teasing');
f(setZoom, h, 1.8);
f(h, 'Well, Nishi, that… that showed them.');
f('We\'re standing just a few feet apart, nearly hugging, except we\'re not actually embracing.');
f(n, 'Yeah…');
f('I\'m high as a kite on endorphins and adrenaline. I\'m not fully grasping the situation, but… at the back of my mind, I feel like it\'s better if I don\'t. Maybe it\'s my reptile brain telling me not to think too hard about the fact that...');
f('That the hot, super sexy woman who\'s standing in front of me, is my… is my blood-related kin, whom I\'ve known since she was a little kid.');
f('The hot, super sexy woman whom I minutes ago shared a passionate make-out session with.');
f(h, 'Nishi... ');
f(n, '$Hana..?');
f(person, h, 0, 'sad');
f(h, 'I\'m, I\'m sorry… this is fucked up, what am I getting us into, we should go ho-');
f(person, h, 0, 'surprised');
f(setZoom, h, 2.2);
f(h, 'N-Nishi?');
f(scene, 'white', 'fade');
f('This time it\'s I who initiate the kiss, and refuse to let go.');
f('$Hana$ pushes back in protest at first, but I keep her firmly in my embrace, and she lets her muscles slacken.');
f('I put my hand under her shirt and begin to grope her breasts violently, when she succeeds to pull away her head from me.');
f(h, 'Nishi, not here..!');
f(scene, 'lovehotel', 'fade');
f('10 minutes later, we\'re inside a love hotel.');
f(person, h, 0, 'teasing', x, x, true);
f(setZoom, h, 2);
f(effect, h, 'joltLeft');
f('We\'re standing just a feet apart. $Hana$ is gently swaying back and forth, touching me to and fro.');
f(effect, h, 'joltRight');
f(h, 'Well… that was fun, Nishi. You\'re a fun guy.');
f('She puts her hand on my chest, and steadies herself.');
f(h, 'Do you… are you aching to get home..?');
f(h, 'Like the… like busy worker bees all around us?');
f('She\'s disdainfully referring to the office workers, obviously.');
f('I\'m hesitant, but hopeful. But I\'m afraid to be the one that suggests… whatever will come next.');
f('To be honest, I\'m also worried at the prospect of having to pay cab fare back to Kumatani... so it\'s a mixed bag of feelings and anticipations.');
f(n, 'I could… we could stay… I mean...');
f(h, 'I… I know of a place.');
f('My heart skips a beat. A… a place..?');
f(scene, 'black', 'fade');
f('$Hana$ grabs me by the hand and drags me along… to a love hotel.');
f('My heart is beating like crazy.');
f(scene, 'lovehotel', 'fade');
f(jump, 'loveHotelWithHana');
f(label, 'loveHotelWithHana');
f('A love hotel, you know...a, uh, pay-by-the-hour fuck house. No, that sounds horrible. They\'re nice and clean, of course, and some are pretty nice. I mean, we\'re still in Japan, after all.');
f('I sit down on the bed while $Hana$ is in the bathroom. I\'m drunk, but not dead drunk, though I sway a little even though I\'m sitting down.');
f('$Hana$ comes out of the bathroom.');
f(person, h, 'underwear', 'smiling', x, 50);
f(h, 'Do you like what you see?');
f('In truth, I almost come at the sight of $Hana$\'s nearly naked body. When is the last time I actually saw a girl my age in her underwear, and not on a screen?');
f(whatIf, 'cousin');
f('I can\'t believe my little cousin… my precocious, ballsy, pretty, sexy little cousin and I… that we\'re about to…');
f(cgs, 'h_boobs', 'fade', ['back', 'body_closed', 'underwear']);
f('$Hana$ walks up close to me, thrusting her breasts in my face.');
f(h, 'Well? What are you waiting fo-');
f(playSound, 'tearS');
f(cgs, 'h_boobs', 'fade', ['back', 'body', 'underwear_off']);
f(h, 'Oh!');
f('Before $Hana$ can finish her sentence, I\'ve violently pulled it up. The large tearing sound it made probably means she\'s not going to wear this particular bra again.');
f('I begin massaging her breasts, gently at first, but I\'m overcome by my horniness and begin tugging them like mad.');
f(h, 'Ngh… mmmmhhh… mhh…');
f(h, 'H-hey tiger, easy does it… <i>aangh</i>...');
f(scene, 'black', 'fade');
f('As soon as she starts moaning, I can\'t contain myself any longer. I push her down onto the bed, aggressively. My dick is achingly hard and I almost feel as if a blood vessel is going to pop any minute now.');
f('I pull down my pants in one sweep, $Hana$\'s pants equally quick…');
f(cgs, 'h_bed', 'fade', ['back', 'body', 'exp_waiting', 'hair', 'ear', 'overlay']);
f('...and before $Hana$ knows what hit her, I\'m inside of her wet and welcoming pussy.');
f(cgs, 'h_bed', 'fade', ['back', 'body', 'body_shadeofman', 'body_openpussy', 'man', 'exp_surprised', 'hair', 'ear', 'overlay']);
f(h, 'Angh..!');
f('She lets out a sexy moan as I penetrate her, making me almost come on the spot.');
f('Damn it, $Hana$! Don\'t be so…');
f(h, 'Ngh…');
f('God... ');
f(h, 'Mmmmhhh..');
f(h, 'Nngh..');
f(h, 'Aaaanngh!!');
f(cgs, 'h_bed', 'fade', ['back', 'body', 'body_shadeofman', 'body_openpussy', 'man', 'exp_eyesclosed', 'hair', 'ear', 'overlay']);
f(h, 'Oh, Nishi…');
f('$Hana$ definitely seems to have more experience than me, despite the whole rich girl thing she has going for her.');
f(whatIf, 'cousin');
f('My slutty, slutty cousin… well, you\'ve never had a cock like your cousin\'s before, have you? You little bitch.');
f('Her warm pussy feels amazing as it embraces my cock, and lets go… embraces it, and lets go...');
f(h, 'Ngh…');
f(whatIf, 'cousin');
f('I pound my cousin harder and harder.');
f('I can hardly believe this.');
f('The forbidden fruit aspect of it... ');
f(h, 'Ngh!!');
f('Fuck, if I even so much as think about that word, the <i>c</i> word, I\'m instantly on the verge of coming..!');
f(h, 'Aaangh!');
f('If this is going to last, I\'m going to have to pretend she\'s just a regular girl… I mean, not related by blood...');
f('Oh, shit, what am I doing? This is wrong!');
f(h, 'Ngghhh, oooooh…');
f('This is so right! I\'ve never experienced anything like this! This is the best!');
f(whatIf, 'sister');
f('Why isn\'t everybody everywhere fucking their cousins, their sisters, daughters, and mothers?!');
f('I pound her harder and harder');
f(h, 'Faster! Oh! Faster!');
f(whatIf, 'cousin&&sister');
f('Fuck, incest is awesome! I get $Hana$\'s fetish thing about me and $Erika$!! Fuck, the first thing I\'m going to do when I get back home…');
f(cgs, 'h_bed', 'fade', ['back', 'body', 'body_shadeofman', 'body_openpussy', 'man', 'dicksweat', 'exp_eyesclosed', 'hair', 'ear', 'overlay']);
f(pause, 0.5);
f(h, 'Harder! Come on, $cuzOrNishi$! Ahng… do me harder!');
f(cgs, 'h_bed', 'fade', ['back', 'body', 'body_shadeofman', 'body_openpussy', 'man', 'dicksweat', 'exp_cumming', 'hair', 'ear', 'overlay']);
f(whatIf, 'cousin&&sister');
f('I\'m going to go into $Erika$\'s room, rip her clothes off and fuck her right in the ass! And squeeze the hell out of her titties!');
f(h, 'Uhn, uhn… ough… uhmm....');
f(whatIf, 'cousin&&sister');
f('The reality of me fucking my super hot cousin, coupled with the sudden idea of fucking my little sister in the ass… it overpowers me completely.');
f(h, 'I\'m cumming, I\'m cumming!');
f(cgs, 'h_bed', 'fade', ['back', 'body', 'body_shadeofman', 'body_openpussy', 'man', 'dicksweat', 'cum', 'exp_cumming', 'hair', 'ear', 'overlay']);
f(h, 'AaAaaAaangghhhh!!');
f(scene, 'white', 'fade');
f('Afterwards, we lie on the bed next to each other, only smiling at each other.');
f('I can hardly believe what just happened. I… I didn\'t only lose my virginity - I had sex with one of the hottest girls at school.');
f(whatIf, 'cousin');
f('Who also… just happens to be my cousin.');
f(whatIf, 'cousin&&sister');
f('But there\'s something nagging inside of me. I committed incest, fine…');
f('But I feel deeply troubled about fantasizing about my baby sister, while doing it…');
f('And that it brought me to cumming…');
f('I don\'t know, it\'s all kinds of fucked up. It\'s a fly in the ointment… I wish I could just forget those thoughts…');
f('Alas, they\'re haunting me…');
f('We lie next each other without talking for another 10 minutes, or so.');
f('I feel like I could lie here next to her beautiful naked body forever.');
f('But… this is a love hotel... and time come at a premium. We\'re paying by the hour.');
f(h, 'Let\'s get going.');
f(scene, 'black', 'fade');
f('We get up, get dressed, and get on our way. It\'s 2 AM and even the buses have stopped running. $Hana$ nonchalantly flag downs a taxi and half an hour of sleeping in the car, we get off at Kumatani Station, the most convenient location for both of us.');
f(scene, 'station_midnight', 'fade');
f('Normally, I\'d want to at least pretend I was going to foot the bill for the taxi, but taxi\'s never take cards and I don\'t even have the cash needed, so I sit quietly by in shame as $Hana$ pays.');
f('I\'m starting to realize she probably actually likes it, though. To be moneyed, while others are not…');
f('We step out of the taxi and $Hana$ gives me a wet kiss as we part outside the station.');
f(setVariable, 'hadSexWithHana');
f(setFilter, 'night');
f(person, h, 0, 'moaning');
f(setZoom, h, 1.7);
f(h, 'See you at school, loverboy!');
f(remove, h);
f(setFilter, 'default');
f(whatIf, 'cousin&&sister');
f(scene, 'black', 'fade');
f('When I finally get back home…');
f(scene, 'genkan_night', 'fade');
f('It\'s almost 3 AM.');
f('As I take off my shoes by the porch…');
f(c_t, 'Yes, that\'s a thing in Japan, in case you didn\'t know. But chances are you did, of course.');
f(person, e, 'alt_towel', 'alt_slightly_surprised');
f('My sister just comes out of the shower.');
f('Fuck. Me.');
f(scene, 'kirakira', 'fade');
f(playMusic, 'kirakira12s??');
f(person, e, 'alt_towel', 'alt_smiling', x, -620);
f(setZoom, e, 2.2);
f(item, 'bg_kirakira', 0, 0);
f(setAlpha, 'bg_kirakira', 0.3);
f(pause, 0.5);
f(pan, e, 0, 620, 10);
f(pause, 9);
f(person, e, 'alt_towel', 'alt_eyesclosed');
f(pause, 2);
f('E-... $Erika$...');
f(changeBg, 'genkan_night');
f(remove, 'bg_kirakira', 'nofade');
f(person, e, 'alt_towel', 'alt_surprised', x, x, x, x, x, x, 'nofade');
f(e, 'Wh-what are you staring at?! Nishi, you\'re seriously creeping me out right now…');
f(n, 'Ngh?');
f('I snap out of it, though I almost feel dizzy from all the blood congregating in my member…');
f(n, 'Uh, sorry… I\'m just drunk.');
f('Fuck… I could push her down right now and have my way with her…');
f('I feel a twitch in my already rock-hard boner.');
f('Shit, am I actually considering this..?');
f(scene, 'black');
f('I push $Erika$ aside and rush for my room.');
f(scene, 'washitsu_night_dark', 'fade');
f(playSound, 'fastDoorClose');
f('Fuck fuck fuck. This is not what I needed right now.');
f('I go to bed with a pounding heart.');
f('I\'m having problems going to sleep, but I won\'t let myself masturbate out of fear what images will float up in my mind…');
f(scene, 'black', 'fade', 4);
f(scene, 'washitsu_night', 'blackFade');
f('By the time I finally get home, it\'s almost 3 AM.');
f('I go straight to bed.');
f(scene, 'black', 'fade', 2);
f(jump, 'day5');
f(label, 'day5BlowjobMorning');
f('I sleep comfortably, dreaming a shapeless but colorful dream, as if I\'m adrift.');
f(pause, 3);
f('I feel a warm sensation, a… a pleasurable…');
f('Hold on a minute. Something is odd.');
f('I wake up, with my eyes still closed. What… what\'s going on?');
f(cgs, 'e_blowjob1', 'fade', ['back', 'man', 'body', 'pants', 'blanket']);
f('Oh my fucking God. Unh! Ahh! What the..?');
f('I panic at the strange sensation and rip off the blanket…');
f(playSound, 'blanketRemoved');
f(cgs, 'e_blowjob1', 'fade', ['back', 'man', 'body', 'pants', 'man_dickinmouth', 'hair', 'man_head', 'expression_eyesclosed']);
f(whatIf, 'sister');
f(n, 'S-sis..?!');
f('I don\'t believe my fucking eyes. Below the blanket, my sister is… is…');
f(n, 'E-, $Erika$?! Uhn!! Mmm!');
f(cgs, 'e_blowjob1', 'fade', ['back', 'man', 'body', 'pants', 'man_dick', 'hair', 'man_head', 'expression_eyesopen']);
f('$Erika$ opens her eyes and tilts her face towards me with a drunken look on her face, letting my dick fall out of her mouth.');
f('Her eyes look… empty.');
f('Before I have time to protest, she gets back to work.');
f(cg, 'e_blowjob1_back', 'fade');
f(addToCg, 'e_blowjob1_man');
f(addToCg, 'e_blowjob1_body');
f(addToCg, 'e_blowjob1_pants');
f(addToCg, 'e_blowjob1_man_dickinmouth');
f(addToCg, 'e_blowjob1_hair');
f(addToCg, 'e_blowjob1_man_head');
f(addToCg, 'e_blowjob1_expression_eyesclosed');
f(n, 'Ngh!');
f('The warmth of her mouth feels incredible.');
f(cg, 'cg_blowjob2');
f(n, 'Uhn… uhn… oh… mmmh… mmmh…');
f(cg, 'e_blowjob1zoom_1', 'fade');
f('This… this is unbelievable. Is this a dream? No, it can\'t be, it feels way too real. $Erika$ is going down on me!');
f(n, 'Ah, $Erika$, oh… mmhh... ');
f('My mind is on fire, my thoughts ablaze. This is the first time I receive a blowjob, and it\'s literally… blowing my mind.');
f('OK, so maybe not literally, but… Uhmmmngnghn!!');
f('$Erika$ wraps her tongue around my dick, inside her mouth.');
f('Her hand movements become more and more aggressive and I don\'t know how long I can hold it in.');
f('Will she mind if I cum in her mouth? Oh, fuck, she\'s leaving me no choo-o-oh..!');
f(scene, 'white', 'fade');
f(pause, 2);
f(addToCg, 'e_blowjob1zoom_2');
f(screenEffect, 'shake', 14, 0.4);
f('I\'m in heaven.');
f('At least for a moment. $Erika$ keeps tugging at my dick with her hand until she\'s emptied it all inside her mouth.');
f(cg, 'e_blowjob1_back');
f(addToCg, 'e_blowjob1_man');
f(addToCg, 'e_blowjob1_body');
f(addToCg, 'e_blowjob1_pants');
f(addToCg, 'e_blowjob1_man_dick');
f(addToCg, 'e_blowjob1_hair');
f(addToCg, 'e_blowjob1_man_head');
f(addToCg, 'e_blowjob1_expression_eyesopen');
f(addToCg, 'e_blowjob1_cum');
f('As she pulls out my dick, the gentle pull makes my dick jerk once more, unloading my last reserves right onto $Erika$\'s head.');
f('It looks rather comical, really.');
f(scene, 'black', 'fade');
f('$Erika$ gets up and out of the room... leaving me in total confusion.');
f(scene, 'washitsu_night', 'fade', 3);
f(playMusic, 'waterRunning');
f('I hear her running the tap water, spitting out my cum.');
f('What… what the hell just happened? I lie down without moving, almost paralyzed in pleasure.');
f('After a minute or two, $Erika$ sneaks her head back into the room.');
f(setFilter, 'night');
f(person, e, 'nude', 'drunk');
f(whatIf, 'sister');
f(e, 'It\'sh… it\'sh nice to be with you again, Nishi… I\'ve missed you.');
f(e, 'Uh… consider that your one freebie… for… for not being a rapisht…');
f(e, 'Now dun go expectin\' any more, alright...');
f(remove, e);
f('$Erika$ disappears before I come up with anything to say in response. I lie down on the bed, staring at the ceiling. I\'m feeling better than I can ever remember.');
f(whatIf, 'ditchedHana');
f('Fucking happy I ditched $Hana$ yesterday. Best decision ever.');
f('I check my cellphone. It\'s still 3:30 AM.');
f('I slowly drift back to sleep.');
f(setVariable, 'gotFreebieBlowjob');
f(scene, 'black', 'fade', 2);
f(setFilter, 'default');
f(jump, 'day5');
f(label, 'day5Rapist');
f(ending, 'rapist', true);
f(scene, 'washitsu_day', 'blackFade');
f('I wake up, feeling relaxed and as if everything is as it should in the world.');
f('This feeling only lasts for a couple of seconds, as I realize what I did yesterday night.');
f('I\'m-... I\'m a rapist...');
f('I get up, and try and sneak a peek into $Erika$\'s room.');
f('She\'s… gone! I check the bathroom and the kitchen, but she\'s nowhere to be found.');
f('It\'s still only 7 in the morning… where could she have gone?');
f(scene, 'genkan_day', 'fade');
f('I prepare to have a look outside, just in case. As I get to the porch, I hear a sound from outside.');
f(playMusic, 'policeCar');
f('Fuck. The police. Fuck..! Fuck!! I\'m... fucked.');
f('... fuck.');
f('This is not how I imagined my first week at university would end.');
f(scene, 'black', 'fade');
f(stopMusic, 'fade', 3);
f(pause, 2);
f(ending, 'rapeEnding', 'Rapist');
f(label, 'day5');
f(scene, 'washitsu_day', 'blackFade');
f(playMusic, 'phoneAlarm');
f('And good morning to you to.');
f(whatIf, 'hadSexWithHana');
f(playMusic, 'dreamingOfYou');
f('I lie in bed for a couple of seconds, trying to find my bearings, as always when waking up. That\'s when I realize… Man, yesterday… it wasn\'t a dream!');
f('I\'m the fucking king of the world, I swear. I fucked… I fucked $Hana$!');
f('This is the best fucking week of my life.');
f('The broadest smile ever conceived by man finds a home in my face.');
f('As I prepare for another day of school, I keep humming a random, happy little tune.');
f(n, 'Dum-dum, da-di-dah.');
f(n, 'Picking up my stuff… didelidooh.');
f(n, 'Putting on my socks.... trolllolololol…');
f(n, 'Getting ready to leave… meemeemeemee, mee…');
f(scene, 'genkan_day', 'blackFade');
f('I meet $Erika$ as I\'m about to leave. I was so pre-occupied thinking about what happened yesterday, I hardly even noticed her.');
f(person, e, 0, 'neutral');
f(e, 'G-... good morning.');
f(n, 'Good morning, $Erika$! Early as usual, are we? And ow are you doing today? Today, a beaut of a day, don\'t you find?');
f(n, 'I saw on the forecast it\'s going to be some 23 degrees, and sunny, on top of that! Oh, it\'s a good time to be alive, is it not?!');
f(e, 'Uh… yes, sure, Nishi.');
f(e, '...');
f(e, 'See you.');
f(remove, e);
f('Nah! $Erika$\'s moodiness won\'t get to me!');
f('Dodeladedah - putting on my shoes!');
f(scene, 'walk_day', 'blackFade');
f('Frodeedodeedo - I\'m walking to the school!');
f('My good mood is tempered somewhat during my walk to school. Or, no, I\'m still in a great mood, but at least, I stop humming, after noticing how people I walk past look at me.');
f(stopMusic, 'fadeOut', 2);
f(scene, 'auditorium_day', 'blackFade');
f('Not even the drudge of class… introduction to whatever, 1-oh-1, who knows? Who cares…? Will interfere with my good mood.');
f(jump, 'day5Kenji');
f(elseIf, 'gotFreebieBlowjob');
f('Wow, that was a crazy dream I just had.');
f('It felt so real…');
f('Hold on…');
f('Shit. Am I... am I going crazy?');
f('That actually happened, didn\'t it?');
f('Oh. My. Fucking. God.');
f('I push down my right hand inside my underwear to check my dick, just to make sure. Yes, it\'s… well, it\'s kind of crusty. I definitely came last night.');
f('I go to school without seeing $Erika$. I don\'t dare to check on her, don\'t want to jinx things, but I\'m not sure if she\'s just left early or if she\'s maybe sleeping in.');
f('I guess she deserves a bit of sleep after the heroic act she pulled on me yesterday.');
f('Thank you, $Erika$!');
f('And that\'s sincere, from the heart.');
f(scene, 'auditorium_day', 'blackFade');
f('I sit through my first class of the day… introduction to whatever, 1-oh-1. Who cares? Who can concentrate on something so… so meaningless, so earthly, so temporary, as a lecture, when there\'s fresh blowjobs on one\'s mind?!');
f(scene, 'black');
f('It\'s a 90 minutes lecture so I can\'t help myself but leaving the class once, to, you know… flog the hog… crank the shank… I mean…');
f('Fucking jerk off, man!');
f('I go inside the school toilet and think about what happened last night. It doesn\'t take me very long to come.');
f(scene, 'auditorium_day', 'fade');
f('I\'m back in class with a big smile on my face after... a couple of minutes.');
f(elseIf, 'undressingProgress>1');
f('I wake up with a headache and a giant, pulsating boner.');
f('Shit, what did I do last night..?!');
f(whatIf, 'undressedErikaAndForgotToRedressHer');
f('Oh, flip… I left her fucking undressed, didn\'t I?!');
f(c_t, 'Nishi being in serious shit aside… let me just formally lodge a protest against his use of the word "flip". The decision was made over my head.');
f(c_b, 'Don\'t be so dramatic. You could have just changed it back, if that\'s what you wanted to do.');
f('Shit shit shit shit.');
f('What if she… what if she… suspects something?');
f('Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck, <i>fuck!</i> What have I done?!');
f('At least… well, at least there\'s no… no conceivable way of her knowing. She was, she was dead out of it. No, I\'m sure… she couldn\'t have noticed.');
f('She might wonder just how she managed to put her pajamas on in the state she was in, but… I doubt she has any recollections whatsoever from yesterday.');
f('Still, fuck… what if she does? What if she thinks something\'s off..?');
f('I lie still, trying to hear if $Erika$ is up yet.');
f('After a couple of seconds, I can hear some sounds from the kitchen. Seems she\'s up. And… well, I guess she hasn\'t called the cops on me. That\'s a good sign.');
f(whatIf, 'undressedErikaAndForgotToRedressHer');
f('Alright, so no need to panic. Maybe… maybe she just assumed she undressed herself… right? And was so out of it, she forgot to put on her pajamas.');
f('Is that… could that have been what happened? It kind of could have, couldn\'t it?');
f('I mean, maybe a little odd and all, maybe even a tad suspicious, but… consdering how dead drunk she was, she wouldn\'t <i>know</i> either way, now would she?');
f('OK, let\'s… let\'s pretend that\'s what happened.');
f('Let\'s pretend I was super drunk too, so… I didn\'t notice her going to her room by herself.');
f('That works.');
f('I start preparing for school, quietly, worried sick to my stomach.');
f('After a while, my stomach can\'t handle the pressure anymore - I head for the toilet…');
f(scene, 'black', 'fade');
f('... and nearly shit my brains out.');
f(c_b, 'Glad you didn\'t add a sound effect here.');
f(c_t, 'You\'re welcome.');
f('I do a whole bunch of desperate courtesy flushes but I\'m not able to cover all of the glorious splurting 100% - it takes too long for the goddamn water to refill after each flush.');
f('Shit. She probably already knows I\'m a fucking perv, and know she\'s heard me spray the toilet brown too.');
f('Couldn\'t had a better start to my day.');
f(scene, 'auditorium_day', 'blackFade');
f('Eventually, I make it to class, a little late thanks to my stomach … issues. The teacher chews me out but at least lets me sit down.');
f('I get my stuff in order and head to school.');
f(scene, 'auditorium_day', 'blackFade');
f('Another class of… "Introduction to Whatever, 101".');
f('School would be easier if I actually knew what the hell was going on. I didn\'t feel this dense the whole time in high school… what happened?');
f(jump, 'day5Kenji');
f(label, 'day5Kenji');
f('As I\'m about to leave my first class…');
f(person, k, 0, 'smiling');
f(setZoom, k, 1.2);
f(changeName, k, '???');
f(k, 'Hi, man.');
f(n, 'Uh… hi..?');
f('Who… who is this guy? Who just gets up and talks to somebody at random like that?');
f(whatIf, 'undressingProgress>1');
f(k, 'Hey, man… I feel sorry for you for getting chewed out like that. The lecturer is a bit of an asshole, you know? He was actually a couple of minutes late himself, but there was no apology or anything, he just acted as if there was nothing amiss.');
f(k, 'Hey, you\'re a friend of $Hana$\'s, right?');
f(choice, 'Say yes.');
f(n, 'Uh, yes?');
f(k, 'Cool, cool. We\'re all in the same class, the three of us.');
f(choice, 'Say no.');
f(n, 'No, uh, not really.');
f('I don\'t know what to say, so I lie, randomly.');
f(whatIf, 'ditchedHana');
f('Or… I don\'t know, after ditching her like that yesterday… maybe that\'s a fair assessment of our relationship.');
f(elseIf, '!day3HanaDate');
f('Or, I guess we\'re not really "friends". I mean, we talked… like what, once, twice? We\'re acquaintances, at most.');
f(k, 'Oh, OK. I thought I saw you talking the other day…');
f(n, 'Uh, yeah, well, we talked, but we\'re not really friends, or anything.');
f(k, 'Well, whatever. We\'re in the same class, anyway. You and me, I mean. And her, for that matter.');
f(choice, 'Say she\'s your girlfriend.', 'hadSexWithHana');
f(setVariable, 'toldKenjiHanaIsGirlfriend');
f(n, 'She\'s my girlfriend, actually.');
f('Maybe we haven\'t formalized things to that degree, but… we did have sex, right? Anyway, what does this guy know.');
f(person, k, 0, 'surprised');
f(k, 'Oh, really...? Uh, I mean, good for you.');
f(person, k, 0, 'smiling');
f(k, 'I mean, she\'s pretty hot, isn\'t she?');
f(n, 'Uh, yeah, she is.');
f('I answer him with a slightly incredulous tone.Yes, peasant! <i>I</i> had sex with the hottest girl in class, now <i>you</i> bow down and wipe the dirt off my shoes!');
f('What does this guy want?');
f(k, 'Uh, well, anyways, we\'re in the same class, you and me. And, uh, your girlfriend too.');
f(changeName, k, 'Kenji');
f(k, 'I\'m Kenji.');
f(n, 'I\'m Nishi. Nice to meet you, Kenji.');
f(k, 'You too.');
f('I realize now that this guy, like me, is speaking with a slight Tohoku accent. He\'s probably from further down south than me, maybe…');
f(n, 'You from Miyagi?');
f(effect, k, 'joltLeft');
f(person, k, 0, 'laughing');
f(k, 'Yeah, well spotted. I grew up in Sendai. And you... Iwate?');
f(n, 'Close enough. I\'m from Aomori.');
f(person, k, 0, 'neutral');
f(effect, k, 'joltRight');
f(k, 'Cool, cool. You know, we should stick together, us Tohoku-ites.');
f(choice, 'Agree.');
f(n, 'You\'re right, we should. But I\'d venture a guess there\'s a lot more people here from Sendai then from Aomori…');
f(k, 'Yeah, Sendai and Aomori are two different worlds, in many ways. But ask anybody from eastern Japan and you\'ll find they tend to lump us all together!');
f(k, 'Have you ever been to Osaka? They think we all live in among the rice fields.');
f(n, 'Well, uh, I kind of do…');
f(k, 'Uh, right. Well, that\'s cool too.');
f(k, 'Anyways... hey, have you followed the cherry blossom forecasts?');
f(n, 'No, why?');
f(k, 'The sakura are supposed to start to open fully around this weekend, I mean, tomorrow, literally.');
f('Right. It\'s already Friday.');
f(k, 'It\'s a little sooner than back home, of course.');
f(n, 'Right.');
f('He\'s right, of course. Where I live, we don\'t see the sakura until mid-May, on a good year. I don\'t think Sendai would be much than a week later than Tokyo, though...');
f(k, 'Right… Uh…');
f(k, 'So… well, this Tohoku circle I joined, they\'re going hiking in the mountains west of here this Sunday.');
f(n, 'Oh.');
f(k, 'Apparently, there\'s not that many people from Tohoku here, so it seems they\'re kind of short on people. I mean, the more the merrier, right?');
f(k, 'So you know, if you wanted to come… you could bring a friend or two, too. You know, $Hana$, or whomever.');
f('Oh. Get to her through me? Was that the idea?');
f(whatIf, 'toldKenjiHanaIsGirlfriend');
f('He did take the news that she\'s already taken fairly well, though. Maybe he\'s just… being nice, who knows. Apparently some people do that too.');
f(choice, 'Disagree.');
f(n, 'I don\'t know about that.');
f(k, 'What\'s that?');
f(n, 'Sendai is more like Tokyo than anywhere in Aomori is like Sendai. Even distance-wise… it takes you what, 1 hour on the Shinkansen to get to Tokyo?');
f(k, '1 hour and a half, but-');
f(n, 'It takes me about double that from my closest station just to get to Sendai.');
f(n, 'My allegiance lies with the Tsugaru region, not Tohoku.');
f('That will show him.');
f(c_b, 'Suddenly, Nishi is struck with chunibyo...');
f(k, 'Oh. Is that so.');
f(effect, k, 'joltRight');
f('Kenji suddenly switches to polite Japanese, indicating plainly that he has no desire to continue the conversation.');
f(k, 'I\'m sorry for bothering you. I hope you\'ll find somebody else from Tsugaru you can hang out with.');
f(n, 'Uh…');
f(k, 'Cheers.');
f(remove, k);
f(jump, 'kenjiOff');
f(effect, k, 'joltLeft');
f(k, 'What do you say?');
f(choice, 'Decline the invitation');
f(n, 'Thanks for the invitation, but I, uh, have… a <i>prior engagement.</i>');
f('Anything sounds important when you call it a <i>prior engagement...</i>');
f('Picking fuzz from your navel? I\'m sorry, I have <i>prior engagement.</i> Masturbating to online porn games? I\'m sorry, I have <i>prior engagement</i> and I would also not like to be disturbed, thank you.');
f(whatIf, 'toldKenjiHanaIsGirlfriend');
f(k, 'OK, that\'s cool. No worries.');
f(effect, k, 'joltRight');
f(person, k, 0, 'laughing');
f(k, 'You… you what, you going on a date with $Hana$? Man, I envy you. How did you pick up a girl like her in just four days?');
f(c_b, 'Well done, player!');
f('I only smile back, sheepishly. I\'m not used to feeling like "one of the guys."');
f(person, k, 0, 'neutral');
f(k, 'See you around, playa.');
f(k, 'OK, that\'s cool. Well, uh, Nishi, it was nice talking to you. I should head to class. See you around.');
f(remove, k);
f(jump, 'kenjiOff');
f(choice, 'Accept it.');
f(n, 'Hey, that sounds cool. I love me some hiking.');
f('Do I? This is a little unlike me.');
f(choice, 'Hesitate.');
f(n, 'Uh… I don\'t know…');
f(k, 'Come on, it will be fun. There will be loads of other people from Tohoku too. And, you know! There will be girls too!');
f(n, 'Uh, alright then, I guess.');
f(setVariable, 'yestohiking');
f(person, k, 0, 'laughing');
f(effect, k, 'joltLeft');
f(k, 'Great! Do you have LINE? I can text you the details later…');
f('We exchange phone numbers and add each other on LINE, the ubiquitous chat software.');
f(person, k, 0, 'smiling');
f(k, 'See ya around!');
f(remove, k);
f('Hiking, huh. Well, that\'ll be a first. I\'ve lived surrounded by mountains my entire life, but I\'ve never ventured very deep into them. Never saw the point, really. But hey… if there\'s girls around...');
f(jump, 'postKenji');
f(label, 'kenjiOff');
f(setVariable, 'blewoffkenji');
f('Uh. Oh well. Who needs friends?');
f(whatIf, 'hadSexWithHana');
f('Heck, I have $Hana$. I\'m doing alright!');
f(elseIf, 'gotFreebieBlowjob');
f('Man, who needs … <i>male</i> friends. I\'m not… gay!');
f('Besides, things are… things are moving somewhere, with $Erika$.');
f('Or whatever you wanna call getting hit with a sudden blowjob in the middle of the night.');
f('I involuntarily smile.');
f('I wish I could say things were at least moving forward on the ladies front… but, no. Hell, maybe I need to change my attitude.');
f('I feel like I\'m even gloomier than $Erika$…');
f(jump, 'postKenji');
f(label, 'inviteHanaHike');
f(setVariable, 'invitedHanaToHike');
f(whatIf, 'yestohiking');
f('Hm. Maybe I should invite her for the hiking?');
f(choice, 'Invite her.');
f(setVariable, 'hikeWHana');
f(n, 'Hey, $Hana$… do you hike?');
f(h, 'Huh?');
f(n, 'This guy, Kenji, from our class…');
f(h, 'Kenji..? Oh, right, I think I talked to him once.');
f(n, 'He invited me for a hiking thing.');
f(h, 'Oh really?');
f(n, 'You like that kind of stuff?');
f(h, 'Uh, well, sure! I mean, I haven\'t ever hiked much, but… well, sometimes has to be the first, right? It sounds like fun.');
f(n, 'Oh, cool then. It\'s this Sunday, what do you say?');
f(h, 'Sunday? Yeah, that works.');
f(n, 'Great!');
f(h, 'It\'s a date then!');
f('Is it?!');
f(choice, 'Don\'t invite her.');
f('On second thoughts… let\'s maybe not give Kenji just what wants. Besides, he said there\'d be other girls. Too many cooks spoil the broth, and all that.');
f(c_b, 'Uh… what?');
f(c_t, 'He\'s… I mean, the girls are the cooks in his comparison, OK?');
f(c_b, 'Oh, now I see.');
f(c_t, '... what the flip did you think? That Nishi and Kenji were the cooks, and the girls the broth? "Too much cum in the soup"..?');
f(c_b, '...');
f(c_b, 'I think what you just said says more about you than me.');
f(label, 'hanaConfrontDitching');
f('I spot $Hana$, and $Hana$ spots me. She looks visibly irritated as she slowly walks up to me.');
f(c_b, 'Uh-oh!');
f(person, h, 0, 'upset');
f(h, 'Hey, what happened yesterday? I waited out there for almost half an hour!');
f('Oh, you gave up that soon, did you?');
f(choice, 'Tell her you forgot about it.');
f(n, 'Hey, I\'m really sorry, I just forgot about it.');
f(h, 'What?!');
f(n, 'I\'m sorry, I\'m just really, really forgetful.');
f(h, 'Are you serious? You\'ve got to be kidding me!');
f(n, 'No, really. I\'m so sorry. Please, let me make it up to you!');
f('That last bit just slipped out of me.');
f(h, 'Never mind… shit happens, I guess.');
f(n, '...');
f(choice, 'Tell her you had stomach problems.');
f(setVariable, 'toldHanaStomachProblems');
f(whatIf, 'undressingProgress>1');
f('It\'s not entirely a lie. OK, so if we\'re real picky about the chronology, I guess I ditched her first, then had stomach problems some 12+ hours later, but…');
f('She doesn\'t need to know that.');
f(n, 'I\'m… I\'m sorry. I had stomach problems. I got stuck on the toilet for like an hour or so. I didn\'t have your number, so I didn\'t know how to contact you…');
f(h, 'O-oh…');
f(h, 'I\'m… I\'m sorry, I didn\'t mean to make you nervous or anything.');
f('Oh, shit! She thinks I\'m a wimp, now!');
f(n, 'Uhm…');
f(choice, 'Tell her you chose to walk home with $Erika$ instead.');
f(setVariable, 'pissedOffHana');
f(c_t, 'Uh… interesting choice. Stupid, but, you know. Interesting.');
f(n, 'I\'m sorry, I was waiting for you and all, but, then… $Erika$ came around.');
f(whatIf, 'toldHanaAboutErika');
f(person, h, 0, 'surprised');
f(h, 'What, you choose her over me?! Without even letting me know..? Are you for real?');
f(whatIf, 'gotFreebieBlowjob');
f('It was totally worth it, too.');
f('I say nothing.');
f(person, h, 0, 'angry');
f(h, 'OK, Nishi. Great. Fine. Nice knowing you. See you around.');
f(setVariable, 'toldHanaAboutErika');
f(setVariable, 'hanaKnowsOfErika', true);
f(person, h, 0, 'surprised');
f(h, 'What?');
f(person, h, 0, 'irritated');
f(h, 'Who the heck is $Erika$?');
f(n, 'M-my, uh, my housemate…');
f(h, 'Uh… OK.');
f(person, h, 0, 'angry');
f(h, 'Well, that\'s great. Good for you.');
f(h, 'Thanks for staying around to let me know too.');
f('$Hana$ suddenly turns frosty.');
f(remove, h);
f('$Hana$ turns around and walks away.');
f('My mama told me to always be true… not sure it was so smart to follow her advice this time.');
f(h, 'Well… uh… anyways… uh, you know about the hanami tomorrow, right? Are you going?');
f(whatIf, 'hanaMentionedHanami');
f(n, 'Oh, right, you did mention it.');
f(n, 'I don\'t know, I haven\'t decided yet. What about you?');
f(setVariable, 'hanaMentionedHanami');
f(n, 'A hanami?');
f(h, 'Didn\'t you hear about it? The cherry blossom party? With our class? Tomorrow?');
f(n, 'No, I guess I didn\'t. Uh, I don\'t know, I\'ll think about it guess.');
f(n, 'What about you?');
f(person, h, 0, 'surprised');
f(h, 'I\'m going, of course!');
f('What\'s up with the surprised look? Am I such a freak for not immediately jumping at the opportunity? I mean, I guess I\'ll probably go in the end, but I\'m just… you know, kind of used to getting to let the thought tumble around in my head for a day or two before I explicitly commit to anything.');
f(h, 'OK, well… see you later, I guess.');
f(remove, h);
f('$Hana$ walks off, leaving me to eat lunch on my own.');
f(label, 'postKenji');
f('The day goes on - as days tend to do.');
f(c_b, 'Philosophical.');
f(c_b, 'That sounds snarky, but if this was a DVD commentary, I\'d be laughing.');
f(c_t, '*LAUGHTER*');
f(scene, 'cafeteria_day', 'blackFade');
f('Lunch break…');
f(whatIf, 'hadSexWithHana');
f('I look for $Hana$, thinking we should eat lunch together. I actually texted her earlier during class, but I haven\'t got a response yet…');
f('After spying around the cafeteria for a while, I finally find her - eating lunch together with a couple of other girls.');
f('It looks a little high risk - I decide I don\'t want to disturb them, so I leave them to it.');
f(whatIf, '!drankWithErika');
f('At another table, I spot $Erika$, sitting by herself.');
f('I eat lunch by myself, yet again.');
f(jump, 'day5More');
f(elseIf, 'ditchedHana');
f(doCall, 'hanaConfrontDitching');
f(whatIf, '!drankWithErika');
f('After $Hana$\'s stormed off, I notice $Erika$ in the cafeteria, sitting by herself.');
f(jump, 'day5More');
f(elseIf, 'drankWithErika');
f('I look around for $Erika$, but she doesn\'t seem to be around...');
f('I eat lunch by myself.');
f(jump, 'day5More');
f('During the lunch break, I spot $Erika$, sitting by herself.');
f('Her lunch company seems to consist of two small, sad-looking plates of tofu and salad next to a bowl of rice.');
f('Do I go sit with her..?');
f(choice, 'Go sit with her.');
f(jump, 'day5ErikaCafeteria');
f(choice, 'Go sit by yourself.');
f('Nah… I think I\'ve had enough of awkwardness this week. I prefer the loneliness, then.');
f('I sit by myself, again.');
f(jump, 'day5More');
f(label, 'day5ErikaCafeteria');
f(scene, 'cafeteria_up', 'fade');
f(person, e, 'alt', 'alt_slightly_surprised');
f(setZoom, e, 1.3);
f('I sit myself down opposite her.');
f('$Erika$ looks a little taken aback when she notices me, instantly making me feel a little bad.');
f(n, 'Hi… do you mind? Is the seat taken?');
f(person, e, 'alt', 'alt_lookingaway');
f(e, 'Uh, no, go ahead.');
f(whatIf, 'undressingProgress>1');
f(jump, 'day5ErikaCafeteria_undress');
f('OK, let\'s see if I can avoid making this lunch entirely awkward.');
f(choice, 'Tell her you enjoyed studying together.', 'studiedTogetherDay4');
f(setVariable, 'gotHerToSmile');
f(setVariable, 'talkedAboutStudying');
f(person, e, 'alt', 'alt_neutral');
f(n, 'Hey, I really enjoyed studying together, yesterday. We should do that more often.');
f(e, '... but…');
f(person, e, 'alt', 'alt_surprised');
f(e, 'We were only sitting next to each other, without talking?');
f(n, 'Uh, yeah, and, uh, I thought, you know. I thought it was nice.');
f(n, 'You don\'t need to talk all the time, do you?');
f(person, e, 'alt', 'alt_smiling');
f(e, '... I agree.');
f('Oh my god, I don\'t believe this..?');
f('An actual smile, gracing $Erika$\'s lips..?');
f(n, 'Yes, silence is the best. I love me some silence…');
f('Going a little overboard here…');
f(n, 'Nothing like a good bout of quietness to… to spice up your day…');
f(person, 0, 'alt', 'alt_neutral');
f('No, damn it, I went to far! She stopped smiling!');
f('Maybe if I\'m actually quiet for a while, she might smile again..?');
f(n, 'Uhm… I mean. Do you maybe, you know, do it again?');
f(e, 'Um…');
f(person, 0, 'alt', 'alt_almost_smiling');
f(e, 'Sure.');
f('Almost a smile..! Not as brilliant as before, but… maybe close enough.');
f(n, 'Awesome!');
f(choice, 'Ask her what she\'s eating.');
f('Though I can plainly see it\'s tofu, rice, and salad… I guess it beats talking about the weather.');
f(n, 'What\'s that you\'re eating?');
f(e, 'Uhm… tofu… and salad..?');
f(n, 'Right, of course. Is it… is it good?');
f(e, 'Um… yeah, it\'s alright.');
f(e, '...');
f(e, 'What? Did you want to try it?');
f(n, 'Um, no, I\'m good, thanks.');
f(choice, 'Tell her you got tired of sitting alone every day.');
f(setVariable, 'gotHerToSmile');
f(person, e, 'alt', 'alt_neutral');
f(n, 'I hope I\'m not bothering you? If you want to sit alone. I just… I\'ve been sitting by myself these past few days during lunch, and… you know.');
f(n, 'It gets a little lonely.');
f(person, e, 'alt', 'alt_slightly_surprised');
f(e, 'I, uh…');
f(person, e, 'alt', 'alt_smilling');
f(e, 'I know the feeling.');
f('She\'s… smiling?');
f(e, 'Um… thanks, for coming over here. It\'s… nice of you.');
f(n, 'You\'re welcome! I mean, I\'m not doing it to be nice, just, you know.');
f(e, 'Yeah.');
f(choice, 'Talk about the weather.');
f('Of course. This one always works.');
f(n, 'Nice weather today, isn\'t it?');
f(e, 'Uhm… yeah.');
f(n, 'Yeah…');
f('OK, that didn\'t work out.');
f(whatIf, 'yestohiking');
f('Hmm. I could… I could invite her to the hiking, maybe..? I don\'t know, though, she\'ll probably say no...');
f(choice, 'Invite her.');
f(setVariable, 'erikaHiking');
f(n, 'Hey, $Erika$… this guy from my class, Kenji… he just invited me to go hiking this Sunday…');
f(whatIf, 'gotHerToSmile');
f('I don\'t know, it\'ll probably be boring, and all, but-');
f(person, e, 'alt', 'alt_smiling');
f(e, 'Sure.');
f(n, '-would you maybe want to-, wait, what?');
f(e, 'Um, sure.');
f(n, 'Oh.');
f(n, 'Hold on, "sure", as in… I mean, you, you wanna go?');
f(e, 'Yeah.');
f(n, 'Oh. Well, great then.');
f('That… that went easier than I had expected. And… she\'s smiling..!');
f('I don\'t know, it\'ll probably be boring, and all, but… would you maybe want to tag along..?');
f(person, e, 'alt', 'alt_slightly_surprised');
f(e, 'Me?');
f(person, e, 'alt', 'alt_neutral');
f(e, 'Um… sure.');
f(jump, 'sitSilence1');
f(choice, 'Don\'t.');
f(setVariable, 'noMoreErikaInviteToHike');
f('Nah. Who knows how she\'d react. Maybe she\'ll misinterpret it as… me asking her out, or having an interest in her, or whatever… I\'ve had enough awkwardness for this week.');
f(jump, 'sitSilence2');
f(whatIf, 'gotHerToSmile');
f(jump, 'sitSilence1');
f(jump, 'sitSilence2');
f(label, 'sitSilence1');
f('We sit together in a comfortable silence for a while, before $Erika$ gets up to leave, having finished her meal.');
f(jump, 'standUp');
f(label, 'sitSilence2');
f(person, e, 'alt', 'alt_lookingaway');
f('We sit together in a somewhat awkward silence for a while, before $Erika$ gets up to leave, having finished her meal.');
f(label, 'standUp', 'false');
f(person, e, 0, 'neutral', 530, -200);
f(setZoom, e, 1.45);
f(e, 'Um… so, see you at home.');
f(n, 'Bye..!');
f(remove, e);
f(pause, 0.5);
f(jump, 'day5More');
f(label, 'day5More');
f(scene, 'classroom_day', 'blackFade');
f(pause, 0.5);
f(changeBg, 'classroom_evening', 'fade', 2);
f('After lunch, I have a couple of more classes. After the last one, there\'s another class gathering.');
f('I wait in my seat.');
f(scene, 'classroom_zoom', 'fade');
f(person, ai, 0, 'smiling');
f(setZoom, ai, 1.6);
f('Oh, look, it\'s the girl from <i>Frozen</i> again, getting up in front of the class.');
f('I decide to actually listen to what she says this time.');
f('She\'s kind of cute, actually, the way she talks. There\'s something slightly familiar about her accent, but I can\'t quite place it.');
f('She\'s brave, though, getting up in front of a class of 18-year-olds, all strangers. She seems a little nervous, but not overly. She\'s no $Hana$, unafraid of just about anything, but also definitely not an $Erika$ either...');
f(whatIf, 'hanaMentionedHanami');
f('So apparently, there\'s some party next Monday… I think somebody might have mentioned it before, probably when I was only half-listening. And also, there\'s the hanami party tomorrow that $Hana$ mentioned.');
f('Right, today is Friday. I nearly forgot.');
f('Apparently, this girl and some other people in the class have arranged for a hanami, a cherry blossom viewing party, tomorrow. Neat, I guess.');
f('The party will be at a park nearby. I think I might have walked past it on the way home a couple of days ago - so it\'s fairly close to my house.');
f('We\'re all recommended to come.');
f('Well, if I want to have any chance at all to get to know anybody in class, I guess I really ought to make it.');
f('As the meeting ends and everybody begins to leave, I catch a glimpse of $Hana$, but she\'s engrossed in a conversation with a couple of girls I don\'t know.');
f('She doesn\'t seem to notice me as she walks out of the auditorium.');
f('I\'m one of the last person to leave the building.');
f(scene, 'outside_uni_evening', 'blackFade');
f('It\'s Friday night, and I\'m on my own.');
f(whatIf, 'hadSexWithHana');
f('I consider briefly texting $Hana$, but when I open up the chat program, I realize she still hasn\'t replied to my messages sent over lunch.');
f('What is this? Is she playing hard to catch all of a sudden? After having sex? Is she having second thoughts? Did she… did she ditch me?');
f('Was it just a one-time thing?');
f('My anxiety gets a hold of me.');
f(elseIf, 'undressingProgress>1');
f('My stomach ache from this morning comes back to haunt me as I start thinking about going home.');
f(whatIf, 'undressedErikaAndForgotToRedressHer');
f('What if… what if the cops are waiting?');
f('What if she figured out… that I undressed her?');
f('I just hope $Erika$ doesn\'t suspect anything is off-color. But the more nervous I get about it, the more likely she\'ll be able to tell. A thought which only makes me more nervous, of course.');
f(elseIf, 'gotFreebieBlowjob');
f('I get all fluttery when I think of going home. I haven\'t seen $Erika$ around in school today, but I hope she\'s home. I wonder… how drunk was she, exactly?');
f('I mean… she wouldn\'t… she wouldn\'t have forgotten about it, would she?');
f('I\'ve got no plans. I guess I could go into the city, but… what would I do?');
f(scene, 'walk_evening', 'blackFade');
f(whatIf, '!gotFreebieBlowjob');
f('Besides, I feel a little lonely. I start walking home.');
f('I go home by myself.');
f(scene, 'genkan_evening', 'blackFade');
f('When I get home. $Erika$\'s petite little shoes are standing in the entrance hall. I guess she came home before me.');
f(whatIf, 'gotFreebieBlowjob');
f('She doesn\'t come out to greet me, or anything…');
f('She can\'t have been that drunk, can she?');
f('We had… something with a semblance of an actual conversation afterwards, didn\'t we? Or I mean, at least she spoke. And she made it back to her room without me having to carry her there…');
f(whatIf, 'sister');
f('I mean… would you really forget giving your own brother a blowjob? Even if… you know, it was a weird mistake…');
f('Which it obviously was. You know.');
f('Totally weird and stuff, and… not at all appropriate. I mean, brother and sister… it\'s just fucked up, really.');
f('Yet again, stuff like this happens… even among normal siblings.');
f('I mean, we didn\'t actually fuck, or anything, Christ.');
f('That would have been…');
f('Or if I had… pushed her down, and… ripped of her shirt, and… fondled her breasts…');
f('And… and had had my way with her…');
f('My throat is suddenly very dry. I gulp, loudly.');
f('Hm. I… I should probably be thinking about something else, I think:');
f('I mean, to the extent that she\'d completely forget something like giving me a blowjob?');
f('I feel a sting in my breast.');
f('That blowjob, it was … well, honestly speaking…');
f('I\'m not going to lie. It was the highlight of my life, thus far. But… if $Erika$ doesn\'t even remember it…');
f('I\'d feel slightly hurt.');
f('Should I maybe check in on her? Or just let her be?');
f(choice, 'Knock on her door.');
f(jump, 'day5_eveningErika');
f(choice, 'Let her be.');
f('Nah… I guess I had better not disturb her.');
f(whatIf, 'gotFreebieBlowjob');
f('Let her come to me, maybe.');
f('That worked yesterday night, for sure…');
f(whatIf, 'sister');
f('Sorry. That\'s not appropriate.');
f(jump, 'day5_alonesleep');
f(jump, 'day5_eveningErika');
f(label, 'day5_eveningErika');
f('I her $Erika$\'s voice from the other room, slightly muffled.');
f(e, 'What is it?');
f(choice, 'Ask her if she\'s feeling alright.');
f(setVariable, 'askingFeelingAlright');
f(n, 'Hey, are you good?');
f(whatIf, 'undressedErikaAndForgotToRedressHer||saidJohns');
f(e, 'Hey, I\'m good, but I\'m sorry, I\'m kind of busy.');
f(e, 'Come in.');
f('I open the door.');
f(choice, 'Ask her if you can come in.');
f(n, 'Hi, can I come in?');
f(whatIf, 'undressedErikaAndForgotToRedressHer||saidJohns');
f(e, 'I\'m sorry, I\'m kind of busy.');
f(e, '... Sure, come in.');
f('I open the door.');
f(choice, 'Apologize for knocking.');
f('I get cold feet.');
f(n, 'Uh… sorry, it was nothing.');
f(c_t, 'That\'s a bit wimpy of you. Don\'t give up so easily.');
f(c_b, 'It\'s a game, remember? Don\'t let your insecurities from real life control you in the game.', 'worried');
f(c_t, 'We\'re here for you, man.', 'worried');
f('No response from $Erika$.');
f(n, 'Uh, good night.');
f(e, 'Good night.');
f(jump, 'day5_alonesleep');
f(playSound, 'fastDoorOpen');
f(scene, 'washitsu_hana_day', 'fade');
f(person, e, 0, 'neutral');
f(e, 'What is it?');
f(whatIf, 'gotFreebieBlowjob');
f('She\'s acting… completely normal. No sign of bashfulness, or anything. For real… did she forget about what happened last night?');
f(elseIf, 'undressingProgress>1');
f('She doesn\'t seem suspicious or anything. Thank God…');
f(whatIf, 'drankWithErika||askingFeelingAlright');
f(n, 'It\'s nothing… I was just kind of bored. And… well, I thought should check in on you. You were… well, you were kind of…');
f(person, e, 0, 'eyes_down', x, x, true);
f(effect, e, 'joltRight');
f(e, 'Uh, yeah, sorry about that…');
f(n, 'No, it was my fault, I coaxed you into it. I\'m sorry. Did you… did you make it to school this morning?');
f(person, e, 'alt', 'alt_almost_smile', x, x, true);
f(effect, e, 'joltLeft');
f(e, 'Uh… well, yeah, only… only in time for lunch, though.');
f(n, 'Oh, shit… I\'m sorry, I should have woken you up…');
f(person, e, 0, 'smiling', x, x, true);
f(effect, e, 'joltRight');
f(e, 'I… I don\'t think that would have made much of a difference, actually. But, uh… thanks, I guess.');
f(n, '...');
f(n, 'So, uh, no work, tonight?');
f(e, 'No…');
f(n, 'Do you wanna, I don\'t know, do something?');
f(person, e, 0, 'eyes_down', x, x, true);
f(effect, e, 'joltRight');
f(e, '... No more drinking, man.');
f(n, 'No no, I meant… you know, I don\'t know, maybe… study together, or something? No alcohol, I promise.');
f(person, e, 'alt', 'alt_neutral', x, x, true);
f(e, 'Hum… well… OK, I guess.');
f('$Erika$ sounds as if she wants to sound like she\'s agreeing not because she actually wants to do anything with me… but somehow, I get a sense, she\'s pretending. Like she\'s actually happy I asked.');
f(elseIf, 'talkedAboutStudying');
f(n, 'Hey, so… we talked about at lunch… you know… like… um...');
f('Spit it out!');
f(n, 'D-do you want to, I don\'t know, like, maybe study together?');
f(person, e, 0, 'eyes_down');
f(e, 'Um…');
f(person, e, 'alt', 'alt_smiling', x, x, true);
f(e, 'Well. OK.');
f(n, 'Great! I\'ll get my stuff.');
f(n, 'Uh, n-nothing in particular, I guess. I… I was kind of bored, I guess. I mean, it\'s Friday night, and all.');
f(e, '... Oh.');
f(n, 'Uh… you\'re not working, or anything tonight?');
f(e, '... No, not tonight.');
f(n, '...');
f(e, '...');
f(n, 'I, uh, I can leave, if you want me to?');
f(e, '... Uh, no I\'m sorry, you can stay. Y-you wanna, I don\'t know, study together, or something?');
f(n, 'Uh, yeah, sure! Why not.');
f(scene, 'black', 'fade');
f('I get my bag from my room and return to $Erika$.');
f('Maybe studying isn\'t the most exciting way to spend your Friday night, but… at least I\'m not alone.');
f(whatIf, 'hadSexWithHana');
f('God damn $Hana$, she still hasn\'t returned my texts. Was that it? Really? Well... screw her, then.');
f('I mean, I did <i>screw</i> her.');
f('I suddenly feel very pleased with myself.');
f(scene, 'wall', 'fade');
f(person, e, 'walled', 'eyes_down');
f(setZoom, e, 2);
f('We sit together in silence, and study for some time.');
f('From time to time, I sneak a glance at $Erika$.');
f('She\'s… she\'s really pretty, actually.');
f('...When she keeps her mouth shut, at least.');
f('I just wish she was easier to talk to.');
f(person, e, 0, 'surprised');
f('$Erika$ looks up and catches me staring at her before I have time to avert my eyes.');
f(e, 'Wh-what are you looking at?');
f('I turn my eyes down, bashfully.');
f(n, 'Oh, nothing, just-');
f(person, e, 'blush', 'neutral');
f(e, 'Do I have rice stuck near my mouth or something?');
f(n, 'No, sorry, I was just daydreaming.');
f(person, e, 'blush', 'smallsmile');
f(e, 'Oh.');
f(n, 'Hey… a penny for your thoughts?');
f(person, e, 'alt', 'alt_neutral_redding');
f(effect, e, 'joltRight');
f(e, 'My thoughts?');
f(person, e, 'alt', 'embarrassed_laugh');
f(e, 'I\'m studying English irregular verbs, my thoughts… they\'re on <i>swim swam swum.</i>');
f('I laugh, though I have little to no no idea what she\'s talking about. My English is basically non-existent.');
f(c_b, 'Is it, really? Because he kind of seems to be speaking it fluently...');
f(c_t, '... d\'you think I should have made her major Spanish instead? Would that satisfy your demand for <i>realism?</i>');
f(person, e, 0, 'smallsmile');
f(e, '... Why do you ask?');
f(n, 'Oh, just making conversation.');
f(person, e, 'alt', 'alt_neutral');
f(effect, e, 'joltLeft');
f(e, 'Oh. Right.');
f(e, '...');
f(person, e, 0, 'eyes_down');
f(effect, e, 'joltRight');
f(e, 'I\'m sorry, making small talk isn\'t in my… in my skillset, really. I, uh...');
f(e, '...');
f(e, 'I don\'t really mean to come off as grumpy as I sound.');
f(n, 'Don\'t worry about it.');
f(n, 'I\'m pretty shy too, actually.');
f(whatIf, 'knowsOfErikasMaidening');
f(n, 'Isn\'t that… a problem at your work, though?');
f(e, 'Yeah…');
f(e, '...');
f(e, '... it\'s really tiring, actually.');
f(e, 'But mostly… you just have to use the same old set phrases. You know, you don\'t have to be very original, which helps. It\'s "Master-sama" this and "Master-sama" that, mostly.');
f(e, 'And…');
f(e, 'I guess it\'s easier when you play a role, like that.');
f('I nod.');
f(n, 'I get it.');
f('$Erika$ nods.');
f(e, '... Why are you shy, though?');
f(n, '... What do you mean, why?');
f('Is this going to get deep..?');
f(n, 'I mean, why is anybody shy? Why are you shy?');
f(e, 'No, but I mean… a… a buff guy like you...');
f(choice, 'Tease her.');
f(n, 'What, you\'re saying you fancy me?');
f(person, e, 'alt', 'alt_surprised_drunk');
f(effect, e, 'smallShake');
f(c_t, 'B-baka!', 'angry');
f(e, 'What?! No, what? What\'s wrong with you?! I mean, no, I\'m just saying..!');
f(person, e, 'blush', 'angry');
f(e, 'I don\'t mean you\'re good-looking or anything, just that, uh, lots… lots of girls are into guys, with a bit of m-muscle...');
f('Oh, gee. Thanks.');
f(c_b, 'Come on, don\'t you know your tsundere? This is what you get.', 'worried');
f(c_t, 'Maybe that\'s among all those classes he wasn\'t paying attention to - Tsundere 101.');
f(c_b, 'Or a course registration slip-up, perhaps.', 'happy');
f(n, 'Right…');
f(n, 'Well, I don\'t know. I don\'t have a particular reason for being shy. I mean, do you?');
f(e, '...');
f(c_t, 'Oh, but she does…', 'unhappy');
f(c_b, 'Oh, she does? But… the story never goes into that, does it?');
f(c_t, 'No, didn\'t have time to. But… well, since I\'m already plotting on an expanded version… I thought I\'d just leave it as a cliffhanger.');
f(c_b, 'It\'s only a cliffhanger if you play this particular section with the commentary on, though.');
f(c_b, 'I mean, I had read this part before and I didn\'t think anything in particular of it.', 'confusion');
f(c_t, 'Well… it can just be our secret too, you know. That\'s OK.', 'worried');
f(person, e, 'blush', 'eyes_down');
f(e, 'Never mind, then.');
f('Maybe I should change the topic.');
f(choice, 'Compliment her.');
f(n, 'And a cute girl like you!');
f(person, e, 'blush', 'eyes_down');
f(e, 'Eh… shut up.');
f(n, 'What? So you can say I\'m buff, but I can\'t say you\'re cute..?');
f(person, e, 'alt', 'alt_neutral_reddening');
f(e, 'Let\'s… let\'s change the topic.');
f(c_t, 'She\'s not really sure whether Nishi is playing with her or not.', 'worried');
f(c_b, 'Poor girl.', 'worried');
f(c_t, '...', 'unhappy');
f(c_t, 'Little does she know that this pervet would rape her, in a parallel dimension!', 'angry');
f(c_b, '..!', 'surprised');
f(choice, 'Ask her what she means.');
f(n, 'What do you mean?');
f(person, e, 'blush', 'eyes_down');
f(effect, e, 'joltLeft');
f(e, 'Uh, no, I just… I mean, I, uh, I just imagine, kind of, that, you know, if you… if you\'re strong, if you have muscles… you wouldn\'t… you wouldn\'t normally feel, like… like, I don\'t see what reason you\'d have to be shy.');
f(person, e, 'blush', 'neutral');
f(n, 'Oh. Well. You know… I grew up on the countryside, right? You know, your classmates don\'t ever change. I mean, it\'s the same 20 people all the way from first year of elementary school, all the way up through high school.');
f(person, e, 'alt', 'alt_slightly_surprised');
f(e, 'Everyone went to the same high school?');
f(n, 'Yeah. I mean, lots of people went to vocational school and there were… I don\'t know, maybe 5 people from the neighbouring village too, but all in all, the same people, all around you.');
f(n, 'You know… uh… if you\'re not one of the cool kids by the time everybody hits puberty, you\'re not… you\'re not ever going to be one of the cool kids.');
f(person, e, 0, 'eyes_down');
f(e, '... I see.');
f(e, '...');
f(person, e, 0, 'concerned');
f(e, 'Was it tough? Growing up, up there..?');
f('Erika gets a very concerned look on her face.');
f(n, 'Well, no, no. It wasn\'t too bad. I had a bunch of good friends… I mean, we weren\'t the coolest kids in school, but… we had each other. For… well, at least most of the time.');
f(person, e, 0, 'neutral');
f(e, 'Oh. So you had friends?');
f(n, 'Uh, yeah. I mean, that\'s how things are in Aomori, pretty much. Even if you\'re bullied… you\'ll probably have friends. I mean, many times kids are friends with their bullies, too…');
f(whatIf, 'knowsFukuoka');
f(n, 'I bet… I bet things were different in Fukuoka, though?');
f('I realize I still don\'t even know where $Erika$ grew up. I can\'t detect any dialect, but she doesn\'t strike me as a Tokyo girl. Maybe $Hana$ gave me a skewed image of those, though…');
f(n, 'Where did you grow up?');
f(setVariable, 'knowsFukuoka');
f(person, e, 0, 'smallsmile');
f(e, 'In Fukuoka.');
f(n, 'Wow, so you\'re a proper city girl, then.');
f(e, '... Well, I don\'t know about that.');
f(n, 'How was it growing up there?');
f(e, 'You know… maybe not so different from how you grew up. I don\'t know…');
f(n, '...');
f('She still seems pretty reluctant to tell to much about herself, even after me opening up like this.');
f(n, 'Yeah…');
f('Maybe I had better changed the topic.');
f(n, 'So… like, how\'s… how\'s your week been? I mean, your first week at Kumatani.');
f(person, e, 0, 'neutral');
f(e, '...');
f(e, 'Well, I\'ve been busy, with school, and the part-time job…');
f(person, e, 0, 'eyes_down');
f(e, 'I… well, I haven\'t talked to that many people.');
f(person, e, 0, 'smallsmile');
f(effect, e, 'joltRight');
f(e, 'Actually…');
f(person, e, 0, 'neutral');
f(e, 'Ah…');
f(person, e, 0, 'eyes_down');
f(e, '...');
f(e, 'Never mind.');
f(n, 'No, tell me, what?');
f(person, e, 0, 'smallsmile');
f(effect, e, 'joltLeft');
f(e, 'I… I think I\'ve only really talked to, to you. This week.');
f(person, e, 'blush', 'eyes_down');
f('$Erika$ hurriedly continues, not giving me the space to respond.');
f(e, 'But uh, ah, classes seem alright and stuff, and, you know, uh, the campus is very nice, and uh, the weather, and so on… it\'s all nice, so, how\'s your week been?');
f('I can\'t help but smile at her attempt to brush over what she just said. It\'s not a big deal, of course, except she kind of made it seem as if it were, panicking like that.');
f('I probably shouldn\'t tease her over it.');
f(n, 'Yeah, no, I haven\'t talked to like… I mean, you and two more people.');
f(c_b, 'It\'s a pretty lonely world they inhabit, isn\'t it. Only five character sprites, huh! It\'d drive me mad, mad, I tell you!', 'worried');
f(c_t, 'At least four of them are hot girls with big boobs. I don\'t know, doesn\'t seem so bad to me.', 'inlove');
f(n, 'I haven\'t found a job, I don\'t know if I told you… but I do need one.');
f(whatIf, 'erikaWorksAtRestaurant');
f(n, 'You… you work at a restaurant, right?');
f(e, 'Uh… yeah.');
f(n, 'What kind of restaurant? Japanese? Chinese?');
f(e, '… It\'s a Chinese place… why?');
f('Probably a pretty stressful job, and the pay will most likely be minimum wage, if even that. But maybe it wouldn\'t be so bad. If $Erika$ works there…');
f(n, 'They\'re not looking for more people?');
f(person, e, 0, 'worried');
f('$Erika$ gets a slightly panicky look on her face.');
f(e, 'Uh, no, no, they\'re not.');
f(e, '... Sorry.');
f(n, 'No worries. I\'ll find something, I\'m sure.');
f(e, 'Mm.');
f(pause, 2);
f(person, e, 0, 'eyes_down');
f('We go back to studying, for a while, when I remember about the hanami tomorrow. Maybe… maybe I could bring along $Erika$?');
f(whatIf, 'hadSexWithHana');
f('$Hana$\'s definitely going to be there… I mean, this would be a great way of getting back at her, wouldn\'t it?');
f('I mean, maybe it\'s a little cartoony, but I do believe that, uh… scarcity increases interest. I mean, if $Hana$ were to see me with a cute girl like $Erika$…');
f('I think, you know... thatt\'s just human nature.');
f(whatIf, 'erikaHiking');
f('Though I did already invite her to go hiking… I don\'t want to come on too strong.');
f(whatIf, 'yestohiking&&!erikaHiking');
f('Also… there\'s the hiking on Sunday, with Kenji.');
f(whatIf, 'hikeWHana');
f('I did already invite $Hana$… but I\'m sure she wouldn\'t mind some company. I mean, there\'s going to be a bunch of other people too, of course. But… two beautiful girls must be better than one, surely.');
f('Though I might just overwhelm her, asking her out for both things tonight. Maybe it\'d be better to just invite her for the hanami, for starters, and then ask her tomorrow about the hike.');
f(c_t, 'This ended up a little convoluted.');
f(c_b, 'How do you mean?');
f(c_t, 'I don\'t know, what are your thoughts on choices? Do you think there ever can be too many? I mean, we\'re doing so many more than the average...');
f(c_b, 'Bug-testing is a pain in the ass this way, of course. All those intricate paths leading past each other… all the "if\'s" and stuff... But I don\'t know, I always assumed people wanted a lot of choice.');
f(c_b, 'But... that\'s before I realized how popular "kinetic" visual novels are, I guess.');
f(c_b, 'That\'s visual novels without any choices at all, for those of you who aren\'t in the know.');
f(c_b, 'It took me some time to just… melt the fact that people would still play VN\'s without any choices at all. I mean, sure, I can read a book. That\'s cool beans, man. But I expect a certain amount of interactivity when I play a visual novel. I guess I was spoiled by the Choose-Your-Own-Adventure books. They had loads of choices, right?');
f(c_t, 'My brother passed me down some old Nintendo-licensed ones. I loved them. Though they had… well, they had a whole bunch of sudden game overs, as well.');
f(c_t, 'Didn\'t seem like it mattered as much back then, though. I\'d always keep one thumb on the original page so I could backtrack quickly.');
f(c_b, 'Sorry, we should get back to the game. The player has a somewhat superfluous choice to make!');
f(c_t, 'It\'s not that it\'s inconsequential, though. It\'s just that it\'s a bit convoluted.');
f(choice, 'Invite her to the hanami.');
f(setVariable, 'erikaHanami');
f(n, 'Hey, $Erika$…');
f(e, 'Hm?');
f(n, 'My class... there\'s like, a hanami tomorrow, in a park nearby. You know, the cherries are blossoming right now, and all.');
f(e, '...');
f(n, 'So, uh, I was thinking…');
f(n, 'Unless you had like, other plans, or whatever…');
f(n, '... maybe you\'d want to come?');
f('I get worried how that came across, so I quickly add:');
f(n, 'I mean, not as a date, or whatever! Just, you know. If you don\'t have anything else to do.');
f(e, '... So you\'re inviting me out of pity, you mean?');
f(n, 'N-');
f(person, e, 0, 'smallsmile');
f(e, 'Just kidding.');
f(e, '...');
f(e, 'Sure. Sounds like fun. I want to catch the cherry blossoms before it\'s too late, too. Haven\'t had the time to yet.');
f(choice, 'Invite her to go hiking.', 'yestohiking&&!erikaHiking');
f(setVariable, 'erikaHiking');
f(n, 'Hey, $Erika$.');
f(e, 'What?');
f(n, 'I… I was invited to go hiking by this guy, he\'s like… in a Tohoku circle. I mean, he\'s from Sendai.');
f(e, '...OK?');
f(n, 'Well, basically, they don\'t have enough people, so he asked me to invite, like, you know, whomever.');
f(e, 'Whomever..?');
f(n, 'I mean, like you don\'t have to have ties to Tohoku, or anything.');
f(e, '... Where are you going? What mountain?');
f(n, 'Um… I don\'t know if he said.');
f('He did mention there\'d be girls going, though…');
f(n, 'It\'ll probably be a pretty lenient hike, I\'d imagine. It didn\'t sound as if were a hardcore thing, really.');
f(e, '...');
f(n, 'What do you say? I think it\'ll be fun. Good way to meet people.');
f(e, '...');
f(e, 'Sure. Sounds like fun. I\'ll do it.');
f(n, 'Awesome.');
f(choice, 'Invite her to both the hanami and the hiking.', 'yestohiking&&!erikaHiking');
f(setVariable, 'erikaMaybeHiking');
f(c_t, 'You desperate puppy, you.');
f(n, 'So, hey, $Erika$…');
f(e, '... Hm?');
f(n, 'Did you have anything planned this weekend?');
f(e, 'Why do you ask?');
f(n, 'Well, uh… so, if you were interested, you know… so there\'s a hanami, tomorrow, with my class… and I\'m also going hiking the day after tomorrow, with some people from Tohoku.');
f(n, 'I was thinking, maybe you want to come along?');
f(e, 'For what? The hiking? The hanami?');
f(n, 'Uh, well, both, if you\'d want to. I mean, if you don\'t have anything else to do…');
f(e, '...');
f(e, 'Hm…');
f(e, 'Could I… could I think about it?');
f('Damn. Probably came on too strong.');
f(n, 'Uh, yeah, sure. I mean, take your time. I\'m leaving at 11 in the morning though, for the hanami.');
f(e, 'Right. I think I\'ll probably skip the hanami. I\'ll… I\'ll think about the hiking.');
f(n, 'Sure.');
f(choice, 'Don\'t invite her.');
f('On second thought… never mind.');
f(whatIf, 'hadSexWithHana');
f('I guess the whole "make her jealous thing" might backfire. It would if my life was a cheap TV drama, at the very least.');
f(c_t, 'But… but you\'re not on TV, man! It\'s a visual novel!');
f(c_b, 'Not very genre savvy then, this guy.');
f(person, e, 0, 'eyes_down');
f('We sit together, reading by ourselves, for another half hour.');
f(person, e, 0, 'neutral');
f(e, 'Hey, I think I\'m going to bed.');
f(n, 'OK, sure.');
f(whatIf, 'erikaHanami');
f(n, 'So, I was thinking to leave around 11 tomorrow morning… does that work for you?');
f(e, 'Sure.');
f(n, 'OK, see you tomorrow, then. Good night.');
f(n, 'Good night, then.');
f(e, 'Good night.');
f('I go back to my room...');
f(whatIf, 'boughtComputer');
f(cg, 'pc', 'blackFade');
f('And waste an hour or two in front of my shiny new computer, before going to bed.');
f('Eventually I load up… the game, and play for a couple of hours.');
f(whatIf, 'undressingProgress>=1');
f('Now, don\'t read too much into this.');
f('It\'s not about $Erika$, I mean, it just isn\'t. I literally… OK, so maybe not <i>literally</i>, but I <i>sort of</i> just grabbed the top game in the pile.');
f('I mean there were maybe five or so other games next to it, but my hand… well, it landed on this specific title, for whatever reason.');
f('So maybe you\'re thinking, but Nishi, you flippin\' undressed her, what was up with that?');
f('And you know, I don\'t… I don\'t have a good answer for that. I mean, more than that I was drunk, and people do weird shit when they\'re drunk.');
f(whatIf, 'sister');
f('Hell… I knew a guy in Aomori who actually <i>slept</i> with his own sister when he was like 16… no, not his stepsister, his half-sister or whatever, his actual, blood-related, sister.');
f('I think he sort of came from a troubled family or whatever, but he told me and a couple of other guys about when we had a sleepover at someone\'s house.');
f('It wasn\'t just misguided macho braggadocio, either. The story held water. They both got really really drunk, they both passed out… and in the morning they woke up in her bed, both nude, neither regions red and aching…');
f('Neither of them remembered anything, apparently, but she began to cry and then, when he tried to comfort her by hugging her… you know, big mistake, you don\'t hug your naked sister… well, he got an erection.');
f('So apparently they ended up having sex again. Whether or not she was participating of her own free will the second time,or if it was more of a rape-y scenario, I\'m not really sure.');
f('But yeah, my point is, this stuff happens more often than you\'d think.');
f('It\'s just, you don\'t hear about it that often because… well, it\'s a little fucked up, isn\'t it?');
f('We all stopped hanging out with him after he told us this, of course.');
f('I mean, in one way I think we were kind of jealous, because we were all virgins...');
f('But we were definitely disgusted as well.');
f(whatIf, 'damndad');
f('I feel sorry for his sister though… I mean, she was a regular girl, nice and kind of cute and pretty friendly…');
f('What happened was, of course, that one of my friends told one of his friends, and before soon, everyone knew… or at least thought they knew.');
f('And… well, this is a bit dark, but I know for a fact that she got raped afterwards by four guys from my class. There were… pictures, making the rounds.');
f('She never reported it.');
f('Even worse… a year later, her dad got arrested. Apparently he had been molesting her and her two older sisters for years. The mother had known the whole time but done nothing to stop him.');
f('In the end, it was her oldest sister who told on him, apparently.');
f('She was 22, still living at home, still being molested on a weekly, if not daily, basis. She was the hottest one too, even coming 2nd in the Ms. Aomori beauty pageant a couple of years prior.');
f('From what I heard, she just broke down one day at her work, beginning to cry hysterically. I suppose she just couldn\'t hold it in any longer.');
f('The thing with her brother never made the news, at least…');
f('Actually, I know for a fact that wasn\'t the absolute end of it… a month or two after we froze him out, the brother tried to win back our favor by sending pictures of her, his sister…');
f('Crazy stuff. But it\'s also how I know he wasn\'t making shit up - I saw it with my own eyes.');
f('Like, this one video I remember specifically, quite vividly, of her, naked on all four, titties dangling, giving her brother a blowjob, entirely oblivious of the filming…');
f('No, we didn\'t start hanging out with him again. He was obviously a sick fuck.');
f('That said, I did masturbate the fuck out of that video, though it felt all kinds of fucked up.');
f('Fuck, I wonder if I may actually have the clip on my phone somewhere..?');
f('After an hour or so, I decide it\'s time to go to bed.');
f(scene, 'washitsu_night', 'fade');
f(scene, 'black', 'fade', 2);
f(scene, 'washitsu_evening', 'blackFade');
f('... and go straight to bed.');
f(playSound, 'lights');
f(scene, 'washitsu_night');
f(pause, 0.5);
f(scene, black, 'fade', 2);
f('Good night.');
f(jump, 'day6_morning');
f(label, 'day5_alonesleep');
f(scene, 'washitsu_evening', 'blackFade');
f('I sit up doing a piece of homework for one of my classes before I go to bed.');
f('I can tell $Erika$ is still up, by the light seeping in through the door to her room.');
f(playSound, 'lights');
f(scene, 'washitsu_night');
f('Time to sleep.');
f(scene, 'black', 'fade', 2);
f(whatIf, 'hadSexWithHana');
f('I close my eyes and let my thoughts drift. I keep returning to yesterday night, replaying me and $Hana$ fucking. I sleep an uneasy sleep.');
f(c_b, 'That sounds like a negative.');
f(c_t, 'Nah bru, he\'s just restless because his dick is poking holes in the futon.');
f(c_b, 'Granted, it can be kind of hard to sleep with a raging hard-on.');
f('I close my eyes. I let my thoughts wander... and find they keep returning to $Erika$.');
f(whatIf, 'sister');
f('I\'m disturbed by the images flashing before my eyes, and try to keep them away.');
f(pause, 2);
f(jump, 'day6_morning');
f(label, 'bitcoinExplanationHana1');
f(c_t, 'Prepare for the most laboured and far-fetched explanation for a stupid graphics cheat, ever…');
f(n, 'What?');
f(whatIf, 'cousin');
f(h, 'It\'s been on the Tokyo-wide news shows and everything... Oh, right, maybe they didn\'t show it up in Aomori, yet… you just got here, right?');
f('That "yet" is rather unnecessary. It\'s not like we live on the other side of the moon. Information travels at the speed of light these days, $Hana$…');
f('Is that I\'m thinking to myself. $Hana$\'s a little… well, sheltered? She\'s never liked it when people contradict her, or one-up her. A sore loser, really.');
f(h, 'You don\'t watch the news?');
f(n, 'Uh… I check Yahoo! News on my phone, but…');
f(h, 'Oh, I meant… you know, the <i>Tokyo</i> news. Maybe they haven\'t reported on it in the national media that much yet, but…');
f(h, 'There\'s this anonymous benefactor who announced online he\'d be paying girls at Kumatani to… well, to dress like this at school, and take selfies and upload on his blog…');
f('What the actual fuck..?');
f(changeBg, 'cg_bitcoin', 'fade');
f(h, 'So the girls you see walk around campus like this, we\'re all getting paid, of course! In bitcoins! Like, part of it is from the guy himself, but we put up the QR codes on our blogs and there\'s people from all over the country tipping us for our photos.');
f(remove, h);
f(c_b, 'But… she\'s supposed to be a rich girl, right? Why would she bother..?');
f(c_t, 'Wait for it…');
f(pause, 2);
f(n, '...');
f(pause, 2);
f(n, 'That\'s… that\'s just crazy..!');
f(person, h, 0, 'laughing');
f(setZoom, h, 2);
f(h, 'I know, right? Crazy awesome, huh!!');
f(label, 'bitcoinExplanationHana2');
f(person, h, 0, 'smiling');
f(n, 'But… how did you find about it?');
f(h, 'I don\'t know, this guy behind it all somehow got a hold of the list of all students and sent out info on this to all students...');
f(n, 'I didn\'t get anything?!');
f(h, '... all female students, I mean.');
f(whatIf, 'cousin');
f(n, 'That\'s… wow, that\'s all kinds of fucked up. How did he got a hold of the list?');
f(n, 'But… how did he even get a hold of the list?');
f(c_b, 'This just goes on and on, doesn\'t it?');
f(c_t, 'Well, it\'s a bizarre scenario. I\'d honestly be happy to leave it unexplained, but… this is more fun, I guess.');
f(h, 'I don\'t know…');
f(h, 'Maybe he had a supporter on the inside or something?');
f(whatIf, 'cousin');
f(n, 'But… but, $Hana$… you\'re… I mean, you\'re rich?! You don\'t need bitcoins, do you?');
f(person, h, 0, 'angry');
f(n, 'But… isn\'t it a bit much… I mean, wearing clothes like that… just for, uh…');
f('I regret beginning this sentence more and more the further I get to its end…');
f(person, h, 0, 'irritated_smile');
f(h, 'Nishi! It\'s not about the money!');
f(n, 'It\'s… it\'s not?');
f(person, h, 0, 'upset');
f(h, 'It\'s about the competition! All girls have to use the same bitcoin address throughout… so you can see who gets the most tips!');
f(c_b, 'Alright. I\'ll buy it.');
f(c_b, 'Mostly \'cause I don\'t have any choice.');
f('Oh. So that\'s where shoe pinches.');
f(c_b, 'Is that like a real… an actual idiomatic expression?');
f(c_t, 'I think so? Google agrees.');
f(n, 'I-... I see…');
f(label, 'bitcoinExplanationErika1');
f(e, 'I can\'t believe you haven\'t heard about, it\'s been on the news and everything…');
f(n, 'Well, still, I haven\'t, so…');
f(e, 'Well…');
f(e, 'There\'s this anonymous benefactor who announced online he\'d be paying girls at Kumatani to… well, to dress like… like <i>this at school,</i> and take selfies and upload on this blog thing…');
f('What the actual fuck..?');
f(changeBg, 'cg_bitcoin', 'fade');
f(n, 'But, what? Why? How does it even work? Why…');
f(e, 'Well…');
f(e, '...');
f(e, 'Basically we get paid, right? In bitcoins. Part of it comes from the guy himself, but… there\'s also, um…');
f(n, 'Really? Is that it?');
f(e, 'Yeah, well… it\'s complicated.');
f(remove, e);
f(pause, 2);
f(n, '...');
f(pause, 2);
f(label, 'bitcoinExplanationErika2');
f(person, e, 'alt', 'alt_neutral');
f(setZoom, h, 1.2);
f(whatIf, 'sister');
f(n, 'That\'s… that\'s just crazy..!');
f(e, 'Look.. I\'m not doing this because I want to, alright? I\'m not an… exhibitionist.');
f(n, 'Sis, seriously, two thirds of your breasts are… I mean, they are showing. You-, you\'re practically naked.');
f(person, e, 'blush', 'angry');
f(e, 'Stop staring!');
f(n, 'I\'m not!!');
f(person, e, 0, 'angry');
f(e, 'I\'m doing it for the money, OK?! Nothing else. Now get that through your thick skull.');
f(n, 'Can\'t you just get a part-time job like everybody else?!');
f(e, 'I have a part-time job too, thank you very much..!');
f(n, 'Well… I will have you know, I\'m not happy with this.');
f(person, e, 0, 'irritated');
f(e, 'Well, whatever.');
f('This is crazy.');
f('This is straight-up balls-to-the-walls level of crazy. What the hell is going on?');
f(c_b, 'Somebody\'s hacked your timeline, Nishi. It didn\'t use to be like this…');
f(n, 'Um… I see.');
f(e, 'Um… yeah.');
f(label, 'explanationErikaBitcoin3');
f('But… seriously, what\'s up with the outfit..? Seriously, I need to ask.');
f(choice, 'Ask.');
f(choice, 'Don\'t.');
f('Ah, damn it… I can\'t bring myself to it.');
f(setVariable, 'bitcoinExplained');
f(setVariable, 'bitcoinPoorlyExplained');
f(n, 'Hey, uh, $Erika$, I\'m sorry, but… the… the outfit, you\'re wearing?');
f(e, '...');
f(n, 'I noticed several other girls in school in similar outwear, with the same logo…');
f(e, 'Um… well, it\'s kind of a long story.');
f(e, '...');
f(e, 'Basically, there\'s some weird guy somewhere who\'s paying girls at Kumatani to dress like this… and, uh… there\'s people from all over Japan, also tipping bitcoins…');
f(e, 'You… you haven\'t heard? It\'s been on the news… and stuff.');
f(n, 'No, uh, I haven\'t. Wait, but… this doesn\'t make much sense, does it?');
f(e, 'OK, so there\'s more to it, but basically… well, that\'s it.');
f(e, 'Hey, I\'m sorry, I don\'t really want to talk about it, to be honest.');
f(n, 'Oh.');
f(label, 'day6_morning');
f(scene, 'black', 'fade');
f(pause, 2);
f(scene, 'thanksforplaying', 'fade', 2);
f(ending, 'notrealending', 'THE END OF CHAPTER 1');
frame 3 {
function checkShit() {
var v6 = new Object();
var v4 = new Array();
var v5 = new Array();
var v1 = 0;
while (v1 < allPersonsAndMoods.length) {
if (v6[allPersonsAndMoods[v1][0] + '_' + allPersonsAndMoods[v1][1] + '_' + allPersonsAndMoods[v1][2]]) {
} else {
v5.push(allPersonsAndMoods[v1][0] + '_' + allPersonsAndMoods[v1][1] + '_' + allPersonsAndMoods[v1][2]);
v6[allPersonsAndMoods[v1][0] + '_' + allPersonsAndMoods[v1][1] + '_' + allPersonsAndMoods[v1][2]] = true;
var v3 = 0;
while (v3 < v5.length) {
var v2 = 0;
while (v2 < v4.length) {
function initVar() {
function acg(o) {
localTesting = false;
premiumForEveryone = true;
basicGameData = new Object();
basicGameData.gameFile = 'remaid_ch1';
basicGameData.gameName = 'Re-Maid Chapter 1';
basicGameData.selfContained = false;
basicGameData.numberInSeries = 1;
basicGameData.characterHeight = 555;
basicGameData.characterFace = {'x': 500, 'y': 300};
basicgameData.characterWidth = 1000;
patreonURL = '';
artistPatreonURL = '';
defaultFilter = new Array();
defaultFilter = defaultFilter.concat([1, 0, 0, 0, 0]);
defaultFilter = defaultFilter.concat([0, 1, 0, 0, 0]);
defaultFilter = defaultFilter.concat([0, 0, 1, 0, 0]);
defaultFilter = defaultFilter.concat([0, 0, 0, 1, 0]);
sunsetFilter = new Array();
sunsetFilter = sunsetFilter.concat([1.4, 0.1, 0.1, 0, -80]);
sunsetFilter = sunsetFilter.concat([0, 1.2, 0.1, 0, -80]);
sunsetFilter = sunsetFilter.concat([0, 0, 1.2, 0, -80]);
sunsetFilter = sunsetFilter.concat([0, 0, 0, 1, 0]);
eveningFilter = new Array();
eveningFilter = eveningFilter.concat([0.8, 0.05, 0, 0, -25]);
eveningFilter = eveningFilter.concat([0.05, 0.8, 0, 0, -25]);
eveningFilter = eveningFilter.concat([0.05, 0.05, 1.25, 0, -25]);
eveningFilter = eveningFilter.concat([0, 0, 0, 1, 0]);
nightFilter = new Array();
nightFilter = nightFilter.concat([0.6, 0.1, 0, 0, -15]);
nightFilter = nightFilter.concat([0.1, 0.6, 0, 0, -15]);
nightFilter = nightFilter.concat([0, 0, 1, 0, -20]);
nightFilter = nightFilter.concat([0, 0, 0, 1, 0]);
yellowishFilter = new Array();
yellowishFilter = yellowishFilter.concat([0.9, 0.1, 0, 0, -10]);
yellowishFilter = yellowishFilter.concat([0.1, 0.85, 0, 0, -10]);
yellowishFilter = yellowishFilter.concat([0, 0, 0.6, 0, -10]);
yellowishFilter = yellowishFilter.concat([0, 0, 0, 1, 0]);
nightFireFilter = new Array();
nightFireFilter = nightFireFilter.concat([1, 0, 0, 0, -40]);
nightFireFilter = nightFireFilter.concat([0, 0.8, 0, 0, -40]);
nightFireFilter = nightFireFilter.concat([0, 0, 1.1, 0, -40]);
nightFireFilter = nightFireFilter.concat([0, 0, 0, 1, 0]);
if (System.capabilities.language == 'ja') {
allCgs = new Array();
amountOfCgs = 0;
characterImageData = new Object();
characterImageData.c = new Object();
var v8 = characterImageData.c;
characterImageData.e = new Object();
var v2 = characterImageData.e;
characterImageData.h = new Object();
var v4 = characterImageData.h;
characterImageData.k = new Object();
var v5 = characterImageData.k; = new Object();
var v6 =;
characterImageData.maid = new Object();
var v7 = characterImageData.maid;
v2.basic = ['body', 'body_clothesshade', 'clothes', 'exp', 'ears', 'hair', 'clothes_top'];
v2.blush = ['body', 'body_clothesshade', 'clothes', 'exp', 'ears', 'hair', 'clothes_top'];
v2.underwear = ['body', 'body_breastsforbra', 'underwear', 'exp', 'ears', 'hair'];
v2.underwear_blush = ['body', 'body_breastsforbra', 'underwear', 'exp', 'body_blush', 'ears', 'hair'];
v2.bitcoin = ['body', 'bitcoin_clothes', 'exp', 'ears', 'hair'];
v2.bitcoin_blush = ['body', 'bitcoin_clothes', 'exp', 'body_blush', 'ears', 'hair'];
v2.alt = ['alt_body', 'alt_clothes', 'exp', 'alt_ears', 'alt_hair', 'alt_clothes_top'];
v2.alt_bitcoin = ['alt_body', 'alt_bitcoin_clothes', 'exp', 'alt_ears', 'alt_hair'];
v2.alt_underwear = ['alt_body', 'alt_underwear', 'exp', 'alt_ears', 'alt_hair'];
v2.alt_towel = ['alt_body', 'alt_towel', 'exp', 'alt_ears', 'alt_hair'];
v2.maid = ['body', 'maid_clothes', 'exp', 'hair', 'ears', 'maid_clothes_top'];
v2.walled = ['wallshade', 'body', 'body_clothesshade', 'clothes', 'exp', 'ears', 'hair', 'clothes_top'];
v2.silhouette = ['silhouette'];
v2.nude = ['body', 'body_nipple', 'exp', 'ears', 'hair'];
v2.nude_alt = ['alt_body', 'alt_body_nipple', 'exp', 'alt_ears', 'alt_hair'];
v4.basic = ['body', 'body_clothes_shade', 'clothes', 'exp', 'ears', 'hair'];
v4.bitcoin = ['body', 'bitcoin_clothes_body_shade', 'bitcoin_clothes', 'exp', 'ears', 'hair'];
v4.nude = ['body', 'body_nipple', 'exp', 'ears', 'hair'];
v4.underwear = ['body', 'underwear', 'exp', 'ears', 'hair'];
v4.mountain = ['body', 'body_clothes_shade', 'clothes_mountain', 'exp', 'ears', 'hair'];
v4.mountain_flipped = ['body', 'body_clothes_shade', 'clothes', 'exp', 'ears', 'hair'];
v5.basic = ['body', 'exp', 'hair'];
v5.flipped = ['body', 'exp', 'hair'];
v5.maid = ['maid_body', 'exp', 'hair', 'maid_hat'];
v6.basic = ['body', 'flipped', 'exp', 'glasses', 'hair'];
v6.no_glasses = ['body', 'exp', 'hair'];
v7.basic = ['all'];
cheats = new Array();
cheatsO = new Object();
activatedCheats = new Object();
regCheat('cousin', 'cousin');
regCheat('sister', 'sister');
regCheat('bitcoin', 'bitcoin');
saveLayer = 20;
crapLayer = 21;
outOfMenuIntoGame = false;
this.createEmptyMovieClip('server', saveLayer);
this.createEmptyMovieClip('crap', crapLayer);
if (premiumForEveryone) {
premiumPatron = true;
premiumPlusPatron = true;
} else {
var v3 = crap.createEmptyMovieClip('arab', crap.getNextHighestDepth());
v3.createEmptyMovieClip('m1', 1);
v3.createEmptyMovieClip('m2', 2);
loadMovie('crusoe2.patch', v3.m2);
loadMovie('crusoe1.patch', v3.m1);
v3.t = 0;
v3.onEnterFrame = function () {
if (this.pledgeLevel != undefined) {
pledgeLevel = this.pledgeLevel;
if (pledgeLevel >= 5) {
premiumPatron = true;
if (pledgeLevel >= 10) {
premiumPlusPatron = true;
delete this.onEnterFrame;
} else {
if (this.t > 60) {
delete this.onEnterFrame;
function initVar2(loaded) {
currentlyPlaying = 'none';
musicBeingFadedOut = 'none';
sounds = {};
gameEnded = false;
outOfMenuIntoGame = false;
noticeDialogueActive = false;
skipping = false;
maxTextSpeed = 20;
fps = 40;
t = 0;
ifNests = 0;
zoom = 100;
gamePaused = false;
currentFilter = 'default';
gameWorldLayer = 1;
bgLayer = 1;
pixelBehindDealerLayer = 2;
backgroundEffectsLayer = 3;
foregroundObjectLayer = 5;
effectsLayer = 8;
pixelDealerLayer = 22;
mouseCheckerLayer = 10;
dialogueLayer = 11;
commentaryChibiLayer = 12;
wordPopUpLayer = 13;
noticeDialogueLayer = 14;
pixellationLayer = 23;
pauseHandlerLayer = 24;
soundLayer = 25;
transitionLayer = 26;
buttonLayer = 29;
menuLayer = 30;
muteLayer = 35;
notificationLayer = 69;
blackFrameLayer = 99;
nvlText = '';
log = '';
currentBackground = '';
notificationsA = new Array();
foregroundObjectsA = new Array();
variables = new Object();
variables.callNests = 0;
variables.homeNumber = new Array();
characterDataA = new Array();
characterData = new Object();
newChar('all', 'All', '', 16777215);
newChar('n', 'Nishi', '', 13421772);
newChar('h', 'Hana', 'h', 16777062);
newChar('e', 'Erika', 'e', 13382553);
newChar('k', 'Kenji', 'k', 16751001);
newChar('ai', 'Aina', 'a', 16724940);
newChar('maid', 'Katie', 'maid', 16764108);
newChar('c_t', 'Taxcup', 'taxcup', 16711935, true);
newChar('c_b', 'BigB', 'bigb', 16764108, true);
setVariable2F('fcousin', 'cousin');
setVariable2F('mcousin', 'cousin');
setVariable2F('fcuz', 'cuz');
setVariable2F('mcuz', 'cuz');
setVariable2F('cousins', 'cousins');
setVariable2F('firstCousins', 'first cousins');
setVariable2F('sophOrSis', 'Soph');
setVariable2F('myCousin', 'Sophie');
cheatstring = '';
cheatListener = new Object();
cheatListener.onKeyDown = function () {
var v4 = chr(Key.getAscii());
if (v4 != ' ') {
cheatstring += v4;
var v3 = 100;
if (cheatstring.length > v3) {
cheatstring = cheatstring.slice(cheatstring.length - v3, cheatstring.length);
var v2 = 0;
while (v2 < cheats.length) {
var v1 = cheats[v2];
if (v1.cheat == (cheatstring.slice(-v1.cheat.length, cheatstring.length)).toLowerCase()) {
parser = 1;
this.createEmptyMovieClip('gwContainer', gameWorldLayer);
gw = gwContainer.createEmptyMovieClip('gw', 1);
bg = gw.createEmptyMovieClip('bg', bgLayer);
backgroundEffects = gw.createEmptyMovieClip('backgroundEffects', backgroundEffectsLayer);
effects = gw.createEmptyMovieClip('effects', effectsLayer);
foregroundObjects = gw.createEmptyMovieClip('foregroundObjects', foregroundObjectLayer);
var bf = createEmptyMovieClip('blackFrame', blackFrameLayer);
with (bf) {
beginFill(0, 100);
moveTo(-3000, -3000);
lineTo(screenWidth + 3000, -3000);
lineTo(screenWidth + 3000, screenHeight + 3000);
lineTo(-3000, screenHeight + 3000);
lineTo(-3000, -3000);
moveTo(0, 0);
lineTo(screenWidth, 0);
lineTo(screenWidth, screenHeight);
lineTo(0, screenHeight);
lineTo(0, 0);
this.createEmptyMovieClip('soundMC', soundLayer);
this.createEmptyMovieClip('mouseChecker', mouseCheckerLayer);
this.createEmptyMovieClip('transitions', transitionLayer);
this.createEmptyMovieClip('pauseHandler', pauseHandlerLayer);
this.createEmptyMovieClip('buttons', buttonLayer);
this.createEmptyMovieClip('notifications', notificationLayer);
var mute = this.attachMovie('muteThing', 'muteThing', muteLayer);
if (generalSave.removeMuteButton) {
mute._visible = false;
mute._x = screenWidth - mute._width;
mute._y = 0;
mute._alpha = 70;
mute.t = 0;
masterVolume = 1;
mute.back.onRollOver = function () {
mute._alpha = 100;
mute.t = 0;
mute.back.onRollOut = function () {
mute._alpha = 70;
mute.t = 0;
mute.onEnterFrame = function () {
if (!gameMuted && mute.t % 50 == 49) {
if (mute._alpha > 10) {
mute._alpha -= 1;
mute.back.onPress = function () {
if (gameMuted) {
gameMuted = false;
masterVolume = 1;
if (musicPlaying) {
sounds[currentlyPlaying].setVolume(soundMC[currentlyPlaying].vol * masterVolume * globalSave.musicVolume);
} else {
gameMuted = true;
masterVolume = 0;
if (musicPlaying) {
with (mouseChecker) {
moveTo(0, 0);
lineTo(screenWidth, 0);
lineTo(screenWidth, screenHeight);
lineTo(0, screenHeight);
lineTo(0, 0);
mouseChecker._alpha = 0;
mouseChecker.onPress = function () {
if (!gamePaused) {
mouseClick = true;
var scrollListener = new Object();
scrollListener.onMouseWheel = function (delta) {
mouseScrolledPre = delta;
myKeys = new Object();
keys = ['UP', 'DOWN', 'SPACE', 'RIGHT', 'TAB', 'LEFT', 'BACKSPACE', 'ENTER', 'CONTROL', 'ESCAPE', ['H', 72], ['F', 70], ['R', 82], ['S', 83], ['L', 76], ['Q', 81], ['A', 65], ['O', 79], ['Z', 90], ['K', 75], ['M', 77], ['P', 80], ['plus', 107], ['minus', 109]];
function newChar(letter, pName, image, pColor, commentary) {
characterData[letter] = {'letter': letter, 'pName': pName, 'image': image, 'pColor': pColor, 'commentary': commentary};
function cheatsCheck() {
var v3 = 0;
var v1 = 0;
while (v1 < cheats.length) {
var v2 = cheats[v1];
if (v2.activated) {
if (v3 == 1) {
notificationF('Cheat deactivated.');
} else {
if (v3 > 1) {
notificationF('Cheats deactivated.');
function resizeAndReplaceF() {
var v3 = Stage.height;
var v4 = Stage.width;
if (v3 == 0 or v4 == 0) {
v3 = screenHeight;
v4 = screenWidth;
var v6 = v3 / screenHeight;
var v5 = v4 / screenWidth;
windowScale = v6;
if (v5 < v6) {
windowScale = v5;
_root._x = -(v4 / 2) + screenWidth / 2;
_root._y = -(v3 / 2) + screenHeight / 2;
_root._yscale = 100 * windowScale;
_root._xscale = _root._yscale;
if (windowScale == v5) {
_root._y += (v3 - screenHeight * windowScale) / 2;
} else {
_root._x += (v4 - screenWidth * windowScale) / 2;
var v2 = 100 / ((windowScale + 1) / 2);
if (v2 < 50) {
v2 = 50;
if (v2 > 100) {
v2 = 100;
if (dialogue != undefined) {
dialogue._yscale = int(v2);
dialogue._xscale = dialogue._yscale;
dialogue._x = int(screenWidth / 2 - dialogue._width / 2);
dialogue._y = int(screenHeight - dialogue._height - 10);
if (choiceMC != undefined && == '') {
choiceMC._yscale = int(v2);
choiceMC._xscale = choiceMC._yscale;
choiceMC._y = int(screenHeight / 2 - (choiceMC._height - choiceMC.minusY) / 2);
choiceMC._x = int((screenWidth - choiceMC._width) / 2);
function notificationF(note, stayLonger, delay) {
var v7 = notifications.getNextHighestDepth();
topMargin = 10;
margin = 20;
var v4 = notifications.createEmptyMovieClip('n' + v7, v7);
var v6 = new TextFormat();
v6.font = 'Century Gothic';
v6.size = 12;
var v5 = v4.createTextField('txt', 1, 0, 0, screenWidth * 0.8, margin * 3);
v5.embedFonts = true;
v5.textColor = 16777215;
v5.mouseWheelEnabled = false;
v5.html = true;
v5.multiline = true;
v5.wordWrap = true;
v5.htmlText = '<b>' + note + '</b>';
var v8 = new flash.filters.DropShadowFilter(0, 45, 0, 0.8, 4, 4, 50, 1, false, false, false);
v5.filters = [v8];
v4.margin = margin;
v4._y -= margin;
v4._x = topMargin;
v4.targetY = topMargin;
v4.t = 0;
v4.endt = 80;
v4.del = 0;
if (delay != undefined) {
v4.del = delay;
if (stayLonger) {
v4.endt = 160;
v4.onEnterFrame = function () {
if (this.t == this.del) {
var v2 = notificationsA.length - 1;
while (v2 > -1) {
var v3 = notificationsA[v2];
if (v3.remove) {
notificationsA.splice(v2, 1);
v3.targetY += margin;
if (this.t >= this.del) {
if (this._y < this.targetY) {
var v4 = this.targetY - this._y;
this._y += Math.ceil(v4 / 4);
if (this.t > this.endt + this.del) {
this._alpha -= 10;
if (this._alpha <= 0) {
this.remove = true;
delete this.onEnterFrame;
function nkF(romaji, hira, kata) {
hiragana[romaji] = hira;
if (kata == undefined) {
kata = hira;
katakana[romaji] = kata;
function nrF(existingWord, newReading) {
japanese[newReading] = japanese[existingWord];
function nwF(word, defs) {
var v1 = new Object();
v1.word = word;
v1.defs = defs;
japanese[word] = v1;
function initJapanese() {
japDisplay = 'romaji';
hiragana = new Object();
katakana = new Object();
japanese = new Object();
nkF('dot', '。');
nkF('nakaguro', 'ï½¥');
nkF('threeDots', '・・・');
nkF('openQuote', '「');
nkF('endQuote', 'ã€');
nkF('questionMark', '?');
nkF('longVowelMark', 'ー');
nkF('exclamationMark', 'ï¼');
nkF('comma', 'ã€', 'ã€');
nkF('a', 'ã‚', 'ã‚¢');
nkF('i', 'ã„', 'イ');
nkF('u', 'ã†', 'ウ');
nkF('e', 'ãˆ', 'エ');
nkF('o', 'ãŠ', 'オ');
nkF('ka', 'ã‹', 'ã‚«');
nkF('ki', 'ã', 'ã‚');
nkF('ku', 'ã', 'ク');
nkF('ke', 'ã‘', 'ケ');
nkF('ko', 'ã“', 'コ');
nkF('sa', 'ã•', 'サ');
nkF('shi', 'ã—', 'ã‚·');
nkF('su', 'ã™', 'ス');
nkF('se', 'ã›', 'ã‚»');
nkF('so', 'ã', 'ソ');
nkF('ta', 'ãŸ', 'ã‚¿');
nkF('chi', 'ã¡', 'ãƒ');
nkF('tsu', 'ã¤', 'ツ');
nkF('te', 'ã¦', 'テ');
nkF('to', 'ã¨', 'ト');
nkF('na', 'ãª', 'ナ');
nkF('ni', 'ã«', 'ニ');
nkF('nu', 'ã¬', 'ヌ');
nkF('ne', 'ã', 'ãƒ');
nkF('no', 'ã®', 'ノ');
nkF('ha', 'ã¯', 'ãƒ');
nkF('hi', 'ã²', 'ヒ');
nkF('fu', 'ãµ', 'フ');
nkF('he', 'ã¸', 'ヘ');
nkF('ho', 'ã»', 'ホ');
nkF('ma', 'ã¾', 'マ');
nkF('mi', 'ã¿', 'ミ');
nkF('mu', 'む', 'ム');
nkF('me', 'ã‚', 'メ');
nkF('mo', 'も', 'モ');
nkF('ya', 'や', 'ヤ');
nkF('yu', 'ゆ', 'ユ');
nkF('yo', 'よ', 'ヨ');
nkF('ra', 'ら', 'ラ');
nkF('ri', 'り', 'リ');
nkF('ru', 'る', 'ル');
nkF('re', 'れ', 'レ');
nkF('ro', 'ã‚', 'ãƒ');
nkF('ba', 'ã°', 'ãƒ');
nkF('bi', 'ã³', 'ビ');
nkF('bu', 'ã¶', 'ブ');
nkF('be', 'ã¹', 'ベ');
nkF('bo', 'ã¼', 'ボ');
nkF('pa', 'ã±', 'パ');
nkF('pi', 'ã´', 'ピ');
nkF('pu', 'ã·', 'プ');
nkF('pe', 'ãº', 'ペ');
nkF('po', 'ã½', 'ポ');
nkF('da', 'ã ', 'ダ');
nkF('di', 'ã¢', 'ヂ');
nkF('du', 'ã¥', 'ヅ');
nkF('de', 'ã§', 'デ');
nkF('do', 'ã©', 'ド゚');
nkF('ga', 'ãŒ', 'ガ');
nkF('gi', 'ãŽ', 'ã‚®');
nkF('gu', 'ã', 'ã‚°');
nkF('ge', 'ã’', 'ゲ');
nkF('go', 'ã”', 'ゴ゚');
nkF('za', 'ã–', 'ザ');
nkF('ji', 'ã˜', 'ジ');
nkF('zu', 'ãš', 'ズ');
nkF('ze', 'ãœ', 'ゼ');
nkF('zo', 'ãž', 'ゾ');
nkF('kya', 'ãゃ', 'ã‚ャ');
nkF('kyu', 'ãã‚…', 'ã‚ュ');
nkF('kyo', 'ãょ', 'ã‚ョ');
nkF('sha', 'ã—ゃ', 'シャ');
nkF('shu', 'ã—ã‚…', 'シュ');
nkF('she', 'ã—ã‡', 'シェ');
nkF('sho', 'ã—ょ', 'ショ');
nkF('ja', 'ã˜ã‚ƒ', 'ジャ');
nkF('ju', 'ã˜ã‚…', 'ジュ');
nkF('je', 'ã˜ã‡', 'ジェ');
nkF('jo', 'ã˜ã‚‡', 'ジョ');
nkF('cha', 'ã¡ã‚ƒ', 'ãƒãƒ£');
nkF('chu', 'ã¡ã‚…', 'ãƒãƒ¥');
nkF('che', 'ã¡ã‡', 'ãƒã‚§');
nkF('cho', 'ã¡ã‚‡', 'ãƒãƒ§');
nkF('nya', 'ã«ã‚ƒ', 'ニャ');
nkF('nyu', 'ã«ã‚…', 'ニュ');
nkF('nyo', 'ã«ã‚‡', 'ニョ');
nkF('hya', 'ã²ã‚ƒ', 'ヒャ');
nkF('hyu', 'ã²ã‚…', 'ヒュ');
nkF('hyo', 'ã²ã‚‡', 'ヒョ');
nkF('mya', 'ã¿ã‚ƒ', 'ミャ');
nkF('myu', 'ã¿ã‚…', 'ミュ');
nkF('myo', 'ã¿ã‚‡', 'ミョ');
nkF('rya', 'りゃ', 'リャ');
nkF('ryu', 'りゅ', 'リュ');
nkF('ryo', 'りょ', 'リョ');
nkF('wa', 'ã‚', 'ワ');
nkF('we', 'ã†ã‡', 'ウェ');
nkF('wo', 'を', 'ヲ');
nkF('wi', 'ã†ãƒ', 'ウィ');
nkF('n', 'ん', 'ン');
nkF('ltsu', 'ã£', 'ッ');
nkF('hwa', 'ã¯', 'ãƒ');
function onlyOnceStartF() {
globalSave = checkWhichSave('globalSave', 'general');
generalSave = checkWhichSave(basicGameData.gameFile, 'general');
if (!generalSave.defined) {
generalSave = new Object();
generalSave.defined = true;
generalSave.unlockedCg = new Object();
generalSave.endings = new Object();
generalSave.endingsA = new Array();
generalSave.readDialogueO = new Object();
generalSave.readDialogues = 0;
generalSave.timePlayed = 0;
if (generalSave.timePlayed == undefined) {
generalSave.timePlayed = 0;
if (!globalSave.defined) {
globalSave = new Object();
globalSave.defined = true;
globalSave.playedGamesA = new Array();
globalSave.musicVolume = 100;
globalSave.sfxVolume = 100;
globalSave.voiceVolume = 100;
globalSave.textSpeed = 5;
globalSave.stats = new Object();
globalSave.stats.playedGamesO = new Object();
globalSave.stats.playedGamesA = new Array();
if (!globalSave.stats.playedGamesO[basicGameData.gameFile]) {
globalSave.stats.playedGamesO[basicGameData.gameFile] = true;
save3F(basicGameData.gameFile, 'general', generalSave);
save3F('globalSave', 'general', globalSave);
function startF(jump) {
if (jump != undefined) {
} else {
function checkWhichSave(gameFile, saveFile) {
var v3 = SharedObject.getLocal(gameFile, '/');
var v1 =[saveFile];
if (serverSaveOK) {
sd = server.loadFromServer(gameFile);
var v2 = sd[saveFile];
if (v2.timeStamp == undefined && v1.timeStamp == undefined) {
return v1;
if (v2.timeStamp >= v1.timeStamp or v1.timeStamp == undefined) {
v1 = v2;
return v1;
function loadF(saveFile) {
var v3 = checkWhichSave(basicGameData.gameFile, saveFile);
if (v3.parser == undefined or isNaN(v3.parser)) {
} else {
outOfMenuIntoGame = true;
notificationF('Game successfully loaded.');
parser = v3.parser;
if (!identicalArrayCheck(v3.currentParse, parsing['s' + parser])) {
var v8 = findRightPlaceInParser(parser, v3.currentParse, v3.previousParse);
if (v8 == 0) {
} else {
parser = v8;
currentFilter = v3.currentFilter;
variables = v3.variables.clone();
v8 = v3.scene;
var v7 = v8.addedCgA;
addBg(v8.current, true, v8.xFlipped, v8.yFlipped, v8.x, v8.y, v8.heightStretchToFit);
if (v3.currentlyPlaying != 'none') {
var v5 = 0;
while (v5 < v7.length) {
addToCgF(v7[v5], '', '', true);
characterData = new Object();
characterDataA = new Array();
var v4 = 0;
while (v4 < v3.characterDataA.length) {
var v2 = v3.characterDataA[v4];
newChar(v2.letter, v2.pName, v2.image, v2.pColor, v2.commentary);
var v6 = 0;
while (v6 < v3.foregroundObjects.length) {
var v1 = v3.foregroundObjects[v6];
if ( && !v1.isCharacter) {
mcItem2F(v1.who, v1.x, v1.y, v1.depth);
} else {
foregroundObjectF(v1.who, v1.mood, v1.mood2, v1.x, v1.y, v1.depth, v1.xFlipped, v1.yFlipped, v1.isCharacter, v1.scaleToFullScreen, v1.zoom);
function findRightPlaceInParser(p, pA, cPA) {
var v5 = false;
var v4 = 0;
var v1 = p + 1;
while (v1 < p + 101) {
if (identicalArrayCheck(pA, parsing['s' + v1])) {
v5 = true;
v4 = v1;
if (!v5) {
v1 = p - 1;
while (v1 > p - 101) {
if (identicalArrayCheck(pA, parsing['s' + v1])) {
v5 = true;
v4 = v1;
return v4;
function identicalArrayCheck(ar1, ar2) {
var v3 = true;
if (ar1.length == ar2.length) {
var v1 = 0;
while (v1 < ar1.length) {
if (ar1[v1] != ar2[v1]) {
v3 = false;
return v3;
v3 = false;
return v3;
function saveF(saveFile) {
var v3 = new Object();
v3.variables = variables.clone();
v3.parser = parser;
v3.previousParse = parsing['s' + (parser - 1)].clone();
v3.currentParse = parsing['s' + parser].clone();
v3.currentlyPlaying = currentlyPlaying;
v3.characterDataA = characterDataA.clone();
v3.currentFilter = currentFilter;
var v22 = new Date();
v3.timeStamp = v22.getTime();
var v17 = new Date();
var v20 = v17.getHours();
if ((String(seconds)).length == 1) {
v20 = '0' + v20;
var v19 = v17.getMinutes();
if ((String(v19)).length == 1) {
v19 = '0' + v19;
var seconds = v17.getSeconds();
if ((String(seconds)).length == 1) {
seconds = '0' + seconds;
v3.saveDate = v17.getDate() + '/' + (v17.getMonth() + 1) + '/' + v17.getFullYear() + ', ' + v20 + ':' + v19 + ':' + seconds;
v3.scene = {'current': currentBackground, 'x': bg.x, 'y': bg.y, 'w': bg._width, 'h': bg._height, 'xFlipped': bg.xFlipped, 'yFlipped': bg.yFlipped, 'addedCgA': bg.addedCgA, 'heightStretchToFit': bg.heightStretchToFit};
var v16 = new Array();
for (var v18 in foregroundObjectsA) {
var v1 = foregroundObjectsA[v18];
var v2 = {'who': v1.who, 'mood': v1.mood, 'mood2': v1.mood2, 'zoom': v1.zoom, 'x': v1.x, 'y': v1.y, 'depth': v1.depth, 'mc':, 'scaleToFullScreen': v1.scaleToFullScreen, 'isCharacter': v1.isCharacter, 'xFlipped': v1.xFlipped, 'yFlipped': v1.yFlipped};
v3.foregroundObjects = v16;
var v21 = v3.clone();
save3F(basicGameData.gameFile, saveFile, v21);
function save3F(gameFile, saveFile, object) {
var v2 = new Date();
object.timeStamp = v2.getTime();
server.saveOnServer(gameFile, saveFile, object);
var v1 = SharedObject.getLocal(gameFile, '/');[saveFile] = object;
function continueLastGameF() {
function centerXF(a) {
a._x = screenWidth / 2 - a._width / 2;
function centerYF(a) {
a._y = screenHeight / 2 - a._height / 2;
function openMainMenuF(menu) {
menuF(menu, 'backToStartMenu');
function barizeReleaseF(thing, variable, min, max) {
var v1 = / thing.fullW;
v1 = Math.round(min + v1 * (max - min)); = thing.fullW * ((v1 - min) / (max - min));
globalSave[variable] = v1;
if (variable == 'musicVolume' && musicPlaying) {
sounds[currentlyPlaying].setVolume(soundMC[currentlyPlaying].vol * globalSave.musicVolume * masterVolume);
function barize(thing, variable, min, max, integer) {
thing.fullW = 250;
thing.onPress = function () {
this.onEnterFrame = function () {
var v2 = this._xmouse;
var v3 = this._ymouse;
if (v2 < -1 or v2 > this._width or v3 < 0 or v3 > this._height) {
if (v2 > this._width) {
v2 = this._width;
} else {
if (v2 < 0.5) {
v2 = 0;
barizeReleaseF(this, variable, min, max);
delete this.onEnterFrame;
if (v2 > this.fullW) {
v2 = this.fullW;
} else {
if (v2 <= 0.5) {
v2 = 0;
} = v2;
barizeReleaseF(this, variable, min, max);
thing.onRelease = function () {
barizeReleaseF(this, variable, min, max, integer, a);
delete this.onEnterFrame;
function squareFill(target, color, sX, sY, gX, gY) {
with (target) {
moveTo(sX, sY);
lineTo(gX, sY);
lineTo(gX, gY);
lineTo(sX, gY);
lineTo(sX, sY);
function restartF() {
function menuF(a, onBackPress) {
gamePaused = true;
if (menu == undefined) {
var menu = this.createEmptyMovieClip('menu', menuLayer);
menu.attachMovie('menuBack', 'menuBack', 1, {'_width': screenWidth, '_height': screenHeight});
menu2F(a, onBackPress);
} else {
var v2 = menu.getInstanceAtDepth(menu.getNextHighestDepth() - 1);
v2.t = 0;
v2.t2 = 0;
v2.onEnterFrame = function () {
this.t += 0.25;
this._alpha -= 12;
this._y += this.t;
this.back._y -= this.t;
this.titleT._y -= this.t;
if (this._alpha <= 0) {
if (this.t2 > 3) {
menu2F(a, onBackPress);
delete this.onEnterFrame;
function menu2F(a, onBackPress) {
menu.t = t;
var v29 = 0.18;
if (a == 'menu') {
var v15 = menu.attachMovie('mainMenu', 'menuScreen', menu.getNextHighestDepth());
v15._alpha = 0;
v15.onEnterFrame = function () {
if (this._alpha <= 100) {
this._alpha += 10;
if ((myKeys.ESCAPE or myKeys.BACKSPACE or myKeys.P or myKeys.M) && t > menu.t) {
v15._x = screenWidth / 2 - v15._width / 2;
v15._y = screenHeight / 2 - v15._height / 2;
v15.back.onRelease = function () {
v15.loadGame.onRelease = function () {
v15.saveGame.onRelease = function () {
v15.log.onRelease = function () {
v15.options.onRelease = function () {
}; = function () {
v15.stats.onRelease = function () {
v15.pledge.onRelease = function () {
v15.startOver.onRelease = function () {
} else {
if (a == 'stats') {
var v33 = Math.round(generalSave.timePlayed / fps);
var v32 = Math.floor(v33 / 60);
var v41 = Math.floor(v32 / 60);
v33 -= v32 * 60;
v32 -= v41 * 60;
if ((String(v33)).length == 1) {
v33 = '0' + v33;
if ((String(v32)).length == 1) {
v32 = '0' + v32;
if ((String(v41)).length == 1) {
v41 = '0' + v41;
var v11 = v41 + ':' + v32 + ':' + v33;
var v45 = Math.round((generalSave.readDialogues / totalNumberOfDialogues) * 1000) / 10;
if (v45 > 100) {
v45 = 100;
var v46 = 'N/A';
if (premiumPlusPatron) {
v46 = '<b>Premium Plus</b> ($10+ pledger)';
} else {
if (premiumPatron) {
v46 = '<b>Premium Plus</b> ($5+ pledger)';
var v51 = '\nSTATS\n\nTime played:\t\t\t\t' + v11 + '\n\nEndings:\t\t\t\t\t' + generalSave.endingsA.length + ' / ' + allUniqueEndings.length + '\n\nDialogue read:\t\t\t\t' + v45 + '%\n\nPremium content level:\t\t' + v46;
var v15 = menu.createEmptyMovieClip('keyScreen', menu.getNextHighestDepth());
v15._alpha = 0;
v15.onEnterFrame = function () {
if (this._alpha <= 100) {
this._alpha += 10;
if ((myKeys.ESCAPE or myKeys.BACKSPACE or myKeys.K or myKeys.P) && t > menu.t) {
if (onBackPress == 'backToGame') {
} else {
var v31 = new TextFormat();
v31.font = 'Arvo';
v31.size = 18;
var v49 = 20;
var v40 = v15.attachMovie('backIcon', 'back', 2);
v40._x = screenWidth / 2 - v40._width / 2;
v40._y = screenHeight - v40._height * 1.5;
var main = v15.createTextField('main', 1, v49 * 8, v49, screenWidth - v49 * 16, screenHeight - v49 * 6);
main.embedFonts = true;
main.textColor = 16777215;
main.mouseWheelEnabled = true;
main.html = true;
main.selectable = false;
main.multiline = true;
main.wordWrap = true;
main.htmlText = v51;
if (onBackPress == 'backToGame') {
v15.back.onRelease = function () {
} else {
v15.back.onRelease = function () {
} else {
if (a == 'keyboardShortcuts') {
var v51 = '\nKEYBOARD SHORTCUTS\n\nSpace\tNext/select\nEnter\tNext/select\nF\t\tEnter/exit fullscreen (desktop version only)\nK\t\tDisplay keyboard shortcuts\nL\t\tDisplay the load game menu\nM\t\tOpen the main menu\nO\t\tDisplay the options menu\nP\t\tEnter/exit menu\nQ\t\tQuicksave\nR\t\tDisplay the log\nS\t\tDisplay the save game menu\nZ\t\tZoom in/out\n+\t\tZoom in\n-\t\tZoom out\nBackspace\t\tEnter/exit menu\nCtrl\t\tSkip mode (hold)\nTab\t\tSkip conversation (toggle)';
var v15 = menu.createEmptyMovieClip('keyScreen', menu.getNextHighestDepth());
v15._alpha = 0;
v15.onEnterFrame = function () {
if (this._alpha <= 100) {
this._alpha += 10;
if ((myKeys.ESCAPE or myKeys.BACKSPACE or myKeys.K or myKeys.P) && t > menu.t) {
if (onBackPress == 'backToGame') {
} else {
var v31 = new TextFormat();
v31.font = 'Arvo';
v31.size = 18;
var v49 = 20;
var v40 = v15.attachMovie('backIcon', 'back', 2);
v40._x = screenWidth / 2 - v40._width / 2;
v40._y = screenHeight - v40._height * 1.5;
var main = v15.createTextField('main', 1, v49 * 8, v49, screenWidth - v49 * 16, screenHeight - v49 * 6);
main.embedFonts = true;
main.textColor = 16777215;
main.mouseWheelEnabled = true;
main.html = true;
main.selectable = false;
main.multiline = true;
main.wordWrap = true;
main.htmlText = v51;
if (onBackPress == 'backToGame') {
v15.back.onRelease = function () {
} else {
v15.back.onRelease = function () {
} else {
if (a == 'log') {
var v15 = menu.createEmptyMovieClip('logScreen', menu.getNextHighestDepth());
v15._alpha = 0;
v15.onEnterFrame = function () {
if (this._alpha <= 100) {
this._alpha += 10;
if (myKeys.DOWNPressed) {
main.scroll += 1;
if (myKeys.UPPressed) {
main.scroll -= 1;
if ((myKeys.ESCAPE or myKeys.BACKSPACE or myKeys.R or myKeys.P) && t > menu.t) {
if (onBackPress == 'backToGame') {
} else {
var v31 = new TextFormat();
v31.font = 'Arvo';
v31.size = 16;
var v49 = 20;
var v40 = v15.attachMovie('backIcon', 'back', 2);
v40._x = screenWidth / 2 - v40._width / 2;
v40._y = screenHeight - v40._height * 1.5;
var main = v15.createTextField('main', 1, v49 * 8, v49, screenWidth - v49 * 16, screenHeight - v49 * 6);
main.embedFonts = true;
main.textColor = 16777215;
main.mouseWheelEnabled = true;
main.html = true;
main.multiline = true;
main.wordWrap = true;
main.htmlText = log;
if (onBackPress == 'backToGame') {
v15.back.onRelease = function () {
} else {
v15.back.onRelease = function () {
} else {
if (a == 'load') {
var v15 = menu.createEmptyMovieClip('loadScreen', menu.getNextHighestDepth());
v15._alpha = 0;
v15.onEnterFrame = function () {
if (this._alpha <= 100) {
this._alpha += 10;
if ((myKeys.ESCAPE or myKeys.BACKSPACE or myKeys.P or myKeys.L) && t > menu.t) {
if (onBackPress == 'backToStartMenu') {
} else {
if (onBackPress == 'backToGame') {
} else {
var v43 = v15.attachMovie('loadGame', 'titleT', 132);
var v40 = v15.attachMovie('backIcon', 'back', 12);
if (onBackPress == 'backToStartMenu') {
v40.onPress = function () {
} else {
if (onBackPress == 'backToGame') {
v40.onPress = function () {
} else {
v40.onPress = function () {
var v16 = -1;
var v13 = 0;
while (v13 < 12) {
if (v13 != 1 && v13 != 4 && v13 != 5) {
var v30 = v29;
var v10 = screenWidth * v30;
var v8 = screenHeight * v30;
var v3 = 12;
var v34 = 50;
var v26 = 1;
var v27 = 20;
if (v13 == 0) {
var v23 = (v10 + v3) * 2 + v26;
var v24 = (v8 + v3) * 2 + (v26 + v27);
v10 = v23 - v3;
v8 = v24 - v3;
v30 = v8 / screenHeight;
var v2 = v15.createEmptyMovieClip('g', v15.getNextHighestDepth());
var w = v10 + v3;
var h = v8 + v3 + v27;
squareFill(v2, 10592421, 0, 0, w, h);
var b = v2.createEmptyMovieClip('b', 1);
b._x = v3 / 2;
b._y = v3 / 2;
var v6 = v2.attachMovie('fileButtonSmaller', 'k', 3);
var v4 = v2.attachMovie('overButtonShade', 'shade', 4);
var v5 = v2.attachMovie('fileButton', 'fntc', 5);
v2._x = (v13 % 4) * (v10 + v26 + v3);
v2._y = v34 + Math.floor(v13 / 4) * (v26 + v8 + v3 + v27);
v6._y = v8 + 4;
v6._x = v3 / 2 + v10 - v6._width;
v5._y = v3 / 2 + v8 - v5._height;
v5._x = v3 / 2;
v4._width = v10;
v4._x = v3 / 2;
v4._y = v8 + v3 / 2 - v4._height;
v2.fileNo = v16 + 1;
var tf = 'file' + (v2.fileNo - 2);
var v22 = 'FILE ' + (v2.fileNo - 2);
if (v16 == 0) {
tf = 'autoSave';
v22 = 'AUTO';
} else {
if (v16 == 1) {
tf = 'quickSave';
v22 = 'QUICK';
} = tf;
var v20 = checkWhichSave(basicGameData.gameFile, tf);
var v11 = v20.saveDate;
if (v11 == undefined) {
v11 = 'EMPTY';
} else {
var v21 = makeSmallScreenshot(v30, v20.scene, v20.foregroundObjects);
b.attachBitmap(v21, 10, auto, true);
b._width = v10;
if (v11 == 'EMPTY') {
v5.main.htmlText = '';
v6.main.htmlText = '';
} else {
v5.main.htmlText = v22;
v6.main.htmlText = v11;
v2.w = w;
v2.h = h;
v2.onRollOver = function () {
squareFill(this, 14277081, 0, 0, this.w, this.h);
v2.onRollOut = function () {
squareFill(this, 10592421, 0, 0, this.w, this.h);
if (v11 != 'EMPTY') {
v2.onPress = function () {
v43._x = v15._width / 2 - v43._width / 2;
v40._x = v15._width / 2 - v40._width / 2;
v40._y = v15._height + v34 - v43._height;
v15._x = screenWidth / 2 - v15._width / 2;
v15._y = screenHeight / 2 - v15._height / 2;
} else {
if (a == 'options') {
var v15 = menu.attachMovie('optionsScreen', 'optionsScreen', menu.getNextHighestDepth());
v15._alpha = 0;
v15.onEnterFrame = function () {
if (this._alpha <= 100) {
this._alpha += 10;
if ((myKeys.ESCAPE or myKeys.BACKSPACE or myKeys.P or myKeys.O) && t > menu.t) {
if (onBackPress == 'backToStartMenu') {
save3F('globalSave', 'general', globalSave);
save3F(basicGameData.gameFile, 'general', generalSave);
} else {
if (onBackPress == 'backToGame') {
save3F('globalSave', 'general', globalSave);
save3F(basicGameData.gameFile, 'general', generalSave);
} else {
save3F('globalSave', 'general', globalSave);
save3F(basicGameData.gameFile, 'general', generalSave);
var v40 = v15.back;
v40.main.htmlText = 'BACK';
if (onBackPress == 'backToStartMenu') {
v40.onPress = function () {
save3F('globalSave', 'general', globalSave);
save3F(basicGameData.gameFile, 'general', generalSave);
} else {
if (onBackPress == 'backToGame') {
v40.onPress = function () {
save3F('globalSave', 'general', globalSave);
save3F(basicGameData.gameFile, 'general', generalSave);
} else {
v40.onPress = function () {
save3F('globalSave', 'general', globalSave);
save3F(basicGameData.gameFile, 'general', generalSave);
v15._x = screenWidth / 2 - v15._width / 2;
v15._y = screenHeight / 2 - v15._height / 2; = globalSave.musicVolume;
v15.sVolume.bar_xscale = globalSave.soundVolume;
v15.clickHere.onPress = function () {
if (generalSave.removeMuteButton) {
} else {
if (!premiumPlusPatron && !generalSave.unlockedCommentary) {
} else {
if (generalSave.commentary) {
} else {
if (globalSave.skipOnlyUnreadDialogue) {
} else {
if (globalSave.continueSkippingAfterChoices) {
} else {
v15.removeMuteButton.butt.onRelease = function () {
if (generalSave.removeMuteButton) {
generalSave.removeMuteButton = false;
muteThing._visible = true;
muteThing._alpha = 70;
} else {
generalSave.removeMuteButton = true;
muteThing._visible = false;
if (v15.commentary._currentframe > 1) {
v15.commentary.butt.onRelease = function () {
if (generalSave.commentary) {
generalSave.commentary = false;
} else {
generalSave.commentary = true;
v15.continueSkippingAfterChoices.butt.onRelease = function () {
if (globalSave.continueSkippingAfterChoices) {
globalSave.continueSkippingAfterChoices = false;
} else {
globalSave.continueSkippingAfterChoices = true;
v15.skipOnlyUnreadDialogue.butt.onRelease = function () {
if (globalSave.skipOnlyUnreadDialogue) {
globalSave.skipOnlyUnreadDialogue = false;
} else {
globalSave.skipOnlyUnreadDialogue = true;
var v44 = 1;
var v48 = maxTextSpeed;
var v42 = 0;
var v50 = 100;
var v47 = v15.tSpeed._width; = v47 * ((globalSave.textSpeed - v44) / (v48 - v44)); = v47 * ((globalSave.musicVolume - v42) / (v50 - v42)); = v47 * ((globalSave.sfxVolume - v42) / (v50 - v42));
barize(v15.tSpeed, 'textSpeed', v44, v48, true);
barize(v15.mVolume, 'musicVolume', 0, 100, true);
barize(v15.sVolume, 'sfxVolume', 0, 100, true);
} else {
if (a == 'gallery') {
var v15 = menu.createEmptyMovieClip('galleryScreen', menu.getNextHighestDepth());
v15._alpha = 0;
v29 = 0.16;
v15.onEnterFrame = function () {
if (this._alpha < 100) {
this._alpha += 10;
if ((myKeys.ESCAPE or myKeys.BACKSPACE or myKeys.P) && t > menu.t) {
if (onBackPress == 'backToStartMenu') {
} else {
var v43 = v15.attachMovie('gallery', 'titleT', 132);
var v40 = v15.attachMovie('backIcon', 'back', 12);
if (onBackPress == 'backToStartMenu') {
v40.onPress = function () {
} else {
v40.onPress = function () {
var v30 = v29;
var v10 = screenWidth * v30;
var v8 = screenHeight * v30;
var v49 = 10;
var v52 = v10 * 3 + v49 * 2;
var v53 = (v8 + 20) * 3 + v49 * 2;
v15._x = screenWidth / 2 - v52 / 2;
v15._y = screenHeight / 2 - v53 / 2;
var v3 = 12;
var v34 = 50;
var v26 = 1;
var v27 = 0;
var v37 = 10592421;
var v38 = 15454309;
var v35 = 14277081;
var v39 = 15984792;
var v13 = 0;
while (v13 < amountOfCgs) {
var v17 = v15.getNextHighestDepth();
var v2 = v15.createEmptyMovieClip('g' + v17, v17);
var w = v10 + v3;
var h = v8 + v3 + v27;
var b = v2.createEmptyMovieClip('b', 1);
b._x = v3 / 2;
b._y = v3 / 2;
v2._x = (v13 % 4) * (v10 + v26 + v3);
v2._y = v34 + Math.floor(v13 / 4) * (v26 + v8 + v3 + v27);
storedv6._y = v8 + 4;
storedv6._x = v3 / 2 + v10 - storedv6._width;
storedv5._y = v3 / 2 + v8 - storedv5._height;
storedv5._x = v3 / 2;
storedv4._width = v10;
storedv4._x = v3 / 2;
storedv4._y = v8 + v3 / 2 - storedv4._height;
v2.fileNo = v13;
if (allCgs[v13].premium) {
v2.premium = true;
v2.col = v38;
v2.selectCol = v39;
} else {
v2.col = v37;
v2.selectCol = v35;
squareFill(v2, v2.col, 0, 0, w, h);
var v12 = 'locked';
var v18 = false;
var v19 = allCgs[v13].base[0];
var v25 = 'cg_' + v19;
if (generalSave.unlockedCg[v19] || generalSave.unlockedCg[v25]) {
v18 = true;
var v14 = [];
var v6 = 1;
while (v6 < allCgs[v13].base.length) {
var v9 = allCgs[v13].base[v6];
v12 = [allCgs[v13].base[0], 0, 0, screenWidth, screenHeight, false, false, v14];
var v21 = makeSmallScreenshotForCg(v30, v12, []);
b.attachBitmap(v21, 10, auto, true);
if (v12 == 'locked') {
var v7 = b.attachMovie('lockIcon', 'lockIcon', 11);
v7._x = v10 / 2 - v7._width / 2;
v7._y = v8 / 2 - v7._height / 2;
tintF(v7, v2.col);
if (v2.premium) {
var v28 = b.attachMovie('premiumTopLeft', 't', 12);
v2.w = w;
v2.h = h;
v2.onRollOver = function () {
squareFill(this, this.selectCol, 0, 0, this.w, this.h);
tintF(this.b.lockIcon, this.selectCol);
v2.onRollOut = function () {
squareFill(this, this.col, 0, 0, this.w, this.h);
tintF(this.b.lockIcon, this.col);
if (v18) {
v2.onPress = function () {
galleryF(this.fileNo, 0, undefined, onBackPress);
v43._x = v15._width / 2 - v43._width / 2;
v40._x = v15._width / 2 - v40._width / 2;
v40._y = v15._height + v34 - v43._height;
v15._x = screenWidth / 2 - v15._width / 2;
v15._y = screenHeight / 2 - v15._height / 2;
} else {
if (a == 'save') {
var v15 = menu.attachMovie('saveLoadScreen', 'saveScreen', menu.getNextHighestDepth());
v15._alpha = 0;
v15.onEnterFrame = function () {
if (this._alpha <= 100) {
this._alpha += 10;
if ((myKeys.ESCAPE or myKeys.BACKSPACE or myKeys.P or myKeys.S) && t > menu.t) {
if (onBackPress == 'backToGame') {
} else {
v15._x = screenWidth / 2 - v15._width / 2;
v15._y = screenHeight / 2 - v15._height / 2;
var v31 = new TextFormat();
v31.font = 'Century Gothic';
v31.size = 12;
fA = ['file1', 'file2', 'file3', 'file4', 'file5', 'file6', 'file7', 'file8'];
var v13 = 0;
while (v13 < fA.length) {
var b = v15[fA[v13]];
b.fileNo = v13 + 1;
b.main._width = 300;
b.main.htmlText = 'SHIT';
b.main.textColor = 16777215;
b.onRollOver = function () {
this.main.textColor = 13421772;
b.onRollOut = function () {
this.main.textColor = 16777215;
saveF('autoSave', 'menuF autosave');
save3F(basicGameData.gameFile, 'general', generalSave);
v15.head.htmlText = 'SAVE GAME';
v15.file8.main.htmlText = 'BACK';
v15.file8._visible = true;
v15.file8._y += 20;
if (onBackPress == 'backToGame') {
v15.file8.onPress = function () {
} else {
v15.file8.onPress = function () {
v13 = 0;
while (v13 < 7) {
var v6 = v15[fA[v13]];
v6.main.htmlText = 'FILE ' + v6.fileNo + ' - EMPTY';
v6._visible = true;
var tf = 'file' + v6.fileNo;
var v22 = 'FILE ' + v6.fileNo; = tf;
var v20 = checkWhichSave(basicGameData.gameFile, tf);
var v11 = v20.saveDate;
if (v11 == undefined) {
v11 = 'EMPTY';
v6.main.htmlText = v22 + ' - ' + v11;
v6.onPress = function () {
saveF(, 'menuOnPressOfEachFile');
this.main.htmlText = 'SAVED';
function removeMenuF() {
gamePaused = false;
function galleryF(a, b, cameHereWith, onBackPress) {
var v11 = true;
var v9 = allCgs[a];
var v5 = v9.base;
var seq = v9.sequence;
var v7 = createEmptyMovieClip('galleryClip', menuLayer);
var v8 = v7.createEmptyMovieClip('container', 1);
var v6 = flash.display.BitmapData.loadBitmap(v5[0] + '.png');
if (v6 == undefined) {
v6 = flash.display.BitmapData.loadBitmap('cg_' + v5[0] + '.png');
var v2 = 1;
while (v2 < v5.length) {
var v3 = flash.display.BitmapData.loadBitmap(v5[v2] + '.png');
if (v3 == undefined) {
v3 = flash.display.BitmapData.loadBitmap('cg_' + v5[v2] + '.png');
var v4 = 0;
while (v4 < seq[b].length) {
v3 = flash.display.BitmapData.loadBitmap(seq[b][v4] + '.png');
if (v3 == undefined) {
v3 = flash.display.BitmapData.loadBitmap('cg_' + seq[b][v4] + '.png');
v8.attachBitmap(v6, 1, auto, true);
if (v11) {
var v10 = screenHeight / v8._height;
v8._yscale = 100 * v10;
v8._xscale = v8._yscale;
var left = v7.attachMovie('arrowButton', 'left', 2);
left._x = 10;
left._y = screenHeight / 2 - left._height / 2;
if (b > 0) {
left.onPress = function () {
galleryF(a, b - 1, x, onBackPress);
} else {
left.onPress = function () {
menuF('gallery', onBackPress);
if (b < seq.length - 1) {
var right = v7.attachMovie('arrowButton', 'right', 3);
right._xscale = -right._xscale;
right._x = screenWidth - 10;
right._y = screenHeight / 2 - right._height / 2;
right.onPress = function () {
galleryF(a, b + 1, x, onBackPress);
if (cameHereWith == 'arrows') {
right._alpha = 0;
left._alpha = 0;
v7.notMovingT = 0;
v7.onEnterFrame = function () {
if (mouseMoving) {
this.notMovingT = 0;
right._alpha = 100;
left._alpha = 100;
} else {
if (this.notMovingT > 20) {
right._alpha -= 5;
left._alpha -= 5;
if (myKeys.RIGHT && myKeys.LEFT) {
} else {
if (myKeys.RIGHT or myKeys.SPACE) {
if (b < seq.length - 1) {
galleryF(a, b + 1, 'arrows', onBackPress);
} else {
if (myKeys.LEFT) {
if (b > 0) {
galleryF(a, b - 1, 'arrows', onBackPress);
} else {
menuF('gallery', onBackPress);
} else {
if (myKeys.ESCAPE or myKeys.BACKSPACE or myKeys.P) {
menuF('gallery', onBackPress);
function makeSmallScreenshotForCg(scale, scene, charA) {
var v7 = new flash.display.BitmapData(screenWidth * scale, screenHeight * scale, false, 0);
var v6 = scene[7];
v6.splice(0, 0, [scene[0]]);
var v2 = 0;
while (v2 < v6.length) {
var v5 = v6[v2] + '.png';
var v1 = flash.display.BitmapData.loadBitmap(v5);
if (v1 == undefined) {
v1 = flash.display.BitmapData.loadBitmap('cg_' + v5);
var v4 = new flash.geom.Matrix();
var v3 = scale * (screenHeight / v1.height);
v4.scale(v3, v3);
v7.draw(v1, v4);
return v7;
function makeSmallScreenshot(scale, scene, charA) {
var v8 = new flash.geom.Matrix();
var v5 = scene.addedCgA;
var v4 = addBg(scene.current, true, scene.xFlipped, scene.yFlipped, scene.x, scene.y, b.heightStretchToFit, false, true);
v4.createEmptyMovieClip('foregroundObjects', v4.getNextHighestDepth());
var v2 = 0;
while (v2 < v5.length) {
addToCgF(v5[v2], '', '', true, v4);
var v3 = 0;
while (v3 < charA.length) {
var v1 = charA[v3];
if ( && !v1.isCharacter) {
} else {
foregroundObjectF(v1.who, v1.mood, v1.mood2, v1.x, v1.y, v1.depth, v1.xFlipped, v1.yFlipped, v1.isCharacter, v1.scaleToFullScreen, v1.zoom, true, v4);
var v11 = bitmapCopy(v4);
v8.scale(scale, scale);
var v10 = new flash.display.BitmapData(screenWidth * scale, screenHeight * scale, false, 0);
v10.draw(v11, v8);
return v10;
function zoomF(outOrIn) {
var v1 = 1.5;
var v2 = 300;
zoomed = true;
if (!generalSave.hasZoomed) {
generalSave.hasZoomed = true;
if (!generalSave.cgNotification2Shown) {
generalSave.cgNotification2Shown = true;
notificationF('Use the mouse to look around.');
if (outOrIn == 'out') {
zoom /= v1;
} else {
zoom *= v1;
if (zoom > v2 or zoom < 100) {
if (outOrIn == 'in') {
zoom /= v1;
} else {
zoom = 100;
zoomed = false;
gwContainer._x = 0;
gwContainer._y = 0;
gwContainer._yscale = zoom;
gwContainer._xscale = gwContainer._yscale;
scale = gwContainer._xscale / 100 - 1;
gwContainer._x = -_xmouse * scale;
gwContainer._y = -_ymouse * scale;
function keyChecker() {
if (myKeys.ESCAPE) {
if (!gamePaused && outOfMenuIntoGame) {
if (skipping) {
if (myKeys.SPACE or mouseClick or myKeys.ENTER or myKeys.TAB or myKeys.CONTROLReleased) {
skipping = false;
} else {
if (myKeys.CONTROL or myKeys.TAB) {
skipping = true;
dialogue.finishNow = true;
if (myKeys.ESCAPE or myKeys.BACKSPACE or myKeys.P or myKeys.M) {
if (myKeys.Z or {
if (myKeys.minus) {
if (myKeys.R) {
menuF('log', 'backToGame');
if (myKeys.K) {
if (myKeys.H) {
if (myKeys.L) {
menuF('load', 'backToGame');
if (myKeys.O) {
menuF('options', 'backToGame');
if (myKeys.S) {
menuF('save', 'backToGame');
if (myKeys.Q) {
notificationF('Game successfully saved.');
if (mouseScrolled > 0) {
} else {
if (mouseScrolled < 0) {
if (myKeys.F) {
if (Stage.displayState == 'fullScreen') {
Stage.displayState = 'normal';
} else {
Stage.displayState = 'fullScreen';
function mouseStuff() {
var v1 = mouseScrolledPre;
mouseScrolledPre = 0;
v1 /= Math.abs(v1);
mouseScrolled = v1;
var v2 = _xmouse + ' ' + _ymouse;
if (v2 == lastMouse) {
mouseMoving = false;
} else {
mouseMoving = true;
lastMouse = _xmouse + ' ' + _ymouse;
mouseClick = false;
scale = gwContainer._xscale / 100 - 1;
gwContainer._x = -_xmouse * scale;
gwContainer._y = -_ymouse * scale;
function keyHandler() {
var v3 = 0;
while (v3 < keys.length) {
var v2 = keys[v3];
var v1 = v2;
if (typeof v2 == 'object') {
v2 = String(keys[v3][1]);
v1 = keys[v3][0];
} else {
v2 = Key[v2];
if (Key.isDown(v2)) {
if (!myKeys[v1 + 'Pressed']) {
myKeys[v1] = true;
myKeys[v1 + 'Pressed'] = true;
} else {
myKeys[v1] = false;
} else {
if (myKeys[v1 + 'Pressed']) {
myKeys[v1 + 'Released'] = true;
} else {
myKeys[v1 + 'Released'] = false;
myKeys[v1 + 'Pressed'] = false;
myKeys[v1] = false;
function parseNextF(parseNextWithoutFiringParseNext) {
if (parsing['s' + (parser + 1)] != undefined) {
parserF(parser, parseNextWithoutFiringParseNext);
if (outOfMenuIntoGame && !gameEnded) {
if (!generalSave.welcomeNotificationShown) {
generalSave.welcomeNotificationShown = true;
notificationF('Welcome to the game.', true, 60);
notificationF('Press <K> for a list of available keyboard shortcuts.', true, 120);
if (lastAddToTimePlayed == undefined) {
lastAddToTimePlayed = 0;
generalSave.timePlayed += t - lastAddToTimePlayed;
lastAddToTimePlayed = t;
saveF('autoSave', 'parseNextF');
function parserF(parser, parseNextWithoutFiringParseNext) {
var v4 = parser;
var v2 = parsing['s' + parser];
if (v2 == undefined) {
} else {
var v3 = v2[0];
if (parseNextWithoutFiringParseNext) {
v3 = v2[0] + '2';
this[v3 + 'F'](v2[1], v2[2], v2[3], v2[4], v2[5], v2[6], v2[7], v2[8], v2[9], v2[10], v2[11], v2[12], v2[13]);
function checkAfterParsing(p) {
if (p[0] == 'talking' && characterData[p[1]].commentary or p[0] == 'whatIf' or p[0] == 'endIf' or p[0] == 'otherwise' or p[0] == 'elseIf') {
} else {
if (commentaryChibis != undefined) {
function removeAtF(layer) {
function attachDialogue() {
var v1 = attachMovie('dialogue', 'dialogue', dialogueLayer);
v1._yscale = 100 / ((windowScale + 1) / 2);
v1._xscale = v1._yscale; = function () {
v1.log.onRelease = function () {
menuF('log', 'backToGame');
v1.quickSave.onRelease = function () {
saveF('quickSave', 'quickSaveButton');
notificationF('Game successfully saved.');
v1.quickLoad.onRelease = function () {
v1.skip.onRelease = function () {
if (skipping) {
skipping = false;
} else {
skipping = true;
return v1;
function rollbackF() {}
function thinkingF(serifu) {
var v1 = attachDialogue();
function talkingF(who, serifu, mood) {
if (!characterData[who].commentary || characterData[who].commentary && generalSave.commentary) {
var v2 = attachDialogue();
dialogueF(serifu, who, mood);
} else {
function romajize2F(a) {
var v3 = '';
var v1 = 2;
while (v1 < a.length) {
v3 += '<a href="asfunction:clickLink,' + a[v1] + '"><i>' + romajizeF(a[v1], v3) + '</i></a> ';
v1 += 2;
return v3;
function romajizeF(a, replaceWith) {
var v11 = 0;
var v12 = new Array();
var v9 = 10;
var v8 = replaceWith.slice(replaceWith.length - v9, replaceWith.length - v9 + 1);
var v7 = false;
if (v8 == '' || v8 == '.' || v8 == '!' || v8 == '?' || v8 == '…') {
v7 = true;
var v2 = a;
var v1 = 0;
while (v1 <= a.length) {
var v3 = a.slice(v1, v1 + 1);
if (v1 == 0) {
if (v7) {
v2 = (v2.slice(0, 1)).toUpperCase() + v2.slice(1);
v7 = false;
var v6 = a.slice(v1 - 1, v1);
var v5 = a.slice(v1 + 1, v1 + 2);
if (v3 == 'X') {
v2 = v2.slice(0, v1) + ' ' + v2.slice(v1 + 1);
} else {
if (v3 == 'h' && v5 == 'w') {
v2 = v2.slice(0, v1) + '' + v2.slice(v1 + 1);
} else {
if (v3 == '\'') {
v2 = v2.slice(0, v1) + '"' + v2.slice(v1 + 1);
} else {
if (v3 == '_') {
v2 = v2.slice(0, v1) + v6 + v2.slice(v1 + 1);
return v2;
function hiraganizeF(a) {
var v3 = 0;
var v5 = new Array();
var v10 = '';
var v1 = 0;
while (v1 <= a.length) {
var v2 = a.slice(v1, v1 + 1);
var v4 = a.slice(v1 + 1, v1 + 2);
var v8 = a.slice(v1 + 2, v1 + 3);
if (v2 == 'X') {
} else {
if (v2 == '\'') {
var v9 = v1 + 1;
if (dialogue.openQuote) {
myKana = 'endQuote';
dialogue.openQuote = false;
} else {
myKana = 'openQuote';
dialogue.openQuote = true;
v3 = v9;
} else {
if (v2 == 'n' && !(v4 == 'a' || v4 == 'i' || v4 == 'u' || v4 == 'e' || v4 == 'o')) {
var v9 = v1 + 1;
myKana = a.slice(v3, v9);
v3 = v9;
} else {
if (v2 == 'a' || v2 == 'i' || v2 == 'u' || v2 == 'e' || v2 == 'o') {
var v9 = v1 + 1;
myKana = a.slice(v3, v9);
v3 = v9;
} else {
if (v2 == '_') {
var v9 = v1 + 1;
myKana = 'longVowelMark';
v3 = v9;
} else {
if (v2 == ',') {
var v9 = v1 + 1;
myKana = 'comma';
v3 = v9;
} else {
if (v2 == '.' && v4 == '.' && v8 == '.') {
var v9 = v1 + 3;
myKana = 'threeDots';
v3 = v9;
v1 += 2;
} else {
if (v2 == '…') {
var v9 = v1 + 1;
myKana = 'threeDots';
v3 = v9;
} else {
if (v2 == '.') {
var v9 = v1 + 1;
myKana = 'dot';
v3 = v9;
} else {
if (v2 == '!') {
var v9 = v1 + 1;
myKana = 'exclamationMark';
v3 = v9;
} else {
if (v2 == '?') {
var v9 = v1 + 1;
myKana = 'questionMark';
v3 = v9;
} else {
if (v1 < a.length && v2 == v4 && !(v4 == 'a' || v4 == 'i' || v4 == 'u' || v4 == 'e' || v4 == 'o')) {
var v9 = v1 + 1;
if (v2 == 'n') {
myKana = 'ã‚“';
} else {
myKana = 'ltsu';
v3 = v9;
var v7 = 0;
while (v7 < v5.length) {
v10 += hiragana[v5[v7]];
return v10;
function wordPopUpF(a) {
var v3 = a;
var v2 = 0;
while (v2 < v3.length) {
var v1 = v3.slice(v2, v2 + 1);
if (v1 == ',' || v1 == '.' || v1 == '?' || v1 == '!' || v1 == '.' || v1 == ':' || v1 == ';') {
v3 = v3.slice(0, v2) + v3.slice(v2 + 1);
var v4 = attachMovie('wordPopUp', 'wordPopUp', wordPopUpLayer);
v4._x = mouse._x;
v4._y = mouse._y;
v4.main.text = '';
function initKanjiButtons(n) {
if (japDisplay == 'romaji') {
dialogue.romaji.gotoAndStop(n + 1);
} else {
if (japDisplay == 'kana') {
dialogue.kana.gotoAndStop(n + 1);
} else {
if (japDisplay == 'kanji') {
dialogue.kanji.gotoAndStop(n + 1);
function dialogueHiderF() {
if (noticeDialogueActive) {
if (nd.hidden) {
nd.hidden = false;
nd._visible = true;
} else {
nd.hidden = true;
nd._visible = false;
} else {
if (dialogue.hidden) {
dialogue.hidden = false;
dialogue._visible = true;
} else {
dialogue.hidden = true;
dialogue._visible = false;
function chibiF(char, mood, xPos, depth) {
chibi2F(char, mood, xPos, depth);
function chibi2F(char, mood, xPos, depth) {
var v8 = true;
var v11 = false;
var v4 = 0;
if (mood == undefined) {
mood = 'neutral';
if (commentaryChibis == undefined) {
this.createEmptyMovieClip('commentaryChibis', commentaryChibiLayer);
var v6 = commentaryChibis;
if (char.image == 'taxcup') {
xPos = 'right';
} else {
xPos = left;
if (xPos == 'right') {
v8 = false;
if (v6['chibi_' + char.image] != undefined) {
v6['chibi_' + char.image].removeMovieClip();
if (depth == undefined) {
v4 = v6.getNextHighestDepth();
} else {
v4 = depth;
var v2 = v6.createEmptyMovieClip('chibi_' + char.image, v4);
v2.d = v4;
var v3 = flash.display.BitmapData.loadBitmap('commentary_' + char.image + '.png');
var v10 = flash.display.BitmapData.loadBitmap('commentary_' + mood + '.png');
var v13 = flash.display.BitmapData.loadBitmap(char.image + '_top.png');
if (v8 || v11) {
var v15 = 1;
var v14 = 1;
var v17 = 0;
var v18 = 0;
if (v8) {
v15 = -1;
v17 = v3.width;
if (v11) {
v14 = -1;
v18 = v3.height;
var v9 = new flash.geom.Matrix();
v9.scale(v15, v14);
v9.translate(v17, v18);
var v12 = new flash.display.BitmapData(v3.width, v3.height, true, 0);
v12.draw(v3, v9);
v2.attachBitmap(v12, 1, auto, true);
} else {
v2.attachBitmap(v3, 1, auto, true);
v2._yscale = 45;
v2._xscale = 45;
v2._y = screenHeight - v2._height + 15;
if (xPos == 'right') {
v2._x = (dialogue._x + dialogue._width + screenWidth) / 2 - v2._width / 2 + 12;
} else {
if (xPos == 'left') {
v2._x = dialogue._x / 2 - v2._width / 2 - 12;
function dialogueF(serifu, who, mood) {
if (skipping && globalSave.skipOnlyUnreadDialogue) {
if (!generalSave.readDialogueO['s' + parser]) {
skipping = false;
if (!generalSave.readDialogueO['s' + parser]) {
if (generalSave.readDialogues == undefined) {
generalSave.readDialogues = 0;
generalSave.readDialogueO['s' + parser] = true;
save3F(basicGameData.gameFile, 'general', generalSave);
var v27 = false;
if (who == undefined) {
v27 = true;
} else {
dialogue.who.text = characterData[who].pName;
dialogue.who.textColor = characterData[who].pColor;
if (characterData[who].commentary) {
chibi2F(characterData[who], mood);
dialogue.commentary = true;
slicer = 0;
currentLine = serifu;
if (!v27) {
currentLine = '' + currentLine + '';
currentLineFinished = false;
japDisplayed = false;
dialogue.hider.onRelease = function () {
dialogue.kana._visible = false;
dialogue.kanji._visible = false;
dialogue.romaji._visible = false;
var v5 = 0;
while (v5 <= currentLine.length) {
var v13 = currentLine.slice(v5, v5 + 1);
var v23 = currentLine.slice(v5 + 1, v5 + 2);
var v6 = '';
if (v13 == '{') {
var v24 = '';
var v12 = '';
var v3 = new Array();
var v2 = v5 + 1;
while (v2 <= currentLine.length) {
v6 = currentLine.slice(v2, v2 + 1);
if (v6 == '|' or v6 == '}') {
if (v12 == '') {
v3.push(currentLine.slice(v5 + 1, v2));
var v20 = currentLine.slice(v5 + 1, v2);
v12 = v2;
} else {
v3.push(currentLine.slice(v12 + 1, v2));
v12 = v2;
if (v6 == '}') {
v2 = currentLine.length;
var v11 = '';
if (storedv20 == 'jp') {
japDisplayed = true;
dialogue.kanji.onPress = function () {
japDisplay = 'kanji';
dialogueF(serifu, who);
dialogue.finishNow = true;
dialogue.romaji.onPress = function () {
slicer = currentLine.length;
japDisplay = 'romaji';
dialogueF(serifu, who);
dialogue.finishNow = true;
dialogue.kana.onPress = function () {
slicer = currentLine.length;
japDisplay = 'kana';
dialogueF(serifu, who);
dialogue.finishNow = true;
dialogue.kana._visible = false;
dialogue.kanji._visible = false;
dialogue.romaji._visible = false;
if (japDisplay == 'kanji') {
var v8 = 1;
while (v8 < v3.length) {
v11 += '<font face=\'Arial Unicode MS\'><a href="asfunction:clickLink,' + v3[v8 + 1] + '">' + v3[v8] + '</a></font>';
v8 += 2;
} else {
if (japDisplay == 'romaji') {
v11 = romajize2F(v3);
} else {
if (japDisplay == 'kana') {
var v8 = 2;
while (v8 < v3.length) {
v11 += '<font face=\'Arial Unicode MS\'><a href="asfunction:clickLink,' + v3[v8] + '">' + hiraganizeF(v3[v8]) + '</a></font>';
v8 += 2;
} else {
if (Number(variables[storedv20]) == 1) {
v11 = v3[1];
} else {
if (v3.length == 3) {
v11 = v3[2];
} else {
v11 = v3[1] + 's';
currentLine = currentLine.slice(0, v5) + v11 + currentLine.slice(v12 + 1);
} else {
if (v13 == '♪' or v13 == '♥' or v13 == '') {
var v21 = '<font face=\'Arial Unicode MS\' size=\'22\'>' + v13 + '</font>';
currentLine = currentLine.slice(0, v5) + v21 + currentLine.slice(v5 + 1);
v5 += v21.length;
} else {
if ((v13 == '$' or v13 == '@') && isNaN(Number(v23))) {
var v4 = v5 + 1;
while (v4 <= currentLine.length) {
v6 = currentLine.slice(v4, v4 + 1);
if (v6 == '$' or v6 == '@' or v4 == currentLine.length) {
var v15 = v4;
v4 = Infinity;
var v10 = variables[currentLine.slice(v5 + 1, v15)];
if (v13 == '@' && Number(v10) <= 20) {
var v22 = ['zero', 'one', 'two', 'three', 'four', 'five', 'six', 'seven', 'eight', 'nine', 'ten', 'eleven', 'twelve', 'thirteen', 'fourteen', 'fifteen', 'sixteen', 'seventeen', 'eighteen', 'nineteen', 'twenty'];
v10 = v22[Number(v10)];
if (v10 == undefined) {
v10 = currentLine.slice(v5 + 1, v15);
var v16 = currentLine.slice(v5 - 2, v5 - 1);
if (v5 == 0 || v16 == '.' || v16 == '!' || v16 == '?' || v16 == '…') {
v10 = (v10.slice(0, 1)).toUpperCase() + v10.slice(1);
currentLine = currentLine.slice(0, v5) + v10 + currentLine.slice(v15 + 1);
dialogue.clickLink = function (a) {
if (!gamePaused) {
dialogue.t = 0;
dialogue.t2 = 0;
dialogue.firstWord = true;
dialogue.onEnterFrame = function () {
if (!gamePaused) {
if (!currentLineFinished) {
if (myKeys.SPACE or mouseClick or skipping or myKeys.ENTER or this.finishNow or globalSave.textSpeed >= maxTextSpeed) {
if (dialogue.hidden) {
dialogue.hidden = false;
dialogue._visible = true;
} else {
slicer = currentLine.length;
this.finishNow = false;
} else {
var v9 = globalSave.textSpeed;
if (this.t2 % Math.ceil(1 / v9) == 0) {
var v7 = 0;
while (v7 < v9) {
var v8 = true;
while (v8) {
ch1 = currentLine.slice(slicer - 1, slicer);
if (ch1 == '>') {
} else {
v8 = false;
if (ch1 == '<') {
var v3 = slicer;
while (v3 <= currentLine.length) {
var v4 = currentLine.slice(v3, v3 + 1);
if (v4 == '>') {
slicer = v3 + 1;
v3 = currentLine.length;
} else {
if ((ch1 == ' ' || ch1 == '-') && who != 'nvl') {
var v5 = 0;
var v2 = slicer;
while (v2 <= currentLine.length) {
var v4 = currentLine.slice(v2, v2 + 1);
if (v4 == '<') {
} else {
if (v4 == '>') {
if (v5 == 0 && (v4 == ' ' || v4 == '-') or v2 == currentLine.length) {
var v10 = currentLine.slice(0, slicer);
this.main.htmlText = v10;
var v6 = this.main.bottomScroll;
v10 = currentLine.slice(0, v2 + 1);
this.main.htmlText = v10;
if (v6 < this.main.bottomScroll) {
currentLine = currentLine.slice(0, slicer) + '\n' + currentLine.slice(slicer);
v2 = currentLine.length;
v10 = currentLine.slice(0, slicer);
if (who == 'nvl') {
v10 = nvlText + v10;
if (slicer >= currentLine.length) {
if (who == 'nvl') {
nvlText = v10 + '\n';
registerInLog(v10, who);
currentLineFinished = true;
this.main.htmlText = v10;
if (this.commentary) {
this.main.textColor = 16237039;
} else {
if (currentLineFinished) {
if (myKeys.SPACE or mouseClick or myKeys.ENTER or skipping) {
if (dialogue.hidden) {
dialogue.hidden = false;
dialogue._visible = true;
} else {
if (myKeys.SPACE or myKeys.ENTER) {
lastAction = 'key';
} else {
lastAction = 'mouse';
if (skipping && this.t < 2) {
} else {
currentLineFinished = false;
slicer = 0;
if (who != 'nvl') {
delete this.onEnterFrame;
function registerInLog(txt, who) {
var v2 = '';
var v1 = txt;
var v3 = '';
if (who == 'choice') {
v2 = '<b>->';
v1 += '</b>';
} else {
if (who != undefiend) {
v2 = '<b>' + characterData[who].pName + '</b>: ';
v1 = '"' + v1 + '"';
if (log != '') {
v3 = '\n<p align="center">——————————————————</p>\n';
log = v2 + v1 + v3 + log;
function queueF(music) {
currentlyPlaying.onSoundComplete = function () {
function mcItemF(item, xPos, yPos) {
var v1 = foregroundObjects.getNextHighestDepth();
mcItem2F(item, xPos, yPos, v1);
function mcItem2F(item, xPos, yPos, depth) {
m = foregroundObjects.attachMovie(item, item, depth);
m.who = item;
m.isCharacter = false;
m.depth = depth; = true;
if (!isNaN(Number(yPos))) {
m._y = yPos;
} else {
if (yPos == 'below') {
m._y = screenHeight;
if (!isNaN(Number(xPos))) {
m._x = xPos;
} else {
if (xPos == 'left') {
m._x = screenWidth / 3;
} else {
if (xPos == 'right') {
m._x = (screenWidth / 3) * 2;
} else {
if (xPos == 'center') {
m._x = int(screenWidth / 2);
m.y = m._y;
m.x = m._x;
function itemF(item, xPos, yPos, xFlipped, yFlipped, depth, method) {
item2F(item, xPos, yPos, xFlipped, yFlipped, depth, method);
function item2F(item, xPos, yPos, xFlipped, yFlipped, depth, method) {
foregroundObjectF(item, '', '', xPos, yPos, depth, xFlipped, yFlipped, false, x, x, false, false, method);
function personF(who, mood, mood2, xPos, yPos, xFlipped, yFlipped, depth, scaleToFullScreen, method) {
if (mood == 0) {
mood = 'basic';
person2F(who, mood, mood2, xPos, yPos, xFlipped, yFlipped, depth, scaleToFullScreen, method);
function person2F(who, mood, mood2, xPos, yPos, xFlipped, yFlipped, depth, scaleToFullScreen, method) {
if (yPos == undefined) {
yPos = 0;
foregroundObjectF(who, mood, mood2, xPos, yPos, depth, xFlipped, yFlipped, true, scaleToFullScreen, x, false, false, method);
function foregroundObjectF(who, mood, mood2, xPos, yPos, depth, xFlipped, yFlipped, isCharacter, scaleToFullScreen, zoom, forScreenshot, bgForScreenshot, method) {
if ((who == 'e' || who == 'h') && activatedCheats.bitcoin) {
if (mood == 'basic') {
mood = 'bitcoin';
} else {
if (mood == 'alt') {
mood = 'alt_bitcoin';
} else {
if (mood == 'blush') {
mood = 'bitcoin_blush';
if (method == undefined) {
method = 'fade';
var m = '';
var v14 = foregroundObjects;
var v25 = foregroundObjects[who]._x;
if (foregroundObjects[who] == undefined || forScreenshot) {
var v34 = true;
if (forScreenshot) {
v14 = bgForScreenshot.foregroundObjects;
v34 = false;
var v18 = v14.getNextHighestDepth();
if (v18 < 100) {
v18 = 100;
if (depth == 'back') {
v18 = 1;
while (v14.getInstanceAtDepth(v18) != undefined) {
if (typeof depth == 'number') {
v18 = depth;
var v6 = v14.createEmptyMovieClip(who, v18);
v6.who = who;
v6.depth = v18;
if (!forScreenshot) {
if (!isNaN(Number(xPos))) {
v6.x = xPos;
v6 = v14[who];
v18 = v6.getNextHighestDepth();
var m = v6.createEmptyMovieClip('c' + v18, v18);
v6.latest = m;
if (!forScreenshot) {
var v19 = v6.getInstanceAtDepth(v18 - 1);
if (method == 'fade') {
v19.m = m;
m._alpha = 0;
m.onEnterFrame = function () {
if (this._alpha <= 100) {
this._alpha += 10;
} else {
delete this.onEnterFrame;
v19.onEnterFrame = function () {
if (this.m._alpha > 90 or this.m._alpha == undefined) {
if (this._alpha >= 0) {
this._alpha -= 10;
} else {
delete this.onEnterFrame;
} else {
if (!isNaN(Number(zoom))) {
v6.zoom = zoom;
} else {
if (v6.zoom == undefined) {
v6.zoom = 1;
v6.xFlipped = xFlipped;
v6.yFlipped = yFlipped;
v6.mood = mood;
v6.mood2 = mood2;
v6.scaleToFullScreen = scaleToFullScreen;
v6.isCharacter = isCharacter;
if (isCharacter) {
var v12 = characterData[who];
var v3 = characterImageData[who][mood];
var v24 = flash.display.BitmapData.loadBitmap('ch_' + v12.image + '_' + v3[0] + '.png');
var v13 = new flash.display.BitmapData(v24.width, v24.height, true, 0);
var v42 = new Array();
var v2 = 0;
while (v2 < v3.length) {
var v5 = false;
var v8 = v3[v2];
if (!activatedCheats.skinnyTail) {
if (v3[v2].indexOf('cattail') != -1) {
v5 = true;
if (!activatedCheats.fluffyTail) {
if (v3[v2].indexOf('dogtail') != -1) {
v5 = true;
if (!activatedCheats.elf) {
if (v3[v2].indexOf('elfears') != -1) {
v5 = true;
if (!activatedCheats.fluffyTail && !activatedCheats.skinnyTail) {
if (v3[v2].indexOf('catears') != -1) {
v5 = true;
if (activatedCheats.nude or activatedCheats.topNude) {
if (v3[v2].indexOf('bra') != -1) {
if (v3[v2].indexOf('hi_boobs_bra') != -1) {
v8 = 'hi_freeboobs';
} else {
v8 = 'freeboobs';
if (v3[v2].indexOf('strap') != -1) {
v5 = true;
if (activatedCheats.nude or activatedCheats.bottomNude) {
if (v3[v2].indexOf('pants') != -1) {
v5 = true;
if (activatedCheats.shaved) {
if (v3[v2].indexOf('pubes') != -1) {
v5 = true;
if (!v5) {
var v4 = flash.display.BitmapData.loadBitmap('ch_' + v12.image + '_' + v8 + '.png');
if (v8 == 'exp') {
v4 = flash.display.BitmapData.loadBitmap('ch_' + v12.image + '_exp_' + mood2 + '.png');
var v9 = (v3[v2].indexOf('clothes') != -1 or v3[v2].indexOf('underwear') != -1) && v3[v2].indexOf('shade') == -1;
if ((who == 'e' && activatedCheats.sister || who == 'h' && activatedCheats.cousin) && v9) {
var v10 = adjustSaturation(-1);
if (who == 'e' && v3[v2].indexOf('bitcoin') != -1) {
v10 = adjustSaturation(-2.5);
if (v3[v2].indexOf('maid') != -1) {
v10 = adjustSaturation(-0.7);
v4.applyFilter(v4, v4.rectangle, new flash.geom.Point(0, 0), v10);
} else {
if (who == 'h' && activatedCheats.cousin && v3[v2].indexOf('hair') != -1) {
var v10 = adjustSaturation(2.1);
v4.applyFilter(v4, v4.rectangle, new flash.geom.Point(0, 0), v10);
} else {
var v13 = flash.display.BitmapData.loadBitmap('item_' + who + '.png');
if (v13 == undefined) {
v13 = flash.display.BitmapData.loadBitmap(who + '.png');
var v39 = this[currentFilter + 'Filter'];
var v22 = new flash.filters.ColorMatrixFilter(v39);
if (xFlipped || yFlipped) {
var v27 = 1;
var v26 = 1;
var v35 = 0;
var v37 = 0;
if (xFlipped) {
v27 = -1;
v35 = v13.width;
if (yFlipped) {
v26 = -1;
v37 = v13.height;
var v20 = new flash.geom.Matrix();
v20.scale(v27, v26);
v20.translate(v35, v37);
var v16 = new flash.display.BitmapData(v13.width, v13.height, true, 0);
v16.draw(v13, v20);
v16.applyFilter(v16, v16.rectangle, new flash.geom.Point(0, 0), v22);
m.attachBitmap(v16, 1, auto, true);
v6.bitmap = v16;
} else {
v13.applyFilter(v13, v13.rectangle, new flash.geom.Point(0, 0), v22);
m.attachBitmap(v13, 1, auto, true);
v6.bitmap = v13;
if (!isNaN(Number(yPos))) {
v6._y = yPos;
v6.y = v6._y;
} else {
if (yPos == 'below') {
v6._y = screenHeight;
v6.y = v6._y;
} else {
if (yPos == 'bottom') {
v6._y = screenHeight - v6._height;
setXTag = true;
if (xPos == undefined or xPos == '') {
if (v25 == undefined) {
xPos = 'center';
} else {
xPos = v25;
setXTag = false;
if (!isNaN(Number(xPos))) {
v6._x = xPos;
} else {
if (xPos.substr(0, 1) == 'p') {
var v38 = 5;
var v30 = Number(xPos.substr(1));
v6._x = (screenWidth / (v38 + 1)) * v30;
} else {
if (xPos == 'left') {
v6._x = screenWidth / 3;
} else {
if (xPos == 'right') {
v6._x = (screenWidth / 3) * 2;
} else {
if (xPos == 'rightOutside') {
v6._x = screenWidth;
} else {
if (xPos == 'leftOutside') {
v6._x = -characterWidth;
} else {
if (xPos == 'center') {
v6._x = screenWidth / 2;
if (setXTag) {
v6.x = v6._x;
if (scaleToFullScreen) {
m.originalHeight = m._height;
if (isCharacter && mood != 'hi') {
var v28 = (basicGameData.characterHeight / m._height) * v6.zoom;
setZoom2F(who, v6.zoom, v14);
} else {
heightStretchToFit = v13.height;
var v28 = screenHeight / heightStretchToFit;
m._yscale = 100 * v28;
m._xscale = m._yscale;
v6.yscale = m._xscale;
v6.xscale = v6.yscale;
function setZoomF(who, zoom) {
setZoom2F(who, zoom);
function setAlphaF(what, alph) {
setAlpha2F(what, alph);
function setAlpha2F(what, alph, fo) {
if (fo == undefined) {
fo = foregroundObjects;
var v1 = fo[what];
v1._alpha = alph * 100;
v1.alph = alph;
function setZoom2F(who, zoom, fo) {
if (fo == undefined) {
fo = foregroundObjects;
var v2 = fo[who];
var v1 = fo[who].latest;
v2.zoom = zoom;
var v3 = (basicGameData.characterHeight / v1.originalHeight) * v2.zoom;
v1._yscale = 100 * v3;
v1._xscale = v1._yscale;
v1._x = -v1._width / 2;
var v5 = basicGameData.characterFace.y * v3;
var v9 = 60;
var v8 = screenHeight / 2.5;
var v7 = zoom / 3;
var v6 = valueBetween(v9, v8, v7);
v1._y = v6 - v5;
v2.yscale = v1._xscale;
v2.xscale = v2.yscale;
function valueBetween(v1, v2, p) {
var v1 += v2 * p;
return v1;
function setFilterF(filter) {
currentFilter = filter;
function playSoundF(sound) {
if (!skipping) {
function playSound2F(sound) {
var v2 = soundMC[sound];
if (v2 == undefined) {
v2 = soundMC.createEmptyMovieClip(sound, soundMC.getNextHighestDepth());
var v1 = new Sound(v2);
v1.attachSound(sound + '.wav');
if (v1.duration == undefined) {
v1.attachSound(sound + '.mp3');
v1.setVolume(globalSave.sfxVolume * masterVolume);
function addButtonF(button, url, xPos, yPos) {
var v2 = buttons.getNextHighestDepth();
var v1 = buttons.attachMovie(button, 'button' + v2, v2);
if (xPos == 'right') {
v1._x = screenWidth - v1._width - 10;
v1.x = v1._x;
if (yPos == 'allTheWayDown') {
v1._y = screenHeight - v1._height;
v1.y = v1._y;
v1.onRelease = function () {
function screenIsALinkF(url) {
mouseChecker.onRelease = function () {
getURL(url, '_blank');
function pauseF(seconds) {
if (skipping) {
var v2 = crap.getNextHighestDepth();
var c = crap.createEmptyMovieClip('crap' + v2, v2);
c.t = 0;
c.onEnterFrame = function () {
if (c.t == 2) {
delete this.onEnterFrame;
} else {
pause2F(int(seconds * fps));
function pause2F(frames) {
var v2 = createEmptyMovieClip('pauseHandler', pauseHandlerLayer);
v2.t = 0;
if (frames == undefined) {
frames = 0;
v2.goal = frames;
v2.onEnterFrame = function () {
if (!gamePaused) {
if (skipping or (!outOfMenuIntoGame or this.goal == 0) && (myKeys.SPACE or mouseClick or myKeys.ENTER)) {
delete this.onEnterFrame;
} else {
if (this.t == this.goal) {
delete this.onEnterFrame;
function stopMusicF(method, time) {
stopMusic2F(method, time);
function stopMusic2F(method, time) {
musicPlaying = false;
if (skipping) {
method = '';
if (method == 'fadeOut' or method == 'fade') {
if (time == undefined) {
time = 1;
time = int(time * fps);
var v3 = soundMC.createEmptyMovieClip(musicBeingFadedOut + 'Fade', soundMC.getNextHighestDepth());
v3.t = 0;
musicBeingFadedOut = currentlyPlaying;
v3.onEnterFrame = function () {
var v2 = int(easeInOutSine(this.t, globalSave.musicVolume, -globalSave.musicVolume, time));
sounds[musicBeingFadedOut].setVolume(soundMC[musicBeingFadedOut].vol * v2 * masterVolume);
if (v2 <= 0) {
musicBeingFadedOut = 'none';
delete this.onEnterFrame;
} else {
currentlyPlaying = 'none';
function changeNameF(who, newName) {
changeName2F(who, newName);
function changeName2F(who, newName) {
characterData[who].pName = newName;
function languageScreenF() {
attachMovie(languageScreen, 'bg', dialogueLayer);
bg.ja.onPress = function () {
currentLanguage = this._name;
bg.en.onPress = bg.ja.onPress;
function playMusicF(music, vol) {
playMusic2F(music, vol);
function playMusic2F(music, vol) {
if (vol > 1) {
vol /= 100;
if (vol == undefined) {
vol = 1;
if (musicBeingFadedOut == music) {
var v4 = soundMC[musicBeingFadedOut + 'Fade'];
delete v4.onEnterFrame;
musicBeingFadedOut = '';
currentlyPlaying = music;
musicPlaying = true;
var v2 = soundMC[music];
if (v2 == undefined) {
v2 = soundMC.createEmptyMovieClip(music, soundMC.getNextHighestDepth());
sounds[music] = new Sound(v2);
var v5 = sounds[music];
v5.attachSound(music + '.wav');
if (v5.duration == undefined) {
v5.attachSound(music + '.mp3');
} else {
var v5 = sounds[music];
v2.vol = vol;
v5.setVolume(globalSave.musicVolume * v2.vol * masterVolume);
v5.start(0, 9990);
function setVolumeF(vol, method) {
var v2 = soundMC[currentlyPlaying];
if (method == 'fade') {
var b = crap.createEmptyMovieClip('musicFader', crap.getNextHighestDepth()); = v2;
b.currentVol = v2.vol;
b.desiredVol = vol;
b.t = 0;
b.onEnterFrame = function () {
var v2 =;
v2.vol = easeInOutSine(this.t, this.currentVol, this.desiredVol - this.currentVol, 0.5 * fps);
if (Math.round(v2.vol * 100) == Math.round(this.desiredVol * 100)) {
v2.vol = this.desiredVol;
var v3 = true;
sounds[currentlyPlaying].setVolume(globalSave.musicVolume * v2.vol * masterVolume);
if (v3) {
delete this.onEnterFrame;
} else {
v2.vol = vol;
v2.setVolume(globalSave.musicVolume * v2.vol * masterVolume);
function removeF(char, method, seconds) {
if (seconds == undefined) {
seconds = 0.3;
if (method == undefined) {
method = 'fade';
time = int(seconds * fps);
foregroundObjects[char].remove = true;
if (method == 'fade') {
foregroundObjects[char].pseudoAlpha = 100;
foregroundObjects[char].incrementAlpha = 100 / time;
foregroundObjects[char].onEnterFrame = function () {
this._x -= 1;
this.pseudoAlpha -= this.incrementAlpha;
this._alpha = this.pseudoAlpha;
if (this._alpha <= 0) {
} else {
var v2 = 0;
while (v2 <= foregroundObjectsA.length) {
if (foregroundObjectsA[v2].remove) {
foregroundObjectsA.splice(v2, 1);
v2 = foregroundObjectsA.length;
function removeAllCharsF() {
function removeAllChars2F() {
foregroundObjects = gw.createEmptyMovieClip('foregroundObjects', foregroundObjectLayer);
foregroundObjectsA = new Array();
this.createEmptyMovieClip('buttons', buttonLayer);
effects = gw.createEmptyMovieClip('effects', effectsLayer);
backgroundEffects = gw.createEmptyMovieClip('backgroundEffects', backgroundEffectsLayer);
function changeBgF(scene, method, time, xFlipped, yFlipped, xPos, yPos, heightStretchToFit) {
scene2F(scene, method, time, false, xFlipped, yFlipped, xPos, yPos, heightStretchToFit);
function cgsF(base, method, ar, time, xFlipped, yFlipped, xPos, yPos, heightStretchToFit) {
var v5 = ar[0];
if (v5 == 0) {
v5 = base;
} else {
v5 = base + '_' + v5;
cgF(v5, method, time, xFlipped, yFlipped, xPos, yPos, heightStretchToFit, true);
var v1 = 1;
while (v1 < ar.length) {
var v2 = base + '_' + ar[v1];
addToCgF(v2, x, x, true);
function cgF(scene, method, time, xFlipped, yFlipped, xPos, yPos, heightStretchToFit, dontFireParseNext) {
if (!generalSave.cgNotificationShown) {
generalSave.cgNotificationShown = true;
notificationF('Press <Z>, <+> or <->; or use the mousewheel (Windows only) to zoom in/out of the picture.', true);
sceneF(scene, method, time, xFlipped, yFlipped, xPos, yPos, heightStretchToFit, dontFireParseNext);
generalSave.unlockedCg[scene] = true;
save3F(basicGameData.gameFile, 'general', generalSave);
function sceneF(scene, method, time, xFlipped, yFlipped, xPos, yPos, heightStretchToFit, dontFireParseNext) {
scene2F(scene, method, time, true, xFlipped, yFlipped, xPos, yPos, heightStretchToFit, dontFireParseNext);
function scene2F(scene, method, time, newScene, xFlipped, yFlipped, xPos, yPos, heightStretchToFit, dontFireParseNext) {
if (gw.fadeDealer) {
delete gw.fadeDealer.onEnterFrame;
if ((newScene or xPos != undefined or yPos != undefined) && != undefined) {
currentBackground = scene;
if (isNaN(time)) {
if (method == 'blackFade' || method == 'whiteFade') {
time = 1.2;
} else {
time = 0.6;
delete mouseChecker.onRelease;
if (method == 'pixellate' && !skipping) {
pixellateF(scene, xFlipped, yFlipped, xPos, yPos, heightStretchToFit);
} else {
if (method == 'fade' && !skipping) {
if (newScene) {
fadeF(scene, newScene, time, xFlipped, yFlipped, xPos, yPos, heightStretchToFit, dontFireParseNext);
} else {
if (method == 'blackFade' && !skipping) {
colorFadeF(scene, 'black', newScene, time, xFlipped, yFlipped, xPos, yPos, heightStretchToFit, dontFireParseNext);
} else {
if (method == 'whiteFade' && !skipping) {
colorFadeF(scene, 'white', newScene, time, xFlipped, yFlipped, xPos, yPos, heightStretchToFit, dontFireParseNext);
} else {
addBg(scene, newScene, xFlipped, yFlipped, xPos, yPos, heightStretchToFit, dontFireParseNext);
if (newScene) {
if (!dontFireParseNext) {
function jumpF(to) {
ifNests = 0;
parser = labels[to] - 1;
function endChoiceF() {
function endingF(endingName, endingNameWithSpaces, type) {
skipping = false;
var v2 = false;
if (!generalSave.endings[endingName]) {
generalSave.endings[endingName] = true;
generalSave.lastEnding = endingName;
if (generalSave.endingsA.length >= allUniqueEndings.length) {
generalSave.unlockedCommentary = true;
v2 = true;
if (!premiumPatron) {
notificationF('You have unlocked "Commentary" mode.');
save3F(basicGameData.gameFile, 'general', generalSave);
gameEnded = true;
var v3 = 'ending';
if (v2) {
v3 = 'allEndingsJustNow';
noticeDialogueF('ending', endingNameWithSpaces);
function choiceF(argument) {
if (argument && == undefined) {
var v2 = parser;
var v7 = true;
while (v7) {
var v3;
while (v3 == undefined) {
if (parsing['s' + v2][0] == 'endChoice') {
parser = v2 - 1;
v3 = 'shit';
v7 = false;
} else {
} else {
if (skipping && !generalSave.choiceNotificationShown) {
generalSave.choiceNotificationShown = true;
notificationF('Pro tip: If you\'re unsure of what the choice is about exactly, press <R> to bring up the dialog log.', true);
if (!globalSave.continueSkippingAfterChoices) {
skipping = false;
var v11 = '';
var v10 = 'middle';
var v9 = 'middle';
if ( != undefined) {
v11 =;
if (argument.xPos != undefined) {
v10 = argument.xPos;
if (argument.yPos != undefined) {
v9 = argument.yPos;
if (argument.rot != undefined) {
var v12 = argument.rot;
var v6 = new Array();
var v2 = parser + 1;
var v7 = true;
while (v7) {
this['choice' + m] = undefined;
var v3 = this['choice' + m];
while (v3 == undefined) {
if (parsing['s' + v2][0] == 'choice') {
if (parsing['s' + v2][2] == undefined or parsing['s' + v2][2] == '') {
v3 = v2;
} else {
var v4 = parsing['s' + v2][2];
if (v4 == 'once') {
v4 = '!choice' + v2;
var v5 = false;
v5 = evaluateConditionalF(v4);
if (v5) {
v3 = v2;
} else {
if (parsing['s' + v2][0] == 'endChoice') {
v3 = 'shit';
v7 = false;
attachChoiceF(v6, v11, v10, v9, v12);
function urlF(url) {
function url2F(url) {
if (url == 'patreonURL') {
url = patreonURL;
} else {
if (url == 'artistPatreonURL') {
url = artistPatreonURL;
if (url != '') {
getURL(url, '_blank');
function easeInOutSine(t, b, c, d) {
return (-c / 2) * (Math.cos(Math.PI * t / d) - 1) + b;
function effectF(target, method, strength1, strength2, time) {
if (method == 'joltRight') {
panF(target, 15, 0, 0.3);
} else {
if (method == 'joltLeft') {
panF(target, -15, 0, 0.3);
} else {
if (method == 'smallShake') {
shakeF(foregroundObjects[target], 5, 1, 19, true, true);
} else {
if (method == 'shake') {
if (strength1 == undefined) {
strength1 = 10;
if (time == undefined) {
time = 1;
if (strength2 == undefined) {
strength2 = 30;
shakeF(foregroundObjects[target], strength1, time, strength2, true, true);
} else {
function bitmapCopy(sourceMovieClip, w, h) {
if (w == undefined) {
w = sourceMovieClip._width;
if (h == undefined) {
h = sourceMovieClip._height;
var v1 = new flash.display.BitmapData(w, h, true, 16777215);
return v1;
function attachLensflare(x, y, strength) {
if (strength == undefined) {
strength = 1;
var v16 = effects.getNextHighestDepth();
var v19 = effects.attachMovie('lensflare', 'toBeCopied', v16);
var v15 = effects.createEmptyMovieClip('lensflare', v16 + 1);
var mover = v15.createEmptyMovieClip('mover', 500);
mover.x = x;
mover._x = mover.x;
mover.y = y;
mover._y = mover.y;
v15.flares = [];
var v8 = 0;
while (v8 <= 16) {
var v4 = v19['f' + v8];
var v5 = v15.createEmptyMovieClip('orb' + (v8 + 1), v8 + 1);
var v17 = bitmapCopy(v4);
v5.attachBitmap(v17, 1);
v5._alpha = v4._alpha;
v5.blendMode = 'screen';
v5._height = v5._width / 2;
v5._width = v5._height;
if (v8 == 3) {
v16 = backgroundEffects.getNextHighestDepth();
var n = backgroundEffects.createEmptyMovieClip('backgroundFlare', v16);
n._alpha = 0;
n.maxAlpha = v4._alpha;
v5.mate = n;
v17 = bitmapCopy(v4);
n.attachBitmap(v17, 1);
n.blendMode = 'screen';
n._height = n._width / 2;
n._width = n._height;
v15.flaresDist = [2.5, 1.2, 1, 1, 1, 0.6800000000000001, 0.64, 0.59, 0.3, 0.12, -0.1, -0.25, -0.31, -0.32, -0.5, -0.8, -1.12];
v15._visible = false;
v15.onEnterFrame = function () {
this._visible = true;
var v9 = {'x': screenWidth / 2, 'y': screenHeight / 2};
var v6 = {'x': this.mover._x, 'y': this.mover._y};
this.hit = 100;
var v14 = 150;
var v8 = 0;
while (v8 < foregroundObjectsA.length) {
var v2 = foregroundObjectsA[v8];
var v13 = new flash.geom.Point(v2.bitmap.rectangle.x, v2.bitmap.rectangle.y);
var v5 = new flash.geom.Point();
var v3 = 4;
var v12 = [-v3, -v3, v3, v3, 0, 0, v3, -v3];
var v11 = [v3, -v3, v3, -v3, v3, -v3, 0, 0];
n = 0;
while (n < 8) {
v5.x = (v6.x + v12[n] - v2._x) / (v2.xscale / 100);
v5.y = (v6.y + v11[n] - v2._y) / (v2.yscale / 100);
if (v2.bitmap.hitTest(v13, v14, v5)) {
this.hit -= 12.5;
if (this.hit < 100) {
var v16 = 6.25 * ((100 - this.hit) / 50);
if (this._alpha > this.hit) {
this._alpha -= v16;
} else {
if (this._alpha < this.hit) {
this._alpha += v16;
} else {
if (this._alpha < 100) {
this._alpha += 25;
if (this._alpha > 100) {
this._alpha = 100;
} else {
if (this._alpha < 0) {
this._alpha = 0;
var v15 = backgroundEffects.backgroundFlare;
var v17 = v15.maxAlpha / 100;
v15._alpha = (100 - this._alpha) * 1.1;
var v7 = 0;
while (v7 < this.flaresDist.length) {
var v4 = this.flares[v7];
var v10 = this.flaresDist[v7];
v4._x = v9.x + (v6.x - v9.x) * v10 - v4._width / 2;
v4._y = v9.y + (v6.y - v9.y) * v10 - v4._height / 2;
if (v4.mate != undefined) {
v4.mate._x = v4._x;
v4.mate._y = v4._y;
function removeScreenEffectsF() {
shakeF(gw, 0, 0, 0, false, false);
effects = gw.createEmptyMovieClip('effects', effectsLayer);
backgroundEffects = gw.createEmptyMovieClip('backgroundEffects', backgroundEffectsLayer);
function screenEffectF(method, a, b, c, d) {
screenEffect2F(method, a, b, c, d);
function screenEffect2F(method, a, b, c, d) {
if (method == 'whiteFlash') {
var col = 16777215;
var bc = crap.createEmptyMovieClip(what._name + 'Flash', crap.getNextHighestDepth());
with (bc) {
moveTo(0, 0);
lineTo(screenWidth, 0);
lineTo(screenWidth, screenHeight);
lineTo(0, screenHeight);
lineTo(0, 0);
bc._alpha = 70;
bc.t = 0;
bc.onEnterFrame = function () {
if (!gamePaused) {
if (this.t == 2) {
this._alpha = 100;
} else {
if (this.t >= 3) {
this._alpha -= this.t * 3;
if (this._alpha <= 0) {
delete this.onEnterFrame;
} else {
if (method == 'lensflare') {
attachLensflare(a, b, c);
} else {
if (method == 'verticalShakeBg') {
if (a == undefined) {
a = 25;
if (b == undefined) {
b = 1;
if (c == undefined) {
c = 35;
shakeF(bg, a, b, c, false, true);
} else {
if (method == 'constantShake') {
shakeF(gw, 8, 1000, 50, true, true);
} else {
if (method == 'verticalShake') {
if (a == undefined) {
a = 25;
if (b == undefined) {
b = 1;
if (c == undefined) {
c = 35;
shakeF(gw, a, b, c, false, true);
} else {
if (method == 'shakeBg') {
if (a == undefined) {
a = 25;
if (b == undefined) {
b = 1;
shakeF(bg, a, b, x, true, true);
} else {
if (method == 'shake') {
if (a == undefined) {
a = 25;
if (b == undefined) {
b = 1;
shakeF(gw, a, b, x, true, true);
} else {
if (method == 'shakeForeground') {
if (a == undefined) {
a = 25;
if (b == undefined) {
b = 1;
shakeF(foregroundObjects, a, b, x, true, true);
} else {
if (method == 'quake') {
if (a == undefined) {
a = 25;
if (b == undefined) {
b = 1;
shakeF(gw, a, b, x, true, true);
shakeF(foregroundObjects, a / 2, b, x, true, true);
} else {
if (method == 'injured') {
shakeF(gw, 20, x, true, true);
function doCallF(to) {
parser = labels[to] - 1;
function endCallF(to) {
if (variables.callNests > 0) {
parser = variables.homeNumber.pop();
} else {
function shakeF(what, intensity, time, freq, x, y) {
if (!skipping) {
var v2 = crap[what._name + 'Shaker'];
if (v2 != undefined) {
delete v2.onEnterFrame;
what._x = what.motoX;
what._y = what.motoY;
if (freq == undefined or freq == '') {
freq = 50;
what.motoX = what._x;
what.motoY = what._y;
var b = crap.createEmptyMovieClip(what._name + 'Shaker', crap.getNextHighestDepth());
b.t = 0;
b.tim = time * fps;
b.x = x;
b.y = y;
b.freq = freq;
b.onEnterFrame = function () {
this.shake = intensity * ((this.tim - this.t) / this.tim);
if (this.shake <= 0) {
what._x = what.motoX;
what._y = what.motoY;
delete this.onEnterFrame;
} else {
amp = this.shake;
freq = this.freq;
var t = this.t;
var v3 = amp * Math.sin(freq * 2 * t * 0.0174532925199433);
var v2 = amp * Math.cos(freq * 2 * t * 0.0174532925199433);
if (b.x) {
what._x = what.motoX - v3;
if (b.y) {
what._y = what.motoY - v2;
function tintF(what, color, alpha) {
if (alpha == undefined) {
alpha = 100;
var v1 = hexToRGB(color);
var v2 = new Color(what);
v2.setTint(v1[0], v1[1], v1[2], alpha);
function unTintF(what) {
var v1 = new Color(what);
v1.setTint(0, 0, 0, 0);
function hexToRGB(hex) {
r = hex >> 16;
temp = hex ^ r << 16;
g = temp >> 8;
b = temp ^ g << 8;
return [r, g, b];
function panAllF(time) {
var v5 = time;
if (v5 == undefined) {
v5 = 15;
var v4 = -(bg._width - screenWidth);
if (bg._x < 0) {
v4 = -v4;
pan2F('bg', v4, 0, v5);
var v1 = 0;
while (v1 < foregroundObjectsA.length) {
var v3 = foregroundObjectsA[v1].who;
var v2 = foregroundObjectsA[v1];
pan2F(v3, v4 / (1 + v2.zoom * 1.5), 0, v5);
function panF(target, xDistance, yDistance, seconds) {
pan2F(target, xDistance, yDistance, seconds);
function pan2F(target, xDistance, yDistance, seconds) {
seconds = int(seconds * fps);
var v3 = transitions[target];
if (v3 != undefined) {
v3.targ._x = v3.targ.x;
v3.targ._y = v3.targ.y;
delete v3.onEnterFrame;
if (target == 'bg') {
var targ = bg;
} else {
if (target == 'lensflare') {
g = effects.lensflare.mover;
var targ = g;
} else {
var targ = foregroundObjects[target];
if (skipping) {
targ.x += xDistance;
targ._x = targ.x;
targ.y += yDistance;
targ._y = targ.y;
} else {
d = transitions.getNextHighestDepth();
var v2 = transitions.createEmptyMovieClip(target, d);
v2.targ = targ;
v2.targ.x += xDistance;
v2.targ.y += yDistance;
v2.t = 0;
v2.motoX = v2.targ._x;
v2.motoY = v2.targ._y;
v2.xDist = xDistance;
v2.yDist = yDistance;
v2.dur = seconds;
v2.onEnterFrame = function () {
if (!gamePaused) {
this.targ._x = easeInOutSine(this.t, this.motoX, this.xDist, this.dur);
this.targ._y = easeInOutSine(this.t, this.motoY, this.yDist, this.dur);
if (this.t >= this.dur) {
this.targ._x = this.motoX + this.xDist;
this.targ._y = this.motoY + this.yDist;
if (this.remove) {
delete this.onEnterFrame;
function highlightChoiceF(order) {
var v1 = 0;
while (v1 < choiceBoxA.length) {
if (order != v1) {
choiceBoxA[v1].theText.htmlText = choiceBoxA[v1].choiceText;
choiceBoxA[order].theText.htmlText = choiceBoxA[order].choiceText;
currentlySelected = order;
function selectChoiceF(what, txt) {
if (outOfMenuIntoGame) {
registerInLog(txt, 'choice');
variables['choice' + what] = true;
parser = what;
function otherwiseF() {
var v2 = ifNests;
while (!false) {
var v1 = parsing['s' + parser][0];
if (v1 == undefined) {
if (v1 == 'whatIf') {
} else {
if (v2 == ifNests) {
if (v1 == 'endIf') {
} else {
if (v1 == 'endIf') {
function passF() {
function elseIfF(conditional) {
function endIfF(conditional) {
function evaluateConditionalF(cond) {
var v14 = false;
var v12 = [];
var v16 = 'or';
var v15 = cond.split('||');
if (v15.length < 2) {
v15 = cond.split('&&');
v16 = 'and';
v14 = true;
var v11 = 0;
while (v11 < v15.length) {
var v1 = v15[v11];
var v4 = false;
var v9 = variables;
if (v1.indexOf('cheats.') != -1) {
v9 = activatedCheats;
v1 = v1.substr(v1.indexOf('.') + 1);
if (v1 == '') {
v4 = true;
} else {
if (v1 == 'premium') {
v4 = true;
} else {
if (v1 == 'autoSaveExists') {
var v13 = checkWhichSave(basicGameData.gameFile, 'autoSave');
if (v13 != undefined) {
v4 = true;
} else {
if (v1 == 'showPatreon') {
if (!dontShowPatreon) {
v4 = true;
} else {
if (v1 == 'continueCheck') {
var v13 = checkWhichSave(basicGameData.gameFile, 'autoSave');
if (v13 != undefined) {
v4 = true;
} else {
if (v1.substr(0, 1) == '!') {
if (!v9[v1.substr(1, v1.length)]) {
v4 = true;
} else {
if (v1.indexOf('=') == -1 && v1.indexOf('>') == -1 && v1.indexOf('<') == -1) {
if (v9[v1]) {
v4 = true;
} else {
var v2 = '';
var v6 = '';
var v3 = '';
var v7 = ['>=', '<=', '==', '<', '>', '!=', '='];
var v5 = 0;
while (v5 < v7.length) {
var v8 = v1.indexOf(v7[v5]);
if (v8 != -1) {
v3 = v1.substr(0, v8);
v3 = v9[v3];
v6 = v1.substr(v8 + v7[v5].length, v1.length);
v2 = v7[v5];
v5 = v7.length;
if (v2 == '<' or v2 == '<=' or v2 == '>' or v2 == '>=') {
if (isNaN(Number(v3))) {
v3 = 0;
if (isNaN(Number(v6))) {
v6 = 0;
if (v2 == '') {
} else {
if (v2 == '<') {
if (v3 < v6) {
v4 = true;
} else {
if (v2 == '>') {
if (v3 > v6) {
v4 = true;
} else {
if (v2 == '>=') {
if (v3 >= v6) {
v4 = true;
} else {
if (v2 == '<=') {
if (v3 <= v6) {
v4 = true;
} else {
if (v2 == '=' or v2 == '==') {
if (v3 == v6) {
v4 = true;
} else {
if (v2 == '!=') {
if (v3 != v6) {
v4 = true;
var v10 = 0;
while (v10 < v12.length) {
if (v16 == 'and') {
if (!v12[v10]) {
v14 = false;
} else {
if (v16 == 'or') {
if (v12[v10]) {
v14 = true;
return v14;
function whatIfF(conditional) {
var v4 = false;
v4 = evaluateConditionalF(conditional);
if (v4) {
} else {
var v2 = 0;
var v3 = 0;
while (!false) {
var v1 = parsing['s' + parser][0];
if (v2 == 0) {
if (v1 == 'elseIf') {
whatIfF(parsing['s' + parser][1]);
} else {
if (v1 == 'otherwise') {
} else {
if (v1 == 'endIf') {
if (v1 == 'whatIf') {
} else {
if (v1 == 'endIf') {
if (v3 > 500) {
function incrementVariableF(variable, amount) {
if (variables[variable] == undefined) {
variables[variable] = amount;
} else {
variables[variable] += amount;
function setVariableF(variable, amount) {
setVariable2F(variable, amount);
function setVariable2F(variable, amount) {
if (amount == undefined) {
amount = true;
variables[variable] = amount;
function startGameAndJumpF(label) {
outOfMenuIntoGame = true;
function removeNoticeDialogueF() {
var v1 = getInstanceAtDepth(dialogueLayer);
v1._visible = true;
noticeDialogueActive = false;
function noticeDialogueF(d, a) {
currentlySelected = -1;
if (d == 'premium') {
var v17 = 'Premium choices lead to bonus content/branches/routes (that are not necessary to reach the end of the game). They are only available to those of our patrons who have pledged $5 (or more) to support us developing games like this one. If you would like to become a patron, please <a href=\'' + patreonURL + '\'>click here</a> (link opens in a new window).';
var v18 = 'If you choose to become a premium patron you can access the premium content immediately if you follow the instructions after pledging - you won\'t even have to restart the game. ';
var v4 = ['Return', 'Support us on Patreon'];
var types = ['ok', 'patreon'];
} else {
if (d == 'ending' || d == 'allEndingsJustNow') {
var v16 = 'ENDING: ' + a;
var v7 = '';
var v10 = ' Please consider <a href=\'' + patreonURL + '\'>supporting us on Patreon</a>.';
var types = ['restart', 'patreon'];
if (d == allEndingsJustNow) {
v7 = ' Congratulations! You can now play the game with commentary from the authors of the game (see the "Options" screen).';
if (patreonPledger) {
v10 = ' Thank you for pledging to support us on <a href=\'' + patreonURL + '\'>Patreon</a>! Without your support, we couldn\'t go on.';
var v17 = 'You\'ve unlocked ' + generalSave.endingsA.length + ' out of ' + allUniqueEndings.length + ' endings.' + v7 + ' Thank you for playing!' + v10;
var v4 = ['Main menu', 'Support us on Patreon'];
var options = types.length;
a = getInstanceAtDepth(dialogueLayer);
a._visible = false;
noticeDialogueActive = true;
this.createEmptyMovieClip('nd', noticeDialogueLayer);
nd.types = types;
nd.options = options;
var v3 = nd.attachMovie('noticeDialogue', 'nd', 1);
v3.head.htmlText = v16;
v3.main.html = true;
v3.main.htmlText = v17;
var v5 = new TextField.StyleSheet();
v5.setStyle('a:link', {'color': '#FF8774', 'textDecoration': 'none'});
v5.setStyle('a:hover', {'color': '#CCCCCC', 'textDecoration': 'none'});
v3.main.styleSheet = v5;
var v9 = v3.main.bottomScroll;
var v13 = 232;
var v11 = 81;
var v12 = 8;
v3.body._height = v11 + (v13 - v11) * ((v9 - 2) / (v12 - 2));
v3.main._height -= (v12 - v9) * 20;
var v14 = v3.head.bottomScroll;
if (v14 == 2) {
v3.body._height += v3.head._height / 2;
v3.main._y += v3.head._height / 2;
var i = 0;
while (i < options) {
var v2 = nd.attachMovie('noticeDialogueChoice', 'choice' + (i + 1), 2 + i, {'_y': v3.body._height});
v2._y += nd.choice1._height * i;
v2.i = i;
v2.main.htmlText = v4[i];
v2.onRollOver = function () {
nd['choice' + nd.currentlySelected].prevFrame();
nd.currentlySelected = this.i + 1;
v2.onPress = function () {
var v2 = nd.types[this.i];
if (v2 == 'ok') {
} else {
if (v2 == 'patreon') {
getURL(patreonURL, '_blank');
} else {
if (v2 == 'restart') {
nd.attachMovie('noticeDialogueBottom', 'bottom', 15, {'_y': v3.body._height + nd.choice1._height * options});
nd.currentlySelected = 0;
nd.onEnterFrame = function () {
if (nd.hidden) {
if (myKeys.ENTER or myKeys.SPACE) {
} else {
if (this.currentlySelected >= 1 && (myKeys.ENTER or myKeys.SPACE)) {
var v2 = this.types[this.currentlySelected - 1];
if (v2 == 'ok') {
} else {
if (v2 == 'patreon') {
getURL(patreonURL, '_blank');
} else {
if (v2 == 'restart') {
if (myKeys.DOWN) {
if (this.currentlySelected < this.options) {
this['choice' + this.currentlySelected].prevFrame();
this['choice' + this.currentlySelected].nextFrame();
} else {
if (myKeys.UP) {
if (this.currentlySelected >= 0) {
this['choice' + this.currentlySelected].prevFrame();
if (this.currentlySelected <= 1) {
this.currentlySelected = 1;
} else {
this['choice' + this.currentlySelected].nextFrame();
nd._x = screenWidth / 2 - nd._width / 2;
nd._y = screenHeight / 2 - nd._height / 2;
function attachChoiceF(choiceA, style, xPos, yPos, rot) {
this.createEmptyMovieClip('choiceMC', dialogueLayer); = style;
var premiumChoices = new Object();
choiceBoxA = new Array();
var v10 = 0;
var v11 = 0;
choiceMC.minusY = 0;
var v3 = 0;
while (v3 < choiceA.length) {
var v8 = parsing['s' + choiceA[v3]][2];
var v6 = style;
var v15 = false;
if (v8 == 'premium') {
premiumChoices['choice' + v3] = true;
v6 = 'Premium';
v15 = true;
var v2 = choiceMC.attachMovie('choiceBox' + v6, 'choiceBox' + v3, v3 + 1);
v2.premium = v15;
var v4 = v2.body._height;
v11 += v4;
if (v4 == undefined) {
v4 = v2._height;
v2._y = v10 + v3 * v4;
v2._x = 0;
v2.choiceText = parsing['s' + choiceA[v3]][1];
v2.theText.htmlText = v2.choiceText;
var v5 = v2.theText.bottomScroll;
var v7 = 4;
var v9 = v2._height / v7;
choiceMC.minusY = (v7 - v5) * v9;
v10 += v2.body._height - v4;
v2.i = v3;
v2.body.onRollOver = function () {
v2.body.onPress = function () {
if (!this.premium || this._parent.premium && premiumPatron) {
selectChoiceF(choiceA[this._parent.i], this._parent.choiceText);
} else {
if (rot != undefined) {
choiceMC._rotation = rot;
if (!isNaN(Number(yPos))) {
choiceMC._y = yPos;
} else {
if (yPos == 'middle') {
choiceMC._y = int(screenHeight / 2 - (choiceMC._height - choiceMC.minusY) / 2);
} else {
if (yPos == 'almostBottom') {
choiceMC._y = screenHeight - (v11 + 20);
} else {
if (yPos == 'bottom') {
choiceMC._y = screenHeight - v11;
if (!isNaN(Number(xPos))) {
choiceMC._x = xPos;
} else {
if (xPos == 'middle') {
choiceMC._x = (screenWidth - choiceMC._width) / 2;
} else {
if (xPos == 'left') {
choiceMC._x = 10;
} else {
if (xPos == 'right') {
choiceMC._x = screenWidth - (choiceMC._width + 10);
if (lastAction == 'key') {
} else {
currentlySelected = -1;
choiceMC.onEnterFrame = function () {
if (!gamePaused && !noticeDialogueActive) {
if (currentlySelected >= 0 && (myKeys.ENTER or myKeys.SPACE)) {
var v1 = premiumChoices['choice' + currentlySelected];
if (!v1 || v1 && premiumPatron) {
selectChoiceF(choiceA[currentlySelected], choiceMC['choiceBox' + currentlySelected].choiceText);
} else {
if (myKeys.DOWN) {
if (currentlySelected < choiceBoxA.length - 1) {
} else {
if (myKeys.UP) {
if (currentlySelected > 0) {
} else {
if (currentlySelected == -1) {
currentlySelected = 0;
function sceneClipF(clip, playOnceBeforeParseNext) {
bg = gw.createEmptyMovieClip('bg', bgLayer);
var c = bg.attachMovie(clip, 'clip', bg.getNextHighestDepth());
c.onEnterFrame = function () {
if (c._currentframe == c._totalframes or !outOfMenuIntoGame && (myKeys.SPACE or mouseClick or myKeys.ENTER)) {
delete this.onEnterFrame;
} else {
function addToCgF(b, method, time, dontFireOffParseNext, otherBg) {
var v3 = false;
var v2 = b;
if (!activatedCheats.skinnyTail) {
if (v2.indexOf('cattail') != -1) {
v3 = true;
if (!activatedCheats.glasses) {
if (v2.indexOf('glasses') != -1) {
v3 = true;
if (!activatedCheats.fluffyTail) {
if (v2.indexOf('dogtail') != -1) {
v3 = true;
if (!activatedCheats.elf) {
if (v2.indexOf('elfears') != -1) {
v3 = true;
if (!activatedCheats.fluffyTail && !activatedCheats.skinnyTail) {
if (v2.indexOf('catears') != -1) {
v3 = true;
if (activatedCheats.nude or activatedCheats.topNude) {
if (v2.indexOf('bra') != -1) {
if (v2.indexOf('face_bra') != -1 or v2.indexOf('doggy_braoff') != -1 or v2.indexOf('by_fire_bra') != -1) {
v3 = true;
} else {
if (v2.indexOf('doggy_boobsinbra') != -1) {
v2 = 'doggy_jungle_freeboobs';
} else {
var v12 = v2.indexOf('bra');
var v11 = v2.slice(0, v12);
v2 = v11 + 'freeboobs';
if (activatedCheats.nude or activatedCheats.bottomNude) {
if (v2.indexOf('pants') != -1) {
v3 = true;
if (activatedCheats.shaved) {
if (v2.indexOf('pubes') != -1) {
v3 = true;
if (v3) {
if (method == undefined && !dontFireOffParseNext) {
} else {
var v14 = true;
var v4 = bg;
if (otherBg != undefined) {
v4 = otherBg;
if (time == undefined) {
time = 0.6;
time = int(time * fps);
var v6 = flash.display.BitmapData.loadBitmap(v2 + '.png');
if (v6 == undefined) {
v6 = flash.display.BitmapData.loadBitmap('cg_' + v2 + '.png');
if (method != 'fade') {
} else {
if (method == 'fade') {
var v5 = gw.createEmptyMovieClip('fadeDealer', pixelDealerLayer);
var v8 = flash.display.BitmapData.loadBitmap(v4.backgroundContainer.image);
v5.attachBitmap(v8, 1);
var v10 = screenHeight / v4.heightStretchToFit;
v5._yscale = 100 * v10;
v5._xscale = v5._yscale;
v5.t = 0;
v5.t2 = 0;
v5.onEnterFrame = function () {
if (!gamePaused) {
if (this.t == 0) {
this._alpha = easeInOutSine(this.t2, 100, -100, time);
if (this._alpha <= 0) {
this.t = 1;
} else {
if (this.t == 1) {
this.t = 2;
delete this.onEnterFrame;
if (!dontFireOffParseNext) {
if (v4.xFlipped) {
var v7 = new flash.geom.Matrix();
v7.scale(-1, 1);
v7.translate(v4.backgroundContainer.xFlippedBmp.width, 0);
v4.backgroundContainer.xFlippedBmp.draw(v6, v7);
} else {
if (method == undefined && !dontFireOffParseNext) {
function addBg(b, newScene, xFlipped, yFlipped, xPos, yPos, heightStretchToFit, temp, forScreenshot) {
if (xFlipped) {
} else {
xFlipped = false;
if (yFlipped) {
} else {
yFlipped = false;
var v13 = 2;
var v1 = bg;
if (forScreenshot) {
v1 = crap.createEmptyMovieClip('bg', crap.getNextHighestDepth());
} else {
if (!temp) {
v1 = gw.createEmptyMovieClip('bg', bgLayer);
} else {
var v8 = v1.getNextHighestDepth();
var v19 = v1.getInstanceAtDepth(v8 - 1);
var v4 = v8 - 2;
while (v4 >= 0) {
var v3 = v1.getInstanceAtDepth(v4);
if (v3 != undefined) {
v13 = v8;
v1.xFlipped = xFlipped;
v1.yFlipped = yFlipped;
var v2 = v1.createEmptyMovieClip('container' + v13, v13);
v1.backgroundContainer = v2;
if (!forScreenshot) {
currentBackground = b;
v1.addedCgA = new Array();
var v5 = b + '.png';
v2.imageBmp = flash.display.BitmapData.loadBitmap(v5);
if (v2.imageBmp == undefined) {
v5 = 'bg_' + b + '.png';
v2.imageBmp = flash.display.BitmapData.loadBitmap(v5);
if (v2.imageBmp == undefined) {
v5 = 'cg_' + b + '.png';
v2.imageBmp = flash.display.BitmapData.loadBitmap(v5);
v2.image = v5;
if (v2.imageBmp == undefined) {
v2.attachMovie(b, 'bg', 1);
if (xFlipped) { =; =;
} else {
if (xFlipped || yFlipped) {
var v11 = new flash.geom.Matrix();
var v18 = 1;
var v17 = 1;
var v15 = 0;
var v16 = 0;
if (xFlipped) {
v18 = -1;
v15 = v2.imageBmp.width;
if (yFlipped) {
v17 = -1;
v16 = v2.imageBmp.height;
v11.scale(v18, v17);
v11.translate(v15, v16);
v2.xFlippedBmp = new flash.display.BitmapData(v2.imageBmp.width, v2.imageBmp.height, true, 0);
v2.xFlippedBmp.draw(v2.imageBmp, v11);
v2.attachBitmap(v2.xFlippedBmp, 1, auto, true);
} else {
v2.attachBitmap(v2.imageBmp, 1, auto, true);
if (heightStretchToFit == undefined) {
heightStretchToFit = v2._height;
v1.heightStretchToFit = heightStretchToFit;
var v20 = screenHeight / heightStretchToFit;
v2._yscale = 100 * v20;
v2._xscale = v2._yscale;
if (yPos != undefined) {
if (yPos == 'bottom') {
yPos = screenHeight - v1._height;
v1._y = yPos;
v1.y = v1._y;
} else {
if (newScene) {
v1._y = 0;
v1.y = 0;
if (xPos != undefined && xPos != '') {
if (xPos == 'right') {
xPos = screenWidth - v1._width;
} else {
if (xPos == 'center') {
xPos = int((screenWidth - v1._width) / 2);
v1._x = xPos;
v1.x = v1._x;
} else {
if (newScene) {
v19._x += v1._x;
v1._x = 0;
v1.x = 0;
if (forScreenshot) {
return v1;
} else {
return v2;
function calculateF(variable, expression, integer) {
var v7 = '';
var v2 = '';
var v1 = '';
var v8 = '';
var v4 = ['+', '-', '/', 'x', '*'];
var v3 = 0;
while (v3 < v4.length) {
var v5 = expression.indexOf(v4[v3]);
if (v5 != -1) {
v2 = expression.substr(0, v5);
if (isNaN(Number(v2))) {
v2 = variables[v2];
if (isNaN(Number(v2))) {
v2 = 0;
v2 = Number(v2);
v7 = v4[v3];
v1 = expression.substr(v5 + v4[v3].length, expression.length);
if (isNaN(Number(v1))) {
v1 = variables[v1];
if (isNaN(Number(v1))) {
v1 = 0;
v1 = Number(v1);
v3 = v4.length;
if (v7 == '') {
v8 = expression;
} else {
if (v7 == '+') {
v8 = v2 + v1;
} else {
if (v7 == '-') {
v8 = v2 - v1;
} else {
if (v7 == '/') {
v8 = v2 / v1;
} else {
if (v7 == '*' or v7 == 'x') {
v8 = v2 * v1;
if (integer) {
v8 = int(v8);
variables[variable] = v8;
function fadeF(newBg, newScene, time, xFlipped, yFlipped, xPos, yPos, heightStretchToFit, dontFireParseNext) {
var v2 = addBg(newBg, newScene, xFlipped, yFlipped, xPos, yPos, heightStretchToFit, true);
time = int(time * fps);
var v3 = pixelDealerLayer;
if (!newScene) {
v3 = pixelBehindDealerLayer;
fadeDealer = gw.createEmptyMovieClip('fadeDealer', v3);
if (xPos != undefined or yPos != undefined) {
v2._alpha = 0;
fadeDealer.targ = v2;
fadeDealer.t = 0;
fadeDealer.t2 = 0;
fadeDealer.onEnterFrame = function () {
if (!gamePaused) {
if (this.t == 0) {
if (!outOfMenuIntoGame && (myKeys.SPACE or mouseClick or myKeys.ENTER)) {
this.t = 1;
this.targ._alpha = 100;
} else {
this.targ._alpha = int(easeInOutSine(this.t2, 0, 100, time));
if (this.targ._alpha >= 100) {
this.t = 1;
} else {
if (this.t == 1) {
if (newScene && !dontFireParseNext) {
addBg(newBg, true, xFlipped, yFlipped, xPos, yPos, heightStretchToFit);
this.t = 2;
delete this.onEnterFrame;
if (newScene && !dontFireParseNext) {
function colorFadeF(newBg, color, newScene, time, xFlipped, yFlipped, xPos, yPos, heightStretchToFit, dontFireParseNext) {
time = int(time * fps);
var layer = pixelDealerLayer;
if (!newScene) {
layer = pixelBehindDealerLayer;
fadeDealer = gw.createEmptyMovieClip('fadeDealer', layer);
fadeDealer._alpha = 0;
fadeDealer.pseudoAlpha = 0;
fadeDealer.t = 0;
fadeDealer.incrementAlpha = (100 / time) * 2;
var c = 0;
if (color == 'black') {
} else {
if (color == 'white') {
var c = 16777215;
with (fadeDealer) {
moveTo(-500, -500);
lineTo(screenWidth + 500, -500);
lineTo(screenWidth + 500, screenHeight + 500);
lineTo(-500, screenHeight + 500);
lineTo(-500, -500);
fadeDealer.onEnterFrame = function () {
if (!gamePaused) {
if (this.t == 0) {
if (skipping) {
this.t = 1;
if (!outOfMenuIntoGame && (myKeys.SPACE or mouseClick or myKeys.ENTER)) {
this.t = 1;
this._alpha = 100;
this.pressed = true;
} else {
this.pseudoAlpha += this.incrementAlpha;
this._alpha = int(this.pseudoAlpha);
if (this._alpha >= 100) {
this.t = 1;
} else {
if (this.t == 1) {
if (newScene) {
addBg(newBg, newScene, xFlipped, yFlipped, xPos, yPos, heightStretchToFit);
this.t = 2;
} else {
if (this.t == 2) {
this.pseudoAlpha -= this.incrementAlpha;
this._alpha = int(this.pseudoAlpha);
if (this._alpha <= 0 or this.pressed or skipping) {
delete this.onEnterFrame;
if (newScene && !dontFireParseNext) {
function checkIfNextFewItemsAreAddToCg(parsePlus) {
var v3 = parser;
var v2 = true;
while (v2) {
var v1 = parsing['s' + v3];
if (v1[0] == 'addToCg' && v1[2] != 'fade') {
addToCgF(v1[1], x, x, true);
if (parsePlus) {
} else {
if (v1[0] == 'screenEffect' && v1[1] == 'lensflare' || v1[0] == 'item') {
} else {
v2 = false;
function pixellateF(newBg, xFlipped, yFlipped, xPos, yPos) {
this.createEmptyMovieClip('pixelDealer', pixelDealerLayer);
pixelDealer.t = 10000;
pixelDealer.f = 1;
pixelDealer.scaler = 0;
scaleA = [0.5, 0.3, 0.2, 0.1, 0.05, 0.02, 0.01, 0.002];
pixelDealer.onEnterFrame = function () {
if (!gamePaused) {
if (this.t >= 2) {
this.t = 0;
if (this.f == 1) {
if (this.scaler == scaleA.length) {
addBg(newBg, true, xFlipped);
this.f = 2;
this.scaler -= 2;
} else {
if (this.f == 2) {
if (this.scaler < 0) {
bg.container._yscale = 100;
bg.container._xscale = 100;
this.f = 3;
} else {
if (this.f >= 3) {
if (this.f == 8) {
delete this.onEnterFrame;
function pixellyF(scale) {
this.createEmptyMovieClip('pix', pixellationLayer);
bg.container._yscale = 100 * scale;
bg.container._xscale = bg.container._yscale;
myBitmap = new flash.display.BitmapData(screenWidth * scale, screenHeight * scale, false, 16777215);
pix.attachBitmap(myBitmap, 5);
pix._width = screenWidth;
pix._height = screenHeight;
function unactivateCheat(ch) {
ch.activated = false;
var v1 = ch.effect;
activatedCheats[v1] = false;
variables[v1] = false;
setVariable2F('fcousin', 'cousin');
setVariable2F('mcousin', 'cousin');
setVariable2F('fcuz', 'cuz');
setVariable2F('mcuz', 'cuz');
setVariable2F('cousins', 'cousins');
setVariable2F('firstCousins', 'first cousins');
setVariable2F('sophOrSis', 'Soph');
setVariable2F('myCousin', 'Sophie');
setVariable2F('catgirl', false);
function activateCheat(ch) {
var v2 = ch.effect;
ch.activated = true;
activatedCheats[v2] = true;
variables[v2] = true;
notificationF('Cheat: "' + v2 + '" activated.');
cheatstring = '';
if (v2 == 'nude') {
} else {
if (v2 == 'topNude') {
} else {
if (v2 == 'bottomNude') {
} else {
if (v2 == 'shaved') {
} else {
if (v2 == 'friend') {
setVariable2F('fcousin', 'friend');
setVariable2F('mcousin', 'friend');
setVariable2F('fcuz', 'Soph');
setVariable2F('mcuz', 'man');
setVariable2F('cousins', 'friends');
setVariable2F('firstCousins', 'friends');
setVariable2F('sophOrSis', 'Soph');
setVariable2F('myCousin', 'Sophie');
} else {
if (v2 == 'sister') {
} else {
if (v2 == 'skinnyTail') {
setVariable2F('catgirl', true);
} else {
if (v2 == 'fluffyTail') {
setVariable2F('catgirl', true);
} else {
if (v2 == 'elf') {
} else {
if (v2 == 'daughter') {
setVariable2F('fcousin', 'daughter');
setVariable2F('mcousin', 'father');
setVariable2F('fcuz', 'my daughter');
setVariable2F('mcuz', 'dad');
setVariable2F('cousins', 'father and daughter');
setVariable2F('firstCousins', 'father and daughter');
setVariable2F('sophOrSis', 'Soph');
setVariable2F('myCousin', 'my daughter');
} else {
if (v2 == 'unlockAllCgs') {
var v1 = 0;
while (v1 < allCgs.length) {
generalSave.unlockedCg[allCgs[v1].base[0]] = true;
function regCheat(cheat, effect) {
cheatsO[effect] = new Object();
var v2 = cheatsO[effect];
cheatsO[effect].cheat = cheat;
cheatsO[effect].effect = effect;
cheatsO[effect].activated = false;
function adjustHue(angle) {
angle *= 0.0174532925199433;
var v1 = Math.cos(angle);
var v2 = Math.sin(angle);
var v5 = 0.213;
var v4 = 0.715;
var v3 = 0.072;
var v8 = Array(v5 + v1 * (1 - v5) + v2 * -v5, v4 + v1 * -v4 + v2 * -v4, v3 + v1 * -v3 + v2 * (1 - v3), 0, 0, v5 + v1 * -v5 + v2 * 0.143, v4 + v1 * (1 - v4) + v2 * 0.14, v3 + v1 * -v3 + v2 * -0.283, 0, 0, v5 + v1 * -v5 + v2 * -(1 - v5), v4 + v1 * -v4 + v2 * v4, v3 + v1 * (1 - v3) + v2 * v3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1);
var v6 = new flash.filters.ColorMatrixFilter(v8);
return v6;
function adjustSaturation(s) {
var v3 = 1 - s;
var v7 = 0.212671;
var v9 = 0.71516;
var v6 = 0.072169;
var v4 = v3 * v7;
var v1 = v3 * v9;
var v2 = v3 * v6;
var v10 = Array(v4 + s, v1, v2, 0, 0, v4, v1 + s, v2, 0, 0, v4, v1, v2 + s, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0);
var v8 = new flash.filters.ColorMatrixFilter(v10);
return v8;
Stage.scaleMode = 'noScale';
Stage.displayState = 'fullScreen';
screenWidth = 1024;
screenHeight = 576;
var myListener = new Object();
myListener.onResize = function () {
Object.prototype.clone = function () {
if (this instanceof Array) {
var v2 = [];
var v3 = 0;
while (v3 < this.length) {
v2[v3] = (typeof this[v3] == 'object') ? this[v3].clone() : this[v3];
return v2;
if (this instanceof Date) {
v2 = new Date(this.getTime());
return v2;
if (this instanceof XML || this instanceof MovieClip) {
v2 = null;
return v2;
v2 = {};
for (v3 in this) {
v2[v3] = (typeof this[v3] == 'object') ? this[v3].clone() : this[v3];
return v2;
ASSetPropFlags(Object.prototype, ['clone'], 1);
Color.prototype.setTint = function (r, g, b, amount) {
var v4 = 100 - amount;
var v2 = new Object(); = v4; =;
v2.ra =;
var v3 = amount / 100;
v2.rb = r * v3; = g * v3; = b * v3;
Color.prototype.removeTint = function () {
this.setTint(0, 0, 0, 0);
loading._visible = false;
this.onEnterFrame = function () {