Frame 1
flash4detect = "turntable_menuclosed";
sound = "1";
loaded = "1";
Frame 2
tellTarget ("_level0/loading") {
load_text = "LOADING TURNTABLE";
load_path = "_level0";
gotoAndPlay ("loading");
if (_framesloaded < _totalframes) {
gotoAndPlay(_currentframe - "1");
} else if (flash4detect == "turntable_menuclosed") {
} else {
ifFrameLoaded (3) {
gotoAndStop (3);
Frame 3
Frame 4
if (content_load eq "") {
level_step = "all_new";
content_load = "turntable_intro.swf";
content_text = "INTRO";
Frame 8
if (/:cart == "0") {
cart = "1";
load_path = "_level0/float/";
load_clip = "cart";
cart_path = load_path;
cart_movie = "cart.swf";
movie_load = "cart.swf";
content_text = "CART";
Frame 13
if ("1" < /:current_page) {
if (eval ("/:parent_history_" add (/:current_page - "1")) ne "") {
tellTarget (eval ("/:parent_history_" add (/:current_page - "1"))) {
gotoAndStop(eval ("/:step_history_" add (/:current_page - "2")));
} else {
tellTarget (/:level_path add /:content) {
gotoAndStop (1);
if (/:nonskip_page == /:current_page) {
Set("/:nonskip_page", /:current_page - "1");
} else {
Set("/:max_page", /:current_page - "1");
Set("/:nonskip_page", /:current_page - "1");
tellTarget ("/") {
alt_level_path = eval ("path_history_" add (current_page - "1"));
alt_level_clip = eval ("clip_history_" add (current_page - "1"));
content_load = eval ("content_history_" add (current_page - "1"));
level_step = eval ("step_history_" add (current_page - "1"));
parent_path = eval ("parent_history_" add (current_page - "1"));
current_page = current_page - "2";
current_sound = current_sound - "1";
Frame 18
submenu_path = "_level0/mainmenu/submenu";
tellTarget (submenu_path add submenu) {
gotoAndStop ("nothing");
setProperty("_level0/mainmenu/hilite", _y , submenu_hilite);
setProperty("_level0/mainmenu/hitsubmenu", _visible , "0");
if (eval ((submenu_path add submenu_load) add ":loaded") == "1") {
submenu = submenu_load;
tellTarget (submenu_path add submenu) {
gotoAndPlay ("opensubmenu");
} else {
submenu = submenu_load;
submenulayerdepth = submenulayerdepth + "1";
duplicateMovieClip (submenu_path, "submenu" add submenu, submenulayerdepth);
loadMovie (submenu, submenu_path add submenu);
tellTarget ("_level0/loading") {
load_text = "LOADING MENU";
load_path = /:submenu_path add /:submenu;
gotoAndPlay ("loading");
Frame 22
tellTarget ("/loading") {
load_path = /:load_path add /:movie;
gotoAndPlay ("loading");
tellTarget (/:level_path add /:content) {
if (_framesloaded < _totalframes) {
gotoAndPlay(_currentframe - "1");
Frame 28
movie = movie_load;
Set("/:content_text", "");
if (eval ((load_path add movie) add ":loaded") == "1") {
process = "PLAY";
tellTarget (/:load_path add /:movie) {
tellTarget ("/loading") {
gotoAndStop ("not_loading");
} else {
process = "LOAD";
window_layerdepth = window_layerdepth + "1";
duplicateMovieClip (load_path add load_clip, movie, window_layerdepth);
loadMovie (movie, load_path add movie);
tellTarget ("/loading") {
load_path = /:load_path add /:movie;
gotoAndPlay ("loading");
Set("/messagebox:message", ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((/:process add " ") add /:structure) add " page = ") add /:current_page) add chr("13")) add "load path-movie = ") add /:load_path) add "...") add /:movie) add " load clip = ") add /:load_clip) add chr("13")) add "alt path = ") add /:alt_level_path) add " alt clip = ") add /:alt_level_clip) add " parent path = ") add /:parent_path) add chr("13")) add "level path = ") add /:level_path) add "...") add /:content) add " level clip = ") add /:level_clip) add " step = ") add /:level_step) add chr("13")) add "sound path-movie = ") add /:sound_path) add "...") add /:sound_load) add "#") add /:current_sound) add " sound clip = ") add /:sound_clip) add chr("13")) add "loading path = ") add /loading:load_path) add chr("13")) add "depth = ") add /:window_layerdepth) add chr("13")) add "PAGESOUND= ") add eval ("page_sound_" add current_page));
Frame 36
tellTarget ("/:level_path & /:content") {
if (_framesloaded < /:level_step) {
gotoAndPlay(_currentframe - "1");
Frame 38
sound_path = "_level0/subsonic/";
load_path = sound_path;
sound_clip = "sonic";
load_clip = sound_clip;
movie_load = sound_load;
current_sound = current_sound + "1";
Set("sound_history_" add current_sound, sound_load);
Set("load_text_history_" add /:current_page, /:content_text);
Frame 48
if (content ne "") {
if (pagemenu_movie ne "") {
setProperty(pagemenu_path add pagemenu_movie, _visible , "0");
if ((alt_level_path eq "") or (alt_level_clip eq "")) {
structure = "SAME";
if (content ne content_load) {
structure = (("NORM (RESET " add /:level_path) add /:content) add ")";
tellTarget (level_path add content) {
gotoAndStop (1);
if (parent_path ne "") {
tellTarget (/:parent_path) {
gotoAndStop (1);
parent_path = "";
} else {
structure = "NESTED";
tellTarget (submenu_path add submenu) {
if (_totalframes <> _currentframe) {
gotoAndPlay ("closesubmenu");
if (alt_level_path eq "") {
level_path = "_level0/sub/";
} else {
level_path = alt_level_path;
alt_level_path = "";
if (alt_level_clip eq "") {
level_clip = "window";
} else {
level_clip = alt_level_clip;
alt_level_clip = "";
movie_load = content_load;
content = content_load;
current_page = current_page + "1";
Set("path_history_" add current_page, level_path);
Set("clip_history_" add current_page, level_clip);
Set("content_history_" add current_page, content);
Set("step_history_" add current_page, level_step);
Set("parent_history_" add current_page, parent_path);
load_path = level_path;
Set("load_text_history_" add /:current_page, /:content_text);
load_clip = level_clip;
Frame 50
form_path = /:level_path add /:content;
field1 = eval (form_path add ":name");
field2 = eval (form_path add ":street");
field3 = eval (form_path add ":city");
field4 = eval (form_path add ":state");
field5 = eval (form_path add ":zip");
field6 = eval (form_path add ":phone");
field7 = eval (form_path add ":email");
formcheck_num = "1";
while ("7" >= formcheck_num) {
if (eval ("field" add formcheck_num) eq "") {
Set(form_path add ":require", "1");
setProperty((form_path add "/hilite") add formcheck_num, _alpha , "100");
} else {
setProperty((form_path add "/hilite") add formcheck_num, _alpha , "0");
formcheck_num = formcheck_num + "1";
Frame 58
var = "1";
item_in_cart = "0";
while ((cart_items >= var) and (item_in_cart == "0")) {
if (eval ("product_frame_" add var) eq product_frame) {
item_in_cart = "1";
} else {
var = var + "1";
current_item = var;
if (item_in_cart == "0") {
cart_items = var;
Set("product_artist_" add var, product_artist);
Set("product_title_" add var, product_title);
Set("product_format_" add var, product_format);
Set("product_frame_" add var, product_frame);
Set("product_cost_" add var, product_cost);
Set("quantity_" add var, quantity);
tellTarget (cart_path add cart_movie) {
Frame 68
movie_load = pagemenu_movie;
level_path = pagemenu_path;
level_clip = "cart";
content_text = "PAGE MENU";
Symbol 4 MovieClip Frame 12
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 5 MovieClip Frame 1
if (load_path ne "") {
if (/:current_page <> "0") {
load_text = "LOADING " add eval ("/:load_text_history_" add /:current_page);
totalframes = getProperty(load_path, _totalframes);
Symbol 5 MovieClip Frame 3
framesloaded = getProperty(load_path, _framesloaded);
if ((framesloaded < totalframes) or (eval (load_path add ":loaded") <> "1")) {
gotoAndPlay(_currentframe - "1");
} else {
tellTarget (/:load_path add /:movie) {
if (/:sound_parent ne "") {
parent = /:sound_parent;
Set("/:sound_parent", "");
} else if (/:parent ne "") {
parent = /:parent;
Set("/:parent", "");
self_path = /:load_path add /:movie;
self = /:movie;
Symbol 5 MovieClip Frame 4
Symbol 17 Button
on (release) {
getURL ("mailto:");
Symbol 19 Button
on (release) {
gotoAndStop (3);
on (rollOver) {
setProperty("_level0/turntable", _alpha , "75");
on (rollOut) {
setProperty("_level0/turntable", _alpha , "100");
Symbol 29 Button
on (release) {
getURL ("", "flash");
Symbol 44 Button
on (rollOver) {
tellTarget ("_level0/mainmenu") {
submenu_close_path = "_level0/mainmenu/hitsubmenuOFF";
Symbol 46 Button
on (rollOver) {
tellTarget ("_level0/mainmenu") {
submenu_close_path = "_level0/mainmenu/hitsubmenuOFF";
Symbol 50 Button
on (release) {
tellTarget ("_level0") {
submenu_load = "home_menu.swf";
submenu_hilite = "27";
Symbol 51 Button
on (release) {
tellTarget ("_level0") {
submenu_load = "work_menu.swf";
submenu_hilite = "47";
Symbol 52 Button
on (release) {
tellTarget ("_level0") {
submenu_load = "playmenu.swf";
submenu_hilite = "67";
Symbol 56 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 56 MovieClip Frame 4
Set("/:killthrob", "1");
Symbol 56 MovieClip Frame 8
setProperty("/menu_tip", _visible , "0");
Symbol 56 MovieClip Frame 9
setProperty("_level0/mainmenu/hilite", _y , -"15");
Symbol 56 MovieClip Frame 15
setProperty("/mainmenubutton", _visible , "1");
setProperty("/hitmenu", _visible , "1");
setProperty("/hitsubmenu", _visible , "1");
Set("/:killthrob", "0");
Symbol 56 MovieClip Frame 18
if ((/:submenu_load ne "") and (eval ((/:submenu_path add /:submenu_load) add ":loaded") == "0")) {
tellTarget (submenu_close_path) {
gotoAndPlay(_currentframe - "1");
} else {
setProperty("_level0/mainmenu/hitmenuOFF", _visible , "0");
Set("/:mainmenu_on", "0");
tellTarget (/:submenu_path add /:submenu_load) {
gotoAndStop ("submenuOFF");
tellTarget ("_level0/mainmenu") {
gotoAndPlay ("closemenu");
Symbol 59 Button
on (rollOver) {
setProperty("_level0/hitmenu", _visible , "0");
setProperty("_level0/mainmenubutton", _visible , "0");
tellTarget ("_level0/mainmenu") {
gotoAndPlay ("openmenu");
Symbol 60 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 67 Button
on (release) {
if (((eval ("/:content_history_" add (/:current_page + "1")) ne "") and (/:nonskip_page >= /:current_page)) and (/:max_page >= /:current_page)) {
if (eval ("/:parent_history_" add (/:current_page + "1")) ne "") {
tellTarget (eval ("/:parent_history_" add (/:current_page + "1"))) {
gotoAndStop(eval ("/:step_history_" add (/:current_page + "1")));
} else if (eval ("/:content_history_" add (/:current_page + "1")) ne /:content) {
tellTarget (/:level_path add /:content) {
gotoAndStop (1);
tellTarget ("/") {
alt_level_path = eval ("path_history_" add (current_page + "1"));
alt_level_clip = eval ("clip_history_" add (current_page + "1"));
content_load = eval ("content_history_" add (current_page + "1"));
parent_path = eval ("parent_history_" add (current_page + "1"));
level_step = eval ("step_history_" add (current_page + "1"));
nonskip_page = current_page + "1";
on (press) {
Set("/messagebox:message", ((((((((((("> page = " add (/:current_page + "1")) add chr("13")) add "> level = ") add eval ("/:path_history_" add (/:current_page + "1"))) add " > content = ") add eval ("/:content_history_" add (/:current_page + "1"))) add chr("13")) add "> step = ") add eval ("/:step_history_" add (/:current_page + "1"))) add chr("13")) add "> parent = ") add eval ("/:parent_history_" add (/:current_page + "1")));
Symbol 68 MovieClip Frame 1
tellTarget ("/") {
if ((((eval ("content_history_" add (current_page + "1")) ne "") and (nonskip_page >= /:current_page)) and (/:max_page >= /:current_page)) and (eval ("content_history_" add (current_page + "1")) ne "sendlink.swf")) {
setProperty("/next_button", _visible , "1");
} else {
setProperty("/next_button", _visible , "0");
Symbol 71 Button
on (release) {
tellTarget ("/") {
on (press) {
Set("/messagebox:message", ((((((((((("< page = " add (/:current_page - "1")) add chr("13")) add "< level = ") add eval ("/:path_history_" add (/:current_page - "1"))) add " < content = ") add eval ("/:content_history_" add (/:current_page - "1"))) add chr("13")) add "< step = ") add eval ("/:step_history_" add (/:current_page - "1"))) add chr("13")) add "< parent = ") add eval ("/:parent_history_" add (/:current_page - "1")));
Symbol 72 MovieClip Frame 1
if ("1" < /:current_page) {
setProperty("/back_button", _visible , "1");
} else {
setProperty("/back_button", _visible , "0");
Symbol 80 Button
on (release) {
getURL ("mailto:");
Symbol 84 Button
on (release) {
if (sendlink == "0") {
sendlink = "1";
duplicateMovieClip ("/top/window", "sendlink", "50000");
movie_load = "sendlink.swf";
load_path = "/top/";
load_clip = "sendlink";
tellTarget ("/top/sendlink.swf") {
gotoAndPlay ("play");
Symbol 87 Button
on (release) {
link = (((("" add /:content_load) add "&level_step%3D") add /:level_step) add "&client_load%3D") add /:client_movie;
getURL (("javascript: window.external.AddFavorite('" add link) add "','')");
Symbol 90 Button
on (release) {
Symbol 93 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 93 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 93 MovieClip Frame 10
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 101 Button
on (release) {
Set("/:sound", "1");
gotoAndStop (7);
Symbol 102 Button
on (release) {
Set("/:sound", "0");
gotoAndStop (2);
Symbol 103 MovieClip Frame 1
if (_level0:sound == "1") {
gotoAndStop (7);
} else {
gotoAndStop (2);
Symbol 103 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 103 MovieClip Frame 7
Symbol 107 Button
on (release) {
tellTarget (eval (mp3_path add ":sound_path")) {
Symbol 110 Button
on (release) {
tellTarget (eval (mp3_path add ":sound_path")) {
if (_currentframe == _totalframes) {
} else {
Symbol 113 Button
on (release) {
tellTarget ("_level0") {
level_step = "playlist";
content_load = "mp3_playlist.swf";
content_text = "MP3 PLAYLIST";