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Flash #238442

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Tangerang was attacked by a horde of zombies today!

1028 people were killed, with
708 turned into zombies!
1 survivor found

This brings the total death toll of 69091

You Dominate the World in 100 Days

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© toge productions 2009

v 1.4



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$ 1.273.000

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Completed !
Mass Murderer III

<p align="left"><font face="Arial_10pt_st" size="10" color="#ffffff" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="0"><b>Programming</b></font></p><p align="left"><font face="Arial_12pt_st" size="12" color="#ffffff" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="0"><b>Sudarmin Then</b></font></p><p align="left"></p><p align="left"><font face="Arial_10pt_st" size="10" color="#ffffff" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="0"><b>Art &amp; Animation</b></font></p><p align="left"><font face="Arial_12pt_st" size="12" color="#ffffff" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="0"><b>Kris Antoni</b></font></p><p align="left"></p><p align="left"><font face="Arial_10pt_st" size="10" color="#ffffff" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="0"><b>Music</b></font></p><p align="left"><font face="Arial_12pt_st" size="12" color="#ff0000" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="0"><a href=""><b>Symphony Of Specters</b></a></font></p>

Additional Art & Animation
Timothy Bernard
Additional Music
Andrew Jeremy
Special Thanks to
Jonathan Hadiprawira



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Reward $2500

Status : Completed









$ 1000

























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ActionScript [AS3]

Section 1
//b2Mat22 (Box2D.Common.Math.b2Mat22) package Box2D.Common.Math { public class b2Mat22 { public var col1:b2Vec2; public var col2:b2Vec2; public function b2Mat22(_arg1:Number=0, _arg2:b2Vec2=null, _arg3:b2Vec2=null){ var _local4:Number; var _local5:Number; col1 = new b2Vec2(); col2 = new b2Vec2(); super(); if (((!((_arg2 == null))) && (!((_arg3 == null))))){ col1.SetV(_arg2); col2.SetV(_arg3); } else { _local4 = Math.cos(_arg1); _local5 = Math.sin(_arg1); col1.x = _local4; col2.x = -(_local5); col1.y = _local5; col2.y = _local4; }; } public function SetIdentity():void{ col1.x = 1; col2.x = 0; col1.y = 0; col2.y = 1; } public function Set(_arg1:Number):void{ var _local2:Number; var _local3:Number; _local2 = Math.cos(_arg1); _local3 = Math.sin(_arg1); col1.x = _local2; col2.x = -(_local3); col1.y = _local3; col2.y = _local2; } public function SetVV(_arg1:b2Vec2, _arg2:b2Vec2):void{ col1.SetV(_arg1); col2.SetV(_arg2); } public function SetZero():void{ col1.x = 0; col2.x = 0; col1.y = 0; col2.y = 0; } public function SetM(_arg1:b2Mat22):void{ col1.SetV(_arg1.col1); col2.SetV(_arg1.col2); } public function AddM(_arg1:b2Mat22):void{ col1.x = (col1.x + _arg1.col1.x); col1.y = (col1.y + _arg1.col1.y); col2.x = (col2.x + _arg1.col2.x); col2.y = (col2.y + _arg1.col2.y); } public function Abs():void{ col1.Abs(); col2.Abs(); } public function Copy():b2Mat22{ return (new b2Mat22(0, col1, col2)); } public function Invert(_arg1:b2Mat22):b2Mat22{ var _local2:Number; var _local3:Number; var _local4:Number; var _local5:Number; var _local6:Number; _local2 = col1.x; _local3 = col2.x; _local4 = col1.y; _local5 = col2.y; _local6 = ((_local2 * _local5) - (_local3 * _local4)); _local6 = (1 / _local6); _arg1.col1.x = (_local6 * _local5); _arg1.col2.x = (-(_local6) * _local3); _arg1.col1.y = (-(_local6) * _local4); _arg1.col2.y = (_local6 * _local2); return (_arg1); } public function GetAngle():Number{ return (Math.atan2(col1.y, col1.x)); } public function Solve(_arg1:b2Vec2, _arg2:Number, _arg3:Number):b2Vec2{ var _local4:Number; var _local5:Number; var _local6:Number; var _local7:Number; var _local8:Number; _local4 = col1.x; _local5 = col2.x; _local6 = col1.y; _local7 = col2.y; _local8 = ((_local4 * _local7) - (_local5 * _local6)); _local8 = (1 / _local8); _arg1.x = (_local8 * ((_local7 * _arg2) - (_local5 * _arg3))); _arg1.y = (_local8 * ((_local4 * _arg3) - (_local6 * _arg2))); return (_arg1); } } }//package Box2D.Common.Math
Section 2
//b2Math (Box2D.Common.Math.b2Math) package Box2D.Common.Math { public class b2Math { public static const b2Mat22_identity:b2Mat22 = new b2Mat22(0, new b2Vec2(1, 0), new b2Vec2(0, 1)); public static const b2XForm_identity:b2XForm = new b2XForm(b2Vec2_zero, b2Mat22_identity); public static const b2Vec2_zero:b2Vec2 = new b2Vec2(0, 0); public static function b2CrossVF(_arg1:b2Vec2, _arg2:Number):b2Vec2{ var _local3:b2Vec2; _local3 = new b2Vec2((_arg2 * _arg1.y), (-(_arg2) * _arg1.x)); return (_local3); } public static function AddVV(_arg1:b2Vec2, _arg2:b2Vec2):b2Vec2{ var _local3:b2Vec2; _local3 = new b2Vec2((_arg1.x + _arg2.x), (_arg1.y + _arg2.y)); return (_local3); } public static function b2IsValid(_arg1:Number):Boolean{ return (isFinite(_arg1)); } public static function b2MinV(_arg1:b2Vec2, _arg2:b2Vec2):b2Vec2{ var _local3:b2Vec2; _local3 = new b2Vec2(b2Min(_arg1.x, _arg2.x), b2Min(_arg1.y, _arg2.y)); return (_local3); } public static function b2MulX(_arg1:b2XForm, _arg2:b2Vec2):b2Vec2{ var _local3:b2Vec2; _local3 = b2MulMV(_arg1.R, _arg2); _local3.x = (_local3.x + _arg1.position.x); _local3.y = (_local3.y + _arg1.position.y); return (_local3); } public static function b2DistanceSquared(_arg1:b2Vec2, _arg2:b2Vec2):Number{ var _local3:Number; var _local4:Number; _local3 = (_arg1.x - _arg2.x); _local4 = (_arg1.y - _arg2.y); return (((_local3 * _local3) + (_local4 * _local4))); } public static function b2Swap(_arg1:Array, _arg2:Array):void{ var _local3:*; _local3 = _arg1[0]; _arg1[0] = _arg2[0]; _arg2[0] = _local3; } public static function b2AbsM(_arg1:b2Mat22):b2Mat22{ var _local2:b2Mat22; _local2 = new b2Mat22(0, b2AbsV(_arg1.col1), b2AbsV(_arg1.col2)); return (_local2); } public static function SubtractVV(_arg1:b2Vec2, _arg2:b2Vec2):b2Vec2{ var _local3:b2Vec2; _local3 = new b2Vec2((_arg1.x - _arg2.x), (_arg1.y - _arg2.y)); return (_local3); } public static function b2MulXT(_arg1:b2XForm, _arg2:b2Vec2):b2Vec2{ var _local3:b2Vec2; var _local4:Number; _local3 = SubtractVV(_arg2, _arg1.position); _local4 = ((_local3.x * _arg1.R.col1.x) + (_local3.y * _arg1.R.col1.y)); _local3.y = ((_local3.x * _arg1.R.col2.x) + (_local3.y * _arg1.R.col2.y)); _local3.x = _local4; return (_local3); } public static function b2Abs(_arg1:Number):Number{ return (((_arg1 > 0)) ? _arg1 : -(_arg1)); } public static function b2Clamp(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number, _arg3:Number):Number{ return (b2Max(_arg2, b2Min(_arg1, _arg3))); } public static function b2AbsV(_arg1:b2Vec2):b2Vec2{ var _local2:b2Vec2; _local2 = new b2Vec2(b2Abs(_arg1.x), b2Abs(_arg1.y)); return (_local2); } public static function MulFV(_arg1:Number, _arg2:b2Vec2):b2Vec2{ var _local3:b2Vec2; _local3 = new b2Vec2((_arg1 * _arg2.x), (_arg1 * _arg2.y)); return (_local3); } public static function b2CrossVV(_arg1:b2Vec2, _arg2:b2Vec2):Number{ return (((_arg1.x * _arg2.y) - (_arg1.y * _arg2.x))); } public static function b2Dot(_arg1:b2Vec2, _arg2:b2Vec2):Number{ return (((_arg1.x * _arg2.x) + (_arg1.y * _arg2.y))); } public static function degreesToRadians(_arg1:Number):Number{ return (((_arg1 / 180) * Math.PI)); } public static function b2CrossFV(_arg1:Number, _arg2:b2Vec2):b2Vec2{ var _local3:b2Vec2; _local3 = new b2Vec2((-(_arg1) * _arg2.y), (_arg1 * _arg2.x)); return (_local3); } public static function AddMM(_arg1:b2Mat22, _arg2:b2Mat22):b2Mat22{ var _local3:b2Mat22; _local3 = new b2Mat22(0, AddVV(_arg1.col1, _arg2.col1), AddVV(_arg1.col2, _arg2.col2)); return (_local3); } public static function b2Distance(_arg1:b2Vec2, _arg2:b2Vec2):Number{ var _local3:Number; var _local4:Number; _local3 = (_arg1.x - _arg2.x); _local4 = (_arg1.y - _arg2.y); return (Math.sqrt(((_local3 * _local3) + (_local4 * _local4)))); } public static function b2MulTMM(_arg1:b2Mat22, _arg2:b2Mat22):b2Mat22{ var _local3:b2Vec2; var _local4:b2Vec2; var _local5:b2Mat22; _local3 = new b2Vec2(b2Dot(_arg1.col1, _arg2.col1), b2Dot(_arg1.col2, _arg2.col1)); _local4 = new b2Vec2(b2Dot(_arg1.col1, _arg2.col2), b2Dot(_arg1.col2, _arg2.col2)); _local5 = new b2Mat22(0, _local3, _local4); return (_local5); } public static function b2MaxV(_arg1:b2Vec2, _arg2:b2Vec2):b2Vec2{ var _local3:b2Vec2; _local3 = new b2Vec2(b2Max(_arg1.x, _arg2.x), b2Max(_arg1.y, _arg2.y)); return (_local3); } public static function b2IsPowerOfTwo(_arg1:uint):Boolean{ var _local2:Boolean; _local2 = (((_arg1 > 0)) && (((_arg1 & (_arg1 - 1)) == 0))); return (_local2); } public static function b2ClampV(_arg1:b2Vec2, _arg2:b2Vec2, _arg3:b2Vec2):b2Vec2{ return (b2MaxV(_arg2, b2MinV(_arg1, _arg3))); } public static function b2RandomRange(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number):Number{ var _local3:Number; _local3 = Math.random(); _local3 = (((_arg2 - _arg1) * _local3) + _arg1); return (_local3); } public static function b2MulTMV(_arg1:b2Mat22, _arg2:b2Vec2):b2Vec2{ var _local3:b2Vec2; _local3 = new b2Vec2(b2Dot(_arg2, _arg1.col1), b2Dot(_arg2, _arg1.col2)); return (_local3); } public static function b2Min(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number):Number{ return (((_arg1 < _arg2)) ? _arg1 : _arg2); } public static function b2Random():Number{ return (((Math.random() * 2) - 1)); } public static function b2MulMM(_arg1:b2Mat22, _arg2:b2Mat22):b2Mat22{ var _local3:b2Mat22; _local3 = new b2Mat22(0, b2MulMV(_arg1, _arg2.col1), b2MulMV(_arg1, _arg2.col2)); return (_local3); } public static function b2NextPowerOfTwo(_arg1:uint):uint{ _arg1 = (_arg1 | ((_arg1 >> 1) & 2147483647)); _arg1 = (_arg1 | ((_arg1 >> 2) & 1073741823)); _arg1 = (_arg1 | ((_arg1 >> 4) & 268435455)); _arg1 = (_arg1 | ((_arg1 >> 8) & 0xFFFFFF)); _arg1 = (_arg1 | ((_arg1 >> 16) & 0xFFFF)); return ((_arg1 + 1)); } public static function b2Max(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number):Number{ return (((_arg1 > _arg2)) ? _arg1 : _arg2); } public static function radiansToDegrees(_arg1:Number):Number{ return (((_arg1 / Math.PI) * 180)); } public static function b2MulMV(_arg1:b2Mat22, _arg2:b2Vec2):b2Vec2{ var _local3:b2Vec2; _local3 = new b2Vec2(((_arg1.col1.x * _arg2.x) + (_arg1.col2.x * _arg2.y)), ((_arg1.col1.y * _arg2.x) + (_arg1.col2.y * _arg2.y))); return (_local3); } } }//package Box2D.Common.Math
Section 3
//b2Vec2 (Box2D.Common.Math.b2Vec2) package Box2D.Common.Math { public class b2Vec2 { public var x:Number; public var y:Number; public function b2Vec2(_arg1:Number=0, _arg2:Number=0):void{ x = _arg1; y = _arg2; } public function Set(_arg1:Number=0, _arg2:Number=0):void{ x = _arg1; y = _arg2; } public function Multiply(_arg1:Number):void{ x = (x * _arg1); y = (y * _arg1); } public function Length():Number{ return (Math.sqrt(((x * x) + (y * y)))); } public function LengthSquared():Number{ return (((x * x) + (y * y))); } public function SetZero():void{ x = 0; y = 0; } public function Add(_arg1:b2Vec2):void{ x = (x + _arg1.x); y = (y + _arg1.y); } public function MaxV(_arg1:b2Vec2):void{ x = ((x > _arg1.x)) ? x : _arg1.x; y = ((y > _arg1.y)) ? y : _arg1.y; } public function SetV(_arg1:b2Vec2):void{ x = _arg1.x; y = _arg1.y; } public function Negative():b2Vec2{ return (new b2Vec2(-(x), -(y))); } public function CrossVF(_arg1:Number):void{ var _local2:Number; _local2 = x; x = (_arg1 * y); y = (-(_arg1) * _local2); } public function Abs():void{ if (x < 0){ x = -(x); }; if (y < 0){ y = -(y); }; } public function Copy():b2Vec2{ return (new b2Vec2(x, y)); } public function MulTM(_arg1:b2Mat22):void{ var _local2:Number; _local2 = b2Math.b2Dot(this, _arg1.col1); y = b2Math.b2Dot(this, _arg1.col2); x = _local2; } public function IsValid():Boolean{ return (((b2Math.b2IsValid(x)) && (b2Math.b2IsValid(y)))); } public function MinV(_arg1:b2Vec2):void{ x = ((x < _arg1.x)) ? x : _arg1.x; y = ((y < _arg1.y)) ? y : _arg1.y; } public function MulM(_arg1:b2Mat22):void{ var _local2:Number; _local2 = x; x = ((_arg1.col1.x * _local2) + (_arg1.col2.x * y)); y = ((_arg1.col1.y * _local2) + (_arg1.col2.y * y)); } public function Normalize():Number{ var _local1:Number; var _local2:Number; _local1 = Math.sqrt(((x * x) + (y * y))); if (_local1 < Number.MIN_VALUE){ return (0); }; _local2 = (1 / _local1); x = (x * _local2); y = (y * _local2); return (_local1); } public function Subtract(_arg1:b2Vec2):void{ x = (x - _arg1.x); y = (y - _arg1.y); } public function CrossFV(_arg1:Number):void{ var _local2:Number; _local2 = x; x = (-(_arg1) * y); y = (_arg1 * _local2); } public static function vectorTransform(_arg1:Number, _arg2:b2Vec2):b2Vec2{ var _local3:Number; var _local4:Number; var _local5:Number; var _local6:b2Vec2; _local3 = b2Math.degreesToRadians(_arg1); _local4 = ((_arg2.x * Math.cos(_local3)) - (_arg2.y * Math.sin(_local3))); _local5 = ((_arg2.x * Math.sin(_local3)) + (_arg2.y * Math.cos(_local3))); _local6 = new (b2Vec2); _local6.x = _local4; _local6.y = _local5; return (_local6); } public static function vectorToRotation(_arg1:b2Vec2, _arg2:b2Vec2):Number{ var _local3:Number; var _local4:Number; var _local5:Number; var _local6:Number; var _local7:Number; var _local8:Number; var _local9:Number; var _local10:Number; _local3 = _arg1.Length(); _local4 = _arg2.Length(); _local5 = _arg1.Normalize(); _local6 = _arg2.Normalize(); _local7 = b2Math.b2Dot(_arg1, _arg2); _local8 = (_local3 * _local4); _local9 = Math.acos((_local7 / _local8)); _local10 = b2Math.radiansToDegrees(_local9); return (_local10); } public static function Make(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number):b2Vec2{ return (new b2Vec2(_arg1, _arg2)); } } }//package Box2D.Common.Math
Section 4
//b2XForm (Box2D.Common.Math.b2XForm) package Box2D.Common.Math { public class b2XForm { public var R:b2Mat22; public var position:b2Vec2; public function b2XForm(_arg1:b2Vec2=null, _arg2:b2Mat22=null):void{ position = new b2Vec2(); R = new b2Mat22(); super(); if (_arg1){ position.SetV(_arg1); R.SetM(_arg2); }; } public function Initialize(_arg1:b2Vec2, _arg2:b2Mat22):void{ position.SetV(_arg1); R.SetM(_arg2); } public function Set(_arg1:b2XForm):void{ position.SetV(_arg1.position); R.SetM(_arg1.R); } public function SetIdentity():void{ position.SetZero(); R.SetIdentity(); } } }//package Box2D.Common.Math
Section 5
//AStar (com.baseoneonline.flash.astar.AStar) package com.baseoneonline.flash.astar { import com.baseoneonline.flash.geom.*; public class AStar { private var width:int; public var open:Array; private var goal:AStarNode; private var map:Array; private var start:AStarNode; private var height:int; public var visited:Array; public var closed:Array; private var dist:Function; private static const COST_DIAGONAL:Number = 1.414; private static const COST_ORTHOGONAL:Number = 1; public function AStar(_arg1:IAStarSearchable, _arg2:IntPoint, _arg3:IntPoint){ visited = []; dist = distEuclidian; super(); width = _arg1.getWidth(); height = _arg1.getHeight(); this.start = new AStarNode(_arg2.x, _arg2.y); this.goal = new AStarNode(_arg3.x, _arg3.y); = createMap(_arg1); } private function createMap(_arg1:IAStarSearchable):Array{ var _local2:Array; var _local3:int; var _local4:int; var _local5:AStarNode; _local2 = new Array(width); _local3 = 0; while (_local3 < width) { _local2[_local3] = new Array(height); _local4 = 0; while (_local4 < height) { _local5 = new AStarNode(_local3, _local4, _arg1.isWalkable(_local3, _local4)); _local2[_local3][_local4] = _local5; _local4++; }; _local3++; }; return (_local2); } private function neighbors(_arg1:AStarNode):Array{ var _local2:int; var _local3:int; var _local4:AStarNode; var _local5:Array; _local2 = _arg1.x; _local3 = _arg1.y; _local5 = []; if (_local2 > 0){ _local4 = map[(_local2 - 1)][_local3]; if (_local4.walkable){ _local4.g = (_local4.g + COST_ORTHOGONAL); _local5.push(_local4); }; }; if (_local2 < (width - 1)){ _local4 = map[(_local2 + 1)][_local3]; if (_local4.walkable){ _local4.g = (_local4.g + COST_ORTHOGONAL); _local5.push(_local4); }; }; if (_local3 > 0){ _local4 = map[_local2][(_local3 - 1)]; if (_local4.walkable){ _local4.g = (_local4.g + COST_ORTHOGONAL); _local5.push(_local4); }; }; if (_local3 < (height - 1)){ _local4 = map[_local2][(_local3 + 1)]; if (_local4.walkable){ _local4.g = (_local4.g + COST_ORTHOGONAL); _local5.push(_local4); }; }; if ((((_local2 > 0)) && ((_local3 > 0)))){ _local4 = map[(_local2 - 1)][(_local3 - 1)]; if (((((_local4.walkable) && (map[(_local2 - 1)][_local3].walkable))) && (map[_local2][(_local3 - 1)].walkable))){ _local4.g = (_local4.g + COST_DIAGONAL); _local5.push(_local4); }; }; if ((((_local2 < (width - 1))) && ((_local3 > 0)))){ _local4 = map[(_local2 + 1)][(_local3 - 1)]; if (((((_local4.walkable) && (map[(_local2 + 1)][_local3].walkable))) && (map[_local2][(_local3 - 1)].walkable))){ _local4.g = (_local4.g + COST_DIAGONAL); _local5.push(_local4); }; }; if ((((_local2 > 0)) && ((_local3 < (height - 1))))){ _local4 = map[(_local2 - 1)][(_local3 + 1)]; if (((((_local4.walkable) && (map[(_local2 - 1)][_local3].walkable))) && (map[_local2][(_local3 + 1)].walkable))){ _local4.g = (_local4.g + COST_DIAGONAL); _local5.push(_local4); }; }; if ((((_local2 < (width - 1))) && ((_local3 < (height - 1))))){ _local4 = map[(_local2 + 1)][(_local3 + 1)]; if (((((_local4.walkable) && (map[(_local2 + 1)][_local3].walkable))) && (map[_local2][(_local3 + 1)].walkable))){ _local4.g = (_local4.g + COST_DIAGONAL); _local5.push(_local4); }; }; return (_local5); } private function distManhattan(_arg1:AStarNode, _arg2:AStarNode=null):Number{ if (_arg2 == null){ _arg2 = goal; }; return ((Math.abs((_arg1.x - _arg2.x)) + Math.abs((_arg1.y - _arg2.y)))); } private function visit(_arg1:AStarNode):void{ var _local2:AStarNode; for each (_local2 in visited) { if (_local2 == _arg1){ return; }; }; visited.push(_arg1); } private function distEuclidian(_arg1:AStarNode, _arg2:AStarNode=null):Number{ if (_arg2 == null){ _arg2 = goal; }; return (Math.sqrt((Math.pow((_arg1.x - _arg2.x), 2) + Math.pow((_arg1.y - _arg2.y), 2)))); } public function solve():Array{ var _local1:AStarNode; var _local2:Boolean; var _local3:int; var _local4:AStarNode; var _local5:Number; var _local6:Array; open = new Array(); closed = new Array(); visited = new Array(); _local1 = start; _local1.h = dist(goal); open.push(_local1); _local2 = false; _local3 = 0; while (!(_local2)) { var _temp1 = _local3; _local3 = (_local3 + 1); if (_temp1 > 10000){ throw (new Error("Overflow")); }; open.sortOn("f", Array.NUMERIC); if (open.length <= 0){ break; }; _local1 = open.shift(); closed.push(_local1); if ((((_local1.x == goal.x)) && ((_local1.y == goal.y)))){ _local2 = true; break; }; for each (_local4 in neighbors(_local1)) { if (((!(hasElement(open, _local4))) && (!(hasElement(closed, _local4))))){ open.push(_local4); _local4.parent = _local1; _local4.h = dist(_local4); _local4.g = _local1.g; } else { _local5 = ((_local4.g + _local1.g) + _local4.h); if (_local5 < _local4.f){ _local4.parent = _local1; _local4.g = _local1.g; }; }; visit(_local4); }; }; if (_local2){ _local6 = new Array(); _local6.push(new IntPoint(_local1.x, _local1.y)); while (((_local1.parent) && (!((_local1.parent == start))))) { _local1 = _local1.parent; _local6.push(new IntPoint(_local1.x, _local1.y)); }; _local6.push(new IntPoint(_local1.x, _local1.y)); return (_local6); //unresolved jump }; return (null); } private static function hasElement(_arg1:Array, _arg2:Object):Boolean{ var _local3:Object; for each (_local3 in _arg1) { if (_local3 == _arg2){ return (true); }; }; return (false); } private static function removeFromArray(_arg1:Array, _arg2:Object):Boolean{ var _local3:int; _local3 = 0; while (_local3 < _arg1.length) { if (_arg1[_local3] == _arg2){ _arg1.splice(_local3, 1); return (true); }; _local3++; }; return (false); } } }//package com.baseoneonline.flash.astar
Section 6
//AStarNode (com.baseoneonline.flash.astar.AStarNode) package com.baseoneonline.flash.astar { import com.baseoneonline.flash.geom.*; public class AStarNode extends IntPoint { public var walkable:Boolean; public var parent:AStarNode; public var cost:Number;// = 1 public var g:Number;// = 0 public var h:Number;// = 0 public function AStarNode(_arg1:int, _arg2:int, _arg3:Boolean=true){ g = 0; h = 0; cost = 1; super(_arg1, _arg2); this.walkable = _arg3; } public function get f():Number{ return ((g + h)); } } }//package com.baseoneonline.flash.astar
Section 7
//IAStarSearchable (com.baseoneonline.flash.astar.IAStarSearchable) package com.baseoneonline.flash.astar { public interface IAStarSearchable { function getWidth():int; function isWalkable(_arg1:int, _arg2:int):Boolean; function getHeight():int; } }//package com.baseoneonline.flash.astar
Section 8
//IntPoint (com.baseoneonline.flash.geom.IntPoint) package com.baseoneonline.flash.geom { public class IntPoint { public var x:int; public var y:int; public function IntPoint(_arg1:int=0, _arg2:int=0){ this.x = _arg1; this.y = _arg2; } public function add(_arg1:IntPoint):void{ x = (x + _arg1.x); y = (y + _arg1.y); } public function toString():String{ return ((((("IntPoint(" + x) + ", ") + y) + ")")); } public function clone():IntPoint{ return (new IntPoint(x, y)); } public function addNew(_arg1:IntPoint):IntPoint{ return (new IntPoint((x + _arg1.x), (y + _arg1.y))); } } }//package com.baseoneonline.flash.geom
Section 9
//AdPlaceHolder_84 (InfectonatorWD_fla.AdPlaceHolder_84) package InfectonatorWD_fla { import*; import flash.display.*; public dynamic class AdPlaceHolder_84 extends MovieClip { public var ad:MovieClip; public var frame:MovieClip; public var hide:SimpleButton; public var show:SimpleButton; public function AdPlaceHolder_84(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1, 9, frame10, 19, frame20); } function frame10(){ stop(); frame.visible = false; ad.visible = false; show.visible = true; hide.visible = false; } function frame1(){ stop(); frame.visible = true; ad.visible = true; show.visible = false; hide.visible = true; hide.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onClickHide); show.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onClickShow); } function frame20(){ gotoAndStop(1); } public function onClickShow(_arg1:Event){ frame.visible = true; ad.visible = true; show.visible = false; hide.visible = true; gotoAndPlay(11); } public function onClickHide(_arg1:Event){ gotoAndPlay(2); } } }//package InfectonatorWD_fla
Section 10
//AutoSaveSlot_61 (InfectonatorWD_fla.AutoSaveSlot_61) package InfectonatorWD_fla { import flash.display.*; import flash.text.*; public dynamic class AutoSaveSlot_61 extends MovieClip { public var title:TextField; public var date:TextField; public function AutoSaveSlot_61(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ stop(); } } }//package InfectonatorWD_fla
Section 11
//bubble_logo3_328 (InfectonatorWD_fla.bubble_logo3_328) package InfectonatorWD_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class bubble_logo3_328 extends MovieClip { public function bubble_logo3_328(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1, 9, frame10); } function frame10(){ stop(); } function frame1(){ stop(); } } }//package InfectonatorWD_fla
Section 12
//BubbleBoxLogoButton_65 (InfectonatorWD_fla.BubbleBoxLogoButton_65) package InfectonatorWD_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class BubbleBoxLogoButton_65 extends MovieClip { public var logo:MovieClip; public function BubbleBoxLogoButton_65(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ logo.buttonMode = true; } } }//package InfectonatorWD_fla
Section 13
//BubbleBoxLogoGraphicMc_330 (InfectonatorWD_fla.BubbleBoxLogoGraphicMc_330) package InfectonatorWD_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class BubbleBoxLogoGraphicMc_330 extends MovieClip { public var play_latest_text:MovieClip; } }//package InfectonatorWD_fla
Section 14
//button_402 (InfectonatorWD_fla.button_402) package InfectonatorWD_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class button_402 extends MovieClip { public var more:MovieClip; public function button_402(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ more.buttonMode = true; } } }//package InfectonatorWD_fla
Section 15
//button_403 (InfectonatorWD_fla.button_403) package InfectonatorWD_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class button_403 extends MovieClip { public function button_403(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ stop(); } } }//package InfectonatorWD_fla
Section 16
//button_438 (InfectonatorWD_fla.button_438) package InfectonatorWD_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class button_438 extends MovieClip { public function button_438(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ stop(); } } }//package InfectonatorWD_fla
Section 17
//button_439 (InfectonatorWD_fla.button_439) package InfectonatorWD_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class button_439 extends MovieClip { public var blinkingClip:MovieClip; public function button_439(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ stop(); blinkingClip.visible = false; } } }//package InfectonatorWD_fla
Section 18
//button_441 (InfectonatorWD_fla.button_441) package InfectonatorWD_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class button_441 extends MovieClip { public var blinkingClip:MovieClip; public function button_441(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1, 3, frame4); } function frame1(){ stop(); blinkingClip.visible = false; } function frame4(){ stop(); blinkingClip.visible = false; } } }//package InfectonatorWD_fla
Section 19
//button_442 (InfectonatorWD_fla.button_442) package InfectonatorWD_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class button_442 extends MovieClip { public var blinkingClip:MovieClip; public function button_442(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1, 3, frame4); } function frame1(){ stop(); blinkingClip.visible = false; } function frame4(){ stop(); blinkingClip.visible = false; } } }//package InfectonatorWD_fla
Section 20
//button_443 (InfectonatorWD_fla.button_443) package InfectonatorWD_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class button_443 extends MovieClip { public var blinkingClip:MovieClip; public function button_443(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1, 3, frame4); } function frame1(){ stop(); blinkingClip.visible = false; } function frame4(){ stop(); blinkingClip.visible = false; } } }//package InfectonatorWD_fla
Section 21
//button_444 (InfectonatorWD_fla.button_444) package InfectonatorWD_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class button_444 extends MovieClip { public var blinkingClip:MovieClip; public function button_444(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1, 3, frame4); } function frame1(){ stop(); blinkingClip.visible = false; } function frame4(){ stop(); blinkingClip.visible = false; } } }//package InfectonatorWD_fla
Section 22
//button_445 (InfectonatorWD_fla.button_445) package InfectonatorWD_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class button_445 extends MovieClip { public var blinkingClip:MovieClip; public function button_445(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1, 3, frame4); } function frame1(){ stop(); blinkingClip.visible = false; } function frame4(){ stop(); blinkingClip.visible = false; } } }//package InfectonatorWD_fla
Section 23
//button_446 (InfectonatorWD_fla.button_446) package InfectonatorWD_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class button_446 extends MovieClip { public var blinkingClip:MovieClip; public function button_446(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1, 3, frame4); } function frame1(){ stop(); blinkingClip.visible = false; } function frame4(){ stop(); blinkingClip.visible = false; } } }//package InfectonatorWD_fla
Section 24
//button_60 (InfectonatorWD_fla.button_60) package InfectonatorWD_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class button_60 extends MovieClip { public function button_60(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ stop(); } } }//package InfectonatorWD_fla
Section 25
//charSiluet_451 (InfectonatorWD_fla.charSiluet_451) package InfectonatorWD_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class charSiluet_451 extends MovieClip { public function charSiluet_451(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ stop(); } } }//package InfectonatorWD_fla
Section 26
//ChatBox_543 (InfectonatorWD_fla.ChatBox_543) package InfectonatorWD_fla { import flash.display.*; import flash.text.*; public dynamic class ChatBox_543 extends MovieClip { public var info:TextField; } }//package InfectonatorWD_fla
Section 27
//EnterNameSlot_69 (InfectonatorWD_fla.EnterNameSlot_69) package InfectonatorWD_fla { import flash.display.*; import flash.text.*; public dynamic class EnterNameSlot_69 extends MovieClip { public var okButton:SimpleButton; public var backButton:SimpleButton; public var userName:TextField; } }//package InfectonatorWD_fla
Section 28
//Info_437 (InfectonatorWD_fla.Info_437) package InfectonatorWD_fla { import flash.display.*; import flash.text.*; public dynamic class Info_437 extends MovieClip { public var blinkingClip:MovieClip; public var killedText:TextField; public function Info_437(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ blinkingClip.visible = false; } } }//package InfectonatorWD_fla
Section 29
//Info_78 (InfectonatorWD_fla.Info_78) package InfectonatorWD_fla { import flash.display.*; import flash.text.*; public dynamic class Info_78 extends MovieClip { public var moneyText:TextField; public var blinkingClip:MovieClip; public function Info_78(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ blinkingClip.visible = false; } } }//package InfectonatorWD_fla
Section 30
//Info_81 (InfectonatorWD_fla.Info_81) package InfectonatorWD_fla { import flash.display.*; import flash.text.*; public dynamic class Info_81 extends MovieClip { public var dayText:TextField; } }//package InfectonatorWD_fla
Section 31
//Logo_397 (InfectonatorWD_fla.Logo_397) package InfectonatorWD_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Logo_397 extends MovieClip { public var announcement:MovieClip; public function Logo_397(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ announcement.buttonMode = true; } } }//package InfectonatorWD_fla
Section 32
//Logo_62 (InfectonatorWD_fla.Logo_62) package InfectonatorWD_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Logo_62 extends MovieClip { public var clip:MovieClip; public function Logo_62(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ clip.buttonMode = true; } } }//package InfectonatorWD_fla
Section 33
//Logo_72 (InfectonatorWD_fla.Logo_72) package InfectonatorWD_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Logo_72 extends MovieClip { public var toge:MovieClip; public function Logo_72(){ addFrameScript(134, frame135); } function frame135(){ stop(); } } }//package InfectonatorWD_fla
Section 34
//Map_337 (InfectonatorWD_fla.Map_337) package InfectonatorWD_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Map_337 extends MovieClip { public function Map_337(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ stop(); } } }//package InfectonatorWD_fla
Section 35
//Map_338 (InfectonatorWD_fla.Map_338) package InfectonatorWD_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Map_338 extends MovieClip { public function Map_338(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ stop(); } } }//package InfectonatorWD_fla
Section 36
//Map_339 (InfectonatorWD_fla.Map_339) package InfectonatorWD_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Map_339 extends MovieClip { public function Map_339(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ stop(); } } }//package InfectonatorWD_fla
Section 37
//Map_340 (InfectonatorWD_fla.Map_340) package InfectonatorWD_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Map_340 extends MovieClip { public function Map_340(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ stop(); } } }//package InfectonatorWD_fla
Section 38
//Map_341 (InfectonatorWD_fla.Map_341) package InfectonatorWD_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Map_341 extends MovieClip { public function Map_341(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ stop(); } } }//package InfectonatorWD_fla
Section 39
//Map_342 (InfectonatorWD_fla.Map_342) package InfectonatorWD_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Map_342 extends MovieClip { public function Map_342(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ stop(); } } }//package InfectonatorWD_fla
Section 40
//Map_343 (InfectonatorWD_fla.Map_343) package InfectonatorWD_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Map_343 extends MovieClip { public function Map_343(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ stop(); } } }//package InfectonatorWD_fla
Section 41
//Map_344 (InfectonatorWD_fla.Map_344) package InfectonatorWD_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Map_344 extends MovieClip { public function Map_344(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ stop(); } } }//package InfectonatorWD_fla
Section 42
//Map_345 (InfectonatorWD_fla.Map_345) package InfectonatorWD_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Map_345 extends MovieClip { public function Map_345(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ stop(); } } }//package InfectonatorWD_fla
Section 43
//Map_346 (InfectonatorWD_fla.Map_346) package InfectonatorWD_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Map_346 extends MovieClip { public function Map_346(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ stop(); } } }//package InfectonatorWD_fla
Section 44
//Map_347 (InfectonatorWD_fla.Map_347) package InfectonatorWD_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Map_347 extends MovieClip { public function Map_347(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ stop(); } } }//package InfectonatorWD_fla
Section 45
//Map_348 (InfectonatorWD_fla.Map_348) package InfectonatorWD_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Map_348 extends MovieClip { public function Map_348(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ stop(); } } }//package InfectonatorWD_fla
Section 46
//Map_349 (InfectonatorWD_fla.Map_349) package InfectonatorWD_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Map_349 extends MovieClip { public function Map_349(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ stop(); } } }//package InfectonatorWD_fla
Section 47
//Map_350 (InfectonatorWD_fla.Map_350) package InfectonatorWD_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Map_350 extends MovieClip { public function Map_350(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ stop(); } } }//package InfectonatorWD_fla
Section 48
//Map_351 (InfectonatorWD_fla.Map_351) package InfectonatorWD_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Map_351 extends MovieClip { public function Map_351(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ stop(); } } }//package InfectonatorWD_fla
Section 49
//Map_352 (InfectonatorWD_fla.Map_352) package InfectonatorWD_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Map_352 extends MovieClip { public function Map_352(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ stop(); } } }//package InfectonatorWD_fla
Section 50
//Map_412 (InfectonatorWD_fla.Map_412) package InfectonatorWD_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Map_412 extends MovieClip { public function Map_412(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ stop(); } } }//package InfectonatorWD_fla
Section 51
//Map_413 (InfectonatorWD_fla.Map_413) package InfectonatorWD_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Map_413 extends MovieClip { public function Map_413(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ stop(); } } }//package InfectonatorWD_fla
Section 52
//Map_414 (InfectonatorWD_fla.Map_414) package InfectonatorWD_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Map_414 extends MovieClip { public function Map_414(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ stop(); } } }//package InfectonatorWD_fla
Section 53
//Map_415 (InfectonatorWD_fla.Map_415) package InfectonatorWD_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Map_415 extends MovieClip { public function Map_415(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ stop(); } } }//package InfectonatorWD_fla
Section 54
//Map_416 (InfectonatorWD_fla.Map_416) package InfectonatorWD_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Map_416 extends MovieClip { public function Map_416(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ stop(); } } }//package InfectonatorWD_fla
Section 55
//Map_419 (InfectonatorWD_fla.Map_419) package InfectonatorWD_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Map_419 extends MovieClip { public function Map_419(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ stop(); } } }//package InfectonatorWD_fla
Section 56
//Map_421 (InfectonatorWD_fla.Map_421) package InfectonatorWD_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Map_421 extends MovieClip { public function Map_421(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ stop(); } } }//package InfectonatorWD_fla
Section 57
//Map_423 (InfectonatorWD_fla.Map_423) package InfectonatorWD_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Map_423 extends MovieClip { public function Map_423(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ stop(); } } }//package InfectonatorWD_fla
Section 58
//SaveGameSlot_58 (InfectonatorWD_fla.SaveGameSlot_58) package InfectonatorWD_fla { import flash.display.*; import flash.text.*; public dynamic class SaveGameSlot_58 extends MovieClip { public var title:TextField; public var date:TextField; public function SaveGameSlot_58(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ stop(); } } }//package InfectonatorWD_fla
Section 59
//Screen_193 (InfectonatorWD_fla.Screen_193) package InfectonatorWD_fla { import flash.display.*; import flash.text.*; public dynamic class Screen_193 extends MovieClip { public var closeBut:SimpleButton; public var icon:MovieClip; public var info:TextField; } }//package InfectonatorWD_fla
Section 60
//Screen_54 (InfectonatorWD_fla.Screen_54) package InfectonatorWD_fla { import flash.display.*; import flash.text.*; public dynamic class Screen_54 extends MovieClip { public var info:TextField; } }//package InfectonatorWD_fla
Section 61
//upgrade_449 (InfectonatorWD_fla.upgrade_449) package InfectonatorWD_fla { import flash.display.*; import flash.text.*; public dynamic class upgrade_449 extends MovieClip { public var zombieName:TextField; public function upgrade_449(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ stop(); zombieName.mouseEnabled = false; } } }//package InfectonatorWD_fla
Section 62
//upgrade_450 (InfectonatorWD_fla.upgrade_450) package InfectonatorWD_fla { import flash.display.*; import flash.text.*; public dynamic class upgrade_450 extends MovieClip { public var levelNumber:TextField; } }//package InfectonatorWD_fla
Section 63
//upgrade_93 (InfectonatorWD_fla.upgrade_93) package InfectonatorWD_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class upgrade_93 extends MovieClip { public function upgrade_93(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ stop(); } } }//package InfectonatorWD_fla
Section 64
//upgrade_94 (InfectonatorWD_fla.upgrade_94) package InfectonatorWD_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class upgrade_94 extends MovieClip { public function upgrade_94(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ stop(); } } }//package InfectonatorWD_fla
Section 65
//upgrade_96 (InfectonatorWD_fla.upgrade_96) package InfectonatorWD_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class upgrade_96 extends MovieClip { public function upgrade_96(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ stop(); } } }//package InfectonatorWD_fla
Section 66
//UpgradeUp_83 (InfectonatorWD_fla.UpgradeUp_83) package InfectonatorWD_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class UpgradeUp_83 extends MovieClip { public function UpgradeUp_83(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ stop(); } } }//package InfectonatorWD_fla
Section 67
//KeyPoll (input.KeyPoll) package input { import*; import flash.display.*; import flash.utils.*; public class KeyPoll { private var states:ByteArray; private var dispObj:DisplayObject; public function KeyPoll(_arg1:DisplayObject){ states = new ByteArray(); states.writeUnsignedInt(0); states.writeUnsignedInt(0); states.writeUnsignedInt(0); states.writeUnsignedInt(0); states.writeUnsignedInt(0); states.writeUnsignedInt(0); states.writeUnsignedInt(0); states.writeUnsignedInt(0); dispObj = _arg1; dispObj.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, keyDownListener, false, 0, true); dispObj.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_UP, keyUpListener, false, 1, true); dispObj.addEventListener(Event.ACTIVATE, activateListener, false, 0, true); dispObj.addEventListener(Event.DEACTIVATE, deactivateListener, false, 0, true); } public function isUp(_arg1:uint):Boolean{ return (((states[(_arg1 >>> 3)] & (1 << (_arg1 & 7))) == 0)); } private function activateListener(_arg1:Event):void{ var _local2:int; _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < 32) { states[_local2] = 0; _local2++; }; } private function deactivateListener(_arg1:Event=null):void{ var _local2:int; _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < 32) { states[_local2] = 0; _local2++; }; } public function isDown(_arg1:uint):Boolean{ return (!(((states[(_arg1 >>> 3)] & (1 << (_arg1 & 7))) == 0))); } public function destroy():void{ if (dispObj){ dispObj.removeEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, keyDownListener); dispObj.removeEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_UP, keyUpListener); dispObj.removeEventListener(Event.ACTIVATE, activateListener); dispObj.removeEventListener(Event.DEACTIVATE, deactivateListener); }; } private function keyDownListener(_arg1:KeyboardEvent):void{ states[(_arg1.keyCode >>> 3)] = (states[(_arg1.keyCode >>> 3)] | (1 << (_arg1.keyCode & 7))); } private function keyUpListener(_arg1:KeyboardEvent):void{ states[(_arg1.keyCode >>> 3)] = (states[(_arg1.keyCode >>> 3)] & ~((1 << (_arg1.keyCode & 7)))); } } }//package input
Section 68
//MochiAd (mochi.as3.MochiAd) package mochi.as3 { import*; import flash.display.*; import flash.utils.*; import*; import flash.system.*; public class MochiAd { public static function getVersion():String{ return (MochiServices.getVersion()); } public static function showClickAwayAd(_arg1:Object):void{ var DEFAULTS:Object; var clip:Object; var ad_timeout:Number; var mc:MovieClip; var wh:Array; var w:Number; var h:Number; var chk:MovieClip; var options = _arg1; DEFAULTS = {ad_timeout:2000, regpt:"o", method:"showClickAwayAd", res:"300x250", no_bg:true, ad_started:function ():void{ }, ad_finished:function ():void{ }, ad_loaded:function (_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number):void{ }, ad_failed:function ():void{ }, ad_skipped:function ():void{ }}; options = MochiAd._parseOptions(options, DEFAULTS); clip = options.clip; ad_timeout = options.ad_timeout; delete options.ad_timeout; if (!MochiAd.load(options)){ options.ad_failed(); options.ad_finished(); return; }; options.ad_started(); mc = clip._mochiad; mc["onUnload"] = function ():void{ MochiAd._cleanup(mc); options.ad_finished(); }; wh = MochiAd._getRes(options, clip); w = wh[0]; h = wh[1]; mc.x = (w * 0.5); mc.y = (h * 0.5); chk = createEmptyMovieClip(mc, "_mochiad_wait", 3); chk.ad_timeout = ad_timeout; chk.started = getTimer(); chk.showing = false; mc.unloadAd = function ():void{ MochiAd.unload(clip); }; mc.adLoaded = options.ad_loaded; mc.adSkipped = options.ad_skipped; mc.rpc = function (_arg1:Number, _arg2:Object):void{ MochiAd.rpc(clip, _arg1, _arg2); }; chk["onEnterFrame"] = function ():void{ var _local1:Object; var _local2:Number; var _local3:Boolean; var _local4:Number; if (!this.parent){ delete this.onEnterFrame; return; }; _local1 = this.parent._mochiad_ctr; _local2 = (getTimer() - this.started); _local3 = false; if (!chk.showing){ _local4 = this.parent._mochiad_ctr.contentLoaderInfo.bytesTotal; if (_local4 > 0){ chk.showing = true; _local3 = true; chk.started = getTimer(); } else { if (_local2 > chk.ad_timeout){ options.ad_failed(); _local3 = true; }; }; }; if (this.root == null){ _local3 = true; }; if (_local3){ delete this.onEnterFrame; }; }; doOnEnterFrame(chk); } public static function _isNetworkAvailable():Boolean{ return (!((Security.sandboxType == "localWithFile"))); } public static function _allowDomains(_arg1:String):String{ var _local2:String; _local2 = _arg1.split("/")[2].split(":")[0]; if (Security.sandboxType == "application"){ return (_local2); }; Security.allowDomain("*"); Security.allowDomain(_local2); Security.allowInsecureDomain("*"); Security.allowInsecureDomain(_local2); return (_local2); } public static function unload(_arg1:Object):Boolean{ if (((_arg1.clip) && (_arg1.clip._mochiad))){ _arg1 = _arg1.clip; }; if (_arg1.origFrameRate != undefined){ _arg1.stage.frameRate = _arg1.origFrameRate; }; if (!_arg1._mochiad){ return (false); }; if (_arg1._mochiad._containerLCName != undefined){, "notify", {id:"unload"}); }; if (_arg1._mochiad.onUnload){ _arg1._mochiad.onUnload(); }; delete _arg1._mochiad_loaded; delete _arg1._mochiad; return (true); } public static function showInterLevelAd(_arg1:Object):void{ var DEFAULTS:Object; var clip:Object; var ad_msec:Number; var ad_timeout:Number; var fadeout_time:Number; var mc:MovieClip; var wh:Array; var w:Number; var h:Number; var chk:MovieClip; var options = _arg1; DEFAULTS = {ad_timeout:2000, fadeout_time:250, regpt:"o", method:"showTimedAd", ad_started:function ():void{ if ((this.clip is MovieClip)){ this.clip.stop(); } else { throw (new Error("MochiAd.showInterLevelAd requires a clip that is a MovieClip or is an instance of a class that extends MovieClip. If your clip is a Sprite, then you must provide custom ad_started and ad_finished handlers.")); }; }, ad_finished:function ():void{ if ((this.clip is MovieClip)){; } else { throw (new Error("MochiAd.showInterLevelAd requires a clip that is a MovieClip or is an instance of a class that extends MovieClip. If your clip is a Sprite, then you must provide custom ad_started and ad_finished handlers.")); }; }, ad_loaded:function (_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number):void{ }, ad_failed:function ():void{ }, ad_skipped:function ():void{ }}; options = MochiAd._parseOptions(options, DEFAULTS); clip = options.clip; ad_msec = 11000; ad_timeout = options.ad_timeout; delete options.ad_timeout; fadeout_time = options.fadeout_time; delete options.fadeout_time; if (!MochiAd.load(options)){ options.ad_failed(); options.ad_finished(); return; }; options.ad_started(); mc = clip._mochiad; mc["onUnload"] = function ():void{ MochiAd._cleanup(mc); options.ad_finished(); }; wh = MochiAd._getRes(options, clip); w = wh[0]; h = wh[1]; mc.x = (w * 0.5); mc.y = (h * 0.5); chk = createEmptyMovieClip(mc, "_mochiad_wait", 3); chk.ad_msec = ad_msec; chk.ad_timeout = ad_timeout; chk.started = getTimer(); chk.showing = false; chk.fadeout_time = fadeout_time; chk.fadeFunction = function ():void{ var _local1:Number; if (!this.parent){ delete this.onEnterFrame; delete this.fadeFunction; return; }; _local1 = (100 * (1 - ((getTimer() - this.fadeout_start) / this.fadeout_time))); if (_local1 > 0){ this.parent.alpha = (_local1 * 0.01); } else { MochiAd.unload(clip); delete this["onEnterFrame"]; }; }; mc.unloadAd = function ():void{ MochiAd.unload(clip); }; mc.adLoaded = options.ad_loaded; mc.adSkipped = options.ad_skipped; mc.adjustProgress = function (_arg1:Number):void{ var _local2:Object; _local2 = mc._mochiad_wait; _local2.server_control = true; _local2.showing = true; _local2.started = getTimer(); _local2.ad_msec = (_arg1 - 250); }; mc.rpc = function (_arg1:Number, _arg2:Object):void{ MochiAd.rpc(clip, _arg1, _arg2); }; chk["onEnterFrame"] = function ():void{ var _local1:Object; var _local2:Number; var _local3:Boolean; var _local4:Number; if (!this.parent){ delete this.onEnterFrame; delete this.fadeFunction; return; }; _local1 = this.parent._mochiad_ctr; _local2 = (getTimer() - this.started); _local3 = false; if (!chk.showing){ _local4 = this.parent._mochiad_ctr.contentLoaderInfo.bytesTotal; if (_local4 > 0){ chk.showing = true; chk.started = getTimer(); MochiAd.adShowing(clip); } else { if (_local2 > chk.ad_timeout){ options.ad_failed(); _local3 = true; }; }; }; if (_local2 > chk.ad_msec){ _local3 = true; }; if (_local3){ if (this.server_control){ delete this.onEnterFrame; } else { this.fadeout_start = getTimer(); this.onEnterFrame = this.fadeFunction; }; }; }; doOnEnterFrame(chk); } public static function _parseOptions(_arg1:Object, _arg2:Object):Object{ var _local3:Object; var _local4:String; var _local5:Array; var _local6:Number; var _local7:Array; _local3 = {}; for (_local4 in _arg2) { _local3[_local4] = _arg2[_local4]; }; if (_arg1){ for (_local4 in _arg1) { _local3[_local4] = _arg1[_local4]; }; }; if (_local3.clip == undefined){ throw (new Error("MochiAd is missing the 'clip' parameter. This should be a MovieClip, Sprite or an instance of a class that extends MovieClip or Sprite.")); }; _arg1 = _local3.clip.loaderInfo.parameters.mochiad_options; if (_arg1){ _local5 = _arg1.split("&"); _local6 = 0; while (_local6 < _local5.length) { _local7 = _local5[_local6].split("="); _local3[unescape(_local7[0])] = unescape(_local7[1]); _local6++; }; }; if ( == "test"){ }; return (_local3); } public static function _cleanup(_arg1:Object):void{ var idx:Number; var k:String; var lc:LocalConnection; var f:Function; var mc = _arg1; if (("lc" in mc)){ lc =; f = function ():void{ try { lc.client = null; lc.close(); } catch(e:Error) { }; }; setTimeout(f, 0); }; idx = DisplayObjectContainer(mc).numChildren; while (idx > 0) { idx = (idx - 1); DisplayObjectContainer(mc).removeChildAt(idx); }; for (k in mc) { delete mc[k]; }; } public static function load(_arg1:Object):MovieClip{ var DEFAULTS:Object; var clip:Object; var depth:Number; var mc:MovieClip; var wh:Array; var lv:URLVariables; var k:String; var server:String; var hostname:String; var lc:LocalConnection; var name:String; var loader:Loader; var g:Function; var req:URLRequest; var v:Object; var options = _arg1; DEFAULTS = {server:"", method:"load", depth:10333, id:"_UNKNOWN_"}; options = MochiAd._parseOptions(options, DEFAULTS); options.swfv = 9; options.mav = MochiAd.getVersion(); clip = options.clip; if (!(clip is DisplayObject)){ return (null); }; if (MovieClip(clip).stage == null){ return (null); }; if (!MochiAd._isNetworkAvailable()){ return (null); }; try { if (clip._mochiad_loaded){ return (null); }; } catch(e:Error) { throw (new Error("MochiAd requires a clip that is an instance of a dynamic class. If your class extends Sprite or MovieClip, you must make it dynamic.")); }; depth = options.depth; delete options.depth; mc = createEmptyMovieClip(clip, "_mochiad", depth); wh = MochiAd._getRes(options, clip); options.res = ((wh[0] + "x") + wh[1]); options.server = (options.server +; delete; clip._mochiad_loaded = true; if (clip.loaderInfo.loaderURL.indexOf("http") == 0){ options.as3_swf = clip.loaderInfo.loaderURL; //unresolved jump }; lv = new URLVariables(); for (k in options) { v = options[k]; if (!(v is Function)){ lv[k] = v; }; }; server = lv.server; delete lv.server; hostname = _allowDomains(server); lc = new LocalConnection(); lc.client = mc; name = ["", Math.floor(new Date().getTime()), Math.floor((Math.random() * 999999))].join("_"); lc.allowDomain("*", "localhost"); lc.allowInsecureDomain("*", "localhost"); lc.connect(name); = lc; mc.lcName = name; = name; = getTimer(); mc.regContLC = function (_arg1:String):void{ mc._containerLCName = _arg1; }; loader = new Loader(); g = function (_arg1:Object):void{, arguments.callee); MochiAd.unload(clip); }; loader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.UNLOAD, g); req = new URLRequest(((server + ".swf?cacheBust=") + new Date().getTime())); req.contentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"; req.method = URLRequestMethod.POST; = lv; loader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, function (_arg1:IOErrorEvent):void{ }); if (!options.skip){ loader.load(req); }; mc.addChild(loader); mc._mochiad_ctr = loader; return (mc); } public static function runMethod(_arg1:Object, _arg2:String, _arg3:Array):Object{ var _local4:Array; var _local5:Number; _local4 = _arg2.split("."); _local5 = 0; while (_local5 < (_local4.length - 1)) { if ((((_arg1[_local4[_local5]] == undefined)) || ((_arg1[_local4[_local5]] == null)))){ return (undefined); }; _arg1 = _arg1[_local4[_local5]]; _local5++; }; if (typeof(_arg1[_local4[_local5]]) == "function"){ return (_arg1[_local4[_local5]].apply(_arg1, _arg3)); }; return (undefined); } public static function createEmptyMovieClip(_arg1:Object, _arg2:String, _arg3:Number):MovieClip{ var _local4:MovieClip; _local4 = new MovieClip(); if (((false) && (_arg3))){ _arg1.addChildAt(_local4, _arg3); } else { _arg1.addChild(_local4); }; _arg1[_arg2] = _local4; _local4["_name"] = _arg2; return (_local4); } public static function _getRes(_arg1:Object, _arg2:Object):Array{ var _local3:Object; var _local4:Number; var _local5:Number; var _local6:Array; _local3 = _arg2.getBounds(_arg2.root); _local4 = 0; _local5 = 0; if (typeof(_arg1.res) != "undefined"){ _local6 = _arg1.res.split("x"); _local4 = parseFloat(_local6[0]); _local5 = parseFloat(_local6[1]); } else { _local4 = (_local3.xMax - _local3.xMin); _local5 = (_local3.yMax - _local3.yMin); }; if ((((_local4 == 0)) || ((_local5 == 0)))){ _local4 = _arg2.stage.stageWidth; _local5 = _arg2.stage.stageHeight; }; return ([_local4, _local5]); } public static function adShowing(_arg1:Object):void{ _arg1.origFrameRate = _arg1.stage.frameRate; _arg1.stage.frameRate = 30; } public static function getValue(_arg1:Object, _arg2:String):Object{ var _local3:Array; var _local4:Number; _local3 = _arg2.split("."); _local4 = 0; while (_local4 < (_local3.length - 1)) { if ((((_arg1[_local3[_local4]] == undefined)) || ((_arg1[_local3[_local4]] == null)))){ return (undefined); }; _arg1 = _arg1[_local3[_local4]]; _local4++; }; return (_arg1[_local3[_local4]]); } public static function rpc(_arg1:Object, _arg2:Number, _arg3:Object):void{ var _local4:Object; var _local5:Object; switch ({ case "setValue": MochiAd.setValue(_arg1, _arg3.objectName, _arg3.value); break; case "getValue": _local4 = MochiAd.getValue(_arg1, _arg3.objectName);, "rpcResult", _arg2, _local4); break; case "runMethod": _local5 = MochiAd.runMethod(_arg1, _arg3.method, _arg3.args);, "rpcResult", _arg2, _local5); break; }; } public static function setValue(_arg1:Object, _arg2:String, _arg3:Object):void{ var _local4:Array; var _local5:Number; _local4 = _arg2.split("."); _local5 = 0; while (_local5 < (_local4.length - 1)) { if ((((_arg1[_local4[_local5]] == undefined)) || ((_arg1[_local4[_local5]] == null)))){ return; }; _arg1 = _arg1[_local4[_local5]]; _local5++; }; _arg1[_local4[_local5]] = _arg3; } public static function showPreGameAd(_arg1:Object):void{ var DEFAULTS:Object; var clip:Object; var ad_msec:Number; var ad_timeout:Number; var fadeout_time:Number; var mc:MovieClip; var wh:Array; var w:Number; var h:Number; var chk:MovieClip; var bar:MovieClip; var bar_w:Number; var bar_color:Number; var bar_background:Number; var bar_outline:Number; var backing_mc:MovieClip; var backing:Object; var inside_mc:MovieClip; var inside:Object; var outline_mc:MovieClip; var outline:Object; var complete:Boolean; var unloaded:Boolean; var progress:Number; var f:Function; var sendHostProgress:Boolean; var fn:Function; var r:MovieClip; var options = _arg1; DEFAULTS = {ad_timeout:3000, fadeout_time:250, regpt:"o", method:"showPreloaderAd", color:0xFF8A00, background:16777161, outline:13994812, no_progress_bar:false, ad_started:function ():void{ if ((this.clip is MovieClip)){ this.clip.stop(); } else { throw (new Error("MochiAd.showPreGameAd requires a clip that is a MovieClip or is an instance of a class that extends MovieClip. If your clip is a Sprite, then you must provide custom ad_started and ad_finished handlers.")); }; }, ad_finished:function ():void{ if ((this.clip is MovieClip)){; } else { throw (new Error("MochiAd.showPreGameAd requires a clip that is a MovieClip or is an instance of a class that extends MovieClip. If your clip is a Sprite, then you must provide custom ad_started and ad_finished handlers.")); }; }, ad_loaded:function (_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number):void{ }, ad_failed:function ():void{ }, ad_skipped:function ():void{ }, ad_progress:function (_arg1:Number):void{ }, progress_override:function (_arg1:Object):Number{ return (NaN); }, bar_offset:0}; options = MochiAd._parseOptions(options, DEFAULTS); if ("dfeada81ac97cde83665f81c12da7def".substr(0) == "dfeada81ac97cde83665f81c12da7def"){ options.ad_started(); fn = function ():void{ options.ad_finished(); }; setTimeout(fn, 100); return; }; clip = options.clip; ad_msec = 11000; ad_timeout = options.ad_timeout; if (options.skip){ ad_timeout = 0; }; delete options.ad_timeout; fadeout_time = options.fadeout_time; delete options.fadeout_time; if (!MochiAd.load(options)){ options.ad_failed(); options.ad_finished(); return; }; options.ad_started(); mc = clip._mochiad; mc["onUnload"] = function ():void{ var fn:Function; MochiAd._cleanup(mc); fn = function ():void{ options.ad_finished(); }; setTimeout(fn, 100); }; wh = MochiAd._getRes(options, clip); w = wh[0]; h = wh[1]; mc.x = (w * 0.5); mc.y = (h * 0.5); chk = createEmptyMovieClip(mc, "_mochiad_wait", 3); chk.x = (w * -0.5); chk.y = (h * -0.5); bar = createEmptyMovieClip(chk, "_mochiad_bar", 4); if (options.no_progress_bar){ bar.visible = false; delete options.no_progress_bar; } else { bar.x = (10 + options.bar_offset); bar.y = (h - 20); }; bar_w = ((w - bar.x) - 10); bar_color = options.color; delete options.color; bar_background = options.background; delete options.background; bar_outline = options.outline; delete options.outline; backing_mc = createEmptyMovieClip(bar, "_outline", 1); backing =; backing.beginFill(bar_background); backing.moveTo(0, 0); backing.lineTo(bar_w, 0); backing.lineTo(bar_w, 10); backing.lineTo(0, 10); backing.lineTo(0, 0); backing.endFill(); inside_mc = createEmptyMovieClip(bar, "_inside", 2); inside =; inside.beginFill(bar_color); inside.moveTo(0, 0); inside.lineTo(bar_w, 0); inside.lineTo(bar_w, 10); inside.lineTo(0, 10); inside.lineTo(0, 0); inside.endFill(); inside_mc.scaleX = 0; outline_mc = createEmptyMovieClip(bar, "_outline", 3); outline =; outline.lineStyle(0, bar_outline, 100); outline.moveTo(0, 0); outline.lineTo(bar_w, 0); outline.lineTo(bar_w, 10); outline.lineTo(0, 10); outline.lineTo(0, 0); chk.ad_msec = ad_msec; chk.ad_timeout = ad_timeout; chk.started = getTimer(); chk.showing = false; chk.last_pcnt = 0; chk.fadeout_time = fadeout_time; chk.fadeFunction = function ():void{ var _local1:Number; _local1 = (100 * (1 - ((getTimer() - this.fadeout_start) / this.fadeout_time))); if (_local1 > 0){ this.parent.alpha = (_local1 * 0.01); } else { MochiAd.unload(clip); delete this["onEnterFrame"]; }; }; complete = false; unloaded = false; progress = Math.min(1, options.progress_override(clip)); f = function (_arg1:Event):void{, arguments.callee); complete = true; if (unloaded){ MochiAd.unload(clip); }; }; if (!isNaN(progress)){ complete = (progress == 1); } else { if (clip.loaderInfo.bytesLoaded == clip.loaderInfo.bytesTotal){ complete = true; } else { if ((clip.root is MovieClip)){ r = (clip.root as MovieClip); if (r.framesLoaded >= r.totalFrames){ complete = true; } else { clip.loaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, f); }; } else { clip.loaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, f); }; }; }; mc.unloadAd = function ():void{ unloaded = true; if (complete){ MochiAd.unload(clip); }; }; mc.adLoaded = options.ad_loaded; mc.adSkipped = options.ad_skipped; mc.adjustProgress = function (_arg1:Number):void{ var _local2:Object; _local2 = mc._mochiad_wait; _local2.server_control = true; _local2.showing = true; _local2.started = getTimer(); _local2.ad_msec = _arg1; }; mc.rpc = function (_arg1:Number, _arg2:Object):void{ MochiAd.rpc(clip, _arg1, _arg2); }; mc.rpcTestFn = function (_arg1:String):Object{ return (_arg1); }; sendHostProgress = false; mc.sendHostLoadProgress = function (_arg1:String):void{ sendHostProgress = true; }; chk["onEnterFrame"] = function ():void{ var _local1:Object; var _local2:Object; var _local3:Number; var _local4:Boolean; var _local5:Number; var _local6:Number; var _local7:Number; var _local8:Number; var _local9:Number; var _local10:Object; var _local11:Number; var _local12:Number; if (((!(this.parent)) || (!(this.parent.parent)))){ delete this["onEnterFrame"]; return; }; _local1 = this.parent.parent.root; _local2 = this.parent._mochiad_ctr; _local3 = (getTimer() - this.started); _local4 = false; _local5 = _local1.loaderInfo.bytesTotal; _local6 = _local1.loaderInfo.bytesLoaded; _local7 = Math.min(1, options.progress_override(_local1)); if (_local7 == 1){ complete = true; }; if (complete){ _local6 = Math.max(1, _local6); _local5 = _local6; }; _local8 = ((100 * _local6) / _local5); if (!isNaN(_local7)){ _local8 = (100 * _local7); }; _local9 = ((100 * _local3) / chk.ad_msec); _local10 = this._mochiad_bar._inside; _local11 = Math.min(100, Math.min(((_local8) || (0)), _local9)); _local11 = Math.max(this.last_pcnt, _local11); this.last_pcnt = _local11; _local10.scaleX = (_local11 * 0.01); options.ad_progress(_local11); if (sendHostProgress){, "notify", {id:"hostLoadPcnt", pcnt:_local8}); if (_local8 >= 100){ sendHostProgress = false; }; }; if (!chk.showing){ _local12 = this.parent._mochiad_ctr.contentLoaderInfo.bytesTotal; if (_local12 > 0){ chk.showing = true; chk.started = getTimer(); MochiAd.adShowing(clip); } else { if ((((_local3 > chk.ad_timeout)) && ((_local8 == 100)))){ options.ad_failed(); _local4 = true; }; }; }; if (_local3 > chk.ad_msec){ _local4 = true; }; if (((complete) && (_local4))){ if (unloaded){ MochiAd.unload(_local1); } else { if (this.server_control){ delete this.onEnterFrame; } else { this.fadeout_start = getTimer(); this.onEnterFrame = chk.fadeFunction; }; }; }; }; doOnEnterFrame(chk); } public static function showPreloaderAd(_arg1:Object):void{ MochiAd.showPreGameAd(_arg1); } public static function showTimedAd(_arg1:Object):void{ MochiAd.showInterLevelAd(_arg1); } public static function doOnEnterFrame(_arg1:MovieClip):void{ var f:Function; var mc = _arg1; f = function (_arg1:Object):void{ if (((("onEnterFrame" in mc)) && (mc.onEnterFrame))){ mc.onEnterFrame(); } else {, arguments.callee); }; }; mc.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, f); } } }//package mochi.as3
Section 69
//MochiCoins (mochi.as3.MochiCoins) package mochi.as3 { public class MochiCoins { public static const STORE_HIDE:String = "StoreHide"; public static const NO_USER:String = "NoUser"; public static const IO_ERROR:String = "IOError"; public static const ITEM_NEW:String = "ItemNew"; public static const ITEM_OWNED:String = "ItemOwned"; public static const STORE_ITEMS:String = "StoreItems"; public static const ERROR:String = "Error"; public static const STORE_SHOW:String = "StoreShow"; private static var _dispatcher:MochiEventDispatcher = new MochiEventDispatcher(); public static var _inventory:MochiInventory; public static function triggerEvent(_arg1:String, _arg2:Object):void{ _dispatcher.triggerEvent(_arg1, _arg2); } public static function removeEventListener(_arg1:String, _arg2:Function):void{ _dispatcher.removeEventListener(_arg1, _arg2); } public static function addEventListener(_arg1:String, _arg2:Function):void{ _dispatcher.addEventListener(_arg1, _arg2); } public static function getStoreItems():void{ MochiServices.send("coins_getStoreItems"); } public static function get inventory():MochiInventory{ return (_inventory); } public static function showStore(_arg1:Object=null):void{ MochiServices.bringToTop(); MochiServices.send("coins_showStore", {options:_arg1}, null, null); } public static function showItem(_arg1:Object=null):void{ if (((!(_arg1)) || (!((typeof(_arg1.item) == "string"))))){ return; }; MochiServices.bringToTop(); MochiServices.send("coins_showItem", {options:_arg1}, null, null); } public static function getVersion():String{ return (MochiServices.getVersion()); } public static function showVideo(_arg1:Object=null):void{ if (((!(_arg1)) || (!((typeof(_arg1.item) == "string"))))){ return; }; MochiServices.bringToTop(); MochiServices.send("coins_showVideo", {options:_arg1}, null, null); } addEventListener(MochiSocial.LOGGED_IN, function (_arg1:Object):void{ _inventory = new MochiInventory(); }); addEventListener(MochiSocial.LOGGED_OUT, function (_arg1:Object):void{ _inventory = null; }); } }//package mochi.as3
Section 70
//MochiDigits (mochi.as3.MochiDigits) package mochi.as3 { public final class MochiDigits { private var Sibling:MochiDigits; private var Fragment:Number; private var Encoder:Number; public function MochiDigits(_arg1:Number=0, _arg2:uint=0):void{ Encoder = 0; setValue(_arg1, _arg2); } public function set value(_arg1:Number):void{ setValue(_arg1); } public function reencode():void{ var _local1:uint; _local1 = int((2147483647 * Math.random())); Fragment = (Fragment ^ (_local1 ^ Encoder)); Encoder = _local1; } public function toString():String{ var _local1:String; _local1 = String.fromCharCode((Fragment ^ Encoder)); if (Sibling != null){ _local1 = (_local1 + Sibling.toString()); }; return (_local1); } public function get value():Number{ return (Number(this.toString())); } public function setValue(_arg1:Number=0, _arg2:uint=0):void{ var _local3:String; _local3 = _arg1.toString(); var _temp1 = _arg2; _arg2 = (_arg2 + 1); Fragment = (_local3.charCodeAt(_temp1) ^ Encoder); if (_arg2 < _local3.length){ Sibling = new MochiDigits(_arg1, _arg2); } else { Sibling = null; }; reencode(); } public function addValue(_arg1:Number):void{ value = (value + _arg1); } } }//package mochi.as3
Section 71
//MochiEventDispatcher (mochi.as3.MochiEventDispatcher) package mochi.as3 { public class MochiEventDispatcher { private var eventTable:Object; public function MochiEventDispatcher():void{ eventTable = {}; } public function triggerEvent(_arg1:String, _arg2:Object):void{ var _local3:Object; if (eventTable[_arg1] == undefined){ return; }; for (_local3 in eventTable[_arg1]) { var _local6 = eventTable[_arg1]; _local6[_local3](_arg2); }; } public function removeEventListener(_arg1:String, _arg2:Function):void{ var _local3:Object; if (eventTable[_arg1] == undefined){ eventTable[_arg1] = []; return; }; for (_local3 in eventTable[_arg1]) { if (eventTable[_arg1][_local3] != _arg2){ } else { eventTable[_arg1].splice(Number(_local3), 1); }; }; } public function addEventListener(_arg1:String, _arg2:Function):void{ removeEventListener(_arg1, _arg2); eventTable[_arg1].push(_arg2); } } }//package mochi.as3
Section 72
//MochiEvents (mochi.as3.MochiEvents) package mochi.as3 { import flash.display.*; public class MochiEvents { public static const ALIGN_BOTTOM_LEFT:String = "ALIGN_BL"; public static const FORMAT_LONG:String = "LongForm"; public static const ALIGN_BOTTOM:String = "ALIGN_B"; public static const ACHIEVEMENT_RECEIVED:String = "AchievementReceived"; public static const FORMAT_SHORT:String = "ShortForm"; public static const ALIGN_TOP_RIGHT:String = "ALIGN_TR"; public static const ALIGN_BOTTOM_RIGHT:String = "ALIGN_BR"; public static const ALIGN_TOP:String = "ALIGN_T"; public static const ALIGN_LEFT:String = "ALIGN_L"; public static const ALIGN_RIGHT:String = "ALIGN_R"; public static const ALIGN_TOP_LEFT:String = "ALIGN_TL"; public static const ALIGN_CENTER:String = "ALIGN_C"; private static var _dispatcher:MochiEventDispatcher = new MochiEventDispatcher(); private static var gameStart:Number; private static var levelStart:Number; public static function endPlay():void{ MochiServices.send("events_clearRoundID", null, null, null); } public static function addEventListener(_arg1:String, _arg2:Function):void{ _dispatcher.addEventListener(_arg1, _arg2); } public static function trackEvent(_arg1:String, _arg2=null):void{ MochiServices.send("events_trackEvent", {tag:_arg1, value:_arg2}, null, null); } public static function removeEventListener(_arg1:String, _arg2:Function):void{ _dispatcher.removeEventListener(_arg1, _arg2); } public static function startSession(_arg1:String):void{ MochiServices.send("events_beginSession", {achievementID:_arg1}, null, null); } public static function triggerEvent(_arg1:String, _arg2:Object):void{ _dispatcher.triggerEvent(_arg1, _arg2); } public static function setNotifications(_arg1:MovieClip, _arg2:Object):void{ var _local3:Object; var _local4:Object; _local3 = {}; for (_local4 in _arg2) { _local3[_local4] = _arg2[_local4]; }; _local3.clip = _arg1; MochiServices.send("events_setNotifications", _local3, null, null); } public static function getVersion():String{ return (MochiServices.getVersion()); } public static function startPlay(_arg1:String="gameplay"):void{ MochiServices.send("events_setRoundID", {tag:String(_arg1)}, null, null); } } }//package mochi.as3
Section 73
//MochiInventory (mochi.as3.MochiInventory) package mochi.as3 { import*; import flash.utils.*; public dynamic class MochiInventory extends Proxy { private var _timer:Timer; private var _names:Array; private var _consumableProperties:Object; private var _syncID:Number; private var _storeSync:Object; private var _outstandingID:Number; private var _syncPending:Boolean; public static const READY:String = "InvReady"; public static const ERROR:String = "Error"; public static const IO_ERROR:String = "IoError"; private static const KEY_SALT:String = " syncMaint"; public static const WRITTEN:String = "InvWritten"; public static const NOT_READY:String = "InvNotReady"; public static const VALUE_ERROR:String = "InvValueError"; private static const CONSUMER_KEY:String = "MochiConsumables"; private static var _dispatcher:MochiEventDispatcher = new MochiEventDispatcher(); public function MochiInventory():void{ MochiCoins.addEventListener(MochiCoins.ITEM_OWNED, itemOwned); MochiCoins.addEventListener(MochiCoins.ITEM_NEW, newItems); MochiSocial.addEventListener(MochiSocial.LOGGED_IN, loggedIn); MochiSocial.addEventListener(MochiSocial.LOGGED_OUT, loggedOut); _storeSync = new Object(); _syncPending = false; _outstandingID = 0; _syncID = 0; _timer = new Timer(1000); _timer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, sync); _timer.start(); if (MochiSocial.loggedIn){ loggedIn(); } else { loggedOut(); }; } private function newItems(_arg1:Object):void{ if (!this[( + KEY_SALT)]){ this[( + KEY_SALT)] = 0; }; if (!this[]){ this[] = 0; }; this[( + KEY_SALT)] = (this[( + KEY_SALT)] + _arg1.count); this[] = (this[] + _arg1.count); if (_arg1.privateProperties.consumable){ if (!this[_arg1.privateProperties.tag]){ this[_arg1.privateProperties.tag] = 0; }; this[_arg1.privateProperties.tag] = (this[_arg1.privateProperties.tag] + ( * _arg1.count)); }; } override ""?? function getProperty(_arg1){ if (_consumableProperties == null){ triggerEvent(ERROR, {type:NOT_READY}); return (-1); }; if (_consumableProperties[_arg1]){ return (MochiDigits(_consumableProperties[_arg1]).value); }; return (undefined); } public function release():void{ MochiCoins.removeEventListener(MochiCoins.ITEM_NEW, newItems); MochiSocial.removeEventListener(MochiSocial.LOGGED_IN, loggedIn); MochiSocial.removeEventListener(MochiSocial.LOGGED_OUT, loggedOut); } override ""?? function hasProperty(_arg1):Boolean{ if (_consumableProperties == null){ triggerEvent(ERROR, {type:NOT_READY}); return (false); }; if (_consumableProperties[_arg1] == undefined){ return (false); }; return (true); } override ""?? function nextNameIndex(_arg1:int):int{ return (((_arg1)>=_names.length) ? 0 : (_arg1 + 1)); } override ""?? function setProperty(_arg1, _arg2):void{ var _local3:MochiDigits; if (_consumableProperties == null){ triggerEvent(ERROR, {type:NOT_READY}); return; }; if (!(_arg2 is Number)){ triggerEvent(ERROR, {type:VALUE_ERROR, error:"Invalid type", arg:_arg2}); return; }; if (_consumableProperties[_arg1]){ _local3 = MochiDigits(_consumableProperties[_arg1]); if (_local3.value == _arg2){ return; }; _local3.value = _arg2; } else { _names.push(_arg1); _consumableProperties[_arg1] = new MochiDigits(_arg2); }; _syncID++; } private function sync(_arg1:Event=null):void{ var _local2:Object; var _local3:String; if (((_syncPending) || ((_syncID == _outstandingID)))){ return; }; _outstandingID = _syncID; _local2 = {}; for (_local3 in _consumableProperties) { _local2[_local3] = MochiDigits(_consumableProperties[_local3]).value; }; MochiUserData.put(CONSUMER_KEY, _local2, putConsumableBag); _syncPending = true; } override ""?? function nextName(_arg1:int):String{ return (_names[(_arg1 - 1)]); } private function loggedIn(_arg1:Object=null):void{ MochiUserData.get(CONSUMER_KEY, getConsumableBag); } override ""?? function deleteProperty(_arg1):Boolean{ if (!_consumableProperties[_arg1]){ return (false); }; _names.splice(_names.indexOf(_arg1), 1); delete _consumableProperties[_arg1]; return (true); } private function itemOwned(_arg1:Object):void{ _storeSync[] = {, count:_arg1.count}; } private function putConsumableBag(_arg1:MochiUserData):void{ _syncPending = false; if (_arg1.error){ triggerEvent(ERROR, {type:IO_ERROR, error:_arg1.error}); _outstandingID = -1; }; triggerEvent(WRITTEN, {}); } private function getConsumableBag(_arg1:MochiUserData):void{ var _local2:String; var _local3:Number; if (_arg1.error){ triggerEvent(ERROR, {type:IO_ERROR, error:_arg1.error}); return; }; _consumableProperties = {}; _names = new Array(); if ({ for (_local2 in { _names.push(_local2); _consumableProperties[_local2] = new MochiDigits([_local2]); }; }; for (_local2 in _storeSync) { _local3 = _storeSync[_local2].count; if (_consumableProperties[(_local2 + KEY_SALT)]){ _local3 = (_local3 - _consumableProperties[_local2]); }; if (_local3 == 0){ } else { newItems({id:_local2, count:_local3, properties:_storeSync[_local2].properties}); }; }; triggerEvent(READY, {}); } private function loggedOut(_arg1:Object=null):void{ _consumableProperties = null; } public static function triggerEvent(_arg1:String, _arg2:Object):void{ _dispatcher.triggerEvent(_arg1, _arg2); } public static function removeEventListener(_arg1:String, _arg2:Function):void{ _dispatcher.removeEventListener(_arg1, _arg2); } public static function addEventListener(_arg1:String, _arg2:Function):void{ _dispatcher.addEventListener(_arg1, _arg2); } } }//package mochi.as3
Section 74
//MochiScores (mochi.as3.MochiScores) package mochi.as3 { import flash.display.*; import flash.text.*; public class MochiScores { private static var boardID:String; public static var onErrorHandler:Object; public static var onCloseHandler:Object; public static function showLeaderboard(_arg1:Object=null):void{ var n:Number; var options = _arg1; if (options != null){ delete options.clip; MochiServices.setContainer(); MochiServices.bringToTop(); if ( != null){ if (( is TextField)){ if ( > 0){ =; }; }; }; if (options.score != null){ if ((options.score is TextField)){ if (options.score.text.length > 0){ options.score = options.score.text; }; } else { if ((options.score is MochiDigits)){ options.score = options.score.value; }; }; n = Number(options.score); if (isNaN(n)){ } else { if ((((n == Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY)) || ((n == Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY)))){ } else { if (Math.floor(n) != n){ }; options.score = n; }; }; }; if (options.onDisplay != null){ options.onDisplay(); } else { if (MochiServices.clip != null){ if ((MochiServices.clip is MovieClip)){ MochiServices.clip.stop(); //unresolved jump }; }; }; } else { options = {}; if ((MochiServices.clip is MovieClip)){ MochiServices.clip.stop(); //unresolved jump }; }; if (options.onClose != null){ onCloseHandler = options.onClose; } else { onCloseHandler = function ():void{ if ((MochiServices.clip is MovieClip)){; //unresolved jump }; }; }; if (options.onError != null){ onErrorHandler = options.onError; } else { onErrorHandler = null; }; if (options.boardID == null){ if (MochiScores.boardID != null){ options.boardID = MochiScores.boardID; }; }; MochiServices.warnID(options.boardID, true); MochiServices.send("scores_showLeaderboard", {options:options}, null, onClose); } public static function closeLeaderboard():void{ MochiServices.send("scores_closeLeaderboard"); } public static function getPlayerInfo(_arg1:Object, _arg2:Object=null):void{ MochiServices.send("scores_getPlayerInfo", null, _arg1, _arg2); } public static function requestList(_arg1:Object, _arg2:Object=null):void{ MochiServices.send("scores_requestList", null, _arg1, _arg2); } public static function scoresArrayToObjects(_arg1:Object):Object{ var _local2:Object; var _local3:Number; var _local4:Number; var _local5:Object; var _local6:Object; var _local7:String; var _local8:String; _local2 = {}; for (_local7 in _arg1) { if (typeof(_arg1[_local7]) == "object"){ if (((!((_arg1[_local7].cols == null))) && (!((_arg1[_local7].rows == null))))){ _local2[_local7] = []; _local5 = _arg1[_local7]; _local4 = 0; while (_local4 < _local5.rows.length) { _local6 = {}; _local3 = 0; while (_local3 < _local5.cols.length) { _local6[_local5.cols[_local3]] = _local5.rows[_local4][_local3]; _local3++; }; _local2[_local7].push(_local6); _local4++; }; } else { _local2[_local7] = {}; for (_local8 in _arg1[_local7]) { _local2[_local7][_local8] = _arg1[_local7][_local8]; }; }; } else { _local2[_local7] = _arg1[_local7]; }; }; return (_local2); } public static function submit(_arg1:Number, _arg2:String, _arg3:Object=null, _arg4:Object=null):void{ _arg1 = Number(_arg1); if (isNaN(_arg1)){ } else { if ((((_arg1 == Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY)) || ((_arg1 == Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY)))){ } else { if (Math.floor(_arg1) != _arg1){ }; _arg1 = Number(_arg1); }; }; MochiServices.send("scores_submit", {score:_arg1, name:_arg2}, _arg3, _arg4); } public static function onClose(_arg1:Object=null):void{ if (((((_arg1) && ((_arg1.error == true)))) && (onErrorHandler))){ if (_arg1.errorCode == null){ _arg1.errorCode = "IOError"; }; onErrorHandler(_arg1.errorCode); MochiServices.doClose(); return; }; onCloseHandler(); MochiServices.doClose(); } public static function setBoardID(_arg1:String):void{ MochiServices.warnID(_arg1, true); MochiScores.boardID = _arg1; MochiServices.send("scores_setBoardID", {boardID:_arg1}); } } }//package mochi.as3
Section 75
//MochiServices (mochi.as3.MochiServices) package mochi.as3 { import*; import flash.display.*; import flash.geom.*; import flash.utils.*; import*; import flash.system.*; public class MochiServices { private static var _container:Object; private static var _connected:Boolean = false; private static var _queue:Array; private static var _swfVersion:String; private static var _preserved:Object; public static var netupAttempted:Boolean = false; private static var _sendChannel:LocalConnection; public static var servicesSync:MochiSync = new MochiSync(); private static var _nextCallbackID:Number; private static var _clip:MovieClip; private static var _id:String; private static var _services:String = "services.swf"; private static var _servURL:String = ""; public static var widget:Boolean = false; private static var _timer:Timer; private static var _sendChannelName:String; private static var _loader:Loader; private static var _callbacks:Object; private static var _connecting:Boolean = false; private static var _mochiLocalConnection:MovieClip; private static var _listenChannelName:String = "__ms_"; public static var onError:Object; public static var netup:Boolean = true; private static var _mochiLC:String = "MochiLC.swf"; public static function isNetworkAvailable():Boolean{ return (!((Security.sandboxType == "localWithFile"))); } public static function get connected():Boolean{ return (_connected); } private static function onReceive(_arg1:Object):void{ var cb:String; var cblst:Object; var method:*; var methodName:String; var obj:Object; var pkg = _arg1; cb = pkg.callbackID; cblst = _callbacks[cb]; if (!cblst){ return; }; method = cblst.callbackMethod; methodName = ""; obj = cblst.callbackObject; if (((obj) && ((typeof(method) == "string")))){ methodName = method; if (obj[method] != null){ method = obj[method]; //unresolved jump }; }; if (method != undefined){ try { method.apply(obj, pkg.args); } catch(error:Error) { }; } else { if (obj != null){ try { obj(pkg.args); } catch(error:Error) { }; }; }; delete _callbacks[cb]; } public static function send(_arg1:String, _arg2:Object=null, _arg3:Object=null, _arg4:Object=null):void{ if (_connected){ _mochiLocalConnection.send(_sendChannelName, "onReceive", {methodName:_arg1, args:_arg2, callbackID:_nextCallbackID}); } else { if ((((_clip == null)) || (!(_connecting)))){ handleError(_arg2, _arg3, _arg4); flush(true); return; }; _queue.push({methodName:_arg1, args:_arg2, callbackID:_nextCallbackID}); }; if (_clip != null){ if (_callbacks != null){ _callbacks[_nextCallbackID] = {callbackObject:_arg3, callbackMethod:_arg4}; _nextCallbackID++; }; }; } private static function init(_arg1:String, _arg2:Object):void{ _id = _arg1; if (_arg2 != null){ _container = _arg2; loadCommunicator(_arg1, _container); }; } public static function get childClip():Object{ return (_clip); } private static function clickMovie(_arg1:String, _arg2:Function):MovieClip{ var _local3:Array; var _local4:int; var _local5:Array; var _local6:Array; var _local7:MovieClip; var _local8:LocalConnection; var _local9:String; var _local10:ByteArray; var _local11:ByteArray; var _local12:uint; var _local13:uint; var _local14:Loader; _local3 = [150, 21, 0, 7, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 98, 116, 110, 0, 7, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 116, 104, 105, 115, 0, 28, 150, 22, 0, 0, 99, 114, 101, 97, 116, 101, 69, 109, 112, 116, 121, 77, 111, 118, 105, 101, 67, 108, 105, 112, 0, 82, 135, 1, 0, 0, 23, 150, 13, 0, 4, 0, 0, 111, 110, 82, 101, 108, 101, 97, 115, 101, 0, 142, 8, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 42, 0, 114, 0, 150, 17, 0, 0, 32, 0, 7, 1, 0, 0, 0, 8, 0, 0, 115, 112, 108, 105, 116, 0, 82, 135, 1, 0, 1, 23, 150, 7, 0, 4, 1, 7, 0, 0, 0, 0, 78, 150, 8, 0, 0, 95, 98, 108, 97, 110, 107, 0, 154, 1, 0, 0, 150, 7, 0, 0, 99, 108, 105, 99, 107, 0, 150, 7, 0, 4, 1, 7, 1, 0, 0, 0, 78, 150, 27, 0, 7, 2, 0, 0, 0, 7, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 76, 111, 99, 97, 108, 67, 111, 110, 110, 101, 99, 116, 105, 111, 110, 0, 64, 150, 6, 0, 0, 115, 101, 110, 100, 0, 82, 79, 150, 15, 0, 4, 0, 0, 95, 97, 108, 112, 104, 97, 0, 7, 0, 0, 0, 0, 79, 150, 23, 0, 7, 0xFF, 0, 0xFF, 0, 7, 1, 0, 0, 0, 4, 0, 0, 98, 101, 103, 105, 110, 70, 105, 108, 108, 0, 82, 23, 150, 25, 0, 7, 0, 0, 0, 0, 7, 0, 0, 0, 0, 7, 2, 0, 0, 0, 4, 0, 0, 109, 111, 118, 101, 84, 111, 0, 82, 23, 150, 25, 0, 7, 100, 0, 0, 0, 7, 0, 0, 0, 0, 7, 2, 0, 0, 0, 4, 0, 0, 108, 105, 110, 101, 84, 111, 0, 82, 23, 150, 25, 0, 7, 100, 0, 0, 0, 7, 100, 0, 0, 0, 7, 2, 0, 0, 0, 4, 0, 0, 108, 105, 110, 101, 84, 111, 0, 82, 23, 150, 25, 0, 7, 0, 0, 0, 0, 7, 100, 0, 0, 0, 7, 2, 0, 0, 0, 4, 0, 0, 108, 105, 110, 101, 84, 111, 0, 82, 23, 150, 25, 0, 7, 0, 0, 0, 0, 7, 0, 0, 0, 0, 7, 2, 0, 0, 0, 4, 0, 0, 108, 105, 110, 101, 84, 111, 0, 82, 23, 150, 16, 0, 7, 0, 0, 0, 0, 4, 0, 0, 101, 110, 100, 70, 105, 108, 108, 0, 82, 23]; _local5 = [104, 0, 31, 64, 0, 7, 208, 0, 0, 12, 1, 0, 67, 2, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 63, 3]; _local6 = [0, 64, 0, 0, 0]; _local7 = new MovieClip(); _local8 = new LocalConnection(); _local9 = ((("_click_" + Math.floor((Math.random() * 999999))) + "_") + Math.floor(new Date().time)); _local8 = new LocalConnection(); = _local8; = _arg2; _local8.client = _local7; _local8.connect(_local9); _local10 = new ByteArray(); _local11 = new ByteArray(); _local11.endian = Endian.LITTLE_ENDIAN; _local11.writeShort(1); _local11.writeUTFBytes(((_arg1 + " ") + _local9)); _local11.writeByte(0); _local12 = ((_local3.length + _local11.length) + 4); _local13 = (_local12 + 35); _local10.endian = Endian.LITTLE_ENDIAN; _local10.writeUTFBytes("FWS"); _local10.writeByte(8); _local10.writeUnsignedInt(_local13); for each (_local4 in _local5) { _local10.writeByte(_local4); }; _local10.writeUnsignedInt(_local12); _local10.writeByte(136); _local10.writeShort(_local11.length); _local10.writeBytes(_local11); for each (_local4 in _local3) { _local10.writeByte(_local4); }; for each (_local4 in _local6) { _local10.writeByte(_local4); }; _local14 = new Loader(); _local14.loadBytes(_local10); _local7.addChild(_local14); return (_local7); } public static function stayOnTop():void{ _container.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, MochiServices.bringToTop, false, 0, true); if (_clip != null){ _clip.visible = true; }; } public static function addLinkEvent(_arg1:String, _arg2:String, _arg3:DisplayObjectContainer, _arg4:Function=null):void{ var vars:Object; var avm1Click:DisplayObject; var s:String; var i:Number; var x:String; var req:URLRequest; var loader:Loader; var setURL:Function; var err:Function; var complete:Function; var url = _arg1; var burl = _arg2; var btn = _arg3; var onClick = _arg4; vars = new Object(); vars["mav"] = getVersion(); vars["swfv"] = "9"; vars["swfurl"] = btn.loaderInfo.loaderURL; vars["fv"] = Capabilities.version; vars["os"] = Capabilities.os; vars["lang"] = Capabilities.language; vars["scres"] = ((Capabilities.screenResolutionX + "x") + Capabilities.screenResolutionY); s = "?"; i = 0; for (x in vars) { if (i != 0){ s = (s + "&"); }; i = (i + 1); s = (((s + x) + "=") + escape(vars[x])); }; req = new URLRequest(""); loader = new Loader(); setURL = function (_arg1:String):void{ var _local2:Rectangle; if (avm1Click){ btn.removeChild(avm1Click); }; avm1Click = clickMovie(_arg1, onClick); _local2 = btn.getBounds(btn); btn.addChild(avm1Click); avm1Click.x = _local2.x; avm1Click.y = _local2.y; avm1Click.scaleX = (0.01 * _local2.width); avm1Click.scaleY = (0.01 * _local2.height); }; err = function (_arg1:Object):void{ netup = false;, arguments.callee); setURL(burl); }; complete = function (_arg1:Object):void{, arguments.callee); }; if (netup){ setURL((url + s)); } else { setURL(burl); }; if (!((netupAttempted) || (_connected))){ netupAttempted = true; loader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, err); loader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, complete); loader.load(req); }; } public static function disconnect():void{ if (((_connected) || (_connecting))){ if (_clip != null){ if (_clip.parent != null){ if ((_clip.parent is Sprite)){ Sprite(_clip.parent).removeChild(_clip); _clip = null; }; }; }; _connecting = (_connected = false); flush(true); try { _mochiLocalConnection.close(); } catch(error:Error) { }; }; if (_timer != null){ try { _timer.stop(); } catch(error:Error) { }; }; } public static function allowDomains(_arg1:String):String{ var _local2:String; if (Security.sandboxType != "application"){ Security.allowDomain("*"); Security.allowInsecureDomain("*"); }; if (_arg1.indexOf("http://") != -1){ _local2 = _arg1.split("/")[2].split(":")[0]; if (Security.sandboxType != "application"){ Security.allowDomain(_local2); Security.allowInsecureDomain(_local2); }; }; return (_local2); } public static function getVersion():String{ return ("3.9 as3"); } public static function doClose():void{ _container.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, MochiServices.bringToTop); } public static function warnID(_arg1:String, _arg2:Boolean):void{ var _local3:Number; _arg1 = _arg1.toLowerCase(); if (_arg1.length != 16){ return; }; if (_arg1 == "1e113c7239048b3f"){ if (_arg2){ //unresolved jump }; return; } else { if (_arg1 == "84993a1de4031cd8"){ if (_arg2){ //unresolved jump }; return; }; }; _local3 = 0; while (_local3 < _arg1.length) { switch (_arg1.charAt(_local3)){ case "0": case "1": case "2": case "3": case "4": case "5": case "6": case "7": case "8": case "9": case "a": case "b": case "c": case "d": case "e": case "f": break; default: return; }; _local3++; }; } private static function flush(_arg1:Boolean):void{ var _local2:Object; var _local3:Object; if (((_clip) && (_queue))){ while (_queue.length > 0) { _local2 = _queue.shift(); _local3 = null; if (_local2 != null){ if (_local2.callbackID != null){ _local3 = _callbacks[_local2.callbackID]; }; delete _callbacks[_local2.callbackID]; if (((_arg1) && (!((_local3 == null))))){ handleError(_local2.args, _local3.callbackObject, _local3.callbackMethod); }; }; }; }; } public static function get id():String{ return (_id); } private static function onEvent(_arg1:Object):void{ var _local2:String; var _local3:String; _local2 =; _local3 = _arg1.event; switch (_local2){ case "events": MochiEvents.triggerEvent(_arg1.event, _arg1.args); break; case "coins": MochiCoins.triggerEvent(_arg1.event, _arg1.args); break; case "social": MochiSocial.triggerEvent(_arg1.event, _arg1.args); break; case "sync": servicesSync.triggerEvent(_arg1.event, _arg1.args); break; }; } private static function urlOptions(_arg1:Object):Object{ var _local2:Object; var _local3:String; var _local4:Array; var _local5:Number; var _local6:Array; _local2 = {}; if (_arg1.stage){ _local3 = _arg1.stage.loaderInfo.parameters.mochiad_options; } else { _local3 = _arg1.loaderInfo.parameters.mochiad_options; }; if (_local3){ _local4 = _local3.split("&"); _local5 = 0; while (_local5 < _local4.length) { _local6 = _local4[_local5].split("="); _local2[unescape(_local6[0])] = unescape(_local6[1]); _local5++; }; }; return (_local2); } public static function setContainer(_arg1:Object=null, _arg2:Boolean=true):void{ if (_clip.parent){ _clip.parent.removeChild(_clip); }; if (_arg1 != null){ if ((_arg1 is DisplayObjectContainer)){ _container = _arg1; }; }; if (_arg2){ if ((_container is DisplayObjectContainer)){ DisplayObjectContainer(_container).addChild(_clip); }; }; } private static function handleError(_arg1:Object, _arg2:Object, _arg3:Object):void{ var args = _arg1; var callbackObject = _arg2; var callbackMethod = _arg3; if (args != null){ if (args.onError != null){ args.onError.apply(null, ["NotConnected"]); }; if (((!((args.options == null))) && (!((args.options.onError == null))))){ args.options.onError.apply(null, ["NotConnected"]); }; }; if (callbackMethod != null){ args = {}; args.error = true; args.errorCode = "NotConnected"; if (((!((callbackObject == null))) && ((callbackMethod is String)))){ try { var _local5 = callbackObject; _local5[callbackMethod](args); } catch(error:Error) { }; } else { if (callbackMethod != null){ try { callbackMethod.apply(args); } catch(error:Error) { }; }; }; }; } private static function loadError(_arg1:Object):void{ _clip._mochiad_ctr_failed = true; MochiServices.disconnect(); MochiServices.onError("IOError"); } private static function initComChannels():void{ if (!_connected){ _connecting = false; _connected = true; _mochiLocalConnection.send(_sendChannelName, "onReceive", {methodName:"handshakeDone"}); _mochiLocalConnection.send(_sendChannelName, "onReceive", {methodName:"registerGame", preserved:_preserved, id:_id, version:getVersion(), parentURL:_container.loaderInfo.loaderURL}); _clip.onReceive = onReceive; _clip.onEvent = onEvent; _clip.onError = function ():void{ MochiServices.onError("IOError"); }; while (_queue.length > 0) { _mochiLocalConnection.send(_sendChannelName, "onReceive", _queue.shift()); }; }; } private static function loadLCBridge(_arg1:Object):void{ var loader:Loader; var mochiLCURL:String; var req:URLRequest; var complete:Function; var clip = _arg1; loader = new Loader(); mochiLCURL = (_servURL + _mochiLC); req = new URLRequest(mochiLCURL); complete = function (_arg1:Object):void{ _mochiLocalConnection = MovieClip(loader.content); listen(); }; loader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, complete); loader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, loadError); loader.load(req); clip.addChild(loader); } private static function listen():void{ _mochiLocalConnection.connect(_listenChannelName); _clip.handshake = function (_arg1:Object):void{ MochiServices.comChannelName = _arg1.newChannel; }; } public static function get clip():Object{ return (_container); } public static function set comChannelName(_arg1:String):void{ if (_arg1 != null){ if (_arg1.length > 3){ _sendChannelName = (_arg1 + "_fromgame"); initComChannels(); }; }; } private static function loadCommunicator(_arg1:String, _arg2:Object):MovieClip{ var _local3:String; var _local4:URLRequest; var _local5:URLVariables; if (_clip != null){ return (_clip); }; if (!MochiServices.isNetworkAvailable()){ return (null); }; if (urlOptions(_arg2).servURL){ _servURL = urlOptions(_arg2).servURL; }; _local3 = (_servURL + _services); if (urlOptions(_arg2).servicesURL){ _local3 = urlOptions(_arg2).servicesURL; }; _listenChannelName = (_listenChannelName + ((Math.floor(new Date().time) + "_") + Math.floor((Math.random() * 99999)))); MochiServices.allowDomains(_local3); _clip = new MovieClip(); loadLCBridge(_clip); _loader = new Loader(); _loader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, loadError); _local4 = new URLRequest(_local3); _local5 = new URLVariables(); _local5.listenLC = _listenChannelName; _local5.mochiad_options = _arg2.loaderInfo.parameters.mochiad_options; _local5.api_version = getVersion(); if (widget){ _local5.widget = true; }; = _local5; _loader.load(_local4); _clip.addChild(_loader); _sendChannel = new LocalConnection(); _queue = []; _nextCallbackID = 0; _callbacks = {}; _timer = new Timer(10000, 1); _timer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, connectWait); _timer.start(); return (_clip); } public static function connect(_arg1:String, _arg2:Object, _arg3:Object=null):void{ var id = _arg1; var clip = _arg2; var onError = _arg3; warnID(id, false); if ((clip is DisplayObject)){ if (clip.stage == null){ }; if (((!(_connected)) && ((_clip == null)))){ _connecting = true; init(id, clip); }; //unresolved jump }; if (onError != null){ MochiServices.onError = onError; } else { if (MochiServices.onError == null){ MochiServices.onError = function (_arg1:String):void{ }; }; }; } public static function updateCopy(_arg1:Object):void{ MochiServices.send("coins_updateCopy", _arg1, null, null); } public static function bringToTop(_arg1:Event=null):void{ var e = _arg1; if (((!((MochiServices.clip == null))) && (!((MochiServices.childClip == null))))){ try { if (MochiServices.clip.numChildren > 1){ MochiServices.clip.setChildIndex(MochiServices.childClip, (MochiServices.clip.numChildren - 1)); }; } catch(errorObject:Error) { _container.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, MochiServices.bringToTop); }; }; } public static function connectWait(_arg1:TimerEvent):void{ if (!_connected){ _clip._mochiad_ctr_failed = true; MochiServices.disconnect(); MochiServices.onError("IOError"); }; } } }//package mochi.as3
Section 76
//MochiSocial (mochi.as3.MochiSocial) package mochi.as3 { public class MochiSocial { public static const LOGGED_IN:String = "LoggedIn"; public static const NO_USER:String = "NoUser"; public static const PROPERTIES_SIZE:String = "PropertiesSize"; public static const IO_ERROR:String = "IOError"; public static const FRIEND_LIST:String = "FriendsList"; public static const PROFILE_DATA:String = "ProfileData"; public static const GAMEPLAY_DATA:String = "GameplayData"; public static const USER_INFO:String = "UserInfo"; public static const LOGIN_SHOW:String = "LoginShow"; public static const PROFILE_HIDE:String = "ProfileHide"; public static const PROPERTIES_SAVED:String = "PropertySaved"; public static const WIDGET_LOADED:String = "WidgetLoaded"; public static const ERROR:String = "Error"; public static const LOGGED_OUT:String = "LoggedOut"; public static const PROFILE_SHOW:String = "ProfileShow"; public static const LOGIN_HIDE:String = "LoginHide"; public static const LOGIN_SHOWN:String = "LoginShown"; public static var _user_info:Object = null; private static var _dispatcher:MochiEventDispatcher = new MochiEventDispatcher(); public static function inviteFriend(_arg1:Object):void{ MochiServices.send("social_inviteFriend", _arg1); } public static function postToStream(_arg1:Object):void{ MochiServices.send("social_postToStream", _arg1); } public static function getFriendsList():void{ MochiServices.send("social_getFriendsList"); } public static function requestLogin():void{ MochiServices.send("social_requestLogin"); } public static function getVersion():String{ return (MochiServices.getVersion()); } public static function followRequest(_arg1:String):void{ MochiServices.send("social_followRequest", {stream:_arg1}); } public static function sendFeedback(_arg1:Object):void{ MochiServices.send("social_sendFeedback", _arg1); } public static function saveUserProperties(_arg1:Object):void{ MochiServices.send("social_saveUserProperties", _arg1); } public static function getProfileData(_arg1:Object):void{ MochiServices.send("social_getProfileData", _arg1); } public static function triggerEvent(_arg1:String, _arg2:Object):void{ _dispatcher.triggerEvent(_arg1, _arg2); } public static function removeEventListener(_arg1:String, _arg2:Function):void{ _dispatcher.removeEventListener(_arg1, _arg2); } public static function get loggedIn():Boolean{ return (!((_user_info == null))); } public static function addEventListener(_arg1:String, _arg2:Function):void{ _dispatcher.addEventListener(_arg1, _arg2); } public static function showLoginWidget(_arg1:Object=null):void{ MochiServices.setContainer(); MochiServices.bringToTop(); MochiServices.send("social_showLoginWidget", {options:_arg1}); } public static function getGameplayData(_arg1:Object):void{ MochiServices.send("social_getGameplayData", _arg1); } public static function getAPIURL():String{ if (!_user_info){ return (null); }; return (_user_info.api_url); } public static function hideLoginWidget():void{ MochiServices.send("social_hideLoginWidget"); } public static function getAPIToken():String{ if (!_user_info){ return (null); }; return (_user_info.api_token); } MochiSocial.addEventListener(MochiSocial.LOGGED_IN, function (_arg1:Object):void{ _user_info = _arg1; }); MochiSocial.addEventListener(MochiSocial.LOGGED_OUT, function (_arg1:Object):void{ _user_info = null; }); } }//package mochi.as3
Section 77
//MochiSync (mochi.as3.MochiSync) package mochi.as3 { import flash.utils.*; public dynamic class MochiSync extends Proxy { private var _syncContainer:Object; public static var SYNC_PROPERTY:String = "UpdateProperty"; public static var SYNC_REQUEST:String = "SyncRequest"; public function MochiSync():void{ _syncContainer = {}; } public function triggerEvent(_arg1:String, _arg2:Object):void{ switch (_arg1){ case SYNC_REQUEST: MochiServices.send("sync_syncronize", _syncContainer); break; case SYNC_PROPERTY: _syncContainer[] = _arg2.value; break; }; } override ""?? function getProperty(_arg1){ return (_syncContainer[_arg1]); } override ""?? function setProperty(_arg1, _arg2):void{ var _local3:String; if (_syncContainer[_arg1] == _arg2){ return; }; _local3 = _arg1.toString(); _syncContainer[_local3] = _arg2; MochiServices.send("sync_propUpdate", {name:_local3, value:_arg2}); } } }//package mochi.as3
Section 78
//MochiUserData (mochi.as3.MochiUserData) package mochi.as3 { import*; import flash.utils.*; import*; public class MochiUserData extends EventDispatcher { public var callback:Function;// = null public var error:Event;// = null public var key:String;// = null public var operation:String;// = null public var data;// = null public var _loader:URLLoader; public function MochiUserData(_arg1:String="", _arg2:Function=null){ key = null; data = null; error = null; operation = null; callback = null; super(); this.key = _arg1; this.callback = _arg2; } public function securityErrorHandler(_arg1:SecurityErrorEvent):void{ errorHandler(new IOErrorEvent(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, false, false, ("security error: " + _arg1.toString()))); } public function putEvent(_arg1):void{ request("put", serialize(_arg1)); } public function request(_arg1:String, _arg2:ByteArray):void{ var api_url:String; var api_token:String; var args:URLVariables; var req:URLRequest; var _operation = _arg1; var _data = _arg2; operation = _operation; api_url = MochiSocial.getAPIURL(); api_token = MochiSocial.getAPIToken(); if ((((api_url == null)) || ((api_token == null)))){ errorHandler(new IOErrorEvent(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, false, false, "not logged in")); return; }; _loader = new URLLoader(); args = new URLVariables(); args.op = _operation; args.key = key; req = new URLRequest((((MochiSocial.getAPIURL() + "/") + "MochiUserData?") + args.toString())); req.method = URLRequestMethod.POST; req.contentType = "application/x-mochi-userdata"; req.requestHeaders = [new URLRequestHeader("x-mochi-services-version", MochiServices.getVersion()), new URLRequestHeader("x-mochi-api-token", api_token)]; = _data; _loader.dataFormat = URLLoaderDataFormat.BINARY; _loader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, completeHandler); _loader.addEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, errorHandler); _loader.addEventListener(SecurityErrorEvent.SECURITY_ERROR, securityErrorHandler); try { _loader.load(req); } catch(e:SecurityError) { errorHandler(new IOErrorEvent(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, false, false, ("security error: " + e.toString()))); }; } public function completeHandler(_arg1:Event):void{ var event = _arg1; try { if ({ data = deserialize(; } else { data = null; }; } catch(e:Error) { errorHandler(new IOErrorEvent(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, false, false, ("deserialize error: " + e.toString()))); return; }; if (callback != null){ performCallback(); } else { dispatchEvent(event); }; close(); } public function performCallback():void{ try { callback(this); } catch(e:Error) { }; } public function serialize(_arg1):ByteArray{ var _local2:ByteArray; _local2 = new ByteArray(); _local2.objectEncoding = ObjectEncoding.AMF3; _local2.writeObject(_arg1); _local2.compress(); return (_local2); } public function errorHandler(_arg1:IOErrorEvent):void{ data = null; error = _arg1; if (callback != null){ performCallback(); } else { dispatchEvent(_arg1); }; close(); } public function getEvent():void{ request("get", serialize(null)); } override public function toString():String{ return ((((((((("[MochiUserData operation=" + operation) + " key=\"") + key) + "\" data=") + data) + " error=\"") + error) + "\"]")); } public function close():void{ if (_loader){ _loader.removeEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, completeHandler); _loader.removeEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, errorHandler); _loader.removeEventListener(SecurityErrorEvent.SECURITY_ERROR, securityErrorHandler); _loader.close(); _loader = null; }; error = null; callback = null; } public function deserialize(_arg1:ByteArray){ _arg1.objectEncoding = ObjectEncoding.AMF3; _arg1.uncompress(); return (_arg1.readObject()); } public static function get(_arg1:String, _arg2:Function):void{ var _local3:MochiUserData; _local3 = new MochiUserData(_arg1, _arg2); _local3.getEvent(); } public static function put(_arg1:String, _arg2, _arg3:Function):void{ var _local4:MochiUserData; _local4 = new MochiUserData(_arg1, _arg3); _local4.putEvent(_arg2); } } }//package mochi.as3
Section 79
//AchievementConfig (MoFunZoneAPI.AchievementConfig) package MoFunZoneAPI { public class AchievementConfig { public var bringToTop:Boolean;// = true public var dialogScale:Number;// = 1 public var gameid:String;// = "" public var workspaceWidth:Number;// = 550 public var test:Boolean;// = true public var fadeout:Boolean;// = true public var workspaceHeight:Number;// = 400 public var autoPosition:String;// = "cc" public function AchievementConfig(){ test = true; gameid = ""; workspaceWidth = 550; workspaceHeight = 400; autoPosition = "cc"; bringToTop = true; fadeout = true; dialogScale = 1; super(); test = true; gameid = ""; workspaceWidth = 550; workspaceHeight = 400; autoPosition = "cc"; bringToTop = true; fadeout = true; dialogScale = 1; } } }//package MoFunZoneAPI
Section 80
//AchievementLoaderAS3 (MoFunZoneAPI.AchievementLoaderAS3) package MoFunZoneAPI { import*; import flash.display.*; import flash.utils.*; import*; import flash.system.*; public class AchievementLoaderAS3 { private static var _achiconfig:AchievementConfig = null; private static var _intervalId:uint; private static var _achievement:MovieClip = null; private static var _readyFuntion:Function = null; public static function loadAchievement(_arg1:String, _arg2:Object, _arg3:AchievementConfig, _arg4=null){ var achievementload:Loader; var achievement_request:URLRequest; var ach_complete:Function; var status_loop:Function; var ach_ioerror:Function; var ach_http:Function; var ach_progress:Function; var ach_security:Function; var achievement_address = _arg1; var topleveltimeline = _arg2; var config = _arg3; var debug = _arg4; ach_complete = function (_arg1){ if (debug != null){ debug.text = "complete"; }; _achievement = topleveltimeline.addChild(; _achievement.test = config.test; _achievement.gameid = config.gameid; _achievement.workspaceWidth = config.workspaceWidth; _achievement.workspaceHeight = config.workspaceHeight; _achievement.autoPosition = config.autoPosition; _achievement.bringToTop = config.bringToTop; _achievement.fadeout = config.fadeout; _achievement.dialogScale = config.dialogScale; if (debug != null){ debug.text = "config setup"; };; if (debug != null){ debug.text = "complete"; }; _intervalId = setInterval(status_loop, 1000); }; status_loop = function (){ if (_achievement.achistatus == "ok"){ if (debug != null){ debug.text = "ready"; }; if (_readyFuntion != null){ _readyFuntion(); }; clearInterval(_intervalId); }; }; ach_ioerror = function (_arg1){ if (debug != null){ debug.text = "Achievement SWF not found"; }; }; ach_http = function (_arg1){ if (debug != null){ debug.text = ("httpstatus: " + _arg1.status); }; }; ach_progress = function (_arg1){ if (debug != null){ debug.text = (debug.text + ((("progressHandler: bytesLoaded=" + _arg1.bytesLoaded) + " bytesTotal=") + _arg1.bytesTotal)); }; }; ach_security = function (_arg1){ if (debug != null){ debug.text = _arg1; }; }; Security.allowDomain("*"); if (_achievement != null){ return; }; achievementload = new Loader(); achievement_request = new URLRequest(achievement_address); _achiconfig = config; achievementload.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, ach_complete); achievementload.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(SecurityErrorEvent.SECURITY_ERROR, ach_security); achievementload.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, ach_ioerror); achievementload.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(HTTPStatusEvent.HTTP_STATUS, ach_http); achievementload.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(ProgressEvent.PROGRESS, ach_progress); try { achievementload.load(achievement_request); if (debug != null){ debug.text = "loading"; }; } catch(error) { if (debug != null){ debug.text = "loaderror"; }; }; } public static function readyCallBack(_arg1:Function){ _readyFuntion = _arg1; } public static function getAPI(){ return (_achievement); } } }//package MoFunZoneAPI
Section 81
//ConcurrentModificationException (org.idmedia.as3commons.lang.ConcurrentModificationException) package org.idmedia.as3commons.lang { public class ConcurrentModificationException extends Exception { public function ConcurrentModificationException(_arg1:String=""){ super(_arg1); } } }//package org.idmedia.as3commons.lang
Section 82
//Exception (org.idmedia.as3commons.lang.Exception) package org.idmedia.as3commons.lang { public class Exception extends Throwable { public function Exception(_arg1:String){ super(_arg1); } } }//package org.idmedia.as3commons.lang
Section 83
//IllegalStateException (org.idmedia.as3commons.lang.IllegalStateException) package org.idmedia.as3commons.lang { public class IllegalStateException extends Exception { public function IllegalStateException(_arg1:String=""){ super(_arg1); } } }//package org.idmedia.as3commons.lang
Section 84
//IndexOutOfBoundsException (org.idmedia.as3commons.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException) package org.idmedia.as3commons.lang { public class IndexOutOfBoundsException extends Exception { public function IndexOutOfBoundsException(_arg1:String=""){ super(_arg1); } } }//package org.idmedia.as3commons.lang
Section 85
//NoSuchElementException (org.idmedia.as3commons.lang.NoSuchElementException) package org.idmedia.as3commons.lang { public class NoSuchElementException extends Exception { public function NoSuchElementException(_arg1:String=""){ super(_arg1); } } }//package org.idmedia.as3commons.lang
Section 86
//NullPointerException (org.idmedia.as3commons.lang.NullPointerException) package org.idmedia.as3commons.lang { public class NullPointerException extends Exception { public function NullPointerException(_arg1:String=""){ super(_arg1); } } }//package org.idmedia.as3commons.lang
Section 87
//Throwable (org.idmedia.as3commons.lang.Throwable) package org.idmedia.as3commons.lang { import flash.utils.*; public class Throwable extends Error { public function Throwable(_arg1:String){ super(_arg1); } public function getName():String{ return (getQualifiedClassName(this)); } public function getMessage():String{ return (message); } } }//package org.idmedia.as3commons.lang
Section 88
//UnsupportedOperationException (org.idmedia.as3commons.lang.UnsupportedOperationException) package org.idmedia.as3commons.lang { public class UnsupportedOperationException extends Exception { public function UnsupportedOperationException(_arg1:String=""){ super(_arg1); } } }//package org.idmedia.as3commons.lang
Section 89
//AbstractCollection (org.idmedia.as3commons.util.AbstractCollection) package org.idmedia.as3commons.util { import org.idmedia.as3commons.lang.*; public class AbstractCollection implements Collection { public function addAll(_arg1:Collection):Boolean{ var _local2:Boolean; var _local3:Iterator; _local2 = false; _local3 = _arg1.iterator(); while (_local3.hasNext()) { if (add({ _local2 = true; }; }; return (_local2); } public function containsAll(_arg1:Collection):Boolean{ var _local2:Iterator; _local2 = _arg1.iterator(); while (_local2.hasNext()) { if (!contains({ return (false); }; }; return (true); } public function isEmpty():Boolean{ return ((size() == 0)); } public function remove(_arg1=null):Boolean{ var _local2:Iterator; _local2 = iterator(); while (_local2.hasNext()) { if ( == _arg1){ _local2.remove(); return (true); }; }; return (false); } public function size():int{ return (0); } public function clear():void{ var _local1:Iterator; _local1 = iterator(); while (_local1.hasNext()) {; _local1.remove(); }; } public function add(_arg1):Boolean{ throw (new UnsupportedOperationException()); } public function toArray():Array{ var _local1:Array; var _local2:Iterator; _local1 = new Array(); _local2 = iterator(); while (_local2.hasNext()) { _local1.push(; }; return (_local1); } public function contains(_arg1):Boolean{ return ((toArray().indexOf(_arg1) > -1)); } public function iterator():Iterator{ return (null); } public function equals(_arg1):Boolean{ return ((_arg1 === this)); } } }//package org.idmedia.as3commons.util
Section 90
//AbstractList (org.idmedia.as3commons.util.AbstractList) package org.idmedia.as3commons.util { import org.idmedia.as3commons.lang.*; public class AbstractList extends AbstractCollection implements List { private var modCount:int;// = 0 public function AbstractList(){ modCount = 0; super(); } override public function addAll(_arg1:Collection):Boolean{ throw (new UnsupportedOperationException()); } override public function clear():void{ removeRange(0, size()); } public function get(_arg1:int){ return (null); } public function indexOf(_arg1=null):int{ return (toArray().indexOf(_arg1)); } private function removeRange(_arg1:int, _arg2:int):void{ var _local3:ListIterator; var _local4:int; var _local5:int; _local3 = indexedListIterator(_arg1); _local4 = 0; _local5 = (_arg2 - _arg1); while (_local4 < _local5) {; _local3.remove(); _local4++; }; } override public function add(_arg1):Boolean{ return (addAt(size(), _arg1)); } public function removeAtTo(_arg1:int, _arg2:int):Boolean{ throw (new UnsupportedOperationException()); } public function listIterator():ListIterator{ return (new ListIteratorImpl(this)); } override public function iterator():Iterator{ return (new ListIteratorImpl(this)); } public function removeAt(_arg1:int):Boolean{ throw (new UnsupportedOperationException()); } public function removeAtAndReturn(_arg1:int){ throw (new UnsupportedOperationException()); } public function addAt(_arg1:int, _arg2):Boolean{ throw (new UnsupportedOperationException()); } public function setAt(_arg1:int, _arg2):Boolean{ throw (new UnsupportedOperationException()); } public function indexedListIterator(_arg1:uint):ListIterator{ var _local2:ListIterator; if ((((_arg1 < 0)) || ((_arg1 > size())))){ throw (new IndexOutOfBoundsException(("Index: " + _arg1))); }; _local2 = listIterator(); _local2.setIndex(_arg1); return (_local2); } } }//package org.idmedia.as3commons.util import org.idmedia.as3commons.lang.*; class ListIteratorImpl extends IteratorImpl implements ListIterator { private function ListIteratorImpl(_arg1:List){ super(_arg1); } public function setIndex(_arg1:int):void{ if ((((_arg1 < 0)) || ((_arg1 >= list.size())))){ throw (new IndexOutOfBoundsException(("Index: " + _arg1))); }; cursor = _arg1; } public function add(_arg1):void{ var object = _arg1; try { list.addAt(cursor++, object); lastRet = -1; } catch(e:IndexOutOfBoundsException) { throw (new ConcurrentModificationException()); }; } public function previousIndex():int{ return ((cursor - 1)); } public function nextIndex():int{ return (cursor); } public function setValue(_arg1):void{ var object = _arg1; if (lastRet == -1){ throw (new IllegalStateException()); }; try { list.setAt(lastRet, object); } catch(e:IndexOutOfBoundsException) { throw (new ConcurrentModificationException()); }; } public function hasPrevious():Boolean{ return (!((cursor == 0))); } public function previous(){ var i:int; var previousValue:*; try { i = (cursor - 1); previousValue = list.get(i); lastRet = (cursor = i); return (previousValue); } catch(e:IndexOutOfBoundsException) { throw (new NoSuchElementException()); }; } } class IteratorImpl implements Iterator { protected var lastRet:int;// = -1 protected var cursor:int;// = 0 protected var list:List; private function IteratorImpl(_arg1:List){ cursor = 0; lastRet = -1; super(); this.list = _arg1; } public function next(){ var nextValue:*; try { nextValue = list.get(cursor); lastRet = cursor; cursor++; return (nextValue); } catch(e:IndexOutOfBoundsException) { throw (new NoSuchElementException()); }; } public function remove():void{ if (lastRet == -1){ throw (new IllegalStateException()); }; try { list.removeAt(lastRet); if (lastRet < cursor){ cursor--; }; lastRet = -1; } catch(e:IndexOutOfBoundsException) { throw (new ConcurrentModificationException(e.getMessage())); }; } public function hasNext():Boolean{ return ((cursor < list.size())); } }
Section 91
//ArrayList (org.idmedia.as3commons.util.ArrayList) package org.idmedia.as3commons.util { import org.idmedia.as3commons.lang.*; public class ArrayList extends AbstractList implements List { private var elementData:Array; private var elementSize:int; public function ArrayList(_arg1:Collection=null){ elementData = new Array(); elementSize = 0; if (_arg1 != null){ elementData = elementData.concat(_arg1.toArray()); elementSize = elementData.length; }; } override public function addAll(_arg1:Collection):Boolean{ var _local2:Array; var _local3:int; if (_arg1 == null){ throw (new NullPointerException()); }; _local2 = _arg1.toArray(); _local3 = (elementSize + _local2.length); elementData = elementData.concat(_local2); elementSize = elementData.length; return ((elementSize === _local3)); } override public function isEmpty():Boolean{ return ((elementSize == 0)); } override public function size():int{ return (((elementSize) || (0))); } override public function clear():void{ elementData = new Array(); elementSize = 0; } private function rangeCheck(_arg1:int):void{ if ((((_arg1 >= elementSize)) || ((_arg1 < 0)))){ throw (new IndexOutOfBoundsException((((("Index: " + _arg1) + ", ") + "Size: ") + elementSize))); }; } public function removeAtToAndReturn(_arg1:int, _arg2:int){ var _local3:*; rangeCheck(_arg1); _local3 = get(_arg1); removeAtTo(_arg1, _arg2); return (_local3); } override public function get(_arg1:int){ rangeCheck(_arg1); return (elementData[_arg1]); } override public function toArray():Array{ return ([].concat(elementData)); } override public function add(_arg1):Boolean{ var _local2 = elementSize++; elementData[_local2] = _arg1; return (true); } override public function removeAtAndReturn(_arg1:int){ return (removeAtToAndReturn(_arg1, 1)); } override public function removeAt(_arg1:int):Boolean{ return (removeAtTo(_arg1, 1)); } override public function removeAtTo(_arg1:int, _arg2:int):Boolean{ rangeCheck(_arg1); elementData.splice(_arg1, _arg2); elementSize = elementData.length; return (true); } override public function addAt(_arg1:int, _arg2):Boolean{ var _local3:Array; var _local4:Array; rangeCheck(_arg1); _local3 = elementData.slice(0, _arg1); _local4 = elementData.slice(_arg1); elementData = _local3.concat(_arg2).concat(_local4); elementSize = elementData.length; return (true); } override public function setAt(_arg1:int, _arg2):Boolean{ rangeCheck(_arg1); elementData[_arg1] = _arg2; return (true); } } }//package org.idmedia.as3commons.util
Section 92
//Collection (org.idmedia.as3commons.util.Collection) package org.idmedia.as3commons.util { public interface Collection { function addAll(_arg1:Collection):Boolean; function add(_arg1):Boolean; function containsAll(_arg1:Collection):Boolean; function isEmpty():Boolean; function remove(_arg1=null):Boolean; function clear():void; function iterator():Iterator; function size():int; function toArray():Array; function contains(_arg1):Boolean; } }//package org.idmedia.as3commons.util
Section 93
//Iterator (org.idmedia.as3commons.util.Iterator) package org.idmedia.as3commons.util { public interface Iterator { function next(); function remove():void; function hasNext():Boolean; } }//package org.idmedia.as3commons.util
Section 94
//List (org.idmedia.as3commons.util.List) package org.idmedia.as3commons.util { public interface List extends Collection { function indexOf(_arg1=null):int; function listIterator():ListIterator; function removeAtAndReturn(_arg1:int); function addAt(_arg1:int, _arg2):Boolean; function setAt(_arg1:int, _arg2):Boolean; function get(_arg1:int); function removeAt(_arg1:int):Boolean; function removeAtTo(_arg1:int, _arg2:int):Boolean; function indexedListIterator(_arg1:uint):ListIterator; } }//package org.idmedia.as3commons.util
Section 95
//ListIterator (org.idmedia.as3commons.util.ListIterator) package org.idmedia.as3commons.util { public interface ListIterator extends Iterator { function add(_arg1):void; function setValue(_arg1):void; function setIndex(_arg1:int):void; function hasPrevious():Boolean; function previous(); function previousIndex():int; function nextIndex():int; } }//package org.idmedia.as3commons.util
Section 96
//ConvBalloon (p_balloon.ConvBalloon) package p_balloon { import*; import flash.display.*; import org.idmedia.as3commons.util.*; import p_singleton.*; public class ConvBalloon { public var showing:Boolean;// = false public var showTime:int;// = 3000 public var afterInfectedSentenceList:ArrayList; public var showTimeCounter:int;// = 0 public var image:MovieClip; public var beforeInfectedSentenceList:ArrayList; public function ConvBalloon(){ showTime = 3000; showTimeCounter = 0; showing = false; super(); init(); } public function randomList(_arg1:ArrayList):String{ var _local2:int; var _local3:int; _local2 = _arg1.size(); _local3 = ((Math.random() * 100) % _local2); return (_arg1.get(_local3)); } public function update(_arg1:Event):void{ showTimeCounter = (showTimeCounter + World.getSingleton().elapsedTime); if (showTimeCounter >= showTime){ image.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, update); hideConversationBalloon(); showTimeCounter = 0; }; } public function hideConversationBalloon():void{ image.visible = false; showing = false; } public function init():void{ image = new ConversationBalloon(); image.visible = false; if (World.getSingleton().currentGameLevel){ beforeInfectedSentenceList = World.getSingleton().currentGameLevel.beforeInfectedSentenceList; afterInfectedSentenceList = World.getSingleton().currentGameLevel.afterInfectedSentenceList; } else { beforeInfectedSentenceList = new ArrayList(); afterInfectedSentenceList = new ArrayList(); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("It's a good day"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Great day, isn't it"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Ho Ho Ho!"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Merry Christmas!"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Happy New Year!"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("It's cold, isn't it?"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("I love the snow"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Hot chocolate.. ehmm..."); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Santa is coming!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("BABY JESUS!!!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Santa's dead!?"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Don't eat me!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("OMG!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Zombies!!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Help me"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Nooo... Nooo.."); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("God help us"); }; } public function showConversationBalloon():void{ if (!showing){ image.visible = true; image.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, update); if (World.getSingleton().infecting){ = randomList(afterInfectedSentenceList); } else { = randomList(beforeInfectedSentenceList); }; showing = true; }; } } }//package p_balloon
Section 97
//Cursor (p_cursor.Cursor) package p_cursor { import com.baseoneonline.flash.geom.*; import*; import flash.display.*; import p_singleton.*; public class Cursor extends Sprite { public var image:MovieClip; public var currentTile:IntPoint; public function Cursor(){ init(); } public function init():void{ createCursor(); World.getSingleton().mouseRoot.addChild(this); initListener(); } public function createCursor(_arg1:uint=0):void{ image = new CursorImages(); this.addChild(image); } public function update(_arg1:Event):void{ if (image){ image.x = mouseX; image.y = mouseY; }; } public function destroyListener():void{ this.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, update); } public function initListener():void{ this.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, update); } public function destroy():void{ destroyListener(); if (World.getSingleton().mouseRoot.contains(this)){ World.getSingleton().mouseRoot.removeChild(this); }; } } }//package p_cursor
Section 98
//Bullet (p_entity.p_bullet.Bullet) package p_entity.p_bullet { import com.baseoneonline.flash.geom.*; import flash.display.*; import p_singleton.*; import flash.geom.*; import p_entity.*; public class Bullet extends Entity { public var speed:int; public var stunEffectImage:MovieClip; public var hitChar:Boolean;// = false public var ableToPenetrateWall:Boolean;// = false public var hitSolid:Boolean;// = false public var stunEffectTime:int;// = 2 public var ableToPenetrateChar:int;// = 0 public var stunEffect:Boolean;// = false public var damage:int;// = 500 public var outOfBound:Boolean;// = false public var direction:Point; public function Bullet(_arg1:IntPoint, _arg2:Number=0, _arg3:Number=0){ hitChar = false; hitSolid = false; damage = 500; ableToPenetrateWall = false; ableToPenetrateChar = 0; outOfBound = false; stunEffect = false; stunEffectTime = 2; super(_arg1); direction = new Point(0, 0); initImages(); if (((!((_arg2 == 0))) && (!((_arg3 == 0))))){ image.x = _arg2; image.y = _arg3; }; speed = 200; ableToPenetrateWall = World.getSingleton().itemPenetrateWallBought; ableToPenetrateChar = World.getSingleton().itemPenetrateCharBought.value; } override public function update():void{ super.update(); image.x = (image.x + (((direction.x * speed) * World.getSingleton().elapsedTime) / 1000)); image.y = (image.y + (((direction.y * speed) * World.getSingleton().elapsedTime) / 1000)); checkCurrentTileWalkable(); isDead(); } public function destroy():void{ var _local1:int; var _local2:Array; if (image.parent){ image.parent.removeChild(image); }; if (World.getSingleton().bulletList.contains(this)){ World.getSingleton().bulletList.remove(this); } else { if (World.getSingleton().enemyBulletList.contains(this)){ World.getSingleton().enemyBulletList.remove(this); }; }; _local1 = World.getSingleton().displayObjectArray.indexOf(this.image); _local2 = World.getSingleton().displayObjectArray; if (_local2.length > 0){ _local2[_local1] = _local2[(_local2.length - 1)]; }; _local2.pop(); } public function checkCurrentTileWalkable():Boolean{ var _local1:IntPoint; if (World.getSingleton().tileMap){ _local1 = World.getSingleton().screenToMap(new Point(image.x, image.y)); if (!World.getSingleton().tileMap.outOfBoundsCheck(_local1.x, _local1.y)){ if (World.getSingleton().tileMap.isWalkable(_local1.x, _local1.y)){ currentTile.x = _local1.x; currentTile.y = _local1.y; return (true); }; hitSolid = true; } else { outOfBound = true; }; }; return (false); } public function initImages():void{ image = new bulletClip(); init(); World.getSingleton().displayObjectRoot.addChild(image); World.getSingleton().bulletList.add(this); } public function isDead():void{ if (((((((hitChar) && ((ableToPenetrateChar <= 0)))) || (((hitSolid) && (!(ableToPenetrateWall)))))) || (outOfBound))){ destroy(); }; } } }//package p_entity.p_bullet
Section 99
//Burger (p_entity.p_bullet.Burger) package p_entity.p_bullet { import com.baseoneonline.flash.geom.*; import p_singleton.*; public class Burger extends Bullet { public function Burger(_arg1:IntPoint, _arg2:Number=0, _arg3:Number=0){ super(_arg1, _arg2, _arg3); damage = 100; speed = 200; } override public function initImages():void{ image = new bulletBurger(); init(); World.getSingleton().displayObjectRoot.addChild(image); World.getSingleton().enemyBulletList.add(this); } override public function isDead():void{ if (((((hitChar) || (hitSolid))) || (outOfBound))){ destroy(); }; } } }//package p_entity.p_bullet
Section 100
//BurgerRotten (p_entity.p_bullet.BurgerRotten) package p_entity.p_bullet { import com.baseoneonline.flash.geom.*; import p_singleton.*; public class BurgerRotten extends Bullet { public var lifeTime:int;// = 1000 public var lifeTimeCounter:int;// = 0 public function BurgerRotten(_arg1:IntPoint, _arg2:Number=0, _arg3:Number=0){ lifeTime = 1000; lifeTimeCounter = 0; super(_arg1, _arg2, _arg3); damage = 400; speed = 0; } override public function update():void{ super.update(); checkLifeTime(); } public function checkLifeTime():void{ lifeTimeCounter = (lifeTimeCounter + World.getSingleton().elapsedTime); if (lifeTimeCounter >= lifeTime){ lifeTimeCounter = 0; hitChar = true; hitSolid = true; outOfBound = true; }; } override public function initImages():void{ image = new bulletBurgerRotten(); init(); World.getSingleton().displayObjectRoot.addChild(image); World.getSingleton().bulletList.add(this); } override public function isDead():void{ if (((((hitChar) || (hitSolid))) || (outOfBound))){ destroy(); }; } } }//package p_entity.p_bullet
Section 101
//FriedChicken (p_entity.p_bullet.FriedChicken) package p_entity.p_bullet { import com.baseoneonline.flash.geom.*; import p_singleton.*; public class FriedChicken extends Bullet { public function FriedChicken(_arg1:IntPoint, _arg2:Number=0, _arg3:Number=0){ super(_arg1, _arg2, _arg3); damage = 100; speed = 200; } override public function initImages():void{ image = new bulletFriedChicken(); init(); World.getSingleton().displayObjectRoot.addChild(image); World.getSingleton().enemyBulletList.add(this); } override public function isDead():void{ if (((((hitChar) || (hitSolid))) || (outOfBound))){ destroy(); }; } } }//package p_entity.p_bullet
Section 102
//MeleeBullet (p_entity.p_bullet.MeleeBullet) package p_entity.p_bullet { import com.baseoneonline.flash.geom.*; import p_singleton.*; public class MeleeBullet extends Bullet { public var initialPosX:Number; public var initialPosY:Number; public var range:int;// = 40 public function MeleeBullet(_arg1:IntPoint, _arg2:Number=0, _arg3:Number=0){ range = 40; super(_arg1, _arg2, _arg3); damage = 100; speed = 100; initialPosX = _arg2; initialPosY = _arg3; } override public function update():void{ super.update(); checkRange(); } public function checkRange():void{ var _local1:Number; var _local2:Number; var _local3:Number; _local1 = (image.x - initialPosX); _local2 = (image.y - initialPosY); _local3 = ((_local1 * _local1) + (_local2 * _local2)); _local3 = Math.sqrt(_local3); if (_local3 >= range){ hitChar = true; hitSolid = true; outOfBound = true; }; } override public function initImages():void{ image = new bulletClip(); image.visible = false; init(); World.getSingleton().displayObjectRoot.addChild(image); World.getSingleton().enemyBulletList.add(this); } override public function isDead():void{ if (((((hitChar) || (hitSolid))) || (outOfBound))){ destroy(); }; } } }//package p_entity.p_bullet
Section 103
//PoliceBullet (p_entity.p_bullet.PoliceBullet) package p_entity.p_bullet { import com.baseoneonline.flash.geom.*; import p_singleton.*; public class PoliceBullet extends Bullet { public function PoliceBullet(_arg1:IntPoint, _arg2:Number=0, _arg3:Number=0){ super(_arg1, _arg2, _arg3); damage = 100; speed = 400; } override public function initImages():void{ image = new bulletClip(); init(); World.getSingleton().displayObjectRoot.addChild(image); World.getSingleton().enemyBulletList.add(this); } override public function isDead():void{ if (((((hitChar) || (hitSolid))) || (outOfBound))){ destroy(); }; } } }//package p_entity.p_bullet
Section 104
//RottenWebBullet (p_entity.p_bullet.RottenWebBullet) package p_entity.p_bullet { import com.baseoneonline.flash.geom.*; import p_singleton.*; public class RottenWebBullet extends Bullet { public function RottenWebBullet(_arg1:IntPoint, _arg2:Number=0, _arg3:Number=0){ super(_arg1, _arg2, _arg3); damage = 100; speed = 200; stunEffect = true; } override public function initImages():void{ image = new VenomBullet(); stunEffectImage = new VenomWeb(); init(); World.getSingleton().displayObjectRoot.addChild(image); World.getSingleton().bulletList.add(this); } override public function isDead():void{ if (((((hitChar) || (hitSolid))) || (outOfBound))){ destroy(); }; } } }//package p_entity.p_bullet
Section 105
//WebBullet (p_entity.p_bullet.WebBullet) package p_entity.p_bullet { import com.baseoneonline.flash.geom.*; import p_singleton.*; public class WebBullet extends Bullet { public function WebBullet(_arg1:IntPoint, _arg2:Number=0, _arg3:Number=0){ super(_arg1, _arg2, _arg3); damage = 100; speed = 200; stunEffect = true; } override public function initImages():void{ image = new SpiderBullet(); stunEffectImage = new SpiderWeb(); init(); World.getSingleton().displayObjectRoot.addChild(image); World.getSingleton().enemyBulletList.add(this); } override public function isDead():void{ if (((((hitChar) || (hitSolid))) || (outOfBound))){ destroy(); }; } } }//package p_entity.p_bullet
Section 106
//Vomit (p_entity.p_bullet.Vomit) package p_entity.p_bullet { import com.baseoneonline.flash.geom.*; import p_singleton.*; public class Vomit extends Bullet { public var initialPosX:Number; public var initialPosY:Number; public var range:int;// = 1000 public function Vomit(_arg1:IntPoint, _arg2:Number=0, _arg3:Number=0){ range = 1000; super(_arg1, _arg2, _arg3); damage = 100; speed = 100; initialPosX = _arg2; initialPosY = _arg3; } override public function update():void{ super.update(); checkRange(); } public function checkRange():void{ var _local1:Number; var _local2:Number; var _local3:Number; _local1 = (image.x - initialPosX); _local2 = (image.y - initialPosY); _local3 = ((_local1 * _local1) + (_local2 * _local2)); _local3 = Math.sqrt(_local3); if (_local3 >= range){ hitChar = true; hitSolid = true; outOfBound = true; }; } override public function initImages():void{ image = new bulletVomit(); init(); World.getSingleton().displayObjectRoot.addChild(image); World.getSingleton().bulletList.add(this); } override public function isDead():void{ if (((((hitChar) || (hitSolid))) || (outOfBound))){ destroy(); }; } } }//package p_entity.p_bullet
Section 107
//XMasBullet (p_entity.p_bullet.XMasBullet) package p_entity.p_bullet { import com.baseoneonline.flash.geom.*; import p_singleton.*; public class XMasBullet extends Bullet { public function XMasBullet(_arg1:IntPoint, _arg2:Number=0, _arg3:Number=0){ super(_arg1, _arg2, _arg3); damage = 100; speed = 200; } override public function initImages():void{ image = new bulletXmas(); init(); World.getSingleton().displayObjectRoot.addChild(image); World.getSingleton().enemyBulletList.add(this); } override public function isDead():void{ if (((((hitChar) || (hitSolid))) || (outOfBound))){ destroy(); }; } } }//package p_entity.p_bullet
Section 108
//Car (p_entity.p_nonPlayable.p_car.Car) package p_entity.p_nonPlayable.p_car { import com.baseoneonline.flash.geom.*; import*; import p_singleton.*; import p_entity.p_nonPlayable.*; import flash.geom.*; import*; import p_particle.*; import p_entity.*; public class Car extends NonPlayableCharacter { public var hitByBomb:Boolean;// = false public var hitByBullet:Boolean;// = false public function Car(_arg1:IntPoint){ hitByBullet = false; hitByBomb = false; super(_arg1); speed = 0; deathTime = 1000; charType = CharType.CAR; } override public function init():void{ var _local1:Point; initImages(); World.getSingleton().displayObjectRoot.addChild(image); World.getSingleton().displayObjectArray.push(image); _local1 = World.getSingleton().mapToScreen(currentTile); image.x = _local1.x; image.y = _local1.y; } override public function removeImages():void{ var _local1:int; image.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, removeImage); _local1 = World.getSingleton().displayObjectArray.indexOf(this.image); if (World.getSingleton().displayObjectArray.length > 0){ World.getSingleton().displayObjectArray[_local1] = World.getSingleton().displayObjectArray[(World.getSingleton().displayObjectArray.length - 1)]; }; World.getSingleton().displayObjectArray.pop(); if (image.parent){ image.parent.removeChild(image); }; } override public function removeImage(_arg1:Event):void{ var _local2:Matrix; deathTimeCounter = (deathTimeCounter + World.getSingleton().elapsedTime); if (deathTimeCounter >= deathTime){ deathTimeCounter = 0; image.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, removeImage); if (image.parent){ _local2 = new Matrix(); _local2.translate(image.x, image.y); World.getSingleton().bitmapRoot.bitmapData.draw(image, _local2); image.parent.removeChild(image); }; removeImages(); }; } public function setCurrentTileWalkableFalse():void{ World.getSingleton().tileMap.setWalkable(currentTile.x, currentTile.y, false); } override public function initState():void{ } override public function isCharacterDied():Boolean{ var _local1:Sound; var _local2:Coin; var _local3:int; var _local4:int; var _local5:int; var _local6:int; var _local7:int; var _local8:Sound; if (health <= 0){ image.gotoAndPlay("explosion"); if (!World.getSingleton().soundMuted){ _local1 = new ExploSound();; }; World.getSingleton().tileMap.setWalkable(currentTile.x, currentTile.y, true); if (World.getSingleton().enemyList.contains(this)){ World.getSingleton().enemyList.remove(this); } else { if (World.getSingleton().playerList.contains(this)){ World.getSingleton().playerList.remove(this); }; }; }; if (health <= 0){ World.getSingleton().carsDestroyed.value++; _local3 = 0; _local4 = 0; _local5 = 0; _local6 = 0; _local7 = 0; if (point >= 600){ _local7 = (point % World.getSingleton().moneyPerGoldCoin.value); _local6 = (point / World.getSingleton().moneyPerGoldCoin.value); point = _local7; _local7 = (point % World.getSingleton().moneyPerSilverCoin.value); _local5 = (point / World.getSingleton().moneyPerSilverCoin.value); point = _local7; _local7 = (point % World.getSingleton().moneyPerBronzeCoin.value); _local4 = (point / World.getSingleton().moneyPerBronzeCoin.value); } else { if (point >= 250){ _local7 = (point % World.getSingleton().moneyPerSilverCoin.value); _local5 = (point / World.getSingleton().moneyPerSilverCoin.value); point = _local7; _local7 = (point % World.getSingleton().moneyPerBronzeCoin.value); _local4 = (point / World.getSingleton().moneyPerBronzeCoin.value); } else { _local4 = (point / World.getSingleton().moneyPerBronzeCoin.value); }; }; if (World.getSingleton().itemCoinBought.value <= 4){ _local3 = 0; while (_local3 < _local6) { _local2 = new GoldCoin(image.x, image.y); _local3++; }; _local3 = 0; while (_local3 < _local5) { _local2 = new SilverCoin(image.x, image.y); _local3++; }; _local3 = 0; while (_local3 < _local4) { _local2 = new BronzeCoin(image.x, image.y); _local3++; }; } else { World.getSingleton().money.value = (World.getSingleton().money.value + point); World.getSingleton().moneyLoss.value = (World.getSingleton().moneyLoss.value + point); World.getSingleton().moneyCollected.value = (World.getSingleton().moneyCollected.value + point); _local8 = new CoinSound();; }; return (true); }; return (false); } override public function update():void{ calculateDamage(); isCharacterDied(); } } }//package p_entity.p_nonPlayable.p_car
Section 109
//Car01E (p_entity.p_nonPlayable.p_car.Car01E) package p_entity.p_nonPlayable.p_car { import com.baseoneonline.flash.geom.*; import p_singleton.*; import p_entity.p_nonPlayable.*; public class Car01E extends Car { public function Car01E(_arg1:IntPoint){ super(_arg1); point = NpcPoint.CAR01; } override public function isCharacterDied():Boolean{ super.isCharacterDied(); if (health <= 0){ if (World.getSingleton().currentGameLevel){ World.getSingleton().currentGameLevel.maxCarSedan--; }; return (true); }; return (false); } override public function initImages():void{ image = new carSedan01E(); } } }//package p_entity.p_nonPlayable.p_car
Section 110
//Car01S (p_entity.p_nonPlayable.p_car.Car01S) package p_entity.p_nonPlayable.p_car { import com.baseoneonline.flash.geom.*; import p_singleton.*; import p_entity.p_nonPlayable.*; public class Car01S extends Car { public function Car01S(_arg1:IntPoint){ super(_arg1); point = NpcPoint.CAR01; } override public function isCharacterDied():Boolean{ super.isCharacterDied(); if (health <= 0){ if (World.getSingleton().currentGameLevel){ World.getSingleton().currentGameLevel.maxCarSedan--; }; return (true); }; return (false); } override public function initImages():void{ image = new carSedan01S(); } } }//package p_entity.p_nonPlayable.p_car
Section 111
//Car02E (p_entity.p_nonPlayable.p_car.Car02E) package p_entity.p_nonPlayable.p_car { import com.baseoneonline.flash.geom.*; import p_singleton.*; import p_entity.p_nonPlayable.*; public class Car02E extends Car { public function Car02E(_arg1:IntPoint){ super(_arg1); point = NpcPoint.CAR01; } override public function isCharacterDied():Boolean{ super.isCharacterDied(); if (health <= 0){ if (World.getSingleton().currentGameLevel){ World.getSingleton().currentGameLevel.maxCarSedan--; }; return (true); }; return (false); } override public function initImages():void{ image = new carSedan02E(); } } }//package p_entity.p_nonPlayable.p_car
Section 112
//Car02S (p_entity.p_nonPlayable.p_car.Car02S) package p_entity.p_nonPlayable.p_car { import com.baseoneonline.flash.geom.*; import p_singleton.*; import p_entity.p_nonPlayable.*; public class Car02S extends Car { public function Car02S(_arg1:IntPoint){ super(_arg1); point = NpcPoint.CAR01; } override public function isCharacterDied():Boolean{ super.isCharacterDied(); if (health <= 0){ if (World.getSingleton().currentGameLevel){ World.getSingleton().currentGameLevel.maxCarSedan--; }; return (true); }; return (false); } override public function initImages():void{ image = new carSedan02S(); } } }//package p_entity.p_nonPlayable.p_car
Section 113
//ArmyGuy (p_entity.p_nonPlayable.p_people.p_shooter.ArmyGuy) package p_entity.p_nonPlayable.p_people.p_shooter { import com.baseoneonline.flash.geom.*; import p_singleton.*; import p_state.*; import p_entity.p_nonPlayable.*; import p_state.p_enemyState.*; import p_entity.p_nonPlayable.p_zombie.*; public class ArmyGuy extends Shooter { public function ArmyGuy(_arg1:IntPoint){ super(_arg1); speed = 70; delay = 300; damage = 150; range = 150; point = NpcPoint.ARMYGUY; } override public function initZombie():void{ zombie = new Zombie02(currentTile, image.x, image.y); zombie.init(); } override public function initState():void{ stateManager = new StateManager(); stateManager.setNewState(new StatePolice(this)); } override public function isCharacterDied():Boolean{ super.isCharacterDied(); if (health <= 0){ World.getSingleton().playMaleVoice(); if (World.getSingleton().currentGameLevel){ }; return (true); }; return (false); } override public function initImages():void{ imageN = new charEnemy04N(); imageS = new charEnemy04S(); imageE = new charEnemy04E(); imageW = new charEnemy04E(); imageW.scaleX = (imageW.scaleX * -1); imageSE = new charEnemy04SE(); imageSW = new charEnemy04SE(); imageSW.scaleX = (imageSW.scaleX * -1); imageNE = new charEnemy04NE(); imageNW = new charEnemy04NE(); imageNW.scaleX = (imageNW.scaleX * -1); imageDie = new charEnemy04Die(); } } }//package p_entity.p_nonPlayable.p_people.p_shooter
Section 114
//BeachBoy (p_entity.p_nonPlayable.p_people.p_shooter.BeachBoy) package p_entity.p_nonPlayable.p_people.p_shooter { import com.baseoneonline.flash.geom.*; import p_singleton.*; import p_state.*; import Box2D.Common.Math.*; import p_entity.p_nonPlayable.*; import*; import p_entity.p_bullet.*; import p_state.p_enemyState.*; import p_entity.p_nonPlayable.p_zombie.*; public class BeachBoy extends Shooter { public function BeachBoy(_arg1:IntPoint){ super(_arg1); speed = 70; delay = 300; damage = 300; health = 1000; range = 40; point = NpcPoint.BEACH_BOY; } override public function shoot():void{ var _local1:b2Vec2; var _local2:Bullet; var _local3:Sound; if (!stun){ shootMode = true; image.gotoAndStop("aim"); if (((((!(panicMode)) && (ableToShoot))) && (nearestTarget))){ if (!World.getSingleton().soundMuted){ _local3 = new BulletSound();; }; ableToShoot = false; _local1 = new b2Vec2(); _local1.x = (nearestTarget.image.x - image.x); _local1.y = (nearestTarget.image.y - (image.y + yOffset)); _local1.Normalize(); _local2 = new MeleeBullet(currentTile, image.x, (image.y + yOffset)); _local2.direction.x = _local1.x; _local2.direction.y = _local1.y; _local2.damage = damage; MeleeBullet(_local2).range = range; if (_local2.direction.x > 0.2){ movingRight = true; } else { if (_local2.direction.x < -0.2){ movingLeft = true; }; }; if (_local2.direction.y > 0.2){ movingDown = true; } else { if (_local2.direction.y < -0.2){ movingUp = true; }; }; image.gotoAndPlay("walk"); checkDirection(); image.gotoAndPlay("attack"); }; }; } override public function initZombie():void{ zombie = new Zombie04(currentTile, image.x, image.y); zombie.init(); } override public function initState():void{ stateManager = new StateManager(); stateManager.setNewState(new StatePolice(this)); } override public function isCharacterDied():Boolean{ super.isCharacterDied(); if (health <= 0){ World.getSingleton().playMaleVoice(); if (World.getSingleton().currentGameLevel){ }; return (true); }; return (false); } override public function initImages():void{ imageN = new charBeachboyN(); imageS = new charBeachboyS(); imageE = new charBeachboyE(); imageW = new charBeachboyE(); imageW.scaleX = (imageW.scaleX * -1); imageSE = new charBeachboySE(); imageSW = new charBeachboySE(); imageSW.scaleX = (imageSW.scaleX * -1); imageNE = new charBeachboyNE(); imageNW = new charBeachboyNE(); imageNW.scaleX = (imageNW.scaleX * -1); imageDie = new charBeachboyDie(); } } }//package p_entity.p_nonPlayable.p_people.p_shooter
Section 115
//BeachGirl (p_entity.p_nonPlayable.p_people.p_shooter.BeachGirl) package p_entity.p_nonPlayable.p_people.p_shooter { import com.baseoneonline.flash.geom.*; import p_singleton.*; import p_state.*; import Box2D.Common.Math.*; import p_entity.p_nonPlayable.*; import*; import p_entity.p_bullet.*; import p_state.p_enemyState.*; import p_entity.p_nonPlayable.p_zombie.*; public class BeachGirl extends Shooter { public function BeachGirl(_arg1:IntPoint){ super(_arg1); speed = 70; delay = 300; damage = 300; health = 1000; range = 40; point = NpcPoint.BEACH_GIRL; } override public function shoot():void{ var _local1:b2Vec2; var _local2:Bullet; var _local3:Sound; if (!stun){ shootMode = true; image.gotoAndStop("aim"); if (((((!(panicMode)) && (ableToShoot))) && (nearestTarget))){ if (!World.getSingleton().soundMuted){ _local3 = new SwordSound();; }; ableToShoot = false; _local1 = new b2Vec2(); _local1.x = (nearestTarget.image.x - image.x); _local1.y = (nearestTarget.image.y - (image.y + yOffset)); _local1.Normalize(); _local2 = new MeleeBullet(currentTile, image.x, (image.y + yOffset)); _local2.direction.x = _local1.x; _local2.direction.y = _local1.y; _local2.damage = damage; MeleeBullet(_local2).range = range; if (_local2.direction.x > 0.2){ movingRight = true; } else { if (_local2.direction.x < -0.2){ movingLeft = true; }; }; if (_local2.direction.y > 0.2){ movingDown = true; } else { if (_local2.direction.y < -0.2){ movingUp = true; }; }; image.gotoAndPlay("walk"); checkDirection(); image.gotoAndPlay("attack"); }; }; } override public function initZombie():void{ zombie = new Zombie01(currentTile, image.x, image.y); zombie.init(); } override public function initState():void{ stateManager = new StateManager(); stateManager.setNewState(new StatePolice(this)); } override public function isCharacterDied():Boolean{ super.isCharacterDied(); if (health <= 0){ World.getSingleton().playFemaleVoice(); if (World.getSingleton().currentGameLevel){ }; return (true); }; return (false); } override public function initImages():void{ imageN = new charBeachGirlN(); imageS = new charBeachGirlS(); imageE = new charBeachGirlE(); imageW = new charBeachGirlE(); imageW.scaleX = (imageW.scaleX * -1); imageSE = new charBeachGirlSE(); imageSW = new charBeachGirlSE(); imageSW.scaleX = (imageSW.scaleX * -1); imageNE = new charBeachGirlNE(); imageNW = new charBeachGirlNE(); imageNW.scaleX = (imageNW.scaleX * -1); imageDie = new charBeachGirlDie(); } } }//package p_entity.p_nonPlayable.p_people.p_shooter
Section 116
//ChineseBoy (p_entity.p_nonPlayable.p_people.p_shooter.ChineseBoy) package p_entity.p_nonPlayable.p_people.p_shooter { import com.baseoneonline.flash.geom.*; import p_singleton.*; import p_state.*; import Box2D.Common.Math.*; import p_entity.p_nonPlayable.*; import*; import p_entity.p_bullet.*; import p_state.p_enemyState.*; import p_entity.p_nonPlayable.p_zombie.*; public class ChineseBoy extends Shooter { public function ChineseBoy(_arg1:IntPoint){ super(_arg1); speed = 70; delay = 300; damage = 300; health = 1000; range = 40; point = NpcPoint.CHINESE; } override public function shoot():void{ var _local1:b2Vec2; var _local2:Bullet; var _local3:Sound; if (!stun){ shootMode = true; image.gotoAndStop("aim"); if (((((!(panicMode)) && (ableToShoot))) && (nearestTarget))){ if (!World.getSingleton().soundMuted){ _local3 = new SwordSound();; }; ableToShoot = false; _local1 = new b2Vec2(); _local1.x = (nearestTarget.image.x - image.x); _local1.y = (nearestTarget.image.y - (image.y + yOffset)); _local1.Normalize(); _local2 = new MeleeBullet(currentTile, image.x, (image.y + yOffset)); _local2.direction.x = _local1.x; _local2.direction.y = _local1.y; _local2.damage = damage; MeleeBullet(_local2).range = range; if (_local2.direction.x > 0.2){ movingRight = true; } else { if (_local2.direction.x < -0.2){ movingLeft = true; }; }; if (_local2.direction.y > 0.2){ movingDown = true; } else { if (_local2.direction.y < -0.2){ movingUp = true; }; }; image.gotoAndPlay("walk"); checkDirection(); image.gotoAndPlay("attack"); }; }; } override public function initZombie():void{ zombie = new Zombie04(currentTile, image.x, image.y); zombie.init(); } override public function initState():void{ stateManager = new StateManager(); stateManager.setNewState(new StatePolice(this)); } override public function isCharacterDied():Boolean{ super.isCharacterDied(); if (health <= 0){ World.getSingleton().playMaleVoice(); if (World.getSingleton().currentGameLevel){ }; return (true); }; return (false); } override public function initImages():void{ imageN = new charChineseN(); imageS = new charChineseS(); imageE = new charChineseE(); imageW = new charChineseE(); imageW.scaleX = (imageW.scaleX * -1); imageSE = new charChineseSE(); imageSW = new charChineseSE(); imageSW.scaleX = (imageSW.scaleX * -1); imageNE = new charChineseNE(); imageNW = new charChineseNE(); imageNW.scaleX = (imageNW.scaleX * -1); imageDie = new charChineseDie(); } } }//package p_entity.p_nonPlayable.p_people.p_shooter
Section 117
//ColSanders (p_entity.p_nonPlayable.p_people.p_shooter.ColSanders) package p_entity.p_nonPlayable.p_people.p_shooter { import com.baseoneonline.flash.geom.*; import*; import p_singleton.*; import p_state.*; import Box2D.Common.Math.*; import p_entity.p_nonPlayable.*; import*; import p_particle.*; import p_entity.*; import p_entity.p_bullet.*; import p_state.p_enemyState.*; public class ColSanders extends Shooter { public function ColSanders(_arg1:IntPoint){ super(_arg1); speed = 35; delay = 500; damage = 300; health = 5000; point = NpcPoint.COLSANDERS; charType = CharType.SPECIAL; } override public function shoot():void{ var _local1:b2Vec2; var _local2:Bullet; var _local3:Sound; if (!stun){ shootMode = true; image.gotoAndStop("aim"); if (((((!(panicMode)) && (ableToShoot))) && (nearestTarget))){ if (!World.getSingleton().soundMuted){ _local3 = new BulletSound();; }; ableToShoot = false; _local1 = new b2Vec2(); _local1.x = (nearestTarget.image.x - image.x); _local1.y = (nearestTarget.image.y - (image.y + yOffset)); _local1.Normalize(); _local2 = new FriedChicken(currentTile, image.x, (image.y + yOffset)); _local2.direction.x = _local1.x; _local2.direction.y = _local1.y; _local2.damage = damage; if (_local2.direction.x > 0.2){ movingRight = true; } else { if (_local2.direction.x < -0.2){ movingLeft = true; }; }; if (_local2.direction.y > 0.2){ movingDown = true; } else { if (_local2.direction.y < -0.2){ movingUp = true; }; }; image.gotoAndPlay("walk"); checkDirection(); image.gotoAndPlay("attack"); }; }; } override public function initZombie():void{ } override public function initState():void{ stateManager = new StateManager(); stateManager.setNewState(new StatePolice(this)); } override public function isCharacterDied():Boolean{ var _local1:int; var _local2:Coin; var _local3:int; var _local4:int; var _local5:int; var _local6:int; var _local7:int; var _local8:Sound; if (health <= 0){ if (World.getSingleton().specialZombieUnlocked[3] == false){ World.getSingleton().showAchievementPopUp(new charZombieSanders(), "Acquired Zombie Sandars."); World.getSingleton().specialZombieUnlocked[3] = true; }; World.getSingleton().playMaleVoice(); image.visible = false; _local1 = World.getSingleton().displayObjectArray.indexOf(this.image); if (World.getSingleton().displayObjectArray.length > 0){ World.getSingleton().displayObjectArray[_local1] = World.getSingleton().displayObjectArray[(World.getSingleton().displayObjectArray.length - 1)]; }; World.getSingleton().displayObjectArray.pop(); imageDie.x = image.x; imageDie.y = image.y; image = imageDie; World.getSingleton().displayObjectArray.push(image); image.visible = true;; image.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, removeImage); if (World.getSingleton().enemyList.contains(this)){ World.getSingleton().enemyList.remove(this); } else { if (World.getSingleton().playerList.contains(this)){ World.getSingleton().playerList.remove(this); }; }; personInfected = infected(); if (((((personInfected) || (hitByBullet))) && (!(hitByBomb)))){ World.getSingleton().unturnedPeopleList.add(this); }; World.getSingleton().heroesKilled.value++; World.getSingleton().peopleKilled.value++; _local3 = 0; _local4 = 0; _local5 = 0; _local6 = 0; _local7 = 0; if (point >= 600){ _local7 = (point % World.getSingleton().moneyPerGoldCoin.value); _local6 = (point / World.getSingleton().moneyPerGoldCoin.value); point = _local7; _local7 = (point % World.getSingleton().moneyPerSilverCoin.value); _local5 = (point / World.getSingleton().moneyPerSilverCoin.value); point = _local7; _local7 = (point % World.getSingleton().moneyPerBronzeCoin.value); _local4 = (point / World.getSingleton().moneyPerBronzeCoin.value); } else { if (point >= 250){ _local7 = (point % World.getSingleton().moneyPerSilverCoin.value); _local5 = (point / World.getSingleton().moneyPerSilverCoin.value); point = _local7; _local7 = (point % World.getSingleton().moneyPerBronzeCoin.value); _local4 = (point / World.getSingleton().moneyPerBronzeCoin.value); } else { _local4 = (point / World.getSingleton().moneyPerBronzeCoin.value); }; }; if (World.getSingleton().itemCoinBought.value <= 4){ _local3 = 0; while (_local3 < _local6) { _local2 = new GoldCoin(image.x, image.y); _local3++; }; _local3 = 0; while (_local3 < _local5) { _local2 = new SilverCoin(image.x, image.y); _local3++; }; _local3 = 0; while (_local3 < _local4) { _local2 = new BronzeCoin(image.x, image.y); _local3++; }; } else { World.getSingleton().money.value = (World.getSingleton().money.value + point); World.getSingleton().moneyLoss.value = (World.getSingleton().moneyLoss.value + point); World.getSingleton().moneyCollected.value = (World.getSingleton().moneyCollected.value + point); _local8 = new CoinSound();; }; return (true); }; return (false); } override public function initImages():void{ imageN = new charColSandersN(); imageS = new charColSandersS(); imageE = new charColSandersE(); imageW = new charColSandersE(); imageW.scaleX = (imageW.scaleX * -1); imageSE = new charColSandersSE(); imageSW = new charColSandersSE(); imageSW.scaleX = (imageSW.scaleX * -1); imageNE = new charColSandersNE(); imageNW = new charColSandersNE(); imageNW.scaleX = (imageNW.scaleX * -1); imageDie = new charColSandersDie(); } } }//package p_entity.p_nonPlayable.p_people.p_shooter
Section 118
//EskimoGuy (p_entity.p_nonPlayable.p_people.p_shooter.EskimoGuy) package p_entity.p_nonPlayable.p_people.p_shooter { import com.baseoneonline.flash.geom.*; import p_singleton.*; import p_state.*; import Box2D.Common.Math.*; import p_entity.p_nonPlayable.*; import*; import p_entity.p_bullet.*; import p_state.p_enemyState.*; import p_entity.p_nonPlayable.p_zombie.*; public class EskimoGuy extends Shooter { public function EskimoGuy(_arg1:IntPoint){ super(_arg1); speed = 70; delay = 300; damage = 300; health = 1000; range = 40; point = NpcPoint.ESKIMO; } override public function shoot():void{ var _local1:b2Vec2; var _local2:Bullet; var _local3:Sound; if (!stun){ shootMode = true; image.gotoAndStop("aim"); if (((((!(panicMode)) && (ableToShoot))) && (nearestTarget))){ if (!World.getSingleton().soundMuted){ _local3 = new BulletSound();; }; ableToShoot = false; _local1 = new b2Vec2(); _local1.x = (nearestTarget.image.x - image.x); _local1.y = (nearestTarget.image.y - (image.y + yOffset)); _local1.Normalize(); _local2 = new MeleeBullet(currentTile, image.x, (image.y + yOffset)); _local2.direction.x = _local1.x; _local2.direction.y = _local1.y; _local2.damage = damage; MeleeBullet(_local2).range = range; if (_local2.direction.x > 0.2){ movingRight = true; } else { if (_local2.direction.x < -0.2){ movingLeft = true; }; }; if (_local2.direction.y > 0.2){ movingDown = true; } else { if (_local2.direction.y < -0.2){ movingUp = true; }; }; image.gotoAndPlay("walk"); checkDirection(); image.gotoAndPlay("attack"); }; }; } override public function initZombie():void{ zombie = new Zombie04(currentTile, image.x, image.y); zombie.init(); } override public function initState():void{ stateManager = new StateManager(); stateManager.setNewState(new StatePolice(this)); } override public function isCharacterDied():Boolean{ super.isCharacterDied(); if (health <= 0){ World.getSingleton().playMaleVoice(); if (World.getSingleton().currentGameLevel){ }; return (true); }; return (false); } override public function initImages():void{ imageN = new charEskimoN(); imageS = new charEskimoS(); imageE = new charEskimoE(); imageW = new charEskimoE(); imageW.scaleX = (imageW.scaleX * -1); imageSE = new charEskimoSE(); imageSW = new charEskimoSE(); imageSW.scaleX = (imageSW.scaleX * -1); imageNE = new charEskimoNE(); imageNW = new charEskimoNE(); imageNW.scaleX = (imageNW.scaleX * -1); imageDie = new charEskimoDie(); } } }//package p_entity.p_nonPlayable.p_people.p_shooter
Section 119
//MaleInSuit (p_entity.p_nonPlayable.p_people.p_shooter.MaleInSuit) package p_entity.p_nonPlayable.p_people.p_shooter { import com.baseoneonline.flash.geom.*; import p_singleton.*; import p_state.*; import p_entity.p_nonPlayable.*; import p_entity.*; import p_state.p_enemyState.*; import p_entity.p_nonPlayable.p_zombie.*; public class MaleInSuit extends Shooter { public function MaleInSuit(_arg1:IntPoint){ super(_arg1); speed = 70; delay = 800; damage = 300; health = 1000; range = 200; point = NpcPoint.MALE_IN_SUIT; charType = CharType.SPECIAL; } override public function initZombie():void{ zombie = new Zombie04(currentTile, image.x, image.y); zombie.init(); } override public function initState():void{ stateManager = new StateManager(); stateManager.setNewState(new StatePolice(this)); } override public function isCharacterDied():Boolean{ super.isCharacterDied(); if (health <= 0){ World.getSingleton().playMaleVoice(); if (World.getSingleton().currentGameLevel){ }; return (true); }; return (false); } override public function initImages():void{ imageN = new charEnemy05N(); imageS = new charEnemy05S(); imageE = new charEnemy05E(); imageW = new charEnemy05E(); imageW.scaleX = (imageW.scaleX * -1); imageSE = new charEnemy05SE(); imageSW = new charEnemy05SE(); imageSW.scaleX = (imageSW.scaleX * -1); imageNE = new charEnemy05NE(); imageNW = new charEnemy05NE(); imageNW.scaleX = (imageNW.scaleX * -1); imageDie = new charEnemy05Die(); } } }//package p_entity.p_nonPlayable.p_people.p_shooter
Section 120
//NegroAfro (p_entity.p_nonPlayable.p_people.p_shooter.NegroAfro) package p_entity.p_nonPlayable.p_people.p_shooter { import com.baseoneonline.flash.geom.*; import p_singleton.*; import p_state.*; import p_entity.p_nonPlayable.*; import p_state.p_enemyState.*; import p_entity.p_nonPlayable.p_zombie.*; public class NegroAfro extends Shooter { public function NegroAfro(_arg1:IntPoint){ super(_arg1); speed = 70; delay = 1500; damage = 80; range = 200; point = NpcPoint.NEGRO_AFRO; } override public function initZombie():void{ zombie = new Zombie04(currentTile, image.x, image.y); zombie.init(); } override public function initState():void{ stateManager = new StateManager(); stateManager.setNewState(new StatePolice(this)); } override public function isCharacterDied():Boolean{ super.isCharacterDied(); if (health <= 0){ World.getSingleton().playMaleVoice(); if (World.getSingleton().currentGameLevel){ }; return (true); }; return (false); } override public function initImages():void{ imageN = new charNegroAfroN(); imageS = new charNegroAfroS(); imageE = new charNegroAfroE(); imageW = new charNegroAfroE(); imageW.scaleX = (imageW.scaleX * -1); imageSE = new charNegroAfroSE(); imageSW = new charNegroAfroSE(); imageSW.scaleX = (imageSW.scaleX * -1); imageNE = new charNegroAfroNE(); imageNW = new charNegroAfroNE(); imageNW.scaleX = (imageNW.scaleX * -1); imageDie = new charNegroAfroDie(); } } }//package p_entity.p_nonPlayable.p_people.p_shooter
Section 121
//NegroKampungWar (p_entity.p_nonPlayable.p_people.p_shooter.NegroKampungWar) package p_entity.p_nonPlayable.p_people.p_shooter { import com.baseoneonline.flash.geom.*; import p_singleton.*; import p_state.*; import Box2D.Common.Math.*; import p_entity.p_nonPlayable.*; import*; import p_entity.p_bullet.*; import p_state.p_enemyState.*; import p_entity.p_nonPlayable.p_zombie.*; public class NegroKampungWar extends Shooter { public function NegroKampungWar(_arg1:IntPoint){ super(_arg1); speed = 70; delay = 1000; damage = 50; range = 20; point = NpcPoint.NEGRO_KAMPUNG_WAR; } override public function shoot():void{ var _local1:b2Vec2; var _local2:Bullet; var _local3:Sound; if (!stun){ shootMode = true; image.gotoAndStop("aim"); if (((((!(panicMode)) && (ableToShoot))) && (nearestTarget))){ if (!World.getSingleton().soundMuted){ _local3 = new BulletSound();; }; ableToShoot = false; _local1 = new b2Vec2(); _local1.x = (nearestTarget.image.x - image.x); _local1.y = (nearestTarget.image.y - (image.y + yOffset)); _local1.Normalize(); _local2 = new MeleeBullet(currentTile, image.x, (image.y + yOffset)); _local2.direction.x = _local1.x; _local2.direction.y = _local1.y; _local2.damage = damage; MeleeBullet(_local2).range = range; if (_local2.direction.x > 0.2){ movingRight = true; } else { if (_local2.direction.x < -0.2){ movingLeft = true; }; }; if (_local2.direction.y > 0.2){ movingDown = true; } else { if (_local2.direction.y < -0.2){ movingUp = true; }; }; image.gotoAndPlay("walk"); checkDirection(); image.gotoAndPlay("attack"); }; }; } override public function initZombie():void{ zombie = new Zombie04(currentTile, image.x, image.y); zombie.init(); } override public function initState():void{ stateManager = new StateManager(); stateManager.setNewState(new StatePolice(this)); } override public function isCharacterDied():Boolean{ super.isCharacterDied(); if (health <= 0){ World.getSingleton().playMaleVoice(); if (World.getSingleton().currentGameLevel){ }; return (true); }; return (false); } override public function initImages():void{ imageN = new charNegroKampungN(); imageS = new charNegroKampungS(); imageE = new charNegroKampungE(); imageW = new charNegroKampungE(); imageW.scaleX = (imageW.scaleX * -1); imageSE = new charNegroKampungSE(); imageSW = new charNegroKampungSE(); imageSW.scaleX = (imageSW.scaleX * -1); imageNE = new charNegroKampungNE(); imageNW = new charNegroKampungNE(); imageNW.scaleX = (imageNW.scaleX * -1); imageDie = new charNegroKampungDie(); } } }//package p_entity.p_nonPlayable.p_people.p_shooter
Section 122
//PoliceMan (p_entity.p_nonPlayable.p_people.p_shooter.PoliceMan) package p_entity.p_nonPlayable.p_people.p_shooter { import com.baseoneonline.flash.geom.*; import p_singleton.*; import p_state.*; import p_entity.p_nonPlayable.*; import p_state.p_enemyState.*; import p_entity.p_nonPlayable.p_zombie.*; public class PoliceMan extends Shooter { public function PoliceMan(_arg1:IntPoint){ super(_arg1); speed = 50; delay = 1000; damage = 80; range = 100; point = NpcPoint.POLICEMAN; } override public function initZombie():void{ zombie = new Zombie03(currentTile, image.x, image.y); zombie.init(); } override public function initState():void{ stateManager = new StateManager(); stateManager.setNewState(new StatePolice(this)); } override public function isCharacterDied():Boolean{ super.isCharacterDied(); if (health <= 0){ World.getSingleton().playMaleVoice(); if (World.getSingleton().currentGameLevel){ }; return (true); }; return (false); } override public function initImages():void{ imageN = new charEnemy03N(); imageS = new charEnemy03S(); imageE = new charEnemy03E(); imageW = new charEnemy03E(); imageW.scaleX = (imageW.scaleX * -1); imageSE = new charEnemy03SE(); imageSW = new charEnemy03SE(); imageSW.scaleX = (imageSW.scaleX * -1); imageNE = new charEnemy03NE(); imageNW = new charEnemy03NE(); imageNW.scaleX = (imageNW.scaleX * -1); imageDie = new charEnemy03Die(); } } }//package p_entity.p_nonPlayable.p_people.p_shooter
Section 123
//Rambo (p_entity.p_nonPlayable.p_people.p_shooter.Rambo) package p_entity.p_nonPlayable.p_people.p_shooter { import com.baseoneonline.flash.geom.*; import*; import p_singleton.*; import p_state.*; import p_entity.p_nonPlayable.*; import*; import p_particle.*; import p_entity.*; import p_state.p_enemyState.*; public class Rambo extends Shooter { public function Rambo(_arg1:IntPoint){ super(_arg1); speed = 100; delay = 350; damage = 150; health = 5000; point = NpcPoint.RAMBO; range = 150; charType = CharType.SPECIAL; } override public function initZombie():void{ } override public function initState():void{ stateManager = new StateManager(); stateManager.setNewState(new StatePolice(this)); } override public function isCharacterDied():Boolean{ var _local1:int; var _local2:Coin; var _local3:int; var _local4:int; var _local5:int; var _local6:int; var _local7:int; var _local8:Sound; if (health <= 0){ if (World.getSingleton().specialZombieUnlocked[1] == false){ World.getSingleton().showAchievementPopUp(new charZombieTank(), "Acquired Zombie Tank"); World.getSingleton().specialZombieUnlocked[1] = true; }; World.getSingleton().playMaleVoice(); image.visible = false; _local1 = World.getSingleton().displayObjectArray.indexOf(this.image); if (World.getSingleton().displayObjectArray.length > 0){ World.getSingleton().displayObjectArray[_local1] = World.getSingleton().displayObjectArray[(World.getSingleton().displayObjectArray.length - 1)]; }; World.getSingleton().displayObjectArray.pop(); imageDie.x = image.x; imageDie.y = image.y; image = imageDie; World.getSingleton().displayObjectArray.push(image); image.visible = true;; image.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, removeImage); if (World.getSingleton().enemyList.contains(this)){ World.getSingleton().enemyList.remove(this); } else { if (World.getSingleton().playerList.contains(this)){ World.getSingleton().playerList.remove(this); }; }; personInfected = infected(); if (((((personInfected) || (hitByBullet))) && (!(hitByBomb)))){ World.getSingleton().unturnedPeopleList.add(this); }; World.getSingleton().heroesKilled.value++; World.getSingleton().peopleKilled.value++; _local3 = 0; _local4 = 0; _local5 = 0; _local6 = 0; _local7 = 0; if (point >= 600){ _local7 = (point % World.getSingleton().moneyPerGoldCoin.value); _local6 = (point / World.getSingleton().moneyPerGoldCoin.value); point = _local7; _local7 = (point % World.getSingleton().moneyPerSilverCoin.value); _local5 = (point / World.getSingleton().moneyPerSilverCoin.value); point = _local7; _local7 = (point % World.getSingleton().moneyPerBronzeCoin.value); _local4 = (point / World.getSingleton().moneyPerBronzeCoin.value); } else { if (point >= 250){ _local7 = (point % World.getSingleton().moneyPerSilverCoin.value); _local5 = (point / World.getSingleton().moneyPerSilverCoin.value); point = _local7; _local7 = (point % World.getSingleton().moneyPerBronzeCoin.value); _local4 = (point / World.getSingleton().moneyPerBronzeCoin.value); } else { _local4 = (point / World.getSingleton().moneyPerBronzeCoin.value); }; }; if (World.getSingleton().itemCoinBought.value <= 4){ _local3 = 0; while (_local3 < _local6) { _local2 = new GoldCoin(image.x, image.y); _local3++; }; _local3 = 0; while (_local3 < _local5) { _local2 = new SilverCoin(image.x, image.y); _local3++; }; _local3 = 0; while (_local3 < _local4) { _local2 = new BronzeCoin(image.x, image.y); _local3++; }; } else { World.getSingleton().money.value = (World.getSingleton().money.value + point); World.getSingleton().moneyLoss.value = (World.getSingleton().moneyLoss.value + point); World.getSingleton().moneyCollected.value = (World.getSingleton().moneyCollected.value + point); _local8 = new CoinSound();; }; return (true); }; return (false); } override public function initImages():void{ imageN = new charHero01N(); imageS = new charHero01S(); imageE = new charHero01E(); imageW = new charHero01E(); imageW.scaleX = (imageW.scaleX * -1); imageSE = new charHero01SE(); imageSW = new charHero01SE(); imageSW.scaleX = (imageSW.scaleX * -1); imageNE = new charHero01NE(); imageNW = new charHero01NE(); imageNW.scaleX = (imageNW.scaleX * -1); imageDie = new charHero01Die(); } } }//package p_entity.p_nonPlayable.p_people.p_shooter
Section 124
//RonMCd (p_entity.p_nonPlayable.p_people.p_shooter.RonMCd) package p_entity.p_nonPlayable.p_people.p_shooter { import com.baseoneonline.flash.geom.*; import*; import p_singleton.*; import p_state.*; import Box2D.Common.Math.*; import p_entity.p_nonPlayable.*; import*; import p_particle.*; import p_entity.*; import p_entity.p_bullet.*; import p_state.p_enemyState.*; public class RonMCd extends Shooter { public function RonMCd(_arg1:IntPoint){ super(_arg1); speed = 35; delay = 500; damage = 300; health = 5000; range = 200; point = NpcPoint.RONALD_MCD; charType = CharType.SPECIAL; } override public function shoot():void{ var _local1:b2Vec2; var _local2:Bullet; var _local3:Sound; if (!stun){ shootMode = true; image.gotoAndStop("aim"); if (((((!(panicMode)) && (ableToShoot))) && (nearestTarget))){ if (!World.getSingleton().soundMuted){ _local3 = new BulletSound();; }; ableToShoot = false; _local1 = new b2Vec2(); _local1.x = (nearestTarget.image.x - image.x); _local1.y = (nearestTarget.image.y - (image.y + yOffset)); _local1.Normalize(); _local2 = new Burger(currentTile, image.x, (image.y + yOffset)); _local2.direction.x = _local1.x; _local2.direction.y = _local1.y; _local2.damage = damage; if (_local2.direction.x > 0.2){ movingRight = true; } else { if (_local2.direction.x < -0.2){ movingLeft = true; }; }; if (_local2.direction.y > 0.2){ movingDown = true; } else { if (_local2.direction.y < -0.2){ movingUp = true; }; }; image.gotoAndPlay("walk"); checkDirection(); image.gotoAndPlay("attack"); }; }; } override public function initZombie():void{ } override public function initState():void{ stateManager = new StateManager(); stateManager.setNewState(new StatePolice(this)); } override public function isCharacterDied():Boolean{ var _local1:int; var _local2:Coin; var _local3:int; var _local4:int; var _local5:int; var _local6:int; var _local7:int; var _local8:Sound; if (health <= 0){ if (World.getSingleton().specialZombieUnlocked[4] == false){ World.getSingleton().showAchievementPopUp(new charZombieMcD(), "Acquired Zombie McD"); World.getSingleton().specialZombieUnlocked[4] = true; }; World.getSingleton().playMaleVoice(); image.visible = false; _local1 = World.getSingleton().displayObjectArray.indexOf(this.image); if (World.getSingleton().displayObjectArray.length > 0){ World.getSingleton().displayObjectArray[_local1] = World.getSingleton().displayObjectArray[(World.getSingleton().displayObjectArray.length - 1)]; }; World.getSingleton().displayObjectArray.pop(); imageDie.x = image.x; imageDie.y = image.y; image = imageDie; World.getSingleton().displayObjectArray.push(image); image.visible = true;; image.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, removeImage); if (World.getSingleton().enemyList.contains(this)){ World.getSingleton().enemyList.remove(this); } else { if (World.getSingleton().playerList.contains(this)){ World.getSingleton().playerList.remove(this); }; }; personInfected = infected(); if (((((personInfected) || (hitByBullet))) && (!(hitByBomb)))){ World.getSingleton().unturnedPeopleList.add(this); }; World.getSingleton().heroesKilled.value++; World.getSingleton().peopleKilled.value++; _local3 = 0; _local4 = 0; _local5 = 0; _local6 = 0; _local7 = 0; if (point >= 600){ _local7 = (point % World.getSingleton().moneyPerGoldCoin.value); _local6 = (point / World.getSingleton().moneyPerGoldCoin.value); point = _local7; _local7 = (point % World.getSingleton().moneyPerSilverCoin.value); _local5 = (point / World.getSingleton().moneyPerSilverCoin.value); point = _local7; _local7 = (point % World.getSingleton().moneyPerBronzeCoin.value); _local4 = (point / World.getSingleton().moneyPerBronzeCoin.value); } else { if (point >= 250){ _local7 = (point % World.getSingleton().moneyPerSilverCoin.value); _local5 = (point / World.getSingleton().moneyPerSilverCoin.value); point = _local7; _local7 = (point % World.getSingleton().moneyPerBronzeCoin.value); _local4 = (point / World.getSingleton().moneyPerBronzeCoin.value); } else { _local4 = (point / World.getSingleton().moneyPerBronzeCoin.value); }; }; if (World.getSingleton().itemCoinBought.value <= 4){ _local3 = 0; while (_local3 < _local6) { _local2 = new GoldCoin(image.x, image.y); _local3++; }; _local3 = 0; while (_local3 < _local5) { _local2 = new SilverCoin(image.x, image.y); _local3++; }; _local3 = 0; while (_local3 < _local4) { _local2 = new BronzeCoin(image.x, image.y); _local3++; }; } else { World.getSingleton().money.value = (World.getSingleton().money.value + point); World.getSingleton().moneyLoss.value = (World.getSingleton().moneyLoss.value + point); World.getSingleton().moneyCollected.value = (World.getSingleton().moneyCollected.value + point); _local8 = new CoinSound();; }; return (true); }; return (false); } override public function initImages():void{ imageN = new charMcDN(); imageS = new charMcDS(); imageE = new charMcDE(); imageW = new charMcDE(); imageW.scaleX = (imageW.scaleX * -1); imageSE = new charMcDSE(); imageSW = new charMcDSE(); imageSW.scaleX = (imageSW.scaleX * -1); imageNE = new charMcDNE(); imageNW = new charMcDNE(); imageNW.scaleX = (imageNW.scaleX * -1); imageDie = new charMcDDie(); } } }//package p_entity.p_nonPlayable.p_people.p_shooter
Section 125
//Santa (p_entity.p_nonPlayable.p_people.p_shooter.Santa) package p_entity.p_nonPlayable.p_people.p_shooter { import com.baseoneonline.flash.geom.*; import*; import p_singleton.*; import p_state.*; import Box2D.Common.Math.*; import p_entity.p_nonPlayable.*; import*; import p_particle.*; import p_entity.*; import p_entity.p_bullet.*; import p_state.p_enemyState.*; public class Santa extends Shooter { public function Santa(_arg1:IntPoint){ super(_arg1); speed = 35; delay = 500; damage = 300; health = 5000; point = NpcPoint.SANTA; charType = CharType.SPECIAL; range = 200; } override public function shoot():void{ var _local1:b2Vec2; var _local2:Bullet; var _local3:Sound; if (!stun){ shootMode = true; image.gotoAndStop("aim"); if (((((!(panicMode)) && (ableToShoot))) && (nearestTarget))){ if (!World.getSingleton().soundMuted){ _local3 = new BulletSound();; }; ableToShoot = false; _local1 = new b2Vec2(); _local1.x = (nearestTarget.image.x - image.x); _local1.y = (nearestTarget.image.y - (image.y + yOffset)); _local1.Normalize(); _local2 = new XMasBullet(currentTile, image.x, (image.y + yOffset)); _local2.direction.x = _local1.x; _local2.direction.y = _local1.y; _local2.damage = damage; if (_local2.direction.x > 0.2){ movingRight = true; } else { if (_local2.direction.x < -0.2){ movingLeft = true; }; }; if (_local2.direction.y > 0.2){ movingDown = true; } else { if (_local2.direction.y < -0.2){ movingUp = true; }; }; image.gotoAndPlay("walk"); checkDirection(); image.gotoAndPlay("attack"); }; }; } override public function initZombie():void{ } override public function initState():void{ stateManager = new StateManager(); stateManager.setNewState(new StatePolice(this)); } override public function isCharacterDied():Boolean{ var _local1:int; var _local2:Coin; var _local3:int; var _local4:int; var _local5:int; var _local6:int; var _local7:int; var _local8:Sound; if (health <= 0){ if (World.getSingleton().specialZombieUnlocked[2] == false){ World.getSingleton().showAchievementPopUp(new charZombieSanta(), "Acquired Zombie Boomer"); World.getSingleton().specialZombieUnlocked[2] = true; }; World.getSingleton().playMaleVoice(); image.visible = false; _local1 = World.getSingleton().displayObjectArray.indexOf(this.image); if (World.getSingleton().displayObjectArray.length > 0){ World.getSingleton().displayObjectArray[_local1] = World.getSingleton().displayObjectArray[(World.getSingleton().displayObjectArray.length - 1)]; }; World.getSingleton().displayObjectArray.pop(); imageDie.x = image.x; imageDie.y = image.y; image = imageDie; World.getSingleton().displayObjectArray.push(image); image.visible = true;; image.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, removeImage); if (World.getSingleton().enemyList.contains(this)){ World.getSingleton().enemyList.remove(this); } else { if (World.getSingleton().playerList.contains(this)){ World.getSingleton().playerList.remove(this); }; }; personInfected = infected(); if (((((personInfected) || (hitByBullet))) && (!(hitByBomb)))){ World.getSingleton().unturnedPeopleList.add(this); }; World.getSingleton().heroesKilled.value++; World.getSingleton().peopleKilled.value++; _local3 = 0; _local4 = 0; _local5 = 0; _local6 = 0; _local7 = 0; if (point >= 600){ _local7 = (point % World.getSingleton().moneyPerGoldCoin.value); _local6 = (point / World.getSingleton().moneyPerGoldCoin.value); point = _local7; _local7 = (point % World.getSingleton().moneyPerSilverCoin.value); _local5 = (point / World.getSingleton().moneyPerSilverCoin.value); point = _local7; _local7 = (point % World.getSingleton().moneyPerBronzeCoin.value); _local4 = (point / World.getSingleton().moneyPerBronzeCoin.value); } else { if (point >= 250){ _local7 = (point % World.getSingleton().moneyPerSilverCoin.value); _local5 = (point / World.getSingleton().moneyPerSilverCoin.value); point = _local7; _local7 = (point % World.getSingleton().moneyPerBronzeCoin.value); _local4 = (point / World.getSingleton().moneyPerBronzeCoin.value); } else { _local4 = (point / World.getSingleton().moneyPerBronzeCoin.value); }; }; if (World.getSingleton().itemCoinBought.value <= 4){ _local3 = 0; while (_local3 < _local6) { _local2 = new GoldCoin(image.x, image.y); _local3++; }; _local3 = 0; while (_local3 < _local5) { _local2 = new SilverCoin(image.x, image.y); _local3++; }; _local3 = 0; while (_local3 < _local4) { _local2 = new BronzeCoin(image.x, image.y); _local3++; }; } else { World.getSingleton().money.value = (World.getSingleton().money.value + point); World.getSingleton().moneyLoss.value = (World.getSingleton().moneyLoss.value + point); World.getSingleton().moneyCollected.value = (World.getSingleton().moneyCollected.value + point); _local8 = new CoinSound();; }; return (true); }; return (false); } override public function initImages():void{ imageN = new charSantaN(); imageS = new charSantaS(); imageE = new charSantaE(); imageW = new charSantaE(); imageW.scaleX = (imageW.scaleX * -1); imageSE = new charSantaSE(); imageSW = new charSantaSE(); imageSW.scaleX = (imageSW.scaleX * -1); imageNE = new charSantaNE(); imageNW = new charSantaNE(); imageNW.scaleX = (imageNW.scaleX * -1); imageDie = new charSantaDie(); } } }//package p_entity.p_nonPlayable.p_people.p_shooter
Section 126
//Shooter (p_entity.p_nonPlayable.p_people.p_shooter.Shooter) package p_entity.p_nonPlayable.p_people.p_shooter { import com.baseoneonline.flash.geom.*; import p_singleton.*; import Box2D.Common.Math.*; import*; import p_entity.p_bullet.*; import p_entity.p_nonPlayable.p_people.*; public class Shooter extends People { public var range:int;// = 200 public var yOffset:int;// = -10 public var damage:int;// = 20 public var shootMode:Boolean;// = false public var delay:int; public var ableToShoot:Boolean;// = true public var delayCounter:int;// = 0 public function Shooter(_arg1:IntPoint){ delayCounter = 0; ableToShoot = true; yOffset = -10; damage = 20; shootMode = false; range = 200; super(_arg1); delay = 1000; } public function shoot():void{ var _local1:b2Vec2; var _local2:Bullet; var _local3:Sound; if (!stun){ shootMode = true; image.gotoAndStop("aim"); if (((((!(panicMode)) && (ableToShoot))) && (nearestTarget))){ if (!World.getSingleton().soundMuted){ _local3 = new BulletSound();; }; ableToShoot = false; _local1 = new b2Vec2(); _local1.x = (nearestTarget.image.x - image.x); _local1.y = (nearestTarget.image.y - (image.y + yOffset)); _local1.Normalize(); _local2 = new PoliceBullet(currentTile, image.x, (image.y + yOffset)); _local2.direction.x = _local1.x; _local2.direction.y = _local1.y; _local2.damage = damage; if (_local2.direction.x > 0.2){ movingRight = true; } else { if (_local2.direction.x < -0.2){ movingLeft = true; }; }; if (_local2.direction.y > 0.2){ movingDown = true; } else { if (_local2.direction.y < -0.2){ movingUp = true; }; }; image.gotoAndPlay("walk"); checkDirection(); image.gotoAndPlay("attack"); }; }; } public function checkDelay():void{ if (!ableToShoot){ delayCounter = (delayCounter + World.getSingleton().elapsedTime); if (delayCounter >= delay){ ableToShoot = true; delayCounter = 0; }; }; } override public function checkPanicMode():void{ if (((!(panicMode)) && ((health <= (maxHealth / 2))))){ if (World.getSingleton().zombieList.size() > 0){ imageN.gotoAndPlay("panic"); imageS.gotoAndPlay("panic"); imageW.gotoAndPlay("panic"); imageE.gotoAndPlay("panic"); imageNE.gotoAndPlay("panic"); imageNW.gotoAndPlay("panic"); imageSE.gotoAndPlay("panic"); imageSW.gotoAndPlay("panic"); panicMode = true; speed = (speed * 1.5); }; } else { if (panicMode){ if (World.getSingleton().zombieList.size() <= 0){ imageN.gotoAndPlay("walk"); imageS.gotoAndPlay("walk"); imageW.gotoAndPlay("walk"); imageE.gotoAndPlay("walk"); imageNE.gotoAndPlay("walk"); imageNW.gotoAndPlay("walk"); imageSE.gotoAndPlay("walk"); imageSW.gotoAndPlay("walk"); panicMode = false; speed = (speed / 1.5); }; }; }; } override public function update():void{ super.update(); checkDelay(); } } }//package p_entity.p_nonPlayable.p_people.p_shooter
Section 127
//Spiderman (p_entity.p_nonPlayable.p_people.p_shooter.Spiderman) package p_entity.p_nonPlayable.p_people.p_shooter { import com.baseoneonline.flash.geom.*; import*; import p_singleton.*; import p_state.*; import Box2D.Common.Math.*; import p_entity.p_nonPlayable.*; import*; import p_particle.*; import p_entity.*; import p_entity.p_bullet.*; import p_state.p_enemyState.*; public class Spiderman extends Shooter { public var stunEffectTime:int;// = 2000 public function Spiderman(_arg1:IntPoint){ stunEffectTime = 2000; super(_arg1); speed = 70; delay = 800; damage = 300; health = 5000; range = 200; stunEffectTime = 2000; point = NpcPoint.SPIDERMAN; charType = CharType.SPECIAL; } override public function shoot():void{ var _local1:b2Vec2; var _local2:b2Vec2; var _local3:Bullet; var _local4:Sound; if (!stun){ shootMode = true; image.gotoAndStop("aim"); if (((((!(panicMode)) && (ableToShoot))) && (nearestTarget))){ if (!World.getSingleton().soundMuted){ _local4 = new BulletSound();; }; ableToShoot = false; _local2 = new b2Vec2(); _local2.x = (nearestTarget.image.x - image.x); _local2.y = (nearestTarget.image.y - (image.y + yOffset)); _local2.Normalize(); _local1 = _local2; _local3 = new WebBullet(currentTile, image.x, (image.y + yOffset)); _local3.direction.x = _local2.x; _local3.direction.y = _local2.y; _local3.damage = damage; WebBullet(_local3).stunEffectTime = stunEffectTime; if (_local3.direction.x > 0.2){ movingRight = true; } else { if (_local3.direction.x < -0.2){ movingLeft = true; }; }; if (_local3.direction.y > 0.2){ movingDown = true; } else { if (_local3.direction.y < -0.2){ movingUp = true; }; }; _local2 = b2Vec2.vectorTransform(30, _local1); _local3 = new WebBullet(currentTile, image.x, (image.y + yOffset)); _local3.direction.x = _local2.x; _local3.direction.y = _local2.y; _local3.damage = damage; WebBullet(_local3).stunEffectTime = stunEffectTime; _local2 = b2Vec2.vectorTransform(-30, _local1); _local3 = new WebBullet(currentTile, image.x, (image.y + yOffset)); _local3.direction.x = _local2.x; _local3.direction.y = _local2.y; _local3.damage = damage; WebBullet(_local3).stunEffectTime = stunEffectTime; image.gotoAndPlay("walk"); checkDirection(); image.gotoAndPlay("attack"); }; }; } override public function initZombie():void{ } override public function initState():void{ stateManager = new StateManager(); stateManager.setNewState(new StatePolice(this)); } override public function isCharacterDied():Boolean{ var _local1:int; var _local2:Coin; var _local3:int; var _local4:int; var _local5:int; var _local6:int; var _local7:int; var _local8:Sound; if (health <= 0){ if (World.getSingleton().specialZombieUnlocked[5] == false){ World.getSingleton().showAchievementPopUp(new charVenom(), "Acquired Venom"); World.getSingleton().specialZombieUnlocked[5] = true; }; World.getSingleton().playMaleVoice(); image.visible = false; _local1 = World.getSingleton().displayObjectArray.indexOf(this.image); if (World.getSingleton().displayObjectArray.length > 0){ World.getSingleton().displayObjectArray[_local1] = World.getSingleton().displayObjectArray[(World.getSingleton().displayObjectArray.length - 1)]; }; World.getSingleton().displayObjectArray.pop(); imageDie.x = image.x; imageDie.y = image.y; image = imageDie; World.getSingleton().displayObjectArray.push(image); image.visible = true;; image.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, removeImage); if (World.getSingleton().enemyList.contains(this)){ World.getSingleton().enemyList.remove(this); } else { if (World.getSingleton().playerList.contains(this)){ World.getSingleton().playerList.remove(this); }; }; personInfected = infected(); if (((((personInfected) || (hitByBullet))) && (!(hitByBomb)))){ World.getSingleton().unturnedPeopleList.add(this); }; World.getSingleton().heroesKilled.value++; World.getSingleton().peopleKilled.value++; _local3 = 0; _local4 = 0; _local5 = 0; _local6 = 0; _local7 = 0; if (point >= 600){ _local7 = (point % World.getSingleton().moneyPerGoldCoin.value); _local6 = (point / World.getSingleton().moneyPerGoldCoin.value); point = _local7; _local7 = (point % World.getSingleton().moneyPerSilverCoin.value); _local5 = (point / World.getSingleton().moneyPerSilverCoin.value); point = _local7; _local7 = (point % World.getSingleton().moneyPerBronzeCoin.value); _local4 = (point / World.getSingleton().moneyPerBronzeCoin.value); } else { if (point >= 250){ _local7 = (point % World.getSingleton().moneyPerSilverCoin.value); _local5 = (point / World.getSingleton().moneyPerSilverCoin.value); point = _local7; _local7 = (point % World.getSingleton().moneyPerBronzeCoin.value); _local4 = (point / World.getSingleton().moneyPerBronzeCoin.value); } else { _local4 = (point / World.getSingleton().moneyPerBronzeCoin.value); }; }; if (World.getSingleton().itemCoinBought.value <= 4){ _local3 = 0; while (_local3 < _local6) { _local2 = new GoldCoin(image.x, image.y); _local3++; }; _local3 = 0; while (_local3 < _local5) { _local2 = new SilverCoin(image.x, image.y); _local3++; }; _local3 = 0; while (_local3 < _local4) { _local2 = new BronzeCoin(image.x, image.y); _local3++; }; } else { World.getSingleton().money.value = (World.getSingleton().money.value + point); World.getSingleton().moneyLoss.value = (World.getSingleton().moneyLoss.value + point); World.getSingleton().moneyCollected.value = (World.getSingleton().moneyCollected.value + point); _local8 = new CoinSound();; }; return (true); }; return (false); } override public function initImages():void{ imageN = new charSapidermanN(); imageS = new charSapidermanS(); imageE = new charSapidermanE(); imageW = new charSapidermanE(); imageW.scaleX = (imageW.scaleX * -1); imageSE = new charSapidermanSE(); imageSW = new charSapidermanSE(); imageSW.scaleX = (imageSW.scaleX * -1); imageNE = new charSapidermanNE(); imageNW = new charSapidermanNE(); imageNW.scaleX = (imageNW.scaleX * -1); imageDie = new charSapidermanDie(); } } }//package p_entity.p_nonPlayable.p_people.p_shooter
Section 128
//SWAT (p_entity.p_nonPlayable.p_people.p_shooter.SWAT) package p_entity.p_nonPlayable.p_people.p_shooter { import com.baseoneonline.flash.geom.*; import p_singleton.*; import p_state.*; import p_entity.p_nonPlayable.*; import p_state.p_enemyState.*; import p_entity.p_nonPlayable.p_zombie.*; public class SWAT extends Shooter { public function SWAT(_arg1:IntPoint){ super(_arg1); speed = 70; delay = 250; damage = 150; health = 1500; range = 200; point = NpcPoint.SWAT; } override public function initZombie():void{ zombie = new Zombie04(currentTile, image.x, image.y); zombie.init(); } override public function initState():void{ stateManager = new StateManager(); stateManager.setNewState(new StatePolice(this)); } override public function isCharacterDied():Boolean{ super.isCharacterDied(); if (health <= 0){ World.getSingleton().playMaleVoice(); if (World.getSingleton().currentGameLevel){ }; return (true); }; return (false); } override public function initImages():void{ imageN = new charSWATN(); imageS = new charSWATS(); imageE = new charSWATE(); imageW = new charSWATE(); imageW.scaleX = (imageW.scaleX * -1); imageSE = new charSWATSE(); imageSW = new charSWATSE(); imageSW.scaleX = (imageSW.scaleX * -1); imageNE = new charSWATNE(); imageNW = new charSWATNE(); imageNW.scaleX = (imageNW.scaleX * -1); imageDie = new charSWATDie(); } } }//package p_entity.p_nonPlayable.p_people.p_shooter
Section 129
//TalibanGuy (p_entity.p_nonPlayable.p_people.p_shooter.TalibanGuy) package p_entity.p_nonPlayable.p_people.p_shooter { import com.baseoneonline.flash.geom.*; import p_singleton.*; import p_state.*; import p_entity.p_nonPlayable.*; import p_state.p_enemyState.*; import p_entity.p_nonPlayable.p_zombie.*; public class TalibanGuy extends Shooter { public function TalibanGuy(_arg1:IntPoint){ super(_arg1); speed = 70; delay = 300; damage = 80; range = 150; point = NpcPoint.TALIBAN; } override public function initZombie():void{ zombie = new Zombie04(currentTile, image.x, image.y); zombie.init(); } override public function initState():void{ stateManager = new StateManager(); stateManager.setNewState(new StatePolice(this)); } override public function isCharacterDied():Boolean{ super.isCharacterDied(); if (health <= 0){ World.getSingleton().playMaleVoice(); if (World.getSingleton().currentGameLevel){ }; return (true); }; return (false); } override public function initImages():void{ imageN = new charTalibanN(); imageS = new charTalibanS(); imageE = new charTalibanE(); imageW = new charTalibanE(); imageW.scaleX = (imageW.scaleX * -1); imageSE = new charTalibanSE(); imageSW = new charTalibanSE(); imageSW.scaleX = (imageSW.scaleX * -1); imageNE = new charTalibanNE(); imageNW = new charTalibanNE(); imageNW.scaleX = (imageNW.scaleX * -1); imageDie = new charTalibanDie(); } } }//package p_entity.p_nonPlayable.p_people.p_shooter
Section 130
//ElfGuy (p_entity.p_nonPlayable.p_people.ElfGuy) package p_entity.p_nonPlayable.p_people { import com.baseoneonline.flash.geom.*; import p_singleton.*; import p_state.*; import p_entity.p_nonPlayable.*; import p_state.p_enemyState.*; import p_entity.p_nonPlayable.p_zombie.*; public class ElfGuy extends People { public function ElfGuy(_arg1:IntPoint){ super(_arg1); speed = 50; point = NpcPoint.ELF_GUY; } override public function initZombie():void{ zombie = new Zombie02(currentTile, image.x, image.y); zombie.init(); } override public function initState():void{ stateManager = new StateManager(); stateManager.setNewState(new StateWalkRandomly(this)); } override public function isCharacterDied():Boolean{ super.isCharacterDied(); if (health <= 0){ World.getSingleton().playMaleVoice(); if (World.getSingleton().currentGameLevel){ }; return (true); }; return (false); } override public function initImages():void{ imageN = new charEnemyElfN(); imageS = new charEnemyElfS(); imageE = new charEnemyElfE(); imageW = new charEnemyElfE(); imageW.scaleX = (imageW.scaleX * -1); imageSE = new charEnemyElfSE(); imageSW = new charEnemyElfSE(); imageSW.scaleX = (imageSW.scaleX * -1); imageNE = new charEnemyElfNE(); imageNW = new charEnemyElfNE(); imageNW.scaleX = (imageNW.scaleX * -1); imageDie = new charEnemyElfDie(); } } }//package p_entity.p_nonPlayable.p_people
Section 131
//EskimoGuyPeace (p_entity.p_nonPlayable.p_people.EskimoGuyPeace) package p_entity.p_nonPlayable.p_people { import com.baseoneonline.flash.geom.*; import p_singleton.*; import p_state.*; import p_entity.p_nonPlayable.*; import p_state.p_enemyState.*; import p_entity.p_nonPlayable.p_zombie.*; public class EskimoGuyPeace extends People { public function EskimoGuyPeace(_arg1:IntPoint){ super(_arg1); speed = 50; point = NpcPoint.ESKIMO; } override public function initZombie():void{ zombie = new Zombie04(currentTile, image.x, image.y); zombie.init(); } override public function initState():void{ stateManager = new StateManager(); stateManager.setNewState(new StateWalkRandomly(this)); } override public function isCharacterDied():Boolean{ super.isCharacterDied(); if (health <= 0){ World.getSingleton().playMaleVoice(); if (World.getSingleton().currentGameLevel){ }; return (true); }; return (false); } override public function initImages():void{ imageN = new charEskimoN(); imageS = new charEskimoS(); imageE = new charEskimoE(); imageW = new charEskimoE(); imageW.scaleX = (imageW.scaleX * -1); imageSE = new charEskimoSE(); imageSW = new charEskimoSE(); imageSW.scaleX = (imageSW.scaleX * -1); imageNE = new charEskimoNE(); imageNW = new charEskimoNE(); imageNW.scaleX = (imageNW.scaleX * -1); imageDie = new charEskimoDie(); } } }//package p_entity.p_nonPlayable.p_people
Section 132
//FatGuy (p_entity.p_nonPlayable.p_people.FatGuy) package p_entity.p_nonPlayable.p_people { import com.baseoneonline.flash.geom.*; import p_singleton.*; import p_state.*; import p_entity.p_nonPlayable.*; import p_state.p_enemyState.*; import p_entity.p_nonPlayable.p_zombie.*; public class FatGuy extends People { public function FatGuy(_arg1:IntPoint){ super(_arg1); speed = 35; point = NpcPoint.FAT_GUY; } override public function initZombie():void{ zombie = new ZombieBoomer(currentTile, image.x, image.y); zombie.init(); } override public function initState():void{ stateManager = new StateManager(); stateManager.setNewState(new StateWalkRandomly(this)); } override public function isCharacterDied():Boolean{ super.isCharacterDied(); if (health <= 0){ World.getSingleton().playMaleVoice(); if (World.getSingleton().currentGameLevel){ }; return (true); }; return (false); } override public function initImages():void{ imageN = new charFatGuyN(); imageS = new charFatGuyS(); imageE = new charFatGuyE(); imageW = new charFatGuyE(); imageW.scaleX = (imageW.scaleX * -1); imageSE = new charFatGuySE(); imageSW = new charFatGuySE(); imageSW.scaleX = (imageSW.scaleX * -1); imageNE = new charFatGuyNE(); imageNW = new charFatGuyNE(); imageNW.scaleX = (imageNW.scaleX * -1); imageDie = new charFatGuyDie(); } } }//package p_entity.p_nonPlayable.p_people
Section 133
//FrenchMime (p_entity.p_nonPlayable.p_people.FrenchMime) package p_entity.p_nonPlayable.p_people { import com.baseoneonline.flash.geom.*; import p_singleton.*; import p_state.*; import p_entity.p_nonPlayable.*; import p_state.p_enemyState.*; import p_entity.p_nonPlayable.p_zombie.*; public class FrenchMime extends People { public function FrenchMime(_arg1:IntPoint){ super(_arg1); speed = 50; point = NpcPoint.FRENCH_MIME; } override public function initZombie():void{ zombie = new Zombie02(currentTile, image.x, image.y); zombie.init(); } override public function initState():void{ stateManager = new StateManager(); stateManager.setNewState(new StateWalkRandomly(this)); } override public function isCharacterDied():Boolean{ super.isCharacterDied(); if (health <= 0){ World.getSingleton().playMaleVoice(); if (World.getSingleton().currentGameLevel){ }; return (true); }; return (false); } override public function initImages():void{ imageN = new charMimeS(); imageS = new charMimeS(); imageE = new charMimeS(); imageW = new charMimeS(); imageSE = new charMimeS(); imageSW = new charMimeS(); imageNE = new charMimeS(); imageNW = new charMimeS(); imageDie = new charMimeDie(); } } }//package p_entity.p_nonPlayable.p_people
Section 134
//GraveMJ (p_entity.p_nonPlayable.p_people.GraveMJ) package p_entity.p_nonPlayable.p_people { import com.baseoneonline.flash.geom.*; import flash.display.*; import p_singleton.*; import p_state.*; import p_entity.p_nonPlayable.*; import p_entity.*; import p_state.p_enemyState.*; public class GraveMJ extends People { public var popUpTimeCounter:int;// = 0 public var popUpClip:MovieClip; public var popUpTime:int;// = 1500 public function GraveMJ(_arg1:IntPoint){ popUpTime = 1500; popUpTimeCounter = 0; super(_arg1); speed = 0; health = 1000; deathTime = 3000; point = NpcPoint.GRAVE_MJ; charType = CharType.SPECIAL; } override public function initConvBalloon():void{ super.initConvBalloon(); convBalloon.image.visible = false; } override public function initZombie():void{ } override public function initState():void{ stateManager = new StateManager(); stateManager.setNewState(new StateIdle(this)); } override public function checkPanicMode():void{ } override public function isCharacterDied():Boolean{ super.isCharacterDied(); if (health <= 0){ if (World.getSingleton().specialZombieUnlocked[0] == false){ World.getSingleton().showAchievementPopUp(new charZombieMJ(), "Acquired Zombie M.J."); World.getSingleton().specialZombieUnlocked[0] = true; }; if (image){ image.gotoAndPlay(2); }; if (World.getSingleton().currentGameLevel){ }; return (true); }; return (false); } override public function initImages():void{ imageN = new characterGraveMJ(); imageS = new characterGraveMJ(); imageE = new characterGraveMJ(); imageW = new characterGraveMJ(); imageW.scaleX = (imageW.scaleX * -1); imageSE = new characterGraveMJ(); imageSW = new characterGraveMJ(); imageSW.scaleX = (imageSW.scaleX * -1); imageNE = new characterGraveMJ(); imageNW = new characterGraveMJ(); imageNW.scaleX = (imageNW.scaleX * -1); imageDie = new characterGraveMJ(); } } }//package p_entity.p_nonPlayable.p_people
Section 135
//HistericalLady (p_entity.p_nonPlayable.p_people.HistericalLady) package p_entity.p_nonPlayable.p_people { import com.baseoneonline.flash.geom.*; import p_singleton.*; import p_state.*; import p_entity.p_nonPlayable.*; import p_state.p_enemyState.*; import p_entity.p_nonPlayable.p_zombie.*; public class HistericalLady extends People { public function HistericalLady(_arg1:IntPoint){ super(_arg1); speed = 50; point = NpcPoint.HISTERICAL_LADY; } override public function initZombie():void{ zombie = new Zombie01(currentTile, image.x, image.y); zombie.init(); } override public function initState():void{ stateManager = new StateManager(); stateManager.setNewState(new StateWalkRandomly(this)); } override public function isCharacterDied():Boolean{ super.isCharacterDied(); if (health <= 0){ World.getSingleton().playFemaleVoice(); if (World.getSingleton().currentGameLevel){ }; return (true); }; return (false); } override public function initImages():void{ imageN = new charEnemy01N(); imageS = new charEnemy01S(); imageE = new charEnemy01E(); imageW = new charEnemy01E(); imageW.scaleX = (imageW.scaleX * -1); imageSE = new charEnemy01SE(); imageSW = new charEnemy01SE(); imageSW.scaleX = (imageSW.scaleX * -1); imageNE = new charEnemy01NE(); imageNW = new charEnemy01NE(); imageNW.scaleX = (imageNW.scaleX * -1); imageDie = new charEnemy01Die(); } } }//package p_entity.p_nonPlayable.p_people
Section 136
//HistericalLadyXMas (p_entity.p_nonPlayable.p_people.HistericalLadyXMas) package p_entity.p_nonPlayable.p_people { import com.baseoneonline.flash.geom.*; import p_singleton.*; import p_state.*; import p_entity.p_nonPlayable.*; import p_state.p_enemyState.*; import p_entity.p_nonPlayable.p_zombie.*; public class HistericalLadyXMas extends People { public function HistericalLadyXMas(_arg1:IntPoint){ super(_arg1); speed = 50; point = NpcPoint.HISTERICAL_LADY; } override public function initZombie():void{ zombie = new Zombie01(currentTile, image.x, image.y); zombie.init(); } override public function initState():void{ stateManager = new StateManager(); stateManager.setNewState(new StateWalkRandomly(this)); } override public function isCharacterDied():Boolean{ super.isCharacterDied(); if (health <= 0){ World.getSingleton().playFemaleVoice(); if (World.getSingleton().currentGameLevel){ }; return (true); }; return (false); } override public function initImages():void{ imageN = new charEnemy01XmasN(); imageS = new charEnemy01XmasS(); imageE = new charEnemy01XmasE(); imageW = new charEnemy01XmasE(); imageW.scaleX = (imageW.scaleX * -1); imageSE = new charEnemy01XmasSE(); imageSW = new charEnemy01XmasSE(); imageSW.scaleX = (imageSW.scaleX * -1); imageNE = new charEnemy01XmasNE(); imageNW = new charEnemy01XmasNE(); imageNW.scaleX = (imageNW.scaleX * -1); imageDie = new charEnemy01XmasDie(); } } }//package p_entity.p_nonPlayable.p_people
Section 137
//MaleWhiteShirt (p_entity.p_nonPlayable.p_people.MaleWhiteShirt) package p_entity.p_nonPlayable.p_people { import com.baseoneonline.flash.geom.*; import p_singleton.*; import p_state.*; import p_entity.p_nonPlayable.*; import p_state.p_enemyState.*; import p_entity.p_nonPlayable.p_zombie.*; public class MaleWhiteShirt extends People { public function MaleWhiteShirt(_arg1:IntPoint){ super(_arg1); speed = 50; point = NpcPoint.MALE_WHITE_SHIRT; } override public function initZombie():void{ zombie = new Zombie02(currentTile, image.x, image.y); zombie.init(); } override public function initState():void{ stateManager = new StateManager(); stateManager.setNewState(new StateWalkRandomly(this)); } override public function isCharacterDied():Boolean{ super.isCharacterDied(); if (health <= 0){ World.getSingleton().playMaleVoice(); if (World.getSingleton().currentGameLevel){ }; return (true); }; return (false); } override public function initImages():void{ imageN = new charEnemy02N(); imageS = new charEnemy02S(); imageE = new charEnemy02E(); imageW = new charEnemy02E(); imageW.scaleX = (imageW.scaleX * -1); imageSE = new charEnemy02SE(); imageSW = new charEnemy02SE(); imageSW.scaleX = (imageSW.scaleX * -1); imageNE = new charEnemy02NE(); imageNW = new charEnemy02NE(); imageNW.scaleX = (imageNW.scaleX * -1); imageDie = new charEnemy02Die(); } } }//package p_entity.p_nonPlayable.p_people
Section 138
//NegroKampungPeace (p_entity.p_nonPlayable.p_people.NegroKampungPeace) package p_entity.p_nonPlayable.p_people { import com.baseoneonline.flash.geom.*; import p_singleton.*; import p_state.*; import p_entity.p_nonPlayable.*; import p_state.p_enemyState.*; import p_entity.p_nonPlayable.p_zombie.*; public class NegroKampungPeace extends People { public function NegroKampungPeace(_arg1:IntPoint){ super(_arg1); speed = 40; point = NpcPoint.NEGRO_KAMPUNG_PEACE; } override public function initZombie():void{ zombie = new Zombie04(currentTile, image.x, image.y); zombie.init(); } override public function initState():void{ stateManager = new StateManager(); stateManager.setNewState(new StateWalkRandomly(this)); } override public function isCharacterDied():Boolean{ super.isCharacterDied(); if (health <= 0){ World.getSingleton().playMaleVoice(); if (World.getSingleton().currentGameLevel){ }; return (true); }; return (false); } override public function initImages():void{ imageN = new charNegroKampungN(); imageS = new charNegroKampungS(); imageE = new charNegroKampungE(); imageW = new charNegroKampungE(); imageW.scaleX = (imageW.scaleX * -1); imageSE = new charNegroKampungSE(); imageSW = new charNegroKampungSE(); imageSW.scaleX = (imageSW.scaleX * -1); imageNE = new charNegroKampungNE(); imageNW = new charNegroKampungNE(); imageNW.scaleX = (imageNW.scaleX * -1); imageDie = new charNegroKampungDie(); } } }//package p_entity.p_nonPlayable.p_people
Section 139
//People (p_entity.p_nonPlayable.p_people.People) package p_entity.p_nonPlayable.p_people { import com.baseoneonline.flash.geom.*; import*; import p_singleton.*; import p_entity.p_nonPlayable.*; import flash.geom.*; import*; import p_particle.*; import p_entity.*; import p_entity.p_nonPlayable.p_zombie.*; public class People extends NonPlayableCharacter { public var hitByBomb:Boolean;// = false public var zombie:Zombie; public var personInfected:Boolean;// = false public var hitByBullet:Boolean;// = false public function People(_arg1:IntPoint){ hitByBullet = false; hitByBomb = false; personInfected = false; super(_arg1); speed = 50; deathTime = 1000; charType = CharType.PEOPLE; } override public function removeImage(_arg1:Event):void{ deathTimeCounter = (deathTimeCounter + World.getSingleton().elapsedTime); if (deathTimeCounter >= deathTime){ World.getSingleton().unturnedPeopleList.remove(this); deathTimeCounter = 0; image.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, removeImage); image.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, renderToBitmap); if (((((personInfected) || (hitByBullet))) && (!(hitByBomb)))){ removeImages(); initZombie(); if (zombie){ World.getSingleton().peopleInfected.value++; World.getSingleton().zombieList.add(zombie); }; }; }; } public function renderToBitmap(_arg1:Event):void{ var _local2:Matrix; renderCounter = (renderCounter + World.getSingleton().elapsedTime); if (renderCounter >= renderTime){ renderCounter = 0; image.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, renderToBitmap); if (((hitByBomb) || (!(personInfected)))){ image.gotoAndStop("died"); if (image.parent){ _local2 = new Matrix(); _local2.translate(image.x, image.y); World.getSingleton().bitmapRoot.bitmapData.draw(image, _local2); image.parent.removeChild(image); }; removeImages(); }; }; } public function removeUnturnedPeople():void{ image.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, removeImage); image.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, renderToBitmap); image.parent.removeChild(image); destroy(); if (World.getSingleton().unturnedPeopleList.contains(this)){ World.getSingleton().unturnedPeopleList.remove(this); }; } public function initZombie():void{ } public function infected():Boolean{ var _local1:Number; _local1 = (Math.random() * 100); if (_local1 <= (World.getSingleton().infectionChance.value + (World.getSingleton().itemInfectionBought.value * World.getSingleton().itemInfectionBonus.value))){ return (true); }; return (false); } override public function isCharacterDied():Boolean{ var _local1:Coin; var _local2:int; var _local3:int; var _local4:int; var _local5:int; var _local6:int; var _local7:Sound; super.isCharacterDied(); if (health <= 0){ if (World.getSingleton().currentGameLevel){ World.getSingleton().currentGameLevel.maxEnemyCounter--; }; personInfected = infected(); if (((((personInfected) || (hitByBullet))) && (!(hitByBomb)))){ World.getSingleton().unturnedPeopleList.add(this); }; World.getSingleton().peopleKilled.value++; _local2 = 0; _local3 = 0; _local4 = 0; _local5 = 0; _local6 = 0; if (point >= 600){ _local6 = (point % World.getSingleton().moneyPerGoldCoin.value); _local5 = (point / World.getSingleton().moneyPerGoldCoin.value); point = _local6; _local6 = (point % World.getSingleton().moneyPerSilverCoin.value); _local4 = (point / World.getSingleton().moneyPerSilverCoin.value); point = _local6; _local6 = (point % World.getSingleton().moneyPerBronzeCoin.value); _local3 = (point / World.getSingleton().moneyPerBronzeCoin.value); } else { if (point >= 250){ _local6 = (point % World.getSingleton().moneyPerSilverCoin.value); _local4 = (point / World.getSingleton().moneyPerSilverCoin.value); point = _local6; _local6 = (point % World.getSingleton().moneyPerBronzeCoin.value); _local3 = (point / World.getSingleton().moneyPerBronzeCoin.value); } else { _local3 = (point / World.getSingleton().moneyPerBronzeCoin.value); }; }; if (World.getSingleton().itemCoinBought.value <= 4){ _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < _local5) { _local1 = new GoldCoin(image.x, image.y); _local2++; }; _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < _local4) { _local1 = new SilverCoin(image.x, image.y); _local2++; }; _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < _local3) { _local1 = new BronzeCoin(image.x, image.y); _local2++; }; } else { World.getSingleton().money.value = (World.getSingleton().money.value + point); World.getSingleton().moneyLoss.value = (World.getSingleton().moneyLoss.value + point); World.getSingleton().moneyCollected.value = (World.getSingleton().moneyCollected.value + point); _local7 = new CoinSound();; }; return (true); }; return (false); } override public function destroy():void{ super.destroy(); image.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, renderToBitmap); } } }//package p_entity.p_nonPlayable.p_people
Section 140
//Rasta (p_entity.p_nonPlayable.p_people.Rasta) package p_entity.p_nonPlayable.p_people { import com.baseoneonline.flash.geom.*; import p_singleton.*; import p_state.*; import p_entity.p_nonPlayable.*; import p_state.p_enemyState.*; import p_entity.p_nonPlayable.p_zombie.*; public class Rasta extends People { public function Rasta(_arg1:IntPoint){ super(_arg1); speed = 50; point = NpcPoint.RASTA; } override public function initZombie():void{ zombie = new Zombie02(currentTile, image.x, image.y); zombie.init(); } override public function initState():void{ stateManager = new StateManager(); stateManager.setNewState(new StateWalkRandomly(this)); } override public function isCharacterDied():Boolean{ super.isCharacterDied(); if (health <= 0){ World.getSingleton().playMaleVoice(); if (World.getSingleton().currentGameLevel){ }; return (true); }; return (false); } override public function initImages():void{ imageN = new charEnemyRastaN(); imageS = new charEnemyRastaS(); imageE = new charEnemyRastaE(); imageW = new charEnemyRastaE(); imageW.scaleX = (imageW.scaleX * -1); imageSE = new charEnemyRastaSE(); imageSW = new charEnemyRastaSE(); imageSW.scaleX = (imageSW.scaleX * -1); imageNE = new charEnemyRastaNE(); imageNW = new charEnemyRastaNE(); imageNW.scaleX = (imageNW.scaleX * -1); imageDie = new charEnemyRastaDie(); } } }//package p_entity.p_nonPlayable.p_people
Section 141
//TutorialPerson (p_entity.p_nonPlayable.p_people.TutorialPerson) package p_entity.p_nonPlayable.p_people { import com.baseoneonline.flash.geom.*; import p_singleton.*; import p_state.*; import p_entity.p_nonPlayable.*; import p_state.p_enemyState.*; import p_entity.p_nonPlayable.p_zombie.*; public class TutorialPerson extends People { public function TutorialPerson(_arg1:IntPoint){ super(_arg1); speed = 50; point = NpcPoint.HISTERICAL_LADY; } override public function initZombie():void{ zombie = new Zombie04(currentTile, image.x, image.y); zombie.init(); } override public function initState():void{ stateManager = new StateManager(); stateManager.setNewState(new StateWalkRandomly(this)); } override public function isCharacterDied():Boolean{ super.isCharacterDied(); if (health <= 0){ World.getSingleton().playFemaleVoice(); if (World.getSingleton().currentGameLevel){ }; return (true); }; return (false); } override public function initImages():void{ imageN = new charBeachboyN(); imageS = new charBeachboyS(); imageE = new charBeachboyE(); imageW = new charBeachboyE(); imageW.scaleX = (imageW.scaleX * -1); imageSE = new charBeachboySE(); imageSW = new charBeachboySE(); imageSW.scaleX = (imageSW.scaleX * -1); imageNE = new charBeachboyNE(); imageNW = new charBeachboyNE(); imageNW.scaleX = (imageNW.scaleX * -1); imageDie = new charBeachboyDie(); } } }//package p_entity.p_nonPlayable.p_people
Section 142
//ZombieShooter (p_entity.p_nonPlayable.p_zombie.p_shooter.ZombieShooter) package p_entity.p_nonPlayable.p_zombie.p_shooter { import com.baseoneonline.flash.geom.*; import p_singleton.*; import Box2D.Common.Math.*; import*; import p_entity.p_bullet.*; import p_entity.p_nonPlayable.p_zombie.*; public class ZombieShooter extends Zombie { public var range:int;// = 100 public var yOffset:int;// = -10 public var shootMode:Boolean;// = false public var delay:int; public var ableToShoot:Boolean;// = true public var delayCounter:int;// = 0 public function ZombieShooter(_arg1:IntPoint, _arg2:Number=0, _arg3:Number=0){ delayCounter = 0; ableToShoot = true; yOffset = -10; shootMode = false; range = 100; super(_arg1, _arg2, _arg3); delay = 1000; } public function shoot():void{ var _local1:b2Vec2; var _local2:Bullet; var _local3:Sound; if (!stun){ shootMode = true; image.gotoAndStop("aim"); if (((ableToShoot) && (nearestTarget))){ if (!World.getSingleton().soundMuted){ _local3 = new BulletSound();; }; ableToShoot = false; _local1 = new b2Vec2(); _local1.x = (nearestTarget.image.x - image.x); _local1.y = (nearestTarget.image.y - (image.y + yOffset)); _local1.Normalize(); _local2 = new PoliceBullet(currentTile, image.x, (image.y + yOffset)); _local2.direction.x = _local1.x; _local2.direction.y = _local1.y; _local2.damage = damage; if (_local2.direction.x > 0.2){ movingRight = true; } else { if (_local2.direction.x < -0.2){ movingLeft = true; }; }; if (_local2.direction.y > 0.2){ movingDown = true; } else { if (_local2.direction.y < -0.2){ movingUp = true; }; }; image.gotoAndPlay("walk"); checkDirection(); image.gotoAndPlay("attack"); }; }; } public function checkDelay():void{ if (!ableToShoot){ delayCounter = (delayCounter + World.getSingleton().elapsedTime); if (delayCounter >= delay){ ableToShoot = true; delayCounter = 0; }; }; } override public function update():void{ super.update(); checkDelay(); } } }//package p_entity.p_nonPlayable.p_zombie.p_shooter
Section 143
//Zombie (p_entity.p_nonPlayable.p_zombie.Zombie) package p_entity.p_nonPlayable.p_zombie { import com.baseoneonline.flash.geom.*; import*; import com.baseoneonline.flash.astar.*; import p_singleton.*; import p_state.*; import p_entity.p_nonPlayable.*; import flash.geom.*; import p_entity.*; import p_state.p_enemyState.*; public class Zombie extends NonPlayableCharacter { public var attackDelay:int;// = 500 public var damage:int;// = 50 public var posX:Number; public var moveIfHitWithAnotherZombie:Boolean;// = true public var attackDelayCounter:int;// = 0 public var damageByNear:Boolean;// = true public var posY:Number; public var hitChar:Boolean;// = false public var lifeTime:int; public function Zombie(_arg1:IntPoint, _arg2:Number=0, _arg3:Number=0){ damage = 50; hitChar = false; attackDelay = 500; attackDelayCounter = 0; damageByNear = true; moveIfHitWithAnotherZombie = true; super(_arg1); charType = CharType.ZOMBIE; deathTime = 1000; this.posX = _arg2; this.posY = _arg3; point = 0; health = 100; speed = 20; lifeTime = 5000; damage = 50; } override public function init():void{ super.init(); initBonusItem(); if (((!((posX == 0))) && (!((posY == 0))))){ image.x = posX; image.y = posY; }; } override public function removeImage(_arg1:Event):void{ deathTimeCounter = (deathTimeCounter + World.getSingleton().elapsedTime); if (deathTimeCounter >= deathTime){ deathTimeCounter = 0; image.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, removeImage); image.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, renderToBitmap); }; } public function renderToBitmap(_arg1:Event):void{ var _local2:Matrix; renderCounter = (renderCounter + World.getSingleton().elapsedTime); if (renderCounter >= renderTime){ renderCounter = 0; image.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, renderToBitmap); image.gotoAndStop("died"); if (image.parent){ _local2 = new Matrix(); _local2.translate(image.x, image.y); World.getSingleton().bitmapRoot.bitmapData.draw(image, _local2); image.parent.removeChild(image); }; removeImages(); }; } override public function findPathToGoal():void{ var _local1:AStar; var _local2:Array; if (!World.getSingleton().tileMapZombie.outOfBoundsCheck(currentTile.x, currentTile.y)){ _local1 = new AStar(World.getSingleton().tileMapZombie, currentTile, goalTile); _local2 = _local1.solve(); if (_local2){ walkSolution = _local2; findPath(); }; }; } override public function initState():void{ stateManager = new StateManager(); stateManager.setNewState(new StateZombieWalkRandomly(this)); } override public function isCharacterDied():Boolean{ var _local1:int; lifeTime = (lifeTime - World.getSingleton().elapsedTime); if ((((health <= 0)) || ((lifeTime <= 0)))){ health = 0; lifeTime = 0; image.visible = false; _local1 = World.getSingleton().displayObjectArray.indexOf(this.image); if (World.getSingleton().displayObjectArray.length > 0){ World.getSingleton().displayObjectArray[_local1] = World.getSingleton().displayObjectArray[(World.getSingleton().displayObjectArray.length - 1)]; World.getSingleton().displayObjectArray.pop(); }; imageDie.x = image.x; imageDie.y = image.y; image = imageDie; deathTimeCounter = 0; World.getSingleton().displayObjectArray.push(image); image.visible = true; image.gotoAndPlay(2); image.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, removeImage); if (World.getSingleton().zombieList.contains(this)){ World.getSingleton().zombieList.remove(this); }; return (true); }; return (false); } public function initBonusItem():void{ speed = (speed + (World.getSingleton().itemSpeedBonus.value * World.getSingleton().itemSpeedBought.value)); health = (health + (World.getSingleton().itemHealthBonus.value * World.getSingleton().itemHealthBought.value)); lifeTime = (lifeTime + (World.getSingleton().itemLongerZombieBonus.value * World.getSingleton().itemLongerZombieBought.value)); damage = (damage + (World.getSingleton().itemAttackBonus.value * World.getSingleton().itemAttackBought.value)); } override public function findRandomTile():void{ var _local1:Boolean; var _local2:int; var _local3:int; var _local4:int; var _local5:int; var _local6:int; var _local7:int; var _local8:IntPoint; var _local9:AStar; var _local10:Array; _local1 = false; while (!(_local1)) { _local2 = ((Math.random() * 100) % World.getSingleton().tileMapZombie.getWidth()); _local3 = ((Math.random() * 100) % World.getSingleton().tileMapZombie.getHeight()); _local4 = World.getSingleton().tileMapZombie.getHeight(); _local5 = World.getSingleton().tileMapZombie.getWidth(); _local6 = 0; _local7 = 0; if (currentTile.x >= _local5){ _local6 = (_local5 - 1); _local7 = ((Math.random() * 100) % _local4); }; if (currentTile.x < 0){ _local6 = 0; _local7 = ((Math.random() * 100) % _local4); }; if (currentTile.y >= _local4){ _local6 = ((Math.random() * 100) % _local5); _local7 = (_local4 - 1); }; if (World.getSingleton().tileMapZombie.outOfBoundsCheck(currentTile.x, currentTile.y)){ walkSolution = new Array(); if (World.getSingleton().tileMapZombie.isWalkable(_local6, _local7)){ walkSolution[0] = new IntPoint(_local6, _local7); _local1 = true; findPath(); break; }; } else { if (World.getSingleton().tileMapZombie.isWalkable(_local2, _local3)){ _local8 = new IntPoint(_local2, _local3); _local9 = new AStar(World.getSingleton().tileMapZombie, currentTile, _local8); _local10 = _local9.solve(); if (_local10){ walkSolution = _local10; findPath(); _local1 = true; break; }; }; }; }; } override public function update():void{ super.update(); checkAttackDelay(); } public function checkAttackDelay():void{ if (hitChar){ attackDelayCounter = (attackDelayCounter + World.getSingleton().elapsedTime); if (attackDelayCounter >= attackDelay){ hitChar = false; attackDelayCounter = 0; }; }; } } }//package p_entity.p_nonPlayable.p_zombie
Section 144
//Zombie01 (p_entity.p_nonPlayable.p_zombie.Zombie01) package p_entity.p_nonPlayable.p_zombie { import com.baseoneonline.flash.geom.*; public class Zombie01 extends Zombie { public function Zombie01(_arg1:IntPoint, _arg2:Number=0, _arg3:Number=0){ super(_arg1, _arg2, _arg3); } override public function initImages():void{ imageN = new charZombie01N(); imageS = new charZombie01S(); imageE = new charZombie01E(); imageW = new charZombie01E(); imageW.scaleX = (imageW.scaleX * -1); imageSE = new charZombie01SE(); imageSW = new charZombie01SE(); imageSW.scaleX = (imageSW.scaleX * -1); imageNE = new charZombie01NE(); imageNW = new charZombie01NE(); imageNW.scaleX = (imageNW.scaleX * -1); imageDie = new charZombie01Die(); } } }//package p_entity.p_nonPlayable.p_zombie
Section 145
//Zombie02 (p_entity.p_nonPlayable.p_zombie.Zombie02) package p_entity.p_nonPlayable.p_zombie { import com.baseoneonline.flash.geom.*; public class Zombie02 extends Zombie { public function Zombie02(_arg1:IntPoint, _arg2:Number=0, _arg3:Number=0){ super(_arg1, _arg2, _arg3); } override public function initImages():void{ imageN = new charZombie02N(); imageS = new charZombie02S(); imageE = new charZombie02E(); imageW = new charZombie02E(); imageW.scaleX = (imageW.scaleX * -1); imageSE = new charZombie02SE(); imageSW = new charZombie02SE(); imageSW.scaleX = (imageSW.scaleX * -1); imageNE = new charZombie02NE(); imageNW = new charZombie02NE(); imageNW.scaleX = (imageNW.scaleX * -1); imageDie = new charZombie02Die(); } } }//package p_entity.p_nonPlayable.p_zombie
Section 146
//Zombie03 (p_entity.p_nonPlayable.p_zombie.Zombie03) package p_entity.p_nonPlayable.p_zombie { import com.baseoneonline.flash.geom.*; public class Zombie03 extends Zombie { public function Zombie03(_arg1:IntPoint, _arg2:Number=0, _arg3:Number=0){ super(_arg1, _arg2, _arg3); } override public function initImages():void{ imageN = new charZombie03N(); imageS = new charZombie03S(); imageE = new charZombie03E(); imageW = new charZombie03E(); imageW.scaleX = (imageW.scaleX * -1); imageSE = new charZombie03SE(); imageSW = new charZombie03SE(); imageSW.scaleX = (imageSW.scaleX * -1); imageNE = new charZombie03NE(); imageNW = new charZombie03NE(); imageNW.scaleX = (imageNW.scaleX * -1); imageDie = new charZombie03Die(); } } }//package p_entity.p_nonPlayable.p_zombie
Section 147
//Zombie04 (p_entity.p_nonPlayable.p_zombie.Zombie04) package p_entity.p_nonPlayable.p_zombie { import com.baseoneonline.flash.geom.*; public class Zombie04 extends Zombie { public function Zombie04(_arg1:IntPoint, _arg2:Number=0, _arg3:Number=0){ super(_arg1, _arg2, _arg3); } override public function initImages():void{ imageN = new charZombie04N(); imageS = new charZombie04S(); imageE = new charZombie04E(); imageW = new charZombie04E(); imageW.scaleX = (imageW.scaleX * -1); imageSE = new charZombie04SE(); imageSW = new charZombie04SE(); imageSW.scaleX = (imageSW.scaleX * -1); imageNE = new charZombie04NE(); imageNW = new charZombie04NE(); imageNW.scaleX = (imageNW.scaleX * -1); imageDie = new charZombie04Die(); } } }//package p_entity.p_nonPlayable.p_zombie
Section 148
//ZombieBoomer (p_entity.p_nonPlayable.p_zombie.ZombieBoomer) package p_entity.p_nonPlayable.p_zombie { import com.baseoneonline.flash.geom.*; import*; import p_singleton.*; import p_entity.p_bullet.*; public class ZombieBoomer extends Zombie { public function ZombieBoomer(_arg1:IntPoint, _arg2:Number=0, _arg3:Number=0){ super(_arg1, _arg2, _arg3); } override public function isCharacterDied():Boolean{ var _local1:Bullet; var _local2:int; lifeTime = (lifeTime - World.getSingleton().elapsedTime); if ((((health <= 0)) || ((lifeTime <= 0)))){ _local1 = new Bullet(currentTile, image.x, image.y); _local1.direction.x = 1; _local1.direction.y = 0; _local1 = new Bullet(currentTile, image.x, image.y); _local1.direction.x = 0; _local1.direction.y = 1; _local1 = new Bullet(currentTile, image.x, image.y); _local1.direction.x = -1; _local1.direction.y = 0; _local1 = new Bullet(currentTile, image.x, image.y); _local1.direction.x = 0; _local1.direction.y = -1; health = 0; lifeTime = 0; image.visible = false; _local2 = World.getSingleton().displayObjectArray.indexOf(this.image); if (World.getSingleton().displayObjectArray.length > 0){ World.getSingleton().displayObjectArray[_local2] = World.getSingleton().displayObjectArray[(World.getSingleton().displayObjectArray.length - 1)]; World.getSingleton().displayObjectArray.pop(); }; imageDie.x = image.x; imageDie.y = image.y; image = imageDie; World.getSingleton().displayObjectArray.push(image); image.visible = true;; image.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, removeImage); if (World.getSingleton().zombieList.contains(this)){ World.getSingleton().zombieList.remove(this); }; return (true); }; return (false); } override public function initImages():void{ imageN = new charZombieBoomerN(); imageS = new charZombieBoomerS(); imageE = new charZombieBoomerE(); imageW = new charZombieBoomerE(); imageW.scaleX = (imageW.scaleX * -1); imageSE = new charZombieBoomerSE(); imageSW = new charZombieBoomerSE(); imageSW.scaleX = (imageSW.scaleX * -1); imageNE = new charZombieBoomerNE(); imageNW = new charZombieBoomerNE(); imageNW.scaleX = (imageNW.scaleX * -1); imageDie = new charZombieBoomerDie(); } } }//package p_entity.p_nonPlayable.p_zombie
Section 149
//ZombieChicken (p_entity.p_nonPlayable.p_zombie.ZombieChicken) package p_entity.p_nonPlayable.p_zombie { import com.baseoneonline.flash.geom.*; import p_singleton.*; import*; public class ZombieChicken extends Zombie { public var chickenSoundChannel:SoundChannel; public var chickenSound:Sound; public function ZombieChicken(_arg1:IntPoint, _arg2:Number=0, _arg3:Number=0){ super(_arg1, _arg2, _arg3); speed = 20; health = 100; lifeTime = 5000; damage = 25; } override public function isCharacterDied():Boolean{ super.isCharacterDied(); if (health <= 0){ chickenSound = new KillChicken(); if (!World.getSingleton().soundMuted){ chickenSoundChannel =; }; return (true); }; return (false); } override public function initImages():void{ imageN = new charZombieChickenN(); imageS = new charZombieChickenS(); imageE = new charZombieChickenE(); imageW = new charZombieChickenE(); imageW.scaleX = (imageW.scaleX * -1); imageSE = new charZombieChickenS(); imageSW = new charZombieChickenS(); imageSW.scaleX = (imageSW.scaleX * -1); imageNE = new charZombieChickenN(); imageNW = new charZombieChickenN(); imageNW.scaleX = (imageNW.scaleX * -1); imageDie = new charZombieChickenDie(); } } }//package p_entity.p_nonPlayable.p_zombie
Section 150
//ZombieDancer (p_entity.p_nonPlayable.p_zombie.ZombieDancer) package p_entity.p_nonPlayable.p_zombie { import com.baseoneonline.flash.geom.*; import flash.display.*; import p_singleton.*; public class ZombieDancer extends Zombie { public var imageDance:MovieClip; public function ZombieDancer(_arg1:IntPoint, _arg2:Number=0, _arg3:Number=0){ super(_arg1, _arg2, _arg3); } override public function init():void{ super.init(); } public function stopDance():void{ var _local1:Array; var _local2:int; _local1 = World.getSingleton().displayObjectArray; imageN.x = image.x; imageN.y = image.y; image.visible = false; _local2 = World.getSingleton().displayObjectArray.indexOf(this.image); if (_local1.length > 0){ _local1[_local2] = _local1[(_local1.length - 1)]; }; _local1.pop(); image = imageN; image.visible = true; _local1.push(image); if (World.getSingleton().displayObjectRoot.contains(imageDance)){ World.getSingleton().displayObjectRoot.removeChild(imageDance); }; } override public function initImages():void{ imageDance = new charZombie02Dance(); imageDance.visible = false; World.getSingleton().displayObjectRoot.addChild(imageDance); imageN = new charZombie02N(); imageS = new charZombie02S(); imageE = new charZombie02E(); imageW = new charZombie02E(); imageW.scaleX = (imageW.scaleX * -1); imageSE = new charZombie02SE(); imageSW = new charZombie02SE(); imageSW.scaleX = (imageSW.scaleX * -1); imageNE = new charZombie02NE(); imageNW = new charZombie02NE(); imageNW.scaleX = (imageNW.scaleX * -1); imageDie = new charZombie02Die(); } public function dance():void{ var _local1:Array; var _local2:int; _local1 = World.getSingleton().displayObjectArray; imageDance.x = image.x; imageDance.y = image.y; image.visible = false; _local2 = World.getSingleton().displayObjectArray.indexOf(this.image); if (_local1.length > 0){ _local1[_local2] = _local1[(_local1.length - 1)]; }; _local1.pop(); image = imageDance; image.visible = true; _local1.push(image); } } }//package p_entity.p_nonPlayable.p_zombie
Section 151
//ZombieMcD (p_entity.p_nonPlayable.p_zombie.ZombieMcD) package p_entity.p_nonPlayable.p_zombie { import com.baseoneonline.flash.geom.*; import p_singleton.*; import p_state.*; import p_entity.*; import p_entity.p_bullet.*; import p_state.p_enemyState.*; public class ZombieMcD extends Zombie { public var spawnCounter:int;// = 0 public var animationDone:Boolean;// = true public var animationDelay:int; public var burgerLifeTime:int;// = 2000 public var spawnDelay:int; public var animationCounter:int; public function ZombieMcD(_arg1:IntPoint, _arg2:Number=0, _arg3:Number=0){ spawnCounter = 0; animationDone = true; burgerLifeTime = 2000; super(_arg1, _arg2, _arg3); damage = 300; health = 5000; lifeTime = 10000; charType = CharType.ZOMBIE_SPECIAL; } public function startSpawning():void{ if (!stun){ spawnCounter = (spawnCounter + World.getSingleton().elapsedTime); if (spawnCounter >= spawnDelay){ startAnimate(); }; }; } override public function init():void{ initUpgrade(); super.init(); moveIfHitWithAnotherZombie = false; damageByNear = true; } public function initBurgerRotten(_arg1:IntPoint):void{ var _local2:Bullet; _local2 = new BurgerRotten(currentTile, image.x, image.y); BurgerRotten(_local2).lifeTime = burgerLifeTime; _local2.direction.x = 0; _local2.direction.y = 0; _local2.damage = damage; } public function startAnimate():void{ image.gotoAndStop("spawn"); animationCounter = (animationCounter + World.getSingleton().elapsedTime); animationDone = false; if (animationCounter >= animationDelay){ animationCounter = 0; spawnBurger(); image.gotoAndPlay("walk"); animationDone = true; spawnCounter = 0; }; } override public function initState():void{ stateManager = new StateManager(); stateManager.setNewState(new StateZombieMcD(this)); } override public function initImages():void{ imageN = new charZombieMcDN(); imageS = new charZombieMcDS(); imageE = new charZombieMcDE(); imageW = new charZombieMcDE(); imageW.scaleX = (imageW.scaleX * -1); imageSE = new charZombieMcDSE(); imageSW = new charZombieMcDSE(); imageSW.scaleX = (imageSW.scaleX * -1); imageNE = new charZombieMcDNE(); imageNW = new charZombieMcDNE(); imageNW.scaleX = (imageNW.scaleX * -1); imageDie = new charZombieMcDDie(); } override public function update():void{ startSpawning(); stateManager.update(); if (animationDone){ checkDirection(); }; checkCurrentTileWalkable(); calculateDamage(); isCharacterDied(); reset(); checkAttackDelay(); } public function spawnBurger():void{ var _local1:IntPoint; _local1 = new IntPoint(currentTile.x, currentTile.y); initBurgerRotten(_local1); } public function initUpgrade():void{ spawnDelay = 2000; animationDelay = 1500; burgerLifeTime = 10000; if (World.getSingleton().specialZombieUpgrade.get(4).value >= 1){ spawnDelay = 1500; animationDelay = 1250; burgerLifeTime = 15000; }; if (World.getSingleton().specialZombieUpgrade.get(4).value >= 2){ spawnDelay = 1000; animationDelay = 1000; burgerLifeTime = 20000; }; if (World.getSingleton().specialZombieUpgrade.get(4).value >= 3){ spawnDelay = 750; animationDelay = 750; burgerLifeTime = 25000; }; if (World.getSingleton().specialZombieUpgrade.get(4).value >= 4){ spawnDelay = 500; animationDelay = 500; burgerLifeTime = 30000; }; if (World.getSingleton().specialZombieUpgrade.get(4).value >= 5){ spawnDelay = 300; animationDelay = 500; burgerLifeTime = 35000; }; } } }//package p_entity.p_nonPlayable.p_zombie
Section 152
//ZombieMJ (p_entity.p_nonPlayable.p_zombie.ZombieMJ) package p_entity.p_nonPlayable.p_zombie { import com.baseoneonline.flash.geom.*; import*; import flash.display.*; import org.idmedia.as3commons.util.*; import p_singleton.*; import p_state.*; import p_entity.*; import p_state.p_enemyState.*; public class ZombieMJ extends Zombie { public var imageDance:MovieClip; public var zombieDancerList:ArrayList; public function ZombieMJ(_arg1:IntPoint, _arg2:Number=0, _arg3:Number=0){ super(_arg1, _arg2, _arg3); health = 5000; lifeTime = 10000; charType = CharType.ZOMBIE_SPECIAL; } override public function init():void{ super.init(); initServantZombies(); dance(); World.getSingleton().startThrillerSong(); if (World.getSingleton().currentGameLevel){ World.getSingleton().currentGameLevel.stopSong(); }; Updater.getSingleton().sortObjectDepth(); } private function checkDanceFinished(_arg1:Event):void{ var _local2:int; var _local3:int; if (imageDance.danceDone == true){ this.imageDance.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, checkDanceFinished); stopDance(); if (zombieDancerList){ _local2 = 0; _local3 = zombieDancerList.size(); while (_local2 < _local3) { zombieDancerList.get(_local2).stopDance(); _local2++; }; }; World.getSingleton().startGame(); }; } public function stopDance():void{ var _local1:Array; var _local2:int; _local1 = World.getSingleton().displayObjectArray; imageN.x = image.x; imageN.y = image.y; image.visible = false; _local2 = World.getSingleton().displayObjectArray.indexOf(this.image); if (_local1.length > 0){ _local1[_local2] = _local1[(_local1.length - 1)]; }; _local1.pop(); image = imageN; image.visible = true; _local1.push(image); if (World.getSingleton().displayObjectRoot.contains(imageDance)){ World.getSingleton().displayObjectRoot.removeChild(imageDance); }; } override public function initState():void{ stateManager = new StateManager(); stateManager.setNewState(new StateZombieWalkRandomly(this)); } public function initServantZombie(_arg1:IntPoint):void{ var _local2:Boolean; var _local3:Boolean; var _local4:ZombieDancer; _local2 = World.getSingleton().tileMap.outOfBoundsCheck(_arg1.x, _arg1.y); _local3 = false; if (!_local2){ _local3 = World.getSingleton().tileMap.isWalkable(_arg1.x, _arg1.y); if (_local3){ _local4 = new ZombieDancer(_arg1); _local4.init();; World.getSingleton().zombieList.add(_local4); zombieDancerList.add(_local4); }; }; } override public function isCharacterDied():Boolean{ super.isCharacterDied(); if (health <= 0){ World.getSingleton().stopSong(); if (World.getSingleton().currentGameLevel){ World.getSingleton().currentGameLevel.startBackSongAfter(); }; return (true); }; return (false); } override public function initImages():void{ imageDance = new charZombieMJDance(); imageDance.visible = false; World.getSingleton().displayObjectRoot.addChild(imageDance); imageN = new charZombieMJS(); imageS = new charZombieMJN(); imageE = new charZombieMJE(); imageW = new charZombieMJE(); imageE.scaleX = (imageE.scaleX * -1); imageSE = new charZombieMJNE(); imageSE.scaleX = (imageSE.scaleX * -1); imageSW = new charZombieMJNE(); imageNE = new charZombieMJSE(); imageNW = new charZombieMJSE(); imageNE.scaleX = (imageNE.scaleX * -1); imageDie = new charZombieMJDie(); } public function dance():void{ var _local1:Array; var _local2:int; _local1 = World.getSingleton().displayObjectArray; imageDance.x = image.x; imageDance.y = image.y; image.visible = false; _local2 = World.getSingleton().displayObjectArray.indexOf(this.image); if (_local1.length > 0){ _local1[_local2] = _local1[(_local1.length - 1)]; }; _local1.pop(); image = imageDance; image.visible = true; _local1.push(image); World.getSingleton().pauseGame(); this.imageDance.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, checkDanceFinished); } public function initServantZombies():void{ var _local1:IntPoint; zombieDancerList = new ArrayList(); _local1 = new IntPoint((currentTile.x + 1), currentTile.y); initServantZombie(_local1); _local1 = new IntPoint((currentTile.x - 1), currentTile.y); initServantZombie(_local1); if (World.getSingleton().specialZombieUpgrade.get(0).value >= 1){ _local1 = new IntPoint(currentTile.x, (currentTile.y - 1)); initServantZombie(_local1); _local1 = new IntPoint(currentTile.x, (currentTile.y + 1)); initServantZombie(_local1); }; if (World.getSingleton().specialZombieUpgrade.get(0).value >= 2){ _local1 = new IntPoint((currentTile.x - 1), (currentTile.y - 1)); initServantZombie(_local1); }; if (World.getSingleton().specialZombieUpgrade.get(0).value >= 3){ _local1 = new IntPoint((currentTile.x + 1), (currentTile.y - 1)); initServantZombie(_local1); }; if (World.getSingleton().specialZombieUpgrade.get(0).value >= 4){ _local1 = new IntPoint((currentTile.x + 1), (currentTile.y + 1)); initServantZombie(_local1); }; if (World.getSingleton().specialZombieUpgrade.get(0).value >= 5){ _local1 = new IntPoint((currentTile.x - 1), (currentTile.y + 1)); initServantZombie(_local1); }; } } }//package p_entity.p_nonPlayable.p_zombie
Section 153
//ZombieSanders (p_entity.p_nonPlayable.p_zombie.ZombieSanders) package p_entity.p_nonPlayable.p_zombie { import com.baseoneonline.flash.geom.*; import p_singleton.*; import p_state.*; import p_entity.*; import p_state.p_enemyState.*; public class ZombieSanders extends Zombie { public var spawnCounter:int;// = 0 public var animationDone:Boolean;// = true public var animationDelay:int; private var zombieChicken:ZombieChicken; public var spawnDelay:int; public var animationCounter:int; public function ZombieSanders(_arg1:IntPoint, _arg2:Number=0, _arg3:Number=0){ spawnCounter = 0; animationDone = true; super(_arg1, _arg2, _arg3); health = 5000; damage = 200; lifeTime = 10000; moveIfHitWithAnotherZombie = false; charType = CharType.ZOMBIE_SPECIAL; } public function startSpawning():void{ if (!stun){ spawnCounter = (spawnCounter + World.getSingleton().elapsedTime); if (spawnCounter >= spawnDelay){ startAnimate(); }; }; } public function initChickenZombie(_arg1:IntPoint):void{ var _local2:Boolean; var _local3:Boolean; var _local4:ZombieChicken; _local2 = World.getSingleton().tileMap.outOfBoundsCheck(_arg1.x, _arg1.y); _local3 = false; if (!_local2){ _local3 = World.getSingleton().tileMap.isWalkable(_arg1.x, _arg1.y); if (_local3){ _local4 = new ZombieChicken(_arg1); _local4.init(); World.getSingleton().zombieList.add(_local4); }; }; } override public function init():void{ initUpgrade(); super.init(); moveIfHitWithAnotherZombie = false; damageByNear = false; if (speed > 90){ speed = 90; }; } public function startAnimate():void{ image.gotoAndStop("spawn"); animationCounter = (animationCounter + World.getSingleton().elapsedTime); animationDone = false; if (animationCounter >= animationDelay){ animationCounter = 0; spawnChickens(); image.gotoAndPlay("walk"); animationDone = true; spawnCounter = 0; }; } override public function initState():void{ stateManager = new StateManager(); stateManager.setNewState(new StateZombieSanders(this)); } override public function initImages():void{ imageN = new charZombieSandersN(); imageS = new charZombieSandersS(); imageE = new charZombieSandersE(); imageW = new charZombieSandersE(); imageW.scaleX = (imageW.scaleX * -1); imageSE = new charZombieSandersSE(); imageSW = new charZombieSandersSE(); imageSW.scaleX = (imageSW.scaleX * -1); imageNE = new charZombieSandersNE(); imageNW = new charZombieSandersNE(); imageNW.scaleX = (imageNW.scaleX * -1); imageDie = new charZombieSandersDie(); } override public function update():void{ startSpawning(); stateManager.update(); if (animationDone){ checkDirection(); }; checkCurrentTileWalkable(); calculateDamage(); isCharacterDied(); reset(); checkAttackDelay(); } public function initUpgrade():void{ spawnDelay = 3000; animationDelay = 1500; if (World.getSingleton().specialZombieUpgrade.get(3).value >= 1){ spawnDelay = 2500; animationDelay = 1250; }; if (World.getSingleton().specialZombieUpgrade.get(3).value >= 2){ spawnDelay = 2000; animationDelay = 1000; }; if (World.getSingleton().specialZombieUpgrade.get(3).value >= 3){ spawnDelay = 1750; animationDelay = 750; }; if (World.getSingleton().specialZombieUpgrade.get(3).value >= 4){ spawnDelay = 1500; animationDelay = 500; }; if (World.getSingleton().specialZombieUpgrade.get(3).value >= 5){ spawnDelay = 1000; animationDelay = 500; }; } public function spawnChickens():void{ var _local1:IntPoint; _local1 = new IntPoint((currentTile.x - 1), (currentTile.y - 1)); initChickenZombie(_local1); _local1 = new IntPoint(currentTile.x, (currentTile.y - 1)); initChickenZombie(_local1); _local1 = new IntPoint((currentTile.x + 1), (currentTile.y - 1)); initChickenZombie(_local1); _local1 = new IntPoint((currentTile.x + 1), currentTile.y); initChickenZombie(_local1); _local1 = new IntPoint((currentTile.x + 1), (currentTile.y + 1)); initChickenZombie(_local1); _local1 = new IntPoint(currentTile.x, (currentTile.y + 1)); initChickenZombie(_local1); _local1 = new IntPoint((currentTile.x - 1), (currentTile.y + 1)); initChickenZombie(_local1); _local1 = new IntPoint((currentTile.x - 1), currentTile.y); initChickenZombie(_local1); } } }//package p_entity.p_nonPlayable.p_zombie
Section 154
//ZombieSanta (p_entity.p_nonPlayable.p_zombie.ZombieSanta) package p_entity.p_nonPlayable.p_zombie { import com.baseoneonline.flash.geom.*; import*; import p_singleton.*; import p_state.*; import Box2D.Common.Math.*; import*; import p_entity.*; import p_entity.p_bullet.*; import p_state.p_enemyState.*; import p_entity.p_nonPlayable.p_zombie.p_shooter.*; public class ZombieSanta extends ZombieShooter { public function ZombieSanta(_arg1:IntPoint, _arg2:Number=0, _arg3:Number=0){ super(_arg1, _arg2, _arg3); health = 5000; delay = 500; range = 200; damage = 200; lifeTime = 10000; moveIfHitWithAnotherZombie = false; charType = CharType.ZOMBIE_SPECIAL; } override public function init():void{ initUpgrade(); super.init(); } override public function shoot():void{ var _local1:b2Vec2; var _local2:Bullet; var _local3:Sound; if (!stun){ shootMode = true; image.gotoAndStop("aim"); if (((ableToShoot) && (nearestTarget))){ if (!World.getSingleton().soundMuted){ _local3 = new BulletSound();; }; ableToShoot = false; _local1 = new b2Vec2(); _local1.x = (nearestTarget.image.x - image.x); _local1.y = (nearestTarget.image.y - (image.y + yOffset)); _local1.Normalize(); _local2 = new Vomit(currentTile, image.x, (image.y + yOffset)); Vomit(_local2).range = range; _local2.direction.x = _local1.x; _local2.direction.y = _local1.y; _local2.damage = damage; if (_local2.direction.x > 0.2){ movingRight = true; } else { if (_local2.direction.x < -0.2){ movingLeft = true; }; }; if (_local2.direction.y > 0.2){ movingDown = true; } else { if (_local2.direction.y < -0.2){ movingUp = true; }; }; image.gotoAndPlay("walk"); checkDirection(); image.gotoAndPlay("attack"); }; }; } override public function initState():void{ stateManager = new StateManager(); stateManager.setNewState(new StateZombieShoot(this)); } override public function isCharacterDied():Boolean{ var _local1:Bullet; var _local2:int; lifeTime = (lifeTime - World.getSingleton().elapsedTime); if ((((health <= 0)) || ((lifeTime <= 0)))){ _local1 = new Bullet(currentTile, image.x, image.y); _local1.direction.x = 1; _local1.direction.y = 0; _local1 = new Bullet(currentTile, image.x, image.y); _local1.direction.x = 0; _local1.direction.y = 1; _local1 = new Bullet(currentTile, image.x, image.y); _local1.direction.x = -1; _local1.direction.y = 0; _local1 = new Bullet(currentTile, image.x, image.y); _local1.direction.x = 0; _local1.direction.y = -1; health = 0; lifeTime = 0; image.visible = false; _local2 = World.getSingleton().displayObjectArray.indexOf(this.image); if (World.getSingleton().displayObjectArray.length > 0){ World.getSingleton().displayObjectArray[_local2] = World.getSingleton().displayObjectArray[(World.getSingleton().displayObjectArray.length - 1)]; World.getSingleton().displayObjectArray.pop(); }; imageDie.x = image.x; imageDie.y = image.y; image = imageDie; World.getSingleton().displayObjectArray.push(image); image.visible = true;; image.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, removeImage); if (World.getSingleton().zombieList.contains(this)){ World.getSingleton().zombieList.remove(this); }; return (true); }; return (false); } override public function initImages():void{ imageN = new charZombieSantaN(); imageS = new charZombieSantaS(); imageE = new charZombieSantaE(); imageW = new charZombieSantaE(); imageW.scaleX = (imageW.scaleX * -1); imageSE = new charZombieSantaSE(); imageSW = new charZombieSantaSE(); imageSW.scaleX = (imageSW.scaleX * -1); imageNE = new charZombieSantaNE(); imageNW = new charZombieSantaNE(); imageNW.scaleX = (imageNW.scaleX * -1); imageDie = new charZombieSantaDie(); } public function initUpgrade():void{ delay = 2000; range = 50; if (World.getSingleton().specialZombieUpgrade.get(2).value >= 1){ delay = 1500; range = 100; }; if (World.getSingleton().specialZombieUpgrade.get(2).value >= 2){ delay = 1200; range = 150; }; if (World.getSingleton().specialZombieUpgrade.get(2).value >= 3){ delay = 1000; range = 200; }; if (World.getSingleton().specialZombieUpgrade.get(2).value >= 4){ delay = 500; range = 250; }; if (World.getSingleton().specialZombieUpgrade.get(2).value >= 5){ delay = 250; range = 300; }; } } }//package p_entity.p_nonPlayable.p_zombie
Section 155
//ZombieSpiderman (p_entity.p_nonPlayable.p_zombie.ZombieSpiderman) package p_entity.p_nonPlayable.p_zombie { import com.baseoneonline.flash.geom.*; import p_singleton.*; import p_state.*; import Box2D.Common.Math.*; import*; import p_entity.*; import p_entity.p_bullet.*; import p_state.p_enemyState.*; import p_entity.p_nonPlayable.p_zombie.p_shooter.*; public class ZombieSpiderman extends ZombieShooter { public var stunEffectTime:int;// = 2000 public function ZombieSpiderman(_arg1:IntPoint, _arg2:Number=0, _arg3:Number=0){ stunEffectTime = 2000; super(_arg1, _arg2, _arg3); lifeTime = 10000; health = 5000; delay = 2000; range = 200; damage = 250; stunEffectTime = 1500; moveIfHitWithAnotherZombie = false; charType = CharType.ZOMBIE_SPECIAL; } override public function init():void{ initUpgrade(); super.init(); } override public function shoot():void{ var _local1:b2Vec2; var _local2:b2Vec2; var _local3:Bullet; var _local4:Sound; if (!stun){ shootMode = true; image.gotoAndStop("aim"); if (((ableToShoot) && (nearestTarget))){ if (!World.getSingleton().soundMuted){ _local4 = new BulletSound();; }; ableToShoot = false; _local2 = new b2Vec2(); _local2.x = (nearestTarget.image.x - image.x); _local2.y = (nearestTarget.image.y - (image.y + yOffset)); _local2.Normalize(); _local1 = _local2; _local3 = new RottenWebBullet(currentTile, image.x, (image.y + yOffset)); RottenWebBullet(_local3).stunEffectTime = stunEffectTime; _local3.direction.x = _local2.x; _local3.direction.y = _local2.y; _local3.damage = damage; if (_local3.direction.x > 0.2){ movingRight = true; } else { if (_local3.direction.x < -0.2){ movingLeft = true; }; }; if (_local3.direction.y > 0.2){ movingDown = true; } else { if (_local3.direction.y < -0.2){ movingUp = true; }; }; if (World.getSingleton().specialZombieUpgrade.get(5).value >= 2){ _local2 = b2Vec2.vectorTransform(30, _local1); _local3 = new RottenWebBullet(currentTile, image.x, (image.y + yOffset)); _local3.direction.x = _local2.x; _local3.direction.y = _local2.y; _local3.damage = damage; RottenWebBullet(_local3).stunEffectTime = stunEffectTime; _local2 = b2Vec2.vectorTransform(-30, _local1); _local3 = new RottenWebBullet(currentTile, image.x, (image.y + yOffset)); _local3.direction.x = _local2.x; _local3.direction.y = _local2.y; _local3.damage = damage; RottenWebBullet(_local3).stunEffectTime = stunEffectTime; }; image.gotoAndPlay("walk"); checkDirection(); image.gotoAndPlay("attack"); }; }; } override public function initState():void{ stateManager = new StateManager(); stateManager.setNewState(new StateZombieShoot(this)); } override public function initImages():void{ imageN = new charVenomN(); imageS = new charVenomS(); imageE = new charVenomE(); imageW = new charVenomE(); imageW.scaleX = (imageW.scaleX * -1); imageSE = new charVenomSE(); imageSW = new charVenomSE(); imageSW.scaleX = (imageSW.scaleX * -1); imageNE = new charVenomNE(); imageNW = new charVenomNE(); imageNW.scaleX = (imageNW.scaleX * -1); imageDie = new charVenomDie(); } public function initUpgrade():void{ delay = 2000; damage = 250; stunEffectTime = 1500; if (World.getSingleton().specialZombieUpgrade.get(5).value >= 1){ delay = 1750; damage = 300; stunEffectTime = 2000; }; if (World.getSingleton().specialZombieUpgrade.get(5).value >= 2){ delay = 1500; damage = 350; stunEffectTime = 2500; }; if (World.getSingleton().specialZombieUpgrade.get(5).value >= 3){ delay = 1250; damage = 400; stunEffectTime = 3000; }; if (World.getSingleton().specialZombieUpgrade.get(5).value >= 4){ delay = 1000; damage = 450; stunEffectTime = 3500; }; if (World.getSingleton().specialZombieUpgrade.get(5).value >= 5){ delay = 750; damage = 500; stunEffectTime = 4000; }; } } }//package p_entity.p_nonPlayable.p_zombie
Section 156
//ZombieTank (p_entity.p_nonPlayable.p_zombie.ZombieTank) package p_entity.p_nonPlayable.p_zombie { import com.baseoneonline.flash.geom.*; import*; import org.idmedia.as3commons.util.*; import p_singleton.*; import p_state.*; import*; import p_entity.*; import p_state.p_enemyState.*; public class ZombieTank extends Zombie { public var attackRadius:int;// = 100 public var animateAttack:Boolean;// = false public function ZombieTank(_arg1:IntPoint, _arg2:Number=0, _arg3:Number=0){ attackRadius = 100; animateAttack = false; super(_arg1, _arg2, _arg3); speed = 20; health = 15000; lifeTime = 5000; damage = 250; lifeTime = 20000; charType = CharType.ZOMBIE_SPECIAL; } override public function init():void{ initUpgrade(); super.init(); moveIfHitWithAnotherZombie = false; damageByNear = false; if (speed > 70){ speed = 70; }; } public function attack():void{ if (((((!(hitChar)) && (!(animateAttack)))) && (!(stun)))){ image.gotoAndPlay("attack"); animateAttack = true; hitChar = true; image.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, checkBulletOut); }; } override public function initState():void{ stateManager = new StateManager(); stateManager.setNewState(new StateZombieTankWalkRandomly(this)); } public function checkAttacking(_arg1:Event):void{ if (image.attackDone){ image.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, checkAttacking); image.gotoAndPlay("walk"); animateAttack = false; }; } override public function initImages():void{ imageN = new charZombieTankN(); imageS = new charZombieTankS(); imageE = new charZombieTankE(); imageW = new charZombieTankE(); imageW.scaleX = (imageW.scaleX * -1); imageSE = new charZombieTankSE(); imageSW = new charZombieTankSE(); imageSW.scaleX = (imageSW.scaleX * -1); imageNE = new charZombieTankNE(); imageNW = new charZombieTankNE(); imageNW.scaleX = (imageNW.scaleX * -1); imageDie = new charZombieTankDie(); } override public function update():void{ stateManager.update(); if (!animateAttack){ checkDirection(); }; checkCurrentTileWalkable(); calculateDamage(); isCharacterDied(); reset(); checkAttackDelay(); } public function initUpgrade():void{ attackRadius = 20; attackDelay = 1500; damage = 250; if (World.getSingleton().specialZombieUpgrade.get(1).value >= 1){ attackRadius = 40; damage = 350; }; if (World.getSingleton().specialZombieUpgrade.get(1).value >= 2){ attackRadius = 60; damage = 450; }; if (World.getSingleton().specialZombieUpgrade.get(1).value >= 3){ attackRadius = 80; damage = 550; }; if (World.getSingleton().specialZombieUpgrade.get(1).value >= 4){ attackRadius = 100; damage = 650; }; if (World.getSingleton().specialZombieUpgrade.get(1).value >= 5){ attackRadius = 120; damage = 750; }; } public function checkBulletOut(_arg1:Event):void{ var _local2:ArrayList; var _local3:ArrayList; var _local4:int; var _local5:Number; var _local6:Number; var _local7:Number; var _local8:Sound; if (image.bulletOut){ _local2 = World.getSingleton().enemyList; _local3 = World.getSingleton().zombieList; _local4 = (_local2.size() - 1); while (_local4 >= 0) { _local5 = Math.abs((image.x - _local2.get(_local4).image.x)); _local6 = Math.abs((image.y - _local2.get(_local4).image.y)); _local7 = Math.sqrt(((_local5 * _local5) + (_local6 * _local6))); if (_local7 < attackRadius){ _local2.get(_local4).gotHit = true; _local2.get(_local4).damageTaken = damage; _local2.get(_local4).hitByBomb = true; _local2.get(_local4).drawBlood(); }; _local4--; }; _local4 = (_local3.size() - 1); while (_local4 >= 0) { if (_local3.get(_local4) != this){ _local5 = Math.abs((image.x - _local3.get(_local4).image.x)); _local6 = Math.abs((image.y - _local3.get(_local4).image.y)); _local7 = Math.sqrt(((_local5 * _local5) + (_local6 * _local6))); if (_local7 < attackRadius){ _local3.get(_local4).gotHit = true; _local3.get(_local4).damageTaken = damage; _local3.get(_local4).drawBlood(); }; }; _local4--; }; image.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, checkBulletOut); image.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, checkAttacking);; if (!World.getSingleton().soundMuted){ _local8 = new ExploSound();; }; }; } override public function checkAttackDelay():void{ if (hitChar){ attackDelayCounter = (attackDelayCounter + World.getSingleton().elapsedTime); if ((((attackDelayCounter >= attackDelay)) && (!(animateAttack)))){ hitChar = false; attackDelayCounter = 0; }; }; } } }//package p_entity.p_nonPlayable.p_zombie
Section 157
//NonPlayableCharacter (p_entity.p_nonPlayable.NonPlayableCharacter) package p_entity.p_nonPlayable { import com.baseoneonline.flash.geom.*; import flash.display.*; import org.idmedia.as3commons.util.*; import com.baseoneonline.flash.astar.*; import p_singleton.*; import p_state.*; import flash.geom.*; import p_entity.*; import p_state.p_enemyState.*; public class NonPlayableCharacter extends Character { public var collidedNPC:NonPlayableCharacter; public var stunImageList:ArrayList; public var walkSolutionCounter:int;// = 0 public var nextTile:IntPoint; public var walkSolution:Array; public var goalTile:IntPoint; public var minDistance:int;// = 7 public var nextTilePosition:Point; public var nearestTarget:NonPlayableCharacter; public var point:int;// = 20 public var stunTime:int;// = 2000 public var arrivedAtGoal:Boolean;// = true public var panicMode:Boolean;// = false public var stun:Boolean;// = false public var minDistanceX:int;// = 3 public var minDistanceY:int;// = 3 public var stunImage:MovieClip; public var arrivedAtNextTile:Boolean;// = true public var stunCounter:int;// = 0 public var stateManager:StateManager; public function NonPlayableCharacter(_arg1:IntPoint){ arrivedAtNextTile = true; arrivedAtGoal = true; walkSolutionCounter = 0; minDistance = 7; minDistanceX = 3; minDistanceY = 3; point = 20; panicMode = false; stun = false; stunTime = 2000; stunCounter = 0; super(_arg1); } override public function init():void{ super.init(); calculateMinDistance(); initState(); goalTile = new IntPoint(0, 0); stunImageList = new ArrayList(); } override public function moveDown():void{ if (!stun){ super.moveDown(); }; } public function calculateMinDistance():void{ minDistance = Math.sqrt(((minDistanceX * minDistanceX) + (minDistanceY * minDistanceY))); minDistance = (minDistance + 1); } public function startStunTime():void{ stunCounter = 0; stun = true; if (stunImage){ stunImageList.add(stunImage); image.stop(); image.addChild(stunImage); }; } override public function moveUp():void{ if (!stun){ super.moveUp(); }; } override public function checkDirection():void{ if (!stun){ super.checkDirection(); }; } public function initState():void{ stateManager = new StateManager(); stateManager.setNewState(new StateWalkRandomly(this)); } override public function moveLeft():void{ if (!stun){ super.moveLeft(); }; } public function findPathToGoal():void{ var _local1:AStar; var _local2:Array; if (!World.getSingleton().tileMap.outOfBoundsCheck(currentTile.x, currentTile.y)){ _local1 = new AStar(World.getSingleton().tileMap, currentTile, goalTile); _local2 = _local1.solve(); if (_local2){ walkSolution = _local2; findPath(); }; }; } public function findPath():void{ if (walkSolution){ walkSolutionCounter = (walkSolution.length - 1); arrivedAtNextTile = false; nextTile = walkSolution[walkSolutionCounter]; nextTilePosition = World.getSingleton().mapToScreen(nextTile); }; } public function checkPanicMode():void{ if (!panicMode){ if (World.getSingleton().zombieList.size() > 0){ imageN.gotoAndPlay("panic"); imageS.gotoAndPlay("panic"); imageW.gotoAndPlay("panic"); imageE.gotoAndPlay("panic"); imageNE.gotoAndPlay("panic"); imageNW.gotoAndPlay("panic"); imageSE.gotoAndPlay("panic"); imageSW.gotoAndPlay("panic"); panicMode = true; speed = (speed * 1.5); }; } else { if (panicMode){ if (World.getSingleton().zombieList.size() <= 0){ imageN.gotoAndPlay("walk"); imageS.gotoAndPlay("walk"); imageW.gotoAndPlay("walk"); imageE.gotoAndPlay("walk"); imageNE.gotoAndPlay("walk"); imageNW.gotoAndPlay("walk"); imageSE.gotoAndPlay("walk"); imageSW.gotoAndPlay("walk"); panicMode = false; speed = (speed / 1.5); }; }; }; } public function updateStunTime():void{ var _local1:int; var _local2:MovieClip; if (stun){ stunCounter = (stunCounter + World.getSingleton().elapsedTime); if (stunCounter >= stunTime){ stunCounter = 0; stun = false; _local1 = (stunImageList.size() - 1); while (_local1 >= 0) { _local2 = stunImageList.get(_local1); if (_local2){ if (_local2.parent){ _local2.parent.removeChild(_local2); }; }; _local1--; }; stunImageList.clear(); }; }; } public function findRandomTile():void{ var _local1:Boolean; var _local2:int; var _local3:int; var _local4:int; var _local5:int; var _local6:int; var _local7:int; var _local8:IntPoint; var _local9:AStar; var _local10:Array; _local1 = false; while (!(_local1)) { _local2 = ((Math.random() * 100) % World.getSingleton().tileMap.getWidth()); _local3 = ((Math.random() * 100) % World.getSingleton().tileMap.getHeight()); _local4 = World.getSingleton().tileMap.getHeight(); _local5 = World.getSingleton().tileMap.getWidth(); _local6 = 0; _local7 = 0; if (World.getSingleton().tileMap.outOfBoundsCheck(currentTile.x, currentTile.y)){ walkSolution = new Array(); if (currentTile.x >= _local5){ _local6 = (_local5 - 1); _local7 = ((Math.random() * 100) % _local4); }; if (currentTile.x < 0){ _local6 = 0; _local7 = ((Math.random() * 100) % _local4); }; if (currentTile.y >= _local4){ _local6 = ((Math.random() * 100) % _local5); _local7 = (_local4 - 1); }; if (World.getSingleton().tileMap.isWalkable(_local6, _local7)){ walkSolution[0] = new IntPoint(_local6, _local7); _local1 = true; findPath(); break; }; } else { if (World.getSingleton().tileMap.isWalkable(_local2, _local3)){ _local8 = new IntPoint(_local2, _local3); _local9 = new AStar(World.getSingleton().tileMap, currentTile, _local8); _local10 = _local9.solve(); if (_local10){ walkSolution = _local10; findPath(); _local1 = true; break; }; }; }; }; } override public function update():void{ stateManager.update(); super.update(); checkPanicMode(); updateStunTime(); checkStunDied(); } override public function moveRight():void{ if (!stun){ super.moveRight(); }; } public function checkStunDied():void{ var _local1:int; var _local2:MovieClip; if (health <= 0){ _local1 = (stunImageList.size() - 1); while (_local1 >= 0) { _local2 = stunImageList.get(_local1); if (_local2){ if (_local2.parent){ _local2.parent.removeChild(_local2); }; }; _local1--; }; stunImageList.clear(); }; } } }//package p_entity.p_nonPlayable
Section 158
//NpcPoint (p_entity.p_nonPlayable.NpcPoint) package p_entity.p_nonPlayable { public class NpcPoint { public static var FRENCH_MIME:int = 250; public static var NEGRO_KAMPUNG_PEACE:int = 100; public static var ELF_GUY:int = 100; public static var TALIBAN:int = 500; public static var ARMYGUY:int = 750; public static var SPIDERMAN:int = 3000; public static var RAMBO:int = 5000; public static var CHINESE:int = 750; public static var HISTERICAL_LADY:int = 100; public static var RONALD_MCD:int = 5000; public static var BEACH_GIRL:int = 500; public static var ESKIMO:int = 500; public static var SWAT:int = 1500; public static var POLICEMAN:int = 250; public static var FAT_GUY:int = 250; public static var NEGRO_KAMPUNG_WAR:int = 500; public static var SANTA:int = 7000; public static var BEACH_BOY:int = 500; public static var MALE_IN_SUIT:int = 1000; public static var GRAVE_MJ:int = 5000; public static var RASTA:int = 100; public static var COLSANDERS:int = 8000; public static var NEGRO_AFRO:int = 250; public static var CAR01:int = 1000; public static var MALE_WHITE_SHIRT:int = 100; } }//package p_entity.p_nonPlayable
Section 159
//PlayableCharacter (p_entity.p_playableChar.PlayableCharacter) package p_entity.p_playableChar { import com.baseoneonline.flash.geom.*; import p_entity.*; public class PlayableCharacter extends Character { public function PlayableCharacter(_arg1:IntPoint){ super(_arg1); } override public function moveDown():void{ if (!collideDown){ super.moveDown(); if (!checkCurrentTileWalkable()){ super.moveUp(); movingUp = false; }; }; } override public function moveRight():void{ if (!collideRight){ super.moveRight(); if (!checkCurrentTileWalkable()){ super.moveLeft(); movingLeft = false; }; }; } override public function moveUp():void{ if (!collideUp){ super.moveUp(); if (!checkCurrentTileWalkable()){ super.moveDown(); movingDown = false; }; }; } override public function moveLeft():void{ if (!collideLeft){ super.moveLeft(); if (!checkCurrentTileWalkable()){ super.moveRight(); movingRight = false; }; }; } } }//package p_entity.p_playableChar
Section 160
//Character (p_entity.Character) package p_entity { import com.baseoneonline.flash.geom.*; import*; import flash.display.*; import p_singleton.*; import flash.geom.*; import p_balloon.*; public class Character extends Entity { public var renderTime:int;// = 2500 public var collideRight:Boolean;// = false public var collideDown:Boolean;// = false public var movingUp:Boolean;// = false public var renderCounter:int;// = 0 public var movingDown:Boolean;// = false public var damageTaken:int;// = 0 public var imageDie:MovieClip; public var speed:int; public var imageE:MovieClip; public var imageNE:MovieClip; public var imageN:MovieClip; public var imageS:MovieClip; public var health:int; public var charType:String; public var maxHealth:int; public var deathTime:int;// = 10 public var deathTimeCounter:int;// = 0 public var imageW:MovieClip; public var imageNW:MovieClip; public var collideLeft:Boolean;// = false public var gotHit:Boolean;// = false public var imageSE:MovieClip; public var movingRight:Boolean;// = false public var convBalloon:ConvBalloon; public var movingLeft:Boolean;// = false public var collideUp:Boolean;// = false public var imageSW:MovieClip; public function Character(_arg1:IntPoint){ collideUp = false; collideDown = false; collideLeft = false; collideRight = false; movingLeft = false; movingRight = false; movingUp = false; movingDown = false; deathTime = 10; deathTimeCounter = 0; gotHit = false; damageTaken = 0; renderTime = 2500; renderCounter = 0; super(_arg1); speed = 50; health = 100; maxHealth = 100; } public function calculateDamage():void{ if (gotHit){ gotHit = false; health = (health - damageTaken); damageTaken = 0; }; } override public function init():void{ var _local1:Point; initImages(); addToRoot(); _local1 = World.getSingleton().mapToScreen(currentTile); image.x = _local1.x; image.y = _local1.y; initConvBalloon(); } public function moveDown():void{ if (!collideDown){ image.y = (image.y + ((speed * World.getSingleton().elapsedTime) / 1000)); movingDown = true; }; } public function removeImages():void{ var _local1:int; image.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, removeImage); imageN.visible = true; imageS.visible = true; imageW.visible = true; imageE.visible = true; imageNE.visible = true; imageNW.visible = true; imageSE.visible = true; imageSW.visible = true; imageDie.visible = true; _local1 = World.getSingleton().displayObjectArray.indexOf(this.image); if (World.getSingleton().displayObjectArray.length > 0){ World.getSingleton().displayObjectArray[_local1] = World.getSingleton().displayObjectArray[(World.getSingleton().displayObjectArray.length - 1)]; }; World.getSingleton().displayObjectArray.pop(); if (imageN.parent){ imageN.parent.removeChild(imageN); }; if (imageS.parent){ imageS.parent.removeChild(imageS); }; if (imageE.parent){ imageE.parent.removeChild(imageE); }; if (imageW.parent){ imageW.parent.removeChild(imageW); }; if (imageNE.parent){ imageNE.parent.removeChild(imageNE); }; if (imageNW.parent){ imageNW.parent.removeChild(imageNW); }; if (imageSE.parent){ imageSE.parent.removeChild(imageSE); }; if (imageSW.parent){ imageSW.parent.removeChild(imageSW); }; if (imageDie.parent){ imageDie.parent.removeChild(imageDie); }; } public function drawBlood():void{ var _local1:int; var _local2:MovieClip; var _local3:Matrix; _local1 = ((Math.random() * 100) % 3); if (_local1 == 0){ _local2 = new blood01(); } else { if (_local1 == 1){ _local2 = new blood02(); } else { if (_local1 == 2){ _local2 = new blood03(); }; }; }; _local3 = new Matrix(); _local3.translate(image.x, image.y); World.getSingleton().bitmapRoot.bitmapData.draw(_local2, _local3); } public function isCharacterDied():Boolean{ var _local1:int; if (health <= 0){ image.visible = false; _local1 = World.getSingleton().displayObjectArray.indexOf(this.image); if (World.getSingleton().displayObjectArray.length > 0){ World.getSingleton().displayObjectArray[_local1] = World.getSingleton().displayObjectArray[(World.getSingleton().displayObjectArray.length - 1)]; }; World.getSingleton().displayObjectArray.pop(); imageDie.x = image.x; imageDie.y = image.y; image = imageDie; World.getSingleton().displayObjectArray.push(image); image.visible = true; image.gotoAndPlay(2); image.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, removeImage); if (World.getSingleton().enemyList.contains(this)){ World.getSingleton().enemyList.remove(this); } else { if (World.getSingleton().playerList.contains(this)){ World.getSingleton().playerList.remove(this); }; }; return (true); }; return (false); } public function initImages():void{ } public function addToRoot():void{ imageS.visible = false; imageE.visible = false; imageW.visible = false; imageSE.visible = false; imageSW.visible = false; imageNE.visible = false; imageNW.visible = false; imageDie.visible = false; image = imageN; World.getSingleton().displayObjectRoot.addChild(imageN); World.getSingleton().displayObjectRoot.addChild(imageS); World.getSingleton().displayObjectRoot.addChild(imageW); World.getSingleton().displayObjectRoot.addChild(imageE); World.getSingleton().displayObjectRoot.addChild(imageSE); World.getSingleton().displayObjectRoot.addChild(imageSW); World.getSingleton().displayObjectRoot.addChild(imageNE); World.getSingleton().displayObjectRoot.addChild(imageNW); World.getSingleton().displayObjectRoot.addChild(imageDie); World.getSingleton().displayObjectArray.push(image); } public function initConvBalloon():void{ convBalloon = new ConvBalloon(); image.addChild(convBalloon.image); convBalloon.image.y = (convBalloon.image.y - image.height); } public function removeImage(_arg1:Event):void{ var _local2:Matrix; deathTimeCounter = (deathTimeCounter + World.getSingleton().elapsedTime); if (deathTimeCounter >= deathTime){ deathTimeCounter = 0; image.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, removeImage); if (image.parent){ _local2 = new Matrix(); _local2.translate(image.x, image.y); World.getSingleton().bitmapRoot.bitmapData.draw(image, _local2); image.parent.removeChild(image); }; removeImages(); }; } override public function update():void{ checkDirection(); checkCurrentTileWalkable(); calculateDamage(); isCharacterDied(); reset(); } public function moveRight():void{ if (!collideRight){ image.x = (image.x + ((speed * World.getSingleton().elapsedTime) / 1000)); movingRight = true; }; } public function moveUp():void{ if (!collideUp){ image.y = (image.y + ((-(speed) * World.getSingleton().elapsedTime) / 1000)); movingUp = true; }; } public function reset():void{ collideDown = false; collideUp = false; collideLeft = false; collideRight = false; movingLeft = false; movingRight = false; movingDown = false; movingUp = false; } public function checkDirection():void{ var _local1:Array; var _local2:int; _local1 = World.getSingleton().displayObjectArray; if (((movingLeft) && (movingUp))){ if (image != imageNW){ imageNW.x = image.x; imageNW.y = image.y; image.visible = false; _local2 = World.getSingleton().displayObjectArray.indexOf(this.image); if (_local1.length > 0){ _local1[_local2] = _local1[(_local1.length - 1)]; }; _local1.pop(); image = imageNW; image.visible = true; _local1.push(image); image.addChild(convBalloon.image); if (convBalloon.image.scaleX == 1){ convBalloon.image.scaleX = -1; }; }; } else { if (((movingLeft) && (movingDown))){ if (image != imageSW){ imageSW.x = image.x; imageSW.y = image.y; image.visible = false; _local2 = World.getSingleton().displayObjectArray.indexOf(this.image); if (_local1.length > 0){ _local1[_local2] = _local1[(_local1.length - 1)]; }; _local1.pop(); image = imageSW; image.visible = true; _local1.push(image); image.addChild(convBalloon.image); if (convBalloon.image.scaleX == 1){ convBalloon.image.scaleX = -1; }; }; } else { if (((movingRight) && (movingUp))){ if (image != imageNE){ imageNE.x = image.x; imageNE.y = image.y; image.visible = false; _local2 = World.getSingleton().displayObjectArray.indexOf(this.image); if (_local1.length > 0){ _local1[_local2] = _local1[(_local1.length - 1)]; }; _local1.pop(); image = imageNE; image.visible = true; _local1.push(image); image.addChild(convBalloon.image); if (convBalloon.image.scaleX == -1){ convBalloon.image.scaleX = 1; }; }; } else { if (((movingRight) && (movingDown))){ if (image != imageSE){ imageSE.x = image.x; imageSE.y = image.y; image.visible = false; _local2 = World.getSingleton().displayObjectArray.indexOf(this.image); if (_local1.length > 0){ _local1[_local2] = _local1[(_local1.length - 1)]; }; _local1.pop(); image = imageSE; image.visible = true; _local1.push(image); image.addChild(convBalloon.image); if (convBalloon.image.scaleX == -1){ convBalloon.image.scaleX = 1; }; }; } else { if (movingRight){ if (image != imageE){ imageE.x = image.x; imageE.y = image.y; image.visible = false; _local2 = World.getSingleton().displayObjectArray.indexOf(this.image); if (_local1.length > 0){ _local1[_local2] = _local1[(_local1.length - 1)]; }; _local1.pop(); image = imageE; image.visible = true; _local1.push(image); image.addChild(convBalloon.image); if (convBalloon.image.scaleX == -1){ convBalloon.image.scaleX = 1; }; }; } else { if (movingLeft){ if (image != imageW){ imageW.x = image.x; imageW.y = image.y; image.visible = false; _local2 = World.getSingleton().displayObjectArray.indexOf(this.image); if (_local1.length > 0){ _local1[_local2] = _local1[(_local1.length - 1)]; }; _local1.pop(); image = imageW; image.visible = true; _local1.push(image); image.addChild(convBalloon.image); if (convBalloon.image.scaleX == 1){ convBalloon.image.scaleX = -1; }; }; } else { if (movingUp){ if (image != imageN){ imageN.x = image.x; imageN.y = image.y; image.visible = false; _local2 = World.getSingleton().displayObjectArray.indexOf(this.image); if (_local1.length > 0){ _local1[_local2] = _local1[(_local1.length - 1)]; }; _local1.pop(); image = imageN; image.visible = true; _local1.push(image); image.addChild(convBalloon.image); if (convBalloon.image.scaleX == -1){ convBalloon.image.scaleX = 1; }; }; } else { if (movingDown){ if (image != imageS){ imageS.x = image.x; imageS.y = image.y; image.visible = false; _local2 = World.getSingleton().displayObjectArray.indexOf(this.image); if (_local1.length > 0){ _local1[_local2] = _local1[(_local1.length - 1)]; }; _local1.pop(); image = imageS; image.visible = true; _local1.push(image); image.addChild(convBalloon.image); if (convBalloon.image.scaleX == -1){ convBalloon.image.scaleX = 1; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; } public function checkCurrentTileWalkable():Boolean{ var _local1:IntPoint; if (World.getSingleton().tileMap){ _local1 = World.getSingleton().screenToMap(new Point(image.x, image.y)); if (!World.getSingleton().tileMap.outOfBoundsCheck(_local1.x, _local1.y)){ if (World.getSingleton().tileMap.isWalkable(_local1.x, _local1.y)){ currentTile.x = _local1.x; currentTile.y = _local1.y; return (true); }; }; }; return (false); } public function moveLeft():void{ if (!collideLeft){ image.x = (image.x + ((-(speed) * World.getSingleton().elapsedTime) / 1000)); movingLeft = true; }; } public function destroy():void{ removeImages(); if (World.getSingleton().enemyList.contains(this)){ World.getSingleton().enemyList.remove(this); } else { if (World.getSingleton().playerList.contains(this)){ World.getSingleton().playerList.remove(this); } else { if (World.getSingleton().zombieList.contains(this)){ World.getSingleton().zombieList.remove(this); }; }; }; } } }//package p_entity
Section 161
//CharType (p_entity.CharType) package p_entity { public class CharType { public static var ZOMBIE_SPECIAL:String = "ZOMBIE SPECIAL"; public static var CAR:String = "CAR"; public static var ZOMBIE:String = "ZOMBIE"; public static var SPECIAL:String = "SPECIAL"; public static var PEOPLE:String = "PEOPLE"; } }//package p_entity
Section 162
//Entity (p_entity.Entity) package p_entity { import com.baseoneonline.flash.geom.*; import flash.display.*; import p_singleton.*; import flash.geom.*; public class Entity { public var currentTile:IntPoint; public var image:MovieClip; public function Entity(_arg1:IntPoint){ currentTile = new IntPoint(0, 0); currentTile.x = _arg1.x; currentTile.y = _arg1.y; } public function init():void{ var _local1:Point; _local1 = World.getSingleton().mapToScreen(currentTile); image.x = _local1.x; image.y = _local1.y; World.getSingleton().displayObjectArray.push(image); } public function update():void{ } } }//package p_entity
Section 163
//StaticObject (p_entity.StaticObject) package p_entity { import com.baseoneonline.flash.geom.*; public class StaticObject extends Entity { public function StaticObject(_arg1:IntPoint){ super(_arg1); } override public function update():void{ } } }//package p_entity
Section 164
//Continent (p_gameLevel.p_continent.Continent) package p_gameLevel.p_continent { public class Continent { public var unlocked:Boolean;// = false public var continentDestroyed:Boolean;// = false public var townDestroyed:int;// = 0 public var townRequirement:int;// = 0 public var townSize:int;// = 0 public var continentID:int; public var townCompleted:int;// = 0 public var gameLevelStartingNumber:int;// = 0 public var continentName:String; public function Continent(){ townDestroyed = 0; townRequirement = 0; townCompleted = 0; unlocked = false; continentDestroyed = false; townSize = 0; gameLevelStartingNumber = 0; super(); } } }//package p_gameLevel.p_continent
Section 165
//ContinentID (p_gameLevel.p_continent.ContinentID) package p_gameLevel.p_continent { public class ContinentID { public static var GREENLAND:int = 7; public static var CANADA:int = 3; public static var INDIA:int = 8; public static var AUSTRALIA:int = 4; public static var INDONESIA:int = 10; public static var JAPAN:int = 11; public static var MIDDLE_EAST:int = 13; public static var INDO_CHINA:int = 9; public static var EUROPE:int = 6; public static var SOUTH_AMERICA:int = 2; public static var PHILIPINES:int = 14; public static var AMERICA:int = 1; public static var CHINA:int = 5; public static var AFRICA:int = 0; public static var RUSSIA:int = 15; public static var MEXICO:int = 12; } }//package p_gameLevel.p_continent
Section 166
//GameLevelEnemy (p_gameLevel.p_gameLevelEnemy.GameLevelEnemy) package p_gameLevel.p_gameLevelEnemy { public class GameLevelEnemy { public var total:int; public var max:int; public var currentMax:int; public var id:int; } }//package p_gameLevel.p_gameLevelEnemy
Section 167
//GameLevelEnemyID (p_gameLevel.p_gameLevelEnemy.GameLevelEnemyID) package p_gameLevel.p_gameLevelEnemy { public class GameLevelEnemyID { public static var TALIBAN:int = 17; public static var ARMY_GUY:int = 5; public static var HISTERICAL_LADY:int = 0; public static var SWAT:int = 24; public static var BEACH_GIRL:int = 16; public static var POLICE_MAN:int = 4; public static var COLONEL_SANDERS:int = 7; public static var SANTA:int = 8; public static var NEGRO_KAMPUNG_PEACE:int = 21; public static var NEGRO_KAMPUNG_WAR:int = 22; public static var ESKIMO:int = 19; public static var GRAVE_MJ:int = 12; public static var MALE_IN_SUIT:int = 3; public static var BEACH_BOY:int = 15; public static var FRENCH_MIME:int = 14; public static var SPIDERMAN:int = 26; public static var RAMBO:int = 10; public static var CHINESE:int = 18; public static var HISTERICAL_LADY_XMAS:int = 11; public static var RONALD_MCD:int = 13; public static var TUTORIAL_PERSON:int = 6; public static var FAT_GUY:int = 2; public static var ELF_GUY:int = 23; public static var MALE_WHITE_SHIRT:int = 1; public static var RASTA:int = 9; public static var NEGRO_AFRO:int = 20; public static var ESKIMO_PEACE:int = 25; } }//package p_gameLevel.p_gameLevelEnemy
Section 168
//GameLevel (p_gameLevel.GameLevel) package p_gameLevel { import flash.display.*; import org.idmedia.as3commons.util.*; import p_singleton.*; import*; import p_gameLevel.p_gameLevelEnemy.*; public class GameLevel { public var destroyedBonus:int;// = 5000 public var usedEnemyList:ArrayList; public var maxCarSedan:int;// = 0 public var destroyed:Boolean;// = false public var backSongAfter:Sound; public var maxEnemyOut:int;// = 0 public var mapDrawn:MovieClip; public var totalPopulation:int;// = 0 public var enemiesNeedToBeKilled:int;// = 0 public var afterInfectedSentenceList:ArrayList; public var backSongBefore:Sound; public var townName:String; public var tileWidth:int;// = 10 public var enemyList:ArrayList; public var backSongChannel:SoundChannel; public var completed:Boolean;// = false public var carsNeedToBeDestroyed:int;// = 0 public var levelInfo:String; public var mjNumber:int;// = 0 public var randomArray:Array; public var maxEnemyCounter:int;// = 0 public var beforeInfectedSentenceList:ArrayList; public var maxBlockedTileCounter:int;// = 0 public var levelNumber:int;// = 0 public var tileHeight:int;// = 10 public var carSedanTotal:int;// = 0 public var mjIsInTheHouse:Boolean;// = false public var objectList:ArrayList; public function GameLevel(){ maxBlockedTileCounter = 0; enemiesNeedToBeKilled = 0; carsNeedToBeDestroyed = 0; maxEnemyOut = 0; maxCarSedan = 0; carSedanTotal = 0; tileWidth = 10; tileHeight = 10; levelNumber = 0; maxEnemyCounter = 0; totalPopulation = 0; destroyed = false; completed = false; destroyedBonus = 5000; mjIsInTheHouse = false; mjNumber = 0; super(); initSentences(); initSong(); initLists(); initEnemies(); initUsedEnemies(); } public function initUsedEnemies():void{ var _local1:int; var _local2:int; usedEnemyList.clear(); _local1 = 0; _local2 = enemyList.size(); while (_local1 < _local2) { if (enemyList.get(_local1).max > 0){ usedEnemyList.add(enemyList.get(_local1)); if (_local1 == 12){ mjIsInTheHouse = true; mjNumber = (usedEnemyList.size() - 1); }; }; _local1++; }; _local1 = 0; _local2 = usedEnemyList.size(); resetCurrentMax(); } public function initMapDrawn():void{ } public function initEnemies():void{ maxEnemyOut = 0; maxCarSedan = 0; enemyList.get(0).max = 0; enemyList.get(1).max = 0; enemyList.get(2).max = 0; enemyList.get(3).max = 0; enemyList.get(4).max = 0; enemyList.get(5).max = 0; enemyList.get(6).max = 0; enemyList.get(7).max = 0; enemyList.get(8).max = 0; enemyList.get(9).max = 0; enemyList.get(10).max = 0; enemyList.get(11).max = 0; enemyList.get(12).max = 0; enemyList.get(13).max = 0; enemyList.get(14).max = 0; enemyList.get(15).max = 0; enemyList.get(16).max = 0; enemyList.get(17).max = 0; enemyList.get(18).max = 0; enemyList.get(19).max = 0; enemyList.get(20).max = 0; enemyList.get(21).max = 0; enemyList.get(22).max = 0; enemyList.get(23).max = 0; enemyList.get(24).max = 0; enemyList.get(25).max = 0; enemyList.get(26).max = 0; resetCurrentMax(); initObjectList(); } public function townDestroyed():Boolean{ calculateCurrentTotalPopulation(); if (totalPopulation <= 0){ return (true); }; return (false); } public function initObjectList():void{ objectList = new ArrayList(); objectList.add("tileTree"); objectList.add("tileDeadtree"); objectList.add("tileDebris01"); objectList.add("tileDebris02"); objectList.add("tileDebris03"); objectList.add("tileDebris04"); objectList.add("tilesnowman"); objectList.add("tiletreesnow"); } public function addLeftOver(_arg1:int, _arg2:int):int{ var _local3:int; var _local4:int; var _local5:int; _local3 = 0; _local4 = (_arg1 - _arg2); _local5 = 0; if ((((_local4 > 0)) && ((maxEnemyCounter < maxEnemyOut)))){ _local5 = (maxEnemyOut - maxEnemyCounter); if (_local4 >= _local5){ _local4 = _local5; }; maxEnemyCounter = (maxEnemyCounter + _local4); return (_local4); }; return (0); } public function stopSong():void{ if (backSongChannel){ backSongChannel.stop(); }; } public function getObjectClass():String{ var _local1:int; _local1 = ((Math.random() * 100) % objectList.size()); return (objectList.get(_local1)); } public function startBackSongBefore():void{ if (backSongChannel){ backSongChannel.stop(); }; if (((backSongBefore) && (!(World.getSingleton().soundMuted)))){ backSongChannel =, 999); }; } public function initSong():void{ } public function randomizeAll():void{ var _local1:int; var _local2:int; _local1 = 0; _local2 = usedEnemyList.size(); _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < _local2) { usedEnemyList.get(randomArray[_local1]).total = randomize(usedEnemyList.get(randomArray[_local1]).currentMax); _local1++; }; _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < _local2) { usedEnemyList.get(randomArray[_local1]).total = (usedEnemyList.get(randomArray[_local1]).total + addLeftOver(usedEnemyList.get(randomArray[_local1]).currentMax, usedEnemyList.get(randomArray[_local1]).total)); usedEnemyList.get(randomArray[_local1]).currentMax = (usedEnemyList.get(randomArray[_local1]).currentMax - usedEnemyList.get(randomArray[_local1]).total); _local1++; }; carSedanTotal = randomizeCar(maxCarSedan); calculateTotalPopulation(); } public function randomize(_arg1:int):int{ var _local2:int; var _local3:int; _local2 = 0; _local3 = 0; if ((((_arg1 > 0)) && ((maxEnemyCounter < maxEnemyOut)))){ _local3 = ((Math.random() * 100) % _arg1); _local3 = (_local3 % (maxEnemyOut - maxEnemyCounter)); if (_local3 == 0){ _local3 = 1; }; maxEnemyCounter = (maxEnemyCounter + _local3); return (_local3); }; return (0); } public function initSentences():void{ beforeInfectedSentenceList = new ArrayList(); afterInfectedSentenceList = new ArrayList(); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("It's a good day"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("YaY"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("ARGH"); } public function startBackSongAfter():void{ if (backSongChannel){ backSongChannel.stop(); }; if (((backSongAfter) && (!(World.getSingleton().soundMuted)))){ backSongChannel =, 999); }; } public function resetCurrentMax():void{ var _local1:int; var _local2:int; var _local3:Array; var _local4:int; var _local5:int; _local1 = 0; _local2 = enemyList.size(); while (_local1 < _local2) { enemyList.get(_local1).currentMax = enemyList.get(_local1).max; _local1++; }; _local1 = 0; _local2 = usedEnemyList.size(); while (_local1 < _local2) { usedEnemyList.get(_local1).currentMax = usedEnemyList.get(_local1).max; _local1++; }; _local3 = new Array(); _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < _local2) { _local3.push(_local1); _local1++; }; randomArray = new Array(); while (_local3.length > 0) { _local4 = Math.floor((Math.random() * _local3.length)); randomArray.push(_local3[_local4]); _local3.splice(_local4, 1); }; if (mjIsInTheHouse){ _local1 = 0; _local2 = randomArray.length; while (_local1 < _local2) { _local5 = 0; if (randomArray[_local1] == mjNumber){ _local5 = randomArray[0]; randomArray[0] = mjNumber; randomArray[_local1] = _local5; }; _local1++; }; }; } public function randomizeCar(_arg1:int):int{ var _local2:int; var _local3:int; _local2 = 0; _local3 = 0; if (_arg1 > 0){ _local3 = ((Math.random() * 100) % _arg1); if (_local3 == 0){ _local3 = 1; }; return (_local3); }; return (0); } public function initLists():void{ var _local1:GameLevelEnemy; enemyList = new ArrayList(); usedEnemyList = new ArrayList(); _local1 = new GameLevelEnemy(); = GameLevelEnemyID.ARMY_GUY; enemyList.add(_local1); _local1 = new GameLevelEnemy(); = GameLevelEnemyID.COLONEL_SANDERS; enemyList.add(_local1); _local1 = new GameLevelEnemy(); = GameLevelEnemyID.FAT_GUY; enemyList.add(_local1); _local1 = new GameLevelEnemy(); = GameLevelEnemyID.HISTERICAL_LADY; enemyList.add(_local1); _local1 = new GameLevelEnemy(); = GameLevelEnemyID.HISTERICAL_LADY_XMAS; enemyList.add(_local1); _local1 = new GameLevelEnemy(); = GameLevelEnemyID.MALE_IN_SUIT; enemyList.add(_local1); _local1 = new GameLevelEnemy(); = GameLevelEnemyID.MALE_WHITE_SHIRT; enemyList.add(_local1); _local1 = new GameLevelEnemy(); = GameLevelEnemyID.POLICE_MAN; enemyList.add(_local1); _local1 = new GameLevelEnemy(); = GameLevelEnemyID.RAMBO; enemyList.add(_local1); _local1 = new GameLevelEnemy(); = GameLevelEnemyID.RASTA; enemyList.add(_local1); _local1 = new GameLevelEnemy(); = GameLevelEnemyID.SANTA; enemyList.add(_local1); _local1 = new GameLevelEnemy(); = GameLevelEnemyID.TUTORIAL_PERSON; enemyList.add(_local1); _local1 = new GameLevelEnemy(); = GameLevelEnemyID.GRAVE_MJ; enemyList.add(_local1); _local1 = new GameLevelEnemy(); = GameLevelEnemyID.RONALD_MCD; enemyList.add(_local1); _local1 = new GameLevelEnemy(); = GameLevelEnemyID.FRENCH_MIME; enemyList.add(_local1); _local1 = new GameLevelEnemy(); = GameLevelEnemyID.NEGRO_AFRO; enemyList.add(_local1); _local1 = new GameLevelEnemy(); = GameLevelEnemyID.NEGRO_KAMPUNG_PEACE; enemyList.add(_local1); _local1 = new GameLevelEnemy(); = GameLevelEnemyID.NEGRO_KAMPUNG_WAR; enemyList.add(_local1); _local1 = new GameLevelEnemy(); = GameLevelEnemyID.ELF_GUY; enemyList.add(_local1); _local1 = new GameLevelEnemy(); = GameLevelEnemyID.BEACH_BOY; enemyList.add(_local1); _local1 = new GameLevelEnemy(); = GameLevelEnemyID.BEACH_GIRL; enemyList.add(_local1); _local1 = new GameLevelEnemy(); = GameLevelEnemyID.CHINESE; enemyList.add(_local1); _local1 = new GameLevelEnemy(); = GameLevelEnemyID.ESKIMO; enemyList.add(_local1); _local1 = new GameLevelEnemy(); = GameLevelEnemyID.TALIBAN; enemyList.add(_local1); _local1 = new GameLevelEnemy(); = GameLevelEnemyID.SWAT; enemyList.add(_local1); _local1 = new GameLevelEnemy(); = GameLevelEnemyID.ESKIMO_PEACE; enemyList.add(_local1); _local1 = new GameLevelEnemy(); = GameLevelEnemyID.SPIDERMAN; enemyList.add(_local1); } public function calculateTotalPopulation():void{ var _local1:int; var _local2:int; totalPopulation = 0; _local1 = 0; _local2 = enemyList.size(); while (_local1 < _local2) { totalPopulation = (totalPopulation + enemyList.get(_local1).max); _local1++; }; } public function calculateCurrentTotalPopulation():void{ var _local1:int; var _local2:int; totalPopulation = 0; _local1 = 0; _local2 = usedEnemyList.size(); while (_local1 < _local2) { totalPopulation = (totalPopulation + usedEnemyList.get(_local1).currentMax); _local1++; }; } } }//package p_gameLevel
Section 169
//GameLevel1 (p_gameLevel.GameLevel1) package p_gameLevel { import org.idmedia.as3commons.util.*; public class GameLevel1 extends GameLevel { public function GameLevel1(){ maxBlockedTileCounter = 5; carsNeedToBeDestroyed = 0; enemiesNeedToBeKilled = 5; tileWidth = 13; tileHeight = 8; levelNumber = 1; townName = "Brazzaville"; levelInfo = (("Kill at least " + enemiesNeedToBeKilled) + " people"); if (carsNeedToBeDestroyed > 0){ levelInfo = (levelInfo + (("\nDestroy at least " + carsNeedToBeDestroyed) + " cars")); }; destroyedBonus = 2500; } override public function initEnemies():void{ maxEnemyOut = 10; maxCarSedan = 0; enemyList.get(0).max = 0; enemyList.get(1).max = 0; enemyList.get(2).max = 0; enemyList.get(3).max = 0; enemyList.get(4).max = 0; enemyList.get(5).max = 0; enemyList.get(6).max = 0; enemyList.get(7).max = 0; enemyList.get(8).max = 0; enemyList.get(9).max = 0; enemyList.get(10).max = 0; enemyList.get(11).max = 0; enemyList.get(12).max = 0; enemyList.get(13).max = 0; enemyList.get(14).max = 0; enemyList.get(15).max = 0; enemyList.get(16).max = 15; enemyList.get(17).max = 0; enemyList.get(18).max = 0; enemyList.get(19).max = 0; enemyList.get(20).max = 0; enemyList.get(21).max = 0; enemyList.get(22).max = 0; enemyList.get(23).max = 0; enemyList.get(24).max = 0; enemyList.get(25).max = 0; enemyList.get(26).max = 0; resetCurrentMax(); initObjectList(); } override public function initObjectList():void{ objectList = new ArrayList(); objectList.add("tileTree"); objectList.add("tileDeadtree"); } override public function initSong():void{ backSongBefore = new HappySong3(); backSongAfter = new HorrorSong1(); } override public function initSentences():void{ super.initSentences(); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("It's a good day"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("!Xiaubile"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Mooi weer"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("I kujisikia vizuri"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("OMG! Zombies"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Oh noooo!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Kutumbaba!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Saidia!"); } override public function initMapDrawn():void{ mapDrawn = new Level01(); } } }//package p_gameLevel
Section 170
//GameLevel10 (p_gameLevel.GameLevel10) package p_gameLevel { import org.idmedia.as3commons.util.*; public class GameLevel10 extends GameLevel { public function GameLevel10(){ maxBlockedTileCounter = 10; enemiesNeedToBeKilled = 40; tileWidth = 28; tileHeight = 16; levelNumber = 10; townName = "Karachi"; levelInfo = (("Kill at least " + enemiesNeedToBeKilled) + " people"); if (carsNeedToBeDestroyed > 0){ levelInfo = (levelInfo + (("\nDestroy at least " + carsNeedToBeDestroyed) + " cars")); }; destroyedBonus = 5000; } override public function initEnemies():void{ maxEnemyOut = 25; maxCarSedan = 0; enemyList.get(0).max = 0; enemyList.get(1).max = 0; enemyList.get(2).max = 0; enemyList.get(3).max = 0; enemyList.get(4).max = 0; enemyList.get(5).max = 0; enemyList.get(6).max = 20; enemyList.get(7).max = 5; enemyList.get(8).max = 0; enemyList.get(9).max = 25; enemyList.get(10).max = 0; enemyList.get(11).max = 0; enemyList.get(12).max = 0; enemyList.get(13).max = 0; enemyList.get(14).max = 0; enemyList.get(15).max = 0; enemyList.get(16).max = 0; enemyList.get(17).max = 0; enemyList.get(18).max = 0; enemyList.get(19).max = 0; enemyList.get(20).max = 0; enemyList.get(21).max = 0; enemyList.get(22).max = 0; enemyList.get(23).max = 25; enemyList.get(24).max = 0; resetCurrentMax(); initObjectList(); } override public function initObjectList():void{ objectList = new ArrayList(); objectList.add("tileDeadtree"); objectList.add("tileDebris04"); } override public function initSong():void{ backSongBefore = new GoodDayMidEast(); backSongAfter = new BadDay3(); } override public function initSentences():void{ super.initSentences(); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Salaam alaikum"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Praise GOD!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Help!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Masha Allah!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("OMG! Infidels!"); } override public function initMapDrawn():void{ mapDrawn = new Level10(); } } }//package p_gameLevel
Section 171
//GameLevel11 (p_gameLevel.GameLevel11) package p_gameLevel { import org.idmedia.as3commons.util.*; public class GameLevel11 extends GameLevel { public function GameLevel11(){ maxBlockedTileCounter = 10; enemiesNeedToBeKilled = 55; tileWidth = 35; tileHeight = 20; levelNumber = 11; townName = "Dubai"; levelInfo = (("Kill at least " + enemiesNeedToBeKilled) + " people"); if (carsNeedToBeDestroyed > 0){ levelInfo = (levelInfo + (("\nDestroy at least " + carsNeedToBeDestroyed) + " cars")); }; destroyedBonus = 5000; } override public function initEnemies():void{ maxEnemyOut = 25; maxCarSedan = 0; enemyList.get(0).max = 15; enemyList.get(1).max = 0; enemyList.get(2).max = 5; enemyList.get(3).max = 25; enemyList.get(4).max = 0; enemyList.get(5).max = 10; enemyList.get(6).max = 25; enemyList.get(7).max = 10; enemyList.get(8).max = 0; enemyList.get(9).max = 15; enemyList.get(10).max = 0; enemyList.get(11).max = 0; enemyList.get(23).max = 5; resetCurrentMax(); initObjectList(); } override public function initObjectList():void{ objectList = new ArrayList(); objectList.add("tileDeadtree"); objectList.add("tileDebris04"); } override public function initSong():void{ backSongBefore = new GoodDayMidEast(); backSongAfter = new BadDay3(); } override public function initSentences():void{ super.initSentences(); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Salaam alaikum"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Praise GOD!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Help!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Masha Allah!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("OMG! Infidels!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Oh nooo"); } override public function initMapDrawn():void{ mapDrawn = new Level11(); } } }//package p_gameLevel
Section 172
//GameLevel12 (p_gameLevel.GameLevel12) package p_gameLevel { import org.idmedia.as3commons.util.*; public class GameLevel12 extends GameLevel { public function GameLevel12(){ maxBlockedTileCounter = 10; enemiesNeedToBeKilled = 45; tileWidth = 35; tileHeight = 20; levelNumber = 12; townName = "Al Riyadh"; levelInfo = (("Kill at least " + enemiesNeedToBeKilled) + " people"); if (carsNeedToBeDestroyed > 0){ levelInfo = (levelInfo + (("\nDestroy at least " + carsNeedToBeDestroyed) + " cars")); }; destroyedBonus = 5000; } override public function initEnemies():void{ maxEnemyOut = 25; maxCarSedan = 0; enemyList.get(0).max = 15; enemyList.get(1).max = 0; enemyList.get(2).max = 10; enemyList.get(3).max = 25; enemyList.get(4).max = 0; enemyList.get(5).max = 5; enemyList.get(6).max = 25; enemyList.get(7).max = 10; enemyList.get(8).max = 0; enemyList.get(9).max = 25; enemyList.get(10).max = 0; enemyList.get(11).max = 0; enemyList.get(23).max = 10; resetCurrentMax(); initObjectList(); } override public function initObjectList():void{ objectList = new ArrayList(); objectList.add("tileDeadtree"); objectList.add("tileDebris04"); } override public function initSong():void{ backSongBefore = new GoodDayMidEast(); backSongAfter = new BadDay3(); } override public function initSentences():void{ super.initSentences(); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Salaam alaikum"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Praise GOD!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Help!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Masha Allah!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("OMG! Infidels!"); } override public function initMapDrawn():void{ mapDrawn = new Level12(); } } }//package p_gameLevel
Section 173
//GameLevel13 (p_gameLevel.GameLevel13) package p_gameLevel { import org.idmedia.as3commons.util.*; public class GameLevel13 extends GameLevel { public function GameLevel13(){ maxBlockedTileCounter = 10; enemiesNeedToBeKilled = 20; tileWidth = 24; tileHeight = 14; levelNumber = 13; townName = "Cuiaba"; levelInfo = (("Kill at least " + enemiesNeedToBeKilled) + " people"); if (carsNeedToBeDestroyed > 0){ levelInfo = (levelInfo + (("\nDestroy at least " + carsNeedToBeDestroyed) + " cars")); }; destroyedBonus = 5000; } override public function initEnemies():void{ maxEnemyOut = 25; maxCarSedan = 0; enemyList.get(0).max = 0; enemyList.get(1).max = 0; enemyList.get(2).max = 0; enemyList.get(3).max = 0; enemyList.get(4).max = 0; enemyList.get(5).max = 0; enemyList.get(6).max = 20; enemyList.get(7).max = 0; enemyList.get(8).max = 0; enemyList.get(9).max = 15; enemyList.get(10).max = 0; enemyList.get(11).max = 0; enemyList.get(12).max = 0; enemyList.get(13).max = 0; enemyList.get(14).max = 0; enemyList.get(15).max = 0; enemyList.get(16).max = 0; enemyList.get(17).max = 0; enemyList.get(18).max = 0; enemyList.get(19).max = 0; enemyList.get(20).max = 0; enemyList.get(21).max = 0; enemyList.get(22).max = 0; enemyList.get(23).max = 0; enemyList.get(24).max = 0; resetCurrentMax(); initObjectList(); } override public function initObjectList():void{ objectList = new ArrayList(); objectList.add("tileDeadtree"); objectList.add("tileTree"); objectList.add("tileDebris04"); } override public function initSong():void{ backSongBefore = new HappySong1(); backSongAfter = new BadDay1(); } override public function initSentences():void{ super.initSentences(); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("What a nice day"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Lalalala!"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Hello brothers"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Help!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("OMG! Zombies!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Run for yourself!"); } override public function initMapDrawn():void{ mapDrawn = new Level13(); } } }//package p_gameLevel
Section 174
//GameLevel14 (p_gameLevel.GameLevel14) package p_gameLevel { import org.idmedia.as3commons.util.*; public class GameLevel14 extends GameLevel { public function GameLevel14(){ maxBlockedTileCounter = 10; enemiesNeedToBeKilled = 25; tileWidth = 26; tileHeight = 15; levelNumber = 14; townName = "Manaus"; levelInfo = (("Kill at least " + enemiesNeedToBeKilled) + " people"); if (carsNeedToBeDestroyed > 0){ levelInfo = (levelInfo + (("\nDestroy at least " + carsNeedToBeDestroyed) + " cars")); }; destroyedBonus = 5000; } override public function initEnemies():void{ maxEnemyOut = 20; maxCarSedan = 0; enemyList.get(0).max = 5; enemyList.get(1).max = 0; enemyList.get(2).max = 0; enemyList.get(3).max = 0; enemyList.get(4).max = 0; enemyList.get(5).max = 0; enemyList.get(6).max = 20; enemyList.get(7).max = 0; enemyList.get(8).max = 0; enemyList.get(9).max = 25; enemyList.get(10).max = 0; enemyList.get(11).max = 0; enemyList.get(12).max = 0; enemyList.get(13).max = 0; enemyList.get(14).max = 0; enemyList.get(15).max = 0; enemyList.get(16).max = 0; enemyList.get(17).max = 0; enemyList.get(18).max = 0; enemyList.get(19).max = 0; enemyList.get(20).max = 0; enemyList.get(21).max = 0; enemyList.get(22).max = 0; enemyList.get(23).max = 0; enemyList.get(24).max = 0; resetCurrentMax(); initObjectList(); } override public function initObjectList():void{ objectList = new ArrayList(); objectList.add("tileDeadtree"); objectList.add("tileTree"); objectList.add("tileDebris04"); } override public function initSong():void{ backSongBefore = new HappySong1(); backSongAfter = new BadDay1(); } override public function initSentences():void{ super.initSentences(); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("What a nice day"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Lalalala!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Help!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("OMG! Zombies!"); } override public function initMapDrawn():void{ mapDrawn = new Level14(); } } }//package p_gameLevel
Section 175
//GameLevel15 (p_gameLevel.GameLevel15) package p_gameLevel { import org.idmedia.as3commons.util.*; public class GameLevel15 extends GameLevel { public function GameLevel15(){ maxBlockedTileCounter = 10; enemiesNeedToBeKilled = 40; tileWidth = 32; tileHeight = 20; levelNumber = 15; townName = "Rio de Janeiro"; levelInfo = (("Kill at least " + enemiesNeedToBeKilled) + " people"); destroyedBonus = 10000; } override public function initEnemies():void{ maxEnemyOut = 25; maxCarSedan = 5; enemyList.get(0).max = 20; enemyList.get(1).max = 0; enemyList.get(2).max = 5; enemyList.get(3).max = 20; enemyList.get(4).max = 0; enemyList.get(5).max = 5; enemyList.get(6).max = 25; enemyList.get(7).max = 10; enemyList.get(8).max = 0; enemyList.get(9).max = 25; enemyList.get(10).max = 0; enemyList.get(11).max = 0; enemyList.get(12).max = 0; enemyList.get(13).max = 0; enemyList.get(14).max = 0; enemyList.get(15).max = 0; enemyList.get(16).max = 0; enemyList.get(17).max = 0; enemyList.get(18).max = 0; enemyList.get(19).max = 0; enemyList.get(20).max = 0; enemyList.get(21).max = 0; enemyList.get(22).max = 0; enemyList.get(23).max = 0; enemyList.get(24).max = 0; resetCurrentMax(); initObjectList(); } override public function initObjectList():void{ objectList = new ArrayList(); objectList.add("tileDeadtree"); objectList.add("tileTree"); objectList.add("tileDebris04"); } override public function initSong():void{ backSongBefore = new HappySong1(); backSongAfter = new BadDay1(); } override public function initSentences():void{ super.initSentences(); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("What a nice day"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Lalalala!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Help!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("OMG! Zombies!"); } override public function initMapDrawn():void{ mapDrawn = new Level15(); } } }//package p_gameLevel
Section 176
//GameLevel16 (p_gameLevel.GameLevel16) package p_gameLevel { import org.idmedia.as3commons.util.*; public class GameLevel16 extends GameLevel { public function GameLevel16(){ maxBlockedTileCounter = 10; enemiesNeedToBeKilled = 45; tileWidth = 35; tileHeight = 20; levelNumber = 16; townName = "Buenos Aires"; levelInfo = (("Kill at least " + enemiesNeedToBeKilled) + " people"); if (carsNeedToBeDestroyed > 0){ levelInfo = (levelInfo + (("\nDestroy at least " + carsNeedToBeDestroyed) + " cars")); }; destroyedBonus = 10000; } override public function initEnemies():void{ maxEnemyOut = 30; maxCarSedan = 5; enemyList.get(0).max = 25; enemyList.get(1).max = 0; enemyList.get(2).max = 5; enemyList.get(3).max = 30; enemyList.get(4).max = 0; enemyList.get(5).max = 5; enemyList.get(6).max = 30; enemyList.get(7).max = 10; enemyList.get(8).max = 0; enemyList.get(9).max = 20; enemyList.get(10).max = 0; enemyList.get(11).max = 0; resetCurrentMax(); initObjectList(); } override public function initObjectList():void{ objectList = new ArrayList(); objectList.add("tileDeadtree"); objectList.add("tileTree"); objectList.add("tileDebris04"); } override public function initSong():void{ backSongBefore = new HappySong1(); backSongAfter = new BadDay1(); } override public function initSentences():void{ super.initSentences(); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("What a nice day"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Lalalala!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Help!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("OMG! Zombies!"); } override public function initMapDrawn():void{ mapDrawn = new Level16(); } } }//package p_gameLevel
Section 177
//GameLevel17 (p_gameLevel.GameLevel17) package p_gameLevel { import org.idmedia.as3commons.util.*; public class GameLevel17 extends GameLevel { public function GameLevel17(){ maxBlockedTileCounter = 10; enemiesNeedToBeKilled = 30; tileWidth = 21; tileHeight = 12; levelNumber = 17; townName = "Nicaragua"; levelInfo = (("Kill at least " + enemiesNeedToBeKilled) + " people"); if (carsNeedToBeDestroyed > 0){ levelInfo = (levelInfo + (("\nDestroy at least " + carsNeedToBeDestroyed) + " cars")); }; destroyedBonus = 10000; } override public function initEnemies():void{ maxEnemyOut = 25; maxCarSedan = 1; enemyList.get(0).max = 15; enemyList.get(1).max = 0; enemyList.get(2).max = 10; enemyList.get(3).max = 20; enemyList.get(4).max = 0; enemyList.get(5).max = 2; enemyList.get(6).max = 20; enemyList.get(7).max = 10; enemyList.get(8).max = 0; enemyList.get(9).max = 20; enemyList.get(10).max = 0; enemyList.get(11).max = 0; enemyList.get(12).max = 0; enemyList.get(13).max = 0; enemyList.get(14).max = 0; enemyList.get(15).max = 0; enemyList.get(16).max = 0; enemyList.get(17).max = 0; enemyList.get(18).max = 0; enemyList.get(19).max = 0; enemyList.get(20).max = 0; enemyList.get(21).max = 0; enemyList.get(22).max = 0; enemyList.get(23).max = 0; enemyList.get(24).max = 0; resetCurrentMax(); initObjectList(); } override public function initObjectList():void{ objectList = new ArrayList(); objectList.add("tileDeadtree"); objectList.add("tileTree"); objectList.add("tileDebris04"); } override public function initSong():void{ backSongBefore = new HappySong2(); backSongAfter = new BadDay3(); } override public function initSentences():void{ super.initSentences(); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Como estas"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Buen tiempo hoy!"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Vamos a jugar"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Hola amigos!"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Buena noticia"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Lindo"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Mi dios! Zombies"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Correr!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Salvar su vida!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Mama!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Que es imposible"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Estoy muerto!"); } override public function initMapDrawn():void{ mapDrawn = new Level17(); } } }//package p_gameLevel
Section 178
//GameLevel18 (p_gameLevel.GameLevel18) package p_gameLevel { import org.idmedia.as3commons.util.*; public class GameLevel18 extends GameLevel { public function GameLevel18(){ maxBlockedTileCounter = 10; enemiesNeedToBeKilled = 35; tileWidth = 35; tileHeight = 20; levelNumber = 18; townName = "Cuba"; levelInfo = (("Kill at least " + enemiesNeedToBeKilled) + " people"); if (carsNeedToBeDestroyed > 0){ levelInfo = (levelInfo + (("\nDestroy at least " + carsNeedToBeDestroyed) + " cars")); }; destroyedBonus = 10000; } override public function initEnemies():void{ maxEnemyOut = 25; maxCarSedan = 0; enemyList.get(0).max = 15; enemyList.get(1).max = 0; enemyList.get(2).max = 10; enemyList.get(3).max = 20; enemyList.get(4).max = 0; enemyList.get(5).max = 5; enemyList.get(6).max = 25; enemyList.get(7).max = 5; enemyList.get(8).max = 0; enemyList.get(9).max = 25; enemyList.get(10).max = 0; enemyList.get(11).max = 0; enemyList.get(12).max = 0; enemyList.get(13).max = 0; enemyList.get(14).max = 0; enemyList.get(15).max = 0; enemyList.get(16).max = 0; enemyList.get(17).max = 0; enemyList.get(18).max = 0; enemyList.get(19).max = 0; enemyList.get(20).max = 0; enemyList.get(21).max = 0; enemyList.get(22).max = 0; enemyList.get(23).max = 10; enemyList.get(24).max = 0; resetCurrentMax(); initObjectList(); } override public function initObjectList():void{ objectList = new ArrayList(); objectList.add("tileDeadtree"); objectList.add("tileTree"); objectList.add("tileDebris04"); } override public function initSong():void{ backSongBefore = new HappySong2(); backSongAfter = new BadDay3(); } override public function initSentences():void{ super.initSentences(); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Como estas"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Buen tiempo hoy!"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Vamos a jugar"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Hola amigos!"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Buena noticia"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Lindo"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Mi dios! Zombies"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Correr!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Salvar su vida!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Mama!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Que es imposible"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Estoy muerto!"); } override public function initMapDrawn():void{ mapDrawn = new Level18(); } } }//package p_gameLevel
Section 179
//GameLevel19 (p_gameLevel.GameLevel19) package p_gameLevel { import org.idmedia.as3commons.util.*; public class GameLevel19 extends GameLevel { public function GameLevel19(){ maxBlockedTileCounter = 10; enemiesNeedToBeKilled = 45; tileWidth = 35; tileHeight = 20; levelNumber = 19; townName = "Jamaica"; levelInfo = (("Kill at least " + enemiesNeedToBeKilled) + " people"); if (carsNeedToBeDestroyed > 0){ levelInfo = (levelInfo + (("\nDestroy at least " + carsNeedToBeDestroyed) + " cars")); }; destroyedBonus = 10000; } override public function initEnemies():void{ maxEnemyOut = 25; maxCarSedan = 1; enemyList.get(0).max = 25; enemyList.get(1).max = 0; enemyList.get(2).max = 10; enemyList.get(3).max = 10; enemyList.get(4).max = 0; enemyList.get(5).max = 5; enemyList.get(6).max = 10; enemyList.get(7).max = 10; enemyList.get(8).max = 0; enemyList.get(9).max = 20; enemyList.get(10).max = 0; enemyList.get(11).max = 0; enemyList.get(12).max = 1; enemyList.get(13).max = 0; enemyList.get(14).max = 0; enemyList.get(15).max = 0; enemyList.get(16).max = 0; enemyList.get(17).max = 0; enemyList.get(18).max = 0; enemyList.get(19).max = 20; enemyList.get(20).max = 20; enemyList.get(21).max = 0; enemyList.get(22).max = 0; enemyList.get(23).max = 0; enemyList.get(24).max = 0; resetCurrentMax(); initObjectList(); } override public function initObjectList():void{ objectList = new ArrayList(); objectList.add("tileDeadtree"); objectList.add("tileTree"); objectList.add("tileDebris04"); } override public function initSong():void{ backSongBefore = new HappySong2(); backSongAfter = new BadDay3(); } override public function initSentences():void{ super.initSentences(); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Yo man!"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Hello ma brodah"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Me got rasta"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("It's Jamaica man!"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Welcome"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Aha aha aha"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Jah!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Lemme go!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Run!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Mama!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("That can be true man!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Oh man! Oh man! Oh man!"); } override public function initMapDrawn():void{ mapDrawn = new Level19(); } } }//package p_gameLevel
Section 180
//GameLevel2 (p_gameLevel.GameLevel2) package p_gameLevel { import org.idmedia.as3commons.util.*; public class GameLevel2 extends GameLevel { public function GameLevel2(){ carsNeedToBeDestroyed = 0; maxBlockedTileCounter = 10; enemiesNeedToBeKilled = 8; tileWidth = 13; tileHeight = 9; levelNumber = 2; townName = "Khartoum"; levelInfo = (("Kill at least " + enemiesNeedToBeKilled) + " people"); if (carsNeedToBeDestroyed > 0){ levelInfo = (levelInfo + (("\nDestroy at least " + carsNeedToBeDestroyed) + " cars")); }; destroyedBonus = 2500; } override public function initEnemies():void{ maxEnemyOut = 15; maxCarSedan = 0; enemyList.get(0).max = 0; enemyList.get(1).max = 0; enemyList.get(2).max = 0; enemyList.get(3).max = 0; enemyList.get(4).max = 0; enemyList.get(5).max = 0; enemyList.get(6).max = 0; enemyList.get(7).max = 0; enemyList.get(8).max = 0; enemyList.get(9).max = 0; enemyList.get(10).max = 0; enemyList.get(11).max = 0; enemyList.get(12).max = 0; enemyList.get(13).max = 0; enemyList.get(14).max = 0; enemyList.get(15).max = 0; enemyList.get(16).max = 15; enemyList.get(17).max = 5; enemyList.get(18).max = 0; enemyList.get(19).max = 0; enemyList.get(20).max = 0; enemyList.get(21).max = 0; enemyList.get(22).max = 0; enemyList.get(23).max = 0; enemyList.get(24).max = 0; resetCurrentMax(); initObjectList(); } override public function initObjectList():void{ objectList = new ArrayList(); objectList.add("tileTree"); objectList.add("tileDeadtree"); objectList.add("tileDebris04"); } override public function initSong():void{ backSongBefore = new HappySong3(); backSongAfter = new HorrorSong1(); } override public function initSentences():void{ super.initSentences(); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("It's a good day"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("!Xiaubile"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Mooi weer"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("I kujisikia vizuri"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("OMG! Zombies"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Oh noooo!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Kutumbaba!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Saidia!"); } override public function initMapDrawn():void{ mapDrawn = new Level02(); } } }//package p_gameLevel
Section 181
//GameLevel20 (p_gameLevel.GameLevel20) package p_gameLevel { import org.idmedia.as3commons.util.*; public class GameLevel20 extends GameLevel { public function GameLevel20(){ maxBlockedTileCounter = 10; enemiesNeedToBeKilled = 50; tileWidth = 35; tileHeight = 20; levelNumber = 20; townName = "Mexico"; levelInfo = (("Kill at least " + enemiesNeedToBeKilled) + " people"); if (carsNeedToBeDestroyed > 0){ levelInfo = (levelInfo + (("\nDestroy at least " + carsNeedToBeDestroyed) + " cars")); }; destroyedBonus = 10000; } override public function initEnemies():void{ maxEnemyOut = 30; maxCarSedan = 0; enemyList.get(0).max = 25; enemyList.get(1).max = 0; enemyList.get(2).max = 5; enemyList.get(3).max = 20; enemyList.get(4).max = 0; enemyList.get(5).max = 5; enemyList.get(6).max = 30; enemyList.get(7).max = 20; enemyList.get(8).max = 0; enemyList.get(9).max = 30; enemyList.get(10).max = 0; enemyList.get(11).max = 0; resetCurrentMax(); initObjectList(); } override public function initObjectList():void{ objectList = new ArrayList(); objectList.add("tileDeadtree"); objectList.add("tileTree"); objectList.add("tileDebris04"); } override public function initSong():void{ backSongBefore = new HappySong2(); backSongAfter = new BadDay3(); } override public function initSentences():void{ super.initSentences(); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Como estas"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Buen tiempo hoy!"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Vamos a jugar"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Hola amigos!"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Buena noticia"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Lindo"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Mi dios! Zombies"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Correr!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Salvar su vida!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Mama!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Que es imposible"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Estoy muerto!"); } override public function initMapDrawn():void{ mapDrawn = new Level20(); } } }//package p_gameLevel
Section 182
//GameLevel21 (p_gameLevel.GameLevel21) package p_gameLevel { import org.idmedia.as3commons.util.*; public class GameLevel21 extends GameLevel { public function GameLevel21(){ maxBlockedTileCounter = 10; enemiesNeedToBeKilled = 30; tileWidth = 26; tileHeight = 17; levelNumber = 21; townName = "Roma"; levelInfo = (("Kill at least " + enemiesNeedToBeKilled) + " people"); destroyedBonus = 10000; } override public function initEnemies():void{ maxEnemyOut = 30; maxCarSedan = 0; enemyList.get(0).max = 5; enemyList.get(1).max = 0; enemyList.get(2).max = 10; enemyList.get(3).max = 25; enemyList.get(4).max = 0; enemyList.get(5).max = 2; enemyList.get(6).max = 25; enemyList.get(7).max = 15; enemyList.get(8).max = 0; enemyList.get(9).max = 0; enemyList.get(10).max = 0; enemyList.get(11).max = 0; enemyList.get(12).max = 0; enemyList.get(13).max = 0; enemyList.get(14).max = 10; enemyList.get(15).max = 2; enemyList.get(16).max = 0; enemyList.get(17).max = 0; enemyList.get(18).max = 0; enemyList.get(19).max = 0; enemyList.get(20).max = 0; enemyList.get(21).max = 0; enemyList.get(22).max = 0; enemyList.get(23).max = 0; enemyList.get(24).max = 0; resetCurrentMax(); initObjectList(); } override public function initObjectList():void{ objectList = new ArrayList(); objectList.add("tileDeadtree"); objectList.add("tileTree"); objectList.add("tileDebris04"); } override public function initSong():void{ backSongBefore = new GoodDayFrance(); backSongAfter = new BadDay5(); } override public function initSentences():void{ super.initSentences(); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Buona gionarta"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Facciamo hanno fatto parte!"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Sono felice! Mama mia"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Ciao a tutti!"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Partita di calcio fantastico!"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Cantare e ballare con noi"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Aaargh!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Non mi piace questo!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Perche questo accada?!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Aiuto!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Per favore no!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Bad zombie!"); } override public function initMapDrawn():void{ mapDrawn = new Level21(); } } }//package p_gameLevel
Section 183
//GameLevel22 (p_gameLevel.GameLevel22) package p_gameLevel { import org.idmedia.as3commons.util.*; public class GameLevel22 extends GameLevel { public function GameLevel22(){ maxBlockedTileCounter = 10; enemiesNeedToBeKilled = 30; tileWidth = 28; tileHeight = 16; levelNumber = 22; townName = "Paris"; levelInfo = (("Kill at least " + enemiesNeedToBeKilled) + " people"); destroyedBonus = 15000; } override public function initEnemies():void{ maxEnemyOut = 30; maxCarSedan = 0; enemyList.get(0).max = 25; enemyList.get(1).max = 0; enemyList.get(2).max = 10; enemyList.get(3).max = 25; enemyList.get(4).max = 5; enemyList.get(5).max = 5; enemyList.get(6).max = 40; enemyList.get(7).max = 10; enemyList.get(8).max = 0; enemyList.get(9).max = 10; enemyList.get(10).max = 0; enemyList.get(11).max = 0; enemyList.get(12).max = 0; enemyList.get(13).max = 0; enemyList.get(14).max = 15; enemyList.get(15).max = 2; enemyList.get(16).max = 0; enemyList.get(17).max = 0; enemyList.get(18).max = 0; enemyList.get(19).max = 0; enemyList.get(20).max = 0; enemyList.get(21).max = 0; enemyList.get(22).max = 0; enemyList.get(23).max = 0; enemyList.get(24).max = 5; resetCurrentMax(); initObjectList(); } override public function initObjectList():void{ objectList = new ArrayList(); objectList.add("tilesnowman"); objectList.add("tiletreesnow"); objectList.add("tileDebris01"); } override public function initSong():void{ backSongBefore = new GoodDayFrance(); backSongAfter = new BadDay5(); } override public function initSentences():void{ super.initSentences(); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Comme aujourd'hui"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Comment allez-vous"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Nice ciel!"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Bonjour frere"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Laissez-nous voyage"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Mon amour.."); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Oh mon dieu!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Mechant zombie!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Pourquoi vous si mauvais?!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Impossible!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Dissimuler a elle"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("C'est fini!"); } override public function initMapDrawn():void{ mapDrawn = new Level22(); } } }//package p_gameLevel
Section 184
//GameLevel23 (p_gameLevel.GameLevel23) package p_gameLevel { import org.idmedia.as3commons.util.*; public class GameLevel23 extends GameLevel { public function GameLevel23(){ maxBlockedTileCounter = 10; enemiesNeedToBeKilled = 50; tileWidth = 35; tileHeight = 20; levelNumber = 23; townName = "Budapest"; levelInfo = (("Kill at least " + enemiesNeedToBeKilled) + " people"); destroyedBonus = 15000; } override public function initEnemies():void{ maxEnemyOut = 30; maxCarSedan = 0; enemyList.get(0).max = 20; enemyList.get(1).max = 0; enemyList.get(2).max = 10; enemyList.get(3).max = 30; enemyList.get(4).max = 5; enemyList.get(5).max = 5; enemyList.get(6).max = 30; enemyList.get(7).max = 10; enemyList.get(8).max = 0; enemyList.get(9).max = 10; enemyList.get(10).max = 0; enemyList.get(11).max = 0; enemyList.get(12).max = 0; enemyList.get(13).max = 0; enemyList.get(14).max = 0; enemyList.get(15).max = 2; enemyList.get(16).max = 0; enemyList.get(17).max = 0; enemyList.get(18).max = 0; enemyList.get(19).max = 0; enemyList.get(20).max = 0; enemyList.get(21).max = 0; enemyList.get(22).max = 0; enemyList.get(23).max = 0; enemyList.get(24).max = 0; resetCurrentMax(); initObjectList(); } override public function initObjectList():void{ objectList = new ArrayList(); objectList.add("tileDeadtree"); objectList.add("tileTree"); objectList.add("tileDebris04"); } override public function initSong():void{ backSongBefore = new GoodDayFrance(); backSongAfter = new BadDay5(); } override public function initSentences():void{ super.initSentences(); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("I feel good"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Lalala!"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Boldog"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Fantasztikus!"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("What a beautiful sky"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Jo napot"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("OMG! Zombies"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Oh nooo!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Fut!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Segitseg!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Aaargh"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("No good!"); } override public function initMapDrawn():void{ mapDrawn = new Level23(); } } }//package p_gameLevel
Section 185
//GameLevel24 (p_gameLevel.GameLevel24) package p_gameLevel { import org.idmedia.as3commons.util.*; public class GameLevel24 extends GameLevel { public function GameLevel24(){ maxBlockedTileCounter = 10; enemiesNeedToBeKilled = 50; tileWidth = 35; tileHeight = 20; levelNumber = 24; townName = "Copenhagen"; levelInfo = (("Kill at least " + enemiesNeedToBeKilled) + " people"); destroyedBonus = 15000; } override public function initEnemies():void{ maxEnemyOut = 30; maxCarSedan = 0; enemyList.get(0).max = 20; enemyList.get(1).max = 0; enemyList.get(2).max = 5; enemyList.get(3).max = 0; enemyList.get(4).max = 20; enemyList.get(5).max = 10; enemyList.get(6).max = 0; enemyList.get(7).max = 10; enemyList.get(8).max = 0; enemyList.get(9).max = 0; enemyList.get(10).max = 0; enemyList.get(11).max = 0; enemyList.get(12).max = 0; enemyList.get(13).max = 0; enemyList.get(14).max = 10; enemyList.get(15).max = 10; enemyList.get(16).max = 0; enemyList.get(17).max = 0; enemyList.get(18).max = 0; enemyList.get(19).max = 0; enemyList.get(20).max = 0; enemyList.get(21).max = 0; enemyList.get(22).max = 20; enemyList.get(23).max = 0; enemyList.get(24).max = 0; resetCurrentMax(); initObjectList(); } override public function initObjectList():void{ objectList = new ArrayList(); objectList.add("tilesnowman"); objectList.add("tiletreesnow"); objectList.add("tileDebris01"); } override public function initSong():void{ backSongBefore = new GoodDayFrance(); backSongAfter = new BadDay5(); } override public function initSentences():void{ super.initSentences(); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Goedendag"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Laat ons dansen!"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Hoe doe je"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Goedemorgen"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Neem mij niet kwalijk"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Nieuws!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Wat nu?!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Het voorbij is!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Helpmenu!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Verschrikkelijk!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Ga ergens!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("We dood"); } override public function initMapDrawn():void{ mapDrawn = new Level24(); } } }//package p_gameLevel
Section 186
//GameLevel25 (p_gameLevel.GameLevel25) package p_gameLevel { import org.idmedia.as3commons.util.*; public class GameLevel25 extends GameLevel { public function GameLevel25(){ maxBlockedTileCounter = 10; enemiesNeedToBeKilled = 50; tileWidth = 35; tileHeight = 20; levelNumber = 25; townName = "Helsinki"; levelInfo = (("Kill at least " + enemiesNeedToBeKilled) + " people"); destroyedBonus = 15000; } override public function initEnemies():void{ maxEnemyOut = 30; maxCarSedan = 0; enemyList.get(0).max = 20; enemyList.get(1).max = 0; enemyList.get(2).max = 20; enemyList.get(3).max = 10; enemyList.get(4).max = 10; enemyList.get(5).max = 5; enemyList.get(6).max = 0; enemyList.get(7).max = 10; enemyList.get(8).max = 0; enemyList.get(9).max = 5; enemyList.get(10).max = 0; enemyList.get(11).max = 0; enemyList.get(12).max = 0; enemyList.get(13).max = 0; enemyList.get(14).max = 10; enemyList.get(15).max = 5; enemyList.get(16).max = 0; enemyList.get(17).max = 0; enemyList.get(18).max = 0; enemyList.get(19).max = 0; enemyList.get(20).max = 0; enemyList.get(21).max = 0; enemyList.get(22).max = 20; enemyList.get(23).max = 0; enemyList.get(24).max = 0; resetCurrentMax(); initObjectList(); } override public function initObjectList():void{ objectList = new ArrayList(); objectList.add("tilesnowman"); objectList.add("tiletreesnow"); objectList.add("tileDebris01"); } override public function initSong():void{ backSongBefore = new GoodDayFrance(); backSongAfter = new BadDay5(); } override public function initSentences():void{ super.initSentences(); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Tuntuu hyvalta"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Lalala!"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Onnellinen paiva"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Magnificent!"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Hyva taivas"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Hahaha"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("OMG! Zombies"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Oh nooo!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Juosta!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Apu!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Aaargh"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Ole hyva!"); } override public function initMapDrawn():void{ mapDrawn = new Level25(); } } }//package p_gameLevel
Section 187
//GameLevel26 (p_gameLevel.GameLevel26) package p_gameLevel { import org.idmedia.as3commons.util.*; public class GameLevel26 extends GameLevel { public function GameLevel26(){ maxBlockedTileCounter = 10; enemiesNeedToBeKilled = 50; tileWidth = 35; tileHeight = 20; levelNumber = 26; townName = "London"; levelInfo = (("Kill at least " + enemiesNeedToBeKilled) + " people"); destroyedBonus = 15000; } override public function initEnemies():void{ maxEnemyOut = 30; maxCarSedan = 0; enemyList.get(0).max = 30; enemyList.get(1).max = 0; enemyList.get(2).max = 10; enemyList.get(3).max = 20; enemyList.get(4).max = 10; enemyList.get(5).max = 10; enemyList.get(6).max = 30; enemyList.get(7).max = 10; enemyList.get(8).max = 0; enemyList.get(9).max = 5; enemyList.get(10).max = 0; enemyList.get(11).max = 0; enemyList.get(12).max = 0; enemyList.get(13).max = 1; enemyList.get(14).max = 0; enemyList.get(15).max = 5; enemyList.get(16).max = 0; enemyList.get(17).max = 0; enemyList.get(18).max = 0; enemyList.get(19).max = 0; enemyList.get(20).max = 0; enemyList.get(21).max = 0; enemyList.get(22).max = 0; enemyList.get(23).max = 0; enemyList.get(24).max = 0; resetCurrentMax(); initObjectList(); } override public function initObjectList():void{ objectList = new ArrayList(); objectList.add("tileDeadtree"); objectList.add("tileTree"); objectList.add("tileDebris04"); } override public function initSong():void{ backSongBefore = new GoodDayFrance(); backSongAfter = new BadDay5(); } override public function initSentences():void{ super.initSentences(); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("How are you?"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Such a wonderful day, isn't it"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Busy busy.."); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Hi mate!"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Where's the train station?"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Lovely game"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Oh my! Zombies"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Bloody hell!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Run for yourself!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Spooky!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("That can't be true!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Oh nooo!"); } override public function initMapDrawn():void{ mapDrawn = new Level26(); } } }//package p_gameLevel
Section 188
//GameLevel27 (p_gameLevel.GameLevel27) package p_gameLevel { import org.idmedia.as3commons.util.*; public class GameLevel27 extends GameLevel { public function GameLevel27(){ maxBlockedTileCounter = 10; enemiesNeedToBeKilled = 50; tileWidth = 35; tileHeight = 20; levelNumber = 27; townName = "Madrid"; levelInfo = (("Kill at least " + enemiesNeedToBeKilled) + " people"); destroyedBonus = 15000; } override public function initEnemies():void{ maxEnemyOut = 30; maxCarSedan = 0; enemyList.get(0).max = 30; enemyList.get(1).max = 0; enemyList.get(2).max = 10; enemyList.get(3).max = 10; enemyList.get(4).max = 10; enemyList.get(5).max = 10; enemyList.get(6).max = 30; enemyList.get(7).max = 10; enemyList.get(8).max = 0; enemyList.get(9).max = 5; enemyList.get(10).max = 0; enemyList.get(11).max = 0; enemyList.get(12).max = 0; enemyList.get(13).max = 1; enemyList.get(14).max = 0; enemyList.get(15).max = 0; enemyList.get(16).max = 0; enemyList.get(17).max = 0; enemyList.get(18).max = 0; enemyList.get(19).max = 0; enemyList.get(20).max = 0; enemyList.get(21).max = 0; enemyList.get(22).max = 0; enemyList.get(23).max = 0; enemyList.get(24).max = 0; resetCurrentMax(); initObjectList(); } override public function initObjectList():void{ objectList = new ArrayList(); objectList.add("tileDeadtree"); objectList.add("tileTree"); objectList.add("tileDebris04"); } override public function initSong():void{ backSongBefore = new GoodDayFrance(); backSongAfter = new BadDay5(); } override public function initSentences():void{ super.initSentences(); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Como estas"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Buen tiempo hoy!"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Vamos a jugar"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Hola amigos!"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Buena noticia"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Lindo"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Mi dios! Zombies"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Correr!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Salvar su vida!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Mama!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Que es imposible"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Estoy muerto!"); } override public function initMapDrawn():void{ mapDrawn = new Level27(); } } }//package p_gameLevel
Section 189
//GameLevel28 (p_gameLevel.GameLevel28) package p_gameLevel { import org.idmedia.as3commons.util.*; public class GameLevel28 extends GameLevel { public function GameLevel28(){ maxBlockedTileCounter = 10; enemiesNeedToBeKilled = 30; tileWidth = 24; tileHeight = 14; levelNumber = 28; townName = "Kuch Kuch Hota Hai"; levelInfo = (("Kill at least " + enemiesNeedToBeKilled) + " people"); if (carsNeedToBeDestroyed > 0){ levelInfo = (levelInfo + (("\nDestroy at least " + carsNeedToBeDestroyed) + " cars")); }; destroyedBonus = 15000; } override public function initEnemies():void{ maxEnemyOut = 25; maxCarSedan = 0; enemyList.get(0).max = 20; enemyList.get(1).max = 0; enemyList.get(2).max = 0; enemyList.get(3).max = 20; enemyList.get(4).max = 0; enemyList.get(5).max = 0; enemyList.get(6).max = 30; enemyList.get(7).max = 10; enemyList.get(8).max = 0; enemyList.get(9).max = 10; enemyList.get(10).max = 0; enemyList.get(11).max = 0; enemyList.get(12).max = 0; enemyList.get(13).max = 0; enemyList.get(14).max = 0; enemyList.get(15).max = 0; enemyList.get(16).max = 0; enemyList.get(17).max = 0; enemyList.get(18).max = 0; enemyList.get(19).max = 0; enemyList.get(20).max = 0; enemyList.get(21).max = 0; enemyList.get(22).max = 0; enemyList.get(23).max = 0; enemyList.get(24).max = 0; resetCurrentMax(); initObjectList(); } override public function initObjectList():void{ objectList = new ArrayList(); objectList.add("tileTree"); objectList.add("tileDeadtree"); objectList.add("tileDebris04"); } override public function initSong():void{ backSongBefore = new HappySong2(); backSongAfter = new HorrorSong1(); } override public function initSentences():void{ super.initSentences(); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Namaste"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("What a good day sir"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Welcome to Kuch Kuch Hota Hai"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("nrtya aura nrtya!"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Mitha'i dina"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Shalalala"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("OMG! Zombies"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Oh noooo!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Madada!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Krpaya!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Kya hoga?!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Kisi ne mujhe yaham bacane ke li'e!"); } override public function initMapDrawn():void{ mapDrawn = new Level28(); } } }//package p_gameLevel
Section 190
//GameLevel29 (p_gameLevel.GameLevel29) package p_gameLevel { import org.idmedia.as3commons.util.*; public class GameLevel29 extends GameLevel { public function GameLevel29(){ maxBlockedTileCounter = 10; enemiesNeedToBeKilled = 50; tileWidth = 24; tileHeight = 14; levelNumber = 29; townName = "Kathmandu"; levelInfo = (("Kill at least " + enemiesNeedToBeKilled) + " people"); if (carsNeedToBeDestroyed > 0){ levelInfo = (levelInfo + (("\nDestroy at least " + carsNeedToBeDestroyed) + " cars")); }; destroyedBonus = 15000; } override public function initEnemies():void{ maxEnemyOut = 25; maxCarSedan = 5; enemyList.get(0).max = 30; enemyList.get(1).max = 0; enemyList.get(2).max = 1; enemyList.get(3).max = 10; enemyList.get(4).max = 0; enemyList.get(5).max = 0; enemyList.get(6).max = 30; enemyList.get(7).max = 10; enemyList.get(8).max = 0; enemyList.get(9).max = 20; enemyList.get(10).max = 0; enemyList.get(11).max = 0; enemyList.get(12).max = 0; enemyList.get(13).max = 0; enemyList.get(14).max = 0; enemyList.get(15).max = 0; enemyList.get(16).max = 0; enemyList.get(17).max = 0; enemyList.get(18).max = 0; enemyList.get(19).max = 0; enemyList.get(20).max = 0; enemyList.get(21).max = 0; enemyList.get(22).max = 0; enemyList.get(23).max = 10; enemyList.get(24).max = 0; resetCurrentMax(); initObjectList(); } override public function initObjectList():void{ objectList = new ArrayList(); objectList.add("tileTree"); objectList.add("tileDeadtree"); objectList.add("tileDebris04"); } override public function initSong():void{ backSongBefore = new HappySong2(); backSongAfter = new HorrorSong1(); } override public function initSentences():void{ super.initSentences(); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Namaste"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("What a good day sir"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Welcome to Kathmandu"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("nrtya aura nrtya!"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Mitha'i dina"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Shalalala"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("OMG! Zombies"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Oh noooo!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Madada!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Krpaya!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Kya hoga?!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Kisi ne mujhe yaham bacane ke li'e!"); } override public function initMapDrawn():void{ mapDrawn = new Level29(); } } }//package p_gameLevel
Section 191
//GameLevel3 (p_gameLevel.GameLevel3) package p_gameLevel { import org.idmedia.as3commons.util.*; public class GameLevel3 extends GameLevel { public function GameLevel3(){ carsNeedToBeDestroyed = 0; maxBlockedTileCounter = 10; enemiesNeedToBeKilled = 10; tileWidth = 15; tileHeight = 12; levelNumber = 3; townName = "Bokoro"; levelInfo = (("Kill at least " + enemiesNeedToBeKilled) + " people"); if (carsNeedToBeDestroyed > 0){ levelInfo = (levelInfo + (("\nDestroy at least " + carsNeedToBeDestroyed) + " cars")); }; destroyedBonus = 2500; } override public function initEnemies():void{ maxEnemyOut = 15; maxCarSedan = 1; enemyList.get(0).max = 0; enemyList.get(1).max = 0; enemyList.get(2).max = 0; enemyList.get(3).max = 0; enemyList.get(4).max = 0; enemyList.get(5).max = 0; enemyList.get(6).max = 0; enemyList.get(7).max = 0; enemyList.get(8).max = 0; enemyList.get(9).max = 0; enemyList.get(10).max = 0; enemyList.get(11).max = 0; enemyList.get(12).max = 0; enemyList.get(13).max = 0; enemyList.get(14).max = 0; enemyList.get(15).max = 1; enemyList.get(16).max = 15; enemyList.get(17).max = 5; enemyList.get(18).max = 0; enemyList.get(19).max = 0; enemyList.get(20).max = 0; enemyList.get(21).max = 0; enemyList.get(22).max = 0; enemyList.get(23).max = 0; enemyList.get(24).max = 0; resetCurrentMax(); initObjectList(); } override public function initObjectList():void{ objectList = new ArrayList(); objectList.add("tileTree"); objectList.add("tileDeadtree"); objectList.add("tileDebris04"); } override public function initSong():void{ backSongBefore = new HappySong3(); backSongAfter = new HorrorSong1(); } override public function initSentences():void{ super.initSentences(); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("It's a good day"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("!Xiaubile"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Mooi weer"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("I kujisikia vizuri"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("OMG! Zombies"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Oh noooo!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Kutumbaba!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Saidia!"); } override public function initMapDrawn():void{ mapDrawn = new Level03(); } } }//package p_gameLevel
Section 192
//GameLevel30 (p_gameLevel.GameLevel30) package p_gameLevel { import org.idmedia.as3commons.util.*; public class GameLevel30 extends GameLevel { public function GameLevel30(){ maxBlockedTileCounter = 10; enemiesNeedToBeKilled = 30; tileWidth = 24; tileHeight = 14; levelNumber = 30; townName = "Calcuta"; levelInfo = (("Kill at least " + enemiesNeedToBeKilled) + " people"); if (carsNeedToBeDestroyed > 0){ levelInfo = (levelInfo + (("\nDestroy at least " + carsNeedToBeDestroyed) + " cars")); }; destroyedBonus = 15000; } override public function initEnemies():void{ maxEnemyOut = 35; maxCarSedan = 0; enemyList.get(0).max = 20; enemyList.get(1).max = 0; enemyList.get(2).max = 0; enemyList.get(3).max = 0; enemyList.get(4).max = 0; enemyList.get(5).max = 0; enemyList.get(6).max = 60; enemyList.get(7).max = 5; enemyList.get(8).max = 0; enemyList.get(9).max = 30; enemyList.get(10).max = 0; enemyList.get(11).max = 0; enemyList.get(12).max = 0; enemyList.get(13).max = 0; enemyList.get(14).max = 0; enemyList.get(15).max = 0; enemyList.get(16).max = 0; enemyList.get(17).max = 0; enemyList.get(18).max = 0; enemyList.get(19).max = 0; enemyList.get(20).max = 0; enemyList.get(21).max = 0; enemyList.get(22).max = 0; enemyList.get(23).max = 10; enemyList.get(24).max = 0; resetCurrentMax(); initObjectList(); } override public function initObjectList():void{ objectList = new ArrayList(); objectList.add("tileTree"); objectList.add("tileDeadtree"); objectList.add("tileDebris04"); } override public function initSong():void{ backSongBefore = new HappySong2(); backSongAfter = new HorrorSong1(); } override public function initSentences():void{ super.initSentences(); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Namaste"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("What a good day sir"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Welcome to Calcuta"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("nrtya aura nrtya!"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Mitha'i dina"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Shalalala"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("OMG! Zombies"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Oh noooo!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Madada!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Krpaya!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Kya hoga?!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Kisi ne mujhe yaham bacane ke li'e!"); } override public function initMapDrawn():void{ mapDrawn = new Level30(); } } }//package p_gameLevel
Section 193
//GameLevel31 (p_gameLevel.GameLevel31) package p_gameLevel { import org.idmedia.as3commons.util.*; public class GameLevel31 extends GameLevel { public function GameLevel31(){ maxBlockedTileCounter = 10; enemiesNeedToBeKilled = 50; tileWidth = 26; tileHeight = 15; levelNumber = 31; townName = "Sri Lanka"; levelInfo = (("Kill at least " + enemiesNeedToBeKilled) + " people"); if (carsNeedToBeDestroyed > 0){ levelInfo = (levelInfo + (("\nDestroy at least " + carsNeedToBeDestroyed) + " cars")); }; destroyedBonus = 15000; } override public function initEnemies():void{ maxEnemyOut = 15; maxCarSedan = 0; enemyList.get(0).max = 30; enemyList.get(1).max = 0; enemyList.get(2).max = 0; enemyList.get(3).max = 0; enemyList.get(4).max = 0; enemyList.get(5).max = 5; enemyList.get(6).max = 30; enemyList.get(7).max = 10; enemyList.get(8).max = 0; enemyList.get(9).max = 30; enemyList.get(10).max = 0; enemyList.get(11).max = 0; enemyList.get(12).max = 0; enemyList.get(13).max = 0; enemyList.get(14).max = 0; enemyList.get(15).max = 0; enemyList.get(16).max = 0; enemyList.get(17).max = 0; enemyList.get(18).max = 0; enemyList.get(19).max = 0; enemyList.get(20).max = 0; enemyList.get(21).max = 0; enemyList.get(22).max = 0; enemyList.get(23).max = 5; enemyList.get(24).max = 0; resetCurrentMax(); initObjectList(); } override public function initObjectList():void{ objectList = new ArrayList(); objectList.add("tileTree"); objectList.add("tileDeadtree"); objectList.add("tileDebris04"); } override public function initSong():void{ backSongBefore = new HappySong2(); backSongAfter = new HorrorSong1(); } override public function initSentences():void{ super.initSentences(); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Namaste"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("What a good day sir"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Welcome to Sri Lanka"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("nrtya aura nrtya!"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Mitha'i dina"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Shalalala"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("OMG! Zombies"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Oh noooo!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Madada!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Krpaya!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Kya hoga?!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Kisi ne mujhe yaham bacane ke li'e!"); } override public function initMapDrawn():void{ mapDrawn = new Level31(); } } }//package p_gameLevel
Section 194
//GameLevel32 (p_gameLevel.GameLevel32) package p_gameLevel { import org.idmedia.as3commons.util.*; public class GameLevel32 extends GameLevel { public function GameLevel32(){ maxBlockedTileCounter = 10; enemiesNeedToBeKilled = 50; tileWidth = 28; tileHeight = 16; levelNumber = 32; townName = "Mumbai"; levelInfo = (("Kill at least " + enemiesNeedToBeKilled) + " people"); if (carsNeedToBeDestroyed > 0){ levelInfo = (levelInfo + (("\nDestroy at least " + carsNeedToBeDestroyed) + " cars")); }; destroyedBonus = 15000; } override public function initEnemies():void{ maxEnemyOut = 35; maxCarSedan = 0; enemyList.get(0).max = 25; enemyList.get(1).max = 0; enemyList.get(2).max = 0; enemyList.get(3).max = 20; enemyList.get(4).max = 0; enemyList.get(5).max = 20; enemyList.get(6).max = 50; enemyList.get(7).max = 10; enemyList.get(8).max = 0; enemyList.get(9).max = 10; enemyList.get(10).max = 0; enemyList.get(11).max = 0; enemyList.get(12).max = 0; enemyList.get(13).max = 0; enemyList.get(14).max = 0; enemyList.get(15).max = 0; enemyList.get(16).max = 0; enemyList.get(17).max = 0; enemyList.get(18).max = 0; enemyList.get(19).max = 0; enemyList.get(20).max = 0; enemyList.get(21).max = 0; enemyList.get(22).max = 0; enemyList.get(23).max = 5; enemyList.get(24).max = 0; resetCurrentMax(); initObjectList(); } override public function initObjectList():void{ objectList = new ArrayList(); objectList.add("tileTree"); objectList.add("tileDeadtree"); objectList.add("tileDebris04"); } override public function initSong():void{ backSongBefore = new HappySong2(); backSongAfter = new HorrorSong1(); } override public function initSentences():void{ super.initSentences(); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Namaste"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("What a good day sir"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Welcome to Mumbai"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("nrtya aura nrtya!"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Mitha'i dina"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Shalalala"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("OMG! Zombies"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Oh noooo!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Madada!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Krpaya!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Kya hoga?!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Kisi ne mujhe yaham bacane ke li'e!"); } override public function initMapDrawn():void{ mapDrawn = new Level32(); } } }//package p_gameLevel
Section 195
//GameLevel33 (p_gameLevel.GameLevel33) package p_gameLevel { import org.idmedia.as3commons.util.*; public class GameLevel33 extends GameLevel { public function GameLevel33(){ maxBlockedTileCounter = 10; enemiesNeedToBeKilled = 50; tileWidth = 35; tileHeight = 20; levelNumber = 33; townName = "New Delhi"; levelInfo = (("Kill at least " + enemiesNeedToBeKilled) + " people"); if (carsNeedToBeDestroyed > 0){ levelInfo = (levelInfo + (("\nDestroy at least " + carsNeedToBeDestroyed) + " cars")); }; destroyedBonus = 15000; } override public function initEnemies():void{ maxEnemyOut = 35; maxCarSedan = 0; enemyList.get(0).max = 30; enemyList.get(1).max = 0; enemyList.get(2).max = 0; enemyList.get(3).max = 20; enemyList.get(4).max = 0; enemyList.get(5).max = 10; enemyList.get(6).max = 50; enemyList.get(7).max = 10; enemyList.get(8).max = 0; enemyList.get(9).max = 30; enemyList.get(10).max = 0; enemyList.get(11).max = 0; enemyList.get(12).max = 0; enemyList.get(13).max = 0; enemyList.get(14).max = 0; enemyList.get(15).max = 0; enemyList.get(16).max = 0; enemyList.get(17).max = 0; enemyList.get(18).max = 0; enemyList.get(19).max = 0; enemyList.get(20).max = 0; enemyList.get(21).max = 0; enemyList.get(22).max = 0; enemyList.get(23).max = 5; enemyList.get(24).max = 0; resetCurrentMax(); initObjectList(); } override public function initObjectList():void{ objectList = new ArrayList(); objectList.add("tileTree"); objectList.add("tileDeadtree"); objectList.add("tileDebris04"); } override public function initSong():void{ backSongBefore = new HappySong2(); backSongAfter = new HorrorSong1(); } override public function initSentences():void{ super.initSentences(); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Namaste"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("What a good day sir"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Welcome to New Delhi"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("nrtya aura nrtya!"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Mitha'i dina"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Shalalala"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("OMG! Zombies"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Oh noooo!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Madada!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Krpaya!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Kya hoga?!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Kisi ne mujhe yaham bacane ke li'e!"); } override public function initMapDrawn():void{ mapDrawn = new Level33(); } } }//package p_gameLevel
Section 196
//GameLevel34 (p_gameLevel.GameLevel34) package p_gameLevel { import org.idmedia.as3commons.util.*; public class GameLevel34 extends GameLevel { public function GameLevel34(){ maxBlockedTileCounter = 10; enemiesNeedToBeKilled = 50; tileWidth = 24; tileHeight = 14; levelNumber = 34; townName = "Racoon Hill"; levelInfo = (("Kill at least " + enemiesNeedToBeKilled) + " people"); if (carsNeedToBeDestroyed > 0){ levelInfo = (levelInfo + (("\nDestroy at least " + carsNeedToBeDestroyed) + " cars")); }; destroyedBonus = 15000; } override public function initEnemies():void{ maxEnemyOut = 25; maxCarSedan = 0; enemyList.get(0).max = 10; enemyList.get(1).max = 0; enemyList.get(2).max = 5; enemyList.get(3).max = 20; enemyList.get(4).max = 0; enemyList.get(5).max = 5; enemyList.get(6).max = 35; enemyList.get(7).max = 5; enemyList.get(8).max = 0; enemyList.get(9).max = 0; enemyList.get(10).max = 0; enemyList.get(11).max = 0; enemyList.get(12).max = 0; enemyList.get(13).max = 0; enemyList.get(14).max = 0; enemyList.get(15).max = 20; enemyList.get(16).max = 0; enemyList.get(17).max = 0; enemyList.get(18).max = 0; enemyList.get(19).max = 0; enemyList.get(20).max = 0; enemyList.get(21).max = 0; enemyList.get(22).max = 0; enemyList.get(23).max = 5; enemyList.get(24).max = 10; resetCurrentMax(); initObjectList(); } override public function initObjectList():void{ objectList = new ArrayList(); objectList.add("tileTree"); objectList.add("tileDeadtree"); objectList.add("tileDebris04"); } override public function initSong():void{ backSongBefore = new HappySong1(); backSongAfter = new BadDay4(); } override public function initSentences():void{ super.initSentences(); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("I'm great yo"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("What a good day"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Hey what's up?"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Wanna go with me?"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("I feel good"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Let's have some fun"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("OMG! Zombies"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Oh noooo!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Damn! Run!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Where's cop?!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Oh my oh my!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Somebody help me!"); } override public function initMapDrawn():void{ mapDrawn = new Level34(); } } }//package p_gameLevel
Section 197
//GameLevel35 (p_gameLevel.GameLevel35) package p_gameLevel { import org.idmedia.as3commons.util.*; public class GameLevel35 extends GameLevel { public function GameLevel35(){ maxBlockedTileCounter = 10; enemiesNeedToBeKilled = 50; tileWidth = 32; tileHeight = 20; levelNumber = 35; townName = "Silent City"; levelInfo = (("Kill at least " + enemiesNeedToBeKilled) + " people"); if (carsNeedToBeDestroyed > 0){ levelInfo = (levelInfo + (("\nDestroy at least " + carsNeedToBeDestroyed) + " cars")); }; destroyedBonus = 15000; } override public function initEnemies():void{ maxEnemyOut = 25; maxCarSedan = 0; enemyList.get(0).max = 15; enemyList.get(1).max = 0; enemyList.get(2).max = 5; enemyList.get(3).max = 20; enemyList.get(4).max = 5; enemyList.get(5).max = 10; enemyList.get(6).max = 50; enemyList.get(7).max = 10; enemyList.get(8).max = 0; enemyList.get(9).max = 10; enemyList.get(10).max = 0; enemyList.get(11).max = 0; enemyList.get(12).max = 0; enemyList.get(13).max = 1; enemyList.get(14).max = 0; enemyList.get(15).max = 10; enemyList.get(16).max = 0; enemyList.get(17).max = 0; enemyList.get(18).max = 0; enemyList.get(19).max = 0; enemyList.get(20).max = 0; enemyList.get(21).max = 0; enemyList.get(22).max = 0; enemyList.get(23).max = 0; enemyList.get(24).max = 10; resetCurrentMax(); initObjectList(); } override public function initObjectList():void{ objectList = new ArrayList(); objectList.add("tileTree"); objectList.add("tileDeadtree"); objectList.add("tileDebris04"); } override public function initSong():void{ backSongBefore = new HappySong1(); backSongAfter = new BadDay4(); } override public function initSentences():void{ super.initSentences(); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("I'm great yo"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("What a good day"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Hey what's up?"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Wanna go with me?"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("I feel good"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Let's have some fun"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("OMG! Zombies"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Oh noooo!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Damn! Run!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Where's cop?!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Oh my oh my!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Somebody help me!"); } override public function initMapDrawn():void{ mapDrawn = new Level35(); } } }//package p_gameLevel
Section 198
//GameLevel36 (p_gameLevel.GameLevel36) package p_gameLevel { import org.idmedia.as3commons.util.*; public class GameLevel36 extends GameLevel { public function GameLevel36(){ maxBlockedTileCounter = 10; enemiesNeedToBeKilled = 25; tileWidth = 35; tileHeight = 20; levelNumber = 36; townName = "Kentucky"; levelInfo = (("Kill at least " + enemiesNeedToBeKilled) + " people"); if (carsNeedToBeDestroyed > 0){ levelInfo = (levelInfo + (("\nDestroy at least " + carsNeedToBeDestroyed) + " cars")); }; destroyedBonus = 15000; } override public function initEnemies():void{ maxEnemyOut = 15; maxCarSedan = 0; enemyList.get(0).max = 30; enemyList.get(1).max = 1; enemyList.get(2).max = 20; enemyList.get(3).max = 20; enemyList.get(4).max = 10; enemyList.get(5).max = 5; enemyList.get(6).max = 30; enemyList.get(7).max = 10; enemyList.get(8).max = 0; enemyList.get(9).max = 20; enemyList.get(10).max = 0; enemyList.get(11).max = 0; enemyList.get(12).max = 0; enemyList.get(13).max = 0; enemyList.get(14).max = 0; enemyList.get(15).max = 10; enemyList.get(16).max = 0; enemyList.get(17).max = 0; enemyList.get(18).max = 0; enemyList.get(19).max = 0; enemyList.get(20).max = 0; enemyList.get(21).max = 0; enemyList.get(22).max = 0; enemyList.get(23).max = 0; enemyList.get(24).max = 10; resetCurrentMax(); initObjectList(); } override public function initObjectList():void{ objectList = new ArrayList(); objectList.add("tileTree"); objectList.add("tileDeadtree"); objectList.add("tileDebris04"); } override public function initSong():void{ backSongBefore = new HappySong1(); backSongAfter = new BadDay4(); } override public function initSentences():void{ super.initSentences(); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("I'm great yo"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("What a good day"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Hey what's up?"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Wanna go with me?"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("I feel good"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Let's have some fun"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("OMG! Zombies"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Oh noooo!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Damn! Run!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Where's cop?!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Oh my oh my!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Somebody help me!"); } override public function initMapDrawn():void{ mapDrawn = new Level36(); } } }//package p_gameLevel
Section 199
//GameLevel37 (p_gameLevel.GameLevel37) package p_gameLevel { import org.idmedia.as3commons.util.*; public class GameLevel37 extends GameLevel { public function GameLevel37(){ maxBlockedTileCounter = 10; enemiesNeedToBeKilled = 25; tileWidth = 35; tileHeight = 20; levelNumber = 1; townName = "New York"; levelInfo = (("Kill at least " + enemiesNeedToBeKilled) + " people"); if (carsNeedToBeDestroyed > 0){ levelInfo = (levelInfo + (("\nDestroy at least " + carsNeedToBeDestroyed) + " cars")); }; destroyedBonus = 15000; } override public function initEnemies():void{ maxEnemyOut = 15; maxCarSedan = 0; enemyList.get(0).max = 30; enemyList.get(1).max = 0; enemyList.get(2).max = 30; enemyList.get(3).max = 20; enemyList.get(4).max = 5; enemyList.get(5).max = 20; enemyList.get(6).max = 50; enemyList.get(7).max = 10; enemyList.get(8).max = 0; enemyList.get(9).max = 20; enemyList.get(10).max = 0; enemyList.get(11).max = 0; enemyList.get(12).max = 0; enemyList.get(13).max = 0; enemyList.get(14).max = 5; enemyList.get(15).max = 20; enemyList.get(16).max = 0; enemyList.get(17).max = 0; enemyList.get(18).max = 0; enemyList.get(19).max = 0; enemyList.get(20).max = 0; enemyList.get(21).max = 0; enemyList.get(22).max = 0; enemyList.get(23).max = 5; enemyList.get(24).max = 0; enemyList.get(25).max = 0; enemyList.get(26).max = 1; resetCurrentMax(); initObjectList(); } override public function initObjectList():void{ objectList = new ArrayList(); objectList.add("tileTree"); objectList.add("tileDeadtree"); objectList.add("tileDebris04"); } override public function initSong():void{ backSongBefore = new HappySong1(); backSongAfter = new BadDay4(); } override public function initSentences():void{ super.initSentences(); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("I'm great yo"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("What a good day"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Hey what's up?"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Wanna go with me?"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("I feel good"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Let's have some fun"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("OMG! Zombies"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Oh noooo!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Damn! Run!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Where's cop?!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Oh my oh my!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Somebody help me!"); } override public function initMapDrawn():void{ mapDrawn = new Level37(); } } }//package p_gameLevel
Section 200
//GameLevel38 (p_gameLevel.GameLevel38) package p_gameLevel { import org.idmedia.as3commons.util.*; public class GameLevel38 extends GameLevel { public function GameLevel38(){ maxBlockedTileCounter = 10; enemiesNeedToBeKilled = 50; tileWidth = 35; tileHeight = 20; levelNumber = 38; townName = "Las Vegas"; levelInfo = (("Kill at least " + enemiesNeedToBeKilled) + " people"); if (carsNeedToBeDestroyed > 0){ levelInfo = (levelInfo + (("\nDestroy at least " + carsNeedToBeDestroyed) + " cars")); }; destroyedBonus = 15000; } override public function initEnemies():void{ maxEnemyOut = 35; maxCarSedan = 0; enemyList.get(0).max = 30; enemyList.get(1).max = 1; enemyList.get(2).max = 30; enemyList.get(3).max = 50; enemyList.get(4).max = 10; enemyList.get(5).max = 20; enemyList.get(6).max = 50; enemyList.get(7).max = 20; enemyList.get(8).max = 0; enemyList.get(9).max = 0; enemyList.get(10).max = 0; enemyList.get(11).max = 0; enemyList.get(12).max = 0; enemyList.get(13).max = 1; enemyList.get(14).max = 10; enemyList.get(15).max = 20; enemyList.get(16).max = 0; enemyList.get(17).max = 0; enemyList.get(18).max = 10; enemyList.get(19).max = 10; enemyList.get(20).max = 10; enemyList.get(21).max = 0; enemyList.get(22).max = 0; enemyList.get(23).max = 5; enemyList.get(24).max = 10; resetCurrentMax(); initObjectList(); } override public function initObjectList():void{ objectList = new ArrayList(); objectList.add("tileTree"); objectList.add("tileDeadtree"); } override public function initSong():void{ backSongBefore = new HappySong1(); backSongAfter = new BadDay4(); } override public function initSentences():void{ super.initSentences(); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("I'm great yo"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("What a good day"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Hey what's up?"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Wanna go with me?"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("I feel good"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Let's have some fun"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("OMG! Zombies"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Oh noooo!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Damn! Run!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Where's cop?!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Oh my oh my!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Somebody help me!"); } override public function initMapDrawn():void{ mapDrawn = new Level38(); } } }//package p_gameLevel
Section 201
//GameLevel39 (p_gameLevel.GameLevel39) package p_gameLevel { import org.idmedia.as3commons.util.*; public class GameLevel39 extends GameLevel { public function GameLevel39(){ maxBlockedTileCounter = 10; enemiesNeedToBeKilled = 50; tileWidth = 35; tileHeight = 20; levelNumber = 39; townName = "California"; levelInfo = (("Kill at least " + enemiesNeedToBeKilled) + " people"); if (carsNeedToBeDestroyed > 0){ levelInfo = (levelInfo + (("\nDestroy at least " + carsNeedToBeDestroyed) + " cars")); }; destroyedBonus = 15000; } override public function initEnemies():void{ maxEnemyOut = 35; maxCarSedan = 0; enemyList.get(0).max = 30; enemyList.get(1).max = 0; enemyList.get(2).max = 20; enemyList.get(3).max = 30; enemyList.get(4).max = 10; enemyList.get(5).max = 20; enemyList.get(6).max = 50; enemyList.get(7).max = 10; enemyList.get(8).max = 0; enemyList.get(9).max = 20; enemyList.get(10).max = 0; enemyList.get(11).max = 0; enemyList.get(12).max = 1; enemyList.get(13).max = 0; enemyList.get(14).max = 0; enemyList.get(15).max = 30; enemyList.get(16).max = 0; enemyList.get(17).max = 0; enemyList.get(18).max = 0; enemyList.get(19).max = 0; enemyList.get(20).max = 0; enemyList.get(21).max = 0; enemyList.get(22).max = 0; enemyList.get(23).max = 5; enemyList.get(24).max = 0; resetCurrentMax(); initObjectList(); } override public function initObjectList():void{ objectList = new ArrayList(); objectList.add("tileTree"); objectList.add("tileDeadtree"); objectList.add("tileDebris04"); } override public function initSong():void{ backSongBefore = new HappySong1(); backSongAfter = new BadDay4(); } override public function initSentences():void{ super.initSentences(); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("I'm great yo"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("What a good day"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Hey what's up?"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("It's US and A"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("I feel good"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Let's have some fun"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("OMG! Zombies"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Oh noooo!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Damn! Run!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Where's cop?!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Oh my oh my!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Somebody help me!"); } override public function initMapDrawn():void{ mapDrawn = new Level39(); } } }//package p_gameLevel
Section 202
//GameLevel4 (p_gameLevel.GameLevel4) package p_gameLevel { import org.idmedia.as3commons.util.*; public class GameLevel4 extends GameLevel { public function GameLevel4(){ maxBlockedTileCounter = 10; enemiesNeedToBeKilled = 15; tileWidth = 21; tileHeight = 12; levelNumber = 4; townName = "Mogadishu"; levelInfo = (("Kill at least " + enemiesNeedToBeKilled) + " people"); if (carsNeedToBeDestroyed > 0){ levelInfo = (levelInfo + (("\nDestroy at least " + carsNeedToBeDestroyed) + " cars")); }; destroyedBonus = 2500; } override public function initEnemies():void{ maxEnemyOut = 15; maxCarSedan = 1; enemyList.get(0).max = 5; enemyList.get(1).max = 0; enemyList.get(2).max = 0; enemyList.get(3).max = 0; enemyList.get(4).max = 0; enemyList.get(5).max = 0; enemyList.get(6).max = 15; enemyList.get(7).max = 0; enemyList.get(8).max = 0; enemyList.get(9).max = 10; enemyList.get(10).max = 0; enemyList.get(11).max = 0; enemyList.get(12).max = 0; enemyList.get(13).max = 0; enemyList.get(14).max = 0; enemyList.get(15).max = 0; enemyList.get(16).max = 0; enemyList.get(17).max = 0; enemyList.get(18).max = 0; enemyList.get(19).max = 0; enemyList.get(20).max = 0; enemyList.get(21).max = 0; enemyList.get(22).max = 0; enemyList.get(23).max = 0; enemyList.get(24).max = 0; resetCurrentMax(); initObjectList(); } override public function initObjectList():void{ objectList = new ArrayList(); objectList.add("tileTree"); objectList.add("tileDeadtree"); objectList.add("tileDebris04"); } override public function initSong():void{ backSongBefore = new HappySong3(); backSongAfter = new HorrorSong1(); } override public function initSentences():void{ super.initSentences(); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("It's a good day"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("!Xiaubile"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Mooi weer"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("I kujisikia vizuri"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("OMG! Zombies"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Oh noooo!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Kutumbaba!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Saidia!"); } override public function initMapDrawn():void{ mapDrawn = new Level04(); } } }//package p_gameLevel
Section 203
//GameLevel40 (p_gameLevel.GameLevel40) package p_gameLevel { import org.idmedia.as3commons.util.*; public class GameLevel40 extends GameLevel { public function GameLevel40(){ maxBlockedTileCounter = 10; enemiesNeedToBeKilled = 25; tileWidth = 24; tileHeight = 14; levelNumber = 40; townName = "Lin Ming How"; levelInfo = (("Kill at least " + enemiesNeedToBeKilled) + " people"); if (carsNeedToBeDestroyed > 0){ levelInfo = (levelInfo + (("\nDestroy at least " + carsNeedToBeDestroyed) + " cars")); }; destroyedBonus = 15000; } override public function initEnemies():void{ maxEnemyOut = 15; maxCarSedan = 0; enemyList.get(0).max = 0; enemyList.get(1).max = 0; enemyList.get(2).max = 0; enemyList.get(3).max = 20; enemyList.get(4).max = 0; enemyList.get(5).max = 20; enemyList.get(6).max = 0; enemyList.get(7).max = 0; enemyList.get(8).max = 0; enemyList.get(9).max = 0; enemyList.get(10).max = 0; enemyList.get(11).max = 0; enemyList.get(12).max = 0; enemyList.get(13).max = 0; enemyList.get(14).max = 0; enemyList.get(15).max = 0; enemyList.get(16).max = 15; enemyList.get(17).max = 0; enemyList.get(18).max = 0; enemyList.get(19).max = 0; enemyList.get(20).max = 0; enemyList.get(21).max = 0; enemyList.get(22).max = 0; enemyList.get(23).max = 5; enemyList.get(24).max = 0; resetCurrentMax(); initObjectList(); } override public function initObjectList():void{ objectList = new ArrayList(); objectList.add("tileTree"); objectList.add("tileDeadtree"); } override public function initSong():void{ backSongBefore = new GoodDayChina(); backSongAfter = new HorrorSong2(); } override public function initSentences():void{ super.initSentences(); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Ni hao ma?"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("ta shi mei hao de yi tian"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Lalala"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("I'm taichi masta!"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Wo gan dao hen xing yun"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Yu le!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("O bu! Zombies"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Wei she me?!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Hen chou lou!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Xie e de!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Aaargh!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Bang zhu wo!"); } override public function initMapDrawn():void{ mapDrawn = new Level40(); } } }//package p_gameLevel
Section 204
//GameLevel41 (p_gameLevel.GameLevel41) package p_gameLevel { import org.idmedia.as3commons.util.*; public class GameLevel41 extends GameLevel { public function GameLevel41(){ maxBlockedTileCounter = 10; enemiesNeedToBeKilled = 25; tileWidth = 28; tileHeight = 16; levelNumber = 41; townName = "Wenxian"; levelInfo = (("Kill at least " + enemiesNeedToBeKilled) + " people"); if (carsNeedToBeDestroyed > 0){ levelInfo = (levelInfo + (("\nDestroy at least " + carsNeedToBeDestroyed) + " cars")); }; destroyedBonus = 15000; } override public function initEnemies():void{ maxEnemyOut = 25; maxCarSedan = 0; enemyList.get(0).max = 0; enemyList.get(1).max = 0; enemyList.get(2).max = 5; enemyList.get(3).max = 10; enemyList.get(4).max = 0; enemyList.get(5).max = 1; enemyList.get(6).max = 15; enemyList.get(7).max = 5; enemyList.get(8).max = 0; enemyList.get(9).max = 0; enemyList.get(10).max = 0; enemyList.get(11).max = 0; enemyList.get(12).max = 0; enemyList.get(13).max = 0; enemyList.get(14).max = 0; enemyList.get(15).max = 0; enemyList.get(16).max = 0; enemyList.get(17).max = 0; enemyList.get(18).max = 0; enemyList.get(19).max = 0; enemyList.get(20).max = 0; enemyList.get(21).max = 0; enemyList.get(22).max = 0; enemyList.get(23).max = 5; enemyList.get(24).max = 1; resetCurrentMax(); initObjectList(); } override public function initObjectList():void{ objectList = new ArrayList(); objectList.add("tileTree"); objectList.add("tileDeadtree"); objectList.add("tileDebris04"); } override public function initSong():void{ backSongBefore = new GoodDayChina(); backSongAfter = new HorrorSong2(); } override public function initSentences():void{ super.initSentences(); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Ni hao ma?"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("ta shi mei hao de yi tian"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Lalala"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("I'm taichi masta!"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Wo gan dao hen xing yun"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Yu le!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("O bu! Zombies"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Wei she me?!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Hen chou lou!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Xie e de!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Aaargh!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Bang zhu wo!"); } override public function initMapDrawn():void{ mapDrawn = new Level41(); } } }//package p_gameLevel
Section 205
//GameLevel42 (p_gameLevel.GameLevel42) package p_gameLevel { import org.idmedia.as3commons.util.*; public class GameLevel42 extends GameLevel { public function GameLevel42(){ maxBlockedTileCounter = 10; enemiesNeedToBeKilled = 25; tileWidth = 28; tileHeight = 17; levelNumber = 42; townName = "Chengde"; levelInfo = (("Kill at least " + enemiesNeedToBeKilled) + " people"); if (carsNeedToBeDestroyed > 0){ levelInfo = (levelInfo + (("\nDestroy at least " + carsNeedToBeDestroyed) + " cars")); }; destroyedBonus = 15000; } override public function initEnemies():void{ maxEnemyOut = 15; maxCarSedan = 0; enemyList.get(0).max = 0; enemyList.get(1).max = 0; enemyList.get(2).max = 0; enemyList.get(3).max = 20; enemyList.get(4).max = 0; enemyList.get(5).max = 20; enemyList.get(6).max = 0; enemyList.get(7).max = 0; enemyList.get(8).max = 0; enemyList.get(9).max = 0; enemyList.get(10).max = 0; enemyList.get(11).max = 0; enemyList.get(12).max = 0; enemyList.get(13).max = 0; enemyList.get(14).max = 0; enemyList.get(15).max = 0; enemyList.get(16).max = 15; enemyList.get(17).max = 0; enemyList.get(18).max = 0; enemyList.get(19).max = 0; enemyList.get(20).max = 0; enemyList.get(21).max = 0; enemyList.get(22).max = 0; enemyList.get(23).max = 5; enemyList.get(24).max = 0; resetCurrentMax(); initObjectList(); } override public function initObjectList():void{ objectList = new ArrayList(); objectList.add("tileTree"); objectList.add("tileDeadtree"); objectList.add("tileDebris04"); } override public function initSong():void{ backSongBefore = new GoodDayChina(); backSongAfter = new HorrorSong2(); } override public function initSentences():void{ super.initSentences(); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Ni hao ma?"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("ta shi mei hao de yi tian"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Lalala"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("I'm taichi masta!"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Wo gan dao hen xing yun"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Yu le!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("O bu! Zombies"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Wei she me?!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Hen chou lou!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Xie e de!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Aaargh!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Bang zhu wo!"); } override public function initMapDrawn():void{ mapDrawn = new Level42(); } } }//package p_gameLevel
Section 206
//GameLevel43 (p_gameLevel.GameLevel43) package p_gameLevel { import org.idmedia.as3commons.util.*; public class GameLevel43 extends GameLevel { public function GameLevel43(){ maxBlockedTileCounter = 10; enemiesNeedToBeKilled = 25; tileWidth = 35; tileHeight = 20; levelNumber = 43; townName = "Shanghai"; levelInfo = (("Kill at least " + enemiesNeedToBeKilled) + " people"); if (carsNeedToBeDestroyed > 0){ levelInfo = (levelInfo + (("\nDestroy at least " + carsNeedToBeDestroyed) + " cars")); }; destroyedBonus = 15000; } override public function initEnemies():void{ maxEnemyOut = 15; maxCarSedan = 0; enemyList.get(0).max = 0; enemyList.get(1).max = 0; enemyList.get(2).max = 0; enemyList.get(3).max = 20; enemyList.get(4).max = 0; enemyList.get(5).max = 20; enemyList.get(6).max = 0; enemyList.get(7).max = 0; enemyList.get(8).max = 0; enemyList.get(9).max = 0; enemyList.get(10).max = 0; enemyList.get(11).max = 0; enemyList.get(12).max = 0; enemyList.get(13).max = 0; enemyList.get(14).max = 0; enemyList.get(15).max = 0; enemyList.get(16).max = 15; enemyList.get(17).max = 0; enemyList.get(18).max = 0; enemyList.get(19).max = 0; enemyList.get(20).max = 0; enemyList.get(21).max = 0; enemyList.get(22).max = 0; enemyList.get(23).max = 5; enemyList.get(24).max = 0; resetCurrentMax(); initObjectList(); } override public function initObjectList():void{ objectList = new ArrayList(); objectList.add("tileTree"); objectList.add("tileDeadtree"); objectList.add("tileDebris04"); } override public function initSong():void{ backSongBefore = new GoodDayChina(); backSongAfter = new HorrorSong2(); } override public function initSentences():void{ super.initSentences(); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Ni hao ma?"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("ta shi mei hao de yi tian"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Lalala"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("I'm taichi masta!"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Wo gan dao hen xing yun"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Yu le!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("O bu! Zombies"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Wei she me?!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Hen chou lou!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Xie e de!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Aaargh!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Bang zhu wo!"); } override public function initMapDrawn():void{ mapDrawn = new Level43(); } } }//package p_gameLevel
Section 207
//GameLevel44 (p_gameLevel.GameLevel44) package p_gameLevel { import org.idmedia.as3commons.util.*; public class GameLevel44 extends GameLevel { public function GameLevel44(){ maxBlockedTileCounter = 10; enemiesNeedToBeKilled = 25; tileWidth = 35; tileHeight = 20; levelNumber = 44; townName = "Beijing"; levelInfo = (("Kill at least " + enemiesNeedToBeKilled) + " people"); if (carsNeedToBeDestroyed > 0){ levelInfo = (levelInfo + (("\nDestroy at least " + carsNeedToBeDestroyed) + " cars")); }; destroyedBonus = 15000; } override public function initEnemies():void{ maxEnemyOut = 15; maxCarSedan = 0; enemyList.get(0).max = 0; enemyList.get(1).max = 0; enemyList.get(2).max = 0; enemyList.get(3).max = 20; enemyList.get(4).max = 0; enemyList.get(5).max = 20; enemyList.get(6).max = 0; enemyList.get(7).max = 0; enemyList.get(8).max = 0; enemyList.get(9).max = 0; enemyList.get(10).max = 0; enemyList.get(11).max = 0; enemyList.get(12).max = 0; enemyList.get(13).max = 0; enemyList.get(14).max = 0; enemyList.get(15).max = 0; enemyList.get(16).max = 15; enemyList.get(17).max = 0; enemyList.get(18).max = 0; enemyList.get(19).max = 0; enemyList.get(20).max = 0; enemyList.get(21).max = 0; enemyList.get(22).max = 0; enemyList.get(23).max = 5; enemyList.get(24).max = 0; resetCurrentMax(); initObjectList(); } override public function initObjectList():void{ objectList = new ArrayList(); objectList.add("tileTree"); objectList.add("tileDeadtree"); objectList.add("tileDebris04"); } override public function initSong():void{ backSongBefore = new GoodDayChina(); backSongAfter = new HorrorSong2(); } override public function initSentences():void{ super.initSentences(); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Ni hao ma?"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("ta shi mei hao de yi tian"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Lalala"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("I'm taichi masta!"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Wo gan dao hen xing yun"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Yu le!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("O bu! Zombies"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Wei she me?!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Hen chou lou!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Xie e de!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Aaargh!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Bang zhu wo!"); } override public function initMapDrawn():void{ mapDrawn = new Level44(); } } }//package p_gameLevel
Section 208
//GameLevel45 (p_gameLevel.GameLevel45) package p_gameLevel { import org.idmedia.as3commons.util.*; public class GameLevel45 extends GameLevel { public function GameLevel45(){ maxBlockedTileCounter = 10; enemiesNeedToBeKilled = 25; tileWidth = 38; tileHeight = 22; levelNumber = 45; townName = "Seoul"; levelInfo = (("Kill at least " + enemiesNeedToBeKilled) + " people"); if (carsNeedToBeDestroyed > 0){ levelInfo = (levelInfo + (("\nDestroy at least " + carsNeedToBeDestroyed) + " cars")); }; destroyedBonus = 15000; } override public function initEnemies():void{ maxEnemyOut = 15; maxCarSedan = 0; enemyList.get(0).max = 0; enemyList.get(1).max = 0; enemyList.get(2).max = 0; enemyList.get(3).max = 20; enemyList.get(4).max = 0; enemyList.get(5).max = 20; enemyList.get(6).max = 0; enemyList.get(7).max = 0; enemyList.get(8).max = 0; enemyList.get(9).max = 0; enemyList.get(10).max = 0; enemyList.get(11).max = 0; enemyList.get(12).max = 0; enemyList.get(13).max = 0; enemyList.get(14).max = 0; enemyList.get(15).max = 0; enemyList.get(16).max = 15; enemyList.get(17).max = 0; enemyList.get(18).max = 0; enemyList.get(19).max = 0; enemyList.get(20).max = 0; enemyList.get(21).max = 0; enemyList.get(22).max = 0; enemyList.get(23).max = 5; enemyList.get(24).max = 0; resetCurrentMax(); initObjectList(); } override public function initObjectList():void{ objectList = new ArrayList(); objectList.add("tileTree"); objectList.add("tileDeadtree"); } override public function initSong():void{ backSongBefore = new GoodDayChina(); backSongAfter = new HorrorSong2(); } override public function initSentences():void{ super.initSentences(); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Ni hao ma?"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("ta shi mei hao de yi tian"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Lalala"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("I'm taichi masta!"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Wo gan dao hen xing yun"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Yu le!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("O bu! Zombies"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Wei she me?!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Hen chou lou!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Xie e de!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Aaargh!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Bang zhu wo!"); } override public function initMapDrawn():void{ mapDrawn = new Level45(); } } }//package p_gameLevel
Section 209
//GameLevel46 (p_gameLevel.GameLevel46) package p_gameLevel { import org.idmedia.as3commons.util.*; public class GameLevel46 extends GameLevel { public function GameLevel46(){ maxBlockedTileCounter = 10; enemiesNeedToBeKilled = 25; tileWidth = 28; tileHeight = 16; levelNumber = 46; townName = "Tselinoyarks"; levelInfo = (("Kill at least " + enemiesNeedToBeKilled) + " people"); if (carsNeedToBeDestroyed > 0){ levelInfo = (levelInfo + (("\nDestroy at least " + carsNeedToBeDestroyed) + " cars")); }; destroyedBonus = 15000; } override public function initEnemies():void{ maxEnemyOut = 25; maxCarSedan = 0; enemyList.get(0).max = 30; enemyList.get(1).max = 0; enemyList.get(2).max = 0; enemyList.get(3).max = 0; enemyList.get(4).max = 0; enemyList.get(5).max = 10; enemyList.get(6).max = 0; enemyList.get(7).max = 0; enemyList.get(8).max = 0; enemyList.get(9).max = 0; enemyList.get(10).max = 0; enemyList.get(11).max = 0; enemyList.get(12).max = 0; enemyList.get(13).max = 0; enemyList.get(14).max = 0; enemyList.get(15).max = 0; enemyList.get(16).max = 0; enemyList.get(17).max = 0; enemyList.get(18).max = 0; enemyList.get(19).max = 0; enemyList.get(20).max = 0; enemyList.get(21).max = 0; enemyList.get(22).max = 0; enemyList.get(23).max = 0; enemyList.get(24).max = 30; resetCurrentMax(); initObjectList(); } override public function initObjectList():void{ objectList = new ArrayList(); objectList.add("tileTree"); objectList.add("tileDeadtree"); } override public function initSong():void{ backSongBefore = new GoodDayRussia(); backSongAfter = new HorrorSong2(); } override public function initSentences():void{ super.initSentences(); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Kak vy segodnya?"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("prekrasnaya pogoda"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Davaite ohota!"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Chuvstvovat' sebya horosho segodnya!"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Poluchit' sodyeistvie i"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Voshititel'nyi"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Net! Zombies"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Eto pozadi?!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Pomogite nam!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Bezhat'!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Aaargh!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Pochemu eto sluchilos'?!"); } override public function initMapDrawn():void{ mapDrawn = new Level46(); } } }//package p_gameLevel
Section 210
//GameLevel47 (p_gameLevel.GameLevel47) package p_gameLevel { import org.idmedia.as3commons.util.*; public class GameLevel47 extends GameLevel { public function GameLevel47(){ maxBlockedTileCounter = 10; enemiesNeedToBeKilled = 50; tileWidth = 32; tileHeight = 20; levelNumber = 47; townName = "Pechora"; levelInfo = (("Kill at least " + enemiesNeedToBeKilled) + " people"); if (carsNeedToBeDestroyed > 0){ levelInfo = (levelInfo + (("\nDestroy at least " + carsNeedToBeDestroyed) + " cars")); }; destroyedBonus = 15000; } override public function initEnemies():void{ maxEnemyOut = 25; maxCarSedan = 0; enemyList.get(0).max = 30; enemyList.get(1).max = 0; enemyList.get(2).max = 0; enemyList.get(3).max = 20; enemyList.get(4).max = 0; enemyList.get(5).max = 10; enemyList.get(6).max = 50; enemyList.get(7).max = 0; enemyList.get(8).max = 0; enemyList.get(9).max = 0; enemyList.get(10).max = 0; enemyList.get(11).max = 0; enemyList.get(12).max = 0; enemyList.get(13).max = 0; enemyList.get(14).max = 2; enemyList.get(15).max = 0; enemyList.get(16).max = 0; enemyList.get(17).max = 0; enemyList.get(18).max = 1; enemyList.get(19).max = 0; enemyList.get(20).max = 0; enemyList.get(21).max = 0; enemyList.get(22).max = 0; enemyList.get(23).max = 5; enemyList.get(24).max = 10; resetCurrentMax(); initObjectList(); } override public function initObjectList():void{ objectList = new ArrayList(); objectList.add("tileTree"); objectList.add("tileDeadtree"); } override public function initSong():void{ backSongBefore = new GoodDayRussia(); backSongAfter = new HorrorSong2(); } override public function initSentences():void{ super.initSentences(); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Kak vy segodnya?"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("prekrasnaya pogoda"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Davaite ohota!"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Chuvstvovat' sebya horosho segodnya!"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Poluchit' sodyeistvie i"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Voshititel'nyi"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Net! Zombies"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Eto pozadi?!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Pomogite nam!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Bezhat'!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Aaargh!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Pochemu eto sluchilos'?!"); } override public function initMapDrawn():void{ mapDrawn = new Level47(); } } }//package p_gameLevel
Section 211
//GameLevel48 (p_gameLevel.GameLevel48) package p_gameLevel { import org.idmedia.as3commons.util.*; public class GameLevel48 extends GameLevel { public function GameLevel48(){ maxBlockedTileCounter = 10; enemiesNeedToBeKilled = 50; tileWidth = 35; tileHeight = 20; levelNumber = 48; townName = "Volgograd"; levelInfo = (("Kill at least " + enemiesNeedToBeKilled) + " people"); if (carsNeedToBeDestroyed > 0){ levelInfo = (levelInfo + (("\nDestroy at least " + carsNeedToBeDestroyed) + " cars")); }; destroyedBonus = 15000; } override public function initEnemies():void{ maxEnemyOut = 25; maxCarSedan = 0; enemyList.get(0).max = 30; enemyList.get(1).max = 0; enemyList.get(2).max = 0; enemyList.get(3).max = 20; enemyList.get(4).max = 0; enemyList.get(5).max = 10; enemyList.get(6).max = 30; enemyList.get(7).max = 10; enemyList.get(8).max = 0; enemyList.get(9).max = 1; enemyList.get(10).max = 0; enemyList.get(11).max = 0; enemyList.get(12).max = 0; enemyList.get(13).max = 0; enemyList.get(14).max = 1; enemyList.get(15).max = 1; enemyList.get(16).max = 0; enemyList.get(17).max = 0; enemyList.get(18).max = 1; enemyList.get(19).max = 0; enemyList.get(20).max = 0; enemyList.get(21).max = 0; enemyList.get(22).max = 0; enemyList.get(23).max = 0; enemyList.get(24).max = 10; resetCurrentMax(); initObjectList(); } override public function initObjectList():void{ objectList = new ArrayList(); objectList.add("tileTree"); objectList.add("tileDeadtree"); } override public function initSong():void{ backSongBefore = new GoodDayRussia(); backSongAfter = new HorrorSong2(); } override public function initSentences():void{ super.initSentences(); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Kak vy segodnya?"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("prekrasnaya pogoda"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Davaite ohota!"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Chuvstvovat' sebya horosho segodnya!"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Poluchit' sodyeistvie i"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Voshititel'nyi"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Net! Zombies"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Eto pozadi?!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Pomogite nam!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Bezhat'!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Aaargh!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Pochemu eto sluchilos'?!"); } override public function initMapDrawn():void{ mapDrawn = new Level48(); } } }//package p_gameLevel
Section 212
//GameLevel49 (p_gameLevel.GameLevel49) package p_gameLevel { import org.idmedia.as3commons.util.*; public class GameLevel49 extends GameLevel { public function GameLevel49(){ maxBlockedTileCounter = 10; enemiesNeedToBeKilled = 25; tileWidth = 38; tileHeight = 22; levelNumber = 49; townName = "Moskva"; levelInfo = (("Kill at least " + enemiesNeedToBeKilled) + " people"); if (carsNeedToBeDestroyed > 0){ levelInfo = (levelInfo + (("\nDestroy at least " + carsNeedToBeDestroyed) + " cars")); }; destroyedBonus = 15000; } override public function initEnemies():void{ maxEnemyOut = 15; maxCarSedan = 0; enemyList.get(0).max = 0; enemyList.get(1).max = 0; enemyList.get(2).max = 0; enemyList.get(3).max = 20; enemyList.get(4).max = 0; enemyList.get(5).max = 20; enemyList.get(6).max = 0; enemyList.get(7).max = 0; enemyList.get(8).max = 0; enemyList.get(9).max = 0; enemyList.get(10).max = 0; enemyList.get(11).max = 0; enemyList.get(12).max = 0; enemyList.get(13).max = 0; enemyList.get(14).max = 0; enemyList.get(15).max = 0; enemyList.get(16).max = 15; enemyList.get(17).max = 0; enemyList.get(18).max = 0; enemyList.get(19).max = 0; enemyList.get(20).max = 0; enemyList.get(21).max = 0; enemyList.get(22).max = 0; enemyList.get(23).max = 5; enemyList.get(24).max = 0; resetCurrentMax(); initObjectList(); } override public function initObjectList():void{ objectList = new ArrayList(); objectList.add("tileTree"); objectList.add("tileDeadtree"); } override public function initSong():void{ backSongBefore = new GoodDayRussia(); backSongAfter = new HorrorSong2(); } override public function initSentences():void{ super.initSentences(); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Kak vy segodnya?"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("prekrasnaya pogoda"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Davaite ohota!"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Chuvstvovat' sebya horosho segodnya!"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Poluchit' sodyeistvie i"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Voshititel'nyi"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Net! Zombies"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Eto pozadi?!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Pomogite nam!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Bezhat'!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Aaargh!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Pochemu eto sluchilos'?!"); } override public function initMapDrawn():void{ mapDrawn = new Level49(); } } }//package p_gameLevel
Section 213
//GameLevel5 (p_gameLevel.GameLevel5) package p_gameLevel { import org.idmedia.as3commons.util.*; public class GameLevel5 extends GameLevel { public function GameLevel5(){ maxBlockedTileCounter = 10; enemiesNeedToBeKilled = 30; tileWidth = 24; tileHeight = 14; levelNumber = 5; townName = "Cairo"; levelInfo = (("Kill at least " + enemiesNeedToBeKilled) + " people"); if (carsNeedToBeDestroyed > 0){ levelInfo = (levelInfo + (("\nDestroy at least " + carsNeedToBeDestroyed) + " cars")); }; destroyedBonus = 2500; } override public function initEnemies():void{ maxEnemyOut = 25; maxCarSedan = 2; enemyList.get(0).max = 5; enemyList.get(1).max = 0; enemyList.get(2).max = 0; enemyList.get(3).max = 25; enemyList.get(4).max = 0; enemyList.get(5).max = 0; enemyList.get(6).max = 25; enemyList.get(7).max = 5; enemyList.get(8).max = 0; enemyList.get(9).max = 17; enemyList.get(10).max = 0; enemyList.get(11).max = 0; enemyList.get(12).max = 0; enemyList.get(13).max = 0; enemyList.get(14).max = 0; enemyList.get(15).max = 0; enemyList.get(16).max = 0; enemyList.get(17).max = 0; enemyList.get(18).max = 0; enemyList.get(19).max = 0; enemyList.get(20).max = 0; enemyList.get(21).max = 0; enemyList.get(22).max = 0; enemyList.get(23).max = 0; enemyList.get(24).max = 0; resetCurrentMax(); initObjectList(); } override public function initObjectList():void{ objectList = new ArrayList(); objectList.add("tileTree"); objectList.add("tileDeadtree"); objectList.add("tileDebris04"); } override public function initSong():void{ backSongBefore = new HappySong3(); backSongAfter = new HorrorSong1(); } override public function initSentences():void{ super.initSentences(); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Salaam alaikum"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("What a nice day"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Help!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Nooooo!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("OMG! Zombies!"); } override public function initMapDrawn():void{ mapDrawn = new Level05(); } } }//package p_gameLevel
Section 214
//GameLevel50 (p_gameLevel.GameLevel50) package p_gameLevel { import org.idmedia.as3commons.util.*; public class GameLevel50 extends GameLevel { public function GameLevel50(){ maxBlockedTileCounter = 10; enemiesNeedToBeKilled = 40; tileWidth = 28; tileHeight = 16; levelNumber = 50; townName = "Ho Chi Min"; levelInfo = (("Kill at least " + enemiesNeedToBeKilled) + " people"); if (carsNeedToBeDestroyed > 0){ levelInfo = (levelInfo + (("\nDestroy at least " + carsNeedToBeDestroyed) + " cars")); }; destroyedBonus = 15000; } override public function initEnemies():void{ maxEnemyOut = 25; maxCarSedan = 0; enemyList.get(0).max = 15; enemyList.get(1).max = 0; enemyList.get(2).max = 5; enemyList.get(3).max = 15; enemyList.get(4).max = 0; enemyList.get(5).max = 20; enemyList.get(6).max = 0; enemyList.get(7).max = 20; enemyList.get(8).max = 0; enemyList.get(9).max = 0; enemyList.get(10).max = 0; enemyList.get(11).max = 0; enemyList.get(12).max = 0; enemyList.get(13).max = 0; enemyList.get(14).max = 0; enemyList.get(15).max = 0; enemyList.get(16).max = 0; enemyList.get(17).max = 0; enemyList.get(18).max = 0; enemyList.get(19).max = 0; enemyList.get(20).max = 0; enemyList.get(21).max = 10; enemyList.get(22).max = 0; enemyList.get(23).max = 5; enemyList.get(24).max = 0; resetCurrentMax(); initObjectList(); } override public function initObjectList():void{ objectList = new ArrayList(); objectList.add("tileTree"); objectList.add("tileDeadtree"); } override public function initSong():void{ backSongBefore = new GoodDayChina(); backSongAfter = new HorrorSong1(); } override public function initSentences():void{ super.initSentences(); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Hoan hao ngay"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Dep thanh pho"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Ban khoe khong?"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("I can tien!"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Hanh phuc"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("..."); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Chua! Zombies"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Khong!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Chay!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Tai sao?!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Giup do!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Aaargh!"); } override public function initMapDrawn():void{ mapDrawn = new Level50(); } } }//package p_gameLevel
Section 215
//GameLevel51 (p_gameLevel.GameLevel51) package p_gameLevel { import org.idmedia.as3commons.util.*; public class GameLevel51 extends GameLevel { public function GameLevel51(){ maxBlockedTileCounter = 10; enemiesNeedToBeKilled = 40; tileWidth = 32; tileHeight = 20; levelNumber = 51; townName = "Bangkok"; levelInfo = (("Kill at least " + enemiesNeedToBeKilled) + " people"); if (carsNeedToBeDestroyed > 0){ levelInfo = (levelInfo + (("\nDestroy at least " + carsNeedToBeDestroyed) + " cars")); }; destroyedBonus = 15000; } override public function initEnemies():void{ maxEnemyOut = 25; maxCarSedan = 0; enemyList.get(0).max = 10; enemyList.get(1).max = 0; enemyList.get(2).max = 10; enemyList.get(3).max = 20; enemyList.get(4).max = 0; enemyList.get(5).max = 20; enemyList.get(6).max = 0; enemyList.get(7).max = 30; enemyList.get(8).max = 1; enemyList.get(9).max = 0; enemyList.get(10).max = 0; enemyList.get(11).max = 0; enemyList.get(12).max = 0; enemyList.get(13).max = 0; enemyList.get(14).max = 0; enemyList.get(15).max = 0; enemyList.get(16).max = 0; enemyList.get(17).max = 0; enemyList.get(18).max = 0; enemyList.get(19).max = 5; enemyList.get(20).max = 0; enemyList.get(21).max = 10; enemyList.get(22).max = 0; enemyList.get(23).max = 5; enemyList.get(24).max = 10; resetCurrentMax(); initObjectList(); } override public function initObjectList():void{ objectList = new ArrayList(); objectList.add("tileTree"); objectList.add("tileDeadtree"); } override public function initSong():void{ backSongBefore = new GoodDayChina(); backSongAfter = new HorrorSong1(); } override public function initSentences():void{ super.initSentences(); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Sbay di him"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Swasdi!"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Hmmm.."); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Lalala"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Halo"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("..."); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Oh! Zombies"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Di!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Oooh!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Waaa!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Ooh ahh?!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Aaargh!"); } override public function initMapDrawn():void{ mapDrawn = new Level51(); } } }//package p_gameLevel
Section 216
//GameLevel52 (p_gameLevel.GameLevel52) package p_gameLevel { import org.idmedia.as3commons.util.*; public class GameLevel52 extends GameLevel { public function GameLevel52(){ maxBlockedTileCounter = 10; enemiesNeedToBeKilled = 45; tileWidth = 35; tileHeight = 20; levelNumber = 52; townName = "Kuala Lumpur"; levelInfo = (("Kill at least " + enemiesNeedToBeKilled) + " people"); if (carsNeedToBeDestroyed > 0){ levelInfo = (levelInfo + (("\nDestroy at least " + carsNeedToBeDestroyed) + " cars")); }; destroyedBonus = 15000; } override public function initEnemies():void{ maxEnemyOut = 25; maxCarSedan = 0; enemyList.get(0).max = 20; enemyList.get(1).max = 0; enemyList.get(2).max = 5; enemyList.get(3).max = 40; enemyList.get(4).max = 0; enemyList.get(5).max = 20; enemyList.get(6).max = 0; enemyList.get(7).max = 20; enemyList.get(8).max = 1; enemyList.get(9).max = 0; enemyList.get(10).max = 0; enemyList.get(11).max = 0; enemyList.get(12).max = 0; enemyList.get(13).max = 0; enemyList.get(14).max = 0; enemyList.get(15).max = 0; enemyList.get(16).max = 0; enemyList.get(17).max = 0; enemyList.get(18).max = 0; enemyList.get(19).max = 0; enemyList.get(20).max = 0; enemyList.get(21).max = 5; enemyList.get(22).max = 0; enemyList.get(23).max = 15; enemyList.get(24).max = 5; resetCurrentMax(); initObjectList(); } override public function initObjectList():void{ objectList = new ArrayList(); objectList.add("tileTree"); objectList.add("tileDeadtree"); } override public function initSong():void{ backSongBefore = new GoodDayChina(); backSongAfter = new HorrorSong1(); } override public function initSentences():void{ super.initSentences(); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Hari ni cukup beautiful dinikmati"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Cuaca baik"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Mari nak kita berpusing"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Lalala"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Halo"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Salaam alaikum"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Oh Tuhan! Zombies"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Tidak!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Selamatkan dirimu!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Tolong!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Bagaimana ini?!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Aaargh!"); } override public function initMapDrawn():void{ mapDrawn = new Level52(); } } }//package p_gameLevel
Section 217
//GameLevel53 (p_gameLevel.GameLevel53) package p_gameLevel { import org.idmedia.as3commons.util.*; public class GameLevel53 extends GameLevel { public function GameLevel53(){ maxBlockedTileCounter = 10; enemiesNeedToBeKilled = 45; tileWidth = 38; tileHeight = 22; levelNumber = 53; townName = "Singapore"; levelInfo = (("Kill at least " + enemiesNeedToBeKilled) + " people"); if (carsNeedToBeDestroyed > 0){ levelInfo = (levelInfo + (("\nDestroy at least " + carsNeedToBeDestroyed) + " cars")); }; destroyedBonus = 15000; } override public function initEnemies():void{ maxEnemyOut = 25; maxCarSedan = 0; enemyList.get(0).max = 30; enemyList.get(1).max = 0; enemyList.get(2).max = 17; enemyList.get(3).max = 36; enemyList.get(4).max = 0; enemyList.get(5).max = 19; enemyList.get(6).max = 0; enemyList.get(7).max = 30; enemyList.get(8).max = 0; enemyList.get(9).max = 0; enemyList.get(10).max = 0; enemyList.get(11).max = 0; enemyList.get(12).max = 0; enemyList.get(13).max = 0; enemyList.get(14).max = 0; enemyList.get(15).max = 5; enemyList.get(16).max = 0; enemyList.get(17).max = 0; enemyList.get(18).max = 0; enemyList.get(19).max = 10; enemyList.get(20).max = 10; enemyList.get(21).max = 0; enemyList.get(22).max = 0; enemyList.get(23).max = 5; enemyList.get(24).max = 10; resetCurrentMax(); initObjectList(); } override public function initObjectList():void{ objectList = new ArrayList(); objectList.add("tileTree"); objectList.add("tileDeadtree"); } override public function initSong():void{ backSongBefore = new GoodDayChina(); backSongAfter = new HorrorSong1(); } override public function initSentences():void{ super.initSentences(); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Nice city"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("What a good day"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Gotta get dollars"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Hmmm.."); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("I feel lucky"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("What a busy day!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("OMG! Zombies"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Oh noooo!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Run for yourself!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("What happens?!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Help me!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Oh God!"); } override public function initMapDrawn():void{ mapDrawn = new Level53(); } } }//package p_gameLevel
Section 218
//GameLevel54 (p_gameLevel.GameLevel54) package p_gameLevel { import org.idmedia.as3commons.util.*; public class GameLevel54 extends GameLevel { public function GameLevel54(){ maxBlockedTileCounter = 10; enemiesNeedToBeKilled = 45; tileWidth = 35; tileHeight = 20; levelNumber = 44; townName = "Nabire"; levelInfo = (("Kill at least " + enemiesNeedToBeKilled) + " people"); if (carsNeedToBeDestroyed > 0){ levelInfo = (levelInfo + (("\nDestroy at least " + carsNeedToBeDestroyed) + " cars")); }; destroyedBonus = 15000; } override public function initEnemies():void{ maxEnemyOut = 25; maxCarSedan = 0; enemyList.get(0).max = 30; enemyList.get(1).max = 0; enemyList.get(2).max = 0; enemyList.get(3).max = 0; enemyList.get(4).max = 0; enemyList.get(5).max = 20; enemyList.get(6).max = 10; enemyList.get(7).max = 0; enemyList.get(8).max = 0; enemyList.get(9).max = 0; enemyList.get(10).max = 0; enemyList.get(11).max = 0; enemyList.get(12).max = 0; enemyList.get(13).max = 0; enemyList.get(14).max = 0; enemyList.get(15).max = 0; enemyList.get(16).max = 0; enemyList.get(17).max = 50; enemyList.get(18).max = 0; enemyList.get(19).max = 0; enemyList.get(20).max = 0; enemyList.get(21).max = 0; enemyList.get(22).max = 0; enemyList.get(23).max = 15; enemyList.get(24).max = 0; resetCurrentMax(); initObjectList(); } override public function initObjectList():void{ objectList = new ArrayList(); objectList.add("tileTree"); objectList.add("tileDeadtree"); } override public function initSong():void{ backSongBefore = new HappySong1(); backSongAfter = new HorrorSong1(); } override public function initSentences():void{ super.initSentences(); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Apa kabar dunia?"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Hari yang sangat indah"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Mari bersenang-senang!"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Langit yang indah"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Saya suka tempat ini"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Cuci mata dulu ah.."); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Tidaaak! Zombies"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Apa-apaan ini?!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Lari!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Lontong!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Ih parah parah parah"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Mak tolong eh lotong nyak tolong?!"); } override public function initMapDrawn():void{ mapDrawn = new Level54(); } } }//package p_gameLevel
Section 219
//GameLevel55 (p_gameLevel.GameLevel55) package p_gameLevel { import org.idmedia.as3commons.util.*; public class GameLevel55 extends GameLevel { public function GameLevel55(){ maxBlockedTileCounter = 10; enemiesNeedToBeKilled = 30; tileWidth = 35; tileHeight = 20; levelNumber = 55; townName = "Kupang"; levelInfo = (("Kill at least " + enemiesNeedToBeKilled) + " people"); if (carsNeedToBeDestroyed > 0){ levelInfo = (levelInfo + (("\nDestroy at least " + carsNeedToBeDestroyed) + " cars")); }; destroyedBonus = 15000; } override public function initEnemies():void{ maxEnemyOut = 25; maxCarSedan = 0; enemyList.get(0).max = 0; enemyList.get(1).max = 0; enemyList.get(2).max = 0; enemyList.get(3).max = 0; enemyList.get(4).max = 0; enemyList.get(5).max = 15; enemyList.get(6).max = 0; enemyList.get(7).max = 0; enemyList.get(8).max = 0; enemyList.get(9).max = 0; enemyList.get(10).max = 0; enemyList.get(11).max = 0; enemyList.get(12).max = 0; enemyList.get(13).max = 0; enemyList.get(14).max = 0; enemyList.get(15).max = 0; enemyList.get(16).max = 5; enemyList.get(17).max = 40; enemyList.get(18).max = 0; enemyList.get(19).max = 10; enemyList.get(20).max = 15; enemyList.get(21).max = 0; enemyList.get(22).max = 0; enemyList.get(23).max = 5; enemyList.get(24).max = 0; resetCurrentMax(); initObjectList(); } override public function initObjectList():void{ objectList = new ArrayList(); objectList.add("tileTree"); objectList.add("tileDeadtree"); } override public function initSong():void{ backSongBefore = new HappySong1(); backSongAfter = new HorrorSong1(); } override public function initSentences():void{ super.initSentences(); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Apa kabar dunia?"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Hari yang sangat indah"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Mari bersenang-senang!"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Langit yang indah"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Saya suka tempat ini"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Cuci mata dulu ah.."); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Tidaaak! Zombies"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Apa-apaan ini?!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Lari!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Lontong!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Ih parah parah parah"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Mak tolong eh lotong nyak tolong?!"); } override public function initMapDrawn():void{ mapDrawn = new Level55(); } } }//package p_gameLevel
Section 220
//GameLevel56 (p_gameLevel.GameLevel56) package p_gameLevel { import org.idmedia.as3commons.util.*; public class GameLevel56 extends GameLevel { public function GameLevel56(){ maxBlockedTileCounter = 10; enemiesNeedToBeKilled = 35; tileWidth = 35; tileHeight = 20; levelNumber = 56; townName = "Bali"; levelInfo = (("Kill at least " + enemiesNeedToBeKilled) + " people"); if (carsNeedToBeDestroyed > 0){ levelInfo = (levelInfo + (("\nDestroy at least " + carsNeedToBeDestroyed) + " cars")); }; destroyedBonus = 15000; } override public function initEnemies():void{ maxEnemyOut = 25; maxCarSedan = 0; enemyList.get(0).max = 15; enemyList.get(1).max = 0; enemyList.get(2).max = 0; enemyList.get(3).max = 20; enemyList.get(4).max = 0; enemyList.get(5).max = 10; enemyList.get(6).max = 10; enemyList.get(7).max = 5; enemyList.get(8).max = 0; enemyList.get(9).max = 0; enemyList.get(10).max = 0; enemyList.get(11).max = 0; enemyList.get(12).max = 0; enemyList.get(13).max = 0; enemyList.get(14).max = 0; enemyList.get(15).max = 0; enemyList.get(16).max = 0; enemyList.get(17).max = 0; enemyList.get(18).max = 0; enemyList.get(19).max = 30; enemyList.get(20).max = 30; enemyList.get(21).max = 0; enemyList.get(22).max = 0; enemyList.get(23).max = 10; enemyList.get(24).max = 10; resetCurrentMax(); initObjectList(); } override public function initObjectList():void{ objectList = new ArrayList(); objectList.add("tileTree"); objectList.add("tileDeadtree"); } override public function initSong():void{ backSongBefore = new HappySong1(); backSongAfter = new HorrorSong1(); } override public function initSentences():void{ super.initSentences(); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Apa kabar dunia?"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Hari yang sangat indah"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Mari beli!"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Langit yang indah"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Saya I Made"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Cuci mata dulu ah.."); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Tidaaak! Zombies"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Apa-apaan ini?!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Lari!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Lontong!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Ih parah parah parah"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Mak tolong eh lotong nyak tolong?!"); } override public function initMapDrawn():void{ mapDrawn = new Level56(); } } }//package p_gameLevel
Section 221
//GameLevel57 (p_gameLevel.GameLevel57) package p_gameLevel { import org.idmedia.as3commons.util.*; public class GameLevel57 extends GameLevel { public function GameLevel57(){ maxBlockedTileCounter = 10; enemiesNeedToBeKilled = 35; tileWidth = 35; tileHeight = 20; levelNumber = 57; townName = "Makassar"; levelInfo = (("Kill at least " + enemiesNeedToBeKilled) + " people"); if (carsNeedToBeDestroyed > 0){ levelInfo = (levelInfo + (("\nDestroy at least " + carsNeedToBeDestroyed) + " cars")); }; destroyedBonus = 15000; } override public function initEnemies():void{ maxEnemyOut = 25; maxCarSedan = 0; enemyList.get(0).max = 10; enemyList.get(1).max = 0; enemyList.get(2).max = 0; enemyList.get(3).max = 20; enemyList.get(4).max = 0; enemyList.get(5).max = 10; enemyList.get(6).max = 30; enemyList.get(7).max = 20; enemyList.get(8).max = 0; enemyList.get(9).max = 0; enemyList.get(10).max = 0; enemyList.get(11).max = 0; enemyList.get(12).max = 0; enemyList.get(13).max = 0; enemyList.get(14).max = 0; enemyList.get(15).max = 0; enemyList.get(16).max = 0; enemyList.get(17).max = 0; enemyList.get(18).max = 0; enemyList.get(19).max = 10; enemyList.get(20).max = 10; enemyList.get(21).max = 0; enemyList.get(22).max = 0; enemyList.get(23).max = 5; enemyList.get(24).max = 0; resetCurrentMax(); initObjectList(); } override public function initObjectList():void{ objectList = new ArrayList(); objectList.add("tileTree"); objectList.add("tileDeadtree"); } override public function initSong():void{ backSongBefore = new HappySong1(); backSongAfter = new HorrorSong1(); } override public function initSentences():void{ super.initSentences(); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Apa kabar dunia?"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Hari yang sangat indah"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Mari bersenang-senang!"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Langit yang indah"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Saya suka tempat ini"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Cuci mata dulu ah.."); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Tidaaak! Zombies"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Apa-apaan ini?!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Lari!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Lontong!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Ih parah parah parah"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Nah lo?!"); } override public function initMapDrawn():void{ mapDrawn = new Level57(); } } }//package p_gameLevel
Section 222
//GameLevel58 (p_gameLevel.GameLevel58) package p_gameLevel { import org.idmedia.as3commons.util.*; public class GameLevel58 extends GameLevel { public function GameLevel58(){ maxBlockedTileCounter = 10; enemiesNeedToBeKilled = 40; tileWidth = 35; tileHeight = 20; levelNumber = 58; townName = "Pontianak"; levelInfo = (("Kill at least " + enemiesNeedToBeKilled) + " people"); if (carsNeedToBeDestroyed > 0){ levelInfo = (levelInfo + (("\nDestroy at least " + carsNeedToBeDestroyed) + " cars")); }; destroyedBonus = 15000; } override public function initEnemies():void{ maxEnemyOut = 25; maxCarSedan = 5; enemyList.get(0).max = 20; enemyList.get(1).max = 0; enemyList.get(2).max = 0; enemyList.get(3).max = 20; enemyList.get(4).max = 0; enemyList.get(5).max = 5; enemyList.get(6).max = 30; enemyList.get(7).max = 30; enemyList.get(8).max = 0; enemyList.get(9).max = 0; enemyList.get(10).max = 0; enemyList.get(11).max = 0; enemyList.get(12).max = 0; enemyList.get(13).max = 0; enemyList.get(14).max = 0; enemyList.get(15).max = 10; enemyList.get(16).max = 15; enemyList.get(17).max = 20; enemyList.get(18).max = 0; enemyList.get(19).max = 0; enemyList.get(20).max = 0; enemyList.get(21).max = 0; enemyList.get(22).max = 0; enemyList.get(23).max = 5; enemyList.get(24).max = 0; resetCurrentMax(); initObjectList(); } override public function initObjectList():void{ objectList = new ArrayList(); objectList.add("tileTree"); objectList.add("tileDeadtree"); } override public function initSong():void{ backSongBefore = new HappySong1(); backSongAfter = new HorrorSong1(); } override public function initSentences():void{ super.initSentences(); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Apa kabar dunia?"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Hari yang sangat indah"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Mari bersenang-senang!"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Langit yang indah"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Saya suka tempat ini"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Cuci mata dulu ah.."); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Tidaaak! Zombies"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Apa-apaan ini?!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Lari!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Lontong!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Ih parah parah parah"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Mak tolong eh lotong nyak tolong?!"); } override public function initMapDrawn():void{ mapDrawn = new Level58(); } } }//package p_gameLevel
Section 223
//GameLevel59 (p_gameLevel.GameLevel59) package p_gameLevel { import org.idmedia.as3commons.util.*; public class GameLevel59 extends GameLevel { public function GameLevel59(){ maxBlockedTileCounter = 10; enemiesNeedToBeKilled = 45; tileWidth = 35; tileHeight = 20; levelNumber = 59; townName = "Aceh"; levelInfo = (("Kill at least " + enemiesNeedToBeKilled) + " people"); if (carsNeedToBeDestroyed > 0){ levelInfo = (levelInfo + (("\nDestroy at least " + carsNeedToBeDestroyed) + " cars")); }; destroyedBonus = 15000; } override public function initEnemies():void{ maxEnemyOut = 25; maxCarSedan = 5; enemyList.get(0).max = 30; enemyList.get(1).max = 0; enemyList.get(2).max = 0; enemyList.get(3).max = 15; enemyList.get(4).max = 0; enemyList.get(5).max = 10; enemyList.get(6).max = 30; enemyList.get(7).max = 5; enemyList.get(8).max = 0; enemyList.get(9).max = 0; enemyList.get(10).max = 0; enemyList.get(11).max = 0; enemyList.get(12).max = 0; enemyList.get(13).max = 1; enemyList.get(14).max = 0; enemyList.get(15).max = 0; enemyList.get(16).max = 0; enemyList.get(17).max = 0; enemyList.get(18).max = 0; enemyList.get(19).max = 0; enemyList.get(20).max = 0; enemyList.get(21).max = 0; enemyList.get(22).max = 0; enemyList.get(23).max = 5; enemyList.get(24).max = 20; resetCurrentMax(); initObjectList(); } override public function initObjectList():void{ objectList = new ArrayList(); objectList.add("tileTree"); objectList.add("tileDeadtree"); } override public function initSong():void{ backSongBefore = new HappySong1(); backSongAfter = new HorrorSong1(); } override public function initSentences():void{ super.initSentences(); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Apa kabar dunia?"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Hari yang sangat indah"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Mari bersenang-senang!"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Langit yang indah"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Saya suka tempat ini"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Cuci mata dulu ah.."); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Tidaaak! Zombies"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Apa-apaan ini?!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Lari!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Lontong!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Ih parah parah parah"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Mak tolong eh lotong nyak tolong?!"); } override public function initMapDrawn():void{ mapDrawn = new Level59(); } } }//package p_gameLevel
Section 224
//GameLevel6 (p_gameLevel.GameLevel6) package p_gameLevel { import org.idmedia.as3commons.util.*; public class GameLevel6 extends GameLevel { public function GameLevel6(){ maxBlockedTileCounter = 10; enemiesNeedToBeKilled = 50; tileWidth = 26; tileHeight = 15; levelNumber = 6; townName = "Cape Town"; levelInfo = (("Kill at least " + enemiesNeedToBeKilled) + " people"); if (carsNeedToBeDestroyed > 0){ levelInfo = (levelInfo + (("\nDestroy at least " + carsNeedToBeDestroyed) + " cars")); }; destroyedBonus = 2500; } override public function initEnemies():void{ maxEnemyOut = 25; maxCarSedan = 5; enemyList.get(0).max = 15; enemyList.get(1).max = 0; enemyList.get(2).max = 10; enemyList.get(3).max = 25; enemyList.get(4).max = 0; enemyList.get(5).max = 2; enemyList.get(6).max = 25; enemyList.get(7).max = 5; enemyList.get(8).max = 0; enemyList.get(9).max = 25; enemyList.get(10).max = 0; enemyList.get(11).max = 0; enemyList.get(12).max = 0; enemyList.get(13).max = 0; enemyList.get(14).max = 0; enemyList.get(15).max = 10; enemyList.get(16).max = 0; enemyList.get(17).max = 0; enemyList.get(18).max = 0; enemyList.get(19).max = 0; enemyList.get(20).max = 0; enemyList.get(21).max = 0; enemyList.get(22).max = 0; enemyList.get(23).max = 0; enemyList.get(24).max = 0; resetCurrentMax(); initObjectList(); } override public function initObjectList():void{ objectList = new ArrayList(); objectList.add("tileTree"); objectList.add("tileDeadtree"); objectList.add("tileDebris04"); } override public function initSong():void{ backSongBefore = new HappySong3(); backSongAfter = new HorrorSong1(); } override public function initSentences():void{ super.initSentences(); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Hallo!"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("What a nice day"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Gelukkig!"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("I kujisikia vizuri"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Saidia!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Help!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Nooooo!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("OMG! Zombies!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Fokkin Hell!"); } override public function initMapDrawn():void{ mapDrawn = new Level06(); } } }//package p_gameLevel
Section 225
//GameLevel60 (p_gameLevel.GameLevel60) package p_gameLevel { import org.idmedia.as3commons.util.*; public class GameLevel60 extends GameLevel { public function GameLevel60(){ maxBlockedTileCounter = 10; enemiesNeedToBeKilled = 55; tileWidth = 40; tileHeight = 24; levelNumber = 60; townName = "Jakarta"; levelInfo = (("Kill at least " + enemiesNeedToBeKilled) + " people"); if (carsNeedToBeDestroyed > 0){ levelInfo = (levelInfo + (("\nDestroy at least " + carsNeedToBeDestroyed) + " cars")); }; destroyedBonus = 15000; } override public function initEnemies():void{ maxEnemyOut = 25; maxCarSedan = 5; enemyList.get(0).max = 50; enemyList.get(1).max = 1; enemyList.get(2).max = 5; enemyList.get(3).max = 25; enemyList.get(4).max = 0; enemyList.get(5).max = 10; enemyList.get(6).max = 25; enemyList.get(7).max = 50; enemyList.get(8).max = 0; enemyList.get(9).max = 0; enemyList.get(10).max = 0; enemyList.get(11).max = 0; enemyList.get(12).max = 0; enemyList.get(13).max = 1; enemyList.get(14).max = 0; enemyList.get(15).max = 0; enemyList.get(16).max = 0; enemyList.get(17).max = 0; enemyList.get(18).max = 0; enemyList.get(19).max = 0; enemyList.get(20).max = 0; enemyList.get(21).max = 0; enemyList.get(22).max = 0; enemyList.get(23).max = 5; enemyList.get(24).max = 5; resetCurrentMax(); initObjectList(); } override public function initObjectList():void{ objectList = new ArrayList(); objectList.add("tileTree"); objectList.add("tileDeadtree"); } override public function initSong():void{ backSongBefore = new HappySong1(); backSongAfter = new HorrorSong1(); } override public function initSentences():void{ super.initSentences(); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Apa kabar dunia?"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Hari yang sangat indah"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Malak orang yok!"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Langit yang indah"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Saya suka tempat ini"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Cuci mata dulu ah.."); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Tidaaak! Zombies"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Apa-apaan ini?!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Lari!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Lontong!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Ih parah parah parah"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Mak tolong eh lotong nyak tolong?!"); } override public function initMapDrawn():void{ mapDrawn = new Level60(); } } }//package p_gameLevel
Section 226
//GameLevel61 (p_gameLevel.GameLevel61) package p_gameLevel { import org.idmedia.as3commons.util.*; public class GameLevel61 extends GameLevel { public function GameLevel61(){ maxBlockedTileCounter = 10; enemiesNeedToBeKilled = 35; tileWidth = 35; tileHeight = 20; levelNumber = 61; townName = "Wells"; levelInfo = (("Kill at least " + enemiesNeedToBeKilled) + " people"); if (carsNeedToBeDestroyed > 0){ levelInfo = (levelInfo + (("\nDestroy at least " + carsNeedToBeDestroyed) + " cars")); }; destroyedBonus = 15000; } override public function initEnemies():void{ maxEnemyOut = 25; maxCarSedan = 2; enemyList.get(0).max = 20; enemyList.get(1).max = 0; enemyList.get(2).max = 15; enemyList.get(3).max = 30; enemyList.get(4).max = 0; enemyList.get(5).max = 10; enemyList.get(6).max = 30; enemyList.get(7).max = 0; enemyList.get(8).max = 0; enemyList.get(9).max = 10; enemyList.get(10).max = 0; enemyList.get(11).max = 0; enemyList.get(12).max = 0; enemyList.get(13).max = 0; enemyList.get(14).max = 1; enemyList.get(15).max = 0; enemyList.get(16).max = 0; enemyList.get(17).max = 0; enemyList.get(18).max = 0; enemyList.get(19).max = 0; enemyList.get(20).max = 0; enemyList.get(21).max = 0; enemyList.get(22).max = 0; enemyList.get(23).max = 5; enemyList.get(24).max = 10; resetCurrentMax(); initObjectList(); } override public function initObjectList():void{ objectList = new ArrayList(); objectList.add("tileTree"); objectList.add("tileDeadtree"); } override public function initSong():void{ backSongBefore = new GoodDayFrance(); backSongAfter = new BadDay4(); } override public function initSentences():void{ super.initSentences(); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("I'm great yo"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("What a good day"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Hey what's up?"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Wanna go with me?"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("I feel good"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Let's have some fun"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("OMG! Zombies"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Oh noooo!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Damn! Run!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Where's cop?!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Oh my oh my!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Somebody help me!"); } override public function initMapDrawn():void{ mapDrawn = new Level61(); } } }//package p_gameLevel
Section 227
//GameLevel62 (p_gameLevel.GameLevel62) package p_gameLevel { import org.idmedia.as3commons.util.*; public class GameLevel62 extends GameLevel { public function GameLevel62(){ maxBlockedTileCounter = 10; enemiesNeedToBeKilled = 35; tileWidth = 35; tileHeight = 20; levelNumber = 55; townName = "Swan Hills"; levelInfo = (("Kill at least " + enemiesNeedToBeKilled) + " people"); if (carsNeedToBeDestroyed > 0){ levelInfo = (levelInfo + (("\nDestroy at least " + carsNeedToBeDestroyed) + " cars")); }; destroyedBonus = 15000; } override public function initEnemies():void{ maxEnemyOut = 25; maxCarSedan = 5; enemyList.get(0).max = 20; enemyList.get(1).max = 0; enemyList.get(2).max = 10; enemyList.get(3).max = 10; enemyList.get(4).max = 0; enemyList.get(5).max = 10; enemyList.get(6).max = 6; enemyList.get(7).max = 10; enemyList.get(8).max = 0; enemyList.get(9).max = 10; enemyList.get(10).max = 0; enemyList.get(11).max = 0; enemyList.get(12).max = 0; enemyList.get(13).max = 0; enemyList.get(14).max = 5; enemyList.get(15).max = 0; enemyList.get(16).max = 15; enemyList.get(17).max = 0; enemyList.get(18).max = 0; enemyList.get(19).max = 15; enemyList.get(20).max = 15; enemyList.get(21).max = 0; enemyList.get(22).max = 0; enemyList.get(23).max = 0; enemyList.get(24).max = 10; resetCurrentMax(); initObjectList(); } override public function initObjectList():void{ objectList = new ArrayList(); objectList.add("tileTree"); objectList.add("tileDeadtree"); } override public function initSong():void{ backSongBefore = new GoodDayFrance(); backSongAfter = new BadDay4(); } override public function initSentences():void{ super.initSentences(); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("I'm great yo"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("What a good day"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Hey what's up?"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Wanna go with me?"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("I feel good"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Let's have some fun"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("OMG! Zombies"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Oh noooo!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Damn! Run!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Where's cop?!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Oh my oh my!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Somebody help me!"); } override public function initMapDrawn():void{ mapDrawn = new Level62(); } } }//package p_gameLevel
Section 228
//GameLevel63 (p_gameLevel.GameLevel63) package p_gameLevel { import org.idmedia.as3commons.util.*; public class GameLevel63 extends GameLevel { public function GameLevel63(){ maxBlockedTileCounter = 10; enemiesNeedToBeKilled = 40; tileWidth = 35; tileHeight = 20; levelNumber = 63; townName = "Hudson"; levelInfo = (("Kill at least " + enemiesNeedToBeKilled) + " people"); if (carsNeedToBeDestroyed > 0){ levelInfo = (levelInfo + (("\nDestroy at least " + carsNeedToBeDestroyed) + " cars")); }; destroyedBonus = 15000; } override public function initEnemies():void{ maxEnemyOut = 25; maxCarSedan = 5; enemyList.get(0).max = 40; enemyList.get(1).max = 1; enemyList.get(2).max = 6; enemyList.get(3).max = 10; enemyList.get(4).max = 0; enemyList.get(5).max = 0; enemyList.get(6).max = 20; enemyList.get(7).max = 20; enemyList.get(8).max = 0; enemyList.get(9).max = 10; enemyList.get(10).max = 0; enemyList.get(11).max = 0; enemyList.get(12).max = 0; enemyList.get(13).max = 0; enemyList.get(14).max = 0; enemyList.get(15).max = 20; enemyList.get(16).max = 15; enemyList.get(17).max = 0; enemyList.get(18).max = 0; enemyList.get(19).max = 0; enemyList.get(20).max = 0; enemyList.get(21).max = 0; enemyList.get(22).max = 0; enemyList.get(23).max = 0; enemyList.get(24).max = 0; resetCurrentMax(); initObjectList(); } override public function initObjectList():void{ objectList = new ArrayList(); objectList.add("tileTree"); objectList.add("tileDeadtree"); } override public function initSong():void{ backSongBefore = new GoodDayFrance(); backSongAfter = new BadDay4(); } override public function initSentences():void{ super.initSentences(); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("I'm great yo"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("What a good day"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Hey what's up?"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Wanna go with me?"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("I feel good"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Let's have some fun"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("OMG! Zombies"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Oh noooo!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Damn! Run!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Where's cop?!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Oh my oh my!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Somebody help me!"); } override public function initMapDrawn():void{ mapDrawn = new Level63(); } } }//package p_gameLevel
Section 229
//GameLevel64 (p_gameLevel.GameLevel64) package p_gameLevel { import org.idmedia.as3commons.util.*; public class GameLevel64 extends GameLevel { public function GameLevel64(){ maxBlockedTileCounter = 10; enemiesNeedToBeKilled = 60; tileWidth = 32; tileHeight = 20; levelNumber = 64; townName = "Vancouver"; levelInfo = (("Kill at least " + enemiesNeedToBeKilled) + " people"); if (carsNeedToBeDestroyed > 0){ levelInfo = (levelInfo + (("\nDestroy at least " + carsNeedToBeDestroyed) + " cars")); }; destroyedBonus = 15000; } override public function initEnemies():void{ maxEnemyOut = 25; maxCarSedan = 5; enemyList.get(0).max = 40; enemyList.get(1).max = 0; enemyList.get(2).max = 20; enemyList.get(3).max = 20; enemyList.get(4).max = 0; enemyList.get(5).max = 40; enemyList.get(6).max = 0; enemyList.get(7).max = 30; enemyList.get(8).max = 1; enemyList.get(9).max = 0; enemyList.get(10).max = 0; enemyList.get(11).max = 0; enemyList.get(12).max = 0; enemyList.get(13).max = 0; enemyList.get(14).max = 0; enemyList.get(15).max = 0; enemyList.get(16).max = 15; enemyList.get(17).max = 0; enemyList.get(18).max = 0; enemyList.get(19).max = 0; enemyList.get(20).max = 0; enemyList.get(21).max = 0; enemyList.get(22).max = 0; enemyList.get(23).max = 0; enemyList.get(24).max = 5; resetCurrentMax(); initObjectList(); } override public function initObjectList():void{ objectList = new ArrayList(); objectList.add("tileTree"); objectList.add("tileDeadtree"); } override public function initSong():void{ backSongBefore = new GoodDayFrance(); backSongAfter = new BadDay4(); } override public function initSentences():void{ super.initSentences(); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("I'm great yo"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("What a good day"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Hey what's up?"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Wanna go with me?"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("I feel good"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Let's have some fun"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("OMG! Zombies"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Oh noooo!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Damn! Run!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Where's cop?!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Oh my oh my!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Somebody help me!"); } override public function initMapDrawn():void{ mapDrawn = new Level64(); } } }//package p_gameLevel
Section 230
//GameLevel65 (p_gameLevel.GameLevel65) package p_gameLevel { import org.idmedia.as3commons.util.*; public class GameLevel65 extends GameLevel { public function GameLevel65(){ maxBlockedTileCounter = 10; enemiesNeedToBeKilled = 65; tileWidth = 35; tileHeight = 20; levelNumber = 65; townName = "Winnipeg"; levelInfo = (("Kill at least " + enemiesNeedToBeKilled) + " people"); if (carsNeedToBeDestroyed > 0){ levelInfo = (levelInfo + (("\nDestroy at least " + carsNeedToBeDestroyed) + " cars")); }; destroyedBonus = 15000; } override public function initEnemies():void{ maxEnemyOut = 25; maxCarSedan = 5; enemyList.get(0).max = 60; enemyList.get(1).max = 0; enemyList.get(2).max = 30; enemyList.get(3).max = 20; enemyList.get(4).max = 0; enemyList.get(5).max = 50; enemyList.get(6).max = 50; enemyList.get(7).max = 30; enemyList.get(8).max = 0; enemyList.get(9).max = 0; enemyList.get(10).max = 0; enemyList.get(11).max = 0; enemyList.get(12).max = 0; enemyList.get(13).max = 1; enemyList.get(14).max = 0; enemyList.get(15).max = 30; enemyList.get(16).max = 30; enemyList.get(17).max = 0; enemyList.get(18).max = 0; enemyList.get(19).max = 0; enemyList.get(20).max = 0; enemyList.get(21).max = 0; enemyList.get(22).max = 0; enemyList.get(23).max = 0; enemyList.get(24).max = 0; resetCurrentMax(); initObjectList(); } override public function initObjectList():void{ objectList = new ArrayList(); objectList.add("tileTree"); objectList.add("tileDeadtree"); } override public function initSong():void{ backSongBefore = new GoodDayFrance(); backSongAfter = new BadDay4(); } override public function initSentences():void{ super.initSentences(); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("I'm great yo"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("What a good day"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Hey what's up?"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Wanna go with me?"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("I feel good"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Let's have some fun"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("OMG! Zombies"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Oh noooo!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Damn! Run!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Where's cop?!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Oh my oh my!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Somebody help me!"); } override public function initMapDrawn():void{ mapDrawn = new Level65(); } } }//package p_gameLevel
Section 231
//GameLevel66 (p_gameLevel.GameLevel66) package p_gameLevel { import org.idmedia.as3commons.util.*; public class GameLevel66 extends GameLevel { public function GameLevel66(){ maxBlockedTileCounter = 10; enemiesNeedToBeKilled = 70; tileWidth = 40; tileHeight = 24; levelNumber = 66; townName = "Ottawa"; levelInfo = (("Kill at least " + enemiesNeedToBeKilled) + " people"); if (carsNeedToBeDestroyed > 0){ levelInfo = (levelInfo + (("\nDestroy at least " + carsNeedToBeDestroyed) + " cars")); }; destroyedBonus = 15000; } override public function initEnemies():void{ maxEnemyOut = 25; maxCarSedan = 5; enemyList.get(0).max = 70; enemyList.get(1).max = 0; enemyList.get(2).max = 50; enemyList.get(3).max = 20; enemyList.get(4).max = 0; enemyList.get(5).max = 70; enemyList.get(6).max = 0; enemyList.get(7).max = 0; enemyList.get(8).max = 0; enemyList.get(9).max = 0; enemyList.get(10).max = 0; enemyList.get(11).max = 0; enemyList.get(12).max = 0; enemyList.get(13).max = 1; enemyList.get(14).max = 0; enemyList.get(15).max = 30; enemyList.get(16).max = 15; enemyList.get(17).max = 30; enemyList.get(18).max = 0; enemyList.get(19).max = 0; enemyList.get(20).max = 0; enemyList.get(21).max = 0; enemyList.get(22).max = 0; enemyList.get(23).max = 5; enemyList.get(24).max = 0; resetCurrentMax(); initObjectList(); } override public function initObjectList():void{ objectList = new ArrayList(); objectList.add("tileTree"); objectList.add("tileDeadtree"); } override public function initSong():void{ backSongBefore = new GoodDayFrance(); backSongAfter = new BadDay4(); } override public function initSentences():void{ super.initSentences(); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("I'm great yo"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("What a good day"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Hey what's up?"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Wanna go with me?"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("I feel good"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Let's have some fun"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("OMG! Zombies"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Oh noooo!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Damn! Run!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Where's cop?!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Oh my oh my!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Somebody help me!"); } override public function initMapDrawn():void{ mapDrawn = new Level66(); } } }//package p_gameLevel
Section 232
//GameLevel67 (p_gameLevel.GameLevel67) package p_gameLevel { import org.idmedia.as3commons.util.*; public class GameLevel67 extends GameLevel { public function GameLevel67(){ maxBlockedTileCounter = 10; enemiesNeedToBeKilled = 45; tileWidth = 35; tileHeight = 20; levelNumber = 67; townName = "Osaka"; levelInfo = (("Kill at least " + enemiesNeedToBeKilled) + " people"); if (carsNeedToBeDestroyed > 0){ levelInfo = (levelInfo + (("\nDestroy at least " + carsNeedToBeDestroyed) + " cars")); }; destroyedBonus = 15000; } override public function initEnemies():void{ maxEnemyOut = 25; maxCarSedan = 10; enemyList.get(0).max = 10; enemyList.get(1).max = 0; enemyList.get(2).max = 0; enemyList.get(3).max = 20; enemyList.get(4).max = 0; enemyList.get(5).max = 10; enemyList.get(6).max = 10; enemyList.get(7).max = 20; enemyList.get(8).max = 0; enemyList.get(9).max = 0; enemyList.get(10).max = 0; enemyList.get(11).max = 0; enemyList.get(12).max = 0; enemyList.get(13).max = 0; enemyList.get(14).max = 0; enemyList.get(15).max = 5; enemyList.get(16).max = 15; enemyList.get(17).max = 0; enemyList.get(18).max = 0; enemyList.get(19).max = 0; enemyList.get(20).max = 0; enemyList.get(21).max = 10; enemyList.get(22).max = 0; enemyList.get(23).max = 0; enemyList.get(24).max = 0; resetCurrentMax(); initObjectList(); } override public function initObjectList():void{ objectList = new ArrayList(); objectList.add("tileTree"); objectList.add("tileDeadtree"); } override public function initSong():void{ backSongBefore = new GoodDayJapan(); backSongAfter = new BadDay1(); } override public function initSentences():void{ super.initSentences(); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("O genki des ka?"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Konnichiwa"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Nanana"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Jikan ni sagyo, hayai!"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Ii kanji"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Kawaiii!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Zomubisu!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Tasuke te!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Hashiru!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Boku no kami!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Naze?!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Nani ga okoru ka?!"); } override public function initMapDrawn():void{ mapDrawn = new Level67(); } } }//package p_gameLevel
Section 233
//GameLevel68 (p_gameLevel.GameLevel68) package p_gameLevel { import org.idmedia.as3commons.util.*; public class GameLevel68 extends GameLevel { public function GameLevel68(){ maxBlockedTileCounter = 10; enemiesNeedToBeKilled = 50; tileWidth = 35; tileHeight = 20; levelNumber = 68; townName = "Tokyo"; levelInfo = (("Kill at least " + enemiesNeedToBeKilled) + " people"); if (carsNeedToBeDestroyed > 0){ levelInfo = (levelInfo + (("\nDestroy at least " + carsNeedToBeDestroyed) + " cars")); }; destroyedBonus = 15000; } override public function initEnemies():void{ maxEnemyOut = 25; maxCarSedan = 6; enemyList.get(0).max = 20; enemyList.get(1).max = 0; enemyList.get(2).max = 5; enemyList.get(3).max = 20; enemyList.get(4).max = 0; enemyList.get(5).max = 5; enemyList.get(6).max = 0; enemyList.get(7).max = 20; enemyList.get(8).max = 0; enemyList.get(9).max = 0; enemyList.get(10).max = 0; enemyList.get(11).max = 0; enemyList.get(12).max = 0; enemyList.get(13).max = 0; enemyList.get(14).max = 10; enemyList.get(15).max = 5; enemyList.get(16).max = 15; enemyList.get(17).max = 0; enemyList.get(18).max = 0; enemyList.get(19).max = 10; enemyList.get(20).max = 10; enemyList.get(21).max = 15; enemyList.get(22).max = 0; enemyList.get(23).max = 0; enemyList.get(24).max = 0; resetCurrentMax(); initObjectList(); } override public function initObjectList():void{ objectList = new ArrayList(); objectList.add("tileTree"); objectList.add("tileDeadtree"); } override public function initSong():void{ backSongBefore = new GoodDayJapan(); backSongAfter = new BadDay1(); } override public function initSentences():void{ super.initSentences(); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("O genki des ka?"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Konnichiwa"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Nanana"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Jikan ni sagyo, hayai!"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Ii kanji"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Kawaiii!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Zomubisu!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Tasuke te!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Hashiru!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Boku no kami!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Naze?!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Nani ga okoru ka?!"); } override public function initMapDrawn():void{ mapDrawn = new Level68(); } } }//package p_gameLevel
Section 234
//GameLevel69 (p_gameLevel.GameLevel69) package p_gameLevel { import org.idmedia.as3commons.util.*; public class GameLevel69 extends GameLevel { public function GameLevel69(){ maxBlockedTileCounter = 10; enemiesNeedToBeKilled = 60; tileWidth = 38; tileHeight = 20; levelNumber = 69; townName = "Fukuoka"; levelInfo = (("Kill at least " + enemiesNeedToBeKilled) + " people"); if (carsNeedToBeDestroyed > 0){ levelInfo = (levelInfo + (("\nDestroy at least " + carsNeedToBeDestroyed) + " cars")); }; destroyedBonus = 15000; } override public function initEnemies():void{ maxEnemyOut = 25; maxCarSedan = 7; enemyList.get(0).max = 50; enemyList.get(1).max = 1; enemyList.get(2).max = 10; enemyList.get(3).max = 20; enemyList.get(4).max = 0; enemyList.get(5).max = 20; enemyList.get(6).max = 40; enemyList.get(7).max = 30; enemyList.get(8).max = 1; enemyList.get(9).max = 0; enemyList.get(10).max = 0; enemyList.get(11).max = 0; enemyList.get(12).max = 0; enemyList.get(13).max = 1; enemyList.get(14).max = 0; enemyList.get(15).max = 0; enemyList.get(16).max = 15; enemyList.get(17).max = 0; enemyList.get(18).max = 0; enemyList.get(19).max = 0; enemyList.get(20).max = 20; enemyList.get(21).max = 50; enemyList.get(22).max = 0; enemyList.get(23).max = 0; enemyList.get(24).max = 0; resetCurrentMax(); initObjectList(); } override public function initObjectList():void{ objectList = new ArrayList(); objectList.add("tileTree"); objectList.add("tileDeadtree"); } override public function initSong():void{ backSongBefore = new GoodDayJapan(); backSongAfter = new BadDay1(); } override public function initSentences():void{ super.initSentences(); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("O genki des ka?"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Konnichiwa"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Nanana"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Jikan ni sagyo, hayai!"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Ii kanji"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Kawaiii!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Zomubisu!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Tasuke te!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Hashiru!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Boku no kami!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Naze?!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Nani ga okoru ka?!"); } override public function initMapDrawn():void{ mapDrawn = new Level69(); } } }//package p_gameLevel
Section 235
//GameLevel7 (p_gameLevel.GameLevel7) package p_gameLevel { import org.idmedia.as3commons.util.*; public class GameLevel7 extends GameLevel { public function GameLevel7(){ maxBlockedTileCounter = 10; enemiesNeedToBeKilled = 20; tileWidth = 26; tileHeight = 15; levelNumber = 7; townName = "Baghdad"; levelInfo = (("Kill at least " + enemiesNeedToBeKilled) + " people"); if (carsNeedToBeDestroyed > 0){ levelInfo = (levelInfo + (("\nDestroy at least " + carsNeedToBeDestroyed) + " cars")); }; destroyedBonus = 5000; } override public function initEnemies():void{ maxEnemyOut = 20; maxCarSedan = 2; enemyList.get(0).max = 0; enemyList.get(1).max = 0; enemyList.get(2).max = 0; enemyList.get(3).max = 0; enemyList.get(4).max = 0; enemyList.get(5).max = 0; enemyList.get(6).max = 15; enemyList.get(7).max = 0; enemyList.get(8).max = 0; enemyList.get(9).max = 10; enemyList.get(10).max = 0; enemyList.get(11).max = 0; enemyList.get(12).max = 0; enemyList.get(13).max = 0; enemyList.get(14).max = 0; enemyList.get(15).max = 0; enemyList.get(16).max = 0; enemyList.get(17).max = 0; enemyList.get(18).max = 0; enemyList.get(19).max = 0; enemyList.get(20).max = 0; enemyList.get(21).max = 0; enemyList.get(22).max = 0; enemyList.get(23).max = 5; enemyList.get(24).max = 0; resetCurrentMax(); initObjectList(); } override public function initObjectList():void{ objectList = new ArrayList(); objectList.add("tileDeadtree"); objectList.add("tileDebris04"); } override public function initSong():void{ backSongBefore = new GoodDayMidEast(); backSongAfter = new BadDay3(); } override public function initSentences():void{ super.initSentences(); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Salaam alaikum"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Praise GOD!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Help!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Masha Allah!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("OMG! Infidels!"); } override public function initMapDrawn():void{ mapDrawn = new Level07(); } } }//package p_gameLevel
Section 236
//GameLevel70 (p_gameLevel.GameLevel70) package p_gameLevel { import org.idmedia.as3commons.util.*; public class GameLevel70 extends GameLevel { public function GameLevel70(){ maxBlockedTileCounter = 10; enemiesNeedToBeKilled = 45; tileWidth = 32; tileHeight = 20; levelNumber = 70; townName = "Santa Cruz"; levelInfo = (("Kill at least " + enemiesNeedToBeKilled) + " people"); if (carsNeedToBeDestroyed > 0){ levelInfo = (levelInfo + (("\nDestroy at least " + carsNeedToBeDestroyed) + " cars")); }; destroyedBonus = 15000; } override public function initEnemies():void{ maxEnemyOut = 25; maxCarSedan = 3; enemyList.get(0).max = 10; enemyList.get(1).max = 0; enemyList.get(2).max = 6; enemyList.get(3).max = 20; enemyList.get(4).max = 0; enemyList.get(5).max = 10; enemyList.get(6).max = 10; enemyList.get(7).max = 10; enemyList.get(8).max = 0; enemyList.get(9).max = 0; enemyList.get(10).max = 0; enemyList.get(11).max = 0; enemyList.get(12).max = 0; enemyList.get(13).max = 0; enemyList.get(14).max = 0; enemyList.get(15).max = 10; enemyList.get(16).max = 15; enemyList.get(17).max = 10; enemyList.get(18).max = 0; enemyList.get(19).max = 20; enemyList.get(20).max = 30; enemyList.get(21).max = 20; enemyList.get(22).max = 0; enemyList.get(23).max = 0; enemyList.get(24).max = 0; resetCurrentMax(); initObjectList(); } override public function initObjectList():void{ objectList = new ArrayList(); objectList.add("tileTree"); objectList.add("tileDeadtree"); } override public function initSong():void{ backSongBefore = new GoodDay3(); backSongAfter = new HorrorSong1(); } override public function initSentences():void{ super.initSentences(); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Perpektong araw"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Kamusta ka"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("ako magkulang sa kantahan"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Gutom.."); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Hello ka patid na lalaki"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Masaya!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Zombies!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Paki!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Hindi ko gusto..!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Tulungan ninyo ako!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Tumakbo!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Kung ano ang mangyari?!"); } override public function initMapDrawn():void{ mapDrawn = new Level70(); } } }//package p_gameLevel
Section 237
//GameLevel71 (p_gameLevel.GameLevel71) package p_gameLevel { import org.idmedia.as3commons.util.*; public class GameLevel71 extends GameLevel { public function GameLevel71(){ maxBlockedTileCounter = 10; enemiesNeedToBeKilled = 50; tileWidth = 35; tileHeight = 20; levelNumber = 71; townName = "Tuao"; levelInfo = (("Kill at least " + enemiesNeedToBeKilled) + " people"); if (carsNeedToBeDestroyed > 0){ levelInfo = (levelInfo + (("\nDestroy at least " + carsNeedToBeDestroyed) + " cars")); }; destroyedBonus = 15000; } override public function initEnemies():void{ maxEnemyOut = 25; maxCarSedan = 7; enemyList.get(0).max = 30; enemyList.get(1).max = 0; enemyList.get(2).max = 0; enemyList.get(3).max = 20; enemyList.get(4).max = 0; enemyList.get(5).max = 20; enemyList.get(6).max = 40; enemyList.get(7).max = 30; enemyList.get(8).max = 1; enemyList.get(9).max = 30; enemyList.get(10).max = 0; enemyList.get(11).max = 0; enemyList.get(12).max = 0; enemyList.get(13).max = 1; enemyList.get(14).max = 0; enemyList.get(15).max = 30; enemyList.get(16).max = 15; enemyList.get(17).max = 0; enemyList.get(18).max = 0; enemyList.get(19).max = 0; enemyList.get(20).max = 20; enemyList.get(21).max = 20; enemyList.get(22).max = 0; enemyList.get(23).max = 15; enemyList.get(24).max = 0; resetCurrentMax(); initObjectList(); } override public function initObjectList():void{ objectList = new ArrayList(); objectList.add("tileTree"); objectList.add("tileDeadtree"); } override public function initSong():void{ backSongBefore = new GoodDay3(); backSongAfter = new HorrorSong1(); } override public function initSentences():void{ super.initSentences(); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Perpektong araw"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Kamusta ka"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("ako magkulang sa kantahan"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Gutom.."); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Hello ka patid na lalaki"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Masaya!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Zombies!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Paki!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Hindi ko gusto..!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Tulungan ninyo ako!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Tumakbo!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Kung ano ang mangyari?!"); } override public function initMapDrawn():void{ mapDrawn = new Level71(); } } }//package p_gameLevel
Section 238
//GameLevel72 (p_gameLevel.GameLevel72) package p_gameLevel { import org.idmedia.as3commons.util.*; public class GameLevel72 extends GameLevel { public function GameLevel72(){ maxBlockedTileCounter = 10; enemiesNeedToBeKilled = 55; tileWidth = 38; tileHeight = 22; levelNumber = 72; townName = "Manila"; levelInfo = (("Kill at least " + enemiesNeedToBeKilled) + " people"); if (carsNeedToBeDestroyed > 0){ levelInfo = (levelInfo + (("\nDestroy at least " + carsNeedToBeDestroyed) + " cars")); }; destroyedBonus = 15000; } override public function initEnemies():void{ maxEnemyOut = 25; maxCarSedan = 0; enemyList.get(0).max = 30; enemyList.get(1).max = 1; enemyList.get(2).max = 10; enemyList.get(3).max = 20; enemyList.get(4).max = 0; enemyList.get(5).max = 50; enemyList.get(6).max = 0; enemyList.get(7).max = 0; enemyList.get(8).max = 0; enemyList.get(9).max = 0; enemyList.get(10).max = 0; enemyList.get(11).max = 0; enemyList.get(12).max = 0; enemyList.get(13).max = 0; enemyList.get(14).max = 20; enemyList.get(15).max = 0; enemyList.get(16).max = 15; enemyList.get(17).max = 0; enemyList.get(18).max = 0; enemyList.get(19).max = 30; enemyList.get(20).max = 30; enemyList.get(21).max = 40; enemyList.get(22).max = 0; enemyList.get(23).max = 0; enemyList.get(24).max = 0; resetCurrentMax(); initObjectList(); } override public function initObjectList():void{ objectList = new ArrayList(); objectList.add("tileTree"); objectList.add("tileDeadtree"); } override public function initSong():void{ backSongBefore = new GoodDay3(); backSongAfter = new HorrorSong1(); } override public function initSentences():void{ super.initSentences(); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Perpektong araw"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Kamusta ka"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("ako magkulang sa kantahan"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Gutom.."); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Hello ka patid na lalaki"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Masaya!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Zombies!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Paki!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Hindi ko gusto..!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Tulungan ninyo ako!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Tumakbo!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Kung ano ang mangyari?!"); } override public function initMapDrawn():void{ mapDrawn = new Level72(); } } }//package p_gameLevel
Section 239
//GameLevel73 (p_gameLevel.GameLevel73) package p_gameLevel { import org.idmedia.as3commons.util.*; public class GameLevel73 extends GameLevel { public function GameLevel73(){ maxBlockedTileCounter = 10; enemiesNeedToBeKilled = 60; tileWidth = 32; tileHeight = 17; levelNumber = 73; townName = "Perth"; levelInfo = (("Kill at least " + enemiesNeedToBeKilled) + " people"); if (carsNeedToBeDestroyed > 0){ levelInfo = (levelInfo + (("\nDestroy at least " + carsNeedToBeDestroyed) + " cars")); }; destroyedBonus = 15000; } override public function initEnemies():void{ maxEnemyOut = 25; maxCarSedan = 3; enemyList.get(0).max = 0; enemyList.get(1).max = 0; enemyList.get(2).max = 30; enemyList.get(3).max = 20; enemyList.get(4).max = 0; enemyList.get(5).max = 20; enemyList.get(6).max = 0; enemyList.get(7).max = 70; enemyList.get(8).max = 0; enemyList.get(9).max = 0; enemyList.get(10).max = 0; enemyList.get(11).max = 0; enemyList.get(12).max = 0; enemyList.get(13).max = 0; enemyList.get(14).max = 0; enemyList.get(15).max = 30; enemyList.get(16).max = 0; enemyList.get(17).max = 0; enemyList.get(18).max = 0; enemyList.get(19).max = 0; enemyList.get(20).max = 10; enemyList.get(21).max = 0; enemyList.get(22).max = 0; enemyList.get(23).max = 5; enemyList.get(24).max = 0; resetCurrentMax(); initObjectList(); } override public function initObjectList():void{ objectList = new ArrayList(); objectList.add("tileTree"); objectList.add("tileDeadtree"); } override public function initSong():void{ backSongBefore = new HappySong3(); backSongAfter = new BadDay3(); } override public function initSentences():void{ super.initSentences(); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("It's nice day mate"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Cheers mate"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Oi oi ozzie ozzie ozzie!"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Looks like I'm very happy"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Good morning"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Heaps of love!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Nooo! Zombies everywhere"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Bugger off!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("What's going on?!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Help!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Aaargh!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Please somebody stop this!"); } override public function initMapDrawn():void{ mapDrawn = new Level73(); } } }//package p_gameLevel
Section 240
//GameLevel74 (p_gameLevel.GameLevel74) package p_gameLevel { import org.idmedia.as3commons.util.*; public class GameLevel74 extends GameLevel { public function GameLevel74(){ maxBlockedTileCounter = 10; enemiesNeedToBeKilled = 70; tileWidth = 36; tileHeight = 20; levelNumber = 74; townName = "Wellington"; levelInfo = (("Kill at least " + enemiesNeedToBeKilled) + " people"); if (carsNeedToBeDestroyed > 0){ levelInfo = (levelInfo + (("\nDestroy at least " + carsNeedToBeDestroyed) + " cars")); }; destroyedBonus = 15000; } override public function initEnemies():void{ maxEnemyOut = 25; maxCarSedan = 5; enemyList.get(0).max = 5; enemyList.get(1).max = 0; enemyList.get(2).max = 20; enemyList.get(3).max = 20; enemyList.get(4).max = 0; enemyList.get(5).max = 20; enemyList.get(6).max = 0; enemyList.get(7).max = 40; enemyList.get(8).max = 0; enemyList.get(9).max = 0; enemyList.get(10).max = 0; enemyList.get(11).max = 0; enemyList.get(12).max = 0; enemyList.get(13).max = 1; enemyList.get(14).max = 5; enemyList.get(15).max = 20; enemyList.get(16).max = 0; enemyList.get(17).max = 10; enemyList.get(18).max = 0; enemyList.get(19).max = 10; enemyList.get(20).max = 10; enemyList.get(21).max = 0; enemyList.get(22).max = 0; enemyList.get(23).max = 15; enemyList.get(24).max = 0; resetCurrentMax(); initObjectList(); } override public function initObjectList():void{ objectList = new ArrayList(); objectList.add("tileTree"); objectList.add("tileDeadtree"); } override public function initSong():void{ backSongBefore = new HappySong3(); backSongAfter = new BadDay3(); } override public function initSentences():void{ super.initSentences(); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("It's nice day mate"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Cheers mate"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Oi oi ozzie ozzie ozzie!"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Looks like I'm very happy"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Good morning"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Heaps of love!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Nooo! Zombies everywhere"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Bugger off!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("What's going on?!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Help!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Aaargh!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Please somebody stop this!"); } override public function initMapDrawn():void{ mapDrawn = new Level74(); } } }//package p_gameLevel
Section 241
//GameLevel75 (p_gameLevel.GameLevel75) package p_gameLevel { import org.idmedia.as3commons.util.*; public class GameLevel75 extends GameLevel { public function GameLevel75(){ maxBlockedTileCounter = 10; enemiesNeedToBeKilled = 80; tileWidth = 36; tileHeight = 20; levelNumber = 75; townName = "Darwin"; levelInfo = (("Kill at least " + enemiesNeedToBeKilled) + " people"); if (carsNeedToBeDestroyed > 0){ levelInfo = (levelInfo + (("\nDestroy at least " + carsNeedToBeDestroyed) + " cars")); }; destroyedBonus = 15000; } override public function initEnemies():void{ maxEnemyOut = 25; maxCarSedan = 0; enemyList.get(0).max = 10; enemyList.get(1).max = 0; enemyList.get(2).max = 0; enemyList.get(3).max = 20; enemyList.get(4).max = 0; enemyList.get(5).max = 10; enemyList.get(6).max = 20; enemyList.get(7).max = 50; enemyList.get(8).max = 0; enemyList.get(9).max = 0; enemyList.get(10).max = 0; enemyList.get(11).max = 0; enemyList.get(12).max = 0; enemyList.get(13).max = 0; enemyList.get(14).max = 0; enemyList.get(15).max = 30; enemyList.get(16).max = 0; enemyList.get(17).max = 10; enemyList.get(18).max = 0; enemyList.get(19).max = 20; enemyList.get(20).max = 20; enemyList.get(21).max = 20; enemyList.get(22).max = 0; enemyList.get(23).max = 5; enemyList.get(24).max = 0; resetCurrentMax(); initObjectList(); } override public function initObjectList():void{ objectList = new ArrayList(); objectList.add("tileTree"); objectList.add("tileDeadtree"); } override public function initSong():void{ backSongBefore = new HappySong3(); backSongAfter = new BadDay3(); } override public function initSentences():void{ super.initSentences(); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("It's nice day mate"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Cheers mate"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Oi oi ozzie ozzie ozzie!"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Looks like I'm very happy"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Good morning"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Heaps of love!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Nooo! Zombies everywhere"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Bugger off!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("What's going on?!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Help!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Aaargh!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Please somebody stop this!"); } override public function initMapDrawn():void{ mapDrawn = new Level75(); } } }//package p_gameLevel
Section 242
//GameLevel76 (p_gameLevel.GameLevel76) package p_gameLevel { import org.idmedia.as3commons.util.*; public class GameLevel76 extends GameLevel { public function GameLevel76(){ maxBlockedTileCounter = 10; enemiesNeedToBeKilled = 100; tileWidth = 35; tileHeight = 20; levelNumber = 76; townName = "Melbourne"; levelInfo = (("Kill at least " + enemiesNeedToBeKilled) + " people"); if (carsNeedToBeDestroyed > 0){ levelInfo = (levelInfo + (("\nDestroy at least " + carsNeedToBeDestroyed) + " cars")); }; destroyedBonus = 15000; } override public function initEnemies():void{ maxEnemyOut = 25; maxCarSedan = 10; enemyList.get(0).max = 30; enemyList.get(1).max = 1; enemyList.get(2).max = 6; enemyList.get(3).max = 20; enemyList.get(4).max = 0; enemyList.get(5).max = 20; enemyList.get(6).max = 70; enemyList.get(7).max = 30; enemyList.get(8).max = 0; enemyList.get(9).max = 0; enemyList.get(10).max = 0; enemyList.get(11).max = 0; enemyList.get(12).max = 0; enemyList.get(13).max = 1; enemyList.get(14).max = 0; enemyList.get(15).max = 40; enemyList.get(16).max = 0; enemyList.get(17).max = 0; enemyList.get(18).max = 0; enemyList.get(19).max = 20; enemyList.get(20).max = 30; enemyList.get(21).max = 10; enemyList.get(22).max = 0; enemyList.get(23).max = 0; enemyList.get(24).max = 0; resetCurrentMax(); initObjectList(); } override public function initObjectList():void{ objectList = new ArrayList(); objectList.add("tileTree"); objectList.add("tileDeadtree"); } override public function initSong():void{ backSongBefore = new HappySong3(); backSongAfter = new BadDay3(); } override public function initSentences():void{ super.initSentences(); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("It's nice day mate"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Cheers mate"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Oi oi ozzie ozzie ozzie!"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Looks like I'm very happy"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Good morning"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Heaps of love!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Nooo! Zombies everywhere"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Bugger off!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("What's going on?!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Help!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Aaargh!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Please somebody stop this!"); } override public function initMapDrawn():void{ mapDrawn = new Level76(); } } }//package p_gameLevel
Section 243
//GameLevel77 (p_gameLevel.GameLevel77) package p_gameLevel { import org.idmedia.as3commons.util.*; public class GameLevel77 extends GameLevel { public function GameLevel77(){ maxBlockedTileCounter = 10; enemiesNeedToBeKilled = 100; tileWidth = 36; tileHeight = 20; levelNumber = 77; townName = "Sydney"; levelInfo = (("Kill at least " + enemiesNeedToBeKilled) + " people"); if (carsNeedToBeDestroyed > 0){ levelInfo = (levelInfo + (("\nDestroy at least " + carsNeedToBeDestroyed) + " cars")); }; destroyedBonus = 15000; } override public function initEnemies():void{ maxEnemyOut = 25; maxCarSedan = 10; enemyList.get(0).max = 30; enemyList.get(1).max = 1; enemyList.get(2).max = 0; enemyList.get(3).max = 20; enemyList.get(4).max = 0; enemyList.get(5).max = 20; enemyList.get(6).max = 20; enemyList.get(7).max = 40; enemyList.get(8).max = 1; enemyList.get(9).max = 30; enemyList.get(10).max = 0; enemyList.get(11).max = 0; enemyList.get(12).max = 0; enemyList.get(13).max = 0; enemyList.get(14).max = 0; enemyList.get(15).max = 40; enemyList.get(16).max = 0; enemyList.get(17).max = 0; enemyList.get(18).max = 0; enemyList.get(19).max = 0; enemyList.get(20).max = 0; enemyList.get(21).max = 0; enemyList.get(22).max = 0; enemyList.get(23).max = 0; enemyList.get(24).max = 0; resetCurrentMax(); initObjectList(); } override public function initObjectList():void{ objectList = new ArrayList(); objectList.add("tileTree"); objectList.add("tileDeadtree"); } override public function initSong():void{ backSongBefore = new HappySong3(); backSongAfter = new BadDay3(); } override public function initSentences():void{ super.initSentences(); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("It's nice day mate"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Cheers mate"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Oi oi ozzie ozzie ozzie!"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Looks like I'm very happy"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Good morning"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Heaps of love!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Nooo! Zombies everywhere"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Bugger off!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("What's going on?!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Help!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Aaargh!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Please somebody stop this!"); } override public function initMapDrawn():void{ mapDrawn = new Level77(); } } }//package p_gameLevel
Section 244
//GameLevel78 (p_gameLevel.GameLevel78) package p_gameLevel { import org.idmedia.as3commons.util.*; public class GameLevel78 extends GameLevel { public function GameLevel78(){ maxBlockedTileCounter = 10; enemiesNeedToBeKilled = 110; tileWidth = 35; tileHeight = 20; levelNumber = 78; townName = "Brisbane"; levelInfo = (("Kill at least " + enemiesNeedToBeKilled) + " people"); if (carsNeedToBeDestroyed > 0){ levelInfo = (levelInfo + (("\nDestroy at least " + carsNeedToBeDestroyed) + " cars")); }; destroyedBonus = 15000; } override public function initEnemies():void{ maxEnemyOut = 25; maxCarSedan = 0; enemyList.get(0).max = 40; enemyList.get(1).max = 0; enemyList.get(2).max = 0; enemyList.get(3).max = 20; enemyList.get(4).max = 0; enemyList.get(5).max = 20; enemyList.get(6).max = 20; enemyList.get(7).max = 40; enemyList.get(8).max = 0; enemyList.get(9).max = 30; enemyList.get(10).max = 0; enemyList.get(11).max = 0; enemyList.get(12).max = 0; enemyList.get(13).max = 0; enemyList.get(14).max = 0; enemyList.get(15).max = 30; enemyList.get(16).max = 0; enemyList.get(17).max = 0; enemyList.get(18).max = 0; enemyList.get(19).max = 20; enemyList.get(20).max = 20; enemyList.get(21).max = 0; enemyList.get(22).max = 0; enemyList.get(23).max = 0; enemyList.get(24).max = 30; resetCurrentMax(); initObjectList(); } override public function initObjectList():void{ objectList = new ArrayList(); objectList.add("tileTree"); objectList.add("tileDeadtree"); } override public function initSong():void{ backSongBefore = new HappySong3(); backSongAfter = new BadDay3(); } override public function initSentences():void{ super.initSentences(); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("It's nice day mate"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Cheers mate"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Oi oi ozzie ozzie ozzie!"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Looks like I'm very happy"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Good morning"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Heaps of love!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Nooo! Zombies everywhere"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Bugger off!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("What's going on?!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Help!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Aaargh!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Please somebody stop this!"); } override public function initMapDrawn():void{ mapDrawn = new Level78(); } } }//package p_gameLevel
Section 245
//GameLevel79 (p_gameLevel.GameLevel79) package p_gameLevel { import org.idmedia.as3commons.util.*; public class GameLevel79 extends GameLevel { public function GameLevel79(){ maxBlockedTileCounter = 10; enemiesNeedToBeKilled = 55; tileWidth = 35; tileHeight = 20; levelNumber = 79; townName = "Nowhere"; levelInfo = (("Kill at least " + enemiesNeedToBeKilled) + " people"); if (carsNeedToBeDestroyed > 0){ levelInfo = (levelInfo + (("\nDestroy at least " + carsNeedToBeDestroyed) + " cars")); }; destroyedBonus = 15000; } override public function initEnemies():void{ maxEnemyOut = 25; maxCarSedan = 3; enemyList.get(0).max = 10; enemyList.get(1).max = 0; enemyList.get(2).max = 5; enemyList.get(3).max = 0; enemyList.get(4).max = 30; enemyList.get(5).max = 20; enemyList.get(6).max = 0; enemyList.get(7).max = 10; enemyList.get(8).max = 0; enemyList.get(9).max = 0; enemyList.get(10).max = 0; enemyList.get(11).max = 0; enemyList.get(12).max = 0; enemyList.get(13).max = 0; enemyList.get(14).max = 0; enemyList.get(15).max = 0; enemyList.get(16).max = 0; enemyList.get(17).max = 0; enemyList.get(18).max = 20; enemyList.get(19).max = 0; enemyList.get(20).max = 0; enemyList.get(21).max = 40; enemyList.get(22).max = 20; enemyList.get(23).max = 0; enemyList.get(24).max = 0; resetCurrentMax(); initObjectList(); } override public function initObjectList():void{ objectList = new ArrayList(); objectList.add("tileTree"); objectList.add("tileDeadtree"); } override public function initSong():void{ backSongBefore = new HappySong1(); backSongAfter = new BadDay5(); } override public function initSentences():void{ super.initSentences(); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("I'm great my friend"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("What a good day"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Hey what's up?"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Wanna go with me?"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("I feel good"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Let's have some fun"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("OMG! Zombies"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Oh noooo!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Run!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Where are they from?!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Oh my oh my!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Somebody help me!"); } override public function initMapDrawn():void{ mapDrawn = new Level79(); } } }//package p_gameLevel
Section 246
//GameLevel8 (p_gameLevel.GameLevel8) package p_gameLevel { import org.idmedia.as3commons.util.*; public class GameLevel8 extends GameLevel { public function GameLevel8(){ maxBlockedTileCounter = 10; enemiesNeedToBeKilled = 20; tileWidth = 26; tileHeight = 14; levelNumber = 8; townName = "Qandahar"; levelInfo = (("Kill at least " + enemiesNeedToBeKilled) + " people"); if (carsNeedToBeDestroyed > 0){ levelInfo = (levelInfo + (("\nDestroy at least " + carsNeedToBeDestroyed) + " cars")); }; destroyedBonus = 5000; } override public function initEnemies():void{ maxEnemyOut = 20; maxCarSedan = 5; enemyList.get(0).max = 0; enemyList.get(1).max = 0; enemyList.get(2).max = 0; enemyList.get(3).max = 0; enemyList.get(4).max = 0; enemyList.get(5).max = 0; enemyList.get(6).max = 25; enemyList.get(7).max = 0; enemyList.get(8).max = 1; enemyList.get(9).max = 25; enemyList.get(10).max = 0; enemyList.get(11).max = 0; enemyList.get(12).max = 0; enemyList.get(13).max = 0; enemyList.get(14).max = 0; enemyList.get(15).max = 0; enemyList.get(16).max = 0; enemyList.get(17).max = 0; enemyList.get(18).max = 0; enemyList.get(19).max = 0; enemyList.get(20).max = 0; enemyList.get(21).max = 0; enemyList.get(22).max = 0; enemyList.get(23).max = 15; enemyList.get(24).max = 0; enemyList.get(25).max = 0; enemyList.get(26).max = 0; resetCurrentMax(); initObjectList(); } override public function initObjectList():void{ objectList = new ArrayList(); objectList.add("tileDeadtree"); objectList.add("tileDebris04"); } override public function initSong():void{ backSongBefore = new GoodDayMidEast(); backSongAfter = new BadDay3(); } override public function initSentences():void{ super.initSentences(); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Salaam alaikum"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Praise GOD!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Help!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Masha Allah!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("OMG! Infidels!"); } override public function initMapDrawn():void{ mapDrawn = new Level08(); } } }//package p_gameLevel
Section 247
//GameLevel80 (p_gameLevel.GameLevel80) package p_gameLevel { import org.idmedia.as3commons.util.*; public class GameLevel80 extends GameLevel { public function GameLevel80(){ maxBlockedTileCounter = 10; enemiesNeedToBeKilled = 80; tileWidth = 35; tileHeight = 20; levelNumber = 80; townName = "Somewhere"; levelInfo = (("Kill at least " + enemiesNeedToBeKilled) + " people"); if (carsNeedToBeDestroyed > 0){ levelInfo = (levelInfo + (("\nDestroy at least " + carsNeedToBeDestroyed) + " cars")); }; destroyedBonus = 15000; } override public function initEnemies():void{ maxEnemyOut = 25; maxCarSedan = 0; enemyList.get(0).max = 30; enemyList.get(1).max = 0; enemyList.get(2).max = 0; enemyList.get(3).max = 10; enemyList.get(4).max = 30; enemyList.get(5).max = 20; enemyList.get(6).max = 0; enemyList.get(7).max = 40; enemyList.get(8).max = 0; enemyList.get(9).max = 0; enemyList.get(10).max = 0; enemyList.get(11).max = 0; enemyList.get(12).max = 0; enemyList.get(13).max = 0; enemyList.get(14).max = 0; enemyList.get(15).max = 0; enemyList.get(16).max = 15; enemyList.get(17).max = 0; enemyList.get(18).max = 30; enemyList.get(19).max = 0; enemyList.get(20).max = 0; enemyList.get(21).max = 0; enemyList.get(22).max = 40; enemyList.get(23).max = 0; enemyList.get(24).max = 10; resetCurrentMax(); initObjectList(); } override public function initObjectList():void{ objectList = new ArrayList(); objectList.add("tileTree"); objectList.add("tileDeadtree"); } override public function initSong():void{ backSongBefore = new HappySong1(); backSongAfter = new BadDay5(); } override public function initSentences():void{ super.initSentences(); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("I'm great my friend"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("What a good day"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Hey what's up?"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Wanna go with me?"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("I feel good"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Let's have some fun"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("OMG! Zombies"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Oh noooo!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Run!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Where are they from?!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Oh my oh my!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Somebody help me!"); } override public function initMapDrawn():void{ mapDrawn = new Level80(); } } }//package p_gameLevel
Section 248
//GameLevel81 (p_gameLevel.GameLevel81) package p_gameLevel { import org.idmedia.as3commons.util.*; public class GameLevel81 extends GameLevel { public function GameLevel81(){ maxBlockedTileCounter = 10; enemiesNeedToBeKilled = 110; tileWidth = 35; tileHeight = 20; levelNumber = 81; townName = "Nuunok"; levelInfo = (("Kill at least " + enemiesNeedToBeKilled) + " people"); if (carsNeedToBeDestroyed > 0){ levelInfo = (levelInfo + (("\nDestroy at least " + carsNeedToBeDestroyed) + " cars")); }; destroyedBonus = 15000; } override public function initEnemies():void{ maxEnemyOut = 25; maxCarSedan = 7; enemyList.get(0).max = 60; enemyList.get(1).max = 1; enemyList.get(2).max = 0; enemyList.get(3).max = 10; enemyList.get(4).max = 30; enemyList.get(5).max = 20; enemyList.get(6).max = 0; enemyList.get(7).max = 60; enemyList.get(8).max = 0; enemyList.get(9).max = 0; enemyList.get(10).max = 1; enemyList.get(11).max = 0; enemyList.get(12).max = 0; enemyList.get(13).max = 0; enemyList.get(14).max = 0; enemyList.get(15).max = 0; enemyList.get(16).max = 0; enemyList.get(17).max = 0; enemyList.get(18).max = 0; enemyList.get(19).max = 0; enemyList.get(20).max = 0; enemyList.get(21).max = 0; enemyList.get(22).max = 80; enemyList.get(23).max = 0; enemyList.get(24).max = 0; resetCurrentMax(); initObjectList(); } override public function initObjectList():void{ objectList = new ArrayList(); objectList.add("tileTree"); objectList.add("tileDeadtree"); } override public function initSong():void{ backSongBefore = new HappySong1(); backSongAfter = new BadDay5(); } override public function initSentences():void{ super.initSentences(); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("I'm great my friend"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("What a good day"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Hey what's up?"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Wanna go with me?"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("I feel good"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Let's have some fun"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("OMG! Zombies"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Oh noooo!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Run!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Where are they from?!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Oh my oh my!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Somebody help me!"); } override public function initMapDrawn():void{ mapDrawn = new Level81(); } } }//package p_gameLevel
Section 249
//GameLevel82 (p_gameLevel.GameLevel82) package p_gameLevel { import org.idmedia.as3commons.util.*; public class GameLevel82 extends GameLevel { public function GameLevel82(){ maxBlockedTileCounter = 10; enemiesNeedToBeKilled = 140; tileWidth = 35; tileHeight = 20; levelNumber = 82; townName = "Northern Water Tribe"; levelInfo = (("Kill at least " + enemiesNeedToBeKilled) + " people"); if (carsNeedToBeDestroyed > 0){ levelInfo = (levelInfo + (("\nDestroy at least " + carsNeedToBeDestroyed) + " cars")); }; destroyedBonus = 15000; } override public function initEnemies():void{ maxEnemyOut = 25; maxCarSedan = 0; enemyList.get(0).max = 30; enemyList.get(1).max = 0; enemyList.get(2).max = 10; enemyList.get(3).max = 20; enemyList.get(4).max = 60; enemyList.get(5).max = 20; enemyList.get(6).max = 0; enemyList.get(7).max = 60; enemyList.get(8).max = 0; enemyList.get(9).max = 0; enemyList.get(10).max = 0; enemyList.get(11).max = 0; enemyList.get(12).max = 0; enemyList.get(13).max = 1; enemyList.get(14).max = 0; enemyList.get(15).max = 0; enemyList.get(16).max = 0; enemyList.get(17).max = 0; enemyList.get(18).max = 70; enemyList.get(19).max = 0; enemyList.get(20).max = 0; enemyList.get(21).max = 0; enemyList.get(22).max = 80; enemyList.get(23).max = 5; enemyList.get(24).max = 0; resetCurrentMax(); initObjectList(); } override public function initObjectList():void{ objectList = new ArrayList(); objectList.add("tileTree"); objectList.add("tileDeadtree"); } override public function initSong():void{ backSongBefore = new HappySong1(); backSongAfter = new BadDay5(); } override public function initSentences():void{ super.initSentences(); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("I'm great my friend"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("What a good day"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Hey what's up?"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Wanna go with me?"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("I feel good"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Let's have some fun"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("OMG! Zombies"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Oh noooo!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Run!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Where are they from?!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Oh my oh my!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Somebody help me!"); } override public function initMapDrawn():void{ mapDrawn = new Level82(); } } }//package p_gameLevel
Section 250
//GameLevel83 (p_gameLevel.GameLevel83) package p_gameLevel { import org.idmedia.as3commons.util.*; public class GameLevel83 extends GameLevel { public function GameLevel83(){ maxBlockedTileCounter = 10; enemiesNeedToBeKilled = 150; tileWidth = 35; tileHeight = 20; levelNumber = 83; townName = "Research Facility"; levelInfo = (("Kill at least " + enemiesNeedToBeKilled) + " people"); if (carsNeedToBeDestroyed > 0){ levelInfo = (levelInfo + (("\nDestroy at least " + carsNeedToBeDestroyed) + " cars")); }; destroyedBonus = 15000; } override public function initEnemies():void{ maxEnemyOut = 25; maxCarSedan = 5; enemyList.get(0).max = 0; enemyList.get(1).max = 0; enemyList.get(2).max = 0; enemyList.get(3).max = 0; enemyList.get(4).max = 40; enemyList.get(5).max = 30; enemyList.get(6).max = 0; enemyList.get(7).max = 40; enemyList.get(8).max = 0; enemyList.get(9).max = 0; enemyList.get(10).max = 0; enemyList.get(11).max = 0; enemyList.get(12).max = 0; enemyList.get(13).max = 0; enemyList.get(14).max = 0; enemyList.get(15).max = 0; enemyList.get(16).max = 0; enemyList.get(17).max = 0; enemyList.get(18).max = 20; enemyList.get(19).max = 0; enemyList.get(20).max = 0; enemyList.get(21).max = 0; enemyList.get(22).max = 100; enemyList.get(23).max = 0; enemyList.get(24).max = 0; resetCurrentMax(); initObjectList(); } override public function initObjectList():void{ objectList = new ArrayList(); objectList.add("tileDebris01"); objectList.add("tileDebris02"); } override public function initSong():void{ backSongBefore = new HappySong1(); backSongAfter = new BadDay5(); } override public function initSentences():void{ super.initSentences(); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("I'm great my friend"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("What a good day"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Hey what's up?"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Wanna go with me?"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("I feel good"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Let's have some fun"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("OMG! Zombies"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Oh noooo!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Run!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Where are they from?!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Oh my oh my!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Somebody help me!"); } override public function initMapDrawn():void{ mapDrawn = new Level83(); } } }//package p_gameLevel
Section 251
//GameLevel84 (p_gameLevel.GameLevel84) package p_gameLevel { import org.idmedia.as3commons.util.*; public class GameLevel84 extends GameLevel { public function GameLevel84(){ maxBlockedTileCounter = 10; enemiesNeedToBeKilled = 150; tileWidth = 38; tileHeight = 22; levelNumber = 84; townName = "North Pole"; levelInfo = (("Kill at least " + enemiesNeedToBeKilled) + " people"); if (carsNeedToBeDestroyed > 0){ levelInfo = (levelInfo + (("\nDestroy at least " + carsNeedToBeDestroyed) + " cars")); }; destroyedBonus = 15000; } override public function initEnemies():void{ maxEnemyOut = 25; maxCarSedan = 0; enemyList.get(0).max = 0; enemyList.get(1).max = 0; enemyList.get(2).max = 0; enemyList.get(3).max = 0; enemyList.get(4).max = 30; enemyList.get(5).max = 20; enemyList.get(6).max = 0; enemyList.get(7).max = 0; enemyList.get(8).max = 0; enemyList.get(9).max = 0; enemyList.get(10).max = 1; enemyList.get(11).max = 0; enemyList.get(12).max = 0; enemyList.get(13).max = 0; enemyList.get(14).max = 0; enemyList.get(15).max = 0; enemyList.get(16).max = 0; enemyList.get(17).max = 0; enemyList.get(18).max = 10; enemyList.get(19).max = 0; enemyList.get(20).max = 0; enemyList.get(21).max = 0; enemyList.get(22).max = 120; enemyList.get(23).max = 5; enemyList.get(24).max = 10; resetCurrentMax(); initObjectList(); } override public function initObjectList():void{ objectList = new ArrayList(); objectList.add("tilesnowman"); objectList.add("tiletreesnow"); objectList.add("tileDebris01"); } override public function initSong():void{ backSongBefore = new HappySong1(); backSongAfter = new BadDay5(); } override public function initSentences():void{ super.initSentences(); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("I'm great my friend"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("What a good day"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Hey what's up?"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Wanna go with me?"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("I feel good"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Let's have some fun"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("OMG! Zombies"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Oh noooo!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Run!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Where are they from?!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Oh my oh my!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Somebody help me!"); } override public function initMapDrawn():void{ mapDrawn = new Level84(); } } }//package p_gameLevel
Section 252
//GameLevel9 (p_gameLevel.GameLevel9) package p_gameLevel { import org.idmedia.as3commons.util.*; public class GameLevel9 extends GameLevel { public function GameLevel9(){ maxBlockedTileCounter = 10; enemiesNeedToBeKilled = 30; tileWidth = 24; tileHeight = 14; levelNumber = 9; townName = "Tehran"; levelInfo = (("Kill at least " + enemiesNeedToBeKilled) + " people"); if (carsNeedToBeDestroyed > 0){ levelInfo = (levelInfo + (("\nDestroy at least " + carsNeedToBeDestroyed) + " cars")); }; destroyedBonus = 5000; } override public function initEnemies():void{ maxEnemyOut = 20; maxCarSedan = 5; enemyList.get(0).max = 0; enemyList.get(1).max = 0; enemyList.get(2).max = 0; enemyList.get(3).max = 10; enemyList.get(4).max = 0; enemyList.get(5).max = 0; enemyList.get(6).max = 25; enemyList.get(7).max = 5; enemyList.get(8).max = 0; enemyList.get(9).max = 20; enemyList.get(10).max = 0; enemyList.get(11).max = 0; enemyList.get(12).max = 0; enemyList.get(13).max = 0; enemyList.get(14).max = 0; enemyList.get(15).max = 0; enemyList.get(16).max = 0; enemyList.get(17).max = 0; enemyList.get(18).max = 0; enemyList.get(19).max = 0; enemyList.get(20).max = 0; enemyList.get(21).max = 0; enemyList.get(22).max = 0; enemyList.get(23).max = 20; enemyList.get(24).max = 0; resetCurrentMax(); initObjectList(); } override public function initObjectList():void{ objectList = new ArrayList(); objectList.add("tileDeadtree"); objectList.add("tileDebris04"); } override public function initSong():void{ backSongBefore = new GoodDayMidEast(); backSongAfter = new BadDay3(); } override public function initSentences():void{ super.initSentences(); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Salaam alaikum"); beforeInfectedSentenceList.add("Praise GOD!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Help!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("Masha Allah!"); afterInfectedSentenceList.add("OMG! Infidels!"); } override public function initMapDrawn():void{ mapDrawn = new Level09(); } } }//package p_gameLevel
Section 253
//GameLevelManager (p_gameLevel.GameLevelManager) package p_gameLevel { import org.idmedia.as3commons.util.*; public class GameLevelManager { public var gameLevels:ArrayList; private static var INSTANCE:GameLevelManager; public function GameLevelManager(){ initGameLevels(); } public function initGameLevels():void{ var _local1:GameLevel; if (gameLevels == null){ gameLevels = new ArrayList(); _local1 = new GameLevelTutorial(); gameLevels.add(_local1); _local1 = new GameLevel1(); gameLevels.add(_local1); _local1 = new GameLevel2(); gameLevels.add(_local1); _local1 = new GameLevel3(); gameLevels.add(_local1); _local1 = new GameLevel4(); gameLevels.add(_local1); _local1 = new GameLevel5(); gameLevels.add(_local1); _local1 = new GameLevel6(); gameLevels.add(_local1); _local1 = new GameLevel7(); gameLevels.add(_local1); _local1 = new GameLevel8(); gameLevels.add(_local1); _local1 = new GameLevel9(); gameLevels.add(_local1); _local1 = new GameLevel10(); gameLevels.add(_local1); _local1 = new GameLevel11(); gameLevels.add(_local1); _local1 = new GameLevel12(); gameLevels.add(_local1); _local1 = new GameLevel13(); gameLevels.add(_local1); _local1 = new GameLevel14(); gameLevels.add(_local1); _local1 = new GameLevel15(); gameLevels.add(_local1); _local1 = new GameLevel16(); gameLevels.add(_local1); _local1 = new GameLevel17(); gameLevels.add(_local1); _local1 = new GameLevel18(); gameLevels.add(_local1); _local1 = new GameLevel19(); gameLevels.add(_local1); _local1 = new GameLevel20(); gameLevels.add(_local1); _local1 = new GameLevel21(); gameLevels.add(_local1); _local1 = new GameLevel22(); gameLevels.add(_local1); _local1 = new GameLevel23(); gameLevels.add(_local1); _local1 = new GameLevel24(); gameLevels.add(_local1); _local1 = new GameLevel25(); gameLevels.add(_local1); _local1 = new GameLevel26(); gameLevels.add(_local1); _local1 = new GameLevel27(); gameLevels.add(_local1); _local1 = new GameLevel28(); gameLevels.add(_local1); _local1 = new GameLevel29(); gameLevels.add(_local1); _local1 = new GameLevel30(); gameLevels.add(_local1); _local1 = new GameLevel31(); gameLevels.add(_local1); _local1 = new GameLevel32(); gameLevels.add(_local1); _local1 = new GameLevel33(); gameLevels.add(_local1); _local1 = new GameLevel34(); gameLevels.add(_local1); _local1 = new GameLevel35(); gameLevels.add(_local1); _local1 = new GameLevel36(); gameLevels.add(_local1); _local1 = new GameLevel37(); gameLevels.add(_local1); _local1 = new GameLevel38(); gameLevels.add(_local1); _local1 = new GameLevel39(); gameLevels.add(_local1); _local1 = new GameLevel40(); gameLevels.add(_local1); _local1 = new GameLevel41(); gameLevels.add(_local1); _local1 = new GameLevel42(); gameLevels.add(_local1); _local1 = new GameLevel43(); gameLevels.add(_local1); _local1 = new GameLevel44(); gameLevels.add(_local1); _local1 = new GameLevel45(); gameLevels.add(_local1); _local1 = new GameLevel46(); gameLevels.add(_local1); _local1 = new GameLevel47(); gameLevels.add(_local1); _local1 = new GameLevel48(); gameLevels.add(_local1); _local1 = new GameLevel49(); gameLevels.add(_local1); _local1 = new GameLevel50(); gameLevels.add(_local1); _local1 = new GameLevel51(); gameLevels.add(_local1); _local1 = new GameLevel52(); gameLevels.add(_local1); _local1 = new GameLevel53(); gameLevels.add(_local1); _local1 = new GameLevel54(); gameLevels.add(_local1); _local1 = new GameLevel55(); gameLevels.add(_local1); _local1 = new GameLevel56(); gameLevels.add(_local1); _local1 = new GameLevel57(); gameLevels.add(_local1); _local1 = new GameLevel58(); gameLevels.add(_local1); _local1 = new GameLevel59(); gameLevels.add(_local1); _local1 = new GameLevel60(); gameLevels.add(_local1); _local1 = new GameLevel61(); gameLevels.add(_local1); _local1 = new GameLevel62(); gameLevels.add(_local1); _local1 = new GameLevel63(); gameLevels.add(_local1); _local1 = new GameLevel64(); gameLevels.add(_local1); _local1 = new GameLevel65(); gameLevels.add(_local1); _local1 = new GameLevel66(); gameLevels.add(_local1); _local1 = new GameLevel67(); gameLevels.add(_local1); _local1 = new GameLevel68(); gameLevels.add(_local1); _local1 = new GameLevel69(); gameLevels.add(_local1); _local1 = new GameLevel70(); gameLevels.add(_local1); _local1 = new GameLevel71(); gameLevels.add(_local1); _local1 = new GameLevel72(); gameLevels.add(_local1); _local1 = new GameLevel73(); gameLevels.add(_local1); _local1 = new GameLevel74(); gameLevels.add(_local1); _local1 = new GameLevel75(); gameLevels.add(_local1); _local1 = new GameLevel76(); gameLevels.add(_local1); _local1 = new GameLevel77(); gameLevels.add(_local1); _local1 = new GameLevel78(); gameLevels.add(_local1); _local1 = new GameLevel79(); gameLevels.add(_local1); _local1 = new GameLevel80(); gameLevels.add(_local1); _local1 = new GameLevel81(); gameLevels.add(_local1); _local1 = new GameLevel82(); gameLevels.add(_local1); _local1 = new GameLevel83(); gameLevels.add(_local1); _local1 = new GameLevel84(); gameLevels.add(_local1); }; } public function getGameLevel(_arg1:int):GameLevel{ gameLevels.get(_arg1).randomizeAll(); return (gameLevels.get(_arg1)); } public static function getSingleton():GameLevelManager{ if (INSTANCE == null){ INSTANCE = new (GameLevelManager); }; return (INSTANCE); } } }//package p_gameLevel
Section 254
//GameLevelTutorial (p_gameLevel.GameLevelTutorial) package p_gameLevel { public class GameLevelTutorial extends GameLevel { public function GameLevelTutorial(){ maxBlockedTileCounter = 0; enemiesNeedToBeKilled = 4; tileWidth = 14; tileHeight = 10; levelNumber = 1; townName = "Tutorial"; levelInfo = ("Level 0\n" + townName); } override public function initEnemies():void{ maxEnemyOut = 10; maxCarSedan = 0; enemyList.get(0).max = 0; enemyList.get(1).max = 0; enemyList.get(2).max = 0; enemyList.get(3).max = 0; enemyList.get(4).max = 0; enemyList.get(5).max = 0; enemyList.get(6).max = 0; enemyList.get(7).max = 0; enemyList.get(8).max = 0; enemyList.get(9).max = 0; enemyList.get(10).max = 0; enemyList.get(11).max = 5; resetCurrentMax(); initObjectList(); } override public function initObjectList():void{ super.initObjectList(); objectList.add("tileTree"); objectList.add("tileDeadtree"); objectList.add("tileDebris01"); objectList.add("tileDebris02"); objectList.add("tileDebris03"); objectList.add("tileDebris04"); } override public function initMapDrawn():void{ mapDrawn = new LevelTutorial(); } } }//package p_gameLevel
Section 255
//AfricaSelectorState (p_gameState.p_countrySelector.AfricaSelectorState) package p_gameState.p_countrySelector { import p_singleton.*; import p_gameLevel.p_continent.*; public class AfricaSelectorState extends CountrySelectorState { public function AfricaSelectorState(){ var _local1:int; var _local2:int; super(); continentID = ContinentID.AFRICA; _local1 = 0; _local2 = World.getSingleton().continentList.size(); while (_local1 < _local2) { if (continentID == World.getSingleton().continentList.get(_local1).continentID){ townSize = World.getSingleton().continentList.get(_local1).townSize; gameLevelStartingNumber = World.getSingleton().continentList.get(_local1).gameLevelStartingNumber; break; }; _local1++; }; scale = 2; } override public function initMap():void{ image = new MapWorldAfrica(); } override public function initStateSteps():void{ stageSteps = new Array(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6); } } }//package p_gameState.p_countrySelector
Section 256
//AmericaSelectorState (p_gameState.p_countrySelector.AmericaSelectorState) package p_gameState.p_countrySelector { import p_singleton.*; import p_gameLevel.p_continent.*; public class AmericaSelectorState extends CountrySelectorState { public function AmericaSelectorState(){ var _local1:int; var _local2:int; super(); continentID = ContinentID.AMERICA; _local1 = 0; _local2 = World.getSingleton().continentList.size(); while (_local1 < _local2) { if (continentID == World.getSingleton().continentList.get(_local1).continentID){ townSize = World.getSingleton().continentList.get(_local1).townSize; gameLevelStartingNumber = World.getSingleton().continentList.get(_local1).gameLevelStartingNumber; break; }; _local1++; }; scale = 2; } override public function initMap():void{ image = new MapWorldAmerica(); } override public function initStateSteps():void{ stageSteps = new Array(1, 2, 3, 4, 6); } } }//package p_gameState.p_countrySelector
Section 257
//AustraliaSelectorState (p_gameState.p_countrySelector.AustraliaSelectorState) package p_gameState.p_countrySelector { import p_singleton.*; import p_gameLevel.p_continent.*; public class AustraliaSelectorState extends CountrySelectorState { public function AustraliaSelectorState(){ var _local1:int; var _local2:int; super(); continentID = ContinentID.AUSTRALIA; _local1 = 0; _local2 = World.getSingleton().continentList.size(); while (_local1 < _local2) { if (continentID == World.getSingleton().continentList.get(_local1).continentID){ townSize = World.getSingleton().continentList.get(_local1).townSize; gameLevelStartingNumber = World.getSingleton().continentList.get(_local1).gameLevelStartingNumber; break; }; _local1++; }; scale = 2; } override public function initMap():void{ image = new MapWorldAustralia(); } override public function initStateSteps():void{ stageSteps = new Array(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6); } } }//package p_gameState.p_countrySelector
Section 258
//CanadaSelectorState (p_gameState.p_countrySelector.CanadaSelectorState) package p_gameState.p_countrySelector { import p_singleton.*; import p_gameLevel.p_continent.*; public class CanadaSelectorState extends CountrySelectorState { public function CanadaSelectorState(){ var _local1:int; var _local2:int; super(); continentID = ContinentID.CANADA; _local1 = 0; _local2 = World.getSingleton().continentList.size(); while (_local1 < _local2) { if (continentID == World.getSingleton().continentList.get(_local1).continentID){ townSize = World.getSingleton().continentList.get(_local1).townSize; gameLevelStartingNumber = World.getSingleton().continentList.get(_local1).gameLevelStartingNumber; break; }; _local1++; }; scale = 2; } override public function initMap():void{ image = new MapWorldCanada(); } override public function initStateSteps():void{ stageSteps = new Array(1, 3, 5, 6); } } }//package p_gameState.p_countrySelector
Section 259
//ChinaSelectorState (p_gameState.p_countrySelector.ChinaSelectorState) package p_gameState.p_countrySelector { import p_singleton.*; import p_gameLevel.p_continent.*; public class ChinaSelectorState extends CountrySelectorState { public function ChinaSelectorState(){ var _local1:int; var _local2:int; super(); continentID = ContinentID.CHINA; _local1 = 0; _local2 = World.getSingleton().continentList.size(); while (_local1 < _local2) { if (continentID == World.getSingleton().continentList.get(_local1).continentID){ townSize = World.getSingleton().continentList.get(_local1).townSize; gameLevelStartingNumber = World.getSingleton().continentList.get(_local1).gameLevelStartingNumber; break; }; _local1++; }; scale = 2; } override public function initMap():void{ image = new MapWorldChina(); } override public function initStateSteps():void{ stageSteps = new Array(1, 2, 3, 4, 6); } } }//package p_gameState.p_countrySelector
Section 260
//CountrySelectorState (p_gameState.p_countrySelector.CountrySelectorState) package p_gameState.p_countrySelector { import*; import flash.display.*; import p_gameLevel.*; import org.idmedia.as3commons.util.*; import p_singleton.*; import p_entity.p_nonPlayable.*; import flash.geom.*; import p_gameState.*; import*; public class CountrySelectorState extends GameState { private var sharedObject:SharedObject; public var townStatus:int;// = 0 public var imageBar:MovieClip; public var townSize:int;// = 5 public var stageSteps:Array; public var mousePosY:Number;// = 0 public var continentID:int;// = 0 public var scale:Number; public var levelNumberMod:int;// = 0 public var mousePosX:Number;// = 0 public var image:MovieClip; public var mouseDown:Boolean;// = false public var levelNumber:int;// = 0 public var imageArrow:MovieClip; public var imageMapStat:MovieClip; public var gameLevelStartingNumber:int;// = 0 private var bubbleClip:MovieClip; public function CountrySelectorState(){ levelNumber = 0; mouseDown = false; mousePosX = 0; mousePosY = 0; townSize = 5; townStatus = 0; continentID = 0; levelNumberMod = 0; gameLevelStartingNumber = 0; super(); } public function initLevelNumberMod():void{ if (gameLevelStartingNumber < 0){ gameLevelStartingNumber = 0; }; if (gameLevelStartingNumber > 0){ levelNumberMod = (gameLevelStartingNumber - 1); }; } public function gotoStatState(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ GameManager.getSingleton().setGameState(new StatisticState()); } public function checkPopulation():void{ var _local1:GameLevel; var _local2:int; var _local3:int; _local2 = (0 + 1); _local3 = (townSize + 1); while (_local2 < _local3) { _local1 = GameLevelManager.getSingleton().getGameLevel((_local2 + levelNumberMod)); _local1.calculateTotalPopulation(); if (_local1.totalPopulation <= 0){ image[("level" + _local2)].gotoAndStop(3); }; _local2++; }; } public function checkAchievement():void{ var _local1:int; _local1 = (World.getSingleton().townDestroyedRecorded.value + World.getSingleton().townDestroyed.value); if ((((_local1 >= World.getSingleton().destroyerReq)) && (!(World.getSingleton().destroyer)))){ World.getSingleton().destroyer = true; World.getSingleton().money.addValue(World.getSingleton().destroyerBonus); World.getSingleton().moneyCollected.addValue(World.getSingleton().destroyerBonus); World.getSingleton().showAchievementPopUp(new IconTown(), ("Destroyer\n Bonus Money $" + World.getSingleton().destroyerBonus)); }; if ((((_local1 >= World.getSingleton().townDestroyerReq)) && (!(World.getSingleton().townDestroyer)))){ World.getSingleton().townDestroyer = true; World.getSingleton().money.addValue(World.getSingleton().townDestroyerBonus); World.getSingleton().moneyCollected.addValue(World.getSingleton().townDestroyerBonus); World.getSingleton().showAchievementPopUp(new IconTown(), ("Town Destroyer\n Bonus Money $" + World.getSingleton().townDestroyerBonus)); }; if ((((_local1 >= World.getSingleton().cityDestroyerReq)) && (!(World.getSingleton().cityDestroyer)))){ World.getSingleton().cityDestroyer = true; World.getSingleton().money.addValue(World.getSingleton().cityDestroyerBonus); World.getSingleton().moneyCollected.addValue(World.getSingleton().cityDestroyerBonus); World.getSingleton().showAchievementPopUp(new IconTown(), ("City Destroyer\n Bonus Money $" + World.getSingleton().cityDestroyerBonus)); }; if (((World.getSingleton().checkAllTownCompleted()) && (!(World.getSingleton().zombieWorld)))){ World.getSingleton().zombieWorld = true; World.getSingleton().showAchievementPopUp(new IconWorld(), ("Zombie World\nScore +" + World.getSingleton().zombieWorldBonus)); }; } override public function init():void{ super.init(); World.getSingleton().currentContinent = continentID; initLevelNumberMod(); initStateSteps(); initImage(); initListener(); checkPopulation(); World.getSingleton().prevGameState = this; checkUnlockedContinent(); initTutorialPopUp(); World.getSingleton().startMenuSong(); checkAchievement(); autoSave(); } public function infect(_arg1:MouseEvent){ GameManager.getSingleton().setGameState(new InGameState((levelNumber + levelNumberMod))); } private function closeBubblePopUp(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if (bubbleClip){ bubbleClip.visible = false; }; if (World.getSingleton().currentTutorial == "lab"){ World.getSingleton().labClosed = true; initTutorialPopUp(); } else { if (World.getSingleton().currentTutorial == "world"){ World.getSingleton().worldClosed = true; initTutorialPopUp(); } else { if (World.getSingleton().currentTutorial == "stats"){ World.getSingleton().statsClosed = true; initTutorialPopUp(); } else { if (World.getSingleton().currentTutorial == "sound"){ World.getSingleton().soundClosed = true; initTutorialPopUp(); } else { if (World.getSingleton().currentTutorial == "news"){ World.getSingleton().newsClosed = true; initTutorialPopUp(); } else { if (World.getSingleton().currentTutorial == "menu"){ World.getSingleton().menuClosed = true; initTutorialPopUp(); }; }; }; }; }; }; } public function destroyMouseListener():void{ image.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, onMouseDown); image.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, onMouseUp); image.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, onMouseUp); image.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, onMouseMove); imageMapStat.closeBut.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, closeStat); imageMapStat.infectButton.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, infect);, gotoWorld); imageBar.lab.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, gotoUpgradeState); imageBar.stats.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, gotoStatState);, gotoNewsState); imageBar.sound.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, muteSound); imageBar.pause.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, gotoPauseState); } public function initImage():void{ initMap(); image.scaleX = scale; image.scaleY = scale; World.getSingleton().visualEffectRoot.addChild(image); imageBar = new ScreenMapMenuBar(); = ("" + World.getSingleton().money.value); = ("" + World.getSingleton().dayPassed.value); World.getSingleton().menuRoot.addChild(imageBar); bubbleClip = new ScreenPopUpBaloon(); imageBar.addChild(bubbleClip); bubbleClip.x = imageBar.lab.x; bubbleClip.y = imageBar.lab.y; bubbleClip.visible = false; bubbleClip.closeBut.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, closeBubblePopUp); imageMapStat = new MapStats(); imageMapStat.visible = false; World.getSingleton().menuRoot.addChild(imageMapStat); imageArrow = new MapSelectionArrow(); imageArrow.scaleX = 2; imageArrow.scaleY = 2; imageArrow.visible = false; image.addChild(imageArrow); } public function initMap():void{ } public function calculateTownStatus():void{ var _local1:GameLevel; var _local2:int; var _local3:int; var _local4:int; var _local5:int; _local1 = GameLevelManager.getSingleton().getGameLevel((levelNumber + levelNumberMod)); imageMapStat.reqText.text = ""; imageMapStat.townName.text = _local1.townName; _local1.calculateTotalPopulation(); imageMapStat.population.text = _local1.totalPopulation; _local2 = (_local1.enemyList.get(0).max * 2); _local2 = (_local2 + _local1.enemyList.get(7).max); _local2 = (_local2 + (_local1.enemyList.get(1).max * 4)); _local2 = (_local2 + (_local1.enemyList.get(5).max * 3)); _local2 = (_local2 + (_local1.enemyList.get(8).max * 4)); _local2 = (_local2 + (_local1.enemyList.get(10).max * 4)); _local2 = (_local2 + (_local1.enemyList.get(13).max * 4)); _local2 = (_local2 + (_local1.enemyList.get(15).max * 2)); _local2 = (_local2 + _local1.enemyList.get(17).max); _local2 = (_local2 + _local1.enemyList.get(19).max); _local2 = (_local2 + _local1.enemyList.get(20).max); _local2 = (_local2 + _local1.enemyList.get(21).max); _local2 = (_local2 + _local1.enemyList.get(22).max); _local2 = (_local2 + (_local1.enemyList.get(23).max * 3)); _local2 = (_local2 + (_local1.enemyList.get(24).max * 3)); _local2 = (_local2 + _local1.enemyList.get(25).max); _local2 = (_local2 + (_local1.enemyList.get(26).max * 4)); imageMapStat.defense.text = ("" + _local2); _local3 = 0; _local4 = 0; _local5 = _local1.enemyList.size(); _local3 = (_local3 + (_local1.enemyList.get(0).max * NpcPoint.ARMYGUY)); _local3 = (_local3 + (_local1.enemyList.get(1).max * NpcPoint.COLSANDERS)); _local3 = (_local3 + (_local1.enemyList.get(2).max * NpcPoint.FAT_GUY)); _local3 = (_local3 + (_local1.enemyList.get(3).max * NpcPoint.HISTERICAL_LADY)); _local3 = (_local3 + (_local1.enemyList.get(4).max * NpcPoint.HISTERICAL_LADY)); _local3 = (_local3 + (_local1.enemyList.get(5).max * NpcPoint.MALE_IN_SUIT)); _local3 = (_local3 + (_local1.enemyList.get(6).max * NpcPoint.MALE_WHITE_SHIRT)); _local3 = (_local3 + (_local1.enemyList.get(7).max * NpcPoint.MALE_WHITE_SHIRT)); _local3 = (_local3 + (_local1.enemyList.get(8).max * NpcPoint.RAMBO)); _local3 = (_local3 + (_local1.enemyList.get(9).max * NpcPoint.RASTA)); _local3 = (_local3 + (_local1.enemyList.get(10).max * NpcPoint.SANTA)); _local3 = (_local3 + (_local1.enemyList.get(11).max * NpcPoint.HISTERICAL_LADY)); imageMapStat.wealth.text = ("$" + _local3); if (townStatus == 0){ imageMapStat.infectButton.visible = false; imageMapStat.reqText.text = "LOCKED"; } else { if (townStatus == 1){ imageMapStat.infectButton.visible = true; imageMapStat.reqText.text = ""; } else { imageMapStat.infectButton.visible = false; imageMapStat.reqText.text = "Destroyed"; imageMapStat.population.text = 0; imageMapStat.defense.text = "0"; imageMapStat.wealth.text = "$0"; }; }; } public function removeImage():void{ if (image){ if (image.parent){ image.parent.removeChild(image); }; }; if (imageBar){ if (imageBar.parent){ imageBar.parent.removeChild(imageBar); }; }; if (imageMapStat){ if (imageMapStat.parent){ imageMapStat.parent.removeChild(imageMapStat); }; }; if (imageArrow){ if (imageArrow.parent){ imageArrow.parent.removeChild(imageArrow); }; }; if (bubbleClip){ bubbleClip.closeBut.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, closeBubblePopUp); if (bubbleClip.parent){ bubbleClip.parent.removeChild(bubbleClip); }; }; } public function showDescription(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ var _local2:MovieClip; var _local3:Point; var _local4:Boolean; var _local5:Boolean; _local2 = MovieClip(; levelNumber =; townStatus = _local2.status; _local3 = image.localToGlobal(new Point(_local2.x, _local2.y)); _local4 = true; _local5 = true; if (_local3.x < (World.getSingleton().gameWidth / 2)){ _local5 = false; }; if (_local3.y < (World.getSingleton().gameHeight / 2)){ _local4 = false; }; if (_local4){ imageMapStat.y = (_local3.y - (imageMapStat.height + 50)); } else { imageMapStat.y = (_local3.y + 50); }; if (_local5){ imageMapStat.x = (_local3.x - (imageMapStat.width + 50)); } else { imageMapStat.x = (_local3.x + 50); }; calculateTownStatus(); imageMapStat.visible = true; imageArrow.visible = true; imageArrow.x = _local2.x; imageArrow.y = (_local2.y - 25); } public function onMouseUp(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ mouseDown = false; } public function initStateSteps():void{ stageSteps = new Array(2, 4, 5); } public function autoSave():void{ try { sharedObject = SharedObject.getLocal("autoSaveDomi"); } catch(error:Error) { return; }; World.getSingleton().sharedObject = sharedObject; World.getSingleton().saveGame(); } public function onMouseDown(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ mouseDown = true; mousePosX = image.mouseX; mousePosY = image.mouseY; } public function destroyListener():void{ var _local1:int; var _local2:int; _local1 = (0 + 1); _local2 = (townSize + 1); while (_local1 < _local2) { image[("level" + _local1)].removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, showDescription); _local1++; }; destroyMouseListener(); bubbleClip.closeBut.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, closeBubblePopUp); } private function initTutorialPopUp():void{ if (!World.getSingleton().labClosed){ showBubblePopUp(imageBar.lab.x, imageBar.lab.y, "Click this button to access upgrade screen"); World.getSingleton().currentTutorial = "lab"; } else { if (!World.getSingleton().worldClosed){ showBubblePopUp(,, "Click this button to go back to continent selection screen"); World.getSingleton().currentTutorial = "world"; } else { if (!World.getSingleton().newsClosed){ showBubblePopUp(,, "Click this button to see what is on the news"); World.getSingleton().currentTutorial = "news"; } else { if (!World.getSingleton().statsClosed){ showBubblePopUp(imageBar.stats.x, imageBar.stats.y, "Click this button to access statistic screen"); World.getSingleton().currentTutorial = "stats"; } else { if (!World.getSingleton().soundClosed){ showBubblePopUp(imageBar.sound.x, imageBar.sound.y, "Click this button to mute/unmute sounds"); World.getSingleton().currentTutorial = "sound"; } else { if (!World.getSingleton().menuClosed){ showBubblePopUp(imageBar.pause.x, imageBar.pause.y, "Click this button to access the menu screen (save/load)"); World.getSingleton().currentTutorial = "menu"; }; }; }; }; }; }; } public function gotoUpgradeState(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ GameManager.getSingleton().setGameState(new UpgradeState()); } public function initMouseListener():void{ image.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, onMouseDown); image.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, onMouseUp); image.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, onMouseUp); image.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, onMouseMove); imageMapStat.closeBut.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, closeStat); imageMapStat.infectButton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, infect);, gotoWorld); imageBar.lab.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, gotoUpgradeState); imageBar.stats.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, gotoStatState);, gotoNewsState); imageBar.sound.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, muteSound); imageBar.pause.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, gotoPauseState); } public function gotoNewsState(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ GameManager.getSingleton().setGameState(new NewsState()); } private function showBubblePopUp(_arg1:int, _arg2:int, _arg3:String):void{ if (bubbleClip){ bubbleClip.visible = true; bubbleClip.x = _arg1; bubbleClip.y = _arg2; = _arg3; }; } public function initListener():void{ var _local1:int; var _local2:int; var _local3:GameLevel; var _local4:int; var _local5:int; var _local6:int; var _local7:int; var _local8:int; var _local9:MovieClip; var _local10:Point; _local1 = (0 + 1); _local2 = (townSize + 1); _local4 = 0; _local5 = 0; _local6 = World.getSingleton().continentList.size(); while (_local5 < _local6) { if (World.getSingleton().continentList.get(_local5).continentID == continentID){ _local4 = _local5; }; _local5++; }; while (_local1 < _local2) { image[("level" + _local1)].id = _local1; image[("level" + _local1)].status = 0; image[("level" + _local1)].addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, showDescription); image[("level" + _local1)].gotoAndStop(2); _local1++; }; initMouseListener(); _local7 = 0; _local8 = stageSteps.length; _local2 = (stageSteps[0] + 1); while (_local7 < _local8) { if (World.getSingleton().continentList.get(_local4).townCompleted >= stageSteps[_local7]){ if ((_local7 + 1) < _local8){ _local2 = (stageSteps[(_local7 + 1)] + 1); }; }; _local7++; }; _local1 = 1; while (_local1 < _local2) { image[("level" + _local1)].gotoAndStop(1); image[("level" + _local1)].status = 1; _local3 = GameLevelManager.getSingleton().getGameLevel((_local1 + levelNumberMod)); if (_local3.destroyed){ image[("level" + _local1)].gotoAndStop(3); image[("level" + _local1)].status = 2; }; _local1++; }; _local9 = image[("level" + (_local2 - 1))]; _local10 = image.localToGlobal(new Point(_local9.x, _local9.y)); image.x = (((World.getSingleton().gameWidth / 2) - _local10.x) + image.x); image.y = (((World.getSingleton().gameHeight / 2) - _local10.y) + image.y); } public function checkUnlockedContinent():void{ var _local1:ArrayList; var _local2:int; var _local3:int; var _local4:int; _local1 = World.getSingleton().continentList; _local2 = World.getSingleton().townDestroyedRecorded.value; _local3 = 0; _local4 = _local1.size(); while (_local3 < _local4) { if (_local2 >= _local1.get(_local3).townRequirement){ if (!_local1.get(_local3).unlocked){ _local1.get(_local3).unlocked = true; World.getSingleton().showAchievementPopUp(new IconLock(), (("" + _local1.get(_local3).continentName) + " has been unlocked")); }; }; _local3++; }; } public function closeStat(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ imageMapStat.visible = false; } public function gotoWorld(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ GameManager.getSingleton().setGameState(new LevelSelectorState()); } public function onMouseMove(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ var _local2:*; var _local3:*; if (mouseDown){ imageMapStat.visible = false; imageArrow.visible = false; _local2 = (image.mouseX - mousePosX); _local3 = (image.mouseY - mousePosY); _local2 = (_local2 * scale); _local3 = (_local3 * scale); if (((((image.x + (image.width / 2)) > World.getSingleton().gameWidth)) && ((_local2 < 0)))){ image.x = (image.x + _local2); } else { if (((((image.x - (image.width / 2)) < 0)) && ((_local2 > 0)))){ image.x = (image.x + _local2); }; }; if (((((image.y + (image.height / 2)) > (World.getSingleton().gameHeight - imageBar.height))) && ((_local3 < 0)))){ image.y = (image.y + _local3); } else { if (((((image.y - (image.height / 2)) < 0)) && ((_local3 > 0)))){ image.y = (image.y + _local3); }; }; }; } override public function destroy():void{ super.destroy(); destroyListener(); removeImage(); World.getSingleton().stopSong(); } public function muteSound(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ World.getSingleton().soundMuted = !(World.getSingleton().soundMuted); if (World.getSingleton().soundMuted){ if (World.getSingleton().currentSoundChannel){ World.getSingleton().currentSoundChannel.stop(); }; } else { World.getSingleton().startMenuSong(); }; } public function gotoPauseState(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ GameManager.getSingleton().setGameState(new PauseState()); } } }//package p_gameState.p_countrySelector
Section 261
//EuropeSelectorState (p_gameState.p_countrySelector.EuropeSelectorState) package p_gameState.p_countrySelector { import p_singleton.*; import p_gameLevel.p_continent.*; public class EuropeSelectorState extends CountrySelectorState { public function EuropeSelectorState(){ var _local1:int; var _local2:int; super(); continentID = ContinentID.EUROPE; _local1 = 0; _local2 = World.getSingleton().continentList.size(); while (_local1 < _local2) { if (continentID == World.getSingleton().continentList.get(_local1).continentID){ townSize = World.getSingleton().continentList.get(_local1).townSize; gameLevelStartingNumber = World.getSingleton().continentList.get(_local1).gameLevelStartingNumber; break; }; _local1++; }; scale = 2; } override public function initMap():void{ image = new MapWorldEurope(); } override public function initStateSteps():void{ stageSteps = new Array(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7); } } }//package p_gameState.p_countrySelector
Section 262
//GreenlandSelectorState (p_gameState.p_countrySelector.GreenlandSelectorState) package p_gameState.p_countrySelector { import p_singleton.*; import p_gameLevel.p_continent.*; public class GreenlandSelectorState extends CountrySelectorState { public function GreenlandSelectorState(){ var _local1:int; var _local2:int; super(); continentID = ContinentID.GREENLAND; _local1 = 0; _local2 = World.getSingleton().continentList.size(); while (_local1 < _local2) { if (continentID == World.getSingleton().continentList.get(_local1).continentID){ townSize = World.getSingleton().continentList.get(_local1).townSize; gameLevelStartingNumber = World.getSingleton().continentList.get(_local1).gameLevelStartingNumber; break; }; _local1++; }; scale = 2; } override public function initMap():void{ image = new MapWorldGreenland(); } override public function initStateSteps():void{ stageSteps = new Array(1, 3, 5, 6); } } }//package p_gameState.p_countrySelector
Section 263
//IndiaSelectorState (p_gameState.p_countrySelector.IndiaSelectorState) package p_gameState.p_countrySelector { import p_singleton.*; import p_gameLevel.p_continent.*; public class IndiaSelectorState extends CountrySelectorState { public function IndiaSelectorState(){ var _local1:int; var _local2:int; super(); continentID = ContinentID.INDIA; _local1 = 0; _local2 = World.getSingleton().continentList.size(); while (_local1 < _local2) { if (continentID == World.getSingleton().continentList.get(_local1).continentID){ townSize = World.getSingleton().continentList.get(_local1).townSize; gameLevelStartingNumber = World.getSingleton().continentList.get(_local1).gameLevelStartingNumber; break; }; _local1++; }; scale = 2; } override public function initMap():void{ image = new MapWorldIndia(); } override public function initStateSteps():void{ stageSteps = new Array(1, 2, 4, 6); } } }//package p_gameState.p_countrySelector
Section 264
//IndoChinaSelectorState (p_gameState.p_countrySelector.IndoChinaSelectorState) package p_gameState.p_countrySelector { import p_singleton.*; import p_gameLevel.p_continent.*; public class IndoChinaSelectorState extends CountrySelectorState { public function IndoChinaSelectorState(){ var _local1:int; var _local2:int; super(); continentID = ContinentID.INDO_CHINA; _local1 = 0; _local2 = World.getSingleton().continentList.size(); while (_local1 < _local2) { if (continentID == World.getSingleton().continentList.get(_local1).continentID){ townSize = World.getSingleton().continentList.get(_local1).townSize; gameLevelStartingNumber = World.getSingleton().continentList.get(_local1).gameLevelStartingNumber; break; }; _local1++; }; scale = 2; } override public function initMap():void{ image = new MapWorldIndoChina(); } override public function initStateSteps():void{ stageSteps = new Array(1, 2, 3, 4); } } }//package p_gameState.p_countrySelector
Section 265
//IndonesiaSelectorState (p_gameState.p_countrySelector.IndonesiaSelectorState) package p_gameState.p_countrySelector { import p_singleton.*; import p_gameLevel.p_continent.*; public class IndonesiaSelectorState extends CountrySelectorState { public function IndonesiaSelectorState(){ var _local1:int; var _local2:int; super(); continentID = ContinentID.INDONESIA; _local1 = 0; _local2 = World.getSingleton().continentList.size(); while (_local1 < _local2) { if (continentID == World.getSingleton().continentList.get(_local1).continentID){ townSize = World.getSingleton().continentList.get(_local1).townSize; gameLevelStartingNumber = World.getSingleton().continentList.get(_local1).gameLevelStartingNumber; break; }; _local1++; }; scale = 2; } override public function initMap():void{ image = new MapWorldIndonesia(); } override public function initStateSteps():void{ stageSteps = new Array(1, 2, 4, 7); } } }//package p_gameState.p_countrySelector
Section 266
//JapanSelectorState (p_gameState.p_countrySelector.JapanSelectorState) package p_gameState.p_countrySelector { import p_singleton.*; import p_gameLevel.p_continent.*; public class JapanSelectorState extends CountrySelectorState { public function JapanSelectorState(){ var _local1:int; var _local2:int; super(); continentID = ContinentID.JAPAN; _local1 = 0; _local2 = World.getSingleton().continentList.size(); while (_local1 < _local2) { if (continentID == World.getSingleton().continentList.get(_local1).continentID){ townSize = World.getSingleton().continentList.get(_local1).townSize; gameLevelStartingNumber = World.getSingleton().continentList.get(_local1).gameLevelStartingNumber; break; }; _local1++; }; scale = 2; } override public function initMap():void{ image = new MapWorldJapan(); } override public function initStateSteps():void{ stageSteps = new Array(1, 2, 3); } } }//package p_gameState.p_countrySelector
Section 267
//MexicoSelectorState (p_gameState.p_countrySelector.MexicoSelectorState) package p_gameState.p_countrySelector { import p_singleton.*; import p_gameLevel.p_continent.*; public class MexicoSelectorState extends CountrySelectorState { public function MexicoSelectorState(){ var _local1:int; var _local2:int; super(); continentID = ContinentID.MEXICO; _local1 = 0; _local2 = World.getSingleton().continentList.size(); while (_local1 < _local2) { if (continentID == World.getSingleton().continentList.get(_local1).continentID){ townSize = World.getSingleton().continentList.get(_local1).townSize; gameLevelStartingNumber = World.getSingleton().continentList.get(_local1).gameLevelStartingNumber; break; }; _local1++; }; scale = 2; } override public function initMap():void{ image = new MapWorldMexico(); } override public function initStateSteps():void{ stageSteps = new Array(1, 2, 3, 4); } } }//package p_gameState.p_countrySelector
Section 268
//MiddleEastSelectorState (p_gameState.p_countrySelector.MiddleEastSelectorState) package p_gameState.p_countrySelector { import p_singleton.*; import p_gameLevel.p_continent.*; public class MiddleEastSelectorState extends CountrySelectorState { public function MiddleEastSelectorState(){ var _local1:int; var _local2:int; super(); continentID = ContinentID.MIDDLE_EAST; _local1 = 0; _local2 = World.getSingleton().continentList.size(); while (_local1 < _local2) { if (continentID == World.getSingleton().continentList.get(_local1).continentID){ townSize = World.getSingleton().continentList.get(_local1).townSize; gameLevelStartingNumber = World.getSingleton().continentList.get(_local1).gameLevelStartingNumber; break; }; _local1++; }; scale = 2; } override public function initMap():void{ image = new MapWorldMiddleEast(); } override public function initStateSteps():void{ stageSteps = new Array(1, 2, 4, 6); } } }//package p_gameState.p_countrySelector
Section 269
//PhilipinesSelectorState (p_gameState.p_countrySelector.PhilipinesSelectorState) package p_gameState.p_countrySelector { import p_singleton.*; import p_gameLevel.p_continent.*; public class PhilipinesSelectorState extends CountrySelectorState { public function PhilipinesSelectorState(){ var _local1:int; var _local2:int; super(); continentID = ContinentID.PHILIPINES; _local1 = 0; _local2 = World.getSingleton().continentList.size(); while (_local1 < _local2) { if (continentID == World.getSingleton().continentList.get(_local1).continentID){ townSize = World.getSingleton().continentList.get(_local1).townSize; gameLevelStartingNumber = World.getSingleton().continentList.get(_local1).gameLevelStartingNumber; break; }; _local1++; }; scale = 2; } override public function initMap():void{ image = new MapWorldPhilipines(); } override public function initStateSteps():void{ stageSteps = new Array(1, 2, 3); } } }//package p_gameState.p_countrySelector
Section 270
//RussiaSelectorState (p_gameState.p_countrySelector.RussiaSelectorState) package p_gameState.p_countrySelector { import p_singleton.*; import p_gameLevel.p_continent.*; public class RussiaSelectorState extends CountrySelectorState { public function RussiaSelectorState(){ var _local1:int; var _local2:int; super(); continentID = ContinentID.RUSSIA; _local1 = 0; _local2 = World.getSingleton().continentList.size(); while (_local1 < _local2) { if (continentID == World.getSingleton().continentList.get(_local1).continentID){ townSize = World.getSingleton().continentList.get(_local1).townSize; gameLevelStartingNumber = World.getSingleton().continentList.get(_local1).gameLevelStartingNumber; break; }; _local1++; }; scale = 2; } override public function initMap():void{ image = new MapWorldRussia(); } override public function initStateSteps():void{ stageSteps = new Array(1, 2, 4); } } }//package p_gameState.p_countrySelector
Section 271
//SouthAmericaSelectorState (p_gameState.p_countrySelector.SouthAmericaSelectorState) package p_gameState.p_countrySelector { import p_singleton.*; import p_gameLevel.p_continent.*; public class SouthAmericaSelectorState extends CountrySelectorState { public function SouthAmericaSelectorState(){ var _local1:int; var _local2:int; super(); continentID = ContinentID.SOUTH_AMERICA; _local1 = 0; _local2 = World.getSingleton().continentList.size(); while (_local1 < _local2) { if (continentID == World.getSingleton().continentList.get(_local1).continentID){ townSize = World.getSingleton().continentList.get(_local1).townSize; gameLevelStartingNumber = World.getSingleton().continentList.get(_local1).gameLevelStartingNumber; break; }; _local1++; }; scale = 2; } override public function initMap():void{ image = new MapWorldSouthAmerica(); } override public function initStateSteps():void{ stageSteps = new Array(1, 2, 3, 4); } } }//package p_gameState.p_countrySelector
Section 272
//ClickMode (p_gameState.ClickMode) package p_gameState { public class ClickMode { public static var COL_SANDERS_RISE:int = 5; public static var MJ_RISE:int = 2; public static var GRENADE:int = 3; public static var BOOMER_RISE:int = 6; public static var SPIDER_RISE:int = 8; public static var IDLE:int = 0; public static var VIRUS_SPREAD:int = 1; public static var MCD_RISE:int = 7; public static var TANK_RISE:int = 4; } }//package p_gameState
Section 273
//CreditState (p_gameState.CreditState) package p_gameState { import*; import flash.display.*; import p_singleton.*; public class CreditState extends GameState { public var image:MovieClip; public function destroyImage():void{ if (image){ image.backButton.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, back); if (image.parent){ image.parent.removeChild(image); }; }; } public function initImage():void{ image = new ScreenCredits(); World.getSingleton().menuRoot.addChild(image); initButtons(); } public function back(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ GameManager.getSingleton().setGameState(new MainMenuState()); } override public function init():void{ initImage(); } public function initButtons():void{ image.backButton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, back); } override public function destroy():void{ destroyImage(); } } }//package p_gameState
Section 274
//GameOverState (p_gameState.GameOverState) package p_gameState { import*; import flash.display.*; import mochi.as3.*; import p_singleton.*; import*; import flash.system.*; public class GameOverState extends GameState { private var agi; public var score:int; private var loader:Loader; private var request:URLRequest; private var kongregate; private var apiPath:String; public var image:MovieClip; private var paramObj:Object; public function loadCompleteArmor(_arg1:Event):void{ var _local2:String; var _local3:String; agi = _arg1.currentTarget.content; World.getSingleton().menuRoot.addChild(agi); _local2 = "854b4e92ca10ca37da032c09e036d353"; _local3 = "infectonator-xmas"; agi.init(_local2, _local3); agi.showScoreboardSubmit(score); World.getSingleton().clearAll(); } public function destroyImage():void{ if (image){ image.slot.okButton.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, submitScore); image.slot.backButton.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, backToMainMenu); if (image.parent){ image.parent.removeChild(image); }; }; } public function submitStat():void{ if (World.getSingleton().loadKongComplete){ World.getSingleton().kongregate.stats.submit("Score", score); World.getSingleton().kongregate.stats.submit("Kills", World.getSingleton().peopleKilledRecorded.value); World.getSingleton().kongregate.stats.submit("Money", World.getSingleton().moneyCollected.value); World.getSingleton().kongregate.stats.submit("People Infected", World.getSingleton().peopleInfectedRecorded.value); World.getSingleton().kongregate.stats.submit("Heroes Killed", World.getSingleton().heroesKilledRecorded.value); World.getSingleton().kongregate.stats.submit("Cars Destroyed", World.getSingleton().carsDestroyedRecorded.value); }; World.getSingleton().clearAll(); } public function showMochiScores():void{ var o:Object; var boardID:String; o = {n:[0, 10, 1, 8, 10, 4, 2, 1, 5, 1, 9, 9, 11, 14, 14, 12], f:function (_arg1:Number, _arg2:String):String{ if (_arg2.length == 16){ return (_arg2); }; return (this.f((_arg1 + 1), (_arg2 + this.n[_arg1].toString(16)))); }}; boardID = o.f(0, ""); MochiScores.showLeaderboard({boardID:boardID, score:this.score}); MochiScores.onCloseHandler = onClose; } override public function init():void{ initImage(); World.getSingleton().startMenuSong2(); } public function onClose(_arg1:Object=null):void{ World.getSingleton().clearAll(); GameManager.getSingleton().setGameState(new MainMenuState()); } public function submitScore(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ var o:Object; var boardID:String; var e = _arg1; o = {n:[0, 10, 1, 8, 10, 4, 2, 1, 5, 1, 9, 9, 11, 14, 14, 12], f:function (_arg1:Number, _arg2:String):String{ if (_arg2.length == 16){ return (_arg2); }; return (this.f((_arg1 + 1), (_arg2 + this.n[_arg1].toString(16)))); }}; boardID = o.f(0, ""); MochiScores.showLeaderboard({boardID:boardID, score:this.score}); MochiScores.onCloseHandler = onError; MochiScores.onErrorHandler = onError; image.slot.okButton.visible = false; } public function onScoresReceived(_arg1:Object):void{ if (_arg1.scores != null){ image.gotoAndStop(2); showMochiScores(); } else { if (_arg1.error){ }; }; } public function initArmor():void{ var _local1:String; _local1 = ""; Security.allowDomain(_local1); request = new URLRequest(_local1); loader = new Loader(); loader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, loadCompleteArmor); loader.load(request); } public function onError(_arg1:Object=null):void{ image.slot.okButton.visible = true; } public function initImage():void{ var _local1:int; image = new ScreenGameOver(); World.getSingleton().menuRoot.addChild(image); image.submitButton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, backToMainMenu); score = World.getSingleton().moneyCollected.value; score = (score + (World.getSingleton().peopleInfectedRecorded.value * 200)); score = (score + (World.getSingleton().peopleKilledRecorded.value * 100)); score = (score + (World.getSingleton().carsDestroyedRecorded.value * 100)); score = (score + (World.getSingleton().heroesKilledRecorded.value * 500)); score = (score + (World.getSingleton().townDestroyedRecorded.value * 1000)); if (World.getSingleton().zombieWorld){ score = (score + World.getSingleton().zombieWorldBonus); }; if (World.getSingleton().madScientist){ score = (score + World.getSingleton().madScientistBonus); }; _local1 = (score / World.getSingleton().dayPassed.value); image.scoreText.text = (((((("" + score) + " / ") + World.getSingleton().dayPassed.value) + " Days\n") + "Your Final Score : ") + _local1); image.infoText.text = (("You Dominate the World in " + World.getSingleton().dayPassed.value) + " Days"); score = _local1; World.getSingleton().timeLeft.setValue(60); World.getSingleton().levelDone = 1; image.slot.visible = false; } public function submitScoreButton(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if (World.getSingleton().siteLockedKong){ submitStat(); } else { if (World.getSingleton().siteLockedArmor){ initArmor(); } else { if (World.getSingleton().siteLockedMofunzone){ } else { showMochiScores(); }; }; }; } public function backToMainMenu(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ World.getSingleton().clearAll(); GameManager.getSingleton().setGameStateInstant(new MainMenuState()); } override public function destroy():void{ image.submitButton.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, submitScoreButton); destroyImage(); if (World.getSingleton().siteLockedArmor){ if (World.getSingleton().menuRoot.contains(agi)){ World.getSingleton().menuRoot.removeChild(agi); }; }; World.getSingleton().stopSong(); } } }//package p_gameState
Section 275
//GameState (p_gameState.GameState) package p_gameState { import*; public class GameState { public function init():void{ } public function update(_arg1:Event=null):void{ } public function destroy():void{ } } }//package p_gameState
Section 276
//InGameState (p_gameState.InGameState) package p_gameState { import com.baseoneonline.flash.geom.*; import*; import flash.display.*; import MoFunZoneAPI.*; import p_gameLevel.*; import org.idmedia.as3commons.util.*; import com.baseoneonline.flash.astar.*; import p_singleton.*; import p_entity.p_nonPlayable.*; import p_pathFinder.*; import flash.geom.*; import flash.utils.*; import*; import p_singleton.p_worldEvent.*; import p_gameLevel.p_gameLevelEnemy.*; import input.*; import p_particle.*; import p_entity.*; import p_cursor.*; import p_entity.p_playableChar.*; import p_entity.p_bullet.*; import p_entity.p_nonPlayable.p_zombie.*; import p_entity.p_nonPlayable.p_people.*; import p_entity.p_nonPlayable.p_car.*; import p_entity.p_nonPlayable.p_people.p_shooter.*; import p_tiles.*; public class InGameState extends GameState { public var popUpTimeCounter:int;// = 0 public var objectiveCompleted:Boolean;// = false public var goal:IntPoint; public var bubbleClip:MovieClip; public var venomUsed:Boolean;// = false public var gameElapsedTime:int;// = 2000 public var mapView:MapView; public var height:Number; public var gameEndingTime:int;// = 2000 public var menuBar:MovieClip; public var colSanderUsed:Boolean;// = false public var enemiesNeedToBeKilled:int;// = 5 public var enemiesKilledCounter:int;// = 0 public var popUpClip:MovieClip; public var enemyList:ArrayList; public var clickedOnce:Boolean;// = false public var mcDUsed:Boolean;// = false public var levelInfo:MovieClip; public var cursor:Cursor; public var clickMode:int; public var maxBlockedTileCounter:int;// = 0 public var selectedMC:MovieClip; public var tileHeight:int;// = 20 public var carSedanTotal:int;// = 0 public var enemy:NonPlayableCharacter; public var moneyInfo:MovieClip; public var horrorSongStarted:Boolean;// = false public var santaUsed:Boolean;// = false public var totalPopulation:int;// = 0 public var gameLevel:GameLevel; public var building:StaticObject; public var tileWidth:int;// = 28 public var popUpTime:int;// = 1500 public var keyPoll:KeyPoll; public var enemiesTotal:int;// = 10 public var width:Number; public var tankUsed:Boolean;// = false public var killedInfo:MovieClip; public var zombieSpawning:Boolean;// = false public var player:PlayableCharacter; public var blockedTileCounter:int;// = 0 public var levelNumber:int;// = 0 public var successClip:MovieClip; public var gameRoot:Sprite; public var mjUsed:Boolean;// = false public var virusHasBeenSpread:Boolean;// = false public var bonusVirusCounter:int;// = 0 public function InGameState(_arg1:int){ enemiesKilledCounter = 0; enemiesTotal = 10; blockedTileCounter = 0; clickedOnce = false; virusHasBeenSpread = false; gameElapsedTime = 2000; gameEndingTime = 2000; maxBlockedTileCounter = 0; enemiesNeedToBeKilled = 5; carSedanTotal = 0; totalPopulation = 0; tileWidth = 28; tileHeight = 20; objectiveCompleted = false; popUpTime = 1500; popUpTimeCounter = 0; horrorSongStarted = false; zombieSpawning = false; clickMode = ClickMode.VIRUS_SPREAD; levelNumber = 0; bonusVirusCounter = 0; mjUsed = false; tankUsed = false; santaUsed = false; colSanderUsed = false; mcDUsed = false; venomUsed = false; super(); this.levelNumber = _arg1; } override public function destroy():void{ if (gameLevel){ gameLevel.resetCurrentMax(); }; pauseTheGame(); if (gameRoot){ gameRoot.x = 0; gameRoot.y = 0; World.getSingleton().displayObjectRoot.x = 0; }; World.getSingleton().displayObjectRoot.y = 0; World.getSingleton().displayObjectRoot.scaleX = 1; World.getSingleton().displayObjectRoot.scaleY = 1; World.getSingleton().mapRoot.x = 0; World.getSingleton().mapRoot.y = 0; World.getSingleton().mapRoot.scaleX = 1; World.getSingleton().mapRoot.scaleY = 1; World.getSingleton().mouseRoot.x = 0; World.getSingleton().mouseRoot.y = 0; World.getSingleton().mouseRoot.scaleX = 1; World.getSingleton().mouseRoot.scaleY = 1; World.getSingleton().bitmapRoot.x = 0; World.getSingleton().bitmapRoot.y = 0; World.getSingleton().bitmapRoot.scaleX = 1; World.getSingleton().bitmapRoot.scaleY = 1; World.getSingleton().visualEffectRoot.x = 0; World.getSingleton().visualEffectRoot.y = 0; World.getSingleton().visualEffectRoot.scaleX = 1; World.getSingleton().visualEffectRoot.scaleY = 1; destroyEnemies(); destroyZombies(); destroyUnturnedPeople(); destroyBullets(); destroyCoins(); destroyMap(); destroyListener(); destroyMenuBar(); destroyLevelInfo(); destroyCursor(); destroySuccessClip(); stopSong(); } public function initSpecifiable():void{ if (gameLevel){ maxBlockedTileCounter = gameLevel.maxBlockedTileCounter; enemiesNeedToBeKilled = gameLevel.enemiesNeedToBeKilled; gameLevel.calculateTotalPopulation(); totalPopulation = gameLevel.totalPopulation; gameLevel.maxEnemyCounter = 0; gameLevel.resetCurrentMax(); calculateTotalEnemies(); tileWidth = gameLevel.tileWidth; tileHeight = gameLevel.tileHeight; World.getSingleton().currentLevel = levelNumber; World.getSingleton().currentTownName = gameLevel.townName; }; } public function initMenuBar():void{ menuBar = new ScreenMenuBar(); World.getSingleton().menuRoot.addChild(menuBar); menuBar.kills.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, updateKills);, updateMoney); menuBar.soundButton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, soundControl); menuBar.abortButton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, abortLevel); = 0; = 1; = 2; = 3; = 4; = 5; = 6; = 7; menuBar.infect.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, onButtonMouseDown); menuBar.infect.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, onButtonMouseOver); menuBar.infect.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, onButtonMouseOut); menuBar.infect.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, onButtonMouseUp); menuBar.bomb.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, onButtonMouseDown); menuBar.bomb.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, onButtonMouseOver); menuBar.bomb.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, onButtonMouseOut); menuBar.bomb.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, onButtonMouseUp); if (World.getSingleton().itemBombBought.value <= 0){ menuBar.bomb.alpha = 0.5; menuBar.bomb.enabled = false; }; if (World.getSingleton().specialZombieUnlocked[0]){ menuBar.mj.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, onButtonMouseDown); menuBar.mj.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, onButtonMouseOver); menuBar.mj.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, onButtonMouseOut); menuBar.mj.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, onButtonMouseUp); } else { menuBar.mj.alpha = 0.5; mjUsed = true; }; if (World.getSingleton().specialZombieUnlocked[1]){ menuBar.tank.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, onButtonMouseDown); menuBar.tank.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, onButtonMouseOver); menuBar.tank.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, onButtonMouseOut); menuBar.tank.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, onButtonMouseUp); } else { menuBar.tank.alpha = 0.5; tankUsed = true; }; if (World.getSingleton().specialZombieUnlocked[2]){ menuBar.boomer.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, onButtonMouseDown); menuBar.boomer.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, onButtonMouseOver); menuBar.boomer.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, onButtonMouseOut); menuBar.boomer.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, onButtonMouseUp); } else { menuBar.boomer.alpha = 0.5; santaUsed = true; }; if (World.getSingleton().specialZombieUnlocked[3]){ menuBar.colSanders.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, onButtonMouseDown); menuBar.colSanders.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, onButtonMouseOver); menuBar.colSanders.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, onButtonMouseOut); menuBar.colSanders.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, onButtonMouseUp); } else { menuBar.colSanders.alpha = 0.5; colSanderUsed = true; }; if (World.getSingleton().specialZombieUnlocked[4]){ menuBar.McD.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, onButtonMouseDown); menuBar.McD.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, onButtonMouseOver); menuBar.McD.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, onButtonMouseOut); menuBar.McD.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, onButtonMouseUp); } else { menuBar.McD.alpha = 0.5; mcDUsed = true; }; if (World.getSingleton().specialZombieUnlocked[5]){ menuBar.spider.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, onButtonMouseDown); menuBar.spider.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, onButtonMouseOver); menuBar.spider.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, onButtonMouseOut); menuBar.spider.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, onButtonMouseUp); } else { menuBar.spider.alpha = 0.5; venomUsed = true; }; bubbleClip = new ScreenPopUpBaloon(); menuBar.addChild(bubbleClip); bubbleClip.x = menuBar.infect.x; bubbleClip.y = menuBar.infect.y; bubbleClip.visible = false; bubbleClip.closeBut.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, closeBubblePopUp); if (!World.getSingleton().hotKeyClosed){ showBubblePopUp(menuBar.boomer.x, menuBar.boomer.y, "press 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 to cycle through the buttons below"); }; if (selectedMC){ selectedMC.gotoAndStop(1); }; selectedMC = menuBar.infect; selectedMC.gotoAndStop(2); } protected function findRandomWalkableTile(_arg1:TileMap):IntPoint{ var _local2:Boolean; var _local3:int; var _local4:int; _local2 = false; while (!(_local2)) { _local3 = ((Math.random() * 100) % World.getSingleton().tileMap.getWidth()); _local4 = ((Math.random() * 100) % World.getSingleton().tileMap.getHeight()); if (!World.getSingleton().tileMap.outOfBoundsCheck(_local3, _local4)){ if (World.getSingleton().tileMap.isWalkable(_local3, _local4)){ _local2 = true; return (new IntPoint(_local3, _local4)); }; }; }; return (new IntPoint((World.getSingleton().tileMap.getWidth() / 2), (World.getSingleton().tileMap.getHeight() / 2))); } private function destroyMap():void{ var _local1:int; var _local2:int; if (mapView){ if (World.getSingleton().mapRoot.contains(mapView)){ World.getSingleton().mapRoot.removeChild(mapView); }; }; if (World.getSingleton().bitmapRoot){ World.getSingleton().bitmapRoot.bitmapData.dispose(); World.getSingleton().bitmapRoot.bitmapData = new BitmapData(World.getSingleton().gameWidth, World.getSingleton().gameHeight, true, 0); }; _local1 = World.getSingleton().displayObjectRoot.numChildren; if (_local1 > 0){ _local2 = (_local1 - 1); while (_local2 >= 0) { World.getSingleton().displayObjectRoot.removeChildAt(_local2); _local2--; }; }; _local1 = World.getSingleton().visualEffectRoot.numChildren; if (_local1 > 0){ _local2 = (_local1 - 1); while (_local2 >= 0) { World.getSingleton().visualEffectRoot.removeChildAt(_local2); _local2--; }; }; _local1 = World.getSingleton().displayObjectArray.length; if (_local1 > 0){ _local2 = (_local1 - 1); while (_local2 >= 0) { World.getSingleton().displayObjectArray.pop(); _local2--; }; }; _local1 = World.getSingleton().bulletList.size(); _local2 = (_local1 - 1); while (_local2 >= 0) { World.getSingleton().bulletList.get(_local2).hitSolid = true; World.getSingleton().bulletList.get(_local2).update(); _local2--; }; World.getSingleton().tileMap = null; World.getSingleton().tileMapZombie = null; } public function placeRandomObjects(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number):void{ var _local3:Class; var _local4:TileObject; _local3 = (getDefinitionByName(gameLevel.getObjectClass()) as Class); _local4 = TileObject(new (_local3)); _local4.x = _arg1; _local4.y = _arg2; _local4.recalcMap(); } public function gotoUpgradeScreen():void{ GameManager.getSingleton().setGameState(new UpgradeState()); } public function checkLevelDone():void{ if (zombieSpawning){ if (gameElapsedTime > 0){ gameElapsedTime = (gameElapsedTime - World.getSingleton().elapsedTime); }; if (gameElapsedTime <= 0){ if (zombieSpawning){ if ((((World.getSingleton().enemyList.size() <= 0)) || ((((World.getSingleton().zombieList.size() <= 0)) && ((World.getSingleton().unturnedPeopleList.size() <= 0)))))){ if (gameLevel){ if (((gameLevel.townDestroyed()) && ((World.getSingleton().enemyList.size() <= 0)))){ if (!gameLevel.destroyed){ World.getSingleton().townDestroyed.value++; World.getSingleton().addTownDestroyedInAContinent(); gameLevel.destroyed = true; World.getSingleton().money.addValue(gameLevel.destroyedBonus); World.getSingleton().moneyCollected.addValue(gameLevel.destroyedBonus); World.getSingleton().showAchievementPopUp(new IconTown(), ("Town is destroyed\n$" + gameLevel.destroyedBonus)); }; }; }; stopCounting(); gameEndingTime = (gameEndingTime - World.getSingleton().elapsedTime); if (gameEndingTime <= 0){ World.getSingleton().removeEventListener(WorldEvent.ON_UPDATE, update); World.getSingleton().survivorFound.value = (totalPopulation - World.getSingleton().peopleKilled.value); stopCounting(); World.getSingleton().removeEventListener(WorldEvent.ON_UPDATE, update); if (World.getSingleton().AllHasBeenDestroyed()){ GameManager.getSingleton().setGameState(new GameOverState()); } else { GameManager.getSingleton().setGameState(new ResultScreenState()); }; }; }; }; }; }; } override public function init():void{ initCursor(); clearStatistics(); initMenuBar(); initGameLevel(); initSpecifiable(); if (World.getSingleton().gameRoot){ gameRoot = World.getSingleton().gameRoot; }; initMap(); putLevel(); initEnemy(); putWalls(); initLevelInfo(); initListener(); initSuccessClip(); startTheGame(); startSong(); World.getSingleton().dayPassed.value++; if (World.getSingleton().siteLockedKong){ submitStat(); }; World.getSingleton().infecting = false; } public function onClick(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ var _local2:IntPoint; var _local3:Boolean; var _local4:Boolean; var _local5:Bullet; var _local6:Sound; var _local7:Bomb; var _local8:Sound; var _local9:Zombie; if (!clickedOnce){ startCounting(); clickedOnce = true; if (levelInfo){ levelInfo.visible = false; }; } else { if (clickMode == ClickMode.VIRUS_SPREAD){ if (bonusVirusCounter <= World.getSingleton().itemVirusBonusBought.value){ _local2 = World.getSingleton().screenToMap(new Point(World.getSingleton().displayObjectRoot.mouseX, World.getSingleton().displayObjectRoot.mouseY)); _local3 = World.getSingleton().tileMap.outOfBoundsCheck(_local2.x, _local2.y); if (!_local3){ _local4 = World.getSingleton().tileMap.isWalkable(_local2.x, _local2.y); if (_local4){ bonusVirusCounter++; startHorrorSong(); World.getSingleton().infecting = true; if (!World.getSingleton().soundMuted){ _local6 = new ClickSound();; }; if (bonusVirusCounter > World.getSingleton().itemVirusBonusBought.value){ menuBar.infect.alpha = 0.5; menuBar.infect.enabled = false; }; virusHasBeenSpread = true; zombieSpawning = true; _local5 = new Bullet(_local2, World.getSingleton().displayObjectRoot.mouseX, World.getSingleton().displayObjectRoot.mouseY); _local5.direction.x = 1; _local5.direction.y = 0; _local5 = new Bullet(_local2, World.getSingleton().displayObjectRoot.mouseX, World.getSingleton().displayObjectRoot.mouseY); _local5.direction.x = 0; _local5.direction.y = 1; _local5 = new Bullet(_local2, World.getSingleton().displayObjectRoot.mouseX, World.getSingleton().displayObjectRoot.mouseY); _local5.direction.x = -1; _local5.direction.y = 0; _local5 = new Bullet(_local2, World.getSingleton().displayObjectRoot.mouseX, World.getSingleton().displayObjectRoot.mouseY); _local5.direction.x = 0; _local5.direction.y = -1; if (World.getSingleton().itemBulletBought.value >= 1){ _local5 = new Bullet(_local2, World.getSingleton().displayObjectRoot.mouseX, World.getSingleton().displayObjectRoot.mouseY); _local5.direction.x = 0.5; _local5.direction.y = -0.5; }; if (World.getSingleton().itemBulletBought.value >= 2){ _local5 = new Bullet(_local2, World.getSingleton().displayObjectRoot.mouseX, World.getSingleton().displayObjectRoot.mouseY); _local5.direction.x = -0.5; _local5.direction.y = -0.5; }; if (World.getSingleton().itemBulletBought.value >= 3){ _local5 = new Bullet(_local2, World.getSingleton().displayObjectRoot.mouseX, World.getSingleton().displayObjectRoot.mouseY); _local5.direction.x = 0.5; _local5.direction.y = 0.5; }; if (World.getSingleton().itemBulletBought.value >= 4){ _local5 = new Bullet(_local2, World.getSingleton().displayObjectRoot.mouseX, World.getSingleton().displayObjectRoot.mouseY); _local5.direction.x = -0.5; _local5.direction.y = 0.5; }; }; }; }; } else { if (clickMode == ClickMode.GRENADE){ if (World.getSingleton().itemBombBought.value > 0){ _local7 = new Bomb(World.getSingleton().displayObjectRoot.mouseX, World.getSingleton().displayObjectRoot.mouseY); World.getSingleton().itemBombBought.value--; zombieSpawning = true; CollisionDetector.getSingleton().bombCollision(); if (!World.getSingleton().soundMuted){ _local8 = new ExploSound();; }; if (World.getSingleton().itemBombBought.value <= 0){ menuBar.bomb.alpha = 0.5; menuBar.bomb.enabled = false; if (cursor){ cursor.image.gotoAndStop(1); }; if (selectedMC){ selectedMC.gotoAndStop(1); selectedMC = null; }; }; } else { menuBar.bomb.alpha = 0.5; menuBar.bomb.enabled = false; if (cursor){ cursor.image.gotoAndStop(1); }; if (selectedMC){ selectedMC.gotoAndStop(1); selectedMC = null; }; }; } else { if (clickMode == ClickMode.MJ_RISE){ _local2 = World.getSingleton().screenToMap(new Point(World.getSingleton().displayObjectRoot.mouseX, World.getSingleton().displayObjectRoot.mouseY)); _local3 = World.getSingleton().tileMap.outOfBoundsCheck(_local2.x, _local2.y); if (!_local3){ _local4 = World.getSingleton().tileMap.isWalkable(_local2.x, _local2.y); if (((_local4) && (!(mjUsed)))){ _local9 = new ZombieMJ(_local2); _local9.init(); World.getSingleton().zombieList.add(_local9); mjUsed = true; zombieSpawning = true; World.getSingleton().infecting = true; menuBar.mj.alpha = 0.5; menuBar.mj.enabled = false; clickMode = ClickMode.IDLE; menuBar.mj.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, onButtonMouseDown); menuBar.mj.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, onButtonMouseOver); menuBar.mj.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, onButtonMouseOut); menuBar.mj.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, onButtonMouseUp); if (cursor){ cursor.image.gotoAndStop(1); }; if (selectedMC){ selectedMC.gotoAndStop(1); selectedMC = null; }; }; }; } else { if (clickMode == ClickMode.TANK_RISE){ _local2 = World.getSingleton().screenToMap(new Point(World.getSingleton().displayObjectRoot.mouseX, World.getSingleton().displayObjectRoot.mouseY)); _local3 = World.getSingleton().tileMap.outOfBoundsCheck(_local2.x, _local2.y); if (!_local3){ _local4 = World.getSingleton().tileMap.isWalkable(_local2.x, _local2.y); if (((_local4) && (!(tankUsed)))){ _local9 = new ZombieTank(_local2); _local9.init(); World.getSingleton().zombieList.add(_local9); tankUsed = true; zombieSpawning = true; World.getSingleton().infecting = true; menuBar.tank.alpha = 0.5; menuBar.tank.enabled = false; clickMode = ClickMode.IDLE; startHorrorSong(); menuBar.tank.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, onButtonMouseDown); menuBar.tank.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, onButtonMouseOver); menuBar.tank.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, onButtonMouseOut); menuBar.tank.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, onButtonMouseUp); if (cursor){ cursor.image.gotoAndStop(1); }; if (selectedMC){ selectedMC.gotoAndStop(1); selectedMC = null; }; }; }; } else { if (clickMode == ClickMode.COL_SANDERS_RISE){ _local2 = World.getSingleton().screenToMap(new Point(World.getSingleton().displayObjectRoot.mouseX, World.getSingleton().displayObjectRoot.mouseY)); _local3 = World.getSingleton().tileMap.outOfBoundsCheck(_local2.x, _local2.y); if (!_local3){ _local4 = World.getSingleton().tileMap.isWalkable(_local2.x, _local2.y); if (((_local4) && (!(colSanderUsed)))){ _local9 = new ZombieSanders(_local2); _local9.init(); World.getSingleton().zombieList.add(_local9); colSanderUsed = true; zombieSpawning = true; World.getSingleton().infecting = true; menuBar.colSanders.alpha = 0.5; menuBar.colSanders.enabled = false; clickMode = ClickMode.IDLE; startHorrorSong(); menuBar.colSanders.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, onButtonMouseDown); menuBar.colSanders.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, onButtonMouseOver); menuBar.colSanders.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, onButtonMouseOut); menuBar.colSanders.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, onButtonMouseUp); if (cursor){ cursor.image.gotoAndStop(1); }; if (selectedMC){ selectedMC.gotoAndStop(1); selectedMC = null; }; }; }; } else { if (clickMode == ClickMode.BOOMER_RISE){ _local2 = World.getSingleton().screenToMap(new Point(World.getSingleton().displayObjectRoot.mouseX, World.getSingleton().displayObjectRoot.mouseY)); _local3 = World.getSingleton().tileMap.outOfBoundsCheck(_local2.x, _local2.y); if (!_local3){ _local4 = World.getSingleton().tileMap.isWalkable(_local2.x, _local2.y); if (((_local4) && (!(santaUsed)))){ _local9 = new ZombieSanta(_local2); _local9.init(); World.getSingleton().zombieList.add(_local9); santaUsed = true; zombieSpawning = true; World.getSingleton().infecting = true; menuBar.boomer.alpha = 0.5; menuBar.boomer.enabled = false; clickMode = ClickMode.IDLE; startHorrorSong(); menuBar.boomer.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, onButtonMouseDown); menuBar.boomer.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, onButtonMouseOver); menuBar.boomer.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, onButtonMouseOut); menuBar.boomer.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, onButtonMouseUp); if (cursor){ cursor.image.gotoAndStop(1); }; if (selectedMC){ selectedMC.gotoAndStop(1); selectedMC = null; }; }; }; } else { if (clickMode == ClickMode.MCD_RISE){ _local2 = World.getSingleton().screenToMap(new Point(World.getSingleton().displayObjectRoot.mouseX, World.getSingleton().displayObjectRoot.mouseY)); _local3 = World.getSingleton().tileMap.outOfBoundsCheck(_local2.x, _local2.y); if (!_local3){ _local4 = World.getSingleton().tileMap.isWalkable(_local2.x, _local2.y); if (((_local4) && (!(mcDUsed)))){ _local9 = new ZombieMcD(_local2); _local9.init(); World.getSingleton().zombieList.add(_local9); mcDUsed = true; zombieSpawning = true; World.getSingleton().infecting = true; menuBar.McD.alpha = 0.5; menuBar.McD.enabled = false; clickMode = ClickMode.IDLE; startHorrorSong(); menuBar.McD.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, onButtonMouseDown); menuBar.McD.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, onButtonMouseOver); menuBar.McD.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, onButtonMouseOut); menuBar.McD.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, onButtonMouseUp); if (cursor){ cursor.image.gotoAndStop(1); }; if (selectedMC){ selectedMC.gotoAndStop(1); selectedMC = null; }; }; }; } else { if (clickMode == ClickMode.SPIDER_RISE){ _local2 = World.getSingleton().screenToMap(new Point(World.getSingleton().displayObjectRoot.mouseX, World.getSingleton().displayObjectRoot.mouseY)); _local3 = World.getSingleton().tileMap.outOfBoundsCheck(_local2.x, _local2.y); if (!_local3){ _local4 = World.getSingleton().tileMap.isWalkable(_local2.x, _local2.y); if (((_local4) && (!(venomUsed)))){ _local9 = new ZombieSpiderman(_local2); _local9.init(); World.getSingleton().zombieList.add(_local9); venomUsed = true; zombieSpawning = true; World.getSingleton().infecting = true; menuBar.spider.alpha = 0.5; menuBar.spider.enabled = false; clickMode = ClickMode.IDLE; startHorrorSong(); menuBar.spider.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, onButtonMouseDown); menuBar.spider.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, onButtonMouseOver); menuBar.spider.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, onButtonMouseOut); menuBar.spider.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, onButtonMouseUp); if (cursor){ cursor.image.gotoAndStop(1); }; if (selectedMC){ selectedMC.gotoAndStop(1); selectedMC = null; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; } public function initEnemyOutOfScreen():void{ var _local1:int; var _local2:int; var _local3:IntPoint; var _local4:int; _local1 = 0; _local2 = enemyList.size(); while (_local1 < _local2) { _local4 = 0; if (enemyList.get(_local1).id == GameLevelEnemyID.COLONEL_SANDERS){ _local4 = 0; while (_local4 < enemyList.get(_local1).total) { _local3 = findOutOfScreenPoint(); enemy = new ColSanders(_local3); enemy.init(); World.getSingleton().enemyList.add(enemy); _local4++; }; } else { if (enemyList.get(_local1).id == GameLevelEnemyID.SPIDERMAN){ _local4 = 0; while (_local4 < enemyList.get(_local1).total) { _local3 = findOutOfScreenPoint(); enemy = new Spiderman(_local3); enemy.init(); World.getSingleton().enemyList.add(enemy); _local4++; }; } else { if (enemyList.get(_local1).id == GameLevelEnemyID.ESKIMO_PEACE){ _local4 = 0; while (_local4 < enemyList.get(_local1).total) { _local3 = findOutOfScreenPoint(); enemy = new EskimoGuyPeace(_local3); enemy.init(); World.getSingleton().enemyList.add(enemy); _local4++; }; } else { if (enemyList.get(_local1).id == GameLevelEnemyID.NEGRO_AFRO){ _local4 = 0; while (_local4 < enemyList.get(_local1).total) { _local3 = findOutOfScreenPoint(); enemy = new NegroAfro(_local3); enemy.init(); World.getSingleton().enemyList.add(enemy); _local4++; }; } else { if (enemyList.get(_local1).id == GameLevelEnemyID.NEGRO_KAMPUNG_PEACE){ _local4 = 0; while (_local4 < enemyList.get(_local1).total) { _local3 = findOutOfScreenPoint(); enemy = new NegroKampungPeace(_local3); enemy.init(); World.getSingleton().enemyList.add(enemy); _local4++; }; } else { if (enemyList.get(_local1).id == GameLevelEnemyID.NEGRO_KAMPUNG_WAR){ _local4 = 0; while (_local4 < enemyList.get(_local1).total) { _local3 = findOutOfScreenPoint(); enemy = new NegroKampungWar(_local3); enemy.init(); World.getSingleton().enemyList.add(enemy); _local4++; }; } else { if (enemyList.get(_local1).id == GameLevelEnemyID.ESKIMO){ _local4 = 0; while (_local4 < enemyList.get(_local1).total) { _local3 = findOutOfScreenPoint(); enemy = new EskimoGuy(_local3); enemy.init(); World.getSingleton().enemyList.add(enemy); _local4++; }; } else { if (enemyList.get(_local1).id == GameLevelEnemyID.SWAT){ _local4 = 0; while (_local4 < enemyList.get(_local1).total) { _local3 = findOutOfScreenPoint(); enemy = new SWAT(_local3); enemy.init(); World.getSingleton().enemyList.add(enemy); _local4++; }; } else { if (enemyList.get(_local1).id == GameLevelEnemyID.BEACH_BOY){ _local4 = 0; while (_local4 < enemyList.get(_local1).total) { _local3 = findOutOfScreenPoint(); enemy = new BeachBoy(_local3); enemy.init(); World.getSingleton().enemyList.add(enemy); _local4++; }; } else { if (enemyList.get(_local1).id == GameLevelEnemyID.BEACH_GIRL){ _local4 = 0; while (_local4 < enemyList.get(_local1).total) { _local3 = findOutOfScreenPoint(); enemy = new BeachGirl(_local3); enemy.init(); World.getSingleton().enemyList.add(enemy); _local4++; }; } else { if (enemyList.get(_local1).id == GameLevelEnemyID.CHINESE){ _local4 = 0; while (_local4 < enemyList.get(_local1).total) { _local3 = findOutOfScreenPoint(); enemy = new ChineseBoy(_local3); enemy.init(); World.getSingleton().enemyList.add(enemy); _local4++; }; } else { if (enemyList.get(_local1).id == GameLevelEnemyID.ELF_GUY){ _local4 = 0; while (_local4 < enemyList.get(_local1).total) { _local3 = findOutOfScreenPoint(); enemy = new ElfGuy(_local3); enemy.init(); World.getSingleton().enemyList.add(enemy); _local4++; }; } else { if (enemyList.get(_local1).id == GameLevelEnemyID.TALIBAN){ _local4 = 0; while (_local4 < enemyList.get(_local1).total) { _local3 = findOutOfScreenPoint(); enemy = new TalibanGuy(_local3); enemy.init(); World.getSingleton().enemyList.add(enemy); _local4++; }; } else { if (enemyList.get(_local1).id == GameLevelEnemyID.FRENCH_MIME){ _local4 = 0; while (_local4 < enemyList.get(_local1).total) { _local3 = findOutOfScreenPoint(); enemy = new FrenchMime(_local3); enemy.init(); World.getSingleton().enemyList.add(enemy); _local4++; }; } else { if (enemyList.get(_local1).id == GameLevelEnemyID.RONALD_MCD){ _local4 = 0; while (_local4 < enemyList.get(_local1).total) { _local3 = findOutOfScreenPoint(); enemy = new RonMCd(_local3); enemy.init(); World.getSingleton().enemyList.add(enemy); _local4++; }; } else { if (enemyList.get(_local1).id == GameLevelEnemyID.GRAVE_MJ){ _local4 = 0; while (_local4 < enemyList.get(_local1).total) { _local3 = findOutOfScreenPoint(); enemy = new GraveMJ(_local3); enemy.init(); World.getSingleton().enemyList.add(enemy); _local4++; }; } else { if (enemyList.get(_local1).id == GameLevelEnemyID.FAT_GUY){ _local4 = 0; while (_local4 < enemyList.get(_local1).total) { _local3 = findOutOfScreenPoint(); enemy = new FatGuy(_local3); enemy.init(); World.getSingleton().enemyList.add(enemy); _local4++; }; } else { if (enemyList.get(_local1).id == GameLevelEnemyID.HISTERICAL_LADY){ _local4 = 0; while (_local4 < enemyList.get(_local1).total) { _local3 = findOutOfScreenPoint(); enemy = new HistericalLady(_local3); enemy.init(); World.getSingleton().enemyList.add(enemy); _local4++; }; } else { if (enemyList.get(_local1).id == GameLevelEnemyID.HISTERICAL_LADY_XMAS){ _local4 = 0; while (_local4 < enemyList.get(_local1).total) { _local3 = findOutOfScreenPoint(); enemy = new HistericalLadyXMas(_local3); enemy.init(); World.getSingleton().enemyList.add(enemy); _local4++; }; } else { if (enemyList.get(_local1).id == GameLevelEnemyID.MALE_IN_SUIT){ _local4 = 0; while (_local4 < enemyList.get(_local1).total) { _local3 = findOutOfScreenPoint(); enemy = new MaleInSuit(_local3); enemy.init(); World.getSingleton().enemyList.add(enemy); _local4++; }; } else { if (enemyList.get(_local1).id == GameLevelEnemyID.MALE_WHITE_SHIRT){ _local4 = 0; while (_local4 < enemyList.get(_local1).total) { _local3 = findOutOfScreenPoint(); enemy = new MaleWhiteShirt(_local3); enemy.init(); World.getSingleton().enemyList.add(enemy); _local4++; }; } else { if (enemyList.get(_local1).id == GameLevelEnemyID.POLICE_MAN){ _local4 = 0; while (_local4 < enemyList.get(_local1).total) { _local3 = findOutOfScreenPoint(); enemy = new PoliceMan(_local3); enemy.init(); World.getSingleton().enemyList.add(enemy); _local4++; }; } else { if (enemyList.get(_local1).id == GameLevelEnemyID.RAMBO){ _local4 = 0; while (_local4 < enemyList.get(_local1).total) { _local3 = findOutOfScreenPoint(); enemy = new Rambo(_local3); enemy.init(); World.getSingleton().enemyList.add(enemy); _local4++; }; } else { if (enemyList.get(_local1).id == GameLevelEnemyID.RASTA){ _local4 = 0; while (_local4 < enemyList.get(_local1).total) { _local3 = findOutOfScreenPoint(); enemy = new Rasta(_local3); enemy.init(); World.getSingleton().enemyList.add(enemy); _local4++; }; } else { if (enemyList.get(_local1).id == GameLevelEnemyID.SANTA){ _local4 = 0; while (_local4 < enemyList.get(_local1).total) { _local3 = findOutOfScreenPoint(); enemy = new Santa(_local3); enemy.init(); World.getSingleton().enemyList.add(enemy); _local4++; }; } else { if (enemyList.get(_local1).id == GameLevelEnemyID.ARMY_GUY){ _local4 = 0; while (_local4 < enemyList.get(_local1).total) { _local3 = findOutOfScreenPoint(); enemy = new ArmyGuy(_local3); enemy.init(); World.getSingleton().enemyList.add(enemy); _local4++; }; } else { if (enemyList.get(_local1).id == GameLevelEnemyID.TUTORIAL_PERSON){ _local4 = 0; while (_local4 < enemyList.get(_local1).total) { _local3 = findOutOfScreenPoint(); enemy = new TutorialPerson(_local3); enemy.init(); World.getSingleton().enemyList.add(enemy); _local4++; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; _local1++; }; enemiesTotal = World.getSingleton().enemyList.size(); } public function destroyMenuBar():void{ if (bubbleClip){ bubbleClip.closeBut.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, closeBubblePopUp); if (bubbleClip.parent){ bubbleClip.parent.removeChild(bubbleClip); }; }; if (menuBar){ if (menuBar.parent){ menuBar.parent.removeChild(menuBar); menuBar.kills.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, updateKills);, updateMoney); menuBar.soundButton.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, soundControl); menuBar.abortButton.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, abortLevel); menuBar.infect.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, onButtonMouseDown); menuBar.infect.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, onButtonMouseOver); menuBar.infect.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, onButtonMouseOut); menuBar.infect.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, onButtonMouseUp); menuBar.bomb.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, onButtonMouseDown); menuBar.bomb.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, onButtonMouseOver); menuBar.bomb.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, onButtonMouseOut); menuBar.bomb.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, onButtonMouseUp); menuBar.colSanders.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, onButtonMouseDown); menuBar.colSanders.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, onButtonMouseOver); menuBar.colSanders.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, onButtonMouseOut); menuBar.colSanders.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, onButtonMouseUp); menuBar.boomer.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, onButtonMouseDown); menuBar.boomer.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, onButtonMouseOver); menuBar.boomer.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, onButtonMouseOut); menuBar.boomer.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, onButtonMouseUp); menuBar.mj.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, onButtonMouseDown); menuBar.mj.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, onButtonMouseOver); menuBar.mj.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, onButtonMouseOut); menuBar.mj.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, onButtonMouseUp); menuBar.tank.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, onButtonMouseDown); menuBar.tank.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, onButtonMouseOver); menuBar.tank.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, onButtonMouseOut); menuBar.tank.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, onButtonMouseUp); menuBar.McD.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, onButtonMouseDown); menuBar.McD.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, onButtonMouseOver); menuBar.McD.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, onButtonMouseOut); menuBar.McD.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, onButtonMouseUp); menuBar.spider.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, onButtonMouseDown); menuBar.spider.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, onButtonMouseOver); menuBar.spider.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, onButtonMouseOut); menuBar.spider.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, onButtonMouseUp); }; }; } public function initLevelInfo():void{ levelInfo = new LevelInfo(); if (gameLevel){ = gameLevel.levelInfo; }; World.getSingleton().menuRoot.addChild(levelInfo); } public function onButtonMouseOver(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ var _local2:MovieClip; _local2 = MovieClip(; _local2.gotoAndStop(2); } public function putWalls():void{ blockedTileCounter = 0; placeUpperWalls(World.getSingleton().tileMap); if (World.getSingleton().bitmapRoot){ World.getSingleton().bitmapRoot.bitmapData.dispose(); World.getSingleton().bitmapRoot.bitmapData = new BitmapData((World.getSingleton().tileSize * tileWidth), (World.getSingleton().tileSize * tileHeight), true, 0); }; World.getSingleton().bitmapRoot.bitmapData.draw(World.getSingleton().mapRoot); clearMapRoot(); placeRandomWalls(World.getSingleton().tileMap); staticObjectAddedToDR(); } protected function initMap():void{ var _local1:int; var _local2:int; var _local3:Number; var _local4:Number; var _local5:Number; World.getSingleton().tileMap = new TileMap(tileWidth, tileHeight); mapView = new MapView(World.getSingleton().tileMap, World.getSingleton().tileSize); World.getSingleton().tileMapZombie = new TileMap(tileWidth, tileHeight); _local1 = World.getSingleton().tileMap.getWidth(); _local2 = World.getSingleton().tileMap.getHeight(); width = (_local1 * World.getSingleton().tileSize); height = (_local2 * World.getSingleton().tileSize); _local3 = 1; if ((((width < World.getSingleton().gameWidth)) || ((width > World.getSingleton().gameWidth)))){ _local3 = (World.getSingleton().gameWidth / width); width = World.getSingleton().gameWidth; height = (height * _local3); }; if (height > (World.getSingleton().gameHeight - 40)){ width = (_local1 * World.getSingleton().tileSize); height = (_local2 * World.getSingleton().tileSize); _local3 = ((World.getSingleton().gameHeight - 40) / height); height = (World.getSingleton().gameHeight - 40); width = (width * _local3); }; World.getSingleton().displayObjectRoot.scaleX = _local3; World.getSingleton().displayObjectRoot.scaleY = _local3; World.getSingleton().mapRoot.scaleX = _local3; World.getSingleton().mapRoot.scaleY = _local3; World.getSingleton().visualEffectRoot.scaleX = _local3; World.getSingleton().visualEffectRoot.scaleY = _local3; World.getSingleton().mouseRoot.scaleX = _local3; World.getSingleton().mouseRoot.scaleY = _local3; World.getSingleton().bitmapRoot.scaleX = _local3; World.getSingleton().bitmapRoot.scaleY = _local3; _local4 = ((World.getSingleton().gameWidth - width) / 2); _local5 = (((World.getSingleton().gameHeight - 40) - height) / 2); World.getSingleton().displayObjectRoot.x = _local4; World.getSingleton().displayObjectRoot.y = _local5; World.getSingleton().mapRoot.x = _local4; World.getSingleton().mapRoot.y = _local5; World.getSingleton().visualEffectRoot.x = _local4; World.getSingleton().visualEffectRoot.y = _local5; World.getSingleton().mouseRoot.x = _local4; World.getSingleton().mouseRoot.y = _local5; World.getSingleton().bitmapRoot.x = _local4; World.getSingleton().bitmapRoot.y = _local5; } private function destroyCoins():void{ var _local1:int; _local1 = (World.getSingleton().coinList.size() - 1); while (_local1 >= 0) { World.getSingleton().coinList.get(_local1).destroy(); _local1--; }; } public function destroyListener():void{ destroyKeyboardListener(); destroyMouseListener(); World.getSingleton().removeEventListener(WorldEvent.ON_UPDATE, update); } public function updateTime(_arg1:Event):void{ } public function gotoNextLevel():void{ } public function stopSong():void{ World.getSingleton().stopSong(); horrorSongStarted = false; if (gameLevel){ gameLevel.stopSong(); }; } public function startTheGame():void{ World.getSingleton().startGame(); } public function abortLevel(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ GameManager.getSingleton().setGameState(new ResultScreenState()); } private function updateGrenade(_arg1:Event):void{ if (menuBar.grenade){ menuBar.grenade.grenadeText.text = ("" + World.getSingleton().itemBombBought.value); }; } public function initMouseListener():void{ if (World.getSingleton().displayObjectRoot){ World.getSingleton().displayObjectRoot.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, onClick); }; if (World.getSingleton().bitmapWrapper){ World.getSingleton().bitmapWrapper.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, onClick); }; if (levelInfo){ levelInfo.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, onClick); }; } private function destroyUnturnedPeople():void{ var _local1:int; _local1 = (World.getSingleton().unturnedPeopleList.size() - 1); while (_local1 >= 0) { World.getSingleton().unturnedPeopleList.get(_local1).removeUnturnedPeople(); _local1--; }; } public function pauseTheGame():void{ World.getSingleton().pauseGame(); } public function clearStatistics():void{ World.getSingleton().clearStatistics(); } public function clearMapRoot():void{ var _local1:int; var _local2:int; _local1 = World.getSingleton().mapRoot.numChildren; _local2 = (_local1 - 1); while (_local2 >= 0) { World.getSingleton().mapRoot.removeChildAt(_local2); _local2--; }; } public function soundControl(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ World.getSingleton().soundMuted = !(World.getSingleton().soundMuted); if (World.getSingleton().soundMuted){ stopSong(); } else { if (World.getSingleton().infecting){ startHorrorSong(); } else { startSong(); }; }; } private function destroyBullets():void{ var _local1:int; _local1 = (World.getSingleton().bulletList.size() - 1); while (_local1 >= 0) { World.getSingleton().bulletList.get(_local1).destroy(); _local1--; }; } public function initEnemy():void{ var _local1:int; var _local2:int; var _local3:IntPoint; var _local4:int; _local1 = 0; _local2 = enemyList.size(); while (_local1 < _local2) { _local4 = 0; if (enemyList.get(_local1).id == GameLevelEnemyID.COLONEL_SANDERS){ _local4 = 0; while (_local4 < enemyList.get(_local1).total) { _local3 = findRandomWalkableTile(World.getSingleton().tileMap); enemy = new ColSanders(_local3); enemy.init(); World.getSingleton().enemyList.add(enemy); _local4++; }; } else { if (enemyList.get(_local1).id == GameLevelEnemyID.SPIDERMAN){ _local4 = 0; while (_local4 < enemyList.get(_local1).total) { _local3 = findRandomWalkableTile(World.getSingleton().tileMap); enemy = new Spiderman(_local3); enemy.init(); World.getSingleton().enemyList.add(enemy); _local4++; }; } else { if (enemyList.get(_local1).id == GameLevelEnemyID.ESKIMO_PEACE){ _local4 = 0; while (_local4 < enemyList.get(_local1).total) { _local3 = findRandomWalkableTile(World.getSingleton().tileMap); enemy = new EskimoGuyPeace(_local3); enemy.init(); World.getSingleton().enemyList.add(enemy); _local4++; }; } else { if (enemyList.get(_local1).id == GameLevelEnemyID.NEGRO_AFRO){ _local4 = 0; while (_local4 < enemyList.get(_local1).total) { _local3 = findRandomWalkableTile(World.getSingleton().tileMap); enemy = new NegroAfro(_local3); enemy.init(); World.getSingleton().enemyList.add(enemy); _local4++; }; } else { if (enemyList.get(_local1).id == GameLevelEnemyID.NEGRO_KAMPUNG_PEACE){ _local4 = 0; while (_local4 < enemyList.get(_local1).total) { _local3 = findRandomWalkableTile(World.getSingleton().tileMap); enemy = new NegroKampungPeace(_local3); enemy.init(); World.getSingleton().enemyList.add(enemy); _local4++; }; } else { if (enemyList.get(_local1).id == GameLevelEnemyID.NEGRO_KAMPUNG_WAR){ _local4 = 0; while (_local4 < enemyList.get(_local1).total) { _local3 = findRandomWalkableTile(World.getSingleton().tileMap); enemy = new NegroKampungWar(_local3); enemy.init(); World.getSingleton().enemyList.add(enemy); _local4++; }; } else { if (enemyList.get(_local1).id == GameLevelEnemyID.ESKIMO){ _local4 = 0; while (_local4 < enemyList.get(_local1).total) { _local3 = findRandomWalkableTile(World.getSingleton().tileMap); enemy = new EskimoGuy(_local3); enemy.init(); World.getSingleton().enemyList.add(enemy); _local4++; }; } else { if (enemyList.get(_local1).id == GameLevelEnemyID.SWAT){ _local4 = 0; while (_local4 < enemyList.get(_local1).total) { _local3 = findRandomWalkableTile(World.getSingleton().tileMap); enemy = new SWAT(_local3); enemy.init(); World.getSingleton().enemyList.add(enemy); _local4++; }; } else { if (enemyList.get(_local1).id == GameLevelEnemyID.BEACH_BOY){ _local4 = 0; while (_local4 < enemyList.get(_local1).total) { _local3 = findRandomWalkableTile(World.getSingleton().tileMap); enemy = new BeachBoy(_local3); enemy.init(); World.getSingleton().enemyList.add(enemy); _local4++; }; } else { if (enemyList.get(_local1).id == GameLevelEnemyID.BEACH_GIRL){ _local4 = 0; while (_local4 < enemyList.get(_local1).total) { _local3 = findRandomWalkableTile(World.getSingleton().tileMap); enemy = new BeachGirl(_local3); enemy.init(); World.getSingleton().enemyList.add(enemy); _local4++; }; } else { if (enemyList.get(_local1).id == GameLevelEnemyID.CHINESE){ _local4 = 0; while (_local4 < enemyList.get(_local1).total) { _local3 = findRandomWalkableTile(World.getSingleton().tileMap); enemy = new ChineseBoy(_local3); enemy.init(); World.getSingleton().enemyList.add(enemy); _local4++; }; } else { if (enemyList.get(_local1).id == GameLevelEnemyID.ELF_GUY){ _local4 = 0; while (_local4 < enemyList.get(_local1).total) { _local3 = findRandomWalkableTile(World.getSingleton().tileMap); enemy = new ElfGuy(_local3); enemy.init(); World.getSingleton().enemyList.add(enemy); _local4++; }; } else { if (enemyList.get(_local1).id == GameLevelEnemyID.TALIBAN){ _local4 = 0; while (_local4 < enemyList.get(_local1).total) { _local3 = findRandomWalkableTile(World.getSingleton().tileMap); enemy = new TalibanGuy(_local3); enemy.init(); World.getSingleton().enemyList.add(enemy); _local4++; }; } else { if (enemyList.get(_local1).id == GameLevelEnemyID.RONALD_MCD){ _local4 = 0; while (_local4 < enemyList.get(_local1).total) { _local3 = findRandomWalkableTile(World.getSingleton().tileMap); enemy = new RonMCd(_local3); enemy.init(); World.getSingleton().enemyList.add(enemy); _local4++; }; } else { if (enemyList.get(_local1).id == GameLevelEnemyID.GRAVE_MJ){ _local4 = 0; while (_local4 < enemyList.get(_local1).total) { _local3 = findRandomWalkableTile(World.getSingleton().tileMap); enemy = new GraveMJ(_local3); enemy.init(); World.getSingleton().enemyList.add(enemy); _local4++; }; } else { if (enemyList.get(_local1).id == GameLevelEnemyID.FAT_GUY){ _local4 = 0; while (_local4 < enemyList.get(_local1).total) { _local3 = findRandomWalkableTile(World.getSingleton().tileMap); enemy = new FatGuy(_local3); enemy.init(); World.getSingleton().enemyList.add(enemy); _local4++; }; } else { if (enemyList.get(_local1).id == GameLevelEnemyID.FRENCH_MIME){ _local4 = 0; while (_local4 < enemyList.get(_local1).total) { _local3 = findRandomWalkableTile(World.getSingleton().tileMap); enemy = new FrenchMime(_local3); enemy.init(); World.getSingleton().enemyList.add(enemy); _local4++; }; } else { if (enemyList.get(_local1).id == GameLevelEnemyID.HISTERICAL_LADY){ _local4 = 0; while (_local4 < enemyList.get(_local1).total) { _local3 = findRandomWalkableTile(World.getSingleton().tileMap); enemy = new HistericalLady(_local3); enemy.init(); World.getSingleton().enemyList.add(enemy); _local4++; }; } else { if (enemyList.get(_local1).id == GameLevelEnemyID.HISTERICAL_LADY_XMAS){ _local4 = 0; while (_local4 < enemyList.get(_local1).total) { _local3 = findRandomWalkableTile(World.getSingleton().tileMap); enemy = new HistericalLadyXMas(_local3); enemy.init(); World.getSingleton().enemyList.add(enemy); _local4++; }; } else { if (enemyList.get(_local1).id == GameLevelEnemyID.MALE_IN_SUIT){ _local4 = 0; while (_local4 < enemyList.get(_local1).total) { _local3 = findRandomWalkableTile(World.getSingleton().tileMap); enemy = new MaleInSuit(_local3); enemy.init(); World.getSingleton().enemyList.add(enemy); _local4++; }; } else { if (enemyList.get(_local1).id == GameLevelEnemyID.MALE_WHITE_SHIRT){ _local4 = 0; while (_local4 < enemyList.get(_local1).total) { _local3 = findRandomWalkableTile(World.getSingleton().tileMap); enemy = new MaleWhiteShirt(_local3); enemy.init(); World.getSingleton().enemyList.add(enemy); _local4++; }; } else { if (enemyList.get(_local1).id == GameLevelEnemyID.POLICE_MAN){ _local4 = 0; while (_local4 < enemyList.get(_local1).total) { _local3 = findRandomWalkableTile(World.getSingleton().tileMap); enemy = new PoliceMan(_local3); enemy.init(); World.getSingleton().enemyList.add(enemy); _local4++; }; } else { if (enemyList.get(_local1).id == GameLevelEnemyID.RAMBO){ _local4 = 0; while (_local4 < enemyList.get(_local1).total) { _local3 = findRandomWalkableTile(World.getSingleton().tileMap); enemy = new Rambo(_local3); enemy.init(); World.getSingleton().enemyList.add(enemy); _local4++; }; } else { if (enemyList.get(_local1).id == GameLevelEnemyID.RASTA){ _local4 = 0; while (_local4 < enemyList.get(_local1).total) { _local3 = findRandomWalkableTile(World.getSingleton().tileMap); enemy = new Rasta(_local3); enemy.init(); World.getSingleton().enemyList.add(enemy); _local4++; }; } else { if (enemyList.get(_local1).id == GameLevelEnemyID.SANTA){ _local4 = 0; while (_local4 < enemyList.get(_local1).total) { _local3 = findRandomWalkableTile(World.getSingleton().tileMap); enemy = new Santa(_local3); enemy.init(); World.getSingleton().enemyList.add(enemy); _local4++; }; } else { if (enemyList.get(_local1).id == GameLevelEnemyID.ARMY_GUY){ _local4 = 0; while (_local4 < enemyList.get(_local1).total) { _local3 = findRandomWalkableTile(World.getSingleton().tileMap); enemy = new ArmyGuy(_local3); enemy.init(); World.getSingleton().enemyList.add(enemy); _local4++; }; } else { if (enemyList.get(_local1).id == GameLevelEnemyID.TUTORIAL_PERSON){ _local4 = 0; while (_local4 < enemyList.get(_local1).total) { _local3 = findRandomWalkableTile(World.getSingleton().tileMap); enemy = new TutorialPerson(_local3); enemy.init(); World.getSingleton().enemyList.add(enemy); _local4++; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; _local1++; }; enemiesTotal = World.getSingleton().enemyList.size(); } public function placeRandomWalls(_arg1:TileMap):void{ var _local2:AStar; var _local3:int; var _local4:int; var _local5:IntPoint; var _local6:IntPoint; var _local7:int; var _local8:int; var _local9:Point; var _local10:Point; var _local11:IntPoint; var _local12:int; var _local13:Boolean; var _local14:Array; var _local15:Boolean; _local3 = 0; _local4 = World.getSingleton().enemyList.size(); _local5 = new IntPoint(); _local6 = new IntPoint((World.getSingleton().tileMap.getWidth() / 2), (World.getSingleton().tileMap.getHeight() / 2)); while (blockedTileCounter < maxBlockedTileCounter) { _local7 = ((Math.random() * 100) % World.getSingleton().tileMap.getWidth()); _local8 = ((Math.random() * 100) % World.getSingleton().tileMap.getHeight()); if (((!((_local7 == _local6.x))) && (!((_local8 == _local6.y))))){ if (!World.getSingleton().tileMap.outOfBoundsCheck(_local7, _local8)){ if (World.getSingleton().tileMap.isWalkable(_local7, _local8)){ blockedTileCounter++; World.getSingleton().tileMap.setWalkable(_local7, _local8, false); World.getSingleton().tileMapZombie.setWalkable(_local7, _local8, false); _local10 = World.getSingleton().mapToScreen(new IntPoint(_local7, _local8)); placeRandomObjects(_local10.x, _local10.y); }; }; }; }; _local3 = 0; while (_local3 < carSedanTotal) { _local7 = ((Math.random() * 100) % World.getSingleton().tileMap.getWidth()); _local8 = ((Math.random() * 100) % World.getSingleton().tileMap.getHeight()); if (!World.getSingleton().tileMap.outOfBoundsCheck(_local7, _local8)){ if (World.getSingleton().tileMap.isWalkable(_local7, _local8)){ _local11 = findRandomWalkableTile(World.getSingleton().tileMap); World.getSingleton().tileMap.setWalkable(_local11.x, _local11.y, false); _local12 = ((Math.random() * 100) % 4); if (_local12 == 0){ enemy = new Car01E(_local11); } else { if (_local12 == 1){ enemy = new Car01S(_local11); } else { if (_local12 == 2){ enemy = new Car02E(_local11); } else { if (_local12 == 3){ enemy = new Car02S(_local11); }; }; }; }; enemy.init(); World.getSingleton().enemyList.add(enemy); _local3++; }; }; }; _local9 = World.getSingleton().mapToScreen(_local6); _local3 = 0; while (_local3 < _local4) { if (World.getSingleton().enemyList.get(_local3).charType == CharType.CAR){ } else { if (!World.getSingleton().tileMap.isWalkable(World.getSingleton().enemyList.get(_local3).currentTile.x, World.getSingleton().enemyList.get(_local3).currentTile.y)){ World.getSingleton().enemyList.get(_local3).currentTile.x = _local6.x; World.getSingleton().enemyList.get(_local3).currentTile.y = _local6.y; World.getSingleton().enemyList.get(_local3).image.x = _local9.x; World.getSingleton().enemyList.get(_local3).image.y = _local9.y; } else { _local13 = false; _local5.x = World.getSingleton().enemyList.get(_local3).currentTile.x; _local5.y = World.getSingleton().enemyList.get(_local3).currentTile.y; _local2 = new AStar(World.getSingleton().tileMap, _local5, _local6); _local14 = _local2.solve(); _local15 = World.getSingleton().tileMap.isWalkable(_local5.x, _local5.y); if (((!(_local14)) || (!(_local15)))){ World.getSingleton().enemyList.get(_local3).currentTile.x = _local6.x; World.getSingleton().enemyList.get(_local3).currentTile.y = _local6.y; World.getSingleton().enemyList.get(_local3).image.x = _local9.x; World.getSingleton().enemyList.get(_local3).image.y = _local9.y; }; }; }; _local3++; }; } public function showBubblePopUp(_arg1:int, _arg2:int, _arg3:String):void{ if (bubbleClip){ bubbleClip.visible = true; bubbleClip.x = _arg1; bubbleClip.y = _arg2; = _arg3; }; } public function findOutOfScreenPoint():IntPoint{ var _local1:int; var _local2:int; var _local3:IntPoint; var _local4:int; _local1 = World.getSingleton().tileMap.getWidth(); _local2 = World.getSingleton().tileMap.getHeight(); _local3 = new IntPoint(); _local4 = ((Math.random() * 100) % 3); if (_local4 == 0){ _local3.x = -1; _local3.y = ((Math.random() * 100) % _local2); } else { if (_local4 == 1){ _local3.x = _local1; _local3.y = ((Math.random() * 100) % _local2); } else { _local3.x = ((Math.random() * 100) % _local1); _local3.y = _local2; }; }; return (_local3); } public function updateSuccessClip(_arg1:Event):void{ if (!objectiveCompleted){ if (World.getSingleton().peopleKilled.value >= gameLevel.enemiesNeedToBeKilled){ if (World.getSingleton().carsDestroyed.value >= gameLevel.carsNeedToBeDestroyed){ stopCounting(); successClip.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, updateSuccessClip); objectiveCompleted = true; World.getSingleton().levelDone++; if (successClip){ successClip.visible = true; successClip.gotoAndPlay(2); }; if (gameLevel){ if (!gameLevel.completed){ gameLevel.completed = true; World.getSingleton().addTownCompletedInAContinent(); }; }; }; }; }; } private function updateMoney(_arg1:Event):void{ if ({ = ("" + World.getSingleton().money.value); }; } public function onButtonMouseOut(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ var _local2:MovieClip; _local2 = MovieClip(; if (_local2 == selectedMC){ _local2.gotoAndStop(2); } else { _local2.gotoAndStop(1); }; } private function destroyLevelInfo():void{ if (levelInfo){ if (levelInfo.parent){ levelInfo.parent.removeChild(levelInfo); }; }; if (bubbleClip){ bubbleClip.closeBut.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, closeBubblePopUp); }; } public function initGameLevel():void{ gameLevel = GameLevelManager.getSingleton().getGameLevel(levelNumber); if (gameLevel){ World.getSingleton().currentGameLevel = gameLevel; gameLevel.resetCurrentMax(); }; } public function checkPopulation():void{ if (((gameLevel) && (zombieSpawning))){ if (gameLevel.maxEnemyCounter < gameLevel.maxEnemyOut){ gameLevel.calculateCurrentTotalPopulation(); if (gameLevel.totalPopulation > 0){ calculateTotalEnemies(); initEnemyOutOfScreen(); }; }; }; } public function initCursor():void{ cursor = new Cursor(); } public function closeBubblePopUp(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if (bubbleClip){ bubbleClip.visible = false; }; World.getSingleton().hotKeyClosed = true; } public function startSong():void{ if (gameLevel){ gameLevel.startBackSongBefore(); }; } public function destroySuccessClip():void{ if (successClip){ successClip.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, updateSuccessClip); if (successClip.parent){ successClip.parent.removeChild(successClip); }; }; } public function submitStat():void{ if (World.getSingleton().loadKongComplete){ World.getSingleton().kongregate.stats.submit("Kills", World.getSingleton().peopleKilledRecorded.value); World.getSingleton().kongregate.stats.submit("Money", World.getSingleton().moneyCollected.value); World.getSingleton().kongregate.stats.submit("People Infected", World.getSingleton().peopleInfectedRecorded.value); World.getSingleton().kongregate.stats.submit("Heroes Killed", World.getSingleton().heroesKilledRecorded.value); World.getSingleton().kongregate.stats.submit("Cars Destroyed", World.getSingleton().carsDestroyedRecorded.value); }; } public function stopCounting():void{ } public function destroyMouseListener():void{ if (World.getSingleton().displayObjectRoot){ World.getSingleton().displayObjectRoot.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, onClick); }; if (World.getSingleton().bitmapWrapper){ World.getSingleton().bitmapWrapper.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, onClick); }; if (levelInfo){ levelInfo.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, onClick); }; } public function staticObjectAddedToDR():void{ var _local1:int; var _local2:int; var _local3:MovieClip; _local1 = 0; _local2 = World.getSingleton().staticObjectList.size(); while (_local1 < _local2) { _local3 = World.getSingleton().staticObjectList.get(_local1); World.getSingleton().displayObjectRoot.addChild(_local3); World.getSingleton().displayObjectArray.push(_local3); _local1++; }; World.getSingleton().staticObjectList.clear(); } public function checkInput():void{ if (keyPoll.isDown(49)){ clickMode = ClickMode.VIRUS_SPREAD; if (cursor){ cursor.image.gotoAndStop(1); }; if (selectedMC){ selectedMC.gotoAndStop(1); }; selectedMC = menuBar.infect; selectedMC.gotoAndStop(2); }; if (keyPoll.isDown(50)){ clickMode = ClickMode.GRENADE; if (cursor){ cursor.image.gotoAndStop(2); }; if (selectedMC){ selectedMC.gotoAndStop(1); }; selectedMC = menuBar.bomb; selectedMC.gotoAndStop(2); }; if (((keyPoll.isDown(51)) && (!(tankUsed)))){ clickMode = ClickMode.TANK_RISE; if (cursor){ cursor.image.gotoAndStop(3); }; if (selectedMC){ selectedMC.gotoAndStop(1); }; selectedMC = menuBar.tank; selectedMC.gotoAndStop(2); }; if (((keyPoll.isDown(52)) && (!(mjUsed)))){ clickMode = ClickMode.MJ_RISE; if (cursor){ cursor.image.gotoAndStop(4); }; if (selectedMC){ selectedMC.gotoAndStop(1); }; selectedMC = menuBar.mj; selectedMC.gotoAndStop(2); }; if (((keyPoll.isDown(53)) && (!(santaUsed)))){ clickMode = ClickMode.BOOMER_RISE; if (cursor){ cursor.image.gotoAndStop(5); }; if (selectedMC){ selectedMC.gotoAndStop(1); }; selectedMC = menuBar.boomer; selectedMC.gotoAndStop(2); }; if (((keyPoll.isDown(54)) && (!(colSanderUsed)))){ clickMode = ClickMode.COL_SANDERS_RISE; if (cursor){ cursor.image.gotoAndStop(6); }; if (selectedMC){ selectedMC.gotoAndStop(1); }; selectedMC = menuBar.colSanders; selectedMC.gotoAndStop(2); }; if (((keyPoll.isDown(55)) && (!(mcDUsed)))){ clickMode = ClickMode.MCD_RISE; if (cursor){ cursor.image.gotoAndStop(7); }; if (selectedMC){ selectedMC.gotoAndStop(1); }; selectedMC = menuBar.McD; selectedMC.gotoAndStop(2); }; if (((keyPoll.isDown(56)) && (!(venomUsed)))){ clickMode = ClickMode.SPIDER_RISE; if (cursor){ cursor.image.gotoAndStop(8); }; if (selectedMC){ selectedMC.gotoAndStop(1); }; selectedMC = menuBar.spider; selectedMC.gotoAndStop(2); }; } private function updateKills(_arg1:Event):void{ if (menuBar.kills){ menuBar.kills.killedText.text = ((("" + World.getSingleton().peopleKilled.value) + " / ") + totalPopulation); }; } private function destroyZombies():void{ var _local1:int; _local1 = (World.getSingleton().zombieList.size() - 1); while (_local1 >= 0) { World.getSingleton().zombieList.get(_local1).destroy(); _local1--; }; } public function putLevel():void{ World.getSingleton().staticObjectList.clear(); if (gameLevel){ gameLevel.initMapDrawn(); World.getSingleton().mapRoot.addChild(gameLevel.mapDrawn); }; } public function initSuccessClip():void{ successClip = new ScreenSuccess(); successClip.visible = false; World.getSingleton().menuRoot.addChild(successClip); successClip.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, updateSuccessClip); } public function calculateTotalEnemies():void{ if (gameLevel){ gameLevel.randomizeAll(); enemyList = gameLevel.usedEnemyList; carSedanTotal = gameLevel.carSedanTotal; }; } override public function update(_arg1:Event=null):void{ CollisionDetector.getSingleton().checkCollision(); Updater.getSingleton().update(); checkPopulation(); checkLevelDone(); checkInput(); updateAchievementPopUp(); } private function placeUpperWalls(_arg1:TileMap):void{ var _local2:int; var _local3:int; _local2 = 0; _local3 = _arg1.getWidth(); while (_local2 < _local3) { World.getSingleton().tileMap.setWalkable(_local2, 0, false); World.getSingleton().tileMapZombie.setWalkable(_local2, 0, false); _local2++; }; } private function destroyEnemies():void{ var _local1:int; _local1 = (World.getSingleton().enemyList.size() - 1); while (_local1 >= 0) { World.getSingleton().enemyList.get(_local1).destroy(); _local1--; }; } public function updateAchievementPopUp():void{ var _local1:int; var _local2:int; var _local3:int; var _local4:int; var _local5:int; var _local6:int; var _local7:int; _local1 = (World.getSingleton().peopleKilledRecorded.value + World.getSingleton().peopleKilled.value); _local2 = World.getSingleton().moneyCollected.value; _local3 = (World.getSingleton().heroesKilledRecorded.value + World.getSingleton().heroesKilled.value); _local4 = (World.getSingleton().peopleInfectedRecorded.value + World.getSingleton().peopleInfected.value); if ((((_local1 >= World.getSingleton().massMurdererIReq)) && (!(World.getSingleton().massMurdererI)))){ World.getSingleton().massMurdererI = true; World.getSingleton().money.addValue(World.getSingleton().massMurdererIBonus); World.getSingleton().moneyCollected.addValue(World.getSingleton().massMurdererIBonus); World.getSingleton().showAchievementPopUp(new IconSkull(), ("Mass Murderer I\n Bonus Money $" + World.getSingleton().massMurdererIBonus)); if (World.getSingleton().siteLockedMofunzone){ AchievementLoaderAS3.getAPI().success("mass_murderer_i"); }; if (World.getSingleton().siteLockedKong){ World.getSingleton().kongregate.stats.submit("Mass Murderer I", 1); }; }; if ((((_local1 >= World.getSingleton().massMurdererIIReq)) && (!(World.getSingleton().massMurdererII)))){ World.getSingleton().massMurdererII = true; World.getSingleton().money.addValue(World.getSingleton().massMurdererIIBonus); World.getSingleton().moneyCollected.addValue(World.getSingleton().massMurdererIIBonus); World.getSingleton().showAchievementPopUp(new IconSkull(), ("Mass Murderer II\n Bonus Money $" + World.getSingleton().massMurdererIIBonus)); if (World.getSingleton().siteLockedMofunzone){ AchievementLoaderAS3.getAPI().success("mass_murderer_ii"); }; if (World.getSingleton().siteLockedKong){ World.getSingleton().kongregate.stats.submit("Mass Murderer II", 1); }; }; if ((((_local1 >= World.getSingleton().massMurdererIIIReq)) && (!(World.getSingleton().massMurdererIII)))){ World.getSingleton().massMurdererIII = true; World.getSingleton().money.addValue(World.getSingleton().massMurdererIIIBonus); World.getSingleton().moneyCollected.addValue(World.getSingleton().massMurdererIIIBonus); World.getSingleton().showAchievementPopUp(new IconSkull(), ("Mass Murderer III\n Bonus Money $" + World.getSingleton().massMurdererIIIBonus)); if (World.getSingleton().siteLockedMofunzone){ AchievementLoaderAS3.getAPI().success("mass_murderer_iii"); }; if (World.getSingleton().siteLockedKong){ World.getSingleton().kongregate.stats.submit("Mass Murderer III", 1); }; }; if ((((_local2 >= World.getSingleton().goldDiggerIReq)) && (!(World.getSingleton().goldDiggerI)))){ World.getSingleton().goldDiggerI = true; World.getSingleton().money.addValue(World.getSingleton().goldDiggerIBonus); World.getSingleton().moneyCollected.addValue(World.getSingleton().goldDiggerIBonus); World.getSingleton().showAchievementPopUp(new IconCoin(), ("Gold Digger I\n Bonus Money $" + World.getSingleton().goldDiggerIBonus)); if (World.getSingleton().siteLockedMofunzone){ AchievementLoaderAS3.getAPI().success("gold_digger_i"); }; if (World.getSingleton().siteLockedKong){ World.getSingleton().kongregate.stats.submit("Gold Digger I", 1); }; }; if ((((_local2 >= World.getSingleton().goldDiggerIIReq)) && (!(World.getSingleton().goldDiggerII)))){ World.getSingleton().goldDiggerII = true; World.getSingleton().money.addValue(World.getSingleton().goldDiggerIIBonus); World.getSingleton().moneyCollected.addValue(World.getSingleton().goldDiggerIIBonus); World.getSingleton().showAchievementPopUp(new IconCoin(), ("Gold Digger II\n Bonus Money $" + World.getSingleton().goldDiggerIIBonus)); if (World.getSingleton().siteLockedMofunzone){ AchievementLoaderAS3.getAPI().success("gold_digger_ii"); }; if (World.getSingleton().siteLockedKong){ World.getSingleton().kongregate.stats.submit("Gold Digger II", 1); }; }; if ((((_local2 >= World.getSingleton().goldDiggerIIIReq)) && (!(World.getSingleton().goldDiggerIII)))){ World.getSingleton().goldDiggerIII = true; World.getSingleton().money.addValue(World.getSingleton().goldDiggerIIIBonus); World.getSingleton().moneyCollected.addValue(World.getSingleton().goldDiggerIIIBonus); World.getSingleton().showAchievementPopUp(new IconCoin(), ("Gold Digger III\n Bonus Money $" + World.getSingleton().goldDiggerIIIBonus)); if (World.getSingleton().siteLockedMofunzone){ AchievementLoaderAS3.getAPI().success("gold_digger_iii"); }; if (World.getSingleton().siteLockedKong){ World.getSingleton().kongregate.stats.submit("Gold Digger III", 1); }; }; if ((((_local3 >= 1)) && (!(World.getSingleton().deathToHeroes)))){ _local5 = 0; _local6 = World.getSingleton().specialZombieUnlocked.length; _local7 = 0; while (_local5 < _local6) { if (World.getSingleton().specialZombieUnlocked[_local5] == true){ _local7++; }; _local5++; }; if (_local7 == _local6){ World.getSingleton().deathToHeroes = true; World.getSingleton().money.addValue(World.getSingleton().deathToHeroesBonus); World.getSingleton().moneyCollected.addValue(World.getSingleton().deathToHeroesBonus); World.getSingleton().showAchievementPopUp(new IconHero(), ("Death To Heroes\n Bonus Money $" + World.getSingleton().deathToHeroesBonus)); if (World.getSingleton().siteLockedMofunzone){ AchievementLoaderAS3.getAPI().success("death_to_heroes"); }; if (World.getSingleton().siteLockedKong){ World.getSingleton().kongregate.stats.submit("Death to Heroes", 1); }; }; }; if ((((_local4 >= World.getSingleton().infectReq)) && (!(World.getSingleton().infect)))){ World.getSingleton().infect = true; World.getSingleton().money.addValue(World.getSingleton().infectBonus); World.getSingleton().moneyCollected.addValue(World.getSingleton().infectBonus); World.getSingleton().showAchievementPopUp(new IconZombie(), ("Infect\n Bonus Money $" + World.getSingleton().infectBonus)); if (World.getSingleton().siteLockedMofunzone){ AchievementLoaderAS3.getAPI().success("infect"); }; if (World.getSingleton().siteLockedKong){ World.getSingleton().kongregate.stats.submit("Infect", 1); }; }; if ((((_local4 >= World.getSingleton().infectorReq)) && (!(World.getSingleton().infector)))){ World.getSingleton().infector = true; World.getSingleton().money.addValue(World.getSingleton().infectorBonus); World.getSingleton().moneyCollected.addValue(World.getSingleton().infectorBonus); World.getSingleton().showAchievementPopUp(new IconZombie(), ("Infector\n Bonus Money $" + World.getSingleton().infectorBonus)); if (World.getSingleton().siteLockedMofunzone){ AchievementLoaderAS3.getAPI().success("infector"); }; if (World.getSingleton().siteLockedKong){ World.getSingleton().kongregate.stats.submit("Infector", 1); }; }; if ((((_local4 >= World.getSingleton().infectonatorReq)) && (!(World.getSingleton().infectonator)))){ World.getSingleton().infectonator = true; World.getSingleton().money.addValue(World.getSingleton().infectonatorBonus); World.getSingleton().moneyCollected.addValue(World.getSingleton().infectonatorBonus); World.getSingleton().showAchievementPopUp(new IconZombie(), ("Infectonator\n Bonus Money $" + World.getSingleton().infectonatorBonus)); if (World.getSingleton().siteLockedMofunzone){ AchievementLoaderAS3.getAPI().success("infectonator"); }; if (World.getSingleton().siteLockedKong){ World.getSingleton().kongregate.stats.submit("Infectonator", 1); }; }; } public function destroyKeyboardListener():void{ if (keyPoll){ keyPoll.destroy(); }; } public function addTilesToMap():void{ var _local1:int; var _local2:int; var _local3:IntPoint; var _local4:MovieClip; var _local5:int; var _local6:int; _local1 = World.getSingleton().tileMap.getWidth(); _local2 = World.getSingleton().tileMap.getHeight(); World.getSingleton().tileMap.setWalkable((_local1 / 2), (_local2 / 2), true); _local3 = new IntPoint((_local1 / 2), (_local2 / 2)); _local5 = 0; _local6 = 0; while (_local5 < _local1) { _local6 = 0; while (_local6 < _local2) { if (World.getSingleton().tileMap.isWalkable(_local5, _local6)){ _local4 = new tileGrass(); _local4.x = (World.getSingleton().tileSize * _local5); _local4.y = (World.getSingleton().tileSize * _local6); World.getSingleton().mapRoot.addChild(_local4); } else { _local4 = new tiledebrisScreen(); _local4.x = (World.getSingleton().tileSize * _local5); _local4.y = (World.getSingleton().tileSize * _local6); World.getSingleton().mapRoot.addChild(_local4); }; _local6++; }; _local5++; }; } public function initListener():void{ initKeyboardListener(); initMouseListener(); World.getSingleton().addEventListener(WorldEvent.ON_UPDATE, update); } public function initKeyboardListener():void{ if (World.getSingleton().gameRoot){ if (World.getSingleton().gameRoot.stage){ keyPoll = new KeyPoll(World.getSingleton().gameRoot.stage); }; }; } public function onButtonMouseUp(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ var _local2:MovieClip; _local2 = MovieClip(; if (_local2 == selectedMC){ _local2.gotoAndStop(2); } else { _local2.gotoAndStop(1); }; } public function startHorrorSong():void{ if (!horrorSongStarted){ if (gameLevel){ gameLevel.startBackSongAfter(); }; horrorSongStarted = true; }; } public function startCounting():void{ } public function onButtonMouseDown(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ var _local2:MovieClip; if (selectedMC){ selectedMC.gotoAndStop(1); }; _local2 = MovieClip(; _local2.gotoAndStop(3); selectedMC = _local2; if ( == 0){ clickMode = ClickMode.VIRUS_SPREAD; if (cursor){ cursor.image.gotoAndStop(1); }; } else { if ( == 1){ clickMode = ClickMode.GRENADE; if (cursor){ cursor.image.gotoAndStop(2); }; } else { if ( == 2){ clickMode = ClickMode.TANK_RISE; if (cursor){ cursor.image.gotoAndStop(4); }; } else { if ( == 3){ clickMode = ClickMode.MJ_RISE; if (cursor){ cursor.image.gotoAndStop(3); }; } else { if ( == 4){ clickMode = ClickMode.BOOMER_RISE; if (cursor){ cursor.image.gotoAndStop(5); }; } else { if ( == 5){ clickMode = ClickMode.COL_SANDERS_RISE; if (cursor){ cursor.image.gotoAndStop(6); }; } else { if ( == 6){ clickMode = ClickMode.MCD_RISE; if (cursor){ cursor.image.gotoAndStop(7); }; } else { if ( == 7){ clickMode = ClickMode.SPIDER_RISE; if (cursor){ cursor.image.gotoAndStop(8); }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; } public function destroyCursor():void{ if (cursor){ cursor.destroy(); }; } } }//package p_gameState
Section 277
//LevelSelectorState (p_gameState.LevelSelectorState) package p_gameState { import*; import flash.display.*; import p_gameLevel.*; import org.idmedia.as3commons.util.*; import p_singleton.*; import flash.geom.*; import p_gameLevel.p_continent.*; import p_gameState.p_countrySelector.*; public class LevelSelectorState extends GameState { public var scale:Number;// = 2 public var mousePosX:Number;// = 0 public var mousePosY:Number;// = 0 public var continentNumber:int;// = 0 public var image:MovieClip; public var mouseDown:Boolean;// = false public var imageArrow:MovieClip; public var imageMapStat:MovieClip; public var imageBar:MovieClip; public function LevelSelectorState(){ continentNumber = 0; mousePosX = 0; mousePosY = 0; mouseDown = false; scale = 2; super(); } public function onMouseOver(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ var _local2:MovieClip; _local2 = MovieClip(; _local2.gotoAndStop(2); } public function infect(_arg1:MouseEvent){ if (continentNumber == ContinentID.AFRICA){ GameManager.getSingleton().setGameState(new AfricaSelectorState()); } else { if (continentNumber == ContinentID.AMERICA){ GameManager.getSingleton().setGameState(new AmericaSelectorState()); } else { if (continentNumber == ContinentID.AUSTRALIA){ GameManager.getSingleton().setGameState(new AustraliaSelectorState()); } else { if (continentNumber == ContinentID.CANADA){ GameManager.getSingleton().setGameState(new CanadaSelectorState()); } else { if (continentNumber == ContinentID.CHINA){ GameManager.getSingleton().setGameState(new ChinaSelectorState()); } else { if (continentNumber == ContinentID.EUROPE){ GameManager.getSingleton().setGameState(new EuropeSelectorState()); } else { if (continentNumber == ContinentID.GREENLAND){ GameManager.getSingleton().setGameState(new GreenlandSelectorState()); } else { if (continentNumber == ContinentID.INDIA){ GameManager.getSingleton().setGameState(new IndiaSelectorState()); } else { if (continentNumber == ContinentID.INDO_CHINA){ GameManager.getSingleton().setGameState(new IndoChinaSelectorState()); } else { if (continentNumber == ContinentID.INDONESIA){ GameManager.getSingleton().setGameState(new IndonesiaSelectorState()); } else { if (continentNumber == ContinentID.JAPAN){ GameManager.getSingleton().setGameState(new JapanSelectorState()); } else { if (continentNumber == ContinentID.MEXICO){ GameManager.getSingleton().setGameState(new MexicoSelectorState()); } else { if (continentNumber == ContinentID.MIDDLE_EAST){ GameManager.getSingleton().setGameState(new MiddleEastSelectorState()); } else { if (continentNumber == ContinentID.PHILIPINES){ GameManager.getSingleton().setGameState(new PhilipinesSelectorState()); } else { if (continentNumber == ContinentID.RUSSIA){ GameManager.getSingleton().setGameState(new RussiaSelectorState()); } else { if (continentNumber == ContinentID.SOUTH_AMERICA){ GameManager.getSingleton().setGameState(new SouthAmericaSelectorState()); }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; } public function muteSound(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ World.getSingleton().soundMuted = !(World.getSingleton().soundMuted); if (World.getSingleton().soundMuted){ if (World.getSingleton().currentSoundChannel){ World.getSingleton().currentSoundChannel.stop(); }; } else { World.getSingleton().startMenuSong(); }; } public function onMouseMove(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ var _local2:*; var _local3:*; if (mouseDown){ imageMapStat.visible = false; imageArrow.visible = false; _local2 = (image.mouseX - mousePosX); _local3 = (image.mouseY - mousePosY); _local2 = (_local2 * scale); _local3 = (_local3 * scale); if (((((image.x + (image.width / 2)) > World.getSingleton().gameWidth)) && ((_local2 < 0)))){ image.x = (image.x + _local2); } else { if (((((image.x - (image.width / 2)) < 0)) && ((_local2 > 0)))){ image.x = (image.x + _local2); }; }; if (((((image.y + (image.height / 2)) > (World.getSingleton().gameHeight - imageBar.height))) && ((_local3 < 0)))){ image.y = (image.y + _local3); } else { if (((((image.y - (image.height / 2)) < 0)) && ((_local3 > 0)))){ image.y = (image.y + _local3); }; }; World.getSingleton().levelSelectorLastPosX = image.x; World.getSingleton().levelSelectorLastPosY = image.y; }; } public function onMouseDown(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ mouseDown = true; mousePosX = image.mouseX; mousePosY = image.mouseY; } public function onMouseOut3(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ var _local2:MovieClip; _local2 = MovieClip(; _local2.gotoAndStop(3); } public function onMouseUp(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ mouseDown = false; } override public function init():void{ super.init(); initImage(); initListener(); World.getSingleton().prevGameState = this; World.getSingleton().startMenuSong(); } public function initMouseListener():void{ var _local1:ArrayList; var _local2:int; var _local3:int; _local1 = World.getSingleton().continentList; _local2 = 0; _local3 = _local1.size(); while (_local2 < _local3) { if (_local1.get(_local2).continentID == ContinentID.AFRICA){ if (_local1.get(_local2).continentDestroyed){;, onMouseOver);, onMouseOut3);, showDescription); } else { if (_local1.get(_local2).unlocked){, onMouseOver);, onMouseOut);, showDescription); } else {;, onMouseOver);, onMouseOut2);, showDescription); }; }; } else { if (_local1.get(_local2).continentID == ContinentID.AMERICA){ if (_local1.get(_local2).continentDestroyed){ image.america.gotoAndStop(3); image.america.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, onMouseOver); image.america.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, onMouseOut3); image.america.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, showDescription); } else { if (_local1.get(_local2).unlocked){ image.america.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, onMouseOver); image.america.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, onMouseOut); image.america.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, showDescription); } else { image.america.gotoAndStop(4); image.america.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, onMouseOver); image.america.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, onMouseOut2); image.america.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, showDescription); }; }; } else { if (_local1.get(_local2).continentID == ContinentID.SOUTH_AMERICA){ if (_local1.get(_local2).continentDestroyed){ image.southAmerica.gotoAndStop(3); image.southAmerica.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, onMouseOver); image.southAmerica.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, onMouseOut3); image.southAmerica.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, showDescription); } else { if (_local1.get(_local2).unlocked){ image.southAmerica.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, onMouseOver); image.southAmerica.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, onMouseOut); image.southAmerica.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, showDescription); } else { image.southAmerica.gotoAndStop(4); image.southAmerica.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, onMouseOver); image.southAmerica.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, onMouseOut2); image.southAmerica.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, showDescription); }; }; } else { if (_local1.get(_local2).continentID == ContinentID.CANADA){ if (_local1.get(_local2).continentDestroyed){ image.canada.gotoAndStop(3); image.canada.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, onMouseOver); image.canada.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, onMouseOut3); image.canada.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, showDescription); } else { if (_local1.get(_local2).unlocked){ image.canada.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, onMouseOver); image.canada.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, onMouseOut); image.canada.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, showDescription); } else { image.canada.gotoAndStop(4); image.canada.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, onMouseOver); image.canada.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, onMouseOut2); image.canada.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, showDescription); }; }; } else { if (_local1.get(_local2).continentID == ContinentID.AUSTRALIA){ if (_local1.get(_local2).continentDestroyed){ image.australia.gotoAndStop(3); image.australia.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, onMouseOver); image.australia.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, onMouseOut3); image.australia.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, showDescription); } else { if (_local1.get(_local2).unlocked){ image.australia.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, onMouseOver); image.australia.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, onMouseOut); image.australia.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, showDescription); } else { image.australia.gotoAndStop(4); image.australia.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, onMouseOver); image.australia.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, onMouseOut2); image.australia.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, showDescription); }; }; } else { if (_local1.get(_local2).continentID == ContinentID.CHINA){ if (_local1.get(_local2).continentDestroyed){ image.china.gotoAndStop(3); image.china.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, onMouseOver); image.china.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, onMouseOut3); image.china.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, showDescription); } else { if (_local1.get(_local2).unlocked){ image.china.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, onMouseOver); image.china.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, onMouseOut); image.china.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, showDescription); } else { image.china.gotoAndStop(4); image.china.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, onMouseOver); image.china.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, onMouseOut2); image.china.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, showDescription); }; }; } else { if (_local1.get(_local2).continentID == ContinentID.EUROPE){ if (_local1.get(_local2).continentDestroyed){ image.europe.gotoAndStop(3); image.europe.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, onMouseOver); image.europe.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, onMouseOut3); image.europe.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, showDescription); } else { if (_local1.get(_local2).unlocked){ image.europe.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, onMouseOver); image.europe.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, onMouseOut); image.europe.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, showDescription); } else { image.europe.gotoAndStop(4); image.europe.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, onMouseOver); image.europe.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, onMouseOut2); image.europe.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, showDescription); }; }; } else { if (_local1.get(_local2).continentID == ContinentID.GREENLAND){ if (((_local1.get(_local2).continentDestroyed) && (World.getSingleton().siteLockedBubbleBox))){ image.greenLand.gotoAndStop(3); image.greenLand.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, onMouseOver); image.greenLand.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, onMouseOut3); image.greenLand.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, showDescription); } else { if (((_local1.get(_local2).unlocked) && (World.getSingleton().siteLockedBubbleBox))){ image.greenLand.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, onMouseOver); image.greenLand.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, onMouseOut); image.greenLand.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, showDescription); } else { image.greenLand.gotoAndStop(4); image.greenLand.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, onMouseOver); image.greenLand.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, onMouseOut2); image.greenLand.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, showDescription); }; }; } else { if (_local1.get(_local2).continentID == ContinentID.INDIA){ if (_local1.get(_local2).continentDestroyed){ image.india.gotoAndStop(3); image.india.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, onMouseOver); image.india.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, onMouseOut3); image.india.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, showDescription); } else { if (_local1.get(_local2).unlocked){ image.india.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, onMouseOver); image.india.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, onMouseOut); image.india.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, showDescription); } else { image.india.gotoAndStop(4); image.india.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, onMouseOver); image.india.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, onMouseOut2); image.india.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, showDescription); }; }; } else { if (_local1.get(_local2).continentID == ContinentID.INDO_CHINA){ if (_local1.get(_local2).continentDestroyed){ image.indoChina.gotoAndStop(3); image.indoChina.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, onMouseOver); image.indoChina.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, onMouseOut3); image.indoChina.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, showDescription); } else { if (_local1.get(_local2).unlocked){ image.indoChina.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, onMouseOver); image.indoChina.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, onMouseOut); image.indoChina.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, showDescription); } else { image.indoChina.gotoAndStop(4); image.indoChina.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, onMouseOver); image.indoChina.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, onMouseOut2); image.indoChina.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, showDescription); }; }; } else { if (_local1.get(_local2).continentID == ContinentID.INDONESIA){ if (_local1.get(_local2).continentDestroyed){ image.indonesia.gotoAndStop(3); image.indonesia.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, onMouseOver); image.indonesia.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, onMouseOut3); image.indonesia.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, showDescription); } else { if (_local1.get(_local2).unlocked){ image.indonesia.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, onMouseOver); image.indonesia.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, onMouseOut); image.indonesia.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, showDescription); } else { image.indonesia.gotoAndStop(4); image.indonesia.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, onMouseOver); image.indonesia.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, onMouseOut2); image.indonesia.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, showDescription); }; }; } else { if (_local1.get(_local2).continentID == ContinentID.JAPAN){ if (_local1.get(_local2).continentDestroyed){ image.japan.gotoAndStop(3); image.japan.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, onMouseOver); image.japan.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, onMouseOut3); image.japan.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, showDescription); } else { if (_local1.get(_local2).unlocked){ image.japan.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, onMouseOver); image.japan.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, onMouseOut); image.japan.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, showDescription); } else { image.japan.gotoAndStop(4); image.japan.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, onMouseOver); image.japan.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, onMouseOut2); image.japan.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, showDescription); }; }; } else { if (_local1.get(_local2).continentID == ContinentID.MEXICO){ if (_local1.get(_local2).continentDestroyed){ image.mexico.gotoAndStop(3); image.mexico.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, onMouseOver); image.mexico.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, onMouseOut3); image.mexico.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, showDescription); } else { if (_local1.get(_local2).unlocked){ image.mexico.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, onMouseOver); image.mexico.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, onMouseOut); image.mexico.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, showDescription); } else { image.mexico.gotoAndStop(4); image.mexico.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, onMouseOver); image.mexico.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, onMouseOut2); image.mexico.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, showDescription); }; }; } else { if (_local1.get(_local2).continentID == ContinentID.MIDDLE_EAST){ if (_local1.get(_local2).continentDestroyed){ image.middleEast.gotoAndStop(3); image.middleEast.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, onMouseOver); image.middleEast.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, onMouseOut3); image.middleEast.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, showDescription); } else { if (_local1.get(_local2).unlocked){ image.middleEast.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, onMouseOver); image.middleEast.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, onMouseOut); image.middleEast.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, showDescription); } else { image.middleEast.gotoAndStop(4); image.middleEast.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, onMouseOver); image.middleEast.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, onMouseOut2); image.middleEast.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, showDescription); }; }; } else { if (_local1.get(_local2).continentID == ContinentID.PHILIPINES){ if (_local1.get(_local2).continentDestroyed){ image.philipines.gotoAndStop(3); image.philipines.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, onMouseOver); image.philipines.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, onMouseOut3); image.philipines.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, showDescription); } else { if (_local1.get(_local2).unlocked){ image.philipines.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, onMouseOver); image.philipines.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, onMouseOut); image.philipines.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, showDescription); } else { image.philipines.gotoAndStop(4); image.philipines.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, onMouseOver); image.philipines.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, onMouseOut2); image.philipines.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, showDescription); }; }; } else { if (_local1.get(_local2).continentID == ContinentID.RUSSIA){ if (_local1.get(_local2).continentDestroyed){ image.russia.gotoAndStop(3); image.russia.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, onMouseOver); image.russia.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, onMouseOut3); image.russia.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, showDescription); } else { if (_local1.get(_local2).unlocked){ image.russia.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, onMouseOver); image.russia.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, onMouseOut); image.russia.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, showDescription); } else { image.russia.gotoAndStop(4); image.russia.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, onMouseOver); image.russia.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, onMouseOut2); image.russia.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, showDescription); }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; _local2++; }; image.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, onMouseDown); image.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, onMouseUp); image.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, onMouseUp); image.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, onMouseMove); imageMapStat.closeBut.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, closeStat); imageMapStat.infectButton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, infect); imageBar.lab.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, gotoUpgradeState); imageBar.stats.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, gotoStatState);, gotoNewsState); imageBar.sound.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, muteSound); imageBar.pause.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, gotoPauseState); } public function onMouseOut2(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ var _local2:MovieClip; _local2 = MovieClip(; _local2.gotoAndStop(4); } override public function destroy():void{ super.destroy(); destroyListener(); removeImage(); World.getSingleton().stopSong(); } public function gotoUpgradeState(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ GameManager.getSingleton().setGameState(new UpgradeState()); } public function initListener():void{ initMouseListener(); } public function destroyMouseListener():void{, onMouseOver);, onMouseOut);, onMouseOut2);, onMouseOut3);, showDescription); image.america.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, onMouseOver); image.america.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, onMouseOut); image.america.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, onMouseOut2); image.america.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, onMouseOut3); image.america.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, showDescription); image.southAmerica.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, onMouseOver); image.southAmerica.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, onMouseOut); image.southAmerica.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, onMouseOut2); image.southAmerica.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, onMouseOut3); image.southAmerica.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, showDescription); image.canada.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, onMouseOver); image.canada.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, onMouseOut); image.canada.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, onMouseOut2); image.canada.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, onMouseOut3); image.canada.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, showDescription); image.australia.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, onMouseOver); image.australia.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, onMouseOut); image.australia.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, onMouseOut2); image.australia.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, onMouseOut3); image.australia.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, showDescription); image.china.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, onMouseOver); image.china.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, onMouseOut); image.china.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, onMouseOut2); image.china.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, onMouseOut3); image.china.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, showDescription); image.europe.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, onMouseOver); image.europe.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, onMouseOut); image.europe.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, onMouseOut2); image.europe.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, onMouseOut3); image.europe.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, showDescription); image.greenLand.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, onMouseOver); image.greenLand.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, onMouseOut); image.greenLand.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, onMouseOut2); image.greenLand.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, onMouseOut3); image.greenLand.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, showDescription); image.india.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, onMouseOver); image.india.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, onMouseOut); image.india.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, onMouseOut2); image.india.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, onMouseOut3); image.india.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, showDescription); image.indoChina.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, onMouseOver); image.indoChina.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, onMouseOut); image.indoChina.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, onMouseOut2); image.indoChina.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, onMouseOut3); image.indoChina.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, showDescription); image.indonesia.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, onMouseOver); image.indonesia.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, onMouseOut); image.indonesia.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, onMouseOut2); image.indonesia.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, onMouseOut3); image.indonesia.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, showDescription); image.japan.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, onMouseOver); image.japan.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, onMouseOut); image.japan.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, onMouseOut2); image.japan.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, onMouseOut3); image.japan.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, showDescription); image.mexico.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, onMouseOver); image.mexico.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, onMouseOut); image.mexico.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, onMouseOut2); image.mexico.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, onMouseOut3); image.mexico.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, showDescription); image.middleEast.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, onMouseOver); image.middleEast.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, onMouseOut); image.middleEast.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, onMouseOut2); image.middleEast.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, onMouseOut3); image.middleEast.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, showDescription); image.philipines.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, onMouseOver); image.philipines.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, onMouseOut); image.philipines.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, onMouseOut2); image.philipines.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, onMouseOut3); image.philipines.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, showDescription); image.russia.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, onMouseOver); image.russia.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, onMouseOut); image.russia.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, onMouseOut2); image.russia.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, onMouseOut3); image.russia.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, showDescription); image.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, onMouseDown); image.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, onMouseUp); image.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, onMouseUp); image.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, onMouseMove); imageMapStat.closeBut.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, closeStat); imageMapStat.infectButton.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, infect); imageBar.lab.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, gotoUpgradeState); imageBar.stats.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, gotoStatState);, gotoNewsState); imageBar.sound.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, muteSound); imageBar.pause.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, gotoPauseState); } public function onMouseOut(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ var _local2:MovieClip; _local2 = MovieClip(; _local2.gotoAndStop(1); } public function initImage():void{ image = new MapGlobe(); image.x = World.getSingleton().levelSelectorLastPosX; image.y = World.getSingleton().levelSelectorLastPosY; = ContinentID.AFRICA; = "Africa"; = ContinentID.AMERICA; image.america.placeName = "America"; = ContinentID.SOUTH_AMERICA; image.southAmerica.placeName = "South America"; = ContinentID.CANADA; image.canada.placeName = "Canada"; = ContinentID.AUSTRALIA; image.australia.placeName = "Australia"; = ContinentID.CHINA; image.china.placeName = "China"; = ContinentID.EUROPE; image.europe.placeName = "Europe"; = ContinentID.GREENLAND; image.greenLand.placeName = "Greenland"; = ContinentID.INDIA; image.india.placeName = "India"; = ContinentID.INDO_CHINA; image.indoChina.placeName = "Indo-China"; = ContinentID.INDONESIA; image.indonesia.placeName = "Indonesia"; = ContinentID.JAPAN; image.japan.placeName = "Japan"; = ContinentID.MEXICO; image.mexico.placeName = "Mexico"; = ContinentID.MIDDLE_EAST; image.middleEast.placeName = "Middle East"; = ContinentID.PHILIPINES; image.philipines.placeName = "Philipines"; = ContinentID.RUSSIA; image.russia.placeName = "Russia"; image.scaleX = scale; image.scaleY = scale; World.getSingleton().visualEffectRoot.addChild(image); imageBar = new ScreenMapMenuBar(); = ("" + World.getSingleton().money.value); = ("" + World.getSingleton().dayPassed.value); World.getSingleton().menuRoot.addChild(imageBar); = false; imageMapStat = new MapWorldStats(); imageMapStat.visible = false; World.getSingleton().menuRoot.addChild(imageMapStat); imageArrow = new MapSelectionArrow(); imageArrow.scaleX = 1; imageArrow.scaleY = 1; imageArrow.visible = false; image.addChild(imageArrow); calculateAllContinentStatus(); } public function closeStat(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ imageMapStat.visible = false; } public function gotoStatState(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ GameManager.getSingleton().setGameState(new StatisticState()); } public function calculateAllContinentStatus():void{ var _local1:ArrayList; var _local2:int; var _local3:int; var _local4:int; var _local5:int; var _local6:int; var _local7:Boolean; _local1 = World.getSingleton().continentList; _local2 = World.getSingleton().townDestroyedRecorded.value; _local3 = 0; _local4 = _local1.size(); while (_local3 < _local4) { if (_local2 >= _local1.get(_local3).townRequirement){ _local1.get(_local3).unlocked = true; }; if (!_local1.get(_local3).continentDestroyed){ _local5 = _local1.get(_local3).gameLevelStartingNumber; _local6 = (_local1.get(_local3).townSize + _local5); _local7 = true; while (_local5 < _local6) { if (!GameLevelManager.getSingleton().getGameLevel(_local5).destroyed){ _local7 = false; break; }; _local5++; }; if (_local7){ _local1.get(_local3).continentDestroyed = true; }; }; _local3++; }; } public function removeImage():void{ if (image){ if (image.parent){ image.parent.removeChild(image); }; }; if (imageBar){ if (imageBar.parent){ imageBar.parent.removeChild(imageBar); }; }; if (imageMapStat){ if (imageMapStat.parent){ imageMapStat.parent.removeChild(imageMapStat); }; }; if (imageArrow){ if (imageArrow.parent){ imageArrow.parent.removeChild(imageArrow); }; }; } public function calculateContinentStatus():void{ var _local1:ArrayList; var _local2:int; var _local3:int; var _local4:int; var _local5:Continent; _local1 = World.getSingleton().continentList; _local2 = World.getSingleton().townDestroyedRecorded.value; _local3 = 0; _local4 = _local1.size(); while (_local3 < _local4) { if (_local1.get(_local3).continentID == continentNumber){ imageMapStat.countryName.text = _local1.get(_local3).continentName; if (_local2 >= _local1.get(_local3).townRequirement){ imageMapStat.infectButton.visible = true; imageMapStat.reqText.text = ""; imageMapStat.lockStatus.text = "Unlocked"; if (_local1.get(_local3).continentDestroyed){ imageMapStat.lockStatus.text = "Destroyed"; }; } else { imageMapStat.infectButton.visible = false; imageMapStat.reqText.text = (("Need at least " + _local1.get(_local3).townRequirement) + " towns destroyed"); imageMapStat.lockStatus.text = "Locked"; }; }; _local3++; }; if ((((continentNumber == ContinentID.GREENLAND)) && (!(World.getSingleton().siteLockedBubbleBox)))){ imageMapStat.reqText.htmlText = "Play at <a href = ''> <FONT COLOR='#FFCC00'>Bubblebox </FONT></a> to Unlock"; imageMapStat.lockStatus.text = "Locked"; imageMapStat.infectButton.visible = false; }; } public function destroyListener():void{ destroyMouseListener(); } public function gotoNewsState(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ GameManager.getSingleton().setGameState(new NewsState()); } public function gotoPauseState(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ GameManager.getSingleton().setGameState(new PauseState()); } public function showDescription(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ var _local2:MovieClip; var _local3:Point; var _local4:Boolean; var _local5:Boolean; _local2 = MovieClip(; continentNumber =; _local3 = image.localToGlobal(new Point(_local2.x, _local2.y)); _local4 = true; _local5 = true; if (_local3.x < (World.getSingleton().gameWidth / 2)){ _local5 = false; }; if (_local3.y < (World.getSingleton().gameHeight / 2)){ _local4 = false; }; if (_local4){ imageMapStat.y = (_local3.y - (imageMapStat.height + 50)); } else { imageMapStat.y = (_local3.y + 50); }; if (_local5){ imageMapStat.x = (_local3.x - (imageMapStat.width + 50)); } else { imageMapStat.x = (_local3.x + 50); }; calculateContinentStatus(); imageMapStat.visible = true; imageArrow.visible = true; imageArrow.x = _local2.x; imageArrow.y = _local2.y; } } }//package p_gameState
Section 278
//LoadScreenState (p_gameState.LoadScreenState) package p_gameState { import*; import flash.display.*; import p_singleton.*; import*; public class LoadScreenState extends GameState { public var autoSharedObject:SharedObject; public var image:MovieClip; public var sharedObject0:SharedObject; public var sharedObject1:SharedObject; public var sharedObject2:SharedObject; public var sharedObject3:SharedObject; public function loadNames():void{ if (sharedObject0){ if ({ image.slot0.title.text = ("" +; = ("" +; = ( + (" " +; = ( + (" " +; = ( + (":" +; }; }; if (sharedObject1){ if ({ image.slot1.title.text = ("" +; = ("" +; = ( + (" " +; = ( + (" " +; = ( + (":" +; }; }; if (sharedObject2){ if ({ image.slot2.title.text = ("" +; = ("" +; = ( + (" " +; = ( + (" " +; = ( + (":" +; }; }; if (sharedObject3){ if ({ image.slot3.title.text = ("" +; = ("" +; = ( + (" " +; = ( + (" " +; = ( + (":" +; }; }; if (autoSharedObject){ if ({ image.autoSave.title.text = "Auto-Save"; = ("" +; = ( + (" " +; = ( + (" " +; = ( + (":" +; }; }; } public function destroyImage():void{ var _local1:int; var _local2:int; if (image){ if (image.parent){ image.parent.removeChild(image); }; }; image.backButton.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, back); _local1 = 0; _local2 = 4; while (_local1 < _local2) { image[("slot" + _local1)].removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, loadGame); image[("slot" + _local1)].removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, onMouseOver); image[("slot" + _local1)].removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, onMouseOut); _local1++; }; _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < _local2) { image[("delete" + _local1)].removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, deleteGame); image[("delete" + _local1)].removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, onMouseOver2); image[("delete" + _local1)].removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, onMouseOut2); _local1++; }; image.autoSave.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, loadGame); image.autoSave.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, onMouseOver3); image.autoSave.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, onMouseOut3); } public function onMouseOut2(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ var _local2:int; _local2 = MovieClip(; image[("delete" + _local2)].gotoAndStop(1); } public function onMouseOut3(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ var _local2:int; _local2 = MovieClip(; image.autoSave.gotoAndStop(1); } override public function init():void{ initImage(); initSharedObject(); loadNames(); } override public function destroy():void{ destroyImage(); } public function back(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ GameManager.getSingleton().setGameState(new PauseState()); } public function onMouseOut(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ var _local2:int; _local2 = MovieClip(; image[("slot" + _local2)].gotoAndStop(1); } public function initImage():void{ var _local1:int; var _local2:int; image = new ScreenSaveLoad(); World.getSingleton().menuRoot.addChild(image); image.backButton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, back); _local1 = 0; _local2 = 4; while (_local1 < _local2) { image[("slot" + _local1)].id = _local1; image[("slot" + _local1)].title.mouseEnabled = false; image[("slot" + _local1)].date.mouseEnabled = false; image[("slot" + _local1)].addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, loadGame); image[("slot" + _local1)].addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, onMouseOver); image[("slot" + _local1)].addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, onMouseOut); _local1++; }; _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < _local2) { image[("delete" + _local1)].id = _local1; image[("delete" + _local1)].addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, deleteGame); image[("delete" + _local1)].addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, onMouseOver2); image[("delete" + _local1)].addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, onMouseOut2); _local1++; }; = 4; image.autoSave.title.mouseEnabled = false; = false; image.autoSave.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, loadGame); image.autoSave.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, onMouseOver3); image.autoSave.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, onMouseOut3); } public function initSharedObject():void{ try { sharedObject0 = SharedObject.getLocal("infectonator0"); sharedObject1 = SharedObject.getLocal("infectonator1"); sharedObject2 = SharedObject.getLocal("infectonator2"); sharedObject3 = SharedObject.getLocal("infectonator3"); autoSharedObject = SharedObject.getLocal("autoSaveDomi"); } catch(error:Error) { return; }; } public function loadGame(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ var _local2:int; _local2 = MovieClip(; if (_local2 == 0){ World.getSingleton().sharedObject = sharedObject0; } else { if (_local2 == 1){ World.getSingleton().sharedObject = sharedObject1; } else { if (_local2 == 2){ World.getSingleton().sharedObject = sharedObject2; } else { if (_local2 == 3){ World.getSingleton().sharedObject = sharedObject3; } else { if (_local2 == 4){ World.getSingleton().sharedObject = autoSharedObject; }; }; }; }; }; if (!World.getSingleton(){ World.getSingleton().clearAll(); GameManager.getSingleton().setGameState(new NewGameState()); } else { World.getSingleton().clearAll(); World.getSingleton().loadGame(); GameManager.getSingleton().setGameState(new LevelSelectorState()); }; } public function onMouseOver3(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ var _local2:int; _local2 = MovieClip(; image.autoSave.gotoAndStop(2); } public function onMouseOver(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ var _local2:int; _local2 = MovieClip(; image[("slot" + _local2)].gotoAndStop(2); } public function deleteGame(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ var _local2:int; _local2 = MovieClip(; if (_local2 == 0){ sharedObject0.clear(); } else { if (_local2 == 1){ sharedObject1.clear(); } else { if (_local2 == 2){ sharedObject2.clear(); } else { if (_local2 == 3){ sharedObject3.clear(); }; }; }; }; image[("slot" + _local2)].title.text = "New Game"; image[("slot" + _local2)].date.text = ""; } public function onMouseOver2(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ var _local2:int; _local2 = MovieClip(; image[("delete" + _local2)].gotoAndStop(2); } } }//package p_gameState
Section 279
//MainMenuState (p_gameState.MainMenuState) package p_gameState { import com.baseoneonline.flash.geom.*; import*; import flash.display.*; import org.idmedia.as3commons.util.*; import com.baseoneonline.flash.astar.*; import p_singleton.*; import p_pathFinder.*; import flash.geom.*; import p_singleton.p_worldEvent.*; import p_gameLevel.p_gameLevelEnemy.*; import*; import p_entity.p_nonPlayable.p_zombie.*; import flash.system.*; public class MainMenuState extends InGameState { private var agi; private var loader:Loader; public var image:MovieClip; private var request:URLRequest; public function MainMenuState(){ super(0); maxBlockedTileCounter = 20; enemiesNeedToBeKilled = 0; tileWidth = 14; tileHeight = 10; } public function initEnemies():void{ var _local1:GameLevelEnemy; enemyList = new ArrayList(); _local1 = new GameLevelEnemy(); = GameLevelEnemyID.ARMY_GUY; enemyList.add(_local1); _local1 = new GameLevelEnemy(); = GameLevelEnemyID.COLONEL_SANDERS; enemyList.add(_local1); _local1 = new GameLevelEnemy(); = GameLevelEnemyID.FAT_GUY; enemyList.add(_local1); _local1 = new GameLevelEnemy(); = GameLevelEnemyID.HISTERICAL_LADY; enemyList.add(_local1); _local1 = new GameLevelEnemy(); = GameLevelEnemyID.HISTERICAL_LADY_XMAS; enemyList.add(_local1); _local1 = new GameLevelEnemy(); = GameLevelEnemyID.MALE_IN_SUIT; enemyList.add(_local1); _local1 = new GameLevelEnemy(); = GameLevelEnemyID.MALE_WHITE_SHIRT; enemyList.add(_local1); _local1 = new GameLevelEnemy(); = GameLevelEnemyID.POLICE_MAN; enemyList.add(_local1); _local1 = new GameLevelEnemy(); = GameLevelEnemyID.RAMBO; enemyList.add(_local1); _local1 = new GameLevelEnemy(); = GameLevelEnemyID.RASTA; enemyList.add(_local1); _local1 = new GameLevelEnemy(); = GameLevelEnemyID.SANTA; enemyList.add(_local1); _local1 = new GameLevelEnemy(); = GameLevelEnemyID.TUTORIAL_PERSON; enemyList.add(_local1); _local1 = new GameLevelEnemy(); = GameLevelEnemyID.GRAVE_MJ; enemyList.add(_local1); _local1 = new GameLevelEnemy(); = GameLevelEnemyID.RONALD_MCD; enemyList.add(_local1); _local1 = new GameLevelEnemy(); = GameLevelEnemyID.FRENCH_MIME; enemyList.add(_local1); _local1 = new GameLevelEnemy(); = GameLevelEnemyID.NEGRO_AFRO; enemyList.add(_local1); _local1 = new GameLevelEnemy(); = GameLevelEnemyID.NEGRO_KAMPUNG_PEACE; enemyList.add(_local1); _local1 = new GameLevelEnemy(); = GameLevelEnemyID.NEGRO_KAMPUNG_WAR; enemyList.add(_local1); _local1 = new GameLevelEnemy(); = GameLevelEnemyID.ELF_GUY; enemyList.add(_local1); _local1 = new GameLevelEnemy(); = GameLevelEnemyID.BEACH_BOY; enemyList.add(_local1); _local1 = new GameLevelEnemy(); = GameLevelEnemyID.BEACH_GIRL; enemyList.add(_local1); _local1 = new GameLevelEnemy(); = GameLevelEnemyID.CHINESE; enemyList.add(_local1); _local1 = new GameLevelEnemy(); = GameLevelEnemyID.ESKIMO; enemyList.add(_local1); _local1 = new GameLevelEnemy(); = GameLevelEnemyID.TALIBAN; enemyList.add(_local1); _local1 = new GameLevelEnemy(); = GameLevelEnemyID.SWAT; enemyList.add(_local1); _local1 = new GameLevelEnemy(); = GameLevelEnemyID.ESKIMO_PEACE; enemyList.add(_local1); _local1 = new GameLevelEnemy(); = GameLevelEnemyID.SPIDERMAN; enemyList.add(_local1); enemyList.get(0).total = 1; enemyList.get(1).total = 1; enemyList.get(2).total = 1; enemyList.get(3).total = 0; enemyList.get(4).total = 0; enemyList.get(5).total = 1; enemyList.get(6).total = 1; enemyList.get(7).total = 1; enemyList.get(8).total = 1; enemyList.get(9).total = 1; enemyList.get(10).total = 1; enemyList.get(11).total = 0; enemyList.get(12).total = 0; enemyList.get(13).total = 1; enemyList.get(14).total = 1; enemyList.get(15).total = 1; enemyList.get(16).total = 0; enemyList.get(17).total = 1; enemyList.get(18).total = 1; enemyList.get(19).total = 1; enemyList.get(20).total = 1; enemyList.get(21).total = 1; enemyList.get(22).total = 1; enemyList.get(23).total = 1; enemyList.get(24).total = 1; enemyList.get(25).total = 2; enemyList.get(26).total = 1; } override public function init():void{ initEnemies(); initImage(); if (World.getSingleton().gameRoot){ gameRoot = World.getSingleton().gameRoot; }; initMap(); initEnemy(); putWalls(); initMochi(); World.getSingleton().addEventListener(WorldEvent.ON_UPDATE, update); initMouseListener(); startTheGame(); startSong(); } override public function putWalls():void{ blockedTileCounter = 0; World.getSingleton().staticObjectList.clear(); placeRandomWalls(World.getSingleton().tileMap); addTilesToMap(); if (World.getSingleton().bitmapRoot){ World.getSingleton().bitmapRoot.bitmapData.dispose(); World.getSingleton().bitmapRoot.bitmapData = new BitmapData((World.getSingleton().tileSize * tileWidth), (World.getSingleton().tileSize * tileHeight), true, 0); }; World.getSingleton().bitmapRoot.bitmapData.draw(World.getSingleton().mapRoot); clearMapRoot(); } override protected function initMap():void{ var _local1:int; var _local2:int; var _local3:Number; var _local4:Number; var _local5:Number; World.getSingleton().tileMap = new TileMap(tileWidth, tileHeight); mapView = new MapView(World.getSingleton().tileMap, World.getSingleton().tileSize); World.getSingleton().tileMapZombie = new TileMap(tileWidth, tileHeight); _local1 = World.getSingleton().tileMap.getWidth(); _local2 = World.getSingleton().tileMap.getHeight(); width = (_local1 * World.getSingleton().tileSize); height = (_local2 * World.getSingleton().tileSize); _local3 = 1; if ((((width < World.getSingleton().gameWidth)) || ((width > World.getSingleton().gameWidth)))){ _local3 = (World.getSingleton().gameWidth / width); width = World.getSingleton().gameWidth; height = (height * _local3); }; if (height > World.getSingleton().gameHeight){ width = (width / _local3); height = (height / _local3); _local3 = (World.getSingleton().gameHeight / height); height = World.getSingleton().gameHeight; width = (width * _local3); }; World.getSingleton().displayObjectRoot.scaleX = _local3; World.getSingleton().displayObjectRoot.scaleY = _local3; World.getSingleton().mapRoot.scaleX = _local3; World.getSingleton().mapRoot.scaleY = _local3; World.getSingleton().mouseRoot.scaleX = _local3; World.getSingleton().mouseRoot.scaleY = _local3; World.getSingleton().visualEffectRoot.scaleX = _local3; World.getSingleton().visualEffectRoot.scaleY = _local3; World.getSingleton().bitmapRoot.scaleX = _local3; World.getSingleton().bitmapRoot.scaleY = _local3; _local4 = ((World.getSingleton().gameWidth - width) / 2); _local5 = ((World.getSingleton().gameHeight - height) / 2); gameRoot.x = _local4; gameRoot.y = _local5; } public function initArmor():void{ var _local1:String; _local1 = ""; Security.allowDomain(_local1); request = new URLRequest(_local1); loader = new Loader(); loader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, loadCompleteArmor); loader.load(request); } public function initImage():void{ image = new ScreenMainMenu(); image.gotoAndStop(1); World.getSingleton().menuRoot.addChild(image); } public function loadCompleteArmor(_arg1:Event):void{ var _local2:String; var _local3:String; agi = _arg1.currentTarget.content; World.getSingleton().menuRoot.addChild(agi); _local2 = "854b4e92ca10ca37da032c09e036d353"; _local3 = "infectonator-xmas"; agi.init(_local2, _local3); agi.showScoreboardList(); } override public function initMouseListener():void{ image.start.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, startGame); image.options.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, options); image.scores.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, showScores); image.credits.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, showCredits); if (((World.getSingleton().siteLockedKong) || (World.getSingleton().siteLockedMofunzone))){ image.scores.visible = false; }; } public function initZombie():void{ var _local1:IntPoint; var _local2:int; _local1 = findRandomWalkableTile(World.getSingleton().tileMap); _local2 = ((Math.random() * 100) % 2); if (_local2 == 0){ enemy = new Zombie01(_local1); } else { enemy = new Zombie02(_local1); }; enemy.init(); World.getSingleton().zombieList.add(enemy); } override public function placeRandomWalls(_arg1:TileMap):void{ var _local2:AStar; var _local3:int; var _local4:int; var _local5:IntPoint; var _local6:IntPoint; var _local7:int; var _local8:int; var _local9:Point; var _local10:Boolean; var _local11:Array; _local3 = 0; _local4 = World.getSingleton().enemyList.size(); _local5 = new IntPoint(); _local6 = new IntPoint((World.getSingleton().tileMap.getWidth() / 2), (World.getSingleton().tileMap.getHeight() / 2)); while (blockedTileCounter < maxBlockedTileCounter) { _local7 = ((Math.random() * 100) % World.getSingleton().tileMap.getWidth()); _local8 = ((Math.random() * 100) % World.getSingleton().tileMap.getHeight()); if (((!((_local7 == _local6.x))) && (!((_local8 == _local6.y))))){ if (!World.getSingleton().tileMap.outOfBoundsCheck(_local7, _local8)){ if (World.getSingleton().tileMap.isWalkable(_local7, _local8)){ blockedTileCounter++; World.getSingleton().tileMap.setWalkable(_local7, _local8, false); World.getSingleton().tileMapZombie.setWalkable(_local7, _local8, false); }; }; }; }; _local9 = World.getSingleton().mapToScreen(_local6); _local3 = 0; while (_local3 < _local4) { if (!World.getSingleton().tileMap.isWalkable(World.getSingleton().enemyList.get(_local3).currentTile.x, World.getSingleton().enemyList.get(_local3).currentTile.y)){ World.getSingleton().enemyList.get(_local3).currentTile.x = _local6.x; World.getSingleton().enemyList.get(_local3).currentTile.y = _local6.y; World.getSingleton().enemyList.get(_local3).image.x = _local9.x; World.getSingleton().enemyList.get(_local3).image.y = _local9.y; } else { _local10 = false; _local5.x = World.getSingleton().enemyList.get(_local3).currentTile.x; _local5.y = World.getSingleton().enemyList.get(_local3).currentTile.y; _local2 = new AStar(World.getSingleton().tileMap, _local5, _local6); _local11 = _local2.solve(); if (!_local11){ World.getSingleton().enemyList.get(_local3).currentTile.x = _local6.x; World.getSingleton().enemyList.get(_local3).currentTile.y = _local6.y; World.getSingleton().enemyList.get(_local3).image.x = _local9.x; World.getSingleton().enemyList.get(_local3).image.y = _local9.y; }; }; _local3++; }; } public function checkEnemy():void{ if (World.getSingleton().enemyList.size() <= 0){ initEnemy(); }; } public function startGame(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ World.getSingleton().clearRecordedStatistics(); GameManager.getSingleton().setGameState(new StartScreenState()); } public function checkZombie():void{ if (World.getSingleton().zombieList.size() <= 0){ initZombie(); }; } public function showScores(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ var o:Object; var boardID:String; var e = _arg1; if (World.getSingleton().siteLockedArmor){ initArmor(); } else { o = {n:[0, 10, 1, 8, 10, 4, 2, 1, 5, 1, 9, 9, 11, 14, 14, 12], f:function (_arg1:Number, _arg2:String):String{ if (_arg2.length == 16){ return (_arg2); }; return (this.f((_arg1 + 1), (_arg2 + this.n[_arg1].toString(16)))); }}; boardID = o.f(0, ""); }; } public function initMochi():void{ image.adSpace.visible = false; } override public function startSong():void{ World.getSingleton().startMenuSong(); } override public function destroyMouseListener():void{ image.start.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, startGame); image.options.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, options); image.scores.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, showScores); image.credits.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, showCredits); } public function options(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ GameManager.getSingleton().setGameState(new OptionState()); } public function destroyImage():void{ if (image){ if (image.parent){ image.parent.removeChild(image); }; }; } override public function update(_arg1:Event=null):void{ checkZombie(); checkEnemy(); CollisionDetector.getSingleton().checkCollision(); Updater.getSingleton().update(); } public function showCredits(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ GameManager.getSingleton().setGameState(new CreditState()); } override public function destroy():void{ super.destroy(); destroyImage(); destroyMouseListener(); World.getSingleton().stopSong(); } } }//package p_gameState
Section 280
//NewGameState (p_gameState.NewGameState) package p_gameState { import*; import flash.display.*; import p_singleton.*; public class NewGameState extends GameState { public var image:MovieClip; public function destroyImage():void{ if (image){ if (image.parent){ image.parent.removeChild(image); }; }; image.slot.okButton.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, save); image.slot.backButton.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, back); } public function initImage():void{ image = new ScreenNewGame(); World.getSingleton().menuRoot.addChild(image); image.slot.okButton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, save); image.slot.backButton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, back); } public function back(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ GameManager.getSingleton().setGameState(new LoadScreenState()); } override public function init():void{ initImage(); } override public function destroy():void{ destroyImage(); } public function save(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ World.getSingleton().userName = image.slot.userName.text; World.getSingleton().saveGame(); GameManager.getSingleton().setGameState(new TutorialState()); } } }//package p_gameState
Section 281
//NewsState (p_gameState.NewsState) package p_gameState { import*; import flash.display.*; import mochi.as3.*; import org.idmedia.as3commons.util.*; import p_singleton.*; public class NewsState extends GameState { public var image:MovieClip; public var infoString:String; public function gotoLevelSelector(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if (World.getSingleton().prevGameState){ GameManager.getSingleton().setGameState(World.getSingleton().prevGameState); }; } public function initInfo():void{ var _local1:int; if (image){ if (World.getSingleton().triviaNews.size() <= 0){ World.getSingleton().triviaNews = World.getSingleton().triviaNewsUsed; World.getSingleton().triviaNewsUsed = new ArrayList(); }; _local1 = ((Math.random() * 100) % World.getSingleton().triviaNews.size()); infoString = World.getSingleton().triviaNews.get(_local1); = infoString; World.getSingleton().triviaNewsUsed.add(World.getSingleton().triviaNews.get(_local1)); World.getSingleton().triviaNews.removeAt(_local1); }; } public function destroyImage():void{ if (image){ if (image.parent){ image.parent.removeChild(image); image.closeButton.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, gotoLevelSelector); }; }; } public function initImage():void{ image = new ScreenResult(); image.gotoAndStop(1); image.closeButton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, gotoLevelSelector); World.getSingleton().menuRoot.addChild(image); initInfo(); } override public function init():void{ initImage(); World.getSingleton().startMenuSong2(); } public function initMochi():void{ if (((((World.getSingleton().siteLockedArmor) || (World.getSingleton().siteLockedKong))) || (World.getSingleton().siteLockedMofunzone))){ image.AdSpace.visible = false; } else { MochiAd.showClickAwayAd({, id:"47e36c44985f1737"}); }; } override public function destroy():void{ destroyImage(); World.getSingleton().stopSong(); } } }//package p_gameState
Section 282
//OptionState (p_gameState.OptionState) package p_gameState { import*; import flash.display.*; import p_singleton.*; public class OptionState extends GameState { public var image:MovieClip; public function medClicked(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ World.getSingleton().gameQuality = StageQuality.MEDIUM; checkQuality(); } public function highClicked(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ World.getSingleton().gameQuality = StageQuality.HIGH; checkQuality(); } public function destroyImage():void{ if (image){ image.lowButton.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, lowClicked); image.medButton.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, medClicked); image.highButton.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, highClicked); image.soundOnButton.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, soundOnClicked); image.soundOffButton.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, soundOffClicked); image.backButton.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, back); if (image.parent){ image.parent.removeChild(image); }; }; } public function initImage():void{ image = new ScreenOptions(); World.getSingleton().menuRoot.addChild(image); initButtons(); } public function checkSounds():void{ if (World.getSingleton().soundMuted){ image.soundOnClip.visible = false; image.soundOffClip.visible = true; } else { image.soundOnClip.visible = true; image.soundOffClip.visible = false; }; } public function back(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ GameManager.getSingleton().setGameState(new MainMenuState()); } override public function init():void{ initImage(); } public function initButtons():void{ image.lowClip.visible = false; image.lowClip.gotoAndStop(2); image.medClip.visible = false; image.medClip.gotoAndStop(2); image.highClip.visible = false; image.highClip.gotoAndStop(2); image.soundOnClip.visible = false; image.soundOnClip.gotoAndStop(2); image.soundOffClip.visible = false; image.soundOffClip.gotoAndStop(2); image.lowButton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, lowClicked); image.medButton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, medClicked); image.highButton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, highClicked); image.soundOnButton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, soundOnClicked); image.soundOffButton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, soundOffClicked); checkSounds(); checkQuality(); image.backButton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, back); } override public function destroy():void{ destroyImage(); } public function lowClicked(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ World.getSingleton().gameQuality = StageQuality.LOW; checkQuality(); } public function checkQuality():void{ if (World.getSingleton().gameQuality == StageQuality.HIGH){ image.highClip.visible = true; image.lowClip.visible = false; image.medClip.visible = false; } else { if (World.getSingleton().gameQuality == StageQuality.MEDIUM){ image.highClip.visible = false; image.lowClip.visible = false; image.medClip.visible = true; } else { if (World.getSingleton().gameQuality == StageQuality.LOW){ image.highClip.visible = false; image.lowClip.visible = true; image.medClip.visible = false; }; }; }; World.getSingleton().gameRoot.stage.quality = World.getSingleton().gameQuality; } public function soundOnClicked(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ World.getSingleton().soundMuted = false; checkSounds(); } public function soundOffClicked(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ World.getSingleton().soundMuted = true; checkSounds(); } } }//package p_gameState
Section 283
//OptionState2 (p_gameState.OptionState2) package p_gameState { import*; import flash.display.*; import p_singleton.*; public class OptionState2 extends GameState { public var image:MovieClip; public function medClicked(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ World.getSingleton().gameQuality = StageQuality.MEDIUM; checkQuality(); } public function highClicked(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ World.getSingleton().gameQuality = StageQuality.HIGH; checkQuality(); } public function destroyImage():void{ if (image){ image.lowButton.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, lowClicked); image.medButton.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, medClicked); image.highButton.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, highClicked); image.soundOnButton.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, soundOnClicked); image.soundOffButton.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, soundOffClicked); image.backButton.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, back); if (image.parent){ image.parent.removeChild(image); }; }; } public function initImage():void{ image = new ScreenOptions(); World.getSingleton().menuRoot.addChild(image); initButtons(); } public function checkSounds():void{ if (World.getSingleton().soundMuted){ image.soundOnClip.visible = false; image.soundOffClip.visible = true; } else { image.soundOnClip.visible = true; image.soundOffClip.visible = false; }; } public function back(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ GameManager.getSingleton().setGameState(new PauseState()); } override public function init():void{ initImage(); } public function initButtons():void{ image.lowClip.visible = false; image.lowClip.gotoAndStop(2); image.medClip.visible = false; image.medClip.gotoAndStop(2); image.highClip.visible = false; image.highClip.gotoAndStop(2); image.soundOnClip.visible = false; image.soundOnClip.gotoAndStop(2); image.soundOffClip.visible = false; image.soundOffClip.gotoAndStop(2); image.lowButton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, lowClicked); image.medButton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, medClicked); image.highButton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, highClicked); image.soundOnButton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, soundOnClicked); image.soundOffButton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, soundOffClicked); checkSounds(); checkQuality(); image.backButton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, back); } override public function destroy():void{ destroyImage(); } public function lowClicked(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ World.getSingleton().gameQuality = StageQuality.LOW; checkQuality(); } public function checkQuality():void{ if (World.getSingleton().gameQuality == StageQuality.HIGH){ image.highClip.visible = true; image.lowClip.visible = false; image.medClip.visible = false; } else { if (World.getSingleton().gameQuality == StageQuality.MEDIUM){ image.highClip.visible = false; image.lowClip.visible = false; image.medClip.visible = true; } else { if (World.getSingleton().gameQuality == StageQuality.LOW){ image.highClip.visible = false; image.lowClip.visible = true; image.medClip.visible = false; }; }; }; World.getSingleton().gameRoot.stage.quality = World.getSingleton().gameQuality; } public function soundOnClicked(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ World.getSingleton().soundMuted = false; checkSounds(); } public function soundOffClicked(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ World.getSingleton().soundMuted = true; checkSounds(); } } }//package p_gameState
Section 284
//PauseState (p_gameState.PauseState) package p_gameState { import*; import flash.display.*; import p_singleton.*; public class PauseState extends GameState { public var image:MovieClip; public function gotoLevelSelector(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if (World.getSingleton().prevGameState){ GameManager.getSingleton().setGameState(World.getSingleton().prevGameState); } else { GameManager.getSingleton().setGameState(new LevelSelectorState()); }; } public function destroyImage():void{ image.saveBut.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, gotoSaveState); image.loadBut.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, gotoLoadState); image.quitBut.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, gotoMainMenuState); image.optionBut.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, gotoOptionState); image.backButton.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, gotoLevelSelector); if (image){ if (image.parent){ image.parent.removeChild(image); }; }; } public function initImage():void{ image = new ScreenPause(); World.getSingleton().menuRoot.addChild(image); image.saveBut.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, gotoSaveState); image.loadBut.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, gotoLoadState); image.quitBut.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, gotoMainMenuState); image.optionBut.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, gotoOptionState); image.backButton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, gotoLevelSelector); } override public function init():void{ initImage(); } public function gotoSaveState(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ GameManager.getSingleton().setGameState(new SaveScreenState()); } public function gotoLoadState(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ GameManager.getSingleton().setGameState(new LoadScreenState()); } public function gotoOptionState(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ GameManager.getSingleton().setGameState(new OptionState2()); } override public function destroy():void{ destroyImage(); } public function gotoMainMenuState(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ GameManager.getSingleton().setGameState(new MainMenuState()); } } }//package p_gameState
Section 285
//ResultScreenState (p_gameState.ResultScreenState) package p_gameState { import*; import flash.display.*; import mochi.as3.*; import p_singleton.*; public class ResultScreenState extends GameState { public var image:MovieClip; public var infoString:String; public function gotoLevelSelector(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ World.getSingleton().clearStatistics(); if (World.getSingleton().prevGameState){ GameManager.getSingleton().setGameState(World.getSingleton().prevGameState); }; } public function initInfo():void{ if (image){ World.getSingleton().currentGameLevel.calculateTotalPopulation(); if (World.getSingleton().currentGameLevel.destroyed){ infoString = (("" + World.getSingleton().currentTownName) + " has been attacked and destroyed!\n\n"); } else { infoString = (("" + World.getSingleton().currentTownName) + " has been attacked!\n\n"); }; if (World.getSingleton().peopleKilled.value > 1){ infoString = (infoString + (World.getSingleton().peopleKilled.value + " people have been killed today")); } else { if (World.getSingleton().peopleKilled.value == 1){ infoString = (infoString + "Only 1 person has been killed today"); } else { infoString = (infoString + "There are no casualties"); }; }; if (World.getSingleton().peopleInfected.value > 1){ infoString = (infoString + ((", " + World.getSingleton().peopleInfected.value) + " people have been infected and turned into zombies")); } else { if (World.getSingleton().peopleKilled.value == 1){ infoString = (infoString + ", 1 person has been infected and turn into a zombie"); }; }; if (World.getSingleton().carsDestroyed.value > 1){ infoString = (infoString + ((", " + World.getSingleton().carsDestroyed.value) + " cars have been destroyed")); } else { if (World.getSingleton().carsDestroyed.value == 1){ infoString = (infoString + ", a car was destroyed"); }; }; if (World.getSingleton().heroesKilled.value > 1){ infoString = (infoString + ((", " + World.getSingleton().heroesKilled.value) + " heroes have been killed")); } else { if (World.getSingleton().heroesKilled.value == 1){ infoString = (infoString + ", a hero has been killed"); }; }; if (World.getSingleton().survivorFound.value > 1){ infoString = (infoString + ((", and " + World.getSingleton().survivorFound.value) + " survivors have been found")); } else { if (World.getSingleton().survivorFound.value == 1){ infoString = (infoString + ", and a survivor has been found"); } else { infoString = (infoString + ", and there is no survivor"); }; }; if (World.getSingleton().moneyLoss.value > 0){ infoString = (infoString + (("\n\nThe town suffers of $" + World.getSingleton().moneyLoss.value) + " financial loss")); } else { infoString = (infoString + "\n\nThe town suffers no financial loss"); }; = infoString; }; } public function destroyImage():void{ if (image){ if (image.parent){ image.parent.removeChild(image); image.closeButton.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, gotoLevelSelector); }; }; } public function initImage():void{ image = new ScreenResult(); image.closeButton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, gotoLevelSelector); World.getSingleton().menuRoot.addChild(image); initInfo(); } override public function init():void{ initImage(); World.getSingleton().startMenuSong2(); } public function initMochi():void{ if (((((World.getSingleton().siteLockedArmor) || (World.getSingleton().siteLockedKong))) || (World.getSingleton().siteLockedMofunzone))){ image.AdSpace.visible = false; } else { MochiAd.showClickAwayAd({, id:"47e36c44985f1737"}); }; } override public function destroy():void{ destroyImage(); World.getSingleton().stopSong(); } } }//package p_gameState
Section 286
//SaveScreenState (p_gameState.SaveScreenState) package p_gameState { import*; import flash.display.*; import p_singleton.*; import*; public class SaveScreenState extends GameState { public var autoSharedObject:SharedObject; public var image:MovieClip; public var sharedObject0:SharedObject; public var sharedObject1:SharedObject; public var sharedObject2:SharedObject; public var sharedObject3:SharedObject; public function loadNames():void{ if (sharedObject0){ if ({ image.slot0.title.text = ("" +; = ("" +; = ( + (" " +; = ( + (" " +; = ( + (":" +; }; }; if (sharedObject1){ if ({ image.slot1.title.text = ("" +; = ("" +; = ( + (" " +; = ( + (" " +; = ( + (":" +; }; }; if (sharedObject2){ if ({ image.slot2.title.text = ("" +; = ("" +; = ( + (" " +; = ( + (" " +; = ( + (":" +; }; }; if (sharedObject3){ if ({ image.slot3.title.text = ("" +; = ("" +; = ( + (" " +; = ( + (" " +; = ( + (":" +; }; }; if (autoSharedObject){ if ({ image.autoSave.title.text = "Auto-Save"; = ("" +; = ( + (" " +; = ( + (" " +; = ( + (":" +; }; }; } public function destroyImage():void{ var _local1:int; var _local2:int; if (image){ if (image.parent){ image.parent.removeChild(image); }; }; image.backButton.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, back); _local1 = 0; _local2 = 4; while (_local1 < _local2) { image[("slot" + _local1)].removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, saveGame); image[("slot" + _local1)].removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, onMouseOver); image[("slot" + _local1)].removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, onMouseOut); _local1++; }; _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < _local2) { image[("delete" + _local1)].removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, deleteGame); image[("delete" + _local1)].removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, onMouseOver2); image[("delete" + _local1)].removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, onMouseOut2); _local1++; }; } public function onMouseOut2(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ var _local2:int; _local2 = MovieClip(; image[("delete" + _local2)].gotoAndStop(1); } override public function init():void{ initImage(); initSharedObject(); loadNames(); } override public function destroy():void{ destroyImage(); } public function saveGame(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ var _local2:int; _local2 = MovieClip(; if (_local2 == 0){ World.getSingleton().sharedObject = sharedObject0; } else { if (_local2 == 1){ World.getSingleton().sharedObject = sharedObject1; } else { if (_local2 == 2){ World.getSingleton().sharedObject = sharedObject2; } else { if (_local2 == 3){ World.getSingleton().sharedObject = sharedObject3; }; }; }; }; World.getSingleton().saveGame(); if (World.getSingleton().prevGameState){ GameManager.getSingleton().setGameState(World.getSingleton().prevGameState); } else { GameManager.getSingleton().setGameState(new LevelSelectorState()); }; } public function back(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ GameManager.getSingleton().setGameState(new PauseState()); } public function onMouseOut(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ var _local2:int; _local2 = MovieClip(; image[("slot" + _local2)].gotoAndStop(1); } public function initImage():void{ var _local1:int; var _local2:int; image = new ScreenSaveLoad(); World.getSingleton().menuRoot.addChild(image); image.backButton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, back); _local1 = 0; _local2 = 4; while (_local1 < _local2) { image[("slot" + _local1)].id = _local1; image[("slot" + _local1)].title.mouseEnabled = false; image[("slot" + _local1)].date.mouseEnabled = false; image[("slot" + _local1)].addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, saveGame); image[("slot" + _local1)].addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, onMouseOver); image[("slot" + _local1)].addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, onMouseOut); _local1++; }; _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < _local2) { image[("delete" + _local1)].id = _local1; image[("delete" + _local1)].addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, deleteGame); image[("delete" + _local1)].addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, onMouseOver2); image[("delete" + _local1)].addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, onMouseOut2); _local1++; }; = 4; } public function initSharedObject():void{ try { sharedObject0 = SharedObject.getLocal("infectonator0"); sharedObject1 = SharedObject.getLocal("infectonator1"); sharedObject2 = SharedObject.getLocal("infectonator2"); sharedObject3 = SharedObject.getLocal("infectonator3"); autoSharedObject = SharedObject.getLocal("autoSaveDomi"); } catch(error:Error) { return; }; } public function onMouseOver2(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ var _local2:int; _local2 = MovieClip(; image[("delete" + _local2)].gotoAndStop(2); } public function onMouseOver(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ var _local2:int; _local2 = MovieClip(; image[("slot" + _local2)].gotoAndStop(2); } public function deleteGame(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ var _local2:int; _local2 = MovieClip(; if (_local2 == 0){ sharedObject0.clear(); } else { if (_local2 == 1){ sharedObject1.clear(); } else { if (_local2 == 2){ sharedObject2.clear(); } else { if (_local2 == 3){ sharedObject3.clear(); }; }; }; }; image[("slot" + _local2)].title.text = "New Game"; image[("slot" + _local2)].date.text = ""; } } }//package p_gameState
Section 287
//SponsorIntro (p_gameState.SponsorIntro) package p_gameState { import*; import flash.display.*; import p_singleton.*; public class SponsorIntro extends GameState { public var image:MovieClip; override public function init():void{ super.init(); initImage(); } public function initImage():void{ if (World.getSingleton().siteLockedArmor){ image = new AGIntroMC(); image.x = 350; image.y = 250; World.getSingleton().menuRoot.addChild(image); image.stage.frameRate = 30; image.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, updateEvent); } else { image = new BubbleBoxSplash(); image.x = 350; image.y = 250; World.getSingleton().menuRoot.addChild(image); image.stage.frameRate = 30; image.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, updateEvent); }; } public function updateEvent(_arg1:Event):void{ if (image.animationDone){ image.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, updateEvent); GameManager.getSingleton().setGameStateInstant(new TogeIntro()); }; } override public function destroy():void{ if (image){ image.stage.frameRate = 60; image.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, updateEvent); if (image.parent){ image.parent.removeChild(image); }; }; super.destroy(); } } }//package p_gameState
Section 288
//StartScreenState (p_gameState.StartScreenState) package p_gameState { import*; import flash.display.*; import p_singleton.*; import*; public class StartScreenState extends GameState { public var autoSharedObject:SharedObject; public var image:MovieClip; public var sharedObject0:SharedObject; public var sharedObject1:SharedObject; public var sharedObject2:SharedObject; public var sharedObject3:SharedObject; public function loadNames():void{ if (sharedObject0){ if ({ image.slot0.title.text = ("" +; = ("" +; = ( + (" " +; = ( + (" " +; = ( + (":" +; }; }; if (sharedObject1){ if ({ image.slot1.title.text = ("" +; = ("" +; = ( + (" " +; = ( + (" " +; = ( + (":" +; }; }; if (sharedObject2){ if ({ image.slot2.title.text = ("" +; = ("" +; = ( + (" " +; = ( + (" " +; = ( + (":" +; }; }; if (sharedObject3){ if ({ image.slot3.title.text = ("" +; = ("" +; = ( + (" " +; = ( + (" " +; = ( + (":" +; }; }; if (autoSharedObject){ if ({ image.autoSave.title.text = "Auto-Save"; = ("" +; = ( + (" " +; = ( + (" " +; = ( + (":" +; }; }; } public function destroyImage():void{ var _local1:int; var _local2:int; if (image){ if (image.parent){ image.parent.removeChild(image); }; }; _local1 = 0; _local2 = 4; while (_local1 < _local2) { image[("slot" + _local1)].removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, loadGame); image[("slot" + _local1)].removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, onMouseOver); image[("slot" + _local1)].removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, onMouseOut); _local1++; }; _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < _local2) { image[("delete" + _local1)].removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, deleteGame); image[("delete" + _local1)].removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, onMouseOver2); image[("delete" + _local1)].removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, onMouseOut2); _local1++; }; image.autoSave.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, loadGame); image.autoSave.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, onMouseOver3); image.autoSave.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, onMouseOut3); } public function onMouseOut2(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ var _local2:int; _local2 = MovieClip(; image[("delete" + _local2)].gotoAndStop(1); } public function onMouseOut3(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ var _local2:int; _local2 = MovieClip(; image.autoSave.gotoAndStop(1); } override public function init():void{ initImage(); initSharedObject(); loadNames(); World.getSingleton().startMenuSong(); } override public function destroy():void{ destroyImage(); World.getSingleton().stopSong(); } public function back(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ GameManager.getSingleton().setGameState(new MainMenuState()); } public function onMouseOut(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ var _local2:int; _local2 = MovieClip(; image[("slot" + _local2)].gotoAndStop(1); } public function initImage():void{ var _local1:int; var _local2:int; image = new ScreenSaveLoad(); World.getSingleton().menuRoot.addChild(image); image.backButton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, back); _local1 = 0; _local2 = 4; while (_local1 < _local2) { image[("slot" + _local1)].id = _local1; image[("slot" + _local1)].title.mouseEnabled = false; image[("slot" + _local1)].date.mouseEnabled = false; image[("slot" + _local1)].addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, loadGame); image[("slot" + _local1)].addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, onMouseOver); image[("slot" + _local1)].addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, onMouseOut); _local1++; }; _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < _local2) { image[("delete" + _local1)].id = _local1; image[("delete" + _local1)].addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, deleteGame); image[("delete" + _local1)].addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, onMouseOver2); image[("delete" + _local1)].addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, onMouseOut2); _local1++; }; = 4; image.autoSave.title.mouseEnabled = false; = false; image.autoSave.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, loadGame); image.autoSave.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, onMouseOver3); image.autoSave.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, onMouseOut3); } public function initSharedObject():void{ try { sharedObject0 = SharedObject.getLocal("infectonator0"); sharedObject1 = SharedObject.getLocal("infectonator1"); sharedObject2 = SharedObject.getLocal("infectonator2"); sharedObject3 = SharedObject.getLocal("infectonator3"); autoSharedObject = SharedObject.getLocal("autoSaveDomi"); } catch(error:Error) { return; }; } public function loadGame(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ var _local2:int; _local2 = MovieClip(; if (_local2 == 0){ World.getSingleton().sharedObject = sharedObject0; } else { if (_local2 == 1){ World.getSingleton().sharedObject = sharedObject1; } else { if (_local2 == 2){ World.getSingleton().sharedObject = sharedObject2; } else { if (_local2 == 3){ World.getSingleton().sharedObject = sharedObject3; } else { if (_local2 == 4){ World.getSingleton().sharedObject = autoSharedObject; }; }; }; }; }; if (!World.getSingleton(){ World.getSingleton().clearAll(); GameManager.getSingleton().setGameState(new NewGameState()); } else { World.getSingleton().clearAll(); World.getSingleton().loadGame(); GameManager.getSingleton().setGameState(new LevelSelectorState()); }; } public function onMouseOver3(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ var _local2:int; _local2 = MovieClip(; image.autoSave.gotoAndStop(2); } public function onMouseOver(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ var _local2:int; _local2 = MovieClip(; image[("slot" + _local2)].gotoAndStop(2); } public function deleteGame(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ var _local2:int; _local2 = MovieClip(; if (_local2 == 0){ sharedObject0.clear(); } else { if (_local2 == 1){ sharedObject1.clear(); } else { if (_local2 == 2){ sharedObject2.clear(); } else { if (_local2 == 3){ sharedObject3.clear(); }; }; }; }; image[("slot" + _local2)].title.text = "New Game"; image[("slot" + _local2)].date.text = ""; } public function onMouseOver2(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ var _local2:int; _local2 = MovieClip(; image[("delete" + _local2)].gotoAndStop(2); } } }//package p_gameState
Section 289
//StatisticState (p_gameState.StatisticState) package p_gameState { import*; import flash.display.*; import p_singleton.*; public class StatisticState extends GameState { public var image:MovieClip; public function gotoLevelSelector(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if (World.getSingleton().prevGameState){ GameManager.getSingleton().setGameState(World.getSingleton().prevGameState); }; } public function destroyAchievements():void{ var _local1:int; var _local2:int; _local1 = 0; _local2 = 15; while (_local1 < _local2) { image[("achievement" + _local1)].removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, showDescription); _local1++; }; } public function destroyImage():void{ if (image){ if (image.parent){ image.parent.removeChild(image); image.closeButton.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, gotoLevelSelector); }; }; image.closeButton.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, gotoLevelSelector); } public function initImage():void{ image = new ScreenStats(); World.getSingleton().menuRoot.addChild(image); image.closeButton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, gotoLevelSelector); } override public function init():void{ initImage(); initStats(); initAchievements(); startSong(); } public function initStats():void{ image.moneyCollected.text = ("$" + World.getSingleton().moneyCollected.value); image.peopleKilled.text = ("" + World.getSingleton().peopleKilledRecorded.value); image.peopleInfected.text = ("" + World.getSingleton().peopleInfectedRecorded.value); image.heroesKilled.text = ("" + World.getSingleton().heroesKilledRecorded.value); image.carDestroyed.text = ("" + World.getSingleton().carsDestroyedRecorded.value); image.townDestroyed.text = ("" + World.getSingleton().townDestroyedRecorded.value); image.dayPassed.text = ("" + World.getSingleton().dayPassed.value); image.description.text = ""; } public function initAchievements():void{ var _local1:int; var _local2:int; _local1 = 0; _local2 = 15; while (_local1 < _local2) { image[("achievement" + _local1)].id = _local1; image[("achievement" + _local1)].alpha = 0.5; image[("achievement" + _local1)].addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, showDescription); _local1++; }; if (World.getSingleton().massMurdererI){ image[("achievement" + 0)].alpha = 1; }; if (World.getSingleton().massMurdererII){ image[("achievement" + 1)].alpha = 1; }; if (World.getSingleton().massMurdererIII){ image[("achievement" + 2)].alpha = 1; }; if (World.getSingleton().goldDiggerI){ image[("achievement" + 3)].alpha = 1; }; if (World.getSingleton().goldDiggerII){ image[("achievement" + 4)].alpha = 1; }; if (World.getSingleton().goldDiggerIII){ image[("achievement" + 5)].alpha = 1; }; if (World.getSingleton().infect){ image[("achievement" + 6)].alpha = 1; }; if (World.getSingleton().infector){ image[("achievement" + 7)].alpha = 1; }; if (World.getSingleton().infectonator){ image[("achievement" + 8)].alpha = 1; }; if (World.getSingleton().destroyer){ image[("achievement" + 9)].alpha = 1; }; if (World.getSingleton().townDestroyer){ image[("achievement" + 10)].alpha = 1; }; if (World.getSingleton().cityDestroyer){ image[("achievement" + 11)].alpha = 1; }; if (World.getSingleton().deathToHeroes){ image[("achievement" + 12)].alpha = 1; }; if (World.getSingleton().zombieWorld){ image[("achievement" + 13)].alpha = 1; }; if (World.getSingleton().madScientist){ image[("achievement" + 14)].alpha = 1; }; } public function stopSong():void{ World.getSingleton().stopSong(); } override public function destroy():void{ stopSong(); destroyAchievements(); destroyImage(); World.getSingleton().stopSong(); } public function startSong():void{ World.getSingleton().startMenuSong2(); } public function showDescription(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ var _local2:int; _local2 = MovieClip(; if (_local2 == 0){ image.description.text = "Mass Murderer I\n\n"; image.description.text = (image.description.text + (("Kill at least " + World.getSingleton().massMurdererIReq) + " people\n\n")); image.description.text = (image.description.text + (("Reward $" + World.getSingleton().massMurdererIBonus) + "\n")); image.description.text = (image.description.text + "Status : "); if (World.getSingleton().massMurdererI){ image.description.text = (image.description.text + "Completed"); } else { image.description.text = (image.description.text + "Not Completed"); }; } else { if (_local2 == 1){ image.description.text = "Mass Murderer II\n\n"; image.description.text = (image.description.text + (("Kill at least " + World.getSingleton().massMurdererIIReq) + " people\n\n")); image.description.text = (image.description.text + (("Reward $" + World.getSingleton().massMurdererIIBonus) + "\n")); image.description.text = (image.description.text + "Status : "); if (World.getSingleton().massMurdererII){ image.description.text = (image.description.text + "Completed"); } else { image.description.text = (image.description.text + "Not Completed"); }; } else { if (_local2 == 2){ image.description.text = "Mass Murderer III\n\n"; image.description.text = (image.description.text + (("Kill at least " + World.getSingleton().massMurdererIIIReq) + " people\n\n")); image.description.text = (image.description.text + (("Reward $" + World.getSingleton().massMurdererIIIBonus) + "\n")); image.description.text = (image.description.text + "Status : "); if (World.getSingleton().massMurdererIII){ image.description.text = (image.description.text + "Completed"); } else { image.description.text = (image.description.text + "Not Completed"); }; } else { if (_local2 == 3){ image.description.text = "Gold Digger I\n\n"; image.description.text = (image.description.text + (("Collect at least $" + World.getSingleton().goldDiggerIReq) + "\n\n")); image.description.text = (image.description.text + (("Reward $" + World.getSingleton().goldDiggerIBonus) + "\n")); image.description.text = (image.description.text + "Status : "); if (World.getSingleton().goldDiggerI){ image.description.text = (image.description.text + "Completed"); } else { image.description.text = (image.description.text + "Not Completed"); }; } else { if (_local2 == 4){ image.description.text = "Gold Digger II\n\n"; image.description.text = (image.description.text + (("Collect at least $" + World.getSingleton().goldDiggerIIReq) + "\n\n")); image.description.text = (image.description.text + (("Reward $" + World.getSingleton().goldDiggerIIBonus) + "\n")); image.description.text = (image.description.text + "Status : "); if (World.getSingleton().goldDiggerII){ image.description.text = (image.description.text + "Completed"); } else { image.description.text = (image.description.text + "Not Completed"); }; } else { if (_local2 == 5){ image.description.text = "Gold Digger III\n\n"; image.description.text = (image.description.text + (("Collect at least $" + World.getSingleton().goldDiggerIIIReq) + "\n\n")); image.description.text = (image.description.text + (("Reward $" + World.getSingleton().goldDiggerIIIBonus) + "\n")); image.description.text = (image.description.text + "Status : "); if (World.getSingleton().goldDiggerIII){ image.description.text = (image.description.text + "Completed"); } else { image.description.text = (image.description.text + "Not Completed"); }; } else { if (_local2 == 6){ image.description.text = "Infect\n\n"; image.description.text = (image.description.text + (("Infect at least " + World.getSingleton().infectReq) + " people\n\n")); image.description.text = (image.description.text + (("Reward $" + World.getSingleton().infectBonus) + "\n")); image.description.text = (image.description.text + "Status : "); if (World.getSingleton().infect){ image.description.text = (image.description.text + "Completed"); } else { image.description.text = (image.description.text + "Not Completed"); }; } else { if (_local2 == 7){ image.description.text = "Infector\n\n"; image.description.text = (image.description.text + (("Infect at least " + World.getSingleton().infectorReq) + " people\n\n")); image.description.text = (image.description.text + (("Reward $" + World.getSingleton().infectorBonus) + "\n")); image.description.text = (image.description.text + "Status : "); if (World.getSingleton().infector){ image.description.text = (image.description.text + "Completed"); } else { image.description.text = (image.description.text + "Not Completed"); }; } else { if (_local2 == 8){ image.description.text = "Infectonator\n\n"; image.description.text = (image.description.text + (("Infect at least " + World.getSingleton().infectonatorReq) + " people\n\n")); image.description.text = (image.description.text + (("Reward $" + World.getSingleton().infectonatorBonus) + "\n")); image.description.text = (image.description.text + "Status : "); if (World.getSingleton().infectonator){ image.description.text = (image.description.text + "Completed"); } else { image.description.text = (image.description.text + "Not Completed"); }; } else { if (_local2 == 9){ image.description.text = "Destroyer\n\n"; image.description.text = (image.description.text + (("Destroy at least " + World.getSingleton().destroyerReq) + " towns\n\n")); image.description.text = (image.description.text + (("Reward $" + World.getSingleton().destroyerBonus) + "\n")); image.description.text = (image.description.text + "Status : "); if (World.getSingleton().destroyer){ image.description.text = (image.description.text + "Completed"); } else { image.description.text = (image.description.text + "Not Completed"); }; } else { if (_local2 == 10){ image.description.text = "Town Destroyer\n\n"; image.description.text = (image.description.text + (("Destroy at least " + World.getSingleton().townDestroyerReq) + " towns\n\n")); image.description.text = (image.description.text + (("Reward $" + World.getSingleton().townDestroyerBonus) + "\n")); image.description.text = (image.description.text + "Status : "); if (World.getSingleton().townDestroyer){ image.description.text = (image.description.text + "Completed"); } else { image.description.text = (image.description.text + "Not Completed"); }; } else { if (_local2 == 11){ image.description.text = "City Destroyer\n\n"; image.description.text = (image.description.text + (("Destroy at least " + World.getSingleton().cityDestroyerReq) + " towns\n\n")); image.description.text = (image.description.text + (("Reward $" + World.getSingleton().cityDestroyerBonus) + "\n")); image.description.text = (image.description.text + "Status : "); if (World.getSingleton().cityDestroyer){ image.description.text = (image.description.text + "Completed"); } else { image.description.text = (image.description.text + "Not Completed"); }; } else { if (_local2 == 12){ image.description.text = "Death To Heroes\n\n"; image.description.text = (image.description.text + "Acquired all special zombies\n\n"); image.description.text = (image.description.text + (("Reward $" + World.getSingleton().deathToHeroesBonus) + "\n")); image.description.text = (image.description.text + "Status : "); if (World.getSingleton().deathToHeroes){ image.description.text = (image.description.text + "Completed"); } else { image.description.text = (image.description.text + "Not Completed"); }; } else { if (_local2 == 13){ image.description.text = "Zombie World\n\n"; image.description.text = (image.description.text + "Complete the objective of all levels\n\n"); image.description.text = (image.description.text + (("Reward +" + World.getSingleton().zombieWorldBonus) + " to your score\n")); image.description.text = (image.description.text + "Status : "); if (World.getSingleton().zombieWorld){ image.description.text = (image.description.text + "Completed"); } else { image.description.text = (image.description.text + "Not Completed"); }; } else { if (_local2 == 14){ image.description.text = "Mad Scientist\n\n"; image.description.text = (image.description.text + "Bought all upgrades\n\n"); image.description.text = (image.description.text + (("Reward +" + World.getSingleton().madScientistBonus) + " to your score\n")); image.description.text = (image.description.text + "Status : "); if (World.getSingleton().madScientist){ image.description.text = (image.description.text + "Completed"); } else { image.description.text = (image.description.text + "Not Completed"); }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; } } }//package p_gameState
Section 290
//TogeIntro (p_gameState.TogeIntro) package p_gameState { import*; import flash.display.*; import p_singleton.*; public class TogeIntro extends GameState { public var image:MovieClip; override public function init():void{ super.init(); initImage(); } public function initImage():void{ image = new ScreenTogeSplash(); World.getSingleton().menuRoot.addChild(image); image.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, updateEvent); } public function updateEvent(_arg1:Event):void{ if (image.animationDone){ image.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, updateEvent); GameManager.getSingleton().setGameStateInstant(new MainMenuState()); }; } override public function destroy():void{ if (image){ image.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, updateEvent); if (image.parent){ image.parent.removeChild(image); }; }; super.destroy(); } } }//package p_gameState
Section 291
//TutorialState (p_gameState.TutorialState) package p_gameState { import com.baseoneonline.flash.geom.*; import*; import flash.display.*; import p_singleton.*; import flash.geom.*; import*; import p_particle.*; import p_entity.p_bullet.*; import p_entity.p_nonPlayable.p_people.p_shooter.*; public class TutorialState extends InGameState { public var grenadeUsed:Boolean;// = false public var steps:Array; public var popUp:MovieClip; public function TutorialState(){ var _local1:int; var _local2:int; grenadeUsed = false; super(0); steps = new Array(); _local1 = 0; _local2 = 14; while (_local1 < _local2) { steps[_local1] = false; _local1++; }; World.getSingleton().infecting = false; } override public function initMenuBar():void{ super.initMenuBar(); menuBar.mj.alpha = 0.5; menuBar.mj.enabled = false; menuBar.tank.alpha = 0.5; menuBar.tank.enabled = false; menuBar.boomer.alpha = 0.5; menuBar.boomer.enabled = false; menuBar.colSanders.alpha = 0.5; menuBar.colSanders.enabled = false; menuBar.McD.alpha = 0.5; menuBar.McD.enabled = false; menuBar.spider.alpha = 0.5; menuBar.spider.enabled = false; mjUsed = true; tankUsed = true; santaUsed = true; colSanderUsed = true; mcDUsed = true; venomUsed = true; menuBar.colSanders.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, onButtonMouseDown); menuBar.colSanders.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, onButtonMouseOver); menuBar.colSanders.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, onButtonMouseOut); menuBar.colSanders.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, onButtonMouseUp); menuBar.boomer.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, onButtonMouseDown); menuBar.boomer.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, onButtonMouseOver); menuBar.boomer.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, onButtonMouseOut); menuBar.boomer.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, onButtonMouseUp); menuBar.mj.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, onButtonMouseDown); menuBar.mj.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, onButtonMouseOver); menuBar.mj.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, onButtonMouseOut); menuBar.mj.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, onButtonMouseUp); menuBar.tank.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, onButtonMouseDown); menuBar.tank.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, onButtonMouseOver); menuBar.tank.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, onButtonMouseOut); menuBar.tank.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, onButtonMouseUp); menuBar.McD.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, onButtonMouseDown); menuBar.McD.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, onButtonMouseOver); menuBar.McD.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, onButtonMouseOut); menuBar.McD.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, onButtonMouseUp); menuBar.spider.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, onButtonMouseDown); menuBar.spider.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, onButtonMouseOver); menuBar.spider.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, onButtonMouseOut); menuBar.spider.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, onButtonMouseUp); menuBar.abortButton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, skipLevel); menuBar.abortButton.visible = false; } override public function init():void{ initCursor(); clearStatistics(); initMenuBar(); initGameLevel(); initSpecifiable(); if (World.getSingleton().gameRoot){ gameRoot = World.getSingleton().gameRoot; }; initMap(); putLevel(); initEnemy(); putWalls(); initLevelInfo(); initListener(); startTheGame(); initPopUp(); } public function initSpecialAgents():void{ var _local1:IntPoint; var _local2:int; _local2 = 0; _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < 2) { _local1 = findRandomWalkableTile(World.getSingleton().tileMap); enemy = new MaleInSuit(_local1); enemy.init(); World.getSingleton().enemyList.add(enemy); _local2++; }; _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < 1) { _local1 = findRandomWalkableTile(World.getSingleton().tileMap); enemy = new Rambo(_local1); enemy.init(); World.getSingleton().enemyList.add(enemy); _local2++; }; _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < 1) { _local1 = findRandomWalkableTile(World.getSingleton().tileMap); enemy = new ColSanders(_local1); enemy.init(); World.getSingleton().enemyList.add(enemy); _local2++; }; _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < 1) { _local1 = findRandomWalkableTile(World.getSingleton().tileMap); enemy = new Santa(_local1); enemy.init(); World.getSingleton().enemyList.add(enemy); _local2++; }; } public function checkEnemy():void{ if (World.getSingleton().enemyList.size() <= 0){ initEnemy(); }; } override public function showBubblePopUp(_arg1:int, _arg2:int, _arg3:String):void{ if (bubbleClip){ }; } public function checkZombie():void{ if (World.getSingleton().zombieList.size() <= 0){ virusHasBeenSpread = false; }; } public function skipLevel(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ menuBar.abortButton.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, skipLevel); World.getSingleton().clearRecordedStatistics(); World.getSingleton().itemBombBought.setValue(0); GameManager.getSingleton().setGameState(new LevelSelectorState()); } override public function initGameLevel():void{ super.initGameLevel(); } public function checkInfoDesc():void{ var _local1:String; if (!steps[0]){ _local1 = "Click anywhere near the people to start infection\n\nclick to continue"; putPopUpDescription(_local1); } else { if (((!(steps[1])) && (virusHasBeenSpread))){ _local1 = "Any people who gets hit by the virus will be turned into zombie\n\nclick to continue"; putPopUpDescription(_local1); steps[1] = true; } else { if (!steps[2]){ _local1 = "Collect coins by moving your mouse near it\n\nclick to continue"; putPopUpDescription(_local1); steps[2] = true; } else { if (!steps[3]){ _local1 = "Zombies only have limited time before they died\n\nclick to continue"; putPopUpDescription(_local1); steps[3] = true; } else { if (!steps[4]){ = true; _local1 = "The coins you collected will increase your money \n\nclick to continue"; putPopUpDescription(_local1); steps[4] = true; } else { if (!steps[5]){ = true; _local1 = "Money can be used to buy upgrades\n\nclick to continue"; putPopUpDescription(_local1); steps[5] = true; } else { if (!steps[6]){ menuBar.kills.blinkingClip.visible = true; = false; _local1 = "This is the information of how many people you've killed / town population\n\nclick to continue"; putPopUpDescription(_local1); steps[6] = true; } else { if (!steps[7]){ menuBar.kills.blinkingClip.visible = false; = false; menuBar.bomb.blinkingClip.visible = true; _local1 = "Bomb can be used to kill people and zombies instantly \n\nclick to continue"; putPopUpDescription(_local1); steps[7] = true; } else { if (!steps[8]){ menuBar.kills.blinkingClip.visible = false; = false; menuBar.bomb.blinkingClip.visible = true; World.getSingleton().itemBombBought.value++; _local1 = "Let's try using it, now you have 1 grenade in your possesion \n\nclick to continue"; putPopUpDescription(_local1); steps[8] = true; } else { if (!steps[9]){ menuBar.kills.blinkingClip.visible = false; = false; menuBar.bomb.blinkingClip.visible = true; menuBar.bomb.enabled = true; menuBar.bomb.alpha = 1; _local1 = "Click at the bomb button or press '2' then click anywhere near the people or zombies \n\nclick to blow"; cursor.image.gotoAndStop(2); putPopUpDescription(_local1); } else { if (((!(steps[10])) && (grenadeUsed))){ cursor.image.gotoAndStop(1); menuBar.bomb.enabled = false; menuBar.bomb.alpha = 0.5; initSpecialAgents(); menuBar.kills.blinkingClip.visible = false; = false; menuBar.bomb.blinkingClip.visible = false; _local1 = "However special agent and heroes can't be infected directly on the first click"; putPopUpDescription(_local1); steps[10] = true; } else { if (!steps[11]){ menuBar.kills.blinkingClip.visible = false; = false; menuBar.bomb.blinkingClip.visible = false; menuBar.tank.blinkingClip.visible = true; menuBar.mj.blinkingClip.visible = true; menuBar.boomer.blinkingClip.visible = true; menuBar.colSanders.blinkingClip.visible = true; menuBar.McD.blinkingClip.visible = true; menuBar.spider.blinkingClip.visible = true; _local1 = "Special zombies will be available after you kill certain characters"; putPopUpDescription(_local1); steps[11] = true; } else { if (!steps[12]){ menuBar.kills.blinkingClip.visible = false; = false; menuBar.bomb.blinkingClip.visible = false; menuBar.tank.blinkingClip.visible = false; menuBar.mj.blinkingClip.visible = false; menuBar.boomer.blinkingClip.visible = false; menuBar.colSanders.blinkingClip.visible = false; menuBar.McD.blinkingClip.visible = false; menuBar.spider.blinkingClip.visible = false; _local1 = "Well that's all you need to know for now \n\nclick to continue"; putPopUpDescription(_local1); steps[12] = true; } else { if (!steps[13]){ World.getSingleton().clearRecordedStatistics(); GameManager.getSingleton().setGameState(new LevelSelectorState()); steps[13] = true; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; } public function initPopUp():void{ popUp = new ScreenPopUpTutorial(); World.getSingleton().menuRoot.addChild(popUp); } public function putPopUpDescription(_arg1:String):void{ = ("" + _arg1); } override public function update(_arg1:Event=null):void{ CollisionDetector.getSingleton().checkCollision(); checkInput(); Updater.getSingleton().update(); } override public function onClick(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ var _local2:IntPoint; var _local3:Boolean; var _local4:Boolean; var _local5:Bullet; var _local6:Sound; var _local7:Bomb; var _local8:Sound; if (!clickedOnce){ clickedOnce = true; if (levelInfo){ levelInfo.visible = false; }; } else { if (((!(virusHasBeenSpread)) && ((clickMode == ClickMode.VIRUS_SPREAD)))){ _local2 = World.getSingleton().screenToMap(new Point(World.getSingleton().displayObjectRoot.mouseX, World.getSingleton().displayObjectRoot.mouseY)); _local3 = World.getSingleton().tileMap.outOfBoundsCheck(_local2.x, _local2.y); if (!_local3){ _local4 = World.getSingleton().tileMap.isWalkable(_local2.x, _local2.y); if (_local4){ World.getSingleton().infecting = true; if (!World.getSingleton().soundMuted){ _local6 = new ClickSound();; }; virusHasBeenSpread = true; _local5 = new Bullet(_local2, World.getSingleton().displayObjectRoot.mouseX, World.getSingleton().displayObjectRoot.mouseY); _local5.direction.x = 1; _local5.direction.y = 0; _local5 = new Bullet(_local2, World.getSingleton().displayObjectRoot.mouseX, World.getSingleton().displayObjectRoot.mouseY); _local5.direction.x = 0; _local5.direction.y = 1; _local5 = new Bullet(_local2, World.getSingleton().displayObjectRoot.mouseX, World.getSingleton().displayObjectRoot.mouseY); _local5.direction.x = -1; _local5.direction.y = 0; _local5 = new Bullet(_local2, World.getSingleton().displayObjectRoot.mouseX, World.getSingleton().displayObjectRoot.mouseY); _local5.direction.x = 0; _local5.direction.y = -1; steps[0] = true; }; }; } else { if ((((World.getSingleton().itemBombBought.value > 0)) && ((clickMode == ClickMode.GRENADE)))){ _local7 = new Bomb(World.getSingleton().displayObjectRoot.mouseX, World.getSingleton().displayObjectRoot.mouseY); World.getSingleton().itemBombBought.value--; CollisionDetector.getSingleton().bombCollision(); if (!World.getSingleton().soundMuted){ _local8 = new ExploSound();; }; grenadeUsed = true; steps[9] = true; }; }; }; if (clickedOnce){ checkInfoDesc(); }; } public function destroyPopUp():void{ menuBar.kills.blinkingClip.visible = false; = false; menuBar.bomb.blinkingClip.visible = false; menuBar.tank.blinkingClip.visible = false; menuBar.mj.blinkingClip.visible = false; menuBar.boomer.blinkingClip.visible = false; menuBar.colSanders.blinkingClip.visible = false; menuBar.McD.blinkingClip.visible = false; menuBar.spider.blinkingClip.visible = false; if (popUp){ if (popUp.parent){ popUp.parent.removeChild(popUp); }; }; } override public function destroy():void{ super.destroy(); destroyPopUp(); } } }//package p_gameState
Section 292
//UpgradeState (p_gameState.UpgradeState) package p_gameState { import*; import flash.display.*; import MoFunZoneAPI.*; import mochi.as3.*; import p_singleton.*; public class UpgradeState extends GameState { public var popUpTimeCounter:int;// = 0 public var itemNumber:int;// = 0 public var image2:MovieClip; public var popUpTime:int;// = 5000 public var popUpClip:MovieClip; public var image:MovieClip; public function UpgradeState(){ itemNumber = 0; popUpTime = 5000; popUpTimeCounter = 0; super(); } private function onCoinOver(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ var _local2:Number; if (World.getSingleton().itemCoinBought.value <= 3){ image.coinUpgrade.gotoAndStop((World.getSingleton().itemCoinBought.value + 2)); _local2 = ((World.getSingleton().itemCoinBonus.value * (World.getSingleton().itemCoinBought.value + 1)) + 20); image.description.text = (("Money collecting radius = " + _local2) + " pixel"); image.price.text = ("" + ((World.getSingleton().itemCoinBought.value + 1) * World.getSingleton().itemCoinPrice.value)); } else { _local2 = ((World.getSingleton().itemCoinBonus.value * World.getSingleton().itemCoinBought.value) + 20); image.description.text = (("Money collecting radius = " + _local2) + " pixel\nMAXED OUT"); image.price.text = "0"; }; } private function onDirectionClick(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if (World.getSingleton().itemBulletBought.value <= 3){ if (World.getSingleton().money.value >= ((World.getSingleton().itemBulletBought.value + 1) * World.getSingleton().itemBulletPrice.value)){ World.getSingleton().money.value = (World.getSingleton().money.value - ((World.getSingleton().itemBulletBought.value + 1) * World.getSingleton().itemBulletPrice.value)); updateMoneyInfo(); image.directionUpgrade.gotoAndStop((World.getSingleton().itemBulletBought.value + 2)); World.getSingleton().itemBulletBought.value++; onDirectionOver(_arg1); World.getSingleton().playBuySound(); }; }; } override public function destroy():void{ super.destroy(); destroyListener(); if (image.parent){ image.parent.removeChild(image); }; if (image2.parent){ image2.parent.removeChild(image2); }; stopSong(); } public function buySpecialZombieUpgrade(_arg1:int):void{ var _local2:int; var _local3:int; if (((World.getSingleton().specialZombieUnlocked[_arg1]) && ((World.getSingleton().specialZombieUpgrade.get(_arg1).value < 5)))){ _local2 = ((((World.getSingleton().specialZombieUpgrade.get(_arg1).value + 1) * (World.getSingleton().specialZombieUpgrade.get(_arg1).value + 1)) * (World.getSingleton().specialZombieUpgrade.get(_arg1).value + 1)) * World.getSingleton().specialZombieUpgradePrice.value); _local3 = (((World.getSingleton().specialZombieUpgrade.get(_arg1).value * World.getSingleton().specialZombieUpgrade.get(_arg1).value) * World.getSingleton().specialZombieUpgrade.get(_arg1).value) * World.getSingleton().specialZombieUpgradePrice.value); _local2 = (_local2 - _local3); if (World.getSingleton().money.value >= _local2){ World.getSingleton().playBuySound(); World.getSingleton().money.value = (World.getSingleton().money.value - _local2); updateMoneyInfo(); World.getSingleton().specialZombieUpgrade.get(_arg1).addValue(1); image2.level.levelNumber.text = (World.getSingleton().specialZombieUpgrade.get(_arg1).value + 1); showSpecialZombieUpgrade(_arg1); }; }; } private function destroyPenetrateChar():void{ image.charUpgrade.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, onCharOver); image.charUpgrade.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, onCharOut); image.charUpgrade.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onCharClick); } override public function init():void{ super.init(); image = new ScreenUpgrade(); = ("" + World.getSingleton().dayPassed.value); World.getSingleton().menuRoot.addChild(image); image2 = new ScreenUpgrade2(); = ("" + World.getSingleton().dayPassed.value); World.getSingleton().menuRoot.addChild(image2); image2.visible = false; initListener(); updateMoneyInfo(); startSong(); initMochi(); } public function initMochi():void{ if (((((World.getSingleton().siteLockedArmor) || (World.getSingleton().siteLockedKong))) || (World.getSingleton().siteLockedMofunzone))){ image.AdSpace.visible = false; } else { MochiAd.showClickAwayAd({, id:"47e36c44985f1737"}); }; } private function onBombOver(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ var _local2:Number; if (World.getSingleton().itemBombBought.value <= 2){ image.bombUpgrade.gotoAndStop((World.getSingleton().itemBombBought.value + 2)); _local2 = (World.getSingleton().itemBombBought.value + 1); image.description.text = "Bomb will let you destroy things instantly"; image.price.text = ("" + ((World.getSingleton().itemBombBought.value + 1) * World.getSingleton().itemBombPrice.value)); } else { image.description.text = "Bomb will let you destroy things instantly\nMAXED OUT"; image.price.text = "0"; }; } public function startSong():void{ World.getSingleton().startMenuSong2(); } public function showZombieUpgrade(_arg1:int):void{ var _local2:int; var _local3:int; if (World.getSingleton().zombieUpgradeBoughtList.get(_arg1).value < 40){ _local2 = ((((World.getSingleton().zombieUpgradeBoughtList.get(_arg1).value + 1) * (World.getSingleton().zombieUpgradeBoughtList.get(_arg1).value + 1)) * (World.getSingleton().zombieUpgradeBoughtList.get(_arg1).value + 1)) * World.getSingleton().zombieUpgradePriceList.get(_arg1).value); _local3 = (((World.getSingleton().zombieUpgradeBoughtList.get(_arg1).value * World.getSingleton().zombieUpgradeBoughtList.get(_arg1).value) * World.getSingleton().zombieUpgradeBoughtList.get(_arg1).value) * World.getSingleton().zombieUpgradePriceList.get(_arg1).value); _local2 = (_local2 - _local3); image.price.text = ("" + _local2); } else { image.price.text = "---"; image.description.text = "MAXED OUT"; }; } private function initCloseButton():void{ image.closeButton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, gotoLevelSelector); image2.closeButton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, gotoLevelSelector); } public function gotoImage2(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ image.visible = false; image2.visible = true; } private function onCoinOut(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ image.coinUpgrade.gotoAndStop((World.getSingleton().itemCoinBought.value + 1)); } private function onVirusOut(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if (World.getSingleton().itemVirusBonusBought.value == 0){ image.virusUpgrade.gotoAndStop(1); }; if (World.getSingleton().itemVirusBonusBought.value == 1){ image.virusUpgrade.gotoAndStop(2); }; if (World.getSingleton().itemVirusBonusBought.value == 2){ image.virusUpgrade.gotoAndStop(3); }; } private function destroyDirection():void{ image.directionUpgrade.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, onDirectionOver); image.directionUpgrade.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, onDirectionOut); image.directionUpgrade.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onDirectionClick); } public function onMouseOver(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ var _local2:MovieClip; var _local3:int; var _local4:int; var _local5:Number; _local2 = MovieClip(; _local2.gotoAndStop(2); _local3 =; _local4 = 0; _local5 = 0; if (_local3 == 0){ _local4 = (World.getSingleton().itemLongerZombieBought.value + 1); _local5 = ((((_local4 + 1) * World.getSingleton().itemLongerZombieBonus.value) / 1000) + 5); image.description.text = (("Zombie's life span = " + _local5) + " second"); } else { if (_local3 == 1){ _local4 = (World.getSingleton().itemSpeedBought.value + 1); _local5 = (((_local4 + 1) * World.getSingleton().itemSpeedBonus.value) + 20); image.description.text = ("Zombie's speed = " + _local5); } else { if (_local3 == 2){ _local4 = (World.getSingleton().itemHealthBought.value + 1); _local5 = (((_local4 + 1) * World.getSingleton().itemHealthBonus.value) + 100); image.description.text = ("Zombie's health = " + _local5); } else { if (_local3 == 3){ _local4 = (World.getSingleton().itemAttackBought.value + 1); _local5 = (((_local4 + 1) * World.getSingleton().itemAttackBonus.value) + 50); image.description.text = ("Zombie's attack = " + _local5); } else { if (_local3 == 4){ _local4 = (World.getSingleton().itemInfectionBought.value + 1); _local5 = (((_local4 + 1) * World.getSingleton().itemInfectionBonus.value) + 30); image.description.text = (("Zombie's infection chance = " + _local5) + "%"); }; }; }; }; }; showZombieUpgrade(_local3); } private function destroyCoin():void{ image.coinUpgrade.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, onCoinOver); image.coinUpgrade.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, onCoinOut); image.coinUpgrade.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onCoinClick); } private function initPenetrateChar():void{ image.charUpgrade.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, onCharOver); image.charUpgrade.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, onCharOut); image.charUpgrade.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onCharClick); if (World.getSingleton().itemPenetrateCharBought.value == 0){ image.charUpgrade.gotoAndStop(1); }; if (World.getSingleton().itemPenetrateCharBought.value == 1){ image.charUpgrade.gotoAndStop(2); }; if (World.getSingleton().itemPenetrateCharBought.value == 2){ image.charUpgrade.gotoAndStop(3); }; if (World.getSingleton().itemPenetrateCharBought.value == 3){ image.charUpgrade.gotoAndStop(4); }; } public function buyZombieUpgrade(_arg1:int):void{ var _local2:int; var _local3:int; if (World.getSingleton().zombieUpgradeBoughtList.get(_arg1).value < 40){ _local2 = ((((World.getSingleton().zombieUpgradeBoughtList.get(_arg1).value + 1) * (World.getSingleton().zombieUpgradeBoughtList.get(_arg1).value + 1)) * (World.getSingleton().zombieUpgradeBoughtList.get(_arg1).value + 1)) * World.getSingleton().zombieUpgradePriceList.get(_arg1).value); _local3 = (((World.getSingleton().zombieUpgradeBoughtList.get(_arg1).value * World.getSingleton().zombieUpgradeBoughtList.get(_arg1).value) * World.getSingleton().zombieUpgradeBoughtList.get(_arg1).value) * World.getSingleton().zombieUpgradePriceList.get(_arg1).value); _local2 = (_local2 - _local3); if (World.getSingleton().money.value >= _local2){ World.getSingleton().playBuySound(); World.getSingleton().money.value = (World.getSingleton().money.value - _local2); updateMoneyInfo(); World.getSingleton().zombieUpgradeBoughtList.get(_arg1).addValue(1); image[("status" + _arg1)].text = World.getSingleton().zombieUpgradeBoughtList.get(_arg1).value; showZombieUpgrade(_arg1); }; }; } public function onMouseOver2(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ var _local2:MovieClip; var _local3:int; _local2 = MovieClip(; _local2.gotoAndStop(2); _local3 =; showSpecialZombieUpgrade(_local3); } private function onCharClick(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ var _local2:int; if (World.getSingleton().itemPenetrateCharBought.value < 3){ _local2 = ((World.getSingleton().itemPenetrateCharBought.value + 1) * World.getSingleton().itemPenetrateCharPrice.value); if (World.getSingleton().money.value >= _local2){ World.getSingleton().money.value = (World.getSingleton().money.value - _local2); updateMoneyInfo(); World.getSingleton().itemPenetrateCharBought.addValue(1); onCharOver(_arg1); World.getSingleton().playBuySound(); }; }; } public function stopSong():void{ World.getSingleton().stopSong(); } private function destroyBonusVirus():void{ image.virusUpgrade.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, onVirusOver); image.virusUpgrade.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, onVirusOut); image.virusUpgrade.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onVirusClick); } private function onCharOut(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if (World.getSingleton().itemPenetrateCharBought.value == 0){ image.charUpgrade.gotoAndStop(1); }; if (World.getSingleton().itemPenetrateCharBought.value == 1){ image.charUpgrade.gotoAndStop(2); }; if (World.getSingleton().itemPenetrateCharBought.value == 2){ image.charUpgrade.gotoAndStop(3); }; if (World.getSingleton().itemPenetrateCharBought.value == 3){ image.charUpgrade.gotoAndStop(4); }; } private function onWallOver(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if (!World.getSingleton().itemPenetrateWallBought){ image.wallUpgrade.gotoAndStop(2); image.description.text = "Viruses will be able to penetrate through wall"; image.price.text = ("" + World.getSingleton().itemPenetrateWallPrice.value); } else { image.description.text = "Viruses will be able to penetrate through wall\nBOUGHT"; image.price.text = "0"; }; } private function onWallClick(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if (!World.getSingleton().itemPenetrateWallBought){ if (World.getSingleton().money.value >= World.getSingleton().itemPenetrateWallPrice.value){ World.getSingleton().money.value = (World.getSingleton().money.value - World.getSingleton().itemPenetrateWallPrice.value); updateMoneyInfo(); image.wallUpgrade.gotoAndStop(2); World.getSingleton().itemPenetrateWallBought = true; onWallOver(_arg1); World.getSingleton().playBuySound(); }; }; } private function initCoin():void{ image.coinUpgrade.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, onCoinOver); image.coinUpgrade.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, onCoinOut); image.coinUpgrade.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onCoinClick); image.coinUpgrade.gotoAndStop((World.getSingleton().itemCoinBought.value + 1)); } private function destroyBomb():void{ image.bombUpgrade.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, onBombOver); image.bombUpgrade.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, onBombOut); image.bombUpgrade.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onBombClick); } private function updateMoneyInfo():void{ image.moneyInfo.moneyText.text = ("" + World.getSingleton().money.value); image2.moneyInfo.moneyText.text = ("" + World.getSingleton().money.value); } public function updateAchievementPopUp(_arg1:Event):void{ var _local2:int; _local2 = ((((World.getSingleton().itemHealthBought.value + World.getSingleton().itemSpeedBought.value) + World.getSingleton().itemAttackBought.value) + World.getSingleton().itemInfectionBought.value) + World.getSingleton().itemLongerZombieBought.value); _local2 = (_local2 + (((World.getSingleton().itemBulletBought.value + World.getSingleton().itemCoinBought.value) + World.getSingleton().itemPenetrateCharBought.value) + World.getSingleton().itemVirusBonusBought.value)); if ((((((_local2 >= (200 + 14))) && (World.getSingleton().itemPenetrateWallBought))) && (!(World.getSingleton().madScientist)))){ World.getSingleton().madScientist = true; World.getSingleton().showAchievementPopUp(new IconFlask(), ("Mad Scientist\nScore +" + World.getSingleton().madScientistBonus)); if (World.getSingleton().siteLockedMofunzone){ AchievementLoaderAS3.getAPI().success("mad_scientist"); }; if (World.getSingleton().siteLockedKong){ World.getSingleton().kongregate.stats.submit("Mad Scientist", 1); }; }; } public function onMouseUp(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ var _local2:MovieClip; _local2 = MovieClip(; _local2.gotoAndStop(1); } private function onCharOver(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ var _local2:int; if (World.getSingleton().itemPenetrateCharBought.value == 0){ image.charUpgrade.gotoAndStop(2); }; if (World.getSingleton().itemPenetrateCharBought.value == 1){ image.charUpgrade.gotoAndStop(3); }; if (World.getSingleton().itemPenetrateCharBought.value == 2){ image.charUpgrade.gotoAndStop(4); }; if (World.getSingleton().itemPenetrateCharBought.value == 3){ image.charUpgrade.gotoAndStop(4); }; if (World.getSingleton().itemPenetrateCharBought.value < 3){ image.description.text = "Viruses will be able to penetrate through people"; _local2 = ((World.getSingleton().itemPenetrateCharBought.value + 1) * World.getSingleton().itemPenetrateCharPrice.value); image.price.text = ("" + _local2); } else { image.description.text = "Viruses will be able to penetrate through people\nMAXED"; image.price.text = "0"; }; } private function onVirusClick(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ var _local2:int; if (World.getSingleton().itemVirusBonusBought.value < 2){ _local2 = ((World.getSingleton().itemVirusBonusBought.value + 1) * World.getSingleton().itemVirusBonusPrice.value); if (World.getSingleton().money.value >= _local2){ World.getSingleton().money.value = (World.getSingleton().money.value - _local2); updateMoneyInfo(); World.getSingleton().itemVirusBonusBought.addValue(1); onVirusOver(_arg1); World.getSingleton().playBuySound(); }; }; } private function onWallOut(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if (!World.getSingleton().itemPenetrateWallBought){ image.wallUpgrade.gotoAndStop(1); }; } private function onDirectionOut(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ image.directionUpgrade.gotoAndStop((World.getSingleton().itemBulletBought.value + 1)); } private function initDirection():void{ image.directionUpgrade.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, onDirectionOver); image.directionUpgrade.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, onDirectionOut); image.directionUpgrade.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onDirectionClick); image.directionUpgrade.gotoAndStop((World.getSingleton().itemBulletBought.value + 1)); } private function initBomb():void{ image.bombUpgrade.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, onBombOver); image.bombUpgrade.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, onBombOut); image.bombUpgrade.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onBombClick); image.bombUpgrade.gotoAndStop((World.getSingleton().itemBombBought.value + 1)); } private function onDirectionOver(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if (World.getSingleton().itemBulletBought.value <= 3){ image.directionUpgrade.gotoAndStop((World.getSingleton().itemBulletBought.value + 2)); image.description.text = "Increase virus spread "; image.price.text = ("" + ((World.getSingleton().itemBulletBought.value + 1) * World.getSingleton().itemBulletPrice.value)); } else { image.description.text = "Increase virus spread\nMAXED OUT "; image.price.text = "0"; }; } private function initBonusVirus():void{ image.virusUpgrade.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, onVirusOver); image.virusUpgrade.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, onVirusOut); image.virusUpgrade.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onVirusClick); if (World.getSingleton().itemVirusBonusBought.value == 0){ image.virusUpgrade.gotoAndStop(1); }; if (World.getSingleton().itemVirusBonusBought.value == 1){ image.virusUpgrade.gotoAndStop(2); }; if (World.getSingleton().itemVirusBonusBought.value == 2){ image.virusUpgrade.gotoAndStop(3); }; } public function onMouseDown(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ var _local2:MovieClip; var _local3:int; _local2 = MovieClip(; _local2.gotoAndStop(3); _local3 =; buyZombieUpgrade(_local3); } private function onCoinClick(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if (World.getSingleton().itemCoinBought.value <= 3){ if (World.getSingleton().money.value >= ((World.getSingleton().itemCoinBought.value + 1) * World.getSingleton().itemCoinPrice.value)){ World.getSingleton().money.value = (World.getSingleton().money.value - ((World.getSingleton().itemCoinBought.value + 1) * World.getSingleton().itemCoinPrice.value)); updateMoneyInfo(); image.coinUpgrade.gotoAndStop((World.getSingleton().itemCoinBought.value + 2)); World.getSingleton().itemCoinBought.value++; onCoinOver(_arg1); World.getSingleton().playBuySound(); }; }; } private function onVirusOver(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ var _local2:int; if (World.getSingleton().itemVirusBonusBought.value == 0){ image.virusUpgrade.gotoAndStop(2); }; if (World.getSingleton().itemVirusBonusBought.value == 1){ image.virusUpgrade.gotoAndStop(3); }; if (World.getSingleton().itemVirusBonusBought.value == 2){ image.virusUpgrade.gotoAndStop(3); }; if (World.getSingleton().itemVirusBonusBought.value < 2){ image.description.text = "Extra virus click"; _local2 = ((World.getSingleton().itemVirusBonusBought.value + 1) * World.getSingleton().itemVirusBonusPrice.value); image.price.text = ("" + _local2); } else { image.description.text = "Extra virus click\nMAXED"; image.price.text = "0"; }; } public function destroyListener():void{ var _local1:int; var _local2:int; _local1 = 0; _local2 = 5; while (_local1 < _local2) { image[("upgrade" + _local1)].removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, onMouseOut); image[("upgrade" + _local1)].removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, onMouseOver); image[("upgrade" + _local1)].removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, onMouseUp); image[("upgrade" + _local1)].removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, onMouseDown); _local1++; }; image.special.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, gotoImage2); _local2 = 6; _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < _local2) { image2[("zombie" + _local1)].id = _local1; image2[("zombie" + _local1)].removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, onMouseOut); image2[("zombie" + _local1)].removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, onMouseOver2); image2[("zombie" + _local1)].removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, onMouseUp); image2[("zombie" + _local1)].removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, onMouseDown2); _local1++; }; image2.backButton.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, gotoImage1); destroyDirection(); destroyCoin(); destroyBomb(); destroyWall(); destroyPenetrateChar(); destroyBonusVirus(); destroyCloseButton(); } public function gotoLevelSelector(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if (World.getSingleton().prevGameState){ GameManager.getSingleton().setGameState(World.getSingleton().prevGameState); }; } private function destroyWall():void{ image.wallUpgrade.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, onWallOver); image.wallUpgrade.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, onWallOut); image.wallUpgrade.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onWallClick); } private function onBombClick(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if (World.getSingleton().itemBombBought.value <= 2){ if (World.getSingleton().money.value >= ((World.getSingleton().itemBombBought.value + 1) * World.getSingleton().itemBombPrice.value)){ World.getSingleton().money.value = (World.getSingleton().money.value - ((World.getSingleton().itemBombBought.value + 1) * World.getSingleton().itemBombPrice.value)); updateMoneyInfo(); image.bombUpgrade.gotoAndStop((World.getSingleton().itemBombBought.value + 2)); World.getSingleton().itemBombBought.value++; onBombOver(_arg1); World.getSingleton().playBuySound(); }; }; } public function onMouseOut(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ var _local2:MovieClip; _local2 = MovieClip(; _local2.gotoAndStop(1); } public function onMouseDown2(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ var _local2:MovieClip; var _local3:int; _local2 = MovieClip(; _local2.gotoAndStop(3); _local3 =; buySpecialZombieUpgrade(_local3); } public function initListener():void{ var _local1:int; var _local2:int; _local1 = 0; _local2 = 5; while (_local1 < _local2) { image[("upgrade" + _local1)].id = _local1; image[("upgrade" + _local1)].addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, onMouseOut); image[("upgrade" + _local1)].addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, onMouseOver); image[("upgrade" + _local1)].addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, onMouseUp); image[("upgrade" + _local1)].addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, onMouseDown); image[("status" + _local1)].text = World.getSingleton().zombieUpgradeBoughtList.get(_local1).value; _local1++; }; image.special.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, gotoImage2); _local2 = 6; _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < _local2) { image2[("zombie" + _local1)].id = _local1; image2[("zombie" + _local1)].addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, onMouseOut); image2[("zombie" + _local1)].addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, onMouseOver2); image2[("zombie" + _local1)].addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, onMouseUp); image2[("zombie" + _local1)].addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, onMouseDown2); _local1++; }; image2.backButton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, gotoImage1); _local2 = 6; _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < _local2) { if (World.getSingleton().specialZombieUnlocked[_local1]){ image2[("zombie" + _local1)].zombieName.text = World.getSingleton().specialZombieNames.get(_local1); } else { image2[("zombie" + _local1)].zombieName.text = "Locked"; }; _local1++; }; initDirection(); initCoin(); initBomb(); initWall(); initPenetrateChar(); initBonusVirus(); initCloseButton(); } private function onBombOut(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ image.bombUpgrade.gotoAndStop((World.getSingleton().itemBombBought.value + 1)); } private function destroyCloseButton():void{ image.closeButton.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, gotoLevelSelector); image2.closeButton.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, gotoLevelSelector); } public function gotoImage1(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ image.visible = true; image2.visible = false; } private function initWall():void{ image.wallUpgrade.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, onWallOver); image.wallUpgrade.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, onWallOut); image.wallUpgrade.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onWallClick); if (World.getSingleton().itemPenetrateWallBought){ image.wallUpgrade.gotoAndStop(2); }; } public function showSpecialZombieUpgrade(_arg1:int):void{ var _local2:int; var _local3:int; if (((World.getSingleton().specialZombieUnlocked[_arg1]) && ((World.getSingleton().specialZombieUpgrade.get(_arg1).value < 5)))){ _local2 = ((((World.getSingleton().specialZombieUpgrade.get(_arg1).value + 1) * (World.getSingleton().specialZombieUpgrade.get(_arg1).value + 1)) * (World.getSingleton().specialZombieUpgrade.get(_arg1).value + 1)) * World.getSingleton().specialZombieUpgradePrice.value); _local3 = (((World.getSingleton().specialZombieUpgrade.get(_arg1).value * World.getSingleton().specialZombieUpgrade.get(_arg1).value) * World.getSingleton().specialZombieUpgrade.get(_arg1).value) * World.getSingleton().specialZombieUpgradePrice.value); _local2 = (_local2 - _local3); image2.price.text = ("" + _local2); image2.description.text = World.getSingleton().specialZombieDesc.get(_arg1); image2.charImage.gotoAndStop(World.getSingleton().specialZombieNames.get(_arg1)); } else { if (!World.getSingleton().specialZombieUnlocked[_arg1]){ image2.charImage.gotoAndStop("siluet"); image2.description.text = "Locked"; image2.price.text = "--"; } else { image2.charImage.gotoAndStop(World.getSingleton().specialZombieNames.get(_arg1)); image2.description.text = "Maxed Out"; image2.price.text = "--"; }; }; image2.level.levelNumber.text = (World.getSingleton().specialZombieUpgrade.get(_arg1).value + 1); } } }//package p_gameState
Section 293
//BloodParticle (p_particle.BloodParticle) package p_particle { public class BloodParticle extends Particle { public function BloodParticle(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number){ super(_arg1, _arg2); maxWidth = 4; maxHeight = 4; lifeTime = 200; initialLifeTime = lifeTime; isWidthEqualHeight = true; speed = 100; init(_arg1, _arg2); } override public function initImage(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number):void{ image = new BloodPixel(); image.x = _arg1; image.y = (_arg2 - 15); } } }//package p_particle
Section 294
//Bomb (p_particle.Bomb) package p_particle { import*; import flash.display.*; import p_singleton.*; public class Bomb { public var lifeTime:int; public var image:MovieClip; public function Bomb(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number){ lifeTime = 500; initImage(_arg1, _arg2); } public function update(_arg1:Event):void{ lifeTime = (lifeTime - World.getSingleton().elapsedTime); if (lifeTime <= 0){ destroyImage(); }; } public function destroyImage():void{ if (image){ image.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, update); if (image.parent){ image.parent.removeChild(image); }; }; } public function initImage(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number):void{ image = new explosion(); image.x = _arg1; image.y = _arg2; World.getSingleton().visualEffectRoot.addChild(image); image.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, update); } } }//package p_particle
Section 295
//BronzeCoin (p_particle.BronzeCoin) package p_particle { import p_singleton.*; public class BronzeCoin extends Coin { public function BronzeCoin(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number){ super(_arg1, _arg2); value = World.getSingleton().moneyPerBronzeCoin.value; } override public function initImage(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number):void{ image = new CoinClipAnimatedBronze(); image.x = _arg1; image.y = (_arg2 - 15); World.getSingleton().displayObjectRoot.addChild(image); World.getSingleton().displayObjectArray.push(image); } } }//package p_particle
Section 296
//Coin (p_particle.Coin) package p_particle { import*; import p_singleton.*; import flash.geom.*; import*; public class Coin extends Particle { public var animatedTime:int; public var sound:Sound; public var value:int; public var speedToPull:int;// = 200 public var distanceToPull:int;// = 20 public function Coin(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number){ distanceToPull = 20; speedToPull = 200; super(_arg1, _arg2); init(_arg1, _arg2); } override public function init(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number):void{ maxWidth = 10; maxHeight = 10; lifeTime = 10000; initialLifeTime = lifeTime; animatedTime = 1000; isWidthEqualHeight = true; speed = 50; initImage(_arg1, _arg2); image.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, playParticle); image.width = maxWidth; image.height = maxHeight; direction = new Point(0, 0); direction.x = (Math.random() - Math.random()); direction.y = (Math.random() - Math.random()); World.getSingleton().coinList.add(this); } override public function playParticle(_arg1:Event):void{ if (image){ lifeTime = (lifeTime - World.getSingleton().elapsedTime); if (lifeTime < (initialLifeTime / 2)){ image.alpha = 0.7; }; animatedTime = (animatedTime - World.getSingleton().elapsedTime); if (animatedTime > 0){ image.x = (image.x + (((direction.x * speed) * World.getSingleton().elapsedTime) / 1000)); image.y = (image.y + (((direction.y * speed) * World.getSingleton().elapsedTime) / 1000)); }; if (lifeTime <= 0){ destroy(); } else { checkMousePos(); }; }; } public function checkMousePos():void{ var _local1:Number; var _local2:Number; var _local3:Number; var _local4:Number; var _local5:Number; _local1 = World.getSingleton().displayObjectRoot.mouseX; _local2 = World.getSingleton().displayObjectRoot.mouseY; _local3 = Math.abs((_local1 - image.x)); _local4 = Math.abs((_local2 - image.y)); _local5 = Math.sqrt(((_local3 * _local3) + (_local4 * _local4))); if (_local5 < 10){ if (!World.getSingleton().soundMuted){ sound = new CoinSound();; }; World.getSingleton().money.value = (World.getSingleton().money.value + value); World.getSingleton().moneyLoss.value = (World.getSingleton().moneyLoss.value + value); World.getSingleton().moneyCollected.value = (World.getSingleton().moneyCollected.value + value); destroy(); } else { if (_local5 < (distanceToPull + (World.getSingleton().itemCoinBonus.value * World.getSingleton().itemCoinBought.value))){ if (_local1 > image.x){ image.x = (image.x + ((speedToPull * World.getSingleton().elapsedTime) / 1000)); } else { if (_local1 < image.x){ image.x = (image.x - ((speedToPull * World.getSingleton().elapsedTime) / 1000)); }; }; if (_local2 > image.y){ image.y = (image.y + ((speedToPull * World.getSingleton().elapsedTime) / 1000)); } else { if (_local2 < image.y){ image.y = (image.y - ((speedToPull * World.getSingleton().elapsedTime) / 1000)); }; }; }; }; } public function destroy():void{ var _local1:int; if (image.parent){ image.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, playParticle); image.parent.removeChild(image); _local1 = World.getSingleton().displayObjectArray.indexOf(this.image); if (World.getSingleton().displayObjectArray.length > 0){ World.getSingleton().displayObjectArray[_local1] = World.getSingleton().displayObjectArray[(World.getSingleton().displayObjectArray.length - 1)]; }; World.getSingleton().displayObjectArray.pop(); }; if (World.getSingleton().coinList.contains(this)){ World.getSingleton().coinList.remove(this); }; } } }//package p_particle
Section 297
//GoldCoin (p_particle.GoldCoin) package p_particle { import*; import p_singleton.*; import flash.geom.*; public class GoldCoin extends Coin { public function GoldCoin(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number){ super(_arg1, _arg2); value = World.getSingleton().moneyPerGoldCoin.value; } override public function init(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number):void{ maxWidth = 12; maxHeight = 18; lifeTime = 10000; initialLifeTime = lifeTime; animatedTime = 1000; isWidthEqualHeight = true; speed = 50; initImage(_arg1, _arg2); image.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, playParticle); image.width = maxWidth; image.height = maxHeight; direction = new Point(0, 0); direction.x = (Math.random() - Math.random()); direction.y = (Math.random() - Math.random()); World.getSingleton().coinList.add(this); } override public function initImage(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number):void{ image = new CoinClipAnimatedGold(); image.x = _arg1; image.y = (_arg2 - 15); World.getSingleton().displayObjectRoot.addChild(image); World.getSingleton().displayObjectArray.push(image); } } }//package p_particle
Section 298
//Particle (p_particle.Particle) package p_particle { import*; import flash.display.*; import p_singleton.*; import flash.geom.*; public class Particle { public var maxWidth:int;// = 0 public var isWidthEqualHeight:Boolean; public var lifeTime:int; public var maxHeight:int;// = 0 public var initialLifeTime:int; public var direction:Point; public var image:MovieClip; public var speed:int;// = 0 public function Particle(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number){ speed = 0; maxWidth = 0; maxHeight = 0; super(); } public function initImage(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number):void{ } public function init(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number):void{ initImage(_arg1, _arg2); World.getSingleton().visualEffectRoot.addChild(image); image.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, playParticle); image.width = (((Math.floor((Math.random() * 10)) + 1) % maxWidth) + 1); if (isWidthEqualHeight){ image.height = image.width; } else { image.height = (((Math.floor((Math.random() * 10)) + 1) % maxHeight) + 1); }; direction = new Point(0, 0); direction.x = (Math.random() - Math.random()); direction.y = (Math.random() - Math.random()); } public function playParticle(_arg1:Event):void{ if (image){ lifeTime = (lifeTime - World.getSingleton().elapsedTime); image.x = (image.x + (((direction.x * speed) * World.getSingleton().elapsedTime) / 1000)); image.y = (image.y + (((direction.y * speed) * World.getSingleton().elapsedTime) / 1000)); if (lifeTime <= 0){ if (image.parent){ image.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, playParticle); image.parent.removeChild(image); }; }; }; } } }//package p_particle
Section 299
//SilverCoin (p_particle.SilverCoin) package p_particle { import*; import p_singleton.*; import flash.geom.*; public class SilverCoin extends Coin { public function SilverCoin(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number){ super(_arg1, _arg2); value = World.getSingleton().moneyPerSilverCoin.value; } override public function init(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number):void{ maxWidth = 15; maxHeight = 15; lifeTime = 10000; initialLifeTime = lifeTime; animatedTime = 1000; isWidthEqualHeight = true; speed = 50; initImage(_arg1, _arg2); image.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, playParticle); image.width = maxWidth; image.height = maxHeight; direction = new Point(0, 0); direction.x = (Math.random() - Math.random()); direction.y = (Math.random() - Math.random()); World.getSingleton().coinList.add(this); } override public function initImage(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number):void{ image = new CoinClipAnimatedSilver(); image.x = _arg1; image.y = (_arg2 - 15); World.getSingleton().displayObjectRoot.addChild(image); World.getSingleton().displayObjectArray.push(image); } } }//package p_particle
Section 300
//MapView (p_pathFinder.MapView) package p_pathFinder { import flash.display.*; public class MapView extends Shape { private var tileSize:Number; private var map:TileMap; public function MapView(_arg1:TileMap, _arg2:Number){ = _arg1; this.tileSize = _arg2; } public function draw():void{ var _local1:int; var _local2:int; var _local3:uint; graphics.clear(); _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < map.getWidth()) { _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < map.getHeight()) { _local3 = (map.isWalkable(_local1, _local2)) ? 0x888888 : 0x666666; graphics.beginFill(_local3); graphics.drawRect(((_local1 * tileSize) + 1), ((_local2 * tileSize) + 1), (tileSize - 2), (tileSize - 2)); graphics.endFill(); _local2++; }; _local1++; }; } } }//package p_pathFinder
Section 301
//Tile (p_pathFinder.Tile) package p_pathFinder { public class Tile { public var walkable:Boolean; public var id:int; public function Tile(_arg1:Boolean=true, _arg2:int=-1){ = _arg2; this.walkable = _arg1; } } }//package p_pathFinder
Section 302
//TileMap (p_pathFinder.TileMap) package p_pathFinder { import com.baseoneonline.flash.astar.*; public class TileMap implements IAStarSearchable { private var width:int; private var height:int; private var map:Array; public function TileMap(_arg1:int, _arg2:int){ this.width = _arg1; this.height = _arg2; initialize(); } public function setWalkable(_arg1:int, _arg2:int, _arg3:Boolean):void{ outOfBoundsCheck(_arg1, _arg2); Tile(map[_arg1][_arg2]).walkable = _arg3; } public function getTile(_arg1:int, _arg2:int):Tile{ outOfBoundsCheck(_arg1, _arg2); return (map[_arg1][_arg2]); } public function isWalkable(_arg1:int, _arg2:int):Boolean{ outOfBoundsCheck(_arg1, _arg2); return (Tile(map[_arg1][_arg2]).walkable); } public function getWidth():int{ return (width); } public function outOfBoundsCheck(_arg1:int, _arg2:int):Boolean{ if ((((((((_arg1 < 0)) || ((_arg1 > (width - 1))))) || ((_arg2 < 0)))) || ((_arg2 > (height - 1))))){ return (true); }; return (false); } public function getHeight():int{ return (height); } public function initialize():void{ var _local1:int; var _local2:int; map = new Array(width); _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < width) { map[_local1] = new Array(height); _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < height) { map[_local1][_local2] = new Tile(); _local2++; }; _local1++; }; } } }//package p_pathFinder
Section 303
//WorldEvent (p_singleton.p_worldEvent.WorldEvent) package p_singleton.p_worldEvent { public class WorldEvent { public static var ON_INIT:String = "ON INIT"; public static var ON_START:String = "ON START"; public static var ON_PAUSE:String = "ON PAUSE"; public static var ON_UPDATE:String = "ON UPDATE"; } }//package p_singleton.p_worldEvent
Section 304
//CollisionDetector (p_singleton.CollisionDetector) package p_singleton { import org.idmedia.as3commons.util.*; import p_entity.p_nonPlayable.*; import p_particle.*; import p_entity.*; import p_state.p_enemyState.*; public class CollisionDetector { public var bulletList:ArrayList; public var enemyList:ArrayList; public var staticObjectList:ArrayList; public var distanceToCollide:int;// = 15 private var iParticle:int;// = 0 public var playerList:ArrayList; public var zombieList:ArrayList; private var bloodParticle:Particle; public var enemyBulletList:ArrayList; public var distanceToCollideSameNPC:int;// = 25 private var particleNum:int;// = 3 public var distanceToCollideBullet:int;// = 30 private static var INSTANCE:CollisionDetector; public function CollisionDetector(){ distanceToCollide = 15; distanceToCollideBullet = 30; distanceToCollideSameNPC = 25; iParticle = 0; particleNum = 3; super(); init(); } public function checkCollision():void{ zombieZombieCollision(); bulletEnemyCollision(); bulletZombieCollision(); zombieEnemyCollision(); } public function bulletZombieCollision():void{ var _local1:int; var _local2:int; var _local3:Number; var _local4:Number; var _local5:Number; _local1 = (enemyBulletList.size() - 1); while (_local1 >= 0) { _local2 = (zombieList.size() - 1); while (_local2 >= 0) { if (!zombieList.get(_local2).gotHit){ _local3 = Math.abs((enemyBulletList.get(_local1).image.x - zombieList.get(_local2).image.x)); _local4 = Math.abs((enemyBulletList.get(_local1).image.y - zombieList.get(_local2).image.y)); _local5 = Math.sqrt(((_local3 * _local3) + (_local4 * _local4))); if (_local5 <= distanceToCollideBullet){ if (enemyBulletList.get(_local1).image.x < zombieList.get(_local2).image.x){ if (isInsideYRange(enemyBulletList.get(_local1), zombieList.get(_local2), distanceToCollideBullet)){ enemyBulletList.get(_local1).hitChar = true; zombieList.get(_local2).gotHit = true; zombieList.get(_local2).damageTaken = enemyBulletList.get(_local1).damage; iParticle = 0; while (iParticle < particleNum) { bloodParticle = new BloodParticle(zombieList.get(_local2).image.x, zombieList.get(_local2).image.y); iParticle++; }; zombieList.get(_local2).drawBlood(); }; if (enemyBulletList.get(_local1).stunEffect){ zombieList.get(_local2).stunTime = enemyBulletList.get(_local1).stunEffectTime; if (enemyBulletList.get(_local1).stunEffectImage){ zombieList.get(_local2).stunImage = enemyBulletList.get(_local1).stunEffectImage; }; zombieList.get(_local2).startStunTime(); }; } else { if (enemyBulletList.get(_local1).image.x > zombieList.get(_local2).image.x){ if (isInsideYRange(enemyBulletList.get(_local1), zombieList.get(_local2), distanceToCollideBullet)){ enemyBulletList.get(_local1).hitChar = true; zombieList.get(_local2).gotHit = true; zombieList.get(_local2).damageTaken = enemyBulletList.get(_local1).damage; iParticle = 0; while (iParticle < particleNum) { bloodParticle = new BloodParticle(zombieList.get(_local2).image.x, zombieList.get(_local2).image.y); iParticle++; }; zombieList.get(_local2).drawBlood(); }; if (enemyBulletList.get(_local1).stunEffect){ zombieList.get(_local2).stunTime = enemyBulletList.get(_local1).stunEffectTime; if (enemyBulletList.get(_local1).stunEffectImage){ zombieList.get(_local2).stunImage = enemyBulletList.get(_local1).stunEffectImage; }; zombieList.get(_local2).startStunTime(); }; }; }; if (enemyBulletList.get(_local1).image.y < zombieList.get(_local2).image.y){ if (isInsideXRange(enemyBulletList.get(_local1), zombieList.get(_local2), distanceToCollideBullet)){ enemyBulletList.get(_local1).hitChar = true; zombieList.get(_local2).gotHit = true; zombieList.get(_local2).damageTaken = enemyBulletList.get(_local1).damage; iParticle = 0; while (iParticle < particleNum) { bloodParticle = new BloodParticle(zombieList.get(_local2).image.x, zombieList.get(_local2).image.y); iParticle++; }; zombieList.get(_local2).drawBlood(); }; if (enemyBulletList.get(_local1).stunEffect){ zombieList.get(_local2).stunTime = enemyBulletList.get(_local1).stunEffectTime; if (enemyBulletList.get(_local1).stunEffectImage){ zombieList.get(_local2).stunImage = enemyBulletList.get(_local1).stunEffectImage; }; zombieList.get(_local2).startStunTime(); }; } else { if (enemyBulletList.get(_local1).image.y > zombieList.get(_local2).image.y){ if (isInsideXRange(enemyBulletList.get(_local1), zombieList.get(_local2), distanceToCollideBullet)){ enemyBulletList.get(_local1).hitChar = true; zombieList.get(_local2).gotHit = true; zombieList.get(_local2).damageTaken = enemyBulletList.get(_local1).damage; iParticle = 0; while (iParticle < particleNum) { bloodParticle = new BloodParticle(zombieList.get(_local2).image.x, zombieList.get(_local2).image.y); iParticle++; }; zombieList.get(_local2).drawBlood(); }; if (enemyBulletList.get(_local1).stunEffect){ zombieList.get(_local2).stunTime = enemyBulletList.get(_local1).stunEffectTime; if (enemyBulletList.get(_local1).stunEffectImage){ zombieList.get(_local2).stunImage = enemyBulletList.get(_local1).stunEffectImage; }; zombieList.get(_local2).startStunTime(); }; }; }; }; }; _local2--; }; _local1--; }; } public function playerEnemyCollision():void{ var _local1:int; var _local2:int; var _local3:Number; var _local4:Number; var _local5:Number; _local1 = (playerList.size() - 1); while (_local1 >= 0) { _local2 = (enemyList.size() - 1); while (_local2 >= 0) { _local3 = Math.abs((playerList.get(_local1).image.x - enemyList.get(_local2).image.x)); _local4 = Math.abs((playerList.get(_local1).image.y - enemyList.get(_local2).image.y)); _local5 = Math.sqrt(((_local3 * _local3) + (_local4 * _local4))); if (_local5 <= distanceToCollide){ if (playerList.get(_local1).image.x < enemyList.get(_local2).image.x){ if (isInsideYRange(playerList.get(_local1), enemyList.get(_local2), distanceToCollide)){ playerList.get(_local1).collideRight = true; enemyList.get(_local2).collideLeft = true; enemyList.get(_local2).findRandomTile(); }; } else { if (playerList.get(_local1).image.x > enemyList.get(_local2).image.x){ if (isInsideYRange(playerList.get(_local1), enemyList.get(_local2), distanceToCollide)){ enemyList.get(_local2).collideRight = true; playerList.get(_local1).collideLeft = true; enemyList.get(_local2).findRandomTile(); }; }; }; if (playerList.get(_local1).image.y < enemyList.get(_local2).image.y){ if (isInsideXRange(playerList.get(_local1), enemyList.get(_local2), distanceToCollide)){ playerList.get(_local1).collideDown = true; enemyList.get(_local2).collideUp = true; enemyList.get(_local2).findRandomTile(); }; } else { if (playerList.get(_local1).image.y > enemyList.get(_local2).image.y){ if (isInsideXRange(playerList.get(_local1), enemyList.get(_local2), distanceToCollide)){ enemyList.get(_local2).collideDown = true; playerList.get(_local1).collideUp = true; enemyList.get(_local2).findRandomTile(); }; }; }; }; _local2--; }; _local1--; }; } public function enemyEnemyCollision():void{ var _local1:int; var _local2:int; var _local3:Number; var _local4:Number; var _local5:Number; _local1 = (enemyList.size() - 1); while (_local1 >= 1) { _local2 = (_local1 - 1); while (_local2 >= 0) { _local3 = Math.abs((enemyList.get(_local1).image.x - enemyList.get(_local2).image.x)); _local4 = Math.abs((enemyList.get(_local1).image.y - enemyList.get(_local2).image.y)); _local5 = Math.sqrt(((_local3 * _local3) + (_local4 * _local4))); if (_local5 <= distanceToCollide){ if (enemyList.get(_local1).image.x < enemyList.get(_local2).image.x){ if (isInsideYRange(enemyList.get(_local1), enemyList.get(_local2), distanceToCollide)){ enemyList.get(_local1).collideRight = true; enemyList.get(_local2).collideLeft = true; }; } else { if (enemyList.get(_local1).image.x > enemyList.get(_local2).image.x){ if (isInsideYRange(enemyList.get(_local1), enemyList.get(_local2), distanceToCollide)){ enemyList.get(_local2).collideRight = true; enemyList.get(_local1).collideLeft = true; }; }; }; if (enemyList.get(_local1).image.y < enemyList.get(_local2).image.y){ if (isInsideXRange(enemyList.get(_local1), enemyList.get(_local2), distanceToCollide)){ enemyList.get(_local1).collideDown = true; enemyList.get(_local2).collideUp = true; }; } else { if (enemyList.get(_local1).image.y > enemyList.get(_local2).image.y){ if (isInsideXRange(enemyList.get(_local1), enemyList.get(_local2), distanceToCollide)){ enemyList.get(_local2).collideDown = true; enemyList.get(_local1).collideUp = true; }; }; }; }; _local2--; }; _local1--; }; } public function initList():void{ playerList = World.getSingleton().playerList; staticObjectList = World.getSingleton().staticObjectList; enemyList = World.getSingleton().enemyList; bulletList = World.getSingleton().bulletList; zombieList = World.getSingleton().zombieList; enemyBulletList = World.getSingleton().enemyBulletList; } public function init():void{ initList(); } public function isInsideXRange(_arg1:Object, _arg2:Object, _arg3:Number):Boolean{ var _local4:Array; var _local5:Array; _local4 = new Array(); _local5 = new Array(); _local4[0] = (_arg1.image.x - (_arg3 / 2)); _local4[1] = (_arg1.image.x + (_arg3 / 2)); _local5[0] = (_arg2.image.x - (_arg3 / 2)); _local5[1] = (_arg2.image.x + (_arg3 / 2)); if ((((_arg2.image.x <= _local4[1])) && ((_arg2.image.x >= _local4[0])))){ return (true); }; if ((((_arg1.image.x <= _local5[1])) && ((_arg1.image.x >= _local5[0])))){ return (true); }; return (false); } public function zombieZombieCollision():void{ var _local1:int; var _local2:int; var _local3:Number; var _local4:Number; var _local5:Number; _local1 = (zombieList.size() - 1); while (_local1 >= 1) { _local2 = (_local1 - 1); while (_local2 >= 0) { if (((!(zombieList.get(_local1).collidedNPC)) || (!(zombieList.get(_local2).collidedNPC)))){ _local3 = Math.abs((zombieList.get(_local1).image.x - zombieList.get(_local2).image.x)); _local4 = Math.abs((zombieList.get(_local1).image.y - zombieList.get(_local2).image.y)); _local5 = Math.sqrt(((_local3 * _local3) + (_local4 * _local4))); if (_local5 <= distanceToCollideSameNPC){ if (zombieList.get(_local1).image.x < zombieList.get(_local2).image.x){ if (isInsideYRange(zombieList.get(_local1), zombieList.get(_local2), distanceToCollideSameNPC)){ zombieList.get(_local1).collideRight = true; zombieList.get(_local2).collideLeft = true; zombieList.get(_local1).collidedNPC = zombieList.get(_local2); zombieList.get(_local2).collidedNPC = zombieList.get(_local1); if (zombieList.get(_local2).moveIfHitWithAnotherZombie){ zombieList.get(_local2).nearestTarget = zombieList.get(_local1); zombieList.get(_local2).stateManager.setNewState(new StateCollidingZombie(zombieList.get(_local2))); }; if (zombieList.get(_local1).moveIfHitWithAnotherZombie){ zombieList.get(_local1).nearestTarget = zombieList.get(_local2); zombieList.get(_local1).stateManager.setNewState(new StateCollidingZombie(zombieList.get(_local1))); }; }; } else { if (zombieList.get(_local1).image.x > zombieList.get(_local2).image.x){ if (isInsideYRange(zombieList.get(_local1), zombieList.get(_local2), distanceToCollideSameNPC)){ zombieList.get(_local2).collideRight = true; zombieList.get(_local1).collideLeft = true; zombieList.get(_local1).collidedNPC = zombieList.get(_local2); zombieList.get(_local2).collidedNPC = zombieList.get(_local1); if (zombieList.get(_local2).moveIfHitWithAnotherZombie){ zombieList.get(_local2).nearestTarget = zombieList.get(_local1); zombieList.get(_local2).stateManager.setNewState(new StateCollidingZombie(zombieList.get(_local2))); }; if (zombieList.get(_local1).moveIfHitWithAnotherZombie){ zombieList.get(_local1).nearestTarget = zombieList.get(_local2); zombieList.get(_local1).stateManager.setNewState(new StateCollidingZombie(zombieList.get(_local1))); }; }; }; }; if (zombieList.get(_local1).image.y < zombieList.get(_local2).image.y){ if (isInsideXRange(zombieList.get(_local1), zombieList.get(_local2), distanceToCollideSameNPC)){ zombieList.get(_local1).collideDown = true; zombieList.get(_local2).collideUp = true; zombieList.get(_local1).collidedNPC = zombieList.get(_local2); zombieList.get(_local2).collidedNPC = zombieList.get(_local1); if (zombieList.get(_local2).moveIfHitWithAnotherZombie){ zombieList.get(_local2).nearestTarget = zombieList.get(_local1); zombieList.get(_local2).stateManager.setNewState(new StateCollidingZombie(zombieList.get(_local2))); }; if (zombieList.get(_local1).moveIfHitWithAnotherZombie){ zombieList.get(_local1).nearestTarget = zombieList.get(_local2); zombieList.get(_local1).stateManager.setNewState(new StateCollidingZombie(zombieList.get(_local1))); }; }; } else { if (zombieList.get(_local1).image.y > zombieList.get(_local2).image.y){ if (isInsideXRange(zombieList.get(_local1), zombieList.get(_local2), distanceToCollideSameNPC)){ zombieList.get(_local2).collideDown = true; zombieList.get(_local1).collideUp = true; zombieList.get(_local1).collidedNPC = zombieList.get(_local2); zombieList.get(_local2).collidedNPC = zombieList.get(_local1); if (zombieList.get(_local2).moveIfHitWithAnotherZombie){ zombieList.get(_local2).nearestTarget = zombieList.get(_local1); zombieList.get(_local2).stateManager.setNewState(new StateCollidingZombie(zombieList.get(_local2))); }; if (zombieList.get(_local1).moveIfHitWithAnotherZombie){ zombieList.get(_local1).nearestTarget = zombieList.get(_local2); zombieList.get(_local1).stateManager.setNewState(new StateCollidingZombie(zombieList.get(_local1))); }; }; }; }; }; }; _local2--; }; _local1--; }; } public function isInsideYRange(_arg1:Object, _arg2:Object, _arg3:Number):Boolean{ var _local4:Array; var _local5:Array; _local4 = new Array(); _local5 = new Array(); _local4[0] = (_arg1.image.y - (_arg3 / 2)); _local4[1] = (_arg1.image.y + (_arg3 / 2)); _local5[0] = (_arg2.image.y - (_arg3 / 2)); _local5[1] = (_arg2.image.y + (_arg3 / 2)); if ((((_arg2.image.y <= _local4[1])) && ((_arg2.image.y >= _local4[0])))){ return (true); }; if ((((_arg1.image.y <= _local5[1])) && ((_arg1.image.y >= _local5[0])))){ return (true); }; return (false); } public function bulletEnemyCollision():void{ var _local1:int; var _local2:int; var _local3:Number; var _local4:Number; var _local5:Number; _local1 = (bulletList.size() - 1); while (_local1 >= 0) { _local2 = (enemyList.size() - 1); while (_local2 >= 0) { if (!enemyList.get(_local2).gotHit){ _local3 = Math.abs((bulletList.get(_local1).image.x - enemyList.get(_local2).image.x)); _local4 = Math.abs((bulletList.get(_local1).image.y - enemyList.get(_local2).image.y)); _local5 = Math.sqrt(((_local3 * _local3) + (_local4 * _local4))); if (_local5 <= distanceToCollideBullet){ if (bulletList.get(_local1).image.x < enemyList.get(_local2).image.x){ if (isInsideYRange(bulletList.get(_local1), enemyList.get(_local2), distanceToCollideBullet)){ bulletList.get(_local1).hitChar = true; bulletList.get(_local1).ableToPenetrateChar--; if (((!((enemyList.get(_local2).charType == CharType.CAR))) && (!((enemyList.get(_local2).charType == CharType.SPECIAL))))){ enemyList.get(_local2).gotHit = true; enemyList.get(_local2).damageTaken = bulletList.get(_local1).damage; enemyList.get(_local2).hitByBullet = true; iParticle = 0; while (iParticle < particleNum) { bloodParticle = new BloodParticle(enemyList.get(_local2).image.x, enemyList.get(_local2).image.y); iParticle++; }; enemyList.get(_local2).drawBlood(); }; if (((bulletList.get(_local1).stunEffect) && (!((enemyList.get(_local2).charType == CharType.CAR))))){ enemyList.get(_local2).stunTime = bulletList.get(_local1).stunEffectTime; if (bulletList.get(_local1).stunEffectImage){ enemyList.get(_local2).stunImage = bulletList.get(_local1).stunEffectImage; }; enemyList.get(_local2).startStunTime(); }; }; } else { if (bulletList.get(_local1).image.x > enemyList.get(_local2).image.x){ if (isInsideYRange(bulletList.get(_local1), enemyList.get(_local2), distanceToCollideBullet)){ bulletList.get(_local1).hitChar = true; bulletList.get(_local1).ableToPenetrateChar--; if (((!((enemyList.get(_local2).charType == CharType.CAR))) && (!((enemyList.get(_local2).charType == CharType.SPECIAL))))){ enemyList.get(_local2).gotHit = true; enemyList.get(_local2).damageTaken = bulletList.get(_local1).damage; enemyList.get(_local2).hitByBullet = true; iParticle = 0; while (iParticle < particleNum) { bloodParticle = new BloodParticle(enemyList.get(_local2).image.x, enemyList.get(_local2).image.y); iParticle++; }; enemyList.get(_local2).drawBlood(); }; if (((bulletList.get(_local1).stunEffect) && (!((enemyList.get(_local2).charType == CharType.CAR))))){ enemyList.get(_local2).stunTime = bulletList.get(_local1).stunEffectTime; if (bulletList.get(_local1).stunEffectImage){ enemyList.get(_local2).stunImage = bulletList.get(_local1).stunEffectImage; }; enemyList.get(_local2).startStunTime(); }; }; }; }; if (bulletList.get(_local1).image.y < enemyList.get(_local2).image.y){ if (isInsideXRange(bulletList.get(_local1), enemyList.get(_local2), distanceToCollideBullet)){ bulletList.get(_local1).hitChar = true; bulletList.get(_local1).ableToPenetrateChar--; if (((!((enemyList.get(_local2).charType == CharType.CAR))) && (!((enemyList.get(_local2).charType == CharType.SPECIAL))))){ enemyList.get(_local2).gotHit = true; enemyList.get(_local2).damageTaken = bulletList.get(_local1).damage; enemyList.get(_local2).hitByBullet = true; iParticle = 0; while (iParticle < particleNum) { bloodParticle = new BloodParticle(enemyList.get(_local2).image.x, enemyList.get(_local2).image.y); iParticle++; }; enemyList.get(_local2).drawBlood(); }; }; if (((bulletList.get(_local1).stunEffect) && (!((enemyList.get(_local2).charType == CharType.CAR))))){ enemyList.get(_local2).stunTime = bulletList.get(_local1).stunEffectTime; if (bulletList.get(_local1).stunEffectImage){ enemyList.get(_local2).stunImage = bulletList.get(_local1).stunEffectImage; }; enemyList.get(_local2).startStunTime(); }; } else { if (bulletList.get(_local1).image.y > enemyList.get(_local2).image.y){ if (isInsideXRange(bulletList.get(_local1), enemyList.get(_local2), distanceToCollideBullet)){ bulletList.get(_local1).hitChar = true; bulletList.get(_local1).ableToPenetrateChar--; if (((!((enemyList.get(_local2).charType == CharType.CAR))) && (!((enemyList.get(_local2).charType == CharType.SPECIAL))))){ enemyList.get(_local2).gotHit = true; enemyList.get(_local2).damageTaken = bulletList.get(_local1).damage; enemyList.get(_local2).hitByBullet = true; iParticle = 0; while (iParticle < particleNum) { bloodParticle = new BloodParticle(enemyList.get(_local2).image.x, enemyList.get(_local2).image.y); iParticle++; }; enemyList.get(_local2).drawBlood(); }; }; if (((bulletList.get(_local1).stunEffect) && (!((enemyList.get(_local2).charType == CharType.CAR))))){ enemyList.get(_local2).stunTime = bulletList.get(_local1).stunEffectTime; if (bulletList.get(_local1).stunEffectImage){ enemyList.get(_local2).stunImage = bulletList.get(_local1).stunEffectImage; }; enemyList.get(_local2).startStunTime(); }; }; }; }; }; _local2--; }; _local1--; }; } public function zombieEnemyCollision():void{ var _local1:int; var _local2:int; var _local3:Number; var _local4:Number; var _local5:Number; var _local6:NonPlayableCharacter; _local1 = (zombieList.size() - 1); while (_local1 >= 0) { if (zombieList.get(_local1).nearestTarget){ _local6 = zombieList.get(_local1).nearestTarget; if (((((((!(_local6.gotHit)) && (!(zombieList.get(_local1).hitChar)))) && (zombieList.get(_local1).damageByNear))) && (( > 0)))){ _local3 = Math.abs((zombieList.get(_local1).image.x - _local6.image.x)); _local4 = Math.abs((zombieList.get(_local1).image.y - _local6.image.y)); _local5 = Math.sqrt(((_local3 * _local3) + (_local4 * _local4))); if (_local5 <= distanceToCollide){ _local6.gotHit = true; _local6.drawBlood(); _local6.damageTaken = zombieList.get(_local1).damage; zombieList.get(_local1).hitChar = true; iParticle = 0; while (iParticle < particleNum) { bloodParticle = new BloodParticle(_local6.image.x, _local6.image.y); iParticle++; }; }; }; }; _local1--; }; } public function bombCollision():void{ var _local1:int; var _local2:Number; var _local3:Number; var _local4:Number; var _local5:Number; var _local6:Number; _local1 = (enemyList.size() - 1); while (_local1 >= 0) { _local2 = World.getSingleton().displayObjectRoot.mouseX; _local3 = World.getSingleton().displayObjectRoot.mouseY; _local4 = Math.abs((_local2 - enemyList.get(_local1).image.x)); _local5 = Math.abs((_local3 - enemyList.get(_local1).image.y)); _local6 = Math.sqrt(((_local4 * _local4) + (_local5 * _local5))); if (_local6 < 50){ enemyList.get(_local1).gotHit = true; enemyList.get(_local1).damageTaken = 4000; enemyList.get(_local1).hitByBomb = true; enemyList.get(_local1).drawBlood(); }; _local1--; }; _local1 = (zombieList.size() - 1); while (_local1 >= 0) { _local2 = World.getSingleton().displayObjectRoot.mouseX; _local3 = World.getSingleton().displayObjectRoot.mouseY; _local4 = Math.abs((_local2 - zombieList.get(_local1).image.x)); _local5 = Math.abs((_local3 - zombieList.get(_local1).image.y)); _local6 = Math.sqrt(((_local4 * _local4) + (_local5 * _local5))); if (_local6 < 50){ zombieList.get(_local1).gotHit = true; zombieList.get(_local1).damageTaken = 1000; zombieList.get(_local1).drawBlood(); }; _local1--; }; } public static function getSingleton():CollisionDetector{ if (INSTANCE == null){ INSTANCE = new (CollisionDetector); }; return (INSTANCE); } } }//package p_singleton
Section 305
//GameManager (p_singleton.GameManager) package p_singleton { import*; import flash.display.*; import p_gameState.*; import p_singleton.p_worldEvent.*; public class GameManager extends Sprite { private var currentGameState:GameState; private var transitionTime:int;// = 500 private var transitionTimeCounter:int;// = 0 private var newGameState:GameState; private static var INSTANCE:GameManager; public function GameManager(){ transitionTimeCounter = 0; transitionTime = 500; super(); init(); this.mouseEnabled = false; } public function init():void{ initLayers(); initListener(); } public function transition(_arg1:Event):void{ transitionTimeCounter = (transitionTimeCounter + World.getSingleton().elapsedTime); if (transitionTimeCounter >= transitionTime){ this.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, transition); transitionTimeCounter = 0; if (currentGameState){ currentGameState.destroy(); }; currentGameState = newGameState; currentGameState.init(); newGameState = null; World.getSingleton().transitionClose(); }; } public function initLayers():void{ addChild(World.getSingleton().mapRoot); addChild(World.getSingleton().bitmapWrapper); addChild(World.getSingleton().displayObjectRoot); addChild(World.getSingleton().visualEffectRoot); addChild(World.getSingleton().menuRoot); addChild(World.getSingleton().mouseRoot); addChild(World.getSingleton().transitionRoot); } public function setGameState(_arg1:GameState):void{ this.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, transition); newGameState = _arg1; World.getSingleton().transitionOpen(); } public function setGameStateInstant(_arg1:GameState):void{ newGameState = _arg1; if (currentGameState){ currentGameState.destroy(); }; currentGameState = newGameState; currentGameState.init(); newGameState = null; } public function update(_arg1:Event):void{ if (currentGameState){ currentGameState.update(); }; } public function destroyListener():void{ this.removeEventListener(WorldEvent.ON_UPDATE, update); } public function initListener():void{ this.addEventListener(WorldEvent.ON_UPDATE, update); } public function destroy():void{ destroyListener(); } public static function getSingleton():GameManager{ if (INSTANCE == null){ INSTANCE = new (GameManager); }; return (INSTANCE); } } }//package p_singleton
Section 306
//Updater (p_singleton.Updater) package p_singleton { import flash.display.*; import org.idmedia.as3commons.util.*; import p_entity.*; public class Updater { public var bulletList:ArrayList; public var enemyList:ArrayList; public var balloonTimeCounter:int;// = 0 public var staticObjectList:ArrayList; public var balloonTime:int;// = 4000 public var playerList:ArrayList; public var zombieList:ArrayList; public var enemyBulletList:ArrayList; private static var INSTANCE:Updater; public function Updater(){ balloonTime = 4000; balloonTimeCounter = 0; super(); init(); } public function update():void{ updateEnemy(); updateZombie(); updateBullet(); updateEnemyBullet(); sortObjectDepth(); randomizeConvBalloon(); } public function updatePlayer():void{ var _local1:int; _local1 = (playerList.size() - 1); while (_local1 >= 0) { playerList.get(_local1).update(); _local1--; }; } public function sortObjectDepth():void{ var _local1:int; var _local2:int; var _local3:Array; _local1 = 0; _local2 = 0; _local3 = World.getSingleton().displayObjectArray; _local3.sort(swapDepth); while (_local1 < _local3.length) { if (((!((_local3[_local1] == null))) && (!((_local3[_local1] == 0))))){ var _temp1 = _local2; _local2 = (_local2 + 1); World.getSingleton().displayObjectRoot.setChildIndex(_local3[_local1], _temp1); }; _local1++; }; } public function initList():void{ playerList = World.getSingleton().playerList; staticObjectList = World.getSingleton().staticObjectList; enemyList = World.getSingleton().enemyList; bulletList = World.getSingleton().bulletList; zombieList = World.getSingleton().zombieList; enemyBulletList = World.getSingleton().enemyBulletList; } public function init():void{ initList(); } public function updateZombie():void{ var _local1:int; var _local2:int; var _local3:int; var _local4:int; var _local5:int; _local1 = (zombieList.size() - 1); while (_local1 >= 0) { zombieList.get(_local1).update(); _local1--; }; _local2 = 0; _local3 = 30; _local4 = zombieList.size(); if (_local4 > _local3){ _local5 = (_local4 - _local3); _local1 = 0; while (_local2 < _local5) { if (zombieList.get(_local1)){ if (zombieList.get(_local1).charType != CharType.ZOMBIE_SPECIAL){ zombieList.get(_local1).health = 0; _local2++; } else { _local1++; }; } else { break; }; }; }; } public function updateEnemyBullet():void{ var _local1:int; _local1 = (enemyBulletList.size() - 1); while (_local1 >= 0) { enemyBulletList.get(_local1).update(); _local1--; }; } public function randomizeConvBalloon():void{ var _local1:int; var _local2:int; var _local3:int; var _local4:int; balloonTimeCounter = (balloonTimeCounter + World.getSingleton().elapsedTime); if (balloonTimeCounter >= balloonTime){ balloonTimeCounter = 0; _local1 = enemyList.size(); if (_local1 >= 3){ _local2 = ((Math.random() * 100) % 3); } else { _local2 = ((Math.random() * 100) % _local1); }; _local3 = 0; while (_local3 < _local2) { _local4 = ((Math.random() * 100) % _local1); if (enemyList.get(_local4).convBalloon){ enemyList.get(_local4).convBalloon.showConversationBalloon(); }; _local3++; }; }; } public function updateBullet():void{ var _local1:int; _local1 = (bulletList.size() - 1); while (_local1 >= 0) { bulletList.get(_local1).update(); _local1--; }; } private function swapDepth(_arg1:MovieClip, _arg2:MovieClip):int{ if (_arg1.y < _arg2.y){ return (-1); }; if (_arg1.y > _arg2.y){ return (1); }; if (_arg1.x < _arg2.x){ return (-1); }; return (1); } public function updateStaticObject():void{ var _local1:int; _local1 = (staticObjectList.size() - 1); while (_local1 >= 0) { staticObjectList.get(_local1).update(); _local1--; }; } public function updateEnemy():void{ var _local1:int; _local1 = (enemyList.size() - 1); while (_local1 >= 0) { enemyList.get(_local1).update(); _local1--; }; } public static function getSingleton():Updater{ if (INSTANCE == null){ INSTANCE = new (Updater); }; return (INSTANCE); } } }//package p_singleton
Section 307
//World (p_singleton.World) package p_singleton { import com.baseoneonline.flash.geom.*; import*; import flash.display.*; import mochi.as3.*; import p_gameLevel.*; import org.idmedia.as3commons.util.*; import p_pathFinder.*; import flash.geom.*; import flash.utils.*; import p_gameState.*; import*; import p_gameLevel.p_continent.*; import p_singleton.p_worldEvent.*; import*; import flash.system.*; public class World extends EventDispatcher { public var goldDiggerIBonus:int;// = 25000 public var moneyLoss:MochiDigits; public var sharedObject:SharedObject; public var itemLongerZombiePrice:MochiDigits; public var infectonator:Boolean;// = false public var itemAttackBought:MochiDigits; private var loader:Loader; public var infect:Boolean;// = false public var massMurdererIII:Boolean;// = false public var survivorFound:MochiDigits; public var infectonatorReq:int;// = 6000 public var displayObjectArray:Array; public var currentContinent:int; public var enemyList:ArrayList; public var infectReq:int;// = 350 public var specialZombieUnlocked:Array; public var itemBulletPrice:MochiDigits; public var itemPenetrateCharBought:MochiDigits; public var mapRoot:Sprite; public var medalSound:Sound; public var bitmapWrapper:Sprite; public var continentList:ArrayList; public var timeLeft:MochiDigits; public var itemPenetrateCharPrice:MochiDigits; public var cityDestroyerBonus:int;// = 100000 public var massMurdererIIIBonus:int;// = 100000 public var goldDiggerIIIBonus:int;// = 100000 public var carsDestroyedRecorded:MochiDigits; public var heroesKilledRecorded:MochiDigits; public var townDestroyerReq:int;// = 40 public var gameQuality:String;// = "high" public var goldDiggerII:Boolean;// = false public var itemSpeedPrice:MochiDigits; public var infector:Boolean;// = false public var massMurdererIIIReq:int;// = 5000 public var bulletList:ArrayList; public var peopleKilledRecorded:MochiDigits; public var heroesKilled:MochiDigits; public var infectorReq:int;// = 1250 public var money:MochiDigits; public var triviaNewsUsed:ArrayList; public var currentTownName:String;// = "Tangerang" public var levelSelectorLastPosX:Number;// = 400 public var levelSelectorLastPosY:Number;// = 250 public var infectionChance:MochiDigits; public var specialZombieUpgrade:ArrayList; public var peopleInfectedRecorded:MochiDigits; public var userName:String;// = "" public var destroyerReq:int;// = 10 public var survivorFoundRecorded:MochiDigits; public var zombieUpgradeBonusList:ArrayList; public var infectBonus:int;// = 25000 public var zombieWorld:Boolean;// = false public var currentSoundChannel:SoundChannel; public var zombieUpgradePriceList:ArrayList; public var gameWidth:int;// = 700 public var itemHealthBought:MochiDigits; public var cityDestroyer:Boolean;// = false public var levelDone:int;// = 1 public var massMurdererII:Boolean;// = false private var paramObj:Object; public var currentGameLevel:GameLevel; public var itemBombRadius:MochiDigits; public var labClosed:Boolean;// = false public var massMurdererIBonus:int;// = 20000 private var apiPath:String; public var gameIsRunning:Boolean;// = false public var townDestroyerBonus:int;// = 50000 public var visualEffectRoot:Sprite; public var townDestroyedRecorded:MochiDigits; public var startMoney:int;// = 0 public var currentLevel:int;// = 0 public var staticObjectList:ArrayList; public var oldTime:int;// = 0 public var massMurdererIReq:int;// = 250 public var itemBombBought:MochiDigits; public var itemAttackBonus:MochiDigits; public var madScientist:Boolean;// = false public var soundMuted:Boolean;// = false public var popUpTime:int;// = 1500 public var carsDestroyed:MochiDigits; public var moneyLossRecorded:MochiDigits; public var goldDiggerIII:Boolean;// = false public var kongregate; public var zombieUpgradeBoughtList:ArrayList; public var itemLongerZombieBought:MochiDigits; public var itemBombPrice:MochiDigits; public var cityDestroyerReq:int;// = 80 public var popUpTimeCounter:int;// = 0 public var itemInfectionBonus:MochiDigits; public var itemHealthBonus:MochiDigits; public var newsClosed:Boolean;// = false public var destroyer:Boolean;// = false public var horrorSong1:Sound; public var horrorSong2:Sound; public var infectonatorBonus:int;// = 150000 public var destroyerBonus:int;// = 25000 public var itemCoinBonus:MochiDigits; public var popUpClip:MovieClip; public var currentSong:Sound; public var transitionClip:MovieClip; public var specialZombieNames:ArrayList; public var itemCoinBought:MochiDigits; public var massMurdererIIReq:int;// = 1000 public var infectorBonus:int;// = 60000 public var enemyBulletList:ArrayList; public var elapsedTime:int;// = 0 public var moneyPerGoldCoin:MochiDigits; public var moneyCollected:MochiDigits; public var zombieWorldBonus:int;// = 500000 public var goldDiggerI:Boolean;// = false public var specialZombieUpgradePrice:MochiDigits; public var loadKongComplete:Boolean;// = false public var itemPenetrateWallPrice:MochiDigits; public var goldDiggerIIReq:int;// = 500000 public var goldDiggerIIBonus:int;// = 50000 private var request:URLRequest; public var carList:ArrayList; public var destroyedTownBonus:MochiDigits; public var siteLockedArmor:Boolean;// = false public var goldDiggerIReq:int;// = 200000 public var bitmapRoot:Bitmap; public var happySong2:Sound; public var happySong3:Sound; public var happySong4:Sound; public var happySong1:Sound; public var prevGameState:GameState; public var itemAttackPrice:MochiDigits; public var coinList:ArrayList; public var itemLongerZombieBonus:MochiDigits; public var hotKeyClosed:Boolean;// = false public var menuRoot:Sprite; public var statsClosed:Boolean;// = false public var siteLockedKong:Boolean;// = false public var itemSpeedBought:MochiDigits; public var itemInfectionBought:MochiDigits; public var menuSong:Sound; public var deathToHeroes:Boolean;// = false public var playerList:ArrayList; public var displayObjectRoot:Sprite; public var mouseRoot:Sprite; public var itemInfectionPrice:MochiDigits; public var peopleInfected:MochiDigits; public var dayPassed:MochiDigits; public var itemHealthPrice:MochiDigits; public var itemBulletBought:MochiDigits; public var deathToHeroesBonus:int;// = 200000 public var massMurdererI:Boolean;// = false public var goldDiggerIIIReq:int;// = 2000000 public var moneyPerSilverCoin:MochiDigits; public var madScientistBonus:int;// = 250000 public var unturnedPeopleList:ArrayList; public var itemCoinPrice:MochiDigits; public var moneyPerBronzeCoin:MochiDigits; public var siteLockedBubbleBox:Boolean;// = false public var specialZombieDesc:ArrayList; public var soundClosed:Boolean;// = false public var itemSpeedBonus:MochiDigits; public var tileMapZombie:TileMap; public var thrillerSound:Sound; public var siteLockedMofunzone:Boolean;// = false public var menuSong2:Sound; public var townDestroyed:MochiDigits; public var menuClosed:Boolean;// = false public var infecting:Boolean;// = true public var itemVirusBonusPrice:MochiDigits; public var gameHeight:int;// = 500 public var townDestroyer:Boolean;// = false public var itemPenetrateWallBought:Boolean;// = false public var worldClosed:Boolean;// = false public var tileMap:TileMap; public var tileSize:int;// = 25 public var transitionRoot:Sprite; public var initialTimeLeft:int;// = 60 public var maxDays:int;// = 25 public var massMurdererIIBonus:int;// = 50000 public var itemVirusBonusBought:MochiDigits; public var zombieList:ArrayList; public var peopleKilled:MochiDigits; public var gameRoot:Sprite; public var triviaNews:ArrayList; public var currentTutorial:String;// = "lab" private static var INSTANCE:World; public function World(){ tileSize = 25; elapsedTime = 0; oldTime = 0; gameIsRunning = false; currentLevel = 0; currentTownName = "Tangerang"; userName = ""; initialTimeLeft = 60; maxDays = 25; levelSelectorLastPosX = 400; levelSelectorLastPosY = 250; levelDone = 1; infecting = true; startMoney = 0; itemPenetrateWallBought = false; massMurdererI = false; massMurdererIBonus = 20000; massMurdererIReq = 250; massMurdererII = false; massMurdererIIBonus = 50000; massMurdererIIReq = 1000; massMurdererIII = false; massMurdererIIIBonus = 100000; massMurdererIIIReq = 5000; goldDiggerI = false; goldDiggerIBonus = 25000; goldDiggerIReq = 200000; goldDiggerII = false; goldDiggerIIBonus = 50000; goldDiggerIIReq = 500000; goldDiggerIII = false; goldDiggerIIIBonus = 100000; goldDiggerIIIReq = 2000000; destroyer = false; destroyerBonus = 25000; destroyerReq = 10; townDestroyer = false; townDestroyerBonus = 50000; townDestroyerReq = 40; cityDestroyer = false; cityDestroyerBonus = 100000; cityDestroyerReq = 80; infect = false; infectBonus = 25000; infectReq = 350; infector = false; infectorBonus = 60000; infectorReq = 1250; infectonator = false; infectonatorBonus = 150000; infectonatorReq = 6000; deathToHeroes = false; deathToHeroesBonus = 200000; zombieWorld = false; zombieWorldBonus = 500000; madScientist = false; madScientistBonus = 250000; gameHeight = 500; gameWidth = 700; soundMuted = false; gameQuality = StageQuality.HIGH; siteLockedKong = false; siteLockedArmor = false; siteLockedMofunzone = false; siteLockedBubbleBox = false; loadKongComplete = false; currentContinent = ContinentID.AFRICA; popUpTime = 1500; popUpTimeCounter = 0; currentTutorial = "lab"; worldClosed = false; newsClosed = false; statsClosed = false; labClosed = false; soundClosed = false; menuClosed = false; hotKeyClosed = false; super(); displayObjectArray = new Array(); playerList = new ArrayList(); staticObjectList = new ArrayList(); enemyList = new ArrayList(); zombieList = new ArrayList(); bulletList = new ArrayList(); enemyBulletList = new ArrayList(); coinList = new ArrayList(); carList = new ArrayList(); unturnedPeopleList = new ArrayList(); triviaNews = new ArrayList(); triviaNewsUsed = new ArrayList(); addTriviaNews(); mapRoot = new Sprite(); displayObjectRoot = new Sprite(); visualEffectRoot = new Sprite(); menuRoot = new Sprite(); mouseRoot = new Sprite(); bitmapRoot = new Bitmap(new BitmapData(gameWidth, gameHeight, true, 0)); bitmapWrapper = new Sprite(); bitmapWrapper.addChild(bitmapRoot); transitionRoot = new Sprite(); transitionClip = new ScreenTransition(); transitionRoot.addChild(transitionClip); initMochiDigits(); initSong(); initContinents(); initAchievementPopUp(); } public function initMochiDigits():void{ timeLeft = new MochiDigits(initialTimeLeft); infectionChance = new MochiDigits(20); money = new MochiDigits(startMoney); moneyPerBronzeCoin = new MochiDigits(50); moneyPerSilverCoin = new MochiDigits(250); moneyPerGoldCoin = new MochiDigits(1000); moneyCollected = new MochiDigits(startMoney); moneyLoss = new MochiDigits(0); peopleKilled = new MochiDigits(0); peopleInfected = new MochiDigits(0); carsDestroyed = new MochiDigits(0); townDestroyed = new MochiDigits(0); heroesKilled = new MochiDigits(0); survivorFound = new MochiDigits(0); moneyLossRecorded = new MochiDigits(0); peopleKilledRecorded = new MochiDigits(0); peopleInfectedRecorded = new MochiDigits(0); carsDestroyedRecorded = new MochiDigits(0); townDestroyedRecorded = new MochiDigits(0); heroesKilledRecorded = new MochiDigits(0); survivorFoundRecorded = new MochiDigits(0); dayPassed = new MochiDigits(1); destroyedTownBonus = new MochiDigits(10000); zombieUpgradeBoughtList = new ArrayList(); zombieUpgradeBonusList = new ArrayList(); zombieUpgradePriceList = new ArrayList(); itemLongerZombieBought = new MochiDigits(0); itemLongerZombieBonus = new MochiDigits(500); itemLongerZombiePrice = new MochiDigits(100); itemSpeedBought = new MochiDigits(0); itemSpeedBonus = new MochiDigits(3); itemSpeedPrice = new MochiDigits(100); itemHealthBought = new MochiDigits(0); itemHealthBonus = new MochiDigits(100); itemHealthPrice = new MochiDigits(100); itemAttackBought = new MochiDigits(0); itemAttackBonus = new MochiDigits(50); itemAttackPrice = new MochiDigits(100); itemInfectionBought = new MochiDigits(0); itemInfectionBonus = new MochiDigits(2); itemInfectionPrice = new MochiDigits(100); zombieUpgradePriceList.add(itemLongerZombiePrice); zombieUpgradePriceList.add(itemSpeedPrice); zombieUpgradePriceList.add(itemHealthPrice); zombieUpgradePriceList.add(itemAttackPrice); zombieUpgradePriceList.add(itemInfectionPrice); zombieUpgradeBonusList.add(itemLongerZombieBonus); zombieUpgradeBonusList.add(itemSpeedBonus); zombieUpgradeBonusList.add(itemHealthBonus); zombieUpgradeBonusList.add(itemAttackBonus); zombieUpgradeBonusList.add(itemInfectionBonus); zombieUpgradeBoughtList.add(itemLongerZombieBought); zombieUpgradeBoughtList.add(itemSpeedBought); zombieUpgradeBoughtList.add(itemHealthBought); zombieUpgradeBoughtList.add(itemAttackBought); zombieUpgradeBoughtList.add(itemInfectionBought); itemBulletBought = new MochiDigits(0); itemBulletPrice = new MochiDigits(5000); itemCoinBought = new MochiDigits(0); itemCoinBonus = new MochiDigits(20); itemCoinPrice = new MochiDigits(2000); itemBombBought = new MochiDigits(0); itemBombRadius = new MochiDigits(50); itemBombPrice = new MochiDigits(2500); itemPenetrateWallPrice = new MochiDigits(25000); itemPenetrateCharBought = new MochiDigits(0); itemPenetrateCharPrice = new MochiDigits(25000); itemVirusBonusBought = new MochiDigits(0); itemVirusBonusPrice = new MochiDigits(50000); specialZombieUpgradePrice = new MochiDigits(5000); specialZombieUnlocked = new Array(); specialZombieUpgrade = new ArrayList(); specialZombieUnlocked.push(false); specialZombieUnlocked.push(false); specialZombieUnlocked.push(false); specialZombieUnlocked.push(false); specialZombieUnlocked.push(false); specialZombieUnlocked.push(false); specialZombieUpgrade.add(new MochiDigits(0)); specialZombieUpgrade.add(new MochiDigits(0)); specialZombieUpgrade.add(new MochiDigits(0)); specialZombieUpgrade.add(new MochiDigits(0)); specialZombieUpgrade.add(new MochiDigits(0)); specialZombieUpgrade.add(new MochiDigits(0)); specialZombieNames = new ArrayList(); specialZombieNames.add("M.J."); specialZombieNames.add("Tank"); specialZombieNames.add("Boomer Santa"); specialZombieNames.add("Col.Sandars"); specialZombieNames.add("Ranald McD"); specialZombieNames.add("Venom"); specialZombieDesc = new ArrayList(); specialZombieDesc.add("More zombies spawned"); specialZombieDesc.add("Bigger area, more powerful"); specialZombieDesc.add("More viruses spread"); specialZombieDesc.add("More chickens spawned, faster spawning time"); specialZombieDesc.add("Faster burger drop"); specialZombieDesc.add("Faster web thrown, longer stun time"); } public function clearAll():void{ clearContinents(); clearGameLevels(); clearUpgradeItems(); clearRecordedStatistics(); clearAchievements(); money.setValue(startMoney); moneyCollected.setValue(startMoney); dayPassed.setValue(1); } public function initAchievementPopUp():void{ popUpClip = new ScreenPopUpAnimated(); menuRoot.addChild(popUpClip); popUpClip.x = ((gameWidth / 2) - (popUpClip.width / 2)); popUpClip.y = gameHeight; popUpClip.clip.visible = false; popUpClip.clip.closeBut.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, closeAchievementPopUp); popUpClip.clip.closeBut.visible = false; } public function stopSong():void{ if (currentSoundChannel){ currentSoundChannel.stop(); }; } public function mapToScreen(_arg1:IntPoint):Point{ return (new Point(((_arg1.x * tileSize) + (tileSize / 2)), ((_arg1.y * tileSize) + (tileSize / 2)))); } public function updateWorld(_arg1:Event):void{ var _local2:int; _local2 = getTimer(); elapsedTime = (_local2 - oldTime); oldTime = _local2; if (gameIsRunning){ dispatchEvent(new Event(WorldEvent.ON_UPDATE)); }; } public function startSong():void{ var _local1:int; if (currentSoundChannel){ currentSoundChannel.stop(); }; if (!soundMuted){ _local1 = ((Math.random() * 10) % 2); if (_local1 == 0){ currentSong = happySong3; } else { currentSong = happySong4; }; currentSoundChannel =, 9999); }; } public function checkAllTownCompleted():Boolean{ var _local1:Boolean; var _local2:int; var _local3:int; _local1 = true; _local2 = GameLevelManager.getSingleton().gameLevels.size(); _local3 = 1; while (_local3 < _local2) { if (!GameLevelManager.getSingleton().gameLevels.get(_local3).completed){ _local1 = false; break; }; _local3++; }; if (_local1){ return (true); }; return (false); } public function closeAchievementPopUp(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ popUpTimeCounter = popUpTime; } public function addTownDestroyedInAContinent():void{ var _local1:int; var _local2:int; _local1 = 0; _local2 = continentList.size(); while (_local1 < _local2) { if (continentList.get(_local1).continentID == currentContinent){ continentList.get(_local1).townDestroyed++; }; _local1++; }; } public function transitionOpen():void{ transitionClip.gotoAndPlay("open"); } public function startMenuSong2():void{ if (currentSoundChannel){ currentSoundChannel.stop(); }; if (!soundMuted){ currentSong = menuSong2; currentSoundChannel =, 9999); }; } public function playFemaleVoice():void{ var _local1:int; var _local2:Sound; if (!soundMuted){ _local1 = ((Math.random() * 100) % 3); if (_local1 == 0){ _local2 = new FemaleV01(); } else { if (_local1 == 1){ _local2 = new FemaleV02(); } else { _local2 = new FemaleV03(); }; };; }; } public function playBuySound():void{ var _local1:Sound; if (!soundMuted){ _local1 = new BuySound();; }; } public function startMenuSong():void{ if (currentSoundChannel){ currentSoundChannel.stop(); }; if (!soundMuted){ currentSong = menuSong; currentSoundChannel =, 9999); }; } public function transitionClose():void{ var _local1:Sound; transitionClip.gotoAndPlay("close"); if (!soundMuted){ _local1 = new TransitionSound();; }; } public function holdAchievementPopUp(_arg1:Event):void{ popUpTimeCounter = (popUpTimeCounter + elapsedTime); if (popUpTimeCounter >= popUpTime){ popUpClip.gotoAndPlay(27); popUpTimeCounter = 0; popUpClip.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, holdAchievementPopUp); }; } public function clearUpgradeItems():void{ var _local1:int; var _local2:int; itemHealthBought.setValue(0); itemSpeedBought.setValue(0); itemAttackBought.setValue(0); itemLongerZombieBought.setValue(0); itemInfectionBought.setValue(0); itemPenetrateCharBought.setValue(0); itemBombBought.setValue(0); itemBulletBought.setValue(0); itemCoinBought.setValue(0); itemVirusBonusBought.setValue(0); itemPenetrateWallBought = false; _local1 = 0; _local2 = specialZombieUnlocked.length; while (_local1 < _local2) { specialZombieUnlocked[_local1] = false; _local1++; }; _local1 = 0; _local2 = specialZombieUpgrade.size(); while (_local1 < _local2) { specialZombieUpgrade.get(_local1).setValue(0); _local1++; }; } public function loadGame():void{ var _local1:int; var _local2:int; if (sharedObject){ userName =; labClosed =; worldClosed =; statsClosed =; soundClosed =; menuClosed =; newsClosed =; hotKeyClosed =; _local1 = 0; _local2 =; while (_local1 < _local2) { zombieUpgradeBoughtList.get(_local1).value =[_local1]; _local1++; }; _local1 = 0; _local2 =; while (_local1 < _local2) { specialZombieUnlocked[_local1] =[_local1]; _local1++; }; _local1 = 0; _local2 =; while (_local1 < _local2) { continentList.get(_local1).townDestroyed =[_local1]; continentList.get(_local1).townCompleted =[_local1]; continentList.get(_local1).continentDestroyed =[_local1]; _local1++; }; _local1 = 0; _local2 =; while (_local1 < _local2) { GameLevelManager.getSingleton().gameLevels.get(_local1).destroyed =[_local1]; GameLevelManager.getSingleton().gameLevels.get(_local1).completed =[_local1]; _local1++; }; _local1 = 0; _local2 =; while (_local1 < _local2) { specialZombieUpgrade.get(_local1).value =[_local1]; _local1++; }; itemBombBought.value =; itemBulletBought.value =; itemCoinBought.value =; itemPenetrateWallBought =; itemPenetrateCharBought.value =; itemVirusBonusBought.value =; moneyLossRecorded.value =; peopleKilledRecorded.value =; peopleInfectedRecorded.value =; carsDestroyedRecorded.value =; townDestroyedRecorded.value =; heroesKilledRecorded.value =; survivorFoundRecorded.value =; money.value =; moneyCollected.value =; dayPassed.value =; timeLeft.value =; massMurdererI =; massMurdererII =; massMurdererIII =; goldDiggerI =; goldDiggerII =; goldDiggerIII =; destroyer =; townDestroyer =; cityDestroyer =; infect =; infector =; infectonator =; deathToHeroes =; zombieWorld =; madScientist =; sharedObject.flush(); sharedObject.close(); }; } public function clearAchievements():void{ massMurdererI = false; massMurdererII = false; massMurdererIII = false; goldDiggerI = false; goldDiggerII = false; goldDiggerIII = false; destroyer = false; townDestroyer = false; cityDestroyer = false; infect = false; infector = false; infectonator = false; deathToHeroes = false; zombieWorld = false; madScientist = false; } public function addTownCompletedInAContinent():void{ var _local1:int; var _local2:int; _local1 = 0; _local2 = continentList.size(); while (_local1 < _local2) { if (continentList.get(_local1).continentID == currentContinent){ continentList.get(_local1).townCompleted++; }; _local1++; }; } public function playMaleVoice():void{ var _local1:int; var _local2:Sound; if (!soundMuted){ _local1 = ((Math.random() * 100) % 5); if (_local1 == 0){ _local2 = new MaleV01(); } else { if (_local1 == 1){ _local2 = new MaleV02(); } else { if (_local1 == 2){ _local2 = new MaleV03(); } else { if (_local1 == 3){ _local2 = new MaleV04(); } else { _local2 = new MaleV05(); }; }; }; };; }; } public function initSong():void{ happySong1 = new HappySong1(); happySong2 = new HappySong2(); happySong3 = new HappySong3(); happySong4 = new HappySong4(); horrorSong1 = new HorrorSong2(); horrorSong2 = new HorrorSong1(); menuSong = new MenuSong(); menuSong2 = new Menu2Song(); currentSong = menuSong; medalSound = new MedalSound(); thrillerSound = new ThrillerSong(); } public function clearGameLevels():void{ var _local1:int; var _local2:int; _local1 = 0; _local2 = GameLevelManager.getSingleton().gameLevels.size(); while (_local1 < _local2) { GameLevelManager.getSingleton().gameLevels.get(_local1).destroyed = false; GameLevelManager.getSingleton().gameLevels.get(_local1).completed = false; _local1++; }; } public function initContinents():void{ var _local1:Continent; continentList = new ArrayList(); _local1 = new Continent(); _local1.continentID = ContinentID.AFRICA; _local1.continentName = "Africa"; _local1.townDestroyed = 0; _local1.townRequirement = 0; _local1.townSize = 6; _local1.gameLevelStartingNumber = 1; continentList.add(_local1); _local1 = new Continent(); _local1.continentID = ContinentID.MIDDLE_EAST; _local1.continentName = "Middle East"; _local1.townDestroyed = 0; _local1.townRequirement = 1; _local1.townSize = 6; _local1.gameLevelStartingNumber = 7; continentList.add(_local1); _local1 = new Continent(); _local1.continentID = ContinentID.SOUTH_AMERICA; _local1.continentName = "South America"; _local1.townDestroyed = 0; _local1.townRequirement = 2; _local1.townSize = 4; _local1.gameLevelStartingNumber = 13; continentList.add(_local1); _local1 = new Continent(); _local1.continentID = ContinentID.MEXICO; _local1.continentName = "Mexico"; _local1.townDestroyed = 0; _local1.townRequirement = 5; _local1.townSize = 4; _local1.gameLevelStartingNumber = 17; continentList.add(_local1); _local1 = new Continent(); _local1.continentID = ContinentID.EUROPE; _local1.continentName = "Europe"; _local1.townDestroyed = 0; _local1.townRequirement = 7; _local1.townSize = 7; _local1.gameLevelStartingNumber = 21; continentList.add(_local1); _local1 = new Continent(); _local1.continentID = ContinentID.INDIA; _local1.continentName = "India"; _local1.townDestroyed = 0; _local1.townRequirement = 9; _local1.townSize = 6; _local1.gameLevelStartingNumber = 28; continentList.add(_local1); _local1 = new Continent(); _local1.continentID = ContinentID.AMERICA; _local1.continentName = "America"; _local1.townDestroyed = 0; _local1.townRequirement = 12; _local1.townSize = 6; _local1.gameLevelStartingNumber = 34; continentList.add(_local1); _local1 = new Continent(); _local1.continentID = ContinentID.CHINA; _local1.continentName = "China"; _local1.townDestroyed = 0; _local1.townRequirement = 14; _local1.townSize = 6; _local1.gameLevelStartingNumber = 40; continentList.add(_local1); _local1 = new Continent(); _local1.continentID = ContinentID.RUSSIA; _local1.continentName = "Russia"; _local1.townDestroyed = 0; _local1.townRequirement = 16; _local1.townSize = 4; _local1.gameLevelStartingNumber = 46; continentList.add(_local1); _local1 = new Continent(); _local1.continentID = ContinentID.INDO_CHINA; _local1.continentName = "Indo-China"; _local1.townDestroyed = 0; _local1.townRequirement = 18; _local1.townSize = 4; _local1.gameLevelStartingNumber = 50; continentList.add(_local1); _local1 = new Continent(); _local1.continentID = ContinentID.INDONESIA; _local1.continentName = "Indonesia"; _local1.townDestroyed = 0; _local1.townRequirement = 20; _local1.townSize = 7; _local1.gameLevelStartingNumber = 54; continentList.add(_local1); _local1 = new Continent(); _local1.continentID = ContinentID.CANADA; _local1.continentName = "Canada"; _local1.townDestroyed = 0; _local1.townRequirement = 22; _local1.townSize = 6; _local1.gameLevelStartingNumber = 61; continentList.add(_local1); _local1 = new Continent(); _local1.continentID = ContinentID.JAPAN; _local1.continentName = "Japan"; _local1.townDestroyed = 0; _local1.townRequirement = 24; _local1.townSize = 3; _local1.gameLevelStartingNumber = 67; continentList.add(_local1); _local1 = new Continent(); _local1.continentID = ContinentID.PHILIPINES; _local1.continentName = "Philipines"; _local1.townDestroyed = 0; _local1.townRequirement = 26; _local1.townSize = 3; _local1.gameLevelStartingNumber = 70; continentList.add(_local1); _local1 = new Continent(); _local1.continentID = ContinentID.AUSTRALIA; _local1.continentName = "Australia"; _local1.townDestroyed = 0; _local1.townRequirement = 28; _local1.townSize = 6; _local1.gameLevelStartingNumber = 73; continentList.add(_local1); _local1 = new Continent(); _local1.continentID = ContinentID.GREENLAND; _local1.continentName = "Greenland"; _local1.townDestroyed = 0; _local1.townRequirement = 0; _local1.townSize = 6; _local1.gameLevelStartingNumber = 79; continentList.add(_local1); } public function AllHasBeenDestroyed():Boolean{ var _local1:Boolean; var _local2:int; var _local3:int; _local1 = true; _local2 = GameLevelManager.getSingleton().gameLevels.size(); _local3 = 1; while (_local3 < _local2) { if (!GameLevelManager.getSingleton().gameLevels.get(_local3).destroyed){ _local1 = false; break; }; _local3++; }; if (_local1){ return (true); }; return (false); } public function loadCompleteKong(_arg1:Event):void{ kongregate =;; loadKongComplete = true; } public function pauseGame():void{ gameIsRunning = false; } public function startThrillerSong():void{ if (currentSoundChannel){ currentSoundChannel.stop(); }; if (!soundMuted){ currentSong = thrillerSound; currentSoundChannel =, 9999); }; } public function clearRecordedStatistics():void{ moneyLoss.setValue(0); peopleKilled.setValue(0); peopleInfected.setValue(0); carsDestroyed.setValue(0); townDestroyed.setValue(0); heroesKilled.setValue(0); survivorFound.setValue(0); moneyLossRecorded.setValue(0); peopleKilledRecorded.setValue(0); peopleInfectedRecorded.setValue(0); carsDestroyedRecorded.setValue(0); townDestroyedRecorded.setValue(0); heroesKilledRecorded.setValue(0); survivorFoundRecorded.setValue(0); } public function saveGame():void{ var _local1:int; var _local2:int; var _local3:Date; var _local4:Array; if (sharedObject){ = labClosed; = worldClosed; = statsClosed; = soundClosed; = menuClosed; = newsClosed; = hotKeyClosed; _local1 = 0; _local2 = zombieUpgradeBoughtList.size(); = _local2; = new Array(); while (_local1 < _local2) {[_local1] = zombieUpgradeBoughtList.get(_local1).value; _local1++; }; _local1 = 0; _local2 = specialZombieUnlocked.length; = _local2; = new Array(); while (_local1 < _local2) {[_local1] = specialZombieUnlocked[_local1]; _local1++; }; _local1 = 0; _local2 = continentList.size(); = _local2; = new Array(); = new Array(); = new Array(); while (_local1 < _local2) {[_local1] = continentList.get(_local1).townDestroyed;[_local1] = continentList.get(_local1).townCompleted;[_local1] = continentList.get(_local1).continentDestroyed; _local1++; }; _local1 = 0; _local2 = GameLevelManager.getSingleton().gameLevels.size(); = _local2; = new Array(); = new Array(); while (_local1 < _local2) {[_local1] = GameLevelManager.getSingleton().gameLevels.get(_local1).destroyed;[_local1] = GameLevelManager.getSingleton().gameLevels.get(_local1).completed; _local1++; }; _local1 = 0; _local2 = specialZombieUpgrade.size(); = _local2; = new Array(); while (_local1 < _local2) {[_local1] = specialZombieUpgrade.get(_local1).value; _local1++; }; = itemBombBought.value; = itemBulletBought.value; = itemCoinBought.value; = itemPenetrateWallBought; = itemPenetrateCharBought.value; = itemVirusBonusBought.value; = moneyLossRecorded.value; = peopleKilledRecorded.value; = peopleInfectedRecorded.value; = carsDestroyedRecorded.value; = townDestroyedRecorded.value; = heroesKilledRecorded.value; = survivorFoundRecorded.value; = massMurdererI; = massMurdererII; = massMurdererIII; = goldDiggerI; = goldDiggerII; = goldDiggerIII; = destroyer; = townDestroyer; = cityDestroyer; = infect; = infector; = infectonator; = deathToHeroes; = zombieWorld; = madScientist; = timeLeft.value; = true; = userName; = money.value; = moneyCollected.value; = dayPassed.value; _local3 = new Date(); _local4 = ["Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec"]; =; = _local4[_local3.month]; = _local3.hours; = _local3.minutes; sharedObject.flush(); sharedObject.close(); }; } public function initKong():void{ paramObj = LoaderInfo(World.getSingleton().gameRoot.loaderInfo).parameters; apiPath = ((paramObj.kongregate_api_path) || ("")); Security.allowDomain(apiPath); request = new URLRequest(apiPath); loader = new Loader(); loader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, loadCompleteKong); loader.load(request); World.getSingleton().menuRoot.addChild(loader); } public function clearStatistics():void{ moneyLossRecorded.value = (moneyLossRecorded.value + moneyLoss.value); peopleKilledRecorded.value = (peopleKilledRecorded.value + peopleKilled.value); peopleInfectedRecorded.value = (peopleInfectedRecorded.value + peopleInfected.value); carsDestroyedRecorded.value = (carsDestroyedRecorded.value + carsDestroyed.value); townDestroyedRecorded.value = (townDestroyedRecorded.value + townDestroyed.value); heroesKilledRecorded.value = (heroesKilledRecorded.value + heroesKilled.value); survivorFoundRecorded.value = (survivorFoundRecorded.value + survivorFound.value); moneyLoss.setValue(0); peopleKilled.setValue(0); peopleInfected.setValue(0); carsDestroyed.setValue(0); townDestroyed.setValue(0); heroesKilled.setValue(0); survivorFound.setValue(0); } public function clearContinents():void{ var _local1:int; var _local2:int; _local1 = 0; _local2 = continentList.size(); while (_local1 < _local2) { continentList.get(_local1).townDestroyed = 0; continentList.get(_local1).townCompleted = 0; continentList.get(_local1).unlocked = false; _local1++; }; } public function addTriviaNews():void{ triviaNews.add("Do you know that you can save and load?"); triviaNews.add("Always save the game before quitting, you never know if someone plays your computer and overwrite the autosaving"); triviaNews.add("No piece of normal-size paper can be folded in half more than 7 times."); triviaNews.add("Upgrade your Zombie's Infection Chance to improve the chance of turning people into zombies instead of killing them"); triviaNews.add("80% of all pictures on the internet are of naked women"); triviaNews.add("250 to 300 million cell phones are being used in the U.S."); triviaNews.add("During good sex, endorphines are released, which are powerful painkillers. So headaches are in fact a bad excuse not to have sex"); triviaNews.add("The shrimp's heart is in its head"); triviaNews.add("It is impossible to sneeze with your eyes open "); triviaNews.add("The skin of the average woman weighs 3 kilograms, while that of the average man weighs 5 kilograms "); triviaNews.add("Dutch, on average are the tallest people "); triviaNews.add("Kissing is healthier than shaking hands "); triviaNews.add("There are no cemeteries in San Francisco, CA"); triviaNews.add("Married men tip better than unmarried men "); triviaNews.add("India never invaded any country in her history "); triviaNews.add("111,111,111 x 111,111,111 = 12,345,678,987,654,321"); triviaNews.add("Natural pearls melt in vinegar "); triviaNews.add("An olive tree can live up to 1500 years "); triviaNews.add("Cleopatra married two of her brothers "); triviaNews.add("Buttermilk does not contain any butter"); triviaNews.add("Dalmatians are born without spots "); triviaNews.add("Chewing gum while peeling onions will reduce your tears "); triviaNews.add("Humans and bonobo monkeys (pygmy chimpanzee) are the only species who have face-to-face sex"); triviaNews.add("'Jedi' is an official religion in Australia with over 70,000 followers"); triviaNews.add("The human heart beats over 100,000 times a day "); triviaNews.add("Human fingernails grow nearly 4 times faster than toenails "); triviaNews.add("The eyes of the chameleon can move independently. It can see in two different directions at the same time"); triviaNews.add("Coffee beans aren't beans; they are fruit pits "); triviaNews.add("2,520 can be divided by 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10 without having a fractional leftover "); triviaNews.add("In ancient Egypt, priests plucked every hair from their bodies "); triviaNews.add("Canada is an Indian word meaning 'Big Village' "); triviaNews.add("In Hong Kong, a betrayed wife is legally allowed to kill her cheating adulterous husband but she may only do so with her bare hands"); triviaNews.add("Horses can't vomit and pigs can't look up in the sky"); triviaNews.add("Adding a drop of olive oil and lemon juice to an ice cube then running it over your face gives you better results than some expensive skin care products."); triviaNews.add("Every day is about 55 billionths of a second longer than the day before it"); triviaNews.add("Fathers tend to determine the height of their child, mothers their weight."); triviaNews.add("In ancient Greece, children of wealthy families were dipped in olive oil at birth to keep them hairless throughout their lives."); triviaNews.add("As of 2006, more than one in eight people in the United States show signs of addiction to the internet."); triviaNews.add("Music can help reduce chronic pain by more than 20% and can alleviate depression by up to 25%."); triviaNews.add("The egg came first."); triviaNews.add("The two most famous actors who portrayed the “Marlboro Man” in the cigarette ads died of lung cancer."); triviaNews.add("The snake can see through its eye lids when its eyes are closed"); } public function startGame():void{ if (gameRoot){ gameRoot.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, updateWorld); }; gameIsRunning = true; } public function screenToMap(_arg1:Point):IntPoint{ return (new IntPoint(Math.floor((_arg1.x / tileSize)), Math.floor((_arg1.y / tileSize)))); } public function startHorrorSong():void{ var _local1:int; if (currentSoundChannel){ currentSoundChannel.stop(); }; if (!soundMuted){ _local1 = ((Math.random() * 10) % 2); if (_local1 == 0){ currentSong = horrorSong1; } else { currentSong = horrorSong2; }; currentSoundChannel =, 9999); }; } public function playMedalSong():void{ if (!soundMuted){; }; } public function showAchievementPopUp(_arg1:MovieClip, _arg2:String):void{ var _local3:int; var _local4:int; if (popUpClip.clip.icon.numChildren > 0){ _local3 = 0; _local4 = popUpClip.clip.icon.numChildren; _local3 = (_local4 - 1); while (_local3 >= 0) { popUpClip.clip.icon.removeChild(popUpClip.clip.icon.getChildAt(_local3)); _local3--; }; }; popUpClip.visible = true; popUpClip.clip.visible = true; popUpClip.clip.icon.addChild(_arg1); = _arg2; popUpClip.gotoAndPlay(2); popUpClip.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, holdAchievementPopUp); World.getSingleton().playMedalSong(); } public static function getSingleton():World{ if (INSTANCE == null){ INSTANCE = new (World); }; return (INSTANCE); } } }//package p_singleton
Section 308
//StateCollidingZombie (p_state.p_enemyState.StateCollidingZombie) package p_state.p_enemyState { import com.baseoneonline.flash.geom.*; import p_singleton.*; import p_state.*; import p_entity.p_nonPlayable.*; public class StateCollidingZombie extends State { public function StateCollidingZombie(_arg1:NonPlayableCharacter){ super(_arg1); findFurthestTile(new IntPoint(_arg1.collidedNPC.image.x, _arg1.collidedNPC.image.y)); } override public function findFurthestTile(_arg1:IntPoint):void{ var _local2:int; var _local3:int; var _local4:Array; var _local5:int; var _local6:Array; var _local7:int; var _local8:IntPoint; var _local9:int; _local2 = 0; _local3 = 0; if (_arg1.x > npc.currentTile.x){ _local2 = 1; } else { if (_arg1.x < npc.currentTile.x){ _local2 = -1; }; }; if (_arg1.y > npc.currentTile.y){ _local3 = 1; } else { if (_arg1.y < npc.currentTile.y){ _local3 = -1; }; }; _local4 = new Array(); if (_local2 == 0){ _local4.push(new IntPoint(_local2, -(_local3))); _local4.push(new IntPoint((_local2 - 1), -(_local3))); _local4.push(new IntPoint((_local2 + 1), -(_local3))); _local4.push(new IntPoint(1, 0)); _local4.push(new IntPoint(-1, 0)); _local4.push(new IntPoint((_local2 - 1), _local3)); _local4.push(new IntPoint((_local2 + 1), _local3)); } else { if (_local3 == 0){ _local4.push(new IntPoint(-(_local2), _local3)); _local4.push(new IntPoint(-(_local2), (_local3 - 1))); _local4.push(new IntPoint(-(_local2), (_local3 + 1))); _local4.push(new IntPoint(0, 1)); _local4.push(new IntPoint(0, -1)); _local4.push(new IntPoint(_local2, (_local3 - 1))); _local4.push(new IntPoint(_local2, (_local3 + 1))); } else { _local4.push(new IntPoint(-(_local2), -(_local3))); _local4.push(new IntPoint(0, -(_local3))); _local4.push(new IntPoint(-(_local2), 0)); _local4.push(new IntPoint(_local2, -(_local3))); _local4.push(new IntPoint(-(_local2), _local3)); _local4.push(new IntPoint(0, _local3)); _local4.push(new IntPoint(_local2, 0)); }; }; _local5 = 0; _local6 = new Array(); while (_local5 < _local4.length) { _local8 = new IntPoint(npc.currentTile.x, npc.currentTile.y); new IntPoint(npc.currentTile.x, npc.currentTile.y).x = (_local8.x + _local4[_local5].x); _local8.y = (_local8.y + _local4[_local5].y); if (!World.getSingleton().tileMapZombie.outOfBoundsCheck(_local8.x, _local8.y)){ if (World.getSingleton().tileMapZombie.isWalkable(_local8.x, _local8.y)){ _local6.push(_local8); }; }; _local5++; }; _local7 = _local6.length; if (_local7 > 0){ _local9 = ((Math.random() * 100) % _local7); npc.goalTile = _local6[_local9]; npc.findPathToGoal(); }; } override public function update():void{ walkRandom(); if (npc.arrivedAtNextTile){ npc.collidedNPC = null; npc.nearestTarget = null; npc.stateManager.setNewState(new StateZombieWalkRandomly(npc)); }; } } }//package p_state.p_enemyState
Section 309
//StateIdle (p_state.p_enemyState.StateIdle) package p_state.p_enemyState { import p_state.*; import p_entity.p_nonPlayable.*; public class StateIdle extends State { public function StateIdle(_arg1:NonPlayableCharacter){ super(_arg1); } override public function update():void{ } } }//package p_state.p_enemyState
Section 310
//StatePolice (p_state.p_enemyState.StatePolice) package p_state.p_enemyState { import com.baseoneonline.flash.geom.*; import p_singleton.*; import p_state.*; import Box2D.Common.Math.*; import p_entity.p_nonPlayable.*; import flash.geom.*; import p_entity.p_nonPlayable.p_people.p_shooter.*; public class StatePolice extends State { private var randomTime:int;// = 0 private var randomDelay:int;// = 200 public function StatePolice(_arg1:NonPlayableCharacter){ randomTime = 0; randomDelay = 200; super(_arg1); } override public function update():void{ findNearestTarget(); if (npc.nearestTarget){ if ( <= 0){ npc.nearestTarget = null; } else { if (((!(Shooter(npc).panicMode)) && (!(World.getSingleton().tileMap.outOfBoundsCheck(npc.currentTile.x, npc.currentTile.y))))){ Shooter(npc).shoot(); } else { if (((Shooter(npc).shootMode) && (!(Shooter(npc).panicMode)))){ Shooter(npc).shootMode = false; Shooter(npc).image.gotoAndPlay("walk"); }; walkRandom(); }; }; } else { if (((Shooter(npc).shootMode) && (!(Shooter(npc).panicMode)))){ Shooter(npc).shootMode = false; Shooter(npc).image.gotoAndPlay("walk"); }; walkRandom(); }; if (Shooter(npc).panicMode){ npc.stateManager.setNewState(new StateWalkRandomly(npc)); }; } public function walk():void{ var _local1:Number; var _local2:Number; var _local3:Number; if (!npc.arrivedAtNextTile){ if (npc.walkSolution){ if (npc.nextTile){ _local1 = Math.abs((npc.image.x - npc.nextTilePosition.x)); _local2 = Math.abs((npc.image.y - npc.nextTilePosition.y)); _local3 = Math.sqrt(((_local1 * _local1) + (_local2 * _local2))); if ((((((_local3 <= npc.minDistance)) && ((npc.currentTile.x == npc.nextTile.x)))) && ((npc.currentTile.y == npc.nextTile.y)))){ npc.arrivedAtNextTile = true; npc.image.x = npc.nextTilePosition.x; npc.image.y = npc.nextTilePosition.y; npc.walkSolutionCounter--; if (npc.walkSolutionCounter >= 0){ npc.nextTile = npc.walkSolution[npc.walkSolutionCounter]; npc.arrivedAtNextTile = false; npc.nextTilePosition = World.getSingleton().mapToScreen(npc.nextTile); }; } else { if (_local1 >= npc.minDistanceX){ if (npc.image.x < npc.nextTilePosition.x){ npc.moveRight(); } else { if (npc.image.x > npc.nextTilePosition.x){ npc.moveLeft(); }; }; }; if (_local2 >= npc.minDistanceY){ if (npc.image.y < npc.nextTilePosition.y){ npc.moveDown(); } else { if (npc.image.y > npc.nextTilePosition.y){ npc.moveUp(); }; }; }; }; }; }; }; } override public function walkRandom():void{ if (npc.arrivedAtNextTile){ npc.findRandomTile(); }; walk(); } public function roadIsBlocked():Boolean{ var _local1:b2Vec2; var _local2:Point; var _local3:IntPoint; var _local4:int; var _local5:Boolean; if (npc.nearestTarget){ _local1 = new b2Vec2(); _local1.x = (npc.nearestTarget.image.x - npc.image.x); _local1.y = (npc.nearestTarget.image.y - (npc.image.y + Shooter(npc).yOffset)); _local1.Normalize(); _local2 = new Point(npc.image.x, (npc.image.y + Shooter(npc).yOffset)); _local3 = new IntPoint(0, 0); _local3.x = npc.currentTile.x; _local3.y = npc.currentTile.y; _local4 = (World.getSingleton().tileSize / 2); _local5 = false; while (!(_local5)) { _local2.x = (_local2.x + (_local4 * _local1.x)); _local2.y = (_local2.y + (_local4 * _local1.y)); _local3 = World.getSingleton().screenToMap(_local2); if (_local3.x == npc.nearestTarget.currentTile.x){ if (_local3.y == npc.nearestTarget.currentTile.y){ return (false); }; }; if (!World.getSingleton().tileMap.outOfBoundsCheck(_local3.x, _local3.y)){ if (!World.getSingleton().tileMap.isWalkable(_local3.x, _local3.y)){ return (true); }; } else { return (true); }; }; return (false); }; return (true); } public function findNearestTarget():void{ var _local1:Number; var _local2:Number; var _local3:Number; var _local4:Number; var _local5:int; _local4 = 1000000; _local5 = (World.getSingleton().zombieList.size() - 1); while (_local5 >= 0) { if (!World.getSingleton().tileMap.outOfBoundsCheck(World.getSingleton().zombieList.get(_local5).currentTile.x, World.getSingleton().zombieList.get(_local5).currentTile.y)){ _local1 = Math.abs((npc.image.x - World.getSingleton().zombieList.get(_local5).image.x)); _local2 = Math.abs((npc.image.y - World.getSingleton().zombieList.get(_local5).image.y)); _local3 = Math.sqrt(((_local1 * _local1) + (_local2 * _local2))); if ((((_local3 <= Shooter(npc).range)) || (Shooter(npc).panicMode))){ if (_local3 < _local4){ npc.nearestTarget = World.getSingleton().zombieList.get(_local5); if (roadIsBlocked()){ npc.nearestTarget = null; } else { _local4 = _local3; }; }; }; }; _local5--; }; } } }//package p_state.p_enemyState
Section 311
//StateWalkRandomly (p_state.p_enemyState.StateWalkRandomly) package p_state.p_enemyState { import p_singleton.*; import p_state.*; import p_entity.p_nonPlayable.*; public class StateWalkRandomly extends State { private var throwNearestTargetCounter:int;// = 0 private var randomTime:int;// = 0 private var randomDelay:int;// = 200 private var maxDistance:int; private var throwNearestTargetDelay:int;// = 200 public function StateWalkRandomly(_arg1:NonPlayableCharacter){ randomTime = 0; randomDelay = 200; maxDistance = World.getSingleton().tileSize; throwNearestTargetDelay = 200; throwNearestTargetCounter = 0; super(_arg1); } public function findNearestTarget():void{ var _local1:Number; var _local2:Number; var _local3:Number; var _local4:Number; var _local5:int; _local4 = 1000000; _local5 = (World.getSingleton().zombieList.size() - 1); while (_local5 >= 0) { if (!World.getSingleton().tileMap.outOfBoundsCheck(World.getSingleton().zombieList.get(_local5).currentTile.x, World.getSingleton().zombieList.get(_local5).currentTile.y)){ _local1 = Math.abs((npc.image.x - World.getSingleton().zombieList.get(_local5).image.x)); _local2 = Math.abs((npc.image.y - World.getSingleton().zombieList.get(_local5).image.y)); _local3 = Math.sqrt(((_local1 * _local1) + (_local2 * _local2))); if (_local3 <= maxDistance){ if (_local3 < _local4){ npc.nearestTarget = World.getSingleton().zombieList.get(_local5); _local4 = _local3; }; }; }; _local5--; }; if (npc.nearestTarget){ findFurthestTile(npc.nearestTarget.currentTile); }; } override public function update():void{ if (npc.arrivedAtNextTile){ randomTime = (randomTime + World.getSingleton().elapsedTime); if (randomTime >= randomDelay){ npc.findRandomTile(); randomTime = 0; }; }; if (npc.nearestTarget){ if ( <= 0){ npc.nearestTarget = null; }; }; if (!npc.nearestTarget){ findNearestTarget(); }; walkRandom(); throwNearestTarget(); } public function throwNearestTarget():void{ if (npc.nearestTarget){ throwNearestTargetCounter = (throwNearestTargetCounter + World.getSingleton().elapsedTime); if (throwNearestTargetCounter >= throwNearestTargetDelay){ throwNearestTargetCounter = 0; npc.nearestTarget = null; }; }; } } }//package p_state.p_enemyState
Section 312
//StateZombieMcD (p_state.p_enemyState.StateZombieMcD) package p_state.p_enemyState { import p_singleton.*; import p_state.*; import p_entity.p_nonPlayable.*; import p_entity.p_nonPlayable.p_zombie.*; public class StateZombieMcD extends State { private var randomDelay:int;// = 200 private var throwNearestTargetDelay:int;// = 500 private var randomTime:int;// = 0 private var maxDistance:int;// = 100 private var throwNearestTargetCounter:int;// = 0 public function StateZombieMcD(_arg1:NonPlayableCharacter){ randomTime = 0; randomDelay = 200; maxDistance = 100; throwNearestTargetDelay = 500; throwNearestTargetCounter = 0; super(_arg1); } override public function update():void{ if (!npc.nearestTarget){ findNearestTarget(); }; if (npc.nearestTarget){ if ( <= 0){ npc.nearestTarget = null; if (ZombieMcD(npc).animationDone){ walkRandom(); }; } else { if (ZombieMcD(npc).animationDone){ if (npc.nearestTarget.currentTile){ npc.goalTile.x = npc.nearestTarget.currentTile.x; npc.goalTile.y = npc.nearestTarget.currentTile.y; npc.findPathToGoal(); if ((((npc.currentTile.x == npc.goalTile.x)) && ((npc.currentTile.y == npc.goalTile.y)))){ walkToTarget(); } else { walkRandom(); }; } else { walkRandom(); }; }; }; } else { if (ZombieMcD(npc).animationDone){ walkRandom(); }; }; throwNearestTarget(); } public function walkToTarget():void{ if (npc.nearestTarget.image.x > npc.image.x){ npc.moveRight(); } else { if (npc.nearestTarget.image.x < npc.image.x){ npc.moveLeft(); }; }; if (npc.nearestTarget.image.y > npc.image.y){ npc.moveDown(); } else { if (npc.nearestTarget.image.y < npc.image.y){ npc.moveUp(); }; }; } public function findNearestTarget():void{ var _local1:Number; var _local2:Number; var _local3:Number; var _local4:Number; var _local5:int; _local4 = 1000000; _local5 = (World.getSingleton().enemyList.size() - 1); while (_local5 >= 0) { if (!World.getSingleton().tileMap.outOfBoundsCheck(World.getSingleton().enemyList.get(_local5).currentTile.x, World.getSingleton().enemyList.get(_local5).currentTile.y)){ _local1 = Math.abs((npc.image.x - World.getSingleton().enemyList.get(_local5).image.x)); _local2 = Math.abs((npc.image.y - World.getSingleton().enemyList.get(_local5).image.y)); _local3 = Math.sqrt(((_local1 * _local1) + (_local2 * _local2))); if (_local3 <= maxDistance){ if (_local3 < _local4){ npc.nearestTarget = World.getSingleton().enemyList.get(_local5); _local4 = _local3; }; }; }; _local5--; }; _local5 = (World.getSingleton().carList.size() - 1); while (_local5 >= 0) { _local1 = Math.abs((npc.image.x - World.getSingleton().carList.get(_local5).image.x)); _local2 = Math.abs((npc.image.y - World.getSingleton().carList.get(_local5).image.y)); _local3 = Math.sqrt(((_local1 * _local1) + (_local2 * _local2))); if (_local3 <= maxDistance){ if (_local3 < _local4){ npc.nearestTarget = World.getSingleton().enemyList.get(_local5); _local4 = _local3; }; }; _local5--; }; } public function throwNearestTarget():void{ if (npc.nearestTarget){ throwNearestTargetCounter = (throwNearestTargetCounter + World.getSingleton().elapsedTime); if (throwNearestTargetCounter >= throwNearestTargetDelay){ throwNearestTargetCounter = 0; npc.nearestTarget = null; }; }; } override public function walkRandom():void{ if (npc.arrivedAtNextTile){ npc.findRandomTile(); }; walk(); } public function walk():void{ var _local1:Number; var _local2:Number; var _local3:Number; if (!npc.arrivedAtNextTile){ if (npc.walkSolution){ if (npc.nextTile){ _local1 = Math.abs((npc.image.x - npc.nextTilePosition.x)); _local2 = Math.abs((npc.image.y - npc.nextTilePosition.y)); _local3 = Math.sqrt(((_local1 * _local1) + (_local2 * _local2))); if ((((((_local3 <= npc.minDistance)) && ((npc.currentTile.x == npc.nextTile.x)))) && ((npc.currentTile.y == npc.nextTile.y)))){ npc.arrivedAtNextTile = true; npc.image.x = npc.nextTilePosition.x; npc.image.y = npc.nextTilePosition.y; npc.walkSolutionCounter--; if (npc.walkSolutionCounter >= 0){ npc.nextTile = npc.walkSolution[npc.walkSolutionCounter]; npc.arrivedAtNextTile = false; npc.nextTilePosition = World.getSingleton().mapToScreen(npc.nextTile); }; } else { if (_local1 >= npc.minDistanceX){ if (npc.image.x < npc.nextTilePosition.x){ npc.moveRight(); } else { if (npc.image.x > npc.nextTilePosition.x){ npc.moveLeft(); }; }; }; if (_local2 >= npc.minDistanceY){ if (npc.image.y < npc.nextTilePosition.y){ npc.moveDown(); } else { if (npc.image.y > npc.nextTilePosition.y){ npc.moveUp(); }; }; }; }; }; }; }; } } }//package p_state.p_enemyState
Section 313
//StateZombieSanders (p_state.p_enemyState.StateZombieSanders) package p_state.p_enemyState { import p_singleton.*; import p_state.*; import p_entity.p_nonPlayable.*; import p_entity.p_nonPlayable.p_zombie.*; public class StateZombieSanders extends State { private var randomDelay:int;// = 200 private var throwNearestTargetDelay:int;// = 500 private var randomTime:int;// = 0 private var maxDistance:int;// = 100 private var throwNearestTargetCounter:int;// = 0 public function StateZombieSanders(_arg1:NonPlayableCharacter){ randomTime = 0; randomDelay = 200; maxDistance = 100; throwNearestTargetDelay = 500; throwNearestTargetCounter = 0; super(_arg1); } override public function update():void{ if (!npc.nearestTarget){ findNearestTarget(); }; if (npc.nearestTarget){ if ( <= 0){ npc.nearestTarget = null; if (ZombieSanders(npc).animationDone){ walkRandom(); }; } else { if (ZombieSanders(npc).animationDone){ if (npc.nearestTarget.currentTile){ npc.goalTile.x = npc.nearestTarget.currentTile.x; npc.goalTile.y = npc.nearestTarget.currentTile.y; npc.findPathToGoal(); if ((((npc.currentTile.x == npc.goalTile.x)) && ((npc.currentTile.y == npc.goalTile.y)))){ walkToTarget(); } else { walkRandom(); }; } else { walkRandom(); }; }; }; } else { if (ZombieSanders(npc).animationDone){ walkRandom(); }; }; throwNearestTarget(); } public function walkToTarget():void{ if (npc.nearestTarget.image.x > npc.image.x){ npc.moveRight(); } else { if (npc.nearestTarget.image.x < npc.image.x){ npc.moveLeft(); }; }; if (npc.nearestTarget.image.y > npc.image.y){ npc.moveDown(); } else { if (npc.nearestTarget.image.y < npc.image.y){ npc.moveUp(); }; }; } public function findNearestTarget():void{ var _local1:Number; var _local2:Number; var _local3:Number; var _local4:Number; var _local5:int; _local4 = 1000000; _local5 = (World.getSingleton().enemyList.size() - 1); while (_local5 >= 0) { if (!World.getSingleton().tileMap.outOfBoundsCheck(World.getSingleton().enemyList.get(_local5).currentTile.x, World.getSingleton().enemyList.get(_local5).currentTile.y)){ _local1 = Math.abs((npc.image.x - World.getSingleton().enemyList.get(_local5).image.x)); _local2 = Math.abs((npc.image.y - World.getSingleton().enemyList.get(_local5).image.y)); _local3 = Math.sqrt(((_local1 * _local1) + (_local2 * _local2))); if (_local3 <= maxDistance){ if (_local3 < _local4){ npc.nearestTarget = World.getSingleton().enemyList.get(_local5); _local4 = _local3; }; }; }; _local5--; }; _local5 = (World.getSingleton().carList.size() - 1); while (_local5 >= 0) { _local1 = Math.abs((npc.image.x - World.getSingleton().carList.get(_local5).image.x)); _local2 = Math.abs((npc.image.y - World.getSingleton().carList.get(_local5).image.y)); _local3 = Math.sqrt(((_local1 * _local1) + (_local2 * _local2))); if (_local3 <= maxDistance){ if (_local3 < _local4){ npc.nearestTarget = World.getSingleton().enemyList.get(_local5); _local4 = _local3; }; }; _local5--; }; } public function throwNearestTarget():void{ if (npc.nearestTarget){ throwNearestTargetCounter = (throwNearestTargetCounter + World.getSingleton().elapsedTime); if (throwNearestTargetCounter >= throwNearestTargetDelay){ throwNearestTargetCounter = 0; npc.nearestTarget = null; }; }; } override public function walkRandom():void{ if (npc.arrivedAtNextTile){ npc.findRandomTile(); }; walk(); } public function walk():void{ var _local1:Number; var _local2:Number; var _local3:Number; if (!npc.arrivedAtNextTile){ if (npc.walkSolution){ if (npc.nextTile){ _local1 = Math.abs((npc.image.x - npc.nextTilePosition.x)); _local2 = Math.abs((npc.image.y - npc.nextTilePosition.y)); _local3 = Math.sqrt(((_local1 * _local1) + (_local2 * _local2))); if ((((((_local3 <= npc.minDistance)) && ((npc.currentTile.x == npc.nextTile.x)))) && ((npc.currentTile.y == npc.nextTile.y)))){ npc.arrivedAtNextTile = true; npc.image.x = npc.nextTilePosition.x; npc.image.y = npc.nextTilePosition.y; npc.walkSolutionCounter--; if (npc.walkSolutionCounter >= 0){ npc.nextTile = npc.walkSolution[npc.walkSolutionCounter]; npc.arrivedAtNextTile = false; npc.nextTilePosition = World.getSingleton().mapToScreen(npc.nextTile); }; } else { if (_local1 >= npc.minDistanceX){ if (npc.image.x < npc.nextTilePosition.x){ npc.moveRight(); } else { if (npc.image.x > npc.nextTilePosition.x){ npc.moveLeft(); }; }; }; if (_local2 >= npc.minDistanceY){ if (npc.image.y < npc.nextTilePosition.y){ npc.moveDown(); } else { if (npc.image.y > npc.nextTilePosition.y){ npc.moveUp(); }; }; }; }; }; }; }; } } }//package p_state.p_enemyState
Section 314
//StateZombieShoot (p_state.p_enemyState.StateZombieShoot) package p_state.p_enemyState { import com.baseoneonline.flash.geom.*; import p_singleton.*; import p_state.*; import Box2D.Common.Math.*; import p_entity.p_nonPlayable.*; import flash.geom.*; import p_entity.p_nonPlayable.p_zombie.p_shooter.*; public class StateZombieShoot extends State { private var randomTime:int;// = 0 private var randomDelay:int;// = 200 private var maxDistance:int;// = 100 public function StateZombieShoot(_arg1:NonPlayableCharacter){ randomTime = 0; randomDelay = 200; maxDistance = 100; super(_arg1); } override public function update():void{ findNearestTarget(); if (((npc.nearestTarget) && (!(World.getSingleton().tileMap.outOfBoundsCheck(npc.currentTile.x, npc.currentTile.y))))){ if ( <= 0){ npc.nearestTarget = null; } else { ZombieShooter(npc).shoot(); }; } else { if (ZombieShooter(npc).shootMode){ ZombieShooter(npc).shootMode = false; ZombieShooter(npc).image.gotoAndPlay("walk"); }; walkRandom(); }; } public function walk():void{ var _local1:Number; var _local2:Number; var _local3:Number; if (!npc.arrivedAtNextTile){ if (npc.walkSolution){ if (npc.nextTile){ _local1 = Math.abs((npc.image.x - npc.nextTilePosition.x)); _local2 = Math.abs((npc.image.y - npc.nextTilePosition.y)); _local3 = Math.sqrt(((_local1 * _local1) + (_local2 * _local2))); if ((((((_local3 <= npc.minDistance)) && ((npc.currentTile.x == npc.nextTile.x)))) && ((npc.currentTile.y == npc.nextTile.y)))){ npc.arrivedAtNextTile = true; npc.image.x = npc.nextTilePosition.x; npc.image.y = npc.nextTilePosition.y; npc.walkSolutionCounter--; if (npc.walkSolutionCounter >= 0){ npc.nextTile = npc.walkSolution[npc.walkSolutionCounter]; npc.arrivedAtNextTile = false; npc.nextTilePosition = World.getSingleton().mapToScreen(npc.nextTile); }; } else { if (_local1 >= npc.minDistanceX){ if (npc.image.x < npc.nextTilePosition.x){ npc.moveRight(); } else { if (npc.image.x > npc.nextTilePosition.x){ npc.moveLeft(); }; }; }; if (_local2 >= npc.minDistanceY){ if (npc.image.y < npc.nextTilePosition.y){ npc.moveDown(); } else { if (npc.image.y > npc.nextTilePosition.y){ npc.moveUp(); }; }; }; }; }; }; }; } override public function walkRandom():void{ if (npc.arrivedAtNextTile){ npc.findRandomTile(); }; walk(); } public function roadIsBlocked():Boolean{ var _local1:b2Vec2; var _local2:Point; var _local3:IntPoint; var _local4:int; var _local5:Boolean; if (npc.nearestTarget){ _local1 = new b2Vec2(); _local1.x = (npc.nearestTarget.image.x - npc.image.x); _local1.y = (npc.nearestTarget.image.y - (npc.image.y + ZombieShooter(npc).yOffset)); _local1.Normalize(); _local2 = new Point(npc.image.x, (npc.image.y + ZombieShooter(npc).yOffset)); _local3 = new IntPoint(0, 0); _local3.x = npc.currentTile.x; _local3.y = npc.currentTile.y; _local4 = (World.getSingleton().tileSize / 2); _local5 = false; while (!(_local5)) { _local2.x = (_local2.x + (_local4 * _local1.x)); _local2.y = (_local2.y + (_local4 * _local1.y)); _local3 = World.getSingleton().screenToMap(_local2); if (_local3.x == npc.nearestTarget.currentTile.x){ if (_local3.y == npc.nearestTarget.currentTile.y){ return (false); }; }; if (!World.getSingleton().tileMap.outOfBoundsCheck(_local3.x, _local3.y)){ if (!World.getSingleton().tileMap.isWalkable(_local3.x, _local3.y)){ return (true); }; } else { return (true); }; }; return (false); }; return (true); } public function findNearestTarget():void{ var _local1:Number; var _local2:Number; var _local3:Number; var _local4:Number; var _local5:int; _local4 = 1000000; _local5 = (World.getSingleton().enemyList.size() - 1); while (_local5 >= 0) { if (!World.getSingleton().tileMap.outOfBoundsCheck(World.getSingleton().enemyList.get(_local5).currentTile.x, World.getSingleton().enemyList.get(_local5).currentTile.y)){ _local1 = Math.abs((npc.image.x - World.getSingleton().enemyList.get(_local5).image.x)); _local2 = Math.abs((npc.image.y - World.getSingleton().enemyList.get(_local5).image.y)); _local3 = Math.sqrt(((_local1 * _local1) + (_local2 * _local2))); if (_local3 <= maxDistance){ if (_local3 < _local4){ npc.nearestTarget = World.getSingleton().enemyList.get(_local5); if (((roadIsBlocked()) || ((_local3 > ZombieShooter(npc).range)))){ npc.nearestTarget = null; } else { _local4 = _local3; }; }; }; }; _local5--; }; } } }//package p_state.p_enemyState
Section 315
//StateZombieTankWalkRandomly (p_state.p_enemyState.StateZombieTankWalkRandomly) package p_state.p_enemyState { import p_singleton.*; import p_state.*; import p_entity.p_nonPlayable.*; import p_entity.p_nonPlayable.p_zombie.*; public class StateZombieTankWalkRandomly extends State { private var randomDelay:int;// = 200 private var throwNearestTargetDelay:int;// = 500 private var targetDistance:Number;// = 10000 private var randomTime:int;// = 0 private var maxDistance:int;// = 100 private var throwNearestTargetCounter:int;// = 0 public function StateZombieTankWalkRandomly(_arg1:NonPlayableCharacter){ randomTime = 0; randomDelay = 200; maxDistance = 100; throwNearestTargetDelay = 500; throwNearestTargetCounter = 0; targetDistance = 10000; super(_arg1); } override public function update():void{ if (!npc.nearestTarget){ findNearestTarget(); }; if (npc.nearestTarget){ if ( <= 0){ npc.nearestTarget = null; walkRandom(); } else { if ((((targetDistance <= ZombieTank(npc).attackRadius)) && (!(ZombieTank(npc).hitChar)))){ ZombieTank(npc).attack(); } else { if (!ZombieTank(npc).animateAttack){ if (npc.nearestTarget.currentTile){ npc.goalTile.x = npc.nearestTarget.currentTile.x; npc.goalTile.y = npc.nearestTarget.currentTile.y; npc.findPathToGoal(); if ((((npc.currentTile.x == npc.goalTile.x)) && ((npc.currentTile.y == npc.goalTile.y)))){ walkToTarget(); } else { walkRandom(); }; } else { walkRandom(); }; }; }; }; } else { walkRandom(); }; throwNearestTarget(); } public function walkToTarget():void{ if (npc.nearestTarget.image.x > npc.image.x){ npc.moveRight(); } else { if (npc.nearestTarget.image.x < npc.image.x){ npc.moveLeft(); }; }; if (npc.nearestTarget.image.y > npc.image.y){ npc.moveDown(); } else { if (npc.nearestTarget.image.y < npc.image.y){ npc.moveUp(); }; }; } public function findNearestTarget():void{ var _local1:Number; var _local2:Number; var _local3:Number; var _local4:Number; var _local5:int; _local4 = 1000000; _local5 = (World.getSingleton().enemyList.size() - 1); while (_local5 >= 0) { if (!World.getSingleton().tileMap.outOfBoundsCheck(World.getSingleton().enemyList.get(_local5).currentTile.x, World.getSingleton().enemyList.get(_local5).currentTile.y)){ _local1 = Math.abs((npc.image.x - World.getSingleton().enemyList.get(_local5).image.x)); _local2 = Math.abs((npc.image.y - World.getSingleton().enemyList.get(_local5).image.y)); _local3 = Math.sqrt(((_local1 * _local1) + (_local2 * _local2))); if (_local3 <= maxDistance){ if (_local3 < _local4){ npc.nearestTarget = World.getSingleton().enemyList.get(_local5); _local4 = _local3; targetDistance = _local3; }; }; }; _local5--; }; _local5 = (World.getSingleton().carList.size() - 1); while (_local5 >= 0) { _local1 = Math.abs((npc.image.x - World.getSingleton().carList.get(_local5).image.x)); _local2 = Math.abs((npc.image.y - World.getSingleton().carList.get(_local5).image.y)); _local3 = Math.sqrt(((_local1 * _local1) + (_local2 * _local2))); if (_local3 <= maxDistance){ if (_local3 < _local4){ npc.nearestTarget = World.getSingleton().enemyList.get(_local5); _local4 = _local3; targetDistance = _local3; }; }; _local5--; }; } public function throwNearestTarget():void{ if (npc.nearestTarget){ throwNearestTargetCounter = (throwNearestTargetCounter + World.getSingleton().elapsedTime); if (throwNearestTargetCounter >= throwNearestTargetDelay){ throwNearestTargetCounter = 0; npc.nearestTarget = null; }; }; } override public function walkRandom():void{ if (npc.arrivedAtNextTile){ npc.findRandomTile(); }; walk(); } public function walk():void{ var _local1:Number; var _local2:Number; var _local3:Number; if (!npc.arrivedAtNextTile){ if (npc.walkSolution){ if (npc.nextTile){ _local1 = Math.abs((npc.image.x - npc.nextTilePosition.x)); _local2 = Math.abs((npc.image.y - npc.nextTilePosition.y)); _local3 = Math.sqrt(((_local1 * _local1) + (_local2 * _local2))); if ((((((_local3 <= npc.minDistance)) && ((npc.currentTile.x == npc.nextTile.x)))) && ((npc.currentTile.y == npc.nextTile.y)))){ npc.arrivedAtNextTile = true; npc.image.x = npc.nextTilePosition.x; npc.image.y = npc.nextTilePosition.y; npc.walkSolutionCounter--; if (npc.walkSolutionCounter >= 0){ npc.nextTile = npc.walkSolution[npc.walkSolutionCounter]; npc.arrivedAtNextTile = false; npc.nextTilePosition = World.getSingleton().mapToScreen(npc.nextTile); }; } else { if (_local1 >= npc.minDistanceX){ if (npc.image.x < npc.nextTilePosition.x){ npc.moveRight(); } else { if (npc.image.x > npc.nextTilePosition.x){ npc.moveLeft(); }; }; }; if (_local2 >= npc.minDistanceY){ if (npc.image.y < npc.nextTilePosition.y){ npc.moveDown(); } else { if (npc.image.y > npc.nextTilePosition.y){ npc.moveUp(); }; }; }; }; }; }; }; } } }//package p_state.p_enemyState
Section 316
//StateZombieWalkRandomly (p_state.p_enemyState.StateZombieWalkRandomly) package p_state.p_enemyState { import p_singleton.*; import p_state.*; import p_entity.p_nonPlayable.*; public class StateZombieWalkRandomly extends State { private var randomDelay:int;// = 200 private var throwNearestTargetDelay:int;// = 500 private var randomTime:int;// = 0 private var maxDistance:int;// = 100 private var throwNearestTargetCounter:int;// = 0 public function StateZombieWalkRandomly(_arg1:NonPlayableCharacter){ randomTime = 0; randomDelay = 200; maxDistance = 100; throwNearestTargetDelay = 500; throwNearestTargetCounter = 0; super(_arg1); } override public function update():void{ if (!npc.nearestTarget){ findNearestTarget(); }; if (npc.nearestTarget){ if ( <= 0){ npc.nearestTarget = null; walkRandom(); } else { if (npc.nearestTarget.currentTile){ npc.goalTile.x = npc.nearestTarget.currentTile.x; npc.goalTile.y = npc.nearestTarget.currentTile.y; npc.findPathToGoal(); if ((((npc.currentTile.x == npc.goalTile.x)) && ((npc.currentTile.y == npc.goalTile.y)))){ walkToTarget(); } else { walkRandom(); }; } else { walkRandom(); }; }; } else { walkRandom(); }; throwNearestTarget(); } public function walkToTarget():void{ if (npc.nearestTarget.image.x > npc.image.x){ npc.moveRight(); } else { if (npc.nearestTarget.image.x < npc.image.x){ npc.moveLeft(); }; }; if (npc.nearestTarget.image.y > npc.image.y){ npc.moveDown(); } else { if (npc.nearestTarget.image.y < npc.image.y){ npc.moveUp(); }; }; } public function findNearestTarget():void{ var _local1:Number; var _local2:Number; var _local3:Number; var _local4:Number; var _local5:int; _local4 = 1000000; _local5 = (World.getSingleton().enemyList.size() - 1); while (_local5 >= 0) { if (!World.getSingleton().tileMap.outOfBoundsCheck(World.getSingleton().enemyList.get(_local5).currentTile.x, World.getSingleton().enemyList.get(_local5).currentTile.y)){ _local1 = Math.abs((npc.image.x - World.getSingleton().enemyList.get(_local5).image.x)); _local2 = Math.abs((npc.image.y - World.getSingleton().enemyList.get(_local5).image.y)); _local3 = Math.sqrt(((_local1 * _local1) + (_local2 * _local2))); if (_local3 <= maxDistance){ if (_local3 < _local4){ npc.nearestTarget = World.getSingleton().enemyList.get(_local5); _local4 = _local3; }; }; }; _local5--; }; _local5 = (World.getSingleton().carList.size() - 1); while (_local5 >= 0) { _local1 = Math.abs((npc.image.x - World.getSingleton().carList.get(_local5).image.x)); _local2 = Math.abs((npc.image.y - World.getSingleton().carList.get(_local5).image.y)); _local3 = Math.sqrt(((_local1 * _local1) + (_local2 * _local2))); if (_local3 <= maxDistance){ if (_local3 < _local4){ npc.nearestTarget = World.getSingleton().enemyList.get(_local5); _local4 = _local3; }; }; _local5--; }; } public function throwNearestTarget():void{ if (npc.nearestTarget){ throwNearestTargetCounter = (throwNearestTargetCounter + World.getSingleton().elapsedTime); if (throwNearestTargetCounter >= throwNearestTargetDelay){ throwNearestTargetCounter = 0; npc.nearestTarget = null; }; }; } override public function walkRandom():void{ if (npc.arrivedAtNextTile){ npc.findRandomTile(); }; walk(); } public function walk():void{ var _local1:Number; var _local2:Number; var _local3:Number; if (!npc.arrivedAtNextTile){ if (npc.walkSolution){ if (npc.nextTile){ _local1 = Math.abs((npc.image.x - npc.nextTilePosition.x)); _local2 = Math.abs((npc.image.y - npc.nextTilePosition.y)); _local3 = Math.sqrt(((_local1 * _local1) + (_local2 * _local2))); if ((((((_local3 <= npc.minDistance)) && ((npc.currentTile.x == npc.nextTile.x)))) && ((npc.currentTile.y == npc.nextTile.y)))){ npc.arrivedAtNextTile = true; npc.image.x = npc.nextTilePosition.x; npc.image.y = npc.nextTilePosition.y; npc.walkSolutionCounter--; if (npc.walkSolutionCounter >= 0){ npc.nextTile = npc.walkSolution[npc.walkSolutionCounter]; npc.arrivedAtNextTile = false; npc.nextTilePosition = World.getSingleton().mapToScreen(npc.nextTile); }; } else { if (_local1 >= npc.minDistanceX){ if (npc.image.x < npc.nextTilePosition.x){ npc.moveRight(); } else { if (npc.image.x > npc.nextTilePosition.x){ npc.moveLeft(); }; }; }; if (_local2 >= npc.minDistanceY){ if (npc.image.y < npc.nextTilePosition.y){ npc.moveDown(); } else { if (npc.image.y > npc.nextTilePosition.y){ npc.moveUp(); }; }; }; }; }; }; }; } } }//package p_state.p_enemyState
Section 317
//State (p_state.State) package p_state { import com.baseoneonline.flash.geom.*; import p_singleton.*; import p_entity.p_nonPlayable.*; public class State { public var npc:NonPlayableCharacter; public function State(_arg1:NonPlayableCharacter){ this.npc = _arg1; } public function init():void{ } public function findFurthestTile(_arg1:IntPoint):void{ var _local2:int; var _local3:int; var _local4:Array; var _local5:int; var _local6:Array; var _local7:int; var _local8:IntPoint; var _local9:int; _local2 = 0; _local3 = 0; if (_arg1.x > npc.currentTile.x){ _local2 = 1; } else { if (_arg1.x < npc.currentTile.x){ _local2 = -1; }; }; if (_arg1.y > npc.currentTile.y){ _local3 = 1; } else { if (_arg1.y < npc.currentTile.y){ _local3 = -1; }; }; _local4 = new Array(); if (_local2 == 0){ _local4.push(new IntPoint(_local2, -(_local3))); _local4.push(new IntPoint((_local2 - 1), -(_local3))); _local4.push(new IntPoint((_local2 + 1), -(_local3))); _local4.push(new IntPoint(1, 0)); _local4.push(new IntPoint(-1, 0)); } else { if (_local3 == 0){ _local4.push(new IntPoint(-(_local2), _local3)); _local4.push(new IntPoint(-(_local2), (_local3 - 1))); _local4.push(new IntPoint(-(_local2), (_local3 + 1))); _local4.push(new IntPoint(0, 1)); _local4.push(new IntPoint(0, -1)); } else { _local4.push(new IntPoint(-(_local2), -(_local3))); _local4.push(new IntPoint(0, -(_local3))); _local4.push(new IntPoint(-(_local2), 0)); _local4.push(new IntPoint(_local2, -(_local3))); _local4.push(new IntPoint(-(_local2), _local3)); }; }; _local5 = 0; _local6 = new Array(); while (_local5 < _local4.length) { _local8 = new IntPoint(npc.currentTile.x, npc.currentTile.y); new IntPoint(npc.currentTile.x, npc.currentTile.y).x = (_local8.x + _local4[_local5].x); _local8.y = (_local8.y + _local4[_local5].y); if (!World.getSingleton().tileMap.outOfBoundsCheck(_local8.x, _local8.y)){ if (World.getSingleton().tileMap.isWalkable(_local8.x, _local8.y)){ _local6.push(_local8); }; }; _local5++; }; _local7 = _local6.length; if (_local7 > 0){ _local9 = ((Math.random() * 100) % _local7); npc.goalTile = _local6[_local9]; npc.findPathToGoal(); }; } public function update():void{ } public function destroy():void{ } public function walkRandom():void{ var _local1:Number; var _local2:Number; var _local3:Number; if (!npc.arrivedAtNextTile){ if (npc.walkSolution){ if (npc.nextTile){ _local1 = Math.abs((npc.image.x - npc.nextTilePosition.x)); _local2 = Math.abs((npc.image.y - npc.nextTilePosition.y)); _local3 = Math.sqrt(((_local1 * _local1) + (_local2 * _local2))); if ((((((_local3 <= npc.minDistance)) && ((npc.currentTile.x == npc.nextTile.x)))) && ((npc.currentTile.y == npc.nextTile.y)))){ npc.arrivedAtNextTile = true; npc.image.x = npc.nextTilePosition.x; npc.image.y = npc.nextTilePosition.y; npc.walkSolutionCounter--; if (npc.walkSolutionCounter >= 0){ npc.nextTile = npc.walkSolution[npc.walkSolutionCounter]; npc.arrivedAtNextTile = false; npc.nextTilePosition = World.getSingleton().mapToScreen(npc.nextTile); }; } else { if (_local1 >= npc.minDistanceX){ if (npc.image.x < npc.nextTilePosition.x){ npc.moveRight(); } else { if (npc.image.x > npc.nextTilePosition.x){ npc.moveLeft(); }; }; }; if (_local2 >= npc.minDistanceY){ if (npc.image.y < npc.nextTilePosition.y){ npc.moveDown(); } else { if (npc.image.y > npc.nextTilePosition.y){ npc.moveUp(); }; }; }; }; }; }; }; } } }//package p_state
Section 318
//StateManager (p_state.StateManager) package p_state { public class StateManager { public var state:State; public function update():void{ if (state){ state.update(); }; } public function setNewState(_arg1:State):void{ if (state){ state.destroy(); }; state = _arg1; state.init(); } } }//package p_state
Section 319
//TileObject (p_tiles.TileObject) package p_tiles { import com.baseoneonline.flash.geom.*; import flash.display.*; import p_singleton.*; import flash.geom.*; public class TileObject extends MovieClip { public function TileObject(){ World.getSingleton().staticObjectList.add(this); recalcMap(); } public function recalcMap():void{ var _local1:Point; var _local2:IntPoint; _local1 = new Point(x, y); _local2 = World.getSingleton().screenToMap(_local1); if (!World.getSingleton().tileMap.outOfBoundsCheck(_local2.x, _local2.y)){ World.getSingleton().tileMap.setWalkable(_local2.x, _local2.y, false); World.getSingleton().tileMapZombie.setWalkable(_local2.x, _local2.y, false); }; } } }//package p_tiles
Section 320
//AGIntroMC (AGIntroMC) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class AGIntroMC extends MovieClip { public var animationDone:Boolean; public function AGIntroMC(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1, 217, frame218); } function frame218(){ animationDone = true; stop(); } function frame1(){ animationDone = false; } } }//package
Section 321
//BadDay1 (BadDay1) package { import*; public dynamic class BadDay1 extends Sound { } }//package
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//BadDay2 (BadDay2) package { import*; public dynamic class BadDay2 extends Sound { } }//package
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//BadDay3 (BadDay3) package { import*; public dynamic class BadDay3 extends Sound { } }//package
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//BadDay4 (BadDay4) package { import*; public dynamic class BadDay4 extends Sound { } }//package
Section 325
//BadDay5 (BadDay5) package { import*; public dynamic class BadDay5 extends Sound { } }//package
Section 326
//blood01 (blood01) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class blood01 extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 327
//blood02 (blood02) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class blood02 extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 328
//blood03 (blood03) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class blood03 extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 329
//blood04 (blood04) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class blood04 extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 330
//blood05 (blood05) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class blood05 extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 331
//blood06 (blood06) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class blood06 extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 332
//BloodPixel (BloodPixel) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class BloodPixel extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 333
//BubbleBoxSplash (BubbleBoxSplash) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class BubbleBoxSplash extends MovieClip { public var link:MovieClip; public var animationDone:Boolean; public var play_latest_text:MovieClip; public function BubbleBoxSplash(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1, 160, frame161); } function frame161(){ animationDone = true; stop(); } function frame1(){ animationDone = true; } } }//package
Section 334
//bulletBurger (bulletBurger) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class bulletBurger extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 335
//bulletBurgerRotten (bulletBurgerRotten) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class bulletBurgerRotten extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 336
//bulletClip (bulletClip) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class bulletClip extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 337
//bulletFriedChicken (bulletFriedChicken) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class bulletFriedChicken extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 338
//BulletSound (BulletSound) package { import*; public dynamic class BulletSound extends Sound { } }//package
Section 339
//bulletVomit (bulletVomit) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class bulletVomit extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 340
//bulletXmas (bulletXmas) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class bulletXmas extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 341
//BuySound (BuySound) package { import*; public dynamic class BuySound extends Sound { } }//package
Section 342
//carSedan01E (carSedan01E) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class carSedan01E extends MovieClip { public function carSedan01E(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1, 20, frame21); } function frame1(){ stop(); } function frame21(){ stop(); } } }//package
Section 343
//carSedan01S (carSedan01S) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class carSedan01S extends MovieClip { public function carSedan01S(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1, 20, frame21); } function frame1(){ stop(); } function frame21(){ stop(); } } }//package
Section 344
//carSedan02E (carSedan02E) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class carSedan02E extends MovieClip { public function carSedan02E(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1, 20, frame21); } function frame1(){ stop(); } function frame21(){ stop(); } } }//package
Section 345
//carSedan02S (carSedan02S) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class carSedan02S extends MovieClip { public function carSedan02S(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1, 20, frame21); } function frame1(){ stop(); } function frame21(){ stop(); } } }//package
Section 346
//characterGraveMJ (characterGraveMJ) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class characterGraveMJ extends MovieClip { public function characterGraveMJ(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1, 60, frame61); } function frame1(){ stop(); } function frame61(){ stop(); } } }//package
Section 347
//charBeachboyDie (charBeachboyDie) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class charBeachboyDie extends MovieClip { public function charBeachboyDie(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1, 24, frame25); } function frame1(){ stop(); } function frame25(){ stop(); } } }//package
Section 348
//charBeachboyE (charBeachboyE) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class charBeachboyE extends MovieClip { public function charBeachboyE(){ addFrameScript(8, frame9, 16, frame17, 20, frame21); } function frame17(){ gotoAndPlay("panic"); } function frame9(){ gotoAndPlay("walk"); } function frame21(){ gotoAndStop("aim"); } } }//package
Section 349
//charBeachboyN (charBeachboyN) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class charBeachboyN extends MovieClip { public function charBeachboyN(){ addFrameScript(8, frame9, 16, frame17, 20, frame21); } function frame17(){ gotoAndPlay("panic"); } function frame9(){ gotoAndPlay("walk"); } function frame21(){ gotoAndStop("aim"); } } }//package
Section 350
//charBeachboyNE (charBeachboyNE) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class charBeachboyNE extends MovieClip { public function charBeachboyNE(){ addFrameScript(8, frame9, 16, frame17, 20, frame21); } function frame17(){ gotoAndPlay("panic"); } function frame9(){ gotoAndPlay("walk"); } function frame21(){ gotoAndStop("aim"); } } }//package
Section 351
//charBeachboyS (charBeachboyS) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class charBeachboyS extends MovieClip { public function charBeachboyS(){ addFrameScript(8, frame9, 16, frame17, 20, frame21); } function frame17(){ gotoAndPlay("panic"); } function frame9(){ gotoAndPlay("walk"); } function frame21(){ gotoAndStop("aim"); } } }//package
Section 352
//charBeachboySE (charBeachboySE) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class charBeachboySE extends MovieClip { public function charBeachboySE(){ addFrameScript(8, frame9, 16, frame17, 20, frame21); } function frame17(){ gotoAndPlay("panic"); } function frame9(){ gotoAndPlay("walk"); } function frame21(){ gotoAndStop("aim"); } } }//package
Section 353
//charBeachGirlDie (charBeachGirlDie) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class charBeachGirlDie extends MovieClip { public function charBeachGirlDie(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1, 25, frame26); } function frame1(){ stop(); } function frame26(){ stop(); } } }//package
Section 354
//charBeachGirlE (charBeachGirlE) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class charBeachGirlE extends MovieClip { public function charBeachGirlE(){ addFrameScript(8, frame9, 16, frame17, 20, frame21); } function frame17(){ gotoAndPlay("panic"); } function frame9(){ gotoAndPlay("walk"); } function frame21(){ gotoAndStop("aim"); } } }//package
Section 355
//charBeachGirlN (charBeachGirlN) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class charBeachGirlN extends MovieClip { public function charBeachGirlN(){ addFrameScript(8, frame9, 16, frame17, 20, frame21); } function frame17(){ gotoAndPlay("panic"); } function frame9(){ gotoAndPlay("walk"); } function frame21(){ gotoAndStop("aim"); } } }//package
Section 356
//charBeachGirlNE (charBeachGirlNE) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class charBeachGirlNE extends MovieClip { public function charBeachGirlNE(){ addFrameScript(8, frame9, 16, frame17, 20, frame21); } function frame17(){ gotoAndPlay("panic"); } function frame9(){ gotoAndPlay("walk"); } function frame21(){ gotoAndStop("aim"); } } }//package
Section 357
//charBeachGirlS (charBeachGirlS) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class charBeachGirlS extends MovieClip { public function charBeachGirlS(){ addFrameScript(8, frame9, 16, frame17, 20, frame21); } function frame17(){ gotoAndPlay("panic"); } function frame9(){ gotoAndPlay("walk"); } function frame21(){ gotoAndStop("aim"); } } }//package
Section 358
//charBeachGirlSE (charBeachGirlSE) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class charBeachGirlSE extends MovieClip { public function charBeachGirlSE(){ addFrameScript(8, frame9, 16, frame17, 20, frame21); } function frame17(){ gotoAndPlay("panic"); } function frame9(){ gotoAndPlay("walk"); } function frame21(){ gotoAndStop("aim"); } } }//package
Section 359
//charChineseDie (charChineseDie) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class charChineseDie extends MovieClip { public function charChineseDie(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1, 24, frame25); } function frame1(){ stop(); } function frame25(){ stop(); } } }//package
Section 360
//charChineseE (charChineseE) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class charChineseE extends MovieClip { public function charChineseE(){ addFrameScript(8, frame9, 16, frame17, 20, frame21); } function frame17(){ gotoAndPlay("panic"); } function frame9(){ gotoAndPlay("walk"); } function frame21(){ gotoAndStop("aim"); } } }//package
Section 361
//charChineseN (charChineseN) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class charChineseN extends MovieClip { public function charChineseN(){ addFrameScript(8, frame9, 16, frame17, 20, frame21); } function frame17(){ gotoAndPlay("panic"); } function frame9(){ gotoAndPlay("walk"); } function frame21(){ gotoAndStop("aim"); } } }//package
Section 362
//charChineseNE (charChineseNE) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class charChineseNE extends MovieClip { public function charChineseNE(){ addFrameScript(8, frame9, 16, frame17, 20, frame21); } function frame17(){ gotoAndPlay("panic"); } function frame9(){ gotoAndPlay("walk"); } function frame21(){ gotoAndStop("aim"); } } }//package
Section 363
//charChineseS (charChineseS) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class charChineseS extends MovieClip { public function charChineseS(){ addFrameScript(8, frame9, 16, frame17, 20, frame21); } function frame17(){ gotoAndPlay("panic"); } function frame9(){ gotoAndPlay("walk"); } function frame21(){ gotoAndStop("aim"); } } }//package
Section 364
//charChineseSE (charChineseSE) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class charChineseSE extends MovieClip { public function charChineseSE(){ addFrameScript(8, frame9, 16, frame17, 20, frame21); } function frame17(){ gotoAndPlay("panic"); } function frame9(){ gotoAndPlay("walk"); } function frame21(){ gotoAndStop("aim"); } } }//package
Section 365
//charColSandersDie (charColSandersDie) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class charColSandersDie extends MovieClip { public function charColSandersDie(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1, 24, frame25); } function frame1(){ stop(); } function frame25(){ stop(); } } }//package
Section 366
//charColSandersE (charColSandersE) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class charColSandersE extends MovieClip { public function charColSandersE(){ addFrameScript(8, frame9, 16, frame17, 20, frame21); } function frame17(){ gotoAndPlay("panic"); } function frame9(){ gotoAndPlay("walk"); } function frame21(){ gotoAndStop("aim"); } } }//package
Section 367
//charColSandersN (charColSandersN) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class charColSandersN extends MovieClip { public function charColSandersN(){ addFrameScript(8, frame9, 16, frame17, 20, frame21); } function frame17(){ gotoAndPlay("panic"); } function frame9(){ gotoAndPlay("walk"); } function frame21(){ gotoAndStop("aim"); } } }//package
Section 368
//charColSandersNE (charColSandersNE) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class charColSandersNE extends MovieClip { public function charColSandersNE(){ addFrameScript(8, frame9, 16, frame17, 20, frame21); } function frame17(){ gotoAndPlay("panic"); } function frame9(){ gotoAndPlay("walk"); } function frame21(){ gotoAndStop("aim"); } } }//package
Section 369
//charColSandersS (charColSandersS) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class charColSandersS extends MovieClip { public function charColSandersS(){ addFrameScript(8, frame9, 16, frame17, 20, frame21); } function frame17(){ gotoAndPlay("panic"); } function frame9(){ gotoAndPlay("walk"); } function frame21(){ gotoAndStop("aim"); } } }//package
Section 370
//charColSandersSE (charColSandersSE) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class charColSandersSE extends MovieClip { public function charColSandersSE(){ addFrameScript(8, frame9, 16, frame17, 20, frame21); } function frame17(){ gotoAndPlay("panic"); } function frame9(){ gotoAndPlay("walk"); } function frame21(){ gotoAndStop("aim"); } } }//package
Section 371
//charEnemy01Die (charEnemy01Die) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class charEnemy01Die extends MovieClip { public function charEnemy01Die(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1, 25, frame26); } function frame1(){ stop(); } function frame26(){ stop(); } } }//package
Section 372
//charEnemy01E (charEnemy01E) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class charEnemy01E extends MovieClip { public function charEnemy01E(){ addFrameScript(8, frame9, 16, frame17); } function frame17(){ gotoAndPlay("panic"); } function frame9(){ gotoAndPlay("walk"); } } }//package
Section 373
//charEnemy01N (charEnemy01N) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class charEnemy01N extends MovieClip { public function charEnemy01N(){ addFrameScript(8, frame9, 16, frame17); } function frame17(){ gotoAndPlay("panic"); } function frame9(){ gotoAndPlay("walk"); } } }//package
Section 374
//charEnemy01NE (charEnemy01NE) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class charEnemy01NE extends MovieClip { public function charEnemy01NE(){ addFrameScript(8, frame9, 16, frame17); } function frame17(){ gotoAndPlay("panic"); } function frame9(){ gotoAndPlay("walk"); } } }//package
Section 375
//charEnemy01S (charEnemy01S) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class charEnemy01S extends MovieClip { public function charEnemy01S(){ addFrameScript(8, frame9, 16, frame17); } function frame17(){ gotoAndPlay("panic"); } function frame9(){ gotoAndPlay("walk"); } } }//package
Section 376
//charEnemy01SE (charEnemy01SE) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class charEnemy01SE extends MovieClip { public function charEnemy01SE(){ addFrameScript(8, frame9, 16, frame17); } function frame17(){ gotoAndPlay("panic"); } function frame9(){ gotoAndPlay("walk"); } } }//package
Section 377
//charEnemy01XmasDie (charEnemy01XmasDie) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class charEnemy01XmasDie extends MovieClip { public function charEnemy01XmasDie(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1, 25, frame26); } function frame1(){ stop(); } function frame26(){ stop(); } } }//package
Section 378
//charEnemy01XmasE (charEnemy01XmasE) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class charEnemy01XmasE extends MovieClip { public function charEnemy01XmasE(){ addFrameScript(8, frame9, 16, frame17); } function frame17(){ gotoAndPlay("panic"); } function frame9(){ gotoAndPlay("walk"); } } }//package
Section 379
//charEnemy01XmasN (charEnemy01XmasN) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class charEnemy01XmasN extends MovieClip { public function charEnemy01XmasN(){ addFrameScript(8, frame9, 16, frame17); } function frame17(){ gotoAndPlay("panic"); } function frame9(){ gotoAndPlay("walk"); } } }//package
Section 380
//charEnemy01XmasNE (charEnemy01XmasNE) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class charEnemy01XmasNE extends MovieClip { public function charEnemy01XmasNE(){ addFrameScript(8, frame9, 16, frame17); } function frame17(){ gotoAndPlay("panic"); } function frame9(){ gotoAndPlay("walk"); } } }//package
Section 381
//charEnemy01XmasS (charEnemy01XmasS) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class charEnemy01XmasS extends MovieClip { public function charEnemy01XmasS(){ addFrameScript(8, frame9, 16, frame17); } function frame17(){ gotoAndPlay("panic"); } function frame9(){ gotoAndPlay("walk"); } } }//package
Section 382
//charEnemy01XmasSE (charEnemy01XmasSE) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class charEnemy01XmasSE extends MovieClip { public function charEnemy01XmasSE(){ addFrameScript(8, frame9, 16, frame17); } function frame17(){ gotoAndPlay("panic"); } function frame9(){ gotoAndPlay("walk"); } } }//package
Section 383
//charEnemy02Die (charEnemy02Die) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class charEnemy02Die extends MovieClip { public function charEnemy02Die(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1, 24, frame25); } function frame1(){ stop(); } function frame25(){ stop(); } } }//package
Section 384
//charEnemy02E (charEnemy02E) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class charEnemy02E extends MovieClip { public function charEnemy02E(){ addFrameScript(8, frame9, 16, frame17); } function frame17(){ gotoAndPlay("panic"); } function frame9(){ gotoAndPlay("walk"); } } }//package
Section 385
//charEnemy02N (charEnemy02N) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class charEnemy02N extends MovieClip { public function charEnemy02N(){ addFrameScript(8, frame9, 16, frame17); } function frame17(){ gotoAndPlay("panic"); } function frame9(){ gotoAndPlay("walk"); } } }//package
Section 386
//charEnemy02NE (charEnemy02NE) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class charEnemy02NE extends MovieClip { public function charEnemy02NE(){ addFrameScript(8, frame9, 16, frame17); } function frame17(){ gotoAndPlay("panic"); } function frame9(){ gotoAndPlay("walk"); } } }//package
Section 387
//charEnemy02S (charEnemy02S) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class charEnemy02S extends MovieClip { public function charEnemy02S(){ addFrameScript(8, frame9, 16, frame17); } function frame17(){ gotoAndPlay("panic"); } function frame9(){ gotoAndPlay("walk"); } } }//package
Section 388
//charEnemy02SE (charEnemy02SE) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class charEnemy02SE extends MovieClip { public function charEnemy02SE(){ addFrameScript(8, frame9, 16, frame17); } function frame17(){ gotoAndPlay("panic"); } function frame9(){ gotoAndPlay("walk"); } } }//package
Section 389
//charEnemy03Die (charEnemy03Die) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class charEnemy03Die extends MovieClip { public function charEnemy03Die(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1, 24, frame25); } function frame1(){ stop(); } function frame25(){ stop(); } } }//package
Section 390
//charEnemy03E (charEnemy03E) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class charEnemy03E extends MovieClip { public function charEnemy03E(){ addFrameScript(8, frame9, 16, frame17); } function frame17(){ gotoAndPlay("panic"); } function frame9(){ gotoAndPlay("walk"); } } }//package
Section 391
//charEnemy03N (charEnemy03N) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class charEnemy03N extends MovieClip { public function charEnemy03N(){ addFrameScript(8, frame9, 16, frame17); } function frame17(){ gotoAndPlay("panic"); } function frame9(){ gotoAndPlay("walk"); } } }//package
Section 392
//charEnemy03NE (charEnemy03NE) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class charEnemy03NE extends MovieClip { public function charEnemy03NE(){ addFrameScript(8, frame9, 16, frame17); } function frame17(){ gotoAndPlay("panic"); } function frame9(){ gotoAndPlay("walk"); } } }//package
Section 393
//charEnemy03S (charEnemy03S) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class charEnemy03S extends MovieClip { public function charEnemy03S(){ addFrameScript(8, frame9, 16, frame17, 18, frame19, 20, frame21); } function frame17(){ gotoAndPlay("panic"); } function frame19(){ gotoAndPlay("aim"); } function frame9(){ gotoAndPlay("walk"); } function frame21(){ gotoAndPlay("aim"); } } }//package
Section 394
//charEnemy03SE (charEnemy03SE) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class charEnemy03SE extends MovieClip { public function charEnemy03SE(){ addFrameScript(8, frame9, 16, frame17, 20, frame21); } function frame17(){ gotoAndPlay("panic"); } function frame9(){ gotoAndPlay("walk"); } function frame21(){ gotoAndStop("aim"); } } }//package
Section 395
//charEnemy04Die (charEnemy04Die) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class charEnemy04Die extends MovieClip { public function charEnemy04Die(){ addFrameScript(24, frame25); } function frame25(){ stop(); } } }//package
Section 396
//charEnemy04E (charEnemy04E) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class charEnemy04E extends MovieClip { public function charEnemy04E(){ addFrameScript(8, frame9, 16, frame17); } function frame17(){ gotoAndPlay("panic"); } function frame9(){ gotoAndPlay("walk"); } } }//package
Section 397
//charEnemy04N (charEnemy04N) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class charEnemy04N extends MovieClip { public function charEnemy04N(){ addFrameScript(8, frame9, 16, frame17); } function frame17(){ gotoAndPlay("panic"); } function frame9(){ gotoAndPlay("walk"); } } }//package
Section 398
//charEnemy04NE (charEnemy04NE) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class charEnemy04NE extends MovieClip { public function charEnemy04NE(){ addFrameScript(8, frame9, 16, frame17); } function frame17(){ gotoAndPlay("panic"); } function frame9(){ gotoAndPlay("walk"); } } }//package
Section 399
//charEnemy04S (charEnemy04S) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class charEnemy04S extends MovieClip { public function charEnemy04S(){ addFrameScript(8, frame9, 16, frame17, 18, frame19, 20, frame21); } function frame17(){ gotoAndPlay("panic"); } function frame19(){ gotoAndPlay("aim"); } function frame9(){ gotoAndPlay("walk"); } function frame21(){ gotoAndPlay("aim"); } } }//package
Section 400
//charEnemy04SE (charEnemy04SE) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class charEnemy04SE extends MovieClip { public function charEnemy04SE(){ addFrameScript(8, frame9, 16, frame17); } function frame17(){ gotoAndPlay("panic"); } function frame9(){ gotoAndPlay("walk"); } } }//package
Section 401
//charEnemy05Die (charEnemy05Die) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class charEnemy05Die extends MovieClip { public function charEnemy05Die(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1, 24, frame25); } function frame1(){ stop(); } function frame25(){ stop(); } } }//package
Section 402
//charEnemy05E (charEnemy05E) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class charEnemy05E extends MovieClip { public function charEnemy05E(){ addFrameScript(8, frame9, 16, frame17); } function frame17(){ gotoAndPlay("panic"); } function frame9(){ gotoAndPlay("walk"); } } }//package
Section 403
//charEnemy05N (charEnemy05N) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class charEnemy05N extends MovieClip { public function charEnemy05N(){ addFrameScript(8, frame9, 16, frame17); } function frame17(){ gotoAndPlay("panic"); } function frame9(){ gotoAndPlay("walk"); } } }//package
Section 404
//charEnemy05NE (charEnemy05NE) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class charEnemy05NE extends MovieClip { public function charEnemy05NE(){ addFrameScript(8, frame9, 16, frame17); } function frame17(){ gotoAndPlay("panic"); } function frame9(){ gotoAndPlay("walk"); } } }//package
Section 405
//charEnemy05S (charEnemy05S) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class charEnemy05S extends MovieClip { public function charEnemy05S(){ addFrameScript(8, frame9, 16, frame17, 18, frame19, 20, frame21); } function frame17(){ gotoAndPlay("panic"); } function frame19(){ gotoAndPlay("aim"); } function frame9(){ gotoAndPlay("walk"); } function frame21(){ gotoAndPlay("aim"); } } }//package
Section 406
//charEnemy05SE (charEnemy05SE) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class charEnemy05SE extends MovieClip { public function charEnemy05SE(){ addFrameScript(8, frame9, 16, frame17, 20, frame21); } function frame17(){ gotoAndPlay("panic"); } function frame9(){ gotoAndPlay("walk"); } function frame21(){ gotoAndStop("aim"); } } }//package
Section 407
//charEnemyElfDie (charEnemyElfDie) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class charEnemyElfDie extends MovieClip { public function charEnemyElfDie(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1, 24, frame25); } function frame1(){ stop(); } function frame25(){ stop(); } } }//package
Section 408
//charEnemyElfE (charEnemyElfE) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class charEnemyElfE extends MovieClip { public function charEnemyElfE(){ addFrameScript(8, frame9, 16, frame17); } function frame17(){ gotoAndPlay("panic"); } function frame9(){ gotoAndPlay("walk"); } } }//package
Section 409
//charEnemyElfN (charEnemyElfN) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class charEnemyElfN extends MovieClip { public function charEnemyElfN(){ addFrameScript(8, frame9, 16, frame17); } function frame17(){ gotoAndPlay("panic"); } function frame9(){ gotoAndPlay("walk"); } } }//package
Section 410
//charEnemyElfNE (charEnemyElfNE) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class charEnemyElfNE extends MovieClip { public function charEnemyElfNE(){ addFrameScript(8, frame9, 16, frame17); } function frame17(){ gotoAndPlay("panic"); } function frame9(){ gotoAndPlay("walk"); } } }//package
Section 411
//charEnemyElfS (charEnemyElfS) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class charEnemyElfS extends MovieClip { public function charEnemyElfS(){ addFrameScript(8, frame9, 16, frame17); } function frame17(){ gotoAndPlay("panic"); } function frame9(){ gotoAndPlay("walk"); } } }//package
Section 412
//charEnemyElfSE (charEnemyElfSE) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class charEnemyElfSE extends MovieClip { public function charEnemyElfSE(){ addFrameScript(8, frame9, 16, frame17); } function frame17(){ gotoAndPlay("panic"); } function frame9(){ gotoAndPlay("walk"); } } }//package
Section 413
//charEnemyRastaDie (charEnemyRastaDie) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class charEnemyRastaDie extends MovieClip { public function charEnemyRastaDie(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1, 24, frame25); } function frame1(){ stop(); } function frame25(){ stop(); } } }//package
Section 414
//charEnemyRastaE (charEnemyRastaE) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class charEnemyRastaE extends MovieClip { public function charEnemyRastaE(){ addFrameScript(8, frame9, 16, frame17); } function frame17(){ gotoAndPlay("panic"); } function frame9(){ gotoAndPlay("walk"); } } }//package
Section 415
//charEnemyRastaN (charEnemyRastaN) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class charEnemyRastaN extends MovieClip { public function charEnemyRastaN(){ addFrameScript(8, frame9, 16, frame17); } function frame17(){ gotoAndPlay("panic"); } function frame9(){ gotoAndPlay("walk"); } } }//package
Section 416
//charEnemyRastaNE (charEnemyRastaNE) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class charEnemyRastaNE extends MovieClip { public function charEnemyRastaNE(){ addFrameScript(8, frame9, 16, frame17); } function frame17(){ gotoAndPlay("panic"); } function frame9(){ gotoAndPlay("walk"); } } }//package
Section 417
//charEnemyRastaS (charEnemyRastaS) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class charEnemyRastaS extends MovieClip { public function charEnemyRastaS(){ addFrameScript(8, frame9, 16, frame17); } function frame17(){ gotoAndPlay("panic"); } function frame9(){ gotoAndPlay("walk"); } } }//package
Section 418
//charEnemyRastaSE (charEnemyRastaSE) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class charEnemyRastaSE extends MovieClip { public function charEnemyRastaSE(){ addFrameScript(8, frame9, 16, frame17); } function frame17(){ gotoAndPlay("panic"); } function frame9(){ gotoAndPlay("walk"); } } }//package
Section 419
//charEskimoDie (charEskimoDie) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class charEskimoDie extends MovieClip { public function charEskimoDie(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1, 24, frame25); } function frame1(){ stop(); } function frame25(){ stop(); } } }//package
Section 420
//charEskimoE (charEskimoE) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class charEskimoE extends MovieClip { public function charEskimoE(){ addFrameScript(8, frame9, 16, frame17, 20, frame21); } function frame17(){ gotoAndPlay("panic"); } function frame9(){ gotoAndPlay("walk"); } function frame21(){ gotoAndStop("aim"); } } }//package
Section 421
//charEskimoN (charEskimoN) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class charEskimoN extends MovieClip { public function charEskimoN(){ addFrameScript(8, frame9, 16, frame17, 20, frame21); } function frame17(){ gotoAndPlay("panic"); } function frame9(){ gotoAndPlay("walk"); } function frame21(){ gotoAndStop("aim"); } } }//package
Section 422
//charEskimoNE (charEskimoNE) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class charEskimoNE extends MovieClip { public function charEskimoNE(){ addFrameScript(8, frame9, 16, frame17, 20, frame21); } function frame17(){ gotoAndPlay("panic"); } function frame9(){ gotoAndPlay("walk"); } function frame21(){ gotoAndStop("aim"); } } }//package
Section 423
//charEskimoS (charEskimoS) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class charEskimoS extends MovieClip { public function charEskimoS(){ addFrameScript(8, frame9, 16, frame17, 20, frame21); } function frame17(){ gotoAndPlay("panic"); } function frame9(){ gotoAndPlay("walk"); } function frame21(){ gotoAndStop("aim"); } } }//package
Section 424
//charEskimoSE (charEskimoSE) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class charEskimoSE extends MovieClip { public function charEskimoSE(){ addFrameScript(8, frame9, 16, frame17, 20, frame21); } function frame17(){ gotoAndPlay("panic"); } function frame9(){ gotoAndPlay("walk"); } function frame21(){ gotoAndStop("aim"); } } }//package
Section 425
//charFatGuyDie (charFatGuyDie) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class charFatGuyDie extends MovieClip { public function charFatGuyDie(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1, 24, frame25); } function frame1(){ stop(); } function frame25(){ stop(); } } }//package
Section 426
//charFatGuyE (charFatGuyE) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class charFatGuyE extends MovieClip { public function charFatGuyE(){ addFrameScript(8, frame9, 16, frame17); } function frame17(){ gotoAndPlay("panic"); } function frame9(){ gotoAndPlay("walk"); } } }//package
Section 427
//charFatGuyN (charFatGuyN) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class charFatGuyN extends MovieClip { public function charFatGuyN(){ addFrameScript(8, frame9, 16, frame17); } function frame17(){ gotoAndPlay("panic"); } function frame9(){ gotoAndPlay("walk"); } } }//package
Section 428
//charFatGuyNE (charFatGuyNE) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class charFatGuyNE extends MovieClip { public function charFatGuyNE(){ addFrameScript(8, frame9, 16, frame17); } function frame17(){ gotoAndPlay("panic"); } function frame9(){ gotoAndPlay("walk"); } } }//package
Section 429
//charFatGuyS (charFatGuyS) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class charFatGuyS extends MovieClip { public function charFatGuyS(){ addFrameScript(8, frame9, 16, frame17); } function frame17(){ gotoAndPlay("panic"); } function frame9(){ gotoAndPlay("walk"); } } }//package
Section 430
//charFatGuySE (charFatGuySE) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class charFatGuySE extends MovieClip { public function charFatGuySE(){ addFrameScript(8, frame9, 16, frame17); } function frame17(){ gotoAndPlay("panic"); } function frame9(){ gotoAndPlay("walk"); } } }//package
Section 431
//charHero01Die (charHero01Die) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class charHero01Die extends MovieClip { public function charHero01Die(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1, 24, frame25); } function frame1(){ stop(); } function frame25(){ stop(); } } }//package
Section 432
//charHero01E (charHero01E) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class charHero01E extends MovieClip { public function charHero01E(){ addFrameScript(8, frame9, 16, frame17); } function frame17(){ gotoAndPlay("panic"); } function frame9(){ gotoAndPlay("walk"); } } }//package
Section 433
//charHero01N (charHero01N) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class charHero01N extends MovieClip { public function charHero01N(){ addFrameScript(8, frame9, 16, frame17); } function frame17(){ gotoAndPlay("panic"); } function frame9(){ gotoAndPlay("walk"); } } }//package
Section 434
//charHero01NE (charHero01NE) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class charHero01NE extends MovieClip { public function charHero01NE(){ addFrameScript(8, frame9, 16, frame17); } function frame17(){ gotoAndPlay("panic"); } function frame9(){ gotoAndPlay("walk"); } } }//package
Section 435
//charHero01S (charHero01S) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class charHero01S extends MovieClip { public function charHero01S(){ addFrameScript(8, frame9, 16, frame17, 18, frame19, 20, frame21); } function frame17(){ gotoAndPlay("panic"); } function frame19(){ gotoAndPlay("aim"); } function frame9(){ gotoAndPlay("walk"); } function frame21(){ gotoAndPlay("aim"); } } }//package
Section 436
//charHero01SE (charHero01SE) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class charHero01SE extends MovieClip { public function charHero01SE(){ addFrameScript(8, frame9, 16, frame17); } function frame17(){ gotoAndPlay("panic"); } function frame9(){ gotoAndPlay("walk"); } } }//package
Section 437
//charMainE (charMainE) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class charMainE extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 438
//charMainN (charMainN) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class charMainN extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 439
//charMainNE (charMainNE) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class charMainNE extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 440
//charMainS (charMainS) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class charMainS extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 441
//charMainSE (charMainSE) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class charMainSE extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 442
//charMcD (charMcD) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class charMcD extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 443
//charMcDDie (charMcDDie) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class charMcDDie extends MovieClip { public function charMcDDie(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1, 24, frame25); } function frame1(){ stop(); } function frame25(){ stop(); } } }//package
Section 444
//charMcDE (charMcDE) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class charMcDE extends MovieClip { public function charMcDE(){ addFrameScript(8, frame9, 16, frame17, 18, frame19, 20, frame21); } function frame17(){ gotoAndPlay("panic"); } function frame19(){ gotoAndPlay("aim"); } function frame9(){ gotoAndPlay("walk"); } function frame21(){ gotoAndPlay("aim"); } } }//package
Section 445
//charMcDN (charMcDN) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class charMcDN extends MovieClip { public function charMcDN(){ addFrameScript(8, frame9, 15, frame16, 17, frame18, 19, frame20); } function frame18(){ gotoAndPlay("aim"); } function frame16(){ gotoAndPlay("panic"); } function frame20(){ gotoAndPlay("aim"); } function frame9(){ gotoAndPlay("walk"); } } }//package
Section 446
//charMcDNE (charMcDNE) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class charMcDNE extends MovieClip { public function charMcDNE(){ addFrameScript(8, frame9, 16, frame17, 18, frame19, 20, frame21); } function frame17(){ gotoAndPlay("panic"); } function frame19(){ gotoAndPlay("aim"); } function frame9(){ gotoAndPlay("walk"); } function frame21(){ gotoAndPlay("aim"); } } }//package
Section 447
//charMcDS (charMcDS) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class charMcDS extends MovieClip { public function charMcDS(){ addFrameScript(8, frame9, 15, frame16, 17, frame18, 19, frame20); } function frame18(){ gotoAndPlay("aim"); } function frame16(){ gotoAndPlay("panic"); } function frame20(){ gotoAndPlay("aim"); } function frame9(){ gotoAndPlay("walk"); } } }//package
Section 448
//charMcDSE (charMcDSE) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class charMcDSE extends MovieClip { public function charMcDSE(){ addFrameScript(8, frame9, 16, frame17, 18, frame19, 20, frame21); } function frame17(){ gotoAndPlay("panic"); } function frame19(){ gotoAndPlay("aim"); } function frame9(){ gotoAndPlay("walk"); } function frame21(){ gotoAndPlay("aim"); } } }//package
Section 449
//charMimeDie (charMimeDie) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class charMimeDie extends MovieClip { public function charMimeDie(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1, 24, frame25); } function frame1(){ stop(); } function frame25(){ stop(); } } }//package
Section 450
//charMimeS (charMimeS) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class charMimeS extends MovieClip { public function charMimeS(){ addFrameScript(8, frame9, 16, frame17); } function frame17(){ gotoAndPlay("panic"); } function frame9(){ gotoAndPlay("walk"); } } }//package
Section 451
//charNegroAfroDie (charNegroAfroDie) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class charNegroAfroDie extends MovieClip { public function charNegroAfroDie(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1, 24, frame25); } function frame1(){ stop(); } function frame25(){ stop(); } } }//package
Section 452
//charNegroAfroE (charNegroAfroE) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class charNegroAfroE extends MovieClip { public function charNegroAfroE(){ addFrameScript(8, frame9, 16, frame17, 20, frame21); } function frame17(){ gotoAndPlay("panic"); } function frame9(){ gotoAndPlay("walk"); } function frame21(){ gotoAndStop("aim"); } } }//package
Section 453
//charNegroAfroN (charNegroAfroN) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class charNegroAfroN extends MovieClip { public function charNegroAfroN(){ addFrameScript(8, frame9, 16, frame17, 20, frame21); } function frame17(){ gotoAndPlay("panic"); } function frame9(){ gotoAndPlay("walk"); } function frame21(){ gotoAndStop("aim"); } } }//package
Section 454
//charNegroAfroNE (charNegroAfroNE) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class charNegroAfroNE extends MovieClip { public function charNegroAfroNE(){ addFrameScript(8, frame9, 16, frame17, 20, frame21); } function frame17(){ gotoAndPlay("panic"); } function frame9(){ gotoAndPlay("walk"); } function frame21(){ gotoAndStop("aim"); } } }//package
Section 455
//charNegroAfroS (charNegroAfroS) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class charNegroAfroS extends MovieClip { public function charNegroAfroS(){ addFrameScript(8, frame9, 16, frame17, 20, frame21); } function frame17(){ gotoAndPlay("panic"); } function frame9(){ gotoAndPlay("walk"); } function frame21(){ gotoAndStop("aim"); } } }//package
Section 456
//charNegroAfroSE (charNegroAfroSE) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class charNegroAfroSE extends MovieClip { public function charNegroAfroSE(){ addFrameScript(8, frame9, 16, frame17, 20, frame21); } function frame17(){ gotoAndPlay("panic"); } function frame9(){ gotoAndPlay("walk"); } function frame21(){ gotoAndStop("aim"); } } }//package
Section 457
//charNegroKampungDie (charNegroKampungDie) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class charNegroKampungDie extends MovieClip { public function charNegroKampungDie(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1, 24, frame25); } function frame1(){ stop(); } function frame25(){ stop(); } } }//package
Section 458
//charNegroKampungE (charNegroKampungE) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class charNegroKampungE extends MovieClip { public function charNegroKampungE(){ addFrameScript(8, frame9, 16, frame17, 20, frame21); } function frame17(){ gotoAndPlay("panic"); } function frame9(){ gotoAndPlay("walk"); } function frame21(){ gotoAndStop("aim"); } } }//package
Section 459
//charNegroKampungN (charNegroKampungN) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class charNegroKampungN extends MovieClip { public function charNegroKampungN(){ addFrameScript(8, frame9, 16, frame17, 20, frame21); } function frame17(){ gotoAndPlay("panic"); } function frame9(){ gotoAndPlay("walk"); } function frame21(){ gotoAndStop("aim"); } } }//package
Section 460
//charNegroKampungNE (charNegroKampungNE) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class charNegroKampungNE extends MovieClip { public function charNegroKampungNE(){ addFrameScript(8, frame9, 16, frame17, 20, frame21); } function frame17(){ gotoAndPlay("panic"); } function frame9(){ gotoAndPlay("walk"); } function frame21(){ gotoAndStop("aim"); } } }//package
Section 461
//charNegroKampungS (charNegroKampungS) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class charNegroKampungS extends MovieClip { public function charNegroKampungS(){ addFrameScript(8, frame9, 16, frame17, 20, frame21); } function frame17(){ gotoAndPlay("panic"); } function frame9(){ gotoAndPlay("walk"); } function frame21(){ gotoAndStop("aim"); } } }//package
Section 462
//charNegroKampungSE (charNegroKampungSE) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class charNegroKampungSE extends MovieClip { public function charNegroKampungSE(){ addFrameScript(8, frame9, 16, frame17, 20, frame21); } function frame17(){ gotoAndPlay("panic"); } function frame9(){ gotoAndPlay("walk"); } function frame21(){ gotoAndStop("aim"); } } }//package
Section 463
//charSantaDie (charSantaDie) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class charSantaDie extends MovieClip { public function charSantaDie(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1, 24, frame25); } function frame1(){ stop(); } function frame25(){ stop(); } } }//package
Section 464
//charSantaE (charSantaE) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class charSantaE extends MovieClip { public function charSantaE(){ addFrameScript(8, frame9, 16, frame17, 18, frame19, 20, frame21); } function frame17(){ gotoAndPlay("panic"); } function frame19(){ gotoAndPlay("aim"); } function frame9(){ gotoAndPlay("walk"); } function frame21(){ gotoAndPlay("aim"); } } }//package
Section 465
//charSantaN (charSantaN) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class charSantaN extends MovieClip { public function charSantaN(){ addFrameScript(8, frame9, 16, frame17, 18, frame19, 20, frame21); } function frame17(){ gotoAndPlay("panic"); } function frame19(){ gotoAndPlay("aim"); } function frame9(){ gotoAndPlay("walk"); } function frame21(){ gotoAndPlay("aim"); } } }//package
Section 466
//charSantaNE (charSantaNE) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class charSantaNE extends MovieClip { public function charSantaNE(){ addFrameScript(8, frame9, 16, frame17, 18, frame19, 20, frame21); } function frame17(){ gotoAndPlay("panic"); } function frame19(){ gotoAndPlay("aim"); } function frame9(){ gotoAndPlay("walk"); } function frame21(){ gotoAndPlay("aim"); } } }//package
Section 467
//charSantaS (charSantaS) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class charSantaS extends MovieClip { public function charSantaS(){ addFrameScript(8, frame9, 16, frame17, 18, frame19, 20, frame21); } function frame17(){ gotoAndPlay("panic"); } function frame19(){ gotoAndPlay("aim"); } function frame9(){ gotoAndPlay("walk"); } function frame21(){ gotoAndPlay("aim"); } } }//package
Section 468
//charSantaSE (charSantaSE) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class charSantaSE extends MovieClip { public function charSantaSE(){ addFrameScript(8, frame9, 16, frame17, 18, frame19, 20, frame21); } function frame17(){ gotoAndPlay("panic"); } function frame19(){ gotoAndPlay("aim"); } function frame9(){ gotoAndPlay("walk"); } function frame21(){ gotoAndPlay("aim"); } } }//package
Section 469
//charSapidermanDie (charSapidermanDie) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class charSapidermanDie extends MovieClip { public function charSapidermanDie(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1, 24, frame25); } function frame1(){ stop(); } function frame25(){ stop(); } } }//package
Section 470
//charSapidermanE (charSapidermanE) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class charSapidermanE extends MovieClip { public function charSapidermanE(){ addFrameScript(8, frame9, 16, frame17, 20, frame21); } function frame17(){ gotoAndPlay("panic"); } function frame9(){ gotoAndPlay("walk"); } function frame21(){ gotoAndStop("aim"); } } }//package
Section 471
//charSapidermanN (charSapidermanN) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class charSapidermanN extends MovieClip { public function charSapidermanN(){ addFrameScript(8, frame9, 16, frame17, 20, frame21); } function frame17(){ gotoAndPlay("panic"); } function frame9(){ gotoAndPlay("walk"); } function frame21(){ gotoAndStop("aim"); } } }//package
Section 472
//charSapidermanNE (charSapidermanNE) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class charSapidermanNE extends MovieClip { public function charSapidermanNE(){ addFrameScript(8, frame9, 16, frame17, 20, frame21); } function frame17(){ gotoAndPlay("panic"); } function frame9(){ gotoAndPlay("walk"); } function frame21(){ gotoAndStop("aim"); } } }//package
Section 473
//charSapidermanS (charSapidermanS) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class charSapidermanS extends MovieClip { public function charSapidermanS(){ addFrameScript(8, frame9, 16, frame17, 20, frame21); } function frame17(){ gotoAndPlay("panic"); } function frame9(){ gotoAndPlay("walk"); } function frame21(){ gotoAndStop("aim"); } } }//package
Section 474
//charSapidermanSE (charSapidermanSE) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class charSapidermanSE extends MovieClip { public function charSapidermanSE(){ addFrameScript(8, frame9, 16, frame17, 20, frame21); } function frame17(){ gotoAndPlay("panic"); } function frame9(){ gotoAndPlay("walk"); } function frame21(){ gotoAndStop("aim"); } } }//package
Section 475
//charSWATDie (charSWATDie) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class charSWATDie extends MovieClip { public function charSWATDie(){ addFrameScript(24, frame25); } function frame25(){ stop(); } } }//package
Section 476
//charSWATE (charSWATE) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class charSWATE extends MovieClip { public function charSWATE(){ addFrameScript(8, frame9, 16, frame17, 20, frame21); } function frame17(){ gotoAndPlay("panic"); } function frame9(){ gotoAndPlay("walk"); } function frame21(){ gotoAndStop("aim"); } } }//package
Section 477
//charSWATN (charSWATN) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class charSWATN extends MovieClip { public function charSWATN(){ addFrameScript(8, frame9, 16, frame17, 20, frame21); } function frame17(){ gotoAndPlay("panic"); } function frame9(){ gotoAndPlay("walk"); } function frame21(){ gotoAndStop("aim"); } } }//package
Section 478
//charSWATNE (charSWATNE) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class charSWATNE extends MovieClip { public function charSWATNE(){ addFrameScript(8, frame9, 16, frame17, 20, frame21); } function frame17(){ gotoAndPlay("panic"); } function frame9(){ gotoAndPlay("walk"); } function frame21(){ gotoAndStop("aim"); } } }//package
Section 479
//charSWATS (charSWATS) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class charSWATS extends MovieClip { public function charSWATS(){ addFrameScript(8, frame9, 16, frame17, 20, frame21); } function frame17(){ gotoAndPlay("panic"); } function frame9(){ gotoAndPlay("walk"); } function frame21(){ gotoAndStop("aim"); } } }//package
Section 480
//charSWATSE (charSWATSE) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class charSWATSE extends MovieClip { public function charSWATSE(){ addFrameScript(8, frame9, 16, frame17, 20, frame21); } function frame17(){ gotoAndPlay("panic"); } function frame9(){ gotoAndPlay("walk"); } function frame21(){ gotoAndStop("aim"); } } }//package
Section 481
//charTalibanDie (charTalibanDie) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class charTalibanDie extends MovieClip { public function charTalibanDie(){ addFrameScript(24, frame25); } function frame25(){ stop(); } } }//package
Section 482
//charTalibanE (charTalibanE) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class charTalibanE extends MovieClip { public function charTalibanE(){ addFrameScript(8, frame9, 16, frame17, 20, frame21); } function frame17(){ gotoAndPlay("panic"); } function frame9(){ gotoAndPlay("walk"); } function frame21(){ gotoAndStop("aim"); } } }//package
Section 483
//charTalibanN (charTalibanN) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class charTalibanN extends MovieClip { public function charTalibanN(){ addFrameScript(8, frame9, 16, frame17, 20, frame21); } function frame17(){ gotoAndPlay("panic"); } function frame9(){ gotoAndPlay("walk"); } function frame21(){ gotoAndStop("aim"); } } }//package
Section 484
//charTalibanNE (charTalibanNE) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class charTalibanNE extends MovieClip { public function charTalibanNE(){ addFrameScript(8, frame9, 16, frame17, 20, frame21); } function frame17(){ gotoAndPlay("panic"); } function frame9(){ gotoAndPlay("walk"); } function frame21(){ gotoAndStop("aim"); } } }//package
Section 485
//charTalibanS (charTalibanS) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class charTalibanS extends MovieClip { public function charTalibanS(){ addFrameScript(8, frame9, 16, frame17, 20, frame21); } function frame17(){ gotoAndPlay("panic"); } function frame9(){ gotoAndPlay("walk"); } function frame21(){ gotoAndStop("aim"); } } }//package
Section 486
//charTalibanSE (charTalibanSE) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class charTalibanSE extends MovieClip { public function charTalibanSE(){ addFrameScript(8, frame9, 16, frame17, 20, frame21); } function frame17(){ gotoAndPlay("panic"); } function frame9(){ gotoAndPlay("walk"); } function frame21(){ gotoAndStop("aim"); } } }//package
Section 487
//charVenom (charVenom) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class charVenom extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 488
//charVenomDie (charVenomDie) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class charVenomDie extends MovieClip { public function charVenomDie(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1, 19, frame20); } function frame1(){ stop(); } function frame20(){ stop(); } } }//package
Section 489
//charVenomE (charVenomE) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class charVenomE extends MovieClip { public function charVenomE(){ addFrameScript(12, frame13, 16, frame17); } function frame17(){ gotoAndStop("aim"); } function frame13(){ gotoAndPlay("walk"); } } }//package
Section 490
//charVenomN (charVenomN) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class charVenomN extends MovieClip { public function charVenomN(){ addFrameScript(12, frame13, 16, frame17); } function frame17(){ gotoAndStop("aim"); } function frame13(){ gotoAndPlay("walk"); } } }//package
Section 491
//charVenomNE (charVenomNE) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class charVenomNE extends MovieClip { public function charVenomNE(){ addFrameScript(12, frame13, 16, frame17); } function frame17(){ gotoAndStop("aim"); } function frame13(){ gotoAndPlay("walk"); } } }//package
Section 492
//charVenomS (charVenomS) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class charVenomS extends MovieClip { public function charVenomS(){ addFrameScript(12, frame13, 16, frame17); } function frame17(){ gotoAndStop("aim"); } function frame13(){ gotoAndPlay("walk"); } } }//package
Section 493
//charVenomSE (charVenomSE) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class charVenomSE extends MovieClip { public function charVenomSE(){ addFrameScript(12, frame13, 16, frame17); } function frame17(){ gotoAndStop("aim"); } function frame13(){ gotoAndPlay("walk"); } } }//package
Section 494
//charZombie01Die (charZombie01Die) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class charZombie01Die extends MovieClip { public function charZombie01Die(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1, 25, frame26); } function frame1(){ stop(); } function frame26(){ stop(); } } }//package
Section 495
//charZombie01E (charZombie01E) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class charZombie01E extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 496
//charZombie01N (charZombie01N) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class charZombie01N extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 497
//charZombie01NE (charZombie01NE) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class charZombie01NE extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 498
//charZombie01S (charZombie01S) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class charZombie01S extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 499
//charZombie01SE (charZombie01SE) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class charZombie01SE extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 500
//charZombie02Dance (charZombie02Dance) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class charZombie02Dance extends MovieClip { public var danceDone:Boolean; public function charZombie02Dance(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1, 135, frame136); } function frame1(){ danceDone = false; } function frame136(){ stop(); danceDone = true; } } }//package
Section 501
//charZombie02Die (charZombie02Die) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class charZombie02Die extends MovieClip { public function charZombie02Die(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1, 19, frame20); } function frame1(){ stop(); } function frame20(){ stop(); } } }//package
Section 502
//charZombie02E (charZombie02E) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class charZombie02E extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 503
//charZombie02N (charZombie02N) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class charZombie02N extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 504
//charZombie02NE (charZombie02NE) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class charZombie02NE extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 505
//charZombie02S (charZombie02S) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class charZombie02S extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 506
//charZombie02SE (charZombie02SE) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class charZombie02SE extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 507
//charZombie03Die (charZombie03Die) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class charZombie03Die extends MovieClip { public function charZombie03Die(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1, 19, frame20); } function frame1(){ stop(); } function frame20(){ stop(); } } }//package
Section 508
//charZombie03E (charZombie03E) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class charZombie03E extends MovieClip { public function charZombie03E(){ addFrameScript(12, frame13); } function frame13(){ gotoAndPlay("walk"); } } }//package
Section 509
//charZombie03N (charZombie03N) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class charZombie03N extends MovieClip { public function charZombie03N(){ addFrameScript(8, frame9); } function frame9(){ gotoAndPlay("walk"); } } }//package
Section 510
//charZombie03NE (charZombie03NE) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class charZombie03NE extends MovieClip { public function charZombie03NE(){ addFrameScript(12, frame13); } function frame13(){ gotoAndPlay("walk"); } } }//package
Section 511
//charZombie03S (charZombie03S) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class charZombie03S extends MovieClip { public function charZombie03S(){ addFrameScript(12, frame13); } function frame13(){ gotoAndPlay("walk"); } } }//package
Section 512
//charZombie03SE (charZombie03SE) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class charZombie03SE extends MovieClip { public function charZombie03SE(){ addFrameScript(12, frame13); } function frame13(){ gotoAndPlay("walk"); } } }//package
Section 513
//charZombie04Die (charZombie04Die) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class charZombie04Die extends MovieClip { public function charZombie04Die(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1, 19, frame20); } function frame1(){ stop(); } function frame20(){ stop(); } } }//package
Section 514
//charZombie04E (charZombie04E) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class charZombie04E extends MovieClip { public function charZombie04E(){ addFrameScript(12, frame13); } function frame13(){ gotoAndPlay("walk"); } } }//package
Section 515
//charZombie04N (charZombie04N) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class charZombie04N extends MovieClip { public function charZombie04N(){ addFrameScript(12, frame13); } function frame13(){ gotoAndPlay("walk"); } } }//package
Section 516
//charZombie04NE (charZombie04NE) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class charZombie04NE extends MovieClip { public function charZombie04NE(){ addFrameScript(12, frame13); } function frame13(){ gotoAndPlay("walk"); } } }//package
Section 517
//charZombie04S (charZombie04S) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class charZombie04S extends MovieClip { public function charZombie04S(){ addFrameScript(12, frame13); } function frame13(){ gotoAndPlay("walk"); } } }//package
Section 518
//charZombie04SE (charZombie04SE) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class charZombie04SE extends MovieClip { public function charZombie04SE(){ addFrameScript(12, frame13); } function frame13(){ gotoAndPlay("walk"); } } }//package
Section 519
//charZombieBoomerDie (charZombieBoomerDie) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class charZombieBoomerDie extends MovieClip { public function charZombieBoomerDie(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1, 24, frame25); } function frame1(){ stop(); } function frame25(){ stop(); } } }//package
Section 520
//charZombieBoomerE (charZombieBoomerE) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class charZombieBoomerE extends MovieClip { public function charZombieBoomerE(){ addFrameScript(12, frame13); } function frame13(){ gotoAndPlay("walk"); } } }//package
Section 521
//charZombieBoomerN (charZombieBoomerN) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class charZombieBoomerN extends MovieClip { public function charZombieBoomerN(){ addFrameScript(12, frame13); } function frame13(){ gotoAndPlay("walk"); } } }//package
Section 522
//charZombieBoomerNE (charZombieBoomerNE) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class charZombieBoomerNE extends MovieClip { public function charZombieBoomerNE(){ addFrameScript(12, frame13); } function frame13(){ gotoAndPlay("walk"); } } }//package
Section 523
//charZombieBoomerS (charZombieBoomerS) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class charZombieBoomerS extends MovieClip { public function charZombieBoomerS(){ addFrameScript(12, frame13); } function frame13(){ gotoAndPlay("walk"); } } }//package
Section 524
//charZombieBoomerSE (charZombieBoomerSE) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class charZombieBoomerSE extends MovieClip { public function charZombieBoomerSE(){ addFrameScript(12, frame13); } function frame13(){ gotoAndPlay("walk"); } } }//package
Section 525
//charZombieChickenDie (charZombieChickenDie) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class charZombieChickenDie extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 526
//charZombieChickenE (charZombieChickenE) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class charZombieChickenE extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 527
//charZombieChickenN (charZombieChickenN) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class charZombieChickenN extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 528
//charZombieChickenS (charZombieChickenS) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class charZombieChickenS extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 529
//charZombieMcD (charZombieMcD) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class charZombieMcD extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 530
//charZombieMcDDie (charZombieMcDDie) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class charZombieMcDDie extends MovieClip { public function charZombieMcDDie(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1, 19, frame20); } function frame1(){ stop(); } function frame20(){ stop(); } } }//package
Section 531
//charZombieMcDE (charZombieMcDE) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class charZombieMcDE extends MovieClip { public function charZombieMcDE(){ addFrameScript(8, frame9, 9, frame10); } function frame10(){ stop(); } function frame9(){ gotoAndPlay("walk"); } } }//package
Section 532
//charZombieMcDN (charZombieMcDN) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class charZombieMcDN extends MovieClip { public function charZombieMcDN(){ addFrameScript(12, frame13, 13, frame14); } function frame14(){ stop(); } function frame13(){ gotoAndPlay("walk"); } } }//package
Section 533
//charZombieMcDNE (charZombieMcDNE) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class charZombieMcDNE extends MovieClip { public function charZombieMcDNE(){ addFrameScript(12, frame13, 13, frame14); } function frame14(){ stop(); } function frame13(){ gotoAndPlay("walk"); } } }//package
Section 534
//charZombieMcDS (charZombieMcDS) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class charZombieMcDS extends MovieClip { public function charZombieMcDS(){ addFrameScript(12, frame13, 13, frame14); } function frame14(){ stop(); } function frame13(){ gotoAndPlay("walk"); } } }//package
Section 535
//charZombieMcDSE (charZombieMcDSE) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class charZombieMcDSE extends MovieClip { public function charZombieMcDSE(){ addFrameScript(12, frame13, 13, frame14); } function frame14(){ stop(); } function frame13(){ gotoAndPlay("walk"); } } }//package
Section 536
//charZombieMJ (charZombieMJ) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class charZombieMJ extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 537
//charZombieMJDance (charZombieMJDance) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class charZombieMJDance extends MovieClip { public var danceDone:Boolean; public function charZombieMJDance(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1, 135, frame136); } function frame1(){ danceDone = false; } function frame136(){ stop(); danceDone = true; } } }//package
Section 538
//charZombieMJDie (charZombieMJDie) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class charZombieMJDie extends MovieClip { public function charZombieMJDie(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1, 39, frame40); } function frame1(){ stop(); } function frame40(){ stop(); } } }//package
Section 539
//charZombieMJE (charZombieMJE) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class charZombieMJE extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 540
//charZombieMJN (charZombieMJN) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class charZombieMJN extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 541
//charZombieMJNE (charZombieMJNE) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class charZombieMJNE extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 542
//charZombieMJS (charZombieMJS) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class charZombieMJS extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 543
//charZombieMJSE (charZombieMJSE) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class charZombieMJSE extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 544
//charZombieSanders (charZombieSanders) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class charZombieSanders extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 545
//charZombieSandersDie (charZombieSandersDie) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class charZombieSandersDie extends MovieClip { public function charZombieSandersDie(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1, 19, frame20); } function frame1(){ stop(); } function frame20(){ stop(); } } }//package
Section 546
//charZombieSandersE (charZombieSandersE) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class charZombieSandersE extends MovieClip { public function charZombieSandersE(){ addFrameScript(12, frame13); } function frame13(){ gotoAndPlay("walk"); } } }//package
Section 547
//charZombieSandersN (charZombieSandersN) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class charZombieSandersN extends MovieClip { public function charZombieSandersN(){ addFrameScript(12, frame13); } function frame13(){ gotoAndPlay("walk"); } } }//package
Section 548
//charZombieSandersNE (charZombieSandersNE) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class charZombieSandersNE extends MovieClip { public function charZombieSandersNE(){ addFrameScript(12, frame13); } function frame13(){ gotoAndPlay("walk"); } } }//package
Section 549
//charZombieSandersS (charZombieSandersS) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class charZombieSandersS extends MovieClip { public function charZombieSandersS(){ addFrameScript(12, frame13); } function frame13(){ gotoAndPlay("walk"); } } }//package
Section 550
//charZombieSandersSE (charZombieSandersSE) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class charZombieSandersSE extends MovieClip { public function charZombieSandersSE(){ addFrameScript(12, frame13); } function frame13(){ gotoAndPlay("walk"); } } }//package
Section 551
//charZombieSanta (charZombieSanta) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class charZombieSanta extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 552
//charZombieSantaDie (charZombieSantaDie) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class charZombieSantaDie extends MovieClip { public function charZombieSantaDie(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1, 24, frame25); } function frame1(){ stop(); } function frame25(){ stop(); } } }//package
Section 553
//charZombieSantaE (charZombieSantaE) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class charZombieSantaE extends MovieClip { public function charZombieSantaE(){ addFrameScript(12, frame13, 14, frame15, 16, frame17); } function frame15(){ gotoAndPlay("aim"); } function frame17(){ gotoAndPlay("aim"); } function frame13(){ gotoAndPlay("walk"); } } }//package
Section 554
//charZombieSantaN (charZombieSantaN) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class charZombieSantaN extends MovieClip { public function charZombieSantaN(){ addFrameScript(12, frame13, 14, frame15, 16, frame17); } function frame15(){ gotoAndPlay("aim"); } function frame17(){ gotoAndPlay("aim"); } function frame13(){ gotoAndPlay("walk"); } } }//package
Section 555
//charZombieSantaNE (charZombieSantaNE) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class charZombieSantaNE extends MovieClip { public function charZombieSantaNE(){ addFrameScript(12, frame13, 14, frame15, 16, frame17); } function frame15(){ gotoAndPlay("aim"); } function frame17(){ gotoAndPlay("aim"); } function frame13(){ gotoAndPlay("walk"); } } }//package
Section 556
//charZombieSantaS (charZombieSantaS) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class charZombieSantaS extends MovieClip { public function charZombieSantaS(){ addFrameScript(12, frame13, 14, frame15, 16, frame17); } function frame15(){ gotoAndPlay("aim"); } function frame17(){ gotoAndPlay("aim"); } function frame13(){ gotoAndPlay("walk"); } } }//package
Section 557
//charZombieSantaSE (charZombieSantaSE) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class charZombieSantaSE extends MovieClip { public function charZombieSantaSE(){ addFrameScript(12, frame13, 14, frame15, 16, frame17); } function frame15(){ gotoAndPlay("aim"); } function frame17(){ gotoAndPlay("aim"); } function frame13(){ gotoAndPlay("walk"); } } }//package
Section 558
//charZombieTank (charZombieTank) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class charZombieTank extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 559
//charZombieTankDie (charZombieTankDie) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class charZombieTankDie extends MovieClip { public function charZombieTankDie(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1, 24, frame25); } function frame1(){ stop(); } function frame25(){ stop(); } } }//package
Section 560
//charZombieTankE (charZombieTankE) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class charZombieTankE extends MovieClip { public var bulletOut:Boolean; public var attackDone:Boolean; public function charZombieTankE(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1, 1, frame2, 12, frame13, 13, frame14, 20, frame21, 28, frame29); } function frame14(){ attackDone = false; bulletOut = false; } function frame1(){ attackDone = false; bulletOut = false; } function frame13(){ gotoAndPlay("walk"); } function frame21(){ stop(); attackDone = false; bulletOut = true; } function frame29(){ stop(); attackDone = true; bulletOut = false; } function frame2(){ attackDone = false; bulletOut = false; } } }//package
Section 561
//charZombieTankN (charZombieTankN) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class charZombieTankN extends MovieClip { public var bulletOut:Boolean; public var attackDone:Boolean; public function charZombieTankN(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1, 1, frame2, 12, frame13, 13, frame14, 20, frame21, 28, frame29); } function frame14(){ attackDone = false; bulletOut = false; } function frame1(){ attackDone = false; bulletOut = false; } function frame13(){ gotoAndPlay("walk"); } function frame21(){ stop(); attackDone = false; bulletOut = true; } function frame29(){ stop(); attackDone = true; bulletOut = false; } function frame2(){ attackDone = false; bulletOut = false; } } }//package
Section 562
//charZombieTankNE (charZombieTankNE) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class charZombieTankNE extends MovieClip { public var bulletOut:Boolean; public var attackDone:Boolean; public function charZombieTankNE(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1, 1, frame2, 12, frame13, 13, frame14, 20, frame21, 28, frame29); } function frame14(){ attackDone = false; bulletOut = false; } function frame1(){ attackDone = false; bulletOut = false; } function frame13(){ gotoAndPlay("walk"); } function frame21(){ stop(); attackDone = false; bulletOut = true; } function frame29(){ stop(); attackDone = true; bulletOut = false; } function frame2(){ attackDone = false; bulletOut = false; } } }//package
Section 563
//charZombieTankS (charZombieTankS) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class charZombieTankS extends MovieClip { public var bulletOut:Boolean; public var attackDone:Boolean; public function charZombieTankS(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1, 1, frame2, 12, frame13, 13, frame14, 20, frame21, 28, frame29); } function frame14(){ attackDone = false; bulletOut = false; } function frame1(){ attackDone = false; bulletOut = false; } function frame13(){ gotoAndPlay("walk"); } function frame21(){ stop(); attackDone = false; bulletOut = true; } function frame29(){ stop(); attackDone = true; bulletOut = false; } function frame2(){ attackDone = false; bulletOut = false; } } }//package
Section 564
//charZombieTankSE (charZombieTankSE) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class charZombieTankSE extends MovieClip { public var bulletOut:Boolean; public var attackDone:Boolean; public function charZombieTankSE(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1, 1, frame2, 12, frame13, 13, frame14, 20, frame21, 28, frame29); } function frame14(){ attackDone = false; bulletOut = false; } function frame1(){ attackDone = false; bulletOut = false; } function frame13(){ gotoAndPlay("walk"); } function frame21(){ stop(); attackDone = false; bulletOut = true; } function frame29(){ stop(); attackDone = true; bulletOut = false; } function frame2(){ attackDone = false; bulletOut = false; } } }//package
Section 565
//ClickSound (ClickSound) package { import*; public dynamic class ClickSound extends Sound { } }//package
Section 566
//CoinClipAnimatedBronze (CoinClipAnimatedBronze) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class CoinClipAnimatedBronze extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 567
//CoinClipAnimatedGold (CoinClipAnimatedGold) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class CoinClipAnimatedGold extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 568
//CoinClipAnimatedSilver (CoinClipAnimatedSilver) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class CoinClipAnimatedSilver extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 569
//CoinSound (CoinSound) package { import*; public dynamic class CoinSound extends Sound { } }//package
Section 570
//Console (Console) package { import flash.display.*; import flash.text.*; public dynamic class Console extends MovieClip { public var info:TextField; } }//package
Section 571
//ConversationBalloon (ConversationBalloon) package { import flash.display.*; import flash.text.*; public dynamic class ConversationBalloon extends MovieClip { public var info:TextField; } }//package
Section 572
//CursorImages (CursorImages) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class CursorImages extends MovieClip { public function CursorImages(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ stop(); } } }//package
Section 573
//explosion (explosion) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class explosion extends MovieClip { public function explosion(){ addFrameScript(19, frame20); } function frame20(){ stop(); } } }//package
Section 574
//ExploSound (ExploSound) package { import*; public dynamic class ExploSound extends Sound { } }//package
Section 575
//FemaleV01 (FemaleV01) package { import*; public dynamic class FemaleV01 extends Sound { } }//package
Section 576
//FemaleV02 (FemaleV02) package { import*; public dynamic class FemaleV02 extends Sound { } }//package
Section 577
//FemaleV03 (FemaleV03) package { import*; public dynamic class FemaleV03 extends Sound { } }//package
Section 578
//GoodDay1 (GoodDay1) package { import*; public dynamic class GoodDay1 extends Sound { } }//package
Section 579
//GoodDay2 (GoodDay2) package { import*; public dynamic class GoodDay2 extends Sound { } }//package
Section 580
//GoodDay3 (GoodDay3) package { import*; public dynamic class GoodDay3 extends Sound { } }//package
Section 581
//GoodDayChina (GoodDayChina) package { import*; public dynamic class GoodDayChina extends Sound { } }//package
Section 582
//GoodDayFrance (GoodDayFrance) package { import*; public dynamic class GoodDayFrance extends Sound { } }//package
Section 583
//GoodDayJapan (GoodDayJapan) package { import*; public dynamic class GoodDayJapan extends Sound { } }//package
Section 584
//GoodDayMidEast (GoodDayMidEast) package { import*; public dynamic class GoodDayMidEast extends Sound { } }//package
Section 585
//GoodDayRussia (GoodDayRussia) package { import*; public dynamic class GoodDayRussia extends Sound { } }//package
Section 586
//HappySong1 (HappySong1) package { import*; public dynamic class HappySong1 extends Sound { } }//package
Section 587
//HappySong2 (HappySong2) package { import*; public dynamic class HappySong2 extends Sound { } }//package
Section 588
//HappySong3 (HappySong3) package { import*; public dynamic class HappySong3 extends Sound { } }//package
Section 589
//HappySong4 (HappySong4) package { import*; public dynamic class HappySong4 extends Sound { } }//package
Section 590
//HorrorSong1 (HorrorSong1) package { import*; public dynamic class HorrorSong1 extends Sound { } }//package
Section 591
//HorrorSong2 (HorrorSong2) package { import*; public dynamic class HorrorSong2 extends Sound { } }//package
Section 592
//IconCoin (IconCoin) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class IconCoin extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 593
//IconFlask (IconFlask) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class IconFlask extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 594
//IconHero (IconHero) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class IconHero extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 595
//IconLock (IconLock) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class IconLock extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 596
//IconSantaHat (IconSantaHat) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class IconSantaHat extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 597
//IconSkull (IconSkull) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class IconSkull extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 598
//IconTown (IconTown) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class IconTown extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 599
//IconWorld (IconWorld) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class IconWorld extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 600
//IconZombie (IconZombie) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class IconZombie extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 601
//IconZombieXmas (IconZombieXmas) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class IconZombieXmas extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 602
//InfectonatorWD (InfectonatorWD) package { import*; import flash.display.*; import MoFunZoneAPI.*; import mochi.as3.*; import p_singleton.*; import p_pathFinder.*; import p_gameState.*; import flash.ui.*; public dynamic class InfectonatorWD extends MovieClip { public var myMenu:ContextMenu; public var goalCursor:Shape; public var console:MovieClip; public var startCursor:Shape; public var map:TileMap; public var ground:Sprite; public var tileSize:int;// = 50 public var player:MovieClip; public function InfectonatorWD(){ tileSize = 50; super(); if (stage){ init(); } else { addEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, init); }; } public function init(_arg1:Event=null):void{ var _local2:String; _local2 = "47e36c44985f1737"; removeEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, init); World.getSingleton().gameQuality = StageQuality.HIGH; World.getSingleton().gameRoot = this; this.mouseEnabled = false; World.getSingleton().siteLockedBubbleBox = true; addChild(GameManager.getSingleton()); GameManager.getSingleton().setGameStateInstant(new SponsorIntro()); } private function siteLock():void{ var _local1:String; var _local2:Array; var _local3:String; var _local4:Boolean; var _local5:int; var _local6:Array; var _local7:Array; var _local8:ContextMenuItem; var _local9:ContextMenuItem; _local1 = stage.loaderInfo.url; _local1 = _local1.toLowerCase(); _local2 = _local1.split("://"); _local3 = ""; _local4 = false; _local5 = 0; if (_local2.length > 0){ _local6 = _local2[1].split("/"); _local7 = _local6[0].split("."); if (_local7.length > 0){ _local5 = 0; while (_local5 < _local7.length) { _local3 = _local7[_local5]; if (_local7[_local5] == "bubblebox"){ World.getSingleton().siteLockedBubbleBox = true; World.getSingleton().startMoney = 5000; _local4 = true; break; } else { if (_local7[_local5] == "armorgames"){ World.getSingleton().siteLockedArmor = true; _local4 = true; break; } else { if (_local7[_local5] == "kongregate"){ World.getSingleton().siteLockedKong = true; World.getSingleton().initKong(); _local4 = true; break; } else { if (_local7[_local5] == "mofunzone"){ World.getSingleton().siteLockedMofunzone = true; _local4 = true; initMofunzone(); break; }; }; }; }; _local5++; }; }; if (!_local4){ if (_local6.length > 1){ _local5 = 1; while (_local5 < _local6.length) { if (_local6[_local5] == "mindjolt"){ _local4 = true; break; }; _local5++; }; }; }; myMenu = new ContextMenu(); myMenu.hideBuiltInItems(); _local8 = new ContextMenuItem("Created by Toge Productions"); _local9 = new ContextMenuItem(("Hosted in : " + _local6[0])); myMenu.customItems.push(_local8); myMenu.customItems.push(_local9); this.contextMenu = myMenu; }; } public function showFriendList(_arg1:Object):void{ = ("Show Friend list " + _arg1); MochiSocial.inviteFriend(_arg1); } public function getFriendList(_arg1:Object):void{ MochiSocial.getFriendsList(); MochiSocial.addEventListener(MochiSocial.FRIEND_LIST, showFriendList); = "Get Friend list"; } public function initMofunzone():void{ var config:*; var readyCallBack:Function; readyCallBack = function (){ }; config = new AchievementConfig(); config.test = false; config.gameid = "infectonator"; config.workspaceWidth = 700; config.workspaceHeight = 500; config.autoPosition = "cc"; config.bringToTop = false; config.fadeout = true; config.dialogScale = 1.5; AchievementLoaderAS3.readyCallBack(readyCallBack); AchievementLoaderAS3.loadAchievement("", this, config); } } }//package
Section 603
//KillChicken (KillChicken) package { import*; public dynamic class KillChicken extends Sound { } }//package
Section 604
//Level01 (Level01) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Level01 extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 605
//Level02 (Level02) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Level02 extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 606
//Level03 (Level03) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Level03 extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 607
//Level04 (Level04) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Level04 extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 608
//Level05 (Level05) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Level05 extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 609
//Level06 (Level06) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Level06 extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 610
//Level07 (Level07) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Level07 extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 611
//Level08 (Level08) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Level08 extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 612
//Level09 (Level09) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Level09 extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 613
//Level10 (Level10) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Level10 extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 614
//Level11 (Level11) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Level11 extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 615
//Level12 (Level12) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Level12 extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 616
//Level13 (Level13) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Level13 extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 617
//Level14 (Level14) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Level14 extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 618
//Level15 (Level15) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Level15 extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 619
//Level16 (Level16) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Level16 extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 620
//Level17 (Level17) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Level17 extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 621
//Level18 (Level18) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Level18 extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 622
//Level19 (Level19) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Level19 extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 623
//Level20 (Level20) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Level20 extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 624
//Level21 (Level21) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Level21 extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 625
//Level22 (Level22) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Level22 extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 626
//Level23 (Level23) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Level23 extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 627
//Level24 (Level24) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Level24 extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 628
//Level25 (Level25) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Level25 extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 629
//Level26 (Level26) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Level26 extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 630
//Level27 (Level27) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Level27 extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 631
//Level28 (Level28) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Level28 extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 632
//Level29 (Level29) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Level29 extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 633
//Level30 (Level30) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Level30 extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 634
//Level31 (Level31) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Level31 extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 635
//Level32 (Level32) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Level32 extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 636
//Level33 (Level33) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Level33 extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 637
//Level34 (Level34) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Level34 extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 638
//Level35 (Level35) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Level35 extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 639
//Level36 (Level36) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Level36 extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 640
//Level37 (Level37) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Level37 extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 641
//Level38 (Level38) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Level38 extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 642
//Level39 (Level39) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Level39 extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 643
//Level40 (Level40) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Level40 extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 644
//Level41 (Level41) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Level41 extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 645
//Level42 (Level42) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Level42 extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 646
//Level43 (Level43) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Level43 extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 647
//Level44 (Level44) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Level44 extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 648
//Level45 (Level45) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Level45 extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 649
//Level46 (Level46) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Level46 extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 650
//Level47 (Level47) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Level47 extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 651
//Level48 (Level48) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Level48 extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 652
//Level49 (Level49) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Level49 extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 653
//Level50 (Level50) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Level50 extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 654
//Level51 (Level51) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Level51 extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 655
//Level52 (Level52) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Level52 extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 656
//Level53 (Level53) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Level53 extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 657
//Level54 (Level54) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Level54 extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 658
//Level55 (Level55) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Level55 extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 659
//Level56 (Level56) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Level56 extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 660
//Level57 (Level57) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Level57 extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 661
//Level58 (Level58) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Level58 extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 662
//Level59 (Level59) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Level59 extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 663
//Level60 (Level60) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Level60 extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 664
//Level61 (Level61) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Level61 extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 665
//Level62 (Level62) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Level62 extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 666
//Level63 (Level63) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Level63 extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 667
//Level64 (Level64) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Level64 extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 668
//Level65 (Level65) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Level65 extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 669
//Level66 (Level66) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Level66 extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 670
//Level67 (Level67) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Level67 extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 671
//Level68 (Level68) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Level68 extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 672
//Level69 (Level69) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Level69 extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 673
//Level70 (Level70) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Level70 extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 674
//Level71 (Level71) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Level71 extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 675
//Level72 (Level72) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Level72 extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 676
//Level73 (Level73) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Level73 extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 677
//Level74 (Level74) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Level74 extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 678
//Level75 (Level75) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Level75 extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 679
//Level76 (Level76) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Level76 extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 680
//Level77 (Level77) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Level77 extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 681
//Level78 (Level78) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Level78 extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 682
//Level79 (Level79) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Level79 extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 683
//Level80 (Level80) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Level80 extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 684
//Level81 (Level81) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Level81 extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 685
//Level82 (Level82) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Level82 extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 686
//Level83 (Level83) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Level83 extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 687
//Level84 (Level84) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Level84 extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 688
//LevelInfo (LevelInfo) package { import flash.display.*; import flash.text.*; public dynamic class LevelInfo extends MovieClip { public var info:TextField; } }//package
Section 689
//LevelTutorial (LevelTutorial) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class LevelTutorial extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 690
//MaleV01 (MaleV01) package { import*; public dynamic class MaleV01 extends Sound { } }//package
Section 691
//MaleV02 (MaleV02) package { import*; public dynamic class MaleV02 extends Sound { } }//package
Section 692
//MaleV03 (MaleV03) package { import*; public dynamic class MaleV03 extends Sound { } }//package
Section 693
//MaleV04 (MaleV04) package { import*; public dynamic class MaleV04 extends Sound { } }//package
Section 694
//MaleV05 (MaleV05) package { import*; public dynamic class MaleV05 extends Sound { } }//package
Section 695
//MapGlobe (MapGlobe) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class MapGlobe extends MovieClip { public var japan:MovieClip; public var america:MovieClip; public var middleEast:MovieClip; public var russia:MovieClip; public var india:MovieClip; public var china:MovieClip; public var philipines:MovieClip; public var indonesia:MovieClip; public var australia:MovieClip; public var southAmerica:MovieClip; public var greenLand:MovieClip; public var africa:MovieClip; public var europe:MovieClip; public var mexico:MovieClip; public var canada:MovieClip; public var indoChina:MovieClip; } }//package
Section 696
//MapSelectionArrow (MapSelectionArrow) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class MapSelectionArrow extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 697
//MapStats (MapStats) package { import flash.display.*; import flash.text.*; public dynamic class MapStats extends MovieClip { public var reqText:TextField; public var townName:TextField; public var defense:TextField; public var closeBut:SimpleButton; public var population:TextField; public var wealth:TextField; public var infectButton:SimpleButton; } }//package
Section 698
//MapWorldAfrica (MapWorldAfrica) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class MapWorldAfrica extends MovieClip { public var level1:MovieClip; public var level2:MovieClip; public var level4:MovieClip; public var level5:MovieClip; public var level6:MovieClip; public var level3:MovieClip; } }//package
Section 699
//MapWorldAmerica (MapWorldAmerica) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class MapWorldAmerica extends MovieClip { public var level1:MovieClip; public var level2:MovieClip; public var level4:MovieClip; public var level5:MovieClip; public var level6:MovieClip; public var level3:MovieClip; } }//package
Section 700
//MapWorldAustralia (MapWorldAustralia) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class MapWorldAustralia extends MovieClip { public var level1:MovieClip; public var level2:MovieClip; public var level4:MovieClip; public var level5:MovieClip; public var level6:MovieClip; public var level3:MovieClip; } }//package
Section 701
//MapWorldCanada (MapWorldCanada) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class MapWorldCanada extends MovieClip { public var level1:MovieClip; public var level2:MovieClip; public var level4:MovieClip; public var level5:MovieClip; public var level6:MovieClip; public var level3:MovieClip; } }//package
Section 702
//MapWorldChina (MapWorldChina) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class MapWorldChina extends MovieClip { public var level1:MovieClip; public var level2:MovieClip; public var level4:MovieClip; public var level5:MovieClip; public var level6:MovieClip; public var level3:MovieClip; } }//package
Section 703
//MapWorldEurope (MapWorldEurope) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class MapWorldEurope extends MovieClip { public var level1:MovieClip; public var level2:MovieClip; public var level4:MovieClip; public var level5:MovieClip; public var level6:MovieClip; public var level7:MovieClip; public var level3:MovieClip; } }//package
Section 704
//MapWorldGreenland (MapWorldGreenland) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class MapWorldGreenland extends MovieClip { public var level1:MovieClip; public var level2:MovieClip; public var level4:MovieClip; public var level5:MovieClip; public var level6:MovieClip; public var level3:MovieClip; } }//package
Section 705
//MapWorldIndia (MapWorldIndia) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class MapWorldIndia extends MovieClip { public var level1:MovieClip; public var level2:MovieClip; public var level4:MovieClip; public var level5:MovieClip; public var level6:MovieClip; public var level3:MovieClip; } }//package
Section 706
//MapWorldIndoChina (MapWorldIndoChina) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class MapWorldIndoChina extends MovieClip { public var level1:MovieClip; public var level2:MovieClip; public var level4:MovieClip; public var level3:MovieClip; } }//package
Section 707
//MapWorldIndonesia (MapWorldIndonesia) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class MapWorldIndonesia extends MovieClip { public var level1:MovieClip; public var level2:MovieClip; public var level4:MovieClip; public var level5:MovieClip; public var level6:MovieClip; public var level7:MovieClip; public var level3:MovieClip; } }//package
Section 708
//MapWorldJapan (MapWorldJapan) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class MapWorldJapan extends MovieClip { public var level1:MovieClip; public var level2:MovieClip; public var level3:MovieClip; } }//package
Section 709
//MapWorldMexico (MapWorldMexico) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class MapWorldMexico extends MovieClip { public var level1:MovieClip; public var level2:MovieClip; public var level4:MovieClip; public var level3:MovieClip; } }//package
Section 710
//MapWorldMiddleEast (MapWorldMiddleEast) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class MapWorldMiddleEast extends MovieClip { public var level1:MovieClip; public var level2:MovieClip; public var level4:MovieClip; public var level5:MovieClip; public var level6:MovieClip; public var level3:MovieClip; } }//package
Section 711
//MapWorldPhilipines (MapWorldPhilipines) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class MapWorldPhilipines extends MovieClip { public var level1:MovieClip; public var level2:MovieClip; public var level3:MovieClip; } }//package
Section 712
//MapWorldRussia (MapWorldRussia) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class MapWorldRussia extends MovieClip { public var level1:MovieClip; public var level2:MovieClip; public var level4:MovieClip; public var level3:MovieClip; } }//package
Section 713
//MapWorldSouthAmerica (MapWorldSouthAmerica) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class MapWorldSouthAmerica extends MovieClip { public var level1:MovieClip; public var level2:MovieClip; public var level4:MovieClip; public var level3:MovieClip; } }//package
Section 714
//MapWorldStats (MapWorldStats) package { import flash.display.*; import flash.text.*; public dynamic class MapWorldStats extends MovieClip { public var reqText:TextField; public var countryName:TextField; public var closeBut:SimpleButton; public var infectButton:SimpleButton; public var lockStatus:TextField; } }//package
Section 715
//MedalSound (MedalSound) package { import*; public dynamic class MedalSound extends Sound { } }//package
Section 716
//Menu2Song (Menu2Song) package { import*; public dynamic class Menu2Song extends Sound { } }//package
Section 717
//MenuSong (MenuSong) package { import*; public dynamic class MenuSong extends Sound { } }//package
Section 718
//NextButton (NextButton) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class NextButton extends SimpleButton { } }//package
Section 719
//RetryButton (RetryButton) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class RetryButton extends SimpleButton { } }//package
Section 720
//ScreenCredits (ScreenCredits) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class ScreenCredits extends MovieClip { public var toge:MovieClip; public var backButton:SimpleButton; } }//package
Section 721
//ScreenGameOver (ScreenGameOver) package { import flash.display.*; import flash.text.*; public dynamic class ScreenGameOver extends MovieClip { public var slot:MovieClip; public var submitButton:SimpleButton; public var infoText:TextField; public var toge:MovieClip; public var scoreText:TextField; public function ScreenGameOver(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ stop(); } } }//package
Section 722
//ScreenMainMenu (ScreenMainMenu) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class ScreenMainMenu extends MovieClip { public var scores:SimpleButton; public var start:SimpleButton; public var toge:MovieClip; public var credits:SimpleButton; public var options:SimpleButton; public var adSpace:MovieClip; public var worldEdition:MovieClip; } }//package
Section 723
//ScreenMapMenuBar (ScreenMapMenuBar) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class ScreenMapMenuBar extends MovieClip { public var sound:SimpleButton; public var world:SimpleButton; public var stats:SimpleButton; public var lab:SimpleButton; public var day:MovieClip; public var money:MovieClip; public var news:SimpleButton; public var pause:SimpleButton; } }//package
Section 724
//ScreenMenuBar (ScreenMenuBar) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class ScreenMenuBar extends MovieClip { public var boomer:MovieClip; public var infect:MovieClip; public var soundButton:SimpleButton; public var McD:MovieClip; public var abortButton:SimpleButton; public var mj:MovieClip; public var bomb:MovieClip; public var colSanders:MovieClip; public var money:MovieClip; public var kills:MovieClip; public var spider:MovieClip; public var tank:MovieClip; } }//package
Section 725
//ScreenNewGame (ScreenNewGame) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class ScreenNewGame extends MovieClip { public var slot:MovieClip; public var toge:MovieClip; } }//package
Section 726
//ScreenOptions (ScreenOptions) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class ScreenOptions extends MovieClip { public var highClip:MovieClip; public var medButton:SimpleButton; public var soundOnButton:SimpleButton; public var medClip:MovieClip; public var soundOffClip:MovieClip; public var soundOffButton:SimpleButton; public var highButton:SimpleButton; public var toge:MovieClip; public var lowButton:SimpleButton; public var soundOnClip:MovieClip; public var lowClip:MovieClip; public var backButton:SimpleButton; } }//package
Section 727
//ScreenPause (ScreenPause) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class ScreenPause extends MovieClip { public var toge:MovieClip; public var quitBut:SimpleButton; public var loadBut:SimpleButton; public var optionBut:SimpleButton; public var saveBut:SimpleButton; public var backButton:SimpleButton; } }//package
Section 728
//ScreenPopUpAnimated (ScreenPopUpAnimated) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class ScreenPopUpAnimated extends MovieClip { public var clip:MovieClip; public function ScreenPopUpAnimated(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1, 25, frame26, 46, frame47); } function frame1(){ stop(); } function frame26(){ stop(); } function frame47(){ stop(); clip.visible = false; } } }//package
Section 729
//ScreenPopUpBaloon (ScreenPopUpBaloon) package { import flash.display.*; import flash.text.*; public dynamic class ScreenPopUpBaloon extends MovieClip { public var closeBut:SimpleButton; public var info:TextField; } }//package
Section 730
//ScreenPopUpTutorial (ScreenPopUpTutorial) package { import flash.display.*; import flash.text.*; public dynamic class ScreenPopUpTutorial extends MovieClip { public var info:TextField; } }//package
Section 731
//ScreenResult (ScreenResult) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class ScreenResult extends MovieClip { public var chatBox:MovieClip; public var closeButton:SimpleButton; public var ads:MovieClip; public function ScreenResult(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ ads.buttonMode = true; } } }//package
Section 732
//ScreenSaveLoad (ScreenSaveLoad) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class ScreenSaveLoad extends MovieClip { public var slot3:MovieClip; public var slot1:MovieClip; public var slot0:MovieClip; public var slot2:MovieClip; public var toge:MovieClip; public var autoSave:MovieClip; public var delete0:MovieClip; public var delete3:MovieClip; public var delete1:MovieClip; public var delete2:MovieClip; public var backButton:SimpleButton; } }//package
Section 733
//ScreenStats (ScreenStats) package { import flash.display.*; import flash.text.*; public dynamic class ScreenStats extends MovieClip { public var peopleKilled:TextField; public var achievement3:MovieClip; public var description:TextField; public var achievement2:MovieClip; public var achievement1:MovieClip; public var peopleInfected:TextField; public var dayPassed:TextField; public var moneyCollected:TextField; public var closeButton:SimpleButton; public var achievement12:MovieClip; public var achievement13:MovieClip; public var achievement10:MovieClip; public var achievement14:MovieClip; public var achievement11:MovieClip; public var carDestroyed:TextField; public var heroesKilled:TextField; public var townDestroyed:TextField; public var achievement0:MovieClip; public var achievement4:MovieClip; public var achievement5:MovieClip; public var achievement7:MovieClip; public var achievement8:MovieClip; public var achievement6:MovieClip; public var achievement9:MovieClip; } }//package
Section 734
//ScreenSuccess (ScreenSuccess) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class ScreenSuccess extends MovieClip { public var info:MovieClip; public function ScreenSuccess(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1, 29, frame30); } function frame1(){ stop(); } function frame30(){ info.visible = false; } } }//package
Section 735
//ScreenTogeSplash (ScreenTogeSplash) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class ScreenTogeSplash extends MovieClip { public var animationDone:Boolean; public var toge:MovieClip; public function ScreenTogeSplash(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1, 299, frame300); } function frame1(){ animationDone = false; } function frame300(){ animationDone = true; stop(); } } }//package
Section 736
//ScreenTransition (ScreenTransition) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class ScreenTransition extends MovieClip { public function ScreenTransition(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1, 19, frame20); } function frame1(){ stop(); } function frame20(){ stop(); } } }//package
Section 737
//ScreenUpgrade (ScreenUpgrade) package { import flash.display.*; import flash.text.*; public dynamic class ScreenUpgrade extends MovieClip { public var bombUpgrade:MovieClip; public var description:TextField; public var price:TextField; public var virusUpgrade:MovieClip; public var coinUpgrade:MovieClip; public var closeButton:SimpleButton; public var status1:TextField; public var AdSpace:MovieClip; public var status2:TextField; public var status3:TextField; public var status4:TextField; public var upgrade1:MovieClip; public var upgrade3:MovieClip; public var upgrade4:MovieClip; public var upgrade2:MovieClip; public var moneyInfo:MovieClip; public var directionUpgrade:MovieClip; public var status0:TextField; public var special:SimpleButton; public var upgrade0:MovieClip; public var day:MovieClip; public var charUpgrade:MovieClip; public var wallUpgrade:MovieClip; } }//package
Section 738
//ScreenUpgrade2 (ScreenUpgrade2) package { import flash.display.*; import flash.text.*; public dynamic class ScreenUpgrade2 extends MovieClip { public var description:TextField; public var price:TextField; public var closeButton:SimpleButton; public var level:MovieClip; public var moneyInfo:MovieClip; public var charImage:MovieClip; public var day:MovieClip; public var zombie0:MovieClip; public var zombie2:MovieClip; public var zombie4:MovieClip; public var zombie5:MovieClip; public var zombie1:MovieClip; public var zombie3:MovieClip; public var backButton:SimpleButton; } }//package
Section 739
//ScreenWorldSelector (ScreenWorldSelector) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class ScreenWorldSelector extends MovieClip { public var globe:MapGlobe; } }//package
Section 740
//SpiderBullet (SpiderBullet) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class SpiderBullet extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 741
//SpiderWeb (SpiderWeb) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class SpiderWeb extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 742
//SwordSound (SwordSound) package { import*; public dynamic class SwordSound extends Sound { } }//package
Section 743
//ThrillerSong (ThrillerSong) package { import*; public dynamic class ThrillerSong extends Sound { } }//package
Section 744
//tile01 (tile01) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class tile01 extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 745
//tile02 (tile02) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class tile02 extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 746
//tileBrickwall (tileBrickwall) package { import p_tiles.*; public dynamic class tileBrickwall extends TileObject { } }//package
Section 747
//tileCampfire (tileCampfire) package { import p_tiles.*; public dynamic class tileCampfire extends TileObject { } }//package
Section 748
//tileDeadtree (tileDeadtree) package { import p_tiles.*; public dynamic class tileDeadtree extends TileObject { } }//package
Section 749
//tileDebris01 (tileDebris01) package { import p_tiles.*; public dynamic class tileDebris01 extends TileObject { } }//package
Section 750
//tileDebris02 (tileDebris02) package { import p_tiles.*; public dynamic class tileDebris02 extends TileObject { } }//package
Section 751
//tileDebris03 (tileDebris03) package { import p_tiles.*; public dynamic class tileDebris03 extends TileObject { } }//package
Section 752
//tileDebris04 (tileDebris04) package { import p_tiles.*; public dynamic class tileDebris04 extends TileObject { } }//package
Section 753
//tiledebrisScreen (tiledebrisScreen) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class tiledebrisScreen extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 754
//tileGrass (tileGrass) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class tileGrass extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 755
//tileIce (tileIce) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class tileIce extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 756
//tileLabWall (tileLabWall) package { import p_tiles.*; public dynamic class tileLabWall extends TileObject { } }//package
Section 757
//tileMetalWall (tileMetalWall) package { import p_tiles.*; public dynamic class tileMetalWall extends TileObject { } }//package
Section 758
//tileSnow (tileSnow) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class tileSnow extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 759
//tilesnowman (tilesnowman) package { import p_tiles.*; public dynamic class tilesnowman extends TileObject { } }//package
Section 760
//tiletent01 (tiletent01) package { import p_tiles.*; public dynamic class tiletent01 extends TileObject { } }//package
Section 761
//tileTent01flip (tileTent01flip) package { import p_tiles.*; public dynamic class tileTent01flip extends TileObject { } }//package
Section 762
//tileTree (tileTree) package { import p_tiles.*; public dynamic class tileTree extends TileObject { } }//package
Section 763
//tiletreesnow (tiletreesnow) package { import p_tiles.*; public dynamic class tiletreesnow extends TileObject { } }//package
Section 764
//tiletreexmas (tiletreexmas) package { import p_tiles.*; public dynamic class tiletreexmas extends TileObject { } }//package
Section 765
//tileWoodSnowWall (tileWoodSnowWall) package { import p_tiles.*; public dynamic class tileWoodSnowWall extends TileObject { } }//package
Section 766
//TransitionSound (TransitionSound) package { import*; public dynamic class TransitionSound extends Sound { } }//package
Section 767
//VenomBullet (VenomBullet) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class VenomBullet extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 768
//VenomWeb (VenomWeb) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class VenomWeb extends MovieClip { } }//package

Library Items

Symbol 1 Sound {ClickSound}
Symbol 2 Sound {GoodDayRussia}
Symbol 3 Sound {MenuSong}
Symbol 4 Sound {GoodDayMidEast}
Symbol 5 Sound {GoodDayJapan}
Symbol 6 Sound {GoodDay3}
Symbol 7 Sound {GoodDay2}
Symbol 8 Sound {GoodDay1}
Symbol 9 Sound {GoodDayFrance}
Symbol 10 Sound {GoodDayChina}
Symbol 11 Sound {BadDay5}
Symbol 12 Sound {BadDay4}
Symbol 13 Sound {BadDay3}
Symbol 14 Sound {BadDay2}
Symbol 15 Sound {BadDay1}
Symbol 16 Sound {ThrillerSong}
Symbol 17 Sound {MedalSound}
Symbol 18 Sound {TransitionSound}
Symbol 19 Sound {Menu2Song}
Symbol 20 Sound {BulletSound}
Symbol 21 Sound {SwordSound}
Symbol 22 Sound {KillChicken}
Symbol 23 Sound {ExploSound}
Symbol 24 Sound {CoinSound}
Symbol 25 Sound {BuySound}
Symbol 26 Sound {HappySong3}
Symbol 27 Sound {HappySong4}
Symbol 28 Sound {HorrorSong1}
Symbol 29 Sound {HorrorSong2}
Symbol 30 Sound {HappySong2}
Symbol 31 Sound {HappySong1}
Symbol 32 Sound {MaleV05}
Symbol 33 Sound {MaleV04}
Symbol 34 Sound {MaleV03}
Symbol 35 Sound {FemaleV03}
Symbol 36 Sound {MaleV02}
Symbol 37 Sound {FemaleV02}
Symbol 38 Sound {MaleV01}
Symbol 39 Sound {FemaleV01}
Symbol 40 GraphicUsed by:60
Symbol 41 GraphicUsed by:45 2329
Symbol 42 GraphicUsed by:45 2329
Symbol 43 GraphicUsed by:45 2329
Symbol 44 GraphicUsed by:45 2329
Symbol 45 ButtonUses:41 42 43 44Used by:60 1044 2455
Symbol 46 GraphicUsed by:48
Symbol 47 GraphicUsed by:48
Symbol 48 MovieClipUses:46 47Used by:60
Symbol 49 GraphicUsed by:52
Symbol 50 FontUsed by:51 1177 1512 1513 1514 2293 2294
Symbol 51 EditableTextUses:50Used by:52
Symbol 52 MovieClip {InfectonatorWD_fla.ChatBox_543}Uses:49 51Used by:60
Symbol 53 BitmapUsed by:54
Symbol 54 GraphicUses:53Used by:55
Symbol 55 MovieClipUses:54Used by:60
Symbol 56 GraphicUsed by:60
Symbol 57 GraphicUsed by:58
Symbol 58 MovieClipUses:57Used by:59 2475 2480
Symbol 59 MovieClip {InfectonatorWD_fla.Logo_62}Uses:58Used by:60 101 1210 2295 2319 2328 2455 2480 2483 2493
Symbol 60 MovieClip {ScreenResult}Uses:40 45 48 52 55 56 59
Symbol 61 GraphicUsed by:71 1207
Symbol 62 GraphicUsed by:63
Symbol 63 MovieClip {MapSelectionArrow}Uses:62Used by:71 1494
Symbol 64 GraphicUsed by:71 1057 1058
Symbol 65 GraphicUsed by:71 916 1065 1412
Symbol 66 GraphicUsed by:71 1062
Symbol 67 GraphicUsed by:71 1068
Symbol 68 GraphicUsed by:71 1004 1071 1219
Symbol 69 GraphicUsed by:71 706 893 1074
Symbol 70 GraphicUsed by:71
Symbol 71 MovieClip {CursorImages}Uses:61 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70
Symbol 72 GraphicUsed by:101 1210 2295 2319 2328 2493
Symbol 73 FontUsed by:74 89
Symbol 74 EditableTextUses:73Used by:101
Symbol 75 GraphicUsed by:86
Symbol 76 GraphicUsed by:80 83 100 2301 2304 2307 2310 2313 2314 2315 2316 2317 2318 2449 2489
Symbol 77 GraphicUsed by:80
Symbol 78 GraphicUsed by:80 83 100 1200 1203 2301 2304 2307 2310 2313 2314 2315 2316 2317 2318 2449 2489 2497 2500
Symbol 79 GraphicUsed by:80
Symbol 80 ButtonUses:76 77 78 79Used by:86
Symbol 81 GraphicUsed by:83
Symbol 82 GraphicUsed by:83
Symbol 83 ButtonUses:76 81 78 82Used by:86 1044 2295 2319 2328 2493
Symbol 84 FontUsed by:85 87 88 99 193 903 912 1041 1042 1043 1177 1496 1497 1498 1507 1508 1509 1510 1511 2181 2188 2293 2294 2296 2297 2321 2324 2326 2331 2332 2333 2334 2335 2336 2337 2338 2339 2340 2341 2342 2343 2344 2345 2346 2347 2349 2351 2353 2356 2358 2360 2363 2365 2367 2370 2372 2374 2377 2380 2383 2404 2405 2406 2407 2408 2409 2410 2411 2417 2418 2419 2420 2484 2485 2488 2490 2491
Symbol 85 EditableTextUses:84Used by:86
Symbol 86 MovieClip {InfectonatorWD_fla.EnterNameSlot_69}Uses:75 80 83 85Used by:101 2483
Symbol 87 EditableTextUses:84Used by:101
Symbol 88 TextUses:84Used by:101
Symbol 89 TextUses:73Used by:101
Symbol 90 FontUsed by:91 92 188 898 902 1030 1037 1046 1050 1055 1059 1063 1066 1069 1072 1075 1080 1083 1156 1160 1164 1168 1172 2293 2501 2504
Symbol 91 TextUses:90Used by:101 1210 2295 2319 2328 2483 2493
Symbol 92 TextUses:90Used by:93
Symbol 93 MovieClipUses:92Used by:101 1210 2295 2319 2328 2483 2493
Symbol 94 GraphicUsed by:95
Symbol 95 MovieClipUses:94Used by:101 1210 2179 2187 2295 2319 2328 2483 2493
Symbol 96 GraphicUsed by:97 2385
Symbol 97 MovieClipUses:96Used by:98 2385
Symbol 98 MovieClip {InfectonatorWD_fla.BubbleBoxLogoButton_65}Uses:97Used by:101 1044 1210 2295 2319 2328 2455 2483 2493
Symbol 99 TextUses:84Used by:100
Symbol 100 ButtonUses:76 99 78Used by:101
Symbol 101 MovieClip {ScreenGameOver}Uses:72 74 86 87 88 89 59 91 93 95 98 100
Symbol 102 GraphicUsed by:103
Symbol 103 MovieClip {SpiderBullet}Uses:102
Symbol 104 GraphicUsed by:105
Symbol 105 MovieClip {SpiderWeb}Uses:104
Symbol 106 GraphicUsed by:107
Symbol 107 MovieClip {VenomBullet}Uses:106
Symbol 108 GraphicUsed by:109
Symbol 109 MovieClip {VenomWeb}Uses:108
Symbol 110 GraphicUsed by:119
Symbol 111 GraphicUsed by:119
Symbol 112 GraphicUsed by:119
Symbol 113 GraphicUsed by:119
Symbol 114 GraphicUsed by:119
Symbol 115 GraphicUsed by:119
Symbol 116 GraphicUsed by:119
Symbol 117 GraphicUsed by:119
Symbol 118 GraphicUsed by:119
Symbol 119 MovieClip {charVenomDie}Uses:110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118
Symbol 120 GraphicUsed by:129
Symbol 121 GraphicUsed by:129
Symbol 122 GraphicUsed by:129
Symbol 123 GraphicUsed by:129
Symbol 124 GraphicUsed by:129
Symbol 125 GraphicUsed by:129
Symbol 126 GraphicUsed by:129
Symbol 127 GraphicUsed by:129
Symbol 128 GraphicUsed by:129
Symbol 129 MovieClip {charSapidermanN}Uses:120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128
Symbol 130 GraphicUsed by:144 154
Symbol 131 GraphicUsed by:144
Symbol 132 GraphicUsed by:144
Symbol 133 GraphicUsed by:144
Symbol 134 GraphicUsed by:144 205 269 336 386 459 524 588 649 729 800 1255 1333 1605 1686 1787 1865 2089 2516 2527 2719
Symbol 135 GraphicUsed by:144 205 269 336 386 459 524 588 649 729 800 1255 1333 1605 1686 1787 1865 2089 2516 2527 2719
Symbol 136 GraphicUsed by:144 205 269 336 386 459 524 588 649 729 800 1255 1333 1605 1686 1787 1865 2089 2516 2527 2719
Symbol 137 GraphicUsed by:144
Symbol 138 GraphicUsed by:144
Symbol 139 GraphicUsed by:144 336 459
Symbol 140 GraphicUsed by:144
Symbol 141 GraphicUsed by:144
Symbol 142 GraphicUsed by:144 205 269 336 524 800 1333 1686 2089 2516 2527 2719
Symbol 143 GraphicUsed by:144
Symbol 144 MovieClip {charSapidermanDie}Uses:130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143
Symbol 145 GraphicUsed by:154
Symbol 146 GraphicUsed by:154
Symbol 147 GraphicUsed by:154
Symbol 148 GraphicUsed by:154
Symbol 149 GraphicUsed by:154
Symbol 150 GraphicUsed by:154
Symbol 151 GraphicUsed by:154
Symbol 152 GraphicUsed by:154
Symbol 153 GraphicUsed by:154
Symbol 154 MovieClip {charSapidermanS}Uses:145 146 147 148 149 130 150 151 152 153
Symbol 155 GraphicUsed by:164
Symbol 156 GraphicUsed by:164
Symbol 157 GraphicUsed by:164
Symbol 158 GraphicUsed by:164
Symbol 159 GraphicUsed by:164
Symbol 160 GraphicUsed by:164
Symbol 161 GraphicUsed by:164
Symbol 162 GraphicUsed by:164
Symbol 163 GraphicUsed by:164
Symbol 164 MovieClip {charSapidermanNE}Uses:155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163
Symbol 165 GraphicUsed by:175
Symbol 166 GraphicUsed by:175
Symbol 167 GraphicUsed by:175
Symbol 168 GraphicUsed by:175
Symbol 169 GraphicUsed by:175
Symbol 170 GraphicUsed by:175
Symbol 171 GraphicUsed by:175
Symbol 172 GraphicUsed by:175
Symbol 173 GraphicUsed by:175
Symbol 174 GraphicUsed by:175
Symbol 175 MovieClip {charSapidermanSE}Uses:165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174
Symbol 176 GraphicUsed by:185
Symbol 177 GraphicUsed by:185
Symbol 178 GraphicUsed by:185
Symbol 179 GraphicUsed by:185
Symbol 180 GraphicUsed by:185
Symbol 181 GraphicUsed by:185
Symbol 182 GraphicUsed by:185
Symbol 183 GraphicUsed by:185
Symbol 184 GraphicUsed by:185
Symbol 185 MovieClip {charSapidermanE}Uses:176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184
Symbol 186 GraphicUsed by:194
Symbol 187 GraphicUsed by:192 1499
Symbol 188 TextUses:90Used by:192 1499
Symbol 189 GraphicUsed by:192 1081 1499
Symbol 190 GraphicUsed by:192 1054 1058 1062 1065 1068 1071 1074 1079 1081 1085 1158 1162 1166 1170 1174 1499
Symbol 191 GraphicUsed by:192 1054 1058 1062 1065 1068 1071 1074 1079 1081 1085 1158 1162 1166 1170 1174 1499
Symbol 192 ButtonUses:187 188 189 190 191Used by:194 2190
Symbol 193 EditableTextUses:84Used by:194
Symbol 194 MovieClip {ScreenPopUpBaloon}Uses:186 192 193
Symbol 195 GraphicUsed by:205 226
Symbol 196 GraphicUsed by:205
Symbol 197 GraphicUsed by:205
Symbol 198 GraphicUsed by:205
Symbol 199 GraphicUsed by:205
Symbol 200 GraphicUsed by:205
Symbol 201 GraphicUsed by:205
Symbol 202 GraphicUsed by:205
Symbol 203 GraphicUsed by:205
Symbol 204 GraphicUsed by:205
Symbol 205 MovieClip {charSWATDie}Uses:195 196 197 198 134 135 136 199 200 201 202 203 142 204
Symbol 206 GraphicUsed by:216
Symbol 207 GraphicUsed by:216
Symbol 208 GraphicUsed by:216
Symbol 209 GraphicUsed by:216
Symbol 210 GraphicUsed by:216
Symbol 211 GraphicUsed by:216
Symbol 212 GraphicUsed by:216
Symbol 213 GraphicUsed by:216
Symbol 214 GraphicUsed by:216
Symbol 215 GraphicUsed by:216
Symbol 216 MovieClip {charSWATN}Uses:206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215
Symbol 217 GraphicUsed by:226
Symbol 218 GraphicUsed by:226
Symbol 219 GraphicUsed by:226
Symbol 220 GraphicUsed by:226
Symbol 221 GraphicUsed by:226
Symbol 222 GraphicUsed by:226
Symbol 223 GraphicUsed by:226
Symbol 224 GraphicUsed by:226
Symbol 225 GraphicUsed by:226
Symbol 226 MovieClip {charSWATS}Uses:217 218 219 220 195 221 222 223 224 225
Symbol 227 GraphicUsed by:236
Symbol 228 GraphicUsed by:236
Symbol 229 GraphicUsed by:236
Symbol 230 GraphicUsed by:236
Symbol 231 GraphicUsed by:236
Symbol 232 GraphicUsed by:236
Symbol 233 GraphicUsed by:236
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Symbol 300 GraphicUsed by:307
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Symbol 390 GraphicUsed by:398 1737
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Symbol 1857 GraphicUsed by:1865
Symbol 1858 GraphicUsed by:1865
Symbol 1859 GraphicUsed by:1865
Symbol 1860 GraphicUsed by:1865
Symbol 1861 GraphicUsed by:1865
Symbol 1862 GraphicUsed by:1865
Symbol 1863 GraphicUsed by:1865
Symbol 1864 GraphicUsed by:1865
Symbol 1865 MovieClip {charEnemy05Die}Uses:1854 1855 1856 1857 134 135 136 1858 1859 1860 1861 1862 1863 1864
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Symbol 1867 GraphicUsed by:1875
Symbol 1868 GraphicUsed by:1875
Symbol 1869 GraphicUsed by:1875
Symbol 1870 GraphicUsed by:1875
Symbol 1871 GraphicUsed by:1875
Symbol 1872 GraphicUsed by:1875
Symbol 1873 GraphicUsed by:1875
Symbol 1874 GraphicUsed by:1875
Symbol 1875 MovieClip {charEnemy05N}Uses:1866 1867 1868 1869 1870 1871 1872 1873 1874
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Symbol 1877 GraphicUsed by:1883
Symbol 1878 GraphicUsed by:1883
Symbol 1879 GraphicUsed by:1883
Symbol 1880 GraphicUsed by:1883
Symbol 1881 GraphicUsed by:1883
Symbol 1882 GraphicUsed by:1883
Symbol 1883 MovieClip {charEnemy05S}Uses:1876 1877 1878 1854 1879 1880 1881 1882
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Symbol 1885 GraphicUsed by:1893
Symbol 1886 GraphicUsed by:1893
Symbol 1887 GraphicUsed by:1893
Symbol 1888 GraphicUsed by:1893
Symbol 1889 GraphicUsed by:1893
Symbol 1890 GraphicUsed by:1893
Symbol 1891 GraphicUsed by:1893
Symbol 1892 GraphicUsed by:1893
Symbol 1893 MovieClip {charEnemy05NE}Uses:1884 1885 1886 1887 1888 1889 1890 1891 1892
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Symbol 1895 GraphicUsed by:1904
Symbol 1896 GraphicUsed by:1904
Symbol 1897 GraphicUsed by:1904
Symbol 1898 GraphicUsed by:1904
Symbol 1899 GraphicUsed by:1904
Symbol 1900 GraphicUsed by:1904
Symbol 1901 GraphicUsed by:1904
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Symbol 1903 GraphicUsed by:1904
Symbol 1904 MovieClip {charEnemy05SE}Uses:1894 1895 1896 1897 1898 1899 1900 1901 1902 1903
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Symbol 1906 GraphicUsed by:1915
Symbol 1907 GraphicUsed by:1915
Symbol 1908 GraphicUsed by:1915
Symbol 1909 GraphicUsed by:1915
Symbol 1910 GraphicUsed by:1915
Symbol 1911 GraphicUsed by:1915
Symbol 1912 GraphicUsed by:1915
Symbol 1913 GraphicUsed by:1915
Symbol 1914 GraphicUsed by:1915
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Symbol 1918 BitmapUsed by:1919 1941 1946 1948 1951 1953 1955 1957 1959 1975 1977 1979 1981 1983 1985 1988 1991 1996 1998 2000 2002 2007 2012 2014 2022 2024 2028 2032 2034 2040 2042 2046 2048 2050 2052 2054 2215 2229 2231 2233 2235 2237 2239 2241 2245 2249 2251 2253 2255 2261 2267 2275 2277 2282
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Symbol 1920 BitmapUsed by:1921
Symbol 1921 GraphicUses:1920Used by:1922
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Symbol 1924 GraphicUses:1923Used by:1925 1934
Symbol 1925 MovieClip {tiletreesnow}Uses:1924Used by:1938 1949 1952 1976 1995 2011 2015 2017 2031 2035 2047 2224 2238 2244 2248 2250
Symbol 1926 BitmapUsed by:1927
Symbol 1927 GraphicUses:1926Used by:1928
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Symbol 1929 GraphicUsed by:1934
Symbol 1930 GraphicUsed by:1934
Symbol 1931 GraphicUsed by:1934
Symbol 1932 GraphicUsed by:1934
Symbol 1933 GraphicUsed by:1934
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Symbol 1936 GraphicUses:1935Used by:1937
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Symbol 1940 BitmapUsed by:1941 1946 1951 1953 1955 1957 1959 1977 1979 1981 1983 1988 1998 2002 2012 2018 2020 2022 2024 2028 2032 2040 2042 2044 2048 2050 2192 2198 2215 2221 2225 2229 2231 2233 2239 2245 2253 2255 2259 2261 2265 2267 2269 2275 2277 2282 2284 2286 2289
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Symbol 1947 MovieClip {Level69}Uses:1946 1922 1944
Symbol 1948 GraphicUses:1916 1918 1917Used by:1949
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Symbol 1953 GraphicUses:1917 1918 1939 1940 1950 1089Used by:1954
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Symbol 1955 GraphicUses:1917 1918 1939 1940 1950 1089Used by:1956
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Symbol 1957 GraphicUses:1917 1918 1939 1940 1950 1089Used by:1958
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Symbol 1959 GraphicUses:1939 1917 1918 1940Used by:1960
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Symbol 1962 GraphicUsed by:1964
Symbol 1963 GraphicUsed by:1964
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Symbol 1965 GraphicUsed by:1968
Symbol 1966 GraphicUsed by:1968
Symbol 1967 GraphicUsed by:1968
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Symbol 1969 GraphicUsed by:1970
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Symbol 1974 MovieClip {blood06}Uses:1973
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Symbol 1977 GraphicUses:1939 1918 1940Used by:1978
Symbol 1978 MovieClip {Level26}Uses:1977 1922 1944 1928
Symbol 1979 GraphicUses:1939 1916 1940 1918Used by:1980
Symbol 1980 MovieClip {Level70}Uses:1979 1922 1944
Symbol 1981 GraphicUses:1939 1916 1940 1918Used by:1982
Symbol 1982 MovieClip {Level21}Uses:1981 1922 1944
Symbol 1983 GraphicUses:1939 1918 1089 1940Used by:1984
Symbol 1984 MovieClip {Level42}Uses:1983 1944 1928 1922
Symbol 1985 GraphicUses:1939 1918 1089Used by:1986
Symbol 1986 MovieClip {Level07}Uses:1985 1944 1928 1922
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Symbol 1988 GraphicUses:1939 1918 1917 1940 1987 1950Used by:1989
Symbol 1989 MovieClip {Level37}Uses:1988 1922 1944
Symbol 1990 BitmapUsed by:1991 2016 2034 2183 2249 2791
Symbol 1991 GraphicUses:1950 1918 1990 1916Used by:1995
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Symbol 1993 GraphicUses:1992Used by:1994
Symbol 1994 MovieClip {tileLabWall}Uses:1993Used by:1995 1997 1999 2001 2006
Symbol 1995 MovieClip {Level65}Uses:1991 1922 1994 1925
Symbol 1996 GraphicUses:1950 1918 1939Used by:1997
Symbol 1997 MovieClip {Level38}Uses:1996 1922 1994 1944
Symbol 1998 GraphicUses:1089 1940 1950 1918Used by:1999
Symbol 1999 MovieClip {Level20}Uses:1998 1994 1922 1944
Symbol 2000 GraphicUses:1939 1918Used by:2001
Symbol 2001 MovieClip {Level68}Uses:2000 1994 1922
Symbol 2002 GraphicUses:1089 1939 1918 1940Used by:2003
Symbol 2003 MovieClip {Level36}Uses:2002 1922 1944
Symbol 2004 BitmapUsed by:2005
Symbol 2005 GraphicUses:2004Used by:2006
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Symbol 2007 GraphicUses:1950 1918 1916 1939Used by:2011
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Symbol 2009 GraphicUses:2008Used by:2010
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Symbol 2011 MovieClip {Level24}Uses:2007 1925 1928 1934 1922 2010
Symbol 2012 GraphicUses:1918 1916 1939 1940Used by:2013
Symbol 2013 MovieClip {Level72}Uses:2012 1922
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Symbol 2015 MovieClip {Level49}Uses:2014 1925 1928 1934 1922 2010
Symbol 2016 GraphicUses:1916 1990Used by:2017
Symbol 2017 MovieClip {Level61}Uses:2016 1925 1928
Symbol 2018 GraphicUses:1940 1089Used by:2019
Symbol 2019 MovieClip {Level59}Uses:2018 1944
Symbol 2020 GraphicUses:1940 1089 1090Used by:2021
Symbol 2021 MovieClip {Level58}Uses:2020 1944 1922
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Symbol 2024 GraphicUses:1089 1090 1940 1939 1918Used by:2025
Symbol 2025 MovieClip {Level56}Uses:2024 1944 1922
Symbol 2026 GraphicUses:1089 1090 1950Used by:2027
Symbol 2027 MovieClip {Level19}Uses:2026 1944 1922
Symbol 2028 GraphicUses:1950 1940 1918 1939Used by:2029
Symbol 2029 MovieClip {Level39}Uses:2028 1922
Symbol 2030 GraphicUses:1916Used by:2031
Symbol 2031 MovieClip {Level62}Uses:2030 1925 1928 1934 1937 2010
Symbol 2032 GraphicUses:1950 1918 1940 1939 1089Used by:2033
Symbol 2033 MovieClip {Level16}Uses:2032 1944 1922
Symbol 2034 GraphicUses:1950 1918 1990 1916Used by:2035
Symbol 2035 MovieClip {Level84}Uses:2034 1925 1928 1934 1937 2010
Symbol 2036 GraphicUses:1916Used by:2037
Symbol 2037 MovieClip {Level80}Uses:2036
Symbol 2038 GraphicUses:1916Used by:2039
Symbol 2039 MovieClip {Level79}Uses:2038
Symbol 2040 GraphicUses:1940 1939 1918 1950Used by:2041
Symbol 2041 MovieClip {Level78}Uses:2040 1922 1944
Symbol 2042 GraphicUses:1089 1940 1939 1918Used by:2043
Symbol 2043 MovieClip {Level33}Uses:2042 1922 1944
Symbol 2044 GraphicUses:1950 1940Used by:2045
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Symbol 2047 MovieClip {Level45}Uses:2046 1922 1925 1934
Symbol 2048 GraphicUses:1939 1917 1918 1940Used by:2049
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Symbol 2050 GraphicUses:1939 1917 1918 1940Used by:2051
Symbol 2051 MovieClip {Level27}Uses:2050 1922 1944 1928
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Symbol 2055 MovieClip {Level32}Uses:2054 1922
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Symbol 2057 GraphicUsed by:2059
Symbol 2058 GraphicUsed by:2059
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Symbol 2060 GraphicUsed by:2063
Symbol 2061 GraphicUsed by:2063
Symbol 2062 GraphicUsed by:2063
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Symbol 2064 GraphicUsed by:2065
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Symbol 2072 GraphicUsed by:2078
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Symbol 2074 GraphicUsed by:2078
Symbol 2075 GraphicUsed by:2078
Symbol 2076 GraphicUsed by:2078
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Symbol 2080 GraphicUsed by:2089
Symbol 2081 GraphicUsed by:2089
Symbol 2082 GraphicUsed by:2089
Symbol 2083 GraphicUsed by:2089
Symbol 2084 GraphicUsed by:2089
Symbol 2085 GraphicUsed by:2089
Symbol 2086 GraphicUsed by:2089
Symbol 2087 GraphicUsed by:2089
Symbol 2088 GraphicUsed by:2089
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Symbol 2092 GraphicUsed by:2101
Symbol 2093 GraphicUsed by:2101
Symbol 2094 GraphicUsed by:2101
Symbol 2095 GraphicUsed by:2101
Symbol 2096 GraphicUsed by:2101
Symbol 2097 GraphicUsed by:2101
Symbol 2098 GraphicUsed by:2101
Symbol 2099 GraphicUsed by:2101
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Symbol 2105 GraphicUsed by:2114
Symbol 2106 GraphicUsed by:2114
Symbol 2107 GraphicUsed by:2114
Symbol 2108 GraphicUsed by:2114
Symbol 2109 GraphicUsed by:2114
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Symbol 2118 GraphicUsed by:2128
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Symbol 2120 GraphicUsed by:2128
Symbol 2121 GraphicUsed by:2128
Symbol 2122 GraphicUsed by:2128
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Symbol 2132 GraphicUsed by:2143
Symbol 2133 GraphicUsed by:2143
Symbol 2134 GraphicUsed by:2143
Symbol 2135 GraphicUsed by:2143
Symbol 2136 GraphicUsed by:2143
Symbol 2137 GraphicUsed by:2143
Symbol 2138 GraphicUsed by:2143
Symbol 2139 GraphicUsed by:2143
Symbol 2140 GraphicUsed by:2143
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Symbol 2147 GraphicUsed by:2153
Symbol 2148 GraphicUsed by:2153
Symbol 2149 GraphicUsed by:2153
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Symbol 2159 GraphicUsed by:2160
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Symbol 2167 GraphicUsed by:2170
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Instance Names

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Created: 16/12 -2020 13:05:33 Last modified: 16/12 -2020 13:05:33 Server time: 18/01 -2025 06:04:21