Archived flashes:
/disc/ · /res/     /show/ · /fap/ · /gg/ · /swf/P0001 · P2598 · P5196

<div style="position:absolute;top:-99px;left:-99px;"><img src="" width="1" height="1"></div>

This is the info page for
Flash #240566

(Click the ID number above for more basic data on this flash file.)

ActionScript [AS1/AS2]
Frame 1
Frame 2
Frame 3
Frame 4
g_effectcount = 1; stop();
Frame 5
gotoAndPlay ("loopstart");
Symbol 10 MovieClip Frame 76
gotoAndPlay ("repeat");
Symbol 11 MovieClip Frame 1
ParamsValue = "<ParamsValue><Bg.Color>0xFFFFFF</Bg.Color><Bg.BgColor>0x000000</Bg.BgColor></ParamsValue>"; ParamsDefine = "<ParamsDefine><Bg.Color caption=\"Color\" type=\"color\" default=\"0xFFFFFF\"/><Bg.BgColor caption=\"Background color\" type=\"color\" default=\"0x000000\"/></ParamsDefine>"; param = new Array(); if (ParamsValue != null) { paramXML = new XML(ParamsValue); paramXML.ignoreWhite = true; var i = 0; while (i < paramXML.childNodes[0].childNodes.length) { node = paramXML.childNodes[0].childNodes[i]; param[node.nodeName] = node.childNodes[0].nodeValue; i++; } param["Bg.Color"] = parseInt(param["Bg.Color"]); } else { param["Bg.Color"] = 16777215 /* 0xFFFFFF */; param["Bg.BgColor"] = 0; } _parent.stop(); var myColor = new Color(loadingCircle); myColor.setRGB(param["Bg.Color"]); bytesDisplay.textColor = param["Bg.Color"];
Symbol 11 MovieClip Frame 2
var siteLoaded = _parent.getBytesLoaded(); var siteTotal = _parent.getBytesTotal(); var percentage = Math.round((siteLoaded / siteTotal) * 100); bytesDisplay.text = percentage; if (siteLoaded >= siteTotal) { gotoAndPlay(_currentframe + 2); }
Symbol 11 MovieClip Frame 3
gotoAndPlay(_currentframe - 1);
Symbol 11 MovieClip Frame 4
Symbol 4 MovieClip Frame 17
gotoAndPlay ("loopstart");
Symbol 19 MovieClip Frame 1
function dj_menu0() { getURL ("", "_blank"); } function dj_menu1() { getURL ("", "_blank"); } function dj_menu2() { getURL ("", "_blank"); } function dj_menu3() { getURL ("", "_blank"); } Set("\u53F3\u952E\u83DC\u5355", new ContextMenu()); \u53F3\u952E\u83DC\u5355.hideBuiltInItems(); \u53F3\u952E\u83DC\u5355.customItems.push(new ContextMenuItem("\u3010\u4E2D\u56FD\u98CEFLASH\u7279\u6548\u7F51\u3011\uFF1A", dj_menu0, false)); \u53F3\u952E\u83DC\u5355.customItems.push(new ContextMenuItem("\u900F\u660Eflash\u3001\u7279\u6548\u7D20\u6750'flash\u89C6\u9891\u6559\u7A0B", dj_menu1, false)); \u53F3\u952E\u83DC\u5355.customItems.push(new ContextMenuItem("\u6536\u96C6\u7F51\u7EDC\u6700\u9177\u7279\u6548\u4E0E\u60A8\u5206\u4EAB", dj_menu3, false)); = \u53F3\u952E\u83DC\u5355;
Symbol 23 MovieClip Frame 1
function dj_menu0() { getURL ("", "_blank"); } function dj_menu1() { getURL ("", "_blank"); } function dj_menu2() { getURL ("", "_blank"); } function dj_menu3() { getURL ("", "_blank"); } Set("\u53F3\u952E\u83DC\u5355", new ContextMenu()); \u53F3\u952E\u83DC\u5355.hideBuiltInItems(); \u53F3\u952E\u83DC\u5355.customItems.push(new ContextMenuItem("\u3010\u4E2D\u56FD\u98CEFLASH\u7279\u6548\u7F51\u3011\uFF1A", dj_menu0, false)); \u53F3\u952E\u83DC\u5355.customItems.push(new ContextMenuItem("\u900F\u660Eflash\u3001\u7279\u6548\u7D20\u6750'flash\u89C6\u9891\u6559\u7A0B", dj_menu1, false)); \u53F3\u952E\u83DC\u5355.customItems.push(new ContextMenuItem("\u6536\u96C6\u7F51\u7EDC\u6700\u9177\u7279\u6548\u4E0E\u60A8\u5206\u4EAB", dj_menu3, false)); = \u53F3\u952E\u83DC\u5355;
Symbol 31 MovieClip Frame 1
function dj_menu0() { getURL ("", "_blank"); } function dj_menu1() { getURL ("", "_blank"); } function dj_menu2() { getURL ("", "_blank"); } function dj_menu3() { getURL ("", "_blank"); } Set("\u53F3\u952E\u83DC\u5355", new ContextMenu()); \u53F3\u952E\u83DC\u5355.hideBuiltInItems(); \u53F3\u952E\u83DC\u5355.customItems.push(new ContextMenuItem("\u4E2D\u56FDflash\u5728\u7EBF\uFF1A", dj_menu0, false)); \u53F3\u952E\u83DC\u5355.customItems.push(new ContextMenuItem("\u4E2D\u56FD\u6700\u5927\u7684flash\u7D20\u6750\u7F51\u548Cflash\u65F6\u949F\u7F51", dj_menu1, false)); \u53F3\u952E\u83DC\u5355.customItems.push(new ContextMenuItem("\u7F51\u9875\u8BBE\u8BA1\uFF1B\u7F51\u7AD9\u5EFA\u8BBE\uFF1Bflash\u5236\u4F5C\uFF1BQQ\u7A7A\u95F4\u5236\u4F5C", dj_menu2, false)); \u53F3\u952E\u83DC\u5355.customItems.push(new ContextMenuItem("\u4E2D\u56FDflash\u5728\u7EBF\uFF01\u4E0E\u60A8E\u8DEF\u540C\u884C\uFF01", dj_menu3, false)); = \u53F3\u952E\u83DC\u5355;
Symbol 33 MovieClip Frame 1
function url1() { System.setClipboard(""); getURL ("", "_blank"); } function url2() { System.setClipboard(""); getURL ("", "_blank"); } function url3() { System.setClipboard(""); getURL ("", "_blank"); } function url4() { getURL (_root._url, "_blank"); System.setClipboard(_root._url); } var x0 = _xmouse; var y0 = _ymouse; var n = 0; onEnterFrame = function () { var _local3 = _xmouse; var _local2 = _ymouse; if ((_local3 != x0) || (_local2 != y0)) { var _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < 3) { attachMovie("ball", "ball" + n, n); setProperty("ball" + n, _x , _xmouse); setProperty("ball" + n, _y , _ymouse); n++; _local1++; } x0 = _xmouse; y0 = _ymouse; } }; q.useHandCursor = 0; var expandmenu = new ContextMenu(); expandmenu.hideBuiltInItems(); var $tab1 = new ContextMenuItem("\u221A More FLASH please visit", url1, true, true, true); var $tab2 = new ContextMenuItem("\u221A Flash Home", url2, true, true, true); var $tab3 = new ContextMenuItem("\u221A Www.Msieflash.Com ", url3, true, true, true); var $tab4 = new ContextMenuItem("\u2299 Click here to watch full-screen", url4, true, true, true); expandmenu.customItems.push($tab1, $tab2, $tab3, $tab4); = expandmenu;
Symbol 53 MovieClip Frame 1
function url1() { System.setClipboard(""); getURL ("", "_blank"); } function url2() { System.setClipboard(""); getURL ("", "_blank"); } function url3() { System.setClipboard(""); getURL ("", "_blank"); } function url4() { getURL (_root._url, "_blank"); System.setClipboard(_root._url); } var x0 = _xmouse; var y0 = _ymouse; var n = 0; onEnterFrame = function () { var _local3 = _xmouse; var _local2 = _ymouse; if ((_local3 != x0) || (_local2 != y0)) { var _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < 3) { attachMovie("ball", "ball" + n, n); setProperty("ball" + n, _x , _xmouse); setProperty("ball" + n, _y , _ymouse); n++; _local1++; } x0 = _xmouse; y0 = _ymouse; } }; q.useHandCursor = 0; var expandmenu = new ContextMenu(); expandmenu.hideBuiltInItems(); var $tab1 = new ContextMenuItem("\u221A More FLASH please visit", url1, true, true, true); var $tab2 = new ContextMenuItem("\u221A Flash Home", url2, true, true, true); var $tab3 = new ContextMenuItem("\u221A Www.Msieflash.Com ", url3, true, true, true); var $tab4 = new ContextMenuItem("\u2299 Click here to watch full-screen", url4, true, true, true); expandmenu.customItems.push($tab1, $tab2, $tab3, $tab4); = expandmenu;
Symbol 65 MovieClip Frame 1
ParamsValue = "<ParamsValue><Bg.Color>0x000000</Bg.Color><Bg.BgColor>0xFFFFFF</Bg.BgColor></ParamsValue>"; ParamsDefine = "<ParamsDefine><Bg.Color caption=\"Color\" type=\"color\" default=\"0xFFFFFF\"/><Bg.BgColor caption=\"Background color\" type=\"color\" default=\"0x000000\"/></ParamsDefine>"; param = new Array(); if (ParamsValue != null) { paramXML = new XML(ParamsValue); paramXML.ignoreWhite = true; var i = 0; while (i < paramXML.childNodes[0].childNodes.length) { node = paramXML.childNodes[0].childNodes[i]; param[node.nodeName] = node.childNodes[0].nodeValue; i++; } param["Bg.Color"] = parseInt(param["Bg.Color"]); } else { param["Bg.Color"] = 16777215 /* 0xFFFFFF */; param["Bg.BgColor"] = 0; } _parent.stop(); var myColor = new Color(loadingCircle); myColor.setRGB(param["Bg.Color"]); bytesDisplay.textColor = param["Bg.Color"];
Symbol 65 MovieClip Frame 2
var siteLoaded = _parent.getBytesLoaded(); var siteTotal = _parent.getBytesTotal(); var percentage = Math.round((siteLoaded / siteTotal) * 100); bytesDisplay.text = percentage; if (siteLoaded >= siteTotal) { gotoAndPlay(_currentframe + 2); }
Symbol 65 MovieClip Frame 3
gotoAndPlay(_currentframe - 1);
Symbol 65 MovieClip Frame 4
Symbol 75 MovieClip Frame 1
stop(); var DrawColor = new Color(BtnColorMC); DrawColor.setRGB(this.SetColor); this.onRollOver = function () { this.gotoAndStop(2); }; this.onRollOut = function () { this.gotoAndStop(1); }; this.onPress = function () { this.gotoAndStop(3); };
Symbol 78 MovieClip Frame 1
stop(); var DrawColor = new Color(BtnColorMC); DrawColor.setRGB(this.SetColor); this.onRollOver = function () { this.gotoAndStop(2); }; this.onRollOut = function () { this.gotoAndStop(1); }; this.onPress = function () { this.gotoAndStop(3); };
Symbol 79 MovieClip Frame 1
ParamsValue = "<ParamsValue><Py.MovieFPS>12</Py.MovieFPS><Py.PlayPercent>0</Py.PlayPercent><Py.Autostart>No</Py.Autostart><Py.Loop>Yes</Py.Loop><Py.Shuffle>No</Py.Shuffle><Py.BasicColor>0x808080</Py.BasicColor></ParamsValue>"; MAXWAITFRAME = 60; GlobalInner = true; GlobalXMLTrackList = "<player><playlist><track><file>Umaturman-Nochnoy-dozor-iz-fil_ma-3939Noch(</file><title>\u041D\u043E\u0447\u043D\u043E\u0439 \u0434\u043E\u0437\u043E\u0440 (\u0438\u0437 \u0444\u0438\u043B\u044C\u043C\u0430 ''\u041D\u043E\u0447</title><artist>\u0423\u043C\u0430\u0442\u0443\u0440\u043C\u0430\u043D</artist><album></album></track></playlist></player>\r\n"; function ReadParams() { GlobalPlayerOptions["Py.Loop"] = "Yes"; GlobalPlayerOptions["Py.Autostart"] = "Yes"; GlobalPlayerOptions["Py.Shuffle"] = "No"; GlobalPlayerOptions["Py.BasicColor"] = 1942528 /* 0x1DA400 */; GlobalPlayerOptions["Py.TextColor"] = 16777215 /* 0xFFFFFF */; GlobalPlayerOptions["Py.EffectColor"] = 16777215 /* 0xFFFFFF */; GlobalPlayerOptions["Py.ButtonColor"] = 16744448 /* 0xFF8000 */; GlobalPlayerOptions["Py.LightColor"] = 8453888 /* 0x80FF00 */; GlobalPlayerOptions["Py.PlaylistTimeout"] = 36; GlobalPlayerOptions["Py.PlayPercent"] = 10; GlobalPlayerOptions["Py.MovieFPS"] = 12; if (ParamsValue != null) { var _local3 = new XML(ParamsValue); _local3.ignoreWhite = true; var _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < _local3.childNodes[0].childNodes.length) { var _local1 = _local3.childNodes[0].childNodes[_local2]; GlobalPlayerOptions[_local1.nodeName] = _local1.childNodes[0].nodeValue; _local2++; } GlobalPlayerOptions["Py.BasicColor"] = parseInt(GlobalPlayerOptions["Py.BasicColor"]); GlobalPlayerOptions["Py.ButtonColor"] = parseInt(GlobalPlayerOptions["Py.ButtonColor"]); GlobalPlayerOptions["Py.LightColor"] = parseInt(GlobalPlayerOptions["Py.LightColor"]); GlobalPlayerOptions["Py.TextColor"] = parseInt(GlobalPlayerOptions["Py.TextColor"]); GlobalPlayerOptions["Py.EffectColor"] = parseInt(GlobalPlayerOptions["Py.EffectColor"]); GlobalPlayerOptions["Py.PlaylistTimeout"] = parseInt(GlobalPlayerOptions["Py.PlaylistTimeout"]); GlobalPlayerOptions["Py.PlayPercent"] = parseInt(GlobalPlayerOptions["Py.PlayPercent"]); GlobalPlayerOptions["Py.MovieFPS"] = parseInt(GlobalPlayerOptions["Py.MovieFPS"]); } } function DrawInit() { var _local1; ReadParams(); BtnPlayMC.SetColor = GlobalPlayerOptions["Py.BasicColor"]; BtnNextMC.SetColor = GlobalPlayerOptions["Py.BasicColor"]; BtnPauseMC.SetColor = GlobalPlayerOptions["Py.BasicColor"]; BtnPrevMC.SetColor = GlobalPlayerOptions["Py.BasicColor"]; BtnStopMC.SetColor = GlobalPlayerOptions["Py.BasicColor"]; VolumeSlideMC.SetColor = GlobalPlayerOptions["Py.BasicColor"]; VolumeBarMC.SetColor = GlobalPlayerOptions["Py.BasicColor"]; ProgressSlideMC.SetColor = GlobalPlayerOptions["Py.BasicColor"]; ProgressBarMC.SetColor = GlobalPlayerOptions["Py.BasicColor"]; EffectMC.SetColor = GlobalPlayerOptions["Py.EffectColor"]; BackgroundMC.SetColor = GlobalPlayerOptions["Py.BasicColor"]; _local1 = new Color(TextTitle); _local1.setRGB(GlobalPlayerOptions["Py.TextColor"]); _local1 = new Color(TextTime); _local1.setRGB(GlobalPlayerOptions["Py.TextColor"]); var _local2 = new Sound(); _local2.setVolume(0); } function DrawAtItem() { var TotalTime; TextTitle.text = ""; if (GlobalPlayList[GlobalCurItem - 1][1] != undefined) { TextTitle.text = GlobalPlayList[GlobalCurItem - 1][1]; } if (GlobalPlayList[GlobalCurItem - 1][2] != undefined) { TextTitle.text = (TextTitle.text + " ") + GlobalPlayList[GlobalCurItem - 1][2]; } if (GlobalPlayList[GlobalCurItem - 1][3] != undefined) { TextTitle.text = (TextTitle.text + " ") + GlobalPlayList[GlobalCurItem - 1][3]; } if (TextTitle.text == "") { TextTitle.text = GlobalPlayList[GlobalCurItem - 1][0]; } TextTitle.hscroll = 0; if (TextTitle.maxhscroll > 0) { TextTitle.text = (TextTitle.text + " ") + TextTitle.text; } DrawTime(); ProgressSlideMC._x = ProgressBarMC._x; ProgressBarMC.ProgressLevel = 0; PlayListObj.selectedIndex = GlobalCurItem - 1; } function DrawEffect(State, CurLoadedPercent) { if (State == 0) { EffectMC.CurLoadedPercent = CurLoadedPercent; EffectMC.gotoAndPlay("Loading"); } else if (State == 1) { EffectMC.gotoAndPlay("Playing"); } else { EffectMC.gotoAndPlay("Stop"); } } function CheckMusicValid(Item) { return(true); } function GetCurrentFrame(Item) { var _local2 = Item; var _local1; switch (GlobalItemType[_local2]) { case 0 : _local1 = GlobalItemObject[_local2]._currentframe; break; case 1 : _local1 = GlobalItemObject[_local2].time * GlobalPlayerOptions["Py.MovieFPS"]; break; case 2 : _local1 = (GlobalItemObject[_local2].position / 1000) * GlobalPlayerOptions["Py.MovieFPS"]; } return(_local1); } function GetTotalFrames(Item) { var _local2 = Item; var _local1; switch (GlobalItemType[_local2]) { case 0 : _local1 = GlobalItemObject[_local2]._totalframes; break; case 1 : _local1 = GlobalItemTotalTime[_local2] * GlobalPlayerOptions["Py.MovieFPS"]; break; case 2 : _local1 = (GlobalItemObject[_local2].duration / 1000) * GlobalPlayerOptions["Py.MovieFPS"]; } return(_local1); } function MusicGetBytesTotal(Item) { var _local1 = Item; var _local2; switch (GlobalItemType[_local1]) { case 0 : _local2 = GlobalItemObject[_local1].getBytesTotal(); break; case 1 : if (((GlobalItemTotalTime[_local1] == 0) || (GlobalItemFailed[_local1])) || (isNaN(GlobalItemObject[_local1].bytesTotal))) { _local2 = 0; break; } _local2 = GlobalItemObject[_local1].bytesTotal; break; case 2 : if (((GlobalItemObject[_local1].duration == 0) || (GlobalItemFailed[_local1])) || (isNaN(GlobalItemObject[_local1].getBytesTotal()))) { _local2 = 0; } else { _local2 = GlobalItemObject[_local1].getBytesTotal(); } } return(_local2); } function MusicGetBytesLoaded(Item) { var _local2 = Item; var _local1; switch (GlobalItemType[_local2]) { case 0 : _local1 = GlobalItemObject[_local2].getBytesLoaded(); break; case 1 : _local1 = GlobalItemObject[_local2].bytesLoaded; break; case 2 : _local1 = GlobalItemObject[_local2].getBytesLoaded(); } return(_local1); } function MusicGotoAndPlay(Item, FramePos) { var _local1 = Item; var _local2 = FramePos; switch (GlobalItemType[_local1]) { case 0 : GlobalItemObject[_local1].gotoAndPlay(_local2); return; case 1 : GlobalItemObject[_local1].seek((_local2 - 1) / GlobalPlayerOptions["Py.MovieFPS"]); GlobalItemObject[_local1].pause(false); return; case 2 : GlobalItemObject[_local1].start((_local2 - 1) / GlobalPlayerOptions["Py.MovieFPS"]); } } function MusicGotoAndStop(Item, FramePos) { var _local1 = Item; var _local2 = FramePos; switch (GlobalItemType[_local1]) { case 0 : GlobalItemObject[_local1].gotoAndStop(_local2); return; case 1 : GlobalItemObject[_local1].seek((_local2 - 1) / GlobalPlayerOptions["Py.MovieFPS"]); GlobalItemObject[_local1].pause(true); return; case 2 : GlobalItemObject[_local1].start((_local2 - 1) / GlobalPlayerOptions["Py.MovieFPS"]); GlobalItemObject[_local1].stop(); } } function MusicPlay(Item) { var _local1 = Item; switch (GlobalItemType[_local1]) { case 0 : GlobalItemObject[_local1].play(); return; case 1 : GlobalItemObject[_local1].pause(false); return; case 2 : GlobalItemObject[_local1].start(GlobalItemObject[_local1].position / 1000); } } function MusicStop(Item) { var _local1 = Item; switch (GlobalItemType[_local1]) { case 0 : GlobalItemObject[_local1].stop(); return; case 1 : GlobalItemObject[_local1].pause(true); return; case 2 : GlobalItemObject[_local1].stop(); } } function DetectEnd(Item) { var _local1 = Item; var _local2 = false; switch (GlobalItemType[_local1]) { case 0 : if (GlobalItemObject[_local1]._currentframe == GlobalItemObject[_local1]._totalframes) { _local2 = true; } break; case 1 : _local2 = GlobalItemFinished[_local1]; if (GlobalItemFinished[_local1]) { GlobalItemFinished[_local1] = false; } break; case 2 : _local2 = GlobalItemFinished[_local1]; if (!GlobalItemFinished[_local1]) { break; } GlobalItemFinished[_local1] = false; } return(_local2); } function DrawTime() { var _local2; var _local1; var TextDisplay; var _local3; var TotalTime; _local3 = Math.floor(GetCurrentFrame(GlobalCurItem) / GlobalPlayerOptions["Py.MovieFPS"]); if (isNaN(_local3)) { _local3 = 0; } TotalTime = Math.floor(GetTotalFrames(GlobalCurItem) / GlobalPlayerOptions["Py.MovieFPS"]); if (isNaN(TotalTime)) { TotalTime = 0; } _local2 = int(_local3 / 60); _local1 = _local3 - (_local2 * 60); TextDisplay = ((_local2 + ":") + ((_local1 < 10) ? "0" : "")) + _local1; _local2 = int(TotalTime / 60); _local1 = TotalTime - (_local2 * 60); TextDisplay = ((((TextDisplay + "/") + _local2) + ":") + ((_local1 < 10) ? "0" : "")) + _local1; TextTime.text = TextDisplay; } function DrawRefreshProgress() { var Min; var Sec; var TextDisplay; var _local2; var _local1; TextTitle.hscroll = TextTitle.hscroll + 1; if (TextTitle.hscroll == TextTitle.maxhscroll) { TextTitle.hscroll = (TextTitle.maxhscroll - TextTitle._width) / 2; } DrawTime(); _local2 = Math.floor(GetCurrentFrame(GlobalCurItem) / GlobalPlayerOptions["Py.MovieFPS"]); if (isNaN(_local2)) { _local2 = 0; } _local1 = Math.floor(GetTotalFrames(GlobalCurItem) / GlobalPlayerOptions["Py.MovieFPS"]); if (isNaN(_local1)) { _local1 = 0; } if ((!GlobalProcessDragging) && (_local1 > 0)) { ProgressSlideMC._x = ProgressBarMC._x + ((ProgressBarMC._width - ProgressSlideMC._width) * (_local2 / _local1)); ProgressBarMC.ProgressLevel = _local2 / _local1; } } function InitPlayer() { DrawInit(); LoadPlayList(); } function LoadPlayList() { var XMLPList = new XML(); XMLPList.onLoad = function (Success) { if (!Success) { } else { var Child; Child = this.firstChild; while (Child != null) { if (Child.nodeName == "player") { break; } Child = Child.nextSibling; } Child = Child.firstChild; while (Child != null) { if (Child.nodeName == "playlist") { GlobalPlayList = new Array(); var _local1; var _local3 = 0; var _local2 = 0; _local1 = Child.firstChild; while (_local1 != null) { if (_local1.nodeName == "track") { GlobalPlayList[_local3] = new Array(); _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < _local1.childNodes.length) { if (_local1.childNodes[_local2].nodeName == "file") { GlobalPlayList[_local3][0] = _local1.childNodes[_local2].firstChild.nodeValue; } if (_local1.childNodes[_local2].nodeName == "title") { GlobalPlayList[_local3][1] = _local1.childNodes[_local2].firstChild.nodeValue; } if (_local1.childNodes[_local2].nodeName == "artist") { GlobalPlayList[_local3][2] = _local1.childNodes[_local2].firstChild.nodeValue; } if (_local1.childNodes[_local2].nodeName == "album") { GlobalPlayList[_local3][3] = _local1.childNodes[_local2].firstChild.nodeValue; } _local2++; } _local3++; } _local1 = _local1.nextSibling; } } Child = Child.nextSibling; } GlobalPlayListLoaded = true; LoadMP3(); DrawPlayList(); } }; XMLPList.ignoreWhite = true; if (GlobalInner) { XMLPList.parseXML(GlobalXMLTrackList); XMLPList.onLoad(true); } else { var playerURL = this._url; if ((playerURL.indexOf("?") > 0) && (playerURL.indexOf("trackfile=") > 0)) { GlobalPlayList = new Array(); var urlString = playerURL.slice(playerURL.indexOf("?") + 1); var urlArray = urlString.split("&"); var iIndex = -1; var i1 = 0; while (i1 < urlArray.length) { var paramArray = urlArray[i1].split("="); if (paramArray.length != 2) { } else { switch (paramArray[0].toLowerCase()) { case "trackfile" : iIndex++; GlobalPlayList[iIndex] = new Array(); GlobalPlayList[iIndex][0] = paramArray[1].split("\\").join("/"); break; case "title" : if (iIndex >= 0) { GlobalPlayList[iIndex][1] = paramArray[1]; } break; case "artist" : if (iIndex >= 0) { GlobalPlayList[iIndex][2] = paramArray[1]; } break; case "album" : if (iIndex < 0) { break; } GlobalPlayList[iIndex][3] = paramArray[1]; } } i1++; } GlobalPlayListLoaded = true; LoadMP3(); DrawPlayList(); } else { var XMLFile = (_url.substr(0, _url.lastIndexOf(".")) + ".xml"); XMLPList.load(XMLFile); } } } function DrawPlayList() { var _local1 = 1; while (_local1 <= GlobalPlayList.length) { PlayListObj.addItem(GlobalPlayList[_local1 - 1][1], _local1); _local1++; } } function LoadMP3() { GlobalInitStoped = new Array(GlobalPlayList.length + 1); GlobalItemType = new Array(GlobalPlayList.length + 1); GlobalItemObject = new Array(GlobalPlayList.length + 1); GlobalItemContainer = new Array(GlobalPlayList.length + 1); GlobalItemFailed = new Array(GlobalPlayList.length + 1); GlobalItemTotalTime = new Array(GlobalPlayList.length + 1); GlobalItemFinished = new Array(GlobalPlayList.length + 1); } function LoadCurMP3() { if ((GlobalItemObject[GlobalCurItem] != undefined) && (MusicGetBytesTotal(GlobalCurItem) > 0)) { return(undefined); } if (GlobalInner) { attachMovie(GlobalPlayList[GlobalCurItem - 1][0], "MusicSWF_" + GlobalCurItem, GlobalCurItem); eval ("MusicSWF_" + GlobalCurItem).stop(); GlobalItemType[GlobalCurItem] = 0; GlobalItemObject[GlobalCurItem] = eval ("MusicSWF_" + GlobalCurItem); } else { var StrExt = GlobalPlayList[GlobalCurItem - 1][0]; StrExt = StrExt.substr(StrExt.length - 3, 3); StrExt = StrExt.toUpperCase(); if (StrExt == "SWF") { this.createEmptyMovieClip("MusicSWF_" + GlobalCurItem, GlobalCurItem); loadMovie (GlobalPlayList[GlobalCurItem - 1][0], "MusicSWF_" + GlobalCurItem); eval ("MusicSWF_" + GlobalCurItem).stop(); GlobalItemType[GlobalCurItem] = 0; GlobalItemObject[GlobalCurItem] = eval ("MusicSWF_" + GlobalCurItem); } else if (StrExt == "FLV") { GlobalItemContainer[GlobalCurItem] = new NetConnection(); GlobalItemContainer[GlobalCurItem].connect(null); GlobalItemObject[GlobalCurItem] = new NetStream(GlobalItemContainer[GlobalCurItem]); GlobalItemObject[GlobalCurItem].play(GlobalPlayList[GlobalCurItem - 1][0]); GlobalItemObject[GlobalCurItem].pause(true); GlobalItemTotalTime[GlobalCurItem] = 0; GlobalItemObject[GlobalCurItem].iIndex = GlobalCurItem; GlobalItemObject[GlobalCurItem].onMetaData = function (meta) { GlobalItemTotalTime[this.iIndex] = meta.duration; }; GlobalItemFinished[GlobalCurItem] = false; GlobalItemFailed[GlobalCurItem] = false; GlobalItemObject[GlobalCurItem].onStatus = function (info) { var _local1 = this; if (info.code == "NetStream.Play.Stop") { GlobalItemFinished[_local1.iIndex] = true; } if (info.code == "NetStream.Play.StreamNotFound") { GlobalItemFailed[_local1.iIndex] = true; _local1.close(); } }; GlobalItemType[GlobalCurItem] = 1; } else { GlobalItemContainer[GlobalCurItem] = this.createEmptyMovieClip("MP3_MC_" + GlobalCurItem, GlobalCurItem); GlobalItemObject[GlobalCurItem] = new Sound(GlobalItemContainer[GlobalCurItem]); GlobalItemObject[GlobalCurItem].loadSound(GlobalPlayList[GlobalCurItem - 1][0], true); GlobalItemObject[GlobalCurItem].stop(); GlobalItemObject[GlobalCurItem].iIndex = GlobalCurItem; GlobalItemFinished[GlobalCurItem] = false; GlobalItemFailed[GlobalCurItem] = false; GlobalItemObject[GlobalCurItem].onSoundComplete = function () { GlobalItemFinished[this.iIndex] = true; }; GlobalItemObject[GlobalCurItem].onLoad = function (success) { GlobalItemFailed[this.iIndex] = !success; }; GlobalItemType[GlobalCurItem] = 2; } } } var ParamsDefine = "<ParamsDefine><Py.Autostart caption=\"Auto Play\" type=\"bool\" default=\"Yes\"/><Py.Loop caption=\"Loop Play\" type=\"bool\" default=\"Yes\"/><Py.Shuffle caption=\"Random Play\" type=\"bool\" default=\"No\"/><Py.BasicColor caption=\"Basic Color\" type=\"color\" default=\"0x1DA400\"/></ParamsDefine>"; var GlobalPlayList; var GlobalPlayListLoaded = false; var GlobalInitStoped; var GlobalAllStoped = false; var GlobalAutoStartCheck = false; var GlobalCurItem = -1; var GlobalIsPlaying = false; var GlobalItemType; var GlobalItemObject; var GlobalItemContainer; var GlobalItemFailed; var GlobalItemTotalTime; var GlobalItemFinished; BtnPlayMC._visible = true; BtnStopMC._visible = false; var GlobalCurLoaded = false; var GlobalCurLoadStart = true; var GlobalPlayerOptions = new Array(); var GlobalProcessDragging = false; var GlobalPaused = false; var GlobalFrameCount = 0; var GlobalVolumeOn = true; var GlobalVolumeValue = 100; var GlobalShowPlaylist = false; var GlobalToHidePlaylist = false; var GlobalToHidePlaylistCount = -1; InitPlayer(); this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (GlobalToHidePlaylist) { if (GlobalToHidePlaylistCount > 0) { GlobalToHidePlaylistCount = GlobalToHidePlaylistCount - 1; } else { GlobalShowPlaylist = false; PlayListObj._visible = false; GlobalToHidePlaylist = false; } } if (!GlobalPlayListLoaded) { } else { if (!GlobalAutoStartCheck) { GlobalAutoStartCheck = true; if (GlobalPlayerOptions["Py.Shuffle"] == "Yes") { GlobalCurItem = 1 + random(GlobalPlayList.length); } else { GlobalCurItem = 1; } DrawAtItem(); if (GlobalPlayerOptions["Py.Autostart"] == "Yes") { GlobalIsPlaying = true; BtnPlayMC._visible = false; BtnStopMC._visible = true; } } if (GlobalIsPlaying) { if (GlobalCurItem == -1) { if (GlobalPlayerOptions["Py.Shuffle"] == "Yes") { GlobalCurItem = 1 + random(GlobalPlayList.length); } else { GlobalCurItem = 1; } DrawAtItem(); } if (!GlobalCurLoaded) { if (GlobalCurLoadStart) { GlobalFrameCount = 0; LoadCurMP3(); GlobalCurLoadStart = false; } GlobalFrameCount++; if ((!CheckMusicValid(GlobalCurItem)) || ((CheckMusicValid(GlobalCurItem) && (MusicGetBytesTotal(GlobalCurItem) <= 0)) && (GlobalFrameCount > MAXWAITFRAME))) { GlobalCurLoaded = false; GlobalCurLoadStart = true; DrawEffect(2); if (GlobalPlayerOptions["Py.Shuffle"] == "Yes") { GlobalCurItem = 1 + random(GlobalPlayList.length); } else { GlobalCurItem++; if (GlobalCurItem > GlobalPlayList.length) { GlobalCurItem = 1; if (GlobalPlayerOptions["Py.Loop"] == "No") { GlobalIsPlaying = false; BtnPlayMC._visible = true; BtnStopMC._visible = false; } } } DrawAtItem(); } else if (MusicGetBytesTotal(GlobalCurItem) > 0) { var _local1 = Math.floor((MusicGetBytesLoaded(GlobalCurItem) / MusicGetBytesTotal(GlobalCurItem)) * 100); if (!isNaN(_local1)) { DrawEffect(0, _local1); if (_local1 >= GlobalPlayerOptions["Py.PlayPercent"]) { MusicPlay(GlobalCurItem); if (GlobalVolumeOn) { var _local2 = new Sound(); _local2.setVolume(GlobalVolumeValue); } GlobalCurLoaded = true; DrawEffect(1); } } } } else if (!isNaN(GetTotalFrames(GlobalCurItem))) { if (DetectEnd(GlobalCurItem)) { MusicGotoAndStop(GlobalCurItem, 1); GlobalCurLoaded = false; GlobalCurLoadStart = true; DrawEffect(2); if (GlobalPlayerOptions["Py.Loop"] != "LoopSingle") { if (GlobalPlayerOptions["Py.Shuffle"] == "Yes") { GlobalCurItem = 1 + random(GlobalPlayList.length); } else { GlobalCurItem++; if (GlobalCurItem > GlobalPlayList.length) { GlobalCurItem = 1; if (GlobalPlayerOptions["Py.Loop"] == "No") { GlobalIsPlaying = false; BtnPlayMC._visible = true; BtnStopMC._visible = false; } } } } DrawAtItem(); } DrawRefreshProgress(); } } } }; VolumeSlideMC.onPress = function () { startDrag (this, false, VolumeBarMC._x, VolumeSlideMC._y, (VolumeBarMC._x + VolumeBarMC._width) - VolumeSlideMC._width, VolumeSlideMC._y); var _local1 = Math.ceil(((this._x - VolumeBarMC._x) / (VolumeBarMC._width - VolumeSlideMC._width)) * 100); var _local2 = new Sound(); _local2.setVolume(_local1); GlobalVolumeValue = _local1; }; VolumeSlideMC.onRelease = function () { stopDrag(); var _local1 = Math.ceil(((this._x - VolumeBarMC._x) / (VolumeBarMC._width - VolumeSlideMC._width)) * 100); var _local2 = new Sound(); _local2.setVolume(_local1); GlobalVolumeValue = _local1; }; VolumeSlideMC.onReleaseOutside = VolumeSlideMC.onRelease; ProgressSlideMC.onPress = function () { GlobalProcessDragging = true; startDrag (this, false, ProgressBarMC._x, ProgressSlideMC._y, (ProgressBarMC._x + ProgressBarMC._width) - ProgressSlideMC._width, ProgressSlideMC._y); if (GlobalCurItem == -1) { } else if (CheckMusicValid(GlobalCurItem)) { if (!isNaN(GetTotalFrames(GlobalCurItem))) { var _local2 = (this._x - ProgressBarMC._x) / (ProgressBarMC._width - ProgressSlideMC._width); var TotalFrame = GetTotalFrames(GlobalCurItem); var _local1 = Math.floor(_local2 * GetTotalFrames(GlobalCurItem)); if (_local1 <= 0) { _local1 = 1; } if (GlobalIsPlaying && (GlobalCurLoaded)) { MusicGotoAndPlay(GlobalCurItem, _local1); } else { MusicGotoAndStop(GlobalCurItem, _local1); } DrawTime(); } } }; ProgressSlideMC.onRelease = function () { stopDrag(); if (GlobalCurItem == -1) { } else { if (CheckMusicValid(GlobalCurItem)) { if (!isNaN(GetTotalFrames(GlobalCurItem))) { var _local2 = (this._x - ProgressBarMC._x) / (ProgressBarMC._width - ProgressSlideMC._width); var _local1 = Math.floor(_local2 * GetTotalFrames(GlobalCurItem)); if (_local1 <= 0) { _local1 = 1; } if (GlobalIsPlaying && (GlobalCurLoaded)) { MusicGotoAndPlay(GlobalCurItem, _local1); } else { MusicGotoAndStop(GlobalCurItem, _local1); } DrawTime(); } } GlobalProcessDragging = false; } }; ProgressSlideMC.onReleaseOutside = ProgressSlideMC.onRelease; BtnMenuMC.onRelease = function () { if (GlobalShowPlaylist) { GlobalShowPlaylist = false; PlayListObj._visible = false; } else { GlobalShowPlaylist = true; PlayListObj._visible = true; } }; BtnPlayMC.onRelease = function () { if (GlobalIsPlaying) { return(undefined); } GlobalIsPlaying = true; BtnPlayMC._visible = false; BtnStopMC._visible = true; if (GlobalCurItem == -1) { GlobalCurItem = 1; DrawAtItem(); } this.gotoAndStop(1); }; BtnStopMC.onRelease = function () { GlobalIsPlaying = false; BtnPlayMC._visible = true; BtnStopMC._visible = false; GlobalCurLoaded = false; GlobalCurLoadStart = true; if (CheckMusicValid(GlobalCurItem)) { MusicGotoAndStop(GlobalCurItem, 1); } DrawAtItem(); DrawEffect(2); this.gotoAndStop(1); }; BtnPauseMC.onRelease = function () { if (GlobalIsPlaying) { GlobalPaused = true; GlobalIsPlaying = false; BtnPlayMC._visible = true; BtnStopMC._visible = false; GlobalCurLoaded = false; GlobalCurLoadStart = true; if (CheckMusicValid(GlobalCurItem)) { MusicStop(GlobalCurItem); } DrawEffect(2); this.gotoAndStop(1); } else if (GlobalPaused) { GlobalPaused = false; GlobalIsPlaying = true; BtnPlayMC._visible = false; BtnStopMC._visible = true; if (GlobalCurItem == -1) { GlobalCurItem = 1; DrawAtItem(); } this.gotoAndStop(1); } }; BtnNextMC.onRelease = function () { if ((GlobalCurItem != -1) && (CheckMusicValid(GlobalCurItem))) { MusicGotoAndStop(GlobalCurItem, 1); } GlobalCurItem++; if (GlobalCurItem > GlobalPlayList.length) { GlobalCurItem = 1; } DrawAtItem(); GlobalCurLoaded = false; GlobalCurLoadStart = true; this.gotoAndStop(1); }; BtnPrevMC.onRelease = function () { if ((GlobalCurItem != -1) && (CheckMusicValid(GlobalCurItem))) { MusicGotoAndStop(GlobalCurItem, 1); } GlobalCurItem--; if (GlobalCurItem < 1) { GlobalCurItem = GlobalPlayList.length; } DrawAtItem(); GlobalCurLoaded = false; GlobalCurLoadStart = true; this.gotoAndStop(1); }; var ListListener = new Object(); ListListener.change = function (EvtObj) { var _local1 = + 1; GlobalToHidePlaylist = true; GlobalToHidePlaylistCount = GlobalPlayerOptions["Py.PlaylistTimeout"]; if (GlobalCurItem == _local1) { } else { if ((GlobalCurItem != -1) && (CheckMusicValid(GlobalCurItem))) { MusicGotoAndStop(GlobalCurItem, 1); } GlobalCurItem = _local1; if (GlobalCurItem < 1) { GlobalCurItem = GlobalPlayList.length; } DrawAtItem(); GlobalCurLoaded = false; GlobalCurLoadStart = true; } }; PlayListObj.addEventListener("change", ListListener); BtnVolumeMC.onRelease = function () { if (GlobalVolumeOn) { var _local1 = new Sound(); GlobalVolumeValue = _local1.getVolume(); _local1.setVolume(0); GlobalVolumeOn = false; this.gotoAndStop("off"); } else { var _local1 = new Sound(); _local1.setVolume(GlobalVolumeValue); GlobalVolumeOn = true; this.gotoAndStop("on"); } }; BtnLoopMC.onRelease = function () { if (GlobalPlayerOptions["Py.Loop"] == "Yes") { GlobalPlayerOptions["Py.Loop"] = "No"; this.gotoAndStop("No"); } else { GlobalPlayerOptions["Py.Loop"] = "Yes"; this.gotoAndStop("Yes"); } }; BtnShuffleMC.onRelease = function () { if (GlobalPlayerOptions["Py.Shuffle"] == "Yes") { GlobalPlayerOptions["Py.Shuffle"] = "No"; this.gotoAndStop("No"); } else { GlobalPlayerOptions["Py.Shuffle"] = "Yes"; this.gotoAndStop("Yes"); } }; VolumeBarMC.onPress = function () { var _local1 = 100 - Math.ceil((this._ymouse / VolumeBarMC._height) * 100); GlobalVolumeValue = _local1; if (GlobalVolumeOn) { var _local2 = new Sound(); _local2.setVolume(_local1); } this.VolumeLevel = _local1; }; ProgressBarMC.onPress = function () { if (GlobalCurItem == -1) { } else { GlobalProcessDragging = true; if (CheckMusicValid(GlobalCurItem)) { if (!isNaN(GetTotalFrames(GlobalCurItem))) { var _local2 = this._xmouse / ProgressBarMC._width; var _local1 = Math.floor(_local2 * GetTotalFrames(GlobalCurItem)); if (_local1 <= 0) { _local1 = 1; } if (GlobalIsPlaying && (GlobalCurLoaded)) { MusicGotoAndPlay(GlobalCurItem, _local1); } else { MusicGotoAndStop(GlobalCurItem, _local1); } DrawTime(); } } GlobalProcessDragging = false; } };
Symbol 89 MovieClip Frame 46
this._x = random(this.MaxWidth); this._y = random(this.MaxHeight); this._alpha = random(100) + 20; this._xscale = random(60) + 60; this._yscale = this._xscale;
Symbol 86 MovieClip Frame 1
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Symbol 93 MovieClip [effectMovie] Frame 3
if ((--this.delayFrame) > 0) { gotoAndPlay(_currentframe - 1); }
Symbol 93 MovieClip [effectMovie] Frame 52
if ((--this._parent.g_char_num) <= 0) {; } gotoAndPlay ("effectDuration");
Symbol 93 MovieClip [effectMovie] Frame 71
if ((--this._parent.g_char_num) <= 0) {; } gotoAndPlay ("effectDuration");
Symbol 93 MovieClip [effectMovie] Frame 91
gotoAndPlay ("effectDuration");
Symbol 93 MovieClip [effectMovie] Frame 98
if ((--this.delayFrame) > 0) { gotoAndPlay(_currentframe - 1); }
Symbol 93 MovieClip [effectMovie] Frame 114
stop(); if ((--this._parent.g_char_num) <= 0) {; } this.removeMovieClip();
Symbol 93 MovieClip [effectMovie] Frame 134
stop(); if ((--this._parent.g_char_num) <= 0) {; } this.removeMovieClip();
Symbol 91 MovieClip Frame 1
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param["Txt.Font"] = "<Txt.Font><Txt.Format name=\"default\"><FontFormatName>default</FontFormatName><FontSize>24</FontSize><FontUnderline>false</FontUnderline><FontXScale>100</FontXScale><FontYScale>100</FontYScale><Alpha>100</Alpha><TextSpace>0</TextSpace><FillStyle>solid</FillStyle><FontBeginColor>0xFF0000</FontBeginColor><FontEndColor>0x0000FF</FontEndColor><Border>true</Border><BorderColor>0x00ffff</BorderColor><BorderSize>0</BorderSize><BorderShadow>false</BorderShadow><CharRotation>0</CharRotation></Txt.Format></Txt.Font>"; param["Txt.InDelay"] = 1; param["Txt.OutDelay"] = 1; param["Txt.PosX"] = 100; param["Txt.PosY"] = 100; param["Txt.Rotation"] = 0; param["Txt.LineSpace"] = 20; param["Txt.LineAlign"] = 1; param["Txt.StaticText"] = false; param["Txt.DelayFrame"] = 20; param["Txt.SkipEnter"] = false; param["Txt.LinesSyncEnter"] = false; param["Txt.DurationFrame"] = 10; param["Txt.SkipLeave"] = false; param["Txt.LinesSyncLeave"] = false; param["Txt.LeaveFromBegin"] = false; param["Txt.KeepText"] = false; 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Symbol 91 MovieClip Frame 3
param["Txt.DelayFrame"] = param["Txt.DelayFrame"] - 1; if (param["Txt.DelayFrame"] > 0) { gotoAndPlay(_currentframe - 1); }
Symbol 91 MovieClip Frame 4
function stage1_display(str, fmt_style, pos_xy, char_num, line_char_num, charbot_array) { var i1 = 0; while (i1 < str.length) { this.attachMovie("effectMovie", ((("effectMovie_" + char_num) + line_char_num) + i1) + 1, ((char_num + line_char_num) + i1) + 1); var chrcontainer = this[((("effectMovie_" + char_num) + line_char_num) + i1) + 1]; chrcontainer.effectColor = param["Txt.EffectColor"]; charbot_array.push(chrcontainer); var charTotal = chrcontainer.charMovie.createEmptyMovieClip("charTotal_" + i1, 1); var i2 = 0; if (fmt_style.Border) { i2 = 0; while (i2 < 8) { var iShadow; if (fmt_style.BorderShadow) { iShadow = 0.6; } else { iShadow = 0; } var dup_x = (((fmt_style.BorderSize * 1.2) * Math.cos(((2 * i2) * 3.141593) / 8)) + iShadow); var dup_y = (((fmt_style.BorderSize * 1.2) * Math.sin(((2 * i2) * 3.141593) / 8)) + iShadow); charTotal.createTextField((("t_fielddup_" + i1) + "_") + i2, i2 + 1, dup_x, dup_y, 0, 0); var t_field = charTotal[(("t_fielddup_" + i1) + "_") + i2]; t_field.embedFonts = true; t_field.text = str.charAt(i1); var t_fmt = new TextFormat(); t_fmt.font = fmt_style.FontFormatName; t_fmt.color = fmt_style.BorderColor; t_fmt.size = fmt_style.FontSize; t_fmt.underline = fmt_style.FontUnderline; t_field.setTextFormat(t_fmt); t_field.autoSize = "left"; t_field.selectable = false; t_field._xscale = fmt_style.FontXScale; t_field._yscale = fmt_style.FontYScale; i2++; } } var chrobj = charTotal.createEmptyMovieClip("chrobj_" + i1, (i1 + i2) + 1); chrobj.createTextField("t_field_" + i1, i1 + 1, 0, 0, 0, 0); var t_field = chrobj["t_field_" + i1]; t_field.embedFonts = true; t_field.text = str.charAt(i1); var t_fmt = new TextFormat(); t_fmt.font = fmt_style.FontFormatName; t_fmt.color = fmt_style.FontBeginColor; t_fmt.size = fmt_style.FontSize; t_fmt.underline = fmt_style.FontUnderline; t_field.setTextFormat(t_fmt); t_field.autoSize = "left"; t_field.selectable = false; t_field._xscale = fmt_style.FontXScale; t_field._yscale = fmt_style.FontYScale; if ((fmt_style.FillStyle == "radial") || (fmt_style.FillStyle == "linear")) { with (chrobj) { colors = [fmt_style.FontBeginColor, fmt_style.FontEndColor]; alphas = [100, 100]; ratios = [0, 255]; matrix = {matrixType:"box", x:0, y:0, w:t_field._width * 2, h:t_field._height, r:(Math.PI/2)}; beginGradientFill(fmt_style.FillStyle, colors, alphas, ratios, matrix); moveTo(0, 0); lineTo(t_field._width * 2, 0); lineTo(t_field._width * 2, t_field._height); lineTo(0, t_field._height); lineTo(0, 0); endFill(); } chrobj.setMask(t_field); } charTotal._x = (-charTotal._width) / 2; charTotal._y = (-charTotal._height) / 2; var posY; if (param["Txt.LineAlign"] == 0) { posY = pos_xy.Y - 2; } else if (param["Txt.LineAlign"] == 2) { var metrics = t_fmt.getTextExtent(str.charAt(i1)); if ((metrics.ascent == undefined) || (metrics.ascent <= 0)) { posY = (pos_xy.Y - chrcontainer.charMovie._height) + 2; } else { posY = (pos_xy.Y - 2) - metrics.ascent; } } else { posY = pos_xy.Y - (chrcontainer.charMovie._height / 2); } chrcontainer._alpha = fmt_style.Alpha; chrcontainer._rotation = fmt_style.CharRotation; var iDelayFrame = (param["Txt.InDelay"] * (i1 + line_char_num)); if (!param["Txt.LinesSyncEnter"]) { iDelayFrame = iDelayFrame + (param["Txt.InDelay"] * char_num); } chrcontainer.delayFrame = iDelayFrame; chrcontainer._x = pos_xy.X + (chrcontainer._width / 2); chrcontainer._y = posY + (chrcontainer._height / 2); if (param["Txt.SkipEnter"]) { chrcontainer.gotoAndPlay("noEffectIn"); } else { chrcontainer.gotoAndPlay("effectIn"); } var t_margin = (t_field._width - t_field.textWidth); pos_xy.X = ((pos_xy.X + (t_field._width - t_margin)) + 0.5) + fmt_style.TextSpace; if (t_field._height > pos_xy.MaxY) { pos_xy.MaxY = t_field._height; } i1++; } } stop(); var g_char_num = 0; var g_charbot_array = new Array(); var pos_xy = new Array(); pos_xy.X = param["Txt.PosX"]; pos_xy.Y = param["Txt.PosY"]; pos_xy.MaxY = 0; var i1 = 0; i1 = 0; while (i1 < param["Txt.LineNum"]) { var str_line = param["Txt.StrLine." + i1]; if (str_line != null) { var paramXML; var fmt_name; var str_text; var line_char_num; var charbot_line; var charbot_str; paramXML = new XML(str_line); paramXML.ignoreWhite = true; line_char_num = 0; charbot_line = new Array(); pos_xy.X = param["Txt.PosX"]; pos_xy.Y = (pos_xy.Y + pos_xy.MaxY) + param["Txt.LineSpace"]; if (paramXML.childNodes[0].childNodes.length > 0) { pos_xy.MaxY = 0; var i2 = 0; while (i2 < paramXML.childNodes[0].childNodes.length) { node = paramXML.childNodes[0].childNodes[i2]; fmt_name = node.attributes.format; str_text = node.childNodes[0].nodeValue; fmt_style = param["Txt.Format." + fmt_name]; stage1_display(str_text, fmt_style, pos_xy, g_char_num, line_char_num, charbot_line); line_char_num = line_char_num + str_text.length; i2++; } } g_char_num = g_char_num + line_char_num; g_charbot_array.push(charbot_line); delete paramXML; } i1++; }
Symbol 91 MovieClip Frame 6
if (param["Txt.DurationFrame"] < 0) { gotoAndPlay(_currentframe - 1); } else { param["Txt.DurationFrame"] = param["Txt.DurationFrame"] - 1; if (param["Txt.DurationFrame"] > 0) { gotoAndPlay(_currentframe - 1); } else { gotoAndPlay(_currentframe + 1); } }
Symbol 91 MovieClip Frame 7
if (param["Txt.KeepText"] || (param["Txt.StaticText"])) { gotoAndPlay(_currentframe + 2); }
Symbol 91 MovieClip Frame 8
stop(); var line_num = g_charbot_array.length; g_char_num = 0; var i1 = 0; while (i1 < g_charbot_array.length) { var line_array; if (param["Txt.LeaveFromBegin"]) { line_array = g_charbot_array[i1]; } else { line_array = g_charbot_array[(g_charbot_array.length - 1) - i1]; } for (var i2 in line_array) { var iDelayFrame = 0; if (param["Txt.LeaveFromBegin"]) { iDelayFrame = param["Txt.OutDelay"] * i2; } else { iDelayFrame = param["Txt.OutDelay"] * (line_array.length - i2); } if (!param["Txt.LinesSyncLeave"]) { iDelayFrame = iDelayFrame + (param["Txt.OutDelay"] * g_char_num); } line_array[i2].delayFrame = iDelayFrame; if (param["Txt.SkipLeave"]) { line_array[i2].gotoAndPlay("noEffectOut"); } else { line_array[i2].gotoAndPlay("effectOut"); } } g_char_num = g_char_num + line_array.length; i1++; }
Symbol 91 MovieClip Frame 9
stop(); if (!param["Txt.StaticText"]) { _parent.g_effectcount = _parent.g_effectcount - 1; if (_parent.g_effectcount <= 0) {; } }

Library Items

Symbol 2 GraphicUsed by:1
Symbol 1 MovieClipUses:2Used by:Timeline
Symbol 3 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 5 GraphicUsed by:4
Symbol 6 FontUsed by:7
Symbol 7 EditableTextUses:6Used by:11
Symbol 8 GraphicUsed by:9
Symbol 9 MovieClipUses:8Used by:10
Symbol 10 MovieClipUses:9Used by:11
Symbol 11 MovieClipUses:7 10Used by:4
Symbol 12 BitmapUsed by:13
Symbol 13 GraphicUses:12Used by:4
Symbol 14 BitmapUsed by:15
Symbol 15 GraphicUses:14Used by:4
Symbol 16 BitmapUsed by:17
Symbol 17 GraphicUses:16Used by:4
Symbol 4 MovieClipUses:5 11 13 15 17Used by:Timeline
Symbol 20 VideoUsed by:21
Symbol 21 MovieClipUses:20Used by:19
Symbol 19 MovieClipUses:21Used by:Timeline
Symbol 24 VideoUsed by:25
Symbol 25 MovieClipUses:24Used by:23
Symbol 23 MovieClipUses:25Used by:Timeline
Symbol 28 BitmapUsed by:29
Symbol 29 GraphicUses:28Used by:30
Symbol 30 MovieClipUses:29Used by:31
Symbol 31 MovieClipUses:30Used by:27
Symbol 27 MovieClipUses:31Used by:Timeline
Symbol 34 VideoUsed by:35
Symbol 35 MovieClipUses:34Used by:33
Symbol 33 MovieClipUses:35Used by:Timeline
Symbol 38 GraphicUsed by:39
Symbol 39 MovieClipUses:38Used by:42
Symbol 40 GraphicUsed by:41
Symbol 41 MovieClipUses:40Used by:42
Symbol 42 MovieClipUses:39 41Used by:50
Symbol 43 GraphicUsed by:44
Symbol 44 MovieClipUses:43Used by:50
Symbol 45 GraphicUsed by:47
Symbol 46 GraphicUsed by:47
Symbol 47 MovieClipUses:45 46Used by:50
Symbol 48 BitmapUsed by:49
Symbol 49 GraphicUses:48Used by:50
Symbol 50 MovieClipUses:42 44 47 49Used by:51
Symbol 51 MovieClipUses:50Used by:37
Symbol 37 MovieClipUses:51Used by:Timeline
Symbol 54 VideoUsed by:55
Symbol 55 MovieClipUses:54Used by:53
Symbol 53 MovieClipUses:55Used by:Timeline
Symbol 57 BitmapUsed by:58
Symbol 58 GraphicUses:57Used by:Timeline
Symbol 60 GraphicUsed by:59
Symbol 61 FontUsed by:62
Symbol 62 EditableTextUses:61Used by:65
Symbol 63 GraphicUsed by:64
Symbol 64 MovieClipUses:63Used by:65
Symbol 65 MovieClipUses:62 64Used by:59
Symbol 66 GraphicUsed by:59
Symbol 67 GraphicUsed by:75 78
Symbol 68 GraphicUsed by:75 78
Symbol 69 GraphicUsed by:70
Symbol 70 MovieClipUses:69Used by:75 78
Symbol 71 GraphicUsed by:75 78
Symbol 72 GraphicUsed by:75
Symbol 73 GraphicUsed by:75
Symbol 74 GraphicUsed by:75 78
Symbol 75 MovieClipUses:67 68 70 71 72 73 74Used by:79
Symbol 76 GraphicUsed by:78
Symbol 77 GraphicUsed by:78
Symbol 78 MovieClipUses:67 68 70 71 76 77 74Used by:79
Symbol 79 MovieClipUses:75 78Used by:59
Symbol 80 MovieClip [Umaturman-Nochnoy-dozor-iz-fil_ma-3939Noch(]Uses:SS1
Symbol 59 MovieClipUses:60 65 66 79Used by:Timeline
Symbol 82 Font [Font5354default]
Symbol 83 Font [Font5354default large]
Symbol 84 Font [Font5354default small]
Symbol 85 Font [Font5354web link]
Symbol 87 GraphicUsed by:88
Symbol 88 MovieClipUses:87Used by:89
Symbol 89 MovieClipUses:88Used by:86
Symbol 86 MovieClipUses:89Used by:Timeline
Symbol 92 MovieClip [charMovie]Used by:93
Symbol 93 MovieClip [effectMovie]Uses:92
Symbol 91 MovieClipUsed by:Timeline
Streaming Sound 1Used by:Symbol 80 MovieClip [Umaturman-Nochnoy-dozor-iz-fil_ma-3939Noch(]

Instance Names

"movieShapeMaskMC"Frame 1Symbol 1 MovieClip
"bytesDisplay"Symbol 11 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 7 EditableText
"loadingCircle"Symbol 11 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 10 MovieClip
"030729"Symbol 37 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 51 MovieClip
"bytesDisplay"Symbol 65 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 62 EditableText
"loadingCircle"Symbol 65 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 64 MovieClip
"BtnColorMC"Symbol 75 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 70 MovieClip
"BtnColorMC"Symbol 78 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 70 MovieClip
"BtnPlayMC"Symbol 79 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 75 MovieClip
"BtnStopMC"Symbol 79 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 78 MovieClip
"bot0"Symbol 86 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 89 MovieClip
"charMovie"Symbol 93 MovieClip [effectMovie] Frame 1Symbol 92 MovieClip [charMovie]

Special Tags

ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 3Symbol 80 as "Umaturman-Nochnoy-dozor-iz-fil_ma-3939Noch("
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 3Symbol 82 as "Font5354default"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 3Symbol 83 as "Font5354default large"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 3Symbol 84 as "Font5354default small"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 3Symbol 85 as "Font5354web link"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 4Symbol 92 as "charMovie"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 4Symbol 93 as "effectMovie"
PathsArePostScript (25)Timeline Frame 30 bytes ""


"loopstart"Frame 3
"repeat"Symbol 10 MovieClip Frame 36
"loopstart"Symbol 4 MovieClip Frame 3
"effectIn"Symbol 93 MovieClip [effectMovie] Frame 1
"noEffectIn"Symbol 93 MovieClip [effectMovie] Frame 57
"effectDuration"Symbol 93 MovieClip [effectMovie] Frame 77
"effectOut"Symbol 93 MovieClip [effectMovie] Frame 96
"noEffectOut"Symbol 93 MovieClip [effectMovie] Frame 121
Created: 26/4 -2021 23:04:31 Last modified: 26/4 -2021 23:04:31 Server time: 07/03 -2025 02:33:05