Frame 2
lang = 1;
if ((_root._url != "") and (_root._url != "")) {
Frame 3
Stage.showMenu = false;
Instance of Symbol 36 MovieClip in Frame 3
onClipEvent (load) {
if (_root.lang == 2) {
gotoAndStop (2);
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.lang == 2) {
gotoAndStop (2);
} else {
gotoAndStop (1);
Frame 4
function init() {
top = 0;
left = 0;
bottom = 280;
right = Stage.width;
vpx = 3;
vpy = -4;
vx = 0;
vy = 0;
gravity = 0.5;
bounce = -0.7;
debut = getTimer();
temps = 0;
onEnterFrame = function () {
temps = Math.round(getTimer() - debut) / 1000;
point._x = point._x + vpx;
point._y = point._y + vpy;
if ((point._x + (point._width / 2)) > right) {
point._x = right - (point._width / 2);
vpx = vpx * -1;
} else if ((point._x - (point._width / 2)) < left) {
point._x = left + (point._width / 2);
vpx = vpx * -1;
if ((point._y + (point._height / 2)) > bottom) {
delete onEnterFrame;
gotoAndStop ("perdu");
} else if ((point._y - (point._height / 2)) < top) {
point._y = top + (point._height / 2);
vpy = vpy * -1;
} else if ((((point._y + (point._height / 2)) > pad._y) and (point._x > (pad._x - (pad._width / 2)))) and (point._x < (pad._x + (pad._width / 2)))) {
point._y = pad._y - (point._height / 2);
vpy = vpy * -1.05;
vpx = (point._x - pad._x) / 4;
vpy = vpy * 1.05;
line._rotation = ((Stage.width / 2) - _xmouse) * 0.15;
pad._x = _xmouse;
vy = vy + gravity;
ball._x = ball._x + vx;
ball._y = ball._y + vy;
if (ball._y > 600) {
delete onEnterFrame;
gotoAndStop ("perdu");
bounds = line.getBounds(this);
if ((ball._x > bounds.xMin) && (ball._x < bounds.xMax)) {
angle = (line._rotation * Math.PI) / 180;
cosine = Math.cos(angle);
sine = Math.sin(angle);
x = ball._x - line._x;
y = ball._y - line._y;
y1 = (cosine * y) - (sine * x);
if (y1 > ((-ball._height) / 2)) {
x1 = (cosine * x) + (sine * y);
vx1 = (cosine * vx) + (sine * vy);
vy1 = (cosine * vy) - (sine * vx);
y1 = (-ball._height) / 2;
vy1 = vy1 * bounce;
x = (cosine * x1) - (sine * y1);
y = (cosine * y1) + (sine * x1);
vx = (cosine * vx1) - (sine * vy1);
vy = (cosine * vy1) + (sine * vx1);
ball._x = line._x + x;
ball._y = line._y + y;
Frame 5
if (lang == 1) {
tempsfinal = temps + " secondes";
if (temps < 2) {
affiche = "Oulalala, as-tu au moins un cerveau ??";
} else if (temps < 5) {
affiche = "Mais didon, t'es presque aussi intelligent qu'un parpaing ! Bravo !";
} else if (temps < 10) {
affiche = "C'est pas mal comme temps ! Surtout si tu as moins de 3 ans !";
} else if (temps < 15) {
affiche = "C'est exactement le temps qu'a fait Paris Hilton, bravo !";
} else if (temps < 20) {
affiche = "Je sais pas pourquoi, mais je sens que t'es pas aussi nul que \u00E7a et que t'as envie de recommencer...";
} else if (temps < 25) {
affiche = "Hey c'est pas mal hein ! Bon, c'est pas g\u00E9nial, mais c'est correct, pour quelqu'un comme toi.";
} else if (temps < 30) {
affiche = "Eheh ! pas mal ! Mais tu te d\u00E9concentres trop vite j'ai l'impression, ou alors t'es simplement naze !";
} else if (temps < 35) {
affiche = "C'est un score correct ! T'as pas invent\u00E9 l'eau ti\u00E8de mais c'est pas ce qu'on te demande non plus...";
} else if (temps < 40) {
affiche = "Wahou quel score ! Bon c'est pas encore le top, mais quand m\u00EAme pas mal quand on voit ta t\u00EAte !";
} else if (temps < 45) {
affiche = "Oula je pense que t'as trich\u00E9 ! Ou alors t'es intelligent, mais \u00E7a ne court pas les rues les gens comme ca...";
} else {
affiche = "Ouais c'est \u00E7a, et tu vas me dire que t'as pas trich\u00E9 ?? Mon cul ouais, tout \u00E7a parce que t'es bete..";
} else {
tempsfinal = temps + " seconds";
if (temps < 2) {
affiche = "Wow.. Do you have a brain at least ??";
} else if (temps < 5) {
affiche = "Congratulations ! You're almost as smart as a poodle !";
} else if (temps < 10) {
affiche = "Hey it's a good time ! Especially if you're 3 years old !";
} else if (temps < 15) {
affiche = "It's exactly the same time as Paris Hilton, bravo !";
} else if (temps < 20) {
affiche = "I don't know why, but I'm sure you're not as stupid as this, and you want to play again.";
} else if (temps < 25) {
affiche = "Hey not too bad ! Well, it's not amazing, but sufficient, for someone like you..";
} else if (temps < 30) {
affiche = "Eheh ! Great ! But you're not concentrated I think, or maybe you're just stupid. !";
} else if (temps < 35) {
affiche = "It's a good time ! Well, you didn't discover relativity, but it isn't what we ask to you...";
} else if (temps < 40) {
affiche = "Wow what a time ! Well it's not a HUGE time, but it's cool when we see your face !";
} else if (temps < 45) {
affiche = "I think you cheated ! Or you're smart, but people like you are so rare, mmh it's strange...";
} else {
affiche = "Well well, and you'll say you didn't cheat dude ?? My ass..";
Instance of Symbol 64 MovieClip in Frame 5
onClipEvent (load) {
if (_root.lang == 2) {
gotoAndStop (2);
Symbol 9 Button
on (release) {
_root.lang = 2;
Symbol 13 Button
on (release) {
_root.lang = 1;
Symbol 14 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 22 Button
on (release) {
Symbol 26 Button
on (release) {
getURL ("");
Symbol 32 Button
on (release) {
Symbol 35 Button
on (release) {
getURL ("");
Symbol 36 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 42 Button
on (release) {
getURL ("", "_blank");
Symbol 57 Button
on (release) {
Symbol 63 Button
on (release) {
Symbol 64 MovieClip Frame 1