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<div style="position:absolute;top:-99px;left:-99px;"><img src="" width="1" height="1"></div> graffiti_demo.swf

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Flash #240955

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ActionScript [AS3]

Section 1
//BitString (com.adobe.images.BitString) package com.adobe.images { public class BitString { public var val:int;// = 0 public var len:int;// = 0 public function BitString(){ len = 0; val = 0; super(); } } }//package com.adobe.images
Section 2
//JPGEncoder (com.adobe.images.JPGEncoder) package com.adobe.images { import flash.display.*; import flash.utils.*; import flash.geom.*; public class JPGEncoder { private var fdtbl_UV:Array; private var std_ac_chrominance_values:Array; private var std_dc_chrominance_nrcodes:Array; private var std_dc_chrominance_values:Array; private var ZigZag:Array; private var YDC_HT:Array; private var bytenew:int;// = 0 private var fdtbl_Y:Array; private var YAC_HT:Array; private var std_ac_chrominance_nrcodes:Array; private var DU:Array; private var std_ac_luminance_values:Array; private var UVTable:Array; private var UDU:Array; private var YDU:Array; private var byteout:ByteArray; private var UVAC_HT:Array; private var UVDC_HT:Array; private var bytepos:int;// = 7 private var VDU:Array; private var std_ac_luminance_nrcodes:Array; private var std_dc_luminance_values:Array; private var YTable:Array; private var std_dc_luminance_nrcodes:Array; private var bitcode:Array; private var category:Array; public function JPGEncoder(_arg1:Number=50){ var _local2:int; ZigZag = [0, 1, 5, 6, 14, 15, 27, 28, 2, 4, 7, 13, 16, 26, 29, 42, 3, 8, 12, 17, 25, 30, 41, 43, 9, 11, 18, 24, 31, 40, 44, 53, 10, 19, 23, 32, 39, 45, 52, 54, 20, 22, 33, 38, 46, 51, 55, 60, 21, 34, 37, 47, 50, 56, 59, 61, 35, 36, 48, 49, 57, 58, 62, 63]; YTable = new Array(64); UVTable = new Array(64); fdtbl_Y = new Array(64); fdtbl_UV = new Array(64); std_dc_luminance_nrcodes = [0, 0, 1, 5, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]; std_dc_luminance_values = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11]; std_ac_luminance_nrcodes = [0, 0, 2, 1, 3, 3, 2, 4, 3, 5, 5, 4, 4, 0, 0, 1, 125]; std_ac_luminance_values = [1, 2, 3, 0, 4, 17, 5, 18, 33, 49, 65, 6, 19, 81, 97, 7, 34, 113, 20, 50, 129, 145, 161, 8, 35, 66, 177, 193, 21, 82, 209, 240, 36, 51, 98, 114, 130, 9, 10, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 146, 147, 148, 149, 150, 151, 152, 153, 154, 162, 163, 164, 165, 166, 167, 168, 169, 170, 178, 179, 180, 181, 182, 183, 184, 185, 186, 194, 195, 196, 197, 198, 199, 200, 201, 202, 210, 211, 212, 213, 214, 215, 216, 217, 218, 225, 226, 227, 228, 229, 230, 231, 232, 233, 234, 241, 242, 243, 244, 245, 246, 247, 248, 249, 250]; std_dc_chrominance_nrcodes = [0, 0, 3, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]; std_dc_chrominance_values = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11]; std_ac_chrominance_nrcodes = [0, 0, 2, 1, 2, 4, 4, 3, 4, 7, 5, 4, 4, 0, 1, 2, 119]; std_ac_chrominance_values = [0, 1, 2, 3, 17, 4, 5, 33, 49, 6, 18, 65, 81, 7, 97, 113, 19, 34, 50, 129, 8, 20, 66, 145, 161, 177, 193, 9, 35, 51, 82, 240, 21, 98, 114, 209, 10, 22, 36, 52, 225, 37, 241, 23, 24, 25, 26, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 130, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 146, 147, 148, 149, 150, 151, 152, 153, 154, 162, 163, 164, 165, 166, 167, 168, 169, 170, 178, 179, 180, 181, 182, 183, 184, 185, 186, 194, 195, 196, 197, 198, 199, 200, 201, 202, 210, 211, 212, 213, 214, 215, 216, 217, 218, 226, 227, 228, 229, 230, 231, 232, 233, 234, 242, 243, 244, 245, 246, 247, 248, 249, 250]; bitcode = new Array(0xFFFF); category = new Array(0xFFFF); bytenew = 0; bytepos = 7; DU = new Array(64); YDU = new Array(64); UDU = new Array(64); VDU = new Array(64); super(); if (_arg1 <= 0){ _arg1 = 1; }; if (_arg1 > 100){ _arg1 = 100; }; _local2 = 0; if (_arg1 < 50){ _local2 = int((5000 / _arg1)); } else { _local2 = int((200 - (_arg1 * 2))); }; initHuffmanTbl(); initCategoryNumber(); initQuantTables(_local2); } private function RGB2YUV(_arg1:BitmapData, _arg2:int, _arg3:int):void{ var _local4:int; var _local5:int; var _local6:int; var _local7:uint; var _local8:Number; var _local9:Number; var _local10:Number; _local4 = 0; _local5 = 0; while (_local5 < 8) { _local6 = 0; while (_local6 < 8) { _local7 = _arg1.getPixel32((_arg2 + _local6), (_arg3 + _local5)); _local8 = Number(((_local7 >> 16) & 0xFF)); _local9 = Number(((_local7 >> 8) & 0xFF)); _local10 = Number((_local7 & 0xFF)); YDU[_local4] = ((((0.299 * _local8) + (0.587 * _local9)) + (0.114 * _local10)) - 128); UDU[_local4] = (((-0.16874 * _local8) + (-0.33126 * _local9)) + (0.5 * _local10)); VDU[_local4] = (((0.5 * _local8) + (-0.41869 * _local9)) + (-0.08131 * _local10)); _local4++; _local6++; }; _local5++; }; } private function writeWord(_arg1:int):void{ writeByte(((_arg1 >> 8) & 0xFF)); writeByte((_arg1 & 0xFF)); } private function writeByte(_arg1:int):void{ byteout.writeByte(_arg1); } private function writeDHT():void{ var _local1:int; writeWord(65476); writeWord(418); writeByte(0); _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < 16) { writeByte(std_dc_luminance_nrcodes[(_local1 + 1)]); _local1++; }; _local1 = 0; while (_local1 <= 11) { writeByte(std_dc_luminance_values[_local1]); _local1++; }; writeByte(16); _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < 16) { writeByte(std_ac_luminance_nrcodes[(_local1 + 1)]); _local1++; }; _local1 = 0; while (_local1 <= 161) { writeByte(std_ac_luminance_values[_local1]); _local1++; }; writeByte(1); _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < 16) { writeByte(std_dc_chrominance_nrcodes[(_local1 + 1)]); _local1++; }; _local1 = 0; while (_local1 <= 11) { writeByte(std_dc_chrominance_values[_local1]); _local1++; }; writeByte(17); _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < 16) { writeByte(std_ac_chrominance_nrcodes[(_local1 + 1)]); _local1++; }; _local1 = 0; while (_local1 <= 161) { writeByte(std_ac_chrominance_values[_local1]); _local1++; }; } private function writeBits(_arg1:BitString):void{ var _local2:int; var _local3:int; _local2 = _arg1.val; _local3 = (_arg1.len - 1); while (_local3 >= 0) { if ((_local2 & uint((1 << _local3)))){ bytenew = (bytenew | uint((1 << bytepos))); }; _local3--; bytepos--; if (bytepos < 0){ if (bytenew == 0xFF){ writeByte(0xFF); writeByte(0); } else { writeByte(bytenew); }; bytepos = 7; bytenew = 0; }; }; } private function initHuffmanTbl():void{ YDC_HT = computeHuffmanTbl(std_dc_luminance_nrcodes, std_dc_luminance_values); UVDC_HT = computeHuffmanTbl(std_dc_chrominance_nrcodes, std_dc_chrominance_values); YAC_HT = computeHuffmanTbl(std_ac_luminance_nrcodes, std_ac_luminance_values); UVAC_HT = computeHuffmanTbl(std_ac_chrominance_nrcodes, std_ac_chrominance_values); } public function encode(_arg1:BitmapData):ByteArray{ var _local2:Number; var _local3:Number; var _local4:Number; var _local5:int; var _local6:int; var _local7:BitString; byteout = new ByteArray(); bytenew = 0; bytepos = 7; writeWord(65496); writeAPP0(); writeDQT(); writeSOF0(_arg1.width, _arg1.height); writeDHT(); writeSOS(); _local2 = 0; _local3 = 0; _local4 = 0; bytenew = 0; bytepos = 7; _local5 = 0; while (_local5 < _arg1.height) { _local6 = 0; while (_local6 < _arg1.width) { RGB2YUV(_arg1, _local6, _local5); _local2 = processDU(YDU, fdtbl_Y, _local2, YDC_HT, YAC_HT); _local3 = processDU(UDU, fdtbl_UV, _local3, UVDC_HT, UVAC_HT); _local4 = processDU(VDU, fdtbl_UV, _local4, UVDC_HT, UVAC_HT); _local6 = (_local6 + 8); }; _local5 = (_local5 + 8); }; if (bytepos >= 0){ _local7 = new BitString(); _local7.len = (bytepos + 1); _local7.val = ((1 << (bytepos + 1)) - 1); writeBits(_local7); }; writeWord(65497); return (byteout); } private function initCategoryNumber():void{ var _local1:int; var _local2:int; var _local3:int; var _local4:int; _local1 = 1; _local2 = 2; _local4 = 1; while (_local4 <= 15) { _local3 = _local1; while (_local3 < _local2) { category[(32767 + _local3)] = _local4; bitcode[(32767 + _local3)] = new BitString(); bitcode[(32767 + _local3)].len = _local4; bitcode[(32767 + _local3)].val = _local3; _local3++; }; _local3 = -((_local2 - 1)); while (_local3 <= -(_local1)) { category[(32767 + _local3)] = _local4; bitcode[(32767 + _local3)] = new BitString(); bitcode[(32767 + _local3)].len = _local4; bitcode[(32767 + _local3)].val = ((_local2 - 1) + _local3); _local3++; }; _local1 = (_local1 << 1); _local2 = (_local2 << 1); _local4++; }; } private function writeDQT():void{ var _local1:int; writeWord(65499); writeWord(132); writeByte(0); _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < 64) { writeByte(YTable[_local1]); _local1++; }; writeByte(1); _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < 64) { writeByte(UVTable[_local1]); _local1++; }; } private function writeAPP0():void{ writeWord(65504); writeWord(16); writeByte(74); writeByte(70); writeByte(73); writeByte(70); writeByte(0); writeByte(1); writeByte(1); writeByte(0); writeWord(1); writeWord(1); writeByte(0); writeByte(0); } private function writeSOS():void{ writeWord(65498); writeWord(12); writeByte(3); writeByte(1); writeByte(0); writeByte(2); writeByte(17); writeByte(3); writeByte(17); writeByte(0); writeByte(63); writeByte(0); } private function processDU(_arg1:Array, _arg2:Array, _arg3:Number, _arg4:Array, _arg5:Array):Number{ var _local6:BitString; var _local7:BitString; var _local8:int; var _local9:Array; var _local10:int; var _local11:int; var _local12:int; var _local13:int; var _local14:int; _local6 = _arg5[0]; _local7 = _arg5[240]; _local9 = fDCTQuant(_arg1, _arg2); _local8 = 0; while (_local8 < 64) { DU[ZigZag[_local8]] = _local9[_local8]; _local8++; }; _local10 = (DU[0] - _arg3); _arg3 = DU[0]; if (_local10 == 0){ writeBits(_arg4[0]); } else { writeBits(_arg4[category[(32767 + _local10)]]); writeBits(bitcode[(32767 + _local10)]); }; _local11 = 63; while ((((_local11 > 0)) && ((DU[_local11] == 0)))) { _local11--; }; if (_local11 == 0){ writeBits(_local6); return (_arg3); }; _local8 = 1; while (_local8 <= _local11) { _local12 = _local8; while ((((DU[_local8] == 0)) && ((_local8 <= _local11)))) { _local8++; }; _local13 = (_local8 - _local12); if (_local13 >= 16){ _local14 = 1; while (_local14 <= (_local13 / 16)) { writeBits(_local7); _local14++; }; _local13 = int((_local13 & 15)); }; writeBits(_arg5[((_local13 * 16) + category[(32767 + DU[_local8])])]); writeBits(bitcode[(32767 + DU[_local8])]); _local8++; }; if (_local11 != 63){ writeBits(_local6); }; return (_arg3); } private function initQuantTables(_arg1:int):void{ var _local2:int; var _local3:Number; var _local4:Array; var _local5:Array; var _local6:Array; var _local7:int; var _local8:int; _local4 = [16, 11, 10, 16, 24, 40, 51, 61, 12, 12, 14, 19, 26, 58, 60, 55, 14, 13, 16, 24, 40, 57, 69, 56, 14, 17, 22, 29, 51, 87, 80, 62, 18, 22, 37, 56, 68, 109, 103, 77, 24, 35, 55, 64, 81, 104, 113, 92, 49, 64, 78, 87, 103, 121, 120, 101, 72, 92, 95, 98, 112, 100, 103, 99]; _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < 64) { _local3 = Math.floor((((_local4[_local2] * _arg1) + 50) / 100)); if (_local3 < 1){ _local3 = 1; } else { if (_local3 > 0xFF){ _local3 = 0xFF; }; }; YTable[ZigZag[_local2]] = _local3; _local2++; }; _local5 = [17, 18, 24, 47, 99, 99, 99, 99, 18, 21, 26, 66, 99, 99, 99, 99, 24, 26, 56, 99, 99, 99, 99, 99, 47, 66, 99, 99, 99, 99, 99, 99, 99, 99, 99, 99, 99, 99, 99, 99, 99, 99, 99, 99, 99, 99, 99, 99, 99, 99, 99, 99, 99, 99, 99, 99, 99, 99, 99, 99, 99, 99, 99, 99]; _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < 64) { _local3 = Math.floor((((_local5[_local2] * _arg1) + 50) / 100)); if (_local3 < 1){ _local3 = 1; } else { if (_local3 > 0xFF){ _local3 = 0xFF; }; }; UVTable[ZigZag[_local2]] = _local3; _local2++; }; _local6 = [1, 1.387039845, 1.306562965, 1.175875602, 1, 0.785694958, 0.5411961, 0.275899379]; _local2 = 0; _local7 = 0; while (_local7 < 8) { _local8 = 0; while (_local8 < 8) { fdtbl_Y[_local2] = (1 / (((YTable[ZigZag[_local2]] * _local6[_local7]) * _local6[_local8]) * 8)); fdtbl_UV[_local2] = (1 / (((UVTable[ZigZag[_local2]] * _local6[_local7]) * _local6[_local8]) * 8)); _local2++; _local8++; }; _local7++; }; } private function writeSOF0(_arg1:int, _arg2:int):void{ writeWord(65472); writeWord(17); writeByte(8); writeWord(_arg2); writeWord(_arg1); writeByte(3); writeByte(1); writeByte(17); writeByte(0); writeByte(2); writeByte(17); writeByte(1); writeByte(3); writeByte(17); writeByte(1); } private function computeHuffmanTbl(_arg1:Array, _arg2:Array):Array{ var _local3:int; var _local4:int; var _local5:Array; var _local6:int; var _local7:int; _local3 = 0; _local4 = 0; _local5 = new Array(); _local6 = 1; while (_local6 <= 16) { _local7 = 1; while (_local7 <= _arg1[_local6]) { _local5[_arg2[_local4]] = new BitString(); _local5[_arg2[_local4]].val = _local3; _local5[_arg2[_local4]].len = _local6; _local4++; _local3++; _local7++; }; _local3 = (_local3 * 2); _local6++; }; return (_local5); } private function fDCTQuant(_arg1:Array, _arg2:Array):Array{ var _local3:Number; var _local4:Number; var _local5:Number; var _local6:Number; var _local7:Number; var _local8:Number; var _local9:Number; var _local10:Number; var _local11:Number; var _local12:Number; var _local13:Number; var _local14:Number; var _local15:Number; var _local16:Number; var _local17:Number; var _local18:Number; var _local19:Number; var _local20:Number; var _local21:Number; var _local22:int; var _local23:int; _local23 = 0; _local22 = 0; while (_local22 < 8) { _local3 = (_arg1[(_local23 + 0)] + _arg1[(_local23 + 7)]); _local10 = (_arg1[(_local23 + 0)] - _arg1[(_local23 + 7)]); _local4 = (_arg1[(_local23 + 1)] + _arg1[(_local23 + 6)]); _local9 = (_arg1[(_local23 + 1)] - _arg1[(_local23 + 6)]); _local5 = (_arg1[(_local23 + 2)] + _arg1[(_local23 + 5)]); _local8 = (_arg1[(_local23 + 2)] - _arg1[(_local23 + 5)]); _local6 = (_arg1[(_local23 + 3)] + _arg1[(_local23 + 4)]); _local7 = (_arg1[(_local23 + 3)] - _arg1[(_local23 + 4)]); _local11 = (_local3 + _local6); _local14 = (_local3 - _local6); _local12 = (_local4 + _local5); _local13 = (_local4 - _local5); _arg1[(_local23 + 0)] = (_local11 + _local12); _arg1[(_local23 + 4)] = (_local11 - _local12); _local15 = ((_local13 + _local14) * 0.707106781); _arg1[(_local23 + 2)] = (_local14 + _local15); _arg1[(_local23 + 6)] = (_local14 - _local15); _local11 = (_local7 + _local8); _local12 = (_local8 + _local9); _local13 = (_local9 + _local10); _local19 = ((_local11 - _local13) * 0.382683433); _local16 = ((0.5411961 * _local11) + _local19); _local18 = ((1.306562965 * _local13) + _local19); _local17 = (_local12 * 0.707106781); _local20 = (_local10 + _local17); _local21 = (_local10 - _local17); _arg1[(_local23 + 5)] = (_local21 + _local16); _arg1[(_local23 + 3)] = (_local21 - _local16); _arg1[(_local23 + 1)] = (_local20 + _local18); _arg1[(_local23 + 7)] = (_local20 - _local18); _local23 = (_local23 + 8); _local22++; }; _local23 = 0; _local22 = 0; while (_local22 < 8) { _local3 = (_arg1[(_local23 + 0)] + _arg1[(_local23 + 56)]); _local10 = (_arg1[(_local23 + 0)] - _arg1[(_local23 + 56)]); _local4 = (_arg1[(_local23 + 8)] + _arg1[(_local23 + 48)]); _local9 = (_arg1[(_local23 + 8)] - _arg1[(_local23 + 48)]); _local5 = (_arg1[(_local23 + 16)] + _arg1[(_local23 + 40)]); _local8 = (_arg1[(_local23 + 16)] - _arg1[(_local23 + 40)]); _local6 = (_arg1[(_local23 + 24)] + _arg1[(_local23 + 32)]); _local7 = (_arg1[(_local23 + 24)] - _arg1[(_local23 + 32)]); _local11 = (_local3 + _local6); _local14 = (_local3 - _local6); _local12 = (_local4 + _local5); _local13 = (_local4 - _local5); _arg1[(_local23 + 0)] = (_local11 + _local12); _arg1[(_local23 + 32)] = (_local11 - _local12); _local15 = ((_local13 + _local14) * 0.707106781); _arg1[(_local23 + 16)] = (_local14 + _local15); _arg1[(_local23 + 48)] = (_local14 - _local15); _local11 = (_local7 + _local8); _local12 = (_local8 + _local9); _local13 = (_local9 + _local10); _local19 = ((_local11 - _local13) * 0.382683433); _local16 = ((0.5411961 * _local11) + _local19); _local18 = ((1.306562965 * _local13) + _local19); _local17 = (_local12 * 0.707106781); _local20 = (_local10 + _local17); _local21 = (_local10 - _local17); _arg1[(_local23 + 40)] = (_local21 + _local16); _arg1[(_local23 + 24)] = (_local21 - _local16); _arg1[(_local23 + 8)] = (_local20 + _local18); _arg1[(_local23 + 56)] = (_local20 - _local18); _local23++; _local22++; }; _local22 = 0; while (_local22 < 64) { _arg1[_local22] = Math.round((_arg1[_local22] * _arg2[_local22])); _local22++; }; return (_arg1); } } }//package com.adobe.images
Section 3
//CanvasEvent ( package { import flash.geom.*; import*; public class CanvasEvent extends Event { private var _canvasWidth:uint; private var _viewableRect:Rectangle; private var _canvasZoom:Number; private var _canvasHeight:uint; public static const ZOOM:String = "zoom"; public static const DRAG:String = "drag"; public function CanvasEvent(_arg1:String, _arg2:Number, _arg3:uint, _arg4:uint, _arg5:Rectangle, _arg6:Boolean=false, _arg7:Boolean=false){ super(_arg1, _arg6, _arg7); _canvasZoom = _arg2; _canvasWidth = _arg3; _canvasHeight = _arg4; _viewableRect = _arg5; } public function get viewableRect():Rectangle{ return (_viewableRect); } public function get canvasWidth():uint{ return (_canvasWidth); } public function get zoom():Number{ return (_canvasZoom); } public function get canvasHeight():uint{ return (_canvasHeight); } } }//package
Section 4
//Brush ( package { import flash.display.*; import flash.geom.*; import*; public class Brush extends Tool { private var _eighthSize:Number; private var _type:String; private var _fourthSize:Number; private var _size:Number; private var _color:uint; private var _halfSize:Number; public function Brush(_arg1:Number=4, _arg2:uint=0, _arg3:String=null, _arg4:String=null){ _renderType = ToolRenderType.CONTINUOUS; size = _arg1; color = _arg2; type = _arg3; mode = _arg4; } public function generateBrush(_arg1:Number=0, _arg2:int=-1):Sprite{ var _local3:Sprite; var _local4:Number; var _local5:Number; var _local6:Number; var _local7:Number; var _local8:Number; var _local9:Number; var _local10:uint; _local3 = new Sprite(); if (_arg1 == 0){ _local6 = _size; _local7 = _halfSize; _local8 = _fourthSize; _local9 = _eighthSize; } else { _local6 = _arg1; _local7 = (_arg1 / 2); _local8 = (_arg1 / 4); _local9 = (_arg1 / 8); }; if (_arg2 < 0){ _local10 = _color; } else { _local10 = _arg2; }; if (_type == BrushType.ROUND){, 1);, 0, _local7);; } else { if ((((((_type == BrushType.HORIZONTAL_LINE)) || ((_type == BrushType.VERTICAL_LINE)))) || ((_type == BrushType.SQUARE)))){ if (_type == BrushType.HORIZONTAL_LINE){ _local4 = _local7; _local5 = _local9; } else { if (_type == BrushType.VERTICAL_LINE){ _local4 = _local9; _local5 = _local7; } else { if (_type == BrushType.SQUARE){ _local4 = _local7; _local5 = _local7; }; }; };, 1);, -(_local5), (_local4 << 1), (_local5 << 1));; } else { if (_type == BrushType.FORWARD_LINE){, 1); - _local9), -(_local7));, -(_local7)); + _local9), _local7);, _local7); - _local9), -(_local7));; } else { if (_type == BrushType.BACKWARD_LINE){, 1); + _local9), -(_local7));, -(_local7)); - _local9), _local7);, _local7); + _local9), -(_local7));; } else { if (_type == BrushType.DIAMOND){, 1);, -(_local7));, 0);, _local7);, 0);, -(_local7));; }; }; }; }; }; return (_local3); } public function set size(_arg1:Number):void{ if (_arg1 > 0){ _size = _arg1; _halfSize = (_size / 2); _fourthSize = (_size / 4); _eighthSize = (_size / 8); }; } public function set color(_arg1:uint):void{ _color = _arg1; } public function get size():Number{ return (_size); } public function get type():String{ return (_type); } private function degrees(_arg1:Number):Number{ return (((_arg1 * 180) / Math.PI)); } public function get color():uint{ return (_color); } override public function apply(_arg1:DisplayObject, _arg2:Point, _arg3:Point=null):void{ var _local4:Sprite; var _local5:Number; var _local6:Number; var _local7:Point; var _local8:Point; var _local9:Number; _local4 = Sprite(_arg1); if (_arg3 == null){ if (_type == BrushType.ROUND){, 1);, _arg2.y, _halfSize);; } else { if ((((((_type == BrushType.HORIZONTAL_LINE)) || ((_type == BrushType.VERTICAL_LINE)))) || ((_type == BrushType.SQUARE)))){ if (_type == BrushType.HORIZONTAL_LINE){ _local5 = _halfSize; _local6 = _eighthSize; } else { if (_type == BrushType.VERTICAL_LINE){ _local5 = _eighthSize; _local6 = _halfSize; } else { if (_type == BrushType.SQUARE){ _local5 = _halfSize; _local6 = _halfSize; }; }; };, 1); - _local5), (_arg2.y - _local6), (_local5 << 1), (_local6 << 1));; } else { if (_type == BrushType.FORWARD_LINE){, 1); + _halfSize) - _eighthSize), (_arg2.y - _halfSize)); + _halfSize), (_arg2.y - _halfSize)); - _halfSize) + _eighthSize), (_arg2.y + _halfSize)); - _halfSize), (_arg2.y + _halfSize)); + _halfSize) - _eighthSize), (_arg2.y - _halfSize));; } else { if (_type == BrushType.BACKWARD_LINE){, 1); - _halfSize) + _eighthSize), (_arg2.y - _halfSize)); - _halfSize), (_arg2.y - _halfSize)); + _halfSize) - _eighthSize), (_arg2.y + _halfSize)); + _halfSize), (_arg2.y + _halfSize)); - _halfSize) + _eighthSize), (_arg2.y - _halfSize));; } else { if (_type == BrushType.DIAMOND){, 1);, (_arg2.y - _halfSize)); + _halfSize), _arg2.y);, (_arg2.y + _halfSize)); - _halfSize), _arg2.y);, (_arg2.y - _halfSize));; }; }; }; }; }; } else { if (_arg2.x <= _arg3.x){ _local7 = _arg2; _local8 = _arg3; } else { _local7 = _arg3; _local8 = _arg2; }; if (_type == BrushType.ROUND){, _color, 1, false, LineScaleMode.NORMAL, CapsStyle.ROUND);, _arg2.y);, _arg3.y); } else { if ((((((_type == BrushType.HORIZONTAL_LINE)) || ((_type == BrushType.VERTICAL_LINE)))) || ((_type == BrushType.SQUARE)))){ if (_type == BrushType.HORIZONTAL_LINE){ _local5 = _halfSize; _local6 = _eighthSize; } else { if (_type == BrushType.VERTICAL_LINE){ _local5 = _eighthSize; _local6 = _halfSize; } else { if (_type == BrushType.SQUARE){ _local5 = _halfSize; _local6 = _halfSize; }; }; };, 1); if (_local7.y < _local8.y){ + _local5), (_local7.y - _local6)); + _local5), (_local8.y - _local6)); + _local5), (_local8.y + _local6)); - _local5), (_local8.y + _local6)); - _local5), (_local7.y + _local6)); - _local5), (_local7.y - _local6)); + _local5), (_local7.y - _local6)); } else { - _local5), (_local7.y - _local6)); - _local5), (_local8.y - _local6)); + _local5), (_local8.y - _local6)); + _local5), (_local8.y + _local6)); + _local5), (_local7.y + _local6)); - _local5), (_local7.y + _local6)); - _local5), (_local7.y - _local6)); };; } else { if (_type == BrushType.FORWARD_LINE){ _local9 = degrees(Math.atan2((_local8.x - _local7.x), (_local8.y - _local7.y)));, 1); - _halfSize), (_local7.y + _halfSize)); if (_local9 >= 135){ - _halfSize), (_local8.y + _halfSize)); + _halfSize) - _eighthSize), (_local8.y - _halfSize)); + _halfSize), (_local8.y - _halfSize)); + _halfSize), (_local7.y - _halfSize)); - _halfSize) + _eighthSize), (_local7.y + _halfSize)); } else { if (_local9 >= 90){ + _halfSize) - _eighthSize), (_local7.y - _halfSize)); + _halfSize) - _eighthSize), (_local8.y - _halfSize)); + _halfSize), (_local8.y - _halfSize)); - _halfSize) + _eighthSize), (_local8.y + _halfSize)); - _halfSize) + _eighthSize), (_local7.y + _halfSize)); } else { + _halfSize) - _eighthSize), (_local7.y - _halfSize)); + _halfSize), (_local7.y - _halfSize)); + _halfSize), (_local8.y - _halfSize)); - _halfSize) + _eighthSize), (_local8.y + _halfSize)); - _halfSize), (_local8.y + _halfSize)); - _halfSize) + _eighthSize), (_local7.y + _halfSize)); }; }; - _halfSize), (_local7.y + _halfSize));; } else { if (_type == BrushType.BACKWARD_LINE){ _local9 = degrees(Math.atan2((_local8.x - _local7.x), (_local8.y - _local7.y)));, 1); - _halfSize), (_local7.y - _halfSize)); if (_local9 <= 45){ - _halfSize) + _eighthSize), (_local7.y - _halfSize)); + _halfSize), (_local7.y + _halfSize)); + _halfSize), (_local8.y + _halfSize)); + _halfSize) - _eighthSize), (_local8.y + _halfSize)); - _halfSize), (_local8.y - _halfSize)); } else { if (_local9 <= 90){ - _halfSize) + _eighthSize), (_local7.y - _halfSize)); - _halfSize) + _eighthSize), (_local8.y - _halfSize)); + _halfSize), (_local8.y + _halfSize)); + _halfSize) - _eighthSize), (_local8.y + _halfSize)); + _halfSize) - _eighthSize), (_local7.y + _halfSize)); } else { - _halfSize), (_local8.y - _halfSize)); - _halfSize) + _eighthSize), (_local8.y - _halfSize)); + _halfSize), (_local8.y + _halfSize)); + _halfSize), (_local7.y + _halfSize)); + _halfSize) - _eighthSize), (_local7.y + _halfSize)); }; }; - _halfSize), (_local7.y - _halfSize));; } else { if (_type == BrushType.DIAMOND){, 1); if (Math.abs((_arg3.x - _arg2.x)) > Math.abs((_arg3.y - _arg2.y))){, (_local7.y - _halfSize));, (_local8.y - _halfSize)); + _halfSize), _local8.y);, (_local8.y + _halfSize));, (_local7.y + _halfSize)); - _halfSize), _local7.y);, (_local7.y - _halfSize)); } else { if (_arg2.y < _arg3.y){ _local7 = _arg2; _local8 = _arg3; } else { _local7 = _arg3; _local8 = _arg2; }; + _halfSize), _local7.y); + _halfSize), _local8.y);, (_local8.y + _halfSize)); - _halfSize), _local8.y); - _halfSize), _local7.y);, (_local7.y - _halfSize)); + _halfSize), _local7.y); };; }; }; }; }; }; }; } public function set type(_arg1:String):void{ if (((!((_arg1 == null))) && (BrushType.validType(_arg1)))){ _type = _arg1; } else { _type = BrushType.SQUARE; }; } } }//package
Section 5
//BrushType ( package { public class BrushType { public static const SQUARE:String = "square"; public static const FORWARD_LINE:String = "forward_line"; public static const HORIZONTAL_LINE:String = "horizontal_line"; public static const BACKWARD_LINE:String = "backward_line"; public static const DIAMOND:String = "diamond"; public static const ROUND:String = "round"; public static const VERTICAL_LINE:String = "vertical_line"; public static function validType(_arg1:String):Boolean{ var _local2:Boolean; _local2 = false; if ((((((((((((((_arg1 == BrushType.SQUARE)) || ((_arg1 == BrushType.ROUND)))) || ((_arg1 == BrushType.HORIZONTAL_LINE)))) || ((_arg1 == BrushType.VERTICAL_LINE)))) || ((_arg1 == BrushType.FORWARD_LINE)))) || ((_arg1 == BrushType.BACKWARD_LINE)))) || ((_arg1 == BrushType.DIAMOND)))){ _local2 = true; }; return (_local2); } } }//package
Section 6
//Tool ( package { import flash.display.*; import flash.geom.*; public class Tool { protected var _mode:String; protected var _renderType:String; public function get mode():String{ return (_mode); } public function set mode(_arg1:String):void{ if (((!((_arg1 == null))) && (ToolMode.validMode(_arg1)))){ _mode = _arg1; } else { _mode = ToolMode.NORMAL; }; } public function apply(_arg1:DisplayObject, _arg2:Point, _arg3:Point=null):void{ } public function get renderType():String{ return (_renderType); } } }//package
Section 7
//ToolMode ( package { public class ToolMode { public static const ERASE:String = "erase"; public static const NORMAL:String = "normal"; public static function validMode(_arg1:String):Boolean{ var _local2:Boolean; _local2 = false; if ((((_arg1 == ToolMode.NORMAL)) || ((_arg1 == ToolMode.ERASE)))){ _local2 = true; }; return (_local2); } } }//package
Section 8
//ToolRenderType ( package { public class ToolRenderType { public static const DRAG:String = "drag"; public static const CONTINUOUS:String = "continuous"; } }//package
Section 9
//GraffitiCanvas (com.nocircleno.graffiti.GraffitiCanvas) package com.nocircleno.graffiti { import flash.display.*; import flash.geom.*; import*; import*; import*; import*; public class GraffitiCanvas extends Sprite { private var _maxHistoryLength:uint; private var _minZoom:uint;// = 1 private var _maxHeight:uint;// = 2800 private var _maxWidth:uint;// = 2800 private var _maxZoom:uint; private var canvas:Bitmap; private var _tool:Tool; private var _history:Array; private var container:Sprite; private var _canvasWidth:uint; private var drawing_space:Sprite; private var _prevPoint:Point; private var _canvasHeight:uint; private var _zoom:Number;// = 1 private var _canvasEnabled:Boolean;// = true private var _bmp:BitmapData; private var _historyPosition:uint;// = 0 private var overlay_do:DisplayObject; private var underlay_do:DisplayObject; private var _mouseDrag:Boolean;// = false public function GraffitiCanvas(_arg1:uint=100, _arg2:uint=100, _arg3:uint=0, _arg4:DisplayObject=null, _arg5:DisplayObject=null){ _canvasEnabled = true; _mouseDrag = false; _zoom = 1; _minZoom = 1; _maxWidth = 2800; _maxHeight = 2800; _historyPosition = 0; super(); _canvasWidth = ((_arg1 <= _maxWidth)) ? _arg1 : _maxWidth; _canvasHeight = ((_arg2 <= _maxHeight)) ? _arg2 : _maxHeight; _maxZoom = Math.floor((5500 / Math.max(_canvasWidth, _canvasHeight))); _tool = new Brush(16, 0, BrushType.DIAMOND); drawing_space = new Sprite(); container = new Sprite(); _bmp = new BitmapData(_canvasWidth, _canvasHeight, true, 0xFFFFFF); canvas = new Bitmap(_bmp, "auto", false); addChild(container); container.addChild(canvas); container.addChild(drawing_space); if (_arg4 != null){ overlay_do = _arg4; container.addChild(overlay_do); }; if (_arg5 != null){ underlay_do = _arg5; container.addChildAt(underlay_do, 0); }; this.scrollRect = new Rectangle(0, 0, _canvasWidth, _canvasHeight); this.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, mouseHandler); initHistory(_arg3); } public function clearCanvas():void{ if (_maxHistoryLength != 0){ writeToHistory(); }; _bmp.fillRect(new Rectangle(0, 0, _canvasWidth, _canvasHeight), 0xFFFFFF); } private function restoreFromHistory():void{ _bmp.lock(); _bmp.copyPixels(_history[_historyPosition], _history[_historyPosition].rect, new Point(0, 0)); _bmp.unlock(); } private function dragEventUpdater(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ dispatchEvent(new CanvasEvent(CanvasEvent.DRAG, _zoom, _canvasWidth, _canvasHeight, getViewableRect())); } public function drawing():BitmapData{ var _local1:BitmapData; _local1 = new BitmapData(_canvasWidth, _canvasHeight, false, 0xFFFFFF); _local1.draw(container); return (_local1); } private function draw(_arg1:MouseEvent=null):void{ var _local2:Point; _local2 = new Point(container.mouseX, container.mouseY); if (_prevPoint == null){ _tool.apply(drawing_space, _local2); } else { _tool.apply(drawing_space, _prevPoint, _local2); }; if (_tool.renderType == ToolRenderType.CONTINUOUS){ _bmp.draw(drawing_space, new Matrix(), null, _tool.mode);; _prevPoint = new Point(_local2.x, _local2.y); }; } public function get minZoom():Number{ return (_minZoom); } public function get maxZoom():Number{ return (_maxZoom); } public function get canvasWidth():uint{ return (_canvasWidth); } public function nextHistory():void{ if (_history != null){ if (_historyPosition != (_history.length - 1)){ _historyPosition++; restoreFromHistory(); }; }; } public function set activeTool(_arg1:Tool):void{ _tool = _arg1; } public function clearHistory():void{ var _local1:uint; if (_history != null){ _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < _history.length) { _history[_local1].dispose(); _local1++; }; _history = new Array(); }; } public function get mouseDrag():Boolean{ return (_mouseDrag); } public function set underlay(_arg1:DisplayObject):void{ if (underlay_do != null){ container.removeChild(underlay_do); }; underlay_do = _arg1; if (underlay_do != null){ container.addChildAt(underlay_do, 0); }; } public function set canvasEnabled(_arg1:Boolean):void{ _canvasEnabled = _arg1; this.mouseEnabled = _arg1; this.mouseChildren = _arg1; } public function get historyLength():uint{ return (((_history)!=null) ? _history.length : 0); } public function get maxHistoryLength():uint{ return (_maxHistoryLength); } public function get canvasHeight():uint{ return (_canvasHeight); } public function setCanvasPos(_arg1:Point):void{ container.x = _arg1.x; container.y = _arg1.y; if (container.x > 0){ container.x = 0; }; if (container.y > 0){ container.y = 0; }; if ((container.x + container.width) < _canvasWidth){ container.x = (_canvasWidth - container.width); }; if ((container.y + container.height) < _canvasHeight){ container.y = (_canvasHeight - container.height); }; } public function set zoom(_arg1:Number):void{ var _local2:Point; if ((((_arg1 >= _minZoom)) && ((_arg1 <= _maxZoom)))){ _local2 = new Point(((Math.abs(container.x) + (_canvasWidth / 2)) / _zoom), ((Math.abs(container.y) + (_canvasHeight / 2)) / _zoom)); _zoom = _arg1; container.scaleX = _zoom; container.scaleY = _zoom; container.x = ((-(_local2.x) * _zoom) + (_canvasWidth / 2)); container.y = ((-(_local2.y) * _zoom) + (_canvasHeight / 2)); if (container.x > 0){ container.x = 0; }; if (container.y > 0){ container.y = 0; }; if ((container.x + container.width) < _canvasWidth){ container.x = (_canvasWidth - container.width); }; if ((container.y + container.height) < _canvasHeight){ container.y = (_canvasHeight - container.height); }; dispatchEvent(new CanvasEvent(CanvasEvent.ZOOM, _zoom, _canvasWidth, _canvasHeight, getViewableRect())); }; } public function set overlay(_arg1:DisplayObject):void{ if (overlay_do != null){ container.removeChild(overlay_do); }; overlay_do = _arg1; if (overlay_do != null){ container.addChild(overlay_do); }; } private function writeToHistory():void{ if (_history.length == _maxHistoryLength){ _history[0].dispose(); _history.splice(0, 1); }; _history.push(_bmp.clone()); _historyPosition = (_history.length - 1); } public function get activeTool():Tool{ return (_tool); } private function initHistory(_arg1:uint):void{ _maxHistoryLength = _arg1; if (_maxHistoryLength != 0){ _history = new Array(); writeToHistory(); }; } public function get canvasEnabled():Boolean{ return (_canvasEnabled); } public function get zoom():Number{ return (_zoom); } public function get historyPosition():uint{ return (_historyPosition); } public function prevHistory():void{ if (_history != null){ if (_historyPosition != 0){ _historyPosition--; restoreFromHistory(); }; }; } private function mouseHandler(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if (((_canvasEnabled) && (((!((_tool == null))) || (_mouseDrag))))){ if (_arg1.type == MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN){ if (_mouseDrag){ container.startDrag(false, new Rectangle(-((container.width - _canvasWidth)), -((container.height - _canvasHeight)), (container.width - _canvasWidth), (container.height - _canvasHeight))); stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, mouseHandler); stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, dragEventUpdater); } else { stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, draw); draw(); stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, mouseHandler); }; } else { if (_arg1.type == MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP){ stopDrag(); if (_prevPoint != null){ if (_maxHistoryLength != 0){ writeToHistory(); }; _prevPoint = null; if (_tool.renderType == ToolRenderType.DRAG){ _bmp.draw(drawing_space, new Matrix(), null, _tool.mode);; }; stage.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, draw); } else { stage.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, dragEventUpdater); }; stage.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, mouseHandler); }; }; }; } public function set mouseDrag(_arg1:Boolean):void{ _mouseDrag = _arg1; } public function getViewableRect():Rectangle{ return (new Rectangle((Math.abs(container.x) / _zoom), (Math.abs(container.y) / _zoom), (_canvasWidth / _zoom), (_canvasHeight / _zoom))); } } }//package com.nocircleno.graffiti
Section 10
//BaseButton (fl.controls.BaseButton) package fl.controls { import flash.display.*; import flash.utils.*; import fl.core.*; import*; import*; public class BaseButton extends UIComponent { protected var _selected:Boolean;// = false private var unlockedMouseState:String; protected var pressTimer:Timer; protected var mouseState:String; protected var background:DisplayObject; private var _mouseStateLocked:Boolean;// = false protected var _autoRepeat:Boolean;// = false private static var defaultStyles:Object = {upSkin:"Button_upSkin", downSkin:"Button_downSkin", overSkin:"Button_overSkin", disabledSkin:"Button_disabledSkin", selectedDisabledSkin:"Button_selectedDisabledSkin", selectedUpSkin:"Button_selectedUpSkin", selectedDownSkin:"Button_selectedDownSkin", selectedOverSkin:"Button_selectedOverSkin", focusRectSkin:null, focusRectPadding:null, repeatDelay:500, repeatInterval:35}; public function BaseButton(){ _selected = false; _autoRepeat = false; _mouseStateLocked = false; super(); buttonMode = true; mouseChildren = false; useHandCursor = false; setupMouseEvents(); setMouseState("up"); pressTimer = new Timer(1, 0); pressTimer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, buttonDown, false, 0, true); } protected function endPress():void{ pressTimer.reset(); } public function set mouseStateLocked(_arg1:Boolean):void{ _mouseStateLocked = _arg1; if (_arg1 == false){ setMouseState(unlockedMouseState); } else { unlockedMouseState = mouseState; }; } public function get autoRepeat():Boolean{ return (_autoRepeat); } public function set autoRepeat(_arg1:Boolean):void{ _autoRepeat = _arg1; } override public function set enabled(_arg1:Boolean):void{ super.enabled = _arg1; mouseEnabled = _arg1; } public function get selected():Boolean{ return (_selected); } protected function mouseEventHandler(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if (_arg1.type == MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN){ setMouseState("down"); startPress(); } else { if ((((_arg1.type == MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER)) || ((_arg1.type == MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP)))){ setMouseState("over"); endPress(); } else { if (_arg1.type == MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT){ setMouseState("up"); endPress(); }; }; }; } public function setMouseState(_arg1:String):void{ if (_mouseStateLocked){ unlockedMouseState = _arg1; return; }; if (mouseState == _arg1){ return; }; mouseState = _arg1; invalidate(InvalidationType.STATE); } protected function startPress():void{ if (_autoRepeat){ pressTimer.delay = Number(getStyleValue("repeatDelay")); pressTimer.start(); }; dispatchEvent(new ComponentEvent(ComponentEvent.BUTTON_DOWN, true)); } protected function buttonDown(_arg1:TimerEvent):void{ if (!_autoRepeat){ endPress(); return; }; if (pressTimer.currentCount == 1){ pressTimer.delay = Number(getStyleValue("repeatInterval")); }; dispatchEvent(new ComponentEvent(ComponentEvent.BUTTON_DOWN, true)); } public function set selected(_arg1:Boolean):void{ if (_selected == _arg1){ return; }; _selected = _arg1; invalidate(InvalidationType.STATE); } override public function get enabled():Boolean{ return (super.enabled); } override protected function draw():void{ if (isInvalid(InvalidationType.STYLES, InvalidationType.STATE)){ drawBackground(); invalidate(InvalidationType.SIZE, false); }; if (isInvalid(InvalidationType.SIZE)){ drawLayout(); }; super.draw(); } protected function setupMouseEvents():void{ addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, mouseEventHandler, false, 0, true); addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, mouseEventHandler, false, 0, true); addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, mouseEventHandler, false, 0, true); addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT, mouseEventHandler, false, 0, true); } protected function drawLayout():void{ background.width = width; background.height = height; } protected function drawBackground():void{ var _local1:String; var _local2:DisplayObject; _local1 = (enabled) ? mouseState : "disabled"; if (selected){ _local1 = (("selected" + _local1.substr(0, 1).toUpperCase()) + _local1.substr(1)); }; _local1 = (_local1 + "Skin"); _local2 = background; background = getDisplayObjectInstance(getStyleValue(_local1)); addChildAt(background, 0); if (((!((_local2 == null))) && (!((_local2 == background))))){ removeChild(_local2); }; } public static function getStyleDefinition():Object{ return (defaultStyles); } } }//package fl.controls
Section 11
//Button (fl.controls.Button) package fl.controls { import flash.display.*; import fl.core.*; import fl.managers.*; public class Button extends LabelButton implements IFocusManagerComponent { protected var emphasizedBorder:DisplayObject; protected var _emphasized:Boolean;// = false private static var defaultStyles:Object = {emphasizedSkin:"Button_emphasizedSkin", emphasizedPadding:2}; public static var createAccessibilityImplementation:Function; public function Button(){ _emphasized = false; super(); } override public function drawFocus(_arg1:Boolean):void{ var _local2:Number; var _local3:*; super.drawFocus(_arg1); if (_arg1){ _local2 = Number(getStyleValue("emphasizedPadding")); if ((((_local2 < 0)) || (!(_emphasized)))){ _local2 = 0; }; _local3 = getStyleValue("focusRectPadding"); _local3 = ((_local3)==null) ? 2 : _local3; _local3 = (_local3 + _local2); uiFocusRect.x = -(_local3); uiFocusRect.y = -(_local3); uiFocusRect.width = (width + (_local3 * 2)); uiFocusRect.height = (height + (_local3 * 2)); }; } public function set emphasized(_arg1:Boolean):void{ _emphasized = _arg1; invalidate(InvalidationType.STYLES); } override protected function draw():void{ if (((isInvalid(InvalidationType.STYLES)) || (isInvalid(InvalidationType.SIZE)))){ drawEmphasized(); }; super.draw(); if (emphasizedBorder != null){ setChildIndex(emphasizedBorder, (numChildren - 1)); }; } public function get emphasized():Boolean{ return (_emphasized); } override protected function initializeAccessibility():void{ if (Button.createAccessibilityImplementation != null){ Button.createAccessibilityImplementation(this); }; } protected function drawEmphasized():void{ var _local1:Object; var _local2:Number; if (emphasizedBorder != null){ removeChild(emphasizedBorder); }; emphasizedBorder = null; if (!_emphasized){ return; }; _local1 = getStyleValue("emphasizedSkin"); if (_local1 != null){ emphasizedBorder = getDisplayObjectInstance(_local1); }; if (emphasizedBorder != null){ addChildAt(emphasizedBorder, 0); _local2 = Number(getStyleValue("emphasizedPadding")); emphasizedBorder.x = (emphasizedBorder.y = -(_local2)); emphasizedBorder.width = (width + (_local2 * 2)); emphasizedBorder.height = (height + (_local2 * 2)); }; } public static function getStyleDefinition():Object{ return (UIComponent.mergeStyles(LabelButton.getStyleDefinition(), defaultStyles)); } } }//package fl.controls
Section 12
//ButtonLabelPlacement (fl.controls.ButtonLabelPlacement) package fl.controls { public class ButtonLabelPlacement { public static const TOP:String = "top"; public static const LEFT:String = "left"; public static const BOTTOM:String = "bottom"; public static const RIGHT:String = "right"; } }//package fl.controls
Section 13
//CheckBox (fl.controls.CheckBox) package fl.controls { import flash.display.*; public class CheckBox extends LabelButton { private static var defaultStyles:Object = {icon:null, upIcon:"CheckBox_upIcon", downIcon:"CheckBox_downIcon", overIcon:"CheckBox_overIcon", disabledIcon:"CheckBox_disabledIcon", selectedDisabledIcon:"CheckBox_selectedDisabledIcon", focusRectSkin:null, focusRectPadding:null, selectedUpIcon:"CheckBox_selectedUpIcon", selectedDownIcon:"CheckBox_selectedDownIcon", selectedOverIcon:"CheckBox_selectedOverIcon", textFormat:null, disabledTextFormat:null, embedFonts:null, textPadding:5}; public static var createAccessibilityImplementation:Function; override public function drawFocus(_arg1:Boolean):void{ var _local2:Number; super.drawFocus(_arg1); if (_arg1){ _local2 = Number(getStyleValue("focusRectPadding")); uiFocusRect.x = (background.x - _local2); uiFocusRect.y = (background.y - _local2); uiFocusRect.width = (background.width + (_local2 << 1)); uiFocusRect.height = (background.height + (_local2 << 1)); }; } override public function get autoRepeat():Boolean{ return (false); } override public function set autoRepeat(_arg1:Boolean):void{ } override public function set toggle(_arg1:Boolean):void{ throw (new Error("Warning: You cannot change a CheckBox's toggle.")); } override public function get toggle():Boolean{ return (true); } override protected function configUI():void{ var _local1:Shape; var _local2:Graphics; super.configUI(); super.toggle = true; _local1 = new Shape(); _local2 =; _local2.beginFill(0, 0); _local2.drawRect(0, 0, 100, 100); _local2.endFill(); background = (_local1 as DisplayObject); addChildAt(background, 0); } override protected function drawLayout():void{ var _local1:Number; super.drawLayout(); _local1 = Number(getStyleValue("textPadding")); switch (_labelPlacement){ case ButtonLabelPlacement.RIGHT: icon.x = _local1; textField.x = (icon.x + (icon.width + _local1)); background.width = ((textField.x + textField.width) + _local1); background.height = (Math.max(textField.height, icon.height) + (_local1 * 2)); break; case ButtonLabelPlacement.LEFT: icon.x = ((width - icon.width) - _local1); textField.x = (((width - icon.width) - (_local1 * 2)) - textField.width); background.width = ((textField.width + icon.width) + (_local1 * 3)); background.height = (Math.max(textField.height, icon.height) + (_local1 * 2)); break; case ButtonLabelPlacement.TOP: case ButtonLabelPlacement.BOTTOM: background.width = (Math.max(textField.width, icon.width) + (_local1 * 2)); background.height = ((textField.height + icon.height) + (_local1 * 3)); break; }; background.x = Math.min((icon.x - _local1), (textField.x - _local1)); background.y = Math.min((icon.y - _local1), (textField.y - _local1)); } override protected function drawBackground():void{ } override protected function initializeAccessibility():void{ if (CheckBox.createAccessibilityImplementation != null){ CheckBox.createAccessibilityImplementation(this); }; } public static function getStyleDefinition():Object{ return (defaultStyles); } } }//package fl.controls
Section 14
//ColorPicker (fl.controls.ColorPicker) package fl.controls { import flash.display.*; import fl.core.*; import flash.geom.*; import*; import fl.managers.*; import*; import flash.text.*; import flash.ui.*; public class ColorPicker extends UIComponent implements IFocusManagerComponent { protected var paletteBG:DisplayObject; protected var customColors:Array; protected var palette:Sprite; protected var isOpen:Boolean;// = false protected var swatchButton:BaseButton; protected var selectedSwatch:Sprite; protected var textFieldBG:DisplayObject; protected var colorWell:DisplayObject; protected var rollOverColor:int;// = -1 protected var colorHash:Object; protected var swatchSelectedSkin:DisplayObject; protected var _showTextField:Boolean;// = true protected var currRowIndex:int; protected var doOpen:Boolean;// = false protected var currColIndex:int; protected var swatchMap:Array; protected var _selectedColor:uint; protected var _editable:Boolean;// = true public var textField:TextField; protected var swatches:Sprite; protected static const SWATCH_STYLES:Object = {disabledSkin:"swatchSkin", downSkin:"swatchSkin", overSkin:"swatchSkin", upSkin:"swatchSkin"}; protected static const POPUP_BUTTON_STYLES:Object = {disabledSkin:"disabledSkin", downSkin:"downSkin", overSkin:"overSkin", upSkin:"upSkin"}; public static var defaultColors:Array; private static var defaultStyles:Object = {upSkin:"ColorPicker_upSkin", disabledSkin:"ColorPicker_disabledSkin", overSkin:"ColorPicker_overSkin", downSkin:"ColorPicker_downSkin", colorWell:"ColorPicker_colorWell", swatchSkin:"ColorPicker_swatchSkin", swatchSelectedSkin:"ColorPicker_swatchSelectedSkin", swatchWidth:10, swatchHeight:10, columnCount:18, swatchPadding:1, textFieldSkin:"ColorPicker_textFieldSkin", textFieldWidth:null, textFieldHeight:null, textPadding:3, background:"ColorPicker_backgroundSkin", backgroundPadding:5, textFormat:null, focusRectSkin:null, focusRectPadding:null, embedFonts:false}; public function ColorPicker(){ rollOverColor = -1; _editable = true; _showTextField = true; isOpen = false; doOpen = false; super(); } public function set imeMode(_arg1:String):void{ _imeMode = _arg1; } protected function drawSwatchHighlight():void{ var _local1:Object; var _local2:Number; cleanUpSelected(); _local1 = getStyleValue("swatchSelectedSkin"); _local2 = (getStyleValue("swatchPadding") as Number); if (_local1 != null){ swatchSelectedSkin = getDisplayObjectInstance(_local1); swatchSelectedSkin.x = 0; swatchSelectedSkin.y = 0; swatchSelectedSkin.width = ((getStyleValue("swatchWidth") as Number) + 2); swatchSelectedSkin.height = ((getStyleValue("swatchHeight") as Number) + 2); }; } protected function setColorWellColor(_arg1:ColorTransform):void{ if (!colorWell){ return; }; colorWell.transform.colorTransform = _arg1; } override protected function isOurFocus(_arg1:DisplayObject):Boolean{ return ((((_arg1 == textField)) || (super.isOurFocus(_arg1)))); } public function open():void{ var _local1:IFocusManager; if (!_enabled){ return; }; doOpen = true; _local1 = focusManager; if (_local1){ _local1.defaultButtonEnabled = false; }; invalidate(InvalidationType.STATE); } protected function setTextEditable():void{ if (!showTextField){ return; }; textField.type = (editable) ? TextFieldType.INPUT : TextFieldType.DYNAMIC; textField.selectable = editable; } protected function createSwatch(_arg1:uint):Sprite{ var _local2:Sprite; var _local3:BaseButton; var _local4:Number; var _local5:Number; var _local6:Number; var _local7:Graphics; _local2 = new Sprite(); _local3 = new BaseButton(); _local3.focusEnabled = false; _local4 = (getStyleValue("swatchWidth") as Number); _local5 = (getStyleValue("swatchHeight") as Number); _local3.setSize(_local4, _local5); _local3.transform.colorTransform = new ColorTransform(0, 0, 0, 1, (_arg1 >> 16), ((_arg1 >> 8) & 0xFF), (_arg1 & 0xFF), 0); copyStylesToChild(_local3, SWATCH_STYLES); _local3.mouseEnabled = false; _local3.drawNow(); = "color"; _local2.addChild(_local3); _local6 = (getStyleValue("swatchPadding") as Number); _local7 =; _local7.beginFill(0); _local7.drawRect(-(_local6), -(_local6), (_local4 + (_local6 * 2)), (_local5 + (_local6 * 2))); _local7.endFill(); _local2.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onSwatchClick, false, 0, true); _local2.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, onSwatchOver, false, 0, true); _local2.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, onSwatchOut, false, 0, true); return (_local2); } protected function onSwatchOut(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ var _local2:ColorTransform; _local2 =; dispatchEvent(new ColorPickerEvent(ColorPickerEvent.ITEM_ROLL_OUT, _local2.color)); } override protected function keyDownHandler(_arg1:KeyboardEvent):void{ var _local2:ColorTransform; var _local3:Sprite; switch (_arg1.keyCode){ case Keyboard.SHIFT: case Keyboard.CONTROL: return; }; if (_arg1.ctrlKey){ switch (_arg1.keyCode){ case Keyboard.DOWN: open(); break; case Keyboard.UP: close(); break; }; return; }; if (!isOpen){ switch (_arg1.keyCode){ case Keyboard.UP: case Keyboard.DOWN: case Keyboard.LEFT: case Keyboard.RIGHT: case Keyboard.SPACE: open(); return; }; }; textField.maxChars = ((((_arg1.keyCode == "#".charCodeAt(0))) || ((textField.text.indexOf("#") > -1)))) ? 7 : 6; switch (_arg1.keyCode){ case Keyboard.TAB: _local3 = findSwatch(_selectedColor); setSwatchHighlight(_local3); return; case Keyboard.HOME: currColIndex = (currRowIndex = 0); break; case Keyboard.END: currColIndex = (swatchMap[(swatchMap.length - 1)].length - 1); currRowIndex = (swatchMap.length - 1); break; case Keyboard.PAGE_DOWN: currRowIndex = (swatchMap.length - 1); break; case Keyboard.PAGE_UP: currRowIndex = 0; break; case Keyboard.ESCAPE: if (isOpen){ selectedColor = _selectedColor; }; close(); return; case Keyboard.ENTER: return; case Keyboard.UP: currRowIndex = Math.max(-1, (currRowIndex - 1)); if (currRowIndex == -1){ currRowIndex = (swatchMap.length - 1); }; break; case Keyboard.DOWN: currRowIndex = Math.min(swatchMap.length, (currRowIndex + 1)); if (currRowIndex == swatchMap.length){ currRowIndex = 0; }; break; case Keyboard.RIGHT: currColIndex = Math.min(swatchMap[currRowIndex].length, (currColIndex + 1)); if (currColIndex == swatchMap[currRowIndex].length){ currColIndex = 0; currRowIndex = Math.min(swatchMap.length, (currRowIndex + 1)); if (currRowIndex == swatchMap.length){ currRowIndex = 0; }; }; break; case Keyboard.LEFT: currColIndex = Math.max(-1, (currColIndex - 1)); if (currColIndex == -1){ currColIndex = (swatchMap[currRowIndex].length - 1); currRowIndex = Math.max(-1, (currRowIndex - 1)); if (currRowIndex == -1){ currRowIndex = (swatchMap.length - 1); }; }; break; default: return; }; _local2 = swatchMap[currRowIndex][currColIndex].getChildByName("color").transform.colorTransform; rollOverColor = _local2.color; setColorWellColor(_local2); setSwatchHighlight(swatchMap[currRowIndex][currColIndex]); setColorText(_local2.color); } public function get editable():Boolean{ return (_editable); } override protected function focusInHandler(_arg1:FocusEvent):void{ super.focusInHandler(_arg1); setIMEMode(true); } protected function onStageClick(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if (((!(contains(( as DisplayObject)))) && (!(palette.contains(( as DisplayObject)))))){ selectedColor = _selectedColor; close(); }; } protected function onSwatchOver(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ var _local2:BaseButton; var _local3:ColorTransform; _local2 = ("color") as BaseButton); _local3 = _local2.transform.colorTransform; setColorWellColor(_local3); setSwatchHighlight(( as Sprite)); setColorText(_local3.color); dispatchEvent(new ColorPickerEvent(ColorPickerEvent.ITEM_ROLL_OVER, _local3.color)); } override public function set enabled(_arg1:Boolean):void{ super.enabled = _arg1; if (!_arg1){ close(); }; swatchButton.enabled = _arg1; } override protected function keyUpHandler(_arg1:KeyboardEvent):void{ var _local2:uint; var _local3:ColorTransform; var _local4:String; var _local5:Sprite; if (!isOpen){ return; }; _local3 = new ColorTransform(); if (((editable) && (showTextField))){ _local4 = textField.text; if (_local4.indexOf("#") > -1){ _local4 = _local4.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, ""); _local4 = _local4.replace(/#/g, ""); }; _local2 = parseInt(_local4, 16); _local5 = findSwatch(_local2); setSwatchHighlight(_local5); _local3.color = _local2; setColorWellColor(_local3); } else { _local2 = rollOverColor; _local3.color = _local2; }; if (_arg1.keyCode != Keyboard.ENTER){ return; }; dispatchEvent(new ColorPickerEvent(ColorPickerEvent.ENTER, _local2)); _selectedColor = rollOverColor; setColorText(_local3.color); rollOverColor = _local3.color; dispatchEvent(new ColorPickerEvent(ColorPickerEvent.CHANGE, selectedColor)); close(); } protected function drawBG():void{ var _local1:Object; var _local2:Number; _local1 = getStyleValue("background"); if (_local1 != null){ paletteBG = (getDisplayObjectInstance(_local1) as Sprite); }; if (paletteBG == null){ return; }; _local2 = Number(getStyleValue("backgroundPadding")); paletteBG.width = (Math.max((showTextField) ? textFieldBG.width : 0, swatches.width) + (_local2 * 2)); paletteBG.height = ((swatches.y + swatches.height) + _local2); palette.addChildAt(paletteBG, 0); } protected function positionTextField():void{ var _local1:Number; var _local2:Number; if (!showTextField){ return; }; _local1 = (getStyleValue("backgroundPadding") as Number); _local2 = (getStyleValue("textPadding") as Number); textFieldBG.x = (paletteBG.x + _local1); textFieldBG.y = (paletteBG.y + _local1); textField.x = (textFieldBG.x + _local2); textField.y = (textFieldBG.y + _local2); } protected function setEmbedFonts():void{ var _local1:Object; _local1 = getStyleValue("embedFonts"); if (_local1 != null){ textField.embedFonts = _local1; }; } public function set showTextField(_arg1:Boolean):void{ invalidate(InvalidationType.STYLES); _showTextField = _arg1; } protected function addStageListener(_arg1:Event=null):void{ stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, onStageClick, false, 0, true); } protected function drawPalette():void{ if (isOpen){ stage.removeChild(palette); }; palette = new Sprite(); drawTextField(); drawSwatches(); drawBG(); } protected function showPalette():void{ var _local1:Sprite; if (isOpen){ positionPalette(); return; }; addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, addCloseListener, false, 0, true); stage.addChild(palette); isOpen = true; positionPalette(); dispatchEvent(new Event(Event.OPEN)); stage.focus = textField; _local1 = selectedSwatch; if (_local1 == null){ _local1 = findSwatch(_selectedColor); }; setSwatchHighlight(_local1); } public function set editable(_arg1:Boolean):void{ _editable = _arg1; invalidate(InvalidationType.STATE); } public function set colors(_arg1:Array):void{ customColors = _arg1; invalidate(InvalidationType.DATA); } protected function drawTextField():void{ var _local1:Number; var _local2:Number; var _local3:Object; var _local4:TextFormat; var _local5:TextFormat; if (!showTextField){ return; }; _local1 = (getStyleValue("backgroundPadding") as Number); _local2 = (getStyleValue("textPadding") as Number); textFieldBG = getDisplayObjectInstance(getStyleValue("textFieldSkin")); if (textFieldBG != null){ palette.addChild(textFieldBG); textFieldBG.x = (textFieldBG.y = _local1); }; _local3 = UIComponent.getStyleDefinition(); _local4 = (enabled) ? (_local3.defaultTextFormat as TextFormat) : (_local3.defaultDisabledTextFormat as TextFormat); textField.setTextFormat(_local4); _local5 = (getStyleValue("textFormat") as TextFormat); if (_local5 != null){ textField.setTextFormat(_local5); } else { _local5 = _local4; }; textField.defaultTextFormat = _local5; setEmbedFonts(); textField.restrict = "A-Fa-f0-9#"; textField.maxChars = 6; palette.addChild(textField); textField.text = " #888888 "; textField.height = (textField.textHeight + 3); textField.width = (textField.textWidth + 3); textField.text = ""; textField.x = (textField.y = (_local1 + _local2)); textFieldBG.width = (textField.width + (_local2 * 2)); textFieldBG.height = (textField.height + (_local2 * 2)); setTextEditable(); } protected function setColorText(_arg1:uint):void{ if (textField == null){ return; }; textField.text = ("#" + colorToString(_arg1)); } protected function colorToString(_arg1:uint):String{ var _local2:String; _local2 = _arg1.toString(16); while (_local2.length < 6) { _local2 = ("0" + _local2); }; return (_local2); } public function get imeMode():String{ return (_imeMode); } public function set selectedColor(_arg1:uint):void{ var _local2:ColorTransform; if (!_enabled){ return; }; _selectedColor = _arg1; rollOverColor = -1; currColIndex = (currRowIndex = 0); _local2 = new ColorTransform(); _local2.color = _arg1; setColorWellColor(_local2); invalidate(InvalidationType.DATA); } override protected function focusOutHandler(_arg1:FocusEvent):void{ if (_arg1.relatedObject == textField){ setFocus(); return; }; if (isOpen){ close(); }; super.focusOutHandler(_arg1); setIMEMode(false); } protected function onPopupButtonClick(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if (isOpen){ close(); } else { open(); }; } protected function positionPalette():void{ var _local1:Point; var _local2:Number; _local1 = swatchButton.localToGlobal(new Point(0, 0)); _local2 = (getStyleValue("backgroundPadding") as Number); if ((_local1.x + palette.width) > stage.stageWidth){ palette.x = ((_local1.x - palette.width) << 0); } else { palette.x = (((_local1.x + swatchButton.width) + _local2) << 0); }; palette.y = (Math.max(0, Math.min(_local1.y, (stage.stageHeight - palette.height))) << 0); } public function get hexValue():String{ if (colorWell == null){ return (colorToString(0)); }; return (colorToString(colorWell.transform.colorTransform.color)); } override public function get enabled():Boolean{ return (super.enabled); } protected function setSwatchHighlight(_arg1:Sprite):void{ var _local2:Number; var _local3:*; if (_arg1 == null){ if (palette.contains(swatchSelectedSkin)){ palette.removeChild(swatchSelectedSkin); }; return; } else { if (((!(palette.contains(swatchSelectedSkin))) && ((colors.length > 0)))){ palette.addChild(swatchSelectedSkin); } else { if (!colors.length){ return; }; }; }; _local2 = (getStyleValue("swatchPadding") as Number); palette.setChildIndex(swatchSelectedSkin, (palette.numChildren - 1)); swatchSelectedSkin.x = ((swatches.x + _arg1.x) - 1); swatchSelectedSkin.y = ((swatches.y + _arg1.y) - 1); _local3 = _arg1.getChildByName("color").transform.colorTransform.color; currColIndex = colorHash[_local3].col; currRowIndex = colorHash[_local3].row; } protected function onSwatchClick(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ var _local2:ColorTransform; _local2 ="color").transform.colorTransform; _selectedColor = _local2.color; dispatchEvent(new ColorPickerEvent(ColorPickerEvent.CHANGE, selectedColor)); close(); } override protected function draw():void{ if (isInvalid(InvalidationType.STYLES, InvalidationType.DATA)){ setStyles(); drawPalette(); setEmbedFonts(); invalidate(InvalidationType.DATA, false); invalidate(InvalidationType.STYLES, false); }; if (isInvalid(InvalidationType.DATA)){ drawSwatchHighlight(); setColorDisplay(); }; if (isInvalid(InvalidationType.STATE)){ setTextEditable(); if (doOpen){ doOpen = false; showPalette(); }; colorWell.visible = enabled; }; if (isInvalid(InvalidationType.SIZE, InvalidationType.STYLES)){ swatchButton.setSize(width, height); swatchButton.drawNow(); colorWell.width = width; colorWell.height = height; }; super.draw(); } protected function drawSwatches():void{ var _local1:Number; var _local2:Number; var _local3:uint; var _local4:uint; var _local5:Number; var _local6:Number; var _local7:uint; var _local8:int; var _local9:uint; var _local10:Sprite; _local1 = (getStyleValue("backgroundPadding") as Number); _local2 = (showTextField) ? ((textFieldBG.y + textFieldBG.height) + _local1) : _local1; swatches = new Sprite(); palette.addChild(swatches); swatches.x = _local1; swatches.y = _local2; _local3 = (getStyleValue("columnCount") as uint); _local4 = (getStyleValue("swatchPadding") as uint); _local5 = (getStyleValue("swatchWidth") as Number); _local6 = (getStyleValue("swatchHeight") as Number); colorHash = {}; swatchMap = []; _local7 = Math.min(0x0400, colors.length); _local8 = -1; _local9 = 0; while (_local9 < _local7) { _local10 = createSwatch(colors[_local9]); _local10.x = ((_local5 + _local4) * (_local9 % _local3)); if (_local10.x == 0){ swatchMap.push([_local10]); _local8++; } else { swatchMap[_local8].push(_local10); }; colorHash[colors[_local9]] = {swatch:_local10, row:_local8, col:(swatchMap[_local8].length - 1)}; _local10.y = (Math.floor((_local9 / _local3)) * (_local6 + _local4)); swatches.addChild(_local10); _local9++; }; } override protected function configUI():void{ var _local1:uint; super.configUI(); tabChildren = false; if (_slot1.defaultColors == null){ _slot1.defaultColors = []; _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < 216) { _slot1.defaultColors.push(((((((((_local1 / 6) % 3) << 0) + (((_local1 / 108) << 0) * 3)) * 51) << 16) | (((_local1 % 6) * 51) << 8)) | ((((_local1 / 18) << 0) % 6) * 51))); _local1++; }; }; colorHash = {}; swatchMap = []; textField = new TextField(); textField.tabEnabled = false; swatchButton = new BaseButton(); swatchButton.focusEnabled = false; swatchButton.useHandCursor = false; swatchButton.autoRepeat = false; swatchButton.setSize(25, 25); swatchButton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onPopupButtonClick, false, 0, true); addChild(swatchButton); palette = new Sprite(); palette.tabChildren = false; palette.cacheAsBitmap = true; } public function get showTextField():Boolean{ return (_showTextField); } public function get colors():Array{ return (((customColors)!=null) ? customColors : _slot1.defaultColors); } protected function findSwatch(_arg1:uint):Sprite{ var _local2:Object; if (!swatchMap.length){ return (null); }; _local2 = colorHash[_arg1]; if (_local2 != null){ return (; }; return (null); } protected function setColorDisplay():void{ var _local1:ColorTransform; var _local2:Sprite; if (!swatchMap.length){ return; }; _local1 = new ColorTransform(0, 0, 0, 1, (_selectedColor >> 16), ((_selectedColor >> 8) & 0xFF), (_selectedColor & 0xFF), 0); setColorWellColor(_local1); setColorText(_selectedColor); _local2 = findSwatch(_selectedColor); setSwatchHighlight(_local2); if (((swatchMap.length) && ((colorHash[_selectedColor] == undefined)))){ cleanUpSelected(); }; } protected function cleanUpSelected():void{ if (((swatchSelectedSkin) && (palette.contains(swatchSelectedSkin)))){ palette.removeChild(swatchSelectedSkin); }; } public function get selectedColor():uint{ if (colorWell == null){ return (0); }; return (colorWell.transform.colorTransform.color); } private function addCloseListener(_arg1:Event){ removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, addCloseListener); if (!isOpen){ return; }; addStageListener(); } protected function removeStageListener(_arg1:Event=null):void{ stage.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, onStageClick, false); } protected function setStyles():void{ var _local1:DisplayObject; var _local2:Object; _local1 = colorWell; _local2 = getStyleValue("colorWell"); if (_local2 != null){ colorWell = (getDisplayObjectInstance(_local2) as DisplayObject); }; addChildAt(colorWell, getChildIndex(swatchButton)); copyStylesToChild(swatchButton, POPUP_BUTTON_STYLES); swatchButton.drawNow(); if (((((!((_local1 == null))) && (contains(_local1)))) && (!((_local1 == colorWell))))){ removeChild(_local1); }; } public function close():void{ var _local1:IFocusManager; if (isOpen){ stage.removeChild(palette); isOpen = false; dispatchEvent(new Event(Event.CLOSE)); }; _local1 = focusManager; if (_local1){ _local1.defaultButtonEnabled = true; }; removeStageListener(); cleanUpSelected(); } public static function getStyleDefinition():Object{ return (defaultStyles); } } }//package fl.controls
Section 15
//LabelButton (fl.controls.LabelButton) package fl.controls { import flash.display.*; import fl.core.*; import*; import fl.managers.*; import*; import flash.text.*; import flash.ui.*; public class LabelButton extends BaseButton implements IFocusManagerComponent { protected var _labelPlacement:String;// = "right" protected var _toggle:Boolean;// = false protected var icon:DisplayObject; protected var oldMouseState:String; protected var mode:String;// = "center" public var textField:TextField; protected var _label:String;// = "Label" private static var defaultStyles:Object = {icon:null, upIcon:null, downIcon:null, overIcon:null, disabledIcon:null, selectedDisabledIcon:null, selectedUpIcon:null, selectedDownIcon:null, selectedOverIcon:null, textFormat:null, disabledTextFormat:null, textPadding:5, embedFonts:false}; public static var createAccessibilityImplementation:Function; public function LabelButton(){ _labelPlacement = ButtonLabelPlacement.RIGHT; _toggle = false; _label = "Label"; mode = "center"; super(); } protected function toggleSelected(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ selected = !(selected); dispatchEvent(new Event(Event.CHANGE, true)); } public function get labelPlacement():String{ return (_labelPlacement); } override protected function keyDownHandler(_arg1:KeyboardEvent):void{ if (!enabled){ return; }; if (_arg1.keyCode == Keyboard.SPACE){ if (oldMouseState == null){ oldMouseState = mouseState; }; setMouseState("down"); startPress(); }; } protected function setEmbedFont(){ var _local1:Object; _local1 = getStyleValue("embedFonts"); if (_local1 != null){ textField.embedFonts = _local1; }; } override protected function keyUpHandler(_arg1:KeyboardEvent):void{ if (!enabled){ return; }; if (_arg1.keyCode == Keyboard.SPACE){ setMouseState(oldMouseState); oldMouseState = null; endPress(); dispatchEvent(new MouseEvent(MouseEvent.CLICK)); }; } override public function get selected():Boolean{ return ((_toggle) ? _selected : false); } public function set labelPlacement(_arg1:String):void{ _labelPlacement = _arg1; invalidate(InvalidationType.SIZE); } public function set toggle(_arg1:Boolean):void{ if (((!(_arg1)) && (super.selected))){ selected = false; }; _toggle = _arg1; if (_toggle){ addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, toggleSelected, false, 0, true); } else { removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, toggleSelected); }; invalidate(InvalidationType.STATE); } public function get label():String{ return (_label); } override public function set selected(_arg1:Boolean):void{ _selected = _arg1; if (_toggle){ invalidate(InvalidationType.STATE); }; } override protected function draw():void{ if (textField.text != _label){ label = _label; }; if (isInvalid(InvalidationType.STYLES, InvalidationType.STATE)){ drawBackground(); drawIcon(); drawTextFormat(); invalidate(InvalidationType.SIZE, false); }; if (isInvalid(InvalidationType.SIZE)){ drawLayout(); }; if (isInvalid(InvalidationType.SIZE, InvalidationType.STYLES)){ if (((isFocused) && (focusManager.showFocusIndicator))){ drawFocus(true); }; }; validate(); } public function get toggle():Boolean{ return (_toggle); } override protected function configUI():void{ super.configUI(); textField = new TextField(); textField.type = TextFieldType.DYNAMIC; textField.selectable = false; addChild(textField); } override protected function drawLayout():void{ var _local1:Number; var _local2:String; var _local3:Number; var _local4:Number; var _local5:Number; var _local6:Number; var _local7:Number; var _local8:Number; _local1 = Number(getStyleValue("textPadding")); _local2 = ((((icon == null)) && ((mode == "center")))) ? ButtonLabelPlacement.TOP : _labelPlacement; textField.height = (textField.textHeight + 4); _local3 = (textField.textWidth + 4); _local4 = (textField.textHeight + 4); _local5 = ((icon)==null) ? 0 : (icon.width + _local1); _local6 = ((icon)==null) ? 0 : (icon.height + _local1); textField.visible = (label.length > 0); if (icon != null){ icon.x = Math.round(((width - icon.width) / 2)); icon.y = Math.round(((height - icon.height) / 2)); }; if (textField.visible == false){ textField.width = 0; textField.height = 0; } else { if ((((_local2 == ButtonLabelPlacement.BOTTOM)) || ((_local2 == ButtonLabelPlacement.TOP)))){ _local7 = Math.max(0, Math.min(_local3, (width - (2 * _local1)))); if ((height - 2) > _local4){ _local8 = _local4; } else { _local8 = (height - 2); }; _local3 = _local7; textField.width = _local3; _local4 = _local8; textField.height = _local4; textField.x = Math.round(((width - _local3) / 2)); textField.y = Math.round(((((height - textField.height) - _local6) / 2) + ((_local2)==ButtonLabelPlacement.BOTTOM) ? _local6 : 0)); if (icon != null){ icon.y = Math.round(((_local2)==ButtonLabelPlacement.BOTTOM) ? (textField.y - _local6) : ((textField.y + textField.height) + _local1)); }; } else { _local7 = Math.max(0, Math.min(_local3, ((width - _local5) - (2 * _local1)))); _local3 = _local7; textField.width = _local3; textField.x = Math.round(((((width - _local3) - _local5) / 2) + ((_local2)!=ButtonLabelPlacement.LEFT) ? _local5 : 0)); textField.y = Math.round(((height - textField.height) / 2)); if (icon != null){ icon.x = Math.round(((_local2)!=ButtonLabelPlacement.LEFT) ? (textField.x - _local5) : ((textField.x + _local3) + _local1)); }; }; }; super.drawLayout(); } override protected function initializeAccessibility():void{ if (LabelButton.createAccessibilityImplementation != null){ LabelButton.createAccessibilityImplementation(this); }; } protected function drawIcon():void{ var _local1:DisplayObject; var _local2:String; var _local3:Object; _local1 = icon; _local2 = (enabled) ? mouseState : "disabled"; if (selected){ _local2 = (("selected" + _local2.substr(0, 1).toUpperCase()) + _local2.substr(1)); }; _local2 = (_local2 + "Icon"); _local3 = getStyleValue(_local2); if (_local3 == null){ _local3 = getStyleValue("icon"); }; if (_local3 != null){ icon = getDisplayObjectInstance(_local3); }; if (icon != null){ addChildAt(icon, 1); }; if (((!((_local1 == null))) && (!((_local1 == icon))))){ removeChild(_local1); }; } public function set label(_arg1:String):void{ _label = _arg1; if (textField.text != _label){ textField.text = _label; dispatchEvent(new ComponentEvent(ComponentEvent.LABEL_CHANGE)); }; invalidate(InvalidationType.SIZE); invalidate(InvalidationType.STYLES); } protected function drawTextFormat():void{ var _local1:Object; var _local2:TextFormat; var _local3:TextFormat; _local1 = UIComponent.getStyleDefinition(); _local2 = (enabled) ? (_local1.defaultTextFormat as TextFormat) : (_local1.defaultDisabledTextFormat as TextFormat); textField.setTextFormat(_local2); _local3 = (getStyleValue((enabled) ? "textFormat" : "disabledTextFormat") as TextFormat); if (_local3 != null){ textField.setTextFormat(_local3); } else { _local3 = _local2; }; textField.defaultTextFormat = _local3; setEmbedFont(); } public static function getStyleDefinition():Object{ return (mergeStyles(defaultStyles, BaseButton.getStyleDefinition())); } } }//package fl.controls
Section 16
//Slider (fl.controls.Slider) package fl.controls { import flash.display.*; import fl.core.*; import*; import fl.managers.*; import*; import flash.ui.*; public class Slider extends UIComponent implements IFocusManagerComponent { protected var _direction:String; protected var _liveDragging:Boolean;// = false protected var _value:Number;// = 0 protected var _snapInterval:Number;// = 0 protected var _minimum:Number;// = 0 protected var _maximum:Number;// = 10 protected var track:BaseButton; protected var _tickInterval:Number;// = 0 protected var tickContainer:Sprite; protected var thumb:BaseButton; protected static const TICK_STYLES:Object = {upSkin:"tickSkin"}; protected static const TRACK_STYLES:Object = {upSkin:"sliderTrackSkin", overSkin:"sliderTrackSkin", downSkin:"sliderTrackSkin", disabledSkin:"sliderTrackDisabledSkin"}; protected static const THUMB_STYLES:Object = {upSkin:"thumbUpSkin", overSkin:"thumbOverSkin", downSkin:"thumbDownSkin", disabledSkin:"thumbDisabledSkin"}; protected static var defaultStyles:Object = {thumbUpSkin:"SliderThumb_upSkin", thumbOverSkin:"SliderThumb_overSkin", thumbDownSkin:"SliderThumb_downSkin", thumbDisabledSkin:"SliderThumb_disabledSkin", sliderTrackSkin:"SliderTrack_skin", sliderTrackDisabledSkin:"SliderTrack_disabledSkin", tickSkin:"SliderTick_skin", focusRectSkin:null, focusRectPadding:null}; public function Slider(){ _direction = SliderDirection.HORIZONTAL; _minimum = 0; _maximum = 10; _value = 0; _tickInterval = 0; _snapInterval = 0; _liveDragging = false; super(); setStyles(); } public function get minimum():Number{ return (_minimum); } public function set minimum(_arg1:Number):void{ _minimum = _arg1; this.value = Math.max(_arg1, this.value); invalidate(InvalidationType.DATA); } public function get maximum():Number{ return (_maximum); } protected function positionThumb():void{ thumb.x = ((((_direction)==SliderDirection.VERTICAL) ? ((maximum - minimum) - value) : (value - minimum) / (maximum - minimum)) * _width); } protected function clearTicks():void{ if (((!(tickContainer)) || (!(tickContainer.parent)))){ return; }; removeChild(tickContainer); } protected function onTrackClick(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ calculateValue(track.mouseX, InteractionInputType.MOUSE, SliderEventClickTarget.TRACK); if (!liveDragging){ dispatchEvent(new SliderEvent(SliderEvent.CHANGE, value, SliderEventClickTarget.TRACK, InteractionInputType.MOUSE)); }; } public function set maximum(_arg1:Number):void{ _maximum = _arg1; this.value = Math.min(_arg1, this.value); invalidate(InvalidationType.DATA); } public function get liveDragging():Boolean{ return (_liveDragging); } protected function doDrag(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ var _local2:Number; var _local3:Number; _local2 = (_width / snapInterval); _local3 = track.mouseX; calculateValue(_local3, InteractionInputType.MOUSE, SliderEventClickTarget.THUMB); dispatchEvent(new SliderEvent(SliderEvent.THUMB_DRAG, value, SliderEventClickTarget.THUMB, InteractionInputType.MOUSE)); } override protected function keyDownHandler(_arg1:KeyboardEvent):void{ var _local2:uint; var _local3:Number; var _local4:Boolean; if (!enabled){ return; }; _local2 = ((snapInterval)>0) ? snapInterval : 1; _local4 = (direction == SliderDirection.HORIZONTAL); if ((((((_arg1.keyCode == Keyboard.DOWN)) && (!(_local4)))) || ((((_arg1.keyCode == Keyboard.LEFT)) && (_local4))))){ _local3 = (value - _local2); } else { if ((((((_arg1.keyCode == Keyboard.UP)) && (!(_local4)))) || ((((_arg1.keyCode == Keyboard.RIGHT)) && (_local4))))){ _local3 = (value + _local2); } else { if ((((((_arg1.keyCode == Keyboard.PAGE_DOWN)) && (!(_local4)))) || ((((_arg1.keyCode == Keyboard.HOME)) && (_local4))))){ _local3 = minimum; } else { if ((((((_arg1.keyCode == Keyboard.PAGE_UP)) && (!(_local4)))) || ((((_arg1.keyCode == Keyboard.END)) && (_local4))))){ _local3 = maximum; }; }; }; }; if (!isNaN(_local3)){ _arg1.stopPropagation(); doSetValue(_local3, InteractionInputType.KEYBOARD, null, _arg1.keyCode); }; } override public function set enabled(_arg1:Boolean):void{ if (enabled == _arg1){ return; }; super.enabled = _arg1; track.enabled = (thumb.enabled = _arg1); } protected function thumbPressHandler(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, doDrag, false, 0, true); stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, thumbReleaseHandler, false, 0, true); dispatchEvent(new SliderEvent(SliderEvent.THUMB_PRESS, value, InteractionInputType.MOUSE, SliderEventClickTarget.THUMB)); } public function get snapInterval():Number{ return (_snapInterval); } protected function thumbReleaseHandler(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ stage.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, doDrag); stage.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, thumbReleaseHandler); dispatchEvent(new SliderEvent(SliderEvent.THUMB_RELEASE, value, InteractionInputType.MOUSE, SliderEventClickTarget.THUMB)); dispatchEvent(new SliderEvent(SliderEvent.CHANGE, value, SliderEventClickTarget.THUMB, InteractionInputType.MOUSE)); } public function set liveDragging(_arg1:Boolean):void{ _liveDragging = _arg1; } public function set value(_arg1:Number):void{ doSetValue(_arg1); } public function set direction(_arg1:String):void{ var _local2:Boolean; _direction = _arg1; _local2 = (_direction == SliderDirection.VERTICAL); if (isLivePreview){ if (_local2){ setScaleY(-1); y = track.height; } else { setScaleY(1); y = 0; }; positionThumb(); return; }; if (((_local2) && (componentInspectorSetting))){ if ((rotation % 90) == 0){ setScaleY(-1); }; }; if (!componentInspectorSetting){ rotation = (_local2) ? 90 : 0; }; } public function set tickInterval(_arg1:Number):void{ _tickInterval = _arg1; invalidate(InvalidationType.SIZE); } override public function get enabled():Boolean{ return (super.enabled); } override protected function draw():void{ if (isInvalid(InvalidationType.STYLES)){ setStyles(); invalidate(InvalidationType.SIZE, false); }; if (isInvalid(InvalidationType.SIZE)){ track.setSize(_width, track.height); track.drawNow(); thumb.drawNow(); }; if (tickInterval > 0){ drawTicks(); } else { clearTicks(); }; positionThumb(); super.draw(); } override protected function configUI():void{ super.configUI(); thumb = new BaseButton(); thumb.setSize(13, 13); thumb.autoRepeat = false; addChild(thumb); thumb.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, thumbPressHandler, false, 0, true); track = new BaseButton(); track.move(0, 0); track.setSize(80, 4); track.autoRepeat = false; track.useHandCursor = false; track.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onTrackClick, false, 0, true); addChildAt(track, 0); } public function set snapInterval(_arg1:Number):void{ _snapInterval = _arg1; } public function get value():Number{ return (_value); } public function get direction():String{ return (_direction); } public function get tickInterval():Number{ return (_tickInterval); } override public function setSize(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number):void{ if ((((_direction == SliderDirection.VERTICAL)) && (!(isLivePreview)))){ super.setSize(_arg2, _arg1); } else { super.setSize(_arg1, _arg2); }; invalidate(InvalidationType.SIZE); } protected function drawTicks():void{ var _local1:Number; var _local2:Number; var _local3:Number; var _local4:uint; var _local5:DisplayObject; clearTicks(); tickContainer = new Sprite(); _local1 = ((maximum)<1) ? (tickInterval / 100) : tickInterval; _local2 = ((maximum - minimum) / _local1); _local3 = (_width / _local2); _local4 = 0; while (_local4 <= _local2) { _local5 = getDisplayObjectInstance(getStyleValue("tickSkin")); _local5.x = (_local3 * _local4); _local5.y = ((track.y - _local5.height) - 2); tickContainer.addChild(_local5); _local4++; }; addChild(tickContainer); } protected function calculateValue(_arg1:Number, _arg2:String, _arg3:String, _arg4:int=undefined):void{ var _local5:Number; _local5 = ((_arg1 / _width) * (maximum - minimum)); if (_direction == SliderDirection.VERTICAL){ _local5 = (maximum - _local5); } else { _local5 = (minimum + _local5); }; doSetValue(_local5, _arg2, _arg3, _arg4); } protected function getPrecision(_arg1:Number):Number{ var _local2:String; _local2 = _arg1.toString(); if (_local2.indexOf(".") == -1){ return (0); }; return (_local2.split(".").pop().length); } protected function doSetValue(_arg1:Number, _arg2:String=null, _arg3:String=null, _arg4:int=undefined):void{ var _local5:Number; var _local6:Number; var _local7:Number; var _local8:Number; var _local9:Number; _local5 = _value; if (((!((_snapInterval == 0))) && (!((_snapInterval == 1))))){ _local6 = Math.pow(10, getPrecision(snapInterval)); _local7 = (_snapInterval * _local6); _local8 = Math.round((_arg1 * _local6)); _local9 = (Math.round((_local8 / _local7)) * _local7); _arg1 = (_local9 / _local6); _value = Math.max(minimum, Math.min(maximum, _arg1)); } else { _value = Math.max(minimum, Math.min(maximum, Math.round(_arg1))); }; if (((!((_local5 == _value))) && (((((liveDragging) && (!((_arg3 == null))))) || ((_arg2 == InteractionInputType.KEYBOARD)))))){ dispatchEvent(new SliderEvent(SliderEvent.CHANGE, value, _arg3, _arg2, _arg4)); }; positionThumb(); } protected function setStyles():void{ copyStylesToChild(thumb, THUMB_STYLES); copyStylesToChild(track, TRACK_STYLES); } public static function getStyleDefinition():Object{ return (defaultStyles); } } }//package fl.controls
Section 17
//SliderDirection (fl.controls.SliderDirection) package fl.controls { public class SliderDirection { public static var HORIZONTAL:String = "horizontal"; public static var VERTICAL:String = "vertical"; } }//package fl.controls
Section 18
//ComponentShim (fl.core.ComponentShim) package fl.core { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class ComponentShim extends MovieClip { } }//package fl.core
Section 19
//InvalidationType (fl.core.InvalidationType) package fl.core { public class InvalidationType { public static const SIZE:String = "size"; public static const ALL:String = "all"; public static const DATA:String = "data"; public static const SCROLL:String = "scroll"; public static const STATE:String = "state"; public static const STYLES:String = "styles"; public static const SELECTED:String = "selected"; public static const RENDERER_STYLES:String = "rendererStyles"; } }//package fl.core
Section 20
//UIComponent (fl.core.UIComponent) package fl.core { import flash.display.*; import flash.utils.*; import*; import fl.managers.*; import*; import flash.text.*; import flash.system.*; public class UIComponent extends Sprite { protected var _enabled:Boolean;// = true private var _mouseFocusEnabled:Boolean;// = true protected var startHeight:Number; protected var _height:Number; protected var _oldIMEMode:String;// = null protected var startWidth:Number; public var focusTarget:IFocusManagerComponent; protected var errorCaught:Boolean;// = false protected var uiFocusRect:DisplayObject; protected var _width:Number; public var version:String;// = "" protected var isFocused:Boolean;// = false protected var callLaterMethods:Dictionary; private var _focusEnabled:Boolean;// = true private var tempText:TextField; protected var invalidateFlag:Boolean;// = false protected var _inspector:Boolean;// = false protected var sharedStyles:Object; protected var invalidHash:Object; protected var isLivePreview:Boolean;// = false protected var _imeMode:String;// = null protected var instanceStyles:Object; protected var _x:Number; protected var _y:Number; public static var inCallLaterPhase:Boolean = false; private static var defaultStyles:Object = {focusRectSkin:"focusRectSkin", focusRectPadding:2, textFormat:new TextFormat("_sans", 11, 0, false, false, false, "", "", TextFormatAlign.LEFT, 0, 0, 0, 0), disabledTextFormat:new TextFormat("_sans", 11, 0x999999, false, false, false, "", "", TextFormatAlign.LEFT, 0, 0, 0, 0), defaultTextFormat:new TextFormat("_sans", 11, 0, false, false, false, "", "", TextFormatAlign.LEFT, 0, 0, 0, 0), defaultDisabledTextFormat:new TextFormat("_sans", 11, 0x999999, false, false, false, "", "", TextFormatAlign.LEFT, 0, 0, 0, 0)}; public static var createAccessibilityImplementation:Function; private static var focusManagers:Dictionary = new Dictionary(false); public function UIComponent(){ version = ""; isLivePreview = false; invalidateFlag = false; _enabled = true; isFocused = false; _focusEnabled = true; _mouseFocusEnabled = true; _imeMode = null; _oldIMEMode = null; errorCaught = false; _inspector = false; super(); instanceStyles = {}; sharedStyles = {}; invalidHash = {}; callLaterMethods = new Dictionary(); StyleManager.registerInstance(this); configUI(); invalidate(InvalidationType.ALL); tabEnabled = (this is IFocusManagerComponent); focusRect = false; if (tabEnabled){ addEventListener(FocusEvent.FOCUS_IN, focusInHandler); addEventListener(FocusEvent.FOCUS_OUT, focusOutHandler); addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, keyDownHandler); addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_UP, keyUpHandler); }; initializeFocusManager(); addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, hookAccessibility, false, 0, true); } public function drawFocus(_arg1:Boolean):void{ var _local2:Number; isFocused = _arg1; if (((!((uiFocusRect == null))) && (contains(uiFocusRect)))){ removeChild(uiFocusRect); uiFocusRect = null; }; if (_arg1){ uiFocusRect = (getDisplayObjectInstance(getStyleValue("focusRectSkin")) as Sprite); if (uiFocusRect == null){ return; }; _local2 = Number(getStyleValue("focusRectPadding")); uiFocusRect.x = -(_local2); uiFocusRect.y = -(_local2); uiFocusRect.width = (width + (_local2 * 2)); uiFocusRect.height = (height + (_local2 * 2)); addChildAt(uiFocusRect, 0); }; } private function callLaterDispatcher(_arg1:Event):void{ var _local2:Dictionary; var _local3:Object; if (_arg1.type == Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE){ removeEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, callLaterDispatcher); stage.addEventListener(Event.RENDER, callLaterDispatcher, false, 0, true); stage.invalidate(); return; };, callLaterDispatcher); if (stage == null){ addEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, callLaterDispatcher, false, 0, true); return; }; inCallLaterPhase = true; _local2 = callLaterMethods; for (_local3 in _local2) { _local3(); delete _local2[_local3]; }; inCallLaterPhase = false; } private function addedHandler(_arg1:Event):void{ removeEventListener("addedToStage", addedHandler); initializeFocusManager(); } protected function getStyleValue(_arg1:String):Object{ return (((instanceStyles[_arg1])==null) ? sharedStyles[_arg1] : instanceStyles[_arg1]); } protected function isOurFocus(_arg1:DisplayObject):Boolean{ return ((_arg1 == this)); } override public function get scaleX():Number{ return ((width / startWidth)); } override public function get scaleY():Number{ return ((height / startHeight)); } override public function set height(_arg1:Number):void{ if (_height == _arg1){ return; }; setSize(width, _arg1); } protected function keyDownHandler(_arg1:KeyboardEvent):void{ } protected function focusInHandler(_arg1:FocusEvent):void{ var _local2:IFocusManager; if (isOurFocus(( as DisplayObject))){ _local2 = focusManager; if (((_local2) && (_local2.showFocusIndicator))){ drawFocus(true); isFocused = true; }; }; } public function setStyle(_arg1:String, _arg2:Object):void{ if ((((instanceStyles[_arg1] === _arg2)) && (!((_arg2 is TextFormat))))){ return; }; instanceStyles[_arg1] = _arg2; invalidate(InvalidationType.STYLES); } override public function get visible():Boolean{ return (super.visible); } public function get componentInspectorSetting():Boolean{ return (_inspector); } override public function get x():Number{ return ((isNaN(_x)) ? super.x : _x); } override public function get y():Number{ return ((isNaN(_y)) ? super.y : _y); } protected function setIMEMode(_arg1:Boolean){ var enabled = _arg1; if (_imeMode != null){ if (enabled){ IME.enabled = true; _oldIMEMode = IME.conversionMode; try { if (((!(errorCaught)) && (!((IME.conversionMode == IMEConversionMode.UNKNOWN))))){ IME.conversionMode = _imeMode; }; errorCaught = false; } catch(e:Error) { errorCaught = true; throw (new Error(("IME mode not supported: " + _imeMode))); }; } else { if (((!((IME.conversionMode == IMEConversionMode.UNKNOWN))) && (!((_oldIMEMode == IMEConversionMode.UNKNOWN))))){ IME.conversionMode = _oldIMEMode; }; IME.enabled = false; }; }; } public function set enabled(_arg1:Boolean):void{ if (_arg1 == _enabled){ return; }; _enabled = _arg1; invalidate(InvalidationType.STATE); } public function setSharedStyle(_arg1:String, _arg2:Object):void{ if ((((sharedStyles[_arg1] === _arg2)) && (!((_arg2 is TextFormat))))){ return; }; sharedStyles[_arg1] = _arg2; if (instanceStyles[_arg1] == null){ invalidate(InvalidationType.STYLES); }; } protected function keyUpHandler(_arg1:KeyboardEvent):void{ } public function set focusEnabled(_arg1:Boolean):void{ _focusEnabled = _arg1; } override public function set scaleX(_arg1:Number):void{ setSize((startWidth * _arg1), height); } public function get mouseFocusEnabled():Boolean{ return (_mouseFocusEnabled); } override public function set scaleY(_arg1:Number):void{ setSize(width, (startHeight * _arg1)); } protected function getDisplayObjectInstance(_arg1:Object):DisplayObject{ var classDef:Object; var skin = _arg1; classDef = null; if ((skin is Class)){ return ((new (skin) as DisplayObject)); }; if ((skin is DisplayObject)){ (skin as DisplayObject).x = 0; (skin as DisplayObject).y = 0; return ((skin as DisplayObject)); }; try { classDef = getDefinitionByName(skin.toString()); } catch(e:Error) { try { classDef = (loaderInfo.applicationDomain.getDefinition(skin.toString()) as Object); } catch(e:Error) { }; }; if (classDef == null){ return (null); }; return ((new (classDef) as DisplayObject)); } protected function copyStylesToChild(_arg1:UIComponent, _arg2:Object):void{ var _local3:String; for (_local3 in _arg2) { _arg1.setStyle(_local3, getStyleValue(_arg2[_local3])); }; } protected function beforeComponentParameters():void{ } protected function callLater(_arg1:Function):void{ if (inCallLaterPhase){ return; }; callLaterMethods[_arg1] = true; if (stage != null){ stage.addEventListener(Event.RENDER, callLaterDispatcher, false, 0, true); stage.invalidate(); } else { addEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, callLaterDispatcher, false, 0, true); }; } protected function createFocusManager():void{ if (focusManagers[stage] == null){ focusManagers[stage] = new FocusManager(stage); }; } override public function set visible(_arg1:Boolean):void{ var _local2:String; if (super.visible == _arg1){ return; }; super.visible = _arg1; _local2 = (_arg1) ? ComponentEvent.SHOW : ComponentEvent.HIDE; dispatchEvent(new ComponentEvent(_local2, true)); } protected function hookAccessibility(_arg1:Event):void{ removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, hookAccessibility); initializeAccessibility(); } public function set componentInspectorSetting(_arg1:Boolean):void{ _inspector = _arg1; if (_inspector){ beforeComponentParameters(); } else { afterComponentParameters(); }; } override public function set x(_arg1:Number):void{ move(_arg1, _y); } public function drawNow():void{ draw(); } override public function set y(_arg1:Number):void{ move(_x, _arg1); } protected function checkLivePreview():Boolean{ var className:String; if (parent == null){ return (false); }; try { className = getQualifiedClassName(parent); } catch(e:Error) { }; return ((className == "fl.livepreview::LivePreviewParent")); } protected function focusOutHandler(_arg1:FocusEvent):void{ if (isOurFocus(( as DisplayObject))){ drawFocus(false); isFocused = false; }; } public function set mouseFocusEnabled(_arg1:Boolean):void{ _mouseFocusEnabled = _arg1; } public function getFocus():InteractiveObject{ if (stage){ return (stage.focus); }; return (null); } protected function validate():void{ invalidHash = {}; } override public function get height():Number{ return (_height); } public function invalidate(_arg1:String="all", _arg2:Boolean=true):void{ invalidHash[_arg1] = true; if (_arg2){ this.callLater(draw); }; } public function get enabled():Boolean{ return (_enabled); } protected function getScaleX():Number{ return (super.scaleX); } protected function getScaleY():Number{ return (super.scaleY); } public function get focusEnabled():Boolean{ return (_focusEnabled); } protected function afterComponentParameters():void{ } protected function draw():void{ if (isInvalid(InvalidationType.SIZE, InvalidationType.STYLES)){ if (((isFocused) && (focusManager.showFocusIndicator))){ drawFocus(true); }; }; validate(); } protected function configUI():void{ var _local1:Number; var _local2:Number; var _local3:Number; isLivePreview = checkLivePreview(); _local1 = rotation; rotation = 0; _local2 = super.width; _local3 = super.height; var _local4 = 1; super.scaleY = _local4; super.scaleX = _local4; setSize(_local2, _local3); move(super.x, super.y); rotation = _local1; startWidth = _local2; startHeight = _local3; if (numChildren > 0){ removeChildAt(0); }; } protected function setScaleX(_arg1:Number):void{ super.scaleX = _arg1; } protected function setScaleY(_arg1:Number):void{ super.scaleY = _arg1; } private function initializeFocusManager():void{ if (stage == null){ addEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, addedHandler, false, 0, true); } else { createFocusManager(); }; } public function set focusManager(_arg1:IFocusManager):void{ UIComponent.focusManagers[this] = _arg1; } public function clearStyle(_arg1:String):void{ setStyle(_arg1, null); } protected function isInvalid(_arg1:String, ... _args):Boolean{ if (((invalidHash[_arg1]) || (invalidHash[InvalidationType.ALL]))){ return (true); }; while (_args.length > 0) { if (invalidHash[_args.pop()]){ return (true); }; }; return (false); } public function setSize(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number):void{ _width = _arg1; _height = _arg2; invalidate(InvalidationType.SIZE); dispatchEvent(new ComponentEvent(ComponentEvent.RESIZE, false)); } override public function set width(_arg1:Number):void{ if (_width == _arg1){ return; }; setSize(_arg1, height); } public function setFocus():void{ if (stage){ stage.focus = this; }; } protected function initializeAccessibility():void{ if (UIComponent.createAccessibilityImplementation != null){ UIComponent.createAccessibilityImplementation(this); }; } public function get focusManager():IFocusManager{ var _local1:DisplayObject; _local1 = this; while (_local1) { if (UIComponent.focusManagers[_local1] != null){ return (IFocusManager(UIComponent.focusManagers[_local1])); }; _local1 = _local1.parent; }; return (null); } override public function get width():Number{ return (_width); } public function move(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number):void{ _x = _arg1; _y = _arg2; super.x = Math.round(_arg1); super.y = Math.round(_arg2); dispatchEvent(new ComponentEvent(ComponentEvent.MOVE)); } public function validateNow():void{ invalidate(InvalidationType.ALL, false); draw(); } public function getStyle(_arg1:String):Object{ return (instanceStyles[_arg1]); } public static function getStyleDefinition():Object{ return (defaultStyles); } public static function mergeStyles(... _args):Object{ var _local2:Object; var _local3:uint; var _local4:uint; var _local5:Object; var _local6:String; _local2 = {}; _local3 = _args.length; _local4 = 0; while (_local4 < _local3) { _local5 = _args[_local4]; for (_local6 in _local5) { if (_local2[_local6] != null){ } else { _local2[_local6] = _args[_local4][_local6]; }; }; _local4++; }; return (_local2); } } }//package fl.core
Section 21
//ColorPickerEvent ( package { import*; public class ColorPickerEvent extends Event { protected var _color:uint; public static const ITEM_ROLL_OUT:String = "itemRollOut"; public static const ITEM_ROLL_OVER:String = "itemRollOver"; public static const CHANGE:String = "change"; public static const ENTER:String = "enter"; public function ColorPickerEvent(_arg1:String, _arg2:uint){ super(_arg1, true); _color = _arg2; } override public function toString():String{ return (formatToString("ColorPickerEvent", "type", "bubbles", "cancelable", "color")); } public function get color():uint{ return (_color); } override public function clone():Event{ return (new ColorPickerEvent(type, color)); } } }//package
Section 22
//ComponentEvent ( package { import*; public class ComponentEvent extends Event { public static const HIDE:String = "hide"; public static const BUTTON_DOWN:String = "buttonDown"; public static const MOVE:String = "move"; public static const RESIZE:String = "resize"; public static const ENTER:String = "enter"; public static const LABEL_CHANGE:String = "labelChange"; public static const SHOW:String = "show"; public function ComponentEvent(_arg1:String, _arg2:Boolean=false, _arg3:Boolean=false){ super(_arg1, _arg2, _arg3); } override public function toString():String{ return (formatToString("ComponentEvent", "type", "bubbles", "cancelable")); } override public function clone():Event{ return (new ComponentEvent(type, bubbles, cancelable)); } } }//package
Section 23
//InteractionInputType ( package { public class InteractionInputType { public static const MOUSE:String = "mouse"; public static const KEYBOARD:String = "keyboard"; } }//package
Section 24
//SliderEvent ( package { import*; public class SliderEvent extends Event { protected var _triggerEvent:String; protected var _keyCode:Number; protected var _value:Number; protected var _clickTarget:String; public static const CHANGE:String = "change"; public static const THUMB_PRESS:String = "thumbPress"; public static const THUMB_DRAG:String = "thumbDrag"; public static const THUMB_RELEASE:String = "thumbRelease"; public function SliderEvent(_arg1:String, _arg2:Number, _arg3:String, _arg4:String, _arg5:int=0){ _value = _arg2; _keyCode = _arg5; _triggerEvent = _arg4; _clickTarget = _arg3; super(_arg1); } public function get clickTarget():String{ return (_clickTarget); } override public function clone():Event{ return (new SliderEvent(type, _value, _clickTarget, _triggerEvent, _keyCode)); } override public function toString():String{ return (formatToString("SliderEvent", "type", "value", "bubbles", "cancelable", "keyCode", "triggerEvent", "clickTarget")); } public function get triggerEvent():String{ return (_triggerEvent); } public function get value():Number{ return (_value); } public function get keyCode():Number{ return (_keyCode); } } }//package
Section 25
//SliderEventClickTarget ( package { public class SliderEventClickTarget { public static const TRACK:String = "track"; public static const THUMB:String = "thumb"; } }//package
Section 26
//FocusManager (fl.managers.FocusManager) package fl.managers { import fl.controls.*; import flash.display.*; import flash.utils.*; import fl.core.*; import*; import flash.text.*; import flash.ui.*; public class FocusManager implements IFocusManager { private var focusableObjects:Dictionary; private var _showFocusIndicator:Boolean;// = true private var defButton:Button; private var focusableCandidates:Array; private var _form:DisplayObjectContainer; private var _defaultButtonEnabled:Boolean;// = true private var activated:Boolean;// = false private var _defaultButton:Button; private var calculateCandidates:Boolean;// = true private var lastFocus:InteractiveObject; private var lastAction:String; public function FocusManager(_arg1:DisplayObjectContainer){ activated = false; calculateCandidates = true; _showFocusIndicator = true; _defaultButtonEnabled = true; super(); focusableObjects = new Dictionary(true); if (_arg1 != null){ _form = _arg1; addFocusables(DisplayObject(_arg1)); _arg1.addEventListener(Event.ADDED, addedHandler); _arg1.addEventListener(Event.REMOVED, removedHandler); activate(); }; } public function get showFocusIndicator():Boolean{ return (_showFocusIndicator); } private function getIndexOfNextObject(_arg1:int, _arg2:Boolean, _arg3:Boolean, _arg4:String):int{ var _local5:int; var _local6:int; var _local7:DisplayObject; var _local8:IFocusManagerGroup; var _local9:int; var _local10:DisplayObject; var _local11:IFocusManagerGroup; _local5 = focusableCandidates.length; _local6 = _arg1; while (true) { if (_arg2){ _arg1--; } else { _arg1++; }; if (_arg3){ if (((_arg2) && ((_arg1 < 0)))){ break; }; if (((!(_arg2)) && ((_arg1 == _local5)))){ break; }; } else { _arg1 = ((_arg1 + _local5) % _local5); if (_local6 == _arg1){ break; }; }; if (isValidFocusCandidate(focusableCandidates[_arg1], _arg4)){ _local7 = DisplayObject(findFocusManagerComponent(focusableCandidates[_arg1])); if ((_local7 is IFocusManagerGroup)){ _local8 = IFocusManagerGroup(_local7); _local9 = 0; while (_local9 < focusableCandidates.length) { _local10 = focusableCandidates[_local9]; if ((_local10 is IFocusManagerGroup)){ _local11 = IFocusManagerGroup(_local10); if ((((_local11.groupName == _local8.groupName)) && (_local11.selected))){ _arg1 = _local9; break; }; }; _local9++; }; }; return (_arg1); }; }; return (_arg1); } public function set form(_arg1:DisplayObjectContainer):void{ _form = _arg1; } private function addFocusables(_arg1:DisplayObject, _arg2:Boolean=false):void{ var focusable:IFocusManagerComponent; var io:InteractiveObject; var doc:DisplayObjectContainer; var i:int; var child:DisplayObject; var o = _arg1; var skipTopLevel = _arg2; if (!skipTopLevel){ if ((o is IFocusManagerComponent)){ focusable = IFocusManagerComponent(o); if (focusable.focusEnabled){ if (((focusable.tabEnabled) && (isTabVisible(o)))){ focusableObjects[o] = true; calculateCandidates = true; }; o.addEventListener(Event.TAB_ENABLED_CHANGE, tabEnabledChangeHandler); o.addEventListener(Event.TAB_INDEX_CHANGE, tabIndexChangeHandler); }; } else { if ((o is InteractiveObject)){ io = (o as InteractiveObject); if (((((io) && (io.tabEnabled))) && ((findFocusManagerComponent(io) == io)))){ focusableObjects[io] = true; calculateCandidates = true; }; io.addEventListener(Event.TAB_ENABLED_CHANGE, tabEnabledChangeHandler); io.addEventListener(Event.TAB_INDEX_CHANGE, tabIndexChangeHandler); }; }; }; if ((o is DisplayObjectContainer)){ doc = DisplayObjectContainer(o); o.addEventListener(Event.TAB_CHILDREN_CHANGE, tabChildrenChangeHandler); if ((((((doc is Stage)) || ((doc.parent is Stage)))) || (doc.tabChildren))){ i = 0; while (i < doc.numChildren) { try { child = doc.getChildAt(i); if (child != null){ addFocusables(doc.getChildAt(i)); }; } catch(error:SecurityError) { }; i = (i + 1); }; }; }; } private function getChildIndex(_arg1:DisplayObjectContainer, _arg2:DisplayObject):int{ return (_arg1.getChildIndex(_arg2)); } private function mouseFocusChangeHandler(_arg1:FocusEvent):void{ if ((_arg1.relatedObject is TextField)){ return; }; _arg1.preventDefault(); } private function focusOutHandler(_arg1:FocusEvent):void{ var _local2:InteractiveObject; _local2 = ( as InteractiveObject); } private function isValidFocusCandidate(_arg1:DisplayObject, _arg2:String):Boolean{ var _local3:IFocusManagerGroup; if (!isEnabledAndVisible(_arg1)){ return (false); }; if ((_arg1 is IFocusManagerGroup)){ _local3 = IFocusManagerGroup(_arg1); if (_arg2 == _local3.groupName){ return (false); }; }; return (true); } public function findFocusManagerComponent(_arg1:InteractiveObject):InteractiveObject{ var _local2:InteractiveObject; _local2 = _arg1; while (_arg1) { if ((((_arg1 is IFocusManagerComponent)) && (IFocusManagerComponent(_arg1).focusEnabled))){ return (_arg1); }; _arg1 = _arg1.parent; }; return (_local2); } private function sortFocusableObjectsTabIndex():void{ var _local1:Object; var _local2:InteractiveObject; focusableCandidates = []; for (_local1 in focusableObjects) { _local2 = InteractiveObject(_local1); if (((_local2.tabIndex) && (!(isNaN(Number(_local2.tabIndex)))))){ focusableCandidates.push(_local2); }; }; focusableCandidates.sort(sortByTabIndex); } private function removeFocusables(_arg1:DisplayObject):void{ var _local2:Object; var _local3:DisplayObject; if ((_arg1 is DisplayObjectContainer)){ _arg1.removeEventListener(Event.TAB_CHILDREN_CHANGE, tabChildrenChangeHandler); _arg1.removeEventListener(Event.TAB_INDEX_CHANGE, tabIndexChangeHandler); for (_local2 in focusableObjects) { _local3 = DisplayObject(_local2); if (DisplayObjectContainer(_arg1).contains(_local3)){ if (_local3 == lastFocus){ lastFocus = null; }; _local3.removeEventListener(Event.TAB_ENABLED_CHANGE, tabEnabledChangeHandler); delete focusableObjects[_local2]; calculateCandidates = true; }; }; }; } private function addedHandler(_arg1:Event):void{ var _local2:DisplayObject; _local2 = DisplayObject(; if (_local2.stage){ addFocusables(DisplayObject(; }; } private function getTopLevelFocusTarget(_arg1:InteractiveObject):InteractiveObject{ while (_arg1 != InteractiveObject(form)) { if ((((((((_arg1 is IFocusManagerComponent)) && (IFocusManagerComponent(_arg1).focusEnabled))) && (IFocusManagerComponent(_arg1).mouseFocusEnabled))) && (UIComponent(_arg1).enabled))){ return (_arg1); }; _arg1 = _arg1.parent; if (_arg1 == null){ break; }; }; return (null); } private function tabChildrenChangeHandler(_arg1:Event):void{ var _local2:DisplayObjectContainer; if ( != _arg1.currentTarget){ return; }; calculateCandidates = true; _local2 = DisplayObjectContainer(; if (_local2.tabChildren){ addFocusables(_local2, true); } else { removeFocusables(_local2); }; } public function sendDefaultButtonEvent():void{ defButton.dispatchEvent(new MouseEvent(MouseEvent.CLICK)); } public function getFocus():InteractiveObject{ var _local1:InteractiveObject; _local1 = form.stage.focus; return (findFocusManagerComponent(_local1)); } private function isEnabledAndVisible(_arg1:DisplayObject):Boolean{ var _local2:DisplayObjectContainer; var _local3:TextField; var _local4:SimpleButton; _local2 = DisplayObject(form).parent; while (_arg1 != _local2) { if ((_arg1 is UIComponent)){ if (!UIComponent(_arg1).enabled){ return (false); }; } else { if ((_arg1 is TextField)){ _local3 = TextField(_arg1); if ((((_local3.type == TextFieldType.DYNAMIC)) || (!(_local3.selectable)))){ return (false); }; } else { if ((_arg1 is SimpleButton)){ _local4 = SimpleButton(_arg1); if (!_local4.enabled){ return (false); }; }; }; }; if (!_arg1.visible){ return (false); }; _arg1 = _arg1.parent; }; return (true); } public function set defaultButton(_arg1:Button):void{ var _local2:Button; _local2 = (_arg1) ? Button(_arg1) : null; if (_local2 != _defaultButton){ if (_defaultButton){ _defaultButton.emphasized = false; }; if (defButton){ defButton.emphasized = false; }; _defaultButton = _local2; defButton = _local2; if (_local2){ _local2.emphasized = true; }; }; } private function deactivateHandler(_arg1:Event):void{ var _local2:InteractiveObject; _local2 = InteractiveObject(; } public function setFocus(_arg1:InteractiveObject):void{ if ((_arg1 is IFocusManagerComponent)){ IFocusManagerComponent(_arg1).setFocus(); } else { form.stage.focus = _arg1; }; } private function setFocusToNextObject(_arg1:FocusEvent):void{ var _local2:InteractiveObject; if (!hasFocusableObjects()){ return; }; _local2 = getNextFocusManagerComponent(_arg1.shiftKey); if (_local2){ setFocus(_local2); }; } private function hasFocusableObjects():Boolean{ var _local1:Object; for (_local1 in focusableObjects) { return (true); }; return (false); } private function tabIndexChangeHandler(_arg1:Event):void{ calculateCandidates = true; } private function sortFocusableObjects():void{ var _local1:Object; var _local2:InteractiveObject; focusableCandidates = []; for (_local1 in focusableObjects) { _local2 = InteractiveObject(_local1); if (((((_local2.tabIndex) && (!(isNaN(Number(_local2.tabIndex)))))) && ((_local2.tabIndex > 0)))){ sortFocusableObjectsTabIndex(); return; }; focusableCandidates.push(_local2); }; focusableCandidates.sort(sortByDepth); } private function keyFocusChangeHandler(_arg1:FocusEvent):void{ showFocusIndicator = true; if ((((((_arg1.keyCode == Keyboard.TAB)) || ((_arg1.keyCode == 0)))) && (!(_arg1.isDefaultPrevented())))){ setFocusToNextObject(_arg1); _arg1.preventDefault(); }; } private function getIndexOfFocusedObject(_arg1:DisplayObject):int{ var _local2:int; var _local3:int; _local2 = focusableCandidates.length; _local3 = 0; _local3 = 0; while (_local3 < _local2) { if (focusableCandidates[_local3] == _arg1){ return (_local3); }; _local3++; }; return (-1); } public function hideFocus():void{ } private function removedHandler(_arg1:Event):void{ var _local2:int; var _local3:DisplayObject; var _local4:InteractiveObject; _local3 = DisplayObject(; if ((((_local3 is IFocusManagerComponent)) && ((focusableObjects[_local3] == true)))){ if (_local3 == lastFocus){ IFocusManagerComponent(lastFocus).drawFocus(false); lastFocus = null; }; _local3.removeEventListener(Event.TAB_ENABLED_CHANGE, tabEnabledChangeHandler); delete focusableObjects[_local3]; calculateCandidates = true; } else { if ((((_local3 is InteractiveObject)) && ((focusableObjects[_local3] == true)))){ _local4 = (_local3 as InteractiveObject); if (_local4){ if (_local4 == lastFocus){ lastFocus = null; }; delete focusableObjects[_local4]; calculateCandidates = true; }; _local3.addEventListener(Event.TAB_ENABLED_CHANGE, tabEnabledChangeHandler); }; }; removeFocusables(_local3); } private function sortByDepth(_arg1:InteractiveObject, _arg2:InteractiveObject):Number{ var _local3:String; var _local4:String; var _local5:int; var _local6:String; var _local7:String; var _local8:String; var _local9:DisplayObject; var _local10:DisplayObject; _local3 = ""; _local4 = ""; _local8 = "0000"; _local9 = DisplayObject(_arg1); _local10 = DisplayObject(_arg2); while (((!((_local9 == DisplayObject(form)))) && (_local9.parent))) { _local5 = getChildIndex(_local9.parent, _local9); _local6 = _local5.toString(16); if (_local6.length < 4){ _local7 = (_local8.substring(0, (4 - _local6.length)) + _local6); }; _local3 = (_local7 + _local3); _local9 = _local9.parent; }; while (((!((_local10 == DisplayObject(form)))) && (_local10.parent))) { _local5 = getChildIndex(_local10.parent, _local10); _local6 = _local5.toString(16); if (_local6.length < 4){ _local7 = (_local8.substring(0, (4 - _local6.length)) + _local6); }; _local4 = (_local7 + _local4); _local10 = _local10.parent; }; return (((_local3 > _local4)) ? 1 : ((_local3 < _local4)) ? -1 : 0); } public function get defaultButton():Button{ return (_defaultButton); } private function activateHandler(_arg1:Event):void{ var _local2:InteractiveObject; _local2 = InteractiveObject(; if (lastFocus){ if ((lastFocus is IFocusManagerComponent)){ IFocusManagerComponent(lastFocus).setFocus(); } else { form.stage.focus = lastFocus; }; }; lastAction = "ACTIVATE"; } public function showFocus():void{ } public function set defaultButtonEnabled(_arg1:Boolean):void{ _defaultButtonEnabled = _arg1; } public function getNextFocusManagerComponent(_arg1:Boolean=false):InteractiveObject{ var _local2:DisplayObject; var _local3:String; var _local4:int; var _local5:Boolean; var _local6:int; var _local7:int; var _local8:IFocusManagerGroup; if (!hasFocusableObjects()){ return (null); }; if (calculateCandidates){ sortFocusableObjects(); calculateCandidates = false; }; _local2 = form.stage.focus; _local2 = DisplayObject(findFocusManagerComponent(InteractiveObject(_local2))); _local3 = ""; if ((_local2 is IFocusManagerGroup)){ _local8 = IFocusManagerGroup(_local2); _local3 = _local8.groupName; }; _local4 = getIndexOfFocusedObject(_local2); _local5 = false; _local6 = _local4; if (_local4 == -1){ if (_arg1){ _local4 = focusableCandidates.length; }; _local5 = true; }; _local7 = getIndexOfNextObject(_local4, _arg1, _local5, _local3); return (findFocusManagerComponent(focusableCandidates[_local7])); } private function mouseDownHandler(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ var _local2:InteractiveObject; if (_arg1.isDefaultPrevented()){ return; }; _local2 = getTopLevelFocusTarget(InteractiveObject(; if (!_local2){ return; }; showFocusIndicator = false; if (((((!((_local2 == lastFocus))) || ((lastAction == "ACTIVATE")))) && (!((_local2 is TextField))))){ setFocus(_local2); }; lastAction = "MOUSEDOWN"; } private function isTabVisible(_arg1:DisplayObject):Boolean{ var _local2:DisplayObjectContainer; _local2 = _arg1.parent; while (((((_local2) && (!((_local2 is Stage))))) && (!(((_local2.parent) && ((_local2.parent is Stage))))))) { if (!_local2.tabChildren){ return (false); }; _local2 = _local2.parent; }; return (true); } public function get nextTabIndex():int{ return (0); } private function keyDownHandler(_arg1:KeyboardEvent):void{ if (_arg1.keyCode == Keyboard.TAB){ lastAction = "KEY"; if (calculateCandidates){ sortFocusableObjects(); calculateCandidates = false; }; }; if (((((((defaultButtonEnabled) && ((_arg1.keyCode == Keyboard.ENTER)))) && (defaultButton))) && (defButton.enabled))){ sendDefaultButtonEvent(); }; } private function focusInHandler(_arg1:FocusEvent):void{ var _local2:InteractiveObject; var _local3:Button; _local2 = InteractiveObject(; if (form.contains(_local2)){ lastFocus = findFocusManagerComponent(InteractiveObject(_local2)); if ((lastFocus is Button)){ _local3 = Button(lastFocus); if (defButton){ defButton.emphasized = false; defButton = _local3; _local3.emphasized = true; }; } else { if (((defButton) && (!((defButton == _defaultButton))))){ defButton.emphasized = false; defButton = _defaultButton; _defaultButton.emphasized = true; }; }; }; } private function tabEnabledChangeHandler(_arg1:Event):void{ var _local2:InteractiveObject; var _local3:Boolean; calculateCandidates = true; _local2 = InteractiveObject(; _local3 = (focusableObjects[_local2] == true); if (_local2.tabEnabled){ if (((!(_local3)) && (isTabVisible(_local2)))){ if (!(_local2 is IFocusManagerComponent)){ _local2.focusRect = false; }; focusableObjects[_local2] = true; }; } else { if (_local3){ delete focusableObjects[_local2]; }; }; } public function set showFocusIndicator(_arg1:Boolean):void{ _showFocusIndicator = _arg1; } public function get form():DisplayObjectContainer{ return (_form); } private function sortByTabIndex(_arg1:InteractiveObject, _arg2:InteractiveObject):int{ return (((_arg1.tabIndex > _arg2.tabIndex)) ? 1 : ((_arg1.tabIndex < _arg2.tabIndex)) ? -1 : sortByDepth(_arg1, _arg2)); } public function activate():void{ if (activated){ return; }; form.stage.addEventListener(FocusEvent.MOUSE_FOCUS_CHANGE, mouseFocusChangeHandler, false, 0, true); form.stage.addEventListener(FocusEvent.KEY_FOCUS_CHANGE, keyFocusChangeHandler, false, 0, true); form.addEventListener(FocusEvent.FOCUS_IN, focusInHandler, true); form.addEventListener(FocusEvent.FOCUS_OUT, focusOutHandler, true); form.stage.addEventListener(Event.ACTIVATE, activateHandler, false, 0, true); form.stage.addEventListener(Event.DEACTIVATE, deactivateHandler, false, 0, true); form.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, mouseDownHandler); form.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, keyDownHandler, true); activated = true; if (lastFocus){ setFocus(lastFocus); }; } public function deactivate():void{ form.stage.removeEventListener(FocusEvent.MOUSE_FOCUS_CHANGE, mouseFocusChangeHandler); form.stage.removeEventListener(FocusEvent.KEY_FOCUS_CHANGE, keyFocusChangeHandler); form.removeEventListener(FocusEvent.FOCUS_IN, focusInHandler, true); form.removeEventListener(FocusEvent.FOCUS_OUT, focusOutHandler, true); form.stage.removeEventListener(Event.ACTIVATE, activateHandler); form.stage.removeEventListener(Event.DEACTIVATE, deactivateHandler); form.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, mouseDownHandler); form.removeEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, keyDownHandler, true); activated = false; } public function get defaultButtonEnabled():Boolean{ return (_defaultButtonEnabled); } } }//package fl.managers
Section 27
//IFocusManager (fl.managers.IFocusManager) package fl.managers { import fl.controls.*; import flash.display.*; public interface IFocusManager { function getFocus():InteractiveObject; function deactivate():void; function set defaultButton(_arg1:Button):void; function set showFocusIndicator(_arg1:Boolean):void; function get defaultButtonEnabled():Boolean; function get nextTabIndex():int; function get defaultButton():Button; function get showFocusIndicator():Boolean; function setFocus(_arg1:InteractiveObject):void; function activate():void; function showFocus():void; function set defaultButtonEnabled(_arg1:Boolean):void; function hideFocus():void; function findFocusManagerComponent(_arg1:InteractiveObject):InteractiveObject; function getNextFocusManagerComponent(_arg1:Boolean=false):InteractiveObject; } }//package fl.managers
Section 28
//IFocusManagerComponent (fl.managers.IFocusManagerComponent) package fl.managers { public interface IFocusManagerComponent { function set focusEnabled(_arg1:Boolean):void; function drawFocus(_arg1:Boolean):void; function setFocus():void; function get focusEnabled():Boolean; function get tabEnabled():Boolean; function get tabIndex():int; function get mouseFocusEnabled():Boolean; } }//package fl.managers
Section 29
//IFocusManagerGroup (fl.managers.IFocusManagerGroup) package fl.managers { public interface IFocusManagerGroup { function set groupName(_arg1:String):void; function set selected(_arg1:Boolean):void; function get groupName():String; function get selected():Boolean; } }//package fl.managers
Section 30
//StyleManager (fl.managers.StyleManager) package fl.managers { import flash.utils.*; import fl.core.*; import flash.text.*; public class StyleManager { private var globalStyles:Object; private var classToDefaultStylesDict:Dictionary; private var styleToClassesHash:Object; private var classToStylesDict:Dictionary; private var classToInstancesDict:Dictionary; private static var _instance:StyleManager; public function StyleManager(){ styleToClassesHash = {}; classToInstancesDict = new Dictionary(true); classToStylesDict = new Dictionary(true); classToDefaultStylesDict = new Dictionary(true); globalStyles = UIComponent.getStyleDefinition(); } public static function clearComponentStyle(_arg1:Object, _arg2:String):void{ var _local3:Class; var _local4:Object; _local3 = getClassDef(_arg1); _local4 = getInstance().classToStylesDict[_local3]; if (((!((_local4 == null))) && (!((_local4[_arg2] == null))))){ delete _local4[_arg2]; invalidateComponentStyle(_local3, _arg2); }; } private static function getClassDef(_arg1:Object):Class{ var component = _arg1; if ((component is Class)){ return ((component as Class)); }; try { return ((getDefinitionByName(getQualifiedClassName(component)) as Class)); } catch(e:Error) { if ((component is UIComponent)){ try { return ((component.loaderInfo.applicationDomain.getDefinition(getQualifiedClassName(component)) as Class)); } catch(e:Error) { }; }; }; return (null); } public static function clearStyle(_arg1:String):void{ setStyle(_arg1, null); } public static function setComponentStyle(_arg1:Object, _arg2:String, _arg3:Object):void{ var _local4:Class; var _local5:Object; _local4 = getClassDef(_arg1); _local5 = getInstance().classToStylesDict[_local4]; if (_local5 == null){ _local5 = (getInstance().classToStylesDict[_local4] = {}); }; if (_local5 == _arg3){ return; }; _local5[_arg2] = _arg3; invalidateComponentStyle(_local4, _arg2); } private static function setSharedStyles(_arg1:UIComponent):void{ var _local2:StyleManager; var _local3:Class; var _local4:Object; var _local5:String; _local2 = getInstance(); _local3 = getClassDef(_arg1); _local4 = _local2.classToDefaultStylesDict[_local3]; for (_local5 in _local4) { _arg1.setSharedStyle(_local5, getSharedStyle(_arg1, _local5)); }; } public static function getComponentStyle(_arg1:Object, _arg2:String):Object{ var _local3:Class; var _local4:Object; _local3 = getClassDef(_arg1); _local4 = getInstance().classToStylesDict[_local3]; return (((_local4)==null) ? null : _local4[_arg2]); } private static function getInstance(){ if (_instance == null){ _instance = new (StyleManager); }; return (_instance); } private static function invalidateComponentStyle(_arg1:Class, _arg2:String):void{ var _local3:Dictionary; var _local4:Object; var _local5:UIComponent; _local3 = getInstance().classToInstancesDict[_arg1]; if (_local3 == null){ return; }; for (_local4 in _local3) { _local5 = (_local4 as UIComponent); if (_local5 == null){ } else { _local5.setSharedStyle(_arg2, getSharedStyle(_local5, _arg2)); }; }; } private static function invalidateStyle(_arg1:String):void{ var _local2:Dictionary; var _local3:Object; _local2 = getInstance().styleToClassesHash[_arg1]; if (_local2 == null){ return; }; for (_local3 in _local2) { invalidateComponentStyle(Class(_local3), _arg1); }; } public static function registerInstance(_arg1:UIComponent):void{ var inst:StyleManager; var classDef:Class; var target:Class; var defaultStyles:Object; var styleToClasses:Object; var n:String; var instance = _arg1; inst = getInstance(); classDef = getClassDef(instance); if (classDef == null){ return; }; if (inst.classToInstancesDict[classDef] == null){ inst.classToInstancesDict[classDef] = new Dictionary(true); target = classDef; while (defaultStyles == null) { if (target["getStyleDefinition"] != null){ defaultStyles = target["getStyleDefinition"](); break; }; try { target = (instance.loaderInfo.applicationDomain.getDefinition(getQualifiedSuperclassName(target)) as Class); } catch(err:Error) { try { target = (getDefinitionByName(getQualifiedSuperclassName(target)) as Class); } catch(e:Error) { defaultStyles = UIComponent.getStyleDefinition(); break; }; }; }; styleToClasses = inst.styleToClassesHash; for (n in defaultStyles) { if (styleToClasses[n] == null){ styleToClasses[n] = new Dictionary(true); }; styleToClasses[n][classDef] = true; }; inst.classToDefaultStylesDict[classDef] = defaultStyles; inst.classToStylesDict[classDef] = {}; }; inst.classToInstancesDict[classDef][instance] = true; setSharedStyles(instance); } public static function getStyle(_arg1:String):Object{ return (getInstance().globalStyles[_arg1]); } private static function getSharedStyle(_arg1:UIComponent, _arg2:String):Object{ var _local3:Class; var _local4:StyleManager; var _local5:Object; _local3 = getClassDef(_arg1); _local4 = getInstance(); _local5 = _local4.classToStylesDict[_local3][_arg2]; if (_local5 != null){ return (_local5); }; _local5 = _local4.globalStyles[_arg2]; if (_local5 != null){ return (_local5); }; return (_local4.classToDefaultStylesDict[_local3][_arg2]); } public static function setStyle(_arg1:String, _arg2:Object):void{ var _local3:Object; _local3 = getInstance().globalStyles; if ((((_local3[_arg1] === _arg2)) && (!((_arg2 is TextFormat))))){ return; }; _local3[_arg1] = _arg2; invalidateStyle(_arg1); } } }//package fl.managers
Section 31
//BrushShapeButtonBackwardSlash (BrushShapeButtonBackwardSlash) package { public dynamic class BrushShapeButtonBackwardSlash extends ItemButton { } }//package
Section 32
//BrushShapeButtonDiamond (BrushShapeButtonDiamond) package { public dynamic class BrushShapeButtonDiamond extends ItemButton { } }//package
Section 33
//BrushShapeButtonForwardSlash (BrushShapeButtonForwardSlash) package { public dynamic class BrushShapeButtonForwardSlash extends ItemButton { } }//package
Section 34
//BrushShapeButtonHorz (BrushShapeButtonHorz) package { public dynamic class BrushShapeButtonHorz extends ItemButton { } }//package
Section 35
//BrushShapeButtonRound (BrushShapeButtonRound) package { public dynamic class BrushShapeButtonRound extends ItemButton { } }//package
Section 36
//BrushShapeButtonSquare (BrushShapeButtonSquare) package { public dynamic class BrushShapeButtonSquare extends ItemButton { } }//package
Section 37
//BrushShapeButtonVert (BrushShapeButtonVert) package { public dynamic class BrushShapeButtonVert extends ItemButton { } }//package
Section 38
//CheckBox_disabledIcon (CheckBox_disabledIcon) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class CheckBox_disabledIcon extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 39
//CheckBox_downIcon (CheckBox_downIcon) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class CheckBox_downIcon extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 40
//CheckBox_overIcon (CheckBox_overIcon) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class CheckBox_overIcon extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 41
//CheckBox_selectedDisabledIcon (CheckBox_selectedDisabledIcon) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class CheckBox_selectedDisabledIcon extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 42
//CheckBox_selectedDownIcon (CheckBox_selectedDownIcon) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class CheckBox_selectedDownIcon extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 43
//CheckBox_selectedOverIcon (CheckBox_selectedOverIcon) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class CheckBox_selectedOverIcon extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 44
//CheckBox_selectedUpIcon (CheckBox_selectedUpIcon) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class CheckBox_selectedUpIcon extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 45
//CheckBox_upIcon (CheckBox_upIcon) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class CheckBox_upIcon extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 46
//ColorPicker_backgroundSkin (ColorPicker_backgroundSkin) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class ColorPicker_backgroundSkin extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 47
//ColorPicker_colorWell (ColorPicker_colorWell) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class ColorPicker_colorWell extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 48
//ColorPicker_disabledSkin (ColorPicker_disabledSkin) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class ColorPicker_disabledSkin extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 49
//ColorPicker_downSkin (ColorPicker_downSkin) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class ColorPicker_downSkin extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 50
//ColorPicker_overSkin (ColorPicker_overSkin) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class ColorPicker_overSkin extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 51
//ColorPicker_swatchSelectedSkin (ColorPicker_swatchSelectedSkin) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class ColorPicker_swatchSelectedSkin extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 52
//ColorPicker_swatchSkin (ColorPicker_swatchSkin) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class ColorPicker_swatchSkin extends Sprite { } }//package
Section 53
//ColorPicker_textFieldSkin (ColorPicker_textFieldSkin) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class ColorPicker_textFieldSkin extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 54
//ColorPicker_upSkin (ColorPicker_upSkin) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class ColorPicker_upSkin extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 55
//focusRectSkin (focusRectSkin) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class focusRectSkin extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 56
//ItemButton (ItemButton) package { import flash.display.*; import*; public class ItemButton extends MovieClip { private var _selected:Boolean;// = false public var button_states_mc:MovieClip; public function ItemButton(){ _selected = false; super(); button_states_mc.stop(); this.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, mouseHandler); this.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT, mouseHandler); } public function set selected(_arg1:Boolean):void{ _selected = _arg1; if (_selected){ button_states_mc.gotoAndStop("selected"); } else { button_states_mc.gotoAndStop("up"); }; } public function get selected():Boolean{ return (_selected); } private function mouseHandler(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if (((!(_selected)) && (!(_arg1.buttonDown)))){ if (_arg1.type == MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER){ button_states_mc.gotoAndStop("over"); } else { if (_arg1.type == MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT){ button_states_mc.gotoAndStop("up"); }; }; }; } } }//package
Section 57
//Main (Main) package { import fl.controls.*; import flash.display.*; import com.adobe.images.*; import flash.utils.*; import*; import*; import*; import*; import flash.text.*; import com.nocircleno.graffiti.*; import flash.ui.*; import*; public class Main extends MovieClip { public var click_message_txt:TextField; private var _activeBrush:Brush; public var bs_round:MovieClip; private var _brushShape:String;// = "round" public var border:Sprite; private var _brush:Brush; public var zoom_slider_mc:Slider; private var _eraserSize:Number;// = 2 public var bs_forward_line:MovieClip; private var _eraserColor:uint;// = 0 public var selected_brush_shape_mc:MovieClip; public var undo_btn:SimpleButton; public var save_btn:SimpleButton; public var redo_btn:SimpleButton; public var overlay_cb:CheckBox; private var _eraserShape:String;// = "round" public var bs_square:MovieClip; private var _brushSize:Number;// = 2 public var eraser_tool_mc:MovieClip; public var size_slider_mc:Slider; public var color_picker_mc:ColorPicker; public var bs_horizontal_line:MovieClip; public var canvas:GraffitiCanvas; public var bs_backward_line:MovieClip; public var bs_diamond:MovieClip; public var clear_btn:SimpleButton; public var brush_tool_mc:MovieClip; public var bs_vertical_line:MovieClip; private var _eraser:Brush; public var overlay_mc:MovieClip; private var _brushColor:uint;// = 0 public function Main(){ _brushSize = 2; _brushShape = BrushType.ROUND; _brushColor = 0; _eraserSize = 2; _eraserShape = BrushType.ROUND; _eraserColor = 0; super(); addFrameScript(0, frame1); click_message_txt.alpha = 0; _brush = new Brush(2, 0, BrushType.ROUND); _eraser = new Brush(2, 0, BrushType.ROUND, ToolMode.ERASE); _activeBrush = _brush; brush_tool_mc.selected = true; setSelectedBrushShape(BrushType.ROUND); canvas = new GraffitiCanvas(450, 470, 5); canvas.x = 0; canvas.y = 100; canvas.activeTool = _activeBrush; addChild(canvas); overlay_mc = new OverlayImage(); canvas.overlay = overlay_mc; stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, keyHandler); stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_UP, keyHandler); canvas.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_WHEEL, scrollHandler); color_picker_mc.focusEnabled = false; brush_tool_mc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, toolHandler); eraser_tool_mc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, toolHandler); bs_round.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, brushShapeHandler); bs_square.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, brushShapeHandler); bs_diamond.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, brushShapeHandler); bs_vertical_line.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, brushShapeHandler); bs_horizontal_line.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, brushShapeHandler); bs_forward_line.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, brushShapeHandler); bs_backward_line.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, brushShapeHandler); bs_round.buttonShapeID = BrushType.ROUND; bs_square.buttonShapeID = BrushType.SQUARE; bs_diamond.buttonShapeID = BrushType.DIAMOND; bs_vertical_line.buttonShapeID = BrushType.VERTICAL_LINE; bs_horizontal_line.buttonShapeID = BrushType.HORIZONTAL_LINE; bs_forward_line.buttonShapeID = BrushType.FORWARD_LINE; bs_backward_line.buttonShapeID = BrushType.BACKWARD_LINE; color_picker_mc.addEventListener(ColorPickerEvent.CHANGE, colorPickerHandler); size_slider_mc.addEventListener(SliderEvent.CHANGE, sliderHandler); overlay_cb.addEventListener(Event.CHANGE, overlayHandler); undo_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, historyHandler); redo_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, historyHandler); clear_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, clearCanvasHandler); save_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, saveHandler); zoom_slider_mc.maximum = canvas.maxZoom; zoom_slider_mc.addEventListener(SliderEvent.CHANGE, zoomHandler); __setProp_size_slider_mc_Scene1_BrushSize_1(); __setProp_overlay_cb_Scene1_BrushSize_1(); __setProp_zoom_slider_mc_Scene1_BrushSize_1(); } private function historyHandler(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if (_arg1.currentTarget == undo_btn){ canvas.prevHistory(); } else { if (_arg1.currentTarget == redo_btn){ canvas.nextHistory(); }; }; } function __setProp_size_slider_mc_Scene1_BrushSize_1(){ try { size_slider_mc["componentInspectorSetting"] = true; } catch(e:Error) { }; size_slider_mc.direction = "horizontal"; size_slider_mc.enabled = true; size_slider_mc.liveDragging = false; size_slider_mc.maximum = 40; size_slider_mc.minimum = 2; size_slider_mc.snapInterval = 0; size_slider_mc.tickInterval = 0; size_slider_mc.value = 0; size_slider_mc.visible = true; try { size_slider_mc["componentInspectorSetting"] = false; } catch(e:Error) { }; } private function colorPickerHandler(_arg1:ColorPickerEvent):void{ _activeBrush.color = _arg1.color; } function frame1(){ } private function toolHandler(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if (_arg1.currentTarget == brush_tool_mc){ brush_tool_mc.selected = true; eraser_tool_mc.selected = false; color_picker_mc.enabled = true; _activeBrush = _brush; canvas.activeTool = _activeBrush; } else { if (_arg1.currentTarget == eraser_tool_mc){ color_picker_mc.enabled = false; eraser_tool_mc.selected = true; brush_tool_mc.selected = false; _activeBrush = _eraser; canvas.activeTool = _activeBrush; }; }; setSelectedBrushShape(_activeBrush.type); size_slider_mc.value = _activeBrush.size; } function __setProp_overlay_cb_Scene1_BrushSize_1(){ try { overlay_cb["componentInspectorSetting"] = true; } catch(e:Error) { }; overlay_cb.enabled = true; overlay_cb.label = ""; overlay_cb.labelPlacement = "right"; overlay_cb.selected = true; overlay_cb.visible = true; try { overlay_cb["componentInspectorSetting"] = false; } catch(e:Error) { }; } private function brushShapeHandler(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ setSelectedBrushShape(_arg1.currentTarget.buttonShapeID); } private function overlayHandler(_arg1:Event):void{ if (_arg1.currentTarget.selected){ canvas.overlay = overlay_mc; } else { canvas.overlay = null; }; } private function saveHandler(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ var _local2:BitmapData; var _local3:JPGEncoder; var _local4:ByteArray; var _local5:URLRequestHeader; var _local6:int; var _local7:String; var _local8:URLRequest; _local2 = canvas.drawing(); _local3 = new JPGEncoder(85); _local4 = _local3.encode(_local2); _local2.dispose(); _local5 = new URLRequestHeader("Content-type", "application/octet-stream"); _local6 = Math.floor((Math.random() * 100)); _local7 = _local6.toString(); _local7 = (("graffo" + _local7) + ".jpg"); _local8 = new URLRequest(("" + _local7)); _local8.requestHeaders.push(_local5); _local8.method = URLRequestMethod.POST; = _local4; navigateToURL(_local8, "_blank"); } private function sliderHandler(_arg1:SliderEvent):void{ _activeBrush.size = _arg1.value; } private function setSelectedBrushShape(_arg1:String):void{ if (selected_brush_shape_mc != null){ selected_brush_shape_mc.selected = false; }; selected_brush_shape_mc = MovieClip(this.getChildByName(("bs_" + _arg1))); selected_brush_shape_mc.selected = true; if (_activeBrush.type != _arg1){ _activeBrush.type = _arg1; }; } private function clearCanvasHandler(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ canvas.clearCanvas(); } public function scrollHandler(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ canvas.zoom = (canvas.zoom + (( / 3) * 1)); zoom_slider_mc.value = canvas.zoom; if (canvas.zoom > 1){ click_message_txt.alpha = 1; } else { click_message_txt.alpha = 0; }; } function __setProp_zoom_slider_mc_Scene1_BrushSize_1(){ try { zoom_slider_mc["componentInspectorSetting"] = true; } catch(e:Error) { }; zoom_slider_mc.direction = "horizontal"; zoom_slider_mc.enabled = true; zoom_slider_mc.liveDragging = true; zoom_slider_mc.maximum = 10; zoom_slider_mc.minimum = 1; zoom_slider_mc.snapInterval = 0; zoom_slider_mc.tickInterval = 0; zoom_slider_mc.value = 0; zoom_slider_mc.visible = true; try { zoom_slider_mc["componentInspectorSetting"] = false; } catch(e:Error) { }; } public function keyHandler(_arg1:KeyboardEvent):void{ if (_arg1.keyCode == Keyboard.SPACE){ if (_arg1.type == KeyboardEvent.KEY_UP){ canvas.mouseDrag = false; } else { if (_arg1.type == KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN){ canvas.mouseDrag = true; }; }; }; } private function zoomHandler(_arg1:SliderEvent):void{ canvas.zoom = _arg1.value; if (canvas.zoom > 1){ click_message_txt.alpha = 1; } else { click_message_txt.alpha = 0; }; } } }//package
Section 58
//OverlayImage (OverlayImage) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class OverlayImage extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 59
//OverlayImagex (OverlayImagex) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class OverlayImagex extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 60
//SliderThumb_disabledSkin (SliderThumb_disabledSkin) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class SliderThumb_disabledSkin extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 61
//SliderThumb_downSkin (SliderThumb_downSkin) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class SliderThumb_downSkin extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 62
//SliderThumb_overSkin (SliderThumb_overSkin) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class SliderThumb_overSkin extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 63
//SliderThumb_upSkin (SliderThumb_upSkin) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class SliderThumb_upSkin extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 64
//SliderTick_skin (SliderTick_skin) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class SliderTick_skin extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 65
//SliderTrack_disabledSkin (SliderTrack_disabledSkin) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class SliderTrack_disabledSkin extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 66
//SliderTrack_skin (SliderTrack_skin) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class SliderTrack_skin extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 67
//ToolButtonBrush (ToolButtonBrush) package { public dynamic class ToolButtonBrush extends ItemButton { } }//package
Section 68
//ToolButtonEaser (ToolButtonEaser) package { public dynamic class ToolButtonEaser extends ItemButton { } }//package

Library Items

Symbol 1 GraphicUsed by:2
Symbol 2 MovieClip {OverlayImagex}Uses:1
Symbol 3 GraphicUsed by:4
Symbol 4 MovieClip {OverlayImage}Uses:3
Symbol 5 GraphicUsed by:9
Symbol 6 GraphicUsed by:9
Symbol 7 GraphicUsed by:9
Symbol 8 GraphicUsed by:9
Symbol 9 MovieClipUses:5 6 7 8Used by:11 13 15 17 19 21 23 24 26
Symbol 10 GraphicUsed by:11
Symbol 11 MovieClip {ToolButtonEaser}Uses:9 10Used by:Timeline
Symbol 12 GraphicUsed by:13
Symbol 13 MovieClip {ToolButtonBrush}Uses:9 12Used by:Timeline
Symbol 14 GraphicUsed by:15
Symbol 15 MovieClip {BrushShapeButtonBackwardSlash}Uses:9 14Used by:Timeline
Symbol 16 GraphicUsed by:17
Symbol 17 MovieClip {BrushShapeButtonForwardSlash}Uses:9 16Used by:Timeline
Symbol 18 GraphicUsed by:19
Symbol 19 MovieClip {BrushShapeButtonHorz}Uses:9 18Used by:Timeline
Symbol 20 GraphicUsed by:21 24
Symbol 21 MovieClip {BrushShapeButtonVert}Uses:9 20Used by:Timeline
Symbol 22 GraphicUsed by:23
Symbol 23 MovieClip {BrushShapeButtonDiamond}Uses:9 22Used by:Timeline
Symbol 24 MovieClip {BrushShapeButtonSquare}Uses:9 20Used by:Timeline
Symbol 25 GraphicUsed by:26
Symbol 26 MovieClip {BrushShapeButtonRound}Uses:9 25Used by:Timeline
Symbol 27 GraphicUsed by:28
Symbol 28 MovieClipUses:27Used by:50 68 83
Symbol 29 MovieClip {fl.core.ComponentShim}Used by:50 68 83
Symbol 30 GraphicUsed by:31
Symbol 31 MovieClip {ColorPicker_upSkin}Uses:30Used by:50
Symbol 32 GraphicUsed by:33
Symbol 33 MovieClip {ColorPicker_disabledSkin}Uses:32Used by:50
Symbol 34 GraphicUsed by:35
Symbol 35 MovieClip {ColorPicker_swatchSkin}Uses:34Used by:50
Symbol 36 GraphicUsed by:37 38
Symbol 37 MovieClipUses:36Used by:39 50
Symbol 38 MovieClipUses:36Used by:39 50
Symbol 39 MovieClip {ColorPicker_backgroundSkin}Uses:37 38Used by:50
Symbol 40 GraphicUsed by:41
Symbol 41 MovieClip {ColorPicker_downSkin}Uses:40Used by:50
Symbol 42 GraphicUsed by:43
Symbol 43 MovieClip {ColorPicker_textFieldSkin}Uses:42Used by:50
Symbol 44 GraphicUsed by:45
Symbol 45 MovieClip {ColorPicker_overSkin}Uses:44Used by:50
Symbol 46 GraphicUsed by:47
Symbol 47 MovieClip {ColorPicker_colorWell}Uses:46Used by:50
Symbol 48 GraphicUsed by:49
Symbol 49 MovieClip {ColorPicker_swatchSelectedSkin}Uses:48Used by:50
Symbol 50 MovieClip {fl.controls.ColorPicker}Uses:28 29 31 33 35 39 41 43 45 47 49 38 37Used by:Timeline
Symbol 51 GraphicUsed by:52 61
Symbol 52 MovieClip {CheckBox_upIcon}Uses:51Used by:68
Symbol 53 GraphicUsed by:54 62
Symbol 54 MovieClip {CheckBox_overIcon}Uses:53Used by:68
Symbol 55 GraphicUsed by:56 63
Symbol 56 MovieClip {CheckBox_downIcon}Uses:55Used by:68
Symbol 57 GraphicUsed by:58
Symbol 58 MovieClip {CheckBox_disabledIcon}Uses:57Used by:68
Symbol 59 GraphicUsed by:60
Symbol 60 MovieClipUses:59Used by:61 62 63 65
Symbol 61 MovieClip {CheckBox_selectedUpIcon}Uses:51 60Used by:68
Symbol 62 MovieClip {CheckBox_selectedOverIcon}Uses:53 60Used by:68
Symbol 63 MovieClip {CheckBox_selectedDownIcon}Uses:55 60Used by:68
Symbol 64 GraphicUsed by:65
Symbol 65 MovieClip {CheckBox_selectedDisabledIcon}Uses:64 60Used by:68
Symbol 66 GraphicUsed by:67
Symbol 67 MovieClip {focusRectSkin}Uses:66Used by:68 83
Symbol 68 MovieClip {fl.controls.CheckBox}Uses:28 29 52 54 56 58 61 62 63 65 67Used by:Timeline
Symbol 69 GraphicUsed by:70
Symbol 70 MovieClip {SliderThumb_upSkin}Uses:69Used by:83
Symbol 71 GraphicUsed by:72
Symbol 72 MovieClip {SliderThumb_overSkin}Uses:71Used by:83
Symbol 73 GraphicUsed by:74
Symbol 74 MovieClip {SliderThumb_downSkin}Uses:73Used by:83
Symbol 75 GraphicUsed by:76
Symbol 76 MovieClip {SliderThumb_disabledSkin}Uses:75Used by:83
Symbol 77 GraphicUsed by:78
Symbol 78 MovieClip {SliderTrack_skin}Uses:77Used by:83
Symbol 79 GraphicUsed by:80
Symbol 80 MovieClip {SliderTick_skin}Uses:79Used by:83
Symbol 81 GraphicUsed by:82
Symbol 82 MovieClip {SliderTrack_disabledSkin}Uses:81Used by:83
Symbol 83 MovieClip {fl.controls.Slider}Uses:28 29 70 72 74 76 78 80 82 67Used by:Timeline
Symbol 84 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 85 FontUsed by:86 87 90 91 92
Symbol 86 TextUses:85Used by:Timeline
Symbol 87 TextUses:85Used by:Timeline
Symbol 88 FontUsed by:89 94 96 99 101 103 104 106
Symbol 89 EditableTextUses:88Used by:Timeline
Symbol 90 TextUses:85Used by:Timeline
Symbol 91 TextUses:85Used by:Timeline
Symbol 92 TextUses:85Used by:Timeline
Symbol 93 GraphicUsed by:97 105 107
Symbol 94 TextUses:88Used by:97
Symbol 95 GraphicUsed by:97 105 107
Symbol 96 TextUses:88Used by:97
Symbol 97 ButtonUses:93 94 95 96Used by:Timeline
Symbol 98 GraphicUsed by:102
Symbol 99 TextUses:88Used by:102
Symbol 100 GraphicUsed by:102
Symbol 101 TextUses:88Used by:102
Symbol 102 ButtonUses:98 99 100 101Used by:Timeline
Symbol 103 TextUses:88Used by:105
Symbol 104 TextUses:88Used by:105
Symbol 105 ButtonUses:93 103 95 104Used by:Timeline
Symbol 106 TextUses:88Used by:107
Symbol 107 ButtonUses:93 106 95Used by:Timeline

Instance Names

"size_slider_mc"Frame 1Symbol 83 MovieClip {fl.controls.Slider}
"zoom_slider_mc"Frame 1Symbol 83 MovieClip {fl.controls.Slider}
"click_message_txt"Frame 1Symbol 89 EditableText
"overlay_cb"Frame 1Symbol 68 MovieClip {fl.controls.CheckBox}
"color_picker_mc"Frame 1Symbol 50 MovieClip {fl.controls.ColorPicker}
"bs_round"Frame 1Symbol 26 MovieClip {BrushShapeButtonRound}
"bs_square"Frame 1Symbol 24 MovieClip {BrushShapeButtonSquare}
"bs_diamond"Frame 1Symbol 23 MovieClip {BrushShapeButtonDiamond}
"bs_vertical_line"Frame 1Symbol 21 MovieClip {BrushShapeButtonVert}
"bs_horizontal_line"Frame 1Symbol 19 MovieClip {BrushShapeButtonHorz}
"bs_forward_line"Frame 1Symbol 17 MovieClip {BrushShapeButtonForwardSlash}
"bs_backward_line"Frame 1Symbol 15 MovieClip {BrushShapeButtonBackwardSlash}
"brush_tool_mc"Frame 1Symbol 13 MovieClip {ToolButtonBrush}
"eraser_tool_mc"Frame 1Symbol 11 MovieClip {ToolButtonEaser}
"clear_btn"Frame 1Symbol 97 Button
"save_btn"Frame 1Symbol 102 Button
"undo_btn"Frame 1Symbol 105 Button
"redo_btn"Frame 1Symbol 107 Button
"button_states_mc"Symbol 11 MovieClip {ToolButtonEaser} Frame 1Symbol 9 MovieClip
"button_states_mc"Symbol 13 MovieClip {ToolButtonBrush} Frame 1Symbol 9 MovieClip
"button_states_mc"Symbol 15 MovieClip {BrushShapeButtonBackwardSlash} Frame 1Symbol 9 MovieClip
"button_states_mc"Symbol 17 MovieClip {BrushShapeButtonForwardSlash} Frame 1Symbol 9 MovieClip
"button_states_mc"Symbol 19 MovieClip {BrushShapeButtonHorz} Frame 1Symbol 9 MovieClip
"button_states_mc"Symbol 21 MovieClip {BrushShapeButtonVert} Frame 1Symbol 9 MovieClip
"button_states_mc"Symbol 23 MovieClip {BrushShapeButtonDiamond} Frame 1Symbol 9 MovieClip
"button_states_mc"Symbol 24 MovieClip {BrushShapeButtonSquare} Frame 1Symbol 9 MovieClip
"button_states_mc"Symbol 26 MovieClip {BrushShapeButtonRound} Frame 1Symbol 9 MovieClip

Special Tags

FileAttributes (69)Timeline Frame 1Access local files only, Metadata not present, AS3.


"up"Symbol 9 MovieClip Frame 1
"over"Symbol 9 MovieClip Frame 10
"selected"Symbol 9 MovieClip Frame 20
Created: 24/5 -2021 06:59:00 Last modified: 24/5 -2021 06:59:00 Server time: 03/01 -2025 01:18:09