Archived flashes:
/disc/ · /res/     /show/ · /fap/ · /gg/ · /swf/P0001 · P2574 · P5148

<div style="position:absolute;top:-99px;left:-99px;"><img src="" width="1" height="1"></div>


This is the info page for
Flash #241847

(Click the ID number above for more basic data on this flash file.)


ActionScript [AS1/AS2]

Frame 1
var loaders = new MovieClipLoader(); loaders.loadClip("data/mai_koe.swf", maikoe); maikoe._lockroot = true;
Frame 3
Symbol 20000 Button
on (press) { this._parent.StandOp.OPmain.kao.kuti.gotoAndPlay("\u4F1A\u8A71"); _root.maikoe._root.k_fufu.start(); gotoAndPlay("\u4F1A\u8A71\uFF12"); } on () { }
Symbol 20001 Button
on (press) { gotoAndPlay("\u4F1A\u8A71\uFF13"); } on () { }
Symbol 20002 Button
on (press) { this._parent.StandOp.OPmain.gotoAndPlay("\u30AA\u30CA\u30CB\u30FC"); gotoAndPlay("\u3042\u308A\u304C\u3066\u3048"); } on () { }
Symbol 20003 Button
on (release) { gotoAndPlay("off"); }
Symbol 20004 Button
on (press) { this._parent.StandOp.OPmain.kao.kuti.gotoAndPlay("\u4F1A\u8A71"); this._parent.StandOp.OPmain.gotoAndPlay("\u5144\u30B9\u30C8\u30C3\u30D7"); gotoAndPlay("\u5144\u30B9\u30C8\u30C3\u30D7"); } on () { }
Symbol 20005 Button
on (press) { this._parent.StandOp.OPmain.kao.kuti.gotoAndPlay("\u4F1A\u8A71"); this._parent.StandOp.OPmain.gotoAndPlay("\u30AD\u30E3\u30DF\u305F\u304F\u3057\u3042\u3052"); gotoAndPlay("\u308F\u305F\u3057\u3082"); } on () { }
Symbol 20006 Button
on (press) { gotoAndPlay("\u50E5\u5016"); } on () { }
Symbol 20007 Button
on (press) { this._parent.StandOp.OPmain.gotoAndPlay("\u30AD\u30E3\u30DF\u3080\u306D\u3082\u307F"); gotoAndPlay("off"); } on () { }
Symbol 20008 Button
on (press) { gotoAndPlay("\u3044\u3063\u3057\u3087\u306B"); } on () { }
Symbol 20009 Button
on (press) { gotoAndPlay("\u4E86\u627F"); } on () { }
Symbol 20010 Button
on (press) { gotoAndPlay("off"); } on () { }
Symbol 20011 Button
on (press) { this._parent.StandOp.OPmain.kao.kuti.gotoAndPlay("\u4F1A\u8A71"); gotoAndPlay("\u3082\u3063\u3068"); } on () { }
Symbol 20012 Button
on (press) { gotoAndPlay("\u30B7\u30FC\u30F3\u79FB\u52D5"); } on () { }
Symbol 20013 Button
on (press) { this._parent.gotoAndPlay("\u30D9\u30C3\u30C9\u3067\u30A4\u30C1\u30E3\u30A4\u30C1\u30E3"); } on () { }
Symbol 44 MovieClip [オープニング会話] Frame 2
Symbol 44 MovieClip [オープニング会話] Frame 4
Symbol 44 MovieClip [オープニング会話] Frame 6
Symbol 44 MovieClip [オープニング会話] Frame 8
Symbol 44 MovieClip [オープニング会話] Frame 10
Symbol 44 MovieClip [オープニング会話] Frame 12
Symbol 44 MovieClip [オープニング会話] Frame 14
Symbol 44 MovieClip [オープニング会話] Frame 16
Symbol 44 MovieClip [オープニング会話] Frame 18
Symbol 44 MovieClip [オープニング会話] Frame 20
Symbol 44 MovieClip [オープニング会話] Frame 22
Symbol 44 MovieClip [オープニング会話] Frame 24
Symbol 44 MovieClip [オープニング会話] Frame 25
Symbol 44 MovieClip [オープニング会話] Frame 27
Symbol 44 MovieClip [オープニング会話] Frame 29
Symbol 44 MovieClip [オープニング会話] Frame 31
Symbol 2 MovieClip [■大メイン] Frame 2
Symbol 2 MovieClip [■大メイン] Frame 3
_global.shokisettei = 1; _global.owari = 0; _global.kando = 0; _global.anipan = 2; _global.anihuku = 1; _global.hassha = 0; _global.kandoup = 0.3; _global.pan = 1; _global.sox = 2; _global.huku = 1; _global.ska = 1; _global.kiss = 0; _global.iziri = 0; _global.imoashi = 1; _global.imoudeR = 1; _global.imoudeL = 1; _global.aniudeR = 1; _global.aniudeL = 1;
Symbol 2 MovieClip [■大メイン] Frame 6
Instance of Symbol 68 MovieClip [スクリプト用] in Symbol 2 MovieClip [■大メイン] Frame 7
on (keyPress "R") { this._parent.gotoAndPlay("start"); }
Symbol 2 MovieClip [■大メイン] Frame 7
var loaders = new MovieClipLoader(); loaders.loadClip("data/OP_stand.swf", StandOp); loaders.loadClip("data/mai_koe.swf", maikoe); maikoe._lockroot = true; StandOp._lockroot = true; StandOp._x = 210; StandOp._y = 50; StandOp._lockroot = true;
Symbol 2 MovieClip [■大メイン] Frame 33
Instance of Symbol 102 MovieClip [終わりメニューペッティング専用] in Symbol 2 MovieClip [■大メイン] Frame 34
onClipEvent (load) { gotoAndPlay("off"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.owari != 1) { if (_global.owari == 2) { gotoAndPlay("off"); } } else { gotoAndPlay("on"); } }
Symbol 2 MovieClip [■大メイン] Frame 34
StandOp.removeMovieClip(); var loaders = new MovieClipLoader(); loaders.loadClip("data/suwariosawari.swf", suwari); suwari._lockroot = true; suwari._x = 240; suwari._y = 150; suwari._lockroot = true;
Symbol 2 MovieClip [■大メイン] Frame 60
Instance of Symbol 100 MovieClip [終わりメニュー背面座位用] in Symbol 2 MovieClip [■大メイン] Frame 61
onClipEvent (load) { gotoAndPlay("off"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.owari == 1) { gotoAndPlay("on"); } }
Symbol 2 MovieClip [■大メイン] Frame 61
suwari.removeMovieClip(); var loaders = new MovieClipLoader(); loaders.loadClip("data/Haime-zai.swf", haimenzai); haimenzai._lockroot = true; haimenzai._x = 240; haimenzai._y = 150; haimenzai._lockroot = true;
Symbol 2 MovieClip [■大メイン] Frame 87
Instance of Symbol 94 MovieClip [終わりメニューフェラ用] in Symbol 2 MovieClip [■大メイン] Frame 88
onClipEvent (load) { gotoAndPlay("off"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.owari == 1) { gotoAndPlay("on"); } }
Symbol 2 MovieClip [■大メイン] Frame 88
haimenzai.removeMovieClip(); var loaders = new MovieClipLoader(); loaders.loadClip("data/yokokarafera.swf", fera); fera._lockroot = true; fera._x = 240; fera._y = 150; fera._lockroot = true;
Symbol 2 MovieClip [■大メイン] Frame 114
Instance of Symbol 96 MovieClip [終わりメニュー正常位] in Symbol 2 MovieClip [■大メイン] Frame 115
onClipEvent (load) { gotoAndPlay("off"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.owari == 1) { gotoAndPlay("on"); } }
Symbol 2 MovieClip [■大メイン] Frame 115
fera.removeMovieClip(); var loader = new MovieClipLoader(); loader.loadClip("data/Seijou-i.swf", seijoui); seijoui._lockroot = true; seijoui._x = 180; seijoui._y = 150; seijoui._lockroot = true;
Symbol 2 MovieClip [■大メイン] Frame 141
Symbol 2 MovieClip [■大メイン] Frame 142
Symbol 2 MovieClip [■大メイン] Frame 144
Instance of Symbol 8 MovieClip [読み込み用空スプライト] "player" in Symbol 536 MovieClip [◆エッチ:公園] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { _global.battle = 1; this.player._x = 20; this.swapDepths(1); key_code_up = Key.UP; key_code_down = Key.DOWN; key_code_left = Key.LEFT; key_code_right = Key.RIGHT; key_code_punch = 90; key_code_yokan = 88; keyIsDownZ = false; onKeyDown = function () { keyCheck(); }; onKeyUp = function () { keyCheck(); }; this.ZkeyCheck = function () { if (!keyIsDownZ) { if (Key.isDown(key_code_punch) && (0 < p_stamina)) { p_teikou++; p_stamina = p_stamina - p_cost_teikou; } } keyIsDownZ = Key.isDown(90); }; p_stamina = 500; p_stamina_max = 500; p_kaihuku = 0.5; p_cost_punchj = 8; p_cost_punchs = 16; p_cost_kick = 40; p_cost_teikou = 15; p_jab_damage = 3; p_straight_damage = 6; p_highkick_damage = 38; p_hiza_damage = 8; _root.p_kando = 0; _root.p_kando_max = 200; _root.p_kandoup_l = 1; _root.p_kandoup_m = 1.2; _root.p_kandoup_h = 1.4; step_stand_init = 1; step_stand_exec = 2; step_walk_init = 3; step_walk_exec = 4; step_punchj_init = 5; step_punchj_exec = 6; step_punchs_init = 7; step_punchs_exec = 8; step_kick_init = 9; step_kick_exec = 10; step_tukamare_init = 20; step_tukamare_exec = 21; step_stempty_init = 22; step_stempty_exec = 23; step_tukitobashi_init = 24; step_tukitobashi_exec = 25; step_tukamareudeage_init = 26; step_tukamareudeage_exec = 27; step_momare_init = 28; step_momare_exec = 29; step_chikubi_init = 30; step_chikubi_exec = 31; step_shitasawarare_init = 32; step_shitasawarare_exec = 33; step_shitasawararepin_init = 34; step_shitasawararepin_exec = 35; step_uenugasare_init = 36; step_uenugasare_exec = 37; step_buranugasare_init = 38; step_buranugasare_exec = 39; step_skanugasare_init = 40; step_skanugasare_exec = 41; step_panhipparare_init = 42; step_panhipparare_exec = 43; step_pannugasare_init = 44; step_pannugasare_exec = 45; step_sitdown_init = 46; step_sitdown_exec = 47; step_standup_init = 48; step_standup_exec = 49; step_sitpunch_init = 50; step_sitpunch_exec = 51; step_stop = 100; step_stop_exec = 100; step = step_stand_init; my_dx = 0; count = 0; this.StandMati = function () { if (!(Key.isDown(key_code_left) || (Key.isDown(key_code_right)))) { if (!(Key.isDown(key_code_right) && (Key.isDown(key_code_punch)))) { if (!(Key.isDown(key_code_down) && (!Key.isDown(key_code_punch)))) { if (!(Key.isDown(key_code_punch) && (Key.isDown(key_code_up)))) { if (Key.isDown(key_code_punch)) { step = step_punchj_init; } } else { step = step_kick_init; } } else { step = step_sitdown_init; } } else { step = step_punchs_init; } } else { step = step_walk_init; } }; this.SitDownInit = function () { count = 0; this.player.gotoAndPlay("\u3057\u3083\u304C\u307F"); step = step_sitdown_exec; }; this.SitDownExec = function () { count++; if (10 < count) { if (!Key.isDown(key_code_down)) { step = step_standup_init; } else if (!(Key.isDown(key_code_punch) && (1 < p_stamina))) { StaminaKaihuku(); } else { step = step_sitpunch_init; } } }; this.SitPunchInit = function () { count = 0; _root.jon.start(); p_stamina = p_stamina - p_cost_punchj; this.player.gotoAndPlay("\u30EA\u30BB\u30C3\u30C8"); this.player.gotoAndPlay("\u3057\u3083\u304C\u307F\u30D1\u30F3\u30C1"); this._parent._parent.koesousa.gotoAndPlay("\u30B8\u30E3\u30D6"); step = step_sitpunch_exec; }; this.SitPunchExec = function () { count++; if (8 < count) { if (!Key.isDown(key_code_down)) { step = step_standup_init; } else if (!(Key.isDown(key_code_punch) && (1 < p_stamina))) { StaminaKaihuku(); } else { step = step_sitpunch_init; } } }; this.StandUpInit = function () { count = 0; this.player.gotoAndPlay("\u7ACB\u3061\u3078"); step = step_standup_exec; }; this.StandUpExec = function () { count++; if (10 < count) { step = step_stand_init; } }; this.WalkInit = function () { if (!Key.isDown(key_code_right)) { if (Key.isDown(key_code_left)) { this.player.gotoAndPlay("\u5DE6\u79FB\u52D5"); step = step_walk_exec; } } else { this.player.gotoAndPlay("\u53F3\u79FB\u52D5"); step = step_walk_exec; } }; this.walkExec = function () { if ((Key.isDown(key_code_left) && (Key.isDown(key_code_punch))) && (0 < p_stamina)) { step = step_punchj_init; } if (!((Key.isDown(key_code_right) && (Key.isDown(key_code_punch))) && (0 < p_stamina))) { if (!Key.isDown(key_code_down)) { if (!Key.isDown(key_code_right)) { if (!Key.isDown(key_code_left)) { step = step_stand_init; } else { if (0 < my_dx) { this.player.gotoAndPlay("\u5DE6\u79FB\u52D5"); } my_dx = my_dx - 1; if (-4 >= my_dx) { my_dx = -4; } this.player._x = this.player._x + my_dx; } } else { if (my_dx < 0) { this.player.gotoAndPlay("\u53F3\u79FB\u52D5"); } my_dx = my_dx + 1; if (my_dx >= 5) { my_dx = 5; } this.player._x = this.player._x + my_dx; } } else { step = step_sitdown_init; } } else { step = step_punchs_init; } }; this.StaminaKaihuku = function () { p_stamina = p_stamina + p_kaihuku; if (p_stamina_max < p_stamina) { p_stamina = p_stamina_max; } }; this.JabInit = function () { _root.jon.start(); p_stamina = p_stamina - p_cost_punchj; count = 0; this.player.gotoAndPlay("\u30B8\u30E3\u30D6"); this._parent._parent.koesousa.gotoAndPlay("\u30B8\u30E3\u30D6"); step = step_punchj_exec; }; this.JabExec = function () { count++; if (!(((count >= 4) && (7 >= count)) && (Key.isDown(key_code_punch)))) { if (!(((count >= 8) && (Key.isDown(key_code_punch))) && (0 < p_stamina))) { if (12 < count) { step = step_stand_init; } } else { this.player.gotoAndPlay("\u5F85\u6A5F"); step = step_punchj_init; } } else { step = step_punchs_init; } }; this.StraightInit = function () { _root.son.start(); p_stamina = p_stamina - p_cost_punchs; count = 0; this.player.gotoAndPlay("\u30B9\u30C8\u30EC\u30FC\u30C8"); this._parent._parent.koesousa.gotoAndPlay("\u30B9\u30C8\u30EC\u30FC\u30C8"); step = step_punchs_exec; }; this.StraightExec = function () { count++; if (((6 < count) && (Key.isDown(key_code_punch))) && (Key.isDown(key_code_up))) { step = step_kick_init; } if (14 < count) { step = step_stand_init; } }; this.HighkickInit = function () { this.swapDepths(3); _root.kon.start(); p_stamina = p_stamina - p_cost_kick; count = 0; this.player.gotoAndPlay("\u30EA\u30BB\u30C3\u30C8"); this.player.gotoAndPlay("\u30CF\u30A4\u30AD\u30C3\u30AF"); this._parent._parent.koesousa.gotoAndPlay("\u30CF\u30A4\u30AD\u30C3\u30AF"); step = step_kick_exec; }; this.HighkickExec = function () { count++; if ((((16 < count) && (Key.isDown(key_code_punch))) && (Key.isDown(key_code_up))) && (0 < p_stamina)) { step = step_kick_init; } if (20 < count) { this.swapDepths(1); step = step_stand_init; } }; this.TsukamareInit = function () { this.player._x = this._parent.enemy._x - 80; this.swapDepths(1); p_teikou = 0; this.player.gotoAndPlay("\u3064\u304B\u307E\u308C"); this._parent._parent.koesousa.gotoAndPlay("\u3064\u304B\u307E\u308C"); step = step_tukamare_exec; }; this.TsukamareExec = function () { count++; ZkeyCheck(); if (10 >= p_teikou) { if (60 < count) { step = step_tukamareudeage_init; } } else { p_teikou = 0; step = step_tukitobashi_init; } }; this.TsukamareudeageInit = function () { count = 0; this.player.gotoAndPlay("\u3064\u304B\u307E\u308C\u3046\u3067\u3042\u3052"); this._parent._parent.koesousa.gotoAndPlay("\u3046\u3067\u3042\u3052"); this._parent._parent.yokan.gotoAndPlay("on"); step = step_tukamareudeage_exec; }; this.TsukamareudeageExec = function () { count++; ZkeyCheck(); if (10 >= p_teikou) { if (10 < count) { if (!Key.isDown(key_code_up)) { if (!Key.isDown(key_code_down)) { if (!Key.isDown(key_code_left)) { if (!Key.isDown(key_code_right)) { if (180 < count) { this._parent._parent.yokan.gotoAndPlay("off"); rand = Math.floor(Math.random() * 2) + 1; if (rand != 1) { step = step_shitasawarare_init; } else { step = step_momare_init; } } } else { this._parent._parent.yokan.gotoAndPlay("off"); step = step_shitasawarare_init; } } else { this._parent._parent.yokan.gotoAndPlay("off"); step = step_momare_init; } } else if (_global.ska == 1) { step = step_skanugasare_init; } } else if (_global.huku != 1) { if (_global.bura == 1) { step = step_buranugasare_init; } } else { step = step_uenugasare_init; } } } else { p_teikou = 0; step = step_tukitobashi_init; } }; this.MuneMomareInit = function () { count = 0; this.player.gotoAndPlay("\u3080\u306D\u3082\u307E\u308C"); step = step_momare_exec; }; this.MuneMomareExec = function () { count++; ZkeyCheck(); if (10 >= p_teikou) { if (count != 20) { if (20 < count) { if (!Key.isDown(key_code_up)) { if (!Key.isDown(key_code_down)) { if (!((Key.isDown(key_code_left) && (_global.huku == 0)) && (_global.bura == 0))) { if (Key.isDown(key_code_right)) { this._parent._parent.yokan.gotoAndPlay("off"); step = step_shitasawarare_init; } } else { this._parent._parent.yokan.gotoAndPlay("off"); step = step_chikubi_init; } } else if (_global.ska == 1) { step = step_skanugasare_init; } } else if (_global.huku != 1) { if (_global.bura == 1) { step = step_buranugasare_init; } } else { step = step_uenugasare_init; } } } else { this._parent._parent.yokan.gotoAndPlay("on"); } } else { p_teikou = 0; step = step_tukitobashi_init; } }; this.ChikubiSemerareInit = function () { count = 0; this.player.gotoAndPlay("\u3061\u304F\u3073\u305B\u3081\u3089\u308C"); step = step_chikubi_exec; }; this.ChikubiSemerareExec = function () { count++; ZkeyCheck(); if (10 >= p_teikou) { if (count != 20) { if (20 < count) { if (!Key.isDown(key_code_down)) { if (!Key.isDown(key_code_left)) { if (Key.isDown(key_code_right)) { this._parent._parent.yokan.gotoAndPlay("off"); step = step_shitasawarare_init; } } else { this._parent._parent.yokan.gotoAndPlay("off"); step = step_momare_init; } } else if (_global.ska == 1) { step = step_skanugasare_init; } } } else { this._parent._parent.yokan.gotoAndPlay("on"); } } else { p_teikou = 0; step = step_tukitobashi_init; } }; this.TukitobashiInit = function () { count = 0; this._parent._parent.yokan.gotoAndPlay("off"); this.player.gotoAndPlay("\u3064\u304D\u3068\u3070\u3057"); this._parent._parent.koesousa.gotoAndPlay("\u3064\u304D\u3068\u3070\u3057"); step = step_tukitobashi_exec; }; this.TukitobashiExec = function () { count++; if (20 < count) { step = step_stand_init; } }; this.ShitaSawarareInit = function () { count = 0; this.player.gotoAndPlay("\u3057\u305F\u3055\u308F\u3089\u308C"); step = step_shitasawarare_exec; }; this.ShitaSawarareExec = function () { count++; ZkeyCheck(); if (10 >= p_teikou) { if (count != 20) { if (20 < count) { if (!Key.isDown(key_code_up)) { if (!Key.isDown(key_code_down)) { if (!Key.isDown(key_code_left)) { if (Key.isDown(key_code_right) && (_global.pan == 1)) { this._parent._parent.yokan.gotoAndPlay("off"); step = step_shitasawararepin_init; } } else if (_global.pan != 1) { this._parent._parent.yokan.gotoAndPlay("off"); step = step_momare_init; } else { this._parent._parent.yokan.gotoAndPlay("off"); step = step_panhipparare_init; } } else if (_global.ska == 1) { step = step_skanugasare_init; } } else if (_global.huku != 1) { if (_global.bura == 1) { step = step_buranugasare_init; } } else { step = step_uenugasare_init; } } } else { this._parent._parent.yokan.gotoAndPlay("on"); } } else { p_teikou = 0; step = step_tukitobashi_init; } }; this.ShitaSawararepinInit = function () { count = 0; this.player.gotoAndPlay("\u3057\u305F\u3055\u308F\u3089\u308C\u30D1\u30F3\u30C4\u30A4\u30F3"); step = step_shitasawararepin_exec; }; this.ShitaSawararepinExec = function () { count++; ZkeyCheck(); if (10 >= p_teikou) { if (count != 20) { if (20 < count) { if (!Key.isDown(key_code_up)) { if (!Key.isDown(key_code_down)) { if (Key.isDown(key_code_left)) { if (_global.pan != 1) { this._parent._parent.yokan.gotoAndPlay("off"); step = step_momare_init; } else { this._parent._parent.yokan.gotoAndPlay("off"); step = step_panhipparare_init; } } } else if (_global.ska == 1) { step = step_skanugasare_init; } } else if (_global.huku != 1) { if (_global.bura == 1) { step = step_buranugasare_init; } } else { step = step_uenugasare_init; } } } else { this._parent._parent.yokan.gotoAndPlay("on"); } } else { p_teikou = 0; step = step_tukitobashi_init; } }; this.UeNugasareInit = function () { count = 0; _global.huku = 0; this._parent._parent.yokan.gotoAndPlay("off"); this.player.gotoAndPlay("\u3046\u3048\u306C\u304C\u3055\u308C"); this._parent._parent.koesousa.gotoAndPlay("\u3046\u3048\u306C\u304C\u3055\u308C"); step = step_uenugasare_exec; }; this.UeNugasareExec = function () { count++; if (30 < count) { count = 0; this.player.gotoAndPlay("\u3046\u3067\u3042\u3052\u30AD\u30FC\u30D7"); this._parent._parent.yokan.gotoAndPlay("on"); step = step_tukamareudeage_exec; } }; this.BuraNugasareInit = function () { count = 0; _global.bura = 0; this._parent._parent.yokan.gotoAndPlay("off"); this.player.gotoAndPlay("\u30D6\u30E9\u306C\u304C\u3055\u308C"); this._parent._parent.koesousa.gotoAndPlay("\u30D6\u30E9\u306C\u304C\u3055\u308C"); step = step_buranugasare_exec; }; this.BuraNugasareExec = function () { count++; if (30 < count) { count = 0; this.player.gotoAndPlay("\u3046\u3067\u3042\u3052\u30AD\u30FC\u30D7"); this._parent._parent.yokan.gotoAndPlay("on"); step = step_tukamareudeage_exec; } }; this.SkaNugasareInit = function () { count = 0; _global.ska = 0; this._parent._parent.yokan.gotoAndPlay("off"); this.player.gotoAndPlay("\u30B9\u30AB\u30FC\u30C8\u306C\u304C\u3055\u308C"); this._parent._parent.koesousa.gotoAndPlay("\u30B9\u30AB\u30FC\u30C8\u306C\u304C\u3055\u308C"); step = step_skanugasare_exec; }; this.SkaNugasareExec = function () { count++; if (30 < count) { count = 0; this.player.gotoAndPlay("\u3046\u3067\u3042\u3052\u30AD\u30FC\u30D7\u30B9\u30AB\u30FC\u30C8\u3051\u3057"); this._parent._parent.yokan.gotoAndPlay("on"); step = step_tukamareudeage_exec; } }; this.PanNugasareInit = function () { count = 0; this._parent._parent.yokan.gotoAndPlay("off"); this.player.gotoAndPlay("\u30D1\u30F3\u30C4\u306C\u304C\u3055\u308C"); this._parent._parent.koesousa.gotoAndPlay("\u30D1\u30F3\u30C4\u306C\u304C\u3055\u308C"); _global.pan = 0; step = step_pannugasare_exec; }; this.PanNugasareExec = function () { count++; if (30 < count) { count = 0; this.player.gotoAndPlay("\u3046\u3067\u3042\u3052\u30AD\u30FC\u30D7"); this._parent._parent.yokan.gotoAndPlay("on"); step = step_tukamareudeage_exec; } }; this.PanHipparareInit = function () { count = 0; this.player.gotoAndPlay("\u30D1\u30F3\u30C4\u3072\u3063\u3071\u3089\u308C"); step = step_panhipparare_exec; }; this.PanHipparareExec = function () { count++; ZkeyCheck(); if (10 >= p_teikou) { if (count != 20) { if (20 < count) { if (!Key.isDown(key_code_up)) { if (!Key.isDown(key_code_down)) { if (!Key.isDown(key_code_left)) { if (Key.isDown(key_code_right)) { this._parent._parent.yokan.gotoAndPlay("off"); step = step_shitasawarare_init; } } else { this._parent._parent.yokan.gotoAndPlay("off"); step = step_momare_init; } } else { step = step_pannugasare_init; } } else if (_global.huku != 1) { if (_global.bura == 1) { step = step_buranugasare_init; } } else { step = step_uenugasare_init; } } } else { this._parent._parent.yokan.gotoAndPlay("on"); } } else { p_teikou = 0; step = step_tukitobashi_init; } }; this.StEmptyExec = function () { if (!(Key.isDown(key_code_left) || (Key.isDown(key_code_right)))) { if (Key.isDown(key_code_down) && (!Key.isDown(key_code_punch))) { step = step_sitdown_init; } } else { step = step_walk_init; } }; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _root.p_step = step; _root.p_stamina = p_stamina; if (_global.game_pause != 1) { if (_step != step_stop) { if (step != step_stand_init) { if (step != step_stand_exec) { if (step != step_sitdown_init) { if (step != step_sitdown_exec) { if (step != step_sitpunch_init) { if (step != step_sitpunch_exec) { if (step != step_standup_init) { if (step != step_standup_exec) { if (step != step_walk_init) { if (step != step_walk_exec) { if (step != step_kick_init) { if (step != step_kick_exec) { if (step != step_punchj_init) { if (step != step_punchj_exec) { if (step != step_punchs_init) { if (step != step_punchs_exec) { if (step != step_tukamare_init) { if (step != step_tukamare_exec) { if (step != step_tukamareudeage_init) { if (step != step_tukamareudeage_exec) { if (step != step_tukitobashi_init) { if (step != step_tukitobashi_exec) { if (step != step_momare_init) { if (step != step_momare_exec) { if (step != step_chikubi_init) { if (step != step_chikubi_exec) { if (step != step_shitasawarare_init) { if (step != step_shitasawarare_exec) { if (step != step_shitasawararepin_init) { if (step != step_shitasawararepin_exec) { if (step != step_uenugasare_init) { if (step != step_uenugasare_exec) { if (step != step_buranugasare_init) { if (step != step_buranugasare_exec) { if (step != step_skanugasare_init) { if (step != step_skanugasare_exec) { if (step != step_panhipparare_init) { if (step != step_panhipparare_exec) { if (step != step_pannugasare_init) { if (step != step_pannugasare_exec) { if (step == step_stempty_exec) { if (p_stamina >= 0) { step = step_stand_init; } else { StaminaKaihuku(); StEmptyExec(); } } } else { PanNugasareExec(); StaminaKaihuku(); } } else { PanNugasareInit(); } } else { PanHipparareExec(); StaminaKaihuku(); } } else { PanHipparareInit(); } } else { SkaNugasareExec(); StaminaKaihuku(); } } else { SkaNugasareInit(); } } else { BuraNugasareExec(); StaminaKaihuku(); } } else { BuraNugasareInit(); } } else { UeNugasareExec(); StaminaKaihuku(); } } else { UeNugasareInit(); } } else { ShitaSawararepinExec(); StaminaKaihuku(); } } else { ShitaSawararepinInit(); } } else { ShitaSawarareExec(); StaminaKaihuku(); } } else { ShitaSawarareInit(); } } else { ChikubiSemerareExec(); StaminaKaihuku(); } } else { ChikubiSemerareInit(); } } else { MuneMomareExec(); StaminaKaihuku(); } } else { MuneMomareInit(); } } else { TukitobashiExec(); } } else { TukitobashiInit(); } } else { TsukamareudeageExec(); StaminaKaihuku(); } } else { TsukamareudeageInit(); StaminaKaihuku(); } } else { TsukamareExec(); StaminaKaihuku(); } } else { TsukamareInit(); } } else { StraightExec(); } } else { StraightInit(); } } else { JabExec(); } } else { JabInit(); } } else { HighkickExec(); } } else { HighkickInit(); } } else { walkExec(); } } else { WalkInit(); } } else { StandUpExec(); } } else { StandUpInit(); } } else { SitPunchExec(); } } else { SitPunchInit(); } } else { SitDownExec(); } } else { SitDownInit(); } } else if (0 >= p_stamina) { my_dx = 0; StaminaKaihuku(); step = step_stempty_exec; } else { my_dx = 0; StaminaKaihuku(); StandMati(); } } else { this.swapDepths(1); this.player.gotoAndPlay("\u5F85\u6A5F"); step = step_stand_exec; } } else { this.player.gotoAndPlay("\u30EA\u30BB\u30C3\u30C8"); this.stop(); } } else { this.stop(); } }
Instance of Symbol 8 MovieClip [読み込み用空スプライト] "enemy" in Symbol 536 MovieClip [◆エッチ:公園] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { step_stand_init = 1; step_stand_exec = 2; step_walk_init = 3; step_walk_exec = 4; step_hitj_init = 5; step_hitj_exec = 6; step_hits_init = 7; step_hits_exec = 8; step_guard_init = 9; step_guard_exec = 10; step_stand_wait = 11; step_tukami_init = 12; step_tukami_exec = 13; step_tukamiai_init = 14; step_tukamiai_exec = 15; step_hitk_init = 16; step_hitk_exec = 17; step_hith_init = 18; step_hith_exec = 19; step_tukitobasare_init = 20; step_tukitobasare_exec = 21; step_tukamiudeage_init = 22; step_tukamiudeage_exec = 23; step_munemomi_init = 24; step_munemomi_exec = 25; step_chikubiseme_init = 26; step_chikubiseme_exec = 27; step_shitasawari_init = 28; step_shitasawari_exec = 29; step_shitasawaripin_init = 30; step_shitasawaripin_exec = 31; step_uenugashi_init = 32; step_uenugashi_exec = 33; step_buranugashi_init = 34; step_buranugashi_exec = 35; step_skanugashi_init = 36; step_skanugashi_exec = 37; step_panhippari_init = 38; step_panhippari_exec = 39; step_pannugashi_init = 40; step_pannugashi_exec = 41; step_enemyko_init = 42; step_enemyko_exec = 43; step_hitsp_init = 44; step_hitsp_exec = 45; step_h_init = 100; step_h_exec = 101; step = step_stand_init; e_stamina = 500; count = 0; this.JabHitInit = function () { _root.jhiton.start(); this._parent.effect.gotoAndPlay("\u30B8\u30E3\u30D6"); if (_global.kyori < 80) { this._x = this._x - (_global.kyori - 80); } count = 0; e_stamina = e_stamina - this._parent.player.p_jab_damage; this.enemy.gotoAndPlay("\u30EA\u30BB\u30C3\u30C8"); this.enemy.gotoAndPlay("\u30B8\u30E3\u30D6\u3042\u305F\u308A"); step = step_hitj_exec; }; this.JabHitExec = function () { count++; if (3 < count) { rand = Math.floor(Math.random() * 3) + 1; if (rand != 1) { step = step_stand_init; } else { step = step_guard_init; } } }; this.StraightHitInit = function () { _root.shiton.start(); this._parent.effect.gotoAndPlay("\u30B9\u30C8\u30EC\u30FC\u30C8"); if (_global.kyori < 110) { this._x = this._x - (_global.kyori - 110); } e_stamina = e_stamina - this._parent.player.p_straight_damage; count = 0; this.enemy.gotoAndPlay("\u30EA\u30BB\u30C3\u30C8"); this.enemy.gotoAndPlay("\u30B9\u30C8\u30EC\u30FC\u30C8\u3042\u305F\u308A"); step = step_hits_exec; }; this.StraightHitExec = function () { count++; if (10 < count) { rand = Math.floor(Math.random() * 2) + 1; if (rand != 1) { step = step_stand_init; } else { step = step_guard_init; } } }; this.SitPunchHitInit = function () { _root.jhiton.start(); this._parent.effect.gotoAndPlay("\u3057\u3083\u304C\u307F\u30D1\u30F3\u30C1"); if (_global.kyori < 80) { this._x = this._x - (_global.kyori - 80); } count = 0; e_stamina = e_stamina - this._parent.player.p_jab_damage; this.enemy.gotoAndPlay("\u30EA\u30BB\u30C3\u30C8"); this.enemy.gotoAndPlay("\u30B8\u30E3\u30D6\u3042\u305F\u308A"); step = step_hitsp_exec; }; this.SitPunchHitExec = function () { count++; if (10 < count) { rand = Math.floor(Math.random() * 3) + 1; if (rand != 1) { step = step_stand_init; } else { step = step_guard_init; } } }; this.HighkickHitInit = function () { _root.khiton.start(); this._parent.effect.gotoAndPlay("\u30CF\u30A4\u30AD\u30C3\u30AF"); if (_global.kyori < 110) { this._x = this._x - (_global.kyori - 110); } e_stamina = e_stamina - this._parent.player.p_highkick_damage; if (0 < e_stamina) { count = 0; this.enemy.gotoAndPlay("\u30EA\u30BB\u30C3\u30C8"); this.enemy.gotoAndPlay("\u30CF\u30A4\u30AD\u30C3\u30AF\u3042\u305F\u308A"); step = step_hitk_exec; } else { this.enemy.gotoAndPlay("\u8CA0\u3051"); step = step_enemyko_init; } }; this.HighkickHitExec = function () { count++; if (count == 5) { this._parent.player.swapDepths(1); } if (12 < count) { step = step_guard_init; } }; this.HizaHitInit = function () { _root.shiton.start(); this._parent.effect.gotoAndPlay("\u30CF\u30A4\u30AD\u30C3\u30AF\u3072\u3056"); if (_global.kyori < 110) { this._x = this._x - (_global.kyori - 110); } e_stamina = e_stamina - this._parent.player.p_hiza_damage; count = 0; this.enemy.gotoAndPlay("\u30EA\u30BB\u30C3\u30C8"); this.enemy.gotoAndPlay("\u30B9\u30C8\u30EC\u30FC\u30C8\u3042\u305F\u308A"); step = step_hith_exec; }; this.HizaHitExec = function () { count++; if (18 < count) { rand = Math.floor(Math.random() * 2) + 1; if (rand != 1) { step = step_stand_init; } else { step = step_guard_init; } } }; this.FarDistance = function () { if (this._parent.player.step == 10) { step = step_guard_init; } count++; if (12 < count) { count = 0; rand = Math.floor(Math.random() * 3) + 1; if (rand != 1) { } else { step = step_walk_init; } } }; this.NearDistance = function () { if (!(((this._parent.player.step == 6) || (this._parent.player.step == 8)) || (this._parent.player.step == 10))) { if (this._parent.player.step != 4) { rand = Math.floor(Math.random() * 5) + 1; count = 0; if (rand != 1) { if (rand < 3) { step = step_stand_wait; } else { step = step_tukami_init; } } else { step = step_guard_init; } } else { step = step_tukami_init; } } else { step = step_guard_init; } }; this.NearWait = function () { count++; if (!(((this._parent.player.step == 6) || (this._parent.player.step == 8)) || (this._parent.player.step == 10))) { if (this._parent.player.step != 4) { if (24 < count) { step = step_stand_exec; } } else { step = step_tukami_init; } } else { step = step_guard_init; } }; this.WalkExec = function () { if (150 >= _global.kyori) { step = step_stand_init; } else { if (((this._parent.player.step == 6) || (this._parent.player.step == 8)) || (this._parent.player.step == 10)) { rand = Math.floor(Math.random() * 3) + 1; if (rand != 1) { } else { step = step_guard_init; } } this._x = this._x - 3; this.enemy.gotoAndPlay("\u8FD1\u3065\u304F"); } }; this.GuardExec = function () { count++; if (!this.enemy.guard.gkarada.e_guard.hitTest(this._parent.player.player.punchj_collider)) { if (!this.enemy.guard.gkarada.e_guard.hitTest(this._parent.player.player.punchs_collider)) { if (!this.enemy.guard.gkarada.e_guard.hitTest(this._parent.player.player.highkick_collider)) { if (24 < count) { step = step_stand_init; count = 0; } } else { _root.sguardon.start(); this._parent.oto.gotoAndPlay("\u30AC\u30FC\u30C9\uFF12"); this._parent.player.player.highkick_collider._y = -100; this._x = this._x + 10; count = 0; } } else { _root.sguardon.start(); this._parent.oto.gotoAndPlay("\u30AC\u30FC\u30C9\uFF12"); this._parent.player.player.punchs_collider._y = -100; this._x = this._x + 10; count = 0; } } else { _root.jguardon.start(); this._parent.oto.gotoAndPlay("\u30AC\u30FC\u30C9"); this._parent.player.player.punchj_collider._y = -100; this._x = this._x + 8; count = 0; } }; this.TukamiInit = function () { this._x = this._x - 10; count = 0; this.enemy.gotoAndPlay("\u3064\u304B\u307F"); _root.ossanbasa.start(); step = step_tukami_exec; }; this.TukamiExec = function () { count++; if (!this.enemy.tukami.e_tukami.hitTest(this._parent.player.player.p_collider)) { if (24 < count) { count = 0; step = step_stand_exec; } } else { step = step_tukamiai_init; } }; this.TukamiaiInit = function () { count = 0; this.enemy.gotoAndPlay("\u3064\u304B\u307F\u6210\u529F"); this._parent.player.step = 20; step = step_tukamiai_exec; }; this.TukamiaiExec = function () { if (this._parent.player.step != 24) { if (this._parent.player.step == 26) { step = step_tukamiudeage_init; } } else { step = step_tukitobasare_init; } }; this.TukamiudeageInit = function () { count = 0; this.enemy.gotoAndPlay("\u3064\u304B\u307F\u3046\u3067\u3042\u3052"); step = step_tukamiudeage_exec; }; this.TukamiudeageExec = function () { if (this._parent.player.step != 24) { if (this._parent.player.step != 28) { if (this._parent.player.step != 32) { if (this._parent.player.step != 36) { if (this._parent.player.step != 38) { if (this._parent.player.step != 40) { if (this._parent.player.step != 42) { if (this._parent.player.step == 44) { step = step_pannugashi_init; } } else { step = step_panhippari_init; } } else { step = step_skanugashi_init; } } else { step = step_buranugashi_init; } } else { step = step_uenugashi_init; } } else { step = step_shitasawari_init; } } else { step = step_munemomi_init; } } else { step = step_tukitobasare_init; } }; this.MuneMomiInit = function () { this.enemy.gotoAndPlay("\u3080\u306D\u3082\u307F"); step = step_munemomi_exec; }; this.MuneMomiExec = function () { if (this._parent.player.step != 24) { if (this._parent.player.step != 32) { if (this._parent.player.step != 36) { if (this._parent.player.step != 38) { if (this._parent.player.step != 40) { if (this._parent.player.step != 42) { if (this._parent.player.step != 44) { if (this._parent.player.step == 30) { step = step_chikubiseme_init; } } else { step = step_pannugashi_init; } } else { step = step_panhippari_init; } } else { step = step_skanugashi_init; } } else { step = step_buranugashi_init; } } else { step = step_uenugashi_init; } } else { step = step_shitasawari_init; } } else { step = step_tukitobasare_init; } }; this.ChikubiSemeInit = function () { this.enemy.gotoAndPlay("\u3061\u304F\u3073\u305B\u3081"); step = step_chikubiseme_exec; }; this.ChikubiSemeExec = function () { if (this._parent.player.step != 24) { if (this._parent.player.step != 28) { if (this._parent.player.step != 32) { if (this._parent.player.step != 36) { if (this._parent.player.step != 38) { if (this._parent.player.step != 40) { if (this._parent.player.step != 42) { if (this._parent.player.step == 44) { step = step_pannugashi_init; } } else { step = step_panhippari_init; } } else { step = step_skanugashi_init; } } else { step = step_buranugashi_init; } } else { step = step_uenugashi_init; } } else { step = step_shitasawari_init; } } else { step = step_munemomi_init; } } else { step = step_tukitobasare_init; } }; this.ShitaSawariInit = function () { this.enemy.gotoAndPlay("\u3057\u305F\u3055\u308F\u308A"); step = step_shitasawari_exec; }; this.ShitaSawariExec = function () { if (this._parent.player.step != 24) { if (this._parent.player.step != 28) { if (this._parent.player.step != 34) { if (this._parent.player.step != 32) { if (this._parent.player.step != 36) { if (this._parent.player.step != 38) { if (this._parent.player.step != 40) { if (this._parent.player.step != 42) { if (this._parent.player.step == 44) { step = step_pannugashi_init; } } else { step = step_panhippari_init; } } else { step = step_skanugashi_init; } } else { step = step_buranugashi_init; } } else { step = step_uenugashi_init; } } else { step = step_shitasawari_init; } } else { step = step_shitasawaripin_init; } } else { step = step_munemomi_init; } } else { step = step_tukitobasare_init; } }; this.PanHippariInit = function () { this.enemy.gotoAndPlay("\u30D1\u30F3\u30C4\u3072\u3063\u3071\u308A"); step = step_panhippari_exec; }; this.PanHippariExec = function () { if (this._parent.player.step != 24) { if (this._parent.player.step != 28) { if (this._parent.player.step != 32) { if (this._parent.player.step != 36) { if (this._parent.player.step != 38) { if (this._parent.player.step != 40) { if (this._parent.player.step != 42) { if (this._parent.player.step == 44) { step = step_pannugashi_init; } } else { step = step_panhippari_init; } } else { step = step_skanugashi_init; } } else { step = step_buranugashi_init; } } else { step = step_uenugashi_init; } } else { step = step_shitasawari_init; } } else { step = step_munemomi_init; } } else { step = step_tukitobasare_init; } }; this.ShitaSawaripinInit = function () { this.enemy.gotoAndPlay("\u3057\u305F\u3055\u308F\u308A\u30D1\u30F3\u30C4\u30A4\u30F3"); step = step_shitasawaripin_exec; }; this.ShitaSawaripinExec = function () { if (this._parent.player.step != 24) { if (this._parent.player.step != 28) { if (this._parent.player.step != 32) { if (this._parent.player.step != 36) { if (this._parent.player.step != 38) { if (this._parent.player.step != 40) { if (this._parent.player.step != 42) { if (this._parent.player.step == 44) { step = step_pannugashi_init; } } else { step = step_panhippari_init; } } else { step = step_skanugashi_init; } } else { step = step_buranugashi_init; } } else { step = step_uenugashi_init; } } else { step = step_shitasawari_init; } } else { step = step_munemomi_init; } } else { step = step_tukitobasare_init; } }; this.UeNugashiInit = function () { count = 0; this.enemy.gotoAndPlay("\u3046\u3048\u306C\u304C\u3057"); step = step_uenugashi_exec; }; this.UeNugashiExec = function () { count++; if (count != 16) { if (30 < count) { this.enemy.gotoAndPlay("\u3064\u304B\u307F\u3046\u3067\u3042\u3052\u30AD\u30FC\u30D7"); step = step_tukamiudeage_exec; } } else { _root.oto_shb.start(); } }; this.BuraNugashiInit = function () { count = 0; this.enemy.gotoAndPlay("\u30D6\u30E9\u306C\u304C\u3057"); step = step_buranugashi_exec; }; this.BuraNugashiExec = function () { count++; if (30 < count) { this.enemy.gotoAndPlay("\u3064\u304B\u307F\u3046\u3067\u3042\u3052\u30AD\u30FC\u30D7"); step = step_tukamiudeage_exec; } }; this.SkaNugashiInit = function () { count = 0; _root.oto_skc.start(); this.enemy.gotoAndPlay("\u30B9\u30AB\u30FC\u30C8\u306C\u304C\u3057"); step = step_skanugashi_exec; }; this.SkaNugashiExec = function () { count++; if (count != 20) { if (30 < count) { this.enemy.gotoAndPlay("\u3064\u304B\u307F\u3046\u3067\u3042\u3052\u30AD\u30FC\u30D7"); step = step_tukamiudeage_exec; } } else { _root.oto_skb.start(); } }; this.PanNugashiInit = function () { count = 0; this.enemy.gotoAndPlay("\u30D1\u30F3\u30C4\u306C\u304C\u3057"); step = step_pannugashi_exec; }; this.PanNugashiExec = function () { count++; if (30 < count) { this.enemy.gotoAndPlay("\u3064\u304B\u307F\u3046\u3067\u3042\u3052\u30AD\u30FC\u30D7"); step = step_tukamiudeage_exec; } }; this.TukitobasareInit = function () { this._x = this._x - 10; count = 0; this.enemy.gotoAndPlay("\u30EA\u30BB\u30C3\u30C8"); this.enemy.gotoAndPlay("\u30B9\u30C8\u30EC\u30FC\u30C8\u3042\u305F\u308A"); _root.ossanbasa.start(); step = step_tukitobasare_exec; }; this.TukitobasareExec = function () { count++; this._x = this._x + 3; if (20 < count) { count = 0; step = step_stand_exec; } }; this.HInit = function () { this.enemy.gotoAndPlay("\u30EA\u30BB\u30C3\u30C8"); this.enemy.gotoAndPlay("\u30BA\u30DC\u30F3\u8131\u304E"); step = step_h_exec; }; this.HExec = function () { }; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.game_pause != 1) { if (step != step_h_init) { if (step != step_h_exec) { if (!(this.enemy.e_collider.hitTest(this._parent.player.player.punchj_collider) && (step != step_hitj_exec))) { if (step != step_hitj_exec) { if (!(this.enemy.e_collider.hitTest(this._parent.player.player.punchs_collider) && (step != step_hits_exec))) { if (step != step_hits_exec) { if (!(this.enemy.e_collider.hitTest(this._parent.player.player.sitpunch_collider) && (step != step_hitsp_exec))) { if (step != step_hitsp_exec) { if (!(this.enemy.e_headcollider.hitTest(this._parent.player.player.highkick_collider) && (step != step_hitk_exec))) { if (step != step_hitk_exec) { if (!(this.enemy.e_collider.hitTest(this._parent.player.player.hiza_collider) && (step != step_hith_exec))) { if (step != step_hith_exec) { if (step != step_stand_init) { if (step != step_stand_exec) { if (step != step_stand_wait) { if (step != step_guard_init) { if (step != step_guard_exec) { if (!((step == step_walk_init) && (150 < _global.kyori))) { if (step != step_walk_exec) { if (step != step_tukitobasare_init) { if (step != step_tukitobasare_exec) { if (step != step_tukami_init) { if (step != step_tukamiudeage_init) { if (step != step_tukamiudeage_exec) { if (step != step_tukami_exec) { if (step != step_tukamiai_init) { if (step != step_tukamiai_exec) { if (step != step_munemomi_init) { if (step != step_munemomi_exec) { if (step != step_chikubiseme_init) { if (step != step_chikubiseme_exec) { if (step != step_shitasawari_init) { if (step != step_shitasawari_exec) { if (step != step_shitasawaripin_init) { if (step != step_shitasawaripin_exec) { if (step != step_uenugashi_init) { if (step != step_uenugashi_exec) { if (step != step_buranugashi_init) { if (step != step_buranugashi_exec) { if (step != step_skanugashi_init) { if (step != step_skanugashi_exec) { if (step != step_pannugashi_init) { if (step != step_pannugashi_exec) { if (step != step_panhippari_init) { if (step == step_panhippari_exec) { PanHippariExec(); } } else { PanHippariInit(); } } else { PanNugashiExec(); } } else { PanNugashiInit(); } } else { SkaNugashiExec(); } } else { SkaNugashiInit(); } } else { BuraNugashiExec(); } } else { BuraNugashiInit(); } } else { UeNugashiExec(); } } else { UeNugashiInit(); } } else { ShitaSawaripinExec(); } } else { ShitaSawaripinInit(); } } else { ShitaSawariExec(); } } else { ShitaSawariInit(); } } else { ChikubiSemeExec(); } } else { ChikubiSemeInit(); } } else { MuneMomiExec(); } } else { MuneMomiInit(); } } else { TukamiaiExec(); } } else { TukamiaiInit(); } } else { TukamiExec(); } } else { TukamiudeageExec(); } } else { TukamiudeageInit(); } } else { TukamiInit(); } } else { TukitobasareExec(); } } else { TukitobasareInit(); } } else { WalkExec(); } } else { step = step_walk_exec; } } else { GuardExec(); } } else { this.enemy.gotoAndPlay("\u30AC\u30FC\u30C9"); step = step_guard_exec; } } else { NearWait(); } } else if (150 >= _global.kyori) { NearDistance(); } else { FarDistance(); } } else { count = 0; this.enemy.gotoAndPlay("\u30EA\u30BB\u30C3\u30C8"); this.enemy.gotoAndPlay("\u5F85\u6A5F"); step = step_stand_exec; } } else { HizaHitExec(); } } else { HizaHitInit(); } } else { HighkickHitExec(); } } else { HighkickHitInit(); } } else { SitPunchHitExec(); } } else { SitPunchHitInit(); } } else { StraightHitExec(); } } else { StraightHitInit(); } } else { JabHitExec(); } } else { JabHitInit(); } } else { HExec(); } } else { HInit(); } } else { this.stop(); } }
Symbol 536 MovieClip [◆エッチ:公園] Frame 1
var loader = new MovieClipLoader(); loader.loadClip("data/Player.swf", player); loader.loadClip("data/Ossan.swf", enemy);
Symbol 536 MovieClip [◆エッチ:公園] Frame 2
_global.battle = 0; this._parent.vbar.gotoAndPlay("off"); this._parent.sbar.gotoAndPlay("off"); var loader = new MovieClipLoader(); loader.loadClip("data/Shoumen.swf", shoumen);
Symbol 536 MovieClip [◆エッチ:公園] Frame 3
player.player.gotoAndPlay("\u30EA\u30BB\u30C3\u30C8"); player.step = 100; shoumen.main.gotoAndPlay("\u7ACB\u3061\u3064\u304F\u3057\u5F85\u6A5F"); _root.k_aegi12.start();
Symbol 536 MovieClip [◆エッチ:公園] Frame 4
Symbol 536 MovieClip [◆エッチ:公園] Frame 9
Symbol 536 MovieClip [◆エッチ:公園] Frame 30
Symbol 536 MovieClip [◆エッチ:公園] Frame 33
_root.k_hyaa.start(); _global.kando = 117;
Symbol 536 MovieClip [◆エッチ:公園] Frame 35
Symbol 536 MovieClip [◆エッチ:公園] Frame 36
enemy.removeMovieClip(); player.removeMovieClip(); shoumen.removeMovieClip(); tachiback.removeMovieClip(); kage.removeMovieClip(); firstsentaku.removeMovieClip(); ikinaribasho.removeMovieClip(); this._parent.vbar.gotoAndPlay("off"); this._parent.sbar.gotoAndPlay("off"); var loader = new MovieClipLoader(); loader.loadClip("data/Shoumen.swf", shoumenfuck); this._x = 0;
Symbol 536 MovieClip [◆エッチ:公園] Frame 38
Symbol 536 MovieClip [◆エッチ:公園] Frame 40
Symbol 536 MovieClip [◆エッチ:公園] Frame 41
shoumen.removeMovieClip(); enemy.removeMovieClip(); firstsentaku.removeMovieClip(); kage.removeMovieClip(); ikinaribasho.removeMovieClip(); this._parent.vbar.gotoAndPlay("off"); this._parent.sbar.gotoAndPlay("off"); var loader = new MovieClipLoader(); loader.loadClip("data/Standback.swf", tachiback); this._x = 0;
Symbol 536 MovieClip [◆エッチ:公園] Frame 43
Symbol 536 MovieClip [◆エッチ:公園] Frame 44
tachiback.removeMovieClip(); ikinaribasho.removeMovieClip(); firstsentaku.removeMovieClip(); this._parent.vbar.gotoAndPlay("off"); this._parent.sbar.gotoAndPlay("off"); var loader = new MovieClipLoader(); loader.loadClip("data/Standback.swf", tachibackki); this._x = -2600;
Symbol 536 MovieClip [◆エッチ:公園] Frame 46
Symbol 536 MovieClip [◆エッチ:公園] Frame 48
Symbol 536 MovieClip [◆エッチ:公園] Frame 49
tachibackki.removeMovieClip(); haimenzaibura.removeMovieClip(); ikinaribasho.removeMovieClip(); firstsentaku.removeMovieClip(); this._parent.vbar.gotoAndPlay("off"); this._parent.sbar.gotoAndPlay("off"); var loader = new MovieClipLoader(); loader.loadClip("data/Frontstandback.swf", tachibackbura); this._x = -1100;
Symbol 536 MovieClip [◆エッチ:公園] Frame 51
Symbol 536 MovieClip [◆エッチ:公園] Frame 53
Symbol 536 MovieClip [◆エッチ:公園] Frame 54
tachibackbura.removeMovieClip(); ikinaribasho.removeMovieClip(); this._parent.vbar.gotoAndPlay("off"); this._parent.sbar.gotoAndPlay("off"); var loader = new MovieClipLoader(); loader.loadClip("data/Shoumen.swf", shoumenki); this._x = -2600;
Symbol 536 MovieClip [◆エッチ:公園] Frame 56
Symbol 536 MovieClip [◆エッチ:公園] Frame 58
Symbol 536 MovieClip [◆エッチ:公園] Frame 59
shoumenki.removeMovieClip(); ikinaribasho.removeMovieClip(); this._parent.vbar.gotoAndPlay("off"); this._parent.sbar.gotoAndPlay("off"); var loader = new MovieClipLoader(); loader.loadClip("data/HaimenZai.swf", haimenzaibura); this._x = -1100;
Symbol 536 MovieClip [◆エッチ:公園] Frame 61
Symbol 536 MovieClip [◆エッチ:公園] Frame 63
Instance of Symbol 8 MovieClip [読み込み用空スプライト] "player_down" in Symbol 484 MovieClip [◆バトル:公園] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { this.playerdown.gotoAndPlay("\u30EA\u30BB\u30C3\u30C8"); }
Instance of Symbol 8 MovieClip [読み込み用空スプライト] "player" in Symbol 484 MovieClip [◆バトル:公園] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { _global.battle = 1; this.player._x = 800; this.swapDepths(1); key_code_up = Key.UP; key_code_down = Key.DOWN; key_code_left = Key.LEFT; key_code_right = Key.RIGHT; key_code_punch = 90; key_code_yokan = 88; keyIsDownZ = false; onKeyDown = function () { keyCheck(); }; onKeyUp = function () { keyCheck(); }; this.ZkeyCheck = function () { if (!keyIsDownZ) { if (Key.isDown(key_code_punch) && (0 < p_stamina)) { p_teikou++; p_stamina = p_stamina - p_cost_teikou; } } keyIsDownZ = Key.isDown(90); }; p_stamina = 500; p_stamina_max = 500; p_kaihuku = 0.5; p_cost_punchj = 8; p_cost_punchs = 16; p_cost_kick = 40; p_cost_teikou = 15; p_jab_damage = 3; p_straight_damage = 6; p_highkick_damage = 38; p_hiza_damage = 8; _root.p_kando = 0; _root.p_kando_max = 200; _root.p_kandoup_l = 1; _root.p_kandoup_m = 1.2; _root.p_kandoup_h = 1.4; step_stand_init = 1; step_stand_exec = 2; step_walk_init = 3; step_walk_exec = 4; step_punchj_init = 5; step_punchj_exec = 6; step_punchs_init = 7; step_punchs_exec = 8; step_kick_init = 9; step_kick_exec = 10; step_tukamare_init = 20; step_tukamare_exec = 21; step_stempty_init = 22; step_stempty_exec = 23; step_tukitobashi_init = 24; step_tukitobashi_exec = 25; step_tukamareudeage_init = 26; step_tukamareudeage_exec = 27; step_momare_init = 28; step_momare_exec = 29; step_chikubi_init = 30; step_chikubi_exec = 31; step_shitasawarare_init = 32; step_shitasawarare_exec = 33; step_shitasawararepin_init = 34; step_shitasawararepin_exec = 35; step_uenugasare_init = 36; step_uenugasare_exec = 37; step_buranugasare_init = 38; step_buranugasare_exec = 39; step_skanugasare_init = 40; step_skanugasare_exec = 41; step_panhipparare_init = 42; step_panhipparare_exec = 43; step_pannugasare_init = 44; step_pannugasare_exec = 45; step_sitdown_init = 46; step_sitdown_exec = 47; step_standup_init = 48; step_standup_exec = 49; step_sitpunch_init = 50; step_sitpunch_exec = 51; step_sitpushed_init = 52; step_sitpushed_exec = 53; step_down_init = 54; step_down_exec = 55; step_openedleg_init = 56; step_openedleg_exec = 57; step_openedteman_init = 58; step_openedteman_exec = 59; step_downhangeki_init = 60; step_downhangeki_exec = 61; step_openedtemanhard_init = 62; step_openedtemanhard_exec = 63; step_stop = 100; step_stop_exec = 100; step = step_stand_init; my_dx = 0; count = 0; this.StandMati = function () { if (!(Key.isDown(key_code_left) || (Key.isDown(key_code_right)))) { if (!(Key.isDown(key_code_right) && (Key.isDown(key_code_punch)))) { if (!(Key.isDown(key_code_down) && (!Key.isDown(key_code_punch)))) { if (!(Key.isDown(key_code_punch) && (Key.isDown(key_code_up)))) { if (Key.isDown(key_code_punch)) { step = step_punchj_init; } } else { step = step_kick_init; } } else { step = step_sitdown_init; } } else { step = step_punchs_init; } } else { step = step_walk_init; } }; this.SitDownInit = function () { count = 0; this.player.gotoAndPlay("\u3057\u3083\u304C\u307F"); step = step_sitdown_exec; }; this.SitDownExec = function () { count++; if (10 < count) { if (!Key.isDown(key_code_down)) { step = step_standup_init; } else if (!(Key.isDown(key_code_punch) && (1 < p_stamina))) { StaminaKaihuku(); } else { step = step_sitpunch_init; } } }; this.SitPunchInit = function () { count = 0; _root.jon.start(); p_stamina = p_stamina - p_cost_punchj; this.player.gotoAndPlay("\u30EA\u30BB\u30C3\u30C8"); this.player.gotoAndPlay("\u3057\u3083\u304C\u307F\u30D1\u30F3\u30C1"); this._parent._parent.koesousa.gotoAndPlay("\u30B8\u30E3\u30D6"); step = step_sitpunch_exec; }; this.SitPunchExec = function () { count++; if (8 < count) { if (!Key.isDown(key_code_down)) { step = step_standup_init; } else if (!(Key.isDown(key_code_punch) && (1 < p_stamina))) { StaminaKaihuku(); } else { step = step_sitpunch_init; } } }; this.StandUpInit = function () { count = 0; this._parent.player_down.playerdown.gotoAndPlay("\u30EA\u30BB\u30C3\u30C8"); this.player.gotoAndPlay("\u7ACB\u3061\u3078"); step = step_standup_exec; }; this.StandUpExec = function () { count++; if (10 < count) { step = step_stand_init; } }; this.WalkInit = function () { if (!Key.isDown(key_code_right)) { if (Key.isDown(key_code_left)) { this.player.gotoAndPlay("\u5DE6\u79FB\u52D5"); step = step_walk_exec; } } else { this.player.gotoAndPlay("\u53F3\u79FB\u52D5"); step = step_walk_exec; } }; this.walkExec = function () { if ((Key.isDown(key_code_left) && (Key.isDown(key_code_punch))) && (0 < p_stamina)) { step = step_punchj_init; } if (!((Key.isDown(key_code_right) && (Key.isDown(key_code_punch))) && (0 < p_stamina))) { if (!Key.isDown(key_code_down)) { if (!Key.isDown(key_code_right)) { if (!Key.isDown(key_code_left)) { step = step_stand_init; } else { if (0 < my_dx) { this.player.gotoAndPlay("\u5DE6\u79FB\u52D5"); } my_dx = my_dx - 1; if (-4 >= my_dx) { my_dx = -4; } this.player._x = this.player._x + my_dx; } } else { if (my_dx < 0) { this.player.gotoAndPlay("\u53F3\u79FB\u52D5"); } my_dx = my_dx + 1; if (my_dx >= 5) { my_dx = 5; } this.player._x = this.player._x + my_dx; } } else { step = step_sitdown_init; } } else { step = step_punchs_init; } }; this.StaminaKaihuku = function () { p_stamina = p_stamina + p_kaihuku; if (p_stamina_max < p_stamina) { p_stamina = p_stamina_max; } }; this.JabInit = function () { _root.jon.start(); p_stamina = p_stamina - p_cost_punchj; count = 0; this.player.gotoAndPlay("\u30B8\u30E3\u30D6"); this._parent._parent.koesousa.gotoAndPlay("\u30B8\u30E3\u30D6"); step = step_punchj_exec; }; this.JabExec = function () { count++; if (!(((count >= 4) && (7 >= count)) && (Key.isDown(key_code_punch)))) { if (!(((count >= 8) && (Key.isDown(key_code_punch))) && (0 < p_stamina))) { if (12 < count) { step = step_stand_init; } } else { this.player.gotoAndPlay("\u5F85\u6A5F"); step = step_punchj_init; } } else { step = step_punchs_init; } }; this.StraightInit = function () { _root.son.start(); p_stamina = p_stamina - p_cost_punchs; count = 0; this.player.gotoAndPlay("\u30B9\u30C8\u30EC\u30FC\u30C8"); this._parent._parent.koesousa.gotoAndPlay("\u30B9\u30C8\u30EC\u30FC\u30C8"); step = step_punchs_exec; }; this.StraightExec = function () { count++; if (((6 < count) && (Key.isDown(key_code_punch))) && (Key.isDown(key_code_up))) { step = step_kick_init; } if (14 < count) { step = step_stand_init; } }; this.HighkickInit = function () { this.swapDepths(3); _root.kon.start(); p_stamina = p_stamina - p_cost_kick; count = 0; this.player.gotoAndPlay("\u30EA\u30BB\u30C3\u30C8"); this.player.gotoAndPlay("\u30CF\u30A4\u30AD\u30C3\u30AF"); this._parent._parent.koesousa.gotoAndPlay("\u30CF\u30A4\u30AD\u30C3\u30AF"); step = step_kick_exec; }; this.HighkickExec = function () { count++; if ((((16 < count) && (Key.isDown(key_code_punch))) && (Key.isDown(key_code_up))) && (0 < p_stamina)) { step = step_kick_init; } if (20 < count) { this.swapDepths(1); step = step_stand_init; } }; this.TsukamareInit = function () { this.player._x = this._parent.enemy._x - 80; this.swapDepths(1); p_teikou = 0; this.player.gotoAndPlay("\u3064\u304B\u307E\u308C"); this._parent._parent.koesousa.gotoAndPlay("\u3064\u304B\u307E\u308C"); step = step_tukamare_exec; }; this.TsukamareExec = function () { count++; ZkeyCheck(); if (10 >= p_teikou) { if (60 < count) { step = step_tukamareudeage_init; } } else { p_teikou = 0; step = step_tukitobashi_init; } }; this.SitPushedInit = function () { this.swapDepths(1); this.player._x = this.player._x - 30; this.swapDepths(1); p_teikou = 0; count = 0; this.player.gotoAndPlay("\u3057\u3083\u304C\u307F\u305F\u304A\u3055\u308C"); this._parent._parent.koesousa.gotoAndPlay("\u3064\u304B\u307E\u308C"); step = step_sitpushed_exec; }; this.SitPushedExec = function () { if (200 < this.player._x) { this.player._x = this.player._x - 3; } if (8 >= count) { count++; } else { step = step_down_init; } }; this.DownInit = function () { p_teikou = 0; if (this.player._x >= 200) { this.player._x = this.player._x - 12; } else { this.player._x = 200; } this._parent.player_down._x = this.player._x; this.player.gotoAndPlay("\u30EA\u30BB\u30C3\u30C8"); this._parent.player_down.playerdown.gotoAndPlay("\u305F\u304A\u3055\u308C\u547C\u5438"); step = step_down_exec; }; this.DownExec = function () { count++; ZkeyCheck(); if (20 >= p_teikou) { if (!(Key.isDown(key_code_right) && (this._parent.enemy.step == 49))) { if (180 < count) { this._parent._parent.yokan.gotoAndPlay("off"); rand = Math.floor(Math.random() * 2) + 1; if (rand != 1) { this._parent.enemy.step = 50; step = step_openedleg_init; } else { this._parent.enemy.step = 50; step = step_openedleg_init; } } } else { this._parent._parent.yokan.gotoAndPlay("off"); this._parent.enemy.step = 50; step = step_openedleg_init; } } else { p_teikou = 0; this._parent._parent.yokan.gotoAndPlay("off"); step = step_standup_init; } }; this.OpenedLegInit = function () { p_teikou = 0; count = 0; this._parent.player_down.playerdown.gotoAndPlay("\u305F\u304A\u3055\u308C\u3042\u3057\u3072\u3089\u304B\u308C"); step = step_openedleg_exec; }; this.OpenedLegExec = function () { count++; ZkeyCheck(); if (15 >= p_teikou) { if (10 < count) { if (!Key.isDown(key_code_up)) { if (!Key.isDown(key_code_down)) { if (!Key.isDown(key_code_left)) { if (!Key.isDown(key_code_right)) { if (60 < count) { step = step_openedteman_init; } } } else { step = step_openedteman_init; } } } } } else { p_teikou = 0; this._parent._parent.yokan.gotoAndPlay("off"); step = step_downhangeki_init; } }; this.OpenedTemanInit = function () { p_teikou = 0; count = 0; this._parent._parent.yokan.gotoAndPlay("off"); this._parent.enemy.step = 0; this._parent.enemy.enemy.gotoAndPlay("\u30EA\u30BB\u30C3\u30C8"); this._parent.player_down.playerdown.gotoAndPlay("\u3072\u3089\u304D\u624B\u30DE\u30F3"); step = step_openedteman_exec; }; this.OpenedTemanExec = function () { count++; ZkeyCheck(); if (10 >= p_teikou) { if (!Key.isDown(key_code_up)) { if (count == 10) { this._parent._parent.yokan.gotoAndPlay("on"); } } else { this._parent._parent.yokan.gotoAndPlay("off"); step = step_openedtemanhard_init; } } else { p_teikou = 0; count = 0; this._parent._parent.yokan.gotoAndPlay("off"); step = step_downhangeki_init; } }; this.OpenedTemanhardInit = function () { p_teikou = 0; count = 0; this._parent._parent.yokan.gotoAndPlay("off"); this._parent.player_down.playerdown.gotoAndPlay("\u3072\u3089\u304D\u624B\u30DE\u30F3\u306F\u3052\u3057\u304F"); step = step_openedtemanhard_exec; }; this.OpenedTemanhardExec = function () { count++; ZkeyCheck(); if (10 >= p_teikou) { if (!Key.isDown(key_code_down)) { if (count == 10) { this._parent._parent.yokan.gotoAndPlay("on"); } } else { this._parent._parent.yokan.gotoAndPlay("off"); step = step_openedteman_init; } } else { p_teikou = 0; count = 0; this._parent._parent.yokan.gotoAndPlay("off"); step = step_downhangeki_init; } }; this.DownHangekiInit = function () { this._parent.enemy.step = 0; this._parent.enemy.enemy.gotoAndPlay("\u30EA\u30BB\u30C3\u30C8"); count = 0; p_teikou = 0; this._parent.player_down.playerdown.gotoAndPlay("\u53CD\u6483"); this._parent._parent.koesousa.gotoAndPlay("\u3064\u304D\u3068\u3070\u3057"); step = step_downhangeki_exec; }; this.DownHangekiExec = function () { count++; if (count != 9) { if (30 < count) { this.player._x = this.player._x + 40; this._parent.enemy.step = 54; step = step_standup_init; } } else { _root.shiton.start(); this._parent.enemy.e_stamina = this._parent.enemy.e_stamina - p_straight_damage; } }; this.TsukamareudeageInit = function () { this.swapDepths(1); count = 0; this.player.gotoAndPlay("\u3064\u304B\u307E\u308C\u3046\u3067\u3042\u3052"); this._parent._parent.koesousa.gotoAndPlay("\u3046\u3067\u3042\u3052"); this._parent._parent.yokan.gotoAndPlay("on"); step = step_tukamareudeage_exec; }; this.TsukamareudeageExec = function () { count++; ZkeyCheck(); if (10 >= p_teikou) { if (10 < count) { if (!Key.isDown(key_code_up)) { if (!Key.isDown(key_code_down)) { if (!Key.isDown(key_code_left)) { if (!Key.isDown(key_code_right)) { if (180 < count) { this._parent._parent.yokan.gotoAndPlay("off"); rand = Math.floor(Math.random() * 2) + 1; if (rand != 1) { step = step_shitasawarare_init; } else { step = step_momare_init; } } } else { this._parent._parent.yokan.gotoAndPlay("off"); step = step_shitasawarare_init; } } else { this._parent._parent.yokan.gotoAndPlay("off"); step = step_momare_init; } } else if (_global.ska == 1) { step = step_skanugasare_init; } } else if (_global.huku != 1) { if (_global.bura == 1) { step = step_buranugasare_init; } } else { step = step_uenugasare_init; } } } else { p_teikou = 0; step = step_tukitobashi_init; } }; this.MuneMomareInit = function () { count = 0; this.player.gotoAndPlay("\u3080\u306D\u3082\u307E\u308C"); step = step_momare_exec; }; this.MuneMomareExec = function () { count++; ZkeyCheck(); if (10 >= p_teikou) { if (count != 20) { if (20 < count) { if (!Key.isDown(key_code_up)) { if (!Key.isDown(key_code_down)) { if (!((Key.isDown(key_code_left) && (_global.huku == 0)) && (_global.bura == 0))) { if (Key.isDown(key_code_right)) { this._parent._parent.yokan.gotoAndPlay("off"); step = step_shitasawarare_init; } } else { this._parent._parent.yokan.gotoAndPlay("off"); step = step_chikubi_init; } } else if (_global.ska == 1) { step = step_skanugasare_init; } } else if (_global.huku != 1) { if (_global.bura == 1) { step = step_buranugasare_init; } } else { step = step_uenugasare_init; } } } else { this._parent._parent.yokan.gotoAndPlay("on"); } } else { p_teikou = 0; step = step_tukitobashi_init; } }; this.ChikubiSemerareInit = function () { count = 0; this.player.gotoAndPlay("\u3061\u304F\u3073\u305B\u3081\u3089\u308C"); step = step_chikubi_exec; }; this.ChikubiSemerareExec = function () { count++; ZkeyCheck(); if (10 >= p_teikou) { if (count != 20) { if (20 < count) { if (!Key.isDown(key_code_down)) { if (!Key.isDown(key_code_left)) { if (Key.isDown(key_code_right)) { this._parent._parent.yokan.gotoAndPlay("off"); step = step_shitasawarare_init; } } else { this._parent._parent.yokan.gotoAndPlay("off"); step = step_momare_init; } } else if (_global.ska == 1) { step = step_skanugasare_init; } } } else { this._parent._parent.yokan.gotoAndPlay("on"); } } else { p_teikou = 0; step = step_tukitobashi_init; } }; this.TukitobashiInit = function () { count = 0; this._parent._parent.yokan.gotoAndPlay("off"); this.player.gotoAndPlay("\u3064\u304D\u3068\u3070\u3057"); this._parent._parent.koesousa.gotoAndPlay("\u3064\u304D\u3068\u3070\u3057"); step = step_tukitobashi_exec; }; this.TukitobashiExec = function () { count++; if (20 < count) { step = step_stand_init; } }; this.ShitaSawarareInit = function () { count = 0; this.player.gotoAndPlay("\u3057\u305F\u3055\u308F\u3089\u308C"); step = step_shitasawarare_exec; }; this.ShitaSawarareExec = function () { count++; ZkeyCheck(); if (10 >= p_teikou) { if (count != 20) { if (20 < count) { if (!Key.isDown(key_code_up)) { if (!Key.isDown(key_code_down)) { if (!Key.isDown(key_code_left)) { if (Key.isDown(key_code_right) && (_global.pan == 1)) { this._parent._parent.yokan.gotoAndPlay("off"); step = step_shitasawararepin_init; } } else if (_global.pan != 1) { this._parent._parent.yokan.gotoAndPlay("off"); step = step_momare_init; } else { this._parent._parent.yokan.gotoAndPlay("off"); step = step_panhipparare_init; } } else if (_global.ska == 1) { step = step_skanugasare_init; } } else if (_global.huku != 1) { if (_global.bura == 1) { step = step_buranugasare_init; } } else { step = step_uenugasare_init; } } } else { this._parent._parent.yokan.gotoAndPlay("on"); } } else { p_teikou = 0; step = step_tukitobashi_init; } }; this.ShitaSawararepinInit = function () { count = 0; this.player.gotoAndPlay("\u3057\u305F\u3055\u308F\u3089\u308C\u30D1\u30F3\u30C4\u30A4\u30F3"); step = step_shitasawararepin_exec; }; this.ShitaSawararepinExec = function () { count++; ZkeyCheck(); if (10 >= p_teikou) { if (count != 20) { if (20 < count) { if (!Key.isDown(key_code_up)) { if (!Key.isDown(key_code_down)) { if (Key.isDown(key_code_left)) { if (_global.pan != 1) { this._parent._parent.yokan.gotoAndPlay("off"); step = step_momare_init; } else { this._parent._parent.yokan.gotoAndPlay("off"); step = step_panhipparare_init; } } } else if (_global.ska == 1) { step = step_skanugasare_init; } } else if (_global.huku != 1) { if (_global.bura == 1) { step = step_buranugasare_init; } } else { step = step_uenugasare_init; } } } else { this._parent._parent.yokan.gotoAndPlay("on"); } } else { p_teikou = 0; step = step_tukitobashi_init; } }; this.UeNugasareInit = function () { count = 0; _global.huku = 0; this._parent._parent.yokan.gotoAndPlay("off"); this.player.gotoAndPlay("\u3046\u3048\u306C\u304C\u3055\u308C"); this._parent._parent.koesousa.gotoAndPlay("\u3046\u3048\u306C\u304C\u3055\u308C"); step = step_uenugasare_exec; }; this.UeNugasareExec = function () { count++; if (30 < count) { count = 0; this.player.gotoAndPlay("\u3046\u3067\u3042\u3052\u30AD\u30FC\u30D7"); this._parent._parent.yokan.gotoAndPlay("on"); step = step_tukamareudeage_exec; } }; this.BuraNugasareInit = function () { count = 0; _global.bura = 0; this._parent._parent.yokan.gotoAndPlay("off"); this.player.gotoAndPlay("\u30D6\u30E9\u306C\u304C\u3055\u308C"); this._parent._parent.koesousa.gotoAndPlay("\u30D6\u30E9\u306C\u304C\u3055\u308C"); step = step_buranugasare_exec; }; this.BuraNugasareExec = function () { count++; if (30 < count) { count = 0; this.player.gotoAndPlay("\u3046\u3067\u3042\u3052\u30AD\u30FC\u30D7"); this._parent._parent.yokan.gotoAndPlay("on"); step = step_tukamareudeage_exec; } }; this.SkaNugasareInit = function () { count = 0; _global.ska = 0; this._parent._parent.yokan.gotoAndPlay("off"); this.player.gotoAndPlay("\u30B9\u30AB\u30FC\u30C8\u306C\u304C\u3055\u308C"); this._parent._parent.koesousa.gotoAndPlay("\u30B9\u30AB\u30FC\u30C8\u306C\u304C\u3055\u308C"); step = step_skanugasare_exec; }; this.SkaNugasareExec = function () { count++; if (30 < count) { count = 0; this.player.gotoAndPlay("\u3046\u3067\u3042\u3052\u30AD\u30FC\u30D7\u30B9\u30AB\u30FC\u30C8\u3051\u3057"); this._parent._parent.yokan.gotoAndPlay("on"); step = step_tukamareudeage_exec; } }; this.PanNugasareInit = function () { count = 0; this._parent._parent.yokan.gotoAndPlay("off"); this.player.gotoAndPlay("\u30D1\u30F3\u30C4\u306C\u304C\u3055\u308C"); this._parent._parent.koesousa.gotoAndPlay("\u30D1\u30F3\u30C4\u306C\u304C\u3055\u308C"); _global.pan = 0; step = step_pannugasare_exec; }; this.PanNugasareExec = function () { count++; if (30 < count) { count = 0; this.player.gotoAndPlay("\u3046\u3067\u3042\u3052\u30AD\u30FC\u30D7"); this._parent._parent.yokan.gotoAndPlay("on"); step = step_tukamareudeage_exec; } }; this.PanHipparareInit = function () { count = 0; this.player.gotoAndPlay("\u30D1\u30F3\u30C4\u3072\u3063\u3071\u3089\u308C"); step = step_panhipparare_exec; }; this.PanHipparareExec = function () { count++; ZkeyCheck(); if (10 >= p_teikou) { if (count != 20) { if (20 < count) { if (!Key.isDown(key_code_up)) { if (!Key.isDown(key_code_down)) { if (!Key.isDown(key_code_left)) { if (Key.isDown(key_code_right)) { this._parent._parent.yokan.gotoAndPlay("off"); step = step_shitasawarare_init; } } else { this._parent._parent.yokan.gotoAndPlay("off"); step = step_momare_init; } } else { step = step_pannugasare_init; } } else if (_global.huku != 1) { if (_global.bura == 1) { step = step_buranugasare_init; } } else { step = step_uenugasare_init; } } } else { this._parent._parent.yokan.gotoAndPlay("on"); } } else { p_teikou = 0; step = step_tukitobashi_init; } }; this.StEmptyExec = function () { if (!(Key.isDown(key_code_left) || (Key.isDown(key_code_right)))) { if (Key.isDown(key_code_down) && (!Key.isDown(key_code_punch))) { step = step_sitdown_init; } } else { step = step_walk_init; } }; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _root.p_step = step; _root.p_stamina = p_stamina; if (_global.game_pause != 1) { if (_step != step_stop) { if (step != step_stand_init) { if (step != step_stand_exec) { if (step != step_sitdown_init) { if (step != step_sitdown_exec) { if (step != step_sitpunch_init) { if (step != step_sitpunch_exec) { if (step != step_standup_init) { if (step != step_standup_exec) { if (step != step_walk_init) { if (step != step_walk_exec) { if (step != step_kick_init) { if (step != step_kick_exec) { if (step != step_punchj_init) { if (step != step_punchj_exec) { if (step != step_punchs_init) { if (step != step_punchs_exec) { if (step != step_tukamare_init) { if (step != step_tukamare_exec) { if (step != step_sitpushed_init) { if (step != step_sitpushed_exec) { if (step != step_tukamareudeage_init) { if (step != step_tukamareudeage_exec) { if (step != step_tukitobashi_init) { if (step != step_tukitobashi_exec) { if (step != step_momare_init) { if (step != step_momare_exec) { if (step != step_chikubi_init) { if (step != step_chikubi_exec) { if (step != step_shitasawarare_init) { if (step != step_shitasawarare_exec) { if (step != step_shitasawararepin_init) { if (step != step_shitasawararepin_exec) { if (step != step_uenugasare_init) { if (step != step_uenugasare_exec) { if (step != step_buranugasare_init) { if (step != step_buranugasare_exec) { if (step != step_skanugasare_init) { if (step != step_skanugasare_exec) { if (step != step_panhipparare_init) { if (step != step_panhipparare_exec) { if (step != step_pannugasare_init) { if (step != step_pannugasare_exec) { if (step != step_down_init) { if (step != step_down_exec) { if (step != step_openedleg_init) { if (step != step_openedleg_exec) { if (step != step_openedteman_init) { if (step != step_openedteman_exec) { if (step != step_openedtemanhard_init) { if (step != step_openedtemanhard_exec) { if (step != step_downhangeki_init) { if (step != step_downhangeki_exec) { if (step == step_stempty_exec) { if (p_stamina >= 0) { step = step_stand_init; } else { StaminaKaihuku(); StEmptyExec(); } } } else { DownHangekiExec(); } } else { DownHangekiInit(); } } else { OpenedTemanhardExec(); StaminaKaihuku(); } } else { OpenedTemanhardInit(); } } else { OpenedTemanExec(); StaminaKaihuku(); } } else { OpenedTemanInit(); } } else { OpenedLegExec(); StaminaKaihuku(); } } else { OpenedLegInit(); } } else { DownExec(); StaminaKaihuku(); } } else { DownInit(); } } else { PanNugasareExec(); StaminaKaihuku(); } } else { PanNugasareInit(); } } else { PanHipparareExec(); StaminaKaihuku(); } } else { PanHipparareInit(); } } else { SkaNugasareExec(); StaminaKaihuku(); } } else { SkaNugasareInit(); } } else { BuraNugasareExec(); StaminaKaihuku(); } } else { BuraNugasareInit(); } } else { UeNugasareExec(); StaminaKaihuku(); } } else { UeNugasareInit(); } } else { ShitaSawararepinExec(); StaminaKaihuku(); } } else { ShitaSawararepinInit(); } } else { ShitaSawarareExec(); StaminaKaihuku(); } } else { ShitaSawarareInit(); } } else { ChikubiSemerareExec(); StaminaKaihuku(); } } else { ChikubiSemerareInit(); } } else { MuneMomareExec(); StaminaKaihuku(); } } else { MuneMomareInit(); } } else { TukitobashiExec(); } } else { TukitobashiInit(); } } else { TsukamareudeageExec(); StaminaKaihuku(); } } else { TsukamareudeageInit(); StaminaKaihuku(); } } else { SitPushedExec(); StaminaKaihuku(); } } else { SitPushedInit(); } } else { TsukamareExec(); StaminaKaihuku(); } } else { TsukamareInit(); } } else { StraightExec(); } } else { StraightInit(); } } else { JabExec(); } } else { JabInit(); } } else { HighkickExec(); } } else { HighkickInit(); } } else { walkExec(); } } else { WalkInit(); } } else { StandUpExec(); } } else { StandUpInit(); } } else { SitPunchExec(); } } else { SitPunchInit(); } } else { SitDownExec(); } } else { SitDownInit(); } } else if (0 >= p_stamina) { my_dx = 0; StaminaKaihuku(); step = step_stempty_exec; } else { my_dx = 0; StaminaKaihuku(); StandMati(); } } else { this.swapDepths(1); this.player.gotoAndPlay("\u5F85\u6A5F"); step = step_stand_exec; } } else { this.player.gotoAndPlay("\u30EA\u30BB\u30C3\u30C8"); this.stop(); } } else { this.stop(); } }
Instance of Symbol 8 MovieClip [読み込み用空スプライト] "enemy" in Symbol 484 MovieClip [◆バトル:公園] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { this.swapDepths(2); step_off_init = 0; step_stand_init = 1; step_stand_exec = 2; step_walk_init = 3; step_walk_exec = 4; step_hitj_init = 5; step_hitj_exec = 6; step_hits_init = 7; step_hits_exec = 8; step_guard_init = 9; step_guard_exec = 10; step_stand_wait = 11; step_tukami_init = 12; step_tukami_exec = 13; step_tukamiai_init = 14; step_tukamiai_exec = 15; step_hitk_init = 16; step_hitk_exec = 17; step_hith_init = 18; step_hith_exec = 19; step_tukitobasare_init = 20; step_tukitobasare_exec = 21; step_tukamiudeage_init = 22; step_tukamiudeage_exec = 23; step_munemomi_init = 24; step_munemomi_exec = 25; step_chikubiseme_init = 26; step_chikubiseme_exec = 27; step_shitasawari_init = 28; step_shitasawari_exec = 29; step_shitasawaripin_init = 30; step_shitasawaripin_exec = 31; step_uenugashi_init = 32; step_uenugashi_exec = 33; step_buranugashi_init = 34; step_buranugashi_exec = 35; step_skanugashi_init = 36; step_skanugashi_exec = 37; step_panhippari_init = 38; step_panhippari_exec = 39; step_pannugashi_init = 40; step_pannugashi_exec = 41; step_enemyko_init = 42; step_enemyko_exec = 43; step_hitsp_init = 44; step_hitsp_exec = 45; step_shagamioshi_init = 46; step_shagamioshi_exec = 47; step_shagamiwait_init = 48; step_shagamiwait_exec = 49; step_openleg_init = 50; step_openleg_exec = 51; step_openteman_init = 52; step_openteman_exec = 53; step_standup_init = 54; step_standup_exec = 55; step_standup2_init = 56; step_h_init = 100; step_h_exec = 101; step = step_stand_init; e_stamina = 500; count = 0; this.JabHitInit = function () { _root.jhiton.start(); this._parent.effect.gotoAndPlay("\u30B8\u30E3\u30D6"); if (_global.kyori < 80) { this._x = this._x - (_global.kyori - 80); } count = 0; e_stamina = e_stamina - this._parent.player.p_jab_damage; this.enemy.gotoAndPlay("\u30EA\u30BB\u30C3\u30C8"); this.enemy.gotoAndPlay("\u30B8\u30E3\u30D6\u3042\u305F\u308A"); step = step_hitj_exec; }; this.JabHitExec = function () { count++; if (3 < count) { rand = Math.floor(Math.random() * 3) + 1; if (rand != 1) { step = step_stand_init; } else { step = step_guard_init; } } }; this.StraightHitInit = function () { _root.shiton.start(); this._parent.effect.gotoAndPlay("\u30B9\u30C8\u30EC\u30FC\u30C8"); if (_global.kyori < 110) { this._x = this._x - (_global.kyori - 110); } e_stamina = e_stamina - this._parent.player.p_straight_damage; count = 0; this.enemy.gotoAndPlay("\u30EA\u30BB\u30C3\u30C8"); this.enemy.gotoAndPlay("\u30B9\u30C8\u30EC\u30FC\u30C8\u3042\u305F\u308A"); step = step_hits_exec; }; this.StraightHitExec = function () { count++; if (10 < count) { rand = Math.floor(Math.random() * 2) + 1; if (rand != 1) { step = step_stand_init; } else { step = step_guard_init; } } }; this.SitPunchHitInit = function () { _root.jhiton.start(); this._parent.effect.gotoAndPlay("\u3057\u3083\u304C\u307F\u30D1\u30F3\u30C1"); if (_global.kyori < 80) { this._x = this._x - (_global.kyori - 80); } count = 0; e_stamina = e_stamina - this._parent.player.p_jab_damage; this.enemy.gotoAndPlay("\u30EA\u30BB\u30C3\u30C8"); this.enemy.gotoAndPlay("\u30B8\u30E3\u30D6\u3042\u305F\u308A"); step = step_hitsp_exec; }; this.SitPunchHitExec = function () { count++; if (10 < count) { rand = Math.floor(Math.random() * 3) + 1; if (rand != 1) { step = step_stand_init; } else { step = step_guard_init; } } }; this.HighkickHitInit = function () { _root.khiton.start(); this._parent.effect.gotoAndPlay("\u30CF\u30A4\u30AD\u30C3\u30AF"); if (_global.kyori < 110) { this._x = this._x - (_global.kyori - 110); } e_stamina = e_stamina - this._parent.player.p_highkick_damage; if (0 < e_stamina) { count = 0; this.enemy.gotoAndPlay("\u30EA\u30BB\u30C3\u30C8"); this.enemy.gotoAndPlay("\u30CF\u30A4\u30AD\u30C3\u30AF\u3042\u305F\u308A"); step = step_hitk_exec; } else { this.enemy.gotoAndPlay("\u8CA0\u3051"); step = step_enemyko_init; } }; this.HighkickHitExec = function () { count++; if (count == 5) { this._parent.player.swapDepths(1); } if (12 < count) { step = step_guard_init; } }; this.HizaHitInit = function () { _root.shiton.start(); this._parent.effect.gotoAndPlay("\u30CF\u30A4\u30AD\u30C3\u30AF\u3072\u3056"); if (_global.kyori < 110) { this._x = this._x - (_global.kyori - 110); } e_stamina = e_stamina - this._parent.player.p_hiza_damage; count = 0; this.enemy.gotoAndPlay("\u30EA\u30BB\u30C3\u30C8"); this.enemy.gotoAndPlay("\u30B9\u30C8\u30EC\u30FC\u30C8\u3042\u305F\u308A"); step = step_hith_exec; }; this.HizaHitExec = function () { count++; if (18 < count) { rand = Math.floor(Math.random() * 2) + 1; if (rand != 1) { step = step_stand_init; } else { step = step_guard_init; } } }; this.FarDistance = function () { if (this._parent.player.step != 10) { if (this._parent.player.step == 55) { step = step_walk_init; } } else { step = step_guard_init; } count++; if (8 < count) { count = 0; rand = Math.floor(Math.random() * 3) + 1; if (rand != 1) { } else { step = step_walk_init; } } }; this.NearDistance = function () { if (!(((this._parent.player.step == 6) || (this._parent.player.step == 8)) || (this._parent.player.step == 10))) { if (this._parent.player.step != 55) { if (this._parent.player.step != 4) { if (!(((this._parent.player.step == 51) || (this._parent.player.step == 47)) || (this._parent.player.step == 49))) { rand = Math.floor(Math.random() * 5) + 1; count = 0; if (rand != 1) { if (rand < 3) { step = step_stand_wait; } else { step = step_tukami_init; } } else { step = step_guard_init; } } else { step = step_shagamioshi_init; } } else { step = step_tukami_init; } } else { step = step_shagamiwait_init; } } else { step = step_guard_init; } }; this.NearWait = function () { count++; if (!(((this._parent.player.step == 6) || (this._parent.player.step == 8)) || (this._parent.player.step == 10))) { if (this._parent.player.step != 4) { if (!(((this._parent.player.step == 51) || (this._parent.player.step == 47)) || (this._parent.player.step == 49))) { if (this._parent.player.step != 55) { if (12 < count) { step = step_stand_exec; } } else { step = step_shagamiwait_init; } } else { step = step_shagamioshi_init; } } else { step = step_tukami_init; } } else { step = step_guard_init; } }; this.WalkExec = function () { if (160 >= _global.kyori) { step = step_stand_init; } else { if (((this._parent.player.step == 6) || (this._parent.player.step == 8)) || (this._parent.player.step == 10)) { rand = Math.floor(Math.random() * 3) + 1; if (rand != 1) { if (this._parent.player.step != 55) { } else { step = step_shagamiwait_init; } } else { step = step_guard_init; } if (!(((this._parent.player.step == 51) || (this._parent.player.step == 47)) || (this._parent.player.step == 49))) { if (this._parent.player.step == 55) { step = step_shagamiwait_init; } } else { step = step_shagamioshi_init; } } this._x = this._x - 3; this.enemy.gotoAndPlay("\u8FD1\u3065\u304F"); } }; this.GuardExec = function () { count++; if (!this.enemy.guard.gkarada.e_guard.hitTest(this._parent.player.player.punchj_collider)) { if (!this.enemy.guard.gkarada.e_guard.hitTest(this._parent.player.player.punchs_collider)) { if (!this.enemy.guard.gkarada.e_guard.hitTest(this._parent.player.player.highkick_collider)) { if (24 < count) { step = step_stand_init; count = 0; } } else { _root.sguardon.start(); this._parent.oto.gotoAndPlay("\u30AC\u30FC\u30C9\uFF12"); this._parent.player.player.highkick_collider._y = -100; this._x = this._x + 10; count = 0; } } else { _root.sguardon.start(); this._parent.oto.gotoAndPlay("\u30AC\u30FC\u30C9\uFF12"); this._parent.player.player.punchs_collider._y = -100; this._x = this._x + 10; count = 0; } } else { _root.jguardon.start(); this._parent.oto.gotoAndPlay("\u30AC\u30FC\u30C9"); this._parent.player.player.punchj_collider._y = -100; this._x = this._x + 8; count = 0; } }; this.TukamiInit = function () { this.swapDepths(2); this._x = this._x - 10; count = 0; this.enemy.gotoAndPlay("\u3064\u304B\u307F"); _root.ossanbasa.start(); step = step_tukami_exec; }; this.TukamiExec = function () { count++; if (!this.enemy.tukami.e_tukami.hitTest(this._parent.player.player.p_collider)) { if (24 < count) { count = 0; step = step_stand_exec; } } else { step = step_tukamiai_init; } }; this.TukamiaiInit = function () { count = 0; this.enemy.gotoAndPlay("\u3064\u304B\u307F\u6210\u529F"); this._parent.player.step = 20; step = step_tukamiai_exec; }; this.TukamiaiExec = function () { if (this._parent.player.step != 24) { if (this._parent.player.step == 26) { step = step_tukamiudeage_init; } } else { step = step_tukitobasare_init; } }; this.ShagamioshiInit = function () { count = 0; this.enemy.gotoAndPlay("\u3057\u3083\u304C\u307F\u304A\u3057"); _root.ossanbasa.start(); step = step_shagamioshi_exec; }; this.ShagamioshiExec = function () { count++; if (!this.enemy.shagamioshi.e_shagamioshi.hitTest(this._parent.player.player.p_sit_collider)) { if (24 < count) { count = 0; step = step_stand_exec; } } else { this._parent.player.step = 52; } }; this.ShagamiwaitInit = function () { count = 0; this.enemy.gotoAndPlay("\u3057\u3083\u304C\u307F\u5F85\u6A5F"); _root.ossanbasa.start(); this._x = this._parent.player.player._x + 140; this._parent._parent.yokan.gotoAndPlay("on"); step = step_shagamiwait_exec; }; this.ShagamiwaitExec = function () { if (this._parent.player.step != 55) { count++; if (4 < count) { count = 0; step = step_standup2_init; } } }; this.OpenLegInit = function () { count = 0; this.enemy.gotoAndPlay("\u3057\u3083\u304C\u307F\u3042\u3057\u3072\u3089\u304B\u305B"); step = step_openleg_exec; }; this.OpenLegExec = function () { count++; if (count == 12) { this._parent._parent.yokan.gotoAndPlay("on"); } }; this.StandUpInit = function () { this._x = this._x + 170; this.enemy.gotoAndPlay("\u3057\u3083\u304C\u307F\u7ACB\u3061"); _root.ossanbasa.start(); count = 0; step = step_standup_exec; }; this.StandUp2Init = function () { this._x = this._x + 40; this.enemy.gotoAndPlay("\u3057\u3083\u304C\u307F\u7ACB\u3061"); _root.ossanbasa.start(); count = 0; step = step_standup_exec; }; this.StandUpExec = function () { count++; if (14 < count) { step = step_stand_init; } }; this.TukamiudeageInit = function () { count = 0; this.enemy.gotoAndPlay("\u3064\u304B\u307F\u3046\u3067\u3042\u3052"); step = step_tukamiudeage_exec; }; this.TukamiudeageExec = function () { if (this._parent.player.step != 24) { if (this._parent.player.step != 28) { if (this._parent.player.step != 32) { if (this._parent.player.step != 36) { if (this._parent.player.step != 38) { if (this._parent.player.step != 40) { if (this._parent.player.step != 42) { if (this._parent.player.step == 44) { step = step_pannugashi_init; } } else { step = step_panhippari_init; } } else { step = step_skanugashi_init; } } else { step = step_buranugashi_init; } } else { step = step_uenugashi_init; } } else { step = step_shitasawari_init; } } else { step = step_munemomi_init; } } else { step = step_tukitobasare_init; } }; this.MuneMomiInit = function () { this.enemy.gotoAndPlay("\u3080\u306D\u3082\u307F"); step = step_munemomi_exec; }; this.MuneMomiExec = function () { if (this._parent.player.step != 24) { if (this._parent.player.step != 32) { if (this._parent.player.step != 36) { if (this._parent.player.step != 38) { if (this._parent.player.step != 40) { if (this._parent.player.step != 42) { if (this._parent.player.step != 44) { if (this._parent.player.step == 30) { step = step_chikubiseme_init; } } else { step = step_pannugashi_init; } } else { step = step_panhippari_init; } } else { step = step_skanugashi_init; } } else { step = step_buranugashi_init; } } else { step = step_uenugashi_init; } } else { step = step_shitasawari_init; } } else { step = step_tukitobasare_init; } }; this.ChikubiSemeInit = function () { this.enemy.gotoAndPlay("\u3061\u304F\u3073\u305B\u3081"); step = step_chikubiseme_exec; }; this.ChikubiSemeExec = function () { if (this._parent.player.step != 24) { if (this._parent.player.step != 28) { if (this._parent.player.step != 32) { if (this._parent.player.step != 36) { if (this._parent.player.step != 38) { if (this._parent.player.step != 40) { if (this._parent.player.step != 42) { if (this._parent.player.step == 44) { step = step_pannugashi_init; } } else { step = step_panhippari_init; } } else { step = step_skanugashi_init; } } else { step = step_buranugashi_init; } } else { step = step_uenugashi_init; } } else { step = step_shitasawari_init; } } else { step = step_munemomi_init; } } else { step = step_tukitobasare_init; } }; this.ShitaSawariInit = function () { this.enemy.gotoAndPlay("\u3057\u305F\u3055\u308F\u308A"); step = step_shitasawari_exec; }; this.ShitaSawariExec = function () { if (this._parent.player.step != 24) { if (this._parent.player.step != 28) { if (this._parent.player.step != 34) { if (this._parent.player.step != 32) { if (this._parent.player.step != 36) { if (this._parent.player.step != 38) { if (this._parent.player.step != 40) { if (this._parent.player.step != 42) { if (this._parent.player.step == 44) { step = step_pannugashi_init; } } else { step = step_panhippari_init; } } else { step = step_skanugashi_init; } } else { step = step_buranugashi_init; } } else { step = step_uenugashi_init; } } else { step = step_shitasawari_init; } } else { step = step_shitasawaripin_init; } } else { step = step_munemomi_init; } } else { step = step_tukitobasare_init; } }; this.PanHippariInit = function () { this.enemy.gotoAndPlay("\u30D1\u30F3\u30C4\u3072\u3063\u3071\u308A"); step = step_panhippari_exec; }; this.PanHippariExec = function () { if (this._parent.player.step != 24) { if (this._parent.player.step != 28) { if (this._parent.player.step != 32) { if (this._parent.player.step != 36) { if (this._parent.player.step != 38) { if (this._parent.player.step != 40) { if (this._parent.player.step != 42) { if (this._parent.player.step == 44) { step = step_pannugashi_init; } } else { step = step_panhippari_init; } } else { step = step_skanugashi_init; } } else { step = step_buranugashi_init; } } else { step = step_uenugashi_init; } } else { step = step_shitasawari_init; } } else { step = step_munemomi_init; } } else { step = step_tukitobasare_init; } }; this.ShitaSawaripinInit = function () { this.enemy.gotoAndPlay("\u3057\u305F\u3055\u308F\u308A\u30D1\u30F3\u30C4\u30A4\u30F3"); step = step_shitasawaripin_exec; }; this.ShitaSawaripinExec = function () { if (this._parent.player.step != 24) { if (this._parent.player.step != 28) { if (this._parent.player.step != 32) { if (this._parent.player.step != 36) { if (this._parent.player.step != 38) { if (this._parent.player.step != 40) { if (this._parent.player.step != 42) { if (this._parent.player.step == 44) { step = step_pannugashi_init; } } else { step = step_panhippari_init; } } else { step = step_skanugashi_init; } } else { step = step_buranugashi_init; } } else { step = step_uenugashi_init; } } else { step = step_shitasawari_init; } } else { step = step_munemomi_init; } } else { step = step_tukitobasare_init; } }; this.UeNugashiInit = function () { count = 0; this.enemy.gotoAndPlay("\u3046\u3048\u306C\u304C\u3057"); step = step_uenugashi_exec; }; this.UeNugashiExec = function () { count++; if (count != 16) { if (30 < count) { this.enemy.gotoAndPlay("\u3064\u304B\u307F\u3046\u3067\u3042\u3052\u30AD\u30FC\u30D7"); step = step_tukamiudeage_exec; } } else { _root.oto_shb.start(); } }; this.BuraNugashiInit = function () { count = 0; this.enemy.gotoAndPlay("\u30D6\u30E9\u306C\u304C\u3057"); step = step_buranugashi_exec; }; this.BuraNugashiExec = function () { count++; if (30 < count) { this.enemy.gotoAndPlay("\u3064\u304B\u307F\u3046\u3067\u3042\u3052\u30AD\u30FC\u30D7"); step = step_tukamiudeage_exec; } }; this.SkaNugashiInit = function () { count = 0; _root.oto_skc.start(); this.enemy.gotoAndPlay("\u30B9\u30AB\u30FC\u30C8\u306C\u304C\u3057"); step = step_skanugashi_exec; }; this.SkaNugashiExec = function () { count++; if (count != 20) { if (30 < count) { this.enemy.gotoAndPlay("\u3064\u304B\u307F\u3046\u3067\u3042\u3052\u30AD\u30FC\u30D7"); step = step_tukamiudeage_exec; } } else { _root.oto_skb.start(); } }; this.PanNugashiInit = function () { count = 0; this.enemy.gotoAndPlay("\u30D1\u30F3\u30C4\u306C\u304C\u3057"); step = step_pannugashi_exec; }; this.PanNugashiExec = function () { count++; if (30 < count) { this.enemy.gotoAndPlay("\u3064\u304B\u307F\u3046\u3067\u3042\u3052\u30AD\u30FC\u30D7"); step = step_tukamiudeage_exec; } }; this.TukitobasareInit = function () { this._x = this._x - 10; count = 0; this.enemy.gotoAndPlay("\u30EA\u30BB\u30C3\u30C8"); this.enemy.gotoAndPlay("\u30B9\u30C8\u30EC\u30FC\u30C8\u3042\u305F\u308A"); _root.ossanbasa.start(); step = step_tukitobasare_exec; }; this.TukitobasareExec = function () { count++; this._x = this._x + 3; if (20 < count) { count = 0; step = step_stand_exec; } }; this.HInit = function () { this.enemy.gotoAndPlay("\u30EA\u30BB\u30C3\u30C8"); this.enemy.gotoAndPlay("\u30BA\u30DC\u30F3\u8131\u304E"); step = step_h_exec; }; this.HExec = function () { }; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.game_pause != 1) { if (step != step_h_init) { if (step != step_h_exec) { if (!(this.enemy.e_collider.hitTest(this._parent.player.player.punchj_collider) && (step != step_hitj_exec))) { if (step != step_hitj_exec) { if (!(this.enemy.e_collider.hitTest(this._parent.player.player.punchs_collider) && (step != step_hits_exec))) { if (step != step_hits_exec) { if (!(this.enemy.e_collider.hitTest(this._parent.player.player.sitpunch_collider) && (step != step_hitsp_exec))) { if (step != step_hitsp_exec) { if (!(this.enemy.e_headcollider.hitTest(this._parent.player.player.highkick_collider) && (step != step_hitk_exec))) { if (step != step_hitk_exec) { if (!(this.enemy.e_collider.hitTest(this._parent.player.player.hiza_collider) && (step != step_hith_exec))) { if (step != step_hith_exec) { if (step != step_stand_init) { if (step != step_stand_exec) { if (step != step_stand_wait) { if (step != step_guard_init) { if (step != step_guard_exec) { if (!((step == step_walk_init) && (160 < _global.kyori))) { if (step != step_walk_exec) { if (step != step_tukitobasare_init) { if (step != step_tukitobasare_exec) { if (step != step_tukami_init) { if (step != step_tukamiudeage_init) { if (step != step_tukamiudeage_exec) { if (step != step_tukami_exec) { if (step != step_tukamiai_init) { if (step != step_tukamiai_exec) { if (step != step_munemomi_init) { if (step != step_munemomi_exec) { if (step != step_chikubiseme_init) { if (step != step_chikubiseme_exec) { if (step != step_shitasawari_init) { if (step != step_shitasawari_exec) { if (step != step_shitasawaripin_init) { if (step != step_shitasawaripin_exec) { if (step != step_uenugashi_init) { if (step != step_uenugashi_exec) { if (step != step_buranugashi_init) { if (step != step_buranugashi_exec) { if (step != step_skanugashi_init) { if (step != step_skanugashi_exec) { if (step != step_pannugashi_init) { if (step != step_pannugashi_exec) { if (step != step_panhippari_init) { if (step != step_panhippari_exec) { if (step != step_shagamioshi_init) { if (step != step_shagamioshi_exec) { if (step != step_shagamiwait_init) { if (step != step_shagamiwait_exec) { if (step != step_openleg_init) { if (step != step_openleg_exec) { if (step != step_standup_init) { if (step != step_standup_exec) { if (step == step_standup2_init) { StandUp2Init(); } } else { StandUpExec(); } } else { StandUpInit(); } } else { OpenLegExec(); } } else { OpenLegInit(); } } else { ShagamiwaitExec(); } } else { ShagamiwaitInit(); } } else { ShagamioshiExec(); } } else { ShagamioshiInit(); } } else { PanHippariExec(); } } else { PanHippariInit(); } } else { PanNugashiExec(); } } else { PanNugashiInit(); } } else { SkaNugashiExec(); } } else { SkaNugashiInit(); } } else { BuraNugashiExec(); } } else { BuraNugashiInit(); } } else { UeNugashiExec(); } } else { UeNugashiInit(); } } else { ShitaSawaripinExec(); } } else { ShitaSawaripinInit(); } } else { ShitaSawariExec(); } } else { ShitaSawariInit(); } } else { ChikubiSemeExec(); } } else { ChikubiSemeInit(); } } else { MuneMomiExec(); } } else { MuneMomiInit(); } } else { TukamiaiExec(); } } else { TukamiaiInit(); } } else { TukamiExec(); } } else { TukamiudeageExec(); } } else { TukamiudeageInit(); } } else { TukamiInit(); } } else { TukitobasareExec(); } } else { TukitobasareInit(); } } else { WalkExec(); } } else { step = step_walk_exec; } } else { GuardExec(); } } else { this.enemy.gotoAndPlay("\u30AC\u30FC\u30C9"); step = step_guard_exec; } } else { NearWait(); } } else if (160 >= _global.kyori) { NearDistance(); } else { FarDistance(); } } else { count = 0; this.enemy.gotoAndPlay("\u30EA\u30BB\u30C3\u30C8"); this.enemy.gotoAndPlay("\u5F85\u6A5F"); step = step_stand_exec; } } else { HizaHitExec(); } } else { HizaHitInit(); } } else { HighkickHitExec(); } } else { HighkickHitInit(); } } else { SitPunchHitExec(); } } else { SitPunchHitInit(); } } else { StraightHitExec(); } } else { StraightHitInit(); } } else { JabHitExec(); } } else { JabHitInit(); } } else { HExec(); } } else { HInit(); } } else { this.stop(); } }
Symbol 484 MovieClip [◆バトル:公園] Frame 1
var loader = new MovieClipLoader(); loader.loadClip("data/Player.swf", player); loader.loadClip("data/Ossan.swf", enemy); loader.loadClip("data/Player_Down.swf", player_down);
Symbol 484 MovieClip [◆バトル:公園] Frame 3
Instance of Symbol 34 MovieClip [スタミナバー可変] "kandobar" in Symbol 122 MovieClip [■感度バー] Frame 2
onClipEvent (load) { gotoAndPlay("\u611F\u5EA6"); this.KandoBar = function () { this._xscale = _global.kando * 250; if (this._xscale < 0) { this._xscale = 0; } }; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { KandoBar(); }
Symbol 122 MovieClip [■感度バー] Frame 2
Symbol 122 MovieClip [■感度バー] Frame 4
Symbol 122 MovieClip [■感度バー] Frame 6
Symbol 20014 Button
on (press) { _global.owari = 0; this._parent.gotoAndPlay("\u30DA\u30C3\u30C6\u30A3\u30F3\u30B0"); gotoAndPlay("off"); } on () { }
Symbol 20015 Button
on (press) { _global.owari = 0; this._parent.gotoAndPlay("\u80CC\u9762\u5EA7\u4F4D"); gotoAndPlay("off"); } on () { }
Symbol 20016 Button
on (press) { _global.owari = 0; this._parent.gotoAndPlay("\u30D5\u30A7\u30E9"); gotoAndPlay("off"); } on () { }
Symbol 20017 Button
on (press) { _global.owari = 0; this._parent.seijoui.seijoumain.gotoAndPlay("\u30EA\u30BB\u30C3\u30C8"); gotoAndPlay("off"); } on () { }
Symbol 96 MovieClip [終わりメニュー正常位] Frame 2
Symbol 96 MovieClip [終わりメニュー正常位] Frame 3
_global.owari = 0;
Symbol 96 MovieClip [終わりメニュー正常位] Frame 5
Symbol 20018 Button
on (press) { _global.owari = 0; this._parent.gotoAndPlay("\u30D5\u30A7\u30E9"); gotoAndPlay("off"); } on () { }
Symbol 20019 Button
on (press) { _global.owari = 0; this._parent.gotoAndPlay("\u6B63\u5E38\u4F4D"); gotoAndPlay("off"); } on () { }
Symbol 20020 Button
on (press) { _global.owari = 0; this._parent.gotoAndPlay("\u80CC\u9762\u5EA7\u4F4D"); gotoAndPlay("off"); } on () { }
Symbol 102 MovieClip [終わりメニューペッティング専用] Frame 2
Symbol 102 MovieClip [終わりメニューペッティング専用] Frame 3
_global.owari = 0;
Symbol 102 MovieClip [終わりメニューペッティング専用] Frame 5
Symbol 20021 Button
on (press) { _global.owari = 0; this._parent.gotoAndPlay("\u30D5\u30A7\u30E9"); gotoAndPlay("off"); } on () { }
Symbol 20022 Button
on (press) { _global.owari = 0; this._parent.haimenzai.haimenmain.gotoAndPlay("\u30EA\u30BB\u30C3\u30C8"); gotoAndPlay("off"); } on () { }
Symbol 20023 Button
on (press) { _global.owari = 0; this._parent.gotoAndPlay("\u6B63\u5E38\u4F4D"); gotoAndPlay("off"); } on () { }
Symbol 20024 Button
on (press) { _global.owari = 0; this._parent.gotoAndPlay("\u30DA\u30C3\u30C6\u30A3\u30F3\u30B0"); gotoAndPlay("off"); } on () { }
Symbol 100 MovieClip [終わりメニュー背面座位用] Frame 2
Symbol 100 MovieClip [終わりメニュー背面座位用] Frame 3
_global.owari = 0;
Symbol 100 MovieClip [終わりメニュー背面座位用] Frame 5
Symbol 20025 Button
on (press) { _global.owari = 0; this._parent.gotoAndPlay("\u6B63\u5E38\u4F4D"); gotoAndPlay("off"); } on () { }
Symbol 20026 Button
on (press) { _global.owari = 0; this._parent.fera.yokoferamain.gotoAndPlay("\u30EA\u30BB\u30C3\u30C8"); gotoAndPlay("off"); } on () { }
Symbol 20027 Button
on (press) { _global.owari = 0; this._parent.gotoAndPlay("\u30DA\u30C3\u30C6\u30A3\u30F3\u30B0"); gotoAndPlay("off"); } on () { }
Symbol 20028 Button
on (press) { _global.owari = 0; this._parent.gotoAndPlay("\u80CC\u9762\u5EA7\u4F4D"); gotoAndPlay("off"); } on () { }
Symbol 94 MovieClip [終わりメニューフェラ用] Frame 2
Symbol 94 MovieClip [終わりメニューフェラ用] Frame 3
_global.owari = 0;
Symbol 94 MovieClip [終わりメニューフェラ用] Frame 5
Instance of Symbol 34 MovieClip [スタミナバー可変] "staminabar" in Symbol 82 MovieClip [■スタミナバー] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { this.StaminaBar = function () { this._xscale = _root.p_stamina * 50; if (this._xscale < 0) { this._xscale = 0; } }; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { StaminaBar(); }
Symbol 82 MovieClip [■スタミナバー] Frame 2
Symbol 82 MovieClip [■スタミナバー] Frame 4
Symbol 20029 Button
on (press) { this._parent.gotoAndPlay("start"); } on () { }
Symbol 19998 MovieClip [アオクマシーロゴ] Frame 58
Symbol 354 MovieClip [ますく] Frame 2
Symbol 34 MovieClip [スタミナバー可変] Frame 2
Symbol 34 MovieClip [スタミナバー可変] Frame 4
Symbol 34 MovieClip [スタミナバー可変] Frame 6
Symbol 70 MovieClip [ボリュームバーボイス] Frame 2
Symbol 60 MovieClip [ボリュームバー効果音] Frame 2
Symbol 20030 Button
on (press) { gotoAndPlay("hyouzi"); } on () { }
Symbol 20031 Button
on (press) { gotoAndPlay("on"); } on () { }
Symbol 20032 Button
on (press) { _root.jhiton.start(); } on () { }
Symbol 20033 Button
on (press) { _root.k_hun.start(); } on () { }
Symbol 64 MovieClip [音量設定画面] Frame 2
Symbol 64 MovieClip [音量設定画面] Frame 4
Instance of Symbol 60 MovieClip [ボリュームバー効果音] in Symbol 64 MovieClip [音量設定画面] Frame 5
on (press) { this.startDrag(false, 132, 61, 232, 61); } on (release, releaseOutside) { this.stopDrag(); } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { updateAfterEvent(mouse); } onClipEvent (load) { _x = _global.otovol + 132; _global.otovol = _x - 132; _root.jon.setVolume(_global.otovol); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _global.otovol = _x - 132; _root.jon.setVolume(_global.otovol); }
Instance of Symbol 70 MovieClip [ボリュームバーボイス] in Symbol 64 MovieClip [音量設定画面] Frame 5
on (press) { this.startDrag(false, 132, 107, 232, 107); } on (release, releaseOutside) { this.stopDrag(); } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { updateAfterEvent(mouse); } onClipEvent (load) { _x = _global.koevol + 132; _global.koevol = _x - 132; _root.k_hun.setVolume(_global.koevol); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _global.koevol = _x - 132; _root.k_hun.setVolume(_global.koevol); }
Symbol 64 MovieClip [音量設定画面] Frame 6
Symbol 20034 Button
on (press) { _global.sox = 2; gotoAndPlay("\u30CB\u30FC\u30BD"); } on () { }
Symbol 20035 Button
on (press) { _global.sox = 1; gotoAndPlay("\u30CF\u30A4\u30BD"); } on () { }
Symbol 20036 Button
on (press) { _global.sox = 0; gotoAndPlay("\u3059\u3042\u3057"); } on () { }
Symbol 20037 Button
on (press) { this._parent.gotoAndPlay("\u80CC\u9762\u5EA7\u4F4D"); } on () { }
Symbol 20038 Button
on (press) { this._parent.gotoAndPlay("\u6B63\u5E38\u4F4D"); } on () { }
Symbol 20039 Button
on (press) { this._parent.gotoAndPlay("\u30D5\u30A7\u30E9"); } on () { }
Symbol 20040 Button
on (press) { this._parent.gotoAndPlay("\u30D9\u30C3\u30C9\u3067\u30A4\u30C1\u30E3\u30A4\u30C1\u30E3"); } on () { }
Symbol 20041 Button
on (press) { this._parent.gotoAndPlay("\u6700\u521D\u304B\u3089"); } on () { }
Symbol 54 MovieClip [タイトル画面] Frame 2
Symbol 54 MovieClip [タイトル画面] Frame 4
Symbol 54 MovieClip [タイトル画面] Frame 6

Library Items

Symbol 351 BitmapUsed by:352
Symbol 352 GraphicUses:351Used by:354
Symbol 11 BitmapUsed by:12
Symbol 12 GraphicUses:11Used by:19998
Symbol 13 BitmapUsed by:14
Symbol 14 GraphicUses:13Used by:536 20029 19998
Symbol 301 BitmapUsed by:302
Symbol 302 GraphicUses:301Used by:2
Symbol 125 BitmapUsed by:126
Symbol 126 GraphicUses:125Used by:34
Symbol 31 BitmapUsed by:32
Symbol 32 GraphicUses:31Used by:34
Symbol 117 BitmapUsed by:118
Symbol 118 GraphicUses:117Used by:34
Symbol 9 BitmapUsed by:10
Symbol 10 GraphicUses:9Used by:122
Symbol 79 BitmapUsed by:80
Symbol 80 GraphicUses:79Used by:122 82
Symbol 61 BitmapUsed by:62
Symbol 62 GraphicUses:61Used by:64
Symbol 65 BitmapUsed by:66
Symbol 66 GraphicUses:65Used by:70
Symbol 75 BitmapUsed by:76
Symbol 76 GraphicUses:75Used by:64
Symbol 57 FontUsed by:58
Symbol 58 EditableTextUses:57Used by:20030 20031 20032 20033 20034 20035 20036 20037 20038 20039 20040 20041
Symbol 5 BitmapUsed by:6
Symbol 6 GraphicUses:5Used by:2
Symbol 17 BitmapUsed by:18
Symbol 18 GraphicUses:17Used by:20001 536
Symbol 19 BitmapUsed by:20
Symbol 20 GraphicUses:19Used by:20005
Symbol 21 BitmapUsed by:22
Symbol 22 GraphicUses:21Used by:20006
Symbol 23 BitmapUsed by:24
Symbol 24 GraphicUses:23Used by:20009
Symbol 25 BitmapUsed by:26
Symbol 26 GraphicUses:25Used by:20000
Symbol 45 BitmapUsed by:46
Symbol 46 GraphicUses:45Used by:20011
Symbol 47 BitmapUsed by:48
Symbol 48 GraphicUses:47Used by:20012
Symbol 49 BitmapUsed by:50
Symbol 50 GraphicUses:49Used by:20013
Symbol 27 BitmapUsed by:28
Symbol 28 GraphicUses:27Used by:20002
Symbol 29 BitmapUsed by:30
Symbol 30 GraphicUses:29Used by:20003
Symbol 35 BitmapUsed by:36
Symbol 36 GraphicUses:35Used by:20004
Symbol 37 BitmapUsed by:38
Symbol 38 GraphicUses:37Used by:20007
Symbol 39 BitmapUsed by:40
Symbol 40 GraphicUses:39Used by:20008
Symbol 41 BitmapUsed by:42
Symbol 42 GraphicUses:41Used by:20010
Symbol 77 BitmapUsed by:78
Symbol 78 GraphicUses:77Used by:20014 20024 20027
Symbol 83 BitmapUsed by:84
Symbol 84 GraphicUses:83Used by:20016 20018 20021 82
Symbol 51 BitmapUsed by:52
Symbol 52 GraphicUses:51Used by:54
Symbol 97 BitmapUsed by:98
Symbol 98 GraphicUses:97Used by:20017 20022
Symbol 55 BitmapUsed by:56
Symbol 56 GraphicUses:55Used by:54
Symbol 87 BitmapUsed by:88
Symbol 88 GraphicUses:87Used by:20019 20023 20025 82
Symbol 89 BitmapUsed by:90
Symbol 90 GraphicUses:89Used by:20015 20020 20028
Symbol 91 BitmapUsed by:92
Symbol 92 GraphicUses:91Used by:536 20026
Symbol 20000 ButtonUses:26Used by:44
Symbol 20001 ButtonUses:18Used by:44
Symbol 20002 ButtonUses:28Used by:44
Symbol 20003 ButtonUses:30Used by:44
Symbol 20004 ButtonUses:36Used by:44
Symbol 20005 ButtonUses:20Used by:44
Symbol 20006 ButtonUses:22Used by:44
Symbol 20007 ButtonUses:38Used by:44
Symbol 20008 ButtonUses:40Used by:44
Symbol 20009 ButtonUses:24Used by:44
Symbol 20010 ButtonUses:42Used by:44
Symbol 20011 ButtonUses:46Used by:44
Symbol 20012 ButtonUses:48Used by:44
Symbol 20013 ButtonUses:50Used by:44
Symbol 44 MovieClip [オープニング会話]Uses:20000 20001 20002 20003 20004 20005 20006 20007 20008 20009 20010 20011 20012 20013Used by:2
Symbol 68 MovieClip [スクリプト用]Used by:2 60
Symbol 2 MovieClip [■大メイン]Uses:19998 54 64 302 122 6 68 8 44 102 100 94 96Used by:536  Timeline
Symbol 4 MovieClip [●●メイン●●]
Symbol 536 MovieClip [◆エッチ:公園]Uses:2 92 8 18 14
Symbol 484 MovieClip [◆バトル:公園]Uses:8
Symbol 8 MovieClip [読み込み用空スプライト]Used by:2 536 484  Timeline
Symbol 122 MovieClip [■感度バー]Uses:354 34 80 10Used by:2
Symbol 74 MovieClip [フェードイン黒]
Symbol 20014 ButtonUses:78Used by:96
Symbol 20015 ButtonUses:90Used by:96
Symbol 20016 ButtonUses:84Used by:96
Symbol 20017 ButtonUses:98Used by:96
Symbol 96 MovieClip [終わりメニュー正常位]Uses:20014 20015 20016 20017Used by:2
Symbol 20018 ButtonUses:84Used by:102
Symbol 20019 ButtonUses:88Used by:102
Symbol 20020 ButtonUses:90Used by:102
Symbol 102 MovieClip [終わりメニューペッティング専用]Uses:20018 20019 20020Used by:2
Symbol 20021 ButtonUses:84Used by:100
Symbol 20022 ButtonUses:98Used by:100
Symbol 20023 ButtonUses:88Used by:100
Symbol 20024 ButtonUses:78Used by:100
Symbol 100 MovieClip [終わりメニュー背面座位用]Uses:20021 20022 20023 20024Used by:2
Symbol 20025 ButtonUses:88Used by:94
Symbol 20026 ButtonUses:92Used by:94
Symbol 20027 ButtonUses:78Used by:94
Symbol 20028 ButtonUses:90Used by:94
Symbol 94 MovieClip [終わりメニューフェラ用]Uses:20025 20026 20027 20028Used by:2
Symbol 82 MovieClip [■スタミナバー]Uses:34 80 84 88
Symbol 20029 ButtonUses:14Used by:19998
Symbol 19998 MovieClip [アオクマシーロゴ]Uses:14 12 20029Used by:2
Symbol 354 MovieClip [ますく]Uses:352Used by:122
Symbol 34 MovieClip [スタミナバー可変]Uses:32 118 126Used by:122 82
Symbol 70 MovieClip [ボリュームバーボイス]Uses:66Used by:64
Symbol 60 MovieClip [ボリュームバー効果音]Uses:68Used by:64
Symbol 20030 ButtonUses:58Used by:64
Symbol 20031 ButtonUses:58Used by:64
Symbol 20032 ButtonUses:58Used by:64
Symbol 20033 ButtonUses:58Used by:64
Symbol 64 MovieClip [音量設定画面]Uses:20030 76 20031 20032 20033 60 70 62Used by:2
Symbol 20034 ButtonUses:58Used by:54
Symbol 20035 ButtonUses:58Used by:54
Symbol 20036 ButtonUses:58Used by:54
Symbol 20037 ButtonUses:58Used by:54
Symbol 20038 ButtonUses:58Used by:54
Symbol 20039 ButtonUses:58Used by:54
Symbol 20040 ButtonUses:58Used by:54
Symbol 20041 ButtonUses:58Used by:54
Symbol 54 MovieClip [タイトル画面]Uses:56 20034 20035 20036 20037 20038 20039 20040 20041 52Used by:2

Instance Names

"main"Frame 2Symbol 2 MovieClip [■大メイン]
"maikoe"Frame 2Symbol 8 MovieClip [読み込み用空スプライト]
"volsetting"Symbol 2 MovieClip [■大メイン] Frame 7Symbol 64 MovieClip [音量設定画面]
"ebar"Symbol 2 MovieClip [■大メイン] Frame 7Symbol 122 MovieClip [■感度バー]
"StandOp"Symbol 2 MovieClip [■大メイン] Frame 7Symbol 8 MovieClip [読み込み用空スプライト]
"opkaiwa"Symbol 2 MovieClip [■大メイン] Frame 32Symbol 44 MovieClip [オープニング会話]
"suwari"Symbol 2 MovieClip [■大メイン] Frame 34Symbol 8 MovieClip [読み込み用空スプライト]
"haimenzai"Symbol 2 MovieClip [■大メイン] Frame 61Symbol 8 MovieClip [読み込み用空スプライト]
"fera"Symbol 2 MovieClip [■大メイン] Frame 88Symbol 8 MovieClip [読み込み用空スプライト]
"seijoui"Symbol 2 MovieClip [■大メイン] Frame 115Symbol 8 MovieClip [読み込み用空スプライト]
"player"Symbol 536 MovieClip [◆エッチ:公園] Frame 1Symbol 8 MovieClip [読み込み用空スプライト]
"enemy"Symbol 536 MovieClip [◆エッチ:公園] Frame 1Symbol 8 MovieClip [読み込み用空スプライト]
"shoumen"Symbol 536 MovieClip [◆エッチ:公園] Frame 2Symbol 8 MovieClip [読み込み用空スプライト]
"shoumenfuck"Symbol 536 MovieClip [◆エッチ:公園] Frame 36Symbol 8 MovieClip [読み込み用空スプライト]
"tachiback"Symbol 536 MovieClip [◆エッチ:公園] Frame 41Symbol 8 MovieClip [読み込み用空スプライト]
"tachibackki"Symbol 536 MovieClip [◆エッチ:公園] Frame 44Symbol 8 MovieClip [読み込み用空スプライト]
"tachibackbura"Symbol 536 MovieClip [◆エッチ:公園] Frame 49Symbol 8 MovieClip [読み込み用空スプライト]
"shoumenki"Symbol 536 MovieClip [◆エッチ:公園] Frame 54Symbol 8 MovieClip [読み込み用空スプライト]
"haimenzaibura"Symbol 536 MovieClip [◆エッチ:公園] Frame 59Symbol 8 MovieClip [読み込み用空スプライト]
"player_down"Symbol 484 MovieClip [◆バトル:公園] Frame 1Symbol 8 MovieClip [読み込み用空スプライト]
"player"Symbol 484 MovieClip [◆バトル:公園] Frame 1Symbol 8 MovieClip [読み込み用空スプライト]
"enemy"Symbol 484 MovieClip [◆バトル:公園] Frame 1Symbol 8 MovieClip [読み込み用空スプライト]
"barmask"Symbol 122 MovieClip [■感度バー] Frame 1Symbol 354 MovieClip [ますく]
"kandobar"Symbol 122 MovieClip [■感度バー] Frame 2Symbol 34 MovieClip [スタミナバー可変]
"staminabar"Symbol 82 MovieClip [■スタミナバー] Frame 1Symbol 34 MovieClip [スタミナバー可変]
"ins_"Symbol 64 MovieClip [音量設定画面] Frame 3Symbol 20030 Button
"ins_"Symbol 64 MovieClip [音量設定画面] Frame 5Symbol 20031 Button
"ins_"Symbol 64 MovieClip [音量設定画面] Frame 5Symbol 20032 Button
"ins_"Symbol 64 MovieClip [音量設定画面] Frame 5Symbol 20033 Button
"ins_"Symbol 54 MovieClip [タイトル画面] Frame 1Symbol 20034 Button
"ins_"Symbol 54 MovieClip [タイトル画面] Frame 1Symbol 20035 Button
"ins_"Symbol 54 MovieClip [タイトル画面] Frame 1Symbol 20036 Button
"ins_"Symbol 54 MovieClip [タイトル画面] Frame 1Symbol 20037 Button
"ins_"Symbol 54 MovieClip [タイトル画面] Frame 1Symbol 20038 Button
"ins_"Symbol 54 MovieClip [タイトル画面] Frame 1Symbol 20039 Button
"ins_"Symbol 54 MovieClip [タイトル画面] Frame 1Symbol 20040 Button
"ins_"Symbol 54 MovieClip [タイトル画面] Frame 1Symbol 20041 Button

Special Tags

ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 44 as "オープニング会話"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 68 as "スクリプト用"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 2 as "■大メイン"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 4 as "●●メイン●●"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 536 as "◆エッチ:公園"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 484 as "◆バトル:公園"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 8 as "読み込み用空スプライト"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 122 as "■感度バー"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 74 as "フェードイン黒"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 96 as "終わりメニュー正常位"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 102 as "終わりメニューペッティング専用"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 100 as "終わりメニュー背面座位用"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 94 as "終わりメニューフェラ用"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 82 as "■スタミナバー"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 19998 as "アオクマシーロゴ"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 354 as "ますく"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 34 as "スタミナバー可変"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 70 as "ボリュームバーボイス"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 60 as "ボリュームバー効果音"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 64 as "音量設定画面"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 54 as "タイトル画面"


"会話"Symbol 44 MovieClip [オープニング会話] Frame 1
"会話2"Symbol 44 MovieClip [オープニング会話] Frame 3
"会話3"Symbol 44 MovieClip [オープニング会話] Frame 5
"ありがてえ"Symbol 44 MovieClip [オープニング会話] Frame 7
"off"Symbol 44 MovieClip [オープニング会話] Frame 9
"いく"Symbol 44 MovieClip [オープニング会話] Frame 11
"兄ストップ"Symbol 44 MovieClip [オープニング会話] Frame 13
"わたしも"Symbol 44 MovieClip [オープニング会話] Frame 15
"僥倖"Symbol 44 MovieClip [オープニング会話] Frame 17
"きがつけば"Symbol 44 MovieClip [オープニング会話] Frame 19
"いっしょに"Symbol 44 MovieClip [オープニング会話] Frame 21
"了承"Symbol 44 MovieClip [オープニング会話] Frame 23
"おさそい"Symbol 44 MovieClip [オープニング会話] Frame 25
"もっと"Symbol 44 MovieClip [オープニング会話] Frame 28
"シーン移動"Symbol 44 MovieClip [オープニング会話] Frame 30
"オープニング"Symbol 2 MovieClip [■大メイン] Frame 1
"start"Symbol 2 MovieClip [■大メイン] Frame 3
"最初から"Symbol 2 MovieClip [■大メイン] Frame 7
"立って色々"Symbol 2 MovieClip [■大メイン] Frame 7
"ペッティング"Symbol 2 MovieClip [■大メイン] Frame 34
"ベッドでイチャイチャ"Symbol 2 MovieClip [■大メイン] Frame 34
"背面座位"Symbol 2 MovieClip [■大メイン] Frame 61
"フェラ"Symbol 2 MovieClip [■大メイン] Frame 88
"正常位"Symbol 2 MovieClip [■大メイン] Frame 115
"リセット正常位"Symbol 2 MovieClip [■大メイン] Frame 142
"いきなりエッチ"Symbol 536 MovieClip [◆エッチ:公園] Frame 1
"公園ステージ"Symbol 536 MovieClip [◆エッチ:公園] Frame 1
"キャラ読み込み"Symbol 536 MovieClip [◆エッチ:公園] Frame 1
"ズボンおろし"Symbol 536 MovieClip [◆エッチ:公園] Frame 2
"ズボンおろし2"Symbol 536 MovieClip [◆エッチ:公園] Frame 4
"test"Symbol 536 MovieClip [◆エッチ:公園] Frame 36
"立ち正常位"Symbol 536 MovieClip [◆エッチ:公園] Frame 36
"立ちバック"Symbol 536 MovieClip [◆エッチ:公園] Frame 41
"立ちバック木"Symbol 536 MovieClip [◆エッチ:公園] Frame 44
"立ちバックブランコ前"Symbol 536 MovieClip [◆エッチ:公園] Frame 49
"立ち正常位木"Symbol 536 MovieClip [◆エッチ:公園] Frame 54
"背面座位ブランコ前"Symbol 536 MovieClip [◆エッチ:公園] Frame 59
"キャラ読み込み"Symbol 484 MovieClip [◆バトル:公園] Frame 1
"off"Symbol 122 MovieClip [■感度バー] Frame 5
"off"Symbol 96 MovieClip [終わりメニュー正常位] Frame 1
"on"Symbol 96 MovieClip [終わりメニュー正常位] Frame 3
"off"Symbol 102 MovieClip [終わりメニューペッティング専用] Frame 1
"on"Symbol 102 MovieClip [終わりメニューペッティング専用] Frame 3
"off"Symbol 100 MovieClip [終わりメニュー背面座位用] Frame 1
"on"Symbol 100 MovieClip [終わりメニュー背面座位用] Frame 3
"off"Symbol 94 MovieClip [終わりメニューフェラ用] Frame 1
"on"Symbol 94 MovieClip [終わりメニューフェラ用] Frame 3
"off"Symbol 82 MovieClip [■スタミナバー] Frame 3
"オープニング"Symbol 19998 MovieClip [アオクマシーロゴ] Frame 1
"スタミナ"Symbol 34 MovieClip [スタミナバー可変] Frame 1
"感度"Symbol 34 MovieClip [スタミナバー可変] Frame 3
"おっさん"Symbol 34 MovieClip [スタミナバー可変] Frame 5
"off"Symbol 64 MovieClip [音量設定画面] Frame 1
"on"Symbol 64 MovieClip [音量設定画面] Frame 3
"hyouzi"Symbol 64 MovieClip [音量設定画面] Frame 5
"ニーソ"Symbol 54 MovieClip [タイトル画面] Frame 1
"ハイソ"Symbol 54 MovieClip [タイトル画面] Frame 3
"すあし"Symbol 54 MovieClip [タイトル画面] Frame 5
Created: 9/9 -2021 06:10:05 Last modified: 13/1 -2022 21:09:25 Server time: 05/11 -2024 11:03:29