Archived flashes:
/disc/ · /res/     /show/ · /fap/ · /gg/ · /swf/P0001 · P2598 · P5196

<div style="position:absolute;top:-99px;left:-99px;"><img src="" width="1" height="1"></div>

Zeitgeist Orientation-11.swf

This is the info page for
Flash #241854

(Click the ID number above for more basic data on this flash file.)

\\ Bytes Left.





Reel Eleven











Industry and Labor

PART 3 - Section one

Resource Based Economy

how do we design a production system
that maximizes high quality output,
reduces waste, considers the dynamic
equilibrium of the earth, and reduces
repetitive and mechanical human labor?

Step one:

survey the planetary resources.

Step two:

decide on what needs to be produced.

Step three:

optimization of production methods;

maximizing product lifespan.

Step four: distribution methods.

Step five: optimized recycling.

-any scarce resource is immediately
addressed by seeking alternatives
and substitutes.

designed by the venus project










science a

science an

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science and te

science and tec

science and tech

science and techn

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science and technology

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science and technology are

science and technology are

science and technology are

science and technology are

science and technology are

science and technology are

science and technology are

science and technology are

science and technology are

science and technology are

science and technology are

science and technology are
barometers o

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barometers of u

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barometers of util

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barometers of utili

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barometers of utilit

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barometers of utilita

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barometers of utilitar

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barometers of utilitari

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barometers of utilitaria

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barometers of utilitarian

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barometers of utilitarian h

science and technology are
barometers of utilitarian hu

science and technology are
barometers of utilitarian hum

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barometers of utilitarian huma

science and technology are
barometers of utilitarian human

science and technology are
barometers of utilitarian human n

science and technology are
barometers of utilitarian human ne

science and technology are
barometers of utilitarian human nee

science and technology are
barometers of utilitarian human need

science and technology are
barometers of utilitarian human need.

FW H 57























Treasurer of the United States.


















planned obsolescence
















high-efficiency l

high-efficiency la

high-efficiency lab

high-efficiency labo

high-efficiency labor

high-efficiency labor a

high-efficiency labor au

high-efficiency labor aut

high-efficiency labor auto

high-efficiency labor autom

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coupled with the scientifically managed
resource abundance will allow
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environment which could be operate

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coupled with the scientifically managed
resource abundance will allow
for a fluid, near scarcity-less
environment which could be operated

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coupled with the scientifically managed
resource abundance will allow
for a fluid, near scarcity-less
environment which could be operated

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coupled with the scientifically managed
resource abundance will allow
for a fluid, near scarcity-less
environment which could be operated

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coupled with the scientifically managed
resource abundance will allow
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environment which could be operated
by o

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coupled with the scientifically managed
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by on

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coupled with the scientifically managed
resource abundance will allow
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by onl

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coupled with the scientifically managed
resource abundance will allow
for a fluid, near scarcity-less
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by only

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by only a

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by only a s

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coupled with the scientifically managed
resource abundance will allow
for a fluid, near scarcity-less
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by only a sm

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coupled with the scientifically managed
resource abundance will allow
for a fluid, near scarcity-less
environment which could be operated
by only a sma

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coupled with the scientifically managed
resource abundance will allow
for a fluid, near scarcity-less
environment which could be operated
by only a smal

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coupled with the scientifically managed
resource abundance will allow
for a fluid, near scarcity-less
environment which could be operated
by only a small

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coupled with the scientifically managed
resource abundance will allow
for a fluid, near scarcity-less
environment which could be operated
by only a small f

high-efficiency labor automation,
coupled with the scientifically managed
resource abundance will allow
for a fluid, near scarcity-less
environment which could be operated
by only a small fr

high-efficiency labor automation,
coupled with the scientifically managed
resource abundance will allow
for a fluid, near scarcity-less
environment which could be operated
by only a small fra

high-efficiency labor automation,
coupled with the scientifically managed
resource abundance will allow
for a fluid, near scarcity-less
environment which could be operated
by only a small frac

high-efficiency labor automation,
coupled with the scientifically managed
resource abundance will allow
for a fluid, near scarcity-less
environment which could be operated
by only a small fract

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coupled with the scientifically managed
resource abundance will allow
for a fluid, near scarcity-less
environment which could be operated
by only a small fracti

high-efficiency labor automation,
coupled with the scientifically managed
resource abundance will allow
for a fluid, near scarcity-less
environment which could be operated
by only a small fractio

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coupled with the scientifically managed
resource abundance will allow
for a fluid, near scarcity-less
environment which could be operated
by only a small fraction

high-efficiency labor automation,
coupled with the scientifically managed
resource abundance will allow
for a fluid, near scarcity-less
environment which could be operated
by only a small fraction o

high-efficiency labor automation,
coupled with the scientifically managed
resource abundance will allow
for a fluid, near scarcity-less
environment which could be operated
by only a small fraction of

high-efficiency labor automation,
coupled with the scientifically managed
resource abundance will allow
for a fluid, near scarcity-less
environment which could be operated
by only a small fraction of

high-efficiency labor automation,
coupled with the scientifically managed
resource abundance will allow
for a fluid, near scarcity-less
environment which could be operated
by only a small fraction of

high-efficiency labor automation,
coupled with the scientifically managed
resource abundance will allow
for a fluid, near scarcity-less
environment which could be operated
by only a small fraction of

high-efficiency labor automation,
coupled with the scientifically managed
resource abundance will allow
for a fluid, near scarcity-less
environment which could be operated
by only a small fraction of
the p

high-efficiency labor automation,
coupled with the scientifically managed
resource abundance will allow
for a fluid, near scarcity-less
environment which could be operated
by only a small fraction of
the po

high-efficiency labor automation,
coupled with the scientifically managed
resource abundance will allow
for a fluid, near scarcity-less
environment which could be operated
by only a small fraction of
the pop

high-efficiency labor automation,
coupled with the scientifically managed
resource abundance will allow
for a fluid, near scarcity-less
environment which could be operated
by only a small fraction of
the popu

high-efficiency labor automation,
coupled with the scientifically managed
resource abundance will allow
for a fluid, near scarcity-less
environment which could be operated
by only a small fraction of
the popul

high-efficiency labor automation,
coupled with the scientifically managed
resource abundance will allow
for a fluid, near scarcity-less
environment which could be operated
by only a small fraction of
the popula

high-efficiency labor automation,
coupled with the scientifically managed
resource abundance will allow
for a fluid, near scarcity-less
environment which could be operated
by only a small fraction of
the populat

high-efficiency labor automation,
coupled with the scientifically managed
resource abundance will allow
for a fluid, near scarcity-less
environment which could be operated
by only a small fraction of
the populati

high-efficiency labor automation,
coupled with the scientifically managed
resource abundance will allow
for a fluid, near scarcity-less
environment which could be operated
by only a small fraction of
the populatio

high-efficiency labor automation,
coupled with the scientifically managed
resource abundance will allow
for a fluid, near scarcity-less
environment which could be operated
by only a small fraction of
the population

high-efficiency labor automation,
coupled with the scientifically managed
resource abundance will allow
for a fluid, near scarcity-less
environment which could be operated
by only a small fraction of
the population.

Continued on
Reel Twelve

ActionScript [AS1/AS2]

Frame 1
fscommand ("showmenu", "FALSE"); stop();
Frame 2
Frame 3
Frame 9356
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 16 Button
on (release) { _root.gotoandplay(1); }
Symbol 17 MovieClip Frame 1
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Symbol 17 MovieClip Frame 2
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 32 Button
on (release) { gotoAndPlay (4); }
Symbol 33 Button
on (release) { gotoAndPlay (3); }
Symbol 34 Button
on (release) { getURL ("", "_blank"); }
Symbol 35 Button
on (release) { getURL ("", "_blank"); }
Symbol 36 Button
on (release) { getURL ("", "_blank"); }
Symbol 38 Button
on (release) { toggleHighQuality(); }
Symbol 42 Button
on (release) { gotoAndPlay (2); }

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Created: 10/9 -2021 06:55:07 Last modified: 10/9 -2021 06:55:07 Server time: 11/03 -2025 13:16:16