Archived flashes:
/disc/ · /res/     /show/ · /fap/ · /gg/ · /swf/P0001 · P2598 · P5196

<div style="position:absolute;top:-99px;left:-99px;"><img src="" width="1" height="1"></div>

Zeitgeist Orientation-12.swf

This is the info page for
Flash #241855

(Click the ID number above for more basic data on this flash file.)

\\ Bytes Left.





Reel Twelve











Industry and Labor

PART 3 - Section one

Resource Based Economy




who w

who wi

who wil

who will

who will m

who will ma

who will mai

who will main

who will maint

who will mainta

who will maintai

who will maintain

who will maintain t

who will maintain th

who will maintain the

who will maintain the m

who will maintain the ma

who will maintain the mac

who will maintain the mach

who will maintain the machi

who will maintain the machin

who will maintain the machine

who will maintain the machines

who will maintain the machines?











"Ultimate a

"Ultimate au

"Ultimate aut

"Ultimate auto

"Ultimate autom

"Ultimate automa

"Ultimate automat

"Ultimate automati

"Ultimate automatio

"Ultimate automation

"Ultimate automation…

"Ultimate automation…w

"Ultimate automation…wi

"Ultimate automation…wil

"Ultimate automation…will

"Ultimate automation…will m

"Ultimate automation…will ma

"Ultimate automation…will mak

"Ultimate automation…will make

"Ultimate automation…will make o

"Ultimate automation…will make ou

"Ultimate automation…will make our

"Ultimate automation…will make our

"Ultimate automation…will make our

"Ultimate automation…will make our

"Ultimate automation…will make our

"Ultimate automation…will make our

"Ultimate automation…will make our

"Ultimate automation…will make our
modern i

"Ultimate automation…will make our
modern in

"Ultimate automation…will make our
modern ind

"Ultimate automation…will make our
modern indu

"Ultimate automation…will make our
modern indus

"Ultimate automation…will make our
modern indust

"Ultimate automation…will make our
modern industr

"Ultimate automation…will make our
modern industry

"Ultimate automation…will make our
modern industry a

"Ultimate automation…will make our
modern industry as

"Ultimate automation…will make our
modern industry as p

"Ultimate automation…will make our
modern industry as pr

"Ultimate automation…will make our
modern industry as pri

"Ultimate automation…will make our
modern industry as prim

"Ultimate automation…will make our
modern industry as primi

"Ultimate automation…will make our
modern industry as primit

"Ultimate automation…will make our
modern industry as primiti

"Ultimate automation…will make our
modern industry as primitiv

"Ultimate automation…will make our
modern industry as primitive

"Ultimate automation…will make our
modern industry as primitive a

"Ultimate automation…will make our
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"Ultimate automation…will make our
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"Ultimate automation…will make our
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"Ultimate automation…will make our
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"Ultimate automation…will make our
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"Ultimate automation…will make our
modern industry as primitive and outd

"Ultimate automation…will make our
modern industry as primitive and outda

"Ultimate automation…will make our
modern industry as primitive and outdat

"Ultimate automation…will make our
modern industry as primitive and outdate

"Ultimate automation…will make our
modern industry as primitive and outdated

"Ultimate automation…will make our
modern industry as primitive and outdated a

"Ultimate automation…will make our
modern industry as primitive and outdated as

"Ultimate automation…will make our
modern industry as primitive and outdated as

"Ultimate automation…will make our
modern industry as primitive and outdated as

"Ultimate automation…will make our
modern industry as primitive and outdated as

"Ultimate automation…will make our
modern industry as primitive and outdated as
the s

"Ultimate automation…will make our
modern industry as primitive and outdated as
the st

"Ultimate automation…will make our
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the sto

"Ultimate automation…will make our
modern industry as primitive and outdated as
the ston

"Ultimate automation…will make our
modern industry as primitive and outdated as
the stone

"Ultimate automation…will make our
modern industry as primitive and outdated as
the stone a

"Ultimate automation…will make our
modern industry as primitive and outdated as
the stone ag

"Ultimate automation…will make our
modern industry as primitive and outdated as
the stone age

"Ultimate automation…will make our
modern industry as primitive and outdated as
the stone age m

"Ultimate automation…will make our
modern industry as primitive and outdated as
the stone age ma

"Ultimate automation…will make our
modern industry as primitive and outdated as
the stone age man

"Ultimate automation…will make our
modern industry as primitive and outdated as
the stone age man l

"Ultimate automation…will make our
modern industry as primitive and outdated as
the stone age man lo

"Ultimate automation…will make our
modern industry as primitive and outdated as
the stone age man loo

"Ultimate automation…will make our
modern industry as primitive and outdated as
the stone age man look

"Ultimate automation…will make our
modern industry as primitive and outdated as
the stone age man looks

"Ultimate automation…will make our
modern industry as primitive and outdated as
the stone age man looks t

"Ultimate automation…will make our
modern industry as primitive and outdated as
the stone age man looks to

"Ultimate automation…will make our
modern industry as primitive and outdated as
the stone age man looks to u

"Ultimate automation…will make our
modern industry as primitive and outdated as
the stone age man looks to us

"Ultimate automation…will make our
modern industry as primitive and outdated as
the stone age man looks to us t

"Ultimate automation…will make our
modern industry as primitive and outdated as
the stone age man looks to us to

"Ultimate automation…will make our
modern industry as primitive and outdated as
the stone age man looks to us tod

"Ultimate automation…will make our
modern industry as primitive and outdated as
the stone age man looks to us toda

"Ultimate automation…will make our
modern industry as primitive and outdated as
the stone age man looks to us today

"Ultimate automation…will make our
modern industry as primitive and outdated as
the stone age man looks to us today.

"Ultimate automation…will make our
modern industry as primitive and outdated as
the stone age man looks to us today."

"Ultimate automation…will make our
modern industry as primitive and outdated as
the stone age man looks to us today."

"Ultimate automation…will make our
modern industry as primitive and outdated as
the stone age man looks to us today."

"Ultimate automation…will make our
modern industry as primitive and outdated as
the stone age man looks to us today."

"Ultimate automation…will make our
modern industry as primitive and outdated as
the stone age man looks to us today."

"Ultimate automation…will make our
modern industry as primitive and outdated as
the stone age man looks to us today."

"Ultimate automation…will make our
modern industry as primitive and outdated as
the stone age man looks to us today."

"Ultimate automation…will make our
modern industry as primitive and outdated as
the stone age man looks to us today."

"Ultimate automation…will make our
modern industry as primitive and outdated as
the stone age man looks to us today."
-Albert E

"Ultimate automation…will make our
modern industry as primitive and outdated as
the stone age man looks to us today."
-Albert Ei

"Ultimate automation…will make our
modern industry as primitive and outdated as
the stone age man looks to us today."
-Albert Ein

"Ultimate automation…will make our
modern industry as primitive and outdated as
the stone age man looks to us today."
-Albert Eins

"Ultimate automation…will make our
modern industry as primitive and outdated as
the stone age man looks to us today."
-Albert Einst

"Ultimate automation…will make our
modern industry as primitive and outdated as
the stone age man looks to us today."
-Albert Einste

"Ultimate automation…will make our
modern industry as primitive and outdated as
the stone age man looks to us today."
-Albert Einstei

"Ultimate automation…will make our
modern industry as primitive and outdated as
the stone age man looks to us today."
-Albert Einstein

Science News

Self-repairing Aircraft Could Revolutionize Aviation Safety

ScienceDaily (May 19, 2008) — A new technique that
mimics healing processes found in nature could
enable damaged aircraft to mend themselves
automatically, even during a flight.

As well as the obvious safety
benefits, this breakthrough could
make it possible to design lighter
aeroplanes in future. This would
lead to fuel savings, cutting costs
for airlines and passengers and
reducing carbon emissions too.
The technique works like this. If
a tiny hole/crack appears in the
aircraft (e.g. due to wear and
tear, fatigue, a stone striking the
plane etc), epoxy resin would
'bleed' from embedded vessels
near the hole/crack and quickly
seal it up, restoring structural
integrity. By mixing dye into the
resin, any 'self-mends' could be

made to show as coloured patches that could easily be
pinpointed during subsequent ground inspections, and a
full repair carried out if necessary.

See also:
Matter & Energy
* Aviation
* Construction
* Vehicles
* Materials Science
* Weapons Technology
* Chemistry
* Plastic
* Metallurgy
* Concrete
* Military aviation

Flying colours: fractured fibre-reinforced
polymer under UV illumination showing
how the 'healing agent' bleeds into the
damage. (Credit: Image courtesy of
Engineering and Physical Sciences
Research Council)













Abstract The properties of self-testing and selfrepairing
on chip are the ultimate objectives of digital
circuit design. Inspiring from the reconfiguration
characteristics similar to those found in biological cellular
organisms, this paper presents a new digital circuit
based on embryonic cellular array, which is capable of
implementing self-repairing. The inner architecture
and the self-repairing mechanism of this new circuit are
expounded, and a design of cells in the array by LUT
(look-up table) is particularized in detailed. Lastly, a
parallel multiplication circuit is proposed as an example
to show the effectiveness and the application of this
design in terms of functionality and fault-tolerance.

products is decreased. So, the digital circuits with selftesting
and self-repairing are of great significance for
the development of the IC industry, self-testing makes
the circuits diagnose themselves for detecting faults,
while self-repairing confirms the circuits repair faults
by themselves with little hardware and little manual
work. These researches are also advanced issues of
modern technology now [1–3].
Nowadays, digital circuit fault-tolerance is mainly
implemented through hardware-redundancy with low
utilization rate of hardware. But, the development
mechanism of multi-cellular organism provides a
good high-reliability and fault-tolerance example to

Received: 9 November 2006 / Accepted: 23 January 2007 / Published online: 21 February 2007
(c) Springer-Verlag London Limited 2007

The research of self-repairing digital circuit based
on embryonic cellular array
Zhai Zhang . Youren Wang . Shanshan Yang .
Rui Yao . Jiang Cui

BIC-TA 2006

Neural Comput & Applic (2008) 17:145–151
DOI 10.1007/s00521-007-0095-9

what is the true nature of
our occupational roles?

we recognize and react
to observed patterns.

technical process

the conscious delegation of
decision making to computers is
the next phase of social evolution.

Continued on
Reel Thirteen

ActionScript [AS1/AS2]

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Created: 10/9 -2021 07:20:05 Last modified: 10/9 -2021 07:20:05 Server time: 11/03 -2025 13:25:54