Frame 31
Frame 32
xx = "10";
yy = "320";
act = "1";
ff = "1";
ballx1 = "350";
bally1 = "410";
ballx2 = "350";
bally2 = "440";
ballx3 = "350";
bally3 = "470";
ballx4 = "350";
bally4 = "500";
ballx5 = "350";
bally5 = "530";
ballx6 = "350";
bally6 = "560";
setProperty("/ball1", _x , ballx1);
setProperty("/ball1", _y , bally1);
setProperty("/ball2", _x , ballx2);
setProperty("/ball2", _y , bally2);
setProperty("/ball3", _x , ballx3);
setProperty("/ball3", _y , bally3);
setProperty("/ball4", _x , ballx4);
setProperty("/ball4", _y , bally4);
setProperty("/ball5", _x , ballx5);
setProperty("/ball5", _y , bally5);
setProperty("/ball6", _x , ballx6);
setProperty("/ball6", _y , bally6);
mm1 = "9";
mm2 = "9";
mm3 = "9";
mm4 = "9";
mm5 = "9";
mm6 = "9";
layer1 = "0";
layer2 = "0";
layer3 = "0";
layer4 = "0";
layer5 = "0";
layer6 = "0";
hit = "0";
times = "0";
items = "1";
stage = "1";
score = "0";
life = "5";
Frame 33
yy = (("4" - /:ff) * "120") - "40";
setProperty("/role", _x , xx);
setProperty("/role", _y , yy);
hit = "0";
Frame 34
times = times + "1";
if (times == "1") {
items = "1";
bally1 = "30";
if (times == "30") {
items = "2";
bally2 = "30";
if (times == "60") {
items = "3";
bally3 = "30";
if (times == "90") {
items = "4";
bally4 = "30";
if (times == "120") {
items = "5";
bally5 = "30";
if (times == "150") {
items = "6";
bally6 = "30";
now = "1";
while (items >= now) {
if (("110" >= eval ("bally" add now)) and (eval ("layer" add now) == "0")) {
Set("bally" add now, eval ("bally" add now) + eval ("mm" add now));
setProperty("/ball" add now, _y , eval ("bally" add now));
if ((eval ("bally" add now) >= "110") and (eval ("layer" add now) == "0")) {
Set("layer" add now, "1");
Set("bally" add now, "110");
if ((eval ("ballx" add now) >= "10") and (eval ("layer" add now) == "1")) {
Set("ballx" add now, eval ("ballx" add now) - eval ("mm" add now));
setProperty("/ball" add now, _x , eval ("ballx" add now));
if (("10" >= eval ("ballx" add now)) and (eval ("layer" add now) == "1")) {
Set("layer" add now, "1.5");
if (("230" >= eval ("bally" add now)) and (eval ("layer" add now) == "1.5")) {
Set("bally" add now, eval ("bally" add now) + eval ("mm" add now));
setProperty("/ball" add now, _y , eval ("bally" add now));
if ((eval ("bally" add now) >= "230") and (eval ("layer" add now) == "1.5")) {
Set("layer" add now, "2");
Set("bally" add now, "230");
if (("500" >= eval ("ballx" add now)) and (eval ("layer" add now) == "2")) {
Set("ballx" add now, eval ("ballx" add now) + eval ("mm" add now));
setProperty("/ball" add now, _x , eval ("ballx" add now));
if ((eval ("ballx" add now) >= "500") and (eval ("layer" add now) == "2")) {
Set("layer" add now, "2.5");
if (("350" >= eval ("bally" add now)) and (eval ("layer" add now) == "2.5")) {
Set("bally" add now, eval ("bally" add now) + eval ("mm" add now));
setProperty("/ball" add now, _y , eval ("bally" add now));
if ((eval ("bally" add now) >= "350") and (eval ("layer" add now) == "2.5")) {
Set("layer" add now, "3");
Set("bally" add now, "350");
if ((eval ("ballx" add now) >= "10") and (eval ("layer" add now) == "3")) {
Set("ballx" add now, eval ("ballx" add now) - eval ("mm" add now));
setProperty("/ball" add now, _x , eval ("ballx" add now));
if (("10" >= eval ("ballx" add now)) and (eval ("layer" add now) == "3")) {
Set("layer" add now, "0");
Set("bally" add now, "30");
Set("ballx" add now, "350");
setProperty("/ball" add now, _x , eval ("ballx" add now));
setProperty("/ball" add now, _y , eval ("bally" add now));
setProperty("/role", _y , yy);
if (((((((xx + getProperty("/role", _width)) - "10") >= eval ("ballx" add now)) and (eval ("ballx" add now) >= ((xx - getProperty("/ballx" add now, _width)) + "10"))) and ((getProperty("/ball" add now, _y) - "30") >= yy)) and (yy >= (((getProperty("/ball" add now, _y) - "30") - getProperty("/ball" add now, _height)) + "10"))) and (no_died == "0")) {
hit = "1";
tellTarget ("/role") {
gotoAndPlay("dead" add /:act);
gotoAndPlay (36);
now = now + "1";
if ((xx >= "420") and (ff == "3")) {
ff = "1";
xx = "10";
tellTarget ("/boss") {
gotoAndPlay(/:stage + "1");
stage = stage + "1";
tellTarget ("/role") {
gotoAndPlay ("goal");
gotoAndPlay (52);
Frame 35
gotoAndPlay (34);
Frame 50
i = "1";
while ("3" >= i) {
setProperty("/ball" add i, _y , "410");
i = i + "1";
nowlife = "6" - life;
setProperty("/life" add nowlife, _visible , "0");
life = life - "1";
if (life == "0") {
} else {
gotoAndPlay (33);
Frame 51
Frame 52
tellTarget ("/messages") {
gotoAndStop(/:stage - "1");
if (stage == "2") {
score = score + "10";
if (stage == "3") {
score = score + "30";
if (stage == "4") {
score = score + "50";
if (stage == "5") {
score = score + "100";
Frame 67
if (stage == "5") {
stage = "1";
tellTarget ("/boss") {
gotoAndStop (1);
gotoAndPlay (33);
Symbol 13 Button
on (release) {
gotoAndPlay (32);
Symbol 18 Button
on (keyPress "<Right>") {
if (("450" >= /:xx) and (/:hit == "0")) {
Set("/:act", "1");
Set("/:xx", /:xx + "10");
setProperty("/role", _x , /:xx);
on (keyPress "<Left>") {
if ((/:xx >= "10") and (/:hit == "0")) {
Set("/:act", "2");
Set("/:xx", /:xx - "10");
setProperty("/role", _x , /:xx);
gotoAndPlay (5);
on (keyPress "<Up>") {
if (jump == "0") {
if ((((/:xx >= ("420" - "25")) and (("470" - "35") >= /:xx)) and (/:ff == "1")) or (((/:xx >= ("60" - "25")) and (("110" - "35") >= /:xx)) and (/:ff == "2"))) {
last = /:act;
jump = "1";
ctrl = "0";
gotoAndPlay (8);
} else if (/:hit == "0") {
gotoAndPlay (3);
Symbol 20 Button
on (keyPress "<Right>") {
if (("450" >= /:xx) and (/:hit == "0")) {
Set("/:act", "1");
Set("/:xx", /:xx + "10");
setProperty("/role", _x , /:xx);
gotoAndPlay (2);
on (keyPress "<Left>") {
if ((/:xx >= "10") and (/:hit == "0")) {
Set("/:act", "2");
Set("/:xx", /:xx - "10");
setProperty("/role", _x , /:xx);
on (keyPress "<Up>") {
if (jump == "0") {
if ((((/:xx >= ("420" - "25")) and (("470" - "35") >= /:xx)) and (/:ff == "1")) or (((/:xx >= ("60" - "25")) and (("110" - "35") >= /:xx)) and (/:ff == "2"))) {
last = /:act;
jump = "1";
ctrl = "0";
gotoAndPlay (8);
} else if (/:hit == "0") {
gotoAndPlay (6);
Symbol 25 Button
on (keyPress "<Right>") {
if (("450" >= /:xx) and (/:hit == "0")) {
Set("/:act", "1");
Set("/:xx", /:xx + "10");
setProperty("/role", _x , /:xx);
on (keyPress "<Left>") {
if ((/:xx >= "10") and (/:hit == "0")) {
Set("/:act", "2");
Set("/:xx", /:xx - "10");
setProperty("/role", _x , /:xx);
gotoAndPlay(_currentframe + "19");
on (keyPress "<Up>") {
if (jump == "0") {
if ((((/:xx >= ("420" - "25")) and (("470" - "35") >= /:xx)) and (/:ff == "1")) or (((/:xx >= ("60" - "25")) and (("110" - "35") >= /:xx)) and (/:ff == "2"))) {
last = /:act;
jump = "1";
ctrl = "0";
gotoAndPlay (8);
} else if (/:hit == "0") {
gotoAndPlay (3);
Symbol 26 Button
on (keyPress "<Right>") {
if (("450" >= /:xx) and (/:hit == "0")) {
Set("/:act", "1");
Set("/:xx", /:xx + "10");
setProperty("/role", _x , /:xx);
gotoAndPlay(_currentframe - "19");
on (keyPress "<Left>") {
if ((/:xx >= "10") and (/:hit == "0")) {
Set("/:act", "2");
Set("/:xx", /:xx - "10");
setProperty("/role", _x , /:xx);
on (keyPress "<Up>") {
if (jump == "0") {
if ((((/:xx >= ("420" - "25")) and (("470" - "35") >= /:xx)) and (/:ff == "1")) or (((/:xx >= ("60" - "25")) and (("110" - "35") >= /:xx)) and (/:ff == "2"))) {
last = /:act;
jump = "1";
ctrl = "0";
gotoAndPlay (8);
} else if (/:hit == "0") {
gotoAndPlay (6);
Symbol 27 MovieClip Frame 1
dd = "10";
i = "1";
Set("/:yy", (("4" - /:ff) * "120") - "40");
setProperty("/role", _x , /:xx);
setProperty("/role", _y , /:yy);
jump = "0";
height = (("4" - /:ff) * "120") - "40";
Symbol 27 MovieClip Frame 2
jump = "0";
Set("/:no_died", "0");
Symbol 27 MovieClip Frame 3
if (jump == "0") {
if (((/:yy == (height - "60")) and (/:hit == "0")) and (jump == "0")) {
ctrl = "1";
dd = -dd;
Set("/:yy", /:yy - dd);
setProperty("/role", _y , /:yy);
if ((/:yy == height) and (ctrl == "1")) {
dd = -dd;
ctrl = "0";
i = "1";
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 27 MovieClip Frame 4
i = i + "1";
gotoAndPlay (3);
Symbol 27 MovieClip Frame 5
jump = "0";
Set("/:no_died", "0");
Symbol 27 MovieClip Frame 6
if (jump == "0") {
if (((/:yy == (height - "60")) and (/:hit == "0")) and (jump == "0")) {
ctrl = "1";
dd = -dd;
Set("/:yy", /:yy - dd);
setProperty("/role", _y , /:yy);
if ((/:yy == height) and (ctrl == "1")) {
dd = -dd;
ctrl = "0";
i = "1";
gotoAndPlay (5);
Symbol 27 MovieClip Frame 7
i = i + "1";
gotoAndPlay (6);
Symbol 27 MovieClip Frame 8
if (jump == "1") {
if (/:yy >= ((("3" - /:ff) * "120") - "30")) {
Set("/:yy", /:yy - "10");
setProperty("/role", _y , /:yy);
} else {
Set("/:act", last);
setProperty("/role", _x , /:xx);
setProperty("/role", _y , /:yy);
Set("/:ff", /:ff + "1");
height = (("4" - /:ff) * "120") - "40";
gotoAndStop("act" add /:act);
Symbol 27 MovieClip Frame 9
if (/:hit == "0") {
gotoAndPlay (8);
} else {
Symbol 27 MovieClip Frame 10
i = "12";
Symbol 27 MovieClip Frame 24
gotoAndPlay (40);
Symbol 27 MovieClip Frame 25
i = "12";
Symbol 27 MovieClip Frame 39
gotoAndPlay (59);
Symbol 27 MovieClip Frame 40
Set("/:no_died", "1");
dd = "10";
i = "1";
setProperty("/role", _x , /:xx);
setProperty("/role", _y , /:yy);
jump = "0";
height = (("4" - /:ff) * "120") - "40";
Symbol 27 MovieClip Frame 58
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 27 MovieClip Frame 59
Set("/:no_died", "1");
dd = "10";
i = "1";
setProperty("/role", _x , /:xx);
setProperty("/role", _y , /:yy);
jump = "0";
height = (("4" - /:ff) * "120") - "40";
Symbol 27 MovieClip Frame 77
gotoAndPlay (5);
Symbol 27 MovieClip Frame 93
Set("/:ff", "1");
Set("/:xx", "10");
Set("/:no_died", "0");
gotoAndPlay (40);
Symbol 38 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 38 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 38 MovieClip Frame 3
Symbol 38 MovieClip Frame 4
Symbol 38 MovieClip Frame 5
Symbol 38 MovieClip Frame 6
gotoAndPlay (5);
Symbol 60 Button
on (release) {
setProperty("/life1", _visible , "1");
setProperty("/life2", _visible , "1");
setProperty("/life3", _visible , "1");
setProperty("/life4", _visible , "1");
setProperty("/life5", _visible , "1");
tellTarget ("/boss") {
gotoAndStop (1);
gotoAndPlay (32);
Symbol 64 Button
on (release) {
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 71 MovieClip Frame 1