[Tools][Expand/Collapse All]Note that automatic extraction of ActionScript 3 is still pretty much unsupported by swfchan. AS1/AS2 works okay most of the time.Frame 1 (12 B)
amount = 1;
Frame 2 (258 B)
var total = _root.getBytesTotal();
var loaded = _root.getBytesLoaded();
var perc = ((loaded / total) * 100);
percent = Math.round(perc) + "%";
setProperty("progress", _xscale , perc);
if (loaded == total) {
percent = "complete";
gotoAndPlay (4);
Frame 3 (17 B)
gotoAndPlay (2);
Frame 6 (8 B)
Frame 911 (8 B)
Symbol 11 Button (34 B)
on (release) {
gotoAndPlay (7);
Symbol 234 Button (96 B)
on (release) {
getURL ("http://www.timebombmusic.co.uk/Dj's/ScratchPerverts.html", "_blank");
Symbol 235 Button (59 B)
on (release) {
getURL ("mailto:jemar@blueyonder.co.uk");
Symbol 238 Button (52 B)
on (release) {
gotoAndPlay (1);