Archived flashes:
/disc/ · /res/     /show/ · /fap/ · /gg/ · /swf/P0001 · P2599 · P5197

<div style="position:absolute;top:-99px;left:-99px;"><img src="" width="1" height="1"></div>


This is the info page for
Flash #21698

(Click the ID number above for more basic data on this flash file.)







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ActionScript [AS1/AS2]

Frame 1
_global.branding = "xmoov FLV player"; _global.allowDomains = ",,xmoov.local,2xmoov.local"; stop(); var s = ("" + id); if (s == "") { s = "1"; } var pathnr = ("" + Math.floor(parseFloat(s) / 1000)); var l = s.length; var i = 1; while (i <= (7 - l)) { s = "0" + s; i++; } l = pathnr.length; i = 1; while (i <= (7 - l)) { pathnr = "0" + pathnr; i++; } var xc = new Array("R", "1", "5", "3", "4", "2", "O", "7", "K", "9", "H", "B", "C", "D", "X", "F", "G", "A", "I", "J", "8", "L", "M", "Z", "6", "P", "Q", "0", "S", "T", "U", "V", "W", "E", "Y", "N"); var code = ""; var qsum = 0; i = 0; while (i <= 6) { qsum = qsum + (parseInt(s.charAt(i)) * (i + 1)); i++; } var s1 = ("" + qsum); qsum = 0; i = 0; while (i < s1.length) { qsum = qsum + parseInt(s1.charAt(i)); i++; } var qstr; if (qsum >= 10) { qstr = "" + qsum; } else { qstr = "0" + qsum; } code = code + xc[((s.charCodeAt(3) - 48) + qsum) + 3]; code = code + qstr.charAt(1); code = code + xc[((s.charCodeAt(0) - 48) + qsum) + 2]; code = code + xc[((s.charCodeAt(2) - 48) + qsum) + 1]; code = code + xc[((s.charCodeAt(5) - 48) + qsum) + 6]; code = code + xc[((s.charCodeAt(1) - 48) + qsum) + 5]; code = code + qstr.charAt(0); code = code + xc[((s.charCodeAt(4) - 48) + qsum) + 7]; code = code + xc[((s.charCodeAt(6) - 48) + qsum) + 4]; content_video = ((pathnr + "/") + code) + ".flv"; share = "" + id; stop(); _global.iSecure = function () { var _local8 = _url.substr(0, _url.indexOf(":")); if (_local8 == "file") { return(false); } if (_local8 == "http") { var _local7 = _url.indexOf("//"); var _local3 = _url.substr(_local7 + 2, (_url.indexOf("/", _local7 + 2) - _local7) - 2); _local3 = _local3.toUpperCase(); var _local4 = _global.allowDomains.toUpperCase(); var _local5 = ""; if (_local3.indexOf("WWW.") != -1) { _local3 = _local3.substr(_local3.indexOf("WWW.") + 4, _local3.length); _local5 = "www."; } for (var _local6 in _local4.split(",")) { if (_local3.indexOf(_local4.split(",")[_local6]) != -1) { _global.secureDomain = ("http://" + _local5) + _local3.toLowerCase(); return(true); } } _root.sek = false; return(false); } }; _global.getSecureDomain = function () { return("http://" + _global.allowDomains.split(",")[0]); }; if (_global.iSecure() == true) {; } else { getURL (_global.getSecureDomain(), "_self"); unloadMovie (_root); unloadMovie (this); } Stage.scaleMode = "noScale"; Stage.align = "TL"; showErrors = ((showErrors != undefined) ? true : false); var _version = Number(getVersion().split(" ")[1].split(",")[0]); MovieClip.prototype.centerPopup = function (theUrl, title, w, h, scrollbars, menubar, fullscreen, toolbar, stat, resizable, titlebar) { var _local7 = System.capabilities.screenResolutionX; var _local6 = System.capabilities.screenResolutionY; var _local3 = Math.round((_local7 / 2) - (w / 2)); var _local4 = Math.round((_local6 / 2) - (h / 2)); if (scrollbars.split(":")[0] == "all") { var _local1 = scrollbars.split(":")[1]; var _local5 = (((((((((((((((((("scrollbars=" + _local1) + ", ") + "menubar=") + _local1) + ", ") + "fullscreen=") + _local1) + ", ") + "toolbar=") + _local1) + ", ") + "status=") + _local1) + ", ") + "resizable=") + _local1) + ", ") + "titlebar=") + _local1; } else { var _local5 = (((((((((((((((((("scrollbars=" + scrollbars) + ", ") + "menubar=") + menubar) + ", ") + "fullscreen=") + fullscreen) + ", ") + "toolbar=") + toolbar) + ", ") + "status=") + stat) + ", ") + "resizable=") + resizable) + ", ") + "titlebar=") + titlebar; } getURL (((((((((((((((((((((((((("javascript:void(\"" + theUrl) + "\",\"\", \"scrollbars=") + scrollbars) + ",width=") + w) + ",height=") + h) + ",left=") + _local3) + ",top=") + _local4) + ",screenX=") + _local3) + ",screenY=") + _local4) + ",menubar=") + menubar) + ",toolbar=") + toolbar) + ",status=") + stat) + ",resizable=") + resizable) + ",titlebar=") + titlebar) + "\"))"); }; function resetContext() { CM = new ContextMenu(); CM.hideBuiltInItems(); = CM; var _local5 = false; var _local4 = false; var _local3 = 0; while (_local3 < cntx.length) { _root["item" + _local3] = new ContextMenuItem(cntx[_local3].caption, gotoContextUrl); if (((_local3 > 0) && (_local5 == false)) && (cntx[_local3].caption != undefined)) { _local5 = true; _root["item" + _local3].separatorBefore = true; } if (_local4 == "do") { _root["item" + _local3].separatorBefore = true; _local4 = true; } if ((cntx[_local3]._purl == "hq") || ((cntx[_local3]._purl == "lq") && (_local4 == false))) { _local4 = "do"; } _root["item" + _local3].enabled = ((cntx[_local3].deac == true) ? false : true); CM.customItems.push(_root["item" + _local3]); _local3++; } } function gotoContextUrl(obj) { var _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < cntx.length) { if (cntx[_local2].caption == arguments[1].caption) { (((cntx[_local2]._purl == "") || (cntx[_local2]._purl == undefined)) ? null : (doContextFunction(cntx[_local2]._purl))); break; } _local2++; } } function doContextFunction() { switch (arguments[0]) { case "lq" : player.hQ = false; player.resetContext(); break; case "hq" : player.hQ = true; player.resetContext(); break; default : getURL (arguments[0], "_blank"); } } CM = new ContextMenu(); CM.hideBuiltInItems(); = CM;
Frame 5
Symbol 33 MovieClip [buffer_count] Frame 1
stop(); this._x = (Stage.width - this._width) / 2; this._y = (Stage.height - this._height) / 2;
Symbol 33 MovieClip [buffer_count] Frame 6
this.onEnterFrame = function () { this._alpha = 100; this._x = (Stage.width - this._width) / 2; this._y = (Stage.height - this._height) / 2; };
Symbol 39 MovieClip Frame 1
function kill() { unloadMovie (this); } this.onEnterFrame = function () { this._alpha = 100; this._x = (Stage.width - this._width) / 2; this._y = (Stage.height - this._height) / 2; };
Symbol 54 MovieClip Frame 1
function kill() { unloadMovie (this); } _root.stop(); if (((_root.detectFlash != undefined) && (!isNaN(_root.detectFlash))) && (_root._version < _root.detectFlash)) { cv = _root._version; rv = _root.detectFlash; _root.preloader.kill(); this.onEnterFrame = function () { this._x = (Stage.width - this._width) / 2; this._y = (Stage.height - this._height) / 2; }; } else { kill();; } bt_update.onPress = function () { getURL ("", "_blank"); }; bt_cont.onPress = function () { kill();; };
Symbol 55 MovieClip [UserInterface] Frame 1
#initclip 11 Object.registerClass("UserInterface", UI); #endinitclip
Symbol 57 MovieClip [xmoovPlaybackEngine] Frame 1
#initclip 9 Object.registerClass("xmoovPlaybackEngine", xmoovPlaybackEngine); #endinitclip
Symbol 58 MovieClip [buffer_fire] Frame 1
stop(); this._x = (Stage.width - this._width) / 2; this._y = (Stage.height - this._height) / 2;
Symbol 58 MovieClip [buffer_fire] Frame 6
this.onEnterFrame = function () { this._alpha = 100; this._x = (Stage.width - this._width) / 2; this._y = (Stage.height - this._height) / 2; };
Symbol 68 MovieClip [buffer_pie] Frame 1
stop(); this._x = (Stage.width - this._width) / 2; this._y = (Stage.height - this._height) / 2;
Symbol 68 MovieClip [buffer_pie] Frame 6
this.onEnterFrame = function () { this._alpha = 100; this._x = (Stage.width - this._width) / 2; this._y = (Stage.height - this._height) / 2; };
Symbol 71 MovieClip [buffer_macro] Frame 1
stop(); this._x = (Stage.width - this._width) / 2; this._y = (Stage.height - this._height) / 2;
Symbol 71 MovieClip [buffer_macro] Frame 6
this.onEnterFrame = function () { this._alpha = 100; this._x = (Stage.width - this._width) / 2; this._y = (Stage.height - this._height) / 2; };
Symbol 83 MovieClip [buffer_sticks] Frame 1
stop(); this._x = (Stage.width - this._width) / 2; this._y = (Stage.height - this._height) / 2;
Symbol 83 MovieClip [buffer_sticks] Frame 6
this.onEnterFrame = function () { this._alpha = 100; this._x = (Stage.width - this._width) / 2; this._y = (Stage.height - this._height) / 2; };
Symbol 94 MovieClip [buffer_ufo] Frame 1
stop(); this._x = (Stage.width - this._width) / 2; this._y = (Stage.height - this._height) / 2;
Symbol 94 MovieClip [buffer_ufo] Frame 6
this.onEnterFrame = function () { this._alpha = 100; this._x = (Stage.width - this._width) / 2; this._y = (Stage.height - this._height) / 2; };
Symbol 95 MovieClip [xmooth_media_player] Frame 1
#initclip 10 Object.registerClass("xmooth_media_player", XmoothMediaPlayer); #endinitclip stop();
Symbol 95 MovieClip [xmooth_media_player] Frame 2
Symbol 96 MovieClip [__Packages.xmoovPlaybackEngine] Frame 0
class xmoovPlaybackEngine extends MovieClip { var conf, barmem, barWidth, tm, vs, vl, tel, vo, srcmem, bwmem, btmem, abmem, mc_bar, mc_button, sWt, sWs, onEnterFrame, mc_volbutton, volbarWidth, onMouseMove, mc_volbar, broadcastMessage, _visible, __get__seekbar, __get__seekbutton, __get__volumebar, __get__volumebutton; function xmoovPlaybackEngine () { super(); var _local27 = this; conf = new Object({vec:(Number = 2), bandwidthCaptureTime:(Number = 5), quickstartOffset:(Number = 100), buffer_time:(Number = 3), tolerance:(Number = 2), bufferThreshold:(Number = 3), bandwidthThreshold:(Number = 20), rememberBandwidth:(Boolean = true), limitBuffer:(Boolean = false), bufferLimit:(Number = 20), useAutoBuffer:(Boolean = true), correctBufferTime:(Boolean = true), ipHeaderOverhead:(Number = 0.07), correctBrokenStream:(Boolean = true), useErrorCorrection:(Boolean = true), errorRetryDelay:(Number = 20), errorRetry:(Number = 3), positionKey:(String = ""), fileKey:(String = ""), securityKey:(String = undefined), bandwidthKey:(String = undefined), bandwidth:(String = undefined), vol:(Number = 100), videoDeblocking:(Number = 1), videoSmoothing:(Boolean = false), endPadding:(Number = 2), seekStepTime:(Number = 5), useScript:(Boolean = true), forceScript:(Boolean = true), phpURL:(String = ""), continueLastPosition:(Boolean = false)}); AsBroadcaster.initialize(this); } function resetBar() { if ((arguments[0] != undefined) && (barmem != arguments[0])) { barWidth = arguments[0]; barOffset = timeToPixel(tm.Offset);; vl.onLoadProgress(tel); barmem = barWidth; } } function resetQuality() { if ((vo.smoothing != conf.videoSmoothing) || (vo.deblocking != conf.videoDeblocking)) { ((playback == true) ? null : (vs.seekTo("current"))); vo.smoothing = conf.videoSmoothing; vo.deblocking = conf.videoDeblocking; } } function refreshVideo(src, file, autostart, id) { var self = this; if (srcmem != ((src + "_") + file)) { vs.disconnectStream(); vs = new VideoStream(this); if (vs.connectStream(src, file, id) == true) { tel =; tm = vs._time; (isNaN(Number(bwmem)) ? null : ((tel.Bandwidth = bwmem))); (isNaN(Number(bwmem)) ? null : ((tel.currentBandwidth = bwmem))); (isNaN(Number(btmem)) ? null : ((tel.buffertime = btmem))); (isNaN(Number(abmem)) ? null : ((tel.autobuffer = abmem))); (isNaN(Number(abmem)) ? null : ((tel.lastAutobuffer = abmem))); (isNaN(Number(abmem)) ? null : ((tel.mem = true))); vl = new Object(); vl.onTime = function (tC, end) { if (self.wait == false) { if ( != true) { self.mc_button._x = (tC.Current / tC.Total) * (self.barWidth - self.mc_button._width); } if (((end == true) && (self.playback == true)) && ( != true)) { self.playback = false; self.vs.NS.pause(true); self.broadcastMessage("onVideoComplete", true); tC.CurrentSeek = tC.Current; } self.videoEnd = end; self.broadcastMessage("onTime", tC, end); } }; vl.onLoadInit = function (tel) { self.imloaded = false; self.wait = false; self._visible = true; }; vl.onLoadProgress = function (tel, tm) { self.imloaded = false; if (self.wait == false) { self.mc_bar._x = self.barOffset; self.mc_bar._width = self.mc_button._width + (tel.calc * (self.barWidth - (self.barOffset + self.mc_button._width))); } }; vl.onLoadComplete = function (tel, tm) { if (self.wait == false) { self.mc_bar._width = self.barWidth - self.barOffset; ((self.barOffset == 0) ? ((self.imloaded = true)) : null); } }; vl.onStreamSeek = function () { ((self.mc_button.onEnterFrame == undefined) ? (( = false)) : null); }; vl.onKeyframe = function (p) { self.scrub(p); }; vl.onBandwidth = function (tel) { self.broadcastMessage("onBandwidth", tel); }; vs.addListener(vl); mc_bar._x = 0; mc_bar._width = 1; mc_button._x = 0; srcmem = (src + "_") + file; } } ((autostart == true) ? (playVideo()) : null); } function playVideo() { sk = false; if ((tm.Offset < 1) && (tel.TotalBytes > 1)) { vs.playAt(0); } else { wait = true; tm.Offset = (barOffset = (mc_button._x = (mc_bar._x = 0))); mc_bar._width = mc_button._width; vs.loadAndPlay(0); } playback = true; } function togglePlay() { if ((vs.end == false) && (fsAbort == false)) { if ((playback == true) && (vs.dtb == false)) { playback = false; vs.NS.pause(true); } else if ((playback == true) && (vs.dtb == true)) { vs.abortBandwidthDetect(); } else if (playback == false) { playback = true; vs.NS.pause(false); } } else if ((vs.end == true) || (fsAbort == true)) { fsAbort = false; playVideo(); } if (vs.playing == false) { vs.playing = true;; } } function rewindVideo() { vs.abortBandwidthDetect(); if (wait == false) { if ((playback == true) || (tm.Offset > 0)) { playVideo(); } else { stopVideo(); } } } function stopVideo() {; vs.NS.pause(true); playback = false; mc_button._x = 0; sk = false; } function Seek(s) { var self = this; vs.abortBandwidthDetect(); if ((tel.TotalBytes > 1) && (wait != true)) { ((mc_button._x < 1) ? ((mc_button._x = 0)) : null); switch (s) { case true : sk = true; vs.NS.pause(true); mc_button.startDrag(false, 0, mc_button._y, barWidth - mc_button._width, mc_button._y); mc_button.onEnterFrame = function () { self.vs.seekTo(self.pixelToTime(this._x)); }; break; case false : mc_button.stopDrag(); delete mc_button.onEnterFrame; if (mc_button._x < barOffset) { var _local2 = true; } else if ((mc_button._x > (mc_bar._width - mc_button._width)) && (conf.useScript == false)) { mc_button._x = mc_bar._width - mc_button._width; }; if ((_local2 == true) || ((tm.ext == true) && (conf.useScript == true))) { if (mc_button._x == 0) { rewindVideo(); } else { vs.getKeyframe(pixelToTime(mc_button._x)); } } else if ((tm.ext == false) || (conf.useScript != true)) { (( == false) ? (vs.Buffer(true)) : null); if (playback == true) { vs.playAt(pixelToTime(mc_button._x)); } else { vs.seekTo(pixelToTime(mc_button._x)); } } sk = false; } } } function scrollWheelSeek(d) { if (d > 0) { seekForward(true); sWt = d * -1; } else { seekBackward(true); sWt = d * -1; } sWs = true; } function autoSeek() { if (arguments[0] == true) { onEnterFrame = function () { = true; if (this.vs._video.fSeek == true) { this.vs._video.bSeek = false; this.fSeek(); if (this.sWs == true) { this.seekForward(false); this.sWs = false; } } else if (this.vs._video.bSeek == true) { this.vs._video.fSeek = false; this.bSeek(); if (this.sWs == true) { this.seekBackward(false); this.sWs = false; } } }; } else { sk = false; delete onEnterFrame; } } function seekForward(s) { if ((mc_bar._width > (timeToPixel(conf.seekStepTime) * 2)) && (vs._video.bSeek == false)) { if (s) { if (playback == true) { vs.NS.pause(true); vs._video.Continue = true; } else { vs._video.Continue = false; } } else if (vs._video.Continue == true) { vs.NS.pause(false); vs._video.Continue = false; } vs._video.fSeek = s; sk = s; autoSeek(s); } } function seekBackward(s) { if ((mc_bar._width > (timeToPixel(conf.seekStepTime) * 2)) && (vs._video.fSeek == false)) { if (s) { if (playback == true) { vs.NS.pause(true); vs._video.Continue = true; } else { vs._video.Continue = false; } } else if (vs._video.Continue == true) { vs.NS.pause(false); vs._video.Continue = false; } vs._video.bSeek = s; sk = s; autoSeek(s); } } function fSeek() { var _local2 = mc_button._x + timeToPixel(conf.seekStepTime); _local2 = (((_local2 - mc_button._x) < 2) ? (mc_button._x + 2) : (_local2)); _local2 = (((_local2 + timeToPixel(conf.endPadding)) < ((mc_bar._width - mc_button._width) + barOffset)) ? (_local2) : undefined); if (_local2 != undefined) { mc_button._x = _local2; vs.seekTo(pixelToTime(_local2)); } } function bSeek() { var _local2 = mc_button._x - timeToPixel(conf.seekStepTime); _local2 = (((mc_button._x - _local2) < 2) ? (mc_button._x - 2) : (_local2)); _local2 = (((mc_button._x - timeToPixel(conf.seekStepTime)) > barOffset) ? (_local2) : (barOffset)); if (_local2 != undefined) { mc_button._x = _local2; vs.seekTo(pixelToTime(_local2)); } } function scrub() { barOffset = timeToPixel(tm.Offset); mc_bar._width = mc_button._width; mc_bar._x = barOffset; mc_button._x = barOffset; wait = true; vs.loadAndPlay(arguments[0], true); playback = true; } function adjustVolume(s) { switch (s) { case true : conf.vol = (mc_volbutton._x / (volbarWidth - mc_volbutton._width)) * 100; refreshVolume(true); mc_volbutton.startDrag(false, 0, mc_volbutton._y, volbarWidth - mc_volbutton._width, mc_volbutton._y); onMouseMove = function () { this.conf.vol = (this.mc_volbutton._x / (this.volbarWidth - this.mc_volbutton._width)) * 100; this.refreshVolume(true); }; break; case false : mc_volbutton.stopDrag(); delete onMouseMove; } } function toggleSound() { var _local2 = ((conf.vol > 0) ? true : false); volmem = (_local2 ? (conf.vol) : (volmem)); conf.vol = (_local2 ? 0 : (volmem)); refreshVolume(); } function refreshVolume(usr) { vs.sOb.setVolume(conf.vol); if ((mc_volbar && (mc_volbutton)) && (volbarWidth)) { var _local3 = (conf.vol / 100) * (volbarWidth - mc_volbutton._width); (usr ? null : ((mc_volbutton._x = _local3))); var _local2 = (conf.vol / 100) * volbarWidth; mc_volbar._width = ((_local2 >= 1) ? (_local2) : 1); } broadcastMessage("onVolumeChange", conf.vol); } function abortToFullscreen() { if ((imloaded != true) && (vs.end != true)) { _visible = false; stopVideo(); srcmem = ""; vs.disconnectStream(); refreshVideo(vs.src, vs.file, false,; fsAbort = true; } else if (playback == true) { togglePlay(); } } function pixelToTime(px) { return(Math.floor((px / (barWidth - mc_button._width)) * tm.Total)); } function timeToPixel(tmm) { return(Math.floor((tmm / tm.Total) * (barWidth - mc_button._width))); } function set seekbar(v) { ((v == undefined) ? null : ((mc_bar = v))); ((v == undefined) ? null : ((barWidth = (barWidth ? (barWidth) : (mc_bar._width))))); //return(__get__seekbar()); } function set seekbutton(v) { ((v == undefined) ? null : ((mc_button = v))); //return(__get__seekbutton()); } function set volumebar(v) { ((v == undefined) ? null : ((mc_volbar = v))); ((v == undefined) ? null : ((volbarWidth = (volbarWidth ? (volbarWidth) : (mc_volbar._width))))); //return(__get__volumebar()); } function set volumebutton(v) { ((v == undefined) ? null : ((mc_volbutton = v))); //return(__get__volumebutton()); } function set Volume(v) { ((v == undefined) ? null : ((conf.vol = v))); refreshVolume(); //return(Volume); } function get Volume() { return(conf.vol); } function setsize(w, h) { vo._width = w; vo._height = h; } function get skipped() { return(((tm.Offset < 1) ? false : true)); } var playback = false; var wait = false; var sk = false; var barOffset = 0; var videoEnd = false; var volmem = 0; var fsAbort = false; var jump = 0; var imloaded = false; }
Symbol 97 MovieClip [__Packages.VideoStream] Frame 0
class VideoStream { var floor, ceil, mother, vo, conf, src, file, id, tel, _video, _stream, _time, meta, NS, broadcastMessage, sOb, tc_id, vs_id, NC; function VideoStream (m) { AsBroadcaster.initialize(this); floor = Math.floor; ceil = Math.ceil; mother = m; vo = mother.vo; conf = mother.conf; } function connectStream(_src, _file, _id) { var _local49 = this; src = _src; file = _file; id = _id; tel = new Object({underruns:(Number = 0), underrun:(Boolean = false), startBytes:(Number = 0), mem_LoadedBytes:(Number = 0), LoadedBytes:(Number = 0), TotalBytes:(Number = 0), TotalBytesCurrent:(Number = 0), Inactivity:(Number = 0), mem_Inactivity:(Number = 0), startTime:(Number = 0), elapsedTime:(Number = 0), remainingTime:(Number = 0), Bandwidth:(Number = 0), currentBandwidth:(Number = 0), calc:(Number = 0), buffertime:(Number = 1000), lastAutobuffer:(Number = 1000), autobuffer:(Number = 1000), correction:(Number = 0)}); _video = new Object({file:(String = _file), src:(String = _src), Width:(Number = 0), Height:(Number = 0), bSeek:(Boolean = false), fSeek:(Boolean = false), Pending:(Boolean = true), endTimer:(Number = 0), TimEnd:(Boolean = true), End:(Boolean = false), Continue:(Boolean = false), Paused:(Boolean = false), Pausmem:(Boolean = false), Stopped:(Boolean = true), Seeking:(Boolean = false), Playing:(Boolean = false), Playmem:(Boolean = false)}); _stream = new Object({bufferPoint:(Number = 0), mDur:(Boolean = false), mSt:(Boolean = false), Buffering:(Boolean = false), Buffmem:(Boolean = false), Times:new Array(), Positions:new Array(), LoadedBytes:(Number = 0), TotalBytes:(Number = 0), TotalBytesCurrent:(Number = 0), step:(Number = 0)}); _time = new Object({real:new Object({ext:(Boolean = false), Total:(Number = 0), Offset:(Number = 0), Current:(Number = 0), CurrentSeek:(Number = 0), Remaining:(Number = 0), Seek:(Number = 0), Movie:(Number = 0)}), bf:(Number = 0), ext:(Boolean = false), Total:(Number = 0), Offset:(Number = 0), Current:(Number = 0), CurrentSeek:(Number = 0), Remaining:(Number = 0), Seek:(Number = 0), Movie:(Number = 0), Buffertime:(Number = 0)}); meta = false; return(true); } function playAt(position) { seekTo(position); NS.pause(false); } function seekTo(position, g) { if (position == "current") {; } else { Seek(position);; } } function getKeyframe(position) { var _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < _stream.Times.length) { var _local3 = _local2 + 1; if ((_stream.Times[_local2] <= position) && (_stream.Times[_local3] >= position)) { _time.Offset = _stream.Times[_local2]; broadcastMessage("onKeyframe", _stream.Positions[_local2]); break; } _local2++; } } function loadAndPlay(position, forceScript) { initNewStream(position, forceScript); } function disconnectStream() { Buffer(false); sOb.setVolume(0); NS.close(); clearInterval(tc_id); clearInterval(vs_id); init = false; } function initNewStream(position, forceScript) { var self = this; disconnectStream(); NC = new NetConnection(); NC.connect(null); NS = new NetStream(NC); vo.attachVideo(NS); mother.attachAudio(NS); sOb = new Sound(mother); sOb.setVolume(conf.vol); NS.onStatus = function (info) { self.refreshVideoStatus(info); }; if (meta != true) { NS.onMetaData = function (obj) { self.refreshMetaData(obj); }; } if ((conf.useAutoBuffer == true) && (_stream.mDur != undefined)) { NS.setBufferTime(1.11111111111111E22); } else { NS.setBufferTime(conf.buffer_time); } forceScript = true; dtb = true; abort = (dn = (tel.underrun = false)); tel.mem_LoadedBytes = (tel.LoadedBytes = -2); _stream.step = (tel.startBytes = (tel.TotalBytesCurrent = (tel.startTime = 0))); _stream.bufferPoint = _time.Offset; _time.CurrentSeek = (_time.Current = _time.Offset); cached = false; Buffer(true); end = false; var _local3 = ((conf.useScript == true) ? ((((((conf.phpURL + conf.fileKey) + file) + conf.positionKey) + ((position != undefined) ? (position) : 0)) + (((_root.key != undefined) && (conf.securityKey != undefined)) ? (conf.securityKey + _root.key) : "")) + ((((_root.bandwidth != undefined) || (conf.bandwidth != undefined)) && (conf.bandwidthKey != undefined)) ? (conf.bandwidthKey + ((conf.bandwidth != undefined) ? (conf.bandwidth) : (_root.bandwidth))) : "")) : (src + file));; _root.purl = _local3; tc_id = setInterval(this, "tt", tc_rf); vs_id = setInterval(this, "streamData", vs_rf); } function streamData() { tel.TotalBytesCurrent = NS.bytesTotal; if (tel.TotalBytes > 0) { tel.TotalBytes = tel.TotalBytes; } else { tel.TotalBytes = tel.TotalBytesCurrent; } tel.LoadedBytes = NS.bytesLoaded; tel.calc = tel.LoadedBytes / tel.TotalBytesCurrent; if ((tel.mem_LoadedBytes != tel.LoadedBytes) || (cached == true)) { if ((((tel.startBytes == 0) && (tel.LoadedBytes > 0)) && (tel.mem_LoadedBytes < 1)) && (cached == false)) { tel.startTime = getTimer(); dn = (abort = false); tel.elapsedTime = (tel.remainingTime = (tel.currentBandwidth = 0)); tel.startBytes = tel.LoadedBytes; _stream.step = 1; broadcastMessage("onLoadInit", tel); if (((NS.bytesTotal == NS.bytesLoaded) && (NS.bytesLoaded > 10)) && (cached == false)) { _stream.step = 5; cached = true; } } else if ((((_stream.step > 0) && (_stream.step <= 2)) && (NS.bytesTotal != NS.bytesLoaded)) && (cached == false)) { init = true; _stream.step = 2; _time.Movie = tel.calc * (_time.Total - _time.Offset); _time.real.Movie = getTimecode(_time.Movie); if (((conf.useAutoBuffer == true) && (_stream.mDur != undefined)) && (meta == true)) { calcBandwidth(); } broadcastMessage("onLoadProgress", tel, _time); tel.Inactivity = 0; } else if (((((_stream.step >= 2) && (_stream.step < 3)) && (NS.bytesTotal == NS.bytesLoaded)) && (NS.bytesLoaded > 10)) && (cached == false)) { _stream.step = 3; dn = true; _time.Movie = _time.Total; broadcastMessage("onLoadComplete", tel, _time); Buffer(false); clearInterval(vs_id); } else if (cached == true) { _stream.step = ((_stream.step == 5) ? 5 : 4); if ((conf.useAutoBuffer == true) && (_stream.mDur != undefined)) { calcBandwidth(); } abortBandwidthDetect(); dn = true; _time.Movie = tel.calc * (_time.Total - _time.Offset); _time.real.Movie = getTimecode(_time.Movie); tel.Inactivity = 0; dn = true; _time.Movie = _time.Total; broadcastMessage("onLoadInit", tel); broadcastMessage("onLoadProgress", tel, _time); broadcastMessage("onLoadComplete", tel, _time); clearInterval(vs_id); Buffer(false); } if (((((((_stream.step > 0) && (_stream.step < 3)) && (NS.bytesTotal == NS.bytesLoaded)) && (NS.bytesLoaded > 10)) && (NS.bytesTotal > 1000)) && (dn != true)) && (meta == true)) { cached = true; } tel.mem_LoadedBytes = tel.LoadedBytes; } _root.cached = cached + String(_stream.step); } function refreshMetaData(obj) { vo._visible = true; for (var _local5 in obj) { } _video.Width = (((obj.width != undefined) && (obj.width > 6)) ? (obj.width) : 0); _video.Height = (((obj.height != undefined) && (obj.height > 5)) ? (obj.height) : 0); _global.video_width = _video.Width; _global.video_height = _video.Height; dtr = ceil(((obj.datarate != undefined) ? (obj.datarate) : (((obj.videodatarate != undefined) ? (((obj.audiodatarate != undefined) ? (obj.videodatarate + obj.audiodatarate) : (obj.videodatarate))) : 400)))); _root.fkbps = ((dtr == 100000) ? "MISSING" : (dtr.toString() + " kbps")); if ((conf.useScript == true) && (conf.phpURL != undefined)) { if ((obj.keyframes.times != undefined) && (obj.keyframes.filepositions != undefined)) { _stream.Times = obj.keyframes.times; _stream.Positions = obj.keyframes.filepositions; _stream.mSt = true; } else { conf.useScript = false; } } _stream.mDur = (((obj.duration != undefined) && (obj.duration > 0.5)) ? true : false); _global.video_duration = _stream.mDur; if (_stream.mDur == true) { TotalTime(obj.duration); NS.setBufferTime(((conf.useAutoBuffer != true) ? (conf.buffer_time) : (_time.Total))); } else { TotalTime(-1); NS.setBufferTime(conf.buffer_time); } seekTo(_stream.bufferPoint); tt(true); vo.smoothing = conf.videoSmoothing; vo.deblocking = conf.videoDeblocking; vo._visible = true; meta = true; if (((_root.fs != undefined) && (_level0.fullscreen != undefined)) && (_stream.mSt == true)) { if ((isNaN(Number(_root.fs.pos)) == false) && (Number(_root.fs.pos) > 3)) { getKeyframe(Number(_root.fs.pos)); } } mother.broadcastMessage("onMetaDetect"); delete _root.fs; delete NS.onMetaData; } function refreshVideoStatus(info) { var _local3 = this; switch (info.code) { case "NetStream.Buffer.Full" : ((_time.Total > 0) ? (Buffer(false)) : null); break; case "NetStream.Buffer.Empty" : ((tel.TotalBytesCurrent > tel.LoadedBytes) ? (Buffer(true)) : null); break; case "NetStream.Play.Stop" : break; case "NetStream.Play.Start" : break; case "NetStream.Buffer.Flush" : break; case "NetStream.Play.StreamNotFound" : break; case "NetStream.Seek.Notify" : broadcastMessage("onStreamSeek"); break; case "NetStream.Seek.InvalidTime" : } } function Buffer() { if (((arguments[0] != _stream.Buffmem) && (arguments[0] != undefined)) && (_stream.Buffmem != undefined)) { _stream.Buffering = arguments[0]; _stream.Buffmem = _stream.Buffering; if (arguments[0] == true) { _stream.bufferPoint = _time.Current; if ((conf.useAutoBuffer == true) && (_stream.mDur != undefined)) { dtb = true; NS.setBufferTime(_time.Total); if (((((tel.autobuffer <= 0) && ((_time.Current - _time.Offset) > conf.tolerance)) && (tel.startTime > 0)) && (abort != true)) && (conf.correctBufferTime == true)) { tel.underrun = true; tel.underruns++; tel.correction = conf.tolerance * tel.underruns; } else { tel.underrun = false; } } } mother.broadcastMessage("onBuffer", _stream.Buffering); } } function calcBandwidth() { var _local2 = (getTimer() - tel.startTime) / 1000; var _local8 = (tel.LoadedBytes - tel.startBytes) / 1024; var _local4 = _local8 * 8; var _local9 = (tel.TotalBytesCurrent - tel.startBytes) * 8; var _local7 = _local9 / 1024; var _local3 = floor((_local4 / _local2) * (1 - conf.ipHeaderOverhead)); var _local5 = (_local7 - _local4) / _local3; tel.elapsedTime = getTimecode(floor(_local2)); tel.remainingTime = getTimecode(floor(_local5)); var _local6 = _time.Remaining; tel.currentBandwidth = floor(_local3); tel.autobuffer = ceil(_local6 - (_local6 / (dtr / tel.currentBandwidth))); if (_local2 > conf.bandwidthCaptureTime) { tel.buffertime = ((tel.autobuffer <= 0) ? (conf.tolerance) : (tel.autobuffer)); if (tel.Bandwidth > 0) { if (((((tel.Bandwidth - conf.bandwidthThreshold) > tel.currentBandwidth) || ((tel.Bandwidth + conf.bandwidthThreshold) < tel.currentBandwidth)) || ((tel.lastAutobuffer - conf.bufferThreshold) > tel.autobuffer)) || ((tel.lastAutobuffer + conf.bufferThreshold) < tel.autobuffer)) { tel.Bandwidth = 0; } } else { tel.Bandwidth = tel.currentBandwidth; tel.lastAutobuffer = tel.autobuffer; tel.mem = true; ((conf.rememberBandwidth != true) ? null : (broadcastMessage("onBandwidth", tel))); } } if (((cached == true) || ((conf.limitBuffer == true) && (NS.bufferLength > conf.bufferLimit))) || ((tel.autobuffer < (-conf.quickstartOffset)) && (NS.bufferLength > conf.tolerance))) { limiting = true; } if ((((((NS.bufferLength > (tel.buffertime + ((_time.Offset > 0) ? 0 : (tel.correction)))) && ((tel.Bandwidth > 0) || (tel.Bandwidth < 0))) && (floor(_local5) < (_time.Remaining + conf.tolerance))) && (dtb == true)) || (limiting == true)) || ((abort == true) && (NS.bufferLength > (conf.tolerance + 0.7)))) { NS.setBufferTime(conf.tolerance); limiting = false; dtb = false; Buffer(false); } } function abortBandwidthDetect() { abort = true; if (((dtb == true) && (tel.LoadedBytes > 0)) && (tel.TotalBytesCurrent > 0)) { if (tel.mem != true) { tel.Bandwidth = -1; } limiting = false; dtb = false; } } function TotalTime(ttm) { _time.Total = ttm; _time.real.Total = getTimecode(ttm); broadcastMessage("onTime", _time); } function tt(force) { var _local3 = this; if (playing != mem_playing) { mother.broadcastMessage("onPlayback", (((mother.playback == true) && (_stream.Buffering == false)) ? true : (((( == true) && (mother.playback == true)) ? true : (((((mother.playback == true) && (_stream.Buffering == true)) && (abort == true)) ? true : (((mother.playback == true) ? true : false)))))))); mem_playing = playing; } if (((NS.time != mem_time) && (NS.time != undefined)) || (force == true)) { playing = true; mem_time = NS.time; _time.Current = ((mem_time < 0) ? 0 : (mem_time)); _time.CurrentSeek = _time.Current; _time.Remaining = floor(_time.Total - _time.Current); _time.Buffertime = NS.bufferTime; _time.ext = (_time.real.ext = (((_time.Seek > (_time.Movie + _time.Offset)) && (dn != true)) ? true : (((_time.Offset > _time.Seek) ? true : false)))); = ( = (((((_time.Offset > _time.Seek) || (_time.Seek > _time.Current)) || (_time.Seek > ((_time.Movie + _time.Offset) - _time.Buffertime))) && (dn != true)) ? false : true)); end = ((((floor(_time.Current) >= floor(_time.Total - conf.vec)) && (_time.Total > 1)) && (_time.Remaining <= 0)) ? true : false); for (var _local2 in _time) { if (((_local2 != "real") && (_local2 != "ext")) && (_local2 != "bf")) { _time.real[_local2] = getTimecode(_time[_local2]); } } broadcastMessage("onTime", _time, false); } else if ((NS.time == mem_time) && (NS.time != undefined)) { playing = false; ((_stream.Buffering == true) ? null : (broadcastMessage("onTime", _time, end))); } } function Seek(p) { _time.Seek = p; _time.CurrentSeek = p; tt(true); } function getTimecode(tm) { var _local5 = Math.round(tm); var _local4 = Math.floor(_local5 / 60); var _local3 = _local5 % 60; var _local2 = ""; if (_local4 < 10) { _local2 = _local2 + "0"; } if (_local4 >= 1) { _local2 = _local2 + _local4.toString(); } else { _local2 = _local2 + "0"; } _local2 = _local2 + dEl; if (_local3 < 10) { _local2 = _local2 + "0"; _local2 = _local2 + _local3.toString(); } else { _local2 = _local2 + _local3.toString(); } return(_local2); } var vs_rf = 400; var dtb = false; var limiting = false; var dtr = 350; var abort = false; var playing = false; var mem_playing = false; var end = true; var mem_end = true; var mem_time = 0; var mem_timecode = "00:00"; var tc_rf = 200; var dEl = ":"; var dn = false; var cached = false; var init = false; }
Symbol 98 MovieClip [__Packages.playerController] Frame 0
class playerController extends MovieClip { var ob_stage, _width, _height, _xscale, _yscale, mc_bg, Ceil, styles, flashVars, mc_skin, mc_content, createEmptyMovieClip, mc_overlay, broadcastMessage, getURL, uttp, mc_video, hQ, so, uso, pW, pH, mc_ui, attachMovie, mc_buffer, mc_icon, thumbs, apps, thumbnailEvents, playerEvents, uiButtons, uiTextFields, uiGroups, videoEvents, rollEvents, notFoundURL, addListener, keyListener, mouseListener, mc_bounds; function playerController () { super(); } function init() { if (_root.showErrors == true) { _global.onError = function () { var _local4; switch (arguments[0]) { case "setting404" : _local4 = "Settings could not be loaded."; break; case "settingParse" : _local4 = "Settings could not be parsed."; break; case "settings" : _local4 = "No source for settings where defined."; break; case "skin" : _local4 = "There was an error while loading skins."; break; case "thumb" : _local4 = "There was an error while loading thumbnail image."; break; case "security" : _local4 = "Security error! execution aborted!"; break; default : _local4 = "Unknown error."; } var _local6 = ("<font color=\"#FF0000\"> XMOOV PLAYER ERROR: </font>" + _local4) + ((arguments[1] == true) ? "<br><br>Press any key to remove this error." : ""); var _local5 = _root.createTextField("errorMsg", 50000, 10, 10, 100, 22); _local5.autoSize = true; _local5.html = true; _local5.multiline = true; _local5.font = "Arial"; _local5.background = true; _local5.htmlText = _local6; _global._error = true; }; } ob_stage = new Object(); ob_stage.minW = _width; ob_stage.minH = _height; _xscale = 100; _yscale = 100; ob_stage.onResize = function () { self.resizePlayer(this, ((Stage.width < this.minW) ? (this.minW) : (Stage.width)), ((Stage.height < this.minH) ? (this.minH) : (Stage.height))); }; _global.resetSize = function (w, h) { self.thumbnailEvents.onThumbnailLoaded(w, h); }; Stage.addListener(ob_stage); mc_bg._visible = false; Ceil = Math.ceil; var self = this; styles = new ActionStyles(); flashVars = new Object({styleURL:undefined, settingURL:undefined, player_start:undefined, player_videoOverlay:undefined, player_image_icon:undefined, player_keyControl:undefined, player_scrollWheel:undefined, player_osdDelay:undefined, player_postrollOnSkip:undefined, player_screenClick:undefined, player_thumbnailClick:undefined, player_width:undefined, player_height:undefined, preroll_showVideoOverlay:undefined, preroll_startMode:undefined, preroll_thumbnail:undefined, preroll_swf:undefined, preroll_video:undefined, preroll_autoplay:undefined, preroll_onComplete:undefined, preroll_onCompleteDelay:undefined, preroll_hideControls:undefined, preroll_disableControls:undefined, preroll_thumbnailTarget:undefined, preroll_title:undefined, content_showVideoOverlay:undefined, content_thumbnail:undefined, content_video:undefined, content_title:undefined, content_startMode:undefined, content_autoplay:undefined, content_onComplete:undefined, content_onCompleteDelay:undefined, postroll_showVideoOverlay:undefined, postroll_startMode:undefined, postroll_thumbnail:undefined, postroll_thumbnailLink:undefined, postroll_swf:undefined, postroll_video:undefined, postroll_autoplay:undefined, postroll_onComplete:undefined, postroll_onCompleteDelay:undefined, postroll_hideControls:undefined, postroll_disableControls:undefined, postroll_thumbnailTarget:undefined, postroll_title:undefined, stream_forceScript:undefined, stream_type:undefined, buffer_indicator:undefined, buffer_buffertime:undefined, buffer_autoBuffer:undefined, buffer_bandwidthCaptureTime:undefined, buffer_rememberBandwidth:undefined, buffer_bufferUpdateThreshold:undefined, buffer_bandwidthUpdateThreshold:undefined, buffer_quickstartOffset:undefined, buffer_bufferPadding:undefined, buffer_limitBuffer:undefined, buffer_bufferLimit:undefined, buffer_correctBufferTime:undefined, buffer_ipHeaderOverhead:undefined, video_screenMode:undefined, video_smoothing:undefined, video_deblocking:undefined, video_defaultVolume:undefined, video_seekStepTime:undefined, video_screenClick:undefined, fullscreen_URL:undefined, fullscreen_type:undefined, fullscreen_continueLastPosition:undefined, fullscreen_scrollbars:undefined, fullscreen_menubar:undefined, fullscreen_fullscreen:undefined, fullscreen_toolbar:undefined, fullscreen_statusbar:undefined, fullscreen_resizable:undefined, fullscreen_titlebar:undefined, error_correction:undefined, error_correctBrokenStream:undefined, error_retry:undefined, error_retryDelay:undefined}); mc_skin = _root.createEmptyMovieClip("mc_skin", 1); mc_content = createEmptyMovieClip("mc_content", 9); mc_overlay = createEmptyMovieClip("mc_overlay", 11); String.prototype.replace = function () { var _local4; var _local7; var _local5; var _local3; var _local6; var _local8; _local4 = arguments[0]; _local7 = arguments[1]; if (_local4.length == 1) { return(this.split(_local4).join(_local7)); } _local5 = this.indexOf(_local4); if (_local5 == -1) { return(this); } _local3 = this; do { _local5 = _local3.indexOf(_local4); _local6 = _local3.substring(0, _local5); _local3 = _local3.substring(_local5 + _local4.length); _local8 = _local8 + (_local6 + _local7); } while (_local3.indexOf(_local4) != -1); _local8 = _local8 + _local3; return(_local8); }; MovieClip.prototype.setToolTip = function (msg, opac, cl, maxw, tSize, tClr) { if (!this.tltp.onEnterFrame) { var depth = _root.getNextHighestDepth(); this.tltp = _root.createEmptyMovieClip("xtt", depth); this.tltp._x = _root._xmouse + this._x; this.tltp._y = _root._ymouse + this._y; this.tltp.owner = this; with (this.tltp) { createTextField("ttfld", 1, 1, 1, 10, 10); ttfld.autoSize = true; if (maxw != undefined) { ttfld._width = maxw; ttfld.multiline = true; ttfld.wordWrap = true; } else { ttfld.multiline = false; ttfld.wordWrap = false; } ttfld.selectable = false; ttfld.embedFonts = false; var tf = new TextFormat(); tf.font = "Arial"; tf.color = ((tClr != undefined) ? (tClr) : 0); tf.size = ((tSize != undefined) ? (tSize) : 10); ttfld.text = msg; ttfld.setTextFormat(tf); var w = (ttfld.textWidth + 5); var h = (ttfld.textHeight + 7); lineStyle(1, 0, 100); beginFill(cl, opac); moveTo(0, 0); lineTo(w, 0); lineTo(w, h); lineTo(0, h); lineTo(0, 0); _visible = false; } this.tltp.onEnterFrame = function () { var _local6 = this.owner._width + 3; var _local5 = this.owner._height + 3; if ((((this.owner._xmouse > -3) && (this.owner._xmouse < _local6)) && (this.owner._ymouse > -3)) && (this.owner._ymouse < _local5)) { this._visible = true; } else { this.removeMovieClip(); } var _local4 = _root._xmouse - (((((_root._xmouse + this.ttfld.textWidth) + 5) > Stage.width) || (_root._ymouse < (this.ttfld.textHeight + 7))) ? (this.ttfld.textWidth + 5) : 0); var _local3 = _root._ymouse - ((_root._ymouse < (this.ttfld.textHeight + 7)) ? 0 : (this.ttfld.textHeight + 7)); this._x = Math.round(_local4); this._y = Math.round(_local3); }; } }; styles.onLoad = function (success, er) { if (success) { self.initStyles(); } else { _global.onError(er); } }; _root.styleURL = ((_root.styleURL == undefined) ? ((( == undefined) ? ( : ( + ".css"))) : (_root.styleURL)); _root.styleURL = ((_root.styleURL.indexOf("/") == -1) ? ("/" + _root.styleURL) : (_root.styleURL)); for (var setting in flashVars) { flashVars[setting] = (_level0[setting] ? (_level0[setting]) : (flashVars[setting])); } if ((flashVars.styleURL != undefined) && (_level0.closedPlayer != true)) { styles.load(_global.secureDomain + flashVars.styleURL); } else if ((flashVars.settingURL != undefined) && (_level0.closedPlayer != true)) { } else if ( || (_level0.closedPlayer == true)) { styles.parseIn(; } else { _global.onError("settings"); } broadcastMessage("onInit", true); } function initStyles() { var self = this; var _local10 = styles.library.config_security.allowDomain; if (_global.iSecure(_local10) == true) { var _local3; var _local5; var _local6; var _local4; var _local11; var _local9; var _local7 = convertBoolean(styles.library.config_security.allowOverride); for (var _local8 in flashVars) { _local3 = flashVars[_local8]; _local6 = "config_" + _local8.split("_")[0]; _local4 = _local8.split("_")[1]; _local5 = styles.library[_local6][_local4]; if ((!_local5) && (_local3 != undefined)) { styles.library[_local6][_local4] = _local3; } else if (((_local5 && (_local3)) && (_local7 == true)) && (_level0.closedPlayer != true)) { styles.library[_local6][_local4] = _local3; } else if ((_local5 && (_local3)) && (_local7 == false)) { } } _local9 = (((styles.library.config_player.URL == "secure") || (convertBoolean(styles.library.config_security.useSecureDomain) == true)) ? (_global.secureDomain + styles.library.config_player.skinURL) : (styles.library.config_player.URL + styles.library.config_player.skinURL)); skinURL = ((_local9 != undefined) ? (_local9) : (skinURL)); Skin.onLoaded = function () { self.initUI(); }; Skin.init(mc_skin, styles, skinURL); } else { _global.onError("security"); getURL(_global.getSecureDomain(), "_self"); } } function resetContext() { resetQuality(); setUSO("uttp", uttp); var _local5 = (((((((("?version=" + _global.playerversion) + "&autobuffer=") + mc_video.conf.useAutoBuffer) + "&keycontrol=") + convertBoolean(styles.library.config_player.keyControl)) + "&scrollwheel=") + convertBoolean(styles.library.config_player.scrollWheel)) + "&video=") + styles.library.config_stream.type; var _local4 = (((((((("Player Owner: " + styles.library.config_player.owner) + "%0ASkin: ") + + "%0A") + "Player Version: ") + _global.playerversion) + "%0AVideo File: ") + + "%0A%0A"; _root.cntx = new Array(new Object({caption:(String = (_global.branding + " v") + _global.playerversion), _purl:(String = (((convertBoolean(styles.library.config_context.xmoovFLVlink) == true) && (convertBoolean(styles.library.config_context.useContext) == true)) ? "" : ""))}), (((convertBoolean(convertBoolean(styles.library.config_context.useTooltipControl)) == true) && (convertBoolean(styles.library.config_context.useContext) == true)) ? (new Object({caption:(String = ((uttp == true) ? "Tooltips Off" : "Tooltips On")), _purl:(String = ((uttp == true) ? "ttoff" : "tton")), deac:(Boolean = false)})) : null), (((convertBoolean(styles.library.config_context.useQualityControl) == true) && (convertBoolean(styles.library.config_context.useContextPlayerControl) == true)) ? (new Object({caption:(String = ((vQ() == true) ? "Low Q (Faster)" : "High Q (Better)")), _purl:(String = ((vQ() == true) ? "lq" : "hq")), deac:(Boolean = (((viewMode == "video") && (mc_video.videoEnd != true)) ? false : true))})) : null), (((convertBoolean(styles.library.config_context.useHelp) == true) && (convertBoolean(styles.library.config_context.useContext) == true)) ? (new Object({caption:(String = "Help"), _purl:(String = styles.library.config_context.helpURL + _local5)})) : null), (((convertBoolean(styles.library.config_context.useBugReport) == true) && (convertBoolean(styles.library.config_context.useContext) == true)) ? (new Object({caption:(String = "Report Bug"), _purl:(String = ((("mailto:" + styles.library.config_context.bugReportEmail) + "?subject=xmoov-flv-player | Bug Report&body=") + _local4) + "Please describe the problem you are experiencing as detailed as you can. We will do our best to resolve the problem.%0A%0A")})) : null)); _root.resetContext(); } function vQ() { return((((mc_video.conf.videoSmoothing == true) || (mc_video.conf.videoDeblocking != 1)) ? true : false)); } function resetQuality() { if (hQ == undefined) { mc_video.conf.videoSmoothing = convertBoolean(styles.library.config_video.smoothing); mc_video.conf.videoDeblocking = Number(styles.library.config_video.deblocking); } else if (hQ == true) { mc_video.conf.videoSmoothing = true; mc_video.conf.videoDeblocking = 0; setUSO("hQ", 1); } else if (hQ == false) { mc_video.conf.videoSmoothing = false; mc_video.conf.videoDeblocking = 1; setUSO("hQ", 0); } mc_video.resetQuality(); } function initUI() { var self = this; so = SharedObject.getLocal("/xmoov_" +; uso = SharedObject.getLocal("/xmoov"); _root.preloader.kill(); pW = Number(styles.library.config_player.width); pH = Number(styles.library.config_player.height); var _local22 = (isNaN(pW) ? (Stage.width) : (pW)); var _local21 = (isNaN(pH) ? (Stage.height) : (pH)); if (( == undefined) || (convertBoolean(styles.library.config_video.rememberScreenMode) == false)) { setSO("screenMode", styles.library.config_video.screenMode); } else { styles.library.config_video.screenMode =; } screenMode = styles.library.config_video.screenMode; scaleThumb = convertBoolean(styles.library.config_player.scaleThumbnail); mc_bg._visible = true; ((styles.library.config_player.bgColor == undefined) ? null : (Skin.colorClip(mc_bg, styles.library.config_player.bgColor, 100))); mc_ui = attachMovie("UserInterface", "ui", 100); mc_buffer = attachMovie("buffer_" + ((styles.library.config_buffer.indicator == undefined) ? "count" : (styles.library.config_buffer.indicator)), "bufr", 20); mc_buffer._alpha = 0; mc_video = attachMovie("xmoovPlaybackEngine", "mc_video", 7); mc_icon = createEmptyMovieClip("mc_icon", 2); mc_video._visible = false; mc_icon.attachBitmap(Skin.getBitmap("config_player", "image_icon"), 1, "always", true); AsBroadcaster.initialize(mc_content); AsBroadcaster.initialize(self); thumbs = new thumbnailCache(); apps = new thumbnailCache(); thumbnailEvents = new Object(); apps.getSwf(mc_overlay, styles.library.config_player.videoOverlay, 0); playerEvents = new Object(); uiButtons = new Object(); uiTextFields = new Object(); uiGroups = new Object(); videoEvents = new Object(); rollEvents = new Object(); var _local18 = mc_ui.init(_local22, _local21, styles); uiButtons = _local18.buttons; uiTextFields = _local18.textFields; uiGroups = _local18.groups; var _local9 = new Object({left:Number(styles.library.config_video.left_margin), right:Number(styles.library.config_video.right_margin), top:Number(styles.library.config_video.top_margin), bottom:Number(styles.library.config_video.bottom_margin)}); ob_stage.cX = (_local9.left ? (_local9.left) : 0); ob_stage.cY = ( ? ( : 0); ob_stage.cW = (_local9.left ? (_local9.left) : 0) + (_local9.right ? (_local9.right) : 0); ob_stage.cH = ( ? ( : 0) + (_local9.bottom ? (_local9.bottom) : 0); if (((styles.library.config_fullscreen.type == "auto") || (_root.fullscreen == true)) || (_root.fullscreen == "true")) { fsType = ((((_level0._version < 9) || (_root.fullscreen == true)) || (_root.fullscreen == "true")) ? "popup" : "f9"); } else if (styles.library.config_fullscreen.type != undefined) { fsType = styles.library.config_fullscreen.type; } _root.fs = fsType; mc_video.seekbar = mc_ui.seekMask; mc_video.volumebar = mc_ui.volumeMask; mc_video.volbarWidth = mc_ui.volumeWidth; mc_video.barWidth = mc_ui.seekerWidth; mc_video.volumebutton = mc_ui.volumeButton; mc_video.seekbutton = mc_ui.seekButton; ((styles.library.config_stream.URL == undefined) ? null : ((mc_video.conf.phpURL = styles.library.config_stream.URL))); mc_video.forceScript = convertBoolean(styles.library.config_stream.forceScript); mc_video.conf.buffer_time = Number(styles.library.config_buffer.buffertime); mc_video.useErrorCorrection = convertBoolean(styles.library.config_error.correction); mc_video.correctBrokenStream = convertBoolean(styles.library.config_error.correctBrokenStream); mc_video.errorRetry = Number(styles.library.config_error.retry); mc_video.errorRetryDelay = Number(styles.library.config_error.retryDelay); mc_video.conf.tolerance = (((Number(styles.library.config_buffer.bufferPadding) < 1) || (styles.library.config_buffer.bufferPadding == undefined)) ? 1 : (Number(styles.library.config_buffer.bufferPadding))); mc_video.conf.bufferLimit = ((styles.library.config_buffer.bufferLimit == undefined) ? 0 : (Number(styles.library.config_buffer.bufferLimit))); mc_video.conf.limitBuffer = ((styles.library.config_buffer.limitBuffer == undefined) ? false : (convertBoolean(styles.library.config_buffer.limitBuffer))); ((styles.library.config_buffer.autoBuffer == undefined) ? null : ((mc_video.conf.useAutoBuffer = convertBoolean(styles.library.config_buffer.autoBuffer)))); ((styles.library.config_buffer.bandwidthCaptureTime == undefined) ? null : ((mc_video.conf.bandwidthCaptureTime = Number(styles.library.config_buffer.bandwidthCaptureTime)))); ((styles.library.config_buffer.quickstartOffset == undefined) ? null : ((mc_video.conf.quickstartOffset = Number(styles.library.config_buffer.quickstartOffset)))); ((styles.library.config_buffer.bufferUpdateThreshold == undefined) ? null : ((mc_video.conf.bufferThreshold = Number(styles.library.config_buffer.bufferUpdateThreshold)))); ((styles.library.config_buffer.bandwidthUpdateThreshold == undefined) ? null : ((mc_video.conf.bandwidthThreshold = Number(styles.library.config_buffer.bandwidthUpdateThreshold)))); ((styles.library.config_buffer.rememberBandwidth == undefined) ? null : ((mc_video.conf.rememberBandwidth = convertBoolean(styles.library.config_buffer.rememberBandwidth)))); ((styles.library.config_buffer.correctBufferTime == undefined) ? null : ((mc_video.conf.correctBufferTime = convertBoolean(styles.library.config_buffer.correctBufferTime)))); ((styles.library.config_buffer.ipHeaderOverhead == undefined) ? null : ((mc_video.conf.ipHeaderOverhead = Number(styles.library.config_buffer.ipHeaderOverhead)))); ((styles.library.config_stream.type == undefined) ? null : ((mc_video.conf.useScript = ((styles.library.config_stream.type == "php-http") ? true : false)))); ((styles.library.config_stream.fileKey == undefined) ? null : ((mc_video.conf.fileKey = styles.library.config_stream.fileKey))); ((styles.library.config_stream.positionKey == undefined) ? null : ((mc_video.conf.positionKey = styles.library.config_stream.positionKey))); ((styles.library.config_stream.securityKey == undefined) ? null : ((mc_video.conf.securityKey = styles.library.config_stream.securityKey))); ((styles.library.config_stream.bandwidthKey == undefined) ? null : ((mc_video.conf.bandwidthKey = styles.library.config_stream.bandwidthKey))); ((styles.library.config_stream.bandwidth == undefined) ? null : ((mc_video.conf.bandwidth = styles.library.config_stream.bandwidth))); ((styles.library.config_error.videoEndCorrection == undefined) ? null : (Number(styles.library.config_error.videoEndCorrection))); ((styles.library.config_player.useTooltips == undefined) ? null : ((ttp = convertBoolean(styles.library.config_player.useTooltips)))); uttp = (( == undefined) ? true : (; if (( == undefined) || (convertBoolean(styles.library.config_video.rememberVolume) == false)) { setSO("vol", Number(styles.library.config_video.defaultVolume)); } else { styles.library.config_video.defaultVolume =; } ((styles.library.config_fullscreen.continueLastPosition == undefined) ? null : ((mc_video.conf.continueLastPosition = convertBoolean(styles.library.config_fullscreen.continueLastPosition)))); mc_video.bwmem = Number(; mc_video.btmem = Number(; mc_video.abmem = Number(; mc_video.Volume = Number(styles.library.config_video.defaultVolume); mc_video.conf.seekStepTime = Number(styles.library.config_video.seekStepTime); notFoundURL = styles.library.config_error.notFoundURL; mc_video.videoNotFoundURL = styles.library.config_error.videoNotFoundURL; thumbs.notFoundURL = notFoundURL; ((styles.library.config_player.osdDelay != undefined) ? ((osdDelay = Number(styles.library.config_player.osdDelay))) : null); ((styles.library.config_player.hideMouse != undefined) ? ((osdHide = convertBoolean(styles.library.config_player.hideMouse))) : null); postrollOnskip = ((styles.library.config_player.postrollOnskip != undefined) ? (convertBoolean(styles.library.config_player.postrollOnskip)) : (postrollOnskip)); thumbnailEvents.onThumbnailLoaded = function (_w, _h) { self.ob_stage._tw = _w; self.ob_stage._th = _h; self.mc_buffer.gotoAndStop("off"); self.mc_icon._visible = true; self.mc_content._visible = (((self.viewMode == "thumbnail") || (self.viewMode == "swf")) ? true : false); self.ob_stage.onResize(); self.updateOverlay(); }; videoEvents.onBuffer = function (Buffering) { self.mc_buffer.gotoAndStop((Buffering ? "on" : "off")); self.mc_icon._visible = (Buffering ? false : true); if (!Buffering) { self.mc_content._visible = false; self.thumbs.Clear(); } }; videoEvents.onInit = function (msg) { }; videoEvents.onMetaDetect = function () { self.ob_stage.onResize(); }; videoEvents.onVideoComplete = function () { var _local1 = true; self.saveSo(); if ((self.mc_video.skipped == true) && (self.postrollOnSkip == false)) { _local1 = false; } if ((self.mc_video.error != true) && (_local1 == true)) { self.refreshPlayer(); } }; videoEvents.onBandwidth = function (tel) { self.saveSO = true; }; rollEvents.onVideoComplete = function () { self.saveSo(); self.refreshPlayer(); }; mc_ui.seekButton.onRollOver = (mc_ui.volumeButton.onRollOver = (mc_ui.seekBarButton.onRollOver = (mc_ui.volumeBarButton.onRollOver = function () { self.mouseover = true; }))); mc_ui.seekButton.onRollOut = (mc_ui.volumeButton.onRollOut = (mc_ui.seekBarButton.onRollOut = (mc_ui.volumeBarButton.onRollOut = function () { self.mouseover = false; }))); mc_ui.seekButton.onPress = function () { if ((self.viewMode == "video") && (!self.disableControls)) { self.mc_video.Seek(true); self.updateOverlay(false); } }; mc_ui.seekButton.onRelease = (mc_ui.seekButton.onReleaseOutside = function () { if ((self.viewMode == "video") && (!self.disableControls)) { self.mc_video.Seek(false); } }); mc_ui.seekBarButton.onPress = function () { if (((self.viewMode == "video") && (!self.disableControls)) && (self.mc_video.wait != true)) { this.onpress = true; self.mc_ui.seekButton._x = self.mc_ui.seekButton._parent._xmouse - (self.mc_ui.seekButton._width / 2); self.mc_video.Seek(true); self.updateOverlay(false); } }; mc_ui.seekBarButton.onRelease = (mc_ui.seekBarButton.onReleaseOutside = function () { if (((self.viewMode == "video") && (!self.disableControls)) && (this.onpress == true)) { this.onpress = false; self.mc_video.Seek(false); } }); mc_ui.volumeBarButton.onPress = function () { self.mc_ui.volumeButton._x = self.mc_ui.volumeBarButton._parent._xmouse - (self.mc_ui.volumeButton._width / 2); self.mc_video.adjustVolume(true); self.mc_ui.volumeButton._x = self.mc_ui.volumeBarButton._parent._xmouse - (self.mc_ui.volumeButton._width / 2); }; mc_ui.volumeBarButton.onRelease = (mc_ui.volumeBarButton.onReleaseOutside = function () { self.mc_video.adjustVolume(false); if (self.mc_video.Volume > 3) { self.setSO("vol", self.mc_video.Volume); } }); if (styles.library.config_player.screenClick != undefined) { mc_video.onRelease = (mc_video.onReleaseOutside = function () { var _local1 = (((self.styles.library.config_player.screenClick == "play_toggle") || (self.convertBoolean(self.styles.library.config_player.screenClick) == true)) ? "play_toggle" : "screen_link"); self.doButtonFunction(_local1, "release"); }); } mc_video.useHandCursor = false; addListener(playerEvents); mc_video.addListener(videoEvents); mc_content.addListener(rollEvents); thumbs.addListener(thumbnailEvents); var gF; for (var _local15 in uiGroups) { gF = styles.library[_local15].function; mc_ui[_local15].myEvents = new Object(); mc_ui[_local15].myOsd = new Object(); mc_ui[_local15] = mc_ui[_local15]; mc_ui[_local15] = mc_ui[_local15]; mc_ui[_local15].myEvents.gF = gF; mc_ui[_local15].myOsd.gF = gF; mc_ui[_local15].gF = gF; if (convertBoolean(styles.library[_local15].osd) == true) { var _local10 = true; mc_ui[_local15].myOsd.onOsd = function (Show) { self.toggleOsd(, Show); }; } mc_ui[_local15].myEvents.onShowControls = function () { = (((this.gF == "sound") && (self.viewMode == "video")) ? true : (arguments[0])); }; if (((gF != "play_thumbnail") && (gF != "screen")) && (gF != "title")) { self.addListener(mc_ui[_local15].myEvents); } if (gF != "play_thumbnail") { self.addListener(mc_ui[_local15].myOsd); } } var _local5; for (var _local16 in uiButtons.play_toggle) { _local5 = uiButtons.play_toggle[_local16]; _local5.injPt = true; _local5.myEvents = new Object(); = _local5; _local5.myEvents.onPlayback = function (playback) { if (playback == false) { if ( == true) { =; =; = false; = true; = false; = false; } else { = true; = false; } } else if ( == true) { =; =; = false; = false; = false; = true; } else { = false; = true; } self.resetContext(); }; mc_video.addListener(_local5.myEvents); } for (var _local12 in uiButtons.onscreen_play) { _local5 = uiButtons.onscreen_play[_local12]; _local5.injPt = true; _local5.myEvents = new Object(); = _local5; _local5.myEvents.onPlayback = function (playback) { if (((playback == false) && (self.mc_video.videoEnd != true)) && (self.viewMode == "video")) { if ( == true) { =; =; = false; = true; = false; = false; } else { = true; = false; } } else if ( == true) { =; =; = false; = false; = false; = true; } else { = false; = true; } self.resetContext(); }; mc_video.addListener(_local5.myEvents); } for (var _local16 in uiButtons.play_thumbnail) { _local5 = uiButtons.play_thumbnail[_local16]; for (var _local12 in _local5) { if (MovieClip(_local5[_local12]) && (_local5[_local12].injTmb == undefined)) { _local5[_local12].injTmb = true; _local5[_local12].myEvents = new Object(); _local5[_local12] = _local5[_local12]; _local5[_local12].myEvents.onChangeViewMode = function (_vmd, vmth) { this.vmd = _vmd; = ((this.vmd == "thumbnail") ? true : false); }; _local5[_local12].myEvents.onLoadThumbnail = function (v) { = v; }; _local5[_local12].myEvents.onThumbnailLoaded = function (_w, _h, swf) { = (swf ? false : true); }; self.thumbs.addListener(_local5[_local12].myEvents); self.addListener(_local5[_local12].myEvents); } } } for (var _local16 in uiButtons.sound_toggle) { _local5 = uiButtons.sound_toggle[_local16]; if (MovieClip(_local5)) { _local5.injSt = true; _local5.myEvents = new Object(); = _local5; _local5.myEvents.onVolumeChange = function (vol) { if (vol > 1) { if ( == true) { =; =; = false; = true; = false; = false; } else { = true; = false; } } else if ( == true) { =; =; = false; = false; = false; = true; } else { = false; = true; } }; mc_video.addListener(_local5.myEvents); } } var _local6; for (var _local14 in uiTextFields) { if (_local14.split("_")[0] == "time") { for (var _local11 in uiTextFields[_local14]) { _local6 = uiTextFields[_local14][_local11]; for (var _local8 in _local6) { if (MovieClip(_local6[_local8]) && (_local6[_local8].injT == undefined)) { _local6[_local8].injT = true; _local6[_local8].myEvents = new Object(); _local6[_local8].myEvents.styleObject = styles.library["textFormat_" + _local6[_local8].myFormat]; _local6[_local8] = _local6[_local8]; switch (_local14) { case "time_total" : _local6[_local8] = "Total"; break; case "time_current" : _local6[_local8] = "Current"; break; case "time_currentSeek" : _local6[_local8] = "CurrentSeek"; } _local6[_local8].myEvents.onTime = function (_time) {[ + ""] == undefined) ? "00:00" : (_time.real[ + ""])), this.styleObject.font, this.styleObject.bold, this.styleObject.italic, this.styleObject.underline, Skin.convertColor(this.styleObject.textColor), Number(this.styleObject.size)); }; mc_video.addListener(_local6[_local8].myEvents); } } } } } if (_local10) { self.onMouseMove = function () {; this.osdTimer = getTimer(); if (this.onEnterFrame == undefined) { this.onEnterFrame = function () { ((this.mouseover == false) ? null : ((this.osdTimer = getTimer()))); if (((((this.osdTimer + (this.osdDelay * 1000)) < getTimer()) && (this.osdStat == true)) && (this.mouseover == false)) && (self.keyListener.imdown != true)) { this.broadcastMessage("onOsd", false); this.osdStat = false; delete eval (this.onEnterFrame()); } else if (((this.osdTimer + (this.osdDelay + 1000)) > getTimer()) && (this.osdStat == false)) { this.broadcastMessage("onOsd", true); this.osdStat = true; } }; } }; } keyListener = new Object(); keyListener.onKeyDown = function () { if (_global._error == true) { _root.errorMsg.removeTextField(); _global._error = false; } this.imdown = true; self.doKeyFunction("down", Key.getCode()); }; keyListener.onKeyUp = function () { this.imdown = false; self.doKeyFunction("up", Key.getCode()); }; mouseListener = new Object(); mouseListener.onMouseWheel = function (delta) { self.doButtonFunction(delta, "scrollseek"); }; (((convertBoolean(styles.library.config_player.keyControl) == false) || (styles.library.config_player.keyControl == undefined)) ? null : (Key.addListener(keyListener))); (((convertBoolean(styles.library.config_player.scrollWheel) == false) || (styles.library.config_player.scrollWheel == undefined)) ? null : (Mouse.addListener(mouseListener))); var _local7; var _local27; for (var _local17 in uiButtons) { for (var _local13 in uiButtons[_local17]) { _local7 = uiButtons[_local17][_local13]; injectButtonFunctions(_local7, _local17, styles.library[_local7.myObject]); } } cleanUp(); if (fsType == "popup") { if ((_level0.fullscreen == "true") || (_level0.fullscreen == true)) { _level0.lc_rx2 = new LocalConnection(); _level0.lc_rx2.methodToExecute = function (fs) { _root.fs = fs; self.refreshPlayer(true); }; _level0.lc_rx2.connect("lc_xmoov_popup"); _level0.lc_tx = new LocalConnection(); _level0.lc_tx.send("lc_xmoov_player", "methodToExecute", "message from popup"); } else { _level0.lc_rx = new LocalConnection(); _level0.lc_rx.methodToExecute = function (param1) { _root.test2 = param1; _level0.lc_tx2 = new LocalConnection(); _level0.lc_tx2.send("lc_xmoov_popup", "methodToExecute", _root.fs); }; _level0.lc_rx.connect("lc_xmoov_player"); } } (( == undefined) ? null : ((hQ = ((Number( == 1) ? true : false)))); resetContext(); if (_level0.fullscreen == undefined) { refreshPlayer(true); } } function cleanUp() { delete initUI; delete injectButtonFunctions; delete initStyles; } function abort() { switch (arguments[0]) { case "security" : getURL(_global.getSecureDomain(), "_self"); isSecure = false; report(); _global.onError("security"); break; case "error" : = "load error"; break; case "flashVars" : return(true); } mc_bounds._visible = true; } function report() { var _local2 = convertBoolean(styles.library.config_security.reportSecurityErrors); var _local3 = styles.library.config_security.reportURL; var _local4 = styles.library.config_security.notAllowedURL; } function injectButtonFunctions(bMC, buttonFunction, styleObject) { var uic = mc_ui; var self = this; = ( = function () { self.doButtonFunction(buttonFunction, "release"); }); = function () { self.doButtonFunction(buttonFunction, "press"); }; if (bMC.hasUpImage && (bMC.hasOverImage)) { = function () { self.mouseover = true; self.doButtonFunction(buttonFunction, "over", this._parent, styleObject); bMC.upClip._visible = false; bMC.overClip._visible = true; uic.formatElement(this._parent, styleObject, "over"); }; = ( = function () { self.mouseover = false; self.doButtonFunction(buttonFunction, "out"); bMC.upClip._visible = true; bMC.overClip._visible = false; uic.formatElement(this._parent, styleObject, "up"); }); } else { = function () { uic.formatElement(this._parent, styleObject, "over"); self.doButtonFunction(buttonFunction, "over", this._parent, styleObject); self.mouseover = true; }; = ( = function () { uic.formatElement(this._parent, styleObject, "up"); self.doButtonFunction(buttonFunction, "out"); self.mouseover = false; }); } } function convertBoolean() { switch (arguments[0]) { case "yes" : return(true); case "on" : return(true); case "true" : return(true); case "no" : return(false); case "off" : return(false); case "false" : return(false); } return(arguments[0]); } function refreshPlayer() { } function saveSo() { if (saveSO == true) { setUSO("bw",; setUSO("bt",; setUSO("ab",; saveSO = false; } } function setUSO(p, v) {[p] = v; uso.flush(); } function setSO(p, v, u) {[p] = v; so.flush(); } var denyLocal = false; var isSecure = true; var isLocal = false; var adURL = ""; var customURL = ""; var skinURL = ""; var viewMode = "loading"; var screenMode = "stretch"; var contentThumb = false; var osdDelay = 20; var osdTimer = 0; var osdStat = true; var osdHide = false; var mouseover = false; var fsType = "f9"; var scaleThumb = false; var postrollOnskip = true; var thumbnailClick = true; var overlayEnabled = false; var saveSO = false; var ttp = true; }
Symbol 99 MovieClip [__Packages.ActionStyles] Frame 0
class ActionStyles { var library, outcast, xml_data, var_data; function ActionStyles () { var self = this; _global._set = function () { self.library["config_" + arguments[0]][arguments[1]] = arguments[2]; }; _global._get = function () { return(self.library["config_" + arguments[0]][arguments[1]]); }; library = new Object(); _global.styles = library; outcast = new Array(32, 13, 10, 9); xml_data = new XML(); xml_data.ignoreWhite = true; var_data = new LoadVars(); var_data.onData = function (src) { if (src == undefined) { self.onLoad(false, "setting404"); } else { self.parseIn(src.toString()); } }; } function load(url) { var_data.load(url); } function parseIn(src) { xml_data.parseXML(src); if (xml_data.firstChild.nodeName == "xmpconf") { parseXML(src); delete var_data; } else if (src.length > 0) { src = removeChars(src); src = removeComments(src); var _local3 = src.split("}"); if (_local3.length > 0) { parseCSS(_local3); } else { onLoad(false, "settingParse"); } delete xml_data; } else { onLoad(false, "settingParse"); } } function parseXML(src) { var _local7; var _local10; var _local4; var _local8; var _local9; var _local6; _local7 = xml_data.firstChild.childNodes; var _local5 = 0; while (_local5 < _local7.length) { _local10 = _local7[_local5].childNodes; var _local3 = 0; while (_local3 < _local10.length) { _local4 = _local7[_local5].childNodes[_local3].childNodes; _local6 = (_local7[_local5].nodeName + "_") + _local10[_local3].nodeName; library[_local6] = new Object(); var _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < _local4.length) { _local8 = String(_local4[_local2].nodeName).replace("-", "_"); _local9 = unescape(removeChars(String(_local4[_local2].firstChild.nodeValue))); library[_local6][_local8] = _local9; _local2++; } _local3++; } _local5++; } onLoad(((_local7.length > 1) ? true : false), "settingParse"); } function parseCSS(src) { src.pop(); var _local5; var _local3; var _local8; var _local9; var _local6; var _local2; var _local7 = 0; while (_local7 < src.length) { _local9 = src[_local7].split("{"); _local5 = _local9[0].replace(".", "_"); _local6 = _local9[1].split(";"); library[_local5] = new Object(); _local6.pop(); var _local4 = 0; while (_local4 < _local6.length) { _local2 = _local6[_local4].split(":"); ((_local2[1] == "http") ? ((_local2[1] = "http:" + _local2[2])) : null); _local3 = _local2[0]; _local3 = _local3.replace("-", "_"); _local8 = ((isNaN(Number(_local2[1])) == true) ? (unescape(_local2[1])) : (Number(_local2[1]))); library[_local5][_local3] = _local8; _local4++; } _local7++; } onLoad(true); } function removeComments(src) { var _local5 = ""; var _local3 = ""; var _local2 = ""; var _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < src.split("/*").length) { _local3 = src.split("/*")[_local1]; _local2 = _local3.split("*/")[1]; _local5 = _local5 + (_local2 ? (_local2) : ""); _local1++; } return(_local5); } function removeChars(src) { var _local6 = ""; var _local3 = false; var _local2 = 0; while (_local2 <= src.length) { for (var _local5 in outcast) { _local3 = (((src.charCodeAt(_local2) != outcast[_local5]) && (_local3 != true)) ? false : true); } ((!_local3) ? (_local6 = _local6 + src.charAt(_local2)) : (_local3 = false)); _local2++; } return(_local6); } function onLoad() { } }
Symbol 100 MovieClip [__Packages.Skin] Frame 0
class Skin { static var url_prefix, cache, parts, styles, cacheClip, listeners; function Skin () { } static function init(mc, st, prefix) { url_prefix = prefix; cache = new Object(); parts = new Array(); styles = st; cacheClip = mc.createEmptyMovieClip("cc", mc.getNextHighestDepth()); listeners = new Object(); var _local7 = false; var _local6; var _local3 = 0; var _local5 = 0; for (var _local9 in styles.library) { _local6 = styles.library[_local9]; for (st in _local6) { if (st.split("_")[0] == "image") { var _local4 = ((url_prefix != undefined) ? (url_prefix) : "") + styles.library[_local9][st]; if (cache[urlToObject(_local4)] == undefined) { _local7 = true; loading++; cache[urlToObject(_local4)] = true; listeners["imageListener" + _local3] = new Object(); listeners["imageListener" + _local3].url = styles.library[_local9][st]; listeners["imageListener" + _local3].imageLoader = new MovieClipLoader(); listeners["imageListener" + _local3].cacheClip = cacheClip.createEmptyMovieClip("c" + _local3, cacheClip.getNextHighestDepth()); listeners["imageListener" + _local3].part = _local3; listeners["imageListener" + _local3].colr = _local6.color; listeners["imageListener" + _local3].image = _local5; listeners["imageListener" + _local3].onLoadError = function (target_mc, errorCode, httpStatus) { _global.onError("skin"); }; listeners["imageListener" + _local3].onLoadInit = function (target) { Skin.init_part(target, this); }; parts.push(String(_local9)); if (styles.library[_local9][st].split(".").length > 1) { listeners["imageListener" + _local3].imageLoader.addListener(listeners["imageListener" + _local3]); loadPart(_local3, _local5, _local9, st, _local4); } else { listeners["imageListener" + _local3].cacheClip.attachMovie(styles.library[_local9][st], "img", 1); init_part(listeners["imageListener" + _local3].cacheClip.img, listeners["imageListener" + _local3]); } _local5 = 0; _local3++; } } } } } static function colorClip(clip, val, alpha) { val = convertColor(val); if (val != undefined) { var _local2 = new flash.geom.ColorTransform(); _local2.rgb = val; if (alpha < 100) { alpha = (100 - Number(alpha)) / -1; _local2.alphaOffset = ((alpha != undefined) ? ((alpha / 100) * 255) : 0); } var _local4 = new flash.geom.Transform(clip); _local4.colorTransform = _local2; } } static function convertColor() { var _local2 = Number("0x" + arguments[0]); if (isNaN(_local2)) { _local2 = Number("0x" + arguments[0].split("#")[1]); if (isNaN(_local2)) { return(undefined); } return(_local2); } return(_local2); } static function loadPart(i, im, libraryElement, st, url) { ((ptime > 0) ? null : ((ptime = getTimer()))); listeners["imageListener" + i].imageLoader.loadClip(url, listeners["imageListener" + i].cacheClip); } static function urlToObject() { var _local2 = arguments[0].replace(".", "_"); _local2 = _local2.substr(_local2.indexOf("//") + 2); _local2 = _local2.replace("/", "_"); _local2 = _local2.replace("-", "_"); return(_local2); } static function init_part(target, listener) { ((!cacheClip._visible) ? null : ((cacheClip._visible = false))); if ((target.mc_color != undefined) && (listener.colr != undefined)) { colorClip(target.mc_color, listener.colr); } var _local4; var _local5; _local4 = new flash.display.BitmapData(target._width, target._height, true, 16777215); _local4.draw(target); _local5 = parts[listener.part]; cache[urlToObject(listener.url)] = _local4.clone(); var _local6 = styles.library[_local5]; loaded++; if (loaded < loading) { clean(listener); } else { clean(listener); _global.convertMs(getTimer() - ptime); _level0.cache = cache; removeMovieClip(cacheClip._parent); onLoaded(); } } static function clean(listener) { removeMovieClip(listener.cacheClip); listener.imageLoader.removeListener(listener); } static function onLoaded() { } static function getBitmap(_element, _data) { return(cache[urlToObject(styles.library[_element][_data])]); } static var loaded = 0; static var loading = 0; static var ptime = 0; }
Symbol 101 MovieClip [__Packages.thumbnailCache] Frame 0
class thumbnailCache { var thumbs, listeners, imageLoader, clip, broadcastMessage; function thumbnailCache () { AsBroadcaster.initialize(this); var self = this; thumbs = new Object(); listeners = new Object(); imageLoader = new MovieClipLoader(); imageLoader.checkPolicyFile = true; listeners.onLoadComplete = function (target, httpStatus) { this.mystat = httpStatus; }; listeners.onLoadError = function (target, errorCode, httpStatus) { this.mystat = httpStatus; self.thumbs[this.cacheObject] == "error"; _global.onError("thumb"); }; listeners.onLoadInit = function (target) { if (self.checkError(this.mystat)) { if (!this.swf) { var _local3; _local3 = new flash.display.BitmapData(target._width, target._height, true, 16777215); _local3.draw(target); self.thumbs[this.cacheObject] = _local3.clone(); self.getThumb(this.Target, this.Url,; } self.broadcastMessage("onThumbnailLoaded", target._width, target._height, this.swf); removeMovieClip(this.Target.container); } else { this.thumbs[this.cacheObject] == "error"; } }; imageLoader.addListener(listeners); } function getThumb(Target, Url, id) { var _local3 = Skin.urlToObject(Url); if ((thumbs[_local3] == undefined) || (thumbs[_local3] == "error")) { Target.createEmptyMovieClip("container", 10); Target.container._visible = false; listeners.swf = false; listeners.Target = Target; listeners.cacheObject = _local3; listeners.Url = Url; = id; imageLoader.loadClip(Url, Target.container); return(false); } Target.createEmptyMovieClip("image", 11); Target.image.attachBitmap(thumbs[_local3], 1, "alwayse", true); clip = Target.image; broadcastMessage("onThumbnailLoaded", Target._width, Target._height, false); return(true); } function getSwf(Target, Url, id) { Target.createEmptyMovieClip("swf", 11); clip = Target.swf; Target.swf._visible = true; listeners.Target = Target; listeners.swf = true; listeners.Url = Url; = id; imageLoader.loadClip(Url, Target.swf); return(false); } function checkError(httpStatus) { _level0.test = httpStatus; switch (httpStatus) { case 400 : return(false); case 401 : return(false); case 403 : return(false); case 404 : return(false); case 408 : return(false); case 500 : return(false); case 502 : return(false); case 504 : return(false); } if (httpStatus == 0) { return(true); } if (httpStatus < 100) { return(false); } if (httpStatus < 200) { return(false); } if (httpStatus < 300) { return(true); } if (httpStatus < 400) { return(false); } if (httpStatus < 500) { return(false); } if (httpStatus < 600) { return(false); } return(true); } function Clear() { } }
Symbol 102 MovieClip [__Packages.XmoothMediaPlayer] Frame 0
class XmoothMediaPlayer extends playerController { var init, onComplete, styles, mc_video, convertBoolean, hideControls, disableControls, contentThumb, mc_content, broadcastMessage, onMouseMove, thumbs, mc_icon, mc_buffer, viewMethod, uiTextFields, ob_stage, viewMode, osdHide, mouseover, screenMode, setSO, mc_ui, resetContext, mc_bg, scaleThumb, osdTimer, ttp, uttp, getURL, saveSo, fsType, fs; function XmoothMediaPlayer () { super(); init(); var self = this; _global.playerversion = "0.4.4"; _global.refreshPlayer = function () { self.onComplete = "content"; self.StartMethod = "video"; self.contentThumb = true; self.videoEvents.onVideoComplete(); }; _global.doFunction = function () { self.doButtonFunction(arguments[0], "press"); self.doButtonFunction(arguments[0], "release"); }; } function refreshPlayer(init) { if (_global.playermode == "demo") { _root.content_video = "test.flv"; } var _local7 = false; var _local15 = false; var _local5; var _local4; var _local9 = _root.fs.vmt; var _local11 = _root.fs.vmd; var _local14 = true; var _local12 = false; var _local13 = false; if ((_level0.fullscreen == true) || (((_level0.fullscreen == "true") && (_local9 == "content")) && (_local11 == "video"))) { _local4 = _local9; _local9 = undefined; _local11 = undefined; _local12 = true; } else { _local4 = ((init == true) ? (styles.library.config_player.start) : (onComplete)); } switch (_local4) { case "overlay" : _local13 = true; break; case "stop" : break; case "rewind" : mc_video.rewindVideo(); break; case "content" : _local7 = true; break; case "thumbnail" : _local7 = true; break; case "preroll" : _local7 = true; break; case "postroll" : _local7 = true; break; case "playlist" : _local7 = true; break; } if (_local7) { var _local8; var _local6 = (styles.library["config_" + _local4].URL ? (styles.library["config_" + _local4].URL) : ""); _local6 = (((_local6 == "secure") || (convertBoolean(styles.library.config_security.useSecureDomain) == true)) ? (_global.secureDomain) : (_local6)); var _local10 = ((styles.library["config_" + _local4].videoPath != undefined) ? (styles.library["config_" + _local4].videoPath) : ""); refreshTitle((styles.library["config_" + _local4].title ? (styles.library["config_" + _local4].title) : ((styles.library.config_content.title ? (styles.library.config_content.title) : "")))); hideControls = ((styles.library["config_" + _local4].hideControls && (_local4 != "content")) ? (convertBoolean(styles.library["config_" + _local4].hideControls)) : false); disableControls = ((styles.library["config_" + _local4].disableControls && (_local4 != "content")) ? (convertBoolean(styles.library["config_" + _local4].disableControls)) : false); onComplete = styles.library["config_" + _local4].onComplete; if ((contentThumb == true) || (_local12 == true)) { _local5 = "video"; contentThumb = "done"; _local12 = false; } else { _local5 = styles.library["config_" + _local4].startMode; if (((_local5 == "thumbnail") && (_local4 == "content")) && (contentThumb != "done")) { onComplete = "content"; contentThumb = true; } else if (((_local5 == "thumbnail") && (_local4 == "content")) && (contentThumb == "done")) { _local5 = "video"; } } mc_content.adURL = styles.library["config_" + _local4].adURL; mc_content.customURL = styles.library["config_" + _local4].customURL; _local8 = styles.library["config_" + _local4][_local5]; changeViewMode(_local5, _local4); switch (_local5) { case "thumbnail" : runThumbnail(_local6 + _local8); break; case "video" : mc_video.onCompleteDelay = ((styles.library["config_" + _local4].onCompleteDelay != undefined) ? (Number(styles.library["config_" + _local4].onCompleteDelay)) : 1); runMedia(((convertBoolean(styles.library.config_security.decrypt) == true) ? (encrypt_decrypt(_local8)) : (_local8)), (((_local10 != undefined) && (_local10 != "")) ? (_local10) : (_local6)), convertBoolean(styles.library["config_" + _local4].autoplay)); break; case "swf" : runSwf(_local6 + _local8); } } updateOverlay(_local13); broadcastMessage("onShowControls", (hideControls ? false : true)); broadcastMessage("onOsd", true); onMouseMove(); } function encrypt_decrypt(Str_Message) { var _local5 = _global.enKey; var _local3 = Str_Message.length; var _local4 = ""; var _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < _local3) { _local4 = _local4 + chr(ord(Str_Message.substr(_local2, 1)) ^ ((255 + ((_local3 + _local2) + _local5)) % 255)); _local2++; } return(_local4); } function runMedia(video, contentURL, autoplay) { mc_video.refreshVideo(contentURL, video, autoplay); } function runThumbnail(thumb) { if (thumbs.getThumb(mc_content, thumb, 0)) { broadcastMessage("onLoadThumbnail", true); mc_icon._visible = true; mc_buffer.gotoAndStop("off"); } else { broadcastMessage("onLoadThumbnail", false); mc_icon._visible = false; mc_buffer.gotoAndStop("on"); } } function runSwf(swf) { if (thumbs.getSwf(mc_content, swf, 0, false)) { mc_icon._visible = true; } else { mc_icon._visible = false; } } function updateOverlay() { if ((convertBoolean(styles.library["config_" + viewMethod].showVideoOverlay) == true) || (arguments[0] == true)) { _global.enableOverlay(true); } else { _global.enableOverlay(false); } } function refreshTitle(tit) { var _local3; var _local6; var _local2; for (_local6 in uiTextFields.title) { _local3 = uiTextFields.title[_local6]; for (var _local4 in _local3) { if (MovieClip(_local3[_local4])) { _local6 = _local3[_local4]; _local2 = styles.library["textFormat_" + _local6.myFormat];, _local2.font, _local2.bold, _local2.italic, _local2.underline, Skin.convertColor(_local2.textColor), Number(_local2.size)); } } } ob_stage.onResize(); } function toggleOsd(mc, Show) { if ((((hideControls == false) || ((mc.gF == "sound") && (viewMode == "video"))) || (mc.gF == "screen")) || (mc.gF == "title")) { TweenAlpha(mc, ((Show == true) ? "outExpo" : "inExpo"), ((Show == true) ? 5 : 30), ((Show == true) ? (((mc.myAlpha != undefined) ? (mc.myAlpha) : 100)) : 0), true); (((((osdHide == true) && (viewMode == "video")) && (Show == false)) && (mouseover == false)) ? (Mouse.hide()) : null); } } function OSD(mc, Show) { } function changeScreenMode() { screenMode = arguments[0]; setSO("screenMode", screenMode); ob_stage.onResize(); } function changeViewMode() { var self = this; viewMode = arguments[0]; viewMethod = arguments[1]; mc_content.useHandCursor = false; delete mc_content.onRelease; delete mc_content.onReleaseOutside; switch (viewMode) { case "thumbnail" : if (convertBoolean(styles.library.config_player.thumbnailClick) != false) { mc_content.onRelease = (mc_content.onReleaseOutside = function () { if (self.viewMode == "thumbnail") { if (self.styles.library["config_" + self.viewMethod].thumbnailLink == undefined) { self.doButtonFunction("play_thumbnail", "release"); } else { this.getURL(self.styles.library["config_" + self.viewMethod].thumbnailLink, ((self.styles.library["config_" + self.viewMethod].thumbnailTarget != undefined) ? (self.styles.library["config_" + self.viewMethod].thumbnailTarget) : "_blank")); } } }); } mc_content.useHandCursor = true; mc_video._visible = false; with (mc_ui) { seekButton._visible = (seekBarButton.useHandCursor = (seekMask._visible = false)); } break; case "video" : mc_content._visible = false; thumbs.Clear(); mc_video._visible = true; with (mc_ui) { seekButton._visible = (seekBarButton.useHandCursor = (seekMask._visible = true)); } break; case "swf" : with (mc_ui) { seekButton._visible = (seekBarButton.useHandCursor = (seekMask._visible = false)); } if ((convertBoolean(styles.library.config_postroll.hideVideo) == true) && (viewMethod == "postroll")) { mc_video._visible = false; } if ((convertBoolean(styles.library.config_preroll.hideVideo) == true) && (viewMethod == "preroll")) { mc_video._visible = false; } case "playlist" : break; case "error" : } switch (viewMethod) { case "loading" : break; case "playlist" : break; case "preroll" : break; case "postroll" : break; case "content" : break; case "error" : } resetContext(); broadcastMessage("onChangeViewMode", viewMode, viewMethod); } function resizePlayer(ls, w, h) { var sw = mc_ui.resetUI(w, h); var dims = (((mc_video.vs._video.Height > 0) && (mc_video.vs._video.Width > 0)) ? true : false); var _w = w; var _h = h; var _tw = w; var _th = h; with (mc_bg) { _x = ls.cX; _y = ls.cY; _width = w - ls.cW; _height = h - ls.cH; } switch (screenMode) { case "fit" : if (dims) { _w = Math.round(mc_video.vs._video.Width / (mc_video.vs._video.Height / (h - ls.cH))); _h = Math.round(mc_video.vs._video.Height / (mc_video.vs._video.Width / (w - ls.cW))); if (_w < (w - ls.cW)) { _w = _w; _h = h - ls.cH; } else { _h = _h; _w = w - ls.cW; } } else { _w = w - ls.cW; _h = h - ls.cH; } _tw = Math.round(ls._tw / (ls._th / (h - ls.cH))); _th = Math.round(ls._th / (ls._tw / (w - ls.cW))); if (_tw < (w - ls.cW)) { _tw = _tw; _th = h - ls.cH; } else { _th = _th; _tw = w - ls.cW; } break; case "original" : if (dims) { _h = mc_video.vs._video.Height; _w = mc_video.vs._video.Width; } else { _w = w - ls.cW; _h = h - ls.cH; } _tw = ls._tw; _th = ls._th; break; default : _w = w - ls.cW; _h = h - ls.cH; _tw = w - ls.cW; _th = h - ls.cH; } if (scaleThumb == false) { _tw = ls._tw; _th = ls._th; } if (viewMode == "swf") { _tw = ls._tw; _th = ls._th; } with (mc_content) { _width = _tw; _height = _th; _x = ls.cX + (((w - _tw) - ls.cW) / 2); _y = ls.cY + (((h - _th) - ls.cH) / 2); } with (mc_video) { setsize(_w, _h); _x = ls.cX + (((w - _w) - ls.cW) / 2); _y = ls.cY + (((h - _h) - ls.cH) / 2); resetBar(sw); } mc_icon._x = (w - mc_icon._width) / 2; mc_icon._y = (h - mc_icon._height) / 2; } function doKeyFunction() { osdTimer = getTimer(); broadcastMessage("onOsd", true); onMouseMove(); switch (arguments[1]) { case 32 : switch (arguments[0]) { case "down" : doButtonFunction("play_toggle", "release"); break; case "up" : } break; case 37 : switch (arguments[0]) { case "down" : doButtonFunction("bseek", "press"); break; case "up" : doButtonFunction("bseek", "release"); } break; case 39 : switch (arguments[0]) { case "down" : doButtonFunction("fseek", "press"); break; case "up" : doButtonFunction("fseek", "release"); } break; case 38 : switch (arguments[0]) { case "down" : doButtonFunction("fskip", "release"); break; case "up" : } break; case 40 : switch (arguments[0]) { case "down" : doButtonFunction("bskip", "release"); break; case "up" : } } } function doButtonFunction() { osdTimer = getTimer(); if (ttp == true) { var toolTip = ((arguments[3].tooltip != undefined) ? (arguments[3].tooltip) : (((styles.library.config_tooltips[arguments[0]] != undefined) ? (styles.library.config_tooltips[arguments[0]]) : undefined))); } switch (arguments[1]) { case "over" : if (((toolTip == undefined) || (ttp == false)) || (uttp != true)) { } else { eval (arguments[2]).setToolTip(toolTip, Number(styles.library.config_tooltips.bgAlpha), Number("0x" + styles.library.config_tooltips.bgColor), 200, Number(styles.library.config_tooltips.textSize), Number("0x" + styles.library.config_tooltips.textColor)); } return; case "out" : eval (arguments[2]).setToolTip(false); return; case "scrollseek" : if ((viewMode == "video") && (!disableControls)) { mc_video.scrollWheelSeek(arguments[0]); updateOverlay(false); } return; case "press" : switch (arguments[0]) { case "link" : _root.getURL(styles.library.config_player.homeLink, styles.library.config_player.homeTarget); break; case "play_toggle" : case "onscreen_play" : break; case "preroll" : break; case "postroll" : break; case "playlist" : break; case "sound_toggle_soundOn" : break; case "sound_toggle_soundOff" : break; case "bskip" : break; case "fskip" : break; case "bseek" : if ((viewMode == "video") && (!disableControls)) { mc_video.seekBackward(true); } break; case "fseek" : if ((viewMode == "video") && (!disableControls)) { mc_video.seekForward(true); } break; case "viewMode_stretch" : changeScreenMode("stretch"); break; case "viewMode_fit" : changeScreenMode("fit"); break; case "viewMode_noscale" : changeScreenMode("original"); break; case "viewMode_full" : _level0.lc_tx.send("lc_xmoov_popup", "methodToExecute", "popup closed"); } return; case "release" : switch (arguments[0]) { case "screen_link" : getURL(styles.library.config_player.screenClick, ((styles.library.config_player.screenTarget == undefined) ? "" : (styles.library.config_player.screenTarget))); return; case "play_toggle" : case "onscreen_play" : saveSo(); if (!disableControls) { updateOverlay(false); if (viewMode == "video") { mc_video.togglePlay(); } else { refreshPlayer(); } } return; case "play_thumbnail" : saveSo(); refreshPlayer(); return; case "preroll" : saveSo(); return; case "postroll" : saveSo(); return; case "playlist" : saveSo(); return; case "sound_toggle" : mc_video.toggleSound(); return; case "bskip" : saveSo(); if ((!disableControls) && (viewMode == "video")) { mc_video.rewindVideo(); mc_video.seekForward(false); mc_video.seekBackward(false); updateOverlay(false); } else if (!disableControls) { refreshPlayer(); mc_video.seekForward(false); mc_video.seekBackward(false); updateOverlay(false); } return; case "fskip" : return; case "bseek" : saveSo(); if ((viewMode == "video") && (!disableControls)) { mc_video.seekBackward(false); mc_video.seekForward(false); updateOverlay(false); } return; case "fseek" : if ((viewMode == "video") && (!disableControls)) { mc_video.seekForward(false); mc_video.seekBackward(false); updateOverlay(false); } return; case "viewMode_stretch" : return; case "viewMode_fit" : return; case "viewMode_noscale" : return; case "viewMode_full" : if (fsType == "popup") { saveSo(); if ((_level0.fullscreen == "true") || (_level0.fullscreen == true)) { getURL("javascript:void(window.close())"); } else if ((((disableControls != true) && (hideControls != true)) && (styles.library.config_fullscreen.URL != undefined)) && (viewMode == "video")) { _root.fs = new Object({vmt:(String = viewMethod), vmd:(String = viewMode), pos:(Number = mc_video.vs._time.Current)}); ((viewMode != "video") ? null : (mc_video.abortToFullscreen())); _root.centerPopup(unescape(styles.library.config_fullscreen.URL), "", System.capabilities.screenResolutionX, System.capabilities.screenResolutionY, ((styles.library.config_fullscreen.scrollbars != undefined) ? (styles.library.config_fullscreen.scrollbars) : "no"), ((styles.library.config_fullscreen.menubar != undefined) ? (styles.library.config_fullscreen.menubar) : "no"), ((styles.library.config_fullscreen.fullscreen != undefined) ? (styles.library.config_fullscreen.fullscreen) : "yes"), ((styles.library.config_fullscreen.toolbar != undefined) ? (styles.library.config_fullscreen.toolbar) : "no"), ((styles.library.config_fullscreen.statusbar != undefined) ? (styles.library.config_fullscreen.statusbar) : "no"), ((styles.library.config_fullscreen.resizable != undefined) ? (styles.library.config_fullscreen.resizable) : "no"), ((styles.library.config_fullscreen.titlebar != undefined) ? (styles.library.config_fullscreen.titlebar) : "no")); } } else { if (fsType != "f9") { break; } if ((fs == true) && (Stage.displayState == "fullScreen")) { Stage.displayState = "normal"; fs = false; } else { Stage.displayState = "fullScreen"; fs = true; } } } } } function TweenAlpha(clip, fm, dur, alp, osd) { var _local2 = ((clip.mc_alpha == undefined) ? (clip.createEmptyMovieClip("mc_alpha", clip.getNextHighestDepth())) : (clip.mc_alpha)); if ((clip._alpha != alp) && (_local2.alp != alp)) { delete _local2.s; clip.moving = true; _local2.path = this; _local2.alp = alp; _local2.st_alp = clip._alpha; _local2.dist = alp - clip._alpha; = 0; clip._visible = true; _local2.onEnterFrame = function () { clip._alpha = Math.floor(this.path[fm](, this.st_alp, this.dist, dur));; if ( > dur) { clip.moving = false; clip._visible = ((clip._alpha == 0) ? false : true); delete this.onEnterFrame; } }; } else { clip.moving = false; } } function inExpo(t, b, c, d) { return(((t == 0) ? (b) : ((c * Math.pow(2, 10 * ((t / d) - 1))) + b))); } function outExpo(t, b, c, d) { return(((t == d) ? (b + c) : ((c * ((-Math.pow(2, (-10 * t) / d)) + 1)) + b))); } }
Symbol 103 MovieClip [__Packages.UI] Frame 0
class UI extends MovieClip { var Ceil, UIelements, UIsets, styleTags, uiButons, uiTextFields, getNextHighestDepth, w, h, styles, createEmptyMovieClip, seekButton, seekMask, seekBarButton, volumeButton, volumeMask, volumeBarButton, usFmt, seekerWidth, volumeWidth; function UI () { super(); var self = this; Ceil = Math.ceil; UIelements = new Array(); UIsets = new Array(); styleTags = new Object({_skin:"skin", _group:"group", _clip:"clip", _clipFormat:"clipFormat", _textFormat:"textFormat"}); uiButons = new Object({link:new Array(), Play:new Array(), Pause:new Array(), play_toggle:new Array(), onscreen_play:new Array(), play_thumbnail:new Array(), preroll:new Array(), sound_toggle:new Array(), bskip:new Array(), fskip:new Array(), bseek:new Array(), fseek:new Array(), viewMode_stretch:new Array(), viewMode_fit:new Array(), viewMode_noscale:new Array(), viewMode_full:new Array()}); uiTextFields = new Object({time_total:new Array(), time_current:new Array(), time_left:new Array(), time_seek:new Array(), time_currentSeek:new Array(), title:new Array()}); TextField.prototype.setTextField = function (txt, fnt, bld, itl, und, clr, siz) { this.htmlText = txt; this.setTextFormat(new TextFormat(fnt, Number(siz), Number(clr), self.stringToBoolean(bld), self.stringToBoolean(itl), self.stringToBoolean(und))); }; MovieClip.prototype.createNewTextField = function (emb) { var _local2 = this.createTextField("tf", this.getNextHighestDepth(), 0, 0, 100, 22); _local2.embedFonts = emb; _local2.selectable = false; _local2.html = true; _local2.autoSize = true; _local2.multiline = true; }; } function init(_w, _h, _st) { var _local17; var _local20; var _local31; var _local13; var _local7; var _local26; var _local32; var _local27; var _local25; var _local11; var _local8; var _local19 = getNextHighestDepth(); var _local24 = _local19 + 1000; var _local3; var _local4; var _local6; var _local5; var _local2; var _local9; w = _w; h = _h; styles = _st; for (var _local21 in styles.library) { _local17 = styles.library[_local21]; switch (_local21.split("_")[0]) { case styleTags._skin : UIelements.push(_local21); _local3 = createEmptyMovieClip(_local21, _local19); _local3.attachBitmap(Skin.getBitmap(_local21, "image"), 1, "always", false); _local19++; break; case styleTags._group : _local13 = new Array(); var _local10 = 0; _local3 = createEmptyMovieClip(_local21, _local24); _local24++; for (_local20 in _local17) { if (_local20 == "clips") { _local7 = styles.library[_local21][_local20].split(","); for (var _local18 in _local7) { _local8 = styles.library[(styleTags._clip + "_") + _local7[_local18]]; _local11 = _local8.function; _local4 = _local3.createEmptyMovieClip(_local7[_local18], _local3.getNextHighestDepth()); if (uiButons[_local11] != undefined) { uiButons[_local11].push(_local4); _local4.myObject = (styleTags._clip + "_") + _local7[_local18]; } if (uiTextFields[_local11] != undefined) { uiTextFields[_local11].push(_local4); _local4.myObject = (styleTags._clip + "_") + _local7[_local18]; } switch (_local11) { case "seek" : for (var _local16 in seekerParts) { _local4.createEmptyMovieClip(seekerParts[_local16], _local4.getNextHighestDepth()); formatElement(_local4[seekerParts[_local16]], _local8, seekerParts[_local16] + "_"); if (seekerParts[_local16] != "button") { for (var _local12 in seekerSubParts) { _local6 = Skin.getBitmap((styleTags._clip + "_") + _local7[_local18], (("image_" + seekerParts[_local16]) + "_") + seekerSubParts[_local12]); if (_local6 != undefined) { _local4[seekerParts[_local16]].createEmptyMovieClip(seekerSubParts[_local12], _local4[seekerParts[_local16]].getNextHighestDepth()); _local4[seekerParts[_local16]][seekerSubParts[_local12]].attachBitmap(_local6, 1, "always", false); } } } else { _local6 = Skin.getBitmap((styleTags._clip + "_") + _local7[_local18], "image_" + seekerParts[_local16]); if (_local6 != undefined) { _local4[seekerParts[_local16]].attachBitmap(_local6, 1, "always", false); seekButton = _local4[seekerParts[_local16]]; } } } seekMask = _local4.createEmptyMovieClip("smsk", _local4.getNextHighestDepth()); seekBarButton = _local3.createEmptyMovieClip("sbt", _local3.getNextHighestDepth()); seekBarButton._alpha = 0; drawRectangle(seekMask); drawRectangle(seekBarButton); _local4.middle.setMask(seekMask); break; case "volume" : for (var _local14 in volumeParts) { _local4.createEmptyMovieClip(volumeParts[_local14], _local4.getNextHighestDepth()); formatElement(_local4[volumeParts[_local14]], _local8, volumeParts[_local14] + "_"); if (volumeParts[_local14] != "button") { for (var _local12 in seekerSubParts) { _local6 = Skin.getBitmap((styleTags._clip + "_") + _local7[_local18], (("image_" + volumeParts[_local14]) + "_") + seekerSubParts[_local12]); if (_local6 != undefined) { _local4[volumeParts[_local14]].createEmptyMovieClip(seekerSubParts[_local12], _local4[volumeParts[_local14]].getNextHighestDepth()); _local4[volumeParts[_local14]][seekerSubParts[_local12]].attachBitmap(_local6, 1, "always", false); } } } else { _local6 = Skin.getBitmap((styleTags._clip + "_") + _local7[_local18], "image_" + volumeParts[_local14]); if (_local6 != undefined) { _local4[volumeParts[_local14]].attachBitmap(_local6, 1, "always", false); volumeButton = _local4[volumeParts[_local14]]; } } } volumeMask = _local4.createEmptyMovieClip("vmsk", _local4.getNextHighestDepth()); volumeBarButton = _local3.createEmptyMovieClip("vbbt", _local3.getNextHighestDepth()); volumeBarButton._alpha = 0; drawRectangle(volumeBarButton); drawRectangle(volumeMask); _local4.middle.setMask(volumeMask); break; case "title" : _local4.createEmptyMovieClip("tb_" + _local10, _local4.getNextHighestDepth()); formatTextElement(_local4["tb_" + _local10], _local8); _local10++; break; case "time_current" : case "time_currentSeek" : case "time_total" : _local4.createEmptyMovieClip("tb_" + _local10, _local4.getNextHighestDepth()); formatTextElement(_local4["tb_" + _local10], _local8); _local10++; break; default : _local2 = _local7[_local18]; for (var _local15 in _local8) { if (_local15.split("_")[0] == "image") { _local5 = _local15.split("_")[1] + (_local15.split("_")[2] ? ("_" + _local15.split("_")[2]) : _local15.split("_")[0]); _local3[_local2].createEmptyMovieClip(_local5, _local3[_local2].getNextHighestDepth()); _local3[_local2][_local5].attachBitmap(Skin.getBitmap((styleTags._clip + "_") + _local2, _local15), 1, "always", false); _local9 = _local3[_local2].createEmptyMovieClip("bt", _local3[_local2].getNextHighestDepth()); drawRectangle(_local9); _local9._alpha = 0; _local9._width = _local3[_local2]._width; _local9._height = _local3[_local2]._height; if (_local15.split("_")[_local15.split("_").length - 1] == "over") { _local3[_local2][_local5]._visible = 0; _local3[_local2].hasOverImage = true; _local3[_local2].overClip = _local3[_local2][_local5]; formatElement(_local3[_local2], styles.library[(styleTags._clip + "_") + _local2], "over"); if ((_local15.split("_")[1] == "soundOff") || (_local15.split("_")[1] == "stop")) { _local3[_local2][_local5]._visible = 0; _local3[_local2].negOverClip = _local3[_local2][_local5]; } else if ((_local15.split("_")[1] == "soundOn") || (_local15.split("_")[1] == "play")) { _local3[_local2].posOverClip = _local3[_local2][_local5]; } } else { _local3[_local2][_local5]._visible = 1; _local3[_local2].hasUpImage = true; _local3[_local2].upClip = _local3[_local2][_local5]; formatElement(_local3[_local2], styles.library[(styleTags._clip + "_") + _local2], "up"); if ((_local15.split("_")[1] == "soundOff") || (_local15.split("_")[1] == "stop")) { _local3[_local2][_local5]._visible = 0; _local3[_local2].negUpClip = _local3[_local2][_local5]; } else if ((_local15.split("_")[1] == "soundOn") || (_local15.split("_")[1] == "play")) { _local3[_local2].posUpClip = _local3[_local2][_local5]; } } } } } } } _local13[_local20] = styles.library[_local21][_local20]; } UIsets[_local21] = _local13; break; } } resetUI(w, h); usFmt = true; return(new Object({buttons:uiButons, textFields:uiTextFields, groups:UIsets})); } function resetUI(_w, _h) { w = _w; h = _h; var _local3; var _local4; var _local7; var _local2; var _local8; var _local9; var _local6; var _local5; for (var _local11 in UIsets) { _local8 = this[_local11]; _local9 = resetUIset(_local11); _local3 = 0; _local4 = 0; _local7 = 0; if (UIsets[_local11].margin != undefined) { _local3 = Number(UIsets[_local11].margin); _local4 = Number(UIsets[_local11].margin); } else { _local3 = Number(UIsets[_local11].left_margin); _local4 = Number(UIsets[_local11].right_margin); } _local7 = (isNaN(_local3) ? 0 : (_local3)) + (isNaN(_local4) ? 0 : (_local4)); if (!usFmt) { formatElement(this[_local11], styles.library[_local11]); } _local8._y = Ceil(align("v", UIsets[_local11].valign, this[_local11]._width, this[_local11]._height) + (isNaN(UIsets[_local11].voffset) ? 0 : (Number(UIsets[_local11].voffset)))); _local8._x = Ceil(align("h", UIsets[_local11].align, ((_local9 == "seek") ? (seekerWidth) : (this[_local11]._width)) + _local7, this[_local11]._height) + (isNaN(_local3) ? 0 : (_local3))); } for (var _local10 in UIelements) { var _local10 = UIelements[_local10]; _local2 = this[_local10]; _local6 = styles.library[_local10].width; _local5 = styles.library[_local10].height; switch (_local10.split("_")[1]) { case "topLeft" : _local2._x = 0; _local2._y = 0; break; case "top" : _local2._x = (_local2.tlMem ? (_local2.tlMem) : ((_local2.tlMem = Skin.getBitmap(styleTags._skin + "_topLeft", "image").width))); _local2._y = 0; (_local2.cwMem ? null : ((_local2.cwMem = Skin.getBitmap(styleTags._skin + "_topLeft", "image").width + Skin.getBitmap(styleTags._skin + "_topRight", "image").width))); _local2._width = Ceil((isNaN(_local6) ? (w - _local2.cwMem) : (_local6))); break; case "topRight" : (_local2.trMem ? null : ((_local2.trMem = Skin.getBitmap(_local10, "image").width))); _local2._x = Ceil(w - _local2.trMem); _local2._y = 0; break; case "right" : (_local2.rxMem ? null : ((_local2.rxMem = Skin.getBitmap(_local10, "image").width))); (_local2.ryMem ? null : ((_local2.ryMem = Skin.getBitmap(styleTags._skin + "_topRight", "image").height))); _local2._x = Ceil(w - _local2.rxMem); _local2._y = _local2.ryMem; (_local2.rhMem ? null : ((_local2.rhMem = _local2.ryMem + Skin.getBitmap(styleTags._skin + "_bottomRight", "image").height))); _local2._height = Ceil((isNaN(_local5) ? (h - _local2.rhMem) : (_local5))); break; case "bottomRight" : (_local2.brxMem ? null : ((_local2.brxMem = Skin.getBitmap(_local10, "image").width))); (_local2.bryMem ? null : ((_local2.bryMem = Skin.getBitmap(_local10, "image").height))); _local2._x = Ceil(w - _local2.brxMem); _local2._y = Ceil(h - _local2.bryMem); break; case "bottom" : (_local2.bxMem ? null : ((_local2.bxMem = Skin.getBitmap(styleTags._skin + "_bottomLeft", "image").width))); (_local2.byMem ? null : ((_local2.byMem = Skin.getBitmap(_local10, "image").height))); (_local2.bwMem ? null : ((_local2.bwMem = _local2.bxMem + Skin.getBitmap(styleTags._skin + "_bottomRight", "image").width))); _local2._x = _local2.bxMem; _local2._y = Ceil(h - _local2.byMem); _local2._width = Ceil((isNaN(_local6) ? (w - _local2.bwMem) : (_local6))); break; case "bottomLeft" : _local2._x = 0; (_local2.blMem ? null : ((_local2.blMem = Skin.getBitmap(_local10, "image").height))); _local2._y = Ceil(h - _local2.blMem); break; case "left" : _local2._x = 0; (_local2.lyMem ? null : ((_local2.lyMem = Skin.getBitmap(styleTags._skin + "_topLeft", "image").height))); (_local2.lhMem ? null : ((_local2.lhMem = _local2.lyMem + Skin.getBitmap(styleTags._skin + "_bottomLeft", "image").height))); _local2._y = _local2.lyMem; _local2._height = Ceil((isNaN(_local5) ? (h - _local2.lhMem) : (_local5))); } } return(seekerWidth); } function align(align, _value, mw, mh) { switch (align) { case "v" : switch (_value) { case "top" : return(0); case "center" : return((h - mh) / 2); case "bottom" : return(h - mh); switch (_value) { case "left" : return(0); case "center" : return((w - mw) / 2); case "right" : return(w - mw); } } case "h" : switch (_value) { case "left" : return(0); case "center" : return((w - mw) / 2); case "right" : return(w - mw); } } } function resetUIset(UIset) { var _local5 = UIsets[UIset].clips.split(","); var _local19; var _local15 = Number(UIsets[UIset].left_margin); var _local14 = Number(UIsets[UIset].right_margin); var _local16 = Number(UIsets[UIset].margin); _local15 = (isNaN(_local15) ? ((isNaN(_local16) ? 0 : (_local16))) : (_local15)); _local14 = (isNaN(_local14) ? ((isNaN(_local16) ? 0 : (_local16))) : (_local14)); var _local9; var _local8; var _local10; var _local13; var _local2; var _local17 = 0; var _local7 = 0; var _local20; var _local18; var _local6 = 0; var _local4; var _local3 = 0; while (_local3 < _local5.length) { _local13 = styles.library[(styleTags._clip + "_") + _local5[_local3]].function; _local6 = Number(styles.library[(styleTags._clip + "_") + _local5[_local3]].voffset); _local6 = (isNaN(_local6) ? 0 : (_local6)); _local2 = this[UIset][_local5[_local3]]; _local2._y = _local6; if (_local13 == "seek") { var _local11 = Number(styles.library[(styleTags._clip + "_") + _local5[_local3]].width); if (isNaN(_local11) && (_local11 != undefined)) { _local2._x = _local7; _local4 = w - (_local15 + _local14); } else { _local4 = Number(styles.library[(styleTags._clip + "_") + _local5[_local3]].width); _local4 = (isNaN(_local4) ? (_local2._width) : (_local4)); _local2._x = _local7; } seekerWidth = _local4; if (!seekMask.init) { seekMask._width = 1; seekMask._height = _local2._height; seekMask.init = true; } seekBarButton._height = _local2._height; seekBarButton._width = seekerWidth; resetBar(_local2, UIset, _local5[_local3], seekerWidth); } else { _local9 = Number(styles.library[(styleTags._clip + "_") + _local5[_local3]].left_margin); _local8 = Number(styles.library[(styleTags._clip + "_") + _local5[_local3]].right_margin); _local10 = Number(styles.library[(styleTags._clip + "_") + _local5[_local3]].margin); _local9 = (isNaN(_local9) ? ((isNaN(_local10) ? 0 : (_local10))) : (_local9)); _local8 = (isNaN(_local8) ? ((isNaN(_local10) ? 0 : (_local10))) : (_local8)); _local6 = Number(styles.library[(styleTags._clip + "_") + _local5[_local3]].voffset); _local6 = (isNaN(_local6) ? 0 : (_local6)); _local7 = _local7 + _local9; _local2._x = _local7; _local2._y = _local6; if (_local13 == "volume") { _local4 = Number(styles.library[(styleTags._clip + "_") + _local5[_local3]].width); _local4 = (isNaN(_local4) ? (_local2._width) : (_local4)); _local7 = _local7 + (_local4 + _local8); volumeBarButton._width = _local4; volumeBarButton._height = _local2._height; resetBar(_local2, UIset, _local5[_local3], _local4); volumeWidth = _local4; if (!volumeMask.init) { volumeMask._width = _local4; volumeMask._height = _local2._height; volumeMask.init = true; } } else { ((_local2._width == undefined) ? null : (_local7 = _local7 + (_local2._width + _local8))); } } _local3++; } return(_local13); } function formatTextElement(clip, styleObject, txt) { var _local4 = styleObject.format; styleObject = styles.library["textFormat_" + _local4]; ( ? null : (clip.createNewTextField(stringToBoolean(styleObject.embed)))); clip.myFormat = _local4; != undefined) ? (txt) : "00:00"), styleObject.font, styleObject.bold, styleObject.italic, styleObject.underline, Skin.convertColor(styleObject.textColor), Number(styleObject.size)); } function formatElement(clip, styleObject, buttonState) { var _local7 = styleObject.format; var _local10 = styleObject.up_format; var _local9 = styleObject.over_format; if ((_local7 || (_local10)) || (_local9)) { if ((!_local7) && (buttonState == "up")) { _local7 = _local10; } else if ((!_local7) && (buttonState == "over")) { _local7 = _local9; } styleObject = styles.library[(styleTags._clipFormat + "_") + _local7]; } for (var _local8 in styleObject) { switch (_local8) { case buttonState + "alpha" : case "alpha" : clip.myAlpha = Number(styleObject[_local8]); clip._alpha = clip.myAlpha; break; case buttonState + "blendMode" : case "blendMode" : clip.blendMode = styleObject[_local8]; break; case buttonState + "dropShadow" : case "dropShadow" : if (!stringToBoolean(styleObject[_local8])) { dropshadow(clip, -1); } else { var _local6 = styleObject[_local8].split(","); var _local2 = ((_local6.length <= 1) ? (defaultDropShadow) : (_local6)); dropshadow(clip, Number(_local2[0]), Number(_local2[1]), Skin.convertColor(_local2[2]), Number(_local2[3]), Number(_local2[4]), Number(_local2[5]), Number(_local2[6]), Number(_local2[7]), stringToBoolean(_local2[8]), stringToBoolean(_local2[9]), stringToBoolean(_local2[10])); } break; case buttonState + "bevel" : case "bevel" : if (!stringToBoolean(styleObject[_local8])) { bevel(clip, -1); } else { var _local6 = styleObject[_local8].split(","); var _local2 = ((_local6.length <= 1) ? (defaultBevel) : (_local6)); bevel(clip, Number(_local2[0]), Number(_local2[1]), Skin.convertColor(_local2[2]), Number(_local2[3]), Skin.convertColor(_local2[4]), Number(_local2[5]), Number(_local2[6]), Number(_local2[7]), Number(_local2[8]), Number(_local2[9]), _local2[10], stringToBoolean(_local2[11])); } break; case buttonState + "color" : case "color" : Skin.colorClip(clip, styleObject[_local8], Number(styleObject.alpha)); } } } function stringToBoolean() { return(((arguments[0] == "true") ? true : (((arguments[0] == "false") ? false : false)))); } function drawRectangle(target_mc) { with (target_mc) { beginFill(16711680, 100); moveTo(0, 0); lineTo(1, 0); lineTo(1, 1); lineTo(0, 1); lineTo(0, 0); endFill(); } } function resetBar(clip, UIset, sk, seekerWidth) { var part; var subPart; var cclip; var sideWidth = 0; for (var sp in seekerParts) { for (var sub in seekerSubParts) { part = seekerParts[sp]; subPart = seekerSubParts[sub]; cclip = eval (clip[part][subPart]); switch (subPart) { case "right" : sideWidth = cclip._width; cclip._x = seekerWidth - cclip._width; break; case "left" : sideWidth = cclip._width; cclip._x = 0; break; case "center" : cclip._x = sideWidth; cclip._width = seekerWidth - (sideWidth * 2); } } } } function dropshadow(object, distance, angle, color, alpha, blurX, blurY, strength, quality, inner, knockout, hideObject) { if (distance < 0) { object.filters = null; } else { var _local1 = new flash.filters.DropShadowFilter(distance, angle, color, alpha, blurX, blurY, strength, quality, inner, knockout, hideObject); object.filters = [_local1]; } } function bevel(object, distance, angle, highlightColor, highlightAlpha, shadowColor, shadowAlpha, blurX, blurY, strength, quality, type, knockout) { if (distance < 0) { object.filters = null; } else { var _local1 = new flash.filters.BevelFilter(distance, angle, highlightColor, highlightAlpha, shadowColor, shadowAlpha, blurX, blurY, strength, quality, type, knockout); object.filters = [_local1]; } } var seekerParts = new Array("button", "front", "middle", "back"); var seekerSubParts = new Array("left", "center", "right"); var volumeParts = new Array("button", "front", "middle", "back"); var volumeSubParts = new Array("left", "center", "right"); var defaultDropShadow = new Array(1, 45, 0, 100, 4, 4, 1.5, 3, false, false, false); var defaultBevel = new Array(1, -45, "ffffff", 25, 0, 25, 4, 4, 2, 3, "outer", false); }

Library Items

Symbol 1 GraphicUsed by:33
Symbol 2 GraphicUsed by:32
Symbol 3 GraphicUsed by:32
Symbol 4 GraphicUsed by:32
Symbol 5 GraphicUsed by:32
Symbol 6 GraphicUsed by:32
Symbol 7 GraphicUsed by:32
Symbol 8 GraphicUsed by:32
Symbol 9 FontUsed by:10 28 30 31
Symbol 10 TextUses:9Used by:32
Symbol 11 GraphicUsed by:32
Symbol 12 GraphicUsed by:23
Symbol 13 GraphicUsed by:23
Symbol 14 GraphicUsed by:23
Symbol 15 GraphicUsed by:23
Symbol 16 GraphicUsed by:23
Symbol 17 GraphicUsed by:23
Symbol 18 GraphicUsed by:23
Symbol 19 GraphicUsed by:23
Symbol 20 GraphicUsed by:23
Symbol 21 GraphicUsed by:23
Symbol 22 GraphicUsed by:23
Symbol 23 MovieClipUses:12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22Used by:32
Symbol 24 GraphicUsed by:32
Symbol 25 FontUsed by:26 44 45 47 48 50 51 52 53
Symbol 26 TextUses:25Used by:27
Symbol 27 MovieClipUses:26Used by:32
Symbol 28 TextUses:9Used by:32
Symbol 29 GraphicUsed by:32
Symbol 30 TextUses:9Used by:32
Symbol 31 TextUses:9Used by:32
Symbol 32 MovieClipUses:2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 11 23 24 27 28 29 30 31Used by:33
Symbol 33 MovieClip [buffer_count]Uses:1 32
Symbol 34 GraphicUsed by:35
Symbol 35 MovieClip [box]Uses:34Used by:39 58 68 71 83 94 95
Symbol 36 GraphicUsed by:37
Symbol 37 MovieClipUses:36Used by:38
Symbol 38 MovieClipUses:37Used by:39 58
Symbol 39 MovieClipUses:35 38Used by:Timeline
Symbol 40 Font [kroeger]Used by:41
Symbol 41 EditableTextUses:40Used by:Timeline
Symbol 42 GraphicUsed by:43 46 49
Symbol 43 MovieClipUses:42Used by:46 49
Symbol 44 TextUses:25Used by:46
Symbol 45 TextUses:25Used by:46
Symbol 46 ButtonUses:43 44 45 42Used by:54
Symbol 47 TextUses:25Used by:49
Symbol 48 TextUses:25Used by:49
Symbol 49 ButtonUses:43 47 48 42Used by:54
Symbol 50 TextUses:25Used by:54
Symbol 51 TextUses:25Used by:54
Symbol 52 EditableTextUses:25Used by:54
Symbol 53 EditableTextUses:25Used by:54
Symbol 54 MovieClipUses:46 49 50 51 52 53Used by:Timeline
Symbol 55 MovieClip [UserInterface]Used by:95
Symbol 56 VideoUsed by:57
Symbol 57 MovieClip [xmoovPlaybackEngine]Uses:56Used by:95
Symbol 58 MovieClip [buffer_fire]Uses:35 38Used by:95
Symbol 59 GraphicUsed by:67
Symbol 60 GraphicUsed by:67
Symbol 61 GraphicUsed by:67
Symbol 62 GraphicUsed by:67
Symbol 63 GraphicUsed by:67
Symbol 64 GraphicUsed by:67
Symbol 65 GraphicUsed by:67
Symbol 66 GraphicUsed by:67
Symbol 67 MovieClipUses:59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66Used by:68
Symbol 68 MovieClip [buffer_pie]Uses:35 67Used by:95
Symbol 69 GraphicUsed by:70
Symbol 70 MovieClipUses:69Used by:71
Symbol 71 MovieClip [buffer_macro]Uses:35 70Used by:95
Symbol 72 GraphicUsed by:82
Symbol 73 GraphicUsed by:82
Symbol 74 GraphicUsed by:82
Symbol 75 GraphicUsed by:82
Symbol 76 GraphicUsed by:82
Symbol 77 GraphicUsed by:82
Symbol 78 GraphicUsed by:82
Symbol 79 GraphicUsed by:82
Symbol 80 GraphicUsed by:82
Symbol 81 GraphicUsed by:82
Symbol 82 MovieClipUses:72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81Used by:83
Symbol 83 MovieClip [buffer_sticks]Uses:35 82Used by:95
Symbol 84 GraphicUsed by:93
Symbol 85 GraphicUsed by:93
Symbol 86 GraphicUsed by:93
Symbol 87 GraphicUsed by:93
Symbol 88 GraphicUsed by:93
Symbol 89 GraphicUsed by:93
Symbol 90 GraphicUsed by:93
Symbol 91 GraphicUsed by:93
Symbol 92 GraphicUsed by:93
Symbol 93 MovieClipUses:84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92Used by:94
Symbol 94 MovieClip [buffer_ufo]Uses:35 93Used by:95
Symbol 95 MovieClip [xmooth_media_player]Uses:35 55 57 58 68 71 83 94Used by:Timeline
Symbol 96 MovieClip [__Packages.xmoovPlaybackEngine]
Symbol 97 MovieClip [__Packages.VideoStream]
Symbol 98 MovieClip [__Packages.playerController]
Symbol 99 MovieClip [__Packages.ActionStyles]
Symbol 100 MovieClip [__Packages.Skin]
Symbol 101 MovieClip [__Packages.thumbnailCache]
Symbol 102 MovieClip [__Packages.XmoothMediaPlayer]
Symbol 103 MovieClip [__Packages.UI]

Instance Names

"preloader"Frame 1Symbol 39 MovieClip
"fdt"Frame 4Symbol 54 MovieClip
"player"Frame 5Symbol 95 MovieClip [xmooth_media_player]
"bt_update"Symbol 54 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 46 Button
"bt_cont"Symbol 54 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 49 Button
"vo"Symbol 57 MovieClip [xmoovPlaybackEngine] Frame 1Symbol 56 Video
"activity"Symbol 83 MovieClip [buffer_sticks] Frame 6Symbol 82 MovieClip
"mc_bg"Symbol 95 MovieClip [xmooth_media_player] Frame 1Symbol 35 MovieClip [box]

Special Tags

FileAttributes (69)Timeline Frame 1Access network only, Metadata not present, AS1/AS2.
Protect (24)Timeline Frame 10 bytes ""
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 33 as "buffer_count"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 35 as "box"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 40 as "kroeger"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 5Symbol 55 as "UserInterface"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 5Symbol 57 as "xmoovPlaybackEngine"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 5Symbol 58 as "buffer_fire"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 5Symbol 68 as "buffer_pie"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 5Symbol 71 as "buffer_macro"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 5Symbol 83 as "buffer_sticks"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 5Symbol 94 as "buffer_ufo"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 5Symbol 95 as "xmooth_media_player"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 5Symbol 96 as "__Packages.xmoovPlaybackEngine"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 5Symbol 97 as "__Packages.VideoStream"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 5Symbol 98 as "__Packages.playerController"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 5Symbol 99 as "__Packages.ActionStyles"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 5Symbol 100 as "__Packages.Skin"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 5Symbol 101 as "__Packages.thumbnailCache"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 5Symbol 102 as "__Packages.XmoothMediaPlayer"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 5Symbol 103 as "__Packages.UI"


"CODE"Frame 1
"off"Symbol 33 MovieClip [buffer_count] Frame 1
"on"Symbol 33 MovieClip [buffer_count] Frame 6
"off"Symbol 58 MovieClip [buffer_fire] Frame 1
"on"Symbol 58 MovieClip [buffer_fire] Frame 6
"off"Symbol 68 MovieClip [buffer_pie] Frame 1
"on"Symbol 68 MovieClip [buffer_pie] Frame 6
"off"Symbol 71 MovieClip [buffer_macro] Frame 1
"on"Symbol 71 MovieClip [buffer_macro] Frame 6
"off"Symbol 83 MovieClip [buffer_sticks] Frame 1
"on"Symbol 83 MovieClip [buffer_sticks] Frame 6
"off"Symbol 94 MovieClip [buffer_ufo] Frame 1
"on"Symbol 94 MovieClip [buffer_ufo] Frame 6

Dynamic Text Variables

cvSymbol 52 EditableText"0"
rvSymbol 53 EditableText"0"
Created: 27/5 -2019 17:39:45 Last modified: 27/5 -2019 17:39:45 Server time: 13/03 -2025 06:32:45