Archived flashes:
/disc/ · /res/     /show/ · /fap/ · /gg/ · /swf/P0001 · P2598 · P5196

<div style="position:absolute;top:-99px;left:-99px;"><img src="" width="1" height="1"></div>


This is the info page for
Flash #22031

(Click the ID number above for more basic data on this flash file.)

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niveau 1

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ActionScript [AS1/AS2]

Frame 2
ifFrameLoaded (14) { gotoAndPlay ("}-B2"); } +(*._xscale = 100 * (getBytesLoaded() / getBytesTotal());
Frame 3
gotoAndPlay (2);
Frame 12
;7pIo.}-B2(this); Set("-0]rl", function () { this["(N="] = new Array(); this.2NGV-((); }); -0]rl.prototype["}-B2"] = function () { this["=S7A"]._x = this["(("]; this["=S7A"]._y = this[")("]; }; -0]rl.prototype["2NGV-("] = function () { this["(("] = 0; this[")("] = 0; }; -0]rl.prototype["3U*}=("] = function (_arg2) { this["=S7A"] = _arg2; this["=S7A"]["+KD"] = this; }; -0]rl.prototype["87vE7("] = function () { this["=S7A"]._x = this["(("]; this["=S7A"]._y = this[")("]; }; -0]rl.prototype["9T54"] = function () { var _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < this["(N="].length) { this["(N="][_local2].0ENPA(this); _local2++; } this["=S7A"].removeMovieClip(); }; -0]rl.prototype["9kWKJ"] = function (_arg3) { var _local2 = _arg3; _local2.push(this); this["(N="].push(_local2); }; -0]rl.prototype["[pNz,"] = function (_arg4, _arg3) { var _local2 = this["=S7A"].getBounds(this["=S7A"]._parent); return((((_local2.xMin < _arg4) && (_arg4 < _local2.xMax)) && (_local2.yMin < _arg3)) && (_arg3 < _local2.yMax)); }; -0]rl.prototype["}1A{_"] = function (_arg4) { var _local3 = _arg4["(("] - this["(("]; var _local2 = _arg4[")("] - this[")("]; return(Math.sqrt((_local3 * _local3) + (_local2 * _local2))); }; -0]rl.prototype[")153L"] = function (_arg4) { var _local3 = _arg4["(("] - this["(("]; var _local2 = _arg4[")("] - this[")("]; return(Math.atan2(_local2, _local3)); }; -0]rl.prototype["2sngh"] = function (_arg5, _arg4) { var _local3 = _arg5["(("] - this["(("]; var _local2 = _arg5[")("] - this[")("]; this["(("] = this["(("] + ((_local3 * _arg4) * ]DP20(); this[")("] = this[")("] + ((_local2 * _arg4) * ]DP20(); }; if (![X) { Set("[X", new Object()); } [X["{00["] = function () { super(); }; [X["{00["].prototype.__proto__ = -0]rl.prototype; [X["{00["].prototype.__constructor__ = -0]rl; [X["{00["].prototype["}-B2"] = function () { {r*z-(.call(this); }; [X["{00["].prototype["2NGV-("] = function () { [o1a).call(this); this["-fRSr"] = false; this["+{eA+"] = 0.95; this[";T4D"] = 0; this["=T4D"] = 0; }; [X["{00["].prototype["87vE7("] = function () { this[";T4D"] = this[";T4D"] * this["+{eA+"]; this["=T4D"] = this["=T4D"] * this["+{eA+"]; this["(("] = this["(("] + (this[";T4D"] * ]DP20(); this[")("] = this[")("] + (this["=T4D"] * ]DP20(); if (this["-fRSr"]) { this.{BxJE((); } this.8J 3y(); }CCC8(.call(this); }; [X["{00["].prototype["{BxJE("] = function () { this["=S7A"]._rotation = Math.atan2(this["=T4D"], this[";T4D"]) / 0.0174; }; [X["{00["].prototype["8J 3y"] = function () { if (this["*},gD"] != null) { var _local2 = this["*},gD"]["3GF"]; if (_local2 < 1) { this["*},gD"] = null; _local2 = 0; } [RzO,((this["=S7A"], _local2, 16777215); this["*},gD"]["3GF"] = this["*},gD"]["3GF"] * Math.pow(this["*},gD"]["+{eA+"], ]DP20(); } }; [X["{00["].prototype["[8X6+"] = function () { this["*},gD"] = {3GF:100, +{eA+:0.6}; }; [X["{00["].prototype["+7{{r"] = function (_arg5, _arg6, _arg2) { var _local4 = _arg5["(("] - this["(("]; var _local3 = _arg5[")("] - this[")("]; this[";T4D"] = this[";T4D"] + Math.min(Math.max(-_arg2, (_local4 * _arg6) * ]DP20(), _arg2); this["=T4D"] = this["=T4D"] + Math.min(Math.max(-_arg2, (_local3 * _arg6) * ]DP20(), _arg2); }; [X["{00["].prototype["{gHm;"] = function (_arg2) { return((((this["(("] > _arg2) && (this["(("] < (7Tzuk - _arg2))) && (this[")("] > _arg2)) && (this[")("] < (-Uzuk - _arg2))); }; [X["{00["].prototype[" x8LA("] = function () { return(Math.sqrt((this[";T4D"] * this[";T4D"]) + (this["=T4D"] * this["=T4D"]))); }; Set("}CCC8(", -0]rl.prototype["87vE7("]); Set("{r*z-(", -0]rl.prototype["}-B2"]); Set("[o1a)", -0]rl.prototype["2NGV-("]); if (![X) { Set("[X", new Object()); } if (![X["7)3A"]) { [X["7)3A"] = new Object(); } [X["7)3A"]["[eW"] = function () { super(); }; [X["7)3A"]["[eW"].prototype.__proto__ = [X["{00["].prototype; [X["7)3A"]["[eW"].prototype.__constructor__ = [X["{00["]; [X["7)3A"]["[eW"].prototype["}-B2"] = function () { 7[; this["=jva,"] = 0; }; [X["7)3A"]["[eW"].prototype["2NGV-("] = function () { 4QJ81(.call(this); this["]oH"] = 10; this["582"] = 0; this["6j07+"] = true; this["**OZG("] = 8; this[" BH-"] = 1000; }; [X["7)3A"]["[eW"].prototype["87vE7("] = function () { (6Fm-(.call(this); if (this["6j07+"]) { this.7yU(0(); } this["=jva,"] = this["=jva,"] - (this["**OZG("] * ]DP20(); if ((this["}Q}fb"] && (3Wt.random(int(this[" BH-"] / ]DP20()) == 0)) && (this["=jva,"] <= 0)) { if ((this.{gHm;(20) && (this.}1A{_(*gn[H["4,01"]) > 65)) && (*gn[H["2{l)6"].length < 16)) { this.,cqp5(); } } this.7TC5t(); var _local2 = *gn[H["4,01"]; if (this.}1A{_(_local2) < (_local2["]oH"] + this["]oH"])) { _local2.565(); } }; [X["7)3A"]["[eW"].prototype["7yU(0"] = function () { var _local10 = *gn[H["86{p("]; var _local5 = 0; while (_local5 < _local10.length) { var _local2 = _local10[_local5]; if (_local2["6j07+"]) { var _local9 = this.}1A{_(_local2); if (_local9 < (this["]oH"] + _local2["]oH"])) { var _local3 = (this["]oH"] + _local2["]oH"]) - _local9; var _local6 = this.)153L(_local2); var _local4 = (this["]oH"] + this["582"]) / ((this["]oH"] + this["582"]) + (_local2["]oH"] + _local2["582"])); var _local8 = Math.cos(_local6); var _local7 = Math.sin(_local6); this["(("] = this["(("] - ((_local8 * _local3) * (1 - _local4)); this[")("] = this[")("] - ((_local7 * _local3) * (1 - _local4)); _local2["(("] = _local2["(("] + ((_local8 * _local3) * _local4); _local2[")("] = _local2[")("] + ((_local7 * _local3) * _local4); } } _local5++; } }; [X["7)3A"]["[eW"].prototype["7TC5t"] = function () { var _local6 = *gn[H[")}Rg8"]; var _local3 = 0; while (_local3 < _local6.length) { var _local2 = _local6[_local3]; var _local5 = this.}1A{_(_local2); if (_local5 < (this["]oH"] + _local2["]oH"])) { var _local4 = _local2["*]Q5}"]; _local2.565(this["5955"]); this.565(_local4); } _local3++; } }; [X["7)3A"]["[eW"].prototype["565"] = function (_arg2) { this["5955"] = this["5955"] - _arg2; if (this["5955"] <= 0) { this.88rS((); this.9T54(); } else { this.[8X6+(); } }; [X["7)3A"]["[eW"].prototype["88rS("] = function () { var _local2 = *gn[H.{==W3(("2e+5,(", )otu)); _local2["(("] = this["(("]; _local2[")("] = this[")("]; _local2.}-B2(); }; [X["7)3A"]["[eW"].prototype[",cqp5"] = function () { this["=jva,"] = 100; }; [X["7)3A"]["[eW"].prototype[" Yan_"] = function () { var _local6 = int(this["]oH"] / 5); var _local5 = 0; while (_local5 < _local6) { var _local2 = *gn[H.{==W3(("[ v6L", null); var _local4 = Math.random() * 6.28; var _local3 = Math.random() * this["]oH"]; _local2["(("] = this["(("] + (Math.cos(_local4) * _local3); _local2[")("] = this[")("] + (Math.sin(_local4) * _local3); _local2["5DZk5"] = 40 + (Math.random() * 100); _local2["=S7A"].gotoAndPlay(String(3Wt.random(3) + 1)); _local2.}-B2(); _local5++; } }; [X["7)3A"]["[eW"].prototype["23c;]"] = function (_arg8) { var _local2 = *gn[H.{==W3((_arg8, null); var _local4 = Math.random() * 6.28; var _local5 = 1 + (Math.random() * 6); var _local7 = Math.cos(_local4); var _local6 = Math.sin(_local4); var _local3 = Math.random() * this["]oH"]; _local2["(("] = this["(("] + (_local7 * _local3); _local2[")("] = this[")("] + (_local6 * _local3); _local2[";T4D"] = _local7 * _local5; _local2["=T4D"] = _local6 * _local5; _local2["4T4D"] = ((Math.random() - 2) - 1) * 20; _local2["5DZk5"] = 50 + (Math.random() * 50); _local2["2VhU6"] = 10 + (Math.random() * 10); _local2.}-B2(); return(_local2); }; Set("(6Fm-(", [X["{00["].prototype["87vE7("]); Set("7[9r1", [X["{00["].prototype["}-B2"]); Set("4QJ81(", [X["{00["].prototype["2NGV-("]); if (![X) { Set("[X", new Object()); } if (![X["7)3A"]) { [X["7)3A"] = new Object(); } if (![X["7)3A"]["6 *"]) { [X["7)3A"]["6 *"] = new Object(); } [X["7)3A"]["6 *"]["[ieCY"] = function () { super(); }; [X["7)3A"]["6 *"]["[ieCY"].prototype.__proto__ = [X["7)3A"]["[eW"].prototype; [X["7)3A"]["6 *"]["[ieCY"].prototype.__constructor__ = [X["7)3A"]["[eW"]; [X["7)3A"]["6 *"]["[ieCY"].prototype["}-B2"] = function () {; }; [X["7)3A"]["6 *"]["[ieCY"].prototype["2NGV-("] = function () {; this[" BH-"] = 1; this["**OZG("] = 2; }; [X["7)3A"]["6 *"]["[ieCY"].prototype["87vE7("] = function () { )mXX[.call(this); }; [X["7)3A"]["6 *"]["[ieCY"].prototype["88rS("] = function () {; *gn[H.6d3*z(40); var _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < 8) { var _local3 = this.23c;]("==V-Z"); _local3["=S7A"].gotoAndStop(String(1 + _local2)); _local2++; } }; [X["7)3A"]["6 *"]["[ieCY"].prototype[",cqp5"] = function () {; var _local5 = 5; var _local3 = 0; while (_local3 < _local5) { var _local2 = *gn[H.5Rs4Z("7osD2", 0); _local2["(("] = this["(("]; _local2[")("] = this[")("]; var _local4 = 1.57 + ((((_local3 / (_local5 - 1)) * 2) - 1) * 0.6); _local2[";T4D"] = Math.cos(_local4) * 5; _local2["=T4D"] = Math.sin(_local4) * 5; _local2.{BxJE((); _local2.}-B2(); _local3++; } this["=jva,"] = 200 + (Math.random() * 100); }; Set("7dD60", [X["7)3A"]["[eW"].prototype["88rS("]); Set(")mXX[", [X["7)3A"]["[eW"].prototype["87vE7("]); Set("4amnb", [X["7)3A"]["[eW"].prototype["}-B2"]); Set("+3DU=", [X["7)3A"]["[eW"].prototype[",cqp5"]); Set("17xPz", [X["7)3A"]["[eW"].prototype["2NGV-("]); if (![X) { Set("[X", new Object()); } if (![X["7)3A"]) { [X["7)3A"] = new Object(); } [X["7)3A"]["2C0["] = function () { super(); }; [X["7)3A"]["2C0["].prototype.__proto__ = [X["{00["].prototype; [X["7)3A"]["2C0["].prototype.__constructor__ = [X["{00["]; [X["7)3A"]["2C0["].prototype["2NGV-("] = function () { 4QJ81(.call(this); this["+{eA+"] = 1; this["]oH"] = 1; this["*]Q5}"] = 0; this["=(xpf"] = -20; }; [X["7)3A"]["2C0["].prototype["565"] = function (_arg2) { this["*]Q5}"] = this["*]Q5}"] - _arg2; if (this["*]Q5}"] <= 0) { this.9T54(); } }; [X["7)3A"]["2C0["].prototype["}-B2"] = function () { 7[; }; [X["7)3A"]["2C0["].prototype["87vE7("] = function () { (6Fm-(.call(this); if (!this.{gHm;(this["=(xpf"])) { this.9T54(); } if (this["5DZk5"] != null) { var _local2 = this["5DZk5"] - this["=S7A"]._xscale; this["=S7A"]._xscale = this["=S7A"]._xscale + ((_local2 * 0.2) * ]DP20(); this["=S7A"]._yscale = this["=S7A"]._xscale; if (_local2 < 1) { this["5DZk5"] = null; } } }; [X["7)3A"]["2C0["].prototype["2Va2D("] = function () { this.9T54(); }; [X["7)3A"]["2C0["].prototype["2X}A"] = function () { this.9T54(); }; Set("(6Fm-(", [X["{00["].prototype["87vE7("]); Set("7[9r1", [X["{00["].prototype["}-B2"]); Set("4QJ81(", [X["{00["].prototype["2NGV-("]); if (![X) { Set("[X", new Object()); } if (![X["7)3A"]) { [X["7)3A"] = new Object(); } if (![X["7)3A"][")93A"]) { [X["7)3A"][")93A"] = new Object(); } [X["7)3A"][")93A"][" SJfD"] = function () { super(); }; [X["7)3A"][")93A"][" SJfD"].prototype.__proto__ = [X["7)3A"]["2C0["].prototype; [X["7)3A"][")93A"][" SJfD"].prototype.__constructor__ = [X["7)3A"]["2C0["]; if (![X) { Set("[X", new Object()); } if (![X["7)3A"]) { [X["7)3A"] = new Object(); } if (![X["7)3A"]["6 *"]) { [X["7)3A"]["6 *"] = new Object(); } [X["7)3A"]["6 *"]["2e{I"] = function () { super(); }; [X["7)3A"]["6 *"]["2e{I"].prototype.__proto__ = [X["7)3A"]["[eW"].prototype; [X["7)3A"]["6 *"]["2e{I"].prototype.__constructor__ = [X["7)3A"]["[eW"]; [X["7)3A"]["6 *"]["2e{I"].prototype["}-B2"] = function () {; }; [X["7)3A"]["6 *"]["2e{I"].prototype["2NGV-("] = function () {; }; [X["7)3A"]["6 *"]["2e{I"].prototype["87vE7("] = function () { )mXX[.call(this); }; [X["7)3A"]["6 *"]["2e{I"].prototype["88rS("] = function () {; *gn[H.6d3*z(this["1T="] + 1); this. Yan_(); var _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < 5) { var _local3 = this.23c;]("]qKZg"); _local3["=S7A"].gotoAndStop(String(((this["1T="] * 5) + _local2) + 1)); _local2++; } }; [X["7)3A"]["6 *"]["2e{I"].prototype[",cqp5"] = function () {; var _local2 = *gn[H.5Rs4Z("9Cm,K", 0); _local2["(("] = this["(("]; _local2[")("] = this[")("]; var _local3 = _local2.)153L(*gn[H["4,01"]) + (((Math.random() * 2) - 1) * 0.4); _local2[";T4D"] = Math.cos(_local3) * 3; _local2["=T4D"] = Math.sin(_local3) * 3; _local2.}-B2(); }; Set("7dD60", [X["7)3A"]["[eW"].prototype["88rS("]); Set(")mXX[", [X["7)3A"]["[eW"].prototype["87vE7("]); Set("4amnb", [X["7)3A"]["[eW"].prototype["}-B2"]); Set("+3DU=", [X["7)3A"]["[eW"].prototype[",cqp5"]); Set("17xPz", [X["7)3A"]["[eW"].prototype["2NGV-("]); Set("73(", function () { }); Set("1]gU{", function (_arg2, _arg17, _arg9) { var _local4 = {=:_arg17 >> 16, 0:(_arg17 >> 8) & 255, ):_arg17 & 255}; if (_arg2["6Kg]D"] == null) { _arg2["6Kg]D"] = {8bDPR:{(v+:{=:0, 0:0, ):0}, ;k_v0:100}, (v+:null}; _arg2["6Kg]D"]["(v+"] = new Color(_arg2); } if (_local4 != null) { _arg2["6Kg]D"]["8bDPR"] = {(v+:_local4, ;k_v0:_arg9}; } var _local1 = _arg2["6Kg]D"]["8bDPR"]; var _local3 = (100 - _local1[";k_v0"]) / 100; var _local6 = Math.round(_local1["(v+"]["="] * _local3); var _local8 = Math.round(_local1["(v+"]["0"] * _local3); var _local5 = Math.round(_local1["(v+"][")"] * _local3); var _local7 = {ra:Math.round(_local1[";k_v0"]), ga:Math.round(_local1[";k_v0"]), ba:Math.round(_local1[";k_v0"]), aa:100, rb:_local6, gb:_local8, bb:_local5, ab:0}; _arg2["6Kg]D"]["(v+"].setTransform(_local7); }); Set("9XEk;(", function (_arg15, _arg3) { var _local1 = _arg15; if (_local1["6Kg]D"] == null) { 1g5C-((_local1); } var _local2 = {=:_arg3 >> 16, 0:(_arg3 >> 8) & 255, ):_arg3 & 255}; _local1["1xgQq"] = {ra:100, ga:100, ba:100, aa:100, rb:_local2["="] - 255, gb:_local2["0"] - 255, bb:_local2[")"] - 255, ab:0}; _local1["6Kg]D"].setTransform(_local1["1xgQq"]); }); Set("+-4z3(", function (_arg4, _arg2, _arg3) { var _local1 = _arg4; if (_local1["6Kg]D"] == null) { 1g5C-((_local1); } _local1["1xgQq"].ra = _local1["1xgQq"].ra * _arg2; _local1["1xgQq"].ga = _local1["1xgQq"].ga * _arg2; _local1["1xgQq"].ba = _local1["1xgQq"].ba * _arg2; _local1["1xgQq"].rb = _local1["1xgQq"].rb + _arg3; _local1["1xgQq"].gb = _local1["1xgQq"].gb + _arg3; _local1["1xgQq"].bb = _local1["1xgQq"].bb + _arg3; _local1["6Kg]D"].setTransform(_local1["1xgQq"]); }); Set("1g5C-(", function (_arg1) { _arg1["6Kg]D"] = new Color(_arg1); _arg1["6[x2n"] = {ra:100, ga:100, ba:100, aa:100, rb:0, gb:0, bb:0, ab:0}; }); Set("[RzO,(", function (_arg17, _arg4, _arg5) { var _local3 = {=:_arg5 >> 16, 0:(_arg5 >> 8) & 255, ):_arg5 & 255}; var _local1 = _arg17; if (_local1["6Kg]D"] == null) { 1g5C-((_local1); } var _local2 = _arg4 / 100; _local1["1xgQq"] = {ra:int(100 - _arg4), ga:int(100 - _arg4), ba:int(100 - _arg4), aa:100, rb:int(_local2 * _local3["="]), gb:int(_local2 * _local3["0"]), bb:int(_local2 * _local3[")"]), ab:0}; _local1["6Kg]D"].setTransform(_local1["1xgQq"]); }); Set("5KwG(", function (_arg3, _arg2) { var _local1 = _arg3; _local1.gotoAndStop(String(_arg2["1PC"] + 1)); 9XEk;((_local1["-"]["9H"], _arg2["6ID*"]); 9XEk;((_local1["-"][";H"], _arg2["6ID*"]); 9XEk;((_local1["-"]["=H"], _arg2["6ID*"]); 9XEk;((_local1["-"]["6Q"]["9"], _arg2["7ID*"]); 9XEk;((_local1["-"]["7Q"]["9"], _arg2["7ID*"]); 9XEk;((_local1["-"][";E+6)"], _arg2["7ID*"]); 9XEk;((_local1["-"]["0f"], _arg2["8ID*"]); 9XEk;((_local1["-"]["1f"], _arg2["8ID*"]); }); Set("2]ya", function () { }); 2]ya.prototype["}-B2"] = function () { this["86{p("] = new Array(); }; 2]ya.prototype["87vE7("] = function () { var _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < this["86{p("].length) { this["86{p("][_local2].87vE7((); _local2++; } if (this["86{p("].length == 0) { *gn[H["=HU11"] = *gn[H["=HU11"] + 1; this.9T54(); } }; 2]ya.prototype[",N93L"] = function () { return(0); }; 2]ya.prototype["1K8ei"] = function (_arg3, type) { var _local2 = null; switch (type) { case 0 : _local2 = new [X["7)3A"]["6 *"]["2e{I"](); break; case 1 : _local2 = new [X["7)3A"]["6 *"]["[ieCY"](); break; case 2 : _local2 = new [X["7)3A"]["6 *"]["4KuxL"](); break; case 3 : _local2 = new [X["7)3A"]["6 *"]["5Xx_O"](); } _local2.3U*}=((*gn[H["32"].*=_p_(_arg3, {fCxA()); _local2.9kWKJ(this["86{p("]); _local2.9kWKJ(*gn[H["86{p("]); return(_local2); }; 2]ya.prototype["9T54"] = function () { *gn[H["0RKv8"].0ENPA(this); }; Set(")BQaO", function () { var _local1 = [0, 0]; if (*gn[H["=HU11"] > 20) { _local1.push(2); } if (*gn[H["=HU11"] > 30) { _local1.push(1); } var _local3 = (2 + (*gn[H["4,01"]["+h9w3"] * 2)) - (*gn[H["0RKv8"].length * 2); if ((_local3 <= 1) || (3Wt.random(_local3) == 0)) { _local1.push(3); } var _local4 = _local1[3Wt.random(_local1.length)]; var _local2 = null; switch (_local4) { case 0 : _local2 = new )W}D["7Z[GL"](); break; case 1 : _local2 = new )W}D["4gl{c"](); break; case 2 : _local2 = new )W}D[" jOf{"](); break; case 3 : _local2 = new )W}D[" p3z="](); } return(_local2); }); if (!)W}D) { Set(")W}D", new Object()); } )W}D["4gl{c"] = function () { super(); }; )W}D["4gl{c"].prototype.__proto__ = 2]ya.prototype; )W}D["4gl{c"].prototype.__constructor__ = 2]ya; )W}D["4gl{c"].prototype["}-B2"] = function () { [t;; var _local13 = int(Math.min(1 + (*gn[H["=HU11"] * 0.04), 4)); this.list = new Array(); var _local3 = 0; while (_local3 < _local13) { var _local2 = 40; var _local6 = {((:_local2 + (Math.random() * (7Tzuk - (2 * _local2))), )(:_local2 + (Math.random() * (-Uzuk - (160 + (2 * _local2))))}; _local6[")("] = Math.min(-Uzuk - 100, _local6[")("] + (*gn[H["=HU11"] * 0.5)); var _local7 = this.1K8ei(";eba5", 1); _local7["(("] = _local6["(("]; _local7[")("] = -30; _local7["5955"] = 30; _local7["}Q}fb"] = true; _local7["=jva,"] = 200 + (Math.random() * 100); _local7.}-B2(); var _local12 = 10 + (Math.random() * 60); var _local4 = (3Wt.random(2) * 2) - 1; var _local5 = 6.28 * _local12; var _local8 = (((_local4 * (2 + Math.random())) * _local5) * 0.008) * (*gn[H["=HU11"] / 20); this.list.push({[X:_local7, }CL:_local6, ]oH:_local12, ]xii):0, 4T4D:_local8}); _local3++; } }; )W}D["4gl{c"].prototype["87vE7("] = function () {; var _local3 = 0; while (_local3 < this.list.length) { var _local2 = this.list[_local3]; _local2["]xii)"] = (_local2["]xii)"] + (_local2["4T4D"] * ]DP20()) % 628; var _local4 = {((:_local2["}CL"]["(("] + (Math.cos(_local2["]xii)"] / 100) * _local2["]oH"]), )(:_local2["}CL"][")("] + (Math.sin(_local2["]xii)"] / 100) * _local2["]oH"])}; _local2["[X"].2sngh(_local4, 0.1); _local3++; } }; Set("-QWeg", 2]ya.prototype["87vE7("]); Set("[t;WI", 2]ya.prototype["}-B2"]); Set("-Cv-6", function () { this["32"] = new +7U K(this); ]{i.(H5 S(0); }); -Cv-6.prototype.__proto__ = MovieClip.prototype; -Cv-6.prototype.__constructor__ = MovieClip; -Cv-6.prototype["}-B2"] = function () { this["6g,A"] = 1; this.5Hy6b(0); this["39kX5"] = new Array(); }; -Cv-6.prototype["5Hy6b"] = function (_arg3) { this["=kIA"] = _arg3; switch (this["=kIA"]) { case 0 : this["*{,7U"] = this["32"].*=_p_("6lu)H(", 4); this["*{,7U"]._x = 7Tzuk * 0.5; this["*{,7U"]._y = -Uzuk * 0.5; this["*{,7U"]["6g,A"] = -1; this["3GF"] = 100; [RzO,((this["*{,7U"], this["3GF"], 16777215); break; case 1 : this["96"] = 0; this["(NF"] = this["32"].*=_p_("]nVnd", 4); this["(NF"]["32"] = new +7U K(this["(NF"]["+"]); this.;1lvR(); this["3GF"] = 100; [RzO,((this["(NF"], this["3GF"], 16777215); this.onPress = function () { var _local1 = new LoadVars(); _local1.send("", "_blank", ""); }; break; case 2 : } }; -Cv-6.prototype["}B)Y_"] = function (_arg2) { this["*{,7U"]["+Da3+"].text = String(_arg2); }; -Cv-6.prototype["87vE7("] = function () { switch (this["=kIA"]) { case 0 : this["3GF"] = Math.min(Math.max(0, this["3GF"] + ((]DP20( * this["*{,7U"]["6g,A"]) * 1.5)), 100); [RzO,((this["*{,7U"], this["3GF"], 16777215); if (this["3GF"] == 0) { if (this["2VhU6"] == null) { this["2VhU6"] = 10; } this["2VhU6"] = this["2VhU6"] - ]DP20(; if (this["2VhU6"] < 0) { this["*{,7U"]["6g,A"] = 2; } } if (this["3GF"] == 100) { this["*{,7U"].removeMovieClip(); this.5Hy6b(1); } break; case 1 : if (this["3GF"] != null) { this["3GF"] = Math.max(0, this["3GF"] - (10 * ]DP20()); [RzO,((this["(NF"], this["3GF"], 16777215); if (this["3GF"] == 0) { this["3GF"] = null; } } this["2VhU6"] = this["2VhU6"] - ]DP20(; if (this["2VhU6"] <= 0) { this.;1lvR(); } var _local3 = 0; while (_local3 < this["39kX5"].length) { var _local2 = this["39kX5"][_local3]; _local2._rotation = _local2._rotation + (_local2["4T4D"] * ]DP20(); _local2._yscale = _local2._yscale * Math.pow(_local2["}2D*"], ]DP20(); _local3++; } this[" rCD"] = this[" rCD"] * Math.pow(0.9, ]DP20(); [RzO,((this["+44D"], Math.min(this[" rCD"], 100), 16777215); break; case 2 : } }; -Cv-6.prototype[";1lvR"] = function () { this["96"] = (this["96"] + 1) % 8; this["6g,A"] = this["6g,A"] * -1; this[",44D"].removeMovieClip(); this["1Z 6"].removeMovieClip(); this[",44D"] = this["+44D"]; while (this["39kX5"].length > 0) { this["39kX5"].pop().removeMovieClip(); } var _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < 8) { var _local3 = this["(NF"]["32"].*=_p_("9Psj1", 1); _local3._x = 105; _local3._y = 90; _local3._xscale = 200; _local3._yscale = 1; _local3._rotation = Math.random() * 360; _local3["4T4D"] = ((Math.random() * 2) - 1) * 4; _local3["}2D*"] = 1.3 + (Math.random() * 0.6); this["39kX5"].push(_local3); _local2++; } var _local3 = this["(NF"]["32"].*=_p_("+_xlA(", 1); this["+44D"] = this["(NF"]["32"].*=_p_("]c-t}", 1); this["+44D"].gotoAndStop(String(this["96"] + 1)); this["1Z 6"] = this["(NF"]["32"].*=_p_("7f6Z9(", 1); this["1Z 6"]._x = 105; this["1Z 6"]._y = 90; this["+44D"].setMask(this["1Z 6"]); _local3._x = this["1Z 6"]._x; _local3._y = this["1Z 6"]._y; this[" rCD"] = 280; [RzO,((this["+44D"], this[" rCD"], 16777215); this["2VhU6"] = 30; }; if (![X) { Set("[X", new Object()); } if (![X["7)3A"]) { [X["7)3A"] = new Object(); } if (![X["7)3A"][")93A"]) { [X["7)3A"][")93A"] = new Object(); } [X["7)3A"][")93A"]["7iv,J("] = function () { super(); this["*x-+e"] = {((:7Tzuk * 0.5, )(:-40}; }; [X["7)3A"][")93A"]["7iv,J("].prototype.__proto__ = [X["7)3A"]["2C0["].prototype; [X["7)3A"][")93A"]["7iv,J("].prototype.__constructor__ = [X["7)3A"]["2C0["]; [X["7)3A"][")93A"]["7iv,J("].prototype["}-B2"] = function () { [; this[")M2EA("] = {((:this["(("], )(:this[")("]}; }; [X["7)3A"][")93A"]["7iv,J("].prototype["2NGV-("] = function () { {5[6)(.call(this); this["-fRSr"] = true; this["9O*r"] = 0; this["}Yax5"] = 0.2; this[";S4D"] = 0.1; this["=(xpf"] = -100; }; [X["7)3A"][")93A"]["7iv,J("].prototype["87vE7("] = function () { if (this["7QIi"]) { if (((this["}CL"] == null) || (this["}CL"]["=S7A"]._visible != true)) || (this["}CL"] == this["*x-+e"])) { var _local3 = *gn[H["86{p("]; if (_local3.length > 0) { this["}CL"] = _local3[3Wt.random(_local3.length - 1)]; } else { this["}CL"] = this["*x-+e"]; if (this.}1A{_(this["}CL"]) < 10) { this.9T54(); } } } } if (this["2GD*"] == null) { var _local4 = this.)153L(this["}CL"]); var _local5 = -_D z(_local4 - this["9O*r"], 3.14); this["9O*r"] = this["9O*r"] + (Math.min(Math.max(-this[";S4D"], _local5 * 0.5), this[";S4D"]) * ]DP20(); this[";T4D"] = Math.cos(this["9O*r"]) * this["}Yax5"]; this["=T4D"] = Math.sin(this["9O*r"]) * this["}Yax5"]; if (this["2VhU6"] != null) { this["2VhU6"] = this["2VhU6"] - ]DP20(; if (this["2VhU6"] < 0) { this. Yan_(); this.9T54(); } } } else { this["2GD*"] = this["2GD*"] - ]DP20(; if (this["2GD*"] < 0) { this["2GD*"] = null; } } if (this["0{lc4"] != null) { var _local2 = *gn[H.{==W3((this["0{lc4"], )otu)); _local2["(("] = this["(("]; _local2[")("] = this[")("]; _local2.}-B2(); _local2["=S7A"]._rotation = this.)153L(this[")M2EA("]) / 0.0174; _local2["=S7A"]._xscale = this.}1A{_(this[")M2EA("]); this[")M2EA("] = {((:this["(("], )(:this[")("]}; } ,; }; [X["7)3A"][")93A"]["7iv,J("].prototype[" Yan_"] = function () { var _local2 = *gn[H.{==W3((")9Vej", )otu)); _local2["(("] = this["(("]; _local2[")("] = this[")("]; _local2.}-B2(); }; Set(",k3e_", [X["7)3A"]["2C0["].prototype["87vE7("]); Set("[6GL1", [X["7)3A"]["2C0["].prototype["}-B2"]); Set("{5[6)(", [X["7)3A"]["2C0["].prototype["2NGV-("]); if (![X) { Set("[X", new Object()); } if (![X["7)3A"]) { [X["7)3A"] = new Object(); } if (![X["7)3A"]["6 *"]) { [X["7)3A"]["6 *"] = new Object(); } [X["7)3A"]["6 *"]["5Xx_O"] = function () { super(); }; [X["7)3A"]["6 *"]["5Xx_O"].prototype.__proto__ = [X["7)3A"]["[eW"].prototype; [X["7)3A"]["6 *"]["5Xx_O"].prototype.__constructor__ = [X["7)3A"]["[eW"]; [X["7)3A"]["6 *"]["5Xx_O"].prototype["}-B2"] = function () {; this[")qf8H"] = 0; }; [X["7)3A"]["6 *"]["5Xx_O"].prototype["2NGV-("] = function () {; this["]oH"] = 15; }; [X["7)3A"]["6 *"]["5Xx_O"].prototype["87vE7("] = function () { )mXX[.call(this); this["=S7A"]._rotation = this[";T4D"]; this[")qf8H"] = this[")qf8H"] - ]DP20(; if (this[")qf8H"] < 0) { this[")qf8H"] = this[")qf8H"] + 2; var _local2 = *gn[H.{==W3((",GwjQ", )otu)); _local2["(("] = this["(("]; _local2[")("] = this[")("]; _local2["=S7A"]._rotation = this["=S7A"]._rotation; _local2.}-B2(); } }; [X["7)3A"]["6 *"]["5Xx_O"].prototype["565"] = function (_arg3) { if (_arg3 >= this["5955"]) { var _local2 = *gn[H.5Rs4Z("}dw4]", 2); _local2["(("] = this["(("]; _local2[")("] = this[")("]; _local2["=T4D"] = 2; _local2.8[kz=((this.type); _local2.}-B2(); } =5sk7(.call(this, _arg3); }; [X["7)3A"]["6 *"]["5Xx_O"].prototype["8[kz=("] = function (_arg2) { this.type = _arg2; this["=S7A"].gotoAndStop(String(_arg2 + 1)); }; [X["7)3A"]["6 *"]["5Xx_O"].prototype["88rS("] = function () {; *gn[H.6d3*z(10); var _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < 5) { var _local3 = this.23c;]("]qKZg"); _local3["=S7A"].gotoAndStop(String(16 + _local2)); _local2++; } }; Set("7dD60", [X["7)3A"]["[eW"].prototype["88rS("]); Set("=5sk7(", [X["7)3A"]["[eW"].prototype["565"]); Set(")mXX[", [X["7)3A"]["[eW"].prototype["87vE7("]); Set("4amnb", [X["7)3A"]["[eW"].prototype["}-B2"]); Set("17xPz", [X["7)3A"]["[eW"].prototype["2NGV-("]); Set("*r", function () { }); Set("7Tzuk", 240); Set("-Uzuk", 320); Set("-_D z", function (_arg1, _arg2) { while (_arg1 > _arg2) { _arg1 = _arg1 - (_arg2 * 2); } while (_arg1 < (-_arg2)) { _arg1 = _arg1 + (_arg2 * 2); } return(_arg1); }); Set("18JWD", function (_arg5) { var _local2 = new Array(); var _local4 = 0; var _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < _arg5) { var _local3 = 3Wt.random(100); _local2[_local1] = _local3; _local4 = _local4 + _local3; _local1++; } var _local6 = new Array(); _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < _arg5) { var _local3 = _local2[_local1]; _local2[_local1] = _local3 / _local4; _local1++; } return(_local2); }); Set("4E2SJ", function () { this["32"] = new +7U K(this); this["9Z+"] = new +7U K(this["32r()"][",YXx5"]); this["5)KO,("] = [false, false, false, false, false]; this["2xEr8"] = new Array(); this.onPress = 3Wt.6{VYR(this, "4[=)_"); }); 4E2SJ.prototype.__proto__ = MovieClip.prototype; 4E2SJ.prototype.__constructor__ = MovieClip; Set("}-7RA(", [{((:0, )(:-1}, {((:-1, )(:0}, {((:0, )(:1}, {((:1, )(:0}]); Set("(*lxD", 40); Set("{Y6wK(", 2); 4E2SJ.prototype["}-B2"] = function () { this[",PDs0"] = new Array(); var _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < 5) { var _local3 = 3Wt.6{X3L(this, "$k" + _local2); _local3["4"].gotoAndStop(String(_local2 + 1)); _local3.stop(); this[",PDs0"].push(_local3); _local2++; } this["4eyD,"] = 0; this["7)3A"] = this["9Z+"].*=_p_(",(mPC", 2); }; 4E2SJ.prototype["87vE7("] = function () { this.59T0(); this.67e3,(); this.;26Rb(); }; 4E2SJ.prototype["67e3,"] = function () { var _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < 4) { if (this["5)KO,("][_local2]) { var _local3 = }-7RA([_local2]; this["7)3A"]._x = this["7)3A"]._x + (_local3["(("] * {Y6wK(); this["7)3A"]._y = this["7)3A"]._y + (_local3[")("] * {Y6wK(); } _local2++; } if (this["7)3A"]._y > (*lxD) { this.,VfSD((0); } if (this["7)3A"]._x > (*lxD) { this.,VfSD((1); } if (this["7)3A"]._y < (-(*lxD)) { this.,VfSD((2); } if (this["7)3A"]._x < (-(*lxD)) { this.,VfSD((3); } this["4eyD,"] = this["4eyD,"] - ]DP20(; if (this["5)KO,("][4] && (this["4eyD,"] < 0)) { this["4eyD,"] = 10; var _local4 = this["9Z+"].*=_p_("97mPC", 1); _local4._x = this["7)3A"]._x; _local4._y = this["7)3A"]._y; this["2xEr8"].push(_local4); } }; 4E2SJ.prototype[";26Rb"] = function () { var _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < this["2xEr8"].length) { var _local3 = this["2xEr8"][_local2]; _local3._y = _local3._y - 6; if (_local3._y < (-((*lxD + 20))) { _local3.removeMovieClip(); this["2xEr8"].splice(_local2--, 1); } _local2++; } }; 4E2SJ.prototype["59T0"] = function () { var _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < 5) { var _local3 = this[",PDs0"][_local2]; if (this["5)KO,("][_local2]) { _local3.nextFrame(); } else { _local3.prevFrame(); } _local2++; } if (3Wt.random(10) == 0) { this.,VfSD((3Wt.random(4)); } if (3Wt.random((this["5)KO,("][4] ? 32 : 16)) == 0) { this["5)KO,("][4] = !this["5)KO,("][4]; } }; 4E2SJ.prototype[",VfSD("] = function (_arg2) { this["5)KO,("][_arg2] = true; this["5)KO,("][(_arg2 + 2) % 4] = false; if (3Wt.random(3) == 0) { this["5)KO,("][(_arg2 + 1) % 4] = false; this["5)KO,("][(_arg2 + 3) % 4] = false; } }; 4E2SJ.prototype["4[=)_"] = function () { 4IiRw("+-(0"); this.removeMovieClip(); }; if (!)W}D) { Set(")W}D", new Object()); } )W}D[" p3z="] = function () { super(); }; )W}D[" p3z="].prototype.__proto__ = 2]ya.prototype; )W}D[" p3z="].prototype.__constructor__ = 2]ya; )W}D[" p3z="].prototype["}-B2"] = function () { [t;; this["2VhU6"] = 500; this["6 *"] = this.1K8ei(")DGLV", 3); this["6 *"]["5955"] = 10; this["6 *"]["(("] = 7Tzuk * 0.5; this["6 *"][")("] = -20; this["6 *"].8[kz=((3Wt.random(5)); this["6 *"].}-B2(); }; )W}D[" p3z="].prototype["87vE7("] = function () {; this["2VhU6"] = this["2VhU6"] - ]DP20(; if (this["2VhU6"] > 0) { if ((this["}CL"] == null) || (3Wt.random(20) == 0)) { var _local2 = 30; this["}CL"] = {((:_local2 + (Math.random() * (7Tzuk - (2 * _local2))), )(:_local2 + (Math.random() * (-Uzuk - (150 + (2 * _local2))))}; } this["2VhU6"] = this["2VhU6"] - ]DP20(; } else { this["}CL"][")("] = -30; if (this["6 *"][")("] < 0) { this["6 *"].9T54(); } } this["6 *"].+7{{r(this["}CL"], 0.2, 0.6); }; Set("-QWeg", 2]ya.prototype["87vE7("]); Set("[t;WI", 2]ya.prototype["}-B2"]); Set("+7U K", function (_arg2) { this[")2fr3"] = _arg2; this["}Zms3"] = new Array(); }); +7U K.prototype["]1sj+"] = function () { return(this[")2fr3"]); }; +7U K.prototype["-fC3a"] = function (_arg4) { var _local2 = this["}Zms3"][_arg4]; if (_local2 == null) { _local2 = {9oK:new Array(), 7-,:0}; this["}Zms3"][_arg4] = _local2; } return(_local2); }; +7U K.prototype["]bu40"] = function (_arg8) { var _local7 = this["}Zms3"][_arg8]; var _local3 = _local7["9oK"]; var _local6 = _local7["7-,"]; var _local2; var _local4 = 0; var _local5 = _arg8 * 1000; _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < _local6) { if (_local3[_local2]._name != null) { _local3[_local2].swapDepths(_local5 + _local4); _local3[_local4] = _local3[_local2]; _local4++; } _local2++; } _local7["7-,"] = _local4; }; +7U K.prototype["*=_p_"] = function (_arg7, _arg5) { var _local3 = this.-fC3a(_arg5); var _local6 = _local3["9oK"]; var _local2 = _local3["7-,"]; if (_local2 == 1000) { this.]bu40(_arg5); return(this.*=_p_(_arg7, _arg5)); } var _local4 = 3Wt.7bSH*(this[")2fr3"], _arg7, _local2 + (_arg5 * 1000)); _local6[_local2] = _local4; _local3["7-,"]++; return(_local4); }; +7U K.prototype["18wU*"] = function (_arg5) { var _local3 = this.-fC3a(_arg5); var _local6 = _local3["9oK"]; var _local2 = _local3["7-,"]; if (_local2 == 1000) { this.]bu40(_arg5); return(this.18wU*(_arg5)); } var _local4 = 3Wt.-4*l(((this[")2fr3"], _local2 + (_arg5 * 1000)); _local6[_local2] = _local4; _local3["7-,"]++; return(_local4); }; +7U K.prototype["(GbB}"] = function (_arg6, _arg4) { var _local3 = this.-fC3a(_arg4); var _local5 = _local3["9oK"]; var _local2 = _local3["7-,"]; if (_local2 == 1000) { this.]bu40(_arg4); return(this.(GbB}(_arg6, _arg4)); } _local5[_local2] = _arg6; _local3["7-,"]++; return(_local2 + (_arg4 * 1000)); }; +7U K.prototype["+2NA"] = function (_arg4, _arg8) { var _local6 = Math.floor(_arg4.getDepth() / 1000); if (_local6 == _arg8) { return(undefined); } var _local7 = this.-fC3a(_local6); var _local3 = _local7["9oK"]; var _local5 = _local7["7-,"]; var _local2; _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < _local5) { if (_local3[_local2] == _arg4) { _local3[_local2] = null; break; } _local2++; } _arg4.swapDepths(this.(GbB}(_arg4, _arg8)); }; +7U K.prototype["}oQA7"] = function (_arg7) { var _local3 = _arg7.getDepth(); var _local5 = Math.floor(_local3 / 1000); var _local6 = this.-fC3a(_local5); var _local2 = _local6["9oK"]; var _local4 = _local3 % 1000; if (_local2[_local4] == _arg7) { _local2[_local4] = null; _local2.unshift(_arg7); _local6["7-,"]++; this.]bu40(_local5); } }; +7U K.prototype["08M8"] = function (_arg6) { var _local2 = _arg6.getDepth(); var _local5 = Math.floor(_local2 / 1000); var _local3 = this.-fC3a(_local5); var _local4 = _local3["9oK"]; var _local7 = _local2 % 1000; if (_local4[_local7] == _arg6) { _local4[_local7] = null; if (_local3["7-,"] == 1000) { this.]bu40(_local5); } _local2 = _local3["7-,"]; _local3["7-,"]++; _arg6.swapDepths(_local2 + (_local5 * 1000)); _local4[_local2] = _arg6; } }; +7U K.prototype.clear = function (_arg5) { var _local3 = this.-fC3a(_arg5); var _local2; var _local4 = _local3["9oK"]; _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < _local3["7-,"]) { _local4[_local2].removeMovieClip(); _local2++; } _local3["7-,"] = 0; }; +7U K.prototype["9(K ;"] = function (_arg11) { var _local10 = this.-fC3a(_arg11); var _local4 = _local10["9oK"]; var _local9 = _local10["7-,"]; var _local6; var _local2; var _local8 = -99999999; _local6 = 0; while (_local6 < _local9) { var _local5 = _local4[_local6]; var _local7 = _local5._y; if (_local7 >= _local8) { _local8 = _local7; } else { _local2 = _local6; while (_local2 > 0) { var _local3 = _local4[_local2 - 1]; if (_local3._y > _local7) { _local4[_local2] = _local3; _local5.swapDepths(_local3); } else { _local4[_local2] = _local5; break; } _local2--; } if (_local2 == 0) { _local4[0] = _local5; } } _local6++; } }; +7U K.prototype[",}2X ("] = function () { var _local2; _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < this["}Zms3"].length) { this.clear(_local2); _local2++; } }; if (![X) { Set("[X", new Object()); } if (![X["7)3A"]) { [X["7)3A"] = new Object(); } if (![X["7)3A"][")93A"]) { [X["7)3A"][")93A"] = new Object(); } [X["7)3A"][")93A"]["6uSRG"] = function () { super(); }; [X["7)3A"][")93A"]["6uSRG"].prototype.__proto__ = [X["7)3A"]["2C0["].prototype; [X["7)3A"][")93A"]["6uSRG"].prototype.__constructor__ = [X["7)3A"]["2C0["]; [X["7)3A"][")93A"]["6uSRG"].prototype["2NGV-("] = function () { {5[6)(.call(this); this["]oH"] = 2; this["*]Q5}"] = 0.1; }; [X["7)3A"][")93A"]["6uSRG"].prototype["565"] = function (5955) { }; Set("{5[6)(", [X["7)3A"]["2C0["].prototype["2NGV-("]); Set("{-kxL", function () { }); Set("(6HFg", 32); Set("}feU7", 0.5); Set(",}5Yy", 3Wt.getTimer()); Set("-{f-Y", 0.95); Set(",nNYG", 1); Set("]DP20(", 1); Set("=qqLB", 1); Set(")sbKW", 0); Set("8qTDw", function () { )sbKW++; var _local1 = 3Wt.getTimer(); Set("=qqLB", (_local1 - ,}5Yy) / 1000); Set(",}5Yy", _local1); if (=qqLB < }feU7) { Set(",nNYG", (,nNYG * -{f-Y) + (((1 - -{f-Y) * =qqLB) * (6HFg)); } else { Set("=qqLB", 1 / (6HFg); } Set("]DP20(", ,nNYG); }); Set("7MCt3", function () { return((6HFg / ]DP20(); }); if (![X) { Set("[X", new Object()); } if (![X["7)3A"]) { [X["7)3A"] = new Object(); } if (![X["7)3A"]["6 *"]) { [X["7)3A"]["6 *"] = new Object(); } [X["7)3A"]["6 *"]["4KuxL"] = function () { super(); }; [X["7)3A"]["6 *"]["4KuxL"].prototype.__proto__ = [X["7)3A"]["[eW"].prototype; [X["7)3A"]["6 *"]["4KuxL"].prototype.__constructor__ = [X["7)3A"]["[eW"]; [X["7)3A"]["6 *"]["4KuxL"].prototype["}-B2"] = function () {; this["[-"] = 0; }; [X["7)3A"]["6 *"]["4KuxL"].prototype["2NGV-("] = function () {; this["]oH"] = 32; this["582"] = 100; this[" BH-"] = 28; }; [X["7)3A"]["6 *"]["4KuxL"].prototype["87vE7("] = function () { )mXX[.call(this); }; [X["7)3A"]["6 *"]["4KuxL"].prototype["88rS("] = function () {; *gn[H.6d3*z(100 * (this["1T="] + 1)); this. Yan_(); var _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < 10) { var _local3 = this.23c;]("]qKZg"); _local3["=S7A"].gotoAndStop(String(16 + (_local2 % 5))); _local3["2VhU6"] = _local3["2VhU6"] + 8; _local2++; } }; [X["7)3A"]["6 *"]["4KuxL"].prototype[",cqp5"] = function () {; this["[-"] = this["[-"] - ]DP20(; if ((3Wt.random(12 - (this["1T="] * 2)) == 0) && (this["[-"] <= 0)) { this["[-"] = 80; var _local4 = this["1T="]; var _local3 = 0; while (_local3 < 2) { var _local5 = (_local3 * 2) - 1; var _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < _local4) { var _local6 = *gn[H.5Rs4Z("3[aG4(", 1); _local6["(("] = this["(("]; _local6[")("] = this[")("]; _local6["}CL"] = *gn[H["4,01"]; _local6["-fRSr"] = true; _local6["9O*r"] = ((_local5 * 0.75) - ((_local2 / _local4) * 0.6)) - 1.57; _local6["}Yax5"] = 2 + (this["1T="] * 1.5); _local6[";S4D"] = 0.013 * _local6["}Yax5"]; _local6[";T4D"] = Math.cos(_local6["9O*r"]) * _local6["}Yax5"]; _local6["=T4D"] = Math.sin(_local6["9O*r"]) * _local6["}Yax5"]; _local6["=S7A"].gotoAndStop(String(this["1T="])); _local6["2VhU6"] = 130 + (Math.random() * 50); _local6["2GD*"] = 8; _local6["0{lc4"] = "=-+Q1"; _local6.}-B2(); _local2++; } _local3++; } } else { var _local6 = *gn[H.5Rs4Z("=pxGr", 0); _local6["(("] = this["(("]; _local6[")("] = this[")("]; var _local7 = _local6.)153L(*gn[H["4,01"]) + (((Math.random() * 2) - 1) * 0.4); _local6[";T4D"] = Math.cos(_local7) * 4; _local6["=T4D"] = Math.sin(_local7) * 4; _local6["]oH"] = 10; _local6.}-B2(); } }; Set("7dD60", [X["7)3A"]["[eW"].prototype["88rS("]); Set(")mXX[", [X["7)3A"]["[eW"].prototype["87vE7("]); Set("4amnb", [X["7)3A"]["[eW"].prototype["}-B2"]); Set("+3DU=", [X["7)3A"]["[eW"].prototype[",cqp5"]); Set("17xPz", [X["7)3A"]["[eW"].prototype["2NGV-("]); if (!)W}D) { Set(")W}D", new Object()); } )W}D["7Z[GL"] = function () { super(); var _local3 = 18JWD(4); var _local4 = *gn[H["=HU11"]; this["5955"] = int(Math.min(1 + Math.floor((_local3[0] * _local4) * 0.1), 3)); this["1PC"] = int(Math.min(2 + Math.floor(_local3[1] * _local4), 12)); this["}Yax5"] = 2 + int(Math.min((_local3[2] * _local4) * 0.1, 3)); this[" BH-"] = 200 / int(1 + Math.min((_local3[3] * _local4) * 0.1, 4)); this["]oH"] = 10; this[",YXx5"] = 24; this[";B 9"] = this.+t,3a(); }; )W}D["7Z[GL"].prototype.__proto__ = 2]ya.prototype; )W}D["7Z[GL"].prototype.__constructor__ = 2]ya; )W}D["=y(wb"] = [[{((:30, )(:-20}, {((:28, )(:176}, {((:46, )(:217}, {((:87, )(:233}, {((:132, )(:216}, {((:151, )(:175}, {((:151, )(:-31}], [{((:-19, )(:-20}, {((:125, )(:185}, {((:158, )(:220}, {((:202, )(:219}, {((:224, )(:192}, {((:224, )(:149}, {((:194, )(:116}, {((:145, )(:112}, {((:-35, )(:115}], [{((:-11, )(:-20}, {((:67, )(:45}, {((:87, )(:84}, {((:69, )(:120}, {((:31, )(:135}, {((:22, )(:168}, {((:44, )(:202}, {((:84, )(:211}, {((:122, )(:198}, {((:145, )(:168}, {((:141, )(:122}, {((:124, )(:73}, {((:123, )(:-18}], [{((:-11, )(:-20}, {((:143, )(:116}, {((:173, )(:151}, {((:172, )(:187}, {((:147, )(:221}, {((:105, )(:222}, {((:81, )(:191}, {((:79, )(:154}, {((:104, )(:118}, {((:270, )(:-28}], [{((:18, )(:-20}, {((:17, )(:56}, {((:25, )(:81}, {((:47, )(:91}, {((:170, )(:91}, {((:206, )(:97}, {((:218, )(:132}, {((:205, )(:163}, {((:177, )(:171}, {((:-35, )(:170}], [{((:31, )(:-20}, {((:30, )(:49}, {((:52, )(:81}, {((:96, )(:80}, {((:174, )(:20}, {((:212, )(:23}, {((:222, )(:54}, {((:222, )(:377}], [{((:20, )(:-20}, {((:19, )(:79}, {((:32, )(:97}, {((:54, )(:98}, {((:70, )(:80}, {((:70, )(:29}, {((:87, )(:14}, {((:106, )(:11}, {((:119, )(:28}, {((:117, )(:78}, {((:128, )(:96}, {((:149, )(:97}, {((:162, )(:79}, {((:162, )(:35}, {((:171, )(:15}, {((:194, )(:14}, {((:206, )(:36}, {((:208, )(:337}], [{((:-20, )(:178}, {((:156, )(:178}, {((:199, )(:167}, {((:221, )(:128}, {((:222, )(:64}, {((:203, )(:28}, {((:159, )(:19}, {((:-18, )(:20}], [{((:-20, )(:110}, {((:24, )(:70}, {((:68, )(:37}, {((:133, )(:24}, {((:183, )(:34}, {((:211, )(:66}, {((:223, )(:106}, {((:211, )(:150}, {((:179, )(:179}, {((:-25, )(:322}], [{((:-20, )(:35}, {((:14, )(:60}, {((:44, )(:31}, {((:72, )(:64}, {((:108, )(:30}, {((:137, )(:64}, {((:169, )(:29}, {((:221, )(:117}, {((:220, )(:167}, {((:194, )(:199}, {((:139, )(:216}, {((:-34, )(:216}], [{((:-20, )(:31}, {((:162, )(:30}, {((:192, )(:33}, {((:215, )(:50}, {((:218, )(:75}, {((:218, )(:227}, {((:212, )(:253}, {((:188, )(:265}, {((:165, )(:256}, {((:-17, )(:52}], [{((:118, )(:-20}, {((:117, )(:41}, {((:104, )(:84}, {((:67, )(:110}, {((:33, )(:136}, {((:21, )(:182}, {((:47, )(:218}, {((:108, )(:226}, {((:282, )(:226}], [{((:127, )(:-20}, {((:125, )(:278}, {((:111, )(:302}, {((:80, )(:311}, {((:50, )(:302}, {((:31, )(:280}, {((:33, )(:55}, {((:47, )(:24}, {((:75, )(:19}, {((:259, )(:18}], [{((:22, )(:329}, {((:25, )(:55}, {((:38, )(:27}, {((:67, )(:15}, {((:254, )(:15}], [{((:111, )(:-20}, {((:51, )(:28}, {((:24, )(:69}, {((:27, )(:133}, {((:72, )(:166}, {((:127, )(:171}, {((:173, )(:151}, {((:200, )(:124}, {((:208, )(:84}, {((:188, )(:55}, {((:142, )(:46}, {((:82, )(:63}, {((:44, )(:104}, {((:26, )(:164}, {((:36, )(:212}, {((:76, )(:250}, {((:147, )(:275}, {((:207, )(:278}, {((:265, )(:277}], [{((:211, )(:-20}, {((:212, )(:79}, {((:200, )(:113}, {((:163, )(:128}, {((:80, )(:127}, {((:40, )(:118}, {((:23, )(:85}, {((:30, )(:44}, {((:58, )(:22}, {((:93, )(:22}, {((:117, )(:37}, {((:122, )(:75}, {((:118, )(:337}], [{((:118, )(:-20}, {((:116, )(:197}, {((:96, )(:223}, {((:62, )(:226}, {((:34, )(:216}, {((:18, )(:183}, {((:24, )(:141}, {((:61, )(:111}, {((:114, )(:103}, {((:168, )(:120}, {((:194, )(:158}, {((:201, )(:204}, {((:186, )(:255}, {((:149, )(:281}, {((:107, )(:292}, {((:-45, )(:292}], [{((:-20, )(:19}, {((:55, )(:21}, {((:117, )(:27}, {((:174, )(:47}, {((:210, )(:83}, {((:224, )(:134}, {((:224, )(:195}, {((:207, )(:213}, {((:31, )(:214}, {((:16, )(:195}, {((:16, )(:-23}], [{((:66, )(:-20}, {((:29, )(:22}, {((:73, )(:45}, {((:26, )(:73}, {((:70, )(:101}, {((:25, )(:136}, {((:73, )(:159}, {((:27, )(:192}, {((:72, )(:222}, {((:25, )(:256}, {((:70, )(:278}, {((:48, )(:306}, {((:49, )(:-42}], [{((:143, )(:-20}, {((:-18, )(:140}, {((:259, )(:300}, {((:-23, )(:299}]]; )W}D["7Z[GL"].prototype["}-B2"] = function () { [t;; this[")gv94"] = new Array(); var _local6 = 0; while (_local6 < this["1PC"]) { var _local2 = this.1K8ei("{ZRQ0(", 0); _local2["+{eA+"] = 0.8; _local2["6j07+"] = false; _local2["5955"] = this["5955"] * 10; _local2["1T="] = this["5955"] - 1; _local2[" BH-"] = this[" BH-"]; _local2["=S7A"].gotoAndStop(String(this["5955"])); var _local3 = {((:this[";B 9"][0]["(("], )(:this[";B 9"][0][")("], ]:_local6 * (this[",YXx5"] / this["}Yax5"]), 2:0, ):_local2}; this[")gv94"].push(_local3); _local2["(("] = _local3["(("]; _local2[")("] = _local3[")("]; _local2.}-B2(); _local6++; } }; )W}D["7Z[GL"].prototype["87vE7("] = function () {; var _local4 = 0; while (_local4 < this[")gv94"].length) { var _local2 = this[")gv94"][_local4]; if (_local2["]"] == null) { var _local3 = this[";B 9"][_local2["2"]]; var _local6 = _local3["(("] - _local2["(("]; var _local5 = _local3[")("] - _local2[")("]; _local2["(("] = _local2["(("] + Math.min(Math.max(-this["}Yax5"], _local6), this["}Yax5"]); _local2[")("] = _local2[")("] + Math.min(Math.max(-this["}Yax5"], _local5), this["}Yax5"]); _local2[")"].+7{{r(_local2, 1, this["}Yax5"] * 0.3); _local2[")"].{BxJE((); if ((_local2["(("] == _local3["(("]) && (_local2[")("] == _local3[")("])) { if (_local2["2"] == (this[";B 9"].length - 1)) { if (_local2[")"].}1A{_(_local2) < 8) { _local2[")"].9T54(); } } else { _local2["2"]++; } } } else { _local2["]"] = _local2["]"] - ]DP20(; if (_local2["]"] <= 0) { _local2["]"] = null; _local2[")"]["6j07+"] = true; _local2[")"]["}Q}fb"] = true; } } _local4++; } }; )W}D["7Z[GL"].prototype["+t,3a"] = function () { var _local4 = 3Wt.random()W}D["=y(wb"].length); var _local3 = )W}D["=y(wb"][_local4]; if (3Wt.random(2) == 0) { var _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < _local3.length) { var _local2 = _local3[_local1]; _local2["(("] = 7Tzuk - _local2["(("]; _local1++; } } return(_local3); }; Set("-QWeg", 2]ya.prototype["87vE7("]); Set("[t;WI", 2]ya.prototype["}-B2"]); if (![X) { Set("[X", new Object()); } if (![X["7)3A"]) { [X["7)3A"] = new Object(); } if (![X["7)3A"][")93A"]) { [X["7)3A"][")93A"] = new Object(); } [X["7)3A"][")93A"]["2WAJ"] = function () { super(); }; [X["7)3A"][")93A"]["2WAJ"].prototype.__proto__ = [X["7)3A"]["2C0["].prototype; [X["7)3A"][")93A"]["2WAJ"].prototype.__constructor__ = [X["7)3A"]["2C0["]; [X["7)3A"][")93A"]["2WAJ"].prototype["}-B2"] = function () { [; }; [X["7)3A"][")93A"]["2WAJ"].prototype["2NGV-("] = function () { {5[6)(.call(this); this["+{eA+"] = 0.95; }; [X["7)3A"][")93A"]["2WAJ"].prototype["565"] = function (_param1) { this.]5kjX(); }; [X["7)3A"][")93A"]["2WAJ"].prototype["87vE7("] = function () { ,; if ((this. x8LA(() < 1) && (this["]oH"] > 0)) { this.]5kjX(); } if (this["2VhU6"] != null) { this["2VhU6"] = this["2VhU6"] - ]DP20(; if (this["2VhU6"] < 0) { this.*hjvo(); this["2VhU6"] = null; } } }; [X["7)3A"][")93A"]["2WAJ"].prototype["]5kjX"] = function () { this["]oH"] = -1000; this["2VhU6"] = 3; this["=S7A"].removeMovieClip(); var _local2 = *gn[H.{==W3(("4K4}y", null); _local2["(("] = this["(("]; _local2[")("] = this[")("]; _local2["5DZk5"] = (this[" Zscv"] * 2) * 1.3; _local2.}-B2(); }; [X["7)3A"][")93A"]["2WAJ"].prototype["*hjvo"] = function () { var _local4 = *gn[H["86{p("].],lYS(); var _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < _local4.length) { var _local3 = _local4[_local2]; if (this.}1A{_(_local3) < (this[" Zscv"] + _local3["]oH"])) { _local3.565(this["*]Q5}"]); } _local2++; } }; Set(",k3e_", [X["7)3A"]["2C0["].prototype["87vE7("]); Set("[6GL1", [X["7)3A"]["2C0["].prototype["}-B2"]); Set("{5[6)(", [X["7)3A"]["2C0["].prototype["2NGV-("]); if (![X) { Set("[X", new Object()); } [X["*DzW"] = function () { super(); }; [X["*DzW"].prototype.__proto__ = -0]rl.prototype; [X["*DzW"].prototype.__constructor__ = -0]rl; [X["*DzW"].prototype["}-B2"] = function () { {r*z-(.call(this); this["=S7A"]._xscale = this["5DZk5"]; this["=S7A"]._yscale = this["5DZk5"]; this["=S7A"]._alpha = this["6x9p"]; }; [X["*DzW"].prototype["2NGV-("] = function () { [o1a).call(this); this[";T4D"] = 0; this["=T4D"] = 0; this["5DZk5"] = 100; this["6x9p"] = 100; this["+iLR("] = [0]; this[",DBRf"] = 10; }; [X["*DzW"].prototype["87vE7("] = function () { var _local6 = false; if (this["(KpGn"] != null) { this["=T4D"] = this["=T4D"] + (this["(KpGn"] * ]DP20(); } var _local5 = =4a ,(; if (this["5cBEm"] != null) { _local5 = this["5cBEm"]; } this[";T4D"] = this[";T4D"] * _local5; this["=T4D"] = this["=T4D"] * _local5; this["(("] = this["(("] + (this[";T4D"] * ]DP20(); this[")("] = this[")("] + (this["=T4D"] * ]DP20(); if (this["2VhU6"] != null) { this["2VhU6"] = this["2VhU6"] - ]DP20(; if (this["2VhU6"] < 0) { _local6 = true; } else if (this["2VhU6"] < this[",DBRf"]) { var _local3 = this["2VhU6"] / this[",DBRf"]; var _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < this["+iLR("].length) { var _local4 = this["+iLR("][_local2]; switch (_local4) { case 0 : this["=S7A"]._xscale = _local3 * this["5DZk5"]; this["=S7A"]._yscale = _local3 * this["5DZk5"]; break; case 1 : this["=S7A"]._alpha = _local3 * this["6x9p"]; break; case 2 : [RzO,((this["=S7A"], 100 - (_local3 * 100), this["(X]Nl"]); } _local2++; } } } if (this["4T4D"] != null) { this["4T4D"] = this["4T4D"] * _local5; this["=S7A"]._rotation = this["=S7A"]._rotation + (this["4T4D"] * ]DP20(); } if (_local6) { this.9T54(); } }CCC8(.call(this); }; [X["*DzW"].prototype["+7{{r"] = function (_arg5, _arg6, _arg2) { var _local4 = _arg5["(("] - this["(("]; var _local3 = _arg5[")("] - this[")("]; this[";T4D"] = this[";T4D"] + Math.min(Math.max(-_arg2, (_local4 * _arg6) * ]DP20(), _arg2); this["=T4D"] = this["=T4D"] + Math.min(Math.max(-_arg2, (_local3 * _arg6) * ]DP20(), _arg2); }; Set("}CCC8(", -0]rl.prototype["87vE7("]); Set("{r*z-(", -0]rl.prototype["}-B2"]); Set("[o1a)", -0]rl.prototype["2NGV-("]); if (![X) { Set("[X", new Object()); } if (![X["7)3A"]) { [X["7)3A"] = new Object(); } [X["7)3A"]["=3+P"] = function () { super(); }; [X["7)3A"]["=3+P"].prototype.__proto__ = [X["{00["].prototype; [X["7)3A"]["=3+P"].prototype.__constructor__ = [X["{00["]; [X["7)3A"]["=3+P"].prototype["}-B2"] = function () { 7[; this["[EP"] = 0; this["4IJ"] = 0; this["436X]"] = true; this["29Svd"] = new Array(); }; [X["7)3A"]["=3+P"].prototype["2NGV-("] = function () { 4QJ81(.call(this); this["]oH"] = 10; this["+{eA+"] = 0.75; this["}Yax5"] = 2; this["4taOn"] = 0; this["+h9w3"] = 0; this["*J4A"] = null; this["{(MD=("] = 0; }; [X["7)3A"]["=3+P"].prototype["87vE7("] = function () { (6Fm-(.call(this); if (*gn[H["=kIA"] != 0) { this.2GXKO(this["]oH"]); } if (this["[EP"] > 0) { this["[EP"] = this["[EP"] - ]DP20(; } if (this["4IJ"] > 0) { this["4IJ"] = this["4IJ"] - ]DP20(; } this.7TC5t(); if (this["4taOn"] == 1) { this.;59SC((); } }; [X["7)3A"]["=3+P"].prototype["7TC5t"] = function () { var _local5 = *gn[H["2{l)6"]; var _local3 = 0; while (_local3 < _local5.length) { var _local2 = _local5[_local3]; var _local4 = this.}1A{_(_local2); if (_local4 < (this["]oH"] + _local2["]oH"])) { if (_local2[",-AMT"]) { _local2.2X}A(); } else { this.565(); _local2.9T54(); } } _local3++; } }; [X["7)3A"]["=3+P"].prototype["2GXKO"] = function (_arg2) { if ((this["(("] < _arg2) || (this["(("] > (7Tzuk - _arg2))) { this["(("] = Math.min(Math.max(_arg2, this["(("]), 7Tzuk - _arg2); } if ((this[")("] < _arg2) || (this[")("] > (-Uzuk - _arg2))) { this[")("] = Math.min(Math.max(_arg2, this[")("]), -Uzuk - _arg2); } }; [X["7)3A"]["=3+P"].prototype["565"] = function () { this.88rS((); this.9T54(); }; [X["7)3A"]["=3+P"].prototype["88rS("] = function () { var _local9 = 4; var _local7 = 6; var _local4 = 0; while (_local4 < _local9) { var _local8 = (_local4 % 2) * 1.57; var _local3 = 0; while (_local3 < _local7) { var _local5 = _local8 + ((_local3 / _local7) * 6.28); var _local2 = *gn[H.{==W3(("6+7HF(", null); _local2["(("] = this["(("]; _local2[")("] = this[")("]; var _local6 = 1.5 + (_local4 * 1.5); _local2[";T4D"] = _local2[";T4D"] + (Math.cos(_local5) * _local6); _local2["=T4D"] = _local2["=T4D"] + (Math.sin(_local5) * _local6); _local2["2VhU6"] = 30 - (_local4 * 5); _local2.}-B2(); _local3++; } _local4++; } }; [X["7)3A"]["=3+P"].prototype["9T54"] = function () { *gn[H["4,01"] = null; *gn[H.5Hy6b(3); +P4x-(.call(this); }; [X["7)3A"]["=3+P"].prototype[",cqp5"] = function () { if (this["[EP"] <= 0) { switch (this["4taOn"]) { case 0 : this["[EP"] = 9; var _local8 = this["+h9w3"] + 1; var _local4 = 0; while (_local4 < _local8) { var _local2 = this. 8D46(); _local2["(("] = _local2["(("] + ((_local4 * 8) - ((_local8 - 1) * 4)); _local2.}-B2(); _local4++; } break; case 1 : this["[EP"] = 1; var _local2 = this.8A1T3(("]HWsl", 3); _local2["*]Q5}"] = 0.5 + (this["+h9w3"] * 0.8); _local2["=T4D"] = -16; _local2["=S7A"]._rotation = (-this[";T4D"]) * 4; _local2["=(xpf"] = -60; _local2.}-B2(); _local2.9kWKJ(this["29Svd"]); break; case 2 : this["[EP"] = 28; _local2 = this.8A1T3(("[PZx)", 0); _local2["*]Q5}"] = 25 + (this["+h9w3"] * 25); _local2["]oH"] = 8 + (this["+h9w3"] * 2); _local2["=T4D"] = -6; _local2["5DZk5"] = ((_local2["]oH"] * 2) * 100) / 28; _local2["=S7A"]._xscale = 0; _local2["=S7A"]._yscale = 0; var _local9 = new +7U K(_local2["=S7A"]); _local4 = 0; while (_local4 < 12) { var _local3 = _local9.*=_p_("-,9ze", 1); _local3.gotoAndStop(String(1 + 3Wt.random(_local3._totalframes))); _local3._xscale = 100 * ((3Wt.random(2) * 2) - 1); _local3._yscale = 100 * ((3Wt.random(2) * 2) - 1); _local3._rotation = Math.random() * 360; _local3["6"].gotoAndPlay(String(3Wt.random(_local3["6"]._totalframes) + 1)); _local4++; } break; case 3 : this["[EP"] = 6; this["436X]"] = !this["436X]"]; switch (this["+h9w3"]) { case 0 : this.[ksb3((0, 1, 0.4, 0); break; case 1 : if (this["436X]"]) { this.[ksb3((0, 1, 0.4, 0); } else { this.[ksb3((0, 2, 0.2, 0.4); } break; case 2 : if (this["436X]"]) { this.[ksb3((1, 1, 0.4, 0); this.[ksb3((0, 2, 0.15, 0.5); } else { this.[ksb3((0, 1, 0.4, 0); } break; case 3 : if (this["436X]"]) { this.[ksb3((1, 1, 0.4, 0); this.[ksb3((0, 2, 0.15, 0.5); } else { this.[ksb3((1, 2, 0.3, 0.2); } break; case 4 : if (this["436X]"]) { this.[ksb3((1, 3, 0.2, 0.2); } else { this.[ksb3((1, 2, 0.3, 0.2); this.[ksb3((0, 2, 0.1, 0.6); } break; case 5 : if (this["436X]"]) { this.[ksb3((1, 3, 0.2, 0.2); } else { this.[ksb3((1, 4, 0.1, 0.2); } } } } if ((this["*J4A"] != null) && (this["4IJ"] <= 0)) { switch (this["*J4A"]) { case 0 : this["4IJ"] = 40; var _local4 = 0; while (_local4 < 2) { var _local7 = (_local4 * 2) - 1; var _local2 = this.8A1T3(("+6HSd", 1); _local2["7QIi"] = true; _local2["0{lc4"] = "=-+Q1"; _local2["}Yax5"] = 8; _local2[";S4D"] = 0.25; _local2["2GD*"] = 6; var _local5 = (_local7 * 1.2) - 1.57; _local2[";T4D"] = Math.cos(_local5) * _local2["}Yax5"]; _local2["=T4D"] = Math.sin(_local5) * _local2["}Yax5"]; _local2["9O*r"] = _local5; _local2["*]Q5}"] = 5 + (this["{(MD=("] * 5); _local2["=S7A"]._xscale = (_local2["=S7A"]._yscale = 80 + (this["{(MD=("] * 32)); _local2.}-B2(); _local4++; } break; case 1 : _local4 = 0; while (_local4 < 2) { switch (this["{(MD=("]) { case 0 : this["4IJ"] = 20; this.,nL21(_local4, 0); break; case 1 : this["4IJ"] = 8; this.,nL21(_local4, 0); break; case 2 : this["4IJ"] = 16; this.,nL21(_local4, 1); break; case 3 : this["4IJ"] = 8; this.,nL21(_local4, 1); } _local4++; } break; case 2 : this["4IJ"] = 80; _local4 = 0; for(;;){ if (_local4 >= 2) { break; } var _local7 = (_local4 * 2) - 1; var _local3 = this.8A1T3((" }O2*", 4); var _local5 = (_local7 * 0.45) - 1.57; var _local6 = 3 + (this["{(MD=("] * 1.2); _local3[";T4D"] = Math.cos(_local5) * _local6; _local3["=T4D"] = Math.sin(_local5) * _local6; _local3[" Zscv"] = 30 + (this["{(MD=("] * 15); _local3["*]Q5}"] = 10 + (this["{(MD=("] * 2); _local3.}-B2(); _local4++; }; } } }; [X["7)3A"]["=3+P"].prototype["*JA} ("] = function (type) { if (this["4taOn"] == type) { this["+h9w3"] = int(Math.min(this["+h9w3"] + 1, 5)); } else if ((this["4taOn"] == 1) || (type == 1)) { var _local2 = *gn[H[")}Rg8"]; while (_local2.length > 0) { _local2[0].9T54(); } } this["4taOn"] = type; }; [X["7)3A"]["=3+P"].prototype["8A1T3("] = function (_arg3, type) { var _local2 = *gn[H.,SYp](_arg3, type); _local2["(("] = this["(("]; _local2[")("] = this[")("]; return(_local2); }; [X["7)3A"]["=3+P"].prototype[" 8D46"] = function () { var _local2 = this.8A1T3(("97mPC", 0); _local2["*]Q5}"] = 10; _local2["=T4D"] = -8; return(_local2); }; [X["7)3A"]["=3+P"].prototype["98YrK"] = function (type) { var _local2 = this.8A1T3(("}dh})", 0); switch (type) { case 0 : _local2["=S7A"].gotoAndStop("1"); _local2["*]Q5}"] = 8; break; case 1 : _local2["=S7A"].gotoAndStop("2"); _local2["*]Q5}"] = 24; } return(_local2); }; [X["7)3A"]["=3+P"].prototype["[ksb3("] = function (type, max, _arg8, _arg9) { var _local5 = 0; while (_local5 < 2) { var _local6 = (_local5 * 2) - 1; var _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < max) { var _local3 = this.98YrK(type); var _local4 = ((_arg8 + (_arg9 * _local2)) * _local6) - 1.57; _local3[";T4D"] = Math.cos(_local4) * 7; _local3["=T4D"] = Math.sin(_local4) * 7; _local2++; } _local5++; } }; [X["7)3A"]["=3+P"].prototype[";59SC("] = function () { var _local2 = this["29Svd"]; var _local14 = new Array(); var _local15 = new Array(); var _local12 = _local2[0]; var _local13 = this.}1A{_(_local2[_local2.length - 1]) < 48; *gn[H["(HQ+1"].lineStyle((4 + (this["+h9w3"] * 3)) + 8, 12303359, 50); *gn[H["(HQ+1"].moveTo(_local12["(("], _local12[")("]); var _local6 = 1; while (_local6 < _local2.length) { var _local4 = _local2[_local6]; *gn[H["(HQ+1"].lineTo(_local4["(("], _local4[")("]); _local6++; } if (_local13) { *gn[H["(HQ+1"].lineTo(this["(("], this[")("]); } *gn[H["(HQ+1"].lineStyle(4 + (this["+h9w3"] * 3), 16777215, 100); *gn[H["(HQ+1"].moveTo(_local12["(("], _local12[")("]); _local6 = 1; while (_local6 < _local2.length) { var _local4 = _local2[_local6]; *gn[H["(HQ+1"].lineTo(_local4["(("], _local4[")("]); _local6++; } if (_local13) { *gn[H["(HQ+1"].lineTo(this["(("], this[")("]); } *gn[H["(HQ+1"].lineStyle(1 + (this["+h9w3"] * 0.5), 16777215, 80); var _local11 = 3; _local6 = 0; while (_local6 < 4) { var _local5 = 3Wt.random(_local2.length); var _local4 = _local2[_local5]; var _local7 = 3Wt.random((_local11 * 2) + 1) - _local11; _local5 = int(Math.min(Math.max(0, _local5 + _local7), _local2.length - 1)); var _local3 = _local2[_local5]; var _local8 = ((Math.random() * 2) - 1) * ((1 + Math.random()) * (5 + (this["+h9w3"] * 2))); var _local10 = ((_local4["(("] + _local3["(("]) * 0.5) + _local8; var _local9 = (_local4[")("] + _local3[")("]) * 0.5; *gn[H["(HQ+1"].moveTo(_local4["(("], _local4[")("]); *gn[H["(HQ+1"].lineTo(_local10, _local9); *gn[H["(HQ+1"].lineTo(_local3["(("], _local3[")("]); _local6++; } }; [X["7)3A"]["=3+P"].prototype["2O=C;"] = function (type) { if (this["*J4A"] == type) { this["{(MD=("] = int(Math.min(this["{(MD=("] + 1, 3)); } this["*J4A"] = type; }; [X["7)3A"]["=3+P"].prototype[",nL21"] = function (_arg5, type) { var _local3 = (_arg5 * 2) - 1; var _local2 = this.8A1T3(("}-[u)", 0); _local2["*]Q5}"] = 8 + (type * 16); _local2[";T4D"] = 7 * _local3; _local2["(("] = _local2["(("] + (this["]oH"] * _local3); _local2["=S7A"].gotoAndStop(String(type + 1)); _local2["=S7A"]._xscale = 100 * _local3; _local2.}-B2(); return(_local2); }; Set("(6Fm-(", [X["{00["].prototype["87vE7("]); Set("7[9r1", [X["{00["].prototype["}-B2"]); Set("+P4x-(", -0]rl.prototype["9T54"]); Set("4QJ81(", [X["{00["].prototype["2NGV-("]); if (![X) { Set("[X", new Object()); } if (![X["7)3A"]) { [X["7)3A"] = new Object(); } if (![X["7)3A"][")93A"]) { [X["7)3A"][")93A"] = new Object(); } [X["7)3A"][")93A"]["(izm ("] = function () { super(); }; [X["7)3A"][")93A"]["(izm ("].prototype.__proto__ = [X["7)3A"]["2C0["].prototype; [X["7)3A"][")93A"]["(izm ("].prototype.__constructor__ = [X["7)3A"]["2C0["]; [X["7)3A"][")93A"]["(izm ("].prototype["2NGV-("] = function () { {5[6)(.call(this); this[",-AMT"] = true; this["]oH"] = 10; }; [X["7)3A"][")93A"]["(izm ("].prototype["87vE7("] = function () { ,; this["=S7A"]._rotation = this["=S7A"]._rotation + (10 * ]DP20(); if (this.type == 4) { this["=S7A"]["}O"]._rotation = -this["=S7A"]._rotation; } }; [X["7)3A"][")93A"]["(izm ("].prototype["8[kz=("] = function (_arg2) { this.type = _arg2; this["=S7A"].gotoAndStop(String(_arg2 + 1)); if (_arg2 == 4) { this["=M)xq"] = 3Wt.random(3); this["=S7A"]["}O"].gotoAndStop(String(this["=M)xq"] + 1)); } }; [X["7)3A"][")93A"]["(izm ("].prototype["2X}A"] = function () { switch (this.type) { case 0 : case 1 : case 2 : case 3 : *gn[H["4,01"].*JA} ((this.type); break; case 4 : *gn[H["4,01"].2O=C;(this["=M)xq"]); } 2g[; }; [X["7)3A"][")93A"]["(izm ("].prototype["2Va2D("] = function () { }; Set("2g[A1", [X["7)3A"]["2C0["].prototype["2X}A"]); Set(",k3e_", [X["7)3A"]["2C0["].prototype["87vE7("]); Set("{5[6)(", [X["7)3A"]["2C0["].prototype["2NGV-("]); Set("44{N", function () { Set("*gn[H", this); this["32"] = new +7U K(this); }); 44{N.prototype.__proto__ = MovieClip.prototype; 44{N.prototype.__constructor__ = MovieClip; Set("9UM{A(", 14); Set("39{u)", 12); Set("{fCxA(", 10); Set("3VCxA(", 8); Set("3lYZ,", 6); Set(")otu)", 4); Set("]Sru-", 1); 44{N.prototype["}-B2"] = function () { this["86{p("] = new Array(); this[")gv94"] = new Array(); this["0RKv8"] = new Array(); this["7Qe;6"] = new Array(); this[")}Rg8"] = new Array(); this["2{l)6"] = new Array(); this[" yFNA("] = 0; this["=HU11"] = 0; this["1T="] = 0; this["(Erk5"] = 0; this["(HQ+1"] = this["32"].18wU*(3lYZ,); this.(HbIJ((); this["*{,7U"] = this["32"].*=_p_("*{,7U", 39{u)); this["*{,7U"]["+Da3+"].text = "0"; this["*{,7U"]._alpha = 80; this.5Hy6b(0); }; 44{N.prototype[",bd)b"] = function () { this["4,01"] = new [X["7)3A"]["=3+P"](); this["4,01"].3U*}=((this["32"].*=_p_(",(mPC", {fCxA()); this["4,01"]["(("] = 7Tzuk * 0.5; this["4,01"][")("] = -Uzuk + this["4,01"]["]oH"]; this["4,01"].}-B2(); }; 44{N.prototype["(HbIJ("] = function () { this["-6tVz"] = new Array(); var _local3 = 0; while (_local3 < 3) { var _local2 = this["32"].*=_p_("-;-az", ]Sru-); _local2["*"] = (_local3 + 1) * 0.5; _local2._alpha = 25 + (_local3 * 16); _local2._xscale = (_local2._yscale = _local2["*"] * 100); this["-6tVz"].push(_local2); _local3++; } }; 44{N.prototype["5Hy6b"] = function (_arg4) { this["=kIA"] = _arg4; switch (this["=kIA"]) { case 0 : this.,bd)b(); this["4,01"]["=T4D"] = -5; this["2VhU6"] = 16; break; case 1 : break; case 2 : this["1T="]++; this["2VhU6"] = 120; this[" yFNA("] = 0.2; this[" Q0sr"] = new Array(); var _local3 = 0; while (_local3 < 7) { var _local2 = this["32"].*=_p_("=F;ep", 39{u)); _local2._x = 7Tzuk * 0.5; _local2._y = -Uzuk * 0.5; _local2._alpha = 30; _local2._visible = false; _local2["+Da3+"].text = "niveau " + this["1T="]; _local2["]"] = 55; _local2["+"] = 32 + (_local3 * 5); this[" Q0sr"].push(_local2); _local3++; } this.)Qk85(); break; case 3 : this["]0lYF"] = -30; } }; 44{N.prototype["87vE7("] = function () { this["(HQ+1"].clear(); if (Key.isDown(13)) { this["=HU11"]++; } if (this[" yFNA("] != null) { this.9JWs7((); } this.;EWdZ(); this.3dSYr(); this.=S1PI(); this["4,01"].87vE7((); switch (this["=kIA"]) { case 0 : this["4,01"]["=T4D"] = this["4,01"]["=T4D"] - 0.5; this["2VhU6"] = this["2VhU6"] - ]DP20(; if (this["2VhU6"] < 0) { this.5Hy6b(2); } break; case 1 : if (this[" yFNA("] > 1) { this[" yFNA("] = this[" yFNA("] * Math.pow(0.96, ]DP20(); } else { this[" yFNA("] = null; } this.76N1t(); break; case 2 : this[" yFNA("] = Math.min(this[" yFNA("] * Math.pow(1.1, ]DP20(), 10); this["2VhU6"] = this["2VhU6"] - ]DP20(; if (this["2VhU6"] < 0) { this.5Hy6b(1); } break; case 3 : this["]0lYF"] = Math.min(this["]0lYF"] + (3 * ]DP20(), 100); [RzO,((this, int(Math.max(0, this["]0lYF"])), 16777215); if (this["]0lYF"] != 100) { break; } 0UvAe(this["(Erk5"]); 4IiRw("7rpN6"); +oT91.}B)Y_(this["(Erk5"]); Set("*gn[H", null); this.removeMovieClip(); } }; 44{N.prototype["9JWs7("] = function () { var _local3 = 0; while (_local3 < this["-6tVz"].length) { var _local2 = this["-6tVz"][_local3]; _local2._y = (_local2._y + ((this[" yFNA("] * _local2["*"]) * ]DP20()) % (320 * _local2["*"]); _local3++; } this[";+"]._y = (this[";+"]._y + ((this[" yFNA("] * 0.1) * ]DP20()) % 320; if (this["4,01"] != null) { var _local4 = this.{==W3(("{rz]J(", )otu)); _local4["(("] = this["4,01"]["(("]; _local4[")("] = this["4,01"][")("]; _local4["=T4D"] = this[" yFNA("] * 2; _local4.}-B2(); } }; 44{N.prototype["76N1t"] = function () { if ((this["1T="] * 10) > this["=HU11"]) { var _local5 = int((280 * this["0RKv8"].length) / ]DP20(); if ((this["86{p("].length < 16) && (3Wt.random(_local5) == 0)) { var _local3 = 0; var _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < this["86{p("].length) { _local3 = _local3 + this["86{p("][_local2]["5955"]; _local2++; } if (_local3 < (50 + (this["=HU11"] * 10))) { var _local4 = )BQaO(); this["0RKv8"].push(_local4); _local4.}-B2(); } } } else if (this["0RKv8"].length == 0) { this.5Hy6b(2); } }; 44{N.prototype["=S1PI"] = function () { if (Key.isDown(38)) { this["4,01"]["=T4D"] = this["4,01"]["=T4D"] - this["4,01"]["}Yax5"]; } if (Key.isDown(40)) { this["4,01"]["=T4D"] = this["4,01"]["=T4D"] + this["4,01"]["}Yax5"]; } if (Key.isDown(37)) { this["4,01"][";T4D"] = this["4,01"][";T4D"] - this["4,01"]["}Yax5"]; } if (Key.isDown(39)) { this["4,01"][";T4D"] = this["4,01"][";T4D"] + this["4,01"]["}Yax5"]; } if (Key.isDown(32) && (this["=kIA"] == 1)) { this["4,01"].,cqp5(); } }; 44{N.prototype[";EWdZ"] = function () { var _local2 = new Array(); var _local3 = 0; while (_local3 < this["0RKv8"].length) { _local2.push(this["0RKv8"][_local3]); _local3++; } _local3 = 0; while (_local3 < this["7Qe;6"].length) { _local2.push(this["7Qe;6"][_local3]); _local3++; } _local3 = 0; while (_local3 < this[")gv94"].length) { _local2.push(this[")gv94"][_local3]); _local3++; } _local3 = 0; while (_local3 < _local2.length) { _local2[_local3].87vE7((); _local3++; } }; 44{N.prototype["3dSYr"] = function () { var _local4 = 0; while (_local4 < this[" Q0sr"].length) { var _local2 = this[" Q0sr"][_local4]; if (_local2["+"] > 0) { _local2["+"] = _local2["+"] - ]DP20(; if (_local2["+"] <= 0) { _local2._visible = true; } } else { _local2._y = (-Uzuk * 0.5) + (((Math.random() * 2) - 1) * 6); _local2["]"] = _local2["]"] - ]DP20(; if (_local2["]"] <= 0) { _local2.removeMovieClip(); this[" Q0sr"].splice(_local4--, 1); } var _local3 = this.{==W3(("}6;+H(", null); _local3["(("] = (7Tzuk * 0.5) + (((Math.random() * 2) - 1) * 100); _local3[")("] = (-Uzuk * 0.5) + (((Math.random() * 2) - 1) * 30); _local3["2VhU6"] = 3 + (Math.random() * 3); _local3[",DBRf"] = 6; _local3["+iLR("] = [1]; _local3["=S7A"].gotoAndStop(String(1 + 3Wt.random(3))); _local3["=S7A"]._rotation = Math.random() * 360; _local3.}-B2(); } _local4++; } }; 44{N.prototype[")Qk85"] = function () { var _local2 = this["7Qe;6"].],lYS(); while (_local2.length > 0) { _local2.pop().2Va2D((); } }; 44{N.prototype["6d3*z"] = function (_arg2) { this["(Erk5"] = this["(Erk5"] + (_arg2 * 10); this["*{,7U"]["+Da3+"].text = String(this["(Erk5"]); }; 44{N.prototype[",SYp]"] = function (_arg3, type) { var _local2 = this.5o86a(type); _local2.3U*}=((this["32"].*=_p_(_arg3, 3VCxA()); _local2.9kWKJ(this["7Qe;6"]); _local2.9kWKJ(this[")}Rg8"]); return(_local2); }; 44{N.prototype["5Rs4Z"] = function (_arg3, type) { var _local2 = this.5o86a(type); _local2.3U*}=((this["32"].*=_p_(_arg3, 3VCxA()); _local2.9kWKJ(this["7Qe;6"]); _local2.9kWKJ(this["2{l)6"]); return(_local2); }; 44{N.prototype["5o86a"] = function (type) { var _local1 = null; switch (type) { case 0 : _local1 = new [X["7)3A"][")93A"][" SJfD"](); break; case 1 : _local1 = new [X["7)3A"][")93A"]["7iv,J("](); break; case 2 : _local1 = new [X["7)3A"][")93A"]["(izm ("](); break; case 3 : _local1 = new [X["7)3A"][")93A"]["6uSRG"](); break; case 4 : _local1 = new [X["7)3A"][")93A"]["2WAJ"](); } return(_local1); }; 44{N.prototype["{==W3("] = function (_arg4, _arg3) { if (_arg3 == null) { _arg3 = 9UM{A(; } var _local2 = new [X["*DzW"](); _local2.3U*}=((this["32"].*=_p_(_arg4, _arg3)); _local2.9kWKJ(this[")gv94"]); return(_local2); }; if (!)W}D) { Set(")W}D", new Object()); } )W}D[" jOf{"] = function () { super(); this["{2"] = Math.random() * 628; this["}2"] = Math.random() * 628; var _local3 = 18JWD(3); this["1"] = 60 + Math.min((Math.random() * _local3[0]) * *gn[H["=HU11"], 70); this["}Yax5"] = 0.1 + Math.min((Math.random() * _local3[1]) * (*gn[H["=HU11"] * 0.01), 1); this["1T="] = 1 + int(Math.min((Math.random() * _local3[2]) * (*gn[H["=HU11"] * 0.1), 2)); var _local4 = 18JWD(2); this["+Y"] = 6 + (Math.random() * 10); this[",Y"] = 6 + (Math.random() * 10); }; )W}D[" jOf{"].prototype.__proto__ = 2]ya.prototype; )W}D[" jOf{"].prototype.__constructor__ = 2]ya; )W}D[" jOf{"].prototype["}-B2"] = function () { [t;; this["6 *"] = this.1K8ei("91YWM", 2); this["6 *"]["5955"] = 200 + Math.pow(this["1T="] * 30, 2); this["6 *"]["=S7A"].gotoAndStop(String(this["1T="])); this["6 *"]["}Q}fb"] = true; this["6 *"]["1T="] = this["1T="]; this["6 *"]["(("] = 7Tzuk * 0.5; this["6 *"][")("] = -40; this["6 *"].}-B2(); }; )W}D[" jOf{"].prototype["87vE7("] = function () {; this["{2"] = (this["{2"] + (this["+Y"] * ]DP20()) % 628; this["}2"] = (this["}2"] + (this[",Y"] * ]DP20()) % 628; this["(("] = (7Tzuk * 0.5) + (Math.cos(this["{2"] / 100) * 60); this[")("] = this["1"] + (Math.cos(this["}2"] / 100) * 30); this["6 *"].+7{{r({((:this["(("], )(:this[")("]}, 0.5, this["}Yax5"]); }; Set("-QWeg", 2]ya.prototype["87vE7("]); Set("[t;WI", 2]ya.prototype["}-B2"]); Set("980Sb", function () { }); Set("6T(o]", true); Set("9iX-1", function (_arg1) { Set(" LY81", _arg1); }cYP0((); Set("3vMxO", new +7U K( LY81)); if (6T(o]) { 4IiRw("*C+3A("); } else { 4*LvV(); } }); Set("}cYP0(", function () { 3Wt.registerClass("+-(0", 44{N); 3Wt.registerClass("*C+3A(", 4E2SJ); 3Wt.registerClass("7rpN6", -Cv-6); }); Set("4IiRw", function (_arg1) { Set("+oT91", 3vMxO.*=_p_(_arg1, 10)); +oT91.}-B2(); }); Set("3*_PT", function () { 8qTDw(); Set("=4a ,(", Math.pow(0.95, ]DP20()); +oT91.87vE7((); }); Set("0UvAe", function (_arg1) { if (6T(o]) { return(undefined); } Set("64NxO", new LoadVars()); 64NxO.scr1 = _arg1 ^ 19088743; 64NxO.scr2 = _arg1 ^ 124076833; 64NxO["7muX}"] = 9ixHK["7muX}"]; 64NxO.sendAndLoad("finscript.php", new LoadVars(), "GET"); }); Set("4*LvV", function () { Set("64NxO", new LoadVars()); Set("9ixHK", new LoadVars()); 64NxO.sendAndLoad("debscript.php", 9ixHK, "GET"); 9ixHK.onLoad = function (_arg2) { if (_arg2) { if (9ixHK.ok == "1") { 4wB34(); } else { var _local1 = new LoadVars(); _local1.send("quitte.php", null, "GET"); } } }; }); Set("4wB34", function () { 4IiRw("+-(0"); }); 9iX-1(this);
Frame 13
Frame 14
gotoAndPlay(_currentframe - 1);
Symbol 3 MovieClip [}1hpH] Frame 11
Symbol 8 MovieClip [+_xlA(] Frame 20
Symbol 11 MovieClip [7f6Z9(] Frame 20
Symbol 50 MovieClip [4K4}y] Frame 14
Symbol 92 MovieClip [[ v6L] Frame 11
Symbol 95 MovieClip [{rz]J(] Frame 12
Symbol 182 MovieClip [,GwjQ] Frame 19
Symbol 192 MovieClip [)9Vej] Frame 9
Symbol 194 MovieClip [=-+Q1] Frame 7
Symbol 250 MovieClip [2e+5,(] Frame 4
Symbol 304 MovieClip [__Packages.StdInc] Frame 0
class ;7pIo { function ;7pIo () { } static function }-B2(}J) { with (}J) { function () { if (_global.string == undefined) { _global.string = function (_arg1) { return(_arg1); }; } Array.prototype["0ENPA"] = function (_arg4) { var _local2; var _local3 = this.length; _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < _local3) { if (this[_local2] == _arg4) { this.splice(_local2, 1); return(true); } _local2++; } return(false); }; Array.prototype["4]GSJ("] = function (_arg2, _arg3) { this.splice(_arg2, 0, _arg3); }; Array.prototype["],lYS"] = Array.prototype.slice; Color.prototype["{L 35"] = function () { this.setTransform({ra:100, rb:0, ba:100, bb:0, ga:100, gb:0, aa:100, ab:0}); }; XMLNode.prototype.get = function (_arg2) { return(this.attributes[_arg2]); }; XMLNode.prototype.set = function (_arg3, _arg2) { this.attributes[_arg3] = _arg2; }; XMLNode.prototype[" Ff_G"] = function (_arg2) { return(this.attributes[_arg2] != null); }; XMLNode.prototype["}}{7B"] = function (_arg3) { for (var _local2 in this.attributes) { _arg3(_local2, this.attributes[_local2]); } }; XMLNode.prototype["2s=h5("] = function (_arg3) { var _local2 = this.firstChild; while (_local2 != null) { _arg3(_local2); _local2 = _local2.nextSibling; } }; XML.prototype.get = function (_arg2) { return(this.attributes[_arg2]); }; XML.prototype.set = function (_arg3, _arg2) { this.attributes[_arg3] = _arg2; }; XML.prototype[" Ff_G"] = function (_arg2) { return(this.attributes[_arg2] != null); }; _global.ASSetPropFlags(Array.prototype, "0ENPA", 1); _global.ASSetPropFlags(Array.prototype, "4]GSJ(", 1); _global.ASSetPropFlags(Array.prototype, "],lYS", 1); _global.ASSetPropFlags(Color.prototype, "{L 35", 1); _global.ASSetPropFlags(XMLNode.prototype, "get", 1); _global.ASSetPropFlags(XMLNode.prototype, "set", 1); _global.ASSetPropFlags(XMLNode.prototype, " Ff_G", 1); _global.ASSetPropFlags(XMLNode.prototype, "}}{7B", 1); _global.ASSetPropFlags(XMLNode.prototype, "2s=h5(", 1); _global.ASSetPropFlags(XML.prototype, "get", 1); _global.ASSetPropFlags(XML.prototype, "set", 1); _global.ASSetPropFlags(XML.prototype, " Ff_G", 1); _global["1cEQH"] = _global.TextField["1cEQH"]; this["3Wt"] = new Object(); this["3Wt"]["{XfS6"] = 0; this["3Wt"]["7bSH*"] = function (_arg3, _arg4, _arg5) { var _local2 = (_arg4 + "@") + (this["{XfS6"]++); _arg3.attachMovie(_arg4, _local2, _arg5); return(_arg3[_local2]); }; this["3Wt"]["-4*l(("] = function (_arg3, _arg4) { var _local2 = "empty@" + (this["{XfS6"]++); _arg3.createEmptyMovieClip(_local2, _arg4); return(_arg3[_local2]); }; this["3Wt"]["5jHJK("] = function (_arg3, _arg4) { var _local2 = "dup@" + (this["{XfS6"]++); _arg3.duplicateMovieClip(_local2, _arg4); return(_arg3._parent[_local2]); }; this["3Wt"]["6{X3L"] = function (_arg2, _arg1) { return(_arg2[_arg1]); }; this["3Wt"]["4BHo7"] = function (_arg2, _arg1, _arg3) { _arg2[_arg1] = _arg3; }; this["3Wt"]["9HH5a"] = function () { return(_root); }; this["3Wt"]["16(VU"] = function (_arg2) { return(_global[_arg2]); }; this["3Wt"]["3Wr3K("] = function (_arg2, _arg3) { _global[_arg2] = _arg3; }; this["3Wt"].createTextField = function (_arg3, _arg4) { var _local2 = "text@" + (this["{XfS6"]++); _arg3.createTextField(_local2, _arg4, 0, 0, 100, 20); return(_arg3[_local2]); }; this["3Wt"]["2g(*"] = function (_arg1) { return(_arg1); }; this["3Wt"].hitTest = function (_arg2, _arg1) { return(_arg2.hitTest(_arg1)); }; this["3Wt"].random = function (_arg1) { return(random(_arg1)); }; this["3Wt"][",))hC"] = function () { return(_root._xmouse); }; this["3Wt"]["8p1P5"] = function () { return(_root._ymouse); }; this["3Wt"].escape = _global.escape; this["3Wt"].unescape = _global.unescape; this["3Wt"].parseInt = _global.parseInt; this["3Wt"].toString = function (_arg1) { return(String(_arg1)); }; this["3Wt"]["}0=HF("] = function (_arg2, _arg1) { return(Number(_arg2).toString(_arg1)); }; this["3Wt"].isNaN = _global.isNaN; this["3Wt"]["=Pn1n"] = Infinity; this["3Wt"].registerClass = Object.registerClass; this["3Wt"]["+QD*"] = function (_arg2, _arg1) { for (var _local3 in _arg1) { _arg2[_local3] = _arg1[_local3]; } return(_arg2); }; this["3Wt"]["6{VYR"] = function (_param1, _param2) { if (arguments.length == 2) { return(function () { return(8[-].apply(8, arguments)); }); } var ( = arguments.slice(2); return(function () { return(8[-].apply(8, (.concat(arguments))); }); }; this["3Wt"].getTimer = function () { return(getTimer()); }; this["3Wt"][")goHJ("] = function (_arg1) { return(typeof(_arg1)); }; this["3Wt"]["-jONz"] = function (_arg1, _arg2) { return(_arg1 instanceof _arg2); }; this["3Wt"]["9ss9+"] = function (_arg2, _arg3) { var _local1; for (_local1 in _arg2) { _arg3(_local1); } }; this["3Wt"]["]1dDm"] = function (_arg1) { return(new _arg1[undefined]()); }; this["3Wt"]["7t4B ("] = function (_arg1, _arg2) { delete _arg1[_arg2]; }; this["]{i"] = new Object(); this["]{i"]["+rJ"] = this["3Wt"]; this["]{i"][";lvaa"] = false; this["]{i"].clear = function () { this["{RuFi"].text = ""; this["]AO l"].text = ""; this["=(N7n"] = 0; }; this["]{i"]["}-B2"] = function (_arg5, _arg4, _arg3) { if (_arg5 == undefined) { _arg5 = _root; } if (_arg4 == undefined) { _arg4 = Stage.width; } if (_arg3 == undefined) { _arg3 = Stage.height; } this[";lvaa"] = true; this["]AO l"] = this["+rJ"].createTextField(_arg5, 99999); this["{RuFi"] = this["+rJ"].createTextField(_arg5, 99998); this["]AO l"]._x = 5; this["]AO l"]._y = 20; this["]AO l"]._width = _arg4 - 10; this["]AO l"]._height = _arg3 - 30; this["{RuFi"]._x = _arg4 / 2; this["{RuFi"]._y = 20; this["{RuFi"]._width = _arg4 / 2; this["{RuFi"]._height = _arg3 - 30; this["]AO l"].wordWrap = true; this["{RuFi"].wordWrap = true; this["]AO l"].selectable = false; this["{RuFi"].selectable = false; this["=(N7n"] = 0; this["4s3F{"] = int((_arg3 - 30) / 15); var (K = this; this["](L"] = setInterval(function () { if ((K["{RuFi"].text != "") { (K["{RuFi"].text = ""; } }, 10); }; this["]{i"]["+9L}b"] = function (_arg4) { if (!this[";lvaa"]) { this.}-B2(); } this["]AO l"].text = this["]AO l"].text + (_arg4.split(newline).join("\\n").split("\r").join("\\r") + newline); this["=(N7n"]++; if (this["=(N7n"] >= this["4s3F{"]) { var _local2 = this["]AO l"].text.indexOf("\r", 0); var _local3 = this["]AO l"].text.substr(_local2 + 1); this["]AO l"].text = _local3; this["=(N7n"]--; } }; this["]{i"]["(H5 S"] = function (_arg2) { if (!this[";lvaa"]) { this.}-B2(); } this["]AO l"].textColor = _arg2; this["{RuFi"].textColor = _arg2; }; this["]{i"].print = function (_arg2) { if (!this[";lvaa"]) { this.}-B2(); } this["{RuFi"].text = this["{RuFi"].text + (("~ " + this.toString(_arg2, "")) + newline); }; this["]{i"][",}2X ("] = function () { clearInterval(this["](L"]); this[";lvaa"] = false; this["]AO l"].removeMovieClip(); this["{RuFi"].removeMovieClip(); }; this["]{i"].toString = function (_arg4, _arg3) { if (_arg3 == null) { _arg3 = ""; } else if (_arg3.length >= 20) { return("<...>"); } switch (typeof(_arg4)) { case "object" : case "movieclip" : if (_arg4 instanceof Array) { var _local7 = _arg4.length; var _local2; var _local6 = "["; _arg3 = _arg3 + " "; _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < _local7) { _local6 = _local6 + (((_local2 > 0) ? "," : "") + this.toString(_arg4[_local2], _arg3)); _local2++; } _arg3 = _arg3.substring(4); _local6 = _local6 + "]"; return(_local6); } var _local8 = _arg4.toString(); if ((typeof(_local8) == "string") && (_local8 != "[object Object]")) { return(_local8); } var _local5; var _local6 = "{\n"; if (typeof(_arg4) == "movieclip") { _local6 = (("MC(" + _arg4._name) + ") ") + _local6; } _arg3 = _arg3 + " "; for (_local5 in _arg4) { _local6 = _local6 + ((((_arg3 + _local5) + " : ") + this.toString(_arg4[_local5], _arg3)) + newline); } _arg3 = _arg3.substring(4); _local6 = _local6 + (_arg3 + "}"); return(_local6); case "function" : return("<fun>"); case "string" : return(_arg4); } return(String(_arg4)); }; this["]{i"].trace = function (_arg5) { var _local3 = this.toString(_arg5, "").split(newline); var _local2; var _local4 = _local3.length; _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < _local4) { this.+9L}b(_local3[_local2]); _local2++; } }; this["19{O"] = function () { }; this["19{O"].prototype.get = function (_arg2) { return(this[_arg2]); }; this["19{O"].prototype.set = function (_arg2, _arg3) { this[_arg2] = _arg3; }; this["19{O"].prototype["0ENPA"] = function (_arg3) { var _local2 = this[_arg3] != undefined; delete this[_arg3]; return(_local2); }; this["19{O"].prototype[" Ff_G"] = function (_arg2) { return(this[_arg2] != undefined); }; this["19{O"].prototype["5uJ2"] = function (_arg3) { var _local2; for (_local2 in this) { _arg3(_local2, this[_local2]); } }; _global.ASSetPropFlags(this["19{O"].prototype, null, 1); }.call(}J); } } }

Library Items

Symbol 1 GraphicUsed by:2 262
Symbol 2 MovieClipUses:1Used by:3
Symbol 3 MovieClip [}1hpH]Uses:2
Symbol 4 GraphicUsed by:5
Symbol 5 MovieClip [9Psj1]Uses:4Used by:Timeline
Symbol 6 GraphicUsed by:7
Symbol 7 MovieClipUses:6Used by:8
Symbol 8 MovieClip [+_xlA(]Uses:7Used by:Timeline
Symbol 9 GraphicUsed by:10
Symbol 10 MovieClipUses:9Used by:11
Symbol 11 MovieClip [7f6Z9(]Uses:10Used by:Timeline
Symbol 12 GraphicUsed by:13
Symbol 13 MovieClip [[yfm)]Uses:12Used by:22
Symbol 14 GraphicUsed by:22
Symbol 15 GraphicUsed by:22
Symbol 16 GraphicUsed by:22
Symbol 17 FontUsed by:18 19 257 277 278 282 303
Symbol 18 TextUses:17Used by:22
Symbol 19 TextUses:17Used by:22
Symbol 20 GraphicUsed by:22
Symbol 21 GraphicUsed by:22
Symbol 22 MovieClip []nVnd]Uses:14 15 13 16 18 19 20 21Used by:Timeline
Symbol 23 FontUsed by:24 25 29 31
Symbol 24 TextUses:23Used by:26
Symbol 25 EditableTextUses:23Used by:26
Symbol 26 MovieClip [6lu)H(]Uses:24 25Used by:Timeline
Symbol 27 GraphicUsed by:28 38 193 279
Symbol 28 MovieClip [7rpN6]Uses:27Used by:Timeline
Symbol 29 EditableTextUses:23Used by:30
Symbol 30 MovieClip [*{,7U]Uses:29Used by:Timeline
Symbol 31 EditableTextUses:23Used by:32
Symbol 32 MovieClip [=F;ep]Uses:31Used by:Timeline
Symbol 33 BitmapUsed by:34
Symbol 34 GraphicUses:33Used by:35
Symbol 35 MovieClip [-;-az]Uses:34Used by:Timeline
Symbol 36 GraphicUsed by:38
Symbol 37 GraphicUsed by:38
Symbol 38 MovieClip [}6;+H(]Uses:36 37 27Used by:Timeline
Symbol 39 GraphicUsed by:46
Symbol 40 GraphicUsed by:46
Symbol 41 GraphicUsed by:46
Symbol 42 GraphicUsed by:46
Symbol 43 GraphicUsed by:46
Symbol 44 GraphicUsed by:46
Symbol 45 GraphicUsed by:46
Symbol 46 MovieClip [==V-Z]Uses:39 40 41 42 43 44 45Used by:Timeline
Symbol 47 GraphicUsed by:49
Symbol 48 GraphicUsed by:49
Symbol 49 MovieClipUses:47 48Used by:50
Symbol 50 MovieClip [4K4}y]Uses:49Used by:Timeline
Symbol 51 GraphicUsed by:52
Symbol 52 MovieClip [ }O2*]Uses:51Used by:Timeline
Symbol 53 GraphicUsed by:55
Symbol 54 GraphicUsed by:55
Symbol 55 MovieClip [}-[u)]Uses:53 54Used by:Timeline
Symbol 56 GraphicUsed by:57
Symbol 57 MovieClip [+6HSd]Uses:56Used by:Timeline
Symbol 58 GraphicUsed by:83
Symbol 59 GraphicUsed by:83
Symbol 60 GraphicUsed by:83
Symbol 61 GraphicUsed by:83
Symbol 62 GraphicUsed by:83
Symbol 63 GraphicUsed by:83
Symbol 64 GraphicUsed by:83
Symbol 65 GraphicUsed by:83
Symbol 66 GraphicUsed by:83
Symbol 67 GraphicUsed by:83
Symbol 68 GraphicUsed by:83
Symbol 69 GraphicUsed by:83
Symbol 70 GraphicUsed by:83
Symbol 71 GraphicUsed by:83
Symbol 72 GraphicUsed by:83
Symbol 73 GraphicUsed by:83
Symbol 74 GraphicUsed by:83
Symbol 75 GraphicUsed by:83
Symbol 76 GraphicUsed by:83
Symbol 77 GraphicUsed by:83
Symbol 78 GraphicUsed by:83
Symbol 79 GraphicUsed by:83
Symbol 80 GraphicUsed by:83
Symbol 81 GraphicUsed by:83
Symbol 82 GraphicUsed by:83
Symbol 83 MovieClip []qKZg]Uses:58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82Used by:Timeline
Symbol 84 GraphicUsed by:92 192
Symbol 85 GraphicUsed by:92 192
Symbol 86 GraphicUsed by:92 192
Symbol 87 GraphicUsed by:92 192
Symbol 88 GraphicUsed by:92 192
Symbol 89 GraphicUsed by:92 192
Symbol 90 GraphicUsed by:92 192
Symbol 91 GraphicUsed by:92 192
Symbol 92 MovieClip [[ v6L]Uses:84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91Used by:Timeline
Symbol 93 GraphicUsed by:94
Symbol 94 MovieClipUses:93Used by:95
Symbol 95 MovieClip [{rz]J(]Uses:94Used by:Timeline
Symbol 96 GraphicUsed by:111
Symbol 97 GraphicUsed by:111
Symbol 98 GraphicUsed by:111 131 145
Symbol 99 GraphicUsed by:111
Symbol 100 GraphicUsed by:111 145 154
Symbol 101 GraphicUsed by:111
Symbol 102 GraphicUsed by:111
Symbol 103 GraphicUsed by:111 145
Symbol 104 GraphicUsed by:111
Symbol 105 GraphicUsed by:111
Symbol 106 GraphicUsed by:111 131 145 154
Symbol 107 GraphicUsed by:111
Symbol 108 GraphicUsed by:111
Symbol 109 GraphicUsed by:111 131 145
Symbol 110 GraphicUsed by:111 145
Symbol 111 MovieClipUses:96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110Used by:155
Symbol 112 GraphicUsed by:131
Symbol 113 GraphicUsed by:131
Symbol 114 GraphicUsed by:131
Symbol 115 GraphicUsed by:131
Symbol 116 GraphicUsed by:131
Symbol 117 GraphicUsed by:131
Symbol 118 GraphicUsed by:131
Symbol 119 GraphicUsed by:131 154
Symbol 120 GraphicUsed by:131 154
Symbol 121 GraphicUsed by:131
Symbol 122 GraphicUsed by:131 145
Symbol 123 GraphicUsed by:131
Symbol 124 GraphicUsed by:131
Symbol 125 GraphicUsed by:131
Symbol 126 GraphicUsed by:131
Symbol 127 GraphicUsed by:131
Symbol 128 GraphicUsed by:131
Symbol 129 GraphicUsed by:131
Symbol 130 GraphicUsed by:131 154
Symbol 131 MovieClipUses:112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 98 123 124 125 109 126 127 128 106 129 130Used by:155
Symbol 132 GraphicUsed by:145
Symbol 133 GraphicUsed by:145
Symbol 134 GraphicUsed by:145
Symbol 135 GraphicUsed by:145
Symbol 136 GraphicUsed by:145
Symbol 137 GraphicUsed by:145
Symbol 138 GraphicUsed by:145
Symbol 139 GraphicUsed by:145 154
Symbol 140 GraphicUsed by:145
Symbol 141 GraphicUsed by:145
Symbol 142 GraphicUsed by:145
Symbol 143 GraphicUsed by:145
Symbol 144 GraphicUsed by:145 154
Symbol 145 MovieClipUses:132 133 134 135 136 103 137 138 109 106 139 140 141 142 100 122 110 98 143 144Used by:155
Symbol 146 GraphicUsed by:154
Symbol 147 GraphicUsed by:154
Symbol 148 GraphicUsed by:154
Symbol 149 GraphicUsed by:154
Symbol 150 GraphicUsed by:154
Symbol 151 GraphicUsed by:154
Symbol 152 GraphicUsed by:154
Symbol 153 GraphicUsed by:154
Symbol 154 MovieClipUses:146 147 148 144 120 119 149 106 150 151 130 152 153 100 139Used by:155
Symbol 155 MovieClip [-,9ze]Uses:111 131 145 154Used by:Timeline
Symbol 156 GraphicUsed by:157
Symbol 157 MovieClip [[PZx)]Uses:156Used by:Timeline
Symbol 158 GraphicUsed by:159
Symbol 159 MovieClipUses:158Used by:162
Symbol 160 GraphicUsed by:162
Symbol 161 GraphicUsed by:162
Symbol 162 MovieClip [}dh})]Uses:159 160 161Used by:Timeline
Symbol 163 GraphicUsed by:164
Symbol 164 MovieClip []HWsl]Uses:163Used by:Timeline
Symbol 165 GraphicUsed by:179
Symbol 166 GraphicUsed by:179
Symbol 167 GraphicUsed by:179
Symbol 168 GraphicUsed by:179
Symbol 169 GraphicUsed by:179
Symbol 170 GraphicUsed by:179
Symbol 171 GraphicUsed by:179
Symbol 172 GraphicUsed by:176
Symbol 173 GraphicUsed by:176
Symbol 174 GraphicUsed by:176
Symbol 175 GraphicUsed by:176
Symbol 176 MovieClipUses:172 173 174 175Used by:179
Symbol 177 GraphicUsed by:178
Symbol 178 MovieClipUses:177Used by:179
Symbol 179 MovieClip [}dw4]]Uses:165 166 167 168 169 170 171 176 178Used by:Timeline
Symbol 180 GraphicUsed by:181
Symbol 181 MovieClipUses:180Used by:182
Symbol 182 MovieClip [,GwjQ]Uses:181Used by:Timeline
Symbol 183 GraphicUsed by:191
Symbol 184 GraphicUsed by:185
Symbol 185 MovieClipUses:184Used by:191
Symbol 186 GraphicUsed by:191
Symbol 187 GraphicUsed by:191
Symbol 188 GraphicUsed by:191
Symbol 189 GraphicUsed by:191
Symbol 190 GraphicUsed by:191
Symbol 191 MovieClip [)DGLV]Uses:183 185 186 187 188 189 190Used by:Timeline
Symbol 192 MovieClip [)9Vej]Uses:84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91Used by:Timeline
Symbol 193 MovieClipUses:27Used by:194
Symbol 194 MovieClip [=-+Q1]Uses:193Used by:Timeline
Symbol 195 GraphicUsed by:198
Symbol 196 GraphicUsed by:198
Symbol 197 GraphicUsed by:198
Symbol 198 MovieClip [3[aG4(]Uses:195 196 197Used by:Timeline
Symbol 199 GraphicUsed by:201
Symbol 200 GraphicUsed by:201
Symbol 201 MovieClipUses:199 200Used by:205
Symbol 202 ShapeTweeningUsed by:205
Symbol 203 ShapeTweeningUsed by:205
Symbol 204 GraphicUsed by:205
Symbol 205 MovieClip [=pxGr]Uses:201 202 203 204Used by:Timeline
Symbol 206 GraphicUsed by:211
Symbol 207 GraphicUsed by:211
Symbol 208 GraphicUsed by:211
Symbol 209 GraphicUsed by:211
Symbol 210 GraphicUsed by:211
Symbol 211 MovieClip [91YWM]Uses:206 207 208 209 210Used by:Timeline
Symbol 212 GraphicUsed by:213
Symbol 213 MovieClip [7osD2]Uses:212Used by:Timeline
Symbol 214 GraphicUsed by:232
Symbol 215 GraphicUsed by:232
Symbol 216 GraphicUsed by:232
Symbol 217 GraphicUsed by:232
Symbol 218 GraphicUsed by:232
Symbol 219 GraphicUsed by:232
Symbol 220 GraphicUsed by:232
Symbol 221 GraphicUsed by:232
Symbol 222 GraphicUsed by:232
Symbol 223 GraphicUsed by:232
Symbol 224 GraphicUsed by:232
Symbol 225 GraphicUsed by:232
Symbol 226 GraphicUsed by:232
Symbol 227 GraphicUsed by:232
Symbol 228 GraphicUsed by:232
Symbol 229 GraphicUsed by:232
Symbol 230 GraphicUsed by:232
Symbol 231 GraphicUsed by:232
Symbol 232 MovieClip [;eba5]Uses:214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231Used by:Timeline
Symbol 233 GraphicUsed by:235
Symbol 234 GraphicUsed by:235
Symbol 235 MovieClip [6+7HF(]Uses:233 234Used by:Timeline
Symbol 236 GraphicUsed by:238
Symbol 237 GraphicUsed by:238
Symbol 238 MovieClip [9Cm,K]Uses:236 237Used by:Timeline
Symbol 239 GraphicUsed by:240
Symbol 240 MovieClip [97mPC]Uses:239Used by:Timeline
Symbol 241 BitmapUsed by:242
Symbol 242 GraphicUses:241Used by:247
Symbol 243 BitmapUsed by:244
Symbol 244 GraphicUses:243Used by:247
Symbol 245 BitmapUsed by:246
Symbol 246 GraphicUses:245Used by:247
Symbol 247 MovieClip [{ZRQ0(]Uses:242 244 246Used by:Timeline
Symbol 248 GraphicUsed by:249
Symbol 249 MovieClipUses:248Used by:250
Symbol 250 MovieClip [2e+5,(]Uses:249Used by:Timeline
Symbol 251 GraphicUsed by:252
Symbol 252 MovieClip [,(mPC]Uses:251Used by:Timeline
Symbol 253 BitmapUsed by:254 260
Symbol 254 GraphicUses:253Used by:255
Symbol 255 MovieClipUses:254Used by:256
Symbol 256 MovieClip [+-(0]Uses:255Used by:Timeline
Symbol 257 TextUses:17Used by:258
Symbol 258 MovieClipUses:257Used by:279
Symbol 259 GraphicUsed by:262
Symbol 260 GraphicUses:253Used by:261
Symbol 261 MovieClipUses:260Used by:262
Symbol 262 MovieClipUses:259 1 261Used by:279
Symbol 263 GraphicUsed by:271
Symbol 264 GraphicUsed by:271
Symbol 265 GraphicUsed by:270
Symbol 266 GraphicUsed by:270
Symbol 267 GraphicUsed by:270
Symbol 268 GraphicUsed by:270
Symbol 269 GraphicUsed by:270
Symbol 270 MovieClipUses:265 266 267 268 269Used by:271
Symbol 271 MovieClipUses:263 264 270Used by:279
Symbol 272 GraphicUsed by:276
Symbol 273 GraphicUsed by:276
Symbol 274 GraphicUsed by:275
Symbol 275 MovieClipUses:274Used by:276
Symbol 276 MovieClipUses:272 273 275Used by:279
Symbol 277 TextUses:17Used by:279
Symbol 278 TextUses:17Used by:279
Symbol 279 MovieClip [*C+3A(]Uses:27 258 262 271 276 277 278Used by:Timeline
Symbol 280 GraphicUsed by:281
Symbol 281 MovieClip [=;a;h]Uses:280Used by:Timeline
Symbol 282 TextUses:17Used by:Timeline
Symbol 283 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 304 MovieClip [__Packages.StdInc]
Symbol 284 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 285 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 286 BitmapUsed by:287
Symbol 287 GraphicUses:286Used by:302
Symbol 288 BitmapUsed by:289
Symbol 289 GraphicUses:288Used by:302
Symbol 290 BitmapUsed by:291
Symbol 291 GraphicUses:290Used by:302
Symbol 292 BitmapUsed by:293
Symbol 293 GraphicUses:292Used by:302
Symbol 294 BitmapUsed by:295
Symbol 295 GraphicUses:294Used by:302
Symbol 296 BitmapUsed by:297
Symbol 297 GraphicUses:296Used by:302
Symbol 298 BitmapUsed by:299
Symbol 299 GraphicUses:298Used by:302
Symbol 300 BitmapUsed by:301
Symbol 301 GraphicUses:300Used by:302
Symbol 302 MovieClip []c-t}]Uses:287 289 291 293 295 297 299 301Used by:Timeline
Symbol 303 TextUses:17Used by:Timeline

Instance Names

"+(*"Frame 1Symbol 281 MovieClip [=;a;h]
"+"Symbol 22 MovieClip []nVnd] Frame 1Symbol 13 MovieClip [[yfm)]
"+Da3+"Symbol 26 MovieClip [6lu)H(] Frame 1Symbol 25 EditableText
"+Da3+"Symbol 30 MovieClip [*{,7U] Frame 1Symbol 29 EditableText
"+Da3+"Symbol 32 MovieClip [=F;ep] Frame 1Symbol 31 EditableText
"[AA8"Symbol 50 MovieClip [4K4}y] Frame 1Symbol 49 MovieClip
"6"Symbol 155 MovieClip [-,9ze] Frame 1Symbol 111 MovieClip
"6"Symbol 155 MovieClip [-,9ze] Frame 2Symbol 131 MovieClip
"6"Symbol 155 MovieClip [-,9ze] Frame 3Symbol 145 MovieClip
"6"Symbol 155 MovieClip [-,9ze] Frame 4Symbol 154 MovieClip
"}O"Symbol 179 MovieClip [}dw4]] Frame 5Symbol 176 MovieClip
"="Symbol 179 MovieClip [}dw4]] Frame 5Symbol 178 MovieClip
";+"Symbol 256 MovieClip [+-(0] Frame 1Symbol 255 MovieClip
",YXx5"Symbol 262 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 261 MovieClip
"4"Symbol 271 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 270 MovieClip
"4"Symbol 276 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 275 MovieClip
"32r()"Symbol 279 MovieClip [*C+3A(] Frame 1Symbol 262 MovieClip
"$k1"Symbol 279 MovieClip [*C+3A(] Frame 1Symbol 271 MovieClip
"$k2"Symbol 279 MovieClip [*C+3A(] Frame 1Symbol 271 MovieClip
"$k3"Symbol 279 MovieClip [*C+3A(] Frame 1Symbol 271 MovieClip
"$k0"Symbol 279 MovieClip [*C+3A(] Frame 1Symbol 271 MovieClip
"$k4"Symbol 279 MovieClip [*C+3A(] Frame 1Symbol 276 MovieClip

Special Tags

ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 3 as "}1hpH"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 5 as "9Psj1"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 8 as "+_xlA("
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 11 as "7f6Z9("
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 13 as "[yfm)"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 13 as "[yfm)"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 22 as "]nVnd"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 26 as "6lu)H("
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 28 as "7rpN6"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 30 as "*{,7U"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 32 as "=F;ep"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 35 as "-;-az"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 38 as "}6;+H("
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 46 as "==V-Z"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 50 as "4K4}y"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 52 as " }O2*"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 55 as "}-[u)"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 57 as "+6HSd"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 83 as "]qKZg"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 92 as "[ v6L"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 95 as "{rz]J("
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 155 as "-,9ze"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 157 as "[PZx)"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 162 as "}dh})"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 164 as "]HWsl"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 179 as "}dw4]"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 182 as ",GwjQ"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 191 as ")DGLV"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 192 as ")9Vej"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 194 as "=-+Q1"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 198 as "3[aG4("
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 205 as "=pxGr"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 211 as "91YWM"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 213 as "7osD2"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 232 as ";eba5"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 235 as "6+7HF("
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 238 as "9Cm,K"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 240 as "97mPC"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 247 as "{ZRQ0("
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 250 as "2e+5,("
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 252 as ",(mPC"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 256 as "+-(0"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 279 as "*C+3A("
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 281 as "=;a;h"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 281 as "=;a;h"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 304 as "__Packages.StdInc"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 281 as "=;a;h"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 3Symbol 281 as "=;a;h"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 4Symbol 281 as "=;a;h"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 5Symbol 281 as "=;a;h"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 5Symbol 279 as "*C+3A("
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 6Symbol 256 as "+-(0"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 6Symbol 252 as ",(mPC"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 6Symbol 250 as "2e+5,("
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 6Symbol 247 as "{ZRQ0("
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 6Symbol 240 as "97mPC"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 6Symbol 238 as "9Cm,K"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 6Symbol 235 as "6+7HF("
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 6Symbol 232 as ";eba5"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 6Symbol 213 as "7osD2"
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ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 6Symbol 205 as "=pxGr"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 6Symbol 198 as "3[aG4("
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 6Symbol 194 as "=-+Q1"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 6Symbol 192 as ")9Vej"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 6Symbol 191 as ")DGLV"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 6Symbol 182 as ",GwjQ"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 6Symbol 179 as "}dw4]"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 6Symbol 164 as "]HWsl"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 6Symbol 162 as "}dh})"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 6Symbol 157 as "[PZx)"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 6Symbol 155 as "-,9ze"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 6Symbol 95 as "{rz]J("
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 6Symbol 92 as "[ v6L"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 6Symbol 83 as "]qKZg"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 6Symbol 57 as "+6HSd"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 6Symbol 55 as "}-[u)"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 6Symbol 52 as " }O2*"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 6Symbol 52 as " }O2*"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 6Symbol 50 as "4K4}y"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 6Symbol 46 as "==V-Z"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 6Symbol 38 as "}6;+H("
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 7Symbol 256 as "+-(0"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 7Symbol 35 as "-;-az"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 7Symbol 256 as "+-(0"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 7Symbol 32 as "=F;ep"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 7Symbol 30 as "*{,7U"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 8Symbol 256 as "+-(0"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 8Symbol 35 as "-;-az"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 8Symbol 256 as "+-(0"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 8Symbol 32 as "=F;ep"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 8Symbol 30 as "*{,7U"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 9Symbol 256 as "+-(0"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 9Symbol 28 as "7rpN6"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 9Symbol 26 as "6lu)H("
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 10Symbol 256 as "+-(0"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 10Symbol 28 as "7rpN6"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 10Symbol 22 as "]nVnd"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 10Symbol 302 as "]c-t}"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 10Symbol 11 as "7f6Z9("
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 10Symbol 11 as "7f6Z9("
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 10Symbol 8 as "+_xlA("
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 10Symbol 5 as "9Psj1"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 11Symbol 256 as "+-(0"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 11Symbol 28 as "7rpN6"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 11Symbol 22 as "]nVnd"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 11Symbol 302 as "]c-t}"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 11Symbol 11 as "7f6Z9("
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 11Symbol 11 as "7f6Z9("
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 11Symbol 8 as "+_xlA("
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 11Symbol 5 as "9Psj1"


"}-B2"Frame 12
"8q0"Frame 14
Created: 27/5 -2019 06:54:21 Last modified: 27/5 -2019 06:54:21 Server time: 11/03 -2025 13:07:28