[Tools][Expand/Collapse All]Note that automatic extraction of ActionScript 3 is still pretty much unsupported by swfchan. AS1/AS2 works okay most of the time.Frame 7 (78 B)
if (_framesloaded < _totalframes) {
gotoAndPlay(_currentframe - "1");
Frame 8 (29 B)
CurrentLevel = "1";
Frame 9 (203 B)
if (CurrentLevel == "1") {
gotoAndPlay (10);
if (CurrentLevel == "2") {
gotoAndPlay (14);
if (CurrentLevel == "3") {
gotoAndPlay (21);
if (CurrentLevel == "4") {
gotoAndPlay (24);
Frame 10 (8 B)
Frame 11 (274 B)
StartTime = getTimer();
CurrentMessage = "1";
tellTarget ("/Crowd_4") {
gotoAndPlay (6);
tellTarget ("/Scoreboard/Ones") {
gotoAndStop (2);
tellTarget ("/Scoreboard/dimes") {
gotoAndStop (2);
tellTarget ("/Scoreboard/pennies") {
gotoAndStop (2);
Frame 13 (84 B)
if (getTimer() < (StartTime + "10000")) {
gotoAndPlay(_currentframe - "1");
Frame 14 (295 B)
CurrentLevel = "2";
Set("_level0/Scoreboard/:Revenues", "0.00");
Revenue = "0";
BustCount = "0";
tellTarget ("/Scoreboard/Ones") {
gotoAndStop (2);
tellTarget ("/Scoreboard/dimes") {
gotoAndStop (2);
tellTarget ("/Scoreboard/pennies") {
gotoAndStop (2);
Frame 15 (2.1 KiB) ●
Hundreds = int(Revenue / "100");
Tens = int((Revenue - ("100" * Hundreds)) / "10");
Ones = (Revenue - ("100" * Hundreds)) - ("10" * Tens);
trace((((((Revenue add " - ") add Hundreds) add " - ") add Tens) add " - ") add Ones);
tellTarget ("/Scoreboard/Hundreds") {
gotoAndStop (1);
if ("0" < level0/:Hundreds) {
gotoAndStop(_level0/:Hundreds + "2");
tellTarget ("/Scoreboard/Tens") {
gotoAndStop (1);
if (("0" < _level0/:Tens) or ("0" < _level0/:Hundreds)) {
gotoAndStop(_level0/:Tens + "2");
tellTarget ("/Scoreboard/Ones") {
gotoAndStop(_level0/:Ones + "2");
StageWidth = "432";
StageHeight = "330";
Set("/police/:Direction", "W");
SirenOn = "0";
setProperty("/Scoreboard/Cold", _xscale , "75");
setProperty("/Scoreboard/Cold", _visible , "1");
if ("0" < BustCount) {
tellTarget ("/Scoreboard/Ticket_" add BustCount) {
gotoAndStop ("Issued");
XN = "0";
YN = -"1";
XW = -"1";
YW = "0";
XS = "0";
YS = "1";
XE = "1";
YE = "0";
tellTarget ("/Scoreboard/HeatMeter/Mercury") {
gotoAndStop (1);
Intersection_1_Turns = "NSEW";
Intersection_2_Turns = "NSEW";
Intersection_3_Turns = "NSEW";
Intersection_4_Turns = "NSEW";
Intersection_5_Turns = "NSEW";
Intersection_6_Turns = "W";
Intersection_7_Turns = "";
Intersection_8_Turns = "W";
Intersection_9_Turns = "E";
Intersection_10_Turns = "NSEW";
Intersection_11_Turns = "NSEW";
Intersection_12_Turns = "W";
Intersection_13_Turns = "E";
Intersection_14_Turns = "N";
Intersection_15_Turns = "";
Intersection_16_Turns = "";
Set("/police/:Direction", "W");
CopDeltaX = XW;
CopDeltaY = YW;
LastIntersection = "Intersection_4";
setProperty("/Truck_1", _x , "391.4");
setProperty("/Truck_1", _y , "85.2");
Busted = "0";
HeatIndex = "0";
Set("/police/:Speed", "0");
tellTarget ("/Truck_1") {
gotoAndStop (1);
Count = "1";
while ("6" >= Count) {
tellTarget ("/Crowd_" add Count) {
if ("1" < _currentframe) {
gotoAndStop (1);
Count = Count + "1";
Serving = "0";
StuckOn = "0";
tellTarget ("/NowServing") {
gotoAndStop (1);
Frame 16 (49 B)
tellTarget ("/police") {
gotoAndStop ("W");
Frame 17 (279 B)
InPursuit = "0";
CrowdCount = "0";
tellTarget ("/police") {
_x = getProperty("/Limits_1", _width);
_y = getProperty("/Intersection_4", _y);
tellTarget ("/Subroutines") {
gotoAndStop ("Truck Running");
HeatUpLatency = getTimer();
Set("/Truck1/:Speed", "15");
Frame 18 (2.07 KiB) ●
if ((StuckOn == "0") and (Serving == "0")) {
Set("/Subroutines/:Boinking", "0");
Set("/Truck_1/:Speed", "15");
if (getProperty("/Scoreboard/HeatMeter/Mercury", _currentframe) == "20") {
if (InPursuit == "0") {
InPursuit = "1";
if ((StageWidth / "2") >= getProperty("/Truck_1", _x)) {
tellTarget ("/police") {
Direction = "W";
gotoAndStop ("W");
setProperty("/police", _x , StageWidth);
if ((StageHeight / "2") >= getProperty("/Truck_1", _y)) {
setProperty("/police", _y , getProperty("/Intersection_4", _y));
LastIntersection = "Intersection_4";
} else {
setProperty("/police", _y , getProperty("/Intersection_3", _y));
LastIntersection = "Intersection_3";
} else {
tellTarget ("/police") {
Direction = "E";
gotoAndStop ("E");
setProperty("/police", _x , "0");
if ((StageHeight / "2") >= getProperty("/Truck_1", _y)) {
setProperty("/police", _y , getProperty("/Intersection_2", _y));
LastIntersection = "Intersection_2";
} else {
setProperty("/police", _y , getProperty("/Intersection_1", _y));
LastIntersection = "Intersection_1";
if (InPursuit) {
if (serving == "0") {
tellTarget ("/Subroutines") {
if (../:SirenOn == "0") {
gotoAndPlay ("Siren");
SirenOn = "1";
if ("17" < getProperty("/Scoreboard/HeatMeter/Mercury", _currentframe)) {
if (/police/:Speed < "10") {
Set("/police/:Speed", /police/:Speed + "1");
} else if (/police/:Speed < "5") {
Set("/police/:Speed", /police/:Speed + "1");
} else {
Set("/police/:Speed", "5");
if (CrowdCount < "2") {
ActivateCrowd = "Crowd_" add (substring(CrowdList, "1", "1"));
tellTarget ("/" add ActivateCrowd) {
gotoAndStop("2" + random("5"));
tellTarget (("/" add ActivateCrowd) add "/Crowd Control") {
gotoAndPlay (2);
CrowdCount = CrowdCount + "1";
if ("2" < length(CrowdList)) {
CrowdList = substring(CrowdList, "2", length(CrowdList) - "1");
} else {
Frame 19 (3.56 KiB) ●
if (serving == "0") {
Vehicle = "Truck_1";
Contact = "Limits";
ObstacleCount = "1";
call("/Subroutines:Collision Detection");
if (Collision == "0") {
call("/Truck_1/functions:Out of Bounds");
Vehicle = "Truck_1";
Contact = "People";
ObstacleCount = "6";
call("/Subroutines:Collision Detection");
if (Collision) {
if ("1" < getProperty("/Crowd_" add /Subroutines/:ObstacleNumber, _currentframe)) {
tellTarget ("/NowServing") {
gotoAndPlay ("Serving");
tellTarget (("Crowd_" add PeopleNumber) add "/Crowd Control") {
gotoAndStop (1);
if (serving == "0") {
Vehicle = "Truck_1";
Contact = "Obstacle";
ObstacleCount = "10";
call("/Subroutines:Collision Detection");
if (Collision) {
tellTarget ("/Subroutines") {
if (Boinking == "0") {
gotoAndPlay ("Boink");
call("/Truck_1/functions:Speed Bump");
Vehicle = "Truck_1";
Contact = "Road";
ObstacleCount = "14";
call("/Subroutines:Collision Detection");
if (Collision) {
if ((/Truck_1/:Direction == "1") or (/Truck_1/:Direction == "3")) {
setProperty("/Truck_1", _y , getProperty("/Road_" add /Subroutines/:ObstacleNumber, _y) + getProperty(("/Road_" add /Subroutines/:ObstacleNumber) add "/Compass", _y));
} else {
setProperty("/Truck_1", _x , getProperty("/Road_" add /Subroutines/:ObstacleNumber, _x) + getProperty(("/Road_" add /Subroutines/:ObstacleNumber) add "/Compass", _x));
trace((("Frame script --->Reset truck to road alignment ----> " add getProperty("/Truck_1", _x)) add " <---> ") add getProperty("/Truck_1", _y));
tellTarget ("/Truck_1") {
Direction = (Direction + "1") - ("4" * (Direction == "4"));
trace((("Frame Script:Auto Turn after obstacle collision -->" add _x) add "<---->") add _y);
StuckOn = "0";
if ((HeatUpLatency + "1000") < getTimer()) {
HeatUpLatency = getTimer();
tellTarget ("/Scoreboard/HeatMeter/Mercury") {
if (_currentframe < "20") {
gotoAndStop(_currentframe + "1");
Vehicle = "police";
if ("0" < /police/:Speed) {
Contact = "Truck";
ObstacleCount = "1";
call("/Subroutines:Collision Detection");
if (Collision) {
Busted = "1";
tellTarget ("/police/functions") {
gotoAndPlay ("Siren On");
tellTarget ("/NowServing") {
gotoAndStop ("No Serve");
Vehicle = "police";
Contact = "Limits";
ObstacleCount = "1";
call("/Subroutines:Collision Detection");
if ((Collision == "0") and ("0" < /police:Speed)) {
call("/police/functions:Out Of Bounds");
Vehicle = "police";
Contact = "Intersection";
ObstacleCount = "4";
call("/Subroutines:Collision Detection");
if (Collision) {
call("/police/functions:Which Turn");
if (Busted) {
gotoAndStop (20);
} else {
setProperty("/Truck_1", _x , getProperty("/Truck_1", _x) + (/Truck_1/:Speed * DeltaX));
setProperty("/Truck_1", _y , getProperty("/Truck_1", _y) + (/Truck_1/:Speed * DeltaY));
if ((/police/:Direction eq "S") or (/police/:Direction eq "N")) {
setProperty("/police", _y , getProperty("/police", _y) + (/police/:Speed * eval ("Y" add /police/:Direction)));
setProperty("/police", _x , getProperty(LastIntersection, _x));
} else {
setProperty("/police", _x , getProperty("/police", _x) + (/police/:Speed * eval ("X" add /police/:Direction)));
setProperty("/police", _y , getProperty(LastIntersection, _y));
gotoAndPlay(_currentframe - "1");
Frame 20 (901 B)
SirenOn = "0";
tellTarget ("/police/functions") {
gotoAndPlay ("Siren Off");
tellTarget ("/Busted/Cop Dialog") {
if (Revenue < "0") {
tellTarget ("/Scoreboard/Sign") {
gotoAndStop (2);
DisplayRevenue = "Revenue * - 1";
} else {
tellTarget ("/Scoreboard/Sign") {
gotoAndStop (1);
DisplayRevenue = Revenue;
Hundreds = int(DisplayRevenue / "100");
Tens = int((DisplayRevenue - ("100" * Hundreds)) / "10");
Ones = (DisplayRevenue - ("100" * Hundreds)) - ("10" * Tens);
tellTarget ("/Scoreboard/Hundreds") {
if ("0" < _level0/:Hundreds) {
gotoAndStop(_level0/:Hundreds + "2");
tellTarget ("/Scoreboard/Tens") {
if (("0" < _level0/:Tens) or ("0" < _level0/:Hundreds)) {
gotoAndStop(_level0/:Tens + "2");
tellTarget ("/Scoreboard/Ones") {
gotoAndStop(_level0/:Ones + "2");
Frame 21 (137 B)
trace("At weasel preview 2");
StartTime = getTimer();
CurrentMessage = "2";
tellTarget ("/Crowd_4") {
gotoAndPlay (6);
Frame 23 (141 B)
trace((getTimer() add "< ---- >") add StartTime);
if (getTimer() < (StartTime + "10000")) {
gotoAndPlay(_currentframe - "1");
Frame 24 (295 B)
Set("_level0/Scoreboard/:Revenues", "0.00");
Revenue = "0";
CurrentLevel = "4";
BustCount = "0";
tellTarget ("/Scoreboard/Ones") {
gotoAndStop (2);
tellTarget ("/Scoreboard/dimes") {
gotoAndStop (2);
tellTarget ("/Scoreboard/pennies") {
gotoAndStop (2);
Frame 25 (1.82 KiB) ●
StageWidth = "432";
StageHeight = "330";
Set("/police/:Direction", "W");
SirenOn = "0";
setProperty("/Scoreboard/Cold", _xscale , "75");
setProperty("/Scoreboard/Cold", _visible , "1");
Hundreds = int(Revenue / "100");
Tens = int((Revenue - ("100" * Hundreds)) / "10");
Ones = (Revenue - ("100" * Hundreds)) - ("10" * Tens);
trace((((((Revenue add " - ") add Hundreds) add " - ") add Tens) add " - ") add Ones);
tellTarget ("/Scoreboard/Hundreds") {
if ("0" < level0/:Hundreds) {
gotoAndStop(_level0/:Hundreds + "2");
tellTarget ("/Scoreboard/Tens") {
if (("0" < _level0/:Tens) or ("0" < _level0/:Hundreds)) {
gotoAndStop(_level0/:Tens + "2");
tellTarget ("/Scoreboard/Ones") {
gotoAndStop(_level0/:Ones + "2");
trace("Supposedly setting tickets issued on scoreboard --->" add BustCount);
if ("0" < BustCount) {
tellTarget ("/Scoreboard/Ticket_" add BustCount) {
gotoAndStop ("Issued");
XN = "0";
YN = -"1";
XW = -"1";
YW = "0";
XS = "0";
YS = "1";
XE = "1";
YE = "0";
tellTarget ("/Scoreboard/HeatMeter/Mercury") {
gotoAndStop (1);
Intersection_1_Turns = "SEW";
Intersection_2_Turns = "NEW";
Intersection_3_Turns = "SEW";
Intersection_4_Turns = "NEW";
Set("/police/:Direction", "W");
CopDeltaX = XW;
CopDeltaY = YW;
LastIntersection = "Intersection_4";
setProperty("/Truck_1", _x , "391.4");
setProperty("/Truck_1", _y , "85.2");
Busted = "0";
HeatIndex = "0";
Set("/police/:Speed", "0");
tellTarget ("/Truck_1") {
gotoAndStop (1);
Count = "1";
while ("6" >= Count) {
tellTarget ("/Crowd_" add Count) {
if ("1" < _currentframe) {
gotoAndStop (1);
Count = Count + "1";
Serving = "0";
StuckOn = "0";
tellTarget ("/NowServing") {
gotoAndStop (1);
Frame 26 (49 B)
tellTarget ("/police") {
gotoAndStop ("W");
Frame 27 (279 B)
InPursuit = "0";
CrowdCount = "0";
tellTarget ("/police") {
_x = getProperty("/Limits_1", _width);
_y = getProperty("/Intersection_4", _y);
tellTarget ("/Subroutines") {
gotoAndStop ("Truck Running");
HeatUpLatency = getTimer();
Set("/Truck1/:Speed", "15");
Frame 28 (2.07 KiB) ●
if ((StuckOn == "0") and (Serving == "0")) {
Set("/Subroutines/:Boinking", "0");
Set("/Truck_1/:Speed", "15");
if (getProperty("/Scoreboard/HeatMeter/Mercury", _currentframe) == "20") {
if (InPursuit == "0") {
InPursuit = "1";
if ((StageWidth / "2") >= getProperty("/Truck_1", _x)) {
tellTarget ("/police") {
Direction = "W";
gotoAndStop ("W");
setProperty("/police", _x , StageWidth);
if ((StageHeight / "2") >= getProperty("/Truck_1", _y)) {
setProperty("/police", _y , getProperty("/Intersection_4", _y));
LastIntersection = "Intersection_4";
} else {
setProperty("/police", _y , getProperty("/Intersection_3", _y));
LastIntersection = "Intersection_3";
} else {
tellTarget ("/police") {
Direction = "E";
gotoAndStop ("E");
setProperty("/police", _x , "0");
if ((StageHeight / "2") >= getProperty("/Truck_1", _y)) {
setProperty("/police", _y , getProperty("/Intersection_2", _y));
LastIntersection = "Intersection_2";
} else {
setProperty("/police", _y , getProperty("/Intersection_1", _y));
LastIntersection = "Intersection_1";
if (InPursuit) {
if (serving == "0") {
tellTarget ("/Subroutines") {
if (../:SirenOn == "0") {
gotoAndPlay ("Siren");
SirenOn = "1";
if ("17" < getProperty("/Scoreboard/HeatMeter/Mercury", _currentframe)) {
if (/police/:Speed < "10") {
Set("/police/:Speed", /police/:Speed + "1");
} else if (/police/:Speed < "5") {
Set("/police/:Speed", /police/:Speed + "1");
} else {
Set("/police/:Speed", "5");
if (CrowdCount < "2") {
ActivateCrowd = "Crowd_" add (substring(CrowdList, "1", "1"));
tellTarget ("/" add ActivateCrowd) {
gotoAndStop("2" + random("5"));
tellTarget (("/" add ActivateCrowd) add "/Crowd Control") {
gotoAndPlay (2);
CrowdCount = CrowdCount + "1";
if ("2" < length(CrowdList)) {
CrowdList = substring(CrowdList, "2", length(CrowdList) - "1");
} else {
Frame 29 (3.56 KiB) ●
if (serving == "0") {
Vehicle = "Truck_1";
Contact = "Limits";
ObstacleCount = "1";
call("/Subroutines:Collision Detection");
if (Collision == "0") {
call("/Truck_1/functions:Out of Bounds");
Vehicle = "Truck_1";
Contact = "People";
ObstacleCount = "6";
call("/Subroutines:Collision Detection");
if (Collision) {
if ("1" < getProperty("/Crowd_" add /Subroutines/:ObstacleNumber, _currentframe)) {
tellTarget ("/NowServing") {
gotoAndPlay ("Serving");
tellTarget (("Crowd_" add PeopleNumber) add "/Crowd Control") {
gotoAndStop (1);
if (serving == "0") {
Vehicle = "Truck_1";
Contact = "Obstacle";
ObstacleCount = "14";
call("/Subroutines:Collision Detection");
if (Collision) {
tellTarget ("/Subroutines") {
if (Boinking == "0") {
gotoAndPlay ("Boink");
call("/Truck_1/functions:Speed Bump");
Vehicle = "Truck_1";
Contact = "Road";
ObstacleCount = "14";
call("/Subroutines:Collision Detection");
if (Collision) {
if ((/Truck_1/:Direction == "1") or (/Truck_1/:Direction == "3")) {
setProperty("/Truck_1", _y , getProperty("/Road_" add /Subroutines/:ObstacleNumber, _y) + getProperty(("/Road_" add /Subroutines/:ObstacleNumber) add "/Compass", _y));
} else {
setProperty("/Truck_1", _x , getProperty("/Road_" add /Subroutines/:ObstacleNumber, _x) + getProperty(("/Road_" add /Subroutines/:ObstacleNumber) add "/Compass", _x));
trace((("Frame script --->Reset truck to road alignment ----> " add getProperty("/Truck_1", _x)) add " <---> ") add getProperty("/Truck_1", _y));
tellTarget ("/Truck_1") {
Direction = (Direction + "1") - ("4" * (Direction == "4"));
trace((("Frame Script:Auto Turn after obstacle collision -->" add _x) add "<---->") add _y);
StuckOn = "0";
if ((HeatUpLatency + "1000") < getTimer()) {
HeatUpLatency = getTimer();
tellTarget ("/Scoreboard/HeatMeter/Mercury") {
if (_currentframe < "20") {
gotoAndStop(_currentframe + "1");
Vehicle = "police";
if ("0" < /police/:Speed) {
Contact = "Truck";
ObstacleCount = "1";
call("/Subroutines:Collision Detection");
if (Collision) {
Busted = "1";
tellTarget ("/police/functions") {
gotoAndPlay ("Siren On");
tellTarget ("/NowServing") {
gotoAndStop ("No Serve");
Vehicle = "police";
Contact = "Limits";
ObstacleCount = "1";
call("/Subroutines:Collision Detection");
if ((Collision == "0") and ("0" < /police:Speed)) {
call("/police/functions:Out Of Bounds");
Vehicle = "police";
Contact = "Intersection";
ObstacleCount = "4";
call("/Subroutines:Collision Detection");
if (Collision) {
call("/police/functions:Which Turn");
if (Busted) {
gotoAndPlay (30);
} else {
setProperty("/Truck_1", _x , getProperty("/Truck_1", _x) + (/Truck_1/:Speed * DeltaX));
setProperty("/Truck_1", _y , getProperty("/Truck_1", _y) + (/Truck_1/:Speed * DeltaY));
if ((/police/:Direction eq "S") or (/police/:Direction eq "N")) {
setProperty("/police", _y , getProperty("/police", _y) + (/police/:Speed * eval ("Y" add /police/:Direction)));
setProperty("/police", _x , getProperty(LastIntersection, _x));
} else {
setProperty("/police", _x , getProperty("/police", _x) + (/police/:Speed * eval ("X" add /police/:Direction)));
setProperty("/police", _y , getProperty(LastIntersection, _y));
gotoAndPlay(_currentframe - "1");
Frame 30 (901 B)
SirenOn = "0";
tellTarget ("/police/functions") {
gotoAndPlay ("Siren Off");
tellTarget ("/Busted/Cop Dialog") {
if (Revenue < "0") {
tellTarget ("/Scoreboard/Sign") {
gotoAndStop (2);
DisplayRevenue = "Revenue * - 1";
} else {
tellTarget ("/Scoreboard/Sign") {
gotoAndStop (1);
DisplayRevenue = Revenue;
Hundreds = int(DisplayRevenue / "100");
Tens = int((DisplayRevenue - ("100" * Hundreds)) / "10");
Ones = (DisplayRevenue - ("100" * Hundreds)) - ("10" * Tens);
tellTarget ("/Scoreboard/Hundreds") {
if ("0" < _level0/:Hundreds) {
gotoAndStop(_level0/:Hundreds + "2");
tellTarget ("/Scoreboard/Tens") {
if (("0" < _level0/:Tens) or ("0" < _level0/:Hundreds)) {
gotoAndStop(_level0/:Tens + "2");
tellTarget ("/Scoreboard/Ones") {
gotoAndStop(_level0/:Ones + "2");
Frame 31 (731 B)
Hundreds = int(Revenue / "100");
Tens = int((Revenue - ("100" * Hundreds)) / "10");
Ones = (Revenue - ("100" * Hundreds)) - ("10" * Tens);
trace((((((Revenue add " - ") add Hundreds) add " - ") add Tens) add " - ") add Ones);
tellTarget ("/Scoreboard/Hundreds") {
gotoAndStop (1);
if ("0" < level0/:Hundreds) {
gotoAndStop(_level0/:Hundreds + "2");
tellTarget ("/Scoreboard/Tens") {
gotoAndStop (1);
if (("0" < _level0/:Tens) or ("0" < _level0/:Hundreds)) {
gotoAndStop(_level0/:Tens + "2");
tellTarget ("/Scoreboard/Ones") {
gotoAndStop(_level0/:Ones + "2");
tellTarget ("/Scoreboard/dimes") {
gotoAndStop (2);
tellTarget ("/Scoreboard/pennies") {
gotoAndStop (2);
Frame 32 (731 B)
Hundreds = int(Revenue / "100");
Tens = int((Revenue - ("100" * Hundreds)) / "10");
Ones = (Revenue - ("100" * Hundreds)) - ("10" * Tens);
trace((((((Revenue add " - ") add Hundreds) add " - ") add Tens) add " - ") add Ones);
tellTarget ("/Scoreboard/Hundreds") {
gotoAndStop (1);
if ("0" < level0/:Hundreds) {
gotoAndStop(_level0/:Hundreds + "2");
tellTarget ("/Scoreboard/Tens") {
gotoAndStop (1);
if (("0" < _level0/:Tens) or ("0" < _level0/:Hundreds)) {
gotoAndStop(_level0/:Tens + "2");
tellTarget ("/Scoreboard/Ones") {
gotoAndStop(_level0/:Ones + "2");
tellTarget ("/Scoreboard/dimes") {
gotoAndStop (2);
tellTarget ("/Scoreboard/pennies") {
gotoAndStop (2);
Frame 33 (752 B)
CurrentLevel = "3";
Hundreds = int(Revenue / "100");
Tens = int((Revenue - ("100" * Hundreds)) / "10");
Ones = (Revenue - ("100" * Hundreds)) - ("10" * Tens);
trace((((((Revenue add " - ") add Hundreds) add " - ") add Tens) add " - ") add Ones);
tellTarget ("/Scoreboard/Hundreds") {
gotoAndStop (1);
if ("0" < level0/:Hundreds) {
gotoAndStop(_level0/:Hundreds + "2");
tellTarget ("/Scoreboard/Tens") {
gotoAndStop (1);
if (("0" < _level0/:Tens) or ("0" < _level0/:Hundreds)) {
gotoAndStop(_level0/:Tens + "2");
tellTarget ("/Scoreboard/Ones") {
gotoAndStop(_level0/:Ones + "2");
tellTarget ("/Scoreboard/dimes") {
gotoAndStop (2);
tellTarget ("/Scoreboard/pennies") {
gotoAndStop (2);
Symbol 26 MovieClip Frame 10 (8 B)
Symbol 31 MovieClip Frame 10 (8 B)
Symbol 40 MovieClip Frame 10 (8 B)
Symbol 43 MovieClip Frame 10 (8 B)
Symbol 46 Button (34 B)
on (release) {
gotoAndPlay (9);
Symbol 62 Button (35 B)
on (release) {
gotoAndPlay (11);
Symbol 74 MovieClip Frame 1 (100 B)
Set("_level0/:CollisionOffsetX", "0");
Set("_level0/:CollisionOffsetY", _height * "0.5");
Symbol 74 MovieClip Frame 2 (8 B)
Symbol 78 MovieClip Frame 1 (8 B)
Symbol 78 MovieClip Frame 2 (293 B)
if (../:Direction == "1") {
setProperty("../", _x , ../../:StageWidth);
if (../:Direction == "2") {
setProperty("../", _y , "0");
if (../:Direction == "3") {
setProperty("../", _x , "0");
if (../:Direction == "4") {
setProperty("../", _y , ../../:StageHeight);
Symbol 78 MovieClip Frame 3 (279 B)
Set("../:Speed", "0");
Set("_level0/:StuckOn", _level0/Subroutines/:ObstacleNumber);
tellTarget ("../Behaviors") {
gotoAndStop ("Bump");
trace((("Speed Bump ----> " add getProperty("_level0/Truck_1", _x)) add " -- ") add getProperty("_level0/Truck_1", _y));
Symbol 78 MovieClip Frame 4 (168 B)
Set("../:Speed", "0");
Set("_level0/:PeopleNumber", _level0/Subroutines/:ObstacleNumber);
Set("_level0/:Serving", "1");
NowServing = _level0/:PeopleNumber;
Symbol 78 MovieClip Frame 5 (8 B)
Symbol 82 MovieClip Frame 1 (104 B)
Set("_level0/:CollisionOffsetX", _width * "0.25");
Set("_level0/:CollisionOffsetY", _height);
Symbol 82 MovieClip Frame 2 (8 B)
Symbol 86 MovieClip Frame 1 (104 B)
Set("_level0/:CollisionOffsetX", _width);
Set("_level0/:CollisionOffsetY", _height * "0.25");
Symbol 86 MovieClip Frame 2 (8 B)
Symbol 90 MovieClip Frame 1 (100 B)
Set("_level0/:CollisionOffsetX", "0");
Set("_level0/:CollisionOffsetY", _height * "0.1");
Symbol 90 MovieClip Frame 2 (8 B)
Symbol 91 MovieClip Frame 1 (77 B)
Direction = "1";
Set("../:DeltaX", -"1");
Set("../:DeltaY", "0");
Symbol 91 MovieClip Frame 2 (76 B)
Direction = "2";
Set("../:DeltaX", "0");
Set("../:DeltaY", "1");
Symbol 91 MovieClip Frame 3 (76 B)
Direction = "3";
Set("../:DeltaX", "1");
Set("../:DeltaY", "0");
Symbol 91 MovieClip Frame 4 (77 B)
Direction = "4";
Set("../:DeltaX", "0");
Set("../:DeltaY", -"1");
Symbol 105 MovieClip Frame 1 (8 B)
Symbol 105 MovieClip Frame 2 (383 B)
Set("_level0/:Revenue", _level0/:Revenue - "5");
if (_level0/:Revenue < "0") {
Set("_level0/:Revenue", "0");
Set("_level0/ScoreBoard/:Revenues", ("$" add _level0/:Revenue) add ".00");
Set("_level0/:BustCount", _level0/:BustCount + "1");
setProperty("_level0/Truck_1", _alpha , "100");
tellTarget ("_level0/Truck_1") {
Speed = "0";
Set("../:Speed", "0");
Symbol 105 MovieClip Frame 3 (1.94 KiB) ●
CurrentIntersection = "Intersection_" add _level0/Subroutines/:ObstacleNumber;
Set("_level0/:LastIntersection", "/" add CurrentIntersection);
AtIntersection = ("_level0/:" add CurrentIntersection) add "_Turns";
NextDirection = "0";
MaxDirections = length(eval (AtIntersection));
if (getProperty("_level0/Truck_1", _x) < getProperty("../", _x)) {
HDifference = getProperty("../", _x) - getProperty("_level0/Truck_1", _x);
} else {
HDifference = getProperty("_level0/Truck_1", _x) - getProperty("../", _x);
if (getProperty("_level0/Truck_1", _y) < getProperty("../", _y)) {
VDifference = getProperty("../", _y) - getProperty("_level0/Truck_1", _y);
} else {
VDifference = getProperty("/Truck_1", _y) - getProperty("../", _y);
if (VDifference < HDifference) {
Bias = "Horizontal";
} else {
Bias = "Vertical";
SearchDirectionCount = "1";
VDirection = "";
HDirection = "";
Direction = "";
while (MaxDirections >= SearchDirectionCount) {
CheckDirection = substring(eval (AtIntersection), SearchDirectionCount, "1");
if ((CheckDirection eq "N") and (getProperty("_level0/Truck", _y) < getProperty("../", _y))) {
VDirection = "N";
if ((CheckDirection eq "S") and (getProperty("../", _y) < getProperty("_level0/Truck_1", _y))) {
VDirection = "S";
if ((CheckDirection eq "E") and (getProperty("../", _x) < getProperty("_level0/Truck_1", _x))) {
HDirection = "E";
if ((CheckDirection eq "W") and (getProperty("_level0/Truck_1", _x) < getProperty("../", _x))) {
HDirection = "W";
SearchDirectionCount = SearchDirectionCount + "1";
if ((Bias eq "Horizontal") and (HDirection ne "")) {
Set("../:Direction", HDirection);
} else if (VDirection ne "") {
Set("../:Direction", VDirection);
if (../:Direction eq "") {
Set("../:Direction", substring(eval (AtIntersection), random(MaxDirections) + "1", "1"));
tellTarget ("../") {
Set("../:Speed", "4");
Symbol 105 MovieClip Frame 4 (293 B)
if (../:Direction eq "W") {
setProperty("../", _x , ../../:StageWidth);
if (../:Direction eq "S") {
setProperty("../", _y , "0");
if (../:Direction eq "E") {
setProperty("../", _x , "0");
if (../:Direction eq "N") {
setProperty("../", _y , ../../:StageHeight);
Symbol 105 MovieClip Frame 5 (41 B)
Set("../:Siren", "1");
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 105 MovieClip Frame 6 (41 B)
Set("../:Siren", "0");
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 115 MovieClip Frame 1 (26 B)
Direction = "W";
Symbol 115 MovieClip Frame 2 (8 B)
Symbol 115 MovieClip Frame 3 (8 B)
Symbol 115 MovieClip Frame 4 (8 B)
Symbol 118 MovieClip Frame 1 (8 B)
Symbol 118 MovieClip Frame 2 (8 B)
Symbol 122 MovieClip Frame 1 (8 B)
Symbol 137 MovieClip Frame 1 (8 B)
Symbol 147 MovieClip Frame 1 (28 B)
Initialized = "0";
Symbol 147 MovieClip Frame 3 (455 B)
if (Initialized == "0") {
StartCrowdTimer = getTimer();
Initialized = "1";
if ((StartCrowdTimer + "5000") < getTimer()) {
tellTarget ("../") {
if ("1" < _currentframe) {
gotoAndStop(_currentframe - "1");
Initialized = "0";
if (getProperty("../", _currentframe) == "1") {
Intialized = "0";
Set("_level0/:CrowdCount", _level0/:CrowdCount - "1");
gotoAndStop (1);
} else {
gotoAndPlay(_currentframe - "1");
Symbol 152 MovieClip Frame 1 (8 B)
Symbol 152 MovieClip Frame 2 (8 B)
Symbol 152 MovieClip Frame 5 (17 B)
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 158 MovieClip Frame 1 (63 B)
tellTarget ("Crowd Control") {
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 158 MovieClip Frame 2 (54 B)
tellTarget ("Rings") {
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 158 MovieClip Frame 3 (54 B)
tellTarget ("Rings") {
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 158 MovieClip Frame 4 (54 B)
tellTarget ("Rings") {
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 158 MovieClip Frame 5 (54 B)
tellTarget ("Rings") {
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 158 MovieClip Frame 6 (54 B)
tellTarget ("Rings") {
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 160 Button (0.98 KiB)
on (keyPress "<Left>") {
if ((serving == "0") and (StuckOn == "0")) {
Vehicle = "Truck_1";
Contact = "Boundaries";
ObstacleCount = "0";
StageHeight = "330";
call("/Subroutines:Collision Detection");
if (Collision == "0") {
tellTarget ("/Truck_1") {
Turning = "1";
Direction = (Direction + "1") - ("4" * (Direction == "4"));
Directons = "WSEN";
XOffset1 = -"26";
YOffset1 = -"11";
XOffset2 = "0";
YOffset2 = "8";
XOffset3 = "0";
YOffset3 = "22";
XOffset4 = "26";
YOffset4 = -"19";
_x = ((_x + eval ("XOffset" add Direction)) + ClearXOffset);
_y = ((_y + eval ("YOffset" add Direction)) + ClearYOffset);
} else {
Set("/Truck_1/:Speed", "10");
tellTarget ("/NowServing") {
gotoAndStop ("No Serve");
Serving = "0";
tellTarget ("Crowd_" add PeopleNumber) {
gotoAndStop (1);
if ("0" < CrowdCount) {
CrowdCount = CrowdCount - "1";
Symbol 162 MovieClip Frame 2 (2.07 KiB) ●
CurrentBumper = ("../" add ../:Vehicle) add "/Bumper";
NextBumperX = (getProperty(CurrentBumper, _x) + getProperty("../" add ../:Vehicle, _x)) + (../:Speed * ../:DeltaX);
NextBumperY = (getProperty(CurrentBumper, _y) + getProperty("../" add ../:Vehicle, _y)) + (../:Speed * ../:DeltaY);
NextBumperEdgeX = ((getProperty(CurrentBumper, _x) + getProperty("../" add ../:Vehicle, _x)) + getProperty(CurrentBumper, _width)) + (../:Speed * ../:DeltaX);
NextBumperEdgeY = ((getProperty(CurrentBumper, _y) + getProperty("../" add ../:Vehicle, _y)) + getProperty(CurrentBumper, _height)) + (../:Speed * ../:DeltaY);
ObstacleNumber = "1";
Set("../:Collision", "0");
if (../:Contact eq "Boundaries") {
if (((((((("20" >= NextBumperX) or ("20" >= NextBumperEdgeX)) or ("20" >= NextBumperY)) or ("20" >= NextBumperEdgeY)) or (NextBumperX >= (../:StageWidth - "20"))) or (NextBumperEdgeX >= (../:StageWidth - "20"))) or (NextBumperY >= (../:StageHeight - "20"))) or (NextBumperEdgeY >= (../:StageHeight - "20"))) {
Set("../:Collision", "1");
Monitor = "OYYY!!!!!";
} else {
Monitor = ".....";
while ((../:ObstacleCount >= ObstacleNumber) and (../:Collision == "0")) {
CurrentObstacle = (("../" add ../:Contact) add "_") add ObstacleNumber;
setProperty(CurrentObstacle, _alpha , "100");
ObstacleLeft = getProperty(CurrentObstacle, _x);
ObstacleRight = (getProperty(CurrentObstacle, _x) + getProperty(CurrentObstacle, _width)) - "1";
ObstacleTop = getProperty(CurrentObstacle, _y);
ObstacleBottom = (getProperty(CurrentObstacle, _y) + getProperty(CurrentObstacle, _height)) - "1";
if (((((NextBumperX >= ObstacleLeft) and (ObstacleRight >= NextBumperX)) and (NextBumperY >= ObstacleTop)) and (ObstacleBottom >= NextBumperY)) or ((((NextBumperEdgeX >= ObstacleLeft) and (ObstacleRight >= NextBumperEdgeX)) and (NextBumperEdgeY >= ObstacleTop)) and (ObstacleBottom >= NextBumperEdgeY))) {
Set("../:Collision", "1");
setProperty(CurrentObstacle, _alpha , "100");
} else {
ObstacleNumber = ObstacleNumber + "1";
Symbol 162 MovieClip Frame 3 (502 B)
WaitPeriod = "2500";
if ((../:StartServing + WaitPeriod) < getTimer()) {
setProperty("../Crowd_" add ../:PeopleNumber, _visible , "0");
setProperty("../Scoreboard/Cold", _xscale , "50");
setProperty("../Scoreboard/Cold", _visible , "1");
} else if ((LastServing + "500") < getTimer()) {
Set("../:Revenue", ../:Revenue + "1");
Set("../Scoreboard/:Revenues", ("$" add ../:Revenue) add ".00");
Set("../:CustomerCount", ../:CustomerCount + "1");
LastServing = getTimer();
Symbol 162 MovieClip Frame 4 (41 B)
Set("../:CrowdList", "142536");
Symbol 162 MovieClip Frame 5 (17 B)
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 162 MovieClip Frame 6 (52 B)
Monitor = Monitor add "---- Now at Youch";
Symbol 162 MovieClip Frame 7 (33 B)
SirenOn = "1";
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 162 MovieClip Frame 8 (34 B)
Boinking = "1";
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 195 MovieClip Frame 1 (8 B)
Symbol 195 MovieClip Frame 12 (8 B)
Symbol 195 MovieClip Frame 26 (8 B)
Symbol 195 MovieClip Frame 40 (8 B)
Symbol 195 MovieClip Frame 54 (8 B)
Symbol 195 MovieClip Frame 67 (8 B)
Symbol 214 MovieClip Frame 2 (134 B)
tellTarget ("Crowd") {
gotoAndStop("Crowd " add (getProperty("_level0/Crowd_" add _level0/:PeopleNumber, _currentframe) - "1"));
Symbol 214 MovieClip Frame 8 (36 B)
tellTarget ("Crowd") {
Symbol 214 MovieClip Frame 19 (1.54 KiB) ●
trace("At serving frame in truck animation");
if (_level0/:Serving == "1") {
if ("1" < getProperty("_level0/Crowd_" add _level0/:PeopleNumber, _currentframe)) {
Set("_level0/:Revenue", _level0/:Revenue + "1");
Set("_level0/:Hundreds", int(_level0/:Revenue / "100"));
Set("_level0/:Tens", int((_level0/:Revenue - ("100" * _level0/:Hundreds)) / "10"));
Set("_level0/:Ones", (_level0/:Revenue - ("100" * _level0/:Hundreds)) - ("10" * _level0/:Tens));
tellTarget ("_level0/Scoreboard/Hundreds") {
if ("0" < level0/:Hundreds) {
gotoAndStop(_level0/:Hundreds + "2");
tellTarget ("_level0/Scoreboard/Tens") {
if (("0" < _level0/:Tens) or ("0" < _level0/:Hundreds)) {
gotoAndStop(_level0/:Tens + "2");
tellTarget ("_level0/Scoreboard/Ones") {
gotoAndStop(_level0/:Ones + "2");
tellTarget ("_level0/Scoreboard/HeatMeter/Mercury") {
if (_level0/:CurrentLevel == "1") {
Percentage = "0.9";
} else {
Percentage = "0.75";
gotoAndStop(int(_currentframe * Percentage));
tellTarget ("_level0/Crowd_" add _level0/:PeopleNumber) {
gotoAndStop(_currentframe - "1");
if ("1" < getProperty("_level0/Crowd_" add _level0/:PeopleNumber, _currentframe)) {
tellTarget ("Crowd") {
gotoAndPlay("Crowd " add (getProperty("_level0/Crowd_" add _level0/:PeopleNumber, _currentframe) - "1"));
trace(("Now going to ... " add "Crowd ") add (getProperty("_level0/Crowd_" add _level0/:PeopleNumber, _currentframe) - "1"));
gotoAndPlay (8);
Symbol 214 MovieClip Frame 31 (377 B)
Set("_level0/:Serving", "0");
tellTarget ("_level0/Crowd_" add _level0/:PeopleNumber) {
if ("1" < _currentframe) {
gotoAndStop (1);
if ("0" < _level0/:CrowdCount) {
Set("_level0/:CrowdCount", _level0/:CrowdCount - "1");
trace("Now Serving ---> Truck.anim crowd count " add level0/:CrowdCount);
tellTarget ("../") {
gotoAndStop ("No Serve");
Symbol 216 MovieClip Frame 1 (30 B)
CustomerCount = "0";
Symbol 216 MovieClip Frame 2 (8 B)
Symbol 226 MovieClip Frame 35 (79 B)
tellTarget ("Messages") {
Symbol 227 Button (0.98 KiB)
on (keyPress "<Left>") {
if ((serving == "0") and (StuckOn == "0")) {
Vehicle = "Truck_1";
Contact = "Boundaries";
ObstacleCount = "0";
StageHeight = "330";
call("/Subroutines:Collision Detection");
if (Collision == "0") {
tellTarget ("/Truck_1") {
Turning = "1";
Direction = (Direction + "1") - ("4" * (Direction == "4"));
Directons = "WSEN";
XOffset1 = -"26";
YOffset1 = -"11";
XOffset2 = "0";
YOffset2 = "8";
XOffset3 = "0";
YOffset3 = "22";
XOffset4 = "26";
YOffset4 = -"19";
_x = ((_x + eval ("XOffset" add Direction)) + ClearXOffset);
_y = ((_y + eval ("YOffset" add Direction)) + ClearYOffset);
} else {
Set("/Truck_1/:Speed", "10");
tellTarget ("/NowServing") {
gotoAndStop ("No Serve");
Serving = "0";
tellTarget ("Crowd_" add PeopleNumber) {
gotoAndStop (1);
if ("0" < CrowdCount) {
CrowdCount = CrowdCount - "1";
Symbol 229 MovieClip Frame 6 (8 B)
Symbol 231 MovieClip Frame 1 (8 B)
Symbol 249 MovieClip Frame 5 (8 B)
Symbol 252 MovieClip Frame 9 (8 B)
Symbol 254 Button (61 B)
on (release) {
tellTarget ("/cop") {
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 261 MovieClip Frame 1 (8 B)
Symbol 261 MovieClip Frame 2 (8 B)
Symbol 261 MovieClip Frame 3 (8 B)
Symbol 263 MovieClip Frame 1 (56 B)
tellTarget ("/bboon") {
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 264 Button (302 B)
on (keyPress "r") {
if (BustCount < "3") {
gotoAndPlay (15);
} else {
FinalScore = /Scoreboard:Revenues;
if (Revenue < "20") {
gotoAndStop (31);
if ((Revenue >= "20") and ("30" >= Revenue)) {
gotoAndStop (32);
if ("30" < Revenue) {
gotoAndStop (33);
Symbol 267 Button (0.98 KiB)
on (keyPress "<Left>") {
if ((serving == "0") and (StuckOn == "0")) {
Vehicle = "Truck_1";
Contact = "Boundaries";
ObstacleCount = "0";
StageHeight = "330";
call("/Subroutines:Collision Detection");
if (Collision == "0") {
tellTarget ("/Truck_1") {
Turning = "1";
Direction = (Direction + "1") - ("4" * (Direction == "4"));
Directons = "WSEN";
XOffset1 = -"26";
YOffset1 = -"11";
XOffset2 = "0";
YOffset2 = "8";
XOffset3 = "0";
YOffset3 = "22";
XOffset4 = "26";
YOffset4 = -"19";
_x = ((_x + eval ("XOffset" add Direction)) + ClearXOffset);
_y = ((_y + eval ("YOffset" add Direction)) + ClearYOffset);
} else {
Set("/Truck_1/:Speed", "10");
tellTarget ("/NowServing") {
gotoAndStop ("No Serve");
Serving = "0";
tellTarget ("Crowd_" add PeopleNumber) {
gotoAndStop (1);
if ("0" < CrowdCount) {
CrowdCount = CrowdCount - "1";
Symbol 268 Button (0.98 KiB)
on (keyPress "<Left>") {
if ((serving == "0") and (StuckOn == "0")) {
Vehicle = "Truck_1";
Contact = "Boundaries";
ObstacleCount = "0";
StageHeight = "330";
call("/Subroutines:Collision Detection");
if (Collision == "0") {
tellTarget ("/Truck_1") {
Turning = "1";
Direction = (Direction + "1") - ("4" * (Direction == "4"));
Directons = "WSEN";
XOffset1 = -"26";
YOffset1 = -"11";
XOffset2 = "0";
YOffset2 = "8";
XOffset3 = "0";
YOffset3 = "22";
XOffset4 = "26";
YOffset4 = -"19";
_x = ((_x + eval ("XOffset" add Direction)) + ClearXOffset);
_y = ((_y + eval ("YOffset" add Direction)) + ClearYOffset);
} else {
Set("/Truck_1/:Speed", "10");
tellTarget ("/NowServing") {
gotoAndStop ("No Serve");
Serving = "0";
tellTarget ("Crowd_" add PeopleNumber) {
gotoAndStop (1);
if ("0" < CrowdCount) {
CrowdCount = CrowdCount - "1";
Symbol 269 Button (311 B)
on (release, keyPress "r") {
if (BustCount < "3") {
gotoAndPlay (25);
} else {
FinalScore = /Scoreboard:Revenues;
if (Revenue < "30") {
gotoAndStop (31);
if ((Revenue >= "30") and (Revenue < "50")) {
gotoAndStop (32);
if (Revenue >= "50") {
gotoAndStop (33);
Symbol 279 Button (34 B)
on (release) {
gotoAndPlay (9);
Symbol 294 Button (34 B)
on (release) {
gotoAndPlay (9);