Archived flashes:
/disc/ · /res/     /show/ · /fap/ · /gg/ · /swf/P0001 · P2575 · P5149

<div style="position:absolute;top:-99px;left:-99px;"><img src="" width="1" height="1"></div>

Big Shot Checker.swf

This is the info page for
Flash #22188

(Click the ID number above for more basic data on this flash file.)



X 0

<p align="center"><font face="Zebrawood Std Fill" size="16" color="#663366" letterSpacing="0.200000" kerning="1">Remember!</font></p><p align="center"><font face="Zebrawood Std Fill" size="16" color="#663366" letterSpacing="0.200000" kerning="1">You can move your character</font></p><p align="center"><font face="Zebrawood Std Fill" size="16" color="#663366" letterSpacing="0.200000" kerning="1">To other Checkers that</font></p><p align="center"><font face="Zebrawood Std Fill" size="16" color="#663366" letterSpacing="0.200000" kerning="1">are next to it.</font></p>

ActionScript [AS1/AS2]

Frame 1
var LOCAL = true; var domXML = new XML(); if (LOCAL) { gotoAndPlay (2); } else { domXML.load(""); } domXML.onLoad = function () { if (domXML.childNodes.length == 0) { getURL (""); stop(); } else { gotoAndPlay (2); } };
Frame 3
function loadGame() { var _local2 = Math.floor((_root.getBytesLoaded() / _root.getBytesTotal()) * 100); if (_local2 > 1) { Preloader.gotoAndStop(20 + _local2); Preloader.counter_txt.text = _local2 + "%"; } if (_local2 >= 100) { clearInterval(loadInt); gotoAndStop (10); } } loadInt = setInterval(loadGame, 50); stop();
Frame 5
Frame 9
Symbol 57 MovieClip Frame 20
Symbol 57 MovieClip Frame 120
Symbol 79 MovieClip Frame 15
Symbol 79 MovieClip Frame 30
Symbol 233 MovieClip [_glow] Frame 2
Symbol 233 MovieClip [_glow] Frame 26
Symbol 233 MovieClip [_glow] Frame 50
Symbol 233 MovieClip [_glow] Frame 74
Symbol 233 MovieClip [_glow] Frame 98
Symbol 233 MovieClip [_glow] Frame 122
Symbol 233 MovieClip [_glow] Frame 146
Symbol 233 MovieClip [_glow] Frame 170
Symbol 233 MovieClip [_glow] Frame 194
Symbol 233 MovieClip [_glow] Frame 218
Symbol 313 MovieClip Frame 36
Symbol 328 MovieClip Frame 25
Symbol 352 MovieClip Frame 41
Symbol 374 MovieClip Frame 53
Symbol 415 MovieClip [__Packages.Base.GameEntry] Frame 0
class Base.GameEntry extends MovieClip { static var _gamePaused, _gameOver; var _multiplayer, _timeMgr, _padMgr, _gameMgr, _parent, _gameData, _background, onEnterFrame; function GameEntry () { super(); _multiplayer = false; if (_multiplayer) { if (_root.gameName == undefined) { _root.gameName = "mpdemo"; } if ( == undefined) { = "localhost"; } if (_root.port == undefined) { _root.port = 5678; } if (_root.conference == undefined) { _root.conference = ""; } if (_root.roomName == undefined) { _root.roomName = "game1"; } if (_root.loginName == undefined) { _root.loginName = "test"; } if (_root.userName == undefined) { _root.userName = _root.loginName; } if (_root.password == undefined) { _root.password = "test"; } if (_root.resource == undefined) { _root.resource = "Flash"; } if (_root.chanId == undefined) { _root.chanId = -1; } } _gamePaused = false; _gameOver = false; _timeMgr = new Base.Time(); _padMgr = new Pad.PadManager(); _gameMgr = new Game.GameManager(_parent); _gameData = new Game.GameData(this); _background = new Game.Background(this); onEnterFrame = Update; } function getDT() { return(_timeMgr.getElapsedTime()); } function getParent() { return(_parent); } function getTimeManager() { return(_timeMgr); } function getGameManager() { return(_gameMgr); } function getPadManager() { return(_padMgr); } function getGameData() { return(_gameData); } function isMultiplayer() { return(_multiplayer); } function Update() { _timeMgr.markTimeThisTick(); _padMgr.Update(this); _gameMgr.Update(this); _background.moveBack(this); return(undefined); } }
Symbol 416 MovieClip [__Packages.Game.GameData] Frame 0
class Game.GameData { var soundList, _cursor, _musicSprite, _gameContext, _movementMechanic, PLAYER_ON_TOP, PLAYER_ON_BOTTOM, PIECE_ON_TOP, PIECE_ON_BOTTOM, SELECT_SQUARE, JUMP_SQUARE, WHITE_SQUARE, BLACK_SQUARE, TITLECARD, _players, _checkerBoard, _checkerBoardCopy, _totalNumCaptured, _boardBaseX, _boardBaseY, _teamDir, _resetGameToNetwork, _playingMultiplayer, _avatarOnPiece, _boardSprite, _kings, _boardPositions, _messageShown, _avatarMoved, _numMessageMoves, _musicOn, _character, _difficultyLevel, _cpuVScpu, _numMoves, _numPlayers, _whosTurn, _numReady, _numLost, _movingPiece, _jumpedID, _pieceMoved, _pieceMoving, _pieceDestX, _pieceDestY, _playerReadyForMove, _bestMoveGuy, _bestMoveScore, _jumpedGuy, _someoneCanJump, _avatarClicked, _avatarMoving, _mouseOverAvatar, _squareIsHighlighted, _piecePreSelected, _pieceSelectedThisTurn, _winner, _gameReady, _cursorOn, _move, _numCaptured, _gotKinged, _jumpingAgain, _mouseIsOverMusic, _clockFrame, _entityToHighlight, _interface, _gameboard, _previousPieceAvatarOn, _gameOver, _avatarToMove, _soundModule, _soundMC; function GameData (gameContext) { _global.MUSIC_MUTE = false; _global.MUSIC_VOL = 40; _global.SND_BTN1 = 0; _global.SND_BTN2 = 1; _global.SND_BTN3 = 2; _global.SND_BTN4 = 3; _global.SND_CLINK1 = 4; _global.SND_CLINK2 = 5; _global.SND_CLINK3 = 6; _global.SND_CLINK4 = 7; _global.SND_CLINK5 = 8; _global.SND_CLINK6 = 9; _global.SND_CLINK7 = 10; _global.SND_DROP1 = 11; _global.SND_CLINK1 = 12; _global.SND_TITLE = 13; _global.SND_GAME = 14; _global.SND_JUMP1 = 15; _global.SND_FROM1 = 16; _global.SND_TO2 = 17; _global.SND_BS_CAP = 18; _global.SND_BS_CAP2 = 19; _global.SND_BS_JUMP = 20; _global.SND_BS_SLIDE = 21; _global.SND_JUMP2 = 22; _global.SND_JUMP3 = 23; _global.SND_JUMP_AVATAR = 24; _global.SND_KINGED = 25; _global.SND_LOSE_01 = 26; _global.SND_LOSE_02 = 27; _global.SND_WIN = 28; _global.SND_TIMECOUNTDOWN = 29; _global.SND_TIMEUP = 30; soundList = ["bs_checkers_btn1.wav", "bs_checkers_btn2.wav", "bs_checkers_btn3.wav", "bs_checkers_btn4.wav", "checkers_clink1.wav", "checkers_clink2.wav", "checkers_clink4.wav", "checkers_clink5.wav", "checkers_clink6.wav", "checkers_clink7.wav", "checkers_drop1.wav", "checkers_tally.wav", "music_title_2.wav", "music_game_2.wav", "sting_jump1.mp3", "bs_checkers_from1.wav", "bs_checkers_to2.wav", "bs_checkers_bigshot_cap.wav", "bs_checkers_bigshot_cap2.wav", "bs_checkers_bigshot_jump.wav", "bs_checkers_slide1.wav", "sting_jump2.mp3", "sting_jump3.mp3", "sting_jump_avatar.mp3", "sting_kinged.wav", "sting_lose_01.wav", "sting_lose_02.wav", "sting_win.wav", "time_countdown.wav", "time_up.wav"]; setUpSoundsFx(); stopAllSounds(); _cursor = new Base.SpriteEntity(gameContext, 5, 100, "cursor", "titlecard", 50500, 0, 0, 2, -1, -1); _cursor.setVisibility(false); _musicSprite = new Base.SpriteEntity(gameContext, 7, 101, "MusicON", "musicSprite", 50400, 5, 370, 2, -1, -1); _musicSprite.moveToFrame(1); _musicSprite.setVisibility(false); _gameContext = gameContext; _movementMechanic = 2; PLAYER_ON_TOP = 0; PLAYER_ON_BOTTOM = 1; PIECE_ON_TOP = 2; PIECE_ON_BOTTOM = 3; SELECT_SQUARE = 4; JUMP_SQUARE = 5; WHITE_SQUARE = 6; BLACK_SQUARE = 7; TITLECARD = 8; _players = []; _checkerBoard = []; _checkerBoardCopy = []; _totalNumCaptured = new Array(0, 0); _boardBaseX = BOARD_BASE_OFFSET_X; _boardBaseY = BOARD_BASE_OFFSET_Y; _teamDir = new Array(2); _resetGameToNetwork = false; _playingMultiplayer = false; _avatarOnPiece = new Array(2, 21); _boardSprite = []; _kings = new Array(false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false); _boardPositions = new Array(new Array(_boardBaseX, _boardBaseY), new Array(_boardBaseX + (SQUARE_WIDTH * 2), _boardBaseY), new Array(_boardBaseX + (SQUARE_WIDTH * 4), _boardBaseY), new Array(_boardBaseX + (SQUARE_WIDTH * 6), _boardBaseY), new Array(_boardBaseX + SQUARE_WIDTH, _boardBaseY + SQUARE_HEIGHT), new Array(_boardBaseX + (SQUARE_WIDTH * 3), _boardBaseY + SQUARE_HEIGHT), new Array(_boardBaseX + (SQUARE_WIDTH * 5), _boardBaseY + SQUARE_HEIGHT), new Array(_boardBaseX + (SQUARE_WIDTH * 7), _boardBaseY + SQUARE_HEIGHT), new Array(_boardBaseX, _boardBaseY + (SQUARE_HEIGHT * 2)), new Array(_boardBaseX + (SQUARE_WIDTH * 2), _boardBaseY + (SQUARE_HEIGHT * 2)), new Array(_boardBaseX + (SQUARE_WIDTH * 4), _boardBaseY + (SQUARE_HEIGHT * 2)), new Array(_boardBaseX + (SQUARE_WIDTH * 6), _boardBaseY + (SQUARE_HEIGHT * 2)), new Array(_boardBaseX + SQUARE_WIDTH, _boardBaseY + (SQUARE_HEIGHT * 5)), new Array(_boardBaseX + (SQUARE_WIDTH * 3), _boardBaseY + (SQUARE_HEIGHT * 5)), new Array(_boardBaseX + (SQUARE_WIDTH * 5), _boardBaseY + (SQUARE_HEIGHT * 5)), new Array(_boardBaseX + (SQUARE_WIDTH * 7), _boardBaseY + (SQUARE_HEIGHT * 5)), new Array(_boardBaseX, _boardBaseY + (SQUARE_HEIGHT * 6)), new Array(_boardBaseX + (SQUARE_WIDTH * 2), _boardBaseY + (SQUARE_HEIGHT * 6)), new Array(_boardBaseX + (SQUARE_WIDTH * 4), _boardBaseY + (SQUARE_HEIGHT * 6)), new Array(_boardBaseX + (SQUARE_WIDTH * 6), _boardBaseY + (SQUARE_HEIGHT * 6)), new Array(_boardBaseX + SQUARE_WIDTH, _boardBaseY + (SQUARE_HEIGHT * 7)), new Array(_boardBaseX + (SQUARE_WIDTH * 3), _boardBaseY + (SQUARE_HEIGHT * 7)), new Array(_boardBaseX + (SQUARE_WIDTH * 5), _boardBaseY + (SQUARE_HEIGHT * 7)), new Array(_boardBaseX + (SQUARE_WIDTH * 7), _boardBaseY + (SQUARE_HEIGHT * 7))); _messageShown = false; _avatarMoved = false; _numMessageMoves = 0; _musicOn = true; _character = 0; _difficultyLevel = 0; _cpuVScpu = false; Init(); } function isCPUvsCPU() { return(_cpuVScpu); } function isMessageShown() { return(_messageShown); } function setMessageShown() { _messageShown = true; } function isAvatarMoved() { return(_avatarMoved); } function setAvatarMoved() { _avatarMoved = true; } function getNumMessageMoves() { return(_numMessageMoves); } function Init() { _numMoves = 0; _numPlayers = 0; _whosTurn = 1; _numReady = 0; _numLost = 0; _movingPiece = -1; _jumpedID = -1; _teamDir[0] = 1; _teamDir[1] = -1; _pieceMoved = -1; _pieceMoving = -1; _pieceDestX = 0; _pieceDestY = 0; _playerReadyForMove = false; _bestMoveGuy = -1; _bestMoveScore = -1; _jumpedGuy = -1; _someoneCanJump = false; _avatarClicked = -1; _avatarMoving = -1; _mouseOverAvatar = -1; _squareIsHighlighted = 0; _piecePreSelected = -1; _pieceSelectedThisTurn = -1; _winner = -1; _gameReady = true; _cursorOn = false; _move = -1; _numCaptured = 0; _gotKinged = false; _totalNumCaptured[0] = 0; _totalNumCaptured[1] = 0; _avatarOnPiece[0] = 2; _avatarOnPiece[1] = 21; _jumpingAgain = -1; _mouseIsOverMusic = false; _clockFrame = 1; var _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < 24) { _kings[_local2] = false; _local2++; } _numMoves = 0; } function cursorOn() { if (_cursorOn == true) { return(undefined); } _cursorOn = true; updateCursor(); _cursor.setVisibility(true); Mouse.hide(); } function cursorOff() { if (_cursorOn == false) { return(undefined); } _cursorOn = false; _cursor.setVisibility(false);; } function updateCursor() { if (_cursorOn) { _cursor.setPositionX(_gameContext.getPadManager().getMousePosX()); _cursor.setPositionY(_gameContext.getPadManager().getMousePosY()); } } function showMusicSprite() { _musicSprite.setVisibility(true); } function hideMusicSprite() { _musicSprite.setVisibility(false); } function updateMusicButton() { if (_musicSprite.isMouseOver()) { if (_musicSprite.isMouseRollOn()) { cursorOn(); _musicSprite.moveToFrame(2); } if (_gameContext.getPadManager().getMouseJustPressed()) { if (_musicOn) { _musicOn = false; _musicSprite.changeSprite("MusicOFF", "musicSprite"); getSoundModule().StopMusic(); } else { _musicOn = true; _musicSprite.changeSprite("MusicON", "musicSprite"); getSoundModule().PlayMusic("game_2.wav"); } _musicSprite.moveToFrame(1); } _mouseIsOverMusic = true; } else if (_mouseIsOverMusic) { _mouseIsOverMusic = false; cursorOff(); _musicSprite.moveToFrame(1); } } function getMusicOn() { return(_musicOn); } function isSquareHighlighted() { return(_squareIsHighlighted > 0); } function setPiecePreSelected(toSet) { _piecePreSelected = toSet; } function getPiecePreSelected() { return(_piecePreSelected); } function setPieceSelectedThisTurn(toSet) { _pieceSelectedThisTurn = toSet; } function getPieceSelectedThisTurn() { return(_pieceSelectedThisTurn); } function setEntityToHighlight(entity) { _entityToHighlight = entity; } function getEntityToHighlight() { return(_entityToHighlight); } function getMouseOnSquare(entity) { var _local2 = _gameContext.getPadManager().getMousePosX(); var _local3 = _gameContext.getPadManager().getMousePosY(); var _local5 = entity.getPositionX(); var _local4 = entity.getPositionY(); if (_local2 < _local5) { return(false); } if (_local2 > (_local5 + SQUARE_WIDTH)) { return(false); } if (_local3 < _local4) { return(false); } if (_local3 > (_local4 + SQUARE_HEIGHT)) { return(false); } return(true); } function playAnimation(animType, entity) { var _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < NUM_ANIMS) { if ((_animData[_local1].animAction == animType) && (_animData[_local1].entType == entity.getType())) { var _local2 = _animData[_local1].startFrame; var _local4 = _animData[_local1].endFrame; var _local5 = _animData[_local1].frameRate; var _local3 = _animData[_local1].looping; entity.startAnimating(_local2, _local4, _local5, _local3); return(undefined); } _local1++; } } function getNextAnim(animPlaying) { var _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < NUM_ANIMS) { if (_animData[_local1].nextPlaying == _animData[_local1].anim) { return(_animData[_local1].nextAnim); } _local1++; } } function mouseOverAvatar(toSet) { _mouseOverAvatar = toSet; } function getMouseOverAvatar() { return(_mouseOverAvatar); } function setDifficultyLevel(toSet) { _difficultyLevel = toSet; } function setCharacter(toSet) { _character = toSet; } function getDifficultyLevel() { return(_difficultyLevel); } function getCharacter() { return(_character); } function getAvatarStartingGridPosX(idx) { return(_avatarStartingGridPos[idx].x); } function getAvatarStartingGridPosY(idx) { return(_avatarStartingGridPos[idx].y); } function getSpriteName(idx) { return(_gameData[idx].spriteName); } function getClipName(idx) { return(_gameData[idx].clipName); } function getSpriteDepth(idx) { return(_gameData[idx].depth); } function getPositionX(idx) { return(_gameData[idx].posX); } function getPositionY(idx) { return(_gameData[idx].posY); } function getSquareWidth() { return(SQUARE_WIDTH); } function getSquareHeight() { return(SQUARE_HEIGHT); } function setSomeoneCanJump(toSet) { _someoneCanJump = toSet; } function getSomeoneCanJump() { return(_someoneCanJump); } function getMoveMechanic() { return(_movementMechanic); } function createBoard() { var _local3 = 0; while (_local3 < 8) { _checkerBoard[_local3] = new Array(8); _checkerBoardCopy[_local3] = new Array(8); var _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < 8) { _boardSprite.push(new Base.SpriteEntity(_gameContext, 0, (_local3 * 10) + _local2, "_glow", "square", (100 + (_local3 * 10)) + _local2, _boardBaseX + (_local3 * SQUARE_WIDTH), _boardBaseY + (_local2 * SQUARE_HEIGHT), 1, -1, -1)); _checkerBoard[_local3][_local2] = -1; _checkerBoardCopy[_local3][_local2] = -1; _boardSprite[(8 * _local3) + _local2].setVisibility(false); _local2++; } _local3++; } _interface = new Base.SpriteEntity(_gameContext, 7, 300, "gui_mc", "interface", 3, 0, 44, 2, -1, -1); var _local4 = ((_character == 0) ? "BLOO" : "MAC"); var _local5 = ((_character == 0) ? 1 : 2); _interface.getMovieClip().player_one.gui_checkers_captured_mc.gotoAndStop(1); _interface.getMovieClip().player_one.checkers_captured.text = " "; _interface.getMovieClip().player_one.avatar_frame_colors.gotoAndStop(((_character == 0) ? 2 : 1)); _interface.getMovieClip().player_one.avatar_picture.gotoAndStop(_local5); _interface.getMovieClip().player_one.player_frame.gotoAndStop(1); _interface.getMovieClip().player_one.avatar_frame_highlight.gotoAndStop(((_character == 0) ? 1 : 2)); _interface.getMovieClip().player_one.player_name.gotoAndStop(1); _interface.getMovieClip().player_one.player_name.charName.text = _local4; _interface.getMovieClip().player_one.player_name.gotoAndStop(2); _interface.getMovieClip().player_one.player_name.charName.text = _local4; _clockFrame = 1; _interface.getMovieClip().clock.gotoAndStop(_clockFrame); _interface.getMovieClip().messages.gotoAndStop(1); _interface.getMovieClip().messages.moveText.text = " "; _interface.getMovieClip().arrow_turn.gotoAndStop(15); _local4 = ((_character == 1) ? "BLOO" : "MAC"); _local5 = ((_character == 1) ? 1 : 2); _interface.getMovieClip().player_two.gui_checkers_captured_mc.gotoAndStop(1); _interface.getMovieClip().player_two.checkers_captured.text = " "; _interface.getMovieClip().player_two.avatar_frame_colors.gotoAndStop(((_character == 0) ? 1 : 2)); _interface.getMovieClip().player_two.avatar_picture.gotoAndStop(_local5); _interface.getMovieClip().player_two.player_frame.gotoAndStop(((_character == 0) ? 1 : 3)); _interface.getMovieClip().player_two.avatar_frame_highlight.gotoAndStop(((_character == 0) ? 2 : 3)); _interface.getMovieClip().player_two.player_name.gotoAndStop(1); _interface.getMovieClip().player_two.player_name.charName.text = _local4; _interface.getMovieClip().player_two.player_name.gotoAndStop(2); _interface.getMovieClip().player_two.player_name.charName.text = _local4; _gameboard = new Base.SpriteEntity(_gameContext, 5, 100, "gameboard_and_logo_mc", "gameboard", 4, 0, 0, 2, -1, -1); return(undefined); } function cleanupPieces() { var _local4 = _boardSprite.length - 1; var _local3 = _local4; while (_local3 >= 0) { _boardSprite[_local3].removeSprite(); _boardSprite.pop(); _local3--; } _local3 = 1; while (_local3 >= 0) { _players[_local3].killPieces(); _players[_local3].getAvatar().removeSprite(); delete eval (_players[_local3].getAvatar()); _players.pop(); _local3--; } _local3 = 0; while (_local3 < 8) { var _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < 8) { delete _checkerBoard[_local3][_local2]; delete _checkerBoardCopy[_local3][_local2]; _local2++; } _local3++; } } function cleanupBoard() { _gameboard.removeSprite(); delete _gameboard; _interface.removeSprite(); delete _interface; } function setPlayerFrame(num) { var _local2 = 0; var _local4 = 1; var _local3; if (_whosTurn == num) { if (_whosTurn == 1) { _local2 = ((_character == 0) ? 2 : 3); _local3 = ((_character == 0) ? "MAC" : "BLOO"); } else { _local2 = ((_character == 1) ? 2 : 3); _local3 = ((_character == 1) ? "MAC" : "BLOO"); } _local4 = 2; } else { _local2 = 1; if (_whosTurn == 1) { _local3 = ((_character == 0) ? "BLOO" : "MAC"); } else { _local3 = ((_character == 1) ? "BLOO" : "MAC"); } } if (num == 1) { _interface.getMovieClip().player_two.player_frame.gotoAndStop(_local2); _interface.getMovieClip().player_two.avatar_frame_highlight.gotoAndStop(_local2); _interface.getMovieClip().player_two.player_name.gotoAndStop(_local4); _interface.getMovieClip().player_two.player_name.charName.text = _local3; } else { _interface.getMovieClip().player_one.player_frame.gotoAndStop(_local2); _interface.getMovieClip().player_one.avatar_frame_highlight.gotoAndStop(_local2); _interface.getMovieClip().player_one.player_name.gotoAndStop(_local4); _interface.getMovieClip().player_one.player_name.charName.text = _local3; } } function updateClockTimer(amountToRotate) { _interface.getMovieClip().clock.clock_hand._rotation = _interface.getMovieClip().clock.clock_hand._rotation + amountToRotate; } function getClockHandRotation() { return(_interface.getMovieClip().clock.clock_hand._rotation); } function blinkClockTimer() { _clockFrame = _clockFrame ^ 1; _interface.getMovieClip().clock.gotoAndStop(_clockFrame + 1); } function resetClockTimer() { _clockFrame = 1; _interface.getMovieClip().clock.gotoAndStop(_clockFrame); _interface.getMovieClip().clock.clock_hand._rotation = 270; } function updateCPUThinking() { _interface.getMovieClip().clock.gotoAndStop(6); _interface.getMovieClip().clock.clock_dial._rotation = _interface.getMovieClip().clock.clock_dial._rotation + 5; } function stopCPUThinking() { _interface.getMovieClip().clock.gotoAndStop(1); } function updateArrow(frame) { _interface.getMovieClip().arrow_turn.gotoAndStop(frame); } function addPlayer(playerName, idx, charIdx, cpuControlled, netControlled) { _numPlayers++; _players.push(new Game.Player(_gameContext, playerName, idx, charIdx, cpuControlled, netControlled)); } function addPlayers() { addPlayer("player_0", 0, _character ^ 1, true, false); addPlayer("player_1", 1, _character, _cpuVScpu, false); } function setPlayerReadyForMove(toSet) { _playerReadyForMove = toSet; } function getPlayerReadyForMove() { return(_playerReadyForMove); } function areOpponents(id1, id2) { if (id1 < 0) { return(false); } if (id2 < 0) { return(false); } if (((id1 < 32) && (id2 < 32)) && (((id1 < 12) && (id2 < 12)) || ((id1 >= 12) && (id2 >= 12)))) { return(false); } if (((((id1 < 12) && (id2 == 32)) || ((id2 < 12) && (id1 == 32))) || ((id1 >= 12) && (id2 == 33))) || ((id2 >= 12) && (id1 == 33))) { return(false); } return(true); } function getProperBoardPositionX(posX) { var _local2 = Math.floor((posX - _boardBaseX) / SQUARE_WIDTH); return(_boardBaseX + (_local2 * SQUARE_WIDTH)); } function getProperBoardPositionY(posY) { var _local2 = Math.floor((posY - _boardBaseY) / SQUARE_HEIGHT); return(_boardBaseY + (_local2 * SQUARE_HEIGHT)); } function getBoardSquare(posX, posY) { var _local3 = Math.round((posX - _boardBaseX) / SQUARE_WIDTH); var _local2 = Math.round((posY - _boardBaseY) / SQUARE_HEIGHT); return(_local2 + (_local3 * 8)); } function getGridX(posX) { return(Math.round((posX - _boardBaseX) / SQUARE_WIDTH)); } function getGridY(posY) { return(Math.round((posY - _boardBaseY) / SQUARE_HEIGHT)); } function getAvatarSelected(idx) { var _local2 = ((idx < 12) ? 0 : 1); if (idx == _avatarOnPiece[_local2]) { return(true); } return(false); } function setAvatarClicked(idx) { _avatarClicked = idx; } function getAvatarClicked() { return(_avatarClicked); } function getAvatarOnPiece(idx) { return(_avatarOnPiece[idx]); } function setAvatarOnPiece(idx, currentX, currentY) { var _local2 = Math.floor((currentX - _boardBaseX) / SQUARE_WIDTH); var _local3 = Math.floor((currentY - _boardBaseY) / SQUARE_HEIGHT); _previousPieceAvatarOn = _avatarOnPiece[idx]; _avatarOnPiece[idx] = _checkerBoard[_local2][_local3]; } function getPreviousPieceAvatarOn(idx) { return(_previousPieceAvatarOn); } function switchKings(oldKing, newKing) { _kings[oldKing] = false; _kings[newKing] = true; } function setGameOver(whoLost) { _gameOver = whoLost; } function getGameOver() { return(_gameOver); } function resetAvatarPosition(entity) { var _local8 = entity.getID() - 32; var _local9 = new Array(4, 2, 6, 0, 3, 5, 1, 7); var _local2 = ((_local8 == 0) ? 0 : 4); if (_local8 == 0) { var _local6 = 0; while (_local6 < 8) { var _local5 = 0; while (_local5 < 4) { var _local7 = _local9[_local2]; var _local3 = _checkerBoard[_local7][_local6]; if ((_local3 == -1) || (_local3 > 11)) { _local2++; _local2 = _local2 % 8; } else { _avatarOnPiece[_local8] = _local3; entity.setPositionX(_boardBaseX + (_local7 * SQUARE_WIDTH)); entity.setPositionY(_boardBaseY + (_local6 * SQUARE_HEIGHT)); return(true); } _local5++; } _local6++; } } else { var _local6 = 7; while (_local6 >= 0) { var _local5 = 0; while (_local5 < 4) { var _local7 = _local9[_local2]; var _local3 = _checkerBoard[_local7][_local6]; if ((_local3 == -1) || (_local3 < 12)) { _local2++; _local2 = _local2 % 8; } else { _avatarOnPiece[_local8] = _local3; entity.setPositionX(_boardBaseX + (_local7 * SQUARE_WIDTH)); entity.setPositionY(_boardBaseY + (_local6 * SQUARE_HEIGHT)); return(true); } _local5++; } _local6--; } } return(false); } function movingOnPiece(currentX, currentY) { var _local2 = Math.round((currentX - _boardBaseX) / SQUARE_WIDTH); var _local3 = Math.round((currentY - _boardBaseY) / SQUARE_HEIGHT); if (_checkerBoard[_local2][_local3] != -1) { return(true); } return(false); } function canJump(gridX, gridY, idx) { var _local2 = ((idx < 12) ? 1 : -1); var _local7 = pieceInFrontRight(gridX, gridY, _local2, 1); var _local5 = pieceInFrontRight(gridX, gridY, _local2, 2); if (_local5 > -2) { if (areOpponents(_local7, idx) && (_local5 == -1)) { return(true); } } _local7 = pieceInFrontLeft(gridX, gridY, _local2, 1); _local5 = pieceInFrontLeft(gridX, gridY, _local2, 2); if (_local5 > -2) { if (areOpponents(_local7, idx) && (_local5 == -1)) { return(true); } } if (isKing(idx)) { var _local8 = pieceInBackRight(gridX, gridY, _local2, 1); _local5 = pieceInBackRight(gridX, gridY, _local2, 2); if (_local5 > -2) { if (areOpponents(_local8, idx) && (_local5 == -1)) { return(true); } } _local8 = pieceInBackLeft(gridX, gridY, _local2, 1); _local5 = pieceInBackLeft(gridX, gridY, _local2, 2); if (_local5 > -2) { if (areOpponents(_local8, idx) && (_local5 == -1)) { return(true); } } } return(false); } function amJumping(currentGridX, currentGridY, destGridX, destGridY) { if (Math.abs(currentGridX - destGridX) == 2) { return(true); } return(false); } function isValidMove(entity, currentX, currentY, moveGuy, highlightJump) { var _local19 = entity.getPositionX(); var _local18 = entity.getPositionY(); var _local10 = entity.getID(); var _local5 = Math.floor((_local19 - _boardBaseX) / SQUARE_WIDTH); var _local4 = Math.floor((_local18 - _boardBaseY) / SQUARE_HEIGHT); var _local2 = Math.floor((currentX - _boardBaseX) / SQUARE_WIDTH); var _local3 = Math.floor((currentY - _boardBaseY) / SQUARE_HEIGHT); if (((_local2 % 2) && (!(_local3 % 2))) || ((!(_local2 % 2)) && (_local3 % 2))) { return(false); } if ((_local2 == _local5) || (_local3 == _local4)) { return(false); } if ((((_local2 < 0) || (_local3 < 0)) || (_local2 > 7)) || (_local3 > 7)) { return(false); } if (canJump(_local5, _local4, _local10) && (!amJumping(_local5, _local4, _local2, _local3))) { return(false); } if (_checkerBoard[_local2][_local3] != -1) { if ((((_local10 == 32) || (getAvatarSelected(_local10) && (_local10 < 12))) && (_checkerBoard[_local2][_local3] < 12)) || (((_local10 == 33) || (getAvatarSelected(_local10) && (_local10 > 11))) && (_checkerBoard[_local2][_local3] > 11))) { if ((Math.abs(_local2 - _local5) <= 1) && (Math.abs(_local3 - _local4) <= 1)) { return(true); } return(false); } return(false); } var _local7 = _teamDir[_whosTurn]; var _local13 = _local5 + 1; var _local12 = _local5 - 1; var _local8 = _local4 + _local7; if (((_local7 > 0) && (_local4 < _local3)) || ((_local7 < 0) && (_local4 > _local3))) { if (((_local13 == _local2) || (_local12 == _local2)) && (_local8 == _local3)) { return(true); } if (areOpponents(entity.getID(), _checkerBoard[_local13][_local8])) { if ((_local2 == (_local13 + 1)) && (_local3 == (_local8 + _local7))) { var _local17 = _checkerBoard[_local13][_local8]; if (highlightJump) { highlightSquare(_local3 + (_local2 * 8)); } if (moveGuy) { setJumpedID(_local17); _checkerBoard[_local13][_local8] = -1; _checkerBoard[_local5][_local4] = -1; _checkerBoard[_local2][_local3] = entity.getID(); } return(true); } } if (areOpponents(entity.getID(), _checkerBoard[_local12][_local8])) { if ((_local2 == (_local12 - 1)) && (_local3 == (_local8 + _local7))) { var _local17 = _checkerBoard[_local12][_local8]; if (moveGuy) { } if (highlightJump) { highlightSquare(_local3 + (_local2 * 8)); } if (moveGuy) { setJumpedID(_local17); _checkerBoard[_local12][_local8] = -1; _checkerBoard[_local5][_local4] = -1; _checkerBoard[_local2][_local3] = entity.getID(); } return(true); } } } else { _local7 = _local7 * -1; var _local15 = _local5 + 1; var _local14 = _local5 - 1; var _local9 = _local4 + _local7; if (!isKing(entity.getID())) { if (moveGuy) { } return(false); } if (((_local15 == _local2) || (_local14 == _local2)) && (_local9 == _local3)) { if (moveGuy) { _checkerBoard[_local5][_local4] = -1; _checkerBoard[_local2][_local3] = entity.getID(); } return(true); } if (areOpponents(entity.getID(), _checkerBoard[_local15][_local9])) { if ((_local2 == (_local15 + 1)) && (_local3 == (_local9 + _local7))) { var _local17 = _checkerBoard[_local15][_local9]; if (moveGuy) { } if (highlightJump) { highlightSquare(_local3 + (_local2 * 8)); } if (moveGuy) { setJumpedID(_local17); _checkerBoard[_local15][_local9] = -1; _checkerBoard[_local5][_local4] = -1; _checkerBoard[_local2][_local3] = entity.getID(); } return(true); } } if (areOpponents(entity.getID(), _checkerBoard[_local14][_local9])) { if ((_local2 == (_local14 - 1)) && (_local3 == (_local9 + _local7))) { var _local17 = _checkerBoard[_local14][_local9]; if (moveGuy) { } if (highlightJump) { highlightSquare(_local3 + (_local2 * 8)); } if (moveGuy) { setJumpedID(_local17); _checkerBoard[_local14][_local9] = -1; _checkerBoard[_local5][_local4] = -1; _checkerBoard[_local2][_local3] = entity.getID(); } return(true); } } } return(false); } function handleJumpedGuy(gridX, gridY) { var _local2 = _checkerBoard[gridX][gridY]; setJumpedID(_local2); _checkerBoard[gridX][gridY] = -1; } function setClearSquare(entity) { var _local2 = entity.getPositionX(); var _local3 = entity.getPositionY(); var _local5 = getBoardSquare(_local2, _local3); _boardSprite[_local5].setVisibility(false); _local2 = entity.getPositionX() + (SQUARE_WIDTH * 2); _local3 = entity.getPositionY() + (SQUARE_HEIGHT * 2); if (isValidMove(entity, _local2, _local3, false, false)) { _local5 = getBoardSquare(_local2, _local3); _boardSprite[_local5].doneAnimating(); } _local2 = entity.getPositionX() + (SQUARE_WIDTH * 2); _local3 = entity.getPositionY() - (SQUARE_HEIGHT * 2); if (isValidMove(entity, _local2, _local3, false, false)) { _local5 = getBoardSquare(_local2, _local3); _boardSprite[_local5].doneAnimating(); } _local2 = entity.getPositionX() - (SQUARE_WIDTH * 2); _local3 = entity.getPositionY() + (SQUARE_HEIGHT * 2); if (isValidMove(entity, _local2, _local3, false, false)) { _local5 = getBoardSquare(_local2, _local3); _boardSprite[_local5].doneAnimating(); } _local2 = entity.getPositionX() - (SQUARE_WIDTH * 2); _local3 = entity.getPositionY() - (SQUARE_HEIGHT * 2); if (isValidMove(entity, _local2, _local3, false, false)) { _local5 = getBoardSquare(_local2, _local3); _boardSprite[_local5].doneAnimating(); } } function highlightSquareUsingEntity(entity) { var _local3 = entity.getPositionX(); var _local2 = entity.getPositionY(); var _local5 = getBoardSquare(_local3, _local2); highlightSquare(_local5); _local3 = entity.getPositionX() + (SQUARE_WIDTH * 2); _local2 = entity.getPositionY() + (SQUARE_HEIGHT * 2); if (isValidMove(entity, _local3, _local2, false, false)) { _local5 = getBoardSquare(_local3, _local2); animateSquare(_local5); } _local3 = entity.getPositionX() + (SQUARE_WIDTH * 2); _local2 = entity.getPositionY() - (SQUARE_HEIGHT * 2); if (isValidMove(entity, _local3, _local2, false, false)) { _local5 = getBoardSquare(_local3, _local2); animateSquare(_local5); } _local3 = entity.getPositionX() - (SQUARE_WIDTH * 2); _local2 = entity.getPositionY() + (SQUARE_HEIGHT * 2); if (isValidMove(entity, _local3, _local2, false, false)) { _local5 = getBoardSquare(_local3, _local2); animateSquare(_local5); } _local3 = entity.getPositionX() - (SQUARE_WIDTH * 2); _local2 = entity.getPositionY() - (SQUARE_HEIGHT * 2); if (isValidMove(entity, _local3, _local2, false, false)) { _local5 = getBoardSquare(_local3, _local2); animateSquare(_local5); } } function highlightMoveSquares(entity) { var _local5; var _local3 = entity.getPositionX() + SQUARE_WIDTH; var _local2 = entity.getPositionY() + SQUARE_HEIGHT; var _local6 = false; if (isValidMove(entity, _local3, _local2, false, false)) { _local5 = getBoardSquare(_local3, _local2); animateSquare(_local5); _local6 = true; } _local3 = entity.getPositionX() + SQUARE_WIDTH; _local2 = entity.getPositionY() - SQUARE_HEIGHT; if (isValidMove(entity, _local3, _local2, false, false)) { _local5 = getBoardSquare(_local3, _local2); animateSquare(_local5); _local6 = true; } _local3 = entity.getPositionX() - SQUARE_WIDTH; _local2 = entity.getPositionY() + SQUARE_HEIGHT; if (isValidMove(entity, _local3, _local2, false, false)) { _local5 = getBoardSquare(_local3, _local2); animateSquare(_local5); _local6 = true; } _local3 = entity.getPositionX() - SQUARE_WIDTH; _local2 = entity.getPositionY() - SQUARE_HEIGHT; if (isValidMove(entity, _local3, _local2, false, false)) { _local5 = getBoardSquare(_local3, _local2); animateSquare(_local5); _local6 = true; } if (_local6) { _local3 = entity.getPositionX(); _local2 = entity.getPositionY(); _local5 = getBoardSquare(_local3, _local2); highlightSquare(_local5); } return(_local6); } function canIMove(entity) { var _local6; var _local3 = entity.getPositionX() + SQUARE_WIDTH; var _local2 = entity.getPositionY() + SQUARE_HEIGHT; var _local5 = false; if (isValidMove(entity, _local3, _local2, false, false)) { _local6 = getBoardSquare(_local3, _local2); _local5 = true; } _local3 = entity.getPositionX() + SQUARE_WIDTH; _local2 = entity.getPositionY() - SQUARE_HEIGHT; if (isValidMove(entity, _local3, _local2, false, false)) { _local6 = getBoardSquare(_local3, _local2); _local5 = true; } _local3 = entity.getPositionX() - SQUARE_WIDTH; _local2 = entity.getPositionY() + SQUARE_HEIGHT; if (isValidMove(entity, _local3, _local2, false, false)) { _local6 = getBoardSquare(_local3, _local2); _local5 = true; } _local3 = entity.getPositionX() - SQUARE_WIDTH; _local2 = entity.getPositionY() - SQUARE_HEIGHT; if (isValidMove(entity, _local3, _local2, false, false)) { _local6 = getBoardSquare(_local3, _local2); _local5 = true; } return(_local5); } function iCanWin(entity, gridX, gridY) { var _local6 = _teamDir[_whosTurn]; var _local2 = 1; var _local5 = 1; if (canJump(gridX, gridY, entity.getID())) { _local2 = 2; _local5 = 3; } else if (_local6 > 0) { if (gridY == (7 - _local2)) { if (gridX < (7 - _local2)) { if (_checkerBoard[gridX + _local2][gridY + _local2] == -1) { return(_local5); } } else if (gridX > _local2) { if (_checkerBoard[gridX - _local2][gridY + _local2] == -1) { return(_local5 + 1); } } } } else if (gridY == _local2) { if (gridX < (7 - _local2)) { if (_checkerBoard[gridX + _local2][gridY - _local2] == -1) { return(_local5); } } else if (gridX > _local2) { if (_checkerBoard[gridX - _local2][gridY - _local2] == -1) { return(_local5 + 1); } } } return(-1); } function canJumpAgain(entity, posX, posY, highlightJump) { var _local2 = 0; if (isValidMove(entity, posX + (SQUARE_WIDTH * 2), posY + (SQUARE_HEIGHT * 2), false, highlightJump)) { _local2 = 100; } if (isValidMove(entity, posX + (SQUARE_WIDTH * 2), posY - (SQUARE_HEIGHT * 2), false, highlightJump)) { _local2 = 100; } if (isValidMove(entity, posX - (SQUARE_WIDTH * 2), posY + (SQUARE_HEIGHT * 2), false, highlightJump)) { _local2 = 100; } if (isValidMove(entity, posX - (SQUARE_WIDTH * 2), posY - (SQUARE_HEIGHT * 2), false, highlightJump)) { _local2 = 100; } return(_local2); } function animateSquare(squareNum) { _squareIsHighlighted++; _boardSprite[squareNum].setVisibility(true); _boardSprite[squareNum].startAnimating(218, 245, 48, true); return(undefined); } function animateSquares() { var _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < _boardSprite.length) { if (_boardSprite[_local2].isAnimating()) { _boardSprite[_local2].animateSprite(); } _local2++; } } function highlightSquare(squareNum) { _squareIsHighlighted++; _boardSprite[squareNum].setVisibility(true); _boardSprite[squareNum].moveToFrame(245); return(undefined); } function unHighlightSquare(squareNum) { _squareIsHighlighted--; _boardSprite[squareNum].setVisibility(false); } function showMessage() { var _local2; var _local3; if (_whosTurn == 1) { _local2 = "YOU "; _local3 = ((_character == 0) ? 2 : 3); } else { _local2 = "YOUR OPPONENT "; _local3 = ((_character == 1) ? 2 : 3); } _interface.getMovieClip().messages.gotoAndStop(_local3); if ((_whosTurn == 0) && (_gotKinged == true)) { _interface.getMovieClip().messages.moveText.text = _local2 + "GETS KINGED"; return(undefined); } if (_numCaptured == 0) { if (_whosTurn == 1) { _interface.getMovieClip().messages.moveText.text = _local2 + "Move a piece"; } else { _interface.getMovieClip().messages.moveText.text = _local2 + "MOVES A PIECE"; } } else if (_whosTurn == 1) { if (_numCaptured == 1) { _interface.getMovieClip().messages.moveText.text = ((_local2 + "Capture ") + _numCaptured) + " PIECE"; } else { _interface.getMovieClip().messages.moveText.text = ((_local2 + "CAPTURE ") + _numCaptured) + " PIECES"; } } else if (_numCaptured == 1) { _interface.getMovieClip().messages.moveText.text = ((_local2 + "CAPTURES ") + _numCaptured) + " PIECE"; } else { _interface.getMovieClip().messages.moveText.text = ((_local2 + "CAPTURES ") + _numCaptured) + " PIECES"; } if (_gotKinged == true) { if (_whosTurn == 1) { _interface.getMovieClip().messages.moveText.text = _interface.getMovieClip().messages.moveText.text + ". GET KINGED"; } else { _interface.getMovieClip().messages.moveText.text = _interface.getMovieClip().messages.moveText.text + ". GETS KINGED"; } } } function showMessageString(msg, whosMessage) { _interface.getMovieClip().messages.gotoAndStop(whosMessage); _interface.getMovieClip().messages.moveText.text = msg; } function setMove(toSet) { _move = toSet; } function incNumCaptured() { _numCaptured++; _totalNumCaptured[_whosTurn]++; if (_whosTurn == 0) { _interface.getMovieClip().player_one.checkers_captured.text = "X " + _totalNumCaptured[_whosTurn]; _interface.getMovieClip().player_one.gui_checkers_captured_mc.gotoAndStop(_character + 2); } else { _interface.getMovieClip().player_two.checkers_captured.text = "X " + _totalNumCaptured[_whosTurn]; _interface.getMovieClip().player_two.gui_checkers_captured_mc.gotoAndStop((_character ^ 1) + 2); } } function clearMessage() { _move = -1; _numCaptured = 0; _gotKinged = false; } function handleTurnOver() { showMessage(); clearMessage(); switchTurns(); return(undefined); } function setWhosTurn(turn) { _whosTurn = turn; } function setMovingPiece(idx) { _movingPiece = idx; } function setPieceOnBoard(idx, x, y) { var _local3 = Math.round((x - _boardBaseX) / SQUARE_WIDTH); var _local2 = Math.round((y - _boardBaseY) / SQUARE_HEIGHT); _checkerBoard[_local3][_local2] = idx; return(undefined); } function setJumpedID(num) { _jumpedID = num; _jumpedGuy = num; } function setNumPlayers(num) { _numPlayers = num; } function incNumPlayers() { _numPlayers++; } function setPlayingMultiplayer(toSet) { _playingMultiplayer = toSet; } function setBestMove(idx, score) { _bestMoveGuy = idx; _bestMoveScore = score; } function setJumpedGuy(idx) { _jumpedGuy = idx; } function setAvatarMoving(toSet) { _avatarMoving = toSet; _avatarToMove = -1; } function getWhosTurn() { return(_whosTurn); } function getBoardBaseX() { return(_boardBaseX); } function getBoardBaseY() { return(_boardBaseY); } function getNumPlayers() { return(_numPlayers); } function getBoardPosition(x, y) { return(_boardPositions[x][y]); } function getMovingPiece() { return(_movingPiece); } function getAvatarMoving() { return(_avatarMoving); } function isPieceMoving() { if ((_movingPiece > -1) || (_avatarMoving > -1)) { return(true); } return(false); } function isAvatarMoving() { return(((_avatarMoving > -1) ? true : false)); } function getJumpedID() { return(_jumpedID); } function isMyTurn(idx) { return(idx == _whosTurn); } function switchTurns() { if (_whosTurn == 0) { _numMoves++; _numMessageMoves++; } _whosTurn = _whosTurn ^ 1; } function getNumMoves() { return(_numMoves); } function decNumReady() { _numReady--; } function incNumReady() { _numReady++; } function incNumLost() { _numLost++; } function setGameReady(toSet) { _gameReady = toSet; } function isGameReady() { return(_gameReady); } function getNumReady() { return(_numReady); } function setPieceMoved(idx) { _pieceMoved = idx; } function setPieceMoving(idx) { _movingPiece = idx; } function getPieceMoved() { return(_pieceMoved); } function getPieceMoving() { return(_pieceMoving); } function getPieceDestX() { return(_pieceDestX); } function getPieceDestY() { return(_pieceDestY); } function isPlayingMultiplayer() { return(_playingMultiplayer); } function getPlayer(num) { return(_players[num]); } function setResetGameToNetwork() { _resetGameToNetwork = true; } function getResetGameToNetwork() { return(_resetGameToNetwork); } function getTeamDir(idx) { return(_teamDir[idx]); } function getBestMoveGuy() { return(_bestMoveGuy); } function getBestMoveScore() { return(_bestMoveScore); } function getJumpedGuy() { return(_jumpedGuy); } function changeCPUPlayerToNetworkPlayer(num) { var _local3 = 0; while (_local3 < 8) { var _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < 8) { _checkerBoard[_local3][_local2] = -1; _local2++; } _local3++; } setPlayingMultiplayer(true); _whosTurn = 1; _numReady = 0; _numLost = 0; _movingPiece = -1; _jumpedID = -1; _teamDir[0] = 1; _teamDir[1] = -1; _pieceMoved = -1; _pieceMoving = -1; _playingMultiplayer = true; _players[0].removePieces(); _players[0].Init(); _players[1].removePieces(); _numPlayers--; delete _players[num]; _players.splice(num, 1); } function shouldBeKinged(entity) { if (isKing(entity.getID())) { return(false); } var _local2 = _teamDir[_whosTurn]; var _local3 = Math.round((entity.getPositionY() - _boardBaseY) / SQUARE_HEIGHT); var _local4 = ((_local2 > 0) ? 7 : 0); if (_local3 == _local4) { return(true); } return(false); } function setKinged(idx) { _kings[idx] = true; } function isPieceKinged(idx) { if (_kings[idx] == true) { return(true); } } function isKing(idx) { if (_kings[idx] == true) { return(true); } if (getAvatarSelected(idx)) { return(true); } return(false); } function wasKing(idx) { return(_kings[idx]); } function kingMe(entity) { entity.startAnimating(323, 350, 24, false); setKinged(entity.getID()); } function handleReceivedMsg(alias, msg) { var _local2 = msg.firstChild; var _local3 = msg.firstChild.nodeName; switch (_local3) { case "MADE_MOVE" : setMoveMadeInfo(_local2.attributes.pieceIdx, _local2.attributes.posX, _local2.attributes.posY); break; case "SYNCED_AND_READY" : setMoveMadeInfo(_local2.attributes.ready); break; } } function setMoveMadeInfo(idx, xPos, yPos) { _pieceMoved = Number(idx); _pieceDestX = Number(xPos); _pieceDestY = Number(yPos); return(undefined); } function setMovingPieceInfo(idx, xPos, yPos) { _pieceMoving = Number(idx); _pieceDestX = Number(xPos); _pieceDestY = Number(yPos); return(undefined); } function setClearHighlightedSquares() { _squareIsHighlighted = 0; var _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < 64) { _boardSprite[_local2].setVisibility(false); _boardSprite[_local2].doneAnimating(); _local2++; } } function updateBoard(entity) { var _local7 = entity.getDestPosX(); var _local6 = entity.getDestPosY(); var _local3 = entity.getPositionX(); var _local10 = entity.getPositionY(); var _local9 = Math.floor((_local3 - _boardBaseX) / SQUARE_WIDTH); var _local8 = Math.floor((_local10 - _boardBaseY) / SQUARE_HEIGHT); var _local4 = Math.floor((_local7 - _boardBaseX) / SQUARE_WIDTH); var _local5 = Math.floor((_local6 - _boardBaseY) / SQUARE_HEIGHT); _checkerBoard[_local9][_local8] = -1; _checkerBoard[_local4][_local5] = entity.getID(); } function isWinner() { return(false); } function setWinner(winner) { _winner = winner; } function getWinner() { return(_winner); } function getSoundModule() { return(_soundModule); } function setUpSoundsFx() { _soundMC = _root.createEmptyMovieClip("sound_mc", 12000); _soundModule = new Game.SoundModule(_soundMC); var _local3 = 0; while (_local3 < soundList.length) { var _local4 = _soundModule.LoadSound(soundList[_local3]); _local4.attachSound(soundList[_local3]); _local3++; } } function StopAllSounds() { var _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < soundList.length) { _soundModule.StopSound(soundList[_local2]); _local2++; } } function playSound(soundNum) { var _local3; var _local4 = 0; switch (soundNum) { case _global.SND_BTN1 : _local3 = "bs_checkers_btn1.wav"; break; case _global.SND_BTN2 : _local3 = "bs_checkers_btn2.wav"; break; case _global.SND_BTN3 : _local3 = "bs_checkers_btn3.wav"; break; case _global.SND_BTN4 : _local3 = "bs_checkers_btn4.wav"; break; case _global.SND_CLINK1 : _local3 = "checkers_clink1.wav"; break; case _global.SND_CLINK2 : _local3 = "checkers_clink2.wav"; break; case _global.SND_CLINK3 : _local3 = "checkers_clink3.wav"; break; case _global.SND_CLINK4 : _local3 = "checkers_clink4.wav"; break; case _global.SND_CLINK5 : _local3 = "checkers_clink5.wav"; break; case _global.SND_CLINK6 : _local3 = "checkers_clink6.wav"; break; case _global.SND_CLINK7 : _local3 = "checkers_clink7.wav"; break; case _global.SND_DROP1 : _local3 = "checkers_drop1.wav"; break; case _global.SND_CLINK1 : _local3 = "checkers_tally.wav"; break; case _global.SND_TITLE : _local3 = "music_title_2.wav"; break; case _global.SND_GAME : _local3 = "music_game_2.wav"; _local4 = 1; break; case _global.SND_JUMP1 : _local3 = "sting_jump1.mp3"; break; case _global.SND_FROM1 : _local3 = "bs_checkers_from1.wav"; break; case _global.SND_TO2 : _local3 = "bs_checkers_to2.wav"; break; case _global.SND_BS_CAP : _local3 = "bs_checkers_bigshot_cap.wav"; break; case _global.SND_BS_CAP2 : _local3 = "bs_checkers_bigshot_cap2.wav"; break; case _global.SND_BS_JUMP : _local3 = "bs_checkers_bigshot_jump.wav"; break; case _global.SND_BS_SLIDE : _local3 = "bs_checkers_slide1.wav"; break; case _global.SND_JUMP2 : _local3 = "sting_jump2.mp3"; break; case _global.SND_JUMP3 : _local3 = "sting_jump3.mp3"; break; case _global.SND_JUMP_AVATAR : _local3 = "sting_jump_avatar.mp3"; break; case _global.SND_KINGED : _local3 = "sting_kinged.wav"; break; case _global.SND_LOSE_01 : _local3 = "sting_lose_01.wav"; break; case _global.SND_LOSE_02 : _local3 = "sting_lose_02.wav"; break; case _global.SND_WIN : _local3 = "sting_win.wav"; break; case _global.SND_TIMECOUNTDOWN : _local3 = "time_countdown.wav"; break; case _global.SND_TIMEUP : _local3 = "time_up.wav"; break; default : _local3 = "checkers_drop1"; } _soundModule.PlaySound(_local3, 100, 0, 0, 1); } function canTradePiece(piece, currentGridX, currentGridY, dir) { copyBoard(); copyBoard(); return(false); } function sacrificePieceToMoveAvatarBackward(piece, currentGridX, currentGridY, dir) { if (((dir < 0) && (currentGridY < 4)) || ((dir > 0) && (currentGridY > 3))) { return(false); } if (areOpponents(_checkerBoard[currentGridX - 1][currentGridY - dir], piece.getID()) && ((_checkerBoard[currentGridX + 1][currentGridY + dir] == -1) || (_checkerBoard[currentGridX + 1][currentGridY + dir] == piece.getID()))) { if (getAvatarSelected(piece.getID()) && (_checkerBoard[currentGridX][currentGridY] != -1)) { } else if (getAvatarSelected(_checkerBoard[currentGridX - 1][currentGridY - dir])) { return(true); } } if (areOpponents(_checkerBoard[currentGridX + 1][currentGridY - dir], piece.getID()) && ((_checkerBoard[currentGridX - 1][currentGridY + dir] == -1) || (_checkerBoard[currentGridX - 1][currentGridY + dir] == piece.getID()))) { if (getAvatarSelected(piece.getID()) && (_checkerBoard[currentGridX][currentGridY] != -1)) { } else if (getAvatarSelected(_checkerBoard[currentGridX + 1][currentGridY - dir])) { return(true); } } } function movePieceOnBoardCopy(id, gridX, gridY) { var _local3 = 0; while (_local3 < 8) { var _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < 8) { if (_checkerBoardCopy[_local3][_local2] == id) { _checkerBoardCopy[_local3][_local2] = -1; _checkerBoardCopy[gridX][gridY] = id; return(undefined); } _local2++; } _local3++; } } function willGetJumped(piece, currentGridX, currentGridY, dir) { if ((((currentGridX == 0) || (currentGridX == 7)) || (currentGridY == 0)) || (currentGridY == 7)) { return(0); } var _local6 = 0; var _local7 = 0; if (areOpponents(_checkerBoard[currentGridX - 1][currentGridY + dir], piece.getID()) && ((_checkerBoard[currentGridX + 1][currentGridY - dir] == -1) || (_checkerBoard[currentGridX + 1][currentGridY - dir] == piece.getID()))) { if (getAvatarSelected(piece.getID()) && (_checkerBoard[currentGridX][currentGridY] != -1)) { } else { copyBoard(); movePieceOnBoardCopy(piece.getID(), currentGridX, currentGridY); if (getJumpValue(_checkerBoard[currentGridX - 1][currentGridY + dir], currentGridX - 1, currentGridY + dir, dir * -1) > 100) { _local7 = 1; } _local6 = 1; } } if (areOpponents(_checkerBoard[currentGridX + 1][currentGridY + dir], piece.getID()) && ((_checkerBoard[currentGridX - 1][currentGridY - dir] == -1) || (_checkerBoard[currentGridX - 1][currentGridY - dir] == piece.getID()))) { if (getAvatarSelected(piece.getID()) && (_checkerBoard[currentGridX][currentGridY] != -1)) { } else { copyBoard(); movePieceOnBoardCopy(piece.getID(), currentGridX, currentGridY); if (getJumpValue(_checkerBoard[currentGridX + 1][currentGridY + dir], currentGridX + 1, currentGridY + dir, dir * -1) > 100) { _local7 = 1; } _local6 = 1; } } if ((areOpponents(_checkerBoard[currentGridX - 1][currentGridY - dir], piece.getID()) && (isKing(_checkerBoard[currentGridX - 1][currentGridY - dir]))) && ((_checkerBoard[currentGridX + 1][currentGridY + dir] == -1) || (_checkerBoard[currentGridX + 1][currentGridY + dir] == piece.getID()))) { if (getAvatarSelected(piece.getID()) && (_checkerBoard[currentGridX][currentGridY] != -1)) { } else { _local6 = 1; } } if ((areOpponents(_checkerBoard[currentGridX + 1][currentGridY - dir], piece.getID()) && (isKing(_checkerBoard[currentGridX + 1][currentGridY - dir]))) && ((_checkerBoard[currentGridX - 1][currentGridY + dir] == -1) || (_checkerBoard[currentGridX - 1][currentGridY + dir] == piece.getID()))) { if (getAvatarSelected(piece.getID()) && (_checkerBoard[currentGridX][currentGridY] != -1)) { } else { _local6 = 1; } } return(_local6 + _local7); } function pieceToRight(currentGridX, currentGridY, dir, numAway) { if ((currentGridX + numAway) > 7) { return(-2); } return(_checkerBoard[currentGridX + numAway][currentGridY]); } function pieceToLeft(currentGridX, currentGridY, dir, numAway) { if ((currentGridX - numAway) < 0) { return(-2); } return(_checkerBoard[currentGridX - numAway][currentGridY]); } function pieceInFrontRight(currentGridX, currentGridY, dir, numAway) { if ((((currentGridX + numAway) > 7) || ((currentGridY + (numAway * dir)) > 7)) || ((currentGridY + (numAway * dir)) < 0)) { return(-2); } return(_checkerBoard[currentGridX + numAway][currentGridY + (numAway * dir)]); } function pieceInFrontLeft(currentGridX, currentGridY, dir, numAway) { if ((((currentGridX - numAway) < 0) || ((currentGridY + (numAway * dir)) > 7)) || ((currentGridY + (numAway * dir)) < 0)) { return(-2); } return(_checkerBoard[currentGridX - numAway][currentGridY + (numAway * dir)]); } function pieceInBackRight(currentGridX, currentGridY, dir, numAway) { if ((((currentGridX + numAway) > 7) || ((currentGridY - (numAway * dir)) > 7)) || ((currentGridY - (numAway * dir)) < 0)) { return(-2); } return(_checkerBoard[currentGridX + numAway][currentGridY - (numAway * dir)]); } function pieceInBackLeft(currentGridX, currentGridY, dir, numAway) { if ((((currentGridX - numAway) < 0) || ((currentGridY - (numAway * dir)) > 7)) || ((currentGridY - (numAway * dir)) < 0)) { return(-2); } return(_checkerBoard[currentGridX - numAway][currentGridY - (numAway * dir)]); } function pieceInFront(currentGridX, currentGridY, dir, numAway) { if (((currentGridY + (numAway * dir)) < 0) || ((currentGridY + (numAway * dir)) > 7)) { return(-2); } return(_checkerBoard[currentGridX][currentGridY + (numAway * dir)]); } function pieceInBack(currentGridX, currentGridY, dir, numAway) { if (((currentGridY + (numAway * dir)) < 0) || ((currentGridY + (numAway * dir)) > 7)) { return(-2); } return(_checkerBoard[currentGridX][currentGridY - (numAway * dir)]); } function inPositionToInduceMultipleJump(piece, currentX, currentY, dir) { var _local6 = false; if (areOpponents(pieceInFrontRight(currentX, currentY, dir, 1), piece.getID()) && (areOpponents(pieceInFrontLeft(currentX, currentY, dir, 1), piece.getID()))) { if ((pieceInBackLeft(currentX, currentY, dir, 1) == -1) || (pieceInBackLeft(currentX, currentY, dir, 1) == piece.getID())) { if (((pieceInBackLeft(currentX, currentY, dir, 2) > -1) && (pieceInBackLeft(currentX, currentY, dir, 3) != -1)) && (!areOpponents(pieceInBackLeft(currentX, currentY, dir, 2), piece.getID()))) { if (pieceInBack(currentX, currentY, dir, 2) <= -1) { _local6 = true; } } } if ((pieceInBackRight(currentX, currentY, dir, 1) == -1) || (pieceInBackRight(currentX, currentY, dir, 1) == piece.getID())) { if (((pieceInBackRight(currentX, currentY, dir, 2) > -1) && (pieceInBackRight(currentX, currentY, dir, 3) != -1)) && (!areOpponents(pieceInBackRight(currentX, currentY, dir, 2), piece.getID()))) { _local6 = true; } } } return(_local6); } function canMoveToKingRow(piece, currentGridX, currentGridY, dir) { if ((currentGridY == 0) && (dir < 0)) { return(100); } if ((currentGridY == 7) && (dir > 0)) { return(100); } return(0); } function aboutToGetJumped(piece, currentX, currentY, dir) { var _local2 = Math.floor((currentX - _boardBaseX) / SQUARE_WIDTH); var _local3 = Math.floor((currentY - _boardBaseY) / SQUARE_HEIGHT); if ((((_local2 == 0) || (_local2 == 7)) || (_local3 == 0)) || (_local3 == 7)) { return(0); } if (areOpponents(_checkerBoard[_local2 - 1][_local3 + dir], piece.getID()) && (_checkerBoard[_local2 + 1][_local3 - dir] == -1)) { return(2); } if (areOpponents(_checkerBoard[_local2 + 1][_local3 + dir], piece.getID()) && (_checkerBoard[_local2 - 1][_local3 - dir] == -1)) { return(1); } if ((areOpponents(_checkerBoard[_local2 - 1][_local3 - dir], piece.getID()) && (isKing(_checkerBoard[_local2 - 1][_local3 - dir]))) && (_checkerBoard[_local2 + 1][_local3 + dir] == -1)) { return(2); } if ((areOpponents(_checkerBoard[_local2 + 1][_local3 - dir], piece.getID()) && (isKing(_checkerBoard[_local2 + 1][_local3 - dir]))) && (_checkerBoard[_local2 - 1][_local3 + dir] == -1)) { return(1); } return(0); } function wasBlockingJump(currentGridX, currentGridY, dir, id) { var _local2 = pieceInFrontRight(currentGridX, currentGridY, dir, 1); var _local3 = pieceInFrontRight(currentGridX, currentGridY, dir, 2); if ((_local2 > -1) && (!areOpponents(_local2, id))) { if ((_local3 > -1) && (areOpponents(_local3, id))) { return(true); } } _local2 = pieceInFrontLeft(currentGridX, currentGridY, dir, 1); _local3 = pieceInFrontLeft(currentGridX, currentGridY, dir, 2); if ((_local2 > -1) && (!areOpponents(_local2, id))) { if ((_local3 > -1) && (areOpponents(_local3, id))) { return(true); } } return(false); } function canICreateAlleyForAvatar(piece, currentGridX, currentGridY, dir) { var _local7 = pieceToLeft(currentGridX, currentGridY, dir, 2); var _local8 = pieceToRight(currentGridX, currentGridY, dir, 2); var _local6 = pieceInFront(currentGridX, currentGridY, dir, 2); var _local10 = pieceInFrontRight(currentGridX, currentGridY, dir, 1); var _local11 = pieceInFrontLeft(currentGridX, currentGridY, dir, 1); var _local2 = piece.getID(); var _local9 = pieceInFrontLeft(currentGridX, currentGridY, dir, 2); if (getAvatarSelected(_local7) && (!areOpponents(_local7, _local2))) { if ((_local6 >= -1) && (!areOpponents(_local6, _local2))) { if (_local11 == -1) { if (areOpponents(_local9, _local2)) { return(100); } } } } _local9 = pieceInFrontRight(currentGridX, currentGridY, dir, 2); if (getAvatarSelected(_local8) && (!areOpponents(_local8, _local2))) { if ((_local6 >= -1) && (!areOpponents(_local6, _local2))) { if (_local10 == -1) { if (areOpponents(_local9, _local2)) { return(100); } } } } return(0); } function canIBridgeAvatar(piece, currentGridX, currentGridY, dir) { var _local4 = pieceToLeft(currentGridX, currentGridY, dir, 2); var _local5 = pieceToRight(currentGridX, currentGridY, dir, 2); var _local8 = pieceInFront(currentGridX, currentGridY, dir, 2); var _local9 = pieceInFrontRight(currentGridX, currentGridY, dir, 1); var _local10 = pieceInFrontLeft(currentGridX, currentGridY, dir, 1); var _local2 = piece.getID(); if (getAvatarSelected(_local4) && (!areOpponents(_local4, _local2))) { if ((_local8 >= -1) && (areOpponents(_local4, _local2))) { if (_local10 == -1) { return(100); } } } if (getAvatarSelected(_local5) && (!areOpponents(_local5, _local2))) { if ((_local8 >= -1) && (areOpponents(_local5, _local2))) { if (_local9 == -1) { return(100); } } } return(0); } function myTeamHasMorePieces(idx) { var _local2 = Math.floor(idx / 12); if (_totalNumCaptured[_local2] > _totalNumCaptured[_local2 ^ 1]) { return(true); } return(false); } function teamHasPieceOnKingRow(idx, dir) { var _local3 = ((dir > 0) ? 7 : 0); var _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < 8) { if ((_checkerBoard[_local2][_local3] != -1) && (_checkerBoard[_local2][_local3] != idx)) { if (!areOpponents(_checkerBoard[_local2][_local3], idx)) { return(true); } } _local2++; } return(false); } function numOnKingRow(idx, dir) { var _local3 = ((dir > 0) ? 7 : 0); var _local5 = 0; var _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < 8) { if ((_checkerBoard[_local2][_local3] != -1) && (_checkerBoard[_local2][_local3] != idx)) { if (!areOpponents(_checkerBoard[_local2][_local3], idx)) { _local5++; } } _local2++; } return(_local5); } function sacrificePieceToReappearOnKing(idx, dir) { if ((!myTeamHasMorePieces(idx)) && (teamHasPieceOnKingRow(idx, dir))) { return(true); } return(false); } function considerConsequences(piece, currentX, currentY, dir, movingForward) { var _local3 = Math.floor((currentX - _boardBaseX) / SQUARE_WIDTH); var _local5 = Math.floor((currentY - _boardBaseY) / SQUARE_HEIGHT); var _local4 = 0; var _local10 = piece.getID(); var _local9 = willGetJumped(piece, _local3, _local5, dir); if (_local9 > 0) { _local4 = -50; if (getAvatarSelected(_local10)) { } if (_difficultyLevel >= 1) { if (sacrificePieceToReappearOnKing(_local10, dir)) { _local4 = 450; } else if ((_local9 > 1) && (_difficultyLevel == 2)) { _local4 = -100; } if (_difficultyLevel == 2) { if (sacrificePieceToMoveAvatarBackward(piece, _local3, _local5, dir)) { _local4 = _local4 + 500; } } } } else if (_checkerBoard[_local3][_local5] == -1) { var _local7 = pieceInFrontRight(_local3, _local5, dir, 1); var _local8 = pieceInFrontRight(_local3, _local5, dir, 2); if ((_local7 > -1) && (!areOpponents(_local7, piece.getID()))) { if ((_local8 > -1) && (areOpponents(_local8, piece.getID()))) { _local4 = 200; } } _local7 = pieceInFrontLeft(_local3, _local5, dir, 1); _local8 = pieceInFrontLeft(_local3, _local5, dir, 2); if ((_local7 > -1) && (!areOpponents(_local7, piece.getID()))) { if ((_local8 > -1) && (areOpponents(_local8, piece.getID()))) { _local4 = 200; } } if (_difficultyLevel >= 1) { _local4 = _local4 + canICreateAlleyForAvatar(piece, _local3, _local5, dir); if (((_local3 == 0) || (_local3 == 7)) && ((_local5 >= 1) || (_local3 <= 6))) { _local4 = _local4 + 125; } if ((_numMoves > 5) && (getAvatarSelected(piece.getID()) && (movingForward))) { _local4 = _local4 + 150; } } else if (getAvatarSelected(piece.getID()) && (movingForward)) { _local4 = _local4 + 150; } _local4 = _local4 + canMoveToKingRow(piece, _local3, _local5, dir); if (!getAvatarSelected(piece.getID())) { _local4 = _local4 + canIBridgeAvatar(piece, _local3, _local5, dir); } } return(_local4); } function setGotKinged() { _gotKinged = true; } function setJumpingAgain(idx) { _jumpingAgain = idx; } function getJumpingAgain() { return(_jumpingAgain); } function copyBoard() { var _local3 = 0; while (_local3 < 8) { var _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < 8) { _checkerBoardCopy[_local3][_local2] = _checkerBoard[_local3][_local2]; _local2++; } _local3++; } } function canJumpAgainFromHere(myID, startingGridX, startingGridY, currentGridX, currentGridY) { if ((((currentGridX < 0) || (currentGridY < 0)) || (currentGridX > 7)) || (currentGridY > 7)) { return(false); } var _local3 = (startingGridX + currentGridX) / 2; var _local4 = (startingGridY + currentGridY) / 2; var _local7 = _checkerBoardCopy[_local3][_local4]; if (_local7 < 0) { return(false); } if (!areOpponents(myID, _local7)) { return(false); } if (_checkerBoardCopy[currentGridX][currentGridY] != -1) { return(false); } _checkerBoardCopy[_local3][_local4] = -1; return(true); } function getJumpValue(myID, currentX, currentY, dir) { var _local6 = currentX; var _local5 = currentY; var _local3; var _local4; var _local10 = getSquareWidth(); var _local9 = getSquareHeight(); var _local7 = 0; _local3 = _local6 + 2; _local4 = _local5 + (2 * dir); if (canJumpAgainFromHere(myID, _local6, _local5, _local3, _local4)) { _local7 = _local7 + 100; _local7 = _local7 + getJumpValue(myID, _local3, _local4, dir); } _local3 = _local6 - 2; _local4 = _local5 + (2 * dir); if (canJumpAgainFromHere(myID, _local6, _local5, _local3, _local4)) { _local7 = _local7 + 100; _local7 = _local7 + getJumpValue(myID, _local3, _local4, dir); } if (isKing(myID)) { _local3 = _local6 + 2; _local4 = _local5 - (2 * dir); if (canJumpAgainFromHere(myID, _local6, _local5, _local3, _local4)) { _local7 = _local7 + 100; _local7 = _local7 + getJumpValue(myID, _local3, _local4, dir); } _local3 = _local6 - 2; _local4 = _local5 - (2 * dir); if (canJumpAgainFromHere(myID, _local6, _local5, _local3, _local4)) { _local7 = _local7 + 100; _local7 = _local7 + getJumpValue(myID, _local3, _local4, dir); } } return(_local7); } static var BOARD_WIDTH = 448; static var BOARD_HEIGHT = 336; static var SQUARE_WIDTH = BOARD_WIDTH / 8; static var SQUARE_HEIGHT = BOARD_HEIGHT / 8; static var BOARD_BASE_OFFSET_X = 132; static var BOARD_BASE_OFFSET_Y = 44; static var NUM_ANIMS = 30; static var MOVE_MOVE_FORWARD = 0; static var MOVE_MOVE_BACKWARD = 1; static var MOVE_CAPTURE_PIECE = 2; static var _avatarStartingGridPos = [{x:4, y:0}, {x:3, y:7}]; static var _gameData = [{spriteName:"checker_blue_mc", clipName:"checker_blue", depth:1000, posX:300, posY:300}, {spriteName:"checker_red_mc", clipName:"checker_red", depth:1001, posX:200, posY:200}, {spriteName:"_mac", clipName:"mac", depth:1001, posX:200, posY:200}, {spriteName:"_bloo", clipName:"bloo", depth:1000, posX:300, posY:300}, {spriteName:"SelectSquare", clipName:"select", depth:1001, posX:200, posY:200}, {spriteName:"yellowSquare", clipName:"yellow", depth:1001, posX:200, posY:200}, {spriteName:"square_white", clipName:"square", depth:1001, posX:200, posY:200}, {spriteName:"square_dark", clipName:"square", depth:1001, posX:200, posY:200}, {spriteName:"_Titlecard", clipName:"titlecard", depth:1001, posX:200, posY:200}]; static var NUM_AVATAR_ANIMS = 8; static var NUM_PIECE_ANIMS = 7; static var _animData = [{anim:"MacIdle", animAction:"Idle", startFrame:2, endFrame:17, looping:true, frameRate:24, nextAnim:"null", entType:0}, {anim:"MacJumpForPiece", animAction:"JumpBackwardNoPiece", startFrame:82, endFrame:107, looping:false, frameRate:48, nextAnim:"null", entType:0}, {anim:"MacJumpTakeoff1", animAction:"JumpForwardNoPiece", startFrame:108, endFrame:133, looping:false, frameRate:48, nextAnim:"null", entType:0}, {anim:"MacJumpTakeoff2", animAction:"JumpBackwardPiece", startFrame:134, endFrame:165, looping:false, frameRate:48, nextAnim:"MacJumpHold2", entType:0}, {anim:"MacJumpHold2", animAction:"JumpForwardPiece", startFrame:166, endFrame:198, looping:false, frameRate:48, nextAnim:"MacJumpLand2", entType:0}, {anim:"MacSlide", animAction:"Slide", startFrame:18, endFrame:23, looping:false, frameRate:24, nextAnim:"null", entType:0}, {anim:"MacDisappear", animAction:"Disappear", startFrame:42, endFrame:61, looping:false, frameRate:48, nextAnim:"null", entType:0}, {anim:"MacReappear", animAction:"Reappear", startFrame:62, endFrame:81, looping:false, frameRate:48, nextAnim:"null", entType:0}, {anim:"BlooIdle", animAction:"Idle", startFrame:2, endFrame:17, looping:true, frameRate:24, nextAnim:"null", entType:1}, {anim:"BlooJumpTakeoff1", animAction:"JumpForwardNoPiece", startFrame:108, endFrame:133, looping:false, frameRate:24, nextAnim:"null", entType:1}, {anim:"BlooJumpForPiece", animAction:"JumpBackwardNoPiece", startFrame:82, endFrame:107, looping:false, frameRate:24, nextAnim:"null", entType:1}, {anim:"BlooJumpTakeoff2", animAction:"JumpBackwardPiece", startFrame:134, endFrame:165, looping:false, frameRate:48, nextAnim:"BlooJumpHold2", entType:1}, {anim:"BlooJumpHold2", animAction:"JumpForwardPiece", startFrame:166, endFrame:198, looping:false, frameRate:48, nextAnim:"BlooJumpLand2", entType:1}, {anim:"BlooSlide", animAction:"Slide", startFrame:18, endFrame:23, looping:false, frameRate:24, nextAnim:"null", entType:1}, {anim:"BlooDisappear", animAction:"Disappear", startFrame:42, endFrame:61, looping:false, frameRate:48, nextAnim:"null", entType:1}, {anim:"BlooReappear", animAction:"Reappear", startFrame:62, endFrame:81, looping:false, frameRate:48, nextAnim:"null", entType:1}, {anim:"pieceIdle", animAction:"Idle", startFrame:2, endFrame:2, looping:false, frameRate:24, nextAnim:"null", entType:2}, {anim:"pieceOver", animAction:"Over", startFrame:11, endFrame:11, looping:false, frameRate:24, nextAnim:"null", entType:2}, {anim:"pieceJumpRU", animAction:"JumpRightUp", startFrame:21, endFrame:37, looping:false, frameRate:48, nextAnim:"null", entType:2}, {anim:"pieceJumpRD", animAction:"JumpRightDown", startFrame:55, endFrame:71, looping:false, frameRate:48, nextAnim:"null", entType:2}, {anim:"pieceJumpLU", animAction:"JumpLeftUp", startFrame:89, endFrame:105, looping:false, frameRate:48, nextAnim:"null", entType:2}, {anim:"pieceJumpLD", animAction:"JumpLeftDown", startFrame:123, endFrame:139, looping:false, frameRate:48, nextAnim:"null", entType:2}, {anim:"pieceDisappear", animAction:"Disappear", startFrame:190, endFrame:243, looping:false, frameRate:24, nextAnim:"null", entType:2}, {anim:"pieceKingIdle", animAction:"KingIdle", startFrame:7, endFrame:7, looping:false, frameRate:48, nextAnim:"null", entType:2}, {anim:"pieceKingOver", animAction:"KingOver", startFrame:15, endFrame:15, looping:false, frameRate:48, nextAnim:"null", entType:2}, {anim:"pieceKingJumpRU", animAction:"JumpKingRightUp", startFrame:38, endFrame:54, looping:false, frameRate:48, nextAnim:"null", entType:2}, {anim:"pieceKingJumpRD", animAction:"JumpKingRightDown", startFrame:72, endFrame:88, looping:false, frameRate:48, nextAnim:"null", entType:2}, {anim:"pieceKingJumpLU", animAction:"JumpKingLeftUp", startFrame:106, endFrame:122, looping:false, frameRate:48, nextAnim:"null", entType:2}, {anim:"pieceKingJumpLD", animAction:"JumpKingLeftDown", startFrame:140, endFrame:156, looping:false, frameRate:48, nextAnim:"null", entType:2}, {anim:"pieceKingDisappear", animAction:"KingDisappear", startFrame:269, endFrame:322, looping:false, frameRate:24, nextAnim:"null", entType:2}, {anim:"pieceKinged", animAction:"Kinged", startFrame:323, endFrame:350, looping:false, frameRate:24, nextAnim:"null", entType:2}]; }
Symbol 417 MovieClip [__Packages.Base.SpriteEntity] Frame 0
class Base.SpriteEntity { var _entityType, _id, _spName, _clName, _gameContext, _mc, _clipWidth, _clipHeight, _centerPoint, _startFrame, _endFrame, _framerate, _loopAnim, _animate, _animateTimer, _lastFrame, _c, _flipped, _mouseIsOver, _mouseRollOn, _mouseRollOff, _children, _moveSpeed, _destPosX, _destPosY, _startingPositionX, _startingPositionY, _faceDir; function SpriteEntity (gameContext, eType, id, spName, clName, depth, posX, posY, centerPoint, wth, hgt) { _entityType = eType; _id = id; _spName = spName; _clName = clName; _gameContext = gameContext; _mc = gameContext.getParent().attachMovie(spName, clName, depth); _mc._visible = true; _mc._x = posX; _mc._y = posY; _clipWidth = ((wth > 0) ? (wth) : (_mc._width)); _clipHeight = ((hgt > 0) ? (hgt) : (_mc._height)); _centerPoint = centerPoint; _startFrame = 0; _endFrame = 0; _framerate = 30; _loopAnim = false; _animate = false; _animateTimer = 0; _lastFrame = 0; _c = 1; _flipped = false; _mc.gotoAndStop(_c); _mouseIsOver = false; _mouseRollOn = false; _mouseRollOff = false; _children = []; } function setMoveSpeed(speed) { _moveSpeed = speed; } function setDestPosX(pos) { _destPosX = pos; } function setDestPosY(pos) { _destPosY = pos; } function setStartingPositionToPosition() { _startingPositionX = getPositionX(); _startingPositionY = getPositionY(); } function getMoveSpeed() { return(_moveSpeed); } function getDestPosX() { return(_destPosX); } function getDestPosY() { return(_destPosY); } function getStartingPositionX() { return(_startingPositionX); } function getStartingPositionY() { return(_startingPositionY); } function isAtDestination() { return((((_mc._x == _destPosX) && (_mc._y == _destPosY)) ? true : false)); } function addChild(childName, upperLeftX, upperLeftY, w, h) { _children.push(childName); _mc[childName]._animiateChild = false; _mc[childName]._lastChildFrame = 0; _mc[childName]._startChildFrame = 1; _mc[childName]._endChildFrame = 1; _mc[childName]._childFramerate = 0; _mc[childName]._childAnimateTimer = 0; _mc[childName]._looping = false; _mc[childName]._currentChildFrame = 0; _mc[childName]._upperLeftX = upperLeftX; _mc[childName]._upperLeftY = upperLeftY; _mc[childName]._w = w; _mc[childName]._h = h; _mc[childName].gotoAndStop(_mc[childName]._startChildFrame); } function getMovieClip() { return(_mc); } function getType() { return(_entityType); } function setZDepth(depth) { _mc.swapDepths(depth); } function getZDepth() { return(_mc.getDepth()); } function moveToFrame(frame) { _mc.gotoAndStop(frame); _lastFrame = frame; } function getCurrentFrame() { return(_mc._currentframe); } function setPosition(x, y) { _mc._x = x; _mc._y = y; } function setPositionX(x) { _mc._x = x; } function setPositionY(y) { _mc._y = y; } function setPositionXY(x, y) { setPositionX(x); setPositionY(y); } function setVisibility(vis) { _mc._visible = vis; } function setRotation(angle) { _mc._rotation = angle; } function setFaceDir(num) { _faceDir = num; } function getFaceDir() { return(_faceDir); } function setFlipped() { _flipped = (_flipped ? false : true); _mc._xscale = _mc._xscale * -1; } function isFlipped() { return(_flipped); } function playFlipped() { if (_flipped) { return(undefined); } _flipped = true; _mc._xscale = _mc._xscale * -1; } function playUnflipped() { if (_flipped) { _mc._xscale = _mc._xscale * -1; } _flipped = false; } function changeSprite(spName, clName) { var _local4 = _mc.getDepth(); var _local3 = _mc._x; var _local2 = _mc._y; _mc.removeMovieClip(); _spName = spName; _clName = clName; _mc = _gameContext.getParent().attachMovie(spName, clName, _local4); _mc._visible = true; _mc._x = _local3; _mc._y = _local2; } function startAnimating(startFrame, endFrame, framerate, loopAnim) { _c = startFrame; _startFrame = startFrame; _endFrame = endFrame; _framerate = 1 / framerate; _loopAnim = loopAnim; _animate = true; _animateTimer = _framerate; moveToFrame(startFrame); } function getStartFrame() { return(_startFrame); } function animateSprite() { _animateTimer = _animateTimer - _gameContext.getDT(); if (_animateTimer <= 0) { _animateTimer = _framerate; if (_startFrame <= _endFrame) { _c++; if (_c > _endFrame) { if (_loopAnim) { _c = _startFrame; } else { doneAnimating(); _c = _endFrame; return(1); } } } else { _c--; if (_c < _endFrame) { if (_loopAnim) { _c = _startFrame; } else { doneAnimating(); _c = _endFrame; return(1); } } } moveToFrame(_c); } return(0); } function isAnimating() { return(_animate); } function doneAnimating() { _animate = false; } function startAnimatingChild(child, startFrame, endFrame, framerate, looping) { _mc[child]._startChildFrame = startFrame; _mc[child]._endChildFrame = endFrame; _mc[child]._childFramerate = 1 / framerate; _mc[child]._childAnimateTimer = 0; _mc[child]._looping = looping; _mc[child]._currentChildFrame = startFrame; _mc[child]._animateChild = true; _mc[child]._childAnimateTimer = _mc[child]._childFramerate; _mc[child].gotoAndStop(_mc[child]._startFrame); } function animateChild(child) { if (!_mc[child]._animateChild) { return(undefined); } _mc[child]._childAnimateTimer = _mc[child]._childAnimateTimer - _gameContext.getDT(); if (_mc[child]._childAnimateTimer <= 0) { _mc[child]._childAnimateTimer = _mc[child]._childFramerate; if (_mc[child]._startChildFrame < _mc[child]._endChildFrame) { _mc[child]._currentChildFrame++; if (_mc[child]._currentChildFrame > _mc[child]._endChildFrame) { if (_mc[child]._looping) { _mc[child]._currentChildFrame = _mc[child]._startChildFrame; } else { childDoneAnimating(child); _mc[child]._currentChildFrame = _mc[child]._endChildFrame; } } } else { _mc[child]._currentChildFrame--; if (_mc[child]._currentChildFrame < _mc[child]._endChildFrame) { if (_mc[child]._looping) { _mc[child]._currentChildFrame = _mc[child]._startChildFrame; } else { childDoneAnimating(child); _mc[child]._currentChildFrame = _mc[child]._endChildFrame; } } } _mc[child].gotoAndStop(_mc[child]._currentChildFrame); } } function isMouseOverChild(child) { if (_mc[child]._visible == false) { return(false); } var _local4 = (_mc._x + _mc[child]._x) + _mc[child]._upperLeftX; var _local6 = _local4 + _mc[child]._w; var _local3 = (_mc._y + _mc[child]._y) + _mc[child]._upperLeftY; var _local5 = _local3 + _mc[child]._h; if ((((_gameContext.getPadManager().getMousePosX() < _local4) || (_gameContext.getPadManager().getMousePosX() > _local6)) || (_gameContext.getPadManager().getMousePosY() < _local3)) || (_gameContext.getPadManager().getMousePosY() > _local5)) { return(false); } return(true); } function handCursor(child, use) { _mc[child].useHandCursor = use; } function getChildMouseIsOver() { var _local3 = _children.length; var _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < _local3) { if (isMouseOverChild(_children[_local2])) { return(_children[_local2]); } _local2++; } return(null); } function getChildCurrentAnimFrame(child) { return(_mc[child]._currentChildFrame); } function childDoneAnimating(child) { _mc[child]._animateChild = false; } function isChildAnimating(child) { return(_mc[child]._animateChild); } function moveChildToFrame(child, frame) { _mc[child].gotoAndStop(frame); } function getID() { return(_id); } function getGameContext() { return(_gameContext); } function getPositionX() { return(_mc._x); } function getPositionY() { return(_mc._y); } function getArea() { return(_clipWidth * _clipHeight); } function getWidth() { return(_clipWidth); } function getHeight() { return(_clipHeight); } function getClipName() { return(_clName); } function isVisible() { return(_mc._visible); } function scaleSprite(scale) { _mc._xscale = _mc._xscale * scale; _mc._yscale = _mc._yscale * scale; } function removeSprite() { _mc.removeMovieClip(); } function isMouseRollOn() { return(_mouseRollOn); } function isMouseRollOff() { return(_mouseRollOff); } function isMouseOver() { var _local6 = false; if (_mouseIsOver) { _mouseRollOn = false; _local6 = true; } else { _mouseRollOn = true; } _mouseRollOff = false; _mouseIsOver = false; if (_mc._visible == false) { return(false); } var _local4 = _mc._x - (_clipWidth / 2); var _local5 = _mc._x + (_clipWidth / 2); var _local2 = _mc._y - _clipHeight; var _local3 = _mc._y; if (_centerPoint == 1) { _local2 = _mc._y - (_clipHeight / 2); _local3 = _mc._y + (_clipHeight / 2); } if (_centerPoint == 2) { _local4 = _mc._x; _local5 = _mc._x + _clipWidth; _local2 = _mc._y; _local3 = _mc._y + _clipHeight; } if (_centerPoint == 3) { _local4 = _mc.x - _clipWidth; _local5 = _mc.x; _local2 = _mc._y - (_clipHeight / 2); _local3 = _mc._y + (_clipHeight / 2); } if (_centerPoint == 4) { _local4 = _mc._x + 10; _local5 = _mc._x + 40; _local2 = _mc._y - 35; _local3 = _mc._y + 35; } if ((((_gameContext.getPadManager().getMousePosX() < _local4) || (_gameContext.getPadManager().getMousePosX() > _local5)) || (_gameContext.getPadManager().getMousePosY() < _local2)) || (_gameContext.getPadManager().getMousePosY() > _local3)) { if (_local6) { _mouseRollOff = true; } return(false); } _mouseIsOver = true; return(true); } }
Symbol 418 MovieClip [__Packages.Base.Entity] Frame 0
class Base.Entity { var _cpuControlled, _gameContext, _currentAIState, _nextAIState, _id, _followingAIState, _networkControlled, _moveSpeed, _destPosX, _destPosY, _startingPositionX, _startingPositionY; function Entity (gameContext, entType, id, cpuControlled, networkControlled, state) { _cpuControlled = cpuControlled; _gameContext = gameContext; _currentAIState = null; _nextAIState = new state[undefined](this); _id = id; } function setNextState(state) { _nextAIState = new state[undefined](this); } function setFollowingState(state) { _followingAIState = state; } function getFollowingState() { return(_followingAIState); } function getID() { return(_id); } function isCPUControlled() { return(_cpuControlled); } function isNetworkControlled() { return(_networkControlled); } function setMoveSpeed(speed) { _moveSpeed = speed; } function setDestPosX(pos) { _destPosX = pos; } function setDestPosY(pos) { _destPosY = pos; } function setStartingPositionToPosition() { _startingPositionX = 0; _startingPositionY = 0; } function getMoveSpeed() { return(_moveSpeed); } function getDestPosX() { return(_destPosX); } function getDestPosY() { return(_destPosY); } function getStartingPositionX() { return(_startingPositionX); } function getStartingPositionY() { return(_startingPositionY); } function isAtDestination() { return(true); } function Update() { if (_currentAIState != _nextAIState) { _currentAIState = _nextAIState; _currentAIState.Entry(_gameContext); } else if (_currentAIState == _nextAIState) { if (_cpuControlled) { _currentAIState.CPUDecision(_gameContext); } else if (_networkControlled) { _currentAIState.NetworkDecision(_gameContext); } else { _currentAIState.PadInput(_gameContext); } _currentAIState.Update(_gameContext); if (_currentAIState != _nextAIState) { _currentAIState.Exit(_gameContext); delete _currentAIState; if (!_nextAIState) { return(1); } } } return(0); } }
Symbol 419 MovieClip [__Packages.Base.State] Frame 0
class Base.State { function State () { } function CPUDecision(gameContext) { return(undefined); } function NetworkDecision(gameContext) { return(undefined); } function PadInput(gameContext) { return(undefined); } function Entry(gameContext) { return(undefined); } function Update(gameContext) { return(undefined); } function Exit(gameContext) { return(undefined); } }
Symbol 420 MovieClip [__Packages.Base.AIState] Frame 0
class Base.AIState extends Base.State { function AIState () { super(); } function CPUDecision(gameContext) { return(undefined); } function NetworkDecision(gameContext) { return(undefined); } function PadInput(gameContext) { return(undefined); } function Entry(gameContext) { return(undefined); } function Update(gameContext) { return(undefined); } function Exit(gameContext) { return(undefined); } }
Symbol 421 MovieClip [__Packages.Game.SoundModule] Frame 0
class Game.SoundModule { var _mc, _hash, _num, _active_sounds, _fade_interval, _music_mute, _defaultVol, _curr_music, _fade_interval2; function SoundModule (mc) { _mc = mc; _hash = {}; _num = 0; _active_sounds = []; _fade_interval = null; _music_mute = _global.MUSIC_MUTE; _defaultVol = 70; } function SoundAvailable() { return(_active_sounds.length < 8); } function LoadSound(sound_name) { _num++; var _local3 = "mySound" + _num; _mc.createEmptyMovieClip(_local3, _num); var _local2 = new Sound(_mc[_local3]); _local2.parent = this; _local2.lastStart = 0; _local2.onSoundComplete = function () { this.parent.DeactivateSound(sound_name); }; _hash[sound_name] = _local2; return(_local2); } function SetMusicMute(oBool) { _music_mute = oBool; if (_music_mute == true) { StopMusic(); } else { PlayMusic(_curr_music); } } function GetMusicMute() { return(_music_mute); } function StopMusic() { var _local2 = _active_sounds.length; while (_local2--) { if (_active_sounds[_local2].indexOf("music") != -1) { StopSound(_active_sounds[_local2]); break; } } } function GetCurMusic(Void) { return(_curr_music); } function PlayMusic(str) { if (str == "none") { FadeSound("music_" + _curr_music, _global.MUSIC_VOL, 0, 0.5); } else { CrossFade("music_" + _curr_music, "music_" + str, 0.5); _curr_music = str; } } function DeactivateSound(snd) { var _local2 = _active_sounds.length; while (_local2--) { if (snd == _active_sounds[_local2]) { _active_sounds.splice(_local2, 1); break; } } } function DeactivateAllSounds() { _active_sounds = []; } function StopSound(snd) { var _local2 = _hash[snd]; _local2.stop(); DeactivateSound(snd); } function soundIsPlaying(snd) { for (var _local2 in _active_sounds) { if (_active_sounds[_local2] == snd) { return(true); } } return(false); } function PlaySound(snd, vol, pan, offset, loop) { if ((snd.indexOf("music") != -1) && (_music_mute == true)) { return(undefined); } if ((snd.indexOf("collect") == -1) && (snd.indexOf("bonus") == -1)) { for (var _local3 in _active_sounds) { if (_active_sounds[_local3] == snd) { return(undefined); } } } else { StopSound(snd); } if (_active_sounds.length < MAX_SOUNDS) { var _local4 = _hash[snd]; if (vol == null) { _local4.setVolume(_defaultVol); } else { _local4.setVolume(vol); } if (pan != null) { _local4.setPan(pan); } if (offset == null) { offset = 0; } if (loop == null) { loop = 0; } _local4.start(offset, loop); _active_sounds.push(snd); } } function CrossFade(snd1, snd2, dur) { FadeSound(snd1, _global.MUSIC_VOL, 0, dur); PlaySound(snd2, 0, 0, 0, 9999); FadeSound2(snd2, 0, _global.MUSIC_VOL, dur); } function FadeSound(snd, startVol, endVol, duration) { if (_fade_interval != null) { clearInterval(_fade_interval); } _hash[snd].setVolume(startVol); if (endVol < startVol) { var _local5 = -1; } else { var _local5 = 1; } var _local4 = (duration / Math.abs(endVol - startVol)) * 1000; _fade_interval = setInterval(this, "Fade_Sound_Update", _local4, [snd, endVol, _local5]); } function FadeSound2(snd, startVol, endVol, duration) { if (_fade_interval2 != null) { clearInterval(_fade_interval2); } _hash[snd].setVolume(startVol); if (endVol < startVol) { var _local5 = -1; } else { var _local5 = 1; } var _local4 = (duration / Math.abs(endVol - startVol)) * 1000; _fade_interval2 = setInterval(this, "Fade_Sound_Update2", _local4, [snd, endVol, _local5]); } function Fade_Sound_Update(sndAr) { var _local3 = sndAr[0]; var _local5 = sndAr[1]; var _local4 = sndAr[2]; var _local2 = _hash[_local3].getVolume() + _local4; if (((_local4 > 0) && (_local2 <= _local5)) || ((_local4 < 0) && (_local2 >= _local5))) { _hash[_local3].setVolume(_local2); if (_local2 <= 0) { StopSound(_local3); } } else { clearInterval(_fade_interval); } } function Fade_Sound_Update2(sndAr) { var _local3 = sndAr[0]; var _local5 = sndAr[1]; var _local4 = sndAr[2]; var _local2 = _hash[_local3].getVolume() + _local4; if (((_local4 > 0) && (_local2 <= _local5)) || ((_local4 < 0) && (_local2 >= _local5))) { _hash[_local3].setVolume(_local2); if (_local2 <= 0) { StopSound(_local3); } } else { clearInterval(_fade_interval2); } } function getSound(snd) { return(_hash[snd]); } function toString() { return("SoundModule()"); } function unload() { for (var _local3 in _hash) { delete _hash[_local3]; } var _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < _num) { _mc["mySound" + _num].removeMovieClip(); _local2++; } delete _hash; } static var MAX_SOUNDS = 16; }
Symbol 422 MovieClip [__Packages.Game.Player] Frame 0
class Game.Player extends Base.Entity { var _gameContext, _idx, _charIdx, _controllingPiece, _numPieces, _playerName, _pieces, _pieceMoving, _moveTime, _pieceSelected, _avatar, _cpuControlled, _networkControlled; function Player (gameContext, playerName, idx, charIdx, cpuControlled, networkControlled) { super(gameContext, 0, idx, cpuControlled, networkControlled, Game.AIStates.InitPositionState); _gameContext = gameContext; _idx = idx; _charIdx = charIdx; _controllingPiece = -1; _numPieces = 0; _playerName = playerName; _pieces = []; _pieceMoving = -1; _moveTime = 600; Init(); } function setPieceSelected(toSet) { _pieceSelected = toSet; } function getPieceSelected() { return(_pieceSelected); } function getNumPieces() { return(_numPieces); } function getIndex() { return(_idx); } function getID() { return(_idx); } function getPiece(num) { return(_pieces[num]); } function getAvatar() { return(_avatar); } function oneOfMyPieces(num) { var _local2 = false; if (((num < 12) && (!_idx)) || ((num > 11) && (_idx == 1))) { _local2 = true; } return(_local2); } function removePieces() { var _local3 = _numPieces; var _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < _local3) { removePiece(0); _local2++; } } function changeCPUPlayerToNetworkPlayer() { _cpuControlled = false; _networkControlled = true; _controllingPiece = -1; } function Init() { var _local10; var _local9; var _local7; var _local8; var _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < 12) { _local7 = _gameContext.getGameData().getSpriteName(_gameContext.getGameData().PLAYER_ON_TOP + _charIdx); _local8 = _gameContext.getGameData().getClipName(_gameContext.getGameData().PLAYER_ON_TOP + _charIdx) + _local2; var _local4 = _gameContext.getGameData().getBoardPosition(_local2 + (_idx * 12), 0); var _local3 = _gameContext.getGameData().getBoardPosition(_local2 + (_idx * 12), 1); var _local6 = Math.round((_local4 - _gameContext.getGameData().getBoardBaseX()) / _gameContext.getGameData().getSquareWidth()); var _local5 = Math.round((_local3 - _gameContext.getGameData().getBoardBaseY()) / _gameContext.getGameData().getSquareHeight()); if ((_local6 == _gameContext.getGameData().getAvatarStartingGridPosX(_idx)) && (_local5 == _gameContext.getGameData().getAvatarStartingGridPosY(_idx))) { _local10 = _local4; _local9 = _local3; } _pieces.push(new Base.SpriteEntity(_gameContext, 2, _local2 + (_idx * 12), _local7, _local8, 10000 + (_local2 + (_idx * 12)), _local4, _local3, 2, _gameContext.getGameData().getSquareWidth(), _gameContext.getGameData().getSquareHeight())); _numPieces++; _pieces[_local2].moveToFrame(2); _pieces[_local2].inPlay = true; _gameContext.getGameData().setPieceOnBoard(_local2 + (_idx * 12), _local4, _local3); _local2++; } _local7 = _gameContext.getGameData().getSpriteName(_gameContext.getGameData().PIECE_ON_TOP + _charIdx); _local8 = _gameContext.getGameData().getClipName(_gameContext.getGameData().PIECE_ON_TOP + _charIdx) + _charIdx; _avatar = new Base.SpriteEntity(_gameContext, _idx, 32 + _idx, _local7, _local8, 11032 + _idx, _local10, _local9, 4, -1, -1); _avatar.moveToFrame(2); } function removePiece(idx) { _numPieces--; _pieces[idx].removeSprite(); _pieces[idx].inPlay = false; } function killPieces() { var _local3 = _pieces.length - 1; var _local2 = _local3; while (_local2 >= 0) { _pieces[_local2].removeSprite(); _pieces[_local2].inPlay = false; _pieces.pop(); _local2--; } } }
Symbol 423 MovieClip [__Packages.Game.AIStates.InitPositionState] Frame 0
class Game.AIStates.InitPositionState extends Base.AIState { var _entity; function InitPositionState (entity) { super(); _entity = entity; } function Entry(gameContext) { return(undefined); } function Update(gameContext) { if (gameContext.getGameData().isMyTurn(_entity.getID())) { _entity.setNextState(Game.AIStates.WaitForSelectState); } else { _entity.setNextState(Game.AIStates.WaitingForTurnState); } return(undefined); } function Exit(gameContext) { return(undefined); } }
Symbol 424 MovieClip [__Packages.Game.AIStates.WaitForSelectState] Frame 0
class Game.AIStates.WaitForSelectState extends Base.AIState { var _entity, _someoneCanJump, _moveTimer, _mouseOverPiece, _piecePreSelected, _pieceSelected, _updateClockTimer, _sparklyDews, _reminderOn, _avatarRaised, _showMessageTimer, _timeToUpdateClock, _numTimesUpdated, _squaresHighlighted, _arrowSpeed, _arrowTimer, _blinkClockTimer, _startArrowFrame, _endArrowFrame, _currentArrowFrame, _numPiecesLeft, _onlyPieceLeft, _reminder; function WaitForSelectState (entity) { super(); _entity = entity; _someoneCanJump = false; _moveTimer = 10; _mouseOverPiece = -1; _piecePreSelected = -1; _pieceSelected = -1; _updateClockTimer = 2; _sparklyDews = []; } function Entry(gameContext) { var _local9 = true; _reminderOn = false; if (_entity.isCPUControlled()) { _local9 = false; if (gameContext.getGameData().getJumpingAgain() == -1) { _moveTimer = 1 + (Math.random() * 2); } else { _moveTimer = 0; } } else { _moveTimer = 600; } _avatarRaised = false; _showMessageTimer = 4; _timeToUpdateClock = _moveTimer / 360; _numTimesUpdated = 0; _updateClockTimer = _timeToUpdateClock; gameContext.getGameData().playAnimation("Idle", _entity.getAvatar()); gameContext.getGameData().resetClockTimer(); _mouseOverPiece = -1; _piecePreSelected = -1; _pieceSelected = -1; _squaresHighlighted = false; _arrowSpeed = 2; _arrowTimer = 2; _blinkClockTimer = 0.25; if (_entity.getID() == 1) { _startArrowFrame = 1; _endArrowFrame = 15; } else { _startArrowFrame = 16; _endArrowFrame = 30; } _currentArrowFrame = _startArrowFrame; gameContext.getGameData().updateArrow(_currentArrowFrame); _numPiecesLeft = 0; _onlyPieceLeft = -1; var _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < 12) { if (!_entity.getPiece(_local2).inPlay) { } else if ((gameContext.getGameData().getJumpingAgain() > -1) && (gameContext.getGameData().getJumpingAgain() != _entity.getPiece(_local2).getID())) { } else { _numPiecesLeft++; _onlyPieceLeft = _entity.getPiece(_local2).getID(); if (gameContext.getGameData().canJumpAgain(_entity.getPiece(_local2), _entity.getPiece(_local2).getPositionX(), _entity.getPiece(_local2).getPositionY(), _local9)) { _someoneCanJump = true; var _local7 = _sparklyDews.length; var _local8 = _local7 + 15; var _local3 = _local7; while (_local3 < _local8) { var _local6 = _entity.getPiece(_local2).getPositionX() + (Math.random() * gameContext.getGameData().getSquareWidth()); var _local5 = _entity.getPiece(_local2).getPositionY() + (Math.random() * gameContext.getGameData().getSquareHeight()); _sparklyDews.push(new Base.SpriteEntity(gameContext, 5, 100, "sparkly_dews", "dews", 50600 + _sparklyDews.length, _local6, _local5, 2, -1, -1)); _sparklyDews[_local3].startAnimating(1, 12, 5 + (Math.random() * 50), false); _sparklyDews[_local3].xBase = _entity.getPiece(_local2).getPositionX(); _sparklyDews[_local3].yBase = _entity.getPiece(_local2).getPositionY(); _sparklyDews[_local3].setVisibility(false); _local3++; } } } _local2++; } return(undefined); } function NetworkDecision(gameContext) { return(undefined); } function CPUDecision(gameContext) { if (_moveTimer > 0) { _moveTimer = _moveTimer - gameContext.getDT(); gameContext.getGameData().updateCPUThinking(); if (_moveTimer <= 0) { gameContext.getGameData().stopCPUThinking(); } return(undefined); } var _local4 = gameContext.getGameData().getTeamDir(_entity.getID()); var _local10 = gameContext.getGameData().getSquareWidth(); var _local9 = gameContext.getGameData().getSquareHeight(); var _local6 = 0; var _local17 = 0; var _local16 = 0; var _local2; var _local8 = 0; var _local14 = false; var _local12 = 0; while (_local12 < 12) { var _local3 = 0; _local14 = false; _local6 = 0; _local2 = _entity.getPiece(_local12); if (!_entity.getPiece(_local12).inPlay) { } else if ((gameContext.getGameData().getJumpingAgain() > -1) && (gameContext.getGameData().getJumpingAgain() != _entity.getPiece(_local12).getID())) { } else if (_someoneCanJump && (!gameContext.getGameData().canJumpAgain(_entity.getPiece(_local12), _entity.getPiece(_local12).getPositionX(), _entity.getPiece(_local12).getPositionY()))) { } else { var _local11 = gameContext.getGameData().getGridX(_local2.getPositionX()); var _local7 = gameContext.getGameData().getGridY(_local2.getPositionY()); if (gameContext.getGameData().isValidMove(_local2, _local2.getPositionX() + _local10, _local2.getPositionY() + (_local9 * _local4), false, false)) { _local3 = 50 + (Math.random() * 50); var _local15 = gameContext.getGameData().aboutToGetJumped(_entity.getPiece(_local12), _entity.getPiece(_local12).getPositionX(), _entity.getPiece(_local12).getPositionY(), _local4); if (_local15 == 2) { if (gameContext.getGameData().sacrificePieceToReappearOnKing(_local2.getID(), _local4)) { _local3 = 1; } else { _local3 = _local3 + 50; } } _local3 = _local3 + gameContext.getGameData().considerConsequences(_local2, _local2.getPositionX() + _local10, _local2.getPositionY() + (_local9 * _local4), _local4, true); if (gameContext.getGameData().wasBlockingJump(_local11, _local7, _local4, _local2.getID())) { _local3 = 1; } if (!_someoneCanJump) { if (((_local4 > 0) && (_local7 == 6)) || ((_local4 < 0) && (_local7 == 1))) { _local3 = 3000; } _local6 = _local3; _local8 = MOVE_FORWARD_AND_RIGHT; } if (_local6 < 1) { _local6 = 1; _local8 = MOVE_FORWARD_AND_RIGHT; } } if (gameContext.getGameData().isValidMove(_local2, _local2.getPositionX() - _local10, _local2.getPositionY() + (_local9 * _local4), false, false)) { _local3 = 50 + (Math.random() * 50); var _local15 = gameContext.getGameData().aboutToGetJumped(_entity.getPiece(_local12), _entity.getPiece(_local12).getPositionX(), _entity.getPiece(_local12).getPositionY(), _local4); if (_local15 == 1) { if (gameContext.getGameData().sacrificePieceToReappearOnKing(_local2.getID(), _local4)) { _local3 = 1; } else { _local3 = _local3 + 50; } } _local3 = _local3 + gameContext.getGameData().considerConsequences(_local2, _local2.getPositionX() - _local10, _local2.getPositionY() + (_local9 * _local4), _local4, true); if (gameContext.getGameData().wasBlockingJump(_local11, _local7, _local4, _local2.getID())) { _local3 = 1; } if ((!_someoneCanJump) && (_local3 > _local6)) { _local6 = _local3; _local8 = MOVE_FORWARD_AND_LEFT; } if (_local6 < 1) { _local6 = 1; _local8 = MOVE_FORWARD_AND_LEFT; } } if (gameContext.getGameData().isKing(_local2.getID())) { if (gameContext.getGameData().isValidMove(_local2, _local2.getPositionX() + _local10, _local2.getPositionY() - (_local9 * _local4), false, false)) { _local3 = 50 + (Math.random() * 50); if (gameContext.getGameData().numOnKingRow(_local2.getID(), _local4) == 0) { _local3 = 1; } if (gameContext.getGameData().getAvatarSelected(_local2.getID())) { _local3 = 2; } _local3 = _local3 + gameContext.getGameData().considerConsequences(_local2, _local2.getPositionX() + _local10, _local2.getPositionY() - (_local9 * _local4), _local4, false); if ((!_someoneCanJump) && (_local3 > _local6)) { if (((_local4 > 0) && (_local7 == 6)) || ((_local4 < 0) && (_local7 == 1))) { _local3 = 3000; } _local6 = _local3; _local8 = MOVE_BACKWARD_AND_RIGHT; } if (_local6 < 1) { _local6 = 1; _local8 = MOVE_BACKWARD_AND_RIGHT; } } if (gameContext.getGameData().isValidMove(_local2, _local2.getPositionX() - _local10, _local2.getPositionY() - (_local9 * _local4), false, false)) { _local3 = 50 + (Math.random() * 50); if (gameContext.getGameData().numOnKingRow(_local2.getID(), _local4) == 0) { _local3 = 1; } if (gameContext.getGameData().getAvatarSelected(_local2.getID())) { _local3 = 2; } _local3 = _local3 + gameContext.getGameData().considerConsequences(_local2, _local2.getPositionX() - _local10, _local2.getPositionY() - (_local9 * _local4), _local4, false); if ((!_someoneCanJump) && (_local3 > _local6)) { _local6 = _local3; _local8 = MOVE_BACKWARD_AND_LEFT; } if (_local6 < 1) { _local6 = 1; _local8 = MOVE_BACKWARD_AND_LEFT; } } } var _local13 = false; if (gameContext.getGameData().isValidMove(_local2, _local2.getPositionX() + (_local10 * 2), _local2.getPositionY() + ((_local9 * 2) * _local4), false, false)) { _local3 = 550 + (Math.random() * 100); _local13 = true; if (((_local7 + (2 * _local4)) == 7) || ((_local7 + (2 * _local4)) == 0)) { _local3 = _local3 + 1000; } gameContext.getGameData().copyBoard(); _local3 = _local3 + gameContext.getGameData().getJumpValue(_local2.getID(), _local11 + 2, _local7 + (2 * _local4), _local4); if (((_local4 > 0) && (_local7 == 5)) || ((_local4 < 0) && (_local7 == 2))) { _local3 = 3000; } if (_local3 > _local6) { _local6 = _local3; _local8 = JUMP_FORWARD_AND_RIGHT; } if (_local6 < 1) { _local6 = 1; _local8 = JUMP_FORWARD_AND_RIGHT; } } if (gameContext.getGameData().isValidMove(_local2, _local2.getPositionX() - (_local10 * 2), _local2.getPositionY() + ((_local9 * 2) * _local4), false, false)) { _local3 = 550 + (Math.random() * 100); _local13 = true; if (((_local7 + (2 * _local4)) == 7) || ((_local7 + (2 * _local4)) == 0)) { _local3 = _local3 + 1000; } gameContext.getGameData().copyBoard(); _local3 = _local3 + gameContext.getGameData().getJumpValue(_local2.getID(), _local11 - 2, _local7 + (2 * _local4), _local4); if (((_local4 > 0) && (_local7 == 5)) || ((_local4 < 0) && (_local7 == 2))) { _local3 = 3000; } if (_local3 > _local6) { _local6 = _local3; _local8 = JUMP_FORWARD_AND_LEFT; } if (_local6 < 1) { _local6 = 1; _local8 = JUMP_FORWARD_AND_LEFT; } } if (gameContext.getGameData().isKing(_local2.getID())) { if (gameContext.getGameData().isValidMove(_local2, _local2.getPositionX() + (_local10 * 2), _local2.getPositionY() - ((_local9 * 2) * _local4), false, false)) { _local3 = 550 + (Math.random() * 100); gameContext.getGameData().copyBoard(); _local3 = _local3 + gameContext.getGameData().getJumpValue(_local2.getID(), _local11 + 2, _local7 - (2 * _local4), _local4); if (_local3 > _local6) { _local6 = _local3; _local8 = JUMP_BACKWARD_AND_RIGHT; } if (_local6 < 1) { _local6 = 1; _local8 = JUMP_BACKWARD_AND_RIGHT; } _local14 = true; } if (gameContext.getGameData().isValidMove(_local2, _local2.getPositionX() - (_local10 * 2), _local2.getPositionY() - ((_local9 * 2) * _local4), false, false)) { _local3 = 550 + (Math.random() * 100); gameContext.getGameData().copyBoard(); _local3 = _local3 + gameContext.getGameData().getJumpValue(_local2.getID(), _local11 - 2, _local7 - (2 * _local4), _local4); if (_local3 > _local6) { _local6 = _local3; _local8 = JUMP_BACKWARD_AND_LEFT; } if (_local6 < 1) { _local6 = 1; _local8 = JUMP_BACKWARD_AND_LEFT; } _local14 = true; } } if (_local6 > _local16) { _local16 = _local6; _local17 = _local8; _pieceSelected = _local12; } } _local12++; } if ((_numPiecesLeft == 1) && (_local8 == 0)) { gameContext.getGameData().setWinner(_entity.getID() ^ 1); var _local18 = _sparklyDews.length; _local12 = 0; while (_local12 < _local18) { _sparklyDews[_local12].removeSprite(); _sparklyDews[0].pop; _local12++; } return(undefined); } switch (_local17) { case MOVE_FORWARD_AND_RIGHT : _entity.getPiece(_pieceSelected).setDestPosX(_entity.getPiece(_pieceSelected).getPositionX() + _local10); _entity.getPiece(_pieceSelected).setDestPosY(_entity.getPiece(_pieceSelected).getPositionY() + (_local9 * _local4)); break; case MOVE_FORWARD_AND_LEFT : _entity.getPiece(_pieceSelected).setDestPosX(_entity.getPiece(_pieceSelected).getPositionX() - _local10); _entity.getPiece(_pieceSelected).setDestPosY(_entity.getPiece(_pieceSelected).getPositionY() + (_local9 * _local4)); break; case JUMP_FORWARD_AND_RIGHT : _entity.getPiece(_pieceSelected).setDestPosX(_entity.getPiece(_pieceSelected).getPositionX() + (_local10 * 2)); _entity.getPiece(_pieceSelected).setDestPosY(_entity.getPiece(_pieceSelected).getPositionY() + ((_local9 * 2) * _local4)); break; case JUMP_FORWARD_AND_LEFT : _entity.getPiece(_pieceSelected).setDestPosX(_entity.getPiece(_pieceSelected).getPositionX() - (_local10 * 2)); _entity.getPiece(_pieceSelected).setDestPosY(_entity.getPiece(_pieceSelected).getPositionY() + ((_local9 * 2) * _local4)); break; case MOVE_BACKWARD_AND_RIGHT : _entity.getPiece(_pieceSelected).setDestPosX(_entity.getPiece(_pieceSelected).getPositionX() + _local10); _entity.getPiece(_pieceSelected).setDestPosY(_entity.getPiece(_pieceSelected).getPositionY() - (_local9 * _local4)); break; case MOVE_BACKWARD_AND_LEFT : _entity.getPiece(_pieceSelected).setDestPosX(_entity.getPiece(_pieceSelected).getPositionX() - _local10); _entity.getPiece(_pieceSelected).setDestPosY(_entity.getPiece(_pieceSelected).getPositionY() - (_local9 * _local4)); break; case JUMP_BACKWARD_AND_RIGHT : _entity.getPiece(_pieceSelected).setDestPosX(_entity.getPiece(_pieceSelected).getPositionX() + (_local10 * 2)); _entity.getPiece(_pieceSelected).setDestPosY(_entity.getPiece(_pieceSelected).getPositionY() - ((_local9 * 2) * _local4)); break; case JUMP_BACKWARD_AND_LEFT : _entity.getPiece(_pieceSelected).setDestPosX(_entity.getPiece(_pieceSelected).getPositionX() - (_local10 * 2)); _entity.getPiece(_pieceSelected).setDestPosY(_entity.getPiece(_pieceSelected).getPositionY() - ((_local9 * 2) * _local4)); break; } return(undefined); } function PadInput(gameContext) { var _local6 = 11; var _local7 = 2; var _local12 = 1; gameContext.getGameData().updateCursor(); if (((gameContext.getGameData().getNumMessageMoves() == 10) && (!gameContext.getGameData().isMessageShown())) && (!gameContext.getGameData().isAvatarMoved())) { if (!_reminderOn) { _reminder = new Base.SpriteEntity(gameContext, 5, 100, "PopUp", "reminder", 50499, 210, 130, 2, -1, -1); _reminder.addChild("btn_play", 5, 5, 110, 40); _reminderOn = true; } var _local17 = _reminder.getChildMouseIsOver(); var _local10 = 1; var _local11 = 10; if (_reminder.isMouseOverChild("btn_play")) { if ((!_reminder.isChildAnimating("btn_play")) && (_reminder.getChildCurrentAnimFrame("btn_play") <= 1)) { _reminder.startAnimatingChild("btn_play", _local10, _local11, 60, false); gameContext.getGameData().cursorOn(); } if (gameContext.getPadManager().getMouseJustPressed()) { gameContext.getGameData().cursorOff(); gameContext.getGameData().playSound(_global.SND_BTN2); gameContext.getGameData().setMessageShown(); _reminder.removeSprite(); delete _reminder; } } else if ((!_reminder.isChildAnimating("btn_play")) && (_reminder.getChildCurrentAnimFrame("btn_play") == 10)) { _local10 = 10; _local11 = 1; gameContext.getGameData().cursorOff(); _reminder.startAnimatingChild("btn_play", _local10, _local11, 60, false); } if (_reminder.isChildAnimating("btn_play")) { _reminder.animateChild("btn_play"); } return(undefined); } if (((_numPiecesLeft == 1) && (!gameContext.getGameData().canIMove(_entity.getPiece(_onlyPieceLeft % 12)))) && (!_someoneCanJump)) { gameContext.getGameData().setWinner(_entity.getID() ^ 1); var _local8 = _sparklyDews.length; var _local5 = 0; while (_local5 < _local8) { _sparklyDews[_local5].removeSprite(); _sparklyDews[0].pop; _local5++; } return(undefined); } if (_moveTimer > 0) { _moveTimer = _moveTimer - gameContext.getDT(); _numTimesUpdated++; var _local16 = gameContext.getDT() / _timeToUpdateClock; gameContext.getGameData().updateClockTimer(_local16); if (_moveTimer < 30) { _blinkClockTimer = _blinkClockTimer - gameContext.getDT(); if (_blinkClockTimer < 0) { _blinkClockTimer = 0.25; gameContext.getGameData().blinkClockTimer(); gameContext.getGameData().playSound(_global.SND_TIMECOUNTDOWN); } } if (_moveTimer <= 0) { gameContext.getGameData().playSound(_global.SND_TIMEUP); gameContext.getGameData().setWinner(_entity.getID() ^ 1); var _local8 = _sparklyDews.length; var _local5 = 0; while (_local5 < _local8) { _sparklyDews[_local5].removeSprite(); _sparklyDews[0].pop; _local5++; } return(undefined); } } if (_showMessageTimer > 0) { _showMessageTimer = _showMessageTimer - gameContext.getDT(); if (_showMessageTimer <= 0) { var _local13; if (gameContext.getGameData().getCharacter() == 0) { _local12 = 2; } else { _local12 = 3; } if (_someoneCanJump) { _local13 = "YOU MUST JUMP PIECE"; } else { _local13 = "Your turn to make a move"; } gameContext.getGameData().showMessageString(_local13, _local12); } } if (_piecePreSelected < 0) { var _local4; var _local5 = 0; while (_local5 < 12) { _local4 = _entity.getPiece(_local5); if (!_entity.getPiece(_local5).inPlay) { } else if ((gameContext.getGameData().getJumpingAgain() > -1) && (gameContext.getGameData().getJumpingAgain() != _entity.getPiece(_local5).getID())) { } else if (_someoneCanJump && (!gameContext.getGameData().canJumpAgain(_local4, _local4.getPositionX(), _local4.getPositionY(), false))) { } else { var _local9 = true; if (gameContext.getGameData().getAvatarSelected(_local4.getID())) { _local9 = false; } _local6 = 11; _local7 = 2; if (_local9 && (gameContext.getGameData().isKing(_local4.getID()))) { _local6 = 15; _local7 = 7; } if (_local4.isMouseOver()) { if ((_mouseOverPiece > -1) && (_mouseOverPiece != _local5)) { if ((!gameContext.getGameData().getAvatarSelected(_entity.getPiece(_mouseOverPiece).getID())) && gameContext.getGameData().isKing(_entity.getPiece(_mouseOverPiece).getID())) { _entity.getPiece(_mouseOverPiece).moveToFrame(7); } else { if (_avatarRaised && gameContext.getGameData().getAvatarSelected(_entity.getPiece(_mouseOverPiece).getID())) { _avatarRaised = false; _entity.getAvatar().setPositionY(_entity.getAvatar().getPositionY() + 5); } _entity.getPiece(_mouseOverPiece).moveToFrame(2); } } if (_someoneCanJump || (gameContext.getGameData().canIMove(_local4))) { gameContext.getGameData().cursorOn(); if (_local4.isMouseRollOn()) { gameContext.getGameData().playSound(_global.SND_BTN2); } if ((!_local9) && (!_avatarRaised)) { _avatarRaised = true; _entity.getAvatar().setPositionY(_entity.getAvatar().getPositionY() - 5); } _local4.moveToFrame(_local6); _mouseOverPiece = _local5; } } else if (_mouseOverPiece == _local5) { gameContext.getGameData().cursorOff(); _local4.moveToFrame(_local7); if (!_local9) { if (_avatarRaised) { _entity.getAvatar().setPositionY(_entity.getAvatar().getPositionY() + 5); _avatarRaised = false; } } _mouseOverPiece = -1; } } _local5++; } if (_mouseOverPiece > -1) { if (gameContext.getPadManager().getMouseJustPressed()) { gameContext.getGameData().playSound(_global.SND_CLINK4); var _local9 = true; if (gameContext.getGameData().getAvatarSelected(_entity.getPiece(_mouseOverPiece).getID())) { _local9 = false; } if (_local9 && (gameContext.getGameData().isKing(_entity.getPiece(_mouseOverPiece).getID()))) { _entity.getPiece(_mouseOverPiece).moveToFrame(7); } else { _entity.getPiece(_mouseOverPiece).moveToFrame(2); } _piecePreSelected = _mouseOverPiece; if (!_local9) { if (_avatarRaised) { _entity.getAvatar().setPositionY(_entity.getAvatar().getPositionY() + 5); _avatarRaised = false; } } if (!_someoneCanJump) { _squaresHighlighted = true; gameContext.getGameData().highlightMoveSquares(_entity.getPiece(_mouseOverPiece)); } else { gameContext.getGameData().highlightSquareUsingEntity(_entity.getPiece(_mouseOverPiece)); } } } } else { gameContext.getGameData().animateSquares(); if (gameContext.getPadManager().getMouseJustPressed()) { var _local15 = gameContext.getGameData().getProperBoardPositionX(gameContext.getPadManager().getMousePosX()); var _local14 = gameContext.getGameData().getProperBoardPositionY(gameContext.getPadManager().getMousePosY()); _entity.getPiece(_mouseOverPiece).setDestPosX(_local15); _entity.getPiece(_mouseOverPiece).setDestPosY(_local14); if (!gameContext.getGameData().isValidMove(_entity.getPiece(_mouseOverPiece), _local15, _local14, false, false)) { if (_entity.getPiece(_piecePreSelected).isMouseOver()) { if (!_someoneCanJump) { gameContext.getGameData().setClearHighlightedSquares(); } else { gameContext.getGameData().setClearSquare(_entity.getPiece(_piecePreSelected)); } _mouseOverPiece = -1; _piecePreSelected = -1; gameContext.getGameData().setPiecePreSelected(-1); } return(undefined); } _pieceSelected = _piecePreSelected; gameContext.getGameData().cursorOff(); } } return(undefined); } function Update(gameContext) { if (gameContext.getGameData().getWinner() > -1) { return(undefined); } var _local3 = 0; while (_local3 < _sparklyDews.length) { _sparklyDews[_local3].setPositionY(_sparklyDews[_local3].getPositionY() - 1); _sparklyDews[_local3].animateSprite(); if (!_sparklyDews[_local3].isAnimating()) { var _local6 = _sparklyDews[_local3].xBase + (Math.random() * gameContext.getGameData().getSquareWidth()); var _local5 = _sparklyDews[_local3].yBase + (Math.random() * gameContext.getGameData().getSquareHeight()); _sparklyDews[_local3].setPositionX(_local6); _sparklyDews[_local3].setPositionY(_local5); _sparklyDews[_local3].startAnimating(1, 12, 15 + (Math.random() * 15), false); _sparklyDews[_local3].setVisibility(true); } _local3++; } _entity.getAvatar().animateSprite(); if (_arrowTimer > 0) { _arrowTimer = _arrowTimer - gameContext.getDT(); if (_currentArrowFrame < _endArrowFrame) { _currentArrowFrame++; if (_currentArrowFrame == (_endArrowFrame - 1)) { var _local15 = ((_entity.getID() == 0) ? 3 : 2); gameContext.getGameData().setPlayerFrame(_entity.getID()); gameContext.getGameData().setPlayerFrame(_entity.getID() ^ 1); } gameContext.getGameData().updateArrow(_currentArrowFrame); } if (_currentArrowFrame != _endArrowFrame) { _arrowTimer = _arrowSpeed; } } var _local14 = _entity.getPiece(_pieceSelected).getDestPosX(); var _local10 = _entity.getPiece(_pieceSelected).getDestPosY(); if (_pieceSelected > -1) { gameContext.getGameData().setPieceMoved(-1); gameContext.getGameData().setMovingPiece(_pieceSelected); var _local9 = _entity.getPiece(_pieceSelected).getDestPosX() - _entity.getPiece(_pieceSelected).getPositionX(); var _local8 = _entity.getPiece(_pieceSelected).getDestPosY() - _entity.getPiece(_pieceSelected).getPositionY(); var _local11 = Math.sqrt((_local9 * _local9) + (_local8 * _local8)); _entity.setPieceSelected(_pieceSelected); gameContext.getGameData().setClearHighlightedSquares(); if (gameContext.getGameData().getAvatarSelected(_entity.getPiece(_pieceSelected).getID())) { if (_entity.getPiece(_pieceSelected).getPositionX() > _local14) { _entity.getAvatar().playFlipped(); } else { _entity.getAvatar().playUnflipped(); } if (_local11 > 75) { var _local7 = "JumpForwardPiece"; if (_local9 < 0) { _entity.getAvatar().setPositionX(_entity.getAvatar().getPositionX() + 56); } if (_local8 < 0) { _local7 = "JumpBackwardPiece"; } gameContext.getGameData().updateBoard(_entity.getPiece(_pieceSelected)); gameContext.getGameData().incNumCaptured(); gameContext.getGameData().playAnimation(_local7, _entity.getAvatar()); _entity.setNextState(Game.AIStates.AnimateToSpotState); } else { var _local7 = "JumpForwardNoPiece"; if (_local9 < 0) { _entity.getAvatar().setPositionX(_entity.getAvatar().getPositionX() + 56); } if (_local8 < 0) { _local7 = "JumpBackwardNoPiece"; } if (gameContext.getGameData().movingOnPiece(_local14, _local10)) { gameContext.getGameData().playAnimation(_local7, _entity.getAvatar()); gameContext.getGameData().playSound(_global.SND_BS_JUMP); _entity.setNextState(Game.AIStates.AnimateToSpotState); } else { gameContext.getGameData().playAnimation("Slide", _entity.getAvatar()); gameContext.getGameData().playSound(_global.SND_BS_SLIDE); gameContext.getGameData().updateBoard(_entity.getPiece(_pieceSelected)); _entity.setNextState(Game.AIStates.MovingPieceState); } if (_entity.getID() == 1) { gameContext.getGameData().setAvatarMoved(); } } return(undefined); } gameContext.getGameData().updateBoard(_entity.getPiece(_pieceSelected)); if (_local11 > 75) { var _local7 = "JumpLeftUp"; _local14 = _entity.getPiece(_pieceSelected).getDestPosX(); _local10 = _entity.getPiece(_pieceSelected).getDestPosY(); var _local13 = _entity.getPiece(_pieceSelected).getPositionX(); var _local12 = _entity.getPiece(_pieceSelected).getPositionY(); if (_local14 < _local13) { if (_local10 < _local12) { _local7 = "JumpLeftUp"; if (gameContext.getGameData().isKing(_entity.getPiece(_pieceSelected).getID())) { _local7 = "JumpKingLeftUp"; } } else { _local7 = "JumpLeftDown"; if (gameContext.getGameData().isKing(_entity.getPiece(_pieceSelected).getID())) { _local7 = "JumpKingLeftDown"; } } } else if (_local10 < _local12) { _local7 = "JumpRightUp"; if (gameContext.getGameData().isKing(_entity.getPiece(_pieceSelected).getID())) { _local7 = "JumpKingRightUp"; } } else { _local7 = "JumpRightDown"; if (gameContext.getGameData().isKing(_entity.getPiece(_pieceSelected).getID())) { _local7 = "JumpKingRightDown"; } } gameContext.getGameData().incNumCaptured(); gameContext.getGameData().playAnimation(_local7, _entity.getPiece(_pieceSelected)); _entity.setNextState(Game.AIStates.AnimateToSpotState); return(undefined); } _entity.setNextState(Game.AIStates.MovingPieceState); } return(undefined); } function Exit(gameContext) { var _local3 = _sparklyDews.length; var _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < _local3) { _sparklyDews[_local2].removeSprite(); _sparklyDews[0].pop; _local2++; } return(undefined); } static var MOVE_FORWARD_AND_RIGHT = 1; static var MOVE_FORWARD_AND_LEFT = 2; static var JUMP_FORWARD_AND_RIGHT = 3; static var JUMP_FORWARD_AND_LEFT = 4; static var MOVE_BACKWARD_AND_RIGHT = 5; static var MOVE_BACKWARD_AND_LEFT = 6; static var JUMP_BACKWARD_AND_RIGHT = 7; static var JUMP_BACKWARD_AND_LEFT = 8; }
Symbol 425 MovieClip [__Packages.Game.AIStates.AnimateToSpotState] Frame 0
class Game.AIStates.AnimateToSpotState extends Base.AIState { var _entity, _pieceSelected, _depth, _startingX, _jumpingPiece, _startingGridX, _startingGridY, _jumpingWithoutCoin, _avatarDepth; function AnimateToSpotState (entity) { super(); _entity = entity; } function Entry(gameContext) { _pieceSelected = _entity.getPiece(_entity.getPieceSelected()); _depth = _pieceSelected.getZDepth(); _depth = _depth + 50000; _pieceSelected.setZDepth(_depth); _startingX = _pieceSelected.getPositionX(); _jumpingPiece = false; var _local5 = _pieceSelected.getDestPosX() - _pieceSelected.getPositionX(); var _local4 = _pieceSelected.getDestPosY() - _pieceSelected.getPositionY(); var _local6 = Math.sqrt((_local5 * _local5) + (_local4 * _local4)); if (_local6 > 75) { _jumpingPiece = true; } _startingGridX = gameContext.getGameData().getGridX(_pieceSelected.getPositionX()); _startingGridY = gameContext.getGameData().getGridY(_pieceSelected.getPositionY()); _jumpingWithoutCoin = false; if (gameContext.getGameData().getAvatarSelected(_pieceSelected.getID())) { _avatarDepth = _entity.getAvatar().getZDepth(); _avatarDepth = _avatarDepth + 50000; _entity.getAvatar().setZDepth(_avatarDepth); _jumpingWithoutCoin = true; } else { gameContext.getGameData().playSound(_global.SND_JUMP2); } gameContext.getGameData().setJumpingAgain(-1); return(undefined); } function NetworkDecision(gameContext) { } function CPUDecision(gameContext) { } function PadInput(gameContext) { } function Update(gameContext) { if (_jumpingWithoutCoin) { _entity.getAvatar().animateSprite(); if (_entity.getAvatar().isAnimating()) { if ((_entity.getAvatar().getCurrentFrame() == 140) || (_entity.getAvatar().getCurrentFrame() == 172)) { _pieceSelected.setVisibility(false); } if ((_entity.getAvatar().getCurrentFrame() == 158) || (_entity.getAvatar().getCurrentFrame() == 190)) { _pieceSelected.setPosition(_pieceSelected.getDestPosX(), _pieceSelected.getDestPosY()); _pieceSelected.setVisibility(true); gameContext.getGameData().playSound(_global.SND_JUMP1); } return(undefined); } var _local4 = 0; if (_jumpingPiece) { var _local6 = gameContext.getGameData().getGridX(_pieceSelected.getPositionX()); var _local7 = gameContext.getGameData().getGridY(_pieceSelected.getPositionY()); gameContext.getGameData().handleJumpedGuy((_startingGridX + _local6) / 2, (_startingGridY + _local7) / 2); if ((_entity.getID() == 0) && (_local7 == 7)) { gameContext.getGameData().setWinner(0); } if ((_entity.getID() == 1) && (_local7 == 0)) { gameContext.getGameData().setWinner(1); } } else if (_pieceSelected.getPositionX() < _startingX) { _local4 = 112; } gameContext.getGameData().playAnimation("Idle", _entity.getAvatar()); _entity.getAvatar().playUnflipped(); _entity.getAvatar().setPosition(_pieceSelected.getDestPosX() + _local4, _pieceSelected.getDestPosY()); _pieceSelected.setZDepth(_depth - 50000); _entity.getAvatar().setZDepth(_avatarDepth - 50000); gameContext.getGameData().setAvatarOnPiece(_entity.getID(), _pieceSelected.getDestPosX(), _pieceSelected.getDestPosY()); if (!_jumpingPiece) { if (gameContext.getGameData().isPieceKinged(gameContext.getGameData().getAvatarOnPiece(_entity.getID()))) { _entity.setNextState(Game.AIStates.JumpedToKingState); return(undefined); } if (gameContext.getGameData().wasKing(gameContext.getGameData().getPreviousPieceAvatarOn(_entity.getID()))) { _entity.setNextState(Game.AIStates.JumpedFromKingState); return(undefined); } } if ((gameContext.getGameData().getJumpedID() >= 0) && (gameContext.getGameData().canJumpAgain(_pieceSelected, _pieceSelected.getPositionX(), _pieceSelected.getPositionY()))) { gameContext.getGameData().setJumpingAgain(_pieceSelected.getID()); _entity.setNextState(Game.AIStates.WaitForReadyState); return(undefined); } } else { _pieceSelected.animateSprite(); if (_pieceSelected.isAnimating()) { return(undefined); } _pieceSelected.setZDepth(_depth - 50000); var _local4 = 0; if (_pieceSelected.getPositionX() < _startingX) { _local4 = 112; } var _local5 = "Idle"; if (gameContext.getGameData().isKing(_pieceSelected.getID())) { _local5 = "KingIdle"; } gameContext.getGameData().playAnimation(_local5, _pieceSelected); _pieceSelected.playUnflipped(); _pieceSelected.setPosition(_pieceSelected.getDestPosX() + _local4, _pieceSelected.getDestPosY()); if (_jumpingPiece) { var _local6 = gameContext.getGameData().getGridX(_pieceSelected.getPositionX()); var _local7 = gameContext.getGameData().getGridY(_pieceSelected.getPositionY()); gameContext.getGameData().handleJumpedGuy((_startingGridX + _local6) / 2, (_startingGridY + _local7) / 2); } if (gameContext.getGameData().shouldBeKinged(_pieceSelected)) { gameContext.getGameData().kingMe(_pieceSelected); _entity.setNextState(Game.AIStates.KingPieceState); return(undefined); } if ((gameContext.getGameData().getJumpedID() >= 0) && (gameContext.getGameData().canJumpAgain(_pieceSelected, _pieceSelected.getPositionX(), _pieceSelected.getPositionY()))) { gameContext.getGameData().setJumpingAgain(_pieceSelected.getID()); _entity.setNextState(Game.AIStates.WaitForReadyState); return(undefined); } } gameContext.getGameData().handleTurnOver(); _entity.setNextState(Game.AIStates.WaitingForTurnState); return(undefined); } function Exit(gameContext) { gameContext.getGameData().getPiece(_pieceSelected).setMovingPiece(-1); return(undefined); } }
Symbol 426 MovieClip [__Packages.Game.AIStates.JumpedToKingState] Frame 0
class Game.AIStates.JumpedToKingState extends Base.AIState { var _entity, _pieceToKing, _pieceJumpedTo; function JumpedToKingState (entity) { super(); _entity = entity; } function Entry(gameContext) { _pieceToKing = _entity.getPiece(gameContext.getGameData().getPreviousPieceAvatarOn(_entity.getID()) % 12); _pieceJumpedTo = _entity.getPiece(gameContext.getGameData().getAvatarOnPiece(_entity.getID()) % 12); _pieceToKing.startAnimating(351, 356, 24, false); _pieceJumpedTo.startAnimating(356, 351, 24, false); return(undefined); } function Update(gameContext) { var _local2 = true; if (_pieceToKing.isAnimating()) { _pieceToKing.animateSprite(); _local2 = false; } if (_pieceJumpedTo.isAnimating()) { _pieceJumpedTo.animateSprite(); _local2 = false; } if (!_local2) { return(undefined); } _pieceToKing.moveToFrame(7); gameContext.getGameData().switchKings(_pieceJumpedTo.getID(), _pieceToKing.getID()); if (((_entity.getID() == 1) && (gameContext.getGameData().getGridY(_entity.getAvatar().getPositionY()) == 0)) || ((_entity.getID() == 0) && (gameContext.getGameData().getGridY(_entity.getAvatar().getPositionY()) == 7))) { gameContext.getGameData().setWinner(_entity.getID()); } gameContext.getGameData().handleTurnOver(); _entity.setNextState(Game.AIStates.WaitingForTurnState); return(undefined); } function Exit(gameContext) { return(undefined); } }
Symbol 427 MovieClip [__Packages.Game.AIStates.WaitingForTurnState] Frame 0
class Game.AIStates.WaitingForTurnState extends Base.AIState { var _entity; function WaitingForTurnState (entity) { super(); _entity = entity; } function Entry(gameContext) { gameContext.getGameData().playAnimation("Idle", _entity.getAvatar()); gameContext.getGameData().setGameReady(true); return(undefined); } function PadInput(gameContext) { } function Update(gameContext) { _entity.getAvatar().animateSprite(); if ((gameContext.getGameData().getJumpedID() > -1) && (_entity.oneOfMyPieces(gameContext.getGameData().getJumpedID()))) { gameContext.getGameData().setGameReady(false); _entity.setNextState(Game.AIStates.GotJumpedState); return(undefined); } if (gameContext.getGameData().isMyTurn(_entity.getID())) { _entity.setNextState(Game.AIStates.WaitForSelectState); } return(undefined); } function Exit(gameContext) { return(undefined); } }
Symbol 428 MovieClip [__Packages.Game.AIStates.GotJumpedState] Frame 0
class Game.AIStates.GotJumpedState extends Base.AIState { var _entity, _jumpedPiece; function GotJumpedState (entity) { super(); _entity = entity; } function Entry(gameContext) { _jumpedPiece = _entity.getPiece(gameContext.getGameData().getJumpedGuy() % 12); if (gameContext.getGameData().isKing(_jumpedPiece.getID()) && (!gameContext.getGameData().getAvatarSelected(_jumpedPiece.getID()))) { _jumpedPiece.startAnimating(269, 322, 40, false); } else { _jumpedPiece.startAnimating(190, 243, 40, false); } _jumpedPiece.setZDepth(_jumpedPiece.getZDepth() + 50000); if (gameContext.getGameData().getAvatarSelected(_jumpedPiece.getID())) { _entity.getAvatar().setZDepth(_entity.getAvatar().getZDepth() + 50000); gameContext.getGameData().playSound(_global.SND_JUMP_AVATAR); gameContext.getGameData().playSound(_global.SND_BS_CAP); _entity.getAvatar().startAnimating(42, 61, 40, false); } return(undefined); } function Update(gameContext) { var _local2 = true; _jumpedPiece.animateSprite(); if (_jumpedPiece.isAnimating()) { _local2 = false; } if (gameContext.getGameData().getAvatarSelected(_jumpedPiece.getID())) { _entity.getAvatar().animateSprite(); if (_entity.getAvatar().isAnimating()) { _local2 = false; } else { _entity.getAvatar().setVisibility(false); } } if (!_local2) { return(undefined); } gameContext.getGameData().incNumLost(); _entity.removePiece(_jumpedPiece.getID() % 12); if (gameContext.getGameData().getAvatarSelected(_jumpedPiece.getID())) { _entity.setNextState(Game.AIStates.ResetAvatarState); } else { _entity.setNextState(Game.AIStates.WaitingForTurnState); } return(undefined); } function Exit(gameContext) { gameContext.getGameData().setJumpedID(-1); return(undefined); } }
Symbol 429 MovieClip [__Packages.Game.AIStates.ResetAvatarState] Frame 0
class Game.AIStates.ResetAvatarState extends Base.AIState { var _entity, _timer, _didDisappear, _gameOver, _stage, _avatarOnPieceID; function ResetAvatarState (entity) { super(); _entity = entity; _timer = 0; _didDisappear = false; } function Entry(gameContext) { _gameOver = false; _stage = 0; _timer = 2; if (gameContext.getGameData().resetAvatarPosition(_entity.getAvatar())) { _entity.getAvatar().setVisibility(true); gameContext.getGameData().playSound(_global.SND_BS_CAP2); gameContext.getGameData().playAnimation("Reappear", _entity.getAvatar()); } else { _gameOver = true; gameContext.getGameData().setWinner(_entity.getID() ^ 1); } _avatarOnPieceID = gameContext.getGameData().getAvatarOnPiece(_entity.getID()); return(undefined); } function Update(gameContext) { if (_gameOver) { gameContext.getGameData().setGameOver(); } switch (_stage) { case 0 : _entity.getAvatar().animateSprite(); if (_entity.getAvatar().isAnimating()) { return(undefined); } if (_entity.getPiece(_avatarOnPieceID % 12).getCurrentFrame() == 7) { _stage++; _entity.getPiece(_avatarOnPieceID % 12).startAnimating(356, 351, 24, false); return(undefined); } break; case 1 : _entity.getPiece(_avatarOnPieceID % 12).animateSprite(); if (!_entity.getPiece(_avatarOnPieceID % 12).isAnimating()) { break; } return(undefined); } _entity.getAvatar().setZDepth(_entity.getAvatar().getZDepth() - 50000); if (((_entity.getID() == 1) && (gameContext.getGameData().getGridY(_entity.getAvatar().getPositionY()) == 0)) || ((_entity.getID() == 0) && (gameContext.getGameData().getGridY(_entity.getAvatar().getPositionY()) == 7))) { gameContext.getGameData().setWinner(_entity.getID()); } _entity.setNextState(Game.AIStates.WaitingForTurnState); return(undefined); } function Exit(gameContext) { return(undefined); } }
Symbol 430 MovieClip [__Packages.Game.AIStates.JumpedFromKingState] Frame 0
class Game.AIStates.JumpedFromKingState extends Base.AIState { var _entity, _pieceToKing; function JumpedFromKingState (entity) { super(); _entity = entity; } function Entry(gameContext) { _pieceToKing = _entity.getPiece(gameContext.getGameData().getPreviousPieceAvatarOn(_entity.getID()) % 12); _pieceToKing.startAnimating(351, 356, 24, false); return(undefined); } function Update(gameContext) { var _local2 = true; if (_pieceToKing.isAnimating()) { _pieceToKing.animateSprite(); _local2 = false; } if (!_local2) { return(undefined); } _pieceToKing.moveToFrame(7); gameContext.getGameData().handleTurnOver(); _entity.setNextState(Game.AIStates.WaitingForTurnState); return(undefined); } function Exit(gameContext) { return(undefined); } }
Symbol 431 MovieClip [__Packages.Game.AIStates.WaitForReadyState] Frame 0
class Game.AIStates.WaitForReadyState extends Base.AIState { var _entity; function WaitForReadyState (entity) { super(); _entity = entity; } function Entry(gameContext) { return(undefined); } function Update(gameContext) { if (!gameContext.getGameData().isGameReady()) { return(undefined); } _entity.setNextState(Game.AIStates.WaitForSelectState); return(undefined); } function Exit(gameContext) { return(undefined); } }
Symbol 432 MovieClip [__Packages.Game.AIStates.KingPieceState] Frame 0
class Game.AIStates.KingPieceState extends Base.AIState { var _entity, _pieceSelected; function KingPieceState (entity) { super(); _entity = entity; } function Entry(gameContext) { _pieceSelected = _entity.getPiece(_entity.getPieceSelected()); _pieceSelected.setZDepth(_pieceSelected.getZDepth() + 50000); gameContext.getGameData().playSound(_global.SND_KINGED); return(undefined); } function Update(gameContext) { _pieceSelected.animateSprite(); if (_pieceSelected.isAnimating()) { return(undefined); } gameContext.getGameData().moveToFrame(7); gameContext.getGameData().setGotKinged(); gameContext.getGameData().handleTurnOver(); _entity.setNextState(Game.AIStates.WaitingForTurnState); return(undefined); } function Exit(gameContext) { _pieceSelected.setZDepth(_pieceSelected.getZDepth() - 50000); } }
Symbol 433 MovieClip [__Packages.Game.AIStates.MovingPieceState] Frame 0
class Game.AIStates.MovingPieceState extends Base.AIState { var _entity, _finishedMoving, _positionX, _positionY, _pieceSelected, _currentX, _currentY, _jumpingPiece, _angle, _canJumpAgain; function MovingPieceState (entity) { super(); _entity = entity; _finishedMoving = false; _positionX = 0; _positionY = 0; } function Entry(gameContext) { _pieceSelected = _entity.getPiece(_entity.getPieceSelected()); _finishedMoving = false; _positionX = _pieceSelected.getPositionX(); _positionY = _pieceSelected.getPositionY(); _pieceSelected.setMoveSpeed(300); _currentX = _pieceSelected.getPositionX(); _currentY = _pieceSelected.getPositionY(); var _local4 = _pieceSelected.getDestPosX() - _currentX; var _local5 = _pieceSelected.getDestPosY() - _currentY; var _local3 = Math.sqrt((_local4 * _local4) + (_local5 * _local5)); if (_local3 > 75) { _jumpingPiece = true; } else { _jumpingPiece = false; } _angle = Math.acos(_local4 / _local3); gameContext.getGameData().setBestMove(-1, -1); _canJumpAgain = false; gameContext.getGameData().playSound(_global.SND_FROM1); return(undefined); } function Update(gameContext) { var _local4 = _pieceSelected.getDestPosX(); var _local3 = _pieceSelected.getDestPosY(); var _local16 = _local4 - _currentX; var _local15 = _local3 - _currentY; var _local19 = ((_local16 < 0) ? -1 : 1); var _local14 = ((_local15 < 0) ? -1 : 1); var _local10 = gameContext.getDT(); var _local18 = 1 / _local10; var _local13 = _pieceSelected.getMoveSpeed(); var _local7 = _local13 * _local10; var _local12 = _local7 * Math.cos(_angle); var _local11 = _local7 * Math.sin(_angle); var _local6 = _currentX + _local12; var _local5 = _currentY + (_local11 * _local14); if (Math.round(_local6) == Math.round(_local4)) { _positionX = _local4; _pieceSelected.setPositionX(_local4); } if (Math.floor(_local5) == Math.floor(_local3)) { _positionY = _local3; _pieceSelected.setPositionY(_local3); } if ((_currentX < _local4) && (_local6 >= _local4)) { _positionX = _local4; _pieceSelected.setPositionX(_local4); } if ((_currentY < _local3) && (_local5 >= _local3)) { _positionY = _local3; _pieceSelected.setPositionY(_local3); } if ((_currentX > _local4) && (_local6 <= _local4)) { _positionX = _local4; _pieceSelected.setPositionX(_local4); } if ((_currentY > _local3) && (_local5 <= _local3)) { _positionY = _local3; _pieceSelected.setPositionY(_local3); } if (_pieceSelected.isAtDestination()) { _finishedMoving = true; } else { _currentX = _local6; _currentY = _local5; _positionX = Math.round(_local6); _positionY = Math.round(_local5); } _pieceSelected.setPosition(_positionX, _positionY); _pieceSelected.animateSprite(); if (gameContext.getGameData().getAvatarSelected(_pieceSelected.getID())) { _entity.getAvatar().animateSprite(); var _local9 = 0; if (_entity.getAvatar().isFlipped()) { _local9 = 56; } _entity.getAvatar().setPosition(_positionX + _local9, _positionY); } if (_finishedMoving) { if (gameContext.getGameData().getAvatarSelected(_pieceSelected.getID())) { var _local17 = gameContext.getGameData().getGridX(_pieceSelected.getPositionX()); var _local8 = gameContext.getGameData().getGridY(_pieceSelected.getPositionY()); if ((_entity.getID() == 0) && (_local8 == 7)) { gameContext.getGameData().setWinner(0); } if ((_entity.getID() == 1) && (_local8 == 0)) { gameContext.getGameData().setWinner(1); } if (_entity.getAvatar().isFlipped()) { _entity.getAvatar().setPositionX(_entity.getAvatar().getPositionX() - 56); } gameContext.getGameData().playAnimation("Idle", _entity.getAvatar()); _entity.getAvatar().playUnflipped(); } gameContext.getGameData().setMovingPiece(-1); if (gameContext.getGameData().shouldBeKinged(_pieceSelected)) { gameContext.getGameData().kingMe(_pieceSelected); _entity.setNextState(Game.AIStates.KingPieceState); return(undefined); } if ((gameContext.getGameData().getJumpedID() >= 0) && (gameContext.getGameData().canJumpAgain(_pieceSelected, _pieceSelected.getPositionX(), _pieceSelected.getPositionY()))) { _entity.setNextState(Game.AIStates.WaitForReadyState); return(undefined); } if ((_entity.getID() < 32) && (gameContext.getGameData().getAvatarMoving() == -1)) { gameContext.getGameData().handleTurnOver(); _entity.setNextState(Game.AIStates.WaitingForTurnState); } } return(undefined); } function Exit(gameContext) { gameContext.getGameData().playSound(_global.SND_TO2); return(undefined); } }
Symbol 434 MovieClip [__Packages.Base.Time] Frame 0
class Base.Time { var _currentTime, _timeLastTick, _gameSpeed, _startTime, _averageTime, _currentPlaceInAvgArray; function Time () { _currentTime = 0; _timeLastTick = 0.001; _gameSpeed = INITIAL_GAME_SPEED; _startTime = (getTimer() * INITIAL_GAME_SPEED) / 1000; _averageTime = new Array(0.01666, 0.01666, 0.01666, 0.01666, 0.01666, 0.01666, 0.01666, 0.01666, 0.01666, 0.01666); _currentPlaceInAvgArray = 0; } function getElapsedTime() { return(_timeLastTick); } function getCurTime() { return(_currentTime); } function getGameSpeed() { return(_gameSpeed); } function getAverageTime() { var _local3 = 0; var _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < 10) { _local3 = _local3 + _averageTime[_local2]; _local2++; } _local3 = _local3 / 10; return(_local3); } function markTimeThisTick() { var _local2 = ((getTimer() * _gameSpeed) / 1000) - _startTime; _timeLastTick = _local2 - _currentTime; _currentTime = _local2; _averageTime[_currentPlaceInAvgArray++] = _timeLastTick; if (_currentPlaceInAvgArray >= 10) { _currentPlaceInAvgArray = 0; } if (_timeLastTick <= 0) { _timeLastTick = 0.001; } } function setGameSpeed(speed) { _gameSpeed = speed; if (_gameSpeed < MIN_GAME_SPEED) { _gameSpeed = MIN_GAME_SPEED; } else if (_gameSpeed > MAX_GAME_SPEED) { _gameSpeed = MIN_GAME_SPEED; } } static var INITIAL_GAME_SPEED = 1; static var MIN_GAME_SPEED = 0.001; static var MAX_GAME_SPEED = 100; }
Symbol 435 MovieClip [__Packages.Pad.PadManager] Frame 0
class Pad.PadManager { var _padData, _mouseData, _lastKeyPressed; function PadManager () { _padData = new Array(); _mouseData = new Object(); var _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < 26) { _padData[_local2] = {keyPressed:false, keyReleased:false, keyStillPressed:false, timePressed:Number}; _local2++; } _mouseData.mouseJustPressed = false; _mouseData.mouseStillPressed = false; _mouseData.mouseReleased = false; _mouseData.mouseTimePressed = 0; _mouseData.mousePressedPosX = 0; _mouseData.mousePressedPosY = 0; _mouseData.mousePosX = 0; _mouseData.mousePosY = 0; _lastKeyPressed = 0; Init(); } function getPadData() { return(_padData); } function getPadDataLength() { return(_padData.length); } function getKeyJustPressed(id) { return(_padData[id].keyPressed); } function getKeyStillPressed(id) { return(_padData[id].keyStillPressed); } function getMouseJustPressed() { return(_mouseData.mouseJustPressed); } function getMouseStillPressed() { return(_mouseData.mouseStillPressed); } function getMouseReleased() { return(_mouseData.mouseReleased); } function getMouseTimePressed() { return(_mouseData.mouseTimePressed); } function getMousePressedPosX() { return(_mouseData.mousePressedPosX); } function getMousePressedPosY() { return(_mouseData.mousePressedPosY); } function getMousePosX() { return(_mouseData.mousePosX); } function getMousePosY() { return(_mouseData.mousePosY); } function Init() { mouseListener.onMouseDown = function () { _global.handleMousePress = true; return(undefined); }; mouseListener.onMouseUp = function () { _global.handleMouseRelease = true; return(undefined); }; mouseListener.onMouseMove = null; Mouse.addListener(mouseListener); return(undefined); } function Update(gameContext) { var _local5 = Key.getCode(); if (_mouseData.mouseReleased) { _mouseData.mouseReleased = false; } if (_global.handleMouseRelease) { _global.handleMouseRelease = false; _mouseData.mouseJustPressed = false; _mouseData.mouseStillPressed = false; _mouseData.mouseReleased = true; } else { if (_mouseData.mouseJustPressed) { _mouseData.mouseJustPressed = false; _mouseData.mouseReleased = false; _mouseData.mouseStillPressed = true; } if (_mouseData.mouseStillPressed) { _mouseData.mouseTimePressed = _mouseData.mouseTimePressed + gameContext.getDT(); } } if (_global.handleMousePress) { _global.handleMousePress = false; _mouseData.mouseJustPressed = true; _mouseData.mousePressedPosX = _xmouse; _mouseData.mousePressedPosY = _ymouse; _mouseData.mouseReleased = false; _mouseData.mouseStillPressed = false; _mouseData.mouseTimePressed = 0; } _mouseData.mousePosX = _xmouse; _mouseData.mousePosY = _ymouse; var _local3 = 0; while (_local3 < 26) { if (Key.isDown(_local3 + 65)) { if ((!_padData[_local3].keyPressed) && (!_padData[_local3].keyStillPressed)) { _padData[_local3].keyPressed = true; _padData[_local3].keyStillPressed = false; _padData[_local3].keyReleased = false; _padData[_local3].timePressed = 0; } else if (_padData[_local3].keyPressed || (_padData[_local3].keyStillPressed)) { _padData[_local3].keyPressed = false; _padData[_local3].keyStillPressed = true; _padData[_local3].keyReleased = false; _padData[_local3].timePressed = _padData[_local3].timePressed + gameContext.getDT(); } } else if (_padData[_local3].keyStillPressed || (_padData[_local3].keyPressed)) { _padData[_local3].keyPressed = false; _padData[_local3].keyStillPressed = false; _padData[_local3].keyReleased = true; } _local3++; } return(undefined); } var mouseListener = new Object(); }
Symbol 436 MovieClip [__Packages.Game.GameManager] Frame 0
class Game.GameManager { var _currentGameState, _nextGameState; function GameManager (parentMC) { _currentGameState = null; setNextState(Game.GameStates.TitleCardState); } function setNextState(state) { _nextGameState = new state[undefined](); } function Update(gameContext) { if (_currentGameState != _nextGameState) { _currentGameState = _nextGameState; _currentGameState.Entry(gameContext); } else if (_currentGameState == _nextGameState) { _currentGameState.Update(gameContext); if (_currentGameState != _nextGameState) { _currentGameState.Exit(gameContext); delete _currentGameState; if (!_nextGameState) { } } } } }
Symbol 437 MovieClip [__Packages.Base.GameState] Frame 0
class Base.GameState extends Base.State { static var _screenFade, _fadeSpeed, _levelToReach, _currentAlphaVal, _isFading; function GameState () { super(); } function CPUDecision(gameContext) { return(undefined); } function NetworkDecision(gameContext) { return(undefined); } function PadInput(gameContext) { return(undefined); } function Entry(gameContext) { return(undefined); } function Update(gameContext) { return(undefined); } function Exit(gameContext) { return(undefined); } function startFadeOut(gameContext, spriteName, clipName, depth, fadeSpeed, level) { _screenFade = new Base.SpriteEntity(gameContext, 5, 100, spriteName, clipName, depth, 0, 0, 2, -1, -1); _fadeSpeed = fadeSpeed; _levelToReach = level; _currentAlphaVal = 0; _isFading = true; _screenFade.getMovieClip()._alpha = _currentAlphaVal; } function handleFadeOut() { if (_isFading) { _currentAlphaVal = _currentAlphaVal + _fadeSpeed; if (_currentAlphaVal >= _levelToReach) { _currentAlphaVal = _levelToReach; _isFading = false; } _screenFade.getMovieClip()._alpha = _currentAlphaVal; } } function continueFadeOut(fadeSpeed, level) { _isFading = true; _levelToReach = level; } function startFadeIn(fadeSpeed) { _isFading = true; _levelToReach = 0; _fadeSpeed = fadeSpeed; } function handleFadeIn() { _currentAlphaVal = _currentAlphaVal - _fadeSpeed; if (_currentAlphaVal <= _levelToReach) { _currentAlphaVal = _levelToReach; _isFading = false; _screenFade.removeSprite(); delete _screenFade; } _screenFade.getMovieClip()._alpha = _currentAlphaVal; } function isFading() { return(_isFading); } function setFadeDepth(depth) { _screenFade.setZDepth(depth); } }
Symbol 438 MovieClip [__Packages.Game.GameStates.TitleCardState] Frame 0
class Game.GameStates.TitleCardState extends Base.GameState { var _depth, _mc, _numSprite, _filter, _titlecardScreen; function TitleCardState () { super(); } function Entry(gameContext) { _depth = 100; _mc = []; _numSprite = 0; _filter = new Base.SpriteEntity(gameContext, 5, 100, "gameboard_filter", "filter", 2, 0, 0, 2, 600, 400); _titlecardScreen = new Base.SpriteEntity(gameContext, 5, 100, "_Titlecard", "titlecard", 50000, 0, 0, 2, -1, -1); _titlecardScreen.addChild("btn_start", 0, 0, 200, 75); gameContext.getGameData().getSoundModule().PlayMusic("title_2.wav"); } function Update(gameContext) { var _local4 = 1; var _local5 = 10; var _local6 = _titlecardScreen.getChildMouseIsOver(); gameContext.getGameData().updateCursor(); if (_titlecardScreen.isMouseOverChild("btn_start")) { if ((!_titlecardScreen.isChildAnimating("btn_start")) && (_titlecardScreen.getChildCurrentAnimFrame("btn_start") <= 1)) { gameContext.getGameData().cursorOn(); _titlecardScreen.startAnimatingChild("btn_start", _local4, _local5, 60, false); } if (gameContext.getPadManager().getMouseJustPressed()) { gameContext.getGameData().cursorOff(); gameContext.getGameData().playSound(_global.SND_BTN2); gameContext.getGameManager().setNextState(Game.GameStates.InstructionsGameState); } } else if ((!_titlecardScreen.isChildAnimating("btn_start")) && (_titlecardScreen.getChildCurrentAnimFrame("btn_start") == 10)) { _local4 = 10; _local5 = 1; gameContext.getGameData().cursorOff(); _titlecardScreen.startAnimatingChild("btn_start", _local4, _local5, 60, false); } if (_titlecardScreen.isChildAnimating("btn_start")) { _titlecardScreen.animateChild("btn_start"); } return(undefined); } function Exit(gameContext) { _titlecardScreen.removeSprite(); delete _titlecardScreen; } }
Symbol 439 MovieClip [__Packages.Game.GameStates.InstructionsGameState] Frame 0
class Game.GameStates.InstructionsGameState extends Base.GameState { var _screen; function InstructionsGameState () { super(); } function Entry(gameContext) { _screen = new Base.SpriteEntity(gameContext, 5, 100, "_Instructions", "instructions", 50000, 0, 0, 2, -1, -1); _screen.addChild("btn_play", 0, 10, 195, 70); } function Update(gameContext) { var _local4 = 1; var _local5 = 10; var _local6 = _screen.getChildMouseIsOver(); gameContext.getGameData().updateCursor(); if (_screen.isMouseOverChild("btn_play")) { if ((!_screen.isChildAnimating("btn_play")) && (_screen.getChildCurrentAnimFrame("btn_play") <= 1)) { _screen.startAnimatingChild("btn_play", _local4, _local5, 60, false); gameContext.getGameData().cursorOn(); } if (gameContext.getPadManager().getMouseJustPressed()) { gameContext.getGameData().cursorOff(); gameContext.getGameData().playSound(_global.SND_BTN2); gameContext.getGameManager().setNextState(Game.GameStates.ChooseCharacterScreenGameState); } } else if ((!_screen.isChildAnimating("btn_play")) && (_screen.getChildCurrentAnimFrame("btn_play") == 10)) { _local4 = 10; _local5 = 1; gameContext.getGameData().cursorOff(); _screen.startAnimatingChild("btn_play", _local4, _local5, 60, false); } if (_screen.isChildAnimating("btn_play")) { _screen.animateChild("btn_play"); } return(undefined); } function Exit(gameContext) { _screen.removeSprite(); delete _screen; } }
Symbol 440 MovieClip [__Packages.Game.GameStates.ChooseCharacterScreenGameState] Frame 0
class Game.GameStates.ChooseCharacterScreenGameState extends Base.GameState { var _screen, _charOffset, _character, _levelOffset, _difficultyLevel, _children; function ChooseCharacterScreenGameState () { super(); } function Entry(gameContext) { _screen = new Base.SpriteEntity(gameContext, 5, 100, "_Choosecharacter", "choosecharacter", 50000, 0, 0, 2, -1, -1); _charOffset = 0; _character = gameContext.getGameData().getCharacter(); _levelOffset = 2; _difficultyLevel = gameContext.getGameData().getDifficultyLevel(); _children = [{buttonName:"btn_mac", startFrame:1, endFrame:2, upperLeftX:25, upperLeftY:0, w:95, h:185}, {buttonName:"btn_bloo", startFrame:1, endFrame:2, upperLeftX:25, upperLeftY:0, w:95, h:185}, {buttonName:"btn_normal", startFrame:1, endFrame:2, upperLeftX:15, upperLeftY:10, w:130, h:45}, {buttonName:"btn_hard", startFrame:1, endFrame:2, upperLeftX:15, upperLeftY:10, w:130, h:45}, {buttonName:"btn_bigshot", startFrame:1, endFrame:2, upperLeftX:15, upperLeftY:10, w:130, h:45}, {buttonName:"btn_playnow", startFrame:1, endFrame:10, upperLeftX:18, upperLeftY:10, w:310, h:70}]; var _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < 6) { _screen.addChild(_children[_local2].buttonName, _children[_local2].upperLeftX, _children[_local2].upperLeftY, _children[_local2].w, _children[_local2].h); _local2++; } _screen.moveChildToFrame("btn_mac", ((_character == 0) ? 2 : 1)); _screen.moveChildToFrame("btn_bloo", ((_character == 1) ? 2 : 1)); _screen.moveChildToFrame("btn_normal", ((_difficultyLevel == 0) ? 2 : 1)); _screen.moveChildToFrame("btn_hard", ((_difficultyLevel == 1) ? 2 : 1)); _screen.moveChildToFrame("btn_bigshot", ((_difficultyLevel == 2) ? 2 : 1)); } function Update(gameContext) { if (gameContext.getGameData().isCPUvsCPU()) { gameContext.getGameManager().setNextState(Game.GameStates.Init); return(undefined); } var _local5 = 1; var _local6 = 10; var _local4 = _screen.getChildMouseIsOver(); gameContext.getGameData().updateCursor(); if (_local4 != null) { gameContext.getGameData().cursorOn(); if (_local4 == "btn_mac") { if (gameContext.getPadManager().getMouseJustPressed()) { gameContext.getGameData().playSound(_global.SND_BTN2); _screen.moveChildToFrame("btn_mac", 2); _screen.moveChildToFrame("btn_bloo", 1); _character = 0; } } else if (_local4 == "btn_bloo") { if (gameContext.getPadManager().getMouseJustPressed()) { gameContext.getGameData().playSound(_global.SND_BTN2); _screen.moveChildToFrame("btn_mac", 1); _screen.moveChildToFrame("btn_bloo", 2); _character = 1; } } else if (_local4 == "btn_normal") { if (gameContext.getPadManager().getMouseJustPressed()) { gameContext.getGameData().playSound(_global.SND_BTN2); _screen.moveChildToFrame("btn_normal", 2); _screen.moveChildToFrame("btn_hard", 1); _screen.moveChildToFrame("btn_bigshot", 1); _difficultyLevel = 0; } } else if (_local4 == "btn_hard") { if (gameContext.getPadManager().getMouseJustPressed()) { gameContext.getGameData().playSound(_global.SND_BTN2); _screen.moveChildToFrame("btn_normal", 1); _screen.moveChildToFrame("btn_hard", 2); _screen.moveChildToFrame("btn_bigshot", 1); _difficultyLevel = 1; } } else if (_local4 == "btn_bigshot") { if (gameContext.getPadManager().getMouseJustPressed()) { gameContext.getGameData().playSound(_global.SND_BTN2); _screen.moveChildToFrame("btn_normal", 1); _screen.moveChildToFrame("btn_hard", 1); _screen.moveChildToFrame("btn_bigshot", 2); _difficultyLevel = 2; } } } else { gameContext.getGameData().cursorOff(); } if ((_local4 == "btn_playnow") && (_screen.isMouseOverChild(_local4))) { if ((!_screen.isChildAnimating(_local4)) && (_screen.getChildCurrentAnimFrame(_local4) <= _children[5].startFrame)) { gameContext.getGameData().cursorOn(); _screen.startAnimatingChild(_local4, _local5, _local6, 60, false); } if (gameContext.getPadManager().getMouseJustPressed()) { gameContext.getGameData().cursorOff(); gameContext.getGameData().playSound(_global.SND_BTN2); gameContext.getGameManager().setNextState(Game.GameStates.Init); } } else if ((!_screen.isChildAnimating("btn_playnow")) && (_screen.getChildCurrentAnimFrame("btn_playnow") == _children[5].endFrame)) { _local5 = _children[5].endFrame; _local6 = _children[5].startFrame; gameContext.getGameData().cursorOff(); _screen.startAnimatingChild("btn_playnow", _local5, _local6, 60, false); } if (_screen.isChildAnimating("btn_playnow")) { _screen.animateChild("btn_playnow"); } return(undefined); } function Exit(gameContext) { gameContext.getGameData().setDifficultyLevel(_difficultyLevel); gameContext.getGameData().setCharacter(_character); if (gameContext.getGameData().getMusicOn()) { gameContext.getGameData().getSoundModule().PlayMusic("game_2.wav"); } _screen.removeSprite(); delete _screen; } }
Symbol 441 MovieClip [__Packages.Game.GameStates.Init] Frame 0
class Game.GameStates.Init extends Base.GameState { function Init () { super(); } function Entry(gameContext) { gameContext.getGameData().createBoard(); } function Update(gameContext) { gameContext.getGameData().addPlayers(); gameContext.getGameManager().setNextState(Game.GameStates.InPlay); return(undefined); } function Exit(gameContext) { var _local1 = new Date().getTime(); loadMovieNum ("tracker.swf?" + _local1, 100000); } }
Symbol 442 MovieClip [__Packages.Game.GameStates.InPlay] Frame 0
class Game.GameStates.InPlay extends Base.GameState { var _cpuControl; function InPlay () { super(); } function Entry(gameContext) { gameContext.getGameData().showMusicSprite(); } function Update(gameContext) { if (gameContext.getPadManager().getKeyStillPressed(0) && (gameContext.getPadManager().getKeyJustPressed(2))) { if (gameContext.getGameData()._players[0]._cpuControlled) { gameContext.getGameData()._players[0]._cpuControlled = false; _cpuControl = new Base.SpriteEntity(gameContext, 7, 101, "cpuControl", "cpuControl", 70400, 75, 383, 2, -1, -1); } else { gameContext.getGameData()._players[0]._cpuControlled = true; _cpuControl.removeSprite(); delete _cpuControl; } } var _local3 = 0; while (_local3 < gameContext.getGameData().getNumPlayers()) { gameContext.getGameData()._players[_local3].Update(gameContext.getGameData()._players[_local3]._cpuControlled, gameContext.getGameData()._players[_local3]._networkControlled); if (gameContext.getGameData().getWinner() > -1) { gameContext.getGameManager().setNextState(Game.GameStates.ShowAvatarCrownGameState); break; } _local3++; } gameContext.getGameData().updateMusicButton(); return(undefined); } function Exit(gameContext) { gameContext.getGameData().hideMusicSprite(); } }
Symbol 443 MovieClip [__Packages.Game.GameStates.ShowAvatarCrownGameState] Frame 0
class Game.GameStates.ShowAvatarCrownGameState extends Base.GameState { var _stage, _timeToAnimate, _winner, _pieceToMove, _positionX, _positionY, _currentX, _currentY, _angle, _moveSpeed, startFadeOut, _checkerToMove, _particles, handleFadeOut, setFadeDepth, continueFadeOut, isFading; function ShowAvatarCrownGameState () { super(); } function Entry(gameContext) { var _local5 = 0; _stage = 0; _timeToAnimate = 5; _winner = gameContext.getGameData().getWinner(); _pieceToMove = gameContext.getGameData().getPlayer(_winner).getAvatar(); _positionX = _pieceToMove.getPositionX(); _positionY = _pieceToMove.getPositionY(); _pieceToMove.setDestPosX(326); _pieceToMove.setDestPosY(200); _currentX = _pieceToMove.getPositionX(); _currentY = _pieceToMove.getPositionY(); var _local8 = _pieceToMove.getDestPosX() - _currentX; var _local11 = _pieceToMove.getDestPosY() - _currentY; var _local6 = Math.sqrt((_local8 * _local8) + (_local11 * _local11)); _angle = Math.acos(_local8 / _local6); _moveSpeed = _local6; var _local10; var _local9; var _local7; var _local4; if (_winner == 1) { _local10 = "You are"; _local7 = ((gameContext.getGameData().getCharacter() == 0) ? "_mac" : "_bloo"); _local4 = ((gameContext.getGameData().getCharacter() == 0) ? "checker_blue_mc" : "checker_red_mc"); _local5 = ((gameContext.getGameData().getCharacter() == 0) ? 2 : 3); _local9 = _global.SND_WIN; } else { _local10 = "Your opponent is"; _local7 = ((gameContext.getGameData().getCharacter() == 1) ? "_mac" : "_bloo"); _local4 = ((gameContext.getGameData().getCharacter() == 1) ? "checker_blue_mc" : "checker_red_mc"); _local5 = ((gameContext.getGameData().getCharacter() == 1) ? 2 : 3); _local9 = _global.SND_LOSE_01; } gameContext.getGameData().playSound(_local9); gameContext.getGameData().showMessageString(_local10 + " the winner", _local5); startFadeOut(gameContext, "whiteBG", "whiteFilter", 60000, 1.25, 45); _pieceToMove = new Base.SpriteEntity(gameContext, 5, 100, _local7, _local7, 60500, _currentX, _currentY, 4, -1, -1); _checkerToMove = new Base.SpriteEntity(gameContext, 5, 100, _local4, _local4, 60498, _currentX, _currentY, 4, -1, -1); _pieceToMove.setDestPosX(326); _pieceToMove.setDestPosY(200); _pieceToMove.moveToFrame(2); _checkerToMove.moveToFrame(2); _particles = []; gameContext.getGameData().cleanupPieces(); } function Update(gameContext) { switch (_stage) { case 0 : handleFadeOut(); if (MoveAvatarToCenter(gameContext.getDT())) { _stage++; } break; case 1 : _stage++; _timeToAnimate = 6; _pieceToMove.startAnimating(31, 35, 12, true); var _local9 = _particles.length; var _local10 = _local9 + 60; var _local3 = _local9; while (_local3 < _local10) { var _local4 = ((_local3 * 6) * Math.PI) / 180; var _local7 = (_pieceToMove.getPositionX() + (35 * Math.sin(_local4))) + (_pieceToMove.getWidth() / 2); var _local6 = _pieceToMove.getPositionY() + (35 * (-Math.cos(_local4))); var _local5 = 60499 + (_particles.length * ((_local6 <= _pieceToMove.getPositionY()) ? -2 : 2)); _particles.push(new Base.SpriteEntity(gameContext, 5, 100, "sparkly_dews", "dews", _local5, _local7, _local6, 2, -1, -1)); _particles[_local3].startAnimating(1, 12, 5 + (Math.random() * 50), false); _particles[_local3].xBase = _local7; _particles[_local3].yBase = _local6; _particles[_local3].setVisibility(false); _local3++; } break; case 2 : _pieceToMove.animateSprite(); var _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < _particles.length) { _particles[_local2].setPositionY(_particles[_local2].getPositionY() - 1); _particles[_local2].animateSprite(); if (!_particles[_local2].isAnimating()) { var _local7 = _particles[_local2].xBase; var _local6 = _particles[_local2].yBase; _particles[_local2].setPositionX(_local7); _particles[_local2].setPositionY(_local6); _particles[_local2].startAnimating(1, 12, 5 + (Math.random() * 10), false); _particles[_local2].setVisibility(true); } _local2++; } _timeToAnimate = _timeToAnimate - gameContext.getDT(); if (_timeToAnimate > 0) { return(undefined); } setFadeDepth(60700); continueFadeOut(5, 100); _stage++; break; case 3 : handleFadeOut(); if (isFading()) { return(undefined); } _stage++; break; case 4 : gameContext.getGameManager().setNextState(Game.GameStates.WinScreenGameState); } return(undefined); } function Exit(gameContext) { gameContext.getGameData().cleanupBoard(); _pieceToMove.removeSprite(); delete _pieceToMove; _checkerToMove.removeSprite(); delete _checkerToMove; var _local3 = _particles.length; var _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < _local3) { _particles[_local2].removeSprite(); _particles[0].pop; _local2++; } } function MoveAvatarToCenter(gameTime) { var _local3 = _pieceToMove.getDestPosX(); var _local2 = _pieceToMove.getDestPosY(); var _local11 = _local3 - _currentX; var _local10 = _local2 - _currentY; var _local13 = ((_local11 < 0) ? -1 : 1); var _local9 = ((_local10 < 0) ? -1 : 1); var _local12 = 1 / gameTime; var _local6 = _moveSpeed * gameTime; var _local8 = _local6 * Math.cos(_angle); var _local7 = _local6 * Math.sin(_angle); var _local5 = _currentX + _local8; var _local4 = _currentY + (_local7 * _local9); if (Math.round(_local5) == Math.round(_local3)) { _positionX = _local3; _pieceToMove.setPositionX(_local3); } if (Math.floor(_local4) == Math.floor(_local2)) { _positionY = _local2; _pieceToMove.setPositionY(_local2); } if ((_currentX < _local3) && (_local5 >= _local3)) { _positionX = _local3; _pieceToMove.setPositionX(_local3); } if ((_currentY < _local2) && (_local4 >= _local2)) { _positionY = _local2; _pieceToMove.setPositionY(_local2); } if ((_currentX > _local3) && (_local5 <= _local3)) { _positionX = _local3; _pieceToMove.setPositionX(_local3); } if ((_currentY > _local2) && (_local4 <= _local2)) { _positionY = _local2; _pieceToMove.setPositionY(_local2); } if (_pieceToMove.isAtDestination()) { return(true); } _currentX = _local5; _currentY = _local4; _positionX = Math.round(_local5); _positionY = Math.round(_local4); _pieceToMove.setPosition(_positionX, _positionY); _checkerToMove.setPosition(_positionX, _positionY); return(false); } }
Symbol 444 MovieClip [__Packages.Game.GameStates.WinScreenGameState] Frame 0
class Game.GameStates.WinScreenGameState extends Base.GameState { var _depth, _mc, _numSprite, _playAgainChild, _screenName, _animChild, _screen, startFadeIn, isFading, handleFadeIn; function WinScreenGameState () { super(); } function Entry(gameContext) { _depth = 100; _mc = []; _numSprite = 0; var _local5 = gameContext.getGameData().getWinner(); var _local4 = gameContext.getGameData().getCharacter(); _playAgainChild = "btn_playagain"; var _local2 = 0; if (_local5 == 1) { if (_local4 == 0) { _screenName = "_Winmac"; _animChild = "macWin"; _local2 = 53; } else { _screenName = "_Winbloo"; _animChild = "blooWin"; _local2 = 41; } } else if (_local4 == 0) { _screenName = "_Losemac"; _animChild = "macLose"; _local2 = 25; } else { _screenName = "_Losebloo"; _animChild = "blooLose"; _local2 = 36; } _screen = new Base.SpriteEntity(gameContext, 5, 100, _screenName, "screen", 50000, 0, 0, 2, -1, -1); _screen.addChild(_playAgainChild, 10, 10, 330, 75); _screen.addChild(_animChild, 0, 0, 197, 217); _screen.startAnimatingChild(_animChild, 1, _local2, 24, false); if (gameContext.getGameData().getMusicOn()) { gameContext.getGameData().getSoundModule().PlayMusic("title_2.wav"); } startFadeIn(5); } function Update(gameContext) { if (isFading()) { handleFadeIn(); return(undefined); } if (gameContext.getGameData().isCPUvsCPU()) { gameContext.getGameManager().setNextState(Game.GameStates.ChooseCharacterScreenGameState); return(undefined); } var _local4 = 1; var _local5 = 10; if (_screen.isChildAnimating(_animChild)) { _screen.animateChild(_animChild); } gameContext.getGameData().updateCursor(); var _local6 = _screen.getChildMouseIsOver(); if (_screen.isMouseOverChild(_playAgainChild)) { if ((!_screen.isChildAnimating(_playAgainChild)) && (_screen.getChildCurrentAnimFrame(_playAgainChild) <= 1)) { gameContext.getGameData().cursorOn(); _screen.startAnimatingChild(_playAgainChild, _local4, _local5, 60, false); } if (gameContext.getPadManager().getMouseJustPressed()) { gameContext.getGameData().cursorOff(); gameContext.getGameData().playSound(_global.SND_BTN2); gameContext.getGameManager().setNextState(Game.GameStates.InstructionsGameState); } } else if ((!_screen.isChildAnimating(_playAgainChild)) && (_screen.getChildCurrentAnimFrame(_playAgainChild) == 10)) { _local4 = 10; _local5 = 1; gameContext.getGameData().cursorOff(); _screen.startAnimatingChild(_playAgainChild, _local4, _local5, 60, false); } if (_screen.isChildAnimating(_playAgainChild)) { _screen.animateChild(_playAgainChild); } return(undefined); } function Exit(gameContext) { gameContext.getGameData().Init(); _screen.removeSprite(); delete _screen; } }
Symbol 445 MovieClip [__Packages.Game.Background] Frame 0
class Game.Background { var _gameContext, _num, _scrollSpeed, _backgroundTimer, fg_bmp, fg_clipRect, fg; function Background (gameContext) { _gameContext = gameContext; _num = 196; _scrollSpeed = 0.05; _backgroundTimer = _scrollSpeed; initBack(); } function initBack() { fg_bmp = flash.display.BitmapData.loadBitmap("checkers_bg.png"); fg_clipRect = new flash.geom.Rectangle(0, 0, 600, 400); fg = _gameContext.getParent().createEmptyMovieClip("ck_bg", 1); fg.attachBitmap(fg_bmp, 1); fg.rect = fg_clipRect; fg.bmp = fg_bmp; } function scrollClip(mc, x, y) { mc.rect.offset(x, y); if (mc.rect.x <= 0) { mc.rect.x = 600; } else if (mc.rect.right > mc.bmp.width) { mc.rect.x = 0; } mc.scrollRect = mc.rect; } function moveBack(gameContext) { _backgroundTimer = _backgroundTimer - _gameContext.getDT(); if (_backgroundTimer >= 0) { return(undefined); } _backgroundTimer = _scrollSpeed; scrollClip(fg, 1, 0); return(undefined); } function cleanBack() { _root.back.removeMovieClip(); } }
Symbol 414 MovieClip [GameEntry] Frame 1
#initclip 32 Object.registerClass("GameEntry", Base.GameEntry); #endinitclip

Library Items

Symbol 1 Bitmap [checkers_bg.png]Used by:58
Symbol 2 GraphicUsed by:3
Symbol 3 MovieClipUses:2Used by:57
Symbol 4 FontUsed by:5
Symbol 5 EditableTextUses:4Used by:57
Symbol 6 GraphicUsed by:7
Symbol 7 MovieClipUses:6Used by:57
Symbol 8 GraphicUsed by:9
Symbol 9 MovieClipUses:8Used by:57
Symbol 10 GraphicUsed by:57
Symbol 11 GraphicUsed by:57
Symbol 12 GraphicUsed by:13
Symbol 13 MovieClipUses:12Used by:57
Symbol 14 GraphicUsed by:57
Symbol 15 GraphicUsed by:57
Symbol 16 GraphicUsed by:57
Symbol 17 GraphicUsed by:57
Symbol 18 GraphicUsed by:57
Symbol 19 GraphicUsed by:57
Symbol 20 GraphicUsed by:57
Symbol 21 GraphicUsed by:57
Symbol 22 GraphicUsed by:57
Symbol 23 GraphicUsed by:57
Symbol 24 GraphicUsed by:57
Symbol 25 GraphicUsed by:57
Symbol 26 GraphicUsed by:57
Symbol 27 GraphicUsed by:57
Symbol 28 GraphicUsed by:57
Symbol 29 GraphicUsed by:30
Symbol 30 MovieClipUses:29Used by:57
Symbol 31 GraphicUsed by:57
Symbol 32 GraphicUsed by:57
Symbol 33 GraphicUsed by:57
Symbol 34 GraphicUsed by:57
Symbol 35 GraphicUsed by:57
Symbol 36 GraphicUsed by:57
Symbol 37 GraphicUsed by:57
Symbol 38 GraphicUsed by:57
Symbol 39 GraphicUsed by:57
Symbol 40 GraphicUsed by:57
Symbol 41 GraphicUsed by:57
Symbol 42 GraphicUsed by:57
Symbol 43 GraphicUsed by:57
Symbol 44 GraphicUsed by:57
Symbol 45 GraphicUsed by:57
Symbol 46 GraphicUsed by:57
Symbol 47 GraphicUsed by:48
Symbol 48 MovieClipUses:47Used by:57
Symbol 49 GraphicUsed by:57
Symbol 50 GraphicUsed by:57
Symbol 51 GraphicUsed by:57
Symbol 52 GraphicUsed by:57
Symbol 53 GraphicUsed by:57
Symbol 54 GraphicUsed by:57
Symbol 55 GraphicUsed by:57
Symbol 56 GraphicUsed by:57
Symbol 57 MovieClipUses:3 5 7 9 10 11 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56Used by:Timeline
Symbol 58 GraphicUses:1Used by:59
Symbol 59 MovieClip [gameboard_bg_mc]Uses:58Used by:Timeline
Symbol 60 BitmapUsed by:61
Symbol 61 GraphicUses:60Used by:62
Symbol 62 MovieClip [gameboard_filter]Uses:61Used by:Timeline
Symbol 63 GraphicUsed by:64
Symbol 64 MovieClip [whiteBG]Uses:63Used by:Timeline
Symbol 65 BitmapUsed by:66
Symbol 66 GraphicUses:65Used by:71
Symbol 67 BitmapUsed by:68
Symbol 68 GraphicUses:67Used by:71
Symbol 69 BitmapUsed by:70
Symbol 70 GraphicUses:69Used by:71
Symbol 71 MovieClip [gameboard_and_logo_mc]Uses:66 68 70Used by:Timeline
Symbol 72 BitmapUsed by:73
Symbol 73 GraphicUses:72Used by:74
Symbol 74 MovieClip [cursor]Uses:73Used by:Timeline
Symbol 75 BitmapUsed by:76
Symbol 76 GraphicUses:75Used by:77
Symbol 77 MovieClipUses:76Used by:79
Symbol 78 GraphicUsed by:79
Symbol 79 MovieClipUses:77 78Used by:131
Symbol 80 BitmapUsed by:81
Symbol 81 GraphicUses:80Used by:94
Symbol 82 BitmapUsed by:83
Symbol 83 GraphicUses:82Used by:94
Symbol 84 BitmapUsed by:85
Symbol 85 GraphicUses:84Used by:94
Symbol 86 BitmapUsed by:87
Symbol 87 GraphicUses:86Used by:88
Symbol 88 MovieClipUses:87Used by:94
Symbol 89 BitmapUsed by:90
Symbol 90 GraphicUses:89Used by:94
Symbol 91 BitmapUsed by:92
Symbol 92 GraphicUses:91Used by:93
Symbol 93 MovieClipUses:92Used by:94
Symbol 94 MovieClipUses:81 83 85 88 90 93Used by:131
Symbol 95 GraphicUsed by:98
Symbol 96 GraphicUsed by:98
Symbol 97 GraphicUsed by:98
Symbol 98 MovieClipUses:95 96 97Used by:123
Symbol 99 GraphicUsed by:123
Symbol 100 GraphicUsed by:103
Symbol 101 GraphicUsed by:103
Symbol 102 GraphicUsed by:103
Symbol 103 MovieClipUses:100 101 102Used by:123
Symbol 104 BitmapUsed by:105
Symbol 105 GraphicUses:104Used by:108
Symbol 106 BitmapUsed by:107
Symbol 107 GraphicUses:106Used by:108
Symbol 108 MovieClipUses:105 107Used by:123
Symbol 109 BitmapUsed by:110
Symbol 110 GraphicUses:109Used by:111
Symbol 111 MovieClipUses:110Used by:123
Symbol 112 FontUsed by:113 114
Symbol 113 EditableTextUses:112Used by:115
Symbol 114 EditableTextUses:112Used by:115
Symbol 115 MovieClipUses:113 114Used by:123
Symbol 116 FontUsed by:117
Symbol 117 EditableTextUses:116Used by:123
Symbol 118 BitmapUsed by:119
Symbol 119 GraphicUses:118Used by:122
Symbol 120 BitmapUsed by:121
Symbol 121 GraphicUses:120Used by:122
Symbol 122 MovieClipUses:119 121Used by:123
Symbol 123 MovieClipUses:98 99 103 108 111 115 117 122Used by:131
Symbol 124 GraphicUsed by:130
Symbol 125 FontUsed by:126 128 129 408
Symbol 126 EditableTextUses:125Used by:130
Symbol 127 GraphicUsed by:130
Symbol 128 EditableTextUses:125Used by:130
Symbol 129 EditableTextUses:125Used by:130
Symbol 130 MovieClipUses:124 126 127 128 129Used by:131
Symbol 131 MovieClip [gui_mc]Uses:79 94 123 130Used by:Timeline
Symbol 132 GraphicUsed by:133
Symbol 133 MovieClipUses:132Used by:136
Symbol 134 BitmapUsed by:135
Symbol 135 GraphicUses:134Used by:136
Symbol 136 MovieClip [sparkly_dews]Uses:133 135Used by:Timeline
Symbol 137 GraphicUsed by:138
Symbol 138 MovieClip [cpucontrol]Uses:137Used by:Timeline
Symbol 139 BitmapUsed by:140
Symbol 140 GraphicUses:139Used by:143
Symbol 141 BitmapUsed by:142
Symbol 142 GraphicUses:141Used by:143
Symbol 143 MovieClip [MusicOFF]Uses:140 142Used by:Timeline
Symbol 144 BitmapUsed by:145
Symbol 145 GraphicUses:144Used by:148
Symbol 146 BitmapUsed by:147
Symbol 147 GraphicUses:146Used by:148
Symbol 148 MovieClip [MusicON]Uses:145 147Used by:Timeline
Symbol 149 GraphicUsed by:203
Symbol 150 BitmapUsed by:151
Symbol 151 GraphicUses:150Used by:203
Symbol 152 BitmapUsed by:153
Symbol 153 GraphicUses:152Used by:203
Symbol 154 BitmapUsed by:155
Symbol 155 GraphicUses:154Used by:203
Symbol 156 BitmapUsed by:157
Symbol 157 GraphicUses:156Used by:203
Symbol 158 BitmapUsed by:159
Symbol 159 GraphicUses:158Used by:164 203 225
Symbol 160 BitmapUsed by:161
Symbol 161 GraphicUses:160Used by:164 203 225
Symbol 162 BitmapUsed by:163
Symbol 163 GraphicUses:162Used by:164 203 225
Symbol 164 MovieClipUses:159 161 163Used by:203 225
Symbol 165 BitmapUsed by:166
Symbol 166 GraphicUses:165Used by:203 225
Symbol 167 BitmapUsed by:168
Symbol 168 GraphicUses:167Used by:203 225
Symbol 169 BitmapUsed by:170
Symbol 170 GraphicUses:169Used by:203 225
Symbol 171 BitmapUsed by:172
Symbol 172 GraphicUses:171Used by:203 225
Symbol 173 BitmapUsed by:174
Symbol 174 GraphicUses:173Used by:203 225
Symbol 175 BitmapUsed by:176
Symbol 176 GraphicUses:175Used by:203
Symbol 177 BitmapUsed by:178
Symbol 178 GraphicUses:177Used by:203
Symbol 179 BitmapUsed by:180
Symbol 180 GraphicUses:179Used by:203
Symbol 181 BitmapUsed by:182
Symbol 182 GraphicUses:181Used by:203
Symbol 183 BitmapUsed by:184
Symbol 184 GraphicUses:183Used by:203
Symbol 185 BitmapUsed by:186
Symbol 186 GraphicUses:185Used by:203
Symbol 187 BitmapUsed by:188
Symbol 188 GraphicUses:187Used by:203
Symbol 189 BitmapUsed by:190
Symbol 190 GraphicUses:189Used by:203
Symbol 191 BitmapUsed by:192
Symbol 192 GraphicUses:191Used by:203 225
Symbol 193 BitmapUsed by:194
Symbol 194 GraphicUses:193Used by:203
Symbol 195 BitmapUsed by:196
Symbol 196 GraphicUses:195Used by:203 225
Symbol 197 BitmapUsed by:198
Symbol 198 GraphicUses:197Used by:203
Symbol 199 BitmapUsed by:200
Symbol 200 GraphicUses:199Used by:203
Symbol 201 BitmapUsed by:202
Symbol 202 GraphicUses:201Used by:203 225
Symbol 203 MovieClip [_bloo]Uses:149 151 153 155 157 164 159 161 163 166 168 170 172 174 176 178 180 182 184 186 188 190 192 194 196 198 200 202Used by:Timeline
Symbol 204 GraphicUsed by:225
Symbol 205 BitmapUsed by:206
Symbol 206 GraphicUses:205Used by:225
Symbol 207 BitmapUsed by:208
Symbol 208 GraphicUses:207Used by:225
Symbol 209 BitmapUsed by:210
Symbol 210 GraphicUses:209Used by:225
Symbol 211 BitmapUsed by:212
Symbol 212 GraphicUses:211Used by:225
Symbol 213 BitmapUsed by:214
Symbol 214 GraphicUses:213Used by:225
Symbol 215 BitmapUsed by:216
Symbol 216 GraphicUses:215Used by:225
Symbol 217 BitmapUsed by:218
Symbol 218 GraphicUses:217Used by:225
Symbol 219 BitmapUsed by:220
Symbol 220 GraphicUses:219Used by:225
Symbol 221 BitmapUsed by:222
Symbol 222 GraphicUses:221Used by:225
Symbol 223 BitmapUsed by:224
Symbol 224 GraphicUses:223Used by:225
Symbol 225 MovieClip [_mac]Uses:204 206 208 210 212 164 159 161 163 166 168 170 172 174 214 216 218 220 222 192 224 196 202Used by:Timeline
Symbol 226 GraphicUsed by:233
Symbol 227 BitmapUsed by:228
Symbol 228 GraphicUses:227Used by:233
Symbol 229 BitmapUsed by:230
Symbol 230 GraphicUses:229Used by:233
Symbol 231 BitmapUsed by:232
Symbol 232 GraphicUses:231Used by:233
Symbol 233 MovieClip [_glow]Uses:226 228 230 232Used by:Timeline
Symbol 234 GraphicUsed by:250
Symbol 235 BitmapUsed by:236
Symbol 236 GraphicUses:235Used by:250 258
Symbol 237 BitmapUsed by:238
Symbol 238 GraphicUses:237Used by:250
Symbol 239 BitmapUsed by:240
Symbol 240 GraphicUses:239Used by:250
Symbol 241 BitmapUsed by:242
Symbol 242 GraphicUses:241Used by:250 258
Symbol 243 BitmapUsed by:244
Symbol 244 GraphicUses:243Used by:250 258
Symbol 245 BitmapUsed by:246
Symbol 246 GraphicUses:245Used by:250 258
Symbol 247 GraphicUsed by:248
Symbol 248 MovieClipUses:247Used by:249 250 258
Symbol 249 MovieClipUses:248Used by:250 258
Symbol 250 MovieClip [checker_blue_mc]Uses:234 236 238 240 242 244 246 248 249Used by:Timeline
Symbol 251 GraphicUsed by:258
Symbol 252 BitmapUsed by:253
Symbol 253 GraphicUses:252Used by:258
Symbol 254 BitmapUsed by:255
Symbol 255 GraphicUses:254Used by:258
Symbol 256 BitmapUsed by:257
Symbol 257 GraphicUses:256Used by:258
Symbol 258 MovieClip [checker_red_mc]Uses:251 236 253 255 257 242 244 246 248 249Used by:Timeline
Symbol 259 BitmapUsed by:260
Symbol 260 GraphicUses:259Used by:290
Symbol 261 BitmapUsed by:262
Symbol 262 GraphicUses:261Used by:263
Symbol 263 MovieClipUses:262Used by:264
Symbol 264 MovieClip [btn_playnow]Uses:263Used by:290
Symbol 265 BitmapUsed by:266
Symbol 266 GraphicUses:265Used by:269
Symbol 267 BitmapUsed by:268
Symbol 268 GraphicUses:267Used by:269
Symbol 269 MovieClip [btn_mac]Uses:266 268Used by:290
Symbol 270 BitmapUsed by:271
Symbol 271 GraphicUses:270Used by:274
Symbol 272 BitmapUsed by:273
Symbol 273 GraphicUses:272Used by:274
Symbol 274 MovieClip [btn_bloo]Uses:271 273Used by:290
Symbol 275 BitmapUsed by:276
Symbol 276 GraphicUses:275Used by:279
Symbol 277 BitmapUsed by:278
Symbol 278 GraphicUses:277Used by:279
Symbol 279 MovieClip [btn_normal]Uses:276 278Used by:290
Symbol 280 BitmapUsed by:281
Symbol 281 GraphicUses:280Used by:284
Symbol 282 BitmapUsed by:283
Symbol 283 GraphicUses:282Used by:284
Symbol 284 MovieClip [btn_hard]Uses:281 283Used by:290
Symbol 285 BitmapUsed by:286
Symbol 286 GraphicUses:285Used by:289
Symbol 287 BitmapUsed by:288
Symbol 288 GraphicUses:287Used by:289
Symbol 289 MovieClip [btn_bigshot]Uses:286 288Used by:290
Symbol 290 MovieClip [_Choosecharacter]Uses:260 264 269 274 279 284 289Used by:Timeline
Symbol 291 BitmapUsed by:292
Symbol 292 GraphicUses:291Used by:297
Symbol 293 BitmapUsed by:294
Symbol 294 GraphicUses:293Used by:295
Symbol 295 MovieClipUses:294Used by:296
Symbol 296 MovieClip [btn_play]Uses:295Used by:297
Symbol 297 MovieClip [_Instructions]Uses:292 296Used by:Timeline
Symbol 298 BitmapUsed by:300 319 338
Symbol 299 BitmapUsed by:300 319
Symbol 300 GraphicUses:298 299Used by:318
Symbol 301 GraphicUsed by:313
Symbol 302 GraphicUsed by:313 352
Symbol 303 GraphicUsed by:313
Symbol 304 GraphicUsed by:313
Symbol 305 GraphicUsed by:313 352
Symbol 306 GraphicUsed by:313
Symbol 307 GraphicUsed by:313
Symbol 308 GraphicUsed by:313
Symbol 309 GraphicUsed by:313
Symbol 310 GraphicUsed by:313
Symbol 311 GraphicUsed by:313
Symbol 312 GraphicUsed by:313
Symbol 313 MovieClipUses:301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312Used by:318
Symbol 314 BitmapUsed by:315
Symbol 315 GraphicUses:314Used by:316
Symbol 316 MovieClipUses:315Used by:317
Symbol 317 MovieClip [btn_playagain]Uses:316Used by:318 329 353 375
Symbol 318 MovieClip [_Losebloo]Uses:300 313 317Used by:Timeline
Symbol 319 GraphicUses:298 299Used by:329
Symbol 320 GraphicUsed by:328
Symbol 321 GraphicUsed by:328
Symbol 322 GraphicUsed by:328 374
Symbol 323 GraphicUsed by:328
Symbol 324 GraphicUsed by:328
Symbol 325 GraphicUsed by:328
Symbol 326 GraphicUsed by:328
Symbol 327 GraphicUsed by:328
Symbol 328 MovieClipUses:320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327Used by:329
Symbol 329 MovieClip [_Losemac]Uses:319 328 317Used by:Timeline
Symbol 330 BitmapUsed by:331
Symbol 331 GraphicUses:330Used by:336
Symbol 332 BitmapUsed by:333
Symbol 333 GraphicUses:332Used by:334
Symbol 334 MovieClipUses:333Used by:335
Symbol 335 MovieClip [btn_start]Uses:334Used by:336
Symbol 336 MovieClip [_Titlecard]Uses:331 335Used by:Timeline
Symbol 337 BitmapUsed by:338
Symbol 338 GraphicUses:298 337Used by:353 375
Symbol 339 GraphicUsed by:352
Symbol 340 GraphicUsed by:352
Symbol 341 GraphicUsed by:352
Symbol 342 GraphicUsed by:352
Symbol 343 GraphicUsed by:352
Symbol 344 GraphicUsed by:352
Symbol 345 GraphicUsed by:352
Symbol 346 GraphicUsed by:352
Symbol 347 GraphicUsed by:352
Symbol 348 GraphicUsed by:352
Symbol 349 GraphicUsed by:352
Symbol 350 GraphicUsed by:352
Symbol 351 GraphicUsed by:352
Symbol 352 MovieClipUses:305 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 302Used by:353
Symbol 353 MovieClip [_Winbloo]Uses:338 352 317Used by:Timeline
Symbol 354 GraphicUsed by:374
Symbol 355 GraphicUsed by:374
Symbol 356 GraphicUsed by:374
Symbol 357 GraphicUsed by:374
Symbol 358 GraphicUsed by:374
Symbol 359 GraphicUsed by:374
Symbol 360 GraphicUsed by:374
Symbol 361 GraphicUsed by:374
Symbol 362 GraphicUsed by:374
Symbol 363 GraphicUsed by:374
Symbol 364 GraphicUsed by:374
Symbol 365 GraphicUsed by:374
Symbol 366 GraphicUsed by:374
Symbol 367 GraphicUsed by:374
Symbol 368 GraphicUsed by:374
Symbol 369 GraphicUsed by:374
Symbol 370 GraphicUsed by:374
Symbol 371 GraphicUsed by:374
Symbol 372 GraphicUsed by:374
Symbol 373 GraphicUsed by:374
Symbol 374 MovieClipUses:354 355 356 357 322 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373Used by:375
Symbol 375 MovieClip [_Winmac]Uses:338 374 317Used by:Timeline
Symbol 376 Sound [time_up.wav]Used by:406
Symbol 377 Sound [time_countdown.wav]Used by:406
Symbol 378 Sound [sting_win.wav]Used by:406
Symbol 379 Sound [sting_lose_02.wav]Used by:406
Symbol 380 Sound [sting_lose_01.wav]Used by:406
Symbol 381 Sound [sting_kinged.wav]Used by:406
Symbol 382 Sound [sting_jump_avatar.mp3]Used by:406
Symbol 383 Sound [sting_jump3.mp3]Used by:406
Symbol 384 Sound [sting_jump2.mp3]Used by:406
Symbol 385 Sound [bs_checkers_slide1.wav]Used by:406
Symbol 386 Sound [bs_checkers_bigshot_jump.wav]Used by:406
Symbol 387 Sound [bs_checkers_bigshot_cap2.wav]Used by:406
Symbol 388 Sound [bs_checkers_bigshot_cap.wav]Used by:406
Symbol 389 Sound [bs_checkers_to2.wav]Used by:406
Symbol 390 Sound [bs_checkers_from1.wav]Used by:406
Symbol 391 Sound [sting_jump1.mp3]Used by:406
Symbol 392 Sound [music_game_2.wav]Used by:406
Symbol 393 Sound [music_title_2.wav]Used by:406
Symbol 394 Sound [checkers_tally.wav]Used by:406
Symbol 395 Sound [checkers_drop1.wav]Used by:406
Symbol 396 Sound [checkers_clink7.wav]Used by:406
Symbol 397 Sound [checkers_clink6.wav]Used by:406
Symbol 398 Sound [checkers_clink5.wav]Used by:406
Symbol 399 Sound [checkers_clink4.wav]Used by:406
Symbol 400 Sound [checkers_clink2.wav]Used by:406
Symbol 401 Sound [checkers_clink1.wav]Used by:406
Symbol 402 Sound [bs_checkers_btn4.wav]Used by:406
Symbol 403 Sound [bs_checkers_btn3.wav]Used by:406
Symbol 404 Sound [bs_checkers_btn2.wav]Used by:406
Symbol 405 Sound [bs_checkers_btn1.wav]Used by:406
Symbol 406 MovieClipUses:376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405Used by:Timeline
Symbol 407 GraphicUsed by:413
Symbol 408 EditableTextUses:125Used by:413
Symbol 409 BitmapUsed by:410
Symbol 410 GraphicUses:409Used by:411
Symbol 411 MovieClipUses:410Used by:412
Symbol 412 MovieClipUses:411Used by:413
Symbol 413 MovieClip [PopUp]Uses:407 408 412Used by:Timeline
Symbol 415 MovieClip [__Packages.Base.GameEntry]
Symbol 416 MovieClip [__Packages.Game.GameData]
Symbol 417 MovieClip [__Packages.Base.SpriteEntity]
Symbol 418 MovieClip [__Packages.Base.Entity]
Symbol 419 MovieClip [__Packages.Base.State]
Symbol 420 MovieClip [__Packages.Base.AIState]
Symbol 421 MovieClip [__Packages.Game.SoundModule]
Symbol 422 MovieClip [__Packages.Game.Player]
Symbol 423 MovieClip [__Packages.Game.AIStates.InitPositionState]
Symbol 424 MovieClip [__Packages.Game.AIStates.WaitForSelectState]
Symbol 425 MovieClip [__Packages.Game.AIStates.AnimateToSpotState]
Symbol 426 MovieClip [__Packages.Game.AIStates.JumpedToKingState]
Symbol 427 MovieClip [__Packages.Game.AIStates.WaitingForTurnState]
Symbol 428 MovieClip [__Packages.Game.AIStates.GotJumpedState]
Symbol 429 MovieClip [__Packages.Game.AIStates.ResetAvatarState]
Symbol 430 MovieClip [__Packages.Game.AIStates.JumpedFromKingState]
Symbol 431 MovieClip [__Packages.Game.AIStates.WaitForReadyState]
Symbol 432 MovieClip [__Packages.Game.AIStates.KingPieceState]
Symbol 433 MovieClip [__Packages.Game.AIStates.MovingPieceState]
Symbol 434 MovieClip [__Packages.Base.Time]
Symbol 435 MovieClip [__Packages.Pad.PadManager]
Symbol 436 MovieClip [__Packages.Game.GameManager]
Symbol 437 MovieClip [__Packages.Base.GameState]
Symbol 438 MovieClip [__Packages.Game.GameStates.TitleCardState]
Symbol 439 MovieClip [__Packages.Game.GameStates.InstructionsGameState]
Symbol 440 MovieClip [__Packages.Game.GameStates.ChooseCharacterScreenGameState]
Symbol 441 MovieClip [__Packages.Game.GameStates.Init]
Symbol 442 MovieClip [__Packages.Game.GameStates.InPlay]
Symbol 443 MovieClip [__Packages.Game.GameStates.ShowAvatarCrownGameState]
Symbol 444 MovieClip [__Packages.Game.GameStates.WinScreenGameState]
Symbol 445 MovieClip [__Packages.Game.Background]
Symbol 414 MovieClip [GameEntry]Used by:Timeline

Instance Names

"Preloader"Frame 2Symbol 57 MovieClip
"counter_txt"Symbol 57 MovieClip Frame 2Symbol 5 EditableText
"clock_hand"Symbol 94 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 88 MovieClip
"clock_dial"Symbol 94 MovieClip Frame 6Symbol 93 MovieClip
"charName"Symbol 115 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 113 EditableText
"charName"Symbol 115 MovieClip Frame 2Symbol 114 EditableText
"player_frame"Symbol 123 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 98 MovieClip
"avatar_frame_highlight"Symbol 123 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 103 MovieClip
"avatar_picture"Symbol 123 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 108 MovieClip
"avatar_frame_colors"Symbol 123 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 111 MovieClip
"player_name"Symbol 123 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 115 MovieClip
"checkers_captured"Symbol 123 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 117 EditableText
"gui_checkers_captured_mc"Symbol 123 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 122 MovieClip
"moveText"Symbol 130 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 126 EditableText
"moveText"Symbol 130 MovieClip Frame 2Symbol 128 EditableText
"moveText"Symbol 130 MovieClip Frame 3Symbol 129 EditableText
"arrow_turn"Symbol 131 MovieClip [gui_mc] Frame 1Symbol 79 MovieClip
"clock"Symbol 131 MovieClip [gui_mc] Frame 1Symbol 94 MovieClip
"player_one"Symbol 131 MovieClip [gui_mc] Frame 1Symbol 123 MovieClip
"player_two"Symbol 131 MovieClip [gui_mc] Frame 1Symbol 123 MovieClip
"messages"Symbol 131 MovieClip [gui_mc] Frame 1Symbol 130 MovieClip
"btn_playnow"Symbol 290 MovieClip [_Choosecharacter] Frame 1Symbol 264 MovieClip [btn_playnow]
"btn_mac"Symbol 290 MovieClip [_Choosecharacter] Frame 1Symbol 269 MovieClip [btn_mac]
"btn_bloo"Symbol 290 MovieClip [_Choosecharacter] Frame 1Symbol 274 MovieClip [btn_bloo]
"btn_normal"Symbol 290 MovieClip [_Choosecharacter] Frame 1Symbol 279 MovieClip [btn_normal]
"btn_hard"Symbol 290 MovieClip [_Choosecharacter] Frame 1Symbol 284 MovieClip [btn_hard]
"btn_bigshot"Symbol 290 MovieClip [_Choosecharacter] Frame 1Symbol 289 MovieClip [btn_bigshot]
"btn_play"Symbol 297 MovieClip [_Instructions] Frame 1Symbol 296 MovieClip [btn_play]
"blooLose"Symbol 318 MovieClip [_Losebloo] Frame 1Symbol 313 MovieClip
"btn_playagain"Symbol 318 MovieClip [_Losebloo] Frame 1Symbol 317 MovieClip [btn_playagain]
"macLose"Symbol 329 MovieClip [_Losemac] Frame 1Symbol 328 MovieClip
"btn_playagain"Symbol 329 MovieClip [_Losemac] Frame 1Symbol 317 MovieClip [btn_playagain]
"btn_start"Symbol 336 MovieClip [_Titlecard] Frame 1Symbol 335 MovieClip [btn_start]
"blooWin"Symbol 353 MovieClip [_Winbloo] Frame 1Symbol 352 MovieClip
"btn_playagain"Symbol 353 MovieClip [_Winbloo] Frame 1Symbol 317 MovieClip [btn_playagain]
"macWin"Symbol 375 MovieClip [_Winmac] Frame 1Symbol 374 MovieClip
"btn_playagain"Symbol 375 MovieClip [_Winmac] Frame 1Symbol 317 MovieClip [btn_playagain]
"popuptext"Symbol 413 MovieClip [PopUp] Frame 1Symbol 408 EditableText
"btn_play"Symbol 413 MovieClip [PopUp] Frame 1Symbol 412 MovieClip

Special Tags

FileAttributes (69)Timeline Frame 1Access local files only, Metadata not present, AS1/AS2.
Protect (24)Timeline Frame 10 bytes ""
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ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 5Symbol 74 as "cursor"
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ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 5Symbol 136 as "sparkly_dews"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 5Symbol 138 as "cpucontrol"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 5Symbol 143 as "MusicOFF"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 5Symbol 148 as "MusicON"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 5Symbol 203 as "_bloo"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 5Symbol 225 as "_mac"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 5Symbol 233 as "_glow"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 5Symbol 250 as "checker_blue_mc"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 5Symbol 258 as "checker_red_mc"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 5Symbol 264 as "btn_playnow"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 5Symbol 269 as "btn_mac"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 5Symbol 274 as "btn_bloo"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 5Symbol 279 as "btn_normal"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 5Symbol 284 as "btn_hard"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 5Symbol 289 as "btn_bigshot"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 5Symbol 290 as "_Choosecharacter"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 5Symbol 296 as "btn_play"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 5Symbol 297 as "_Instructions"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 5Symbol 317 as "btn_playagain"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 5Symbol 318 as "_Losebloo"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 5Symbol 329 as "_Losemac"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 5Symbol 335 as "btn_start"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 5Symbol 336 as "_Titlecard"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 5Symbol 353 as "_Winbloo"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 5Symbol 375 as "_Winmac"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 5Symbol 376 as "time_up.wav"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 5Symbol 377 as "time_countdown.wav"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 5Symbol 378 as "sting_win.wav"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 5Symbol 379 as "sting_lose_02.wav"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 5Symbol 380 as "sting_lose_01.wav"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 5Symbol 381 as "sting_kinged.wav"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 5Symbol 382 as "sting_jump_avatar.mp3"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 5Symbol 383 as "sting_jump3.mp3"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 5Symbol 384 as "sting_jump2.mp3"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 5Symbol 385 as "bs_checkers_slide1.wav"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 5Symbol 386 as "bs_checkers_bigshot_jump.wav"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 5Symbol 387 as "bs_checkers_bigshot_cap2.wav"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 5Symbol 388 as "bs_checkers_bigshot_cap.wav"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 5Symbol 389 as "bs_checkers_to2.wav"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 5Symbol 390 as "bs_checkers_from1.wav"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 5Symbol 391 as "sting_jump1.mp3"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 5Symbol 392 as "music_game_2.wav"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 5Symbol 393 as "music_title_2.wav"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 5Symbol 394 as "checkers_tally.wav"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 5Symbol 395 as "checkers_drop1.wav"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 5Symbol 396 as "checkers_clink7.wav"
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ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 5Symbol 413 as "PopUp"
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ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 5Symbol 418 as "__Packages.Base.Entity"
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ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 5Symbol 420 as "__Packages.Base.AIState"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 5Symbol 421 as "__Packages.Game.SoundModule"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 5Symbol 422 as "__Packages.Game.Player"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 5Symbol 423 as "__Packages.Game.AIStates.InitPositionState"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 5Symbol 424 as "__Packages.Game.AIStates.WaitForSelectState"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 5Symbol 425 as "__Packages.Game.AIStates.AnimateToSpotState"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 5Symbol 426 as "__Packages.Game.AIStates.JumpedToKingState"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 5Symbol 427 as "__Packages.Game.AIStates.WaitingForTurnState"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 5Symbol 428 as "__Packages.Game.AIStates.GotJumpedState"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 5Symbol 429 as "__Packages.Game.AIStates.ResetAvatarState"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 5Symbol 430 as "__Packages.Game.AIStates.JumpedFromKingState"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 5Symbol 431 as "__Packages.Game.AIStates.WaitForReadyState"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 5Symbol 432 as "__Packages.Game.AIStates.KingPieceState"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 5Symbol 433 as "__Packages.Game.AIStates.MovingPieceState"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 5Symbol 434 as "__Packages.Base.Time"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 5Symbol 435 as "__Packages.Pad.PadManager"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 5Symbol 436 as "__Packages.Game.GameManager"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 5Symbol 437 as "__Packages.Base.GameState"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 5Symbol 438 as "__Packages.Game.GameStates.TitleCardState"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 5Symbol 439 as "__Packages.Game.GameStates.InstructionsGameState"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 5Symbol 440 as "__Packages.Game.GameStates.ChooseCharacterScreenGameState"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 5Symbol 441 as "__Packages.Game.GameStates.Init"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 5Symbol 442 as "__Packages.Game.GameStates.InPlay"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 5Symbol 443 as "__Packages.Game.GameStates.ShowAvatarCrownGameState"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 5Symbol 444 as "__Packages.Game.GameStates.WinScreenGameState"
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"com_turn"Symbol 94 MovieClip Frame 6
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"king"Symbol 203 MovieClip [_bloo] Frame 24
"disappear"Symbol 203 MovieClip [_bloo] Frame 42
"reappear"Symbol 203 MovieClip [_bloo] Frame 62
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"jump_down_one"Symbol 203 MovieClip [_bloo] Frame 108
"jump_up_two"Symbol 203 MovieClip [_bloo] Frame 134
"jump_down_two"Symbol 203 MovieClip [_bloo] Frame 166
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"jump_right_down_king"Symbol 250 MovieClip [checker_blue_mc] Frame 72
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"jump_left_up_king"Symbol 250 MovieClip [checker_blue_mc] Frame 106
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"jump_left_down_king"Symbol 250 MovieClip [checker_blue_mc] Frame 140
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"king"Symbol 258 MovieClip [checker_red_mc] Frame 7
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"jump_right_up_king"Symbol 258 MovieClip [checker_red_mc] Frame 38
"jump_right_down"Symbol 258 MovieClip [checker_red_mc] Frame 55
"jump_right_down_king"Symbol 258 MovieClip [checker_red_mc] Frame 72
"jump_left_up"Symbol 258 MovieClip [checker_red_mc] Frame 89
"jump_left_up_king"Symbol 258 MovieClip [checker_red_mc] Frame 106
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"disappear"Symbol 258 MovieClip [checker_red_mc] Frame 190
"reappear"Symbol 258 MovieClip [checker_red_mc] Frame 244
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"appear_king"Symbol 258 MovieClip [checker_red_mc] Frame 323
"kingUp"Symbol 258 MovieClip [checker_red_mc] Frame 351
Created: 27/5 -2019 01:57:57 Last modified: 27/5 -2019 01:57:57 Server time: 14/11 -2024 06:48:19