[Tools][Expand/Collapse All]Note that automatic extraction of ActionScript 3 is still pretty much unsupported by swfchan. AS1/AS2 works okay most of the time.Frame 1 (43 B)
ifFrameLoaded (10) {
gotoAndPlay (3);
Frame 2 (17 B)
gotoAndPlay (1);
Frame 3 (131 B)
myArray = new Array();
myArray[0] = "red";
myArray[1] = "yellow";
myArray[2] = 1;
if (myArray[2] == 1) {
gotoAndPlay (5);
Frame 4 (8 B)
Frame 108 (17 B)
s = new Sound();
Instance of Symbol 68 MovieClip "LoadingBar" in Frame 108 (1.9 KiB) ●
onClipEvent (load) {
var totalbytes = 1432225;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
var bytesloaded = _root.getBytesLoaded();
var percentage = (bytesloaded / totalbytes);
_root.LoadingBar.Loaded.Percent.Loaded = int(percentage * 100);
if ((20 < _root.LoadingBar.Loaded.Percent.Loaded) and (Passe20 != true)) {
Passe20 = true;
tellTarget ("_root.LoadingBar") {
gotoAndPlay ("20");
if ((30 < _root.LoadingBar.Loaded.Percent.Loaded) and (Passe30 != true)) {
Passe30 = true;
tellTarget ("_root.LoadingBar") {
gotoAndPlay ("30");
if ((40 < _root.LoadingBar.Loaded.Percent.Loaded) and (Passe40 != true)) {
Passe40 = true;
tellTarget ("_root.LoadingBar") {
gotoAndPlay ("40");
if ((50 < _root.LoadingBar.Loaded.Percent.Loaded) and (Passe50 != true)) {
Passe50 = true;
tellTarget ("_root.LoadingBar") {
gotoAndPlay ("50");
if ((60 < _root.LoadingBar.Loaded.Percent.Loaded) and (Passe60 != true)) {
Passe60 = true;
tellTarget ("_root.LoadingBar") {
gotoAndPlay ("60");
if ((70 < _root.LoadingBar.Loaded.Percent.Loaded) and (Passe70 != true)) {
Passe70 = true;
tellTarget ("_root.LoadingBar") {
gotoAndPlay ("70");
if ((80 < _root.LoadingBar.Loaded.Percent.Loaded) and (Passe80 != true)) {
Passe80 = true;
tellTarget ("_root.LoadingBar") {
gotoAndPlay ("80");
if ((90 < _root.LoadingBar.Loaded.Percent.Loaded) and (Passe90 != true)) {
Passe90 = true;
tellTarget ("_root.LoadingBar") {
gotoAndPlay ("90");
if ((99 < _root.LoadingBar.Loaded.Percent.Loaded) and (Passe100 != true)) {
Passe100 = true;
tellTarget ("_root.LoadingBar") {
gotoAndPlay ("100");
ifFrameLoaded (537) {
if (/:Instru != true) {
tellTarget ("_root.InstructionButton") {
gotoAndStop (2);
if (99 < _root.LoadingBar.Loaded.Percent.Loaded) {
_root.LoadingBar.Loaded.Percent.Loaded = 100;
Frame 517 (17 B)
Frame 519 (17 B)
Frame 521 (17 B)
Frame 523 (17 B)
Frame 525 (17 B)
Frame 527 (17 B)
Frame 529 (17 B)
Frame 531 (16 B)
Frame 533 (17 B)
Frame 534 (18 B)
Frame 537 (55 B)
Set("/:Instru", true);
Frame 538 (8 B)
Frame 539 (8 B)
Frame 540 (8 B)
Frame 541 (8 B)
Frame 542 (8 B)
Frame 543 (8 B)
Frame 544 (8 B)
Frame 556 (17 B)
Frame 557 (8 B)
Frame 1125 (95 B)
loadVariablesNum ("/web/steppenwolf/tracking.jsp?episode=6&stage=1", 0);
s = new Sound();
Frame 1130 (20 B)
gotoAndPlay (1132);
Frame 1132 (90 B)
setProperty("/Gts", _visible , 0);
Set("/Variables:From", "Debut");
gotoAndPlay (1133);
Frame 1134 (796 B)
Set("/Variables:Delta", _root.Meg._yscale / 6);
Set("/Variables:Decale", 0.05);
Set("/Variables:EtatVide", "Tab1Stoppe");
Set("/Variables:EtatActif", "Tab1");
if (/Variables:From == "Debut") {
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , 204);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , 385);
tellTarget ("_root.Meg") {
gotoAndStop (1);
if (/Variables:From == "PetiteSalle") {
Set("/Variables:From", "Debut");
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , 180);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , 353);
tellTarget ("_root.Meg") {
gotoAndStop (2);
if (/Variables:From == "Descente") {
Set("/Variables:From", "Debut");
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , 305);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , 272);
tellTarget ("_root.Meg") {
gotoAndStop (1);
tellTarget ("_root.Gts") {
gotoAndStop (3);
Instance of Symbol 2099 MovieClip in Frame 1134 (25.65 KiB) ● ● ●
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
tellTarget ("_root") {
if (/Variables:Stoppe != true) {
if (/Variables:GardeEntre ne "") {
if (/Variables:GardeEntre eq "OuvrePorte") {
tellTarget ("_root.Animatiques") {
gotoAndStop ("OuvrePorte");
} else if (/Variables:GardeEntre eq "GardesSorts") {
tellTarget ("_root.Animatiques") {
gotoAndStop ("GardesSorts");
} else if (/Variables:GardeEntre eq "PorteDefonce") {
tellTarget ("_root.Animatiques") {
gotoAndStop ("PorteDefonce");
} else {
Set("/Variables:GardeEntre", "");
} else {
setProperty("_root.Gts.ZoneDeplace.GtsSteppen", _x , _root.Meg._x);
setProperty("_root.Gts.ZoneDeplace.GtsSteppen", _y , _root.Meg._y);
if (/Variables:GardesPris == true) {
if (getProperty("_root.Meg", _y) < 350) {
setProperty("_root.ClocheDevant", _visible , 1);
} else {
setProperty("_root.ClocheDevant", _visible , 0);
if (_root.CacheVersTab5.hitTest(_root.Meg._x, _root.Meg._y, true) and (/Variables:GardesPris == false)) {
tellTarget ("_root") {
gotoAndPlay ("Tab5Ini");
if (_root.CacheVersTab2.hitTest(_root.Meg._x, _root.Meg._y, true)) {
Set("/Variables:From", "Tab1");
tellTarget ("_root") {
gotoAndPlay ("Tab2Ini");
if (((_root.CachePorte.hitTest(_root.Meg._x, _root.Meg._y, true) and (/Variables:ObjetSelect != 1)) and Key.isDown(Key.SPACE)) and (/Variables:Porte == 0)) {
Set("/Variables:Porte", 1);
tellTarget ("_root.Sons") {
gotoAndStop ("SndFermePorte");
tellTarget ("_root.Porte") {
gotoAndStop ("PorteFermee");
tellTarget ("_root.Collider") {
gotoAndStop (2);
if ((_root.CachePorte.hitTest(_root.Meg._x, _root.Meg._y, true) and (/Variables:ObjetSelect == 1)) and Key.isDown(Key.SPACE)) {
Set("/Variables:Porte", 2);
tellTarget ("_root.Animatiques") {
gotoAndStop ("BarrePorte");
if ((_root.CacheBarrePorte.hitTest(_root.Meg._x, _root.Meg._y, true) and (/Variables:BarrePorteRamasse == false)) and Key.isDown(Key.SPACE)) {
tellTarget ("_root.Porte.BarrePorte") {
tellTarget ("_root.Sons") {
gotoAndPlay ("SndRamasse");
loadVariablesNum ("/web/steppenwolf/tracking.jsp?episode=6&stage=2", 0);
Set("/Variables:InvNb", /Variables:InvNb + 1);
Set("/Variables:InvObjet" + /Variables:InvNb, 1);
tellTarget ("_root.Inventaire.ObjetAffiche") {
gotoAndStop (2);
Set("/Variables:BarrePorteRamasse", true);
if (((((!Key.isDown(Key.Down)) and (!Key.isDown(Key.Right))) and (!Key.isDown(Key.Left))) and (!Key.isDown(Key.Up))) and (Idle == false)) {
Idle = true;
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
gotoAndPlay ("Idle");
if (Key.isDown(Key.SHIFT)) {
Set("/Variables:Run", true);
} else {
Set("/Variables:Run", false);
if ((Key.isDown(Key.RIGHT) and (!Key.isDown(Key.UP))) and (!Key.isDown(Key.DOWN))) {
if (Key.isDown(Key.CONTROL)) {
if (/Variables:Dir == "Right") {
Set("/Variables:Dir", "Right");
Idle = false;
Set("/Variables:Stoppe", true);
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
gotoAndPlay ("Saute");
} else {
Set("/Variables:Dir", "Right");
tellTarget ("_root.Meg") {
gotoAndStop ("Right");
} else {
Set("/Variables:Dir", "Right");
if (Idle == true) {
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
gotoAndStop (1);
Idle = false;
tellTarget ("_root.Meg") {
gotoAndStop ("Right");
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
if (Collider.hitTest(_root.Meg._x + (Variables:Delta * 2), _root.Meg._y, true) == false) {
if (/Variables:Run == true) {
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x + Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x + Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x + Variables:Delta);
if ((Key.isDown(Key.LEFT) and (!Key.isDown(Key.UP))) and (!Key.isDown(Key.DOWN))) {
if (Key.isDown(Key.CONTROL)) {
if (/Variables:Dir == "Left") {
Set("/Variables:Dir", "Left");
Idle = false;
Set("/Variables:Stoppe", true);
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
gotoAndPlay ("Saute");
} else {
Set("/Variables:Dir", "Left");
tellTarget ("_root.Meg") {
gotoAndStop ("Left");
} else {
Set("/Variables:Dir", "Left");
if (Idle == true) {
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
gotoAndStop (1);
Idle = false;
tellTarget ("_root.Meg") {
gotoAndStop ("Left");
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
if (Collider.hitTest(_root.Meg._x - (Variables:Delta * 2), _root.Meg._y, true) == false) {
if (/Variables:Run == true) {
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x - Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x - Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x - /Variables:Delta);
if ((Key.isDown(Key.UP) and (!Key.isDown(Key.Right))) and (!Key.isDown(Key.Left))) {
Set("/Variables:Dir", "Right");
if (Key.isDown(Key.CONTROL)) {
Idle = false;
Set("/Variables:Stoppe", true);
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
gotoAndPlay ("Saute");
} else {
if (Idle == true) {
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
gotoAndStop (1);
Idle = false;
tellTarget ("_root.Meg") {
gotoAndStop ("Up");
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
if (Collider.hitTest(_root.Meg._x, _root.Meg._y - (Variables:Delta * 2), true) == false) {
if (/Variables:Run == true) {
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y - (/Variables:Delta / 2)) - ((/Variables:Delta / 3) / 2));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y - (/Variables:Delta / 2)) - ((/Variables:Delta / 3) / 2));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale - /Variables:Decale);
Set("/Variables:Delta", _root.Meg._yscale / 7);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y - (/Variables:Delta / 2)) - ((/Variables:Delta / 3) / 2));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale - /Variables:Decale);
if ((Key.isDown(Key.DOWN) and (!Key.isDown(Key.Right))) and (!Key.isDown(Key.Left))) {
Set("/Variables:Dir", "Down");
if (Key.isDown(Key.CONTROL)) {
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
gotoAndPlay ("Saute");
Idle = false;
Set("/Variables:Stoppe", true);
} else {
if (Idle == true) {
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
gotoAndStop (1);
Idle = false;
tellTarget ("_root.Meg") {
gotoAndStop ("DOWN");
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
if (Collider.hitTest(_root.Meg._x, _root.Meg._y + (Variables:Delta * 2), true) == false) {
if (/Variables:Run == true) {
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y + /Variables:Delta) - (/Variables:Delta / 3));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y + /Variables:Delta) - (/Variables:Delta / 3));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale + /Variables:Decale);
Set("/Variables:Delta", _root.Meg._yscale / 7);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y + /Variables:Delta) - (/Variables:Delta / 3));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale + /Variables:Decale);
if (((Key.isDown(Key.UP) and Key.isDown(Key.Right)) and (!Key.isDown(Key.Left))) and (!Key.isDown(Key.Down))) {
Set("/Variables:Dir", "Right");
if (Key.isDown(Key.CONTROL)) {
Idle = false;
Set("/Variables:Stoppe", true);
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
gotoAndPlay ("Saute");
} else {
if (Idle == true) {
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
gotoAndStop (1);
Idle = false;
tellTarget ("_root.Meg") {
gotoAndStop ("UpRight");
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
if (Collider.hitTest(_root.Meg._x + (Variables:Delta * 2), _root.Meg._y - (Variables:Delta * 8), true) == false) {
if (/Variables:Run == true) {
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y - (/Variables:Delta / 2)) - ((/Variables:Delta / 3) / 2));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x + Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y - (/Variables:Delta / 2)) - ((/Variables:Delta / 3) / 2));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x + Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale - /Variables:Decale);
Set("/Variables:Delta", _root.Meg._yscale / 7);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y - (/Variables:Delta / 2)) - ((/Variables:Delta / 3) / 2));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x + Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale - /Variables:Decale);
if (((Key.isDown(Key.UP) and (!Key.isDown(Key.Right))) and Key.isDown(Key.Left)) and (!Key.isDown(Key.Down))) {
Set("/Variables:Dir", "Left");
if (Key.isDown(Key.CONTROL)) {
Idle = false;
Set("/Variables:Stoppe", true);
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
gotoAndPlay ("Saute");
} else {
if (Idle == true) {
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
gotoAndStop (1);
Idle = false;
tellTarget ("_root.Meg") {
gotoAndStop ("UpLeft");
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
if (Collider.hitTest(_root.Meg._x - (Variables:Delta * 2), _root.Meg._y - (Variables:Delta * 8), true) == false) {
if (/Variables:Run == true) {
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y - (/Variables:Delta / 2)) - ((/Variables:Delta / 3) / 2));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x - Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y - (/Variables:Delta / 2)) - ((/Variables:Delta / 3) / 2));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x - Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale - /Variables:Decale);
Set("/Variables:Delta", _root.Meg._yscale / 7);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y - (/Variables:Delta / 2)) - ((/Variables:Delta / 3) / 2));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x - Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale - /Variables:Decale);
if (((Key.isDown(Key.Down) and (!Key.isDown(Key.Right))) and Key.isDown(Key.Left)) and (!Key.isDown(Key.Up))) {
Set("/Variables:Dir", "Left");
if (Key.isDown(Key.CONTROL)) {
Idle = false;
Set("/Variables:Stoppe", true);
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
gotoAndPlay ("Saute");
} else {
if (Idle == true) {
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
gotoAndStop (1);
Idle = false;
tellTarget ("_root.Meg") {
gotoAndStop ("DownLeft");
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
if (Collider.hitTest(_root.Meg._x - (Variables:Delta * 2), _root.Meg._y + (Variables:Delta * 8), true) == false) {
if (/Variables:Run == true) {
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y + /Variables:Delta) - (/Variables:Delta / 3));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x - Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y + /Variables:Delta) - (/Variables:Delta / 3));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x - Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale + /Variables:Decale);
Set("/Variables:Delta", _root.Meg._yscale / 7);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y + /Variables:Delta) - (/Variables:Delta / 3));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x - Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale + /Variables:Decale);
if (((Key.isDown(Key.Down) and Key.isDown(Key.Right)) and (!Key.isDown(Key.Left))) and (!Key.isDown(Key.Up))) {
Set("/Variables:Dir", "Right");
if (Key.isDown(Key.CONTROL)) {
Idle = false;
Set("/Variables:Stoppe", true);
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
gotoAndPlay ("Saute");
} else {
if (Idle == true) {
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
gotoAndStop (1);
Idle = false;
tellTarget ("_root.Meg") {
gotoAndStop ("DownRight");
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
if (Collider.hitTest(_root.Meg._x + (Variables:Delta * 2), _root.Meg._y + (Variables:Delta * 8), true) == false) {
if (/Variables:Run == true) {
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y + /Variables:Delta) - (/Variables:Delta / 3));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x + Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y + /Variables:Delta) - (/Variables:Delta / 3));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x + Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale + /Variables:Decale);
Set("/Variables:Delta", _root.Meg._yscale / 7);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y + /Variables:Delta) - (/Variables:Delta / 3));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x + Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale + /Variables:Decale);
if ((((Key.isDown(Key.CONTROL) and (!Key.isDown(Key.Down))) and (!Key.isDown(Key.Right))) and (!Key.isDown(Key.Left))) and (!Key.isDown(Key.Up))) {
Idle = false;
Set("/Variables:Stoppe", true);
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
gotoAndPlay ("Saute");
if (Trou.hitTest(_root.Meg._x, _root.Meg._y, true) == true) {
Set("/Variables:DeltaTombe", /Trou:Niveau);
tellTarget ("_root.Meg") {
gotoAndStop ("Tombe");
Set("/Variables:Stoppe", true);
if (/Variables:J2 == true) {
if ((/Variables:VersEntree2 == 0) and (/Variables:VersEntree3 == 0)) {
if (/Variables:Tableau ne "ZoneDeplace/GtsSteppen") {
if ((((getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:BebitteCours, _x) < (getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:Tableau, _x) + 1)) and ((getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:Tableau, _x) - 1) < getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:BebitteCours, _x))) and (getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:BebitteCours, _y) < (getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:Tableau, _y) + 1))) and ((getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:Tableau, _y) - 1) < getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:BebitteCours, _y))) {
setProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:BebitteCours, _x , getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:Tableau, _x));
setProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:BebitteCours, _y , getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:Tableau, _y));
if (getProperty("/Gts/Bebitte", _visible) == 1) {
setProperty("/Gts/Bebitte", _visible , 0);
setProperty("/Gts/Bebitte" + /Variables:Tableau, _visible , 1);
Set("/Variables:BebitteCours", "Bebitte" + /Variables:Tableau);
if (/Variables:BebitteCours eq "BebitteEntree2") {
Set("/Variables:VersEntree2", 1);
Set("/Variables:Tableau", "Entree21");
} else if (/Variables:BebitteCours eq "BebitteEntree3") {
Set("/Variables:VersEntree3", 1);
Set("/Variables:Tableau", "Entree31");
} else {
Set("/Variables:Tableau", "ZoneDeplace/GtsSteppen");
} else {
setProperty("/Gts/Bebitte", _visible , 1);
setProperty("/Gts/Bebitte" + /Variables:Tableau, _visible , 0);
Set("/Variables:BebitteCours", "Bebitte");
Set("/Variables:Tableau", /Variables:TableauTemp);
} else if ((((getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:BebitteCours, _x) < (((getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace/GtsSteppen", _x) * (getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace", _xscale) / 100)) + getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace", _x)) + 20)) and ((((getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace/GtsSteppen", _x) * (getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace", _xscale) / 100)) + getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace", _x)) - 20) < getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:BebitteCours, _x))) and (getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:BebitteCours, _y) < (((getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace/GtsSteppen", _y) * (getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace", _yscale) / 100)) + getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace", _y)) + 20))) and ((((getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace/GtsSteppen", _y) * (getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace", _yscale) / 100)) + getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace", _y)) - 20) < getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:BebitteCours, _y))) {
tellTarget ("/Animatiques") {
gotoAndStop ("MokoBouffe");
} else if (/Variables:VersEntree2 == 1) {
if (/Variables:Tableau ne "ZoneDeplace/GtsSteppen") {
if ((((getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:BebitteCours, _x) < (getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:Tableau, _x) + 1)) and ((getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:Tableau, _x) - 1) < getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:BebitteCours, _x))) and (getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:BebitteCours, _y) < (getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:Tableau, _y) + 1))) and ((getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:Tableau, _y) - 1) < getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:BebitteCours, _y))) {
setProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:BebitteCours, _x , getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:Tableau, _x));
setProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:BebitteCours, _y , getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:Tableau, _y));
if (/Variables:TableauTemp eq "Entree2") {
if (/Variables:Tableau eq "Entree21") {
Set("/Variables:Tableau", "Entree22");
Set("/Variables:Direction", 1);
} else if (/Variables:Tableau eq "Entree22") {
Set("/Variables:Tableau", "Entree23");
Set("/Variables:Direction", 1);
} else if (/Variables:Tableau eq "Entree23") {
Set("/Variables:Tableau", "Entree24");
Set("/Variables:Direction", 1);
} else if ((/Variables:Tableau eq "Entree24") and (getProperty("/Gts", _currentframe) == 3)) {
Set("/Variables:Tableau", "ZoneDeplace/GtsSteppen");
Set("/Variables:Direction", 1);
} else if (/Variables:Tableau eq "Entree2") {
Set("/Variables:VersEntree2", 0);
setProperty("/Gts/Bebitte", _visible , 1);
setProperty("/Gts/Bebitte" + /Variables:Tableau, _visible , 0);
Set("/Variables:BebitteCours", "Bebitte");
Set("/Variables:Tableau", /Variables:TableauTemp);
} else if (/Variables:Tableau eq "Entree21") {
Set("/Variables:Direction", 0);
Set("/Variables:Tableau", "Entree2");
} else if (/Variables:Tableau eq "Entree22") {
Set("/Variables:Direction", 0);
Set("/Variables:Tableau", "Entree21");
} else if (/Variables:Tableau eq "Entree23") {
Set("/Variables:Direction", 0);
Set("/Variables:Tableau", "Entree22");
} else if (/Variables:Tableau eq "Entree24") {
Set("/Variables:Direction", 0);
Set("/Variables:Tableau", "Entree23");
} else if (/Variables:Tableau eq "ZoneDeplace/GtsSteppen") {
Set("/Variables:Direction", 0);
Set("/Variables:Tableau", "Entree24");
} else if ((((getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:BebitteCours, _x) < (((getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace/GtsSteppen", _x) * (getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace", _xscale) / 100)) + getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace", _x)) + 20)) and ((((getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace/GtsSteppen", _x) * (getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace", _xscale) / 100)) + getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace", _x)) - 20) < getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:BebitteCours, _x))) and (getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:BebitteCours, _y) < (((getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace/GtsSteppen", _y) * (getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace", _yscale) / 100)) + getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace", _y)) + 20))) and ((((getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace/GtsSteppen", _y) * (getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace", _yscale) / 100)) + getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace", _y)) - 20) < getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:BebitteCours, _y))) {
tellTarget ("/Animatiques") {
gotoAndStop ("MokoBouffe");
} else if (/Variables:VersEntree3 == 1) {
if (/Variables:Tableau ne "ZoneDeplace/GtsSteppen") {
if ((((getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:BebitteCours, _x) < (getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:Tableau, _x) + 1)) and ((getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:Tableau, _x) - 1) < getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:BebitteCours, _x))) and (getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:BebitteCours, _y) < (getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:Tableau, _y) + 1))) and ((getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:Tableau, _y) - 1) < getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:BebitteCours, _y))) {
setProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:BebitteCours, _x , getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:Tableau, _x));
setProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:BebitteCours, _y , getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:Tableau, _y));
if (/Variables:TableauTemp eq "Entree3") {
if (/Variables:Tableau eq "Entree31") {
Set("/Variables:Tableau", "ZoneDeplace/GtsSteppen");
Set("/Variables:Direction3", 1);
} else if (/Variables:Tableau eq "Entree3") {
Set("/Variables:VersEntree3", 0);
setProperty("/Gts/Bebitte", _visible , 1);
setProperty("/Gts/Bebitte" + /Variables:Tableau, _visible , 0);
Set("/Variables:BebitteCours", "Bebitte");
Set("/Variables:Tableau", /Variables:TableauTemp);
} else if (/Variables:Tableau eq "Entree31") {
Set("/Variables:Direction3", 0);
Set("/Variables:Tableau", "Entree3");
} else if (/Variables:Tableau eq "ZoneDeplace/GtsSteppen") {
Set("/Variables:Direction3", 0);
Set("/Variables:Tableau", "Entree31");
} else if ((((getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:BebitteCours, _x) < (((getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace/GtsSteppen", _x) * (getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace", _xscale) / 100)) + getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace", _x)) + 20)) and ((((getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace/GtsSteppen", _x) * (getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace", _xscale) / 100)) + getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace", _x)) - 20) < getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:BebitteCours, _x))) and (getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:BebitteCours, _y) < (((getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace/GtsSteppen", _y) * (getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace", _yscale) / 100)) + getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace", _y)) + 20))) and ((((getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace/GtsSteppen", _y) * (getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace", _yscale) / 100)) + getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace", _y)) - 20) < getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:BebitteCours, _y))) {
tellTarget ("/Animatiques") {
gotoAndStop ("MokoBouffe");
if (/Variables:Tableau ne "ZoneDeplace/GtsSteppen") {
DistanceX = getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:Tableau, _x) - getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:BebitteCours, _x);
DistanceY = getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:Tableau, _y) - getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:BebitteCours, _y);
} else {
DistanceX = ((getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace/GtsSteppen", _x) * (getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace", _xscale) / 100)) + getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace", _x)) - getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:BebitteCours, _x);
DistanceY = ((getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace/GtsSteppen", _y) * (getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace", _yscale) / 100)) + getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace", _y)) - getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:BebitteCours, _y);
if (Math.abs(DistanceY) < Math.abs(DistanceX)) {
MoveX = (DistanceX / Math.abs(DistanceX)) / 2;
MoveY = (DistanceY / Math.abs(DistanceX)) / 2;
} else {
MoveY = (DistanceY / Math.abs(DistanceY)) / 2;
MoveX = (DistanceX / Math.abs(DistanceY)) / 2;
setProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:BebitteCours, _x , getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:BebitteCours, _x) + MoveX);
setProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:BebitteCours, _y , getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:BebitteCours, _y) + MoveY);
setProperty("_root.Gts.ZoneDeplace.GtsSteppen", _x , _root.Meg._x);
setProperty("_root.Gts.ZoneDeplace.GtsSteppen", _y , _root.Meg._y);
Frame 1135 (8 B)
Frame 1145 (630 B)
Set("/Variables:Delta", _root.Meg._yscale / 6);
Set("/Variables:Decale", 0.05);
Set("/Variables:EtatVide", "Tab1BStoppe");
Set("/Variables:EtatActif", "Tab1B");
if (/Variables:From == "PetiteSalle") {
Set("/Variables:From", "Debut");
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , 180);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , 353);
tellTarget ("_root.Meg") {
gotoAndStop (1);
if (/Variables:From == "Descente") {
Set("/Variables:From", "Debut");
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , 305);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , 272);
tellTarget ("_root.Meg") {
gotoAndStop (2);
tellTarget ("_root.Gts") {
gotoAndStop (3);
Instance of Symbol 2224 MovieClip in Frame 1145 (28.33 KiB) ● ● ●
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
tellTarget ("_root") {
if (/Variables:Stoppe != true) {
if (/Variables:GardeEntre ne "") {
if (/Variables:GardeEntre eq "OuvrePorte") {
tellTarget ("_root.Animatiques") {
gotoAndStop ("OuvrePorte");
} else if (/Variables:GardeEntre eq "GardesSorts") {
tellTarget ("_root.Animatiques") {
gotoAndStop ("GardesSorts");
} else if (/Variables:GardeEntre eq "PorteDefonce") {
tellTarget ("_root.Animatiques") {
gotoAndStop ("PorteDefonce");
} else {
Set("/Variables:GardeEntre", "");
} else {
setProperty("_root.Gts.ZoneDeplace.GtsSteppen", _x , _root.Meg._x);
setProperty("_root.Gts.ZoneDeplace.GtsSteppen", _y , _root.Meg._y);
if (_root.CacheVersTab2.hitTest(_root.Meg._x, _root.Meg._y, true)) {
Set("/Variables:From", "Tab1");
tellTarget ("_root") {
gotoAndPlay ("Tab2Ini");
if (_root.CacheZoneTir.hitTest(_root.Meg._x, _root.Meg._y, true)) {
if (_root.GardeDerriere.GardeTir.CacheE.hitTest(_root.Meg._x, _root.Meg._y, true)) {
tellTarget ("_root.GardeDerriere.GardeTir") {
gotoAndStop ("E");
if (_root.GardeDerriere.GardeTir.CacheNE.hitTest(_root.Meg._x, _root.Meg._y, true)) {
tellTarget ("_root.GardeDerriere.GardeTir") {
gotoAndStop ("NE");
if (_root.GardeDerriere.GardeTir.CacheN.hitTest(_root.Meg._x, _root.Meg._y, true)) {
tellTarget ("_root.GardeDerriere.GardeTir") {
gotoAndStop ("N");
if (_root.GardeDerriere.GardeTir.CacheNO.hitTest(_root.Meg._x, _root.Meg._y, true)) {
tellTarget ("_root.GardeDerriere.GardeTir") {
gotoAndStop ("NO");
if (_root.GardeDerriere.GardeTir.CacheO.hitTest(_root.Meg._x, _root.Meg._y, true)) {
tellTarget ("_root.GardeDerriere.GardeTir") {
gotoAndStop ("O");
if (_root.GardeDerriere.GardeTir.CacheSO.hitTest(_root.Meg._x, _root.Meg._y, true)) {
tellTarget ("_root.GardeDerriere.GardeTir") {
gotoAndStop ("SO");
if (_root.GardeDerriere.GardeTir.CacheS.hitTest(_root.Meg._x, _root.Meg._y, true)) {
tellTarget ("_root.GardeDerriere.GardeTir") {
gotoAndStop ("S");
if (_root.GardeDerriere.GardeTir.CacheSE.hitTest(_root.Meg._x, _root.Meg._y, true)) {
tellTarget ("_root.GardeDerriere.GardeTir") {
gotoAndStop ("SE");
if (_root.GardeDevant.GardeTir.CacheE.hitTest(_root.Meg._x, _root.Meg._y, true)) {
tellTarget ("_root.GardeDevant.GardeTir") {
gotoAndStop ("E");
if (_root.GardeDevant.GardeTir.CacheNE.hitTest(_root.Meg._x, _root.Meg._y, true)) {
tellTarget ("_root.GardeDevant.GardeTir") {
gotoAndStop ("NE");
if (_root.GardeDevant.GardeTir.CacheN.hitTest(_root.Meg._x, _root.Meg._y, true)) {
tellTarget ("_root.GardeDevant.GardeTir") {
gotoAndStop ("N");
if (_root.GardeDevant.GardeTir.CacheNO.hitTest(_root.Meg._x, _root.Meg._y, true)) {
tellTarget ("_root.GardeDevant.GardeTir") {
gotoAndStop ("NO");
if (_root.GardeDevant.GardeTir.CacheO.hitTest(_root.Meg._x, _root.Meg._y, true)) {
tellTarget ("_root.GardeDevant.GardeTir") {
gotoAndStop ("O");
if (_root.GardeDevant.GardeTir.CacheSO.hitTest(_root.Meg._x, _root.Meg._y, true)) {
tellTarget ("_root.GardeDevant.GardeTir") {
gotoAndStop ("SO");
if (_root.GardeDevant.GardeTir.CacheS.hitTest(_root.Meg._x, _root.Meg._y, true)) {
tellTarget ("_root.GardeDevant.GardeTir") {
gotoAndStop ("S");
if (_root.GardeDevant.GardeTir.CacheSE.hitTest(_root.Meg._x, _root.Meg._y, true)) {
tellTarget ("_root.GardeDevant.GardeTir") {
gotoAndStop ("SE");
if (_root.CacheVersTab5.hitTest(_root.Meg._x, _root.Meg._y, true)) {
tellTarget ("_root") {
gotoAndPlay ("Tab5Ini");
if (((_root.CachePorte.hitTest(_root.Meg._x, _root.Meg._y, true) and (/Variables:ObjetSelect != 1)) and Key.isDown(Key.SPACE)) and (/Variables:Porte == 0)) {
Set("/Variables:Porte", 1);
tellTarget ("_root.Sons") {
gotoAndPlay ("SndFermePorte");
tellTarget ("_root.Porte") {
gotoAndStop ("PorteFermee");
tellTarget ("_root.Collider") {
gotoAndStop (2);
if ((_root.CachePorte.hitTest(_root.Meg._x, _root.Meg._y, true) and (/Variables:ObjetSelect == 1)) and Key.isDown(Key.SPACE)) {
Set("/Variables:Porte", 2);
tellTarget ("_root.Animatiques") {
gotoAndStop ("BarrePorte");
if ((_root.CacheBarrePorte.hitTest(_root.Meg._x, _root.Meg._y, true) and (/Variables:BarrePorteRamasse == false)) and Key.isDown(Key.SPACE)) {
tellTarget ("_root.Porte.BarrePorte") {
loadVariablesNum ("/web/steppenwolf/tracking.jsp?episode=6&stage=2", 0);
Set("/Variables:InvNb", /Variables:InvNb + 1);
tellTarget ("_root.Sons") {
gotoAndPlay ("SndRamasse");
Set("/Variables:InvObjet" + /Variables:InvNb, 1);
tellTarget ("_root.Inventaire.ObjetAffiche") {
gotoAndStop (2);
Set("/Variables:BarrePorteRamasse", true);
if (((((!Key.isDown(Key.Down)) and (!Key.isDown(Key.Right))) and (!Key.isDown(Key.Left))) and (!Key.isDown(Key.Up))) and (Idle == false)) {
Idle = true;
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
gotoAndPlay ("Idle");
if (Key.isDown(Key.SHIFT)) {
Set("/Variables:Run", true);
} else {
Set("/Variables:Run", false);
if ((Key.isDown(Key.RIGHT) and (!Key.isDown(Key.UP))) and (!Key.isDown(Key.DOWN))) {
if (Key.isDown(Key.CONTROL)) {
if (/Variables:Dir == "Right") {
Set("/Variables:Dir", "Right");
Idle = false;
Set("/Variables:Stoppe", true);
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
gotoAndPlay ("Saute");
} else {
Set("/Variables:Dir", "Right");
tellTarget ("_root.Meg") {
gotoAndStop ("Right");
} else {
Set("/Variables:Dir", "Right");
if (Idle == true) {
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
gotoAndStop (1);
Idle = false;
tellTarget ("_root.Meg") {
gotoAndStop ("Right");
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
if (Collider.hitTest(_root.Meg._x + (Variables:Delta * 2), _root.Meg._y, true) == false) {
if (/Variables:Run == true) {
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x + Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x + Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x + Variables:Delta);
if ((Key.isDown(Key.LEFT) and (!Key.isDown(Key.UP))) and (!Key.isDown(Key.DOWN))) {
if (Key.isDown(Key.CONTROL)) {
if (/Variables:Dir == "Left") {
Set("/Variables:Dir", "Left");
Idle = false;
Set("/Variables:Stoppe", true);
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
gotoAndPlay ("Saute");
} else {
Set("/Variables:Dir", "Left");
tellTarget ("_root.Meg") {
gotoAndStop ("Left");
} else {
Set("/Variables:Dir", "Left");
if (Idle == true) {
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
gotoAndStop (1);
Idle = false;
tellTarget ("_root.Meg") {
gotoAndStop ("Left");
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
if (Collider.hitTest(_root.Meg._x - (Variables:Delta * 2), _root.Meg._y, true) == false) {
if (/Variables:Run == true) {
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x - Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x - Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x - /Variables:Delta);
if ((Key.isDown(Key.UP) and (!Key.isDown(Key.Right))) and (!Key.isDown(Key.Left))) {
Set("/Variables:Dir", "Right");
if (Key.isDown(Key.CONTROL)) {
Idle = false;
Set("/Variables:Stoppe", true);
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
gotoAndPlay ("Saute");
} else {
if (Idle == true) {
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
gotoAndStop (1);
Idle = false;
tellTarget ("_root.Meg") {
gotoAndStop ("Up");
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
if (Collider.hitTest(_root.Meg._x, _root.Meg._y - (Variables:Delta * 2), true) == false) {
if (/Variables:Run == true) {
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y - (/Variables:Delta / 2)) - ((/Variables:Delta / 3) / 2));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y - (/Variables:Delta / 2)) - ((/Variables:Delta / 3) / 2));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale - /Variables:Decale);
Set("/Variables:Delta", _root.Meg._yscale / 7);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y - (/Variables:Delta / 2)) - ((/Variables:Delta / 3) / 2));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale - /Variables:Decale);
if ((Key.isDown(Key.DOWN) and (!Key.isDown(Key.Right))) and (!Key.isDown(Key.Left))) {
Set("/Variables:Dir", "Down");
if (Key.isDown(Key.CONTROL)) {
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
gotoAndPlay ("Saute");
Idle = false;
Set("/Variables:Stoppe", true);
} else {
if (Idle == true) {
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
gotoAndStop (1);
Idle = false;
tellTarget ("_root.Meg") {
gotoAndStop ("DOWN");
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
if (Collider.hitTest(_root.Meg._x, _root.Meg._y + (Variables:Delta * 2), true) == false) {
if (/Variables:Run == true) {
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y + /Variables:Delta) - (/Variables:Delta / 3));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y + /Variables:Delta) - (/Variables:Delta / 3));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale + /Variables:Decale);
Set("/Variables:Delta", _root.Meg._yscale / 7);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y + /Variables:Delta) - (/Variables:Delta / 3));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale + /Variables:Decale);
if (((Key.isDown(Key.UP) and Key.isDown(Key.Right)) and (!Key.isDown(Key.Left))) and (!Key.isDown(Key.Down))) {
Set("/Variables:Dir", "Right");
if (Key.isDown(Key.CONTROL)) {
Idle = false;
Set("/Variables:Stoppe", true);
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
gotoAndPlay ("Saute");
} else {
if (Idle == true) {
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
gotoAndStop (1);
Idle = false;
tellTarget ("_root.Meg") {
gotoAndStop ("UpRight");
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
if (Collider.hitTest(_root.Meg._x + (Variables:Delta * 2), _root.Meg._y - (Variables:Delta * 8), true) == false) {
if (/Variables:Run == true) {
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y - (/Variables:Delta / 2)) - ((/Variables:Delta / 3) / 2));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x + Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y - (/Variables:Delta / 2)) - ((/Variables:Delta / 3) / 2));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x + Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale - /Variables:Decale);
Set("/Variables:Delta", _root.Meg._yscale / 7);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y - (/Variables:Delta / 2)) - ((/Variables:Delta / 3) / 2));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x + Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale - /Variables:Decale);
if (((Key.isDown(Key.UP) and (!Key.isDown(Key.Right))) and Key.isDown(Key.Left)) and (!Key.isDown(Key.Down))) {
Set("/Variables:Dir", "Left");
if (Key.isDown(Key.CONTROL)) {
Idle = false;
Set("/Variables:Stoppe", true);
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
gotoAndPlay ("Saute");
} else {
if (Idle == true) {
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
gotoAndStop (1);
Idle = false;
tellTarget ("_root.Meg") {
gotoAndStop ("UpLeft");
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
if (Collider.hitTest(_root.Meg._x - (Variables:Delta * 2), _root.Meg._y - (Variables:Delta * 8), true) == false) {
if (/Variables:Run == true) {
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y - (/Variables:Delta / 2)) - ((/Variables:Delta / 3) / 2));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x - Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y - (/Variables:Delta / 2)) - ((/Variables:Delta / 3) / 2));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x - Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale - /Variables:Decale);
Set("/Variables:Delta", _root.Meg._yscale / 7);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y - (/Variables:Delta / 2)) - ((/Variables:Delta / 3) / 2));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x - Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale - /Variables:Decale);
if (((Key.isDown(Key.Down) and (!Key.isDown(Key.Right))) and Key.isDown(Key.Left)) and (!Key.isDown(Key.Up))) {
Set("/Variables:Dir", "Left");
if (Key.isDown(Key.CONTROL)) {
Idle = false;
Set("/Variables:Stoppe", true);
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
gotoAndPlay ("Saute");
} else {
if (Idle == true) {
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
gotoAndStop (1);
Idle = false;
tellTarget ("_root.Meg") {
gotoAndStop ("DownLeft");
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
if (Collider.hitTest(_root.Meg._x - (Variables:Delta * 2), _root.Meg._y + (Variables:Delta * 8), true) == false) {
if (/Variables:Run == true) {
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y + /Variables:Delta) - (/Variables:Delta / 3));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x - Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y + /Variables:Delta) - (/Variables:Delta / 3));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x - Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale + /Variables:Decale);
Set("/Variables:Delta", _root.Meg._yscale / 7);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y + /Variables:Delta) - (/Variables:Delta / 3));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x - Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale + /Variables:Decale);
if (((Key.isDown(Key.Down) and Key.isDown(Key.Right)) and (!Key.isDown(Key.Left))) and (!Key.isDown(Key.Up))) {
Set("/Variables:Dir", "Right");
if (Key.isDown(Key.CONTROL)) {
Idle = false;
Set("/Variables:Stoppe", true);
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
gotoAndPlay ("Saute");
} else {
if (Idle == true) {
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
gotoAndStop (1);
Idle = false;
tellTarget ("_root.Meg") {
gotoAndStop ("DownRight");
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
if (Collider.hitTest(_root.Meg._x + (Variables:Delta * 2), _root.Meg._y + (Variables:Delta * 8), true) == false) {
if (/Variables:Run == true) {
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y + /Variables:Delta) - (/Variables:Delta / 3));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x + Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y + /Variables:Delta) - (/Variables:Delta / 3));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x + Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale + /Variables:Decale);
Set("/Variables:Delta", _root.Meg._yscale / 7);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y + /Variables:Delta) - (/Variables:Delta / 3));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x + Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale + /Variables:Decale);
if ((((Key.isDown(Key.CONTROL) and (!Key.isDown(Key.Down))) and (!Key.isDown(Key.Right))) and (!Key.isDown(Key.Left))) and (!Key.isDown(Key.Up))) {
Idle = false;
Set("/Variables:Stoppe", true);
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
gotoAndPlay ("Saute");
if (Trou.hitTest(_root.Meg._x, _root.Meg._y, true) == true) {
Set("/Variables:DeltaTombe", /Trou:Niveau);
tellTarget ("_root.Meg") {
gotoAndStop ("Tombe");
Set("/Variables:Stoppe", true);
if (/Variables:J2 == true) {
if ((/Variables:VersEntree2 == 0) and (/Variables:VersEntree3 == 0)) {
if (/Variables:Tableau ne "ZoneDeplace/GtsSteppen") {
if ((((getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:BebitteCours, _x) < (getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:Tableau, _x) + 1)) and ((getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:Tableau, _x) - 1) < getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:BebitteCours, _x))) and (getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:BebitteCours, _y) < (getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:Tableau, _y) + 1))) and ((getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:Tableau, _y) - 1) < getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:BebitteCours, _y))) {
setProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:BebitteCours, _x , getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:Tableau, _x));
setProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:BebitteCours, _y , getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:Tableau, _y));
if (getProperty("/Gts/Bebitte", _visible) == 1) {
setProperty("/Gts/Bebitte", _visible , 0);
setProperty("/Gts/Bebitte" + /Variables:Tableau, _visible , 1);
Set("/Variables:BebitteCours", "Bebitte" + /Variables:Tableau);
if (/Variables:BebitteCours eq "BebitteEntree2") {
Set("/Variables:VersEntree2", 1);
Set("/Variables:Tableau", "Entree21");
} else if (/Variables:BebitteCours eq "BebitteEntree3") {
Set("/Variables:VersEntree3", 1);
Set("/Variables:Tableau", "Entree31");
} else {
Set("/Variables:Tableau", "ZoneDeplace/GtsSteppen");
} else {
setProperty("/Gts/Bebitte", _visible , 1);
setProperty("/Gts/Bebitte" + /Variables:Tableau, _visible , 0);
Set("/Variables:BebitteCours", "Bebitte");
Set("/Variables:Tableau", /Variables:TableauTemp);
} else if ((((getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:BebitteCours, _x) < (((getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace/GtsSteppen", _x) * (getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace", _xscale) / 100)) + getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace", _x)) + 20)) and ((((getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace/GtsSteppen", _x) * (getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace", _xscale) / 100)) + getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace", _x)) - 20) < getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:BebitteCours, _x))) and (getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:BebitteCours, _y) < (((getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace/GtsSteppen", _y) * (getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace", _yscale) / 100)) + getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace", _y)) + 20))) and ((((getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace/GtsSteppen", _y) * (getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace", _yscale) / 100)) + getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace", _y)) - 20) < getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:BebitteCours, _y))) {
tellTarget ("/Animatiques") {
gotoAndStop ("MokoBouffe");
} else if (/Variables:VersEntree2 == 1) {
if (/Variables:Tableau ne "ZoneDeplace/GtsSteppen") {
if ((((getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:BebitteCours, _x) < (getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:Tableau, _x) + 1)) and ((getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:Tableau, _x) - 1) < getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:BebitteCours, _x))) and (getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:BebitteCours, _y) < (getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:Tableau, _y) + 1))) and ((getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:Tableau, _y) - 1) < getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:BebitteCours, _y))) {
setProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:BebitteCours, _x , getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:Tableau, _x));
setProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:BebitteCours, _y , getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:Tableau, _y));
if (/Variables:TableauTemp eq "Entree2") {
if (/Variables:Tableau eq "Entree21") {
Set("/Variables:Tableau", "Entree22");
Set("/Variables:Direction", 1);
} else if (/Variables:Tableau eq "Entree22") {
Set("/Variables:Tableau", "Entree23");
Set("/Variables:Direction", 1);
} else if (/Variables:Tableau eq "Entree23") {
Set("/Variables:Tableau", "Entree24");
Set("/Variables:Direction", 1);
} else if ((/Variables:Tableau eq "Entree24") and (getProperty("/Gts", _currentframe) == 3)) {
Set("/Variables:Tableau", "ZoneDeplace/GtsSteppen");
Set("/Variables:Direction", 1);
} else if (/Variables:Tableau eq "Entree2") {
Set("/Variables:VersEntree2", 0);
setProperty("/Gts/Bebitte", _visible , 1);
setProperty("/Gts/Bebitte" + /Variables:Tableau, _visible , 0);
Set("/Variables:BebitteCours", "Bebitte");
Set("/Variables:Tableau", /Variables:TableauTemp);
} else if (/Variables:Tableau eq "Entree21") {
Set("/Variables:Direction", 0);
Set("/Variables:Tableau", "Entree2");
} else if (/Variables:Tableau eq "Entree22") {
Set("/Variables:Direction", 0);
Set("/Variables:Tableau", "Entree21");
} else if (/Variables:Tableau eq "Entree23") {
Set("/Variables:Direction", 0);
Set("/Variables:Tableau", "Entree22");
} else if (/Variables:Tableau eq "Entree24") {
Set("/Variables:Direction", 0);
Set("/Variables:Tableau", "Entree23");
} else if (/Variables:Tableau eq "ZoneDeplace/GtsSteppen") {
Set("/Variables:Direction", 0);
Set("/Variables:Tableau", "Entree24");
} else if ((((getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:BebitteCours, _x) < (((getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace/GtsSteppen", _x) * (getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace", _xscale) / 100)) + getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace", _x)) + 20)) and ((((getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace/GtsSteppen", _x) * (getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace", _xscale) / 100)) + getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace", _x)) - 20) < getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:BebitteCours, _x))) and (getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:BebitteCours, _y) < (((getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace/GtsSteppen", _y) * (getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace", _yscale) / 100)) + getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace", _y)) + 20))) and ((((getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace/GtsSteppen", _y) * (getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace", _yscale) / 100)) + getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace", _y)) - 20) < getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:BebitteCours, _y))) {
tellTarget ("/Animatiques") {
gotoAndStop ("MokoBouffe");
} else if (/Variables:VersEntree3 == 1) {
if (/Variables:Tableau ne "ZoneDeplace/GtsSteppen") {
if ((((getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:BebitteCours, _x) < (getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:Tableau, _x) + 1)) and ((getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:Tableau, _x) - 1) < getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:BebitteCours, _x))) and (getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:BebitteCours, _y) < (getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:Tableau, _y) + 1))) and ((getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:Tableau, _y) - 1) < getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:BebitteCours, _y))) {
setProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:BebitteCours, _x , getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:Tableau, _x));
setProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:BebitteCours, _y , getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:Tableau, _y));
if (/Variables:TableauTemp eq "Entree3") {
if (/Variables:Tableau eq "Entree31") {
Set("/Variables:Tableau", "ZoneDeplace/GtsSteppen");
Set("/Variables:Direction3", 1);
} else if (/Variables:Tableau eq "Entree3") {
Set("/Variables:VersEntree3", 0);
setProperty("/Gts/Bebitte", _visible , 1);
setProperty("/Gts/Bebitte" + /Variables:Tableau, _visible , 0);
Set("/Variables:BebitteCours", "Bebitte");
Set("/Variables:Tableau", /Variables:TableauTemp);
} else if (/Variables:Tableau eq "Entree31") {
Set("/Variables:Direction3", 0);
Set("/Variables:Tableau", "Entree3");
} else if (/Variables:Tableau eq "ZoneDeplace/GtsSteppen") {
Set("/Variables:Direction3", 0);
Set("/Variables:Tableau", "Entree31");
} else if ((((getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:BebitteCours, _x) < (((getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace/GtsSteppen", _x) * (getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace", _xscale) / 100)) + getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace", _x)) + 20)) and ((((getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace/GtsSteppen", _x) * (getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace", _xscale) / 100)) + getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace", _x)) - 20) < getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:BebitteCours, _x))) and (getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:BebitteCours, _y) < (((getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace/GtsSteppen", _y) * (getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace", _yscale) / 100)) + getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace", _y)) + 20))) and ((((getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace/GtsSteppen", _y) * (getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace", _yscale) / 100)) + getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace", _y)) - 20) < getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:BebitteCours, _y))) {
tellTarget ("/Animatiques") {
gotoAndStop ("MokoBouffe");
if (/Variables:Tableau ne "ZoneDeplace/GtsSteppen") {
DistanceX = getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:Tableau, _x) - getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:BebitteCours, _x);
DistanceY = getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:Tableau, _y) - getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:BebitteCours, _y);
} else {
DistanceX = ((getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace/GtsSteppen", _x) * (getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace", _xscale) / 100)) + getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace", _x)) - getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:BebitteCours, _x);
DistanceY = ((getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace/GtsSteppen", _y) * (getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace", _yscale) / 100)) + getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace", _y)) - getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:BebitteCours, _y);
if (Math.abs(DistanceY) < Math.abs(DistanceX)) {
MoveX = (DistanceX / Math.abs(DistanceX)) / 2;
MoveY = (DistanceY / Math.abs(DistanceX)) / 2;
} else {
MoveY = (DistanceY / Math.abs(DistanceY)) / 2;
MoveX = (DistanceX / Math.abs(DistanceY)) / 2;
setProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:BebitteCours, _x , getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:BebitteCours, _x) + MoveX);
setProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:BebitteCours, _y , getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:BebitteCours, _y) + MoveY);
setProperty("_root.Gts.ZoneDeplace.GtsSteppen", _x , _root.Meg._x);
setProperty("_root.Gts.ZoneDeplace.GtsSteppen", _y , _root.Meg._y);
Frame 1146 (8 B)
Frame 1156 (631 B)
Set("/Variables:Delta", _root.Meg._yscale / 6);
Set("/Variables:Decale", 0.05);
Set("/Variables:EtatVide", "Tab2Stoppe");
Set("/Variables:EtatActif", "Tab2");
if (/Variables:From == "Tab1") {
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , 366);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , 150);
tellTarget ("_root.Meg") {
gotoAndStop (3);
if (/Variables:From == "Tab3") {
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , 555);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , 350);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , 35);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , 35);
tellTarget ("_root.Meg") {
gotoAndStop (4);
tellTarget ("_root.Gts") {
gotoAndStop (7);
Instance of Symbol 2337 MovieClip in Frame 1156 (29.91 KiB) ● ● ●
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
tellTarget ("_root") {
if (/Variables:Stoppe != true) {
if (/Variables:GardeEntre ne "") {
if (/Variables:GardeEntre eq "OuvrePorte") {
tellTarget ("_root.Animatiques") {
gotoAndStop ("OuvrePorte");
} else if (/Variables:GardeEntre eq "GardesSorts") {
tellTarget ("_root.Animatiques") {
gotoAndStop ("GardesSorts");
} else if (/Variables:GardeEntre eq "PorteDefonce") {
tellTarget ("_root.Animatiques") {
gotoAndStop ("PorteDefonce");
} else {
Set("/Variables:GardeEntre", "");
} else {
setProperty("_root.Gts.ZoneDeplace.GtsSteppen", _x , _root.Meg._x);
setProperty("_root.Gts.ZoneDeplace.GtsSteppen", _y , _root.Meg._y);
if (_root.CacheVersTab3.hitTest(_root.Meg._x, _root.Meg._y, true)) {
Set("/Variables:From", "Tab2");
tellTarget ("_root") {
gotoAndPlay ("Tab3Ini");
if (_root.CacheFlipBaril.hitTest(_root.Meg._x, _root.Meg._y, true)) {
setProperty("_root.Baril", _visible , 1);
} else {
setProperty("_root.Baril", _visible , 0);
if ((_root.CacheVersTab1.hitTest(_root.Meg._x, _root.Meg._y, true) and (/Variables:GardesSortis == 1)) and (/Variables:GardesPris == false)) {
Set("/Variables:From", "Descente");
tellTarget ("_root") {
gotoAndPlay ("Tab1BIni");
if (_root.CacheVersTab1.hitTest(_root.Meg._x, _root.Meg._y, true) and ((/Variables:GardesSortis != 1) or (/Variables:GardesPris == true))) {
Set("/Variables:From", "Descente");
tellTarget ("_root") {
gotoAndPlay ("Tab1Ini");
if ((_root.CacheMarteau.hitTest(_root.Meg._x, _root.Meg._y, true) and (/Variables:MarteauRamasse == false)) and Key.isDown(Key.SPACE)) {
tellTarget ("_root.Marteau") {
gotoAndStop (2);
tellTarget ("_root.Sons") {
gotoAndPlay ("SndRamasse");
loadVariablesNum ("/web/steppenwolf/tracking.jsp?episode=6&stage=5", 0);
Set("/Variables:InvNb", /Variables:InvNb + 1);
Set("/Variables:InvObjet" + /Variables:InvNb, 2);
tellTarget ("_root.Inventaire.ObjetAffiche") {
gotoAndStop (3);
Set("/Variables:MarteauRamasse", true);
if ((_root.CacheGrimpe.hitTest(_root.Meg._x, _root.Meg._y, true) and Key.isDown(Key.SPACE)) and (/Variables:BarilBougePu == true)) {
Set("/Variables:Stoppe", true);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _visible , 0);
setProperty("_root.Baril", _visible , 0);
tellTarget ("_root.BarilDerriere.MegBaril") {
gotoAndStop ("Tab2Stoppe");
if ((((_root.CacheBriseDroite.hitTest(_root.Meg._x, _root.Meg._y, true) and (/Variables:ObjetSelect == 2)) and Key.isDown(Key.SPACE)) and (/Variables:CoteBaril != "Droite")) and (/Variables:AnimBriseVu == false)) {
tellTarget ("_root.Animatiques") {
gotoAndStop ("BriseCrochet");
if (((((((_root.CacheDescentEscalier.hitTest(_root.Meg._x, _root.Meg._y, true) and (/Variables:Pierre1 == true)) and (/Variables:Pierre2a == false)) and (/Variables:Pierre2b == false)) and (/Variables:Pierre3 == true)) and (/Variables:Pierre4 == true)) and (/Variables:Pierre5 == true)) and (/Variables:Pierre6 == true)) {
tellTarget ("_root.Animatiques") {
gotoAndStop ("DescentEscalier");
if (_root.CacheMonteEscalier.hitTest(_root.Meg._x, _root.Meg._y, true)) {
tellTarget ("_root.Animatiques") {
gotoAndStop ("MonteEscalier");
if ((((_root.CacheBriseGauche.hitTest(_root.Meg._x, _root.Meg._y, true) and (/Variables:ObjetSelect == 2)) and Key.isDown(Key.SPACE)) and (/Variables:CoteBaril != "Gauche")) and (/Variables:AnimBriseVu == false)) {
tellTarget ("_root.Animatiques") {
gotoAndStop ("BriseCrochet");
if (/Variables:TuilePlaces == false) {
if (_root.CacheTuile1.hitTest(_root.Meg._x, _root.Meg._y, true)) {
if (/Variables:Tuile1 == false) {
Set("/Variables:Tuile1", true);
tellTarget ("_root.Sons") {
gotoAndPlay ("SndPileTuile");
tellTarget ("_root.Pierre1") {
} else {
Set("/Variables:Tuile1", false);
if (_root.CacheTuile2.hitTest(_root.Meg._x, _root.Meg._y, true)) {
if (/Variables:Tuile2 == false) {
Set("/Variables:Tuile2", true);
tellTarget ("_root.Sons") {
gotoAndPlay ("SndPileTuile");
tellTarget ("_root.Pierre2a") {
tellTarget ("_root.Pierre2b") {
} else {
Set("/Variables:Tuile2", false);
if (_root.CacheTuile3.hitTest(_root.Meg._x, _root.Meg._y, true)) {
if (/Variables:Tuile3 == false) {
Set("/Variables:Tuile3", true);
tellTarget ("_root.Sons") {
gotoAndPlay ("SndPileTuile");
tellTarget ("_root.Pierre3") {
} else {
Set("/Variables:Tuile3", false);
if (_root.CacheTuile4.hitTest(_root.Meg._x, _root.Meg._y, true)) {
if (/Variables:Tuile4 == false) {
Set("/Variables:Tuile4", true);
tellTarget ("_root.Sons") {
gotoAndPlay ("SndPileTuile");
tellTarget ("_root.Pierre4") {
} else {
Set("/Variables:Tuile4", false);
if (_root.CacheTuile5.hitTest(_root.Meg._x, _root.Meg._y, true)) {
if (/Variables:Tuile5 == false) {
tellTarget ("_root.Sons") {
gotoAndPlay ("SndPileTuile");
Set("/Variables:Tuile5", true);
tellTarget ("_root.Pierre5") {
} else {
Set("/Variables:Tuile5", false);
if (_root.CacheTuile6.hitTest(_root.Meg._x, _root.Meg._y, true)) {
if (/Variables:Tuile6 == false) {
Set("/Variables:Tuile6", true);
tellTarget ("_root.Sons") {
gotoAndPlay ("SndPileTuile");
tellTarget ("_root.Pierre6") {
} else {
Set("/Variables:Tuile6", false);
if (_root.CacheTuileMauvaise.hitTest(_root.Meg._x, _root.Meg._y, true) and (/Variables:CrochetBrise eq "")) {
if (/Variables:TuileMauvaise == false) {
Set("/Variables:TuileMauvaise", true);
tellTarget ("_root.Sons") {
gotoAndPlay ("SndPileTuile");
tellTarget ("_root.Baril") {
tellTarget ("_root.BarilDerriere") {
tellTarget ("_root.Ombre") {
} else {
Set("/Variables:TuileMauvaise", false);
if (Key.isDown(Key.CONTROL)) {
Set("/Variables:Tuile1", false);
Set("/Variables:Tuile2", false);
Set("/Variables:Tuile3", false);
Set("/Variables:Tuile4", false);
Set("/Variables:Tuile5", false);
Set("/Variables:Tuile6", false);
Set("/Variables:TuileMauvaise", false);
if (((((!Key.isDown(Key.Down)) and (!Key.isDown(Key.Right))) and (!Key.isDown(Key.Left))) and (!Key.isDown(Key.Up))) and (Idle == false)) {
Idle = true;
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
gotoAndPlay ("Idle");
if (Key.isDown(Key.SHIFT)) {
Set("/Variables:Run", true);
} else {
Set("/Variables:Run", false);
if ((Key.isDown(Key.RIGHT) and (!Key.isDown(Key.UP))) and (!Key.isDown(Key.DOWN))) {
if (Key.isDown(Key.CONTROL)) {
if (/Variables:Dir == "Right") {
Set("/Variables:Dir", "Right");
Idle = false;
Set("/Variables:Stoppe", true);
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
gotoAndPlay ("Saute");
} else {
Set("/Variables:Dir", "Right");
tellTarget ("_root.Meg") {
gotoAndStop ("Right");
} else {
Set("/Variables:Dir", "Right");
if (Idle == true) {
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
gotoAndStop (1);
Idle = false;
tellTarget ("_root.Meg") {
gotoAndStop ("Right");
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
if (Collider.hitTest(_root.Meg._x + (Variables:Delta * 2), _root.Meg._y, true) == false) {
if (/Variables:Run == true) {
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x + Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x + Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x + Variables:Delta);
if ((Key.isDown(Key.LEFT) and (!Key.isDown(Key.UP))) and (!Key.isDown(Key.DOWN))) {
if (Key.isDown(Key.CONTROL)) {
if (/Variables:Dir == "Left") {
Set("/Variables:Dir", "Left");
Idle = false;
Set("/Variables:Stoppe", true);
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
gotoAndPlay ("Saute");
} else {
Set("/Variables:Dir", "Left");
tellTarget ("_root.Meg") {
gotoAndStop ("Left");
} else {
Set("/Variables:Dir", "Left");
if (Idle == true) {
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
gotoAndStop (1);
Idle = false;
tellTarget ("_root.Meg") {
gotoAndStop ("Left");
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
if (Collider.hitTest(_root.Meg._x - (Variables:Delta * 2), _root.Meg._y, true) == false) {
if (/Variables:Run == true) {
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x - Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x - Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x - /Variables:Delta);
if ((Key.isDown(Key.UP) and (!Key.isDown(Key.Right))) and (!Key.isDown(Key.Left))) {
Set("/Variables:Dir", "Right");
if (Key.isDown(Key.CONTROL)) {
Idle = false;
Set("/Variables:Stoppe", true);
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
gotoAndPlay ("Saute");
} else {
if (Idle == true) {
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
gotoAndStop (1);
Idle = false;
tellTarget ("_root.Meg") {
gotoAndStop ("Up");
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
if (Collider.hitTest(_root.Meg._x, _root.Meg._y - (Variables:Delta * 2), true) == false) {
if (/Variables:Run == true) {
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y - (/Variables:Delta / 2)) - ((/Variables:Delta / 3) / 2));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y - (/Variables:Delta / 2)) - ((/Variables:Delta / 3) / 2));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale - /Variables:Decale);
Set("/Variables:Delta", _root.Meg._yscale / 7);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y - (/Variables:Delta / 2)) - ((/Variables:Delta / 3) / 2));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale - /Variables:Decale);
if ((Key.isDown(Key.DOWN) and (!Key.isDown(Key.Right))) and (!Key.isDown(Key.Left))) {
Set("/Variables:Dir", "Down");
if (Key.isDown(Key.CONTROL)) {
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
gotoAndPlay ("Saute");
Idle = false;
Set("/Variables:Stoppe", true);
} else {
if (Idle == true) {
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
gotoAndStop (1);
Idle = false;
tellTarget ("_root.Meg") {
gotoAndStop ("DOWN");
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
if (Collider.hitTest(_root.Meg._x, _root.Meg._y + (Variables:Delta * 2), true) == false) {
if (/Variables:Run == true) {
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y + /Variables:Delta) - (/Variables:Delta / 3));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y + /Variables:Delta) - (/Variables:Delta / 3));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale + /Variables:Decale);
Set("/Variables:Delta", _root.Meg._yscale / 7);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y + /Variables:Delta) - (/Variables:Delta / 3));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale + /Variables:Decale);
if (((Key.isDown(Key.UP) and Key.isDown(Key.Right)) and (!Key.isDown(Key.Left))) and (!Key.isDown(Key.Down))) {
Set("/Variables:Dir", "Right");
if (Key.isDown(Key.CONTROL)) {
Idle = false;
Set("/Variables:Stoppe", true);
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
gotoAndPlay ("Saute");
} else {
if (Idle == true) {
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
gotoAndStop (1);
Idle = false;
tellTarget ("_root.Meg") {
gotoAndStop ("UpRight");
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
if (Collider.hitTest(_root.Meg._x + (Variables:Delta * 2), _root.Meg._y - (Variables:Delta * 2), true) == false) {
if (/Variables:Run == true) {
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y - (/Variables:Delta / 2)) - ((/Variables:Delta / 3) / 2));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x + Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y - (/Variables:Delta / 2)) - ((/Variables:Delta / 3) / 2));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x + Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale - /Variables:Decale);
Set("/Variables:Delta", _root.Meg._yscale / 7);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y - (/Variables:Delta / 2)) - ((/Variables:Delta / 3) / 2));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x + Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale - /Variables:Decale);
if (((Key.isDown(Key.UP) and (!Key.isDown(Key.Right))) and Key.isDown(Key.Left)) and (!Key.isDown(Key.Down))) {
Set("/Variables:Dir", "Left");
if (Key.isDown(Key.CONTROL)) {
Idle = false;
Set("/Variables:Stoppe", true);
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
gotoAndPlay ("Saute");
} else {
if (Idle == true) {
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
gotoAndStop (1);
Idle = false;
tellTarget ("_root.Meg") {
gotoAndStop ("UpLeft");
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
if (Collider.hitTest(_root.Meg._x - (Variables:Delta * 2), _root.Meg._y - (Variables:Delta * 2), true) == false) {
if (/Variables:Run == true) {
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y - (/Variables:Delta / 2)) - ((/Variables:Delta / 3) / 2));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x - Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y - (/Variables:Delta / 2)) - ((/Variables:Delta / 3) / 2));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x - Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale - /Variables:Decale);
Set("/Variables:Delta", _root.Meg._yscale / 7);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y - (/Variables:Delta / 2)) - ((/Variables:Delta / 3) / 2));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x - Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale - /Variables:Decale);
if (((Key.isDown(Key.Down) and (!Key.isDown(Key.Right))) and Key.isDown(Key.Left)) and (!Key.isDown(Key.Up))) {
Set("/Variables:Dir", "Left");
if (Key.isDown(Key.CONTROL)) {
Idle = false;
Set("/Variables:Stoppe", true);
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
gotoAndPlay ("Saute");
} else {
if (Idle == true) {
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
gotoAndStop (1);
Idle = false;
tellTarget ("_root.Meg") {
gotoAndStop ("DownLeft");
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
if (Collider.hitTest(_root.Meg._x - (Variables:Delta * 2), _root.Meg._y + (Variables:Delta * 2), true) == false) {
if (/Variables:Run == true) {
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y + /Variables:Delta) - (/Variables:Delta / 3));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x - Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y + /Variables:Delta) - (/Variables:Delta / 3));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x - Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale + /Variables:Decale);
Set("/Variables:Delta", _root.Meg._yscale / 7);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y + /Variables:Delta) - (/Variables:Delta / 3));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x - Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale + /Variables:Decale);
if (((Key.isDown(Key.Down) and Key.isDown(Key.Right)) and (!Key.isDown(Key.Left))) and (!Key.isDown(Key.Up))) {
Set("/Variables:Dir", "Right");
if (Key.isDown(Key.CONTROL)) {
Idle = false;
Set("/Variables:Stoppe", true);
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
gotoAndPlay ("Saute");
} else {
if (Idle == true) {
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
gotoAndStop (1);
Idle = false;
tellTarget ("_root.Meg") {
gotoAndStop ("DownRight");
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
if (Collider.hitTest(_root.Meg._x + (Variables:Delta * 2), _root.Meg._y + (Variables:Delta * 2), true) == false) {
if (/Variables:Run == true) {
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y + /Variables:Delta) - (/Variables:Delta / 3));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x + Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y + /Variables:Delta) - (/Variables:Delta / 3));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x + Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale + /Variables:Decale);
Set("/Variables:Delta", _root.Meg._yscale / 7);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y + /Variables:Delta) - (/Variables:Delta / 3));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x + Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale + /Variables:Decale);
if ((((Key.isDown(Key.CONTROL) and (!Key.isDown(Key.Down))) and (!Key.isDown(Key.Right))) and (!Key.isDown(Key.Left))) and (!Key.isDown(Key.Up))) {
Idle = false;
Set("/Variables:Stoppe", true);
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
gotoAndPlay ("Saute");
if (Trou.hitTest(_root.Meg._x, _root.Meg._y, true) == true) {
Set("/Variables:DeltaTombe", /Trou:Niveau);
tellTarget ("_root.Meg") {
gotoAndStop ("Tombe");
Set("/Variables:Stoppe", true);
if (/Variables:J2 == true) {
if ((/Variables:VersEntree2 == 0) and (/Variables:VersEntree3 == 0)) {
if (/Variables:Tableau ne "ZoneDeplace/GtsSteppen") {
if ((((getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:BebitteCours, _x) < (getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:Tableau, _x) + 1)) and ((getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:Tableau, _x) - 1) < getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:BebitteCours, _x))) and (getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:BebitteCours, _y) < (getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:Tableau, _y) + 1))) and ((getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:Tableau, _y) - 1) < getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:BebitteCours, _y))) {
setProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:BebitteCours, _x , getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:Tableau, _x));
setProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:BebitteCours, _y , getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:Tableau, _y));
if (getProperty("/Gts/Bebitte", _visible) == 1) {
setProperty("/Gts/Bebitte", _visible , 0);
setProperty("/Gts/Bebitte" + /Variables:Tableau, _visible , 1);
Set("/Variables:BebitteCours", "Bebitte" + /Variables:Tableau);
if (/Variables:BebitteCours eq "BebitteEntree2") {
Set("/Variables:VersEntree2", 1);
Set("/Variables:Tableau", "Entree21");
} else if (/Variables:BebitteCours eq "BebitteEntree3") {
Set("/Variables:VersEntree3", 1);
Set("/Variables:Tableau", "Entree31");
} else {
Set("/Variables:Tableau", "ZoneDeplace/GtsSteppen");
} else {
setProperty("/Gts/Bebitte", _visible , 1);
setProperty("/Gts/Bebitte" + /Variables:Tableau, _visible , 0);
Set("/Variables:BebitteCours", "Bebitte");
Set("/Variables:Tableau", /Variables:TableauTemp);
} else if ((((getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:BebitteCours, _x) < (((getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace/GtsSteppen", _x) * (getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace", _xscale) / 100)) + getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace", _x)) + 20)) and ((((getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace/GtsSteppen", _x) * (getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace", _xscale) / 100)) + getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace", _x)) - 20) < getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:BebitteCours, _x))) and (getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:BebitteCours, _y) < (((getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace/GtsSteppen", _y) * (getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace", _yscale) / 100)) + getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace", _y)) + 20))) and ((((getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace/GtsSteppen", _y) * (getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace", _yscale) / 100)) + getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace", _y)) - 20) < getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:BebitteCours, _y))) {
tellTarget ("/Animatiques") {
gotoAndStop ("MokoBouffe");
} else if (/Variables:VersEntree2 == 1) {
if (/Variables:Tableau ne "ZoneDeplace/GtsSteppen") {
if ((((getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:BebitteCours, _x) < (getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:Tableau, _x) + 1)) and ((getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:Tableau, _x) - 1) < getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:BebitteCours, _x))) and (getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:BebitteCours, _y) < (getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:Tableau, _y) + 1))) and ((getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:Tableau, _y) - 1) < getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:BebitteCours, _y))) {
setProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:BebitteCours, _x , getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:Tableau, _x));
setProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:BebitteCours, _y , getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:Tableau, _y));
if (/Variables:TableauTemp eq "Entree2") {
if (/Variables:Tableau eq "Entree21") {
Set("/Variables:Tableau", "Entree22");
Set("/Variables:Direction", 1);
} else if (/Variables:Tableau eq "Entree22") {
Set("/Variables:Tableau", "Entree23");
Set("/Variables:Direction", 1);
} else if (/Variables:Tableau eq "Entree23") {
Set("/Variables:Tableau", "Entree24");
Set("/Variables:Direction", 1);
} else if ((/Variables:Tableau eq "Entree24") and (getProperty("/Gts", _currentframe) == 3)) {
Set("/Variables:Tableau", "ZoneDeplace/GtsSteppen");
Set("/Variables:Direction", 1);
} else if (/Variables:Tableau eq "Entree2") {
Set("/Variables:VersEntree2", 0);
setProperty("/Gts/Bebitte", _visible , 1);
setProperty("/Gts/Bebitte" + /Variables:Tableau, _visible , 0);
Set("/Variables:BebitteCours", "Bebitte");
Set("/Variables:Tableau", /Variables:TableauTemp);
} else if (/Variables:Tableau eq "Entree21") {
Set("/Variables:Direction", 0);
Set("/Variables:Tableau", "Entree2");
} else if (/Variables:Tableau eq "Entree22") {
Set("/Variables:Direction", 0);
Set("/Variables:Tableau", "Entree21");
} else if (/Variables:Tableau eq "Entree23") {
Set("/Variables:Direction", 0);
Set("/Variables:Tableau", "Entree22");
} else if (/Variables:Tableau eq "Entree24") {
Set("/Variables:Direction", 0);
Set("/Variables:Tableau", "Entree23");
} else if (/Variables:Tableau eq "ZoneDeplace/GtsSteppen") {
Set("/Variables:Direction", 0);
Set("/Variables:Tableau", "Entree24");
} else if ((((getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:BebitteCours, _x) < (((getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace/GtsSteppen", _x) * (getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace", _xscale) / 100)) + getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace", _x)) + 20)) and ((((getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace/GtsSteppen", _x) * (getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace", _xscale) / 100)) + getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace", _x)) - 20) < getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:BebitteCours, _x))) and (getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:BebitteCours, _y) < (((getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace/GtsSteppen", _y) * (getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace", _yscale) / 100)) + getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace", _y)) + 20))) and ((((getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace/GtsSteppen", _y) * (getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace", _yscale) / 100)) + getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace", _y)) - 20) < getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:BebitteCours, _y))) {
tellTarget ("/Animatiques") {
gotoAndStop ("MokoBouffe");
} else if (/Variables:VersEntree3 == 1) {
if (/Variables:Tableau ne "ZoneDeplace/GtsSteppen") {
if ((((getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:BebitteCours, _x) < (getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:Tableau, _x) + 1)) and ((getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:Tableau, _x) - 1) < getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:BebitteCours, _x))) and (getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:BebitteCours, _y) < (getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:Tableau, _y) + 1))) and ((getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:Tableau, _y) - 1) < getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:BebitteCours, _y))) {
setProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:BebitteCours, _x , getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:Tableau, _x));
setProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:BebitteCours, _y , getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:Tableau, _y));
if (/Variables:TableauTemp eq "Entree3") {
if (/Variables:Tableau eq "Entree31") {
Set("/Variables:Tableau", "ZoneDeplace/GtsSteppen");
Set("/Variables:Direction3", 1);
} else if (/Variables:Tableau eq "Entree3") {
Set("/Variables:VersEntree3", 0);
setProperty("/Gts/Bebitte", _visible , 1);
setProperty("/Gts/Bebitte" + /Variables:Tableau, _visible , 0);
Set("/Variables:BebitteCours", "Bebitte");
Set("/Variables:Tableau", /Variables:TableauTemp);
} else if (/Variables:Tableau eq "Entree31") {
Set("/Variables:Direction3", 0);
Set("/Variables:Tableau", "Entree3");
} else if (/Variables:Tableau eq "ZoneDeplace/GtsSteppen") {
Set("/Variables:Direction3", 0);
Set("/Variables:Tableau", "Entree31");
} else if ((((getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:BebitteCours, _x) < (((getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace/GtsSteppen", _x) * (getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace", _xscale) / 100)) + getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace", _x)) + 20)) and ((((getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace/GtsSteppen", _x) * (getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace", _xscale) / 100)) + getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace", _x)) - 20) < getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:BebitteCours, _x))) and (getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:BebitteCours, _y) < (((getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace/GtsSteppen", _y) * (getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace", _yscale) / 100)) + getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace", _y)) + 20))) and ((((getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace/GtsSteppen", _y) * (getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace", _yscale) / 100)) + getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace", _y)) - 20) < getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:BebitteCours, _y))) {
tellTarget ("/Animatiques") {
gotoAndStop ("MokoBouffe");
if (/Variables:Tableau ne "ZoneDeplace/GtsSteppen") {
DistanceX = getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:Tableau, _x) - getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:BebitteCours, _x);
DistanceY = getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:Tableau, _y) - getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:BebitteCours, _y);
} else {
DistanceX = ((getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace/GtsSteppen", _x) * (getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace", _xscale) / 100)) + getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace", _x)) - getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:BebitteCours, _x);
DistanceY = ((getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace/GtsSteppen", _y) * (getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace", _yscale) / 100)) + getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace", _y)) - getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:BebitteCours, _y);
if (Math.abs(DistanceY) < Math.abs(DistanceX)) {
MoveX = (DistanceX / Math.abs(DistanceX)) / 2;
MoveY = (DistanceY / Math.abs(DistanceX)) / 2;
} else {
MoveY = (DistanceY / Math.abs(DistanceY)) / 2;
MoveX = (DistanceX / Math.abs(DistanceY)) / 2;
setProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:BebitteCours, _x , getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:BebitteCours, _x) + MoveX);
setProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:BebitteCours, _y , getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:BebitteCours, _y) + MoveY);
setProperty("_root.Gts.ZoneDeplace.GtsSteppen", _x , _root.Meg._x);
setProperty("_root.Gts.ZoneDeplace.GtsSteppen", _y , _root.Meg._y);
Frame 1157 (8 B)
Frame 1167 (631 B)
Set("/Variables:Delta", _root.Meg._yscale / 6);
Set("/Variables:Decale", 0.25);
Set("/Variables:EtatVide", "Tab3Stoppe");
Set("/Variables:EtatActif", "Tab3");
if (/Variables:From == "Tab6") {
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , 308);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , 196);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , 26);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , 26);
tellTarget ("_root.Meg") {
gotoAndStop (2);
if (/Variables:From == "Tab2") {
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , 110);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , 368);
tellTarget ("_root.Meg") {
gotoAndStop (8);
tellTarget ("_root.Gts") {
gotoAndStop (9);
Instance of Symbol 2376 MovieClip in Frame 1167 (26.25 KiB) ● ● ●
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
tellTarget ("_root") {
if (/Variables:Stoppe != true) {
if (/Variables:GardeEntre ne "") {
if (/Variables:GardeEntre eq "OuvrePorte") {
tellTarget ("_root.Animatiques") {
gotoAndStop ("OuvrePorte");
} else if (/Variables:GardeEntre eq "GardesSorts") {
tellTarget ("_root.Animatiques") {
gotoAndStop ("GardesSorts");
} else if (/Variables:GardeEntre eq "PorteDefonce") {
tellTarget ("_root.Animatiques") {
gotoAndStop ("PorteDefonce");
} else {
Set("/Variables:GardeEntre", "");
} else {
setProperty("_root.Gts.ZoneDeplace.GtsSteppen", _x , _root.Meg._x);
setProperty("_root.Gts.ZoneDeplace.GtsSteppen", _y , _root.Meg._y);
if (_root.CacheVersTab2.hitTest(_root.Meg._x, _root.Meg._y, true) or _root.CacheVersTab2b.hitTest(_root.Meg._x, _root.Meg._y, true)) {
Set("/Variables:From", "Tab3");
tellTarget ("_root") {
gotoAndPlay ("Tab2Ini");
if (_root.CacheVersTab6.hitTest(_root.Meg._x, _root.Meg._y, true)) {
Set("/Variables:From", "Tab3");
tellTarget ("_root") {
gotoAndPlay ("Tab6Ini");
if (((_root.CacheMedecine.hitTest(_root.Meg._x, _root.Meg._y, true) and Key.isDown(Key.SPACE)) and (/Variables:MedecineRamasse == false)) and (/Variables:BoudhaOuvert == false)) {
tellTarget ("_root.Animatiques") {
gotoAndStop ("Medecine");
if ((_root.CacheMoulin1.hitTest(_root.Meg._x, _root.Meg._y, true) and Key.isDown(Key.SPACE)) and (/Variables:BoudhaOuvert == false)) {
Set("/Variables:MoulinActif", "Moulin1");
setProperty("_root.Animatiques", _xscale , getProperty("_root.Animatiques", _xscale) - (2 * getProperty("_root.Animatiques", _xscale)));
tellTarget ("_root.Animatiques") {
gotoAndStop ("Moulin");
if ((_root.CacheMoulin2.hitTest(_root.Meg._x, _root.Meg._y, true) and Key.isDown(Key.SPACE)) and (/Variables:BoudhaOuvert == false)) {
Set("/Variables:MoulinActif", "Moulin2");
tellTarget ("_root.Animatiques") {
gotoAndStop ("Moulin");
if ((_root.CacheMoulin3.hitTest(_root.Meg._x, _root.Meg._y, true) and Key.isDown(Key.SPACE)) and (/Variables:BoudhaOuvert == false)) {
Set("/Variables:MoulinActif", "Moulin3");
tellTarget ("_root.Animatiques") {
gotoAndStop ("Moulin");
if ((_root.CacheMoulin4.hitTest(_root.Meg._x, _root.Meg._y, true) and Key.isDown(Key.SPACE)) and (/Variables:BoudhaOuvert == false)) {
setProperty("_root.Animatiques", _xscale , getProperty("_root.Animatiques", _xscale) - (2 * getProperty("_root.Animatiques", _xscale)));
Set("/Variables:MoulinActif", "Moulin4");
tellTarget ("_root.Animatiques") {
gotoAndStop ("Moulin");
if (getProperty("_root.Moulin1Derriere", _y) < getProperty("_root.Meg", _y)) {
setProperty("_root.Moulin1Devant", _visible , 0);
} else {
setProperty("_root.Moulin1Devant", _visible , 1);
if (getProperty("_root.Moulin2Derriere", _y) < getProperty("_root.Meg", _y)) {
setProperty("_root.Moulin2Devant", _visible , 0);
} else {
setProperty("_root.Moulin2Devant", _visible , 1);
if (((((!Key.isDown(Key.Down)) and (!Key.isDown(Key.Right))) and (!Key.isDown(Key.Left))) and (!Key.isDown(Key.Up))) and (Idle == false)) {
Idle = true;
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
gotoAndPlay ("Idle");
if (Key.isDown(Key.SHIFT)) {
Set("/Variables:Run", true);
} else {
Set("/Variables:Run", false);
if ((Key.isDown(Key.RIGHT) and (!Key.isDown(Key.UP))) and (!Key.isDown(Key.DOWN))) {
if (Key.isDown(Key.CONTROL)) {
if (/Variables:Dir == "Right") {
Set("/Variables:Dir", "Right");
Idle = false;
Set("/Variables:Stoppe", true);
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
gotoAndPlay ("Saute");
} else {
Set("/Variables:Dir", "Right");
tellTarget ("_root.Meg") {
gotoAndStop ("Right");
} else {
Set("/Variables:Dir", "Right");
if (Idle == true) {
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
gotoAndStop (1);
Idle = false;
tellTarget ("_root.Meg") {
gotoAndStop ("Right");
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
if (Collider.hitTest(_root.Meg._x + (Variables:Delta * 2), _root.Meg._y, true) == false) {
if (/Variables:Run == true) {
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x + Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x + Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x + Variables:Delta);
if ((Key.isDown(Key.LEFT) and (!Key.isDown(Key.UP))) and (!Key.isDown(Key.DOWN))) {
if (Key.isDown(Key.CONTROL)) {
if (/Variables:Dir == "Left") {
Set("/Variables:Dir", "Left");
Idle = false;
Set("/Variables:Stoppe", true);
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
gotoAndPlay ("Saute");
} else {
Set("/Variables:Dir", "Left");
tellTarget ("_root.Meg") {
gotoAndStop ("Left");
} else {
Set("/Variables:Dir", "Left");
if (Idle == true) {
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
gotoAndStop (1);
Idle = false;
tellTarget ("_root.Meg") {
gotoAndStop ("Left");
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
if (Collider.hitTest(_root.Meg._x - (Variables:Delta * 2), _root.Meg._y, true) == false) {
if (/Variables:Run == true) {
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x - Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x - Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x - /Variables:Delta);
if ((Key.isDown(Key.UP) and (!Key.isDown(Key.Right))) and (!Key.isDown(Key.Left))) {
Set("/Variables:Dir", "Right");
if (Key.isDown(Key.CONTROL)) {
Idle = false;
Set("/Variables:Stoppe", true);
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
gotoAndPlay ("Saute");
} else {
if (Idle == true) {
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
gotoAndStop (1);
Idle = false;
tellTarget ("_root.Meg") {
gotoAndStop ("Up");
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
if (Collider.hitTest(_root.Meg._x, _root.Meg._y - (Variables:Delta * 2), true) == false) {
if (/Variables:Run == true) {
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y - (/Variables:Delta / 2)) - ((/Variables:Delta / 3) / 2));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y - (/Variables:Delta / 2)) - ((/Variables:Delta / 3) / 2));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale - /Variables:Decale);
Set("/Variables:Delta", _root.Meg._yscale / 7);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y - (/Variables:Delta / 2)) - ((/Variables:Delta / 3) / 2));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale - /Variables:Decale);
if ((Key.isDown(Key.DOWN) and (!Key.isDown(Key.Right))) and (!Key.isDown(Key.Left))) {
Set("/Variables:Dir", "Down");
if (Key.isDown(Key.CONTROL)) {
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
gotoAndPlay ("Saute");
Idle = false;
Set("/Variables:Stoppe", true);
} else {
if (Idle == true) {
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
gotoAndStop (1);
Idle = false;
tellTarget ("_root.Meg") {
gotoAndStop ("DOWN");
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
if (Collider.hitTest(_root.Meg._x, _root.Meg._y + (Variables:Delta * 2), true) == false) {
if (/Variables:Run == true) {
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y + /Variables:Delta) - (/Variables:Delta / 3));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y + /Variables:Delta) - (/Variables:Delta / 3));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale + /Variables:Decale);
Set("/Variables:Delta", _root.Meg._yscale / 7);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y + /Variables:Delta) - (/Variables:Delta / 3));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale + /Variables:Decale);
if (((Key.isDown(Key.UP) and Key.isDown(Key.Right)) and (!Key.isDown(Key.Left))) and (!Key.isDown(Key.Down))) {
Set("/Variables:Dir", "Right");
if (Key.isDown(Key.CONTROL)) {
Idle = false;
Set("/Variables:Stoppe", true);
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
gotoAndPlay ("Saute");
} else {
if (Idle == true) {
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
gotoAndStop (1);
Idle = false;
tellTarget ("_root.Meg") {
gotoAndStop ("UpRight");
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
if (Collider.hitTest(_root.Meg._x + (Variables:Delta * 2), _root.Meg._y - (Variables:Delta * 8), true) == false) {
if (/Variables:Run == true) {
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y - (/Variables:Delta / 2)) - ((/Variables:Delta / 3) / 2));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x + Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y - (/Variables:Delta / 2)) - ((/Variables:Delta / 3) / 2));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x + Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale - /Variables:Decale);
Set("/Variables:Delta", _root.Meg._yscale / 7);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y - (/Variables:Delta / 2)) - ((/Variables:Delta / 3) / 2));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x + Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale - /Variables:Decale);
if (((Key.isDown(Key.UP) and (!Key.isDown(Key.Right))) and Key.isDown(Key.Left)) and (!Key.isDown(Key.Down))) {
Set("/Variables:Dir", "Left");
if (Key.isDown(Key.CONTROL)) {
Idle = false;
Set("/Variables:Stoppe", true);
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
gotoAndPlay ("Saute");
} else {
if (Idle == true) {
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
gotoAndStop (1);
Idle = false;
tellTarget ("_root.Meg") {
gotoAndStop ("UpLeft");
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
if (Collider.hitTest(_root.Meg._x - (Variables:Delta * 2), _root.Meg._y - (Variables:Delta * 8), true) == false) {
if (/Variables:Run == true) {
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y - (/Variables:Delta / 2)) - ((/Variables:Delta / 3) / 2));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x - Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y - (/Variables:Delta / 2)) - ((/Variables:Delta / 3) / 2));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x - Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale - /Variables:Decale);
Set("/Variables:Delta", _root.Meg._yscale / 7);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y - (/Variables:Delta / 2)) - ((/Variables:Delta / 3) / 2));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x - Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale - /Variables:Decale);
if (((Key.isDown(Key.Down) and (!Key.isDown(Key.Right))) and Key.isDown(Key.Left)) and (!Key.isDown(Key.Up))) {
Set("/Variables:Dir", "Left");
if (Key.isDown(Key.CONTROL)) {
Idle = false;
Set("/Variables:Stoppe", true);
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
gotoAndPlay ("Saute");
} else {
if (Idle == true) {
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
gotoAndStop (1);
Idle = false;
tellTarget ("_root.Meg") {
gotoAndStop ("DownLeft");
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
if (Collider.hitTest(_root.Meg._x - (Variables:Delta * 2), _root.Meg._y + (Variables:Delta * 8), true) == false) {
if (/Variables:Run == true) {
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y + /Variables:Delta) - (/Variables:Delta / 3));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x - Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y + /Variables:Delta) - (/Variables:Delta / 3));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x - Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale + /Variables:Decale);
Set("/Variables:Delta", _root.Meg._yscale / 7);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y + /Variables:Delta) - (/Variables:Delta / 3));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x - Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale + /Variables:Decale);
if (((Key.isDown(Key.Down) and Key.isDown(Key.Right)) and (!Key.isDown(Key.Left))) and (!Key.isDown(Key.Up))) {
Set("/Variables:Dir", "Right");
if (Key.isDown(Key.CONTROL)) {
Idle = false;
Set("/Variables:Stoppe", true);
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
gotoAndPlay ("Saute");
} else {
if (Idle == true) {
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
gotoAndStop (1);
Idle = false;
tellTarget ("_root.Meg") {
gotoAndStop ("DownRight");
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
if (Collider.hitTest(_root.Meg._x + (Variables:Delta * 2), _root.Meg._y + (Variables:Delta * 8), true) == false) {
if (/Variables:Run == true) {
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y + /Variables:Delta) - (/Variables:Delta / 3));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x + Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y + /Variables:Delta) - (/Variables:Delta / 3));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x + Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale + /Variables:Decale);
Set("/Variables:Delta", _root.Meg._yscale / 7);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y + /Variables:Delta) - (/Variables:Delta / 3));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x + Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale + /Variables:Decale);
if ((((Key.isDown(Key.CONTROL) and (!Key.isDown(Key.Down))) and (!Key.isDown(Key.Right))) and (!Key.isDown(Key.Left))) and (!Key.isDown(Key.Up))) {
Idle = false;
Set("/Variables:Stoppe", true);
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
gotoAndPlay ("Saute");
if (Trou.hitTest(_root.Meg._x, _root.Meg._y, true) == true) {
Set("/Variables:DeltaTombe", /Trou:Niveau);
tellTarget ("_root.Meg") {
gotoAndStop ("Tombe");
Set("/Variables:Stoppe", true);
if (/Variables:J2 == true) {
if ((/Variables:VersEntree2 == 0) and (/Variables:VersEntree3 == 0)) {
if (/Variables:Tableau ne "ZoneDeplace/GtsSteppen") {
if ((((getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:BebitteCours, _x) < (getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:Tableau, _x) + 1)) and ((getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:Tableau, _x) - 1) < getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:BebitteCours, _x))) and (getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:BebitteCours, _y) < (getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:Tableau, _y) + 1))) and ((getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:Tableau, _y) - 1) < getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:BebitteCours, _y))) {
setProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:BebitteCours, _x , getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:Tableau, _x));
setProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:BebitteCours, _y , getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:Tableau, _y));
if (getProperty("/Gts/Bebitte", _visible) == 1) {
setProperty("/Gts/Bebitte", _visible , 0);
setProperty("/Gts/Bebitte" + /Variables:Tableau, _visible , 1);
Set("/Variables:BebitteCours", "Bebitte" + /Variables:Tableau);
if (/Variables:BebitteCours eq "BebitteEntree2") {
Set("/Variables:VersEntree2", 1);
Set("/Variables:Tableau", "Entree21");
} else if (/Variables:BebitteCours eq "BebitteEntree3") {
Set("/Variables:VersEntree3", 1);
Set("/Variables:Tableau", "Entree31");
} else {
Set("/Variables:Tableau", "ZoneDeplace/GtsSteppen");
} else {
setProperty("/Gts/Bebitte", _visible , 1);
setProperty("/Gts/Bebitte" + /Variables:Tableau, _visible , 0);
Set("/Variables:BebitteCours", "Bebitte");
Set("/Variables:Tableau", /Variables:TableauTemp);
} else if ((((getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:BebitteCours, _x) < (((getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace/GtsSteppen", _x) * (getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace", _xscale) / 100)) + getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace", _x)) + 20)) and ((((getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace/GtsSteppen", _x) * (getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace", _xscale) / 100)) + getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace", _x)) - 20) < getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:BebitteCours, _x))) and (getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:BebitteCours, _y) < (((getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace/GtsSteppen", _y) * (getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace", _yscale) / 100)) + getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace", _y)) + 20))) and ((((getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace/GtsSteppen", _y) * (getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace", _yscale) / 100)) + getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace", _y)) - 20) < getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:BebitteCours, _y))) {
tellTarget ("/Animatiques") {
gotoAndStop ("MokoBouffe");
} else if (/Variables:VersEntree2 == 1) {
if (/Variables:Tableau ne "ZoneDeplace/GtsSteppen") {
if ((((getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:BebitteCours, _x) < (getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:Tableau, _x) + 1)) and ((getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:Tableau, _x) - 1) < getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:BebitteCours, _x))) and (getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:BebitteCours, _y) < (getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:Tableau, _y) + 1))) and ((getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:Tableau, _y) - 1) < getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:BebitteCours, _y))) {
setProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:BebitteCours, _x , getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:Tableau, _x));
setProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:BebitteCours, _y , getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:Tableau, _y));
if (/Variables:TableauTemp eq "Entree2") {
if (/Variables:Tableau eq "Entree21") {
Set("/Variables:Tableau", "Entree22");
Set("/Variables:Direction", 1);
} else if (/Variables:Tableau eq "Entree22") {
Set("/Variables:Tableau", "Entree23");
Set("/Variables:Direction", 1);
} else if (/Variables:Tableau eq "Entree23") {
Set("/Variables:Tableau", "Entree24");
Set("/Variables:Direction", 1);
} else if ((/Variables:Tableau eq "Entree24") and (getProperty("/Gts", _currentframe) == 3)) {
Set("/Variables:Tableau", "ZoneDeplace/GtsSteppen");
Set("/Variables:Direction", 1);
} else if (/Variables:Tableau eq "Entree2") {
Set("/Variables:VersEntree2", 0);
setProperty("/Gts/Bebitte", _visible , 1);
setProperty("/Gts/Bebitte" + /Variables:Tableau, _visible , 0);
Set("/Variables:BebitteCours", "Bebitte");
Set("/Variables:Tableau", /Variables:TableauTemp);
} else if (/Variables:Tableau eq "Entree21") {
Set("/Variables:Direction", 0);
Set("/Variables:Tableau", "Entree2");
} else if (/Variables:Tableau eq "Entree22") {
Set("/Variables:Direction", 0);
Set("/Variables:Tableau", "Entree21");
} else if (/Variables:Tableau eq "Entree23") {
Set("/Variables:Direction", 0);
Set("/Variables:Tableau", "Entree22");
} else if (/Variables:Tableau eq "Entree24") {
Set("/Variables:Direction", 0);
Set("/Variables:Tableau", "Entree23");
} else if (/Variables:Tableau eq "ZoneDeplace/GtsSteppen") {
Set("/Variables:Direction", 0);
Set("/Variables:Tableau", "Entree24");
} else if ((((getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:BebitteCours, _x) < (((getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace/GtsSteppen", _x) * (getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace", _xscale) / 100)) + getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace", _x)) + 20)) and ((((getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace/GtsSteppen", _x) * (getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace", _xscale) / 100)) + getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace", _x)) - 20) < getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:BebitteCours, _x))) and (getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:BebitteCours, _y) < (((getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace/GtsSteppen", _y) * (getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace", _yscale) / 100)) + getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace", _y)) + 20))) and ((((getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace/GtsSteppen", _y) * (getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace", _yscale) / 100)) + getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace", _y)) - 20) < getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:BebitteCours, _y))) {
tellTarget ("/Animatiques") {
gotoAndStop ("MokoBouffe");
} else if (/Variables:VersEntree3 == 1) {
if (/Variables:Tableau ne "ZoneDeplace/GtsSteppen") {
if ((((getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:BebitteCours, _x) < (getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:Tableau, _x) + 1)) and ((getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:Tableau, _x) - 1) < getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:BebitteCours, _x))) and (getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:BebitteCours, _y) < (getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:Tableau, _y) + 1))) and ((getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:Tableau, _y) - 1) < getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:BebitteCours, _y))) {
setProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:BebitteCours, _x , getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:Tableau, _x));
setProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:BebitteCours, _y , getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:Tableau, _y));
if (/Variables:TableauTemp eq "Entree3") {
if (/Variables:Tableau eq "Entree31") {
Set("/Variables:Tableau", "ZoneDeplace/GtsSteppen");
Set("/Variables:Direction3", 1);
} else if (/Variables:Tableau eq "Entree3") {
Set("/Variables:VersEntree3", 0);
setProperty("/Gts/Bebitte", _visible , 1);
setProperty("/Gts/Bebitte" + /Variables:Tableau, _visible , 0);
Set("/Variables:BebitteCours", "Bebitte");
Set("/Variables:Tableau", /Variables:TableauTemp);
} else if (/Variables:Tableau eq "Entree31") {
Set("/Variables:Direction3", 0);
Set("/Variables:Tableau", "Entree3");
} else if (/Variables:Tableau eq "ZoneDeplace/GtsSteppen") {
Set("/Variables:Direction3", 0);
Set("/Variables:Tableau", "Entree31");
} else if ((((getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:BebitteCours, _x) < (((getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace/GtsSteppen", _x) * (getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace", _xscale) / 100)) + getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace", _x)) + 20)) and ((((getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace/GtsSteppen", _x) * (getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace", _xscale) / 100)) + getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace", _x)) - 20) < getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:BebitteCours, _x))) and (getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:BebitteCours, _y) < (((getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace/GtsSteppen", _y) * (getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace", _yscale) / 100)) + getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace", _y)) + 20))) and ((((getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace/GtsSteppen", _y) * (getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace", _yscale) / 100)) + getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace", _y)) - 20) < getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:BebitteCours, _y))) {
tellTarget ("/Animatiques") {
gotoAndStop ("MokoBouffe");
if (/Variables:Tableau ne "ZoneDeplace/GtsSteppen") {
DistanceX = getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:Tableau, _x) - getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:BebitteCours, _x);
DistanceY = getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:Tableau, _y) - getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:BebitteCours, _y);
} else {
DistanceX = ((getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace/GtsSteppen", _x) * (getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace", _xscale) / 100)) + getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace", _x)) - getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:BebitteCours, _x);
DistanceY = ((getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace/GtsSteppen", _y) * (getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace", _yscale) / 100)) + getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace", _y)) - getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:BebitteCours, _y);
if (Math.abs(DistanceY) < Math.abs(DistanceX)) {
MoveX = (DistanceX / Math.abs(DistanceX)) / 2;
MoveY = (DistanceY / Math.abs(DistanceX)) / 2;
} else {
MoveY = (DistanceY / Math.abs(DistanceY)) / 2;
MoveX = (DistanceX / Math.abs(DistanceY)) / 2;
setProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:BebitteCours, _x , getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:BebitteCours, _x) + MoveX);
setProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:BebitteCours, _y , getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:BebitteCours, _y) + MoveY);
setProperty("_root.Gts.ZoneDeplace.GtsSteppen", _x , _root.Meg._x);
setProperty("_root.Gts.ZoneDeplace.GtsSteppen", _y , _root.Meg._y);
Frame 1168 (8 B)
Frame 1177 (133 B)
if (/Variables:GtsOuvert == true) {
setProperty("_root.Gts", _visible , 1);
} else {
setProperty("_root.Gts", _visible , 0);
Frame 1178 (467 B)
Set("/Variables:Delta", _root.Meg._yscale / 6);
Set("/Variables:Decale", 0.04);
Set("/Variables:EtatVide", "Tab4Stoppe");
Set("/Variables:EtatActif", "Tab4");
if (/Variables:From == "TirFeu") {
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , 330);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , 275);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , 20);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , 20);
tellTarget ("_root.Meg") {
gotoAndStop (7);
tellTarget ("_root.Gts") {
gotoAndStop (11);
Instance of Symbol 2410 MovieClip in Frame 1178 (24.86 KiB) ● ● ●
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
tellTarget ("_root") {
if (/Variables:Stoppe != true) {
setProperty("_root.Gts.ZoneDeplace.GtsSteppen", _x , _root.Meg._x);
setProperty("_root.Gts.ZoneDeplace.GtsSteppen", _y , _root.Meg._y);
if ((_root.CacheOeil.hitTest(_root.Meg._x, _root.Meg._y, true) and key.isDown(key.SPACE)) and (/Variables:PontOuvert == false)) {
tellTarget ("_root.Animatiques") {
gotoAndStop ("Oeil");
if (_root.CacheVersFinale.hitTest(_root.Meg._x, _root.Meg._y, true)) {
tellTarget ("_root") {
gotoAndPlay ("Finale");
if ((((_root.CacheFeu1.hitTest(_root.Meg._x, _root.Meg._y, true) or _root.CacheFeu2.hitTest(_root.Meg._x, _root.Meg._y, true)) and key.isDown(key.SPACE)) and (/Variables:ObjetSelect == 3)) and (/Variables:PorteExplose == false)) {
tellTarget ("_root.Animatiques") {
gotoAndStop ("AllumeFeu2");
if ((_root.CacheCorde.hitTest(_root.Meg._x, _root.Meg._y, true) and key.isDown(key.SPACE)) and (/Variables:ObjetSelect == 5)) {
tellTarget ("_root.Animatiques") {
gotoAndStop ("LanceCorde");
if (_root.CacheVersTab6.hitTest(_root.Meg._x, _root.Meg._y, true)) {
Set("/Variables:From", "Tab4");
tellTarget ("_root") {
gotoAndPlay ("Tab6Ini");
if ((_root.CacheCorde.hitTest(_root.Meg._x, _root.Meg._y, true) and key.isDown(key.SPACE)) and (/Variables:CordeLance == true)) {
tellTarget ("_root.MegCorde") {
gotoAndStop (2);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _visible , 0);
Set("/Variables:Stoppe", true);
if (_root.CacheDescent.hitTest(_root.Meg._x, _root.Meg._y, true) and key.isDown(key.SPACE)) {
tellTarget ("_root.MegCorde") {
gotoAndStop ("Descent");
setProperty("_root.Meg", _visible , 0);
Set("/Variables:Stoppe", true);
if (((((!Key.isDown(Key.Down)) and (!Key.isDown(Key.Right))) and (!Key.isDown(Key.Left))) and (!Key.isDown(Key.Up))) and (Idle == false)) {
Idle = true;
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
gotoAndPlay ("Idle");
if (Key.isDown(Key.SHIFT)) {
Set("/Variables:Run", true);
} else {
Set("/Variables:Run", false);
if ((Key.isDown(Key.RIGHT) and (!Key.isDown(Key.UP))) and (!Key.isDown(Key.DOWN))) {
if (Key.isDown(Key.CONTROL)) {
if (/Variables:Dir == "Right") {
Set("/Variables:Dir", "Right");
Idle = false;
Set("/Variables:Stoppe", true);
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
gotoAndPlay ("Saute");
} else {
Set("/Variables:Dir", "Right");
tellTarget ("_root.Meg") {
gotoAndStop ("Right");
} else {
Set("/Variables:Dir", "Right");
if (Idle == true) {
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
gotoAndStop (1);
Idle = false;
tellTarget ("_root.Meg") {
gotoAndStop ("Right");
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
if (Collider.hitTest(_root.Meg._x + (Variables:Delta * 2), _root.Meg._y, true) == false) {
if (/Variables:Run == true) {
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x + Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x + Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x + Variables:Delta);
if ((Key.isDown(Key.LEFT) and (!Key.isDown(Key.UP))) and (!Key.isDown(Key.DOWN))) {
if (Key.isDown(Key.CONTROL)) {
if (/Variables:Dir == "Left") {
Set("/Variables:Dir", "Left");
Idle = false;
Set("/Variables:Stoppe", true);
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
gotoAndPlay ("Saute");
} else {
Set("/Variables:Dir", "Left");
tellTarget ("_root.Meg") {
gotoAndStop ("Left");
} else {
Set("/Variables:Dir", "Left");
if (Idle == true) {
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
gotoAndStop (1);
Idle = false;
tellTarget ("_root.Meg") {
gotoAndStop ("Left");
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
if (Collider.hitTest(_root.Meg._x - (Variables:Delta * 2), _root.Meg._y, true) == false) {
if (/Variables:Run == true) {
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x - Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x - Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x - /Variables:Delta);
if ((Key.isDown(Key.UP) and (!Key.isDown(Key.Right))) and (!Key.isDown(Key.Left))) {
Set("/Variables:Dir", "Right");
if (Key.isDown(Key.CONTROL)) {
Idle = false;
Set("/Variables:Stoppe", true);
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
gotoAndPlay ("Saute");
} else {
if (Idle == true) {
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
gotoAndStop (1);
Idle = false;
tellTarget ("_root.Meg") {
gotoAndStop ("Up");
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
if (Collider.hitTest(_root.Meg._x, _root.Meg._y - (Variables:Delta * 2), true) == false) {
if (/Variables:Run == true) {
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y - (/Variables:Delta / 2)) - ((/Variables:Delta / 3) / 2));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y - (/Variables:Delta / 2)) - ((/Variables:Delta / 3) / 2));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale - /Variables:Decale);
Set("/Variables:Delta", _root.Meg._yscale / 7);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y - (/Variables:Delta / 2)) - ((/Variables:Delta / 3) / 2));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale - /Variables:Decale);
if ((Key.isDown(Key.DOWN) and (!Key.isDown(Key.Right))) and (!Key.isDown(Key.Left))) {
Set("/Variables:Dir", "Down");
if (Key.isDown(Key.CONTROL)) {
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
gotoAndPlay ("Saute");
Idle = false;
Set("/Variables:Stoppe", true);
} else {
if (Idle == true) {
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
gotoAndStop (1);
Idle = false;
tellTarget ("_root.Meg") {
gotoAndStop ("DOWN");
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
if (Collider.hitTest(_root.Meg._x, _root.Meg._y + (Variables:Delta * 2), true) == false) {
if (/Variables:Run == true) {
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y + /Variables:Delta) - (/Variables:Delta / 3));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y + /Variables:Delta) - (/Variables:Delta / 3));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale + /Variables:Decale);
Set("/Variables:Delta", _root.Meg._yscale / 7);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y + /Variables:Delta) - (/Variables:Delta / 3));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale + /Variables:Decale);
if (((Key.isDown(Key.UP) and Key.isDown(Key.Right)) and (!Key.isDown(Key.Left))) and (!Key.isDown(Key.Down))) {
Set("/Variables:Dir", "Right");
if (Key.isDown(Key.CONTROL)) {
Idle = false;
Set("/Variables:Stoppe", true);
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
gotoAndPlay ("Saute");
} else {
if (Idle == true) {
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
gotoAndStop (1);
Idle = false;
tellTarget ("_root.Meg") {
gotoAndStop ("UpRight");
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
if (Collider.hitTest(_root.Meg._x + (Variables:Delta * 2), _root.Meg._y - (Variables:Delta * 2), true) == false) {
if (/Variables:Run == true) {
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y - (/Variables:Delta / 2)) - ((/Variables:Delta / 3) / 2));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x + Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y - (/Variables:Delta / 2)) - ((/Variables:Delta / 3) / 2));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x + Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale - /Variables:Decale);
Set("/Variables:Delta", _root.Meg._yscale / 7);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y - (/Variables:Delta / 2)) - ((/Variables:Delta / 3) / 2));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x + Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale - /Variables:Decale);
if (((Key.isDown(Key.UP) and (!Key.isDown(Key.Right))) and Key.isDown(Key.Left)) and (!Key.isDown(Key.Down))) {
Set("/Variables:Dir", "Left");
if (Key.isDown(Key.CONTROL)) {
Idle = false;
Set("/Variables:Stoppe", true);
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
gotoAndPlay ("Saute");
} else {
if (Idle == true) {
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
gotoAndStop (1);
Idle = false;
tellTarget ("_root.Meg") {
gotoAndStop ("UpLeft");
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
if (Collider.hitTest(_root.Meg._x - (Variables:Delta * 2), _root.Meg._y - (Variables:Delta * 2), true) == false) {
if (/Variables:Run == true) {
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y - (/Variables:Delta / 2)) - ((/Variables:Delta / 3) / 2));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x - Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y - (/Variables:Delta / 2)) - ((/Variables:Delta / 3) / 2));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x - Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale - /Variables:Decale);
Set("/Variables:Delta", _root.Meg._yscale / 7);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y - (/Variables:Delta / 2)) - ((/Variables:Delta / 3) / 2));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x - Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale - /Variables:Decale);
if (((Key.isDown(Key.Down) and (!Key.isDown(Key.Right))) and Key.isDown(Key.Left)) and (!Key.isDown(Key.Up))) {
Set("/Variables:Dir", "Left");
if (Key.isDown(Key.CONTROL)) {
Idle = false;
Set("/Variables:Stoppe", true);
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
gotoAndPlay ("Saute");
} else {
if (Idle == true) {
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
gotoAndStop (1);
Idle = false;
tellTarget ("_root.Meg") {
gotoAndStop ("DownLeft");
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
if (Collider.hitTest(_root.Meg._x - (Variables:Delta * 2), _root.Meg._y + (Variables:Delta * 2), true) == false) {
if (/Variables:Run == true) {
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y + /Variables:Delta) - (/Variables:Delta / 3));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x - Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y + /Variables:Delta) - (/Variables:Delta / 3));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x - Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale + /Variables:Decale);
Set("/Variables:Delta", _root.Meg._yscale / 7);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y + /Variables:Delta) - (/Variables:Delta / 3));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x - Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale + /Variables:Decale);
if (((Key.isDown(Key.Down) and Key.isDown(Key.Right)) and (!Key.isDown(Key.Left))) and (!Key.isDown(Key.Up))) {
Set("/Variables:Dir", "Right");
if (Key.isDown(Key.CONTROL)) {
Idle = false;
Set("/Variables:Stoppe", true);
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
gotoAndPlay ("Saute");
} else {
if (Idle == true) {
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
gotoAndStop (1);
Idle = false;
tellTarget ("_root.Meg") {
gotoAndStop ("DownRight");
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
if (Collider.hitTest(_root.Meg._x + (Variables:Delta * 2), _root.Meg._y + (Variables:Delta * 2), true) == false) {
if (/Variables:Run == true) {
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y + /Variables:Delta) - (/Variables:Delta / 3));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x + Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y + /Variables:Delta) - (/Variables:Delta / 3));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x + Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale + /Variables:Decale);
Set("/Variables:Delta", _root.Meg._yscale / 7);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y + /Variables:Delta) - (/Variables:Delta / 3));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x + Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale + /Variables:Decale);
if ((((Key.isDown(Key.CONTROL) and (!Key.isDown(Key.Down))) and (!Key.isDown(Key.Right))) and (!Key.isDown(Key.Left))) and (!Key.isDown(Key.Up))) {
Idle = false;
Set("/Variables:Stoppe", true);
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
gotoAndPlay ("Saute");
if (Trou.hitTest(_root.Meg._x, _root.Meg._y, true) == true) {
Set("/Variables:DeltaTombe", /Trou:Niveau);
tellTarget ("_root.Meg") {
gotoAndStop ("Tombe");
Set("/Variables:Stoppe", true);
if (/Variables:J2 == true) {
if ((/Variables:VersEntree2 == 0) and (/Variables:VersEntree3 == 0)) {
if (/Variables:Tableau ne "ZoneDeplace/GtsSteppen") {
if ((((getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:BebitteCours, _x) < (getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:Tableau, _x) + 1)) and ((getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:Tableau, _x) - 1) < getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:BebitteCours, _x))) and (getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:BebitteCours, _y) < (getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:Tableau, _y) + 1))) and ((getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:Tableau, _y) - 1) < getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:BebitteCours, _y))) {
setProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:BebitteCours, _x , getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:Tableau, _x));
setProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:BebitteCours, _y , getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:Tableau, _y));
if (getProperty("/Gts/Bebitte", _visible) == 1) {
setProperty("/Gts/Bebitte", _visible , 0);
setProperty("/Gts/Bebitte" + /Variables:Tableau, _visible , 1);
Set("/Variables:BebitteCours", "Bebitte" + /Variables:Tableau);
if (/Variables:BebitteCours eq "BebitteEntree2") {
Set("/Variables:VersEntree2", 1);
Set("/Variables:Tableau", "Entree21");
} else if (/Variables:BebitteCours eq "BebitteEntree3") {
Set("/Variables:VersEntree3", 1);
Set("/Variables:Tableau", "Entree31");
} else {
Set("/Variables:Tableau", "ZoneDeplace/GtsSteppen");
} else {
setProperty("/Gts/Bebitte", _visible , 1);
setProperty("/Gts/Bebitte" + /Variables:Tableau, _visible , 0);
Set("/Variables:BebitteCours", "Bebitte");
Set("/Variables:Tableau", /Variables:TableauTemp);
} else if ((((getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:BebitteCours, _x) < (((getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace/GtsSteppen", _x) * (getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace", _xscale) / 100)) + getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace", _x)) + 20)) and ((((getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace/GtsSteppen", _x) * (getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace", _xscale) / 100)) + getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace", _x)) - 20) < getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:BebitteCours, _x))) and (getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:BebitteCours, _y) < (((getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace/GtsSteppen", _y) * (getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace", _yscale) / 100)) + getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace", _y)) + 20))) and ((((getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace/GtsSteppen", _y) * (getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace", _yscale) / 100)) + getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace", _y)) - 20) < getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:BebitteCours, _y))) {
tellTarget ("/Animatiques") {
gotoAndStop ("MokoBouffe");
} else if (/Variables:VersEntree2 == 1) {
if (/Variables:Tableau ne "ZoneDeplace/GtsSteppen") {
if ((((getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:BebitteCours, _x) < (getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:Tableau, _x) + 1)) and ((getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:Tableau, _x) - 1) < getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:BebitteCours, _x))) and (getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:BebitteCours, _y) < (getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:Tableau, _y) + 1))) and ((getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:Tableau, _y) - 1) < getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:BebitteCours, _y))) {
setProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:BebitteCours, _x , getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:Tableau, _x));
setProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:BebitteCours, _y , getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:Tableau, _y));
if (/Variables:TableauTemp eq "Entree2") {
if (/Variables:Tableau eq "Entree21") {
Set("/Variables:Tableau", "Entree22");
Set("/Variables:Direction", 1);
} else if (/Variables:Tableau eq "Entree22") {
Set("/Variables:Tableau", "Entree23");
Set("/Variables:Direction", 1);
} else if (/Variables:Tableau eq "Entree23") {
Set("/Variables:Tableau", "Entree24");
Set("/Variables:Direction", 1);
} else if ((/Variables:Tableau eq "Entree24") and (getProperty("/Gts", _currentframe) == 3)) {
Set("/Variables:Tableau", "ZoneDeplace/GtsSteppen");
Set("/Variables:Direction", 1);
} else if (/Variables:Tableau eq "Entree2") {
Set("/Variables:VersEntree2", 0);
setProperty("/Gts/Bebitte", _visible , 1);
setProperty("/Gts/Bebitte" + /Variables:Tableau, _visible , 0);
Set("/Variables:BebitteCours", "Bebitte");
Set("/Variables:Tableau", /Variables:TableauTemp);
} else if (/Variables:Tableau eq "Entree21") {
Set("/Variables:Direction", 0);
Set("/Variables:Tableau", "Entree2");
} else if (/Variables:Tableau eq "Entree22") {
Set("/Variables:Direction", 0);
Set("/Variables:Tableau", "Entree21");
} else if (/Variables:Tableau eq "Entree23") {
Set("/Variables:Direction", 0);
Set("/Variables:Tableau", "Entree22");
} else if (/Variables:Tableau eq "Entree24") {
Set("/Variables:Direction", 0);
Set("/Variables:Tableau", "Entree23");
} else if (/Variables:Tableau eq "ZoneDeplace/GtsSteppen") {
Set("/Variables:Direction", 0);
Set("/Variables:Tableau", "Entree24");
} else if ((((getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:BebitteCours, _x) < (((getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace/GtsSteppen", _x) * (getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace", _xscale) / 100)) + getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace", _x)) + 20)) and ((((getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace/GtsSteppen", _x) * (getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace", _xscale) / 100)) + getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace", _x)) - 20) < getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:BebitteCours, _x))) and (getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:BebitteCours, _y) < (((getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace/GtsSteppen", _y) * (getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace", _yscale) / 100)) + getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace", _y)) + 20))) and ((((getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace/GtsSteppen", _y) * (getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace", _yscale) / 100)) + getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace", _y)) - 20) < getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:BebitteCours, _y))) {
tellTarget ("/Animatiques") {
gotoAndStop ("MokoBouffe");
} else if (/Variables:VersEntree3 == 1) {
if (/Variables:Tableau ne "ZoneDeplace/GtsSteppen") {
if ((((getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:BebitteCours, _x) < (getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:Tableau, _x) + 1)) and ((getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:Tableau, _x) - 1) < getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:BebitteCours, _x))) and (getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:BebitteCours, _y) < (getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:Tableau, _y) + 1))) and ((getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:Tableau, _y) - 1) < getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:BebitteCours, _y))) {
setProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:BebitteCours, _x , getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:Tableau, _x));
setProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:BebitteCours, _y , getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:Tableau, _y));
if (/Variables:TableauTemp eq "Entree3") {
if (/Variables:Tableau eq "Entree31") {
Set("/Variables:Tableau", "ZoneDeplace/GtsSteppen");
Set("/Variables:Direction3", 1);
} else if (/Variables:Tableau eq "Entree3") {
Set("/Variables:VersEntree3", 0);
setProperty("/Gts/Bebitte", _visible , 1);
setProperty("/Gts/Bebitte" + /Variables:Tableau, _visible , 0);
Set("/Variables:BebitteCours", "Bebitte");
Set("/Variables:Tableau", /Variables:TableauTemp);
} else if (/Variables:Tableau eq "Entree31") {
Set("/Variables:Direction3", 0);
Set("/Variables:Tableau", "Entree3");
} else if (/Variables:Tableau eq "ZoneDeplace/GtsSteppen") {
Set("/Variables:Direction3", 0);
Set("/Variables:Tableau", "Entree31");
} else if ((((getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:BebitteCours, _x) < (((getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace/GtsSteppen", _x) * (getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace", _xscale) / 100)) + getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace", _x)) + 20)) and ((((getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace/GtsSteppen", _x) * (getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace", _xscale) / 100)) + getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace", _x)) - 20) < getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:BebitteCours, _x))) and (getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:BebitteCours, _y) < (((getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace/GtsSteppen", _y) * (getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace", _yscale) / 100)) + getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace", _y)) + 20))) and ((((getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace/GtsSteppen", _y) * (getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace", _yscale) / 100)) + getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace", _y)) - 20) < getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:BebitteCours, _y))) {
tellTarget ("/Animatiques") {
gotoAndStop ("MokoBouffe");
if (/Variables:Tableau ne "ZoneDeplace/GtsSteppen") {
DistanceX = getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:Tableau, _x) - getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:BebitteCours, _x);
DistanceY = getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:Tableau, _y) - getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:BebitteCours, _y);
} else {
DistanceX = ((getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace/GtsSteppen", _x) * (getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace", _xscale) / 100)) + getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace", _x)) - getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:BebitteCours, _x);
DistanceY = ((getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace/GtsSteppen", _y) * (getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace", _yscale) / 100)) + getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace", _y)) - getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:BebitteCours, _y);
if (Math.abs(DistanceY) < Math.abs(DistanceX)) {
MoveX = (DistanceX / Math.abs(DistanceX)) / 2;
MoveY = (DistanceY / Math.abs(DistanceX)) / 2;
} else {
MoveY = (DistanceY / Math.abs(DistanceY)) / 2;
MoveX = (DistanceX / Math.abs(DistanceY)) / 2;
setProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:BebitteCours, _x , getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:BebitteCours, _x) + MoveX);
setProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:BebitteCours, _y , getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:BebitteCours, _y) + MoveY);
setProperty("_root.Gts.ZoneDeplace.GtsSteppen", _x , _root.Meg._x);
setProperty("_root.Gts.ZoneDeplace.GtsSteppen", _y , _root.Meg._y);
Frame 1179 (8 B)
Frame 1189 (302 B)
Set("/Variables:Delta", _root.Meg._yscale / 6);
Set("/Variables:Decale", 0);
Set("/Variables:EtatVide", "Tab5Stoppe");
Set("/Variables:EtatActif", "Tab5");
Set("/Variables:From", "PetiteSalle");
tellTarget ("_root.Meg") {
gotoAndStop (3);
tellTarget ("_root.Gts") {
gotoAndStop (13);
Instance of Symbol 2416 MovieClip in Frame 1189 (24.21 KiB) ● ● ●
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
tellTarget ("_root") {
if (/Variables:Stoppe != true) {
if (/Variables:GardeEntre ne "") {
if (/Variables:GardeEntre eq "OuvrePorte") {
tellTarget ("_root.Animatiques") {
gotoAndStop ("OuvrePorte");
} else if (/Variables:GardeEntre eq "GardesSorts") {
tellTarget ("_root.Animatiques") {
gotoAndStop ("GardesSorts");
} else if (/Variables:GardeEntre eq "PorteDefonce") {
tellTarget ("_root.Animatiques") {
gotoAndStop ("PorteDefonce");
} else {
Set("/Variables:GardeEntre", "");
} else {
if (_root.CacheSymboles.hitTest(_root.Meg._x, _root.Meg._y, true) and key.isDown(key.SPACE)) {
tellTarget ("_root.Animatiques") {
gotoAndStop ("RegardeSymboles");
if (_root.CacheVersTab1.hitTest(_root.Meg._x, _root.Meg._y, true) and (/Variables:GardesSortis == 0)) {
tellTarget ("_root") {
gotoAndPlay ("Tab1Ini");
if (_root.CacheVersTab1.hitTest(_root.Meg._x, _root.Meg._y, true) and (/Variables:GardesSortis != 0)) {
tellTarget ("_root") {
gotoAndPlay ("Tab1BIni");
if (((((!Key.isDown(Key.Down)) and (!Key.isDown(Key.Right))) and (!Key.isDown(Key.Left))) and (!Key.isDown(Key.Up))) and (Idle == false)) {
Idle = true;
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
gotoAndPlay ("Idle");
if (Key.isDown(Key.SHIFT)) {
Set("/Variables:Run", true);
} else {
Set("/Variables:Run", false);
if ((Key.isDown(Key.RIGHT) and (!Key.isDown(Key.UP))) and (!Key.isDown(Key.DOWN))) {
if (Key.isDown(Key.CONTROL)) {
if (/Variables:Dir == "Right") {
Set("/Variables:Dir", "Right");
Idle = false;
Set("/Variables:Stoppe", true);
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
gotoAndPlay ("Saute");
} else {
Set("/Variables:Dir", "Right");
tellTarget ("_root.Meg") {
gotoAndStop ("Right");
} else {
Set("/Variables:Dir", "Right");
if (Idle == true) {
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
gotoAndStop (1);
Idle = false;
tellTarget ("_root.Meg") {
gotoAndStop ("Right");
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
if (Collider.hitTest(_root.Meg._x + (Variables:Delta * 2), _root.Meg._y, true) == false) {
if (/Variables:Run == true) {
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x + Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x + Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x + Variables:Delta);
if ((Key.isDown(Key.LEFT) and (!Key.isDown(Key.UP))) and (!Key.isDown(Key.DOWN))) {
if (Key.isDown(Key.CONTROL)) {
if (/Variables:Dir == "Left") {
Set("/Variables:Dir", "Left");
Idle = false;
Set("/Variables:Stoppe", true);
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
gotoAndPlay ("Saute");
} else {
Set("/Variables:Dir", "Left");
tellTarget ("_root.Meg") {
gotoAndStop ("Left");
} else {
Set("/Variables:Dir", "Left");
if (Idle == true) {
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
gotoAndStop (1);
Idle = false;
tellTarget ("_root.Meg") {
gotoAndStop ("Left");
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
if (Collider.hitTest(_root.Meg._x - (Variables:Delta * 2), _root.Meg._y, true) == false) {
if (/Variables:Run == true) {
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x - Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x - Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x - /Variables:Delta);
if ((Key.isDown(Key.UP) and (!Key.isDown(Key.Right))) and (!Key.isDown(Key.Left))) {
Set("/Variables:Dir", "Right");
if (Key.isDown(Key.CONTROL)) {
Idle = false;
Set("/Variables:Stoppe", true);
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
gotoAndPlay ("Saute");
} else {
if (Idle == true) {
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
gotoAndStop (1);
Idle = false;
tellTarget ("_root.Meg") {
gotoAndStop ("Up");
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
if (Collider.hitTest(_root.Meg._x, _root.Meg._y - (Variables:Delta * 2), true) == false) {
if (/Variables:Run == true) {
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y - (/Variables:Delta / 2)) - ((/Variables:Delta / 3) / 2));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y - (/Variables:Delta / 2)) - ((/Variables:Delta / 3) / 2));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale - /Variables:Decale);
Set("/Variables:Delta", _root.Meg._yscale / 7);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y - (/Variables:Delta / 2)) - ((/Variables:Delta / 3) / 2));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale - /Variables:Decale);
if ((Key.isDown(Key.DOWN) and (!Key.isDown(Key.Right))) and (!Key.isDown(Key.Left))) {
Set("/Variables:Dir", "Down");
if (Key.isDown(Key.CONTROL)) {
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
gotoAndPlay ("Saute");
Idle = false;
Set("/Variables:Stoppe", true);
} else {
if (Idle == true) {
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
gotoAndStop (1);
Idle = false;
tellTarget ("_root.Meg") {
gotoAndStop ("DOWN");
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
if (Collider.hitTest(_root.Meg._x, _root.Meg._y + (Variables:Delta * 2), true) == false) {
if (/Variables:Run == true) {
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y + /Variables:Delta) - (/Variables:Delta / 3));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y + /Variables:Delta) - (/Variables:Delta / 3));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale + /Variables:Decale);
Set("/Variables:Delta", _root.Meg._yscale / 7);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y + /Variables:Delta) - (/Variables:Delta / 3));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale + /Variables:Decale);
if (((Key.isDown(Key.UP) and Key.isDown(Key.Right)) and (!Key.isDown(Key.Left))) and (!Key.isDown(Key.Down))) {
Set("/Variables:Dir", "Right");
if (Key.isDown(Key.CONTROL)) {
Idle = false;
Set("/Variables:Stoppe", true);
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
gotoAndPlay ("Saute");
} else {
if (Idle == true) {
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
gotoAndStop (1);
Idle = false;
tellTarget ("_root.Meg") {
gotoAndStop ("UpRight");
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
if (Collider.hitTest(_root.Meg._x + (Variables:Delta * 2), _root.Meg._y - (Variables:Delta * 8), true) == false) {
if (/Variables:Run == true) {
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y - (/Variables:Delta / 2)) - ((/Variables:Delta / 3) / 2));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x + Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y - (/Variables:Delta / 2)) - ((/Variables:Delta / 3) / 2));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x + Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale - /Variables:Decale);
Set("/Variables:Delta", _root.Meg._yscale / 7);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y - (/Variables:Delta / 2)) - ((/Variables:Delta / 3) / 2));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x + Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale - /Variables:Decale);
if (((Key.isDown(Key.UP) and (!Key.isDown(Key.Right))) and Key.isDown(Key.Left)) and (!Key.isDown(Key.Down))) {
Set("/Variables:Dir", "Left");
if (Key.isDown(Key.CONTROL)) {
Idle = false;
Set("/Variables:Stoppe", true);
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
gotoAndPlay ("Saute");
} else {
if (Idle == true) {
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
gotoAndStop (1);
Idle = false;
tellTarget ("_root.Meg") {
gotoAndStop ("UpLeft");
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
if (Collider.hitTest(_root.Meg._x - (Variables:Delta * 2), _root.Meg._y - (Variables:Delta * 8), true) == false) {
if (/Variables:Run == true) {
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y - (/Variables:Delta / 2)) - ((/Variables:Delta / 3) / 2));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x - Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y - (/Variables:Delta / 2)) - ((/Variables:Delta / 3) / 2));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x - Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale - /Variables:Decale);
Set("/Variables:Delta", _root.Meg._yscale / 7);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y - (/Variables:Delta / 2)) - ((/Variables:Delta / 3) / 2));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x - Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale - /Variables:Decale);
if (((Key.isDown(Key.Down) and (!Key.isDown(Key.Right))) and Key.isDown(Key.Left)) and (!Key.isDown(Key.Up))) {
Set("/Variables:Dir", "Left");
if (Key.isDown(Key.CONTROL)) {
Idle = false;
Set("/Variables:Stoppe", true);
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
gotoAndPlay ("Saute");
} else {
if (Idle == true) {
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
gotoAndStop (1);
Idle = false;
tellTarget ("_root.Meg") {
gotoAndStop ("DownLeft");
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
if (Collider.hitTest(_root.Meg._x - (Variables:Delta * 2), _root.Meg._y + (Variables:Delta * 8), true) == false) {
if (/Variables:Run == true) {
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y + /Variables:Delta) - (/Variables:Delta / 3));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x - Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y + /Variables:Delta) - (/Variables:Delta / 3));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x - Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale + /Variables:Decale);
Set("/Variables:Delta", _root.Meg._yscale / 7);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y + /Variables:Delta) - (/Variables:Delta / 3));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x - Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale + /Variables:Decale);
if (((Key.isDown(Key.Down) and Key.isDown(Key.Right)) and (!Key.isDown(Key.Left))) and (!Key.isDown(Key.Up))) {
Set("/Variables:Dir", "Right");
if (Key.isDown(Key.CONTROL)) {
Idle = false;
Set("/Variables:Stoppe", true);
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
gotoAndPlay ("Saute");
} else {
if (Idle == true) {
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
gotoAndStop (1);
Idle = false;
tellTarget ("_root.Meg") {
gotoAndStop ("DownRight");
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
if (Collider.hitTest(_root.Meg._x + (Variables:Delta * 2), _root.Meg._y + (Variables:Delta * 8), true) == false) {
if (/Variables:Run == true) {
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y + /Variables:Delta) - (/Variables:Delta / 3));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x + Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y + /Variables:Delta) - (/Variables:Delta / 3));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x + Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale + /Variables:Decale);
Set("/Variables:Delta", _root.Meg._yscale / 7);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y + /Variables:Delta) - (/Variables:Delta / 3));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x + Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale + /Variables:Decale);
if ((((Key.isDown(Key.CONTROL) and (!Key.isDown(Key.Down))) and (!Key.isDown(Key.Right))) and (!Key.isDown(Key.Left))) and (!Key.isDown(Key.Up))) {
Idle = false;
Set("/Variables:Stoppe", true);
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
gotoAndPlay ("Saute");
if (Trou.hitTest(_root.Meg._x, _root.Meg._y, true) == true) {
Set("/Variables:DeltaTombe", /Trou:Niveau);
tellTarget ("_root.Meg") {
gotoAndStop ("Tombe");
Set("/Variables:Stoppe", true);
if (/Variables:J2 == true) {
if ((/Variables:VersEntree2 == 0) and (/Variables:VersEntree3 == 0)) {
if (/Variables:Tableau ne "ZoneDeplace/GtsSteppen") {
if ((((getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:BebitteCours, _x) < (getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:Tableau, _x) + 1)) and ((getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:Tableau, _x) - 1) < getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:BebitteCours, _x))) and (getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:BebitteCours, _y) < (getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:Tableau, _y) + 1))) and ((getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:Tableau, _y) - 1) < getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:BebitteCours, _y))) {
setProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:BebitteCours, _x , getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:Tableau, _x));
setProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:BebitteCours, _y , getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:Tableau, _y));
if (getProperty("/Gts/Bebitte", _visible) == 1) {
setProperty("/Gts/Bebitte", _visible , 0);
setProperty("/Gts/Bebitte" + /Variables:Tableau, _visible , 1);
Set("/Variables:BebitteCours", "Bebitte" + /Variables:Tableau);
if (/Variables:BebitteCours eq "BebitteEntree2") {
Set("/Variables:VersEntree2", 1);
Set("/Variables:Tableau", "Entree21");
} else if (/Variables:BebitteCours eq "BebitteEntree3") {
Set("/Variables:VersEntree3", 1);
Set("/Variables:Tableau", "Entree31");
} else {
Set("/Variables:Tableau", "ZoneDeplace/GtsSteppen");
} else {
setProperty("/Gts/Bebitte", _visible , 1);
setProperty("/Gts/Bebitte" + /Variables:Tableau, _visible , 0);
Set("/Variables:BebitteCours", "Bebitte");
Set("/Variables:Tableau", /Variables:TableauTemp);
} else if ((((getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:BebitteCours, _x) < (((getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace/GtsSteppen", _x) * (getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace", _xscale) / 100)) + getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace", _x)) + 20)) and ((((getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace/GtsSteppen", _x) * (getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace", _xscale) / 100)) + getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace", _x)) - 20) < getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:BebitteCours, _x))) and (getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:BebitteCours, _y) < (((getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace/GtsSteppen", _y) * (getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace", _yscale) / 100)) + getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace", _y)) + 20))) and ((((getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace/GtsSteppen", _y) * (getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace", _yscale) / 100)) + getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace", _y)) - 20) < getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:BebitteCours, _y))) {
tellTarget ("/Animatiques") {
gotoAndStop ("MokoBouffe");
} else if (/Variables:VersEntree2 == 1) {
if (/Variables:Tableau ne "ZoneDeplace/GtsSteppen") {
if ((((getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:BebitteCours, _x) < (getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:Tableau, _x) + 1)) and ((getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:Tableau, _x) - 1) < getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:BebitteCours, _x))) and (getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:BebitteCours, _y) < (getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:Tableau, _y) + 1))) and ((getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:Tableau, _y) - 1) < getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:BebitteCours, _y))) {
setProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:BebitteCours, _x , getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:Tableau, _x));
setProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:BebitteCours, _y , getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:Tableau, _y));
if (/Variables:TableauTemp eq "Entree2") {
if (/Variables:Tableau eq "Entree21") {
Set("/Variables:Tableau", "Entree22");
Set("/Variables:Direction", 1);
} else if (/Variables:Tableau eq "Entree22") {
Set("/Variables:Tableau", "Entree23");
Set("/Variables:Direction", 1);
} else if (/Variables:Tableau eq "Entree23") {
Set("/Variables:Tableau", "Entree24");
Set("/Variables:Direction", 1);
} else if ((/Variables:Tableau eq "Entree24") and (getProperty("/Gts", _currentframe) == 3)) {
Set("/Variables:Tableau", "ZoneDeplace/GtsSteppen");
Set("/Variables:Direction", 1);
} else if (/Variables:Tableau eq "Entree2") {
Set("/Variables:VersEntree2", 0);
setProperty("/Gts/Bebitte", _visible , 1);
setProperty("/Gts/Bebitte" + /Variables:Tableau, _visible , 0);
Set("/Variables:BebitteCours", "Bebitte");
Set("/Variables:Tableau", /Variables:TableauTemp);
} else if (/Variables:Tableau eq "Entree21") {
Set("/Variables:Direction", 0);
Set("/Variables:Tableau", "Entree2");
} else if (/Variables:Tableau eq "Entree22") {
Set("/Variables:Direction", 0);
Set("/Variables:Tableau", "Entree21");
} else if (/Variables:Tableau eq "Entree23") {
Set("/Variables:Direction", 0);
Set("/Variables:Tableau", "Entree22");
} else if (/Variables:Tableau eq "Entree24") {
Set("/Variables:Direction", 0);
Set("/Variables:Tableau", "Entree23");
} else if (/Variables:Tableau eq "ZoneDeplace/GtsSteppen") {
Set("/Variables:Direction", 0);
Set("/Variables:Tableau", "Entree24");
} else if ((((getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:BebitteCours, _x) < (((getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace/GtsSteppen", _x) * (getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace", _xscale) / 100)) + getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace", _x)) + 20)) and ((((getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace/GtsSteppen", _x) * (getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace", _xscale) / 100)) + getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace", _x)) - 20) < getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:BebitteCours, _x))) and (getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:BebitteCours, _y) < (((getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace/GtsSteppen", _y) * (getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace", _yscale) / 100)) + getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace", _y)) + 20))) and ((((getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace/GtsSteppen", _y) * (getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace", _yscale) / 100)) + getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace", _y)) - 20) < getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:BebitteCours, _y))) {
tellTarget ("/Animatiques") {
gotoAndStop ("MokoBouffe");
} else if (/Variables:VersEntree3 == 1) {
if (/Variables:Tableau ne "ZoneDeplace/GtsSteppen") {
if ((((getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:BebitteCours, _x) < (getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:Tableau, _x) + 1)) and ((getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:Tableau, _x) - 1) < getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:BebitteCours, _x))) and (getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:BebitteCours, _y) < (getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:Tableau, _y) + 1))) and ((getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:Tableau, _y) - 1) < getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:BebitteCours, _y))) {
setProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:BebitteCours, _x , getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:Tableau, _x));
setProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:BebitteCours, _y , getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:Tableau, _y));
if (/Variables:TableauTemp eq "Entree3") {
if (/Variables:Tableau eq "Entree31") {
Set("/Variables:Tableau", "ZoneDeplace/GtsSteppen");
Set("/Variables:Direction3", 1);
} else if (/Variables:Tableau eq "Entree3") {
Set("/Variables:VersEntree3", 0);
setProperty("/Gts/Bebitte", _visible , 1);
setProperty("/Gts/Bebitte" + /Variables:Tableau, _visible , 0);
Set("/Variables:BebitteCours", "Bebitte");
Set("/Variables:Tableau", /Variables:TableauTemp);
} else if (/Variables:Tableau eq "Entree31") {
Set("/Variables:Direction3", 0);
Set("/Variables:Tableau", "Entree3");
} else if (/Variables:Tableau eq "ZoneDeplace/GtsSteppen") {
Set("/Variables:Direction3", 0);
Set("/Variables:Tableau", "Entree31");
} else if ((((getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:BebitteCours, _x) < (((getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace/GtsSteppen", _x) * (getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace", _xscale) / 100)) + getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace", _x)) + 20)) and ((((getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace/GtsSteppen", _x) * (getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace", _xscale) / 100)) + getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace", _x)) - 20) < getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:BebitteCours, _x))) and (getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:BebitteCours, _y) < (((getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace/GtsSteppen", _y) * (getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace", _yscale) / 100)) + getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace", _y)) + 20))) and ((((getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace/GtsSteppen", _y) * (getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace", _yscale) / 100)) + getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace", _y)) - 20) < getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:BebitteCours, _y))) {
tellTarget ("/Animatiques") {
gotoAndStop ("MokoBouffe");
if (/Variables:Tableau ne "ZoneDeplace/GtsSteppen") {
DistanceX = getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:Tableau, _x) - getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:BebitteCours, _x);
DistanceY = getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:Tableau, _y) - getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:BebitteCours, _y);
} else {
DistanceX = ((getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace/GtsSteppen", _x) * (getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace", _xscale) / 100)) + getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace", _x)) - getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:BebitteCours, _x);
DistanceY = ((getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace/GtsSteppen", _y) * (getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace", _yscale) / 100)) + getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace", _y)) - getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:BebitteCours, _y);
if (Math.abs(DistanceY) < Math.abs(DistanceX)) {
MoveX = (DistanceX / Math.abs(DistanceX)) / 2;
MoveY = (DistanceY / Math.abs(DistanceX)) / 2;
} else {
MoveY = (DistanceY / Math.abs(DistanceY)) / 2;
MoveX = (DistanceX / Math.abs(DistanceY)) / 2;
setProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:BebitteCours, _x , getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:BebitteCours, _x) + MoveX);
setProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:BebitteCours, _y , getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:BebitteCours, _y) + MoveY);
setProperty("_root.Gts.ZoneDeplace.GtsSteppen", _x , _root.Meg._x);
setProperty("_root.Gts.ZoneDeplace.GtsSteppen", _y , _root.Meg._y);
Frame 1190 (8 B)
Frame 1200 (547 B)
Set("/Variables:Delta", _root.Meg._yscale / 6);
Set("/Variables:Decale", 0.05);
Set("/Variables:EtatVide", "Tab6Stoppe");
Set("/Variables:EtatActif", "Tab6");
if (/Variables:From == "Tab3") {
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , 102);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , 226);
tellTarget ("_root.Meg") {
gotoAndStop (1);
if (/Variables:From == "Tab4") {
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , 521);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , 284);
tellTarget ("_root.Meg") {
gotoAndStop (5);
tellTarget ("_root.Gts") {
gotoAndStop (3);
Instance of Symbol 2487 MovieClip in Frame 1200 (26.43 KiB) ● ● ●
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
tellTarget ("_root") {
if (/Variables:Stoppe != true) {
setProperty("_root.Gts.ZoneDeplace.GtsSteppen", _x , _root.Meg._x);
setProperty("_root.Gts.ZoneDeplace.GtsSteppen", _y , _root.Meg._y);
if (_root.CacheVersTab3.hitTest(_root.Meg._x, _root.Meg._y, true)) {
Set("/Variables:From", "Tab6");
tellTarget ("_root") {
gotoAndPlay ("Tab3Ini");
if (_root.CacheVersTab4.hitTest(_root.Meg._x, _root.Meg._y, true)) {
loadVariablesNum ("/web/steppenwolf/tracking.jsp?episode=6&stage=16", 0);
Set("/Variables:From", "Tab6");
tellTarget ("_root") {
gotoAndPlay ("Tab4Ini");
if (_root.CachePousseBoule.hitTest(_root.Meg._x, _root.Meg._y, true) and (/Variables:BoulePousse == false)) {
tellTarget ("_root.Animatiques") {
gotoAndStop ("MonteFenetre");
if ((((238 < getProperty("_root.Meg", _x)) and (/Variables:AvanceTir != true)) and (/Variables:GardesPris == false)) and (/Variables:GardeDedans == false)) {
Set("/Variables:AvanceTir", true);
tellTarget ("_root.GardeDerriere") {
gotoAndPlay ("AvanceTir");
if (_root.CacheZoneTir.hitTest(_root.Meg._x, _root.Meg._y, true) and (/Variables:AvanceTir == true)) {
if (_root.GardeDerriere.GardeTir.CacheE.hitTest(_root.Meg._x, _root.Meg._y, true)) {
tellTarget ("_root.GardeDerriere.GardeTir") {
gotoAndStop ("E");
if (_root.GardeDerriere.GardeTir.CacheNE.hitTest(_root.Meg._x, _root.Meg._y, true)) {
tellTarget ("_root.GardeDerriere.GardeTir") {
gotoAndStop ("NE");
if (_root.GardeDerriere.GardeTir.CacheN.hitTest(_root.Meg._x, _root.Meg._y, true)) {
tellTarget ("_root.GardeDerriere.GardeTir") {
gotoAndStop ("N");
if (_root.GardeDerriere.GardeTir.CacheNO.hitTest(_root.Meg._x, _root.Meg._y, true)) {
tellTarget ("_root.GardeDerriere.GardeTir") {
gotoAndStop ("NO");
if (_root.GardeDerriere.GardeTir.CacheO.hitTest(_root.Meg._x, _root.Meg._y, true)) {
tellTarget ("_root.GardeDerriere.GardeTir") {
gotoAndStop ("O");
if ((((_root.CacheCloche.hitTest(_root.Meg._x, _root.Meg._y, true) and (/Variables:ObjetSelect == 3)) and Key.isDown(Key.SPACE)) and (/Variables:FeuLance == false)) and (/Variables:GardesPris == false)) {
Set("/Variables:FeuLance", true);
tellTarget ("_root.Animatiques") {
gotoAndStop ("AllumeFeu");
if (((_root.CacheCloche.hitTest(_root.Meg._x, _root.Meg._y, true) and (/Variables:GardeDedans == true)) and Key.isDown(Key.SPACE)) and (/Variables:GardesPris == false)) {
Set("/Variables:GardesPris", true);
tellTarget ("_root.GardeDerriere") {
gotoAndStop ("Pris");
tellTarget ("_root.Animatiques") {
gotoAndStop ("Cloche");
if ((_root.CacheCorde.hitTest(_root.Meg._x, _root.Meg._y, true) and (/Variables:CordeRamasse == false)) and Key.isDown(Key.SPACE)) {
tellTarget ("_root.Sons") {
gotoAndPlay ("SndRamasse");
loadVariablesNum ("/web/steppenwolf/tracking.jsp?episode=6&stage=15", 0);
Set("/Variables:InvNb", /Variables:InvNb + 1);
Set("/Variables:InvObjet" + /Variables:InvNb, 5);
tellTarget ("_root.Inventaire.ObjetAffiche") {
gotoAndStop (6);
tellTarget ("_root.Corde") {
gotoAndStop (2);
Set("/Variables:CordeRamasse", true);
if (((((!Key.isDown(Key.Down)) and (!Key.isDown(Key.Right))) and (!Key.isDown(Key.Left))) and (!Key.isDown(Key.Up))) and (Idle == false)) {
Idle = true;
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
gotoAndPlay ("Idle");
if (Key.isDown(Key.SHIFT)) {
Set("/Variables:Run", true);
} else {
Set("/Variables:Run", false);
if ((Key.isDown(Key.RIGHT) and (!Key.isDown(Key.UP))) and (!Key.isDown(Key.DOWN))) {
if (Key.isDown(Key.CONTROL)) {
if (/Variables:Dir == "Right") {
Set("/Variables:Dir", "Right");
Idle = false;
Set("/Variables:Stoppe", true);
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
gotoAndPlay ("Saute");
} else {
Set("/Variables:Dir", "Right");
tellTarget ("_root.Meg") {
gotoAndStop ("Right");
} else {
Set("/Variables:Dir", "Right");
if (Idle == true) {
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
gotoAndStop (1);
Idle = false;
tellTarget ("_root.Meg") {
gotoAndStop ("Right");
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
if (Collider.hitTest(_root.Meg._x + (Variables:Delta * 2), _root.Meg._y, true) == false) {
if (/Variables:Run == true) {
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x + Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x + Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x + Variables:Delta);
if ((Key.isDown(Key.LEFT) and (!Key.isDown(Key.UP))) and (!Key.isDown(Key.DOWN))) {
if (Key.isDown(Key.CONTROL)) {
if (/Variables:Dir == "Left") {
Set("/Variables:Dir", "Left");
Idle = false;
Set("/Variables:Stoppe", true);
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
gotoAndPlay ("Saute");
} else {
Set("/Variables:Dir", "Left");
tellTarget ("_root.Meg") {
gotoAndStop ("Left");
} else {
Set("/Variables:Dir", "Left");
if (Idle == true) {
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
gotoAndStop (1);
Idle = false;
tellTarget ("_root.Meg") {
gotoAndStop ("Left");
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
if (Collider.hitTest(_root.Meg._x - (Variables:Delta * 2), _root.Meg._y, true) == false) {
if (/Variables:Run == true) {
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x - Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x - Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x - /Variables:Delta);
if ((Key.isDown(Key.UP) and (!Key.isDown(Key.Right))) and (!Key.isDown(Key.Left))) {
Set("/Variables:Dir", "Right");
if (Key.isDown(Key.CONTROL)) {
Idle = false;
Set("/Variables:Stoppe", true);
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
gotoAndPlay ("Saute");
} else {
if (Idle == true) {
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
gotoAndStop (1);
Idle = false;
tellTarget ("_root.Meg") {
gotoAndStop ("Up");
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
if (Collider.hitTest(_root.Meg._x, _root.Meg._y - (Variables:Delta * 2), true) == false) {
if (/Variables:Run == true) {
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y - (/Variables:Delta / 2)) - ((/Variables:Delta / 3) / 2));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y - (/Variables:Delta / 2)) - ((/Variables:Delta / 3) / 2));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale - /Variables:Decale);
Set("/Variables:Delta", _root.Meg._yscale / 7);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y - (/Variables:Delta / 2)) - ((/Variables:Delta / 3) / 2));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale - /Variables:Decale);
if ((Key.isDown(Key.DOWN) and (!Key.isDown(Key.Right))) and (!Key.isDown(Key.Left))) {
Set("/Variables:Dir", "Down");
if (Key.isDown(Key.CONTROL)) {
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
gotoAndPlay ("Saute");
Idle = false;
Set("/Variables:Stoppe", true);
} else {
if (Idle == true) {
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
gotoAndStop (1);
Idle = false;
tellTarget ("_root.Meg") {
gotoAndStop ("DOWN");
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
if (Collider.hitTest(_root.Meg._x, _root.Meg._y + (Variables:Delta * 2), true) == false) {
if (/Variables:Run == true) {
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y + /Variables:Delta) - (/Variables:Delta / 3));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y + /Variables:Delta) - (/Variables:Delta / 3));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale + /Variables:Decale);
Set("/Variables:Delta", _root.Meg._yscale / 7);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y + /Variables:Delta) - (/Variables:Delta / 3));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale + /Variables:Decale);
if (((Key.isDown(Key.UP) and Key.isDown(Key.Right)) and (!Key.isDown(Key.Left))) and (!Key.isDown(Key.Down))) {
Set("/Variables:Dir", "Right");
if (Key.isDown(Key.CONTROL)) {
Idle = false;
Set("/Variables:Stoppe", true);
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
gotoAndPlay ("Saute");
} else {
if (Idle == true) {
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
gotoAndStop (1);
Idle = false;
tellTarget ("_root.Meg") {
gotoAndStop ("UpRight");
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
if (Collider.hitTest(_root.Meg._x + (Variables:Delta * 2), _root.Meg._y - (Variables:Delta * 2), true) == false) {
if (/Variables:Run == true) {
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y - (/Variables:Delta / 2)) - ((/Variables:Delta / 3) / 2));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x + Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y - (/Variables:Delta / 2)) - ((/Variables:Delta / 3) / 2));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x + Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale - /Variables:Decale);
Set("/Variables:Delta", _root.Meg._yscale / 7);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y - (/Variables:Delta / 2)) - ((/Variables:Delta / 3) / 2));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x + Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale - /Variables:Decale);
if (((Key.isDown(Key.UP) and (!Key.isDown(Key.Right))) and Key.isDown(Key.Left)) and (!Key.isDown(Key.Down))) {
Set("/Variables:Dir", "Left");
if (Key.isDown(Key.CONTROL)) {
Idle = false;
Set("/Variables:Stoppe", true);
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
gotoAndPlay ("Saute");
} else {
if (Idle == true) {
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
gotoAndStop (1);
Idle = false;
tellTarget ("_root.Meg") {
gotoAndStop ("UpLeft");
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
if (Collider.hitTest(_root.Meg._x - (Variables:Delta * 2), _root.Meg._y - (Variables:Delta * 2), true) == false) {
if (/Variables:Run == true) {
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y - (/Variables:Delta / 2)) - ((/Variables:Delta / 3) / 2));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x - Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y - (/Variables:Delta / 2)) - ((/Variables:Delta / 3) / 2));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x - Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale - /Variables:Decale);
Set("/Variables:Delta", _root.Meg._yscale / 7);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y - (/Variables:Delta / 2)) - ((/Variables:Delta / 3) / 2));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x - Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale - /Variables:Decale);
if (((Key.isDown(Key.Down) and (!Key.isDown(Key.Right))) and Key.isDown(Key.Left)) and (!Key.isDown(Key.Up))) {
Set("/Variables:Dir", "Left");
if (Key.isDown(Key.CONTROL)) {
Idle = false;
Set("/Variables:Stoppe", true);
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
gotoAndPlay ("Saute");
} else {
if (Idle == true) {
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
gotoAndStop (1);
Idle = false;
tellTarget ("_root.Meg") {
gotoAndStop ("DownLeft");
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
if (Collider.hitTest(_root.Meg._x - (Variables:Delta * 2), _root.Meg._y + (Variables:Delta * 2), true) == false) {
if (/Variables:Run == true) {
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y + /Variables:Delta) - (/Variables:Delta / 3));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x - Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y + /Variables:Delta) - (/Variables:Delta / 3));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x - Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale + /Variables:Decale);
Set("/Variables:Delta", _root.Meg._yscale / 7);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y + /Variables:Delta) - (/Variables:Delta / 3));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x - Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale + /Variables:Decale);
if (((Key.isDown(Key.Down) and Key.isDown(Key.Right)) and (!Key.isDown(Key.Left))) and (!Key.isDown(Key.Up))) {
Set("/Variables:Dir", "Right");
if (Key.isDown(Key.CONTROL)) {
Idle = false;
Set("/Variables:Stoppe", true);
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
gotoAndPlay ("Saute");
} else {
if (Idle == true) {
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
gotoAndStop (1);
Idle = false;
tellTarget ("_root.Meg") {
gotoAndStop ("DownRight");
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
if (Collider.hitTest(_root.Meg._x + (Variables:Delta * 2), _root.Meg._y + (Variables:Delta * 2), true) == false) {
if (/Variables:Run == true) {
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y + /Variables:Delta) - (/Variables:Delta / 3));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x + Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y + /Variables:Delta) - (/Variables:Delta / 3));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x + Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale + /Variables:Decale);
Set("/Variables:Delta", _root.Meg._yscale / 7);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y + /Variables:Delta) - (/Variables:Delta / 3));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x + Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale + /Variables:Decale);
if ((((Key.isDown(Key.CONTROL) and (!Key.isDown(Key.Down))) and (!Key.isDown(Key.Right))) and (!Key.isDown(Key.Left))) and (!Key.isDown(Key.Up))) {
Idle = false;
Set("/Variables:Stoppe", true);
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
gotoAndPlay ("Saute");
if (Trou.hitTest(_root.Meg._x, _root.Meg._y, true) == true) {
Set("/Variables:DeltaTombe", /Trou:Niveau);
tellTarget ("_root.Meg") {
gotoAndStop ("Tombe");
Set("/Variables:Stoppe", true);
if (/Variables:J2 == true) {
if ((/Variables:VersEntree2 == 0) and (/Variables:VersEntree3 == 0)) {
if (/Variables:Tableau ne "ZoneDeplace/GtsSteppen") {
if ((((getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:BebitteCours, _x) < (getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:Tableau, _x) + 1)) and ((getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:Tableau, _x) - 1) < getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:BebitteCours, _x))) and (getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:BebitteCours, _y) < (getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:Tableau, _y) + 1))) and ((getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:Tableau, _y) - 1) < getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:BebitteCours, _y))) {
setProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:BebitteCours, _x , getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:Tableau, _x));
setProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:BebitteCours, _y , getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:Tableau, _y));
if (getProperty("/Gts/Bebitte", _visible) == 1) {
setProperty("/Gts/Bebitte", _visible , 0);
setProperty("/Gts/Bebitte" + /Variables:Tableau, _visible , 1);
Set("/Variables:BebitteCours", "Bebitte" + /Variables:Tableau);
if (/Variables:BebitteCours eq "BebitteEntree2") {
Set("/Variables:VersEntree2", 1);
Set("/Variables:Tableau", "Entree21");
} else if (/Variables:BebitteCours eq "BebitteEntree3") {
Set("/Variables:VersEntree3", 1);
Set("/Variables:Tableau", "Entree31");
} else {
Set("/Variables:Tableau", "ZoneDeplace/GtsSteppen");
} else {
setProperty("/Gts/Bebitte", _visible , 1);
setProperty("/Gts/Bebitte" + /Variables:Tableau, _visible , 0);
Set("/Variables:BebitteCours", "Bebitte");
Set("/Variables:Tableau", /Variables:TableauTemp);
} else if ((((getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:BebitteCours, _x) < (((getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace/GtsSteppen", _x) * (getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace", _xscale) / 100)) + getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace", _x)) + 20)) and ((((getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace/GtsSteppen", _x) * (getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace", _xscale) / 100)) + getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace", _x)) - 20) < getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:BebitteCours, _x))) and (getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:BebitteCours, _y) < (((getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace/GtsSteppen", _y) * (getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace", _yscale) / 100)) + getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace", _y)) + 20))) and ((((getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace/GtsSteppen", _y) * (getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace", _yscale) / 100)) + getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace", _y)) - 20) < getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:BebitteCours, _y))) {
tellTarget ("/Animatiques") {
gotoAndStop ("MokoBouffe");
} else if (/Variables:VersEntree2 == 1) {
if (/Variables:Tableau ne "ZoneDeplace/GtsSteppen") {
if ((((getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:BebitteCours, _x) < (getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:Tableau, _x) + 1)) and ((getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:Tableau, _x) - 1) < getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:BebitteCours, _x))) and (getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:BebitteCours, _y) < (getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:Tableau, _y) + 1))) and ((getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:Tableau, _y) - 1) < getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:BebitteCours, _y))) {
setProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:BebitteCours, _x , getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:Tableau, _x));
setProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:BebitteCours, _y , getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:Tableau, _y));
if (/Variables:TableauTemp eq "Entree2") {
if (/Variables:Tableau eq "Entree21") {
Set("/Variables:Tableau", "Entree22");
Set("/Variables:Direction", 1);
} else if (/Variables:Tableau eq "Entree22") {
Set("/Variables:Tableau", "Entree23");
Set("/Variables:Direction", 1);
} else if (/Variables:Tableau eq "Entree23") {
Set("/Variables:Tableau", "Entree24");
Set("/Variables:Direction", 1);
} else if ((/Variables:Tableau eq "Entree24") and (getProperty("/Gts", _currentframe) == 3)) {
Set("/Variables:Tableau", "ZoneDeplace/GtsSteppen");
Set("/Variables:Direction", 1);
} else if (/Variables:Tableau eq "Entree2") {
Set("/Variables:VersEntree2", 0);
setProperty("/Gts/Bebitte", _visible , 1);
setProperty("/Gts/Bebitte" + /Variables:Tableau, _visible , 0);
Set("/Variables:BebitteCours", "Bebitte");
Set("/Variables:Tableau", /Variables:TableauTemp);
} else if (/Variables:Tableau eq "Entree21") {
Set("/Variables:Direction", 0);
Set("/Variables:Tableau", "Entree2");
} else if (/Variables:Tableau eq "Entree22") {
Set("/Variables:Direction", 0);
Set("/Variables:Tableau", "Entree21");
} else if (/Variables:Tableau eq "Entree23") {
Set("/Variables:Direction", 0);
Set("/Variables:Tableau", "Entree22");
} else if (/Variables:Tableau eq "Entree24") {
Set("/Variables:Direction", 0);
Set("/Variables:Tableau", "Entree23");
} else if (/Variables:Tableau eq "ZoneDeplace/GtsSteppen") {
Set("/Variables:Direction", 0);
Set("/Variables:Tableau", "Entree24");
} else if ((((getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:BebitteCours, _x) < (((getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace/GtsSteppen", _x) * (getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace", _xscale) / 100)) + getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace", _x)) + 20)) and ((((getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace/GtsSteppen", _x) * (getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace", _xscale) / 100)) + getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace", _x)) - 20) < getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:BebitteCours, _x))) and (getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:BebitteCours, _y) < (((getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace/GtsSteppen", _y) * (getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace", _yscale) / 100)) + getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace", _y)) + 20))) and ((((getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace/GtsSteppen", _y) * (getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace", _yscale) / 100)) + getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace", _y)) - 20) < getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:BebitteCours, _y))) {
tellTarget ("/Animatiques") {
gotoAndStop ("MokoBouffe");
} else if (/Variables:VersEntree3 == 1) {
if (/Variables:Tableau ne "ZoneDeplace/GtsSteppen") {
if ((((getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:BebitteCours, _x) < (getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:Tableau, _x) + 1)) and ((getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:Tableau, _x) - 1) < getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:BebitteCours, _x))) and (getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:BebitteCours, _y) < (getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:Tableau, _y) + 1))) and ((getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:Tableau, _y) - 1) < getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:BebitteCours, _y))) {
setProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:BebitteCours, _x , getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:Tableau, _x));
setProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:BebitteCours, _y , getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:Tableau, _y));
if (/Variables:TableauTemp eq "Entree3") {
if (/Variables:Tableau eq "Entree31") {
Set("/Variables:Tableau", "ZoneDeplace/GtsSteppen");
Set("/Variables:Direction3", 1);
} else if (/Variables:Tableau eq "Entree3") {
Set("/Variables:VersEntree3", 0);
setProperty("/Gts/Bebitte", _visible , 1);
setProperty("/Gts/Bebitte" + /Variables:Tableau, _visible , 0);
Set("/Variables:BebitteCours", "Bebitte");
Set("/Variables:Tableau", /Variables:TableauTemp);
} else if (/Variables:Tableau eq "Entree31") {
Set("/Variables:Direction3", 0);
Set("/Variables:Tableau", "Entree3");
} else if (/Variables:Tableau eq "ZoneDeplace/GtsSteppen") {
Set("/Variables:Direction3", 0);
Set("/Variables:Tableau", "Entree31");
} else if ((((getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:BebitteCours, _x) < (((getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace/GtsSteppen", _x) * (getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace", _xscale) / 100)) + getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace", _x)) + 20)) and ((((getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace/GtsSteppen", _x) * (getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace", _xscale) / 100)) + getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace", _x)) - 20) < getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:BebitteCours, _x))) and (getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:BebitteCours, _y) < (((getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace/GtsSteppen", _y) * (getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace", _yscale) / 100)) + getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace", _y)) + 20))) and ((((getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace/GtsSteppen", _y) * (getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace", _yscale) / 100)) + getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace", _y)) - 20) < getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:BebitteCours, _y))) {
tellTarget ("/Animatiques") {
gotoAndStop ("MokoBouffe");
if (/Variables:Tableau ne "ZoneDeplace/GtsSteppen") {
DistanceX = getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:Tableau, _x) - getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:BebitteCours, _x);
DistanceY = getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:Tableau, _y) - getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:BebitteCours, _y);
} else {
DistanceX = ((getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace/GtsSteppen", _x) * (getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace", _xscale) / 100)) + getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace", _x)) - getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:BebitteCours, _x);
DistanceY = ((getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace/GtsSteppen", _y) * (getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace", _yscale) / 100)) + getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace", _y)) - getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:BebitteCours, _y);
if (Math.abs(DistanceY) < Math.abs(DistanceX)) {
MoveX = (DistanceX / Math.abs(DistanceX)) / 2;
MoveY = (DistanceY / Math.abs(DistanceX)) / 2;
} else {
MoveY = (DistanceY / Math.abs(DistanceY)) / 2;
MoveX = (DistanceX / Math.abs(DistanceY)) / 2;
setProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:BebitteCours, _x , getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:BebitteCours, _x) + MoveX);
setProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:BebitteCours, _y , getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:BebitteCours, _y) + MoveY);
setProperty("_root.Gts.ZoneDeplace.GtsSteppen", _x , _root.Meg._x);
setProperty("_root.Gts.ZoneDeplace.GtsSteppen", _y , _root.Meg._y);
Frame 1201 (162 B)
if (/Variables:GardesApercu != true) {
Set("/Variables:GardesApercu", true);
tellTarget ("_root.Sons") {
gotoAndPlay ("SndDistractThem");
Frame 1207 (44 B)
Set("/Variables:EtatActif", "StepFenetre");
Instance of Symbol 2488 MovieClip in Frame 1207 (1.77 KiB) ●
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
tellTarget ("_root") {
if (/Variables:Stoppe != true) {
if (Key.isDown(Key.SPACE) and (/Variables:BoulePousse == false)) {
Set("/Variables:BoulePousse", true);
Set("/Variables:BouleBouge", true);
tellTarget ("_root.Animatiques") {
gotoAndStop ("PousseBoule");
if ((Key.isDown(Key.DOWN) or Key.isDown(Key.LEFT)) and (/Variables:BouleBouge != true)) {
tellTarget ("_root.Animatiques") {
gotoAndStop ("DescentFenetre");
if ((((238 < getProperty("_root.Meg", _x)) and (/Variables:AvanceTir != true)) and (/Variables:GardesPris == false)) and (/Variables:GardeDedans == false)) {
Set("/Variables:AvanceTir", true);
tellTarget ("_root.GardeDerriere") {
gotoAndPlay ("AvanceTir");
if (_root.CacheZoneTir.hitTest(_root.Meg._x, _root.Meg._y, true) and (/Variables:AvanceTir == true)) {
if (_root.GardeDerriere.GardeTir.CacheE.hitTest(_root.Meg._x, _root.Meg._y, true)) {
tellTarget ("_root.GardeDerriere.GardeTir") {
gotoAndStop ("E");
if (_root.GardeDerriere.GardeTir.CacheNE.hitTest(_root.Meg._x, _root.Meg._y, true)) {
tellTarget ("_root.GardeDerriere.GardeTir") {
gotoAndStop ("NE");
if (_root.GardeDerriere.GardeTir.CacheN.hitTest(_root.Meg._x, _root.Meg._y, true)) {
tellTarget ("_root.GardeDerriere.GardeTir") {
gotoAndStop ("N");
if (_root.GardeDerriere.GardeTir.CacheNO.hitTest(_root.Meg._x, _root.Meg._y, true)) {
tellTarget ("_root.GardeDerriere.GardeTir") {
gotoAndStop ("NO");
if (_root.GardeDerriere.GardeTir.CacheO.hitTest(_root.Meg._x, _root.Meg._y, true)) {
tellTarget ("_root.GardeDerriere.GardeTir") {
gotoAndStop ("O");
Frame 1211 (230 B)
Set("/Variables:PositionFusee", 0);
Set("/Variables:PositionHauteur", 90);
Set("/Variables:FeuParti", false);
Set("/Variables:NbFusee", 0);
Set("/Variables:EtatVide", "PortailStoppe");
Set("/Variables:EtatActif", "Portail");
Frame 1212 (8 B)
Instance of Symbol 2636 MovieClip in Frame 1212 (1.77 KiB) ●
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (/Variables:FeuParti == true) {
if (Key.isDown(Key.RIGHT) and (/Variables:PositionFusee < 120)) {
Set("/Variables:PositionFusee", /Variables:PositionFusee + 20);
setProperty("../Portail/Mains", _x , getProperty("../Portail/Mains", _x) + 20);
setProperty("../Portail/Mains", _rotation , getProperty("../Portail/Mains", _rotation) + 2);
if (/Variables:FeuParti == false) {
setProperty("../Portail/Feu", _x , getProperty("../Portail/Feu", _x) + 20);
setProperty("../Portail/Feu", _rotation , getProperty("../Portail/Feu", _rotation) + 2);
if (Key.isDown(Key.LEFT) and (-120 < /Variables:PositionFusee)) {
Set("/Variables:PositionFusee", /Variables:PositionFusee - 20);
setProperty("../Portail/Mains", _x , getProperty("../Portail/Mains", _x) - 20);
setProperty("../Portail/Mains", _rotation , getProperty("../Portail/Mains", _rotation) - 2);
if (/Variables:FeuParti == false) {
setProperty("../Portail/Feu", _x , getProperty("../Portail/Feu", _x) - 20);
setProperty("../Portail/Feu", _rotation , getProperty("../Portail/Feu", _rotation) - 2);
if (Key.isDown(Key.DOWN) and (0 < /Variables:PositionHauteur)) {
Set("/Variables:PositionHauteur", /Variables:PositionHauteur - 20);
setProperty("../Portail/Mains", _y , getProperty("../Portail/Mains", _y) + 20);
if (/Variables:FeuParti == false) {
setProperty("../Portail/Feu", _y , getProperty("../Portail/Feu", _y) + 20);
if (Key.isDown(Key.UP) and (/Variables:PositionHauteur < 180)) {
Set("/Variables:PositionHauteur", /Variables:PositionHauteur + 20);
setProperty("../Portail/Mains", _y , getProperty("../Portail/Mains", _y) - 20);
if (/Variables:FeuParti == false) {
setProperty("../Portail/Feu", _y , getProperty("../Portail/Feu", _y) - 20);
Frame 1217 (38 B)
gotoAndPlay (1240);
Frame 1224 (38 B)
gotoAndPlay (1240);
Frame 1235 (38 B)
gotoAndPlay (1310);
Frame 1240 (96 B)
loadVariablesNum ("/web/steppenwolf/tracking.jsp?episode=6&stage=23", 0);
Frame 1309 (8 B)
Frame 1310 (78 B)
loadVariablesNum ("/web/steppenwolf/tracking.jsp?episode=6&stage=22", 0);
Frame 1762 (8 B)
Symbol 6 Button (124 B)
on (release) {
getURL ("http://www.macromedia.com/shockwave/download/index.cgi?P1_Prod_Version=ShockwaveFlash", "_self");
Symbol 10 Button (25 B)
on (release) {
Symbol 23 MovieClip Frame 39 (8 B)
Symbol 45 MovieClip Frame 80 (8 B)
Symbol 65 MovieClip Frame 9 (8 B)
Symbol 67 Button (68 B)
on (release) {
tellTarget ("/") {
gotoAndPlay ("Commence");
Symbol 68 MovieClip Frame 1 (8 B)
Symbol 68 MovieClip Frame 12 (8 B)
Symbol 68 MovieClip Frame 23 (8 B)
Symbol 68 MovieClip Frame 35 (8 B)
Symbol 68 MovieClip Frame 48 (8 B)
Symbol 68 MovieClip Frame 62 (8 B)
Symbol 68 MovieClip Frame 76 (8 B)
Symbol 68 MovieClip Frame 90 (8 B)
Symbol 68 MovieClip Frame 104 (8 B)
Symbol 68 MovieClip Frame 105 (8 B)
Symbol 68 MovieClip Frame 106 (8 B)
Symbol 68 MovieClip Frame 107 (8 B)
Symbol 68 MovieClip Frame 108 (8 B)
Symbol 68 MovieClip Frame 109 (8 B)
Symbol 68 MovieClip Frame 110 (8 B)
Symbol 68 MovieClip Frame 111 (8 B)
Symbol 68 MovieClip Frame 112 (8 B)
Symbol 68 MovieClip Frame 113 (8 B)
Symbol 68 MovieClip Frame 114 (8 B)
Symbol 68 MovieClip Frame 115 (8 B)
Symbol 68 MovieClip Frame 116 (8 B)
Symbol 68 MovieClip Frame 117 (8 B)
Symbol 68 MovieClip Frame 118 (8 B)
Symbol 68 MovieClip Frame 119 (8 B)
Symbol 68 MovieClip Frame 120 (8 B)
Symbol 68 MovieClip Frame 121 (8 B)
Symbol 68 MovieClip Frame 122 (8 B)
Symbol 68 MovieClip Frame 123 (8 B)
Symbol 68 MovieClip Frame 124 (8 B)
Symbol 68 MovieClip Frame 125 (8 B)
Symbol 68 MovieClip Frame 126 (8 B)
Symbol 68 MovieClip Frame 142 (8 B)
Symbol 72 Button (76 B)
on (release) {
tellTarget ("_root") {
gotoAndStop ("Instructions");
Symbol 73 MovieClip Frame 1 (57 B)
if (/:ViewInst == true) {
gotoAndStop (2);
Symbol 73 MovieClip Frame 2 (25 B)
Set("/:ViewInst", true);
Symbol 96 MovieClip Frame 80 (8 B)
Symbol 150 MovieClip Frame 69 (8 B)
Symbol 153 Button (61 B)
on (release) {
Set("/:Instru", false);
gotoAndPlay (109);
Symbol 164 Button (30 B)
on (release) {
Symbol 173 Button (30 B)
on (release) {
Symbol 232 Button (55 B)
on (release) {
gotoAndPlay (1125);
Symbol 567 MovieClip Frame 1 (299 B)
setProperty("_root.Gts.ZoneDeplace.GtsSteppen", _xscale , getProperty("GtsSteppen", _xscale) - (100 - ((/Variables:BaseScaleGts * 100) / _xscale)));
setProperty("_root.Gts.ZoneDeplace.GtsSteppen", _yscale , getProperty("GtsSteppen", _yscale) - (100 - ((/Variables:BaseScaleGts * 100) / _yscale)));
Symbol 568 MovieClip Frame 2 (13 B)
Symbol 568 MovieClip Frame 3 (146 B)
setProperty("_root.Gts.ZoneDeplace.GtsSteppen", _x , _root.Meg._x);
setProperty("_root.Gts.ZoneDeplace.GtsSteppen", _y , _root.Meg._y);
Symbol 568 MovieClip Frame 4 (13 B)
Symbol 568 MovieClip Frame 5 (146 B)
setProperty("_root.Gts.ZoneDeplace.GtsSteppen", _x , _root.Meg._x);
setProperty("_root.Gts.ZoneDeplace.GtsSteppen", _y , _root.Meg._y);
Symbol 568 MovieClip Frame 6 (13 B)
Symbol 568 MovieClip Frame 7 (146 B)
setProperty("_root.Gts.ZoneDeplace.GtsSteppen", _x , _root.Meg._x);
setProperty("_root.Gts.ZoneDeplace.GtsSteppen", _y , _root.Meg._y);
Symbol 568 MovieClip Frame 8 (13 B)
Symbol 568 MovieClip Frame 9 (146 B)
setProperty("_root.Gts.ZoneDeplace.GtsSteppen", _x , _root.Meg._x);
setProperty("_root.Gts.ZoneDeplace.GtsSteppen", _y , _root.Meg._y);
Symbol 568 MovieClip Frame 10 (13 B)
Symbol 568 MovieClip Frame 11 (146 B)
setProperty("_root.Gts.ZoneDeplace.GtsSteppen", _x , _root.Meg._x);
setProperty("_root.Gts.ZoneDeplace.GtsSteppen", _y , _root.Meg._y);
Symbol 568 MovieClip Frame 12 (13 B)
Symbol 568 MovieClip Frame 13 (146 B)
setProperty("_root.Gts.ZoneDeplace.GtsSteppen", _x , _root.Meg._x);
setProperty("_root.Gts.ZoneDeplace.GtsSteppen", _y , _root.Meg._y);
Symbol 590 MovieClip Frame 1 (51 B)
gotoAndStop(/Variables:ObjetSelect + 1);
Symbol 590 MovieClip Frame 2 (34 B)
Set("/Variables:ObjetSelect", 1);
Symbol 590 MovieClip Frame 3 (34 B)
Set("/Variables:ObjetSelect", 2);
Symbol 590 MovieClip Frame 4 (34 B)
Set("/Variables:ObjetSelect", 3);
Symbol 590 MovieClip Frame 5 (34 B)
Set("/Variables:ObjetSelect", 4);
Symbol 590 MovieClip Frame 6 (34 B)
Set("/Variables:ObjetSelect", 5);
Symbol 598 MovieClip Frame 1 (39 B)
Set("/Variables:GageLargeur", _width);
Symbol 598 MovieClip Frame 2 (89 B)
setProperty("Gage2", _width , /Variables:GageLargeur * (/Variables:Vie / 100));
Symbol 604 Button (89 B)
on (release) {
tellTarget ("_root") {
Symbol 606 Button (1.41 KiB) ●
on (keyPress "t") {
if (/Variables:InvObjet1 != 0) {
if (/Variables:InvObjetSelect == 12) {
Set("/Variables:InvObjetSelect", 1);
tellTarget ("ObjetAffiche") {
gotoAndStop(/Variables:InvObjet1 + 1);
} else if (eval ("/Variables:InvObjet" + (/Variables:InvObjetSelect + 1)) != 0) {
Set("/Variables:InvObjetSelect", /Variables:InvObjetSelect + 1);
tellTarget ("ObjetAffiche") {
gotoAndStop(eval ("/Variables:InvObjet" + /Variables:InvObjetSelect) + 1);
} else {
Set("/Variables:InvObjetSelect", 1);
tellTarget ("ObjetAffiche") {
gotoAndStop(/Variables:InvObjet1 + 1);
on (keyPress "T") {
if (/Variables:InvObjet1 != 0) {
if (/Variables:InvObjetSelect == 12) {
Set("/Variables:InvObjetSelect", 1);
tellTarget ("ObjetAffiche") {
gotoAndStop(/Variables:InvObjet1 + 1);
} else if (eval ("/Variables:InvObjet" + (/Variables:InvObjetSelect + 1)) != 0) {
Set("/Variables:InvObjetSelect", /Variables:InvObjetSelect + 1);
tellTarget ("ObjetAffiche") {
gotoAndStop(eval ("/Variables:InvObjet" + /Variables:InvObjetSelect) + 1);
} else {
Set("/Variables:InvObjetSelect", 1);
tellTarget ("ObjetAffiche") {
gotoAndStop(/Variables:InvObjet1 + 1);
on (keyPress "i") {
tellTarget ("_root") {
on (keyPress "I") {
tellTarget ("_root") {
Symbol 607 MovieClip Frame 1 (8 B)
Symbol 607 MovieClip Frame 2 (556 B)
i = 1;
while ((/Variables:InvNb >= i) and (eval ("/Variables:InvObjet" + i) != /Variables:ObjetRemove)) {
if (eval ("/Variables:InvObjet" + i) != /Variables:ObjetRemove) {
i = i + 1;
k = i;
while (/Variables:InvNb >= k) {
Set("/Variables:InvObjet" + k, eval ("/Variables:InvObjet" + (k + 1)));
k = k + 1;
Set("/Variables:InvObjet" + /Variables:InvNb, 0);
Set("/Variables:ObjetSelect", 0);
tellTarget ("_root.Inventaire.ObjetAffiche") {
gotoAndStop (1);
Set("/Variables:InvNb", /Variables:InvNb - 1);
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 619 Button (147 B)
on (press) {
startDrag ("", false, left, top, right, bottom);
dragging = true;
on (release, releaseOutside) {
dragging = false;
Symbol 631 Button (131 B)
on (release) {
setProperty("/Gts", _yscale , 20);
tellTarget ("/") {
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 642 Button (209 B)
on (release) {
Set("/Variables:TransMail", /Variables:Instructions);
if (_currentframe == 2) {
tellTarget ("InvSelection") {
gotoAndStop (1);
tellTarget ("MailMovie") {
gotoAndPlay (3);
Symbol 653 Button (327 B)
on (release) {
Set("/Variables:ObjetSelect", 0);
Set("/Variables:TransMail", "");
tellTarget ("MailMovie") {
gotoAndStop (1);
setProperty("/Gts", _x , 183);
setProperty("/Gts", _y , 173);
setProperty("/Gts", _xscale , 40);
setProperty("/Gts", _yscale , 40);
Symbol 655 Button (285 B)
on (press) {
if (3 < /Variables:InvNb) {
Set("/Variables:Deplace", -1 * /Variables:LargeurObjet);
tellTarget ("ControlFleche") {
gotoAndPlay ("Deplace2");
on (release) {
if (3 < /Variables:InvNb) {
tellTarget ("ControlFleche") {
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 656 Button (280 B)
on (press) {
if (3 < /Variables:InvNb) {
Set("/Variables:Deplace", /Variables:LargeurObjet);
tellTarget ("ControlFleche") {
gotoAndPlay ("Deplace2");
on (release) {
if (3 < /Variables:InvNb) {
tellTarget ("ControlFleche") {
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 658 MovieClip Frame 1 (8 B)
Symbol 658 MovieClip Frame 2 (8 B)
Symbol 658 MovieClip Frame 3 (8 B)
Symbol 661 MovieClip Frame 1 (8 B)
Symbol 661 MovieClip Frame 4 (17 B)
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 674 Button (371 B)
on (release) {
Set("/Variables:ObjetRemove", 4);
Set("/Variables:ObjetSelect", 0);
tellTarget ("_root.Inventaire.ObjetRemove") {
Set("/Variables:Vie", /Variables:Vie + 30);
if (100 < /Variables:Vie) {
Set("/Variables:Vie", 100);
tellTarget ("/") {
tellTarget ("/Inventaire") {
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 677 Button (34 B)
on (release) {
gotoAndStop (2);
Symbol 678 MovieClip Frame 1 (8 B)
Symbol 680 MovieClip Frame 1 (8 B)
Symbol 680 MovieClip Frame 2 (34 B)
Set("/Variables:ObjetSelect", 1);
Symbol 680 MovieClip Frame 3 (34 B)
Set("/Variables:ObjetSelect", 2);
Symbol 680 MovieClip Frame 4 (34 B)
Set("/Variables:ObjetSelect", 3);
Symbol 680 MovieClip Frame 5 (34 B)
Set("/Variables:ObjetSelect", 4);
Symbol 680 MovieClip Frame 6 (34 B)
Set("/Variables:ObjetSelect", 5);
Symbol 683 Button (580 B)
on (press) {
tellTarget ("../../MailMovie") {
gotoAndStop (1);
tellTarget ("../../InvArrete") {
gotoAndStop ("Arret");
Set("/Variables:Xposition", _x);
Set("/Variables:Yposition", _y);
startDrag ("");
on (release, releaseOutside) {
Set("/Variables:InvObjetSelect", int(substring(_name, 6, 2)));
tellTarget ("../../InvArrete") {
gotoAndPlay (1);
_x = /Variables:Xposition;
_y = /Variables:Yposition;
Set("/Variables:Frame", _currentframe);
tellTarget ("../../InvSelection") {
Symbol 685 MovieClip Frame 1 (50 B)
gotoAndStop(eval ("/Variables:Inv" + _name) + 1);
Symbol 686 MovieClip Frame 1 (50 B)
gotoAndStop(eval ("/Variables:Inv" + _name) + 1);
Symbol 687 MovieClip Frame 1 (685 B)
if (/Variables:InvNb < 4) {
setProperty("../Chaine2", _x , getProperty("../BorneGauche", _x) + (/Variables:LargeurObjet / 4));
setProperty("../Chaine1", _x , getProperty("../Chaine2", _x) - (3 * /Variables:LargeurObjet));
setProperty("../Chaine3", _x , getProperty("../Chaine2", _x) + (3 * /Variables:LargeurObjet));
} else {
setProperty("../Chaine2", _x , getProperty("../BorneGauche", _x) + (/Variables:LargeurObjet / 4));
if (_name eq "Chaine1") {
_x = (getProperty("../Chaine2", _x) - (/Variables:InvNb * /Variables:LargeurObjet));
} else if (_name eq "Chaine3") {
_x = (getProperty("../Chaine2", _x) + (/Variables:InvNb * /Variables:LargeurObjet));
Symbol 687 MovieClip Frame 2 (8 B)
Symbol 688 MovieClip Frame 1 (3.94 KiB) ●
if (3 < /Variables:InvNb) {
if (_root.Inventaire.ZoneMoveG.hitTest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse, true)) {
if ((/Variables:Acceleration < 1) and (/Variables:Acceleration >= 0)) {
Set("/Variables:Acceleration", -1);
if ((((_root.Inventaire._xmouse - _root.Inventaire.BorneCentre._x) + 20) / 2) < /Variables:Acceleration) {
if (/Variables:Acceleration < 0) {
Set("/Variables:Acceleration", /Variables:Acceleration + (/Variables:Acceleration / 2));
} else {
Set("/Variables:Acceleration", /Variables:Acceleration - (/Variables:Acceleration / 2));
} else if (/Variables:Acceleration < 0) {
Set("/Variables:Acceleration", /Variables:Acceleration - (/Variables:Acceleration / 2));
} else {
Set("/Variables:Acceleration", /Variables:Acceleration + (/Variables:Acceleration / 2));
} else if (_root.Inventaire.ZoneMoveD.hitTest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse, true)) {
if ((-1 < /Variables:Acceleration) and (0 >= /Variables:Acceleration)) {
Set("/Variables:Acceleration", 1);
if ((((_root.Inventaire._xmouse - _root.Inventaire.BorneCentre._x) - 20) / 2) < /Variables:Acceleration) {
if (0 < /Variables:Acceleration) {
Set("/Variables:Acceleration", /Variables:Acceleration - (/Variables:Acceleration / 2));
} else {
Set("/Variables:Acceleration", /Variables:Acceleration + (/Variables:Acceleration / 2));
} else if (0 < /Variables:Acceleration) {
Set("/Variables:Acceleration", /Variables:Acceleration + (/Variables:Acceleration / 2));
} else {
Set("/Variables:Acceleration", /Variables:Acceleration - (/Variables:Acceleration / 2));
} else if (1 < /Variables:Acceleration) {
Set("/Variables:Acceleration", /Variables:Acceleration - (/Variables:Acceleration / 2));
} else if (/Variables:Acceleration < -1) {
Set("/Variables:Acceleration", /Variables:Acceleration - (/Variables:Acceleration / 2));
} else {
Set("/Variables:Acceleration", 0);
if (/Variables:Acceleration < -20) {
Set("/Variables:Acceleration", -20);
} else if (20 < /Variables:Acceleration) {
Set("/Variables:Acceleration", 20);
setProperty("../Chaine1", _x , getProperty("../Chaine1", _x) - /Variables:Acceleration);
setProperty("../Chaine2", _x , getProperty("../Chaine2", _x) - /Variables:Acceleration);
setProperty("../Chaine3", _x , getProperty("../Chaine3", _x) - /Variables:Acceleration);
if (_root.Inventaire.ZoneMoveD.hitTest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse, true)) {
if ((getProperty("../Chaine1", _x) + (/Variables:InvNb * /Variables:LargeurObjet)) < getProperty("../BorneGauche", _x)) {
setProperty("../Chaine1", _x , getProperty("../Chaine3", _x) + (/Variables:InvNb * /Variables:LargeurObjet));
if ((getProperty("../Chaine2", _x) + (/Variables:InvNb * /Variables:LargeurObjet)) < getProperty("../BorneGauche", _x)) {
setProperty("../Chaine2", _x , getProperty("../Chaine1", _x) + (/Variables:InvNb * /Variables:LargeurObjet));
if ((getProperty("../Chaine3", _x) + (/Variables:InvNb * /Variables:LargeurObjet)) < getProperty("../BorneGauche", _x)) {
setProperty("../Chaine3", _x , getProperty("../Chaine2", _x) + (/Variables:InvNb * /Variables:LargeurObjet));
} else {
if (getProperty("../BorneDroite", _x) < (getProperty("../Chaine1", _x) - (/Variables:InvNb * /Variables:LargeurObjet))) {
setProperty("../Chaine1", _x , getProperty("../Chaine2", _x) - (/Variables:InvNb * /Variables:LargeurObjet));
if (getProperty("../BorneDroite", _x) < (getProperty("../Chaine2", _x) - (/Variables:InvNb * /Variables:LargeurObjet))) {
setProperty("../Chaine2", _x , getProperty("../Chaine3", _x) - (/Variables:InvNb * /Variables:LargeurObjet));
if (getProperty("../BorneDroite", _x) < (getProperty("../Chaine3", _x) - (/Variables:InvNb * /Variables:LargeurObjet))) {
setProperty("../Chaine3", _x , getProperty("../Chaine1", _x) - (/Variables:InvNb * /Variables:LargeurObjet));
Symbol 688 MovieClip Frame 2 (17 B)
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 688 MovieClip Frame 3 (8 B)
Symbol 691 MovieClip Frame 1 (8 B)
Symbol 691 MovieClip Frame 2 (1.93 KiB) ●
a = 1;
while (eval ("/Variables:InvObjet" + a) != /Variables:ObjetCombine) {
a = a + 1;
i = a;
while ((eval ("/Variables:InvObjet" + i) != 0) and (i < /Variables:InvNbMax)) {
Set("/Variables:InvObjet" + i, eval ("/Variables:InvObjet" + (i + 1)));
i = i + 1;
i = 1;
while (/Variables:InvNbMax >= i) {
tellTarget ("../Chaine1/Objet" + i) {
gotoAndStop(eval ("/Variables:InvObjet" + i) + 1);
tellTarget ("../Chaine2/Objet" + i) {
gotoAndStop(eval ("/Variables:InvObjet" + i) + 1);
tellTarget ("../Chaine3/Objet" + i) {
gotoAndStop(eval ("/Variables:InvObjet" + i) + 1);
i = i + 1;
if (/Variables:InvNb < 4) {
setProperty("../Chaine2", _x , getProperty("../BorneGauche", _x) + (/Variables:LargeurObjet / 4));
setProperty("../Chaine1", _x , getProperty("../Chaine2", _x) - (3 * /Variables:LargeurObjet));
setProperty("../Chaine3", _x , getProperty("../Chaine2", _x) + (3 * /Variables:LargeurObjet));
} else if ((getProperty("../Chaine1", _x) < getProperty("../Chaine2", _x)) and (getProperty("../Chaine3", _x) < getProperty("../Chaine1", _x))) {
setProperty("../Chaine3", _x , getProperty("../Chaine1", _x) - (/Variables:InvNb * /Variables:LargeurObjet));
setProperty("../Chaine2", _x , getProperty("../Chaine1", _x) + (/Variables:InvNb * /Variables:LargeurObjet));
} else if ((getProperty("../Chaine2", _x) < getProperty("../Chaine3", _x)) and (getProperty("../Chaine1", _x) < getProperty("../Chaine2", _x))) {
setProperty("../Chaine1", _x , getProperty("../Chaine2", _x) - (/Variables:InvNb * /Variables:LargeurObjet));
setProperty("../Chaine3", _x , getProperty("../Chaine2", _x) + (/Variables:InvNb * /Variables:LargeurObjet));
} else {
setProperty("../Chaine2", _x , getProperty("../Chaine3", _x) - (/Variables:InvNb * /Variables:LargeurObjet));
setProperty("../Chaine1", _x , getProperty("../Chaine2", _x) + (/Variables:InvNb * /Variables:LargeurObjet));
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 692 MovieClip Frame 1 (241 B)
if (Key.isDown(Key.LEFT) and (3 < /Variables:InvNb)) {
Deplace = /Variables:LargeurObjet;
gotoAndPlay (3);
if (Key.isDown(Key.RIGHT) and (3 < /Variables:InvNb)) {
Deplace = -1 * /Variables:LargeurObjet;
gotoAndPlay (3);
Symbol 692 MovieClip Frame 2 (17 B)
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 692 MovieClip Frame 3 (1.68 KiB) ●
setProperty("../Chaine1", _x , getProperty("../Chaine1", _x) + Deplace);
setProperty("../Chaine2", _x , getProperty("../Chaine2", _x) + Deplace);
setProperty("../Chaine3", _x , getProperty("../Chaine3", _x) + Deplace);
if (Deplace < 0) {
if ((getProperty("../Chaine1", _x) + (/Variables:InvNb * /Variables:LargeurObjet)) < getProperty("../BorneGauche", _x)) {
setProperty("../Chaine1", _x , getProperty("../Chaine3", _x) + (/Variables:InvNb * /Variables:LargeurObjet));
if ((getProperty("../Chaine2", _x) + (/Variables:InvNb * /Variables:LargeurObjet)) < getProperty("../BorneGauche", _x)) {
setProperty("../Chaine2", _x , getProperty("../Chaine1", _x) + (/Variables:InvNb * /Variables:LargeurObjet));
if ((getProperty("../Chaine3", _x) + (/Variables:InvNb * /Variables:LargeurObjet)) < getProperty("../BorneGauche", _x)) {
setProperty("../Chaine3", _x , getProperty("../Chaine2", _x) + (/Variables:InvNb * /Variables:LargeurObjet));
} else {
if (getProperty("../BorneDroite", _x) < (getProperty("../Chaine1", _x) - (/Variables:InvNb * /Variables:LargeurObjet))) {
setProperty("../Chaine1", _x , getProperty("../Chaine2", _x) - (/Variables:InvNb * /Variables:LargeurObjet));
if (getProperty("../BorneDroite", _x) < (getProperty("../Chaine2", _x) - (/Variables:InvNb * /Variables:LargeurObjet))) {
setProperty("../Chaine2", _x , getProperty("../Chaine3", _x) - (/Variables:InvNb * /Variables:LargeurObjet));
if (getProperty("../BorneDroite", _x) < (getProperty("../Chaine3", _x) - (/Variables:InvNb * /Variables:LargeurObjet))) {
setProperty("../Chaine3", _x , getProperty("../Chaine1", _x) - (/Variables:InvNb * /Variables:LargeurObjet));
Symbol 692 MovieClip Frame 4 (17 B)
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 692 MovieClip Frame 5 (1.72 KiB) ●
setProperty("../Chaine1", _x , getProperty("../Chaine1", _x) + /Variables:Deplace);
setProperty("../Chaine2", _x , getProperty("../Chaine2", _x) + /Variables:Deplace);
setProperty("../Chaine3", _x , getProperty("../Chaine3", _x) + /Variables:Deplace);
if (/Variables:Deplace < 0) {
if ((getProperty("../Chaine1", _x) + (/Variables:InvNb * /Variables:LargeurObjet)) < getProperty("../BorneGauche", _x)) {
setProperty("../Chaine1", _x , getProperty("../Chaine3", _x) + (/Variables:InvNb * /Variables:LargeurObjet));
if ((getProperty("../Chaine2", _x) + (/Variables:InvNb * /Variables:LargeurObjet)) < getProperty("../BorneGauche", _x)) {
setProperty("../Chaine2", _x , getProperty("../Chaine1", _x) + (/Variables:InvNb * /Variables:LargeurObjet));
if ((getProperty("../Chaine3", _x) + (/Variables:InvNb * /Variables:LargeurObjet)) < getProperty("../BorneGauche", _x)) {
setProperty("../Chaine3", _x , getProperty("../Chaine2", _x) + (/Variables:InvNb * /Variables:LargeurObjet));
} else {
if (getProperty("../BorneDroite", _x) < (getProperty("../Chaine1", _x) - (/Variables:InvNb * /Variables:LargeurObjet))) {
setProperty("../Chaine1", _x , getProperty("../Chaine2", _x) - (/Variables:InvNb * /Variables:LargeurObjet));
if (getProperty("../BorneDroite", _x) < (getProperty("../Chaine2", _x) - (/Variables:InvNb * /Variables:LargeurObjet))) {
setProperty("../Chaine2", _x , getProperty("../Chaine3", _x) - (/Variables:InvNb * /Variables:LargeurObjet));
if (getProperty("../BorneDroite", _x) < (getProperty("../Chaine3", _x) - (/Variables:InvNb * /Variables:LargeurObjet))) {
setProperty("../Chaine3", _x , getProperty("../Chaine1", _x) - (/Variables:InvNb * /Variables:LargeurObjet));
Symbol 692 MovieClip Frame 6 (17 B)
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 703 Button (34 B)
on (release) {
gotoAndStop (2);
Symbol 704 Button (34 B)
on (release) {
gotoAndStop (3);
Symbol 706 Button (34 B)
on (release) {
gotoAndStop (4);
Symbol 707 MovieClip Frame 1 (107 B)
if (_quality == "LOW") {
gotoAndStop (2);
if (_quality == "MEDIUM") {
gotoAndStop (3);
Symbol 707 MovieClip Frame 2 (19 B)
_quality = "LOW";
Symbol 707 MovieClip Frame 3 (22 B)
_quality = "MEDIUM";
Symbol 707 MovieClip Frame 4 (20 B)
_quality = "HIGH";
Symbol 708 Button (201 B)
on (keyPress "o") {
tellTarget ("/") {
gotoAndStop (1);
on (keyPress "O") {
tellTarget ("/") {
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 716 Button (103 B)
on (release) {
Set("/Variables:TransMail", /Variables:Mail1);
tellTarget ("../../") {
Symbol 718 Button (135 B)
on (release) {
Set("/Variables:Attachement", substring(_name, 4, 1));
tellTarget ("../../../") {
gotoAndPlay ("Attachement");
Symbol 721 MovieClip Frame 1 (50 B)
gotoAndStop(eval ("/Variables:Inv" + _name) + 1);
Symbol 724 Button (396 B)
on (press) {
tellTarget ("../FlechesRoue") {
gotoAndStop ("Down");
Set("/Variables:ScrollMail", -10);
tellTarget ("MailScroll") {
tellTarget ("../RoueScroll") {
on (release, releaseOutside) {
tellTarget ("../FlechesRoue") {
gotoAndStop (1);
tellTarget ("MailScroll") {
gotoAndStop (1);
tellTarget ("../RoueScroll") {
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 725 Button (393 B)
on (press) {
tellTarget ("../FlechesRoue") {
gotoAndStop ("Up");
Set("/Variables:ScrollMail", 10);
tellTarget ("MailScroll") {
tellTarget ("../RoueScroll") {
on (release, releaseOutside) {
tellTarget ("../FlechesRoue") {
gotoAndStop (1);
tellTarget ("MailScroll") {
gotoAndStop (1);
tellTarget ("../RoueScroll") {
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 727 MovieClip Frame 1 (8 B)
Symbol 727 MovieClip Frame 3 (787 B)
if (0 < /Variables:ScrollMail) {
if (getProperty("../MailEnsemble", _y) < (getProperty("../MailHaut", _y) - /Variables:ScrollMail)) {
setProperty("../MailEnsemble", _y , getProperty("../MailEnsemble", _y) + /Variables:ScrollMail);
} else {
setProperty("../MailEnsemble", _y , getProperty("../MailHaut", _y));
tellTarget ("../../RoueScroll") {
gotoAndStop (1);
if (/Variables:ScrollMail < 0) {
if ((getProperty("../MailBas", _y) + /Variables:ScrollMail) < (getProperty("../MailEnsemble", _y) + getProperty("../MailEnsemble", _height))) {
setProperty("../MailEnsemble", _y , getProperty("../MailEnsemble", _y) + /Variables:ScrollMail);
} else {
tellTarget ("../../RoueScroll") {
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 734 Button (396 B)
on (press) {
tellTarget ("../FlechesRoue") {
gotoAndStop ("Down");
Set("/Variables:Scroll", 1);
tellTarget ("ControlScroll") {
tellTarget ("../RoueScroll") {
on (release, releaseOutside) {
tellTarget ("../FlechesRoue") {
gotoAndStop (1);
tellTarget ("ControlScroll") {
gotoAndStop (1);
tellTarget ("../RoueScroll") {
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 735 Button (395 B)
on (press) {
tellTarget ("../FlechesRoue") {
gotoAndStop ("Up");
Set("/Variables:Scroll", -1);
tellTarget ("ControlScroll") {
tellTarget ("../RoueScroll") {
on (release, releaseOutside) {
tellTarget ("../FlechesRoue") {
gotoAndStop (1);
tellTarget ("ControlScroll") {
gotoAndStop (1);
tellTarget ("../RoueScroll") {
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 738 Button (249 B)
on (release) {
Set("/Variables:TransMail", "");
TexteMail = "";
if (getProperty("../", _currentframe) == 3) {
gotoAndStop (2);
} else {
tellTarget ("../InvSelection") {
gotoAndStop(/Variables:ObjetSelect + 1);
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 739 MovieClip Frame 1 (8 B)
Symbol 739 MovieClip Frame 3 (96 B)
_parent.TexteMail.scroll = _parent.TexteMail.scroll + /Variables:Scroll;
Symbol 743 MovieClip Frame 1 (37 B)
Symbol 743 MovieClip Frame 2 (8 B)
Symbol 744 Button (410 B)
on (press) {
tellTarget ("../FlechesRoue") {
gotoAndStop ("Down");
Set("/Variables:ScrollMail", -10);
tellTarget ("ScrollAttachement") {
tellTarget ("../RoueScroll") {
on (release, releaseOutside) {
tellTarget ("../FlechesRoue") {
gotoAndStop (1);
tellTarget ("ScrollAttachement") {
gotoAndStop (1);
tellTarget ("../RoueScroll") {
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 745 Button (407 B)
on (press) {
tellTarget ("../FlechesRoue") {
gotoAndStop ("Up");
Set("/Variables:ScrollMail", 10);
tellTarget ("ScrollAttachement") {
tellTarget ("../RoueScroll") {
on (release, releaseOutside) {
tellTarget ("../FlechesRoue") {
gotoAndStop (1);
tellTarget ("ScrollAttachement") {
gotoAndStop (1);
tellTarget ("../RoueScroll") {
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 746 MovieClip Frame 1 (8 B)
Symbol 746 MovieClip Frame 3 (776 B)
if (0 < /Variables:ScrollMail) {
if (getProperty("../Attachement", _y) < (getProperty("../AttHaut", _y) - /Variables:ScrollMail)) {
setProperty("../Attachement", _y , getProperty("../Attachement", _y) + /Variables:ScrollMail);
} else {
setProperty("../Attachement", _y , getProperty("../AttHaut", _y));
tellTarget ("../../RoueScroll") {
gotoAndStop (1);
if (/Variables:ScrollMail < 0) {
if ((getProperty("../AttBas", _y) + /Variables:ScrollMail) < (getProperty("../Attachement", _y) + getProperty("../Attachement", _height))) {
setProperty("../Attachement", _y , getProperty("../Attachement", _y) + /Variables:ScrollMail);
} else {
tellTarget ("../../RoueScroll") {
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 747 MovieClip Frame 1 (8 B)
Symbol 747 MovieClip Frame 2 (8 B)
Symbol 747 MovieClip Frame 4 (43 B)
TexteMail = /Variables:TransMail;
Symbol 747 MovieClip Frame 6 (8 B)
Symbol 750 MovieClip Frame 1 (8 B)
Symbol 758 Button (237 B)
on (release) {
if (getProperty("/Gts", _visible) == 1) {
Set("/Variables:CacheGts", true);
setProperty("/Gts", _visible , 0);
Set("/Variables:TransMail", "");
tellTarget ("../MailMovie") {
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 762 Button (64 B)
on (release) {
getURL ("/web/steppenwolf/play.jsp?end=true");
Symbol 763 Button (149 B)
on (release) {
if (/Variables:CacheGts == true) {
Set("/Variables:CacheGts", "false");
setProperty("/Gts", _visible , 1);
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 764 MovieClip Frame 1 (8 B)
Symbol 766 Button (272 B)
on (release) {
setProperty("/Gts", _x , 536);
setProperty("/Gts", _y , 357);
setProperty("/Gts", _xscale , 20);
setProperty("/Gts", _yscale , 20);
tellTarget ("/") {
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 767 Button (400 B)
on (release) {
setProperty("/Gts", _x , 536);
setProperty("/Gts", _y , 357);
setProperty("/Gts", _xscale , 20);
setProperty("/Gts", _yscale , 20);
Set("/Variables:TransMail", /Variables:Instructions);
if (_currentframe == 2) {
tellTarget ("InvSelection") {
gotoAndStop (1);
tellTarget ("MailMovie") {
gotoAndPlay (3);
Symbol 772 Button (331 B)
on (release) {
setProperty("/Gts", _x , 536);
setProperty("/Gts", _y , 357);
setProperty("/Gts", _xscale , 20);
setProperty("/Gts", _yscale , 20);
Set("/Variables:TransMail", "");
Set("/Variables:ObjetSelect", 0);
tellTarget ("MailMovie") {
gotoAndStop (1);
gotoAndStop (2);
Symbol 775 Button (555 B)
on (keyPress "o") {
setProperty("/Gts", _x , 536);
setProperty("/Gts", _y , 357);
setProperty("/Gts", _xscale , 20);
setProperty("/Gts", _yscale , 20);
tellTarget ("/") {
gotoAndStop (1);
on (keyPress "O") {
setProperty("/Gts", _x , 536);
setProperty("/Gts", _y , 357);
setProperty("/Gts", _xscale , 20);
setProperty("/Gts", _yscale , 20);
tellTarget ("/") {
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 776 Button (102 B)
on (release) {
Set("/Variables:GtsOuvert", true);
setProperty("/Gts", _visible , 1);
Symbol 778 Button (103 B)
on (release) {
Set("/Variables:GtsOuvert", false);
setProperty("/Gts", _visible , 0);
Symbol 780 MovieClip Frame 1 (69 B)
if (getProperty("/Gts", _visible) == 1) {
Symbol 780 MovieClip Frame 2 (8 B)
Symbol 781 MovieClip Frame 1 (52 B)
Set("/Variables:InventaireOuvert", false);
Symbol 781 MovieClip Frame 2 (150 B)
Set("/Variables:ObjetSelect", 0);
Set("/Variables:InventaireOuvert", true);
tellTarget ("_root") {
Instance of Symbol 620 MovieClip "BoutonVolume" in Symbol 781 MovieClip Frame 2 (238 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
top = _y;
left = _x - 140;
right = _x;
bottom = _y;
setProperty("_parent.BoutonVolume", _x , left + _root.s.getVolume());
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (dragging == true) {
_root.s.setVolume(_x - left);
Symbol 781 MovieClip Frame 3 (51 B)
Set("/Variables:InventaireOuvert", true);
Instance of Symbol 620 MovieClip "BoutonVolume" in Symbol 781 MovieClip Frame 3 (238 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
top = _y;
left = _x - 140;
right = _x;
bottom = _y;
setProperty("_parent.BoutonVolume", _x , left + _root.s.getVolume());
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (dragging == true) {
_root.s.setVolume(_x - left);
Symbol 783 MovieClip Frame 1 (7.69 KiB) ● ●
Fleche = 1;
Set("/:Idle", false);
BaseScaleGts = 16.8;
InventaireOuvert = false;
LargeurObjet = 60;
InvNb = 0;
InvNbMax = 10;
InvObjetSelect = 0;
Instructions = "RULES\r\nIn Steppenwolf: The X-Creatures Project, you guide Meg Crimson and the Steppenwolf himself through a series of action- and logic-based interactive puzzles. \r\nThere are two major components to this application: the Main Game screen, where all the action takes place, and the Inventory page, where the player can stop to think, access stored information and manipulate a variety of items.\r\n\r\n1. The Main Game Screen\r\nCareful manipulation of the character and of the interactive environment is the key to success in this game. The following keyboard commands are available:\r\nUp, Down, Left and Right Arrows: walk in the appropriate direction\r\nUp/Right, Up/Left, Down/Left, Down/Right Arrow combinations: walk along diagonals\r\nHold SHIFT while pressing on a directional arrow combination: run in the appropriate direction\r\nCTRL: jump in the current direction of movement (not available in episode 1)\r\nSPACE: Context-sensitive \"Action Key\", which depends on the interactive element closest to the character's current position. Examples include opening a door, picking up a statue and storing it in the character's inventory, untying a knot to free a hostage, etc.\r\n\r\nThe game's on-screen interface items are very simple:\r\nThe Life Gauge located in the top-left corner measures the hero's current health level. Don't let it fall to zero, or the game is over. \r\nThe special icon located in the top-right corner gives you access to the Inventory screen. It will look like an electronic bracelet when Steppenwolf is the active character, and like a palmtop computer when Meg is in charge.\r\n\r\nFinally, three short-cut keys give quick access to the inventory: \r\nI: Open the inventory\r\nRight/Left arrows: to scroll the item list while the inventory is opened\r\nO: Close the inventory\r\nT: Store the active object and replace it with its successor.\r\n\r\n2.The Inventory Screen\r\nThis page contains four buttons, a slider which allows you to set the sound volume, and a display window whose contents depend on the state of the MAIL and ITEMS buttons.\r\na) MAIL and ITEMS buttons: Click on these buttons to toggle between MAIL and ITEMS mode. \r\nWhen MAIL is active, the display window shows a list of the recent email messages received by the hero. Click on the (underlined) sender's name to read a message; some messages also come with visual attachments, which can be accessed by clicking on the paper clip icon next to the sender's name. \r\nWhen ITEMS is active, a small area at the bottom of the display window is reserved to a scrolling list of the objects picked up by the characters since the beginning of the episode. Roll over the side edges of this area to scroll the list. Click on one of the objects to make it active; a detailed description will appear in the larger area of the display window. \r\nSome inventory items are components which can be assembled into more elaborate objects. For example, making an antidote potion may require several ingredients. If you drag a different object to the main display window while it's already showing something else, the two will automatically merge into one if appropriate. (Otherwise, the new item simply replaces the old one as active object.)\r\nb) OK button: returns to the main game screen\r\nc) HELP button: read the game's instructions\r\nd) QUIT button: leave the current episode and return to the series' main menu.\r\ne) IMAGE QUALITY buttons: if the animation is choppy or slow on your computer, select a lower image quality.\r\n\r\nMinimum system requirements:\r\nWindows 95/98/NT/2000\r\nMinimum 200MHz processor, Windows compatible sound card, 24 bit display.\r\nMacintosh OS\r\nMinimum 200MHz PowerPC processor, 24 bit display.\r\n";
InvObjet1 = 0;
InvObjet2 = 0;
InvObjet3 = 0;
InvObjet4 = 0;
InvObjet5 = 0;
InvObjet6 = 0;
InvObjet7 = 0;
InvObjet8 = 0;
InvObjet9 = 0;
InvObjet10 = 0;
InvMail = 0;
InvMailMax = 6;
InvMail1 = 1;
InvMail2 = 2;
InvMail3 = 0;
InvMail4 = 0;
InvMail5 = 0;
InvMail6 = 0;
Mail1 = "Meg, \r\nAs your first Secrets of the Wild assignment, you must seek out, find and film a legendary African creature known as the Mokele Mbembe. \r\nReportedly, this creature is as big as an elephant and can knock down trees with a single blow of its long and powerful tail. I say reportedly, because we have no formal proof that it exists: several scientific expeditions have visited the area since 1980, but failed to produce any conclusive evidence. However, given that legends concerning the monster have turned up all over central Africa, and that the local population is utterly terrified of the creature, we do believe that it is there, probably deep in the marshes beyond the source of the Congo river. \r\nA veteran cameraman by the name of Derek Murphy will assist you in this assignment. Don't be put off by his personality quirks; he's the best I've ever seen at what he does. We expect daily reports, which Derek will send us via satellite and which will be published on the World Geographic web site. We have already signed up over one hundred thousand subscribers; failure is not an option. \r\nAs I mentioned earlier when we talked in my office, you may want to contact a man known as the Steppenwolf. I know little about this guy, especially not whether he'll be of any help to you; all that my sources tell me is that he is a paleo-biologist and a self-proclaimed expert in the study of mythical and improbable animals. If that's true, he probably knows as much about the Mokele Mbembe as anyone. Apparently, he lives as a recluse, somewhere in the jungle near your destination, and he hasn't talked to anyone outside of the local tribe in years, so you'll have to be very convincing to squeeze any information out of him. For what it's worth, I have attached an old photograph of the man to this message. \r\nTime to get to work, now. A boat is waiting for you in Kisangani harbor. It will take you up the river, to the heart of the jungle. From then on, you're on your own. \r\nSincerely, \r\nMcAllister \r\n";
Mail2 = "Hey Meg,\r\nI hope that everything is nice and cozy for you in Africa. Have you met the Steppenwolf yet? Is he cooperative?\r\nWe're all looking forward to your first report. When do you think you'll be able to send it in?\r\nTalk to you soon,\r\nMcA";
BarrePorteRamasse = false;
MarteauRamasse = false;
FuseeRamasse = false;
MedecineRamasse = false;
CordeRamasse = false;
AnimBriseVu = false;
Pierre1 = false;
Pierre2a = false;
Pierre2b = false;
Pierre3 = true;
Pierre4 = false;
Pierre5 = false;
Pierre6 = false;
Tuile1 = false;
Tuile2 = false;
Tuile3 = false;
Tuile4 = false;
Tuile5 = false;
Tuile6 = false;
TuilePlaces = false;
TuileMauvaise = false;
CoteBaril = "Gauche";
BarilBougePu = false;
CrochetBrise = "";
TimerActif = true;
Porte = 0;
Balle = 0;
GardeAction = false;
GardesSortis = 0;
GardeTir = false;
GardeIdle = true;
GardeDirection = "NE";
FusilLeve = false;
Vie = 100;
ObjetSelect = 0;
Acceleration = 0;
Moulin1Roue1 = 1;
Moulin1Roue2 = 4;
Moulin1Roue3 = 3;
Moulin2Roue1 = 3;
Moulin2Roue2 = 1;
Moulin2Roue3 = 1;
Moulin3Roue1 = 2;
Moulin3Roue2 = 1;
Moulin3Roue3 = 3;
Moulin4Roue1 = 4;
Moulin4Roue2 = 1;
Moulin4Roue3 = 4;
BoudhaOuvert = false;
MegCri = false;
FeuLance = false;
GardesPris = false;
AvanceTir = false;
NbArtifices = 0;
BoulePousse = false;
PontOuvert = false;
CordeLance = false;
PorteExplose = false;
ArtificePorte = false;
PeintureVue = false;
PorteDefonce = false;
GardeEntre = "";
NbFeuTouche = 1;
DerniereTuile = 0;
Vent = random(5) - 2;
if (Vent == 0) {
Vent = 1;
DecaleVent = 5;
Pause = false;
Symbol 809 MovieClip Frame 1 (316 B)
loadVariablesNum ("/web/steppenwolf/tracking.jsp?episode=6&stage=3", 0);
tellTarget ("_root") {
gotoAndStop ("Tab1Stoppe");
tellTarget ("_root.TimerGardes") {
Set("/Variables:ObjetRemove", 1);
Set("/Variables:ObjetSelect", 0);
tellTarget ("_root.Inventaire.ObjetRemove") {
Symbol 809 MovieClip Frame 19 (119 B)
tellTarget ("_root.Porte") {
gotoAndPlay ("PorteBarre");
tellTarget ("_root.Collider") {
gotoAndStop (2);
Symbol 809 MovieClip Frame 20 (209 B)
if (/Variables:GardesSortis == 1) {
tellTarget ("_root") {
gotoAndStop ("Tab1B");
} else {
tellTarget ("_root") {
gotoAndStop ("Tab1");
tellTarget ("_parent") {
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 901 MovieClip Frame 1 (371 B)
Set("/Variables:InventaireOuvert", true);
Set("/Variables:GardeEntre", "");
Set("/Variables:Stoppe", true);
Set("/Variables:TimerActif", false);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _visible , 0);
tellTarget ("_root") {
tellTarget ("_root.Porte") {
gotoAndStop (1);
Set("/Variables:Porte", 3);
Set("/Variables:GardesSortis", 1);
Symbol 901 MovieClip Frame 20 (64 B)
tellTarget ("_root.Porte") {
gotoAndStop ("PorteBrisee");
Symbol 901 MovieClip Frame 21 (346 B)
Set("/Variables:Stoppe", false);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _visible , 1);
Set("/Variables:InventaireOuvert", false);
if (/Variables:EtatActif == "Tab1") {
tellTarget ("_root") {
gotoAndPlay ("Tab1BIni");
} else {
tellTarget ("_root") {
tellTarget ("_parent") {
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 933 MovieClip Frame 1 (148 B)
setProperty("_root.Meg", _visible , 0);
tellTarget ("_root") {
gotoAndStop ("Tab5Stoppe");
tellTarget ("_root.TimerGardes") {
Symbol 933 MovieClip Frame 5 (61 B)
if (/Variables:PeintureVue == true) {
gotoAndPlay (27);
Symbol 933 MovieClip Frame 7 (115 B)
loadVariablesNum ("/web/steppenwolf/tracking.jsp?episode=6&stage=4", 0);
Set("/Variables:PeintureVue", true);
Symbol 933 MovieClip Frame 60 (141 B)
setProperty("_root.Meg", _visible , 1);
tellTarget ("_root") {
gotoAndStop ("Tab5");
tellTarget ("_parent") {
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 937 MovieClip Frame 1 (289 B)
setProperty("_root.Meg", _visible , 0);
Set("/Variables:InventaireOuvert", true);
Set("/Variables:GardeEntre", "");
Set("/Variables:Stoppe", true);
Set("/Variables:TimerActif", false);
tellTarget ("_root") {
Set("/Variables:GardesSortis", 1);
Symbol 937 MovieClip Frame 11 (81 B)
Set("/Variables:Porte", 0);
tellTarget ("_root.Porte") {
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 937 MovieClip Frame 12 (346 B)
setProperty("_root.Meg", _visible , 1);
Set("/Variables:Stoppe", false);
Set("/Variables:InventaireOuvert", false);
if (/Variables:EtatActif == "Tab1") {
tellTarget ("_root") {
gotoAndPlay ("Tab1BIni");
} else {
tellTarget ("_root") {
tellTarget ("_parent") {
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 959 MovieClip Frame 1 (289 B)
Set("/Variables:GardesSortis", 1);
Set("/Variables:GardeEntre", "");
Set("/Variables:InventaireOuvert", true);
Set("/Variables:Stoppe", true);
Set("/Variables:TimerActif", false);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _visible , 0);
tellTarget ("_root") {
Symbol 959 MovieClip Frame 15 (81 B)
Set("/Variables:Porte", 0);
tellTarget ("_root.Porte") {
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 959 MovieClip Frame 16 (346 B)
setProperty("_root.Meg", _visible , 1);
Set("/Variables:Stoppe", false);
Set("/Variables:InventaireOuvert", false);
if (/Variables:EtatActif == "Tab1") {
tellTarget ("_root") {
gotoAndPlay ("Tab1BIni");
} else {
tellTarget ("_root") {
tellTarget ("_parent") {
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 980 MovieClip Frame 1 (603 B)
tellTarget ("_root.TimerGardes") {
loadVariablesNum ("/web/steppenwolf/tracking.jsp?episode=6&stage=6", 0);
Set("/Variables:AnimBriseVu", true);
if (/Variables:CoteBaril eq "Droite") {
tellTarget ("_root.Baril") {
gotoAndStop ("GaucheBrise");
tellTarget ("_root.BarilDerriere") {
gotoAndStop ("GaucheBrise");
} else if (/Variables:CoteBaril eq "Gauche") {
tellTarget ("_root.Baril") {
gotoAndStop ("DroiteBrise");
tellTarget ("_root.BarilDerriere") {
gotoAndStop ("DroiteBrise");
tellTarget ("_root") {
gotoAndStop ("Tab2Stoppe");
Symbol 980 MovieClip Frame 29 (100 B)
tellTarget ("_root") {
gotoAndStop ("Tab2");
tellTarget ("_parent") {
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 995 MovieClip Frame 1 (170 B)
Set("/Variables:InventaireOuvert", true);
loadVariablesNum ("/web/steppenwolf/tracking.jsp?episode=6&stage=7", 0);
tellTarget ("_root.TimerGardes") {
Symbol 995 MovieClip Frame 25 (261 B)
tellTarget ("_root.Fusee") {
gotoAndStop (2);
Set("/Variables:InvNb", /Variables:InvNb + 1);
Set("/Variables:InvObjet" + /Variables:InvNb, 3);
tellTarget ("_root.Inventaire.ObjetAffiche") {
gotoAndStop (4);
Set("/Variables:FuseeRamasse", true);
Symbol 995 MovieClip Frame 26 (92 B)
Set("/Variables:InventaireOuvert", false);
tellTarget ("_parent") {
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 1013 MovieClip Frame 1 (226 B)
tellTarget ("_root.TimerGardes") {
loadVariablesNum ("/web/steppenwolf/tracking.jsp?episode=6&stage=8", 0);
tellTarget ("_root") {
gotoAndStop ("Tab2Stoppe");
setProperty("_root.Meg", _visible , 0);
Symbol 1013 MovieClip Frame 15 (165 B)
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , 535);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , 358);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _visible , 1);
tellTarget ("_root.Meg") {
gotoAndStop (8);
Symbol 1013 MovieClip Frame 16 (100 B)
tellTarget ("_root") {
gotoAndStop ("Tab2");
tellTarget ("_parent") {
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 1039 MovieClip Frame 1 (148 B)
tellTarget ("_root.TimerGardes") {
tellTarget ("_root") {
gotoAndStop ("Tab2Stoppe");
setProperty("_root.Meg", _visible , 0);
Symbol 1039 MovieClip Frame 20 (114 B)
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , 207);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , 325);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _visible , 1);
Symbol 1039 MovieClip Frame 21 (100 B)
tellTarget ("_root") {
gotoAndStop ("Tab2");
tellTarget ("_parent") {
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 1059 MovieClip Frame 1 (78 B)
gotoAndStop("Pos" + eval (("/Variables:" + /Variables:MoulinActif) + _name));
Symbol 1059 MovieClip Frame 3 (60 B)
Set(("/Variables:" + /Variables:MoulinActif) + _name, "2");
Symbol 1059 MovieClip Frame 16 (747 B)
if ((((((((((((/Variables:Moulin4Roue1 == 1) and (/Variables:Moulin4Roue2 == 1)) and (/Variables:Moulin4Roue3 == 1)) and (/Variables:Moulin1Roue1 == 3)) and (/Variables:Moulin1Roue2 == 3)) and (/Variables:Moulin1Roue3 == 3)) and (/Variables:Moulin2Roue1 == 4)) and (/Variables:Moulin2Roue2 == 4)) and (/Variables:Moulin2Roue3 == 4)) and (/Variables:Moulin3Roue1 == 2)) and (/Variables:Moulin3Roue2 == 2)) and (/Variables:Moulin3Roue3 == 2)) {
if ((/Variables:MoulinActif == "Moulin1") or (/Variables:MoulinActif == "Moulin4")) {
setProperty("_root.Animatiques", _xscale , getProperty("_root.Animatiques", _xscale) - (2 * getProperty("_root.Animatiques", _xscale)));
tellTarget ("_root.Animatiques") {
gotoAndStop ("Boudha");
Symbol 1059 MovieClip Frame 17 (57 B)
tellTarget ("../Main") {
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 1059 MovieClip Frame 18 (60 B)
Set(("/Variables:" + /Variables:MoulinActif) + _name, "3");
Symbol 1059 MovieClip Frame 32 (747 B)
if ((((((((((((/Variables:Moulin4Roue1 == 1) and (/Variables:Moulin4Roue2 == 1)) and (/Variables:Moulin4Roue3 == 1)) and (/Variables:Moulin1Roue1 == 3)) and (/Variables:Moulin1Roue2 == 3)) and (/Variables:Moulin1Roue3 == 3)) and (/Variables:Moulin2Roue1 == 4)) and (/Variables:Moulin2Roue2 == 4)) and (/Variables:Moulin2Roue3 == 4)) and (/Variables:Moulin3Roue1 == 2)) and (/Variables:Moulin3Roue2 == 2)) and (/Variables:Moulin3Roue3 == 2)) {
if ((/Variables:MoulinActif == "Moulin1") or (/Variables:MoulinActif == "Moulin4")) {
setProperty("_root.Animatiques", _xscale , getProperty("_root.Animatiques", _xscale) - (2 * getProperty("_root.Animatiques", _xscale)));
tellTarget ("_root.Animatiques") {
gotoAndStop ("Boudha");
Symbol 1059 MovieClip Frame 33 (57 B)
tellTarget ("../Main") {
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 1059 MovieClip Frame 34 (60 B)
Set(("/Variables:" + /Variables:MoulinActif) + _name, "4");
Symbol 1059 MovieClip Frame 48 (747 B)
if ((((((((((((/Variables:Moulin4Roue1 == 1) and (/Variables:Moulin4Roue2 == 1)) and (/Variables:Moulin4Roue3 == 1)) and (/Variables:Moulin1Roue1 == 3)) and (/Variables:Moulin1Roue2 == 3)) and (/Variables:Moulin1Roue3 == 3)) and (/Variables:Moulin2Roue1 == 4)) and (/Variables:Moulin2Roue2 == 4)) and (/Variables:Moulin2Roue3 == 4)) and (/Variables:Moulin3Roue1 == 2)) and (/Variables:Moulin3Roue2 == 2)) and (/Variables:Moulin3Roue3 == 2)) {
if ((/Variables:MoulinActif == "Moulin1") or (/Variables:MoulinActif == "Moulin4")) {
setProperty("_root.Animatiques", _xscale , getProperty("_root.Animatiques", _xscale) - (2 * getProperty("_root.Animatiques", _xscale)));
tellTarget ("_root.Animatiques") {
gotoAndStop ("Boudha");
Symbol 1059 MovieClip Frame 49 (57 B)
tellTarget ("../Main") {
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 1059 MovieClip Frame 50 (60 B)
Set(("/Variables:" + /Variables:MoulinActif) + _name, "1");
Symbol 1059 MovieClip Frame 64 (747 B)
if ((((((((((((/Variables:Moulin4Roue1 == 1) and (/Variables:Moulin4Roue2 == 1)) and (/Variables:Moulin4Roue3 == 1)) and (/Variables:Moulin1Roue1 == 3)) and (/Variables:Moulin1Roue2 == 3)) and (/Variables:Moulin1Roue3 == 3)) and (/Variables:Moulin2Roue1 == 4)) and (/Variables:Moulin2Roue2 == 4)) and (/Variables:Moulin2Roue3 == 4)) and (/Variables:Moulin3Roue1 == 2)) and (/Variables:Moulin3Roue2 == 2)) and (/Variables:Moulin3Roue3 == 2)) {
if ((/Variables:MoulinActif == "Moulin1") or (/Variables:MoulinActif == "Moulin4")) {
setProperty("_root.Animatiques", _xscale , getProperty("_root.Animatiques", _xscale) - (2 * getProperty("_root.Animatiques", _xscale)));
tellTarget ("_root.Animatiques") {
gotoAndStop ("Boudha");
Symbol 1059 MovieClip Frame 65 (66 B)
tellTarget ("../Main") {
gotoAndStop (1);
gotoAndStop (2);
Symbol 1110 MovieClip Frame 1 (8 B)
Symbol 1110 MovieClip Frame 5 (50 B)
Set("/Variables:Pause", false);
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 1129 MovieClip Frame 1 (8 B)
Instance of Symbol 1116 MovieClip in Symbol 1129 MovieClip Frame 1 (515 B)
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (Key.isDown(Key.RIGHT)) {
tellTarget ("../../") {
gotoAndPlay ("Sort");
if (Key.isDown(Key.LEFT)) {
tellTarget ("../../") {
gotoAndPlay ("Sort");
if (Key.isDown(Key.DOWN) and (/Variables:Pause == false)) {
Set("/Variables:Pause", true);
tellTarget ("../../Pause") {
tellTarget ("../../") {
if (Key.isDown(Key.SPACE)) {
tellTarget ("../../Roue1") {
tellTarget ("../") {
Symbol 1129 MovieClip Frame 15 (8 B)
Symbol 1131 MovieClip Frame 1 (8 B)
Instance of Symbol 1130 MovieClip in Symbol 1131 MovieClip Frame 1 (704 B)
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (Key.isDown(Key.RIGHT)) {
tellTarget ("../../") {
gotoAndPlay ("Sort");
if (Key.isDown(Key.LEFT)) {
tellTarget ("../../") {
gotoAndPlay ("Sort");
if (Key.isDown(Key.DOWN) and (/Variables:Pause == false)) {
Set("/Variables:Pause", true);
tellTarget ("../../Pause") {
tellTarget ("../../") {
if (Key.isDown(Key.UP) and (/Variables:Pause == false)) {
Set("/Variables:Pause", true);
tellTarget ("../../Pause") {
tellTarget ("../../") {
if (Key.isDown(Key.SPACE)) {
tellTarget ("../../Roue2") {
tellTarget ("../") {
Symbol 1131 MovieClip Frame 15 (8 B)
Symbol 1133 MovieClip Frame 1 (8 B)
Instance of Symbol 1132 MovieClip in Symbol 1133 MovieClip Frame 1 (513 B)
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (Key.isDown(Key.RIGHT)) {
tellTarget ("../../") {
gotoAndPlay ("Sort");
if (Key.isDown(Key.LEFT)) {
tellTarget ("../../") {
gotoAndPlay ("Sort");
if (Key.isDown(Key.UP) and (/Variables:Pause == false)) {
Set("/Variables:Pause", true);
tellTarget ("../../Pause") {
tellTarget ("../../") {
if (Key.isDown(Key.SPACE)) {
tellTarget ("../../Roue3") {
tellTarget ("../") {
Symbol 1133 MovieClip Frame 15 (8 B)
Symbol 1135 MovieClip Frame 1 (98 B)
setProperty("_root.Meg", _visible , 0);
tellTarget ("_root") {
gotoAndStop ("Tab3Stoppe");
Symbol 1135 MovieClip Frame 11 (8 B)
Symbol 1135 MovieClip Frame 12 (8 B)
Symbol 1135 MovieClip Frame 13 (8 B)
Symbol 1135 MovieClip Frame 17 (370 B)
tellTarget ("_root") {
gotoAndStop ("Tab3");
if ((/Variables:MoulinActif == "Moulin1") or (/Variables:MoulinActif == "Moulin4")) {
setProperty("_root.Animatiques", _xscale , getProperty("_root.Animatiques", _xscale) - (2 * getProperty("_root.Animatiques", _xscale)));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _visible , 1);
tellTarget ("_parent") {
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 1183 MovieClip Frame 1 (57 B)
tellTarget ("_root") {
gotoAndStop ("Tab3Stoppe");
Symbol 1183 MovieClip Frame 79 (573 B)
tellTarget ("_root") {
gotoAndStop ("Tab3");
Set("/Variables:Stoppe", true);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _visible , 1);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , 373);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , 205);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , 30);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , 30);
tellTarget ("_root.Meg") {
gotoAndStop (2);
tellTarget ("_root.Meg.Obj") {
gotoAndPlay ("Idle");
tellTarget ("_root.Boudha") {
gotoAndPlay (2);
loadVariablesNum ("/web/steppenwolf/tracking.jsp?episode=6&stage=9", 0);
tellTarget ("_parent") {
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 1231 MovieClip Frame 1 (196 B)
Set("/Variables:NbArtifices", /Variables:NbArtifices + 1);
loadVariablesNum ("/web/steppenwolf/tracking.jsp?episode=6&stage=10", 0);
tellTarget ("_root") {
gotoAndStop ("Tab6Stoppe");
Symbol 1231 MovieClip Frame 43 (336 B)
tellTarget ("_root") {
gotoAndStop ("Tab6");
if (2 < /Variables:NbArtifices) {
Set("/Variables:ArtificePorte", true);
tellTarget ("_root.GardeDerriere") {
gotoAndPlay ("AvanceTir");
} else {
tellTarget ("_root.GardeDerriere") {
gotoAndPlay ("Entre");
tellTarget ("_parent") {
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 1249 MovieClip Frame 1 (136 B)
tellTarget ("_root") {
gotoAndStop ("Tab6Stoppe");
loadVariablesNum ("/web/steppenwolf/tracking.jsp?episode=6&stage=11", 0);
Symbol 1249 MovieClip Frame 32 (154 B)
tellTarget ("_root") {
gotoAndStop ("Tab6");
tellTarget ("_root.Cloche") {
gotoAndStop (2);
tellTarget ("_parent") {
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 1278 MovieClip Frame 1 (78 B)
loadVariablesNum ("/web/steppenwolf/tracking.jsp?episode=6&stage=13", 0);
Symbol 1278 MovieClip Frame 27 (101 B)
tellTarget ("_root.Boule") {
gotoAndPlay (2);
tellTarget ("_parent") {
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 1282 MovieClip Frame 1 (57 B)
tellTarget ("_root") {
gotoAndStop ("Tab3Stoppe");
Symbol 1282 MovieClip Frame 29 (375 B)
Set("/Variables:InvNb", /Variables:InvNb + 1);
Set("/Variables:InvObjet" + /Variables:InvNb, 4);
tellTarget ("_root.Inventaire.ObjetAffiche") {
gotoAndStop (5);
Set("/Variables:MedecineRamasse", true);
tellTarget ("_root.Boudha.Medecine") {
gotoAndStop (2);
tellTarget ("_root") {
gotoAndStop ("Tab3");
tellTarget ("_parent") {
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 1398 MovieClip Frame 1 (188 B)
Set("/Variables:ObjetRemove", 5);
Set("/Variables:ObjetSelect", 0);
tellTarget ("_root.Inventaire.ObjetRemove") {
tellTarget ("_root") {
gotoAndStop ("Tab4Stoppe");
Symbol 1398 MovieClip Frame 2 (160 B)
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , 98);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , 380);
tellTarget ("_root.Meg") {
gotoAndStop (6);
Set("/Variables:CordeLance", true);
Symbol 1398 MovieClip Frame 25 (232 B)
loadVariablesNum ("/web/steppenwolf/tracking.jsp?episode=6&stage=17", 0);
tellTarget ("_root") {
gotoAndStop ("Tab4");
tellTarget ("_root.Corde") {
gotoAndStop (2);
tellTarget ("_parent") {
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 1409 MovieClip Frame 1 (173 B)
Set("/Variables:PontOuvert", true);
loadVariablesNum ("/web/steppenwolf/tracking.jsp?episode=6&stage=19", 0);
tellTarget ("_root") {
gotoAndStop ("Tab4Stoppe");
Symbol 1409 MovieClip Frame 34 (152 B)
tellTarget ("_root") {
gotoAndStop ("Tab4");
tellTarget ("_root.Pont") {
gotoAndPlay (2);
tellTarget ("_parent") {
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 1416 MovieClip Frame 1 (136 B)
loadVariablesNum ("/web/steppenwolf/tracking.jsp?episode=6&stage=20", 0);
tellTarget ("_root") {
gotoAndStop ("Tab4Stoppe");
Symbol 1416 MovieClip Frame 22 (242 B)
if (getProperty("_root.Gts", _visible) == 1) {
Set("/Variables:GtsOuvert", true);
} else {
Set("/Variables:GtsOuvert", false);
tellTarget ("_root") {
gotoAndPlay ("PortailIni");
tellTarget ("_parent") {
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 1421 MovieClip Frame 1 (192 B)
loadVariablesNum ("/web/steppenwolf/tracking.jsp?episode=6&stage=12", 0);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , 200);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , 85);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _visible , 0);
Symbol 1421 MovieClip Frame 21 (107 B)
tellTarget ("_root") {
gotoAndStop ("StepFenetre");
tellTarget ("_Parent") {
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 1422 MovieClip Frame 1 (78 B)
loadVariablesNum ("/web/steppenwolf/tracking.jsp?episode=6&stage=14", 0);
Symbol 1422 MovieClip Frame 16 (364 B)
Set("/Variables:EtatActif", "Tab6");
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , 203);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , 158);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _visible , 1);
tellTarget ("_root.Meg") {
gotoAndStop (8);
tellTarget ("_root.Meg.Obj") {
gotoAndPlay ("Idle");
tellTarget ("_root") {
gotoAndStop ("Tab6");
tellTarget ("_parent") {
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 1423 MovieClip Frame 1 (158 B)
if (/Variables:TimerActif == true) {
tellTarget ("_root.TimerGardes") {
tellTarget ("_root.TextExit") {
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 1423 MovieClip Frame 11 (55 B)
tellTarget ("_root.TextExit") {
gotoAndStop (2);
Symbol 1423 MovieClip Frame 12 (55 B)
tellTarget ("_root.TextExit") {
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 1424 MovieClip Frame 78 (437 B)
if (/Variables:Porte == 2) {
tellTarget ("_root.Porte.PorteBarree") {
} else if (/Variables:Porte == 1) {
Set("/Variables:GardeEntre", "OuvrePorte");
tellTarget ("_root.Animatiques") {
gotoAndStop ("OuvrePorte");
} else {
Set("/Variables:GardeEntre", "GardesSorts");
tellTarget ("_root.Animatiques") {
gotoAndStop ("GardesSorts");
Set("/Variables:PorteDefonce", true);
Symbol 1424 MovieClip Frame 166 (46 B)
Set("/Variables:GardeEntre", "PorteDefonce");
Symbol 1424 MovieClip Frame 167 (8 B)
Symbol 1430 MovieClip Frame 1 (8 B)
Symbol 1430 MovieClip Frame 2 (82 B)
Set("/Variables:MegCri", true);
if (50 < random(100)) {
gotoAndPlay (4);
Symbol 1430 MovieClip Frame 3 (17 B)
gotoAndPlay (5);
Symbol 1430 MovieClip Frame 9 (51 B)
Set("/Variables:MegCri", false);
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 1430 MovieClip Frame 11 (17 B)
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 1430 MovieClip Frame 15 (17 B)
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 1430 MovieClip Frame 16 (17 B)
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 1430 MovieClip Frame 20 (17 B)
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 1430 MovieClip Frame 22 (17 B)
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 1430 MovieClip Frame 26 (17 B)
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 1430 MovieClip Frame 28 (17 B)
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 1430 MovieClip Frame 32 (17 B)
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 1430 MovieClip Frame 34 (17 B)
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 1430 MovieClip Frame 38 (17 B)
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 1433 MovieClip Frame 1 (8 B)
Symbol 1433 MovieClip Frame 2 (8 B)
Symbol 1440 MovieClip Frame 1 (8 B)
Symbol 1446 MovieClip Frame 1 (68 B)
if (/Variables:BarrePorteRamasse == 1) {
Symbol 1446 MovieClip Frame 2 (8 B)
Symbol 1454 MovieClip Frame 1 (72 B)
if (/Variables:PorteDefonce == true) {
} else {
Symbol 1454 MovieClip Frame 67 (17 B)
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 1457 MovieClip Frame 1 (192 B)
if (/Variables:Porte == 2) {
gotoAndStop (3);
} else if (/Variables:Porte == 1) {
gotoAndStop (2);
} else if (/Variables:Porte == 3) {
gotoAndStop (4);
} else {
Symbol 1457 MovieClip Frame 2 (8 B)
Symbol 1457 MovieClip Frame 3 (8 B)
Symbol 1457 MovieClip Frame 4 (8 B)
Symbol 1465 MovieClip Frame 1 (64 B)
if (/Variables:GardesPris == true) {
Symbol 1465 MovieClip Frame 2 (8 B)
Symbol 1484 MovieClip Frame 1 (69 B)
if (/Variables:BoulePousse == true) {
gotoAndStop (9);
Symbol 1484 MovieClip Frame 2 (37 B)
Set("/Variables:BoulePousse", true);
Symbol 1484 MovieClip Frame 8 (305 B)
if ((/Variables:AvanceTir == false) and (/Variables:GardesPris == false)) {
Set("/Variables:AvanceTir", true);
tellTarget ("_root.GardeDerriere") {
gotoAndPlay ("AvanceTir");
tellTarget ("_root.Collider") {
gotoAndStop (2);
tellTarget ("_root") {
gotoAndStop ("StepFenetre");
Symbol 1484 MovieClip Frame 9 (103 B)
Set("/Variables:BouleBouge", false);
tellTarget ("_root.BouleTrou") {
gotoAndStop (2);
Symbol 1495 MovieClip Frame 1 (66 B)
if (/Variables:CordeRamasse == true) {
Symbol 1495 MovieClip Frame 2 (8 B)
Symbol 1637 MovieClip Frame 1 (150 B)
Set("/Variables:Stoppe", false);
Set("_root:Idle", false);
Set("_root:Idle", false);
if (/Variables:Run == true) {
gotoAndStop (20);
Symbol 1637 MovieClip Frame 3 (53 B)
if (/Variables:Run == true) {
gotoAndStop (20);
Symbol 1637 MovieClip Frame 5 (53 B)
if (/Variables:Run == true) {
gotoAndStop (20);
Symbol 1637 MovieClip Frame 7 (53 B)
if (/Variables:Run == true) {
gotoAndStop (20);
Symbol 1637 MovieClip Frame 8 (53 B)
if (/Variables:Run == true) {
gotoAndStop (20);
Symbol 1637 MovieClip Frame 11 (82 B)
if (/Variables:Run == true) {
gotoAndStop (20);
} else {
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 1637 MovieClip Frame 20 (86 B)
Set("/Variables:Stoppe", false);
if (/Variables:Run != true) {
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 1637 MovieClip Frame 22 (52 B)
if (/Variables:Run != true) {
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 1637 MovieClip Frame 24 (52 B)
if (/Variables:Run != true) {
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 1637 MovieClip Frame 26 (82 B)
if (/Variables:Run == true) {
gotoAndStop (20);
} else {
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 1637 MovieClip Frame 36 (42 B)
Set("/Variables:Stoppe", false);
Symbol 1637 MovieClip Frame 45 (47 B)
if (random(20) == 10) {
gotoAndPlay (47);
Symbol 1637 MovieClip Frame 46 (75 B)
if (/:Idle == false) {
gotoAndStop (1);
} else {
gotoAndPlay (45);
Symbol 1637 MovieClip Frame 72 (18 B)
gotoAndPlay (45);
Symbol 1637 MovieClip Frame 77 (32 B)
Set("/Variables:Stoppe", true);
Symbol 1637 MovieClip Frame 78 (3.61 KiB) ●
if (/Variables:Dir == "Right") {
if (_root.Collider.hitTest(_root.Meg._x + (/Variables:Delta * 2), _root.Meg._y + (/Variables:Delta * 2), true) == false) {
if (/Variables:Run == true) {
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y + /Variables:Delta) - (/Variables:Delta / 3));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x + /Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y + /Variables:Delta) - (/Variables:Delta / 3));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x + /Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale + /Variables:Decale);
Set("/Variables:Delta", _root.Meg._yscale / 6);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y + /Variables:Delta) - (/Variables:Delta / 3));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x + /Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y + /Variables:Delta) - (/Variables:Delta / 3));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x + /Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y + /Variables:Delta) - (/Variables:Delta / 3));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x + /Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale + /Variables:Decale);
if (/Variables:Dir == "Left") {
if (_root.Collider.hitTest(_root.Meg._x - (/Variables:Delta * 5), _root.Meg._y + (/Variables:Delta * 5), true) == false) {
if (/Variables:Run == true) {
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y + /Variables:Delta) - (/Variables:Delta / 3));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x - /Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y + /Variables:Delta) - (/Variables:Delta / 3));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x - /Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale + /Variables:Decale);
Set("/Variables:Delta", _root.Meg._yscale / 6);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y + /Variables:Delta) - (/Variables:Delta / 3));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x - /Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y + /Variables:Delta) - (/Variables:Delta / 3));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x - /Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y + /Variables:Delta) - (/Variables:Delta / 3));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x - /Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale + /Variables:Decale);
Symbol 1637 MovieClip Frame 79 (3.61 KiB) ●
if (/Variables:Dir == "Right") {
if (_root.Collider.hitTest(_root.Meg._x + (/Variables:Delta * 2), _root.Meg._y + (/Variables:Delta * 2), true) == false) {
if (/Variables:Run == true) {
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y + /Variables:Delta) - (/Variables:Delta / 3));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x + /Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y + /Variables:Delta) - (/Variables:Delta / 3));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x + /Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale + /Variables:Decale);
Set("/Variables:Delta", _root.Meg._yscale / 6);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y + /Variables:Delta) - (/Variables:Delta / 3));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x + /Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y + /Variables:Delta) - (/Variables:Delta / 3));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x + /Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y + /Variables:Delta) - (/Variables:Delta / 3));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x + /Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale + /Variables:Decale);
if (/Variables:Dir == "Left") {
if (_root.Collider.hitTest(_root.Meg._x - (/Variables:Delta * 5), _root.Meg._y + (/Variables:Delta * 5), true) == false) {
if (/Variables:Run == true) {
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y + /Variables:Delta) - (/Variables:Delta / 3));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x - /Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y + /Variables:Delta) - (/Variables:Delta / 3));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x - /Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale + /Variables:Decale);
Set("/Variables:Delta", _root.Meg._yscale / 6);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y + /Variables:Delta) - (/Variables:Delta / 3));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x - /Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y + /Variables:Delta) - (/Variables:Delta / 3));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x - /Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y + /Variables:Delta) - (/Variables:Delta / 3));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x - /Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale + /Variables:Decale);
Symbol 1637 MovieClip Frame 80 (3.61 KiB) ●
if (/Variables:Dir == "Right") {
if (_root.Collider.hitTest(_root.Meg._x + (/Variables:Delta * 2), _root.Meg._y + (/Variables:Delta * 2), true) == false) {
if (/Variables:Run == true) {
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y + /Variables:Delta) - (/Variables:Delta / 3));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x + /Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y + /Variables:Delta) - (/Variables:Delta / 3));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x + /Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale + /Variables:Decale);
Set("/Variables:Delta", _root.Meg._yscale / 6);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y + /Variables:Delta) - (/Variables:Delta / 3));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x + /Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y + /Variables:Delta) - (/Variables:Delta / 3));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x + /Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y + /Variables:Delta) - (/Variables:Delta / 3));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x + /Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale + /Variables:Decale);
if (/Variables:Dir == "Left") {
if (_root.Collider.hitTest(_root.Meg._x - (/Variables:Delta * 5), _root.Meg._y + (/Variables:Delta * 5), true) == false) {
if (/Variables:Run == true) {
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y + /Variables:Delta) - (/Variables:Delta / 3));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x - /Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y + /Variables:Delta) - (/Variables:Delta / 3));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x - /Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale + /Variables:Decale);
Set("/Variables:Delta", _root.Meg._yscale / 6);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y + /Variables:Delta) - (/Variables:Delta / 3));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x - /Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y + /Variables:Delta) - (/Variables:Delta / 3));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x - /Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y + /Variables:Delta) - (/Variables:Delta / 3));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x - /Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale + /Variables:Decale);
Symbol 1637 MovieClip Frame 81 (3.61 KiB) ●
if (/Variables:Dir == "Right") {
if (_root.Collider.hitTest(_root.Meg._x + (/Variables:Delta * 2), _root.Meg._y + (/Variables:Delta * 2), true) == false) {
if (/Variables:Run == true) {
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y + /Variables:Delta) - (/Variables:Delta / 3));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x + /Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y + /Variables:Delta) - (/Variables:Delta / 3));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x + /Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale + /Variables:Decale);
Set("/Variables:Delta", _root.Meg._yscale / 6);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y + /Variables:Delta) - (/Variables:Delta / 3));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x + /Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y + /Variables:Delta) - (/Variables:Delta / 3));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x + /Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y + /Variables:Delta) - (/Variables:Delta / 3));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x + /Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale + /Variables:Decale);
if (/Variables:Dir == "Left") {
if (_root.Collider.hitTest(_root.Meg._x - (/Variables:Delta * 5), _root.Meg._y + (/Variables:Delta * 5), true) == false) {
if (/Variables:Run == true) {
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y + /Variables:Delta) - (/Variables:Delta / 3));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x - /Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y + /Variables:Delta) - (/Variables:Delta / 3));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x - /Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale + /Variables:Decale);
Set("/Variables:Delta", _root.Meg._yscale / 6);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y + /Variables:Delta) - (/Variables:Delta / 3));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x - /Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y + /Variables:Delta) - (/Variables:Delta / 3));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x - /Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y + /Variables:Delta) - (/Variables:Delta / 3));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x - /Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale + /Variables:Decale);
Symbol 1637 MovieClip Frame 84 (55 B)
Set("/Variables:Stoppe", false);
_root:Idle == false;
Symbol 1637 MovieClip Frame 86 (51 B)
Set("/Variables:Stoppe", false);
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 1647 MovieClip Frame 1 (8 B)
Symbol 1647 MovieClip Frame 4 (377 B)
Set("/Variables:Vie", /Variables:Vie - 10);
if (/Variables:Vie < 1) {
Set("/Variables:Vie", 0);
tellTarget ("_root") {
gotoAndPlay ("MegMeurt");
if (/Variables:MegCri == false) {
tellTarget ("_root.Sons") {
gotoAndPlay ("MegCri");
setProperty("/Inventaire/BarreVie2/BarreVie3/Gage2", _width , /Variables:GageLargeur * (/Variables:Vie / 100));
Symbol 1647 MovieClip Frame 7 (17 B)
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 1652 MovieClip Frame 1 (8 B)
Symbol 1652 MovieClip Frame 7 (17 B)
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 1792 MovieClip Frame 1 (123 B)
Set("/Variables:Stoppe", false);
Set("_root:Idle", false);
if (/Variables:Run == true) {
gotoAndStop (20);
Symbol 1792 MovieClip Frame 3 (53 B)
if (/Variables:Run == true) {
gotoAndStop (20);
Symbol 1792 MovieClip Frame 5 (53 B)
if (/Variables:Run == true) {
gotoAndStop (20);
Symbol 1792 MovieClip Frame 7 (53 B)
if (/Variables:Run == true) {
gotoAndStop (20);
Symbol 1792 MovieClip Frame 9 (53 B)
if (/Variables:Run == true) {
gotoAndStop (20);
Symbol 1792 MovieClip Frame 11 (82 B)
if (/Variables:Run == true) {
gotoAndStop (20);
} else {
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 1792 MovieClip Frame 20 (86 B)
Set("/Variables:Stoppe", false);
if (/Variables:Run != true) {
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 1792 MovieClip Frame 22 (52 B)
if (/Variables:Run != true) {
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 1792 MovieClip Frame 24 (52 B)
if (/Variables:Run != true) {
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 1792 MovieClip Frame 26 (82 B)
if (/Variables:Run == true) {
gotoAndStop (20);
} else {
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 1792 MovieClip Frame 40 (42 B)
Set("/Variables:Stoppe", false);
Symbol 1792 MovieClip Frame 45 (47 B)
if (random(20) == 10) {
gotoAndPlay (51);
Symbol 1792 MovieClip Frame 46 (75 B)
if (/:Idle == false) {
gotoAndStop (1);
} else {
gotoAndPlay (45);
Symbol 1792 MovieClip Frame 73 (18 B)
gotoAndPlay (45);
Symbol 1792 MovieClip Frame 83 (32 B)
Set("/Variables:Stoppe", true);
Symbol 1792 MovieClip Frame 85 (1.88 KiB) ●
if (_root.Collider.hitTest(_root.Meg._x, _root.Meg._y + (/Variables:Delta * 5), true) == false) {
if (/Variables:Run == true) {
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y + /Variables:Delta) - (/Variables:Delta / 3));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y + /Variables:Delta) - (/Variables:Delta / 3));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y + /Variables:Delta) - (/Variables:Delta / 3));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y + /Variables:Delta) - (/Variables:Delta / 3));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale + /Variables:Decale);
Set("/Variables:Delta", _root.Meg._yscale / 6);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y + /Variables:Delta) - (/Variables:Delta / 3));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y + /Variables:Delta) - (/Variables:Delta / 3));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y + /Variables:Delta) - (/Variables:Delta / 3));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale + /Variables:Decale);
Symbol 1792 MovieClip Frame 86 (1.88 KiB) ●
if (_root.Collider.hitTest(_root.Meg._x, _root.Meg._y + (/Variables:Delta * 5), true) == false) {
if (/Variables:Run == true) {
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y + /Variables:Delta) - (/Variables:Delta / 3));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y + /Variables:Delta) - (/Variables:Delta / 3));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y + /Variables:Delta) - (/Variables:Delta / 3));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y + /Variables:Delta) - (/Variables:Delta / 3));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale + /Variables:Decale);
Set("/Variables:Delta", _root.Meg._yscale / 6);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y + /Variables:Delta) - (/Variables:Delta / 3));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y + /Variables:Delta) - (/Variables:Delta / 3));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y + /Variables:Delta) - (/Variables:Delta / 3));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale + /Variables:Decale);
Symbol 1792 MovieClip Frame 87 (1.88 KiB) ●
if (_root.Collider.hitTest(_root.Meg._x, _root.Meg._y + (/Variables:Delta * 5), true) == false) {
if (/Variables:Run == true) {
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y + /Variables:Delta) - (/Variables:Delta / 3));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y + /Variables:Delta) - (/Variables:Delta / 3));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y + /Variables:Delta) - (/Variables:Delta / 3));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y + /Variables:Delta) - (/Variables:Delta / 3));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale + /Variables:Decale);
Set("/Variables:Delta", _root.Meg._yscale / 6);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y + /Variables:Delta) - (/Variables:Delta / 3));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y + /Variables:Delta) - (/Variables:Delta / 3));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y + /Variables:Delta) - (/Variables:Delta / 3));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale + /Variables:Decale);
Symbol 1792 MovieClip Frame 88 (1.88 KiB) ●
if (_root.Collider.hitTest(_root.Meg._x, _root.Meg._y + (/Variables:Delta * 5), true) == false) {
if (/Variables:Run == true) {
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y + /Variables:Delta) - (/Variables:Delta / 3));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y + /Variables:Delta) - (/Variables:Delta / 3));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y + /Variables:Delta) - (/Variables:Delta / 3));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y + /Variables:Delta) - (/Variables:Delta / 3));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale + /Variables:Decale);
Set("/Variables:Delta", _root.Meg._yscale / 6);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y + /Variables:Delta) - (/Variables:Delta / 3));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y + /Variables:Delta) - (/Variables:Delta / 3));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y + /Variables:Delta) - (/Variables:Delta / 3));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale + /Variables:Decale);
Symbol 1792 MovieClip Frame 89 (387 B)
if (_root.Collider.hitTest(_root.Meg._x, _root.Meg._y + (/Variables:Delta * 5), true) == false) {
if (/Variables:Run == true) {
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y + /Variables:Delta) - (/Variables:Delta / 3));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale + /Variables:Decale);
Symbol 1792 MovieClip Frame 91 (55 B)
Set("/Variables:Stoppe", false);
_root:Idle == false;
Symbol 1792 MovieClip Frame 92 (51 B)
Set("/Variables:Stoppe", false);
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 1875 MovieClip Frame 1 (123 B)
Set("_root:Idle", false);
Set("/Variables:Stoppe", false);
if (/Variables:Run == true) {
gotoAndStop (20);
Symbol 1875 MovieClip Frame 3 (53 B)
if (/Variables:Run == true) {
gotoAndStop (20);
Symbol 1875 MovieClip Frame 5 (53 B)
if (/Variables:Run == true) {
gotoAndStop (20);
Symbol 1875 MovieClip Frame 7 (53 B)
if (/Variables:Run == true) {
gotoAndStop (20);
Symbol 1875 MovieClip Frame 9 (53 B)
if (/Variables:Run == true) {
gotoAndStop (20);
Symbol 1875 MovieClip Frame 11 (82 B)
if (/Variables:Run == true) {
gotoAndStop (20);
} else {
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 1875 MovieClip Frame 20 (86 B)
Set("/Variables:Stoppe", false);
if (/Variables:Run != true) {
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 1875 MovieClip Frame 22 (52 B)
if (/Variables:Run != true) {
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 1875 MovieClip Frame 24 (52 B)
if (/Variables:Run != true) {
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 1875 MovieClip Frame 26 (82 B)
if (/Variables:Run == true) {
gotoAndStop (20);
} else {
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 1875 MovieClip Frame 38 (42 B)
Set("/Variables:Stoppe", false);
Symbol 1875 MovieClip Frame 45 (47 B)
if (random(20) == 10) {
gotoAndPlay (49);
Symbol 1875 MovieClip Frame 46 (75 B)
if (/:Idle == false) {
gotoAndStop (1);
} else {
gotoAndPlay (45);
Symbol 1875 MovieClip Frame 68 (18 B)
gotoAndPlay (45);
Symbol 1875 MovieClip Frame 80 (32 B)
Set("/Variables:Stoppe", true);
Symbol 1875 MovieClip Frame 81 (650 B)
if (/Variables:Dir == "Right") {
if (_root.Collider.hitTest(_root.Meg._x + (/Variables:Delta * 6), _root.Meg._y, true) == false) {
if (/Variables:Run == true) {
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x + (/Variables:Delta * 3));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x + (/Variables:Delta * 4));
if (/Variables:Dir == "Left") {
if (_root.Collider.hitTest(_root.Meg._x - (/Variables:Delta * 6), _root.Meg._y, true) == false) {
if (/Variables:Run == true) {
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x - (/Variables:Delta * 3));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x - (/Variables:Delta * 4));
Symbol 1875 MovieClip Frame 82 (650 B)
if (/Variables:Dir == "Right") {
if (_root.Collider.hitTest(_root.Meg._x + (/Variables:Delta * 6), _root.Meg._y, true) == false) {
if (/Variables:Run == true) {
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x + (/Variables:Delta * 3));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x + (/Variables:Delta * 4));
if (/Variables:Dir == "Left") {
if (_root.Collider.hitTest(_root.Meg._x - (/Variables:Delta * 6), _root.Meg._y, true) == false) {
if (/Variables:Run == true) {
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x - (/Variables:Delta * 3));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x - (/Variables:Delta * 4));
Symbol 1875 MovieClip Frame 83 (650 B)
if (/Variables:Dir == "Right") {
if (_root.Collider.hitTest(_root.Meg._x + (/Variables:Delta * 6), _root.Meg._y, true) == false) {
if (/Variables:Run == true) {
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x + (/Variables:Delta * 3));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x + (/Variables:Delta * 4));
if (/Variables:Dir == "Left") {
if (_root.Collider.hitTest(_root.Meg._x - (/Variables:Delta * 6), _root.Meg._y, true) == false) {
if (/Variables:Run == true) {
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x - (/Variables:Delta * 3));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x - (/Variables:Delta * 4));
Symbol 1875 MovieClip Frame 84 (650 B)
if (/Variables:Dir == "Right") {
if (_root.Collider.hitTest(_root.Meg._x + (/Variables:Delta * 6), _root.Meg._y, true) == false) {
if (/Variables:Run == true) {
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x + (/Variables:Delta * 3));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x + (/Variables:Delta * 4));
if (/Variables:Dir == "Left") {
if (_root.Collider.hitTest(_root.Meg._x - (/Variables:Delta * 6), _root.Meg._y, true) == false) {
if (/Variables:Run == true) {
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x - (/Variables:Delta * 3));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x - (/Variables:Delta * 4));
Symbol 1875 MovieClip Frame 87 (50 B)
Set("/Variables:Stoppe", false);
/:Idle == true;
Symbol 1875 MovieClip Frame 89 (51 B)
Set("/Variables:Stoppe", false);
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 1972 MovieClip Frame 1 (123 B)
Set("/Variables:Stoppe", false);
Set("_root:Idle", false);
if (/Variables:Run == true) {
gotoAndStop (20);
Symbol 1972 MovieClip Frame 3 (53 B)
if (/Variables:Run == true) {
gotoAndStop (20);
Symbol 1972 MovieClip Frame 5 (53 B)
if (/Variables:Run == true) {
gotoAndStop (20);
Symbol 1972 MovieClip Frame 7 (53 B)
if (/Variables:Run == true) {
gotoAndStop (20);
Symbol 1972 MovieClip Frame 9 (53 B)
if (/Variables:Run == true) {
gotoAndStop (20);
Symbol 1972 MovieClip Frame 11 (82 B)
if (/Variables:Run == true) {
gotoAndStop (20);
} else {
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 1972 MovieClip Frame 20 (86 B)
Set("/Variables:Stoppe", false);
if (/Variables:Run != true) {
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 1972 MovieClip Frame 22 (52 B)
if (/Variables:Run != true) {
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 1972 MovieClip Frame 24 (52 B)
if (/Variables:Run != true) {
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 1972 MovieClip Frame 26 (82 B)
if (/Variables:Run == true) {
gotoAndStop (20);
} else {
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 1972 MovieClip Frame 36 (42 B)
Set("/Variables:Stoppe", false);
Symbol 1972 MovieClip Frame 41 (47 B)
if (random(20) == 10) {
gotoAndPlay (46);
Symbol 1972 MovieClip Frame 42 (75 B)
if (/:Idle == false) {
gotoAndStop (1);
} else {
gotoAndPlay (41);
Symbol 1972 MovieClip Frame 73 (18 B)
gotoAndPlay (40);
Symbol 1972 MovieClip Frame 84 (32 B)
Set("/Variables:Stoppe", true);
Symbol 1972 MovieClip Frame 85 (3.08 KiB) ●
if (_root.Collider.hitTest(_root.Meg._x + (/Variables:Delta * 5), _root.Meg._y - (/Variables:Delta * 8), true) == false) {
if (/Variables:Dir == "Right") {
if (/Variables:Run == true) {
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y - (/Variables:Delta / 2)) - ((/Variables:Delta / 3) / 2));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x + /Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y - (/Variables:Delta / 2)) - ((/Variables:Delta / 3) / 2));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x + /Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale - /Variables:Decale);
Set("/Variables:Delta", _root.Meg._yscale / 6);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y - (/Variables:Delta / 2)) - ((/Variables:Delta / 3) / 2));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x + Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y - (/Variables:Delta / 2)) - ((/Variables:Delta / 3) / 2));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x + /Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale - /Variables:Decale);
if (_root.Collider.hitTest(_root.Meg._x - (/Variables:Delta * 2), _root.Meg._y - (/Variables:Delta * 8), true) == false) {
if (/Variables:Dir == "Left") {
if (/Variables:Run == true) {
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y - (/Variables:Delta / 2)) - ((/Variables:Delta / 3) / 2));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x - /Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y - (/Variables:Delta / 2)) - ((/Variables:Delta / 3) / 2));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x - /Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale - /Variables:Decale);
Set("/Variables:Delta", _root.Meg._yscale / 6);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y - (/Variables:Delta / 2)) - ((/Variables:Delta / 3) / 2));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x - /Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y - (/Variables:Delta / 2)) - ((/Variables:Delta / 3) / 2));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x - /Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale - /Variables:Decale);
Symbol 1972 MovieClip Frame 86 (3.08 KiB) ●
if (_root.Collider.hitTest(_root.Meg._x + (/Variables:Delta * 5), _root.Meg._y - (/Variables:Delta * 8), true) == false) {
if (/Variables:Dir == "Right") {
if (/Variables:Run == true) {
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y - (/Variables:Delta / 2)) - ((/Variables:Delta / 3) / 2));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x + /Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y - (/Variables:Delta / 2)) - ((/Variables:Delta / 3) / 2));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x + /Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale - /Variables:Decale);
Set("/Variables:Delta", _root.Meg._yscale / 6);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y - (/Variables:Delta / 2)) - ((/Variables:Delta / 3) / 2));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x + Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y - (/Variables:Delta / 2)) - ((/Variables:Delta / 3) / 2));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x + /Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale - /Variables:Decale);
if (_root.Collider.hitTest(_root.Meg._x - (/Variables:Delta * 2), _root.Meg._y - (/Variables:Delta * 8), true) == false) {
if (/Variables:Dir == "Left") {
if (/Variables:Run == true) {
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y - (/Variables:Delta / 2)) - ((/Variables:Delta / 3) / 2));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x - /Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y - (/Variables:Delta / 2)) - ((/Variables:Delta / 3) / 2));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x - /Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale - /Variables:Decale);
Set("/Variables:Delta", _root.Meg._yscale / 6);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y - (/Variables:Delta / 2)) - ((/Variables:Delta / 3) / 2));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x - /Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y - (/Variables:Delta / 2)) - ((/Variables:Delta / 3) / 2));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x - /Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale - /Variables:Decale);
Symbol 1972 MovieClip Frame 87 (3.08 KiB) ●
if (_root.Collider.hitTest(_root.Meg._x + (/Variables:Delta * 5), _root.Meg._y - (/Variables:Delta * 8), true) == false) {
if (/Variables:Dir == "Right") {
if (/Variables:Run == true) {
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y - (/Variables:Delta / 2)) - ((/Variables:Delta / 3) / 2));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x + /Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y - (/Variables:Delta / 2)) - ((/Variables:Delta / 3) / 2));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x + /Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale - /Variables:Decale);
Set("/Variables:Delta", _root.Meg._yscale / 6);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y - (/Variables:Delta / 2)) - ((/Variables:Delta / 3) / 2));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x + Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y - (/Variables:Delta / 2)) - ((/Variables:Delta / 3) / 2));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x + /Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale - /Variables:Decale);
if (_root.Collider.hitTest(_root.Meg._x - (/Variables:Delta * 2), _root.Meg._y - (/Variables:Delta * 8), true) == false) {
if (/Variables:Dir == "Left") {
if (/Variables:Run == true) {
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y - (/Variables:Delta / 2)) - ((/Variables:Delta / 3) / 2));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x - /Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y - (/Variables:Delta / 2)) - ((/Variables:Delta / 3) / 2));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x - /Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale - /Variables:Decale);
Set("/Variables:Delta", _root.Meg._yscale / 6);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y - (/Variables:Delta / 2)) - ((/Variables:Delta / 3) / 2));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x - /Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y - (/Variables:Delta / 2)) - ((/Variables:Delta / 3) / 2));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x - /Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale - /Variables:Decale);
Symbol 1972 MovieClip Frame 88 (3.08 KiB) ●
if (_root.Collider.hitTest(_root.Meg._x + (/Variables:Delta * 5), _root.Meg._y - (/Variables:Delta * 8), true) == false) {
if (/Variables:Dir == "Right") {
if (/Variables:Run == true) {
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y - (/Variables:Delta / 2)) - ((/Variables:Delta / 3) / 2));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x + /Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y - (/Variables:Delta / 2)) - ((/Variables:Delta / 3) / 2));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x + /Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale - /Variables:Decale);
Set("/Variables:Delta", _root.Meg._yscale / 6);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y - (/Variables:Delta / 2)) - ((/Variables:Delta / 3) / 2));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x + Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y - (/Variables:Delta / 2)) - ((/Variables:Delta / 3) / 2));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x + /Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale - /Variables:Decale);
if (_root.Collider.hitTest(_root.Meg._x - (/Variables:Delta * 2), _root.Meg._y - (/Variables:Delta * 8), true) == false) {
if (/Variables:Dir == "Left") {
if (/Variables:Run == true) {
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y - (/Variables:Delta / 2)) - ((/Variables:Delta / 3) / 2));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x - /Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y - (/Variables:Delta / 2)) - ((/Variables:Delta / 3) / 2));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x - /Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale - /Variables:Decale);
Set("/Variables:Delta", _root.Meg._yscale / 6);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y - (/Variables:Delta / 2)) - ((/Variables:Delta / 3) / 2));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x - /Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y - (/Variables:Delta / 2)) - ((/Variables:Delta / 3) / 2));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x - /Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale - /Variables:Decale);
Symbol 1972 MovieClip Frame 89 (3.08 KiB) ●
if (_root.Collider.hitTest(_root.Meg._x + (/Variables:Delta * 5), _root.Meg._y - (/Variables:Delta * 8), true) == false) {
if (/Variables:Dir == "Right") {
if (/Variables:Run == true) {
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y - (/Variables:Delta / 2)) - ((/Variables:Delta / 3) / 2));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x + /Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y - (/Variables:Delta / 2)) - ((/Variables:Delta / 3) / 2));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x + /Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale - /Variables:Decale);
Set("/Variables:Delta", _root.Meg._yscale / 6);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y - (/Variables:Delta / 2)) - ((/Variables:Delta / 3) / 2));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x + Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y - (/Variables:Delta / 2)) - ((/Variables:Delta / 3) / 2));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x + /Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale - /Variables:Decale);
if (_root.Collider.hitTest(_root.Meg._x - (/Variables:Delta * 2), _root.Meg._y - (/Variables:Delta * 8), true) == false) {
if (/Variables:Dir == "Left") {
if (/Variables:Run == true) {
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y - (/Variables:Delta / 2)) - ((/Variables:Delta / 3) / 2));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x - /Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y - (/Variables:Delta / 2)) - ((/Variables:Delta / 3) / 2));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x - /Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale - /Variables:Decale);
Set("/Variables:Delta", _root.Meg._yscale / 6);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y - (/Variables:Delta / 2)) - ((/Variables:Delta / 3) / 2));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x - /Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y - (/Variables:Delta / 2)) - ((/Variables:Delta / 3) / 2));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x - /Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale - /Variables:Decale);
Symbol 1972 MovieClip Frame 93 (55 B)
Set("/Variables:Stoppe", false);
_root:Idle == false;
Symbol 1972 MovieClip Frame 94 (51 B)
Set("/Variables:Stoppe", false);
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 2061 MovieClip Frame 1 (123 B)
Set("/Variables:Stoppe", false);
Set("_root:Idle", false);
if (/Variables:Run == true) {
gotoAndStop (20);
Symbol 2061 MovieClip Frame 3 (53 B)
if (/Variables:Run == true) {
gotoAndStop (20);
Symbol 2061 MovieClip Frame 5 (53 B)
if (/Variables:Run == true) {
gotoAndStop (20);
Symbol 2061 MovieClip Frame 7 (53 B)
if (/Variables:Run == true) {
gotoAndStop (20);
Symbol 2061 MovieClip Frame 9 (53 B)
if (/Variables:Run == true) {
gotoAndStop (20);
Symbol 2061 MovieClip Frame 11 (82 B)
if (/Variables:Run == true) {
gotoAndStop (20);
} else {
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 2061 MovieClip Frame 20 (86 B)
Set("/Variables:Stoppe", false);
if (/Variables:Run != true) {
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 2061 MovieClip Frame 22 (52 B)
if (/Variables:Run != true) {
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 2061 MovieClip Frame 24 (52 B)
if (/Variables:Run != true) {
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 2061 MovieClip Frame 26 (82 B)
if (/Variables:Run == true) {
gotoAndStop (20);
} else {
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 2061 MovieClip Frame 37 (42 B)
Set("/Variables:Stoppe", false);
Symbol 2061 MovieClip Frame 45 (47 B)
if (random(20) == 10) {
gotoAndPlay (51);
Symbol 2061 MovieClip Frame 46 (75 B)
if (/:Idle == false) {
gotoAndStop (1);
} else {
gotoAndPlay (45);
Symbol 2061 MovieClip Frame 80 (18 B)
gotoAndPlay (45);
Symbol 2061 MovieClip Frame 91 (32 B)
Set("/Variables:Stoppe", true);
Symbol 2061 MovieClip Frame 92 (2.27 KiB) ●
if (_root.Collider.hitTest(_root.Meg._x, _root.Meg._y - (/Variables:Delta * 5), true) == false) {
if (/Variables:Run == true) {
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y - (/Variables:Delta / 2)) - ((/Variables:Delta / 3) / 2));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y - (/Variables:Delta / 2)) - ((/Variables:Delta / 3) / 2));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y - (/Variables:Delta / 2)) - ((/Variables:Delta / 3) / 2));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y - (/Variables:Delta / 2)) - ((/Variables:Delta / 3) / 2));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale - /Variables:Decale);
Set("/Variables:Delta", _root.Meg._yscale / 6);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y - (/Variables:Delta / 2)) - ((/Variables:Delta / 3) / 2));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y - (/Variables:Delta / 2)) - ((/Variables:Delta / 3) / 2));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale - /Variables:Decale);
Set("/Variables:Delta", _root.Meg._yscale / 6);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y - (/Variables:Delta / 2)) - ((/Variables:Delta / 3) / 2));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y - (/Variables:Delta / 2)) - ((/Variables:Delta / 3) / 2));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale - /Variables:Decale);
Symbol 2061 MovieClip Frame 93 (2.01 KiB) ●
if (_root.Collider.hitTest(_root.Meg._x, _root.Meg._y - (/Variables:Delta * 5), true) == false) {
if (/Variables:Run == true) {
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y - (/Variables:Delta / 2)) - ((/Variables:Delta / 3) / 2));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y - (/Variables:Delta / 2)) - ((/Variables:Delta / 3) / 2));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y - (/Variables:Delta / 2)) - ((/Variables:Delta / 3) / 2));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y - (/Variables:Delta / 2)) - ((/Variables:Delta / 3) / 2));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale - /Variables:Decale);
Set("/Variables:Delta", _root.Meg._yscale / 6);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y - (/Variables:Delta / 2)) - ((/Variables:Delta / 3) / 2));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y - (/Variables:Delta / 2)) - ((/Variables:Delta / 3) / 2));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale - /Variables:Decale);
Set("/Variables:Delta", _root.Meg._yscale / 6);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y - (/Variables:Delta / 2)) - ((/Variables:Delta / 3) / 2));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale - /Variables:Decale);
Symbol 2061 MovieClip Frame 94 (2.01 KiB) ●
if (_root.Collider.hitTest(_root.Meg._x, _root.Meg._y - (/Variables:Delta * 5), true) == false) {
if (/Variables:Run == true) {
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y - (/Variables:Delta / 2)) - ((/Variables:Delta / 3) / 2));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y - (/Variables:Delta / 2)) - ((/Variables:Delta / 3) / 2));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y - (/Variables:Delta / 2)) - ((/Variables:Delta / 3) / 2));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y - (/Variables:Delta / 2)) - ((/Variables:Delta / 3) / 2));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale - /Variables:Decale);
Set("/Variables:Delta", _root.Meg._yscale / 6);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y - (/Variables:Delta / 2)) - ((/Variables:Delta / 3) / 2));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y - (/Variables:Delta / 2)) - ((/Variables:Delta / 3) / 2));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale - /Variables:Decale);
Set("/Variables:Delta", _root.Meg._yscale / 6);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y - (/Variables:Delta / 2)) - ((/Variables:Delta / 3) / 2));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale - /Variables:Decale);
Symbol 2061 MovieClip Frame 95 (2.01 KiB) ●
if (_root.Collider.hitTest(_root.Meg._x, _root.Meg._y - (/Variables:Delta * 5), true) == false) {
if (/Variables:Run == true) {
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y - (/Variables:Delta / 2)) - ((/Variables:Delta / 3) / 2));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y - (/Variables:Delta / 2)) - ((/Variables:Delta / 3) / 2));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y - (/Variables:Delta / 2)) - ((/Variables:Delta / 3) / 2));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y - (/Variables:Delta / 2)) - ((/Variables:Delta / 3) / 2));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale - /Variables:Decale);
Set("/Variables:Delta", _root.Meg._yscale / 6);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y - (/Variables:Delta / 2)) - ((/Variables:Delta / 3) / 2));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y - (/Variables:Delta / 2)) - ((/Variables:Delta / 3) / 2));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale - /Variables:Decale);
Set("/Variables:Delta", _root.Meg._yscale / 6);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y - (/Variables:Delta / 2)) - ((/Variables:Delta / 3) / 2));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale - /Variables:Decale);
Symbol 2061 MovieClip Frame 99 (55 B)
Set("/Variables:Stoppe", false);
_root:Idle == false;
Symbol 2061 MovieClip Frame 101 (51 B)
Set("/Variables:Stoppe", false);
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 2090 MovieClip Frame 4 (8 B)
Symbol 2091 MovieClip Frame 1 (8 B)
Symbol 2095 MovieClip Frame 1 (68 B)
if (/Variables:GardesPris == true) {
gotoAndStop (3);
Symbol 2095 MovieClip Frame 2 (8 B)
Symbol 2095 MovieClip Frame 3 (8 B)
Symbol 2116 MovieClip Frame 1 (41 B)
Set("/Variables:Balle", random(10) + 1);
Symbol 2116 MovieClip Frame 2 (120 B)
tellTarget ("_root.Meg.Balle" + /Variables:Balle) {
gotoAndPlay (2);
tellTarget ("../../GunSon") {
Symbol 2116 MovieClip Frame 7 (319 B)
if (random(100) < 50) {
gotoAndPlay (22);
tellTarget ("_root.GardeDevant.GardeTir.Tir.Haut") {
gotoAndPlay ("ArretTir");
} else {
tellTarget ("../../GunSon") {
Set("/Variables:Balle", random(10) + 1);
tellTarget ("_root.Meg.Balle" + /Variables:Balle) {
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 2116 MovieClip Frame 12 (319 B)
if (random(100) < 50) {
gotoAndPlay (22);
tellTarget ("_root.GardeDevant.GardeTir.Tir.Haut") {
gotoAndPlay ("ArretTir");
} else {
tellTarget ("../../GunSon") {
Set("/Variables:Balle", random(10) + 1);
tellTarget ("_root.Meg.Balle" + /Variables:Balle) {
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 2116 MovieClip Frame 17 (319 B)
if (random(100) < 50) {
gotoAndPlay (22);
tellTarget ("_root.GardeDevant.GardeTir.Tir.Haut") {
gotoAndPlay ("ArretTir");
} else {
tellTarget ("../../GunSon") {
Set("/Variables:Balle", random(10) + 1);
tellTarget ("_root.Meg.Balle" + /Variables:Balle) {
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 2116 MovieClip Frame 31 (129 B)
if (random(100) < 50) {
gotoAndPlay (1);
tellTarget ("_root.GardeDevant.GardeTir.Tir.Haut") {
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 2119 MovieClip Frame 1 (8 B)
Symbol 2119 MovieClip Frame 4 (8 B)
Symbol 2119 MovieClip Frame 8 (8 B)
Symbol 2119 MovieClip Frame 11 (8 B)
Symbol 2119 MovieClip Frame 13 (8 B)
Symbol 2132 MovieClip Frame 1 (41 B)
Set("/Variables:Balle", random(10) + 1);
Symbol 2132 MovieClip Frame 2 (120 B)
tellTarget ("_root.Meg.Balle" + /Variables:Balle) {
gotoAndPlay (2);
tellTarget ("../../GunSon") {
Symbol 2132 MovieClip Frame 8 (319 B)
if (random(100) < 50) {
gotoAndPlay (26);
tellTarget ("_root.GardeDevant.GardeTir.Tir.Haut") {
gotoAndPlay ("ArretTir");
} else {
tellTarget ("../../GunSon") {
Set("/Variables:Balle", random(10) + 1);
tellTarget ("_root.Meg.Balle" + /Variables:Balle) {
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 2132 MovieClip Frame 14 (319 B)
if (random(100) < 50) {
gotoAndPlay (26);
tellTarget ("_root.GardeDevant.GardeTir.Tir.Haut") {
gotoAndPlay ("ArretTir");
} else {
tellTarget ("../../GunSon") {
Set("/Variables:Balle", random(10) + 1);
tellTarget ("_root.Meg.Balle" + /Variables:Balle) {
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 2132 MovieClip Frame 20 (319 B)
if (random(100) < 50) {
gotoAndPlay (26);
tellTarget ("_root.GardeDevant.GardeTir.Tir.Haut") {
gotoAndPlay ("ArretTir");
} else {
tellTarget ("../../GunSon") {
Set("/Variables:Balle", random(10) + 1);
tellTarget ("_root.Meg.Balle" + /Variables:Balle) {
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 2132 MovieClip Frame 35 (129 B)
if (random(100) < 50) {
gotoAndPlay (1);
tellTarget ("_root.GardeDevant.GardeTir.Tir.Haut") {
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 2155 MovieClip Frame 1 (41 B)
Set("/Variables:Balle", random(10) + 1);
Symbol 2155 MovieClip Frame 2 (120 B)
tellTarget ("_root.Meg.Balle" + /Variables:Balle) {
gotoAndPlay (2);
tellTarget ("../../GunSon") {
Symbol 2155 MovieClip Frame 8 (319 B)
if (random(100) < 50) {
gotoAndPlay (26);
tellTarget ("_root.GardeDevant.GardeTir.Tir.Haut") {
gotoAndPlay ("ArretTir");
} else {
tellTarget ("../../GunSon") {
Set("/Variables:Balle", random(10) + 1);
tellTarget ("_root.Meg.Balle" + /Variables:Balle) {
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 2155 MovieClip Frame 14 (319 B)
if (random(100) < 50) {
gotoAndPlay (26);
tellTarget ("_root.GardeDevant.GardeTir.Tir.Haut") {
gotoAndPlay ("ArretTir");
} else {
tellTarget ("../../GunSon") {
Set("/Variables:Balle", random(10) + 1);
tellTarget ("_root.Meg.Balle" + /Variables:Balle) {
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 2155 MovieClip Frame 20 (319 B)
if (random(100) < 50) {
gotoAndPlay (26);
tellTarget ("_root.GardeDevant.GardeTir.Tir.Haut") {
gotoAndPlay ("ArretTir");
} else {
tellTarget ("../../GunSon") {
Set("/Variables:Balle", random(10) + 1);
tellTarget ("_root.Meg.Balle" + /Variables:Balle) {
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 2155 MovieClip Frame 35 (129 B)
if (random(100) < 50) {
gotoAndPlay (1);
tellTarget ("_root.GardeDevant.GardeTir.Tir.Haut") {
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 2170 MovieClip Frame 1 (41 B)
Set("/Variables:Balle", random(10) + 1);
Symbol 2170 MovieClip Frame 2 (120 B)
tellTarget ("_root.Meg.Balle" + /Variables:Balle) {
gotoAndPlay (2);
tellTarget ("../../GunSon") {
Symbol 2170 MovieClip Frame 8 (319 B)
if (random(100) < 50) {
gotoAndPlay (26);
tellTarget ("_root.GardeDevant.GardeTir.Tir.Haut") {
gotoAndPlay ("ArretTir");
} else {
tellTarget ("../../GunSon") {
Set("/Variables:Balle", random(10) + 1);
tellTarget ("_root.Meg.Balle" + /Variables:Balle) {
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 2170 MovieClip Frame 14 (319 B)
if (random(100) < 50) {
gotoAndPlay (26);
tellTarget ("_root.GardeDevant.GardeTir.Tir.Haut") {
gotoAndPlay ("ArretTir");
} else {
tellTarget ("../../GunSon") {
Set("/Variables:Balle", random(10) + 1);
tellTarget ("_root.Meg.Balle" + /Variables:Balle) {
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 2170 MovieClip Frame 20 (319 B)
if (random(100) < 50) {
gotoAndPlay (26);
tellTarget ("_root.GardeDevant.GardeTir.Tir.Haut") {
gotoAndPlay ("ArretTir");
} else {
tellTarget ("../../GunSon") {
Set("/Variables:Balle", random(10) + 1);
tellTarget ("_root.Meg.Balle" + /Variables:Balle) {
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 2170 MovieClip Frame 35 (129 B)
if (random(100) < 50) {
gotoAndPlay (1);
tellTarget ("_root.GardeDevant.GardeTir.Tir.Haut") {
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 2179 MovieClip Frame 1 (41 B)
Set("/Variables:Balle", random(10) + 1);
Symbol 2179 MovieClip Frame 2 (120 B)
tellTarget ("_root.Meg.Balle" + /Variables:Balle) {
gotoAndPlay (2);
tellTarget ("../../GunSon") {
Symbol 2179 MovieClip Frame 8 (319 B)
if (random(100) < 50) {
gotoAndPlay (26);
tellTarget ("_root.GardeDevant.GardeTir.Tir.Haut") {
gotoAndPlay ("ArretTir");
} else {
tellTarget ("../../GunSon") {
Set("/Variables:Balle", random(10) + 1);
tellTarget ("_root.Meg.Balle" + /Variables:Balle) {
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 2179 MovieClip Frame 14 (319 B)
if (random(100) < 50) {
gotoAndPlay (26);
tellTarget ("_root.GardeDevant.GardeTir.Tir.Haut") {
gotoAndPlay ("ArretTir");
} else {
tellTarget ("../../GunSon") {
Set("/Variables:Balle", random(10) + 1);
tellTarget ("_root.Meg.Balle" + /Variables:Balle) {
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 2179 MovieClip Frame 20 (319 B)
if (random(100) < 50) {
gotoAndPlay (26);
tellTarget ("_root.GardeDevant.GardeTir.Tir.Haut") {
gotoAndPlay ("ArretTir");
} else {
tellTarget ("../../GunSon") {
Set("/Variables:Balle", random(10) + 1);
tellTarget ("_root.Meg.Balle" + /Variables:Balle) {
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 2179 MovieClip Frame 35 (129 B)
if (random(100) < 50) {
gotoAndPlay (1);
tellTarget ("_root.GardeDevant.GardeTir.Tir.Haut") {
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 2183 MovieClip Frame 1 (41 B)
Set("/Variables:Balle", random(10) + 1);
Symbol 2183 MovieClip Frame 2 (120 B)
tellTarget ("_root.Meg.Balle" + /Variables:Balle) {
gotoAndPlay (2);
tellTarget ("../../GunSon") {
Symbol 2183 MovieClip Frame 8 (319 B)
if (random(100) < 50) {
gotoAndPlay (26);
tellTarget ("_root.GardeDevant.GardeTir.Tir.Haut") {
gotoAndPlay ("ArretTir");
} else {
tellTarget ("../../GunSon") {
Set("/Variables:Balle", random(10) + 1);
tellTarget ("_root.Meg.Balle" + /Variables:Balle) {
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 2183 MovieClip Frame 14 (319 B)
if (random(100) < 50) {
gotoAndPlay (26);
tellTarget ("_root.GardeDevant.GardeTir.Tir.Haut") {
gotoAndPlay ("ArretTir");
} else {
tellTarget ("../../GunSon") {
Set("/Variables:Balle", random(10) + 1);
tellTarget ("_root.Meg.Balle" + /Variables:Balle) {
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 2183 MovieClip Frame 20 (319 B)
if (random(100) < 50) {
gotoAndPlay (26);
tellTarget ("_root.GardeDevant.GardeTir.Tir.Haut") {
gotoAndPlay ("ArretTir");
} else {
tellTarget ("../../GunSon") {
Set("/Variables:Balle", random(10) + 1);
tellTarget ("_root.Meg.Balle" + /Variables:Balle) {
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 2183 MovieClip Frame 35 (129 B)
if (random(100) < 50) {
gotoAndPlay (1);
tellTarget ("_root.GardeDevant.GardeTir.Tir.Haut") {
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 2192 MovieClip Frame 1 (41 B)
Set("/Variables:Balle", random(10) + 1);
Symbol 2192 MovieClip Frame 2 (120 B)
tellTarget ("_root.Meg.Balle" + /Variables:Balle) {
gotoAndPlay (2);
tellTarget ("../../GunSon") {
Symbol 2192 MovieClip Frame 8 (319 B)
if (random(100) < 50) {
gotoAndPlay (26);
tellTarget ("_root.GardeDevant.GardeTir.Tir.Haut") {
gotoAndPlay ("ArretTir");
} else {
tellTarget ("../../GunSon") {
Set("/Variables:Balle", random(10) + 1);
tellTarget ("_root.Meg.Balle" + /Variables:Balle) {
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 2192 MovieClip Frame 14 (319 B)
if (random(100) < 50) {
gotoAndPlay (26);
tellTarget ("_root.GardeDevant.GardeTir.Tir.Haut") {
gotoAndPlay ("ArretTir");
} else {
tellTarget ("../../GunSon") {
Set("/Variables:Balle", random(10) + 1);
tellTarget ("_root.Meg.Balle" + /Variables:Balle) {
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 2192 MovieClip Frame 20 (319 B)
if (random(100) < 50) {
gotoAndPlay (26);
tellTarget ("_root.GardeDevant.GardeTir.Tir.Haut") {
gotoAndPlay ("ArretTir");
} else {
tellTarget ("../../GunSon") {
Set("/Variables:Balle", random(10) + 1);
tellTarget ("_root.Meg.Balle" + /Variables:Balle) {
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 2192 MovieClip Frame 35 (129 B)
if (random(100) < 50) {
gotoAndPlay (1);
tellTarget ("_root.GardeDevant.GardeTir.Tir.Haut") {
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 2216 MovieClip Frame 1 (41 B)
Set("/Variables:Balle", random(10) + 1);
Symbol 2216 MovieClip Frame 2 (120 B)
tellTarget ("_root.Meg.Balle" + /Variables:Balle) {
gotoAndPlay (2);
tellTarget ("../../GunSon") {
Symbol 2216 MovieClip Frame 8 (319 B)
if (random(100) < 50) {
gotoAndPlay (26);
tellTarget ("_root.GardeDevant.GardeTir.Tir.Haut") {
gotoAndPlay ("ArretTir");
} else {
tellTarget ("../../GunSon") {
Set("/Variables:Balle", random(10) + 1);
tellTarget ("_root.Meg.Balle" + /Variables:Balle) {
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 2216 MovieClip Frame 14 (319 B)
if (random(100) < 50) {
gotoAndPlay (26);
tellTarget ("_root.GardeDevant.GardeTir.Tir.Haut") {
gotoAndPlay ("ArretTir");
} else {
tellTarget ("../../GunSon") {
Set("/Variables:Balle", random(10) + 1);
tellTarget ("_root.Meg.Balle" + /Variables:Balle) {
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 2216 MovieClip Frame 20 (319 B)
if (random(100) < 50) {
gotoAndPlay (26);
tellTarget ("_root.GardeDevant.GardeTir.Tir.Haut") {
gotoAndPlay ("ArretTir");
} else {
tellTarget ("../../GunSon") {
Set("/Variables:Balle", random(10) + 1);
tellTarget ("_root.Meg.Balle" + /Variables:Balle) {
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 2216 MovieClip Frame 35 (129 B)
if (random(100) < 50) {
gotoAndPlay (1);
tellTarget ("_root.GardeDevant.GardeTir.Tir.Haut") {
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 2218 MovieClip Frame 1 (118 B)
Set("/Variables:GardeAction", false);
Set("/Variables:GardeTir", true);
Set("/Variables:FusilLeve", true);
Symbol 2218 MovieClip Frame 2 (118 B)
Set("/Variables:FusilLeve", true);
Set("/Variables:GardeTir", true);
Set("/Variables:GardeAction", false);
Symbol 2218 MovieClip Frame 3 (118 B)
Set("/Variables:GardeAction", false);
Set("/Variables:FusilLeve", true);
Set("/Variables:GardeTir", true);
Symbol 2218 MovieClip Frame 4 (118 B)
Set("/Variables:GardeAction", false);
Set("/Variables:FusilLeve", true);
Set("/Variables:GardeTir", true);
Symbol 2218 MovieClip Frame 5 (118 B)
Set("/Variables:GardeAction", false);
Set("/Variables:GardeTir", true);
Set("/Variables:FusilLeve", true);
Symbol 2218 MovieClip Frame 6 (118 B)
Set("/Variables:GardeAction", false);
Set("/Variables:FusilLeve", true);
Set("/Variables:GardeTir", true);
Symbol 2218 MovieClip Frame 7 (118 B)
Set("/Variables:GardeAction", false);
Set("/Variables:GardeTir", true);
Set("/Variables:FusilLeve", true);
Symbol 2218 MovieClip Frame 8 (118 B)
Set("/Variables:GardeAction", false);
Set("/Variables:FusilLeve", true);
Set("/Variables:GardeTir", true);
Symbol 2223 MovieClip Frame 1 (65 B)
if (/Variables:BoulePousse == true) {
Symbol 2223 MovieClip Frame 2 (8 B)
Symbol 2295 MovieClip Frame 1 (8 B)
Instance of Symbol 2272 MovieClip in Symbol 2295 MovieClip Frame 2 (520 B)
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (/Variables:InventaireOuvert == false) {
if (key.isDown(Key.DOWN)) {
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , 201);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , 285);
Set("/Variables:Stoppe", false);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _visible , 1);
tellTarget ("_root.Meg") {
gotoAndStop (2);
tellTarget ("_root") {
gotoAndStop ("Tab2");
tellTarget ("_parent") {
gotoAndStop (1);
if (key.isDown(Key.UP)) {
tellTarget ("_parent") {
Instance of Symbol 2274 MovieClip in Symbol 2295 MovieClip Frame 3 (271 B)
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (/Variables:InventaireOuvert == false) {
if (key.isDown(Key.DOWN)) {
tellTarget ("_parent") {
gotoAndStop(32 + (33 - _currentframe));
if (key.isDown(Key.UP)) {
tellTarget ("_parent") {
Instance of Symbol 2284 MovieClip in Symbol 2295 MovieClip Frame 32 (340 B)
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (/Variables:InventaireOuvert == false) {
if (key.isDown(Key.SPACE) and (/Variables:FuseeRamasse == false)) {
tellTarget ("_root.Animatiques") {
gotoAndStop ("RamasseFusee");
if (key.isDown(Key.DOWN)) {
tellTarget ("_parent") {
gotoAndStop(32 + (33 - _currentframe));
Instance of Symbol 2286 MovieClip in Symbol 2295 MovieClip Frame 33 (313 B)
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (/Variables:InventaireOuvert == false) {
if (key.isDown(Key.SPACE) and (/Variables:FuseeRamasse == false)) {
tellTarget ("_root.Animatiques") {
gotoAndStop ("RamasseFusee");
if (key.isDown(Key.DOWN)) {
tellTarget ("_parent") {
Instance of Symbol 2288 MovieClip in Symbol 2295 MovieClip Frame 34 (271 B)
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (/Variables:InventaireOuvert == false) {
if (key.isDown(Key.DOWN)) {
tellTarget ("_parent") {
if (key.isDown(Key.UP)) {
tellTarget ("_parent") {
gotoAndStop(32 + (33 - _currentframe));
Instance of Symbol 2294 MovieClip in Symbol 2295 MovieClip Frame 63 (547 B)
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (/Variables:InventaireOuvert == false) {
if (key.isDown(Key.DOWN)) {
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , 201);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , 285);
Set("/Variables:Stoppe", false);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _visible , 1);
tellTarget ("_root.Meg") {
gotoAndStop (2);
tellTarget ("_root") {
gotoAndStop ("Tab2");
tellTarget ("_parent") {
gotoAndStop (1);
if (key.isDown(Key.UP)) {
tellTarget ("_parent") {
gotoAndStop(33 + (34 - _currentframe));
Symbol 2300 MovieClip Frame 1 (271 B)
Set("/Variables:BarilBougePu", false);
Touche = false;
if (/Variables:CrochetBrise eq "Gauche") {
gotoAndStop (58);
} else if (/Variables:CrochetBrise eq "Droite") {
gotoAndStop (89);
} else if (/Variables:CoteBaril eq "Droite") {
gotoAndStop (14);
Symbol 2300 MovieClip Frame 2 (39 B)
Set("/Variables:CoteBaril", "Droite");
Symbol 2300 MovieClip Frame 6 (499 B)
if (_root.CacheBaril.hitTest(_root.Meg._x, _root.Meg._y, true) and (Touche == false)) {
Touche = true;
Set("/Variables:Vie", /Variables:Vie - 10);
if (/Variables:Vie < 1) {
Set("/Variables:Vie", 0);
tellTarget ("_root") {
gotoAndPlay ("MegMeurt");
if (/Variables:MegCri == false) {
tellTarget ("_root.Sons") {
gotoAndPlay ("MegCri");
setProperty("/Inventaire/BarreVie2/BarreVie3/Gage2", _width , /Variables:GageLargeur * (/Variables:Vie / 100));
Symbol 2300 MovieClip Frame 7 (500 B)
if (_root.CacheBaril2.hitTest(_root.Meg._x, _root.Meg._y, true) and (Touche == false)) {
Touche = true;
Set("/Variables:Vie", /Variables:Vie - 10);
if (/Variables:Vie < 1) {
Set("/Variables:Vie", 0);
tellTarget ("_root") {
gotoAndPlay ("MegMeurt");
if (/Variables:MegCri == false) {
tellTarget ("_root.Sons") {
gotoAndPlay ("MegCri");
setProperty("/Inventaire/BarreVie2/BarreVie3/Gage2", _width , /Variables:GageLargeur * (/Variables:Vie / 100));
Symbol 2300 MovieClip Frame 8 (500 B)
if (_root.CacheBaril2.hitTest(_root.Meg._x, _root.Meg._y, true) and (Touche == false)) {
Touche = true;
Set("/Variables:Vie", /Variables:Vie - 10);
if (/Variables:Vie < 1) {
Set("/Variables:Vie", 0);
tellTarget ("_root") {
gotoAndPlay ("MegMeurt");
if (/Variables:MegCri == false) {
tellTarget ("_root.Sons") {
gotoAndPlay ("MegCri");
setProperty("/Inventaire/BarreVie2/BarreVie3/Gage2", _width , /Variables:GageLargeur * (/Variables:Vie / 100));
Symbol 2300 MovieClip Frame 14 (25 B)
Touche = false;
Symbol 2300 MovieClip Frame 15 (39 B)
Set("/Variables:CoteBaril", "Gauche");
Symbol 2300 MovieClip Frame 20 (500 B)
if (_root.CacheBaril2.hitTest(_root.Meg._x, _root.Meg._y, true) and (Touche == false)) {
Touche = true;
Set("/Variables:Vie", /Variables:Vie - 10);
if (/Variables:Vie < 1) {
Set("/Variables:Vie", 0);
tellTarget ("_root") {
gotoAndPlay ("MegMeurt");
if (/Variables:MegCri == false) {
tellTarget ("_root.Sons") {
gotoAndPlay ("MegCri");
setProperty("/Inventaire/BarreVie2/BarreVie3/Gage2", _width , /Variables:GageLargeur * (/Variables:Vie / 100));
Symbol 2300 MovieClip Frame 21 (499 B)
if (_root.CacheBaril.hitTest(_root.Meg._x, _root.Meg._y, true) and (Touche == false)) {
Touche = true;
Set("/Variables:Vie", /Variables:Vie - 10);
if (/Variables:Vie < 1) {
Set("/Variables:Vie", 0);
tellTarget ("_root") {
gotoAndPlay ("MegMeurt");
if (/Variables:MegCri == false) {
tellTarget ("_root.Sons") {
gotoAndPlay ("MegCri");
setProperty("/Inventaire/BarreVie2/BarreVie3/Gage2", _width , /Variables:GageLargeur * (/Variables:Vie / 100));
Symbol 2300 MovieClip Frame 22 (499 B)
if (_root.CacheBaril.hitTest(_root.Meg._x, _root.Meg._y, true) and (Touche == false)) {
Touche = true;
Set("/Variables:Vie", /Variables:Vie - 10);
if (/Variables:Vie < 1) {
Set("/Variables:Vie", 0);
tellTarget ("_root") {
gotoAndPlay ("MegMeurt");
if (/Variables:MegCri == false) {
tellTarget ("_root.Sons") {
gotoAndPlay ("MegCri");
setProperty("/Inventaire/BarreVie2/BarreVie3/Gage2", _width , /Variables:GageLargeur * (/Variables:Vie / 100));
Symbol 2300 MovieClip Frame 28 (34 B)
Touche = false;
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 2300 MovieClip Frame 30 (42 B)
Set("/Variables:CrochetBrise", "Gauche");
Symbol 2300 MovieClip Frame 35 (499 B)
if (_root.CacheBaril.hitTest(_root.Meg._x, _root.Meg._y, true) and (Touche == false)) {
Touche = true;
Set("/Variables:Vie", /Variables:Vie - 10);
if (/Variables:Vie < 1) {
Set("/Variables:Vie", 0);
tellTarget ("_root") {
gotoAndPlay ("MegMeurt");
if (/Variables:MegCri == false) {
tellTarget ("_root.Sons") {
gotoAndPlay ("MegCri");
setProperty("/Inventaire/BarreVie2/BarreVie3/Gage2", _width , /Variables:GageLargeur * (/Variables:Vie / 100));
Symbol 2300 MovieClip Frame 36 (499 B)
if (_root.CacheBaril.hitTest(_root.Meg._x, _root.Meg._y, true) and (Touche == false)) {
Touche = true;
Set("/Variables:Vie", /Variables:Vie - 10);
if (/Variables:Vie < 1) {
Set("/Variables:Vie", 0);
tellTarget ("_root") {
gotoAndPlay ("MegMeurt");
if (/Variables:MegCri == false) {
tellTarget ("_root.Sons") {
gotoAndPlay ("MegCri");
setProperty("/Inventaire/BarreVie2/BarreVie3/Gage2", _width , /Variables:GageLargeur * (/Variables:Vie / 100));
Symbol 2300 MovieClip Frame 47 (499 B)
if (_root.CacheBaril.hitTest(_root.Meg._x, _root.Meg._y, true) and (Touche == false)) {
Touche = true;
Set("/Variables:Vie", /Variables:Vie - 10);
if (/Variables:Vie < 1) {
Set("/Variables:Vie", 0);
tellTarget ("_root") {
gotoAndPlay ("MegMeurt");
if (/Variables:MegCri == false) {
tellTarget ("_root.Sons") {
gotoAndPlay ("MegCri");
setProperty("/Inventaire/BarreVie2/BarreVie3/Gage2", _width , /Variables:GageLargeur * (/Variables:Vie / 100));
Symbol 2300 MovieClip Frame 48 (500 B)
if (_root.CacheBaril2.hitTest(_root.Meg._x, _root.Meg._y, true) and (Touche == false)) {
Touche = true;
Set("/Variables:Vie", /Variables:Vie - 10);
if (/Variables:Vie < 1) {
Set("/Variables:Vie", 0);
tellTarget ("_root") {
gotoAndPlay ("MegMeurt");
if (/Variables:MegCri == false) {
tellTarget ("_root.Sons") {
gotoAndPlay ("MegCri");
setProperty("/Inventaire/BarreVie2/BarreVie3/Gage2", _width , /Variables:GageLargeur * (/Variables:Vie / 100));
Symbol 2300 MovieClip Frame 49 (500 B)
if (_root.CacheBaril2.hitTest(_root.Meg._x, _root.Meg._y, true) and (Touche == false)) {
Touche = true;
Set("/Variables:Vie", /Variables:Vie - 10);
if (/Variables:Vie < 1) {
Set("/Variables:Vie", 0);
tellTarget ("_root") {
gotoAndPlay ("MegMeurt");
if (/Variables:MegCri == false) {
tellTarget ("_root.Sons") {
gotoAndPlay ("MegCri");
setProperty("/Inventaire/BarreVie2/BarreVie3/Gage2", _width , /Variables:GageLargeur * (/Variables:Vie / 100));
Symbol 2300 MovieClip Frame 53 (499 B)
if (_root.CacheBaril.hitTest(_root.Meg._x, _root.Meg._y, true) and (Touche == false)) {
Touche = true;
Set("/Variables:Vie", /Variables:Vie - 10);
if (/Variables:Vie < 1) {
Set("/Variables:Vie", 0);
tellTarget ("_root") {
gotoAndPlay ("MegMeurt");
if (/Variables:MegCri == false) {
tellTarget ("_root.Sons") {
gotoAndPlay ("MegCri");
setProperty("/Inventaire/BarreVie2/BarreVie3/Gage2", _width , /Variables:GageLargeur * (/Variables:Vie / 100));
Symbol 2300 MovieClip Frame 54 (506 B)
if (_root.CacheBaril.hitTest(_root.Meg._x, _root.Meg._y, true) and (Touche == false)) {
Touche = true;
Set("/Variables:Vie", /Variables:Vie - 10);
if (/Variables:Vie < 1) {
Set("/Variables:Vie", 0);
tellTarget ("_root") {
gotoAndPlay ("MegMeurt");
if (/Variables:MegCri == false) {
tellTarget ("_root.Animatiques") {
gotoAndPlay ("MegCri");
setProperty("/Inventaire/BarreVie2/BarreVie3/Gage2", _width , /Variables:GageLargeur * (/Variables:Vie / 100));
Symbol 2300 MovieClip Frame 57 (499 B)
if (_root.CacheBaril.hitTest(_root.Meg._x, _root.Meg._y, true) and (Touche == false)) {
Touche = true;
Set("/Variables:Vie", /Variables:Vie - 10);
if (/Variables:Vie < 1) {
Set("/Variables:Vie", 0);
tellTarget ("_root") {
gotoAndPlay ("MegMeurt");
if (/Variables:MegCri == false) {
tellTarget ("_root.Sons") {
gotoAndPlay ("MegCri");
setProperty("/Inventaire/BarreVie2/BarreVie3/Gage2", _width , /Variables:GageLargeur * (/Variables:Vie / 100));
Symbol 2300 MovieClip Frame 58 (47 B)
Set("/Variables:BarilBougePu", true);
Symbol 2300 MovieClip Frame 60 (42 B)
Set("/Variables:CrochetBrise", "Droite");
Symbol 2300 MovieClip Frame 64 (499 B)
if (_root.CacheBaril.hitTest(_root.Meg._x, _root.Meg._y, true) and (Touche == false)) {
Touche = true;
Set("/Variables:Vie", /Variables:Vie - 10);
if (/Variables:Vie < 1) {
Set("/Variables:Vie", 0);
tellTarget ("_root") {
gotoAndPlay ("MegMeurt");
if (/Variables:MegCri == false) {
tellTarget ("_root.Sons") {
gotoAndPlay ("MegCri");
setProperty("/Inventaire/BarreVie2/BarreVie3/Gage2", _width , /Variables:GageLargeur * (/Variables:Vie / 100));
Symbol 2300 MovieClip Frame 65 (500 B)
if (_root.CacheBaril2.hitTest(_root.Meg._x, _root.Meg._y, true) and (Touche == false)) {
Touche = true;
Set("/Variables:Vie", /Variables:Vie - 10);
if (/Variables:Vie < 1) {
Set("/Variables:Vie", 0);
tellTarget ("_root") {
gotoAndPlay ("MegMeurt");
if (/Variables:MegCri == false) {
tellTarget ("_root.Sons") {
gotoAndPlay ("MegCri");
setProperty("/Inventaire/BarreVie2/BarreVie3/Gage2", _width , /Variables:GageLargeur * (/Variables:Vie / 100));
Symbol 2300 MovieClip Frame 66 (500 B)
if (_root.CacheBaril2.hitTest(_root.Meg._x, _root.Meg._y, true) and (Touche == false)) {
Touche = true;
Set("/Variables:Vie", /Variables:Vie - 10);
if (/Variables:Vie < 1) {
Set("/Variables:Vie", 0);
tellTarget ("_root") {
gotoAndPlay ("MegMeurt");
if (/Variables:MegCri == false) {
tellTarget ("_root.Sons") {
gotoAndPlay ("MegCri");
setProperty("/Inventaire/BarreVie2/BarreVie3/Gage2", _width , /Variables:GageLargeur * (/Variables:Vie / 100));
Symbol 2300 MovieClip Frame 77 (499 B)
if (_root.CacheBaril.hitTest(_root.Meg._x, _root.Meg._y, true) and (Touche == false)) {
Touche = true;
Set("/Variables:Vie", /Variables:Vie - 10);
if (/Variables:Vie < 1) {
Set("/Variables:Vie", 0);
tellTarget ("_root") {
gotoAndPlay ("MegMeurt");
if (/Variables:MegCri == false) {
tellTarget ("_root.Sons") {
gotoAndPlay ("MegCri");
setProperty("/Inventaire/BarreVie2/BarreVie3/Gage2", _width , /Variables:GageLargeur * (/Variables:Vie / 100));
Symbol 2300 MovieClip Frame 78 (499 B)
if (_root.CacheBaril.hitTest(_root.Meg._x, _root.Meg._y, true) and (Touche == false)) {
Touche = true;
Set("/Variables:Vie", /Variables:Vie - 10);
if (/Variables:Vie < 1) {
Set("/Variables:Vie", 0);
tellTarget ("_root") {
gotoAndPlay ("MegMeurt");
if (/Variables:MegCri == false) {
tellTarget ("_root.Sons") {
gotoAndPlay ("MegCri");
setProperty("/Inventaire/BarreVie2/BarreVie3/Gage2", _width , /Variables:GageLargeur * (/Variables:Vie / 100));
Symbol 2300 MovieClip Frame 79 (499 B)
if (_root.CacheBaril.hitTest(_root.Meg._x, _root.Meg._y, true) and (Touche == false)) {
Touche = true;
Set("/Variables:Vie", /Variables:Vie - 10);
if (/Variables:Vie < 1) {
Set("/Variables:Vie", 0);
tellTarget ("_root") {
gotoAndPlay ("MegMeurt");
if (/Variables:MegCri == false) {
tellTarget ("_root.Sons") {
gotoAndPlay ("MegCri");
setProperty("/Inventaire/BarreVie2/BarreVie3/Gage2", _width , /Variables:GageLargeur * (/Variables:Vie / 100));
Symbol 2300 MovieClip Frame 84 (499 B)
if (_root.CacheBaril.hitTest(_root.Meg._x, _root.Meg._y, true) and (Touche == false)) {
Touche = true;
Set("/Variables:Vie", /Variables:Vie - 10);
if (/Variables:Vie < 1) {
Set("/Variables:Vie", 0);
tellTarget ("_root") {
gotoAndPlay ("MegMeurt");
if (/Variables:MegCri == false) {
tellTarget ("_root.Sons") {
gotoAndPlay ("MegCri");
setProperty("/Inventaire/BarreVie2/BarreVie3/Gage2", _width , /Variables:GageLargeur * (/Variables:Vie / 100));
Symbol 2300 MovieClip Frame 85 (500 B)
if (_root.CacheBaril2.hitTest(_root.Meg._x, _root.Meg._y, true) and (Touche == false)) {
Touche = true;
Set("/Variables:Vie", /Variables:Vie - 10);
if (/Variables:Vie < 1) {
Set("/Variables:Vie", 0);
tellTarget ("_root") {
gotoAndPlay ("MegMeurt");
if (/Variables:MegCri == false) {
tellTarget ("_root.Sons") {
gotoAndPlay ("MegCri");
setProperty("/Inventaire/BarreVie2/BarreVie3/Gage2", _width , /Variables:GageLargeur * (/Variables:Vie / 100));
Symbol 2300 MovieClip Frame 88 (500 B)
if (_root.CacheBaril2.hitTest(_root.Meg._x, _root.Meg._y, true) and (Touche == false)) {
Touche = true;
Set("/Variables:Vie", /Variables:Vie - 10);
if (/Variables:Vie < 1) {
Set("/Variables:Vie", 0);
tellTarget ("_root") {
gotoAndPlay ("MegMeurt");
if (/Variables:MegCri == false) {
tellTarget ("_root.Sons") {
gotoAndPlay ("MegCri");
setProperty("/Inventaire/BarreVie2/BarreVie3/Gage2", _width , /Variables:GageLargeur * (/Variables:Vie / 100));
Symbol 2300 MovieClip Frame 89 (47 B)
Set("/Variables:BarilBougePu", true);
Symbol 2303 MovieClip Frame 1 (88 B)
if (/Variables:CoteBaril eq "Droite") {
gotoAndStop (15);
} else {
Symbol 2303 MovieClip Frame 2 (8 B)
Symbol 2303 MovieClip Frame 15 (8 B)
Symbol 2303 MovieClip Frame 29 (17 B)
gotoAndStop (2);
Symbol 2305 MovieClip Frame 1 (68 B)
if (/Variables:MarteauRamasse == true) {
Symbol 2305 MovieClip Frame 2 (8 B)
Symbol 2313 MovieClip Frame 1 (78 B)
if (/Variables:Pierre5 == false) {
gotoAndStop (14);
} else {
Symbol 2313 MovieClip Frame 2 (34 B)
Set("/Variables:Pierre5", false);
Symbol 2313 MovieClip Frame 13 (385 B)
if (/Variables:Pierre1 == true) {
tellTarget ("_root.Pierre1") {
if (/Variables:Pierre3 == false) {
tellTarget ("_root.Pierre3") {
if (/Variables:Pierre4 == true) {
tellTarget ("_root.Pierre4") {
if (/Variables:Pierre6 == true) {
tellTarget ("_root.Pierre6") {
Set("/Variables:DerniereTuile", 0);
Symbol 2313 MovieClip Frame 14 (8 B)
Symbol 2313 MovieClip Frame 15 (33 B)
Set("/Variables:Pierre5", true);
Symbol 2313 MovieClip Frame 25 (553 B)
if (/Variables:DerniereTuile != 1) {
if (/Variables:Pierre1 == true) {
tellTarget ("_root.Pierre1") {
if (/Variables:Pierre3 == false) {
tellTarget ("_root.Pierre3") {
if (/Variables:Pierre4 == true) {
tellTarget ("_root.Pierre4") {
if (/Variables:Pierre6 == true) {
tellTarget ("_root.Pierre6") {
tellTarget ("_root.Pierre5") {
gotoAndPlay (2);
Set("/Variables:DerniereTuile", 0);
} else {
Set("/Variables:DerniereTuile", 2);
Symbol 2316 MovieClip Frame 1 (79 B)
if (/Variables:Pierre2a == false) {
gotoAndStop (14);
} else {
Symbol 2316 MovieClip Frame 2 (35 B)
Set("/Variables:Pierre2a", false);
Symbol 2316 MovieClip Frame 14 (8 B)
Symbol 2316 MovieClip Frame 15 (34 B)
Set("/Variables:Pierre2a", true);
Symbol 2318 MovieClip Frame 1 (78 B)
if (/Variables:Pierre1 == false) {
gotoAndStop (14);
} else {
Symbol 2318 MovieClip Frame 2 (34 B)
Set("/Variables:Pierre1", false);
Symbol 2318 MovieClip Frame 13 (385 B)
Set("/Variables:DerniereTuile", 0);
if (/Variables:Pierre5 == true) {
tellTarget ("_root.Pierre5") {
if (/Variables:Pierre3 == false) {
tellTarget ("_root.Pierre3") {
if (/Variables:Pierre4 == true) {
tellTarget ("_root.Pierre4") {
if (/Variables:Pierre6 == true) {
tellTarget ("_root.Pierre6") {
Symbol 2318 MovieClip Frame 14 (8 B)
Symbol 2318 MovieClip Frame 15 (33 B)
Set("/Variables:Pierre1", true);
Symbol 2318 MovieClip Frame 25 (36 B)
Set("/Variables:DerniereTuile", 1);
Symbol 2322 MovieClip Frame 1 (78 B)
if (/Variables:Pierre3 == false) {
gotoAndStop (14);
} else {
Symbol 2322 MovieClip Frame 2 (34 B)
Set("/Variables:Pierre3", false);
Symbol 2322 MovieClip Frame 14 (8 B)
Symbol 2322 MovieClip Frame 15 (33 B)
Set("/Variables:Pierre3", true);
Symbol 2322 MovieClip Frame 25 (290 B)
if (((((((/Variables:Pierre1 == true) and (/Variables:Pierre2a == false)) and (/Variables:Pierre2b == false)) and (/Variables:Pierre3 == true)) and (/Variables:Pierre4 == true)) and (/Variables:Pierre5 == true)) and (/Variables:Pierre6 == true)) {
Set("/Variables:TuilePlaces", true);
Symbol 2326 MovieClip Frame 1 (78 B)
if (/Variables:Pierre6 == false) {
gotoAndStop (14);
} else {
Symbol 2326 MovieClip Frame 2 (34 B)
Set("/Variables:Pierre6", false);
Symbol 2326 MovieClip Frame 13 (385 B)
if (/Variables:Pierre1 == true) {
tellTarget ("_root.Pierre1") {
if (/Variables:Pierre3 == false) {
tellTarget ("_root.Pierre3") {
if (/Variables:Pierre4 == true) {
tellTarget ("_root.Pierre4") {
if (/Variables:Pierre5 == true) {
tellTarget ("_root.Pierre5") {
Set("/Variables:DerniereTuile", 0);
Symbol 2326 MovieClip Frame 14 (8 B)
Symbol 2326 MovieClip Frame 15 (33 B)
Set("/Variables:Pierre6", true);
Symbol 2326 MovieClip Frame 25 (553 B)
if (/Variables:DerniereTuile != 2) {
if (/Variables:Pierre1 == true) {
tellTarget ("_root.Pierre1") {
if (/Variables:Pierre3 == false) {
tellTarget ("_root.Pierre3") {
if (/Variables:Pierre4 == true) {
tellTarget ("_root.Pierre4") {
if (/Variables:Pierre5 == true) {
tellTarget ("_root.Pierre5") {
tellTarget ("_root.Pierre6") {
gotoAndPlay (2);
Set("/Variables:DerniereTuile", 0);
} else {
Set("/Variables:DerniereTuile", 3);
Symbol 2328 MovieClip Frame 1 (78 B)
if (/Variables:Pierre4 == false) {
gotoAndStop (14);
} else {
Symbol 2328 MovieClip Frame 2 (34 B)
Set("/Variables:Pierre4", false);
Symbol 2328 MovieClip Frame 13 (390 B)
if (/Variables:Pierre1 == true) {
tellTarget ("_root.Pierre1") {
if (/Variables:Pierre3 == false) {
tellTarget ("_root.Pierre3") {
if (/Variables:Pierre5 == true) {
tellTarget ("_root.Pierre5") {
if (/Variables:Pierre6 == true) {
tellTarget ("_root.Pierre6") {
Set("/Variables:DerniereTuile", 0);
Symbol 2328 MovieClip Frame 14 (8 B)
Symbol 2328 MovieClip Frame 15 (33 B)
Set("/Variables:Pierre4", true);
Symbol 2328 MovieClip Frame 25 (847 B)
if (/Variables:DerniereTuile != 3) {
if (/Variables:Pierre1 == true) {
tellTarget ("_root.Pierre1") {
if (/Variables:Pierre3 == false) {
tellTarget ("_root.Pierre3") {
if (/Variables:Pierre5 == true) {
tellTarget ("_root.Pierre5") {
if (/Variables:Pierre6 == true) {
tellTarget ("_root.Pierre6") {
tellTarget ("_root.Pierre4") {
gotoAndPlay (2);
Set("/Variables:DerniereTuile", 0);
} else {
if (((((((/Variables:Pierre1 == true) and (/Variables:Pierre2a == false)) and (/Variables:Pierre2b == false)) and (/Variables:Pierre3 == true)) and (/Variables:Pierre4 == true)) and (/Variables:Pierre5 == true)) and (/Variables:Pierre6 == true)) {
Set("/Variables:TuilePlaces", true);
Set("/Variables:DerniereTuile", 4);
Symbol 2332 MovieClip Frame 1 (79 B)
if (/Variables:Pierre2b == false) {
gotoAndStop (14);
} else {
Symbol 2332 MovieClip Frame 2 (35 B)
Set("/Variables:Pierre2b", false);
Symbol 2332 MovieClip Frame 13 (290 B)
if (((((((/Variables:Pierre1 == true) and (/Variables:Pierre2a == false)) and (/Variables:Pierre2b == false)) and (/Variables:Pierre3 == true)) and (/Variables:Pierre4 == true)) and (/Variables:Pierre5 == true)) and (/Variables:Pierre6 == true)) {
Set("/Variables:TuilePlaces", true);
Symbol 2332 MovieClip Frame 14 (8 B)
Symbol 2332 MovieClip Frame 15 (34 B)
Set("/Variables:Pierre2b", true);
Symbol 2334 MovieClip Frame 1 (66 B)
if (/Variables:FuseeRamasse == true) {
Symbol 2334 MovieClip Frame 2 (8 B)
Symbol 2336 MovieClip Frame 1 (8 B)
Symbol 2349 MovieClip Frame 1 (69 B)
if (/Variables:MedecineRamasse == true) {
Symbol 2349 MovieClip Frame 2 (8 B)
Symbol 2356 MovieClip Frame 1 (69 B)
if (/Variables:MedecineRamasse == true) {
Symbol 2356 MovieClip Frame 2 (8 B)
Symbol 2363 MovieClip Frame 1 (71 B)
if (/Variables:BoudhaOuvert == true) {
gotoAndStop (38);
Symbol 2363 MovieClip Frame 2 (38 B)
Set("/Variables:BoudhaOuvert", true);
Symbol 2363 MovieClip Frame 38 (98 B)
Set("/Variables:Stoppe", false);
tellTarget ("_root.Collider") {
gotoAndStop (2);
Symbol 2367 MovieClip Frame 1 (92 B)
gotoAndStop(eval (("/Variables:" + (substring(getProperty("../", _name), 0, 7))) + _name));
Symbol 2375 MovieClip Frame 1 (66 B)
if (/Variables:BoudhaOuvert == true) {
Symbol 2375 MovieClip Frame 2 (8 B)
Symbol 2385 MovieClip Frame 1 (69 B)
if (/Variables:PontOuvert == true) {
gotoAndStop (42);
Symbol 2385 MovieClip Frame 41 (170 B)
if (/Variables:PorteExplose == true) {
tellTarget ("_root.Collider") {
gotoAndStop (3);
} else {
tellTarget ("_root.Collider") {
gotoAndStop (2);
Symbol 2385 MovieClip Frame 42 (8 B)
Symbol 2391 MovieClip Frame 1 (66 B)
if (/Variables:PorteExplose == true) {
Symbol 2391 MovieClip Frame 2 (8 B)
Symbol 2398 MovieClip Frame 1 (64 B)
if (/Variables:CordeLance == true) {
Symbol 2398 MovieClip Frame 2 (8 B)
Symbol 2405 MovieClip Frame 1 (8 B)
Instance of Symbol 2399 MovieClip in Symbol 2405 MovieClip Frame 2 (519 B)
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (/Variables:InventaireOuvert == false) {
if (key.isDown(Key.DOWN)) {
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , 95);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , 377);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _visible , 1);
Set("/Variables:Stoppe", false);
tellTarget ("_root.Meg") {
gotoAndStop (2);
tellTarget ("_root") {
gotoAndStop ("Tab4");
tellTarget ("_parent") {
gotoAndStop (1);
if (key.isDown(Key.UP)) {
tellTarget ("_parent") {
Instance of Symbol 2400 MovieClip in Symbol 2405 MovieClip Frame 3 (271 B)
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (/Variables:InventaireOuvert == false) {
if (key.isDown(Key.DOWN)) {
tellTarget ("_parent") {
gotoAndStop(49 + (50 - _currentframe));
if (key.isDown(Key.UP)) {
tellTarget ("_parent") {
Symbol 2405 MovieClip Frame 48 (78 B)
loadVariablesNum ("/web/steppenwolf/tracking.jsp?episode=6&stage=18", 0);
Instance of Symbol 2401 MovieClip in Symbol 2405 MovieClip Frame 48 (547 B)
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (/Variables:InventaireOuvert == false) {
if (key.isDown(Key.UP)) {
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , 101);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , 194);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _visible , 1);
Set("/Variables:Stoppe", false);
tellTarget ("_root.Meg") {
gotoAndStop (6);
tellTarget ("_root") {
gotoAndStop ("Tab4");
tellTarget ("_parent") {
gotoAndStop (1);
if (key.isDown(Key.DOWN)) {
tellTarget ("_parent") {
gotoAndStop(32 + (33 - _currentframe));
Instance of Symbol 2402 MovieClip in Symbol 2405 MovieClip Frame 49 (520 B)
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (/Variables:InventaireOuvert == false) {
if (key.isDown(Key.UP)) {
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , 101);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , 194);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _visible , 1);
Set("/Variables:Stoppe", false);
tellTarget ("_root.Meg") {
gotoAndStop (6);
tellTarget ("_root") {
gotoAndStop ("Tab4");
tellTarget ("_parent") {
gotoAndStop (1);
if (key.isDown(Key.DOWN)) {
tellTarget ("_parent") {
Instance of Symbol 2403 MovieClip in Symbol 2405 MovieClip Frame 50 (271 B)
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (/Variables:InventaireOuvert == false) {
if (key.isDown(Key.DOWN)) {
tellTarget ("_parent") {
if (key.isDown(Key.UP)) {
tellTarget ("_parent") {
gotoAndStop(49 + (50 - _currentframe));
Instance of Symbol 2404 MovieClip in Symbol 2405 MovieClip Frame 94 (546 B)
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (/Variables:InventaireOuvert == false) {
if (key.isDown(Key.DOWN)) {
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , 95);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , 377);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _visible , 1);
Set("/Variables:Stoppe", false);
tellTarget ("_root.Meg") {
gotoAndStop (2);
tellTarget ("_root") {
gotoAndStop ("Tab4");
tellTarget ("_parent") {
gotoAndStop (1);
if (key.isDown(Key.UP)) {
tellTarget ("_parent") {
gotoAndStop(33 + (34 - _currentframe));
Symbol 2409 MovieClip Frame 1 (183 B)
if ((/Variables:PorteExplose == true) and (/Variables:PontOuvert == true)) {
gotoAndStop (3);
} else if (/Variables:PontOuvert == true) {
gotoAndStop (2);
} else {
Symbol 2409 MovieClip Frame 2 (8 B)
Symbol 2409 MovieClip Frame 3 (8 B)
Symbol 2415 MovieClip Frame 1 (8 B)
Symbol 2441 MovieClip Frame 1 (8 B)
Symbol 2441 MovieClip Frame 61 (17 B)
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 2471 MovieClip Frame 1 (41 B)
Set("/Variables:Balle", random(10) + 1);
Symbol 2471 MovieClip Frame 2 (120 B)
tellTarget ("_root.Meg.Balle" + /Variables:Balle) {
gotoAndPlay (2);
tellTarget ("../../GunSon") {
Symbol 2471 MovieClip Frame 8 (319 B)
if (random(100) < 50) {
gotoAndPlay (26);
tellTarget ("_root.GardeDevant.GardeTir.Tir.Haut") {
gotoAndPlay ("ArretTir");
} else {
tellTarget ("../../GunSon") {
Set("/Variables:Balle", random(10) + 1);
tellTarget ("_root.Meg.Balle" + /Variables:Balle) {
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 2471 MovieClip Frame 14 (319 B)
if (random(100) < 50) {
gotoAndPlay (26);
tellTarget ("_root.GardeDevant.GardeTir.Tir.Haut") {
gotoAndPlay ("ArretTir");
} else {
tellTarget ("../../GunSon") {
Set("/Variables:Balle", random(10) + 1);
tellTarget ("_root.Meg.Balle" + /Variables:Balle) {
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 2471 MovieClip Frame 20 (319 B)
if (random(100) < 50) {
gotoAndPlay (26);
tellTarget ("_root.GardeDevant.GardeTir.Tir.Haut") {
gotoAndPlay ("ArretTir");
} else {
tellTarget ("../../GunSon") {
Set("/Variables:Balle", random(10) + 1);
tellTarget ("_root.Meg.Balle" + /Variables:Balle) {
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 2471 MovieClip Frame 35 (129 B)
if (random(100) < 50) {
gotoAndPlay (1);
tellTarget ("_root.GardeDevant.GardeTir.Tir.Haut") {
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 2473 MovieClip Frame 1 (41 B)
Set("/Variables:Balle", random(10) + 1);
Symbol 2473 MovieClip Frame 2 (120 B)
tellTarget ("_root.Meg.Balle" + /Variables:Balle) {
gotoAndPlay (2);
tellTarget ("../../GunSon") {
Symbol 2473 MovieClip Frame 8 (319 B)
if (random(100) < 50) {
gotoAndPlay (26);
tellTarget ("_root.GardeDevant.GardeTir.Tir.Haut") {
gotoAndPlay ("ArretTir");
} else {
tellTarget ("../../GunSon") {
Set("/Variables:Balle", random(10) + 1);
tellTarget ("_root.Meg.Balle" + /Variables:Balle) {
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 2473 MovieClip Frame 14 (319 B)
if (random(100) < 50) {
gotoAndPlay (26);
tellTarget ("_root.GardeDevant.GardeTir.Tir.Haut") {
gotoAndPlay ("ArretTir");
} else {
tellTarget ("../../GunSon") {
Set("/Variables:Balle", random(10) + 1);
tellTarget ("_root.Meg.Balle" + /Variables:Balle) {
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 2473 MovieClip Frame 20 (319 B)
if (random(100) < 50) {
gotoAndPlay (26);
tellTarget ("_root.GardeDevant.GardeTir.Tir.Haut") {
gotoAndPlay ("ArretTir");
} else {
tellTarget ("../../GunSon") {
Set("/Variables:Balle", random(10) + 1);
tellTarget ("_root.Meg.Balle" + /Variables:Balle) {
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 2473 MovieClip Frame 35 (129 B)
if (random(100) < 50) {
gotoAndPlay (1);
tellTarget ("_root.GardeDevant.GardeTir.Tir.Haut") {
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 2475 MovieClip Frame 1 (41 B)
Set("/Variables:Balle", random(10) + 1);
Symbol 2475 MovieClip Frame 2 (120 B)
tellTarget ("_root.Meg.Balle" + /Variables:Balle) {
gotoAndPlay (2);
tellTarget ("../../GunSon") {
Symbol 2475 MovieClip Frame 8 (319 B)
if (random(100) < 50) {
gotoAndPlay (26);
tellTarget ("_root.GardeDevant.GardeTir.Tir.Haut") {
gotoAndPlay ("ArretTir");
} else {
tellTarget ("../../GunSon") {
Set("/Variables:Balle", random(10) + 1);
tellTarget ("_root.Meg.Balle" + /Variables:Balle) {
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 2475 MovieClip Frame 14 (319 B)
if (random(100) < 50) {
gotoAndPlay (26);
tellTarget ("_root.GardeDevant.GardeTir.Tir.Haut") {
gotoAndPlay ("ArretTir");
} else {
tellTarget ("../../GunSon") {
Set("/Variables:Balle", random(10) + 1);
tellTarget ("_root.Meg.Balle" + /Variables:Balle) {
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 2475 MovieClip Frame 20 (319 B)
if (random(100) < 50) {
gotoAndPlay (26);
tellTarget ("_root.GardeDevant.GardeTir.Tir.Haut") {
gotoAndPlay ("ArretTir");
} else {
tellTarget ("../../GunSon") {
Set("/Variables:Balle", random(10) + 1);
tellTarget ("_root.Meg.Balle" + /Variables:Balle) {
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 2475 MovieClip Frame 35 (129 B)
if (random(100) < 50) {
gotoAndPlay (1);
tellTarget ("_root.GardeDevant.GardeTir.Tir.Haut") {
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 2477 MovieClip Frame 1 (41 B)
Set("/Variables:Balle", random(10) + 1);
Symbol 2477 MovieClip Frame 2 (120 B)
tellTarget ("_root.Meg.Balle" + /Variables:Balle) {
gotoAndPlay (2);
tellTarget ("../../GunSon") {
Symbol 2477 MovieClip Frame 8 (319 B)
if (random(100) < 50) {
gotoAndPlay (26);
tellTarget ("_root.GardeDevant.GardeTir.Tir.Haut") {
gotoAndPlay ("ArretTir");
} else {
tellTarget ("../../GunSon") {
Set("/Variables:Balle", random(10) + 1);
tellTarget ("_root.Meg.Balle" + /Variables:Balle) {
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 2477 MovieClip Frame 14 (319 B)
if (random(100) < 50) {
gotoAndPlay (26);
tellTarget ("_root.GardeDevant.GardeTir.Tir.Haut") {
gotoAndPlay ("ArretTir");
} else {
tellTarget ("../../GunSon") {
Set("/Variables:Balle", random(10) + 1);
tellTarget ("_root.Meg.Balle" + /Variables:Balle) {
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 2477 MovieClip Frame 20 (319 B)
if (random(100) < 50) {
gotoAndPlay (26);
tellTarget ("_root.GardeDevant.GardeTir.Tir.Haut") {
gotoAndPlay ("ArretTir");
} else {
tellTarget ("../../GunSon") {
Set("/Variables:Balle", random(10) + 1);
tellTarget ("_root.Meg.Balle" + /Variables:Balle) {
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 2477 MovieClip Frame 35 (129 B)
if (random(100) < 50) {
gotoAndPlay (1);
tellTarget ("_root.GardeDevant.GardeTir.Tir.Haut") {
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 2480 MovieClip Frame 1 (41 B)
Set("/Variables:Balle", random(10) + 1);
Symbol 2480 MovieClip Frame 2 (120 B)
tellTarget ("_root.Meg.Balle" + /Variables:Balle) {
gotoAndPlay (2);
tellTarget ("../../GunSon") {
Symbol 2480 MovieClip Frame 8 (319 B)
if (random(100) < 50) {
gotoAndPlay (26);
tellTarget ("_root.GardeDevant.GardeTir.Tir.Haut") {
gotoAndPlay ("ArretTir");
} else {
tellTarget ("../../GunSon") {
Set("/Variables:Balle", random(10) + 1);
tellTarget ("_root.Meg.Balle" + /Variables:Balle) {
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 2480 MovieClip Frame 14 (319 B)
if (random(100) < 50) {
gotoAndPlay (26);
tellTarget ("_root.GardeDevant.GardeTir.Tir.Haut") {
gotoAndPlay ("ArretTir");
} else {
tellTarget ("../../GunSon") {
Set("/Variables:Balle", random(10) + 1);
tellTarget ("_root.Meg.Balle" + /Variables:Balle) {
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 2480 MovieClip Frame 20 (319 B)
if (random(100) < 50) {
gotoAndPlay (26);
tellTarget ("_root.GardeDevant.GardeTir.Tir.Haut") {
gotoAndPlay ("ArretTir");
} else {
tellTarget ("../../GunSon") {
Set("/Variables:Balle", random(10) + 1);
tellTarget ("_root.Meg.Balle" + /Variables:Balle) {
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 2480 MovieClip Frame 35 (129 B)
if (random(100) < 50) {
gotoAndPlay (1);
tellTarget ("_root.GardeDevant.GardeTir.Tir.Haut") {
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 2482 MovieClip Frame 1 (118 B)
Set("/Variables:GardeAction", false);
Set("/Variables:FusilLeve", true);
Set("/Variables:GardeTir", true);
Symbol 2482 MovieClip Frame 2 (118 B)
Set("/Variables:FusilLeve", true);
Set("/Variables:GardeTir", true);
Set("/Variables:GardeAction", false);
Symbol 2482 MovieClip Frame 3 (118 B)
Set("/Variables:GardeAction", false);
Set("/Variables:FusilLeve", true);
Set("/Variables:GardeTir", true);
Symbol 2482 MovieClip Frame 4 (118 B)
Set("/Variables:GardeAction", false);
Set("/Variables:FusilLeve", true);
Set("/Variables:GardeTir", true);
Symbol 2482 MovieClip Frame 5 (118 B)
Set("/Variables:GardeAction", false);
Set("/Variables:GardeTir", true);
Set("/Variables:FusilLeve", true);
Symbol 2483 MovieClip Frame 1 (182 B)
Set("/Variables:AvanceTir", false);
Set("/Variables:GardeDedans", false);
Set("/Variables:FeuLance", false);
if (/Variables:GardesPris == true) {
gotoAndStop (173);
Symbol 2483 MovieClip Frame 2 (35 B)
Set("/Variables:AvanceTir", true);
Symbol 2483 MovieClip Frame 6 (40 B)
tellTarget ("Artifice") {
Symbol 2483 MovieClip Frame 37 (37 B)
Set("/Variables:GardeDedans", true);
Symbol 2483 MovieClip Frame 85 (38 B)
Set("/Variables:GardeDedans", false);
Symbol 2483 MovieClip Frame 105 (17 B)
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 2483 MovieClip Frame 106 (70 B)
Set("/Variables:FeuLance", true);
Set("/Variables:AvanceTir", true);
Symbol 2483 MovieClip Frame 107 (129 B)
if (/Variables:ArtificePorte == true) {
Set("/Variables:ArtificePorte", false);
tellTarget ("Artifice") {
Symbol 2483 MovieClip Frame 140 (8 B)
Symbol 2483 MovieClip Frame 173 (8 B)
Symbol 2486 MovieClip Frame 1 (65 B)
if (/Variables:BoulePousse == true) {
Symbol 2486 MovieClip Frame 2 (8 B)
Symbol 2512 MovieClip Frame 1 (34 B)
gotoAndStop(/Variables:Vent + 3);
Symbol 2519 MovieClip Frame 1 (64 B)
if (/Variables:PontOuvert == true) {
Symbol 2519 MovieClip Frame 2 (8 B)
Symbol 2541 MovieClip Frame 1 (37 B)
Symbol 2557 MovieClip Frame 1 (8 B)
Symbol 2557 MovieClip Frame 2 (50 B)
if (50 < random(100)) {
gotoAndPlay (10);
Symbol 2557 MovieClip Frame 3 (389 B)
if (_root.CacheCraque.hitTest(_root.Portail.Feu.FeuParti.FeuExplose)) {
Set("/Variables:NbFeuTouche", /Variables:NbFeuTouche + 1);
if (/Variables:NbFeuTouche == 4) {
tellTarget ("_root.Portail") {
gotoAndPlay ("Explose");
} else {
tellTarget ("_root.Sons") {
gotoAndPlay ("SndCraque");
tellTarget ("_root.Portail.Craque") {
Symbol 2557 MovieClip Frame 9 (47 B)
tellTarget ("../../") {
Symbol 2557 MovieClip Frame 10 (389 B)
if (_root.CacheCraque.hitTest(_root.Portail.Feu.FeuParti.FeuExplose)) {
Set("/Variables:NbFeuTouche", /Variables:NbFeuTouche + 1);
if (/Variables:NbFeuTouche == 4) {
tellTarget ("_root.Portail") {
gotoAndPlay ("Explose");
} else {
tellTarget ("_root.Sons") {
gotoAndPlay ("SndCraque");
tellTarget ("_root.Portail.Craque") {
Symbol 2557 MovieClip Frame 16 (47 B)
tellTarget ("../../") {
Symbol 2558 MovieClip Frame 1 (8 B)
Symbol 2558 MovieClip Frame 2 (51 B)
tellTarget ("FeuExplose") {
Symbol 2560 MovieClip Frame 2 (16 B)
BouleLance = 0;
Symbol 2560 MovieClip Frame 14 (121 B)
tellTarget ("_root.Portail.Mains") {
VitesseFeu = 60 + (/Variables:PositionHauteur / 5);
ScaleFeu = 100;
Symbol 2560 MovieClip Frame 15 (78 B)
Set("/Variables:FeuParti", true);
DepartTir = /Variables:PositionFusee / 20;
Symbol 2560 MovieClip Frame 16 (373 B)
setProperty("FeuParti/FeuCentre", _xscale , ScaleFeu);
setProperty("FeuParti/FeuCentre", _yscale , ScaleFeu);
ScaleFeu = ScaleFeu - (ScaleFeu / 2);
setProperty("FeuParti", _y , getProperty("FeuParti", _y) - VitesseFeu);
setProperty("FeuParti", _x , getProperty("FeuParti", _x) + (/Variables:DecaleVent * /Variables:Vent));
VitesseFeu = VitesseFeu - (VitesseFeu / 2);
Symbol 2560 MovieClip Frame 17 (373 B)
setProperty("FeuParti/FeuCentre", _xscale , ScaleFeu);
setProperty("FeuParti/FeuCentre", _yscale , ScaleFeu);
ScaleFeu = ScaleFeu - (ScaleFeu / 2);
setProperty("FeuParti", _y , getProperty("FeuParti", _y) - VitesseFeu);
setProperty("FeuParti", _x , getProperty("FeuParti", _x) + (/Variables:DecaleVent * /Variables:Vent));
VitesseFeu = VitesseFeu - (VitesseFeu / 2);
Symbol 2560 MovieClip Frame 18 (373 B)
setProperty("FeuParti/FeuCentre", _xscale , ScaleFeu);
setProperty("FeuParti/FeuCentre", _yscale , ScaleFeu);
ScaleFeu = ScaleFeu - (ScaleFeu / 5);
setProperty("FeuParti", _y , getProperty("FeuParti", _y) - VitesseFeu);
setProperty("FeuParti", _x , getProperty("FeuParti", _x) + (/Variables:DecaleVent * /Variables:Vent));
VitesseFeu = VitesseFeu - (VitesseFeu / 2);
Symbol 2560 MovieClip Frame 19 (373 B)
setProperty("FeuParti/FeuCentre", _xscale , ScaleFeu);
setProperty("FeuParti/FeuCentre", _yscale , ScaleFeu);
ScaleFeu = ScaleFeu - (ScaleFeu / 5);
setProperty("FeuParti", _y , getProperty("FeuParti", _y) - VitesseFeu);
setProperty("FeuParti", _x , getProperty("FeuParti", _x) + (/Variables:DecaleVent * /Variables:Vent));
VitesseFeu = VitesseFeu - (VitesseFeu / 2);
Symbol 2560 MovieClip Frame 20 (374 B)
setProperty("FeuParti/FeuCentre", _xscale , ScaleFeu);
setProperty("FeuParti/FeuCentre", _yscale , ScaleFeu);
ScaleFeu = ScaleFeu - (ScaleFeu / 10);
setProperty("FeuParti", _y , getProperty("FeuParti", _y) - VitesseFeu);
setProperty("FeuParti", _x , getProperty("FeuParti", _x) + (/Variables:DecaleVent * /Variables:Vent));
VitesseFeu = VitesseFeu - (VitesseFeu / 2);
Symbol 2560 MovieClip Frame 21 (374 B)
setProperty("FeuParti/FeuCentre", _xscale , ScaleFeu);
setProperty("FeuParti/FeuCentre", _yscale , ScaleFeu);
ScaleFeu = ScaleFeu - (ScaleFeu / 10);
setProperty("FeuParti", _y , getProperty("FeuParti", _y) - VitesseFeu);
setProperty("FeuParti", _x , getProperty("FeuParti", _x) + (/Variables:DecaleVent * /Variables:Vent));
VitesseFeu = VitesseFeu - (VitesseFeu / 2);
Symbol 2560 MovieClip Frame 22 (512 B)
setProperty("FeuParti/FeuCentre", _xscale , ScaleFeu);
setProperty("FeuParti/FeuCentre", _yscale , ScaleFeu);
ScaleFeu = ScaleFeu - (ScaleFeu / 10);
setProperty("FeuParti", _y , getProperty("FeuParti", _y) + VitesseFeu);
_rotation = (_rotation - (2 * _rotation));
Move = _height * Math.tan(((2 * _rotation) * Math.PI) / 180);
if (DepartTir != 6) {
Move = Move + ((1.4 - (0.05 * DepartTir)) * DepartTir);
} else {
Move = Move + 12;
_x = (_x - Move);
VitesseFeu = VitesseFeu + (VitesseFeu / 2);
Symbol 2560 MovieClip Frame 23 (374 B)
setProperty("FeuParti/FeuCentre", _xscale , ScaleFeu);
setProperty("FeuParti/FeuCentre", _yscale , ScaleFeu);
ScaleFeu = ScaleFeu - (ScaleFeu / 20);
setProperty("FeuParti", _y , getProperty("FeuParti", _y) + VitesseFeu);
setProperty("FeuParti", _x , getProperty("FeuParti", _x) + (/Variables:DecaleVent * /Variables:Vent));
VitesseFeu = VitesseFeu + (VitesseFeu / 2);
Symbol 2560 MovieClip Frame 24 (374 B)
setProperty("FeuParti/FeuCentre", _xscale , ScaleFeu);
setProperty("FeuParti/FeuCentre", _yscale , ScaleFeu);
ScaleFeu = ScaleFeu - (ScaleFeu / 20);
setProperty("FeuParti", _y , getProperty("FeuParti", _y) + VitesseFeu);
setProperty("FeuParti", _x , getProperty("FeuParti", _x) + (/Variables:DecaleVent * /Variables:Vent));
VitesseFeu = VitesseFeu + (VitesseFeu / 2);
Symbol 2560 MovieClip Frame 25 (374 B)
setProperty("FeuParti/FeuCentre", _xscale , ScaleFeu);
setProperty("FeuParti/FeuCentre", _yscale , ScaleFeu);
ScaleFeu = ScaleFeu - (ScaleFeu / 20);
setProperty("FeuParti", _y , getProperty("FeuParti", _y) + VitesseFeu);
setProperty("FeuParti", _x , getProperty("FeuParti", _x) + (/Variables:DecaleVent * /Variables:Vent));
VitesseFeu = VitesseFeu + (VitesseFeu / 2);
Symbol 2560 MovieClip Frame 26 (374 B)
setProperty("FeuParti/FeuCentre", _xscale , ScaleFeu);
setProperty("FeuParti/FeuCentre", _yscale , ScaleFeu);
ScaleFeu = ScaleFeu - (ScaleFeu / 20);
setProperty("FeuParti", _y , getProperty("FeuParti", _y) + VitesseFeu);
setProperty("FeuParti", _x , getProperty("FeuParti", _x) + (/Variables:DecaleVent * /Variables:Vent));
VitesseFeu = VitesseFeu + (VitesseFeu / 2);
Symbol 2560 MovieClip Frame 27 (374 B)
setProperty("FeuParti/FeuCentre", _xscale , ScaleFeu);
setProperty("FeuParti/FeuCentre", _yscale , ScaleFeu);
ScaleFeu = ScaleFeu - (ScaleFeu / 20);
setProperty("FeuParti", _y , getProperty("FeuParti", _y) + VitesseFeu);
setProperty("FeuParti", _x , getProperty("FeuParti", _x) + (/Variables:DecaleVent * /Variables:Vent));
VitesseFeu = VitesseFeu + (VitesseFeu / 2);
Symbol 2560 MovieClip Frame 28 (374 B)
setProperty("FeuParti/FeuCentre", _xscale , ScaleFeu);
setProperty("FeuParti/FeuCentre", _yscale , ScaleFeu);
ScaleFeu = ScaleFeu - (ScaleFeu / 20);
setProperty("FeuParti", _y , getProperty("FeuParti", _y) + VitesseFeu);
setProperty("FeuParti", _x , getProperty("FeuParti", _x) + (/Variables:DecaleVent * /Variables:Vent));
VitesseFeu = VitesseFeu + (VitesseFeu / 2);
Symbol 2560 MovieClip Frame 29 (374 B)
setProperty("FeuParti/FeuCentre", _xscale , ScaleFeu);
setProperty("FeuParti/FeuCentre", _yscale , ScaleFeu);
ScaleFeu = ScaleFeu - (ScaleFeu / 20);
setProperty("FeuParti", _y , getProperty("FeuParti", _y) + VitesseFeu);
setProperty("FeuParti", _x , getProperty("FeuParti", _x) + (/Variables:DecaleVent * /Variables:Vent));
VitesseFeu = VitesseFeu + (VitesseFeu / 2);
Symbol 2560 MovieClip Frame 30 (374 B)
setProperty("FeuParti/FeuCentre", _xscale , ScaleFeu);
setProperty("FeuParti/FeuCentre", _yscale , ScaleFeu);
ScaleFeu = ScaleFeu - (ScaleFeu / 20);
setProperty("FeuParti", _y , getProperty("FeuParti", _y) + VitesseFeu);
setProperty("FeuParti", _x , getProperty("FeuParti", _x) + (/Variables:DecaleVent * /Variables:Vent));
VitesseFeu = VitesseFeu + (VitesseFeu / 2);
Symbol 2560 MovieClip Frame 31 (374 B)
setProperty("FeuParti/FeuCentre", _xscale , ScaleFeu);
setProperty("FeuParti/FeuCentre", _yscale , ScaleFeu);
ScaleFeu = ScaleFeu - (ScaleFeu / 20);
setProperty("FeuParti", _y , getProperty("FeuParti", _y) + VitesseFeu);
setProperty("FeuParti", _x , getProperty("FeuParti", _x) + (/Variables:DecaleVent * /Variables:Vent));
VitesseFeu = VitesseFeu + (VitesseFeu / 2);
Symbol 2560 MovieClip Frame 32 (261 B)
BouleLance = BouleLance + 1;
setProperty("FeuParti/FeuExplose", _xscale , getProperty("FeuParti/FeuCentre", _xscale));
setProperty("FeuParti/FeuExplose", _yscale , getProperty("FeuParti/FeuCentre", _yscale));
tellTarget ("FeuParti") {
Symbol 2560 MovieClip Frame 33 (382 B)
if (80 < random(100)) {
Set("/Variables:Vent", random(5) - 2);
tellTarget ("../Drapeaux") {
gotoAndStop(/Variables:Vent + 3);
if (BouleLance < 5) {
gotoAndPlay (10);
} else {
gotoAndPlay (34);
Set("/Variables:FeuParti", false);
_x = getProperty("../Mains", _x);
_y = getProperty("../Mains", _y);
_rotation = getProperty("../Mains", _rotation);
Symbol 2560 MovieClip Frame 34 (89 B)
Set("/Variables:From", "TirFeu");
tellTarget ("_root") {
gotoAndPlay ("Tab4Ini");
Symbol 2579 MovieClip Frame 1 (8 B)
Symbol 2635 MovieClip Frame 3 (8 B)
Symbol 2635 MovieClip Frame 4 (38 B)
Set("/Variables:PorteExplose", true);
Symbol 2635 MovieClip Frame 5 (78 B)
loadVariablesNum ("/web/steppenwolf/tracking.jsp?episode=6&stage=21", 0);
Symbol 2635 MovieClip Frame 13 (177 B)
Set("/Variables:PorteExplose", true);
Set("/Variables:From", "TirFeu");
tellTarget ("_root") {
gotoAndPlay ("Tab4Ini");
tellTarget ("_parent") {
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 2660 Button (55 B)
on (release) {
gotoAndPlay (1125);
Symbol 2822 MovieClip Frame 7 (8 B)
Symbol 2825 MovieClip Frame 15 (8 B)
Symbol 2835 MovieClip Frame 19 (8 B)