[Tools][Expand/Collapse All]Note that automatic extraction of ActionScript 3 is still pretty much unsupported by swfchan. AS1/AS2 works okay most of the time.Frame 1 (8 B)
Frame 2 (110 B)
startDrag ("/ship", true, "25", "50", "550", "350");
tellTarget ("/level") {
gotoAndStop (1);
Frame 3 (147 B)
if ("5000" < /:score) {
tellTarget ("/end") {
gotoAndStop (2);
} else {
tellTarget ("/end") {
gotoAndStop (3);
Symbol 8 Button (60 B)
on (release) {
getURL ("http://www.saydesign.com/flash");
Symbol 9 Button (55 B)
on (release) {
getURL ("mailto:info@saydesign.com");
Symbol 10 Button (30 B)
on (release) {
Symbol 13 Button (60 B)
on (release) {
getURL ("http://www.saydesign.com/flash");
Symbol 21 Button (437 B)
on (release) {
if (number == "0") {
number = "1";
if (/:hit == "0") {
if (getProperty("/bullet" add number, _currentframe) == "1") {
if (number < "6") {
tellTarget ("/ammo") {
Set(("/bullet" add number) add ":number", number);
tellTarget ("/bullet" add number) {
number = number + "1";
if ("5" < number) {
number = "1";
Symbol 22 MovieClip Frame 1 (353 B)
count = "0";
while (count < "6") {
count = count + "1";
setProperty("/ball" add count, _y , -random("150"));
setProperty("/ball" add count, _x , random("400") + "50");
Set(("/ball" add count) add ":number", count);
Set(("/star" add count) add ":number", count);
Set("/:margin", "25");
Set("/:hit", "0");
Set("/:invincible", "0");
Symbol 22 MovieClip Frame 2 (1.61 KiB) ●
while (count < "6") {
y = getProperty("/ball" add count, _y);
x = getProperty("/ball" add count, _x);
if (y < "400") {
if (x < "20") {
Set("move" add count, "1");
if ("530" < x) {
Set("move" add count, "2");
setProperty("/ball" add count, _y , y + /:speed);
if (eval ("move" add count) == "0") {
Set("move" add count, random("4"));
if (eval ("move" add count) == "1") {
setProperty("/ball" add count, _x , x + /:speed);
} else if (eval ("move" add count) == "2") {
setProperty("/ball" add count, _x , x - /:speed);
if (/:invincible == "0") {
if (((getProperty("/ball" add count, _x) - getProperty("/ship", _x)) < /:margin) and ((/:margin - (/:margin * "2")) < (getProperty("/ball" add count, _x) - getProperty("/ship", _x)))) {
if (((getProperty("/ship", _y) - getProperty("/ball" add count, _y)) < "20") and ((-"70") < (getProperty("/ship", _y) - getProperty("/ball" add count, _y)))) {
tellTarget ("/ship") {
Set("/:invincible", "1");
Set("/:hit", "1");
gotoAndPlay (5);
Set("/move:move" add count, "0");
Set(("/ball" add count) add ":count", count);
tellTarget ("/ball" add count) {
gotoAndStop (3);
} else {
tellTarget ("/ball" add count) {
gotoAndStop (2);
tellTarget ("/laugh") {
Set("/:score", /:score - /:miss);
Set("move" add count, "0");
setProperty("/ball" add count, _y , -random("150"));
setProperty("/ball" add count, _x , random("400") + "50");
count = count + "1";
count = "0";
Symbol 22 MovieClip Frame 3 (17 B)
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 35 MovieClip Frame 1 (53 B)
if ("1" < /:weapon) {
Symbol 35 MovieClip Frame 4 (17 B)
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 35 MovieClip Frame 5 (47 B)
if ("5" < /:weapon) {
gotoAndPlay (9);
Symbol 35 MovieClip Frame 8 (17 B)
gotoAndPlay (5);
Symbol 35 MovieClip Frame 9 (73 B)
if ("9" < /:weapon) {
Set("/:margin", "75");
gotoAndPlay (13);
Symbol 35 MovieClip Frame 12 (17 B)
gotoAndPlay (9);
Symbol 37 MovieClip Frame 1 (51 B)
tellTarget ("/ammo") {
Symbol 37 MovieClip Frame 2 (133 B)
setProperty("/bullet" add number, _x , getProperty("/ship", _x));
setProperty("/bullet" add number, _y , getProperty("/ship", _y));
Symbol 37 MovieClip Frame 3 (1.19 KiB) ●
bullet = "/bullet" add number;
y = getProperty("/bullet" add number, _y) - "20";
x = getProperty("/bullet" add number, _x);
setProperty(bullet, _y , y);
if (y < (-"200")) {
gotoAndStop (1);
count = "0";
while (count < "6") {
count = count + "1";
ballx = getProperty("/ball" add count, _x);
bally = getProperty("/ball" add count, _y);
if ((ballx < x) and ((x - ballx) < /:margin)) {
if ((bally < y) and ((y - bally) < "15")) {
if ("0" < y) {
flag = "1";
} else if ((y < bally) and ((bally - y) < "15")) {
if ("0" < y) {
flag = "1";
} else if ((x < ballx) and ((ballx - x) < /:margin)) {
if ((bally < y) and ((y - bally) < "15")) {
if ("0" < y) {
flag = "1";
} else if ((y < bally) and ((bally - y) < "15")) {
if ("0" < y) {
flag = "1";
if ((flag == "1") and (getProperty("/ball" add count, _currentframe) == "2")) {
flag2 = "1";
Set("/move:move" add count, "0");
Set(("/ball" add count) add ":count", count);
tellTarget ("/ball" add count) {
gotoAndStop (3);
flag = "0";
if (flag2 == "1") {
gotoAndStop (1);
flag2 = "0";
Symbol 37 MovieClip Frame 4 (17 B)
gotoAndPlay (3);
Symbol 43 MovieClip Frame 1 (8 B)
Symbol 43 MovieClip Frame 2 (32 B)
Set("/:score", /:score + "50");
Symbol 43 MovieClip Frame 11 (17 B)
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 46 MovieClip Frame 1 (8 B)
Symbol 46 MovieClip Frame 2 (17 B)
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 46 MovieClip Frame 3 (17 B)
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 49 MovieClip Frame 1 (280 B)
if (getProperty("/star" add number, _y) < "500") {
setProperty("/star" add number, _y , (getProperty("/star" add number, _y) + /:speed) - "1");
} else {
setProperty("/star" add number, _x , random("400") + "50");
setProperty("/star" add number, _y , -random("150"));
Symbol 52 MovieClip Frame 1 (126 B)
setProperty("/ball" add count, _x , random("400") + "50");
setProperty("/ball" add count, _y , -random("150"));
count = "";
Symbol 52 MovieClip Frame 2 (8 B)
Symbol 52 MovieClip Frame 3 (231 B)
setProperty("/explode" add count, _x , getProperty("/ball" add count, _x));
setProperty("/explode" add count, _y , getProperty("/ball" add count, _y));
tellTarget ("/explode" add count) {
gotoAndPlay (2);
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 57 MovieClip Frame 1 (602 B)
if (/:goal == "0") {
goal = "500";
Set("/:miss", "100");
Set("/:level", "1");
Set("/:goal", goal);
Set("/:speed", "2");
Set("/:weapon", "1");
if (/:score >= "5000") {
tellTarget ("/") {
gotoAndStop (3);
if (/:score >= goal) {
if (goal >= "2000") {
goal = goal + "1000";
Set("/:weapon", "9");
if (goal == "1000") {
goal = "2000";
Set("/:weapon", "5");
if (goal == "500") {
goal = "1000";
Set("/:speed", /:speed + "2");
Set("/:level", /:level + "1");
tellTarget ("/level") {
gotoAndPlay (2);
Set("/:goal", goal);
Symbol 57 MovieClip Frame 2 (602 B)
if (/:goal == "0") {
goal = "500";
Set("/:miss", "100");
Set("/:level", "1");
Set("/:goal", goal);
Set("/:speed", "2");
Set("/:weapon", "1");
if (/:score >= "5000") {
tellTarget ("/") {
gotoAndStop (3);
if (/:score >= goal) {
if (goal >= "2000") {
goal = goal + "1000";
Set("/:weapon", "9");
if (goal == "1000") {
goal = "2500";
Set("/:weapon", "5");
if (goal == "500") {
goal = "1000";
Set("/:speed", /:speed + "2");
Set("/:level", /:level + "1");
tellTarget ("/level") {
gotoAndPlay (2);
Set("/:goal", goal);
Symbol 57 MovieClip Frame 3 (602 B)
if (/:goal == "0") {
goal = "500";
Set("/:miss", "100");
Set("/:level", "1");
Set("/:goal", goal);
Set("/:speed", "2");
Set("/:weapon", "1");
if (/:score >= "5000") {
tellTarget ("/") {
gotoAndStop (3);
if (/:score >= goal) {
if (goal >= "2000") {
goal = goal + "1000";
Set("/:weapon", "9");
if (goal == "1000") {
goal = "2500";
Set("/:weapon", "5");
if (goal == "500") {
goal = "1000";
Set("/:speed", /:speed + "2");
Set("/:level", /:level + "1");
tellTarget ("/level") {
gotoAndPlay (2);
Set("/:goal", goal);
Symbol 57 MovieClip Frame 4 (620 B)
if (/:goal == "0") {
goal = "500";
Set("/:miss", "100");
Set("/:level", "1");
Set("/:goal", goal);
Set("/:speed", "2");
Set("/:weapon", "1");
if (/:score >= "5000") {
tellTarget ("/") {
gotoAndStop (3);
if (/:score >= goal) {
if (goal >= "2000") {
goal = goal + "1000";
Set("/:weapon", "9");
if (goal == "1000") {
goal = "2500";
Set("/:weapon", "5");
if (goal == "500") {
goal = "1000";
Set("/:speed", /:speed + "2");
Set("/:level", /:level + "1");
tellTarget ("/level") {
gotoAndPlay (2);
Set("/:goal", goal);
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 57 MovieClip Frame 5 (42 B)
tellTarget ("/lives") {
Symbol 57 MovieClip Frame 15 (19 B)
Set("/:hit", "0");
Symbol 57 MovieClip Frame 16 (19 B)
loop = loop + "1";
Symbol 57 MovieClip Frame 25 (115 B)
if (loop < "4") {
gotoAndPlay (16);
} else {
Set("/:invincible", "0");
loop = "0";
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 66 MovieClip Frame 1 (8 B)
Symbol 71 MovieClip Frame 1 (17 B)
level = /:level;
Symbol 72 MovieClip Frame 1 (40 B)
Set("level:level", "/:level");
Symbol 72 MovieClip Frame 15 (17 B)
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 73 MovieClip Frame 1 (8 B)
Symbol 73 MovieClip Frame 5 (41 B)
tellTarget ("/") {
gotoAndStop (3);
Symbol 76 Button (95 B)
on (release) {
Set("/:goal", "0");
Set("/:score", "0");
Set("/:level", "1");
Symbol 80 MovieClip Frame 1 (8 B)
Symbol 80 MovieClip Frame 2 (8 B)
Symbol 80 MovieClip Frame 3 (8 B)