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Bank Time.swf

This is the info page for
Flash #22343

(Click the ID number above for more basic data on this flash file.)



















BANK        TIME




























You managed to bank

New Game

New Game






















In BANK TIME, you will be asked general
knowledge questions.
There is a money chain that starts at $20 and leads
to $1,000. You move up the chain every time you
answer a question correctly. If you complete the
chain by answering the $1,000 question correctly,
that amount is added to your bank and the chain
resets. Providing the wrong answer for a question
will reset the chain and wipe out all of your
earnings for that chain.
You can BANK the amount that you have earned in
a chain. This will reset the chain but add the
money earned to your total score.
Bank as much money as you can in 60 seconds.




ActionScript [AS1/AS2]

Frame 1
game_so = ""; stop();
Frame 2
Frame 3
score = 0; amount = 0; round = ""; stop();
Frame 4
main_mc.gotoAndPlay("mc20"); score = 0; amount = 0; round = ""; stop();
Frame 5
round = ""; scoredisplay = "$" + Number(score); main_mc.gotoAndStop("startmc"); stop();
Frame 6
flscore = score; stop();
Frame 7
stop(); String.prototype.addCommas = function () { var _local3 = this.length; var _local2 = ""; var _local1 = 0; while (_local1 <= _local3) { _local2 = this.charAt(_local3 - _local1) + _local2; if ((((_local1 % 3) == 0) && (_local1 > 0)) && (_local1 < _local3)) { _local2 = "," + _local2; } _local1++; } return(_local2); }; showScores = function () { var _local2 = 10; while (_local2 > 0) { var _local3 = scoreboard_lv["name" + (page + _local2)]; var s = scoreboard_lv["score" + (page + _local2)]; var _local1 = this[("line" + _local2) + "_mc"]; _local1.rank_txt.text = (page + _local2) + "."; _local1.name_txt.text = (_local3.length ? (_local3.toUpperCase()) : "-"); _local1.score_txt.text = (s.length ? (s.addCommas()) : "-"); _local1.rank_txt.textColor = (_local1.name_txt.textColor = (_local1.score_txt.textColor = ((game_so.length && (_local3.toUpperCase() == game_so.toUpperCase())) ? 14517504 : 0))); _local1._visible = true; loading_mc._visible = false; _local2--; } }; page = 0; maxScore = 100; scoreboard_lv = new LoadVars(); if ((flscore > 0) && (game_so.length > 0)) { scoreboard_lv.score = flscore; = game_so.toUpperCase(); } = "banktime"; scoreboard_lv.sendAndLoad("", scoreboard_lv, "POST"); scoreboard_lv.onLoad = function (success) { if (success) { if (Boolean(scoreboard_lv.success)) { next_btn._visible = true; if (scoreboard_lv.maxScore.length > 0) { maxScore = Number(scoreboard_lv.maxScore); } showScores(); } else { loading_mc.errorMsg = scoreboard_lv.errorMsg.toUpperCase(); loading_mc.gotoAndStop(2); } } else { loading_mc.errorMsg = "COULD NOT CONNECT TO HIGH SCORE LIST."; loading_mc.gotoAndStop(2); } }; flscore = 0; next_btn._visible = (last_btn._visible = false); last_btn.onPress = function () { page = page - 10; if (page < 0) { page = 0; } if (page < 10) { last_btn._visible = false; } next_btn._visible = true; showScores(); }; next_btn.onPress = function () { page = page + 10; if (page > maxScore) { page = maxScore; } if (page > (maxScore - 20)) { next_btn._visible = false; } last_btn._visible = true; showScores(); }; newGame_btn.onRelease = function () { gotoAndPlay (2); };
Frame 8
Symbol 38 MovieClip Frame 30
iFileLoaded = _root.getBytesLoaded(); iFileSize = _root.getBytesTotal(); iPercentLoaded = Math.round((iFileLoaded / iFileSize) * 100); if (iPercentLoaded == 100) { gotoAndPlay ("disable"); } else { gotoAndPlay ("enable"); }
Symbol 38 MovieClip Frame 31
_root.gotoAndPlay(_root._currentframe + 1); stop();
Symbol 62 Button
on (release) { gotoAndPlay (3); }
Symbol 63 Button
on (release) { gotoAndPlay (8); }
Symbol 64 Button
on (release) { gotoAndPlay ("highscores"); }
Symbol 98 MovieClip Frame 25
_parent.gotoAndPlay("startgame"); stop();
Symbol 104 Button
on (release) { theAnswer = "SelectC"; if (theAnswer == right) { gotoAndPlay ("mc50"); } else { gotoAndPlay ("startmc"); } }
Symbol 105 Button
on (release) { theAnswer = "SelectB"; if (theAnswer == right) { gotoAndPlay ("mc50"); } else { gotoAndPlay ("startmc"); } }
Symbol 106 Button
on (release) { theAnswer = "SelectA"; if (theAnswer == right) { gotoAndPlay ("mc50"); } else { gotoAndPlay ("startmc"); } }
Symbol 112 Button
on (release) { theAnswer = "SelectC"; if (theAnswer == right) { gotoAndPlay ("mc100"); } else { gotoAndPlay ("startmc"); } }
Symbol 113 Button
on (release) { theAnswer = "SelectB"; if (theAnswer == right) { gotoAndPlay ("mc100"); } else { gotoAndPlay ("startmc"); } }
Symbol 114 Button
on (release) { theAnswer = "SelectA"; if (theAnswer == right) { gotoAndPlay ("mc100"); } else { gotoAndPlay ("startmc"); } }
Symbol 115 Button
on (release) { _root.score = _root.score + _root.amount; gotoAndPlay ("startmc"); }
Symbol 121 Button
on (release) { theAnswer = "SelectC"; if (theAnswer == right) { gotoAndPlay ("mc200"); } else { gotoAndPlay ("startmc"); } }
Symbol 122 Button
on (release) { theAnswer = "SelectB"; if (theAnswer == right) { gotoAndPlay ("mc200"); } else { gotoAndPlay ("startmc"); } }
Symbol 123 Button
on (release) { theAnswer = "SelectA"; if (theAnswer == right) { gotoAndPlay ("mc200"); } else { gotoAndPlay ("startmc"); } }
Symbol 129 Button
on (release) { theAnswer = "SelectC"; if (theAnswer == right) { gotoAndPlay ("mc300"); } else { gotoAndPlay ("startmc"); } }
Symbol 130 Button
on (release) { theAnswer = "SelectB"; if (theAnswer == right) { gotoAndPlay ("mc300"); } else { gotoAndPlay ("startmc"); } }
Symbol 131 Button
on (release) { theAnswer = "SelectA"; if (theAnswer == right) { gotoAndPlay ("mc300"); } else { gotoAndPlay ("startmc"); } }
Symbol 137 Button
on (release) { theAnswer = "SelectC"; if (theAnswer == right) { gotoAndPlay ("mc450"); } else { gotoAndPlay ("startmc"); } }
Symbol 138 Button
on (release) { theAnswer = "SelectB"; if (theAnswer == right) { gotoAndPlay ("mc450"); } else { gotoAndPlay ("startmc"); } }
Symbol 139 Button
on (release) { theAnswer = "SelectA"; if (theAnswer == right) { gotoAndPlay ("mc450"); } else { gotoAndPlay ("startmc"); } }
Symbol 145 Button
on (release) { theAnswer = "SelectC"; if (theAnswer == right) { gotoAndPlay ("mc600"); } else { gotoAndPlay ("startmc"); } }
Symbol 146 Button
on (release) { theAnswer = "SelectB"; if (theAnswer == right) { gotoAndPlay ("mc600"); } else { gotoAndPlay ("startmc"); } }
Symbol 147 Button
on (release) { theAnswer = "SelectA"; if (theAnswer == right) { gotoAndPlay ("mc600"); } else { gotoAndPlay ("startmc"); } }
Symbol 153 Button
on (release) { theAnswer = "SelectC"; if (theAnswer == right) { gotoAndPlay ("mc800"); } else { gotoAndPlay ("startmc"); } }
Symbol 154 Button
on (release) { theAnswer = "SelectB"; if (theAnswer == right) { gotoAndPlay ("mc800"); } else { gotoAndPlay ("startmc"); } }
Symbol 155 Button
on (release) { theAnswer = "SelectA"; if (theAnswer == right) { gotoAndPlay ("mc800"); } else { gotoAndPlay ("startmc"); } }
Symbol 161 Button
on (release) { theAnswer = "SelectC"; if (theAnswer == right) { gotoAndPlay ("mc1000"); } else { gotoAndPlay ("startmc"); } }
Symbol 162 Button
on (release) { theAnswer = "SelectB"; if (theAnswer == right) { gotoAndPlay ("mc1000"); } else { gotoAndPlay ("startmc"); } }
Symbol 163 Button
on (release) { theAnswer = "SelectA"; if (theAnswer == right) { gotoAndPlay ("mc1000"); } else { gotoAndPlay ("startmc"); } }
Symbol 169 Button
on (release) { theAnswer = "SelectC"; if (theAnswer == right) { _root.score = _root.score + 1000; gotoAndPlay ("startmc"); } else { gotoAndPlay ("startmc"); } }
Symbol 170 Button
on (release) { theAnswer = "SelectB"; if (theAnswer == right) { _root.score = _root.score + 1000; gotoAndPlay ("startmc"); } else { gotoAndPlay ("startmc"); } }
Symbol 171 Button
on (release) { theAnswer = "SelectA"; if (theAnswer == right) { _root.score = _root.score + 1000; gotoAndPlay ("startmc"); } else { gotoAndPlay ("startmc"); } }
Symbol 172 MovieClip Frame 1
questions = 506; q1 = "Which country is the city of Calcutta located in?"; aa1 = "Indonesia"; ab1 = "India"; ac1 = "Russia"; ans1 = "SelectB"; q2 = "What company makes Playstation game consoles?"; aa2 = "Sega"; ab2 = "Nintendo"; ac2 = "Sony"; ans2 = "SelectC"; q3 = "As of 2001, what is the longest running broadway musical?"; aa3 = "Cats"; ab3 = "The Phantom of the Opera"; ac3 = "Annie Get Your Gun"; ans3 = "SelectA"; q4 = "What is the last name of the family depicted in the movie 'The Sound of Music'?"; aa4 = "Von Hindenburg"; ab4 = "Von Trapp"; ac4 = "Von Clausewitz"; ans4 = "SelectB"; q5 = "The game of Mah-Jongg originated in what country?"; aa5 = "China"; ab5 = "Japan"; ac5 = "England"; ans5 = "SelectA"; q6 = "What chemical is added to the water in swimming pools?"; aa6 = "Chlorine"; ab6 = "Ammonia"; ac6 = "Sulfur"; ans6 = "SelectA"; q7 = "Lycanthropy is the magical ability to assume the form and characteristics of what animal?"; aa7 = "Lion"; ab7 = "Bear"; ac7 = "Wolf"; ans7 = "SelectC"; q8 = "Michael Jordan won six championships with which NBA team?"; aa8 = "Washington Wizards"; ab8 = "Houston Rockets"; ac8 = "Chicago Bulls"; ans8 = "SelectC"; q9 = "In the 'Garfield' comic strip, what is the name of Garfield's rubber chicken?"; aa9 = "Roy"; ab9 = "Strech"; ac9 = "Pooky"; ans9 = "SelectB"; q10 = "What was the first U.S. state to enter the Union?"; aa10 = "Georgia"; ab10 = "Delaware"; ac10 = "Pennsylvania"; ans10 = "SelectB"; q11 = "The word 'art' is derived from Latin meaning what?"; aa11 = "Paint"; ab11 = "Crafts"; ac11 = "Skill"; ans11 = "SelectC"; q12 = "Who wrote the world's first computer program?"; aa12 = "Bill Gates"; ab12 = "Alan Turing"; ac12 = "Ada Lovelace"; ans12 = "SelectC"; q13 = "In which country did chess originate?"; aa13 = "Germany"; ab13 = "England"; ac13 = "India"; ans13 = "SelectC"; q14 = "Which one of the human bodies' systems controls hormones?"; aa14 = "Circulatory"; ab14 = "Endocrine"; ac14 = "Reproductive"; ans14 = "SelectB"; q15 = "What team sport has periods of play called 'chukkas'?"; aa15 = "Hockey"; ab15 = "Polo"; ac15 = "Rugby"; ans15 = "SelectB"; q16 = "What encyclopedia was first published in 1768?"; aa16 = "Britannica"; ab16 = "Encarta"; ac16 = "Larousse"; ans16 = "SelectA"; q17 = "The word 'science' comes from the Greek meaning what?"; aa17 = "Wisdom"; ab17 = "Knowledge"; ac17 = "To Know"; ans17 = "SelectC"; q18 = "What device mixes air and petrol for the internal combustion engine?"; aa18 = "Carburettor"; ab18 = "Crankshaft"; ac18 = "Cylinder"; ans18 = "SelectA"; q19 = "How many square feet is the world's largest permanent maze, in Honolulu, Hawaii, USA?"; aa19 = "75,000"; ab19 = "100,000"; ac19 = "125,000"; ans19 = "SelectB"; q20 = "The first ceremony of the International Olympic Committee was held in 1894. In what city was it held?"; aa20 = "Geneva"; ab20 = "Athens"; ac20 = "Paris"; ans20 = "SelectC"; q21 = "What is the correct term for a group of crows?"; aa21 = "Murder"; ab21 = "Flock"; ac21 = "Gaggle"; ans21 = "SelectA"; q22 = "What spaghetti sauce brand is the Italian word for 'you're welcome'?"; aa22 = "Ragu"; ab22 = "Hunt's"; ac22 = "Prego"; ans22 = "SelectC"; q23 = "Baseball cards were originally sold with what product?"; aa23 = "Tobacco"; ab23 = "Bubble Gum"; ac23 = "Cereal"; ans23 = "SelectA"; q24 = "The 'shot heard 'round the world' was the start of what war?"; aa24 = "Civil War"; ab24 = "World War II"; ac24 = "American Revolution"; ans24 = "SelectC"; q25 = "How many planets were known to exist in our solar system at the end of the twentieth century?"; aa25 = "8"; ab25 = "9"; ac25 = "10"; ans25 = "SelectB"; q26 = "What was the first empire to use aquaducts?"; aa26 = "Rome"; ab26 = "Greece"; ac26 = "China"; ans26 = "SelectA"; q27 = "How many bones are in the human ear?"; aa27 = "3"; ab27 = "4"; ac27 = "5"; ans27 = "SelectA"; q28 = "According to 'Motor Trend,' what was the car of the year in 2001?"; aa28 = "Plymouth Prowler"; ab28 = "Pontiac Aztek"; ac28 = "PT Cruiser"; ans28 = "SelectC"; q29 = "Who had 'the face that launched a thousand ships'?"; aa29 = "Cleopatra"; ab29 = "Helen of Troy"; ac29 = "Joan of Arcade"; ans29 = "SelectB"; q30 = "Where would you find Mare Imbrium?"; aa30 = "Pacific Ocean"; ab30 = "Moon"; ac30 = "Volcano"; ans30 = "SelectB"; q31 = "Which great jazz musician had the nickname 'Satchmo'?"; aa31 = "Art Tatum"; ab31 = "Miles Davis"; ac31 = "Louis Armstrong"; ans31 = "SelectB"; q32 = "If someone is said to be 'in high dungeon', what best describes them?"; aa32 = "Very Fortunate"; ab32 = "Full of Laughter"; ac32 = "Extremely Angry"; ans32 = "SelectC"; q33 = "Lewis Carroll, the author of 'Alice in Wonderland', was actually Charles Lutwidge Dodgson, an Oxford University lecturer in what field?"; aa33 = "Mathematics"; ab33 = "Religious Studies"; ac33 = "Theoretical Physics"; ans33 = "SelectA"; q34 = "Which is the third largest planet in our Solar System?"; aa34 = "Jupiter"; ab34 = "Neptune"; ac34 = "Uranus"; ans34 = "SelectC"; q35 = "In the days of chivalry, when a knight referred to his 'destrier' and a lady to her 'palfrey,' they were both talking about their what?"; aa35 = "Horse"; ab35 = "Dog"; ac35 = "Uncle or Aunt"; ans35 = "SelectA"; q36 = "What does the word 'exiguous' mean?"; aa36 = "Burdensome"; ab36 = "Cruel"; ac36 = "Small, Scanty"; ans36 = "SelectC"; q37 = "In Scotland, the government appoints one person to be the 'Scots Makar'. This post honors the making of what?"; aa37 = "Poetry"; ab37 = "Shortbread"; ac37 = "Whisky"; ans37 = "SelectA"; q38 = "What were the middle names of British statesman Winston Churchill?"; aa38 = "James Quincey"; ab38 = "Kenneth Russell"; ac38 = "Leonard Spencer"; ans38 = "SelectC"; q39 = "What is the meaning of the adjective 'lambent'?"; aa39 = "Beautifully Warm"; ab39 = "Softly Radiant"; ac39 = "Warmly Soft"; ans39 = "SelectB"; q40 = "In what sphere of activity is it important to distinguish a red nun from a green can?"; aa40 = "Rock-Climbing"; ab40 = "Seamanship"; ac40 = "Stock-Car Racing"; ans40 = "SelectB"; q41 = "Which of the following is a previous name of New York's Ellis Island?"; aa41 = "English Island"; ab41 = "Coney Island"; ac41 = "Oyster Island"; ans41 = "SelectC"; q42 = "Who played Dylan McKay on 'Beverly Hills 90210'?"; aa42 = "Jason Priestley"; ab42 = "Luke Perry"; ac42 = "Ian Ziering"; ans42 = "SelectB"; q43 = "What was the maiden name of Lyndon Johnson's wife, Lady Bird?"; aa43 = "Franks"; ab43 = "Taylor"; ac43 = "Baines"; ans43 = "SelectB"; q44 = "When did operational flights aboard the space shuttle begin?"; aa44 = "1981"; ab44 = "1982"; ac44 = "1983"; ans44 = "SelectB"; q45 = "Who was in commonad on Apollo 13?"; aa45 = "Pete Conrad"; ab45 = "Alana B. Shepherd"; ac45 = "Jim Lovell"; ans45 = "SelectC"; q46 = "Which Greek god was Delphi, site of the famous Oracle, built as a shrine to?"; aa46 = "Narcissus"; ab46 = "Apollo"; ac46 = "Dionysus"; ans46 = "SelectB"; q47 = "When a desert tortoise spend the summer or dry season in a burrow, what is it doing?"; aa47 = "Keeping Cool"; ab47 = "Estivating"; ac47 = "Hibernating"; ans47 = "SelectB"; q48 = "What is a tropical cyclone in the Pacific Ocean called?"; aa48 = "Typhoon"; ab48 = "Monsoon"; ac48 = "Tsunami"; ans48 = "SelectA"; q49 = "Who was the first pitcher to record 10 complete games in World Series play?"; aa49 = "Chief Bender"; ab49 = "Christy Mathewson"; ac49 = "Bob Gibson"; ans49 = "SelectB"; q50 = "What was Snoopy's mom's name in the comic strip 'Peanuts'?"; aa50 = "Belle"; ab50 = "Missy"; ac50 = "Molly"; ans50 = "SelectB"; q51 = "Which of the following never served as a regular analyst on 'Monday Night Football'?"; aa51 = "Joe Namath"; ab51 = "Alex Karras"; ac51 = "Johnny Unitas"; ans51 = "SelectC"; q52 = "What does a person with aviophobia fear?"; aa52 = "Birds"; ab52 = "Helicopters"; ac52 = "Airplanes"; ans52 = "SelectC"; q53 = "Who was president of the Confederacy?"; aa53 = "Jefferson Davis"; ab53 = "David Jefferson"; ac53 = "Robert E. Lee"; ans53 = "SelectA"; q54 = "Whose 35-year dictatorship of Paraguay was ended by a coup in 1989?"; aa54 = "Mengistu Mariam"; ab54 = "Manuel Noriega"; ac54 = "Alfredo Stroessner"; ans54 = "SelectC"; q55 = "Which of these well known American painters was in fact born in Italy?"; aa55 = "Mary Cassatt"; ab55 = "Norman Rockwell"; ac55 = "John Singer Sargent"; ans55 = "SelectC"; q56 = "In what year was the lie detector invented?"; aa56 = "1911"; ab56 = "1921"; ac56 = "1931"; ans56 = "SelectB"; q57 = "Which pitcher gave up Hank Aaron's record-setting 715th home run?"; aa57 = "Don Sutton"; ab57 = "Vic Raschi"; ac57 = "Al Downing"; ans57 = "SelectC"; q58 = "How many feet are there in a yard?"; aa58 = "Three"; ab58 = "Four"; ac58 = "Five"; ans58 = "SelectA"; q59 = "What female photographer is best known for her black and white portraits of people on the fringes of society?"; aa59 = "Mary Ellen Mark"; ab59 = "Cindy Sherman"; ac59 = "Diane Arbus"; ans59 = "SelectC"; q60 = "When did the Spanish Civil War begin?"; aa60 = "1936"; ab60 = "1937"; ac60 = "1938"; ans60 = "SelectA"; q61 = "Who became King of Spain after Francisco Franco's death?"; aa61 = "Carlos II"; ab61 = "Juan Carlos II"; ac61 = "Juan Carlos I"; ans61 = "SelectC"; q62 = "Who invented the cotton gin?"; aa62 = "Benjamin Franklin"; ab62 = "John Deere"; ac62 = "Eli Whitney"; ans62 = "SelectC"; q63 = "In what year was the first t-shirt introduced?"; aa63 = "1942"; ab63 = "1951"; ac63 = "1957"; ans63 = "SelectA"; q64 = "Which Puritan founded Rhode Island after being kicked out of Massachusetts for his open-minded religious beliefs?"; aa64 = "Adam Smith"; ab64 = "John Winthrop"; ac64 = "Roger Williams"; ans64 = "SelectC"; q65 = "How long did the Hundred Years War last?"; aa65 = "100 Years"; ab65 = "109 Years"; ac65 = "116 Years"; ans65 = "SelectC"; q66 = "What was Rasputin's first name?"; aa66 = "Grigori"; ab66 = "Andrei"; ac66 = "Nikolai"; ans66 = "SelectA"; q67 = "Who was the first sitting U.S. President to be awarded the Nobel Peace Prize?"; aa67 = "Woodrow Wilson"; ab67 = "Theodore Roosevelt"; ac67 = "Richard Nixon"; ans67 = "SelectB"; q68 = "Who was the first pitcher to win two Seventh Games of a World Series?"; aa68 = "Whitey Ford"; ab68 = "Sandy Koufax"; ac68 = "Bob Gibson"; ans68 = "SelectC"; q69 = "Who was the only Chief Executive never elected as either President or Vice President?"; aa69 = "Gerald Ford"; ab69 = "Andrew Johnson"; ac69 = "Millard Fillmore"; ans69 = "SelectA"; q70 = "What Russian leader wrote 'What is to be done?'"; aa70 = "Brezhnev"; ab70 = "Lenin"; ac70 = "Trotsky"; ans70 = "SelectB"; q71 = "Who played Huggy Bear on the 'Starsky & Hutch' TV series?"; aa71 = "Ron O'Neal"; ab71 = "Antonio Fargas"; ac71 = "Damien Hirst"; ans71 = "SelectB"; q72 = "Who was Special Agent Dale Cooper repeatedly taping messages for in the TV series 'Twin Peaks'?"; aa72 = "Doris"; ab72 = "Diane"; ac72 = "Deidre"; ans72 = "SelectB"; q73 = "Who was the first Bourbon king of France?"; aa73 = "Henry IV"; ab73 = "Charles IX"; ac73 = "Louis XVIII"; ans73 = "SelectA"; q74 = "Which beverage has been proven to offer allergy relief?"; aa74 = "Coke"; ab74 = "Milk"; ac74 = "Green Tea"; ans74 = "SelectC"; q75 = "Who holds the record for most cumulative at-bats in World Series play, through the 2002 season?"; aa75 = "Mickey Mantle"; ab75 = "Yogi Berra"; ac75 = "Frankie Frisch"; ans75 = "SelectB"; q76 = "In what year did Custer's Last Stand take place?"; aa76 = "1866"; ab76 = "1876"; ac76 = "1896"; ans76 = "SelectB"; q77 = "Who was not stranded on 'Gilligan's Island'?"; aa77 = "Farm Girl"; ab77 = "Movie Star"; ac77 = "Musician"; ans77 = "SelectC"; q78 = "Who starred in the legendary 1974 TV movie 'Killdozer,' about a bulldozer possessed by an alien life form?"; aa78 = "John Gavin"; ab78 = "Dennis Weaver"; ac78 = "Clint Walker"; ans78 = "SelectC"; q79 = "Who was the first baseball player to win an MVP Award in both the National and American Leagues?"; aa79 = "Frank Robinson"; ab79 = "Tom Seaver"; ac79 = "Hank Aaron"; ans79 = "SelectA"; q80 = "What is Hephaestus the God of?"; aa80 = "War"; ab80 = "Fire"; ac80 = "Wisdom"; ans80 = "SelectB"; q81 = "Where was American novelist Ernest Hemingway born?"; aa81 = "Illinois"; ab81 = "New Jersey"; ac81 = "Idaho"; ans81 = "SelectA"; q82 = "Where did Lady Godiva ride?"; aa82 = "Brighton"; ab82 = "Coventry"; ac82 = "Avon"; ans82 = "SelectB"; q83 = "Whose works include 'Homage to Catalonia' and 'Burmese Days'?"; aa83 = "George Orwell"; ab83 = "Graham Greene"; ac83 = "Mark Twain"; ans83 = "SelectA"; q84 = "Which ballpark hosted baseball's first All-Star Game?"; aa84 = "Polo Grounds"; ab84 = "Ebbets Field"; ac84 = "Comiskey Park"; ans84 = "SelectC"; q85 = "Which pitcher was nicknamed 'The Barber,' for his habit of throwing inside to push hitters off the plate?"; aa85 = "Sal Maglie"; ab85 = "Juan Marichal"; ac85 = "Bruce Thomas"; ans85 = "SelectA"; q86 = "Which explorer was funded by The World Book Encyclopedia to head a search for the 'yeti' in 1960?"; aa86 = "Roald Amundsen"; ab86 = "Will Steger"; ac86 = "Sir Edmund Hillary"; ans86 = "SelectC"; q87 = "Who played the hapless newsman Les Nessman on the TV sitcom 'WKRP in Cincinnati'?"; aa87 = "Gordon Jump"; ab87 = "Richard Sanders"; ac87 = "Mitch Avory"; ans87 = "SelectB"; q88 = "Which soap opera star hosted her own talk show?"; aa88 = "Julia Barr"; ab88 = "Susan Lucci"; ac88 = "Linda Dano"; ans88 = "SelectC"; q89 = "Who played the ship's captain in the series 'The Love Boat: The Next Wave'?"; aa89 = "Robert Urich"; ab89 = "Phil Morris"; ac89 = "Gavin MacLeod"; ans89 = "SelectA"; q90 = "What artist's most famous work is the cover design for the Beatles' LP, 'Sergeant Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band'?"; aa90 = "Erte"; ab90 = "Peter Blake"; ac90 = "William Blake"; ans90 = "SelectB"; q91 = "What Roman emperor immediately preceded Caligula?"; aa91 = "Tiberius"; ab91 = "Claudius"; ac91 = "Nero"; ans91 = "SelectA"; q92 = "Which TV series did not feature John Larroquette?"; aa92 = "Payne"; ab92 = "Corsairs"; ac92 = "Lotsa Luck"; ans92 = "SelectC"; q93 = "What does the Saffir-Simpson Scale measure?"; aa93 = "Hurricanes"; ab93 = "Mineral Hardness"; ac93 = "Earthquakes"; ans93 = "SelectA"; q94 = "Who wrote 'Yentl, the Yeshiva Boy,' 'Enemies: A Love Story' and 'Gimpel the Fool'?"; aa94 = "Isaac B. Singer"; ab94 = "Leo Stein"; ac94 = "Chaim Potok"; ans94 = "SelectA"; q95 = "In what year was the Panama Canal returned to Panama?"; aa95 = "1999"; ab95 = "2000"; ac95 = "2001"; ans95 = "SelectA"; q96 = "Who was not one of the three stars of the 'revolving' series 'The Name of the Game'?"; aa96 = "Hugh O'Brian"; ab96 = "Gene Barry"; ac96 = "Robert Stack"; ans96 = "SelectA"; q97 = "What summer Olympic event did actress Geena Davis qualify for?"; aa97 = "Equestrian"; ab97 = "Biathalon"; ac97 = "Archery"; ans97 = "SelectC"; q98 = "What does the scientific name Rhinotillexomania stand for?"; aa98 = "Fingernail Biting"; ab98 = "Nose-Picking"; ac98 = "Hair-Pulling"; ans98 = "SelectB"; q99 = "What photographer caused an uproar when his 'obscene' works were exhibited at the Cincinnati Contemporary Arts Center?"; aa99 = "Robert Mapplethorpe"; ab99 = "David Hockney"; ac99 = "Bruce Webber"; ans99 = "SelectA"; q100 = "What U.S. TV show was based on the Swedish program 'Expedition Robinson'?"; aa100 = "Space: 1999"; ab100 = "Lost in Space"; ac100 = "Survivor"; ans100 = "SelectC"; q101 = "Who draws the 'Dilbert' comic strip?"; aa101 = "Scott Adams"; ab101 = "Jim Borgman"; ac101 = "Tony Thomson"; ans101 = "SelectA"; q102 = "What Shakespeare work gave us the phrase 'Frailty, thy name is woman!'?"; aa102 = "Macbeth"; ab102 = "Hamlet"; ac102 = "Othello"; ans102 = "SelectB"; q103 = "What is the fourth horseman of the apocalypse, after pestilence, famine and war, according to The Book of Revelation?"; aa103 = "Genocide"; ab103 = "Plagues"; ac103 = "Death"; ans103 = "SelectC"; q104 = "Where was F. Scott Fitzgerald born?"; aa104 = "Florida"; ab104 = "Minnesota"; ac104 = "Iowa"; ans104 = "SelectB"; q105 = "What reclusive author delivered the novels 'Mao II' and 'White Noise'?"; aa105 = "Richard Price"; ab105 = "Thomas Pynchon"; ac105 = "Don DeLillo"; ans105 = "SelectC"; q106 = "What do the Romans call the Greek god Zeus?"; aa106 = "Cupid"; ab106 = "Bacchus"; ac106 = "Jupiter"; ans106 = "SelectC"; q107 = "Which 'Saturday Night Live' performer was briefly married to Gilda Radner?"; aa107 = "Howard Shore"; ab107 = "Paul Shaffer"; ac107 = "G.E. Smith"; ans107 = "SelectC"; q108 = "Who sang the theme song to the TV series 'Baretta'?"; aa108 = "Sammy Davis Jr."; ab108 = "Lou Rawls"; ac108 = "Robert Blake"; ans108 = "SelectA"; q109 = "Who played detective Mike Hammer in 'Kiss Me Deadly'?"; aa109 = "Ralph Meeker"; ab109 = "Edmund O'Brien"; ac109 = "Van Heflin"; ans109 = "SelectA"; q110 = "What famous cat authored three books?"; aa110 = "Sylvester"; ab110 = "Felix"; ac110 = "Morris"; ans110 = "SelectC"; q111 = "Which former Beatle released an album called 'Brainwashed'?"; aa111 = "Paul McCartney"; ab111 = "John Lennon"; ac111 = "George Harrison"; ans111 = "SelectC"; q112 = "What is the most abundant protein in the human body?"; aa112 = "Hemoglobin"; ab112 = "An Amino Acid"; ac112 = "Albumin"; ans112 = "SelectC"; q113 = "Which of the following states does not border Massachusetts?"; aa113 = "Maine"; ab113 = "Vermont"; ac113 = "New York"; ans113 = "SelectA"; q114 = "What was the top selling commemorative stamp between 1992-1998, according to the U.S. Postal Service?"; aa114 = "Civil War '95"; ab114 = "Elvis '93"; ac114 = "Bugs Bunny '97"; ans114 = "SelectB"; q115 = "What English king did George Frideric Handel compose his 'Water Music' for in 1717?"; aa115 = "George III"; ab115 = "George II"; ac115 = "George I"; ans115 = "SelectC"; q116 = "What was the artistic style used in designing the Empire State Building?"; aa116 = "Fresco"; ab116 = "Art Deco"; ac116 = "Rococo"; ans116 = "SelectB"; q117 = "What was the nickname given to World War I general John Pershing?"; aa117 = "Trader John"; ab117 = "Sun and Steel"; ac117 = "Black Jack"; ans117 = "SelectC"; q118 = "Where was the first official international visit taken by a U.S. President?"; aa118 = "England"; ab118 = "Mexico"; ac118 = "Panama"; ans118 = "SelectC"; q119 = "What Oscar-nominated actress portrayed Mel Harris' mother on the ABC drama 'Thirtysomething'?"; aa119 = "Barbara Barrie"; ab119 = "Shirley Knight"; ac119 = "Piper Laurie"; ans119 = "SelectB"; q120 = "Who was the first First Lady to hold a college degree?"; aa120 = "Lucy Webb Hayes"; ab120 = "Dolley Madison"; ac120 = "Mary Todd Lincoln"; ans120 = "SelectA"; q121 = "What was the maiden name of George Washington's wife, Martha?"; aa121 = "Custis"; ab121 = "Dandridge"; ac121 = "Parke"; ans121 = "SelectB"; q122 = "What is the name of William Shakespeare's final home in Stratford-upon-Avon?"; aa122 = "Hamlet House"; ab122 = "New Place"; ac122 = "British Spot"; ans122 = "SelectB"; q123 = "Who was known as the 'Father of Public Relations'?"; aa123 = "John Scott Talbot"; ab123 = "Edward Bernays"; ac123 = "Sigmund Freud"; ans123 = "SelectB"; q124 = "What was the first novel published by Stephen King?"; aa124 = "The Shining"; ab124 = "Christine"; ac124 = "Carrie"; ans124 = "SelectC"; q125 = "Which U.S. mountain has the highest peak?"; aa125 = "Mt. McKinley"; ab125 = "Mt. Bona"; ac125 = "Mt. Rainier"; ans125 = "SelectA"; q126 = "Who founded the Irish national movement, Sinn Fein?"; aa126 = "Michael Collins"; ab126 = "Dail Eireann"; ac126 = "Arthur Griffith"; ans126 = "SelectC"; q127 = "Which folk music star was a child prodigy at classical piano?"; aa127 = "Judy Collins"; ab127 = "Janice Ian"; ac127 = "Joan Baez"; ans127 = "SelectA"; q128 = "Who referred to the U.S. Presidency as 'the four most miserable years of my life'?"; aa128 = "Andrew Johnson"; ab128 = "Herbert Hoover"; ac128 = "John Quincy Adams"; ans128 = "SelectC"; q129 = "What language must all pilots identify themselves in on an international flight?"; aa129 = "English"; ab129 = "Spanish"; ac129 = "French"; ans129 = "SelectA"; q130 = "Who was the head of Time Warner when it was merged with America Online?"; aa130 = "Ted Turner"; ab130 = "Steve Case"; ac130 = "Gerald Levin"; ans130 = "SelectC"; q131 = "What is the highest point in New York state?"; aa131 = "Mt. Empire"; ab131 = "Mt. Greylock"; ac131 = "Mt. Marcy"; ans131 = "SelectC"; q132 = "Who was the first U.S. President to visit all 50 states?"; aa132 = "Ronald Reagan"; ab132 = "Richard Nixon"; ac132 = "John Kennedy"; ans132 = "SelectB"; q133 = "What was Paris' Musee d'Orsay - which houses works by Monet, Renoir and Manet - formerly used as?"; aa133 = "Clothing Factory"; ab133 = "Railway Station"; ac133 = "Hospital"; ans133 = "SelectB"; q134 = "Which of the following Presidents did not go to college?"; aa134 = "Harry Truman"; ab134 = "Thomas Jefferson"; ac134 = "Calvin Coolidge"; ans134 = "SelectA"; q135 = "How many U.S. states begin with the letter 'A'?"; aa135 = "Four"; ab135 = "Five"; ac135 = "Six"; ans135 = "SelectA"; q136 = "What New York city was the site in 1848 of the first American convention dedicated to women's rights?"; aa136 = "Albany"; ab136 = "Lake Placid"; ac136 = "Seneca Falls"; ans136 = "SelectC"; q137 = "What city houses the largest Gothic cathedral in the world?"; aa137 = "New York"; ab137 = "Athens"; ac137 = "Paris"; ans137 = "SelectA"; q138 = "What U.S. state is known as 'the heart of Dixie'?"; aa138 = "Arkansas"; ab138 = "Louisiana"; ac138 = "Alabama"; ans138 = "SelectC"; q139 = "What was Iran once known as?"; aa139 = "Persia"; ab139 = "Siam"; ac139 = "Burma"; ans139 = "SelectA"; q140 = "What U.S. state is nicknamed the 'Flickertail State'?"; aa140 = "North Dakota"; ab140 = "Idaho"; ac140 = "Montana"; ans140 = "SelectA"; q141 = "Which anti-war protestor became the husband of Joan Baez in March of 1968?"; aa141 = "David Harris"; ab141 = "Abbie Hoffman"; ac141 = "Jerry Rubin"; ans141 = "SelectA"; q142 = "Which classical philospher was a boyhood teacher of Alexander the Great?"; aa142 = "Plato"; ab142 = "Sophocles"; ac142 = "Aristotle"; ans142 = "SelectC"; q143 = "Where is Stonehenge located?"; aa143 = "Scotland"; ab143 = "Syria"; ac143 = "England"; ans143 = "SelectC"; q144 = "What is the most widely spoken language in the world?"; aa144 = "Chinese"; ab144 = "Spanish"; ac144 = "English"; ans144 = "SelectA"; q145 = "What European city is the home of the annual Carnevale, featuring elaborate costumes and a masked procession?"; aa145 = "Paris"; ab145 = "Venice"; ac145 = "Madrid"; ans145 = "SelectB"; q146 = "Who was the first 'test-tube' baby?"; aa146 = "Louise Brown"; ab146 = "Dawn van Heuvel"; ac146 = "Janine Kane"; ans146 = "SelectA"; q147 = "What does Tinnitus stand for?"; aa147 = "Metal Poisoning"; ab147 = "Perfect Pitch"; ac147 = "Ringing in Ears"; ans147 = "SelectC"; q148 = "What childhood disease is reactivated as Shingles?"; aa148 = "Mumps"; ab148 = "Measles"; ac148 = "Chicken Pox"; ans148 = "SelectC"; q149 = "How long does it take for Neptune to orbit the Sun?"; aa149 = "50 Years"; ab149 = "110 Years"; ac149 = "165 Years"; ans149 = "SelectC"; q150 = "What might you hope a bad singer would suffer from?"; aa150 = "Causalgia"; ab150 = "Apherisis"; ac150 = "Aphonia"; ans150 = "SelectC"; q151 = "Which of the following places do grunion lay their eggs, which makes them different from most fish?"; aa151 = "On the Beach"; ab151 = "In a Nest"; ac151 = "In the Seaweed"; ans151 = "SelectA"; q152 = "Which of the following, along with organic material and time, is the missing component of compost?"; aa152 = "Sunlight"; ab152 = "Air"; ac152 = "Water"; ans152 = "SelectB"; q153 = "What does a person with thalassophobia fear?"; aa153 = "Flowers"; ab153 = "The Sea"; ac153 = "Heart Disease"; ans153 = "SelectB"; q154 = "How many quarts equal one gallon?"; aa154 = "Three"; ab154 = "Four"; ac154 = "Five"; ans154 = "SelectB"; q155 = "When did the Russo-Japanese war begin?"; aa155 = "1902"; ab155 = "1903"; ac155 = "1904"; ans155 = "SelectC"; q156 = "Who was Randolph Mantooth's paramedic partner in the TV series 'Emergency!'?"; aa156 = "Martin Andrews"; ab156 = "Julian Cope"; ac156 = "Kevin Tighe"; ans156 = "SelectC"; q157 = "Who played Lacey on the television series 'Cagney & Lacey'?"; aa157 = "Meg Foster"; ab157 = "Tyne Daly"; ac157 = "Dana Bardolph"; ans157 = "SelectB"; q158 = "What was Latka's last name on the television series 'Taxi'?"; aa158 = "Gravas"; ab158 = "Nardo"; ac158 = "DePalma"; ans158 = "SelectA"; q159 = "What former 'Charlie's Angels' star played 'Florence Nightingale' in the 1985 TV movie?"; aa159 = "Jaclyn Smith"; ab159 = "Shelley Hack"; ac159 = "Kate Jackson"; ans159 = "SelectA"; q160 = "What did the 'O' in the TV detective series 'Harry O' stand for?"; aa160 = "Orwell"; ab160 = "O'Reilly"; ac160 = "Orson"; ans160 = "SelectA"; q161 = "What is another name for 'imago'?"; aa161 = "Larva"; ab161 = "Butterfly"; ac161 = "Pulpa"; ans161 = "SelectB"; q162 = "What does the Cat Fancier's Association say is the 'top cat breed'?"; aa162 = "American Shorthair"; ab162 = "Maine Coon"; ac162 = "Persian"; ans162 = "SelectC"; q163 = "What condition's symptoms include drowsiness, hallucinations, and muscle weakness?"; aa163 = "Bell's Palsy"; ab163 = "Bubonic Plague"; ac163 = "Narcolepsy"; ans163 = "SelectC"; q164 = "Which country's national bird is the peacock?"; aa164 = "Philippines"; ab164 = "India"; ac164 = "China"; ans164 = "SelectB"; q165 = "Which of the following is the same as an electrode?"; aa165 = "Terminal"; ab165 = "Circuit"; ac165 = "Electron"; ans165 = "SelectA"; q166 = "What is a mummichog?"; aa166 = "Toad"; ab166 = "Shellfish"; ac166 = "Fish"; ans166 = "SelectC"; q167 = "What year was the first Earth Day celebrated?"; aa167 = "1970"; ab167 = "1975"; ac167 = "1980"; ans167 = "SelectA"; q168 = "What is another name for sternutation?"; aa168 = "Sneezing"; ab168 = "Hiccups"; ac168 = "Coughing"; ans168 = "SelectA"; q169 = "How many feet are in a nautical mile, assuming you're using nautical measurements?"; aa169 = "4500"; ab169 = "5280"; ac169 = "6080"; ans169 = "SelectC"; q170 = "Other than the handsome youth in Greek literature, what is adonis?"; aa170 = "Eating Disorder"; ab170 = "Skin Condition"; ac170 = "Herb"; ans170 = "SelectC"; q171 = "What is the name for solid, dried coconut meat?"; aa171 = "Tuba"; ab171 = "Copra"; ac171 = "Poi"; ans171 = "SelectB"; q172 = "What is triskaidekaphobia the fear of?"; aa172 = "Triangles"; ab172 = "The Number 13"; ac172 = "Clowns"; ans172 = "SelectB"; q173 = "What does the term stereoscopic mean?"; aa173 = "Far-Sighted"; ab173 = "Cross-Eyed"; ac173 = "Ability to See Depth"; ans173 = "SelectC"; q174 = "Who was the first American to eat in space?"; aa174 = "Alan Shepard"; ab174 = "Buzz Aldrin"; ac174 = "John Glenn"; ans174 = "SelectC"; q175 = "What does a ceilometer measure?"; aa175 = "Height of Rainfall"; ab175 = "Heights of Clouds"; ac175 = "Height of Snowfall"; ans175 = "SelectB"; q176 = "What is the size of an ostrich's brain comparable to?"; aa176 = "A Pea"; ab176 = "Its Eye"; ac176 = "An Orange"; ans176 = "SelectB"; q177 = "What bird can dive to depths of 900 feet?"; aa177 = "Emperor Penguin"; ab177 = "Heron"; ac177 = "Kingfisher"; ans177 = "SelectA"; q178 = "What instrument did Anton von Leeuwenhoek use to blaze new scientific trails?"; aa178 = "Thermometer"; ab178 = "Telescope"; ac178 = "Microscope"; ans178 = "SelectC"; q179 = "What does a cloud described as 'flat-bottomed, white and puffy, below four miles in height' refer to?"; aa179 = "Cirrus"; ab179 = "Cumulus"; ac179 = "Stratus"; ans179 = "SelectB"; q180 = "What writer co-founded 'The Village Voice'?"; aa180 = "Gore Vidal"; ab180 = "Norman Mailer"; ac180 = "John Updike"; ans180 = "SelectB"; q181 = "What kind of year is an 'annus mirabilis'?"; aa181 = "Uneventful"; ab181 = "Wonderful"; ac181 = "Miserable"; ans181 = "SelectB"; q182 = "What poet wrote 'Barfly,' based on his first-hand experiences?"; aa182 = "Charles Bukowski"; ab182 = "Allen Ginsberg"; ac182 = "Henry Chinaski"; ans182 = "SelectA"; q183 = "What horror writer gave the world the novels 'Ghost Story' and 'Koko'?"; aa183 = "Peter Straub"; ab183 = "Dean Koontz"; ac183 = "Clive Barker"; ans183 = "SelectA"; q184 = "When was the sixth category of Nobel Prizes, economics, added?"; aa184 = "1959"; ab184 = "1969"; ac184 = "1979"; ans184 = "SelectB"; q185 = "Who was Danny Dallas on the serial spoof 'Soap'?"; aa185 = "Ted Wass"; ab185 = "Billy Crystal"; ac185 = "Robert Mandan"; ans185 = "SelectA"; q186 = "Who played 'The Fugitive's' nemesis, The One-Armed Man, in the TV series?"; aa186 = "Bill Raisch"; ab186 = "Bob Lemmington"; ac186 = "Joe Turkel"; ans186 = "SelectA"; q187 = "Which internationally renowned jeweler sold the Hope diamond?"; aa187 = "Cartier"; ab187 = "Bulgari"; ac187 = "Tiffany & Co."; ans187 = "SelectA"; q188 = "Which state is known as the 'Show Me State'?"; aa188 = "Hawaii"; ab188 = "Missouri"; ac188 = "Delaware"; ans188 = "SelectB"; q189 = "What general did Julius Caesar defeat, paving the way to his dictatorship of Rome?"; aa189 = "Tiberius"; ab189 = "Cato"; ac189 = "Pompey"; ans189 = "SelectC"; q190 = "Who did Fidel Castro overthrow to become leader of Cuba?"; aa190 = "Torrijos"; ab190 = "Batista"; ac190 = "Somoza"; ans190 = "SelectB"; q191 = "When was the first patent in the U.S. issued?"; aa191 = "1776"; ab191 = "1790"; ac191 = "1802"; ans191 = "SelectB"; q192 = "What is former Harlem Globetrotter Meadowlark Lemon's actual first name?"; aa192 = "Marvin"; ab192 = "John"; ac192 = "George"; ans192 = "SelectC"; q193 = "What was the name of the first major-league baseball club to call Houston home?"; aa193 = "Colt .45s"; ab193 = "Texans"; ac193 = "Astro"; ans193 = "SelectA"; q194 = "Who was the manager of the Brooklyn Dodgers, in their last season in Brooklyn?"; aa194 = "Casey Stengel"; ab194 = "Walt Alston"; ac194 = "Joe McGraw"; ans194 = "SelectB"; q195 = "Who was the first batter to cumulatively bat in 40 runs in World Series play?"; aa195 = "Babe Ruth"; ab195 = "Lou Gehrig"; ac195 = "Mickey Mantle"; ans195 = "SelectC"; q196 = "When did the 'Black Sox' scandal rock the World Series?"; aa196 = "1917"; ab196 = "1918"; ac196 = "1919"; ans196 = "SelectC"; q197 = "What political party claimed victory in the Spanish Civil War?"; aa197 = "Loyalists"; ab197 = "Fascists"; ac197 = "Nationalists"; ans197 = "SelectC"; q198 = "What country did Josip Broz Tito run from the 1940s to the 1970s?"; aa198 = "Czechoslovakia"; ab198 = "Hungary"; ac198 = "Yugoslavia"; ans198 = "SelectC"; q199 = "Who was King of France when the Hundred Years' War began?"; aa199 = "Louis XI"; ab199 = "Edward III"; ac199 = "Philip V"; ans199 = "SelectB"; q200 = "Who was President of the United States in 1800?"; aa200 = "Thomas Jefferson"; ab200 = "James Madison"; ac200 = "John Adams"; ans200 = "SelectC"; q201 = "What are Suez, Erie and Panama all names of?"; aa201 = "Deserts"; ab201 = "Rivers"; ac201 = "Canals"; ans201 = "SelectC"; q202 = "Where was the first walled city, according to archeological evidence?"; aa202 = "Alcatraz"; ab202 = "Stonehenge"; ac202 = "Jericho"; ans202 = "SelectC"; q203 = "What is the average distance in miles at which the Earth circles the Sun?"; aa203 = "58 Million"; ab203 = "93 Million"; ac203 = "129 Million"; ans203 = "SelectB"; q204 = "Who wrote the novel 'Ordinary People'?"; aa204 = "Judith McNaught"; ab204 = "Jackie Collins"; ac204 = "Judith Guest"; ans204 = "SelectC"; q205 = "What French poet and art critic coined the word 'surrealism'?"; aa205 = "Andre Breton"; ab205 = "Charles Baudelaire"; ac205 = "Guillaume Apollinaire"; ans205 = "SelectC"; q206 = "Whose poems include 'The Charge of the Light Brigade'?"; aa206 = "Edgar Allan Poe"; ab206 = "Rudyard Kipling"; ac206 = "Alfred, Lord Tennyson"; ans206 = "SelectC"; q207 = "What is the art term originally used to describe an army advancing into battle?"; aa207 = "Grisaille"; ab207 = "Contraposto"; ac207 = "Avant Garde"; ans207 = "SelectC"; q208 = "What is an amphora?"; aa208 = "Japanese Screen"; ab208 = "Greek Vase"; ac208 = "Watercolor Painting"; ans208 = "SelectB"; q209 = "What does the Latin term 'Alma mater' mean?"; aa209 = "Ancient Mother"; ab209 = "Nurturing Mother"; ac209 = "Terrific Friend"; ans209 = "SelectB"; q210 = "Whose book 'Ralph Waldo Emerson' won the first-ever National Book Award for non-fiction?"; aa210 = "Bruce Catton"; ab210 = "Newton Arvin"; ac210 = "Ralph L. Rusk"; ans210 = "SelectC"; q211 = "What name did caricaturist Al Hirschfield incorporate into almost all of his paintings?"; aa211 = "Lola"; ab211 = "Nina"; ac211 = "Lila"; ans211 = "SelectB"; q212 = "What term did Rober Rauschenberg coin for a type of work he created?"; aa212 = "Kinetic Art"; ab212 = "Combine Painting"; ac212 = "Mosaic"; ans212 = "SelectB"; q213 = "Which U.S. President created the CIA?"; aa213 = "Franklin Roosevelt"; ab213 = "Harry Truman"; ac213 = "Dwight Eisenhower"; ans213 = "SelectB"; q214 = "What U.S. President's administration planned the 'Bay of Pigs' invasion of Cuba?"; aa214 = "Dwight Eisenhower's"; ab214 = "Richard Nixon's"; ac214 = "John Kennedy's"; ans214 = "SelectA"; q215 = "In what year was Microsoft founded?"; aa215 = "1975"; ab215 = "1980"; ac215 = "1985"; ans215 = "SelectA"; q216 = "Who played Alice in the anti-drugs TV movie 'Go Ask Alice'?"; aa216 = "Jamie Smith-Jackson"; ab216 = "Marie Hunt"; ac216 = "Linda Blair"; ans216 = "SelectA"; q217 = "What was the name of Yoko Ono's box set?"; aa217 = "'Yokobox'"; ab217 = "'Onobox'"; ac217 = "'Open Your Box'"; ans217 = "SelectB"; q218 = "How many sides are there in a dodecagon?"; aa218 = "12"; ab218 = "15"; ac218 = "17"; ans218 = "SelectA"; q219 = "What pets have been found to develop lymphoma from secondhand smoke?"; aa219 = "Dogs"; ab219 = "Hamsters"; ac219 = "Cats"; ans219 = "SelectC"; q220 = "What is the most populous city in Ohio?"; aa220 = "Cleveland"; ab220 = "Columbus"; ac220 = "Cincinnati"; ans220 = "SelectB"; q221 = "Where is Mt. Rushmore located?"; aa221 = "Wyoming"; ab221 = "Minnesota"; ac221 = "South Dakota"; ans221 = "SelectC"; q222 = "What was the stick called 'gnomon' used for?"; aa222 = "Telling Time"; ab222 = "Playing Music"; ac222 = "Locating Water"; ans222 = "SelectA"; q223 = "How much larger is the Sun than the Earth?"; aa223 = "28 Times"; ab223 = "52 Times"; ac223 = "109 Times"; ans223 = "SelectC"; q224 = "What does a person with xylophobia fear?"; aa224 = "Mammals/Fish"; ab224 = "Wooden Objects/Forests"; ac224 = "Piano Music"; ans224 = "SelectB"; q225 = "Which candy emits blue sparks when crushed between your teeth?"; aa225 = "Pop Rocks"; ab225 = "Lifesavers"; ac225 = "Altoids"; ans225 = "SelectB"; q226 = "What was the occupation of Charles Hires, creator of root beer?"; aa226 = "Pharmacist"; ab226 = "Physician"; ac226 = "Farmer"; ans226 = "SelectA"; q227 = "Who instructed Louis Pasteur to find the cause for diseases in French wine?"; aa227 = "Napoleon"; ab227 = "His Wife"; ac227 = "Marie Curie"; ans227 = "SelectA"; q228 = "How many sides are there in an enneadecagon?"; aa228 = "17"; ab228 = "18"; ac228 = "19"; ans228 = "SelectC"; q229 = "What is the boiling point of water on the Celsius scale?"; aa229 = "32 Degrees"; ab229 = "100 Degrees"; ac229 = "212 Degrees"; ans229 = "SelectB"; q230 = "What condition do you probably have if you belong to the Hair Club for Men?"; aa230 = "Allopathy"; ab230 = "Alopecia"; ac230 = "Sprue"; ans230 = "SelectB"; q231 = "Which of the following is not a symptom of pregnancy?"; aa231 = "Morning Sickness"; ab231 = "Fatigue"; ac231 = "Low Body Temperature"; ans231 = "SelectC"; q232 = "What animal is the primary source of 'catgut'?"; aa232 = "Cat"; ab232 = "Cow"; ac232 = "Sheep"; ans232 = "SelectC"; q233 = "How many feet are in a fathom, if you're using nautical measurements?"; aa233 = "6"; ab233 = "8"; ac233 = "10"; ans233 = "SelectA"; q234 = "Who was the first person to win two Nobel Prizes?"; aa234 = "Theodore Roosevelt"; ab234 = "Albert Einstein"; ac234 = "Marie Curie"; ans234 = "SelectC"; q235 = "What are comets made of?"; aa235 = "Frozen Dust & Gases"; ab235 = "Fragments of Moons"; ac235 = "Pieces of Rock"; ans235 = "SelectA"; q236 = "Who invented the modern toilet as we know it?"; aa236 = "Alexander Cummings"; ab236 = "Thomas Edison"; ac236 = "Sir Thomas Crapper"; ans236 = "SelectA"; q237 = "Who performed the first smallpox vaccination in 1796?"; aa237 = "Edward Jenner"; ab237 = "William Withering"; ac237 = "Paul Ehrlich"; ans237 = "SelectA"; q238 = "How many pounds does the average male brain weigh?"; aa238 = "Three"; ab238 = "Five"; ac238 = "Six"; ans238 = "SelectA"; q239 = "When cooking, how many tablespoons equal one cup?"; aa239 = "12"; ab239 = "14"; ac239 = "16"; ans239 = "SelectC"; q240 = "Who was the oldest person to travel in space?"; aa240 = "John Glenn"; ab240 = "Valentina Tereshkova"; ac240 = "Neil Armstrong"; ans240 = "SelectA"; q241 = "What color are aviation recorders, even though they are called 'black boxes'?"; aa241 = "Orange"; ab241 = "Yellow"; ac241 = "Violet"; ans241 = "SelectA"; q242 = "Who developed arch supports for shoes?"; aa242 = "Dr. Scholl"; ab242 = "Anne Kalso"; ac242 = "Konrad Birkenstock"; ans242 = "SelectC"; q243 = "What planet is closest to Earth?"; aa243 = "Venus"; ab243 = "Jupiter"; ac243 = "Mars"; ans243 = "SelectA"; q244 = "What does an agronomist specialize in?"; aa244 = "Fossils"; ab244 = "Plants and Trees"; ac244 = "Soil and Crops"; ans244 = "SelectC"; q245 = "What does a paleontologist study?"; aa245 = "Gems"; ab245 = "Fossils"; ac245 = "Rocks"; ans245 = "SelectB"; q246 = "What was the first planet discovered in modern times by Sir William Herschel in 1781?"; aa246 = "Pluto"; ab246 = "Uranus"; ac246 = "Neptune"; ans246 = "SelectB"; q247 = "What does a person with ailurophobia fear?"; aa247 = "Dogs"; ab247 = "Mice"; ac247 = "Cats"; ans247 = "SelectC"; q248 = "What months were you born between if your astrological sign is Taurus?"; aa248 = "May 21 & June 20"; ab248 = "March 21 & April 19"; ac248 = "April 20 & May 20"; ans248 = "SelectC"; q249 = "Who were the parents of Ares, the Greek God of War?"; aa249 = "Zeus & Maia"; ab249 = "Cronus & Hera"; ac249 = "Zeus & Hera"; ans249 = "SelectC"; q250 = "Which Greek goddess sprang from her father Zeus' head?"; aa250 = "Artemis"; ab250 = "Athena"; ac250 = "Demeter"; ans250 = "SelectB"; q251 = "What was Oscar's last name in the 'Six Million Dollar Man' TV series?"; aa251 = "Madison"; ab251 = "Austin"; ac251 = "Goldman"; ans251 = "SelectC"; q252 = "Which U.S. President shared names with the sheriff in the 'Twin Peaks' television series?"; aa252 = "Harry Truman"; ab252 = "Richard Nixon"; ac252 = "Dwight Eisenhower"; ans252 = "SelectA"; q253 = "What is the world's largest desert?"; aa253 = "Kalahari"; ab253 = "Sahara"; ac253 = "Mojave"; ans253 = "SelectB"; q254 = "Who was the first 2000-yard single season rusher in NFL history?"; aa254 = "Joe Namath"; ab254 = "OJ Simpson"; ac254 = "Barry Sanders"; ans254 = "SelectB"; q255 = "In which U.S. state would find golf's largest green?"; aa255 = "Maine"; ab255 = "Michigan"; ac255 = "Massachusetts"; ans255 = "SelectC"; q256 = "The Fleet Center is the home court of what professional basketball team?"; aa256 = "Seattle SuperSonics"; ab256 = "Indiana Pacers"; ac256 = "Boston Celtics"; ans256 = "SelectC"; q257 = "What team was defeated by the Green Bay Packers in Super Bowl XXXI?"; aa257 = "Dallas Cowboys"; ab257 = "Washington Redskins"; ac257 = "New England Patriots"; ans257 = "SelectC"; q258 = "Allodoxaphobia is the fear of what?"; aa258 = "Pain"; ab258 = "Opinions"; ac258 = "Heights"; ans258 = "SelectB"; q259 = "If you have meningitophobia, what disease are you afraid of?"; aa259 = "Brain"; ab259 = "Skin"; ac259 = "Kidney"; ans259 = "SelectA"; q260 = "How many NBA Championships did Larry Bird win with the Boston Celtics?"; aa260 = "Three"; ab260 = "Four"; ac260 = "Five"; ans260 = "SelectA"; q261 = "Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak founded what groundbreaking computer company?"; aa261 = "Apple"; ab261 = "Dell"; ac261 = "IBM"; ans261 = "SelectA"; q262 = "Other than a bad hairstyle, what is a mullet?"; aa262 = "Fish"; ab262 = "Dog"; ac262 = "Giraffe"; ans262 = "SelectA"; q263 = "The laryngeal prominence, the lump at the front of the neck, is commonly referred to as the what?"; aa263 = "Frog"; ab263 = "Adam's Apple"; ac263 = "Throat Lump"; ans263 = "SelectB"; q264 = "What was the first major championship that Tiger Woods won?"; aa264 = "'97 Masters"; ab264 = "'99 PGA Championship"; ac264 = "'00 Masters"; ans264 = "SelectA"; q265 = "The sports drink 'Gatorade' was named after what?"; aa265 = "Football Team"; ab265 = "Basketball Team"; ac265 = "Crocodiles"; ans265 = "SelectA"; q266 = "Who created the original chocolate chip cookie in 1930?"; aa266 = "William A. Turnier"; ab266 = "Charles M. Roser"; ac266 = "Ruth Wakefield"; ans266 = "SelectC"; q267 = "An ugli fruit is bred by crossing an orange or tangerine with what fruit?"; aa267 = "Lemon"; ab267 = "Grapefruit"; ac267 = "Peach"; ans267 = "SelectB"; q268 = "Which state grows the most apples in the U.S.?"; aa268 = "Washington"; ab268 = "New York"; ac268 = "Michigan"; ans268 = "SelectA"; q269 = "In what country was milk chocolate invented?"; aa269 = "United States"; ab269 = "Switzerland"; ac269 = "Canada"; ans269 = "SelectB"; q270 = "In 'Archie Comics,' what is the name of Midge's 'lunkhead' boyfriend?"; aa270 = "Mr. Lodge"; ab270 = "Big Moose"; ac270 = "Reggie Mantle"; ans270 = "SelectB"; q271 = "What superhero is featured on the cover of 'Action Comics #1'?"; aa271 = "Batman"; ab271 = "Green Lantern"; ac271 = "Superman"; ans271 = "SelectC"; q272 = "Who played Rick Blaine in the 1983 TV series 'Casablanca'?"; aa272 = "David Soul"; ab272 = "Kent McCord"; ac272 = "Tim Matheson"; ans272 = "SelectA"; q273 = "What is the term for a part of a line that has one endpoint and goes on forever in only one direction?"; aa273 = "Ray"; ab273 = "Vertex"; ac273 = "Helix"; ans273 = "SelectA"; q274 = "What is the least common multiple of numbers 4 and 50?"; aa274 = "20"; ab274 = "100"; ac274 = "200"; ans274 = "SelectB"; q275 = "What is the probability of choosing a king from a standard deck of playing cards?"; aa275 = "1/52"; ab275 = "1/14"; ac275 = "1/13"; ans275 = "SelectC"; q276 = "What term is used to describe a group of fish?"; aa276 = "Party"; ab276 = "Pack"; ac276 = "School"; ans276 = "SelectC"; q277 = "What is the colored part of the eye called?"; aa277 = "Pupil"; ab277 = "Iris"; ac277 = "Retina"; ans277 = "SelectB"; q278 = "What term describes someone who does not believe in the existence of God?"; aa278 = "Protagonist"; ab278 = "Atheist"; ac278 = "Evangelist"; ans278 = "SelectB"; q279 = "Who is the shortest man to ever win an NBA slam dunk competition?"; aa279 = "Spudd Webb"; ab279 = "Muggsy Bogues"; ac279 = "Vince Carter"; ans279 = "SelectA"; q280 = "According to the proverb, necessity is the mother of what?"; aa280 = "Creation"; ab280 = "Invention"; ac280 = "Institution"; ans280 = "SelectB"; q281 = "What sport is known as 'The Sport of Kings'?"; aa281 = "Horse Racing"; ab281 = "Stock Car Racing"; ac281 = "Bowling"; ans281 = "SelectA"; q282 = "How many periods are there in an ice hockey game?"; aa282 = "Three"; ab282 = "Four"; ac282 = "Five"; ans282 = "SelectA"; q283 = "In American football, how many points is a touchdown worth?"; aa283 = "Six"; ab283 = "Seven"; ac283 = "Eight"; ans283 = "SelectA"; q284 = "Where were fireworks first known to have been developed?"; aa284 = "Six"; ab284 = "Seven"; ac284 = "Eight"; ans284 = "SelectA"; q285 = "What country gave us the fashionable headgear called the beret?"; aa285 = "Italy"; ab285 = "Spain"; ac285 = "France"; ans285 = "SelectC"; q286 = "What is the national language of the Netherlands?"; aa286 = "Dutch"; ab286 = "German"; ac286 = "English"; ans286 = "SelectA"; q287 = "What city is known as 'The rubber capital of the world'?"; aa287 = "Detroit, Michigan"; ab287 = "Akron, Ohio"; ac287 = "Salt Lake City, Utah"; ans287 = "SelectB"; q288 = "How is 4:00 P.M. expressed in military time?"; aa288 = "400"; ab288 = "1400"; ac288 = "1600"; ans288 = "SelectC"; q289 = "In computer terminology, what does the 'P' stand for in the acronym 'FTP'?"; aa289 = "Progress"; ab289 = "Protocol"; ac289 = "Process"; ans289 = "SelectB"; q290 = "What automobile company makes the Sonata?"; aa290 = "Hyundai"; ab290 = "Toyota"; ac290 = "Ford"; ans290 = "SelectA"; q291 = "What color is Pepto-Bismol liquid?"; aa291 = "Purple"; ab291 = "Pink"; ac291 = "Orange"; ans291 = "SelectB"; q292 = "What article of clothing best describe a 'pashmina'?"; aa292 = "Scarf"; ab292 = "Hat"; ac292 = "Blouse"; ans292 = "SelectA"; q293 = "To ward off bad luck, what do many people do to wood?"; aa293 = "Paint It"; ab293 = "Knock On It"; ac293 = "Cut It"; ans293 = "SelectB"; q294 = "What is the art of elegant handwriting called?"; aa294 = "Calligraphy"; ab294 = "Typography"; ac294 = "Orthography"; ans294 = "SelectA"; q295 = "Huffy, Schwinn and Raleigh are all brands of what?"; aa295 = "Automobiles"; ab295 = "Bicycles"; ac295 = "Athletic Shoes"; ans295 = "SelectB"; q296 = "How many days does Hanukkah last?"; aa296 = "Five"; ab296 = "Seven"; ac296 = "Eight"; ans296 = "SelectC"; q297 = "Paper will burn at approximately at what temperature in Fahrenheit?"; aa297 = "379 Degrees"; ab297 = "451 Degrees"; ac297 = "538 Degrees"; ans297 = "SelectB"; q298 = "In a game with no wild cards, what is the highest, possible poker hand?"; aa298 = "Full House"; ab298 = "Straight Flush"; ac298 = "Royal Flush"; ans298 = "SelectC"; q299 = "If you ask for 'gai' at a Thai restaurant, what will you get?"; aa299 = "Beef"; ab299 = "Chicken"; ac299 = "Fish"; ans299 = "SelectB"; q300 = "Cheddar cheese got its name from a village in what country?"; aa300 = "England"; ab300 = "Italy"; ac300 = "Switzerland"; ans300 = "SelectA"; q301 = "Who invented vulcanized rubber?"; aa301 = "Charles Goodyear"; ab301 = "Jacque Michellin"; ac301 = "Joseph Dunlop"; ans301 = "SelectA"; q302 = "When were British railway companies nationalized?"; aa302 = "1942"; ab302 = "1945"; ac302 = "1948"; ans302 = "SelectC"; q303 = "In which century did the violin first appear?"; aa303 = "15th"; ab303 = "16th"; ac303 = "17th"; ans303 = "SelectC"; q304 = "What character did James Caan play in 1972's 'The Godfather'?"; aa304 = "Michael Corleone"; ab304 = "Sonny Corleone"; ac304 = "Don Vito Corleone"; ans304 = "SelectB"; q305 = "What, according to GI Joe, was 'half the battle'?"; aa305 = "Knowing"; ab305 = "Caring"; ac305 = "Being Prepared"; ans305 = "SelectA"; q306 = "What was the name of Bo and Luke Duke's automobile on 'The Dukes of Hazzard'?"; aa306 = "Daisy"; ab306 = "Kitt"; ac306 = "General Lee"; ans306 = "SelectC"; q307 = "In 'The Transformers' television series, who led the Heroic Autobots?"; aa307 = "General Tao"; ab307 = "Megatron"; ac307 = "Optimus Prime"; ans307 = "SelectC"; q308 = "Which pop music icon had their hair accidentally catch fire during a Pepsi commercial shoot?"; aa308 = "Madonna"; ab308 = "Michael Jackson"; ac308 = "George Michael"; ans308 = "SelectB"; q309 = "What was the name of ship that sat nearby the sinking Titanic with it's radio unmanned?"; aa309 = "The Californian"; ab309 = "The Lusitania"; ac309 = "The Carpathian"; ans309 = "SelectA"; q310 = "What is the name of a group of kangaroos?"; aa310 = "A Gang"; ab310 = "A Mob"; ac310 = "A Gaggle"; ans310 = "SelectB"; q311 = "What is the name of the scale used to rank tornado strength?"; aa311 = "Category"; ab311 = "Richter"; ac311 = "Fujita"; ans311 = "SelectC"; q312 = "Who wrote the words to the Star Spangled Banner?"; aa312 = "Wilfred Simpson"; ab312 = "Francis Scott Key"; ac312 = "Benjamin Franklin"; ans312 = "SelectB"; q313 = "How old was Queen Elizabeth II when she ascended the throne?"; aa313 = "22"; ab313 = "25"; ac313 = "28"; ans313 = "SelectB"; q314 = "What year did Apollo 13 take off on its fateful mission?"; aa314 = "1968"; ab314 = "1970"; ac314 = "1971"; ans314 = "SelectB"; q315 = "What year was the Louisiana purchase made?"; aa315 = "1803"; ab315 = "1815"; ac315 = "1824"; ans315 = "SelectA"; q316 = "The movie 'Ghostbusters' took place in which city?"; aa316 = "Houston"; ab316 = "Los Angeles"; ac316 = "New York"; ans316 = "SelectC"; q317 = "What is Microsoft's Nasdaq stock symbol?"; aa317 = "MICR"; ab317 = "MSOF"; ac317 = "MSFT"; ans317 = "SelectC"; q318 = "America Online merged with which large company is 2001?"; aa318 = "Disney"; ab318 = "Time Warner"; ac318 = "Netscape"; ans318 = "SelectB"; q319 = "Which of the following is the longest night and the shortest day of the year?"; aa319 = "Vernal Equinox"; ab319 = "Winter Equinox"; ac319 = "Winter Solstice"; ans319 = "SelectC"; q320 = "What is the highest mountain in Japan?"; aa320 = "Kantou-Koushinetsu"; ab320 = "Mt. Fuji"; ac320 = "Mt. Akaishidake"; ans320 = "SelectB"; q321 = "An Emu is a bird native to what country?"; aa321 = "Austria"; ab321 = "Africa"; ac321 = "Australia"; ans321 = "SelectC"; q322 = "Which amendment to the Constitution authorized a federal income tax?"; aa322 = "10th"; ab322 = "15th"; ac322 = "16th"; ans322 = "SelectC"; q323 = "What famous dancer wrote an autobiography entitled 'Steps In Time'?"; aa323 = "Gene Kelly"; ab323 = "Fred Astaire"; ac323 = "Ann Miller"; ans323 = "SelectB"; q324 = "What was the name of the goose in Walt Disney's movie feature '101 Dalmatians'?"; aa324 = "Mable"; ab324 = "Lucy"; ac324 = "Hazel"; ans324 = "SelectB"; q325 = "What year did the Klondike Gold Rush occur?"; aa325 = "1856"; ab325 = "1878"; ac325 = "1896"; ans325 = "SelectC"; q326 = "What is the study of the effect of low temperatures on organisms?"; aa326 = "Cryogenics"; ab326 = "Cryobiology"; ac326 = "Cryopreservation"; ans326 = "SelectB"; q327 = "Entomology is the scientific study of what?"; aa327 = "Parasites"; ab327 = "Insects"; ac327 = "The Human Brain"; ans327 = "SelectB"; q328 = "Which describes the origin and the development of an organism from the fertilized egg to its mature form?"; aa328 = "Ontogeny"; ab328 = "Phycology"; ac328 = "Cytology"; ans328 = "SelectA"; q329 = "Which of the following literally means 'the science of women'?"; aa329 = "Ophthalmology"; ab329 = "Pharmacology"; ac329 = "Gynaecology"; ans329 = "SelectC"; q330 = "Phycology is the scientific study of what?"; aa330 = "Algae"; ab330 = "Mold"; ac330 = "Rocks"; ans330 = "SelectA"; q331 = "The Yellowhammer is the state bird of which U.S. state?"; aa331 = "Arkansas"; ab331 = "Alabama"; ac331 = "Georgia"; ans331 = "SelectB"; q332 = "Which U.S. state does not have the mockingbird as its state bird?"; aa332 = "Florida"; ab332 = "Texas"; ac332 = "Connecticut"; ans332 = "SelectC"; q333 = "Arizona's state motto 'Ditat Deus' is the Latin for what?"; aa333 = "The People Rule"; ab333 = "By Virtue and Arms"; ac333 = "God Enriches"; ans333 = "SelectC"; q334 = "Which U.S. state's motto is 'Live Free or Die'?"; aa334 = "New York"; ab334 = "New Hampshire"; ac334 = "New Jersey"; ans334 = "SelectB"; q335 = "Which U.S. state is known as the Bluegrass State?"; aa335 = "Kansas"; ab335 = "Kentucky"; ac335 = "Illinois"; ans335 = "SelectB"; q336 = "What is the state nickname of Nebraska?"; aa336 = "Hawkeye State"; ab336 = "Big Sky Country"; ac336 = "Cornhusker State"; ans336 = "SelectC"; q337 = "The rose is the state flower of which U.S. state?"; aa337 = "Massachusetts"; ab337 = "New York"; ac337 = "California"; ans337 = "SelectB"; q338 = "Cedar Rapids, Waterloo, and Davenport are all cities of which U.S. state?"; aa338 = "Missouri"; ab338 = "Louisiana"; ac338 = "Iowa"; ans338 = "SelectC"; q339 = "The Basketball Hall of Fame is located in which state?"; aa339 = "Indiana"; ab339 = "Massachusetts"; ac339 = "Illinois"; ans339 = "SelectB"; q340 = "Which U.S. state borders California, Washington, Idaho, and Nevada?"; aa340 = "Oregon"; ab340 = "Nevada"; ac340 = "Montana"; ans340 = "SelectA"; q341 = "The orca, more commonly known as the killer whale is a type of what?"; aa341 = "Shark"; ab341 = "Dolphin"; ac341 = "Fish"; ans341 = "SelectB"; q342 = "An adult gorilla can weigh up to how many pounds?"; aa342 = "300 lbs."; ab342 = "400 lbs."; ac342 = "500 lbs."; ans342 = "SelectB"; q343 = "In which country can the giant panda be found?"; aa343 = "Indonesia"; ab343 = "China"; ac343 = "Thailand"; ans343 = "SelectB"; q344 = "What wild animal is also called the Cape Hunting Dog?"; aa344 = "Brown Hyena"; ab344 = "Wild Dog of Africa"; ac344 = "Golden Jackal"; ans344 = "SelectB"; q345 = "What is the only marsupial in North America?"; aa345 = "Raccoon"; ab345 = "Squirrel"; ac345 = "Opossum"; ans345 = "SelectC"; q346 = "What is the largest breed of domesticated cats?"; aa346 = "Persian"; ab346 = "Maine Coon"; ac346 = "Cymric"; ans346 = "SelectB"; q347 = "Which member of the deer family has a name that means 'shoveller'?"; aa347 = "Moose"; ab347 = "Caribou"; ac347 = "Munjacs"; ans347 = "SelectB"; q348 = "The honey badger is known by what other name?"; aa348 = "Ratel"; ab348 = "Marmot"; ac348 = "Souslik"; ans348 = "SelectA"; q349 = "What is a perfect score on the College Board's SAT?"; aa349 = "1600"; ab349 = "1200"; ac349 = "1000"; ans349 = "SelectA"; q350 = "In what Uzbekistan city was Tamarlane the Great entombed?"; aa350 = "Istanbul"; ab350 = "Kabul"; ac350 = "Samarkand"; ans350 = "SelectC"; q351 = "What kind of fruit is a Golden Delicious?"; aa351 = "Orange"; ab351 = "Apple"; ac351 = "Peach"; ans351 = "SelectB"; q352 = "In which country would you find people speaking Basque, Castilian, Catalan and Galician?"; aa352 = "Ireland"; ab352 = "France"; ac352 = "Spain"; ans352 = "SelectC"; q353 = "Every day, Muslims face which city when they pray?"; aa353 = "Jerusalem"; ab353 = "Mecca"; ac353 = "Medina"; ans353 = "SelectB"; q354 = "Which of these is not part of the popular kid's game rochambo?"; aa354 = "Rock"; ab354 = "Paper"; ac354 = "Water"; ans354 = "SelectC"; q355 = "What city, known locally as Munchen, is also the capital of Bavaria?"; aa355 = "Prague"; ab355 = "Munich"; ac355 = "Zurich"; ans355 = "SelectB"; q356 = "For which movie did James Cameron himself do a nude sketch of Kate Winslet?"; aa356 = "Titanic"; ab356 = "The Abyss"; ac356 = "The Terminator"; ans356 = "SelectA"; q357 = "To whom would you send a mash note?"; aa357 = "A Lover"; ab357 = "A Bookie"; ac357 = "Your Boss"; ans357 = "SelectA"; q358 = "In the John Le Carre book, who was George Smiley?"; aa358 = "A Spy"; ab358 = "A Soldier"; ac358 = "A Teacher"; ans358 = "SelectA"; q359 = "In what state would you find Machias and its wild blueberry festival?"; aa359 = "Vermont"; ab359 = "Massachusetts"; ac359 = "Maine"; ans359 = "SelectC"; q360 = "As Tom Hanks explained in 'A League of Their Own,' 'there's no crying in' what sport?"; aa360 = "Basketball"; ab360 = "Baseball"; ac360 = "Football"; ans360 = "SelectB"; q361 = "What movie paired silent-screen legends Charlie Chaplin and Buster Keaton?"; aa361 = "Limelight"; ab361 = "Modern Times"; ac361 = "The Gold Rush"; ans361 = "SelectA"; q362 = "Joanie Laurer, a.k.a. Chyna, is most known as a what?"; aa362 = "Professional Wrestler"; ab362 = "R&B Singer"; ac362 = "News Anchor"; ans362 = "SelectA"; q363 = "Comedian Cedric Robinson is better known by what name?"; aa363 = "Cedric the Entertainer"; ab363 = "Ceddy Bear"; ac363 = "Dollar Cedrich"; ans363 = "SelectA"; q364 = "In 2001, Boeing announced it was moving its headquarters out of which city?"; aa364 = "Seattle"; ab364 = "San Diego"; ac364 = "Denver"; ans364 = "SelectA"; q365 = "When Wang Zhizhi signed with the Dallas Mavericks, he became the first Asian in what league?"; aa365 = "NFL"; ab365 = "NHL"; ac365 = "NBA"; ans365 = "SelectC"; q366 = "What kind of meat is a pastrami sandwich made of?"; aa366 = "Pork"; ab366 = "Beef"; ac366 = "Chicken"; ans366 = "SelectB"; q367 = "What kind of bread would you wrap around a gyro sandwich?"; aa367 = "Croissant"; ab367 = "Tortilla"; ac367 = "Pita"; ans367 = "SelectC"; q368 = "In 1993, 60,000 Harley-Davidson enthusiasts celebrated the bike's 100th birthday in which Wisconsin city?"; aa368 = "Milwaukee"; ab368 = "Cleveland"; ac368 = "St. Paul"; ans368 = "SelectA"; q369 = "Writing as Diedrich Knickerbocker, Washington Irving had published in 1809 a history of what city?"; aa369 = "Chicago"; ab369 = "New York City"; ac369 = "Boston"; ans369 = "SelectB"; q370 = "What star of 'The Partridge Family' also starred on 'LA Law'?"; aa370 = "Shirley Jones"; ab370 = "David Cassidy"; ac370 = "Susan Dey"; ans370 = "SelectC"; q371 = "How many ounces were there in the Big Gulp sold in the early 1980s at 7-Eleven?"; aa371 = "16"; ab371 = "24"; ac371 = "32"; ans371 = "SelectC"; q372 = "Who won three Emmys in four seasons for her role on 'Police Woman'?"; aa372 = "Angie Dickinson"; ab372 = "Lindsay Wagner"; ac372 = "Farrah Fawcett"; ans372 = "SelectA"; q373 = "The NCAA Final Four basketball semifinalists compete in which month?"; aa373 = "March Madness"; ab373 = "Awesome April"; ac373 = "Magnificent May"; ans373 = "SelectA"; q374 = "Born Phillip John Clapp, Johnny Knoxville became a celebrity on what MTV show?"; aa374 = "Laguna Beach"; ab374 = "Road Rules"; ac374 = "Jackass"; ans374 = "SelectC"; q375 = "In England, what is a gaol?"; aa375 = "A Bird"; ab375 = "A Weapon"; ac375 = "A Jail"; ans375 = "SelectC"; q376 = "What do the opposite sides of a die add up to?"; aa376 = "Five"; ab376 = "Six"; ac376 = "Seven"; ans376 = "SelectC"; q377 = "What was the name of the burger with 30 grams of fat that McDonald's released in 1996?"; aa377 = "Big Mac"; ab377 = "Arch Deluxe"; ac377 = "Royale"; ans377 = "SelectB"; q378 = "In 1988, whom did Lloyd Bentsen rebuke when he said, 'Senator, you're no Jack Kennedy'?"; aa378 = "Dan Quayle"; ab378 = "George Bush"; ac378 = "Gary Hart"; ans378 = "SelectA"; q379 = "On TV, what was Penelope Brewster's nickname?"; aa379 = "Punky"; ab379 = "Penny"; ac379 = "Elly"; ans379 = "SelectA"; q380 = "What band went water-skiing for their video 'Vacation'?"; aa380 = "Spice Girls"; ab380 = "Bangles"; ac380 = "Go-Gos"; ans380 = "SelectC"; q381 = "Named from the Latin for 'fellow slave,' where would a concierge usually work?"; aa381 = "Hotel"; ab381 = "Restaurant"; ac381 = "Nightclub"; ans381 = "SelectA"; q382 = "In 1996, what NHL team was called the Red Army, because of its 10 Russian players?"; aa382 = "Detroit Red Wings"; ab382 = "San Jose Sharks"; ac382 = "Philadelphia Flyers"; ans382 = "SelectA"; q383 = "What does 'vis-a-vis' literally mean in French?"; aa383 = "Country-to-Country"; ab383 = "Head-to-Head"; ac383 = "Face-to-Face"; ans383 = "SelectC"; q384 = "Which of these was not one of the gifts that the Three Wise Men brought to Jesus?"; aa384 = "Gold"; ab384 = "Coal"; ac384 = "Myrrh"; ans384 = "SelectB"; q385 = "Which of these legal terms releases an individual from the penalties of a crime?"; aa385 = "Pardon"; ab385 = "Amnesty"; ac385 = "Parole"; ans385 = "SelectA"; q386 = "Connecting Lake Erie to the Hudson River, in what state would you find the Erie Canal?"; aa386 = "Michigan"; ab386 = "Ohio"; ac386 = "New York"; ans386 = "SelectC"; q387 = "What does an enthusiastic chef call the outer peel of a citrus fruit, such as a lemon?"; aa387 = "Gusto"; ab387 = "Relish"; ac387 = "Zest"; ans387 = "SelectC"; q388 = "Which of the Beatles married Yoko Ono?"; aa388 = "Paul McCartney"; ab388 = "John Lennon"; ac388 = "Ringo Starr"; ans388 = "SelectB"; q389 = "In what city are Le Monde and Le Figaro published?"; aa389 = "Geneva"; ab389 = "Paris"; ac389 = "Brussels"; ans389 = "SelectB"; q390 = "What Ecuadorian city is the oldest capital in South America?"; aa390 = "Laz Paz"; ab390 = "Santiago"; ac390 = "Quito"; ans390 = "SelectC"; q391 = "Founded in 600 BC by the Greeks, and called Massalia, what is thought to be France's oldest city?"; aa391 = "Lyon"; ab391 = "Paris"; ac391 = "Marseille"; ans391 = "SelectC"; q392 = "What city is known as the 'Eternal City'?"; aa392 = "Rome"; ab392 = "Paris"; ac392 = "Berlin"; ans392 = "SelectC"; q393 = "In what city do the Spanish Steps lead to the 15th-century church of the Trinita dei Monti?"; aa393 = "Barcelona"; ab393 = "Rome"; ac393 = "Madrid"; ans393 = "SelectB"; q394 = "What is the capital of both Newfoundland and the Caribbean nation of Antigua and Barbuda?"; aa394 = "Georgetown"; ab394 = "St. John's"; ac394 = "Bridgetown"; ans394 = "SelectB"; q395 = "What was the imperial capital of Russia before the Communists moved shop to Moscow?"; aa395 = "Volgograd"; ab395 = "Saint Petersburg"; ac395 = "Minsk"; ans395 = "SelectB"; q396 = "Who was born in a house on Henley Street in Stratford-upon-Avon?"; aa396 = "Winston Churchil"; ab396 = "William Shakespeare"; ac396 = "Charles Dickens"; ans396 = "SelectB"; q397 = "Tijuana is just south of which U.S. city?"; aa397 = "San Diego"; ab397 = "Phoenix"; ac397 = "Houston"; ans397 = "SelectA"; q398 = "In December 2000, who married director Guy Ritchie in Dornoch, Scotland?"; aa398 = "Madonna"; ab398 = "Janet Jackson"; ac398 = "Nicole Kidman"; ans398 = "SelectA"; q399 = "Which of the following would be the furthest left in a typical place setting?"; aa399 = "Plate"; ab399 = "Fork"; ac399 = "Knife"; ans399 = "SelectB"; q400 = "Brigham Young was the first governor of what territory?"; aa400 = "Oregon Territory"; ab400 = "Alaska Territory"; ac400 = "Utah Territory"; ans400 = "SelectC"; q401 = "What state's capital is named for a mythological creature that gets reborn in fire?"; aa401 = "Minnesota"; ab401 = "Alaska"; ac401 = "Arizona"; ans401 = "SelectC"; q402 = "In what game would you play with Cavity Sam?"; aa402 = "Clue"; ab402 = "Monopoly"; ac402 = "Operation"; ans402 = "SelectC"; q402 = "In which city might you cross the Grand Canal at a bridge called the Rialto?"; aa402 = "Stockholm"; ab402 = "Bangkok"; ac402 = "Venice"; ans402 = "SelectC"; q403 = "The world's oldest zoo is attached to which Viennese imperial summer palace?"; aa403 = "Versailles"; ab403 = "Hermitage"; ac403 = "Schonbrunn"; ans403 = "SelectC"; q404 = "Which country's last king was Stanislaw II Augustus?"; aa404 = "Hungary"; ab404 = "Austria"; ac404 = "Poland"; ans404 = "SelectC"; q405 = "What do geographers call the parallel of latitude at 66\u00B030' N?"; aa405 = "Bermuda Triangle"; ab405 = "Tropic of Cancer"; ac405 = "Arctic Circle"; ans405 = "SelectC"; q406 = "What does a cartographer do for a living?"; aa406 = "Make Maps"; ab406 = "Pulp Paper"; ac406 = "Draw Cartoons"; ans406 = "SelectA"; q407 = "Which of these words is a synonym for 'meridian'?"; aa407 = "Longitude"; ab407 = "Latitude"; ac407 = "Bismuth"; ans407 = "SelectA"; q408 = "The northern limit of the tropics, at 23\u00B027'N, is named for which sign of the zodiac?"; aa408 = "Cancer"; ab408 = "Capricorn"; ac408 = "Gemini"; ans408 = "SelectA"; q409 = "In December 1999, what country handed Macao over to China, after having ruled it for 443 years?"; aa409 = "Portugal"; ab409 = "Japan"; ac409 = "Great Britain"; ans409 = "SelectA"; q410 = "What city's WNBA team, the Comets, won the first three of the league's championships?"; aa410 = "Los Angeles"; ab410 = "Houston"; ac410 = "Seattle"; ans410 = "SelectB"; q411 = "What letter is marked on a scorecard to represent a strike in bowling?"; aa411 = "Z"; ab411 = "X"; ac411 = "O"; ans411 = "SelectB"; q412 = "What country's coat of arms depicts a kangaroo and an emu?"; aa412 = "South Africa"; ab412 = "Australia"; ac412 = "India"; ans412 = "SelectB"; q413 = "In whose bed was Goldilocks found?"; aa413 = "Baby Bear"; ab413 = "Mama Bear"; ac413 = "Papa Bear"; ans413 = "SelectA"; q414 = "Created by Tiger Electronics, what was Poo-Chi?"; aa414 = "A Robot Dog"; ab414 = "Kid's Laptop"; ac414 = "Handheld Virtual Pet"; ans414 = "SelectA"; q415 = "In 1918, who invented a pivot bed that could be folded into a closet?"; aa415 = "William Murphy"; ab415 = "William Kennedy"; ac415 = "William Reilly"; ans415 = "SelectA"; q416 = "In 1974 and 1975, who became the only player to win two Heisman trophies?"; aa416 = "Archie Griffin"; ab416 = "Steve Owens"; ac416 = "OJ Simpson"; ans416 = "SelectA"; q417 = "For nine years, Idi Amin was what country's heavyweight boxing champion?"; aa417 = "Uganda"; ab417 = "Kenya"; ac417 = "Tanzania"; ans417 = "SelectA"; q418 = "What color was Babe, the prized possession of Paul Bunyan?"; aa418 = "Pink"; ab418 = "Blue"; ac418 = "Red"; ans418 = "SelectB"; q419 = "When asked during an MTV interview what kind of underwear he wore, how did Bill Clinton reply?"; aa419 = "Boxers"; ab419 = "Briefs"; ac419 = "Nothing"; ans419 = "SelectB"; q420 = "What new color of M&M was introduced in 1995?"; aa420 = "Blue"; ab420 = "Red"; ac420 = "Green"; ans420 = "SelectA"; q421 = "In the 1982 Tommy Tutone song, whom would you reach by calling 867-5309?"; aa421 = "Jenny"; ab421 = "Jackie"; ac421 = "Jessie"; ans421 = "SelectA"; q422 = "What soft drink promised 'all the sugar and twice the caffeine'?"; aa422 = "Jolt"; ab422 = "Mountain Dew"; ac422 = "Sprite"; ans422 = "SelectA"; q423 = "For what rodent was Yeoman-Purser Burl Smith nicknamed?"; aa423 = "Gopher"; ab423 = "Beaver"; ac423 = "Squirrel"; ans423 = "SelectA"; q424 = "In whose mythology did Heimdall stand guard on the rainbow bridge to Asgard?"; aa424 = "Norse"; ab424 = "Celtic"; ac424 = "Greek"; ans424 = "SelectA"; q425 = "Oakland Raiders owner Al Davis has sued the NFL for blocking his plans to move the team to what city?"; aa425 = "Los Angeles"; ab425 = "Cleveland"; ac425 = "Baltimore"; ans425 = "SelectA"; q426 = "In 2001, 'Buffy the Vampire Slayer' moved to UPN from what network?"; aa426 = "ABC"; ab426 = "FOX"; ac426 = "WB"; ans426 = "SelectC"; q427 = "What is the name of the lead singer of the band Hootie and the Blowfish?"; aa427 = "Hootie Jackson"; ab427 = "John Popper"; ac427 = "Darius Rucker"; ans427 = "SelectC"; q428 = "Who painted 'Persistence of Memory'?"; aa428 = "Andy Warhol"; ab428 = "Marcel Duchamp"; ac428 = "Salvador Dali"; ans428 = "SelectC"; q429 = "Which of these currencies is normally worth the least?"; aa429 = "Indian Rupee"; ab429 = "British Pound"; ac429 = "Japanese Yen"; ans429 = "SelectC"; q430 = "What nationalistic adjective could you put in front of gooseberries, cabbage or lanterns?"; aa430 = "Japanese"; ab430 = "Korean"; ac430 = "Chinese"; ans430 = "SelectC"; q431 = "Where would you find the world's most famous 185-foot campanile?"; aa431 = "Florence"; ab431 = "Venice"; ac431 = "Pisa"; ans431 = "SelectC"; q432 = "Who was the first professional baseball player to allow a candy bar to be named after him?"; aa432 = "Babe Ruth"; ab432 = "Mickey Mantle"; ac432 = "Reggie Jackson"; ans432 = "SelectC"; q433 = "What 1952 Olympic gold medal winner was the first boxer to lose and regain the world heavyweight title?"; aa433 = "George Foreman"; ab433 = "Muhammad Ali"; ac433 = "Floyd Patterson"; ans433 = "SelectC"; q434 = "What is the only day of the week named for a woman?"; aa434 = "Monday"; ab434 = "Wednesday"; ac434 = "Friday"; ans434 = "SelectC"; q435 = "What is the human body's largest organ?"; aa435 = "Brain"; ab435 = "Liver"; ac435 = "Skin"; ans435 = "SelectC"; q436 = "Which of the following units is the longest?"; aa436 = "Kilometer"; ab436 = "Nautical Mile"; ac436 = "League"; ans436 = "SelectC"; q437 = "Who was the only American member of Monty Python's Flying Circus?"; aa437 = "Michael Palin"; ab437 = "Graham Chapman"; ac437 = "Terry Gilliam"; ans437 = "SelectC"; q438 = "In what month did the Romans celebrate their new year?"; aa438 = "March"; ab438 = "June"; ac438 = "September"; ans438 = "SelectA"; q439 = "The cooking spice, Saffron, comes from which plant?"; aa439 = "Crocus"; ab439 = "Orchid"; ac439 = "Violet"; ans439 = "SelectA"; q440 = "Which assassin fled to Toronto with $25,000?"; aa440 = "James Earl Ray"; ab440 = "Lee Harvey Oswald"; ac440 = "Mark David Chapman"; ans440 = "SelectA"; q441 = "What was the name of Bill Clinton's cat?"; aa441 = "Socks"; ab441 = "Smokey"; ac441 = "Buttons"; ans441 = "SelectA"; q442 = "What talk-show host became a contributing editor at 'Popular Mechanics'?"; aa442 = "Jay Leno"; ab442 = "David Letterman"; ac442 = "Conan O'Brien"; ans442 = "SelectA"; q443 = "Which of the Three Tenors was once a bullfighter in Mexico City?"; aa443 = "Placido Domingo"; ab443 = "Jose Carreras"; ac443 = "Luciano Pavarotti"; ans443 = "SelectA"; q444 = "What nationality was child prodigy Franz Liszt?"; aa444 = "Hungarian"; ab444 = "Austrian"; ac444 = "Romanian"; ans444 = "SelectA"; q445 = "What rock group started out in 1957 as a skiffle band called the Quarrymen?"; aa445 = "Led Zeppelin"; ab445 = "The Beatles"; ac445 = "The Rolling Stones"; ans445 = "SelectB"; q446 = "Which talk-show host was once the mayor of Cincinnati?"; aa446 = "Larry King"; ab446 = "Jerry Springer"; ac446 = "David Letterman"; ans446 = "SelectB"; q447 = "What do you mix with Guinness beer to create a Black Velvet?"; aa447 = "Orange Juice"; ab447 = "Champagne"; ac447 = "Bourbon"; ans447 = "SelectB"; q448 = "For a web site URL, what does the U usually stand for?"; aa448 = "Universal"; ab448 = "Uniform"; ac448 = "Under"; ans448 = "SelectB"; q449 = "What do you add to New England clam chowder to get Manhattan clam chowder?"; aa449 = "Pork"; ab449 = "Tomatoes"; ac449 = "Beans"; ans449 = "SelectB"; q450 = "What is Canada's second smallest province?"; aa450 = "Newfoundland"; ab450 = "Nova Scotia"; ac450 = "New Brunswick"; ans450 = "SelectB"; q451 = "Who played the famed fictional character, McMurphy, in 'One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest'?"; aa451 = "Gene Hackman"; ab451 = "Jack Nicholson"; ac451 = "Danny DeVito"; ans451 = "SelectB"; q452 = "Which explorer is credited with introducing the potato to Ireland and tobacco to England?"; aa452 = "Francis Drake"; ab452 = "Walter Raleigh"; ac452 = "Henry Hudson"; ans452 = "SelectB"; q453 = "What is the brightest star in the night sky?"; aa453 = "Polaris"; ab453 = "Sirius"; ac453 = "Orion"; ans453 = "SelectB"; q454 = "Where would you find your tibia?"; aa454 = "Arm"; ab454 = "Leg"; ac454 = "Head"; ans454 = "SelectB"; q455 = "What is the most common last name in the United States?"; aa455 = "Jones"; ab455 = "Smith"; ac455 = "Williams"; ans455 = "SelectB"; q456 = "What country is home to the world's largest Muslim population?"; aa456 = "Egypt"; ab456 = "Indonesia"; ac456 = "India"; ans456 = "SelectB"; q457 = "Gone with the Wind was the best-selling U.S. book for two years in a row, during which years?"; aa457 = "1926 & 1927"; ab457 = "1936 & 1937"; ac457 = "1946 & 1947"; ans457 = "SelectB"; q458 = "What band had #1 hits with 'Bills, Bills, Bills,' 'Say My Name,' and 'Independent Women Part I'?"; aa458 = "Spice Girls"; ab458 = "Destiny's Child"; ac458 = "En Vogue"; ans458 = "SelectB"; q459 = "In 1984, what animal's heart was transplanted into Baby Fae?"; aa459 = "Gorilla"; ab459 = "Chimpanzee"; ac459 = "Baboon"; ans459 = "SelectC"; q460 = "In the Pac-Man game, what are Blinky, Clyde, Inky and Clyde?"; aa460 = "Pills"; ab460 = "Ghosts"; ac460 = "Men"; ans460 = "SelectB"; q461 = "What comedian set himself on fire in 1980?"; aa461 = "John Belushi"; ab461 = "Richard Pryor"; ac461 = "George Carlin"; ans461 = "SelectB"; q462 = "On 'Saturday Night Live,' who was Opera Man and Cajun Man?"; aa462 = "Chris Farley"; ab462 = "Adam Sandler"; ac462 = "Mike Myers"; ans462 = "SelectB"; q463 = "Billy Beer was named for which president's brother?"; aa463 = "Bill Clinton"; ab463 = "Jimmy Carter"; ac463 = "Ronald Reagan"; ans463 = "SelectB"; q464 = "Where would you find an aluminum statue of Eros in Piccadilly Circus?"; aa464 = "London"; ab464 = "Berlin"; ac464 = "Rome"; ans464 = "SelectA"; q465 = "What nut is pasted to make marzipan?"; aa465 = "Almond"; ab465 = "Pecan"; ac465 = "Macadamia"; ans465 = "SelectA"; q466 = "What constellation is also known as the sea goat?"; aa466 = "Aries"; ab466 = "Capricorn"; ac466 = "Aquarius"; ans466 = "SelectB"; q467 = "What is the 'nickname' of the constellation Orion?"; aa467 = "The charioteer"; ab467 = "The Hunter"; ac467 = "The herdsman"; ans467 = "SelectB"; q468 = "In the U.S., which of these soft drinks has the most caffeine?"; aa468 = "7-UP"; ab468 = "Mountain Dew"; ac468 = "Pepsi-Cola"; ans468 = "SelectB"; q469 = "Rice-a-Roni is branded as which city's 'treat'?"; aa469 = "New Orleans"; ab469 = "San Francisco"; ac469 = "Philadelphia"; ans469 = "SelectB"; q470 = "How old were Tatum O'Neal and Anna Paquin when they won Oscars for Best Supporting Actress?"; aa470 = "15"; ab470 = "11"; ac470 = "13"; ans470 = "SelectB"; q471 = "In 1988, what university football team finally broke a five-year, 44-game losing streak?"; aa471 = "Fordham"; ab471 = "Columbia"; ac471 = "Cornell"; ans471 = "SelectB"; q472 = "What country does a sinologist study?"; aa472 = "Russia"; ab472 = "China"; ac472 = "Israel"; ans472 = "SelectB"; q473 = "In the 13th century, how many sins did Thomas Aquinas decide were deadly?"; aa473 = "Six"; ab473 = "Seven"; ac473 = "Eight"; ans473 = "SelectB"; q474 = "Born Artis Ivey, what rapper had a hit called 'Gangsta's Paradise' from the film 'Dangerous Minds'?"; aa474 = "Puff Daddy"; ab474 = "Dr. Dre"; ac474 = "Coolio"; ans474 = "SelectC"; q475 = "From 1930 to 1983, the America's Cup was held in what state?"; aa475 = "Massachusetts"; ab475 = "Rhode Island"; ac475 = "Connecticut"; ans475 = "SelectB"; q476 = "What fish is usually smoked to create lox?"; aa476 = "Cod"; ab476 = "Tuna"; ac476 = "Salmon"; ans476 = "SelectC"; q477 = "'I Don't Want To Wait' by Paula Cole was chosen as the theme song for what show?"; aa477 = "Gilmore Girls"; ab477 = "Dawson's Creek"; ac477 = "Ally McBeal"; ans477 = "SelectB"; q478 = "What state's capital was named in 1765 for the peaceful resolution of a boundary dispute?"; aa478 = "Ohio"; ab478 = "Oregon"; ac478 = "New Hampshire"; ans478 = "SelectC"; q479 = "Which of these dates happens earliest in the Catholic year?"; aa479 = "Good Friday"; ab479 = "Palm Sunday"; ac479 = "Shrove Tuesday"; ans479 = "SelectC"; q480 = "What peanut butter nougat chocolate bar is named for the Mars family's horse?"; aa480 = "Milky Way"; ab480 = "Kit-Kat"; ac480 = "Snickers"; ans480 = "SelectC"; q481 = "What kind of animal is Geoffrey, the mascot for Toys-R-Us?"; aa481 = "Tiger"; ab481 = "Elephant"; ac481 = "Giraffe"; ans481 = "SelectC"; q482 = "Which of the following is the name of both a unit of pressure and a computer language?"; aa482 = "Cobol"; ab482 = "Fortran"; ac482 = "Pascal"; ans482 = "SelectC"; q483 = "Which of these cuts is closest to a cow's head?"; aa483 = "Loin"; ab483 = "Rib"; ac483 = "Chuck"; ans483 = "SelectC"; q484 = "Which of these Jack Nicholson movies was released first?"; aa484 = "Chinatown"; ab484 = "The Shining"; ac484 = "Easy Rider"; ans484 = "SelectC"; q485 = "What was Babe Ruth's real name?"; aa485 = "William Herman Ruth"; ab485 = "Rupert Herman Ruth"; ac485 = "George Herman Ruth"; ans485 = "SelectC"; q486 = "What flower did a Dutch gardener grow to a record height of 25 feet, 5 inches?"; aa486 = "Corn"; ab486 = "Bamboo"; ac486 = "Sunflower"; ans486 = "SelectC"; q487 = "Which of these vocal ranges is lowest?"; aa487 = "Contralto"; ab487 = "Tenor"; ac487 = "Baritone"; ans487 = "SelectC"; q488 = "In 1997, the Washington Redskins left a stadium named for which senator?"; aa488 = "Henry Cabot Lodge"; ab488 = "Robert Taft"; ac488 = "Robert F. Kennedy"; ans488 = "SelectC"; q489 = "What republic is closest to England?"; aa489 = "Netherlands"; ab489 = "France"; ac489 = "Ireland"; ans489 = "SelectC"; q490 = "Santiago is the capital of which country?"; aa490 = "Argentia"; ab490 = "Brazil"; ac490 = "Chile"; ans490 = "SelectC"; q491 = "Lima is the capital of which country?"; aa491 = "Ecuador"; ab491 = "Peru"; ac491 = "Colombia"; ans491 = "SelectB"; q492 = "Which of these is a famous ballet by Peter Tchaikovsky?"; aa492 = "Duck Pond"; ab492 = "Swan Lake"; ac492 = "Goose River"; ans492 = "SelectB"; q493 = "Which U.S. president threw up on the lap of Japanese prime minister Kiichi Miyazawa?"; aa493 = "Bill Clinton"; ab493 = "George Bush"; ac493 = "Ronald Reagan"; ans493 = "SelectB"; q494 = "In 1964, what San Francisco Giant became major league baseball's first African American team captain?"; aa494 = "Jackie Robinson"; ab494 = "Willie Mays"; ac494 = "Frank Robinson"; ans494 = "SelectB"; q495 = "On the first day of Christmas, what sort of tree is the partridge sitting in?"; aa495 = "Chestnut"; ab495 = "Pear"; ac495 = "Pine"; ans495 = "SelectB"; q496 = "The Bellagio resort was founded by Steve Wynn in what city?"; aa496 = "Miami"; ab496 = "Las Vegas"; ac496 = "New York City"; ans496 = "SelectB"; q497 = "Unledded was a 1994 acoustic album that reunited two members of what band?"; aa497 = "Led Zeppelin"; ab497 = "The Beatles"; ac497 = "The Eagles"; ans497 = "SelectA"; q498 = "What is the system consisting of raised dots embossed in paper used by the blind?"; aa498 = "Phonics"; ab498 = "Braille"; ac498 = "Analogy"; ans498 = "SelectB"; q499 = "Who has provided the voice for a dragon and a donkey in animated films?"; aa499 = "Gilbert Gottfried"; ab499 = "Eddie Murphy"; ac499 = "Chris Rock"; ans499 = "SelectB"; q500 = "Which of these forms of academic praise is the highest praise of all?"; aa500 = "Magna cum laude"; ab500 = "Summa cum laude"; ac500 = "Cum laude"; ans500 = "SelectB"; q501 = "In early drafts of Margaret Mitchell's 'Gone With the Wind', what was the main character's name before it was changed to Scarlett O'Hara?"; aa501 = "Violet O'Hara"; ab501 = "Lily O'Hara"; ac501 = "Pansy O'Hara"; ans501 = "SelectC"; q502 = "How many Academy Awards was the 2002 film 'Chicago' nominated for?"; aa502 = "Twelve"; ab502 = "Six"; ac502 = "Eight"; ans502 = "SelectC"; q503 = "Jell-O is the official snack food of which U.S. state?"; aa503 = "Maine"; ab503 = "Rhode Island"; ac503 = "Utah"; ans503 = "SelectC"; q504 = "Who was the oldest U.S. President elected to office?"; aa504 = "Ronald Reagan"; ab504 = "Woodrow Wilson"; ac504 = "Harry S. Truman"; ans504 = "SelectA"; q505 = "What year was Albert Einstein's general theory of relativity formulated?"; aa505 = "1915"; ab505 = "1920"; ac505 = "1925"; ans505 = "SelectA"; q506 = "Which country does NOT border Argentina?"; aa506 = "Peru"; ab506 = "Bolivia"; ac506 = "Chile"; ans506 = "SelectA";
Symbol 172 MovieClip Frame 2
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Symbol 172 MovieClip Frame 3
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Symbol 172 MovieClip Frame 4
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Symbol 172 MovieClip Frame 5
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Symbol 172 MovieClip Frame 6
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Symbol 172 MovieClip Frame 7
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Symbol 172 MovieClip Frame 8
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Symbol 172 MovieClip Frame 9
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Symbol 172 MovieClip Frame 10
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Symbol 177 MovieClip Frame 1
Timer = 60;
Symbol 177 MovieClip Frame 2
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Symbol 177 MovieClip Frame 13
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Symbol 177 MovieClip Frame 14
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Symbol 187 Button
on (release) { gotoAndPlay ("submitscore"); }
Symbol 198 MovieClip Frame 1
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Symbol 229 MovieClip Frame 1
stop(); errorMsg = "";
Symbol 236 Button
on (release) { gotoAndPlay (2); }

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Symbol 85 TextUses:84Used by:88 115
Symbol 86 TextUses:84Used by:88 115
Symbol 87 GraphicUsed by:88 115
Symbol 88 ButtonUses:85 86 87Used by:98 172
Symbol 89 TextUses:56Used by:98 172
Symbol 90 TextUses:56Used by:98 172
Symbol 91 TextUses:56Used by:98 172
Symbol 92 TextUses:56Used by:98 172
Symbol 93 TextUses:56Used by:98 172
Symbol 94 TextUses:56Used by:98 172
Symbol 95 TextUses:56Used by:98 172
Symbol 96 TextUses:56Used by:98 172
Symbol 97 TextUses:56Used by:98 172
Symbol 98 MovieClipUses:73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97Used by:Timeline
Symbol 99 GraphicUsed by:172
Symbol 100 EditableTextUses:56Used by:172
Symbol 101 EditableTextUses:56Used by:172
Symbol 102 EditableTextUses:56Used by:172
Symbol 103 EditableTextUses:56Used by:172
Symbol 104 ButtonUses:60 61Used by:172
Symbol 105 ButtonUses:60 61Used by:172
Symbol 106 ButtonUses:60 61Used by:172
Symbol 107 GraphicUsed by:172
Symbol 108 EditableTextUses:56Used by:172
Symbol 109 EditableTextUses:56Used by:172
Symbol 110 EditableTextUses:56Used by:172
Symbol 111 EditableTextUses:56Used by:172
Symbol 112 ButtonUses:60 61Used by:172
Symbol 113 ButtonUses:60 61Used by:172
Symbol 114 ButtonUses:60 61Used by:172
Symbol 115 ButtonUses:85 86 87Used by:172
Symbol 116 GraphicUsed by:172
Symbol 117 EditableTextUses:56Used by:172
Symbol 118 EditableTextUses:56Used by:172
Symbol 119 EditableTextUses:56Used by:172
Symbol 120 EditableTextUses:56Used by:172
Symbol 121 ButtonUses:60 61Used by:172
Symbol 122 ButtonUses:60 61Used by:172
Symbol 123 ButtonUses:60 61Used by:172
Symbol 124 GraphicUsed by:172
Symbol 125 EditableTextUses:56Used by:172
Symbol 126 EditableTextUses:56Used by:172
Symbol 127 EditableTextUses:56Used by:172
Symbol 128 EditableTextUses:56Used by:172
Symbol 129 ButtonUses:60 61Used by:172
Symbol 130 ButtonUses:60 61Used by:172
Symbol 131 ButtonUses:60 61Used by:172
Symbol 132 GraphicUsed by:172
Symbol 133 EditableTextUses:56Used by:172
Symbol 134 EditableTextUses:56Used by:172
Symbol 135 EditableTextUses:56Used by:172
Symbol 136 EditableTextUses:56Used by:172
Symbol 137 ButtonUses:60 61Used by:172
Symbol 138 ButtonUses:60 61Used by:172
Symbol 139 ButtonUses:60 61Used by:172
Symbol 140 GraphicUsed by:172
Symbol 141 EditableTextUses:56Used by:172
Symbol 142 EditableTextUses:56Used by:172
Symbol 143 EditableTextUses:56Used by:172
Symbol 144 EditableTextUses:56Used by:172
Symbol 145 ButtonUses:60 61Used by:172
Symbol 146 ButtonUses:60 61Used by:172
Symbol 147 ButtonUses:60 61Used by:172
Symbol 148 GraphicUsed by:172
Symbol 149 EditableTextUses:56Used by:172
Symbol 150 EditableTextUses:56Used by:172
Symbol 151 EditableTextUses:56Used by:172
Symbol 152 EditableTextUses:56Used by:172
Symbol 153 ButtonUses:60 61Used by:172
Symbol 154 ButtonUses:60 61Used by:172
Symbol 155 ButtonUses:60 61Used by:172
Symbol 156 GraphicUsed by:172
Symbol 157 EditableTextUses:56Used by:172
Symbol 158 EditableTextUses:56Used by:172
Symbol 159 EditableTextUses:56Used by:172
Symbol 160 EditableTextUses:56Used by:172
Symbol 161 ButtonUses:60 61Used by:172
Symbol 162 ButtonUses:60 61Used by:172
Symbol 163 ButtonUses:60 61Used by:172
Symbol 164 GraphicUsed by:172
Symbol 165 EditableTextUses:56Used by:172
Symbol 166 EditableTextUses:56Used by:172
Symbol 167 EditableTextUses:56Used by:172
Symbol 168 EditableTextUses:56Used by:172
Symbol 169 ButtonUses:60 61Used by:172
Symbol 170 ButtonUses:60 61Used by:172
Symbol 171 ButtonUses:60 61Used by:172
Symbol 172 MovieClipUses:73 99 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 88 74 89 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 90 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 91 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 92 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 93 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 94 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 95 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 96 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 97 165 166 167 168 169 170 171Used by:Timeline
Symbol 173 BitmapUsed by:174
Symbol 174 GraphicUses:173Used by:177
Symbol 175 EditableTextUses:56Used by:177
Symbol 176 TextUses:56Used by:177
Symbol 177 MovieClipUses:174 175 176Used by:Timeline
Symbol 178 TextUses:56Used by:Timeline
Symbol 179 TextUses:56Used by:Timeline
Symbol 180 EditableTextUses:56Used by:Timeline
Symbol 181 GraphicUsed by:184 187
Symbol 182 TextUses:56Used by:184
Symbol 183 TextUses:56Used by:184
Symbol 184 ButtonUses:181 182 183Used by:Timeline
Symbol 185 TextUses:56Used by:187
Symbol 186 TextUses:56Used by:187
Symbol 187 ButtonUses:181 185 186Used by:Timeline
Symbol 188 GraphicUsed by:189
Symbol 189 MovieClipUses:188Used by:198 199
Symbol 190 GraphicUsed by:198
Symbol 191 EditableTextUses:56Used by:198
Symbol 192 TextUses:56Used by:196
Symbol 193 TextUses:56Used by:196
Symbol 194 TextUses:56Used by:196
Symbol 195 GraphicUsed by:196 203 210 217
Symbol 196 ButtonUses:192 193 194 195Used by:198
Symbol 197 TextUses:56Used by:198
Symbol 198 MovieClipUses:189 190 191 196 37 197Used by:Timeline
Symbol 199 MovieClipUses:189Used by:Timeline
Symbol 200 TextUses:56Used by:203
Symbol 201 TextUses:56Used by:203
Symbol 202 TextUses:56Used by:203
Symbol 203 ButtonUses:200 201 202 195Used by:Timeline
Symbol 204 GraphicUsed by:210
Symbol 205 TextUses:56Used by:210
Symbol 206 GraphicUsed by:210
Symbol 207 TextUses:56Used by:210
Symbol 208 GraphicUsed by:210
Symbol 209 TextUses:56Used by:210
Symbol 210 ButtonUses:204 205 206 207 208 209 195Used by:Timeline
Symbol 211 GraphicUsed by:217
Symbol 212 TextUses:56Used by:217
Symbol 213 GraphicUsed by:217
Symbol 214 TextUses:56Used by:217
Symbol 215 GraphicUsed by:217
Symbol 216 TextUses:56Used by:217
Symbol 217 ButtonUses:211 212 213 214 215 216 195Used by:Timeline
Symbol 218 EditableTextUses:56Used by:222
Symbol 219 EditableTextUses:56Used by:222
Symbol 220 EditableTextUses:56Used by:222
Symbol 221 GraphicUsed by:222
Symbol 222 MovieClipUses:218 219 220 221Used by:Timeline
Symbol 223 TextUses:2Used by:227
Symbol 224 TextUses:2Used by:227
Symbol 225 TextUses:2Used by:227
Symbol 226 TextUses:2Used by:227
Symbol 227 MovieClipUses:223 224 225 226Used by:229
Symbol 228 EditableTextUses:56Used by:229
Symbol 229 MovieClipUses:227 228Used by:Timeline
Symbol 230 TextUses:56Used by:Timeline
Symbol 231 TextUses:56Used by:Timeline
Symbol 232 TextUses:56Used by:Timeline
Symbol 233 TextUses:68Used by:236
Symbol 234 TextUses:68Used by:236
Symbol 235 TextUses:68Used by:236
Symbol 236 ButtonUses:233 234 235Used by:Timeline

Instance Names

"main_mc"Frame 4Symbol 172 MovieClip
"quitGame_mc"Frame 6Symbol 198 MovieClip
"newGame_btn"Frame 7Symbol 203 Button
"last_btn"Frame 7Symbol 210 Button
"next_btn"Frame 7Symbol 217 Button
"line1_mc"Frame 7Symbol 222 MovieClip
"line2_mc"Frame 7Symbol 222 MovieClip
"line3_mc"Frame 7Symbol 222 MovieClip
"line4_mc"Frame 7Symbol 222 MovieClip
"line5_mc"Frame 7Symbol 222 MovieClip
"line6_mc"Frame 7Symbol 222 MovieClip
"line7_mc"Frame 7Symbol 222 MovieClip
"line8_mc"Frame 7Symbol 222 MovieClip
"line9_mc"Frame 7Symbol 222 MovieClip
"line10_mc"Frame 7Symbol 222 MovieClip
"loading_mc"Frame 7Symbol 229 MovieClip
"a"Symbol 172 MovieClip Frame 2Symbol 101 EditableText
"b"Symbol 172 MovieClip Frame 2Symbol 102 EditableText
"c"Symbol 172 MovieClip Frame 2Symbol 103 EditableText
"SelectC"Symbol 172 MovieClip Frame 2Symbol 104 Button
"SelectB"Symbol 172 MovieClip Frame 2Symbol 105 Button
"SelectA"Symbol 172 MovieClip Frame 2Symbol 106 Button
"a"Symbol 172 MovieClip Frame 3Symbol 109 EditableText
"b"Symbol 172 MovieClip Frame 3Symbol 110 EditableText
"c"Symbol 172 MovieClip Frame 3Symbol 111 EditableText
"SelectC"Symbol 172 MovieClip Frame 3Symbol 112 Button
"SelectB"Symbol 172 MovieClip Frame 3Symbol 113 Button
"SelectA"Symbol 172 MovieClip Frame 3Symbol 114 Button
"a"Symbol 172 MovieClip Frame 4Symbol 118 EditableText
"b"Symbol 172 MovieClip Frame 4Symbol 119 EditableText
"c"Symbol 172 MovieClip Frame 4Symbol 120 EditableText
"SelectC"Symbol 172 MovieClip Frame 4Symbol 121 Button
"SelectB"Symbol 172 MovieClip Frame 4Symbol 122 Button
"SelectA"Symbol 172 MovieClip Frame 4Symbol 123 Button
"a"Symbol 172 MovieClip Frame 5Symbol 126 EditableText
"b"Symbol 172 MovieClip Frame 5Symbol 127 EditableText
"c"Symbol 172 MovieClip Frame 5Symbol 128 EditableText
"SelectC"Symbol 172 MovieClip Frame 5Symbol 129 Button
"SelectB"Symbol 172 MovieClip Frame 5Symbol 130 Button
"SelectA"Symbol 172 MovieClip Frame 5Symbol 131 Button
"a"Symbol 172 MovieClip Frame 6Symbol 134 EditableText
"b"Symbol 172 MovieClip Frame 6Symbol 135 EditableText
"c"Symbol 172 MovieClip Frame 6Symbol 136 EditableText
"SelectC"Symbol 172 MovieClip Frame 6Symbol 137 Button
"SelectB"Symbol 172 MovieClip Frame 6Symbol 138 Button
"SelectA"Symbol 172 MovieClip Frame 6Symbol 139 Button
"a"Symbol 172 MovieClip Frame 7Symbol 142 EditableText
"b"Symbol 172 MovieClip Frame 7Symbol 143 EditableText
"c"Symbol 172 MovieClip Frame 7Symbol 144 EditableText
"SelectC"Symbol 172 MovieClip Frame 7Symbol 145 Button
"SelectB"Symbol 172 MovieClip Frame 7Symbol 146 Button
"SelectA"Symbol 172 MovieClip Frame 7Symbol 147 Button
"a"Symbol 172 MovieClip Frame 8Symbol 150 EditableText
"b"Symbol 172 MovieClip Frame 8Symbol 151 EditableText
"c"Symbol 172 MovieClip Frame 8Symbol 152 EditableText
"SelectC"Symbol 172 MovieClip Frame 8Symbol 153 Button
"SelectB"Symbol 172 MovieClip Frame 8Symbol 154 Button
"SelectA"Symbol 172 MovieClip Frame 8Symbol 155 Button
"a"Symbol 172 MovieClip Frame 9Symbol 158 EditableText
"b"Symbol 172 MovieClip Frame 9Symbol 159 EditableText
"c"Symbol 172 MovieClip Frame 9Symbol 160 EditableText
"SelectC"Symbol 172 MovieClip Frame 9Symbol 161 Button
"SelectB"Symbol 172 MovieClip Frame 9Symbol 162 Button
"SelectA"Symbol 172 MovieClip Frame 9Symbol 163 Button
"a"Symbol 172 MovieClip Frame 10Symbol 166 EditableText
"b"Symbol 172 MovieClip Frame 10Symbol 167 EditableText
"c"Symbol 172 MovieClip Frame 10Symbol 168 EditableText
"SelectC"Symbol 172 MovieClip Frame 10Symbol 169 Button
"SelectB"Symbol 172 MovieClip Frame 10Symbol 170 Button
"SelectA"Symbol 172 MovieClip Frame 10Symbol 171 Button
"name_txt"Symbol 198 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 191 EditableText
"ok_btn"Symbol 198 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 196 Button
"rank_txt"Symbol 222 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 218 EditableText
"name_txt"Symbol 222 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 219 EditableText
"score_txt"Symbol 222 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 220 EditableText
"Dots"Symbol 229 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 227 MovieClip


"startgame"Frame 3
"gameover"Frame 5
"submitscore"Frame 6
"highscores"Frame 7
"enable"Symbol 38 MovieClip Frame 1
"disable"Symbol 38 MovieClip Frame 31
"startmc"Symbol 172 MovieClip Frame 1
"mc20"Symbol 172 MovieClip Frame 2
"mc50"Symbol 172 MovieClip Frame 3
"mc100"Symbol 172 MovieClip Frame 4
"mc200"Symbol 172 MovieClip Frame 5
"mc300"Symbol 172 MovieClip Frame 6
"mc450"Symbol 172 MovieClip Frame 7
"mc600"Symbol 172 MovieClip Frame 8
"mc800"Symbol 172 MovieClip Frame 9
"mc1000"Symbol 172 MovieClip Frame 10

Dynamic Text Variables

roundSymbol 67 EditableText""
scoreSymbol 70 EditableText""
questSymbol 100 EditableText""
option1Symbol 101 EditableText""
option2Symbol 102 EditableText""
option3Symbol 103 EditableText""
questSymbol 108 EditableText""
option1Symbol 109 EditableText""
option2Symbol 110 EditableText""
option3Symbol 111 EditableText""
questSymbol 117 EditableText""
option1Symbol 118 EditableText""
option2Symbol 119 EditableText""
option3Symbol 120 EditableText""
questSymbol 125 EditableText""
option1Symbol 126 EditableText""
option2Symbol 127 EditableText""
option3Symbol 128 EditableText""
questSymbol 133 EditableText""
option1Symbol 134 EditableText""
option2Symbol 135 EditableText""
option3Symbol 136 EditableText""
questSymbol 141 EditableText""
option1Symbol 142 EditableText""
option2Symbol 143 EditableText""
option3Symbol 144 EditableText""
questSymbol 149 EditableText""
option1Symbol 150 EditableText""
option2Symbol 151 EditableText""
option3Symbol 152 EditableText""
questSymbol 157 EditableText""
option1Symbol 158 EditableText""
option2Symbol 159 EditableText""
option3Symbol 160 EditableText""
questSymbol 165 EditableText""
option1Symbol 166 EditableText""
option2Symbol 167 EditableText""
option3Symbol 168 EditableText""
TimerSymbol 175 EditableText""
scoredisplaySymbol 180 EditableText""
errorMsgSymbol 228 EditableText""
Created: 26/5 -2019 23:45:02 Last modified: 26/5 -2019 23:45:02 Server time: 03/06 -2024 21:27:20