Frame 1
MovieClip.prototype.tween = (TextField.prototype.tween = (Sound.prototype.tween = function (prop, propDest, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2) {
if (timeSeconds < 0.001) {
timeSeconds = 2;
if ((animType == undefined) || (animType == "")) {
animType = "easeOutExpo";
if (delay == undefined) {
delay = 0;
if (typeof(prop) == "string") {
var properties = [prop];
var oldProperties = [this[prop]];
var newProperties = [propDest];
} else {
var properties = [];
var oldProperties = [];
var newProperties = [];
for (var i in prop) {
for (var i in prop) {
for (var i in propDest) {
var $_callback_assigned = false;
if (_root.__tweenController__ == undefined) {
var tweenHolder = _root.createEmptyMovieClip("__tweenController__", 123432);
tweenHolder.$_tweenPropList = new Array();
tweenHolder.$_tTime = getTimer();
tweenHolder.onEnterFrame = function () {
var tTime = ((this.$_tTime = getTimer()));
var _local3 = 0;
while (_local3 < this.$_tweenPropList.length) {
var _local1 = this.$_tweenPropList[_local3];
if (_local1._targ.toString() == undefined) {
this.$_tweenPropList.splice(_local3, 1);
} else if (((_local1._timeStart + (_local1._delay * 1000)) <= tTime) && (!_local1._isPaused)) {
if (_local1._propStart == undefined) {
if (_local1._prop.substr(0, 10) == "__special_") {
if (_local1._prop == "__special_mc_frame__") {
_local1._propStart = _local1._targ._currentframe;
} else if (_local1._prop == "__special_mc_ra__") {
_local1._propStart = new Color(_local1._targ).getTransform().ra;
} else if (_local1._prop == "__special_mc_rb__") {
_local1._propStart = new Color(_local1._targ).getTransform().rb;
} else if (_local1._prop == "__special_mc_ga__") {
_local1._propStart = new Color(_local1._targ).getTransform().ga;
} else if (_local1._prop == "__special_mc_gb__") {
_local1._propStart = new Color(_local1._targ).getTransform().gb;
} else if (_local1._prop == "__special_mc_ba__") {
_local1._propStart = new Color(_local1._targ).getTransform().ba;
} else if (_local1._prop == "__special_mc_bb__") {
_local1._propStart = new Color(_local1._targ).getTransform().bb;
} else if (_local1._prop == "__special_mc_aa__") {
_local1._propStart = new Color(_local1._targ).getTransform().aa;
} else if (_local1._prop == "__special_mc_ab__") {
_local1._propStart = new Color(_local1._targ).getTransform().ab;
} else if (_local1._prop == "__special_text_r__") {
_local1._propStart = _local1._targ.textColor >> 16;
} else if (_local1._prop == "__special_text_g__") {
_local1._propStart = (_local1._targ.textColor & 65280) >> 8;
} else if (_local1._prop == "__special_text_b__") {
_local1._propStart = _local1._targ.textColor & 255;
} else if (_local1._prop == "__special_sound_volume__") {
_local1._propStart = _local1._targ.getVolume();
} else if (_local1._prop == "__special_sound_pan__") {
_local1._propStart = _local1._targ.getPan();
} else {
_local1._propStart = _local1._targ[_local1._prop];
} else {
_local1._propStart = _local1._targ[_local1._prop];
var endTime = (_local1._timeDest + (_local1._delay * 1000));
if (endTime <= tTime) {
var _local2 = _local1._propDest;
} else {
var _local2 = _global.findTweenValue(_local1._propStart, _local1._propDest, _local1._timeStart, tTime - (_local1._delay * 1000), _local1._timeDest, _local1._animType, _local1._extra1, _local1._extra2);
_local1._targ[_local1._prop] = _local2;
if (_local1._prop == "__special_mc_frame__") {
} else if (_local1._prop == "__special_mc_ra__") {
new Color(_local1._targ).setTransform({ra:_local2});
} else if (_local1._prop == "__special_mc_rb__") {
new Color(_local1._targ).setTransform({rb:_local2});
} else if (_local1._prop == "__special_mc_ga__") {
new Color(_local1._targ).setTransform({ga:_local2});
} else if (_local1._prop == "__special_mc_gb__") {
new Color(_local1._targ).setTransform({gb:_local2});
} else if (_local1._prop == "__special_mc_ba__") {
new Color(_local1._targ).setTransform({ba:_local2});
} else if (_local1._prop == "__special_mc_bb__") {
new Color(_local1._targ).setTransform({bb:_local2});
} else if (_local1._prop == "__special_mc_aa__") {
new Color(_local1._targ).setTransform({aa:_local2});
} else if (_local1._prop == "__special_mc_ab__") {
new Color(_local1._targ).setTransform({ab:_local2});
if (_local1._prop == "__special_bst_t__") {
var po = _global.findPointOnCurve(_local1._targ.__special_bst_ix__, _local1._targ.__special_bst_iy__, _local1._targ.__special_bst_cx__, _local1._targ.__special_bst_cy__, _local1._targ.__special_bst_dx__, _local1._targ.__special_bst_dy__, _local2);
_local1._targ._x = po.x;
_local1._targ._y = po.y;
if ((typeof(_local1._targ) != "movieclip") && (_local1._prop == "__special_text_b__")) {
_local1._targ.textColor = ((_local1._targ.__special_text_r__ << 16) + (_local1._targ.__special_text_g__ << 8)) + _local1._targ.__special_text_b__;
if (_local1._prop == "__special_sound_volume__") {
if (_local1._prop == "__special_sound_pan__") {
if (_local1._targ.onTweenUpdate != undefined) {
if (endTime <= tTime) {
if (_local1._targ.onTweenComplete != undefined) {
_global.$stopTween(_local1._targ, [_local1._prop], false);
if (_local1._callback != undefined) {
if (_global.backwardCallbackTweening) {
var childMC = _local1._targ.createEmptyMovieClip("__child__", 122344);
_local1._callback.apply(childMC, null);
} else {
_local1._callback.apply(_local1._targ, null);
if (this.$_tweenPropList.length == 0) {
var tweenPropList = _root.__tweenController__.$_tweenPropList;
var tTime = _root.__tweenController__.$_tTime;
for (var i in oldProperties) {
if ((newProperties[i] != undefined) && (!this.$_isTweenLocked)) {
if (this.$_tweenCount > 0) {
var _local2 = 0;
while (_local2 < tweenPropList.length) {
if ((tweenPropList[_local2]._targ == this) && (tweenPropList[_local2]._prop == properties[i])) {
if ((tTime + (delay * 1000)) < tweenPropList[_local2]._timeDest) {
tweenPropList.splice(_local2, 1);
tweenPropList.push({_prop:properties[i], _targ:this, _propStart:undefined, _propDest:newProperties[i], _timeStart:tTime, _timeDest:tTime + (timeSeconds * 1000), _animType:animType, _extra1:extra1, _extra2:extra2, _delay:delay, _isPaused:false, _timePaused:0, _callback:($_callback_assigned ? undefined : (callback))});
this.$_tweenCount = ((this.$_tweenCount > 0) ? (this.$_tweenCount + 1) : 1);
$_callback_assigned = true;
ASSetPropFlags(this, "$_tweenCount", 1, 0);
ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, "tween", 1, 0);
ASSetPropFlags(TextField.prototype, "tween", 1, 0);
ASSetPropFlags(Sound.prototype, "tween", 1, 0);
MovieClip.prototype.pauseTween = (TextField.prototype.pauseTween = (Sound.prototype.pauseTween = function (props) {
var _local1 = props;
if (_local1 != undefined) {
if (typeof(_local1) == "string") {
_local1 = [_local1];
var i = 1;
while (i < Arguments.length) {
var _local2 = _root.__tweenController__.$_tweenPropList;
var _local3;
for (var pti in _local2) {
if ((_local2[pti]._targ == this) && (!_local2[pti]._isPaused)) {
if (_local1 != undefined) {
_local3 = false;
for (var i in _local1) {
if (_local1[i] == _local2[pti]._prop) {
_local3 = true;
if ((_local1 == undefined) || (_local3)) {
_local2[pti]._isPaused = true;
_local2[pti]._timePaused = _root.__tweenController__.$_tTime;
ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, "pauseTween", 1, 0);
ASSetPropFlags(TextField.prototype, "pauseTween", 1, 0);
ASSetPropFlags(Sound.prototype, "pauseTween", 1, 0);
MovieClip.prototype.resumeTween = (TextField.prototype.resumeTween = (Sound.prototype.resumeTween = function (props) {
var _local2 = props;
if (_local2 != undefined) {
if (typeof(_local2) == "string") {
_local2 = [_local2];
var i = 1;
while (i < Arguments.length) {
var _local1 = _root.__tweenController__.$_tweenPropList;
var _local3;
var offsetTime;
for (var pti in _local1) {
if ((_local1[pti]._targ == this) && (_local1[pti]._isPaused)) {
if (_local2 != undefined) {
_local3 = false;
for (var i in _local2) {
if (_local2[i] == _local1[pti]._prop) {
_local3 = true;
if ((_local2 == undefined) || (_local3)) {
_local1[pti]._isPaused = false;
offsetTime = _root.__tweenController__.$_tTime - _local1[pti]._timePaused;
_local1[pti]._timeStart = _local1[pti]._timeStart + offsetTime;
_local1[pti]._timeDest = _local1[pti]._timeDest + offsetTime;
_local1[pti]._timePaused = 0;
ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, "resumeTween", 1, 0);
ASSetPropFlags(TextField.prototype, "resumeTween", 1, 0);
ASSetPropFlags(Sound.prototype, "resumeTween", 1, 0);
MovieClip.prototype.lockTween = (TextField.prototype.lockTween = (Sound.prototype.lockTween = function () {
this.$_isTweenLocked = true;
ASSetPropFlags(this, "this.$_isTweenLocked", 1, 0);
ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, "lockTween", 1, 0);
ASSetPropFlags(TextField.prototype, "lockTween", 1, 0);
ASSetPropFlags(Sound.prototype, "lockTween", 1, 0);
MovieClip.prototype.unlockTween = (TextField.prototype.unlockTween = (Sound.prototype.unlockTween = function () {
delete this.$_isTweenLocked;
ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, "unlockTween", 1, 0);
ASSetPropFlags(TextField.prototype, "unlockTween", 1, 0);
ASSetPropFlags(Sound.prototype, "unlockTween", 1, 0);
MovieClip.prototype.getTweens = (TextField.prototype.getTweens = (Sound.prototype.getTweens = function () {
ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, "getTweens", 1, 0);
ASSetPropFlags(TextField.prototype, "getTweens", 1, 0);
ASSetPropFlags(Sound.prototype, "getTweens", 1, 0);
MovieClip.prototype.isTweening = (TextField.prototype.isTweening = (Sound.prototype.isTweening = function () {
return(((this.$_tweenCount > 0) ? true : false));
ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, "isTweening", 1, 0);
ASSetPropFlags(TextField.prototype, "isTweening", 1, 0);
ASSetPropFlags(Sound.prototype, "isTweening", 1, 0);
MovieClip.prototype.stopTween = (TextField.prototype.stopTween = (Sound.prototype.stopTween = function (props) {
var _local2 = arguments;
var _local3 = props;
if (typeof(_local3) == "string") {
_local3 = [_local3];
if (_local3 != undefined) {
var _local1 = 1;
while (_local1 < _local2.length) {
_global.$stopTween(this, _local3, true);
ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, "stopTween", 1, 0);
ASSetPropFlags(TextField.prototype, "stopTween", 1, 0);
ASSetPropFlags(Sound.prototype, "stopTween", 1, 0);
_global.$stopTween = function (mtarget, props, wipeFuture) {
var _local2 = mtarget;
var _local3 = _root.__tweenController__.$_tweenPropList;
var _local1;
for (var pti in _local3) {
_local1 = _local3[pti]._prop;
var i = 0;
while ((i < props.length) || ((i < 1) && (props == undefined))) {
if (((_local3[pti]._targ == _local2) && ((_local1 == props[i]) || (props == undefined))) && (wipeFuture || ((_local3[pti]._timeDest + (_local3[pti]._delay * 1000)) <= getTimer()))) {
if (_local1 == "__special_mc_frame__") {
delete _local2[_local1];
if (_local1 == "__special_mc_ra__") {
delete _local2[_local1];
if (_local1 == "__special_mc_rb__") {
delete _local2[_local1];
if (_local1 == "__special_mc_ga__") {
delete _local2[_local1];
if (_local1 == "__special_mc_gb__") {
delete _local2[_local1];
if (_local1 == "__special_mc_ba__") {
delete _local2[_local1];
if (_local1 == "__special_mc_bb__") {
delete _local2[_local1];
if (_local1 == "__special_mc_aa__") {
delete _local2[_local1];
if (_local1 == "__special_mc_ab__") {
delete _local2[_local1];
if (_local1 == "__special_text_b__") {
delete _local2.__special_text_r__;
delete _local2.__special_text_g__;
delete _local2.__special_text_b__;
if (_local1 == "__special_sound_volume__") {
delete _local2[_local1];
if (_local1 == "__special_bst_t__") {
delete _local2[_local1];
delete _local2.__special_bst_ix__;
delete _local2.__special_bst_iy__;
delete _local2.__special_bst_cx__;
delete _local2.__special_bst_cy__;
delete _local2.__special_bst_dx__;
delete _local2.__special_bst_dy__;
_local3.splice(pti, 1);
if (props == undefined) {
delete _local2.$_tweenCount;
} else {
_local2.$_tweenCount = 0;
for (var pti in _local3) {
if (_local3[pti]._targ == _local2) {
if (_local2.$_tweenCount == 0) {
delete _local2.$_tweenCount;
if (_local3.length == 0) {
ASSetPropFlags(_global, "$stopTween", 1, 0);
MovieClip.prototype.alphaTo = (TextField.prototype.alphaTo = function (propDest_a, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2) {
this.tween("_alpha", propDest_a, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2);
ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, "alphaTo", 1, 0);
ASSetPropFlags(TextField.prototype, "alphaTo", 1, 0);
MovieClip.prototype.frameTo = function (propDest_frame, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2) {
this.tween("__special_mc_frame__", propDest_frame, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2);
ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, "frameTo", 1, 0);
MovieClip.prototype.rotateTo = (TextField.prototype.rotateTo = function (propDest_rotation, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2) {
this.tween("_rotation", propDest_rotation, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2);
ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, "rotateTo", 1, 0);
ASSetPropFlags(TextField.prototype, "rotateTo", 1, 0);
MovieClip.prototype.scaleTo = (TextField.prototype.scaleTo = function (propDest_scale, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2) {
this.tween(["_xscale", "_yscale"], [propDest_scale, propDest_scale], timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2);
ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, "scaleTo", 1, 0);
ASSetPropFlags(TextField.prototype, "scaleTo", 1, 0);
MovieClip.prototype.xScaleTo = (TextField.prototype.xScaleTo = function (propDest_scale, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2) {
this.tween("_xscale", propDest_scale, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2);
ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, "xScaleTo", 1, 0);
ASSetPropFlags(TextField.prototype, "xScaleTo", 1, 0);
MovieClip.prototype.yScaleTo = (TextField.prototype.yScaleTo = function (propDest_scale, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2) {
this.tween("_yscale", propDest_scale, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2);
ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, "yScaleTo", 1, 0);
ASSetPropFlags(TextField.prototype, "yScaleTo", 1, 0);
TextField.prototype.scrollTo = function (propDest_scroll, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2) {
this.tween("scroll", propDest_scroll, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2);
ASSetPropFlags(TextField.prototype, "scrollTo", 1, 0);
MovieClip.prototype.slideTo = (TextField.prototype.slideTo = function (propDest_x, propDest_y, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2) {
this.tween(["_x", "_y"], [propDest_x, propDest_y], timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2);
ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, "slideTo", 1, 0);
ASSetPropFlags(TextField.prototype, "slideTo", 1, 0);
MovieClip.prototype.xSlideTo = (TextField.prototype.xSlideTo = function (propDest_x, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2) {
this.tween("_x", propDest_x, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2);
ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, "xSlideTo", 1, 0);
ASSetPropFlags(TextField.prototype, "xSlideTo", 1, 0);
MovieClip.prototype.ySlideTo = (TextField.prototype.ySlideTo = function (propDest_y, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2) {
this.tween("_y", propDest_y, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2);
ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, "ySlideTo", 1, 0);
ASSetPropFlags(TextField.prototype, "ySlideTo", 1, 0);
MovieClip.prototype.bezierSlideTo = (TextField.prototype.bezierSlideTo = function (cpoint_x, cpoint_y, propDest_x, propDest_y, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2) {
var _local1 = this;
_local1.__special_bst_ix__ = _local1._x;
_local1.__special_bst_iy__ = _local1._y;
_local1.__special_bst_cx__ = cpoint_x;
_local1.__special_bst_cy__ = cpoint_y;
_local1.__special_bst_dx__ = propDest_x;
_local1.__special_bst_dy__ = propDest_y;
_local1.__special_bst_t__ = 0;
_local1.tween("__special_bst_t__", 1, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2);
ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, "bezierSlideTo", 1, 0);
ASSetPropFlags(TextField.prototype, "bezierSlideTo", 1, 0);
Sound.prototype.volumeTo = function (propDest_volume, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2) {
this.tween("__special_sound_volume__", propDest_volume, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2);
ASSetPropFlags(Sound.prototype, "volumeTo", 1, 0);
Sound.prototype.panTo = function (propDest_volume, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2) {
this.tween("__special_sound_pan__", propDest_volume, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2);
ASSetPropFlags(Sound.prototype, "panTo", 1, 0);
MovieClip.prototype.colorTo = function (propDest_color, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2) {
var _local1 = propDest_color;
if (_local1 == null) {
this.colorTransformTo(100, 0, 100, 0, 100, 0, undefined, undefined, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2);
} else {
var _local2 = _local1 >> 16;
var new_g = ((_local1 & 65280) >> 8);
var _local3 = _local1 & 255;
this.colorTransformTo(0, _local2, 0, new_g, 0, _local3, undefined, undefined, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2);
ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, "colorTo", 1, 0);
TextField.prototype.colorTo = function (propDest_color, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2) {
var _local3 = propDest_color;
var _local1 = _local3 >> 16;
var new_g = ((_local3 & 65280) >> 8);
var _local2 = _local3 & 255;
this.tween(["__special_text_r__", "__special_text_g__", "__special_text_b__"], [_local1, new_g, _local2], timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2);
ASSetPropFlags(TextField.prototype, "colorTo", 1, 0);
MovieClip.prototype.colorTransformTo = function () {
var _local1 = arguments;
if ((typeof(_local1[0]) == "object") && (_local1[0] != undefined)) {
this.tween(["__special_mc_ra__", "__special_mc_rb__", "__special_mc_ga__", "__special_mc_gb__", "__special_mc_ba__", "__special_mc_bb__", "__special_mc_aa__", "__special_mc_ab__"], [_local1[0].ra, _local1[0].rb, _local1[0].ga, _local1[0].gb, _local1[0].ba, _local1[0].bb, _local1[0].aa, _local1[0].ab], _local1[1], _local1[2], _local1[3], _local1[4], _local1[5], _local1[6]);
} else {
this.tween(["__special_mc_ra__", "__special_mc_rb__", "__special_mc_ga__", "__special_mc_gb__", "__special_mc_ba__", "__special_mc_bb__", "__special_mc_aa__", "__special_mc_ab__"], [_local1[0], _local1[1], _local1[2], _local1[3], _local1[4], _local1[5], _local1[6], _local1[7]], _local1[8], _local1[9], _local1[10], _local1[11], _local1[12], _local1[13]);
ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, "colorTransformTo", 1, 0);
_global.findPointOnCurve = function (p1x, p1y, cx, cy, p2x, p2y, t) {
var _local1 = t;
var _local2 = p1y;
var _local3 = p1x;
return({x:_local3 + (_local1 * (((2 * (1 - _local1)) * (cx - _local3)) + (_local1 * (p2x - _local3)))), y:_local2 + (_local1 * (((2 * (1 - _local1)) * (cy - _local2)) + (_local1 * (p2y - _local2))))});
ASSetPropFlags(_global, "findPointOnCurve", 1, 0);
_global.findTweenValue = function (_propStart, _propDest, _timeStart, _timeNow, _timeDest, _animType, _extra1, _extra2) {
var _local1 = _timeNow - _timeStart;
var b = _propStart;
var _local2 = _propDest - _propStart;
var _local3 = _timeDest - _timeStart;
var a = _extra1;
var p = _extra2;
var s = _extra1;
switch (_animType.toLowerCase()) {
case "linear" :
return(((_local2 * _local1) / _local3) + b);
case "easeinquad" :
_local1 = _local1 / _local3;
return(((_local2 * _local1) * _local1) + b);
case "easeoutquad" :
_local1 = _local1 / _local3;
return((((-_local2) * _local1) * (_local1 - 2)) + b);
case "easeinoutquad" :
_local1 = _local1 / (_local3 / 2);
if (_local1 < 1) {
return((((_local2 / 2) * _local1) * _local1) + b);
return((((-_local2) / 2) * ((_local1 * (_local1 - 2)) - 1)) + b);
case "easeoutinquad" :
if (_local1 < (_local3 / 2)) {
return((findTweenValue(0, _local2, 0, _local1 * 2, _local3, "easeOutQuad") * 0.5) + b);
return(((findTweenValue(0, _local2, 0, (_local1 * 2) - _local3, _local3, "easeInQuad") * 0.5) + (_local2 * 0.5)) + b);
case "easeincubic" :
_local1 = _local1 / _local3;
return((((_local2 * _local1) * _local1) * _local1) + b);
case "easeoutcubic" :
_local1 = (_local1 / _local3) - 1;
return((_local2 * (((_local1 * _local1) * _local1) + 1)) + b);
case "easeinoutcubic" :
_local1 = _local1 / (_local3 / 2);
if (_local1 < 1) {
return(((((_local2 / 2) * _local1) * _local1) * _local1) + b);
_local1 = _local1 - 2;
return(((_local2 / 2) * (((_local1 * _local1) * _local1) + 2)) + b);
case "easeoutincubic" :
if (_local1 < (_local3 / 2)) {
return((findTweenValue(0, _local2, 0, _local1 * 2, _local3, "easeOutCubic") * 0.5) + b);
return(((findTweenValue(0, _local2, 0, (_local1 * 2) - _local3, _local3, "easeInCubic") * 0.5) + (_local2 * 0.5)) + b);
case "easeinquart" :
_local1 = _local1 / _local3;
return(((((_local2 * _local1) * _local1) * _local1) * _local1) + b);
case "easeoutquart" :
_local1 = (_local1 / _local3) - 1;
return(((-_local2) * ((((_local1 * _local1) * _local1) * _local1) - 1)) + b);
case "easeinoutquart" :
_local1 = _local1 / (_local3 / 2);
if (_local1 < 1) {
return((((((_local2 / 2) * _local1) * _local1) * _local1) * _local1) + b);
_local1 = _local1 - 2;
return((((-_local2) / 2) * ((((_local1 * _local1) * _local1) * _local1) - 2)) + b);
case "easeoutinquart" :
if (_local1 < (_local3 / 2)) {
return((findTweenValue(0, _local2, 0, _local1 * 2, _local3, "easeOutQuart") * 0.5) + b);
return(((findTweenValue(0, _local2, 0, (_local1 * 2) - _local3, _local3, "easeInQuart") * 0.5) + (_local2 * 0.5)) + b);
case "easeinquint" :
_local1 = _local1 / _local3;
return((((((_local2 * _local1) * _local1) * _local1) * _local1) * _local1) + b);
case "easeoutquint" :
_local1 = (_local1 / _local3) - 1;
return((_local2 * (((((_local1 * _local1) * _local1) * _local1) * _local1) + 1)) + b);
case "easeinoutquint" :
_local1 = _local1 / (_local3 / 2);
if (_local1 < 1) {
return(((((((_local2 / 2) * _local1) * _local1) * _local1) * _local1) * _local1) + b);
_local1 = _local1 - 2;
return(((_local2 / 2) * (((((_local1 * _local1) * _local1) * _local1) * _local1) + 2)) + b);
case "easeoutinquint" :
if (_local1 < (_local3 / 2)) {
return((findTweenValue(0, _local2, 0, _local1 * 2, _local3, "easeOutQuint") * 0.5) + b);
return(((findTweenValue(0, _local2, 0, (_local1 * 2) - _local3, _local3, "easeInQuint") * 0.5) + (_local2 * 0.5)) + b);
case "easeinsine" :
return((((-_local2) * Math.cos((_local1 / _local3) * (Math.PI/2))) + _local2) + b);
case "easeoutsine" :
return((_local2 * Math.sin((_local1 / _local3) * (Math.PI/2))) + b);
case "easeinoutsine" :
return((((-_local2) / 2) * (Math.cos((Math.PI * _local1) / _local3) - 1)) + b);
case "easeoutinsine" :
if (_local1 < (_local3 / 2)) {
return((findTweenValue(0, _local2, 0, _local1 * 2, _local3, "easeOutSine") * 0.5) + b);
return(((findTweenValue(0, _local2, 0, (_local1 * 2) - _local3, _local3, "easeInSine") * 0.5) + (_local2 * 0.5)) + b);
case "easeinexpo" :
return(((_local1 == 0) ? (b) : ((_local2 * Math.pow(2, 10 * ((_local1 / _local3) - 1))) + b)));
case "easeoutexpo" :
return(((_local1 == _local3) ? (b + _local2) : ((_local2 * ((-Math.pow(2, (-10 * _local1) / _local3)) + 1)) + b)));
case "easeinoutexpo" :
if (_local1 == 0) {
if (_local1 == _local3) {
return(b + _local2);
_local1 = _local1 / (_local3 / 2);
if (_local1 < 1) {
return(((_local2 / 2) * Math.pow(2, 10 * (_local1 - 1))) + b);
return(((_local2 / 2) * ((-Math.pow(2, -10 * _local1)) + 2)) + b);
case "easeoutinexpo" :
if (_local1 == 0) {
if (_local1 == _local3) {
return(b + _local2);
_local1 = _local1 / (_local3 / 2);
if (_local1 < 1) {
return(((_local2 / 2) * ((-Math.pow(2, (-10 * _local1) / 1)) + 1)) + b);
return(((_local2 / 2) * (Math.pow(2, (10 * (_local1 - 2)) / 1) + 1)) + b);
case "easeincirc" :
_local1 = _local1 / _local3;
return(((-_local2) * (Math.sqrt(1 - (_local1 * _local1)) - 1)) + b);
case "easeoutcirc" :
_local1 = (_local1 / _local3) - 1;
return((_local2 * Math.sqrt(1 - (_local1 * _local1))) + b);
case "easeinoutcirc" :
_local1 = _local1 / (_local3 / 2);
if (_local1 < 1) {
return((((-_local2) / 2) * (Math.sqrt(1 - (_local1 * _local1)) - 1)) + b);
_local1 = _local1 - 2;
return(((_local2 / 2) * (Math.sqrt(1 - (_local1 * _local1)) + 1)) + b);
case "easeoutincirc" :
if (_local1 < (_local3 / 2)) {
return((findTweenValue(0, _local2, 0, _local1 * 2, _local3, "easeOutCirc") * 0.5) + b);
return(((findTweenValue(0, _local2, 0, (_local1 * 2) - _local3, _local3, "easeInCirc") * 0.5) + (_local2 * 0.5)) + b);
case "easeinelastic" :
if (_local1 == 0) {
_local1 = _local1 / _local3;
if (_local1 == 1) {
return(b + _local2);
if (!p) {
p = _local3 * 0.3;
if ((!a) || (a < Math.abs(_local2))) {
a = _local2;
var s = (p / 4);
} else {
var s = ((p / (Math.PI*2)) * Math.asin(_local2 / a));
_local1 = _local1 - 1;
return((-((a * Math.pow(2, 10 * _local1)) * Math.sin((((_local1 * _local3) - s) * (Math.PI*2)) / p))) + b);
case "easeoutelastic" :
if (_local1 == 0) {
_local1 = _local1 / _local3;
if (_local1 == 1) {
return(b + _local2);
if (!p) {
p = _local3 * 0.3;
if ((!a) || (a < Math.abs(_local2))) {
a = _local2;
var s = (p / 4);
} else {
var s = ((p / (Math.PI*2)) * Math.asin(_local2 / a));
return((((a * Math.pow(2, -10 * _local1)) * Math.sin((((_local1 * _local3) - s) * (Math.PI*2)) / p)) + _local2) + b);
case "easeinoutelastic" :
if (_local1 == 0) {
_local1 = _local1 / (_local3 / 2);
if (_local1 == 2) {
return(b + _local2);
if (!p) {
p = _local3 * 0.45;
if ((!a) || (a < Math.abs(_local2))) {
a = _local2;
var s = (p / 4);
} else {
var s = ((p / (Math.PI*2)) * Math.asin(_local2 / a));
if (_local1 < 1) {
_local1 = _local1 - 1;
return((-0.5 * ((a * Math.pow(2, 10 * _local1)) * Math.sin((((_local1 * _local3) - s) * (Math.PI*2)) / p))) + b);
_local1 = _local1 - 1;
return(((((a * Math.pow(2, -10 * _local1)) * Math.sin((((_local1 * _local3) - s) * (Math.PI*2)) / p)) * 0.5) + _local2) + b);
case "easeoutinelastic" :
if (_local1 < (_local3 / 2)) {
return((findTweenValue(0, _local2, 0, _local1 * 2, _local3, "easeOutElastic") * 0.5) + b);
return(((findTweenValue(0, _local2, 0, (_local1 * 2) - _local3, _local3, "easeInElastic") * 0.5) + (_local2 * 0.5)) + b);
case "easeinback" :
if (s == undefined) {
s = 1.70158;
_local1 = _local1 / _local3;
return((((_local2 * _local1) * _local1) * (((s + 1) * _local1) - s)) + b);
case "easeoutback" :
if (s == undefined) {
s = 1.70158;
_local1 = (_local1 / _local3) - 1;
return((_local2 * (((_local1 * _local1) * (((s + 1) * _local1) + s)) + 1)) + b);
case "easeinoutback" :
if (s == undefined) {
s = 1.70158;
_local1 = _local1 / (_local3 / 2);
if (_local1 < 1) {
return(((_local2 / 2) * ((_local1 * _local1) * (((((s = s * 1.525)) + 1) * _local1) - s))) + b);
_local1 = _local1 - 2;
return(((_local2 / 2) * (((_local1 * _local1) * (((((s = s * 1.525)) + 1) * _local1) + s)) + 2)) + b);
case "easeoutinback" :
if (_local1 < (_local3 / 2)) {
return((findTweenValue(0, _local2, 0, _local1 * 2, _local3, "easeOutBack") * 0.5) + b);
return(((findTweenValue(0, _local2, 0, (_local1 * 2) - _local3, _local3, "easeInBack") * 0.5) + (_local2 * 0.5)) + b);
case "easeinbounce" :
return((_local2 - findTweenValue(0, _local2, 0, _local3 - _local1, _local3, "easeOutBounce")) + b);
case "easeoutbounce" :
_local1 = _local1 / _local3;
if (_local1 < 0.363636363636364) {
return((_local2 * ((7.5625 * _local1) * _local1)) + b);
if (_local1 < 0.727272727272727) {
_local1 = _local1 - 0.545454545454545;
return((_local2 * (((7.5625 * _local1) * _local1) + 0.75)) + b);
if (_local1 < 0.909090909090909) {
_local1 = _local1 - 0.818181818181818;
return((_local2 * (((7.5625 * _local1) * _local1) + 0.9375)) + b);
_local1 = _local1 - 0.954545454545455;
return((_local2 * (((7.5625 * _local1) * _local1) + 0.984375)) + b);
case "easeinoutbounce" :
if (_local1 < (_local3 / 2)) {
return((findTweenValue(0, _local2, 0, _local1 * 2, _local3, "easeInBounce") * 0.5) + b);
return(((findTweenValue(0, _local2, 0, (_local1 * 2) - _local3, _local3, "easeOutBounce") * 0.5) + (_local2 * 0.5)) + b);
case "easeoutinbounce" :
if (_local1 < (_local3 / 2)) {
return((findTweenValue(0, _local2, 0, _local1 * 2, _local3, "easeOutBounce") * 0.5) + b);
return(((findTweenValue(0, _local2, 0, (_local1 * 2) - _local3, _local3, "easeInBounce") * 0.5) + (_local2 * 0.5)) + b);
trace(("MC TWEEN ### Error on transition: there's no \"" + _animType) + "\" animation type.");
ASSetPropFlags(_global, "findTweenValue", 1, 0);
Instance of Symbol 8 MovieClip [Preloadergraphic] in Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
bytesTotal = _root.getBytesTotal();
bytesLoaded = _root.getBytesLoaded();
percent = Math.floor((bytesLoaded / bytesTotal) * 100);
if (bytesTotal == bytesLoaded) {
} else {
loadbar._xscale = percent;
Frame 3
function change(part, number) {
var _local1 = number;
var _local2 = part;
this[parts[_local2] + "2"].gotoAndStop(_local1);
outfit[_local2] = _local1;
function setall() {
var _local1 = this;
i = 0;
while (i < parts.length) {
_local1[parts[i] + "2"].gotoAndStop(outfit[i]);
parts = ["background", "body", "hair", "tops", "bottoms", "shoes"];
outfit = [1, 1, 1, 1, 1];
Frame 4
Symbol 7 MovieClip Frame 90
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 71 MovieClip Frame 2
if (random(20) == 1) {
} else {
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 71 MovieClip Frame 3
Symbol 93 MovieClip Frame 2
if (random(20) == 1) {
} else {
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 93 MovieClip Frame 3
Symbol 95 MovieClip Frame 2
if (random(20) == 1) {
} else {
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 95 MovieClip Frame 3
Symbol 109 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 113 Button
on (release) {
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 114 Button
on (release) {
gotoAndStop (2);
Symbol 115 Button
on (release) {
gotoAndStop (3);
Symbol 116 Button
on (release) {
gotoAndStop (4);
Symbol 117 Button
on (release) {
gotoAndStop (5);
Symbol 118 Button
on (release) {
gotoAndStop (6);
Symbol 157 Button
on (release) {
_parent.change(_currentframe, 1);
Symbol 158 Button
on (release) {
_parent.change(_currentframe, 2);
Symbol 159 Button
on (release) {
_parent.change(_currentframe, 3);
Symbol 160 Button
on (release) {
_parent.change(_currentframe, 4);
Symbol 179 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 192 Button
on (release) {
_parent.change(_currentframe, 1);
Symbol 193 Button
on (release) {
_parent.change(_currentframe, 2);
Symbol 194 Button
on (release) {
_parent.change(_currentframe, 3);
Symbol 195 Button
on (release) {
_parent.change(_currentframe, 4);
Symbol 196 Button
on (release) {
_parent.change(_currentframe, 5);
Symbol 197 Button
on (release) {
_parent.change(_currentframe, 6);
Symbol 198 Button
on (release) {
_parent.change(_currentframe, 7);
Symbol 199 Button
on (release) {
_parent.change(_currentframe, 8);
Symbol 200 Button
on (release) {
_parent.change(_currentframe, 9);
Symbol 201 Button
on (release) {
_parent.change(_currentframe, 10);
Symbol 202 Button
on (release) {
_parent.change(_currentframe, 11);
Symbol 203 Button
on (release) {
_parent.change(_currentframe, 12);
Symbol 204 Button
on (release) {
_parent.change(_currentframe, 13);
Symbol 205 Button
on (release) {
_parent.change(_currentframe, 14);
Symbol 206 Button
on (release) {
_parent.change(_currentframe, 15);
Symbol 221 Button
on (release) {
_parent.change(_currentframe, 1);
Symbol 222 Button
on (release) {
_parent.change(_currentframe, 5);
Symbol 223 Button
on (release) {
_parent.change(_currentframe, 6);
Symbol 224 Button
on (release) {
_parent.change(_currentframe, 9);
Symbol 238 Button
on (release) {
_parent.change(_currentframe, 1);
Symbol 239 Button
on (release) {
_parent.change(_currentframe, 3);
Symbol 240 Button
on (release) {
_parent.change(_currentframe, 9);
Symbol 241 Button
on (release) {
_parent.change(_currentframe, 10);
Symbol 244 Button
on (release) {
Symbol 245 Button
on (release) {
Symbol 246 Button
on (release) {
Symbol 247 Button
on (release) {
Symbol 248 Button
on (release) {
Symbol 249 Button
on (release) {
Symbol 250 Button
on (release) {
Symbol 251 Button
on (release) {
Symbol 252 Button
on (release) {
Symbol 253 Button
on (release) {
Symbol 258 Button
on (release) {
_parent._parent.change(_parent._currentframe, 1);
Symbol 259 Button
on (release) {
_parent._parent.change(_parent._currentframe, 2);
Symbol 260 Button
on (release) {
_parent._parent.change(_parent._currentframe, 3);
Symbol 261 Button
on (release) {
_parent._parent.change(_parent._currentframe, 4);
Symbol 273 Button
on (release) {
_parent._parent.change(_parent._currentframe, 5);
Symbol 274 Button
on (release) {
_parent._parent.change(_parent._currentframe, 6);
Symbol 280 Button
on (release) {
_parent._parent.change(_parent._currentframe, 7);
Symbol 281 Button
on (release) {
_parent._parent.change(_parent._currentframe, 8);
Symbol 287 Button
on (release) {
_parent._parent.change(_parent._currentframe, 9);
Symbol 288 Button
on (release) {
_parent._parent.change(_parent._currentframe, 10);
Symbol 294 Button
on (release) {
_parent._parent.change(_parent._currentframe, 11);
Symbol 295 Button
on (release) {
_parent._parent.change(_parent._currentframe, 12);
Symbol 301 Button
on (release) {
_parent._parent.change(_parent._currentframe, 13);
Symbol 302 Button
on (release) {
_parent._parent.change(_parent._currentframe, 14);
Symbol 308 Button
on (release) {
_parent._parent.change(_parent._currentframe, 15);
Symbol 309 Button
on (release) {
_parent._parent.change(_parent._currentframe, 16);
Symbol 310 Button
on (release) {
_parent._parent.change(_parent._currentframe, 17);
Symbol 318 Button
on (release) {
_parent._parent.change(_parent._currentframe, 18);
Symbol 319 Button
on (release) {
_parent._parent.change(_parent._currentframe, 19);
Symbol 320 Button
on (release) {
_parent._parent.change(_parent._currentframe, 20);
Symbol 328 Button
on (release) {
_parent._parent.change(_parent._currentframe, 21);
Symbol 329 Button
on (release) {
_parent._parent.change(_parent._currentframe, 22);
Symbol 335 Button
on (release) {
_parent._parent.change(_parent._currentframe, 23);
Symbol 336 Button
on (release) {
_parent._parent.change(_parent._currentframe, 24);
Symbol 337 Button
on (release) {
_parent._parent.change(_parent._currentframe, 25);
Symbol 344 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 353 Button
on (release) {
_parent.change(0, 1);
Symbol 354 Button
on (release) {
_parent.change(0, 2);
Symbol 355 Button
on (release) {
_parent.change(0, 3);
Symbol 356 Button
on (release) {
_parent.change(0, 4);
Symbol 357 Button
on (release) {
_parent.change(0, 5);
Symbol 358 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 359 Button
on (release) {
_parent.change(0, 6);
Symbol 360 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 367 Button
on (press) {
gotoAndStop ("send");
Symbol 368 Button
on (release) {
_parent.instructions.gotoAndStop(2);, 0.9);
Symbol 370 Button
on (release) {, 0.9);
Symbol 372 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 409 MovieClip Frame 1
function playVO() {
if ((arrayCounter < frameArray.length) && (playingVO == false)) {
playingVO = true;
} else if (playingVO == false) {
playingVO = true;
arrayCounter = 0;
trace((arrayCounter + " ") + frameArray.length);
frameArray = new Array(2, 34, 85, 142, 195, 245);
playingVO = false;
Symbol 409 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 409 MovieClip Frame 33
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 409 MovieClip Frame 34
Symbol 409 MovieClip Frame 87
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 409 MovieClip Frame 88
Symbol 409 MovieClip Frame 141
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 409 MovieClip Frame 142
Symbol 409 MovieClip Frame 194
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 409 MovieClip Frame 195
Symbol 409 MovieClip Frame 244
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 409 MovieClip Frame 245
Symbol 409 MovieClip Frame 311
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 413 MovieClip Frame 1
Instance of Symbol 409 MovieClip "cgirl" in Symbol 413 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
arrayCounter = 0;
Symbol 414 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 425 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 434 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 448 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 453 Button
on (release) {
Symbol 454 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 454 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 455 Button
on (release) {
gotoAndStop ("build");
Symbol 466 Button
on (release) {
if (dosend._alpha == 100) {
Symbol 467 Button
on (release) {
Symbol 473 Button
on (release) {
gotoAndStop ("enter");
Symbol 480 MovieClip Frame 1
function submitit() {
vars.outfit = _parent.outfit; = name_text;
vars.friend = friend_text; = email_text;
vars.message = message_text;
vars.sendAndLoad("sendfriend.asp", vars, "POST");
vars.onLoad = function (success) {
if (success) {
gotoAndPlay ("ok");
} else {
gotoAndStop ("error");
gotoAndPlay ("send");
yourname.tabIndex = 1;
friendsname.tabIndex = 2;
email.tabIndex = 3;
message.tabIndex = 4;
send_button.tabIndex = 5;
if (vars == undefined) {
vars = new LoadVars();
} else {
name_text =;
message_text = vars.message;
Instance of Symbol 470 MovieClip "dosend" in Symbol 480 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((((("@") == -1) or (".") == -1)) or (_parent.email_text.length < 3)) or (_parent.name_text.length < 2)) or (_parent.friend_text.length < 2)) {
this._alpha = 50;
} else {
this._alpha = 100;
Symbol 480 MovieClip Frame 9
Symbol 480 MovieClip Frame 14
Symbol 480 MovieClip Frame 20