Frame 1
function znak(num) {
if (znak < 0) {
function setSound() {
_root.shotSound = new Sound(_root);
_root.lawSound = new Sound(_root);
_root.shotgunSound = new Sound(_root);
_root.subbarrelSound = new Sound(_root);
_root.dieSound = new Sound(_root);
function getCampaign() {
var _local2 = _root._currentframe - 2;
if (_local2 >= 85) {
if (_local2 >= 79) {
if (_local2 >= 71) {
if (_local2 >= 61) {
if (_local2 >= 54) {
if (_local2 >= 47) {
if (_local2 >= 42) {
if (_local2 >= 37) {
if (_local2 >= 32) {
if (_local2 >= 28) {
if (_local2 >= 22) {
if (_local2 >= 12) {
if (_local2 >= 2) {
function getMission(campaign) {
var _local2 = _root._currentframe - 2;
switch (campaign) {
case "CT" :
return(_local2 - 1);
case "Terror" :
return(_local2 - 11);
case "Fallout" :
return(_local2 - 21);
case "Blood" :
return(_local2 - 27);
case "American" :
return(_local2 - 31);
case "German" :
return(_local2 - 36);
case "Soviet" :
return(_local2 - 41);
case "USA" :
return(_local2 - 46);
case "Vietnam" :
return(_local2 - 53);
case "Pacific" :
return(_local2 - 60);
case "Iraq" :
return(_local2 - 70);
case "Humans" :
return(_local2 - 78);
case "Mutants" :
return(_local2 - 84);
function EncrpytString(strVal) {
var _local7 = "aHfEjcDebChGiAfIjDbEjacD";
var _local8 = _local7.length;
var _local11 = "0";
var _local3 = "";
var _local9 = strVal.length;
var _local1 = 0;
_local3 = "";
var _local4;
var _local6;
var _local2;
var _local5 = 0;
nCnt = 0;
while (nCnt < _local9) {
_local4 = strVal.charCodeAt(nCnt);
if (_local4 >= 128) {
_local4 = "X";
_local6 = _local7.charCodeAt(_local1);
_local1 = _local1 + 1;
if (_local1 >= _local8) {
_local1 = 0;
_local2 = (_local4 % 16) + _local6;
_local3 = _local3 + String.fromCharCode(_local2);
_local5 = _local5 + _local2;
_local6 = _local7.charCodeAt(_local1);
_local1 = _local1 + 1;
if (_local1 >= _local8) {
_local1 = 0;
_local2 = Math.floor(_local4 / 16) + _local6;
_local3 = _local3 + String.fromCharCode(_local2);
_local5 = _local5 + _local2;
_local5 = _local5 % 256;
_local6 = _local7.charCodeAt(_local1);
_local1 = _local1 + 1;
if (_local1 >= _local8) {
_local1 = 0;
_local2 = (_local5 % 16) + _local6;
_local3 = _local3 + String.fromCharCode(_local2);
_local6 = _local7.charCodeAt(_local1);
_local1 = _local1 + 1;
if (_local1 >= _local8) {
_local1 = 0;
_local2 = Math.floor(_local5 / 16) + _local6;
_local3 = _local3 + String.fromCharCode(_local2);
function GetUrlParam(strUrl, strParam) {
var _local4 = strUrl.toLowerCase();
var _local1 = _local4.indexOf(strParam);
var _local5 = strParam.length;
if (_local1 > 0) {
var _local3;
var _local2 = _local4.indexOf("&", _local1 + _local5);
if (_local2 > 0) {
_local3 = _local2 - _local1;
} else {
_local3 = strUrl.length - _local1;
return(strUrl.substr(_local1 + _local5, _local3));
function GetBaseUrl(strUrl) {
var _local1 = strUrl.toLowerCase();
var _local2 = _local1.length;
var _local3 = _local1.indexOf("?", 0);
if (_local3 > 0) {
_local2 = _local3;
var _local4 = "download";
if (_local1.substr(0, 4) == "http") {
_local4 = strUrl.substr(7, _local2 - 7);
setDefaults = function () {
_global.times = 0;
_global.WALLS_VISIBLE = false;
_global.CHANGE_WEAPONS = true;
_global.BLOW_RADIUS = 120;
_global.BLOW_DAMAGE = 120;
_global.HE_DAMAGE = 550;
_global.FRAG_DAMAGE = 250;
_global.hold_time = 0;
_global.d_blood = 101;
_global.down_depth = 8001;
_global.d_creature = 65001;
_global.free_depth = 65536;
_global.hero = 1;
_root.INNER_FRAME = 1;
_root.MAX_MISSIONS = new Array();
_root.MAX_MISSIONS.CT = 10;
_root.MAX_MISSIONS.Terror = 10;
_root.MAX_MISSIONS.Fallout = 6;
_root.MAX_MISSIONS.Blood = 4;
_root.MAX_MISSIONS.American = 5;
_root.MAX_MISSIONS.German = 5;
_root.MAX_MISSIONS.Soviet = 5;
_root.MAX_MISSIONS.Vietnam = 7;
_root.MAX_MISSIONS.Pacific = 10;
_root.MAX_MISSIONS.Iraq = 8;
_root.MAX_MISSIONS.Humans = 6;
_root.MAX_MISSIONS.Mutants = 6;
loadDefaults = function () {
var _local2 = SharedObject.getLocal("EndlessWar3");
var _local3 = false;
for (var _local4 in {
_local3 = true;
if (_local3) {
_global.ALL_GUNS =;
_global.WOUND_FLASH =;
_global.BLOOD =;
_global.SHELLS =;
_global.CORPSES =;
_global.DIFFICULTLY =;
_global.OLD_BULLETS =;
_global.SAVED_QUALITY =;
_global.CO_LEFT =;
_global.CO_RIGHT =;
_global.CO_UP =;
_global.CO_DOWN =;
_global.CO_ALT =;
_global.CO_COMMAND =;
_global.CO_RELOAD =;
_global.CO_DROP =;
_global.LOCK_CT =;
_global.LOCK_Terror =;
_global.LOCK_Fallout =;
_global.LOCK_Blood =;
_global.LOCK_American =;
_global.LOCK_German =;
_global.LOCK_Soviet =;
_global.LOCK_Vietnam =;
_global.LOCK_USA =;
_global.LOCK_Pacific =;
_global.LOCK_Iraq =;
_global.LOCK_Humans =;
_global.LOCK_Mutants =;
} else {
_global.WOUND_FLASH = true;
_global.ALL_GUNS = false;
_global.BLOOD = true;
_global.SHELLS = true;
_global.CORPSES = true;
_global.DIFFICULTLY = 15;
_global.OLD_BULLETS = true;
_global.CO_LEFT = 65;
_global.CO_RIGHT = 68;
_global.CO_UP = 87;
_global.CO_DOWN = 83;
_global.CO_ALT = 32;
_global.CO_COMMAND = 81;
_global.CO_RELOAD = 82;
_global.CO_DROP = 71;
_global.LOCK_CT = 1;
_global.LOCK_Terror = 1;
_global.LOCK_Fallout = 1;
_global.LOCK_Blood = 1;
_global.LOCK_American = 1;
_global.LOCK_German = 1;
_global.LOCK_Soviet = 1;
_global.LOCK_Vietnam = 1;
_global.LOCK_USA = 1;
_global.LOCK_Pacific = 1;
_global.LOCK_Iraq = 1;
_global.LOCK_Humans = 1;
_global.LOCK_Mutants = 1;
saveDefaults = function () {
var _local2 = SharedObject.getLocal("EndlessWar3"); = _global.ALL_GUNS; = _global.WOUND_FLASH; = _global.BLOOD; = _global.SHELLS; = _global.CORPSES; = _global.DIFFICULTLY; = _global.OLD_BULLETS; = _global.SAVED_QUALITY; = _global.CO_LEFT; = _global.CO_RIGHT; = _global.CO_UP; = _global.CO_DOWN; = _global.CO_ALT; = _global.CO_COMMAND; = _global.CO_RELOAD; = _global.CO_DROP; = _global.LOCK_CT; = _global.LOCK_Terror; = _global.LOCK_Fallout; = _global.LOCK_Blood; = _global.LOCK_American; = _global.LOCK_German; = _global.LOCK_Soviet; = _global.LOCK_Vietnam; = _global.LOCK_USA; = _global.LOCK_Pacific; = _global.LOCK_Iraq; = _global.LOCK_Humans; = _global.LOCK_Mutants;
min = function (a, b) {
if (a > b) {
max = function (a, b) {
if (b > a) {
d = function (dice) {
return(Math.floor(Math.random() * dice) + 1);
xdy = function (x, y) {
temp = 0;
ijk = 1;
while (ijk <= x) {
temp = temp + d(y);
percent = function (x) {
return(d(100) <= x);
degToRad = function (deg) {
rad = (Math.PI * deg) / 180;
radToDeg = function (rad) {
deg = (rad * 180) / Math.PI;
plot = function (deg, radius) {
radians = degToRad(deg);
yCoor = radius * Math.sin(radians);
xCoor = radius * Math.cos(radians);
p = new Object({x:xCoor, y:yCoor});
degs = function (degree) {
degree = Math.floor(((degree + 22.5) % 360) / 45);
return(degree * 45);
theDistance = function (obj1, obj2) {
return(Math.sqrt(((obj1._x - obj2._x) * (obj1._x - obj2._x)) + ((obj1._y - obj2._y) * (obj1._y - obj2._y))));
thatDistance = function (obj1, obj2, x, y) {
return(Math.sqrt((((obj1._x + x) - obj2._x) * ((obj1._x + x) - obj2._x)) + (((obj1._y + y) - obj2._y) * ((obj1._y + y) - obj2._y))));
addVehicle = function (x, y, rot, car) {
_root.attachMovie(car, "hero" + _global.hero, _global.d_creature, {_x:x, _y:y, _rotation:rot});
_root.vehicle = _root["hero" + _global.hero];
addPlayer = function (x, y, rot, skin, gun, pistol, melee, gren, subtype) {
_root.attachMovie("Player", "hero0", _global.d_creature, {_x:x, _y:y, _rotation:rot});
_root.hero0.setGun(_global.CHOICE_PRIMARY, _global.CHOICE_SECONDARY, melee, _global.CHOICE_GRENADES);
if (subtype != "no") {
addSoldier = function (x, y, rot, skin, gun, pistol, melee, gren, subtype, go_x, go_y, team, patrol) {
_root.attachMovie("Hero", "hero" + _global.hero, _global.d_creature, {_x:x, _y:y, _rotation:rot});
_root["hero" + _global.hero].team = team;
_root["hero" + _global.hero].sideView(skin);
_root["hero" + _global.hero].setGun(gun, pistol, melee, gren);
if (go_x != 0) {
_root["hero" + _global.hero].gox = go_x;
if (go_y != 0) {
_root["hero" + _global.hero].goy = go_y;
if (patrol) {
_root["hero" + _global.hero].patrolX = x;
_root["hero" + _global.hero].patrolY = y;
if (subtype != "no") {
_root["hero" + _global.hero][subtype]();
addTurret = function (x, y, rot, tm, tp) {
_root.attachMovie("Turret_" + tp, "hero" + _global.hero, _global.d_creature, {_x:x, _y:y, _rotation:rot});
_root["hero" + _global.hero].team = tm;
_root["hero" + _global.hero]["t" + tp]();
addOldBullet = function (x1, y1, rot, dmg, own) {
var _local4 = x1 + (1000 * Math.cos(degToRad(rot - 90)));
var _local3 = y1 + (1000 * Math.sin(degToRad(rot - 90)));
var _local9 = new Line(x1, y1, _local4, _local3);
var _local7 = _local9.wall();
if (_local7 != null) {
_local4 = _local7.x;
_local3 = _local7.y;
_root.attachMovie("OldBullet", "bullet_" + _global.free_depth, _global.free_depth, {_x:x1, _y:y1, _rotation:rot});
_root["bullet_" + _global.free_depth].dst = Math.sqrt(((x1 - _local4) * (x1 - _local4)) + ((y1 - _local3) * (y1 - _local3)));
_root["bullet_" + _global.free_depth].damage = dmg;
_root["bullet_" + _global.free_depth].owner = own;
_global.free_depth = _global.free_depth + ((_global.free_depth < 99999) ? 1 : -34000);
addTeslaCharge = function (x1, y1, rot, dmg, own) {
var _local4 = x1 + (1000 * Math.cos(degToRad(rot - 90)));
var _local3 = y1 + (1000 * Math.sin(degToRad(rot - 90)));
var _local9 = new Line(x1, y1, _local4, _local3);
var _local7 = _local9.wall();
if (_local7 != null) {
_local4 = _local7.x;
_local3 = _local7.y;
_root.attachMovie("TeslaCharge", "bullet_" + _global.free_depth, _global.free_depth, {_x:x1, _y:y1, _rotation:rot});
_root["bullet_" + _global.free_depth].dst = Math.sqrt(((x1 - _local4) * (x1 - _local4)) + ((y1 - _local3) * (y1 - _local3)));
_root["bullet_" + _global.free_depth].damage = dmg;
_root["bullet_" + _global.free_depth].owner = own;
_global.free_depth = _global.free_depth + ((_global.free_depth < 99999) ? 1 : -34000);
addRicochetBullet = function (x1, y1, rot, dmg, own) {
var _local4 = x1 + (1000 * Math.cos(degToRad(rot - 90)));
var _local3 = y1 + (1000 * Math.sin(degToRad(rot - 90)));
var _local9 = new Line(x1, y1, _local4, _local3);
var _local7 = _local9.wall();
if (_local7 != null) {
_local4 = _local7.x;
_local3 = _local7.y;
_root.attachMovie("RicochetBullet", "bullet_" + _global.free_depth, _global.free_depth, {_x:x1, _y:y1, _rotation:rot});
_root["bullet_" + _global.free_depth].dst = Math.sqrt(((x1 - _local4) * (x1 - _local4)) + ((y1 - _local3) * (y1 - _local3)));
_root["bullet_" + _global.free_depth].damage = dmg;
_root["bullet_" + _global.free_depth].owner = own;
_global.free_depth = _global.free_depth + ((_global.free_depth < 99999) ? 1 : -34000);
addSplitterBullet = function (x1, y1, rot, dmg, own) {
var _local4 = x1 + (1000 * Math.cos(degToRad(rot - 90)));
var _local3 = y1 + (1000 * Math.sin(degToRad(rot - 90)));
var _local9 = new Line(x1, y1, _local4, _local3);
var _local7 = _local9.wall();
if (_local7 != null) {
_local4 = _local7.x;
_local3 = _local7.y;
_root.attachMovie("SplitterBullet", "bullet_" + _global.free_depth, _global.free_depth, {_x:x1, _y:y1, _rotation:rot});
_root["bullet_" + _global.free_depth].dst = Math.sqrt(((x1 - _local4) * (x1 - _local4)) + ((y1 - _local3) * (y1 - _local3)));
_root["bullet_" + _global.free_depth].damage = dmg;
_root["bullet_" + _global.free_depth].owner = own;
_global.free_depth = _global.free_depth + ((_global.free_depth < 99999) ? 1 : -34000);
addFlareBullet = function (x1, y1, rot, dmg, own) {
var _local4 = x1 + (1000 * Math.cos(degToRad(rot - 90)));
var _local3 = y1 + (1000 * Math.sin(degToRad(rot - 90)));
var _local9 = new Line(x1, y1, _local4, _local3);
var _local7 = _local9.wall();
if (_local7 != null) {
_local4 = _local7.x;
_local3 = _local7.y;
_root.attachMovie("FlareBullet", "bullet_" + _global.free_depth, _global.free_depth, {_x:x1, _y:y1, _rotation:rot});
_root["bullet_" + _global.free_depth].dst = Math.sqrt(((x1 - _local4) * (x1 - _local4)) + ((y1 - _local3) * (y1 - _local3)));
_root["bullet_" + _global.free_depth].damage = dmg;
_root["bullet_" + _global.free_depth].owner = own;
_global.free_depth = _global.free_depth + ((_global.free_depth < 99999) ? 1 : -34000);
addBullet = function (x1, y1, rot, dmg, own) {
if (_global.OLD_BULLETS) {
addOldBullet(x1, y1, rot, dmg, own);
var _local5 = x1 + (1000 * Math.cos(degToRad(rot - 90)));
var _local3 = y1 + (1000 * Math.sin(degToRad(rot - 90)));
var _local9 = new Line(x1, y1, _local5, _local3);
var _local7 = _local9.wall();
if (_local7 != null) {
_local5 = _local7.x;
_local3 = _local7.y;
_root.attachMovie("Bullet", "bullet_" + _global.free_depth, _global.free_depth, {_x:x1, _y:y1});
_root["bullet_" + _global.free_depth].damage = dmg;
_root["bullet_" + _global.free_depth].line = new Line(x1, y1, _local5, _local3);
_global.free_depth = _global.free_depth + ((_global.free_depth < 99999) ? 1 : -34000);
addGauss = function (x1, y1, rot, dmg) {
var _local4 = x1 + (1000 * Math.cos(degToRad(rot - 90)));
var _local3 = y1 + (1000 * Math.sin(degToRad(rot - 90)));
var _local8 = new Line(x1, y1, _local4, _local3);
var _local5 = _local8.wall();
if (_local5 != null) {
_local4 = _local5.x;
_local3 = _local5.y;
_root.attachMovie("Gauss", "bullet_" + _global.free_depth, _global.free_depth, {_x:x1, _y:y1});
_root["bullet_" + _global.free_depth].damage = dmg;
_root["bullet_" + _global.free_depth].line = new Line(x1, y1, _local4, _local3);
_global.free_depth = _global.free_depth + ((_global.free_depth < 99999) ? 1 : -34000);
addRocket = function (x, y, rot, error, own) {
var _local4 = x + (40 * Math.cos(degToRad(rot - 90)));
var _local3 = y + (40 * Math.sin(degToRad(rot - 90)));
var _local6 = _local4 + (1000 * Math.cos(degToRad(rot - 90)));
var _local5 = _local3 + (1000 * Math.sin(degToRad(rot - 90)));
_root.attachMovie("Rocket", "bullet_" + _global.free_depth, _global.free_depth, {_x:_local4, _y:_local3, _rotation:rot + ((d((2 * error) + 1) - error) - 1)});
var _local9 = new Line(_local4, _local3, _local6, _local5);
var _local8 = _local9.wall();
if (_local8 != null) {
_local6 = _local8.x;
_local5 = _local8.y;
_root["bullet_" + _global.free_depth].dst = Math.sqrt(((_local6 - _local4) * (_local6 - _local4)) + ((_local5 - _local3) * (_local5 - _local3)));
_root["bullet_" + _global.free_depth].owner = own;
var _local10 = new Line(x, y, _local4, _local3);
if (_local10.wall() != null) {
_root["bullet_" + _global.free_depth]._x = x;
_root["bullet_" + _global.free_depth]._y = y;
_root["bullet_" + _global.free_depth].blow();
_global.free_depth = _global.free_depth + ((_global.free_depth < 99999) ? 1 : -34000);
addNapalm = function (x, y, rot, error, own) {
var _local4 = x + (20 * Math.cos(degToRad(rot - 90)));
var _local3 = y + (20 * Math.sin(degToRad(rot - 90)));
var _local6 = _local4 + (1000 * Math.cos(degToRad(rot - 90)));
var _local5 = _local3 + (1000 * Math.sin(degToRad(rot - 90)));
_root.attachMovie("Napalm", "bullet_" + _global.free_depth, _global.free_depth, {_x:_local4, _y:_local3, _rotation:rot + ((d((2 * error) + 1) - error) - 1)});
var _local9 = new Line(_local4, _local3, _local6, _local5);
var _local8 = _local9.wall();
if (_local8 != null) {
_local6 = _local8.x;
_local5 = _local8.y;
_root["bullet_" + _global.free_depth].dst = Math.sqrt(((_local6 - _local4) * (_local6 - _local4)) + ((_local5 - _local3) * (_local5 - _local3)));
_root["bullet_" + _global.free_depth].owner = own;
var _local10 = new Line(x, y, _local4, _local3);
if (_local10.wall() != null) {
_root["bullet_" + _global.free_depth]._x = x;
_root["bullet_" + _global.free_depth]._y = y;
_root["bullet_" + _global.free_depth].blow();
_global.free_depth = _global.free_depth + ((_global.free_depth < 99999) ? 1 : -34000);
addFlame = function (x, y, rot, dmg) {
var _local4 = x + (80 * Math.cos(degToRad(rot - 90)));
var _local3 = y + (80 * Math.sin(degToRad(rot - 90)));
var _local6 = new Line(x, y, _local4, _local3);
if (_local6.wall() == null) {
_root.attachMovie("Flame", "bullet_" + _global.free_depth, _global.free_depth, {_x:_local4, _y:_local3, _rotation:rot});
_root["bullet_" + _global.free_depth].damage = dmg;
_global.free_depth = _global.free_depth + ((_global.free_depth < 99999) ? 1 : -34000);
addGrenade = function (x, y, rot, error, dx, dy, type, own) {
var _local4 = x + (20 * Math.cos(degToRad(rot - 90)));
var _local3 = y + (20 * Math.sin(degToRad(rot - 90)));
_root.attachMovie("Grenade", "bullet_" + _global.free_depth, _global.free_depth, {_x:_local4, _y:_local3, _rotation:rot + ((d((2 * error) + 1) - error) - 1)});
var _local8 = new Line(_local4, _local3, dx, dy);
var _local5 = _local8.wall();
if (_local5 != null) {
dx = _local5.x;
dy = _local5.y;
_root["bullet_" + _global.free_depth].dst = Math.sqrt(((dx - _local4) * (dx - _local4)) + ((dy - _local3) * (dy - _local3)));
_root["bullet_" + _global.free_depth].type_expl = type;
_root["bullet_" + _global.free_depth].owner = own;
var _local10 = new Line(x, y, _local4, _local3);
if (_local10.wall() != null) {
_root["bullet_" + _global.free_depth]._x = x;
_root["bullet_" + _global.free_depth]._y = y;
_root["bullet_" + _global.free_depth].blow();
_global.free_depth = _global.free_depth + ((_global.free_depth < 99999) ? 1 : -34000);
addTeslaSuper = function (x, y, rot, error, dx, dy, own) {
var _local4 = x + (20 * Math.cos(degToRad(rot - 90)));
var _local3 = y + (20 * Math.sin(degToRad(rot - 90)));
_root.attachMovie("TeslaSuper", "bullet_" + _global.free_depth, _global.free_depth, {_x:_local4, _y:_local3, _rotation:rot + ((d((2 * error) + 1) - error) - 1)});
var _local8 = new Line(_local4, _local3, dx, dy);
var _local5 = _local8.wall();
if (_local5 != null) {
dx = _local5.x;
dy = _local5.y;
_root["bullet_" + _global.free_depth].dst = Math.sqrt(((dx - _local4) * (dx - _local4)) + ((dy - _local3) * (dy - _local3)));
_root["bullet_" + _global.free_depth].owner = own;
var _local10 = new Line(x, y, _local4, _local3);
if (_local10.wall() != null) {
_root["bullet_" + _global.free_depth]._x = x;
_root["bullet_" + _global.free_depth]._y = y;
_root["bullet_" + _global.free_depth].blow();
_global.free_depth = _global.free_depth + ((_global.free_depth < 99999) ? 1 : -34000);
addRicochetGrenade = function (x, y, rot, error, dx, dy, own, dmg) {
var _local4 = x + (20 * Math.cos(degToRad(rot - 90)));
var _local3 = y + (20 * Math.sin(degToRad(rot - 90)));
_root.attachMovie("RicochetGrenade", "bullet_" + _global.free_depth, _global.free_depth, {_x:_local4, _y:_local3, _rotation:rot + ((d((2 * error) + 1) - error) - 1)});
var _local8 = new Line(_local4, _local3, dx, dy);
var _local5 = _local8.wall();
if (_local5 != null) {
dx = _local5.x;
dy = _local5.y;
_root["bullet_" + _global.free_depth].dst = Math.sqrt(((dx - _local4) * (dx - _local4)) + ((dy - _local3) * (dy - _local3)));
_root["bullet_" + _global.free_depth].owner = own;
_root["bullet_" + _global.free_depth].damage = dmg;
var _local10 = new Line(x, y, _local4, _local3);
if (_local10.wall() != null) {
_root["bullet_" + _global.free_depth]._x = x;
_root["bullet_" + _global.free_depth]._y = y;
_root["bullet_" + _global.free_depth].blow();
_global.free_depth = _global.free_depth + ((_global.free_depth < 99999) ? 1 : -34000);
addHandGrenade = function (x, y, rot, dx, dy, type) {
var _local4 = x + (40 * Math.cos(degToRad(rot - 90)));
var _local3 = y + (40 * Math.sin(degToRad(rot - 90)));
_root.attachMovie("HandGrenade", "bullet_" + _global.free_depth, _global.free_depth, {_x:_local4, _y:_local3, _rotation:rot});
var _local6 = new Line(x, y, _local4, _local3);
_root["bullet_" + _global.free_depth].dst = Math.sqrt(((dx - _local4) * (dx - _local4)) + ((dy - _local3) * (dy - _local3)));
_root["bullet_" + _global.free_depth].type_expl = type;
if (_local6.wall() != null) {
_root["bullet_" + _global.free_depth]._x = x;
_root["bullet_" + _global.free_depth]._y = y;
_root["bullet_" + _global.free_depth].blow();
_global.free_depth = _global.free_depth + ((_global.free_depth < 99999) ? 1 : -34000);
addShell = function (x, y, rot) {
var _local4 = (x + (20 * Math.cos(degToRad(rot)))) + d(5);
var _local3 = (y + (20 * Math.sin(degToRad(rot)))) + d(5);
_root.attachMovie("Shell", "shell_" + _global.free_depth, _global.free_depth, {_x:_local4, _y:_local3, _rotation:rot + (d(41) - 21)});
_global.free_depth = _global.free_depth + ((_global.free_depth < 99999) ? 1 : -34000);
addDroppedGun = function (x, y, rot, item) {
var _local4 = x + (90 * Math.cos(degToRad(rot - 90)));
var _local3 = y + (90 * Math.sin(degToRad(rot - 90)));
_root.attachMovie("Dropped", "wpn_" + _global.down_depth, _global.down_depth, {_x:_local4, _y:_local3, _rotation:rot, key:item});
_global.down_depth = _global.down_depth + ((_global.down_depth <= 12000) ? 1 : -4000);
addBlood = function (x, y) {
_root.attachMovie("Blood_" + d(3), "bl_" + _global.free_depth, _global.free_depth, {_x:x, _y:y, _xscale:200, _yscale:200, _rotation:d(360)});
_global.free_depth = _global.free_depth + ((_global.free_depth < 99999) ? 1 : -34000);
hitToCreature = function () {
var _local3 = 1;
while (_local3 < _global.hero) {
if (_root["hero" + _local3].hitTest(_root._xmouse + _root._x, _root._ymouse + _root._y, true) && (_root["hero" + _local3].HP > 0)) {
drawBlood = function (xx, yy) {
_level2.attachMovie("BloodFountain" + d(2), "eff" + _global.d_effect, _global.d_effect, {_x:xx, _y:yy + (d(11) - 6)});
if (_global.d_effect < 45000) {
} else {
_global.d_effect = 36001;
buildGrid = function () {
delete _global.GRID;
_global.GRID = new Array(800 / _global.OPTIONS.grid_item);
var _local4 = 0;
while (_local4 < _global.GRID.length) {
_global.GRID[_local4] = new Array(600 / _global.OPTIONS.grid_item);
var _local3 = 0;
while (_local3 < _global.GRID[_local4].length) {
_global.GRID[_local4][_local3] = * _global.OPTIONS.grid_item) + (_global.OPTIONS.grid_item / 2), (_local3 * _global.OPTIONS.grid_item) + (_global.OPTIONS.grid_item / 2), true);
unloadMap = function () {
var _local3 = 0;
while (_local3 < _global.hero) {
_root["hero" + _local3].removeMovieClip();
_global.hero = 1;
_local3 = 65536;
while (_local3 < _global.free_depth) {
_root["bl_" + _local3].removeMovieClip();
_root["shell_" + _local3].removeMovieClip();
_root["bullet_" + _local3].removeMovieClip();
_local3 = 8001;
while (_local3 < _global.down_depth) {
_root["wpn_" + _local3].removeMovieClip();
_global.d_blood = 101;
_global.down_depth = 8001;
_global.d_creature = 65002;
_global.free_depth = 65536;
_root.attachMovie("ArrowCursor", "_cursor", 150000, {_x:_xmouse, _y:_ymouse});
_root._quality = "HIGH";
loadMap = function (map) {
if (map > 30) {
_global.HUMAN_SCALE = 80;
} else {
_global.HUMAN_SCALE = 100;
delete eval (_global.walls());
_global.walls = new Array();
_root.attachMovie("BattleCursor", "_cursor", 150000, {_x:_xmouse, _y:_ymouse});
_root.attachMovie("Screen", "scr", 149000, {_x:0, _y:600});
_root.gotoAndStop(map + 3);
_root.attachMovie("map_" + map, "walls", 11, {_x:0, _y:0});
_root._quality = _global.SAVED_QUALITY;
gameLoad = function (map) {
_root.WhatToLoad = map;
toMenu = function () {
gotoAndStop (1);
toEngine = function () {
gotoAndPlay (1);
addYou = function () {
_root.attachMovie("YOU", "you", 100001, {_x:_root.hero0._x, _y:_root.hero0._y});
_root.onEnterFrame = function () {
if (_global.times >= 30) {
_global.times = 0;
} else {
_root.attachMovie("ArrowCursor", "_cursor", 150000);
fscommand ("showmenu", false);
_global.walls = new Array();
Frame 2
Frame 3
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 4
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 1;
skin = "CT_GSG";
gun = "CAWS";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Beretta93R";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 4
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Terror_Drug";
gun = "M4";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Glock18";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 4
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Terror_Drug";
gun = "M4";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Glock18";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 4
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Terror_Commander";
gun = "AUG";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Glock18";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 4
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Terror_Commander";
gun = "AUG";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Glock18";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 4
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Terror_Commander";
gun = "AUG";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Glock18";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 4
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Terror_Leader";
gun = "M249";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "microUZI";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 4
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Terror_Leader";
gun = "M249";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "microUZI";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 4
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Terror_Commander";
gun = "AUG";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Glock18";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 4
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Terror_Robber";
gun = "UMP";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Glock18";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 4
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Terror_Drug";
gun = "M4";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Glock18";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 4
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Terror_Commander";
gun = "AUG";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Glock18";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 4
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Player";
team = 1;
skin = "CT_GIGN";
gun = "FAMAS";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "FlareGun";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2340 MovieClip in Frame 4
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
team = 2;
tp = "KordX2";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 5
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Terror_Leader";
gun = "M249";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Glock18";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 5
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Terror_Punk";
gun = "USAS_12";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Glock18";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 5
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Terror_Commander";
gun = "AUG";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Glock18";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 5
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Terror_Drug";
gun = "M4";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Glock18";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 5
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Terror_Scout";
gun = "BIZON";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Glock18";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 5
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Player";
team = 1;
skin = "CT_SAS";
gun = "F2000";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Beretta93R";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 5
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Terror_Drug";
gun = "M4";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Glock18";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 5
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Terror_Biker";
gun = "MM1";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Glock18";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 5
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Terror_Scout";
gun = "BIZON";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Glock18";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 5
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Terror_Punk";
gun = "USAS_12";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Glock18";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 5
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Terror_Robber";
gun = "UMP";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Glock18";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 5
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Terror_Robber";
gun = "UMP";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Glock18";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 5
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Terror_Leader";
gun = "M249";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Glock18";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 5
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Terror_Commander";
gun = "AUG";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Glock18";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 6
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Terror_Leader";
gun = "M249";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Glock18";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 6
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Terror_Scout";
gun = "BIZON";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Glock18";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 6
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Player";
team = 1;
skin = "CT_Alpha";
gun = "AN94";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "APS";
gren = "FRAG";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 6
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Terror_Scout";
gun = "BIZON";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Glock18";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 6
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Terror_Mafia";
gun = "FNFAL";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "microUZI";
gren = "FRAG";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 6
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Terror_MidEast";
gun = "Galil";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "microUZI";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 6
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Terror_Scout";
gun = "BIZON";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Glock18";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 6
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Terror_MidEast";
gun = "Galil";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "microUZI";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 6
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Terror_MidEast";
gun = "Galil";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "microUZI";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 6
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Terror_Scout";
gun = "BIZON";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Glock18";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 6
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Terror_Scout";
gun = "BIZON";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Glock18";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 6
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Terror_Scout";
gun = "BIZON";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Glock18";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 6
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Terror_Mafia";
gun = "FNFAL";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "microUZI";
gren = "FRAG";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 6
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Terror_Leader";
gun = "M249";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Glock18";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 6
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Terror_MidEast";
gun = "Galil";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "microUZI";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 6
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Terror_MidEast";
gun = "Galil";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "microUZI";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 6
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 1;
skin = "CT_Alpha";
gun = "AN94";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "APS";
gren = "FRAG";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2356 MovieClip in Frame 6
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
tp = "Large";
Instance of Symbol 2358 MovieClip in Frame 6
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
tp = "Small";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 7
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Player";
team = 1;
skin = "CT_BDB";
gun = "GROZA";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "APS";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 7
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Terror_MidEast";
gun = "Galil";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "microUZI";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 7
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Terror_Scout";
gun = "BIZON";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Glock18";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 7
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Terror_MidEast";
gun = "Galil";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "microUZI";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 7
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Terror_Leader";
gun = "M249";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Glock18";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 7
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Terror_MidEast";
gun = "Galil";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "microUZI";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 7
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Terror_MidEast";
gun = "Galil";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "microUZI";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 7
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 1;
skin = "CT_Alpha";
gun = "AN94";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "APS";
gren = "FRAG";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 8
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Terror_Scout";
gun = "BIZON";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Glock18";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 8
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Player";
team = 1;
skin = "CT_UN";
gun = "FNP90";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Beretta93R";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 8
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Terror_MidEast";
gun = "Galil";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "microUZI";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 8
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 1;
skin = "CT_UN";
gun = "FNP90";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Beretta93R";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 8
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Terror_Leader";
gun = "M249";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "microUZI";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 8
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Terror_MidEast";
gun = "Galil";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "microUZI";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 8
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Terror_Mafia";
gun = "FNFAL";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Glock18";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 8
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Terror_Leader";
gun = "M249";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "microUZI";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2356 MovieClip in Frame 8
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
tp = "Small";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 9
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Player";
team = 1;
skin = "CT_Police";
gun = "Spectre";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "M79";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 9
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Terror_Biker";
gun = "MM1";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "microUZI";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 9
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Terror_Leader";
gun = "M249";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "microUZI";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 9
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Terror_Mafia";
gun = "FNFAL";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Glock18";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 9
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Terror_Biker";
gun = "MM1";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "microUZI";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 9
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Terror_Biker";
gun = "MM1";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "microUZI";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 9
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Terror_Punk";
gun = "USAS_12";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "microUZI";
gren = "FRAG";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 9
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Terror_Biker";
gun = "MM1";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "microUZI";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 9
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Terror_Biker";
gun = "MM1";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "microUZI";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 9
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Terror_Mafia";
gun = "FNFAL";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Glock18";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 9
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Terror_Mafia";
gun = "FNFAL";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Glock18";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 9
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Terror_Punk";
gun = "USAS_12";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "microUZI";
gren = "FRAG";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 9
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Terror_Punk";
gun = "USAS_12";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "microUZI";
gren = "FRAG";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
Instance of Symbol 2356 MovieClip in Frame 9
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
tp = "Large";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 10
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Player";
team = 1;
skin = "CT_GSG";
gun = "CAWS";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Beretta93R";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 10
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Terror_Biker";
gun = "MM1";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "microUZI";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 10
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Terror_Punk";
gun = "USAS_12";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "microUZI";
gren = "FRAG";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 10
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Terror_Mafia";
gun = "FNFAL";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Glock18";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 10
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Terror_Mafia";
gun = "FNFAL";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Glock18";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 10
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Terror_Punk";
gun = "USAS_12";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "microUZI";
gren = "FRAG";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 10
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Terror_Punk";
gun = "USAS_12";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "microUZI";
gren = "FRAG";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 10
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Terror_Punk";
gun = "USAS_12";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "microUZI";
gren = "FRAG";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 10
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Terror_Punk";
gun = "USAS_12";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "microUZI";
gren = "FRAG";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 10
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Terror_Punk";
gun = "USAS_12";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "microUZI";
gren = "FRAG";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 10
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Terror_Biker";
gun = "MM1";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "microUZI";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 10
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Terror_Punk";
gun = "USAS_12";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "microUZI";
gren = "FRAG";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2356 MovieClip in Frame 10
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
tp = "Large";
Instance of Symbol 2358 MovieClip in Frame 10
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
tp = "Large";
Instance of Symbol 2356 MovieClip in Frame 10
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
tp = "Small";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 11
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Player";
team = 1;
skin = "CT_SWAT";
gun = "Mikor";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Beretta93R";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 11
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Terror_Commander";
gun = "AUG";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Glock18";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 370;
go_y = 310;
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 11
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Terror_Mafia";
gun = "FNFAL";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Glock18";
gren = "FRAG";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 11
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Terror_Hitman";
gun = "AWM";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "microUZI";
gren = "FRAG";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 11
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Terror_Commander";
gun = "AUG";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Glock18";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 370;
go_y = 250;
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 11
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Terror_Commander";
gun = "AUG";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Glock18";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 450;
go_y = 310;
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 11
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Terror_Commander";
gun = "AUG";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Glock18";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 450;
go_y = 250;
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 11
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Terror_Commander";
gun = "AUG";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Glock18";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 520;
go_y = 280;
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 11
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Terror_Mafia";
gun = "FNFAL";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Glock18";
gren = "FRAG";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 11
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Terror_Mafia";
gun = "FNFAL";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Glock18";
gren = "FRAG";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 11
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Terror_Mafia";
gun = "FNFAL";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Glock18";
gren = "FRAG";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 11
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Terror_Mafia";
gun = "FNFAL";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Glock18";
gren = "FRAG";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
Instance of Symbol 2356 MovieClip in Frame 11
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
tp = "Small";
Instance of Symbol 2358 MovieClip in Frame 11
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
tp = "Small";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 12
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Player";
team = 1;
skin = "CT_FSB";
gun = "Pecheneg";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "APS";
gren = "FRAG";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 12
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Terror_Scout";
gun = "BIZON";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Glock18";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 12
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Terror_MidEast";
gun = "Galil";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "microUZI";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 12
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 1;
skin = "CT_FSB";
gun = "Pecheneg";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "APS";
gren = "FRAG";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 12
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Terror_MidEast";
gun = "Galil";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "microUZI";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 12
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Terror_MidEast";
gun = "Galil";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "microUZI";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 12
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Terror_MidEast";
gun = "Galil";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "microUZI";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 12
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Terror_MidEast";
gun = "Galil";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "microUZI";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 12
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Terror_Scout";
gun = "BIZON";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Glock18";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 12
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Terror_Leader";
gun = "M249";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Glock18";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 12
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Terror_Leader";
gun = "M249";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Glock18";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 12
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Terror_MidEast";
gun = "Galil";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "microUZI";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 12
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Terror_Leader";
gun = "M249";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Glock18";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 12
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Terror_Leader";
gun = "M249";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Glock18";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 12
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Terror_Mafia";
gun = "FNFAL";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Glock18";
gren = "FRAG";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 12
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Terror_Mafia";
gun = "FNFAL";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Glock18";
gren = "FRAG";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 12
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Terror_MidEast";
gun = "Galil";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "microUZI";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 13
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Player";
team = 1;
skin = "CT_Marine";
gun = "Kord";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "APS";
gren = "FRAG";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 13
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Terror_MidEast";
gun = "Galil";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "microUZI";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 13
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Terror_MidEast";
gun = "Galil";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "microUZI";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 13
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Terror_Scout";
gun = "BIZON";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Glock18";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 13
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Terror_Leader";
gun = "M249";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Glock18";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 13
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Terror_Leader";
gun = "M249";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Glock18";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 13
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Terror_Leader";
gun = "M249";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Glock18";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 13
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Terror_Leader";
gun = "M249";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Glock18";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 13
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Terror_MidEast";
gun = "Galil";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "microUZI";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 13
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Terror_Scout";
gun = "BIZON";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Glock18";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 13
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Terror_MidEast";
gun = "Galil";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "microUZI";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 13
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Terror_MidEast";
gun = "Galil";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "microUZI";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 13
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Terror_MidEast";
gun = "Galil";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "microUZI";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 14
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Player";
team = 1;
skin = "Terror_Drug";
gun = "M4";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "microUZI";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 14
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "CT_SWAT";
gun = "Mikor";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Beretta93R";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 14
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Terror_Robber";
gun = "UMP";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Glock18";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 14
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "CT_Police";
gun = "Spectre";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "M79";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 14
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 1;
skin = "Terror_Drug";
gun = "M4";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "microUZI";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 14
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "CT_Police";
gun = "Spectre";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "M79";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 14
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "CT_SWAT";
gun = "Mikor";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Beretta93R";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 14
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "CT_SWAT";
gun = "Mikor";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Beretta93R";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 14
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "CT_Police";
gun = "Spectre";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "M79";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 14
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "CT_Police";
gun = "Spectre";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "M79";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 14
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Terror_Robber";
gun = "UMP";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Glock18";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 14
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Terror_Robber";
gun = "UMP";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Glock18";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 14
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "CT_Police";
gun = "Spectre";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "M79";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 14
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "CT_Police";
gun = "Spectre";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "M79";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 14
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Terror_Robber";
gun = "UMP";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Glock18";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 14
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Terror_Robber";
gun = "UMP";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Glock18";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
Instance of Symbol 2356 MovieClip in Frame 14
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
tp = "Large";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 15
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Player";
team = 1;
skin = "Terror_Commander";
gun = "AUG";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Glock18";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 15
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "CT_GIGN";
gun = "FAMAS";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Beretta93R";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 15
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "CT_SWAT";
gun = "Mikor";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Beretta93R";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 15
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 1;
skin = "Terror_Commander";
gun = "AUG";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Glock18";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 15
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "CT_SWAT";
gun = "Mikor";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Beretta93R";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 15
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "CT_SWAT";
gun = "Mikor";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Beretta93R";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 15
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "CT_SAS";
gun = "F2000";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Beretta93R";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 15
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "CT_SAS";
gun = "F2000";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Beretta93R";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 15
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "CT_SAS";
gun = "F2000";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Beretta93R";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 15
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "CT_SAS";
gun = "F2000";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Beretta93R";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 15
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "CT_GIGN";
gun = "FAMAS";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Beretta93R";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 15
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "CT_GIGN";
gun = "FAMAS";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Beretta93R";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 15
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "CT_GIGN";
gun = "FAMAS";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Beretta93R";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 15
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "CT_GIGN";
gun = "FAMAS";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Beretta93R";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 15
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "CT_GIGN";
gun = "FAMAS";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Beretta93R";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 15
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "CT_GIGN";
gun = "FAMAS";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Beretta93R";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
Instance of Symbol 2358 MovieClip in Frame 15
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
tp = "Small";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 16
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Player";
team = 1;
skin = "Terror_Mafia";
gun = "FNFAL";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Glock18";
gren = "FRAG";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 16
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "CT_SWAT";
gun = "Mikor";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Beretta93R";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 16
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "CT_GSG";
gun = "CAWS";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Beretta93R";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 16
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 1;
skin = "Terror_Mafia";
gun = "FNFAL";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Glock18";
gren = "FRAG";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 16
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "CT_GSG";
gun = "CAWS";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Beretta93R";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 16
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "CT_GSG";
gun = "CAWS";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Beretta93R";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 16
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "CT_GSG";
gun = "CAWS";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Beretta93R";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 16
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "CT_GSG";
gun = "CAWS";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Beretta93R";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 16
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "CT_GSG";
gun = "CAWS";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Beretta93R";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 16
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "CT_GSG";
gun = "CAWS";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Beretta93R";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 16
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "CT_GSG";
gun = "CAWS";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Beretta93R";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 16
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "CT_GSG";
gun = "CAWS";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Beretta93R";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 16
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "CT_GSG";
gun = "CAWS";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Beretta93R";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 16
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "CT_GSG";
gun = "CAWS";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Beretta93R";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 16
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "CT_GSG";
gun = "CAWS";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Beretta93R";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
Instance of Symbol 2356 MovieClip in Frame 16
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
tp = "Small";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 17
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Player";
team = 1;
skin = "Terror_MidEast";
gun = "Galil";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "microUZI";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 17
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "CT_UN";
gun = "FNP90";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Beretta93R";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 17
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "CT_SAS";
gun = "F2000";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Beretta93R";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 17
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "CT_SAS";
gun = "F2000";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Beretta93R";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 17
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "CT_SAS";
gun = "F2000";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Beretta93R";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 17
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "CT_UN";
gun = "FNP90";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Beretta93R";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 17
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "CT_UN";
gun = "FNP90";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Beretta93R";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 17
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "CT_UN";
gun = "FNP90";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Beretta93R";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 17
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "CT_UN";
gun = "FNP90";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Beretta93R";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 17
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "CT_UN";
gun = "FNP90";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Beretta93R";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 17
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "CT_UN";
gun = "FNP90";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Beretta93R";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 17
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "CT_UN";
gun = "FNP90";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Beretta93R";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 17
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "CT_UN";
gun = "FNP90";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Beretta93R";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 17
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 1;
skin = "Terror_MidEast";
gun = "Galil";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "microUZI";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 17
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 1;
skin = "Terror_MidEast";
gun = "Galil";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "microUZI";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 17
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 1;
skin = "Terror_MidEast";
gun = "Galil";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "microUZI";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 18
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Player";
team = 1;
skin = "Terror_Scout";
gun = "BIZON";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "microUZI";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 18
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "CT_Alpha";
gun = "AN94";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "APS";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 18
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "CT_FSB";
gun = "Pecheneg";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "APS";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 18
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "CT_FSB";
gun = "Pecheneg";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "APS";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 18
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "CT_Alpha";
gun = "AN94";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "APS";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 18
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "CT_Alpha";
gun = "AN94";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "APS";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 18
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "CT_Alpha";
gun = "AN94";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "APS";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 18
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "CT_Alpha";
gun = "AN94";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "APS";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 18
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "CT_Alpha";
gun = "AN94";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "APS";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 18
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "CT_Alpha";
gun = "AN94";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "APS";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 18
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "CT_Alpha";
gun = "AN94";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "APS";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 18
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "CT_Alpha";
gun = "AN94";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "APS";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 18
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "CT_Alpha";
gun = "AN94";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "APS";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 18
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "CT_Alpha";
gun = "AN94";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "APS";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 18
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "CT_Alpha";
gun = "AN94";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "APS";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
Instance of Symbol 2356 MovieClip in Frame 18
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
tp = "Large";
Instance of Symbol 2358 MovieClip in Frame 18
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
tp = "Large";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 19
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Player";
team = 1;
skin = "Terror_Robber";
gun = "UMP";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Glock18";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 19
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "CT_Police";
gun = "Spectre";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "M79";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 19
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "CT_SWAT";
gun = "Mikor";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Beretta93R";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 19
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 1;
skin = "Terror_Robber";
gun = "UMP";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Glock18";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 19
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "CT_Police";
gun = "Spectre";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "M79";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 19
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "CT_Police";
gun = "Spectre";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "M79";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 19
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "CT_Police";
gun = "Spectre";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "M79";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 19
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "CT_SWAT";
gun = "Mikor";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Beretta93R";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 19
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "CT_SWAT";
gun = "Mikor";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Beretta93R";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 19
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "CT_Police";
gun = "Spectre";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "M79";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 19
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "CT_Police";
gun = "Spectre";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "M79";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 19
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "CT_Police";
gun = "Spectre";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "M79";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 19
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "CT_Police";
gun = "Spectre";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "M79";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 19
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "CT_Police";
gun = "Spectre";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "M79";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 19
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "CT_Police";
gun = "Spectre";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "M79";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 19
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "CT_Police";
gun = "Spectre";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "M79";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2358 MovieClip in Frame 19
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
tp = "Small";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 20
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Player";
team = 1;
skin = "Terror_Punk";
gun = "USAS_12";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "microUZI";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 20
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "CT_Police";
gun = "Spectre";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "M79";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 20
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "CT_GIGN";
gun = "FAMAS";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Beretta93R";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 20
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 1;
skin = "Terror_Punk";
gun = "USAS_12";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "microUZI";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 20
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 1;
skin = "Terror_Punk";
gun = "USAS_12";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "microUZI";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 20
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "CT_GIGN";
gun = "FAMAS";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Beretta93R";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 20
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "CT_GIGN";
gun = "FAMAS";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Beretta93R";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 20
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "CT_GIGN";
gun = "FAMAS";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Beretta93R";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 21
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Player";
team = 1;
skin = "Terror_Biker";
gun = "MM1";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "microUZI";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 21
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "CT_SWAT";
gun = "Mikor";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Beretta93R";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 21
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "CT_Police";
gun = "Spectre";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "M79";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 21
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "CT_SAS";
gun = "F2000";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Beretta93R";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 21
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "CT_SWAT";
gun = "Mikor";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Beretta93R";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 21
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "CT_SAS";
gun = "F2000";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Beretta93R";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 21
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "CT_SAS";
gun = "F2000";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Beretta93R";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 21
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "CT_SAS";
gun = "F2000";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Beretta93R";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 21
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "CT_SAS";
gun = "F2000";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Beretta93R";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 21
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "CT_SAS";
gun = "F2000";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Beretta93R";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 21
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "CT_SAS";
gun = "F2000";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Beretta93R";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 21
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "CT_SWAT";
gun = "Mikor";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Beretta93R";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 21
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "CT_Police";
gun = "Spectre";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "M79";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 21
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "CT_Police";
gun = "Spectre";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "M79";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
Instance of Symbol 2356 MovieClip in Frame 21
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
tp = "Small";
Instance of Symbol 2358 MovieClip in Frame 21
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
tp = "Small";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 22
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Player";
team = 1;
skin = "Terror_Leader";
gun = "M249";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Glock18";
gren = "FRAG";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 22
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "CT_BDB";
gun = "GROZA";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "APS";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 22
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "CT_Marine";
gun = "Kord";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "FRAG";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 22
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 1;
skin = "Terror_Leader";
gun = "M249";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Glock18";
gren = "FRAG";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 22
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "CT_BDB";
gun = "GROZA";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "APS";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 22
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "CT_BDB";
gun = "GROZA";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "APS";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 22
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "CT_BDB";
gun = "GROZA";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "APS";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 22
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "CT_BDB";
gun = "GROZA";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "APS";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 22
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "CT_BDB";
gun = "GROZA";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "APS";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 22
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "CT_BDB";
gun = "GROZA";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "APS";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 22
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "CT_BDB";
gun = "GROZA";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "APS";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 22
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "CT_BDB";
gun = "GROZA";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "APS";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 22
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "CT_BDB";
gun = "GROZA";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "APS";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 22
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "CT_BDB";
gun = "GROZA";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "APS";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 22
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "CT_BDB";
gun = "GROZA";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "APS";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 22
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "CT_BDB";
gun = "GROZA";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "APS";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 23
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Player";
team = 1;
skin = "Terror_Hitman";
gun = "AWM";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "microUZI";
gren = "FRAG";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 23
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "CT_GSG";
gun = "CAWS";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Beretta93R";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 23
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "CT_SAS";
gun = "F2000";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Beretta93R";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 23
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "CT_SWAT";
gun = "Mikor";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Beretta93R";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 23
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "CT_GIGN";
gun = "FAMAS";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Beretta93R";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 23
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "CT_SAS";
gun = "F2000";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Beretta93R";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 23
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "CT_GSG";
gun = "CAWS";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Beretta93R";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 23
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "CT_GSG";
gun = "CAWS";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Beretta93R";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 23
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "CT_GSG";
gun = "CAWS";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Beretta93R";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 23
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "CT_SAS";
gun = "F2000";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Beretta93R";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 23
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "CT_SAS";
gun = "F2000";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Beretta93R";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 23
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "CT_GIGN";
gun = "FAMAS";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Beretta93R";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 23
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "CT_GIGN";
gun = "FAMAS";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Beretta93R";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 23
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "CT_GIGN";
gun = "FAMAS";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Beretta93R";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 23
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "CT_GSG";
gun = "CAWS";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Beretta93R";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 23
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "CT_GSG";
gun = "CAWS";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Beretta93R";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
Instance of Symbol 2358 MovieClip in Frame 23
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
tp = "Large";
Instance of Symbol 2356 MovieClip in Frame 23
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
tp = "Large";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 24
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Fallout_Raider";
gun = "Flamethrower";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "DesertEagle";
gren = "FRAG";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 24
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Fallout_Enclave";
gun = "PPK_12";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "DesertEagle";
gren = "FRAG";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "tEnclave";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 24
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Player";
team = 1;
skin = "Fallout_Ranger";
gun = "Jackhammer";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "DesertEagle";
gren = "FRAG";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 24
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Fallout_Raider";
gun = "Flamethrower";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "DesertEagle";
gren = "FRAG";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 24
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Fallout_Raider";
gun = "Flamethrower";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "DesertEagle";
gren = "FRAG";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 24
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Fallout_Raider";
gun = "Flamethrower";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "DesertEagle";
gren = "FRAG";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 24
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Fallout_Raider";
gun = "Flamethrower";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "DesertEagle";
gren = "FRAG";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 24
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Fallout_Raider";
gun = "Flamethrower";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "DesertEagle";
gren = "FRAG";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 24
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Fallout_Raider";
gun = "Flamethrower";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "DesertEagle";
gren = "FRAG";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 24
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Fallout_Raider";
gun = "Flamethrower";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "DesertEagle";
gren = "FRAG";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 24
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Fallout_Raider";
gun = "Flamethrower";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "DesertEagle";
gren = "FRAG";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 24
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Fallout_Enclave";
gun = "PPK_12";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "DesertEagle";
gren = "FRAG";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "tEnclave";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 24
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Fallout_Enclave";
gun = "PPK_12";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "DesertEagle";
gren = "FRAG";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "tEnclave";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 24
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Fallout_Raider";
gun = "Flamethrower";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "DesertEagle";
gren = "FRAG";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 24
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Fallout_Raider";
gun = "Flamethrower";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "DesertEagle";
gren = "FRAG";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 24
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Fallout_Raider";
gun = "Flamethrower";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "DesertEagle";
gren = "FRAG";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
Instance of Symbol 2356 MovieClip in Frame 24
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
tp = "Small";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 25
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Player";
team = 1;
skin = "Fallout_Enclave";
gun = "PPK_12";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "DesertEagle";
gren = "FRAG";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "tEnclave";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 25
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Fallout_SuperMutant";
gun = "Minigun";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "DesertEagle";
gren = "FRAG";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "tSuperMutant";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 25
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 1;
skin = "Fallout_Enclave";
gun = "PPK_12";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "DesertEagle";
gren = "FRAG";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "tEnclave";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 25
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 1;
skin = "Fallout_Enclave";
gun = "PPK_12";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "DesertEagle";
gren = "FRAG";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "tEnclave";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 25
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Fallout_ChosenOne";
gun = "Bozar";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "DesertEagle";
gren = "FRAG";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "tChosenOne";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 25
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Fallout_ChosenOne";
gun = "Bozar";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "DesertEagle";
gren = "FRAG";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "tChosenOne";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 25
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Fallout_ChosenOne";
gun = "Bozar";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "DesertEagle";
gren = "FRAG";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "tChosenOne";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 25
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Fallout_ChosenOne";
gun = "Bozar";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "DesertEagle";
gren = "FRAG";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "tChosenOne";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 25
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Fallout_ChosenOne";
gun = "Bozar";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "DesertEagle";
gren = "FRAG";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "tChosenOne";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 25
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Fallout_SuperMutant";
gun = "Minigun";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "DesertEagle";
gren = "FRAG";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "tSuperMutant";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 25
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Fallout_SuperMutant";
gun = "Minigun";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "DesertEagle";
gren = "FRAG";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "tSuperMutant";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 25
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Fallout_SuperMutant";
gun = "Minigun";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "DesertEagle";
gren = "FRAG";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "tSuperMutant";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 25
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Fallout_SuperMutant";
gun = "Minigun";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "DesertEagle";
gren = "FRAG";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "tSuperMutant";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 25
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Fallout_SuperMutant";
gun = "Minigun";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "DesertEagle";
gren = "FRAG";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "tSuperMutant";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 25
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Fallout_SuperMutant";
gun = "Minigun";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "DesertEagle";
gren = "FRAG";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "tSuperMutant";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 25
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Fallout_SuperMutant";
gun = "Minigun";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "DesertEagle";
gren = "FRAG";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "tSuperMutant";
Instance of Symbol 2356 MovieClip in Frame 25
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
tp = "Large";
Instance of Symbol 2356 MovieClip in Frame 25
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
tp = "Large";
Instance of Symbol 2358 MovieClip in Frame 25
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
tp = "Large";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 26
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Fallout_Enclave";
gun = "PPK_12";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "DesertEagle";
gren = "FRAG";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "tEnclave";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 26
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Player";
team = 1;
skin = "Fallout_ChosenOne";
gun = "Bozar";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "DesertEagle";
gren = "FRAG";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "tChosenOne";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 26
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 3;
skin = "Fallout_SuperMutant";
gun = "Minigun";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "DesertEagle";
gren = "FRAG";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "tSuperMutant";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 26
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 3;
skin = "Fallout_SuperMutant";
gun = "Minigun";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "DesertEagle";
gren = "FRAG";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "tSuperMutant";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 26
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Fallout_Enclave";
gun = "PPK_12";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "DesertEagle";
gren = "FRAG";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "tEnclave";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 26
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 3;
skin = "Fallout_SuperMutant";
gun = "Minigun";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "DesertEagle";
gren = "FRAG";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "tSuperMutant";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 26
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Fallout_Enclave";
gun = "PPK_12";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "DesertEagle";
gren = "FRAG";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "tEnclave";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 26
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Fallout_Enclave";
gun = "PPK_12";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "DesertEagle";
gren = "FRAG";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "tEnclave";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 26
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 3;
skin = "Fallout_SuperMutant";
gun = "Minigun";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "DesertEagle";
gren = "FRAG";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "tSuperMutant";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 26
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 3;
skin = "Fallout_SuperMutant";
gun = "Minigun";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "DesertEagle";
gren = "FRAG";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "tSuperMutant";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 26
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Fallout_Enclave";
gun = "PPK_12";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "DesertEagle";
gren = "FRAG";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "tEnclave";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 26
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Fallout_Enclave";
gun = "PPK_12";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "DesertEagle";
gren = "FRAG";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "tEnclave";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 26
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Fallout_Enclave";
gun = "PPK_12";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "DesertEagle";
gren = "FRAG";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "tEnclave";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 26
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Fallout_Enclave";
gun = "PPK_12";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "DesertEagle";
gren = "FRAG";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "tEnclave";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 26
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Fallout_Enclave";
gun = "PPK_12";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "DesertEagle";
gren = "FRAG";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "tEnclave";
Instance of Symbol 2356 MovieClip in Frame 26
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
tp = "Small";
Instance of Symbol 2358 MovieClip in Frame 26
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
tp = "Small";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 27
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Player";
team = 1;
skin = "Fallout_Sheriff";
gun = "GaussRifle";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "DesertEagle";
gren = "FRAG";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "tChosenOne";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 27
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Fallout_SuperMutant";
gun = "Minigun";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "DesertEagle";
gren = "FRAG";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "tSuperMutant";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 27
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 1;
skin = "Fallout_Ranger";
gun = "Jackhammer";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "DesertEagle";
gren = "FRAG";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 27
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 1;
skin = "Fallout_Ranger";
gun = "Jackhammer";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "DesertEagle";
gren = "FRAG";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 27
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Fallout_SuperMutant";
gun = "Minigun";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "DesertEagle";
gren = "FRAG";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "tSuperMutant";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 27
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Fallout_SuperMutant";
gun = "Minigun";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "DesertEagle";
gren = "FRAG";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "tSuperMutant";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 27
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Fallout_SuperMutant";
gun = "Minigun";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "DesertEagle";
gren = "FRAG";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "tSuperMutant";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 27
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Fallout_SuperMutant";
gun = "Minigun";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "DesertEagle";
gren = "FRAG";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "tSuperMutant";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 27
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Fallout_SuperMutant";
gun = "Minigun";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "DesertEagle";
gren = "FRAG";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "tSuperMutant";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 27
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Fallout_SuperMutant";
gun = "Minigun";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "DesertEagle";
gren = "FRAG";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "tSuperMutant";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 27
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Fallout_SuperMutant";
gun = "Minigun";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "DesertEagle";
gren = "FRAG";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "tSuperMutant";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 27
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Fallout_SuperMutant";
gun = "Minigun";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "DesertEagle";
gren = "FRAG";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "tSuperMutant";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 27
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Fallout_SuperMutant";
gun = "Minigun";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "DesertEagle";
gren = "FRAG";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "tSuperMutant";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 27
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Fallout_SuperMutant";
gun = "Minigun";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "DesertEagle";
gren = "FRAG";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "tSuperMutant";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 28
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Player";
team = 1;
skin = "Fallout_SuperMutant";
gun = "Minigun";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "DesertEagle";
gren = "FRAG";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "tSuperMutant";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 28
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Fallout_Enclave";
gun = "PPK_12";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "DesertEagle";
gren = "FRAG";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "tEnclave";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 28
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Fallout_Enclave";
gun = "PPK_12";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "DesertEagle";
gren = "FRAG";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "tEnclave";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 28
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Fallout_Enclave";
gun = "PPK_12";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "DesertEagle";
gren = "FRAG";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "tEnclave";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 28
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Fallout_Enclave";
gun = "PPK_12";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "DesertEagle";
gren = "FRAG";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "tEnclave";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 28
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Fallout_Enclave";
gun = "PPK_12";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "DesertEagle";
gren = "FRAG";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "tEnclave";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 28
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Fallout_Enclave";
gun = "PPK_12";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "DesertEagle";
gren = "FRAG";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "tEnclave";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 28
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Fallout_Enclave";
gun = "PPK_12";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "DesertEagle";
gren = "FRAG";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "tEnclave";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 28
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Fallout_Enclave";
gun = "PPK_12";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "DesertEagle";
gren = "FRAG";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "tEnclave";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 28
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Fallout_Enclave";
gun = "PPK_12";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "DesertEagle";
gren = "FRAG";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "tEnclave";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 28
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Fallout_Enclave";
gun = "PPK_12";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "DesertEagle";
gren = "FRAG";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "tEnclave";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 28
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Fallout_ChosenOne";
gun = "Bozar";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "DesertEagle";
gren = "FRAG";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "tChosenOne";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 28
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Fallout_Enclave";
gun = "PPK_12";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "DesertEagle";
gren = "FRAG";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "tEnclave";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 28
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Fallout_Enclave";
gun = "PPK_12";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "DesertEagle";
gren = "FRAG";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "tEnclave";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 28
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Fallout_Enclave";
gun = "PPK_12";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "DesertEagle";
gren = "FRAG";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "tEnclave";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 28
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Fallout_Enclave";
gun = "PPK_12";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "DesertEagle";
gren = "FRAG";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "tEnclave";
Instance of Symbol 2356 MovieClip in Frame 28
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
tp = "Large";
Instance of Symbol 2356 MovieClip in Frame 28
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
tp = "Large";
Instance of Symbol 2356 MovieClip in Frame 28
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
tp = "Large";
Instance of Symbol 2358 MovieClip in Frame 28
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
tp = "Large";
Instance of Symbol 2358 MovieClip in Frame 28
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
tp = "Large";
Instance of Symbol 2358 MovieClip in Frame 28
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
tp = "Large";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 29
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Player";
team = 1;
skin = "Fallout_Raider";
gun = "Flamethrower";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "DesertEagle";
gren = "FRAG";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 29
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Fallout_Ranger";
gun = "Jackhammer";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "DesertEagle";
gren = "FRAG";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 29
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Fallout_Ranger";
gun = "Jackhammer";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "DesertEagle";
gren = "FRAG";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 29
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Fallout_Ranger";
gun = "Jackhammer";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "DesertEagle";
gren = "FRAG";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 29
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Fallout_Ranger";
gun = "Jackhammer";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "DesertEagle";
gren = "FRAG";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 29
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Fallout_Ranger";
gun = "Jackhammer";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "DesertEagle";
gren = "FRAG";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 29
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Fallout_Ranger";
gun = "Jackhammer";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "DesertEagle";
gren = "FRAG";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 29
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Fallout_Ranger";
gun = "Jackhammer";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "DesertEagle";
gren = "FRAG";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 29
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Fallout_Ranger";
gun = "Jackhammer";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "DesertEagle";
gren = "FRAG";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 29
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Fallout_Ranger";
gun = "Jackhammer";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "DesertEagle";
gren = "FRAG";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 29
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Fallout_Ranger";
gun = "Jackhammer";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "DesertEagle";
gren = "FRAG";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 29
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Fallout_Ranger";
gun = "Jackhammer";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "DesertEagle";
gren = "FRAG";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 29
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Fallout_Ranger";
gun = "Jackhammer";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "DesertEagle";
gren = "FRAG";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 29
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Fallout_Ranger";
gun = "Jackhammer";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "DesertEagle";
gren = "FRAG";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 29
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Fallout_Ranger";
gun = "Jackhammer";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "DesertEagle";
gren = "FRAG";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 29
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Fallout_Sheriff";
gun = "GaussRifle";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "DesertEagle";
gren = "FRAG";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2356 MovieClip in Frame 29
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
tp = "Small";
Instance of Symbol 2358 MovieClip in Frame 29
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
tp = "Small";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 30
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Player";
team = 1;
skin = "Blood_MainHero";
gun = "SplitterRifle";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "no";
gren = "SPLITTER";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 30
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Blood_Zombie";
gun = "Axe";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "no";
gren = "no";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "tZombie";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 30
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Blood_Zombie";
gun = "Axe";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "no";
gren = "no";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "tZombie";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 30
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Blood_Zombie";
gun = "Axe";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "no";
gren = "no";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "tZombie";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 30
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Blood_Zombie";
gun = "Axe";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "no";
gren = "no";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "tZombie";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 30
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Blood_Zombie";
gun = "Axe";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "no";
gren = "no";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "tZombie";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 30
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Blood_Zombie";
gun = "Axe";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "no";
gren = "no";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "tZombie";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 30
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Blood_Zombie";
gun = "Axe";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "no";
gren = "no";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "tZombie";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 30
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Blood_Zombie";
gun = "Axe";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "no";
gren = "no";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "tZombie";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 30
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Blood_Fanatic";
gun = "no";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Anaconda";
gren = "no";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 30
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Blood_Fanatic";
gun = "no";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Anaconda";
gren = "no";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 31
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Player";
team = 1;
skin = "Blood_MainHero";
gun = "no";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Anaconda";
gren = "FRAG";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 31
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Blood_Fanatic";
gun = "no";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Anaconda";
gren = "no";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 31
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Blood_Fanatic";
gun = "no";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Anaconda";
gren = "no";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 31
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Blood_Fanatic";
gun = "no";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Anaconda";
gren = "no";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 31
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Blood_Fanatic";
gun = "no";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Anaconda";
gren = "no";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 31
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Blood_Fanatic";
gun = "no";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Anaconda";
gren = "no";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 31
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Blood_Fanatic";
gun = "no";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Anaconda";
gren = "no";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 31
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Blood_Fanatic";
gun = "no";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Anaconda";
gren = "no";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 31
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Blood_Priest";
gun = "TommyGun";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Anaconda";
gren = "no";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 31
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Blood_Priest";
gun = "TommyGun";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Anaconda";
gren = "no";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 31
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Blood_Zombie";
gun = "Axe";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "no";
gren = "no";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "tZombie";
Instance of Symbol 2356 MovieClip in Frame 31
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
tp = "Large";
Instance of Symbol 2358 MovieClip in Frame 31
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
tp = "Small";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 32
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Player";
team = 1;
skin = "Blood_MainHero";
gun = "TommyGun";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Anaconda";
gren = "FRAG";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 32
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Blood_Zombie";
gun = "Axe";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "no";
gren = "no";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "tZombie";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 32
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Blood_Fanatic";
gun = "no";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Anaconda";
gren = "no";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 32
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Blood_Demon";
gun = "NapalmLauncher";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Anaconda";
gren = "no";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "tDemon";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 32
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Blood_Zombie";
gun = "Axe";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "no";
gren = "no";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "tZombie";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 32
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Blood_Priest";
gun = "TommyGun";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Anaconda";
gren = "no";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 32
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Blood_Zombie";
gun = "Axe";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "no";
gren = "no";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "tZombie";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 32
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Blood_Zombie";
gun = "Axe";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "no";
gren = "no";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "tZombie";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 32
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Blood_Priest";
gun = "TommyGun";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Anaconda";
gren = "no";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 32
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Blood_Priest";
gun = "TommyGun";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Anaconda";
gren = "no";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 32
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Blood_Zombie";
gun = "Axe";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "no";
gren = "no";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "tZombie";
Instance of Symbol 2358 MovieClip in Frame 32
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
tp = "Large";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 33
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Player";
team = 1;
skin = "Blood_MainHero";
gun = "NapalmLauncher";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Anaconda";
gren = "FRAG";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 33
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Blood_Death";
gun = "Scythe";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Anaconda";
gren = "FRAG";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "tDeath";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 33
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Blood_Priest";
gun = "TommyGun";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Anaconda";
gren = "no";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 33
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Blood_Priest";
gun = "TommyGun";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Anaconda";
gren = "no";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 33
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Blood_Death";
gun = "Scythe";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Anaconda";
gren = "FRAG";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "tDeath";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 33
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Blood_Death";
gun = "Scythe";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Anaconda";
gren = "FRAG";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "tDeath";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 33
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Blood_Zombie";
gun = "Axe";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "no";
gren = "no";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "tZombie";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 33
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Blood_Zombie";
gun = "Axe";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "no";
gren = "no";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "tZombie";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 33
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Blood_Zombie";
gun = "Axe";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "no";
gren = "no";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "tZombie";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 33
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Blood_Zombie";
gun = "Axe";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "no";
gren = "no";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "tZombie";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 33
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Blood_Zombie";
gun = "Axe";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "no";
gren = "no";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "tZombie";
Instance of Symbol 2356 MovieClip in Frame 33
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
tp = "Small";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 34
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 1;
skin = "American_Private";
gun = "Garand_M1";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Colt_1917";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 34
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "German_Mashinegunner";
gun = "MG_36";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "WALTER";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 34
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 1;
skin = "American_Private";
gun = "Garand_M1";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Colt_1917";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 34
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 1;
skin = "American_Private";
gun = "Garand_M1";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Colt_1917";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 34
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 1;
skin = "American_Private";
gun = "Garand_M1";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Colt_1917";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 34
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Player";
team = 1;
skin = "American_Private";
gun = "Garand_M1";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Colt_1917";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 34
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "German_Mashinegunner";
gun = "MG_36";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "WALTER";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 34
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "German_Mashinegunner";
gun = "MG_36";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "WALTER";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 34
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "German_Mashinegunner";
gun = "MG_36";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "WALTER";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 34
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "German_Mashinegunner";
gun = "MG_36";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "WALTER";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 35
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "German_Private";
gun = "StG_42";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "WALTER";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 35
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Player";
team = 1;
skin = "American_Corporal";
gun = "Thompson";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Colt_1917";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 35
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "German_Private";
gun = "StG_42";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "WALTER";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 35
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "German_Private";
gun = "StG_42";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "WALTER";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 35
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "German_Sergant";
gun = "MP_40";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "WALTER";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 35
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "German_Sergant";
gun = "MP_40";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "WALTER";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 35
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "German_Sergant";
gun = "MP_40";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "WALTER";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 35
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "German_Sergant";
gun = "MP_40";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "WALTER";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 36
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Player";
team = 1;
skin = "American_Sergant";
gun = "Browning_1921";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Colt_1917";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 36
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "German_SS";
gun = "HK_28";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "WALTER";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 36
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "German_Sergant";
gun = "MP_40";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Glock18";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 547;
go_y = 54;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 36
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "German_SS";
gun = "HK_28";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "WALTER";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 36
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "German_SS";
gun = "HK_28";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "WALTER";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 36
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "German_SS";
gun = "HK_28";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "WALTER";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 36
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "German_SS";
gun = "HK_28";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "WALTER";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 36
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "German_Sergant";
gun = "MP_40";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Glock18";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 37
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Player";
team = 1;
skin = "American_Mashinegunner";
gun = "Browning_30";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Colt_1917";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 37
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "German_Sergant";
gun = "MP_40";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "WALTER";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 37
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "German_Private";
gun = "MP_40";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "WALTER";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 37
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 1;
skin = "American_Mashinegunner";
gun = "Browning_30";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Colt_1917";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 37
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "German_Sergant";
gun = "MP_40";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "WALTER";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 37
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "German_Sergant";
gun = "MP_40";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "WALTER";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 37
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "German_Sergant";
gun = "MP_40";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "WALTER";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 37
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "German_Sergant";
gun = "MP_40";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "WALTER";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 37
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "German_Sergant";
gun = "MP_40";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "WALTER";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 37
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "German_Private";
gun = "MP_40";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "WALTER";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 37
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "German_Private";
gun = "MP_40";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "WALTER";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 38
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Player";
team = 1;
skin = "American_Officer";
gun = "no";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Colt_1917";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 38
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "German_Sergant";
gun = "MP_40";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "WALTER";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 38
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "German_Mashinegunner";
gun = "MG_36";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "WALTER";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 38
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "German_Sergant";
gun = "MP_40";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Glock18";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 547;
go_y = 54;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 38
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 1;
skin = "American_Corporal";
gun = "Thompson";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Colt_1917";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 38
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 1;
skin = "American_Corporal";
gun = "Thompson";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Colt_1917";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 38
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 1;
skin = "American_Private";
gun = "Garand_M1";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Colt_1917";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 38
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 1;
skin = "American_Sergant";
gun = "Browning_1921";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Colt_1917";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 39
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Player";
team = 1;
skin = "German_Private";
gun = "StG_42";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "WALTER";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 39
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Soviet_Partisan";
gun = "DB";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "TT_33";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 39
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Soviet_Partisan";
gun = "DB";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "TT_33";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 39
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Soviet_Partisan";
gun = "DB";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "TT_33";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 39
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Soviet_Partisan";
gun = "DB";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "TT_33";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 39
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Soviet_Partisan";
gun = "DB";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "TT_33";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 39
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Soviet_Partisan";
gun = "DB";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "TT_33";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 39
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Soviet_Partisan";
gun = "DB";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "TT_33";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 39
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Soviet_Partisan";
gun = "DB";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "TT_33";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 39
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Soviet_Partisan";
gun = "DB";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "TT_33";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 40
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Player";
team = 1;
skin = "German_Sergant";
gun = "MP_40";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "WALTER";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 40
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Soviet_Sergant";
gun = "PPH_41";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "TT_33";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 40
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Soviet_Sergant";
gun = "PPH_41";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "TT_33";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 40
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Soviet_Private";
gun = "SKS";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "TT_33";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 40
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Soviet_Sergant";
gun = "PPH_41";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "TT_33";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 40
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Soviet_Sergant";
gun = "PPH_41";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "TT_33";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 40
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Soviet_Sergant";
gun = "PPH_41";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "TT_33";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 40
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Soviet_Private";
gun = "SKS";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "TT_33";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 40
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Soviet_Private";
gun = "SKS";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "TT_33";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 40
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Soviet_Mashinegunner";
gun = "PPD";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "TT_33";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 41
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Player";
team = 1;
skin = "German_SS";
gun = "HK_28";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "WALTER";
gren = "FRAG";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 41
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "American_Private";
gun = "Garand_M1";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Colt_1917";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 41
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "American_Mashinegunner";
gun = "Browning_30";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Colt_1917";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 41
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 1;
skin = "German_SS";
gun = "HK_28";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "WALTER";
gren = "FRAG";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 41
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 1;
skin = "German_SS";
gun = "HK_28";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "WALTER";
gren = "FRAG";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 41
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "American_Private";
gun = "Garand_M1";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Colt_1917";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 41
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "American_Corporal";
gun = "Thompson";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Colt_1917";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 41
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "American_Sergant";
gun = "Browning_1921";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Colt_1917";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 41
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "American_Sergant";
gun = "Browning_1921";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Colt_1917";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 41
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "American_Corporal";
gun = "Thompson";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Colt_1917";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 41
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "American_Officer";
gun = "no";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Colt_1917";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 42
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Player";
team = 1;
skin = "German_Mashinegunner";
gun = "MG_36";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "WALTER";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 42
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "American_Sergant";
gun = "Browning_1921";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Colt_1917";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 400;
go_y = 300;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 42
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "American_Sergant";
gun = "Browning_1921";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Colt_1917";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 400;
go_y = 300;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 42
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "American_Sergant";
gun = "Browning_1921";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Colt_1917";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 400;
go_y = 300;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 42
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "American_Sergant";
gun = "Browning_1921";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Colt_1917";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 400;
go_y = 300;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 42
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "American_Sergant";
gun = "Browning_1921";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Colt_1917";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 400;
go_y = 300;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 43
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Player";
team = 1;
skin = "German_Officer";
gun = "no";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "WALTER";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 43
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "American_Corporal";
gun = "Thompson";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Colt_1917";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 255;
go_y = 459;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 43
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "American_Corporal";
gun = "Thompson";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Colt_1917";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 475;
go_y = 478;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 43
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "American_Corporal";
gun = "Thompson";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Colt_1917";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 255;
go_y = 459;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 43
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "American_Corporal";
gun = "Thompson";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Colt_1917";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 475;
go_y = 478;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 43
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 1;
skin = "German_Mashinegunner";
gun = "MG_36";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "WALTER";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 43
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Soviet_Private";
gun = "SKS";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Colt_1917";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 73;
go_y = 377;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 43
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Soviet_Private";
gun = "SKS";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Colt_1917";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 73;
go_y = 377;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 43
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Soviet_Private";
gun = "SKS";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Colt_1917";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 73;
go_y = 377;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 43
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 1;
skin = "German_Sergant";
gun = "MP_40";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "WALTER";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 43
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 1;
skin = "German_SS";
gun = "HK_28";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "WALTER";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 43
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 1;
skin = "German_SS";
gun = "HK_28";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "WALTER";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 44
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Player";
team = 1;
skin = "Soviet_Partisan";
gun = "DB";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "TT_33";
gren = "FRAG";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 44
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "German_Mashinegunner";
gun = "MG_36";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "WALTER";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 44
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "German_Private";
gun = "StG_42";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "WALTER";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 44
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "German_Sergant";
gun = "MP_40";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "WALTER";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 44
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "German_Private";
gun = "StG_42";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "WALTER";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 44
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "German_Sergant";
gun = "MP_40";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "WALTER";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 44
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "German_Private";
gun = "StG_42";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "WALTER";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 44
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "German_Sergant";
gun = "MP_40";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "WALTER";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 44
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "German_Officer";
gun = "no";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "WALTER";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 600;
go_y = 545;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 44
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "German_Private";
gun = "StG_42";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "WALTER";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 639;
go_y = 573;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 45
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Player";
team = 1;
skin = "Soviet_Private";
gun = "SKS";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "TT_33";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 45
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "German_Sergant";
gun = "MP_40";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "WALTER";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 45
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "German_SS";
gun = "HK_28";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "WALTER";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 45
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 1;
skin = "Soviet_Sergant";
gun = "PPH_41";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "TT_33";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 45
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 1;
skin = "Soviet_Sergant";
gun = "PPH_41";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "TT_33";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 45
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "German_SS";
gun = "HK_28";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "WALTER";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 45
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "German_SS";
gun = "HK_28";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "WALTER";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 45
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "German_Sergant";
gun = "MP_40";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "WALTER";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 45
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "German_Sergant";
gun = "MP_40";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "WALTER";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 45
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "German_Sergant";
gun = "MP_40";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "WALTER";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 45
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "German_Sergant";
gun = "MP_40";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "WALTER";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 46
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "German_SS";
gun = "HK_28";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "WALTER";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 46
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Player";
team = 1;
skin = "Soviet_Sergant";
gun = "PPH_41";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "TT_33";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 46
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "German_Private";
gun = "StG_42";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "WALTER";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 46
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "German_Officer";
gun = "no";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "WALTER";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 473;
go_y = 407;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 46
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 1;
skin = "Soviet_Partisan";
gun = "DB";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "TT_33";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 46
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "German_Private";
gun = "StG_42";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "WALTER";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 46
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "German_Private";
gun = "StG_42";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "WALTER";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 46
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "German_Private";
gun = "StG_42";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "WALTER";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 47
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Player";
team = 1;
skin = "Soviet_Mashinegunner";
gun = "PPD";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "TT_33";
gren = "FRAG";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 47
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "German_Private";
gun = "StG_42";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "WALTER";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 47
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "German_Sergant";
gun = "MP_40";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "WALTER";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 47
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "German_Sergant";
gun = "MP_40";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "WALTER";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 47
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "German_Sergant";
gun = "MP_40";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "WALTER";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 47
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "German_Sergant";
gun = "MP_40";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "WALTER";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 47
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "German_Sergant";
gun = "MP_40";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "WALTER";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 48
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "German_Officer";
gun = "no";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "WALTER";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 600;
go_y = 545;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 48
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Player";
team = 1;
skin = "Soviet_Officer";
gun = "no";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "TT_33";
gren = "FRAG";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 48
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "German_Sergant";
gun = "MP_40";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "WALTER";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 48
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 1;
skin = "Soviet_Sergant";
gun = "PPH_41";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "TT_33";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 48
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "German_Mashinegunner";
gun = "MG_36";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "WALTER";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 48
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 1;
skin = "Soviet_Sergant";
gun = "PPH_41";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "TT_33";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 48
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 1;
skin = "Soviet_Sergant";
gun = "PPH_41";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "TT_33";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 48
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 1;
skin = "Soviet_Sergant";
gun = "PPH_41";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "TT_33";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 49
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Player";
team = 1;
skin = "USA_Private";
gun = "M_16";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Beretta";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 49
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Vietnam_Sergant";
gun = "Benelli_M3";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "PM";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 49
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 1;
skin = "USA_AT";
gun = "LAW";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Beretta";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 49
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 1;
skin = "USA_Sergant";
gun = "SPAS_12";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Beretta";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 49
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Vietnam_Private";
gun = "AK_47";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "PM";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 49
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Vietnam_Private";
gun = "AK_47";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "PM";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 49
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Vietnam_Rebel";
gun = "UZI";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "PM";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 49
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Vietnam_Rebel";
gun = "UZI";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "PM";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 49
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Vietnam_Rebel";
gun = "UZI";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "PM";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 49
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Vietnam_Rebel";
gun = "UZI";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "PM";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 50
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Player";
team = 1;
skin = "USA_Sergant";
gun = "SPAS_12";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Beretta";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 50
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Vietnam_Private";
gun = "AK_47";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "PM";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 50
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Vietnam_Private";
gun = "AK_47";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "PM";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 50
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Vietnam_Rebel";
gun = "UZI";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "PM";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 50
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Vietnam_Private";
gun = "AK_47";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "PM";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 50
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Vietnam_Sergant";
gun = "Benelli_M3";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "PM";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 50
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Vietnam_Sergant";
gun = "Benelli_M3";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "PM";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 50
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Vietnam_Mashinegunner";
gun = "PKM";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "PM";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 50
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Vietnam_Private";
gun = "AK_47";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "PM";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 51
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Player";
team = 1;
skin = "USA_AT";
gun = "LAW";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Beretta";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 51
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 1;
skin = "USA_AT";
gun = "LAW";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Beretta";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 51
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 1;
skin = "USA_AT";
gun = "LAW";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Beretta";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 51
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 1;
skin = "USA_AT";
gun = "LAW";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Beretta";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 51
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Vietnam_Private";
gun = "AK_47";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "PM";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 51
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Vietnam_Private";
gun = "AK_47";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "PM";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 51
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Vietnam_Private";
gun = "AK_47";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "PM";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 51
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Vietnam_Sergant";
gun = "Benelli_M3";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "PM";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 52
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Player";
team = 1;
skin = "USA_Mashinegunner";
gun = "M60";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Beretta";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 52
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Vietnam_Private";
gun = "AK_47";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "PM";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 52
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Vietnam_Mashinegunner";
gun = "PKM";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "PM";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 52
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Vietnam_Private";
gun = "AK_47";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "PM";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 52
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Vietnam_Private";
gun = "AK_47";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "PM";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 52
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Vietnam_Private";
gun = "AK_47";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "PM";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 52
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Vietnam_Private";
gun = "AK_47";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "PM";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 52
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Vietnam_Private";
gun = "AK_47";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "PM";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 53
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Player";
team = 1;
skin = "USA_Sniper";
gun = "M50";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Beretta";
gren = "FRAG";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 53
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Vietnam_Officer";
gun = "no";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "PM";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 53
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Vietnam_Private";
gun = "AK_47";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "PM";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 53
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Vietnam_Private";
gun = "AK_47";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "PM";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 53
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Vietnam_Private";
gun = "AK_47";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "PM";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 54
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Player";
team = 1;
skin = "USA_Officer";
gun = "no";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Beretta";
gren = "FRAG";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 54
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Vietnam_Sergant";
gun = "Benelli_M3";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "PM";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 54
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Vietnam_Specialist";
gun = "FLY";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "PM";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 54
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 1;
skin = "USA_Private";
gun = "M_16";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Beretta";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 54
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 1;
skin = "USA_Private";
gun = "M_16";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Beretta";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 54
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 1;
skin = "USA_AT";
gun = "LAW";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Beretta";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 54
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 1;
skin = "USA_Sergant";
gun = "SPAS_12";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Beretta";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 54
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Vietnam_Specialist";
gun = "FLY";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "PM";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 54
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Vietnam_Sergant";
gun = "Benelli_M3";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "PM";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 54
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Vietnam_Sergant";
gun = "Benelli_M3";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "PM";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 54
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Vietnam_Sergant";
gun = "Benelli_M3";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "PM";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 54
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Vietnam_Sergant";
gun = "Benelli_M3";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "PM";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 54
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Vietnam_Sergant";
gun = "Benelli_M3";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "PM";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 55
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Player";
team = 1;
skin = "USA_Delta";
gun = "MP5";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Beretta";
gren = "FRAG";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 55
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Vietnam_Specialist";
gun = "FLY";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "PM";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 55
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Vietnam_Private";
gun = "AK_47";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "PM";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 55
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Vietnam_Specialist";
gun = "FLY";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "PM";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 55
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Vietnam_Private";
gun = "AK_47";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "PM";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 55
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Vietnam_Private";
gun = "AK_47";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "PM";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 55
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Vietnam_Private";
gun = "AK_47";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "PM";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 55
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Vietnam_Private";
gun = "AK_47";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "PM";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 55
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Vietnam_Private";
gun = "AK_47";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "PM";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 55
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Vietnam_Private";
gun = "AK_47";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "PM";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 55
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Vietnam_Private";
gun = "AK_47";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "PM";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 55
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Vietnam_Mashinegunner";
gun = "PKM";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "PM";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 55
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Vietnam_Mashinegunner";
gun = "PKM";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "PM";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 56
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "USA_Private";
gun = "M_16";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Beretta";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 453;
go_y = 291;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 56
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Player";
team = 1;
skin = "Vietnam_Rebel";
gun = "UZI";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "PM";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 56
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "USA_Private";
gun = "M_16";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Beretta";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 56
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "USA_Private";
gun = "M_16";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Beretta";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 479;
go_y = 398;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 56
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "USA_Private";
gun = "M_16";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Beretta";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 56
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "USA_Sergant";
gun = "SPAS_12";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Beretta";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 200;
go_y = 414;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 56
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "USA_AT";
gun = "LAW";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Beretta";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 57
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "USA_Private";
gun = "M_16";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Beretta";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 57
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Player";
team = 1;
skin = "Vietnam_Private";
gun = "AK_47";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "PM";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 57
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "USA_Private";
gun = "M_16";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Beretta";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 720;
go_y = 465;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 57
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "USA_Private";
gun = "M_16";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Beretta";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 57
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "USA_Sergant";
gun = "SPAS_12";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Beretta";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 57
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "USA_AT";
gun = "LAW";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Beretta";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 57
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 1;
skin = "Vietnam_Private";
gun = "AK_47";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "PM";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 57
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "USA_Sergant";
gun = "SPAS_12";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Beretta";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 57
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "USA_Private";
gun = "M_16";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Beretta";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 57
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "USA_Private";
gun = "M_16";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Beretta";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 58
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "USA_Mashinegunner";
gun = "M60";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Beretta";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 58
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Player";
team = 1;
skin = "Vietnam_Sergant";
gun = "Benelli_M3";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "PM";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 58
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "USA_Sergant";
gun = "SPAS_12";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Beretta";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 58
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "USA_Sniper";
gun = "M50";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Beretta";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 58
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "USA_Sniper";
gun = "M50";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Beretta";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 58
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "USA_Sniper";
gun = "M50";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Beretta";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 59
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Player";
team = 1;
skin = "Vietnam_Mashinegunner";
gun = "PKM";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "PM";
gren = "FRAG";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 59
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "USA_Sergant";
gun = "SPAS_12";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Beretta";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 59
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "USA_AT";
gun = "LAW";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Beretta";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 59
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "USA_Private";
gun = "M_16";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Beretta";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 59
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "USA_Private";
gun = "M_16";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Beretta";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 59
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "USA_Sergant";
gun = "SPAS_12";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Beretta";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 59
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "USA_Private";
gun = "M_16";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Beretta";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 59
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "USA_AT";
gun = "LAW";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Beretta";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 59
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "USA_Private";
gun = "M_16";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Beretta";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 59
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "USA_Sergant";
gun = "SPAS_12";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Beretta";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 60
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Player";
team = 1;
skin = "Vietnam_Sniper";
gun = "SVD";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "PM";
gren = "FRAG";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 60
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "USA_Sergant";
gun = "SPAS_12";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Beretta";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 477;
go_y = 500;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 60
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "USA_Delta";
gun = "MP5";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Beretta";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 60
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "USA_Mashinegunner";
gun = "M60";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Beretta";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 60
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "USA_Delta";
gun = "MP5";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Beretta";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 60
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "USA_Mashinegunner";
gun = "M60";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Beretta";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 60
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "USA_Sergant";
gun = "SPAS_12";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Beretta";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 326;
go_y = 473;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 60
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "USA_Sergant";
gun = "SPAS_12";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Beretta";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 509;
go_y = 488;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 61
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Player";
team = 1;
skin = "Vietnam_Officer";
gun = "no";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "PM";
gren = "FRAG";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 61
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "USA_Private";
gun = "M_16";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Beretta";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 613;
go_y = 395;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 61
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "USA_Sergant";
gun = "SPAS_12";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Beretta";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 645;
go_y = 498;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 61
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 1;
skin = "Vietnam_Private";
gun = "AK_47";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "PM";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 61
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 1;
skin = "Vietnam_Private";
gun = "AK_47";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "PM";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 61
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 1;
skin = "Vietnam_Sergant";
gun = "Benelli_M3";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "PM";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 61
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "USA_AT";
gun = "LAW";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Beretta";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 61
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "USA_Private";
gun = "M_16";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Beretta";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 544;
go_y = 469;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 61
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "USA_Private";
gun = "M_16";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Beretta";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 681;
go_y = 560;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 62
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Player";
team = 1;
skin = "Vietnam_Specialist";
gun = "FLY";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "PM";
gren = "FRAG";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 62
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "USA_Sergant";
gun = "SPAS_12";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Beretta";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 62
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "USA_AT";
gun = "LAW";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Beretta";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 62
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "USA_Officer";
gun = "no";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Beretta";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 62
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "USA_AT";
gun = "LAW";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Beretta";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 62
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "USA_AT";
gun = "LAW";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Beretta";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 62
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "USA_AT";
gun = "LAW";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Beretta";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 63
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "American_Private";
gun = "M1903";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Colt_1917";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 63
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Player";
team = 1;
skin = "Japan_Private";
gun = "Arisaka";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Nambu";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 63
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 1;
skin = "Japan_Private";
gun = "Arisaka";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Nambu";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 63
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 1;
skin = "Japan_Sergant";
gun = "type100";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Nambu";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 63
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 1;
skin = "Japan_Private";
gun = "Arisaka";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Nambu";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 63
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 1;
skin = "Japan_Officer";
gun = "no";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Nambu";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 63
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "American_Private";
gun = "M1903";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Colt_1917";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2356 MovieClip in Frame 63
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
tp = "Large";
Instance of Symbol 2358 MovieClip in Frame 63
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
tp = "Large";
Instance of Symbol 2356 MovieClip in Frame 63
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
tp = "Small";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 63
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "American_Private";
gun = "M1903";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Colt_1917";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 63
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "American_Corporal";
gun = "TommyGun";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Colt_1917";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 63
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 1;
skin = "Japan_Sergant";
gun = "type100";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Nambu";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 63
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 1;
skin = "Japan_Sergant";
gun = "type100";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Nambu";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 63
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "American_Private";
gun = "M1903";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Colt_1917";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 63
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "American_Private";
gun = "M1903";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Colt_1917";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2356 MovieClip in Frame 64
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
tp = "Large";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 64
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Player";
team = 1;
skin = "Japan_Sergant";
gun = "type100";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Nambu";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 64
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "American_Private";
gun = "M1903";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Colt_1917";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 64
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "American_Private";
gun = "M1903";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Colt_1917";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 64
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "American_Corporal";
gun = "Thompson";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Colt_1917";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 64
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "American_Mashinegunner";
gun = "Johnson";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Colt_1917";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 64
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "American_Corporal";
gun = "Thompson";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Colt_1917";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 64
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "American_Sergant";
gun = "Browning_1921";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Colt_1917";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 64
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "American_Private";
gun = "Garand_M1";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Colt_1917";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2358 MovieClip in Frame 64
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
tp = "Small";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 65
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Player";
team = 1;
skin = "Japan_Rebel";
gun = "JapShotgun";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Nambu";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 65
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "American_Private";
gun = "Garand_M1";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Colt_1917";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 65
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "American_Corporal";
gun = "Thompson";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Colt_1917";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 65
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "American_Mashinegunner";
gun = "Johnson";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Colt_1917";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 65
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "American_Corporal";
gun = "Thompson";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Colt_1917";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 65
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "American_Sergant";
gun = "Browning_1921";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Colt_1917";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 65
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "American_Private";
gun = "Garand_M1";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Colt_1917";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 65
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "American_Corporal";
gun = "Thompson";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Colt_1917";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 65
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "American_Corporal";
gun = "Thompson";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Colt_1917";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 65
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "American_Corporal";
gun = "Thompson";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Colt_1917";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 65
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "American_Sergant";
gun = "Browning_1921";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Colt_1917";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2356 MovieClip in Frame 65
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
tp = "Small";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 66
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Player";
team = 1;
skin = "Japan_Machinegunner";
gun = "Model96";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Nambu";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 66
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "American_Sergant";
gun = "Browning_1921";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Colt_1917";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 66
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "American_Private";
gun = "Garand_M1";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Colt_1917";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 66
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "American_Corporal";
gun = "Thompson";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Colt_1917";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 66
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "American_Sergant";
gun = "Browning_1921";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Colt_1917";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 66
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "American_Private";
gun = "Garand_M1";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Colt_1917";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 66
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "American_Private";
gun = "Garand_M1";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Colt_1917";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 66
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 1;
skin = "Japan_Machinegunner";
gun = "Model96";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Nambu";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 67
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Player";
team = 1;
skin = "Japan_Officer";
gun = "no";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Nambu";
gren = "FRAG";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 67
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 1;
skin = "Japan_Private";
gun = "Arisaka";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Nambu";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 67
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "American_Mashinegunner";
gun = "Johnson";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Colt_1917";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 67
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "American_Private";
gun = "Garand_M1";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Colt_1917";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 67
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "American_Officer";
gun = "no";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Colt_1917";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 67
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 1;
skin = "Japan_Sergant";
gun = "type100";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Nambu";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 67
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 1;
skin = "Japan_Private";
gun = "Arisaka";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Nambu";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 67
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 1;
skin = "Japan_Private";
gun = "Arisaka";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Nambu";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 67
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 1;
skin = "Japan_Private";
gun = "Arisaka";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Nambu";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 67
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 1;
skin = "Japan_Sergant";
gun = "type100";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Nambu";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2356 MovieClip in Frame 67
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
tp = "Large";
Instance of Symbol 2358 MovieClip in Frame 67
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
tp = "Large";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 68
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 1;
skin = "American_Corporal";
gun = "Thompson";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Colt_1917";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 68
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Player";
team = 1;
skin = "American_Private";
gun = "Garand_M1";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Colt_1917";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 68
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Japan_Private";
gun = "Arisaka";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Nambu";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 68
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Japan_Private";
gun = "Arisaka";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Nambu";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 68
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Japan_Private";
gun = "Arisaka";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Nambu";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 68
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Japan_Private";
gun = "Arisaka";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Nambu";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 68
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Japan_Private";
gun = "Arisaka";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Nambu";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 68
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Japan_Private";
gun = "Arisaka";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Nambu";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 68
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Japan_Private";
gun = "Arisaka";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Nambu";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 68
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Japan_Sergant";
gun = "type100";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Nambu";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 68
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Japan_Private";
gun = "Arisaka";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Nambu";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 68
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Japan_Machinegunner";
gun = "Model96";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Nambu";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 68
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Japan_Sergant";
gun = "type100";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Nambu";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2356 MovieClip in Frame 68
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
tp = "Large";
Instance of Symbol 2356 MovieClip in Frame 68
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
tp = "Small";
Instance of Symbol 2358 MovieClip in Frame 68
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
tp = "Large";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 68
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 1;
skin = "American_Corporal";
gun = "Thompson";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Colt_1917";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 69
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 1;
skin = "American_Private";
gun = "Garand_M1";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Colt_1917";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 69
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Player";
team = 1;
skin = "American_Corporal";
gun = "Thompson";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Colt_1917";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 69
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Japan_Machinegunner";
gun = "Model96";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Nambu";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 69
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Japan_Sergant";
gun = "type100";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Nambu";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 69
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Japan_Machinegunner";
gun = "Model96";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Nambu";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 69
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Japan_Machinegunner";
gun = "Model96";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Nambu";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 69
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Japan_Sergant";
gun = "type100";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Nambu";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 69
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Japan_Private";
gun = "Arisaka";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Nambu";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 69
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Japan_Private";
gun = "Arisaka";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Nambu";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 69
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Japan_Sergant";
gun = "type100";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Nambu";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 69
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Japan_Rebel";
gun = "JapShotgun";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Nambu";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2356 MovieClip in Frame 69
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
tp = "Large";
Instance of Symbol 2358 MovieClip in Frame 69
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
tp = "Large";
Instance of Symbol 2356 MovieClip in Frame 69
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
tp = "Small";
Instance of Symbol 2358 MovieClip in Frame 69
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
tp = "Small";
Instance of Symbol 2358 MovieClip in Frame 69
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
tp = "Small";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 70
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Player";
team = 1;
skin = "American_Sergant";
gun = "Browning_1921";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Colt_1917";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 70
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Japan_Private";
gun = "Arisaka";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Nambu";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 70
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Japan_Machinegunner";
gun = "Model96";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Nambu";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 70
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Japan_Sergant";
gun = "type100";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Nambu";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 70
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Japan_Machinegunner";
gun = "Model96";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Nambu";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 70
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Japan_Sergant";
gun = "type100";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Nambu";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 70
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Japan_Sergant";
gun = "type100";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Nambu";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 70
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Japan_Private";
gun = "Arisaka";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Nambu";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 70
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 1;
skin = "American_Mashinegunner";
gun = "Browning_30";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Colt_1917";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2356 MovieClip in Frame 70
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
tp = "Small";
Instance of Symbol 2356 MovieClip in Frame 70
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
tp = "Small";
Instance of Symbol 2358 MovieClip in Frame 70
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
tp = "Small";
Instance of Symbol 2358 MovieClip in Frame 70
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
tp = "Small";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 71
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Player";
team = 1;
skin = "American_Mashinegunner";
gun = "Johnson";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Colt_1917";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 71
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Japan_Sergant";
gun = "type100";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Nambu";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 71
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Japan_Machinegunner";
gun = "Model96";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Nambu";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 71
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Japan_Private";
gun = "Arisaka";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Nambu";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 71
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 1;
skin = "American_Corporal";
gun = "Thompson";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Colt_1917";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 71
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 1;
skin = "American_Mashinegunner";
gun = "Browning_30";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Colt_1917";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 71
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Japan_Officer";
gun = "no";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Nambu";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 71
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Japan_Rebel";
gun = "JapShotgun";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Nambu";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2358 MovieClip in Frame 71
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
tp = "Large";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 72
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Player";
team = 1;
skin = "American_Officer";
gun = "no";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Colt_1917";
gren = "FRAG";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 72
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Japan_Private";
gun = "Arisaka";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Nambu";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 72
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 1;
skin = "American_Corporal";
gun = "Thompson";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Colt_1917";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 72
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 1;
skin = "American_Mashinegunner";
gun = "Browning_30";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Colt_1917";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 72
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Japan_Officer";
gun = "no";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Nambu";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 72
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Japan_Rebel";
gun = "JapShotgun";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Nambu";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 72
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 1;
skin = "American_Private";
gun = "Garand_M1";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Colt_1917";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 72
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 1;
skin = "American_Private";
gun = "Garand_M1";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Colt_1917";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 72
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 1;
skin = "American_Private";
gun = "Garand_M1";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Colt_1917";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 72
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 1;
skin = "American_Corporal";
gun = "Thompson";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Colt_1917";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 72
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Japan_Machinegunner";
gun = "Model96";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Nambu";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 72
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Japan_Rebel";
gun = "JapShotgun";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Nambu";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 72
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Japan_Private";
gun = "Arisaka";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Nambu";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 72
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Japan_Private";
gun = "Arisaka";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Nambu";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 72
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Japan_Sergant";
gun = "type100";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Nambu";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2358 MovieClip in Frame 72
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
tp = "Small";
Instance of Symbol 2356 MovieClip in Frame 72
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
tp = "Small";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 73
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Player";
team = 1;
skin = "Marine_Private";
gun = "L85A2";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Beretta93R";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 73
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Terror_MidEast";
gun = "AK_47";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "PM";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 73
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 1;
skin = "Marine_Private";
gun = "M4";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Beretta93R";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 73
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 1;
skin = "Marine_Private";
gun = "M60";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Beretta93R";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 73
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Terror_MidEast";
gun = "AK_47";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "PM";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 73
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Iraq_Private";
gun = "FNFAL";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "PM";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 73
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Iraq_Private";
gun = "FNFAL";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "PM";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 73
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Iraq_Private";
gun = "SIG550";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "PM";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 73
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Iraq_Private";
gun = "SIG550";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "PM";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2356 MovieClip in Frame 73
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
tp = "Small";
Instance of Symbol 2358 MovieClip in Frame 73
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
tp = "Small";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 73
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 1;
skin = "Marine_Private";
gun = "G36";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Beretta93R";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 73
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 1;
skin = "Marine_Private";
gun = "M_16";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Beretta93R";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 74
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Player";
team = 1;
skin = "Marine_Private";
gun = "G36";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Beretta93R";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 74
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Iraq_Private";
gun = "PKM";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "PM";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 74
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Iraq_Private";
gun = "FNFAL";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "PM";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 74
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Iraq_Private";
gun = "SIG550";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "PM";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 74
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Iraq_Private";
gun = "AK_47";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "PM";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 74
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Terror_MidEast";
gun = "AK_47";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "PM";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 74
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Iraq_Officer";
gun = "no";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "PM";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 74
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Iraq_Private";
gun = "AK_47";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "PM";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 74
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Iraq_Private";
gun = "FNFAL";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "PM";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 74
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Iraq_Private";
gun = "SPAS_12";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "PM";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 74
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Iraq_Officer";
gun = "no";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "PM";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 74
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Iraq_Private";
gun = "Galil";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "PM";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 74
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Iraq_Private";
gun = "FAMAS";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "PM";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2340 MovieClip in Frame 74
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
team = 2;
tp = "PKM";
Instance of Symbol 2356 MovieClip in Frame 74
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
tp = "Large";
Instance of Symbol 2358 MovieClip in Frame 74
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
tp = "Large";
Instance of Symbol 2356 MovieClip in Frame 74
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
tp = "Small";
Instance of Symbol 2358 MovieClip in Frame 74
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
tp = "Small";
Instance of Symbol 2356 MovieClip in Frame 74
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
tp = "Small";
Instance of Symbol 2358 MovieClip in Frame 74
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
tp = "Small";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 75
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Player";
team = 1;
skin = "Marine_Sergant";
gun = "G11";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Beretta93R";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 75
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Iraq_Private";
gun = "SVD";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "PM";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 75
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Iraq_Officer";
gun = "no";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "PM";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 75
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Iraq_Private";
gun = "AK_47";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "PM";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 75
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Iraq_Private";
gun = "FNFAL";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "PM";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 75
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Iraq_Private";
gun = "SPAS_12";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "PM";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 75
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Iraq_Private";
gun = "Galil";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "PM";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2340 MovieClip in Frame 75
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
team = 1;
tp = "M249";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 75
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 1;
skin = "Marine_Sergant";
gun = "G11";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Beretta93R";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2340 MovieClip in Frame 75
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
team = 2;
tp = "PKM";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 75
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Iraq_Private";
gun = "FLY";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "PM";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 75
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 1;
skin = "Marine_Private";
gun = "L85A2";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Beretta93R";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 75
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Iraq_Private";
gun = "Galil";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "PM";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 75
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Iraq_Private";
gun = "AK_47";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "PM";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2356 MovieClip in Frame 75
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
tp = "Small";
Instance of Symbol 2340 MovieClip in Frame 76
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
team = 2;
tp = "Canon";
Instance of Symbol 2356 MovieClip in Frame 76
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
tp = "Large";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 76
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Player";
team = 1;
skin = "Marine_Officer";
gun = "LAW";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Beretta93R";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 76
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Iraq_Private";
gun = "AK_47";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "PM";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 76
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Iraq_Private";
gun = "Galil";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "PM";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2340 MovieClip in Frame 76
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
team = 1;
tp = "M249";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 76
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 1;
skin = "Marine_Sergant";
gun = "G11";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Beretta93R";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 76
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 1;
skin = "Marine_Private";
gun = "L85A2";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Beretta93R";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 76
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Iraq_Private";
gun = "Galil";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "PM";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 76
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Iraq_Private";
gun = "AK_47";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "PM";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 76
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 1;
skin = "Marine_Private";
gun = "L85A2";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Beretta93R";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 76
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 1;
skin = "Marine_Private";
gun = "MM1";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Beretta93R";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 76
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 1;
skin = "Marine_Private";
gun = "MM1";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Beretta93R";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 76
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 1;
skin = "Marine_Private";
gun = "LAW";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Beretta93R";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 77
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Player";
team = 1;
skin = "Iraq_Private";
gun = "SIG550";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "PM";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2340 MovieClip in Frame 77
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
team = 2;
tp = "M249";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 77
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Marine_Private";
gun = "L85A2";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Beretta93R";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 77
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Marine_Private";
gun = "L85A2";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Beretta93R";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 77
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Marine_Sergant";
gun = "LAW";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Beretta93R";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 77
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Marine_Officer";
gun = "no";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Beretta93R";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 77
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Marine_Sergant";
gun = "M60";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Beretta93R";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 77
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Marine_Sergant";
gun = "M_16";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Beretta93R";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 77
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Marine_Private";
gun = "M_16";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Beretta93R";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 77
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Marine_Sergant";
gun = "M_16";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Beretta93R";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 77
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Marine_Private";
gun = "FNP90";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Beretta93R";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2340 MovieClip in Frame 78
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
team = 2;
tp = "M249";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 78
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Marine_Sergant";
gun = "MM1";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Beretta93R";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 78
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Marine_Officer";
gun = "no";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Beretta93R";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 78
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Marine_Sergant";
gun = "M60";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Beretta93R";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 78
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Marine_Sergant";
gun = "M249";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Beretta93R";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 78
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Marine_Private";
gun = "AUG";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Beretta93R";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 78
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Marine_Sergant";
gun = "G11";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Beretta93R";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 78
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Marine_Sergant";
gun = "F2000";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Beretta93R";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 78
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Marine_Private";
gun = "M_16";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Beretta93R";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 78
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 1;
skin = "Iraq_Private";
gun = "AK_47";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "PM";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 78
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 1;
skin = "Iraq_Private";
gun = "FLY";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "PM";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 78
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 1;
skin = "Iraq_Private";
gun = "FLY";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "PM";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 78
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Player";
team = 1;
skin = "Iraq_Officer";
gun = "UZI";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "PM";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 78
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 1;
skin = "Iraq_Private";
gun = "PKM";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "PM";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 78
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 1;
skin = "Iraq_Private";
gun = "PPH_41";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "PM";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2358 MovieClip in Frame 78
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
tp = "Large";
Instance of Symbol 2356 MovieClip in Frame 78
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
tp = "Large";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 78
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 1;
skin = "Iraq_Private";
gun = "FLY";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "PM";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 79
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Player";
team = 1;
skin = "Iraq_Private";
gun = "FNFAL";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "PM";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 79
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Marine_Officer";
gun = "no";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Beretta93R";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 79
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Marine_Sergant";
gun = "M60";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Beretta93R";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 79
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Marine_Private";
gun = "AUG";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Beretta93R";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 79
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Marine_Sergant";
gun = "M_16";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Beretta93R";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 750;
go_y = 210;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 79
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Marine_Private";
gun = "M_16";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Beretta93R";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2340 MovieClip in Frame 79
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
team = 2;
tp = "M249";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 79
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 1;
skin = "Iraq_Private";
gun = "AK_47";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "PM";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 79
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 1;
skin = "Iraq_Private";
gun = "FLY";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "PM";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 79
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 1;
skin = "Iraq_Private";
gun = "AK_47";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "PM";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 79
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 1;
skin = "Iraq_Private";
gun = "FLY";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "PM";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2356 MovieClip in Frame 79
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
tp = "Small";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 79
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Marine_Private";
gun = "M_16";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Beretta93R";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 79
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Marine_Private";
gun = "M_16";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Beretta93R";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 80
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Player";
team = 1;
skin = "Iraq_Officer";
gun = "SKS";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "PM";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 80
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Marine_Private";
gun = "G36";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Beretta93R";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 80
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Marine_Sergant";
gun = "G11";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Beretta93R";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 80
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 1;
skin = "Iraq_Private";
gun = "BIZON";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "PM";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 80
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 1;
skin = "Iraq_Private";
gun = "PKM";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "PM";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 80
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 1;
skin = "Iraq_Private";
gun = "SIG550";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "PM";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2340 MovieClip in Frame 80
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
team = 1;
tp = "Canon";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 80
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 1;
skin = "Iraq_Private";
gun = "FNFAL";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "PM";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 80
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Marine_Private";
gun = "M_16";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Beretta93R";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 80
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Marine_Private";
gun = "M_16";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Beretta93R";
gren = "HE";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 81
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Player";
team = 1;
skin = "Fallout_Ranger";
gun = "GaussRifle";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "microUZI";
gren = "SPLITTER";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2340 MovieClip in Frame 81
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
team = 1;
tp = "Canon";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 81
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Aliens_UFO";
gun = "TeslaCanon";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "FlareGun";
gren = "FRAG";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2340 MovieClip in Frame 81
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
team = 1;
tp = "HMG";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 81
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 1;
skin = "Fallout_Ranger";
gun = "Jackhammer";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "microUZI";
gren = "FRAG";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 81
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 1;
skin = "Fallout_Ranger";
gun = "ChainGun";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "microUZI";
gren = "FRAG";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 81
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Aliens_UFO";
gun = "TeslaCanon";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "FlareGun";
gren = "FRAG";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 81
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Fallout_SuperMutant";
gun = "RocketLauncher";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "FlareGun";
gren = "FRAG";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "tSuperMutant";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 81
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Aliens_Alien";
gun = "AlienHand";
melee = "no";
pistol = "no";
gren = "no";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "tAlien";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 81
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Aliens_UFO";
gun = "RicochetRifle";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "FlareGun";
gren = "FRAG";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 81
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Fallout_SuperMutant";
gun = "Minigun";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "FlareGun";
gren = "FRAG";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "tSuperMutant";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 81
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Aliens_Alien";
gun = "AlienHand";
melee = "no";
pistol = "no";
gren = "no";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "tAlien";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 81
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Aliens_Alien";
gun = "AlienHand";
melee = "no";
pistol = "no";
gren = "no";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "tAlien";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 81
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Fallout_SuperMutant";
gun = "Flamethrower";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "FlareGun";
gren = "FRAG";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "tSuperMutant";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 81
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Fallout_SuperMutant";
gun = "M249";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "FlareGun";
gren = "FRAG";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "tSuperMutant";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 81
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 1;
skin = "Fallout_Ranger";
gun = "Jackhammer";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "microUZI";
gren = "FRAG";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2358 MovieClip in Frame 81
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
tp = "Large";
Instance of Symbol 2356 MovieClip in Frame 81
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
tp = "Large";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 82
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Player";
team = 1;
skin = "CT_FSB";
gun = "Bozar";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "microUZI";
gren = "SPLITTER";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 82
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Aliens_UFO";
gun = "TeslaCanon";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "FlareGun";
gren = "FRAG";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 82
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Aliens_Alien";
gun = "AlienHand";
melee = "no";
pistol = "no";
gren = "no";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "tAlien";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 82
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Aliens_Alien";
gun = "AlienHand";
melee = "no";
pistol = "no";
gren = "no";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "tAlien";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 82
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Aliens_UFO";
gun = "RicochetRifle";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "FlareGun";
gren = "FRAG";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 82
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Fallout_SuperMutant";
gun = "Minigun";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "FlareGun";
gren = "FRAG";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "tSuperMutant";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 82
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Aliens_Alien";
gun = "AlienHand";
melee = "no";
pistol = "no";
gren = "no";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "tAlien";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 82
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Fallout_SuperMutant";
gun = "RocketLauncher";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "FlareGun";
gren = "FRAG";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "tSuperMutant";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 82
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Aliens_UFO";
gun = "TeslaCanon";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "FlareGun";
gren = "FRAG";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 82
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Aliens_UFO";
gun = "RicochetRifle";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "FlareGun";
gren = "FRAG";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 82
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Fallout_SuperMutant";
gun = "RocketLauncher";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "FlareGun";
gren = "FRAG";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "tSuperMutant";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 82
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Aliens_UFO";
gun = "TeslaCanon";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "FlareGun";
gren = "FRAG";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 82
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Aliens_UFO";
gun = "TeslaCanon";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "FlareGun";
gren = "FRAG";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 82
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Aliens_UFO";
gun = "RicochetRifle";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "FlareGun";
gren = "FRAG";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 83
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Player";
team = 1;
skin = "USA_Delta";
gun = "Bozar";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "microUZI";
gren = "SPLITTER";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 83
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Aliens_UFO";
gun = "TeslaCanon";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "FlareGun";
gren = "FRAG";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 83
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Fallout_SuperMutant";
gun = "Minigun";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "FlareGun";
gren = "FRAG";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "tSuperMutant";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 83
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Aliens_UFO";
gun = "TeslaCanon";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "FlareGun";
gren = "FRAG";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 83
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Aliens_UFO";
gun = "TeslaCanon";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "FlareGun";
gren = "FRAG";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 83
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Aliens_UFO";
gun = "TeslaCanon";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "FlareGun";
gren = "FRAG";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 83
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Aliens_UFO";
gun = "RicochetRifle";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "FlareGun";
gren = "FRAG";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 83
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Fallout_SuperMutant";
gun = "M60";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "FlareGun";
gren = "FRAG";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "tSuperMutant";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 83
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Fallout_SuperMutant";
gun = "Flamethrower";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "FlareGun";
gren = "FRAG";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "tSuperMutant";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 83
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 1;
skin = "USA_Delta";
gun = "Mikor";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "microUZI";
gren = "SPLITTER";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 83
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Fallout_SuperMutant";
gun = "M60";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "FlareGun";
gren = "FRAG";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "tSuperMutant";
Instance of Symbol 2340 MovieClip in Frame 83
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
team = 2;
tp = "HMG";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 83
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 1;
skin = "USA_Delta";
gun = "AWM";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "microUZI";
gren = "SPLITTER";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 83
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Fallout_SuperMutant";
gun = "M60";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "FlareGun";
gren = "FRAG";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "tSuperMutant";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 83
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 1;
skin = "USA_Delta";
gun = "Bozar";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "microUZI";
gren = "SPLITTER";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 84
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Player";
team = 1;
skin = "CT_SAS";
gun = "Flamethrower";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "microUZI";
gren = "SPLITTER";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 84
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Aliens_UFO";
gun = "RicochetRifle";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "FlareGun";
gren = "FRAG";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 84
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Fallout_SuperMutant";
gun = "Minigun";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "FlareGun";
gren = "FRAG";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "tSuperMutant";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 84
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Aliens_UFO";
gun = "TeslaCanon";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "FlareGun";
gren = "FRAG";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 84
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Aliens_UFO";
gun = "RicochetRifle";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "FlareGun";
gren = "FRAG";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 84
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Fallout_SuperMutant";
gun = "M60";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "FlareGun";
gren = "FRAG";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "tSuperMutant";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 84
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Aliens_UFO";
gun = "RicochetRifle";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "FlareGun";
gren = "FRAG";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 84
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Aliens_UFO";
gun = "RicochetRifle";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "FlareGun";
gren = "FRAG";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 84
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Aliens_UFO";
gun = "RicochetRifle";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "FlareGun";
gren = "FRAG";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 84
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Aliens_UFO";
gun = "RicochetRifle";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "FlareGun";
gren = "FRAG";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 84
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Aliens_UFO";
gun = "RicochetRifle";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "FlareGun";
gren = "FRAG";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 84
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Aliens_UFO";
gun = "RicochetRifle";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "FlareGun";
gren = "FRAG";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 84
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Aliens_UFO";
gun = "RicochetRifle";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "FlareGun";
gren = "FRAG";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2356 MovieClip in Frame 84
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
tp = "Large";
Instance of Symbol 2358 MovieClip in Frame 84
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
tp = "Large";
Instance of Symbol 2358 MovieClip in Frame 84
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
tp = "Large";
Instance of Symbol 2356 MovieClip in Frame 84
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
tp = "Small";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 85
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Player";
team = 1;
skin = "CT_GSG";
gun = "Flamethrower";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "microUZI";
gren = "SPLITTER";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 85
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Aliens_UFO";
gun = "TeslaCanon";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "FlareGun";
gren = "FRAG";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 85
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Fallout_SuperMutant";
gun = "M249";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "FlareGun";
gren = "FRAG";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "tSuperMutant";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 85
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Fallout_SuperMutant";
gun = "Flamethrower";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "FlareGun";
gren = "FRAG";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "tSuperMutant";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 85
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Blood_Zombie";
gun = "Axe";
melee = "no";
pistol = "no";
gren = "no";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "tZombie";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 85
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Blood_Death";
gun = "Scythe";
melee = "no";
pistol = "no";
gren = "no";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "tZombie";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 85
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Blood_Death";
gun = "Scythe";
melee = "no";
pistol = "no";
gren = "no";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "tZombie";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 85
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Blood_Death";
gun = "Scythe";
melee = "no";
pistol = "no";
gren = "no";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "tZombie";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 85
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Blood_Death";
gun = "Scythe";
melee = "no";
pistol = "no";
gren = "no";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "tZombie";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 85
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Blood_Zombie";
gun = "Axe";
melee = "no";
pistol = "no";
gren = "no";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "tZombie";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 85
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Blood_Zombie";
gun = "Axe";
melee = "no";
pistol = "no";
gren = "no";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "tZombie";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 85
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Blood_Zombie";
gun = "Axe";
melee = "no";
pistol = "no";
gren = "no";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "tZombie";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 85
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Blood_Zombie";
gun = "Axe";
melee = "no";
pistol = "no";
gren = "no";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "tZombie";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 85
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Blood_Zombie";
gun = "Axe";
melee = "no";
pistol = "no";
gren = "no";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "tZombie";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 85
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Blood_Zombie";
gun = "Axe";
melee = "no";
pistol = "no";
gren = "no";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "tZombie";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 85
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Blood_Zombie";
gun = "Axe";
melee = "no";
pistol = "no";
gren = "no";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "tZombie";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 85
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Blood_Zombie";
gun = "Axe";
melee = "no";
pistol = "no";
gren = "no";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "tZombie";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 85
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Blood_Zombie";
gun = "Axe";
melee = "no";
pistol = "no";
gren = "no";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "tZombie";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 85
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Blood_Zombie";
gun = "Axe";
melee = "no";
pistol = "no";
gren = "no";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "tZombie";
Instance of Symbol 2356 MovieClip in Frame 85
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
tp = "Large";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 86
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Player";
team = 1;
skin = "CT_SAS";
gun = "ChainGun";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "microUZI";
gren = "FRAG";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 86
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Blood_Death";
gun = "Scythe";
melee = "no";
pistol = "no";
gren = "no";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "tZombie";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 86
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Blood_Death";
gun = "Scythe";
melee = "no";
pistol = "no";
gren = "no";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "tZombie";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 86
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Blood_Death";
gun = "Scythe";
melee = "no";
pistol = "no";
gren = "no";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "tZombie";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 86
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Blood_Zombie";
gun = "Axe";
melee = "no";
pistol = "no";
gren = "no";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "tZombie";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 86
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Blood_Zombie";
gun = "Axe";
melee = "no";
pistol = "no";
gren = "no";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "tZombie";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 86
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Blood_Zombie";
gun = "Axe";
melee = "no";
pistol = "no";
gren = "no";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "tZombie";
Instance of Symbol 2356 MovieClip in Frame 86
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
tp = "Large";
Instance of Symbol 2358 MovieClip in Frame 86
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
tp = "Large";
Instance of Symbol 2356 MovieClip in Frame 86
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
tp = "Large";
Instance of Symbol 2358 MovieClip in Frame 86
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
tp = "Large";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 86
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Fallout_SuperMutant";
gun = "M249";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "FlareGun";
gren = "FRAG";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "tSuperMutant";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 86
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 1;
skin = "CT_SWAT";
gun = "Mikor";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "microUZI";
gren = "SPLITTER";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 86
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 1;
skin = "Fallout_Ranger";
gun = "ChainGun";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "microUZI";
gren = "SPLITTER";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 86
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Aliens_Alien";
gun = "AlienHand";
melee = "no";
pistol = "no";
gren = "no";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "tAlien";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 86
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Aliens_Alien";
gun = "AlienHand";
melee = "no";
pistol = "no";
gren = "no";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "tAlien";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 87
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "CT_SAS";
gun = "Flamethrower";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "microUZI";
gren = "SPLITTER";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 87
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 1;
skin = "Aliens_Alien";
gun = "AlienHand";
melee = "no";
pistol = "no";
gren = "no";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "tAlien";
Instance of Symbol 2356 MovieClip in Frame 87
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
tp = "Large";
Instance of Symbol 2358 MovieClip in Frame 87
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
tp = "Large";
Instance of Symbol 2356 MovieClip in Frame 87
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
tp = "Large";
Instance of Symbol 2358 MovieClip in Frame 87
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
tp = "Large";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 87
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 1;
skin = "Fallout_SuperMutant";
gun = "Minigun";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "FlareGun";
gren = "FRAG";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "tSuperMutant";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 87
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Player";
team = 1;
skin = "Aliens_UFO";
gun = "TeslaCanon";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "FlareGun";
gren = "FRAG";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2340 MovieClip in Frame 87
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
team = 2;
tp = "HMG";
Instance of Symbol 2340 MovieClip in Frame 87
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
team = 2;
tp = "HMG";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 87
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "CT_SAS";
gun = "ChainGun";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "microUZI";
gren = "SPLITTER";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 87
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "CT_SAS";
gun = "ChainGun";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "microUZI";
gren = "SPLITTER";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 87
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Fallout_Enclave";
gun = "Bozar";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "DesertEagle";
gren = "SPLITTER";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "tEnclave";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 87
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Fallout_Ranger";
gun = "Jackhammer";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "DesertEagle";
gren = "SPLITTER";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 87
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Fallout_Ranger";
gun = "Jackhammer";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "DesertEagle";
gren = "SPLITTER";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 87
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Fallout_Ranger";
gun = "Jackhammer";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "DesertEagle";
gren = "SPLITTER";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 87
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "CT_SAS";
gun = "ChainGun";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "microUZI";
gren = "SPLITTER";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 87
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 1;
skin = "Fallout_SuperMutant";
gun = "RocketLauncher";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "FlareGun";
gren = "FRAG";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "tSuperMutant";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 87
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 1;
skin = "Fallout_SuperMutant";
gun = "LAW";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "FlareGun";
gren = "FRAG";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "tSuperMutant";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 87
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 1;
skin = "Aliens_Alien";
gun = "AlienHand";
melee = "no";
pistol = "no";
gren = "no";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "tAlien";
Instance of Symbol 2356 MovieClip in Frame 88
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
tp = "Large";
Instance of Symbol 2358 MovieClip in Frame 88
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
tp = "Large";
Instance of Symbol 2356 MovieClip in Frame 88
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
tp = "Large";
Instance of Symbol 2358 MovieClip in Frame 88
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
tp = "Large";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 88
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Player";
team = 1;
skin = "Aliens_UFO";
gun = "TeslaCanon";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "FlareGun";
gren = "FRAG";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 88
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 1;
skin = "Aliens_Alien";
gun = "TeslaCanon";
melee = "no";
pistol = "no";
gren = "no";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "tAlien";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 88
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "CT_GSG";
gun = "GaussRifle";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "microUZI";
gren = "SPLITTER";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 88
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "CT_Alpha";
gun = "Pecheneg";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "microUZI";
gren = "SPLITTER";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 88
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Fallout_Ranger";
gun = "Jackhammer";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "DesertEagle";
gren = "SPLITTER";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 88
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 1;
skin = "Aliens_Alien";
gun = "AlienHand";
melee = "no";
pistol = "no";
gren = "no";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "tAlien";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 88
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "CT_GSG";
gun = "GaussRifle";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "microUZI";
gren = "SPLITTER";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 88
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "CT_GSG";
gun = "GaussRifle";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "microUZI";
gren = "SPLITTER";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 88
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "CT_GSG";
gun = "XM8";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "microUZI";
gren = "SPLITTER";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 88
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "CT_GSG";
gun = "XM8";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "microUZI";
gren = "SPLITTER";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 88
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "CT_GSG";
gun = "XM8";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "microUZI";
gren = "SPLITTER";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 88
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 1;
skin = "Aliens_Alien";
gun = "AlienHand";
melee = "no";
pistol = "no";
gren = "no";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "tAlien";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 88
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 1;
skin = "Aliens_Alien";
gun = "TeslaCanon";
melee = "no";
pistol = "no";
gren = "no";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "tAlien";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 88
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "CT_Alpha";
gun = "SVD";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "microUZI";
gren = "SPLITTER";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 88
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Fallout_Ranger";
gun = "Jackhammer";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "DesertEagle";
gren = "SPLITTER";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2358 MovieClip in Frame 89
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
tp = "Large";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 89
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Player";
team = 1;
skin = "Blood_Death";
gun = "Scythe";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "FlareGun";
gren = "FRAG";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "tDeath";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 89
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "USA_Delta";
gun = "ChainGun";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "microUZI";
gren = "SPLITTER";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 89
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Fallout_Enclave";
gun = "Bozar";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "DesertEagle";
gren = "SPLITTER";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "tEnclave";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 89
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Fallout_Ranger";
gun = "Jackhammer";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "DesertEagle";
gren = "SPLITTER";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 89
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "CT_FSB";
gun = "Kord";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "APS";
gren = "SPLITTER";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 89
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Fallout_Ranger";
gun = "Jackhammer";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "DesertEagle";
gren = "SPLITTER";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2356 MovieClip in Frame 89
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
tp = "Large";
Instance of Symbol 2340 MovieClip in Frame 89
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
team = 2;
tp = "M249";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 89
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 1;
skin = "Fallout_SuperMutant";
gun = "M60";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "DesertEagle";
gren = "FRAG";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "tSuperMutant";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 89
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 1;
skin = "Fallout_SuperMutant";
gun = "Minigun";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "DesertEagle";
gren = "FRAG";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "tSuperMutant";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 89
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "USA_Delta";
gun = "ChainGun";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "microUZI";
gren = "SPLITTER";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 89
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "CT_SWAT";
gun = "Mikor";
melee = "microUZI";
pistol = "APS";
gren = "SPLITTER";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 89
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "USA_Delta";
gun = "ChainGun";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "microUZI";
gren = "SPLITTER";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 89
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "USA_Delta";
gun = "LAW";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "microUZI";
gren = "SPLITTER";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2358 MovieClip in Frame 90
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
tp = "Small";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 90
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Player";
team = 1;
skin = "Fallout_SuperMutant";
gun = "Minigun";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "FlareGun";
gren = "FRAG";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "tSuperMutant";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 90
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "CT_GSG";
gun = "CAWS";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "microUZI";
gren = "SPLITTER";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 90
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "CT_Police";
gun = "SPAS_12";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "DesertEagle";
gren = "SPLITTER";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 90
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Fallout_Ranger";
gun = "Flamethrower";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "DesertEagle";
gren = "SPLITTER";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2356 MovieClip in Frame 90
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
tp = "Small";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 90
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "CT_Police";
gun = "MP5";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "DesertEagle";
gren = "SPLITTER";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 90
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "CT_Police";
gun = "no";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "M79";
gren = "SPLITTER";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 90
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "CT_Police";
gun = "Benelli_M3";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "DesertEagle";
gren = "SPLITTER";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 90
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "CT_GSG";
gun = "M60";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "microUZI";
gren = "SPLITTER";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 90
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "CT_GSG";
gun = "M249";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "microUZI";
gren = "SPLITTER";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 90
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "Fallout_Ranger";
gun = "Flamethrower";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "DesertEagle";
gren = "SPLITTER";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 90
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "CT_Alpha";
gun = "Pecheneg";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "DesertEagle";
gren = "SPLITTER";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 90
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "CT_GSG";
gun = "G36";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "microUZI";
gren = "SPLITTER";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 90
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "CT_GSG";
gun = "G36";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "microUZI";
gren = "SPLITTER";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 90
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "CT_Police";
gun = "M4";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Beretta93R";
gren = "SPLITTER";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 90
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "CT_Police";
gun = "AWM";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "Beretta93R";
gren = "SPLITTER";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2358 MovieClip in Frame 91
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
tp = "Large";
Instance of Symbol 2358 MovieClip in Frame 91
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
tp = "Large";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 91
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Player";
team = 1;
skin = "Fallout_SuperMutant";
gun = "RocketLauncher";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "FlareGun";
gren = "FRAG";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "tSuperMutant";
Instance of Symbol 2356 MovieClip in Frame 91
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
tp = "Large";
Instance of Symbol 2356 MovieClip in Frame 91
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
tp = "Large";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 91
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "CT_GSG";
gun = "M249";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "microUZI";
gren = "SPLITTER";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 91
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "CT_GSG";
gun = "G36";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "microUZI";
gren = "SPLITTER";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 91
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "CT_GSG";
gun = "G36";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "microUZI";
gren = "SPLITTER";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 91
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 1;
skin = "Fallout_SuperMutant";
gun = "M60";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "FlareGun";
gren = "FRAG";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "tSuperMutant";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 91
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 1;
skin = "Aliens_UFO";
gun = "TeslaCanon";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "FlareGun";
gren = "FRAG";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 91
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 1;
skin = "Aliens_UFO";
gun = "TeslaCanon";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "FlareGun";
gren = "FRAG";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 91
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "CT_SWAT";
gun = "LAW";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "microUZI";
gren = "SPLITTER";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 91
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "USA_Delta";
gun = "ChainGun";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "microUZI";
gren = "SPLITTER";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 91
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "CT_FSB";
gun = "Kord";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "microUZI";
gren = "SPLITTER";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 91
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "USA_Delta";
gun = "ChainGun";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "microUZI";
gren = "SPLITTER";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 91
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "USA_Delta";
gun = "ChainGun";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "microUZI";
gren = "SPLITTER";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 91
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "USA_Delta";
gun = "ChainGun";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "microUZI";
gren = "SPLITTER";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2358 MovieClip in Frame 92
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
tp = "Large";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 92
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Player";
team = 1;
skin = "Blood_Demon";
gun = "AlienHand";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "FlareGun";
gren = "FRAG";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "tDemon";
Instance of Symbol 2356 MovieClip in Frame 92
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
tp = "Large";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 92
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "CT_GSG";
gun = "M249";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "microUZI";
gren = "SPLITTER";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 92
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "CT_GSG";
gun = "G36";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "microUZI";
gren = "SPLITTER";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 92
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "USA_Delta";
gun = "ChainGun";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "microUZI";
gren = "SPLITTER";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 92
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "USA_Delta";
gun = "ChainGun";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "microUZI";
gren = "SPLITTER";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 92
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "CT_SAS";
gun = "M249";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "microUZI";
gren = "SPLITTER";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 92
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 1;
skin = "Aliens_UFO";
gun = "TeslaCanon";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "FlareGun";
gren = "no";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "tAlien";
Instance of Symbol 2340 MovieClip in Frame 92
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
team = 2;
tp = "PKM";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 92
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "USA_Delta";
gun = "F2000";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "microUZI";
gren = "SPLITTER";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 92
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "CT_SAS";
gun = "M249";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "microUZI";
gren = "SPLITTER";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip in Frame 92
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
who = "Soldier";
team = 2;
skin = "CT_SAS";
gun = "M249";
melee = "Knife";
pistol = "microUZI";
gren = "SPLITTER";
go_x = 0;
go_y = 0;
subtype = "no";
Frame 93
Symbol 4 MovieClip [Options] Frame 1
Symbol 6 MovieClip [Wall] Frame 1
#initclip 39
Object.registerClass("Wall", Wall);
Symbol 8 MovieClip [Wall_h] Frame 1
#initclip 34
Object.registerClass("Wall_h", Wall_h);
Symbol 10 MovieClip [Wall_v] Frame 1
#initclip 35
Object.registerClass("Wall_v", Wall_v);
Symbol 102 MovieClip [NextLevel] Frame 1
#initclip 36
Object.registerClass("NextLevel", NextLevel);
Symbol 104 MovieClip [ArrowCursor] Frame 1
#initclip 37
Object.registerClass("ArrowCursor", Cursor);
Symbol 105 MovieClip [Gauss] Frame 1
#initclip 38
Object.registerClass("Gauss", Gauss);
Symbol 105 MovieClip [Gauss] Frame 3
Symbol 117 Button
on (release) {
getURL ((("" + _root.GetUrlParam(_url, "aid=")) + "&refer=") + _root.GetBaseUrl(_url), "_blank");
Symbol 118 MovieClip Frame 1
this.onEnterFrame = function () {
var _local3 = _root.getBytesLoaded() / _root.getBytesTotal(); = _local3 * 100;
this.percent_txt.text = Math.floor(_local3 * 100) + " %";
if (_local3 >= 1) {
Symbol 128 Button
on (release) {
Symbol 129 MovieClip Frame 1
PercentLoaded = (_root.getBytesLoaded() / _root.getBytesTotal()) * 100;
if (PercentLoaded != 100) {
setProperty(bar, _xscale , PercentLoaded);
} else {
gotoAndStop ("loaded");
Symbol 129 MovieClip Frame 2
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 130 MovieClip Frame 1
if (_url.toLowerCase().indexOf("") >= 0) {
gotoAndStop (2);
} else {
Symbol 130 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 2600 MovieClip [__Packages.Line] Frame 0
class Line extends Object
var beg, end, rect;
function Line (x1, y1, x2, y2) {
beg = new flash.geom.Point(x1, y1);
end = new flash.geom.Point(x2, y2);
rect = new flash.geom.Rectangle(Math.min(x1, x2), Math.min(y1, y2), Math.abs(x2 - x1), Math.abs(y2 - y1));
if (rect.width == 0) {
if (rect.height == 0) {;
function isVertical() {
return(beg.x == end.x);
function isHorizontal() {
return(beg.y == end.y);
function inArea(pt) {
function cantBeCrossedWith(line) {
function cross(line) {
if (!cantBeCrossedWith(line)) {
var _local2 = new flash.geom.Point();
if (!line.isVertical()) {
var _local4 = (line.beg.y - line.end.y) / (line.beg.x - line.end.x);
if (!isVertical()) {
var _local5 = (beg.y - end.y) / (beg.x - end.x);
if (_local4 == _local5) {
var _local6 = line.beg.y - (_local4 * line.beg.x);
var _local7 = beg.y - (_local5 * beg.x);
if (line.isVertical() && (!isVertical())) {
_local2.x = line.beg.x;
_local2.y = (_local5 * line.beg.x) + _local7;
} else if ((!line.isVertical()) && (isVertical())) {
_local2.x = beg.x;
_local2.y = (_local4 * beg.x) + _local6;
} else {
_local2.x = (_local7 - _local6) / (_local4 - _local5);
_local2.y = (_local4 * _local2.x) + _local6;
if (line.inArea(_local2) && (inArea(_local2))) {
return(new flash.geom.Point(_local2.x, _local2.y));
function crossV(line) {
if (cantBeCrossedWith(line) || (isVertical())) {
var _local2 = gety(line.beg.x);
if ((_local2 >= line.beg.y) && (_local2 <= line.end.y)) {
return(new flash.geom.Point(line.beg.x, _local2));
function crossH(line) {
if (cantBeCrossedWith(line) || (isHorizontal())) {
var _local2 = getx(line.beg.y);
if ((_local2 >= line.beg.x) && (_local2 <= line.end.x)) {
return(new flash.geom.Point(_local2, line.beg.y));
function gety(xx) {
return(beg.y + (((end.y - beg.y) / (end.x - beg.x)) * (xx - beg.x)));
function getx(yy) {
return(beg.x + (((end.x - beg.x) / (end.y - beg.y)) * (beg.y - yy)));
function wall() {
var _local3 = null;
var _local5 = null;
var _local6 = null;
var _local7 = 20000;
var _local4 = 0;
while (_local4 < _global.walls.length) {
_local3 = _global.walls[_local4].cross(this);
if (_local3 != null) {
_local6 = Math.sqrt(((_local3.x - beg.x) * (_local3.x - beg.x)) + ((_local3.y - beg.y) * (_local3.y - beg.y)));
if ((_local5 == null) || (_local6 < _local7)) {
_local5 = _local3;
_local7 = _local6;
Symbol 2601 MovieClip [__Packages.Wall_h] Frame 0
class Wall_h extends MovieClip
var localToGlobal, _visible;
function Wall_h () {
function onLoad() {
var _local4 = {x:0, y:0};
var _local3 = {x:80, y:0};
_global.walls[_global.walls.length] = new Line(_local4.x, _local4.y, _local3.x, _local3.y);
_visible = _global.WALLS_VISIBLE;
Symbol 2602 MovieClip [__Packages.Wall_v] Frame 0
class Wall_v extends MovieClip
var localToGlobal, _visible;
function Wall_v () {
function onLoad() {
var _local4 = {x:0, y:0};
var _local3 = {x:0, y:80};
_global.walls[_global.walls.length] = new Line(_local4.x, _local4.y, _local3.x, _local3.y);
_visible = _global.WALLS_VISIBLE;
Symbol 2603 MovieClip [__Packages.NextLevel] Frame 0
class NextLevel extends MovieClip
var hitTest;
function NextLevel () {
function onEnterFrame() {
if (hitTest(_root.hero0._x, _root.hero0._y, false)) {
_root.attachMovie("Congratulations", "win", 100011, {_x:400, _y:300});
Symbol 2604 MovieClip [__Packages.Cursor] Frame 0
class Cursor extends MovieClip
var _x, _y;
function Cursor () {
function onEnterFrame() {
_x = _root._xmouse;
_y = _root._ymouse;
Symbol 2605 MovieClip [__Packages.Gauss] Frame 0
class Gauss extends MovieClip
var damage, line, lineStyle, moveTo, lineTo, _x, _y;
function Gauss () {
damage = 10;
line = null;
function hit() {
lineStyle(2, 6711039, 50);
moveTo(0, 0);
lineTo(line.end.x - _x, line.end.y - _y);
var _local4 = 0;
while (_local4 < _global.hero) {
_root["hero" + _local4].getLines(0, 0);
if (_root["hero" + _local4].lineHit(line, 0, 0)) {
_root["hero" + _local4].getShot(damage);
Symbol 2606 MovieClip [__Packages.Wall] Frame 0
class Wall extends MovieClip
var localToGlobal, _visible;
function Wall () {
function onLoad() {
var _local4 = {x:0, y:0};
var _local3 = {x:80, y:80};
_global.walls[_global.walls.length] = new Line(_local4.x, _local4.y, _local3.x, _local3.y);
_visible = _global.WALLS_VISIBLE;
Symbol 2607 MovieClip [__Packages.Flame] Frame 0
class Flame extends MovieClip
var _visible, owner, _parent, hitTest;
function Flame () {
_visible = false;
owner = _parent._parent._parent._parent;
function onEnterFrame() {
if ((_global.times % 2) == 0) {
var _local4 = 0;
while (_local4 < _global.hero) {
if (hitTest(_root["hero" + _local4]._x, _root["hero" + _local4]._y, true)) {
var _local5 = new Line(_root["hero" + _local4]._x, _root["hero" + _local4]._y, owner._x, owner._y);
var _local6 = _local5.wall();
if (_local6 == null) {
if (_root["hero" + _local4].AC > 80) {
_root["hero" + _local4].getShot(10);
} else {
_root["hero" + _local4].getShot(10);
_root["hero" + _local4].attachMovie("Fire", "fire", 1);
Symbol 2608 MovieClip [__Packages.Slash] Frame 0
class Slash extends MovieClip
var _visible, owner, _parent, hitTest;
function Slash () {
_visible = false;
owner = _parent._parent._parent._parent;
function hit(dmg) {
var _local4 = 0;
while (_local4 < _global.hero) {
if (("hero" + _local4) != owner._name) {
if (hitTest(_root["hero" + _local4])) {
var _local5 = new Line(_root["hero" + _local4]._x, _root["hero" + _local4]._y, owner._x, owner._y);
var _local6 = _local5.wall();
if (_local6 == null) {
if (dmg == undefined) {
_root["hero" + _local4].getShot(owner.weapon.damage);
} else {
_root["hero" + _local4].getShot(dmg);
Symbol 2609 MovieClip [__Packages.Bolt] Frame 0
class Bolt extends MovieClip
var speed, damage, moving, _x, _y, removeMovieClip, _rotation, owner;
function Bolt () {
speed = 50;
damage = 20;
moving = true;
function onEnterFrame() {
if (moving) {
if ((((_x < (-_root._x)) || (_y < (-_root._y))) || (_x > (800 - _root._x))) || (_y > (600 - _root._y))) {
var _local5 = _root.plot(_rotation - 90, speed);
var _local6 = new Line(_x, _y, _x + _local5.x, _y + _local5.y);
var _local7 = _local6.wall();
if (_local7 == null) {
_x = _x + _local5.x;
_y = _y + _local5.y;
} else {
var _local4 = 0;
while (_local4 < _global.hero) {
if (((_root["hero" + _local4].HP > 0) && (("hero" + _local4) != owner)) && (_root["hero" + _local4].hitTest(_x, _y, false))) {
_root["hero" + _local4].getShot(damage);
Symbol 2610 MovieClip [__Packages.Bullet] Frame 0
class Bullet extends MovieClip
var damage, line, _y, _x, lineStyle, moveTo, lineTo;
function Bullet () {
damage = 10;
line = null;
function hit() {
var _local7 = 20000;
var _local6 = 0;
var _local5 = null;
var _local8 = null;
var _local9 = null;
var _local4 = 0;
while (_local4 < _global.hero) {
if (_root["hero" + _local4].HP > 0) {
_root["hero" + _local4].getLines(0, 0);
_local5 = _root["hero" + _local4].lineCross(line, 0, 0);
if (_local5 != null) {
_local6 = Math.sqrt(((_x - _local5.x) * (_x - _local5.x)) + ((_y - _local5.y) * (_y - _local5.y)));
if (_local6 < _local7) {
_local7 = _local6;
_local8 = _local5;
_local9 = _local4;
if (_local8 != null) {
_root["hero" + _local9].getShot(damage);
line.end.x = _local8.x;
line.end.y = _local8.y;
lineStyle(1, 16776960, 100);
moveTo(0, 0);
lineTo(line.end.x - _x, line.end.y - _y);
Symbol 2611 MovieClip [__Packages.Dropped] Frame 0
class Dropped extends MovieClip
var holder, key, hitTest, removeMovieClip;
function Dropped () {
holder.attachMovie( + "_gr", "key", 1);
function onEnterFrame() {
if (hitTest(_root.hero0)) {
if (_root.hero0["weap_" +] == null) {
} else {
if (_root.hero0["weap_" +].alt_type == key.alt_type) {
_root.hero0["weap_" +].alt_ammo = _root.hero0["weap_" +].alt_ammo + (key.alt_ammo + key.alt_clip);
key.alt_ammo = 0;
key.alt_clip = 0;
if ((_root.hero0["weap_" +].cal == && ( != "none")) {
_root.hero0["weap_" +].ammo = _root.hero0["weap_" +].ammo + (key.ammo + key.clip);
Symbol 2612 MovieClip [__Packages.Weapon] Frame 0
class Weapon
var _type, link, plus, cal, kickback, max_kick, fire_rate, damage, ammo, radius, clip, max_clip, melee, alternate, alt_rate, alt_treat, alt_use, alt_clip, alt_maxclip, alt_ammo, alt_type, description, alt_description, owner, treat;
function Weapon () {
_type = null;
link = null;
plus = null;
cal = null;
kickback = null;
max_kick = null;
fire_rate = null;
damage = null;
ammo = null;
radius = 0;
clip = null;
max_clip = null;
melee = null;
alternate = null;
alt_rate = null;
alt_treat = null;
alt_use = null;
alt_clip = null;
alt_maxclip = null;
alt_ammo = null;
alt_type = null;
description = null;
alt_description = "";
function equip(character) {
owner = character;
character["weap_" + plus] = this;
if (_global.CHANGE_WEAPONS) {
if (character._name == "hero0") {
if (alt_use) {
} else {
if (alternate) {
_root.scr.alt_descr_txt.text = alt_description;
} else {
_root.scr.alt_descr_txt.text = "";
function drop() {
_root.addDroppedGun(owner._x, owner._y, owner._rotation, this);
function LAW() {
_type = "rifle";
link = "LAW";
plus = 1;
cal = "AT Rocket";
kickback = 30;
max_kick = 40;
fire_rate = 1;
damage = 0;
ammo = 3;
treat = 1;
max_clip = 1;
clip = max_clip;
melee = false;
alternate = false;
description = "Light AT Weapon";
function FLY() {
_type = "rifle";
link = "FLY";
plus = 1;
cal = "AT Rocket";
kickback = 0;
max_kick = 40;
fire_rate = 1;
damage = 0;
ammo = 5;
treat = 1;
max_clip = 1;
clip = max_clip;
melee = false;
alternate = false;
description = "AT system 'Fly'";
function PKM() {
_type = "rifle";
link = "PKM";
plus = 1;
cal = "7.62x54 mm";
kickback = 6;
max_kick = 25;
fire_rate = 3;
damage = 100;
ammo = 100;
treat = 1;
max_clip = 100;
clip = max_clip;
melee = false;
alternate = false;
description = "PKM";
function M60() {
_type = "rifle";
link = "M60";
plus = 1;
cal = ".308";
kickback = 4;
max_kick = 30;
fire_rate = 3;
damage = 90;
ammo = 200;
treat = 1;
max_clip = 100;
clip = max_clip;
melee = false;
alternate = false;
description = "M60 machinegun";
function PPD() {
_type = "rifle";
link = "PPD";
plus = 1;
cal = "7.62x54 mm";
kickback = 4;
max_kick = 30;
fire_rate = 3;
damage = 80;
ammo = 60;
treat = 1;
max_clip = 60;
clip = max_clip;
melee = false;
alternate = false;
description = "PPD machinegun";
function MG_36() {
_type = "rifle";
link = "MG_36";
plus = 1;
cal = "7.92x48 mm";
kickback = 5;
max_kick = 30;
fire_rate = 3;
damage = 85;
ammo = 80;
treat = 1;
max_clip = 40;
clip = max_clip;
melee = false;
alternate = false;
description = "MG 34 machinegun";
function Browning_30() {
_type = "rifle";
link = "Browning_30";
plus = 1;
cal = ".30-06";
kickback = 6;
max_kick = 40;
fire_rate = 3;
damage = 120;
ammo = 100;
treat = 1;
max_clip = 100;
clip = max_clip;
melee = false;
alternate = false;
description = "Browning M1919A4";
function AK_47() {
_type = "rifle";
link = "AK_47";
plus = 1;
cal = "7.62x39 mm";
kickback = 7;
max_kick = 28;
fire_rate = 3;
damage = 70;
ammo = 90;
treat = 1;
max_clip = 30;
clip = max_clip;
melee = false;
alternate = true;
alt_rate = 10;
alt_treat = 0;
alt_use = false;
description = "AK 47";
alt_description = "Bayonet thrust";
function M_16() {
_type = "rifle";
link = "M_16";
plus = 1;
cal = ".223";
kickback = 5;
max_kick = 20;
fire_rate = 3;
damage = 55;
ammo = 90;
treat = 1;
max_clip = 30;
clip = max_clip;
melee = false;
alternate = true;
alt_rate = 15;
alt_treat = 3;
alt_use = false;
description = "M16A1 rifle";
alt_description = "Burst x3";
function SVD() {
_type = "rifle";
link = "SVD";
plus = 1;
cal = "7.62x54 mm";
kickback = 18;
max_kick = 25;
fire_rate = 8;
damage = 130;
ammo = 30;
treat = 1;
max_clip = 10;
clip = max_clip;
melee = false;
alternate = false;
description = "SVD Sniper rifle";
function M50() {
_type = "rifle";
link = "M50";
plus = 1;
cal = ".50";
kickback = 30;
max_kick = 60;
fire_rate = 15;
damage = 500;
ammo = 16;
treat = 1;
max_clip = 8;
clip = max_clip;
melee = false;
alternate = false;
description = "M50 Sniper rifle";
function PPH_41() {
_type = "rifle";
link = "PPH_41";
plus = 1;
cal = "7.62x17 mm";
kickback = 5;
max_kick = 18;
fire_rate = 3;
damage = 40;
ammo = 72;
treat = 1;
max_clip = 72;
clip = max_clip;
melee = false;
alternate = false;
description = "Shpagin PPSh-41";
function SKS() {
_type = "rifle";
link = "SKS";
plus = 1;
cal = "7.62x39 mm";
kickback = 10;
max_kick = 25;
fire_rate = 8;
damage = 70;
ammo = 30;
treat = 1;
max_clip = 10;
clip = max_clip;
melee = false;
alternate = false;
description = "SKS carabine";
function StG_42() {
_type = "rifle";
link = "StG_42";
plus = 1;
cal = "7.92x48 mm";
kickback = 10;
max_kick = 30;
fire_rate = 7;
damage = 78;
ammo = 45;
treat = 1;
max_clip = 15;
clip = max_clip;
melee = false;
alternate = false;
description = "StG. 42 rifle";
function Garand_M1() {
_type = "rifle";
link = "Garand_M1";
plus = 1;
cal = ".30-06";
kickback = 6;
max_kick = 20;
fire_rate = 5;
damage = 70;
ammo = 24;
treat = 1;
max_clip = 8;
clip = max_clip;
melee = false;
alternate = false;
description = "Garand M1";
function UZI() {
_type = "smg";
link = "UZI";
plus = 1;
cal = ".45";
kickback = 6;
max_kick = 25;
fire_rate = 2;
damage = 35;
ammo = 84;
treat = 1;
max_clip = 28;
clip = max_clip;
melee = false;
alternate = false;
description = "MAC 10";
function MP5() {
_type = "smg";
link = "MP5";
plus = 1;
cal = "9 mm";
kickback = 3;
max_kick = 20;
fire_rate = 2;
damage = 45;
ammo = 90;
treat = 1;
max_clip = 30;
clip = max_clip;
melee = false;
alternate = true;
alt_rate = 12;
alt_treat = 3;
alt_use = false;
description = "H&K MP5 Navy";
alt_description = "Burst x3";
function MP_40() {
_type = "smg";
link = "MP_40";
plus = 1;
cal = "9 mm";
kickback = 5;
max_kick = 25;
fire_rate = 4;
damage = 39;
ammo = 96;
treat = 1;
max_clip = 32;
clip = max_clip;
melee = false;
alternate = false;
description = "MP-40";
function Thompson() {
_type = "smg";
link = "Thompson";
plus = 1;
cal = ".45";
kickback = 6;
max_kick = 15;
fire_rate = 2;
damage = 42;
ammo = 90;
treat = 1;
max_clip = 30;
clip = max_clip;
melee = false;
alternate = false;
description = "Thompson M1A1";
function SPAS_12() {
_type = "rifle";
link = "SPAS_12";
plus = 1;
cal = ".12";
kickback = 12;
max_kick = 30;
fire_rate = 6;
damage = 20;
ammo = 35;
treat = 1;
max_clip = 7;
clip = max_clip;
melee = false;
alternate = false;
description = "SPAS-12";
function Benelli_M3() {
_type = "shotgun";
link = "Benelli_M3";
plus = 1;
cal = ".12";
kickback = 14;
max_kick = 20;
fire_rate = 13;
damage = 25;
ammo = 24;
treat = 1;
max_clip = 8;
clip = max_clip;
melee = false;
alternate = false;
description = "Benelli M3 Super 90";
function DB() {
_type = "rifle";
link = "DB";
plus = 1;
cal = ".12";
kickback = 8;
max_kick = 30;
fire_rate = 8;
damage = 20;
ammo = 20;
treat = 1;
max_clip = 2;
clip = max_clip;
melee = false;
alternate = true;
alt_rate = 20;
alt_treat = 2;
alt_use = false;
description = "Double Barrel Shotgun";
alt_description = "Double shot";
function HK_28() {
_type = "shotgun";
link = "HK_28";
plus = 1;
cal = ".12";
kickback = 17;
max_kick = 30;
fire_rate = 15;
damage = 20;
ammo = 32;
treat = 2;
max_clip = 8;
clip = max_clip;
melee = false;
alternate = false;
description = "H&K 28";
function Browning_1921() {
_type = "shotgun";
link = "Browning_1921";
plus = 1;
cal = ".12";
kickback = 16;
max_kick = 30;
fire_rate = 15;
damage = 20;
ammo = 32;
treat = 1;
max_clip = 8;
clip = max_clip;
melee = false;
alternate = false;
description = "Remington M328";
function PM() {
_type = "pistol";
link = "PM";
plus = 2;
cal = "9 mm";
kickback = 9;
max_kick = 12;
fire_rate = 8;
damage = 40;
ammo = 24;
treat = 1;
max_clip = 8;
clip = max_clip;
melee = false;
alternate = false;
description = "Makarov";
function Beretta() {
_type = "pistol";
link = "Beretta";
plus = 2;
cal = "9 mm";
kickback = 10;
max_kick = 20;
fire_rate = 8;
damage = 45;
ammo = 30;
treat = 1;
max_clip = 15;
clip = max_clip;
melee = false;
alternate = false;
description = "Beretta 92F";
function TT_33() {
_type = "pistol";
link = "TT_33";
plus = 2;
cal = "7.62x17 mm";
kickback = 10;
max_kick = 22;
fire_rate = 8;
damage = 35;
ammo = 24;
treat = 1;
max_clip = 8;
clip = max_clip;
melee = false;
alternate = false;
description = "Tokarev TT-33";
function Colt_1917() {
_type = "pistol";
link = "Colt_1917";
plus = 2;
cal = ".45";
kickback = 12;
max_kick = 25;
fire_rate = 8;
damage = 40;
ammo = 28;
treat = 1;
max_clip = 7;
clip = max_clip;
melee = false;
alternate = false;
description = "Colt 1911";
function WALTER() {
_type = "pistol";
link = "WALTER";
plus = 2;
cal = "9 mm";
kickback = 9;
max_kick = 15;
fire_rate = 6;
damage = 25;
ammo = 36;
treat = 1;
max_clip = 12;
clip = max_clip;
melee = false;
alternate = false;
description = "Walter P38";
function Knife() {
_type = "knife";
link = "Knife";
plus = 3;
cal = "none";
kickback = 0;
max_kick = 2;
fire_rate = 10;
damage = 80;
ammo = 0;
radius = 10;
treat = 0;
max_clip = 1;
clip = 1;
melee = true;
alternate = false;
description = "Army Knife";
function RocketLauncher() {
_type = "rifle";
link = "RocketLauncher";
plus = 1;
cal = "AT Rocket";
kickback = 13;
max_kick = 20;
fire_rate = 10;
damage = 0;
ammo = 30;
treat = 1;
max_clip = 10;
clip = max_clip;
melee = false;
alternate = false;
description = "Rocket Launcher";
function SuperShotgun() {
_type = "rifle";
link = "SuperShotgun";
plus = 1;
cal = ".12";
kickback = 8;
max_kick = 20;
fire_rate = 6;
damage = 30;
ammo = 84;
treat = 3;
max_clip = 42;
clip = max_clip;
melee = false;
alternate = false;
description = "Super Shotgun";
function Minigun() {
_type = "smg";
link = "Minigun";
plus = 1;
cal = ".223";
kickback = 3;
max_kick = 10;
fire_rate = 1;
damage = 60;
ammo = 500;
treat = 2;
max_clip = 250;
clip = max_clip;
melee = false;
alternate = false;
description = "Avenger Minigun";
function GROZA() {
_type = "rifle";
link = "GROZA";
plus = 1;
cal = "7.62x39 mm";
kickback = 6;
max_kick = 20;
fire_rate = 3;
damage = 70;
ammo = 90;
treat = 1;
max_clip = 30;
clip = max_clip;
melee = false;
alternate = true;
alt_rate = 6;
alt_treat = 1;
alt_use = true;
alt_maxclip = 1;
alt_clip = alt_maxclip;
alt_ammo = 5;
alt_type = "FRAG";
description = "GROZA";
function AUG() {
_type = "smg";
link = "AUG";
plus = 1;
cal = ".223";
kickback = 4;
max_kick = 15;
fire_rate = 2;
damage = 60;
ammo = 90;
treat = 1;
max_clip = 30;
clip = max_clip;
melee = false;
alternate = true;
alt_rate = 15;
alt_treat = 3;
alt_use = false;
description = "Steyr AUG";
alt_description = "Burst x3";
function M4() {
_type = "smg";
link = "M4";
plus = 1;
cal = ".223";
kickback = 5;
max_kick = 20;
fire_rate = 2;
damage = 53;
ammo = 90;
treat = 1;
max_clip = 30;
clip = max_clip;
melee = false;
alternate = true;
alt_rate = 6;
alt_treat = 1;
alt_use = true;
alt_maxclip = 1;
alt_clip = alt_maxclip;
alt_ammo = 6;
alt_type = "HE";
description = "M4/M203 carabine";
function AN94() {
_type = "rifle";
link = "AN94";
plus = 1;
cal = "5.45x39 mm";
kickback = 5;
max_kick = 15;
fire_rate = 3;
damage = 50;
ammo = 90;
treat = 1;
max_clip = 45;
clip = max_clip;
melee = false;
alternate = true;
alt_rate = 7;
alt_treat = 2;
alt_use = false;
description = "AN-94";
alt_description = "Burst x2";
function FNFAL() {
_type = "rifle";
link = "FNFAL";
plus = 1;
cal = ".308";
kickback = 8;
max_kick = 34;
fire_rate = 3;
damage = 85;
ammo = 60;
treat = 1;
max_clip = 20;
clip = max_clip;
melee = false;
alternate = true;
alt_rate = 15;
alt_treat = 3;
alt_use = false;
description = "FN-FAL Paratrooper";
alt_description = "Burst x3";
function FAMAS() {
_type = "rifle";
link = "FAMAS";
plus = 1;
cal = ".223";
kickback = 5;
max_kick = 12;
fire_rate = 3;
damage = 55;
ammo = 100;
treat = 1;
max_clip = 25;
clip = max_clip;
melee = false;
alternate = true;
alt_rate = 11;
alt_treat = 3;
alt_use = false;
description = "FAMAS";
alt_description = "Burst x3";
function Galil() {
_type = "rifle";
link = "Galil";
plus = 1;
cal = ".223";
kickback = 5;
max_kick = 25;
fire_rate = 9;
damage = 55;
ammo = 99;
treat = 3;
max_clip = 33;
clip = max_clip;
melee = false;
alternate = true;
alt_rate = 6;
alt_treat = 1;
alt_use = true;
alt_maxclip = 1;
alt_clip = alt_maxclip;
alt_ammo = 6;
alt_type = "HE";
description = "Galil";
function F2000() {
_type = "rifle";
link = "F2000";
plus = 1;
cal = ".223";
kickback = 4;
max_kick = 12;
fire_rate = 2;
damage = 60;
ammo = 90;
treat = 1;
max_clip = 30;
clip = max_clip;
melee = false;
alternate = true;
alt_rate = 15;
alt_treat = 1;
alt_use = true;
alt_maxclip = 4;
alt_clip = alt_maxclip;
alt_ammo = 12;
alt_type = "HE";
description = "FN-F2000";
function TommyGun() {
_type = "smg";
link = "TommyGun";
plus = 1;
cal = ".45";
kickback = 6;
max_kick = 15;
fire_rate = 2;
damage = 42;
ammo = 100;
treat = 1;
max_clip = 50;
clip = max_clip;
melee = false;
alternate = true;
alt_rate = 30;
alt_treat = 15;
alt_use = false;
description = "Tommygun";
alt_description = "Burst x15";
function FNP90() {
_type = "smg";
link = "FNP90";
plus = 1;
cal = "5.7";
kickback = 3;
max_kick = 15;
fire_rate = 2;
damage = 25;
ammo = 100;
treat = 1;
max_clip = 50;
clip = max_clip;
melee = false;
alternate = true;
alt_rate = 15;
alt_treat = 5;
alt_use = false;
description = "FN-P90";
alt_description = "Burst x5";
function BIZON() {
_type = "smg";
link = "BIZON";
plus = 1;
cal = "9 mm";
kickback = 5;
max_kick = 15;
fire_rate = 3;
damage = 45;
ammo = 90;
treat = 1;
max_clip = 45;
clip = max_clip;
melee = false;
alternate = true;
alt_rate = 20;
alt_treat = 5;
alt_use = false;
description = "Bison SMG";
alt_description = "Burst x5";
function UMP() {
_type = "smg";
link = "UMP";
plus = 1;
cal = ".45";
kickback = 5;
max_kick = 15;
fire_rate = 4;
damage = 55;
ammo = 75;
treat = 1;
max_clip = 25;
clip = max_clip;
melee = false;
alternate = true;
alt_rate = 15;
alt_treat = 3;
alt_use = false;
description = "H&K UMP .45";
alt_description = "Burst x3";
function PPK_12() {
_type = "smg";
link = "PPK_12";
plus = 1;
cal = "2 mm";
kickback = 7;
max_kick = 20;
fire_rate = 4;
damage = 150;
ammo = 80;
treat = 1;
max_clip = 40;
clip = max_clip;
melee = false;
alternate = true;
alt_rate = 25;
alt_treat = 5;
alt_use = false;
description = "Gauss PPK-12 SMG";
alt_description = "Burst x5";
function CAWS() {
_type = "rifle";
link = "CAWS";
plus = 1;
cal = ".00";
kickback = 15;
max_kick = 30;
fire_rate = 7;
damage = 40;
ammo = 30;
treat = 1;
max_clip = 10;
clip = max_clip;
melee = false;
alternate = true;
alt_rate = 25;
alt_treat = 3;
alt_use = false;
description = "H&K CAWS";
alt_description = "Burst x3";
function Jackhammer() {
_type = "rifle";
link = "Jackhammer";
plus = 1;
cal = ".12";
kickback = 8;
max_kick = 35;
fire_rate = 4;
damage = 20;
ammo = 32;
treat = 1;
max_clip = 8;
clip = max_clip;
melee = false;
alternate = true;
alt_rate = 1;
alt_treat = max_clip;
alt_use = false;
description = "Pancor Jackhammer";
alt_description = "Burst x8";
function USAS_12() {
_type = "rifle";
link = "USAS_12";
plus = 1;
cal = ".12";
kickback = 10;
max_kick = 40;
fire_rate = 2;
damage = 15;
ammo = 36;
treat = 1;
max_clip = 18;
clip = max_clip;
melee = false;
alternate = true;
alt_rate = 15;
alt_treat = 3;
alt_use = false;
description = "USAS 12";
alt_description = "Burst x3";
function Glock18() {
_type = "pistol";
link = "Glock18";
plus = 2;
cal = "9 mm";
kickback = 10;
max_kick = 22;
fire_rate = 6;
damage = 40;
ammo = 36;
treat = 1;
max_clip = 18;
clip = max_clip;
melee = false;
alternate = true;
alt_rate = 20;
alt_treat = 3;
alt_use = false;
description = "Glock 18";
alt_description = "Burst x3";
function Beretta93R() {
_type = "pistol";
link = "Beretta93R";
plus = 2;
cal = "9 mm";
kickback = 10;
max_kick = 12;
fire_rate = 7;
damage = 45;
ammo = 40;
treat = 1;
max_clip = 20;
clip = max_clip;
melee = false;
alternate = true;
alt_rate = 24;
alt_treat = 3;
alt_use = false;
description = "Beretta 93R";
alt_description = "Burst x3";
function APS() {
_type = "pistol";
link = "APS";
plus = 2;
cal = "9 mm";
kickback = 7;
max_kick = 20;
fire_rate = 6;
damage = 35;
ammo = 30;
treat = 1;
max_clip = 15;
clip = max_clip;
melee = false;
alternate = true;
alt_rate = 3;
alt_treat = 1;
alt_use = false;
description = "Stechkin APS";
alt_description = "Full auto";
function DesertEagle() {
_type = "pistol";
link = "DesertEagle";
plus = 2;
cal = ".50 AE";
kickback = 15;
max_kick = 30;
fire_rate = 8;
damage = 75;
ammo = 18;
treat = 1;
max_clip = 9;
clip = max_clip;
melee = false;
alternate = false;
description = "Desert Eagle";
function Anaconda() {
_type = "pistol";
link = "Anaconda";
plus = 2;
cal = ".50 AE";
kickback = 15;
max_kick = 30;
fire_rate = 6;
damage = 85;
ammo = 18;
treat = 1;
max_clip = 6;
clip = max_clip;
melee = false;
alternate = false;
description = "Colt Anaconda";
function microUZI() {
_type = "pistol";
link = "microUZI";
plus = 2;
cal = "9 mm";
kickback = 6;
max_kick = 30;
fire_rate = 3;
damage = 25;
ammo = 60;
treat = 2;
max_clip = 20;
clip = max_clip;
melee = false;
alternate = true;
alt_rate = 10;
alt_treat = 5;
alt_use = false;
description = "Micro UZI";
alt_description = "Burst x5";
function Spectre() {
_type = "pistol";
link = "Spectre";
plus = 1;
cal = "9 mm";
kickback = 3;
max_kick = 15;
fire_rate = 2;
damage = 35;
ammo = 100;
treat = 1;
max_clip = 50;
clip = max_clip;
melee = false;
alternate = true;
alt_rate = 12;
alt_treat = 4;
alt_use = false;
description = "Spectre M4";
alt_description = "Burst x4";
function HE() {
_type = "grenade";
link = "HE";
plus = 4;
cal = "HE";
kickback = 0;
max_kick = 0;
fire_rate = 30;
damage = 150;
ammo = 0;
treat = 1;
max_clip = 6;
clip = max_clip;
melee = false;
alternate = false;
description = "HE grenade";
function FRAG() {
_type = "grenade";
link = "FRAG";
plus = 4;
cal = "FRAG";
kickback = 0;
max_kick = 0;
fire_rate = 30;
damage = 150;
ammo = 0;
treat = 1;
max_clip = 3;
clip = max_clip;
melee = false;
alternate = false;
description = "FRAG grenade";
function SPLITTER() {
_type = "grenade";
link = "SPLITTER";
plus = 4;
cal = "SPLITTER";
kickback = 0;
max_kick = 0;
fire_rate = 30;
damage = 150;
ammo = 0;
treat = 1;
max_clip = 3;
clip = max_clip;
melee = false;
alternate = false;
description = "SPLITTER grenade";
function Bozar() {
_type = "rifle";
link = "Bozar";
plus = 1;
cal = ".223";
kickback = 20;
max_kick = 40;
fire_rate = 20;
damage = 65;
ammo = 150;
treat = 15;
max_clip = 30;
clip = max_clip;
melee = false;
alternate = false;
description = "[ B O Z A R ]";
function AWM() {
_type = "shotgun";
link = "AWM";
plus = 1;
cal = ".50";
kickback = 27;
max_kick = 30;
fire_rate = 25;
damage = 600;
ammo = 10;
treat = 1;
max_clip = 5;
clip = max_clip;
melee = false;
alternate = false;
description = "Arctic Warfare Magnum";
function M249() {
_type = "rifle";
link = "M249";
plus = 1;
cal = ".223";
kickback = 4;
max_kick = 30;
fire_rate = 2;
damage = 60;
ammo = 100;
treat = 1;
max_clip = 100;
clip = max_clip;
melee = false;
alternate = false;
description = "M-249 Para";
function Pecheneg() {
_type = "rifle";
link = "Pecheneg";
plus = 1;
cal = "7.62x54 mm";
kickback = 6;
max_kick = 15;
fire_rate = 2;
damage = 90;
ammo = 80;
treat = 1;
max_clip = 80;
clip = max_clip;
melee = false;
alternate = false;
description = "Pecheneg MG";
function Kord() {
_type = "rifle";
link = "Kord";
plus = 1;
cal = "14.5x109 mm";
kickback = 12;
max_kick = 20;
fire_rate = 3;
damage = 700;
ammo = 50;
treat = 1;
max_clip = 50;
clip = max_clip;
melee = false;
alternate = true;
alt_rate = 25;
alt_treat = 5;
alt_use = false;
description = "Kord 14.5 mm";
alt_description = "Burst x5";
function MM1() {
_type = "rifle";
link = "MM1";
plus = 1;
cal = "40 mm";
kickback = 18;
max_kick = 25;
fire_rate = 15;
damage = 0;
ammo = 20;
treat = 1;
max_clip = 10;
clip = max_clip;
melee = false;
alternate = false;
alt_type = "HE";
description = "MM-1";
function Mikor() {
_type = "rifle";
link = "Mikor";
plus = 1;
cal = "40 mm";
kickback = 10;
max_kick = 25;
fire_rate = 6;
damage = 0;
ammo = 18;
treat = 1;
max_clip = 6;
clip = max_clip;
melee = false;
alternate = false;
alt_type = "HE";
description = "Mikor MGL Mk.1";
function M79() {
_type = "rifle";
link = "M79";
plus = 2;
cal = "40 mm";
kickback = 10;
max_kick = 25;
fire_rate = 6;
damage = 0;
ammo = 9;
treat = 1;
max_clip = 1;
clip = max_clip;
melee = false;
alternate = false;
alt_type = "HE";
description = "M79";
function Flamethrower() {
_type = "smg";
link = "Flamethrower";
plus = 1;
cal = "Gasoline";
kickback = 0;
max_kick = 2;
fire_rate = 2;
damage = 40;
ammo = 100;
treat = 1;
max_clip = 50;
clip = max_clip;
melee = false;
alternate = false;
description = "Flamethrower";
function NapalmLauncher() {
_type = "rifle";
link = "NapalmLauncher";
plus = 1;
cal = "Gasoline";
kickback = 13;
max_kick = 20;
fire_rate = 10;
damage = 0;
ammo = 160;
treat = 40;
max_clip = 80;
clip = max_clip;
melee = false;
alternate = true;
alt_rate = 2;
alt_treat = 2;
alt_use = false;
description = "Napalm Launcher";
alt_description = "Triple Flamethrower";
function GaussRifle() {
_type = "rifle";
link = "GaussRifle";
plus = 1;
cal = "2 mm";
kickback = 9;
max_kick = 20;
fire_rate = 6;
damage = 250;
ammo = 60;
treat = 1;
max_clip = 20;
clip = max_clip;
melee = false;
alternate = true;
alt_rate = 22;
alt_treat = 3;
alt_use = false;
description = "Gauuss Rifle";
alt_description = "Burst x3";
function Fork() {
_type = "rifle";
link = "Fork";
plus = 1;
cal = "none";
kickback = 0;
max_kick = 2;
fire_rate = 15;
damage = 120;
ammo = 0;
radius = 30;
treat = 0;
max_clip = 1;
clip = 1;
melee = true;
alternate = false;
description = "Rusty fork";
function Axe() {
_type = "knife";
link = "Axe";
plus = 1;
cal = "none";
kickback = 0;
max_kick = 2;
fire_rate = 20;
damage = 150;
ammo = 0;
radius = 30;
treat = 0;
max_clip = 1;
clip = 1;
melee = true;
alternate = false;
description = "Fire Axe";
function Scythe() {
_type = "knife";
link = "Scythe";
plus = 1;
cal = "none";
kickback = 0;
max_kick = 2;
fire_rate = 20;
damage = 500;
ammo = 0;
radius = 40;
treat = 0;
max_clip = 1;
clip = 1;
melee = true;
alternate = false;
description = "Death's Scythe";
function TeslaCanon() {
_type = "rifle";
link = "TeslaCanon";
plus = 1;
cal = "battery";
kickback = 5;
max_kick = 18;
fire_rate = 3;
damage = 90;
ammo = 64;
treat = 1;
max_clip = 32;
clip = max_clip;
melee = false;
alternate = true;
alt_rate = 15;
alt_treat = 16;
alt_use = false;
description = "Tesla Canon";
alt_description = "Tesla Blow";
function RicochetRifle() {
_type = "rifle";
link = "RicochetRifle";
plus = 1;
cal = "ricochets";
kickback = 5;
max_kick = 18;
fire_rate = 5;
damage = 50;
ammo = 48;
treat = 1;
max_clip = 24;
clip = max_clip;
melee = false;
alternate = true;
alt_rate = 15;
alt_treat = 8;
alt_use = false;
description = "Ricochet Rifle";
alt_description = "Ricochet grenade";
function SplitterRifle() {
_type = "rifle";
link = "SplitterRifle";
plus = 1;
cal = "Splitters";
kickback = 10;
max_kick = 30;
fire_rate = 6;
damage = 50;
ammo = 10;
treat = 1;
max_clip = 5;
clip = max_clip;
melee = false;
alternate = true;
alt_rate = 15;
alt_treat = 5;
alt_use = false;
description = "Splitter Rifle";
alt_description = "Shotgun";
function ChainGun() {
_type = "smg";
link = "ChainGun";
plus = 1;
cal = ".223";
kickback = 4;
max_kick = 12;
fire_rate = 9;
damage = 60;
ammo = 120;
treat = 3;
max_clip = 60;
clip = max_clip;
melee = false;
alternate = true;
alt_rate = 3;
alt_treat = 3;
alt_use = false;
description = "Chaingun";
alt_description = "Full auto";
function FlareGun() {
_type = "rifle";
link = "FlareGun";
plus = 2;
cal = "Gasoline";
kickback = 11;
max_kick = 30;
fire_rate = 7;
damage = 80;
ammo = 12;
treat = 1;
max_clip = 3;
clip = max_clip;
melee = false;
alternate = true;
alt_rate = 1;
alt_treat = 3;
alt_use = false;
description = "Flaregun";
alt_description = "Napalm Rocket";
function SIG550() {
_type = "smg";
link = "SIG550";
plus = 1;
cal = ".223";
kickback = 3;
max_kick = 15;
fire_rate = 2;
damage = 40;
ammo = 90;
treat = 1;
max_clip = 30;
clip = max_clip;
melee = false;
alternate = true;
alt_rate = 10;
alt_treat = 3;
alt_use = false;
description = "SIG 550";
alt_description = "Burst x3";
function G11() {
_type = "smg";
link = "G11";
plus = 1;
cal = "4.7 mm";
kickback = 3;
max_kick = 8;
fire_rate = 2;
damage = 38;
ammo = 90;
treat = 1;
max_clip = 45;
clip = max_clip;
melee = false;
alternate = true;
alt_rate = 7;
alt_treat = 3;
alt_use = false;
description = "G11";
alt_description = "Burst x3";
function L85A2() {
_type = "rifle";
link = "L85A2";
plus = 1;
cal = ".223";
kickback = 5;
max_kick = 15;
fire_rate = 3;
damage = 58;
ammo = 90;
treat = 1;
max_clip = 30;
clip = max_clip;
melee = false;
alternate = true;
alt_rate = 20;
alt_treat = 3;
alt_use = false;
description = "L85A2";
alt_description = "Burst x3";
function G36() {
_type = "smg";
link = "G36";
plus = 1;
cal = ".223";
kickback = 4;
max_kick = 30;
fire_rate = 2;
damage = 55;
ammo = 100;
treat = 1;
max_clip = 100;
clip = max_clip;
melee = false;
alternate = true;
alt_rate = 10;
alt_treat = 4;
alt_use = false;
description = "G36";
alt_description = "Burst x4";
function FNSCAR() {
_type = "rifle";
link = "FNSCAR";
plus = 1;
cal = ".308";
kickback = 9;
max_kick = 30;
fire_rate = 7;
damage = 75;
ammo = 80;
treat = 2;
max_clip = 20;
clip = max_clip;
melee = false;
alternate = true;
alt_rate = 6;
alt_treat = 1;
alt_use = true;
alt_maxclip = 1;
alt_clip = alt_maxclip;
alt_ammo = 5;
alt_type = "FRAG";
description = "FN SCAR";
function XM8() {
_type = "smg";
link = "XM8";
plus = 1;
cal = ".223";
kickback = 6;
max_kick = 9;
fire_rate = 7;
damage = 53;
ammo = 90;
treat = 3;
max_clip = 30;
clip = max_clip;
melee = false;
alternate = false;
description = "XM8 LAR";
function Stoner() {
_type = "smg";
link = "Stoner";
plus = 1;
cal = ".223";
kickback = 6;
max_kick = 14;
fire_rate = 2;
damage = 55;
ammo = 60;
treat = 1;
max_clip = 60;
clip = max_clip;
melee = false;
alternate = false;
description = "Stoner LMG";
function StG_44() {
_type = "rifle";
link = "StG_44";
plus = 1;
cal = "7.92mm Kurz";
kickback = 6;
max_kick = 14;
fire_rate = 3;
damage = 60;
ammo = 90;
treat = 1;
max_clip = 30;
clip = max_clip;
melee = false;
alternate = false;
description = "Sturm Gewehr 44";
function MP7() {
_type = "pistol";
link = "MP7";
plus = 2;
cal = "4.6 mm";
kickback = 4;
max_kick = 12;
fire_rate = 2;
damage = 45;
ammo = 60;
treat = 1;
max_clip = 20;
clip = max_clip;
melee = false;
alternate = true;
alt_rate = 12;
alt_treat = 4;
alt_use = false;
description = "H&K MP7";
alt_description = "Burst x4";
function PP2000() {
_type = "pistol";
link = "PP2000";
plus = 2;
cal = "9 mm";
kickback = 10;
max_kick = 18;
fire_rate = 8;
damage = 44;
ammo = 72;
treat = 3;
max_clip = 24;
clip = max_clip;
melee = false;
alternate = false;
description = "PP - 2000";
function BerettaM12() {
_type = "rifle";
link = "BerettaM12";
plus = 1;
cal = "9 mm";
kickback = 6;
max_kick = 8;
fire_rate = 4;
damage = 35;
ammo = 80;
treat = 1;
max_clip = 40;
clip = max_clip;
melee = false;
alternate = false;
description = "Beretta M12S";
function M3A1() {
_type = "rifle";
link = "M3A1";
plus = 1;
cal = "9 mm";
kickback = 7;
max_kick = 15;
fire_rate = 4;
damage = 40;
ammo = 90;
treat = 1;
max_clip = 30;
clip = max_clip;
melee = false;
alternate = false;
description = "M3A1";
function Calico() {
_type = "rifle";
link = "Calico";
plus = 1;
cal = "9 mm";
kickback = 6;
max_kick = 9;
fire_rate = 3;
damage = 45;
ammo = 100;
treat = 1;
max_clip = 50;
clip = max_clip;
melee = false;
alternate = true;
alt_rate = 16;
alt_treat = 4;
alt_use = false;
description = "Calico M960";
alt_description = "Burst x4";
function American180() {
_type = "smg";
link = "American180";
plus = 1;
cal = ".22";
kickback = 6;
max_kick = 12;
fire_rate = 3;
damage = 27;
ammo = 220;
treat = 2;
max_clip = 220;
clip = max_clip;
melee = false;
alternate = false;
description = "American-180";
function MAT49() {
_type = "rifle";
link = "MAT49";
plus = 1;
cal = "7.62x17 mm";
kickback = 5;
max_kick = 12;
fire_rate = 3;
damage = 35;
ammo = 64;
treat = 1;
max_clip = 32;
clip = max_clip;
melee = false;
alternate = false;
description = "MAT 49";
function M45() {
_type = "rifle";
link = "M45";
plus = 1;
cal = "9 mm";
kickback = 4;
max_kick = 10;
fire_rate = 3;
damage = 45;
ammo = 72;
treat = 1;
max_clip = 36;
clip = max_clip;
melee = false;
alternate = false;
description = "Carl Gustaf M45";
function PPS_43() {
_type = "smg";
link = "PPS_43";
plus = 1;
cal = "7.62x17 mm";
kickback = 4;
max_kick = 22;
fire_rate = 3;
damage = 35;
ammo = 70;
treat = 1;
max_clip = 35;
clip = max_clip;
melee = false;
alternate = false;
description = "Sudarev PPS-43";
function AA12() {
_type = "rifle";
link = "AA12";
plus = 1;
cal = ".12";
kickback = 5;
max_kick = 10;
fire_rate = 3;
damage = 13;
ammo = 30;
treat = 1;
max_clip = 10;
clip = max_clip;
melee = false;
alternate = true;
alt_rate = 20;
alt_treat = 4;
alt_use = false;
description = "AA 12";
alt_description = "Burst x4";
function Striker() {
_type = "rifle";
link = "Striker";
plus = 1;
cal = ".12";
kickback = 9;
max_kick = 15;
fire_rate = 7;
damage = 20;
ammo = 36;
treat = 1;
max_clip = 12;
clip = max_clip;
melee = false;
alternate = false;
description = "Striker";
function RPD() {
_type = "rifle";
link = "RPD";
plus = 1;
cal = "7.62x39 mm";
kickback = 5;
max_kick = 28;
fire_rate = 3;
damage = 70;
ammo = 100;
treat = 1;
max_clip = 100;
clip = max_clip;
melee = false;
alternate = false;
description = "RPD";
function AA52() {
_type = "rifle";
link = "AA52";
plus = 1;
cal = ".308";
kickback = 7;
max_kick = 12;
fire_rate = 3;
damage = 80;
ammo = 50;
treat = 1;
max_clip = 50;
clip = max_clip;
melee = false;
alternate = false;
description = "AA-52";
function BAR() {
_type = "rifle";
link = "BAR";
plus = 1;
cal = ".30-06";
kickback = 5;
max_kick = 24;
fire_rate = 4;
damage = 75;
ammo = 60;
treat = 1;
max_clip = 20;
clip = max_clip;
melee = false;
alternate = false;
description = "BAR";
function VektorSS() {
_type = "rifle";
link = "VektorSS";
plus = 1;
cal = ".308";
kickback = 4;
max_kick = 22;
fire_rate = 5;
damage = 78;
ammo = 100;
treat = 2;
max_clip = 100;
clip = max_clip;
melee = false;
alternate = false;
description = "Vektor SS-77";
function Arisaka() {
_type = "shotgun";
link = "Arisaka";
plus = 1;
cal = "6.5x50 mm";
kickback = 29;
max_kick = 50;
fire_rate = 25;
damage = 70;
ammo = 20;
treat = 1;
max_clip = 5;
clip = max_clip;
melee = false;
alternate = true;
alt_rate = 10;
alt_treat = 0;
alt_use = false;
description = "Arisaka 38";
alt_description = "Bayonet thrust";
function JapShotgun() {
_type = "shotgun";
link = "JapShotgun";
plus = 1;
cal = ".12";
kickback = 19;
max_kick = 30;
fire_rate = 15;
damage = 25;
ammo = 16;
treat = 1;
max_clip = 4;
clip = max_clip;
melee = false;
alternate = false;
description = "Japaneese Shotgun";
function type100() {
_type = "rifle";
link = "type100";
plus = 1;
cal = "7.62x17 mm";
kickback = 6;
max_kick = 20;
fire_rate = 3;
damage = 35;
ammo = 100;
treat = 1;
max_clip = 50;
clip = max_clip;
melee = false;
alternate = false;
description = "Type-100 SMG";
function Model96() {
_type = "rifle";
link = "Model96";
plus = 1;
cal = "6.5x50 mm";
kickback = 6;
max_kick = 35;
fire_rate = 3;
damage = 70;
ammo = 75;
treat = 1;
max_clip = 25;
clip = max_clip;
melee = false;
alternate = true;
alt_rate = 10;
alt_treat = 0;
alt_use = false;
description = "Model 96 LMG";
alt_description = "Bayonet thrust";
function Nambu() {
_type = "pistol";
link = "Nambu";
plus = 2;
cal = "9 mm";
kickback = 8;
max_kick = 20;
fire_rate = 6;
damage = 27;
ammo = 36;
treat = 1;
max_clip = 9;
clip = max_clip;
melee = false;
alternate = false;
description = "Nambu Pistol";
function Katana() {
_type = "knife";
link = "Katana";
plus = 1;
cal = "none";
kickback = 0;
max_kick = 2;
fire_rate = 20;
damage = 200;
ammo = 0;
radius = 30;
treat = 0;
max_clip = 1;
clip = 1;
melee = true;
alternate = false;
description = "Katana";
function Johnson() {
_type = "rifle";
link = "Johnson";
plus = 1;
cal = ".30-06";
kickback = 6;
max_kick = 27;
fire_rate = 3;
damage = 70;
ammo = 40;
treat = 1;
max_clip = 40;
clip = max_clip;
melee = false;
alternate = false;
description = "Johnson LMG";
function M1903() {
_type = "shotgun";
link = "M1903";
plus = 1;
cal = ".30-06";
kickback = 27;
max_kick = 50;
fire_rate = 26;
damage = 85;
ammo = 25;
treat = 1;
max_clip = 5;
clip = max_clip;
melee = false;
alternate = true;
alt_rate = 10;
alt_treat = 0;
alt_use = false;
description = "Springfield M1903";
alt_description = "Bayonet thrust";
function Mosin() {
_type = "shotgun";
link = "Mosin";
plus = 1;
cal = "7.62x54 mm";
kickback = 19;
max_kick = 50;
fire_rate = 17;
damage = 83;
ammo = 15;
treat = 1;
max_clip = 5;
clip = max_clip;
melee = false;
alternate = true;
alt_rate = 10;
alt_treat = 0;
alt_use = false;
description = "Mosin 1891/30";
alt_description = "Bayonet thrust";
function AlienHand() {
_type = "knife";
link = "AlienHand";
plus = 3;
cal = "none";
kickback = 0;
max_kick = 2;
fire_rate = 20;
damage = 90;
ammo = 0;
radius = 20;
treat = 0;
max_clip = 1;
clip = 1;
melee = true;
alternate = false;
description = "Alien's Hand";
Symbol 2613 MovieClip [__Packages.Fire] Frame 0
class Fire extends MovieClip
var _parent, removeMovieClip;
function Fire () {
if (_parent.HP > 0) {
_parent.burning = true;
_parent.burnSound.start(0, 1);
function onEnterFrame() {
if ((_global.times % 3) == 0) {
if (_parent.HP <= 0) {
Symbol 2614 MovieClip [__Packages.Grenade] Frame 0
class Grenade extends MovieClip
var speed, moving, dst, type_expl, gotoAndPlay, _x, _y, _rotation, removeMovieClip, owner;
function Grenade () {
speed = 10;
moving = true;
dst = null;
type_expl = "HE";
function blow() {
moving = false;
function HEexplode() {
var _local4 = 0;
while (_local4 < _global.hero) {
var _local5 = _root.theDistance(this, _root["hero" + _local4]);
if (_local5 <= _global.BLOW_RADIUS) {
_root["hero" + _local4].getShot(Math.ceil(_global.HE_DAMAGE * (1 - (_local5 / _global.BLOW_RADIUS))));
_root["hero" + _local4].kick = _root["hero" + _local4].kick + 30;
function FRAGexplode() {
var _local4 = 5;
while (_local4 <= 355) {
_root.addBullet(_x, _y, _rotation + _local4, _global.FRAG_DAMAGE);
_local4 = _local4 + 10;
function onEnterFrame() {
if (moving) {
if ((((_x < (-_root._x)) || (_y < (-_root._y))) || (_x > (800 - _root._x))) || (_y > (600 - _root._y))) {
var _local6 = _root.plot(_rotation - 90, speed);
dst = dst - speed;
if (dst > 0) {
_x = _x + _local6.x;
_y = _y + _local6.y;
} else {
var _local4 = 0;
while (_local4 < _global.hero) {
if (((("hero" + _local4) != owner) && (_root["hero" + _local4].HP > 0)) && (_root["hero" + _local4].hitTest(_x, _y, false))) {
_root["hero" + _local4].HP = 0;
if (_root["hero" + _local4].step != 0) {
var _local5 = 0;
while (_local5 < 8) {
_root.addBlood(_x, _y);
Symbol 2615 MovieClip [__Packages.HandGrenade] Frame 0
class HandGrenade extends MovieClip
var speed, dst, type_expl, _rotation, gotoAndPlay, _x, _y, removeMovieClip;
function HandGrenade () {
speed = 10;
moving = true;
dst = null;
type_expl = "HE";
function blow() {
_rotation = 0;
moving = false;
function HEexplode() {
var _local4 = 0;
while (_local4 < _global.hero) {
var _local5 = _root.theDistance(this, _root["hero" + _local4]);
if (_local5 <= _global.BLOW_RADIUS) {
_root["hero" + _local4].getShot(Math.ceil(_global.HE_DAMAGE * (1 - (_local5 / _global.BLOW_RADIUS))));
_root["hero" + _local4].kick = _root["hero" + _local4].kick + 30;
function FRAGexplode() {
var _local4 = 5;
while (_local4 <= 355) {
_root.addBullet(_x, _y, _rotation + _local4, _global.FRAG_DAMAGE);
_local4 = _local4 + 10;
function SPLITTERexplode() {
var _local3 = 5;
while (_local3 <= 355) {
_root.addSplitterBullet(_x, _y, _rotation + _local3, 50);
_local3 = _local3 + 20;
function onEnterFrame() {
if (moving) {
if ((((_x < (-_root._x)) || (_y < (-_root._y))) || (_x > (800 - _root._x))) || (_y > (600 - _root._y))) {
var _local10 = _root.plot(_rotation - 90, speed);
var _local8 = new Line(_x, _y, _x + _local10.x, _y + _local10.y);
var _local5 = null;
var _local6 = null;
var _local7 = -1;
var _local4 = 0;
while (_local4 < _global.walls.length) {
_local5 = _global.walls[_local4].cross(_local8);
if ((_local5 != null) && ((_local6 == null) || (Math.abs(_local5.x - _x) < Math.abs(_local6.x - _x)))) {
_local6 = _local5;
_local7 = _local4;
if (_local6 == null) {
_x = _x + _local10.x;
_y = _y + _local10.y;
} else {
var _local9 = Math.atan2(_global.walls[_local7].beg.y - _global.walls[_local7].end.y, _global.walls[_local7].beg.x - _global.walls[_local7].end.x);
_local9 = _root.radToDeg(_local9);
var _local11 = _rotation - _local9;
_rotation = _root.znak(_local9) * ((180 - _local11) + _local9);
dst = dst - speed;
if (dst < 0) {
var moving = true;
Symbol 2616 MovieClip [__Packages.Napalm] Frame 0
class Napalm extends MovieClip
var speed, radius, moving, gotoAndPlay, XBOCT, _x, _y, removeMovieClip, _rotation, dst, owner;
function Napalm () {
speed = 20;
radius = 110;
moving = true;
function blow() {
moving = false;
function explode() {
var _local4 = 0;
while (_local4 < _global.hero) {
if (_root.theDistance(this, _root["hero" + _local4]) <= radius) {
_root["hero" + _local4].getShot(80);
_root["hero" + _local4].attachMovie("Fire", "fire", 1);
function onEnterFrame() {
if (moving) {
XBOCT._height = XBOCT._height + 10;
if ((((_x < (-_root._x)) || (_y < (-_root._y))) || (_x > (800 - _root._x))) || (_y > (600 - _root._y))) {
var _local6 = _root.plot(_rotation - 90, speed);
dst = dst - speed;
if (dst > 0) {
_x = _x + _local6.x;
_y = _y + _local6.y;
} else {
var _local5 = 0;
while (_local5 < _global.hero) {
if (((("hero" + _local5) != owner) && (_root["hero" + _local5].HP > 0)) && (_root["hero" + _local5].hitTest(_x, _y, false))) {
_root["hero" + _local5].attachMovie("Fire", "fire", 1);
var _local4 = 0;
while (_local4 < 8) {
_root.addBlood(_x, _y);
Symbol 2617 MovieClip [__Packages.OldBullet] Frame 0
class OldBullet extends MovieClip
var speed, owner, damage, moving, XBOCT, _x, _y, removeMovieClip, _rotation, dst, gotoAndPlay;
function OldBullet () {
speed = 20;
owner = null;
damage = null;
moving = true;
function onEnterFrame() {
if (moving) {
XBOCT._height = XBOCT._height + 4;
if ((((_x < (-_root._x)) || (_y < (-_root._y))) || (_x > (800 - _root._x))) || (_y > (600 - _root._y))) {
var _local4 = 0;
while (_local4 < _global.hero) {
if ((((("hero" + _local4) != owner) && (_root["hero" + _local4].HP > 0)) && (Math.abs(_root["hero" + _local4]._x - _x) <= _root["hero" + _local4].puzo)) && (Math.abs(_root["hero" + _local4]._y - _y) <= _root["hero" + _local4].puzo)) {
_root["hero" + _local4].getShot(damage);
var _local5 = _root.plot(_rotation - 90, speed);
dst = dst - speed;
if (dst > 0) {
_x = _x + _local5.x;
_y = _y + _local5.y;
} else {
moving = false;
Symbol 2618 MovieClip [__Packages.Rocket] Frame 0
class Rocket extends MovieClip
var speed, moving, gotoAndPlay, _x, _y, _rotation, XBOCT, removeMovieClip, dst, owner;
function Rocket () {
speed = 15;
moving = true;
function blow() {
moving = false;
function explode() {
var _local5 = 15;
while (_local5 <= 345) {
_root.addBullet(_x, _y, _rotation + _local5, _global.FRAG_DAMAGE);
_local5 = _local5 + 30;
var _local4 = 0;
while (_local4 < _global.hero) {
var _local6 = _root.theDistance(this, _root["hero" + _local4]);
if (_local6 <= _global.BLOW_RADIUS) {
_root["hero" + _local4].getShot(Math.ceil(_global.HE_DAMAGE * (1 - (_local6 / _global.BLOW_RADIUS))));
_root["hero" + _local4].kick = _root["hero" + _local4].kick + 30;
function onEnterFrame() {
if (moving) {
XBOCT._height = XBOCT._height + 10;
if ((((_x < (-_root._x)) || (_y < (-_root._y))) || (_x > (800 - _root._x))) || (_y > (600 - _root._y))) {
var _local6 = _root.plot(_rotation - 90, speed);
dst = dst - speed;
if (dst > 0) {
_x = _x + _local6.x;
_y = _y + _local6.y;
} else {
var _local4 = 0;
while (_local4 < _global.hero) {
if (((("hero" + _local4) != owner) && (_root["hero" + _local4].HP > 0)) && (_root["hero" + _local4].hitTest(_x, _y, false))) {
_root["hero" + _local4].HP = 0;
if (_root["hero" + _local4].step != 0) {
var _local5 = 0;
while (_local5 < 8) {
_root.addBlood(_x, _y);
Symbol 2619 MovieClip [__Packages.Man] Frame 0
class Man extends MovieClip
var MAX_HP, HP, hp_mod, AC, leg_r, puzo, step, burning, _xscale, _yscale, weap_1, weap_2, weap_3, weap_4, kick, ch_weap, shot_timer, min_kick, ln1, ln2, hands, body, team, _name, swapDepths, _x, _y, weapon, _parent, shotSound, lawSound, shotgunSound, subbarrelSound, teslaSound, burnSound, dieSound, _rotation;
function Man () {
MAX_HP = 100;
HP = 100;
hp_mod = 1;
AC = 100;
puzo = 11;
step = 3;
burning = false;
_xscale = _global.HUMAN_SCALE;
_yscale = _global.HUMAN_SCALE;
weap_1 = null;
weap_2 = null;
weap_3 = null;
weap_4 = null;
kick = 0;
ch_weap = 0;
shot_timer = 0;
min_kick = 0;
ln1 = null;
ln2 = null;
function stdFrame() {
if (kick > min_kick) {
if (shot_timer > 0) {
function sideView(skin) {
hands.hend_r.attachMovie("Hand_R_" + skin, "hr", 1);
hands.hand_r.attachMovie("Hand_L_" + skin, "hl", 1);
body.forma.attachMovie("Uniform_" + skin, "fr", 1);
body.kaska.attachMovie("Helm_" + skin, "ks", 1);
function setGun(gun, pist, melee, gren) {
if (gren != "no") {
var _local3 = new Weapon();
if (melee != "no") {
var _local5 = new Weapon();
if (pist != "no") {
var _local2 = new Weapon();
if (gun != "no") {
var _local4 = new Weapon();
function stdLoad(tm, side, rang) {
team = tm;
var _local2 = Number(_name.substr(4));
sideView(side, rang);
function lineHit(line) {
var _local3 = ln1.cross(line);
var _local2 = ln2.cross(line);
return((_local3 != null) || (_local2 != null));
function lineCross(line) {
var _local2 = ln1.cross(line);
var _local3 = ln2.cross(line);
if (_local2 != null) {
function getLines(x, y) {
ln1 = new Line((_x + x) - 10, (_y + y) - 10, (_x + x) + 10, (_y + y) + 10);
ln2 = new Line((_x + x) - 10, (_y + y) + 10, (_x + x) + 10, (_y + y) - 10);
function canGo(x, y) {
if (_root.un.hitTest(_x + x, _y + y, true)) {
getLines(x, y);
var _local5 = true;
var _local4 = 0;
while (_local4 < _global.walls.length) {
if (lineHit(_global.walls[_local4])) {
_local5 = false;
return(_local5 && (notHit(x, y)));
function notHit(x, y) {
function reloadNow() {
function changeWeapons(link) {
ch_weap = link;
weapon = link;
if (_name == "hero0") {
_root.scr.gun_txt.text = link.description;
if (link.alt_use) {
} else {
if (link.alternate) {
_root.scr.alt_descr_txt.text = link.alt_description;
} else {
_root.scr.alt_descr_txt.text = "";
function getShot(damage) {
if (HP > 0) {
var _local4 = Math.floor((0.8 * (AC / 100)) * damage);
HP = HP - (damage - _local4);
if (HP < 0) {
HP = 0;
AC = AC - Math.floor(_local4 / 2);
if (AC < 0) {
AC = 0;
if (step != 0) {
_root.addBlood(_x, _y);
if (_global.WOUND_FLASH && (_name == "hero0")) {
function getKicked() {
if ((kick + weapon.kickback) < weapon.max_kick) {
kick = kick + weapon.kickback;
} else {
kick = weapon.max_kick;
function kickMore(num) {
if (kick < weapon.max_kick) {
kick = kick + num;
} else {
kick = weapon.max_kick;
function plusClip() {
if ((weapon.ammo + weapon.clip) >= weapon.max_clip) {
weapon.ammo = weapon.ammo + (weapon.clip - weapon.max_clip);
weapon.clip = weapon.max_clip;
} else {
weapon.clip = weapon.clip + weapon.ammo;
weapon.ammo = 0;
function plusAltClip() {
if ((weapon.alt_ammo + weapon.alt_clip) >= weapon.alt_maxclip) {
weapon.alt_ammo = weapon.alt_ammo + (weapon.alt_clip - weapon.alt_maxclip);
weapon.alt_clip = weapon.alt_maxclip;
} else {
weapon.alt_clip = weapon.alt_clip + _parent.weapon.alt_ammo;
weapon.alt_ammo = 0;
function setSound() {
shotSound = new Sound(this);
lawSound = new Sound(this);
shotgunSound = new Sound(this);
subbarrelSound = new Sound(this);
teslaSound = new Sound(this);
burnSound = new Sound(this);
dieSound = new Sound(this);
function addShell(err) {
_root.addShell(_x, _y, _rotation);
function addBullet(err) {
var _local4 = _x + ((puzo + 20) * Math.cos(_root.degToRad(_rotation - 90)));
var _local3 = _y + ((puzo + 20) * Math.sin(_root.degToRad(_rotation - 90)));
var _local5 = new Line(_x, _y, _local4, _local3);
if (_local5.wall() == null) {
_root.addBullet(_local4, _local3, _rotation + err, weapon.damage, _name);
function addTeslaCharge(err) {
var _local4 = _x + ((puzo + 20) * Math.cos(_root.degToRad(_rotation - 90)));
var _local3 = _y + ((puzo + 20) * Math.sin(_root.degToRad(_rotation - 90)));
var _local5 = new Line(_x, _y, _local4, _local3);
if (_local5.wall() == null) {
_root.addTeslaCharge(_local4, _local3, _rotation + err, weapon.damage, _name);
function addRicochetBullet(err) {
var _local4 = _x + ((puzo + 20) * Math.cos(_root.degToRad(_rotation - 90)));
var _local3 = _y + ((puzo + 20) * Math.sin(_root.degToRad(_rotation - 90)));
var _local5 = new Line(_x, _y, _local4, _local3);
if (_local5.wall() == null) {
_root.addRicochetBullet(_local4, _local3, _rotation + err, weapon.damage, _name);
function addSplitterBullet(err) {
var _local4 = _x + ((puzo + 20) * Math.cos(_root.degToRad(_rotation - 90)));
var _local3 = _y + ((puzo + 20) * Math.sin(_root.degToRad(_rotation - 90)));
var _local5 = new Line(_x, _y, _local4, _local3);
if (_local5.wall() == null) {
_root.addSplitterBullet(_local4, _local3, _rotation + err, weapon.damage, _name);
function addFlareBullet(err) {
var _local4 = _x + ((puzo + 20) * Math.cos(_root.degToRad(_rotation - 90)));
var _local3 = _y + ((puzo + 20) * Math.sin(_root.degToRad(_rotation - 90)));
var _local5 = new Line(_x, _y, _local4, _local3);
if (_local5.wall() == null) {
_root.addFlareBullet(_local4, _local3, _rotation + err, weapon.damage, _name);
function addGauss(err) {
var _local4 = _x + ((puzo + 20) * Math.cos(_root.degToRad(_rotation - 90)));
var _local3 = _y + ((puzo + 20) * Math.sin(_root.degToRad(_rotation - 90)));
var _local5 = new Line(_x, _y, _local4, _local3);
if (_local5.wall() == null) {
_root.addGauss(_local4, _local3, _rotation + err, weapon.damage);
function addRocket(err) {
_root.addRocket(_x, _y, _rotation, err, _name);
function addGrenade(err) {
function addRicochetGrenade(err) {
function addTeslaSuper(err) {
function addNapalm(err) {
_root.addNapalm(_x, _y, _rotation, err, _name);
function addFlame(rot) {
_root.addFlame(_x, _y, rot, weapon.damage);
function shot() {
addBullet((Math.random() * (2 * kick)) - kick);
function shotNoSound() {
addBullet((Math.random() * (2 * kick)) - kick);
function teslaCharge() {
addTeslaCharge((Math.random() * (2 * kick)) - kick);
function ricochetBullet() {
addRicochetBullet((Math.random() * (2 * kick)) - kick);
function splitterBullet() {
addSplitterBullet((Math.random() * (2 * kick)) - kick);
function flare() {
addFlareBullet((Math.random() * (2 * kick)) - kick);
function gauss() {
addGauss((Math.random() * (2 * kick)) - kick);
function splitterShotgun() {
var _local3 = (Math.random() * (2 * kick)) - kick;
var _local2 = -2;
while (_local2 <= 2) {
addSplitterBullet(_local2 + _local3);
function shotgun() {
var _local3 = (Math.random() * (2 * kick)) - kick;
var _local2 = -2;
while (_local2 <= 2) {
addBullet(_local2 + _local3);
function doubleBarrel() {
var _local3 = (Math.random() * (2 * kick)) - kick;
var _local2 = -2;
while (_local2 <= 2.5) {
addBullet(_local2 + _local3);
_local2 = _local2 + 0.5;
function rocket() {
addRocket((Math.random() * (2 * kick)) - kick);
function napalm() {
addNapalm((Math.random() * (2 * kick)) - kick);
function grenade() {
addGrenade((Math.random() * (2 * kick)) - kick);
function ricochetGrenade() {
addRicochetGrenade((Math.random() * (2 * kick)) - kick);
function teslaSuper() {
addTeslaSuper((Math.random() * (2 * kick)) - kick);
function knifeSlash(rad, dmg) {
var _local4 = 0;
while (_local4 < _global.hero) {
if (("hero" + _local4) != _name) {
if (_root.theDistance(this, _root["hero" + _local4]) <= ((rad + puzo) + _root["hero" + _local4].puzo)) {
_root["hero" + _local4].kick = _root["hero" + _local4].kick + 30;
_root["hero" + _local4].getShot(dmg);
function tSuperMutant() {
MAX_HP = 200;
HP = 200;
hp_mod = 2;
step = 2;
function tEnclave() {
MAX_HP = 300;
HP = 300;
hp_mod = 3;
function tZombie() {
MAX_HP = 300;
HP = 300;
hp_mod = 4;
step = 2;
AC = 0;
function tChosenOne() {
MAX_HP = 150;
HP = 150;
hp_mod = 1.5;
step = 4;
function tDemon() {
MAX_HP = 700;
HP = 700;
hp_mod = 7;
step = 5;
function tDeath() {
MAX_HP = 300;
HP = 300;
hp_mod = 3;
step = 7;
function tAlien() {
MAX_HP = 999;
HP = 999;
hp_mod = 10;
step = 5;
Symbol 2620 MovieClip [__Packages.Soldier] Frame 0
class Soldier extends Man
var Man, team, weapon, min_kick, kick, attacking, gox, _x, goy, _y, patrolX, patrolY, lastSeenPlayerX, lastSeenPlayerY, AC, _rotation, step, canGo, leg_l, leg_r, HP, stdFrame, puzo, shot_timer, hands, burning, weap_1, changeWeapons, weap_4, weap_2, weap_3, _currentframe, gotoAndPlay, swapDepths, _name;
function Soldier () {
team = null;
weapon = null;
min_kick = _global.DIFFICULTLY;
kick = min_kick;
attacking = null;
gox = _x;
goy = _y;
patrolX = null;
patrolY = null;
lastSeenPlayerX = null;
lastSeenPlayerY = null;
switch (_global.DIFFICULTLY) {
case 0 :
AC = 100;
case 5 :
AC = 80;
case 15 :
AC = 50;
case 30 :
AC = 20;
function turn(deg) {
deg = deg - 90;
while (deg < -180) {
deg = deg + 360;
while (deg > 180) {
deg = deg - 360;
var _local2 = _rotation;
while (_local2 < -180) {
_local2 = _local2 + 360;
while (_local2 > 180) {
_local2 = _local2 - 360;
var _local4 = deg - _local2;
if (Math.abs(_local4) > 180) {
if (deg > _local2) {
_local4 = _local4 - 360;
} else {
_local4 = _local4 + 360;
if (_local4 < -4) {
_rotation = _rotation - 7;
} else if (_local4 > 4) {
_rotation = _rotation + 7;
} else {
_rotation = deg;
function goto(x, y) {
var _local5 = _root.radToDeg(Math.atan2(_y - goy, _x - gox));
var _local3 = null;
var _local4 = 0;
while (_local4 <= 80) {
_local3 = _root.plot(_local5 + _local4, step);
if (canGo(-_local3.x, -_local3.y)) {
_x = _x - _local3.x;
_y = _y - _local3.y;
turn(_root.radToDeg(Math.atan2(_local3.y, _local3.x)));
_local3 = _root.plot(_local5 - _local4, step);
if (canGo(-_local3.x, -_local3.y)) {
_x = _x - _local3.x;
_y = _y - _local3.y;
turn(_root.radToDeg(Math.atan2(_local3.y, _local3.x)));
_local4 = _local4 + 10;
function moveOn(range) {
if ((Math.abs(_x - gox) > range) || (Math.abs(_y - goy) > range)) {;;
if (!goto(gox, goy)) {
gox = _x;
goy = _y;
} else if (((attacking == null) && (patrolX != null)) && (patrolY != null)) {
var _local3 = gox;
var _local2 = goy;
gox = patrolX;
goy = patrolY;
patrolX = _local3;
patrolY = _local2;
} else {
function onEnterFrame() {
if (HP > 0) {
function atkRange() {
return(_root.theDistance(this, attacking) <= ((weapon.radius + puzo) + attacking.puzo));
function attack() {
if (attacking.HP <= 0) {
attacking = null;
if (attacking != null) {
if (turn(_root.radToDeg(Math.atan2(_y - attacking._y, _x - attacking._x)))) {
if ((shot_timer == 0) && (hands._currentframe < 70)) {
if (weapon.melee && (!atkRange())) {
gox = attacking._x;
goy = attacking._y;
} else {
if (_global.times == 0) {
if (!inSight()) {
gox = lastSeenPlayerX;
goy = lastSeenPlayerY;
lastSeenPlayerX = null;
lastSeenPlayerY = null;
attacking = null;
} else {
lastSeenPlayerX = attacking._x;
lastSeenPlayerY = attacking._y;
if (!weapon.melee) {
gox = _x;
goy = _y;
function panic() {
if ((burning && (gox == _x)) && (goy == _y)) {
var _local4 = _root.d(_global.hero) - 1;
if (_root["hero" + _local4] == this) {
gox = _root["hero" + _local4]._x;
goy = _root["hero" + _local4]._y;
function inSight() {
var _local5 = new Line(attacking._x, attacking._y, _x, _y);
var _local3 = 0;
while (_local3 < _global.walls.length) {
var _local4 = _global.walls[_local3].cross(_local5);
if (_local4 != null) {
function fireNow() {
if ((weapon.clip - weapon.treat) >= 0) {
shot_timer = weapon.fire_rate;
weapon.clip = weapon.clip - weapon.treat;
} else if (weapon.ammo > 0) {
} else if (weapon == weap_1) {
} else if (weapon == weap_4) {
} else {
function isDead() {
if ((HP <= 0) && (_currentframe == 1)) {
_global.d_blood = _global.d_blood + ((_global.d_blood <= 8000) ? 1 : -6000);
function notHit(x, y) {
var _local4 = 0;
while (_local4 < _global.hero) {
if (((("hero" + _local4) != _name) && (_root["hero" + _local4].HP > 0)) && (_root.thatDistance(this, _root["hero" + _local4], x, y) < (puzo + _root["hero" + _local4].puzo))) {
function findEnemy() {
if ((HP > 0) && (_global.times == 0)) {
if (attacking == null) {
var _local4 = 0;
while (_local4 < _global.hero) {
if ((_root["hero" + _local4].HP > 0) && (_root["hero" + _local4].team != team)) {
attacking = _root["hero" + _local4];
if (inSight()) {
attacking = null;
} else if (attacking.HP < 0) {
attacking = null;
function addGrenade(err) {
_root.addGrenade(_x, _y, _rotation, err, attacking._x, attacking._y, weapon.alt_type, _name);
function addRicochetGrenade(err) {
_root.addRicochetGrenade(_x, _y, _rotation, err, attacking._x, attacking._y, _name, weapon.damage);
function addTeslaSuper(err) {
_root.addTeslaSuper(_x, _y, _rotation, err, attacking._x, attacking._y, _name);
function throwIt() {
_root.addHandGrenade(_x, _y, _rotation, attacking._x, attacking._y,;
Symbol 2621 MovieClip [__Packages.Player] Frame 0
class Player extends Man
var Man, team, weapon, weap_3, kurok, min_kick, _rotation, _y, _x, step, canGo, leg_l, leg_r, HP, stdFrame, reloadNow, shot_timer, hands, _currentframe, gotoAndPlay, puzo, hp_mod, AC, kick, weap_2, changeWeapons, weap_1, weap_4, _name;
function Player () {
team = 1;
weapon = weap_3;
kurok = false;
min_kick = 0;
function turn() {
_rotation = 90 + _root.radToDeg(Math.atan2(_root._ymouse - _y, _root._xmouse - _x));
function moveOn(range) {
var _local4 = 0;
var _local3 = 0;
if (Key.isDown(_global.CO_UP)) {
_local3 = _local3 - step;
if (Key.isDown(_global.CO_DOWN)) {
_local3 = _local3 + step;
if (Key.isDown(_global.CO_LEFT)) {
_local4 = _local4 - step;
if (Key.isDown(_global.CO_RIGHT)) {
_local4 = _local4 + step;
if (((_local4 != 0) || (_local3 != 0)) && (canGo(_local4, _local3))) {
_x = _x + _local4;
_y = _y + _local3;;;
} else {
function onEnterFrame() {
if (HP > 0) {
function onMouseDown() {
kurok = true;
function onMouseUp() {
kurok = false;
function attack() {
if (Key.isDown(_global.CO_RELOAD)) {
if (kurok) {
if ((shot_timer == 0) && (hands._currentframe < 70)) {
shot_timer = weapon.fire_rate;
} else if (Key.isDown(32)) {
if ((weapon.alternate && (shot_timer == 0)) && (hands._currentframe < 70)) {
shot_timer = weapon.alt_rate;
function fireNow() {
if (weapon.clip >= weapon.treat) {
weapon.clip = weapon.clip - weapon.treat;
} else if (weapon.ammo > 0) {
function fireAlt() {
if (weapon.alternate) {
if (weapon.alt_use) {
if (weapon.alt_clip >= weapon.alt_treat) {
weapon.alt_clip = weapon.alt_clip - weapon.alt_treat;
} else if (weapon.alt_ammo > 0) {
} else if (weapon.clip >= weapon.alt_treat) {
weapon.clip = weapon.clip - weapon.alt_treat;
} else if (weapon.ammo > 0) {
function isDead() {
if ((HP <= 0) && (_currentframe == 1)) {
_root.attachMovie("again_question", "again", 100001, {_x:400, _y:300});
function notHit(x, y) {
var _local4 = 1;
while (_local4 < _global.hero) {
if ((_root["hero" + _local4].HP > 0) && (_root.thatDistance(this, _root["hero" + _local4], x, y) < (puzo + _root["hero" + _local4].puzo))) {
function writeAll() {
_root._cursor.ammo_txt.text = weapon.ammo;
_root._cursor.clip_txt.text = weapon.clip;
_root.scr.ammo_txt.text = weapon.ammo;
_root.scr.clip_txt.text = weapon.clip;
_root.scr.alt_ammo_txt.text = weapon.alt_ammo;
_root.scr.alt_clip_txt.text = weapon.alt_clip;
if (HP > 0) {
_root.scr.HP_bar._xscale = HP / hp_mod;
_root.scr.hp_txt.text = HP;
} else {
_root.scr.HP_bar._xscale = 0;
_root.scr.hp_txt.text = "0";
_root.scr.AC_bar._xscale = AC;
_root.scr.ac_txt.text = AC;
_root.scr.kick_txt.text = kick;
_root.scr.KICK_bar._yscale = kick * 2;
_root._cursor.kick_bar._xscale = 100 + ((kick / 3) * 10);
_root._cursor.kick_bar._yscale = 100 + ((kick / 3) * 10);
function anotherKeys() {
if ((Key.isDown(_global.CO_DROP) && ( != 3)) && ((getTimer() - _global.hold_time) > _global.KEYBOARD_SENSIVITY)) {
_global.hold_time = getTimer();
var _local5 =;
this["weap_" + _local5].drop();
this["weap_" + _local5] = null;
weapon = null;
switch (_local5) {
case 1 :
if (weap_2 != null) {
} else {
case 2 :
if (weap_1 != null) {
} else {
case 4 :
if (weap_1 != null) {
} else if (weap_2 != null) {
} else {
if ((Key.isDown(49) && ( != 1)) && (weap_1 != null)) {
} else if ((Key.isDown(50) && ( != 2)) && (weap_2 != null)) {
} else if (Key.isDown(51) && (( != 3) & (weap_3 != null))) {
} else if (Key.isDown(52) && (( != 4) & (weap_4 != null))) {
if (Key.isDown(_global.CO_COMMAND)) {
var _local4 = 1;
while (_local4 < _global.hero) {
if ((_root["hero" + _local4].HP > 0) && (_root["hero" + _local4].team == team)) {
_root["hero" + _local4].gox = _root._xmouse;
_root["hero" + _local4].goy = _root._ymouse;
function lookCheats() {
if (_global.times == 0) {
if ((Key.isDown(77) && (Key.isDown(80))) && (Key.isDown(89))) {
var _local3 = new Weapon();
if ((Key.isDown(90) && (Key.isDown(76))) && (Key.isDown(84))) {
var _local3 = new Weapon();
if ((Key.isDown(88) && (Key.isDown(72))) && (Key.isDown(73))) {
var _local3 = new Weapon();
function addGrenade(err) {
_root.addGrenade(_x, _y, _rotation, err, _root._xmouse, _root._ymouse, weapon.alt_type, _name);
function addRicochetGrenade(err) {
_root.addRicochetGrenade(_x, _y, _rotation, err, _root._xmouse, _root._ymouse, _name, weapon.damage);
function addTeslaSuper(err) {
_root.addTeslaSuper(_x, _y, _rotation, err, _root._xmouse, _root._ymouse, _name);
function throwIt() {
_root.addHandGrenade(_x, _y, _rotation, _root._xmouse, _root._ymouse,;
Symbol 2622 MovieClip [__Packages.Armor] Frame 0
class Armor extends MovieClip
var hitTest, heal_power, removeMovieClip;
function Armor () {
function onEnterFrame() {
if (hitTest(_root.hero0._x, _root.hero0._y, false)) {
if (_root.hero0.AC < 100) {
_root.hero0.AC = _root.hero0.AC + heal_power;
if (_root.hero0.AC > 100) {
_root.hero0.AC = 100;
function Armor_Small() {
heal_power = 20;
function Armor_Large() {
heal_power = 40;
Symbol 2623 MovieClip [__Packages.Medkit] Frame 0
class Medkit extends MovieClip
var hitTest, heal_power, removeMovieClip;
function Medkit () {
function onEnterFrame() {
if (hitTest(_root.hero0._x, _root.hero0._y, false)) {
if (_root.hero0.HP < _root.hero0.MAX_HP) {
_root.hero0.HP = _root.hero0.HP + heal_power;
if (_root.hero0.HP > _root.hero0.MAX_HP) {
_root.hero0.HP = _root.hero0.MAX_HP;
function Medkit_Small() {
heal_power = 40;
function Medkit_Large() {
heal_power = 80;
Symbol 2624 MovieClip [__Packages.Turret] Frame 0
class Turret extends Man
var Man, team, weapon, min_kick, kick, attacking, HP, puzo, step, _rotation, stdFrame, _y, _x, shot_timer, wpn, _currentframe, hands, gotoAndPlay, swapDepths, _name;
function Turret () {
team = 2;
weapon = null;
min_kick = _global.DIFFICULTLY;
kick = min_kick;
attacking = null;
HP = 1000;
puzo = 20;
step = 0;
function turn(deg) {
deg = deg - 90;
while (deg < -180) {
deg = deg + 360;
while (deg > 180) {
deg = deg - 360;
var _local2 = _rotation;
while (_local2 < -180) {
_local2 = _local2 + 360;
while (_local2 > 180) {
_local2 = _local2 - 360;
var _local4 = deg - _local2;
if (Math.abs(_local4) > 180) {
if (deg > _local2) {
_local4 = _local4 - 360;
} else {
_local4 = _local4 + 360;
if (_local4 < -4) {
_rotation = _rotation - 7;
} else if (_local4 > 4) {
_rotation = _rotation + 7;
} else {
_rotation = deg;
function onEnterFrame() {
if (HP > 0) {
function atkRange() {
return(_root.theDistance(this, attacking) <= ((weapon.radius + puzo) + attacking.puzo));
function attack() {
if (attacking.HP <= 0) {
attacking = null;
if (attacking != null) {
if (turn(_root.radToDeg(Math.atan2(_y - attacking._y, _x - attacking._x)))) {
if (shot_timer == 0) {
if (_global.times == 0) {
if (!inSight()) {
attacking = null;
function inSight() {
var _local5 = new Line(attacking._x, attacking._y, _x, _y);
var _local3 = 0;
while (_local3 < _global.walls.length) {
var _local4 = _global.walls[_local3].cross(_local5);
if (_local4 != null) {
function fireNow() {
shot_timer = weapon.fire_rate;
function isDead() {
if ((HP <= 0) && (_currentframe == 1)) {
_global.d_blood = _global.d_blood + ((_global.d_blood <= 8000) ? 1 : -6000);
function notHit(x, y) {
var _local4 = 0;
while (_local4 < _global.hero) {
if (((("hero" + _local4) != _name) && (_root["hero" + _local4].HP > 0)) && (_root.thatDistance(this, _root["hero" + _local4], x, y) < puzo)) {
function findEnemy() {
if ((HP > 0) && (_global.times == 0)) {
if (attacking == null) {
var _local4 = 0;
while (_local4 < _global.hero) {
if ((_root["hero" + _local4].HP > 0) && (_root["hero" + _local4].team != team)) {
attacking = _root["hero" + _local4];
if (inSight()) {
attacking = null;
} else if (attacking.HP < 0) {
attacking = null;
function addGrenade(err) {
_root.addGrenade(_x, _y, _rotation, err, attacking._x, attacking._y, weapon.alt_type, _name);
function throwIt() {
_root.addHandGrenade(_x, _y, _rotation, attacking._x, attacking._y,;
function tPKM() {
HP = 700;
weapon = new Weapon();
function tM249() {
HP = 1100;
weapon = new Weapon();
function tCanon() {
HP = 2500;
weapon = new Weapon();
function tHMG() {
HP = 2000;
weapon = new Weapon();
weapon.kickback = 7;
weapon.max_kick = 40;
weapon.fire_rate = 5;
weapon.damage = 140;
Symbol 2625 MovieClip [__Packages.TeslaCharge] Frame 0
class TeslaCharge extends MovieClip
var speed, owner, damage, moving, _x, _y, removeMovieClip, _rotation, dst, gotoAndPlay;
function TeslaCharge () {
speed = 10;
owner = null;
damage = null;
moving = true;
function onEnterFrame() {
if (moving) {
if ((((_x < (-_root._x)) || (_y < (-_root._y))) || (_x > (800 - _root._x))) || (_y > (600 - _root._y))) {
var _local4 = 0;
while (_local4 < _global.hero) {
if ((((("hero" + _local4) != owner) && (_root["hero" + _local4].HP > 0)) && (Math.abs(_root["hero" + _local4]._x - _x) <= _root["hero" + _local4].puzo)) && (Math.abs(_root["hero" + _local4]._y - _y) <= _root["hero" + _local4].puzo)) {
_root["hero" + _local4].getShot(damage);
_root["hero" + _local4].shot_timer = _root["hero" + _local4].shot_timer + 15;
var _local5 = _root.plot(_rotation - 90, speed);
dst = dst - speed;
if (dst > 0) {
_x = _x + _local5.x;
_y = _y + _local5.y;
} else {
moving = false;
Symbol 2626 MovieClip [__Packages.TeslaSuper] Frame 0
class TeslaSuper extends MovieClip
var speed, moving, dst, gotoAndPlay, _rotation, _x, _y, removeMovieClip, owner;
function TeslaSuper () {
speed = 10;
moving = true;
dst = null;
function blow() {
moving = false;
function explode() {
var _local4 = _rotation - 150;
while (_local4 <= (_rotation + 150)) {
_root.addTeslaCharge(_x, _y, _local4, _global.FRAG_DAMAGE);
_local4 = _local4 + 10;
function onEnterFrame() {
if (moving) {
if ((((_x < (-_root._x)) || (_y < (-_root._y))) || (_x > (800 - _root._x))) || (_y > (600 - _root._y))) {
var _local6 = _root.plot(_rotation - 90, speed);
dst = dst - speed;
if (dst > 0) {
_x = _x + _local6.x;
_y = _y + _local6.y;
} else {
var _local4 = 0;
while (_local4 < _global.hero) {
if (((("hero" + _local4) != owner) && (_root["hero" + _local4].HP > 0)) && (_root["hero" + _local4].hitTest(_x, _y, false))) {
_root["hero" + _local4].HP = 0;
if (_root["hero" + _local4].step != 0) {
var _local5 = 0;
while (_local5 < 8) {
_root.addBlood(_x, _y);
Symbol 2627 MovieClip [__Packages.RicochetBullet] Frame 0
class RicochetBullet extends MovieClip
var speed, ricochet_amount, _rotation, _x, _y, owner, damage, removeMovieClip, gotoAndPlay;
function RicochetBullet () {
speed = 28;
moving = true;
ricochet_amount = 3;
function onEnterFrame() {
if (moving) {
var _local10 = _root.plot(_rotation - 90, speed);
var _local8 = new Line(_x, _y, _x + _local10.x, _y + _local10.y);
var _local5 = null;
var _local6 = null;
var _local7 = -1;
var _local4 = 0;
while (_local4 < _global.walls.length) {
_local5 = _global.walls[_local4].cross(_local8);
if ((_local5 != null) && ((_local6 == null) || (Math.abs(_local5.x - _x) < Math.abs(_local6.x - _x)))) {
_local6 = _local5;
_local7 = _local4;
_local4 = 0;
while (_local4 < _global.hero) {
if ((((("hero" + _local4) != owner) && (_root["hero" + _local4].HP > 0)) && (Math.abs(_root["hero" + _local4]._x - _x) <= _root["hero" + _local4].puzo)) && (Math.abs(_root["hero" + _local4]._y - _y) <= _root["hero" + _local4].puzo)) {
_root["hero" + _local4].getShot(damage);
if (_local6 == null) {
_x = _x + _local10.x;
_y = _y + _local10.y;
} else if (ricochet_amount > 0) {
var _local9 = Math.atan2(_global.walls[_local7].beg.y - _global.walls[_local7].end.y, _global.walls[_local7].beg.x - _global.walls[_local7].end.x);
_local9 = _root.radToDeg(_local9);
var _local11 = _rotation - _local9;
_rotation = _root.znak(_local9) * ((180 - _local11) + _local9);
owner = null;
} else {
moving = false;
var moving = true;
Symbol 2628 MovieClip [__Packages.RicochetGrenade] Frame 0
class RicochetGrenade extends MovieClip
var speed, moving, dst, gotoAndPlay, _x, _y, _rotation, damage, removeMovieClip, owner;
function RicochetGrenade () {
speed = 10;
moving = true;
dst = null;
function blow() {
moving = false;
function explode() {
var _local3 = 5;
while (_local3 <= 355) {
_root.addRicochetBullet(_x, _y, _rotation + _local3, damage);
_local3 = _local3 + 30;
function onEnterFrame() {
if (moving) {
if ((((_x < (-_root._x)) || (_y < (-_root._y))) || (_x > (800 - _root._x))) || (_y > (600 - _root._y))) {
var _local6 = _root.plot(_rotation - 90, speed);
dst = dst - speed;
if (dst > 0) {
_x = _x + _local6.x;
_y = _y + _local6.y;
} else {
var _local5 = 0;
while (_local5 < _global.hero) {
if (((("hero" + _local5) != owner) && (_root["hero" + _local5].HP > 0)) && (_root["hero" + _local5].hitTest(_x, _y, false))) {
_root["hero" + _local5].getShot(damage);
var _local4 = 0;
while (_local4 < 8) {
_root.addBlood(_x, _y);
Symbol 2629 MovieClip [__Packages.SplitterBullet] Frame 0
class SplitterBullet extends MovieClip
var speed, owner, damage, moving, _x, _y, _rotation, removeMovieClip, XBOCT, dst, gotoAndPlay;
function SplitterBullet () {
speed = 20;
owner = null;
damage = null;
moving = true;
function explode(own) {
var _local3 = 20;
while (_local3 <= 340) {
_root.addSplitterBullet(_x, _y, _rotation + _local3, damage, own);
_local3 = _local3 + 40;
function onEnterFrame() {
if (moving) {
XBOCT._height = XBOCT._height + 5;
if ((((_x < (-_root._x)) || (_y < (-_root._y))) || (_x > (800 - _root._x))) || (_y > (600 - _root._y))) {
var _local4 = 0;
while (_local4 < _global.hero) {
if ((((("hero" + _local4) != owner) && (_root["hero" + _local4].HP > 0)) && (Math.abs(_root["hero" + _local4]._x - _x) <= _root["hero" + _local4].puzo)) && (Math.abs(_root["hero" + _local4]._y - _y) <= _root["hero" + _local4].puzo)) {
_root["hero" + _local4].getShot(damage);
explode("hero" + _local4);
var _local5 = _root.plot(_rotation - 90, speed);
dst = dst - speed;
if (dst > 0) {
_x = _x + _local5.x;
_y = _y + _local5.y;
} else {
moving = false;
Symbol 2630 MovieClip [__Packages.FlareBullet] Frame 0
class FlareBullet extends MovieClip
var speed, owner, damage, moving, _x, _y, removeMovieClip, _rotation, dst, gotoAndPlay;
function FlareBullet () {
speed = 20;
owner = null;
damage = null;
moving = true;
function onEnterFrame() {
if (moving) {
if ((((_x < (-_root._x)) || (_y < (-_root._y))) || (_x > (800 - _root._x))) || (_y > (600 - _root._y))) {
var _local4 = 0;
while (_local4 < _global.hero) {
if ((((("hero" + _local4) != owner) && (_root["hero" + _local4].HP > 0)) && (Math.abs(_root["hero" + _local4]._x - _x) <= _root["hero" + _local4].puzo)) && (Math.abs(_root["hero" + _local4]._y - _y) <= _root["hero" + _local4].puzo)) {
_root["hero" + _local4].getShot(damage);
_root["hero" + _local4].attachMovie("Fire", "fire", 1);
var _local5 = _root.plot(_rotation - 90, speed);
dst = dst - speed;
if (dst > 0) {
_x = _x + _local5.x;
_y = _y + _local5.y;
} else {
moving = false;
Symbol 2631 MovieClip [__Packages.GunChooser] Frame 0
class GunChooser extends MovieClip
var stop, LEN_primary, LEN_secondary, LEN_grenades, GUNS_primary, GUNS_secondary, GUNS_grenades, TYPE, my_curr, my_guns, gotoAndStop, ch_switch, _currentframe, nextFrame, prevFrame;
function GunChooser () {
LEN_primary = 90;
LEN_secondary = 16;
LEN_grenades = 3;
GUNS_primary = new Array();
GUNS_secondary = new Array();
GUNS_grenades = new Array();
GUNS_primary.AK_47 = 1;
GUNS_primary.M_16 = 2;
GUNS_primary.FAMAS = 3;
GUNS_primary.F2000 = 4;
GUNS_primary.AN94 = 5;
GUNS_primary.GROZA = 6;
GUNS_primary.M4 = 7;
GUNS_primary.AUG = 8;
GUNS_primary.FNFAL = 9;
GUNS_primary.Galil = 10;
GUNS_primary.SIG550 = 11;
GUNS_primary.G11 = 12;
GUNS_primary.G36 = 13;
GUNS_primary.L85A2 = 14;
GUNS_primary.FNSCAR = 15;
GUNS_primary.XM8 = 16;
GUNS_primary.Stoner = 17;
GUNS_primary.Garand_M1 = 18;
GUNS_primary.M1903 = 19;
GUNS_primary.StG_42 = 20;
GUNS_primary.SKS = 21;
GUNS_primary.Mosin = 22;
GUNS_primary.Arisaka = 23;
GUNS_primary.SVD = 24;
GUNS_primary.M50 = 25;
GUNS_primary.AWM = 26;
GUNS_primary.Thompson = 27;
GUNS_primary.TommyGun = 28;
GUNS_primary.PPH_41 = 29;
GUNS_primary.PPS_43 = 30;
GUNS_primary.MP_40 = 31;
GUNS_primary.type100 = 32;
GUNS_primary.UZI = 33;
GUNS_primary.MP5 = 34;
GUNS_primary.FNP90 = 35;
GUNS_primary.Spectre = 36;
GUNS_primary.UMP = 37;
GUNS_primary.BIZON = 38;
GUNS_primary.BerettaM12 = 39;
GUNS_primary.M3A1 = 40;
GUNS_primary.Calico = 41;
GUNS_primary.American180 = 42;
GUNS_primary.MAT49 = 43;
GUNS_primary.M45 = 44;
GUNS_primary.Browning_1921 = 45;
GUNS_primary.DB = 46;
GUNS_primary.HK_28 = 47;
GUNS_primary.JapShotgun = 48;
GUNS_primary.Benelli_M3 = 49;
GUNS_primary.SPAS_12 = 50;
GUNS_primary.USAS_12 = 51;
GUNS_primary.CAWS = 52;
GUNS_primary.Jackhammer = 53;
GUNS_primary.AA12 = 54;
GUNS_primary.Striker = 55;
GUNS_primary.Browning_30 = 56;
GUNS_primary.PPD = 57;
GUNS_primary.MG_36 = 58;
GUNS_primary.Model96 = 59;
GUNS_primary.Johnson = 60;
GUNS_primary.M60 = 61;
GUNS_primary.PKM = 62;
GUNS_primary.M249 = 63;
GUNS_primary.Pecheneg = 64;
GUNS_primary.Kord = 65;
GUNS_primary.RPD = 66;
GUNS_primary.BAR = 67;
GUNS_primary.StG_44 = 68;
GUNS_primary.AA52 = 69;
GUNS_primary.VektorSS = 70;
GUNS_primary.LAW = 71;
GUNS_primary.FLY = 72;
GUNS_primary.Mikor = 73;
GUNS_primary.MM1 = 74;
GUNS_primary.RocketLauncher = 75;
GUNS_primary.NapalmLauncher = 76;
GUNS_primary.Flamethrower = 77;
GUNS_primary.Minigun = 78;
GUNS_primary.SuperShotgun = 79;
GUNS_primary.TeslaCanon = 80;
GUNS_primary.RicochetRifle = 81;
GUNS_primary.SplitterRifle = 82;
GUNS_primary.ChainGun = 83;
GUNS_primary.GaussRifle = 84;
GUNS_primary.PPK_12 = 85;
GUNS_primary.Bozar = 86;
GUNS_primary.Fork = 87;
GUNS_primary.Axe = 88;
GUNS_primary.Scythe = 89;
GUNS_primary.Katana = 90;
GUNS_secondary.Colt_1917 = 1;
GUNS_secondary.TT_33 = 2;
GUNS_secondary.WALTER = 3;
GUNS_secondary.Nambu = 4;
GUNS_secondary.Beretta = 5;
GUNS_secondary.PM = 6;
GUNS_secondary.APS = 7;
GUNS_secondary.Beretta93R = 8;
GUNS_secondary.Glock18 = 9;
GUNS_secondary.microUZI = 10;
GUNS_secondary.DesertEagle = 11;
GUNS_secondary.Anaconda = 12;
GUNS_secondary.M79 = 13;
GUNS_secondary.FlareGun = 14;
GUNS_secondary.MP7 = 15;
GUNS_secondary.PP2000 = 16;
GUNS_grenades.HE = 1;
GUNS_grenades.FRAG = 2;
GUNS_grenades.SPLITTER = 3;
function setArray(num, arr, tp) {
TYPE = tp;
my_curr = num;
my_guns = arr;
gotoAndStop(this["GUNS_" + TYPE][my_guns[my_curr]]);
ch_switch._visible = _global.ALL_GUNS;
function go_next() {
if (_global.ALL_GUNS) {
if (_currentframe == this["LEN_" + TYPE]) {
} else {
} else {
if (my_curr == (my_guns.length - 1)) {
my_curr = 0;
} else {
gotoAndStop(this["GUNS_" + TYPE][my_guns[my_curr]]);
function go_prev() {
if (_global.ALL_GUNS) {
if (_currentframe == 1) {
gotoAndStop(this["LEN_" + TYPE]);
} else {
} else {
if (my_curr == 0) {
my_curr = my_guns.length - 1;
} else {
gotoAndStop(this["GUNS_" + TYPE][my_guns[my_curr]]);
Symbol 2632 MovieClip [__Packages.MissionLock] Frame 0
class MissionLock extends MovieClip
var _parent, gotoAndStop, num;
function MissionLock () {
function getCampaign() {
var _local2 = _parent._currentframe;
if (_local2 >= 85) {
if (_local2 >= 79) {
if (_local2 >= 71) {
if (_local2 >= 61) {
if (_local2 >= 54) {
if (_local2 >= 47) {
if (_local2 >= 42) {
if (_local2 >= 37) {
if (_local2 >= 32) {
if (_local2 >= 28) {
if (_local2 >= 22) {
if (_local2 >= 12) {
if (_local2 >= 2) {
function getMission(campaign) {
var _local2 = _parent._currentframe;
switch (campaign) {
case "CT" :
return(_local2 - 1);
case "Terror" :
return(_local2 - 11);
case "Fallout" :
return(_local2 - 21);
case "Blood" :
return(_local2 - 27);
case "American" :
return(_local2 - 31);
case "German" :
return(_local2 - 36);
case "Soviet" :
return(_local2 - 41);
case "USA" :
return(_local2 - 46);
case "Vietnam" :
return(_local2 - 53);
case "Pacific" :
return(_local2 - 60);
case "Iraq" :
return(_local2 - 70);
case "Humans" :
return(_local2 - 78);
case "Mutants" :
return(_local2 - 84);
function onEnterFrame() {
var _local5 = _parent._currentframe;
if (_local5 > 90) {
var _local4 = getCampaign();
var _local6 = getMission(_local4);
if (num > _root.MAX_MISSIONS[_local4]) {
if (num > _global["LOCK_" + _local4]) {
_parent["b" + num].enabled = false;
} else {
_parent["b" + num].enabled = true;
Symbol 722 MovieClip [Flame] Frame 1
#initclip 68
Object.registerClass("Flame", Flame);
Symbol 723 MovieClip [Flamethrower] Frame 1
Symbol 723 MovieClip [Flamethrower] Frame 2;
Symbol 737 MovieClip [Minigun] Frame 1
Symbol 737 MovieClip [Minigun] Frame 2;;
Symbol 744 MovieClip [FlameTriple] Frame 1
#initclip 40
Object.registerClass("FlameTriple", Flame);
Symbol 745 MovieClip [NapalmLauncher] Frame 1
Symbol 745 MovieClip [NapalmLauncher] Frame 2;
Symbol 745 MovieClip [NapalmLauncher] Frame 4
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 747 MovieClip [RocketLauncher] Frame 1
Symbol 747 MovieClip [RocketLauncher] Frame 2;
Symbol 749 MovieClip [SuperShotgun] Frame 1
Symbol 749 MovieClip [SuperShotgun] Frame 2;
var i = 0;
while (i < 3) {
Symbol 763 MovieClip [Slash] Frame 1
#initclip 41
Object.registerClass("Slash", Slash);
Symbol 765 MovieClip [AK_47] Frame 1
Symbol 765 MovieClip [AK_47] Frame 2;
Symbol 765 MovieClip [AK_47] Frame 4
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 765 MovieClip [AK_47] Frame 8
Symbol 767 MovieClip [AN94] Frame 1
Symbol 767 MovieClip [AN94] Frame 2;
Symbol 767 MovieClip [AN94] Frame 3
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 767 MovieClip [AN94] Frame 4;
Symbol 767 MovieClip [AN94] Frame 5
Symbol 769 MovieClip [Anaconda] Frame 1
Symbol 769 MovieClip [Anaconda] Frame 2;
Symbol 769 MovieClip [Anaconda] Frame 3
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 771 MovieClip [APS] Frame 1
Symbol 771 MovieClip [APS] Frame 2;
Symbol 771 MovieClip [APS] Frame 3
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 771 MovieClip [APS] Frame 4;
Symbol 773 MovieClip [AUG] Frame 1
Symbol 773 MovieClip [AUG] Frame 2;
Symbol 773 MovieClip [AUG] Frame 3
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 773 MovieClip [AUG] Frame 4;
Symbol 773 MovieClip [AUG] Frame 5
Symbol 773 MovieClip [AUG] Frame 6;
Symbol 775 MovieClip [AWM] Frame 1
Symbol 775 MovieClip [AWM] Frame 2;
Symbol 777 MovieClip [Benelli_M3] Frame 1
Symbol 777 MovieClip [Benelli_M3] Frame 2;
Symbol 779 MovieClip [Beretta] Frame 1
Symbol 779 MovieClip [Beretta] Frame 2;
Symbol 781 MovieClip [Beretta93R] Frame 1
Symbol 781 MovieClip [Beretta93R] Frame 2;
Symbol 781 MovieClip [Beretta93R] Frame 3
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 781 MovieClip [Beretta93R] Frame 4;
Symbol 781 MovieClip [Beretta93R] Frame 7
Symbol 781 MovieClip [Beretta93R] Frame 10;
Symbol 783 MovieClip [BIZON] Frame 1
Symbol 783 MovieClip [BIZON] Frame 2;
Symbol 783 MovieClip [BIZON] Frame 4
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 783 MovieClip [BIZON] Frame 5;
Symbol 783 MovieClip [BIZON] Frame 6
Symbol 783 MovieClip [BIZON] Frame 7;
Symbol 783 MovieClip [BIZON] Frame 8
Symbol 783 MovieClip [BIZON] Frame 9;
Symbol 785 MovieClip [Bozar] Frame 1
Symbol 785 MovieClip [Bozar] Frame 2;
Symbol 785 MovieClip [Bozar] Frame 3
Symbol 785 MovieClip [Bozar] Frame 4
Symbol 785 MovieClip [Bozar] Frame 5
Symbol 785 MovieClip [Bozar] Frame 6
Symbol 785 MovieClip [Bozar] Frame 8
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 787 MovieClip [Browning_30] Frame 1
Symbol 787 MovieClip [Browning_30] Frame 2;
Symbol 789 MovieClip [Browning_1921] Frame 1
Symbol 789 MovieClip [Browning_1921] Frame 2;
Symbol 791 MovieClip [CAWS] Frame 1
Symbol 791 MovieClip [CAWS] Frame 2;
Symbol 791 MovieClip [CAWS] Frame 4
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 791 MovieClip [CAWS] Frame 5;
Symbol 791 MovieClip [CAWS] Frame 8
Symbol 791 MovieClip [CAWS] Frame 11;
Symbol 793 MovieClip [Colt_1917] Frame 1
Symbol 793 MovieClip [Colt_1917] Frame 2;
Symbol 795 MovieClip [DB] Frame 1
Symbol 795 MovieClip [DB] Frame 2;
Symbol 795 MovieClip [DB] Frame 4
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 795 MovieClip [DB] Frame 5;
Symbol 795 MovieClip [DB] Frame 6
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 797 MovieClip [DesertEagle] Frame 1
Symbol 797 MovieClip [DesertEagle] Frame 2;
Symbol 797 MovieClip [DesertEagle] Frame 3
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 799 MovieClip [F2000] Frame 1
Symbol 799 MovieClip [F2000] Frame 2;
Symbol 799 MovieClip [F2000] Frame 3
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 799 MovieClip [F2000] Frame 4
Symbol 801 MovieClip [FAMAS] Frame 1
Symbol 801 MovieClip [FAMAS] Frame 2;
Symbol 801 MovieClip [FAMAS] Frame 4
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 801 MovieClip [FAMAS] Frame 5;
Symbol 801 MovieClip [FAMAS] Frame 6
Symbol 801 MovieClip [FAMAS] Frame 7;
Symbol 803 MovieClip [FLY] Frame 1
Symbol 803 MovieClip [FLY] Frame 2;
Symbol 805 MovieClip [FNFAL] Frame 1
Symbol 805 MovieClip [FNFAL] Frame 2;
Symbol 805 MovieClip [FNFAL] Frame 3
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 805 MovieClip [FNFAL] Frame 4;
Symbol 805 MovieClip [FNFAL] Frame 6
Symbol 805 MovieClip [FNFAL] Frame 8;
Symbol 807 MovieClip [FNP90] Frame 1
Symbol 807 MovieClip [FNP90] Frame 2;
Symbol 807 MovieClip [FNP90] Frame 3
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 807 MovieClip [FNP90] Frame 4;
Symbol 807 MovieClip [FNP90] Frame 5
Symbol 807 MovieClip [FNP90] Frame 6;
Symbol 807 MovieClip [FNP90] Frame 7
Symbol 807 MovieClip [FNP90] Frame 8;
Symbol 809 MovieClip [Galil] Frame 1
Symbol 809 MovieClip [Galil] Frame 2;
Symbol 809 MovieClip [Galil] Frame 4;
Symbol 809 MovieClip [Galil] Frame 6;
Symbol 809 MovieClip [Galil] Frame 8
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 809 MovieClip [Galil] Frame 9
Symbol 811 MovieClip [Garand_M1] Frame 1
Symbol 811 MovieClip [Garand_M1] Frame 2;
Symbol 813 MovieClip [GaussRifle] Frame 1
Symbol 813 MovieClip [GaussRifle] Frame 2;
Symbol 813 MovieClip [GaussRifle] Frame 4
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 813 MovieClip [GaussRifle] Frame 5;
Symbol 813 MovieClip [GaussRifle] Frame 7;
Symbol 813 MovieClip [GaussRifle] Frame 9;
Symbol 815 MovieClip [Glock18] Frame 1
Symbol 815 MovieClip [Glock18] Frame 2;
Symbol 815 MovieClip [Glock18] Frame 3
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 815 MovieClip [Glock18] Frame 4;
Symbol 815 MovieClip [Glock18] Frame 5
Symbol 815 MovieClip [Glock18] Frame 6;
Symbol 817 MovieClip [GROZA] Frame 1
Symbol 817 MovieClip [GROZA] Frame 2;
Symbol 817 MovieClip [GROZA] Frame 4
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 817 MovieClip [GROZA] Frame 5
Symbol 819 MovieClip [HK_28] Frame 1
Symbol 819 MovieClip [HK_28] Frame 2;
Symbol 821 MovieClip [Jackhammer] Frame 1
Symbol 821 MovieClip [Jackhammer] Frame 2;
Symbol 821 MovieClip [Jackhammer] Frame 4
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 821 MovieClip [Jackhammer] Frame 5;
Symbol 821 MovieClip [Jackhammer] Frame 6
Symbol 821 MovieClip [Jackhammer] Frame 7
Symbol 821 MovieClip [Jackhammer] Frame 8
Symbol 823 MovieClip [Knife] Frame 1
Symbol 823 MovieClip [Knife] Frame 2;
Symbol 823 MovieClip [Knife] Frame 6
Symbol 825 MovieClip [LAW] Frame 1
Symbol 825 MovieClip [LAW] Frame 2;
Symbol 827 MovieClip [M_16] Frame 1
Symbol 827 MovieClip [M_16] Frame 2;
Symbol 827 MovieClip [M_16] Frame 4
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 827 MovieClip [M_16] Frame 5;
Symbol 827 MovieClip [M_16] Frame 7;
Symbol 827 MovieClip [M_16] Frame 9;
Symbol 829 MovieClip [M4] Frame 1
Symbol 829 MovieClip [M4] Frame 2;
Symbol 829 MovieClip [M4] Frame 3
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 829 MovieClip [M4] Frame 4
Symbol 831 MovieClip [M50] Frame 1
Symbol 831 MovieClip [M50] Frame 2;
Symbol 833 MovieClip [M60] Frame 1
Symbol 833 MovieClip [M60] Frame 2;
Symbol 835 MovieClip [M79] Frame 1
Symbol 835 MovieClip [M79] Frame 2;
Symbol 835 MovieClip [M79] Frame 4
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 837 MovieClip [M249] Frame 1
Symbol 837 MovieClip [M249] Frame 2;
Symbol 839 MovieClip [MG_36] Frame 1
Symbol 839 MovieClip [MG_36] Frame 2;
Symbol 841 MovieClip [microUZI] Frame 1
Symbol 841 MovieClip [microUZI] Frame 2;
Symbol 841 MovieClip [microUZI] Frame 3
Symbol 841 MovieClip [microUZI] Frame 4
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 841 MovieClip [microUZI] Frame 5;
Symbol 841 MovieClip [microUZI] Frame 6
Symbol 841 MovieClip [microUZI] Frame 7;
Symbol 841 MovieClip [microUZI] Frame 8
Symbol 841 MovieClip [microUZI] Frame 9;
Symbol 843 MovieClip [Mikor] Frame 1
Symbol 843 MovieClip [Mikor] Frame 2;
Symbol 843 MovieClip [Mikor] Frame 4
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 845 MovieClip [MM1] Frame 1
Symbol 845 MovieClip [MM1] Frame 2;
Symbol 845 MovieClip [MM1] Frame 4
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 847 MovieClip [MP_40] Frame 1
Symbol 847 MovieClip [MP_40] Frame 2;
Symbol 849 MovieClip [Spectre] Frame 1
Symbol 849 MovieClip [Spectre] Frame 2;
Symbol 849 MovieClip [Spectre] Frame 3
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 849 MovieClip [Spectre] Frame 4;
Symbol 849 MovieClip [Spectre] Frame 5;
Symbol 849 MovieClip [Spectre] Frame 6;
Symbol 851 MovieClip [Pecheneg] Frame 1
Symbol 851 MovieClip [Pecheneg] Frame 2;
Symbol 853 MovieClip [PKM] Frame 1
Symbol 853 MovieClip [PKM] Frame 2;
Symbol 855 MovieClip [PM] Frame 1
Symbol 855 MovieClip [PM] Frame 2;
Symbol 857 MovieClip [PPD] Frame 1
Symbol 857 MovieClip [PPD] Frame 2;
Symbol 859 MovieClip [PPH_41] Frame 1
Symbol 859 MovieClip [PPH_41] Frame 2;
Symbol 861 MovieClip [PPK_12] Frame 1
Symbol 861 MovieClip [PPK_12] Frame 2;
Symbol 861 MovieClip [PPK_12] Frame 4
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 861 MovieClip [PPK_12] Frame 5;
Symbol 861 MovieClip [PPK_12] Frame 7
Symbol 861 MovieClip [PPK_12] Frame 9;
Symbol 861 MovieClip [PPK_12] Frame 11
Symbol 861 MovieClip [PPK_12] Frame 13;
Symbol 863 MovieClip [SKS] Frame 1
Symbol 863 MovieClip [SKS] Frame 2;
Symbol 865 MovieClip [SPAS_12] Frame 1
Symbol 865 MovieClip [SPAS_12] Frame 2;
Symbol 867 MovieClip [StG_42] Frame 1
Symbol 867 MovieClip [StG_42] Frame 2;
Symbol 869 MovieClip [SVD] Frame 1
Symbol 869 MovieClip [SVD] Frame 2;
Symbol 871 MovieClip [Thompson] Frame 1
Symbol 871 MovieClip [Thompson] Frame 2;
Symbol 876 MovieClip [TommyGun] Frame 1
Symbol 876 MovieClip [TommyGun] Frame 2;
Symbol 876 MovieClip [TommyGun] Frame 3
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 876 MovieClip [TommyGun] Frame 4;
Symbol 876 MovieClip [TommyGun] Frame 6;
Symbol 876 MovieClip [TommyGun] Frame 8;
Symbol 876 MovieClip [TommyGun] Frame 10;
Symbol 876 MovieClip [TommyGun] Frame 12;
Symbol 876 MovieClip [TommyGun] Frame 14;
Symbol 876 MovieClip [TommyGun] Frame 16;
Symbol 876 MovieClip [TommyGun] Frame 18;
Symbol 876 MovieClip [TommyGun] Frame 20;
Symbol 876 MovieClip [TommyGun] Frame 22;
Symbol 876 MovieClip [TommyGun] Frame 24;
Symbol 876 MovieClip [TommyGun] Frame 26;
Symbol 876 MovieClip [TommyGun] Frame 28;
Symbol 876 MovieClip [TommyGun] Frame 30;
Symbol 876 MovieClip [TommyGun] Frame 32;
Symbol 878 MovieClip [TT_33] Frame 1
Symbol 878 MovieClip [TT_33] Frame 2;
Symbol 880 MovieClip [UMP] Frame 1
Symbol 880 MovieClip [UMP] Frame 2;
Symbol 880 MovieClip [UMP] Frame 4
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 880 MovieClip [UMP] Frame 5;
Symbol 880 MovieClip [UMP] Frame 6
Symbol 880 MovieClip [UMP] Frame 7;
Symbol 882 MovieClip [USAS_12] Frame 1
Symbol 882 MovieClip [USAS_12] Frame 2;
Symbol 882 MovieClip [USAS_12] Frame 3
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 882 MovieClip [USAS_12] Frame 4;
Symbol 882 MovieClip [USAS_12] Frame 5
Symbol 882 MovieClip [USAS_12] Frame 6
Symbol 884 MovieClip [UZI] Frame 1
Symbol 884 MovieClip [UZI] Frame 2;
Symbol 886 MovieClip [WALTER] Frame 1
Symbol 886 MovieClip [WALTER] Frame 2;
Symbol 1011 MovieClip [MP5] Frame 1
Symbol 1011 MovieClip [MP5] Frame 2;
Symbol 1011 MovieClip [MP5] Frame 3
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 1011 MovieClip [MP5] Frame 5;
Symbol 1011 MovieClip [MP5] Frame 6;
Symbol 1011 MovieClip [MP5] Frame 7;
Symbol 1013 MovieClip [Kord] Frame 1
Symbol 1013 MovieClip [Kord] Frame 2;
Symbol 1013 MovieClip [Kord] Frame 4
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 1013 MovieClip [Kord] Frame 5;
Symbol 1013 MovieClip [Kord] Frame 7;
Symbol 1013 MovieClip [Kord] Frame 9;
Symbol 1013 MovieClip [Kord] Frame 11;
Symbol 1013 MovieClip [Kord] Frame 13;
Symbol 1017 MovieClip [Fork] Frame 1
Symbol 1017 MovieClip [Fork] Frame 2;
Symbol 1017 MovieClip [Fork] Frame 8
Symbol 1021 MovieClip [Axe] Frame 1
Symbol 1021 MovieClip [Axe] Frame 2;
Symbol 1021 MovieClip [Axe] Frame 6
Symbol 1026 MovieClip [Scythe] Frame 1
Symbol 1026 MovieClip [Scythe] Frame 2;
Symbol 1026 MovieClip [Scythe] Frame 6
Symbol 1033 MovieClip [TeslaCanon] Frame 1
Symbol 1033 MovieClip [TeslaCanon] Frame 2;
Symbol 1033 MovieClip [TeslaCanon] Frame 3
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 1033 MovieClip [TeslaCanon] Frame 4
Symbol 1037 MovieClip [RicochetRifle] Frame 1
Symbol 1037 MovieClip [RicochetRifle] Frame 2;
Symbol 1037 MovieClip [RicochetRifle] Frame 4
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 1037 MovieClip [RicochetRifle] Frame 5
Symbol 1041 MovieClip [SIG550] Frame 1
Symbol 1041 MovieClip [SIG550] Frame 2;
Symbol 1041 MovieClip [SIG550] Frame 3
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 1041 MovieClip [SIG550] Frame 4;
Symbol 1041 MovieClip [SIG550] Frame 5
Symbol 1041 MovieClip [SIG550] Frame 6;
Symbol 1045 MovieClip [G11] Frame 1
Symbol 1045 MovieClip [G11] Frame 2;
Symbol 1045 MovieClip [G11] Frame 3
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 1045 MovieClip [G11] Frame 4;
Symbol 1045 MovieClip [G11] Frame 5
Symbol 1045 MovieClip [G11] Frame 6;
Symbol 1049 MovieClip [L85A2] Frame 1
Symbol 1049 MovieClip [L85A2] Frame 2;
Symbol 1049 MovieClip [L85A2] Frame 4
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 1049 MovieClip [L85A2] Frame 5;
Symbol 1049 MovieClip [L85A2] Frame 7;
Symbol 1049 MovieClip [L85A2] Frame 9;
Symbol 1053 MovieClip [G36] Frame 1
Symbol 1053 MovieClip [G36] Frame 2;
Symbol 1053 MovieClip [G36] Frame 3
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 1053 MovieClip [G36] Frame 4;
Symbol 1053 MovieClip [G36] Frame 5
Symbol 1053 MovieClip [G36] Frame 6;
Symbol 1053 MovieClip [G36] Frame 7;
Symbol 1057 MovieClip [SplitterRifle] Frame 1
Symbol 1057 MovieClip [SplitterRifle] Frame 2;
Symbol 1057 MovieClip [SplitterRifle] Frame 3
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 1057 MovieClip [SplitterRifle] Frame 4
Symbol 1065 MovieClip [Arisaka] Frame 1
Symbol 1065 MovieClip [Arisaka] Frame 2;
Symbol 1065 MovieClip [Arisaka] Frame 4
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 1065 MovieClip [Arisaka] Frame 8
Symbol 1069 MovieClip [type100] Frame 1
Symbol 1069 MovieClip [type100] Frame 2;
Symbol 1073 MovieClip [Model96] Frame 1
Symbol 1073 MovieClip [Model96] Frame 2;
Symbol 1073 MovieClip [Model96] Frame 4
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 1073 MovieClip [Model96] Frame 8
Symbol 1077 MovieClip [Johnson] Frame 1
Symbol 1077 MovieClip [Johnson] Frame 2;
Symbol 1082 MovieClip [ChainGun] Frame 1
Symbol 1082 MovieClip [ChainGun] Frame 2;
Symbol 1082 MovieClip [ChainGun] Frame 4;
Symbol 1082 MovieClip [ChainGun] Frame 6;
Symbol 1082 MovieClip [ChainGun] Frame 8
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 1082 MovieClip [ChainGun] Frame 9;
Symbol 1086 MovieClip [JapShotgun] Frame 1
Symbol 1086 MovieClip [JapShotgun] Frame 2;
Symbol 1090 MovieClip [FlareGun] Frame 1
Symbol 1090 MovieClip [FlareGun] Frame 2;
Symbol 1090 MovieClip [FlareGun] Frame 4
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 1090 MovieClip [FlareGun] Frame 5;
Symbol 1094 MovieClip [Nambu] Frame 1
Symbol 1094 MovieClip [Nambu] Frame 2;
Symbol 1098 MovieClip [AlienHand] Frame 1
Symbol 1098 MovieClip [AlienHand] Frame 2;
Symbol 1098 MovieClip [AlienHand] Frame 6
Symbol 1102 MovieClip [Katana] Frame 1
Symbol 1102 MovieClip [Katana] Frame 2;
Symbol 1102 MovieClip [Katana] Frame 6
Symbol 1106 MovieClip [AA12] Frame 1
Symbol 1106 MovieClip [AA12] Frame 2;
Symbol 1106 MovieClip [AA12] Frame 3
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 1106 MovieClip [AA12] Frame 4;
Symbol 1106 MovieClip [AA12] Frame 5
Symbol 1106 MovieClip [AA12] Frame 6
Symbol 1106 MovieClip [AA12] Frame 7
Symbol 1110 MovieClip [Striker] Frame 1
Symbol 1110 MovieClip [Striker] Frame 2;
Symbol 1114 MovieClip [MP7] Frame 1
Symbol 1114 MovieClip [MP7] Frame 2;
Symbol 1114 MovieClip [MP7] Frame 3
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 1114 MovieClip [MP7] Frame 5;
Symbol 1114 MovieClip [MP7] Frame 6;
Symbol 1114 MovieClip [MP7] Frame 7;
Symbol 1114 MovieClip [MP7] Frame 8;
Symbol 1118 MovieClip [BerettaM12] Frame 1
Symbol 1118 MovieClip [BerettaM12] Frame 2;
Symbol 1122 MovieClip [PP2000] Frame 1
Symbol 1122 MovieClip [PP2000] Frame 2;
Symbol 1122 MovieClip [PP2000] Frame 4
Symbol 1122 MovieClip [PP2000] Frame 6
Symbol 1126 MovieClip [M3A1] Frame 1
Symbol 1126 MovieClip [M3A1] Frame 2;
Symbol 1130 MovieClip [Calico] Frame 1
Symbol 1130 MovieClip [Calico] Frame 2;
Symbol 1130 MovieClip [Calico] Frame 4
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 1130 MovieClip [Calico] Frame 6;
Symbol 1130 MovieClip [Calico] Frame 7;
Symbol 1130 MovieClip [Calico] Frame 8;
Symbol 1130 MovieClip [Calico] Frame 9;
Symbol 1134 MovieClip [American180] Frame 1
Symbol 1134 MovieClip [American180] Frame 2;
Symbol 1134 MovieClip [American180] Frame 3
Symbol 1134 MovieClip [American180] Frame 4
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 1138 MovieClip [MAT49] Frame 1
Symbol 1138 MovieClip [MAT49] Frame 2;
Symbol 1141 MovieClip [M45] Frame 1
Symbol 1141 MovieClip [M45] Frame 2;
Symbol 1145 MovieClip [XM8] Frame 1
Symbol 1145 MovieClip [XM8] Frame 2;
Symbol 1145 MovieClip [XM8] Frame 3
Symbol 1145 MovieClip [XM8] Frame 4;
Symbol 1149 MovieClip [Stoner] Frame 1
Symbol 1149 MovieClip [Stoner] Frame 2;
Symbol 1153 MovieClip [FNSCAR] Frame 1
Symbol 1153 MovieClip [FNSCAR] Frame 2;
Symbol 1153 MovieClip [FNSCAR] Frame 4;
Symbol 1153 MovieClip [FNSCAR] Frame 6
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 1153 MovieClip [FNSCAR] Frame 7
Symbol 1157 MovieClip [VektorSS] Frame 1
Symbol 1157 MovieClip [VektorSS] Frame 2;
Symbol 1157 MovieClip [VektorSS] Frame 4;
Symbol 1161 MovieClip [BAR] Frame 1
Symbol 1161 MovieClip [BAR] Frame 2;
Symbol 1165 MovieClip [RPD] Frame 1
Symbol 1165 MovieClip [RPD] Frame 2;
Symbol 1169 MovieClip [M1903] Frame 1
Symbol 1169 MovieClip [M1903] Frame 2;
Symbol 1169 MovieClip [M1903] Frame 4
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 1169 MovieClip [M1903] Frame 8
Symbol 1173 MovieClip [Mosin] Frame 1
Symbol 1173 MovieClip [Mosin] Frame 2;
Symbol 1173 MovieClip [Mosin] Frame 4
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 1173 MovieClip [Mosin] Frame 8
Symbol 1177 MovieClip [PPS_43] Frame 1
Symbol 1177 MovieClip [PPS_43] Frame 2;
Symbol 1181 MovieClip [StG_44] Frame 1
Symbol 1181 MovieClip [StG_44] Frame 2;
Symbol 1181 MovieClip [StG_44] Frame 4
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 1185 MovieClip [AA52] Frame 1
Symbol 1185 MovieClip [AA52] Frame 2;
Symbol 1189 MovieClip [Bolt] Frame 1
#initclip 42
Object.registerClass("Bolt", Bolt);
Symbol 1190 MovieClip [Bullet] Frame 1
#initclip 43
Object.registerClass("Bullet", Bullet);
Symbol 1190 MovieClip [Bullet] Frame 3
Symbol 1193 MovieClip [Dropped] Frame 1
#initclip 44
Object.registerClass("Dropped", Dropped);
Symbol 1193 MovieClip [Dropped] Frame 30
Symbol 1199 MovieClip [Fire] Frame 1
#initclip 45
Object.registerClass("Fire", Fire);
Symbol 1201 MovieClip [FRAG] Frame 1
Symbol 1201 MovieClip [FRAG] Frame 2;
Symbol 1218 MovieClip [Grenade] Frame 1
#initclip 46
Object.registerClass("Grenade", Grenade);
Symbol 1218 MovieClip [Grenade] Frame 2
this[this.type_expl + "explode"]();
Symbol 1218 MovieClip [Grenade] Frame 19
Symbol 1230 MovieClip [HandGrenade] Frame 1
#initclip 47
Object.registerClass("HandGrenade", HandGrenade);
Symbol 1230 MovieClip [HandGrenade] Frame 105
this[this.type_expl + "explode"]();
Symbol 1230 MovieClip [HandGrenade] Frame 122
Symbol 1232 MovieClip [HE] Frame 1
Symbol 1232 MovieClip [HE] Frame 2;
Symbol 1245 MovieClip [Napalm] Frame 1
#initclip 48
Object.registerClass("Napalm", Napalm);
Symbol 1245 MovieClip [Napalm] Frame 2
Symbol 1245 MovieClip [Napalm] Frame 19
Symbol 1256 MovieClip [OldBullet] Frame 1
#initclip 49
Object.registerClass("OldBullet", OldBullet);
Symbol 1256 MovieClip [OldBullet] Frame 8
Symbol 1264 MovieClip [Rocket] Frame 1
#initclip 50
Object.registerClass("Rocket", Rocket);
Symbol 1264 MovieClip [Rocket] Frame 2
Symbol 1264 MovieClip [Rocket] Frame 19
Symbol 1265 MovieClip [Shell] Frame 25
if (_global.SHELLS) {
_global.down_depth = _global.down_depth + ((_global.down_depth <= 12000) ? 1 : -4000);
} else {
Symbol 1270 MovieClip [Blood_1] Frame 15
if (_global.BLOOD) {
_global.d_blood = _global.d_blood + ((_global.d_blood <= 12000) ? 1 : -4000);
} else {
Symbol 1275 MovieClip [Blood_2] Frame 15
if (_global.BLOOD) {
_global.d_blood = _global.d_blood + ((_global.d_blood <= 12000) ? 1 : -4000);
} else {
Symbol 1280 MovieClip [Blood_3] Frame 15
if (_global.BLOOD) {
_global.d_blood = _global.d_blood + ((_global.d_blood <= 12000) ? 1 : -4000);
} else {
Symbol 1306 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 1306 MovieClip Frame 10
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 1316 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 1316 MovieClip Frame 2
name_txt.text = _root.hero0.weapon.description;
cal_txt.text = "Caliber: " +;
kick_txt.text = "Kickback: " + _root.hero0.weapon.kickback;
maxkick_txt.text = "Max. kickback: " + _root.hero0.weapon.max_kick;
dmg_txt.text = "Damage: " + _root.hero0.weapon.damage;
rate_txt.text = ("Fire rate: " + (Math.round((300 * _root.hero0.weapon.treat) / _root.hero0.weapon.fire_rate) / 10)) + " shots/sec";
Symbol 1321 MovieClip [Screen] Frame 1
Instance of Symbol 1316 MovieClip in Symbol 1321 MovieClip [Screen] Frame 1
on (release) {
Symbol 1324 MovieClip [YOU] Frame 1
this.onEnterFrame = function () {
this._x = _root.hero0._x;
this._y = _root.hero0._y;
Symbol 1324 MovieClip [YOU] Frame 100
Symbol 1326 Button
on (release) {
_root.gameLoad(_root._currentframe - 3);
Symbol 1327 Button
on (release) {
Symbol 1335 MovieClip [BattleCursor] Frame 1
#initclip 51
Object.registerClass("BattleCursor", Cursor);
Symbol 1337 Button
on (release) {
var campaign = _root.getCampaign();
var mission = _root.getMission(campaign);
if (mission == _global["LOCK_" + campaign]) {
_global["LOCK_" + campaign]++;
Symbol 1351 MovieClip Frame 4
gotoAndStop ("rifle");
Symbol 1351 MovieClip Frame 7
gotoAndStop ("smg");
Symbol 1351 MovieClip Frame 22
gotoAndStop ("shotgun");
Symbol 1351 MovieClip Frame 24
gotoAndStop ("pistol");
Symbol 1351 MovieClip Frame 55
gotoAndStop ("grenade");
Symbol 1351 MovieClip Frame 70
gotoAndStop ("knife");
Symbol 1351 MovieClip Frame 81
weapon.attachMovie(, "wpn", 1);
Symbol 1351 MovieClip Frame 90
Symbol 1351 MovieClip Frame 180
Symbol 1364 MovieClip [Hero] Frame 1
#initclip 52
Object.registerClass("Hero", Soldier);
Symbol 1364 MovieClip [Hero] Frame 31
if (_global.CORPSES) {
} else {
Symbol 1372 MovieClip [Player] Frame 1
#initclip 53
Object.registerClass("Player", Player);
Symbol 1372 MovieClip [Player] Frame 31
if (_global.CORPSES) {
} else {
Symbol 1374 MovieClip [Armor_Large] Frame 1
#initclip 54
Object.registerClass("Armor_Large", Armor);
Symbol 1376 MovieClip [Armor_Small] Frame 1
#initclip 55
Object.registerClass("Armor_Small", Armor);
Symbol 1378 MovieClip [Medkit_Large] Frame 1
#initclip 56
Object.registerClass("Medkit_Large", Medkit);
Symbol 1380 MovieClip [Medkit_Small] Frame 1
#initclip 57
Object.registerClass("Medkit_Small", Medkit);
Symbol 1383 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 1383 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 1383 MovieClip Frame 4
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 1391 MovieClip [Turret_PKM] Frame 1
#initclip 58
Object.registerClass("Turret_PKM", Turret);
Symbol 1391 MovieClip [Turret_PKM] Frame 19
Symbol 1400 MovieClip [TeslaCharge] Frame 1
#initclip 59
Object.registerClass("TeslaCharge", TeslaCharge);
Symbol 1400 MovieClip [TeslaCharge] Frame 8
Symbol 1414 MovieClip [TeslaSuper] Frame 1
#initclip 60
Object.registerClass("TeslaSuper", TeslaSuper);
Symbol 1414 MovieClip [TeslaSuper] Frame 3
if (this.moving) {
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 1414 MovieClip [TeslaSuper] Frame 4
Symbol 1414 MovieClip [TeslaSuper] Frame 21
Symbol 1423 MovieClip [RicochetBullet] Frame 1
#initclip 61
Object.registerClass("RicochetBullet", RicochetBullet);
Symbol 1423 MovieClip [RicochetBullet] Frame 8
Symbol 1433 MovieClip [RicochetGrenade] Frame 1
#initclip 62
Object.registerClass("RicochetGrenade", RicochetGrenade);
Symbol 1433 MovieClip [RicochetGrenade] Frame 2
Symbol 1433 MovieClip [RicochetGrenade] Frame 19
Symbol 1444 MovieClip [SplitterBullet] Frame 1
#initclip 63
Object.registerClass("SplitterBullet", SplitterBullet);
Symbol 1444 MovieClip [SplitterBullet] Frame 8
Symbol 1446 MovieClip [SPLITTER] Frame 1
Symbol 1446 MovieClip [SPLITTER] Frame 2;
Symbol 1463 MovieClip [FlareBullet] Frame 1
#initclip 64
Object.registerClass("FlareBullet", FlareBullet);
Symbol 1463 MovieClip [FlareBullet] Frame 8
Symbol 1466 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 1466 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 1466 MovieClip Frame 4
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 1474 MovieClip [Turret_Canon] Frame 1
#initclip 65
Object.registerClass("Turret_Canon", Turret);
Symbol 1474 MovieClip [Turret_Canon] Frame 20
Symbol 1477 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 1477 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 1477 MovieClip Frame 4
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 1484 MovieClip [Turret_HMG] Frame 1
#initclip 66
Object.registerClass("Turret_HMG", Turret);
Symbol 1484 MovieClip [Turret_HMG] Frame 20
Symbol 1487 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 1487 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 1487 MovieClip Frame 4
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 1494 MovieClip [Turret_M249] Frame 1
#initclip 67
Object.registerClass("Turret_M249", Turret);
Symbol 1494 MovieClip [Turret_M249] Frame 20
Symbol 1522 MovieClip Frame 54
Symbol 1522 MovieClip Frame 100;
Symbol 1523 Button
on (release) {
gotoAndStop (3);
Symbol 1534 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 1538 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 1545 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 1545 MovieClip Frame 31
if (_global.CORPSES) {
} else {
Symbol 1556 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 1556 MovieClip Frame 8
Symbol 1564 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 1564 MovieClip Frame 2
this[this.type_expl + "explode"]();
Symbol 1564 MovieClip Frame 19
Symbol 1568 MovieClip Frame 1
var skin = "Marine_Private";
buster.hands.weapon.attachMovie("M4", "wpn", 1);
buster.hands.hend_r.attachMovie("Hand_R_" + skin, "hr", 1);
buster.hands.hand_r.attachMovie("Hand_L_" + skin, "hl", 1);
buster.body.forma.attachMovie("Uniform_" + skin, "fr", 1);
buster.body.kaska.attachMovie("Helm_" + skin, "ks", 1);
Instance of Symbol 1534 MovieClip "key_A" in Symbol 1568 MovieClip Frame 1
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
label = "A";
Instance of Symbol 1534 MovieClip "key_S" in Symbol 1568 MovieClip Frame 1
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
label = "S";
Instance of Symbol 1534 MovieClip "key_D" in Symbol 1568 MovieClip Frame 1
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
label = "D";
Instance of Symbol 1534 MovieClip "key_G" in Symbol 1568 MovieClip Frame 1
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
label = "G";
Instance of Symbol 1534 MovieClip "key_Q" in Symbol 1568 MovieClip Frame 1
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
label = "Q";
Instance of Symbol 1534 MovieClip "key_W" in Symbol 1568 MovieClip Frame 1
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
label = "W";
Instance of Symbol 1534 MovieClip "key_R" in Symbol 1568 MovieClip Frame 1
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
label = "R";
Instance of Symbol 1534 MovieClip "key_1" in Symbol 1568 MovieClip Frame 1
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
label = "1";
Instance of Symbol 1534 MovieClip "key_2" in Symbol 1568 MovieClip Frame 1
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
label = "2";
Instance of Symbol 1534 MovieClip "key_3" in Symbol 1568 MovieClip Frame 1
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
label = "3";
Instance of Symbol 1534 MovieClip "key_4" in Symbol 1568 MovieClip Frame 1
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
label = "4";
Symbol 1568 MovieClip Frame 60
Symbol 1568 MovieClip Frame 151
Symbol 1568 MovieClip Frame 240
Symbol 1568 MovieClip Frame 330
Symbol 1568 MovieClip Frame 331;
Symbol 1568 MovieClip Frame 340;
Symbol 1568 MovieClip Frame 350;
Symbol 1568 MovieClip Frame 360;
Symbol 1568 MovieClip Frame 370;
Symbol 1568 MovieClip Frame 390
Symbol 1568 MovieClip Frame 469
Symbol 1568 MovieClip Frame 500;
Symbol 1568 MovieClip Frame 531
Symbol 1568 MovieClip Frame 551
Symbol 1568 MovieClip Frame 571
Symbol 1568 MovieClip Frame 591
Symbol 1568 MovieClip Frame 611
Symbol 1568 MovieClip Frame 630
Symbol 1568 MovieClip Frame 680;
Symbol 1569 Button
on (release) {
gotoAndPlay (4);
Symbol 1573 Button
on (release) {;
Symbol 1582 MovieClip Frame 16
Symbol 1585 MovieClip Frame 12
Symbol 1586 MovieClip Frame 1
if (!_root.MOVIE_PLAYED) {
_root.MOVIE_PLAYED = true;
Symbol 1586 MovieClip Frame 2
if (_url.toLowerCase().indexOf("") >= 0) {
gotoAndStop (3);
} else {
Symbol 1586 MovieClip Frame 195;
Symbol 1601 Button
on (release) {
Symbol 1602 Button
on (release) {
Symbol 1620 MovieClip [Choose_Secondary] Frame 1
#initclip 72
Object.registerClass("Choose_Secondary", GunChooser);
current = "Colt_1917";
this.TYPE = "secondary";
Symbol 1620 MovieClip [Choose_Secondary] Frame 2
current = "TT_33";
Symbol 1620 MovieClip [Choose_Secondary] Frame 3
current = "WALTER";
Symbol 1620 MovieClip [Choose_Secondary] Frame 4
current = "Nambu";
Symbol 1620 MovieClip [Choose_Secondary] Frame 5
current = "Beretta";
Symbol 1620 MovieClip [Choose_Secondary] Frame 6
current = "PM";
Symbol 1620 MovieClip [Choose_Secondary] Frame 7
current = "APS";
Symbol 1620 MovieClip [Choose_Secondary] Frame 8
current = "Beretta93R";
Symbol 1620 MovieClip [Choose_Secondary] Frame 9
current = "Glock18";
Symbol 1620 MovieClip [Choose_Secondary] Frame 10
current = "microUZI";
Symbol 1620 MovieClip [Choose_Secondary] Frame 11
current = "DesertEagle";
Symbol 1620 MovieClip [Choose_Secondary] Frame 12
current = "Anaconda";
Symbol 1620 MovieClip [Choose_Secondary] Frame 13
current = "M79";
Symbol 1620 MovieClip [Choose_Secondary] Frame 14
current = "FlareGun";
Symbol 1620 MovieClip [Choose_Secondary] Frame 15
current = "MP7";
Symbol 1620 MovieClip [Choose_Secondary] Frame 16
current = "PP2000";
Symbol 1628 Button
on (release) {
Symbol 1631 Button
on (release) {
Symbol 1634 Button
on (release) {
Symbol 1637 Button
on (release) {
Symbol 1640 Button
on (release) {
Symbol 1643 Button
on (release) {
Symbol 1646 Button
on (release) {
Symbol 1649 Button
on (release) {
Symbol 1740 MovieClip [Choose_Primary] Frame 1
#initclip 69
Object.registerClass("Choose_Primary", GunChooser);
current = "AK_47";
this.TYPE = "primary";
Symbol 1740 MovieClip [Choose_Primary] Frame 2
current = "M_16";
Symbol 1740 MovieClip [Choose_Primary] Frame 3
current = "FAMAS";
Symbol 1740 MovieClip [Choose_Primary] Frame 4
current = "F2000";
Symbol 1740 MovieClip [Choose_Primary] Frame 5
current = "AN94";
Symbol 1740 MovieClip [Choose_Primary] Frame 6
current = "GROZA";
Symbol 1740 MovieClip [Choose_Primary] Frame 7
current = "M4";
Symbol 1740 MovieClip [Choose_Primary] Frame 8
current = "AUG";
Symbol 1740 MovieClip [Choose_Primary] Frame 9
current = "FNFAL";
Symbol 1740 MovieClip [Choose_Primary] Frame 10
current = "Galil";
Symbol 1740 MovieClip [Choose_Primary] Frame 11
current = "SIG550";
Symbol 1740 MovieClip [Choose_Primary] Frame 12
current = "G11";
Symbol 1740 MovieClip [Choose_Primary] Frame 13
current = "G36";
Symbol 1740 MovieClip [Choose_Primary] Frame 14
current = "L85A2";
Symbol 1740 MovieClip [Choose_Primary] Frame 15
current = "FNSCAR";
Symbol 1740 MovieClip [Choose_Primary] Frame 16
current = "XM8";
Symbol 1740 MovieClip [Choose_Primary] Frame 17
current = "Stoner";
Symbol 1740 MovieClip [Choose_Primary] Frame 18
current = "Garand_M1";
Symbol 1740 MovieClip [Choose_Primary] Frame 19
current = "M1903";
Symbol 1740 MovieClip [Choose_Primary] Frame 20
current = "StG_42";
Symbol 1740 MovieClip [Choose_Primary] Frame 21
current = "SKS";
Symbol 1740 MovieClip [Choose_Primary] Frame 22
current = "Mosin";
Symbol 1740 MovieClip [Choose_Primary] Frame 23
current = "Arisaka";
Symbol 1740 MovieClip [Choose_Primary] Frame 24
current = "SVD";
Symbol 1740 MovieClip [Choose_Primary] Frame 25
current = "M50";
Symbol 1740 MovieClip [Choose_Primary] Frame 26
current = "AWM";
Symbol 1740 MovieClip [Choose_Primary] Frame 27
current = "Thompson";
Symbol 1740 MovieClip [Choose_Primary] Frame 28
current = "TommyGun";
Symbol 1740 MovieClip [Choose_Primary] Frame 29
current = "PPH_41";
Symbol 1740 MovieClip [Choose_Primary] Frame 30
current = "PPS_43";
Symbol 1740 MovieClip [Choose_Primary] Frame 31
current = "MP_40";
Symbol 1740 MovieClip [Choose_Primary] Frame 32
current = "type100";
Symbol 1740 MovieClip [Choose_Primary] Frame 33
current = "UZI";
Symbol 1740 MovieClip [Choose_Primary] Frame 34
current = "MP5";
Symbol 1740 MovieClip [Choose_Primary] Frame 35
current = "FNP90";
Symbol 1740 MovieClip [Choose_Primary] Frame 36
current = "Spectre";
Symbol 1740 MovieClip [Choose_Primary] Frame 37
current = "UMP";
Symbol 1740 MovieClip [Choose_Primary] Frame 38
current = "BIZON";
Symbol 1740 MovieClip [Choose_Primary] Frame 39
current = "BerettaM12";
Symbol 1740 MovieClip [Choose_Primary] Frame 40
current = "M3A1";
Symbol 1740 MovieClip [Choose_Primary] Frame 41
current = "Calico";
Symbol 1740 MovieClip [Choose_Primary] Frame 42
current = "American180";
Symbol 1740 MovieClip [Choose_Primary] Frame 43
current = "MAT49";
Symbol 1740 MovieClip [Choose_Primary] Frame 44
current = "M45";
Symbol 1740 MovieClip [Choose_Primary] Frame 45
current = "Browning_1921";
Symbol 1740 MovieClip [Choose_Primary] Frame 46
current = "DB";
Symbol 1740 MovieClip [Choose_Primary] Frame 47
current = "HK_28";
Symbol 1740 MovieClip [Choose_Primary] Frame 48
current = "JapShotgun";
Symbol 1740 MovieClip [Choose_Primary] Frame 49
current = "Benelli_M3";
Symbol 1740 MovieClip [Choose_Primary] Frame 50
current = "SPAS_12";
Symbol 1740 MovieClip [Choose_Primary] Frame 51
current = "USAS_12";
Symbol 1740 MovieClip [Choose_Primary] Frame 52
current = "CAWS";
Symbol 1740 MovieClip [Choose_Primary] Frame 53
current = "Jackhammer";
Symbol 1740 MovieClip [Choose_Primary] Frame 54
current = "AA12";
Symbol 1740 MovieClip [Choose_Primary] Frame 55
current = "Striker";
Symbol 1740 MovieClip [Choose_Primary] Frame 56
current = "Browning_30";
Symbol 1740 MovieClip [Choose_Primary] Frame 57
current = "PPD";
Symbol 1740 MovieClip [Choose_Primary] Frame 58
current = "MG_36";
Symbol 1740 MovieClip [Choose_Primary] Frame 59
current = "Model96";
Symbol 1740 MovieClip [Choose_Primary] Frame 60
current = "Johnson";
Symbol 1740 MovieClip [Choose_Primary] Frame 61
current = "M60";
Symbol 1740 MovieClip [Choose_Primary] Frame 62
current = "PKM";
Symbol 1740 MovieClip [Choose_Primary] Frame 63
current = "M249";
Symbol 1740 MovieClip [Choose_Primary] Frame 64
current = "Pecheneg";
Symbol 1740 MovieClip [Choose_Primary] Frame 65
current = "Kord";
Symbol 1740 MovieClip [Choose_Primary] Frame 66
current = "RPD";
Symbol 1740 MovieClip [Choose_Primary] Frame 67
current = "BAR";
Symbol 1740 MovieClip [Choose_Primary] Frame 68
current = "StG_44";
Symbol 1740 MovieClip [Choose_Primary] Frame 69
current = "AA52";
Symbol 1740 MovieClip [Choose_Primary] Frame 70
current = "VektorSS";
Symbol 1740 MovieClip [Choose_Primary] Frame 71
current = "LAW";
Symbol 1740 MovieClip [Choose_Primary] Frame 72
current = "FLY";
Symbol 1740 MovieClip [Choose_Primary] Frame 73
current = "Mikor";
Symbol 1740 MovieClip [Choose_Primary] Frame 74
current = "MM1";
Symbol 1740 MovieClip [Choose_Primary] Frame 75
current = "RocketLauncher";
Symbol 1740 MovieClip [Choose_Primary] Frame 76
current = "NapalmLauncher";
Symbol 1740 MovieClip [Choose_Primary] Frame 77
current = "Flamethrower";
Symbol 1740 MovieClip [Choose_Primary] Frame 78
current = "Minigun";
Symbol 1740 MovieClip [Choose_Primary] Frame 79
current = "SuperShotgun";
Symbol 1740 MovieClip [Choose_Primary] Frame 80
current = "TeslaCanon";
Symbol 1740 MovieClip [Choose_Primary] Frame 81
current = "RicochetRifle";
Symbol 1740 MovieClip [Choose_Primary] Frame 82
current = "SplitterRifle";
Symbol 1740 MovieClip [Choose_Primary] Frame 83
current = "ChainGun";
Symbol 1740 MovieClip [Choose_Primary] Frame 84
current = "GaussRifle";
Symbol 1740 MovieClip [Choose_Primary] Frame 85
current = "PPK_12";
Symbol 1740 MovieClip [Choose_Primary] Frame 86
current = "Bozar";
Symbol 1740 MovieClip [Choose_Primary] Frame 87
current = "Fork";
Symbol 1740 MovieClip [Choose_Primary] Frame 88
current = "Axe";
Symbol 1740 MovieClip [Choose_Primary] Frame 89
current = "Scythe";
Symbol 1740 MovieClip [Choose_Primary] Frame 90
current = "Katana";
Symbol 1745 MovieClip [Choose_Grenades] Frame 1
#initclip 70
Object.registerClass("Choose_Grenades", GunChooser);
current = "HE";
this.TYPE = "grenades";
Symbol 1745 MovieClip [Choose_Grenades] Frame 2
current = "FRAG";
Symbol 1745 MovieClip [Choose_Grenades] Frame 3
current = "SPLITTER";
Symbol 1762 Button
on (release) {
_global.CHOICE_PRIMARY = ch_primary.current;
_global.CHOICE_SECONDARY = ch_secondary.current;
_global.CHOICE_GRENADES = ch_grenades.current;
_root.loadMap(_currentframe - 1);
Symbol 1769 Button
on (release) {
gotoAndStop (2);
Symbol 1770 Button
on (release) {
gotoAndStop (3);
Symbol 1771 Button
on (release) {
gotoAndStop (4);
Symbol 1772 Button
on (release) {
gotoAndStop (5);
Symbol 1773 Button
on (release) {
gotoAndStop (6);
Symbol 1774 Button
on (release) {
gotoAndStop (7);
Symbol 1775 Button
on (release) {
gotoAndStop (8);
Symbol 1776 Button
on (release) {
gotoAndStop (9);
Symbol 1777 Button
on (release) {
gotoAndStop (10);
Symbol 1778 Button
on (release) {
gotoAndStop (11);
Symbol 1780 MovieClip [lock] Frame 1
#initclip 71
Object.registerClass("lock", MissionLock);
Symbol 1813 Button
on (release) {
gotoAndStop (12);
Symbol 1814 Button
on (release) {
gotoAndStop (13);
Symbol 1815 Button
on (release) {
gotoAndStop (14);
Symbol 1816 Button
on (release) {
gotoAndStop (15);
Symbol 1817 Button
on (release) {
gotoAndStop (16);
Symbol 1818 Button
on (release) {
gotoAndStop (17);
Symbol 1819 Button
on (release) {
gotoAndStop (18);
Symbol 1820 Button
on (release) {
gotoAndStop (19);
Symbol 1821 Button
on (release) {
gotoAndStop (20);
Symbol 1822 Button
on (release) {
gotoAndStop (21);
Symbol 1855 Button
on (release) {
gotoAndStop (22);
Symbol 1856 Button
on (release) {
gotoAndStop (23);
Symbol 1857 Button
on (release) {
gotoAndStop (24);
Symbol 1858 Button
on (release) {
gotoAndStop (25);
Symbol 1859 Button
on (release) {
gotoAndStop (26);
Symbol 1860 Button
on (release) {
gotoAndStop (27);
Symbol 1881 Button
on (release) {
gotoAndStop (28);
Symbol 1882 Button
on (release) {
gotoAndStop (29);
Symbol 1883 Button
on (release) {
gotoAndStop (30);
Symbol 1884 Button
on (release) {
gotoAndStop (31);
Symbol 1900 Button
on (release) {
gotoAndStop (32);
Symbol 1901 Button
on (release) {
gotoAndStop (33);
Symbol 1902 Button
on (release) {
gotoAndStop (34);
Symbol 1903 Button
on (release) {
gotoAndStop (35);
Symbol 1904 Button
on (release) {
gotoAndStop (36);
Symbol 1926 Button
on (release) {
gotoAndStop (37);
Symbol 1927 Button
on (release) {
gotoAndStop (38);
Symbol 1928 Button
on (release) {
gotoAndStop (39);
Symbol 1929 Button
on (release) {
gotoAndStop (40);
Symbol 1930 Button
on (release) {
gotoAndStop (41);
Symbol 1952 Button
on (release) {
gotoAndStop (42);
Symbol 1953 Button
on (release) {
gotoAndStop (43);
Symbol 1954 Button
on (release) {
gotoAndStop (44);
Symbol 1955 Button
on (release) {
gotoAndStop (45);
Symbol 1956 Button
on (release) {
gotoAndStop (46);
Symbol 1978 Button
on (release) {
gotoAndStop (47);
Symbol 1979 Button
on (release) {
gotoAndStop (48);
Symbol 1980 Button
on (release) {
gotoAndStop (49);
Symbol 1981 Button
on (release) {
gotoAndStop (50);
Symbol 1982 Button
on (release) {
gotoAndStop (51);
Symbol 1983 Button
on (release) {
gotoAndStop (52);
Symbol 1984 Button
on (release) {
gotoAndStop (53);
Symbol 2014 Button
on (release) {
gotoAndStop (54);
Symbol 2015 Button
on (release) {
gotoAndStop (55);
Symbol 2016 Button
on (release) {
gotoAndStop (56);
Symbol 2017 Button
on (release) {
gotoAndStop (57);
Symbol 2018 Button
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Symbol 2019 Button
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Symbol 2210 MovieClip Frame 1
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Symbol 2225 Button
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Symbol 2226 Button
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Symbol 2227 Button
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Symbol 2248 MovieClip Frame 9
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Symbol 2248 MovieClip Frame 10
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Symbol 2248 MovieClip Frame 11
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Symbol 2248 MovieClip Frame 13
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Symbol 2248 MovieClip Frame 14
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Symbol 2248 MovieClip Frame 17
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Symbol 2248 MovieClip Frame 18
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Symbol 2248 MovieClip Frame 23
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Symbol 2248 MovieClip Frame 28
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Symbol 2248 MovieClip Frame 31
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Symbol 2248 MovieClip Frame 32
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Symbol 2248 MovieClip Frame 33
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Symbol 2248 MovieClip Frame 34
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Symbol 2248 MovieClip Frame 35
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Symbol 2248 MovieClip Frame 36
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Symbol 2248 MovieClip Frame 37
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Symbol 2248 MovieClip Frame 38
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Symbol 2248 MovieClip Frame 39
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Symbol 2248 MovieClip Frame 41
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Symbol 2248 MovieClip Frame 42
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Symbol 2248 MovieClip Frame 43
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Symbol 2248 MovieClip Frame 44
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Symbol 2248 MovieClip Frame 45
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Symbol 2248 MovieClip Frame 46
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Symbol 2248 MovieClip Frame 47
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Symbol 2248 MovieClip Frame 48
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Symbol 2248 MovieClip Frame 49
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Symbol 2248 MovieClip Frame 50
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Symbol 2248 MovieClip Frame 51
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Symbol 2248 MovieClip Frame 52
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Symbol 2248 MovieClip Frame 53
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Symbol 2248 MovieClip Frame 54
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Symbol 2248 MovieClip Frame 55
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Symbol 2248 MovieClip Frame 56
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Symbol 2248 MovieClip Frame 57
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Symbol 2248 MovieClip Frame 58
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Symbol 2248 MovieClip Frame 59
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Symbol 2248 MovieClip Frame 60
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Symbol 2248 MovieClip Frame 61
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Symbol 2248 MovieClip Frame 62
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Symbol 2248 MovieClip Frame 63
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Symbol 2248 MovieClip Frame 64
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Symbol 2248 MovieClip Frame 65
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Symbol 2248 MovieClip Frame 66
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Symbol 2248 MovieClip Frame 67
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Symbol 2248 MovieClip Frame 68
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Symbol 2248 MovieClip Frame 69
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Symbol 2248 MovieClip Frame 70
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Symbol 2248 MovieClip Frame 71
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Symbol 2248 MovieClip Frame 72
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Symbol 2248 MovieClip Frame 73
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Symbol 2248 MovieClip Frame 74
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Symbol 2248 MovieClip Frame 75
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Symbol 2248 MovieClip Frame 76
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Symbol 2248 MovieClip Frame 77
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Symbol 2248 MovieClip Frame 78
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Symbol 2248 MovieClip Frame 79
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Symbol 2248 MovieClip Frame 80
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Symbol 2248 MovieClip Frame 81
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Symbol 2248 MovieClip Frame 82
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Symbol 2248 MovieClip Frame 83
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Symbol 2248 MovieClip Frame 84
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Symbol 2248 MovieClip Frame 85
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Symbol 2248 MovieClip Frame 86
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Symbol 2248 MovieClip Frame 87
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Symbol 2248 MovieClip Frame 88
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Symbol 2248 MovieClip Frame 89
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Symbol 2248 MovieClip Frame 90
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Symbol 2256 Button
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Symbol 2257 Button
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Symbol 2268 Button
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Symbol 2270 Button
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Symbol 2288 Button
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Symbol 2289 Button
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Symbol 2304 Button
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Symbol 2432 MovieClip Frame 1
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Symbol 2434 MovieClip Frame 1
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Symbol 2438 MovieClip Frame 1
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Symbol 2446 MovieClip Frame 1
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
Symbol 2454 MovieClip Frame 1
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
Symbol 2458 MovieClip Frame 1
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
Symbol 2462 MovieClip Frame 1
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
Symbol 2464 MovieClip Frame 1
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
Symbol 2468 MovieClip Frame 1
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
Symbol 2473 MovieClip Frame 1
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
Symbol 2480 MovieClip Frame 1
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
Symbol 2482 MovieClip Frame 1
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
Symbol 2484 MovieClip Frame 1
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
Symbol 2488 MovieClip Frame 1
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
Symbol 2492 MovieClip Frame 1
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
Symbol 2496 MovieClip Frame 1
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Symbol 2498 MovieClip Frame 1
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Symbol 2500 MovieClip Frame 1
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Symbol 2502 MovieClip Frame 1
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Symbol 2504 MovieClip Frame 1
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
Symbol 2507 MovieClip Frame 1
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Symbol 2511 MovieClip Frame 1
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Symbol 2515 MovieClip Frame 1
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Symbol 2519 MovieClip Frame 1
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Symbol 2521 MovieClip Frame 1
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Symbol 2523 MovieClip Frame 1
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
Symbol 2525 MovieClip Frame 1
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