Archived flashes:
/disc/ · /res/     /show/ · /fap/ · /gg/ · /swf/P0001 · P2575 · P5149

<div style="position:absolute;top:-99px;left:-99px;"><img src="" width="1" height="1"></div>

Safari Park Apeldoorn.swf

This is the info page for
Flash #22732

(Click the ID number above for more basic data on this flash file.)

ActionScript [AS1/AS2]
Combined Code
movieClip 3 flitspaal { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 10 { stop(); } } movieClip 7 { } movieClip 8 leeuwstand { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 21 { stop(); } } movieClip 11 safaribos2 { } movieClip 14 safaribos1 { } movieClip 49 zebra3 { } movieClip 53 skyline { frame 1 { function getpos() { force = 0; force += _parent.force; force = _parent.speed * force * 0.2; x -= force * forceFactor; this._x = x; this._y = y; } } frame 1 { x = _parent.awayX; y = _parent.awayY; forceFactor = 0.01; } frame 2 { getpos(); } frame 3 { gotoAndPlay(_currentframe - 1); } frame 4 { getpos(); } frame 5 { gotoAndPlay(_currentframe - 1); } frame 6 { getpos(); } frame 7 { gotoAndPlay(_currentframe - 1); } } movieClip 54 levelmessage { frame 1 { this._x = 200; this._y = 50; rotationSpeed = 3; scaleSpeed = 10; delay = 30; this.attachMovie(graphic, 'graphic', 1000300); } frame 2 { --delay; if (delay < 0) { this._rotation += rotationSpeed; this._xscale -= scaleSpeed; this._yscale -= scaleSpeed; if (this._xscale <= scaleSpeed) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } } frame 3 { gotoAndPlay(_currentframe - 1); } } movieClip 63 { } movieClip 71 { } movieClip 73 { } movieClip 77 { } movieClip 81 { } movieClip 91 { } movieClip 92 { } movieClip 97 { } movieClip 103 { } movieClip 108 { } movieClip 109 { frame 50 { _parent.gotoAndPlay('gameover'); stop(); } } movieClip 114 { } movieClip 119 { } movieClip 120 { frame 45 { _parent.gotoAndPlay('gameover'); stop(); } } movieClip 124 { } movieClip 129 { } movieClip 132 { } movieClip 134 { } movieClip 137 { } movieClip 138 { } movieClip 139 { } movieClip 145 { } movieClip 148 { } movieClip 151 { } movieClip 152 { frame 100 { _parent.goKillGame(); stop(); } } movieClip 153 leeuw_total { frame 1 { function goKillGame() { _parent.goKillGame(); } } frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } frame 4 { stop(); } frame 5 { stop(); } frame 6 { stop(); } frame 7 { stop(); } frame 8 { stop(); } frame 9 { stop(); } frame 10 { stop(); } frame 11 { stop(); } frame 12 { stop(); } frame 13 { stop(); } frame 14 { stop(); } frame 15 { stop(); } frame 16 { stop(); } frame 17 { stop(); } frame 18 { stop(); } frame 19 { stop(); } frame 20 { stop(); } frame 21 { stop(); } frame 22 { stop(); } frame 23 { stop(); } frame 24 { stop(); } frame 25 { _parent.begin = 'omkijkend'; } frame 78 { _parent.go(); } frame 144 { trace('test1'); _parent.goKillGame(); stop(); } frame 145 { stop(); } } movieClip 154 leeuw { frame 1 { function die() { this.removeMovieClip(); } function goKillGame() { _parent.goKillGame(); } function knalTegenObject(whichObject) { if (state != 'fall') { leeuwValt(); if (_parent.soundReady()) { _root.sound_mc.boing_snd.start(0, 1); } state = 'fall'; leeuw_total.gotoAndPlay('fall mid'); } } function leeuwValt() { var v1 = _parent; var v2 = _root; if (v1.soundReady()) { v2.sound_mc.drive1_snd.stop(); } if (v1.soundReady()) { v2.sound_mc.drive2_snd.stop(); } if (v1.soundReady()) { v2.sound_mc.drive3_snd.stop(); } if (v1.soundReady()) { v2.sound_mc.drive3_snd.stop(); } if (v1.soundReady()) { v2.sound_mc.muziekje_snd.stop(); } if (v1.soundReady()) { v2.sound_mc.valt_snd.start(0, 1); } v1.getRoadRoute(); v1.speed = 0; v1.targetSpeed = 0; } function go() { begin = false; _parent.targetSpeed = _parent.level1Speed; } } frame 1 { this._x = _parent.homeX; this._y = _parent.homeY - 100; forceFactor = 0.01; balanceState = 0; balanceCounter = 0; balanceLimit = 20; this.attachMovie('leeuw_total', 'leeuw_total', 1000200); leeuw_total.gotoAndStop('stastil'); begin = 'wait'; } frame 2 { if (begin == 'wait') { } else { if (begin == 'go') { leeuw_total.gotoAndPlay('omkijken'); if (_parent.soundReady()) { _root.sound_mc.startmotor_snd.start(0, 1); } } else { if (state != 'fall' & begin == false) { this._x = _parent.homeX +; force = 0; force += _parent.force; force +=; balanceCounter -= force * forceFactor; if (Key.isDown(40)) { bukt = true; } else { bukt = false; } lean = false; if (Key.isDown(37)) { balanceCounter -= 3; lean = true; if (bukt) { balanceCounter += 1.5; lean = false; } } if (Key.isDown(39)) { balanceCounter += 3; lean = true; if (bukt) { balanceCounter -= 1.5; lean = false; } } state = Math.round(balanceCounter / balanceLimit); if (state <= -4 & _parent.cheat != 1) { leeuwValt(); state = 'fall'; leeuw_total.gotoAndPlay('fall left'); } else { if (state >= 4 & _parent.cheat != 1) { leeuwValt(); state = 'fall'; leeuw_total.gotoAndPlay('fall right'); } else { if (bukt != oldBukt || state != oldState || oldLean != lean) { if (bukt == true) { leeuw_total.gotoAndPlay('buk' + state); } else { if (lean == true & Math.abs(oldState) > Math.abs(state)) { leeuw_total.gotoAndPlay('lean' + state); } else { leeuw_total.gotoAndPlay('stand' + state); } } } } } oldState = state; oldBukt = bukt; oldLean = lean; } _parent.balansbal._x = _parent.homeX + balanceCounter * 1.6; } } if (state == 'fall') { p = _root.spel_mc.hud.punten.punten; if (p > 0) { _root.spel_mc.hud.setPunten(p - 79); } else { _root.spel_mc.hud.setPunten(0); } } } frame 3 { gotoAndPlay(_currentframe - 1); } } movieClip 155 fieldObject { frame 1 { function die() { var v1 = _parent; var v2 = this; i = 0; while (i < v1.bosjesList.length) { if (v2._name == v1.bosjesList[i]) { v1.bosjesList.splice(i, 1); break; } ++i; } v2.removeMovieClip(); } function getpos() { var v1 = this; var v2 = _parent; y = 0.02 * (100 - dist) * (100 - dist) * ((100 - dist) / 100) * ((100 - dist) / 100); x = mybocht * (dist / 100); x += offsetX + y * offsetX / v2.diepteEffect; v1._x = x + v2.awayX; v1._y = y + v2.awayY; v1._xscale = basicScale + scaleFactor * y; v1._yscale = basicScale + scaleFactor * y; } } frame 1 { _parent.bosjesList.push(this._name); var mybocht = _parent.difX + _parent.bochtX; var scaleFactor = 1; var basicScale = 10; if (mybocht == 0) { mybocht = 1; } var steilheid = -_parent.difY / mybocht * mybocht; getpos(); specialObject = false; if (graphic == 'bosje') { graphic = _parent.zijkantlist[_parent.level - 1][random(_parent.zijkantlist[_parent.level - 1].length)]; } if (graphic == 'bukken') { specialObject = 'bukken'; graphic = _parent.buklist[_parent.level - 1][random(_parent.buklist[_parent.level - 1].length)]; } if (graphic == 'ontwijken') { graphic = _parent.ontwijklist[_parent.level - 1][random(_parent.ontwijklist[_parent.level - 1].length)]; if (graphic.substr(-5, 5) == 'links') { specialObject = 'rechts'; } else { specialObject = 'links'; } } if (graphic == 'poort') { specialObject = 'bukken'; } if (graphic == 'finalhuis') { specialObject = 'bukken'; } if (graphic == 'weglevel1' || graphic == 'weglevel2' || graphic == 'weglevel3') { this.depth -= 1000; } gfx = this.attachMovie(graphic, 'myGraphic', _parent.depth); force = _parent.bochtX; finalDist = -10; if (graphic == 'pechlinks' || graphic == 'pechrechts' || graphic == 'carvanlinks' || graphic == 'carvanrechts') { finalDist = -30; } } frame 2 { dist -= _parent.speed; getpos(); if ((graphic == 'weglevel1' || graphic == 'weglevel2' || graphic == 'weglevel3') & dist <= 30 & force != 0) { _parent.force = force; force = 0; } if (specialObject == 'bukken' & dist < 1 & _parent.cheat != true) { if (_parent.leeuw.bukt != true || graphic == 'finalhuis') { _parent.leeuw.knalTegenObject(this); } } if ((specialObject == 'links' || specialObject == 'rechts') & dist < 20 & dist > -10 & == false) {; } if (graphic == 'leeuwstand') { if (dist < 10 && myGraphic._currentframe == 1) { if (_parent.soundReady()) { _root.sound_mc.boing_snd.start(); } myGraphic.gotoAndPlay(2); } } if (graphic == 'flitspaal') { if (dist < 5 && myGraphic._currentframe == 1) { myGraphic.gotoAndPlay(2); } } if (graphic == 'finalhuis') { if (dist < 50 && myGraphic._currentframe == 1) { myGraphic.gotoAndPlay(2); } } if (dist < finalDist) { die(); } } frame 3 { gotoAndPlay(_currentframe - 1); } } movieClip 157 body { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 3 { _parent._xscale += 10; _parent._yscale += 10; } } movieClip 162 rhinolinks { } movieClip 163 rhinorechts { } movieClip 164 grootbosje { } movieClip 166 weglevel3 { } movieClip 169 weglevel2 { } movieClip 171 weglevel1 { } movieClip 176 giraflinks { } movieClip 177 girafrechts { } movieClip 178 auto { frame 1 { function gaOntwijken(richting) { ontwijk = true; if (richting == 'links') { ontwijkSpeed = -Math.abs(ontwijkSpeed); } else { ontwijkSpeed = Math.abs(ontwijkSpeed); } } } frame 1 { this._x = _parent.homeX; this._y = _parent.homeY - 20; state = 'rijden'; ontwijk = false; ontwijkForce = 0; ontwijkCounter = 0; ontwijkSpeed = 0.15; ontwijkAfstand = 100; ontwijkAantalStappen = 3.14 / ontwijkSpeed; ontwijkFrameCurve = ontwijkAantalStappen / 7; ontwijkStap = 0; xscale = this._xscale; yscale = this._yscale; half = 0; this.attachMovie('volvo_total', 'volvo_total', 1000012); volvo_total.gotoAndStop('volvo0'); } frame 2 { if (state == 'wegrijden') { ontwijk = false; if (half == 0) { this._x = _parent.roadRoute[0]; this._y = _parent.roadRoute[1]; _parent.roadRoute.splice(0, 2); half = 1; } else { this._x = (this._x + _parent.roadRoute[0]) / 2; this._y = (this._y + _parent.roadRoute[1]) / 2; half = 0; } this._xscale = 0.5 * (this._y - _parent.awayY); this._yscale = this._xscale; if (_parent.roadRoute.length == 0) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } if (ontwijk) { ontwijkCounter += ontwijkSpeed; sinusje = Math.sin(ontwijkCounter); offsetX = ontwijkAfstand * sinusje; if (ontwijkCounter < 1.57) { ontwijkForce = 50; } else { ontwijkForce = -25; } if (ontwijkSpeed < 0) { ontwijkForce = -ontwijkForce; } if (ontwijkCounter > 3.14 || ontwijkCounter < -3.14) { ontwijk = false; offsetX = 0; ontwijkCounter = 0; ontwijkForce = 0; ontwijkStap = 0; } this._x = _parent.homeX + offsetX; ++ontwijkStap; volvoFrame = Math.round(-3 + ontwijkStap / ontwijkFrameCurve); if (volvoFrame > 3) { volvoFrame = 3; } if (volvoFrame < -3) { volvoFrame = -3; } if (ontwijkSpeed > 0) { volvoFrame = -volvoFrame; } volvo_total.gotoAndStop('volvo' + volvoFrame); _parent.leeuw._x = _parent.homeX + offsetX; } } frame 3 { gotoAndPlay(_currentframe - 1); } } movieClip 190 level1 { } movieClip 195 level3 { } movieClip 201 level2 { } movieClip 204 highscore { frame 1 { this._x = 0; this._y = 0; punten = 926; highscore = 'highscore (Karel): ' + punten; } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 206 punten { frame 1 { } frame 1 { this._x = 400; this._y = 0; punten = 0; setPunten(punten); } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 207 hud { frame 1 { function setPunten(p) { punten.punten = p; punten.bericht = 'score: ' + p; if (punten.punten > 7300 && highscore.punten != 99999) { highscore.punten = 99999; _parent.makeMessage('hsmessage'); if (_parent.soundReady()) { _root.sound_mc.highscore_snd.start(); } } } } frame 1 { this.attachMovie('hudbalken', 'hudbalken', 1000039); this.attachMovie('punten', 'punten', 1000040); this.attachMovie('highscore', 'highscore', 1000041); this.attachMovie('soundswitcher', 'soundswitcher', 1000042); highscore.bericht = 'highscore ' + _root.sender + ': 7213'; } frame 3 { gotoAndPlay(_currentframe - 1); } } movieClip 210 bosje3 { } movieClip 213 bosje1 { } movieClip 216 bosje2 { } movieClip 224 volvo_total { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 229 { } movieClip 230 zebrarechts { frame 2 { if (_parent.dist > 80) { gotoAndPlay(_currentframe - 1); } } frame 74 { stop(); } } movieClip 231 zebralinks { } movieClip 233 balansmeter { frame 1 { this._x = 200; this._y = 250; } } movieClip 235 balansbal { frame 1 { this._x = 200; this._y = 250; } } movieClip 248 steenrechts { } movieClip 256 steenlinks { } movieClip 258 boom2rechts { } movieClip 314 poort { } movieClip 315 boom2links { } movieClip 334 boom1 { } movieClip 335 boom1links { } movieClip 336 boom1rechts { } movieClip 338 olifantlinks { } movieClip 339 olifantrechts { } movieClip 360 rots { } movieClip 373 boom3 { } movieClip 390 boom4 { } movieClip 392 lantaarnpaallinks { } movieClip 397 { } movieClip 399 werk1rechts { } movieClip 400 werk1links { } movieClip 402 pechlinks { } movieClip 403 pechrechts { } movieClip 405 carvanlinks { } movieClip 406 carvanrechts { } movieClip 408 blauwbordrechts { } movieClip 410 auto1links { } movieClip 411 auto1rechts { } movieClip 413 auto2links { } movieClip 414 auto2rechts { } movieClip 416 auto3links { } movieClip 417 auto3rechts { } movieClip 419 auto4links { } movieClip 420 auto4rechts { } movieClip 422 auto5links { } movieClip 423 auto5rechts { } movieClip 425 vrachtwagen1links { } movieClip 426 vrachtwagen1rechts { } movieClip 435 koe1 { } movieClip 444 koe2 { } movieClip 452 koe3 { } movieClip 458 koe4 { } movieClip 467 boerderij { } movieClip 474 lucht { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 475 scrhino2 { } movieClip 476 scrhino { } movieClip 506 scgiraffe2 { } movieClip 507 scgiraffe { } movieClip 508 scolifant2 { } movieClip 509 scolifant { } movieClip 510 girafbg { } movieClip 592 zebrakudde { } movieClip 594 pizzalinks { } movieClip 595 pizzarechts { } movieClip 598 { } movieClip 599 brandweerlinks { } movieClip 600 brandweerrechts { } movieClip 603 { } movieClip 604 pliesielinks { } movieClip 605 pliesierechts { } movieClip 607 huis1links { } movieClip 608 huis1rechts { } movieClip 610 huis2links { } movieClip 611 huis2rechts { } movieClip 613 huis3links { } movieClip 614 huis3rechts { } movieClip 650 boompie4 { } movieClip 664 boompie3 { } movieClip 675 boompie2 { } movieClip 688 boompie1 { } movieClip 689 invisible { } movieClip 691 stoplichtrechts { } movieClip 692 stoplichtlinks { } movieClip 694 hudbalken { } movieClip 727 billboardrechts { } movieClip 750 billboardlinks { } movieClip 767 blauwbordrechts2 { } movieClip 779 pasopleeuw { } movieClip 783 finalhuis { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 20 { stop(); } frame 35 { stop(); } } movieClip 789 hsmessage { frame 1 { if (_root.sender == 'Tim') { gotoAndStop('defaultSender'); } else { gotoAndStop('setSender'); } } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); sendernaam.text = _root.sender; } } button 792 { on (release) { if (_parent._parent.soundReady()) { _root.sound_mc.muziekje_snd.stop(); _root.sound_mc.drive1_snd.stop(); _root.sound_mc.drive2_snd.stop(); _root.sound_mc.drive3_snd.stop(); _root.sound_mc.eindloop_snd.stop(); _root.sound_mc.startmotor_snd.stop(); } _root.soundActive = false; gotoAndStop('off'); } } button 794 { on (release) { _root.soundActive = true; if (_parent._parent.soundReady()) { _root.sound_mc.muziekje_snd.start(0, 999); _root.sound_mc.drive1_snd.start(0, 999); } gotoAndStop('on'); } } movieClip 795 soundswitcher { frame 1 { if (_root.soundActive == false) { gotoAndPlay('off'); } } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } } movieClip 797 werk2links { } movieClip 798 werk2rechts { } movieClip 805 { } movieClip 806 oudemolen { } movieClip 811 { } movieClip 812 nieuwemolen { } movieClip 813 NOTHING { } movieClip 820 highscorelist { frame 70 { _parent.leeuw.begin = 'go'; this.removeMovieClip(); } } frame 1 { function soundReady() { var v1 = _parent; if (v1.soundActive == true) { return v1.sound_mc != undefined && v1.sound_mc.getBytesLoaded() >= v1.sound_mc.getBytesTotal(); } return false; } function switchSoundActive() { if (soundActive) { } else {} } } frame 1 { stop(); } button 824 { on (release) { _parent.gotoAndStop('empty'); ++_parent.playCounter; gotoAndPlay(_currentframe + 1); } } frame 2 { function goKillGame() { var v1 = this; var v2 = _root; if (laatsteStuk == true) { v2.gotoAndPlay('helaas'); v1.removeMovieClip(); } else { j = 0; while (j < bosjesList.length) { fieldItem = bosjesList[j]; v1[fieldItem].removeMovieClip(); ++j; } leeuw.removeMovieClip(); auto.removeMovieClip(); skyline.removeMovieClip(); lucht.removeMovieClip(); balansmeter.removeMovieClip(); balansbal.removeMovieClip(); hud.removeMovieClip(); v2.sound_mc.muziekje_snd.stop(0); v2.sound_mc.eindloop_snd.stop(0); ++_parent.playCounter; gotoAndPlay(2); } } function makebosje(itemType, newOffsetX, newDist) { var v1 = newOffsetX; var v2 = itemType; var v3 = this; depthOffset = 0; if (v2 == 'weglevel1' || v2 == 'weglevel2' || v2 == 'weglevel3') { depthOffset = -1000; } newFieldObject = v2 + String(depth--); v3.attachMovie('fieldObject', newFieldObject, depth + depthOffset); if (v2 == 'rots' & Math.abs(v1) < 100) { v1 *= 2; } if (v2 == 'boerderij' & Math.abs(v1) < 80) { v1 *= 2; } if (v2 == 'billboardlinks') { v1 = -40; } if (v2 == 'billboardrechts') { v1 = 40; } if (v2 == 'flitspaal') { v1 = 16; } if (v2 == 'pasopleeuw') { v1 = 16; } if (v2 == 'oudemolen' & Math.abs(v1) < 70) { v1 *= 2; } if (v2 == 'nieuwemolen' & Math.abs(v1) < 70) { v1 *= 2; } v3[newFieldObject].offsetX = v1; v3[newFieldObject].dist = newDist; v3[newFieldObject].graphic = v2; } function buildRoad(lengte) { var v1 = lengte; minStuk = 30; maxStuk = 100; minScherpte = 20; maxScherpte = 30; roadTypes = ['rechtdoor', 'links', 'rechts']; road = []; totaleLengte = 0; stukType = ''; vorigeStukType = ''; while (totaleLengte < v1 - 2 * maxStuk) { stukLengte = minStuk + random(maxStuk - minStuk); stukScherpte = minScherpte + random(maxScherpte - minScherpte); vorigeStukType = stukType; while (stukType == vorigeStukType) { stukType = roadTypes[random(roadTypes.length)]; } if (totaleLengte > v1 * 0.33 & totaleLengte < v1 * 0.66) { stukScherpte /= 2; if (stukType == 'rechtdoor') { stukLengte *= 3; } } totaleLengte += stukLengte; road.push([totaleLengte, stukType, stukScherpte]); } road.push([totaleLengte + minStuk, 'rechtdoor', maxScherpte]); return road; } function buildObjects(lengte) { var v1 = lengte; objecten = [['bukken', 10], ['ontwijken', 25]]; moeilijkheidsCurve = 25; plaatsingsMarge = 30; tmp = []; x = 0; while (x < objecten.length) { c = 1; while (c <= objecten[x][1]) { tmp.push(objecten[x][0]); ++c; } ++x; } tmp = shuffleArray(tmp); aantalObjecten = tmp.length; gemiddeldeAfstand = Math.round(v1 / aantalObjecten); afnameInProcenten = moeilijkheidsCurve * 2 / aantalObjecten; objects = []; afstandTotaal = 0; x = 0; while (x < aantalObjecten) { item = tmp[x]; procentueelVerschil = moeilijkheidsCurve - afnameInProcenten * x; afstand = gemiddeldeAfstand + (gemiddeldeAfstand / 100) * procentueelVerschil; afstandTotaal += afstand; if (afstandTotaal < v1 * 0.4 - gemiddeldeAfstand || afstandTotaal > v1 * 0.4 + gemiddeldeAfstand) { if (afstandTotaal < v1 * 0.77 - gemiddeldeAfstand || afstandTotaal > v1 * 0.77 + gemiddeldeAfstand) { objects.push([afstandTotaal, item]); } } ++x; } return objects; } function shuffleArray(anArray) { var v1 = anArray; tmp = []; total = v1.length; x = 0; while (x < total) { nr = random(v1.length); tmp.push(v1[nr]); v1.splice(nr, 1); ++x; } return tmp; } function getRoadRoute() { var v1 = this; roadRoute = []; j = 0; while (j < bosjesList.length - 1) { fieldItem = bosjesList[j]; itemType = v1[fieldItem].graphic; if (itemType == 'weglevel1' || itemType == 'weglevel2' || itemType == 'weglevel3') { roadRoute.push(v1[fieldItem]._x); roadRoute.push(v1[fieldItem]._y); } ++j; } roadRoute.splice(0, 8); auto.state = 'wegrijden'; } function makeMessage(txt) { this.attachMovie('levelmessage', 'levelmessage', 1000100); levelmessage.graphic = txt; } _root.sound_mc.startmotor_snd.onSoundComplete = function () { if (soundReady()) { _root.sound_mc.drive1_snd.start(0, 999); } }; _root.sound_mc.muziekje_snd.onSoundComplete = function () { if (soundReady()) { _root.sound_mc.eindloop_snd.start(0, 999); } }; } frame 2 { var bosjesList = new Array(); var awayX = 200; var awayY = 80; var homeX = 200; var homeY = 330; var difX = awayX - homeX; var difY = awayY - homeY; var distance = 0; var speed = 0; var bochtX = 0; var maxBochtX = 150; var bosjesAfstand = 5; var bosjesAfstandCounter = 0; var diepteEffect = 18; var breedteWeg = 30; var randomLocaties = Array(-120, -110, -100, -90, -80, -70, -60, -50, -40, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100, 110, 120); var depth = 1000000; var force = 0; var step = 0; var level = 1; var lboom3 = 0; boompiesList = ['boompie2', 'boompie3', 'boompie4']; huisList = ['huis1links', 'huis2links']; laatsteStuk = false; pbleeuw = false; level1Speed = 2; level2Speed = 2.5; level3Speed = 1.7; targetSpeed = 0; accelerateSpeed = 0.01; buklist = []; buklist.push(['boom1links', 'boom1rechts', 'boom2links', 'boom2rechts', 'giraflinks', 'girafrechts']); buklist.push(['blauwbordrechts', 'blauwbordrechts2']); buklist.push(['stoplichtlinks', 'stoplichtrechts']); ontwijklist = []; ontwijklist.push(['zebrarechts', 'zebralinks', 'rhinolinks', 'rhinorechts', 'steenlinks', 'steenrechts']); ontwijklist.push(['werk2links', 'werk2rechts', 'werk1links', 'werk1rechts', 'pechlinks', 'pechrechts', 'carvanlinks', 'carvanrechts', 'vrachtwagen1links', 'vrachtwagen1rechts', 'auto1links', 'auto1rechts', 'auto2links', 'auto2rechts', 'auto3links', 'auto3rechts', 'auto4links', 'auto4rechts', 'auto5links', 'auto5rechts']); ontwijklist.push(['pliesielinks', 'pliesierechts', 'brandweerlinks', 'brandweerrechts', 'pizzalinks', 'pizzarechts', 'pizzalinks', 'pizzarechts']); zijkantlist = []; zijkantlist.push(['bosje1', 'bosje2', 'bosje3']); zijkantlist.push(['bosje1', 'bosje2', 'bosje3']); zijkantlist.push(['boompie2', 'boompie3', 'boompie4']); scenerylist = []; scenerylist.push(['pasopleeuw', 'boom3', 'boom4', 'boom3', 'boom4', 'boom3', 'boom4', 'boom3', 'boom4', 'boom3', 'boom4', 'safaribos1', 'safaribos2', 'safaribos1', 'safaribos2', 'safaribos1', 'safaribos2', 'rots', 'scrhino', 'scgiraffe', 'scolifant', 'scrhino2', 'scgiraffe2', 'scolifant2', 'zebrakudde', 'zebrakudde']); scenerylist.push(['nieuwemolen', 'nieuwemolen', 'nieuwemolen', 'nieuwemolen', 'oudemolen', 'oudemolen', 'flitspaal', 'billboardlinks', 'billboardrechts', 'boerderij', 'koe1', 'koe2', 'koe3', 'koe4', 'koe1', 'koe2', 'koe3', 'koe4', 'koe1', 'koe2', 'koe3', 'koe4']); scenerylist.push(['NOTHING']); var lengte = 5450; var road = buildRoad(lengte); var objects = buildObjects(lengte); attachMovie('auto', 'auto', 1000010); attachMovie('leeuw', 'leeuw', 1000020); attachMovie('skyline', 'skyline', 10); attachMovie('lucht', 'lucht', 1); attachMovie('hud', 'hud', 1000030); attachMovie('balansmeter', 'balansmeter', 1000400); attachMovie('balansbal', 'balansbal', 1000401); x = -1; while (x <= 20) { makebosje('weglevel1', 0, x * 10 / 2); if (x % 3 == 0) { makebosje('bosje', -breedteWeg / 2, x * 10 / 2); makebosje('bosje', breedteWeg / 2, x * 10 / 2); } ++x; } cheat = false; attachMovie('highscorelist', 'highscorelist', 1000567); _root.sound_mc.muziekje_snd.stop(); if (soundReady()) { _root.sound_mc.muziekje_snd.start(0, 0); } gotoAndPlay(_currentframe + 1); } frame 3 { distance += speed; bosjesAfstandCounter += speed; if (bosjesAfstandCounter > bosjesAfstand && !laatsteStuk) { ++step; if (step > 0 & level == 1) { makebosje('weglevel1', 0, 100); } if (step > 0 & level == 2) { makebosje('weglevel2', 0, 100); } if (step > 0 & level == 3) { makebosje('weglevel3', 0, 100); } if (step == 2 & level == 1) { makebosje('bosje', -breedteWeg / 2, 100); makebosje('bosje', breedteWeg / 2, 100); } if (step == 4 & level == 2) { makebosje('lantaarnpaallinks', -breedteWeg / 2, 100); } ++l3boom; if (level == 3 & l3boom > 7) { makebosje('boompie3', -breedteWeg / 2, 100); makebosje('boompie2', breedteWeg / 2, 100); l3boom = 0; } if (level == 3 & step == 2) { if (random(10) < 5) { makebosje('huis1links', -breedteWeg * 2, 100); makebosje('huis2rechts', breedteWeg * 2, 100); } else { makebosje('huis2links', -breedteWeg * 2, 100); makebosje('huis1rechts', breedteWeg * 2, 100); } } if (level == 3 & (step == 2 || step == 4)) { makebosje('huis3links', -breedteWeg * 5, 100); makebosje('huis3rechts', breedteWeg * 5, 100); } if (step == 4) { step = 0; } bosjesAfstandCounter -= bosjesAfstand; if (distance >= road[0][0]) { road.splice(0, 1); } if (road[0][1] == 'links' & bochtX > -maxBochtX) { bochtX -= road[0][2]; } if (road[0][1] == 'rechts' & bochtX < maxBochtX) { bochtX += road[0][2]; } if (road[0][1] == 'rechtdoor') { if (bochtX > 0) { bochtX -= road[0][2]; } if (bochtX < 0) { bochtX += road[0][2]; } } if (level == 1 & distance > lengte * 0.4) { level = 2; makeMessage('level2'); makebosje('poort', 0, 100); targetSpeed = level2Speed; if (soundReady()) { _root.sound_mc.drive1_snd.stop(); } if (soundReady()) { _root.sound_mc.drive2_snd.start(0, 999); } if (soundReady()) { _root.sound_mc.level_snd.start(); } lucht.gotoAndStop('level2'); skyline.gotoAndPlay('level2'); } if (level == 2 & distance > lengte * 0.75) { level = 3; makeMessage('level3'); targetSpeed = level3Speed; if (soundReady()) { sound_mc.drive2_snd.stop(); } if (soundReady()) { sound_mc.drive1_snd.start(0, 999); } if (soundReady()) { _root.sound_mc.level_snd.start(); } lucht.gotoAndStop('level3'); skyline.gotoAndPlay('level3'); } if (level == 3 && pbleeuw == false && distance > lengte * 0.77) { pbleeuw = 'active'; makebosje('leeuwstand', -5, 100); } if (distance < lengte) { hud.setPunten(Math.round(distance * 8600 / lengte)); } if (!auto.ontwijk) { volvoFrame = Math.round(force / 70); auto.volvo_total.gotoAndStop('volvo' + volvoFrame); } if (distance >= lengte) { makebosje('finalhuis', 0, 100); laatsteStuk = true; } } if (distance >= objects[0][0]) { makebosje(objects[0][1], 0, 100); objects.splice(0, 1); } if (speed < targetSpeed) { speed += accelerateSpeed; } if (speed > targetSpeed) { speed -= accelerateSpeed; } if (random(30) < speed * 2) { makebosje(scenerylist[level - 1][random(scenerylist[level - 1].length)], randomLocaties[random(randomLocaties.length)], 100); } } frame 4 { gotoAndPlay(_currentframe - 1); }
Created: 26/5 -2019 18:02:04 Last modified: 26/5 -2019 18:02:04 Server time: 14/11 -2024 17:36:17