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<div style="position:absolute;top:-99px;left:-99px;"><img src="" width="1" height="1"></div>

Avian Wars.swf

This is the info page for
Flash #22832

(Click the ID number above for more basic data on this flash file.)






for more fun

Eric C
Josh Tam


























































Avian Wars and the name of all characters,
countries and planes are ficitional.
Any similarities to real-life names are purely

Skip Intro

Skip Intro

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Starline Boreallis

Character design and concept

1      35mix - good for first mission, or special missions -
aircitymix - preferably for dawn, night or dusk
beebop140mix - good for noon, 1 on 1 style
chugmix - afternoon - challenge big boss style
gapmix - dayti         me 1 vs many situation or special missions
gravel2mix - dawn, night or dusk
junglemix - da    wn

Structural design and concept

135mix - good for first mission, or special missions - any time of day
aircitymix - preferably for dawn, night or dusk
- intro to something or mission - can tie with junglemix or resmix as well
endingmix - well ending after all or hall of fame or credits
sovkhanmix - cinematic
amb2mix - cinematic
lite90mix - credits? or cinematic
stealthmix - night
dathangmix - morning
finalhivemix - morning, afternoon
- anythign might go

System design and structure

chugmix - afternoon - challenge big boss style
gapmix - dayti
gravel2mix - dawn, night or dusk
junglemix - dawn night or dusk
trainstoppingpt4mix - intro to something or mission - can tie with junglemix or resmix as well
endingmix - well ending after all or hall of fame or credits
sovkhanmix - cinematic
amb2mix - cinematic
lite90mix - credits? or cinematic

Virtual design and concept

n, or special missions - any time of day
aircitymix - p  , night or dusk
- intro to so    mething or mission - c       an tie with junglemix or resmix as well
endingmix -    well ending a fter all o  r hall of fame or credits
lite90mix - credits? or cinematic
stealthmix - night
finalhivemix - morning, afternoon
- anythign migh
t go


Avian Wars: Taking war to the skies.

All you need to know to start playing
Avian Wars, including the keys,
functions and indicators in the game.

Play Avian Wars!  Choose from 4
different modes.

Feast your eyes on the Avian Wars
gallery of characters and aircraft.

Adjust some game settings.

The people who gave up their fun time
just to bring you Avian Wars.

Play more games at

















Zero D


Evalot Republic







Proto 52G


Afroecana Empire

Night Warrior
Afroecana Empire

Afroecana Empire

General Minnaros

Michael Chow

New Americia

Lee Ann
New Americia

Jonathan Wood
New Americia



Gina Maroth

General Torus
New Americia


Devaraja Singh





Air Trooper

Air Swat


Lord Evalot
Evalot Republic


APMA-1 Aviator

APMA-2 Aviator V


IGRX Greenhollow

IGRY Redhollow

D1D Dragoiex

FCDD Wingcore

O-6 Plogu Volu

R554 Vishnu

T54 Fheat

G96D Midas

SW114 Claw06

SW118 Claw07

CP0X Cloud Phoenix









Select your mode...

Based on the Avian Wars storyline, fight
through various missions to save the

Defeat wave after wave of enemy planes
to become the best!  Then submit your

Customize your team and your enemies'
pilots, planes and weapons.  Then battle
it out in an air duel.

Pick a pilot and customize your plane.
Then test your skills in a series of one-on-
one survival dogfights.




Starts a new game.  Resets any previous existing saved
game.  If this is your first time playing, click here.

Load game.  This will continue a campaign that you
previously left behind.

Back to Main Menu






Standard issue on every plane.
Simple and efficient, it has
virtually unlimited ammo and
serves as both a primary weapon
or a backup weapon.
Range: Medium
Fire Power: Low
Rate Of Fire: Very High
Projectile Speed: Fast
Ammo: Unlimited

Homing Missiles
Long Laser
Star Beam
EKX9000 Launcher
Multi Rockets
Plane Cloak
Nova Laser
Pulse Laser
Smoke Screen
EMP Cannon


Modified warheads allow these
missiles to carry quite a punch.
However, it has no navigational
system and only travels in a
straight line. Basically all brawn
and no brains.
Range: Long
Fire Power: High
Rate Of Fire: Low
Projectile Speed: Fast
Ammo: Low


Sacrificing payload and speed for
a tracking system, the homing
missile automatically locks on an
enemy when fired, attempting to
bring it down until it runs out of
Range: Long
Fire Power: High
Rate Of Fire: Low
Projectile Speed: Slow
Ammo: Low


The ER laser, dubbed the Long
Laser uses an ionized packet,
capable of trapping the laser
beam within. Upon impact, the
packet bursts, releasing the ion
beams. Deals heavy damage at
the expense of projectile speed.
Range: Long
Fire Power: High
Rate Of Fire: Medium
Projectile Speed: Medium
Ammo: Rechargable


The Napalm Cannon fires
pressurized napalm, dealing
extremely high damage over a
peroid of time after impact on a
target. However, it is limited by a
very short range.
Range: Short
Fire Power: High
Rate Of Fire: High
Projectile Speed: Slow
Ammo: Medium


The Dispersion Cannon or more
commonnly known as the Star
Beam fires ionized particles in
random directions. It easily
damages multiple enemies,  but
lacks fire power and is virtually
impposible to aim.
Range: Long
Fire Power: Low
Rate Of Fire: High
Projectile Speed: Medium
Ammo: Rechargable


A modified Flak Cannon, the
EKX9K fires rockets loaded with
flak shells. They detonate in mid-
air, causing a huge explosion that
damages everything in proximity.
Loaded in pairs, it is very effective
against fast moving targets.
Range: Medium
Fire Power: High
Rate Of Fire: Slow
Projectile Speed: Fast
Ammo: Medium


Basically a Multiple Rocket
Launcher loaded onto a plane,
especially useful for launching a
rocket barrage on a target. Also
quite effective against multiple
Range: Long
Fire Power: Medium
Rate Of Fire: Fast
Projectile Speed: Fast
Ammo: High


Using the latest Phase Shift
technology, it creates an
interdimensional vortex around
the hosting plane for a short
preoid of time. Incoming
projectiles will simply pass
through the plane. Outgoing
projectiles will leave the vortex in
the and return to the real world,
allowing the hosting plane to
open fire while 'shifted'.
Ammo: Low


A scaled-down Nova Cannon, the
Nova Laser destroys almost
everything in its path. It
consumes enourmous amounts of
energy leaving most planes with
only a single shot. Only
rechargable at base.
Range: Long
Fire Power: Very High
Rate Of Fire: Very Low
Projectile Speed: Fast
Ammo: Very Low


The Pulse Laser carries the most
advanced laser technology
dealing damage instantaneously
to targets at long ranges. Not to
mention of its high rate of fire, its
only drawback is a relatively
weaker beam.
Range: Long
Fire Power: Medium
Rate Of Fire: High
Projectile Speed: Instantaneous
Ammo: Rechargable


Chaff canisters with electrical
charges are emitted, clouding the
area behind the plane. The
smoke screen can also cause
minimal damage while
interferring with the plane's flight
Range: Medium
Fire Power: Very Low
Rate Of Fire: High
Projectile Speed: Slow
Ammo: High


The Electromagnetic Pulse
Cannon jams the electronic
systems of its target planes.  Once
hit, the affected plane losses
maneuverability, leaving it open
to attack.
Range: Long
Fire Power: Very Low
Rate Of Fire: Medium
Projectile Speed: Slow
Ammo: Rechargable


The Vulcan Cannon is an all
rounder well suited for most
situations.  It fires armor-piercing
rounds at high velocity, carrying
greater range and dealing much
more damage  compared to the
Range: Long
Fire Power: Medium
Rate Of Fire: Very High
Projectile Speed: Fast
Ammo: High



Thrust Speed
Strafe Speed
Weapon Capacity



The primary fighter jet of the
APMF (Asia Pacific Millennium
Federation).  It has served well as
offense as well as defense for the
past millennium.  Although its
design is quite primitive, it still
meets up to most modern
fighters with an impressive
arsenal of missile-basd weapons.
However, it has little capacity for
energy weapons.

NEXT > >

Long Laser


The next installation for the
Aviator Series.  Superior to its
predecessor in nearly all aspects,
it has an upgraded energy core
extending the efficiency of the
Long Laser. However, its weight
capacity is somehwhat limited,
which restricts this model to
energy-based weapons.

< < BACK            NEXT > >



Developed by the Celtacanians, is
mass-produced at very low cost
per unit, making it the main task
force of the Celtacanians.
Relatively weak, these fighters
are among the smallest models in
service and can operate easily in
large groups.

Homing Missile

IGRX Greenhollow

Greenhollow is a new generation
fighter developed in New
Americia.  This plane played a
major role many  campaigns in
nearby regions. It retains most
speed and maneuverability while
boasting of an improved shield
system and increased weapon

Laser Weapons

IGRY Redhollow

Redhollow is the sister of
Greenhollow.  Similar in design
and developed at the same time,
the Redhollow has greater
energy capacity although both
models are quite efficient in both
projectile and energy-based
weapons. Its reduced weight
does give the Redhollow higher

D1D Dragoiex

Dragoiex was initially developed
as a surveillance unit in
Angelland.  However, it could not
accomodate a full-sized stealth
generator due to its small size.
Later, it was converted into a
fighter via slight modifications.
Initially developed with powerful
reactors, it particularly specializes
in lasers.

All rounder

FCDD Wingcore

Evalot Kingdom's greatest
achievement, Wingcore, a
formidable fighter jet without
any apparent weakness.
However, it does not have any
stengths either.

Multi Rockets

O-6 Plogu Volu

The Afroecana empire's Plogu
Volu is a jet fighter capable of
rapid acceleration and high top
speed at the expense of
maneuverability. It carries a
decent arsenal with a large
ammo capacity for rockets - the
Afroecana favourite.

R554 Vishnu

Ghanestan is a country of peace.
Turmoil from surrounding
regions drove them to develop a
fighter of their own. The Vishnu,
unique in design and capability
specializes in the Long Laser.


T54 Fheat

Developed by New Americia, the
prototype and blueprints were
stolen by the AI forces of
Celtacania.  Fast and powerful, it
overpowers many other fighters
with ease. Its only limitation is,
well an extremely high
production and maintenance
cost, the only reason for
Celtacania to retain the XCA-1.

G96D Midas

Midas is an Angelland turbojet
fighter. Supposedly slower than
regular jets, this model somehow
maintains an impressive speed
with outstanding maneuverability
while maintaining powerful
shields and a high weapon
capacity.  The technology used by
Angelland to build this
powerhouse is very secretive and
little  is known about it.

SW114 Claw06

Claw 06 is a Wulfenberg jet
equipped with the latest laser
technology. Modified from the
Wingcore, Wulfernberg decided
to have a specialist in advanced
weapons. While it does not boast
of high energy capacity, but its
reactors regenerates rapidly,
effective with lasers.

SW118 Claw07

Improved from the Claw06, it
now boasts of a high energy
capacity and regeneration rate
alongside improved shields and
movement speed all at the
expense of cost. Not ,much of an
issue for Wulfernberg, it has
become the integral jet fighter of
the nation. These models have
been rumoured to carry the Nova


A joint operation among several
nations, the Cloud Phoenix is the
latest fighter in design with
superior speed, firepower and
maneuverability. its development
lies in secrecy at an unknown
location. Rumours are that the
experimental figher is about to
be accepted into service luring
other nations to gain hold of this

< < BACK



NEXT > >

Welcome to Avian Wars.
Playing the game is easy.
This tutorial will guide you
through the basics of
piloting a plane and gunning
down the enemies.

< < PREVIOUS            NEXT > >

General Keys:




Hover over the words for

Shoots the primary weapon.

Shoots the secondary weapon
number 1.

Shoots the secondary weapon
number 2.

Moves the plane up and
accelerates at the same time.

Moves the plane down and
decelerates at the same time.

Moves the plane to the left.

Moves the plane to the right.


Weapon 1

Weapon 2





This is a sample battle scene.


This is your pilot's portrait and name

This is your plane model
picture and name

This is your plane's weapons info panel.
It shows the current amount of ammo left
for each weapon.

Your plane will explode if your shield is
depleted.  This shield bar will tell you the
current shield level.

Your plane can turbothrust when you
press "UP".  The speed of the acceleration
depends on the plane model.  However,
turbothrusting can only be done if you still
have fuel left.  This is your fuel indicator.

You will win a battle after all enemies are
destroyed.  This indicator shows the
enemies left to be destroyed.

In some cases, you are allowed to have
backup pilots in case your plane explodes.
This indicator shows how many
reinforcements are currently available.

This will be your fighter plane, indicated
by white lines.

The rest are

The name below the plane
represents its pilot.

Pressing Space Bar or clicking
MENU will pause the game.
Pressing Space Bar again will
continue the game.




En sucks

En sucks

En sucks

En sucks

En sucks

En sucks

En sucks

En sucks

En sucks

En sucks

En sucks

En sucks

En sucks

En sucks

En sucks

En sucks

En sucks

En sucks

En sucks

En sucks

En sucks

En sucks

En sucks

En sucks

En sucks

En sucks

En sucks

En sucks

En sucks

En sucks

En sucks


Michael Chow


Zero D








Gina Maroth

Jonathan Wood


General Torus

Lee Ann






Proto 52G





Air Trooper

Air Swat

Night Warrior




Aviator V






Plogo Volu






Cloud Phoenix


Homing Missile

Long Laser


Star Beam


Multi Rockets

Plane Cloak

Nova Laser

Pulse Laser

Smoke Screen

EMP Cannon



Weapon 1
Weapon 2

Now you can have a chance to test pilot a
plane.  Customize your plane and GO!




























En sucks

En sucks

En sucks

En sucks

En sucks

En sucks

En sucks

En sucks

En sucks

En sucks

En sucks

En sucks

En sucks

En sucks






Choose your pilot for one on one action!




The Pilot name that you fear








Official Sponsor







of Planes











It is the year 2071.  Earth did not turn out as
African countries are combined to form
Afroecana Empire.
North America and South America are now
called New Americia.
The A.P.M.F. is formed in Asia.
Countries have spent time and resources in air
defense.  Advanced fighter jets are developed.
Equipped with deadly weapons they seem ready
for war.
In Celtacania, research on AI-controlled planes
encountered a fatal error.  The android AI073
took over Celtacania after destroying the
government, forcing human retreat out of the
AI073 now produces armies for war and is bent
on destroying every nation.  The world countries
have to stand united to stop this catastrophe.

It is the year 2071.  Earth did not turn out as
African countries are combined to form
Afroecana Empire.
North America and South America are now
called New Americia.
The A.P.M.F. is formed in Asia.
Countries have spent time and resources in air
defense.  Advanced fighter jets are developed.
Equipped with deadly weapons they seem ready
for war.
In Celtacania, research on AI-controlled planes
encountered a fatal error.  The android AI073
took over Celtacania after destroying the
government, forcing human retreat out of the
AI073 now produces armies for war and is bent
on destroying every nation.  The world countries
have to stand united to stop this catastrophe.




<p align="left"><font face="Arial" size="12" color="#ffffff" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="0">Campaign Message</font></p>

Celtacania is recovered by humans once
again, becoming the central research
centre for many nations.

After the defeat of Schneider, Wulfenberg
becomes a peaceful country under a new

Aya now remains as the sole combat pilot
of Ghanestan. Ghanestan joins in on the
Celcatanian research program, improving
the Vishnu, the only Z-wing fighter in

Jana returns to Angelland and builds
memorials of their fallen heroes: Caesar and

Afroecana benefits from the peace by
routing trades to countries all around the

Lord Evalot and Simic open an aviation
University training up pilots and designers
from all over the world. Here, they further
develop the Nova technology.

Jonathan Wood is promoted as General.
General Torus retires.  They build a Lee Ann
memorial in memory of their fallen

Asian countries enjoy peace and
development, bringing forth new
technology and skilled pilots, they develop
a new series of fighters of their own.

The names of the 5 APMF heroes live
forever in the hearts of the Asians.

<p align="left"><font face="Arial" size="14" color="#ffffff" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="0">Campaign Message</font></p>




Choose your pilot!

You have no idea what is ahead.  But you
are sure they are foes, not friends...





Score Submitted






[Developed by]

[Starline Boreallis Crew]
Evalot (Evarts Liau)
Kashimu (Desmond Sim)
Eric Chang

[Game Programming]

[Game Design]

[Game Concept]

[Interface Design]

[2D Graphics]


[3D Modelling]
[3D Animation]

[Weapons and Character Design]

Slave Zero
Top Gun

[Special Thanks]
The Chungangster


ActionScript [AS1/AS2]

Instance of Symbol 6 MovieClip in Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _xscale = ((_root.getBytesLoaded() / _root.getBytesTotal()) * 100); _root.loadload = Math.round((_root.getBytesLoaded() / _root.getBytesTotal()) * 100); }
Frame 2
if (_root.getBytesLoaded() != _root.getBytesTotal()) { gotoAndPlay (1); }
Frame 3
Frame 4
leftkey = 37; rightkey = 39; upkey = 38; downkey = 40; shootkey = 65; shootkey1 = 83; shootkey2 = 68; switchkey = 32; pauser = 0; hp = 100; fullhp = 100; fuel = 15000; fullfuel = 15000; currentbg = 1; winningstreak = 0; biggeststreak = 0; bg__music = 2; timetaken = 0; cphoenixweapon = 1; cphoenixweapon2 = 13; planemodel = "Cloud Phoenix"; pilot = "Michael Chow"; verticalspeed = 20; maxverticalspeed = 60; planeusing = 1; planes_in_use = 1; plane1pilot = "Michael Chow"; plane1model = "Aviator"; plane1weapon1 = 10; plane1weapon2 = 13; plane1vspeed = 20; plane1maxvspeed = 45; plane2pilot = "Hassan"; plane2model = "Aviator V"; plane2weapon1 = 3; plane2weapon2 = 5; plane2vspeed = 20; plane2maxvspeed = 45; plane3pilot = "Jonathan Wood"; plane3model = "Greenhollow"; plane3weapon1 = 4; plane3weapon2 = 6; plane3vspeed = 20; plane3maxvspeed = 47; enemiesleft = random(3) + 1; e1pilot = "Ravager"; e1plane = "XCA1"; e1weapon1 = random(13) + 1; e1weapon2 = random(13) + 1; e1skill = 1; e2pilot = "Droid55"; e2plane = "XCA1"; e2weapon1 = random(13) + 1; e2weapon2 = random(13) + 1; e2skill = 2; e3pilot = "Ravager"; e3plane = "XCA1"; e3weapon1 = random(13) + 1; e3weapon2 = random(13) + 1; e3skill = 3; e4pilot = "Ravager"; e4plane = "XCA1"; e4weapon1 = random(13) + 1; e4weapon2 = random(13) + 1; e4skill = 3; e5pilot = "Ravager"; e5plane = "XCA1"; e5weapon1 = random(13) + 1; e5weapon2 = random(13) + 1; e5skill = 3; e6pilot = "Ravager"; e6plane = "XCA1"; e6weapon1 = random(13) + 1; e6weapon2 = random(13) + 1; e6skill = 3; Stage.showMenu = false; _quality = "MEDIUM"; campaignmessage = "Oh no"; campaignnumber = 1; campaigntalker = "Air Trooper"; d_machinegun = 10; d_missile = 201; d_minigun = 251; d_longlaser = 301; d_napalm = 311; d_plasma = 341; d_rocket = 441; d_smallrocket = 481; d_novalaser = 531; d_pulselaser = 541; d_smokescreen = 601; d_hmissile = 701; d_emp = 731; u_nova = 0; u_homing = 0; u_multi = 0; u_cloak = 0; u_emp = 0; _root.savefile = SharedObject.getLocal("avianwars"); if ( != undefined) { campaignnumber =; } _root.savefiled = SharedObject.getLocal("avianwars2"); if ( != undefined) { u_nova =; u_homing =; u_multi =; u_cloak =; u_emp =; } gotoAndPlay (6);
Frame 6
stop(); _global.introctr = 1;
Frame 7
if (introctr == 0) { gotoAndPlay (1345); }
Frame 133
tellTarget ("logo") { play(); };
Frame 1344
gotoAndPlay (1402);
Instance of Symbol 1732 MovieClip in Frame 1345
onClipEvent (load) { timer = 100; my_sound = new Sound(); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { timer = timer * 0.9; my_sound.setVolume(timer); if (timer <= 10) { stopAllSounds(); my_sound.setVolume(100); tellTarget ("/music") { play(); }; } }
Frame 1402
Frame 1463
Instance of Symbol 1812 MovieClip in Frame 1475
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(_root._quality); }
Frame 1476
Frame 1482
gotoAndPlay (1412);
Frame 1495
Frame 1501
gotoAndPlay (1412);
Frame 1507
Frame 1513
gotoAndPlay (1495);
Frame 1519
Frame 1525
gotoAndPlay (1495);
Frame 1534
Frame 1535
gotoAndPlay (1412);
Frame 1537
Frame 1538
gotoAndPlay (1412);
Frame 1556
whichmode = "tutorial"; enemiesleft = random(3) + 1; e1weapon1 = random(14) + 1; e1weapon2 = random(14) + 1; while (e1weapon2 == e1weapon1) { e1weapon2 = random(13) + 1; } e2weapon1 = random(14) + 1; e2weapon2 = random(14) + 1; while (e2weapon2 == e2weapon1) { e2weapon2 = random(14) + 1; } e3weapon1 = random(14) + 1; e3weapon2 = random(14) + 1; while (e3weapon2 == e3weapon1) { e3weapon2 = random(14) + 1; } planeusing = 1; bg__music = random(7) + 2;
Frame 1557
_root.fuel = 15000; stop();
Instance of Symbol 3134 MovieClip in Frame 1570
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.plane1weapon2 == _root.plane1weapon1) { _root.plane1weapon2++; if (_root.plane1weapon2 > 13) { _root.plane1weapon2 = 1; } s2.gotoAndStop(_root.plane1weapon2); } }
Instance of Symbol 3262 MovieClip "bgchanger" in Frame 1624
onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(_root.currentbg); }
Instance of Symbol 3263 MovieClip in Frame 1624
onClipEvent (load) { movespeed = _root.verticalspeed; maxmovespeed = _root.maxverticalspeed; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.pauser) { _y = (_y + movespeed); if (_y > 515) { _y = -60; _x = random(615); _xscale = (50 + random(100)); _yscale = (50 + random(100)); } if (Key.isDown(_root.upkey) && (_root.fuel > 0)) { if (movespeed < maxmovespeed) { movespeed++; } } else if (Key.isDown(_root.downkey)) { if (movespeed > 2) { movespeed--; } } else if (movespeed > _root.verticalspeed) { movespeed--; } else if (movespeed < _root.verticalspeed) { movespeed++; } } }
Frame 1629
_root.attachMovie(planemodel, "cphoenix", 0); cphoenix.installedweapon = cphoenixweapon; cphoenix.installedweapon2 = cphoenixweapon2; cphoenix.pilot = pilot; cphoenix._x = 250; cphoenix._y = 225; if (planes_in_use >= 2) { _root.attachMovie(plane2model, "plane2", -1); } plane2.installedweapon = plane2weapon1; plane2.installedweapon2 = plane2weapon2; plane2.pilot = plane2pilot; plane2._x = 200; plane2._y = 225; if (planes_in_use >= 3) { _root.attachMovie(plane3model, "plane3", -2); } plane3.installedweapon = plane3weapon1; plane3.installedweapon2 = plane3weapon2; plane3.pilot = plane3pilot; plane3._x = 200; plane3._y = 250; stop();
Frame 1631
enemy1.installedweapon = e1weapon1; enemy1.installedweapon2 = e1weapon2; enemy1.responsetime = e1skill + 2; enemy1.pilot = e1pilot; enemy1._x = random(440) + 10; iiu = random(2); ((iiu == 0) ? ((enemy1._y = -5)) : ((enemy1._y = 455))); enemy2.installedweapon = e2weapon1; enemy2.installedweapon2 = e2weapon2; enemy2.responsetime = e2skill + 2; enemy2.pilot = e2pilot; enemy2._x = random(440) + 10; iiu = random(2); ((iiu == 0) ? ((enemy2._y = -5)) : ((enemy2._y = 455))); enemy3.installedweapon = e3weapon1; enemy3.installedweapon2 = e3weapon2; enemy3.responsetime = e3skill + 2; enemy3.pilot = e3pilot; enemy3._x = random(440) + 10; iiu = random(2); ((iiu == 0) ? ((enemy3._y = -5)) : ((enemy3._y = 455))); stop();
Instance of Symbol 3286 MovieClip in Frame 1631
onClipEvent (load) { _root.timetaken = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _root.timetaken++; }
Frame 1632
Frame 1633
whichmode = "ooo"; enemiesleft = random(3) + 1; e1weapon1 = random(14) + 1; e1weapon2 = random(14) + 1; while (e1weapon2 == e1weapon1) { e1weapon2 = random(13) + 1; } e2weapon1 = random(14) + 1; e2weapon2 = random(14) + 1; while (e2weapon2 == e2weapon1) { e2weapon2 = random(14) + 1; } e3weapon1 = random(14) + 1; e3weapon2 = random(14) + 1; while (e3weapon2 == e3weapon1) { e3weapon2 = random(14) + 1; } planes_in_use = 1; planeusing = 1; currentbg = random(6) + 1; bg__music = random(7) + 2;
Frame 1634
pilotnumberrandom = random(31); switch (pilotnumberrandom) { case 0 : e1pilot = "Evalot"; enemymessage = "Do you have what it takes to beat Lord Evalot of Evalot Republic? I don't think so."; break; case 1 : e1pilot = "Chikara"; enemymessage = "Boku wa omae wo korosu!!!"; break; case 2 : e1pilot = "Jonathan Wood"; enemymessage = "I'll do anything to be the last plane flying in the skies."; break; case 3 : e1pilot = "Brocken"; enemymessage = "Orrreeaaaaa!!!"; break; case 4 : e1pilot = "AI073"; enemymessage = "Target confirmed..."; break; case 5 : e1pilot = "Proto 52G"; enemymessage = "Being an android is real tough. I will show you how tough. First hand!"; break; case 6 : e1pilot = "P167C"; enemymessage = "I serve my master, and he says you are going down."; break; case 7 : e1pilot = "Hassan"; enemymessage = "Mari kita bertanding di udara!"; break; case 8 : e1pilot = "Michael Chow"; enemymessage = "Give me a break. YOU are my opponent?!"; break; case 9 : e1pilot = "Zero D"; enemymessage = "Stop fooling around if you want to defeat me."; break; case 10 : e1pilot = "Auxmenn"; enemymessage = "Hmmm... let's see..."; break; case 11 : e1pilot = "Gina Maroth"; enemymessage = "You are not worthy of being defeated by me!"; break; case 12 : e1pilot = "McGorse"; enemymessage = "Are you challenging me?"; break; case 13 : e1pilot = "General Torus"; enemymessage = "I will tear you apart and hang your skin on my jet."; break; case 14 : e1pilot = "Lee Ann"; enemymessage = "Yes sir. I will defeat this challenger."; break; case 15 : e1pilot = "General Minnaros"; enemymessage = "For Angelland!"; break; case 16 : e1pilot = "Simic"; enemymessage = "I am good at drinking beer, flying planes and shooting down pilots like you."; break; case 17 : e1pilot = "Night Warrior"; enemymessage = "I am looking for a real challenge."; break; case 18 : e1pilot = "Karamondo"; enemymessage = "No one can defeat warriors from Afroecana!"; break; case 19 : e1pilot = "Sheila"; enemymessage = "..."; break; case 20 : e1pilot = "Schneider"; enemymessage = "Supremacy is hard to reach. I know, because I have reached it."; break; case 21 : e1pilot = "Rafon"; enemymessage = "Chomp chomp chomp."; break; case 22 : e1pilot = "Devaraja Singh"; enemymessage = "War war war. Nothing but war. I don't like it."; break; case 23 : e1pilot = "Jana"; enemymessage = "Is this the formidable opponent that everybody has been talking about?"; break; case 24 : e1pilot = "Caesar"; enemymessage = "Let's put 50 bucks on the line1!"; break; case 25 : e1pilot = "Droid55"; enemymessage = "Destroy destroy."; break; case 26 : e1pilot = "Nasiron"; enemymessage = "Get out of my territory!"; break; case 27 : e1pilot = "Aya"; enemymessage = "I will fight you but only because I have to. This war irritates me."; break; case 28 : e1pilot = "Air Swat"; enemymessage = "Let's go!"; break; case 29 : e1pilot = "Ravager"; enemymessage = "Roger."; break; case 30 : e1pilot = "Air Trooper"; enemymessage = "Affirmative!"; } planechooser = random(14); switch (planechooser) { case 0 : e1plane = "Cloud Phoenix"; break; case 1 : e1plane = "XCA1"; break; case 2 : e1plane = "Aviator"; break; case 3 : e1plane = "Aviator V"; break; case 4 : e1plane = "Greenhollow"; break; case 5 : e1plane = "Redhollow"; break; case 6 : e1plane = "Dragoiex"; break; case 7 : e1plane = "Wingcore"; break; case 8 : e1plane = "Plogo Volu"; break; case 9 : e1plane = "Vishnu"; break; case 10 : e1plane = "Fheat"; break; case 11 : e1plane = "Midas"; break; case 12 : e1plane = "Claw06"; break; case 13 : e1plane = "Claw07"; } e1weapon1 = random(13) + 1; e1weapon2 = random(13) + 1; switch (_root.e1pilot) { case "Evalot" : case "Chikara" : case "Jonathan Wood" : case "Brocken" : case "AI073" : case "Proto 52G" : case "P167C" : _root.e1skill = 1; break; case "Hassan" : case "Michael Chow" : case "Zero D" : case "Auxmenn" : case "Gina Maroth" : case "McGorse" : case "General Torus" : case "Lee Ann" : case "General Minnaros" : case "Simic" : case "Night Warrior" : case "Karamondo" : _root.e1skill = 2; break; case "Sheila" : case "Schneider" : case "Rafon" : case "Devaraja Singh" : case "Jana" : case "Caesar" : case "Droid55" : case "Nasiron" : _root.e1skill = 3; break; case "Aya" : case "Air Swat" : case "Ravager" : _root.e1skill = 4; break; case "Air Trooper" : _root.e1skill = 5; }
Frame 1635
e1meng = e1pilot; e1mess = enemymessage; _root.enemiesleft = 1; _root.fuel = 15000; stop();
Instance of Symbol 3061 MovieClip in Frame 1635
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(_root.e1pilot); }
Instance of Symbol 3134 MovieClip in Frame 1635
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.plane1weapon2 == _root.plane1weapon1) { _root.plane1weapon2++; if (_root.plane1weapon2 > 13) { _root.plane1weapon2 = 1; } s2.gotoAndStop(_root.plane1weapon2); } }
Instance of Symbol 3061 MovieClip in Frame 1636
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(_root.e1pilot); }
Instance of Symbol 3061 MovieClip in Frame 1638
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(_root.e1pilot); }
Instance of Symbol 3061 MovieClip in Frame 1641
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(_root.e1pilot); }
Instance of Symbol 3262 MovieClip "bgchanger" in Frame 1689
onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(_root.currentbg); }
Instance of Symbol 3263 MovieClip in Frame 1689
onClipEvent (load) { movespeed = _root.verticalspeed; maxmovespeed = _root.maxverticalspeed; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.pauser) { _y = (_y + movespeed); if (_y > 515) { _y = -60; _x = random(615); _xscale = (50 + random(100)); _yscale = (50 + random(100)); } if (Key.isDown(_root.upkey) && (_root.fuel > 0)) { if (movespeed < maxmovespeed) { movespeed++; } } else if (Key.isDown(_root.downkey)) { if (movespeed > 2) { movespeed--; } } else if (movespeed > _root.verticalspeed) { movespeed--; } else if (movespeed < _root.verticalspeed) { movespeed++; } } }
Frame 1695
_root.attachMovie(planemodel, "cphoenix", 0); cphoenix.installedweapon = cphoenixweapon; cphoenix.installedweapon2 = cphoenixweapon2; cphoenix.pilot = pilot; cphoenix._x = 250; cphoenix._y = 225; if (planes_in_use >= 2) { _root.attachMovie(plane2model, "plane2", -1); } plane2.installedweapon = plane2weapon1; plane2.installedweapon2 = plane2weapon2; plane2.pilot = plane2pilot; plane2._x = 200; plane2._y = 225; if (planes_in_use >= 3) { _root.attachMovie(plane3model, "plane3", -2); } plane3.installedweapon = plane3weapon1; plane3.installedweapon2 = plane3weapon2; plane3.pilot = plane3pilot; plane3._x = 200; plane3._y = 250; stop();
Frame 1697
gradedivider = enemiesleft; y = 1; while (y <= enemiesleft) { attachMovie(eval (("e" + y) + "plane") + " e", "enemy" + y, y); y++; } enemy1.installedweapon = e1weapon1; enemy1.installedweapon2 = e1weapon2; enemy1.responsetime = e1skill + 2; enemy1.pilot = e1pilot; enemy1._x = random(440) + 10; iiu = random(2); ((iiu == 0) ? ((enemy1._y = -5)) : ((enemy1._y = 455))); enemy2.installedweapon = e2weapon1; enemy2.installedweapon2 = e2weapon2; enemy2.responsetime = e2skill + 2; enemy2.pilot = e2pilot; enemy2._x = random(440) + 10; iiu = random(2); ((iiu == 0) ? ((enemy2._y = -5)) : ((enemy2._y = 455))); enemy3.installedweapon = e3weapon1; enemy3.installedweapon2 = e3weapon2; enemy3.responsetime = e3skill + 2; enemy3.pilot = e3pilot; enemy3._x = random(440) + 10; iiu = random(2); ((iiu == 0) ? ((enemy3._y = -5)) : ((enemy3._y = 455))); stop();
Instance of Symbol 3286 MovieClip in Frame 1697
onClipEvent (load) { _root.timetaken = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _root.timetaken++; }
Frame 1698
Frame 1699
y = 1; while (y <= 8) { _root["enemy" + y].unloadMovie(); y++; } z = 1; while (z <= 3) { _root["plane" + y].unloadMovie(); z++; } ou = 701; while (ou <= 730) { _root["bhmissile" + ou].unloadMovie(); ou++; } _root.cphoenix.unloadMovie(); _root.pausermenu.unloadMovie(); _root.pauser = 0;
Frame 1762
Frame 1763
timetaken = timetaken / gradedivider; if (timetaken < 275) { pilotgrade = "A*"; } else if (timetaken < 450) { pilotgrade = "A+"; } else if (timetaken < 500) { pilotgrade = "A"; } else if (timetaken < 550) { pilotgrade = "A-"; } else if (timetaken < 600) { pilotgrade = "B+"; } else if (timetaken < 800) { pilotgrade = "B"; } else if (timetaken < 1000) { pilotgrade = "B-"; } else if (timetaken < 1400) { pilotgrade = "C+"; } else if (timetaken < 1800) { pilotgrade = "C"; } else if (timetaken < 2200) { pilotgrade = "C-"; } else if (timetaken < 3000) { pilotgrade = "D+"; } else if (timetaken < 3800) { pilotgrade = "D"; } else if (timetaken < 4600) { pilotgrade = "D-"; } else if (timetaken < 6200) { pilotgrade = "E+"; } else if (timetaken < 7800) { pilotgrade = "E"; } else { pilotgrade = "E-"; } z = 1; while (z <= 3) { _root["plane" + y].unloadMovie(); z++; } ou = 701; while (ou <= 730) { _root["bhmissile" + ou].unloadMovie(); ou++; } _root.cphoenix.unloadMovie(); _root.pausermenu.unloadMovie(); _root.pauser = 0;
Frame 1820
Frame 1821
whichmode = "custom"; enemiesleft = random(3) + 1; e1weapon1 = random(14) + 1; e1weapon2 = random(14) + 1; while (e1weapon2 == e1weapon1) { e1weapon2 = random(13) + 1; } e2weapon1 = random(14) + 1; e2weapon2 = random(14) + 1; while (e2weapon2 == e2weapon1) { e2weapon2 = random(14) + 1; } e3weapon1 = random(14) + 1; e3weapon2 = random(14) + 1; while (e3weapon2 == e3weapon1) { e3weapon2 = random(14) + 1; } planeusing = 1; currentbg = random(6) + 1; bg__music = random(7) + 2;
Instance of Symbol 3134 MovieClip in Frame 1821
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.plane1weapon2 == _root.plane1weapon1) { _root.plane1weapon2++; if (_root.plane1weapon2 > 13) { _root.plane1weapon2 = 1; } s2.gotoAndStop(_root.plane1weapon2); } }
Instance of Symbol 3320 MovieClip in Frame 1821
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.plane2weapon2 == _root.plane2weapon1) { _root.plane2weapon2++; if (_root.plane2weapon2 > 13) { _root.plane2weapon2 = 1; } s2.gotoAndStop(_root.plane2weapon2); } }
Instance of Symbol 3322 MovieClip in Frame 1821
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.plane3weapon2 == _root.plane3weapon1) { _root.plane3weapon2++; if (_root.plane3weapon2 > 13) { _root.plane3weapon2 = 1; } s2.gotoAndStop(_root.plane3weapon2); } }
Instance of Symbol 3331 MovieClip in Frame 1821
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(_root.planes_in_use); }
Instance of Symbol 3342 MovieClip in Frame 1821
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(_root.enemiesleft); }
Frame 1822
_root.fuel = 15000; stop();
Instance of Symbol 3134 MovieClip in Frame 1823
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.plane1weapon2 == _root.plane1weapon1) { _root.plane1weapon2++; if (_root.plane1weapon2 > 13) { _root.plane1weapon2 = 1; } s2.gotoAndStop(_root.plane1weapon2); } }
Instance of Symbol 3320 MovieClip in Frame 1823
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.plane2weapon2 == _root.plane2weapon1) { _root.plane2weapon2++; if (_root.plane2weapon2 > 13) { _root.plane2weapon2 = 1; } s2.gotoAndStop(_root.plane2weapon2); } }
Instance of Symbol 3322 MovieClip in Frame 1823
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.plane3weapon2 == _root.plane3weapon1) { _root.plane3weapon2++; if (_root.plane3weapon2 > 13) { _root.plane3weapon2 = 1; } s2.gotoAndStop(_root.plane3weapon2); } }
Instance of Symbol 3134 MovieClip in Frame 1825
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.plane1weapon2 == _root.plane1weapon1) { _root.plane1weapon2++; if (_root.plane1weapon2 > 13) { _root.plane1weapon2 = 1; } s2.gotoAndStop(_root.plane1weapon2); } }
Instance of Symbol 3320 MovieClip in Frame 1825
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.plane2weapon2 == _root.plane2weapon1) { _root.plane2weapon2++; if (_root.plane2weapon2 > 13) { _root.plane2weapon2 = 1; } s2.gotoAndStop(_root.plane2weapon2); } }
Instance of Symbol 3322 MovieClip in Frame 1825
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.plane3weapon2 == _root.plane3weapon1) { _root.plane3weapon2++; if (_root.plane3weapon2 > 13) { _root.plane3weapon2 = 1; } s2.gotoAndStop(_root.plane3weapon2); } }
Instance of Symbol 3134 MovieClip in Frame 1830
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.plane1weapon2 == _root.plane1weapon1) { _root.plane1weapon2++; if (_root.plane1weapon2 > 13) { _root.plane1weapon2 = 1; } s2.gotoAndStop(_root.plane1weapon2); } }
Instance of Symbol 3320 MovieClip in Frame 1830
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.plane2weapon2 == _root.plane2weapon1) { _root.plane2weapon2++; if (_root.plane2weapon2 > 13) { _root.plane2weapon2 = 1; } s2.gotoAndStop(_root.plane2weapon2); } }
Instance of Symbol 3322 MovieClip in Frame 1830
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.plane3weapon2 == _root.plane3weapon1) { _root.plane3weapon2++; if (_root.plane3weapon2 > 13) { _root.plane3weapon2 = 1; } s2.gotoAndStop(_root.plane3weapon2); } }
Instance of Symbol 3262 MovieClip "bgchanger" in Frame 1876
onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(_root.currentbg); }
Instance of Symbol 3263 MovieClip in Frame 1876
onClipEvent (load) { movespeed = _root.verticalspeed; maxmovespeed = _root.maxverticalspeed; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.pauser) { _y = (_y + movespeed); if (_y > 515) { _y = -60; _x = random(615); _xscale = (50 + random(100)); _yscale = (50 + random(100)); } if (Key.isDown(_root.upkey) && (_root.fuel > 0)) { if (movespeed < maxmovespeed) { movespeed++; } } else if (Key.isDown(_root.downkey)) { if (movespeed > 2) { movespeed--; } } else if (movespeed > _root.verticalspeed) { movespeed--; } else if (movespeed < _root.verticalspeed) { movespeed++; } } }
Frame 1882
_root.attachMovie(planemodel, "cphoenix", 0); cphoenix.installedweapon = cphoenixweapon; cphoenix.installedweapon2 = cphoenixweapon2; cphoenix.pilot = pilot; cphoenix._x = 250; cphoenix._y = 225; if (planes_in_use >= 2) { _root.attachMovie(plane2model, "plane2", -1); } plane2.installedweapon = plane2weapon1; plane2.installedweapon2 = plane2weapon2; plane2.pilot = plane2pilot; plane2._x = 200; plane2._y = 225; if (planes_in_use >= 3) { _root.attachMovie(plane3model, "plane3", -2); } plane3.installedweapon = plane3weapon1; plane3.installedweapon2 = plane3weapon2; plane3.pilot = plane3pilot; plane3._x = 200; plane3._y = 250; stop();
Frame 1884
gradedivider = enemiesleft; y = 1; while (y <= enemiesleft) { attachMovie(eval (("e" + y) + "plane") + " e", "enemy" + y, y); y++; } enemy1.installedweapon = e1weapon1; enemy1.installedweapon2 = e1weapon2; enemy1.responsetime = e1skill + 2; enemy1.pilot = e1pilot; enemy1._x = random(440) + 10; iiu = random(2); ((iiu == 0) ? ((enemy1._y = -5)) : ((enemy1._y = 455))); enemy2.installedweapon = e2weapon1; enemy2.installedweapon2 = e2weapon2; enemy2.responsetime = e2skill + 2; enemy2.pilot = e2pilot; enemy2._x = random(440) + 10; iiu = random(2); ((iiu == 0) ? ((enemy2._y = -5)) : ((enemy2._y = 455))); enemy3.installedweapon = e3weapon1; enemy3.installedweapon2 = e3weapon2; enemy3.responsetime = e3skill + 2; enemy3.pilot = e3pilot; enemy3._x = random(440) + 10; iiu = random(2); ((iiu == 0) ? ((enemy3._y = -5)) : ((enemy3._y = 455))); stop();
Instance of Symbol 3286 MovieClip in Frame 1884
onClipEvent (load) { _root.timetaken = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _root.timetaken++; }
Frame 1885
Frame 1886
y = 1; while (y <= 8) { _root["enemy" + y].unloadMovie(); y++; } z = 1; while (z <= 3) { _root["plane" + y].unloadMovie(); z++; } ou = 701; while (ou <= 730) { _root["bhmissile" + ou].unloadMovie(); ou++; } _root.cphoenix.unloadMovie(); _root.pausermenu.unloadMovie(); _root.pauser = 0;
Frame 1949
Frame 1950
timetaken = timetaken / gradedivider; if (timetaken < 275) { pilotgrade = "A*"; } else if (timetaken < 450) { pilotgrade = "A+"; } else if (timetaken < 500) { pilotgrade = "A"; } else if (timetaken < 550) { pilotgrade = "A-"; } else if (timetaken < 600) { pilotgrade = "B+"; } else if (timetaken < 800) { pilotgrade = "B"; } else if (timetaken < 1000) { pilotgrade = "B-"; } else if (timetaken < 1400) { pilotgrade = "C+"; } else if (timetaken < 1800) { pilotgrade = "C"; } else if (timetaken < 2200) { pilotgrade = "C-"; } else if (timetaken < 3000) { pilotgrade = "D+"; } else if (timetaken < 3800) { pilotgrade = "D"; } else if (timetaken < 4600) { pilotgrade = "D-"; } else if (timetaken < 6200) { pilotgrade = "E+"; } else if (timetaken < 7800) { pilotgrade = "E"; } else { pilotgrade = "E-"; } z = 1; while (z <= 3) { _root["plane" + y].unloadMovie(); z++; } ou = 701; while (ou <= 730) { _root["bhmissile" + ou].unloadMovie(); ou++; } _root.cphoenix.unloadMovie(); _root.pausermenu.unloadMovie(); _root.pauser = 0;
Frame 2007
Frame 2057
whichmode = "campaign"; enemiesleft = random(3) + 1; e1weapon1 = random(14) + 1; e1weapon2 = random(14) + 1; while (e1weapon2 == e1weapon1) { e1weapon2 = random(13) + 1; } e2weapon1 = random(14) + 1; e2weapon2 = random(14) + 1; while (e2weapon2 == e2weapon1) { e2weapon2 = random(14) + 1; } e3weapon1 = random(14) + 1; e3weapon2 = random(14) + 1; while (e3weapon2 == e3weapon1) { e3weapon2 = random(14) + 1; } planeusing = 1; currentbg = random(6) + 1; bg__music = random(7) + 2;
Frame 2058
_root.gotoAndStop("campaign" + campaignnumber);
Frame 2059
_root.savefile = SharedObject.getLocal("avianwars"); = campaignnumber; _root.savefile.flush(80000);
Frame 2060
campaigntalker = "Air Trooper"; campaignmessage = "<b>Air Trooper:</b><br> Sir. 3 unidentified aircraft approaching our airspace."; stop();
Instance of Symbol 3376 MovieClip in Frame 2060
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(_root.campaigntalker); }
Frame 2061
campaigntalker = "Zero D"; campaignmessage = "<b>Zero D:</b><br> UFO's huh? Any signatures?";
Frame 2062
campaigntalker = "Air Trooper"; campaignmessage = "<b>Air Trooper:</b><br> Negative. They are not registering on our system. I have no idea what and where they're from.";
Frame 2063
campaigntalker = "Zero D"; campaignmessage = "<b>Zero D:</b><br> ... Right. Monitor them and report back if there is any suspicious activity. I'm going to check it out myself.";
Frame 2064
campaigntalker = "Air Trooper"; campaignmessage = "<b>Air Trooper:</b><br> Affirmative.";
Frame 2065
campaigntalker = "nobody"; campaignmessage = "Zero D prepares his plane for takeoff. Moments later . . .";
Frame 2066
campaigntalker = "Air Trooper"; campaignmessage = "<b>Air Trooper:</b><br> Emergency. Our hangar has been hit!";
Frame 2067
campaigntalker = "Zero D"; campaignmessage = "<b>Zero D:</b><br> WHAT?! Damage report.";
Frame 2068
campaigntalker = "Air Trooper"; campaignmessage = "<b>Air Trooper:</b><br> Ain't got no damage report for you, sir. It's all in shreds. 8 Aviators to be exact.";
Frame 2069
campaigntalker = "Zero D"; campaignmessage = "<b>Zero D:</b><br> Oh my God. Scramble the remaining the planes. I wan't them up ASAP.";
Frame 2070
campaigntalker = "Air Trooper"; campaignmessage = "<b>Air Trooper:</b><br> I'm detecting more of the same planes approaching the base. The defenses have been destroyed. We got 4 of them though";
Frame 2071
campaigntalker = "Zero D"; campaignmessage = "<b>Zero D:</b><br> They are heading for the second hangar! We'll be defenseless! I'm taking them down!!";
Frame 2072
plane1weapon1 = 1; plane1weapon2 = 5; plane1model = "Aviator"; plane1pilot = "Zero D"; plane1vspeed = 20; plane1maxvspeed = 45; _root.enemiesleft = 3; _root.fuel = 15000; e1pilot = "Ravager"; e1plane = "XCA1"; e1weapon1 = 10; e1weapon2 = 10; switch (_root.e1pilot) { case "Evalot" : case "Chikara" : case "Jonathan Wood" : case "Brocken" : case "AI073" : case "Proto 52G" : case "P167C" : _root.e1skill = 1; break; case "Hassan" : case "Michael Chow" : case "Zero D" : case "Auxmenn" : case "Gina Maroth" : case "McGorse" : case "General Torus" : case "Lee Ann" : case "General Minnaros" : case "Simic" : case "Night Warrior" : case "Karamondo" : _root.e1skill = 2; break; case "Sheila" : case "Schneider" : case "Rafon" : case "Devaraja Singh" : case "Jana" : case "Caesar" : case "Droid55" : case "Nasiron" : _root.e1skill = 3; break; case "Aya" : case "Air Swat" : case "Ravager" : _root.e1skill = 4; break; case "Air Trooper" : _root.e1skill = 5; } e2pilot = "Ravager"; e2plane = "XCA1"; e2weapon1 = 10; e2weapon2 = 10; switch (_root.e2pilot) { case "Evalot" : case "Chikara" : case "Jonathan Wood" : case "Brocken" : case "AI073" : case "Proto 52G" : case "P167C" : _root.e2skill = 1; break; case "Hassan" : case "Michael Chow" : case "Zero D" : case "Auxmenn" : case "Gina Maroth" : case "McGorse" : case "General Torus" : case "Lee Ann" : case "General Minnaros" : case "Simic" : case "Night Warrior" : case "Karamondo" : _root.e2skill = 2; break; case "Sheila" : case "Schneider" : case "Rafon" : case "Devaraja Singh" : case "Jana" : case "Caesar" : case "Droid55" : case "Nasiron" : _root.e2skill = 3; break; case "Aya" : case "Air Swat" : case "Ravager" : _root.e2skill = 4; break; case "Air Trooper" : _root.e2skill = 5; } e3pilot = "Ravager"; e3plane = "XCA1"; e3weapon1 = 10; e3weapon2 = 10; switch (_root.e3pilot) { case "Evalot" : case "Chikara" : case "Jonathan Wood" : case "Brocken" : case "AI073" : case "Proto 52G" : case "P167C" : _root.e3skill = 1; break; case "Hassan" : case "Michael Chow" : case "Zero D" : case "Auxmenn" : case "Gina Maroth" : case "McGorse" : case "General Torus" : case "Lee Ann" : case "General Minnaros" : case "Simic" : case "Night Warrior" : case "Karamondo" : _root.e3skill = 2; break; case "Sheila" : case "Schneider" : case "Rafon" : case "Devaraja Singh" : case "Jana" : case "Caesar" : case "Droid55" : case "Nasiron" : _root.e3skill = 3; break; case "Aya" : case "Air Swat" : case "Ravager" : _root.e3skill = 4; break; case "Air Trooper" : _root.e3skill = 5; } _root.gotoAndPlay("campaignbattle");
Frame 2073
campaigntalker = "Zero D"; campaignmessage = "<b>Zero D:</b><br> Oh yea!"; _root.savefile = SharedObject.getLocal("avianwars"); = campaignnumber; _root.savefile.flush(80000);
Frame 2074
campaigntalker = "Air Trooper"; campaignmessage = "<b>Air Trooper:</b><br>Sir, we managed to salvage something from one aircraft.";
Frame 2075
campaigntalker = "Zero D"; campaignmessage = "<b>Zero D:</b><br>Great! Did you find the pilot?";
Frame 2076
campaigntalker = "Air Trooper"; campaignmessage = "<b>Air Trooper:</b><br>Yes sir. That's what we salvaged.";
Frame 2077
campaigntalker = "Air Trooper"; campaignmessage = "<b>Air Trooper:</b><br>It is an android, sir.";
Frame 2078
campaigntalker = "Zero D"; campaignmessage = "<b>Zero D:</b><br>What?";
Frame 2079
campaigntalker = "Michael Chow"; campaignmessage = "<b>Michael Chow:</b><br>Hey there. Heard the rustle, I barely managed to get out of my bunk. What's happening?";
Frame 2080
campaigntalker = "Zero D"; campaignmessage = "<b>Zero D:</b><br>Those unknown fighters that attacked our base... we managed to salvage one ship.";
Frame 2081
campaigntalker = "Zero D"; campaignmessage = "<b>Zero D:</b><br>It seems the pilot is a robot.";
Frame 2082
campaigntalker = "Michael Chow"; campaignmessage = "<b>Michael Chow:</b><br>Interesting. Maybe we could extract some information from it.";
Frame 2083
campaigntalker = "Air Trooper"; campaignmessage = "<b>Air Trooper:</b><br>I've got its storage disk jacked in to our mainframe. Well be getting through the encryption soon.";
Frame 2084
campaigntalker = "Air Trooper"; campaignmessage = "<b>Air Trooper:</b><br>Analyzing data... They are from Celtacania! On orders to neutralize this airbase.";
Frame 2085
campaigntalker = "Michael Chow"; campaignmessage = "<b>Michael Chow:</b><br>As I guessed. Hmmm... I've heard of Celcatania, but lately all they've been up to was... basically nothing. Nothing at all. No news or activity whatsoever.";
Frame 2086
campaigntalker = "Air Trooper"; campaignmessage = "<b>Air Trooper:</b><br>An android was developed some time back to monitor and manage the nation's defenses.";
Frame 2087
campaigntalker = "Air Trooper"; campaignmessage = "<b>Air Trooper:</b><br>Well, they overlooked a major bug and it ran amok. Since then all it seems to care about is destroying every human in sight.";
Frame 2088
campaigntalker = "Michael Chow"; campaignmessage = "<b>Michael Chow:</b><br>Well that's some psycho for you. I guess they've been keeping low all these years to amass an army since the Retalliation.";
Frame 2089
campaigntalker = "Air Trooper"; campaignmessage = "<b>Air Trooper:</b><br>Most probably. But it is strange how they managed to amass such a force. The data here states that they have an arsenal of nearly a thousand aircraft.";
Frame 2090
campaigntalker = "Air Swat"; campaignmessage = "<b>Air Swat:</b><br>Reporting from Control Tower Beta. Incoming targets. We are under attack.";
Frame 2091
campaigntalker = "Zero D"; campaignmessage = "<b>Zero D:</b><br>Identify attackers.";
Frame 2092
campaigntalker = "Air Swat"; campaignmessage = "<b>Air Swat:</b><br>3 unidentified jet fighters. Same as before.";
Frame 2093
campaigntalker = "Zero D"; campaignmessage = "<b>Zero D:</b><br>Do they look anything like Orange X-wings?";
Frame 2094
campaigntalker = "Air Swat"; campaignmessage = "<b>Air Swat:</b><br>Yes sir. We need some air cover here. Scrambled jets are taking too long to get up. We've only got a couple ready for flight and they need a pilot.";
Frame 2095
campaigntalker = "Zero D"; campaignmessage = "<b>Zero D:</b><br>Damn! Here they come again!";
Frame 2096
campaigntalker = "Michael Chow"; campaignmessage = "<b>Michael Chow:</b><br>Leave it to me. I'll let them taste my Vulcans.";
Frame 2097
plane1weapon1 = 1; plane1weapon2 = 13; plane1model = "Aviator"; plane1pilot = "Michael Chow"; plane1vspeed = 20; plane1maxvspeed = 45; _root.enemiesleft = 3; _root.fuel = 15000; e1pilot = "Ravager"; e1plane = "XCA1"; e1weapon1 = 10; e1weapon2 = 10; switch (_root.e1pilot) { case "Evalot" : case "Chikara" : case "Jonathan Wood" : case "Brocken" : case "AI073" : case "Proto 52G" : case "P167C" : _root.e1skill = 1; break; case "Hassan" : case "Michael Chow" : case "Zero D" : case "Auxmenn" : case "Gina Maroth" : case "McGorse" : case "General Torus" : case "Lee Ann" : case "General Minnaros" : case "Simic" : case "Night Warrior" : case "Karamondo" : _root.e1skill = 2; break; case "Sheila" : case "Schneider" : case "Rafon" : case "Devaraja Singh" : case "Jana" : case "Caesar" : case "Droid55" : case "Nasiron" : _root.e1skill = 3; break; case "Aya" : case "Air Swat" : case "Ravager" : _root.e1skill = 4; break; case "Air Trooper" : _root.e1skill = 5; } e2pilot = "Ravager"; e2plane = "XCA1"; e2weapon1 = 10; e2weapon2 = 10; switch (_root.e2pilot) { case "Evalot" : case "Chikara" : case "Jonathan Wood" : case "Brocken" : case "AI073" : case "Proto 52G" : case "P167C" : _root.e2skill = 1; break; case "Hassan" : case "Michael Chow" : case "Zero D" : case "Auxmenn" : case "Gina Maroth" : case "McGorse" : case "General Torus" : case "Lee Ann" : case "General Minnaros" : case "Simic" : case "Night Warrior" : case "Karamondo" : _root.e2skill = 2; break; case "Sheila" : case "Schneider" : case "Rafon" : case "Devaraja Singh" : case "Jana" : case "Caesar" : case "Droid55" : case "Nasiron" : _root.e2skill = 3; break; case "Aya" : case "Air Swat" : case "Ravager" : _root.e2skill = 4; break; case "Air Trooper" : _root.e2skill = 5; } e3pilot = "Ravager"; e3plane = "XCA1"; e3weapon1 = 10; e3weapon2 = 10; switch (_root.e3pilot) { case "Evalot" : case "Chikara" : case "Jonathan Wood" : case "Brocken" : case "AI073" : case "Proto 52G" : case "P167C" : _root.e3skill = 1; break; case "Hassan" : case "Michael Chow" : case "Zero D" : case "Auxmenn" : case "Gina Maroth" : case "McGorse" : case "General Torus" : case "Lee Ann" : case "General Minnaros" : case "Simic" : case "Night Warrior" : case "Karamondo" : _root.e3skill = 2; break; case "Sheila" : case "Schneider" : case "Rafon" : case "Devaraja Singh" : case "Jana" : case "Caesar" : case "Droid55" : case "Nasiron" : _root.e3skill = 3; break; case "Aya" : case "Air Swat" : case "Ravager" : _root.e3skill = 4; break; case "Air Trooper" : _root.e3skill = 5; } _root.gotoAndPlay("campaignbattle");
Frame 2098
campaigntalker = "Chikara"; campaignmessage = "<b>Chikara:</b><br>I got the news. Celtacanian fighters? Now that's action!"; _root.savefile = SharedObject.getLocal("avianwars"); = campaignnumber; _root.savefile.flush(80000);
Frame 2099
campaigntalker = "Sheila"; campaignmessage = "<b>Sheila:</b><br> Yep. Identified as XCA1's from the data retrieved. Looks like were finally going into battle. The war is just about to begin.";
Frame 2100
campaigntalker = "Michael Chow"; campaignmessage = "<b>Michael Chow:</b><br>Chikara! Sheila! Good to see you guys.";
Frame 2101
campaigntalker = "Hassan"; campaignmessage = "<b>Hassan:</b><br>Greetings.";
Frame 2102
campaigntalker = "Zero D"; campaignmessage = "<b>Zero D:</b><br>Hassan! Ah... the one and only.";
Frame 2103
campaigntalker = "Hassan"; campaignmessage = "<b>Hassan:</b><br>I am afraid, the 5 of us will need to defend the Asian region.";
Frame 2104
campaigntalker = "Michael Chow"; campaignmessage = "<b>Michael Chow:</b><br>I know. Since we are top 5 of the Asia Pacific Millennium Federation. Well call for backup if we can't handle the heat, heh.";
Frame 2105
campaigntalker = "Hassan"; campaignmessage = "<b>Hassan:</b><br>Well APMF doesn't wanna risk the less experienced pilots. They'll be counting on the veterans for this.";
Frame 2106
campaigntalker = "Hassan"; campaignmessage = "<b>Hassan:</b><br>Seems that Celcatania is headed after 3rd world countries first. I was informed that they have an outpost nearby.";
Frame 2107
campaigntalker = "Hassan"; campaignmessage = "<b>Hassan:</b><br>We are gonna rid ourselves of that outpost before they know it.";
Frame 2108
campaigntalker = "Hassan"; campaignmessage = "<b>Hassan:</b><br>Their fighters would be equipped with more than just pulse lasers though. Looks like Celcatania is going full throttle on their campaign. Watch yourselves.";
Frame 2109
campaigntalker = "Chikara"; campaignmessage = "<b>Chikara:</b><br>Sounds like a job for me. My V is just dying for some action!";
Frame 2110
campaigntalker = "Sheila"; campaignmessage = "<b>Sheila:</b><br>I'll back you up. Just in case you get busted.";
Frame 2111
campaigntalker = "Hassan"; campaignmessage = "<b>Hassan:</b><br>Good luck!";
Frame 2112
planes_in_use = 2; planeusing = 1; plane1weapon1 = 1; plane1weapon2 = 13; plane1model = "Aviator"; plane1pilot = "Sheila"; plane1vspeed = 20; plane1maxvspeed = 45; plane2weapon1 = 1; plane2weapon2 = 13; plane2model = "Aviator V"; plane2pilot = "Chikara"; plane2vspeed = 20; plane2maxvspeed = 45; _root.enemiesleft = 4; _root.fuel = 15000; e1pilot = "Ravager"; e1plane = "XCA1"; e1weapon1 = 5; e1weapon2 = 10; switch (_root.e1pilot) { case "Evalot" : case "Chikara" : case "Jonathan Wood" : case "Brocken" : case "AI073" : case "Proto 52G" : case "P167C" : _root.e1skill = 1; break; case "Hassan" : case "Michael Chow" : case "Zero D" : case "Auxmenn" : case "Gina Maroth" : case "McGorse" : case "General Torus" : case "Lee Ann" : case "General Minnaros" : case "Simic" : case "Night Warrior" : case "Karamondo" : _root.e1skill = 2; break; case "Sheila" : case "Schneider" : case "Rafon" : case "Devaraja Singh" : case "Jana" : case "Caesar" : case "Droid55" : case "Nasiron" : _root.e1skill = 3; break; case "Aya" : case "Air Swat" : case "Ravager" : _root.e1skill = 4; break; case "Air Trooper" : _root.e1skill = 5; } e2pilot = "Ravager"; e2plane = "XCA1"; e2weapon1 = 5; e2weapon2 = 10; switch (_root.e2pilot) { case "Evalot" : case "Chikara" : case "Jonathan Wood" : case "Brocken" : case "AI073" : case "Proto 52G" : case "P167C" : _root.e2skill = 1; break; case "Hassan" : case "Michael Chow" : case "Zero D" : case "Auxmenn" : case "Gina Maroth" : case "McGorse" : case "General Torus" : case "Lee Ann" : case "General Minnaros" : case "Simic" : case "Night Warrior" : case "Karamondo" : _root.e2skill = 2; break; case "Sheila" : case "Schneider" : case "Rafon" : case "Devaraja Singh" : case "Jana" : case "Caesar" : case "Droid55" : case "Nasiron" : _root.e2skill = 3; break; case "Aya" : case "Air Swat" : case "Ravager" : _root.e2skill = 4; break; case "Air Trooper" : _root.e2skill = 5; } e3pilot = "Ravager"; e3plane = "XCA1"; e3weapon1 = 3; e3weapon2 = 10; switch (_root.e3pilot) { case "Evalot" : case "Chikara" : case "Jonathan Wood" : case "Brocken" : case "AI073" : case "Proto 52G" : case "P167C" : _root.e3skill = 1; break; case "Hassan" : case "Michael Chow" : case "Zero D" : case "Auxmenn" : case "Gina Maroth" : case "McGorse" : case "General Torus" : case "Lee Ann" : case "General Minnaros" : case "Simic" : case "Night Warrior" : case "Karamondo" : _root.e3skill = 2; break; case "Sheila" : case "Schneider" : case "Rafon" : case "Devaraja Singh" : case "Jana" : case "Caesar" : case "Droid55" : case "Nasiron" : _root.e3skill = 3; break; case "Aya" : case "Air Swat" : case "Ravager" : _root.e3skill = 4; break; case "Air Trooper" : _root.e3skill = 5; } e4pilot = "Ravager"; e4plane = "XCA1"; e4weapon1 = 3; e4weapon2 = 10; switch (_root.e4pilot) { case "Evalot" : case "Chikara" : case "Jonathan Wood" : case "Brocken" : case "AI073" : case "Proto 52G" : case "P167C" : _root.e4skill = 1; break; case "Hassan" : case "Michael Chow" : case "Zero D" : case "Auxmenn" : case "Gina Maroth" : case "McGorse" : case "General Torus" : case "Lee Ann" : case "General Minnaros" : case "Simic" : case "Night Warrior" : case "Karamondo" : _root.e4skill = 2; break; case "Sheila" : case "Schneider" : case "Rafon" : case "Devaraja Singh" : case "Jana" : case "Caesar" : case "Droid55" : case "Nasiron" : _root.e4skill = 3; break; case "Aya" : case "Air Swat" : case "Ravager" : _root.e4skill = 4; break; case "Air Trooper" : _root.e4skill = 5; } _root.gotoAndPlay("campaignbattle");
Frame 2113
campaigntalker = "Chikara"; campaignmessage = "<b>Chikara:</b><br>Another one bites to dust!"; _root.savefile = SharedObject.getLocal("avianwars"); = campaignnumber; _root.savefile.flush(80000);
Frame 2114
campaigntalker = "Zero D"; campaignmessage = "<b>Zero D:</b><br>Chikara... do you reed me? 3 more XCA1 fighters heading your way.";
Frame 2115
campaigntalker = "Chikara"; campaignmessage = "<b>Chikara:</b><br>Heads Up! This is one kid you aint messin' with";
Frame 2116
campaigntalker = "Sheila"; campaignmessage = "<b>Sheila:</b><br>Let's go get them.";
Frame 2117
planes_in_use = 2; planeusing = 1; plane1weapon1 = 1; plane1weapon2 = 13; plane1model = "Aviator"; plane1pilot = "Sheila"; plane1vspeed = 20; plane1maxvspeed = 45; plane2weapon1 = 1; plane2weapon2 = 13; plane2model = "Aviator V"; plane2pilot = "Chikara"; plane2vspeed = 20; plane2maxvspeed = 45; _root.enemiesleft = 3; _root.fuel = 15000; e1pilot = "Ravager"; e1plane = "XCA1"; e1weapon1 = 11; e1weapon2 = 10; switch (_root.e1pilot) { case "Evalot" : case "Chikara" : case "Jonathan Wood" : case "Brocken" : case "AI073" : case "Proto 52G" : case "P167C" : _root.e1skill = 1; break; case "Hassan" : case "Michael Chow" : case "Zero D" : case "Auxmenn" : case "Gina Maroth" : case "McGorse" : case "General Torus" : case "Lee Ann" : case "General Minnaros" : case "Simic" : case "Night Warrior" : case "Karamondo" : _root.e1skill = 2; break; case "Sheila" : case "Schneider" : case "Rafon" : case "Devaraja Singh" : case "Jana" : case "Caesar" : case "Droid55" : case "Nasiron" : _root.e1skill = 3; break; case "Aya" : case "Air Swat" : case "Ravager" : _root.e1skill = 4; break; case "Air Trooper" : _root.e1skill = 5; } e2pilot = "Ravager"; e2plane = "XCA1"; e2weapon1 = 5; e2weapon2 = 11; switch (_root.e2pilot) { case "Evalot" : case "Chikara" : case "Jonathan Wood" : case "Brocken" : case "AI073" : case "Proto 52G" : case "P167C" : _root.e2skill = 1; break; case "Hassan" : case "Michael Chow" : case "Zero D" : case "Auxmenn" : case "Gina Maroth" : case "McGorse" : case "General Torus" : case "Lee Ann" : case "General Minnaros" : case "Simic" : case "Night Warrior" : case "Karamondo" : _root.e2skill = 2; break; case "Sheila" : case "Schneider" : case "Rafon" : case "Devaraja Singh" : case "Jana" : case "Caesar" : case "Droid55" : case "Nasiron" : _root.e2skill = 3; break; case "Aya" : case "Air Swat" : case "Ravager" : _root.e2skill = 4; break; case "Air Trooper" : _root.e2skill = 5; } e3pilot = "Ravager"; e3plane = "XCA1"; e3weapon1 = 3; e3weapon2 = 12; switch (_root.e3pilot) { case "Evalot" : case "Chikara" : case "Jonathan Wood" : case "Brocken" : case "AI073" : case "Proto 52G" : case "P167C" : _root.e3skill = 1; break; case "Hassan" : case "Michael Chow" : case "Zero D" : case "Auxmenn" : case "Gina Maroth" : case "McGorse" : case "General Torus" : case "Lee Ann" : case "General Minnaros" : case "Simic" : case "Night Warrior" : case "Karamondo" : _root.e3skill = 2; break; case "Sheila" : case "Schneider" : case "Rafon" : case "Devaraja Singh" : case "Jana" : case "Caesar" : case "Droid55" : case "Nasiron" : _root.e3skill = 3; break; case "Aya" : case "Air Swat" : case "Ravager" : _root.e3skill = 4; break; case "Air Trooper" : _root.e3skill = 5; } _root.gotoAndPlay("campaignbattle");
Frame 2118
campaigntalker = "Sheila"; campaignmessage = "<b>Sheila:</b><br>And its a clean sweep! Well, nearly."; _root.savefile = SharedObject.getLocal("avianwars"); = campaignnumber; _root.savefile.flush(80000);
Frame 2119
campaigntalker = "Hassan"; campaignmessage = "<b>Hassan:</b><br>Welcome back. Got their butts kicked in the poorest of the nations.. HAHA!";
Frame 2120
campaigntalker = "Sheila"; campaignmessage = "<b>Sheila:</b><br>Piece of cake. Get maintenance over to cover up the scrathes.";
Frame 2121
campaigntalker = "Chikara"; campaignmessage = "<b>Chikara:</b><br>Now we have to plan ahead. We got their outpost, so the attack on the Asian region would be delayed.";
Frame 2122
campaigntalker = "nobody"; campaignmessage = "After 2 days, the APMF squadron is prepared for the Celtacanian assault.";
Frame 2123
campaigntalker = "nobody"; campaignmessage = "With all preparations made, they have the skies patrolled 24/7 ready for an attack.";
Frame 2124
campaigntalker = "nobody"; campaignmessage = "Just then...";
Frame 2125
campaigntalker = "Air Trooper"; campaignmessage = "<b>Air Trooper:</b><br>Captain Hassan. Reporting... 12 enemy aircraft spotted at 6 o'clock. Watch yourself.";
Frame 2126
campaigntalker = "Hassan"; campaignmessage = "<b>Hassan:</b><br>Get ready guys. This is the moment we've been preparing for.";
Frame 2127
campaigntalker = "Chikara"; campaignmessage = "<b>Chikara:</b><br>Its time!";
Frame 2128
campaigntalker = "Zero D"; campaignmessage = "<b>Zero D:</b><br>It is time. I'll be right over.";
Frame 2129
campaigntalker = "Sheila"; campaignmessage = "<b>Sheila:</b><br>Bring it on.";
Frame 2130
campaigntalker = "Michael Chow"; campaignmessage = "<b>Michael Chow:</b><br>Ready to kick steel butts! I'll be there in no time.";
Frame 2131
campaigntalker = "Hassan"; campaignmessage = "<b>Hassan:</b><br>I'm going too. This time we have a new defense with us. The Phase Generator or simply called the plane cloak.";
Frame 2132
campaigntalker = "Hassan"; campaignmessage = "<b>Hassan:</b><br>You will all have the Plane Cloak as your secondary weapon. Use it wisely, it drains lots of energy.";
Frame 2133
campaigntalker = "Hassan"; campaignmessage = "<b>Hassan:</b><br>Now let's go get em!";
Frame 2134
planes_in_use = 3; planeusing = 1; plane1weapon1 = 1; plane1weapon2 = 8; plane1model = "Aviator"; plane1pilot = "Sheila"; plane1vspeed = 20; plane1maxvspeed = 45; plane2weapon1 = 3; plane2weapon2 = 8; plane2model = "Aviator V"; plane2pilot = "Chikara"; plane2vspeed = 20; plane2maxvspeed = 45; plane3weapon1 = 10; plane3weapon2 = 8; plane3model = "Aviator V"; plane3pilot = "Hassan"; plane3vspeed = 20; plane3maxvspeed = 45; _root.enemiesleft = 6; _root.fuel = 15000; e1pilot = "Ravager"; e1plane = "XCA1"; e1weapon1 = 11; e1weapon2 = 10; switch (_root.e1pilot) { case "Evalot" : case "Chikara" : case "Jonathan Wood" : case "Brocken" : case "AI073" : case "Proto 52G" : case "P167C" : _root.e1skill = 1; break; case "Hassan" : case "Michael Chow" : case "Zero D" : case "Auxmenn" : case "Gina Maroth" : case "McGorse" : case "General Torus" : case "Lee Ann" : case "General Minnaros" : case "Simic" : case "Night Warrior" : case "Karamondo" : _root.e1skill = 2; break; case "Sheila" : case "Schneider" : case "Rafon" : case "Devaraja Singh" : case "Jana" : case "Caesar" : case "Droid55" : case "Nasiron" : _root.e1skill = 3; break; case "Aya" : case "Air Swat" : case "Ravager" : _root.e1skill = 4; break; case "Air Trooper" : _root.e1skill = 5; } e2pilot = "Ravager"; e2plane = "XCA1"; e2weapon1 = 5; e2weapon2 = 11; switch (_root.e2pilot) { case "Evalot" : case "Chikara" : case "Jonathan Wood" : case "Brocken" : case "AI073" : case "Proto 52G" : case "P167C" : _root.e2skill = 1; break; case "Hassan" : case "Michael Chow" : case "Zero D" : case "Auxmenn" : case "Gina Maroth" : case "McGorse" : case "General Torus" : case "Lee Ann" : case "General Minnaros" : case "Simic" : case "Night Warrior" : case "Karamondo" : _root.e2skill = 2; break; case "Sheila" : case "Schneider" : case "Rafon" : case "Devaraja Singh" : case "Jana" : case "Caesar" : case "Droid55" : case "Nasiron" : _root.e2skill = 3; break; case "Aya" : case "Air Swat" : case "Ravager" : _root.e2skill = 4; break; case "Air Trooper" : _root.e2skill = 5; } e3pilot = "Ravager"; e3plane = "XCA1"; e3weapon1 = 3; e3weapon2 = 12; switch (_root.e3pilot) { case "Evalot" : case "Chikara" : case "Jonathan Wood" : case "Brocken" : case "AI073" : case "Proto 52G" : case "P167C" : _root.e3skill = 1; break; case "Hassan" : case "Michael Chow" : case "Zero D" : case "Auxmenn" : case "Gina Maroth" : case "McGorse" : case "General Torus" : case "Lee Ann" : case "General Minnaros" : case "Simic" : case "Night Warrior" : case "Karamondo" : _root.e3skill = 2; break; case "Sheila" : case "Schneider" : case "Rafon" : case "Devaraja Singh" : case "Jana" : case "Caesar" : case "Droid55" : case "Nasiron" : _root.e3skill = 3; break; case "Aya" : case "Air Swat" : case "Ravager" : _root.e3skill = 4; break; case "Air Trooper" : _root.e3skill = 5; } e4pilot = "Ravager"; e4plane = "XCA1"; e4weapon1 = 3; e4weapon2 = 10; switch (_root.e4pilot) { case "Evalot" : case "Chikara" : case "Jonathan Wood" : case "Brocken" : case "AI073" : case "Proto 52G" : case "P167C" : _root.e4skill = 1; break; case "Hassan" : case "Michael Chow" : case "Zero D" : case "Auxmenn" : case "Gina Maroth" : case "McGorse" : case "General Torus" : case "Lee Ann" : case "General Minnaros" : case "Simic" : case "Night Warrior" : case "Karamondo" : _root.e4skill = 2; break; case "Sheila" : case "Schneider" : case "Rafon" : case "Devaraja Singh" : case "Jana" : case "Caesar" : case "Droid55" : case "Nasiron" : _root.e4skill = 3; break; case "Aya" : case "Air Swat" : case "Ravager" : _root.e4skill = 4; break; case "Air Trooper" : _root.e4skill = 5; } e5pilot = "Ravager"; e5plane = "XCA1"; e5weapon1 = 13; e5weapon2 = 10; switch (_root.e5pilot) { case "Evalot" : case "Chikara" : case "Jonathan Wood" : case "Brocken" : case "AI073" : case "Proto 52G" : case "P167C" : _root.e5skill = 1; break; case "Hassan" : case "Michael Chow" : case "Zero D" : case "Auxmenn" : case "Gina Maroth" : case "McGorse" : case "General Torus" : case "Lee Ann" : case "General Minnaros" : case "Simic" : case "Night Warrior" : case "Karamondo" : _root.e5skill = 2; break; case "Sheila" : case "Schneider" : case "Rafon" : case "Devaraja Singh" : case "Jana" : case "Caesar" : case "Droid55" : case "Nasiron" : _root.e5skill = 3; break; case "Aya" : case "Air Swat" : case "Ravager" : _root.e5skill = 4; break; case "Air Trooper" : _root.e5skill = 5; } e6pilot = "Ravager"; e6plane = "XCA1"; e6weapon1 = 13; e6weapon2 = 1; switch (_root.e6pilot) { case "Evalot" : case "Chikara" : case "Jonathan Wood" : case "Brocken" : case "AI073" : case "Proto 52G" : case "P167C" : _root.e6skill = 1; break; case "Hassan" : case "Michael Chow" : case "Zero D" : case "Auxmenn" : case "Gina Maroth" : case "McGorse" : case "General Torus" : case "Lee Ann" : case "General Minnaros" : case "Simic" : case "Night Warrior" : case "Karamondo" : _root.e6skill = 2; break; case "Sheila" : case "Schneider" : case "Rafon" : case "Devaraja Singh" : case "Jana" : case "Caesar" : case "Droid55" : case "Nasiron" : _root.e6skill = 3; break; case "Aya" : case "Air Swat" : case "Ravager" : _root.e6skill = 4; break; case "Air Trooper" : _root.e6skill = 5; } _root.gotoAndPlay("campaignbattle");
Frame 2135
campaigntalker = "Hassan"; campaignmessage = "<b>Hassan:</b><br>Awesome targetting. We've crushed 6 of them. Zero D and Michael, how are you guys doing?"; _root.savefile = SharedObject.getLocal("avianwars"); = campaignnumber; _root.savefile.flush(80000);
Frame 2136
campaigntalker = "Zero D"; campaignmessage = "<b>Zero D:</b><br>Not too good. We've got our hands full. 4 XCA1 fighters on our tail and we are spotting 2 black jets.";
Frame 2137
campaigntalker = "Michael Chow"; campaignmessage = "<b>Michael Chow:</b><br>And they are fast! Well, who gives a damn anyway?";
Frame 2138
campaigntalker = "Hassan"; campaignmessage = "<b>Hassan:</b><br>Hold on, guys. I'm on my way.";
Frame 2139
planes_in_use = 3; planeusing = 1; plane1weapon1 = 5; plane1weapon2 = 8; plane1model = "Aviator"; plane1pilot = "Zero D"; plane1vspeed = 20; plane1maxvspeed = 45; plane2weapon1 = 13; plane2weapon2 = 8; plane2model = "Aviator V"; plane2pilot = "Chikara"; plane2vspeed = 20; plane2maxvspeed = 45; plane3weapon1 = 10; plane3weapon2 = 8; plane3model = "Aviator V"; plane3pilot = "Hassan"; plane3vspeed = 20; plane3maxvspeed = 45; _root.enemiesleft = 6; _root.fuel = 15000; e1pilot = "Ravager"; e1plane = "XCA1"; e1weapon1 = 11; e1weapon2 = 10; switch (_root.e1pilot) { case "Evalot" : case "Chikara" : case "Jonathan Wood" : case "Brocken" : case "AI073" : case "Proto 52G" : case "P167C" : _root.e1skill = 1; break; case "Hassan" : case "Michael Chow" : case "Zero D" : case "Auxmenn" : case "Gina Maroth" : case "McGorse" : case "General Torus" : case "Lee Ann" : case "General Minnaros" : case "Simic" : case "Night Warrior" : case "Karamondo" : _root.e1skill = 2; break; case "Sheila" : case "Schneider" : case "Rafon" : case "Devaraja Singh" : case "Jana" : case "Caesar" : case "Droid55" : case "Nasiron" : _root.e1skill = 3; break; case "Aya" : case "Air Swat" : case "Ravager" : _root.e1skill = 4; break; case "Air Trooper" : _root.e1skill = 5; } e2pilot = "Ravager"; e2plane = "XCA1"; e2weapon1 = 13; e2weapon2 = 11; switch (_root.e2pilot) { case "Evalot" : case "Chikara" : case "Jonathan Wood" : case "Brocken" : case "AI073" : case "Proto 52G" : case "P167C" : _root.e2skill = 1; break; case "Hassan" : case "Michael Chow" : case "Zero D" : case "Auxmenn" : case "Gina Maroth" : case "McGorse" : case "General Torus" : case "Lee Ann" : case "General Minnaros" : case "Simic" : case "Night Warrior" : case "Karamondo" : _root.e2skill = 2; break; case "Sheila" : case "Schneider" : case "Rafon" : case "Devaraja Singh" : case "Jana" : case "Caesar" : case "Droid55" : case "Nasiron" : _root.e2skill = 3; break; case "Aya" : case "Air Swat" : case "Ravager" : _root.e2skill = 4; break; case "Air Trooper" : _root.e2skill = 5; } e3pilot = "Ravager"; e3plane = "XCA1"; e3weapon1 = 3; e3weapon2 = 13; switch (_root.e3pilot) { case "Evalot" : case "Chikara" : case "Jonathan Wood" : case "Brocken" : case "AI073" : case "Proto 52G" : case "P167C" : _root.e3skill = 1; break; case "Hassan" : case "Michael Chow" : case "Zero D" : case "Auxmenn" : case "Gina Maroth" : case "McGorse" : case "General Torus" : case "Lee Ann" : case "General Minnaros" : case "Simic" : case "Night Warrior" : case "Karamondo" : _root.e3skill = 2; break; case "Sheila" : case "Schneider" : case "Rafon" : case "Devaraja Singh" : case "Jana" : case "Caesar" : case "Droid55" : case "Nasiron" : _root.e3skill = 3; break; case "Aya" : case "Air Swat" : case "Ravager" : _root.e3skill = 4; break; case "Air Trooper" : _root.e3skill = 5; } e4pilot = "Ravager"; e4plane = "XCA1"; e4weapon1 = 13; e4weapon2 = 10; switch (_root.e4pilot) { case "Evalot" : case "Chikara" : case "Jonathan Wood" : case "Brocken" : case "AI073" : case "Proto 52G" : case "P167C" : _root.e4skill = 1; break; case "Hassan" : case "Michael Chow" : case "Zero D" : case "Auxmenn" : case "Gina Maroth" : case "McGorse" : case "General Torus" : case "Lee Ann" : case "General Minnaros" : case "Simic" : case "Night Warrior" : case "Karamondo" : _root.e4skill = 2; break; case "Sheila" : case "Schneider" : case "Rafon" : case "Devaraja Singh" : case "Jana" : case "Caesar" : case "Droid55" : case "Nasiron" : _root.e4skill = 3; break; case "Aya" : case "Air Swat" : case "Ravager" : _root.e4skill = 4; break; case "Air Trooper" : _root.e4skill = 5; } e5pilot = "Ravager"; e5plane = "Fheat"; e5weapon1 = 8; e5weapon2 = 6; switch (_root.e5pilot) { case "Evalot" : case "Chikara" : case "Jonathan Wood" : case "Brocken" : case "AI073" : case "Proto 52G" : case "P167C" : _root.e5skill = 1; break; case "Hassan" : case "Michael Chow" : case "Zero D" : case "Auxmenn" : case "Gina Maroth" : case "McGorse" : case "General Torus" : case "Lee Ann" : case "General Minnaros" : case "Simic" : case "Night Warrior" : case "Karamondo" : _root.e5skill = 2; break; case "Sheila" : case "Schneider" : case "Rafon" : case "Devaraja Singh" : case "Jana" : case "Caesar" : case "Droid55" : case "Nasiron" : _root.e5skill = 3; break; case "Aya" : case "Air Swat" : case "Ravager" : _root.e5skill = 4; break; case "Air Trooper" : _root.e5skill = 5; } e6pilot = "Ravager"; e6plane = "Fheat"; e6weapon1 = 8; e6weapon2 = 3; switch (_root.e6pilot) { case "Evalot" : case "Chikara" : case "Jonathan Wood" : case "Brocken" : case "AI073" : case "Proto 52G" : case "P167C" : _root.e6skill = 1; break; case "Hassan" : case "Michael Chow" : case "Zero D" : case "Auxmenn" : case "Gina Maroth" : case "McGorse" : case "General Torus" : case "Lee Ann" : case "General Minnaros" : case "Simic" : case "Night Warrior" : case "Karamondo" : _root.e6skill = 2; break; case "Sheila" : case "Schneider" : case "Rafon" : case "Devaraja Singh" : case "Jana" : case "Caesar" : case "Droid55" : case "Nasiron" : _root.e6skill = 3; break; case "Aya" : case "Air Swat" : case "Ravager" : _root.e6skill = 4; break; case "Air Trooper" : _root.e6skill = 5; } _root.gotoAndPlay("campaignbattle");
Frame 2140
campaigntalker = "nobody"; campaignmessage = "You have unlocked Plane Cloak! Unlocked weapons can be selected at other game modes."; _root.u_cloak = 1; _root.savefiled = SharedObject.getLocal("avianwars2"); = u_nova; = u_homing; = u_multi; = u_cloak; = u_emp; _root.savefiled.flush(80000); _root.savefile = SharedObject.getLocal("avianwars"); = campaignnumber; _root.savefile.flush(80000);
Frame 2141
campaigntalker = "Michael Chow"; campaignmessage = "<b>Michael Chow:</b><br>Damn... we barely made it back here.";
Frame 2142
campaigntalker = "Chikara"; campaignmessage = "<b>Chikara:</b><br>It was a tough fight. We won. What else is there to say?";
Frame 2143
campaigntalker = "Zero D"; campaignmessage = "<b>Zero D:</b><br>There was a big issue back there. The two black fighters. They were Fheats.";
Frame 2144
campaigntalker = "Hassan"; campaignmessage = "<b>Hassan:</b><br>The latest model accepted into service. New Americia. How could that be? Could Americia";
Frame 2145
campaigntalker = "Zero D"; campaignmessage = "<b>Zero D:</b><br>be against us as well?";
Frame 2146
campaigntalker = "Chikara"; campaignmessage = "<b>Chikara:</b><br>Seems that way to me.";
Frame 2147
campaigntalker = "Sheila"; campaignmessage = "<b>Sheila:</b><br>If it is really true that New Americia and Celtacania have formed an allicance, were done for.";
Frame 2148
campaigntalker = "nobody"; campaignmessage = "The World is entering a state of chaos. War has broken out. Worst of all, it has taken to the skies. None is safe and none can run nor hide.";
Frame 2149
campaigntalker = "nobody"; campaignmessage = "Advanced fighters are the key to this war. Can mankind survive an army capable of controlling the entire world's airspace??";
Frame 2150
campaigntalker = "Jonathan Wood"; campaignmessage = "<b>Jonathan Wood:</b><br>... Lee Ann?";
Frame 2151
campaigntalker = "Lee Ann"; campaignmessage = "<b>Lee Ann:</b><br>Hi Johnny. I just came back from simulation.";
Frame 2152
campaigntalker = "Jonathan Wood"; campaignmessage = "<b>Jonathan Wood:</b><br>I assume everything is fine?";
Frame 2153
campaigntalker = "Lee Ann"; campaignmessage = "<b>Lee Ann:</b><br>Since the blueprints for our Fheat jet fighter was stolen I've had this bad feeling...";
Frame 2154
campaigntalker = "Jonathan Wood"; campaignmessage = "<b>Jonathan Wood:</b><br>Don't worry about it. Come on. I wanna take you head on.";
Frame 2155
campaigntalker = "Lee Ann"; campaignmessage = "<b>Lee Ann:</b><br>In the simulation? Or you wanna take me on in the 'real' world?";
Frame 2156
campaigntalker = "Jonathan Wood"; campaignmessage = "<b>Jonathan Wood:</b><br>Obviously the sim. Unless you're gonna pay for your plane, heh.";
Frame 2157
planes_in_use = 1; planeusing = 1; plane1weapon1 = 1; plane1weapon2 = 11; plane1model = "Greenhollow"; plane1pilot = "Jonathan Wood"; plane1vspeed = 20; plane1maxvspeed = 47; plane2weapon1 = 13; plane2weapon2 = 8; plane2model = "Aviator V"; plane2pilot = "Chikara"; plane2vspeed = 20; plane2maxvspeed = 45; plane3weapon1 = 10; plane3weapon2 = 8; plane3model = "Aviator V"; plane3pilot = "Hassan"; plane3vspeed = 20; plane3maxvspeed = 45; _root.enemiesleft = 1; _root.fuel = 15000; e1pilot = "Lee Ann"; e1plane = "Redhollow"; e1weapon1 = 8; e1weapon2 = 10; switch (_root.e1pilot) { case "Evalot" : case "Chikara" : case "Jonathan Wood" : case "Brocken" : case "AI073" : case "Proto 52G" : case "P167C" : _root.e1skill = 1; break; case "Hassan" : case "Michael Chow" : case "Zero D" : case "Auxmenn" : case "Gina Maroth" : case "McGorse" : case "General Torus" : case "Lee Ann" : case "General Minnaros" : case "Simic" : case "Night Warrior" : case "Karamondo" : _root.e1skill = 2; break; case "Sheila" : case "Schneider" : case "Rafon" : case "Devaraja Singh" : case "Jana" : case "Caesar" : case "Droid55" : case "Nasiron" : _root.e1skill = 3; break; case "Aya" : case "Air Swat" : case "Ravager" : _root.e1skill = 4; break; case "Air Trooper" : _root.e1skill = 5; } e2pilot = "Ravager"; e2plane = "XCA1"; e2weapon1 = 13; e2weapon2 = 11; switch (_root.e2pilot) { case "Evalot" : case "Chikara" : case "Jonathan Wood" : case "Brocken" : case "AI073" : case "Proto 52G" : case "P167C" : _root.e2skill = 1; break; case "Hassan" : case "Michael Chow" : case "Zero D" : case "Auxmenn" : case "Gina Maroth" : case "McGorse" : case "General Torus" : case "Lee Ann" : case "General Minnaros" : case "Simic" : case "Night Warrior" : case "Karamondo" : _root.e2skill = 2; break; case "Sheila" : case "Schneider" : case "Rafon" : case "Devaraja Singh" : case "Jana" : case "Caesar" : case "Droid55" : case "Nasiron" : _root.e2skill = 3; break; case "Aya" : case "Air Swat" : case "Ravager" : _root.e2skill = 4; break; case "Air Trooper" : _root.e2skill = 5; } e3pilot = "Ravager"; e3plane = "XCA1"; e3weapon1 = 3; e3weapon2 = 13; switch (_root.e3pilot) { case "Evalot" : case "Chikara" : case "Jonathan Wood" : case "Brocken" : case "AI073" : case "Proto 52G" : case "P167C" : _root.e3skill = 1; break; case "Hassan" : case "Michael Chow" : case "Zero D" : case "Auxmenn" : case "Gina Maroth" : case "McGorse" : case "General Torus" : case "Lee Ann" : case "General Minnaros" : case "Simic" : case "Night Warrior" : case "Karamondo" : _root.e3skill = 2; break; case "Sheila" : case "Schneider" : case "Rafon" : case "Devaraja Singh" : case "Jana" : case "Caesar" : case "Droid55" : case "Nasiron" : _root.e3skill = 3; break; case "Aya" : case "Air Swat" : case "Ravager" : _root.e3skill = 4; break; case "Air Trooper" : _root.e3skill = 5; } e4pilot = "Ravager"; e4plane = "XCA1"; e4weapon1 = 13; e4weapon2 = 10; switch (_root.e4pilot) { case "Evalot" : case "Chikara" : case "Jonathan Wood" : case "Brocken" : case "AI073" : case "Proto 52G" : case "P167C" : _root.e4skill = 1; break; case "Hassan" : case "Michael Chow" : case "Zero D" : case "Auxmenn" : case "Gina Maroth" : case "McGorse" : case "General Torus" : case "Lee Ann" : case "General Minnaros" : case "Simic" : case "Night Warrior" : case "Karamondo" : _root.e4skill = 2; break; case "Sheila" : case "Schneider" : case "Rafon" : case "Devaraja Singh" : case "Jana" : case "Caesar" : case "Droid55" : case "Nasiron" : _root.e4skill = 3; break; case "Aya" : case "Air Swat" : case "Ravager" : _root.e4skill = 4; break; case "Air Trooper" : _root.e4skill = 5; } e5pilot = "Ravager"; e5plane = "Fheat"; e5weapon1 = 8; e5weapon2 = 6; switch (_root.e5pilot) { case "Evalot" : case "Chikara" : case "Jonathan Wood" : case "Brocken" : case "AI073" : case "Proto 52G" : case "P167C" : _root.e5skill = 1; break; case "Hassan" : case "Michael Chow" : case "Zero D" : case "Auxmenn" : case "Gina Maroth" : case "McGorse" : case "General Torus" : case "Lee Ann" : case "General Minnaros" : case "Simic" : case "Night Warrior" : case "Karamondo" : _root.e5skill = 2; break; case "Sheila" : case "Schneider" : case "Rafon" : case "Devaraja Singh" : case "Jana" : case "Caesar" : case "Droid55" : case "Nasiron" : _root.e5skill = 3; break; case "Aya" : case "Air Swat" : case "Ravager" : _root.e5skill = 4; break; case "Air Trooper" : _root.e5skill = 5; } e6pilot = "Ravager"; e6plane = "Fheat"; e6weapon1 = 8; e6weapon2 = 3; switch (_root.e6pilot) { case "Evalot" : case "Chikara" : case "Jonathan Wood" : case "Brocken" : case "AI073" : case "Proto 52G" : case "P167C" : _root.e6skill = 1; break; case "Hassan" : case "Michael Chow" : case "Zero D" : case "Auxmenn" : case "Gina Maroth" : case "McGorse" : case "General Torus" : case "Lee Ann" : case "General Minnaros" : case "Simic" : case "Night Warrior" : case "Karamondo" : _root.e6skill = 2; break; case "Sheila" : case "Schneider" : case "Rafon" : case "Devaraja Singh" : case "Jana" : case "Caesar" : case "Droid55" : case "Nasiron" : _root.e6skill = 3; break; case "Aya" : case "Air Swat" : case "Ravager" : _root.e6skill = 4; break; case "Air Trooper" : _root.e6skill = 5; } _root.gotoAndPlay("campaignbattle");
Frame 2158
campaigntalker = "General Torus"; campaignmessage = "<b>General Torus:</b><br>We have a situation here. We've found out the stolen Fheat blueprints."; _root.savefile = SharedObject.getLocal("avianwars"); = campaignnumber; _root.savefile.flush(80000);
Frame 2159
campaigntalker = "McGorse"; campaignmessage = "<b>McGorse:</b><br>Let me guess. In Wulfenberg.";
Frame 2160
campaigntalker = "General Torus"; campaignmessage = "<b>General Torus:</b><br>Nope. It's the AI forces of Celtacania. The same people... I mean bots destroying the world. Just caught some of them attacking our bases.";
Frame 2161
campaigntalker = "McGorse"; campaignmessage = "<b>McGorse:</b><br>Damn. They stole our blueprints and the prototype as well. Now we have nothing at all.";
Frame 2162
campaigntalker = "McGorse"; campaignmessage = "<b>McGorse:</b><br>So many years of hard work. The Fheat is the best damn plane ever. Now the odds are against us.";
Frame 2163
campaigntalker = "General Torus"; campaignmessage = "<b>General Torus:</b><br>If Celtacania uses Fheat to attack, the nations will hold us responsible!";
Frame 2164
campaigntalker = "Air Trooper"; campaignmessage = "<b>Air Trooper:</b><br>Incoming message from APMF.";
Frame 2165
campaigntalker = "General Torus"; campaignmessage = "<b>General Torus:</b><br>Let it in.";
Frame 2166
campaigntalker = "Hassan"; campaignmessage = "<b>Hassan:</b><br>Greetings, general. Hassan here from APMF. We demand an explanation for your alliance with Celtacania.";
Frame 2167
campaigntalker = "General Torus"; campaignmessage = "<b>General Torus:</b><br>We know of no such thing. The situation is well, as it is, but this is a misunderstanding...";
Frame 2168
campaigntalker = "nobody"; campaignmessage = "Transmission interrupted.";
Frame 2169
campaigntalker = "McGorse"; campaignmessage = "<b>McGorse:</b><br>This is getting worse and worse. I believe the AI forces have already launched their attack on Asia.";
Frame 2170
campaigntalker = "General Torus"; campaignmessage = "<b>General Torus:</b><br>We need to get ready a scout team. I'll get Lee Ann to do the job.";
Frame 2171
campaigntalker = "nobody"; campaignmessage = "Lee Ann is sent to patrol the skies of New Americia. She spots 5 fighters approaching.";
Frame 2172
campaigntalker = "Michael Chow"; campaignmessage = "<b>Michael Chow:</b><br>Let's destroy the Americian main base before they fortify.";
Frame 2173
campaigntalker = "Sheila"; campaignmessage = "<b>Sheila:</b><br>Yea yea, I know. That was our intial idea.";
Frame 2174
campaigntalker = "Lee Ann"; campaignmessage = "<b>Lee Ann:</b><br>APMF forces... stop right there! Disarm yourselves!";
Frame 2175
planes_in_use = 1; planeusing = 1; plane1weapon1 = 1; plane1weapon2 = 13; plane1model = "Redhollow"; plane1pilot = "Lee Ann"; plane1vspeed = 20; plane1maxvspeed = 42; plane2weapon1 = 13; plane2weapon2 = 8; plane2model = "Aviator V"; plane2pilot = "Chikara"; plane2vspeed = 20; plane2maxvspeed = 45; plane3weapon1 = 10; plane3weapon2 = 8; plane3model = "Aviator V"; plane3pilot = "Hassan"; plane3vspeed = 20; plane3maxvspeed = 45; _root.enemiesleft = 2; _root.fuel = 15000; e1pilot = "Michae Chow"; e1plane = "Aviator"; e1weapon1 = 8; e1weapon2 = 5; switch (_root.e1pilot) { case "Evalot" : case "Chikara" : case "Jonathan Wood" : case "Brocken" : case "AI073" : case "Proto 52G" : case "P167C" : _root.e1skill = 1; break; case "Hassan" : case "Michael Chow" : case "Zero D" : case "Auxmenn" : case "Gina Maroth" : case "McGorse" : case "General Torus" : case "Lee Ann" : case "General Minnaros" : case "Simic" : case "Night Warrior" : case "Karamondo" : _root.e1skill = 2; break; case "Sheila" : case "Schneider" : case "Rafon" : case "Devaraja Singh" : case "Jana" : case "Caesar" : case "Droid55" : case "Nasiron" : _root.e1skill = 3; break; case "Aya" : case "Air Swat" : case "Ravager" : _root.e1skill = 4; break; case "Air Trooper" : _root.e1skill = 5; } e2pilot = "Sheila"; e2plane = "Aviator"; e2weapon1 = 8; e2weapon2 = 5; switch (_root.e2pilot) { case "Evalot" : case "Chikara" : case "Jonathan Wood" : case "Brocken" : case "AI073" : case "Proto 52G" : case "P167C" : _root.e2skill = 1; break; case "Hassan" : case "Michael Chow" : case "Zero D" : case "Auxmenn" : case "Gina Maroth" : case "McGorse" : case "General Torus" : case "Lee Ann" : case "General Minnaros" : case "Simic" : case "Night Warrior" : case "Karamondo" : _root.e2skill = 2; break; case "Sheila" : case "Schneider" : case "Rafon" : case "Devaraja Singh" : case "Jana" : case "Caesar" : case "Droid55" : case "Nasiron" : _root.e2skill = 3; break; case "Aya" : case "Air Swat" : case "Ravager" : _root.e2skill = 4; break; case "Air Trooper" : _root.e2skill = 5; } e3pilot = "Ravager"; e3plane = "XCA1"; e3weapon1 = 3; e3weapon2 = 13; switch (_root.e3pilot) { case "Evalot" : case "Chikara" : case "Jonathan Wood" : case "Brocken" : case "AI073" : case "Proto 52G" : case "P167C" : _root.e3skill = 1; break; case "Hassan" : case "Michael Chow" : case "Zero D" : case "Auxmenn" : case "Gina Maroth" : case "McGorse" : case "General Torus" : case "Lee Ann" : case "General Minnaros" : case "Simic" : case "Night Warrior" : case "Karamondo" : _root.e3skill = 2; break; case "Sheila" : case "Schneider" : case "Rafon" : case "Devaraja Singh" : case "Jana" : case "Caesar" : case "Droid55" : case "Nasiron" : _root.e3skill = 3; break; case "Aya" : case "Air Swat" : case "Ravager" : _root.e3skill = 4; break; case "Air Trooper" : _root.e3skill = 5; } e4pilot = "Ravager"; e4plane = "XCA1"; e4weapon1 = 13; e4weapon2 = 10; switch (_root.e4pilot) { case "Evalot" : case "Chikara" : case "Jonathan Wood" : case "Brocken" : case "AI073" : case "Proto 52G" : case "P167C" : _root.e4skill = 1; break; case "Hassan" : case "Michael Chow" : case "Zero D" : case "Auxmenn" : case "Gina Maroth" : case "McGorse" : case "General Torus" : case "Lee Ann" : case "General Minnaros" : case "Simic" : case "Night Warrior" : case "Karamondo" : _root.e4skill = 2; break; case "Sheila" : case "Schneider" : case "Rafon" : case "Devaraja Singh" : case "Jana" : case "Caesar" : case "Droid55" : case "Nasiron" : _root.e4skill = 3; break; case "Aya" : case "Air Swat" : case "Ravager" : _root.e4skill = 4; break; case "Air Trooper" : _root.e4skill = 5; } e5pilot = "Ravager"; e5plane = "Fheat"; e5weapon1 = 8; e5weapon2 = 6; switch (_root.e5pilot) { case "Evalot" : case "Chikara" : case "Jonathan Wood" : case "Brocken" : case "AI073" : case "Proto 52G" : case "P167C" : _root.e5skill = 1; break; case "Hassan" : case "Michael Chow" : case "Zero D" : case "Auxmenn" : case "Gina Maroth" : case "McGorse" : case "General Torus" : case "Lee Ann" : case "General Minnaros" : case "Simic" : case "Night Warrior" : case "Karamondo" : _root.e5skill = 2; break; case "Sheila" : case "Schneider" : case "Rafon" : case "Devaraja Singh" : case "Jana" : case "Caesar" : case "Droid55" : case "Nasiron" : _root.e5skill = 3; break; case "Aya" : case "Air Swat" : case "Ravager" : _root.e5skill = 4; break; case "Air Trooper" : _root.e5skill = 5; } e6pilot = "Ravager"; e6plane = "Fheat"; e6weapon1 = 8; e6weapon2 = 3; switch (_root.e6pilot) { case "Evalot" : case "Chikara" : case "Jonathan Wood" : case "Brocken" : case "AI073" : case "Proto 52G" : case "P167C" : _root.e6skill = 1; break; case "Hassan" : case "Michael Chow" : case "Zero D" : case "Auxmenn" : case "Gina Maroth" : case "McGorse" : case "General Torus" : case "Lee Ann" : case "General Minnaros" : case "Simic" : case "Night Warrior" : case "Karamondo" : _root.e6skill = 2; break; case "Sheila" : case "Schneider" : case "Rafon" : case "Devaraja Singh" : case "Jana" : case "Caesar" : case "Droid55" : case "Nasiron" : _root.e6skill = 3; break; case "Aya" : case "Air Swat" : case "Ravager" : _root.e6skill = 4; break; case "Air Trooper" : _root.e6skill = 5; } _root.gotoAndPlay("campaignbattle");
Frame 2176
campaigntalker = "Michael Chow"; campaignmessage = "<b>Michael Chow:</b><br>Damn! Ejecting!!"; _root.savefile = SharedObject.getLocal("avianwars"); = campaignnumber; _root.savefile.flush(80000);
Frame 2177
campaigntalker = "Sheila"; campaignmessage = "<b>Sheila:</b><br>Ejecting!!";
Frame 2178
campaigntalker = "Chikara"; campaignmessage = "<b>Chikara:</b><br>Those Americians really want to fight?";
Frame 2179
campaigntalker = "Zero D"; campaignmessage = "<b>Zero D:</b><br>So let's give them one.";
Frame 2180
campaigntalker = "Hassan"; campaignmessage = "<b>Hassan:</b><br>Right!";
Frame 2181
campaigntalker = "Lee Ann"; campaignmessage = "<b>Lee Ann:</b><br>Wait! Hold on! We're on your side!";
Frame 2182
campaigntalker = "Hassan"; campaignmessage = "<b>Hassan:</b><br>Yes, right.";
Frame 2183
campaigntalker = "Lee Ann"; campaignmessage = "<b>Lee Ann:</b><br>Fine. I'm disarming all my weapons.";
Frame 2184
campaigntalker = "Hassan"; campaignmessage = "<b>Hassan:</b><br>Alright guys, cease fire! We can shoot her down later.";
Frame 2185
campaigntalker = "Chikara"; campaignmessage = "<b>Chikara:</b><br>Oh man! I was ready to kick some...";
Frame 2186
campaigntalker = "Zero D"; campaignmessage = "<b>Zero D:</b><br>Heads up. 3 fighter jets approaching!";
Frame 2187
campaigntalker = "Chikara"; campaignmessage = "<b>Chikara:</b><br>This was a trap all along?";
Frame 2188
campaigntalker = "Lee Ann"; campaignmessage = "<b>Lee Ann:</b><br>No, it is not. Those jets are not ours! They're Wulfenberg's. Weapons online. I'm taking them down!";
Frame 2189
planes_in_use = 1; planeusing = 1; plane1weapon1 = 1; plane1weapon2 = 13; plane1model = "Redhollow"; plane1pilot = "Lee Ann"; plane1vspeed = 20; plane1maxvspeed = 42; plane2weapon1 = 13; plane2weapon2 = 8; plane2model = "Aviator V"; plane2pilot = "Chikara"; plane2vspeed = 20; plane2maxvspeed = 45; plane3weapon1 = 10; plane3weapon2 = 8; plane3model = "Aviator V"; plane3pilot = "Hassan"; plane3vspeed = 20; plane3maxvspeed = 45; _root.enemiesleft = 3; _root.fuel = 15000; e1pilot = "Air Swat"; e1plane = "Claw06"; e1weapon1 = 12; e1weapon2 = 7; switch (_root.e1pilot) { case "Evalot" : case "Chikara" : case "Jonathan Wood" : case "Brocken" : case "AI073" : case "Proto 52G" : case "P167C" : _root.e1skill = 1; break; case "Hassan" : case "Michael Chow" : case "Zero D" : case "Auxmenn" : case "Gina Maroth" : case "McGorse" : case "General Torus" : case "Lee Ann" : case "General Minnaros" : case "Simic" : case "Night Warrior" : case "Karamondo" : _root.e1skill = 2; break; case "Sheila" : case "Schneider" : case "Rafon" : case "Devaraja Singh" : case "Jana" : case "Caesar" : case "Droid55" : case "Nasiron" : _root.e1skill = 3; break; case "Aya" : case "Air Swat" : case "Ravager" : _root.e1skill = 4; break; case "Air Trooper" : _root.e1skill = 5; } e2pilot = "Air Swat"; e2plane = "Claw06"; e2weapon1 = 6; e2weapon2 = 10; switch (_root.e2pilot) { case "Evalot" : case "Chikara" : case "Jonathan Wood" : case "Brocken" : case "AI073" : case "Proto 52G" : case "P167C" : _root.e2skill = 1; break; case "Hassan" : case "Michael Chow" : case "Zero D" : case "Auxmenn" : case "Gina Maroth" : case "McGorse" : case "General Torus" : case "Lee Ann" : case "General Minnaros" : case "Simic" : case "Night Warrior" : case "Karamondo" : _root.e2skill = 2; break; case "Sheila" : case "Schneider" : case "Rafon" : case "Devaraja Singh" : case "Jana" : case "Caesar" : case "Droid55" : case "Nasiron" : _root.e2skill = 3; break; case "Aya" : case "Air Swat" : case "Ravager" : _root.e2skill = 4; break; case "Air Trooper" : _root.e2skill = 5; } e3pilot = "Air Swat"; e3plane = "Claw06"; e3weapon1 = 10; e3weapon2 = 13; switch (_root.e3pilot) { case "Evalot" : case "Chikara" : case "Jonathan Wood" : case "Brocken" : case "AI073" : case "Proto 52G" : case "P167C" : _root.e3skill = 1; break; case "Hassan" : case "Michael Chow" : case "Zero D" : case "Auxmenn" : case "Gina Maroth" : case "McGorse" : case "General Torus" : case "Lee Ann" : case "General Minnaros" : case "Simic" : case "Night Warrior" : case "Karamondo" : _root.e3skill = 2; break; case "Sheila" : case "Schneider" : case "Rafon" : case "Devaraja Singh" : case "Jana" : case "Caesar" : case "Droid55" : case "Nasiron" : _root.e3skill = 3; break; case "Aya" : case "Air Swat" : case "Ravager" : _root.e3skill = 4; break; case "Air Trooper" : _root.e3skill = 5; } e4pilot = "Ravager"; e4plane = "XCA1"; e4weapon1 = 13; e4weapon2 = 10; switch (_root.e4pilot) { case "Evalot" : case "Chikara" : case "Jonathan Wood" : case "Brocken" : case "AI073" : case "Proto 52G" : case "P167C" : _root.e4skill = 1; break; case "Hassan" : case "Michael Chow" : case "Zero D" : case "Auxmenn" : case "Gina Maroth" : case "McGorse" : case "General Torus" : case "Lee Ann" : case "General Minnaros" : case "Simic" : case "Night Warrior" : case "Karamondo" : _root.e4skill = 2; break; case "Sheila" : case "Schneider" : case "Rafon" : case "Devaraja Singh" : case "Jana" : case "Caesar" : case "Droid55" : case "Nasiron" : _root.e4skill = 3; break; case "Aya" : case "Air Swat" : case "Ravager" : _root.e4skill = 4; break; case "Air Trooper" : _root.e4skill = 5; } e5pilot = "Ravager"; e5plane = "Fheat"; e5weapon1 = 8; e5weapon2 = 6; switch (_root.e5pilot) { case "Evalot" : case "Chikara" : case "Jonathan Wood" : case "Brocken" : case "AI073" : case "Proto 52G" : case "P167C" : _root.e5skill = 1; break; case "Hassan" : case "Michael Chow" : case "Zero D" : case "Auxmenn" : case "Gina Maroth" : case "McGorse" : case "General Torus" : case "Lee Ann" : case "General Minnaros" : case "Simic" : case "Night Warrior" : case "Karamondo" : _root.e5skill = 2; break; case "Sheila" : case "Schneider" : case "Rafon" : case "Devaraja Singh" : case "Jana" : case "Caesar" : case "Droid55" : case "Nasiron" : _root.e5skill = 3; break; case "Aya" : case "Air Swat" : case "Ravager" : _root.e5skill = 4; break; case "Air Trooper" : _root.e5skill = 5; } e6pilot = "Ravager"; e6plane = "Fheat"; e6weapon1 = 8; e6weapon2 = 3; switch (_root.e6pilot) { case "Evalot" : case "Chikara" : case "Jonathan Wood" : case "Brocken" : case "AI073" : case "Proto 52G" : case "P167C" : _root.e6skill = 1; break; case "Hassan" : case "Michael Chow" : case "Zero D" : case "Auxmenn" : case "Gina Maroth" : case "McGorse" : case "General Torus" : case "Lee Ann" : case "General Minnaros" : case "Simic" : case "Night Warrior" : case "Karamondo" : _root.e6skill = 2; break; case "Sheila" : case "Schneider" : case "Rafon" : case "Devaraja Singh" : case "Jana" : case "Caesar" : case "Droid55" : case "Nasiron" : _root.e6skill = 3; break; case "Aya" : case "Air Swat" : case "Ravager" : _root.e6skill = 4; break; case "Air Trooper" : _root.e6skill = 5; } _root.gotoAndPlay("campaignbattle");
Frame 2190
campaigntalker = "Lee Ann"; campaignmessage = "<b>Lee Ann:</b><br>Targets taken out. Disarming weapons."; _root.savefile = SharedObject.getLocal("avianwars"); = campaignnumber; _root.savefile.flush(80000);
Frame 2191
campaigntalker = "Lee Ann"; campaignmessage = "<b>Lee Ann:</b><br>Aaaahh!!";
Frame 2192
campaigntalker = "Zero D"; campaignmessage = "<b>Zero D:</b><br>What the...";
Frame 2193
campaigntalker = "Chikara"; campaignmessage = "<b>Chikara:</b><br>Oh my God! She got fried by a missile. She did not eject in time.";
Frame 2194
campaigntalker = "Hassan"; campaignmessage = "<b>Hassan:</b><br>There is a fourth jet? It wasn't on radar!";
Frame 2195
campaigntalker = "Zero D"; campaignmessage = "<b>Zero D:</b><br>I've caught it, but its escaped beyond our range.";
Frame 2196
campaigntalker = "nobody"; campaignmessage = "At the Americia base. General Torus explained to the APMF force the truth about Celtacania stealing their Fheat.";
Frame 2197
campaigntalker = "Jonathan Wood"; campaignmessage = "<b>Jonathan Wood:</b><br>I got here as soon as I could.";
Frame 2198
campaigntalker = "McGorse"; campaignmessage = "<b>McGorse:</b><br>Wood. I bring you dire news. Lee Ann was shot down. She failed to eject in time.";
Frame 2199
campaigntalker = "Jonathan Wood"; campaignmessage = "<b>Jonathan Wood:</b><br>WHAT?! WHO KILLED HER?!";
Frame 2200
campaigntalker = "Zero D"; campaignmessage = "<b>Zero D:</b><br>A Wulfenberg fighter. No idea who was piloting it though.";
Frame 2201
campaigntalker = "Jonathan Wood"; campaignmessage = "<b>Jonathan Wood:</b><br>I WILL HAVE MY REVENGE!!";
Frame 2202
campaigntalker = "McGorse"; campaignmessage = "<b>McGorse:</b><br>Hold it! Just where do you think you are you going?";
Frame 2203
campaigntalker = "Jonathan Wood"; campaignmessage = "<b>Jonathan Wood:</b><br>I'll hunt them to the ends of the Earth. YOU HEAR ME?!";
Frame 2204
planes_in_use = 1; planeusing = 1; plane1weapon1 = 1; plane1weapon2 = 13; plane1model = "Greenhollow"; plane1pilot = "Jonathan Wood"; plane1vspeed = 20; plane1maxvspeed = 47; plane2weapon1 = 13; plane2weapon2 = 8; plane2model = "Aviator V"; plane2pilot = "Chikara"; plane2vspeed = 20; plane2maxvspeed = 45; plane3weapon1 = 10; plane3weapon2 = 8; plane3model = "Aviator V"; plane3pilot = "Hassan"; plane3vspeed = 20; plane3maxvspeed = 45; _root.enemiesleft = 4; _root.fuel = 15000; e1pilot = "Air Swat"; e1plane = "Claw06"; e1weapon1 = 4; e1weapon2 = 7; switch (_root.e1pilot) { case "Evalot" : case "Chikara" : case "Jonathan Wood" : case "Brocken" : case "AI073" : case "Proto 52G" : case "P167C" : _root.e1skill = 1; break; case "Hassan" : case "Michael Chow" : case "Zero D" : case "Auxmenn" : case "Gina Maroth" : case "McGorse" : case "General Torus" : case "Lee Ann" : case "General Minnaros" : case "Simic" : case "Night Warrior" : case "Karamondo" : _root.e1skill = 2; break; case "Sheila" : case "Schneider" : case "Rafon" : case "Devaraja Singh" : case "Jana" : case "Caesar" : case "Droid55" : case "Nasiron" : _root.e1skill = 3; break; case "Aya" : case "Air Swat" : case "Ravager" : _root.e1skill = 4; break; case "Air Trooper" : _root.e1skill = 5; } e2pilot = "Air Swat"; e2plane = "Claw06"; e2weapon1 = 6; e2weapon2 = 10; switch (_root.e2pilot) { case "Evalot" : case "Chikara" : case "Jonathan Wood" : case "Brocken" : case "AI073" : case "Proto 52G" : case "P167C" : _root.e2skill = 1; break; case "Hassan" : case "Michael Chow" : case "Zero D" : case "Auxmenn" : case "Gina Maroth" : case "McGorse" : case "General Torus" : case "Lee Ann" : case "General Minnaros" : case "Simic" : case "Night Warrior" : case "Karamondo" : _root.e2skill = 2; break; case "Sheila" : case "Schneider" : case "Rafon" : case "Devaraja Singh" : case "Jana" : case "Caesar" : case "Droid55" : case "Nasiron" : _root.e2skill = 3; break; case "Aya" : case "Air Swat" : case "Ravager" : _root.e2skill = 4; break; case "Air Trooper" : _root.e2skill = 5; } e3pilot = "Air Swat"; e3plane = "Claw06"; e3weapon1 = 10; e3weapon2 = 13; switch (_root.e3pilot) { case "Evalot" : case "Chikara" : case "Jonathan Wood" : case "Brocken" : case "AI073" : case "Proto 52G" : case "P167C" : _root.e3skill = 1; break; case "Hassan" : case "Michael Chow" : case "Zero D" : case "Auxmenn" : case "Gina Maroth" : case "McGorse" : case "General Torus" : case "Lee Ann" : case "General Minnaros" : case "Simic" : case "Night Warrior" : case "Karamondo" : _root.e3skill = 2; break; case "Sheila" : case "Schneider" : case "Rafon" : case "Devaraja Singh" : case "Jana" : case "Caesar" : case "Droid55" : case "Nasiron" : _root.e3skill = 3; break; case "Aya" : case "Air Swat" : case "Ravager" : _root.e3skill = 4; break; case "Air Trooper" : _root.e3skill = 5; } e4pilot = "Air Trooper"; e4plane = "Claw06"; e4weapon1 = 4; e4weapon2 = 1; switch (_root.e4pilot) { case "Evalot" : case "Chikara" : case "Jonathan Wood" : case "Brocken" : case "AI073" : case "Proto 52G" : case "P167C" : _root.e4skill = 1; break; case "Hassan" : case "Michael Chow" : case "Zero D" : case "Auxmenn" : case "Gina Maroth" : case "McGorse" : case "General Torus" : case "Lee Ann" : case "General Minnaros" : case "Simic" : case "Night Warrior" : case "Karamondo" : _root.e4skill = 2; break; case "Sheila" : case "Schneider" : case "Rafon" : case "Devaraja Singh" : case "Jana" : case "Caesar" : case "Droid55" : case "Nasiron" : _root.e4skill = 3; break; case "Aya" : case "Air Swat" : case "Ravager" : _root.e4skill = 4; break; case "Air Trooper" : _root.e4skill = 5; } e5pilot = "Ravager"; e5plane = "Fheat"; e5weapon1 = 8; e5weapon2 = 6; switch (_root.e5pilot) { case "Evalot" : case "Chikara" : case "Jonathan Wood" : case "Brocken" : case "AI073" : case "Proto 52G" : case "P167C" : _root.e5skill = 1; break; case "Hassan" : case "Michael Chow" : case "Zero D" : case "Auxmenn" : case "Gina Maroth" : case "McGorse" : case "General Torus" : case "Lee Ann" : case "General Minnaros" : case "Simic" : case "Night Warrior" : case "Karamondo" : _root.e5skill = 2; break; case "Sheila" : case "Schneider" : case "Rafon" : case "Devaraja Singh" : case "Jana" : case "Caesar" : case "Droid55" : case "Nasiron" : _root.e5skill = 3; break; case "Aya" : case "Air Swat" : case "Ravager" : _root.e5skill = 4; break; case "Air Trooper" : _root.e5skill = 5; } e6pilot = "Ravager"; e6plane = "Fheat"; e6weapon1 = 8; e6weapon2 = 3; switch (_root.e6pilot) { case "Evalot" : case "Chikara" : case "Jonathan Wood" : case "Brocken" : case "AI073" : case "Proto 52G" : case "P167C" : _root.e6skill = 1; break; case "Hassan" : case "Michael Chow" : case "Zero D" : case "Auxmenn" : case "Gina Maroth" : case "McGorse" : case "General Torus" : case "Lee Ann" : case "General Minnaros" : case "Simic" : case "Night Warrior" : case "Karamondo" : _root.e6skill = 2; break; case "Sheila" : case "Schneider" : case "Rafon" : case "Devaraja Singh" : case "Jana" : case "Caesar" : case "Droid55" : case "Nasiron" : _root.e6skill = 3; break; case "Aya" : case "Air Swat" : case "Ravager" : _root.e6skill = 4; break; case "Air Trooper" : _root.e6skill = 5; } _root.gotoAndPlay("campaignbattle");
Frame 2205
campaigntalker = "Jonathan Wood"; campaignmessage = "<b>Jonathan Wood:</b><br>BRING IT ON!! Anymore Wulfenberg idiots? I will tear you apart!"; _root.savefile = SharedObject.getLocal("avianwars"); = campaignnumber; _root.savefile.flush(80000);
Frame 2206
campaigntalker = "Rafon"; campaignmessage = "<b>Rafon:</b><br>You dare take me on?";
Frame 2207
campaigntalker = "Jonathan Wood"; campaignmessage = "<b>Jonathan Wood:</b><br>I dare take on any Wulfenberg retards.";
Frame 2208
campaigntalker = "Rafon"; campaignmessage = "<b>Rafon:</b><br>You wanna join Lee Ann? I'd gladly do it for you.";
Frame 2209
campaigntalker = "Jonathan Wood"; campaignmessage = "<b>Jonathan Wood:</b><br>Lee Ann... Lee Ann?! You know about her?";
Frame 2210
campaigntalker = "Rafon"; campaignmessage = "<b>Rafon:</b><br>I see... so YOU are the retard. You see, I fired that missile. AHAHAHAHA!!";
Frame 2211
campaigntalker = "Rafon"; campaignmessage = "<b>Rafon:</b><br>She blew up just like a balloon!!";
Frame 2212
campaigntalker = "Jonathan Wood"; campaignmessage = "<b>Jonathan Wood:</b><br>Y O U A R E TOAST!!";
Frame 2213
campaigntalker = "Rafon"; campaignmessage = "<b>Rafon:</b><br>Don't be too sure. I'd like to see you come up to my feet.";
Frame 2214
planes_in_use = 1; planeusing = 1; plane1weapon1 = 1; plane1weapon2 = 13; plane1model = "Greenhollow"; plane1pilot = "Jonathan Wood"; plane1vspeed = 20; plane1maxvspeed = 47; plane2weapon1 = 13; plane2weapon2 = 8; plane2model = "Aviator V"; plane2pilot = "Chikara"; plane2vspeed = 20; plane2maxvspeed = 45; plane3weapon1 = 10; plane3weapon2 = 8; plane3model = "Aviator V"; plane3pilot = "Hassan"; plane3vspeed = 20; plane3maxvspeed = 45; _root.enemiesleft = 3; _root.fuel = 15000; e1pilot = "Rafon"; e1plane = "Claw07"; e1weapon1 = 4; e1weapon2 = 2; switch (_root.e1pilot) { case "Evalot" : case "Chikara" : case "Jonathan Wood" : case "Brocken" : case "AI073" : case "Proto 52G" : case "P167C" : _root.e1skill = 1; break; case "Hassan" : case "Michael Chow" : case "Zero D" : case "Auxmenn" : case "Gina Maroth" : case "McGorse" : case "General Torus" : case "Lee Ann" : case "General Minnaros" : case "Simic" : case "Night Warrior" : case "Karamondo" : _root.e1skill = 2; break; case "Sheila" : case "Schneider" : case "Rafon" : case "Devaraja Singh" : case "Jana" : case "Caesar" : case "Droid55" : case "Nasiron" : _root.e1skill = 3; break; case "Aya" : case "Air Swat" : case "Ravager" : _root.e1skill = 4; break; case "Air Trooper" : _root.e1skill = 5; } e2pilot = "Air Swat"; e2plane = "Claw06"; e2weapon1 = 6; e2weapon2 = 10; switch (_root.e2pilot) { case "Evalot" : case "Chikara" : case "Jonathan Wood" : case "Brocken" : case "AI073" : case "Proto 52G" : case "P167C" : _root.e2skill = 1; break; case "Hassan" : case "Michael Chow" : case "Zero D" : case "Auxmenn" : case "Gina Maroth" : case "McGorse" : case "General Torus" : case "Lee Ann" : case "General Minnaros" : case "Simic" : case "Night Warrior" : case "Karamondo" : _root.e2skill = 2; break; case "Sheila" : case "Schneider" : case "Rafon" : case "Devaraja Singh" : case "Jana" : case "Caesar" : case "Droid55" : case "Nasiron" : _root.e2skill = 3; break; case "Aya" : case "Air Swat" : case "Ravager" : _root.e2skill = 4; break; case "Air Trooper" : _root.e2skill = 5; } e3pilot = "Air Swat"; e3plane = "Claw06"; e3weapon1 = 10; e3weapon2 = 13; switch (_root.e3pilot) { case "Evalot" : case "Chikara" : case "Jonathan Wood" : case "Brocken" : case "AI073" : case "Proto 52G" : case "P167C" : _root.e3skill = 1; break; case "Hassan" : case "Michael Chow" : case "Zero D" : case "Auxmenn" : case "Gina Maroth" : case "McGorse" : case "General Torus" : case "Lee Ann" : case "General Minnaros" : case "Simic" : case "Night Warrior" : case "Karamondo" : _root.e3skill = 2; break; case "Sheila" : case "Schneider" : case "Rafon" : case "Devaraja Singh" : case "Jana" : case "Caesar" : case "Droid55" : case "Nasiron" : _root.e3skill = 3; break; case "Aya" : case "Air Swat" : case "Ravager" : _root.e3skill = 4; break; case "Air Trooper" : _root.e3skill = 5; } e4pilot = "Air Trooper"; e4plane = "Claw06"; e4weapon1 = 4; e4weapon2 = 1; switch (_root.e4pilot) { case "Evalot" : case "Chikara" : case "Jonathan Wood" : case "Brocken" : case "AI073" : case "Proto 52G" : case "P167C" : _root.e4skill = 1; break; case "Hassan" : case "Michael Chow" : case "Zero D" : case "Auxmenn" : case "Gina Maroth" : case "McGorse" : case "General Torus" : case "Lee Ann" : case "General Minnaros" : case "Simic" : case "Night Warrior" : case "Karamondo" : _root.e4skill = 2; break; case "Sheila" : case "Schneider" : case "Rafon" : case "Devaraja Singh" : case "Jana" : case "Caesar" : case "Droid55" : case "Nasiron" : _root.e4skill = 3; break; case "Aya" : case "Air Swat" : case "Ravager" : _root.e4skill = 4; break; case "Air Trooper" : _root.e4skill = 5; } e5pilot = "Ravager"; e5plane = "Fheat"; e5weapon1 = 8; e5weapon2 = 6; switch (_root.e5pilot) { case "Evalot" : case "Chikara" : case "Jonathan Wood" : case "Brocken" : case "AI073" : case "Proto 52G" : case "P167C" : _root.e5skill = 1; break; case "Hassan" : case "Michael Chow" : case "Zero D" : case "Auxmenn" : case "Gina Maroth" : case "McGorse" : case "General Torus" : case "Lee Ann" : case "General Minnaros" : case "Simic" : case "Night Warrior" : case "Karamondo" : _root.e5skill = 2; break; case "Sheila" : case "Schneider" : case "Rafon" : case "Devaraja Singh" : case "Jana" : case "Caesar" : case "Droid55" : case "Nasiron" : _root.e5skill = 3; break; case "Aya" : case "Air Swat" : case "Ravager" : _root.e5skill = 4; break; case "Air Trooper" : _root.e5skill = 5; } e6pilot = "Ravager"; e6plane = "Fheat"; e6weapon1 = 8; e6weapon2 = 3; switch (_root.e6pilot) { case "Evalot" : case "Chikara" : case "Jonathan Wood" : case "Brocken" : case "AI073" : case "Proto 52G" : case "P167C" : _root.e6skill = 1; break; case "Hassan" : case "Michael Chow" : case "Zero D" : case "Auxmenn" : case "Gina Maroth" : case "McGorse" : case "General Torus" : case "Lee Ann" : case "General Minnaros" : case "Simic" : case "Night Warrior" : case "Karamondo" : _root.e6skill = 2; break; case "Sheila" : case "Schneider" : case "Rafon" : case "Devaraja Singh" : case "Jana" : case "Caesar" : case "Droid55" : case "Nasiron" : _root.e6skill = 3; break; case "Aya" : case "Air Swat" : case "Ravager" : _root.e6skill = 4; break; case "Air Trooper" : _root.e6skill = 5; } _root.gotoAndPlay("campaignbattle");
Frame 2215
campaigntalker = "Jonathan Wood"; campaignmessage = "<b>Jonathan Wood:</b><br>Sweet vengeance."; _root.savefile = SharedObject.getLocal("avianwars"); = campaignnumber; _root.savefile.flush(80000);
Frame 2216
campaigntalker = "nobody"; campaignmessage = "Homing missile unlocked!"; _root.u_homing = 1; _root.savefiled = SharedObject.getLocal("avianwars2"); = u_nova; = u_homing; = u_multi; = u_cloak; = u_emp; _root.savefiled.flush(80000);
Frame 2217
campaigntalker = "General Torus"; campaignmessage = "<b>General Torus:</b><br>Jonathan Wood. Do you reed? Head back to base at once!!";
Frame 2218
campaigntalker = "Jonathan Wood"; campaignmessage = "<b>Jonathan Wood:</b><br>I cleared a big space in the Wulfenberg airspace, sir.";
Frame 2219
campaigntalker = "General Torus"; campaignmessage = "<b>General Torus:</b><br>Yes, but your actions were foolish. You could have been killed. Return to base immediately!";
Frame 2220
campaigntalker = "nobody"; campaignmessage = "Jonathan Wood returned to the New Americia base.<br>In the peaceful country of Ghanestan, an anti-war campaign is breaking out.";
Frame 2221
campaigntalker = "nobody"; campaignmessage = "In the middle of the peace demonstration, 4 XCA1 fighters appear in the skies assaulting the cities.";
Frame 2222
campaigntalker = "nobody"; campaignmessage = "One by one, the people in the streets perish. Obviously, Ghanestan has little war machines for defence.";
Frame 2223
campaigntalker = "nobody"; campaignmessage = "However, brought forth the most uniwue of its kind... the Vishnu. The sole defense of Ghanestan.";
Frame 2224
campaigntalker = "Devaraja Singh"; campaignmessage = "<b>Devaraja Singh:</b><br> I was once a fighter pilot. I do not wish to go to war again. I have no choice...";
Frame 2225
campaigntalker = "Aya"; campaignmessage = "<b>Aya:</b><br> I understand, uncle. Please be careful.";
Frame 2226
campaigntalker = "Devaraja Singh"; campaignmessage = "<b>Devaraja Singh:</b><br> I will.";
Frame 2227
planes_in_use = 1; planeusing = 1; plane1weapon1 = 6; plane1weapon2 = 11; plane1model = "Vishnu"; plane1pilot = "Devaraja Singh"; plane1vspeed = 20; plane1maxvspeed = 45; plane2weapon1 = 13; plane2weapon2 = 8; plane2model = "Aviator V"; plane2pilot = "Chikara"; plane2vspeed = 20; plane2maxvspeed = 45; plane3weapon1 = 10; plane3weapon2 = 8; plane3model = "Aviator V"; plane3pilot = "Hassan"; plane3vspeed = 20; plane3maxvspeed = 45; _root.enemiesleft = 4; _root.fuel = 15000; e1pilot = "Droid55"; e1plane = "XCA1"; e1weapon1 = 10; e1weapon2 = 13; switch (_root.e1pilot) { case "Evalot" : case "Chikara" : case "Jonathan Wood" : case "Brocken" : case "AI073" : case "Proto 52G" : case "P167C" : _root.e1skill = 1; break; case "Hassan" : case "Michael Chow" : case "Zero D" : case "Auxmenn" : case "Gina Maroth" : case "McGorse" : case "General Torus" : case "Lee Ann" : case "General Minnaros" : case "Simic" : case "Night Warrior" : case "Karamondo" : _root.e1skill = 2; break; case "Sheila" : case "Schneider" : case "Rafon" : case "Devaraja Singh" : case "Jana" : case "Caesar" : case "Droid55" : case "Nasiron" : _root.e1skill = 3; break; case "Aya" : case "Air Swat" : case "Ravager" : _root.e1skill = 4; break; case "Air Trooper" : _root.e1skill = 5; } e2pilot = "Droid55"; e2plane = "XCA1"; e2weapon1 = 13; e2weapon2 = 10; switch (_root.e2pilot) { case "Evalot" : case "Chikara" : case "Jonathan Wood" : case "Brocken" : case "AI073" : case "Proto 52G" : case "P167C" : _root.e2skill = 1; break; case "Hassan" : case "Michael Chow" : case "Zero D" : case "Auxmenn" : case "Gina Maroth" : case "McGorse" : case "General Torus" : case "Lee Ann" : case "General Minnaros" : case "Simic" : case "Night Warrior" : case "Karamondo" : _root.e2skill = 2; break; case "Sheila" : case "Schneider" : case "Rafon" : case "Devaraja Singh" : case "Jana" : case "Caesar" : case "Droid55" : case "Nasiron" : _root.e2skill = 3; break; case "Aya" : case "Air Swat" : case "Ravager" : _root.e2skill = 4; break; case "Air Trooper" : _root.e2skill = 5; } e3pilot = "Droid55"; e3plane = "XCA1"; e3weapon1 = 10; e3weapon2 = 13; switch (_root.e3pilot) { case "Evalot" : case "Chikara" : case "Jonathan Wood" : case "Brocken" : case "AI073" : case "Proto 52G" : case "P167C" : _root.e3skill = 1; break; case "Hassan" : case "Michael Chow" : case "Zero D" : case "Auxmenn" : case "Gina Maroth" : case "McGorse" : case "General Torus" : case "Lee Ann" : case "General Minnaros" : case "Simic" : case "Night Warrior" : case "Karamondo" : _root.e3skill = 2; break; case "Sheila" : case "Schneider" : case "Rafon" : case "Devaraja Singh" : case "Jana" : case "Caesar" : case "Droid55" : case "Nasiron" : _root.e3skill = 3; break; case "Aya" : case "Air Swat" : case "Ravager" : _root.e3skill = 4; break; case "Air Trooper" : _root.e3skill = 5; } e4pilot = "Droid55"; e4plane = "XCA1"; e4weapon1 = 10; e4weapon2 = 2; switch (_root.e4pilot) { case "Evalot" : case "Chikara" : case "Jonathan Wood" : case "Brocken" : case "AI073" : case "Proto 52G" : case "P167C" : _root.e4skill = 1; break; case "Hassan" : case "Michael Chow" : case "Zero D" : case "Auxmenn" : case "Gina Maroth" : case "McGorse" : case "General Torus" : case "Lee Ann" : case "General Minnaros" : case "Simic" : case "Night Warrior" : case "Karamondo" : _root.e4skill = 2; break; case "Sheila" : case "Schneider" : case "Rafon" : case "Devaraja Singh" : case "Jana" : case "Caesar" : case "Droid55" : case "Nasiron" : _root.e4skill = 3; break; case "Aya" : case "Air Swat" : case "Ravager" : _root.e4skill = 4; break; case "Air Trooper" : _root.e4skill = 5; } e5pilot = "Ravager"; e5plane = "Fheat"; e5weapon1 = 8; e5weapon2 = 6; switch (_root.e5pilot) { case "Evalot" : case "Chikara" : case "Jonathan Wood" : case "Brocken" : case "AI073" : case "Proto 52G" : case "P167C" : _root.e5skill = 1; break; case "Hassan" : case "Michael Chow" : case "Zero D" : case "Auxmenn" : case "Gina Maroth" : case "McGorse" : case "General Torus" : case "Lee Ann" : case "General Minnaros" : case "Simic" : case "Night Warrior" : case "Karamondo" : _root.e5skill = 2; break; case "Sheila" : case "Schneider" : case "Rafon" : case "Devaraja Singh" : case "Jana" : case "Caesar" : case "Droid55" : case "Nasiron" : _root.e5skill = 3; break; case "Aya" : case "Air Swat" : case "Ravager" : _root.e5skill = 4; break; case "Air Trooper" : _root.e5skill = 5; } e6pilot = "Ravager"; e6plane = "Fheat"; e6weapon1 = 8; e6weapon2 = 3; switch (_root.e6pilot) { case "Evalot" : case "Chikara" : case "Jonathan Wood" : case "Brocken" : case "AI073" : case "Proto 52G" : case "P167C" : _root.e6skill = 1; break; case "Hassan" : case "Michael Chow" : case "Zero D" : case "Auxmenn" : case "Gina Maroth" : case "McGorse" : case "General Torus" : case "Lee Ann" : case "General Minnaros" : case "Simic" : case "Night Warrior" : case "Karamondo" : _root.e6skill = 2; break; case "Sheila" : case "Schneider" : case "Rafon" : case "Devaraja Singh" : case "Jana" : case "Caesar" : case "Droid55" : case "Nasiron" : _root.e6skill = 3; break; case "Aya" : case "Air Swat" : case "Ravager" : _root.e6skill = 4; break; case "Air Trooper" : _root.e6skill = 5; } _root.gotoAndPlay("campaignbattle");
Frame 2228
campaigntalker = "Devaraja Singh"; campaignmessage = "<b>Devaraja Singh:</b><br> Ghanestan is safe for now..."; _root.savefile = SharedObject.getLocal("avianwars"); = campaignnumber; _root.savefile.flush(80000);
Frame 2229
campaigntalker = "Devaraja Singh"; campaignmessage = "<b>Devaraja Singh:</b><br> Aaaaaaaaa.....";
Frame 2230
campaigntalker = "nobody"; campaignmessage = "The Vishnu circles in flames and then explodes.";
Frame 2231
campaigntalker = "Aya"; campaignmessage = "<b>Aya:</b><br>Uncle DEVARAJA!!!";
Frame 2232
campaigntalker = "Proto 52G"; campaignmessage = "<b>Proto 52G:</b><br>What a nice shot... Ghanestan, an easy area to conquer.";
Frame 2233
campaigntalker = "Aya"; campaignmessage = "<b>Aya:</b><br>Not yet. I have a Vishnu of my own. Lets see you try that again.";
Frame 2234
planes_in_use = 1; planeusing = 1; plane1weapon1 = 5; plane1weapon2 = 8; plane1model = "Vishnu"; plane1pilot = "Aya"; plane1vspeed = 20; plane1maxvspeed = 45; plane2weapon1 = 13; plane2weapon2 = 8; plane2model = "Aviator V"; plane2pilot = "Chikara"; plane2vspeed = 20; plane2maxvspeed = 45; plane3weapon1 = 10; plane3weapon2 = 8; plane3model = "Aviator V"; plane3pilot = "Hassan"; plane3vspeed = 20; plane3maxvspeed = 45; _root.enemiesleft = 2; _root.fuel = 15000; e1pilot = "Droid55"; e1plane = "XCA1"; e1weapon1 = 10; e1weapon2 = 13; switch (_root.e1pilot) { case "Evalot" : case "Chikara" : case "Jonathan Wood" : case "Brocken" : case "AI073" : case "Proto 52G" : case "P167C" : _root.e1skill = 1; break; case "Hassan" : case "Michael Chow" : case "Zero D" : case "Auxmenn" : case "Gina Maroth" : case "McGorse" : case "General Torus" : case "Lee Ann" : case "General Minnaros" : case "Simic" : case "Night Warrior" : case "Karamondo" : _root.e1skill = 2; break; case "Sheila" : case "Schneider" : case "Rafon" : case "Devaraja Singh" : case "Jana" : case "Caesar" : case "Droid55" : case "Nasiron" : _root.e1skill = 3; break; case "Aya" : case "Air Swat" : case "Ravager" : _root.e1skill = 4; break; case "Air Trooper" : _root.e1skill = 5; } e2pilot = "Proto 52G"; e2plane = "XCA1"; e2weapon1 = 12; e2weapon2 = 2; switch (_root.e2pilot) { case "Evalot" : case "Chikara" : case "Jonathan Wood" : case "Brocken" : case "AI073" : case "Proto 52G" : case "P167C" : _root.e2skill = 1; break; case "Hassan" : case "Michael Chow" : case "Zero D" : case "Auxmenn" : case "Gina Maroth" : case "McGorse" : case "General Torus" : case "Lee Ann" : case "General Minnaros" : case "Simic" : case "Night Warrior" : case "Karamondo" : _root.e2skill = 2; break; case "Sheila" : case "Schneider" : case "Rafon" : case "Devaraja Singh" : case "Jana" : case "Caesar" : case "Droid55" : case "Nasiron" : _root.e2skill = 3; break; case "Aya" : case "Air Swat" : case "Ravager" : _root.e2skill = 4; break; case "Air Trooper" : _root.e2skill = 5; } e3pilot = "Droid55"; e3plane = "XCA1"; e3weapon1 = 10; e3weapon2 = 13; switch (_root.e3pilot) { case "Evalot" : case "Chikara" : case "Jonathan Wood" : case "Brocken" : case "AI073" : case "Proto 52G" : case "P167C" : _root.e3skill = 1; break; case "Hassan" : case "Michael Chow" : case "Zero D" : case "Auxmenn" : case "Gina Maroth" : case "McGorse" : case "General Torus" : case "Lee Ann" : case "General Minnaros" : case "Simic" : case "Night Warrior" : case "Karamondo" : _root.e3skill = 2; break; case "Sheila" : case "Schneider" : case "Rafon" : case "Devaraja Singh" : case "Jana" : case "Caesar" : case "Droid55" : case "Nasiron" : _root.e3skill = 3; break; case "Aya" : case "Air Swat" : case "Ravager" : _root.e3skill = 4; break; case "Air Trooper" : _root.e3skill = 5; } e4pilot = "Droid55"; e4plane = "XCA1"; e4weapon1 = 10; e4weapon2 = 2; switch (_root.e4pilot) { case "Evalot" : case "Chikara" : case "Jonathan Wood" : case "Brocken" : case "AI073" : case "Proto 52G" : case "P167C" : _root.e4skill = 1; break; case "Hassan" : case "Michael Chow" : case "Zero D" : case "Auxmenn" : case "Gina Maroth" : case "McGorse" : case "General Torus" : case "Lee Ann" : case "General Minnaros" : case "Simic" : case "Night Warrior" : case "Karamondo" : _root.e4skill = 2; break; case "Sheila" : case "Schneider" : case "Rafon" : case "Devaraja Singh" : case "Jana" : case "Caesar" : case "Droid55" : case "Nasiron" : _root.e4skill = 3; break; case "Aya" : case "Air Swat" : case "Ravager" : _root.e4skill = 4; break; case "Air Trooper" : _root.e4skill = 5; } e5pilot = "Ravager"; e5plane = "Fheat"; e5weapon1 = 8; e5weapon2 = 6; switch (_root.e5pilot) { case "Evalot" : case "Chikara" : case "Jonathan Wood" : case "Brocken" : case "AI073" : case "Proto 52G" : case "P167C" : _root.e5skill = 1; break; case "Hassan" : case "Michael Chow" : case "Zero D" : case "Auxmenn" : case "Gina Maroth" : case "McGorse" : case "General Torus" : case "Lee Ann" : case "General Minnaros" : case "Simic" : case "Night Warrior" : case "Karamondo" : _root.e5skill = 2; break; case "Sheila" : case "Schneider" : case "Rafon" : case "Devaraja Singh" : case "Jana" : case "Caesar" : case "Droid55" : case "Nasiron" : _root.e5skill = 3; break; case "Aya" : case "Air Swat" : case "Ravager" : _root.e5skill = 4; break; case "Air Trooper" : _root.e5skill = 5; } e6pilot = "Ravager"; e6plane = "Fheat"; e6weapon1 = 8; e6weapon2 = 3; switch (_root.e6pilot) { case "Evalot" : case "Chikara" : case "Jonathan Wood" : case "Brocken" : case "AI073" : case "Proto 52G" : case "P167C" : _root.e6skill = 1; break; case "Hassan" : case "Michael Chow" : case "Zero D" : case "Auxmenn" : case "Gina Maroth" : case "McGorse" : case "General Torus" : case "Lee Ann" : case "General Minnaros" : case "Simic" : case "Night Warrior" : case "Karamondo" : _root.e6skill = 2; break; case "Sheila" : case "Schneider" : case "Rafon" : case "Devaraja Singh" : case "Jana" : case "Caesar" : case "Droid55" : case "Nasiron" : _root.e6skill = 3; break; case "Aya" : case "Air Swat" : case "Ravager" : _root.e6skill = 4; break; case "Air Trooper" : _root.e6skill = 5; } _root.gotoAndPlay("campaignbattle");
Frame 2235
campaigntalker = "Proto 52G"; campaignmessage = "<b>Proto 52G:</b><br>Damn. I'll get you next time. EJECTING!"; _root.savefile = SharedObject.getLocal("avianwars"); = campaignnumber; _root.savefile.flush(80000);
Frame 2236
campaigntalker = "Aya"; campaignmessage = "<b>Aya:</b><br>Ghanestan is safe for now. I wish. When will the war stop... How long will it go on...";
Frame 2237
campaigntalker = "nobody"; campaignmessage = "On the other side of the globe, Evalot Republic is suffering a similar fate as the other countries.";
Frame 2238
campaigntalker = "nobody"; campaignmessage = "Major cities of Evalot Republic were ambushed by multiple Fheats leaving more than half of the nation in ruins.";
Frame 2239
campaigntalker = "nobody"; campaignmessage = "Almost all comrades of Simic were killed in defence. Simic is now the only remaining pilot of the nation.";
Frame 2240
campaigntalker = "Evalot"; campaignmessage = "<b>Evalot:</b><br>Our best pilots were all killed in the sudden attack by an unknown enemy.";
Frame 2241
campaigntalker = "Air Swat"; campaignmessage = "<b>Air Swat:</b><br>War is breaking out once again, how are we going to defend the country, my Lord?";
Frame 2242
campaigntalker = "Evalot"; campaignmessage = "<b>Evalot:</b><br>Frankly, I have no idea. It all depends on whatever remains.";
Frame 2243
campaigntalker = "Air Swat"; campaignmessage = "<b>Air Swat:</b><br>Right now, looks like Simic is our only chance, my Lord.";
Frame 2244
campaigntalker = "Evalot"; campaignmessage = "<b>Evalot:</b><br>That's right. But we don't know our enemies neither do we know their intentions.";
Frame 2245
campaigntalker = "Air Trooper"; campaignmessage = "<b>Air Trooper:</b><br>4 unknown aircraft trespassing our airspace.";
Frame 2246
campaigntalker = "Evalot"; campaignmessage = "<b>Evalot:</b><br>Simic, get ready.";
Frame 2247
campaigntalker = "Simic"; campaignmessage = "<b>Simic:</b><br>Yes Lord! Armed and ready.";
Frame 2248
planes_in_use = 1; planeusing = 1; plane1weapon1 = 2; plane1weapon2 = 3; plane1model = "Wingcore"; plane1pilot = "Simic"; plane1vspeed = 20; plane1maxvspeed = 45; plane2weapon1 = 13; plane2weapon2 = 8; plane2model = "Aviator V"; plane2pilot = "Chikara"; plane2vspeed = 20; plane2maxvspeed = 45; plane3weapon1 = 10; plane3weapon2 = 8; plane3model = "Aviator V"; plane3pilot = "Hassan"; plane3vspeed = 20; plane3maxvspeed = 45; _root.enemiesleft = 3; _root.fuel = 15000; e1pilot = "Droid55"; e1plane = "Fheat"; e1weapon1 = 11; e1weapon2 = 5; switch (_root.e1pilot) { case "Evalot" : case "Chikara" : case "Jonathan Wood" : case "Brocken" : case "AI073" : case "Proto 52G" : case "P167C" : _root.e1skill = 1; break; case "Hassan" : case "Michael Chow" : case "Zero D" : case "Auxmenn" : case "Gina Maroth" : case "McGorse" : case "General Torus" : case "Lee Ann" : case "General Minnaros" : case "Simic" : case "Night Warrior" : case "Karamondo" : _root.e1skill = 2; break; case "Sheila" : case "Schneider" : case "Rafon" : case "Devaraja Singh" : case "Jana" : case "Caesar" : case "Droid55" : case "Nasiron" : _root.e1skill = 3; break; case "Aya" : case "Air Swat" : case "Ravager" : _root.e1skill = 4; break; case "Air Trooper" : _root.e1skill = 5; } e2pilot = "Droid55"; e2plane = "Fheat"; e2weapon1 = 1; e2weapon2 = 13; switch (_root.e2pilot) { case "Evalot" : case "Chikara" : case "Jonathan Wood" : case "Brocken" : case "AI073" : case "Proto 52G" : case "P167C" : _root.e2skill = 1; break; case "Hassan" : case "Michael Chow" : case "Zero D" : case "Auxmenn" : case "Gina Maroth" : case "McGorse" : case "General Torus" : case "Lee Ann" : case "General Minnaros" : case "Simic" : case "Night Warrior" : case "Karamondo" : _root.e2skill = 2; break; case "Sheila" : case "Schneider" : case "Rafon" : case "Devaraja Singh" : case "Jana" : case "Caesar" : case "Droid55" : case "Nasiron" : _root.e2skill = 3; break; case "Aya" : case "Air Swat" : case "Ravager" : _root.e2skill = 4; break; case "Air Trooper" : _root.e2skill = 5; } e3pilot = "Droid55"; e3plane = "Fheat"; e3weapon1 = 8; e3weapon2 = 6; switch (_root.e3pilot) { case "Evalot" : case "Chikara" : case "Jonathan Wood" : case "Brocken" : case "AI073" : case "Proto 52G" : case "P167C" : _root.e3skill = 1; break; case "Hassan" : case "Michael Chow" : case "Zero D" : case "Auxmenn" : case "Gina Maroth" : case "McGorse" : case "General Torus" : case "Lee Ann" : case "General Minnaros" : case "Simic" : case "Night Warrior" : case "Karamondo" : _root.e3skill = 2; break; case "Sheila" : case "Schneider" : case "Rafon" : case "Devaraja Singh" : case "Jana" : case "Caesar" : case "Droid55" : case "Nasiron" : _root.e3skill = 3; break; case "Aya" : case "Air Swat" : case "Ravager" : _root.e3skill = 4; break; case "Air Trooper" : _root.e3skill = 5; } e4pilot = "Droid55"; e4plane = "XCA1"; e4weapon1 = 10; e4weapon2 = 2; switch (_root.e4pilot) { case "Evalot" : case "Chikara" : case "Jonathan Wood" : case "Brocken" : case "AI073" : case "Proto 52G" : case "P167C" : _root.e4skill = 1; break; case "Hassan" : case "Michael Chow" : case "Zero D" : case "Auxmenn" : case "Gina Maroth" : case "McGorse" : case "General Torus" : case "Lee Ann" : case "General Minnaros" : case "Simic" : case "Night Warrior" : case "Karamondo" : _root.e4skill = 2; break; case "Sheila" : case "Schneider" : case "Rafon" : case "Devaraja Singh" : case "Jana" : case "Caesar" : case "Droid55" : case "Nasiron" : _root.e4skill = 3; break; case "Aya" : case "Air Swat" : case "Ravager" : _root.e4skill = 4; break; case "Air Trooper" : _root.e4skill = 5; } e5pilot = "Ravager"; e5plane = "Fheat"; e5weapon1 = 8; e5weapon2 = 6; switch (_root.e5pilot) { case "Evalot" : case "Chikara" : case "Jonathan Wood" : case "Brocken" : case "AI073" : case "Proto 52G" : case "P167C" : _root.e5skill = 1; break; case "Hassan" : case "Michael Chow" : case "Zero D" : case "Auxmenn" : case "Gina Maroth" : case "McGorse" : case "General Torus" : case "Lee Ann" : case "General Minnaros" : case "Simic" : case "Night Warrior" : case "Karamondo" : _root.e5skill = 2; break; case "Sheila" : case "Schneider" : case "Rafon" : case "Devaraja Singh" : case "Jana" : case "Caesar" : case "Droid55" : case "Nasiron" : _root.e5skill = 3; break; case "Aya" : case "Air Swat" : case "Ravager" : _root.e5skill = 4; break; case "Air Trooper" : _root.e5skill = 5; } e6pilot = "Ravager"; e6plane = "Fheat"; e6weapon1 = 8; e6weapon2 = 3; switch (_root.e6pilot) { case "Evalot" : case "Chikara" : case "Jonathan Wood" : case "Brocken" : case "AI073" : case "Proto 52G" : case "P167C" : _root.e6skill = 1; break; case "Hassan" : case "Michael Chow" : case "Zero D" : case "Auxmenn" : case "Gina Maroth" : case "McGorse" : case "General Torus" : case "Lee Ann" : case "General Minnaros" : case "Simic" : case "Night Warrior" : case "Karamondo" : _root.e6skill = 2; break; case "Sheila" : case "Schneider" : case "Rafon" : case "Devaraja Singh" : case "Jana" : case "Caesar" : case "Droid55" : case "Nasiron" : _root.e6skill = 3; break; case "Aya" : case "Air Swat" : case "Ravager" : _root.e6skill = 4; break; case "Air Trooper" : _root.e6skill = 5; } _root.gotoAndPlay("campaignbattle");
Frame 2249
campaigntalker = "Simic"; campaignmessage = "<b>Simic:</b><br>Lord Evalot, all enemies destroyed... wait, I destroyed 3 but the report mentioned 4..."; _root.savefile = SharedObject.getLocal("avianwars"); = campaignnumber; _root.savefile.flush(80000);
Frame 2250
campaigntalker = "Proto 52G"; campaignmessage = "<b>Proto 52G:</b><br>Hahahahaha... You missed one, didn't you?";
Frame 2251
campaigntalker = "Simic"; campaignmessage = "<b>Simic:</b><br>There is one more Fheat? Man, I'm out of missiles!!";
Frame 2252
campaigntalker = "Proto 52G"; campaignmessage = "<b>Proto 52G:</b><br>Destruction time!!";
Frame 2253
planes_in_use = 1; planeusing = 1; plane1weapon1 = 14; plane1weapon2 = 3; plane1model = "Wingcore"; plane1pilot = "Simic"; plane1vspeed = 20; plane1maxvspeed = 45; plane2weapon1 = 13; plane2weapon2 = 8; plane2model = "Aviator V"; plane2pilot = "Chikara"; plane2vspeed = 20; plane2maxvspeed = 45; plane3weapon1 = 10; plane3weapon2 = 8; plane3model = "Aviator V"; plane3pilot = "Hassan"; plane3vspeed = 20; plane3maxvspeed = 45; _root.enemiesleft = 1; _root.fuel = 15000; e1pilot = "Proto 52G"; e1plane = "Fheat"; e1weapon1 = 2; e1weapon2 = 7; switch (_root.e1pilot) { case "Evalot" : case "Chikara" : case "Jonathan Wood" : case "Brocken" : case "AI073" : case "Proto 52G" : case "P167C" : _root.e1skill = 1; break; case "Hassan" : case "Michael Chow" : case "Zero D" : case "Auxmenn" : case "Gina Maroth" : case "McGorse" : case "General Torus" : case "Lee Ann" : case "General Minnaros" : case "Simic" : case "Night Warrior" : case "Karamondo" : _root.e1skill = 2; break; case "Sheila" : case "Schneider" : case "Rafon" : case "Devaraja Singh" : case "Jana" : case "Caesar" : case "Droid55" : case "Nasiron" : _root.e1skill = 3; break; case "Aya" : case "Air Swat" : case "Ravager" : _root.e1skill = 4; break; case "Air Trooper" : _root.e1skill = 5; } e2pilot = "Droid55"; e2plane = "Fheat"; e2weapon1 = 1; e2weapon2 = 13; switch (_root.e2pilot) { case "Evalot" : case "Chikara" : case "Jonathan Wood" : case "Brocken" : case "AI073" : case "Proto 52G" : case "P167C" : _root.e2skill = 1; break; case "Hassan" : case "Michael Chow" : case "Zero D" : case "Auxmenn" : case "Gina Maroth" : case "McGorse" : case "General Torus" : case "Lee Ann" : case "General Minnaros" : case "Simic" : case "Night Warrior" : case "Karamondo" : _root.e2skill = 2; break; case "Sheila" : case "Schneider" : case "Rafon" : case "Devaraja Singh" : case "Jana" : case "Caesar" : case "Droid55" : case "Nasiron" : _root.e2skill = 3; break; case "Aya" : case "Air Swat" : case "Ravager" : _root.e2skill = 4; break; case "Air Trooper" : _root.e2skill = 5; } e3pilot = "Droid55"; e3plane = "Fheat"; e3weapon1 = 8; e3weapon2 = 6; switch (_root.e3pilot) { case "Evalot" : case "Chikara" : case "Jonathan Wood" : case "Brocken" : case "AI073" : case "Proto 52G" : case "P167C" : _root.e3skill = 1; break; case "Hassan" : case "Michael Chow" : case "Zero D" : case "Auxmenn" : case "Gina Maroth" : case "McGorse" : case "General Torus" : case "Lee Ann" : case "General Minnaros" : case "Simic" : case "Night Warrior" : case "Karamondo" : _root.e3skill = 2; break; case "Sheila" : case "Schneider" : case "Rafon" : case "Devaraja Singh" : case "Jana" : case "Caesar" : case "Droid55" : case "Nasiron" : _root.e3skill = 3; break; case "Aya" : case "Air Swat" : case "Ravager" : _root.e3skill = 4; break; case "Air Trooper" : _root.e3skill = 5; } e4pilot = "Droid55"; e4plane = "XCA1"; e4weapon1 = 10; e4weapon2 = 2; switch (_root.e4pilot) { case "Evalot" : case "Chikara" : case "Jonathan Wood" : case "Brocken" : case "AI073" : case "Proto 52G" : case "P167C" : _root.e4skill = 1; break; case "Hassan" : case "Michael Chow" : case "Zero D" : case "Auxmenn" : case "Gina Maroth" : case "McGorse" : case "General Torus" : case "Lee Ann" : case "General Minnaros" : case "Simic" : case "Night Warrior" : case "Karamondo" : _root.e4skill = 2; break; case "Sheila" : case "Schneider" : case "Rafon" : case "Devaraja Singh" : case "Jana" : case "Caesar" : case "Droid55" : case "Nasiron" : _root.e4skill = 3; break; case "Aya" : case "Air Swat" : case "Ravager" : _root.e4skill = 4; break; case "Air Trooper" : _root.e4skill = 5; } e5pilot = "Ravager"; e5plane = "Fheat"; e5weapon1 = 8; e5weapon2 = 6; switch (_root.e5pilot) { case "Evalot" : case "Chikara" : case "Jonathan Wood" : case "Brocken" : case "AI073" : case "Proto 52G" : case "P167C" : _root.e5skill = 1; break; case "Hassan" : case "Michael Chow" : case "Zero D" : case "Auxmenn" : case "Gina Maroth" : case "McGorse" : case "General Torus" : case "Lee Ann" : case "General Minnaros" : case "Simic" : case "Night Warrior" : case "Karamondo" : _root.e5skill = 2; break; case "Sheila" : case "Schneider" : case "Rafon" : case "Devaraja Singh" : case "Jana" : case "Caesar" : case "Droid55" : case "Nasiron" : _root.e5skill = 3; break; case "Aya" : case "Air Swat" : case "Ravager" : _root.e5skill = 4; break; case "Air Trooper" : _root.e5skill = 5; } e6pilot = "Ravager"; e6plane = "Fheat"; e6weapon1 = 8; e6weapon2 = 3; switch (_root.e6pilot) { case "Evalot" : case "Chikara" : case "Jonathan Wood" : case "Brocken" : case "AI073" : case "Proto 52G" : case "P167C" : _root.e6skill = 1; break; case "Hassan" : case "Michael Chow" : case "Zero D" : case "Auxmenn" : case "Gina Maroth" : case "McGorse" : case "General Torus" : case "Lee Ann" : case "General Minnaros" : case "Simic" : case "Night Warrior" : case "Karamondo" : _root.e6skill = 2; break; case "Sheila" : case "Schneider" : case "Rafon" : case "Devaraja Singh" : case "Jana" : case "Caesar" : case "Droid55" : case "Nasiron" : _root.e6skill = 3; break; case "Aya" : case "Air Swat" : case "Ravager" : _root.e6skill = 4; break; case "Air Trooper" : _root.e6skill = 5; } _root.gotoAndPlay("campaignbattle");
Frame 2254
campaigntalker = "Proto 52G"; campaignmessage = "<b>Proto 52G:</b><br>You won! Bravo. Bravo. But this is just the beginning. I've got hundreds of Fheats waiting for you."; _root.savefile = SharedObject.getLocal("avianwars"); = campaignnumber; _root.savefile.flush(80000);
Frame 2255
campaigntalker = "Proto 52G"; campaignmessage = "<b>Proto 52G:</b><br>Evalot Republic is no match for the AI forces of Celtacania. Hahahaha...";
Frame 2256
campaigntalker = "nobody"; campaignmessage = "With that, Proto 52G escapes with a barely functional Fheat. Simic is called back to base.";
Frame 2257
campaigntalker = "Evalot"; campaignmessage = "<b>Evalot:</b><br>That was a good fight, Simic. I am proud of you. We know our enemies now, but we don't have the capacity to launch a counter attack at the moment.";
Frame 2258
campaigntalker = "Simic"; campaignmessage = "<b>Simic:</b><br>Well regroup our forces and the other pilots. We don't need top guns to pilot a plane after all.";
Frame 2259
campaigntalker = "Evalot"; campaignmessage = "<b>Evalot:</b><br>You know, Celtacania was model for all of us until its military forces were taken over by the android that their scientists developed. Their technology could be considered more advanced than Americia.";
Frame 2260
campaigntalker = "Simic"; campaignmessage = "<b>Simic:</b><br>Anyway, we still need to defend Evalot Republic, our motherland.";
Frame 2261
campaigntalker = "nobody"; campaignmessage = "A few days have passed. Evalot, Simic and a squadron of Air Swats have made the necessary preparations for their defense.";
Frame 2262
campaigntalker = "Air Swat"; campaignmessage = "<b>Air Swat:</b><br>My Lord, incoming enemy aircraft!";
Frame 2263
campaigntalker = "Evalot"; campaignmessage = "<b>Evalot:</b><br>And we are ready for them. Lets give them a welcoming party after what they did to us.";
Frame 2264
campaigntalker = "Simic"; campaignmessage = "<b>Simic:</b><br>Splendid idea.";
Frame 2265
planes_in_use = 3; planeusing = 1; plane1weapon1 = 1; plane1weapon2 = 4; plane1model = "Wingcore"; plane1pilot = "Simic"; plane1vspeed = 20; plane1maxvspeed = 45; plane2weapon1 = 10; plane2weapon2 = 8; plane2model = "Wingcore"; plane2pilot = "Air Swat"; plane2vspeed = 20; plane2maxvspeed = 45; plane3weapon1 = 2; plane3weapon2 = 6; plane3model = "Wingcore"; plane3pilot = "Evalot"; plane3vspeed = 20; plane3maxvspeed = 45; _root.enemiesleft = 6; _root.fuel = 15000; e1pilot = "Droid55"; e1plane = "Fheat"; e1weapon1 = 2; e1weapon2 = 7; switch (_root.e1pilot) { case "Evalot" : case "Chikara" : case "Jonathan Wood" : case "Brocken" : case "AI073" : case "Proto 52G" : case "P167C" : _root.e1skill = 1; break; case "Hassan" : case "Michael Chow" : case "Zero D" : case "Auxmenn" : case "Gina Maroth" : case "McGorse" : case "General Torus" : case "Lee Ann" : case "General Minnaros" : case "Simic" : case "Night Warrior" : case "Karamondo" : _root.e1skill = 2; break; case "Sheila" : case "Schneider" : case "Rafon" : case "Devaraja Singh" : case "Jana" : case "Caesar" : case "Droid55" : case "Nasiron" : _root.e1skill = 3; break; case "Aya" : case "Air Swat" : case "Ravager" : _root.e1skill = 4; break; case "Air Trooper" : _root.e1skill = 5; } e2pilot = "Droid55"; e2plane = "Fheat"; e2weapon1 = 1; e2weapon2 = 13; switch (_root.e2pilot) { case "Evalot" : case "Chikara" : case "Jonathan Wood" : case "Brocken" : case "AI073" : case "Proto 52G" : case "P167C" : _root.e2skill = 1; break; case "Hassan" : case "Michael Chow" : case "Zero D" : case "Auxmenn" : case "Gina Maroth" : case "McGorse" : case "General Torus" : case "Lee Ann" : case "General Minnaros" : case "Simic" : case "Night Warrior" : case "Karamondo" : _root.e2skill = 2; break; case "Sheila" : case "Schneider" : case "Rafon" : case "Devaraja Singh" : case "Jana" : case "Caesar" : case "Droid55" : case "Nasiron" : _root.e2skill = 3; break; case "Aya" : case "Air Swat" : case "Ravager" : _root.e2skill = 4; break; case "Air Trooper" : _root.e2skill = 5; } e3pilot = "Droid55"; e3plane = "Fheat"; e3weapon1 = 8; e3weapon2 = 6; switch (_root.e3pilot) { case "Evalot" : case "Chikara" : case "Jonathan Wood" : case "Brocken" : case "AI073" : case "Proto 52G" : case "P167C" : _root.e3skill = 1; break; case "Hassan" : case "Michael Chow" : case "Zero D" : case "Auxmenn" : case "Gina Maroth" : case "McGorse" : case "General Torus" : case "Lee Ann" : case "General Minnaros" : case "Simic" : case "Night Warrior" : case "Karamondo" : _root.e3skill = 2; break; case "Sheila" : case "Schneider" : case "Rafon" : case "Devaraja Singh" : case "Jana" : case "Caesar" : case "Droid55" : case "Nasiron" : _root.e3skill = 3; break; case "Aya" : case "Air Swat" : case "Ravager" : _root.e3skill = 4; break; case "Air Trooper" : _root.e3skill = 5; } e4pilot = "Droid55"; e4plane = "XCA1"; e4weapon1 = 10; e4weapon2 = 8; switch (_root.e4pilot) { case "Evalot" : case "Chikara" : case "Jonathan Wood" : case "Brocken" : case "AI073" : case "Proto 52G" : case "P167C" : _root.e4skill = 1; break; case "Hassan" : case "Michael Chow" : case "Zero D" : case "Auxmenn" : case "Gina Maroth" : case "McGorse" : case "General Torus" : case "Lee Ann" : case "General Minnaros" : case "Simic" : case "Night Warrior" : case "Karamondo" : _root.e4skill = 2; break; case "Sheila" : case "Schneider" : case "Rafon" : case "Devaraja Singh" : case "Jana" : case "Caesar" : case "Droid55" : case "Nasiron" : _root.e4skill = 3; break; case "Aya" : case "Air Swat" : case "Ravager" : _root.e4skill = 4; break; case "Air Trooper" : _root.e4skill = 5; } e5pilot = "Ravager"; e5plane = "XCA1"; e5weapon1 = 10; e5weapon2 = 12; switch (_root.e5pilot) { case "Evalot" : case "Chikara" : case "Jonathan Wood" : case "Brocken" : case "AI073" : case "Proto 52G" : case "P167C" : _root.e5skill = 1; break; case "Hassan" : case "Michael Chow" : case "Zero D" : case "Auxmenn" : case "Gina Maroth" : case "McGorse" : case "General Torus" : case "Lee Ann" : case "General Minnaros" : case "Simic" : case "Night Warrior" : case "Karamondo" : _root.e5skill = 2; break; case "Sheila" : case "Schneider" : case "Rafon" : case "Devaraja Singh" : case "Jana" : case "Caesar" : case "Droid55" : case "Nasiron" : _root.e5skill = 3; break; case "Aya" : case "Air Swat" : case "Ravager" : _root.e5skill = 4; break; case "Air Trooper" : _root.e5skill = 5; } e6pilot = "Ravager"; e6plane = "XCA1"; e6weapon1 = 5; e6weapon2 = 3; switch (_root.e6pilot) { case "Evalot" : case "Chikara" : case "Jonathan Wood" : case "Brocken" : case "AI073" : case "Proto 52G" : case "P167C" : _root.e6skill = 1; break; case "Hassan" : case "Michael Chow" : case "Zero D" : case "Auxmenn" : case "Gina Maroth" : case "McGorse" : case "General Torus" : case "Lee Ann" : case "General Minnaros" : case "Simic" : case "Night Warrior" : case "Karamondo" : _root.e6skill = 2; break; case "Sheila" : case "Schneider" : case "Rafon" : case "Devaraja Singh" : case "Jana" : case "Caesar" : case "Droid55" : case "Nasiron" : _root.e6skill = 3; break; case "Aya" : case "Air Swat" : case "Ravager" : _root.e6skill = 4; break; case "Air Trooper" : _root.e6skill = 5; } _root.gotoAndPlay("campaignbattle");
Frame 2266
campaigntalker = "Evalot"; campaignmessage = "<b>Evalot:</b><br>Victory!! What a shot!"; _root.savefile = SharedObject.getLocal("avianwars"); = campaignnumber; _root.savefile.flush(80000);
Frame 2267
campaigntalker = "Simic"; campaignmessage = "<b>Simic:</b><br>We shot every freakin' bot out of the sky.";
Frame 2268
campaigntalker = "Evalot"; campaignmessage = "<b>Evalot:</b><br>Well done, everyone.";
Frame 2269
campaigntalker = "Air Swat"; campaignmessage = "<b>Air Swat:</b><br>Thanks, my lord.";
Frame 2270
campaigntalker = "Evalot"; campaignmessage = "<b>Evalot:</b><br>But this is just the beginning of things to come. We should not let our guards down.";
Frame 2271
campaigntalker = "Simic"; campaignmessage = "<b>Simic:</b><br>I know. I wouldn't.";
Frame 2272
campaigntalker = "Evalot"; campaignmessage = "<b>Evalot:</b><br>Head back to base.";
Frame 2273
campaigntalker = "nobody"; campaignmessage = "Electromagnetic Pulse Cannon salvaged... EMP Cannon unlocked!"; _root.u_emp = 1; _root.savefiled = SharedObject.getLocal("avianwars2"); = u_nova; = u_homing; = u_multi; = u_cloak; = u_emp; _root.savefiled.flush(80000);
Frame 2274
campaigntalker = "nobody"; campaignmessage = "General Minnaros, and Jana of Angelland are ptrolling the skies for Celcatanians and they unintentionally enter Afroecana airspace after tracking down a plane.";
Frame 2275
campaigntalker = "nobody"; campaignmessage = "The Afroecana Empire is a country formed from the combination of all African nations. The whole African continent is now one large nation, combining all resources together, they have developed a great deal ever since.";
Frame 2276
campaigntalker = "nobody"; campaignmessage = "Upon seeing the Angelland scout planes, Afroecana feels threatened and sends 3 pilots to confront the trespassers.";
Frame 2277
campaigntalker = "nobody"; campaignmessage = "Nasiron, Karamondo and Night Warrior hop into their Plogo Volu jets and whizz off into the sky.";
Frame 2278
campaigntalker = "Karamondo"; campaignmessage = "<b>Karamondo:</b><br>Halt. Please leave the skies of Afroecana.";
Frame 2279
campaigntalker = "Jana"; campaignmessage = "<b>Jana:</b><br>We mean no harm. We have detected Celtacanian forces entering this region.";
Frame 2280
campaigntalker = "Night Warrior"; campaignmessage = "<b>Night Warrior:</b><br>Look. You have to leave or else. You have 5 seconds to do a 180.";
Frame 2281
campaigntalker = "General Minnaros"; campaignmessage = "<b>General Minnaros:</b><br>I'm afraid we cannot do that. We are tracking down the plane.";
Frame 2282
campaigntalker = "Night Warrior"; campaignmessage = "<b>Night Warrior:</b><br>Then we will be forced to shoot you down. I am terribly sorry.";
Frame 2283
planes_in_use = 2; planeusing = 1; plane1weapon1 = 8; plane1weapon2 = 10; plane1model = "Dragoiex"; plane1pilot = "Jana"; plane1vspeed = 20; plane1maxvspeed = 35; plane2weapon1 = 12; plane2weapon2 = 3; plane2model = "Midas"; plane2pilot = "General Minnaros"; plane2vspeed = 20; plane2maxvspeed = 50; plane3weapon1 = 2; plane3weapon2 = 6; plane3model = "Wingcore"; plane3pilot = "Evalot"; plane3vspeed = 20; plane3maxvspeed = 45; _root.enemiesleft = 3; _root.fuel = 15000; e1pilot = "Karamondo"; e1plane = "Plogo Volu"; e1weapon1 = 3; e1weapon2 = 7; switch (_root.e1pilot) { case "Evalot" : case "Chikara" : case "Jonathan Wood" : case "Brocken" : case "AI073" : case "Proto 52G" : case "P167C" : _root.e1skill = 1; break; case "Hassan" : case "Michael Chow" : case "Zero D" : case "Auxmenn" : case "Gina Maroth" : case "McGorse" : case "General Torus" : case "Lee Ann" : case "General Minnaros" : case "Simic" : case "Night Warrior" : case "Karamondo" : _root.e1skill = 2; break; case "Sheila" : case "Schneider" : case "Rafon" : case "Devaraja Singh" : case "Jana" : case "Caesar" : case "Droid55" : case "Nasiron" : _root.e1skill = 3; break; case "Aya" : case "Air Swat" : case "Ravager" : _root.e1skill = 4; break; case "Air Trooper" : _root.e1skill = 5; } e2pilot = "Nasiron"; e2plane = "Plogo Volu"; e2weapon1 = 10; e2weapon2 = 7; switch (_root.e2pilot) { case "Evalot" : case "Chikara" : case "Jonathan Wood" : case "Brocken" : case "AI073" : case "Proto 52G" : case "P167C" : _root.e2skill = 1; break; case "Hassan" : case "Michael Chow" : case "Zero D" : case "Auxmenn" : case "Gina Maroth" : case "McGorse" : case "General Torus" : case "Lee Ann" : case "General Minnaros" : case "Simic" : case "Night Warrior" : case "Karamondo" : _root.e2skill = 2; break; case "Sheila" : case "Schneider" : case "Rafon" : case "Devaraja Singh" : case "Jana" : case "Caesar" : case "Droid55" : case "Nasiron" : _root.e2skill = 3; break; case "Aya" : case "Air Swat" : case "Ravager" : _root.e2skill = 4; break; case "Air Trooper" : _root.e2skill = 5; } e3pilot = "Night Warrior"; e3plane = "Plogo Volu"; e3weapon1 = 7; e3weapon2 = 11; switch (_root.e3pilot) { case "Evalot" : case "Chikara" : case "Jonathan Wood" : case "Brocken" : case "AI073" : case "Proto 52G" : case "P167C" : _root.e3skill = 1; break; case "Hassan" : case "Michael Chow" : case "Zero D" : case "Auxmenn" : case "Gina Maroth" : case "McGorse" : case "General Torus" : case "Lee Ann" : case "General Minnaros" : case "Simic" : case "Night Warrior" : case "Karamondo" : _root.e3skill = 2; break; case "Sheila" : case "Schneider" : case "Rafon" : case "Devaraja Singh" : case "Jana" : case "Caesar" : case "Droid55" : case "Nasiron" : _root.e3skill = 3; break; case "Aya" : case "Air Swat" : case "Ravager" : _root.e3skill = 4; break; case "Air Trooper" : _root.e3skill = 5; } e4pilot = "Droid55"; e4plane = "XCA1"; e4weapon1 = 10; e4weapon2 = 8; switch (_root.e4pilot) { case "Evalot" : case "Chikara" : case "Jonathan Wood" : case "Brocken" : case "AI073" : case "Proto 52G" : case "P167C" : _root.e4skill = 1; break; case "Hassan" : case "Michael Chow" : case "Zero D" : case "Auxmenn" : case "Gina Maroth" : case "McGorse" : case "General Torus" : case "Lee Ann" : case "General Minnaros" : case "Simic" : case "Night Warrior" : case "Karamondo" : _root.e4skill = 2; break; case "Sheila" : case "Schneider" : case "Rafon" : case "Devaraja Singh" : case "Jana" : case "Caesar" : case "Droid55" : case "Nasiron" : _root.e4skill = 3; break; case "Aya" : case "Air Swat" : case "Ravager" : _root.e4skill = 4; break; case "Air Trooper" : _root.e4skill = 5; } e5pilot = "Ravager"; e5plane = "XCA1"; e5weapon1 = 10; e5weapon2 = 12; switch (_root.e5pilot) { case "Evalot" : case "Chikara" : case "Jonathan Wood" : case "Brocken" : case "AI073" : case "Proto 52G" : case "P167C" : _root.e5skill = 1; break; case "Hassan" : case "Michael Chow" : case "Zero D" : case "Auxmenn" : case "Gina Maroth" : case "McGorse" : case "General Torus" : case "Lee Ann" : case "General Minnaros" : case "Simic" : case "Night Warrior" : case "Karamondo" : _root.e5skill = 2; break; case "Sheila" : case "Schneider" : case "Rafon" : case "Devaraja Singh" : case "Jana" : case "Caesar" : case "Droid55" : case "Nasiron" : _root.e5skill = 3; break; case "Aya" : case "Air Swat" : case "Ravager" : _root.e5skill = 4; break; case "Air Trooper" : _root.e5skill = 5; } e6pilot = "Ravager"; e6plane = "XCA1"; e6weapon1 = 5; e6weapon2 = 3; switch (_root.e6pilot) { case "Evalot" : case "Chikara" : case "Jonathan Wood" : case "Brocken" : case "AI073" : case "Proto 52G" : case "P167C" : _root.e6skill = 1; break; case "Hassan" : case "Michael Chow" : case "Zero D" : case "Auxmenn" : case "Gina Maroth" : case "McGorse" : case "General Torus" : case "Lee Ann" : case "General Minnaros" : case "Simic" : case "Night Warrior" : case "Karamondo" : _root.e6skill = 2; break; case "Sheila" : case "Schneider" : case "Rafon" : case "Devaraja Singh" : case "Jana" : case "Caesar" : case "Droid55" : case "Nasiron" : _root.e6skill = 3; break; case "Aya" : case "Air Swat" : case "Ravager" : _root.e6skill = 4; break; case "Air Trooper" : _root.e6skill = 5; } _root.gotoAndPlay("campaignbattle");
Frame 2284
campaigntalker = "Night Warrior"; campaignmessage = "<b>Night Warrior:</b><br>They are strong... EJECTING!!"; _root.savefile = SharedObject.getLocal("avianwars"); = campaignnumber; _root.savefile.flush(80000);
Frame 2285
campaigntalker = "Jana"; campaignmessage = "<b>Jana:</b><br>Sorry... we had to.";
Frame 2286
campaigntalker = "General Minnaros"; campaignmessage = "<b>General Minnaros:</b><br>... you see, that's the threat we were talking about. 2 jets on my radar!!";
Frame 2287
campaigntalker = "Jana"; campaignmessage = "<b>Jana:</b><br>Strange, they are not Celtacanian jets, they are Wulfenberg's!! I'll engage them.";
Frame 2288
planes_in_use = 2; planeusing = 1; plane1weapon1 = 8; plane1weapon2 = 10; plane1model = "Dragoiex"; plane1pilot = "Jana"; plane1vspeed = 20; plane1maxvspeed = 35; plane2weapon1 = 12; plane2weapon2 = 3; plane2model = "Midas"; plane2pilot = "General Minnaros"; plane2vspeed = 20; plane2maxvspeed = 50; plane3weapon1 = 2; plane3weapon2 = 6; plane3model = "Wingcore"; plane3pilot = "Evalot"; plane3vspeed = 20; plane3maxvspeed = 45; _root.enemiesleft = 2; _root.fuel = 15000; e1pilot = "Gina Maroth"; e1plane = "Claw06"; e1weapon1 = 2; e1weapon2 = 4; switch (_root.e1pilot) { case "Evalot" : case "Chikara" : case "Jonathan Wood" : case "Brocken" : case "AI073" : case "Proto 52G" : case "P167C" : _root.e1skill = 1; break; case "Hassan" : case "Michael Chow" : case "Zero D" : case "Auxmenn" : case "Gina Maroth" : case "McGorse" : case "General Torus" : case "Lee Ann" : case "General Minnaros" : case "Simic" : case "Night Warrior" : case "Karamondo" : _root.e1skill = 2; break; case "Sheila" : case "Schneider" : case "Rafon" : case "Devaraja Singh" : case "Jana" : case "Caesar" : case "Droid55" : case "Nasiron" : _root.e1skill = 3; break; case "Aya" : case "Air Swat" : case "Ravager" : _root.e1skill = 4; break; case "Air Trooper" : _root.e1skill = 5; } e2pilot = "Brocken"; e2plane = "Claw07"; e2weapon1 = 5; e2weapon2 = 4; switch (_root.e2pilot) { case "Evalot" : case "Chikara" : case "Jonathan Wood" : case "Brocken" : case "AI073" : case "Proto 52G" : case "P167C" : _root.e2skill = 1; break; case "Hassan" : case "Michael Chow" : case "Zero D" : case "Auxmenn" : case "Gina Maroth" : case "McGorse" : case "General Torus" : case "Lee Ann" : case "General Minnaros" : case "Simic" : case "Night Warrior" : case "Karamondo" : _root.e2skill = 2; break; case "Sheila" : case "Schneider" : case "Rafon" : case "Devaraja Singh" : case "Jana" : case "Caesar" : case "Droid55" : case "Nasiron" : _root.e2skill = 3; break; case "Aya" : case "Air Swat" : case "Ravager" : _root.e2skill = 4; break; case "Air Trooper" : _root.e2skill = 5; } e3pilot = "Night Warrior"; e3plane = "Plogu Volu"; e3weapon1 = 7; e3weapon2 = 11; switch (_root.e3pilot) { case "Evalot" : case "Chikara" : case "Jonathan Wood" : case "Brocken" : case "AI073" : case "Proto 52G" : case "P167C" : _root.e3skill = 1; break; case "Hassan" : case "Michael Chow" : case "Zero D" : case "Auxmenn" : case "Gina Maroth" : case "McGorse" : case "General Torus" : case "Lee Ann" : case "General Minnaros" : case "Simic" : case "Night Warrior" : case "Karamondo" : _root.e3skill = 2; break; case "Sheila" : case "Schneider" : case "Rafon" : case "Devaraja Singh" : case "Jana" : case "Caesar" : case "Droid55" : case "Nasiron" : _root.e3skill = 3; break; case "Aya" : case "Air Swat" : case "Ravager" : _root.e3skill = 4; break; case "Air Trooper" : _root.e3skill = 5; } e4pilot = "Droid55"; e4plane = "XCA1"; e4weapon1 = 10; e4weapon2 = 8; switch (_root.e4pilot) { case "Evalot" : case "Chikara" : case "Jonathan Wood" : case "Brocken" : case "AI073" : case "Proto 52G" : case "P167C" : _root.e4skill = 1; break; case "Hassan" : case "Michael Chow" : case "Zero D" : case "Auxmenn" : case "Gina Maroth" : case "McGorse" : case "General Torus" : case "Lee Ann" : case "General Minnaros" : case "Simic" : case "Night Warrior" : case "Karamondo" : _root.e4skill = 2; break; case "Sheila" : case "Schneider" : case "Rafon" : case "Devaraja Singh" : case "Jana" : case "Caesar" : case "Droid55" : case "Nasiron" : _root.e4skill = 3; break; case "Aya" : case "Air Swat" : case "Ravager" : _root.e4skill = 4; break; case "Air Trooper" : _root.e4skill = 5; } e5pilot = "Ravager"; e5plane = "XCA1"; e5weapon1 = 10; e5weapon2 = 12; switch (_root.e5pilot) { case "Evalot" : case "Chikara" : case "Jonathan Wood" : case "Brocken" : case "AI073" : case "Proto 52G" : case "P167C" : _root.e5skill = 1; break; case "Hassan" : case "Michael Chow" : case "Zero D" : case "Auxmenn" : case "Gina Maroth" : case "McGorse" : case "General Torus" : case "Lee Ann" : case "General Minnaros" : case "Simic" : case "Night Warrior" : case "Karamondo" : _root.e5skill = 2; break; case "Sheila" : case "Schneider" : case "Rafon" : case "Devaraja Singh" : case "Jana" : case "Caesar" : case "Droid55" : case "Nasiron" : _root.e5skill = 3; break; case "Aya" : case "Air Swat" : case "Ravager" : _root.e5skill = 4; break; case "Air Trooper" : _root.e5skill = 5; } e6pilot = "Ravager"; e6plane = "XCA1"; e6weapon1 = 5; e6weapon2 = 3; switch (_root.e6pilot) { case "Evalot" : case "Chikara" : case "Jonathan Wood" : case "Brocken" : case "AI073" : case "Proto 52G" : case "P167C" : _root.e6skill = 1; break; case "Hassan" : case "Michael Chow" : case "Zero D" : case "Auxmenn" : case "Gina Maroth" : case "McGorse" : case "General Torus" : case "Lee Ann" : case "General Minnaros" : case "Simic" : case "Night Warrior" : case "Karamondo" : _root.e6skill = 2; break; case "Sheila" : case "Schneider" : case "Rafon" : case "Devaraja Singh" : case "Jana" : case "Caesar" : case "Droid55" : case "Nasiron" : _root.e6skill = 3; break; case "Aya" : case "Air Swat" : case "Ravager" : _root.e6skill = 4; break; case "Air Trooper" : _root.e6skill = 5; } _root.gotoAndPlay("campaignbattle");
Frame 2289
campaigntalker = "Brocken"; campaignmessage = "<b>Brocken:</b><br>Oh damn. I did not expect to find Angelland fighters in Afroecana."; _root.savefile = SharedObject.getLocal("avianwars"); = campaignnumber; _root.savefile.flush(80000);
Frame 2290
campaigntalker = "Gina Maroth"; campaignmessage = "<b>Gina Maroth:</b><br>Auxmenn will finish the job!";
Frame 2291
campaigntalker = "nobody"; campaignmessage = "A rocket hits Jana's Dragoiex and she ejects.";
Frame 2292
campaigntalker = "Auxmenn"; campaignmessage = "<b>Auxmenn:</b><br>Bullseye!";
Frame 2293
campaigntalker = "General Minnaros"; campaignmessage = "<b>General Minnaros:</b><br>Shoot! Auxmenn, you are going down!";
Frame 2294
campaigntalker = "Auxmenn"; campaignmessage = "<b>Auxmenn:</b><br>You really want a taste of me? I have something especially made for fools like you.";
Frame 2295
planes_in_use = 1; planeusing = 1; plane1weapon1 = 12; plane1weapon2 = 3; plane1model = "Midas"; plane1pilot = "General Minnaros"; plane1vspeed = 20; plane1maxvspeed = 50; plane2weapon1 = 12; plane2weapon2 = 3; plane2model = "Midas"; plane2pilot = "General Minnaros"; plane2vspeed = 20; plane2maxvspeed = 50; plane3weapon1 = 2; plane3weapon2 = 6; plane3model = "Wingcore"; plane3pilot = "Evalot"; plane3vspeed = 20; plane3maxvspeed = 45; _root.enemiesleft = 2; _root.fuel = 15000; e1pilot = "Air Swat"; e1plane = "Claw06"; e1weapon1 = 2; e1weapon2 = 4; switch (_root.e1pilot) { case "Evalot" : case "Chikara" : case "Jonathan Wood" : case "Brocken" : case "AI073" : case "Proto 52G" : case "P167C" : _root.e1skill = 1; break; case "Hassan" : case "Michael Chow" : case "Zero D" : case "Auxmenn" : case "Gina Maroth" : case "McGorse" : case "General Torus" : case "Lee Ann" : case "General Minnaros" : case "Simic" : case "Night Warrior" : case "Karamondo" : _root.e1skill = 2; break; case "Sheila" : case "Schneider" : case "Rafon" : case "Devaraja Singh" : case "Jana" : case "Caesar" : case "Droid55" : case "Nasiron" : _root.e1skill = 3; break; case "Aya" : case "Air Swat" : case "Ravager" : _root.e1skill = 4; break; case "Air Trooper" : _root.e1skill = 5; } e2pilot = "Auxmenn"; e2plane = "Claw07"; e2weapon1 = 9; e2weapon2 = 7; switch (_root.e2pilot) { case "Evalot" : case "Chikara" : case "Jonathan Wood" : case "Brocken" : case "AI073" : case "Proto 52G" : case "P167C" : _root.e2skill = 1; break; case "Hassan" : case "Michael Chow" : case "Zero D" : case "Auxmenn" : case "Gina Maroth" : case "McGorse" : case "General Torus" : case "Lee Ann" : case "General Minnaros" : case "Simic" : case "Night Warrior" : case "Karamondo" : _root.e2skill = 2; break; case "Sheila" : case "Schneider" : case "Rafon" : case "Devaraja Singh" : case "Jana" : case "Caesar" : case "Droid55" : case "Nasiron" : _root.e2skill = 3; break; case "Aya" : case "Air Swat" : case "Ravager" : _root.e2skill = 4; break; case "Air Trooper" : _root.e2skill = 5; } e3pilot = "Night Warrior"; e3plane = "Plogu Volu"; e3weapon1 = 7; e3weapon2 = 11; switch (_root.e3pilot) { case "Evalot" : case "Chikara" : case "Jonathan Wood" : case "Brocken" : case "AI073" : case "Proto 52G" : case "P167C" : _root.e3skill = 1; break; case "Hassan" : case "Michael Chow" : case "Zero D" : case "Auxmenn" : case "Gina Maroth" : case "McGorse" : case "General Torus" : case "Lee Ann" : case "General Minnaros" : case "Simic" : case "Night Warrior" : case "Karamondo" : _root.e3skill = 2; break; case "Sheila" : case "Schneider" : case "Rafon" : case "Devaraja Singh" : case "Jana" : case "Caesar" : case "Droid55" : case "Nasiron" : _root.e3skill = 3; break; case "Aya" : case "Air Swat" : case "Ravager" : _root.e3skill = 4; break; case "Air Trooper" : _root.e3skill = 5; } e4pilot = "Droid55"; e4plane = "XCA1"; e4weapon1 = 10; e4weapon2 = 8; switch (_root.e4pilot) { case "Evalot" : case "Chikara" : case "Jonathan Wood" : case "Brocken" : case "AI073" : case "Proto 52G" : case "P167C" : _root.e4skill = 1; break; case "Hassan" : case "Michael Chow" : case "Zero D" : case "Auxmenn" : case "Gina Maroth" : case "McGorse" : case "General Torus" : case "Lee Ann" : case "General Minnaros" : case "Simic" : case "Night Warrior" : case "Karamondo" : _root.e4skill = 2; break; case "Sheila" : case "Schneider" : case "Rafon" : case "Devaraja Singh" : case "Jana" : case "Caesar" : case "Droid55" : case "Nasiron" : _root.e4skill = 3; break; case "Aya" : case "Air Swat" : case "Ravager" : _root.e4skill = 4; break; case "Air Trooper" : _root.e4skill = 5; } e5pilot = "Ravager"; e5plane = "XCA1"; e5weapon1 = 10; e5weapon2 = 12; switch (_root.e5pilot) { case "Evalot" : case "Chikara" : case "Jonathan Wood" : case "Brocken" : case "AI073" : case "Proto 52G" : case "P167C" : _root.e5skill = 1; break; case "Hassan" : case "Michael Chow" : case "Zero D" : case "Auxmenn" : case "Gina Maroth" : case "McGorse" : case "General Torus" : case "Lee Ann" : case "General Minnaros" : case "Simic" : case "Night Warrior" : case "Karamondo" : _root.e5skill = 2; break; case "Sheila" : case "Schneider" : case "Rafon" : case "Devaraja Singh" : case "Jana" : case "Caesar" : case "Droid55" : case "Nasiron" : _root.e5skill = 3; break; case "Aya" : case "Air Swat" : case "Ravager" : _root.e5skill = 4; break; case "Air Trooper" : _root.e5skill = 5; } e6pilot = "Ravager"; e6plane = "XCA1"; e6weapon1 = 5; e6weapon2 = 3; switch (_root.e6pilot) { case "Evalot" : case "Chikara" : case "Jonathan Wood" : case "Brocken" : case "AI073" : case "Proto 52G" : case "P167C" : _root.e6skill = 1; break; case "Hassan" : case "Michael Chow" : case "Zero D" : case "Auxmenn" : case "Gina Maroth" : case "McGorse" : case "General Torus" : case "Lee Ann" : case "General Minnaros" : case "Simic" : case "Night Warrior" : case "Karamondo" : _root.e6skill = 2; break; case "Sheila" : case "Schneider" : case "Rafon" : case "Devaraja Singh" : case "Jana" : case "Caesar" : case "Droid55" : case "Nasiron" : _root.e6skill = 3; break; case "Aya" : case "Air Swat" : case "Ravager" : _root.e6skill = 4; break; case "Air Trooper" : _root.e6skill = 5; } _root.gotoAndPlay("campaignbattle");
Frame 2296
campaigntalker = "nobody"; campaignmessage = "Auxmenn ejects. General Minnaros lands at the Afroecana base."; _root.savefile = SharedObject.getLocal("avianwars"); = campaignnumber; _root.savefile.flush(80000);
Frame 2297
campaigntalker = "Karamondo"; campaignmessage = "<b>Karamondo:</b><br>Minnaros, we owe you an apology. You saved Afroecana from an attack from Wulfenberg.";
Frame 2298
campaigntalker = "General Minnaros"; campaignmessage = "<b>General Minnaros:</b><br>Don't mention it. We were patrolling when we detected an unidentified plane on radar. Thinking it was Celcatanian, we tracked it here.";
Frame 2299
campaigntalker = "Jana"; campaignmessage = "<b>Jana:</b><br>Any chance you can repair my Dragoiex?";
Frame 2300
campaigntalker = "Night Warrior"; campaignmessage = "<b>Night Warrior:</b><br>Nasiron will work on it. He's our best yet.";
Frame 2301
campaigntalker = "Nasiron"; campaignmessage = "<b>Nasiron:</b><br>Right. No problem!! She'll be as good as new in two days.";
Frame 2302
campaigntalker = "Night Warrior"; campaignmessage = "<b>Night Warrior:</b><br>Arm yourselves with the multi rockets, they may be 'stupid' but a big bunch of em will knock down even the best pilot.";
Frame 2303
campaigntalker = "nobody"; campaignmessage = "Multi rockets unlocked!"; _root.u_multi = 1; _root.savefiled = SharedObject.getLocal("avianwars2"); = u_nova; = u_homing; = u_multi; = u_cloak; = u_emp; _root.savefiled.flush(80000);
Frame 2304
campaigntalker = "AI073"; campaignmessage = "<b>AI073:</b><br>Celtacania... we are getting stronger every hour. Celtacania will be the only nation in the world.";
Frame 2305
campaigntalker = "P167C"; campaignmessage = "<b>P167C:</b><br>We have reports that APMF and New Americia have joined forces with Angelland to create a new jet fighter...";
Frame 2306
campaigntalker = "P167C"; campaignmessage = "<b>P167C:</b><br>The project was started quite long ago and I believe they have completed the final version, the Cloud Phoenix.";
Frame 2307
campaigntalker = "Proto 52G"; campaignmessage = "<b>Proto 52G:</b><br>And this is good news for us.";
Frame 2308
campaigntalker = "AI073"; campaignmessage = "<b>AI073:</b><br>Indeed...";
Frame 2309
campaigntalker = "AI073"; campaignmessage = "<b>AI073:</b><br>It's time to rip it off their hands.";
Frame 2310
campaigntalker = "Proto 52G"; campaignmessage = "<b>Proto 52G:</b><br>Do you have the location for the Cloud Phoenix?";
Frame 2311
campaigntalker = "P167C"; campaignmessage = "<b>P167C:</b><br>I'm afraid that is not in my database. Even the nations themselves seem to have very little information on the project. However, we might be able to force something out of them.";
Frame 2312
campaigntalker = "AI073"; campaignmessage = "<b>AI073:</b><br>Now, that's what I like.";
Frame 2313
campaigntalker = "P167C"; campaignmessage = "<b>P167C:</b><br>I have something up my sleeve... Leave this to me.";
Frame 2314
campaigntalker = "nobody"; campaignmessage = "P167C sends several XCA1 fighters and Fheats to launch an ambush on Angelland.";
Frame 2315
planes_in_use = 3; planeusing = 1; plane1weapon1 = 8; plane1weapon2 = 10; plane1model = "XCA1"; plane1pilot = "Ravager"; plane1vspeed = 20; plane1maxvspeed = 30; plane2weapon1 = 2; plane2weapon2 = 1; plane2model = "Fheat"; plane2pilot = "Droid55"; plane2vspeed = 20; plane2maxvspeed = 50; plane3weapon1 = 2; plane3weapon2 = 6; plane3model = "Fheat"; plane3pilot = "Droid55"; plane3vspeed = 20; plane3maxvspeed = 45; _root.enemiesleft = 4; _root.fuel = 15000; e1pilot = "Air Swat"; e1plane = "Midas"; e1weapon1 = 5; e1weapon2 = 4; switch (_root.e1pilot) { case "Evalot" : case "Chikara" : case "Jonathan Wood" : case "Brocken" : case "AI073" : case "Proto 52G" : case "P167C" : _root.e1skill = 1; break; case "Hassan" : case "Michael Chow" : case "Zero D" : case "Auxmenn" : case "Gina Maroth" : case "McGorse" : case "General Torus" : case "Lee Ann" : case "General Minnaros" : case "Simic" : case "Night Warrior" : case "Karamondo" : _root.e1skill = 2; break; case "Sheila" : case "Schneider" : case "Rafon" : case "Devaraja Singh" : case "Jana" : case "Caesar" : case "Droid55" : case "Nasiron" : _root.e1skill = 3; break; case "Aya" : case "Air Swat" : case "Ravager" : _root.e1skill = 4; break; case "Air Trooper" : _root.e1skill = 5; } e2pilot = "Air Swat"; e2plane = "Midas"; e2weapon1 = 4; e2weapon2 = 5; switch (_root.e2pilot) { case "Evalot" : case "Chikara" : case "Jonathan Wood" : case "Brocken" : case "AI073" : case "Proto 52G" : case "P167C" : _root.e2skill = 1; break; case "Hassan" : case "Michael Chow" : case "Zero D" : case "Auxmenn" : case "Gina Maroth" : case "McGorse" : case "General Torus" : case "Lee Ann" : case "General Minnaros" : case "Simic" : case "Night Warrior" : case "Karamondo" : _root.e2skill = 2; break; case "Sheila" : case "Schneider" : case "Rafon" : case "Devaraja Singh" : case "Jana" : case "Caesar" : case "Droid55" : case "Nasiron" : _root.e2skill = 3; break; case "Aya" : case "Air Swat" : case "Ravager" : _root.e2skill = 4; break; case "Air Trooper" : _root.e2skill = 5; } e3pilot = "Air Swat"; e3plane = "Dragoiex"; e3weapon1 = 7; e3weapon2 = 13; switch (_root.e3pilot) { case "Evalot" : case "Chikara" : case "Jonathan Wood" : case "Brocken" : case "AI073" : case "Proto 52G" : case "P167C" : _root.e3skill = 1; break; case "Hassan" : case "Michael Chow" : case "Zero D" : case "Auxmenn" : case "Gina Maroth" : case "McGorse" : case "General Torus" : case "Lee Ann" : case "General Minnaros" : case "Simic" : case "Night Warrior" : case "Karamondo" : _root.e3skill = 2; break; case "Sheila" : case "Schneider" : case "Rafon" : case "Devaraja Singh" : case "Jana" : case "Caesar" : case "Droid55" : case "Nasiron" : _root.e3skill = 3; break; case "Aya" : case "Air Swat" : case "Ravager" : _root.e3skill = 4; break; case "Air Trooper" : _root.e3skill = 5; } e4pilot = "Air Trooper"; e4plane = "Midas"; e4weapon1 = 13; e4weapon2 = 12; switch (_root.e4pilot) { case "Evalot" : case "Chikara" : case "Jonathan Wood" : case "Brocken" : case "AI073" : case "Proto 52G" : case "P167C" : _root.e4skill = 1; break; case "Hassan" : case "Michael Chow" : case "Zero D" : case "Auxmenn" : case "Gina Maroth" : case "McGorse" : case "General Torus" : case "Lee Ann" : case "General Minnaros" : case "Simic" : case "Night Warrior" : case "Karamondo" : _root.e4skill = 2; break; case "Sheila" : case "Schneider" : case "Rafon" : case "Devaraja Singh" : case "Jana" : case "Caesar" : case "Droid55" : case "Nasiron" : _root.e4skill = 3; break; case "Aya" : case "Air Swat" : case "Ravager" : _root.e4skill = 4; break; case "Air Trooper" : _root.e4skill = 5; } e5pilot = "Ravager"; e5plane = "XCA1"; e5weapon1 = 10; e5weapon2 = 12; switch (_root.e5pilot) { case "Evalot" : case "Chikara" : case "Jonathan Wood" : case "Brocken" : case "AI073" : case "Proto 52G" : case "P167C" : _root.e5skill = 1; break; case "Hassan" : case "Michael Chow" : case "Zero D" : case "Auxmenn" : case "Gina Maroth" : case "McGorse" : case "General Torus" : case "Lee Ann" : case "General Minnaros" : case "Simic" : case "Night Warrior" : case "Karamondo" : _root.e5skill = 2; break; case "Sheila" : case "Schneider" : case "Rafon" : case "Devaraja Singh" : case "Jana" : case "Caesar" : case "Droid55" : case "Nasiron" : _root.e5skill = 3; break; case "Aya" : case "Air Swat" : case "Ravager" : _root.e5skill = 4; break; case "Air Trooper" : _root.e5skill = 5; } e6pilot = "Ravager"; e6plane = "XCA1"; e6weapon1 = 5; e6weapon2 = 3; switch (_root.e6pilot) { case "Evalot" : case "Chikara" : case "Jonathan Wood" : case "Brocken" : case "AI073" : case "Proto 52G" : case "P167C" : _root.e6skill = 1; break; case "Hassan" : case "Michael Chow" : case "Zero D" : case "Auxmenn" : case "Gina Maroth" : case "McGorse" : case "General Torus" : case "Lee Ann" : case "General Minnaros" : case "Simic" : case "Night Warrior" : case "Karamondo" : _root.e6skill = 2; break; case "Sheila" : case "Schneider" : case "Rafon" : case "Devaraja Singh" : case "Jana" : case "Caesar" : case "Droid55" : case "Nasiron" : _root.e6skill = 3; break; case "Aya" : case "Air Swat" : case "Ravager" : _root.e6skill = 4; break; case "Air Trooper" : _root.e6skill = 5; } _root.gotoAndPlay("campaignbattle");
Frame 2316
campaigntalker = "Ravager"; campaignmessage = "<b>Ravager:</b><br>Targets eliminated."; _root.savefile = SharedObject.getLocal("avianwars"); = campaignnumber; _root.savefile.flush(80000);
Frame 2317
campaigntalker = "Droid55"; campaignmessage = "<b>Droid55:</b><br>Heads up. More fighters incoming";
Frame 2318
planes_in_use = 3; planeusing = 1; plane1weapon1 = 8; plane1weapon2 = 10; plane1model = "XCA1"; plane1pilot = "Ravager"; plane1vspeed = 20; plane1maxvspeed = 30; plane2weapon1 = 2; plane2weapon2 = 1; plane2model = "Fheat"; plane2pilot = "Droid55"; plane2vspeed = 20; plane2maxvspeed = 50; plane3weapon1 = 2; plane3weapon2 = 6; plane3model = "Fheat"; plane3pilot = "Droid55"; plane3vspeed = 20; plane3maxvspeed = 45; _root.enemiesleft = 4; _root.fuel = 15000; e1pilot = "Air Swat"; e1plane = "Midas"; e1weapon1 = 1; e1weapon2 = 4; switch (_root.e1pilot) { case "Evalot" : case "Chikara" : case "Jonathan Wood" : case "Brocken" : case "AI073" : case "Proto 52G" : case "P167C" : _root.e1skill = 1; break; case "Hassan" : case "Michael Chow" : case "Zero D" : case "Auxmenn" : case "Gina Maroth" : case "McGorse" : case "General Torus" : case "Lee Ann" : case "General Minnaros" : case "Simic" : case "Night Warrior" : case "Karamondo" : _root.e1skill = 2; break; case "Sheila" : case "Schneider" : case "Rafon" : case "Devaraja Singh" : case "Jana" : case "Caesar" : case "Droid55" : case "Nasiron" : _root.e1skill = 3; break; case "Aya" : case "Air Swat" : case "Ravager" : _root.e1skill = 4; break; case "Air Trooper" : _root.e1skill = 5; } e2pilot = "Air Swat"; e2plane = "Midas"; e2weapon1 = 4; e2weapon2 = 13; switch (_root.e2pilot) { case "Evalot" : case "Chikara" : case "Jonathan Wood" : case "Brocken" : case "AI073" : case "Proto 52G" : case "P167C" : _root.e2skill = 1; break; case "Hassan" : case "Michael Chow" : case "Zero D" : case "Auxmenn" : case "Gina Maroth" : case "McGorse" : case "General Torus" : case "Lee Ann" : case "General Minnaros" : case "Simic" : case "Night Warrior" : case "Karamondo" : _root.e2skill = 2; break; case "Sheila" : case "Schneider" : case "Rafon" : case "Devaraja Singh" : case "Jana" : case "Caesar" : case "Droid55" : case "Nasiron" : _root.e2skill = 3; break; case "Aya" : case "Air Swat" : case "Ravager" : _root.e2skill = 4; break; case "Air Trooper" : _root.e2skill = 5; } e3pilot = "Air Swat"; e3plane = "Dragoiex"; e3weapon1 = 3; e3weapon2 = 13; switch (_root.e3pilot) { case "Evalot" : case "Chikara" : case "Jonathan Wood" : case "Brocken" : case "AI073" : case "Proto 52G" : case "P167C" : _root.e3skill = 1; break; case "Hassan" : case "Michael Chow" : case "Zero D" : case "Auxmenn" : case "Gina Maroth" : case "McGorse" : case "General Torus" : case "Lee Ann" : case "General Minnaros" : case "Simic" : case "Night Warrior" : case "Karamondo" : _root.e3skill = 2; break; case "Sheila" : case "Schneider" : case "Rafon" : case "Devaraja Singh" : case "Jana" : case "Caesar" : case "Droid55" : case "Nasiron" : _root.e3skill = 3; break; case "Aya" : case "Air Swat" : case "Ravager" : _root.e3skill = 4; break; case "Air Trooper" : _root.e3skill = 5; } e4pilot = "Air Trooper"; e4plane = "Midas"; e4weapon1 = 7; e4weapon2 = 8; switch (_root.e4pilot) { case "Evalot" : case "Chikara" : case "Jonathan Wood" : case "Brocken" : case "AI073" : case "Proto 52G" : case "P167C" : _root.e4skill = 1; break; case "Hassan" : case "Michael Chow" : case "Zero D" : case "Auxmenn" : case "Gina Maroth" : case "McGorse" : case "General Torus" : case "Lee Ann" : case "General Minnaros" : case "Simic" : case "Night Warrior" : case "Karamondo" : _root.e4skill = 2; break; case "Sheila" : case "Schneider" : case "Rafon" : case "Devaraja Singh" : case "Jana" : case "Caesar" : case "Droid55" : case "Nasiron" : _root.e4skill = 3; break; case "Aya" : case "Air Swat" : case "Ravager" : _root.e4skill = 4; break; case "Air Trooper" : _root.e4skill = 5; } e5pilot = "Ravager"; e5plane = "XCA1"; e5weapon1 = 10; e5weapon2 = 12; switch (_root.e5pilot) { case "Evalot" : case "Chikara" : case "Jonathan Wood" : case "Brocken" : case "AI073" : case "Proto 52G" : case "P167C" : _root.e5skill = 1; break; case "Hassan" : case "Michael Chow" : case "Zero D" : case "Auxmenn" : case "Gina Maroth" : case "McGorse" : case "General Torus" : case "Lee Ann" : case "General Minnaros" : case "Simic" : case "Night Warrior" : case "Karamondo" : _root.e5skill = 2; break; case "Sheila" : case "Schneider" : case "Rafon" : case "Devaraja Singh" : case "Jana" : case "Caesar" : case "Droid55" : case "Nasiron" : _root.e5skill = 3; break; case "Aya" : case "Air Swat" : case "Ravager" : _root.e5skill = 4; break; case "Air Trooper" : _root.e5skill = 5; } e6pilot = "Ravager"; e6plane = "XCA1"; e6weapon1 = 5; e6weapon2 = 3; switch (_root.e6pilot) { case "Evalot" : case "Chikara" : case "Jonathan Wood" : case "Brocken" : case "AI073" : case "Proto 52G" : case "P167C" : _root.e6skill = 1; break; case "Hassan" : case "Michael Chow" : case "Zero D" : case "Auxmenn" : case "Gina Maroth" : case "McGorse" : case "General Torus" : case "Lee Ann" : case "General Minnaros" : case "Simic" : case "Night Warrior" : case "Karamondo" : _root.e6skill = 2; break; case "Sheila" : case "Schneider" : case "Rafon" : case "Devaraja Singh" : case "Jana" : case "Caesar" : case "Droid55" : case "Nasiron" : _root.e6skill = 3; break; case "Aya" : case "Air Swat" : case "Ravager" : _root.e6skill = 4; break; case "Air Trooper" : _root.e6skill = 5; } _root.gotoAndPlay("campaignbattle");
Frame 2319
campaigntalker = "P167C"; campaignmessage = "<b>P167C:</b><br>Perfect. Now for the catch of the day..."; _root.savefile = SharedObject.getLocal("avianwars"); = campaignnumber; _root.savefile.flush(80000);
Frame 2320
campaigntalker = "Jana"; campaignmessage = "<b>Jana:</b><br>Celtacanian forces... they will NOT get away!!";
Frame 2321
planes_in_use = 1; planeusing = 1; plane1weapon1 = 7; plane1weapon2 = 13; plane1model = "Fheat"; plane1pilot = "P167C"; plane1vspeed = 20; plane1maxvspeed = 30; plane2weapon1 = 2; plane2weapon2 = 1; plane2model = "Fheat"; plane2pilot = "Droid55"; plane2vspeed = 20; plane2maxvspeed = 50; plane3weapon1 = 2; plane3weapon2 = 6; plane3model = "Fheat"; plane3pilot = "Droid55"; plane3vspeed = 20; plane3maxvspeed = 45; _root.enemiesleft = 1; _root.fuel = 15000; e1pilot = "Jana"; e1plane = "Midas"; e1weapon1 = 2; e1weapon2 = 6; switch (_root.e1pilot) { case "Evalot" : case "Chikara" : case "Jonathan Wood" : case "Brocken" : case "AI073" : case "Proto 52G" : case "P167C" : _root.e1skill = 1; break; case "Hassan" : case "Michael Chow" : case "Zero D" : case "Auxmenn" : case "Gina Maroth" : case "McGorse" : case "General Torus" : case "Lee Ann" : case "General Minnaros" : case "Simic" : case "Night Warrior" : case "Karamondo" : _root.e1skill = 2; break; case "Sheila" : case "Schneider" : case "Rafon" : case "Devaraja Singh" : case "Jana" : case "Caesar" : case "Droid55" : case "Nasiron" : _root.e1skill = 3; break; case "Aya" : case "Air Swat" : case "Ravager" : _root.e1skill = 4; break; case "Air Trooper" : _root.e1skill = 5; } e2pilot = "Air Swat"; e2plane = "Midas"; e2weapon1 = 4; e2weapon2 = 13; switch (_root.e2pilot) { case "Evalot" : case "Chikara" : case "Jonathan Wood" : case "Brocken" : case "AI073" : case "Proto 52G" : case "P167C" : _root.e2skill = 1; break; case "Hassan" : case "Michael Chow" : case "Zero D" : case "Auxmenn" : case "Gina Maroth" : case "McGorse" : case "General Torus" : case "Lee Ann" : case "General Minnaros" : case "Simic" : case "Night Warrior" : case "Karamondo" : _root.e2skill = 2; break; case "Sheila" : case "Schneider" : case "Rafon" : case "Devaraja Singh" : case "Jana" : case "Caesar" : case "Droid55" : case "Nasiron" : _root.e2skill = 3; break; case "Aya" : case "Air Swat" : case "Ravager" : _root.e2skill = 4; break; case "Air Trooper" : _root.e2skill = 5; } e3pilot = "Air Swat"; e3plane = "Dragoiex"; e3weapon1 = 3; e3weapon2 = 13; switch (_root.e3pilot) { case "Evalot" : case "Chikara" : case "Jonathan Wood" : case "Brocken" : case "AI073" : case "Proto 52G" : case "P167C" : _root.e3skill = 1; break; case "Hassan" : case "Michael Chow" : case "Zero D" : case "Auxmenn" : case "Gina Maroth" : case "McGorse" : case "General Torus" : case "Lee Ann" : case "General Minnaros" : case "Simic" : case "Night Warrior" : case "Karamondo" : _root.e3skill = 2; break; case "Sheila" : case "Schneider" : case "Rafon" : case "Devaraja Singh" : case "Jana" : case "Caesar" : case "Droid55" : case "Nasiron" : _root.e3skill = 3; break; case "Aya" : case "Air Swat" : case "Ravager" : _root.e3skill = 4; break; case "Air Trooper" : _root.e3skill = 5; } e4pilot = "Air Trooper"; e4plane = "Midas"; e4weapon1 = 7; e4weapon2 = 8; switch (_root.e4pilot) { case "Evalot" : case "Chikara" : case "Jonathan Wood" : case "Brocken" : case "AI073" : case "Proto 52G" : case "P167C" : _root.e4skill = 1; break; case "Hassan" : case "Michael Chow" : case "Zero D" : case "Auxmenn" : case "Gina Maroth" : case "McGorse" : case "General Torus" : case "Lee Ann" : case "General Minnaros" : case "Simic" : case "Night Warrior" : case "Karamondo" : _root.e4skill = 2; break; case "Sheila" : case "Schneider" : case "Rafon" : case "Devaraja Singh" : case "Jana" : case "Caesar" : case "Droid55" : case "Nasiron" : _root.e4skill = 3; break; case "Aya" : case "Air Swat" : case "Ravager" : _root.e4skill = 4; break; case "Air Trooper" : _root.e4skill = 5; } e5pilot = "Ravager"; e5plane = "XCA1"; e5weapon1 = 10; e5weapon2 = 12; switch (_root.e5pilot) { case "Evalot" : case "Chikara" : case "Jonathan Wood" : case "Brocken" : case "AI073" : case "Proto 52G" : case "P167C" : _root.e5skill = 1; break; case "Hassan" : case "Michael Chow" : case "Zero D" : case "Auxmenn" : case "Gina Maroth" : case "McGorse" : case "General Torus" : case "Lee Ann" : case "General Minnaros" : case "Simic" : case "Night Warrior" : case "Karamondo" : _root.e5skill = 2; break; case "Sheila" : case "Schneider" : case "Rafon" : case "Devaraja Singh" : case "Jana" : case "Caesar" : case "Droid55" : case "Nasiron" : _root.e5skill = 3; break; case "Aya" : case "Air Swat" : case "Ravager" : _root.e5skill = 4; break; case "Air Trooper" : _root.e5skill = 5; } e6pilot = "Ravager"; e6plane = "XCA1"; e6weapon1 = 5; e6weapon2 = 3; switch (_root.e6pilot) { case "Evalot" : case "Chikara" : case "Jonathan Wood" : case "Brocken" : case "AI073" : case "Proto 52G" : case "P167C" : _root.e6skill = 1; break; case "Hassan" : case "Michael Chow" : case "Zero D" : case "Auxmenn" : case "Gina Maroth" : case "McGorse" : case "General Torus" : case "Lee Ann" : case "General Minnaros" : case "Simic" : case "Night Warrior" : case "Karamondo" : _root.e6skill = 2; break; case "Sheila" : case "Schneider" : case "Rafon" : case "Devaraja Singh" : case "Jana" : case "Caesar" : case "Droid55" : case "Nasiron" : _root.e6skill = 3; break; case "Aya" : case "Air Swat" : case "Ravager" : _root.e6skill = 4; break; case "Air Trooper" : _root.e6skill = 5; } _root.gotoAndPlay("campaignbattle");
Frame 2322
campaigntalker = "nobody"; campaignmessage = "Jana's Midas is shot down. She ejects but is captured by Celtacanian Ravagers. Back at the Celtacanian base..."; _root.savefile = SharedObject.getLocal("avianwars"); = campaignnumber; _root.savefile.flush(80000);
Frame 2323
campaigntalker = "Proto 52G"; campaignmessage = "<b>Proto 52G:</b><br>So, how do we start... Oh yes, you can start by telling us the whereabouts of Cloud Phoenix.";
Frame 2324
campaigntalker = "Jana"; campaignmessage = "<b>Jana:</b><br>In your dreams!";
Frame 2325
campaigntalker = "Proto 52G"; campaignmessage = "<b>Proto 52G:</b><br>I am an android. I do not dream. Now you can start talking or face the consequences.";
Frame 2326
campaigntalker = "Jana"; campaignmessage = "<b>Jana:</b><br>I don't know what you are talking about.";
Frame 2327
campaigntalker = "Proto 52G"; campaignmessage = "<b>Proto 52G:</b><br>So, this is how you want to play it... Very well.";
Frame 2328
campaigntalker = "nobody"; campaignmessage = "A device is lowered on to Jana's head. Jana is knocked out as waves of electricity flow through her head...";
Frame 2329
campaigntalker = "nobody"; campaignmessage = "The monitor shows the images of Jana's memory, searches for Cloud Phoenix and visualizes Hanoa.";
Frame 2330
campaigntalker = "Proto 52G"; campaignmessage = "<b>Proto 52G:</b><br>Bingo.";
Frame 2331
campaigntalker = "nobody"; campaignmessage = "Proto 52G sends a wave of troopers to raid Hanoa.";
Frame 2332
planes_in_use = 3; planeusing = 1; plane1weapon1 = 6; plane1weapon2 = 12; plane1model = "Fheat"; plane1pilot = "Proto 52G"; plane1vspeed = 20; plane1maxvspeed = 30; plane2weapon1 = 2; plane2weapon2 = 1; plane2model = "Fheat"; plane2pilot = "Droid55"; plane2vspeed = 20; plane2maxvspeed = 50; plane3weapon1 = 2; plane3weapon2 = 6; plane3model = "Fheat"; plane3pilot = "Droid55"; plane3vspeed = 20; plane3maxvspeed = 45; _root.enemiesleft = 6; _root.fuel = 15000; e1pilot = "General Minnaros"; e1plane = "Midas"; e1weapon1 = 3; e1weapon2 = 6; switch (_root.e1pilot) { case "Evalot" : case "Chikara" : case "Jonathan Wood" : case "Brocken" : case "AI073" : case "Proto 52G" : case "P167C" : _root.e1skill = 1; break; case "Hassan" : case "Michael Chow" : case "Zero D" : case "Auxmenn" : case "Gina Maroth" : case "McGorse" : case "General Torus" : case "Lee Ann" : case "General Minnaros" : case "Simic" : case "Night Warrior" : case "Karamondo" : _root.e1skill = 2; break; case "Sheila" : case "Schneider" : case "Rafon" : case "Devaraja Singh" : case "Jana" : case "Caesar" : case "Droid55" : case "Nasiron" : _root.e1skill = 3; break; case "Aya" : case "Air Swat" : case "Ravager" : _root.e1skill = 4; break; case "Air Trooper" : _root.e1skill = 5; } e2pilot = "Air Swat"; e2plane = "Midas"; e2weapon1 = 1; e2weapon2 = 7; switch (_root.e2pilot) { case "Evalot" : case "Chikara" : case "Jonathan Wood" : case "Brocken" : case "AI073" : case "Proto 52G" : case "P167C" : _root.e2skill = 1; break; case "Hassan" : case "Michael Chow" : case "Zero D" : case "Auxmenn" : case "Gina Maroth" : case "McGorse" : case "General Torus" : case "Lee Ann" : case "General Minnaros" : case "Simic" : case "Night Warrior" : case "Karamondo" : _root.e2skill = 2; break; case "Sheila" : case "Schneider" : case "Rafon" : case "Devaraja Singh" : case "Jana" : case "Caesar" : case "Droid55" : case "Nasiron" : _root.e2skill = 3; break; case "Aya" : case "Air Swat" : case "Ravager" : _root.e2skill = 4; break; case "Air Trooper" : _root.e2skill = 5; } e3pilot = "Air Swat"; e3plane = "Dragoiex"; e3weapon1 = 1; e3weapon2 = 7; switch (_root.e3pilot) { case "Evalot" : case "Chikara" : case "Jonathan Wood" : case "Brocken" : case "AI073" : case "Proto 52G" : case "P167C" : _root.e3skill = 1; break; case "Hassan" : case "Michael Chow" : case "Zero D" : case "Auxmenn" : case "Gina Maroth" : case "McGorse" : case "General Torus" : case "Lee Ann" : case "General Minnaros" : case "Simic" : case "Night Warrior" : case "Karamondo" : _root.e3skill = 2; break; case "Sheila" : case "Schneider" : case "Rafon" : case "Devaraja Singh" : case "Jana" : case "Caesar" : case "Droid55" : case "Nasiron" : _root.e3skill = 3; break; case "Aya" : case "Air Swat" : case "Ravager" : _root.e3skill = 4; break; case "Air Trooper" : _root.e3skill = 5; } e4pilot = "Air Trooper"; e4plane = "Midas"; e4weapon1 = 10; e4weapon2 = 8; switch (_root.e4pilot) { case "Evalot" : case "Chikara" : case "Jonathan Wood" : case "Brocken" : case "AI073" : case "Proto 52G" : case "P167C" : _root.e4skill = 1; break; case "Hassan" : case "Michael Chow" : case "Zero D" : case "Auxmenn" : case "Gina Maroth" : case "McGorse" : case "General Torus" : case "Lee Ann" : case "General Minnaros" : case "Simic" : case "Night Warrior" : case "Karamondo" : _root.e4skill = 2; break; case "Sheila" : case "Schneider" : case "Rafon" : case "Devaraja Singh" : case "Jana" : case "Caesar" : case "Droid55" : case "Nasiron" : _root.e4skill = 3; break; case "Aya" : case "Air Swat" : case "Ravager" : _root.e4skill = 4; break; case "Air Trooper" : _root.e4skill = 5; } e5pilot = "Air Trooper"; e5plane = "Dragoiex"; e5weapon1 = 4; e5weapon2 = 7; switch (_root.e5pilot) { case "Evalot" : case "Chikara" : case "Jonathan Wood" : case "Brocken" : case "AI073" : case "Proto 52G" : case "P167C" : _root.e5skill = 1; break; case "Hassan" : case "Michael Chow" : case "Zero D" : case "Auxmenn" : case "Gina Maroth" : case "McGorse" : case "General Torus" : case "Lee Ann" : case "General Minnaros" : case "Simic" : case "Night Warrior" : case "Karamondo" : _root.e5skill = 2; break; case "Sheila" : case "Schneider" : case "Rafon" : case "Devaraja Singh" : case "Jana" : case "Caesar" : case "Droid55" : case "Nasiron" : _root.e5skill = 3; break; case "Aya" : case "Air Swat" : case "Ravager" : _root.e5skill = 4; break; case "Air Trooper" : _root.e5skill = 5; } e6pilot = "Air Trooper"; e6plane = "Dragoiex"; e6weapon1 = 12; e6weapon2 = 13; switch (_root.e6pilot) { case "Evalot" : case "Chikara" : case "Jonathan Wood" : case "Brocken" : case "AI073" : case "Proto 52G" : case "P167C" : _root.e6skill = 1; break; case "Hassan" : case "Michael Chow" : case "Zero D" : case "Auxmenn" : case "Gina Maroth" : case "McGorse" : case "General Torus" : case "Lee Ann" : case "General Minnaros" : case "Simic" : case "Night Warrior" : case "Karamondo" : _root.e6skill = 2; break; case "Sheila" : case "Schneider" : case "Rafon" : case "Devaraja Singh" : case "Jana" : case "Caesar" : case "Droid55" : case "Nasiron" : _root.e6skill = 3; break; case "Aya" : case "Air Swat" : case "Ravager" : _root.e6skill = 4; break; case "Air Trooper" : _root.e6skill = 5; } _root.gotoAndPlay("campaignbattle");
Frame 2333
campaigntalker = "General Minnaros"; campaignmessage = "<b>General Minnaros:</b><br>Aaaahh!!"; _root.savefile = SharedObject.getLocal("avianwars"); = campaignnumber; _root.savefile.flush(80000);
Frame 2334
campaigntalker = "Proto 52G"; campaignmessage = "<b>Proto 52G:</b><br>Oh, yeah. Minnaros out! Time to retrieve OUR plane.";
Frame 2335
campaigntalker = "Ravager"; campaignmessage = "<b>Ravager:</b><br>Cloud Phoenix identified. Authenticating. . . Positive.";
Frame 2336
campaigntalker = "Caesar"; campaignmessage = "<b>Caesar:</b><br>Celtacanians defeated Minnaros? I will not sit around for them to attack.";
Frame 2337
campaigntalker = "Caesar"; campaignmessage = "<b>Caesar:</b><br>If it's a fight you want, I'll give it to you. Gladly.";
Frame 2338
planes_in_use = 3; planeusing = 1; plane1weapon1 = 6; plane1weapon2 = 12; plane1model = "Fheat"; plane1pilot = "Droid55"; plane1vspeed = 20; plane1maxvspeed = 30; plane2weapon1 = 2; plane2weapon2 = 1; plane2model = "Fheat"; plane2pilot = "Droid55"; plane2vspeed = 20; plane2maxvspeed = 50; plane3weapon1 = 2; plane3weapon2 = 6; plane3model = "Fheat"; plane3pilot = "Proto 52G"; plane3vspeed = 20; plane3maxvspeed = 45; _root.enemiesleft = 6; _root.fuel = 15000; e1pilot = "Air Trooper"; e1plane = "Midas"; e1weapon1 = 3; e1weapon2 = 6; switch (_root.e1pilot) { case "Evalot" : case "Chikara" : case "Jonathan Wood" : case "Brocken" : case "AI073" : case "Proto 52G" : case "P167C" : _root.e1skill = 1; break; case "Hassan" : case "Michael Chow" : case "Zero D" : case "Auxmenn" : case "Gina Maroth" : case "McGorse" : case "General Torus" : case "Lee Ann" : case "General Minnaros" : case "Simic" : case "Night Warrior" : case "Karamondo" : _root.e1skill = 2; break; case "Sheila" : case "Schneider" : case "Rafon" : case "Devaraja Singh" : case "Jana" : case "Caesar" : case "Droid55" : case "Nasiron" : _root.e1skill = 3; break; case "Aya" : case "Air Swat" : case "Ravager" : _root.e1skill = 4; break; case "Air Trooper" : _root.e1skill = 5; } e2pilot = "Air Swat"; e2plane = "Midas"; e2weapon1 = 1; e2weapon2 = 7; switch (_root.e2pilot) { case "Evalot" : case "Chikara" : case "Jonathan Wood" : case "Brocken" : case "AI073" : case "Proto 52G" : case "P167C" : _root.e2skill = 1; break; case "Hassan" : case "Michael Chow" : case "Zero D" : case "Auxmenn" : case "Gina Maroth" : case "McGorse" : case "General Torus" : case "Lee Ann" : case "General Minnaros" : case "Simic" : case "Night Warrior" : case "Karamondo" : _root.e2skill = 2; break; case "Sheila" : case "Schneider" : case "Rafon" : case "Devaraja Singh" : case "Jana" : case "Caesar" : case "Droid55" : case "Nasiron" : _root.e2skill = 3; break; case "Aya" : case "Air Swat" : case "Ravager" : _root.e2skill = 4; break; case "Air Trooper" : _root.e2skill = 5; } e3pilot = "Air Swat"; e3plane = "Dragoiex"; e3weapon1 = 1; e3weapon2 = 7; switch (_root.e3pilot) { case "Evalot" : case "Chikara" : case "Jonathan Wood" : case "Brocken" : case "AI073" : case "Proto 52G" : case "P167C" : _root.e3skill = 1; break; case "Hassan" : case "Michael Chow" : case "Zero D" : case "Auxmenn" : case "Gina Maroth" : case "McGorse" : case "General Torus" : case "Lee Ann" : case "General Minnaros" : case "Simic" : case "Night Warrior" : case "Karamondo" : _root.e3skill = 2; break; case "Sheila" : case "Schneider" : case "Rafon" : case "Devaraja Singh" : case "Jana" : case "Caesar" : case "Droid55" : case "Nasiron" : _root.e3skill = 3; break; case "Aya" : case "Air Swat" : case "Ravager" : _root.e3skill = 4; break; case "Air Trooper" : _root.e3skill = 5; } e4pilot = "Air Trooper"; e4plane = "Midas"; e4weapon1 = 10; e4weapon2 = 8; switch (_root.e4pilot) { case "Evalot" : case "Chikara" : case "Jonathan Wood" : case "Brocken" : case "AI073" : case "Proto 52G" : case "P167C" : _root.e4skill = 1; break; case "Hassan" : case "Michael Chow" : case "Zero D" : case "Auxmenn" : case "Gina Maroth" : case "McGorse" : case "General Torus" : case "Lee Ann" : case "General Minnaros" : case "Simic" : case "Night Warrior" : case "Karamondo" : _root.e4skill = 2; break; case "Sheila" : case "Schneider" : case "Rafon" : case "Devaraja Singh" : case "Jana" : case "Caesar" : case "Droid55" : case "Nasiron" : _root.e4skill = 3; break; case "Aya" : case "Air Swat" : case "Ravager" : _root.e4skill = 4; break; case "Air Trooper" : _root.e4skill = 5; } e5pilot = "Air Trooper"; e5plane = "Dragoiex"; e5weapon1 = 4; e5weapon2 = 7; switch (_root.e5pilot) { case "Evalot" : case "Chikara" : case "Jonathan Wood" : case "Brocken" : case "AI073" : case "Proto 52G" : case "P167C" : _root.e5skill = 1; break; case "Hassan" : case "Michael Chow" : case "Zero D" : case "Auxmenn" : case "Gina Maroth" : case "McGorse" : case "General Torus" : case "Lee Ann" : case "General Minnaros" : case "Simic" : case "Night Warrior" : case "Karamondo" : _root.e5skill = 2; break; case "Sheila" : case "Schneider" : case "Rafon" : case "Devaraja Singh" : case "Jana" : case "Caesar" : case "Droid55" : case "Nasiron" : _root.e5skill = 3; break; case "Aya" : case "Air Swat" : case "Ravager" : _root.e5skill = 4; break; case "Air Trooper" : _root.e5skill = 5; } e6pilot = "Caesar"; e6plane = "Dragoiex"; e6weapon1 = 2; e6weapon2 = 8; switch (_root.e6pilot) { case "Evalot" : case "Chikara" : case "Jonathan Wood" : case "Brocken" : case "AI073" : case "Proto 52G" : case "P167C" : _root.e6skill = 1; break; case "Hassan" : case "Michael Chow" : case "Zero D" : case "Auxmenn" : case "Gina Maroth" : case "McGorse" : case "General Torus" : case "Lee Ann" : case "General Minnaros" : case "Simic" : case "Night Warrior" : case "Karamondo" : _root.e6skill = 2; break; case "Sheila" : case "Schneider" : case "Rafon" : case "Devaraja Singh" : case "Jana" : case "Caesar" : case "Droid55" : case "Nasiron" : _root.e6skill = 3; break; case "Aya" : case "Air Swat" : case "Ravager" : _root.e6skill = 4; break; case "Air Trooper" : _root.e6skill = 5; } _root.gotoAndPlay("campaignbattle");
Frame 2339
campaigntalker = "nobody"; campaignmessage = "Caesar's Dragoiex explodes with him in it. Proto 52G captures the Cloud Phoenix by attaching a Ravager."; _root.savefile = SharedObject.getLocal("avianwars"); = campaignnumber; _root.savefile.flush(80000);
Frame 2340
campaigntalker = "Ravager"; campaignmessage = "<b>Ravager:</b><br>Cloud Phoenix is online.";
Frame 2341
campaigntalker = "Proto 52G"; campaignmessage = "<b>Proto 52G:</b><br>Sure feels good, doesn't it?";
Frame 2342
campaigntalker = "Ravager"; campaignmessage = "<b>Ravager:</b><br>Indeed.";
Frame 2343
campaigntalker = "nobody"; campaignmessage = "Back at the conference, APMF and New Americian pilots are having quite an issue.";
Frame 2344
campaigntalker = "Zero D"; campaignmessage = "<b>Zero D:</b><br>When it's bad enough, it gets worse. Jana's been kidnapped. Minnaros and Caesar...";
Frame 2345
campaigntalker = "Chikara"; campaignmessage = "<b>Chikara:</b><br>They will be missed. But the Celtacanians won't be. When I fry them hot!";
Frame 2346
campaigntalker = "General Torus"; campaignmessage = "<b>General Torus:</b><br>That isn't the problem now. They have captured Cloud Phoenix. That was our best hope for gaining the edge.";
Frame 2347
campaigntalker = "McGorse"; campaignmessage = "<b>McGorse:</b><br>If we act quickly, we can recover it before they are able to produce it.";
Frame 2348
campaigntalker = "General Torus"; campaignmessage = "<b>General Torus:</b><br>I doubt that would work but it's our only hope. The blueprints are still with us, but it won't take long for them to copy the deisgn. On the other ahnd, it would take us days to get another Cloud Phoenix. They'll be able to do it within a day!";
Frame 2349
campaigntalker = "Jonathan Wood"; campaignmessage = "<b>Jonathan Wood:</b><br>Count me in on this one. I'll be going after that birdie.";
Frame 2350
campaigntalker = "Hassan"; campaignmessage = "<b>Hassan:</b><br>The APMF team will in as well. Right?";
Frame 2351
campaigntalker = "Michael Chow"; campaignmessage = "<b>Michael Chow:</b><br>Affirmative.";
Frame 2352
campaigntalker = "Zero D"; campaignmessage = "<b>Zero D:</b><br>Ready as can be.";
Frame 2353
campaigntalker = "Sheila"; campaignmessage = "<b>Sheila:</b><br>As always.";
Frame 2354
campaigntalker = "Chikara"; campaignmessage = "<b>Chikara:</b><br>Let's go already!";
Frame 2355
campaigntalker = "nobody"; campaignmessage = "The APMF pilots and Jonathan Wood arrive at the Celtacanian Base. It appears to be heavily guarded.";
Frame 2356
campaigntalker = "Chikara"; campaignmessage = "<b>Chikara:</b><br>We'll split into 2 groups. Zero, Sheila and I will create a distraction here. The rest of you try to locate the plane.";
Frame 2357
campaigntalker = "Hassan"; campaignmessage = "<b>Hassan:</b><br>Roger that.";
Frame 2358
planes_in_use = 3; planeusing = 1; plane1weapon1 = 2; plane1weapon2 = 8; plane1model = "Aviator"; plane1pilot = "Sheila"; plane1vspeed = 20; plane1maxvspeed = 45; plane2weapon1 = 6; plane2weapon2 = 1; plane2model = "Aviator V"; plane2pilot = "Zero D"; plane2vspeed = 20; plane2maxvspeed = 47; plane3weapon1 = 7; plane3weapon2 = 13; plane3model = "Aviator V"; plane3pilot = "Chikara"; plane3vspeed = 20; plane3maxvspeed = 47; _root.enemiesleft = 6; _root.fuel = 15000; e1pilot = "Droid55"; e1plane = "Fheat"; e1weapon1 = 13; e1weapon2 = 1; switch (_root.e1pilot) { case "Evalot" : case "Chikara" : case "Jonathan Wood" : case "Brocken" : case "AI073" : case "Proto 52G" : case "P167C" : _root.e1skill = 1; break; case "Hassan" : case "Michael Chow" : case "Zero D" : case "Auxmenn" : case "Gina Maroth" : case "McGorse" : case "General Torus" : case "Lee Ann" : case "General Minnaros" : case "Simic" : case "Night Warrior" : case "Karamondo" : _root.e1skill = 2; break; case "Sheila" : case "Schneider" : case "Rafon" : case "Devaraja Singh" : case "Jana" : case "Caesar" : case "Droid55" : case "Nasiron" : _root.e1skill = 3; break; case "Aya" : case "Air Swat" : case "Ravager" : _root.e1skill = 4; break; case "Air Trooper" : _root.e1skill = 5; } e2pilot = "Droid55"; e2plane = "Fheat"; e2weapon1 = 13; e2weapon2 = 1; switch (_root.e2pilot) { case "Evalot" : case "Chikara" : case "Jonathan Wood" : case "Brocken" : case "AI073" : case "Proto 52G" : case "P167C" : _root.e2skill = 1; break; case "Hassan" : case "Michael Chow" : case "Zero D" : case "Auxmenn" : case "Gina Maroth" : case "McGorse" : case "General Torus" : case "Lee Ann" : case "General Minnaros" : case "Simic" : case "Night Warrior" : case "Karamondo" : _root.e2skill = 2; break; case "Sheila" : case "Schneider" : case "Rafon" : case "Devaraja Singh" : case "Jana" : case "Caesar" : case "Droid55" : case "Nasiron" : _root.e2skill = 3; break; case "Aya" : case "Air Swat" : case "Ravager" : _root.e2skill = 4; break; case "Air Trooper" : _root.e2skill = 5; } e3pilot = "Droid55"; e3plane = "Fheat"; e3weapon1 = 13; e3weapon2 = 2; switch (_root.e3pilot) { case "Evalot" : case "Chikara" : case "Jonathan Wood" : case "Brocken" : case "AI073" : case "Proto 52G" : case "P167C" : _root.e3skill = 1; break; case "Hassan" : case "Michael Chow" : case "Zero D" : case "Auxmenn" : case "Gina Maroth" : case "McGorse" : case "General Torus" : case "Lee Ann" : case "General Minnaros" : case "Simic" : case "Night Warrior" : case "Karamondo" : _root.e3skill = 2; break; case "Sheila" : case "Schneider" : case "Rafon" : case "Devaraja Singh" : case "Jana" : case "Caesar" : case "Droid55" : case "Nasiron" : _root.e3skill = 3; break; case "Aya" : case "Air Swat" : case "Ravager" : _root.e3skill = 4; break; case "Air Trooper" : _root.e3skill = 5; } e4pilot = "Ravager"; e4plane = "XCA1"; e4weapon1 = 10; e4weapon2 = 3; switch (_root.e4pilot) { case "Evalot" : case "Chikara" : case "Jonathan Wood" : case "Brocken" : case "AI073" : case "Proto 52G" : case "P167C" : _root.e4skill = 1; break; case "Hassan" : case "Michael Chow" : case "Zero D" : case "Auxmenn" : case "Gina Maroth" : case "McGorse" : case "General Torus" : case "Lee Ann" : case "General Minnaros" : case "Simic" : case "Night Warrior" : case "Karamondo" : _root.e4skill = 2; break; case "Sheila" : case "Schneider" : case "Rafon" : case "Devaraja Singh" : case "Jana" : case "Caesar" : case "Droid55" : case "Nasiron" : _root.e4skill = 3; break; case "Aya" : case "Air Swat" : case "Ravager" : _root.e4skill = 4; break; case "Air Trooper" : _root.e4skill = 5; } e5pilot = "Ravager"; e5plane = "XCA1"; e5weapon1 = 10; e5weapon2 = 3; switch (_root.e5pilot) { case "Evalot" : case "Chikara" : case "Jonathan Wood" : case "Brocken" : case "AI073" : case "Proto 52G" : case "P167C" : _root.e5skill = 1; break; case "Hassan" : case "Michael Chow" : case "Zero D" : case "Auxmenn" : case "Gina Maroth" : case "McGorse" : case "General Torus" : case "Lee Ann" : case "General Minnaros" : case "Simic" : case "Night Warrior" : case "Karamondo" : _root.e5skill = 2; break; case "Sheila" : case "Schneider" : case "Rafon" : case "Devaraja Singh" : case "Jana" : case "Caesar" : case "Droid55" : case "Nasiron" : _root.e5skill = 3; break; case "Aya" : case "Air Swat" : case "Ravager" : _root.e5skill = 4; break; case "Air Trooper" : _root.e5skill = 5; } e6pilot = "Ravager"; e6plane = "XCA1"; e6weapon1 = 10; e6weapon2 = 3; switch (_root.e6pilot) { case "Evalot" : case "Chikara" : case "Jonathan Wood" : case "Brocken" : case "AI073" : case "Proto 52G" : case "P167C" : _root.e6skill = 1; break; case "Hassan" : case "Michael Chow" : case "Zero D" : case "Auxmenn" : case "Gina Maroth" : case "McGorse" : case "General Torus" : case "Lee Ann" : case "General Minnaros" : case "Simic" : case "Night Warrior" : case "Karamondo" : _root.e6skill = 2; break; case "Sheila" : case "Schneider" : case "Rafon" : case "Devaraja Singh" : case "Jana" : case "Caesar" : case "Droid55" : case "Nasiron" : _root.e6skill = 3; break; case "Aya" : case "Air Swat" : case "Ravager" : _root.e6skill = 4; break; case "Air Trooper" : _root.e6skill = 5; } _root.gotoAndPlay("campaignbattle");
Frame 2359
campaigntalker = "Hassan"; campaignmessage = "<b>Hassan:</b><br>Wood, Chow, have you found Cloud Phoenix?"; _root.savefile = SharedObject.getLocal("avianwars"); = campaignnumber; _root.savefile.flush(80000);
Frame 2360
campaigntalker = "Michael Chow"; campaignmessage = "<b>Michael Chow:</b><br>I think it found us!";
Frame 2361
campaigntalker = "Jonathan Wood"; campaignmessage = "<b>Jonathan Wood:</b><br>Incoming! Our secret weapon!";
Frame 2362
planes_in_use = 3; planeusing = 1; plane1weapon1 = 4; plane1weapon2 = 5; plane1model = "Aviator"; plane1pilot = "Michael Chow"; plane1vspeed = 20; plane1maxvspeed = 45; plane2weapon1 = 8; plane2weapon2 = 2; plane2model = "Aviator V"; plane2pilot = "Hassan"; plane2vspeed = 20; plane2maxvspeed = 47; plane3weapon1 = 4; plane3weapon2 = 3; plane3model = "Greenhollow"; plane3pilot = "Jonathan Wood"; plane3vspeed = 20; plane3maxvspeed = 47; _root.enemiesleft = 6; _root.fuel = 15000; e1pilot = "Droid55"; e1plane = "Fheat"; e1weapon1 = 13; e1weapon2 = 1; switch (_root.e1pilot) { case "Evalot" : case "Chikara" : case "Jonathan Wood" : case "Brocken" : case "AI073" : case "Proto 52G" : case "P167C" : _root.e1skill = 1; break; case "Hassan" : case "Michael Chow" : case "Zero D" : case "Auxmenn" : case "Gina Maroth" : case "McGorse" : case "General Torus" : case "Lee Ann" : case "General Minnaros" : case "Simic" : case "Night Warrior" : case "Karamondo" : _root.e1skill = 2; break; case "Sheila" : case "Schneider" : case "Rafon" : case "Devaraja Singh" : case "Jana" : case "Caesar" : case "Droid55" : case "Nasiron" : _root.e1skill = 3; break; case "Aya" : case "Air Swat" : case "Ravager" : _root.e1skill = 4; break; case "Air Trooper" : _root.e1skill = 5; } e2pilot = "Droid55"; e2plane = "Fheat"; e2weapon1 = 13; e2weapon2 = 1; switch (_root.e2pilot) { case "Evalot" : case "Chikara" : case "Jonathan Wood" : case "Brocken" : case "AI073" : case "Proto 52G" : case "P167C" : _root.e2skill = 1; break; case "Hassan" : case "Michael Chow" : case "Zero D" : case "Auxmenn" : case "Gina Maroth" : case "McGorse" : case "General Torus" : case "Lee Ann" : case "General Minnaros" : case "Simic" : case "Night Warrior" : case "Karamondo" : _root.e2skill = 2; break; case "Sheila" : case "Schneider" : case "Rafon" : case "Devaraja Singh" : case "Jana" : case "Caesar" : case "Droid55" : case "Nasiron" : _root.e2skill = 3; break; case "Aya" : case "Air Swat" : case "Ravager" : _root.e2skill = 4; break; case "Air Trooper" : _root.e2skill = 5; } e3pilot = "Droid55"; e3plane = "Fheat"; e3weapon1 = 13; e3weapon2 = 2; switch (_root.e3pilot) { case "Evalot" : case "Chikara" : case "Jonathan Wood" : case "Brocken" : case "AI073" : case "Proto 52G" : case "P167C" : _root.e3skill = 1; break; case "Hassan" : case "Michael Chow" : case "Zero D" : case "Auxmenn" : case "Gina Maroth" : case "McGorse" : case "General Torus" : case "Lee Ann" : case "General Minnaros" : case "Simic" : case "Night Warrior" : case "Karamondo" : _root.e3skill = 2; break; case "Sheila" : case "Schneider" : case "Rafon" : case "Devaraja Singh" : case "Jana" : case "Caesar" : case "Droid55" : case "Nasiron" : _root.e3skill = 3; break; case "Aya" : case "Air Swat" : case "Ravager" : _root.e3skill = 4; break; case "Air Trooper" : _root.e3skill = 5; } e4pilot = "Ravager"; e4plane = "XCA1"; e4weapon1 = 10; e4weapon2 = 3; switch (_root.e4pilot) { case "Evalot" : case "Chikara" : case "Jonathan Wood" : case "Brocken" : case "AI073" : case "Proto 52G" : case "P167C" : _root.e4skill = 1; break; case "Hassan" : case "Michael Chow" : case "Zero D" : case "Auxmenn" : case "Gina Maroth" : case "McGorse" : case "General Torus" : case "Lee Ann" : case "General Minnaros" : case "Simic" : case "Night Warrior" : case "Karamondo" : _root.e4skill = 2; break; case "Sheila" : case "Schneider" : case "Rafon" : case "Devaraja Singh" : case "Jana" : case "Caesar" : case "Droid55" : case "Nasiron" : _root.e4skill = 3; break; case "Aya" : case "Air Swat" : case "Ravager" : _root.e4skill = 4; break; case "Air Trooper" : _root.e4skill = 5; } e5pilot = "Ravager"; e5plane = "XCA1"; e5weapon1 = 10; e5weapon2 = 3; switch (_root.e5pilot) { case "Evalot" : case "Chikara" : case "Jonathan Wood" : case "Brocken" : case "AI073" : case "Proto 52G" : case "P167C" : _root.e5skill = 1; break; case "Hassan" : case "Michael Chow" : case "Zero D" : case "Auxmenn" : case "Gina Maroth" : case "McGorse" : case "General Torus" : case "Lee Ann" : case "General Minnaros" : case "Simic" : case "Night Warrior" : case "Karamondo" : _root.e5skill = 2; break; case "Sheila" : case "Schneider" : case "Rafon" : case "Devaraja Singh" : case "Jana" : case "Caesar" : case "Droid55" : case "Nasiron" : _root.e5skill = 3; break; case "Aya" : case "Air Swat" : case "Ravager" : _root.e5skill = 4; break; case "Air Trooper" : _root.e5skill = 5; } e6pilot = "Ravager"; e6plane = "Cloud Phoenix"; e6weapon1 = 13; e6weapon2 = 7; switch (_root.e6pilot) { case "Evalot" : case "Chikara" : case "Jonathan Wood" : case "Brocken" : case "AI073" : case "Proto 52G" : case "P167C" : _root.e6skill = 1; break; case "Hassan" : case "Michael Chow" : case "Zero D" : case "Auxmenn" : case "Gina Maroth" : case "McGorse" : case "General Torus" : case "Lee Ann" : case "General Minnaros" : case "Simic" : case "Night Warrior" : case "Karamondo" : _root.e6skill = 2; break; case "Sheila" : case "Schneider" : case "Rafon" : case "Devaraja Singh" : case "Jana" : case "Caesar" : case "Droid55" : case "Nasiron" : _root.e6skill = 3; break; case "Aya" : case "Air Swat" : case "Ravager" : _root.e6skill = 4; break; case "Air Trooper" : _root.e6skill = 5; } _root.gotoAndPlay("campaignbattle");
Frame 2363
campaigntalker = "Hassan"; campaignmessage = "<b>Hassan:</b><br>I think we just blew up Cloud Phoenix."; _root.savefile = SharedObject.getLocal("avianwars"); = campaignnumber; _root.savefile.flush(80000);
Frame 2364
campaigntalker = "Jonathan Wood"; campaignmessage = "<b>Jonathan Wood:</b><br>No... we didn't... look over there!!!";
Frame 2365
campaigntalker = "nobody"; campaignmessage = "Another Cloud Phoenix is spotted flying towards Hassan, Michael and Jonathan Wood! The Celcatanians have began producing the Cloud Phoenix.";
Frame 2366
campaigntalker = "Proto 52G"; campaignmessage = "<b>Proto 52G:</b><br>This time you pests will be crushed to dust.";
Frame 2367
planes_in_use = 3; planeusing = 1; plane1weapon1 = 4; plane1weapon2 = 5; plane1model = "Aviator"; plane1pilot = "Michael Chow"; plane1vspeed = 20; plane1maxvspeed = 45; plane2weapon1 = 8; plane2weapon2 = 2; plane2model = "Aviator V"; plane2pilot = "Hassan"; plane2vspeed = 20; plane2maxvspeed = 47; plane3weapon1 = 4; plane3weapon2 = 3; plane3model = "Greenhollow"; plane3pilot = "Jonathan Wood"; plane3vspeed = 20; plane3maxvspeed = 47; _root.enemiesleft = 1; _root.fuel = 15000; e1pilot = "Proto 52G"; e1plane = "Cloud Phoenix"; e1weapon1 = 2; e1weapon2 = 9; switch (_root.e1pilot) { case "Evalot" : case "Chikara" : case "Jonathan Wood" : case "Brocken" : case "AI073" : case "Proto 52G" : case "P167C" : _root.e1skill = 1; break; case "Hassan" : case "Michael Chow" : case "Zero D" : case "Auxmenn" : case "Gina Maroth" : case "McGorse" : case "General Torus" : case "Lee Ann" : case "General Minnaros" : case "Simic" : case "Night Warrior" : case "Karamondo" : _root.e1skill = 2; break; case "Sheila" : case "Schneider" : case "Rafon" : case "Devaraja Singh" : case "Jana" : case "Caesar" : case "Droid55" : case "Nasiron" : _root.e1skill = 3; break; case "Aya" : case "Air Swat" : case "Ravager" : _root.e1skill = 4; break; case "Air Trooper" : _root.e1skill = 5; } e2pilot = "Droid55"; e2plane = "Fheat"; e2weapon1 = 13; e2weapon2 = 1; switch (_root.e2pilot) { case "Evalot" : case "Chikara" : case "Jonathan Wood" : case "Brocken" : case "AI073" : case "Proto 52G" : case "P167C" : _root.e2skill = 1; break; case "Hassan" : case "Michael Chow" : case "Zero D" : case "Auxmenn" : case "Gina Maroth" : case "McGorse" : case "General Torus" : case "Lee Ann" : case "General Minnaros" : case "Simic" : case "Night Warrior" : case "Karamondo" : _root.e2skill = 2; break; case "Sheila" : case "Schneider" : case "Rafon" : case "Devaraja Singh" : case "Jana" : case "Caesar" : case "Droid55" : case "Nasiron" : _root.e2skill = 3; break; case "Aya" : case "Air Swat" : case "Ravager" : _root.e2skill = 4; break; case "Air Trooper" : _root.e2skill = 5; } e3pilot = "Droid55"; e3plane = "Fheat"; e3weapon1 = 13; e3weapon2 = 2; switch (_root.e3pilot) { case "Evalot" : case "Chikara" : case "Jonathan Wood" : case "Brocken" : case "AI073" : case "Proto 52G" : case "P167C" : _root.e3skill = 1; break; case "Hassan" : case "Michael Chow" : case "Zero D" : case "Auxmenn" : case "Gina Maroth" : case "McGorse" : case "General Torus" : case "Lee Ann" : case "General Minnaros" : case "Simic" : case "Night Warrior" : case "Karamondo" : _root.e3skill = 2; break; case "Sheila" : case "Schneider" : case "Rafon" : case "Devaraja Singh" : case "Jana" : case "Caesar" : case "Droid55" : case "Nasiron" : _root.e3skill = 3; break; case "Aya" : case "Air Swat" : case "Ravager" : _root.e3skill = 4; break; case "Air Trooper" : _root.e3skill = 5; } e4pilot = "Ravager"; e4plane = "XCA1"; e4weapon1 = 10; e4weapon2 = 3; switch (_root.e4pilot) { case "Evalot" : case "Chikara" : case "Jonathan Wood" : case "Brocken" : case "AI073" : case "Proto 52G" : case "P167C" : _root.e4skill = 1; break; case "Hassan" : case "Michael Chow" : case "Zero D" : case "Auxmenn" : case "Gina Maroth" : case "McGorse" : case "General Torus" : case "Lee Ann" : case "General Minnaros" : case "Simic" : case "Night Warrior" : case "Karamondo" : _root.e4skill = 2; break; case "Sheila" : case "Schneider" : case "Rafon" : case "Devaraja Singh" : case "Jana" : case "Caesar" : case "Droid55" : case "Nasiron" : _root.e4skill = 3; break; case "Aya" : case "Air Swat" : case "Ravager" : _root.e4skill = 4; break; case "Air Trooper" : _root.e4skill = 5; } e5pilot = "Ravager"; e5plane = "XCA1"; e5weapon1 = 10; e5weapon2 = 3; switch (_root.e5pilot) { case "Evalot" : case "Chikara" : case "Jonathan Wood" : case "Brocken" : case "AI073" : case "Proto 52G" : case "P167C" : _root.e5skill = 1; break; case "Hassan" : case "Michael Chow" : case "Zero D" : case "Auxmenn" : case "Gina Maroth" : case "McGorse" : case "General Torus" : case "Lee Ann" : case "General Minnaros" : case "Simic" : case "Night Warrior" : case "Karamondo" : _root.e5skill = 2; break; case "Sheila" : case "Schneider" : case "Rafon" : case "Devaraja Singh" : case "Jana" : case "Caesar" : case "Droid55" : case "Nasiron" : _root.e5skill = 3; break; case "Aya" : case "Air Swat" : case "Ravager" : _root.e5skill = 4; break; case "Air Trooper" : _root.e5skill = 5; } e6pilot = "Ravager"; e6plane = "Cloud Phoenix"; e6weapon1 = 13; e6weapon2 = 7; switch (_root.e6pilot) { case "Evalot" : case "Chikara" : case "Jonathan Wood" : case "Brocken" : case "AI073" : case "Proto 52G" : case "P167C" : _root.e6skill = 1; break; case "Hassan" : case "Michael Chow" : case "Zero D" : case "Auxmenn" : case "Gina Maroth" : case "McGorse" : case "General Torus" : case "Lee Ann" : case "General Minnaros" : case "Simic" : case "Night Warrior" : case "Karamondo" : _root.e6skill = 2; break; case "Sheila" : case "Schneider" : case "Rafon" : case "Devaraja Singh" : case "Jana" : case "Caesar" : case "Droid55" : case "Nasiron" : _root.e6skill = 3; break; case "Aya" : case "Air Swat" : case "Ravager" : _root.e6skill = 4; break; case "Air Trooper" : _root.e6skill = 5; } _root.gotoAndPlay("campaignbattle");
Frame 2368
campaigntalker = "nobody"; campaignmessage = "Cloud Phoenix is destroyed, along with the pilot, Proto 52G. However"; _root.savefile = SharedObject.getLocal("avianwars"); = campaignnumber; _root.savefile.flush(80000);
Frame 2369
campaigntalker = "AI073"; campaignmessage = "<b>AI073:</b><br>Don't think that you have won... I'll finish you off personally.";
Frame 2370
campaigntalker = "P167C"; campaignmessage = "<b>P167C:</b><br>In formation. Ready to engage.";
Frame 2371
campaigntalker = "Jonathan Wood"; campaignmessage = "<b>Jonathan Wood:</b><br>Another 2 of those? You've got to be kidding me.";
Frame 2372
planes_in_use = 3; planeusing = 1; plane1weapon1 = 4; plane1weapon2 = 5; plane1model = "Aviator"; plane1pilot = "Michael Chow"; plane1vspeed = 20; plane1maxvspeed = 45; plane2weapon1 = 8; plane2weapon2 = 2; plane2model = "Aviator V"; plane2pilot = "Hassan"; plane2vspeed = 20; plane2maxvspeed = 47; plane3weapon1 = 4; plane3weapon2 = 3; plane3model = "Greenhollow"; plane3pilot = "Jonathan Wood"; plane3vspeed = 20; plane3maxvspeed = 47; _root.enemiesleft = 3; _root.fuel = 15000; e1pilot = "P167C"; e1plane = "Cloud Phoenix"; e1weapon1 = 2; e1weapon2 = 4; switch (_root.e1pilot) { case "Evalot" : case "Chikara" : case "Jonathan Wood" : case "Brocken" : case "AI073" : case "Proto 52G" : case "P167C" : _root.e1skill = 1; break; case "Hassan" : case "Michael Chow" : case "Zero D" : case "Auxmenn" : case "Gina Maroth" : case "McGorse" : case "General Torus" : case "Lee Ann" : case "General Minnaros" : case "Simic" : case "Night Warrior" : case "Karamondo" : _root.e1skill = 2; break; case "Sheila" : case "Schneider" : case "Rafon" : case "Devaraja Singh" : case "Jana" : case "Caesar" : case "Droid55" : case "Nasiron" : _root.e1skill = 3; break; case "Aya" : case "Air Swat" : case "Ravager" : _root.e1skill = 4; break; case "Air Trooper" : _root.e1skill = 5; } e2pilot = "Droid55"; e2plane = "Fheat"; e2weapon1 = 12; e2weapon2 = 8; switch (_root.e2pilot) { case "Evalot" : case "Chikara" : case "Jonathan Wood" : case "Brocken" : case "AI073" : case "Proto 52G" : case "P167C" : _root.e2skill = 1; break; case "Hassan" : case "Michael Chow" : case "Zero D" : case "Auxmenn" : case "Gina Maroth" : case "McGorse" : case "General Torus" : case "Lee Ann" : case "General Minnaros" : case "Simic" : case "Night Warrior" : case "Karamondo" : _root.e2skill = 2; break; case "Sheila" : case "Schneider" : case "Rafon" : case "Devaraja Singh" : case "Jana" : case "Caesar" : case "Droid55" : case "Nasiron" : _root.e2skill = 3; break; case "Aya" : case "Air Swat" : case "Ravager" : _root.e2skill = 4; break; case "Air Trooper" : _root.e2skill = 5; } e3pilot = "AI073"; e3plane = "Cloud Phoenix"; e3weapon1 = 7; e3weapon2 = 13; switch (_root.e3pilot) { case "Evalot" : case "Chikara" : case "Jonathan Wood" : case "Brocken" : case "AI073" : case "Proto 52G" : case "P167C" : _root.e3skill = 1; break; case "Hassan" : case "Michael Chow" : case "Zero D" : case "Auxmenn" : case "Gina Maroth" : case "McGorse" : case "General Torus" : case "Lee Ann" : case "General Minnaros" : case "Simic" : case "Night Warrior" : case "Karamondo" : _root.e3skill = 2; break; case "Sheila" : case "Schneider" : case "Rafon" : case "Devaraja Singh" : case "Jana" : case "Caesar" : case "Droid55" : case "Nasiron" : _root.e3skill = 3; break; case "Aya" : case "Air Swat" : case "Ravager" : _root.e3skill = 4; break; case "Air Trooper" : _root.e3skill = 5; } e4pilot = "Ravager"; e4plane = "XCA1"; e4weapon1 = 10; e4weapon2 = 3; switch (_root.e4pilot) { case "Evalot" : case "Chikara" : case "Jonathan Wood" : case "Brocken" : case "AI073" : case "Proto 52G" : case "P167C" : _root.e4skill = 1; break; case "Hassan" : case "Michael Chow" : case "Zero D" : case "Auxmenn" : case "Gina Maroth" : case "McGorse" : case "General Torus" : case "Lee Ann" : case "General Minnaros" : case "Simic" : case "Night Warrior" : case "Karamondo" : _root.e4skill = 2; break; case "Sheila" : case "Schneider" : case "Rafon" : case "Devaraja Singh" : case "Jana" : case "Caesar" : case "Droid55" : case "Nasiron" : _root.e4skill = 3; break; case "Aya" : case "Air Swat" : case "Ravager" : _root.e4skill = 4; break; case "Air Trooper" : _root.e4skill = 5; } e5pilot = "Ravager"; e5plane = "XCA1"; e5weapon1 = 10; e5weapon2 = 3; switch (_root.e5pilot) { case "Evalot" : case "Chikara" : case "Jonathan Wood" : case "Brocken" : case "AI073" : case "Proto 52G" : case "P167C" : _root.e5skill = 1; break; case "Hassan" : case "Michael Chow" : case "Zero D" : case "Auxmenn" : case "Gina Maroth" : case "McGorse" : case "General Torus" : case "Lee Ann" : case "General Minnaros" : case "Simic" : case "Night Warrior" : case "Karamondo" : _root.e5skill = 2; break; case "Sheila" : case "Schneider" : case "Rafon" : case "Devaraja Singh" : case "Jana" : case "Caesar" : case "Droid55" : case "Nasiron" : _root.e5skill = 3; break; case "Aya" : case "Air Swat" : case "Ravager" : _root.e5skill = 4; break; case "Air Trooper" : _root.e5skill = 5; } e6pilot = "Ravager"; e6plane = "Cloud Phoenix"; e6weapon1 = 13; e6weapon2 = 7; switch (_root.e6pilot) { case "Evalot" : case "Chikara" : case "Jonathan Wood" : case "Brocken" : case "AI073" : case "Proto 52G" : case "P167C" : _root.e6skill = 1; break; case "Hassan" : case "Michael Chow" : case "Zero D" : case "Auxmenn" : case "Gina Maroth" : case "McGorse" : case "General Torus" : case "Lee Ann" : case "General Minnaros" : case "Simic" : case "Night Warrior" : case "Karamondo" : _root.e6skill = 2; break; case "Sheila" : case "Schneider" : case "Rafon" : case "Devaraja Singh" : case "Jana" : case "Caesar" : case "Droid55" : case "Nasiron" : _root.e6skill = 3; break; case "Aya" : case "Air Swat" : case "Ravager" : _root.e6skill = 4; break; case "Air Trooper" : _root.e6skill = 5; } _root.gotoAndPlay("campaignbattle");
Frame 2373
campaigntalker = "nobody"; campaignmessage = "Hassan, Michael Chow and Jonathan Wood destroyed both P167C and AI073 marking the end of the Celcatanian terror."; _root.savefile = SharedObject.getLocal("avianwars"); = campaignnumber; _root.savefile.flush(80000);
Frame 2374
campaigntalker = "nobody"; campaignmessage = " AI073, the leader and central command of all AI forces of Celtacania, is no more. The other androids are disabled without a central command and become inactive, marking the fall of Celcatania";
Frame 2375
campaigntalker = "nobody"; campaignmessage = "World peace restored? At least, they thought so.";
Frame 2376
campaigntalker = "nobody"; campaignmessage = "A nova laser blast barely hits Hassan, Michael Chow and Jonathan Wood, but the radiation severely damages their planes.";
Frame 2377
campaigntalker = "Jonathan Wood"; campaignmessage = "<b>Jonathan Wood:</b><br>What the hell... ejecting!";
Frame 2378
campaigntalker = "nobody"; campaignmessage = "They thought they destroyed all enemies but in fact, they forgot all about Wulfenberg.";
Frame 2379
campaigntalker = "Zero D"; campaignmessage = "<b>Zero D:</b><br>Sheila, Chikara, we lost contact with Hassan's squad.";
Frame 2380
campaigntalker = "Chikara"; campaignmessage = "<b>Chikara:</b><br>I hope they're alright. Watch your back.";
Frame 2381
campaigntalker = "Sheila"; campaignmessage = "<b>Sheila:</b><br>Lets check on them. I'm positive they shot down the android.";
Frame 2382
campaigntalker = "Sheila"; campaignmessage = "<b>Sheila:</b><br>Wait, I'm getting a signal on radar...";
Frame 2383
campaigntalker = "Chikara"; campaignmessage = "<b>Chikara:</b><br>More enemies?";
Frame 2384
campaigntalker = "Sheila"; campaignmessage = "<b>Sheila:</b><br>WATCH OUT!! INCOMING!!";
Frame 2385
campaigntalker = "nobody"; campaignmessage = "A nova laser blast hits Zero D and Sheila's planes. They barely managed to eject. Luckily Chikara was not in the blast radius.";
Frame 2386
campaigntalker = "Chikara"; campaignmessage = "<b>Chikara:</b><br>Oh boy. Those are Wulfenberg's!";
Frame 2387
planes_in_use = 1; planeusing = 1; plane1weapon1 = 7; plane1weapon2 = 13; plane1model = "Aviator V"; plane1pilot = "Chikara"; plane1vspeed = 20; plane1maxvspeed = 47; plane2weapon1 = 8; plane2weapon2 = 2; plane2model = "Aviator V"; plane2pilot = "Hassan"; plane2vspeed = 20; plane2maxvspeed = 47; plane3weapon1 = 4; plane3weapon2 = 3; plane3model = "Greenhollow"; plane3pilot = "Jonathan Wood"; plane3vspeed = 20; plane3maxvspeed = 47; _root.enemiesleft = 3; _root.fuel = 15000; e1pilot = "Air Trooper"; e1plane = "Claw06"; e1weapon1 = 9; e1weapon2 = 13; switch (_root.e1pilot) { case "Evalot" : case "Chikara" : case "Jonathan Wood" : case "Brocken" : case "AI073" : case "Proto 52G" : case "P167C" : _root.e1skill = 1; break; case "Hassan" : case "Michael Chow" : case "Zero D" : case "Auxmenn" : case "Gina Maroth" : case "McGorse" : case "General Torus" : case "Lee Ann" : case "General Minnaros" : case "Simic" : case "Night Warrior" : case "Karamondo" : _root.e1skill = 2; break; case "Sheila" : case "Schneider" : case "Rafon" : case "Devaraja Singh" : case "Jana" : case "Caesar" : case "Droid55" : case "Nasiron" : _root.e1skill = 3; break; case "Aya" : case "Air Swat" : case "Ravager" : _root.e1skill = 4; break; case "Air Trooper" : _root.e1skill = 5; } e2pilot = "Air Trooper"; e2plane = "Claw06"; e2weapon1 = 12; e2weapon2 = 8; switch (_root.e2pilot) { case "Evalot" : case "Chikara" : case "Jonathan Wood" : case "Brocken" : case "AI073" : case "Proto 52G" : case "P167C" : _root.e2skill = 1; break; case "Hassan" : case "Michael Chow" : case "Zero D" : case "Auxmenn" : case "Gina Maroth" : case "McGorse" : case "General Torus" : case "Lee Ann" : case "General Minnaros" : case "Simic" : case "Night Warrior" : case "Karamondo" : _root.e2skill = 2; break; case "Sheila" : case "Schneider" : case "Rafon" : case "Devaraja Singh" : case "Jana" : case "Caesar" : case "Droid55" : case "Nasiron" : _root.e2skill = 3; break; case "Aya" : case "Air Swat" : case "Ravager" : _root.e2skill = 4; break; case "Air Trooper" : _root.e2skill = 5; } e3pilot = "Air Swat"; e3plane = "Claw06"; e3weapon1 = 1; e3weapon2 = 3; switch (_root.e3pilot) { case "Evalot" : case "Chikara" : case "Jonathan Wood" : case "Brocken" : case "AI073" : case "Proto 52G" : case "P167C" : _root.e3skill = 1; break; case "Hassan" : case "Michael Chow" : case "Zero D" : case "Auxmenn" : case "Gina Maroth" : case "McGorse" : case "General Torus" : case "Lee Ann" : case "General Minnaros" : case "Simic" : case "Night Warrior" : case "Karamondo" : _root.e3skill = 2; break; case "Sheila" : case "Schneider" : case "Rafon" : case "Devaraja Singh" : case "Jana" : case "Caesar" : case "Droid55" : case "Nasiron" : _root.e3skill = 3; break; case "Aya" : case "Air Swat" : case "Ravager" : _root.e3skill = 4; break; case "Air Trooper" : _root.e3skill = 5; } e4pilot = "Ravager"; e4plane = "XCA1"; e4weapon1 = 10; e4weapon2 = 3; switch (_root.e4pilot) { case "Evalot" : case "Chikara" : case "Jonathan Wood" : case "Brocken" : case "AI073" : case "Proto 52G" : case "P167C" : _root.e4skill = 1; break; case "Hassan" : case "Michael Chow" : case "Zero D" : case "Auxmenn" : case "Gina Maroth" : case "McGorse" : case "General Torus" : case "Lee Ann" : case "General Minnaros" : case "Simic" : case "Night Warrior" : case "Karamondo" : _root.e4skill = 2; break; case "Sheila" : case "Schneider" : case "Rafon" : case "Devaraja Singh" : case "Jana" : case "Caesar" : case "Droid55" : case "Nasiron" : _root.e4skill = 3; break; case "Aya" : case "Air Swat" : case "Ravager" : _root.e4skill = 4; break; case "Air Trooper" : _root.e4skill = 5; } e5pilot = "Ravager"; e5plane = "XCA1"; e5weapon1 = 10; e5weapon2 = 3; switch (_root.e5pilot) { case "Evalot" : case "Chikara" : case "Jonathan Wood" : case "Brocken" : case "AI073" : case "Proto 52G" : case "P167C" : _root.e5skill = 1; break; case "Hassan" : case "Michael Chow" : case "Zero D" : case "Auxmenn" : case "Gina Maroth" : case "McGorse" : case "General Torus" : case "Lee Ann" : case "General Minnaros" : case "Simic" : case "Night Warrior" : case "Karamondo" : _root.e5skill = 2; break; case "Sheila" : case "Schneider" : case "Rafon" : case "Devaraja Singh" : case "Jana" : case "Caesar" : case "Droid55" : case "Nasiron" : _root.e5skill = 3; break; case "Aya" : case "Air Swat" : case "Ravager" : _root.e5skill = 4; break; case "Air Trooper" : _root.e5skill = 5; } e6pilot = "Ravager"; e6plane = "Cloud Phoenix"; e6weapon1 = 13; e6weapon2 = 7; switch (_root.e6pilot) { case "Evalot" : case "Chikara" : case "Jonathan Wood" : case "Brocken" : case "AI073" : case "Proto 52G" : case "P167C" : _root.e6skill = 1; break; case "Hassan" : case "Michael Chow" : case "Zero D" : case "Auxmenn" : case "Gina Maroth" : case "McGorse" : case "General Torus" : case "Lee Ann" : case "General Minnaros" : case "Simic" : case "Night Warrior" : case "Karamondo" : _root.e6skill = 2; break; case "Sheila" : case "Schneider" : case "Rafon" : case "Devaraja Singh" : case "Jana" : case "Caesar" : case "Droid55" : case "Nasiron" : _root.e6skill = 3; break; case "Aya" : case "Air Swat" : case "Ravager" : _root.e6skill = 4; break; case "Air Trooper" : _root.e6skill = 5; } _root.gotoAndPlay("campaignbattle");
Frame 2388
campaigntalker = "Chikara"; campaignmessage = "<b>Chikara:</b><br>Damn, Wulfenberg jets are coming. I've got to warn Hassan and the others."; _root.savefile = SharedObject.getLocal("avianwars"); = campaignnumber; _root.savefile.flush(80000);
Frame 2389
campaigntalker = "nobody"; campaignmessage = "Chikara is too late. He reaches the Cloud Phoenix wreckage just to find 4 Wulfenberg Claw07 jets hovering over the area.";
Frame 2390
campaigntalker = "Auxmenn"; campaignmessage = "<b>Auxmenn:</b><br>This is easier than I thought. Its not in good shape, but at the very least it would be enough to get something started.";
Frame 2391
campaigntalker = "Gina Maroth"; campaignmessage = "<b>Gina Maroth:</b><br>Can't we go for the blueprints. The AI's got to have it somewhere.";
Frame 2392
campaigntalker = "Chikara"; campaignmessage = "<b>Chikara:</b><br>Hold it right there.";
Frame 2393
campaigntalker = "Gina Maroth"; campaignmessage = "<b>Gina Maroth:</b><br>Hmmm? Oh, an Aviator. What are you gonna do? Destroy all of us?";
Frame 2394
campaigntalker = "Brocken"; campaignmessage = "<b>Brocken:</b><br>You guys take care of him. I'll get the blueprints.";
Frame 2395
campaigntalker = "Schneider"; campaignmessage = "<b>Schneider:</b><br>Wait. This one's mine.";
Frame 2396
campaigntalker = "Chikara"; campaignmessage = "<b>Chikara:</b><br>Don't be too confident. Look behind you.";
Frame 2397
campaigntalker = "Gina Maroth"; campaignmessage = "<b>Gina Maroth:</b><br>What...";
Frame 2398
campaigntalker = "nobody"; campaignmessage = "Night Warrior, Nasiron and Karamondo approach in their Plogo Volu jets.";
Frame 2399
campaigntalker = "Night Warrior"; campaignmessage = "<b>Night Warrior:</b><br>Here comes backup! I hope were in time.";
Frame 2400
campaigntalker = "Nasiron"; campaignmessage = "<b>Nasiron:</b><br>You need help, Chikara? Hmm.... looks like you need it.";
Frame 2401
campaigntalker = "Karamondo"; campaignmessage = "<b>Karamondo:</b><br>Payback time!";
Frame 2402
campaigntalker = "Gina Maroth"; campaignmessage = "<b>Gina Maroth:</b><br>Afroecanas? Dont they ever learn to lose?";
Frame 2403
planes_in_use = 3; planeusing = 1; plane1weapon1 = 10; plane1weapon2 = 7; plane1model = "Plogo Volu"; plane1pilot = "Nasiron"; plane1vspeed = 20; plane1maxvspeed = 40; plane2weapon1 = 3; plane2weapon2 = 7; plane2model = "Plogo Volu"; plane2pilot = "Karamondo"; plane2vspeed = 20; plane2maxvspeed = 40; plane3weapon1 = 7; plane3weapon2 = 1; plane3model = "Plogo Volu"; plane3pilot = "Night Warrior"; plane3vspeed = 20; plane3maxvspeed = 40; _root.enemiesleft = 2; _root.fuel = 15000; e1pilot = "Gina Maroth"; e1plane = "Claw07"; e1weapon1 = 9; e1weapon2 = 12; switch (_root.e1pilot) { case "Evalot" : case "Chikara" : case "Jonathan Wood" : case "Brocken" : case "AI073" : case "Proto 52G" : case "P167C" : _root.e1skill = 1; break; case "Hassan" : case "Michael Chow" : case "Zero D" : case "Auxmenn" : case "Gina Maroth" : case "McGorse" : case "General Torus" : case "Lee Ann" : case "General Minnaros" : case "Simic" : case "Night Warrior" : case "Karamondo" : _root.e1skill = 2; break; case "Sheila" : case "Schneider" : case "Rafon" : case "Devaraja Singh" : case "Jana" : case "Caesar" : case "Droid55" : case "Nasiron" : _root.e1skill = 3; break; case "Aya" : case "Air Swat" : case "Ravager" : _root.e1skill = 4; break; case "Air Trooper" : _root.e1skill = 5; } e2pilot = "Auxmenn"; e2plane = "Claw07"; e2weapon1 = 2; e2weapon2 = 4; switch (_root.e2pilot) { case "Evalot" : case "Chikara" : case "Jonathan Wood" : case "Brocken" : case "AI073" : case "Proto 52G" : case "P167C" : _root.e2skill = 1; break; case "Hassan" : case "Michael Chow" : case "Zero D" : case "Auxmenn" : case "Gina Maroth" : case "McGorse" : case "General Torus" : case "Lee Ann" : case "General Minnaros" : case "Simic" : case "Night Warrior" : case "Karamondo" : _root.e2skill = 2; break; case "Sheila" : case "Schneider" : case "Rafon" : case "Devaraja Singh" : case "Jana" : case "Caesar" : case "Droid55" : case "Nasiron" : _root.e2skill = 3; break; case "Aya" : case "Air Swat" : case "Ravager" : _root.e2skill = 4; break; case "Air Trooper" : _root.e2skill = 5; } e3pilot = "Air Swat"; e3plane = "Claw06"; e3weapon1 = 1; e3weapon2 = 3; switch (_root.e3pilot) { case "Evalot" : case "Chikara" : case "Jonathan Wood" : case "Brocken" : case "AI073" : case "Proto 52G" : case "P167C" : _root.e3skill = 1; break; case "Hassan" : case "Michael Chow" : case "Zero D" : case "Auxmenn" : case "Gina Maroth" : case "McGorse" : case "General Torus" : case "Lee Ann" : case "General Minnaros" : case "Simic" : case "Night Warrior" : case "Karamondo" : _root.e3skill = 2; break; case "Sheila" : case "Schneider" : case "Rafon" : case "Devaraja Singh" : case "Jana" : case "Caesar" : case "Droid55" : case "Nasiron" : _root.e3skill = 3; break; case "Aya" : case "Air Swat" : case "Ravager" : _root.e3skill = 4; break; case "Air Trooper" : _root.e3skill = 5; } e4pilot = "Ravager"; e4plane = "XCA1"; e4weapon1 = 10; e4weapon2 = 3; switch (_root.e4pilot) { case "Evalot" : case "Chikara" : case "Jonathan Wood" : case "Brocken" : case "AI073" : case "Proto 52G" : case "P167C" : _root.e4skill = 1; break; case "Hassan" : case "Michael Chow" : case "Zero D" : case "Auxmenn" : case "Gina Maroth" : case "McGorse" : case "General Torus" : case "Lee Ann" : case "General Minnaros" : case "Simic" : case "Night Warrior" : case "Karamondo" : _root.e4skill = 2; break; case "Sheila" : case "Schneider" : case "Rafon" : case "Devaraja Singh" : case "Jana" : case "Caesar" : case "Droid55" : case "Nasiron" : _root.e4skill = 3; break; case "Aya" : case "Air Swat" : case "Ravager" : _root.e4skill = 4; break; case "Air Trooper" : _root.e4skill = 5; } e5pilot = "Ravager"; e5plane = "XCA1"; e5weapon1 = 10; e5weapon2 = 3; switch (_root.e5pilot) { case "Evalot" : case "Chikara" : case "Jonathan Wood" : case "Brocken" : case "AI073" : case "Proto 52G" : case "P167C" : _root.e5skill = 1; break; case "Hassan" : case "Michael Chow" : case "Zero D" : case "Auxmenn" : case "Gina Maroth" : case "McGorse" : case "General Torus" : case "Lee Ann" : case "General Minnaros" : case "Simic" : case "Night Warrior" : case "Karamondo" : _root.e5skill = 2; break; case "Sheila" : case "Schneider" : case "Rafon" : case "Devaraja Singh" : case "Jana" : case "Caesar" : case "Droid55" : case "Nasiron" : _root.e5skill = 3; break; case "Aya" : case "Air Swat" : case "Ravager" : _root.e5skill = 4; break; case "Air Trooper" : _root.e5skill = 5; } e6pilot = "Ravager"; e6plane = "Cloud Phoenix"; e6weapon1 = 13; e6weapon2 = 7; switch (_root.e6pilot) { case "Evalot" : case "Chikara" : case "Jonathan Wood" : case "Brocken" : case "AI073" : case "Proto 52G" : case "P167C" : _root.e6skill = 1; break; case "Hassan" : case "Michael Chow" : case "Zero D" : case "Auxmenn" : case "Gina Maroth" : case "McGorse" : case "General Torus" : case "Lee Ann" : case "General Minnaros" : case "Simic" : case "Night Warrior" : case "Karamondo" : _root.e6skill = 2; break; case "Sheila" : case "Schneider" : case "Rafon" : case "Devaraja Singh" : case "Jana" : case "Caesar" : case "Droid55" : case "Nasiron" : _root.e6skill = 3; break; case "Aya" : case "Air Swat" : case "Ravager" : _root.e6skill = 4; break; case "Air Trooper" : _root.e6skill = 5; } _root.gotoAndPlay("campaignbattle");
Frame 2404
campaigntalker = "nobody"; campaignmessage = "The Afroecana pilots succeeded in defeating Auxmenn and Gina Maroth but Karamondo and Nasiron lost their jets."; _root.savefile = SharedObject.getLocal("avianwars"); = campaignnumber; _root.savefile.flush(80000);
Frame 2405
campaigntalker = "nobody"; campaignmessage = "Brocken and Schneider, on the other hand, pursued Chikara up north of Celcatania, leaving behind the blueprints.";
Frame 2406
campaigntalker = "Schneider"; campaignmessage = "<b>Schneider:</b><br>Lets see how long you intend to run.";
Frame 2407
campaigntalker = "Brocken"; campaignmessage = "<b>Brocken:</b><br>You will only be going down, nowhere else.";
Frame 2408
campaigntalker = "Chikara"; campaignmessage = "<b>Chikara:</b><br>Lets see.";
Frame 2409
planes_in_use = 1; planeusing = 1; plane1weapon1 = 7; plane1weapon2 = 13; plane1model = "Aviator V"; plane1pilot = "Chikara"; plane1vspeed = 20; plane1maxvspeed = 47; plane2weapon1 = 3; plane2weapon2 = 7; plane2model = "Plogo Volu"; plane2pilot = "Karamondo"; plane2vspeed = 20; plane2maxvspeed = 40; plane3weapon1 = 7; plane3weapon2 = 1; plane3model = "Plogo Volu"; plane3pilot = "Night Warrior"; plane3vspeed = 20; plane3maxvspeed = 40; _root.enemiesleft = 2; _root.fuel = 15000; e1pilot = "Brocken"; e1plane = "Claw07"; e1weapon1 = 9; e1weapon2 = 4; switch (_root.e1pilot) { case "Evalot" : case "Chikara" : case "Jonathan Wood" : case "Brocken" : case "AI073" : case "Proto 52G" : case "P167C" : _root.e1skill = 1; break; case "Hassan" : case "Michael Chow" : case "Zero D" : case "Auxmenn" : case "Gina Maroth" : case "McGorse" : case "General Torus" : case "Lee Ann" : case "General Minnaros" : case "Simic" : case "Night Warrior" : case "Karamondo" : _root.e1skill = 2; break; case "Sheila" : case "Schneider" : case "Rafon" : case "Devaraja Singh" : case "Jana" : case "Caesar" : case "Droid55" : case "Nasiron" : _root.e1skill = 3; break; case "Aya" : case "Air Swat" : case "Ravager" : _root.e1skill = 4; break; case "Air Trooper" : _root.e1skill = 5; } e2pilot = "Schneider"; e2plane = "Claw07"; e2weapon1 = 7; e2weapon2 = 4; switch (_root.e2pilot) { case "Evalot" : case "Chikara" : case "Jonathan Wood" : case "Brocken" : case "AI073" : case "Proto 52G" : case "P167C" : _root.e2skill = 1; break; case "Hassan" : case "Michael Chow" : case "Zero D" : case "Auxmenn" : case "Gina Maroth" : case "McGorse" : case "General Torus" : case "Lee Ann" : case "General Minnaros" : case "Simic" : case "Night Warrior" : case "Karamondo" : _root.e2skill = 2; break; case "Sheila" : case "Schneider" : case "Rafon" : case "Devaraja Singh" : case "Jana" : case "Caesar" : case "Droid55" : case "Nasiron" : _root.e2skill = 3; break; case "Aya" : case "Air Swat" : case "Ravager" : _root.e2skill = 4; break; case "Air Trooper" : _root.e2skill = 5; } e3pilot = "Air Swat"; e3plane = "Claw06"; e3weapon1 = 1; e3weapon2 = 3; switch (_root.e3pilot) { case "Evalot" : case "Chikara" : case "Jonathan Wood" : case "Brocken" : case "AI073" : case "Proto 52G" : case "P167C" : _root.e3skill = 1; break; case "Hassan" : case "Michael Chow" : case "Zero D" : case "Auxmenn" : case "Gina Maroth" : case "McGorse" : case "General Torus" : case "Lee Ann" : case "General Minnaros" : case "Simic" : case "Night Warrior" : case "Karamondo" : _root.e3skill = 2; break; case "Sheila" : case "Schneider" : case "Rafon" : case "Devaraja Singh" : case "Jana" : case "Caesar" : case "Droid55" : case "Nasiron" : _root.e3skill = 3; break; case "Aya" : case "Air Swat" : case "Ravager" : _root.e3skill = 4; break; case "Air Trooper" : _root.e3skill = 5; } e4pilot = "Ravager"; e4plane = "XCA1"; e4weapon1 = 10; e4weapon2 = 3; switch (_root.e4pilot) { case "Evalot" : case "Chikara" : case "Jonathan Wood" : case "Brocken" : case "AI073" : case "Proto 52G" : case "P167C" : _root.e4skill = 1; break; case "Hassan" : case "Michael Chow" : case "Zero D" : case "Auxmenn" : case "Gina Maroth" : case "McGorse" : case "General Torus" : case "Lee Ann" : case "General Minnaros" : case "Simic" : case "Night Warrior" : case "Karamondo" : _root.e4skill = 2; break; case "Sheila" : case "Schneider" : case "Rafon" : case "Devaraja Singh" : case "Jana" : case "Caesar" : case "Droid55" : case "Nasiron" : _root.e4skill = 3; break; case "Aya" : case "Air Swat" : case "Ravager" : _root.e4skill = 4; break; case "Air Trooper" : _root.e4skill = 5; } e5pilot = "Ravager"; e5plane = "XCA1"; e5weapon1 = 10; e5weapon2 = 3; switch (_root.e5pilot) { case "Evalot" : case "Chikara" : case "Jonathan Wood" : case "Brocken" : case "AI073" : case "Proto 52G" : case "P167C" : _root.e5skill = 1; break; case "Hassan" : case "Michael Chow" : case "Zero D" : case "Auxmenn" : case "Gina Maroth" : case "McGorse" : case "General Torus" : case "Lee Ann" : case "General Minnaros" : case "Simic" : case "Night Warrior" : case "Karamondo" : _root.e5skill = 2; break; case "Sheila" : case "Schneider" : case "Rafon" : case "Devaraja Singh" : case "Jana" : case "Caesar" : case "Droid55" : case "Nasiron" : _root.e5skill = 3; break; case "Aya" : case "Air Swat" : case "Ravager" : _root.e5skill = 4; break; case "Air Trooper" : _root.e5skill = 5; } e6pilot = "Ravager"; e6plane = "Cloud Phoenix"; e6weapon1 = 13; e6weapon2 = 7; switch (_root.e6pilot) { case "Evalot" : case "Chikara" : case "Jonathan Wood" : case "Brocken" : case "AI073" : case "Proto 52G" : case "P167C" : _root.e6skill = 1; break; case "Hassan" : case "Michael Chow" : case "Zero D" : case "Auxmenn" : case "Gina Maroth" : case "McGorse" : case "General Torus" : case "Lee Ann" : case "General Minnaros" : case "Simic" : case "Night Warrior" : case "Karamondo" : _root.e6skill = 2; break; case "Sheila" : case "Schneider" : case "Rafon" : case "Devaraja Singh" : case "Jana" : case "Caesar" : case "Droid55" : case "Nasiron" : _root.e6skill = 3; break; case "Aya" : case "Air Swat" : case "Ravager" : _root.e6skill = 4; break; case "Air Trooper" : _root.e6skill = 5; } _root.gotoAndPlay("campaignbattle");
Frame 2410
campaigntalker = "Chikara"; campaignmessage = "<b>Chikara:</b><br>I did it... I survived the battle..."; _root.savefile = SharedObject.getLocal("avianwars"); = campaignnumber; _root.savefile.flush(80000);
Frame 2411
campaigntalker = "nobody"; campaignmessage = "Nova laser unlocked!"; u_nova = 1; _root.savefiled = SharedObject.getLocal("avianwars2"); = u_nova; = u_homing; = u_multi; = u_cloak; = u_emp; _root.savefiled.flush(80000);
Frame 2412
campaigntalker = "nobody"; campaignmessage = "Ending here...";
Instance of Symbol 3505 MovieClip in Frame 2412
on (release) {; }
Frame 2413
Instance of Symbol 3376 MovieClip in Frame 2414
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(_root.campaigntalker); }
Instance of Symbol 3376 MovieClip in Frame 2416
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(_root.campaigntalker); }
Instance of Symbol 3376 MovieClip in Frame 2421
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(_root.campaigntalker); }
Instance of Symbol 3262 MovieClip "bgchanger" in Frame 2467
onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(_root.currentbg); }
Instance of Symbol 3263 MovieClip in Frame 2467
onClipEvent (load) { movespeed = _root.verticalspeed; maxmovespeed = _root.maxverticalspeed; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.pauser) { _y = (_y + movespeed); if (_y > 515) { _y = -60; _x = random(615); _xscale = (50 + random(100)); _yscale = (50 + random(100)); } if (Key.isDown(_root.upkey) && (_root.fuel > 0)) { if (movespeed < maxmovespeed) { movespeed++; } } else if (Key.isDown(_root.downkey)) { if (movespeed > 2) { movespeed--; } } else if (movespeed > _root.verticalspeed) { movespeed--; } else if (movespeed < _root.verticalspeed) { movespeed++; } } }
Frame 2473
cphoenixweapon = plane1weapon1; cphoenixweapon2 = plane1weapon2; planemodel = plane1model; pilot = plane1pilot; verticalspeed = plane1vspeed; maxverticalspeed = plane1maxvspeed; _root.attachMovie(planemodel, "cphoenix", 0); cphoenix.installedweapon = cphoenixweapon; cphoenix.installedweapon2 = cphoenixweapon2; cphoenix.pilot = pilot; cphoenix._x = 250; cphoenix._y = 225; if (planes_in_use >= 2) { _root.attachMovie(plane2model, "plane2", -1); } plane2.installedweapon = plane2weapon1; plane2.installedweapon2 = plane2weapon2; plane2.pilot = plane2pilot; plane2._x = 200; plane2._y = 225; if (planes_in_use >= 3) { _root.attachMovie(plane3model, "plane3", -2); } plane3.installedweapon = plane3weapon1; plane3.installedweapon2 = plane3weapon2; plane3.pilot = plane3pilot; plane3._x = 200; plane3._y = 250; stop();
Frame 2475
gradedivider = enemiesleft; y = 1; while (y <= enemiesleft) { attachMovie(eval (("e" + y) + "plane") + " e", "enemy" + y, y); y++; } enemy1.installedweapon = e1weapon1; enemy1.installedweapon2 = e1weapon2; enemy1.responsetime = e1skill + 2; enemy1.pilot = e1pilot; enemy1._x = random(440) + 10; iiu = random(2); ((iiu == 0) ? ((enemy1._y = -5)) : ((enemy1._y = 455))); enemy2.installedweapon = e2weapon1; enemy2.installedweapon2 = e2weapon2; enemy2.responsetime = e2skill + 2; enemy2.pilot = e2pilot; enemy2._x = random(440) + 10; iiu = random(2); ((iiu == 0) ? ((enemy2._y = -5)) : ((enemy2._y = 455))); enemy3.installedweapon = e3weapon1; enemy3.installedweapon2 = e3weapon2; enemy3.responsetime = e3skill + 2; enemy3.pilot = e3pilot; enemy3._x = random(440) + 10; iiu = random(2); ((iiu == 0) ? ((enemy3._y = -5)) : ((enemy3._y = 455))); enemy4.installedweapon = e4weapon1; enemy4.installedweapon2 = e4weapon2; enemy4.responsetime = e4skill + 2; enemy4.pilot = e4pilot; enemy4._x = random(440) + 10; iiu = random(2); ((iiu == 0) ? ((enemy4._y = -5)) : ((enemy4._y = 455))); enemy5.installedweapon = e5weapon1; enemy5.installedweapon2 = e5weapon2; enemy5.responsetime = e5skill + 2; enemy5.pilot = e5pilot; enemy5._x = random(440) + 10; iiu = random(2); ((iiu == 0) ? ((enemy5._y = -5)) : ((enemy5._y = 455))); enemy6.installedweapon = e6weapon1; enemy6.installedweapon2 = e6weapon2; enemy6.responsetime = e6skill + 2; enemy6.pilot = e6pilot; enemy6._x = random(440) + 10; iiu = random(2); ((iiu == 0) ? ((enemy6._y = -5)) : ((enemy6._y = 455))); stop();
Instance of Symbol 3286 MovieClip in Frame 2475
onClipEvent (load) { _root.timetaken = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _root.timetaken++; }
Frame 2476
Frame 2477
y = 1; while (y <= 8) { _root["enemy" + y].unloadMovie(); y++; } z = 1; while (z <= 3) { _root["plane" + y].unloadMovie(); z++; } ou = 701; while (ou <= 730) { _root["bhmissile" + ou].unloadMovie(); ou++; } _root.cphoenix.unloadMovie(); _root.pausermenu.unloadMovie(); _root.pauser = 0;
Frame 2540
Frame 2541
timetaken = timetaken / gradedivider; if (timetaken < 275) { pilotgrade = "A*"; } else if (timetaken < 450) { pilotgrade = "A+"; } else if (timetaken < 500) { pilotgrade = "A"; } else if (timetaken < 550) { pilotgrade = "A-"; } else if (timetaken < 600) { pilotgrade = "B+"; } else if (timetaken < 800) { pilotgrade = "B"; } else if (timetaken < 1000) { pilotgrade = "B-"; } else if (timetaken < 1400) { pilotgrade = "C+"; } else if (timetaken < 1800) { pilotgrade = "C"; } else if (timetaken < 2200) { pilotgrade = "C-"; } else if (timetaken < 3000) { pilotgrade = "D+"; } else if (timetaken < 3800) { pilotgrade = "D"; } else if (timetaken < 4600) { pilotgrade = "D-"; } else if (timetaken < 6200) { pilotgrade = "E+"; } else if (timetaken < 7800) { pilotgrade = "E"; } else { pilotgrade = "E-"; } z = 1; while (z <= 3) { _root["plane" + y].unloadMovie(); z++; } ou = 701; while (ou <= 730) { _root["bhmissile" + ou].unloadMovie(); ou++; } _root.cphoenix.unloadMovie(); _root.pausermenu.unloadMovie(); _root.pauser = 0;
Frame 2598
Frame 2649
whichmode = "arcade"; enemiesleft = random(3) + 1; e1weapon1 = random(14) + 1; e1weapon2 = random(14) + 1; while (e1weapon2 == e1weapon1) { e1weapon2 = random(13) + 1; } e2weapon1 = random(14) + 1; e2weapon2 = random(14) + 1; while (e2weapon2 == e2weapon1) { e2weapon2 = random(14) + 1; } e3weapon1 = random(14) + 1; e3weapon2 = random(14) + 1; while (e3weapon2 == e3weapon1) { e3weapon2 = random(14) + 1; } planes_in_use = 1; planeusing = 1; currentbg = random(6) + 1; bg__music = random(7) + 2;
Frame 2650
arcadeenemiesout = 1;
Frame 2651
pilotnumberrandom = random(31); switch (pilotnumberrandom) { case 0 : e1pilot = "Evalot"; enemymessage = "Do you have what it takes to beat Lord Evalot of Evalot Republic? I don't think so."; break; case 1 : e1pilot = "Chikara"; enemymessage = "Boku wa omae wo korosu!!!"; break; case 2 : e1pilot = "Jonathan Wood"; enemymessage = "I'll do anything to be the last plane flying in the skies."; break; case 3 : e1pilot = "Brocken"; enemymessage = "Orrreeaaaaa!!!"; break; case 4 : e1pilot = "AI073"; enemymessage = "Target confirmed..."; break; case 5 : e1pilot = "Proto 52G"; enemymessage = "Being an android is real tough. I will show you how tough. First hand!"; break; case 6 : e1pilot = "P167C"; enemymessage = "I serve my master, and he says you are going down."; break; case 7 : e1pilot = "Hassan"; enemymessage = "Mari kita bertanding di udara!"; break; case 8 : e1pilot = "Michael Chow"; enemymessage = "Give me a break. YOU are my opponent?!"; break; case 9 : e1pilot = "Zero D"; enemymessage = "Stop fooling around if you want to defeat me."; break; case 10 : e1pilot = "Auxmenn"; enemymessage = "Hmmm... let's see..."; break; case 11 : e1pilot = "Gina Maroth"; enemymessage = "You are not worthy of being defeated by me!"; break; case 12 : e1pilot = "McGorse"; enemymessage = "Are you challenging me?"; break; case 13 : e1pilot = "General Torus"; enemymessage = "I will tear you apart and hang your skin on my jet."; break; case 14 : e1pilot = "Lee Ann"; enemymessage = "Yes sir. I will defeat this challenger."; break; case 15 : e1pilot = "General Minnaros"; enemymessage = "For Angelland!"; break; case 16 : e1pilot = "Simic"; enemymessage = "I am good at drinking beer, flying planes and shooting down pilots like you."; break; case 17 : e1pilot = "Night Warrior"; enemymessage = "I am looking for a real challenge."; break; case 18 : e1pilot = "Karamondo"; enemymessage = "No one can defeat warriors from Afroecana!"; break; case 19 : e1pilot = "Sheila"; enemymessage = "..."; break; case 20 : e1pilot = "Schneider"; enemymessage = "Supremacy is hard to reach. I know, because I have reached it."; break; case 21 : e1pilot = "Rafon"; enemymessage = "Chomp chomp chomp."; break; case 22 : e1pilot = "Devaraja Singh"; enemymessage = "War war war. Nothing but war. I don't like it."; break; case 23 : e1pilot = "Jana"; enemymessage = "Is this the formidable opponent that everybody has been talking about?"; break; case 24 : e1pilot = "Caesar"; enemymessage = "Let's put 50 bucks on the line1!"; break; case 25 : e1pilot = "Droid55"; enemymessage = "Destroy destroy."; break; case 26 : e1pilot = "Nasiron"; enemymessage = "Get out of my territory!"; break; case 27 : e1pilot = "Aya"; enemymessage = "I will fight you but only because I have to. This war irritates me."; break; case 28 : e1pilot = "Air Swat"; enemymessage = "Let's go!"; break; case 29 : e1pilot = "Ravager"; enemymessage = "Roger."; break; case 30 : e1pilot = "Air Trooper"; enemymessage = "Affirmative!"; } planechooser = random(14); switch (planechooser) { case 0 : e1plane = "Cloud Phoenix"; break; case 1 : e1plane = "XCA1"; break; case 2 : e1plane = "Aviator"; break; case 3 : e1plane = "Aviator V"; break; case 4 : e1plane = "Greenhollow"; break; case 5 : e1plane = "Redhollow"; break; case 6 : e1plane = "Dragoiex"; break; case 7 : e1plane = "Wingcore"; break; case 8 : e1plane = "Plogo Volu"; break; case 9 : e1plane = "Vishnu"; break; case 10 : e1plane = "Fheat"; break; case 11 : e1plane = "Midas"; break; case 12 : e1plane = "Claw06"; break; case 13 : e1plane = "Claw07"; } e1weapon1 = random(13) + 1; e1weapon2 = random(13) + 1; switch (_root.e1pilot) { case "Evalot" : case "Chikara" : case "Jonathan Wood" : case "Brocken" : case "AI073" : case "Proto 52G" : case "P167C" : _root.e1skill = 1; break; case "Hassan" : case "Michael Chow" : case "Zero D" : case "Auxmenn" : case "Gina Maroth" : case "McGorse" : case "General Torus" : case "Lee Ann" : case "General Minnaros" : case "Simic" : case "Night Warrior" : case "Karamondo" : _root.e1skill = 2; break; case "Sheila" : case "Schneider" : case "Rafon" : case "Devaraja Singh" : case "Jana" : case "Caesar" : case "Droid55" : case "Nasiron" : _root.e1skill = 3; break; case "Aya" : case "Air Swat" : case "Ravager" : _root.e1skill = 4; break; case "Air Trooper" : _root.e1skill = 5; }
Frame 2652
e1meng = e1pilot; e1mess = enemymessage; _root.enemiesleft = 1; _root.fuel = 15000; stop();
Instance of Symbol 3134 MovieClip in Frame 2652
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.plane1weapon2 == _root.plane1weapon1) { _root.plane1weapon2++; if (_root.plane1weapon2 > 13) { _root.plane1weapon2 = 1; } s2.gotoAndStop(_root.plane1weapon2); } }
Instance of Symbol 3262 MovieClip "bgchanger" in Frame 2706
onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(_root.currentbg); }
Instance of Symbol 3263 MovieClip in Frame 2706
onClipEvent (load) { movespeed = _root.verticalspeed; maxmovespeed = _root.maxverticalspeed; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.pauser) { _y = (_y + movespeed); if (_y > 515) { _y = -60; _x = random(615); _xscale = (50 + random(100)); _yscale = (50 + random(100)); } if (Key.isDown(_root.upkey) && (_root.fuel > 0)) { if (movespeed < maxmovespeed) { movespeed++; } } else if (Key.isDown(_root.downkey)) { if (movespeed > 2) { movespeed--; } } else if (movespeed > _root.verticalspeed) { movespeed--; } else if (movespeed < _root.verticalspeed) { movespeed++; } } }
Frame 2712
_root.attachMovie(planemodel, "cphoenix", 0); cphoenix.installedweapon = cphoenixweapon; cphoenix.installedweapon2 = cphoenixweapon2; cphoenix.pilot = pilot; cphoenix._x = 250; cphoenix._y = 225; if (planes_in_use >= 2) { _root.attachMovie(plane2model, "plane2", -1); } plane2.installedweapon = plane2weapon1; plane2.installedweapon2 = plane2weapon2; plane2.pilot = plane2pilot; plane2._x = 200; plane2._y = 225; if (planes_in_use >= 3) { _root.attachMovie(plane3model, "plane3", -2); } plane3.installedweapon = plane3weapon1; plane3.installedweapon2 = plane3weapon2; plane3.pilot = plane3pilot; plane3._x = 200; plane3._y = 250; stop();
Frame 2714
gradedivider = enemiesleft; y = 1; while (y <= enemiesleft) { attachMovie(eval (("e" + y) + "plane") + " e", "enemy" + y, y); y++; } enemy1.installedweapon = e1weapon1; enemy1.installedweapon2 = e1weapon2; enemy1.responsetime = e1skill + 2; enemy1.pilot = e1pilot; enemy1._x = random(440) + 10; iiu = random(2); ((iiu == 0) ? ((enemy1._y = -5)) : ((enemy1._y = 455))); enemy2.installedweapon = e2weapon1; enemy2.installedweapon2 = e2weapon2; enemy2.responsetime = e2skill + 2; enemy2.pilot = e2pilot; enemy2._x = random(440) + 10; iiu = random(2); ((iiu == 0) ? ((enemy2._y = -5)) : ((enemy2._y = 455))); enemy3.installedweapon = e3weapon1; enemy3.installedweapon2 = e3weapon2; enemy3.responsetime = e3skill + 2; enemy3.pilot = e3pilot; enemy3._x = random(440) + 10; iiu = random(2); ((iiu == 0) ? ((enemy3._y = -5)) : ((enemy3._y = 455))); stop();
Instance of Symbol 3286 MovieClip in Frame 2714
onClipEvent (load) { _root.timetaken = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _root.timetaken++; }
Frame 2715
Frame 2716
y = 1; while (y <= 8) { _root["enemy" + y].unloadMovie(); y++; } z = 1; while (z <= 3) { _root["plane" + y].unloadMovie(); z++; } ou = 701; while (ou <= 730) { _root["bhmissile" + ou].unloadMovie(); ou++; } _root.cphoenix.unloadMovie(); _root.pausermenu.unloadMovie(); _root.pauser = 0;
Frame 2778
Frame 2779
Frame 2780
timetaken = timetaken / gradedivider; if (timetaken < 275) { pilotgrade = "A*"; } else if (timetaken < 450) { pilotgrade = "A+"; } else if (timetaken < 500) { pilotgrade = "A"; } else if (timetaken < 550) { pilotgrade = "A-"; } else if (timetaken < 600) { pilotgrade = "B+"; } else if (timetaken < 800) { pilotgrade = "B"; } else if (timetaken < 1000) { pilotgrade = "B-"; } else if (timetaken < 1400) { pilotgrade = "C+"; } else if (timetaken < 1800) { pilotgrade = "C"; } else if (timetaken < 2200) { pilotgrade = "C-"; } else if (timetaken < 3000) { pilotgrade = "D+"; } else if (timetaken < 3800) { pilotgrade = "D"; } else if (timetaken < 4600) { pilotgrade = "D-"; } else if (timetaken < 6200) { pilotgrade = "E+"; } else if (timetaken < 7800) { pilotgrade = "E"; } else { pilotgrade = "E-"; } z = 1; while (z <= 3) { _root["plane" + y].unloadMovie(); z++; } ou = 701; while (ou <= 730) { _root["bhmissile" + ou].unloadMovie(); ou++; } _root.cphoenix.unloadMovie(); _root.pausermenu.unloadMovie(); _root.pauser = 0;
Frame 2837
Instance of Symbol 1732 MovieClip in Frame 2838
onClipEvent (load) { timer = 100; my_sound = new Sound(); _root.stop(); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { timer = timer - 1; my_sound.setVolume(timer); if (timer < 0) { stopAllSounds(); my_sound.setVolume(100);; } }
Frame 4582
Symbol 14 MovieClip Frame 6
Symbol 16 Button
on (release) { getURL ("", "_blank"); }
Symbol 23 Button
on (release) { getURL ("", "_blank"); }
Symbol 30 MovieClip Frame 20
Symbol 41 MovieClip Frame 20
Symbol 42 Button
on (release) {; }
Symbol 45 MovieClip [bullet_mgun] Frame 1
_x = (_root[boss]._x + xpos); _y = (_root[boss]._y + ypos); timer = 30; speed = 16; this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (!_root.pauser) { timer--; if (timer < 0) { this.unloadMovie(); } this._height = this._height - 0.75; this._y = this._y - speed; i = 1; while (i <= 10) { sucka_who_got_hit = "enemy" + i; hdistance = _x - _root[sucka_who_got_hit]._x; if (hdistance < 0) { hdistance = hdistance * -1; } if (((sucka_who_got_hit != boss) && (this.hitTest(_root[sucka_who_got_hit].det))) && (!_root[sucka_who_got_hit].planewarp.cloaked)) { _root[sucka_who_got_hit].explode.gotoAndPlay("littleexplosion"); _root[sucka_who_got_hit].hp = _root[sucka_who_got_hit].hp - 2; this.unloadMovie(); } if ((this._y > _root[sucka_who_got_hit]._y) && (hdistance < 40)) { _root[sucka_who_got_hit].danger = 1; } i++; } sucka_who_got_hit = "cphoenix"; if (((sucka_who_got_hit != boss) && (this.hitTest(_root[sucka_who_got_hit].det))) && (!_root[sucka_who_got_hit].planewarp.cloaked)) { _root[sucka_who_got_hit].explode.gotoAndPlay("littleexplosion"); _root[sucka_who_got_hit].hp = _root[sucka_who_got_hit].hp - 2; this.unloadMovie(); } } };
Symbol 45 MovieClip [bullet_mgun] Frame 3
Symbol 50 MovieClip Frame 1
_visible = false;
Symbol 52 MovieClip [bullet_missile] Frame 1
_x = (_root[boss]._x + xpos); _y = (_root[boss]._y + ypos); timer = 100; speed = 18; this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (!_root.pauser) { timer--; if (timer < 0) { this.unloadMovie(); } this._height = this._height - 0.75; this._y = this._y - speed; i = 1; while (i <= 10) { sucka_who_got_hit = "enemy" + i; hdistance = _x - _root[sucka_who_got_hit]._x; if (hdistance < 0) { hdistance = hdistance * -1; } if (((sucka_who_got_hit != boss) && (this.det.hitTest(_root[sucka_who_got_hit].det))) && (!_root[sucka_who_got_hit].planewarp.cloaked)) { _root[sucka_who_got_hit].explode.gotoAndPlay("bigexplosion"); _root[sucka_who_got_hit].hp = _root[sucka_who_got_hit].hp - 10; this.unloadMovie(); } if ((this._y > _root[sucka_who_got_hit]._y) && (hdistance < 40)) { _root[sucka_who_got_hit].danger = 1; } i++; } sucka_who_got_hit = "cphoenix"; if (((sucka_who_got_hit != boss) && (this.det.hitTest(_root[sucka_who_got_hit].det))) && (!_root[sucka_who_got_hit].planewarp.cloaked)) { _root[sucka_who_got_hit].explode.gotoAndPlay("bigexplosion"); _root[sucka_who_got_hit].hp = _root[sucka_who_got_hit].hp - 10; this.unloadMovie(); } } };
Symbol 52 MovieClip [bullet_missile] Frame 38
Symbol 54 MovieClip [bullet_minigun] Frame 1
_x = (_root[boss]._x + xpos); _y = (_root[boss]._y + ypos); timer = 10; speed = 20; this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (!_root.pauser) { timer--; if (timer < 0) { this.unloadMovie(); } this._height = this._height - 0.75; this._y = this._y - speed; i = 1; while (i <= 10) { sucka_who_got_hit = "enemy" + i; hdistance = _x - _root[sucka_who_got_hit]._x; if (hdistance < 0) { hdistance = hdistance * -1; } if (((sucka_who_got_hit != boss) && (this.hitTest(_root[sucka_who_got_hit].det))) && (!_root[sucka_who_got_hit].planewarp.cloaked)) { _root[sucka_who_got_hit].explode.gotoAndPlay("bullethit"); _root[sucka_who_got_hit].hp = _root[sucka_who_got_hit].hp - 1; this.unloadMovie(); } if ((this._y > _root[sucka_who_got_hit]._y) && (hdistance < 40)) { _root[sucka_who_got_hit].danger = 1; } i++; } sucka_who_got_hit = "cphoenix"; if (((sucka_who_got_hit != boss) && (this.hitTest(_root[sucka_who_got_hit].det))) && (!_root[sucka_who_got_hit].planewarp.cloaked)) { _root[sucka_who_got_hit].explode.gotoAndPlay("bullethit"); _root[sucka_who_got_hit].hp = _root[sucka_who_got_hit].hp - 1; this.unloadMovie(); } } };
Symbol 54 MovieClip [bullet_minigun] Frame 3
Symbol 63 MovieClip [bullet_longlaser] Frame 1
_x = (_root[boss]._x + xpos); _y = (_root[boss]._y + ypos); timer = 30; speed = 15; this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (!_root.pauser) { timer--; if (timer < 0) { this.unloadMovie(); } this._height = this._height + 1.5; this._width = this._width + 0.5; this._y = this._y - speed; i = 1; while (i <= 10) { sucka_who_got_hit = "enemy" + i; hdistance = _x - _root[sucka_who_got_hit]._x; if (hdistance < 0) { hdistance = hdistance * -1; } if (((sucka_who_got_hit != boss) && (this.hitTest(_root[sucka_who_got_hit].det))) && (!_root[sucka_who_got_hit].planewarp.cloaked)) { _root[sucka_who_got_hit]; _root[sucka_who_got_hit].hp = _root[sucka_who_got_hit].hp - 8; this.unloadMovie(); } if ((this._y > _root[sucka_who_got_hit]._y) && (hdistance < 40)) { _root[sucka_who_got_hit].danger = 1; } i++; } sucka_who_got_hit = "cphoenix"; if (((sucka_who_got_hit != boss) && (this.hitTest(_root[sucka_who_got_hit].det))) && (!_root[sucka_who_got_hit].planewarp.cloaked)) { _root[sucka_who_got_hit]; _root[sucka_who_got_hit].hp = _root[sucka_who_got_hit].hp - 8; this.unloadMovie(); } } };
Symbol 63 MovieClip [bullet_longlaser] Frame 3
Symbol 79 MovieClip [bullet_napalm] Frame 1
_x = (_root[boss]._x + xpos); _y = (_root[boss]._y + ypos); timer = 30; speed = 6; this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (!_root.pauser) { timer--; if (timer < 0) { this.unloadMovie(); } this._height = this._height - 0.75; this._width = this._width - 0.75; this._y = this._y - speed; i = 1; while (i <= 10) { sucka_who_got_hit = "enemy" + i; hdistance = _x - _root[sucka_who_got_hit]._x; if (hdistance < 0) { hdistance = hdistance * -1; } if (((sucka_who_got_hit != boss) && (this.hitTest(_root[sucka_who_got_hit].det))) && (!_root[sucka_who_got_hit].planewarp.cloaked)) { _root[sucka_who_got_hit]; _root[sucka_who_got_hit].hp = _root[sucka_who_got_hit].hp - 5; _root[sucka_who_got_hit]; this.unloadMovie(); } if ((this._y > _root[sucka_who_got_hit]._y) && (hdistance < 40)) { _root[sucka_who_got_hit].danger = 1; } i++; } sucka_who_got_hit = "cphoenix"; if (((sucka_who_got_hit != boss) && (this.hitTest(_root[sucka_who_got_hit].det))) && (!_root[sucka_who_got_hit].planewarp.cloaked)) { _root[sucka_who_got_hit]; _root[sucka_who_got_hit].hp = _root[sucka_who_got_hit].hp - 5; _root[sucka_who_got_hit]; this.unloadMovie(); } } };
Symbol 79 MovieClip [bullet_napalm] Frame 3
Symbol 82 MovieClip [bullet_plasma] Frame 1
_x = (_root[boss]._x + xpos); _y = (_root[boss]._y + ypos); xmoving = random(30) - 15; timer = 30; speed = random(10) + 10; _xscale = (random(100) + 100); _yscale = _xscale; this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (!_root.pauser) { timer--; if (timer < 0) { this.unloadMovie(); } this._height = this._height - 0.75; this._y = this._y - speed; _x = (_x + xmoving); _rotation = (_rotation + 40); i = 1; while (i <= 10) { sucka_who_got_hit = "enemy" + i; hdistance = _x - _root[sucka_who_got_hit]._x; if (hdistance < 0) { hdistance = hdistance * -1; } if (((sucka_who_got_hit != boss) && (this.hitTest(_root[sucka_who_got_hit].det))) && (!_root[sucka_who_got_hit].planewarp.cloaked)) { _root[sucka_who_got_hit]; _root[sucka_who_got_hit].hp = _root[sucka_who_got_hit].hp - 0.5; this.unloadMovie(); } if ((this._y > _root[sucka_who_got_hit]._y) && (hdistance < 40)) { _root[sucka_who_got_hit].danger = 1; } i++; } sucka_who_got_hit = "cphoenix"; if (((sucka_who_got_hit != boss) && (this.hitTest(_root[sucka_who_got_hit].det))) && (!_root[sucka_who_got_hit].planewarp.cloaked)) { _root[sucka_who_got_hit]; _root[sucka_who_got_hit].hp = _root[sucka_who_got_hit].hp - 0.5; this.unloadMovie(); } } };
Symbol 82 MovieClip [bullet_plasma] Frame 3
Symbol 97 MovieClip [bullet_rocket] Frame 1
_x = (_root[boss]._x + xpos); _y = (_root[boss]._y + ypos); timer = 100; speed = 30; motion = 1; this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (!_root.pauser) { timer--; if (timer < 0) { this.unloadMovie(); } this._y = this._y - (speed * motion); i = 1; while (i <= 10) { sucka_who_got_hit = "enemy" + i; hdistance = _x - _root[sucka_who_got_hit]._x; if (hdistance < 0) { hdistance = hdistance * -1; } if (((sucka_who_got_hit != boss) && (this.det.hitTest(_root[sucka_who_got_hit].det))) && (!_root[sucka_who_got_hit].planewarp.cloaked)) { _root[sucka_who_got_hit].explode.gotoAndPlay("bigexplosion"); _root[sucka_who_got_hit].hp = _root[sucka_who_got_hit].hp - 1; } if ((this._y > _root[sucka_who_got_hit]._y) && (hdistance < 40)) { _root[sucka_who_got_hit].danger = 1; } i++; } sucka_who_got_hit = "cphoenix"; if (((sucka_who_got_hit != boss) && (this.det.hitTest(_root[sucka_who_got_hit].det))) && (!_root[sucka_who_got_hit].planewarp.cloaked)) { _root[sucka_who_got_hit].explode.gotoAndPlay("bigexplosion"); _root[sucka_who_got_hit].hp = _root[sucka_who_got_hit].hp - 1; } } };
Symbol 97 MovieClip [bullet_rocket] Frame 9
motion = -1;
Symbol 97 MovieClip [bullet_rocket] Frame 23
Symbol 108 MovieClip [bullet_smallrocket] Frame 1
_x = (_root[boss]._x + xpos); _y = (_root[boss]._y + ypos); timer = 40; speed = 18; this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (!_root.pauser) { timer--; if (timer < 0) { this.unloadMovie(); } this._y = this._y - speed; i = 1; while (i <= 10) { sucka_who_got_hit = "enemy" + i; hdistance = _x - _root[sucka_who_got_hit]._x; if (hdistance < 0) { hdistance = hdistance * -1; } if (((sucka_who_got_hit != boss) && (this.det.hitTest(_root[sucka_who_got_hit].det))) && (!_root[sucka_who_got_hit].planewarp.cloaked)) { _root[sucka_who_got_hit].explode.gotoAndPlay("bigexplosion"); _root[sucka_who_got_hit].hp = _root[sucka_who_got_hit].hp - 3; this.unloadMovie(); } if ((this._y > _root[sucka_who_got_hit]._y) && (hdistance < 40)) { _root[sucka_who_got_hit].danger = 1; } i++; } sucka_who_got_hit = "cphoenix"; if (((sucka_who_got_hit != boss) && (this.det.hitTest(_root[sucka_who_got_hit].det))) && (!_root[sucka_who_got_hit].planewarp.cloaked)) { _root[sucka_who_got_hit].explode.gotoAndPlay("bigexplosion"); _root[sucka_who_got_hit].hp = _root[sucka_who_got_hit].hp - 3; this.unloadMovie(); } } };
Symbol 108 MovieClip [bullet_smallrocket] Frame 38
Symbol 111 MovieClip [bullet_novalaser] Frame 1
_x = (_root[boss]._x + xpos); _y = (_root[boss]._y + ypos); timer = 30; speed = 15; this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (!_root.pauser) { timer--; if (timer < 0) { this.unloadMovie(); } this._height = this._height + 30; this._width = this._width + 3; alpha = alpha - 2; this._y = this._y - speed; i = 1; while (i <= 10) { sucka_who_got_hit = "enemy" + i; hdistance = _x - _root[sucka_who_got_hit]._x; if (hdistance < 0) { hdistance = hdistance * -1; } if (((sucka_who_got_hit != boss) && (this.hitTest(_root[sucka_who_got_hit].det))) && (!_root[sucka_who_got_hit].planewarp.cloaked)) { _root[sucka_who_got_hit]; _root[sucka_who_got_hit].hp = _root[sucka_who_got_hit].hp - 22; } if ((this._y > _root[sucka_who_got_hit]._y) && (hdistance < 40)) { _root[sucka_who_got_hit].danger = 1; } i++; } sucka_who_got_hit = "cphoenix"; if (((sucka_who_got_hit != boss) && (this.hitTest(_root[sucka_who_got_hit].det))) && (!_root[sucka_who_got_hit].planewarp.cloaked)) { _root[sucka_who_got_hit]; _root[sucka_who_got_hit].hp = _root[sucka_who_got_hit].hp - 22; } } };
Symbol 111 MovieClip [bullet_novalaser] Frame 3
Symbol 113 MovieClip [bullet_pulselaser] Frame 1
_x = (_root[boss]._x + xpos); _y = (_root[boss]._y + ypos); timer = 5; speed = 13; this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (!_root.pauser) { timer--; if (timer < 0) { this.unloadMovie(); } this._width = this._width - 0.5; i = 1; while (i <= 10) { sucka_who_got_hit = "enemy" + i; hdistance = _x - _root[sucka_who_got_hit]._x; if (hdistance < 0) { hdistance = hdistance * -1; } if (((sucka_who_got_hit != boss) && (this.hitTest(_root[sucka_who_got_hit].det))) && (!_root[sucka_who_got_hit].planewarp.cloaked)) { _root[sucka_who_got_hit]; _root[sucka_who_got_hit].hp = _root[sucka_who_got_hit].hp - 0.4; } if ((this._y > _root[sucka_who_got_hit]._y) && (hdistance < 40)) { _root[sucka_who_got_hit].danger = 1; } i++; } sucka_who_got_hit = "cphoenix"; if (((sucka_who_got_hit != boss) && (this.hitTest(_root[sucka_who_got_hit].det))) && (!_root[sucka_who_got_hit].planewarp.cloaked)) { _root[sucka_who_got_hit]; _root[sucka_who_got_hit].hp = _root[sucka_who_got_hit].hp - 0.4; this.unloadMovie(); } } };
Symbol 113 MovieClip [bullet_pulselaser] Frame 3
Symbol 124 MovieClip [bullet_smoke] Frame 1
_x = (_root[boss]._x + xpos); _y = (_root[boss]._y + ypos); timer = 30; speed = 6; this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (!_root.pauser) { timer--; if (timer < 0) { this.unloadMovie(); } this._y = this._y + speed; i = 1; while (i <= 10) { sucka_who_got_hit = "enemy" + i; hdistance = _x - _root[sucka_who_got_hit]._x; if (hdistance < 0) { hdistance = hdistance * -1; } if (((sucka_who_got_hit != boss) && (this.hitTest(_root[sucka_who_got_hit].det))) && (!_root[sucka_who_got_hit].planewarp.cloaked)) { _root[sucka_who_got_hit]; _root[sucka_who_got_hit].hp = _root[sucka_who_got_hit].hp - 0.01; _root[sucka_who_got_hit]._x = _root[sucka_who_got_hit]._x - (random(40) - 20); } if ((this._y > _root[sucka_who_got_hit]._y) && (hdistance < 40)) { _root[sucka_who_got_hit].danger = 1; } i++; } sucka_who_got_hit = "cphoenix"; if (((sucka_who_got_hit != boss) && (this.hitTest(_root[sucka_who_got_hit].det))) && (!_root[sucka_who_got_hit].planewarp.cloaked)) { _root[sucka_who_got_hit]; _root[sucka_who_got_hit].hp = _root[sucka_who_got_hit].hp - 0.01; _root[sucka_who_got_hit]._x = _root[sucka_who_got_hit]._x - (random(40) - 20); } } };
Symbol 124 MovieClip [bullet_smoke] Frame 25
Symbol 125 MovieClip [bullet_hmissile] Frame 1
_x = (_root[boss]._x + xpos); _y = (_root[boss]._y + ypos); timer = 100; speed = 8; ok = 0; this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (!_root.pauser) { timer--; if ((timer < 0) && (ok == 0)) { this.gotoAndPlay("explodeme"); ok = 1; } hdistance = _x - _root[sucka_who_got_hit]._x; if (hdistance < 0) { hdistance = hdistance * -1; } _x = (_x - ((_x - _root[sucka_who_got_hit]._x) / 20)); _y = (_y - ((_y - _root[sucka_who_got_hit]._y) / 16)); if (((sucka_who_got_hit != boss) && (this.det.hitTest(_root[sucka_who_got_hit].det))) && (!_root[sucka_who_got_hit].planewarp.cloaked)) { _root[sucka_who_got_hit].explode.gotoAndPlay("bigexplosion"); _root[sucka_who_got_hit].hp = _root[sucka_who_got_hit].hp - 10; this.gotoAndPlay("explodeme"); } if ((this._y > _root[sucka_who_got_hit]._y) && (hdistance < 40)) { _root[sucka_who_got_hit].danger = 1; } myRadians = Math.atan2(_root[sucka_who_got_hit]._y - this._y, _root[sucka_who_got_hit]._x - this._x); myDegrees = Math.round((myRadians * 180) / Math.PI); this._rotation = myDegrees + 90; } };
Symbol 125 MovieClip [bullet_hmissile] Frame 38
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 125 MovieClip [bullet_hmissile] Frame 50
Symbol 136 MovieClip [bullet_emp] Frame 1
_x = (_root[boss]._x + xpos); _y = (_root[boss]._y + ypos); timer = 70; speed = 12; this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (!_root.pauser) { timer--; if (timer < 0) { this.unloadMovie(); } this._height = this._height + 0.75; this._width = this._width + 0.75; this._y = this._y - speed; i = 1; while (i <= 10) { sucka_who_got_hit = "enemy" + i; hdistance = _x - _root[sucka_who_got_hit]._x; if (hdistance < 0) { hdistance = hdistance * -1; } if (((sucka_who_got_hit != boss) && (this.hitTest(_root[sucka_who_got_hit].det))) && (!_root[sucka_who_got_hit].planewarp.cloaked)) { _root[sucka_who_got_hit]; this.unloadMovie(); } if ((this._y > _root[sucka_who_got_hit]._y) && (hdistance < 40)) { _root[sucka_who_got_hit].danger = 1; } i++; } sucka_who_got_hit = "cphoenix"; if (((sucka_who_got_hit != boss) && (this.hitTest(_root[sucka_who_got_hit].det))) && (!_root[sucka_who_got_hit].planewarp.cloaked)) { _root[sucka_who_got_hit]; this.unloadMovie(); } } };
Symbol 136 MovieClip [bullet_emp] Frame 3
Symbol 167 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 167 MovieClip Frame 2
if (_name == "shooting2") { gotoAndPlay (4); }
Symbol 167 MovieClip Frame 5
_parent.mgunammo--; if (_parent.mgunammo < 0) { _parent.mgunammo = 0; } _root.attachMovie("bullet_mgun", "bmgun" + _root.d_machinegun, _root.d_machinegun); _root["bmgun" + _root.d_machinegun].xpos = _x; _root["bmgun" + _root.d_machinegun].ypos = _y; _root["bmgun" + _root.d_machinegun].boss = _parent._name; _root.d_machinegun++; if (_root.d_machinegun > 199) { _root.d_machinegun = 10; } if (_name == "shooting1") { gotoAndStop (1); }
Symbol 170 MovieClip Frame 1
_visible = false; stop();
Symbol 171 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 171 MovieClip Frame 3
_parent.missileammo--; if (_parent.missileammo < 0) { _parent.missileammo = 0; } _root.attachMovie("bullet_missile", "bmissile" + _root.d_missile, _root.d_missile); _root["bmissile" + _root.d_missile].xpos = _x; _root["bmissile" + _root.d_missile].ypos = _y; _root["bmissile" + _root.d_missile].boss = _parent._name; _root.d_missile++; if (_root.d_missile > 250) { _root.d_missile = 201; }
Symbol 176 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 176 MovieClip Frame 3
if (_parent.minigunammo < 0) { _parent.minigunammo = 0; } _root.attachMovie("bullet_minigun", "bminigun" + _root.d_minigun, _root.d_minigun); _root["bminigun" + _root.d_minigun].xpos = _x; _root["bminigun" + _root.d_minigun].ypos = _y; _root["bminigun" + _root.d_minigun].boss = _parent._name; _root.d_minigun++; if (_root.d_minigun > 300) { _root.d_minigun = 251; }
Symbol 186 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 186 MovieClip Frame 3
_parent.longlaserammo--; _root.attachMovie("bullet_longlaser", "blonglaser" + _root.d_longlaser, _root.d_longlaser); _root["blonglaser" + _root.d_longlaser].xpos = _x; _root["blonglaser" + _root.d_longlaser].ypos = _y; _root["blonglaser" + _root.d_longlaser].boss = _parent._name; _root.d_longlaser++; if (_root.d_longlaser > 310) { _root.d_longlaser = 301; }
Symbol 192 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 192 MovieClip Frame 3
_parent.napalmammo--; if (_parent.napalmammo < 0) { _parent.napalmammo = 0; } _root.attachMovie("bullet_napalm", "bnapalm" + _root.d_napalm, _root.d_napalm); _root["bnapalm" + _root.d_napalm].xpos = _x; _root["bnapalm" + _root.d_napalm].ypos = _y; _root["bnapalm" + _root.d_napalm].boss = _parent._name; _root.d_napalm++; if (_root.d_napalm > 340) { _root.d_napalm = 311; }
Symbol 194 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 194 MovieClip Frame 3
_parent.plasmaammo--; i = 1; while (i <= 5) { _root.attachMovie("bullet_plasma", "bplasma" + _root.d_plasma, _root.d_plasma); _root["bplasma" + _root.d_plasma].xpos = _x; _root["bplasma" + _root.d_plasma].ypos = _y; _root["bplasma" + _root.d_plasma].boss = _parent._name; _root.d_plasma++; if (_root.d_plasma > 440) { _root.d_plasma = 341; } i++; }
Symbol 195 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 195 MovieClip Frame 2
if (_name == "rocket2") { gotoAndPlay (17); }
Symbol 195 MovieClip Frame 18
_parent.rocketammo--; if (_parent.rocketammo < 0) { _parent.rocketammo = 0; } _root.attachMovie("bullet_rocket", "brocket" + _root.d_rocket, _root.d_rocket); _root["brocket" + _root.d_rocket].xpos = (_x + random(40)) - 20; _root["brocket" + _root.d_rocket].ypos = _y; _root["brocket" + _root.d_rocket].boss = _parent._name; _root.d_rocket++; if (_root.d_rocket > 480) { _root.d_rocket = 441; }
Symbol 196 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 196 MovieClip Frame 3
_parent.multirocketammo--; if (_parent.multirockietammo < 0) { _parent.multirocketammo = 0; } _root.attachMovie("bullet_smallrocket", "bsmallrocket" + _root.d_smallrocket, _root.d_smallrocket); _root["bsmallrocket" + _root.d_smallrocket].xpos = (_x + random(15)) - 7; _root["bsmallrocket" + _root.d_smallrocket].ypos = _y; _root["bsmallrocket" + _root.d_smallrocket].boss = _parent._name; _root.d_smallrocket++; if (_root.d_smallrocket > 530) { _root.d_smallrocket = 481; }
Symbol 196 MovieClip Frame 6
t = random(2); if (t) { gotoAndPlay (1); }
Symbol 200 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 200 MovieClip Frame 3
_parent.novalaserammo--; if (_parent.novalaserammo < 0) { _parent.novalaserammo = 0; } _root.attachMovie("bullet_novalaser", "bnovalaser" + _root.d_novalaser, _root.d_novalaser); _root["bnovalaser" + _root.d_novalaser].xpos = _x; _root["bnovalaser" + _root.d_novalaser].ypos = _y; _root["bnovalaser" + _root.d_novalaser].boss = _parent._name; _root.d_novalaser++; if (_root.d_novalaser > 540) { _root.d_novalaser = 531; }
Symbol 213 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 213 MovieClip Frame 4
cloaked = 1; _parent.planewarpammo--;
Symbol 213 MovieClip Frame 12
_parent._alpha = 40;
Symbol 213 MovieClip Frame 90
cloaked = 0; _parent._alpha = 100;
Symbol 216 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 216 MovieClip Frame 3
_parent.pulseammo--; _root.attachMovie("bullet_pulselaser", "bpulselaser" + _root.d_pulselaser, _root.d_pulselaser); _root["bpulselaser" + _root.d_pulselaser].xpos = _x; _root["bpulselaser" + _root.d_pulselaser].ypos = _y; _root["bpulselaser" + _root.d_pulselaser].boss = _parent._name; _root.d_pulselaser++; if (_root.d_pulselaser > 600) { _root.d_pulselaser = 541; }
Symbol 218 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 218 MovieClip Frame 3
_parent.smokescreenammo--; if (_parent.smokescreenammo < 0) { _parent.smokescreenammo = 0; } _root.attachMovie("bullet_smoke", "bsmoke" + _root.d_smokescreen, _root.d_smokescreen); _root["bsmoke" + _root.d_smokescreen].xpos = _x; _root["bsmoke" + _root.d_smokescreen].ypos = _y; _root["bsmoke" + _root.d_smokescreen].boss = _parent._name; _root.d_smokescreen++; if (_root.d_smokescreen > 700) { _root.d_smokescreen = 601; }
Symbol 219 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 219 MovieClip Frame 3
_parent.hmissileammo--; hmissiletarget = 0; countera = 0; while ((hmissiletarget == 0) && (countera < 10)) { h = random(10) + 1; if (_root["enemy" + h]._y >= (_parent._y - 50)) { hmissiletarget = 0; countera++; } else { hmissiletarget = h; } } if (hmissiletarget == 0) { hmissiletarget++; } hmtarget = "enemy" + hmissiletarget; if (_parent.hmissileammo < 0) { _parent.hmissileammo = 0; } _root.attachMovie("bullet_hmissile", "bhmissile" + _root.d_hmissile, _root.d_hmissile); _root["bhmissile" + _root.d_hmissile].xpos = _x; _root["bhmissile" + _root.d_hmissile].ypos = _y; _root["bhmissile" + _root.d_hmissile].boss = _parent._name; _root["bhmissile" + _root.d_hmissile].sucka_who_got_hit = hmtarget; _root.d_hmissile++; if (_root.d_hmissile > 730) { _root.d_hmissile = 701; }
Symbol 231 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 231 MovieClip Frame 3
_parent.empammo--; _root.attachMovie("bullet_emp", "bemp" + _root.d_emp, _root.d_emp); _root["bemp" + _root.d_emp].xpos = _x; _root["bemp" + _root.d_emp].ypos = _y; _root["bemp" + _root.d_emp].boss = _parent._name; _root.d_emp++; if (_root.d_emp > 770) { _root.d_emp = 731; }
Symbol 242 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 242 MovieClip Frame 12
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 242 MovieClip Frame 24
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 242 MovieClip Frame 36
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 256 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 256 MovieClip Frame 2
o = _parent.strafespeed; _parent.strafespeed = _parent.strafespeed / 5;
Symbol 256 MovieClip Frame 92
_parent.strafespeed = o;
Symbol 259 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 268 MovieClip Frame 1
ayo = 0; this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (ayo) { _parent.hp = _parent.hp - 0.03; } }; stop();
Symbol 268 MovieClip Frame 2
ayo = 1;
Symbol 268 MovieClip Frame 92
ayo = 0;
Symbol 270 MovieClip Frame 1
_visible = false;
Symbol 294 MovieClip Frame 1
_visible = false; this.gotoAndPlay(_parent.pilot);
Symbol 294 MovieClip Frame 32; stop();
Symbol 294 MovieClip Frame 53; stop();
Symbol 294 MovieClip Frame 77; stop();
Symbol 294 MovieClip Frame 117; stop();
Symbol 294 MovieClip Frame 176; stop();
Symbol 294 MovieClip Frame 210; stop();
Symbol 294 MovieClip Frame 263; stop();
Symbol 294 MovieClip Frame 293; stop();
Symbol 294 MovieClip Frame 325; stop();
Symbol 294 MovieClip Frame 354; stop();
Symbol 294 MovieClip Frame 367; stop();
Symbol 294 MovieClip Frame 406; stop();
Symbol 294 MovieClip Frame 439; stop();
Symbol 294 MovieClip Frame 457; stop();
Symbol 294 MovieClip Frame 475; stop();
Symbol 294 MovieClip Frame 503; stop();
Symbol 294 MovieClip Frame 538; stop();
Symbol 294 MovieClip Frame 555; stop();
Symbol 294 MovieClip Frame 571; stop();
Symbol 294 MovieClip Frame 595; stop();
Symbol 294 MovieClip Frame 614; stop();
Symbol 294 MovieClip Frame 667; stop();
Symbol 294 MovieClip Frame 691; stop();
Symbol 294 MovieClip Frame 730; stop();
Symbol 294 MovieClip Frame 755; stop();
Symbol 294 MovieClip Frame 781; stop();
Symbol 294 MovieClip Frame 805; stop();
Symbol 294 MovieClip Frame 828; stop();
Symbol 294 MovieClip Frame 853; stop();
Symbol 294 MovieClip Frame 878; stop();
Symbol 294 MovieClip Frame 905; stop();
Symbol 295 MovieClip [Cloud Phoenix] Frame 1
available = 1; hp = 30; fullhp = 30; strafespeed = 30; mgunammo = 400; missileammo = 4; minigunammo = 200; longlaserammo = 10; napalmammo = 100; plasmaammo = 30; rocketammo = 30; multirocketammo = 50; novalaserammo = 1; planewarpammo = 3; smokescreenammo = 40; empammo = 10; hmissileammo = 4; pulseammo = 20; planemodel = "Cloud Phoenix"; fulllonglaserammo = longlaserammo; fullplasmaammo = plasmaammo; fullempammo = empammo; fullpulseammo = pulseammo; maxrotation = 40; horizontalmove = 0; this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (hp <= 0) { play(); } if ((_name != "cphoenix") && (_x > -100)) { this._x = this._x - 15; } if (((!_root.pauser) && (hp > 0)) && (_name == "cphoenix")) { _x = (_x + horizontalmove); planegraphic.gotoAndStop(Math.round((det._rotation + 20) / 2)); while (this.det.hitTest(_root.leftblocker)) { _x = (_x+1); horizontalmove = 0; } while (this.det.hitTest(_root.rightblocker)) { _x = (_x-1); horizontalmove = 0; } if (Key.isDown(_root.shootkey)) { if (minigunammo > 0) {;; } } if (Key.isDown(_root.shootkey1)) { if ((missileammo > 0) && (installedweapon == 1)) {; } else if ((hmissileammo > 0) && (installedweapon == 2)) {; } else if ((longlaserammo > 0) && (installedweapon == 3)) {; } else if ((napalmammo > 0) && (installedweapon == 4)) {; } else if ((plasmaammo > 0) && (installedweapon == 5)) {; } else if ((rocketammo > 0) && (installedweapon == 6)) {;; } else if ((multirocketammo > 0) && (installedweapon == 7)) {;; } else if ((planewarpammo > 0) && (installedweapon == 8)) {; } else if ((novalaserammo > 0) && (installedweapon == 9)) {; } else if ((pulseammo > 0) && (installedweapon == 10)) {; } else if ((smokescreenammo > 0) && (installedweapon == 11)) {; } else if ((empammo > 0) && (installedweapon == 12)) {; } else if ((mgunammo > 0) && (installedweapon == 13)) {;; } else {;; } } if (Key.isDown(_root.shootkey2)) { if ((missileammo > 0) && (installedweapon2 == 1)) {; } else if ((hmissileammo > 0) && (installedweapon2 == 2)) {; } else if ((longlaserammo > 0) && (installedweapon2 == 3)) {; } else if ((napalmammo > 0) && (installedweapon2 == 4)) {; } else if ((plasmaammo > 0) && (installedweapon2 == 5)) {; } else if ((rocketammo > 0) && (installedweapon2 == 6)) {;; } else if ((multirocketammo > 0) && (installedweapon2 == 7)) {;; } else if ((planewarpammo > 0) && (installedweapon2 == 8)) {; } else if ((novalaserammo > 0) && (installedweapon2 == 9)) {; } else if ((pulseammo > 0) && (installedweapon2 == 10)) {; } else if ((smokescreenammo > 0) && (installedweapon2 == 11)) {; } else if ((empammo > 0) && (installedweapon2 == 12)) {; } else if ((mgunammo > 0) && (installedweapon2 == 13)) {;; } else {;; } } if (Key.isDown(_root.upkey)) { if (_root.fuel > 0) { _root.fuel = _root.fuel - _root.verticalspeed;; } else {; } if (_y > 80) { _y = (_y - 5); } } if (Key.isDown(_root.downkey)) { if (_y < 370) { _y = (_y + 5); } } if (Key.isDown(_root.leftkey)) { if (horizontalmove > (-strafespeed)) { horizontalmove = horizontalmove - 1; } if (det._rotation > (-maxrotation)) { det._rotation = det._rotation - 1; } } else if (Key.isDown(_root.rightkey)) { if (horizontalmove < strafespeed) { horizontalmove = horizontalmove + 1; } if (det._rotation < maxrotation) { det._rotation = det._rotation + 1; } } else { if (horizontalmove > 0) { horizontalmove--; } else if (horizontalmove < 0) { horizontalmove++; } if (det._rotation > 0) { det._rotation--; } else if (det._rotation < 0) { det._rotation++; } } if (longlaserammo <= fulllonglaserammo) { longlaserammo = longlaserammo + 0.01; } if (plasmaammo <= fullplasmaammo) { plasmaammo = plasmaammo + 0.01; } if (empammo <= fullempammo) { empammo = empammo + 0.01; } if (pulseammo <= fullpulseammo) { pulseammo = pulseammo + 0.01; } } };
Symbol 295 MovieClip [Cloud Phoenix] Frame 2
Symbol 295 MovieClip [Cloud Phoenix] Frame 29
available = 0;
Symbol 295 MovieClip [Cloud Phoenix] Frame 103
mynumberis = _root.planeusing; _root.planeusing++; _name = ("plane" + mynumberis); _root["plane" + _root.planeusing]._name = "cphoenix"; _root.fuel = 15000; _root.battlemenu.s1.gotoAndStop(1); _root.battlemenu.s2.gotoAndStop(1); _root.cphoenix._x = _x; _root.cphoenix._y = _y; if (_root.backupsleft == 0) { _root.gotoAndPlay(_root.whichmode + "defeat"); } this.unloadMovie();
Symbol 298 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 298 MovieClip Frame 3
_parent.hmissileammo--; hmtarget = "cphoenix"; if (_parent.hmissileammo < 0) { _parent.hmissileammo = 0; } _root.attachMovie("bullet_hmissile", "bhmissile" + _root.d_hmissile, _root.d_hmissile); _root["bhmissile" + _root.d_hmissile].xpos = _x; _root["bhmissile" + _root.d_hmissile].ypos = _y; _root["bhmissile" + _root.d_hmissile].boss = _parent._name; _root["bhmissile" + _root.d_hmissile].sucka_who_got_hit = hmtarget; _root.d_hmissile++; if (_root.d_hmissile > 730) { _root.d_hmissile = 701; }
Symbol 299 MovieClip [Cloud Phoenix e] Frame 1
maxmovespeed = 20; maxverticalmove = 60; strafespeed = 30; dangerperiod = 10; mgunammo = 400; missileammo = 4; minigunammo = 200; longlaserammo = 5; napalmammo = 100; plasmaammo = 200; rocketammo = 30; multirocketammo = 50; novalaserammo = 1; planewarpammo = 3; smokescreenammo = 40; empammo = 10; hmissileammo = 4; hp = 30; fullhp = 30; planemodel = "Cloud Phoenix"; danger = 0; dangertimer = 0; dangeraction = "r"; movespeed = 0; maxrotation = 40; horizontalmove = 0; verticalmove = 0; actionh = ""; actionv = ""; timer = 0; this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (hp <= 0) { play(); } if ((!_root.pauser) && (hp > 0)) { _root.fuel = _root.fuel - 1; _x = (_x + horizontalmove); _y = (_y + verticalmove); planegraphic.gotoAndStop(Math.round((det._rotation + 20) / 2)); while (_x < 0) { _x = (_x+1); horizontalmove = 0; } while (_x > 471) { _x = (_x-1); horizontalmove = 0; } while (_y < -100) { _y = (_y+1); } while (_y > 500) { _y = (_y-1); } det._rotation = det._rotation + rotate; if (actionv == "u") { if (verticalmove > (-_root.verticalspeed)) { verticalmove--;; } } else if (actionv == "d") { if (verticalmove < _root.verticalspeed) { verticalmove++; } } else if (verticalmove < 0) { verticalmove++; } if (actionh == "l") { if (horizontalmove > (-strafespeed)) { horizontalmove = horizontalmove - 1; } if (det._rotation > (-maxrotation)) { det._rotation = det._rotation - 1; } } else if (actionh == "r") { if (horizontalmove < strafespeed) { horizontalmove = horizontalmove + 1; } if (det._rotation < maxrotation) { det._rotation = det._rotation + 1; } } else { if (horizontalmove > 0) { horizontalmove--; } else if (horizontalmove < 0) { horizontalmove++; } if (det._rotation > 0) { det._rotation--; } else if (det._rotation < 0) { det._rotation++; } } _y = (_y + movespeed); if (Key.isDown(_root.upkey) && (_root.fuel > 0)) { if (movespeed < maxmovespeed) { movespeed++; } } else if (Key.isDown(_root.downkey)) { if (movespeed > -30) { movespeed--; } } else if (movespeed > 0) { movespeed--; } else { movespeed = 0; } timer++; hdistance = _x - _root.cphoenix._x; if (hdistance < 0) { hdistance = hdistance * -1; } if (timer > 1000) { timer = 0; } if (((timer % (responsetime * (random(2) + 1))) == 0) && (!danger)) { if ((_y < _root.cphoenix._y) && ((_root.cphoenix._y - _y) < 80)) { u = random(2); if (u == 0) { actionv = "u"; } else { actionv = "d"; } } else if (_y > 450) { actionv = "u"; } else if (_y < 0) { actionv = "d"; } else if (_y > (_root.cphoenix._y + 160)) { if (_x < _root.cphoenix._x) { actionh = "r"; } else if (_x > _root.cphoenix._x) { actionh = "l"; } } else if (_y < _root.phoenix._y) { i = random(3); ((i == 0) ? ((actionv = "d")) : ((actionv = ""))); } else { q = random(4); if (q == 0) { actionh = "r"; } else if (q == 1) { actionh = "l"; } else { actionh = ""; } actionv = ""; } if ((hdistance < 40) && (_y < _root.cphoenix._y)) { q = random(2); if ((q == 0) && ((_x + 50) < 471)) { actionh = "r"; } else if ((_x - 50) > 0) { actionh = "l"; } r = random(3); if (r == 0) { actionv = "d"; } else { actionv = ""; } } if ((_y > _root.cphoenix._y) && (hdistance < 130)) { if (minigunammo > 0) {;; } u = random(3); if (u && (hdistance < 100)) { if ((missileammo > 0) && (installedweapon2 == 1)) {; } else if ((hmissileammo > 0) && (installedweapon2 == 2)) {; } else if ((longlaserammo > 0) && (installedweapon2 == 3)) {; } else if ((napalmammo > 0) && (installedweapon2 == 4)) {; } else if ((plasmaammo > 0) && (installedweapon2 == 5)) {; } else if ((rocketammo > 0) && (installedweapon2 == 6)) {;; } else if ((multirocketammo > 0) && (installedweapon2 == 7)) {;; } else if ((novalaserammo > 0) && (installedweapon2 == 9)) {; } else if (installedweapon2 == 10) {; } else if (installedweapon2 == 12) {; } else if ((mgunammo > 0) && (installedweapon2 == 13)) {;; } } u = random(3); if (u && (hdistance < 100)) { if ((missileammo > 0) && (installedweapon == 1)) {; } else if ((hmissileammo > 0) && (installedweapon == 2)) {; } else if ((longlaserammo > 0) && (installedweapon == 3)) {; } else if ((napalmammo > 0) && (installedweapon == 4)) {; } else if ((plasmaammo > 0) && (installedweapon == 5)) {; } else if ((rocketammo > 0) && (installedweapon == 6)) {;; } else if ((multirocketammo > 0) && (installedweapon == 7)) {;; } else if ((novalaserammo > 0) && (installedweapon == 9)) {; } else if (installedweapon == 10) {; } else if (installedweapon == 12) {; } else if ((mgunammo > 0) && (installedweapon == 13)) {;; } } } } if (danger == 1) { dangertimer++; if (dangertimer == 1) { q = random(2); if ((q == 0) && ((_x + 50) < 471)) { dangeraction = "r"; } else if ((_x - 50) > 0) { dangeraction = "l"; } } actionh = dangeraction; if (dangertimer > dangerperiod) { danger = 0; dangertimer = 0; } if ((planewarpammo > 0) && ((installedweapon == 8) || (installedweapon2 == 8))) {; } else if ((smokescreenammo > 0) && ((installedweapon == 11) || (installedweapon2 == 11))) { uyu = random(4); if (!uyu) {; } } } } };
Symbol 299 MovieClip [Cloud Phoenix e] Frame 2
Symbol 299 MovieClip [Cloud Phoenix e] Frame 62
_root.enemiesleft--; this.unloadMovie();
Symbol 319 MovieClip [XCA1] Frame 1
available = 1; hp = 10; fullhp = 10; strafespeed = 12; minigunammo = 200; mgunammo = 150; missileammo = 2; longlaserammo = 8; napalmammo = 20; plasmaammo = 20; rocketammo = 5; multirocketammo = 20; novalaserammo = 1; planewarpammo = 1; smokescreenammo = 20; empammo = 5; hmissileammo = 2; pulseammo = 10; planemodel = "XCA1"; fulllonglaserammo = longlaserammo; fullplasmaammo = plasmaammo; fullempammo = empammo; fullpulseammo = pulseammo; maxrotation = 40; horizontalmove = 0; this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (hp <= 0) { play(); } if ((_name != "cphoenix") && (_x > -100)) { this._x = this._x - 15; } if (((!_root.pauser) && (hp > 0)) && (_name == "cphoenix")) { _x = (_x + horizontalmove); planegraphic.gotoAndStop(Math.round((det._rotation + 20) / 2)); while (this.det.hitTest(_root.leftblocker)) { _x = (_x+1); horizontalmove = 0; } while (this.det.hitTest(_root.rightblocker)) { _x = (_x-1); horizontalmove = 0; } if (Key.isDown(_root.shootkey)) { if (minigunammo > 0) {;; } } if (Key.isDown(_root.shootkey1)) { if ((missileammo > 0) && (installedweapon == 1)) {; } else if ((hmissileammo > 0) && (installedweapon == 2)) {; } else if ((longlaserammo > 0) && (installedweapon == 3)) {; } else if ((napalmammo > 0) && (installedweapon == 4)) {; } else if ((plasmaammo > 0) && (installedweapon == 5)) {; } else if ((rocketammo > 0) && (installedweapon == 6)) {;; } else if ((multirocketammo > 0) && (installedweapon == 7)) {;; } else if ((planewarpammo > 0) && (installedweapon == 8)) {; } else if ((novalaserammo > 0) && (installedweapon == 9)) {; } else if ((pulseammo > 0) && (installedweapon == 10)) {; } else if ((smokescreenammo > 0) && (installedweapon == 11)) {; } else if ((empammo > 0) && (installedweapon == 12)) {; } else if ((mgunammo > 0) && (installedweapon == 13)) {;; } else {;; } } if (Key.isDown(_root.shootkey2)) { if ((missileammo > 0) && (installedweapon2 == 1)) {; } else if ((hmissileammo > 0) && (installedweapon2 == 2)) {; } else if ((longlaserammo > 0) && (installedweapon2 == 3)) {; } else if ((napalmammo > 0) && (installedweapon2 == 4)) {; } else if ((plasmaammo > 0) && (installedweapon2 == 5)) {; } else if ((rocketammo > 0) && (installedweapon2 == 6)) {;; } else if ((multirocketammo > 0) && (installedweapon2 == 7)) {;; } else if ((planewarpammo > 0) && (installedweapon2 == 8)) {; } else if ((novalaserammo > 0) && (installedweapon2 == 9)) {; } else if ((pulseammo > 0) && (installedweapon2 == 10)) {; } else if ((smokescreenammo > 0) && (installedweapon2 == 11)) {; } else if ((empammo > 0) && (installedweapon2 == 12)) {; } else if ((mgunammo > 0) && (installedweapon2 == 13)) {;; } else {;; } } if (Key.isDown(_root.upkey)) { if (_root.fuel > 0) { _root.fuel = _root.fuel - _root.verticalspeed;; } else {; } if (_y > 80) { _y = (_y - 5); } } if (Key.isDown(_root.downkey)) { if (_y < 370) { _y = (_y + 5); } } if (Key.isDown(_root.leftkey)) { if (horizontalmove > (-strafespeed)) { horizontalmove = horizontalmove - 1; } if (det._rotation > (-maxrotation)) { det._rotation = det._rotation - 1; } } else if (Key.isDown(_root.rightkey)) { if (horizontalmove < strafespeed) { horizontalmove = horizontalmove + 1; } if (det._rotation < maxrotation) { det._rotation = det._rotation + 1; } } else { if (horizontalmove > 0) { horizontalmove--; } else if (horizontalmove < 0) { horizontalmove++; } if (det._rotation > 0) { det._rotation--; } else if (det._rotation < 0) { det._rotation++; } } if (longlaserammo <= fulllonglaserammo) { longlaserammo = longlaserammo + 0.01; } if (plasmaammo <= fullplasmaammo) { plasmaammo = plasmaammo + 0.01; } if (empammo <= fullempammo) { empammo = empammo + 0.01; } if (pulseammo <= fullpulseammo) { pulseammo = pulseammo + 0.01; } } };
Symbol 319 MovieClip [XCA1] Frame 2
Symbol 319 MovieClip [XCA1] Frame 29
available = 0;
Symbol 319 MovieClip [XCA1] Frame 103
mynumberis = _root.planeusing; _root.planeusing++; _name = ("plane" + mynumberis); _root["plane" + _root.planeusing]._name = "cphoenix"; _root.fuel = 15000; _root.battlemenu.s1.gotoAndStop(1); _root.battlemenu.s2.gotoAndStop(1); _root.cphoenix._x = _x; _root.cphoenix._y = _y; if (_root.backupsleft == 0) { _root.gotoAndPlay(_root.whichmode + "defeat"); } this.unloadMovie();
Symbol 322 MovieClip [XCA1 e] Frame 1
maxmovespeed = 20; maxverticalmove = 30; strafespeed = 12; dangerperiod = 15; hp = 10; fullhp = 10; minigunammo = 200; mgunammo = 150; missileammo = 2; longlaserammo = 8; napalmammo = 20; plasmaammo = 20; rocketammo = 5; multirocketammo = 20; novalaserammo = 1; planewarpammo = 1; smokescreenammo = 20; empammo = 5; hmissileammo = 2; pulseammo = 10; planemodel = "XCA1"; danger = 0; dangertimer = 0; dangeraction = "r"; movespeed = 0; maxrotation = 40; horizontalmove = 0; verticalmove = 0; actionh = ""; actionv = ""; timer = 0; this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (hp <= 0) { play(); } if ((!_root.pauser) && (hp > 0)) { _root.fuel = _root.fuel - 1; _x = (_x + horizontalmove); _y = (_y + verticalmove); planegraphic.gotoAndStop(Math.round((det._rotation + 20) / 2)); while (_x < 0) { _x = (_x+1); horizontalmove = 0; } while (_x > 471) { _x = (_x-1); horizontalmove = 0; } while (_y < -100) { _y = (_y+1); } while (_y > 500) { _y = (_y-1); } det._rotation = det._rotation + rotate; if (actionv == "u") { if (verticalmove > (-_root.verticalspeed)) { verticalmove--;; } } else if (actionv == "d") { if (verticalmove < _root.verticalspeed) { verticalmove++; } } else if (verticalmove < 0) { verticalmove++; } if (actionh == "l") { if (horizontalmove > (-strafespeed)) { horizontalmove = horizontalmove - 1; } if (det._rotation > (-maxrotation)) { det._rotation = det._rotation - 1; } } else if (actionh == "r") { if (horizontalmove < strafespeed) { horizontalmove = horizontalmove + 1; } if (det._rotation < maxrotation) { det._rotation = det._rotation + 1; } } else { if (horizontalmove > 0) { horizontalmove--; } else if (horizontalmove < 0) { horizontalmove++; } if (det._rotation > 0) { det._rotation--; } else if (det._rotation < 0) { det._rotation++; } } _y = (_y + movespeed); if (Key.isDown(_root.upkey) && (_root.fuel > 0)) { if (movespeed < maxmovespeed) { movespeed++; } } else if (Key.isDown(_root.downkey)) { if (movespeed > -30) { movespeed--; } } else if (movespeed > 0) { movespeed--; } else { movespeed = 0; } timer++; hdistance = _x - _root.cphoenix._x; if (hdistance < 0) { hdistance = hdistance * -1; } if (timer > 1000) { timer = 0; } if (((timer % (responsetime * (random(2) + 1))) == 0) && (!danger)) { if ((_y < _root.cphoenix._y) && ((_root.cphoenix._y - _y) < 80)) { u = random(2); if (u == 0) { actionv = "u"; } else { actionv = "d"; } } else if (_y > 450) { actionv = "u"; } else if (_y < 0) { actionv = "d"; } else if (_y > (_root.cphoenix._y + 160)) { if (_x < _root.cphoenix._x) { actionh = "r"; } else if (_x > _root.cphoenix._x) { actionh = "l"; } } else if (_y < _root.phoenix._y) { i = random(3); ((i == 0) ? ((actionv = "d")) : ((actionv = ""))); } else { q = random(4); if (q == 0) { actionh = "r"; } else if (q == 1) { actionh = "l"; } else { actionh = ""; } actionv = ""; } if ((hdistance < 40) && (_y < _root.cphoenix._y)) { q = random(2); if ((q == 0) && ((_x + 50) < 471)) { actionh = "r"; } else if ((_x - 50) > 0) { actionh = "l"; } r = random(3); if (r == 0) { actionv = "d"; } else { actionv = ""; } } if ((_y > _root.cphoenix._y) && (hdistance < 130)) { if (minigunammo > 0) {;; } u = random(3); if (u && (hdistance < 100)) { if ((missileammo > 0) && (installedweapon2 == 1)) {; } else if ((hmissileammo > 0) && (installedweapon2 == 2)) {; } else if ((longlaserammo > 0) && (installedweapon2 == 3)) {; } else if ((napalmammo > 0) && (installedweapon2 == 4)) {; } else if ((plasmaammo > 0) && (installedweapon2 == 5)) {; } else if ((rocketammo > 0) && (installedweapon2 == 6)) {;; } else if ((multirocketammo > 0) && (installedweapon2 == 7)) {;; } else if ((novalaserammo > 0) && (installedweapon2 == 9)) {; } else if (installedweapon2 == 10) {; } else if (installedweapon2 == 12) {; } else if ((mgunammo > 0) && (installedweapon2 == 13)) {;; } } u = random(3); if (u && (hdistance < 100)) { if ((missileammo > 0) && (installedweapon == 1)) {; } else if ((hmissileammo > 0) && (installedweapon == 2)) {; } else if ((longlaserammo > 0) && (installedweapon == 3)) {; } else if ((napalmammo > 0) && (installedweapon == 4)) {; } else if ((plasmaammo > 0) && (installedweapon == 5)) {; } else if ((rocketammo > 0) && (installedweapon == 6)) {;; } else if ((multirocketammo > 0) && (installedweapon == 7)) {;; } else if ((novalaserammo > 0) && (installedweapon == 9)) {; } else if (installedweapon == 10) {; } else if (installedweapon == 12) {; } else if ((mgunammo > 0) && (installedweapon == 13)) {;; } } } } if (danger == 1) { dangertimer++; if (dangertimer == 1) { q = random(2); if ((q == 0) && ((_x + 50) < 471)) { dangeraction = "r"; } else if ((_x - 50) > 0) { dangeraction = "l"; } } actionh = dangeraction; if (dangertimer > dangerperiod) { danger = 0; dangertimer = 0; } if ((planewarpammo > 0) && ((installedweapon == 8) || (installedweapon2 == 8))) {; } else if ((smokescreenammo > 0) && ((installedweapon == 11) || (installedweapon2 == 11))) { uyu = random(4); if (!uyu) {; } } } } };
Symbol 322 MovieClip [XCA1 e] Frame 2
Symbol 322 MovieClip [XCA1 e] Frame 62
_root.enemiesleft--; this.unloadMovie();
Symbol 346 MovieClip [Aviator] Frame 1
available = 1; hp = 16; fullhp = 16; strafespeed = 16; minigunammo = 200; missileammo = 5; hmissileammo = 2; longlaserammo = 10; napalmammo = 30; plasmaammo = 20; rocketammo = 10; multirocketammo = 30; novalaserammo = 1; pulseammo = 15; planewarpammo = 2; smokescreenammo = 35; empammo = 10; mgunammo = 250; planemodel = "Aviator"; fulllonglaserammo = longlaserammo; fullplasmaammo = plasmaammo; fullempammo = empammo; fullpulseammo = pulseammo; maxrotation = 40; horizontalmove = 0; this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (hp <= 0) { play(); } if ((_name != "cphoenix") && (_x > -100)) { this._x = this._x - 15; } if (((!_root.pauser) && (hp > 0)) && (_name == "cphoenix")) { _x = (_x + horizontalmove); planegraphic.gotoAndStop(Math.round((det._rotation + 20) / 2)); while (this.det.hitTest(_root.leftblocker)) { _x = (_x+1); horizontalmove = 0; } while (this.det.hitTest(_root.rightblocker)) { _x = (_x-1); horizontalmove = 0; } if (Key.isDown(_root.shootkey)) { if (minigunammo > 0) {;; } } if (Key.isDown(_root.shootkey1)) { if ((missileammo > 0) && (installedweapon == 1)) {; } else if ((hmissileammo > 0) && (installedweapon == 2)) {; } else if ((longlaserammo > 0) && (installedweapon == 3)) {; } else if ((napalmammo > 0) && (installedweapon == 4)) {; } else if ((plasmaammo > 0) && (installedweapon == 5)) {; } else if ((rocketammo > 0) && (installedweapon == 6)) {;; } else if ((multirocketammo > 0) && (installedweapon == 7)) {;; } else if ((planewarpammo > 0) && (installedweapon == 8)) {; } else if ((novalaserammo > 0) && (installedweapon == 9)) {; } else if ((pulseammo > 0) && (installedweapon == 10)) {; } else if ((smokescreenammo > 0) && (installedweapon == 11)) {; } else if ((empammo > 0) && (installedweapon == 12)) {; } else if ((mgunammo > 0) && (installedweapon == 13)) {;; } else {;; } } if (Key.isDown(_root.shootkey2)) { if ((missileammo > 0) && (installedweapon2 == 1)) {; } else if ((hmissileammo > 0) && (installedweapon2 == 2)) {; } else if ((longlaserammo > 0) && (installedweapon2 == 3)) {; } else if ((napalmammo > 0) && (installedweapon2 == 4)) {; } else if ((plasmaammo > 0) && (installedweapon2 == 5)) {; } else if ((rocketammo > 0) && (installedweapon2 == 6)) {;; } else if ((multirocketammo > 0) && (installedweapon2 == 7)) {;; } else if ((planewarpammo > 0) && (installedweapon2 == 8)) {; } else if ((novalaserammo > 0) && (installedweapon2 == 9)) {; } else if ((pulseammo > 0) && (installedweapon2 == 10)) {; } else if ((smokescreenammo > 0) && (installedweapon2 == 11)) {; } else if ((empammo > 0) && (installedweapon2 == 12)) {; } else if ((mgunammo > 0) && (installedweapon2 == 13)) {;; } else {;; } } if (Key.isDown(_root.upkey)) { if (_root.fuel > 0) { _root.fuel = _root.fuel - _root.verticalspeed;; } else {; } if (_y > 80) { _y = (_y - 5); } } if (Key.isDown(_root.downkey)) { if (_y < 370) { _y = (_y + 5); } } if (Key.isDown(_root.leftkey)) { if (horizontalmove > (-strafespeed)) { horizontalmove = horizontalmove - 1; } if (det._rotation > (-maxrotation)) { det._rotation = det._rotation - 1; } } else if (Key.isDown(_root.rightkey)) { if (horizontalmove < strafespeed) { horizontalmove = horizontalmove + 1; } if (det._rotation < maxrotation) { det._rotation = det._rotation + 1; } } else { if (horizontalmove > 0) { horizontalmove--; } else if (horizontalmove < 0) { horizontalmove++; } if (det._rotation > 0) { det._rotation--; } else if (det._rotation < 0) { det._rotation++; } } if (longlaserammo <= fulllonglaserammo) { longlaserammo = longlaserammo + 0.01; } if (plasmaammo <= fullplasmaammo) { plasmaammo = plasmaammo + 0.01; } if (empammo <= fullempammo) { empammo = empammo + 0.01; } if (pulseammo <= fullpulseammo) { pulseammo = pulseammo + 0.01; } } };
Symbol 346 MovieClip [Aviator] Frame 2
Symbol 346 MovieClip [Aviator] Frame 29
available = 0;
Symbol 346 MovieClip [Aviator] Frame 103
mynumberis = _root.planeusing; _root.planeusing++; _name = ("plane" + mynumberis); _root["plane" + _root.planeusing]._name = "cphoenix"; _root.fuel = 15000; _root.battlemenu.s1.gotoAndStop(1); _root.battlemenu.s2.gotoAndStop(1); _root.cphoenix._x = _x; _root.cphoenix._y = _y; if (_root.backupsleft == 0) { _root.gotoAndPlay(_root.whichmode + "defeat"); } this.unloadMovie();
Symbol 349 MovieClip [Aviator e] Frame 1
maxmovespeed = 20; maxverticalmove = 45; strafespeed = 16; dangerperiod = 12; hp = 16; fullhp = 16; minigunammo = 200; missileammo = 5; hmissileammo = 2; longlaserammo = 10; napalmammo = 30; plasmaammo = 20; rocketammo = 10; multirocketammo = 30; novalaserammo = 1; pulseammo = 15; planewarpammo = 2; smokescreenammo = 35; empammo = 10; mgunammo = 250; planemodel = "Aviator"; danger = 0; dangertimer = 0; dangeraction = "r"; movespeed = 0; maxrotation = 40; horizontalmove = 0; verticalmove = 0; actionh = ""; actionv = ""; timer = 0; this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (hp <= 0) { play(); } if ((!_root.pauser) && (hp > 0)) { _root.fuel = _root.fuel - 1; _x = (_x + horizontalmove); _y = (_y + verticalmove); planegraphic.gotoAndStop(Math.round((det._rotation + 20) / 2)); while (_x < 0) { _x = (_x+1); horizontalmove = 0; } while (_x > 471) { _x = (_x-1); horizontalmove = 0; } while (_y < -100) { _y = (_y+1); } while (_y > 500) { _y = (_y-1); } det._rotation = det._rotation + rotate; if (actionv == "u") { if (verticalmove > (-_root.verticalspeed)) { verticalmove--;; } } else if (actionv == "d") { if (verticalmove < _root.verticalspeed) { verticalmove++; } } else if (verticalmove < 0) { verticalmove++; } if (actionh == "l") { if (horizontalmove > (-strafespeed)) { horizontalmove = horizontalmove - 1; } if (det._rotation > (-maxrotation)) { det._rotation = det._rotation - 1; } } else if (actionh == "r") { if (horizontalmove < strafespeed) { horizontalmove = horizontalmove + 1; } if (det._rotation < maxrotation) { det._rotation = det._rotation + 1; } } else { if (horizontalmove > 0) { horizontalmove--; } else if (horizontalmove < 0) { horizontalmove++; } if (det._rotation > 0) { det._rotation--; } else if (det._rotation < 0) { det._rotation++; } } _y = (_y + movespeed); if (Key.isDown(_root.upkey) && (_root.fuel > 0)) { if (movespeed < maxmovespeed) { movespeed++; } } else if (Key.isDown(_root.downkey)) { if (movespeed > -30) { movespeed--; } } else if (movespeed > 0) { movespeed--; } else { movespeed = 0; } timer++; hdistance = _x - _root.cphoenix._x; if (hdistance < 0) { hdistance = hdistance * -1; } if (timer > 1000) { timer = 0; } if (((timer % (responsetime * (random(2) + 1))) == 0) && (!danger)) { if ((_y < _root.cphoenix._y) && ((_root.cphoenix._y - _y) < 80)) { u = random(2); if (u == 0) { actionv = "u"; } else { actionv = "d"; } } else if (_y > 450) { actionv = "u"; } else if (_y < 0) { actionv = "d"; } else if (_y > (_root.cphoenix._y + 160)) { if (_x < _root.cphoenix._x) { actionh = "r"; } else if (_x > _root.cphoenix._x) { actionh = "l"; } } else if (_y < _root.phoenix._y) { i = random(3); ((i == 0) ? ((actionv = "d")) : ((actionv = ""))); } else { q = random(4); if (q == 0) { actionh = "r"; } else if (q == 1) { actionh = "l"; } else { actionh = ""; } actionv = ""; } if ((hdistance < 40) && (_y < _root.cphoenix._y)) { q = random(2); if ((q == 0) && ((_x + 50) < 471)) { actionh = "r"; } else if ((_x - 50) > 0) { actionh = "l"; } r = random(3); if (r == 0) { actionv = "d"; } else { actionv = ""; } } if ((_y > _root.cphoenix._y) && (hdistance < 130)) { if (minigunammo > 0) {;; } u = random(3); if (u && (hdistance < 100)) { if ((missileammo > 0) && (installedweapon2 == 1)) {; } else if ((hmissileammo > 0) && (installedweapon2 == 2)) {; } else if ((longlaserammo > 0) && (installedweapon2 == 3)) {; } else if ((napalmammo > 0) && (installedweapon2 == 4)) {; } else if ((plasmaammo > 0) && (installedweapon2 == 5)) {; } else if ((rocketammo > 0) && (installedweapon2 == 6)) {;; } else if ((multirocketammo > 0) && (installedweapon2 == 7)) {;; } else if ((novalaserammo > 0) && (installedweapon2 == 9)) {; } else if (installedweapon2 == 10) {; } else if (installedweapon2 == 12) {; } else if ((mgunammo > 0) && (installedweapon2 == 13)) {;; } } u = random(3); if (u && (hdistance < 100)) { if ((missileammo > 0) && (installedweapon == 1)) {; } else if ((hmissileammo > 0) && (installedweapon == 2)) {; } else if ((longlaserammo > 0) && (installedweapon == 3)) {; } else if ((napalmammo > 0) && (installedweapon == 4)) {; } else if ((plasmaammo > 0) && (installedweapon == 5)) {; } else if ((rocketammo > 0) && (installedweapon == 6)) {;; } else if ((multirocketammo > 0) && (installedweapon == 7)) {;; } else if ((novalaserammo > 0) && (installedweapon == 9)) {; } else if (installedweapon == 10) {; } else if (installedweapon == 12) {; } else if ((mgunammo > 0) && (installedweapon == 13)) {;; } } } } if (danger == 1) { dangertimer++; if (dangertimer == 1) { q = random(2); if ((q == 0) && ((_x + 50) < 471)) { dangeraction = "r"; } else if ((_x - 50) > 0) { dangeraction = "l"; } } actionh = dangeraction; if (dangertimer > dangerperiod) { danger = 0; dangertimer = 0; } if ((planewarpammo > 0) && ((installedweapon == 8) || (installedweapon2 == 8))) {; } else if ((smokescreenammo > 0) && ((installedweapon == 11) || (installedweapon2 == 11))) { uyu = random(4); if (!uyu) {; } } } } };
Symbol 349 MovieClip [Aviator e] Frame 2
Symbol 349 MovieClip [Aviator e] Frame 62
_root.enemiesleft--; this.unloadMovie();
Symbol 373 MovieClip [Aviator V] Frame 1
available = 1; hp = 18; fullhp = 18; strafespeed = 18; minigunammo = 200; missileammo = 4; hmissileammo = 2; longlaserammo = 20; napalmammo = 30; plasmaammo = 20; rocketammo = 10; multirocketammo = 30; novalaserammo = 1; pulseammo = 15; planewarpammo = 2; smokescreenammo = 35; empammo = 10; mgunammo = 250; planemodel = "Aviator V"; fulllonglaserammo = longlaserammo; fullplasmaammo = plasmaammo; fullempammo = empammo; fullpulseammo = pulseammo; maxrotation = 40; horizontalmove = 0; this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (hp <= 0) { play(); } if ((_name != "cphoenix") && (_x > -100)) { this._x = this._x - 15; } if (((!_root.pauser) && (hp > 0)) && (_name == "cphoenix")) { _x = (_x + horizontalmove); planegraphic.gotoAndStop(Math.round((det._rotation + 20) / 2)); while (this.det.hitTest(_root.leftblocker)) { _x = (_x+1); horizontalmove = 0; } while (this.det.hitTest(_root.rightblocker)) { _x = (_x-1); horizontalmove = 0; } if (Key.isDown(_root.shootkey)) { if (minigunammo > 0) {;; } } if (Key.isDown(_root.shootkey1)) { if ((missileammo > 0) && (installedweapon == 1)) {; } else if ((hmissileammo > 0) && (installedweapon == 2)) {; } else if ((longlaserammo > 0) && (installedweapon == 3)) {; } else if ((napalmammo > 0) && (installedweapon == 4)) {; } else if ((plasmaammo > 0) && (installedweapon == 5)) {; } else if ((rocketammo > 0) && (installedweapon == 6)) {;; } else if ((multirocketammo > 0) && (installedweapon == 7)) {;; } else if ((planewarpammo > 0) && (installedweapon == 8)) {; } else if ((novalaserammo > 0) && (installedweapon == 9)) {; } else if ((pulseammo > 0) && (installedweapon == 10)) {; } else if ((smokescreenammo > 0) && (installedweapon == 11)) {; } else if ((empammo > 0) && (installedweapon == 12)) {; } else if ((mgunammo > 0) && (installedweapon == 13)) {;; } else {;; } } if (Key.isDown(_root.shootkey2)) { if ((missileammo > 0) && (installedweapon2 == 1)) {; } else if ((hmissileammo > 0) && (installedweapon2 == 2)) {; } else if ((longlaserammo > 0) && (installedweapon2 == 3)) {; } else if ((napalmammo > 0) && (installedweapon2 == 4)) {; } else if ((plasmaammo > 0) && (installedweapon2 == 5)) {; } else if ((rocketammo > 0) && (installedweapon2 == 6)) {;; } else if ((multirocketammo > 0) && (installedweapon2 == 7)) {;; } else if ((planewarpammo > 0) && (installedweapon2 == 8)) {; } else if ((novalaserammo > 0) && (installedweapon2 == 9)) {; } else if ((pulseammo > 0) && (installedweapon2 == 10)) {; } else if ((smokescreenammo > 0) && (installedweapon2 == 11)) {; } else if ((empammo > 0) && (installedweapon2 == 12)) {; } else if ((mgunammo > 0) && (installedweapon2 == 13)) {;; } else {;; } } if (Key.isDown(_root.upkey)) { if (_root.fuel > 0) { _root.fuel = _root.fuel - _root.verticalspeed;; } else {; } if (_y > 80) { _y = (_y - 5); } } if (Key.isDown(_root.downkey)) { if (_y < 370) { _y = (_y + 5); } } if (Key.isDown(_root.leftkey)) { if (horizontalmove > (-strafespeed)) { horizontalmove = horizontalmove - 1; } if (det._rotation > (-maxrotation)) { det._rotation = det._rotation - 1; } } else if (Key.isDown(_root.rightkey)) { if (horizontalmove < strafespeed) { horizontalmove = horizontalmove + 1; } if (det._rotation < maxrotation) { det._rotation = det._rotation + 1; } } else { if (horizontalmove > 0) { horizontalmove--; } else if (horizontalmove < 0) { horizontalmove++; } if (det._rotation > 0) { det._rotation--; } else if (det._rotation < 0) { det._rotation++; } } if (longlaserammo <= fulllonglaserammo) { longlaserammo = longlaserammo + 0.01; } if (plasmaammo <= fullplasmaammo) { plasmaammo = plasmaammo + 0.01; } if (empammo <= fullempammo) { empammo = empammo + 0.01; } if (pulseammo <= fullpulseammo) { pulseammo = pulseammo + 0.01; } } };
Symbol 373 MovieClip [Aviator V] Frame 2
Symbol 373 MovieClip [Aviator V] Frame 29
available = 0;
Symbol 373 MovieClip [Aviator V] Frame 103
mynumberis = _root.planeusing; _root.planeusing++; _name = ("plane" + mynumberis); _root["plane" + _root.planeusing]._name = "cphoenix"; _root.fuel = 15000; _root.battlemenu.s1.gotoAndStop(1); _root.battlemenu.s2.gotoAndStop(1); _root.cphoenix._x = _x; _root.cphoenix._y = _y; if (_root.backupsleft == 0) { _root.gotoAndPlay(_root.whichmode + "defeat"); } this.unloadMovie();
Symbol 376 MovieClip [Aviator V e] Frame 1
maxmovespeed = 20; maxverticalmove = 45; strafespeed = 18; dangerperiod = 12; hp = 18; fullhp = 18; minigunammo = 200; missileammo = 4; hmissileammo = 2; longlaserammo = 20; napalmammo = 30; plasmaammo = 20; rocketammo = 10; multirocketammo = 30; novalaserammo = 1; pulseammo = 15; planewarpammo = 2; smokescreenammo = 35; empammo = 10; mgunammo = 250; planemodel = "Aviator V"; danger = 0; dangertimer = 0; dangeraction = "r"; movespeed = 0; maxrotation = 40; horizontalmove = 0; verticalmove = 0; actionh = ""; actionv = ""; timer = 0; this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (hp <= 0) { play(); } if ((!_root.pauser) && (hp > 0)) { _root.fuel = _root.fuel - 1; _x = (_x + horizontalmove); _y = (_y + verticalmove); planegraphic.gotoAndStop(Math.round((det._rotation + 20) / 2)); while (_x < 0) { _x = (_x+1); horizontalmove = 0; } while (_x > 471) { _x = (_x-1); horizontalmove = 0; } while (_y < -100) { _y = (_y+1); } while (_y > 500) { _y = (_y-1); } det._rotation = det._rotation + rotate; if (actionv == "u") { if (verticalmove > (-_root.verticalspeed)) { verticalmove--;; } } else if (actionv == "d") { if (verticalmove < _root.verticalspeed) { verticalmove++; } } else if (verticalmove < 0) { verticalmove++; } if (actionh == "l") { if (horizontalmove > (-strafespeed)) { horizontalmove = horizontalmove - 1; } if (det._rotation > (-maxrotation)) { det._rotation = det._rotation - 1; } } else if (actionh == "r") { if (horizontalmove < strafespeed) { horizontalmove = horizontalmove + 1; } if (det._rotation < maxrotation) { det._rotation = det._rotation + 1; } } else { if (horizontalmove > 0) { horizontalmove--; } else if (horizontalmove < 0) { horizontalmove++; } if (det._rotation > 0) { det._rotation--; } else if (det._rotation < 0) { det._rotation++; } } _y = (_y + movespeed); if (Key.isDown(_root.upkey) && (_root.fuel > 0)) { if (movespeed < maxmovespeed) { movespeed++; } } else if (Key.isDown(_root.downkey)) { if (movespeed > -30) { movespeed--; } } else if (movespeed > 0) { movespeed--; } else { movespeed = 0; } timer++; hdistance = _x - _root.cphoenix._x; if (hdistance < 0) { hdistance = hdistance * -1; } if (timer > 1000) { timer = 0; } if (((timer % (responsetime * (random(2) + 1))) == 0) && (!danger)) { if ((_y < _root.cphoenix._y) && ((_root.cphoenix._y - _y) < 80)) { u = random(2); if (u == 0) { actionv = "u"; } else { actionv = "d"; } } else if (_y > 450) { actionv = "u"; } else if (_y < 0) { actionv = "d"; } else if (_y > (_root.cphoenix._y + 160)) { if (_x < _root.cphoenix._x) { actionh = "r"; } else if (_x > _root.cphoenix._x) { actionh = "l"; } } else if (_y < _root.phoenix._y) { i = random(3); ((i == 0) ? ((actionv = "d")) : ((actionv = ""))); } else { q = random(4); if (q == 0) { actionh = "r"; } else if (q == 1) { actionh = "l"; } else { actionh = ""; } actionv = ""; } if ((hdistance < 40) && (_y < _root.cphoenix._y)) { q = random(2); if ((q == 0) && ((_x + 50) < 471)) { actionh = "r"; } else if ((_x - 50) > 0) { actionh = "l"; } r = random(3); if (r == 0) { actionv = "d"; } else { actionv = ""; } } if ((_y > _root.cphoenix._y) && (hdistance < 130)) { if (minigunammo > 0) {;; } u = random(3); if (u && (hdistance < 100)) { if ((missileammo > 0) && (installedweapon2 == 1)) {; } else if ((hmissileammo > 0) && (installedweapon2 == 2)) {; } else if ((longlaserammo > 0) && (installedweapon2 == 3)) {; } else if ((napalmammo > 0) && (installedweapon2 == 4)) {; } else if ((plasmaammo > 0) && (installedweapon2 == 5)) {; } else if ((rocketammo > 0) && (installedweapon2 == 6)) {;; } else if ((multirocketammo > 0) && (installedweapon2 == 7)) {;; } else if ((novalaserammo > 0) && (installedweapon2 == 9)) {; } else if (installedweapon2 == 10) {; } else if (installedweapon2 == 12) {; } else if ((mgunammo > 0) && (installedweapon2 == 13)) {;; } } u = random(3); if (u && (hdistance < 100)) { if ((missileammo > 0) && (installedweapon == 1)) {; } else if ((hmissileammo > 0) && (installedweapon == 2)) {; } else if ((longlaserammo > 0) && (installedweapon == 3)) {; } else if ((napalmammo > 0) && (installedweapon == 4)) {; } else if ((plasmaammo > 0) && (installedweapon == 5)) {; } else if ((rocketammo > 0) && (installedweapon == 6)) {;; } else if ((multirocketammo > 0) && (installedweapon == 7)) {;; } else if ((novalaserammo > 0) && (installedweapon == 9)) {; } else if (installedweapon == 10) {; } else if (installedweapon == 12) {; } else if ((mgunammo > 0) && (installedweapon == 13)) {;; } } } } if (danger == 1) { dangertimer++; if (dangertimer == 1) { q = random(2); if ((q == 0) && ((_x + 50) < 471)) { dangeraction = "r"; } else if ((_x - 50) > 0) { dangeraction = "l"; } } actionh = dangeraction; if (dangertimer > dangerperiod) { danger = 0; dangertimer = 0; } if ((planewarpammo > 0) && ((installedweapon == 8) || (installedweapon2 == 8))) {; } else if ((smokescreenammo > 0) && ((installedweapon == 11) || (installedweapon2 == 11))) { uyu = random(4); if (!uyu) {; } } } } };
Symbol 376 MovieClip [Aviator V e] Frame 2
Symbol 376 MovieClip [Aviator V e] Frame 62
_root.enemiesleft--; this.unloadMovie();
Symbol 400 MovieClip [Greenhollow] Frame 1
available = 1; hp = 20; fullhp = 20; strafespeed = 16; minigunammo = 200; missileammo = 4; hmissileammo = 4; longlaserammo = 15; napalmammo = 30; plasmaammo = 15; rocketammo = 12; multirocketammo = 15; novalaserammo = 1; pulseammo = 10; planewarpammo = 2; smokescreenammo = 30; empammo = 8; mgunammo = 300; planemodel = "Greenhollow"; fulllonglaserammo = longlaserammo; fullplasmaammo = plasmaammo; fullempammo = empammo; fullpulseammo = pulseammo; maxrotation = 40; horizontalmove = 0; this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (hp <= 0) { play(); } if ((_name != "cphoenix") && (_x > -100)) { this._x = this._x - 15; } if (((!_root.pauser) && (hp > 0)) && (_name == "cphoenix")) { _x = (_x + horizontalmove); planegraphic.gotoAndStop(Math.round((det._rotation + 20) / 2)); while (this.det.hitTest(_root.leftblocker)) { _x = (_x+1); horizontalmove = 0; } while (this.det.hitTest(_root.rightblocker)) { _x = (_x-1); horizontalmove = 0; } if (Key.isDown(_root.shootkey)) { if (minigunammo > 0) {;; } } if (Key.isDown(_root.shootkey1)) { if ((missileammo > 0) && (installedweapon == 1)) {; } else if ((hmissileammo > 0) && (installedweapon == 2)) {; } else if ((longlaserammo > 0) && (installedweapon == 3)) {; } else if ((napalmammo > 0) && (installedweapon == 4)) {; } else if ((plasmaammo > 0) && (installedweapon == 5)) {; } else if ((rocketammo > 0) && (installedweapon == 6)) {;; } else if ((multirocketammo > 0) && (installedweapon == 7)) {;; } else if ((planewarpammo > 0) && (installedweapon == 8)) {; } else if ((novalaserammo > 0) && (installedweapon == 9)) {; } else if ((pulseammo > 0) && (installedweapon == 10)) {; } else if ((smokescreenammo > 0) && (installedweapon == 11)) {; } else if ((empammo > 0) && (installedweapon == 12)) {; } else if ((mgunammo > 0) && (installedweapon == 13)) {;; } else {;; } } if (Key.isDown(_root.shootkey2)) { if ((missileammo > 0) && (installedweapon2 == 1)) {; } else if ((hmissileammo > 0) && (installedweapon2 == 2)) {; } else if ((longlaserammo > 0) && (installedweapon2 == 3)) {; } else if ((napalmammo > 0) && (installedweapon2 == 4)) {; } else if ((plasmaammo > 0) && (installedweapon2 == 5)) {; } else if ((rocketammo > 0) && (installedweapon2 == 6)) {;; } else if ((multirocketammo > 0) && (installedweapon2 == 7)) {;; } else if ((planewarpammo > 0) && (installedweapon2 == 8)) {; } else if ((novalaserammo > 0) && (installedweapon2 == 9)) {; } else if ((pulseammo > 0) && (installedweapon2 == 10)) {; } else if ((smokescreenammo > 0) && (installedweapon2 == 11)) {; } else if ((empammo > 0) && (installedweapon2 == 12)) {; } else if ((mgunammo > 0) && (installedweapon2 == 13)) {;; } else {;; } } if (Key.isDown(_root.upkey)) { if (_root.fuel > 0) { _root.fuel = _root.fuel - _root.verticalspeed;; } else {; } if (_y > 80) { _y = (_y - 5); } } if (Key.isDown(_root.downkey)) { if (_y < 370) { _y = (_y + 5); } } if (Key.isDown(_root.leftkey)) { if (horizontalmove > (-strafespeed)) { horizontalmove = horizontalmove - 1; } if (det._rotation > (-maxrotation)) { det._rotation = det._rotation - 1; } } else if (Key.isDown(_root.rightkey)) { if (horizontalmove < strafespeed) { horizontalmove = horizontalmove + 1; } if (det._rotation < maxrotation) { det._rotation = det._rotation + 1; } } else { if (horizontalmove > 0) { horizontalmove--; } else if (horizontalmove < 0) { horizontalmove++; } if (det._rotation > 0) { det._rotation--; } else if (det._rotation < 0) { det._rotation++; } } if (longlaserammo <= fulllonglaserammo) { longlaserammo = longlaserammo + 0.01; } if (plasmaammo <= fullplasmaammo) { plasmaammo = plasmaammo + 0.01; } if (empammo <= fullempammo) { empammo = empammo + 0.01; } if (pulseammo <= fullpulseammo) { pulseammo = pulseammo + 0.01; } } };
Symbol 400 MovieClip [Greenhollow] Frame 2
Symbol 400 MovieClip [Greenhollow] Frame 29
available = 0;
Symbol 400 MovieClip [Greenhollow] Frame 103
mynumberis = _root.planeusing; _root.planeusing++; _name = ("plane" + mynumberis); _root["plane" + _root.planeusing]._name = "cphoenix"; _root.fuel = 15000; _root.battlemenu.s1.gotoAndStop(1); _root.battlemenu.s2.gotoAndStop(1); _root.cphoenix._x = _x; _root.cphoenix._y = _y; if (_root.backupsleft == 0) { _root.gotoAndPlay(_root.whichmode + "defeat"); } this.unloadMovie();
Symbol 403 MovieClip [Greenhollow e] Frame 1
maxmovespeed = 20; maxverticalmove = 47; strafespeed = 16; dangerperiod = 11; hp = 20; fullhp = 20; minigunammo = 200; missileammo = 4; hmissileammo = 4; longlaserammo = 15; napalmammo = 30; plasmaammo = 15; rocketammo = 12; multirocketammo = 15; novalaserammo = 1; pulseammo = 10; planewarpammo = 2; smokescreenammo = 30; empammo = 8; mgunammo = 300; planemodel = "Greenhollow"; danger = 0; dangertimer = 0; dangeraction = "r"; movespeed = 0; maxrotation = 40; horizontalmove = 0; verticalmove = 0; actionh = ""; actionv = ""; timer = 0; this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (hp <= 0) { play(); } if ((!_root.pauser) && (hp > 0)) { _root.fuel = _root.fuel - 1; _x = (_x + horizontalmove); _y = (_y + verticalmove); planegraphic.gotoAndStop(Math.round((det._rotation + 20) / 2)); while (_x < 0) { _x = (_x+1); horizontalmove = 0; } while (_x > 471) { _x = (_x-1); horizontalmove = 0; } while (_y < -100) { _y = (_y+1); } while (_y > 500) { _y = (_y-1); } det._rotation = det._rotation + rotate; if (actionv == "u") { if (verticalmove > (-_root.verticalspeed)) { verticalmove--;; } } else if (actionv == "d") { if (verticalmove < _root.verticalspeed) { verticalmove++; } } else if (verticalmove < 0) { verticalmove++; } if (actionh == "l") { if (horizontalmove > (-strafespeed)) { horizontalmove = horizontalmove - 1; } if (det._rotation > (-maxrotation)) { det._rotation = det._rotation - 1; } } else if (actionh == "r") { if (horizontalmove < strafespeed) { horizontalmove = horizontalmove + 1; } if (det._rotation < maxrotation) { det._rotation = det._rotation + 1; } } else { if (horizontalmove > 0) { horizontalmove--; } else if (horizontalmove < 0) { horizontalmove++; } if (det._rotation > 0) { det._rotation--; } else if (det._rotation < 0) { det._rotation++; } } _y = (_y + movespeed); if (Key.isDown(_root.upkey) && (_root.fuel > 0)) { if (movespeed < maxmovespeed) { movespeed++; } } else if (Key.isDown(_root.downkey)) { if (movespeed > -30) { movespeed--; } } else if (movespeed > 0) { movespeed--; } else { movespeed = 0; } timer++; hdistance = _x - _root.cphoenix._x; if (hdistance < 0) { hdistance = hdistance * -1; } if (timer > 1000) { timer = 0; } if (((timer % (responsetime * (random(2) + 1))) == 0) && (!danger)) { if ((_y < _root.cphoenix._y) && ((_root.cphoenix._y - _y) < 80)) { u = random(2); if (u == 0) { actionv = "u"; } else { actionv = "d"; } } else if (_y > 450) { actionv = "u"; } else if (_y < 0) { actionv = "d"; } else if (_y > (_root.cphoenix._y + 160)) { if (_x < _root.cphoenix._x) { actionh = "r"; } else if (_x > _root.cphoenix._x) { actionh = "l"; } } else if (_y < _root.phoenix._y) { i = random(3); ((i == 0) ? ((actionv = "d")) : ((actionv = ""))); } else { q = random(4); if (q == 0) { actionh = "r"; } else if (q == 1) { actionh = "l"; } else { actionh = ""; } actionv = ""; } if ((hdistance < 40) && (_y < _root.cphoenix._y)) { q = random(2); if ((q == 0) && ((_x + 50) < 471)) { actionh = "r"; } else if ((_x - 50) > 0) { actionh = "l"; } r = random(3); if (r == 0) { actionv = "d"; } else { actionv = ""; } } if ((_y > _root.cphoenix._y) && (hdistance < 130)) { if (minigunammo > 0) {;; } u = random(3); if (u && (hdistance < 100)) { if ((missileammo > 0) && (installedweapon2 == 1)) {; } else if ((hmissileammo > 0) && (installedweapon2 == 2)) {; } else if ((longlaserammo > 0) && (installedweapon2 == 3)) {; } else if ((napalmammo > 0) && (installedweapon2 == 4)) {; } else if ((plasmaammo > 0) && (installedweapon2 == 5)) {; } else if ((rocketammo > 0) && (installedweapon2 == 6)) {;; } else if ((multirocketammo > 0) && (installedweapon2 == 7)) {;; } else if ((novalaserammo > 0) && (installedweapon2 == 9)) {; } else if (installedweapon2 == 10) {; } else if (installedweapon2 == 12) {; } else if ((mgunammo > 0) && (installedweapon2 == 13)) {;; } } u = random(3); if (u && (hdistance < 100)) { if ((missileammo > 0) && (installedweapon == 1)) {; } else if ((hmissileammo > 0) && (installedweapon == 2)) {; } else if ((longlaserammo > 0) && (installedweapon == 3)) {; } else if ((napalmammo > 0) && (installedweapon == 4)) {; } else if ((plasmaammo > 0) && (installedweapon == 5)) {; } else if ((rocketammo > 0) && (installedweapon == 6)) {;; } else if ((multirocketammo > 0) && (installedweapon == 7)) {;; } else if ((novalaserammo > 0) && (installedweapon == 9)) {; } else if (installedweapon == 10) {; } else if (installedweapon == 12) {; } else if ((mgunammo > 0) && (installedweapon == 13)) {;; } } } } if (danger == 1) { dangertimer++; if (dangertimer == 1) { q = random(2); if ((q == 0) && ((_x + 50) < 471)) { dangeraction = "r"; } else if ((_x - 50) > 0) { dangeraction = "l"; } } actionh = dangeraction; if (dangertimer > dangerperiod) { danger = 0; dangertimer = 0; } if ((planewarpammo > 0) && ((installedweapon == 8) || (installedweapon2 == 8))) {; } else if ((smokescreenammo > 0) && ((installedweapon == 11) || (installedweapon2 == 11))) { uyu = random(4); if (!uyu) {; } } } } };
Symbol 403 MovieClip [Greenhollow e] Frame 2
Symbol 403 MovieClip [Greenhollow e] Frame 62
_root.enemiesleft--; this.unloadMovie();
Symbol 427 MovieClip [Redhollow] Frame 1
available = 1; hp = 20; fullhp = 20; strafespeed = 20; minigunammo = 200; missileammo = 2; hmissileammo = 2; longlaserammo = 25; napalmammo = 20; plasmaammo = 30; rocketammo = 8; multirocketammo = 15; novalaserammo = 1; pulseammo = 20; planewarpammo = 3; smokescreenammo = 30; empammo = 10; mgunammo = 225; planemodel = "Redhollow"; fulllonglaserammo = longlaserammo; fullplasmaammo = plasmaammo; fullempammo = empammo; fullpulseammo = pulseammo; maxrotation = 40; horizontalmove = 0; this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (hp <= 0) { play(); } if ((_name != "cphoenix") && (_x > -100)) { this._x = this._x - 15; } if (((!_root.pauser) && (hp > 0)) && (_name == "cphoenix")) { _x = (_x + horizontalmove); planegraphic.gotoAndStop(Math.round((det._rotation + 20) / 2)); while (this.det.hitTest(_root.leftblocker)) { _x = (_x+1); horizontalmove = 0; } while (this.det.hitTest(_root.rightblocker)) { _x = (_x-1); horizontalmove = 0; } if (Key.isDown(_root.shootkey)) { if (minigunammo > 0) {;; } } if (Key.isDown(_root.shootkey1)) { if ((missileammo > 0) && (installedweapon == 1)) {; } else if ((hmissileammo > 0) && (installedweapon == 2)) {; } else if ((longlaserammo > 0) && (installedweapon == 3)) {; } else if ((napalmammo > 0) && (installedweapon == 4)) {; } else if ((plasmaammo > 0) && (installedweapon == 5)) {; } else if ((rocketammo > 0) && (installedweapon == 6)) {;; } else if ((multirocketammo > 0) && (installedweapon == 7)) {;; } else if ((planewarpammo > 0) && (installedweapon == 8)) {; } else if ((novalaserammo > 0) && (installedweapon == 9)) {; } else if ((pulseammo > 0) && (installedweapon == 10)) {; } else if ((smokescreenammo > 0) && (installedweapon == 11)) {; } else if ((empammo > 0) && (installedweapon == 12)) {; } else if ((mgunammo > 0) && (installedweapon == 13)) {;; } else {;; } } if (Key.isDown(_root.shootkey2)) { if ((missileammo > 0) && (installedweapon2 == 1)) {; } else if ((hmissileammo > 0) && (installedweapon2 == 2)) {; } else if ((longlaserammo > 0) && (installedweapon2 == 3)) {; } else if ((napalmammo > 0) && (installedweapon2 == 4)) {; } else if ((plasmaammo > 0) && (installedweapon2 == 5)) {; } else if ((rocketammo > 0) && (installedweapon2 == 6)) {;; } else if ((multirocketammo > 0) && (installedweapon2 == 7)) {;; } else if ((planewarpammo > 0) && (installedweapon2 == 8)) {; } else if ((novalaserammo > 0) && (installedweapon2 == 9)) {; } else if ((pulseammo > 0) && (installedweapon2 == 10)) {; } else if ((smokescreenammo > 0) && (installedweapon2 == 11)) {; } else if ((empammo > 0) && (installedweapon2 == 12)) {; } else if ((mgunammo > 0) && (installedweapon2 == 13)) {;; } else {;; } } if (Key.isDown(_root.upkey)) { if (_root.fuel > 0) { _root.fuel = _root.fuel - _root.verticalspeed;; } else {; } if (_y > 80) { _y = (_y - 5); } } if (Key.isDown(_root.downkey)) { if (_y < 370) { _y = (_y + 5); } } if (Key.isDown(_root.leftkey)) { if (horizontalmove > (-strafespeed)) { horizontalmove = horizontalmove - 1; } if (det._rotation > (-maxrotation)) { det._rotation = det._rotation - 1; } } else if (Key.isDown(_root.rightkey)) { if (horizontalmove < strafespeed) { horizontalmove = horizontalmove + 1; } if (det._rotation < maxrotation) { det._rotation = det._rotation + 1; } } else { if (horizontalmove > 0) { horizontalmove--; } else if (horizontalmove < 0) { horizontalmove++; } if (det._rotation > 0) { det._rotation--; } else if (det._rotation < 0) { det._rotation++; } } if (longlaserammo <= fulllonglaserammo) { longlaserammo = longlaserammo + 0.01; } if (plasmaammo <= fullplasmaammo) { plasmaammo = plasmaammo + 0.01; } if (empammo <= fullempammo) { empammo = empammo + 0.01; } if (pulseammo <= fullpulseammo) { pulseammo = pulseammo + 0.01; } } };
Symbol 427 MovieClip [Redhollow] Frame 2
Symbol 427 MovieClip [Redhollow] Frame 29
available = 0;
Symbol 427 MovieClip [Redhollow] Frame 103
mynumberis = _root.planeusing; _root.planeusing++; _name = ("plane" + mynumberis); _root["plane" + _root.planeusing]._name = "cphoenix"; _root.fuel = 15000; _root.battlemenu.s1.gotoAndStop(1); _root.battlemenu.s2.gotoAndStop(1); _root.cphoenix._x = _x; _root.cphoenix._y = _y; if (_root.backupsleft == 0) { _root.gotoAndPlay(_root.whichmode + "defeat"); } this.unloadMovie();
Symbol 430 MovieClip [Redhollow e] Frame 1
maxmovespeed = 20; maxverticalmove = 42; strafespeed = 20; dangerperiod = 11; hp = 20; fullhp = 20; minigunammo = 200; missileammo = 2; hmissileammo = 2; longlaserammo = 25; napalmammo = 20; plasmaammo = 30; rocketammo = 8; multirocketammo = 15; novalaserammo = 1; pulseammo = 20; planewarpammo = 3; smokescreenammo = 30; empammo = 10; mgunammo = 225; planemodel = "Redhollow"; danger = 0; dangertimer = 0; dangeraction = "r"; movespeed = 0; maxrotation = 40; horizontalmove = 0; verticalmove = 0; actionh = ""; actionv = ""; timer = 0; this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (hp <= 0) { play(); } if ((!_root.pauser) && (hp > 0)) { _root.fuel = _root.fuel - 1; _x = (_x + horizontalmove); _y = (_y + verticalmove); planegraphic.gotoAndStop(Math.round((det._rotation + 20) / 2)); while (_x < 0) { _x = (_x+1); horizontalmove = 0; } while (_x > 471) { _x = (_x-1); horizontalmove = 0; } while (_y < -100) { _y = (_y+1); } while (_y > 500) { _y = (_y-1); } det._rotation = det._rotation + rotate; if (actionv == "u") { if (verticalmove > (-_root.verticalspeed)) { verticalmove--;; } } else if (actionv == "d") { if (verticalmove < _root.verticalspeed) { verticalmove++; } } else if (verticalmove < 0) { verticalmove++; } if (actionh == "l") { if (horizontalmove > (-strafespeed)) { horizontalmove = horizontalmove - 1; } if (det._rotation > (-maxrotation)) { det._rotation = det._rotation - 1; } } else if (actionh == "r") { if (horizontalmove < strafespeed) { horizontalmove = horizontalmove + 1; } if (det._rotation < maxrotation) { det._rotation = det._rotation + 1; } } else { if (horizontalmove > 0) { horizontalmove--; } else if (horizontalmove < 0) { horizontalmove++; } if (det._rotation > 0) { det._rotation--; } else if (det._rotation < 0) { det._rotation++; } } _y = (_y + movespeed); if (Key.isDown(_root.upkey) && (_root.fuel > 0)) { if (movespeed < maxmovespeed) { movespeed++; } } else if (Key.isDown(_root.downkey)) { if (movespeed > -30) { movespeed--; } } else if (movespeed > 0) { movespeed--; } else { movespeed = 0; } timer++; hdistance = _x - _root.cphoenix._x; if (hdistance < 0) { hdistance = hdistance * -1; } if (timer > 1000) { timer = 0; } if (((timer % (responsetime * (random(2) + 1))) == 0) && (!danger)) { if ((_y < _root.cphoenix._y) && ((_root.cphoenix._y - _y) < 80)) { u = random(2); if (u == 0) { actionv = "u"; } else { actionv = "d"; } } else if (_y > 450) { actionv = "u"; } else if (_y < 0) { actionv = "d"; } else if (_y > (_root.cphoenix._y + 160)) { if (_x < _root.cphoenix._x) { actionh = "r"; } else if (_x > _root.cphoenix._x) { actionh = "l"; } } else if (_y < _root.phoenix._y) { i = random(3); ((i == 0) ? ((actionv = "d")) : ((actionv = ""))); } else { q = random(4); if (q == 0) { actionh = "r"; } else if (q == 1) { actionh = "l"; } else { actionh = ""; } actionv = ""; } if ((hdistance < 40) && (_y < _root.cphoenix._y)) { q = random(2); if ((q == 0) && ((_x + 50) < 471)) { actionh = "r"; } else if ((_x - 50) > 0) { actionh = "l"; } r = random(3); if (r == 0) { actionv = "d"; } else { actionv = ""; } } if ((_y > _root.cphoenix._y) && (hdistance < 130)) { if (minigunammo > 0) {;; } u = random(3); if (u && (hdistance < 100)) { if ((missileammo > 0) && (installedweapon2 == 1)) {; } else if ((hmissileammo > 0) && (installedweapon2 == 2)) {; } else if ((longlaserammo > 0) && (installedweapon2 == 3)) {; } else if ((napalmammo > 0) && (installedweapon2 == 4)) {; } else if ((plasmaammo > 0) && (installedweapon2 == 5)) {; } else if ((rocketammo > 0) && (installedweapon2 == 6)) {;; } else if ((multirocketammo > 0) && (installedweapon2 == 7)) {;; } else if ((novalaserammo > 0) && (installedweapon2 == 9)) {; } else if (installedweapon2 == 10) {; } else if (installedweapon2 == 12) {; } else if ((mgunammo > 0) && (installedweapon2 == 13)) {;; } } u = random(3); if (u && (hdistance < 100)) { if ((missileammo > 0) && (installedweapon == 1)) {; } else if ((hmissileammo > 0) && (installedweapon == 2)) {; } else if ((longlaserammo > 0) && (installedweapon == 3)) {; } else if ((napalmammo > 0) && (installedweapon == 4)) {; } else if ((plasmaammo > 0) && (installedweapon == 5)) {; } else if ((rocketammo > 0) && (installedweapon == 6)) {;; } else if ((multirocketammo > 0) && (installedweapon == 7)) {;; } else if ((novalaserammo > 0) && (installedweapon == 9)) {; } else if (installedweapon == 10) {; } else if (installedweapon == 12) {; } else if ((mgunammo > 0) && (installedweapon == 13)) {;; } } } } if (danger == 1) { dangertimer++; if (dangertimer == 1) { q = random(2); if ((q == 0) && ((_x + 50) < 471)) { dangeraction = "r"; } else if ((_x - 50) > 0) { dangeraction = "l"; } } actionh = dangeraction; if (dangertimer > dangerperiod) { danger = 0; dangertimer = 0; } if ((planewarpammo > 0) && ((installedweapon == 8) || (installedweapon2 == 8))) {; } else if ((smokescreenammo > 0) && ((installedweapon == 11) || (installedweapon2 == 11))) { uyu = random(4); if (!uyu) {; } } } } };
Symbol 430 MovieClip [Redhollow e] Frame 2
Symbol 430 MovieClip [Redhollow e] Frame 62
_root.enemiesleft--; this.unloadMovie();
Symbol 454 MovieClip [Dragoiex] Frame 1
available = 1; hp = 14; fullhp = 14; strafespeed = 15; minigunammo = 200; mgunammo = 185; missileammo = 2; longlaserammo = 25; napalmammo = 15; plasmaammo = 20; rocketammo = 8; multirocketammo = 10; novalaserammo = 1; planewarpammo = 2; smokescreenammo = 20; empammo = 8; hmissileammo = 2; pulseammo = 20; planemodel = "Dragoiex"; fulllonglaserammo = longlaserammo; fullplasmaammo = plasmaammo; fullempammo = empammo; fullpulseammo = pulseammo; maxrotation = 40; horizontalmove = 0; this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (hp <= 0) { play(); } if ((_name != "cphoenix") && (_x > -100)) { this._x = this._x - 15; } if (((!_root.pauser) && (hp > 0)) && (_name == "cphoenix")) { _x = (_x + horizontalmove); planegraphic.gotoAndStop(Math.round((det._rotation + 20) / 2)); while (this.det.hitTest(_root.leftblocker)) { _x = (_x+1); horizontalmove = 0; } while (this.det.hitTest(_root.rightblocker)) { _x = (_x-1); horizontalmove = 0; } if (Key.isDown(_root.shootkey)) { if (minigunammo > 0) {;; } } if (Key.isDown(_root.shootkey1)) { if ((missileammo > 0) && (installedweapon == 1)) {; } else if ((hmissileammo > 0) && (installedweapon == 2)) {; } else if ((longlaserammo > 0) && (installedweapon == 3)) {; } else if ((napalmammo > 0) && (installedweapon == 4)) {; } else if ((plasmaammo > 0) && (installedweapon == 5)) {; } else if ((rocketammo > 0) && (installedweapon == 6)) {;; } else if ((multirocketammo > 0) && (installedweapon == 7)) {;; } else if ((planewarpammo > 0) && (installedweapon == 8)) {; } else if ((novalaserammo > 0) && (installedweapon == 9)) {; } else if ((pulseammo > 0) && (installedweapon == 10)) {; } else if ((smokescreenammo > 0) && (installedweapon == 11)) {; } else if ((empammo > 0) && (installedweapon == 12)) {; } else if ((mgunammo > 0) && (installedweapon == 13)) {;; } else {;; } } if (Key.isDown(_root.shootkey2)) { if ((missileammo > 0) && (installedweapon2 == 1)) {; } else if ((hmissileammo > 0) && (installedweapon2 == 2)) {; } else if ((longlaserammo > 0) && (installedweapon2 == 3)) {; } else if ((napalmammo > 0) && (installedweapon2 == 4)) {; } else if ((plasmaammo > 0) && (installedweapon2 == 5)) {; } else if ((rocketammo > 0) && (installedweapon2 == 6)) {;; } else if ((multirocketammo > 0) && (installedweapon2 == 7)) {;; } else if ((planewarpammo > 0) && (installedweapon2 == 8)) {; } else if ((novalaserammo > 0) && (installedweapon2 == 9)) {; } else if ((pulseammo > 0) && (installedweapon2 == 10)) {; } else if ((smokescreenammo > 0) && (installedweapon2 == 11)) {; } else if ((empammo > 0) && (installedweapon2 == 12)) {; } else if ((mgunammo > 0) && (installedweapon2 == 13)) {;; } else {;; } } if (Key.isDown(_root.upkey)) { if (_root.fuel > 0) { _root.fuel = _root.fuel - _root.verticalspeed;; } else {; } if (_y > 80) { _y = (_y - 5); } } if (Key.isDown(_root.downkey)) { if (_y < 370) { _y = (_y + 5); } } if (Key.isDown(_root.leftkey)) { if (horizontalmove > (-strafespeed)) { horizontalmove = horizontalmove - 1; } if (det._rotation > (-maxrotation)) { det._rotation = det._rotation - 1; } } else if (Key.isDown(_root.rightkey)) { if (horizontalmove < strafespeed) { horizontalmove = horizontalmove + 1; } if (det._rotation < maxrotation) { det._rotation = det._rotation + 1; } } else { if (horizontalmove > 0) { horizontalmove--; } else if (horizontalmove < 0) { horizontalmove++; } if (det._rotation > 0) { det._rotation--; } else if (det._rotation < 0) { det._rotation++; } } if (longlaserammo <= fulllonglaserammo) { longlaserammo = longlaserammo + 0.01; } if (plasmaammo <= fullplasmaammo) { plasmaammo = plasmaammo + 0.01; } if (empammo <= fullempammo) { empammo = empammo + 0.01; } if (pulseammo <= fullpulseammo) { pulseammo = pulseammo + 0.01; } } };
Symbol 454 MovieClip [Dragoiex] Frame 2
Symbol 454 MovieClip [Dragoiex] Frame 29
available = 0;
Symbol 454 MovieClip [Dragoiex] Frame 103
mynumberis = _root.planeusing; _root.planeusing++; _name = ("plane" + mynumberis); _root["plane" + _root.planeusing]._name = "cphoenix"; _root.fuel = 15000; _root.battlemenu.s1.gotoAndStop(1); _root.battlemenu.s2.gotoAndStop(1); _root.cphoenix._x = _x; _root.cphoenix._y = _y; if (_root.backupsleft == 0) { _root.gotoAndPlay(_root.whichmode + "defeat"); } this.unloadMovie();
Symbol 457 MovieClip [Dragoiex e] Frame 1
maxmovespeed = 20; maxverticalmove = 35; strafespeed = 15; dangerperiod = 13; hp = 14; fullhp = 14; minigunammo = 200; mgunammo = 185; missileammo = 2; longlaserammo = 25; napalmammo = 15; plasmaammo = 20; rocketammo = 8; multirocketammo = 10; novalaserammo = 1; planewarpammo = 2; smokescreenammo = 20; empammo = 8; hmissileammo = 2; pulseammo = 20; planemodel = "Dragoiex"; danger = 0; dangertimer = 0; dangeraction = "r"; movespeed = 0; maxrotation = 40; horizontalmove = 0; verticalmove = 0; actionh = ""; actionv = ""; timer = 0; this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (hp <= 0) { play(); } if ((!_root.pauser) && (hp > 0)) { _root.fuel = _root.fuel - 1; _x = (_x + horizontalmove); _y = (_y + verticalmove); planegraphic.gotoAndStop(Math.round((det._rotation + 20) / 2)); while (_x < 0) { _x = (_x+1); horizontalmove = 0; } while (_x > 471) { _x = (_x-1); horizontalmove = 0; } while (_y < -100) { _y = (_y+1); } while (_y > 500) { _y = (_y-1); } det._rotation = det._rotation + rotate; if (actionv == "u") { if (verticalmove > (-_root.verticalspeed)) { verticalmove--;; } } else if (actionv == "d") { if (verticalmove < _root.verticalspeed) { verticalmove++; } } else if (verticalmove < 0) { verticalmove++; } if (actionh == "l") { if (horizontalmove > (-strafespeed)) { horizontalmove = horizontalmove - 1; } if (det._rotation > (-maxrotation)) { det._rotation = det._rotation - 1; } } else if (actionh == "r") { if (horizontalmove < strafespeed) { horizontalmove = horizontalmove + 1; } if (det._rotation < maxrotation) { det._rotation = det._rotation + 1; } } else { if (horizontalmove > 0) { horizontalmove--; } else if (horizontalmove < 0) { horizontalmove++; } if (det._rotation > 0) { det._rotation--; } else if (det._rotation < 0) { det._rotation++; } } _y = (_y + movespeed); if (Key.isDown(_root.upkey) && (_root.fuel > 0)) { if (movespeed < maxmovespeed) { movespeed++; } } else if (Key.isDown(_root.downkey)) { if (movespeed > -30) { movespeed--; } } else if (movespeed > 0) { movespeed--; } else { movespeed = 0; } timer++; hdistance = _x - _root.cphoenix._x; if (hdistance < 0) { hdistance = hdistance * -1; } if (timer > 1000) { timer = 0; } if (((timer % (responsetime * (random(2) + 1))) == 0) && (!danger)) { if ((_y < _root.cphoenix._y) && ((_root.cphoenix._y - _y) < 80)) { u = random(2); if (u == 0) { actionv = "u"; } else { actionv = "d"; } } else if (_y > 450) { actionv = "u"; } else if (_y < 0) { actionv = "d"; } else if (_y > (_root.cphoenix._y + 160)) { if (_x < _root.cphoenix._x) { actionh = "r"; } else if (_x > _root.cphoenix._x) { actionh = "l"; } } else if (_y < _root.phoenix._y) { i = random(3); ((i == 0) ? ((actionv = "d")) : ((actionv = ""))); } else { q = random(4); if (q == 0) { actionh = "r"; } else if (q == 1) { actionh = "l"; } else { actionh = ""; } actionv = ""; } if ((hdistance < 40) && (_y < _root.cphoenix._y)) { q = random(2); if ((q == 0) && ((_x + 50) < 471)) { actionh = "r"; } else if ((_x - 50) > 0) { actionh = "l"; } r = random(3); if (r == 0) { actionv = "d"; } else { actionv = ""; } } if ((_y > _root.cphoenix._y) && (hdistance < 130)) { if (minigunammo > 0) {;; } u = random(3); if (u && (hdistance < 100)) { if ((missileammo > 0) && (installedweapon2 == 1)) {; } else if ((hmissileammo > 0) && (installedweapon2 == 2)) {; } else if ((longlaserammo > 0) && (installedweapon2 == 3)) {; } else if ((napalmammo > 0) && (installedweapon2 == 4)) {; } else if ((plasmaammo > 0) && (installedweapon2 == 5)) {; } else if ((rocketammo > 0) && (installedweapon2 == 6)) {;; } else if ((multirocketammo > 0) && (installedweapon2 == 7)) {;; } else if ((novalaserammo > 0) && (installedweapon2 == 9)) {; } else if (installedweapon2 == 10) {; } else if (installedweapon2 == 12) {; } else if ((mgunammo > 0) && (installedweapon2 == 13)) {;; } } u = random(3); if (u && (hdistance < 100)) { if ((missileammo > 0) && (installedweapon == 1)) {; } else if ((hmissileammo > 0) && (installedweapon == 2)) {; } else if ((longlaserammo > 0) && (installedweapon == 3)) {; } else if ((napalmammo > 0) && (installedweapon == 4)) {; } else if ((plasmaammo > 0) && (installedweapon == 5)) {; } else if ((rocketammo > 0) && (installedweapon == 6)) {;; } else if ((multirocketammo > 0) && (installedweapon == 7)) {;; } else if ((novalaserammo > 0) && (installedweapon == 9)) {; } else if (installedweapon == 10) {; } else if (installedweapon == 12) {; } else if ((mgunammo > 0) && (installedweapon == 13)) {;; } } } } if (danger == 1) { dangertimer++; if (dangertimer == 1) { q = random(2); if ((q == 0) && ((_x + 50) < 471)) { dangeraction = "r"; } else if ((_x - 50) > 0) { dangeraction = "l"; } } actionh = dangeraction; if (dangertimer > dangerperiod) { danger = 0; dangertimer = 0; } if ((planewarpammo > 0) && ((installedweapon == 8) || (installedweapon2 == 8))) {; } else if ((smokescreenammo > 0) && ((installedweapon == 11) || (installedweapon2 == 11))) { uyu = random(4); if (!uyu) {; } } } } };
Symbol 457 MovieClip [Dragoiex e] Frame 2
Symbol 457 MovieClip [Dragoiex e] Frame 62
_root.enemiesleft--; this.unloadMovie();
Symbol 481 MovieClip [Wingcore] Frame 1
available = 1; hp = 16; fullhp = 16; strafespeed = 16; minigunammo = 200; mgunammo = 185; missileammo = 3; longlaserammo = 15; napalmammo = 25; plasmaammo = 20; rocketammo = 8; multirocketammo = 25; novalaserammo = 1; planewarpammo = 2; smokescreenammo = 30; empammo = 10; hmissileammo = 2; pulseammo = 8; planemodel = "Wingcore"; fulllonglaserammo = longlaserammo; fullplasmaammo = plasmaammo; fullempammo = empammo; fullpulseammo = pulseammo; maxrotation = 40; horizontalmove = 0; this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (hp <= 0) { play(); } if ((_name != "cphoenix") && (_x > -100)) { this._x = this._x - 15; } if (((!_root.pauser) && (hp > 0)) && (_name == "cphoenix")) { _x = (_x + horizontalmove); planegraphic.gotoAndStop(Math.round((det._rotation + 20) / 2)); while (this.det.hitTest(_root.leftblocker)) { _x = (_x+1); horizontalmove = 0; } while (this.det.hitTest(_root.rightblocker)) { _x = (_x-1); horizontalmove = 0; } if (Key.isDown(_root.shootkey)) { if (minigunammo > 0) {;; } } if (Key.isDown(_root.shootkey1)) { if ((missileammo > 0) && (installedweapon == 1)) {; } else if ((hmissileammo > 0) && (installedweapon == 2)) {; } else if ((longlaserammo > 0) && (installedweapon == 3)) {; } else if ((napalmammo > 0) && (installedweapon == 4)) {; } else if ((plasmaammo > 0) && (installedweapon == 5)) {; } else if ((rocketammo > 0) && (installedweapon == 6)) {;; } else if ((multirocketammo > 0) && (installedweapon == 7)) {;; } else if ((planewarpammo > 0) && (installedweapon == 8)) {; } else if ((novalaserammo > 0) && (installedweapon == 9)) {; } else if ((pulseammo > 0) && (installedweapon == 10)) {; } else if ((smokescreenammo > 0) && (installedweapon == 11)) {; } else if ((empammo > 0) && (installedweapon == 12)) {; } else if ((mgunammo > 0) && (installedweapon == 13)) {;; } else {;; } } if (Key.isDown(_root.shootkey2)) { if ((missileammo > 0) && (installedweapon2 == 1)) {; } else if ((hmissileammo > 0) && (installedweapon2 == 2)) {; } else if ((longlaserammo > 0) && (installedweapon2 == 3)) {; } else if ((napalmammo > 0) && (installedweapon2 == 4)) {; } else if ((plasmaammo > 0) && (installedweapon2 == 5)) {; } else if ((rocketammo > 0) && (installedweapon2 == 6)) {;; } else if ((multirocketammo > 0) && (installedweapon2 == 7)) {;; } else if ((planewarpammo > 0) && (installedweapon2 == 8)) {; } else if ((novalaserammo > 0) && (installedweapon2 == 9)) {; } else if ((pulseammo > 0) && (installedweapon2 == 10)) {; } else if ((smokescreenammo > 0) && (installedweapon2 == 11)) {; } else if ((empammo > 0) && (installedweapon2 == 12)) {; } else if ((mgunammo > 0) && (installedweapon2 == 13)) {;; } else {;; } } if (Key.isDown(_root.upkey)) { if (_root.fuel > 0) { _root.fuel = _root.fuel - _root.verticalspeed;; } else {; } if (_y > 80) { _y = (_y - 5); } } if (Key.isDown(_root.downkey)) { if (_y < 370) { _y = (_y + 5); } } if (Key.isDown(_root.leftkey)) { if (horizontalmove > (-strafespeed)) { horizontalmove = horizontalmove - 1; } if (det._rotation > (-maxrotation)) { det._rotation = det._rotation - 1; } } else if (Key.isDown(_root.rightkey)) { if (horizontalmove < strafespeed) { horizontalmove = horizontalmove + 1; } if (det._rotation < maxrotation) { det._rotation = det._rotation + 1; } } else { if (horizontalmove > 0) { horizontalmove--; } else if (horizontalmove < 0) { horizontalmove++; } if (det._rotation > 0) { det._rotation--; } else if (det._rotation < 0) { det._rotation++; } } if (longlaserammo <= fulllonglaserammo) { longlaserammo = longlaserammo + 0.01; } if (plasmaammo <= fullplasmaammo) { plasmaammo = plasmaammo + 0.01; } if (empammo <= fullempammo) { empammo = empammo + 0.01; } if (pulseammo <= fullpulseammo) { pulseammo = pulseammo + 0.01; } } };
Symbol 481 MovieClip [Wingcore] Frame 2
Symbol 481 MovieClip [Wingcore] Frame 29
available = 0;
Symbol 481 MovieClip [Wingcore] Frame 103
mynumberis = _root.planeusing; _root.planeusing++; _name = ("plane" + mynumberis); _root["plane" + _root.planeusing]._name = "cphoenix"; _root.fuel = 15000; _root.battlemenu.s1.gotoAndStop(1); _root.battlemenu.s2.gotoAndStop(1); _root.cphoenix._x = _x; _root.cphoenix._y = _y; if (_root.backupsleft == 0) { _root.gotoAndPlay(_root.whichmode + "defeat"); } this.unloadMovie();
Symbol 484 MovieClip [Wingcore e] Frame 1
maxmovespeed = 20; maxverticalmove = 45; strafespeed = 16; dangerperiod = 13; hp = 16; fullhp = 16; minigunammo = 200; mgunammo = 185; missileammo = 3; longlaserammo = 15; napalmammo = 25; plasmaammo = 20; rocketammo = 8; multirocketammo = 25; novalaserammo = 1; planewarpammo = 2; smokescreenammo = 30; empammo = 10; hmissileammo = 2; pulseammo = 8; planemodel = "Wingcore"; danger = 0; dangertimer = 0; dangeraction = "r"; movespeed = 0; maxrotation = 40; horizontalmove = 0; verticalmove = 0; actionh = ""; actionv = ""; timer = 0; this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (hp <= 0) { play(); } if ((!_root.pauser) && (hp > 0)) { _root.fuel = _root.fuel - 1; _x = (_x + horizontalmove); _y = (_y + verticalmove); planegraphic.gotoAndStop(Math.round((det._rotation + 20) / 2)); while (_x < 0) { _x = (_x+1); horizontalmove = 0; } while (_x > 471) { _x = (_x-1); horizontalmove = 0; } while (_y < -100) { _y = (_y+1); } while (_y > 500) { _y = (_y-1); } det._rotation = det._rotation + rotate; if (actionv == "u") { if (verticalmove > (-_root.verticalspeed)) { verticalmove--;; } } else if (actionv == "d") { if (verticalmove < _root.verticalspeed) { verticalmove++; } } else if (verticalmove < 0) { verticalmove++; } if (actionh == "l") { if (horizontalmove > (-strafespeed)) { horizontalmove = horizontalmove - 1; } if (det._rotation > (-maxrotation)) { det._rotation = det._rotation - 1; } } else if (actionh == "r") { if (horizontalmove < strafespeed) { horizontalmove = horizontalmove + 1; } if (det._rotation < maxrotation) { det._rotation = det._rotation + 1; } } else { if (horizontalmove > 0) { horizontalmove--; } else if (horizontalmove < 0) { horizontalmove++; } if (det._rotation > 0) { det._rotation--; } else if (det._rotation < 0) { det._rotation++; } } _y = (_y + movespeed); if (Key.isDown(_root.upkey) && (_root.fuel > 0)) { if (movespeed < maxmovespeed) { movespeed++; } } else if (Key.isDown(_root.downkey)) { if (movespeed > -30) { movespeed--; } } else if (movespeed > 0) { movespeed--; } else { movespeed = 0; } timer++; hdistance = _x - _root.cphoenix._x; if (hdistance < 0) { hdistance = hdistance * -1; } if (timer > 1000) { timer = 0; } if (((timer % (responsetime * (random(2) + 1))) == 0) && (!danger)) { if ((_y < _root.cphoenix._y) && ((_root.cphoenix._y - _y) < 80)) { u = random(2); if (u == 0) { actionv = "u"; } else { actionv = "d"; } } else if (_y > 450) { actionv = "u"; } else if (_y < 0) { actionv = "d"; } else if (_y > (_root.cphoenix._y + 160)) { if (_x < _root.cphoenix._x) { actionh = "r"; } else if (_x > _root.cphoenix._x) { actionh = "l"; } } else if (_y < _root.phoenix._y) { i = random(3); ((i == 0) ? ((actionv = "d")) : ((actionv = ""))); } else { q = random(4); if (q == 0) { actionh = "r"; } else if (q == 1) { actionh = "l"; } else { actionh = ""; } actionv = ""; } if ((hdistance < 40) && (_y < _root.cphoenix._y)) { q = random(2); if ((q == 0) && ((_x + 50) < 471)) { actionh = "r"; } else if ((_x - 50) > 0) { actionh = "l"; } r = random(3); if (r == 0) { actionv = "d"; } else { actionv = ""; } } if ((_y > _root.cphoenix._y) && (hdistance < 130)) { if (minigunammo > 0) {;; } u = random(3); if (u && (hdistance < 100)) { if ((missileammo > 0) && (installedweapon2 == 1)) {; } else if ((hmissileammo > 0) && (installedweapon2 == 2)) {; } else if ((longlaserammo > 0) && (installedweapon2 == 3)) {; } else if ((napalmammo > 0) && (installedweapon2 == 4)) {; } else if ((plasmaammo > 0) && (installedweapon2 == 5)) {; } else if ((rocketammo > 0) && (installedweapon2 == 6)) {;; } else if ((multirocketammo > 0) && (installedweapon2 == 7)) {;; } else if ((novalaserammo > 0) && (installedweapon2 == 9)) {; } else if (installedweapon2 == 10) {; } else if (installedweapon2 == 12) {; } else if ((mgunammo > 0) && (installedweapon2 == 13)) {;; } } u = random(3); if (u && (hdistance < 100)) { if ((missileammo > 0) && (installedweapon == 1)) {; } else if ((hmissileammo > 0) && (installedweapon == 2)) {; } else if ((longlaserammo > 0) && (installedweapon == 3)) {; } else if ((napalmammo > 0) && (installedweapon == 4)) {; } else if ((plasmaammo > 0) && (installedweapon == 5)) {; } else if ((rocketammo > 0) && (installedweapon == 6)) {;; } else if ((multirocketammo > 0) && (installedweapon == 7)) {;; } else if ((novalaserammo > 0) && (installedweapon == 9)) {; } else if (installedweapon == 10) {; } else if (installedweapon == 12) {; } else if ((mgunammo > 0) && (installedweapon == 13)) {;; } } } } if (danger == 1) { dangertimer++; if (dangertimer == 1) { q = random(2); if ((q == 0) && ((_x + 50) < 471)) { dangeraction = "r"; } else if ((_x - 50) > 0) { dangeraction = "l"; } } actionh = dangeraction; if (dangertimer > dangerperiod) { danger = 0; dangertimer = 0; } if ((planewarpammo > 0) && ((installedweapon == 8) || (installedweapon2 == 8))) {; } else if ((smokescreenammo > 0) && ((installedweapon == 11) || (installedweapon2 == 11))) { uyu = random(4); if (!uyu) {; } } } } };
Symbol 484 MovieClip [Wingcore e] Frame 2
Symbol 484 MovieClip [Wingcore e] Frame 62
_root.enemiesleft--; this.unloadMovie();
Symbol 508 MovieClip [Plogo Volu] Frame 1
available = 1; hp = 21; fullhp = 21; strafespeed = 13; minigunammo = 200; missileammo = 4; hmissileammo = 3; longlaserammo = 10; napalmammo = 30; plasmaammo = 15; rocketammo = 10; multirocketammo = 35; novalaserammo = 1; pulseammo = 15; planewarpammo = 3; smokescreenammo = 35; empammo = 10; mgunammo = 325; planemodel = "Plogu Volu"; fulllonglaserammo = longlaserammo; fullplasmaammo = plasmaammo; fullempammo = empammo; fullpulseammo = pulseammo; maxrotation = 40; horizontalmove = 0; this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (hp <= 0) { play(); } if ((_name != "cphoenix") && (_x > -100)) { this._x = this._x - 15; } if (((!_root.pauser) && (hp > 0)) && (_name == "cphoenix")) { _x = (_x + horizontalmove); planegraphic.gotoAndStop(Math.round((det._rotation + 20) / 2)); while (this.det.hitTest(_root.leftblocker)) { _x = (_x+1); horizontalmove = 0; } while (this.det.hitTest(_root.rightblocker)) { _x = (_x-1); horizontalmove = 0; } if (Key.isDown(_root.shootkey)) { if (minigunammo > 0) {;; } } if (Key.isDown(_root.shootkey1)) { if ((missileammo > 0) && (installedweapon == 1)) {; } else if ((hmissileammo > 0) && (installedweapon == 2)) {; } else if ((longlaserammo > 0) && (installedweapon == 3)) {; } else if ((napalmammo > 0) && (installedweapon == 4)) {; } else if ((plasmaammo > 0) && (installedweapon == 5)) {; } else if ((rocketammo > 0) && (installedweapon == 6)) {;; } else if ((multirocketammo > 0) && (installedweapon == 7)) {;; } else if ((planewarpammo > 0) && (installedweapon == 8)) {; } else if ((novalaserammo > 0) && (installedweapon == 9)) {; } else if ((pulseammo > 0) && (installedweapon == 10)) {; } else if ((smokescreenammo > 0) && (installedweapon == 11)) {; } else if ((empammo > 0) && (installedweapon == 12)) {; } else if ((mgunammo > 0) && (installedweapon == 13)) {;; } else {;; } } if (Key.isDown(_root.shootkey2)) { if ((missileammo > 0) && (installedweapon2 == 1)) {; } else if ((hmissileammo > 0) && (installedweapon2 == 2)) {; } else if ((longlaserammo > 0) && (installedweapon2 == 3)) {; } else if ((napalmammo > 0) && (installedweapon2 == 4)) {; } else if ((plasmaammo > 0) && (installedweapon2 == 5)) {; } else if ((rocketammo > 0) && (installedweapon2 == 6)) {;; } else if ((multirocketammo > 0) && (installedweapon2 == 7)) {;; } else if ((planewarpammo > 0) && (installedweapon2 == 8)) {; } else if ((novalaserammo > 0) && (installedweapon2 == 9)) {; } else if ((pulseammo > 0) && (installedweapon2 == 10)) {; } else if ((smokescreenammo > 0) && (installedweapon2 == 11)) {; } else if ((empammo > 0) && (installedweapon2 == 12)) {; } else if ((mgunammo > 0) && (installedweapon2 == 13)) {;; } else {;; } } if (Key.isDown(_root.upkey)) { if (_root.fuel > 0) { _root.fuel = _root.fuel - _root.verticalspeed;; } else {; } if (_y > 80) { _y = (_y - 5); } } if (Key.isDown(_root.downkey)) { if (_y < 370) { _y = (_y + 5); } } if (Key.isDown(_root.leftkey)) { if (horizontalmove > (-strafespeed)) { horizontalmove = horizontalmove - 1; } if (det._rotation > (-maxrotation)) { det._rotation = det._rotation - 1; } } else if (Key.isDown(_root.rightkey)) { if (horizontalmove < strafespeed) { horizontalmove = horizontalmove + 1; } if (det._rotation < maxrotation) { det._rotation = det._rotation + 1; } } else { if (horizontalmove > 0) { horizontalmove--; } else if (horizontalmove < 0) { horizontalmove++; } if (det._rotation > 0) { det._rotation--; } else if (det._rotation < 0) { det._rotation++; } } if (longlaserammo <= fulllonglaserammo) { longlaserammo = longlaserammo + 0.01; } if (plasmaammo <= fullplasmaammo) { plasmaammo = plasmaammo + 0.01; } if (empammo <= fullempammo) { empammo = empammo + 0.01; } if (pulseammo <= fullpulseammo) { pulseammo = pulseammo + 0.01; } } };
Symbol 508 MovieClip [Plogo Volu] Frame 2
Symbol 508 MovieClip [Plogo Volu] Frame 29
available = 0;
Symbol 508 MovieClip [Plogo Volu] Frame 103
mynumberis = _root.planeusing; _root.planeusing++; _name = ("plane" + mynumberis); _root["plane" + _root.planeusing]._name = "cphoenix"; _root.fuel = 15000; _root.battlemenu.s1.gotoAndStop(1); _root.battlemenu.s2.gotoAndStop(1); _root.cphoenix._x = _x; _root.cphoenix._y = _y; if (_root.backupsleft == 0) { _root.gotoAndPlay(_root.whichmode + "defeat"); } this.unloadMovie();
Symbol 511 MovieClip [Plogo Volu e] Frame 1
maxmovespeed = 20; maxverticalmove = 40; strafespeed = 13; dangerperiod = 12; hp = 21; fullhp = 21; minigunammo = 200; missileammo = 4; hmissileammo = 3; longlaserammo = 10; napalmammo = 30; plasmaammo = 15; rocketammo = 10; multirocketammo = 35; novalaserammo = 1; pulseammo = 15; planewarpammo = 3; smokescreenammo = 35; empammo = 10; mgunammo = 325; planemodel = "Plogu Volu"; danger = 0; dangertimer = 0; dangeraction = "r"; movespeed = 0; maxrotation = 40; horizontalmove = 0; verticalmove = 0; actionh = ""; actionv = ""; timer = 0; this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (hp <= 0) { play(); } if ((!_root.pauser) && (hp > 0)) { _root.fuel = _root.fuel - 1; _x = (_x + horizontalmove); _y = (_y + verticalmove); planegraphic.gotoAndStop(Math.round((det._rotation + 20) / 2)); while (_x < 0) { _x = (_x+1); horizontalmove = 0; } while (_x > 471) { _x = (_x-1); horizontalmove = 0; } while (_y < -100) { _y = (_y+1); } while (_y > 500) { _y = (_y-1); } det._rotation = det._rotation + rotate; if (actionv == "u") { if (verticalmove > (-_root.verticalspeed)) { verticalmove--;; } } else if (actionv == "d") { if (verticalmove < _root.verticalspeed) { verticalmove++; } } else if (verticalmove < 0) { verticalmove++; } if (actionh == "l") { if (horizontalmove > (-strafespeed)) { horizontalmove = horizontalmove - 1; } if (det._rotation > (-maxrotation)) { det._rotation = det._rotation - 1; } } else if (actionh == "r") { if (horizontalmove < strafespeed) { horizontalmove = horizontalmove + 1; } if (det._rotation < maxrotation) { det._rotation = det._rotation + 1; } } else { if (horizontalmove > 0) { horizontalmove--; } else if (horizontalmove < 0) { horizontalmove++; } if (det._rotation > 0) { det._rotation--; } else if (det._rotation < 0) { det._rotation++; } } _y = (_y + movespeed); if (Key.isDown(_root.upkey) && (_root.fuel > 0)) { if (movespeed < maxmovespeed) { movespeed++; } } else if (Key.isDown(_root.downkey)) { if (movespeed > -30) { movespeed--; } } else if (movespeed > 0) { movespeed--; } else { movespeed = 0; } timer++; hdistance = _x - _root.cphoenix._x; if (hdistance < 0) { hdistance = hdistance * -1; } if (timer > 1000) { timer = 0; } if (((timer % (responsetime * (random(2) + 1))) == 0) && (!danger)) { if ((_y < _root.cphoenix._y) && ((_root.cphoenix._y - _y) < 80)) { u = random(2); if (u == 0) { actionv = "u"; } else { actionv = "d"; } } else if (_y > 450) { actionv = "u"; } else if (_y < 0) { actionv = "d"; } else if (_y > (_root.cphoenix._y + 160)) { if (_x < _root.cphoenix._x) { actionh = "r"; } else if (_x > _root.cphoenix._x) { actionh = "l"; } } else if (_y < _root.phoenix._y) { i = random(3); ((i == 0) ? ((actionv = "d")) : ((actionv = ""))); } else { q = random(4); if (q == 0) { actionh = "r"; } else if (q == 1) { actionh = "l"; } else { actionh = ""; } actionv = ""; } if ((hdistance < 40) && (_y < _root.cphoenix._y)) { q = random(2); if ((q == 0) && ((_x + 50) < 471)) { actionh = "r"; } else if ((_x - 50) > 0) { actionh = "l"; } r = random(3); if (r == 0) { actionv = "d"; } else { actionv = ""; } } if ((_y > _root.cphoenix._y) && (hdistance < 130)) { if (minigunammo > 0) {;; } u = random(3); if (u && (hdistance < 100)) { if ((missileammo > 0) && (installedweapon2 == 1)) {; } else if ((hmissileammo > 0) && (installedweapon2 == 2)) {; } else if ((longlaserammo > 0) && (installedweapon2 == 3)) {; } else if ((napalmammo > 0) && (installedweapon2 == 4)) {; } else if ((plasmaammo > 0) && (installedweapon2 == 5)) {; } else if ((rocketammo > 0) && (installedweapon2 == 6)) {;; } else if ((multirocketammo > 0) && (installedweapon2 == 7)) {;; } else if ((novalaserammo > 0) && (installedweapon2 == 9)) {; } else if (installedweapon2 == 10) {; } else if (installedweapon2 == 12) {; } else if ((mgunammo > 0) && (installedweapon2 == 13)) {;; } } u = random(3); if (u && (hdistance < 100)) { if ((missileammo > 0) && (installedweapon == 1)) {; } else if ((hmissileammo > 0) && (installedweapon == 2)) {; } else if ((longlaserammo > 0) && (installedweapon == 3)) {; } else if ((napalmammo > 0) && (installedweapon == 4)) {; } else if ((plasmaammo > 0) && (installedweapon == 5)) {; } else if ((rocketammo > 0) && (installedweapon == 6)) {;; } else if ((multirocketammo > 0) && (installedweapon == 7)) {;; } else if ((novalaserammo > 0) && (installedweapon == 9)) {; } else if (installedweapon == 10) {; } else if (installedweapon == 12) {; } else if ((mgunammo > 0) && (installedweapon == 13)) {;; } } } } if (danger == 1) { dangertimer++; if (dangertimer == 1) { q = random(2); if ((q == 0) && ((_x + 50) < 471)) { dangeraction = "r"; } else if ((_x - 50) > 0) { dangeraction = "l"; } } actionh = dangeraction; if (dangertimer > dangerperiod) { danger = 0; dangertimer = 0; } if ((planewarpammo > 0) && ((installedweapon == 8) || (installedweapon2 == 8))) {; } else if ((smokescreenammo > 0) && ((installedweapon == 11) || (installedweapon2 == 11))) { uyu = random(4); if (!uyu) {; } } } } };
Symbol 511 MovieClip [Plogo Volu e] Frame 2
Symbol 511 MovieClip [Plogo Volu e] Frame 62
_root.enemiesleft--; this.unloadMovie();
Symbol 535 MovieClip [Claw06] Frame 1
available = 1; hp = 22; fullhp = 22; strafespeed = 22; minigunammo = 200; missileammo = 4; hmissileammo = 2; longlaserammo = 35; napalmammo = 45; plasmaammo = 15; rocketammo = 8; multirocketammo = 25; novalaserammo = 1; pulseammo = 15; planewarpammo = 3; smokescreenammo = 30; empammo = 10; mgunammo = 225; planemodel = "Claw06"; fulllonglaserammo = longlaserammo; fullplasmaammo = plasmaammo; fullempammo = empammo; fullpulseammo = pulseammo; maxrotation = 40; horizontalmove = 0; this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (hp <= 0) { play(); } if ((_name != "cphoenix") && (_x > -100)) { this._x = this._x - 15; } if (((!_root.pauser) && (hp > 0)) && (_name == "cphoenix")) { _x = (_x + horizontalmove); planegraphic.gotoAndStop(Math.round((det._rotation + 20) / 2)); while (this.det.hitTest(_root.leftblocker)) { _x = (_x+1); horizontalmove = 0; } while (this.det.hitTest(_root.rightblocker)) { _x = (_x-1); horizontalmove = 0; } if (Key.isDown(_root.shootkey)) { if (minigunammo > 0) {;; } } if (Key.isDown(_root.shootkey1)) { if ((missileammo > 0) && (installedweapon == 1)) {; } else if ((hmissileammo > 0) && (installedweapon == 2)) {; } else if ((longlaserammo > 0) && (installedweapon == 3)) {; } else if ((napalmammo > 0) && (installedweapon == 4)) {; } else if ((plasmaammo > 0) && (installedweapon == 5)) {; } else if ((rocketammo > 0) && (installedweapon == 6)) {;; } else if ((multirocketammo > 0) && (installedweapon == 7)) {;; } else if ((planewarpammo > 0) && (installedweapon == 8)) {; } else if ((novalaserammo > 0) && (installedweapon == 9)) {; } else if ((pulseammo > 0) && (installedweapon == 10)) {; } else if ((smokescreenammo > 0) && (installedweapon == 11)) {; } else if ((empammo > 0) && (installedweapon == 12)) {; } else if ((mgunammo > 0) && (installedweapon == 13)) {;; } else {;; } } if (Key.isDown(_root.shootkey2)) { if ((missileammo > 0) && (installedweapon2 == 1)) {; } else if ((hmissileammo > 0) && (installedweapon2 == 2)) {; } else if ((longlaserammo > 0) && (installedweapon2 == 3)) {; } else if ((napalmammo > 0) && (installedweapon2 == 4)) {; } else if ((plasmaammo > 0) && (installedweapon2 == 5)) {; } else if ((rocketammo > 0) && (installedweapon2 == 6)) {;; } else if ((multirocketammo > 0) && (installedweapon2 == 7)) {;; } else if ((planewarpammo > 0) && (installedweapon2 == 8)) {; } else if ((novalaserammo > 0) && (installedweapon2 == 9)) {; } else if ((pulseammo > 0) && (installedweapon2 == 10)) {; } else if ((smokescreenammo > 0) && (installedweapon2 == 11)) {; } else if ((empammo > 0) && (installedweapon2 == 12)) {; } else if ((mgunammo > 0) && (installedweapon2 == 13)) {;; } else {;; } } if (Key.isDown(_root.upkey)) { if (_root.fuel > 0) { _root.fuel = _root.fuel - _root.verticalspeed;; } else {; } if (_y > 80) { _y = (_y - 5); } } if (Key.isDown(_root.downkey)) { if (_y < 370) { _y = (_y + 5); } } if (Key.isDown(_root.leftkey)) { if (horizontalmove > (-strafespeed)) { horizontalmove = horizontalmove - 1; } if (det._rotation > (-maxrotation)) { det._rotation = det._rotation - 1; } } else if (Key.isDown(_root.rightkey)) { if (horizontalmove < strafespeed) { horizontalmove = horizontalmove + 1; } if (det._rotation < maxrotation) { det._rotation = det._rotation + 1; } } else { if (horizontalmove > 0) { horizontalmove--; } else if (horizontalmove < 0) { horizontalmove++; } if (det._rotation > 0) { det._rotation--; } else if (det._rotation < 0) { det._rotation++; } } if (longlaserammo <= fulllonglaserammo) { longlaserammo = longlaserammo + 0.01; } if (plasmaammo <= fullplasmaammo) { plasmaammo = plasmaammo + 0.01; } if (empammo <= fullempammo) { empammo = empammo + 0.01; } if (pulseammo <= fullpulseammo) { pulseammo = pulseammo + 0.01; } } };
Symbol 535 MovieClip [Claw06] Frame 2
Symbol 535 MovieClip [Claw06] Frame 29
available = 0;
Symbol 535 MovieClip [Claw06] Frame 103
mynumberis = _root.planeusing; _root.planeusing++; _name = ("plane" + mynumberis); _root["plane" + _root.planeusing]._name = "cphoenix"; _root.fuel = 15000; _root.battlemenu.s1.gotoAndStop(1); _root.battlemenu.s2.gotoAndStop(1); _root.cphoenix._x = _x; _root.cphoenix._y = _y; if (_root.backupsleft == 0) { _root.gotoAndPlay(_root.whichmode + "defeat"); } this.unloadMovie();
Symbol 538 MovieClip [Claw06 e] Frame 1
maxmovespeed = 20; maxverticalmove = 45; strafespeed = 22; dangerperiod = 11; hp = 22; fullhp = 22; minigunammo = 200; missileammo = 4; hmissileammo = 2; longlaserammo = 35; napalmammo = 45; plasmaammo = 15; rocketammo = 8; multirocketammo = 25; novalaserammo = 1; pulseammo = 15; planewarpammo = 3; smokescreenammo = 30; empammo = 10; mgunammo = 225; planemodel = "Claw06"; danger = 0; dangertimer = 0; dangeraction = "r"; movespeed = 0; maxrotation = 40; horizontalmove = 0; verticalmove = 0; actionh = ""; actionv = ""; timer = 0; this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (hp <= 0) { play(); } if ((!_root.pauser) && (hp > 0)) { _root.fuel = _root.fuel - 1; _x = (_x + horizontalmove); _y = (_y + verticalmove); planegraphic.gotoAndStop(Math.round((det._rotation + 20) / 2)); while (_x < 0) { _x = (_x+1); horizontalmove = 0; } while (_x > 471) { _x = (_x-1); horizontalmove = 0; } while (_y < -100) { _y = (_y+1); } while (_y > 500) { _y = (_y-1); } det._rotation = det._rotation + rotate; if (actionv == "u") { if (verticalmove > (-_root.verticalspeed)) { verticalmove--;; } } else if (actionv == "d") { if (verticalmove < _root.verticalspeed) { verticalmove++; } } else if (verticalmove < 0) { verticalmove++; } if (actionh == "l") { if (horizontalmove > (-strafespeed)) { horizontalmove = horizontalmove - 1; } if (det._rotation > (-maxrotation)) { det._rotation = det._rotation - 1; } } else if (actionh == "r") { if (horizontalmove < strafespeed) { horizontalmove = horizontalmove + 1; } if (det._rotation < maxrotation) { det._rotation = det._rotation + 1; } } else { if (horizontalmove > 0) { horizontalmove--; } else if (horizontalmove < 0) { horizontalmove++; } if (det._rotation > 0) { det._rotation--; } else if (det._rotation < 0) { det._rotation++; } } _y = (_y + movespeed); if (Key.isDown(_root.upkey) && (_root.fuel > 0)) { if (movespeed < maxmovespeed) { movespeed++; } } else if (Key.isDown(_root.downkey)) { if (movespeed > -30) { movespeed--; } } else if (movespeed > 0) { movespeed--; } else { movespeed = 0; } timer++; hdistance = _x - _root.cphoenix._x; if (hdistance < 0) { hdistance = hdistance * -1; } if (timer > 1000) { timer = 0; } if (((timer % (responsetime * (random(2) + 1))) == 0) && (!danger)) { if ((_y < _root.cphoenix._y) && ((_root.cphoenix._y - _y) < 80)) { u = random(2); if (u == 0) { actionv = "u"; } else { actionv = "d"; } } else if (_y > 450) { actionv = "u"; } else if (_y < 0) { actionv = "d"; } else if (_y > (_root.cphoenix._y + 160)) { if (_x < _root.cphoenix._x) { actionh = "r"; } else if (_x > _root.cphoenix._x) { actionh = "l"; } } else if (_y < _root.phoenix._y) { i = random(3); ((i == 0) ? ((actionv = "d")) : ((actionv = ""))); } else { q = random(4); if (q == 0) { actionh = "r"; } else if (q == 1) { actionh = "l"; } else { actionh = ""; } actionv = ""; } if ((hdistance < 40) && (_y < _root.cphoenix._y)) { q = random(2); if ((q == 0) && ((_x + 50) < 471)) { actionh = "r"; } else if ((_x - 50) > 0) { actionh = "l"; } r = random(3); if (r == 0) { actionv = "d"; } else { actionv = ""; } } if ((_y > _root.cphoenix._y) && (hdistance < 130)) { if (minigunammo > 0) {;; } u = random(3); if (u && (hdistance < 100)) { if ((missileammo > 0) && (installedweapon2 == 1)) {; } else if ((hmissileammo > 0) && (installedweapon2 == 2)) {; } else if ((longlaserammo > 0) && (installedweapon2 == 3)) {; } else if ((napalmammo > 0) && (installedweapon2 == 4)) {; } else if ((plasmaammo > 0) && (installedweapon2 == 5)) {; } else if ((rocketammo > 0) && (installedweapon2 == 6)) {;; } else if ((multirocketammo > 0) && (installedweapon2 == 7)) {;; } else if ((novalaserammo > 0) && (installedweapon2 == 9)) {; } else if (installedweapon2 == 10) {; } else if (installedweapon2 == 12) {; } else if ((mgunammo > 0) && (installedweapon2 == 13)) {;; } } u = random(3); if (u && (hdistance < 100)) { if ((missileammo > 0) && (installedweapon == 1)) {; } else if ((hmissileammo > 0) && (installedweapon == 2)) {; } else if ((longlaserammo > 0) && (installedweapon == 3)) {; } else if ((napalmammo > 0) && (installedweapon == 4)) {; } else if ((plasmaammo > 0) && (installedweapon == 5)) {; } else if ((rocketammo > 0) && (installedweapon == 6)) {;; } else if ((multirocketammo > 0) && (installedweapon == 7)) {;; } else if ((novalaserammo > 0) && (installedweapon == 9)) {; } else if (installedweapon == 10) {; } else if (installedweapon == 12) {; } else if ((mgunammo > 0) && (installedweapon == 13)) {;; } } } } if (danger == 1) { dangertimer++; if (dangertimer == 1) { q = random(2); if ((q == 0) && ((_x + 50) < 471)) { dangeraction = "r"; } else if ((_x - 50) > 0) { dangeraction = "l"; } } actionh = dangeraction; if (dangertimer > dangerperiod) { danger = 0; dangertimer = 0; } if ((planewarpammo > 0) && ((installedweapon == 8) || (installedweapon2 == 8))) {; } else if ((smokescreenammo > 0) && ((installedweapon == 11) || (installedweapon2 == 11))) { uyu = random(4); if (!uyu) {; } } } } };
Symbol 538 MovieClip [Claw06 e] Frame 2
Symbol 538 MovieClip [Claw06 e] Frame 62
_root.enemiesleft--; this.unloadMovie();
Symbol 562 MovieClip [Claw07] Frame 1
available = 1; hp = 24; fullhp = 24; strafespeed = 25; minigunammo = 200; missileammo = 4; hmissileammo = 2; longlaserammo = 35; napalmammo = 50; plasmaammo = 15; rocketammo = 10; multirocketammo = 25; novalaserammo = 1; pulseammo = 15; planewarpammo = 3; smokescreenammo = 30; empammo = 10; mgunammo = 250; planemodel = "Claw07"; fulllonglaserammo = longlaserammo; fullplasmaammo = plasmaammo; fullempammo = empammo; fullpulseammo = pulseammo; maxrotation = 40; horizontalmove = 0; this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (hp <= 0) { play(); } if ((_name != "cphoenix") && (_x > -100)) { this._x = this._x - 15; } if (((!_root.pauser) && (hp > 0)) && (_name == "cphoenix")) { _x = (_x + horizontalmove); planegraphic.gotoAndStop(Math.round((det._rotation + 20) / 2)); while (this.det.hitTest(_root.leftblocker)) { _x = (_x+1); horizontalmove = 0; } while (this.det.hitTest(_root.rightblocker)) { _x = (_x-1); horizontalmove = 0; } if (Key.isDown(_root.shootkey)) { if (minigunammo > 0) {;; } } if (Key.isDown(_root.shootkey1)) { if ((missileammo > 0) && (installedweapon == 1)) {; } else if ((hmissileammo > 0) && (installedweapon == 2)) {; } else if ((longlaserammo > 0) && (installedweapon == 3)) {; } else if ((napalmammo > 0) && (installedweapon == 4)) {; } else if ((plasmaammo > 0) && (installedweapon == 5)) {; } else if ((rocketammo > 0) && (installedweapon == 6)) {;; } else if ((multirocketammo > 0) && (installedweapon == 7)) {;; } else if ((planewarpammo > 0) && (installedweapon == 8)) {; } else if ((novalaserammo > 0) && (installedweapon == 9)) {; } else if ((pulseammo > 0) && (installedweapon == 10)) {; } else if ((smokescreenammo > 0) && (installedweapon == 11)) {; } else if ((empammo > 0) && (installedweapon == 12)) {; } else if ((mgunammo > 0) && (installedweapon == 13)) {;; } else {;; } } if (Key.isDown(_root.shootkey2)) { if ((missileammo > 0) && (installedweapon2 == 1)) {; } else if ((hmissileammo > 0) && (installedweapon2 == 2)) {; } else if ((longlaserammo > 0) && (installedweapon2 == 3)) {; } else if ((napalmammo > 0) && (installedweapon2 == 4)) {; } else if ((plasmaammo > 0) && (installedweapon2 == 5)) {; } else if ((rocketammo > 0) && (installedweapon2 == 6)) {;; } else if ((multirocketammo > 0) && (installedweapon2 == 7)) {;; } else if ((planewarpammo > 0) && (installedweapon2 == 8)) {; } else if ((novalaserammo > 0) && (installedweapon2 == 9)) {; } else if ((pulseammo > 0) && (installedweapon2 == 10)) {; } else if ((smokescreenammo > 0) && (installedweapon2 == 11)) {; } else if ((empammo > 0) && (installedweapon2 == 12)) {; } else if ((mgunammo > 0) && (installedweapon2 == 13)) {;; } else {;; } } if (Key.isDown(_root.upkey)) { if (_root.fuel > 0) { _root.fuel = _root.fuel - _root.verticalspeed;; } else {; } if (_y > 80) { _y = (_y - 5); } } if (Key.isDown(_root.downkey)) { if (_y < 370) { _y = (_y + 5); } } if (Key.isDown(_root.leftkey)) { if (horizontalmove > (-strafespeed)) { horizontalmove = horizontalmove - 1; } if (det._rotation > (-maxrotation)) { det._rotation = det._rotation - 1; } } else if (Key.isDown(_root.rightkey)) { if (horizontalmove < strafespeed) { horizontalmove = horizontalmove + 1; } if (det._rotation < maxrotation) { det._rotation = det._rotation + 1; } } else { if (horizontalmove > 0) { horizontalmove--; } else if (horizontalmove < 0) { horizontalmove++; } if (det._rotation > 0) { det._rotation--; } else if (det._rotation < 0) { det._rotation++; } } if (longlaserammo <= fulllonglaserammo) { longlaserammo = longlaserammo + 0.01; } if (plasmaammo <= fullplasmaammo) { plasmaammo = plasmaammo + 0.01; } if (empammo <= fullempammo) { empammo = empammo + 0.01; } if (pulseammo <= fullpulseammo) { pulseammo = pulseammo + 0.01; } } };
Symbol 562 MovieClip [Claw07] Frame 2
Symbol 562 MovieClip [Claw07] Frame 29
available = 0;
Symbol 562 MovieClip [Claw07] Frame 103
mynumberis = _root.planeusing; _root.planeusing++; _name = ("plane" + mynumberis); _root["plane" + _root.planeusing]._name = "cphoenix"; _root.fuel = 15000; _root.battlemenu.s1.gotoAndStop(1); _root.battlemenu.s2.gotoAndStop(1); _root.cphoenix._x = _x; _root.cphoenix._y = _y; if (_root.backupsleft == 0) { _root.gotoAndPlay(_root.whichmode + "defeat"); } this.unloadMovie();
Symbol 565 MovieClip [Claw07 e] Frame 1
maxmovespeed = 20; maxverticalmove = 45; strafespeed = 25; dangerperiod = 11; hp = 24; fullhp = 24; minigunammo = 200; missileammo = 4; hmissileammo = 2; longlaserammo = 35; napalmammo = 50; plasmaammo = 15; rocketammo = 10; multirocketammo = 25; novalaserammo = 1; pulseammo = 15; planewarpammo = 3; smokescreenammo = 30; empammo = 10; mgunammo = 250; planemodel = "Claw07"; danger = 0; dangertimer = 0; dangeraction = "r"; movespeed = 0; maxrotation = 40; horizontalmove = 0; verticalmove = 0; actionh = ""; actionv = ""; timer = 0; this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (hp <= 0) { play(); } if ((!_root.pauser) && (hp > 0)) { _root.fuel = _root.fuel - 1; _x = (_x + horizontalmove); _y = (_y + verticalmove); planegraphic.gotoAndStop(Math.round((det._rotation + 20) / 2)); while (_x < 0) { _x = (_x+1); horizontalmove = 0; } while (_x > 471) { _x = (_x-1); horizontalmove = 0; } while (_y < -100) { _y = (_y+1); } while (_y > 500) { _y = (_y-1); } det._rotation = det._rotation + rotate; if (actionv == "u") { if (verticalmove > (-_root.verticalspeed)) { verticalmove--;; } } else if (actionv == "d") { if (verticalmove < _root.verticalspeed) { verticalmove++; } } else if (verticalmove < 0) { verticalmove++; } if (actionh == "l") { if (horizontalmove > (-strafespeed)) { horizontalmove = horizontalmove - 1; } if (det._rotation > (-maxrotation)) { det._rotation = det._rotation - 1; } } else if (actionh == "r") { if (horizontalmove < strafespeed) { horizontalmove = horizontalmove + 1; } if (det._rotation < maxrotation) { det._rotation = det._rotation + 1; } } else { if (horizontalmove > 0) { horizontalmove--; } else if (horizontalmove < 0) { horizontalmove++; } if (det._rotation > 0) { det._rotation--; } else if (det._rotation < 0) { det._rotation++; } } _y = (_y + movespeed); if (Key.isDown(_root.upkey) && (_root.fuel > 0)) { if (movespeed < maxmovespeed) { movespeed++; } } else if (Key.isDown(_root.downkey)) { if (movespeed > -30) { movespeed--; } } else if (movespeed > 0) { movespeed--; } else { movespeed = 0; } timer++; hdistance = _x - _root.cphoenix._x; if (hdistance < 0) { hdistance = hdistance * -1; } if (timer > 1000) { timer = 0; } if (((timer % (responsetime * (random(2) + 1))) == 0) && (!danger)) { if ((_y < _root.cphoenix._y) && ((_root.cphoenix._y - _y) < 80)) { u = random(2); if (u == 0) { actionv = "u"; } else { actionv = "d"; } } else if (_y > 450) { actionv = "u"; } else if (_y < 0) { actionv = "d"; } else if (_y > (_root.cphoenix._y + 160)) { if (_x < _root.cphoenix._x) { actionh = "r"; } else if (_x > _root.cphoenix._x) { actionh = "l"; } } else if (_y < _root.phoenix._y) { i = random(3); ((i == 0) ? ((actionv = "d")) : ((actionv = ""))); } else { q = random(4); if (q == 0) { actionh = "r"; } else if (q == 1) { actionh = "l"; } else { actionh = ""; } actionv = ""; } if ((hdistance < 40) && (_y < _root.cphoenix._y)) { q = random(2); if ((q == 0) && ((_x + 50) < 471)) { actionh = "r"; } else if ((_x - 50) > 0) { actionh = "l"; } r = random(3); if (r == 0) { actionv = "d"; } else { actionv = ""; } } if ((_y > _root.cphoenix._y) && (hdistance < 130)) { if (minigunammo > 0) {;; } u = random(3); if (u && (hdistance < 100)) { if ((missileammo > 0) && (installedweapon2 == 1)) {; } else if ((hmissileammo > 0) && (installedweapon2 == 2)) {; } else if ((longlaserammo > 0) && (installedweapon2 == 3)) {; } else if ((napalmammo > 0) && (installedweapon2 == 4)) {; } else if ((plasmaammo > 0) && (installedweapon2 == 5)) {; } else if ((rocketammo > 0) && (installedweapon2 == 6)) {;; } else if ((multirocketammo > 0) && (installedweapon2 == 7)) {;; } else if ((novalaserammo > 0) && (installedweapon2 == 9)) {; } else if (installedweapon2 == 10) {; } else if (installedweapon2 == 12) {; } else if ((mgunammo > 0) && (installedweapon2 == 13)) {;; } } u = random(3); if (u && (hdistance < 100)) { if ((missileammo > 0) && (installedweapon == 1)) {; } else if ((hmissileammo > 0) && (installedweapon == 2)) {; } else if ((longlaserammo > 0) && (installedweapon == 3)) {; } else if ((napalmammo > 0) && (installedweapon == 4)) {; } else if ((plasmaammo > 0) && (installedweapon == 5)) {; } else if ((rocketammo > 0) && (installedweapon == 6)) {;; } else if ((multirocketammo > 0) && (installedweapon == 7)) {;; } else if ((novalaserammo > 0) && (installedweapon == 9)) {; } else if (installedweapon == 10) {; } else if (installedweapon == 12) {; } else if ((mgunammo > 0) && (installedweapon == 13)) {;; } } } } if (danger == 1) { dangertimer++; if (dangertimer == 1) { q = random(2); if ((q == 0) && ((_x + 50) < 471)) { dangeraction = "r"; } else if ((_x - 50) > 0) { dangeraction = "l"; } } actionh = dangeraction; if (dangertimer > dangerperiod) { danger = 0; dangertimer = 0; } if ((planewarpammo > 0) && ((installedweapon == 8) || (installedweapon2 == 8))) {; } else if ((smokescreenammo > 0) && ((installedweapon == 11) || (installedweapon2 == 11))) { uyu = random(4); if (!uyu) {; } } } } };
Symbol 565 MovieClip [Claw07 e] Frame 2
Symbol 565 MovieClip [Claw07 e] Frame 62
_root.enemiesleft--; this.unloadMovie();
Symbol 588 MovieClip [Vishnu] Frame 1
available = 1; hp = 17; fullhp = 18; strafespeed = 18; minigunammo = 250; missileammo = 4; hmissileammo = 2; longlaserammo = 20; napalmammo = 30; plasmaammo = 20; rocketammo = 10; multirocketammo = 30; novalaserammo = 1; pulseammo = 15; planewarpammo = 2; smokescreenammo = 35; empammo = 10; mgunammo = 250; planemodel = "Vishnu"; fulllonglaserammo = longlaserammo; fullplasmaammo = plasmaammo; fullempammo = empammo; fullpulseammo = pulseammo; maxrotation = 40; horizontalmove = 0; this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (hp <= 0) { play(); } if ((_name != "cphoenix") && (_x > -100)) { this._x = this._x - 15; } if (((!_root.pauser) && (hp > 0)) && (_name == "cphoenix")) { _x = (_x + horizontalmove); planegraphic.gotoAndStop(Math.round((det._rotation + 20) / 2)); while (this.det.hitTest(_root.leftblocker)) { _x = (_x+1); horizontalmove = 0; } while (this.det.hitTest(_root.rightblocker)) { _x = (_x-1); horizontalmove = 0; } if (Key.isDown(_root.shootkey)) { if (minigunammo > 0) {;; } } if (Key.isDown(_root.shootkey1)) { if ((missileammo > 0) && (installedweapon == 1)) {; } else if ((hmissileammo > 0) && (installedweapon == 2)) {; } else if ((longlaserammo > 0) && (installedweapon == 3)) {; } else if ((napalmammo > 0) && (installedweapon == 4)) {; } else if ((plasmaammo > 0) && (installedweapon == 5)) {; } else if ((rocketammo > 0) && (installedweapon == 6)) {;; } else if ((multirocketammo > 0) && (installedweapon == 7)) {;; } else if ((planewarpammo > 0) && (installedweapon == 8)) {; } else if ((novalaserammo > 0) && (installedweapon == 9)) {; } else if ((pulseammo > 0) && (installedweapon == 10)) {; } else if ((smokescreenammo > 0) && (installedweapon == 11)) {; } else if ((empammo > 0) && (installedweapon == 12)) {; } else if ((mgunammo > 0) && (installedweapon == 13)) {;; } else {;; } } if (Key.isDown(_root.shootkey2)) { if ((missileammo > 0) && (installedweapon2 == 1)) {; } else if ((hmissileammo > 0) && (installedweapon2 == 2)) {; } else if ((longlaserammo > 0) && (installedweapon2 == 3)) {; } else if ((napalmammo > 0) && (installedweapon2 == 4)) {; } else if ((plasmaammo > 0) && (installedweapon2 == 5)) {; } else if ((rocketammo > 0) && (installedweapon2 == 6)) {;; } else if ((multirocketammo > 0) && (installedweapon2 == 7)) {;; } else if ((planewarpammo > 0) && (installedweapon2 == 8)) {; } else if ((novalaserammo > 0) && (installedweapon2 == 9)) {; } else if ((pulseammo > 0) && (installedweapon2 == 10)) {; } else if ((smokescreenammo > 0) && (installedweapon2 == 11)) {; } else if ((empammo > 0) && (installedweapon2 == 12)) {; } else if ((mgunammo > 0) && (installedweapon2 == 13)) {;; } else {;; } } if (Key.isDown(_root.upkey)) { if (_root.fuel > 0) { _root.fuel = _root.fuel - _root.verticalspeed;; } else {; } if (_y > 80) { _y = (_y - 5); } } if (Key.isDown(_root.downkey)) { if (_y < 370) { _y = (_y + 5); } } if (Key.isDown(_root.leftkey)) { if (horizontalmove > (-strafespeed)) { horizontalmove = horizontalmove - 1; } if (det._rotation > (-maxrotation)) { det._rotation = det._rotation - 1; } } else if (Key.isDown(_root.rightkey)) { if (horizontalmove < strafespeed) { horizontalmove = horizontalmove + 1; } if (det._rotation < maxrotation) { det._rotation = det._rotation + 1; } } else { if (horizontalmove > 0) { horizontalmove--; } else if (horizontalmove < 0) { horizontalmove++; } if (det._rotation > 0) { det._rotation--; } else if (det._rotation < 0) { det._rotation++; } } if (longlaserammo <= fulllonglaserammo) { longlaserammo = longlaserammo + 0.01; } if (plasmaammo <= fullplasmaammo) { plasmaammo = plasmaammo + 0.01; } if (empammo <= fullempammo) { empammo = empammo + 0.01; } if (pulseammo <= fullpulseammo) { pulseammo = pulseammo + 0.01; } } };
Symbol 588 MovieClip [Vishnu] Frame 2
Symbol 588 MovieClip [Vishnu] Frame 29
available = 0;
Symbol 588 MovieClip [Vishnu] Frame 103
mynumberis = _root.planeusing; _root.planeusing++; _name = ("plane" + mynumberis); _root["plane" + _root.planeusing]._name = "cphoenix"; _root.fuel = 15000; _root.battlemenu.s1.gotoAndStop(1); _root.battlemenu.s2.gotoAndStop(1); _root.cphoenix._x = _x; _root.cphoenix._y = _y; if (_root.backupsleft == 0) { _root.gotoAndPlay(_root.whichmode + "defeat"); } this.unloadMovie();
Symbol 591 MovieClip [Vishnu e] Frame 1
maxmovespeed = 20; maxverticalmove = 45; strafespeed = 18; dangerperiod = 13; hp = 18; fullhp = 18; minigunammo = 250; missileammo = 4; hmissileammo = 2; longlaserammo = 20; napalmammo = 30; plasmaammo = 20; rocketammo = 10; multirocketammo = 30; novalaserammo = 1; pulseammo = 15; planewarpammo = 2; smokescreenammo = 35; empammo = 10; mgunammo = 250; planemodel = "Vishnu"; danger = 0; dangertimer = 0; dangeraction = "r"; movespeed = 0; maxrotation = 40; horizontalmove = 0; verticalmove = 0; actionh = ""; actionv = ""; timer = 0; this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (hp <= 0) { play(); } if ((!_root.pauser) && (hp > 0)) { _root.fuel = _root.fuel - 1; _x = (_x + horizontalmove); _y = (_y + verticalmove); planegraphic.gotoAndStop(Math.round((det._rotation + 20) / 2)); while (_x < 0) { _x = (_x+1); horizontalmove = 0; } while (_x > 471) { _x = (_x-1); horizontalmove = 0; } while (_y < -100) { _y = (_y+1); } while (_y > 500) { _y = (_y-1); } det._rotation = det._rotation + rotate; if (actionv == "u") { if (verticalmove > (-_root.verticalspeed)) { verticalmove--;; } } else if (actionv == "d") { if (verticalmove < _root.verticalspeed) { verticalmove++; } } else if (verticalmove < 0) { verticalmove++; } if (actionh == "l") { if (horizontalmove > (-strafespeed)) { horizontalmove = horizontalmove - 1; } if (det._rotation > (-maxrotation)) { det._rotation = det._rotation - 1; } } else if (actionh == "r") { if (horizontalmove < strafespeed) { horizontalmove = horizontalmove + 1; } if (det._rotation < maxrotation) { det._rotation = det._rotation + 1; } } else { if (horizontalmove > 0) { horizontalmove--; } else if (horizontalmove < 0) { horizontalmove++; } if (det._rotation > 0) { det._rotation--; } else if (det._rotation < 0) { det._rotation++; } } _y = (_y + movespeed); if (Key.isDown(_root.upkey) && (_root.fuel > 0)) { if (movespeed < maxmovespeed) { movespeed++; } } else if (Key.isDown(_root.downkey)) { if (movespeed > -30) { movespeed--; } } else if (movespeed > 0) { movespeed--; } else { movespeed = 0; } timer++; hdistance = _x - _root.cphoenix._x; if (hdistance < 0) { hdistance = hdistance * -1; } if (timer > 1000) { timer = 0; } if (((timer % (responsetime * (random(2) + 1))) == 0) && (!danger)) { if ((_y < _root.cphoenix._y) && ((_root.cphoenix._y - _y) < 80)) { u = random(2); if (u == 0) { actionv = "u"; } else { actionv = "d"; } } else if (_y > 450) { actionv = "u"; } else if (_y < 0) { actionv = "d"; } else if (_y > (_root.cphoenix._y + 160)) { if (_x < _root.cphoenix._x) { actionh = "r"; } else if (_x > _root.cphoenix._x) { actionh = "l"; } } else if (_y < _root.phoenix._y) { i = random(3); ((i == 0) ? ((actionv = "d")) : ((actionv = ""))); } else { q = random(4); if (q == 0) { actionh = "r"; } else if (q == 1) { actionh = "l"; } else { actionh = ""; } actionv = ""; } if ((hdistance < 40) && (_y < _root.cphoenix._y)) { q = random(2); if ((q == 0) && ((_x + 50) < 471)) { actionh = "r"; } else if ((_x - 50) > 0) { actionh = "l"; } r = random(3); if (r == 0) { actionv = "d"; } else { actionv = ""; } } if ((_y > _root.cphoenix._y) && (hdistance < 130)) { if (minigunammo > 0) {;; } u = random(3); if (u && (hdistance < 100)) { if ((missileammo > 0) && (installedweapon2 == 1)) {; } else if ((hmissileammo > 0) && (installedweapon2 == 2)) {; } else if ((longlaserammo > 0) && (installedweapon2 == 3)) {; } else if ((napalmammo > 0) && (installedweapon2 == 4)) {; } else if ((plasmaammo > 0) && (installedweapon2 == 5)) {; } else if ((rocketammo > 0) && (installedweapon2 == 6)) {;; } else if ((multirocketammo > 0) && (installedweapon2 == 7)) {;; } else if ((novalaserammo > 0) && (installedweapon2 == 9)) {; } else if (installedweapon2 == 10) {; } else if (installedweapon2 == 12) {; } else if ((mgunammo > 0) && (installedweapon2 == 13)) {;; } } u = random(3); if (u && (hdistance < 100)) { if ((missileammo > 0) && (installedweapon == 1)) {; } else if ((hmissileammo > 0) && (installedweapon == 2)) {; } else if ((longlaserammo > 0) && (installedweapon == 3)) {; } else if ((napalmammo > 0) && (installedweapon == 4)) {; } else if ((plasmaammo > 0) && (installedweapon == 5)) {; } else if ((rocketammo > 0) && (installedweapon == 6)) {;; } else if ((multirocketammo > 0) && (installedweapon == 7)) {;; } else if ((novalaserammo > 0) && (installedweapon == 9)) {; } else if (installedweapon == 10) {; } else if (installedweapon == 12) {; } else if ((mgunammo > 0) && (installedweapon == 13)) {;; } } } } if (danger == 1) { dangertimer++; if (dangertimer == 1) { q = random(2); if ((q == 0) && ((_x + 50) < 471)) { dangeraction = "r"; } else if ((_x - 50) > 0) { dangeraction = "l"; } } actionh = dangeraction; if (dangertimer > dangerperiod) { danger = 0; dangertimer = 0; } if ((planewarpammo > 0) && ((installedweapon == 8) || (installedweapon2 == 8))) {; } else if ((smokescreenammo > 0) && ((installedweapon == 11) || (installedweapon2 == 11))) { uyu = random(4); if (!uyu) {; } } } } };
Symbol 591 MovieClip [Vishnu e] Frame 2
Symbol 591 MovieClip [Vishnu e] Frame 62
_root.enemiesleft--; this.unloadMovie();
Symbol 615 MovieClip [Fheat] Frame 1
available = 1; hp = 25; fullhp = 25; strafespeed = 30; mgunammo = 300; missileammo = 4; minigunammo = 200; longlaserammo = 10; napalmammo = 50; plasmaammo = 30; rocketammo = 35; multirocketammo = 35; novalaserammo = 1; planewarpammo = 2; smokescreenammo = 40; empammo = 10; hmissileammo = 2; pulseammo = 20; planemodel = "Fheat"; fulllonglaserammo = longlaserammo; fullplasmaammo = plasmaammo; fullempammo = empammo; fullpulseammo = pulseammo; maxrotation = 40; horizontalmove = 0; this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (hp <= 0) { play(); } if ((_name != "cphoenix") && (_x > -100)) { this._x = this._x - 15; } if (((!_root.pauser) && (hp > 0)) && (_name == "cphoenix")) { _x = (_x + horizontalmove); planegraphic.gotoAndStop(Math.round((det._rotation + 20) / 2)); while (this.det.hitTest(_root.leftblocker)) { _x = (_x+1); horizontalmove = 0; } while (this.det.hitTest(_root.rightblocker)) { _x = (_x-1); horizontalmove = 0; } if (Key.isDown(_root.shootkey)) { if (minigunammo > 0) {;; } } if (Key.isDown(_root.shootkey1)) { if ((missileammo > 0) && (installedweapon == 1)) {; } else if ((hmissileammo > 0) && (installedweapon == 2)) {; } else if ((longlaserammo > 0) && (installedweapon == 3)) {; } else if ((napalmammo > 0) && (installedweapon == 4)) {; } else if ((plasmaammo > 0) && (installedweapon == 5)) {; } else if ((rocketammo > 0) && (installedweapon == 6)) {;; } else if ((multirocketammo > 0) && (installedweapon == 7)) {;; } else if ((planewarpammo > 0) && (installedweapon == 8)) {; } else if ((novalaserammo > 0) && (installedweapon == 9)) {; } else if ((pulseammo > 0) && (installedweapon == 10)) {; } else if ((smokescreenammo > 0) && (installedweapon == 11)) {; } else if ((empammo > 0) && (installedweapon == 12)) {; } else if ((mgunammo > 0) && (installedweapon == 13)) {;; } else {;; } } if (Key.isDown(_root.shootkey2)) { if ((missileammo > 0) && (installedweapon2 == 1)) {; } else if ((hmissileammo > 0) && (installedweapon2 == 2)) {; } else if ((longlaserammo > 0) && (installedweapon2 == 3)) {; } else if ((napalmammo > 0) && (installedweapon2 == 4)) {; } else if ((plasmaammo > 0) && (installedweapon2 == 5)) {; } else if ((rocketammo > 0) && (installedweapon2 == 6)) {;; } else if ((multirocketammo > 0) && (installedweapon2 == 7)) {;; } else if ((planewarpammo > 0) && (installedweapon2 == 8)) {; } else if ((novalaserammo > 0) && (installedweapon2 == 9)) {; } else if ((pulseammo > 0) && (installedweapon2 == 10)) {; } else if ((smokescreenammo > 0) && (installedweapon2 == 11)) {; } else if ((empammo > 0) && (installedweapon2 == 12)) {; } else if ((mgunammo > 0) && (installedweapon2 == 13)) {;; } else {;; } } if (Key.isDown(_root.upkey)) { if (_root.fuel > 0) { _root.fuel = _root.fuel - _root.verticalspeed;; } else {; } if (_y > 80) { _y = (_y - 5); } } if (Key.isDown(_root.downkey)) { if (_y < 370) { _y = (_y + 5); } } if (Key.isDown(_root.leftkey)) { if (horizontalmove > (-strafespeed)) { horizontalmove = horizontalmove - 1; } if (det._rotation > (-maxrotation)) { det._rotation = det._rotation - 1; } } else if (Key.isDown(_root.rightkey)) { if (horizontalmove < strafespeed) { horizontalmove = horizontalmove + 1; } if (det._rotation < maxrotation) { det._rotation = det._rotation + 1; } } else { if (horizontalmove > 0) { horizontalmove--; } else if (horizontalmove < 0) { horizontalmove++; } if (det._rotation > 0) { det._rotation--; } else if (det._rotation < 0) { det._rotation++; } } if (longlaserammo <= fulllonglaserammo) { longlaserammo = longlaserammo + 0.01; } if (plasmaammo <= fullplasmaammo) { plasmaammo = plasmaammo + 0.01; } if (empammo <= fullempammo) { empammo = empammo + 0.01; } if (pulseammo <= fullpulseammo) { pulseammo = pulseammo + 0.01; } } };
Symbol 615 MovieClip [Fheat] Frame 2
Symbol 615 MovieClip [Fheat] Frame 29
available = 0;
Symbol 615 MovieClip [Fheat] Frame 103
mynumberis = _root.planeusing; _root.planeusing++; _name = ("plane" + mynumberis); _root["plane" + _root.planeusing]._name = "cphoenix"; _root.fuel = 15000; _root.battlemenu.s1.gotoAndStop(1); _root.battlemenu.s2.gotoAndStop(1); _root.cphoenix._x = _x; _root.cphoenix._y = _y; if (_root.backupsleft == 0) { _root.gotoAndPlay(_root.whichmode + "defeat"); } this.unloadMovie();
Symbol 618 MovieClip [Fheat e] Frame 1
maxmovespeed = 20; maxverticalmove = 50; strafespeed = 30; dangerperiod = 11; mgunammo = 300; missileammo = 4; minigunammo = 200; longlaserammo = 5; napalmammo = 50; plasmaammo = 200; rocketammo = 35; multirocketammo = 35; novalaserammo = 1; planewarpammo = 2; smokescreenammo = 40; empammo = 10; hmissileammo = 2; hp = 25; fullhp = 25; planemodel = "Fheat"; danger = 0; dangertimer = 0; dangeraction = "r"; movespeed = 0; maxrotation = 40; horizontalmove = 0; verticalmove = 0; actionh = ""; actionv = ""; timer = 0; this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (hp <= 0) { play(); } if ((!_root.pauser) && (hp > 0)) { _root.fuel = _root.fuel - 1; _x = (_x + horizontalmove); _y = (_y + verticalmove); planegraphic.gotoAndStop(Math.round((det._rotation + 20) / 2)); while (_x < 0) { _x = (_x+1); horizontalmove = 0; } while (_x > 471) { _x = (_x-1); horizontalmove = 0; } while (_y < -100) { _y = (_y+1); } while (_y > 500) { _y = (_y-1); } det._rotation = det._rotation + rotate; if (actionv == "u") { if (verticalmove > (-_root.verticalspeed)) { verticalmove--;; } } else if (actionv == "d") { if (verticalmove < _root.verticalspeed) { verticalmove++; } } else if (verticalmove < 0) { verticalmove++; } if (actionh == "l") { if (horizontalmove > (-strafespeed)) { horizontalmove = horizontalmove - 1; } if (det._rotation > (-maxrotation)) { det._rotation = det._rotation - 1; } } else if (actionh == "r") { if (horizontalmove < strafespeed) { horizontalmove = horizontalmove + 1; } if (det._rotation < maxrotation) { det._rotation = det._rotation + 1; } } else { if (horizontalmove > 0) { horizontalmove--; } else if (horizontalmove < 0) { horizontalmove++; } if (det._rotation > 0) { det._rotation--; } else if (det._rotation < 0) { det._rotation++; } } _y = (_y + movespeed); if (Key.isDown(_root.upkey) && (_root.fuel > 0)) { if (movespeed < maxmovespeed) { movespeed++; } } else if (Key.isDown(_root.downkey)) { if (movespeed > -30) { movespeed--; } } else if (movespeed > 0) { movespeed--; } else { movespeed = 0; } timer++; hdistance = _x - _root.cphoenix._x; if (hdistance < 0) { hdistance = hdistance * -1; } if (timer > 1000) { timer = 0; } if (((timer % (responsetime * (random(2) + 1))) == 0) && (!danger)) { if ((_y < _root.cphoenix._y) && ((_root.cphoenix._y - _y) < 80)) { u = random(2); if (u == 0) { actionv = "u"; } else { actionv = "d"; } } else if (_y > 450) { actionv = "u"; } else if (_y < 0) { actionv = "d"; } else if (_y > (_root.cphoenix._y + 160)) { if (_x < _root.cphoenix._x) { actionh = "r"; } else if (_x > _root.cphoenix._x) { actionh = "l"; } } else if (_y < _root.phoenix._y) { i = random(3); ((i == 0) ? ((actionv = "d")) : ((actionv = ""))); } else { q = random(4); if (q == 0) { actionh = "r"; } else if (q == 1) { actionh = "l"; } else { actionh = ""; } actionv = ""; } if ((hdistance < 40) && (_y < _root.cphoenix._y)) { q = random(2); if ((q == 0) && ((_x + 50) < 471)) { actionh = "r"; } else if ((_x - 50) > 0) { actionh = "l"; } r = random(3); if (r == 0) { actionv = "d"; } else { actionv = ""; } } if ((_y > _root.cphoenix._y) && (hdistance < 130)) { if (minigunammo > 0) {;; } u = random(3); if (u && (hdistance < 100)) { if ((missileammo > 0) && (installedweapon2 == 1)) {; } else if ((hmissileammo > 0) && (installedweapon2 == 2)) {; } else if ((longlaserammo > 0) && (installedweapon2 == 3)) {; } else if ((napalmammo > 0) && (installedweapon2 == 4)) {; } else if ((plasmaammo > 0) && (installedweapon2 == 5)) {; } else if ((rocketammo > 0) && (installedweapon2 == 6)) {;; } else if ((multirocketammo > 0) && (installedweapon2 == 7)) {;; } else if ((novalaserammo > 0) && (installedweapon2 == 9)) {; } else if (installedweapon2 == 10) {; } else if (installedweapon2 == 12) {; } else if ((mgunammo > 0) && (installedweapon2 == 13)) {;; } } u = random(3); if (u && (hdistance < 100)) { if ((missileammo > 0) && (installedweapon == 1)) {; } else if ((hmissileammo > 0) && (installedweapon == 2)) {; } else if ((longlaserammo > 0) && (installedweapon == 3)) {; } else if ((napalmammo > 0) && (installedweapon == 4)) {; } else if ((plasmaammo > 0) && (installedweapon == 5)) {; } else if ((rocketammo > 0) && (installedweapon == 6)) {;; } else if ((multirocketammo > 0) && (installedweapon == 7)) {;; } else if ((novalaserammo > 0) && (installedweapon == 9)) {; } else if (installedweapon == 10) {; } else if (installedweapon == 12) {; } else if ((mgunammo > 0) && (installedweapon == 13)) {;; } } } } if (danger == 1) { dangertimer++; if (dangertimer == 1) { q = random(2); if ((q == 0) && ((_x + 50) < 471)) { dangeraction = "r"; } else if ((_x - 50) > 0) { dangeraction = "l"; } } actionh = dangeraction; if (dangertimer > dangerperiod) { danger = 0; dangertimer = 0; } if ((planewarpammo > 0) && ((installedweapon == 8) || (installedweapon2 == 8))) {; } else if ((smokescreenammo > 0) && ((installedweapon == 11) || (installedweapon2 == 11))) { uyu = random(4); if (!uyu) {; } } } } };
Symbol 618 MovieClip [Fheat e] Frame 2
Symbol 618 MovieClip [Fheat e] Frame 62
_root.enemiesleft--; this.unloadMovie();
Symbol 642 MovieClip [Midas] Frame 1
available = 1; hp = 25; fullhp = 25; strafespeed = 30; mgunammo = 300; missileammo = 4; minigunammo = 200; longlaserammo = 10; napalmammo = 40; plasmaammo = 30; rocketammo = 35; multirocketammo = 40; novalaserammo = 1; planewarpammo = 2; smokescreenammo = 40; empammo = 10; hmissileammo = 2; pulseammo = 20; planemodel = "Midas"; fulllonglaserammo = longlaserammo; fullplasmaammo = plasmaammo; fullempammo = empammo; fullpulseammo = pulseammo; maxrotation = 40; horizontalmove = 0; this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (hp <= 0) { play(); } if ((_name != "cphoenix") && (_x > -100)) { this._x = this._x - 15; } if (((!_root.pauser) && (hp > 0)) && (_name == "cphoenix")) { _x = (_x + horizontalmove); planegraphic.gotoAndStop(Math.round((det._rotation + 20) / 2)); while (this.det.hitTest(_root.leftblocker)) { _x = (_x+1); horizontalmove = 0; } while (this.det.hitTest(_root.rightblocker)) { _x = (_x-1); horizontalmove = 0; } if (Key.isDown(_root.shootkey)) { if (minigunammo > 0) {;; } } if (Key.isDown(_root.shootkey1)) { if ((missileammo > 0) && (installedweapon == 1)) {; } else if ((hmissileammo > 0) && (installedweapon == 2)) {; } else if ((longlaserammo > 0) && (installedweapon == 3)) {; } else if ((napalmammo > 0) && (installedweapon == 4)) {; } else if ((plasmaammo > 0) && (installedweapon == 5)) {; } else if ((rocketammo > 0) && (installedweapon == 6)) {;; } else if ((multirocketammo > 0) && (installedweapon == 7)) {;; } else if ((planewarpammo > 0) && (installedweapon == 8)) {; } else if ((novalaserammo > 0) && (installedweapon == 9)) {; } else if ((pulseammo > 0) && (installedweapon == 10)) {; } else if ((smokescreenammo > 0) && (installedweapon == 11)) {; } else if ((empammo > 0) && (installedweapon == 12)) {; } else if ((mgunammo > 0) && (installedweapon == 13)) {;; } else {;; } } if (Key.isDown(_root.shootkey2)) { if ((missileammo > 0) && (installedweapon2 == 1)) {; } else if ((hmissileammo > 0) && (installedweapon2 == 2)) {; } else if ((longlaserammo > 0) && (installedweapon2 == 3)) {; } else if ((napalmammo > 0) && (installedweapon2 == 4)) {; } else if ((plasmaammo > 0) && (installedweapon2 == 5)) {; } else if ((rocketammo > 0) && (installedweapon2 == 6)) {;; } else if ((multirocketammo > 0) && (installedweapon2 == 7)) {;; } else if ((planewarpammo > 0) && (installedweapon2 == 8)) {; } else if ((novalaserammo > 0) && (installedweapon2 == 9)) {; } else if ((pulseammo > 0) && (installedweapon2 == 10)) {; } else if ((smokescreenammo > 0) && (installedweapon2 == 11)) {; } else if ((empammo > 0) && (installedweapon2 == 12)) {; } else if ((mgunammo > 0) && (installedweapon2 == 13)) {;; } else {;; } } if (Key.isDown(_root.upkey)) { if (_root.fuel > 0) { _root.fuel = _root.fuel - _root.verticalspeed;; } else {; } if (_y > 80) { _y = (_y - 5); } } if (Key.isDown(_root.downkey)) { if (_y < 370) { _y = (_y + 5); } } if (Key.isDown(_root.leftkey)) { if (horizontalmove > (-strafespeed)) { horizontalmove = horizontalmove - 1; } if (det._rotation > (-maxrotation)) { det._rotation = det._rotation - 1; } } else if (Key.isDown(_root.rightkey)) { if (horizontalmove < strafespeed) { horizontalmove = horizontalmove + 1; } if (det._rotation < maxrotation) { det._rotation = det._rotation + 1; } } else { if (horizontalmove > 0) { horizontalmove--; } else if (horizontalmove < 0) { horizontalmove++; } if (det._rotation > 0) { det._rotation--; } else if (det._rotation < 0) { det._rotation++; } } if (longlaserammo <= fulllonglaserammo) { longlaserammo = longlaserammo + 0.01; } if (plasmaammo <= fullplasmaammo) { plasmaammo = plasmaammo + 0.01; } if (empammo <= fullempammo) { empammo = empammo + 0.01; } if (pulseammo <= fullpulseammo) { pulseammo = pulseammo + 0.01; } } };
Symbol 642 MovieClip [Midas] Frame 2
Symbol 642 MovieClip [Midas] Frame 31
available = 0;
Symbol 642 MovieClip [Midas] Frame 103
mynumberis = _root.planeusing; _root.planeusing++; _name = ("plane" + mynumberis); _root["plane" + _root.planeusing]._name = "cphoenix"; _root.fuel = 15000; _root.battlemenu.s1.gotoAndStop(1); _root.battlemenu.s2.gotoAndStop(1); _root.cphoenix._x = _x; _root.cphoenix._y = _y; if (_root.backupsleft == 0) { _root.gotoAndPlay(_root.whichmode + "defeat"); } this.unloadMovie();
Symbol 645 MovieClip [Midas e] Frame 1
maxmovespeed = 20; maxverticalmove = 50; strafespeed = 30; dangerperiod = 11; mgunammo = 300; missileammo = 4; minigunammo = 200; longlaserammo = 5; napalmammo = 40; plasmaammo = 200; rocketammo = 35; multirocketammo = 40; novalaserammo = 1; planewarpammo = 2; smokescreenammo = 40; empammo = 10; hmissileammo = 2; hp = 25; fullhp = 25; planemodel = "Midas"; danger = 0; dangertimer = 0; dangeraction = "r"; movespeed = 0; maxrotation = 40; horizontalmove = 0; verticalmove = 0; actionh = ""; actionv = ""; timer = 0; this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (hp <= 0) { play(); } if ((!_root.pauser) && (hp > 0)) { _root.fuel = _root.fuel - 1; _x = (_x + horizontalmove); _y = (_y + verticalmove); planegraphic.gotoAndStop(Math.round((det._rotation + 20) / 2)); while (_x < 0) { _x = (_x+1); horizontalmove = 0; } while (_x > 471) { _x = (_x-1); horizontalmove = 0; } while (_y < -100) { _y = (_y+1); } while (_y > 500) { _y = (_y-1); } det._rotation = det._rotation + rotate; if (actionv == "u") { if (verticalmove > (-_root.verticalspeed)) { verticalmove--;; } } else if (actionv == "d") { if (verticalmove < _root.verticalspeed) { verticalmove++; } } else if (verticalmove < 0) { verticalmove++; } if (actionh == "l") { if (horizontalmove > (-strafespeed)) { horizontalmove = horizontalmove - 1; } if (det._rotation > (-maxrotation)) { det._rotation = det._rotation - 1; } } else if (actionh == "r") { if (horizontalmove < strafespeed) { horizontalmove = horizontalmove + 1; } if (det._rotation < maxrotation) { det._rotation = det._rotation + 1; } } else { if (horizontalmove > 0) { horizontalmove--; } else if (horizontalmove < 0) { horizontalmove++; } if (det._rotation > 0) { det._rotation--; } else if (det._rotation < 0) { det._rotation++; } } _y = (_y + movespeed); if (Key.isDown(_root.upkey) && (_root.fuel > 0)) { if (movespeed < maxmovespeed) { movespeed++; } } else if (Key.isDown(_root.downkey)) { if (movespeed > -30) { movespeed--; } } else if (movespeed > 0) { movespeed--; } else { movespeed = 0; } timer++; hdistance = _x - _root.cphoenix._x; if (hdistance < 0) { hdistance = hdistance * -1; } if (timer > 1000) { timer = 0; } if (((timer % (responsetime * (random(2) + 1))) == 0) && (!danger)) { if ((_y < _root.cphoenix._y) && ((_root.cphoenix._y - _y) < 80)) { u = random(2); if (u == 0) { actionv = "u"; } else { actionv = "d"; } } else if (_y > 450) { actionv = "u"; } else if (_y < 0) { actionv = "d"; } else if (_y > (_root.cphoenix._y + 160)) { if (_x < _root.cphoenix._x) { actionh = "r"; } else if (_x > _root.cphoenix._x) { actionh = "l"; } } else if (_y < _root.phoenix._y) { i = random(3); ((i == 0) ? ((actionv = "d")) : ((actionv = ""))); } else { q = random(4); if (q == 0) { actionh = "r"; } else if (q == 1) { actionh = "l"; } else { actionh = ""; } actionv = ""; } if ((hdistance < 40) && (_y < _root.cphoenix._y)) { q = random(2); if ((q == 0) && ((_x + 50) < 471)) { actionh = "r"; } else if ((_x - 50) > 0) { actionh = "l"; } r = random(3); if (r == 0) { actionv = "d"; } else { actionv = ""; } } if ((_y > _root.cphoenix._y) && (hdistance < 130)) { if (minigunammo > 0) {;; } u = random(3); if (u && (hdistance < 100)) { if ((missileammo > 0) && (installedweapon2 == 1)) {; } else if ((hmissileammo > 0) && (installedweapon2 == 2)) {; } else if ((longlaserammo > 0) && (installedweapon2 == 3)) {; } else if ((napalmammo > 0) && (installedweapon2 == 4)) {; } else if ((plasmaammo > 0) && (installedweapon2 == 5)) {; } else if ((rocketammo > 0) && (installedweapon2 == 6)) {;; } else if ((multirocketammo > 0) && (installedweapon2 == 7)) {;; } else if ((novalaserammo > 0) && (installedweapon2 == 9)) {; } else if (installedweapon2 == 10) {; } else if (installedweapon2 == 12) {; } else if ((mgunammo > 0) && (installedweapon2 == 13)) {;; } } u = random(3); if (u && (hdistance < 100)) { if ((missileammo > 0) && (installedweapon == 1)) {; } else if ((hmissileammo > 0) && (installedweapon == 2)) {; } else if ((longlaserammo > 0) && (installedweapon == 3)) {; } else if ((napalmammo > 0) && (installedweapon == 4)) {; } else if ((plasmaammo > 0) && (installedweapon == 5)) {; } else if ((rocketammo > 0) && (installedweapon == 6)) {;; } else if ((multirocketammo > 0) && (installedweapon == 7)) {;; } else if ((novalaserammo > 0) && (installedweapon == 9)) {; } else if (installedweapon == 10) {; } else if (installedweapon == 12) {; } else if ((mgunammo > 0) && (installedweapon == 13)) {;; } } } } if (danger == 1) { dangertimer++; if (dangertimer == 1) { q = random(2); if ((q == 0) && ((_x + 50) < 471)) { dangeraction = "r"; } else if ((_x - 50) > 0) { dangeraction = "l"; } } actionh = dangeraction; if (dangertimer > dangerperiod) { danger = 0; dangertimer = 0; } if ((planewarpammo > 0) && ((installedweapon == 8) || (installedweapon2 == 8))) {; } else if ((smokescreenammo > 0) && ((installedweapon == 11) || (installedweapon2 == 11))) { uyu = random(4); if (!uyu) {; } } } } };
Symbol 645 MovieClip [Midas e] Frame 2
Symbol 645 MovieClip [Midas e] Frame 62
_root.enemiesleft--; this.unloadMovie();
Symbol 651 Button
on (press) { _global.introctr = 0; }
Symbol 655 Button
on (press) { nextFrame(); }
Symbol 660 Button
on (press) { gotoAndStop (1); }
Symbol 663 MovieClip Frame 1
_root._quality = "HIGH"; stop();
Symbol 663 MovieClip Frame 2
_root._quality == "MEDIUM"; stop();
Symbol 663 MovieClip Frame 3
_root._quality = "LOW"; stop();
Symbol 667 Button
on (press) { nextFrame(); }
Symbol 668 Button
on (press) { gotoAndStop (1); }
Symbol 669 MovieClip Frame 1
fscommand ("fullscreen", false); stop();
Symbol 669 MovieClip Frame 2
fscommand ("fullscreen", true); stop();
Symbol 673 MovieClip Frame 165;
Symbol 738 MovieClip Frame 30
Symbol 837 MovieClip Frame 93
Symbol 841 MovieClip Frame 100
if (random(2)) { gotoAndPlay (1); }
Symbol 844 MovieClip Frame 120
if (random(2)) { gotoAndPlay (1); }
Symbol 847 MovieClip Frame 130
if (random(2)) { gotoAndPlay (1); }
Symbol 850 MovieClip Frame 90
if (random(2)) { gotoAndPlay (1); }
Symbol 876 MovieClip Frame 10
if (random(2)) { gotoAndPlay (1); }
Symbol 882 MovieClip Frame 6
if (random(3) == 1) { gotoAndPlay (1); }
Symbol 883 MovieClip Frame 8
Symbol 1694 MovieClip Frame 58
Symbol 1713 MovieClip Frame 8
Symbol 1721 MovieClip Frame 8
Symbol 1734 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 1739 Button
on (release) { play(); }
Symbol 1779 Button
on (release) { _root.gotoAndPlay("starttutorial"); } on (rollOver) { _root.indi.gotoAndStop(5); }
Symbol 1780 Button
on (release) { play(); } on (rollOver) { _root.indi.gotoAndStop(8); }
Symbol 1781 Button
on (rollOver) { _root.indi.gotoAndStop(9); } on (release) { gotoAndPlay ("supercredits"); }
Symbol 1782 Button
on (release) { getURL ("", "_blank"); } on (rollOver) { _root.indi.gotoAndStop(10); }
Symbol 1783 Button
on (release) { _root.gotoAndPlay("menustartgame"); } on (rollOver) { _root.indi.gotoAndStop(6); }
Symbol 1784 Button
on (release) { _root.gotoAndPlay("menugallery"); } on (rollOver) { _root.indi.gotoAndStop(7); }
Symbol 1796 MovieClip Frame 4
Symbol 1808 Button
on (release) { if (_root._quality == "HIGH") { _root._quality = "MEDIUM"; } else if (_root._quality == "MEDIUM") { _root._quality = "LOW"; } else if (_root._quality == "LOW") { _root._quality = "HIGH"; } }
Symbol 1817 Button
on (release) { _root.gotoAndPlay("gallerycharacters"); }
Symbol 1818 Button
on (release) { _root.gotoAndPlay("galleryaircraft"); }
Symbol 1832 Button
on (release) { nextFrame(); }
Symbol 1839 Button
on (release) { prevFrame(); }
Symbol 1913 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 1957 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 1972 Button
on (release) { _root.gotoAndPlay("menuneworload"); } on (rollOver) { indi.gotoAndStop(2); }
Symbol 1973 Button
on (rollOver) { indi.gotoAndStop(3); } on (release) { _root.gotoAndPlay("startarcadegame"); }
Symbol 1974 Button
on (release) { _root.gotoAndPlay("startcustomgame"); } on (rollOver) { indi.gotoAndStop(4); }
Symbol 1975 Button
on (release) { _root.winningstreak = 0; _root.gotoAndPlay("startoneonone"); } on (rollOver) { indi.gotoAndStop(5); }
Symbol 1982 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 1984 Button
on (release) { _root.campaignnumber = 1; _root.gotoAndPlay("startcampaign"); }
Symbol 1986 Button
on (release) { if (_root.campaignnumber != 1) { _root.gotoAndPlay("startcampaign"); } }
Symbol 1992 Button
on (release) {; }
Symbol 1994 Button
on (release) {; }
Symbol 2069 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop ("minigun"); }
Symbol 2070 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop ("missiles"); }
Symbol 2071 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop ("hmissiles"); }
Symbol 2072 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop ("longlaser"); }
Symbol 2073 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop ("napalm"); }
Symbol 2074 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop ("starbeam"); }
Symbol 2075 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop ("doublerockets"); }
Symbol 2076 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop ("multirockets"); }
Symbol 2077 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop ("planecloak"); }
Symbol 2078 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop ("novalaser"); }
Symbol 2079 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop ("pulselaser"); }
Symbol 2080 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop ("smokescreen"); }
Symbol 2081 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop ("empcannon"); }
Symbol 2082 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop ("vulcan"); }
Symbol 2877 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 2880 Button
on (release) { play(); }
Symbol 2885 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 2885 MovieClip Frame 6
Symbol 2950 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 2955 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 2955 MovieClip Frame 6
Symbol 2956 Button
on (release) { gotoAndPlay (1412); }
Symbol 2963 Button
on (rollOver) { tk.gotoAndStop(2); } on (rollOut) { tk.gotoAndStop(1); }
Symbol 2964 Button
on (rollOver) { tk.gotoAndStop(3); } on (rollOut) { tk.gotoAndStop(1); }
Symbol 2965 Button
on (rollOver) { tk.gotoAndStop(4); } on (rollOut) { tk.gotoAndStop(1); }
Symbol 2966 Button
on (rollOver) { tk.gotoAndStop(5); } on (rollOut) { tk.gotoAndStop(1); }
Symbol 2967 Button
on (rollOver) { tk.gotoAndStop(6); } on (rollOut) { tk.gotoAndStop(1); }
Symbol 2968 Button
on (rollOver) { tk.gotoAndStop(7); } on (rollOut) { tk.gotoAndStop(1); }
Symbol 2969 Button
on (rollOver) { tk.gotoAndStop(8); } on (rollOut) { tk.gotoAndStop(1); }
Symbol 2985 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 3022 Button
on (release) { cphoenixweapon = plane1weapon1; cphoenixweapon2 = plane1weapon2; planemodel = plane1model; pilot = plane1pilot; verticalspeed = plane1vspeed; maxverticalspeed = plane1maxvspeed;; }
Symbol 3024 Button
on (release) { gotoAndPlay (1412); }
Symbol 3067 Button
on (release) { nextFrame(); }
Symbol 3068 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (31); }
Symbol 3070 Button
on (release) { prevFrame(); }
Symbol 3100 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (1); }
Symbol 3101 MovieClip Frame 1
thepilot = "Hassan";
Symbol 3101 MovieClip Frame 2
thepilot = "Michael Chow";
Symbol 3101 MovieClip Frame 3
thepilot = "Chikara";
Symbol 3101 MovieClip Frame 4
thepilot = "Zero D";
Symbol 3101 MovieClip Frame 5
thepilot = "Sheila";
Symbol 3101 MovieClip Frame 6
thepilot = "Evalot";
Symbol 3101 MovieClip Frame 7
thepilot = "Simic";
Symbol 3101 MovieClip Frame 8
thepilot = "Auxmenn";
Symbol 3101 MovieClip Frame 9
thepilot = "Schneider";
Symbol 3101 MovieClip Frame 10
thepilot = "Brocken";
Symbol 3101 MovieClip Frame 11
thepilot = "Rafon";
Symbol 3101 MovieClip Frame 12
thepilot = "Gina Maroth";
Symbol 3101 MovieClip Frame 13
thepilot = "Jonathan Wood";
Symbol 3101 MovieClip Frame 14
thepilot = "McGorse";
Symbol 3101 MovieClip Frame 15
thepilot = "General Torus";
Symbol 3101 MovieClip Frame 16
thepilot = "Lee Ann";
Symbol 3101 MovieClip Frame 17
thepilot = "Aya";
Symbol 3101 MovieClip Frame 18
thepilot = "Devaraja Singh";
Symbol 3101 MovieClip Frame 19
thepilot = "General Minnaros";
Symbol 3101 MovieClip Frame 20
thepilot = "Jana";
Symbol 3101 MovieClip Frame 21
thepilot = "Caesar";
Symbol 3101 MovieClip Frame 22
thepilot = "Proto 52G";
Symbol 3101 MovieClip Frame 23
thepilot = "P167C";
Symbol 3101 MovieClip Frame 24
thepilot = "AI073";
Symbol 3101 MovieClip Frame 25
thepilot = "Ravager";
Symbol 3101 MovieClip Frame 26
thepilot = "Droid55";
Symbol 3101 MovieClip Frame 27
thepilot = "Air Trooper";
Symbol 3101 MovieClip Frame 28
thepilot = "Air Swat";
Symbol 3101 MovieClip Frame 29
thepilot = "Night Warrior";
Symbol 3101 MovieClip Frame 30
thepilot = "Nasiron";
Symbol 3101 MovieClip Frame 31
thepilot = "Karamondo";
Symbol 3116 MovieClip Frame 1
theplane = "Aviator"; thevspeed = 20; themaxvspeed = 45;
Symbol 3116 MovieClip Frame 2
theplane = "Aviator V"; thevspeed = 20; themaxvspeed = 45;
Symbol 3116 MovieClip Frame 3
theplane = "Greenhollow"; thevspeed = 20; themaxvspeed = 47;
Symbol 3116 MovieClip Frame 4
theplane = "Redhollow"; thevspeed = 20; themaxvspeed = 42;
Symbol 3116 MovieClip Frame 5
theplane = "Dragoiex"; thevspeed = 20; themaxvspeed = 35;
Symbol 3116 MovieClip Frame 6
theplane = "XCA1"; thevspeed = 20; themaxvspeed = 30;
Symbol 3116 MovieClip Frame 7
theplane = "Wingcore"; thevspeed = 20; themaxvspeed = 45;
Symbol 3116 MovieClip Frame 8
theplane = "Plogo Volu"; thevspeed = 20; themaxvspeed = 40;
Symbol 3116 MovieClip Frame 9
theplane = "Claw06"; thevspeed = 20; themaxvspeed = 45;
Symbol 3116 MovieClip Frame 10
theplane = "Claw07"; thevspeed = 20; themaxvspeed = 48;
Symbol 3116 MovieClip Frame 11
theplane = "Vishnu"; thevspeed = 20; themaxvspeed = 45;
Symbol 3116 MovieClip Frame 12
theplane = "FHeat"; thevspeed = 20; themaxvspeed = 50;
Symbol 3116 MovieClip Frame 13
theplane = "Midas"; thevspeed = 20; themaxvspeed = 50;
Symbol 3116 MovieClip Frame 14
theplane = "Cloud Phoenix"; thevspeed = 20; themaxvspeed = 60;
Symbol 3131 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (1); }
Symbol 3132 MovieClip Frame 1
theweapon = 1;
Symbol 3132 MovieClip Frame 2
theweapon = 2; if (_root.u_homing == 0) { nextFrame(); }
Symbol 3132 MovieClip Frame 3
theweapon = 3;
Symbol 3132 MovieClip Frame 4
theweapon = 4;
Symbol 3132 MovieClip Frame 5
theweapon = 5;
Symbol 3132 MovieClip Frame 6
theweapon = 6;
Symbol 3132 MovieClip Frame 7
theweapon = 7; if (_root.u_multi == 0) { nextFrame(); }
Symbol 3132 MovieClip Frame 8
theweapon = 8; if (_root.u_cloak == 0) { nextFrame(); }
Symbol 3132 MovieClip Frame 9
theweapon = 9; if (_root.u_nova == 0) { nextFrame(); }
Symbol 3132 MovieClip Frame 10
theweapon = 10;
Symbol 3132 MovieClip Frame 11
theweapon = 11;
Symbol 3132 MovieClip Frame 12
theweapon = 12; if (_root.u_emp == 0) { nextFrame(); }
Symbol 3132 MovieClip Frame 13
theweapon = 13;
Symbol 3132 MovieClip Frame 14
theweapon = 14;
Instance of Symbol 3061 MovieClip in Symbol 3134 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { gotoAndStop(_root.plane1pilot); }
Instance of Symbol 3101 MovieClip in Symbol 3134 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(_root.plane1pilot); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _root.plane1pilot = thepilot; }
Instance of Symbol 3116 MovieClip in Symbol 3134 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(_root.plane1model); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _root.plane1model = theplane; _root.plane1vspeed = thevspeed; _root.plane1maxvspeed = themaxvspeed; }
Instance of Symbol 3132 MovieClip "s1" in Symbol 3134 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(_root.plane1weapon1); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _root.plane1weapon1 = theweapon; }
Instance of Symbol 3132 MovieClip "s2" in Symbol 3134 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(_root.plane1weapon2); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _root.plane1weapon2 = theweapon; }
Symbol 3146 Button
on (release) {; }
Instance of Symbol 3153 MovieClip in Symbol 3155 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { p = _root.cphoenix.fullhp; _yscale = ((_root.cphoenix.hp / p) * 100); }
Instance of Symbol 3153 MovieClip in Symbol 3159 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { p = _root.fuel; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _yscale = ((_root.fuel / p) * 100); }
Symbol 3181 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 3206 MovieClip Frame 1
gotoAndStop(weaponnumber + 1);
Instance of Symbol 3172 MovieClip in Symbol 3206 MovieClip Frame 2
onClipEvent (load) { p = _root.cphoenix.missileammo; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _xscale = ((_root.cphoenix.missileammo / p) * 100); }
Instance of Symbol 3172 MovieClip in Symbol 3206 MovieClip Frame 3
onClipEvent (load) { p = _root.cphoenix.hmissileammo; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _xscale = ((_root.cphoenix.hmissileammo / p) * 100); }
Instance of Symbol 3177 MovieClip in Symbol 3206 MovieClip Frame 4
onClipEvent (load) { p = _root.cphoenix.longlaserammo; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _xscale = ((_root.cphoenix.longlaserammo / p) * 100); if (_xscale < 0) {; } }
Instance of Symbol 3172 MovieClip in Symbol 3206 MovieClip Frame 5
onClipEvent (load) { p = _root.cphoenix.napalmammo; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _xscale = ((_root.cphoenix.napalmammo / p) * 100); }
Instance of Symbol 3177 MovieClip in Symbol 3206 MovieClip Frame 6
onClipEvent (load) { p = _root.cphoenix.plasmaammo; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _xscale = ((_root.cphoenix.plasmaammo / p) * 100); if (_xscale < 0) {; } }
Instance of Symbol 3172 MovieClip in Symbol 3206 MovieClip Frame 7
onClipEvent (load) { p = _root.cphoenix.rocketammo; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _xscale = ((_root.cphoenix.rocketammo / p) * 100); }
Instance of Symbol 3172 MovieClip in Symbol 3206 MovieClip Frame 8
onClipEvent (load) { p = _root.cphoenix.multirocketammo; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _xscale = ((_root.cphoenix.multirocketammo / p) * 100); }
Instance of Symbol 3172 MovieClip in Symbol 3206 MovieClip Frame 9
onClipEvent (load) { p = _root.cphoenix.planewarpammo; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _xscale = ((_root.cphoenix.planewarpammo / p) * 100); }
Instance of Symbol 3172 MovieClip in Symbol 3206 MovieClip Frame 10
onClipEvent (load) { p = _root.cphoenix.novalaserammo; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _xscale = ((_root.cphoenix.novalaserammo / p) * 100); }
Instance of Symbol 3177 MovieClip in Symbol 3206 MovieClip Frame 11
onClipEvent (load) { p = _root.cphoenix.pulseammo; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _xscale = ((_root.cphoenix.pulseammo / p) * 100); if (_xscale < 0) {; } }
Instance of Symbol 3172 MovieClip in Symbol 3206 MovieClip Frame 12
onClipEvent (load) { p = _root.cphoenix.smokescreenammo; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _xscale = ((_root.cphoenix.smokescreenammo / p) * 100); }
Instance of Symbol 3177 MovieClip in Symbol 3206 MovieClip Frame 13
onClipEvent (load) { p = _root.cphoenix.empammo; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _xscale = ((_root.cphoenix.empammo / p) * 100); if (_xscale < 0) {; } }
Instance of Symbol 3172 MovieClip in Symbol 3206 MovieClip Frame 14
onClipEvent (load) { p = _root.cphoenix.mgunammo; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _xscale = ((_root.cphoenix.mgunammo / p) * 100); }
Symbol 3209 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 3225 MovieClip Frame 1
this.onEnterFrame = function () { gotoAndStop(_root[("plane" + _root.planeusing) + "model"]); };
Symbol 3228 MovieClip Frame 1
_root.pauser = 0; this.onEnterFrame = function () { _root.backupsleft = _root.planes_in_use - _root.planeusing; if (_root.backupsleft < 0) { _root.backupsleft = 0; } if (_root.enemiesleft <= 0) { if (_root.whichmode != "arcade") { _root.gotoAndPlay(_root.whichmode + "victory"); } else { pilotnumberrandom = random(31); switch (pilotnumberrandom) { case 0 : e1pilot = "Evalot"; enemymessage = "Do you have what it takes to beat Lord Evalot of Evalot Republic? I don't think so."; break; case 1 : e1pilot = "Chikara"; enemymessage = "Boku wa omae wo korosu!!!"; break; case 2 : e1pilot = "Jonathan Wood"; enemymessage = "I'll do anything to be the last plane flying in the skies."; break; case 3 : e1pilot = "Brocken"; enemymessage = "Orrreeaaaaa!!!"; break; case 4 : e1pilot = "AI073"; enemymessage = "Target confirmed..."; break; case 5 : e1pilot = "Proto 52G"; enemymessage = "Being an android is real tough. I will show you how tough. First hand!"; break; case 6 : e1pilot = "P167C"; enemymessage = "I serve my master, and he says you are going down."; break; case 7 : e1pilot = "Hassan"; enemymessage = "Mari kita bertanding di udara!"; break; case 8 : e1pilot = "Michael Chow"; enemymessage = "Give me a break. YOU are my opponent?!"; break; case 9 : e1pilot = "Zero D"; enemymessage = "Stop fooling around if you want to defeat me."; break; case 10 : e1pilot = "Auxmenn"; enemymessage = "Hmmm... let's see..."; break; case 11 : e1pilot = "Gina Maroth"; enemymessage = "You are not worthy of being defeated by me!"; break; case 12 : e1pilot = "McGorse"; enemymessage = "Are you challenging me?"; break; case 13 : e1pilot = "General Torus"; enemymessage = "I will tear you apart and hang your skin on my jet."; break; case 14 : e1pilot = "Lee Ann"; enemymessage = "Yes sir. I will defeat this challenger."; break; case 15 : e1pilot = "General Minnaros"; enemymessage = "For Angelland!"; break; case 16 : e1pilot = "Simic"; enemymessage = "I am good at drinking beer, flying planes and shooting down pilots like you."; break; case 17 : e1pilot = "Night Warrior"; enemymessage = "I am looking for a real challenge."; break; case 18 : e1pilot = "Karamondo"; enemymessage = "No one can defeat warriors from Afroecana!"; break; case 19 : e1pilot = "Sheila"; enemymessage = "..."; break; case 20 : e1pilot = "Schneider"; enemymessage = "Supremacy is hard to reach. I know, because I have reached it."; break; case 21 : e1pilot = "Rafon"; enemymessage = "Chomp chomp chomp."; break; case 22 : e1pilot = "Devaraja Singh"; enemymessage = "War war war. Nothing but war. I don't like it."; break; case 23 : e1pilot = "Jana"; enemymessage = "Is this the formidable opponent that everybody has been talking about?"; break; case 24 : e1pilot = "Caesar"; enemymessage = "Let's put 50 bucks on the line1!"; break; case 25 : e1pilot = "Droid55"; enemymessage = "Destroy destroy."; break; case 26 : e1pilot = "Nasiron"; enemymessage = "Get out of my territory!"; break; case 27 : e1pilot = "Aya"; enemymessage = "I will fight you but only because I have to. This war irritates me."; break; case 28 : e1pilot = "Air Swat"; enemymessage = "Let's go!"; break; case 29 : e1pilot = "Ravager"; enemymessage = "Roger."; break; case 30 : e1pilot = "Air Trooper"; enemymessage = "Affirmative!"; } planechooser = random(14); switch (planechooser) { case 0 : e1plane = "Cloud Phoenix"; break; case 1 : e1plane = "XCA1"; break; case 2 : e1plane = "Aviator"; break; case 3 : e1plane = "Aviator V"; break; case 4 : e1plane = "Greenhollow"; break; case 5 : e1plane = "Redhollow"; break; case 6 : e1plane = "Dragoiex"; break; case 7 : e1plane = "Wingcore"; break; case 8 : e1plane = "Plogo Volu"; break; case 9 : e1plane = "Vishnu"; break; case 10 : e1plane = "Fheat"; break; case 11 : e1plane = "Midas"; break; case 12 : e1plane = "Claw06"; break; case 13 : e1plane = "Claw07"; } e1weapon1 = random(13) + 1; e1weapon2 = random(13) + 1; switch (e1pilot) { case "Evalot" : case "Chikara" : case "Jonathan Wood" : case "Brocken" : case "AI073" : case "Proto 52G" : case "P167C" : e1skill = 1; break; case "Hassan" : case "Michael Chow" : case "Zero D" : case "Auxmenn" : case "Gina Maroth" : case "McGorse" : case "General Torus" : case "Lee Ann" : case "General Minnaros" : case "Simic" : case "Night Warrior" : case "Karamondo" : e1skill = 2; break; case "Sheila" : case "Schneider" : case "Rafon" : case "Devaraja Singh" : case "Jana" : case "Caesar" : case "Droid55" : case "Nasiron" : e1skill = 3; break; case "Aya" : case "Air Swat" : case "Ravager" : e1skill = 4; break; case "Air Trooper" : e1skill = 5; } pilotnumberrandom = random(31); switch (pilotnumberrandom) { case 0 : e2pilot = "Evalot"; enemymessage = "Do you have what it takes to beat Lord Evalot of Evalot Republic? I don't think so."; break; case 1 : e2pilot = "Chikara"; enemymessage = "Boku wa omae wo korosu!!!"; break; case 2 : e2pilot = "Jonathan Wood"; enemymessage = "I'll do anything to be the last plane flying in the skies."; break; case 3 : e2pilot = "Brocken"; enemymessage = "Orrreeaaaaa!!!"; break; case 4 : e2pilot = "AI073"; enemymessage = "Target confirmed..."; break; case 5 : e2pilot = "Proto 52G"; enemymessage = "Being an android is real tough. I will show you how tough. First hand!"; break; case 6 : e2pilot = "P167C"; enemymessage = "I serve my master, and he says you are going down."; break; case 7 : e2pilot = "Hassan"; enemymessage = "Mari kita bertanding di udara!"; break; case 8 : e2pilot = "Michael Chow"; enemymessage = "Give me a break. YOU are my opponent?!"; break; case 9 : e2pilot = "Zero D"; enemymessage = "Stop fooling around if you want to defeat me."; break; case 10 : e2pilot = "Auxmenn"; enemymessage = "Hmmm... let's see..."; break; case 11 : e2pilot = "Gina Maroth"; enemymessage = "You are not worthy of being defeated by me!"; break; case 12 : e2pilot = "McGorse"; enemymessage = "Are you challenging me?"; break; case 13 : e2pilot = "General Torus"; enemymessage = "I will tear you apart and hang your skin on my jet."; break; case 14 : e2pilot = "Lee Ann"; enemymessage = "Yes sir. I will defeat this challenger."; break; case 15 : e2pilot = "General Minnaros"; enemymessage = "For Angelland!"; break; case 16 : e2pilot = "Simic"; enemymessage = "I am good at drinking beer, flying planes and shooting down pilots like you."; break; case 17 : e2pilot = "Night Warrior"; enemymessage = "I am looking for a real challenge."; break; case 18 : e2pilot = "Karamondo"; enemymessage = "No one can defeat warriors from Afroecana!"; break; case 19 : e2pilot = "Sheila"; enemymessage = "..."; break; case 20 : e2pilot = "Schneider"; enemymessage = "Supremacy is hard to reach. I know, because I have reached it."; break; case 21 : e2pilot = "Rafon"; enemymessage = "Chomp chomp chomp."; break; case 22 : e2pilot = "Devaraja Singh"; enemymessage = "War war war. Nothing but war. I don't like it."; break; case 23 : e2pilot = "Jana"; enemymessage = "Is this the formidable opponent that everybody has been talking about?"; break; case 24 : e2pilot = "Caesar"; enemymessage = "Let's put 50 bucks on the line2!"; break; case 25 : e2pilot = "Droid55"; enemymessage = "Destroy destroy."; break; case 26 : e2pilot = "Nasiron"; enemymessage = "Get out of my territory!"; break; case 27 : e2pilot = "Aya"; enemymessage = "I will fight you but only because I have to. This war irritates me."; break; case 28 : e2pilot = "Air Swat"; enemymessage = "Let's go!"; break; case 29 : e2pilot = "Ravager"; enemymessage = "Roger."; break; case 30 : e2pilot = "Air Trooper"; enemymessage = "Affirmative!"; } planechooser = random(14); switch (planechooser) { case 0 : e2plane = "Cloud Phoenix"; break; case 1 : e2plane = "XCA1"; break; case 2 : e2plane = "Aviator"; break; case 3 : e2plane = "Aviator V"; break; case 4 : e2plane = "Greenhollow"; break; case 5 : e2plane = "Redhollow"; break; case 6 : e2plane = "Dragoiex"; break; case 7 : e2plane = "Wingcore"; break; case 8 : e2plane = "Plogo Volu"; break; case 9 : e2plane = "Vishnu"; break; case 10 : e2plane = "Fheat"; break; case 11 : e2plane = "Midas"; break; case 12 : e2plane = "Claw06"; break; case 13 : e2plane = "Claw07"; } e2weapon1 = random(13) + 1; e2weapon2 = random(13) + 1; switch (e2pilot) { case "Evalot" : case "Chikara" : case "Jonathan Wood" : case "Brocken" : case "AI073" : case "Proto 52G" : case "P167C" : e2skill = 1; break; case "Hassan" : case "Michael Chow" : case "Zero D" : case "Auxmenn" : case "Gina Maroth" : case "McGorse" : case "General Torus" : case "Lee Ann" : case "General Minnaros" : case "Simic" : case "Night Warrior" : case "Karamondo" : e2skill = 2; break; case "Sheila" : case "Schneider" : case "Rafon" : case "Devaraja Singh" : case "Jana" : case "Caesar" : case "Droid55" : case "Nasiron" : e2skill = 3; break; case "Aya" : case "Air Swat" : case "Ravager" : e2skill = 4; break; case "Air Trooper" : e2skill = 5; } pilotnumberrandom = random(31); switch (pilotnumberrandom) { case 0 : e3pilot = "Evalot"; enemymessage = "Do you have what it takes to beat Lord Evalot of Evalot Republic? I don't think so."; break; case 1 : e3pilot = "Chikara"; enemymessage = "Boku wa omae wo korosu!!!"; break; case 2 : e3pilot = "Jonathan Wood"; enemymessage = "I'll do anything to be the last plane flying in the skies."; break; case 3 : e3pilot = "Brocken"; enemymessage = "Orrreeaaaaa!!!"; break; case 4 : e3pilot = "AI073"; enemymessage = "Target confirmed..."; break; case 5 : e3pilot = "Proto 52G"; enemymessage = "Being an android is real tough. I will show you how tough. First hand!"; break; case 6 : e3pilot = "P167C"; enemymessage = "I serve my master, and he says you are going down."; break; case 7 : e3pilot = "Hassan"; enemymessage = "Mari kita bertanding di udara!"; break; case 8 : e3pilot = "Michael Chow"; enemymessage = "Give me a break. YOU are my opponent?!"; break; case 9 : e3pilot = "Zero D"; enemymessage = "Stop fooling around if you want to defeat me."; break; case 10 : e3pilot = "Auxmenn"; enemymessage = "Hmmm... let's see..."; break; case 11 : e3pilot = "Gina Maroth"; enemymessage = "You are not worthy of being defeated by me!"; break; case 12 : e3pilot = "McGorse"; enemymessage = "Are you challenging me?"; break; case 13 : e3pilot = "General Torus"; enemymessage = "I will tear you apart and hang your skin on my jet."; break; case 14 : e3pilot = "Lee Ann"; enemymessage = "Yes sir. I will defeat this challenger."; break; case 15 : e3pilot = "General Minnaros"; enemymessage = "For Angelland!"; break; case 16 : e3pilot = "Simic"; enemymessage = "I am good at drinking beer, flying planes and shooting down pilots like you."; break; case 17 : e3pilot = "Night Warrior"; enemymessage = "I am looking for a real challenge."; break; case 18 : e3pilot = "Karamondo"; enemymessage = "No one can defeat warriors from Afroecana!"; break; case 19 : e3pilot = "Sheila"; enemymessage = "..."; break; case 20 : e3pilot = "Schneider"; enemymessage = "Supremacy is hard to reach. I know, because I have reached it."; break; case 21 : e3pilot = "Rafon"; enemymessage = "Chomp chomp chomp."; break; case 22 : e3pilot = "Devaraja Singh"; enemymessage = "War war war. Nothing but war. I don't like it."; break; case 23 : e3pilot = "Jana"; enemymessage = "Is this the formidable opponent that everybody has been talking about?"; break; case 24 : e3pilot = "Caesar"; enemymessage = "Let's put 50 bucks on the line3!"; break; case 25 : e3pilot = "Droid55"; enemymessage = "Destroy destroy."; break; case 26 : e3pilot = "Nasiron"; enemymessage = "Get out of my territory!"; break; case 27 : e3pilot = "Aya"; enemymessage = "I will fight you but only because I have to. This war irritates me."; break; case 28 : e3pilot = "Air Swat"; enemymessage = "Let's go!"; break; case 29 : e3pilot = "Ravager"; enemymessage = "Roger."; break; case 30 : e3pilot = "Air Trooper"; enemymessage = "Affirmative!"; } planechooser = random(14); switch (planechooser) { case 0 : e3plane = "Cloud Phoenix"; break; case 1 : e3plane = "XCA1"; break; case 2 : e3plane = "Aviator"; break; case 3 : e3plane = "Aviator V"; break; case 4 : e3plane = "Greenhollow"; break; case 5 : e3plane = "Redhollow"; break; case 6 : e3plane = "Dragoiex"; break; case 7 : e3plane = "Wingcore"; break; case 8 : e3plane = "Plogo Volu"; break; case 9 : e3plane = "Vishnu"; break; case 10 : e3plane = "Fheat"; break; case 11 : e3plane = "Midas"; break; case 12 : e3plane = "Claw06"; break; case 13 : e3plane = "Claw07"; } e3weapon1 = random(13) + 1; e3weapon2 = random(13) + 1; switch (e3pilot) { case "Evalot" : case "Chikara" : case "Jonathan Wood" : case "Brocken" : case "AI073" : case "Proto 52G" : case "P167C" : e3skill = 1; break; case "Hassan" : case "Michael Chow" : case "Zero D" : case "Auxmenn" : case "Gina Maroth" : case "McGorse" : case "General Torus" : case "Lee Ann" : case "General Minnaros" : case "Simic" : case "Night Warrior" : case "Karamondo" : e3skill = 2; break; case "Sheila" : case "Schneider" : case "Rafon" : case "Devaraja Singh" : case "Jana" : case "Caesar" : case "Droid55" : case "Nasiron" : e3skill = 3; break; case "Aya" : case "Air Swat" : case "Ravager" : e3skill = 4; break; case "Air Trooper" : e3skill = 5; } pilotnumberrandom = random(31); switch (pilotnumberrandom) { case 0 : e4pilot = "Evalot"; enemymessage = "Do you have what it takes to beat Lord Evalot of Evalot Republic? I don't think so."; break; case 1 : e4pilot = "Chikara"; enemymessage = "Boku wa omae wo korosu!!!"; break; case 2 : e4pilot = "Jonathan Wood"; enemymessage = "I'll do anything to be the last plane flying in the skies."; break; case 3 : e4pilot = "Brocken"; enemymessage = "Orrreeaaaaa!!!"; break; case 4 : e4pilot = "AI073"; enemymessage = "Target confirmed..."; break; case 5 : e4pilot = "Proto 52G"; enemymessage = "Being an android is real tough. I will show you how tough. First hand!"; break; case 6 : e4pilot = "P167C"; enemymessage = "I serve my master, and he says you are going down."; break; case 7 : e4pilot = "Hassan"; enemymessage = "Mari kita bertanding di udara!"; break; case 8 : e4pilot = "Michael Chow"; enemymessage = "Give me a break. YOU are my opponent?!"; break; case 9 : e4pilot = "Zero D"; enemymessage = "Stop fooling around if you want to defeat me."; break; case 10 : e4pilot = "Auxmenn"; enemymessage = "Hmmm... let's see..."; break; case 11 : e4pilot = "Gina Maroth"; enemymessage = "You are not worthy of being defeated by me!"; break; case 12 : e4pilot = "McGorse"; enemymessage = "Are you challenging me?"; break; case 13 : e4pilot = "General Torus"; enemymessage = "I will tear you apart and hang your skin on my jet."; break; case 14 : e4pilot = "Lee Ann"; enemymessage = "Yes sir. I will defeat this challenger."; break; case 15 : e4pilot = "General Minnaros"; enemymessage = "For Angelland!"; break; case 16 : e4pilot = "Simic"; enemymessage = "I am good at drinking beer, flying planes and shooting down pilots like you."; break; case 17 : e4pilot = "Night Warrior"; enemymessage = "I am looking for a real challenge."; break; case 18 : e4pilot = "Karamondo"; enemymessage = "No one can defeat warriors from Afroecana!"; break; case 19 : e4pilot = "Sheila"; enemymessage = "..."; break; case 20 : e4pilot = "Schneider"; enemymessage = "Supremacy is hard to reach. I know, because I have reached it."; break; case 21 : e4pilot = "Rafon"; enemymessage = "Chomp chomp chomp."; break; case 22 : e4pilot = "Devaraja Singh"; enemymessage = "War war war. Nothing but war. I don't like it."; break; case 23 : e4pilot = "Jana"; enemymessage = "Is this the formidable opponent that everybody has been talking about?"; break; case 24 : e4pilot = "Caesar"; enemymessage = "Let's put 50 bucks on the line4!"; break; case 25 : e4pilot = "Droid55"; enemymessage = "Destroy destroy."; break; case 26 : e4pilot = "Nasiron"; enemymessage = "Get out of my territory!"; break; case 27 : e4pilot = "Aya"; enemymessage = "I will fight you but only because I have to. This war irritates me."; break; case 28 : e4pilot = "Air Swat"; enemymessage = "Let's go!"; break; case 29 : e4pilot = "Ravager"; enemymessage = "Roger."; break; case 30 : e4pilot = "Air Trooper"; enemymessage = "Affirmative!"; } planechooser = random(14); switch (planechooser) { case 0 : e4plane = "Cloud Phoenix"; break; case 1 : e4plane = "XCA1"; break; case 2 : e4plane = "Aviator"; break; case 3 : e4plane = "Aviator V"; break; case 4 : e4plane = "Greenhollow"; break; case 5 : e4plane = "Redhollow"; break; case 6 : e4plane = "Dragoiex"; break; case 7 : e4plane = "Wingcore"; break; case 8 : e4plane = "Plogo Volu"; break; case 9 : e4plane = "Vishnu"; break; case 10 : e4plane = "Fheat"; break; case 11 : e4plane = "Midas"; break; case 12 : e4plane = "Claw06"; break; case 13 : e4plane = "Claw07"; } e4weapon1 = random(13) + 1; e4weapon2 = random(13) + 1; switch (e4pilot) { case "Evalot" : case "Chikara" : case "Jonathan Wood" : case "Brocken" : case "AI073" : case "Proto 52G" : case "P167C" : e4skill = 1; break; case "Hassan" : case "Michael Chow" : case "Zero D" : case "Auxmenn" : case "Gina Maroth" : case "McGorse" : case "General Torus" : case "Lee Ann" : case "General Minnaros" : case "Simic" : case "Night Warrior" : case "Karamondo" : e4skill = 2; break; case "Sheila" : case "Schneider" : case "Rafon" : case "Devaraja Singh" : case "Jana" : case "Caesar" : case "Droid55" : case "Nasiron" : e4skill = 3; break; case "Aya" : case "Air Swat" : case "Ravager" : e4skill = 4; break; case "Air Trooper" : e4skill = 5; } pilotnumberrandom = random(31); switch (pilotnumberrandom) { case 0 : e5pilot = "Evalot"; enemymessage = "Do you have what it takes to beat Lord Evalot of Evalot Republic? I don't think so."; break; case 1 : e5pilot = "Chikara"; enemymessage = "Boku wa omae wo korosu!!!"; break; case 2 : e5pilot = "Jonathan Wood"; enemymessage = "I'll do anything to be the last plane flying in the skies."; break; case 3 : e5pilot = "Brocken"; enemymessage = "Orrreeaaaaa!!!"; break; case 4 : e5pilot = "AI073"; enemymessage = "Target confirmed..."; break; case 5 : e5pilot = "Proto 52G"; enemymessage = "Being an android is real tough. I will show you how tough. First hand!"; break; case 6 : e5pilot = "P167C"; enemymessage = "I serve my master, and he says you are going down."; break; case 7 : e5pilot = "Hassan"; enemymessage = "Mari kita bertanding di udara!"; break; case 8 : e5pilot = "Michael Chow"; enemymessage = "Give me a break. YOU are my opponent?!"; break; case 9 : e5pilot = "Zero D"; enemymessage = "Stop fooling around if you want to defeat me."; break; case 10 : e5pilot = "Auxmenn"; enemymessage = "Hmmm... let's see..."; break; case 11 : e5pilot = "Gina Maroth"; enemymessage = "You are not worthy of being defeated by me!"; break; case 12 : e5pilot = "McGorse"; enemymessage = "Are you challenging me?"; break; case 13 : e5pilot = "General Torus"; enemymessage = "I will tear you apart and hang your skin on my jet."; break; case 14 : e5pilot = "Lee Ann"; enemymessage = "Yes sir. I will defeat this challenger."; break; case 15 : e5pilot = "General Minnaros"; enemymessage = "For Angelland!"; break; case 16 : e5pilot = "Simic"; enemymessage = "I am good at drinking beer, flying planes and shooting down pilots like you."; break; case 17 : e5pilot = "Night Warrior"; enemymessage = "I am looking for a real challenge."; break; case 18 : e5pilot = "Karamondo"; enemymessage = "No one can defeat warriors from Afroecana!"; break; case 19 : e5pilot = "Sheila"; enemymessage = "..."; break; case 20 : e5pilot = "Schneider"; enemymessage = "Supremacy is hard to reach. I know, because I have reached it."; break; case 21 : e5pilot = "Rafon"; enemymessage = "Chomp chomp chomp."; break; case 22 : e5pilot = "Devaraja Singh"; enemymessage = "War war war. Nothing but war. I don't like it."; break; case 23 : e5pilot = "Jana"; enemymessage = "Is this the formidable opponent that everybody has been talking about?"; break; case 24 : e5pilot = "Caesar"; enemymessage = "Let's put 50 bucks on the line5!"; break; case 25 : e5pilot = "Droid55"; enemymessage = "Destroy destroy."; break; case 26 : e5pilot = "Nasiron"; enemymessage = "Get out of my territory!"; break; case 27 : e5pilot = "Aya"; enemymessage = "I will fight you but only because I have to. This war irritates me."; break; case 28 : e5pilot = "Air Swat"; enemymessage = "Let's go!"; break; case 29 : e5pilot = "Ravager"; enemymessage = "Roger."; break; case 30 : e5pilot = "Air Trooper"; enemymessage = "Affirmative!"; } planechooser = random(14); switch (planechooser) { case 0 : e5plane = "Cloud Phoenix"; break; case 1 : e5plane = "XCA1"; break; case 2 : e5plane = "Aviator"; break; case 3 : e5plane = "Aviator V"; break; case 4 : e5plane = "Greenhollow"; break; case 5 : e5plane = "Redhollow"; break; case 6 : e5plane = "Dragoiex"; break; case 7 : e5plane = "Wingcore"; break; case 8 : e5plane = "Plogo Volu"; break; case 9 : e5plane = "Vishnu"; break; case 10 : e5plane = "Fheat"; break; case 11 : e5plane = "Midas"; break; case 12 : e5plane = "Claw06"; break; case 13 : e5plane = "Claw07"; } e5weapon1 = random(13) + 1; e5weapon2 = random(13) + 1; switch (e5pilot) { case "Evalot" : case "Chikara" : case "Jonathan Wood" : case "Brocken" : case "AI073" : case "Proto 52G" : case "P167C" : e5skill = 1; break; case "Hassan" : case "Michael Chow" : case "Zero D" : case "Auxmenn" : case "Gina Maroth" : case "McGorse" : case "General Torus" : case "Lee Ann" : case "General Minnaros" : case "Simic" : case "Night Warrior" : case "Karamondo" : e5skill = 2; break; case "Sheila" : case "Schneider" : case "Rafon" : case "Devaraja Singh" : case "Jana" : case "Caesar" : case "Droid55" : case "Nasiron" : e5skill = 3; break; case "Aya" : case "Air Swat" : case "Ravager" : e5skill = 4; break; case "Air Trooper" : e5skill = 5; } pilotnumberrandom = random(31); switch (pilotnumberrandom) { case 0 : e6pilot = "Evalot"; enemymessage = "Do you have what it takes to beat Lord Evalot of Evalot Republic? I don't think so."; break; case 1 : e6pilot = "Chikara"; enemymessage = "Boku wa omae wo korosu!!!"; break; case 2 : e6pilot = "Jonathan Wood"; enemymessage = "I'll do anything to be the last plane flying in the skies."; break; case 3 : e6pilot = "Brocken"; enemymessage = "Orrreeaaaaa!!!"; break; case 4 : e6pilot = "AI073"; enemymessage = "Target confirmed..."; break; case 5 : e6pilot = "Proto 52G"; enemymessage = "Being an android is real tough. I will show you how tough. First hand!"; break; case 6 : e6pilot = "P167C"; enemymessage = "I serve my master, and he says you are going down."; break; case 7 : e6pilot = "Hassan"; enemymessage = "Mari kita bertanding di udara!"; break; case 8 : e6pilot = "Michael Chow"; enemymessage = "Give me a break. YOU are my opponent?!"; break; case 9 : e6pilot = "Zero D"; enemymessage = "Stop fooling around if you want to defeat me."; break; case 10 : e6pilot = "Auxmenn"; enemymessage = "Hmmm... let's see..."; break; case 11 : e6pilot = "Gina Maroth"; enemymessage = "You are not worthy of being defeated by me!"; break; case 12 : e6pilot = "McGorse"; enemymessage = "Are you challenging me?"; break; case 13 : e6pilot = "General Torus"; enemymessage = "I will tear you apart and hang your skin on my jet."; break; case 14 : e6pilot = "Lee Ann"; enemymessage = "Yes sir. I will defeat this challenger."; break; case 15 : e6pilot = "General Minnaros"; enemymessage = "For Angelland!"; break; case 16 : e6pilot = "Simic"; enemymessage = "I am good at drinking beer, flying planes and shooting down pilots like you."; break; case 17 : e6pilot = "Night Warrior"; enemymessage = "I am looking for a real challenge."; break; case 18 : e6pilot = "Karamondo"; enemymessage = "No one can defeat warriors from Afroecana!"; break; case 19 : e6pilot = "Sheila"; enemymessage = "..."; break; case 20 : e6pilot = "Schneider"; enemymessage = "Supremacy is hard to reach. I know, because I have reached it."; break; case 21 : e6pilot = "Rafon"; enemymessage = "Chomp chomp chomp."; break; case 22 : e6pilot = "Devaraja Singh"; enemymessage = "War war war. Nothing but war. I don't like it."; break; case 23 : e6pilot = "Jana"; enemymessage = "Is this the formidable opponent that everybody has been talking about?"; break; case 24 : e6pilot = "Caesar"; enemymessage = "Let's put 50 bucks on the line6!"; break; case 25 : e6pilot = "Droid55"; enemymessage = "Destroy destroy."; break; case 26 : e6pilot = "Nasiron"; enemymessage = "Get out of my territory!"; break; case 27 : e6pilot = "Aya"; enemymessage = "I will fight you but only because I have to. This war irritates me."; break; case 28 : e6pilot = "Air Swat"; enemymessage = "Let's go!"; break; case 29 : e6pilot = "Ravager"; enemymessage = "Roger."; break; case 30 : e6pilot = "Air Trooper"; enemymessage = "Affirmative!"; } planechooser = random(14); switch (planechooser) { case 0 : e6plane = "Cloud Phoenix"; break; case 1 : e6plane = "XCA1"; break; case 2 : e6plane = "Aviator"; break; case 3 : e6plane = "Aviator V"; break; case 4 : e6plane = "Greenhollow"; break; case 5 : e6plane = "Redhollow"; break; case 6 : e6plane = "Dragoiex"; break; case 7 : e6plane = "Wingcore"; break; case 8 : e6plane = "Plogo Volu"; break; case 9 : e6plane = "Vishnu"; break; case 10 : e6plane = "Fheat"; break; case 11 : e6plane = "Midas"; break; case 12 : e6plane = "Claw06"; break; case 13 : e6plane = "Claw07"; } e6weapon1 = random(13) + 1; e6weapon2 = random(13) + 1; switch (e6pilot) { case "Evalot" : case "Chikara" : case "Jonathan Wood" : case "Brocken" : case "AI073" : case "Proto 52G" : case "P167C" : e6skill = 1; break; case "Hassan" : case "Michael Chow" : case "Zero D" : case "Auxmenn" : case "Gina Maroth" : case "McGorse" : case "General Torus" : case "Lee Ann" : case "General Minnaros" : case "Simic" : case "Night Warrior" : case "Karamondo" : e6skill = 2; break; case "Sheila" : case "Schneider" : case "Rafon" : case "Devaraja Singh" : case "Jana" : case "Caesar" : case "Droid55" : case "Nasiron" : e6skill = 3; break; case "Aya" : case "Air Swat" : case "Ravager" : e6skill = 4; break; case "Air Trooper" : e6skill = 5; } insertplane = random(4) + 1; _root.enemiesleft = insertplane; y = 1; while (y <= (insertplane + 1)) { _root.attachMovie(eval (("e" + y) + "plane") + " e", "enemy" + y, y); y++; } _root.arcadeenemiesout = _root.arcadeenemiesout + _root.enemiesleft; _root.enemy1.installedweapon = e1weapon1; _root.enemy1.installedweapon2 = e1weapon2; _root.enemy1.responsetime = e1skill + 2; _root.enemy1.pilot = e1pilot; _root.enemy1._x = random(440) + 10; iiu = random(2); ((iiu == 0) ? ((_root.enemy1._y = -5)) : ((_root.enemy1._y = 455))); _root.enemy2.installedweapon = e2weapon1; _root.enemy2.installedweapon2 = e2weapon2; _root.enemy2.responsetime = e2skill + 2; _root.enemy2.pilot = e2pilot; _root.enemy2._x = random(440) + 10; iiu = random(2); ((iiu == 0) ? ((_root.enemy2._y = -5)) : ((_root.enemy2._y = 455))); _root.enemy3.installedweapon = e3weapon1; _root.enemy3.installedweapon2 = e3weapon2; _root.enemy3.responsetime = e3skill + 2; _root.enemy3.pilot = e3pilot; _root.enemy3._x = random(440) + 10; iiu = random(2); ((iiu == 0) ? ((_root.enemy3._y = -5)) : ((_root.enemy3._y = 455))); _root.enemy4.installedweapon = e4weapon1; _root.enemy4.installedweapon2 = e4weapon2; _root.enemy4.responsetime = e4skill + 2; _root.enemy4.pilot = e4pilot; _root.enemy4._x = random(440) + 10; iiu = random(2); ((iiu == 0) ? ((_root.enemy4._y = -5)) : ((_root.enemy4._y = 455))); _root.enemy5.installedweapon = e5weapon1; _root.enemy5.installedweapon2 = e5weapon2; _root.enemy5.responsetime = e5skill + 2; _root.enemy5.pilot = e5pilot; _root.enemy5._x = random(440) + 10; iiu = random(2); ((iiu == 0) ? ((_root.enemy5._y = -5)) : ((_root.enemy5._y = 455))); _root.enemy6.installedweapon = e6weapon1; _root.enemy6.installedweapon2 = e6weapon2; _root.enemy6.responsetime = e6skill + 2; _root.enemy6.pilot = e6pilot; _root.enemy6._x = random(440) + 10; iiu = random(2); ((iiu == 0) ? ((_root.enemy6._y = -5)) : ((_root.enemy6._y = 455))); } } if (Key.isDown(32)) {; } };
Instance of Symbol 3206 MovieClip "s1" in Symbol 3228 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { weaponnumber = _root.cphoenix.installedweapon; }
Instance of Symbol 3206 MovieClip "s2" in Symbol 3228 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { weaponnumber = _root.cphoenix.installedweapon2; }
Instance of Symbol 3209 MovieClip "warn3" in Symbol 3228 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { p = _root.cphoenix.hp; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (((_root.cphoenix.hp / p) * 100) < 25) {; } }
Instance of Symbol 3061 MovieClip in Symbol 3228 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { gotoAndStop(_root.cphoenix.pilot); }
Symbol 3242 Button
on (release) { y = 1; while (y <= 8) { _root["enemy" + y].unloadMovie(); y++; } z = 1; while (z <= 3) { _root["plane" + y].unloadMovie(); z++; } ou = 701; while (ou <= 730) { _root["bhmissile" + ou].unloadMovie(); ou++; } _root.cphoenix.unloadMovie(); _root.pausermenu.unloadMovie(); _root.pauser = 0; _root.gotoAndPlay("mainmenu"); }
Symbol 3245 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 3245 MovieClip Frame 2
this.swapDepths(2000); _root.pauser = 1;
Symbol 3245 MovieClip Frame 15
Instance of Symbol 1812 MovieClip in Symbol 3245 MovieClip Frame 15
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(_root._quality); }
Symbol 3245 MovieClip Frame 21
this.swapDepths(-2000); _root.pauser = 0;
Symbol 3252 MovieClip Frame 29
Symbol 3262 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 3263 MovieClip Frame 1
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
Instance of Symbol 1732 MovieClip in Symbol 3270 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { timer = 100; _parent.stop(); _root.stop(); my_sound = new Sound(); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { timer = timer - 1; if (timer >= 0) { my_sound.setVolume(timer); } if (timer <= -10) { stopAllSounds(); my_sound.setVolume(100);;; } }
Symbol 3270 MovieClip Frame 2
stopAllSounds(); gotoAndStop(_root.bg__music + 1);
Symbol 3281 MovieClip Frame 105; this.unloadMovie();
Symbol 3305 Button
on (release) { _root.gotoAndPlay("mainmenu"); }
Symbol 3316 Button
on (release) { _root.winningstreak++; _root.gotoAndPlay("startoneonone"); }
Instance of Symbol 3061 MovieClip in Symbol 3320 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { gotoAndStop(_root.plane2pilot); }
Instance of Symbol 3101 MovieClip in Symbol 3320 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(_root.plane2pilot); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _root.plane2pilot = thepilot; }
Instance of Symbol 3116 MovieClip in Symbol 3320 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(_root.plane2model); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _root.plane2model = theplane; _root.plane2vspeed = thevspeed; _root.plane2maxvspeed = themaxvspeed; }
Instance of Symbol 3132 MovieClip "s1" in Symbol 3320 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(_root.plane2weapon1); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _root.plane2weapon1 = theweapon; }
Instance of Symbol 3132 MovieClip "s2" in Symbol 3320 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(_root.plane2weapon2); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _root.plane2weapon2 = theweapon; }
Instance of Symbol 3061 MovieClip in Symbol 3322 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { gotoAndStop(_root.plane3pilot); }
Instance of Symbol 3101 MovieClip in Symbol 3322 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(_root.plane3pilot); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _root.plane3pilot = thepilot; }
Instance of Symbol 3116 MovieClip in Symbol 3322 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(_root.plane3model); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _root.plane3model = theplane; _root.plane3vspeed = thevspeed; _root.plane3maxvspeed = themaxvspeed; }
Instance of Symbol 3132 MovieClip "s1" in Symbol 3322 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(_root.plane3weapon1); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _root.plane3weapon1 = theweapon; }
Instance of Symbol 3132 MovieClip "s2" in Symbol 3322 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(_root.plane3weapon2); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _root.plane3weapon2 = theweapon; }
Symbol 3324 Button
on (release) { _root.planes_in_use++; nextFrame(); }
Symbol 3329 Button
on (release) { _root.planes_in_use--; prevFrame(); }
Instance of Symbol 3061 MovieClip in Symbol 3334 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { gotoAndStop(_root.e1pilot); switch (_root.e1pilot) { case "Evalot" : case "Chikara" : case "Jonathan Wood" : case "Brocken" : case "AI073" : case "Proto 52G" : case "P167C" : _root.e1skill = 1; break; case "Hassan" : case "Michael Chow" : case "Zero D" : case "Auxmenn" : case "Gina Maroth" : case "McGorse" : case "General Torus" : case "Lee Ann" : case "General Minnaros" : case "Simic" : case "Night Warrior" : case "Karamondo" : _root.e1skill = 2; break; case "Sheila" : case "Schneider" : case "Rafon" : case "Devaraja Singh" : case "Jana" : case "Caesar" : case "Droid55" : case "Nasiron" : _root.e1skill = 3; break; case "Aya" : case "Air Swat" : case "Ravager" : _root.e1skill = 4; break; case "Air Trooper" : _root.e1skill = 5; } }
Instance of Symbol 3101 MovieClip in Symbol 3334 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(_root.e1pilot); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _root.e1pilot = thepilot; }
Instance of Symbol 3116 MovieClip in Symbol 3334 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(_root.e1plane); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _root.e1plane = theplane; }
Instance of Symbol 3061 MovieClip in Symbol 3336 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { gotoAndStop(_root.e2pilot); switch (_root.e2pilot) { case "Evalot" : case "Chikara" : case "Jonathan Wood" : case "Brocken" : case "AI073" : case "Proto 52G" : case "P167C" : _root.e2skill = 1; break; case "Hassan" : case "Michael Chow" : case "Zero D" : case "Auxmenn" : case "Gina Maroth" : case "McGorse" : case "General Torus" : case "Lee Ann" : case "General Minnaros" : case "Simic" : case "Night Warrior" : case "Karamondo" : _root.e2skill = 2; break; case "Sheila" : case "Schneider" : case "Rafon" : case "Devaraja Singh" : case "Jana" : case "Caesar" : case "Droid55" : case "Nasiron" : _root.e2skill = 3; break; case "Aya" : case "Air Swat" : case "Ravager" : _root.e1skill = 4; break; case "Air Trooper" : _root.e2skill = 5; } }
Instance of Symbol 3101 MovieClip in Symbol 3336 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(_root.e2pilot); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _root.e2pilot = thepilot; }
Instance of Symbol 3116 MovieClip in Symbol 3336 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(_root.e2plane); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _root.e2plane = theplane; }
Instance of Symbol 3061 MovieClip in Symbol 3338 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { gotoAndStop(_root.e3pilot); switch (_root.e3pilot) { case "Evalot" : case "Chikara" : case "Jonathan Wood" : case "Brocken" : case "AI073" : case "Proto 52G" : case "P167C" : _root.e3skill = 1; break; case "Hassan" : case "Michael Chow" : case "Zero D" : case "Auxmenn" : case "Gina Maroth" : case "McGorse" : case "General Torus" : case "Lee Ann" : case "General Minnaros" : case "Simic" : case "Karamondo" : case "Night Warrior" : _root.e3skill = 2; break; case "Sheila" : case "Schneider" : case "Rafon" : case "Devaraja Singh" : case "Jana" : case "Caesar" : case "Droid55" : case "Nasiron" : _root.e3skill = 3; break; case "Aya" : case "Air Swat" : case "Ravager" : _root.e3skill = 4; break; case "Air Trooper" : _root.e3skill = 5; } }
Instance of Symbol 3101 MovieClip in Symbol 3338 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(_root.e3pilot); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _root.e3pilot = thepilot; }
Instance of Symbol 3116 MovieClip in Symbol 3338 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(_root.e3plane); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _root.e3plane = theplane; }
Symbol 3339 Button
on (release) { _root.enemiesleft++; nextFrame(); }
Symbol 3341 Button
on (release) { _root.enemiesleft--; prevFrame(); }
Symbol 3344 Button
on (release) { _root.gotoAndPlay("startcustomgame"); }
Symbol 3348 Button
on (press) { gotoAndPlay (910); }
Instance of Symbol 1732 MovieClip in Symbol 3357 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { _parent.stop(); timer = 100; my_sound = new Sound(); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { timer = timer * 0.9; my_sound.setVolume(timer); if (timer <= 5) { stopAllSounds(); my_sound.setVolume(100);; } }
Symbol 3357 MovieClip Frame 938
this.unloadMovie(); _root.nextFrame();
Symbol 3371 MovieClip Frame 7
Symbol 3372 Button
on (release) { _root.nextFrame(); }
Instance of Symbol 1732 MovieClip in Symbol 3505 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { _parent.stop(); timer = 100; my_sound = new Sound(); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { timer = timer * 0.9; my_sound.setVolume(timer); if (timer <= 5) { stopAllSounds(); my_sound.setVolume(100);; } }
Symbol 3505 MovieClip Frame 1408
Symbol 3508 Button
on (release) { _root.gotoAndPlay("startcampaign"); }
Symbol 3511 Button
on (release) { _root.campaignnumber++; _root.savefile = SharedObject.getLocal("avianwars"); = _root.campaignnumber; _root.savefile.flush(80000); _root.gotoAndPlay("startcampaign"); }
Symbol 3516 Button
on (release) { _root.gotoAndPlay("startarcadegame"); }
Symbol 3521 Button
on (press) { avianname = _root.avianname; getURL ((((("" + avianname) + "&ghosts=874543575856") + (random(6520) * 95656)) + "DgjuhsdfGFGShjsfkgSHGHSRjhfskghRSGSFGjhFGSG&avianscore=") + _root.arcadeenemiesout, "_blank", "GET"); play(); }
Symbol 3531 MovieClip Frame 2
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 3538 Button
on (release) { this.gotoAndPlay("c1"); }
Symbol 3539 Button
on (release) { this.gotoAndPlay("c2"); }
Symbol 3541 Button
on (release) { this.gotoAndPlay("c3"); }
Symbol 3543 Button
on (release) { this.gotoAndPlay("c4"); }
Symbol 3545 Button
on (release) { this.gotoAndPlay("c5"); }
Symbol 3548 Button
on (release) { this.gotoAndPlay("c6"); }
Symbol 3549 Button
on (release) { this.gotoAndPlay("c7"); }
Symbol 3551 Button
on (release) { this.gotoAndPlay("c8"); }
Symbol 3553 Button
on (release) { this.gotoAndPlay("c9"); }
Symbol 3556 Button
on (release) { this.gotoAndPlay("c10"); }
Symbol 3560 Button
on (release) { this.gotoAndPlay("c11"); }
Symbol 3562 Button
on (release) { this.gotoAndPlay("c12"); }
Symbol 3564 Button
on (release) { this.gotoAndPlay("c13"); }

Library Items

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Symbol 14 MovieClipUses:12 13Used by:16
Symbol 15 GraphicUsed by:16
Symbol 16 ButtonUses:11 14 15Used by:1694  Timeline
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Symbol 18 MovieClipUses:17Used by:23
Symbol 19 GraphicUsed by:20 23
Symbol 20 MovieClipUses:19Used by:23
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Symbol 65 GraphicUsed by:68
Symbol 66 GraphicUsed by:68
Symbol 67 GraphicUsed by:68
Symbol 68 MovieClipUses:64 65 66 67Used by:78
Symbol 69 GraphicUsed by:78  Timeline
Symbol 70 GraphicUsed by:78
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Symbol 72 GraphicUsed by:78
Symbol 73 GraphicUsed by:78
Symbol 74 GraphicUsed by:78
Symbol 75 GraphicUsed by:78
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Symbol 91 GraphicUsed by:97
Symbol 92 GraphicUsed by:97
Symbol 93 GraphicUsed by:97
Symbol 94 GraphicUsed by:97
Symbol 95 GraphicUsed by:97
Symbol 96 GraphicUsed by:97
Symbol 97 MovieClip [bullet_rocket]Uses:83 84 51 85 86 47 89 50 90 91 92 93 94 95 96Used by:Timeline
Symbol 98 ShapeTweeningUsed by:108
Symbol 99 GraphicUsed by:108
Symbol 100 ShapeTweeningUsed by:108
Symbol 101 ShapeTweeningUsed by:108
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Symbol 103 ShapeTweeningUsed by:108
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Symbol 108 MovieClip [bullet_smallrocket]Uses:98 99 50 51 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107Used by:Timeline
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Symbol 190 GraphicUsed by:192 218
Symbol 191 GraphicUsed by:192 218
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Symbol 196 MovieClipUses:47Used by:295 299 319 322 346 349 373 376 400 403 427 430 454 457 481 484 508 511 535 538 562 565 588 591 615 618 642 645
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Symbol 255 GraphicUsed by:256
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Symbol 266 GraphicUsed by:268
Symbol 267 GraphicUsed by:268
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Symbol 282 SoundUsed by:294
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Symbol 284 SoundUsed by:294
Symbol 285 SoundUsed by:294
Symbol 286 SoundUsed by:294
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Symbol 288 SoundUsed by:294
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Symbol 290 SoundUsed by:294
Symbol 291 SoundUsed by:294
Symbol 292 SoundUsed by:294
Symbol 293 SoundUsed by:294
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Symbol 295 MovieClip [Cloud Phoenix]Uses:138 139 164 167 170 171 176 186 192 194 195 196 200 213 216 218 219 231 242 256 259 260 268 270 294 47 89Used by:Timeline
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Symbol 317 GraphicUsed by:318
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Symbol 372 MovieClipUses:352 144 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371Used by:373 376
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Symbol 468 GraphicUsed by:480
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Symbol 1711 GraphicUsed by:1713
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Instance Names

"cphoenix"Frame 5Symbol 295 MovieClip [Cloud Phoenix]
"enemy1"Frame 5Symbol 299 MovieClip [Cloud Phoenix e]
"cphoenix"Frame 5Symbol 319 MovieClip [XCA1]
"enemy1"Frame 5Symbol 322 MovieClip [XCA1 e]
"cphoenix"Frame 5Symbol 346 MovieClip [Aviator]
"enemy1"Frame 5Symbol 349 MovieClip [Aviator e]
"cphoenix"Frame 5Symbol 373 MovieClip [Aviator V]
"enemy1"Frame 5Symbol 376 MovieClip [Aviator V e]
"cphoenix"Frame 5Symbol 400 MovieClip [Greenhollow]
"enemy1"Frame 5Symbol 403 MovieClip [Greenhollow e]
"cphoenix"Frame 5Symbol 427 MovieClip [Redhollow]
"enemy1"Frame 5Symbol 430 MovieClip [Redhollow e]
"cphoenix"Frame 5Symbol 454 MovieClip [Dragoiex]
"enemy1"Frame 5Symbol 457 MovieClip [Dragoiex e]
"cphoenix"Frame 5Symbol 481 MovieClip [Wingcore]
"enemy1"Frame 5Symbol 484 MovieClip [Wingcore e]
"cphoenix"Frame 5Symbol 508 MovieClip [Plogo Volu]
"enemy1"Frame 5Symbol 511 MovieClip [Plogo Volu e]
"cphoenix"Frame 5Symbol 535 MovieClip [Claw06]
"enemy1"Frame 5Symbol 538 MovieClip [Claw06 e]
"cphoenix"Frame 5Symbol 562 MovieClip [Claw07]
"enemy1"Frame 5Symbol 565 MovieClip [Claw07 e]
"cphoenix"Frame 5Symbol 588 MovieClip [Vishnu]
"enemy1"Frame 5Symbol 591 MovieClip [Vishnu e]
"cphoenix"Frame 5Symbol 615 MovieClip [Fheat]
"enemy1"Frame 5Symbol 618 MovieClip [Fheat e]
"cphoenix"Frame 5Symbol 642 MovieClip [Midas]
"enemy1"Frame 5Symbol 645 MovieClip [Midas e]
"logo"Frame 7Symbol 738 MovieClip
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"winfo"Frame 1556Symbol 2885 MovieClip
"pinfo"Frame 1556Symbol 2955 MovieClip
"tk"Frame 1558Symbol 2985 MovieClip
"leftblocker"Frame 1571Symbol 50 MovieClip
"rightblocker"Frame 1571Symbol 50 MovieClip
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"pausermenu"Frame 1571Symbol 3245 MovieClip
"winfo"Frame 1571Symbol 2885 MovieClip
"pinfo"Frame 1571Symbol 2955 MovieClip
"winfo"Frame 1573Symbol 2885 MovieClip
"pinfo"Frame 1573Symbol 2955 MovieClip
"winfo"Frame 1577Symbol 2885 MovieClip
"pinfo"Frame 1577Symbol 2955 MovieClip
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"winfo"Frame 1633Symbol 2885 MovieClip
"pinfo"Frame 1633Symbol 2955 MovieClip
"leftblocker"Frame 1636Symbol 50 MovieClip
"rightblocker"Frame 1636Symbol 50 MovieClip
"battlemenu"Frame 1636Symbol 3228 MovieClip
"pausermenu"Frame 1636Symbol 3245 MovieClip
"bgchanger"Frame 1689Symbol 3262 MovieClip
"winfo"Frame 1821Symbol 2885 MovieClip
"pinfo"Frame 1821Symbol 2955 MovieClip
"leftblocker"Frame 1823Symbol 50 MovieClip
"rightblocker"Frame 1823Symbol 50 MovieClip
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"pausermenu"Frame 1823Symbol 3245 MovieClip
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"pausermenu"Frame 2653Symbol 3245 MovieClip
"bgchanger"Frame 2706Symbol 3262 MovieClip
"thepwl"Frame 2838Symbol 3531 MovieClip
"det"Symbol 52 MovieClip [bullet_missile] Frame 1Symbol 50 MovieClip
"det"Symbol 97 MovieClip [bullet_rocket] Frame 10Symbol 50 MovieClip
"det"Symbol 108 MovieClip [bullet_smallrocket] Frame 1Symbol 50 MovieClip
"det"Symbol 125 MovieClip [bullet_hmissile] Frame 1Symbol 50 MovieClip
"thruster1"Symbol 164 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 144 MovieClip
"thruster2"Symbol 164 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 144 MovieClip
"planegraphic"Symbol 295 MovieClip [Cloud Phoenix] Frame 1Symbol 164 MovieClip
"shooting1"Symbol 295 MovieClip [Cloud Phoenix] Frame 1Symbol 167 MovieClip
"shooting2"Symbol 295 MovieClip [Cloud Phoenix] Frame 1Symbol 167 MovieClip
"outofammo"Symbol 295 MovieClip [Cloud Phoenix] Frame 1Symbol 170 MovieClip
"missiles"Symbol 295 MovieClip [Cloud Phoenix] Frame 1Symbol 171 MovieClip
"minigun2"Symbol 295 MovieClip [Cloud Phoenix] Frame 1Symbol 176 MovieClip
"minigun1"Symbol 295 MovieClip [Cloud Phoenix] Frame 1Symbol 176 MovieClip
"longlaser"Symbol 295 MovieClip [Cloud Phoenix] Frame 1Symbol 186 MovieClip
"napalm"Symbol 295 MovieClip [Cloud Phoenix] Frame 1Symbol 192 MovieClip
"plasma"Symbol 295 MovieClip [Cloud Phoenix] Frame 1Symbol 194 MovieClip
"rocket2"Symbol 295 MovieClip [Cloud Phoenix] Frame 1Symbol 195 MovieClip
"rocket1"Symbol 295 MovieClip [Cloud Phoenix] Frame 1Symbol 195 MovieClip
"multirocket2"Symbol 295 MovieClip [Cloud Phoenix] Frame 1Symbol 196 MovieClip
"multirocket1"Symbol 295 MovieClip [Cloud Phoenix] Frame 1Symbol 196 MovieClip
"novalaser"Symbol 295 MovieClip [Cloud Phoenix] Frame 1Symbol 200 MovieClip
"planewarp"Symbol 295 MovieClip [Cloud Phoenix] Frame 1Symbol 213 MovieClip
"pulselaser"Symbol 295 MovieClip [Cloud Phoenix] Frame 1Symbol 216 MovieClip
"smokescreen"Symbol 295 MovieClip [Cloud Phoenix] Frame 1Symbol 218 MovieClip
"hmissiles"Symbol 295 MovieClip [Cloud Phoenix] Frame 1Symbol 219 MovieClip
"empcannon"Symbol 295 MovieClip [Cloud Phoenix] Frame 1Symbol 231 MovieClip
"explode"Symbol 295 MovieClip [Cloud Phoenix] Frame 1Symbol 242 MovieClip
"sot"Symbol 295 MovieClip [Cloud Phoenix] Frame 1Symbol 256 MovieClip
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ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 5Symbol 562 as "Claw07"
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Created: 26/5 -2019 16:29:12 Last modified: 26/5 -2019 16:29:12 Server time: 15/11 -2024 02:17:39