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Ring Bearer.swf

This is the info page for
Flash #22843

(Click the ID number above for more basic data on this flash file.)















































































How To Play

Try to become the ringbearer by answering
all 15 questions correct.  You have 3 lifelines
to help you in your quest: 50/50, Ask The Wizard,
and Ask The Council.
Will you become the ringbearer, or will the load
be too heavy for you to bear?




































When you need a kwik break!


































































































































































Q : What colour underpants do hobbits normally wear?

A : Green

B : Green

C : Green

D : Green

Q : What colour underpants do hobbits normally wear?

A : Green

B : Green

C : Green

D : Green

Q : What colour underpants do hobbits normally wear?
second line

A : Green

B : Green

C : Green

D : Green

A : Green

B : Green

C : Green

D : Green

Q : What colour underpants do hobbits normally wear?

Q : What colour underpants do hobbits normally wear?

A : Green

B : Green

C : Green

D : Green

Q : What colour underpants do hobbits normally wear?

A : Green

B : Green

C : Green

D : Green

Ask the wizard

The wizard looks into
his sphere and is
the answer is

77% sure


Q : What colour underpants do hobbits normally wear?

A : Green

B : Green

C : Green

D : Green

Ask the Council

A    B    C    D

































The burden was
too heavy to bear


Games of Gondor Congratulates you!
The Fellowship has grown to 10-members. Be proud
of your knowledge, carry the ring with dignity, and
at all times keep it secret and keep it safe. If you
ever vacation to Mount Doom make sure to give the
Ring a GOOD hard throw into the lava. Thanks for
Playing! Come again soon...

ActionScript [AS1/AS2]

Frame 1
Instance of Symbol 23 MovieClip "mc_load_info" in Frame 1
//component parameters onClipEvent (initialize) { STREAM = false; PLAY_TYPE = "bytes"; PLAY_BYTES = 10000; PLAY_FRAMES = 0; PLAY_PERCENTAGE = 0; }
Instance of Symbol 25 MovieClip in Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { var myStartWidth = this._width; this._width = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._width = myStartWidth * _root.mc_load_info.fractionLoaded; }
Frame 2
stop(); sound_loop = new Sound(); sound_loop.attachSound("loop"); sound_loop.setVolume(190); snd_click = new Sound();
Frame 3
Frame 4
Frame 5
A1 = ["Who found the One Ring afterbeing lost for so long?", "Gollum", "Gremlin", "Beowulf", "Goblins"]; A2 = ["What creature appears in the fireworks stolen by Pippin and Merry?", "Dragon", "Tree Ent", "Goblin", "Eagle"]; A3 = ["How many wizards does the fellowship consist of?", "1 wizard", "2 Wizards", "3 wizards", "0 wizards"]; A4 = ["Who is Pippen's trusted sidekick and best friend?", "Merry", "Frodo", "Sam", "Bilbo"]; A5 = ["What is Bilbo's last name?", "Baggins", "Proudfoot", "Sackville", "Gamgee"]; A6 = ["What is Samwise's last name?", "Gamgee", "Proudfoot", "Baggins", "Sackville"]; A7 = ["What is Peregrin's last name?", "Took", "Proudfoot", "Sackville", "Gamgee"]; A8 = ["Gandalf is what type of character?", "Wizard", "Human", "Elf", "Dwarf"]; A9 = ["Gimli is what type of Character?", "Dwarf", "Elf", "Human", "Wizard"]; A10 = ["What unique attribute accompanies all who put on the one ring?", "Invisibility", "Chick Maget", "Bling Bling", "Fame"]; A11 = ["What task does the Fellowship take on?", "Destroy the Ring", "Party like its 1999", "Understanding Women", "Find WOMD"]; staffquestions = [A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8, A9, A10, A11]; B1 = ["What is the last name of Legolas?", "Greenleaf", "Proudfoot", "Sackville", "Gamgee"]; B2 = ["In the first movie/book,what colour wizard is Gandalf?", "Grey", "Green", "Pink", "White"]; B3 = ["Who is Smeagol better known as?", "Gollum", "Farmer Maggot", "Proudfoot", "Grima Wormtongue"]; B4 = ["How old is Bilbo Baggins turning at the start of the first movie?", "111", "115", "121", "100"]; B5 = ["What is Aragorn's nickname?", "Strider", "The Man", "Aragorney", "Swiftfoot"]; B6 = ["What is the average lifespan of an elf?", "elves are immortal", "100 years", "1000 years", "Unknown"]; B7 = ["What colour does Frodo's sword turn when Orc's are close by?", "Blue", "Grey", "Red", "Green"]; B8 = ["Which hobbit found the ring that Smeagol/Gollum dropped?", "Bilbo Baggins", "Frodo Baggins", "Isildur", "Denethor"]; B9 = ["When the Fellowship is broken, who is the only person who continues the journey with Frodo?", "Sam", "Gimli", "Gandalf", "Pippin"]; B10 = ["What terrible weather do the Fellowship of the Ring encounter between Rivendell and The Misty Mountains?", "A snowstorm", "A tornado", "A Flood", "A Hurricane"]; B11 = ["Where does The Lord of the Rings take place?", "Middle Earth", "Neverland", "Studio 54", "Disneyland"]; B12 = ["Who directed the Lord of the Rings movies?", "Peter Jackson", "Peter Pan", "Peter Pumpkin Eater", "Peter Pipper"]; B13 = ["Which Fellowship member tries to take the One Ring from Frodo?", "Boromir", "Sam", "Legolas", "Gimli"]; B14 = ["How do the Riders of Rohan travel around the land?", "On horses", "They Walk", "Taxi's", "Subway"]; B15 = ["What has changed about Ganadlf's appearance on his return in the 'Two Towers'?", "He's White", "He's evil", "He's living on Social Security", "He got married"]; B16 = ["What was the name of the beautiful white stallion ridden by Gandalf?", "Shadowfax", "My little Pony", "White Beauty", "Mr. Ed"]; B17 = ["Through what Dwarven mines to the fellowship travel?", "Moria", "Mordor", "Meatloaf", "Montamum"]; B18 = ["What is the symbol of Rohan?", "The Horse", "The Wolf", "The Hammer", "The Heffalump"]; B19 = ["Sam and Frodo encounter the malevolent Shelob. What sort of creature does Shelob most closely resemble?", "Spider", "Dragon", "Sloth", "Snake"]; B20 = ["How many people make up the Fellowship?", "Nine", "Ten", "Eight", "Seven"]; B21 = ["What reveals the writing on the One Ring (according to the movie)?", "Fire", "Asking nicely", "Farting", "Microscope"]; stingquestions = [B1, B2, B3, B4, B5, B6, B7, B8, B9, B10, B11, B12, B13, B14, B15, B16, B17, B18, B19, B20, B21]; C1 = ["In the Great battle against Sauron, who cut the One Ring from his Hand?", "Isildur", "Madril", "Denethor", "Elendil"]; C2 = ["At the end of the first book/movie, who tries to take the ring from Frodo?", "Boromir", "Aragorn", "Legolas", "Gimli"]; C3 = ["What is Merry's last name?", "Brandybuck", "Gamgee", "Baggins", "Sackville"]; C4 = ["Who is heir to the throne of Gondor?", "Aragorn", "Boromir", "Faramir", "Theoden"]; C5 = ["How does Gandalf get to Rivendell from the top of the tower of Isengard?", "Giant eagle", "Teleporting", "He get's rescured", "He doesn't escape"]; C6 = ["In all, how many Ring wraiths existed?", "nine", "eight", "seven", "eleven"]; C7 = ["With which member of the Fellowship did Gimli become very good friends?", "Legolas", "Boromir", "Pippen", "Frodo"]; C8 = ["Who is NOT one of the 'nine' to leave Rivendell with the One Ring?", "Theoden", "Legolas", "Gimli", "Aragorn"]; cloakquestions = [C1, C2, C3, C4, C5, C6, C7, C8]; D1 = ["What is the title of Bilbo Baggins' book?", "There and back again", "The Shire", "A Long Journey", "The tale of The Ring"]; D2 = ["What does Saruman's Army consist of?", "Uruk Hai", "Witches", "Troll's", "Mean Tigers"]; D3 = ["How does Smeagol/Gollum eat rabbits?", "Raw", "With Potatoes", "Slow Roasted", "With Garlic"]; D4 = ["Which of these foods does Smeagol hate?", "Lembas", "Fish", "Rabbits", "Potatoes"]; D5 = ["Aragorn first met Frodo at what town?", "Bree", "Rivendell", "Gondor", "The Shire"]; D6 = ["What Inn does Frodo go to in the town of Bree?", "The Prancing Pony", "Motel Hobbit", "The Happy Hobbit", "Middle Earth Inn"]; D7 = ["Who is the King described in the title 'Return of the King?'", "Aragorn", "Saruman", "Sam", "Gandalf"]; D8 = ["Who was Sam in love with?", "Rosie", "Galadirel", "Britney Spears", "Olsen Twins"]; narsilquestions = [D1, D2, D3, D4, D5, D6, D7, D8]; E1 = ["When talking about Mithril, Biblo says it's as Light as a feather, and as hard as?", "Dragon scales", "Orc Teeth", "Wizard stones", "Hobbit Mugs"]; E2 = ["Who created the One Ring?", "Sauron", "Saruman", "Grima", "The Witch King"]; E3 = ["Where does Ganalf go to meet Saruman?", "Isengard", "Rivendell", "Bree", "The Shire"]; E4 = ["Where are the hobbits meant to meet Gandalf?", "The Prancing Pony", "Rivendell", "Isengard", "Lothlorien"]; E5 = ["How many hobbits does The Fellowship of the Ring consist of?", "4 Hobbits", "5 Hobbits", "3 Hobbits", "2 Hobbits"]; E6 = ["How many men does The Fellowship of the Ring consist of?", "2 men", "3 men", "4 men", "5 men"]; E7 = ["How many elves does The Fellowship of the Ring consist of?", "1 elf", "2 elves", "3 elves", "4 elves"]; E8 = ["How many dwarves does The Fellowship of the Ring consist of?", "1 dwarf", "2 dwarves", "3 dwarves", "4 dwarves"]; E9 = ["What creature did Gandalf battle on the bridge in Moria?", "Balrog", "Fire Demon", "The Witch King", "Sauron"]; E10 = ["When the company arrives at Lothlorien, who are they missing?", "Gandalf", "Boromir", "Aragorn", "Frodo"]; E11 = ["How does Gandalf punish Pippin and Merry for stealing his fireworks?", "Makes them clean dishes", "Turns them into toads", "Tells their parents", "Makes them go with Frodo"]; E12 = ["Apart from his bow and arrows, how else is Legolas armed in the movies?", "knives", "Axe", "Sword", "Holy Hand Gernade"]; E13 = ["What is the name of Gimli's father?", "Gloin", "Greenleaf", "Grabby", "Gimeal"]; E14 = ["What sign was carried by the Orcs and the Uruk-hai of Isengard on their shields, helmets and banners?", "A white hand", "A Yellow Foot", "A Red Elbow", "A Blue Ear"]; E15 = ["What was the name of the great spider that Gollum led Frodo to?", "Shelob", "Itsy Bitsy", "Spider Man", "Sam"]; E16 = ["What happens to the ring while Frodo is paralyzed by Shelob?", "Sam takes it", "The Orcs take it", "Nothing", "Gollum takes it"]; E17 = ["What race is treebeard?", "Ent", "Elf", "Pine", "Red Wood"]; E18 = ["Who is the King of Rohan?", "Theoden", "Aragorn", "George Bush", "Boromir"]; E19 = ["'Speak friend and enter' is written at the enterance into which Dwarf city?", "Moria", "Helm's Deep", "Minas Tirith", "Rivendale"]; shieldquestions = [E1, E2, E3, E4, E5, E6, E7, E8, E9, E10, E11, E12, E13, E14, E15, E16, E17, E18, E19]; F1 = ["What Ferry do Frodo, Sam, Merry, and Pippen use to cross the river on their way to Bree?", "Buckle Berry", "Brandywine", "Fangorn Ferry", "Hobtanic"]; F2 = ["When Sam is caught outside under the window beforing leaving on his journey, he ask Gandalf to not turn him into anything that is?", "Un-natural", "Slimy", "Harry", "Scary"]; F3 = ["How is the secret writing on the 'One Ring' revealed?", "By Fire", "By Water", "By Magic", "By asking nicely"]; F4 = ["With whom did Frodo ride with to Rivendell?", "Arwen", "Aragorn", "Gandalf", "Boromir"]; F5 = ["What was Gollum most closely related to before centuries of mutation from owning the ring?", "Hobbits", "Humans", "Evles", "Dwarves"]; F6 = ["What type of Blade stabs Frodo at the tower of Amon Sul?", "Morgul", "Mozgal", "Mengale", "Mergal"]; F7 = ["What name does Frodo travel under when he journey's to Bree?", "Underhill", "Baggins", "Tom", "Larry"]; F8 = ["Where is Isengard located?", "Orthanc", "Mordor", "Gondor", "Rohan"]; F9 = ["What tower does Saruman live in?", "Isengard", "Barad Dur", "Helms Deep", "Gondor"]; F10 = ["What is the name of Gandalf's horse?", "Shadowfax", "ShadowLand", "ShadowForce", "ShadowMane"]; F11 = ["After being crowned king, before whom does Aragorn bow?", "The Hobbits", "Gandalf", "Jack Bauer", "TreeBeard"]; F12 = ["What's the name of the marshes, which Frodo, Sam and Gollum were crossing?", "The dead marshes", "The forbidden marshes", "Bog of Eternal Stinch", "Waste Land"]; F13 = ["What did the people of Bree call Aragorn?", "Strider", "Mystery Man", "Protector", "Safe Haven"]; andruilquestions = [F1, F2, F3, F4, F5, F6, F7, F8, F9, F10, F11, F12, F13]; G1 = ["What bridge is closest to the Buckle Berry Ferry?", "Brandywine", "Troll Bridge", "Hobbit Crossing", "Shironean"]; G2 = ["What is Frodo's Vest made of that saves him from the Cave Troll?", "Mithril", "Magic", "Stone Metal", "Dragon scales"]; G3 = ["Of 'The Fellowship', who carries a horn?", "Boromir", "Gimlli", "Aragorn", "Legolas"]; G4 = ["How many of the great rings did Sauron the deceiver give to the Elves?", "Three Elves", "Seven Elves", "Nine elves", "Five Elves"]; G5 = ["How many of the great rings did Sauron the deceiver give to the dwarves?", "7 Dwarves", "3 Dwarves", "5 Dwarves", "9 Dwarves"]; G6 = ["How many of the great rings did Sauron the deceiver give to men?", "9 Men", "5 Men", "7 Men", "10 Men"]; G7 = ["On Frodos quest to destroy the Great Ring, What is the name of the first place to which he goes?", "Bree", "Rivendell", "Lothlorien", "Gondor"]; G8 = ["Who cures Frodo from the poison of the Morgul blade?", "Elrond", "Arwen", "Aragorn", "Lady Galadriel"]; G9 = ["Who does Frodo see first when he awakes at Rivendell?", "Gandalf", "Frodo", "Sam", "Aragorn"]; G10 = ["Who solves the riddle that opens the door to the mines of Moria?", "Frodo", "Aragorn", "Gandalf", "Pippen"]; G11 = ["Who sneaks up on Aragorn at Weathertop when he is looking for Kinsfoil?", "Arwen", "The Nazgul", "The Orcs", "Gandalf"]; G12 = ["Who killed the king of the Ring Wraiths?", "Eowyn", "Aragorn", "Sam", "Legolas"]; G13 = ["In 'Return of the King' Who does Merry ride with into battle, after he was told he could not come by Theoden?", "Eowyn", "Legolas", "Gandalf", "Aragon"]; G14 = ["Where is Orthanc, the Tower of Saruman situated?", "Isengard", "Gondor", "Hobbitville", "Moria"]; G15 = ["What is the dwarfish name of Moria?", "Khazad-dum", "Kaza-Boom", "KungFu Fighting", "Krazy-Dum"]; G16 = ["What is the name of the Ent that Merry and Pippin meet in Fangorn Forest?", "Treebeard", "Tree King", "Hickory Leave", "Treemonia"]; G17 = ["What colour handprints do the Uruk Hai have on their face?", "White", "Blue", "Red", "Yellow"]; lembasquestions = [G1, G2, G3, G4, G5, G6, G7, G8, G9, G10, G11, G12, G13, G14, G15, G16, G17]; H1 = ["Where does Boromir try and take the ring from Frodo?", "Amon Hen", "Amon Sul", "Weathertop", "Rivendell"]; H2 = ["Hobbits are most like what other beings?", "men", "dwarves", "elves", "Orcs"]; H3 = ["What was the name of Gandalf's sword?", "Glamdring", "Narsil", "Sting", "Morgul"]; H4 = ["What are the names of the Seeing Stones that Sauron uses?", "Palantir", "Seeing Stones", "Magic 8-Stone", "Corlineans"]; H5 = ["In what tower does Sauron live?", "Barad-Dur", "Amon Sul", "Amon Hen", "Mordor"]; H6 = ["What is the name of the finest weed in South Farland?", "Old Tilme", "Hobbit Hoffloft", "Yim-Farland", "Ran-loland"]; H7 = ["What is the name of Gandalf's horse?", "Shadowfax", "Swiftfoot", "Black Beauty", "Mr. Ed"]; H8 = ["What was the name of the Pony that accompanied the fellowship on their journey?", "Bill", "Ted", "Bob", "Todd"]; H9 = ["Who is Smeagol's cousin?", "Deagol", "Sackville", "Brandybuck", "Proudfoot"]; H10 = ["Who is Boromir's brother?", "Faramir", "Denethor", "Elendil", "Theoden"]; H11 = ["Who accidently knocks the skeleton down the well in Moria?", "Pippin", "Merry", "Frodo", "Sam"]; H12 = ["What is the huge fiery demon that attacks the fellowship in the Mines of Moria?", "Balrog", "Bal-Gul", "Balin", "Ben-Zul"]; H13 = ["Who is Frodo's father?", "Drogo", "Bilbo", "Famnagin", "Darth Vader"]; H14 = ["Which character went under the name of Mr Underhill?", "Frodo", "Sam", "Aragorn", "Legolas"]; H15 = ["What was Narsil renamed after it was forged back together?", "Anduril", "Estelas", "Nemoril", "Telchar"]; H16 = ["Where is the home of Lord Elrond and Arwen Evenstar?", "Rivendell", "Mirkwood", "Gondor", "Minas Tirith"]; H17 = ["Who is the second son of the Steward of Gondor", "Faramir", "Boromir", "Theoden", "Haldir"]; H18 = ["What is the name of the pool, in which Gollum was fishing before he is caught?", "The Forbidden Pool", "Fish Pond", "Pool of dreams", "Crystal Springs"]; H19 = ["What does Bilbo name his short-sword?", "Sting", "Bite", "Strong-dom", "Orc Killer"]; H20 = ["Who eventually destroys (but not intentionally) the Ring?", "Gollum", "Pippin", "Sam", "Frodo"]; H21 = ["What was Gollum's name before he got the ring?", "Smeagol", "Deagol", "Drogo", "Elendil"]; pettrollquestions = [H1, H2, H3, H4, H5, H6, H7, H8, H9, H10, H11, H12, H13, H14, H15, H16, H17, H18, H19, H20, H21]; I1 = ["What is the name of the western entrace to Moria?", "Hollin Gate", "Darrow Gate", "Molian Gate", "Elfoot Gate"]; I2 = ["How many Ringwraiths come after Frodo in Bree?", "4", "5", "6", "7"]; I3 = ["What sword cut the 'One Ring' from Saurons hand?", "Narsil", "Sting", "The Great Axe", "None of these"]; I4 = ["Kinsfoil is also known as?", "Athelas Plant", "Forest Weed", "Tree bark", "Horses Hoof"]; I5 = ["After Frodo is stabbed by the Morgul blade, what does Aragorn send Sam to find?", "Kinsfoil", "Plant Root", "Tree Berries", "Moths Nest"]; I6 = ["Where is Boromir from?", "Gondor", "Rivendell", "Rohan", "Isengard"]; I7 = ["What is the name of the hill for which the hobbits and strider make after leaving Bree?", "Weathertop", "Hobbit Hill", "Underhill", "Misty Mountains"]; I8 = ["Who does Frodo discover that is following them in the Mines of Moria?", "Gollum", "Ents", "Warts", "Riders of Rohan"]; I9 = ["Which member of the Fellowship can walk on top of the snowbanks?", "Legolas", "Pippen", "Aragorn", "Gimli"]; I10 = ["Who is Samwise Gamgee in love with?", "Rosie", "Susie", "Julie", "Frodo"]; I11 = ["Where do the Nazgul live?", "Minas Morgul", "Minas Tirith", "They have no home", "The Dead Marshes"]; I12 = ["Eomer of Rohan has a sister, What is her name?", "Eowyn", "Theodred", "Arwen", "Elane"]; I13 = ["Eowyn of Rohan has a brother, What is his name?", "Eomer", "Elrodan", "Emaine", "Elomor"]; I14 = ["What is the name of the horse that saved Aragorn after he was injured by the warg rider?", "Brego", "Bravo", "Bill", "Bert"]; I15 = ["Which mountain forced the Fellowship to turn and go through the Mines of Moria instead?", "Caradhras", "Erebor", "Anadras", "Weathertop"]; I16 = ["Who is the landlord of the prancing pony?", "Barliman Butterbur", "Tom Bombadil", "Bernie Mac", "Billy Bilgepop"]; I17 = ["Where does Legolas from?", "Mirkwood", "Lothlorien", "Gondor", "The West"]; I18 = ["Who finally kills the cave troll?", "Legolas", "Frodo", "Aragorn", "Gimli"]; I19 = ["After escaping the Dwarven Mines(Moria), where does the Fellowship head?", "Lothlorien", "Mordor", "Gondor", "Rivendale"]; I20 = ["When the fellowship reaches Lothlorien, they are greeted at bow-point by many elves. What is the name of the elf who speaks to them?", "Haldir", "Arwen", "Elrond", "Galadriel"]; I21 = ["Which one of the hobbits looked into the palantir?", "Pippin", "Sam", "Merry", "Frodo"]; I22 = ["To whom does Pippin swear allegiance?", "Denethor", "King Theoden", "Aragorn", "Gandalf"]; I23 = ["Who talks Elrond into reforging the blade that was broken?", "Arwen", "Celeborn", "Haldir", "Bombadil"]; I24 = ["Upon return to the Shire who does Sam marry?", "Rose Cotton", "Susie Cornback", "Mary Carsie", "Ashley Longhem"]; I25 = ["Which of the fellowship is reluctant to turn back from the mountain of Carhadras?", "Gandalf", "Aragorn", "Legolas", "Frodo"]; bagendquestions = [I1, I2, I3, I4, I5, I6, I7, I8, I9, I10, I11, I12, I13, I14, I15, I16, I17, I18, I19, I20, I21, I22, I23, I24, I25]; J1 = ["What is the name of Aragorn's mother?", "Gilraen", "Tarses", "Glamaring", "Ravencare"]; J2 = ["How long did Gollum have the ring before Bilbo found it?", "500 years", "250 years", "750 years", "1,000 years"]; J3 = ["The place where Frodo gets stabbed by a Ringwraith is identified by Aragorn as 'the great watchtower of...'?", "Amon Sul", "Amon Hen", "Amal Son", "Amen Hul"]; J4 = ["What gift did Galadriel give to Gimli upon their departure from Lothlorien?", "three strands of her hair", "Elven Rope", "Lembas", "A shield"]; J5 = ["Where did Gollum live for 500 years as the Ring poisoned his mind?", "Misty Mountians", "The Dead Marshes", "Mordor", "Isengard"]; J6 = ["Whose life did Pippen save by informing Gandalf of Denethor's madness?", "Faramir", "Beregond", "Boromir", "Isildur"]; J7 = ["In Lothlorien, the elves say they were able to detect the fellowship because of what?", "Gimlis breathing", "Pippens talking", "Sam Eating", "Aragorn sneezing"]; J8 = ["What is the name of the horse that finds Aragorn after he is dragged over a cliff by the Warg-rider?", "Brego", "Bill", "Shadowfax", "Bendy"]; J9 = ["The Fellowship discover which Dwarf's tomb in Moria?", "Balin", "Bolig", "Belean", "Bilock"]; J10 = ["Sauron tells Saruman to build him an army worthy of what?", "Mordor", "Mom", "Mount Doom", "Middle Earth"]; J11 = ["Which character is the 'Lord of the Rings'?", "Sauron", "Saruman", "Frodo", "Bilbo"]; J12 = ["How long did Smeagol posess the ring in the Misty Mountains?", "500 Years", "250 years", "750 years", "1,000 years"]; J13 = ["What colour is the cloak of the King of the dead?", "black", "green", "Brown", "Blue"]; J14 = ["Who killed the most Orcs at the battle of Helm's Deep?", "Gimli", "Legolas", "Frodo", "Aragorn"]; J15 = ["Who was the head guard of Rohan?", "Hama", "Haldir", "Hoeman", "Herian"]; J16 = ["What is Kingsfoil also known as?", "Athelas", "Dirts Dust", "Sag leaves", "Boolins"]; J17 = ["It is said that Orcs originated from which other race?", "Elf", "Human", "Hobbits", "Dwarves"]; J18 = ["In the movie Ganaldf says, 'At dawn, look to the ______'", "East", "West", "North", "South"]; J19 = ["Who did Smeagol kill in order to gain possession of the One Ring?", "Deagol", "Sauron", "Gollum", "SackVille"]; J20 = ["Who did Bilbo meet under the Misty Mountains?", "Gollum", "Trolls", "Deagol", "Haldir"]; J21 = ["Who is almost burnt to death by his own father?", "Faramir", "Boromir", "Drogo", "Theoden"]; J22 = ["What is the name of King Theoden's Nephew?", "Eomer", "Eowyn", "Elanie", "Elrodan"]; J23 = ["What is the name of King Theoden's Niece?", "Eowyn", "Eomer", "Elanie", "Elrodan"]; pipeweedquestions = [J1, J2, J3, J4, J5, J6, J7, J8, J9, J10, J11, J12, J13, J14, J15, J16, J17, J18, J19, J20, J21, J23]; K1 = ["Who kills Lurtz?", "Aragorn", "Legolas", "Gimli", "Pippin", "Frodo"]; K2 = ["What is the Elvish word for friend, that is spoken to enter the Mines of Moria?", "Mellon", "Malin", "Molgin", "Mullet"]; K3 = ["Whose crop had Pippin and Merry been into?", "Farmer Maggot", "Farmer John", "Farmer Merrybuck", "Farmer Jim"]; K4 = ["What does Gandalf tell the company as he is pulled int othe Shadow by the balrog?", "Fly, you fools!", "Give me a hand", "Got Rope", "God Speed"]; K5 = ["Who is the first member of the Fellowship to jump across the gap in the staircase in Moria?", "Legolas", "Aragorn", "Boromir", "Frodo"]; K6 = ["What is the name of the place Boromir calls 'The White City'?", "Minas Tirith", "Gondor", "Rohan", "Isengard"]; K7 = ["The Fellowship has to hide from a fock of birds spying for Saruman. What Kind of birds does Legolas identify them as?", "Crebain", "Mini Nazgul", "Black flyers", "Bloodian"]; K8 = ["What does Bilbo compare himself to when he tells Ganalf why he is leaving the shire?", "butter", "jam", "Carrots", "Fine Ale"]; K9 = ["What is the name of the fiery mountain where the One Ring was forged?", "Orodruin", "Caradhras", "Orthanc", "Dunedain"]; K10 = ["How old is Gollum?", "about 550", "about 370", "about 720", "about 250"]; K11 = ["Which fellowship member works out the way into the Dwarven mines?", "Frodo", "Gandalf", "Boromir", "Legolas"]; K12 = ["Which of the following horses was given to Aragorn by Eomer?", "Hasufel", "Hastor", "Hansel", "Hardfoot"]; K13 = ["What is the name of the black gate of Morodor?", "Morannon", "Minas Tirith", "Morodian", "Millindor"]; K14 = ["What is the name of Arwens horse?", "Asfolath", "Arod", "Brego", "Hasufel"]; K15 = ["What does Gandalf grab off a guard to stop Denethor burning himself and Faramir?", "A spear", "A blanket", "A bucket of water", "A Shield"]; Glamdringquestions = [K1, K2, K3, K4, K5, K6, K7, K8, K9, K10, K11, K12, K13, K14, K15]; L1 = ["When in Lothlorien, Sam makes up a ridde/song about Gandalf's?", "Fireworks", "Magic", "Beard", "Staff"]; L2 = ["In Bree, what animal is the first shown at the Prancing Pony?", "Ferret", "Dog", "Rat", "Cat"]; L3 = ["What is the name of the Uruk-hai who killed Boromir?", "Lurtz", "Hertz", "Montz", "Sertz"]; L4 = ["Where do the Ent's conduct their Entmoot(Meeting)?", "Derndingle", "Darrowword", "Dingleberry", "Forentmood"]; L5 = ["The Wizards were from the order of the Maiar, Maiar is more properly known as?", "Istari", "Wizards Council", "Wizerith", "Atari"]; L6 = ["When did Frodo first hear the pursuit of Gollum?", "Moria", "Bree", "Rivendell", "The Shire"]; L7 = ["Who is the owner of the 'The Prancing Pony' located in the town of Bree.", "Barliman Butterbur", "Nob", "Tom Bombadil", "Bill Backville"]; L8 = ["What is Elrond's last name?", "Peredhil", "Elvenstar", "Raven", "Merident"]; L9 = ["Another word for hobbit is?", "Halfling", "Small Man", "Heffalump", "Shire Folk"]; L10 = ["Who is Boromir's father and the steward of Gondor?", "Denethor", "Elendil", "Madril", "Faramir"]; L11 = ["What gift did Galadriel present to Sam?", "Earth from her orchard", "a strand of her hair", "An Elvish Cloak", "Lembas Bread"]; L12 = ["Where does the Fellowship stop to rest after passing through the Mines of Moria?", "Lothlorien", "Fangorn", "Gondor", "Minas Tirith"]; L14 = ["How was Isildur killed?", "shot with an arrow", "Stabbed", "Crushed by stones", "The electric chair"]; L15 = ["What are Crebain?", "Evil birds", "Giant bears", "Huge spiders", "Cave trolls"]; L16 = ["How many Orcs does Sam fight on the stairs in Minas Morgul?", "3", "2", "4", "1"]; L17 = ["What shape are the shields of the riders of Rohan?", "round", "square", "triangular", "Rectangle"]; L18 = ["Who was known by the elves as Curunir?", "Saruman the White", "Gandalf the Grey", "Frodo the Brave", "Sauron the Evil"]; L19 = ["Which tower is home to the Nazgul: The nine servants of Sauron?", "Minas Morgul", "Barad-Dur", "Weathertop", "Isengard"]; L20 = ["When Frodo first sees Gollum, how long does Gandalf say he had been following them for?", "3 days", "4 days", "2 days", "5 days"]; L21 = ["What great waterfalls are located on the River Anduin?", "Rauros", "Orodruin", "Brandir", "Hithoel"]; L22 = ["What do the Gondorian soldiers have carved on their helmets?", "Wings", "horses", "trees", "Flames"]; elvenropequestions = [L1, L2, L3, L4, L5, L6, L7, L8, L9, L10, L11, L12, L13, L14, L15, L16, L17, L18, L19, L20, L21, L22]; M1 = ["Where does Rosie Cotton work as a barmaid?", "Green Dragon", "Yellow Dragon", "Blue Dragon", "Red Dragon"]; M2 = ["What book does the Fellowship discover in Balin's Tomb in the city of Dwarrowdelf?", "Book of Mazarbul", "Book of Balin", "Book of Dwarrowdelf", "Book of Khazadum"]; M3 = ["Where does Treebeard live?", "Wellinghall", "Wellington", "Wishing Well", "Well of Wishing"]; M4 = ["When Frodo awakes in Rivendell, what is the date?", "October 24th", "October 23rd", "November 15th", "November 11th"]; M5 = ["How many Ringwraiths attack the Hobbits in the Weatherstop?", "5", "9", "7", "3"]; M6 = ["What was the name of the snowy pass the Fellowship had to turn back from before heading to Moria?", "Caradhras", "Caldaron", "Ceribleim", "Cerbras"]; M7 = ["What is the name of the two giant statues carved out of the cliffs along the River Anduin?", "Argonath", "Aronstat", "Arathorn", "Araloian"]; M8 = ["Which of the Elvish rings does Gandalf wear?", "Narya", "Vilya", "Nenya", "None of these"]; M9 = ["Which of the Elvish rings does Galadriel wear?", "Nenya", "Vilya", "Narya", "None of these"]; M10 = ["Which of the Elvish rings does Elrond wear?", "Vilya", "Nenya", "Narya", "None of these"]; M11 = ["What is the name of King Theoden's horse?", "Snowmane", "Snowbank", "Snowball", "Snowflake"]; M12 = ["What is the name of Arwen's horse that carries Her and Frodo to Rivendell?", "Asfolath", "Altake", "Armseneth", "Ali-baba"]; M13 = ["How many flying Nazgul attack the retreating defenders of Osgiliath?", "3", "2", "4", "5"]; M14 = ["What was the name of King Theoden's horse?", "Snowmane", "Snowball", "Snowfoot", "Snowstorm"]; M15 = ["In what Age of Middle-Earth was the One Ring forged?", "Second", "Third", "First", "Fourth"]; M16 = ["How many beacons are lit to call the riders of Rohan to Gondor", "14", "16", "18", "12"]; shadowfaxquestions = [M1, M2, M3, M4, M5, M6, M7, M8, M9, M10, M11, M12, M13, M14, M15, M16]; N1 = ["Frodo's parents dies in a boating accident on what river?", "Brandywine", "Anduin", "Parth Galen", "Falls of Rauros"]; N2 = ["Out of what forest does the River Entwash come?", "Fanghorn", "Druadan", "Lothlorien", "Caradhras"]; N3 = ["After the person who cut the One Ring from Sauron's hand had died, How long had the One Ring been lost before it was found again?", "2500 years", "5000 years", "7500 years", "10000 years"]; N4 = ["Three Elvish Rings were made. What is the ring of Narya known as?", "Fire", "Water", "Earth", "Air"]; N5 = ["Three Elvish Rings were made. What is the ring of Vilya known as?", "Air", "Water", "Earth", "Fire"]; N6 = ["Three Elvish Rings were made. What is the ring of Nenya known as?", "Water", "Fire", "Earth", "Air"]; N7 = ["What horse was given to Legolas by Eomer in 'The Two Towers'?", "Arod", "Aron", "Alinean", "Alance"]; N8 = ["What horse was given to Aragorn by Eomer in 'The Two Towers'?", "Hasufel", "Handful", "Hesumeal", "Habikean"]; N9 = ["Who is the 'Lord of the Eagles', that saves Gandalf from the Tower of Orthanc?", "Gwaihir", "Golden Wing", "Gailean", "Golianeth"]; N10 = ["How many horns do the statues guarding Minas Morgul have?", "3", "2", "1", "4"]; N11 = ["Where are Sam and Frodo when they are captured by Faramir and his Rangers?", "Ithilien", "Gondor", "Mordor", "Hornburg"]; N12 = ["Where did Isildur lose the One Ring (and his life) when his party was ambushed by Orcs?", "The Gladden Fields", "The Entwash", "Gorgoroth Plains", "Mordor"]; N13 = ["What was the name of the horse given by Eomer to Legolas and Gimli?", "Arod", "Brego", "Hasufel", "Asfolath"]; N14 = ["How many pieces is the sword Narsil in?", "Six", "five", "seven", "Four"]; mythrilvestquestions = [N1, N2, N3, N4, N5, N6, N7, N8, N9, N10, N11, N12, N13, N14]; O1 = ["What ring does Aragorn wear, showing he is the heir of Elendil?", "Barahir", "Nenya", "Vilya", "Narya"]; O2 = ["What lake does the River Anduin flow into?", "Nen Hithoel", "Tol Brandir", "Rauros", "Parth Galen"]; O3 = ["After Bilbo Baggins finds the One Ring, the viewer is taken to the Shire. How many years later is this?", "60 Years", "50 Years", "70 Years", "80 Years"]; O4 = ["What is the name of Legolas' father, the king of Wood Elves in Mirkwood?", "Thranduil", "Anadul", "Legalion", "GreenTree"]; O5 = ["What does the name of the watch tower on top of the Weathertop translate to?", "Hill of Wind", "Hill of Fire", "Hill of Water", "Hill of Earth"]; O6 = ["In what age of Middle Earth does the Movies/Story take place?", "Third", "First", "Second", "Fourth"]; O7 = ["Which of the breeds of hobbit were originally larger and heavier in build?", "Stoors", "Harfoots", "Fallohides", "Baggins"]; O8 = ["Which of the breeds of hobbits were considered the most 'normal'?", "Harfoots", "Stoors", "Fallohides", "Baggins"]; O9 = ["Which of the breeds of hobbits were mostly fair haired and fair skinned?", "Fallohides", "Stoors", "Harfoots", "Baggins"]; O10 = ["How many times was Sam elected mayor of the Shire?", "7", "6", "5", "8"]; O11 = ["According to Legolas, what season do trees in Lothlorien lose their leaves?", "Spring", "Fall", "Summer", "Winter"]; O12 = ["The stronghold of Angmar is the last major mountain of the Misty Mountains. What is the mountain's name?", "Carn Dum", "Orodruin", "Cair Andros", "Henneth Annun"]; O13 = ["Name the hideout that Faramir took Frodo and Sam to in 'The Two Towers'?", "Henneth Annun", "Cair Andros", "Carn Dum", "Orodruin"]; O14 = ["Which fellowdhip member does Frodo NOT see in the mirror of Galadirel?", "Boromir", "Gandalf", "Merry", "Pippen"]; O15 = ["During the Helm's Deep battle Aragorn is yelling 'Pendriath!' in Elvish. But what does is mean in english?", "Ladders!", "Get ready!", "Run!", "Arrows away!"]; O16 = ["According to the men of the Mark, what does Orthanc mean?", "Cunning Mind", "Wizard's thought", "Paths of the Dead", "High council"]; O17 = ["What us the name of Eomer's Horse?", "Firefoot", "Lightningbeam", "Windstorm", "Earthquake"]; O18 = ["What name does Eomer give to Aragorn at their first meeting upon the plains of Rohan?", "Wingfoot", "Firefoot", "Windfoot", "Flamefoot"]; O19 = ["How many stars are above the tree on Aragorn's chest as he rides to the Black gate?", "6", "4", "8", "10"]; O20 = ["How many wizards were sent to middle-earth at the beginning of the third age?", "5", "2", "3", "4"]; ringbearerquestions = [O1, O2, O3, O4, O5, O6, O7, O8, O9, O10, O11, O12, O13, O14, O15, O16, O17, O18, O19, O20]; function myRandom(minval, maxval) { return(minval + Math.floor(Math.random() * ((maxval + 1) - minval))); } function getQuestions() { questionNumber = myRandom(0, level.length - 1); question = "Q: " + level[questionNumber][0]; question = String(question); answerNumber = myRandom(1, 4); correctAnswer = answerNumber; correct = "answer" + answerNumber; if (correct == "answer1") { answer1 = "A : " + level[questionNumber][1]; } else if (correct == "answer2") { answer2 = "B : " + level[questionNumber][1]; } else if (correct == "answer3") { answer3 = "C : " + level[questionNumber][1]; } else if (correct == "answer4") { answer4 = "D : " + level[questionNumber][1]; } nextAnswer = answerNumber; i = 2; while (i < 5) { if (nextAnswer == 4) { nextAnswer = 1; } else { nextAnswer++; } incorrect = "answer" + nextAnswer; if (incorrect == "answer1") { answer1 = "A : " + level[questionNumber][i]; } else if (incorrect == "answer2") { answer2 = "B : " + level[questionNumber][i]; } else if (incorrect == "answer3") { answer3 = "C : " + level[questionNumber][i]; } else if (incorrect == "answer4") { answer4 = "D : " + level[questionNumber][i]; } i++; } } sound_loop.start(0, 999); score = 0; levelNumber = -1; lifelines = 3; life50 = true; lifeWizard = true; lifeCouncil = true; answerArray = [1, 2, 3, 4]; catagories = [staffquestions, stingquestions, cloakquestions, narsilquestions, shieldquestions, andruilquestions, lembasquestions, pettrollquestions, bagendquestions, pipeweedquestions, glamdringquestions, elvenropequestions, shadowfaxquestions, mythrilvestquestions, ringbearerquestions];
Frame 6
stop(); lifelines = true; buttona._visible = true; buttonb._visible = true; buttonc._visible = true; buttond._visible = true; scoreboard.nextFrame(); levelNumber++; level = catagories[levelNumber]; highlight1.gotoAndStop("none"); highlight2.gotoAndStop("none"); highlight3.gotoAndStop("none"); highlight4.gotoAndStop("none"); getQuestions(); if (question.length > 50) { nextFrame(); }
Frame 8
Frame 9
stop(); lifelines = false; if (correct == "answer1") { highlight1.gotoAndStop("correct"); } else if (correct == "answer2") { highlight2.gotoAndStop("correct"); } else if (correct == "answer3") { highlight3.gotoAndStop("correct"); } else if (correct == "answer4") { highlight4.gotoAndStop("correct"); } question = "Correct! Click to continue...";
Frame 10
stop(); lifelines = false; if (correct == "answer1") { highlight1.gotoAndStop("correct"); } else if (correct == "answer2") { highlight2.gotoAndStop("correct"); } else if (correct == "answer3") { highlight3.gotoAndStop("correct"); } else if (correct == "answer4") { highlight4.gotoAndStop("correct"); } if (clicked == "answer1") { highlight1.gotoAndStop("wrong"); } else if (clicked == "answer2") { highlight2.gotoAndStop("wrong"); } else if (clicked == "answer3") { highlight3.gotoAndStop("wrong"); } else if (clicked == "answer4") { highlight4.gotoAndStop("wrong"); } question = "Wrong answer! Click to continue...";
Frame 11
lifeline50.gotoAndPlay(3); newRand = myRandom(1, 3); if (correctAnswer == 1) { if (newRand != 1) { answer2 = ""; buttonb._visible = false; } if (newRand != 2) { answer3 = ""; buttonc._visible = false; } if (newRand != 3) { answer4 = ""; buttond._visible = false; } } else if (correctAnswer == 2) { if (newRand != 1) { answer1 = ""; buttona._visible = false; } if (newRand != 2) { answer4 = ""; buttond._visible = false; } if (newRand != 3) { answer3 = ""; buttonc._visible = false; } } else if (correctAnswer == 3) { if (newRand != 1) { answer2 = ""; buttonb._visible = false; } if (newRand != 2) { answer1 = ""; buttona._visible = false; } if (newRand != 3) { answer4 = ""; buttond._visible = false; } } else if (correctAnswer == 4) { if (newRand != 1) { answer2 = ""; buttonb._visible = false; } if (newRand != 2) { answer3 = ""; buttonc._visible = false; } if (newRand != 3) { answer1 = ""; buttona._visible = false; } }
Frame 12
lifelineWizard.gotoAndPlay(3); sureness = myRandom(1, 8); if (levelNumber < 5) { sureness = 10; wizardsure = "100% certain"; } else if (levelNumber < 9) { sureness = 9; wizardsure = "90% certain"; } else if (levelNumber < 12) { sureness = 7; wizardsure = "70% certain"; } else if (levelNumber < 16) { sureness = 5; wizardsure = "50% certain"; } guess = myRandom(1, 10); if (guess <= sureness) { wizardsAnswer = true; if (answerNumber == 1) { wizardanswer = "A"; } else if (answerNumber == 2) { wizardanswer = "B"; } else if (answerNumber == 3) { wizardanswer = "C"; } else { wizardanswer = "D"; } } else { wizardsAnswer = false; guess = myRandom(1, 4); if (guess == 1) { wizardanswer = "A"; } else if (guess == 2) { wizardanswer = "B"; } else if (guess == 3) { wizardanswer = "C"; } else { wizardanswer = "D"; } }
Instance of Symbol 180 MovieClip "lifelineWizard" in Frame 12
onClipEvent (load) { gotoAndPlay (7); }
Frame 13
lifelinecouncil.gotoAndPlay("anim"); guess = myRandom(1, 3); if (guess == 1) { guess = myRandom(25, 50); leftover = 50 - guess; if (answerNumber == 1) { bargraph.bara.graph._y = bargraph.bara.graph._y - guess; } else if (answerNumber == 2) { bargraph.barb.graph._y = bargraph.barb.graph._y - guess; } else if (answerNumber == 3) { bargraph.barc.graph._y = bargraph.barc.graph._y - guess; } else if (answerNumber == 4) { bargraph.bard.graph._y = bargraph.bard.graph._y - guess; } guess = myRandom(1, leftover); if (answerNumber == 1) { bargraph.barb.graph._y = bargraph.barb.graph._y - guess; } else if (answerNumber == 2) { bargraph.barc.graph._y = bargraph.barc.graph._y - guess; } else if (answerNumber == 3) { bargraph.bard.graph._y = bargraph.bard.graph._y - guess; } else if (answerNumber == 4) { bargraph.bara.graph._y = bargraph.bara.graph._y - guess; } } else if (guess == 2) { guess = myRandom(25, 50); leftover = 50 - guess; if (answerNumber == 1) { bargraph.bara.graph._y = bargraph.bara.graph._y - guess; } else if (answerNumber == 2) { bargraph.barb.graph._y = bargraph.barb.graph._y - guess; } else if (answerNumber == 3) { bargraph.barc.graph._y = bargraph.barc.graph._y - guess; } else if (answerNumber == 4) { bargraph.bard.graph._y = bargraph.bard.graph._y - guess; } guess = myRandom(1, leftover); if (answerNumber == 1) { bargraph.barb.graph._y = bargraph.barb.graph._y - (guess / 2); bargraph.bard.graph._y = bargraph.bard.graph._y - (guess / 2); } else if (answerNumber == 2) { bargraph.barc.graph._y = bargraph.barc.graph._y - (guess / 2); bargraph.bard.graph._y = bargraph.bard.graph._y - (guess / 2); } else if (answerNumber == 3) { bargraph.bard.graph._y = bargraph.bard.graph._y - (guess / 2); bargraph.bara.graph._y = bargraph.bara.graph._y - (guess / 2); } else if (answerNumber == 4) { bargraph.bara.graph._y = bargraph.bara.graph._y - (guess / 2); bargraph.barb.graph._y = bargraph.barb.graph._y - (guess / 2); } } else if (guess == 3) { guess = myRandom(10, 30); leftover = 50 - guess; if (answerNumber == 1) { bargraph.bara.graph._y = bargraph.bara.graph._y - guess; } else if (answerNumber == 2) { bargraph.barb.graph._y = bargraph.barb.graph._y - guess; } else if (answerNumber == 3) { bargraph.barc.graph._y = bargraph.barc.graph._y - guess; } else if (answerNumber == 4) { bargraph.bard.graph._y = bargraph.bard.graph._y - guess; } guess = myRandom(1, leftover); if (answerNumber == 1) { bargraph.barb.graph._y = bargraph.barb.graph._y - (guess / 2); bargraph.bard.graph._y = bargraph.bard.graph._y - (guess / 2); } else if (answerNumber == 2) { bargraph.barc.graph._y = bargraph.barc.graph._y - (guess / 2); bargraph.bard.graph._y = bargraph.bard.graph._y - (guess / 2); } else if (answerNumber == 3) { bargraph.bard.graph._y = bargraph.bard.graph._y - (guess / 2); bargraph.bara.graph._y = bargraph.bara.graph._y - (guess / 2); } else if (answerNumber == 4) { bargraph.bara.graph._y = bargraph.bara.graph._y - (guess / 2); bargraph.barb.graph._y = bargraph.barb.graph._y - (guess / 2); } }
Instance of Symbol 177 MovieClip "lifelinecouncil" in Frame 13
onClipEvent (load) { gotoAndPlay (7); }
Frame 14
Frame 15
sound_loop.stop(); sound_winning.start();
Symbol 23 MovieClip Frame 1
function formatBytes(bytes) { var kb = 1024; var mb = (kb * 1024); var tempNum = 0; if (bytes >= mb) { tempNum = String(Math.floor((bytes / mb) * 100) / 100); if (tempNum.substring(tempNum.indexOf("."), tempNum.length).length == 2) { tempNum = tempNum + "0"; } tempNum = tempNum + " MB"; } else if (bytes >= kb) { tempNum = String(Math.floor((bytes / kb) * 100) / 100); if (tempNum.substring(tempNum.indexOf("."), tempNum.length).length == 2) { tempNum = tempNum + "0"; } tempNum = tempNum + " KB"; } else { tempNum = bytes + " B"; } return(tempNum); } this._visible = false; var isLoaded = false; var totalBytes = _parent.getBytesTotal(); var loadedBytes = _parent.getBytesLoaded(); var totalFrames = _parent._totalFrames(); var loadedFrames = _parent._framesLoaded(); var fractionLoaded = 0; var percentLoaded = "0%"; var bytesPerSecond = 0; var sizePerSecond = formatBytes(bytesPerSecond); var elapsedTime = "0:00"; var estimatedTime = "0:00"; var estimatedTimeLeft = "0:00"; var gStartTime = getTimer(); var gCurrentTime = getTimer(); var gSampleTimer = (gCurrentTime - gStartTime); var gSizeSample = loadedBytes; var framesPerSecond = 0; var frameCounter = 0; var totalSize = formatBytes(totalBytes); var loadedSize = formatBytes(loadedBytes); var loadedBytes = 0; var gLoading = true; var gPlaying = false; _parent.stop();
Symbol 23 MovieClip Frame 2
if (gLoading) { loadedBytes = _parent.getBytesLoaded(); loadedSize = formatBytes(loadedBytes); loadedFrames = _parent._framesLoaded; gCurrentTime = getTimer(); var elapsedMinutes = Math.floor(((gCurrentTime - gStartTime) / 1000) / 60); var elapsedSeconds = Math.floor(((gCurrentTime - gStartTime) / 1000) % 60); if (String(elapsedSeconds).length == 1) { elapsedSeconds = "0" + elapsedSeconds; } elapsedTime = (elapsedMinutes + ":") + elapsedSeconds; frameCounter++; if ((gCurrentTime - gStartTime) >= (gSampleTimer + 1000)) { framesPerSecond = frameCounter; frameCounter = 0; bytesPerSecond = loadedBytes - gSizeSample; sizePerSecond = formatBytes(bytesPerSecond); if (STREAM && (PLAY_TYPE == "auto")) { if ((loadedFrames / framesPerSecond) > ((totalBytes - loadedBytes) / bytesPerSecond)) {; } } var estimatedMinutes = Math.floor((totalBytes / bytesPerSecond) / 60); var estimatedSeconds = Math.floor((totalBytes / bytesPerSecond) % 60); if (String(estimatedSeconds).length == 1) { estimatedSeconds = "0" + estimatedSeconds; } estimatedTime = (estimatedMinutes + ":") + estimatedSeconds; var estimatedMinutesLeft = Math.floor(((totalBytes - loadedBytes) / bytesPerSecond) / 60); var estimatedSecondsLeft = Math.floor(((totalBytes - loadedBytes) / bytesPerSecond) % 60); if (String(estimatedSecondsLeft).length == 1) { estimatedSecondsLeft = "0" + estimatedSecondsLeft; } estimatedTimeLeft = (estimatedMinutesLeft + ":") + estimatedSecondsLeft; gSizeSample = loadedBytes; gSampleTimer = gCurrentTime - gStartTime; } fractionLoaded = loadedBytes / totalBytes; percentLoaded = Math.floor(fractionLoaded * 100) + "%"; if (STREAM) { switch (PLAY_TYPE) { case "bytes" : if (loadedBytes >= PLAY_BYTES) { if (!gPlaying) {; gPlaying = true; } } break; case "frames" : if (loadedFrames >= PLAY_FRAMES) { if (!gPlaying) {; gPlaying = true; } } break; case "percent" : if ((fractionLoaded * 100) < PLAY_PERCENT) { break; } if (gPlaying) { break; }; gPlaying = true; } } if (loadedBytes == totalBytes) { isLoaded = true; } if (isLoaded) { if (!STREAM) {; } gLoading = false; stop(); } }
Symbol 23 MovieClip Frame 3
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 30 Button
on (release) { getURL ("", _blank); }
Symbol 48 Button
on (release) { gotoAndPlay (5); }
Symbol 54 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (3); }
Symbol 68 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (4); }
Symbol 74 Button
on (release) { getURL ("", _blank); }
Symbol 109 Button
on (release) { getURL ("", _blank); }
Symbol 120 Button
on (release) { getURL ("", _blank); }
Symbol 128 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (2); }
Symbol 166 Button
on (release) { getURL ("", _blank); }
Symbol 173 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 173 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 173 MovieClip Frame 3
Symbol 173 MovieClip Frame 4
Symbol 176 Button
on (release) { if (_root.lifeCouncil && (_root.lifelines)) { _root.lifeCouncil = false; _root.gotoAndStop("lifecouncil"); } }
Symbol 177 MovieClip Frame 1
stop(); if (_root.lifeCouncil == false) { nextFrame(); }
Symbol 177 MovieClip Frame 3
Symbol 177 MovieClip Frame 28
gotoAndPlay (3);
Symbol 179 Button
on (release) { if (_root.lifeWizard && (_root.lifelines)) { _root.lifeWizard = false; nextFrame(); _root.gotoAndStop("lifeWizard"); } }
Symbol 180 MovieClip Frame 1
stop(); if (_root.lifeWizard == false) { nextFrame(); }
Symbol 180 MovieClip Frame 3
Symbol 180 MovieClip Frame 28
gotoAndPlay (3);
Symbol 182 Button
on (release) { if (_root.life50 && (_root.lifelines)) { _root.life50 = false; nextFrame(); _root.gotoAndStop("life50"); } }
Symbol 183 MovieClip Frame 1
stop(); if (_root.life50 == false) { nextFrame(); }
Symbol 183 MovieClip Frame 3
Symbol 183 MovieClip Frame 28
gotoAndPlay (3);
Symbol 348 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 355 Button
on (release) { clicked = "answer1"; if (answerNumber == 1) { snd_correct.start(); gotoAndStop (9); } else { snd_wrong.start(); gotoAndStop (10); } } on (rollOver) { snd_click.start(); highlight1.gotoAndStop("highlight"); } on (rollOut) { highlight1.gotoAndStop("none"); }
Symbol 356 Button
on (release) { clicked = "answer3"; if (answerNumber == 3) { snd_correct.start(); gotoAndStop (9); } else { snd_wrong.start(); gotoAndStop (10); } } on (rollOver) { snd_click.start(); highlight3.gotoAndStop("highlight"); } on (rollOut) { highlight3.gotoAndStop("none"); }
Symbol 357 Button
on (release) { clicked = "answer2"; if (answerNumber == 2) { snd_correct.start(); gotoAndStop (9); } else { snd_wrong.start(); gotoAndStop (10); } } on (rollOver) { snd_click.start(); highlight2.gotoAndStop("highlight"); } on (rollOut) { highlight2.gotoAndStop("none"); }
Symbol 358 Button
on (release) { clicked = "answer4"; if (answerNumber == 4) { snd_correct.start(); gotoAndStop (9); } else { snd_wrong.start(); gotoAndStop (10); } } on (rollOver) { snd_click.start(); highlight4.gotoAndStop("highlight"); } on (rollOut) { highlight4.gotoAndStop("none"); }
Symbol 363 Button
on (release) { _root.muted = true; _root.sound_loop.setVolume(0); _root.sound_right.setVolume(0); _root.sound_wrong.setVolume(0); _root.sound_lifeline.setVolume(0); nextFrame(); }
Symbol 364 Button
on (release) { _root.sound_take.setVolume(0); _root.muted = true; nextFrame(); }
Symbol 367 Button
on (release) { _root.sound_loop.setVolume(255); _root.sound_right.setVolume(255); _root.sound_wrong.setVolume(255); _root.sound_lifeline.setVolume(255); _root.muted = false; nextFrame(); }
Symbol 368 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 368 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 368 MovieClip Frame 3
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 382 Button
on (release) { clicked = "answer1"; if (answerNumber == 1) { gotoAndStop (9); } else { gotoAndStop (10); } } on (rollOver) { highlight1.gotoAndStop("highlight"); } on (rollOut) { highlight1.gotoAndStop("none"); }
Symbol 383 Button
on (release) { clicked = "answer3"; if (answerNumber == 3) { gotoAndStop (9); } else { gotoAndStop (10); } } on (rollOver) { highlight3.gotoAndStop("highlight"); } on (rollOut) { highlight3.gotoAndStop("none"); }
Symbol 384 Button
on (release) { clicked = "answer2"; if (answerNumber == 2) { gotoAndStop (9); } else { gotoAndStop (10); } } on (rollOver) { highlight2.gotoAndStop("highlight"); } on (rollOut) { highlight2.gotoAndStop("none"); }
Symbol 385 Button
on (release) { clicked = "answer4"; if (answerNumber == 4) { gotoAndStop (9); } else { gotoAndStop (10); } } on (rollOver) { highlight4.gotoAndStop("highlight"); } on (rollOut) { highlight4.gotoAndStop("none"); }
Symbol 390 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 396 Button
on (release) { if (levelNumber == 14) { _root.gotoAndStop("wingame"); } else { _root.gotoAndStop("questions"); } } on (rollOver) { snd_click.start(); highlightQ.gotoAndStop("highlight"); } on (rollOut) { highlightQ.gotoAndStop("none"); }
Symbol 399 Button
on (release) { _root.gotoAndStop("losegame"); sound_main.stop(); } on (rollOver) { snd_click.start(); highlightQ.gotoAndStop("highlight"); } on (rollOut) { highlightQ.gotoAndStop("none"); }
Symbol 462 Button
on (release) { gotoAndPlay (5); }
Symbol 471 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (2); }
Symbol 485 Button
on (release) { getURL ("", _blank); }

Library Items

Symbol 1 Sound [click]
Symbol 2 Sound [loop]
Symbol 3 Sound [lifeline]Used by:Timeline
Symbol 4 Sound [wrong]Used by:Timeline
Symbol 5 Sound [right]Used by:Timeline
Symbol 6 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 7 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 8 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 9 GraphicUsed by:420 440  Timeline
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Symbol 19 MovieClipUses:18Used by:Timeline
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Symbol 23 MovieClipUses:20 22Used by:Timeline
Symbol 24 GraphicUsed by:25
Symbol 25 MovieClipUses:24Used by:Timeline
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Symbol 28 GraphicUsed by:30
Symbol 29 GraphicUsed by:30
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Symbol 33 TextUses:32Used by:48 54 68 74
Symbol 34 TextUses:32Used by:48 74
Symbol 35 TextUses:32Used by:48 74
Symbol 36 TextUses:32Used by:48 74
Symbol 37 TextUses:32Used by:48
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Symbol 39 TextUses:32Used by:48
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Symbol 41 TextUses:32Used by:48 74
Symbol 42 TextUses:32Used by:48 74
Symbol 43 TextUses:32Used by:48 74
Symbol 44 TextUses:32Used by:48
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Symbol 57 TextUses:32Used by:68
Symbol 58 TextUses:32Used by:68
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Symbol 81 TextUses:17Used by:109  Timeline
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Symbol 90 TextUses:17Used by:120  Timeline
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Symbol 102 TextUses:17Used by:109
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Symbol 124 TextUses:122Used by:Timeline
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Symbol 185 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
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Symbol 297 TextUses:122Used by:348
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Symbol 300 TextUses:122Used by:348
Symbol 301 TextUses:122Used by:348
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Symbol 303 TextUses:122Used by:348
Symbol 304 TextUses:122Used by:348
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Symbol 310 TextUses:122Used by:348
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Symbol 312 TextUses:122Used by:348
Symbol 313 TextUses:122Used by:348
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Symbol 315 TextUses:122Used by:348
Symbol 316 TextUses:122Used by:348
Symbol 317 TextUses:122Used by:348
Symbol 318 TextUses:122Used by:348
Symbol 319 TextUses:122Used by:348
Symbol 320 TextUses:122Used by:348
Symbol 321 TextUses:122Used by:348
Symbol 322 TextUses:122Used by:348
Symbol 323 TextUses:122Used by:348
Symbol 324 TextUses:122Used by:348
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Symbol 326 TextUses:122Used by:348
Symbol 327 TextUses:122Used by:348
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Symbol 329 TextUses:122Used by:348
Symbol 330 TextUses:122Used by:348
Symbol 331 TextUses:122Used by:348
Symbol 332 TextUses:122Used by:348
Symbol 333 TextUses:122Used by:348
Symbol 334 TextUses:122Used by:348
Symbol 335 TextUses:122Used by:348
Symbol 336 TextUses:122Used by:348
Symbol 337 TextUses:122Used by:348
Symbol 338 TextUses:122Used by:348
Symbol 339 TextUses:122Used by:348
Symbol 340 TextUses:122Used by:348
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Symbol 343 TextUses:122Used by:348
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Symbol 350 EditableTextUses:32Used by:Timeline
Symbol 351 EditableTextUses:32Used by:Timeline
Symbol 352 EditableTextUses:32Used by:Timeline
Symbol 353 EditableTextUses:32Used by:Timeline
Symbol 354 GraphicUsed by:355 356 357 358 382 383 384 385 396 399
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Symbol 357 ButtonUses:354Used by:Timeline
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Symbol 359 FontUsed by:360 361 365
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Symbol 361 TextUses:359Used by:363 364 367
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Symbol 366 GraphicUsed by:367
Symbol 367 ButtonUses:360 365 361 366Used by:368
Symbol 368 MovieClipUses:363 364 367Used by:Timeline
Symbol 369 EditableTextUses:32Used by:Timeline
Symbol 370 EditableTextUses:32Used by:Timeline
Symbol 371 EditableTextUses:32Used by:Timeline
Symbol 372 EditableTextUses:32Used by:Timeline
Symbol 373 EditableTextUses:32Used by:Timeline
Symbol 374 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 375 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 376 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 377 EditableTextUses:32Used by:Timeline
Symbol 378 EditableTextUses:32Used by:Timeline
Symbol 379 EditableTextUses:32Used by:Timeline
Symbol 380 EditableTextUses:32Used by:Timeline
Symbol 381 EditableTextUses:32Used by:Timeline
Symbol 382 ButtonUses:354Used by:Timeline
Symbol 383 ButtonUses:354Used by:Timeline
Symbol 384 ButtonUses:354Used by:Timeline
Symbol 385 ButtonUses:354Used by:Timeline
Symbol 386 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 387 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 388 GraphicUsed by:390
Symbol 389 GraphicUsed by:390
Symbol 390 MovieClipUses:388 389Used by:Timeline
Symbol 391 EditableTextUses:32Used by:Timeline
Symbol 392 EditableTextUses:32Used by:Timeline
Symbol 393 EditableTextUses:32Used by:Timeline
Symbol 394 EditableTextUses:32Used by:Timeline
Symbol 395 EditableTextUses:32Used by:Timeline
Symbol 396 ButtonUses:354Used by:Timeline
Symbol 397 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 398 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 399 ButtonUses:354Used by:Timeline
Symbol 400 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 401 EditableTextUses:32Used by:Timeline
Symbol 402 EditableTextUses:32Used by:Timeline
Symbol 403 EditableTextUses:32Used by:Timeline
Symbol 404 EditableTextUses:32Used by:Timeline
Symbol 405 EditableTextUses:32Used by:Timeline
Symbol 406 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 407 EditableTextUses:32Used by:Timeline
Symbol 408 EditableTextUses:32Used by:Timeline
Symbol 409 EditableTextUses:32Used by:Timeline
Symbol 410 EditableTextUses:32Used by:Timeline
Symbol 411 EditableTextUses:32Used by:Timeline
Symbol 412 GraphicUsed by:420
Symbol 413 GraphicUsed by:420 440
Symbol 414 GraphicUsed by:420
Symbol 415 GraphicUsed by:420
Symbol 416 TextUses:122Used by:420
Symbol 417 TextUses:122Used by:420
Symbol 418 EditableTextUses:122Used by:420
Symbol 419 EditableTextUses:122Used by:420
Symbol 420 MovieClipUses:412 413 9 414 415 416 417 418 419Used by:Timeline
Symbol 421 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 422 EditableTextUses:32Used by:Timeline
Symbol 423 EditableTextUses:32Used by:Timeline
Symbol 424 EditableTextUses:32Used by:Timeline
Symbol 425 EditableTextUses:32Used by:Timeline
Symbol 426 EditableTextUses:32Used by:Timeline
Symbol 427 GraphicUsed by:440
Symbol 428 GraphicUsed by:440
Symbol 429 GraphicUsed by:440
Symbol 430 GraphicUsed by:440
Symbol 431 TextUses:122Used by:440
Symbol 432 GraphicUsed by:440
Symbol 433 GraphicUsed by:440
Symbol 434 TextUses:122Used by:440
Symbol 435 GraphicUsed by:440
Symbol 436 GraphicUsed by:439
Symbol 437 GraphicUsed by:438
Symbol 438 MovieClipUses:437Used by:439
Symbol 439 MovieClipUses:436 438Used by:440
Symbol 440 MovieClipUses:427 428 413 9 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 439Used by:Timeline
Symbol 441 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 442 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 443 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 444 GraphicUsed by:462
Symbol 445 TextUses:122Used by:462 471
Symbol 446 TextUses:122Used by:462
Symbol 447 TextUses:122Used by:462 485
Symbol 448 TextUses:122Used by:462
Symbol 449 TextUses:122Used by:462
Symbol 450 TextUses:122Used by:462
Symbol 451 TextUses:122Used by:462
Symbol 452 TextUses:122Used by:462
Symbol 453 TextUses:122Used by:462 471
Symbol 454 TextUses:122Used by:462
Symbol 455 TextUses:122Used by:462 485
Symbol 456 TextUses:122Used by:462
Symbol 457 TextUses:122Used by:462
Symbol 458 TextUses:122Used by:462
Symbol 459 TextUses:122Used by:462
Symbol 460 TextUses:122Used by:462
Symbol 461 GraphicUsed by:462
Symbol 462 ButtonUses:444 445 446 447 448 449 450 451 452 453 454 455 456 457 458 459 460 461Used by:Timeline
Symbol 463 GraphicUsed by:471
Symbol 464 TextUses:122Used by:471
Symbol 465 TextUses:122Used by:471 485
Symbol 466 TextUses:122Used by:471 485
Symbol 467 TextUses:122Used by:471
Symbol 468 TextUses:122Used by:471 485
Symbol 469 TextUses:122Used by:471 485
Symbol 470 GraphicUsed by:471
Symbol 471 ButtonUses:463 464 445 465 466 467 453 468 469 470Used by:Timeline
Symbol 472 GraphicUsed by:485
Symbol 473 TextUses:122Used by:485
Symbol 474 TextUses:122Used by:485
Symbol 475 TextUses:122Used by:485
Symbol 476 TextUses:122Used by:485
Symbol 477 TextUses:122Used by:485
Symbol 478 GraphicUsed by:485
Symbol 479 TextUses:122Used by:485
Symbol 480 TextUses:122Used by:485
Symbol 481 TextUses:122Used by:485
Symbol 482 TextUses:122Used by:485
Symbol 483 TextUses:122Used by:485
Symbol 484 GraphicUsed by:485
Symbol 485 ButtonUses:472 473 465 474 447 475 476 477 466 478 479 468 480 455 481 482 483 469 484Used by:Timeline
Symbol 486 TextUses:122Used by:Timeline
Symbol 487 TextUses:122Used by:Timeline
Symbol 488 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 489 TextUses:122Used by:Timeline

Instance Names

"swordguage"Frame 1Symbol 16 MovieClip
"mc_load_info"Frame 1Symbol 23 MovieClip
"swordguage"Frame 1Symbol 16 MovieClip
"highlight4"Frame 5Symbol 173 MovieClip
"highlight2"Frame 5Symbol 173 MovieClip
"highlight1"Frame 5Symbol 173 MovieClip
"highlight3"Frame 5Symbol 173 MovieClip
"scoreboard"Frame 5Symbol 348 MovieClip
"buttona"Frame 5Symbol 355 Button
"buttonc"Frame 5Symbol 356 Button
"buttonb"Frame 5Symbol 357 Button
"buttond"Frame 5Symbol 358 Button
"buttona"Frame 8Symbol 382 Button
"buttonc"Frame 8Symbol 383 Button
"buttonb"Frame 8Symbol 384 Button
"buttond"Frame 8Symbol 385 Button
"highlightQ"Frame 9Symbol 390 MovieClip
"buttonb"Frame 9Symbol 396 Button
"buttonb"Frame 10Symbol 399 Button
"buttona"Frame 11Symbol 382 Button
"buttonc"Frame 11Symbol 383 Button
"buttonb"Frame 11Symbol 384 Button
"buttond"Frame 11Symbol 385 Button
"lifelineWizard"Frame 12Symbol 180 MovieClip
"lifelinecouncil"Frame 13Symbol 177 MovieClip
"bargraph"Frame 13Symbol 440 MovieClip
"swordmask"Symbol 16 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 15 MovieClip
"graph"Symbol 439 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 438 MovieClip
"bara"Symbol 440 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 439 MovieClip
"barb"Symbol 440 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 439 MovieClip
"barc"Symbol 440 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 439 MovieClip
"bard"Symbol 440 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 439 MovieClip

Special Tags

ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 1 as "click"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 2 as "loop"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 3 as "lifeline"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 4 as "wrong"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 5 as "right"
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ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 10Symbol 4 as "wrong"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 11Symbol 3 as "lifeline"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 12Symbol 3 as "lifeline"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 13Symbol 3 as "lifeline"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 14Symbol 4 as "wrong"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 15Symbol 5 as "right"


"help"Frame 3
"credits"Frame 4
"questions"Frame 6
"correct"Frame 9
"wrong"Frame 10
"life50"Frame 11
"lifeWizard"Frame 12
"lifecouncil"Frame 13
"losegame"Frame 14
"wingame"Frame 15
"none"Symbol 173 MovieClip Frame 1
"correct"Symbol 173 MovieClip Frame 2
"wrong"Symbol 173 MovieClip Frame 3
"highlight"Symbol 173 MovieClip Frame 4
"anim"Symbol 177 MovieClip Frame 3
"none"Symbol 390 MovieClip Frame 1
"highlight"Symbol 390 MovieClip Frame 2

Dynamic Text Variables

mc_load_info.percentLoadedSymbol 12 EditableText"0:00"
questionSymbol 349 EditableText"Q : What colour underpants do hobbits normally wear?"
answer1Symbol 350 EditableText"A : Green"
answer2Symbol 351 EditableText"B : Green"
answer3Symbol 352 EditableText"C : Green"
answer4Symbol 353 EditableText"D : Green"
questionSymbol 369 EditableText"Q : What colour underpants do hobbits normally wear? fsdfsdfsd"
answer1Symbol 370 EditableText"A : Green"
answer2Symbol 371 EditableText"B : Green"
answer3Symbol 372 EditableText"C : Green"
answer4Symbol 373 EditableText"D : Green"
questionSymbol 377 EditableText"Q : What colour underpants do hobbits normally wear? second line"
answer1Symbol 378 EditableText"A : Green"
answer2Symbol 379 EditableText"B : Green"
answer3Symbol 380 EditableText"C : Green"
answer4Symbol 381 EditableText"D : Green"
answer1Symbol 391 EditableText"A : Green"
answer2Symbol 392 EditableText"B : Green"
answer3Symbol 393 EditableText"C : Green"
answer4Symbol 394 EditableText"D : Green"
questionSymbol 395 EditableText"Q : What colour underpants do hobbits normally wear?"
questionSymbol 401 EditableText"Q : What colour underpants do hobbits normally wear?"
answer1Symbol 402 EditableText"A : Green"
answer2Symbol 403 EditableText"B : Green"
answer3Symbol 404 EditableText"C : Green"
answer4Symbol 405 EditableText"D : Green"
questionSymbol 407 EditableText"Q : What colour underpants do hobbits normally wear?"
answer1Symbol 408 EditableText"A : Green"
answer2Symbol 409 EditableText"B : Green"
answer3Symbol 410 EditableText"C : Green"
answer4Symbol 411 EditableText"D : Green"
_root.wizardsureSymbol 418 EditableText"77% sure"
_root.wizardanswerSymbol 419 EditableText"n"
questionSymbol 422 EditableText"Q : What colour underpants do hobbits normally wear?"
answer1Symbol 423 EditableText"A : Green"
answer2Symbol 424 EditableText"B : Green"
answer3Symbol 425 EditableText"C : Green"
answer4Symbol 426 EditableText"D : Green"
Created: 26/5 -2019 15:46:52 Last modified: 26/5 -2019 15:46:52 Server time: 13/06 -2024 08:50:26