Frame 1
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Frame 2
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Frame 3
Instance of Symbol 486 MovieClip "LoadCircle" in Frame 3
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Frame 4
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layout3 = new Array("3D PYRAMID", 568, 566, 499, 564, 497, 562, 430, 495, 560, 428, 493, 361, 558, 426, 491, 359, 556, 424, 292, 489, 357, 554, 422, 290, 487, 355, 552, 223, 420, 288, 485, 353, 550, 221, 418, 286, 483, 154, 351, 219, 416, 284, 152, 349, 217, 85, 282, 150, 215, 83, 148, 16, 81, 14, -1, 567, 565, 498, 563, 496, 561, 429, 494, 559, 427, 492, 360, 557, 425, 490, 358, 555, 423, 291, 488, 356, 553, 421, 289, 486, 354, 551, 222, 419, 287, 484, 352, 220, 417, 285, 153, 350, 218, 283, 151, 216, 84, 149, 82, 15, -1, 566, 564, 497, 562, 495, 560, 428, 493, 558, 426, 491, 359, 556, 424, 489, 357, 554, 422, 290, 487, 355, 552, 420, 288, 485, 353, 221, 418, 286, 351, 219, 284, 152, 217, 150, 83, -1, -1, -1);
layout4 = new Array("ABSTRACT", 568, 566, 500, 564, 498, 432, 562, 496, 430, 364, 560, 494, 428, 362, 296, 558, 492, 426, 360, 294, 228, 556, 490, 424, 358, 292, 226, 160, 554, 488, 422, 356, 290, 224, 158, 552, 92, 486, 420, 354, 288, 222, 156, 90, 484, 24, 418, 352, 286, 220, 154, 88, 22, 416, 350, 284, 218, 152, 86, 20, 348, 282, 216, 150, 84, 18, 280, 214, 148, 82, 16, 212, 146, 80, 14, 144, 78, 12, 76, 10, 8, -1, 393, 458, 293, 391, 325, 389, 257, 387, 288, 189, 319, 187, 251, 185, 283, 118, 183, -1, 288, -1, 288, -1, 288, -1);
layout5 = new Array("THE ARENA", 504, 502, 436, 500, 434, 368, 498, 432, 366, 300, 496, 430, 364, 298, 232, 230, 164, 426, 228, 162, 96, 424, 160, 94, 488, 422, 356, 290, 158, 92, 486, 288, 90, 484, 418, 286, 220, 154, 88, 482, 416, 152, 480, 414, 348, 150, 412, 346, 344, 278, 212, 146, 80, 276, 210, 144, 78, 208, 142, 76, 140, 74, 72, -1, 504, 502, 436, 500, 434, 368, 498, 432, 366, 300, 232, 230, 164, 162, 96, 424, 160, 94, 92, 486, 288, 90, 484, 482, 416, 152, 480, 414, 412, 346, 344, 276, 210, 144, 78, 208, 142, 76, 140, 74, 72, -1, 504, 502, 436, 500, 434, 368, 232, 164, 162, 96, 94, 92, 484, 482, 480, 414, 412, 344, 208, 142, 76, 140, 74, 72, -1, 504, 502, 436, 164, 96, 94, 482, 480, 412, 140, 74, 72, -1, 504, 96, 480, 72, -1);
layout6 = new Array("BIZARRE", 540, 498, 496, 430, 494, 428, 362, 492, 426, 360, 294, 490, 30, 424, 358, 292, 226, 488, 422, 356, 290, 224, 158, 486, 420, 354, 288, 222, 156, 90, 418, 352, 286, 220, 154, 88, 22, 350, 284, 218, 152, 86, 20, 512, 282, 216, 150, 84, 18, 214, 148, 82, 16, 146, 80, 14, 78, 12, 10, 2, -1, 428, 426, 360, 424, 358, 292, 226, 422, 356, 290, 224, 158, 420, 354, 288, 222, 156, 90, 352, 286, 154, 88, 22, 284, 218, 152, 86, 20, 216, 150, 84, 18, 214, 148, 82, 16, 146, 80, 14, 78, 12, 10, -1, 358, 226, 356, 290, 224, 158, 354, 288, 156, 90, 286, 88, 22, 86, 20, 216, 84, 18, 214, 148, 82, 16, 146, 80, 14, 78, 12, 10, -1, 226, 158, 288, 90, 22, 20, 18, 214, 16, 146, 14, 78, 12, 10, -1, -1);
layout7 = new Array("THE BOAT", 438, 502, 436, 500, 434, 565, 498, 432, 563, 496, 430, 561, 298, 494, 428, 559, 296, 492, 426, 557, 294, 228, 490, 424, 555, 292, 226, 488, 422, 553, 290, 224, 158, 486, 420, 354, 551, 222, 156, 484, 418, 286, 154, 88, 482, 416, 218, 86, 480, 414, 282, 150, 478, 18, 412, 280, 214, 82, 410, 278, 212, 146, 14, 408, 276, 210, 144, 78, 274, 208, 142, 76, 10, -1, 436, 500, 434, 498, 432, 563, 496, 430, 561, 494, 428, 559, 296, 492, 426, 557, 294, 490, 424, 555, 292, 226, 488, 422, 553, 290, 224, 486, 420, 222, 156, 484, 418, 154, 482, 416, 86, 480, 414, 282, 412, 280, 214, 410, 278, 212, 146, 276, 210, 144, 78, -1, 294, 292, 290, 224, 222, 154, 282, 280, 214, 278, 212, 146, -1, 292, 290, 222, 282, 280, 214, -1, 290, 282, -1);
layout8 = new Array("BRIDGING", 574, 566, 564, 498, 562, 496, 430, 560, 494, 428, 362, 558, 492, 426, 360, 556, 490, 30, 424, 358, 226, 554, 488, 422, 356, 224, 158, 486, 420, 354, 222, 156, 90, 418, 352, 220, 154, 88, 22, 350, 218, 152, 546, 86, 20, 216, 150, 84, 18, 214, 148, 82, 16, 146, 80, 14, 78, 12, 10, 2, -1, 531, 529, 463, 527, 461, 395, 525, 459, 393, 326, 523, 457, 391, 521, 258, 455, 389, 191, 453, 387, 189, 123, 385, 187, 121, 318, 55, 185, 119, 53, 250, 183, 117, 51, 181, 115, 49, 113, 47, 45, -1, 496, 494, 428, 492, 426, 360, 490, 424, 292, 488, 422, 224, 420, 156, 352, 154, 88, 284, 152, 86, 216, 150, 84, 148, 82, 80, -1, 462, 460, 394, 458, 456, 454, 190, 386, 122, 120, 118, 182, 116, 114, -1, 428, 420, 156, 148, -1);
layout9 = new Array("THE CASTLE", 498, 496, 430, 364, 298, 494, 428, 362, 296, 492, 426, 360, 294, 228, 490, 424, 358, 292, 226, 488, 422, 356, 290, 224, 158, 486, 420, 354, 288, 222, 156, 90, 418, 352, 286, 220, 154, 88, 350, 284, 218, 152, 86, 282, 216, 150, 84, 214, 148, 82, 146, 80, 78, -1, 498, 496, 430, 494, 362, 296, 492, 393, 294, 490, 391, 325, 226, 488, 389, 323, 257, 158, 486, 387, 321, 255, 189, 90, 418, 319, 253, 187, 88, 350, 251, 185, 86, 282, 183, 84, 214, 82, 146, 80, 78, -1, 498, 496, 430, 494, 362, 492, 294, 490, 358, 226, 488, 356, 290, 158, 486, 354, 288, 222, 90, 418, 286, 220, 88, 350, 218, 86, 282, 84, 214, 82, 146, 80, 78, -1, 498, 362, 226, 323, 486, 321, 255, 90, 253, 350, 214, 78, -1, 498, 486, 288, 90, 78, -1);
layout10 = new Array("CAT AND MOUSE", 576, 574, 572, 570, 438, 370, 400, 498, 530, 431, 332, 233, 494, 231, 165, 362, 229, 163, 97, 326, 161, 358, 193, 390, 422, 93, 454, 157, 452, 450, 121, 448, 316, 85, 446, 314, 248, 83, 312, 246, 410, 180, 81, 244, 178, 79, 341, 176, 77, 75, 272, 73, 204, 105, 137, -1, 576, 574, 572, 570, 438, 370, 400, 498, 530, 431, 332, 233, 494, 231, 165, 362, 229, 163, 97, 326, 161, 358, 193, 390, 422, 93, 454, 157, 452, 450, 121, 448, 85, 446, 281, 83, 279, 213, 410, 81, 211, 79, 341, 77, 75, 272, 73, 204, 105, 137, -1, 576, 574, 572, 472, 536, 434, 233, 229, 163, 97, 93, 454, 450, 316, 85, 446, 314, 248, 312, 246, 180, 81, 244, 178, 176, 77, 73, -1, 506, 468, 97, 93, 281, 279, 213, 211, -1, 314, 248, 244, 178, -1);
layout11 = new Array("CEREMONIAL", 440, 538, 372, 536, 469, 304, 566, 467, 236, 400, 564, 398, 168, 562, 560, 362, 558, 196, 360, 129, 556, 194, 391, 62, 226, 423, 127, 554, 324, 60, 224, 355, 256, 387, 287, 187, 318, 22, 219, 350, 514, 250, 20, 447, 151, 348, 512, 183, 380, 18, 445, 214, 378, 16, 212, 14, 408, 12, 176, 340, 10, 174, 272, 107, 204, 105, 38, 136, 36, -1, 538, 406, 536, 338, 469, 270, 467, 565, 400, 202, 563, 398, 561, 362, 559, 196, 360, 557, 129, 194, 555, 62, 226, 390, 127, 324, 60, 224, 388, 256, 321, 253, 318, 186, 350, 514, 21, 250, 447, 184, 348, 512, 19, 380, 445, 17, 214, 378, 15, 212, 13, 374, 176, 11, 306, 174, 107, 238, 105, 170, 38, 36, -1, 304, 562, 560, 558, 389, 321, 253, 185, 18, 16, 14, 272, -1, 287, -1, -1);
layout12 = new Array("FIVE PYRAMIDS", 540, 538, 472, 536, 470, 404, 534, 468, 402, 466, 400, 333, 464, 398, 200, 265, 462, 560, 198, 132, 296, 460, 492, 196, 130, 294, 64, 424, 194, 358, 128, 292, 62, 456, 356, 126, 290, 60, 454, 354, 124, 518, 288, 58, 452, 222, 122, 516, 286, 450, 220, 120, 514, 284, 448, 218, 382, 152, 512, 282, 446, 380, 84, 116, 280, 444, 378, 16, 114, 311, 376, 178, 112, 243, 176, 110, 174, 108, 42, 172, 106, 40, 104, 38, 36, -1, 505, 503, 437, 501, 435, 433, 165, 492, 163, 97, 294, 424, 161, 95, 292, 356, 93, 290, 288, 286, 483, 220, 284, 481, 415, 152, 282, 479, 413, 84, 411, 143, 141, 75, 139, 73, 71, -1, 470, 468, 130, 424, 128, 292, 356, 290, 288, 286, 220, 284, 448, 152, 446, 108, 106, -1, 356, 290, 288, 286, 220, -1, -1);
layout13 = new Array("CHECKERS", 432, 430, 364, 428, 362, 296, 426, 360, 294, 228, 424, 358, 292, 226, 160, 422, 356, 290, 224, 158, 420, 354, 288, 222, 156, 418, 352, 286, 220, 154, 416, 350, 284, 218, 152, 348, 282, 216, 150, 280, 214, 148, 212, 146, 144, -1, 432, 428, 362, 296, 424, 358, 292, 226, 160, 420, 354, 288, 222, 156, 416, 350, 284, 218, 152, 280, 214, 148, 144, -1, -1, -1, -1);
layout14 = new Array("CHESS BISHOP", 573, 504, 502, 567, 500, 565, 563, 561, 495, 429, 363, 559, 493, 427, 361, 295, 557, 491, 425, 359, 293, 555, 489, 423, 357, 291, 225, 553, 421, 355, 289, 223, 419, 353, 287, 484, 221, 155, 351, 285, 482, 219, 153, 547, 349, 283, 480, 217, 151, 85, 281, 215, 149, 83, -1, 573, 504, 502, 567, 500, 565, 563, 561, 495, 429, 363, 559, 493, 427, 361, 295, 557, 491, 425, 359, 293, 555, 489, 423, 357, 291, 225, 553, 421, 355, 289, 223, 419, 353, 287, 484, 221, 155, 351, 285, 482, 219, 153, 547, 349, 283, 480, 217, 151, 85, 281, 215, 149, 83, -1, 573, 504, 502, 500, 565, 563, 561, 495, 429, 363, 559, 295, 557, 326, 424, 555, 489, 324, 225, 356, 288, 419, 320, 484, 155, 220, 318, 482, 547, 349, 480, 85, 281, 215, 149, 83, -1, -1, -1);
layout15 = new Array("CHESS PAWN", 569, 567, 565, 499, 563, 497, 561, 495, 559, 493, 393, 557, 491, 425, 227, 555, 325, 489, 423, 357, 225, 553, 487, 355, 289, 223, 387, 551, 485, 287, 221, 319, 121, 219, 153, 217, 151, 85, 215, 83, 115, 213, -1, 569, 567, 565, 499, 563, 497, 561, 495, 559, 493, 393, 557, 491, 425, 227, 555, 325, 489, 423, 357, 225, 553, 487, 355, 289, 223, 387, 551, 485, 287, 221, 319, 121, 219, 153, 217, 151, 85, 215, 83, 115, 213, -1, 567, 565, 563, 497, 561, 495, 559, 493, 393, 557, 491, 425, 555, 325, 489, 423, 357, 225, 553, 487, 355, 289, 223, 387, 287, 221, 319, 219, 153, 217, 151, 85, 215, 83, -1, 565, 563, 561, 559, 493, 557, 491, 425, 555, 423, 357, 355, 289, 223, 287, 221, 219, 153, 217, 151, 85, 83, -1, 223, 221, 219, 217, -1);
layout16 = new Array("THE CROWN", 540, 538, 472, 536, 470, 404, 534, 468, 336, 532, 466, 268, 530, 464, 332, 200, 528, 462, 330, 264, 132, 526, 328, 262, 196, 130, 524, 64, 458, 326, 260, 194, 128, 522, 62, 324, 258, 126, 520, 60, 454, 256, 190, 518, 58, 452, 320, 188, 122, 516, 450, 318, 252, 120, 514, 54, 448, 316, 250, 184, 118, 512, 52, 446, 314, 248, 182, 116, 50, 444, 312, 246, 114, 48, 376, 244, 178, 46, 308, 176, 110, 240, 108, 42, 172, 106, 40, 104, 38, 36, -1, 540, 538, 472, 536, 404, 534, 336, 532, 268, 530, 200, 132, 526, 262, 64, 458, 260, 194, 522, 62, 258, 126, 520, 60, 190, 518, 58, 122, 516, 514, 54, 250, 118, 512, 52, 248, 182, 50, 444, 246, 114, 48, 376, 178, 46, 308, 110, 240, 42, 172, 40, 104, 38, 36, -1, -1, -1, -1);
layout17 = new Array("DEEP WELL", 530, 464, 528, 462, 396, 526, 460, 394, 328, 524, 458, 392, 326, 260, 522, 456, 390, 324, 258, 192, 520, 454, 388, 256, 190, 124, 452, 386, 188, 122, 450, 384, 318, 186, 120, 54, 382, 316, 250, 184, 118, 52, 314, 248, 182, 116, 50, 246, 180, 114, 48, 178, 112, 46, 110, 44, -1, 462, 460, 394, 458, 392, 326, 456, 390, 324, 258, 454, 388, 256, 190, 452, 386, 188, 122, 384, 318, 186, 120, 316, 250, 184, 118, 248, 182, 116, 180, 114, 112, -1, 462, 460, 394, 458, 392, 326, 456, 390, 324, 258, 454, 388, 256, 190, 452, 386, 188, 122, 384, 318, 186, 120, 316, 250, 184, 118, 248, 182, 116, 180, 114, 112, -1, 392, 390, 324, 388, 256, 386, 188, 318, 186, 250, 184, 182, -1, 392, 390, 324, 388, 256, 386, 188, 318, 186, 250, 184, 182, -1);
layout18 = new Array("THE DUDE", 270, 565, 335, 498, 563, 201, 266, 430, 561, 428, 165, 362, 559, 230, 426, 163, 360, 557, 458, 293, 194, 358, 555, 62, 94, 225, 422, 158, 322, 92, 486, 420, 354, 189, 90, 254, 418, 352, 187, 88, 350, 120, 185, 283, 20, 118, 52, 183, 215, 116, 114, 146, 277, 178, 46, 210, 44, 109, 42, 107, 139, 171, 6, -1, 565, 335, 498, 563, 266, 430, 561, 428, 362, 559, 230, 426, 360, 557, 458, 293, 194, 358, 555, 225, 422, 158, 322, 486, 420, 354, 189, 254, 418, 352, 187, 350, 120, 185, 283, 20, 118, 52, 183, 215, 116, 114, 146, 277, 178, 46, 210, 44, 42, 6, -1, 565, 498, 563, 430, 561, 428, 362, 559, 426, 360, 557, 458, 293, 358, 555, 225, 422, 322, 486, 420, 354, 189, 254, 418, 352, 187, 350, 185, 283, 183, 215, -1, -1, -1);
layout19 = new Array("8 PYRAMIDS", 535, 434, 432, 366, 529, 364, 428, 230, 426, 360, 228, 162, 523, 358, 160, 422, 224, 420, 354, 58, 222, 156, 517, 352, 154, 416, 218, 414, 348, 52, 216, 150, 346, 148, 212, 46, 210, 144, 142, 41, -1, 434, 432, 366, 364, 428, 230, 426, 360, 228, 162, 358, 160, 422, 224, 420, 354, 222, 156, 352, 154, 416, 218, 414, 348, 216, 150, 346, 148, 212, 210, 144, 142, -1, 434, 432, 366, 364, 428, 230, 426, 360, 228, 162, 358, 160, 422, 224, 420, 354, 222, 156, 352, 154, 416, 218, 414, 348, 216, 150, 346, 148, 212, 210, 144, 142, -1, 434, 432, 366, 364, 428, 230, 426, 360, 228, 162, 358, 160, 422, 224, 420, 354, 222, 156, 352, 154, 416, 218, 414, 348, 216, 150, 346, 148, 212, 210, 144, 142, -1, 399, 393, 195, 387, 189, 381, 183, 177, -1);
layout20 = new Array("5 PYRAMIDS", 576, 574, 508, 572, 506, 440, 570, 504, 438, 372, 502, 436, 370, 434, 368, 236, 366, 234, 168, 232, 166, 100, 230, 164, 98, 32, 458, 162, 96, 30, 292, 390, 94, 28, 290, 322, 26, 550, 254, 286, 548, 482, 186, 284, 546, 480, 414, 118, 544, 478, 412, 346, 476, 410, 344, 408, 342, 210, 340, 208, 142, 206, 140, 74, 204, 138, 72, 6, 136, 70, 4, 68, 2, 0, -1, 541, 539, 473, 537, 471, 405, 469, 403, 401, 201, 199, 133, 197, 131, 65, 129, 63, 424, 61, 356, 290, 288, 286, 220, 515, 152, 513, 447, 511, 445, 379, 443, 377, 375, 175, 173, 107, 171, 105, 39, 103, 37, 35, -1, 506, 504, 438, 436, 166, 164, 98, 96, 390, 322, 254, 186, 480, 478, 412, 410, 140, 138, 72, 70, -1, 471, 131, 356, 288, 220, 445, 105, -1, -1);
layout21 = new Array("4 WINDS BEI", 534, 467, 532, 400, 530, 528, 459, 523, 128, 390, 160, 455, 192, 224, 322, 387, 222, 254, 385, 319, 417, 449, 186, 481, 251, 118, 183, 50, 181, 115, 179, 47, 143, 141, -1, 534, 467, 532, 400, 530, 528, 459, 523, 128, 390, 160, 455, 192, 224, 322, 387, 222, 254, 385, 319, 417, 449, 186, 481, 251, 118, 183, 50, 181, 115, 179, 47, 143, 141, -1, 534, 467, 532, 400, 530, 528, 459, 523, 128, 390, 160, 455, 192, 224, 322, 387, 222, 254, 385, 319, 417, 449, 186, 481, 251, 118, 183, 50, 181, 115, 179, 47, 143, 141, -1, 534, 467, 532, 400, 530, 528, 459, 523, 128, 390, 160, 455, 192, 224, 322, 387, 222, 254, 385, 319, 417, 449, 186, 481, 251, 118, 183, 50, 181, 115, 179, 47, 143, 141, -1, 400, 523, 128, 220, 481, 50, 47, 141, -1);
layout22 = new Array("4 WINDS DONG", 567, 531, 462, 560, 362, 492, 426, 360, 294, 424, 358, 226, 521, 258, 422, 356, 553, 454, 158, 256, 354, 288, 58, 156, 352, 56, 220, 154, 252, 350, 54, 152, 250, 282, 52, 150, 84, 214, 148, 16, 48, 146, 46, 44, 42, -1, 567, 531, 462, 560, 362, 492, 426, 360, 294, 424, 358, 226, 521, 258, 422, 356, 553, 454, 158, 256, 354, 288, 58, 156, 352, 56, 220, 154, 252, 350, 54, 152, 250, 282, 52, 150, 84, 214, 148, 16, 48, 146, 46, 44, 42, -1, 567, 531, 462, 560, 362, 492, 426, 360, 294, 424, 358, 226, 521, 258, 422, 356, 553, 454, 158, 256, 354, 288, 58, 156, 352, 56, 220, 154, 252, 350, 54, 152, 250, 282, 52, 150, 84, 214, 148, 16, 48, 146, 46, 44, 42, -1, 567, 362, 553, 158, 58, 350, 16, 146, 42, -1, -1);
layout23 = new Array("BALANCE", 469, 467, 401, 399, 333, 463, 331, 265, 461, 329, 263, 197, 459, 393, 261, 195, 129, 457, 391, 127, 455, 389, 323, 453, 387, 321, 255, 189, 123, 253, 187, 121, 449, 185, 119, 447, 381, 315, 183, 117, 379, 313, 247, 115, 311, 245, 113, 243, 177, 175, 109, 107, -1, 469, 467, 401, 399, 333, 463, 331, 265, 461, 329, 263, 197, 459, 393, 261, 195, 129, 457, 391, 127, 455, 389, 323, 453, 387, 321, 255, 189, 123, 253, 187, 121, 449, 185, 119, 447, 381, 315, 183, 117, 379, 313, 247, 115, 311, 245, 113, 243, 177, 175, 109, 107, -1, 463, 298, 461, 296, 459, 393, 457, 391, 455, 389, 323, 453, 387, 321, 255, 189, 123, 253, 187, 121, 185, 119, 183, 117, 280, 115, 278, 113, -1, 463, 297, 459, 457, 390, 453, 123, 186, 119, 117, 279, 113, -1, -1);
layout24 = new Array("NAMIDA", 502, 500, 434, 498, 432, 366, 496, 430, 364, 298, 428, 362, 296, 230, 426, 360, 294, 228, 162, 358, 226, 160, 94, 356, 290, 158, 92, 486, 288, 90, 484, 418, 286, 220, 482, 416, 350, 218, 414, 348, 282, 216, 150, 346, 280, 214, 148, 278, 212, 146, 80, 210, 144, 78, 142, 76, 74, -1, 502, 500, 434, 498, 432, 366, 496, 430, 364, 298, 428, 362, 296, 230, 426, 360, 294, 228, 162, 358, 226, 160, 94, 356, 290, 158, 92, 486, 288, 90, 484, 418, 286, 220, 482, 416, 350, 218, 414, 348, 282, 216, 150, 346, 280, 214, 148, 278, 212, 146, 80, 210, 144, 78, 142, 76, 74, -1, 502, 500, 434, 498, 366, 496, 298, 230, 294, 162, 226, 94, 158, 92, 486, 90, 484, 418, 482, 350, 414, 282, 346, 278, 80, 210, 78, 142, 76, 74, -1, -1, -1);
layout25 = new Array("ORBITAL", 369, 301, 299, 233, 528, 297, 526, 295, 524, 458, 293, 358, 390, 291, 354, 222, 285, 186, 218, 283, 118, 52, 281, 50, 279, 48, 343, 277, 275, 207, -1, 369, 301, 299, 233, 528, 297, 526, 295, 524, 458, 293, 358, 390, 291, 354, 222, 285, 186, 218, 283, 118, 52, 281, 50, 279, 48, 343, 277, 275, 207, -1, 369, 301, 299, 233, 528, 297, 526, 524, 52, 50, 279, 48, 343, 277, 275, 207, -1, 369, 301, 299, 233, 343, 277, 275, 207, -1, -1);
i = 1;
while (this["layout" add i][0] ne "") {
this["defaultLayout" add i] = new Array();
this["defaultLayout" add i] = this["layout" add i].concat();
this["highscore" add i] = 0;
fsCookie = sharedobject.getLocal("cookie_mahjongg");
i = 1;
while (i <= numLayouts) {
if (["highscore" add i]) {
this["highscore" add i] =["highscore" add i];
if (["layout" add i]) {
this["layout" add i] =["layout" add i];
function displayLayout() {
this.highScore = this["highscore" add currLayout];
symbols = new Array(1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 4, 5, 5, 5, 5, 6, 6, 6, 6, 7, 7, 7, 7, 8, 8, 8, 8, 9, 9, 9, 9, 10, 10, 10, 10, 11, 11, 11, 11, 12, 12, 12, 12, 13, 13, 13, 13, 14, 14, 14, 14, 15, 15, 15, 15, 16, 16, 16, 16, 17, 17, 17, 17, 18, 18, 18, 18, 19, 19, 19, 19, 20, 20, 20, 20, 21, 21, 21, 21, 22, 22, 22, 22, 23, 23, 23, 23, 24, 24, 24, 24, 25, 25, 25, 25, 26, 26, 26, 26, 27, 27, 27, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 32, 32, 32, 33, 33, 33, 33, 34, 34, 34, 34, 35, 35, 35, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 40, 40, 40, 41, 41, 41, 41, 42, 42, 42, 42);
this.rWidth = tileScale * (tileWidth / 100);
this.rHeight = tileScale * (tileHeight / 100);
this.numTiles = 0;
this.freeTiles = 0;
i = 1;
while (i <= 5) {
attachMovie("tile_layer", "Layer" add i, layerDepth + i);
Layer = this["Layer" add i];
Layer._x = Grid._x + ((i - 1) * layerShiftX);
Layer._y = Grid._y + ((i - 1) * layerShiftY);
Layer.tileList = new Array();
if (tileClip eq "editor_tile") {
Layer.attachMovie(tileClip, "Cursor", 1000);
Layer.Cursor._x = 0;
Layer.Cursor._y = 0;
Layer.Cursor._visible = false;
layerNum = 1;
layoutName = this["layout" add currLayout][0];
i = 1;
while (i < (this["layout" add currLayout].length - 1)) {
val = this["layout" add currLayout][i];
row = int(val / (rCols + 1));
col = val - (row * (rCols + 1));
if (val == -1) {
} else {
addTile(layerNum, col, row);
function addTile(layerNum, col, row) {
if (numTiles >= 144) {
tileNum = col + (row * (rCols + 1));
Layer = this["Layer" add layerNum];
Layer.attachMovie(tileClip, "Tile_" add tileNum, ((row + 1) * 115) + ((col + 1) * 100));
Tile = Layer["Tile_" add tileNum];
Tile._xscale = (Tile._yscale = tileScale);
Tile._x = col * rWidth;
Tile._y = row * rHeight;
Tile.tileNum = tileNum;
Tile.layerNum = layerNum;
Layer.tileList[tileNum] = 1;
Layer.tileList[tileNum + 1] = 1;
Layer.tileList[(tileNum + rCols) + 1] = 1;
Layer.tileList[(tileNum + rCols) + 2] = 1;
if (tileClip eq "game_tile") {
function isFree(Tile) {
n = Tile.tileNum;
L1 = Tile._parent;
L2 = this["Layer" add (Tile.layerNum + 1)];
if (((L1.tileList[n - 1] != 1) and (L1.tileList[n + rCols] != 1)) or ((L1.tileList[n + 2] != 1) and (L1.tileList[(n + rCols) + 3] != 1))) {
if ((((L2.tileList[n] != 1) and (L2.tileList[n + 1] != 1)) and (L2.tileList[(n + rCols) + 1] != 1)) and (L2.tileList[(n + rCols) + 2] != 1)) {
function updateStats() {
freeList = new Array();
numTiles = (freeTiles = 0);
k = 1;
while (k <= 5) {
Layer = this["Layer" add k];
for (z in Layer) {
if ((typeof(Layer[z]) == "movieclip") and (Layer[z]._name ne "Cursor")) {
Layer[z].caption = "";
if (isFree(Layer[z])) {
Layer[z].caption = "FREE";
if (tileClip eq "game_tile") {
matching = (matchA = (matchB = 0));
matchingList = new Array();
temp = freeList.concat();
m = 0;
while (m < temp.length) {
n = 0;
while (n < temp.length) {
if (n == m) {
if (((temp[m].mySymbol == temp[n].mySymbol) or (temp[m].isSeason and temp[n].isSeason)) or (temp[m].isFlower and temp[n].isFlower)) {
matchA = temp[m];
matchB = temp[n];
temp.splice(m, 1);
temp.splice(n, 1);
function removeTile(Tile) {
Layer = Tile._parent;
Layer.tileList[Tile.tileNum] = 0;
Layer.tileList[Tile.tileNum + 1] = 0;
Layer.tileList[(Tile.tileNum + rCols) + 1] = 0;
Layer.tileList[(Tile.tileNum + rCols) + 2] = 0;
function deleteLayers() {
j = 1;
while (j <= 5) {
removeMovieClip(this["Layer" add j]);
function setSymbol(Tile) {
if (symbols.length < 1) {
Tile.Symbol._visible = 0;
Tile.mySymbol = symbols[int(Math.random() * symbols.length)];
m = 0;
while (m < symbols.length) {
if (symbols[m] == Tile.mySymbol) {
symbols.splice(m, 1);
if ((Tile.mySymbol >= 28) and (Tile.mySymbol <= 31)) {
Tile.isSeason = true;
} else if ((Tile.mySymbol >= 36) and (Tile.mySymbol <= 39)) {
Tile.isFlower = true;
Tile.Symbol.caption = Tile.mySymbol;
Frame 5
Frame 6
move3D = true;
tileScale = 45;
tileClip = "preview_tile";
Grid._visible = 0;
Frame 7
function setRings() {
i = 0;
while (i <= 6) {
this["Ring" add i]._visible = 0;
this["Ring" add tileSet]._visible = 1;
Frame 8
Frame 9
Frame 10
move3D = false;
tileScale = 115;
tileClip = "game_tile";
hintsLeft = maxHints;
score = 0;
highScoreAlert = 0;
Grid._visible = 0;
Frame 11
function showNextTile() {
depth = ((row + 1) * 115) + ((col + 1) * 100);
tileNum = col + (row * (rCols + 1));
currLayer = 5;
while (currLayer >= 1) {
Layer = this["Layer" add currLayer];
if ((((!Layer.tileList[tileNum]) and (!Layer.tileList[tileNum + 1])) and (!Layer.tileList[(tileNum + rCols) + 1])) and (!Layer.tileList[(tileNum + rCols) + 2])) {
BelowLayer = this["Layer" add (currLayer - 1)];
if ((((((currLayer - 1) == 0) or (BelowLayer.tileList[tileNum] == 1)) or (BelowLayer.tileList[tileNum + 1] == 1)) or (BelowLayer.tileList[(tileNum + rCols) + 1] == 1)) or (BelowLayer.tileList[(tileNum + rCols) + 2] == 1)) {
Layer.Cursor._x = col * rWidth;
Layer.Cursor._y = row * rHeight;
Layer.Cursor._visible = true;
move3D = false;
draw = true;
tileScale = 100;
tileClip = "editor_tile";
col = (lastCol = (row = (lastRow = (currLayer = -1))));
Grid._alpha = 32;
Input1.backgroundColor = "0x222222";
this.onMouseMove = function () {
col = int(Grid._xmouse / rWidth);
row = int(Grid._ymouse / rHeight);
if ((col == lastCol) and (row == lastRow)) {
l = 1;
while (l <= 5) {
this["Layer" add l].Cursor._visible = false;
if ((((col < 0) or (col > rCols)) or (row < 0)) or (row > rRows)) {
lastCol = col;
lastRow = row;
if (draw) {
this.onMouseDown = function () {
Layer = this["Layer" add currLayer];
if (draw and Layer.Cursor._visible) {
Layer.Cursor._visible = false;
addTile(currLayer, col, row);
Symbol 86 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 86 MovieClip Frame 28
season = true;
Symbol 86 MovieClip Frame 29
season = true;
Symbol 86 MovieClip Frame 30
season = true;
Symbol 86 MovieClip Frame 31
flower = true;
Symbol 86 MovieClip Frame 36
season = true;
Symbol 86 MovieClip Frame 37
flower = true;
Symbol 86 MovieClip Frame 38
flower = true;
Symbol 86 MovieClip Frame 39
flower = true;
Symbol 90 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 90 MovieClip Frame 22
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 95 Button
on (rollOver) {
_parent._parent.matchA.Border._visible = 0;
_parent._parent.matchB.Border._visible = 0;
Border._visible = 1;
on (rollOut) {
Border._visible = 0;
on (dragOut) {
Border._visible = 0;
on (press) {
Game = _parent._parent;
OldTile = Game.selectedTile;
if (OldTile == this) {
if (!Game.isFree(this)) {
Game.selectedTile = this;
if (!OldTile) {
if (((OldTile.mySymbol == mySymbol) or (isSeason and OldTile.isSeason)) or (isFlower and OldTile.isFlower)) {
Game.score = Game.score + Game.bonus;
if (Game.score > Game["highscore" add Game.currLayout]) {
Game["highscore" add Game.currLayout] = Game.score;["highscore" add Game.currLayout] = Game.score;
if (!Game.highScoreAlert) {
Game.highScoreAlert = 1;
Game.ScreenText.display("NEW HIGHSCORE!");
i = 0;
while (i <= 8) {
Game.attachMovie("game_tile_disappear", ("Star" add Game.effectDepth) + i, Game.effectDepth + i);
FX = Game[("Star" add Game.effectDepth) + i];
FX._x = _parent._x + _x;
FX._y = _parent._y + _y;
Game.attachMovie("game_tile_disappear", (("Star" add Game.effectDepth) + i) + 100, (Game.effectDepth + i) + 100);
FX = Game[(("Star" add Game.effectDepth) + i) + 100];
FX._x = OldTile._parent._x + OldTile._x;
FX._y = OldTile._parent._y + OldTile._y;
Game.selectedTile = undefined;
Symbol 186 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 186 MovieClip Frame 28
season = true;
Symbol 186 MovieClip Frame 29
season = true;
Symbol 186 MovieClip Frame 30
season = true;
Symbol 186 MovieClip Frame 31
season = true;
Symbol 186 MovieClip Frame 36
flower = true;
Symbol 186 MovieClip Frame 37
flower = true;
Symbol 186 MovieClip Frame 38
flower = true;
Symbol 186 MovieClip Frame 39
flower = true;
Symbol 271 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 271 MovieClip Frame 28
season = true;
Symbol 271 MovieClip Frame 29
season = true;
Symbol 271 MovieClip Frame 30
season = true;
Symbol 271 MovieClip Frame 31
season = true;
Symbol 271 MovieClip Frame 36
flower = true;
Symbol 271 MovieClip Frame 37
flower = true;
Symbol 271 MovieClip Frame 38
flower = true;
Symbol 271 MovieClip Frame 39
flower = true;
Symbol 282 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 282 MovieClip Frame 28
season = true;
Symbol 282 MovieClip Frame 29
season = true;
Symbol 282 MovieClip Frame 30
season = true;
Symbol 282 MovieClip Frame 31
season = true;
Symbol 282 MovieClip Frame 36
flower = true;
Symbol 282 MovieClip Frame 37
flower = true;
Symbol 282 MovieClip Frame 38
flower = true;
Symbol 282 MovieClip Frame 39
flower = true;
Symbol 367 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 452 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 453 MovieClip [game_tile] Frame 1
Border._visible = 0;
Symbol 455 MovieClip [preview_tile] Frame 1
Symbol 457 Button
on (rollOver) {
if ((_name ne "Cursor") and (!_parent._parent.draw)) {
Border._visible = true;
on (rollOut) {
Border._visible = false;
on (dragOut) {
Border._visible = false;
on (press) {
if (Border._visible) {
Symbol 461 MovieClip [editor_tile] Frame 1
Border._visible = false;
DelButton.useHandCursor = false;
Symbol 462 MovieClip [tile_layer] Frame 1
nr = substring(_name, _name.length, 1);
ox = _x;
oy = _y;
ColorTrans = new Object();
ColorTrans.ra = ( = ( = 60 + (nr * 10)));
MyColor = new Color(this);
sp = 96 - (nr * 15);
this.onMouseMove = function () {
if (!this._parent.move3D) {
this._x = this.ox - ((this._parent._xmouse - 320) / this.sp);
this._y = this.oy + ((240 - this._parent._ymouse) / this.sp);
Symbol 464 MovieClip [game_tile_disappear] Frame 1
if (!done) {
done = 1;
x = _x;
y = _y;
_x = (x + ((Math.random() * _parent.rWidth) * 2));
_y = (y + ((Math.random() * _parent.rHeight) * 2));
_yscale = (_yscale - 5);
_xscale = (_yscale - 5);
Symbol 464 MovieClip [game_tile_disappear] Frame 2
if (loop < 20) {
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 464 MovieClip [game_tile_disappear] Frame 3
if (_parent.numTiles < 1) {
_parent.ScreenText.display("YOU DID IT! WELL DONE!");
} else if ((!_parent.matchA) and (!_parent.matchB)) {
_parent.ScreenText.display("NO PAIRS LEFT - GAME OVER!");
Symbol 478 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 486 MovieClip Frame 1
Instance of Symbol 478 MovieClip "TL" in Symbol 486 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
gotoAndPlay (2);
Instance of Symbol 478 MovieClip "TL" in Symbol 486 MovieClip Frame 25
onClipEvent (load) {
gotoAndPlay (2);
Instance of Symbol 478 MovieClip "BL" in Symbol 486 MovieClip Frame 25
onClipEvent (load) {
gotoAndPlay (3);
Instance of Symbol 478 MovieClip "BL" in Symbol 486 MovieClip Frame 50
onClipEvent (load) {
gotoAndPlay (3);
Instance of Symbol 478 MovieClip "BR" in Symbol 486 MovieClip Frame 50
onClipEvent (load) {
gotoAndPlay (4);
Instance of Symbol 478 MovieClip "BR" in Symbol 486 MovieClip Frame 75
onClipEvent (load) {
gotoAndPlay (4);
Instance of Symbol 478 MovieClip "TR" in Symbol 486 MovieClip Frame 75
onClipEvent (load) {
gotoAndPlay (5);
Instance of Symbol 478 MovieClip "TR" in Symbol 486 MovieClip Frame 100
onClipEvent (load) {
gotoAndPlay (5);
Symbol 494 Button
on (press) {
gotoAndStop (2);
Symbol 525 Button
on (press) {
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 526 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 527 Button
on (press) {
getURL ("", "_blank");
Symbol 536 Button
on (press) {
getURL ("", "_blank");
Symbol 541 Button
on (press) {
gotoAndPlay (9);
Symbol 546 MovieClip Frame 2
if (int(Math.random() * 20) != 5) {
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 547 Button
on (press) {
gotoAndPlay (8);
Symbol 550 Button
on (press) {
gotoAndPlay (6);
Symbol 556 Button
on (press) {
gotoAndStop (11);
Symbol 559 Button
on (press) {
gotoAndPlay (7);
Symbol 570 MovieClip Frame 1
ox = _x;
oy = _y;
sp = 32;
this.onMouseMove = function () {
if (!this._parent.move3D) {
this._x = this.ox + ((this._parent._xmouse - 320) / this.sp);
this._y = this.oy - ((240 - this._parent._ymouse) / this.sp);
Symbol 571 Button
on (press) {
currLayout = ((currLayout == 1) ? (numLayouts) : (currLayout - 1));
Symbol 572 Button
on (press) {
currLayout = ((currLayout == numLayouts) ? 1 : (currLayout + 1));
Symbol 581 Button
on (press) {
gotoAndStop (11);
Symbol 590 Button
on (press) {
gotoAndPlay (5);
Symbol 619 Button
on (press) {
tileSet = 1;
Symbol 622 Button
on (press) {
tileSet = 2;
Symbol 623 Button
on (press) {
gotoAndPlay (5);
Symbol 630 Button
on (press) {
tileSet = 4;
Symbol 631 Button
on (press) {
tileSet = 3;
Symbol 636 Button
on (press) {
tileSet = 6;
Symbol 639 Button
on (press) {
tileSet = 5;
Symbol 647 Button
on (press) {
if (Music._currentframe != 1) {
} else {
Symbol 648 Button
on (press) {
move3D = true;
Symbol 649 Button
on (press) {
k = 1;
while (k <= 5) {
Layer = this["Layer" add k];
Layer._x = Layer.ox;
Layer._y = Layer.oy;
BG._x = BG.ox;
BG._y = BG.oy;
move3D = false;
Symbol 652 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 656 Button
on (press) {
if ((!matchA) and (!matchB)) {
ScreenText.display("NO PAIRS LEFT!");
if (!hintsLeft) {
ScreenText.display("NO HINTS LEFT!");
matchA.Border._visible = (matchB.Border._visible = 1);
Symbol 658 Button
on (press) {
gotoAndPlay (5);
Symbol 661 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 661 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 680 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 680 MovieClip Frame 6
Symbol 680 MovieClip Frame 11
Symbol 680 MovieClip Frame 16
Symbol 680 MovieClip Frame 21
Symbol 680 MovieClip Frame 26
Symbol 680 MovieClip Frame 31
Symbol 680 MovieClip Frame 36
Symbol 680 MovieClip Frame 41
Symbol 686 MovieClip Frame 1
function display(txt) {
_alpha = 100;
caption = txt;
gotoAndPlay (2);
if (!done) {
done = 1;
display(_parent["layout" add _parent.currLayout][0]);
Symbol 686 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 686 MovieClip Frame 50
_alpha = (_alpha - 3);
if (_alpha > 1) {
gotoAndPlay(_currentframe - 1);
Symbol 686 MovieClip Frame 51
Symbol 688 MovieClip Frame 1
function reset() {
_parent.bonus = 1000;
t1 = int(getTimer() / 100);
gotoAndPlay (2);
if (!done) {
done = 1;
if ((int(getTimer() / 100) - t1) >= 5) {
t1 = int(getTimer() / 100);
_parent.bonus = _parent.bonus - 20;
if (_parent.bonus <= 0) {
_parent.bonus = 0;
} else if (_parent.bonus <= 100) {
Symbol 697 Button
on (press) {
draw = false;
on (rollOver) {
Symbol 698 Button
on (press) {
draw = true;
on (rollOver) {
Symbol 699 Button
on (press) {
if (layoutName eq "") {
layoutName = "UNLABELED";
this["layout" add currLayout] = new Array(layoutName);
k = 1;
while (k <= 5) {
Layer = this["Layer" add k];
for (z in Layer) {
if ((typeof(Layer[z]) == "movieclip") and (Layer[z]._name ne "Cursor")) {
this["layout" add currLayout].push(Layer[z].tileNum);
this["layout" add currLayout].push(-1);
trace(((("layout" add currLayout) add " = new Array (") add this["layout" add currLayout]) add ");");["layout" add currLayout] = this["layout" add currLayout];
on (rollOver) {
Symbol 700 Button
on (press) {
k = 1;
while (k <= 5) {
Layer = this["Layer" add k];
Layer.tileList = new Array();
for (z in Layer) {
if ((typeof(Layer[z]) == "movieclip") and (Layer[z]._name ne "Cursor")) {
on (rollOver) {
Symbol 701 Button
on (press) {
move3D = true;
on (rollOver) {
Symbol 702 Button
on (press) {
k = 1;
while (k <= 5) {
Layer = this["Layer" add k];
Layer._x = Layer.ox;
Layer._y = Layer.oy;
BG._x = BG.ox;
BG._y = BG.oy;
move3D = false;
on (rollOver) {
Symbol 703 Button
on (press) {
this["layout" add currLayout] = this["defaultLayout" add currLayout];
on (rollOver) {
Symbol 716 Button
on (press) {
currLayout = ((currLayout == 1) ? (numLayouts) : (currLayout - 1));
on (rollOver) {
Symbol 718 Button
on (press) {
currLayout = ((currLayout == numLayouts) ? 1 : (currLayout + 1));
on (rollOver) {
Symbol 722 Button
on (press) {
this.onMouseMove = undefined;
this.onMouseDown = undefined;
gotoAndPlay (5);
on (rollOver) {