Frame 1
Frame 2
player1_name = _root.cont.player1_name;
player2_name = _root.cont.player2_name;
gotoAndPlay (1);
Frame 3
if (player1_name == "Your name") {
player1_name = "player1";
if (player2_name == "Your name") {
player2_name = "player2";
if (num_of_p == 1) {
gotoAndStop (16);
} else if (num_of_p == 2) {
gotoAndStop (11);
Frame 11
Frame 12
Frame 16
Frame 17
Frame 27
gotoAndStop (28);
Frame 28
if (winner == "player1") {
gotoAndStop (32);
} else if (winner == "player2") {
gotoAndStop (37);
} else if (winner == "cp") {
gotoAndStop (42);
} else if (winner == "cp2") {
gotoAndStop (47);
Symbol 4 MovieClip Frame 1
tellTarget ("_root") {
num_of_p = "1";
tellTarget ("_root.num.num_of_cp") {
gotoAndStop (2);
tellTarget ("_root.cont") {
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 4 MovieClip Frame 2
tellTarget ("_root") {
num_of_p = "2";
tellTarget ("_root.num.num_of_cp") {
gotoAndStop (1);
tellTarget ("_root.cont") {
gotoAndStop (2);
Symbol 5 MovieClip Frame 1
tellTarget ("_root") {
num_of_cp = "1";
Symbol 5 MovieClip Frame 2
tellTarget ("_root") {
num_of_cp = "2";
Symbol 7 Button
on (release) {
tellTarget ("num_of_p") {
Symbol 8 Button
on (release) {
tellTarget ("num_of_p") {
Symbol 19 MovieClip Frame 1
tellTarget ("_root") {
num_of_l = "5";
Symbol 19 MovieClip Frame 2
tellTarget ("_root") {
num_of_l = "10";
Symbol 19 MovieClip Frame 3
tellTarget ("_root") {
num_of_l = "15";
Symbol 19 MovieClip Frame 4
tellTarget ("_root") {
num_of_l = "20";
Symbol 20 Button
on (release) {
tellTarget ("num_of_l") {
Symbol 21 Button
on (release) {
tellTarget ("num_of_l") {
Symbol 42 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 45 Button
on (release) {
gotoAndStop (3);
Symbol 58 Button
on (release) {
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 64 MovieClip Frame 30
tellTarget ("_root") {
Symbol 65 MovieClip Frame 1
ay_top = getProperty(_root.a_1, _y);
ay_bottom = getProperty(_root.a_4, _y);
ax_left = getProperty(_root.a_1, _x);
ax_right = getProperty(_root.a_4, _x);
by_top = getProperty(_root.b_1, _y);
by_bottom = getProperty(_root.b_4, _y);
bx_left = getProperty(_root.b_1, _x);
bx_right = getProperty(_root.b_4, _x);
cy_top = getProperty(_root.c_1, _y);
cy_bottom = getProperty(_root.c_4, _y);
cx_left = getProperty(_root.c_1, _x);
cx_right = getProperty(_root.c_4, _x);
dy_top = getProperty(_root.d_1, _y);
dy_bottom = getProperty(_root.d_4, _y);
dx_left = getProperty(_root.d_1, _x);
dx_right = getProperty(_root.d_4, _x);
ey_top = getProperty(_root.e_1, _y);
ey_bottom = getProperty(_root.e_4, _y);
ex_left = getProperty(_root.e_1, _x);
ex_right = getProperty(_root.e_4, _x);
car2_x = _root.car2.car2_x;
car2_y = _root.car2.car2_y;
car2_x_speed = _root.car2.x_speed;
car2_y_speed = _root.car2.y_speed;
car2_rot_d = _root.car2.car2_rot_d;
car3_x = _root.car3.car3_x;
car3_y = _root.car3.car3_y;
car3_x_speed = _root.car3.x_speed;
car3_y_speed = _root.car3.y_speed;
car3_rot_d = _root.car3.car3_rot_d;
finish_line_x = getProperty(_root.finish, _x);
finish_line_y = getProperty(_root.finish, _y);
check_point_x = getProperty(, _x);
check_point_y = getProperty(, _y);
car1_x = getProperty(_root.car1, _x);
car1_y = getProperty(_root.car1, _y);
car2_sp = "_root.car2.sp";
car1_rot = getProperty(_root.car1, _rotation);
if ((-90 < car1_rot) and (car1_rot < 90)) {
car1_rot_d = "1";
} else {
car1_rot_d = "-1";
if ((((ay_top < car1_y) and (car1_y < ay_bottom)) and (ax_left < car1_x)) and (car1_x < ax_right)) {
offtrack = "true";
} else if ((((by_top < car1_y) and (car1_y < by_bottom)) and (bx_left < car1_x)) and (car1_x < bx_right)) {
offtrack = "true";
} else if ((((cy_top < car1_y) and (car1_y < cy_bottom)) and (cx_left < car1_x)) and (car1_x < cx_right)) {
offtrack = "true";
} else if ((((dy_top < car1_y) and (car1_y < dy_bottom)) and (dx_left < car1_x)) and (car1_x < dx_right)) {
offtrack = "true";
} else if ((((car1_y < ey_top) or (ey_bottom < car1_y)) or (car1_x < ex_left)) or (ex_right < car1_x)) {
offtrack = "out";
} else {
offtrack = "false";
if ((((car1_y < (car3_y + 11)) and ((car3_y - 11) < car1_y)) and ((car3_x - 30) < car1_x)) and (car1_x < (car3_x + 30))) {
bounce3 = "true";
} else {
bounce3 = "false";
if ((((car1_y < (car2_y + 11)) and ((car2_y - 11) < car1_y)) and ((car2_x - 30) < car1_x)) and (car1_x < (car2_x + 30))) {
bounce2 = "true";
} else {
bounce2 = "false";
finish_line_x = getProperty(_root.finish, _x);
if ((((((finish_line_x - 30) < car1_x) and (car1_x < (finish_line_x + 30))) and (car1_y < (finish_line_y + 35))) and ((finish_line_y - 35) < car1_y)) and (security == "yes")) {
security = "no";
tellTarget ("_root.laps.laps_left_1") {
if (((((check_point_x - 35) < car1_x) and (car1_x < (check_point_x + 35))) and (car1_y < (check_point_y + 35))) and ((check_point_y - 35) < car1_y)) {
security = "yes";
var1 = (90 - car1_rot) / 10;
var2 = 9 - var1;
var3 = (90 + car1_rot) / 10;
var4 = 9 - var3;
if (offtrack == "true") {
sp = -sp;
} else if (((offtrack == "out") and (sp < 0.5)) and (-0.5 < sp)) {
sp = -0.15;
} else if (offtrack == "out") {
sp = 0.2;
if (Key.isDown(Key.UP)) {
if ((2 >= sp) and (sp >= 0)) {
sp = sp + 0.1;
} else if (sp < 0) {
sp = sp + 0.3;
back = "false";
if (Key.isDown(Key.RIGHT)) {
setProperty("_root.car1", _rotation , car1_rot + 10);
if (Key.isDown(Key.LEFT)) {
setProperty("_root.car1", _rotation , car1_rot - 10);
} else if (Key.isDown(Key.DOWN)) {
if (0 < sp) {
sp = sp - 0.3;
} else if (sp >= -1.5) {
sp = sp - 0.1;
back = "true";
if (Key.isDown(Key.RIGHT)) {
setProperty("_root.car1", _rotation , car1_rot + (sp * 15));
if (Key.isDown(Key.LEFT)) {
setProperty("_root.car1", _rotation , car1_rot - (sp * 15));
} else {
if (((x_speed < 1) and (0 < x_speed)) or ((-1 < x_speed) and (x_speed < 0))) {
x_speed = 0;
} else if (x_speed != 0) {
x_speed = x_speed / 1.2;
if (((y_speed < 1) and (0 < y_speed)) or ((-1 < y_speed) and (y_speed < 0))) {
y_speed = 0;
} else if (y_speed != 0) {
y_speed = y_speed / 1.2;
if (0 < sp) {
sp = sp * 0.7;
} else if (sp < 0) {
sp = sp * 0.7;
if (Key.isDown(Key.RIGHT)) {
setProperty("_root.car1", _rotation , car1_rot + (sp * 25));
if (Key.isDown(Key.LEFT)) {
setProperty("_root.car1", _rotation , car1_rot - (sp * 25));
if ((car1_rot >= 0) and (car1_rot < 90)) {
x_speed = var1 * sp;
y_speed = var2 * sp;
} else if ((car1_rot >= 90) and (180 >= car1_rot)) {
x_speed = var1 * sp;
y_speed = (9 + var1) * sp;
if ((car1_rot >= -90) and (car1_rot < 0)) {
x_speed = var3 * sp;
y_speed = (-var4) * sp;
} else if ((car1_rot >= -180) and (car1_rot < -90)) {
x_speed = var3 * sp;
y_speed = (-(9 + var3)) * sp;
if (bounce3 == "true") {
x_speed = x_speed - (car3_x_speed * (car3_rot_d * car1_rot_d));
y_speed = y_speed - car3_y_speed;
if (bounce2 == "true") {
x_speed = x_speed - (car2_x_speed * (car2_rot_d * car1_rot_d));
y_speed = y_speed - car2_y_speed;
Symbol 65 MovieClip Frame 2
setProperty("_root.car1", _x , car1_x + x_speed);
setProperty("_root.car1", _y , car1_y + y_speed);
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 66 MovieClip Frame 1
ay_top = getProperty(_root.a_1, _y);
ay_bottom = getProperty(_root.a_4, _y);
ax_left = getProperty(_root.a_1, _x);
ax_right = getProperty(_root.a_4, _x);
by_top = getProperty(_root.b_1, _y);
by_bottom = getProperty(_root.b_4, _y);
bx_left = getProperty(_root.b_1, _x);
bx_right = getProperty(_root.b_4, _x);
cy_top = getProperty(_root.c_1, _y);
cy_bottom = getProperty(_root.c_4, _y);
cx_left = getProperty(_root.c_1, _x);
cx_right = getProperty(_root.c_4, _x);
dy_top = getProperty(_root.d_1, _y);
dy_bottom = getProperty(_root.d_4, _y);
dx_left = getProperty(_root.d_1, _x);
dx_right = getProperty(_root.d_4, _x);
ey_top = getProperty(_root.e_1, _y);
ey_bottom = getProperty(_root.e_4, _y);
ex_left = getProperty(_root.e_1, _x);
ex_right = getProperty(_root.e_4, _x);
car1_x = _root.car1.car1_x;
car1_y = _root.car1.car1_y;
car1_x_speed = _root.car1.x_speed;
car1_y_speed = _root.car1.y_speed;
car1_rot_d = root.car1.car1_rot_d;
car3_x = _root.car3.car3_x;
car3_y = _root.car3.car3_y;
car3_x_speed = _root.car3.x_speed;
car3_y_speed = _root.car3.y_speed;
car3_rot_d = root.car3.car3_rot_d;
finish_line_x = getProperty(_root.finish, _x);
finish_line_y = getProperty(_root.finish, _y);
check_point_x = getProperty(, _x);
check_point_y = getProperty(, _y);
car2_x = getProperty(_root.car2, _x);
car2_y = getProperty(_root.car2, _y);
car2_rot = getProperty(_root.car2, _rotation);
if ((-90 < car2_rot) and (car2_rot < 90)) {
car2_rot_d = "1";
} else {
car2_rot_d = "-1";
if ((((ay_top < car2_y) and (car2_y < ay_bottom)) and (ax_left < car2_x)) and (car2_x < ax_right)) {
offtrack = "true";
} else if ((((by_top < car2_y) and (car2_y < by_bottom)) and (bx_left < car2_x)) and (car2_x < bx_right)) {
offtrack = "true";
} else if ((((cy_top < car2_y) and (car2_y < cy_bottom)) and (cx_left < car2_x)) and (car2_x < cx_right)) {
offtrack = "true";
} else if ((((dy_top < car2_y) and (car2_y < dy_bottom)) and (dx_left < car2_x)) and (car2_x < dx_right)) {
offtrack = "true";
} else if ((((car2_y < ey_top) or (ey_bottom < car2_y)) or (car2_x < ex_left)) or (ex_right < car2_x)) {
offtrack = "out";
} else {
offtrack = "false";
if ((((car2_y < (car1_y + 11)) and ((car1_y - 11) < car2_y)) and ((car1_x - 30) < car2_x)) and (car2_x < (car1_x + 30))) {
bounce1 = "true";
} else {
bounce1 = "false";
if ((((car2_y < (car3_y + 11)) and ((car3_y - 11) < car2_y)) and ((car3_x - 30) < car2_x)) and (car2_x < (car3_x + 30))) {
bounce3 = "true";
} else {
bounce3 = "false";
finish_line_x = getProperty(_root.finish, _x);
if ((((((finish_line_x - 30) < car2_x) and (car2_x < (finish_line_x + 30))) and (car2_y < (finish_line_y + 35))) and ((finish_line_y - 35) < car2_y)) and (security == "yes")) {
security = "no";
tellTarget ("_root.laps.laps_left_2") {
if (((((check_point_x - 35) < car2_x) and (car2_x < (check_point_x + 35))) and (car2_y < (check_point_y + 35))) and ((check_point_y - 35) < car2_y)) {
security = "yes";
var1 = (90 - car2_rot) / 10;
var2 = 9 - var1;
var3 = (90 + car2_rot) / 10;
var4 = 9 - var3;
key_code = Key.getCode(a);
if (Key.isDown(87)) {
if ((2 >= sp) and (sp >= 0)) {
sp = sp + 0.1;
} else if (sp < 0) {
sp = sp + 0.3;
back = "false";
if (Key.isDown(68)) {
setProperty("_root.car2", _rotation , car2_rot + 10);
if (Key.isDown(65)) {
setProperty("_root.car2", _rotation , car2_rot - 10);
} else if (Key.isDown(88)) {
if (0 < sp) {
sp = sp - 0.3;
} else if (sp >= -1.5) {
sp = sp - 0.1;
back = "true";
if (Key.isDown(68)) {
setProperty("_root.car2", _rotation , car2_rot + (sp * 15));
if (Key.isDown(65)) {
setProperty("_root.car2", _rotation , car2_rot - (sp * 15));
} else {
if (((x_speed < 1) and (0 < x_speed)) or ((-1 < x_speed) and (x_speed < 0))) {
x_speed = 0;
} else if (x_speed != 0) {
x_speed = x_speed / 1.2;
if (((y_speed < 1) and (0 < y_speed)) or ((-1 < y_speed) and (y_speed < 0))) {
y_speed = 0;
} else if (y_speed != 0) {
y_speed = y_speed / 1.2;
if (0 < sp) {
sp = sp * 0.7;
} else if (sp < 0) {
sp = sp * 0.7;
if (Key.isDown(68)) {
setProperty("_root.car2", _rotation , car2_rot + (sp * 25));
if (Key.isDown(65)) {
setProperty("_root.car2", _rotation , car2_rot - (sp * 25));
if ((offtrack == "true") and (back == "false")) {
sp = -1.5;
} else if ((offtrack == "true") and (back == "true")) {
sp = 1.5;
} else if (offtrack == "out") {
sp = 0.2;
if ((car2_rot >= 0) and (car2_rot < 90)) {
x_speed = var1 * sp;
y_speed = var2 * sp;
} else if ((car2_rot >= 90) and (180 >= car2_rot)) {
x_speed = var1 * sp;
y_speed = (9 + var1) * sp;
if ((car2_rot >= -90) and (car2_rot < 0)) {
x_speed = var3 * sp;
y_speed = (-var4) * sp;
} else if ((car2_rot >= -180) and (car2_rot < -90)) {
x_speed = var3 * sp;
y_speed = (-(9 + var3)) * sp;
if (bounce3 == "true") {
x_speed = x_speed - (car3_x_speed * (car3_rot_d * car2_rot_d));
y_speed = y_speed - car3_y_speed;
if (bounce1 == "true") {
x_speed = x_speed - (car1_x_speed * (car1_rot_d * car2_rot_d));
y_speed = y_speed - car1_y_speed;
Symbol 66 MovieClip Frame 2
setProperty("_root.car2", _x , car2_x + x_speed);
setProperty("_root.car2", _y , car2_y + y_speed);
key_code = "5";
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 67 MovieClip Frame 1
ay_top = getProperty(_root.a_1, _y);
ay_bottom = getProperty(_root.a_4, _y);
ax_left = getProperty(_root.a_1, _x);
ax_right = getProperty(_root.a_4, _x);
by_top = getProperty(_root.b_1, _y);
by_bottom = getProperty(_root.b_4, _y);
bx_left = getProperty(_root.b_1, _x);
bx_right = getProperty(_root.b_4, _x);
cy_top = getProperty(_root.c_1, _y);
cy_bottom = getProperty(_root.c_4, _y);
cx_left = getProperty(_root.c_1, _x);
cx_right = getProperty(_root.c_4, _x);
dy_top = getProperty(_root.d_1, _y);
dy_bottom = getProperty(_root.d_4, _y);
dx_left = getProperty(_root.d_1, _x);
dx_right = getProperty(_root.d_4, _x);
ey_top = getProperty(_root.e_1, _y);
ey_bottom = getProperty(_root.e_4, _y);
ex_left = getProperty(_root.e_1, _x);
ex_right = getProperty(_root.e_4, _x);
car1_x = getProperty(_root.car1, _x);
car1_y = getProperty(_root.car1, _y);
car1_x_speed = _root.car1.x_speed;
car1_y_speed = _root.car1.y_speed;
car1_rot_d = _root.car1.car1_rot_d;
car2_x = getProperty(_root.car2, _x);
car2_y = getProperty(_root.car2, _y);
car2_x_speed = _root.car2.x_speed;
car2_y_speed = _root.car2.y_speed;
car2_rot_d = _root.car2.car2_rot_d;
finish_line_x = getProperty(_root.finish, _x);
finish_line_y = getProperty(_root.finish, _y);
check_point_x = getProperty(, _x);
check_point_y = getProperty(, _y);
t1_x = getProperty(_root.t_1, _x);
t1_y = getProperty(_root.t_1, _y);
t2_x = getProperty(_root.t_2, _x);
t2_y = getProperty(_root.t_2, _y);
t3_x = getProperty(_root.t_3, _x);
t3_y = getProperty(_root.t_3, _y);
t4_x = getProperty(_root.t_4, _x);
t5_y = getProperty(_root.t_5, _y);
t5_x = getProperty(_root.t_5, _x);
t4_y = getProperty(_root.t_4, _y);
a = getProperty(_root.a, _y);
b = getProperty(_root.b, _y);
c = getProperty(_root.c, _y);
d = getProperty(_root.d, _y);
e = getProperty(_root.e, _x);
UP = "true";
if ((ax_right - 30) < car3_x) {
if ((car3_y < t1_y) or (car3_y < t3_y)) {
setProperty("_root.car3", _rotation , car3_rot + (sp * 10));
} else if ((t1_y < car3_y) or ((t3_y < car3_y) and (car_rot < 180))) {
if ((car3_rot < 180) and (0 < car3_rot)) {
setProperty("_root.car3", _rotation , car3_rot + (sp * 10));
if ((((car3_x < (bx_left + 30)) and (ay_bottom < car3_y)) and (car3_y < dy_bottom)) and (dx_left < car3_x)) {
if (car3_y < t2_y) {
setProperty("_root.car3", _rotation , car3_rot - (sp * 10));
} else if (t2_y < car3_y) {
if ((car3_rot < 180) and (0 < car3_rot)) {
setProperty("_root.car3", _rotation , car3_rot - (sp * 10));
if ((((car3_y < ay_top) and (ey_top < car3_y)) and (car3_x < (ax_right - 30))) and (ax_left < car3_x)) {
if (car3_y < (a - 5)) {
setProperty("_root.car3", _rotation , car3_rot + 1);
if (((a - 5) < car3_y) and (car3_y < (a + 5))) {
setProperty("_root.car3", _rotation , 0);
if ((a + 5) < car3_y) {
setProperty("_root.car3", _rotation , car3_rot - 1);
if (((car3_x < t4_x) and (dy_bottom < car3_y)) or ((car3_y < t5_y) and (car3_x < dx_left))) {
setProperty("_root.car3", _rotation , car3_rot + (sp * 9));
if ((((car3_y < by_top) and (ay_bottom < car3_y)) and (car3_x < ax_right)) and (bx_left < car3_x)) {
if (car3_y < (b - 5)) {
setProperty("_root.car3", _rotation , car3_rot - 1);
if (((b - 5) < car3_y) and (car3_y < (b + _5))) {
setProperty("_root.car3", _rotation , 180);
if ((b + 5) < car3_y) {
setProperty("_root.car3", _rotation , car3_rot + 1);
if ((((car3_y < cy_top) and (by_bottom < car3_y)) and (car3_x < cx_right)) and (bx_left < car3_x)) {
if (car3_y < (c - 5)) {
setProperty("_root.car3", _rotation , car3_rot + 1);
if (((c - 5) < car3_y) and (car3_y < (c + 5))) {
setProperty("_root.car3", _rotation , 0);
if ((c + 5) < car3_y) {
setProperty("_root.car3", _rotation , car3_rot - 1);
if ((((car3_y < ey_bottom) and (cy_bottom < car3_y)) and (car3_x < cx_right)) and (cx_left < car3_x)) {
if (car3_y < (d - 5)) {
setProperty("_root.car3", _rotation , car3_rot - 1);
if (((d - 5) < car3_y) and (car3_y < (d + _5))) {
setProperty("_root.car3", _rotation , 180);
if ((d + 5) < car3_y) {
setProperty("_root.car3", _rotation , car3_rot + 1);
if (((car3_x < dx_left) and (car3_y < dy_bottom)) and (dy_top < car3_y)) {
if (car3_x < (e - 5)) {
setProperty("_root.car3", _rotation , car3_rot + 1);
if ((e + 5) < car3_x) {
setProperty("_root.car3", _rotation , car3_rot - 1);
if (((e - 5) < car3_x) and (car3_x < (e + 5))) {
setProperty("_root.car3", _rotation , -90);
car3_x = getProperty(_root.car3, _x);
car3_y = getProperty(_root.car3, _y);
car3_rot = getProperty(_root.car3, _rotation);
if ((-90 < car3_rot) and (car3_rot < 90)) {
car3_rot_d = "1";
} else {
car3_rot_d = "-1";
car2_sp = "_root.car2.sp";
if ((((ay_top < car3_y) and (car3_y < ay_bottom)) and (ax_left < car3_x)) and (car3_x < ax_right)) {
offtrack = "true";
} else if ((((by_top < car3_y) and (car3_y < by_bottom)) and (bx_left < car3_x)) and (car3_x < bx_right)) {
offtrack = "true";
} else if ((((cy_top < car3_y) and (car3_y < cy_bottom)) and (cx_left < car3_x)) and (car3_x < cx_right)) {
offtrack = "true";
} else if ((((dy_top < car3_y) and (car3_y < dy_bottom)) and (dx_left < car3_x)) and (car3_x < dx_right)) {
offtrack = "true";
} else if ((((car3_y < ey_top) or (ey_bottom < car3_y)) or (car3_x < ex_left)) or (ex_right < car3_x)) {
offtrack = "out";
} else {
offtrack = "false";
if ((((car3_y < (car1_y + 11)) and ((car1_y - 11) < car3_y)) and ((car1_x - 30) < car3_x)) and (car3_x < (car1_x + 30))) {
bounce1 = "true";
} else {
bounce1 = "false";
if ((((car3_y < (car2_y + 11)) and ((car2_y - 11) < car3_y)) and ((car2_x - 30) < car3_x)) and (car3_x < (car2_x + 30))) {
bounce2 = "true";
} else {
bounce2 = "false";
finish_line_x = getProperty(_root.finish, _x);
if ((((((finish_line_x - 30) < car3_x) and (car3_x < (finish_line_x + 30))) and (car3_y < (finish_line_y + 35))) and ((finish_line_y - 35) < car3_y)) and (security == "yes")) {
security = "no";
tellTarget ("_root.laps.laps_left_3") {
if (((((check_point_x - 35) < car3_x) and (car3_x < (check_point_x + 35))) and (car3_y < (check_point_y + 35))) and ((check_point_y - 35) < car3_y)) {
security = "yes";
var1 = (90 - car3_rot) / 10;
var2 = 9 - var1;
var3 = (90 + car3_rot) / 10;
var4 = 9 - var3;
if (UP == "true") {
if ((1.5 >= sp) and (sp >= 0)) {
sp = sp + 0.1;
} else if (sp < 0) {
sp = sp + 0.3;
back = "false";
if (RIGHT == "true") {
setProperty("_root.car3", _rotation , car3_rot + 10);
if (LEFT == "true") {
setProperty("_root.car3", _rotation , car3_rot - 10);
} else if (DOWN == "true") {
if (0 < sp) {
sp = sp - 0.3;
} else if (sp >= -1.2) {
sp = sp - 0.1;
back = "true";
if (RIGHT == "true") {
setProperty("_root.car3", _rotation , car3_rot + (sp * 15));
if (LEFT == "true") {
setProperty("_root.car3", _rotation , car3_rot - (sp * 15));
} else {
if (((x_speed < 1) and (0 < x_speed)) or ((-1 < x_speed) and (x_speed < 0))) {
x_speed = 0;
} else if (x_speed != 0) {
x_speed = x_speed / 1.2;
if (((y_speed < 1) and (0 < y_speed)) or ((-1 < y_speed) and (y_speed < 0))) {
y_speed = 0;
} else if (y_speed != 0) {
y_speed = y_speed / 1.2;
if (0 < sp) {
sp = sp * 0.7;
} else if (sp < 0) {
sp = sp * 0.7;
if (RIGHT == "true") {
setProperty("_root.car3", _rotation , car3_rot + (sp * 25));
if (LEFT == "true") {
setProperty("_root.car3", _rotation , car3_rot - (sp * 25));
if ((offtrack == "true") and (back == "false")) {
sp = -1.5;
} else if ((offtrack == "true") and (back == "true")) {
sp = 1.5;
} else if (offtrack == "out") {
sp = 0.2;
if ((car3_rot >= 0) and (car3_rot < 90)) {
x_speed = var1 * sp;
y_speed = var2 * sp;
} else if ((car3_rot >= 90) and (180 >= car3_rot)) {
x_speed = var1 * sp;
y_speed = (9 + var1) * sp;
if ((car3_rot >= -90) and (car3_rot < 0)) {
x_speed = var3 * sp;
y_speed = (-var4) * sp;
} else if ((car3_rot >= -180) and (car3_rot < -90)) {
x_speed = var3 * sp;
y_speed = (-(9 + var3)) * sp;
if (bounce1 == "true") {
x_speed = x_speed - (ca1_x_speed * (car1_rot_d * car3_rot_d));
y_speed = y_speed - car1_y_speed;
if (bounce2 == "true") {
x_speed = x_speed - (ca2_x_speed * (car2_rot_d * car3_rot_d));
y_speed = y_speed - car2_y_speed;
Symbol 67 MovieClip Frame 2
setProperty("_root.car3", _x , car3_x + x_speed);
setProperty("_root.car3", _y , car3_y + y_speed);
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 93 MovieClip Frame 1
gotoAndStop(21 - _level0.num_of_l);
Symbol 93 MovieClip Frame 21
tellTarget ("_root") {
winner = "cp";
gotoAndPlay (25);
Symbol 94 MovieClip Frame 1
gotoAndStop(21 - _level0.num_of_l);
Symbol 94 MovieClip Frame 21
tellTarget ("_root") {
if (num_of_p == 2) {
winner = "player2";
} else {
winner = "cp2";
gotoAndPlay (25);
Symbol 95 MovieClip Frame 1
gotoAndStop(21 - _level0.num_of_l);
Symbol 95 MovieClip Frame 21
tellTarget ("_root") {
winner = "player1";
gotoAndPlay (25);
Symbol 97 MovieClip Frame 1
if (_root.num_of_p == 1) {
gotoAndStop (10);
} else if (_root.num_of_p == 2) {
gotoAndStop (20);
Symbol 104 MovieClip Frame 1
ay_top = getProperty(_root.a_1, _y);
ay_bottom = getProperty(_root.a_4, _y);
ax_left = getProperty(_root.a_1, _x);
ax_right = getProperty(_root.a_4, _x);
by_top = getProperty(_root.b_1, _y);
by_bottom = getProperty(_root.b_4, _y);
bx_left = getProperty(_root.b_1, _x);
bx_right = getProperty(_root.b_4, _x);
cy_top = getProperty(_root.c_1, _y);
cy_bottom = getProperty(_root.c_4, _y);
cx_left = getProperty(_root.c_1, _x);
cx_right = getProperty(_root.c_4, _x);
dy_top = getProperty(_root.d_1, _y);
dy_bottom = getProperty(_root.d_4, _y);
dx_left = getProperty(_root.d_1, _x);
dx_right = getProperty(_root.d_4, _x);
ey_top = getProperty(_root.e_1, _y);
ey_bottom = getProperty(_root.e_4, _y);
ex_left = getProperty(_root.e_1, _x);
ex_right = getProperty(_root.e_4, _x);
car1_x = getProperty(_root.car1, _x);
car1_y = getProperty(_root.car1, _y);
car1_x_speed = _root.car1.x_speed;
car1_y_speed = _root.car1.y_speed;
car1_rot_d = _root.car1.car1_rot_d;
car1_x = getProperty(_root.car3, _x);
car1_y = getProperty(_root.car3, _y);
car3_x_speed = _root.car3.x_speed;
car3_y_speed = _root.car3.y_speed;
car3_rot_d = _root.car3.car3_rot_d;
finish_line_x = getProperty(_root.finish, _x);
finish_line_y = getProperty(_root.finish, _y);
check_point_x = getProperty(, _x);
check_point_y = getProperty(, _y);
t1_x = getProperty(_root.t_1, _x);
t1_y = getProperty(_root.t_1, _y);
t2_x = getProperty(_root.t_2, _x);
t2_y = getProperty(_root.t_2, _y);
t3_x = getProperty(_root.t_3, _x);
t3_y = getProperty(_root.t_3, _y);
t4_x = getProperty(_root.t_4, _x);
t5_y = getProperty(_root.t_5, _y);
t5_x = getProperty(_root.t_5, _x);
t4_y = getProperty(_root.t_4, _y);
a = getProperty(_root.a2, _y);
b = getProperty(_root.b2, _y);
c = getProperty(_root.c2, _y);
d = getProperty(_root.d2, _y);
e = getProperty(_root.e2, _x);
UP = "true";
if ((ax_right - 30) < car2_x) {
if ((car2_y < t1_y) or (car2_y < t3_y)) {
setProperty("_root.car2", _rotation , car2_rot + (sp * 10));
} else if ((t1_y < car2_y) or ((t3_y < car2_y) and (car_rot < 180))) {
if ((car2_rot < 180) and (0 < car2_rot)) {
setProperty("_root.car2", _rotation , car2_rot + (sp * 10));
if ((((car2_x < (bx_left + 30)) and (ay_bottom < car2_y)) and (car2_y < dy_bottom)) and (dx_left < car2_x)) {
if (car2_y < t2_y) {
setProperty("_root.car2", _rotation , car2_rot - (sp * 10));
} else if (t2_y < car2_y) {
if ((car2_rot < 180) and (0 < car2_rot)) {
setProperty("_root.car2", _rotation , car2_rot - (sp * 10));
if ((((car2_y < ay_top) and (ey_top < car2_y)) and (car2_x < (ax_right - 30))) and (ax_left < car2_x)) {
if (car2_y < (a - 5)) {
setProperty("_root.car2", _rotation , car2_rot + 1);
if (((a - 5) < car2_y) and (car2_y < (a + 5))) {
setProperty("_root.car2", _rotation , 0);
if ((a + 5) < car2_y) {
setProperty("_root.car2", _rotation , car2_rot - 1);
if (((car2_x < t4_x) and (dy_bottom < car2_y)) or ((car2_y < t5_y) and (car2_x < dx_left))) {
setProperty("_root.car2", _rotation , car2_rot + (sp * 9));
if ((((car2_y < by_top) and (ay_bottom < car2_y)) and (car2_x < ax_right)) and (bx_left < car2_x)) {
if (car2_y < (b - 5)) {
setProperty("_root.car2", _rotation , car2_rot - 1);
if (((b - 5) < car2_y) and (car2_y < (b + _5))) {
setProperty("_root.car2", _rotation , 180);
if ((b + 5) < car2_y) {
setProperty("_root.car2", _rotation , car2_rot + 1);
if ((((car2_y < cy_top) and (by_bottom < car2_y)) and (car2_x < cx_right)) and (bx_left < car2_x)) {
if (car2_y < (c - 5)) {
setProperty("_root.car2", _rotation , car2_rot + 1);
if (((c - 5) < car2_y) and (car2_y < (c + 5))) {
setProperty("_root.car2", _rotation , 0);
if ((c + 5) < car2_y) {
setProperty("_root.car2", _rotation , car2_rot - 1);
if ((((car2_y < ey_bottom) and (cy_bottom < car2_y)) and (car2_x < cx_right)) and (cx_left < car2_x)) {
if (car2_y < (d - 5)) {
setProperty("_root.car2", _rotation , car2_rot - 1);
if (((d - 5) < car2_y) and (car2_y < (d + _5))) {
setProperty("_root.car2", _rotation , 180);
if ((d + 5) < car2_y) {
setProperty("_root.car2", _rotation , car2_rot + 1);
if (((car2_x < dx_left) and (car2_y < dy_bottom)) and (dy_top < car2_y)) {
if (car2_x < (e - 5)) {
setProperty("_root.car2", _rotation , car2_rot + 1);
if ((e + 5) < car2_x) {
setProperty("_root.car2", _rotation , car2_rot - 1);
if (((e - 5) < car2_x) and (car2_x < (e + 5))) {
setProperty("_root.car2", _rotation , -90);
car2_x = getProperty(_root.car2, _x);
car2_y = getProperty(_root.car2, _y);
car2_rot = getProperty(_root.car2, _rotation);
if ((-90 < car2_rot) and (car2_rot < 90)) {
car2_rot_d = "1";
} else {
car2_rot_d = "-1";
if ((((ay_top < car2_y) and (car2_y < ay_bottom)) and (ax_left < car2_x)) and (car2_x < ax_right)) {
offtrack = "true";
} else if ((((by_top < car2_y) and (car2_y < by_bottom)) and (bx_left < car2_x)) and (car2_x < bx_right)) {
offtrack = "true";
} else if ((((cy_top < car2_y) and (car2_y < cy_bottom)) and (cx_left < car2_x)) and (car2_x < cx_right)) {
offtrack = "true";
} else if ((((dy_top < car2_y) and (car2_y < dy_bottom)) and (dx_left < car2_x)) and (car2_x < dx_right)) {
offtrack = "true";
} else if ((((car2_y < ey_top) or (ey_bottom < car2_y)) or (car2_x < ex_left)) or (ex_right < car2_x)) {
offtrack = "out";
} else {
offtrack = "false";
if ((((car2_y < (car1_y + 11)) and ((car1_y - 11) < car2_y)) and ((car1_x - 30) < car2_x)) and (car2_x < (car1_x + 30))) {
bounce1 = "true";
} else {
bounce1 = "false";
if ((((car2_y < (car3_y + 11)) and ((car3_y - 11) < car2_y)) and ((car3_x - 30) < car2_x)) and (car2_x < (car3_x + 30))) {
bounce3 = "true";
} else {
bounce3 = "false";
if ((((((finish_line_x - 30) < car2_x) and (car2_x < (finish_line_x + 30))) and (car2_y < (finish_line_y + 35))) and ((finish_line_y - 35) < car2_y)) and (security == "yes")) {
security = "no";
tellTarget ("_root.laps.laps_left_2") {
if (((((check_point_x - 35) < car2_x) and (car2_x < (check_point_x + 35))) and (car2_y < (check_point_y + 35))) and ((check_point_y - 35) < car2_y)) {
security = "yes";
var1 = (90 - car2_rot) / 10;
var2 = 9 - var1;
var3 = (90 + car2_rot) / 10;
var4 = 9 - var3;
if (UP == "true") {
if ((1.5 >= sp) and (sp >= 0)) {
sp = sp + 0.1;
} else if (sp < 0) {
sp = sp + 0.3;
back = "false";
if (RIGHT == "true") {
setProperty("_root.car2", _rotation , car2_rot + 10);
if (LEFT == "true") {
setProperty("_root.car2", _rotation , car2_rot - 10);
} else if (DOWN == "true") {
if (0 < sp) {
sp = sp - 0.3;
} else if (sp >= -1.2) {
sp = sp - 0.1;
back = "true";
if (RIGHT == "true") {
setProperty("_root.car2", _rotation , car2_rot + (sp * 15));
if (LEFT == "true") {
setProperty("_root.car2", _rotation , car2_rot - (sp * 15));
} else {
if (((x_speed < 1) and (0 < x_speed)) or ((-1 < x_speed) and (x_speed < 0))) {
x_speed = 0;
} else if (x_speed != 0) {
x_speed = x_speed / 1.2;
if (((y_speed < 1) and (0 < y_speed)) or ((-1 < y_speed) and (y_speed < 0))) {
y_speed = 0;
} else if (y_speed != 0) {
y_speed = y_speed / 1.2;
if (0 < sp) {
sp = sp * 0.7;
} else if (sp < 0) {
sp = sp * 0.7;
if (RIGHT == "true") {
setProperty("_root.car2", _rotation , car2_rot + (sp * 25));
if (LEFT == "true") {
setProperty("_root.car2", _rotation , car2_rot - (sp * 25));
if ((offtrack == "true") and (back == "false")) {
sp = -1.5;
} else if ((offtrack == "true") and (back == "true")) {
sp = 1.5;
} else if (offtrack == "out") {
sp = 0.2;
if ((car2_rot >= 0) and (car2_rot < 90)) {
x_speed = var1 * sp;
y_speed = var2 * sp;
} else if ((car2_rot >= 90) and (180 >= car2_rot)) {
x_speed = var1 * sp;
y_speed = (9 + var1) * sp;
if ((car2_rot >= -90) and (car2_rot < 0)) {
x_speed = var3 * sp;
y_speed = (-var4) * sp;
} else if ((car2_rot >= -180) and (car2_rot < -90)) {
x_speed = var3 * sp;
y_speed = (-(9 + var3)) * sp;
if (bounce1 == "true") {
x_speed = x_speed - (ca1_x_speed * (car1_rot_d * car2_rot_d));
y_speed = y_speed - car1_y_speed;
if (bounce3 == "true") {
x_speed = x_speed - (ca3_x_speed * (car3_rot_d * car2_rot_d));
y_speed = y_speed - car3_y_speed;
Symbol 104 MovieClip Frame 2
setProperty("_root.car2", _x , car2_x + x_speed);
setProperty("_root.car2", _y , car2_y + y_speed);
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 107 Button
on (release) {
gotoAndStop (1);