Frame 1 (8 B)
Instance of Symbol 20 MovieClip "loading" in Frame 1 (565 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
_xscale.barre = 1;
_level100._visible = false;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
variable = _parent.getBytesLoaded() + _parent.getBytesLoaded();
total = _parent.getBytesTotal() + _parent.getBytesTotal();
Nb_pourcentage = Math.floor((variable / total) * 100);
if (total < 1) {
pourcentage = "0%";
} else {
pourcentage = Nb_pourcentage + "%";
barre._xscale = Nb_pourcentage;
barre2._xscale = Nb_pourcentage;
if (variable == total) {
_parent.is_load = 1;
if ((_parent.sereferme != true) and (1 < total)) {
Frame 2 (8 B)
Frame 3 (556 B)
if (_level10.varjoueur.Epi == 11) {
if (_level10.varjoueur.obj.acj[179] != null) {
if (_level10.varjoueur.obj.acj[178] != null) {
if (_level10.varjoueur.obj.acj[177] != null) {
mode_score = true;
score.chrono_score = _parent.test.chrono;
temp_start = getTimer();
} else {
mode_score = true;
score.chrono_score = _parent.test.chrono;
temp_start = getTimer();
Instance of Symbol 175 MovieClip "prog" in Frame 3 (11.23 KiB) ● ●
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (pause != 1) {
if (accroche == 0) {
} else if (accroche == 1) {
} else if (accroche == 2) {
} else if ((accroche == 3) || (accroche == 4)) {
if (_parent.mode_score == true) {
onClipEvent (keyDown) {
if (Key.getCode() == 38) {
if (accroche == 0) {
accroche = 1;
} else if (accroche == 1) {
if (_parent.lafin.hitTest(_parent.pointe._x, _parent.pointe._y, true)) {
if (_level10.varjoueur.obj.acj[179] != null) {
if (_level10.varjoueur.obj.acj[178] == null) {
_level10.mregles.vartempmdial.drocks_fini = true;
_parent.fin = true;
} else if (!ciel()) {
angle_alpha = _parent.pointe._rotation;
accroche = 2;
} else if (accroche == 2) {
if (60 < distance) {
distance = distance - 2;
monte = true;
} else if (Key.getCode() == 40) {
if (accroche == 2) {
accroche = 3;
if (0 < vecteur_x) {
} else {
} else if (Key.getCode() == 32) {
if (accroche == 0) {
} else if (Key.getCode() == 9) {
percent = percent - 10;
onClipEvent (keyUp) {
if (Key.getCode() == 38) {
monte = false;
onClipEvent (load) {
function oizo() {
_parent.oizo._x = _parent.oizo._x + vol;
if (_parent.oizo._x < -740) {
_parent.oizo._xscale = -100;
vol = -vol;
} else if (1250 < _parent.oizo._x) {
_parent.oizo._xscale = 100;
vol = -vol;
if (pierre == 1) {
_parent.kayou._y = _parent.kayou._y + 20;
if (450 < _parent.kayou._y) {
pierre = 0;
} else {
_parent.kayou._y = _parent.oizo._y;
_parent.kayou._x = _parent.oizo._x;
pierre = 1;
if (_parent.banja.hitTest(_parent.kayou._x, _parent.kayou._y, true)) {
accroche = 4;
function deg2rad(degree) {
radian = (Math.PI/180) * degree;
function init() {
accroche = 0;
distance = 0;
value = 30;
tombe = 1;
inertie = 0;
scroll_v = 0.6;
deja_pose = false;
percent = 100;
fausse_corniche = 0;
function encordage() {
if (accroche == 2) {
if (0 < vecteur_x) {
_parent.corde._x = _parent.banja._x - 15;
_parent.corde._y = _parent.banja._y - 20;
} else {
_parent.corde._x = _parent.banja._x + 15;
_parent.corde._y = _parent.banja._y - 20;
} else {
_parent.corde._x = _parent.banja._x;
_parent.corde._y = _parent.banja._y;
_parent.corde._xscale = _parent.pointe._x - _parent.corde._x;
_parent.corde._yscale = _parent.pointe._y - _parent.corde._y;
function rotate() {
if (Key.isDown(39)) {
if (_parent.pointe._rotation < 50) {
_parent.pointe._rotation = _parent.pointe._rotation + 5;
if (_parent.pointe._rotation == 0) {
_parent.pointe._rotation = 5;
_parent.banja.part1._rotation = _parent.pointe._rotation / 3;
_parent.banja.part3._rotation = _parent.pointe._rotation;
} else if (Key.isDown(37)) {
if (-50 < _parent.pointe._rotation) {
_parent.pointe._rotation = _parent.pointe._rotation - 5;
if (_parent.pointe._rotation == 0) {
_parent.pointe._rotation = -5;
_parent.banja.part1._rotation = _parent.pointe._rotation / 3;
_parent.banja.part3._rotation = _parent.pointe._rotation;
function ciel() {
if (_parent.ciel.hitTest(_parent.pointe._x, _parent.pointe._y, true)) {
function garotte() {
radian_value = deg2rad(_parent.pointe._rotation);
if (_parent.banja.part3._currentFrame == 1) {
_parent.pointe._x = _parent.pointe._x + (value * Math.sin(radian_value));
_parent.pointe._y = _parent.pointe._y - (value * Math.cos(radian_value));
distance = distance + value;
if (200 < distance) {
value = -30;
} else if (distance < 5) {
_parent.pointe._x = _parent.banja._x;
_parent.pointe._y = _parent.banja._y;
accroche = 0;
value = 30;
function balance() {
vari_angle = angle_alpha * Math.cos(deg2rad(inertie));
vecteur_x = _parent.banja._x - (_parent.pointe._x + (distance * Math.sin(-deg2rad(vari_angle))));
vecteur_y = _parent.banja._y - (_parent.pointe._y + (distance * Math.cos(-deg2rad(vari_angle))));
_parent.banja._x = _parent.banja._x - vecteur_x;
_parent.banja._y = _parent.banja._y - vecteur_y;
inertie = inertie + 10;
if ((angle_alpha < 0.5) && (-0.5 < angle_alpha)) {
accroche = 3;
} else if (0 < angle_alpha) {
angle_alpha = angle_alpha - 0.2;
} else if (angle_alpha < 0) {
angle_alpha = angle_alpha + 0.2;
if (Key.isDown(37)) {
if (0 < vecteur_x) {
if (Math.abs(angle_alpha) < 80) {
if (0 < angle_alpha) {
angle_alpha = angle_alpha + 0.5;
} else if (angle_alpha < 0) {
angle_alpha = angle_alpha - 0.5;
} else if (Key.isDown(39)) {
if (vecteur_x < 0) {
if (Math.abs(angle_alpha) < 80) {
if (0 < angle_alpha) {
angle_alpha = angle_alpha + 0.5;
} else if (angle_alpha < 0) {
angle_alpha = angle_alpha - 0.5;
function decroche() {
if (accroche == 4) {
_parent.pointe._x = (_parent.banja._x + _parent.pointe._x) / 2;
_parent.pointe._y = (_parent.banja._y + _parent.pointe._y) / 2;
if (((_parent.banja._y < 440) && (0 < _parent.banja._x)) && (_parent.banja._x < 600)) {
_parent.banja._x = _parent.banja._x - vecteur_x;
_parent.banja._y = _parent.banja._y - vecteur_y;
vecteur_y = vecteur_y - 0.5;
} else {
function banja_stop() {
_parent.pointe._x = _parent.banja._x;
_parent.pointe._y = _parent.banja._y;
_parent.pointe._rotation = 5;
_parent.banja.part1._rotation = _parent.pointe._rotation / 3;
_parent.banja.part3._rotation = _parent.pointe._rotation;
function pose_pithon() {
if (pithon == null) {
pithon = 0;
if (deja_pose == false) {
if (pithon < 6) {
if (!test_drapo()) {
_parent["pit" + pithon]._y = _parent.banja._y;
_parent["pit" + pithon]._x = _parent.banja._x;
_parent["pit" + pithon].zoom.gotoAndPlay(1);
deja_pose = true;
number = pithon;
function memo_pith() {
posx_fond = _parent.caillasse._x;
posy_fond = _parent.caillasse._y;
xdrapo[number] = (-0.10434 * posx_fond) + 84;
ydrapo[number] = (-0.0666666666666667 * posy_fond) + 153.333333333333;
function test_drapo() {
if (fausse_corniche) {
j = 1;
while (j < 6) {
if (_parent["pit" + j]._y == _parent.banja._y) {
function retour_banja() {
if ((((100 < _parent["pit" + pithon]._x) && (_parent["pit" + pithon]._x < 500)) && (100 < _parent["pit" + pithon]._y)) && (_parent["pit" + pithon]._y < 350)) {
_parent.banja._x = _parent["pit" + pithon]._x;
_parent.banja._y = _parent["pit" + pithon]._y;
} else {
scroll_h = 300 - _parent["pit" + pithon]._x;
scroll_v = 300 - _parent["pit" + pithon]._y;
tmp_x = _parent.caillasse._x;
tmp_x = tmp_x + scroll_h;
if (tmp_x < -300) {
scroll_h = -300 - _parent.caillasse._x;
} else if (900 < tmp_x) {
scroll_h = 900 - _parent.caillasse._x;
_parent.banja._x = _parent["pit" + pithon]._x;
_parent.banja._y = _parent["pit" + pithon]._y;
if ((_parent.mode_score == true) && (pithon == 1)) {
_parent.temp_start = getTimer();
function se_retourne() {
if (0 < vecteur_x) {
} else {
function moteurscroll() {
if (accroche == 0) {
if (_parent.banja._y < 100) {
scroll_v = 7.5;
} else if (_parent.banja._y < 200) {
scroll_v = 6;
} else if (_parent.banja._y < 250) {
scroll_v = 5;
} else if (420 < _parent.banja._y) {
if (0 < _parent.caillasse._y) {
scroll_v = vecteur_y;
if (((accroche == 2) || (accroche == 3)) || (accroche == 4)) {
if ((_parent.banja._x < 50) || (550 < _parent.banja._x)) {
if ((_parent.caillasse._x >= -300) && (900 >= _parent.caillasse._x)) {
scroll_h = vecteur_x;
} else if (900 < _parent.caillasse._x) {
if (550 < _parent.banja._x) {
scroll_h = vecteur_x;
} else if (_parent.caillasse._x < -300) {
if (_parent.banja._x < 50) {
scroll_h = vecteur_x;
function scroll_y() {
_parent.caillasse._y = _parent.caillasse._y + scroll_v;
_parent.corn_poug._y = _parent.corn_poug._y + scroll_v;
k = 1;
while (62 >= k) {
eval ("_parent.corn" + k)._y = eval ("_parent.corn" + k)._y + scroll_v;
k = 1;
while (5 >= k) {
eval ("_parent.buiss" + k)._y = eval ("_parent.buiss" + k)._y + scroll_v;
k = 1;
while (10 >= k) {
eval ("_parent.fcorn" + k)._y = eval ("_parent.fcorn" + k)._y + scroll_v;
k = 1;
while (5 >= k) {
eval ("_parent.arbre" + k)._y = eval ("_parent.arbre" + k)._y + scroll_v;
_parent.lafin._y = _parent.lafin._y + scroll_v;
_parent.oizo._y = _parent.oizo._y + scroll_v;
_parent.kayou._y = _parent.kayou._y + scroll_v;
_parent.ciel._y = _parent.ciel._y + scroll_v;
_parent.pointe._y = _parent.pointe._y + scroll_v;
_parent.banja._y = _parent.banja._y + scroll_v;
i = 1;
while (pithon >= i) {
_parent["pit" + i]._y = _parent["pit" + i]._y + scroll_v;
function scroll_x() {
_parent.caillasse._x = _parent.caillasse._x + scroll_h;
_parent.corn_poug._x = _parent.corn_poug._x + scroll_h;
k = 1;
while (62 >= k) {
eval ("_parent.corn" + k)._x = eval ("_parent.corn" + k)._x + scroll_h;
k = 1;
while (5 >= k) {
eval ("_parent.buiss" + k)._x = eval ("_parent.buiss" + k)._x + scroll_h;
k = 1;
while (10 >= k) {
eval ("_parent.fcorn" + k)._x = eval ("_parent.fcorn" + k)._x + scroll_h;
k = 1;
while (5 >= k) {
eval ("_parent.arbre" + k)._x = eval ("_parent.arbre" + k)._x + scroll_h;
_parent.lafin._x = _parent.lafin._x + scroll_h;
_parent.kayou._x = _parent.kayou._x + scroll_h;
_parent.oizo._x = _parent.oizo._x + scroll_h;
_parent.ciel._x = _parent.ciel._x + scroll_h;
_parent.pointe._x = _parent.pointe._x + scroll_h;
_parent.banja._x = _parent.banja._x + scroll_h;
i = 1;
while (pithon >= i) {
_parent["pit" + i]._x = _parent["pit" + i]._x + scroll_h;
monte = false;
vol = -10;
xdrapo = new Array(6);
ydrapo = new Array(6);
Instance of Symbol 178 MovieClip "sound" in Frame 3 (466 B)
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_parent.caillasse._y < 400) {
} else if (_parent.caillasse._y < 800) {
} else if (_parent.caillasse._y < 1200) {
} else if (_parent.caillasse._y < 1600) {
} else if (_parent.caillasse._y < 2000) {
} else if (_parent.caillasse._y < 2400) {
Instance of Symbol 182 MovieClip "bin_yo" in Frame 3 (127 B)
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_parent.prog.monte) {
} else {
Instance of Symbol 210 MovieClip "fcorn1" in Frame 3 (540 B)
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_parent.prog.accroche == 3) {
if (((_parent.banja._y + 25) < this._y) && ((this._y + _parent.prog.vecteur_y) < (_parent.banja._y + 25))) {
largeur = this._width / 2;
if ((_parent.banja._x < (this._x + largeur)) && ((this._x - largeur) < _parent.banja._x)) {
if (eboule != 1) {
eboule = 1;
num_vibre = 0;
_parent.banja._y = this._y - 40;
_parent.prog.fausse_corniche = 1;
Instance of Symbol 220 MovieClip "fcorn4" in Frame 3 (540 B)
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_parent.prog.accroche == 3) {
if (((_parent.banja._y + 25) < this._y) && ((this._y + _parent.prog.vecteur_y) < (_parent.banja._y + 25))) {
largeur = this._width / 2;
if ((_parent.banja._x < (this._x + largeur)) && ((this._x - largeur) < _parent.banja._x)) {
if (eboule != 1) {
eboule = 1;
num_vibre = 0;
_parent.banja._y = this._y - 40;
_parent.prog.fausse_corniche = 1;
Instance of Symbol 228 MovieClip "fcorn2" in Frame 3 (540 B)
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_parent.prog.accroche == 3) {
if (((_parent.banja._y + 25) < this._y) && ((this._y + _parent.prog.vecteur_y) < (_parent.banja._y + 25))) {
largeur = this._width / 2;
if ((_parent.banja._x < (this._x + largeur)) && ((this._x - largeur) < _parent.banja._x)) {
if (eboule != 1) {
eboule = 1;
num_vibre = 0;
_parent.banja._y = this._y - 40;
_parent.prog.fausse_corniche = 1;
Instance of Symbol 240 MovieClip "fcorn3" in Frame 3 (540 B)
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_parent.prog.accroche == 3) {
if (((_parent.banja._y + 25) < this._y) && ((this._y + _parent.prog.vecteur_y) < (_parent.banja._y + 25))) {
largeur = this._width / 2;
if ((_parent.banja._x < (this._x + largeur)) && ((this._x - largeur) < _parent.banja._x)) {
if (eboule != 1) {
eboule = 1;
num_vibre = 0;
_parent.banja._y = this._y - 40;
_parent.prog.fausse_corniche = 1;
Instance of Symbol 220 MovieClip "fcorn5" in Frame 3 (540 B)
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_parent.prog.accroche == 3) {
if (((_parent.banja._y + 25) < this._y) && ((this._y + _parent.prog.vecteur_y) < (_parent.banja._y + 25))) {
largeur = this._width / 2;
if ((_parent.banja._x < (this._x + largeur)) && ((this._x - largeur) < _parent.banja._x)) {
if (eboule != 1) {
eboule = 1;
num_vibre = 0;
_parent.banja._y = this._y - 40;
_parent.prog.fausse_corniche = 1;
Instance of Symbol 228 MovieClip "fcorn6" in Frame 3 (540 B)
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_parent.prog.accroche == 3) {
if (((_parent.banja._y + 25) < this._y) && ((this._y + _parent.prog.vecteur_y) < (_parent.banja._y + 25))) {
largeur = this._width / 2;
if ((_parent.banja._x < (this._x + largeur)) && ((this._x - largeur) < _parent.banja._x)) {
if (eboule != 1) {
eboule = 1;
num_vibre = 0;
_parent.banja._y = this._y - 40;
_parent.prog.fausse_corniche = 1;
Instance of Symbol 228 MovieClip "fcorn10" in Frame 3 (540 B)
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_parent.prog.accroche == 3) {
if (((_parent.banja._y + 25) < this._y) && ((this._y + _parent.prog.vecteur_y) < (_parent.banja._y + 25))) {
largeur = this._width / 2;
if ((_parent.banja._x < (this._x + largeur)) && ((this._x - largeur) < _parent.banja._x)) {
if (eboule != 1) {
eboule = 1;
num_vibre = 0;
_parent.banja._y = this._y - 40;
_parent.prog.fausse_corniche = 1;
Instance of Symbol 242 MovieClip "corn2" in Frame 3 (407 B)
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_parent.prog.accroche == 3) {
if (((_parent.banja._y + 25) < this._y) && ((this._y + _parent.prog.vecteur_y) < (_parent.banja._y + 25))) {
largeur = this._width / 2;
if ((_parent.banja._x < (this._x + largeur)) && ((this._x - largeur) < _parent.banja._x)) {
_parent.banja._y = this._y - 40;
Instance of Symbol 244 MovieClip "corn8" in Frame 3 (407 B)
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_parent.prog.accroche == 3) {
if (((_parent.banja._y + 25) < this._y) && ((this._y + _parent.prog.vecteur_y) < (_parent.banja._y + 25))) {
largeur = this._width / 2;
if ((_parent.banja._x < (this._x + largeur)) && ((this._x - largeur) < _parent.banja._x)) {
_parent.banja._y = this._y - 40;
Instance of Symbol 246 MovieClip "corn5" in Frame 3 (407 B)
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_parent.prog.accroche == 3) {
if (((_parent.banja._y + 25) < this._y) && ((this._y + _parent.prog.vecteur_y) < (_parent.banja._y + 25))) {
largeur = this._width / 2;
if ((_parent.banja._x < (this._x + largeur)) && ((this._x - largeur) < _parent.banja._x)) {
_parent.banja._y = this._y - 40;
Instance of Symbol 248 MovieClip "corn18" in Frame 3 (407 B)
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_parent.prog.accroche == 3) {
if (((_parent.banja._y + 25) < this._y) && ((this._y + _parent.prog.vecteur_y) < (_parent.banja._y + 25))) {
largeur = this._width / 2;
if ((_parent.banja._x < (this._x + largeur)) && ((this._x - largeur) < _parent.banja._x)) {
_parent.banja._y = this._y - 40;
Instance of Symbol 250 MovieClip "corn10" in Frame 3 (407 B)
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_parent.prog.accroche == 3) {
if (((_parent.banja._y + 25) < this._y) && ((this._y + _parent.prog.vecteur_y) < (_parent.banja._y + 25))) {
largeur = this._width / 2;
if ((_parent.banja._x < (this._x + largeur)) && ((this._x - largeur) < _parent.banja._x)) {
_parent.banja._y = this._y - 40;
Instance of Symbol 252 MovieClip "corn3" in Frame 3 (407 B)
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_parent.prog.accroche == 3) {
if (((_parent.banja._y + 25) < this._y) && ((this._y + _parent.prog.vecteur_y) < (_parent.banja._y + 25))) {
largeur = this._width / 2;
if ((_parent.banja._x < (this._x + largeur)) && ((this._x - largeur) < _parent.banja._x)) {
_parent.banja._y = this._y - 40;
Instance of Symbol 256 MovieClip "corn6" in Frame 3 (407 B)
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_parent.prog.accroche == 3) {
if (((_parent.banja._y + 25) < this._y) && ((this._y + _parent.prog.vecteur_y) < (_parent.banja._y + 25))) {
largeur = this._width / 2;
if ((_parent.banja._x < (this._x + largeur)) && ((this._x - largeur) < _parent.banja._x)) {
_parent.banja._y = this._y - 40;
Instance of Symbol 258 MovieClip "corn9" in Frame 3 (407 B)
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_parent.prog.accroche == 3) {
if (((_parent.banja._y + 25) < this._y) && ((this._y + _parent.prog.vecteur_y) < (_parent.banja._y + 25))) {
largeur = this._width / 2;
if ((_parent.banja._x < (this._x + largeur)) && ((this._x - largeur) < _parent.banja._x)) {
_parent.banja._y = this._y - 40;
Instance of Symbol 260 MovieClip "corn4" in Frame 3 (407 B)
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_parent.prog.accroche == 3) {
if (((_parent.banja._y + 25) < this._y) && ((this._y + _parent.prog.vecteur_y) < (_parent.banja._y + 25))) {
largeur = this._width / 2;
if ((_parent.banja._x < (this._x + largeur)) && ((this._x - largeur) < _parent.banja._x)) {
_parent.banja._y = this._y - 40;
Instance of Symbol 250 MovieClip "corn1" in Frame 3 (407 B)
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_parent.prog.accroche == 3) {
if (((_parent.banja._y + 25) < this._y) && ((this._y + _parent.prog.vecteur_y) < (_parent.banja._y + 25))) {
largeur = this._width / 2;
if ((_parent.banja._x < (this._x + largeur)) && ((this._x - largeur) < _parent.banja._x)) {
_parent.banja._y = this._y - 40;
Instance of Symbol 258 MovieClip "corn11" in Frame 3 (407 B)
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_parent.prog.accroche == 3) {
if (((_parent.banja._y + 25) < this._y) && ((this._y + _parent.prog.vecteur_y) < (_parent.banja._y + 25))) {
largeur = this._width / 2;
if ((_parent.banja._x < (this._x + largeur)) && ((this._x - largeur) < _parent.banja._x)) {
_parent.banja._y = this._y - 40;
Instance of Symbol 248 MovieClip "corn12" in Frame 3 (407 B)
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_parent.prog.accroche == 3) {
if (((_parent.banja._y + 25) < this._y) && ((this._y + _parent.prog.vecteur_y) < (_parent.banja._y + 25))) {
largeur = this._width / 2;
if ((_parent.banja._x < (this._x + largeur)) && ((this._x - largeur) < _parent.banja._x)) {
_parent.banja._y = this._y - 40;
Instance of Symbol 258 MovieClip "corn13" in Frame 3 (407 B)
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_parent.prog.accroche == 3) {
if (((_parent.banja._y + 25) < this._y) && ((this._y + _parent.prog.vecteur_y) < (_parent.banja._y + 25))) {
largeur = this._width / 2;
if ((_parent.banja._x < (this._x + largeur)) && ((this._x - largeur) < _parent.banja._x)) {
_parent.banja._y = this._y - 40;
Instance of Symbol 244 MovieClip "corn14" in Frame 3 (407 B)
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_parent.prog.accroche == 3) {
if (((_parent.banja._y + 25) < this._y) && ((this._y + _parent.prog.vecteur_y) < (_parent.banja._y + 25))) {
largeur = this._width / 2;
if ((_parent.banja._x < (this._x + largeur)) && ((this._x - largeur) < _parent.banja._x)) {
_parent.banja._y = this._y - 40;
Instance of Symbol 252 MovieClip "corn15" in Frame 3 (407 B)
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_parent.prog.accroche == 3) {
if (((_parent.banja._y + 25) < this._y) && ((this._y + _parent.prog.vecteur_y) < (_parent.banja._y + 25))) {
largeur = this._width / 2;
if ((_parent.banja._x < (this._x + largeur)) && ((this._x - largeur) < _parent.banja._x)) {
_parent.banja._y = this._y - 40;
Instance of Symbol 244 MovieClip "corn16" in Frame 3 (407 B)
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_parent.prog.accroche == 3) {
if (((_parent.banja._y + 25) < this._y) && ((this._y + _parent.prog.vecteur_y) < (_parent.banja._y + 25))) {
largeur = this._width / 2;
if ((_parent.banja._x < (this._x + largeur)) && ((this._x - largeur) < _parent.banja._x)) {
_parent.banja._y = this._y - 40;
Instance of Symbol 256 MovieClip "corn17" in Frame 3 (407 B)
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_parent.prog.accroche == 3) {
if (((_parent.banja._y + 25) < this._y) && ((this._y + _parent.prog.vecteur_y) < (_parent.banja._y + 25))) {
largeur = this._width / 2;
if ((_parent.banja._x < (this._x + largeur)) && ((this._x - largeur) < _parent.banja._x)) {
_parent.banja._y = this._y - 40;
Instance of Symbol 248 MovieClip "corn7" in Frame 3 (407 B)
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_parent.prog.accroche == 3) {
if (((_parent.banja._y + 25) < this._y) && ((this._y + _parent.prog.vecteur_y) < (_parent.banja._y + 25))) {
largeur = this._width / 2;
if ((_parent.banja._x < (this._x + largeur)) && ((this._x - largeur) < _parent.banja._x)) {
_parent.banja._y = this._y - 40;
Instance of Symbol 258 MovieClip "corn19" in Frame 3 (407 B)
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_parent.prog.accroche == 3) {
if (((_parent.banja._y + 25) < this._y) && ((this._y + _parent.prog.vecteur_y) < (_parent.banja._y + 25))) {
largeur = this._width / 2;
if ((_parent.banja._x < (this._x + largeur)) && ((this._x - largeur) < _parent.banja._x)) {
_parent.banja._y = this._y - 40;
Instance of Symbol 250 MovieClip "corn20" in Frame 3 (407 B)
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_parent.prog.accroche == 3) {
if (((_parent.banja._y + 25) < this._y) && ((this._y + _parent.prog.vecteur_y) < (_parent.banja._y + 25))) {
largeur = this._width / 2;
if ((_parent.banja._x < (this._x + largeur)) && ((this._x - largeur) < _parent.banja._x)) {
_parent.banja._y = this._y - 40;
Instance of Symbol 252 MovieClip "corn21" in Frame 3 (407 B)
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_parent.prog.accroche == 3) {
if (((_parent.banja._y + 25) < this._y) && ((this._y + _parent.prog.vecteur_y) < (_parent.banja._y + 25))) {
largeur = this._width / 2;
if ((_parent.banja._x < (this._x + largeur)) && ((this._x - largeur) < _parent.banja._x)) {
_parent.banja._y = this._y - 40;
Instance of Symbol 242 MovieClip "corn22" in Frame 3 (407 B)
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_parent.prog.accroche == 3) {
if (((_parent.banja._y + 25) < this._y) && ((this._y + _parent.prog.vecteur_y) < (_parent.banja._y + 25))) {
largeur = this._width / 2;
if ((_parent.banja._x < (this._x + largeur)) && ((this._x - largeur) < _parent.banja._x)) {
_parent.banja._y = this._y - 40;
Instance of Symbol 256 MovieClip "corn23" in Frame 3 (407 B)
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_parent.prog.accroche == 3) {
if (((_parent.banja._y + 25) < this._y) && ((this._y + _parent.prog.vecteur_y) < (_parent.banja._y + 25))) {
largeur = this._width / 2;
if ((_parent.banja._x < (this._x + largeur)) && ((this._x - largeur) < _parent.banja._x)) {
_parent.banja._y = this._y - 40;
Instance of Symbol 244 MovieClip "corn24" in Frame 3 (407 B)
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_parent.prog.accroche == 3) {
if (((_parent.banja._y + 25) < this._y) && ((this._y + _parent.prog.vecteur_y) < (_parent.banja._y + 25))) {
largeur = this._width / 2;
if ((_parent.banja._x < (this._x + largeur)) && ((this._x - largeur) < _parent.banja._x)) {
_parent.banja._y = this._y - 40;
Instance of Symbol 242 MovieClip "corn38" in Frame 3 (407 B)
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_parent.prog.accroche == 3) {
if (((_parent.banja._y + 25) < this._y) && ((this._y + _parent.prog.vecteur_y) < (_parent.banja._y + 25))) {
largeur = this._width / 2;
if ((_parent.banja._x < (this._x + largeur)) && ((this._x - largeur) < _parent.banja._x)) {
_parent.banja._y = this._y - 40;
Instance of Symbol 244 MovieClip "corn42" in Frame 3 (407 B)
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_parent.prog.accroche == 3) {
if (((_parent.banja._y + 25) < this._y) && ((this._y + _parent.prog.vecteur_y) < (_parent.banja._y + 25))) {
largeur = this._width / 2;
if ((_parent.banja._x < (this._x + largeur)) && ((this._x - largeur) < _parent.banja._x)) {
_parent.banja._y = this._y - 40;
Instance of Symbol 246 MovieClip "corn34" in Frame 3 (407 B)
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_parent.prog.accroche == 3) {
if (((_parent.banja._y + 25) < this._y) && ((this._y + _parent.prog.vecteur_y) < (_parent.banja._y + 25))) {
largeur = this._width / 2;
if ((_parent.banja._x < (this._x + largeur)) && ((this._x - largeur) < _parent.banja._x)) {
_parent.banja._y = this._y - 40;
Instance of Symbol 248 MovieClip "corn29" in Frame 3 (407 B)
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_parent.prog.accroche == 3) {
if (((_parent.banja._y + 25) < this._y) && ((this._y + _parent.prog.vecteur_y) < (_parent.banja._y + 25))) {
largeur = this._width / 2;
if ((_parent.banja._x < (this._x + largeur)) && ((this._x - largeur) < _parent.banja._x)) {
_parent.banja._y = this._y - 40;
Instance of Symbol 250 MovieClip "corn32" in Frame 3 (407 B)
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_parent.prog.accroche == 3) {
if (((_parent.banja._y + 25) < this._y) && ((this._y + _parent.prog.vecteur_y) < (_parent.banja._y + 25))) {
largeur = this._width / 2;
if ((_parent.banja._x < (this._x + largeur)) && ((this._x - largeur) < _parent.banja._x)) {
_parent.banja._y = this._y - 40;
Instance of Symbol 252 MovieClip "corn31" in Frame 3 (407 B)
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_parent.prog.accroche == 3) {
if (((_parent.banja._y + 25) < this._y) && ((this._y + _parent.prog.vecteur_y) < (_parent.banja._y + 25))) {
largeur = this._width / 2;
if ((_parent.banja._x < (this._x + largeur)) && ((this._x - largeur) < _parent.banja._x)) {
_parent.banja._y = this._y - 40;
Instance of Symbol 256 MovieClip "corn40" in Frame 3 (407 B)
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_parent.prog.accroche == 3) {
if (((_parent.banja._y + 25) < this._y) && ((this._y + _parent.prog.vecteur_y) < (_parent.banja._y + 25))) {
largeur = this._width / 2;
if ((_parent.banja._x < (this._x + largeur)) && ((this._x - largeur) < _parent.banja._x)) {
_parent.banja._y = this._y - 40;
Instance of Symbol 258 MovieClip "corn39" in Frame 3 (407 B)
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_parent.prog.accroche == 3) {
if (((_parent.banja._y + 25) < this._y) && ((this._y + _parent.prog.vecteur_y) < (_parent.banja._y + 25))) {
largeur = this._width / 2;
if ((_parent.banja._x < (this._x + largeur)) && ((this._x - largeur) < _parent.banja._x)) {
_parent.banja._y = this._y - 40;
Instance of Symbol 260 MovieClip "corn27" in Frame 3 (407 B)
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_parent.prog.accroche == 3) {
if (((_parent.banja._y + 25) < this._y) && ((this._y + _parent.prog.vecteur_y) < (_parent.banja._y + 25))) {
largeur = this._width / 2;
if ((_parent.banja._x < (this._x + largeur)) && ((this._x - largeur) < _parent.banja._x)) {
_parent.banja._y = this._y - 40;
Instance of Symbol 250 MovieClip "corn33" in Frame 3 (407 B)
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_parent.prog.accroche == 3) {
if (((_parent.banja._y + 25) < this._y) && ((this._y + _parent.prog.vecteur_y) < (_parent.banja._y + 25))) {
largeur = this._width / 2;
if ((_parent.banja._x < (this._x + largeur)) && ((this._x - largeur) < _parent.banja._x)) {
_parent.banja._y = this._y - 40;
Instance of Symbol 248 MovieClip "corn25" in Frame 3 (407 B)
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_parent.prog.accroche == 3) {
if (((_parent.banja._y + 25) < this._y) && ((this._y + _parent.prog.vecteur_y) < (_parent.banja._y + 25))) {
largeur = this._width / 2;
if ((_parent.banja._x < (this._x + largeur)) && ((this._x - largeur) < _parent.banja._x)) {
_parent.banja._y = this._y - 40;
Instance of Symbol 258 MovieClip "corn26" in Frame 3 (407 B)
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_parent.prog.accroche == 3) {
if (((_parent.banja._y + 25) < this._y) && ((this._y + _parent.prog.vecteur_y) < (_parent.banja._y + 25))) {
largeur = this._width / 2;
if ((_parent.banja._x < (this._x + largeur)) && ((this._x - largeur) < _parent.banja._x)) {
_parent.banja._y = this._y - 40;
Instance of Symbol 244 MovieClip "corn28" in Frame 3 (488 B)
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_parent.prog.accroche == 3) {
if (((_parent.banja._y + 25) < this._y) && ((this._y + _parent.prog.vecteur_y) < (_parent.banja._y + 25))) {
largeur = this._width / 2;
if ((_parent.banja._x < (this._x + largeur)) && ((this._x - largeur) < _parent.banja._x)) {
_parent.banja._y = this._y - 40;
_parent.wind._y = _parent.banja._y;
Instance of Symbol 252 MovieClip "corn35" in Frame 3 (407 B)
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_parent.prog.accroche == 3) {
if (((_parent.banja._y + 25) < this._y) && ((this._y + _parent.prog.vecteur_y) < (_parent.banja._y + 25))) {
largeur = this._width / 2;
if ((_parent.banja._x < (this._x + largeur)) && ((this._x - largeur) < _parent.banja._x)) {
_parent.banja._y = this._y - 40;
Instance of Symbol 244 MovieClip "corn41" in Frame 3 (407 B)
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_parent.prog.accroche == 3) {
if (((_parent.banja._y + 25) < this._y) && ((this._y + _parent.prog.vecteur_y) < (_parent.banja._y + 25))) {
largeur = this._width / 2;
if ((_parent.banja._x < (this._x + largeur)) && ((this._x - largeur) < _parent.banja._x)) {
_parent.banja._y = this._y - 40;
Instance of Symbol 256 MovieClip "corn44" in Frame 3 (407 B)
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_parent.prog.accroche == 3) {
if (((_parent.banja._y + 25) < this._y) && ((this._y + _parent.prog.vecteur_y) < (_parent.banja._y + 25))) {
largeur = this._width / 2;
if ((_parent.banja._x < (this._x + largeur)) && ((this._x - largeur) < _parent.banja._x)) {
_parent.banja._y = this._y - 40;
Instance of Symbol 248 MovieClip "corn37" in Frame 3 (407 B)
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_parent.prog.accroche == 3) {
if (((_parent.banja._y + 25) < this._y) && ((this._y + _parent.prog.vecteur_y) < (_parent.banja._y + 25))) {
largeur = this._width / 2;
if ((_parent.banja._x < (this._x + largeur)) && ((this._x - largeur) < _parent.banja._x)) {
_parent.banja._y = this._y - 40;
Instance of Symbol 258 MovieClip "corn45" in Frame 3 (488 B)
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_parent.prog.accroche == 3) {
if (((_parent.banja._y + 25) < this._y) && ((this._y + _parent.prog.vecteur_y) < (_parent.banja._y + 25))) {
largeur = this._width / 2;
if ((_parent.banja._x < (this._x + largeur)) && ((this._x - largeur) < _parent.banja._x)) {
_parent.banja._y = this._y - 40;
_parent.wind._y = _parent.banja._y;
Instance of Symbol 250 MovieClip "corn48" in Frame 3 (407 B)
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_parent.prog.accroche == 3) {
if (((_parent.banja._y + 25) < this._y) && ((this._y + _parent.prog.vecteur_y) < (_parent.banja._y + 25))) {
largeur = this._width / 2;
if ((_parent.banja._x < (this._x + largeur)) && ((this._x - largeur) < _parent.banja._x)) {
_parent.banja._y = this._y - 40;
Instance of Symbol 252 MovieClip "corn46" in Frame 3 (488 B)
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_parent.prog.accroche == 3) {
if (((_parent.banja._y + 25) < this._y) && ((this._y + _parent.prog.vecteur_y) < (_parent.banja._y + 25))) {
largeur = this._width / 2;
if ((_parent.banja._x < (this._x + largeur)) && ((this._x - largeur) < _parent.banja._x)) {
_parent.banja._y = this._y - 40;
_parent.wind._y = _parent.banja._y;
Instance of Symbol 242 MovieClip "corn47" in Frame 3 (407 B)
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_parent.prog.accroche == 3) {
if (((_parent.banja._y + 25) < this._y) && ((this._y + _parent.prog.vecteur_y) < (_parent.banja._y + 25))) {
largeur = this._width / 2;
if ((_parent.banja._x < (this._x + largeur)) && ((this._x - largeur) < _parent.banja._x)) {
_parent.banja._y = this._y - 40;
Instance of Symbol 256 MovieClip "corn43" in Frame 3 (407 B)
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_parent.prog.accroche == 3) {
if (((_parent.banja._y + 25) < this._y) && ((this._y + _parent.prog.vecteur_y) < (_parent.banja._y + 25))) {
largeur = this._width / 2;
if ((_parent.banja._x < (this._x + largeur)) && ((this._x - largeur) < _parent.banja._x)) {
_parent.banja._y = this._y - 40;
Instance of Symbol 244 MovieClip "corn36" in Frame 3 (407 B)
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_parent.prog.accroche == 3) {
if (((_parent.banja._y + 25) < this._y) && ((this._y + _parent.prog.vecteur_y) < (_parent.banja._y + 25))) {
largeur = this._width / 2;
if ((_parent.banja._x < (this._x + largeur)) && ((this._x - largeur) < _parent.banja._x)) {
_parent.banja._y = this._y - 40;
Instance of Symbol 256 MovieClip "corn58" in Frame 3 (407 B)
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_parent.prog.accroche == 3) {
if (((_parent.banja._y + 25) < this._y) && ((this._y + _parent.prog.vecteur_y) < (_parent.banja._y + 25))) {
largeur = this._width / 2;
if ((_parent.banja._x < (this._x + largeur)) && ((this._x - largeur) < _parent.banja._x)) {
_parent.banja._y = this._y - 40;
Instance of Symbol 258 MovieClip "corn52" in Frame 3 (407 B)
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_parent.prog.accroche == 3) {
if (((_parent.banja._y + 25) < this._y) && ((this._y + _parent.prog.vecteur_y) < (_parent.banja._y + 25))) {
largeur = this._width / 2;
if ((_parent.banja._x < (this._x + largeur)) && ((this._x - largeur) < _parent.banja._x)) {
_parent.banja._y = this._y - 40;
Instance of Symbol 248 MovieClip "corn49" in Frame 3 (407 B)
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_parent.prog.accroche == 3) {
if (((_parent.banja._y + 25) < this._y) && ((this._y + _parent.prog.vecteur_y) < (_parent.banja._y + 25))) {
largeur = this._width / 2;
if ((_parent.banja._x < (this._x + largeur)) && ((this._x - largeur) < _parent.banja._x)) {
_parent.banja._y = this._y - 40;
Instance of Symbol 244 MovieClip "corn50" in Frame 3 (988 B)
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_parent.prog.accroche == 3) {
if (((_parent.banja._y + 25) < this._y) && ((this._y + _parent.prog.vecteur_y) < (_parent.banja._y + 25))) {
largeur = this._width / 2;
if ((_parent.banja._x < (this._x + largeur)) && ((this._x - largeur) < _parent.banja._x)) {
_parent.banja._y = this._y - 40;
if (_parent.mode_score == true) {
_parent.score.test.score_fin = 1;
_parent.chrono_min = _parent.score.chrono_min;
_parent.chrono_sec = _parent.score.chrono_sec;
_parent.chrono_cent = _parent.score.chrono_cent;
_parent.score_final = 1000000 - Number((_parent.score.chrono_min add _parent.score.chrono_sec) add _parent.score.chrono_cent);
_level10.varjoueur.obj.HIM = {num_jeu:18, score:_parent.score_final, pays:"1"}; = "majhighscore";"Start");
Instance of Symbol 252 MovieClip "corn51" in Frame 3 (407 B)
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_parent.prog.accroche == 3) {
if (((_parent.banja._y + 25) < this._y) && ((this._y + _parent.prog.vecteur_y) < (_parent.banja._y + 25))) {
largeur = this._width / 2;
if ((_parent.banja._x < (this._x + largeur)) && ((this._x - largeur) < _parent.banja._x)) {
_parent.banja._y = this._y - 40;
Instance of Symbol 242 MovieClip "corn55" in Frame 3 (407 B)
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_parent.prog.accroche == 3) {
if (((_parent.banja._y + 25) < this._y) && ((this._y + _parent.prog.vecteur_y) < (_parent.banja._y + 25))) {
largeur = this._width / 2;
if ((_parent.banja._x < (this._x + largeur)) && ((this._x - largeur) < _parent.banja._x)) {
_parent.banja._y = this._y - 40;
Instance of Symbol 256 MovieClip "corn54" in Frame 3 (407 B)
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_parent.prog.accroche == 3) {
if (((_parent.banja._y + 25) < this._y) && ((this._y + _parent.prog.vecteur_y) < (_parent.banja._y + 25))) {
largeur = this._width / 2;
if ((_parent.banja._x < (this._x + largeur)) && ((this._x - largeur) < _parent.banja._x)) {
_parent.banja._y = this._y - 40;
Instance of Symbol 244 MovieClip "corn53" in Frame 3 (407 B)
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_parent.prog.accroche == 3) {
if (((_parent.banja._y + 25) < this._y) && ((this._y + _parent.prog.vecteur_y) < (_parent.banja._y + 25))) {
largeur = this._width / 2;
if ((_parent.banja._x < (this._x + largeur)) && ((this._x - largeur) < _parent.banja._x)) {
_parent.banja._y = this._y - 40;
Instance of Symbol 260 MovieClip "corn30" in Frame 3 (407 B)
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_parent.prog.accroche == 3) {
if (((_parent.banja._y + 25) < this._y) && ((this._y + _parent.prog.vecteur_y) < (_parent.banja._y + 25))) {
largeur = this._width / 2;
if ((_parent.banja._x < (this._x + largeur)) && ((this._x - largeur) < _parent.banja._x)) {
_parent.banja._y = this._y - 40;
Instance of Symbol 260 MovieClip "corn57" in Frame 3 (407 B)
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_parent.prog.accroche == 3) {
if (((_parent.banja._y + 25) < this._y) && ((this._y + _parent.prog.vecteur_y) < (_parent.banja._y + 25))) {
largeur = this._width / 2;
if ((_parent.banja._x < (this._x + largeur)) && ((this._x - largeur) < _parent.banja._x)) {
_parent.banja._y = this._y - 40;
Instance of Symbol 242 MovieClip "corn60" in Frame 3 (407 B)
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_parent.prog.accroche == 3) {
if (((_parent.banja._y + 25) < this._y) && ((this._y + _parent.prog.vecteur_y) < (_parent.banja._y + 25))) {
largeur = this._width / 2;
if ((_parent.banja._x < (this._x + largeur)) && ((this._x - largeur) < _parent.banja._x)) {
_parent.banja._y = this._y - 40;
Instance of Symbol 250 MovieClip "corn61" in Frame 3 (407 B)
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_parent.prog.accroche == 3) {
if (((_parent.banja._y + 25) < this._y) && ((this._y + _parent.prog.vecteur_y) < (_parent.banja._y + 25))) {
largeur = this._width / 2;
if ((_parent.banja._x < (this._x + largeur)) && ((this._x - largeur) < _parent.banja._x)) {
_parent.banja._y = this._y - 40;
Instance of Symbol 248 MovieClip "corn56" in Frame 3 (407 B)
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_parent.prog.accroche == 3) {
if (((_parent.banja._y + 25) < this._y) && ((this._y + _parent.prog.vecteur_y) < (_parent.banja._y + 25))) {
largeur = this._width / 2;
if ((_parent.banja._x < (this._x + largeur)) && ((this._x - largeur) < _parent.banja._x)) {
_parent.banja._y = this._y - 40;
Instance of Symbol 284 MovieClip "corn_poug" in Frame 3 (594 B)
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_parent.prog.accroche == 3) {
if (((_parent.banja._y + 25) < this._y) && ((this._y + _parent.prog.vecteur_y) < (_parent.banja._y + 25))) {
largeur = this._width / 2;
if ((_parent.banja._x < (this._x + largeur)) && ((this._x - largeur) < _parent.banja._x)) {
_parent.banja._y = this._y - 40;
if (_level10.varjoueur.Epi == 11) {
if (_level10.varjoueur.obj.acj[179] == null) {
_parent.fin = true;
_level10.mregles.vartempmdial.drocks_fini = true;
Instance of Symbol 210 MovieClip "fcorn7" in Frame 3 (540 B)
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_parent.prog.accroche == 3) {
if (((_parent.banja._y + 25) < this._y) && ((this._y + _parent.prog.vecteur_y) < (_parent.banja._y + 25))) {
largeur = this._width / 2;
if ((_parent.banja._x < (this._x + largeur)) && ((this._x - largeur) < _parent.banja._x)) {
if (eboule != 1) {
eboule = 1;
num_vibre = 0;
_parent.banja._y = this._y - 40;
_parent.prog.fausse_corniche = 1;
Instance of Symbol 240 MovieClip "fcorn8" in Frame 3 (540 B)
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_parent.prog.accroche == 3) {
if (((_parent.banja._y + 25) < this._y) && ((this._y + _parent.prog.vecteur_y) < (_parent.banja._y + 25))) {
largeur = this._width / 2;
if ((_parent.banja._x < (this._x + largeur)) && ((this._x - largeur) < _parent.banja._x)) {
if (eboule != 1) {
eboule = 1;
num_vibre = 0;
_parent.banja._y = this._y - 40;
_parent.prog.fausse_corniche = 1;
Instance of Symbol 240 MovieClip "fcorn9" in Frame 3 (540 B)
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_parent.prog.accroche == 3) {
if (((_parent.banja._y + 25) < this._y) && ((this._y + _parent.prog.vecteur_y) < (_parent.banja._y + 25))) {
largeur = this._width / 2;
if ((_parent.banja._x < (this._x + largeur)) && ((this._x - largeur) < _parent.banja._x)) {
if (eboule != 1) {
eboule = 1;
num_vibre = 0;
_parent.banja._y = this._y - 40;
_parent.prog.fausse_corniche = 1;
Symbol 20 MovieClip Frame 11 (8 B)
Symbol 20 MovieClip Frame 12 (26 B)
_parent.sereferme = true;
Symbol 20 MovieClip Frame 25 (25 B)
Symbol 58 MovieClip Frame 87 (8 B)
Symbol 66 MovieClip Frame 2 (8 B)
Symbol 70 Button (36 B)
on (release) {
gotoAndPlay (125);
Symbol 77 MovieClip Frame 2 (8 B)
Symbol 78 Button (574 B)
on (rollOver) {
setProperty("graph_position", _visible , true);
on (rollOut) {
setProperty("graph_position", _visible , false);
on (release) {
graphic = graphic + 1;
if (graphic == 4) {
_quality = "MEDIUM";
graphic = 1;
} else {
if (graphic == 1) {
_quality = "MEDIUM";
if (graphic == 2) {
_quality = "LOW";
if (graphic == 3) {
_quality = "HIGH";
Symbol 84 MovieClip Frame 2 (8 B)
Symbol 95 Button (38 B)
on (release) {
Symbol 96 Button (74 B)
on (release) {
getURL ("javascript:close_game()");
_parent.fin = true;
Symbol 97 Button (38 B)
on (release) {
Symbol 122 MovieClip Frame 1 (8 B)
Symbol 122 MovieClip Frame 7 (8 B)
Symbol 163 MovieClip Frame 31 (8 B)
Symbol 164 MovieClip Frame 38 (8 B)
Symbol 169 MovieClip Frame 559 (19 B)
gotoAndPlay (150);
Symbol 178 MovieClip Frame 1 (8 B)
Symbol 178 MovieClip Frame 5 (8 B)
Symbol 178 MovieClip Frame 10 (8 B)
Symbol 178 MovieClip Frame 15 (8 B)
Symbol 178 MovieClip Frame 20 (8 B)
Symbol 178 MovieClip Frame 25 (18 B)
Symbol 210 MovieClip Frame 1 (37 B)
if (num_vibre < 1) {
Symbol 210 MovieClip Frame 3 (76 B)
if (num_vibre < 15) {
num_vibre = num_vibre + 1;
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 210 MovieClip Frame 5 (93 B)
if (_parent.prog.accroche != 2) {
_parent.prog.accroche = 4;
Symbol 210 MovieClip Frame 16 (8 B)
Symbol 220 MovieClip Frame 1 (37 B)
if (num_vibre < 1) {
Symbol 220 MovieClip Frame 3 (76 B)
if (num_vibre < 15) {
num_vibre = num_vibre + 1;
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 220 MovieClip Frame 5 (93 B)
if (_parent.prog.accroche != 2) {
_parent.prog.accroche = 4;
Symbol 220 MovieClip Frame 16 (8 B)
Symbol 228 MovieClip Frame 1 (37 B)
if (num_vibre < 1) {
Symbol 228 MovieClip Frame 3 (76 B)
if (num_vibre < 15) {
num_vibre = num_vibre + 1;
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 228 MovieClip Frame 5 (93 B)
if (_parent.prog.accroche != 2) {
_parent.prog.accroche = 4;
Symbol 228 MovieClip Frame 16 (8 B)
Symbol 240 MovieClip Frame 1 (37 B)
if (num_vibre < 1) {
Symbol 240 MovieClip Frame 3 (76 B)
if (num_vibre < 15) {
num_vibre = num_vibre + 1;
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 240 MovieClip Frame 5 (93 B)
if (_parent.prog.accroche != 2) {
_parent.prog.accroche = 4;
Symbol 240 MovieClip Frame 16 (8 B)
Symbol 284 MovieClip Frame 1 (8 B)
Symbol 284 MovieClip Frame 4 (8 B)
Symbol 305 MovieClip Frame 55 (8 B)
Symbol 314 MovieClip Frame 1 (8 B)
Symbol 314 MovieClip Frame 2 (8 B)
Symbol 314 MovieClip Frame 3 (8 B)
Symbol 332 MovieClip Frame 1 (8 B)
Symbol 332 MovieClip Frame 8 (8 B)
Symbol 332 MovieClip Frame 9 (8 B)
Symbol 332 MovieClip Frame 16 (8 B)
Symbol 345 MovieClip Frame 2 (17 B)
Symbol 345 MovieClip Frame 13 (17 B)
gotoAndPlay (3);
Symbol 345 MovieClip Frame 15 (17 B)
Symbol 345 MovieClip Frame 26 (18 B)
gotoAndPlay (16);
Symbol 346 MovieClip Frame 1 (8 B)
Symbol 346 MovieClip Frame 4 (8 B)
Symbol 378 MovieClip Frame 1 (8 B)
Instance of Symbol 357 MovieClip in Symbol 378 MovieClip Frame 2 (404 B)
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_parent._parent.prog.accroche == 2) {
if (Math.abs(_parent._parent.prog.angle_alpha) < 80) {
if (0 < _parent._parent.prog.angle_alpha) {
_parent._parent.prog.angle_alpha = _parent._parent.prog.angle_alpha + 2;
} else if (_parent._parent.prog.angle_alpha < 0) {
_parent._parent.prog.angle_alpha = _parent._parent.prog.angle_alpha - 2;
Symbol 378 MovieClip Frame 30 (46 B)
this._y = _parent.banja._y;
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 390 Button (94 B)
on (release) {
if (_currentframe == 1) {
gotoAndStop (2);
} else {
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 392 MovieClip Frame 1 (8 B)
Symbol 392 MovieClip Frame 4 (8 B)
Instance of Symbol 391 MovieClip "test" in Symbol 392 MovieClip Frame 4 (664 B)
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (score_fin == null) {
chrono_temp = getTimer() - _parent._parent.temp_start;
chrono_temp = Math.floor(chrono_temp / 10);
reste_tps = chrono_temp % 6000;
_parent.chrono_min = Math.floor(chrono_temp / 6000);
if (_parent.chrono_min < 10) {
_parent.chrono_min = "0" add _parent.chrono_min;
_parent.chrono_sec = Math.floor(reste_tps / 100);
if (_parent.chrono_sec < 10) {
_parent.chrono_sec = "0" add _parent.chrono_sec;
_parent.chrono_cent = Math.floor(((reste_tps / 100) - _parent.chrono_sec) * 100);
if (_parent.chrono_cent < 10) {
_parent.chrono_cent = "0" add _parent.chrono_cent;
Symbol 393 Button (34 B)
on (release) {
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 397 MovieClip Frame 5 (8 B)
Symbol 398 Button (215 B)
on (release, keyPress "p") {
if (_currentframe == 1) {
_parent.prog.pause = 1;
_parent.prog.number = 0;
gotoAndPlay (2);
} else {
_parent.prog.pause = 0;
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 406 MovieClip Frame 1 (306 B)
i = 1;
while (_parent._parent._parent.prog.pithon >= i) {
eval ("drap" + i)._x = _parent._parent._parent.prog.xdrapo[i];
eval ("drap" + i)._y = _parent._parent._parent.prog.ydrapo[i];
banja._x = _parent._parent._parent.prog.xdrapo[0];
banja._y = _parent._parent._parent.prog.ydrapo[0];
Symbol 413 MovieClip Frame 1 (8 B)
Symbol 413 MovieClip Frame 10 (8 B)
Symbol 434 Button (80 B)
on (release) {
_level10.mregles.vartempmdial.drocks_fini = true;
fin = true;