[Tools][Expand/Collapse All]Note that automatic extraction of ActionScript 3 is still pretty much unsupported by swfchan. AS1/AS2 works okay most of the time.Frame 1 (75 B)
snd = new Sound(sky);
snd.start(0, 99999);
Frame 2 (3.88 KiB) ●
function onEnterFrame() {
var dmx = (5 * (_xmouse - 275));
if (g == 0) {
dmx2 = dmx2 + ((dmx - dmx2) * 0.3);
spd = spd + ((((400 - _ymouse) * 0.02) - spd) * 0.05);
if (go) {
if (((tm++) % 40) == 0) {
var m = Math.round(tm / 40);
var s = (m % 60);
time = (Math.round(m / 60) + ":") + ((s < 10) ? ("0" + s) : (s));
} else {
dx = 0;
dmx2 = 0;
if (spd > 2) {
spd = 2;
var yy = (Math.sin((w++) * 0.05) * 3);
s1._x = 255 + g;
s2._x = 295 - g;
s1._y = 410 + yy;
s2._y = 410 - yy;
s1._rotation = (0.04 * dmx2) + g;
s2._rotation = (0.04 * dmx2) - g;
mx = _xmouse;
q = q + spd;
zz = zz + ((Math.abs(_xmouse - lx) - zz) * 0.2);
snd.setVolume(((g != 0) ? 0 : ((((400 - _ymouse) * 0.2) * Math.max(zz, 1)) * 0.02)));
lx = _xmouse;
if (q > 31) {
var diff = Math.abs(xp[pg % 15] - dx);
var type = tp[pg % 15];
if ((((type == 1) || (type == 2)) && (diff < 2500)) && (g > -10)) {
spd = 0;
q = q - 4;
if (sndr) {
sndr = false;
if (type == 5) {
if (diff > 4000) {
spd = 0;
q = q - 32;
go = true;
if (type == 6) {
if (diff > 4000) {
spd = 0;
q = q - 32;
go = false;
attachMovie("playAgain", "pa", 123, {_x:275, _y:200});
if (type == 4) {
if ((diff > 3000) && (diff < 4000)) {
spd = 0;
q = q - 4;
if (sndr) {
sndr = false;
if (diff <= 3000) {
score = sc;
sndr = true;
q = q - 32;
var t = ((pg == 210) ? 6 : ((((pg % 7) == 0) ? 4 : (random(3) + 1))));
xp[pg % 15] = ((pg > 210) ? 1000000 : ((((pg % 7) == 0) ? (random(50000) - 25000) : (((t == 3) ? (random(50000) - 25000) : ((random(30000) + 15000) * (((pg % 2) == 0) ? 1 : -1)))))));
tp[pg % 15] = t;
var c = 14;
while (c >= 0) {
var b = this["a" + c];
b.gotoAndstop(tp[(c + pg) % 15]);
xx = xx + ((_xmouse - xx) * 0.06);
dx = dx - dmx2;
var dy = ((9500 + (1000 * Math.sin((e = e + ((400 - _ymouse) * 0.0004))))) - (g * 1000));
g = g + g2;
g2 = g2 + 0.1;
if (g > 0) {
g = 0;
g2 = 0;
var w = (-0.01 * dmx2);
var cs = Math.cos((w * Math.PI) / 180);
var sn = Math.sin((w * Math.PI) / 180);
var c = 14;
while (c >= 0) {
var t = tp[(c + pg) % 15];
var col = Math.max((((c * 32) - q) * 0.8) - 128, 0);
var z = ((60 + (32 * c)) - q);
var x = xp[(c + pg) % 15];
var s = (25000 / z);
var b = this["a" + c];
var x1 = (((-x) + dx) / z);
var y1 = ((dy / z) - 280);
b._x = ((x1 * cs) - (y1 * sn)) + 275;
b._y = ((x1 * sn) + (y1 * cs)) + 380;
b._rotation = w;
b._xscale = (b._yscale = s);
tf[c].setTransform({rb:col, gb:col, bb:col});
sky._rotation = -0.01 * dmx2;
sky._y = 390 - (2 * g);
function onMouseDown() {
if (go && (g == 0)) {
g2 = -2;
attachMovie("skitop", "s1", 1000, {_x:255});
attachMovie("skitop", "s2", 1001, {_x:295});
sndHurt = new Sound(s1);
sndScore = new Sound(s2);
sc = 0;
go = false;
tm = 0;
sndr = true;
lx = _xmouse;
_quality = "medium";
xp = [];
tp = [];
rp = [];
pg = 0;
var c = 14;
while (c >= 0) {
xp.push(((c == 11) ? 0 : (((c > 11) ? -100000 : ((random(15000) + 30000) * (((c % 2) == 0) ? 1 : -1))))));
tp.push(((c == 11) ? 5 : (random(3) + 1)));
rp.push(random(30) - 15);
var z = (30 + (10 * c));
var s = (5000 / z);
attachMovie("tree", "a" + c, 10 - c, {});
tf = [];
var c = 14;
while (c >= 0) {
var b = this["a" + c];
tf[c] = new Color(b);
var q = 0;
Symbol 20 MovieClip [playAgain] Frame 1 (116 B)
this.onPress = function () {
_root.onEnterFrame = null;