Frame 2
ifFrameLoaded (4) {
gotoAndStop (4);
Frame 3
gotoAndPlay (2);
Frame 4
_quality = "BEST";"theme");
master = new Sound();
sfx = new Sound("sounds.sfx");
music = new Sound("");
crowdGoing = false;
loadMovie ("cheer0.swf", "sounds.sfx.cheer0");
loadMovie ("cheer1.swf", "sounds.sfx.cheer1");
Symbol 9 MovieClip Frame 1
total = _root.getBytesTotal();
Symbol 9 MovieClip Frame 2
percent = _root.getBytesLoaded() / total;
setProperty("bar", _xscale , percent * 100);
Symbol 9 MovieClip Frame 3
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 14 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 19 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 20 MovieClip Frame 1
speed = ../:spin;
speed = speed / 20;
setProperty("ball", _rotation , Number(getProperty("ball", _rotation)) + Number(speed));
if (Number(getProperty("ball", _rotation)) > 360) {
setProperty("ball", _rotation , "ball:_rotation-360");
if (Number(getProperty("ball", _rotation)) < 0) {
setProperty("ball", _rotation , "ball:_rotation+360");
setProperty("ball", _xscale , 100);
setProperty("ball", _yscale , 100);
Symbol 20 MovieClip Frame 2
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 30 MovieClip Frame 1
sin0 = 0;
cos0 = 1;
sin1 = 0.0175;
cos1 = 0.9998;
sin2 = 0.0349;
cos2 = 0.9994;
sin3 = 0.0523;
cos3 = 0.9986;
sin4 = 0.0698;
cos4 = 0.9976;
sin5 = 0.0872;
cos5 = 0.9962;
sin6 = 0.1045;
cos6 = 0.9945;
sin7 = 0.1219;
cos7 = 0.9925;
sin8 = 0.1392;
cos8 = 0.9903;
sin9 = 0.1564;
cos9 = 0.9877;
sin10 = 0.1736;
cos10 = 0.9848;
sin11 = 0.1908;
cos11 = 0.9816;
sin12 = 0.2079;
cos12 = 0.9781;
sin13 = 0.225;
cos13 = 0.9744;
sin14 = 0.2419;
cos14 = 0.9703;
sin15 = 0.2588;
cos15 = 0.9659;
sin16 = 0.2756;
cos16 = 0.9613;
sin17 = 0.2924;
cos17 = 0.9563;
sin18 = 0.309;
cos18 = 0.9511;
sin19 = 0.3256;
cos19 = 0.9455;
sin20 = 0.342;
cos20 = 0.9397;
sin21 = 0.3584;
cos21 = 0.9336;
sin22 = 0.3746;
cos22 = 0.9272;
sin23 = 0.3907;
cos23 = 0.9205;
sin24 = 0.4067;
cos24 = 0.9135;
sin25 = 0.4226;
cos25 = 0.9063;
sin26 = 0.4384;
cos26 = 0.8988;
sin27 = 0.454;
cos27 = 0.891;
sin28 = 0.4695;
cos28 = 0.8829;
sin29 = 0.4848;
cos29 = 0.8746;
sin30 = 0.5;
cos30 = 0.866;
sin31 = 0.515;
cos31 = 0.8572;
sin32 = 0.5299;
cos32 = 0.848;
sin33 = 0.5446;
cos33 = 0.8387;
sin34 = 0.5592;
cos34 = 0.829;
sin35 = 0.5736;
cos35 = 0.8192;
sin36 = 0.5878;
cos36 = 0.809;
sin37 = 0.6018;
cos37 = 0.7986;
sin38 = 0.6157;
cos38 = 0.788;
sin39 = 0.6293;
cos39 = 0.7771;
sin40 = 0.6428;
cos40 = 0.766;
sin41 = 0.6561;
cos41 = 0.7547;
sin42 = 0.6691;
cos42 = 0.7431;
sin43 = 0.682;
cos43 = 0.7314;
sin44 = 0.6947;
cos44 = 0.7193;
sin45 = 0.7071;
cos45 = 0.7071;
sin46 = 0.7193;
cos46 = 0.6947;
sin47 = 0.7314;
cos47 = 0.682;
sin48 = 0.7431;
cos48 = 0.6691;
sin49 = 0.7547;
cos49 = 0.6561;
sin50 = 0.766;
cos50 = 0.6428;
sin51 = 0.7771;
cos51 = 0.6293;
sin52 = 0.788;
cos52 = 0.6157;
sin53 = 0.7986;
cos53 = 0.6018;
sin54 = 0.809;
cos54 = 0.5878;
sin55 = 0.8192;
cos55 = 0.5736;
sin56 = 0.829;
cos56 = 0.5592;
sin57 = 0.8387;
cos57 = 0.5446;
sin58 = 0.848;
cos58 = 0.5299;
sin59 = 0.8572;
cos59 = 0.515;
sin60 = 0.866;
cos60 = 0.5;
sin61 = 0.8746;
cos61 = 0.4848;
sin62 = 0.8829;
cos62 = 0.4695;
sin63 = 0.891;
cos63 = 0.454;
sin64 = 0.8988;
cos64 = 0.4384;
sin65 = 0.9063;
cos65 = 0.4226;
sin66 = 0.9135;
cos66 = 0.4067;
sin67 = 0.9203;
cos67 = 0.3907;
sin68 = 0.9272;
cos68 = 0.3746;
sin69 = 0.9336;
cos69 = 0.3584;
sin70 = 0.9397;
cos70 = 0.342;
sin71 = 0.9455;
cos71 = 0.3256;
sin72 = 0.9511;
cos72 = 0.309;
sin73 = 0.9563;
cos73 = 0.2924;
sin74 = 0.9613;
cos74 = 0.2756;
sin75 = 0.9659;
cos75 = 0.2588;
sin76 = 0.9703;
cos76 = 0.2419;
sin77 = 0.9744;
cos77 = 0.225;
sin78 = 0.9781;
cos78 = 0.2079;
sin79 = 0.9816;
cos79 = 0.1908;
sin80 = 0.9848;
cos80 = 0.1736;
sin81 = 0.9877;
cos81 = 0.1564;
sin82 = 0.9903;
cos82 = 0.1392;
sin83 = 0.9925;
cos83 = 0.1219;
sin84 = 0.9945;
cos84 = 0.1045;
sin85 = 0.9962;
cos85 = 0.0872;
sin86 = 0.9976;
cos86 = 0.0698;
sin87 = 0.9986;
cos87 = 0.0523;
sin88 = 0.9994;
cos88 = 0.0349;
sin89 = 0.9998;
cos89 = 0.0175;
sin90 = 1;
cos90 = 0;
Symbol 30 MovieClip Frame 2
theta = int(angle);
if (Number(theta) > 360) {
theta = theta - (int(theta / 360) * 360);
if ((Number(theta) <= 360) and (Number(theta) >= 270)) {
sin = eval ("sin" add (90 - (theta - 270))) * -1;
} else if ((Number(theta) < 270) and (Number(theta) >= 180)) {
sin = eval ("sin" add (theta - 180)) * -1;
} else if ((Number(theta) < 180) and (Number(theta) > 90)) {
sin = eval ("sin" add (180 - theta));
} else {
sin = eval ("sin" add theta);
Symbol 30 MovieClip Frame 3
theta = int(angle);
if (Number(theta) > 360) {
theta = theta - (int(theta / 360) * 360);
if ((Number(theta) <= 360) and (Number(theta) >= 270)) {
cos = eval ("cos" add (90 - (theta - 270)));
} else if ((Number(theta) < 270) and (Number(theta) >= 180)) {
cos = eval ("cos" add (theta - 180)) * -1;
} else if ((Number(theta) < 180) and (Number(theta) > 90)) {
cos = eval ("cos" add (180 - theta)) * -1;
} else {
cos = eval ("cos" add theta);
Symbol 31 MovieClip Frame 1
_parent.dude.shot = false;
blocked = 0;
Set("trig:angle", ang);
sin = trig:sin;
Set("trig:angle", cang);
cos = trig:cos;
setProperty("hands", _x , sin * 10);
setProperty("hands", _y , cos * 5);
rot = getProperty("hands", _x);
rot = rot * 0.64;
setProperty("hands", _rotation , rot);
setProperty("hands", _xscale , 23.7);
setProperty("hands", _yscale , 23.7);
setProperty("shadow", _x , getProperty("hands", _x));
_alpha = 0;
Symbol 31 MovieClip Frame 2
ang = Number(ang) + 15;
if (Number(ang) > 360) {
ang = ang - 360;
cang = Number(ang) + 2;
if (Number(cang) > 360) {
cang = cang - 360;
Set("trig:angle", ang);
sin = trig:sin;
Set("trig:angle", cang);
cos = trig:cos;
rot = getProperty("hands", _x);
rot = rot * 0.64;
setProperty("hands", _rotation , rot);
setProperty("hands", _xscale , 23.7);
setProperty("hands", _yscale , 23.7);
setProperty("shadow", _x , getProperty("hands", _x));
Symbol 31 MovieClip Frame 3
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 31 MovieClip Frame 5
xspeed = ../:xspeed1;
yspeed = ../:yspeed1;
zspeed = ../:zspeed1;
xpos = 0;
ypos = 100;
times = int((150 / zspeed) + 0.5);
a = 0;
while (a < times) {
xpos = xpos + xspeed;
ypos = ypos + yspeed;
yspeed = Number(yspeed) + 4;
a = Number(a) + 1;
xpos = xpos / 8;
if (Number(xpos) < Number(-105)) {
xpos = "-105";
if (Number(xpos) > 95) {
xpos = "95";
ypos = 15 + Number(ypos / 9.333);
if (Number(ypos) > 36) {
ypos = 36;
if (Number(../:faked) == 1) {
skill = skill - 2;
reps = xpos / skill;
if (Number(reps) < 0) {
reps = reps * -1;
xgoal = xpos;
xpos = xpos / reps;
count = 0;
Set(blocked, 0);
if (Number(reps) < Number(times)) {
blocked = 1;
_parent.duder.shot = true;
Symbol 31 MovieClip Frame 6
if (Number(count) < Number(reps)) {
setProperty("hands", _x , Number(getProperty("hands", _x)) + Number(xpos));
setProperty("hands", _y , ypos);
count = Number(count) + 1;
rot = getProperty("hands", _x);
rot = rot * 0.64;
setProperty("hands", _rotation , rot);
setProperty("hands", _xscale , 23.7);
setProperty("hands", _yscale , 23.7);
setProperty("shadow", _x , getProperty("hands", _x));
Symbol 31 MovieClip Frame 7
gotoAndPlay (6);
Symbol 31 MovieClip Frame 11
gotoAndPlay (10);
Symbol 32 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 37 MovieClip Frame 1
setProperty("/rackshad", _x , getProperty("/racket", _x) - 20);
setProperty("/rackshad", _alpha , 100 - ((280 - getProperty("/racket", _y)) / 3));
setProperty("/rackshad", _xscale , 420 - (getProperty("/racket", _y) / 2));
Symbol 37 MovieClip Frame 2
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 37 MovieClip Frame 6
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 37 MovieClip Frame 12
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 37 MovieClip Frame 16
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 37 MovieClip Frame 21
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 37 MovieClip Frame 26
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 37 MovieClip Frame 32
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 37 MovieClip Frame 36
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 40 MovieClip Frame 1
_visible = false;
Symbol 42 Button
on (press) {
xstart = _ymouse;
aiming = true;
on (release, releaseOutside) {;
aiming = false;
Symbol 54 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 54 MovieClip Frame 20
Symbol 68 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 68 MovieClip Frame 20
Symbol 70 MovieClip Frame 1
postkickx = getProperty("mouse", _x);
postkicky = getProperty("mouse", _y);
ballshad._alpha = 100;
ob._alpha = 100;
xmove = prekickx - postkickx;
ymove = prekicky - postkicky;
bounced = 0;
diff = xmove / ymove;
defended = 0;
virtx = 0;
virty = 100;
virtz = 25;
hitground = 0;
inc = 20;
missed = 0;
vanx = 0;
vany = 0;
lightx = 500;
lighty = -600;
dim = 12000;
decay = 0.97;
build = 0.02;
size = 0.19;
friction = 0.5;
bounce = 0.6;
gravity = 3;
racketsize = "40";
xspeed1 = 0;
yspeed1 = 0;
zspeed1 = 0;
spin = 0;
skill = /game:goalieskill;
setProperty("ball2", _alpha , "0");
x = random(2);
setProperty("ob", _alpha , "0");
where = (1 / virtz) * dim;
setProperty("ob", _yscale , 0.5 + Number(where * size));
setProperty("ob", _xscale , 0.5 + Number(where * size));
distx = (virtx - vanx) * (where / (dim / inc));
disty = (virty - vany) * (where / (dim / inc));
setProperty("ob", _x , Number(vanx) + Number(distx));
setProperty("ob", _y , Number(Number(vany) + Number(disty)) + 60);
setProperty("ob", _alpha , "100");
setProperty("handshad", _x , getProperty("hands", _x));
setProperty("handshad", _alpha , 100 - ((-(getProperty("hands", _y) - 200)) / 4));
Instance of Symbol 32 MovieClip "duder" in Symbol 70 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
function findsector(x, y) {
var _local1 = x;
if (_local1 < -53) {
sector.x = 0;
} else if (_local1 < -27) {
sector.x = 1;
} else if (_local1 < 27) {
sector.x = 2;
} else if (_local1 < 53) {
sector.x = 3;
} else {
sector.x = 4;
if (y < -30) {
sector.y = 0;
} else if (y < 5) {
sector.y = 1;
} else {
sector.y = 2;
frame = new Array();
frame[0] = [246, 184, 116];
frame[1] = [366, 324, 291];
frame[2] = [60, 35, 11];
frame[3] = [336, 307, 276];
frame[4] = [217, 151, 90];
sector = new Object();
startx = _x;
handstart = _parent.goalie.hands._x;
scale = _parent.goalie._xscale;
trace("scale=" + scale);
shot = false;
diving = true;
waiting = false;
speed = 3;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
diff = _parent.goalie.hands._x - handstart;
if (!diving) {
goalx = startx + (diff * 0.8);
if ((goalx - _x) > speed) {
_x = (_x + speed);
} else if ((goalx - _x) < (-speed)) {
_x = (_x - speed);
} else {
_x = goalx;
if (shot) {
if (!waiting) {
count = int((34 - _parent.zspeed1) * 0.3) + 1;
trace("count===>" + count);
waiting = true;
count = count - 1;
if (count <= 0) {
shot = false;
diving = false;
sector = findsector(_parent.goalie.xgoal, _parent.goalie.ypos);
Symbol 70 MovieClip Frame 2
Set("/game:command", "shootgoing");
Instance of Symbol 69 MovieClip "shooter" in Symbol 70 MovieClip Frame 2
onClipEvent (load) { = 0.1;
arrow._visible = false;
aiming = false;
direction = 1;
speed = 12;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (aiming) {
arrow._visible = true; = + ((speed * direction) + random(2));
if ( >= 100) { = 99;
direction = direction * -1;
if ( <= 0) { = 1;
direction = direction * -1;
xdiff = int((_xmouse - xstart) * 0.15) + 20;
xdiff = Math.max(1, xdiff);
xdiff = Math.min(41, xdiff);
xangle = xdiff - 20;
ydiff = int((_ymouse - ystart) * 0.15) + 20;
ydiff = Math.max(1, ydiff);
ydiff = Math.min(41, ydiff);
yangle = -1 * (3 + (ydiff / 5));
ydiff = (ydiff * 2.5) + 50;
arrow.inside._yscale = ydiff;
} else {
arrow._visible = false;
Symbol 70 MovieClip Frame 3
Symbol 70 MovieClip Frame 11
addon = 0;
postbeenhit = false;
cheeredyet = false;
netted = false;
speed = 15;
xmove = (shooter.xangle * speed) * 0.9;
ymove = 10 * speed;
input = Number(xmove * xmove) + Number(ymove * ymove);
x = 1;
i = 0;
iterations = 8;
while (i < iterations) {
x = x - (((x * x) - input) / (2 * x));
i = Number(i) + 1;
output = * 3.3;
trace("the power is " + output);
output = output - 70;
output = output + (_parent.powerOffset * 35);
output = Math.min(350, output);
trace("the power is " + output);
setProperty("goalback", _alpha , 100);
setProperty("goalfore", _alpha , 0);
bounced = 0;
diff = xmove / Math.abs(ymove);
passed = 0;
defended = 0;
virtx = 0;
virty = 100;
virtz = 25;
hitground = 0;
inc = 20;
missed = 0;
vanx = 0;
vany = 0;
lightx = 500;
lighty = -600;
dim = 12000;
decay = 0.97;
build = 0.02;
size = 0.18;
friction = 0.4;
bounce = 0.4;
gravity = 4;
walled = false;
postbeenhit = false;
racketsize = "40";
if (Number(output) > 350) {
output = 350;
output = Math.max(150, output);
o = (5 - _parent.accOffset) * 10;
trace("the accuracy offset is " + o);
r = random(o) - (o * 0.5);
xspeed1 = ((-diff) * (0.4 * output)) + r;
r = random(o) - (o * 0.5);
yspeed1 = ((shooter.yangle * (output / 20)) + 20) + r;
yspeed1 = Math.min(-20, yspeed1);
zspeed1 = output / 10;
trace("zspeed1=>" + zspeed1);
multiplier = 18;
if (zspeed1 < 3) {
a = a;
} else {
glovesx = "xspeed1";
tellTarget ("goalie") {
gotoAndPlay (5);
Symbol 70 MovieClip Frame 12
if (virtz > 175) {
if ((zspeed1 < 0) and ((goalie.blocked == 1) or postbeenhit)) {
addon = (250 - virtz) * 0.1;
where = (1 / virtz) * dim;
setProperty("ob", _yscale , 3.5 + Number(where * size));
setProperty("ob", _xscale , 3.5 + Number(where * size));
distx = (virtx - vanx) * (where / (dim / inc));
disty = (virty - vany) * (where / (dim / inc));
setProperty("ob", _x , Number(vanx) + Number(distx));
setProperty("ob", _y , (Number(Number(vany) + Number(disty)) + 60) + addon);
if (netted) {
if (ob._x <= -93) {
xspeed1 = xspeed1 + 2;
if (ob._x > 78) {
xspeed1 = xspeed1 - 2;
if (ob._y < 4) {
yspeed1 = yspeed1 + 2;
ob._x = Math.max(ob._x, -100);
ob._x = Math.min(ob._x, 85);
ob._y = Math.max(ob._y, -2);
setProperty("ballshad", _yscale , getProperty("ob", _yscale));
setProperty("ballshad", _xscale , getProperty("ob", _xscale));
setProperty("ballshad", _x , getProperty("ob", _x));
disty = (100 - vany) * (where / (dim / inc));
setProperty("ballshad", _y , (Number(Number(vany) + Number(disty)) + 60) + addon);
setProperty("handshad", _x , getProperty("hands", _x));
setProperty("handshad", _alpha , 100 - ((-(getProperty("hands", _y) - 200)) / 4));
spin = xspeed1;
setProperty("ball2", _x , getProperty("ob", _x));
setProperty("ball2", _y , getProperty("ob", _y));
setProperty("ball2", _rotation , getProperty("ob", _rotation));
setProperty("ball2", _xscale , getProperty("ob", _xscale));
setProperty("ball2", _yscale , getProperty("ob", _yscale));
Symbol 70 MovieClip Frame 13
virtx = Number(virtx) + Number(xspeed1);
virty = Number(virty) + Number(yspeed1);
virtz = Number(virtz) + Number(zspeed1);
if ((!cheeredyet) and (!_parent.practicing)) {
cheeredyet = true;
yspeed1 = Number(yspeed1) + Number(gravity * 1.4);
if ((Number(virty) > 100) and (Number(yspeed1) > 0)) {
bounced = Number(bounced) + 1;
yspeed1 = yspeed1 * (-bounce);
xspeed1 = xspeed1 * friction;
zspeed1 = zspeed1 * friction;
virty = 100;
if (Number(bounced) == 1) {
if (Number(bounced) == 2) {
if (Number(bounced) == 4) {
yspeed1 = 0;
xspeed1 = 0;
zspeed1 = 0;
gotoAndPlay (20);
if (((Number(virtz) > 200) and (Number(passed) == 0)) and (Number(zspeed1) > 0)) {
passed = 1;
if (Number(goalie:blocked) == 1) {;
zspeed1 = -bouncePower;
xspeed1 = xspeed1 * 0.3;
yspeed1 = -20;
} else if (((Number(virtx) > Number(-1100)) and (Number(virtx) < 990)) and (Number(virty) > Number(-700))) {
scored = 1;
if (virtx < 0) {;
_parent.netwave_right._visible = false;
} else {;
_parent.netwave_left._visible = false;
if (!_parent.practicing) {
_parent.flash_frequency = 10;
netted = true;
setProperty("ob", _alpha , 0);
setProperty("ball2", _alpha , 100);
} else if (((Number(virtx) > Number(-1175)) and (Number(virtx) < 1065)) and (Number(virty) > Number(-800))) {
postbeenhit = true;;
zspeed1 = zspeed1 * -0.08;
xspeed1 = xspeed1 * (random(100) * 0.0004);
yspeed1 = yspeed1 * 0.4;
if (((Number(virtz) > 300) and (Number(zspeed1) > 0)) and (Number(scored) == 1)) {
Set("/game:countit", 1);
setProperty("goalback", _alpha , 0);
setProperty("goalfore", _alpha , 100);
scored = 0;
zspeed1 = zspeed1 * -0.015;
xspeed1 = xspeed1 * 0.08;
yspeed1 = yspeed1 * 0.03;
if ((Number(virtz) > 475) and (virtz <= 510)) {
if (virty > -450) {
if (Number(zspeed1) > 0) {
zspeed1 = zspeed1 * -0.3;
xspeed1 = 0;
yspeed1 = yspeed1 * 0.8;
if (virtz > 510) {
ob._alpha = 0;
ball2._alpha = 100;
ballshad._alpha = 0;
gotoAndPlay (12);
Symbol 70 MovieClip Frame 20
gotoAndPlay (21);
Symbol 70 MovieClip Frame 42
Set("/game:command", "shootdone");
Symbol 70 MovieClip Frame 43
postkickx = getProperty("mouse", _x);
postkicky = getProperty("mouse", _y);
xmove = prekickx - postkickx;
ymove = prekicky - postkicky;
bounced = 0;
diff = xmove / ymove;
defended = 0;
virtx = 0;
virty = 100;
virtz = 25;
hitground = 0;
inc = 20;
missed = 0;
vanx = 0;
vany = 0;
lightx = 500;
lighty = -600;
dim = 12000;
decay = 0.97;
build = 0.02;
size = 0.19;
friction = 0.5;
bounce = 0.6;
gravity = 3;
racketsize = "40";
xspeed1 = 0;
yspeed1 = 0;
zspeed1 = 0;
spin = 0;
setProperty("ball2", _alpha , "0");
where = (1 / virtz) * dim;
setProperty("ob", _yscale , 0.5 + Number(where * size));
setProperty("ob", _xscale , 0.5 + Number(where * size));
distx = (virtx - vanx) * (where / (dim / inc));
disty = (virty - vany) * (where / (dim / inc));
setProperty("ob", _x , Number(vanx) + Number(distx));
setProperty("ob", _y , Number(Number(vany) + Number(disty)) + 60);
setProperty("ob", _alpha , "100");
setProperty("handshad", _x , getProperty("hands", _x));
setProperty("handshad", _alpha , 100 - ((-(getProperty("hands", _y) - 200)) / 4));
Symbol 72 MovieClip Frame 1
ifFrameLoaded (4) {
_root.scheduler.loaded[count] = true;
gotoAndStop (3);
Symbol 72 MovieClip Frame 2
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 72 MovieClip Frame 5
trace("I'm Here!!!");
Symbol 82 Button
on (release) {
if (_parent.practice) {
trace("he's kicking");
gotoAndPlay (4);
Symbol 83 MovieClip Frame 1
virtx = 0;
hands.smacking = false;
hands.size = 77;
hands.speed = 8;
hands._xscale = 77;
hands._yscale = 77;
hands._visible = false;
itsagoal = false;
Set(/game:command, "defgoing");
bounced = 0;
defended = 0;
virty = 100;
virtz = 150;
setProperty("wall", _alpha , "0");
setProperty("ob", _alpha , "0");
hitground = 0;
inc = 20;
missed = 0;
vanx = 0;
vany = 0;
lightx = 500;
lighty = -600;
dim = 12000;
decay = 0.97;
build = 0.02;
size = 0.19;
friction = 0.5;
bounce = 0.6;
gravity = 2.4;
racketsize = 70;
power = 10;
ang = 5;
Set("trig:angle", ang);
sin = trig:sin;
cos = trig:cos;
rad = 57.2957795130823;
shotspeed = _parent.level * 0.5;
zspeed1 = -(14 + shotspeed);
yang = ((8 + random(15)) + ((12 - shotspeed) * 0.5)) / rad;
yspeed1 = Math.tan(yang) * -100;
xang = (random(9) + 3) / rad;
r = random(100);
if (r < 50) {
xang = xang * -1;
xspeed1 = (Math.tan(xang) * zspeed1) * 18;
adjust = 1 - Math.abs(Math.tan(xang));
trace("speeds==>" + adjust);
zspeed1 = zspeed1 * adjust;
ob._alpha = 0;
ball2._alpha = 0;
setProperty("ballshad", _alpha , "100");
spin = 0;
if (!_parent.practice) {
trace("Not Practicing");
} else {
trace("Not Practicing");
gotoAndPlay (2);
Instance of Symbol 29 MovieClip "hands" in Symbol 83 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
smacking = false;
size = 77;
speed = 8;
decay = 0.7;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = _parent._xmouse;
_y = _parent._ymouse;
_y = Math.min(370, _y);
if (smacking) {
change = (77 - size) * 0.1;
size = size + speed;
speed = speed + change;
speed = speed * decay;
_xscale = size;
_yscale = size;
Symbol 83 MovieClip Frame 2
handshad._visible = false;
where = (1 / virtz) * dim;
setProperty("ob", _yscale , 0.5 + Number(where * size));
setProperty("ob", _xscale , 0.5 + Number(where * size));
distx = (virtx - vanx) * (where / (dim / inc));
disty = (virty - vany) * (where / (dim / inc));
setProperty("ob", _x , Number(vanx) + Number(distx));
setProperty("ob", _y , Number(Number(vany) + Number(disty)) + 60);
setProperty("ballshad", _yscale , getProperty("ob", _yscale));
setProperty("ballshad", _xscale , getProperty("ob", _xscale));
setProperty("ballshad", _x , getProperty("ob", _x));
disty = (100 - vany) * (where / (dim / inc));
setProperty("ballshad", _y , Number(Number(vany) + Number(disty)) + 60);
setProperty("handshad", _x , getProperty("hands", _x));
setProperty("handshad", _alpha , 100 - ((-(getProperty("hands", _y) - 200)) / 4));
Symbol 83 MovieClip Frame 3
where = (1 / virtz) * dim;
handshad._visible = false;
setProperty("ob", _yscale , 0.5 + Number(where * size));
setProperty("ob", _xscale , 0.5 + Number(where * size));
distx = (virtx - vanx) * (where / (dim / inc));
disty = (virty - vany) * (where / (dim / inc));
setProperty("ob", _x , Number(vanx) + Number(distx));
setProperty("ob", _y , Number(Number(vany) + Number(disty)) + 60);
ball2._alpha = 100;
setProperty("ballshad", _yscale , getProperty("ob", _yscale));
setProperty("ballshad", _xscale , getProperty("ob", _xscale));
setProperty("ballshad", _x , getProperty("ob", _x));
disty = (100 - vany) * (where / (dim / inc));
setProperty("ballshad", _y , Number(Number(vany) + Number(disty)) + 60);
setProperty("handshad", _x , getProperty("hands", _x));
setProperty("handshad", _alpha , 100 - ((-(getProperty("hands", _y) - 200)) / 4));
rot = getProperty("hands", _x);
rot = rot * 0.32;
setProperty("hands", _rotation , rot);
count = 0;
ob._alpha = 100;
ball2._alpha = 0;
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 83 MovieClip Frame 4
temp = "kicker.dude" + r;
handshad._visible = true;
hands._visible = true;
ob._alpha = 0;
ball2._alpha = 100;
setProperty("ball2", _x , getProperty("ob", _x));
setProperty("ball2", _y , getProperty("ob", _y));
setProperty("ball2", _xscale , getProperty("ob", _xscale));
setProperty("ball2", _yscale , getProperty("ob", _yscale));
setProperty("ball2", _rotation , getProperty("ob", _rotation));
eval (temp).gotoAndStop(5);
Symbol 83 MovieClip Frame 5
rot = getProperty("hands", _x);
rot = rot * 0.32;
setProperty("hands", _rotation , rot);
count = Number(count) + 1;
setProperty("handshad", _x , getProperty("hands", _x));
setProperty("handshad", _alpha , 100 - ((-(getProperty("hands", _y) - 200)) / 4));
Symbol 83 MovieClip Frame 6
if (Number(count) > 28) {
gotoAndPlay (27);
} else {
gotoAndPlay (5);
Symbol 83 MovieClip Frame 27
rot = getProperty("hands", _x);
rot = rot * 0.32;
setProperty("hands", _rotation , rot);
Symbol 83 MovieClip Frame 28
if (!_parent.practice) {
rot = getProperty("hands", _x);
rot = rot * 0.32;
setProperty("hands", _rotation , rot);
Symbol 83 MovieClip Frame 29
rot = getProperty("hands", _x);
rot = rot * 0.32;
setProperty("hands", _rotation , rot);
where = (1 / virtz) * dim;
setProperty("ob", _yscale , 0.5 + Number(where * size));
setProperty("ob", _xscale , 0.5 + Number(where * size));
distx = (virtx - vanx) * (where / (dim / inc));
disty = (virty - vany) * (where / (dim / inc));
setProperty("ob", _x , Number(vanx) + Number(distx));
setProperty("ob", _y , Number(Number(vany) + Number(disty)) + 60);
setProperty("ballshad", _yscale , getProperty("ob", _yscale));
setProperty("ballshad", _xscale , getProperty("ob", _xscale));
setProperty("ballshad", _x , getProperty("ob", _x));
disty = (100 - vany) * (where / (dim / inc));
setProperty("ballshad", _y , Number(Number(vany) + Number(disty)) + 60);
setProperty("handshad", _x , getProperty("hands", _x));
setProperty("handshad", _alpha , 100 - ((-(getProperty("hands", _y) - 200)) / 4));
setProperty("ball2", _x , getProperty("ob", _x));
setProperty("ball2", _y , getProperty("ob", _y));
setProperty("ball2", _xscale , getProperty("ob", _xscale));
setProperty("ball2", _yscale , getProperty("ob", _yscale));
setProperty("ball2", _rotation , getProperty("ob", _rotation));
ob._alpha = 0;
ball2._alpha = 100;
Symbol 83 MovieClip Frame 30
if (virtz > 40) {
} else {
where = (1 / virtz) * dim;
setProperty("ob", _yscale , 0.5 + Number(where * size));
setProperty("ob", _xscale , 0.5 + Number(where * size));
distx = (virtx - vanx) * (where / (dim / inc));
disty = (virty - vany) * (where / (dim / inc));
setProperty("ob", _x , Number(vanx) + Number(distx));
setProperty("ob", _y , Number(Number(vany) + Number(disty)) + 60);
setProperty("ballshad", _yscale , getProperty("ob", _yscale));
setProperty("ballshad", _xscale , getProperty("ob", _xscale));
setProperty("ballshad", _x , getProperty("ob", _x));
disty = (100 - vany) * (where / (dim / inc));
setProperty("ballshad", _y , Number(Number(vany) + Number(disty)) + 60);
setProperty("handshad", _x , getProperty("hands", _x));
setProperty("handshad", _alpha , 100 - ((-(getProperty("hands", _y) - 200)) / 4));
setProperty("ball2", _x , getProperty("ob", _x));
setProperty("ball2", _y , getProperty("ob", _y));
setProperty("ball2", _xscale , getProperty("ob", _xscale));
setProperty("ball2", _yscale , getProperty("ob", _yscale));
setProperty("ball2", _rotation , getProperty("ob", _rotation));
rot = getProperty("hands", _x);
rot = rot * 0.32;
setProperty("hands", _rotation , rot);
Symbol 83 MovieClip Frame 31
virtx = Number(virtx) + Number(xspeed1);
virty = Number(virty) + Number(yspeed1);
virtz = Number(virtz) + Number(zspeed1);
yspeed1 = Number(yspeed1) + Number(gravity * 1.4);
if ((Number(virtz) < 27) and (Number(zspeed1) < 0)) {
hitter = 1;
virtz = 35;
xoff = getProperty("ob", _x) - getProperty("hands", _x);
yoff = getProperty("ob", _y) - getProperty("hands", _y);
dist = Number(xoff * xoff) + Number(yoff * yoff);
if (Number(dist) < Number(racketsize * racketsize)) {
hands.smacking = true;
defended = 1;
xspeed1 = xoff * 1.5;
yspeed1 = yspeed1 * 1;
zspeed1 = zspeed1 * -0.3;
tellTarget ("kicker") {
gotoAndPlay (45);
wide = 450;
if ((((Number(virtx) < Number(-wide)) or (Number(virty) < Number(-300))) or (Number(virtx) > Number(wide))) and (Number(defended) == 0)) {
xspeed1 = xspeed1 * 0.7;
yspeed1 = yspeed1 * 0.7;
zspeed1 = zspeed1 * -0.15;
tellTarget ("kicker") {
gotoAndPlay (45);
if ((((Number(dist) >= Number(racketsize * racketsize)) and (Number(virty) > Number(-299.999))) and (Number(virtx) >= Number(-wide))) and (Number(virtx) <= Number(wide))) {
Set("/game:countit", 1);
tellTarget ("kicker") {
gotoAndPlay (3);
_parent.flash_frequency = 10;
itsAGoal = true;
ob._alpha = 100;
ball2._alpha = 0;
gotoAndPlay (35);
if ((Number(virty) > 100) and (Number(yspeed1) > 0)) {
bounced = Number(bounced) + 1;
yspeed1 = yspeed1 * (-bounce);
xspeed1 = xspeed1 * friction;
zspeed1 = zspeed1 * friction;
virty = 100;
if (Number(bounced) == 1) {
if (Number(bounced) == 2) {
if (Number(bounced) == 4) {
yspeed1 = 0;
xspeed1 = 0;
zspeed1 = 0;
gotoAndPlay (37);
spin = xspeed1 * 2;
gotoAndPlay (30);
Symbol 83 MovieClip Frame 35
setProperty("ballshad", _alpha , 0);
virtz = virtz + zspeed1;
virty = virty + yspeed1;
virtx = virtx + xspeed1;
virtz = Math.max(virtz, 8);
gotoAndPlay (36);
rot = getProperty("hands", _x);
rot = rot * 0.32;
setProperty("hands", _rotation , rot);
Symbol 83 MovieClip Frame 36
where = (1 / virtz) * dim;
setProperty("ob", _yscale , 0.5 + Number(where * size));
setProperty("ob", _xscale , 0.5 + Number(where * size));
distx = (virtx - vanx) * (where / (dim / inc));
disty = (virty - vany) * (where / (dim / inc));
setProperty("ob", _x , Number(vanx) + Number(distx));
setProperty("ob", _y , Number(Number(vany) + Number(disty)) + 60);
setProperty("ballshad", _yscale , getProperty("ob", _yscale));
setProperty("ballshad", _xscale , getProperty("ob", _xscale));
setProperty("ballshad", _x , getProperty("ob", _x));
disty = (100 - vany) * (where / (dim / inc));
setProperty("ballshad", _y , Number(Number(vany) + Number(disty)) + 60);
setProperty("handshad", _x , getProperty("hands", _x));
setProperty("handshad", _alpha , 100 - ((-(getProperty("hands", _y) - 200)) / 4));
rot = getProperty("hands", _x);
rot = rot * 0.32;
setProperty("hands", _rotation , rot);
Symbol 83 MovieClip Frame 37
count = 0;
wait = 15;
if (itsAGoal) {
ob._alpha = 0;
if (Number(bounced) < 4) {
wait = 60;
gotoAndPlay (38);
rot = getProperty("hands", _x);
rot = rot * 0.32;
setProperty("hands", _rotation , rot);
Symbol 83 MovieClip Frame 38
rot = getProperty("hands", _x);
rot = rot * 0.32;
setProperty("hands", _rotation , rot);
Symbol 83 MovieClip Frame 39
count = Number(count) + 1;
if (Number(count) < Number(wait)) {
gotoAndPlay (38);
rot = getProperty("hands", _x);
rot = rot * 0.32;
setProperty("hands", _rotation , rot);
setProperty("handshad", _x , getProperty("hands", _x));
setProperty("handshad", _alpha , 100 - ((-(getProperty("hands", _y) - 200)) / 4));
Symbol 83 MovieClip Frame 40
_parent.command = "defdone";
temp = "kicker.dude" + r;
eval (temp).gotoAndStop(3);;
if (_parent.practice) {
gotoAndPlay (1);
rot = getProperty("hands", _x);
rot = rot * 0.32;
setProperty("hands", _rotation , rot);
Symbol 89 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 101 MovieClip Frame 44
Symbol 102 MovieClip Frame 34
Symbol 102 MovieClip Frame 98
Symbol 103 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 103 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 103 MovieClip Frame 3;
Symbol 103 MovieClip Frame 29
if (finished) {
gotoAndPlay ("resolved");
Symbol 103 MovieClip Frame 30
Symbol 103 MovieClip Frame 33
Symbol 103 MovieClip Frame 121
Symbol 241 Button
on (release) {
gotoAndPlay (13);
Symbol 250 Button
on (release) { = 0;
_parent.level = 0;
Symbol 253 Button
on (release) {
Symbol 254 MovieClip Frame 1
function e(ov) {
d = ov.lastIndexOf(".");
if (d == -1) {
d = 0;
s = ov.split(".");
n = (s[0] add s[1]) add d;
n = n.toString();
l = n.length;
i = 0;
while (i < (n.length - 1)) {
tn = n.substr(i, 1);
rn = random(58) + 40;
cn = Number(tn) + rn;
char = String.fromCharCode(cn) add rn;
nn = nn add char;
i = i + 1;
nn = (nn add d) add l;
gameID = 100;
Symbol 254 MovieClip Frame 2
action = "read";
loadVariables ("../scores/highscore_engine5.asp", "", "POST");
Symbol 254 MovieClip Frame 3
if (loaded == 1) {
gotoAndPlay (5);
Symbol 254 MovieClip Frame 4
gotoAndPlay (3);
Symbol 254 MovieClip Frame 5
Symbol 254 MovieClip Frame 10
_parent.reset._visible = false;
if (goal == "high") {
if (newScore >= Number(todayHigh10)) {
_root.high = 1;
gotoAndStop (11);
} else {
gotoAndPlay (20);
Symbol 254 MovieClip Frame 11
Symbol 254 MovieClip Frame 13
nv = e(newScore.toString());
updated = 0;
action = "insert";
loadVariables ("../scores/highscore_engine5.asp", "", "POST");
Symbol 254 MovieClip Frame 14
if (updated == 1) {
gotoAndStop (20);
Symbol 254 MovieClip Frame 15
gotoAndPlay (14);
Symbol 254 MovieClip Frame 20
message = "";
newScore = "";
newName = "";
action = "read";
loadVariables ("../scores/highscore_engine5.asp", "", "POST");
Symbol 263 Button
on (release) {
_parent.practicing = false;
Symbol 266 Button
on (release) {
Symbol 269 Button
on (release) {
Symbol 272 Button
on (release) {
Symbol 275 Button
on (release) {
Symbol 278 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 278 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 280 Button
on (release) {
if (direction == 1) {
direction = -1;
gotoAndStop (2);
} else {
direction = 1;
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 283 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 301 MovieClip Frame 15
Instance of Symbol 68 MovieClip "arrow" in Symbol 301 MovieClip Frame 15
onClipEvent (load) { = 1;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { = + 7;
Symbol 307 Button
on (release) {
Symbol 314 Button
on (release) {
gotoAndStop ("beginning");
Symbol 316 Button
on (release) {
backframe = _currentframe;
gotoAndStop ("instructions");
Symbol 332 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 335 Button
on (press) {
if (choice != 1) {
} else {
choice = 3;
Symbol 336 Button
on (press) {
if (choice != 3) {
} else {
choice = 1;
Symbol 339 Button
on (press) {
_parent.choice = choice;
gotoAndPlay ("playerIn");
Symbol 343 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 348 Button
on (press) {
if (choice == 0) {
choice = 3;
if (choice == _parent.choice) {
if (choice == 0) {
choice = 3;
Symbol 349 Button
on (press) {
if (choice == 4) {
choice = 1;
if (choice == _parent.choice) {
if (choice == 4) {
choice = 1;
Symbol 350 Button
on (press) {
_parent.opponent = choice;
gotoAndPlay ("both");
Symbol 356 MovieClip Frame 1
choice = 1;
Symbol 356 MovieClip Frame 10
choice = 1;
if (_parent.choice == 1) {
choice = 2;
Symbol 356 MovieClip Frame 17
Symbol 356 MovieClip Frame 83
Symbol 383 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 410 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 414 MovieClip Frame 1
playing = false;
Symbol 414 MovieClip Frame 2
playing = true;
Symbol 437 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 439 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 439 MovieClip Frame 8
speed = _parent.shoot.zspeed1 - random(10);
frame = int(speed / 4);
percent = int((speed * 3) + (random(3) * 0.8));
percent = math.min(100, percent);
bar._xscale = percent;
mph = percent + "mph";
frame = Math.min(7, frame);
frame = Math.max(1, frame);
Symbol 448 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 450 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 454 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 470 Button
on (release) {
gotoAndStop ("beginning");
Symbol 480 Button
on (release) {
practice = false;
gotoAndStop ("beginning");
Symbol 492 Button
on (release) {
gotoAndStop ("opponentSelect");
Symbol 496 Button
on (press) {
gotoAndStop ("reload");
Symbol 507 Button
on (release) {
total = 0;
level = 0;
_parent.scheduler.file.push(("shooter" + switcheroo[opponent]) + ".swf");
gotoAndPlay ("roundReady");
Symbol 510 MovieClip Frame 1
function whoWon(r, s1, s2, shooter) {
champ = 2;
victor = 0;
taker = shooter;
if (s1 > s2) {
champ = 1;
margin = Math.abs(s1 - s2);
remaining = Math.max(5 - r, 0);
if (shooter == 1) {
trace("Remaining is " + round);
if (margin > remaining) {
victor = champ;
function extractLastname(word) {
var _local1 = word;
len = _local1.length;
point = -1;
k = 0;
while (k < len) {
if (_local1.charAt(k) == " ") {
point = k;
if (point > -1) {
mylastName = _local1.substring(point + 1, len);
} else {
mylastName = _local1;
crowdstarted = false;
switcheroo = [-1, 1, 2, 3];
playerName = ["x", "Marco Etchevarry", "Brian West", "DaMarcus Beasley", "Clint Mathis", "Jason Kries", "Alex Peneda Chac\u00F4n", "Preki", "Landon Donovan", "Cobi Jones", "Carlos Valderama"];
destination = ["x", "roundWin", "roundLose"];
level = 0;
shotspeed = level - 2; = false;
defend._visible = false; = false;
shoot._visible = false;
loadMovie ("goalie.swf", "shoot.duder");
Instance of Symbol 70 MovieClip "shoot" in Symbol 510 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
active = false;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (active and (!_parent.practicing)) {
if (_parent.command eq "shootdone") {
if (_parent.countit != 1) {
temp = "_parent.score1" + _parent.round;
eval (temp).gotoAndStop(3);
_parent.shot = false;
_parent.countit = 0;
champ = _parent.whoWon(_parent.round, _parent.youscore, _parent.themscore, 1);
if (champ == 0) {
} else {
active = false;
if ((_parent.countit == 1) and (!_parent.shot)) {
_parent.shot = true;
temp = "_parent.score1" + _parent.round;
eval (temp).gotoAndStop(2);
if (active and _parent.practicing) {
if (_parent.command eq "shootdone") {
Instance of Symbol 83 MovieClip "defend" in Symbol 510 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (active and (!_parent.practice)) {
if ((_parent.countit == 1) and (!_parent.shot)) {
_parent.shot = true;
temp = "_parent.score2" + _parent.round;
eval (temp).gotoAndStop(2);
if (_parent.command eq "defdone") {
if (_parent.countit != 1) {
temp = "_parent.score2" + _parent.round;
eval (temp).gotoAndStop(3);
_parent.shot = false;
_parent.countit = 0;
champ = _parent.whoWon(_parent.round, _parent.youscore, _parent.themscore, 2);
if (champ == 0) {
} else {
active = false;
Symbol 510 MovieClip Frame 3
_root.shooters = 0;
level = 0;
backframe = 3;
mofo = false;
goalieskill = 8 + Number(level * 2);
shotspeed = level - 2; = false;
defend._visible = false; = false;
shoot._visible = false;
total = 0;
midlevel = false;
Instance of Symbol 283 MovieClip "soundVolume" in Symbol 510 MovieClip Frame 3
onClipEvent (load) {
direction = 1;
magnitude = 5;
volume = 100;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
volume = volume + (direction * magnitude);
volume = Math.max(0, volume);
volume = Math.min(100, volume);
Symbol 510 MovieClip Frame 21
defend._visible = false; = false;
shoot._visible = false; = false;
Instance of Symbol 356 MovieClip "chooser" in Symbol 510 MovieClip Frame 21
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
name = _parent.playerName[choice];
Symbol 510 MovieClip Frame 33
_root.shooters = 0;
_root.moments = 0;
loadMovie (("shooter" + switcheroo[opponent]) + ".swf", "");
Symbol 510 MovieClip Frame 34
if (_root.shooters > 0) {
loadMovie (("moment" + switcheroo[choice]) + ".swf", "mholder0.mholder");
loadMovie ("cheer2.swf", "_parent.sounds.sfx.cheer2");
loadMovie ("cheer3.swf", "_parent.sounds.sfx.cheer3");
gotoAndPlay ("roundReady");
Symbol 510 MovieClip Frame 35
Symbol 510 MovieClip Frame 43
_root.shooters = 0;
loadMovie (("shooter" + switcheroo[opponent]) + ".swf", "");
Symbol 510 MovieClip Frame 44
if (_root.shooters > 0) {
gotoAndPlay ("roundReady");
Symbol 510 MovieClip Frame 45
Symbol 510 MovieClip Frame 48
loadMovie ("shooter2.swf", "defend.kicker.dude0");
Symbol 510 MovieClip Frame 49
if (_root.shooters > 0) {
gotoAndStop ("practicedefend");
Symbol 510 MovieClip Frame 50
Symbol 510 MovieClip Frame 54
_root.crowdGoing = true;
if ((!practicing) and (!crowdstarted)) {
chrowdstarted = true;
shot = false;
choiceName = playerName[choice];
lastName = extractLastName(choiceName) + " (you)";
ochoiceName = playerName[opponent];
olastName = extractLastName(ochoiceName);
flash_frequency = 50;
level = Number(level) + 1;
goalieskill = (level * 0.5) + 8;
shotspeed = level - 2;
levelword = eval ("league" add level);
round = 1;
youscore = 0;
themscore = 0;
command = "blank";
countit = 0;
if (!practicing) {
gotoAndStop ("shoot");
} else {
gotoAndStop ("practiceShooting");
Symbol 510 MovieClip Frame 64
powerArray = [5, 1, 3];
powerOffset = powerArray[choice - 1];
accArray = [1, 5, 3];
accOffset = accArray[choice - 1];
trace("This dudes power is " + powerOffset);
trace("This dudes accuracy is " + accOffset);
practicing = false;
combatant1.goer = choice;
combatant2.goer = opponent; = choicename; = ochoicename;
command = "ready";
levelSign = "Level " + level;
flash_frequency = 250;
shoot.goalie.skill = 10 + Number(level * 2);
startDrag ("shoot.mouse", true); = false;
defend._visible = false; = true;
shoot._visible = true;
shoot.duder.diving = true;
shoot.duder.waiting = false;
netwave_left._visible = true;
netwave_right._visible = true;
if (round > 5) {
trace("goalieSkill==>" + goalieskill);
Instance of Symbol 414 MovieClip in Symbol 510 MovieClip Frame 64
onClipEvent (load) {
spread = 70;
wide = spread / 2;
initx = _x;
inity = _y;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (!playing) {
r = random(_parent.flash_frequency);
if (r == 1) {
_x = ((initx + random(spread)) - wide);
s = random(spread) - wide;
_y = (inity + s);
_xscale = (100 + s);
_yscale = (100 + s);
Instance of Symbol 414 MovieClip in Symbol 510 MovieClip Frame 64
onClipEvent (load) {
spread = 70;
wide = spread / 2;
initx = _x;
inity = _y;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (!playing) {
r = random(_parent.flash_frequency);
if (r == 1) {
_x = ((initx + random(spread)) - wide);
s = random(spread) - wide;
_y = (inity + s);
_xscale = (100 + s);
_yscale = (100 + s);
Instance of Symbol 414 MovieClip in Symbol 510 MovieClip Frame 64
onClipEvent (load) {
spread = 70;
wide = spread / 2;
initx = _x;
inity = _y;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (!playing) {
r = random(_parent.flash_frequency);
if (r == 1) {
_x = ((initx + random(spread)) - wide);
s = random(spread) - wide;
_y = (inity + s);
_xscale = (100 + s);
_yscale = (100 + s);
Symbol 510 MovieClip Frame 68
practicing = true;
command = "ready";
flash_frequency = 0;
shoot.goalie.skill = 13;
startDrag ("shoot.mouse", true); = false;
defend._visible = false; = true;
shoot._visible = true;;
shoot.duder.diving = true;
shoot.duder.waiting = false;
netwave_left._visible = true;
netwave_right._visible = true;
Symbol 510 MovieClip Frame 71
if (_root.shooters > 0) {
gotoAndStop ("defend");
Instance of Symbol 472 MovieClip in Symbol 510 MovieClip Frame 71
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.shooters > 0) {
Symbol 510 MovieClip Frame 78
powerOffset = powerArray[opponent - 1];
accOffset = accArray[opponent - 1];
trace("This dudes power is " + powerOffset);
trace("This dudes accuracy is " + accOffset);
practice = false;
flash_frequency = 250; = true;
defend._visible = true; = false;
shoot._visible = false;
defend.r = random(_root.shooters);
defend.r = 0;
temp = "defend.kicker.dude" + defend.r;
eval (temp).gotoAndStop(4);
Instance of Symbol 414 MovieClip in Symbol 510 MovieClip Frame 78
onClipEvent (load) {
spread = 60;
wide = spread / 2;
initx = _x;
inity = _y;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (!playing) {
r = random(_parent.flash_frequency);
if (r == 1) {
_x = ((initx + random(spread)) - wide);
s = random(spread / 4) - (wide / 4);
_y = (inity + s);
_xscale = (100 + s);
_yscale = (100 + s);
Instance of Symbol 414 MovieClip in Symbol 510 MovieClip Frame 78
onClipEvent (load) {
spread = 80;
wide = spread / 2;
initx = _x;
inity = _y;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (!playing) {
r = random(_parent.flash_frequency);
if (r == 1) {
_x = ((initx + random(spread)) - wide);
s = random(spread / 4) - (wide / 4);
_y = (inity + s);
_xscale = (100 + s);
_yscale = (100 + s);
Instance of Symbol 414 MovieClip in Symbol 510 MovieClip Frame 78
onClipEvent (load) {
spread = 80;
wide = spread / 2;
initx = _x;
inity = _y;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (!playing) {
r = random(_parent.flash_frequency);
if (r == 1) {
_x = ((initx + random(spread)) - wide);
s = random(spread / 4) - (wide / 4);
_y = (inity + s);
_xscale = (100 + s);
_yscale = (100 + s);
Instance of Symbol 414 MovieClip in Symbol 510 MovieClip Frame 78
onClipEvent (load) {
spread = 60;
wide = spread / 2;
initx = _x;
inity = _y;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (!playing) {
r = random(_parent.flash_frequency);
if (r == 1) {
_x = ((initx + random(spread)) - wide);
s = random(spread / 4) - (wide / 4);
_y = (inity + s);
_xscale = (100 + s);
_yscale = (100 + s);
Symbol 510 MovieClip Frame 84
practice = true;
flash_frequency = 250; = true;
defend._visible = true; = false;
shoot._visible = false;
defend.r = random(_root.shooters);
defend.r = 1;
temp = "defend.kicker.dude" + defend.r;
eval (temp).gotoAndStop(4);
Symbol 510 MovieClip Frame 98
roundScore = 5;
bonus = 0;
if (round == 3) {
bonus = 5;
if ((round == 4) and (taker == 1)) {
bonus = 4;
if ((round == 4) and (taker == 2)) {
bonus = 3;
if ((round == 5) and (taker == 1)) {
bonus = 2;
roundscore = roundscore + bonus;
total = total + roundscore;
display = "5";
if (bonus > 0) {
display = "5 + Bonus " + bonus;
trace((("r==>" + round) + ", ") + taker); = false;
defend._visible = false; = false;
shoot._visible = false;
Symbol 510 MovieClip Frame 106 = false;
defend._visible = false; = false;
shoot._visible = false;
Symbol 510 MovieClip Frame 107
highscore_list.newscore = total;
Symbol 517 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 517 MovieClip Frame 5
Symbol 523 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 523 MovieClip Frame 5
Symbol 523 MovieClip Frame 6
gotoAndStop ("stompStop");
Symbol 523 MovieClip Frame 11
if ((_root.cheers > 0) and (! {
r = random(_root.cheers) + 1;
temp = "cheer" + r;
eval (temp).gotoAndPlay("on");
Symbol 523 MovieClip Frame 16
Symbol 523 MovieClip Frame 26
Symbol 523 MovieClip Frame 61