Frame 1
onEnterFrame = function () {
var _local2 = _root.getBytesLoaded() / _root.getBytesTotal();
preloader_mc.value = _local2;
if (_local2 == 1) {
delete onEnterFrame;
Frame 2
function playSound(z) {
if (_root.soundsOn == true) {
_global.$createTweenController = function () {
var _local3 = _root.createEmptyMovieClip("__tweenController__", 123432);
_local3.$_tweenPropList = new Array();
_local3.$_tTime = getTimer();
_local3.onEnterFrame = _global.$updateTweens;
ASSetPropFlags(_global, "$createTweenController", 1, 0);
_global.$removeTweenController = function () {
delete _root.__tweenController__.$_tweenPropList;
delete _root.__tweenController__.$_tTime;
delete _root.__tweenController__.onEnterFrame;
ASSetPropFlags(_global, "$removeTweenController", 1, 0);
_global.$addTween = function (mtarget, prop, propDest, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2, extras) {
if (timeSeconds == undefined) {
timeSeconds = 0;
if ((animType == undefined) || (animType == "")) {
animType = "easeOutExpo";
if (delay == undefined) {
delay = 0;
if (typeof(prop) == "string") {
var _local7 = [prop];
var _local11 = [mtarget[prop]];
var _local9 = [propDest];
} else {
var _local7 = [];
var _local11 = [];
var _local9 = [];
for (var _local32 in prop) {
for (var _local32 in prop) {
for (var _local32 in propDest) {
var _local12 = false;
if (_root.__tweenController__ == undefined) {
var _local4 = _root.__tweenController__.$_tweenPropList;
var _local8 = _root.__tweenController__.$_tTime;
for (var _local32 in _local11) {
if ((_local9[_local32] != undefined) && (!mtarget.$_isTweenLocked)) {
if (mtarget.$_tweenCount > 0) {
var _local3 = 0;
while (_local3 < _local4.length) {
if ((_local4[_local3]._targ == mtarget) && (_local4[_local3]._prop == _local7[_local32])) {
if ((_local8 + (delay * 1000)) < _local4[_local3]._timeDest) {
_local4.splice(_local3, 1);
_local4.push({_prop:_local7[_local32], _targ:mtarget, _propStart:undefined, _propDest:_local9[_local32], _timeStart:_local8, _timeDest:_local8 + (timeSeconds * 1000), _animType:animType, _extra1:extra1, _extra2:extra2, _extras:extras, _delay:delay, _isPaused:false, _timePaused:0, _callback:(_local12 ? undefined : (callback))});
mtarget.$_tweenCount = ((mtarget.$_tweenCount > 0) ? (mtarget.$_tweenCount + 1) : 1);
_local12 = true;
ASSetPropFlags(mtarget, "$_tweenCount", 1, 0);
ASSetPropFlags(_global, "$addTween", 1, 0);
_global.$updateTweens = function () {
var _local8 = (this.$_tTime = getTimer());
var _local6 = 0;
while (_local6 < this.$_tweenPropList.length) {
var _local3 = this.$_tweenPropList[_local6];
if (_local3._targ.toString() == undefined) {
this.$_tweenPropList.splice(_local6, 1);
} else if (((_local3._timeStart + (_local3._delay * 1000)) <= _local8) && (!_local3._isPaused)) {
if (_local3._propStart == undefined) {
if (_local3._prop.substr(0, 10) == "__special_") {
if (_local3._prop == "__special_mc_frame__") {
_local3._propStart = _local3._targ._currentframe;
} else if (_local3._prop == "__special_mc_ra__") {
_local3._propStart = new Color(_local3._targ).getTransform().ra;
} else if (_local3._prop == "__special_mc_rb__") {
_local3._propStart = new Color(_local3._targ).getTransform().rb;
} else if (_local3._prop == "__special_mc_ga__") {
_local3._propStart = new Color(_local3._targ).getTransform().ga;
} else if (_local3._prop == "__special_mc_gb__") {
_local3._propStart = new Color(_local3._targ).getTransform().gb;
} else if (_local3._prop == "__special_mc_ba__") {
_local3._propStart = new Color(_local3._targ).getTransform().ba;
} else if (_local3._prop == "__special_mc_bb__") {
_local3._propStart = new Color(_local3._targ).getTransform().bb;
} else if (_local3._prop == "__special_mc_aa__") {
_local3._propStart = new Color(_local3._targ).getTransform().aa;
} else if (_local3._prop == "__special_mc_ab__") {
_local3._propStart = new Color(_local3._targ).getTransform().ab;
} else if (_local3._prop == "__special_text_r__") {
_local3._propStart = _local3._targ.textColor >> 16;
} else if (_local3._prop == "__special_text_g__") {
_local3._propStart = (_local3._targ.textColor & 65280) >> 8;
} else if (_local3._prop == "__special_text_b__") {
_local3._propStart = _local3._targ.textColor & 255;
} else if (_local3._prop == "__special_sound_volume__") {
_local3._propStart = _local3._targ.getVolume();
} else if (_local3._prop == "__special_sound_pan__") {
_local3._propStart = _local3._targ.getPan();
} else if (_local3._prop == "__special_bst_t__") {
_local3._propStart = 0;
_local3._extras.__special_bst_ix__ = _local3._targ._x;
_local3._extras.__special_bst_iy__ = _local3._targ._y;
} else if (_local3._prop == "__special_blur_x__") {
var _local5 = 0;
while (_local5 < _local3._targ.filters.length) {
if (_local3._targ.filters[_local5] instanceof flash.filters.BlurFilter) {
_local3._propStart = _local3._targ.filters[_local5].blurX;
if (_local3._propStart == undefined) {
_local3._propStart = 0;
} else if (_local3._prop == "__special_blur_y__") {
var _local5 = 0;
while (_local5 < _local3._targ.filters.length) {
if (_local3._targ.filters[_local5] instanceof flash.filters.BlurFilter) {
_local3._propStart = _local3._targ.filters[_local5].blurY;
if (_local3._propStart == undefined) {
_local3._propStart = 0;
} else if (_local3._prop == "__special_glow_color__") {
var _local5 = 0;
while (_local5 < _local3._targ.filters.length) {
if (_local3._targ.filters[_local5] instanceof flash.filters.GlowFilter) {
_local3._propStart = _local3._targ.filters[_local5].color;
if (_local3._propStart == undefined) {
_local3._propStart = 16777215 /* 0xFFFFFF */;
} else if (_local3._prop == "__special_glow_alpha__") {
var _local5 = 0;
while (_local5 < _local3._targ.filters.length) {
if (_local3._targ.filters[_local5] instanceof flash.filters.GlowFilter) {
_local3._propStart = _local3._targ.filters[_local5].alpha;
if (_local3._propStart == undefined) {
_local3._propStart = 1;
} else if (_local3._prop == "__special_glow_blurX__") {
var _local5 = 0;
while (_local5 < _local3._targ.filters.length) {
if (_local3._targ.filters[_local5] instanceof flash.filters.GlowFilter) {
_local3._propStart = _local3._targ.filters[_local5].blurX;
if (_local3._propStart == undefined) {
_local3._propStart = 0;
} else if (_local3._prop == "__special_glow_blurY__") {
var _local5 = 0;
while (_local5 < _local3._targ.filters.length) {
if (_local3._targ.filters[_local5] instanceof flash.filters.GlowFilter) {
_local3._propStart = _local3._targ.filters[_local5].blurY;
if (_local3._propStart == undefined) {
_local3._propStart = 0;
} else if (_local3._prop == "__special_glow_strength__") {
var _local5 = 0;
while (_local5 < _local3._targ.filters.length) {
if (_local3._targ.filters[_local5] instanceof flash.filters.GlowFilter) {
_local3._propStart = _local3._targ.filters[_local5].strength;
if (_local3._propStart == undefined) {
_local3._propStart = 1;
} else if (_local3._prop == "__special_bevel_distance__") {
var _local5 = 0;
while (_local5 < _local3._targ.filters.length) {
if (_local3._targ.filters[_local5] instanceof flash.filters.BevelFilter) {
_local3._propStart = _local3._targ.filters[_local5].distance;
if (_local3._propStart == undefined) {
_local3._propStart = 0;
} else if (_local3._prop == "__special_bevel_angle__") {
var _local5 = 0;
while (_local5 < _local3._targ.filters.length) {
if (_local3._targ.filters[_local5] instanceof flash.filters.BevelFilter) {
_local3._propStart = _local3._targ.filters[_local5].angle;
if (_local3._propStart == undefined) {
_local3._propStart = 45;
} else if (_local3._prop == "__special_bevel_highlightColor__") {
var _local5 = 0;
while (_local5 < _local3._targ.filters.length) {
if (_local3._targ.filters[_local5] instanceof flash.filters.BevelFilter) {
_local3._propStart = _local3._targ.filters[_local5].highlightColor;
if (_local3._propStart == undefined) {
_local3._propStart = 16777215 /* 0xFFFFFF */;
} else if (_local3._prop == "__special_bevel_highlightAlpha__") {
var _local5 = 0;
while (_local5 < _local3._targ.filters.length) {
if (_local3._targ.filters[_local5] instanceof flash.filters.BevelFilter) {
_local3._propStart = _local3._targ.filters[_local5].highlightAlpha;
if (_local3._propStart == undefined) {
_local3._propStart = 1;
} else if (_local3._prop == "__special_bevel_shadowColor__") {
var _local5 = 0;
while (_local5 < _local3._targ.filters.length) {
if (_local3._targ.filters[_local5] instanceof flash.filters.BevelFilter) {
_local3._propStart = _local3._targ.filters[_local5].shadowColor;
if (_local3._propStart == undefined) {
_local3._propStart = 0;
} else if (_local3._prop == "__special_bevel_shadowAlpha__") {
var _local5 = 0;
while (_local5 < _local3._targ.filters.length) {
if (_local3._targ.filters[_local5] instanceof flash.filters.BevelFilter) {
_local3._propStart = _local3._targ.filters[_local5].shadowAlpha;
if (_local3._propStart == undefined) {
_local3._propStart = 1;
} else if (_local3._prop == "__special_bevel_blurX__") {
var _local5 = 0;
while (_local5 < _local3._targ.filters.length) {
if (_local3._targ.filters[_local5] instanceof flash.filters.BevelFilter) {
_local3._propStart = _local3._targ.filters[_local5].blurX;
if (_local3._propStart == undefined) {
_local3._propStart = 0;
} else if (_local3._prop == "__special_bevel_blurY__") {
var _local5 = 0;
while (_local5 < _local3._targ.filters.length) {
if (_local3._targ.filters[_local5] instanceof flash.filters.BevelFilter) {
_local3._propStart = _local3._targ.filters[_local5].blurY;
if (_local3._propStart == undefined) {
_local3._propStart = 0;
} else if (_local3._prop == "__special_bevel_strength__") {
var _local5 = 0;
while (_local5 < _local3._targ.filters.length) {
if (_local3._targ.filters[_local5] instanceof flash.filters.BevelFilter) {
_local3._propStart = _local3._targ.filters[_local5].strength;
if (_local3._propStart == undefined) {
_local3._propStart = 1;
} else {
_local3._propStart = _local3._targ[_local3._prop];
} else {
_local3._propStart = _local3._targ[_local3._prop];
var _local10 = _local3._timeDest + (_local3._delay * 1000);
if (_local10 <= _local8) {
var _local4 = _local3._propDest;
} else {
var _local4 = _global.findTweenValue(_local3._propStart, _local3._propDest, _local3._timeStart, _local8 - (_local3._delay * 1000), _local3._timeDest, _local3._animType, _local3._extra1, _local3._extra2);
_local3._targ[_local3._prop] = (_local3._extras.mustRound ? (Math.round(_local4)) : (_local4));
if (_local3._prop == "__special_mc_frame__") {
} else if (_local3._prop == "__special_mc_ra__") {
new Color(_local3._targ).setTransform({ra:_local4});
} else if (_local3._prop == "__special_mc_rb__") {
new Color(_local3._targ).setTransform({rb:_local4});
} else if (_local3._prop == "__special_mc_ga__") {
new Color(_local3._targ).setTransform({ga:_local4});
} else if (_local3._prop == "__special_mc_gb__") {
new Color(_local3._targ).setTransform({gb:_local4});
} else if (_local3._prop == "__special_mc_ba__") {
new Color(_local3._targ).setTransform({ba:_local4});
} else if (_local3._prop == "__special_mc_bb__") {
new Color(_local3._targ).setTransform({bb:_local4});
} else if (_local3._prop == "__special_mc_aa__") {
new Color(_local3._targ).setTransform({aa:_local4});
} else if (_local3._prop == "__special_mc_ab__") {
new Color(_local3._targ).setTransform({ab:_local4});
if (_local3._prop == "__special_bst_t__") {
var _local7 = _local3._extras;
var _local9 = _global.findPointOnCurve(_local7.__special_bst_ix__, _local7.__special_bst_iy__, _local7.__special_bst_cx__, _local7.__special_bst_cy__, _local7.__special_bst_dx__, _local7.__special_bst_dy__, _local4);
if (_local3._extras.mustRound) {
_local3._targ._x = Math.round(_local9.x);
_local3._targ._y = Math.round(_local9.y);
} else {
_local3._targ._x = _local9.x;
_local3._targ._y = _local9.y;
if ((typeof(_local3._targ) != "movieclip") && (_local3._prop == "__special_text_b__")) {
_local3._targ.textColor = ((_local3._targ.__special_text_r__ << 16) + (_local3._targ.__special_text_g__ << 8)) + _local3._targ.__special_text_b__;
if (_local3._prop == "__special_sound_volume__") {
if (_local3._prop == "__special_sound_pan__") {
if (_local3._prop == "__special_blur_x__") {
_global.$setFilterProperty(_local3._targ, "blur_blurX", _local4, _local3._extras);
if (_local3._prop == "__special_blur_y__") {
_global.$setFilterProperty(_local3._targ, "blur_blurY", _local4, _local3._extras);
if (_local3._prop == "__special_glow_color__") {
_global.$setFilterProperty(_local3._targ, "glow_color", _global.findTweenColor(_local3, _local8), _local3._extras);
if (_local3._prop == "__special_glow_alpha__") {
_global.$setFilterProperty(_local3._targ, "glow_alpha", _local4, _local3._extras);
if (_local3._prop == "__special_glow_blurX__") {
_global.$setFilterProperty(_local3._targ, "glow_blurX", _local4, _local3._extras);
if (_local3._prop == "__special_glow_blurY__") {
_global.$setFilterProperty(_local3._targ, "glow_blurY", _local4, _local3._extras);
if (_local3._prop == "__special_glow_strength__") {
_global.$setFilterProperty(_local3._targ, "glow_strength", _local4, _local3._extras);
if (_local3._prop == "__special_bevel_distance__") {
_global.$setFilterProperty(_local3._targ, "bevel_distance", _local4, _local3._extras);
if (_local3._prop == "__special_bevel_angle__") {
_global.$setFilterProperty(_local3._targ, "bevel_angle", _local4, _local3._extras);
if (_local3._prop == "__special_bevel_highlightColor__") {
_global.$setFilterProperty(_local3._targ, "bevel_highlightColor", _global.findTweenColor(_local3, _local8), _local3._extras);
if (_local3._prop == "__special_bevel_highlightAlpha__") {
_global.$setFilterProperty(_local3._targ, "bevel_highlightAlpha", _local4, _local3._extras);
if (_local3._prop == "__special_bevel_shadowColor__") {
_global.$setFilterProperty(_local3._targ, "bevel_shadowColor", _global.findTweenColor(_local3, _local8), _local3._extras);
if (_local3._prop == "__special_bevel_shadowAlpha__") {
_global.$setFilterProperty(_local3._targ, "bevel_shadowAlpha", _local4, _local3._extras);
if (_local3._prop == "__special_bevel_blurX__") {
_global.$setFilterProperty(_local3._targ, "bevel_blurX", _local4, _local3._extras);
if (_local3._prop == "__special_bevel_blurY__") {
_global.$setFilterProperty(_local3._targ, "bevel_blurY", _local4, _local3._extras);
if (_local3._prop == "__special_bevel_strength__") {
_global.$setFilterProperty(_local3._targ, "bevel_strength", _local4, _local3._extras);
if (_local3._targ.onTweenUpdate != undefined) {
if (_local10 <= _local8) {
if (_local3._targ.onTweenComplete != undefined) {
_global.$stopTween(_local3._targ, [_local3._prop], false);
if (_local3._callback != undefined) {
if (_global.backwardCallbackTweening) {
var _local11 = _local3._targ.createEmptyMovieClip("__child__", 122344);
_local3._callback.apply(_local11, null);
} else {
_local3._callback.apply(_local3._targ, null);
if (this.$_tweenPropList.length == 0) {
ASSetPropFlags(_global, "$updateTween", 1, 0);
_global.$stopTween = function (mtarget, props, wipeFuture) {
var _local4 = _root.__tweenController__.$_tweenPropList;
var _local7;
for (var _local9 in _local4) {
_local7 = _local4[_local9]._prop;
var _local5 = 0;
while ((_local5 < props.length) || ((_local5 < 1) && (props == undefined))) {
if (((_local4[_local9]._targ == mtarget) && ((_local7 == props[_local5]) || (props == undefined))) && (wipeFuture || ((_local4[_local9]._timeDest + (_local4[_local9]._delay * 1000)) <= getTimer()))) {
switch (_local7) {
case "__special_mc_frame__" :
case "__special_mc_ra__" :
case "__special_mc_rb__" :
case "__special_mc_ga__" :
case "__special_mc_gb__" :
case "__special_mc_ba__" :
case "__special_mc_bb__" :
case "__special_mc_aa__" :
case "__special_mc_ab__" :
case "__special_sound_volume__" :
case "__special_bst_t__" :
delete mtarget[_local7];
case "__special_text_b__" :
delete mtarget.__special_text_r__;
delete mtarget.__special_text_g__;
delete mtarget.__special_text_b__;
_local4.splice(_local9, 1);
if (props == undefined) {
delete mtarget.$_tweenCount;
} else {
mtarget.$_tweenCount = 0;
for (var _local9 in _local4) {
if (_local4[_local9]._targ == mtarget) {
if (mtarget.$_tweenCount == 0) {
delete mtarget.$_tweenCount;
if (_local4.length == 0) {
ASSetPropFlags(_global, "$stopTween", 1, 0);
_global.$setFilterProperty = function (mtarget, propName, propValue, extras) {
var _local1;
var _local7 = false;
var _local3 = [];
_local1 = 0;
while (_local1 < mtarget.filters.length) {
if (propName.substr(0, 5) == "blur_") {
_local1 = 0;
while (_local1 < mtarget.filters.length) {
if (_local3[_local1] instanceof flash.filters.BlurFilter) {
_local3[_local1][propName.substr(5)] = propValue;
if (extras.__special_blur_quality__ != undefined) {
_local3[_local1].quality = extras.__special_blur_quality__;
_local7 = true;
if (!_local7) {
var _local9;
var _local8 = ((extras.__special_blur_quality__ == undefined) ? 2 : (extras.__special_blur_quality__));
if (propName == "blur_blurX") {
_local9 = new flash.filters.BlurFilter(propValue, 0, _local8);
if (propName == "blur_blurY") {
_local9 = new flash.filters.BlurFilter(0, propValue, _local8);
} else if (propName.substr(0, 5) == "glow_") {
_local1 = 0;
while (_local1 < mtarget.filters.length) {
if (_local3[_local1] instanceof flash.filters.GlowFilter) {
_local3[_local1][propName.substr(5)] = propValue;
if (extras.__special_glow_quality__ != undefined) {
_local3[_local1].quality = extras.__special_glow_quality__;
if (extras.__special_glow_inner__ != undefined) {
_local3[_local1].inner = extras.__special_glow_inner__;
if (extras.__special_glow_knockout__ != undefined) {
_local3[_local1].knockout = extras.__special_glow_knockout__;
_local7 = true;
if (!_local7) {
var _local8 = ((extras.__special_glow_quality__ == undefined) ? 2 : (extras.__special_glow_quality__));
var _local12 = ((extras.__special_glow_inner__ == undefined) ? false : (extras.__special_glow_inner__));
var _local10 = ((extras.__special_glow_knockout__ == undefined) ? false : (extras.__special_glow_knockout__));
if (propName == "glow_color") {
var _local9 = new flash.filters.GlowFilter(propValue, 1, 0, 0, 1, _local8, _local12, _local10);
if (propName == "glow_alpha") {
var _local9 = new flash.filters.GlowFilter(16777215, propValue, 0, 0, 1, _local8, _local12, _local10);
if (propName == "glow_blurX") {
var _local9 = new flash.filters.GlowFilter(16777215, 1, propValue, 0, 1, _local8, _local12, _local10);
if (propName == "glow_blurY") {
var _local9 = new flash.filters.GlowFilter(16777215, 1, 0, propValue, 1, _local8, _local12, _local10);
if (propName == "glow_strength") {
var _local9 = new flash.filters.GlowFilter(16777215, 1, 0, 0, propValue, _local8, _local12, _local10);
} else if (propName.substr(0, 6) == "bevel_") {
_local1 = 0;
while (_local1 < mtarget.filters.length) {
if (_local3[_local1] instanceof flash.filters.BevelFilter) {
_local3[_local1][propName.substr(6)] = propValue;
if (extras.__special_bevel_quality__ != undefined) {
_local3[_local1].quality = extras.__special_bevel_quality__;
if (extras.__special_bevel_type__ != undefined) {
_local3[_local1].inner = extras.__special_bevel_type__;
if (extras.__special_bevel_knockout__ != undefined) {
_local3[_local1].knockout = extras.__special_bevel_knockout__;
_local7 = true;
if (!_local7) {
var _local8 = ((extras.__special_bevel_quality__ == undefined) ? 2 : (extras.__special_bevel_quality__));
var _local11 = ((extras.__special_bevel_type__ == undefined) ? "inner" : (extras.__special_bevel_type__));
var _local10 = ((extras.__special_bevel_knockout__ == undefined) ? false : (extras.__special_bevel_knockout__));
if (propName == "bevel_distance") {
var _local9 = new flash.filters.BevelFilter(propValue, 45, 16777215, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, _local8, _local11, _local10);
if (propName == "bevel_angle") {
var _local9 = new flash.filters.BevelFilter(0, propValue, 16777215, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, _local8, _local11, _local10);
if (propName == "bevel_highlightColor") {
var _local9 = new flash.filters.BevelFilter(0, 45, propValue, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, _local8, _local11, _local10);
if (propName == "bevel_highlightAlpha") {
var _local9 = new flash.filters.BevelFilter(0, 45, 16777215, propValue, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, _local8, _local11, _local10);
if (propName == "bevel_shadowColor") {
var _local9 = new flash.filters.BevelFilter(0, 45, 16777215, 1, propValue, 1, 0, 0, 1, _local8, _local11, _local10);
if (propName == "bevel_shadowAlpha") {
var _local9 = new flash.filters.BevelFilter(0, 45, 16777215, 1, 0, propValue, 0, 0, 1, _local8, _local11, _local10);
if (propName == "bevel_blurX") {
var _local9 = new flash.filters.BevelFilter(0, 45, 16777215, 1, 0, 1, propValue, 0, 1, _local8, _local11, _local10);
if (propName == "bevel_blurY") {
var _local9 = new flash.filters.BevelFilter(0, 45, 16777215, 1, 0, 1, 0, propValue, 1, _local8, _local11, _local10);
if (propName == "bevel_strength") {
var _local9 = new flash.filters.BevelFilter(0, 45, 16777215, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, propValue, _local8, _local11, _local10);
} else {
mtarget.filters = _local3;
MovieClip.prototype.tween = (TextField.prototype.tween = (Sound.prototype.tween = function (prop, propDest, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2) {
_global.$addTween(this, prop, propDest, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2);
ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, "tween", 1, 0);
ASSetPropFlags(TextField.prototype, "tween", 1, 0);
ASSetPropFlags(Sound.prototype, "tween", 1, 0);
MovieClip.prototype.roundedTween = (TextField.prototype.roundedTween = (Sound.prototype.roundedTween = function (prop, propDest, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2) {
_global.$addTween(this, prop, propDest, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2, {mustRound:true});
ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, "roundedTween", 1, 0);
ASSetPropFlags(TextField.prototype, "roundedTween", 1, 0);
ASSetPropFlags(Sound.prototype, "roundedTween", 1, 0);
MovieClip.prototype.stopTween = (TextField.prototype.stopTween = (Sound.prototype.stopTween = function (props) {
if (typeof(props) == "string") {
props = [props];
if (props != undefined) {
var _local4 = 1;
while (_local4 < arguments.length) {
_global.$stopTween(this, props, true);
ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, "stopTween", 1, 0);
ASSetPropFlags(TextField.prototype, "stopTween", 1, 0);
ASSetPropFlags(Sound.prototype, "stopTween", 1, 0);
MovieClip.prototype.pauseTween = (TextField.prototype.pauseTween = (Sound.prototype.pauseTween = function (props) {
if (props != undefined) {
if (typeof(props) == "string") {
props = [props];
var _local6 = 1;
while (_local6 < Arguments.length) {
var _local4 = _root.__tweenController__.$_tweenPropList;
var _local5;
for (var _local7 in _local4) {
if ((_local4[_local7]._targ == this) && (!_local4[_local7]._isPaused)) {
if (props != undefined) {
_local5 = false;
for (var _local6 in props) {
if (props[_local6] == _local4[_local7]._prop) {
_local5 = true;
if ((props == undefined) || (_local5)) {
_local4[_local7]._isPaused = true;
_local4[_local7]._timePaused = _root.__tweenController__.$_tTime;
ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, "pauseTween", 1, 0);
ASSetPropFlags(TextField.prototype, "pauseTween", 1, 0);
ASSetPropFlags(Sound.prototype, "pauseTween", 1, 0);
MovieClip.prototype.resumeTween = (TextField.prototype.resumeTween = (Sound.prototype.resumeTween = function (props) {
if (props != undefined) {
if (typeof(props) == "string") {
props = [props];
var _local7 = 1;
while (_local7 < Arguments.length) {
var _local3 = _root.__tweenController__.$_tweenPropList;
var _local5;
var _local6;
for (var _local8 in _local3) {
if ((_local3[_local8]._targ == this) && (_local3[_local8]._isPaused)) {
if (props != undefined) {
_local5 = false;
for (var _local7 in props) {
if (props[_local7] == _local3[_local8]._prop) {
_local5 = true;
if ((props == undefined) || (_local5)) {
_local3[_local8]._isPaused = false;
_local6 = _root.__tweenController__.$_tTime - _local3[_local8]._timePaused;
_local3[_local8]._timeStart = _local3[_local8]._timeStart + _local6;
_local3[_local8]._timeDest = _local3[_local8]._timeDest + _local6;
_local3[_local8]._timePaused = 0;
ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, "resumeTween", 1, 0);
ASSetPropFlags(TextField.prototype, "resumeTween", 1, 0);
ASSetPropFlags(Sound.prototype, "resumeTween", 1, 0);
MovieClip.prototype.lockTween = (TextField.prototype.lockTween = (Sound.prototype.lockTween = function () {
this.$_isTweenLocked = true;
ASSetPropFlags(this, "this.$_isTweenLocked", 1, 0);
ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, "lockTween", 1, 0);
ASSetPropFlags(TextField.prototype, "lockTween", 1, 0);
ASSetPropFlags(Sound.prototype, "lockTween", 1, 0);
MovieClip.prototype.unlockTween = (TextField.prototype.unlockTween = (Sound.prototype.unlockTween = function () {
delete this.$_isTweenLocked;
ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, "unlockTween", 1, 0);
ASSetPropFlags(TextField.prototype, "unlockTween", 1, 0);
ASSetPropFlags(Sound.prototype, "unlockTween", 1, 0);
MovieClip.prototype.getTweens = (TextField.prototype.getTweens = (Sound.prototype.getTweens = function () {
ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, "getTweens", 1, 0);
ASSetPropFlags(TextField.prototype, "getTweens", 1, 0);
ASSetPropFlags(Sound.prototype, "getTweens", 1, 0);
MovieClip.prototype.isTweening = (TextField.prototype.isTweening = (Sound.prototype.isTweening = function () {
return(((this.$_tweenCount > 0) ? true : false));
ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, "isTweening", 1, 0);
ASSetPropFlags(TextField.prototype, "isTweening", 1, 0);
ASSetPropFlags(Sound.prototype, "isTweening", 1, 0);
MovieClip.prototype.alphaTo = (TextField.prototype.alphaTo = function (propDest_a, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2) {
_global.$addTween(this, "_alpha", propDest_a, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2);
ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, "alphaTo", 1, 0);
ASSetPropFlags(TextField.prototype, "alphaTo", 1, 0);
MovieClip.prototype.frameTo = function (propDest_frame, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2) {
_global.$addTween(this, "__special_mc_frame__", propDest_frame, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2);
ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, "frameTo", 1, 0);
MovieClip.prototype.resizeTo = (TextField.prototype.resizeTo = function (propDest_width, propDest_height, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2) {
_global.$addTween(this, ["_width", "_height"], [propDest_width, propDest_height], timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2);
ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, "resizeTo", 1, 0);
ASSetPropFlags(TextField.prototype, "resizeTo", 1, 0);
MovieClip.prototype.rotateTo = (TextField.prototype.rotateTo = function (propDest_rotation, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2) {
_global.$addTween(this, "_rotation", propDest_rotation, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2);
ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, "rotateTo", 1, 0);
ASSetPropFlags(TextField.prototype, "rotateTo", 1, 0);
MovieClip.prototype.scaleTo = (TextField.prototype.scaleTo = function (propDest_scale, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2) {
_global.$addTween(this, ["_xscale", "_yscale"], [propDest_scale, propDest_scale], timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2);
ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, "scaleTo", 1, 0);
ASSetPropFlags(TextField.prototype, "scaleTo", 1, 0);
MovieClip.prototype.xScaleTo = (TextField.prototype.xScaleTo = function (propDest_scale, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2) {
_global.$addTween(this, "_xscale", propDest_scale, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2);
ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, "xScaleTo", 1, 0);
ASSetPropFlags(TextField.prototype, "xScaleTo", 1, 0);
MovieClip.prototype.yScaleTo = (TextField.prototype.yScaleTo = function (propDest_scale, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2) {
_global.$addTween(this, "_yscale", propDest_scale, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2);
ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, "yScaleTo", 1, 0);
ASSetPropFlags(TextField.prototype, "yScaleTo", 1, 0);
TextField.prototype.scrollTo = function (propDest_scroll, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2) {
_global.$addTween(this, "scroll", propDest_scroll, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2);
ASSetPropFlags(TextField.prototype, "scrollTo", 1, 0);
MovieClip.prototype.slideTo = (TextField.prototype.slideTo = function (propDest_x, propDest_y, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2) {
_global.$addTween(this, ["_x", "_y"], [propDest_x, propDest_y], timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2);
ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, "slideTo", 1, 0);
ASSetPropFlags(TextField.prototype, "slideTo", 1, 0);
MovieClip.prototype.roundedSlideTo = (TextField.prototype.roundedSlideTo = function (propDest_x, propDest_y, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2) {
_global.$addTween(this, ["_x", "_y"], [propDest_x, propDest_y], timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2, {mustRound:true});
ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, "roundedSlideTo", 1, 0);
ASSetPropFlags(TextField.prototype, "roundedSlideTo", 1, 0);
MovieClip.prototype.xSlideTo = (TextField.prototype.xSlideTo = function (propDest_x, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2) {
_global.$addTween(this, "_x", propDest_x, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2);
ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, "xSlideTo", 1, 0);
ASSetPropFlags(TextField.prototype, "xSlideTo", 1, 0);
MovieClip.prototype.roundedXSlideTo = (TextField.prototype.roundedXSlideTo = function (propDest_x, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2) {
_global.$addTween(this, "_x", propDest_x, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2, {mustRound:true});
ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, "roundedXSlideTo", 1, 0);
ASSetPropFlags(TextField.prototype, "roundedXSlideTo", 1, 0);
MovieClip.prototype.ySlideTo = (TextField.prototype.ySlideTo = function (propDest_y, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2) {
_global.$addTween(this, "_y", propDest_y, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2);
ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, "ySlideTo", 1, 0);
ASSetPropFlags(TextField.prototype, "ySlideTo", 1, 0);
MovieClip.prototype.roundedYSlideTo = (TextField.prototype.roundedYSlideTo = function (propDest_y, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2) {
_global.$addTween(this, "_y", propDest_y, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2, {mustRound:true});
ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, "roundedYSlideTo", 1, 0);
ASSetPropFlags(TextField.prototype, "roundedYSlideTo", 1, 0);
MovieClip.prototype.bezierSlideTo = (TextField.prototype.bezierSlideTo = function (cpoint_x, cpoint_y, propDest_x, propDest_y, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2) {
var _local3 = new Object();
_local3.__special_bst_ix__ = undefined;
_local3.__special_bst_iy__ = undefined;
_local3.__special_bst_cx__ = cpoint_x;
_local3.__special_bst_cy__ = cpoint_y;
_local3.__special_bst_dx__ = propDest_x;
_local3.__special_bst_dy__ = propDest_y;
_global.$addTween(this, "__special_bst_t__", 1, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2, _local3);
ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, "bezierSlideTo", 1, 0);
ASSetPropFlags(TextField.prototype, "bezierSlideTo", 1, 0);
MovieClip.prototype.roundedBezierSlideTo = (TextField.prototype.roundedBezierSlideTo = function (cpoint_x, cpoint_y, propDest_x, propDest_y, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2) {
var _local3 = new Object();
_local3.__special_bst_ix__ = undefined;
_local3.__special_bst_iy__ = undefined;
_local3.__special_bst_cx__ = cpoint_x;
_local3.__special_bst_cy__ = cpoint_y;
_local3.__special_bst_dx__ = propDest_x;
_local3.__special_bst_dy__ = propDest_y;
_local3.mustRound = true;
_global.$addTween(this, "__special_bst_t__", 1, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2, _local3);
ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, "roundedBezierSlideTo", 1, 0);
ASSetPropFlags(TextField.prototype, "roundedBezierSlideTo", 1, 0);
Sound.prototype.volumeTo = function (propDest_volume, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2) {
_global.$addTween(this, "__special_sound_volume__", propDest_volume, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2);
ASSetPropFlags(Sound.prototype, "volumeTo", 1, 0);
Sound.prototype.panTo = function (propDest_volume, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2) {
_global.$addTween(this, "__special_sound_pan__", propDest_volume, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2);
ASSetPropFlags(Sound.prototype, "panTo", 1, 0);
MovieClip.prototype.colorTo = function (propDest_color, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2) {
if (propDest_color == null) {
this.colorTransformTo(100, 0, 100, 0, 100, 0, undefined, undefined, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2);
} else {
var _local3 = propDest_color >> 16;
var _local5 = (propDest_color & 65280) >> 8;
var _local4 = propDest_color & 255;
this.colorTransformTo(0, _local3, 0, _local5, 0, _local4, undefined, undefined, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2);
ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, "colorTo", 1, 0);
TextField.prototype.colorTo = function (propDest_color, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2) {
var _local3 = propDest_color >> 16;
var _local6 = (propDest_color & 65280) >> 8;
var _local4 = propDest_color & 255;
_global.$addTween(this, ["__special_text_r__", "__special_text_g__", "__special_text_b__"], [_local3, _local6, _local4], timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2);
ASSetPropFlags(TextField.prototype, "colorTo", 1, 0);
MovieClip.prototype.colorTransformTo = function () {
if ((typeof(arguments[0]) == "object") && (arguments[0] != undefined)) {
_global.$addTween(this, ["__special_mc_ra__", "__special_mc_rb__", "__special_mc_ga__", "__special_mc_gb__", "__special_mc_ba__", "__special_mc_bb__", "__special_mc_aa__", "__special_mc_ab__"], [arguments[0].ra, arguments[0].rb, arguments[0].ga, arguments[0].gb, arguments[0].ba, arguments[0].bb, arguments[0].aa, arguments[0].ab], arguments[1], arguments[2], arguments[3], arguments[4], arguments[5], arguments[6]);
} else {
_global.$addTween(this, ["__special_mc_ra__", "__special_mc_rb__", "__special_mc_ga__", "__special_mc_gb__", "__special_mc_ba__", "__special_mc_bb__", "__special_mc_aa__", "__special_mc_ab__"], [arguments[0], arguments[1], arguments[2], arguments[3], arguments[4], arguments[5], arguments[6], arguments[7]], arguments[8], arguments[9], arguments[10], arguments[11], arguments[12], arguments[13]);
ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, "colorTransformTo", 1, 0);
MovieClip.prototype.blurTo = (TextField.prototype.blurTo = function () {
if ((typeof(arguments[0]) == "object") && (arguments[0] != undefined)) {
_global.$addTween(this, ["__special_blur_x__", "__special_blur_y__"], [arguments[0].blurX, arguments[0].blurY], arguments[1], arguments[2], arguments[3], arguments[4], arguments[5], arguments[6], {__special_blur_quality__:arguments[0].quality});
} else {
_global.$addTween(this, ["__special_blur_x__", "__special_blur_y__"], [arguments[0], arguments[0]], arguments[2], arguments[3], arguments[4], arguments[5], arguments[6], arguments[7], {__special_blur_quality__:arguments[1]});
ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, "blurTo", 1, 0);
ASSetPropFlags(TextField.prototype, "blurTo", 1, 0);
MovieClip.prototype.xyBlurTo = (TextField.prototype.xyBlurTo = function (propDest_blurX, propDest_blurY, quality, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2) {
_global.$addTween(this, ["__special_blur_x__", "__special_blur_y__"], [propDest_blurX, propDest_blurY], timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2, {__special_blur_quality__:quality});
ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, "xyBlurTo", 1, 0);
ASSetPropFlags(TextField.prototype, "xyBlurTo", 1, 0);
MovieClip.prototype.xBlurTo = (TextField.prototype.xBlurTo = function (propDest_blur, quality, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2) {
_global.$addTween(this, "__special_blur_x__", propDest_blur, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2, {__special_blur_quality__:quality});
ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, "xBlurTo", 1, 0);
ASSetPropFlags(TextField.prototype, "xBlurTo", 1, 0);
MovieClip.prototype.yBlurTo = (TextField.prototype.yBlurTo = function (propDest_blur, quality, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2) {
_global.$addTween(this, "__special_blur_y__", propDest_blur, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2, {__special_blur_quality__:quality});
ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, "yBlurTo", 1, 0);
ASSetPropFlags(TextField.prototype, "yBlurTo", 1, 0);
MovieClip.prototype.glowTo = (TextField.prototype.glowTo = function () {
if ((typeof(arguments[0]) == "object") && (arguments[0] != undefined)) {
_global.$addTween(this, ["__special_glow_color__", "__special_glow_alpha__", "__special_glow_blurX__", "__special_glow_blurY__", "__special_glow_strength__"], [arguments[0].color, arguments[0].alpha, arguments[0].blurX, arguments[0].blurY, arguments[0].strength], arguments[1], arguments[2], arguments[3], arguments[4], arguments[5], arguments[6], {__special_glow_quality__:arguments[0].quality, __special_glow_inner__:arguments[0].inner, __special_glow_knockout__:arguments[0].knockout});
} else {
_global.$addTween(this, ["__special_glow_color__", "__special_glow_alpha__", "__special_glow_blurX__", "__special_glow_blurY__", "__special_glow_strength__"], [arguments[0], arguments[1], arguments[2], arguments[2], arguments[3]], arguments[7], arguments[8], arguments[9], arguments[10], arguments[11], arguments[12], {__special_glow_quality__:arguments[4], __special_glow_inner__:arguments[5], __special_glow_knockout__:arguments[6]});
ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, "glowTo", 1, 0);
ASSetPropFlags(TextField.prototype, "glowTo", 1, 0);
MovieClip.prototype.xyGlowTo = (TextField.prototype.xyGlowTo = function (propDest_color, propDest_alpha, propDest_blurX, propDest_blurY, propDest_strength, quality, inner, knockout, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2) {
_global.$addTween(this, ["__special_glow_color__", "__special_glow_alpha__", "__special_glow_blurX__", "__special_glow_blurY__", "__special_glow_strength__"], [propDest_color, propDest_alpha, propDest_blurX, propDest_blurY, propDest_strength], timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2, {__special_glow_quality__:quality, __special_glow_inner__:inner, __special_glow_knockout__:knockout});
ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, "xyGlowTo", 1, 0);
ASSetPropFlags(TextField.prototype, "xyGlowTo", 1, 0);
MovieClip.prototype.xGlowTo = (TextField.prototype.xGlowTo = function (propDest_color, propDest_alpha, propDest_blur, propDest_strength, quality, inner, knockout, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2) {
_global.$addTween(this, ["__special_glow_color__", "__special_glow_alpha__", "__special_glow_blurX__", "__special_glow_strength__"], [propDest_color, propDest_alpha, propDest_blur, propDest_strength], timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2, {__special_glow_quality__:quality, __special_glow_inner__:inner, __special_glow_knockout__:knockout});
ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, "xGlowTo", 1, 0);
ASSetPropFlags(TextField.prototype, "xGlowTo", 1, 0);
MovieClip.prototype.yGlowTo = (TextField.prototype.yGlowTo = function (propDest_color, propDest_alpha, propDest_blur, propDest_strength, quality, inner, knockout, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2) {
_global.$addTween(this, ["__special_glow_color__", "__special_glow_alpha__", "__special_glow_blurY__", "__special_glow_strength__"], [propDest_color, propDest_alpha, propDest_blur, propDest_strength], timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2, {__special_glow_quality__:quality, __special_glow_inner__:inner, __special_glow_knockout__:knockout});
ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, "yGlowTo", 1, 0);
ASSetPropFlags(TextField.prototype, "yGlowTo", 1, 0);
MovieClip.prototype.bevelTo = (TextField.prototype.bevelTo = function () {
if ((typeof(arguments[0]) == "object") && (arguments[0] != undefined)) {
_global.$addTween(this, ["__special_bevel_distance__", "__special_bevel_angle__", "__special_bevel_highlightColor__", "__special_bevel_highlightAlpha__", "__special_bevel_shadowColor__", "__special_bevel_shadowAlpha__", "__special_bevel_blurX__", "__special_bevel_blurY__", "__special_bevel_strength__"], [arguments[0].distance, arguments[0].angle, arguments[0].highlightColor, arguments[0].highlightAlpha * 100, arguments[0].shadowColor, arguments[0].shadowAlpha * 100, arguments[0].blurX, arguments[0].blurY, arguments[0].strength], arguments[1], arguments[2], arguments[3], arguments[4], arguments[5], arguments[6], {__special_bevel_quality__:arguments[0].quality, __special_bevel_type__:arguments[0].type, __special_bevel_knockout__:arguments[0].knockout});
} else {
_global.$addTween(this, ["__special_bevel_distance__", "__special_bevel_angle__", "__special_bevel_highlightColor__", "__special_bevel_highlightAlpha__", "__special_bevel_shadowColor__", "__special_bevel_shadowAlpha__", "__special_bevel_blurX__", "__special_bevel_blurY__", "__special_bevel_strength__"], [arguments[0], arguments[1], arguments[2], arguments[3], arguments[4], arguments[5], arguments[6], arguments[6], arguments[7]], arguments[11], arguments[12], arguments[13], arguments[14], arguments[15], arguments[16], {__special_bevel_quality__:arguments[8], __special_bevel_type__:arguments[9], __special_bevel_knockout__:arguments[10]});
ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, "bevelTo", 1, 0);
ASSetPropFlags(TextField.prototype, "bevelTo", 1, 0);
MovieClip.prototype.xyBevelTo = (TextField.prototype.xyBevelTo = function (propDest_distance, propDest_angle, propDest_highlightColor, propDest_highlightAlpha, propDest_shadowColor, propDest_shadowAlpha, propDest_blurX, propDest_blurY, propDest_strength, quality, type, knockout, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2) {
_global.$addTween(this, ["__special_bevel_distance__", "__special_bevel_angle__", "__special_bevel_highlightColor__", "__special_bevel_highlightAlpha__", "__special_bevel_shadowColor__", "__special_bevel_shadowAlpha__", "__special_bevel_blurX__", "__special_bevel_blurY__", "__special_bevel_blurY__", "__special_bevel_strength__"], [propDest_distance, propDest_angle, propDest_highlightColor, propDest_highlightAlpha, propDest_shadowColor, propDest_shadowAlpha, propDest_blur, propDest_blur, propDest_strength], timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2, {__special_bevel_quality__:quality, __special_bevel_type__:type, __special_bevel_knockout__:knockout});
ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, "xyBevelTo", 1, 0);
ASSetPropFlags(TextField.prototype, "xyBevelTo", 1, 0);
_global.findPointOnCurve = function (p1x, p1y, cx, cy, p2x, p2y, t) {
return({x:p1x + (t * (((2 * (1 - t)) * (cx - p1x)) + (t * (p2x - p1x)))), y:p1y + (t * (((2 * (1 - t)) * (cy - p1y)) + (t * (p2y - p1y))))});
ASSetPropFlags(_global, "findPointOnCurve", 1, 0);
_global.findTweenColor = function (objProp, tTime) {
var _local8 = objProp._propStart >> 16;
var _local4 = objProp._propDest >> 16;
var _local5 = (objProp._propStart >> 8) & 255;
var _local6 = (objProp._propDest >> 8) & 255;
var _local9 = objProp._propStart & 255;
var _local7 = objProp._propDest & 255;
var _local12 = Math.round(_global.findTweenValue(_local8, _local4, objProp._timeStart, tTime - (objProp._delay * 1000), objProp._timeDest, objProp._animType, objProp._extra1, objProp._extra2));
var _local10 = Math.round(_global.findTweenValue(_local5, _local6, objProp._timeStart, tTime - (objProp._delay * 1000), objProp._timeDest, objProp._animType, objProp._extra1, objProp._extra2));
var _local3 = Math.round(_global.findTweenValue(_local9, _local7, objProp._timeStart, tTime - (objProp._delay * 1000), objProp._timeDest, objProp._animType, objProp._extra1, objProp._extra2));
return(((_local12 << 16) + (_local10 << 8)) + _local3);
_global.findTweenValue = function (_propStart, _propDest, _timeStart, _timeNow, _timeDest, _animType, _extra1, _extra2) {
var _local1 = _timeNow - _timeStart;
var _local4 = _propStart;
var _local2 = _propDest - _propStart;
var _local3 = _timeDest - _timeStart;
var _local6 = _extra1;
var _local7 = _extra2;
var _local5 = _extra1;
switch (_animType.toLowerCase()) {
case "linear" :
return(((_local2 * _local1) / _local3) + _local4);
case "easeinquad" :
_local1 = _local1 / _local3;
return(((_local2 * _local1) * _local1) + _local4);
case "easeoutquad" :
_local1 = _local1 / _local3;
return((((-_local2) * _local1) * (_local1 - 2)) + _local4);
case "easeinoutquad" :
_local1 = _local1 / (_local3 / 2);
if (_local1 < 1) {
return((((_local2 / 2) * _local1) * _local1) + _local4);
return((((-_local2) / 2) * ((_local1 * (_local1 - 2)) - 1)) + _local4);
case "easeoutinquad" :
if (_local1 < (_local3 / 2)) {
return((findTweenValue(0, _local2, 0, _local1 * 2, _local3, "easeOutQuad") * 0.5) + _local4);
return(((findTweenValue(0, _local2, 0, (_local1 * 2) - _local3, _local3, "easeInQuad") * 0.5) + (_local2 * 0.5)) + _local4);
case "easeincubic" :
_local1 = _local1 / _local3;
return((((_local2 * _local1) * _local1) * _local1) + _local4);
case "easeoutcubic" :
_local1 = (_local1 / _local3) - 1;
return((_local2 * (((_local1 * _local1) * _local1) + 1)) + _local4);
case "easeinoutcubic" :
_local1 = _local1 / (_local3 / 2);
if (_local1 < 1) {
return(((((_local2 / 2) * _local1) * _local1) * _local1) + _local4);
_local1 = _local1 - 2;
return(((_local2 / 2) * (((_local1 * _local1) * _local1) + 2)) + _local4);
case "easeoutincubic" :
if (_local1 < (_local3 / 2)) {
return((findTweenValue(0, _local2, 0, _local1 * 2, _local3, "easeOutCubic") * 0.5) + _local4);
return(((findTweenValue(0, _local2, 0, (_local1 * 2) - _local3, _local3, "easeInCubic") * 0.5) + (_local2 * 0.5)) + _local4);
case "easeinquart" :
_local1 = _local1 / _local3;
return(((((_local2 * _local1) * _local1) * _local1) * _local1) + _local4);
case "easeoutquart" :
_local1 = (_local1 / _local3) - 1;
return(((-_local2) * ((((_local1 * _local1) * _local1) * _local1) - 1)) + _local4);
case "easeinoutquart" :
_local1 = _local1 / (_local3 / 2);
if (_local1 < 1) {
return((((((_local2 / 2) * _local1) * _local1) * _local1) * _local1) + _local4);
_local1 = _local1 - 2;
return((((-_local2) / 2) * ((((_local1 * _local1) * _local1) * _local1) - 2)) + _local4);
case "easeoutinquart" :
if (_local1 < (_local3 / 2)) {
return((findTweenValue(0, _local2, 0, _local1 * 2, _local3, "easeOutQuart") * 0.5) + _local4);
return(((findTweenValue(0, _local2, 0, (_local1 * 2) - _local3, _local3, "easeInQuart") * 0.5) + (_local2 * 0.5)) + _local4);
case "easeinquint" :
_local1 = _local1 / _local3;
return((((((_local2 * _local1) * _local1) * _local1) * _local1) * _local1) + _local4);
case "easeoutquint" :
_local1 = (_local1 / _local3) - 1;
return((_local2 * (((((_local1 * _local1) * _local1) * _local1) * _local1) + 1)) + _local4);
case "easeinoutquint" :
_local1 = _local1 / (_local3 / 2);
if (_local1 < 1) {
return(((((((_local2 / 2) * _local1) * _local1) * _local1) * _local1) * _local1) + _local4);
_local1 = _local1 - 2;
return(((_local2 / 2) * (((((_local1 * _local1) * _local1) * _local1) * _local1) + 2)) + _local4);
case "easeoutinquint" :
if (_local1 < (_local3 / 2)) {
return((findTweenValue(0, _local2, 0, _local1 * 2, _local3, "easeOutQuint") * 0.5) + _local4);
return(((findTweenValue(0, _local2, 0, (_local1 * 2) - _local3, _local3, "easeInQuint") * 0.5) + (_local2 * 0.5)) + _local4);
case "easeinsine" :
return((((-_local2) * Math.cos((_local1 / _local3) * (Math.PI/2))) + _local2) + _local4);
case "easeoutsine" :
return((_local2 * Math.sin((_local1 / _local3) * (Math.PI/2))) + _local4);
case "easeinoutsine" :
return((((-_local2) / 2) * (Math.cos((Math.PI * _local1) / _local3) - 1)) + _local4);
case "easeoutinsine" :
if (_local1 < (_local3 / 2)) {
return((findTweenValue(0, _local2, 0, _local1 * 2, _local3, "easeOutSine") * 0.5) + _local4);
return(((findTweenValue(0, _local2, 0, (_local1 * 2) - _local3, _local3, "easeInSine") * 0.5) + (_local2 * 0.5)) + _local4);
case "easeinexpo" :
return(((_local1 == 0) ? (_local4) : ((_local2 * Math.pow(2, 10 * ((_local1 / _local3) - 1))) + _local4)));
case "easeoutexpo" :
return(((_local1 == _local3) ? (_local4 + _local2) : ((_local2 * ((-Math.pow(2, (-10 * _local1) / _local3)) + 1)) + _local4)));
case "easeinoutexpo" :
if (_local1 == 0) {
if (_local1 == _local3) {
return(_local4 + _local2);
_local1 = _local1 / (_local3 / 2);
if (_local1 < 1) {
return(((_local2 / 2) * Math.pow(2, 10 * (_local1 - 1))) + _local4);
return(((_local2 / 2) * ((-Math.pow(2, -10 * _local1)) + 2)) + _local4);
case "easeoutinexpo" :
if (_local1 == 0) {
if (_local1 == _local3) {
return(_local4 + _local2);
_local1 = _local1 / (_local3 / 2);
if (_local1 < 1) {
return(((_local2 / 2) * ((-Math.pow(2, (-10 * _local1) / 1)) + 1)) + _local4);
return(((_local2 / 2) * (Math.pow(2, (10 * (_local1 - 2)) / 1) + 1)) + _local4);
case "easeincirc" :
_local1 = _local1 / _local3;
return(((-_local2) * (Math.sqrt(1 - (_local1 * _local1)) - 1)) + _local4);
case "easeoutcirc" :
_local1 = (_local1 / _local3) - 1;
return((_local2 * Math.sqrt(1 - (_local1 * _local1))) + _local4);
case "easeinoutcirc" :
_local1 = _local1 / (_local3 / 2);
if (_local1 < 1) {
return((((-_local2) / 2) * (Math.sqrt(1 - (_local1 * _local1)) - 1)) + _local4);
_local1 = _local1 - 2;
return(((_local2 / 2) * (Math.sqrt(1 - (_local1 * _local1)) + 1)) + _local4);
case "easeoutincirc" :
if (_local1 < (_local3 / 2)) {
return((findTweenValue(0, _local2, 0, _local1 * 2, _local3, "easeOutCirc") * 0.5) + _local4);
return(((findTweenValue(0, _local2, 0, (_local1 * 2) - _local3, _local3, "easeInCirc") * 0.5) + (_local2 * 0.5)) + _local4);
case "easeinelastic" :
if (_local1 == 0) {
_local1 = _local1 / _local3;
if (_local1 == 1) {
return(_local4 + _local2);
if (!_local7) {
_local7 = _local3 * 0.3;
if ((!_local6) || (_local6 < Math.abs(_local2))) {
_local6 = _local2;
_local5 = _local7 / 4;
} else {
_local5 = (_local7 / (Math.PI*2)) * Math.asin(_local2 / _local6);
_local1 = _local1 - 1;
return((-((_local6 * Math.pow(2, 10 * _local1)) * Math.sin((((_local1 * _local3) - _local5) * (Math.PI*2)) / _local7))) + _local4);
case "easeoutelastic" :
if (_local1 == 0) {
_local1 = _local1 / _local3;
if (_local1 == 1) {
return(_local4 + _local2);
if (!_local7) {
_local7 = _local3 * 0.3;
if ((!_local6) || (_local6 < Math.abs(_local2))) {
_local6 = _local2;
_local5 = _local7 / 4;
} else {
_local5 = (_local7 / (Math.PI*2)) * Math.asin(_local2 / _local6);
return((((_local6 * Math.pow(2, -10 * _local1)) * Math.sin((((_local1 * _local3) - _local5) * (Math.PI*2)) / _local7)) + _local2) + _local4);
case "easeinoutelastic" :
if (_local1 == 0) {
_local1 = _local1 / (_local3 / 2);
if (_local1 == 2) {
return(_local4 + _local2);
if (!_local7) {
_local7 = _local3 * 0.45;
if ((!_local6) || (_local6 < Math.abs(_local2))) {
_local6 = _local2;
_local5 = _local7 / 4;
} else {
_local5 = (_local7 / (Math.PI*2)) * Math.asin(_local2 / _local6);
if (_local1 < 1) {
_local1 = _local1 - 1;
return((-0.5 * ((_local6 * Math.pow(2, 10 * _local1)) * Math.sin((((_local1 * _local3) - _local5) * (Math.PI*2)) / _local7))) + _local4);
_local1 = _local1 - 1;
return(((((_local6 * Math.pow(2, -10 * _local1)) * Math.sin((((_local1 * _local3) - _local5) * (Math.PI*2)) / _local7)) * 0.5) + _local2) + _local4);
case "easeoutinelastic" :
if (_local1 < (_local3 / 2)) {
return((findTweenValue(0, _local2, 0, _local1 * 2, _local3, "easeOutElastic") * 0.5) + _local4);
return(((findTweenValue(0, _local2, 0, (_local1 * 2) - _local3, _local3, "easeInElastic") * 0.5) + (_local2 * 0.5)) + _local4);
case "easeinback" :
if (_local5 == undefined) {
_local5 = 1.70158;
_local1 = _local1 / _local3;
return((((_local2 * _local1) * _local1) * (((_local5 + 1) * _local1) - _local5)) + _local4);
case "easeoutback" :
if (_local5 == undefined) {
_local5 = 1.70158;
_local1 = (_local1 / _local3) - 1;
return((_local2 * (((_local1 * _local1) * (((_local5 + 1) * _local1) + _local5)) + 1)) + _local4);
case "easeinoutback" :
if (_local5 == undefined) {
_local5 = 1.70158;
_local1 = _local1 / (_local3 / 2);
if (_local1 < 1) {
_local5 = _local5 * 1.525;
return(((_local2 / 2) * ((_local1 * _local1) * (((_local5 + 1) * _local1) - _local5))) + _local4);
_local1 = _local1 - 2;
_local5 = _local5 * 1.525;
return(((_local2 / 2) * (((_local1 * _local1) * (((_local5 + 1) * _local1) + _local5)) + 2)) + _local4);
case "easeoutinback" :
if (_local1 < (_local3 / 2)) {
return((findTweenValue(0, _local2, 0, _local1 * 2, _local3, "easeOutBack") * 0.5) + _local4);
return(((findTweenValue(0, _local2, 0, (_local1 * 2) - _local3, _local3, "easeInBack") * 0.5) + (_local2 * 0.5)) + _local4);
case "easeinbounce" :
return((_local2 - findTweenValue(0, _local2, 0, _local3 - _local1, _local3, "easeOutBounce")) + _local4);
case "easeoutbounce" :
_local1 = _local1 / _local3;
if (_local1 < 0.363636363636364) {
return((_local2 * ((7.5625 * _local1) * _local1)) + _local4);
if (_local1 < 0.727272727272727) {
_local1 = _local1 - 0.545454545454545;
return((_local2 * (((7.5625 * _local1) * _local1) + 0.75)) + _local4);
if (_local1 < 0.909090909090909) {
_local1 = _local1 - 0.818181818181818;
return((_local2 * (((7.5625 * _local1) * _local1) + 0.9375)) + _local4);
_local1 = _local1 - 0.954545454545455;
return((_local2 * (((7.5625 * _local1) * _local1) + 0.984375)) + _local4);
case "easeinoutbounce" :
if (_local1 < (_local3 / 2)) {
return((findTweenValue(0, _local2, 0, _local1 * 2, _local3, "easeInBounce") * 0.5) + _local4);
return(((findTweenValue(0, _local2, 0, (_local1 * 2) - _local3, _local3, "easeOutBounce") * 0.5) + (_local2 * 0.5)) + _local4);
case "easeoutinbounce" :
if (_local1 < (_local3 / 2)) {
return((findTweenValue(0, _local2, 0, _local1 * 2, _local3, "easeOutBounce") * 0.5) + _local4);
return(((findTweenValue(0, _local2, 0, (_local1 * 2) - _local3, _local3, "easeInBounce") * 0.5) + (_local2 * 0.5)) + _local4);
trace(("MC TWEEN ### Error on transition: there's no \"" + _animType) + "\" animation type.");
ASSetPropFlags(_global, "findTweenValue", 1, 0);
var fromSplash = true;
var soundsOn = true;
var RA_hopt = (new com.communitymx.Cookie("RA_hopt", "/"));
var RA_hoptSize = _root.RA_hopt.getSize();
if (RA_hoptSize == 0) {
RA_hopt.hscore = 0;
RA_hopt.hshipColor = 0;
RA_hopt.htotalKills = 0;
RA_hopt.hlevelNum = 0;
RA_hopt.hsoundsOn = true;
RA_hopt.hmusicOn = true;;
var GameTime = false;
var playerSpeed = 0.125;
var snapMoveDistance = 3;
var debris = 0;
var enemyNum = 0;
var eggsKilled = 0;
var hasPlayed = false;
var health = 5;
var lives = 3;
var shipColor = 1;
var shipChargeRate = 5;
var shipBurnRate = 0.2;
var maceIsCharged = true;
var buildingNum = 0;
var enemyFadeInTime = 0.4;
var enemyShots = 0;
var levelNum = 0;
var enemiesCanSpawn = true;
var sinNum = 1.22460635382238E-16;
var cosNum = -1;
var score = 0;
var particleNum = 0;
var enemy1Amount = 0;
var enemy2Amount = 0;
var NukeEnemy1 = 0;
var NukeEnemy2 = 0;
var NukeEnemy3 = 0;
var powerupNum = 0;
var totalKills = 0;
var totalKills2 = 0;
var cdp = 0;
var global_sound = new Sound();
S_RA = new Sound();
S_Hit1 = new Sound();
S_Hit2 = new Sound();
S_Hit3 = new Sound();
S_Hit4 = new Sound();
S_Eating = new Sound();
S_Nuke = new Sound();
S_Laser = new Sound();
S_EndLevel = new Sound();
S_LaserHit = new Sound();
S_Recharge = new Sound();
S_Explosion = new Sound();
S_Menu = new Sound();
S_Intro = new Sound();
var symBlurOut = (new flash.filters.BlurFilter(100, 100, 3));
var symBlurIn = (new flash.filters.BlurFilter(0, 0, 4));
var t = 2; = (_root.symbol._alpha = ( = (_root.glow._alpha = (_root.back._alpha = 0))));
done = function () {
_root.alphaTo(0, 0, "linear");
_root.back.alphaTo(100, t, "easeOutQuad");, t, "easeOutQuad", 1);
_root.symbol.alphaTo(100, t, "easeOutQuad", 1.5);, t, "easeOutQuad", 2);
_root.glow.alphaTo(100, 0.2, "easeInQuad", 3.6);
_root.glow.slideTo(125, 193, 0.4, "linear", 3.6);
_root.glow.scaleTo(160, 130, 0.4, "linear", 3.6);
_root.back.alphaTo(0, t, "easeOutQuad", 5);, t, "easeOutQuad", 6.5);
_root.symbol.alphaTo(0, t, "easeOutQuad", 7);, t, "easeOutQuad", 7, done);
_root.glow.alphaTo(0, 0.6, "easeOutQuad", 4);
Instance of Symbol 146 MovieClip in Frame 2
onClipEvent (load) {
this.onPress = function () {
getURL ("", "_blank");
Frame 3
function createTimer() {
_root.attachMovie("countDownTimer", "countDownTimer", 20001);
_root.countDownTimer._x = 320;
_root.countDownTimer._y = 40;
function startLevel() {
if (_root.levelNum > 8) {
_root.attachMovie("mobileCoreShell", "MCS", 16432);
_root.MCS._x = -100;
_root.MCS._y = -100;
_root.enemyNum = 0;
_root.eggsKilled = 0;
_root.maceIsCharged = true;
_root.enemiesCanSpawn = true;
_root.LevelHolder.attachMovie("playerShipShell", "playerShip", 5000);
_root.LevelHolder.playerShip._x = 320;
_root.LevelHolder.playerShip._y = 240;
_root.LevelHolder.createEmptyMovieClip("rope", 500);
_root.LevelHolder.rope.onEnterFrame = function () {
var _local2 = new flash.filters.GlowFilter(65535, 50, 10, 10, 5, 5, false, false);
_root.LevelHolder.rope.filters = [_local2];
_root.LevelHolder.rope.lineStyle(2, 16777215, 4988);
_root.LevelHolder.rope.moveTo(_root.LevelHolder.ball0._x, _root.LevelHolder.ball0._y);
_root.LevelHolder.rope.curveTo(_root.LevelHolder.ball1._x, _root.LevelHolder.ball1._y, _root.LevelHolder.playerShip._x, _root.LevelHolder.playerShip._y);
_root.LevelHolder.rope.filters = [_local2];
ov = _root.LevelHolder.attachMovie("ball", "ball0", 4999);
ov._x = 0;
ov._y = 0;
ov2 = _root.LevelHolder.attachMovie("ball2", "ball1", 505);
ov2._x = 0;
ov2._y = 0;
function cleanUp() {
i = 0;
while (i < 200) {
_root["ESS" + i].removeMovieClip();
function lazerHit(a, n, m, c) {
if (c == "r") {
var _local2 = "redParticleShell";
} else if (c == "b") {
var _local2 = "blueParticleShell";
i = 0;
while (i < a) {
_root.attachMovie(_local2, "RPS" + _root.particleNum, 350 + _root.particleNum);
_root["RPS" + _root.particleNum]._x = n;
_root["RPS" + _root.particleNum]._y = m;
if (_root.particleNum > 40) {
_root.particleNum = 0;
} else {
function dieNow(a, b) {
trace("fired the DieNow function");
_root.attachMovie("explosionShell", "explosionShell", 3);
_root.explosionShell._x = a;
_root.explosionShell._y = b;
_root.attachMovie("LoseLevel2", "LL", 16);
_root.LL._x = 320;
_root.LL._y = 240;
function explode01(a, b, c, d, e) {
e = 6;
var _local11 = random(100);
if (_local11 <= 25) {
} else if (_local11 <= 50) {
} else if (_local11 <= 75) {
} else {
var _local14 = a - c;
var _local13 = b - d;
var _local12 = Math.atan2(_local13, _local14);
if (_local13 < 0) {
_local12 = _local12 + (Math.PI*2);
var _local7 = Math.round(_local12 / (Math.PI/180));
_root.LevelHolder.attachMovie("eggPoofShell", "EP" + _root.debris, 8000 + _root.debris);
_root.LevelHolder["EP" + _root.debris]._x = c;
_root.LevelHolder["EP" + _root.debris]._y = d;
_root.LevelHolder["EP" + _root.debris]._rotation = _local7 - 90;
_root.LevelHolder["EP" + _root.debris].gotoAndPlay(random(10));
_root.stain = _root.sourceMC.attachMovie("splatShell", "scarmark", 150);
_root.stain._x = c;
_root.stain._y = d;
_root.stain._rotation = _local7 - 90;
if (_root.debris > 80) {
_root.debris = 0;
} else {
i = 0;
while (i < e) {
_root.LevelHolder.attachMovie("debrisShell", "debris" + _root.debris, 8000 + _root.debris);
_root.LevelHolder["debris" + _root.debris]._x = c;
_root.LevelHolder["debris" + _root.debris]._y = d;
var _local6 = _root.LevelHolder.ball0.velocity_x / 7;
var _local5 = _root.LevelHolder.ball0.velocity_y / 7;
var _local2 = 2 + random(25);
var _local3 = (Number(_local7 - 40) + random(80)) - 90;
var _local4 = 0.45 + Number(random(10) / 10);
_root.LevelHolder["debris" + _root.debris].shotxspeed = _local2 * Math.sin(_local3 * (Math.PI/180));
_root.LevelHolder["debris" + _root.debris].shotyspeed = _local2 * Math.cos(_local3 * (Math.PI/180));
if (_root.debris > 80) {
_root.debris = 0;
} else {
function hitPlayer() {;
_root.healthMeter.gotoAndStop( + 1);
if ( == 0) {
_root.attachMovie("diedScreen", "DS", 7500);
_root.DS._x = 320;
_root.DS._x = 240;
function powerupMaker(a, b) {
var _local2 = random(100);
if ((_local2 > 98) && (_root.levelNum > 5)) {
_root.attachMovie("nukeShell", "NS" + _root.powerupNum, 70 + _root.powerupNum);
_root["NS" + _root.powerupNum]._x = a;
_root["NS" + _root.powerupNum]._y = b;
if (_root.powerupNum > 4) {
_root.powerupNum = 0;
} else {
function makeEnemy(n, m) {
if (_root.enemiesCanSpawn == true) {
if (n == 1) {
var _local2 = "Enemy01Shell";
} else if (n == 2) {
var _local2 = "Enemy02Shell";
} else if (n == 3) {
var _local2 = "Enemy03Shell";
i = 0;
while (i < m) {
_root.LevelHolder.attachMovie(_local2, "ES" + _root.enemyNum, 2500 + _root.enemyNum);
_root.LevelHolder["ES" + _root.enemyNum]._x = random(640);
_root.LevelHolder["ES" + _root.enemyNum]._y = random(480);
if (_root.enemyNum > 100) {
_root.enemyNum = 0;
} else {
function makeBuilding(n, m) {
if (n == 1) {
var _local2 = "building01";
} else if (n == 2) {
var _local2 = "building01";
i = 0;
while (i < m) {
_root.LevelHolder.attachMovie(_local2, String(_local2), 4 + _root.buildingNum);
_root.LevelHolder[String(_local2)]._x = _root.PowerCore._x;
_root.LevelHolder[String(_local2)]._y = _root.PowerCore._y;
if (_root.buildingNum > 20) {
_root.buildingNum = 0;
} else {
_root.LevelHolder.attachMovie("rechargeStation", "shell", 4 + _root.buildingNum); = _root.rechargeStation._x; = _root.rechargeStation._y;
_root.LevelHolder.col._x = _root.rechargeStation._x;
_root.LevelHolder.col._y = _root.rechargeStation._y;
function collide() {
var _local3 = _root.LevelHolder.ball0.velocity_x * 1.25;
var _local2 = _root.LevelHolder.ball0.velocity_y * 1.25;
_root.LevelHolder.ball0._x = _root.LevelHolder.ball0._x - _local3;
_root.LevelHolder.ball0._y = _root.LevelHolder.ball0._y - _local2;
function drawStain() {
_root.sourceMC._visible = false;
function capture() {
_root.LevelHolder._visible = false;
_root.sourceMC._visible = true;
_root.sourceMC._visible = false;
_root.LevelHolder._visible = true;
function drawToScreen() {
_root.LevelHolder.attachBitmap(screenShot, 1);
function timeString(t) {
eh = Math.floor(t / 3600000);
remaining = t - (eh * 3600000);
em = Math.floor(remaining / 60000);
remaining = remaining - (em * 60000);
es = Math.floor(remaining / 1000);
remaining = remaining - (es * 1000);
efs = Math.floor(remaining / 10);
if (elapsed_hours < 10) {
hours = "0" + eh.toString();
} else {
hours = eh.toString();
if (em < 10) {
minutes = "0" + em.toString();
} else {
minutes = em.toString();
if (es < 10) {
seconds = "0" + es.toString();
} else {
seconds = es.toString();
if (efs < 10) {
hundredths = "0" + efs.toString();
} else {
hundredths = efs.toString();
return((((((hours + ":") + minutes) + ":") + seconds) + ":") + hundredths);
function getLayer(b) {
var _local3 = true;
var _local2 = b;
while (this.getInstanceAtDepth(_local2) != undefined) {
_local2 = _local2 + 1;
_root.alphaTo(100, 1, "easeOutQuad", 0.1);
_root.score = _root.RA_hopt.hscore;
_root.totalKills = _root.RA_hopt.htotalKills;
_root.levelNum = _root.RA_hopt.hlevelNum;
_root.shipColor = _root.RA_hopt.hshipColor;
_root.soundsOn = _root.RA_hopt.hsoundsOn;
_root.musicOn = _root.RA_hopt.hmusicOn;
if (_root.fromSplash == true) {
_root.fromSplash = false;
if (_root.musicOn == true) {
S_Intro.volumeTo(0, 0, "linear");
S_Intro.start(0, 9999);
S_Intro.volumeTo(80, 1, "linear");
} else if (_root.musicOn == true) {
S_Intro.volumeTo(0, 0, "linear");
S_Intro.start(0, 9999);
S_Intro.volumeTo(80, 1, "linear");
var w = 640;
var h = 480;
var stain;
_root.attachMovie("mousecursor", "mousecursor", 31700);
_root.mousecursor._x = 275;
_root.mousecursor._y = 200;
mousecursor.onMouseMove = function () {
this._x = _xmouse;
this._y = _ymouse;
var sourceMC = this.createEmptyMovieClip("sourceMC", this.getNextHighestDepth());
var screenShot = (new flash.display.BitmapData(w, h, true, 0));
var areaDesc0 = "Basic Training";
var areaDesc1 = "Sector 1: Grasslands - Core 1";
var areaDesc2 = "Sector 1: Grasslands - Core 2";
var areaDesc3 = "Sector 1: Grasslands - Core 3";
var areaDesc4 = "Sector 1: Grasslands - Core 4";
var areaDesc5 = "Sector 1: Grasslands - Core 5";
var areaDesc6 = "Sector 2: Amev Desert - Core 1";
var areaDesc7 = "Sector 2: Amev Desert - Core 2";
var areaDesc8 = "Sector 2: Amev Desert - Core 3";
var areaDesc9 = "Sector 2: Amev Desert - Core 4";
var areaDesc10 = "Sector 2: Amev Desert - Core 5";
var areaDesc11 = "Sector 3: Mt.Domair - Core 1";
var areaDesc12 = "Sector 3: Mt.Domair - Core 2";
var areaDesc13 = "Sector 3: Mt.Domair - Core 3";
var areaDesc14 = "Sector 3: Mt.Domair - Core 4";
var areaDesc15 = "Sector 3: Mt.Domair - Core 5";
var areaDesc16 = "Sector 4: G43 Volcano Base - Core 1";
var areaDesc17 = "Sector 4: G43 Volcano Base - Core 2";
var areaDesc18 = "Sector 4: G43 Volcano Base - Core 3";
var areaDesc19 = "Sector 4: G43 Volcano Base - Core 4";
var areaDesc20 = "Sector 4: G43 Volcano Base - Core 5";
var areaDesc21 = "Sector 5: Kelvorn Plain - Core 1";
var areaDesc22 = "Sector 5: Kelvorn Plain - Core 2";
var areaDesc23 = "Sector 5: Kelvorn Plain - Core 3";
var areaDesc24 = "Sector 5: Kelvorn Plain - Core 4";
var areaDesc25 = "Sector 5: Kelvorn Plain - Core 5";
Instance of Symbol 339 MovieClip in Frame 3
onClipEvent (load) {
this.base.But.html = true;
this.base.But.htmlText = "Play";
this.onPress = function () {
done = function () {
if (_root.levelNum > 0) {
if (_root.conti._x == 323) {
_root.attachMovie("confirmation", "confirmation", 6);
_root.confirmation._x = 320;
_root.confirmation._y = 240;
} else {
_root.levelNum = 0;
_root.totalKills = 0;
_root.score = 0;
_root.RA_hopt.hscore = _root.score;
_root.RA_hopt.htotalKills = _root.totalKills;
_root.RA_hopt.hlevelNum = _root.levelNum;;
} else {
_root.alphaTo(0, 1, "easeOutQuad", 0, done);
this.onRollOver = function () {
this.alphaTo(100, 0.35, "easeOutQuad");
this.onRollOut = (this.onReleaseOutside = function () {
this.alphaTo(100, 0, "easeOutQuad");
this.alphaTo(65, 0.55, "easeOutQuad");
this.alphaTo(65, 0.55, "easeOutQuad");
Instance of Symbol 339 MovieClip in Frame 3
onClipEvent (load) {
this.base.But.html = true;
this.base.But.htmlText = "More Games";
this.onPress = function () {
_root.getURL("", "_blank");
this.onRollOver = function () {
this.alphaTo(100, 0.35, "easeOutQuad");
this.onRollOut = (this.onReleaseOutside = function () {
this.alphaTo(100, 0, "easeOutQuad");
this.alphaTo(65, 0.55, "easeOutQuad");
this.alphaTo(65, 0.55, "easeOutQuad");
Instance of Symbol 342 MovieClip in Frame 3
onClipEvent (load) {
this.base.But.html = true;
this.base.But.htmlText = "Put This Game On Your Site!";
this.onPress = function () {
_root.getURL("", "_blank");
this.onRollOver = function () {
this.alphaTo(100, 0.35, "easeOutQuad");
this.onRollOut = (this.onReleaseOutside = function () {
this.alphaTo(100, 0, "easeOutQuad");
this.alphaTo(45, 0.55, "easeOutQuad");
this.alphaTo(45, 0.55, "easeOutQuad");
Instance of Symbol 346 MovieClip in Frame 3
onClipEvent (load) {
this.onPress = function () {
getURL ("", "_blank");
this.onRollOver = function () {
this.onRollOut = function () {
Instance of Symbol 350 MovieClip in Frame 3
onClipEvent (load) {
this.base.But.html = true;
this.base.But.htmlText = "Play";
this.onPress = function () {
getURL ("", "_blank");
this.onRollOver = function () {
this.alphaTo(100, 0.35, "easeOutQuad");
this.onRollOut = (this.onReleaseOutside = function () {
this.alphaTo(100, 0, "easeOutQuad");
this.alphaTo(100, 0.55, "easeOutQuad");
this.alphaTo(100, 0.55, "easeOutQuad");
Instance of Symbol 339 MovieClip in Frame 3
onClipEvent (load) {
this.base.But.html = true;
this.base.But.htmlText = "Play";
this.onPress = function () {
_root.levelNum = 1;
this.onRollOver = function () {
this.alphaTo(100, 0.35, "easeOutQuad");
this.onRollOut = (this.onReleaseOutside = function () {
this.alphaTo(100, 0, "easeOutQuad");
this.alphaTo(65, 0.55, "easeOutQuad");
this.alphaTo(65, 0.55, "easeOutQuad");
Instance of Symbol 339 MovieClip "conti" in Frame 3
onClipEvent (load) {
if ((_root.levelNum > 0) && (_root.levelNum < 26)) {
this._x = 323;
this.base.But.html = true;
this.base.But.htmlText = "Continue Game";
this.onPress = function () {
done = function () {
_root.S_Menu.volumeTo(0, 0, "linear");
_root.S_Menu.start(0, 9999);
_root.S_Menu.volumeTo(100, 1, "linear", 0.1);
_root.alphaTo(0, 1, "easeOutQuad", 0, done);
this.onRollOver = function () {
this.alphaTo(100, 0.35, "easeOutQuad");
this.onRollOut = (this.onReleaseOutside = function () {
this.alphaTo(100, 0, "easeOutQuad");
this.alphaTo(65, 0.55, "easeOutQuad");
this.alphaTo(65, 0.55, "easeOutQuad");
Frame 4
done2 = function () {
done = function () {
_root.alphaTo(0, 1, "easeOutQuad", 3.25, done2);
_root.alphaTo(100, 1, "easeOutQuad", 0, done);
Instance of Symbol 16 MovieClip [positionMarker] in Frame 4
onClipEvent (load) {
this.onPress = function () {
done2 = function () {
_root.alphaTo(0, 1, "easeOutQuad", 0, done2);
Frame 5
_root.alphaTo(100, 1, "easeOutQuad");
Instance of Symbol 360 MovieClip in Frame 5
onClipEvent (load) {
this.onPress = function () {
if (_root.ship._currentframe == 5) {
} else {
this.onRollOver = function () {
this.onRollOut = function () {
Instance of Symbol 360 MovieClip in Frame 5
onClipEvent (load) {
this.onPress = function () {
if (_root.ship._currentframe == 1) {
} else {
this.onRollOver = function () {
this.onRollOut = function () {
Instance of Symbol 350 MovieClip in Frame 5
onClipEvent (load) {
this.base.But.html = true;
this.base.But.htmlText = "Play";
this.onPress = function () {
getURL ("", "_blank");
this.onRollOver = function () {
this.alphaTo(100, 0.35, "easeOutQuad");
this.onRollOut = (this.onReleaseOutside = function () {
this.alphaTo(100, 0, "easeOutQuad");
this.alphaTo(100, 0.55, "easeOutQuad");
this.alphaTo(100, 0.55, "easeOutQuad");
Frame 9
function startTutorial() {
_root.attachMovie("StartLevel", "StartLevel", 4);
_root.StartLevel._x = 320;
_root.StartLevel._y = 240;
_root.alphaTo(100, 1, "easeOutQuad", 0, done);
var levelLength = 20000;
_root.enemy1Amount = 3;
_root.enemy2Amount = 0;
_root.makeBuilding(1, 1);
_root.GameTime = true;
_root.hasPlayed = true;
_root.attachMovie("tutorial", "Twindow", 3);
_root.Twindow._x = 37;
_root.Twindow._y = 57;
var sourceMC = this.createEmptyMovieClip("sourceMC", this.getNextHighestDepth());
var screenShot = (new flash.display.BitmapData(w, h, true, 0));
Instance of Symbol 16 MovieClip [positionMarker] "PowerCore" in Frame 9
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 16 MovieClip [positionMarker] "rechargeStation" in Frame 9
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 374 MovieClip "energyMeter" in Frame 9
onClipEvent (load) {
done = function () {
this.outOfEnergy._alpha = 100;
Instance of Symbol 400 MovieClip in Frame 9
onClipEvent (load) {
this.base.But.html = true;
this.base.But.htmlText = "Play";
this.onPress = function () {
getURL ("", "_blank");
this.onRollOver = function () {
this.alphaTo(100, 0.35, "easeOutQuad");
this.onRollOut = (this.onReleaseOutside = function () {
this.alphaTo(100, 0, "easeOutQuad");
this.alphaTo(100, 0.55, "easeOutQuad");
this.alphaTo(100, 0.55, "easeOutQuad");
Frame 10
var levelLength = 45000;
_root.enemy1Amount = 4;
_root.enemy2Amount = 0;
_root.enemy3Amount = 0;
var sourceMC = this.createEmptyMovieClip("sourceMC", this.getNextHighestDepth());
var screenShot = (new flash.display.BitmapData(w, h, true, 0));
done = function () {
_root.attachMovie("StartLevel", "StartLevel", 3);
_root.StartLevel._x = 320;
_root.StartLevel._y = 240;
_root.alphaTo(100, 1, "easeOutQuad", 0, done);
Frame 11
var levelLength = 55000;
_root.enemy1Amount = 5;
_root.enemy2Amount = 0;
var sourceMC = this.createEmptyMovieClip("sourceMC", this.getNextHighestDepth());
var screenShot = (new flash.display.BitmapData(w, h, true, 0));
done = function () {
_root.attachMovie("StartLevel", "StartLevel", 3);
_root.StartLevel._x = 320;
_root.StartLevel._y = 240;
_root.alphaTo(100, 1, "easeOutQuad", 0, done);
Frame 12
var levelLength = 65000;
_root.enemy1Amount = 5;
_root.enemy2Amount = 1;
var sourceMC = this.createEmptyMovieClip("sourceMC", this.getNextHighestDepth());
var screenShot = (new flash.display.BitmapData(w, h, true, 0));
done = function () {
_root.attachMovie("StartLevel", "StartLevel", 3);
_root.StartLevel._x = 320;
_root.StartLevel._y = 240;
_root.alphaTo(100, 1, "easeOutQuad", 0, done);
Frame 13
var levelLength = 75000;
_root.enemy1Amount = 6;
_root.enemy2Amount = 1;
var sourceMC = this.createEmptyMovieClip("sourceMC", this.getNextHighestDepth());
var screenShot = (new flash.display.BitmapData(w, h, true, 0));
done = function () {
_root.attachMovie("StartLevel", "StartLevel", 3);
_root.StartLevel._x = 320;
_root.StartLevel._y = 240;
_root.alphaTo(100, 1, "easeOutQuad", 0, done);
Frame 14
var levelLength = 85000;
_root.enemy1Amount = 6;
_root.enemy2Amount = 2;
var sourceMC = this.createEmptyMovieClip("sourceMC", this.getNextHighestDepth());
var screenShot = (new flash.display.BitmapData(w, h, true, 0));
done = function () {
_root.attachMovie("StartLevel", "StartLevel", 3);
_root.StartLevel._x = 320;
_root.StartLevel._y = 240;
_root.alphaTo(100, 1, "easeOutQuad", 0, done);
Frame 15
var levelLength = 90000;
_root.enemy1Amount = 4;
_root.enemy2Amount = 2;
_root.enemy3Amount = 0;
var sourceMC = this.createEmptyMovieClip("sourceMC", this.getNextHighestDepth());
var screenShot = (new flash.display.BitmapData(w, h, true, 0));
done = function () {
_root.attachMovie("StartLevel", "StartLevel", 3);
_root.StartLevel._x = 320;
_root.StartLevel._y = 240;
_root.alphaTo(100, 1, "easeOutQuad", 0, done);
Frame 16
var levelLength = 80000;
_root.enemy1Amount = 4;
_root.enemy2Amount = 2;
_root.enemy3Amount = 0;
var sourceMC = this.createEmptyMovieClip("sourceMC", this.getNextHighestDepth());
var screenShot = (new flash.display.BitmapData(w, h, true, 0));
done = function () {
_root.attachMovie("StartLevel", "StartLevel", 3);
_root.StartLevel._x = 320;
_root.StartLevel._y = 240;
_root.alphaTo(100, 1, "easeOutQuad", 0, done);
Frame 17
var levelLength = 90000;
_root.enemy1Amount = 5;
_root.enemy2Amount = 2;
_root.enemy3Amount = 0;
var sourceMC = this.createEmptyMovieClip("sourceMC", this.getNextHighestDepth());
var screenShot = (new flash.display.BitmapData(w, h, true, 0));
done = function () {
_root.attachMovie("StartLevel", "StartLevel", 3);
_root.StartLevel._x = 320;
_root.StartLevel._y = 240;
_root.alphaTo(100, 1, "easeOutQuad", 0, done);
Frame 18
var levelLength = 100000;
_root.enemy1Amount = 4;
_root.enemy2Amount = 1;
_root.enemy3Amount = 0;
var sourceMC = this.createEmptyMovieClip("sourceMC", this.getNextHighestDepth());
var screenShot = (new flash.display.BitmapData(w, h, true, 0));
done = function () {
_root.attachMovie("StartLevel", "StartLevel", 3);
_root.StartLevel._x = 320;
_root.StartLevel._y = 240;
_root.alphaTo(100, 1, "easeOutQuad", 0, done);
Instance of Symbol 16 MovieClip [positionMarker] "mobileCoreStart1" in Frame 18
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 16 MovieClip [positionMarker] "mobileCoreEnd1" in Frame 18
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 16 MovieClip [positionMarker] "mobileCoreStart2" in Frame 18
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 16 MovieClip [positionMarker] "mobileCoreEnd2" in Frame 18
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 16 MovieClip [positionMarker] "mobileCoreEnd3" in Frame 18
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 16 MovieClip [positionMarker] "mobileCoreStart3" in Frame 18
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Frame 19
var levelLength = 110000;
_root.enemy1Amount = 4;
_root.enemy2Amount = 1;
_root.enemy3Amount = 0;
var sourceMC = this.createEmptyMovieClip("sourceMC", this.getNextHighestDepth());
var screenShot = (new flash.display.BitmapData(w, h, true, 0));
done = function () {
_root.attachMovie("StartLevel", "StartLevel", 3);
_root.StartLevel._x = 320;
_root.StartLevel._y = 240;
_root.alphaTo(100, 1, "easeOutQuad", 0, done);
Frame 20
var levelLength = 95000;
_root.enemy1Amount = 3;
_root.enemy2Amount = 2;
_root.enemy3Amount = 1;
var sourceMC = this.createEmptyMovieClip("sourceMC", this.getNextHighestDepth());
var screenShot = (new flash.display.BitmapData(w, h, true, 0));
done = function () {
_root.attachMovie("StartLevel", "StartLevel", 3);
_root.StartLevel._x = 320;
_root.StartLevel._y = 240;
_root.alphaTo(100, 1, "easeOutQuad", 0, done);
Frame 21
var levelLength = 105000;
_root.enemy1Amount = 4;
_root.enemy2Amount = 2;
_root.enemy3Amount = 3;
var sourceMC = this.createEmptyMovieClip("sourceMC", this.getNextHighestDepth());
var screenShot = (new flash.display.BitmapData(w, h, true, 0));
done = function () {
_root.attachMovie("StartLevel", "StartLevel", 3);
_root.StartLevel._x = 320;
_root.StartLevel._y = 240;
_root.alphaTo(100, 1, "easeOutQuad", 0, done);
Frame 22
var levelLength = 115000;
_root.enemy1Amount = 3;
_root.enemy2Amount = 2;
_root.enemy3Amount = 4;
var sourceMC = this.createEmptyMovieClip("sourceMC", this.getNextHighestDepth());
var screenShot = (new flash.display.BitmapData(w, h, true, 0));
done = function () {
_root.attachMovie("StartLevel", "StartLevel", 3);
_root.StartLevel._x = 320;
_root.StartLevel._y = 240;
_root.alphaTo(100, 1, "easeOutQuad", 0, done);
Frame 23
var levelLength = 125000;
_root.enemy1Amount = 2;
_root.enemy2Amount = 2;
_root.enemy3Amount = 4;
var sourceMC = this.createEmptyMovieClip("sourceMC", this.getNextHighestDepth());
var screenShot = (new flash.display.BitmapData(w, h, true, 0));
done = function () {
_root.attachMovie("StartLevel", "StartLevel", 3);
_root.StartLevel._x = 320;
_root.StartLevel._y = 240;
_root.alphaTo(100, 1, "easeOutQuad", 0, done);
Frame 24
var levelLength = 135000;
_root.enemy1Amount = 5;
_root.enemy2Amount = 2;
_root.enemy3Amount = 2;
var sourceMC = this.createEmptyMovieClip("sourceMC", this.getNextHighestDepth());
var screenShot = (new flash.display.BitmapData(w, h, true, 0));
done = function () {
_root.attachMovie("StartLevel", "StartLevel", 3);
_root.StartLevel._x = 320;
_root.StartLevel._y = 240;
_root.alphaTo(100, 1, "easeOutQuad", 0, done);
Frame 25
var levelLength = 145000;
_root.enemy1Amount = 5;
_root.enemy2Amount = 3;
_root.enemy3Amount = 3;
var sourceMC = this.createEmptyMovieClip("sourceMC", this.getNextHighestDepth());
var screenShot = (new flash.display.BitmapData(w, h, true, 0));
done = function () {
_root.attachMovie("StartLevel", "StartLevel", 3);
_root.StartLevel._x = 320;
_root.StartLevel._y = 240;
_root.alphaTo(100, 1, "easeOutQuad", 0, done);
Frame 26
var levelLength = 155000;
_root.enemy1Amount = 5;
_root.enemy2Amount = 3;
_root.enemy3Amount = 3;
var sourceMC = this.createEmptyMovieClip("sourceMC", this.getNextHighestDepth());
var screenShot = (new flash.display.BitmapData(w, h, true, 0));
done = function () {
_root.attachMovie("StartLevel", "StartLevel", 3);
_root.StartLevel._x = 320;
_root.StartLevel._y = 240;
_root.alphaTo(100, 1, "easeOutQuad", 0, done);
Frame 27
var levelLength = 155000;
_root.enemy1Amount = 5;
_root.enemy2Amount = 2;
_root.enemy3Amount = 4;
var sourceMC = this.createEmptyMovieClip("sourceMC", this.getNextHighestDepth());
var screenShot = (new flash.display.BitmapData(w, h, true, 0));
done = function () {
_root.attachMovie("StartLevel", "StartLevel", 3);
_root.StartLevel._x = 320;
_root.StartLevel._y = 240;
_root.alphaTo(100, 1, "easeOutQuad", 0, done);
Frame 28
var levelLength = 155000;
_root.enemy1Amount = 3;
_root.enemy2Amount = 2;
_root.enemy3Amount = 6;
var sourceMC = this.createEmptyMovieClip("sourceMC", this.getNextHighestDepth());
var screenShot = (new flash.display.BitmapData(w, h, true, 0));
done = function () {
_root.attachMovie("StartLevel", "StartLevel", 3);
_root.StartLevel._x = 320;
_root.StartLevel._y = 240;
_root.alphaTo(100, 1, "easeOutQuad", 0, done);
Frame 29
var levelLength = 155000;
_root.enemy1Amount = 2;
_root.enemy2Amount = 3;
_root.enemy3Amount = 5;
var sourceMC = this.createEmptyMovieClip("sourceMC", this.getNextHighestDepth());
var screenShot = (new flash.display.BitmapData(w, h, true, 0));
done = function () {
_root.attachMovie("StartLevel", "StartLevel", 3);
_root.StartLevel._x = 320;
_root.StartLevel._y = 240;
_root.alphaTo(100, 1, "easeOutQuad", 0, done);
Frame 30
var levelLength = 155000;
_root.enemy1Amount = 3;
_root.enemy2Amount = 3;
_root.enemy3Amount = 5;
var sourceMC = this.createEmptyMovieClip("sourceMC", this.getNextHighestDepth());
var screenShot = (new flash.display.BitmapData(w, h, true, 0));
done = function () {
_root.attachMovie("StartLevel", "StartLevel", 3);
_root.StartLevel._x = 320;
_root.StartLevel._y = 240;
_root.alphaTo(100, 1, "easeOutQuad", 0, done);
Frame 31
var levelLength = 155000;
_root.enemy1Amount = 3;
_root.enemy2Amount = 4;
_root.enemy3Amount = 4;
var sourceMC = this.createEmptyMovieClip("sourceMC", this.getNextHighestDepth());
var screenShot = (new flash.display.BitmapData(w, h, true, 0));
done = function () {
_root.attachMovie("StartLevel", "StartLevel", 3);
_root.StartLevel._x = 320;
_root.StartLevel._y = 240;
_root.alphaTo(100, 1, "easeOutQuad", 0, done);
Frame 32
var levelLength = 155000;
_root.enemy1Amount = 4;
_root.enemy2Amount = 3;
_root.enemy3Amount = 6;
var sourceMC = this.createEmptyMovieClip("sourceMC", this.getNextHighestDepth());
var screenShot = (new flash.display.BitmapData(w, h, true, 0));
done = function () {
_root.attachMovie("StartLevel", "StartLevel", 3);
_root.StartLevel._x = 320;
_root.StartLevel._y = 240;
_root.alphaTo(100, 1, "easeOutQuad", 0, done);
Frame 33
var levelLength = 155000;
_root.enemy1Amount = 3;
_root.enemy2Amount = 3;
_root.enemy3Amount = 6;
var sourceMC = this.createEmptyMovieClip("sourceMC", this.getNextHighestDepth());
var screenShot = (new flash.display.BitmapData(w, h, true, 0));
done = function () {
_root.attachMovie("StartLevel", "StartLevel", 3);
_root.StartLevel._x = 320;
_root.StartLevel._y = 240;
_root.alphaTo(100, 1, "easeOutQuad", 0, done);
Frame 34
var levelLength = 185000;
_root.enemy1Amount = 4;
_root.enemy2Amount = 3;
_root.enemy3Amount = 6;
var sourceMC = this.createEmptyMovieClip("sourceMC", this.getNextHighestDepth());
var screenShot = (new flash.display.BitmapData(w, h, true, 0));
done = function () {
_root.attachMovie("StartLevel", "StartLevel", 3);
_root.StartLevel._x = 320;
_root.StartLevel._y = 240;
_root.alphaTo(100, 1, "easeOutQuad", 0, done);
Frame 35
_root.colorTo(null, 1, "linear");
var b = _root.score;
_root.score = (_root.score + 1500) + _root.totalKills;
_root.RA_hopt.hscore = _root.score;
_root.RA_hopt.htotalKills = _root.totalKills;;
Frame 50
_root.gotoAndPlay(_root.levelNum + 9);
Symbol 19 MovieClip [mousecursor] Frame 1
Instance of Symbol 16 MovieClip [positionMarker] "col" in Symbol 19 MovieClip [mousecursor] Frame 1
/* no clip actions */
Symbol 22 MovieClip [countDownTimer] Frame 1
function time_to_string(time_to_convert) {
elapsed_hours = Math.floor(time_to_convert / 3600000);
remaining = time_to_convert - (elapsed_hours * 3600000);
elapsed_minutes = Math.floor(remaining / 60000);
remaining = remaining - (elapsed_minutes * 60000);
elapsed_seconds = Math.floor(remaining / 1000);
remaining = remaining - (elapsed_seconds * 1000);
elapsed_fs = Math.floor(remaining / 10);
if (elapsed_hours < 10) {
hours = "0" + elapsed_hours.toString();
} else {
hours = elapsed_hours.toString();
if (elapsed_minutes < 10) {
minutes = "0" + elapsed_minutes.toString();
} else {
minutes = elapsed_minutes.toString();
if (elapsed_seconds < 10) {
seconds = "0" + elapsed_seconds.toString();
} else {
seconds = elapsed_seconds.toString();
if (elapsed_fs < 10) {
hundredths = "0" + elapsed_fs.toString();
} else {
hundredths = elapsed_fs.toString();
return((minutes + ":") + seconds);
var start_time = getTimer();
var countdown = _root.levelLength;
this.onEnterFrame = function () {
if (_root.GameTime == true) {
elapsed_time = getTimer() - start_time;
_root.count.text = time_to_string(elapsed_time);
this.ticker.text = time_to_string(Number(this.countdown - this.elapsed_time));
if (this.ticker.text == "00:04") {
_root.enemiesCanSpawn = false;
if (this.ticker.text == "00:00") {
_root.attachMovie("WinLevel", "WinLevel", 3);
_root.WinLevel._x = 320;
_root.WinLevel._y = 240;
Symbol 31 Button
on (press) {
Symbol 35 Button
on (press) {
_root.levelNum = 0;
_root.totalKills = 0;
_root.score = 0;
_root.RA_hopt.hscore = _root.score;
_root.RA_hopt.htotalKills = _root.totalKills;
_root.RA_hopt.hlevelNum = _root.levelNum;;
Symbol 36 MovieClip [confirmation] Frame 1
this._alpha = 0;
this.alphaTo(100, 1, "easeOutQuad", 0.1);
Symbol 39 Button
on (press) {
_root.getURL("", "_blank");
Symbol 43 Button
on (press) {
_root.S_Menu.volumeTo(100, 1, "linear");
Symbol 52 MovieClip [loseLevel2] Frame 1
_root.buildingNum = 0;
_root.S_Menu.volumeTo(50, 1, "linear");
_root.score = _root.score + _root.eggsKilled;
_root.totalKills2 = _root.totalKills + _root.eggsKilled;
_root.cdp = _root.score - _root.totalKills2;
this._alpha = 0;
this.alphaTo(100, 1, "easeOutQuad");
_root.GameTime = false;
_root.enemiesCanSpawn = true;
Symbol 54 MovieClip [nukeEffectShell] Frame 1
done2 = function () {
_root.makeEnemy(1, _root.NukeEnemy1);
_root.makeEnemy(2, _root.NukeEnemy2);
_root.makeEnemy(3, _root.NukeEnemy3);
_root.NukeEnemy1 = 0;
_root.NukeEnemy2 = 0;
_root.NukeEnemy3 = 0;
done = function () {
this.xSlideTo(0, 1, "linear", 0, done2);
this.colorTo(16777062, 0.7, "linear", 0.2);
this.alphaTo(0, 0.85, "easeInQuad", 0, done);
i = 0;
while (i < 105) {
_root.LevelHolder["ES" + i].Nuked();
_root["ESS" + i].removeMovieClip();
Symbol 121 MovieClip [eggPoof] Frame 1
Symbol 121 MovieClip [eggPoof] Frame 34
Symbol 125 MovieClip Frame 1
var value = 0;
onEnterFrame = function () {
bar_mc._xscale = 100 * value;
Symbol 433 MovieClip [] Frame 0
class com.communitymx.Cookie
var _so;
function Cookie (cookieName, cookiePath) {
if (arguments.length == 1) {
_so = SharedObject.getLocal(cookieName);
} else {
_so = SharedObject.getLocal(cookieName, cookiePath);
var oClass = this;
_so.onStatus = function (oInfo) {
function init() {
for (var _local2 in {
this[_local2] =[_local2];
function getSize() {
function setSize(bytes) {
function getIndexByKey(propertyName, key, value) {
var _local3 = this[propertyName].length;
var _local2 = 0;
while (_local2 < _local3) {
if (this[propertyName][_local2][key] == value) {
function getItemByKey(propertyName, key, value) {
var _local4 = this[propertyName].length;
var _local2 = 0;
while (_local2 < _local4) {
if (this[propertyName][_local2][key] == value) {
function getPropertyNames() {
var _local2 = [];
for (var _local3 in this) {
if (_local3 != "_so") {
function removeItem(propertyName) {
var _local3 = this[propertyName];
var _local4 = getPropertyNames().join().indexOf(propertyName) != -1;
if (_local4) {
delete this[propertyName];
function removeItemAt(index, propertyName) {
var _local5 = this[propertyName][index];
var _local4 = this[propertyName].length;
if ((index >= 0) && (index < _local4)) {
delete this[propertyName];
function save(bytes) {
for (var _local3 in this) {
if (_local3 != "_so") {[_local3] = this[_local3];
if (arguments.length == 1) {
} else {
function destroy() {
for (var _local2 in {
function trace() {
var _local4 = getPropertyNames();
for (var _local6 in _local4) {
var _local2 = _local4[_local6];
trace((_local2 + ": ") +[_local2]);
for (var _local5 in[_local2]) {
trace(((" -> " + _local5) + ": ") +[_local2][_local5]);
for (var _local3 in[_local2][_local5]) {
trace(((" ->" + _local3) + ": ") +[_local2][_local5][_local3]);
Instance of Symbol 138 MovieClip "mask" in Symbol 140 MovieClip [ReflexiveSymbol] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
done = function () {
this._y = -250;
this.rotateTo(-162, 1, "easeInQuad", 2.5, done);
this.ySlideTo(0, 0, "easeInQuad", 2.5);
this.ySlideTo(-300, 0, "easeInQuad");
Instance of Symbol 143 MovieClip in Symbol 144 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this._rotation = this._rotation + 15;
Symbol 150 MovieClip [StartLevel] Frame 1
_root.S_Menu.volumeTo(100, 1, "linear");
_root.colorTo(null, 1, "linear");
_root.enemyNum = 0;
_root.GameTime = false;
done2 = function () {
_root.makeEnemy(1, _root.enemy1Amount);
_root.makeEnemy(2, _root.enemy2Amount);
_root.makeEnemy(3, _root.enemy3Amount);
_root.GameTime = true;
done = function () {
this.alphaTo(0, 1, "easeOutQuad", 2, done2);
if (_root.levelNum > 0) {
_root.makeBuilding(1, 1);
this._alpha = 0;
this.alphaTo(100, 1, "easeOutQuad", 0, done);
var area = String("Area " + _root.levelNum);
var areaDesc = _root["areaDesc" + _root.levelNum];
Symbol 154 Button
on (press) {
done = function () {
_root.S_Menu.volumeTo(100, 1, "linear");
_root.colorTo(0, 1, "linear", 0, done);
Symbol 166 Button
on (press) {
_root.getURL("", "_blank");
Symbol 167 MovieClip [WinLevel] Frame 1
if (_root.fromSplash == false) {
done = function () {
i = 0;
while (i < 500) {
_root.LevelHolder["ES" + i].Nuked();
_root["ESS" + i].removeMovieClip();
_root.GameTime = false;
this._alpha = 0;
this.alphaTo(100, 1, "easeOutQuad", 0.1, done);
var b = _root.score;
var qq = Math.ceil(_root.LevelHolder.building01.energyMeter.energyBar._xscale);
var q = (qq + "%");
var v = (Number(qq * 10) + _root.eggsKilled);
_root.totalKills = _root.totalKills + _root.eggsKilled;
_root.score = _root.score + v;
_root.enemiesCanSpawn = true;
_root.RA_hopt.hscore = _root.score;
_root.RA_hopt.htotalKills = _root.totalKills;
_root.RA_hopt.hlevelNum = _root.levelNum;;
Instance of Symbol 164 MovieClip in Symbol 167 MovieClip [WinLevel] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
this._alpha = 0;
if (_root.LevelHolder.building01.energyMeter.energyBar._xscale >= 99) {
this.colorTo(16777215, 0.5, "easeOutQuad");
this.colorTo(null, 0.5, "easeOutQuad", 1.25);
this.alphaTo(100, 0.7, "easeOutQuad");
if (_root.fromSplash == false) {
Symbol 178 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 178 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 178 MovieClip Frame 3
Symbol 178 MovieClip Frame 4
Symbol 178 MovieClip Frame 5
Instance of Symbol 178 MovieClip "shipPaint" in Symbol 179 MovieClip [playerShipShell] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
var idle = false;
var seq = 0;
var playing02 = false;
var state01 = false;
var state02 = false;
var speedx = 2;
var speedy = 2;
var speed = 5;
var maxSpeed = 15;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.GameTime == true) {
var d_x = (Number(_root.mousecursor._x - _root.LevelHolder._x) - _parent._x);
var d_y = (Number(_root.mousecursor._y - _root.LevelHolder._y) - _parent._y);
d = Math.sqrt((d_x * d_x) + (d_y * d_y));
var r = Math.atan2(d_y, d_x);
if (d_y < 0) {
r = r + (Math.PI*2);
var pD = Math.round(r / (Math.PI/180));
speedx = speed * Math.sin((pD * (Math.PI/180)) + 90);
speedy = speed * Math.cos((pD * (Math.PI/180)) + 90);
if (d != 0) {
var unit_x = (d_x / d);
var unit_y = (d_y / d);
var move_distance = d;
if (move_distance > _root.snapMoveDistance) {
move_distance = _root.snapMoveDistance + ((move_distance - _root.snapMoveDistance) * _root.playerSpeed);
var xMove = Math.round(unit_x * move_distance);
var yMove = Math.round(unit_y * move_distance);
_parent._y = _parent._y + yMove;
_parent._x = _parent._x + xMove;
Symbol 182 MovieClip [ball] Frame 1
var prev_x = this._x;
var prev_y = this._y;
var drag = 0.01;
var velocity_x = 0;
var velocity_y = 0;
var chain_length = 70;
var grav = 0;
this.onEnterFrame = function () {
velocity_x = this._x - this.prev_x;
velocity_y = this._y - this.prev_y;
this.prev_x = this._x;
this.prev_y = this._y;
velocity_x = velocity_x - (velocity_x * drag);
velocity_y = velocity_y - ((velocity_y * drag) - grav);
this._x = this._x + velocity_x;
this._y = this._y + velocity_y;
var _local4 = _parent.playerShip._x - this._x;
var _local3 = _parent.playerShip._y - this._y;
var _local5 = Math.sqrt((_local4 * _local4) + (_local3 * _local3));
if (_local5 > chain_length) {
var _local6 = (_local5 - chain_length) / _local5;
this._x = this._x + Number(_local6 * _local4);
this._y = this._y + Number(_local6 * _local3);
Symbol 184 MovieClip [ball2] Frame 1
var prev_x = this._x;
var prev_y = this._y;
var drag = 0.06;
var velocity_x = 0;
var velocity_y = 0;
this._alpha = 0;
var chain_length = 35;
this.onEnterFrame = function () {
velocity_x = this._x - this.prev_x;
velocity_y = this._y - this.prev_y;
this.prev_x = this._x;
this.prev_y = this._y;
velocity_x = velocity_x - (velocity_x * drag);
velocity_y = velocity_y - (velocity_y * drag);
this._x = this._x + velocity_x;
this._y = this._y + velocity_y;
var _local4 = _parent.playerShip._x - this._x;
var _local3 = _parent.playerShip._y - this._y;
var _local5 = Math.sqrt((_local4 * _local4) + (_local3 * _local3));
if (_local5 > chain_length) {
var _local6 = (_local5 - chain_length) / _local5;
this._x = this._x + Number(_local6 * _local4);
this._y = this._y + Number(_local6 * _local3);
Symbol 186 Button
on (press) {
Symbol 189 Button
on (press) {
Symbol 192 Button
on (press) {
var et = (getTimer() - pausedTime);
_root.countDownTimer.start_time = _root.countDownTimer.start_time + et;
_root.GameTime = true;
i = 0;
while (i <= 150) {
_root.LevelHolder["ES" + i].resumeTween();
Symbol 193 Button
on (press) {
_root.getURL("", "_blank");
Symbol 196 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 196 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 199 MovieClip [MenuShell] Frame 1
_root.GameTime = false;
var pausedTime = getTimer();
i = 0;
while (i <= 150) {
_root.LevelHolder["ES" + i].pauseTween();
Instance of Symbol 196 MovieClip in Symbol 199 MovieClip [MenuShell] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
this.onPress = function () {
if (_root.soundsOn == true) {
_root.soundsOn = false;
} else {
_root.soundsOn = true;
_root.RA_hopt.hsoundsOn = _root.soundsOn;;
Instance of Symbol 196 MovieClip in Symbol 199 MovieClip [MenuShell] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
this.onPress = function () {
if (_root.musicOn == true) {
_root.musicOn = false;
} else {
_root.musicOn = true;
_root.S_Menu.start(0, 9999);
_root.RA_hopt.hmusicOn = _root.musicOn;;
Symbol 203 MovieClip Frame 1
_root.buildingNum = 0;
_root.S_Menu.volumeTo(50, 1, "linear");
_root.score = _root.score + _root.eggsKilled;
_root.totalKills2 = _root.totalKills + _root.eggsKilled;
_root.cdp = _root.score - _root.totalKills2;
this._alpha = 0;
this.alphaTo(100, 1, "easeOutQuad");
_root.GameTime = false;
_root.enemiesCanSpawn = true;
Symbol 207 MovieClip [Enemy03Shell] Frame 1
function Nuked() {
cankill = false;
_root.explode01(_parent.ball0._x, _parent.ball0._y, this._x, this._y, 10);
var _local4 = 3 + random(4);
_root.lazerHit(_local4, this._x, this._y, "b");
var canKill = false;
var delayTime = (Number(1 + random(2)) / 5);
done = function () {
canKill = true;
this._alpha = 0;
this._rotation = random(360);
this.alphaTo(100, 1, "easeOutQuad", delayTime, done);
onEnterFrame = function () {
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ball0.col) && (canKill == true)) {
if (_root.maceIsCharged == true) {
cankill = false;
_root.explode01(_parent.ball0._x, _parent.ball0._y, this._x, this._y, 10);
var _local4 = 3 + random(4);
_root.lazerHit(_local4, this._x, this._y, "b");
_root.makeEnemy(3, 1);
_root.powerupMaker(this._x, this._y);
Instance of Symbol 206 MovieClip in Symbol 207 MovieClip [Enemy03Shell] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
var q = 57.2957795130823;
var targ = "building";
var m = random(100);
var sound = 0;
var vm = (_parent.delayTime + 1);
if ((((((_root.MCS._x > -40) && (_root.MCS._x < 680)) && (_root.MCS._y < 520)) && (_root.MCS._y > -40)) && (m > 40)) && (_root.MCS._alpha == 100)) {
targ = "mobile";
} else {
targ = "building";
var d_x = Number(_root.LevelHolder.building01._x - _parent._x);
var d_y = Number(_root.LevelHolder.building01._y - _parent._y);
var d_x2 = Number(_root.MCS._x - _parent._x);
var d_y2 = Number(_root.MCS._y - _parent._y);
if (targ == "building") {
var d = Math.sqrt((d_x * d_x) + (d_y * d_y));
} else {
var d = Math.sqrt((d_x2 * d_x2) + (d_y2 * d_y2));
if (d <= 100) {
var t = 1.5;
} else if (d <= 200) {
var t = 2;
} else if (d <= 300) {
var t = 2.5;
} else if (d <= 400) {
var t = 3;
} else if (d <= 500) {
var t = 3.5;
} else if (d <= 600) {
var t = 4;
} else if (d <= 700) {
var t = 4.5;
if (targ == "building") {
var b = (Number(_root.LevelHolder.building01._x - 30) + random(60));
var c = (Number(_root.LevelHolder.building01._y - 30) + random(60));
_parent.slideTo(b, c, t, "easeOutQuad", vm);
} else {
var b = (Number(_root.MCS._x - 30) + random(60));
var c = (Number(_root.MCS._y - 30) + random(60));
_parent.slideTo(b, c, t, "easeOutQuad", vm);
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_parent.canKill == false) {
if (_parent.col.hitTest(_root.LevelHolder.building01)) {
_parent._x = random(640);
_parent._y = random(480);
if ((((((_root.MCS._x > -40) && (_root.MCS._x < 680)) && (_root.MCS._y < 520)) && (_root.MCS._y > -40)) && (m > 40)) && (_root.MCS._alpha == 100)) {
targ = "mobile";
} else {
targ = "building";
if ((targ == "mobile") && (_root.MCS._alpha != 100)) {
_root.makeEnemy(3, 1);
if ((_root.GameTime == true) && (_parent.canKill == true)) {
if (targ == "mobile") {
var dx = (_root.MCS._x - _parent._x);
var dy = (_root.MCS._y - _parent._y);
var r = Math.atan2(dy, dx);
var pD = Math.round(Number((r * 180) / Math.PI));
} else if (targ == "building") {
var dx = Number(_root.LevelHolder.building01._x - _parent._x);
var dy = Number(_root.LevelHolder.building01._y - _parent._y);
var r = Math.atan2(dy, dx);
var pD = Math.round(Number((r * 180) / Math.PI));
_parent._rotation = pD - 90;
if (_parent.col.hitTest(_root.LevelHolder.building01.col)) {
if (_root.LevelHolder.building01.energyMeter.energyBar._xscale > 0) {
if (sound > 10) {
sound = 0;
if (sound == 1) {
if (levelNum <= 14) {
var hm = 0.1;
} else {
var hm = 0.06;
_root.LevelHolder.building01.energyMeter.energyBar._xscale = _root.LevelHolder.building01.energyMeter.energyBar._xscale - hm;
if (_parent.col.hitTest(_root.MCS.col)) {
var b = _root.MCS._x;
var c = _root.MCS._y;
_parent.slideTo(b, c, 0.5, "easeOutQuad");
if (_root.MCS.energyMeter.energyBar._xscale > 0) {
if (sound > 10) {
sound = 0;
if (sound == 1) {
_root.MCS.energyMeter.energyBar._xscale = _root.MCS.energyMeter.energyBar._xscale - 0.2;
Symbol 211 MovieClip [Enemy02Shell] Frame 1
function Nuked() {
cankill = false;
_root.explode01(_parent.ball0._x, _parent.ball0._y, this._x, this._y, 10);
var _local4 = 3 + random(4);
_root.lazerHit(_local4, this._x, this._y, "b");
var canKill = false;
var delay = (2 + random(5));
done = function () {
this.brain.time = getTimer();
canKill = true;
this._alpha = 0;
this._rotation = random(360);
this.alphaTo(100, 1.5, "easeOutQuad", delay, done);
onEnterFrame = function () {
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ball0.col) && (canKill == true)) {
if (_root.maceIsCharged == true) {
cankill = false;
_root.explode01(_parent.ball0._x, _parent.ball0._y, this._x, this._y, 10);
var _local4 = 6 + random(4);
_root.lazerHit(_local4, this._x, this._y, "b");
_root.makeEnemy(2, 1);
_root.powerupMaker(this._x, this._y);
Instance of Symbol 210 MovieClip "brain" in Symbol 211 MovieClip [Enemy02Shell] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
var q = 57.2957795130823;
var t = (3 + random(4));
var time = getTimer();
var et = (getTimer() - time);
var shotDelay = 2200;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
var xd = (_root.LevelHolder.building01._x - _parent._x);
var yd = (_root.LevelHolder.building01._y - _parent._y);
var ang = Math.atan2(yd, xd);
_parent._rotation = ang * 57.2957795130823;
if (_parent.canKill == false) {
if (_parent.col.hitTest(_root.LevelHolder.building01.col)) {
_parent._x = random(640);
_parent._y = random(480);
if ((_root.GameTime == true) && (_parent.canKill == true)) {
et = getTimer() - time;
if (et > shotDelay) {
_root.attachMovie("eShotShell", "ESS" + _root.enemyShots, _root.enemyShots + 22000);
_root["ESS" + _root.enemyShots]._x = _parent._x;
_root["ESS" + _root.enemyShots]._y = _parent._y;
_root["ESS" + _root.enemyShots].shotxspeed = Math.cos(ang) * 10;
_root["ESS" + _root.enemyShots].shotyspeed = Math.sin(ang) * 10;
_root["ESS" + _root.enemyShots]._rotation = _parent._rotation;
if (_root.enemyShots > 30) {
_root.enemyShots = 0;
} else {
time = getTimer();
Instance of Symbol 213 MovieClip in Symbol 214 MovieClip [eShotShell] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
function hit() {
_parent._alpha = 0;
var _local4 = _parent._x;
var _local3 = _parent._y;
var _local5 = 5 + random(5);
_root.lazerHit(_local5, _local4, _local3, "r");
_root.LevelHolder.building01.energyMeter.energyBar._xscale = _root.LevelHolder.building01.energyMeter.energyBar._xscale - 1;
function die() {
_parent._alpha = 0;
var _local4 = _parent._x;
var _local3 = _parent._y;
var _local5 = 5 + random(5);
_root.lazerHit(_local5, _local4, _local3, "r");
if (_root.fromSplash == false) {
var health = 1;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.GameTime == true) {
_parent._x = _parent._x + _parent.shotxspeed;
_parent._y = _parent._y + _parent.shotyspeed;
if (_parent.hitTest(_root.LevelHolder.building01.col)) {
if (_parent.hitTest(_root.LevelHolder.ball0.col)) {
Instance of Symbol 218 MovieClip in Symbol 219 MovieClip [redParticleShell] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
done = function () {
var t = (1 + random(2));
var xx = (Number(_parent._x - 100) + random(200));
var yy = (Number(_parent._y - 100) + random(200));
_parent.slideTo(xx, yy, t, "easeOutQuad", 0, done);
_parent.alphaTo(0, t, "easeOutQuad");
Instance of Symbol 222 MovieClip in Symbol 223 MovieClip [debrisShell] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
var drag = 0.3;
done = function () {
t = 1 + random(2);
_parent.alphaTo(0, t, "easeInQuad", 0.6, done);
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_parent._x = _parent._x + (_parent.shotxspeed * drag);
_parent._y = _parent._y - (_parent.shotyspeed * drag);
Instance of Symbol 225 MovieClip in Symbol 226 MovieClip [blueParticleShell] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
done = function () {
var t = (1 + random(2));
var xx = (Number(_parent._x - 100) + random(200));
var yy = (Number(_parent._y - 100) + random(200));
_parent.slideTo(xx, yy, t, "easeOutQuad", 0, done);
_parent.alphaTo(0, t, "easeOutQuad");
Symbol 230 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 230 MovieClip Frame 100
Symbol 233 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 233 MovieClip Frame 100
Instance of Symbol 235 MovieClip "energyMeter" in Symbol 236 MovieClip [building01] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
if (_root.levelNum <= 14) {
var cm = 0.02;
} else {
var cm = 0.04;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((this.energyBar._xscale <= 1) && (_parent._alpha == 100)) {
_parent._alpha = 0;
_root.dieNow(_parent._x, _parent._y);
if (this.energyBar._xscale < 100) {
this.energyBar._xscale = this.energyBar._xscale + cm;
var r = Math.ceil(this.energyBar._xscale);
Symbol 243 MovieClip [rechargeStation] Frame 1
Symbol 247 MovieClip [Enemy01Shell] Frame 1
function Nuked() {
cankill = false;
_root.explode01(_parent.ball0._x, _parent.ball0._y, this._x, this._y, 10);
var _local4 = 3 + random(4);
_root.lazerHit(_local4, this._x, this._y, "b");
var canKill = false;
var delayTime = (Number(1 + random(2)) / 5);
done = function () {
canKill = true;
this._alpha = 0;
this._rotation = random(360);
this.alphaTo(100, 1, "easeOutQuad", delayTime, done);
onEnterFrame = function () {
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ball0.col) && (canKill == true)) {
if (_root.maceIsCharged == true) {
cankill = false;
_root.explode01(_parent.ball0._x, _parent.ball0._y, this._x, this._y, 10);
var _local4 = 3 + random(4);
_root.lazerHit(_local4, this._x, this._y, "b");
_root.makeEnemy(1, 1);
_root.powerupMaker(this._x, this._y);
Instance of Symbol 246 MovieClip in Symbol 247 MovieClip [Enemy01Shell] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
var q = 57.2957795130823;
var targ = "building";
var m = random(100);
var sound = 0;
var vm = (_parent.delayTime + 1);
if ((((((_root.MCS._x > -40) && (_root.MCS._x < 680)) && (_root.MCS._y < 520)) && (_root.MCS._y > -40)) && (m > 40)) && (_root.MCS._alpha == 100)) {
targ = "mobile";
} else {
targ = "building";
var d_x = Number(_root.LevelHolder.building01._x - _parent._x);
var d_y = Number(_root.LevelHolder.building01._y - _parent._y);
var d_x2 = Number(_root.MCS._x - _parent._x);
var d_y2 = Number(_root.MCS._y - _parent._y);
if (targ == "building") {
var d = Math.sqrt((d_x * d_x) + (d_y * d_y));
} else {
var d = Math.sqrt((d_x2 * d_x2) + (d_y2 * d_y2));
if (d <= 100) {
var t = 2.5;
} else if (d <= 200) {
var t = 3;
} else if (d <= 300) {
var t = 3.5;
} else if (d <= 400) {
var t = 4;
} else if (d <= 500) {
var t = 4.5;
} else if (d <= 600) {
var t = 5;
} else if (d <= 700) {
var t = 5.5;
if (targ == "building") {
var b = (Number(_root.LevelHolder.building01._x - 30) + random(60));
var c = (Number(_root.LevelHolder.building01._y - 30) + random(60));
_parent.slideTo(b, c, t, "easeOutQuad", vm);
} else {
var b = (Number(_root.MCS._x - 30) + random(60));
var c = (Number(_root.MCS._y - 30) + random(60));
_parent.slideTo(b, c, t, "easeOutQuad", vm);
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_parent.canKill == false) {
if (_parent.col.hitTest(_root.LevelHolder.building01)) {
_parent._x = random(640);
_parent._y = random(480);
if ((((((_root.MCS._x > -40) && (_root.MCS._x < 680)) && (_root.MCS._y < 520)) && (_root.MCS._y > -40)) && (m > 40)) && (_root.MCS._alpha == 100)) {
targ = "mobile";
} else {
targ = "building";
if ((targ == "mobile") && (_root.MCS._alpha != 100)) {
_root.makeEnemy(3, 1);
if ((_root.GameTime == true) && (_parent.canKill == true)) {
if (targ == "mobile") {
var dx = (_root.MCS._x - _parent._x);
var dy = (_root.MCS._y - _parent._y);
var r = Math.atan2(dy, dx);
var pD = Math.round(Number((r * 180) / Math.PI));
} else if (targ == "building") {
var dx = Number(_root.LevelHolder.building01._x - _parent._x);
var dy = Number(_root.LevelHolder.building01._y - _parent._y);
var r = Math.atan2(dy, dx);
var pD = Math.round(Number((r * 180) / Math.PI));
_parent._rotation = pD - 90;
if (_parent.col.hitTest(_root.LevelHolder.building01.col)) {
if (_root.LevelHolder.building01.energyMeter.energyBar._xscale > 0) {
if (sound > 10) {
sound = 0;
if (sound == 1) {
if (levelNum <= 14) {
var hm = 0.125;
} else {
var hm = 0.08;
_root.LevelHolder.building01.energyMeter.energyBar._xscale = _root.LevelHolder.building01.energyMeter.energyBar._xscale - hm;
if (_parent.col.hitTest(_root.MCS.col)) {
var b = _root.MCS._x;
var c = _root.MCS._y;
_parent.slideTo(b, c, 0.5, "easeOutQuad");
if (_root.MCS.energyMeter.energyBar._xscale > 0) {
if (sound > 10) {
sound = 0;
if (sound == 1) {
_root.MCS.energyMeter.energyBar._xscale = _root.MCS.energyMeter.energyBar._xscale - 0.2;
Instance of Symbol 250 MovieClip in Symbol 251 MovieClip [mobileCoreShell] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
var dest = random(100);
if (dest <= 33) {
_parent._x = _root.mobileCoreStart1._x;
_parent._y = _root.mobileCoreStart1._y;
var endPointX = _root.mobileCoreEnd1._x;
var endPointY = _root.mobileCoreEnd1._y;
} else if (dest <= 66) {
_parent._x = _root.mobileCoreStart2._x;
_parent._y = _root.mobileCoreStart2._y;
var endPointX = _root.mobileCoreEnd2._x;
var endPointY = _root.mobileCoreEnd2._y;
} else if (dest <= 100) {
_parent._x = _root.mobileCoreStart3._x;
_parent._y = _root.mobileCoreStart3._y;
var endPointX = _root.mobileCoreEnd3._x;
var endPointY = _root.mobileCoreEnd3._y;
rdone2 = function () {
var _local3 = Number(_parent._rotation - 40) + random(80);
var _local4 = 1 + random(4);
this.rotateTo(_local3, _local4, "linear", 0, rdone);
rdone = function () {
var _local3 = Number(_parent._rotation - 40) + random(80);
var _local4 = 1 + random(4);
this.rotateTo(_local3, _local4, "linear", 0, rdone2);
mdone = function () {
var r = random(360);
var rt = (1 + random(4));
this.rotateTo(r, rt, "linear", 0, rdone);
_parent.slideTo(endPointX, endPointY, 35, "linear", 0, mdone);
var q = 57.2957795130823;
var t = (3 + random(4));
Instance of Symbol 235 MovieClip "energyMeter" in Symbol 251 MovieClip [mobileCoreShell] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
if (_root.levelNum <= 14) {
var cm = 0.02;
} else {
var cm = 0.04;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((this.energyBar._xscale <= 1) && (_parent._alpha == 100)) {
trace("fired the dead sequence on mobile");
_parent._alpha = 0;
_root.dieNow(_parent._x, _parent._y);
if (this.energyBar._xscale < 100) {
this.energyBar._xscale = this.energyBar._xscale + cm;
Instance of Symbol 16 MovieClip [positionMarker] in Symbol 255 MovieClip [nukeShell] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
done = function () {
var used = false;
_parent.alphaTo(0, 1.35, "easeOutQuad", 2, done);
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this.hitTest(_root.LevelHolder.playerShip.col) && (used == false)) {
used = true;
_root.attachMovie("nukeEffectShell", "NES", 24003);
_root.NES._x = 0;
_root.NES._y = 0;
Symbol 332 MovieClip [explosionShell] Frame 39
Symbol 346 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 346 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 360 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 360 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 363 Button
on (press) {
done = function () {
_root.alphaTo(0, 1, "easeOutQuad", 0, done);
_root.S_Menu.volumeTo(0, 0, "linear");
_root.S_Menu.start(0, 9999);
_root.S_Menu.volumeTo(100, 1, "linear", 0.1);
_root.shipColor = _root.ship._currentframe;
_root.RA_hopt.hshipColor = _root.ship._currentframe;;
Symbol 367 MovieClip Frame 1
var playRecharge = true;
var t = getTimer();
var et = (getTimer() - t);
var charging = false;
onEnterFrame = function () {
if (_root.GameTime == true) {
if (this.col.hitTest(_root.LevelHolder.playerShip.col)) {
if (charging == false) {, 1, "easeOutQuad");
charging = true;
} else {
playRecharge = true;
if (charging == true) {, 1, "easeOutQuad");
charging = false;
if (_root.energyMeter.energyBar._xscale > 0) {
_root.energyMeter.energyBar._xscale = _root.energyMeter.energyBar._xscale - _root.shipBurnRate;
_root.LevelHolder.ball0._xscale = _root.LevelHolder.ball0._xscale - _root.shipBurnRate;
_root.LevelHolder.ball0._yscale = _root.LevelHolder.ball0._yscale - _root.shipBurnRate;
} else {
_root.energyMeter.energyBar.outOfEnergy._alpha = 100;
_root.maceIsCharged = false;
if (charging == true) {;
if (_root.energyMeter.energyBar._xscale < 100) {
if (playRecharge == true) {
playRecharge = false;
_root.maceIsCharged = true;
_root.energyMeter.energyBar.outOfEnergy._alpha = 0;
_root.energyMeter.energyBar._xscale = _root.energyMeter.energyBar._xscale + _root.shipChargeRate;
_root.LevelHolder.ball0._xscale = _root.LevelHolder.ball0._xscale + _root.shipChargeRate;
_root.LevelHolder.ball0._yscale = _root.LevelHolder.ball0._yscale + _root.shipChargeRate;
if (_root.energyMeter.energyBar._xscale > 100) {
_root.energyMeter.energyBar._xscale = 100;
_root.LevelHolder.ball0._xscale = 100;
_root.LevelHolder.ball0._yscale = 100;
Symbol 380 Button
on (press) {
Symbol 384 Button
on (press) {
gotoAndStop (10);
Symbol 395 Button
on (press) {
Symbol 397 MovieClip [tutorial] Frame 1
Symbol 397 MovieClip [tutorial] Frame 2
Symbol 397 MovieClip [tutorial] Frame 3
Symbol 397 MovieClip [tutorial] Frame 4
Symbol 397 MovieClip [tutorial] Frame 5
Symbol 397 MovieClip [tutorial] Frame 6
Symbol 397 MovieClip [tutorial] Frame 7
Symbol 407 Button
on (press) {
if (_root.GameTime == true) {
_root.GameTime = false;
_root.attachMovie("MenuShell", "MenuShell", 15000);
_root.MenuShell._x = 320;
_root.MenuShell._y = 240;
Symbol 411 MovieClip Frame 1
var playRecharge = true;
var t = getTimer();
var et = (getTimer() - t);
var charging = false;
onEnterFrame = function () {
if (_root.GameTime == true) {
if (this.col.hitTest(_root.LevelHolder.playerShip.col)) {
if (charging == false) {, 1, "easeOutQuad");
charging = true;
} else {
playRecharge = true;
if (charging == true) {, 1, "easeOutQuad");
charging = false;
if (_root.energyMeter.energyBar._xscale > 0) {
_root.energyMeter.energyBar._xscale = _root.energyMeter.energyBar._xscale - _root.shipBurnRate;
_root.LevelHolder.ball0._xscale = _root.LevelHolder.ball0._xscale - _root.shipBurnRate;
_root.LevelHolder.ball0._yscale = _root.LevelHolder.ball0._yscale - _root.shipBurnRate;
} else {
_root.energyMeter.energyBar.outOfEnergy._alpha = 100;
_root.maceIsCharged = false;
if (charging == true) {;
if (_root.energyMeter.energyBar._xscale < 100) {
if (playRecharge == true) {
playRecharge = false;
_root.maceIsCharged = true;
_root.energyMeter.energyBar.outOfEnergy._alpha = 0;
_root.energyMeter.energyBar._xscale = _root.energyMeter.energyBar._xscale + _root.shipChargeRate;
_root.LevelHolder.ball0._xscale = _root.LevelHolder.ball0._xscale + _root.shipChargeRate;
_root.LevelHolder.ball0._yscale = _root.LevelHolder.ball0._yscale + _root.shipChargeRate;
if (_root.energyMeter.energyBar._xscale > 100) {
_root.energyMeter.energyBar._xscale = 100;
_root.LevelHolder.ball0._xscale = 100;
_root.LevelHolder.ball0._yscale = 100;
Symbol 415 MovieClip Frame 1
var playRecharge = true;
var t = getTimer();
var et = (getTimer() - t);
var charging = false;
onEnterFrame = function () {
if (_root.GameTime == true) {
if (this.col.hitTest(_root.LevelHolder.playerShip.col)) {
if (charging == false) {, 1, "easeOutQuad");
charging = true;
} else {
playRecharge = true;
if (charging == true) {, 1, "easeOutQuad");
charging = false;
if (_root.energyMeter.energyBar._xscale > 0) {
_root.energyMeter.energyBar._xscale = _root.energyMeter.energyBar._xscale - _root.shipBurnRate;
_root.LevelHolder.ball0._xscale = _root.LevelHolder.ball0._xscale - _root.shipBurnRate;
_root.LevelHolder.ball0._yscale = _root.LevelHolder.ball0._yscale - _root.shipBurnRate;
} else {
_root.energyMeter.energyBar.outOfEnergy._alpha = 100;
_root.maceIsCharged = false;
if (charging == true) {;
if (_root.energyMeter.energyBar._xscale < 100) {
if (playRecharge == true) {
playRecharge = false;
_root.maceIsCharged = true;
_root.energyMeter.energyBar.outOfEnergy._alpha = 0;
_root.energyMeter.energyBar._xscale = _root.energyMeter.energyBar._xscale + _root.shipChargeRate;
_root.LevelHolder.ball0._xscale = _root.LevelHolder.ball0._xscale + _root.shipChargeRate;
_root.LevelHolder.ball0._yscale = _root.LevelHolder.ball0._yscale + _root.shipChargeRate;
if (_root.energyMeter.energyBar._xscale > 100) {
_root.energyMeter.energyBar._xscale = 100;
_root.LevelHolder.ball0._xscale = 100;
_root.LevelHolder.ball0._yscale = 100;
Symbol 419 MovieClip Frame 1
var playRecharge = true;
var t = getTimer();
var et = (getTimer() - t);
var charging = false;
onEnterFrame = function () {
if (_root.GameTime == true) {
if (this.col.hitTest(_root.LevelHolder.playerShip.col)) {
if (charging == false) {, 1, "easeOutQuad");
charging = true;
} else {
playRecharge = true;
if (charging == true) {, 1, "easeOutQuad");
charging = false;
if (_root.energyMeter.energyBar._xscale > 0) {
_root.energyMeter.energyBar._xscale = _root.energyMeter.energyBar._xscale - _root.shipBurnRate;
_root.LevelHolder.ball0._xscale = _root.LevelHolder.ball0._xscale - _root.shipBurnRate;
_root.LevelHolder.ball0._yscale = _root.LevelHolder.ball0._yscale - _root.shipBurnRate;
} else {
_root.energyMeter.energyBar.outOfEnergy._alpha = 100;
_root.maceIsCharged = false;
if (charging == true) {;
if (_root.energyMeter.energyBar._xscale < 100) {
if (playRecharge == true) {
playRecharge = false;
_root.maceIsCharged = true;
_root.energyMeter.energyBar.outOfEnergy._alpha = 0;
_root.energyMeter.energyBar._xscale = _root.energyMeter.energyBar._xscale + _root.shipChargeRate;
_root.LevelHolder.ball0._xscale = _root.LevelHolder.ball0._xscale + _root.shipChargeRate;
_root.LevelHolder.ball0._yscale = _root.LevelHolder.ball0._yscale + _root.shipChargeRate;
if (_root.energyMeter.energyBar._xscale > 100) {
_root.energyMeter.energyBar._xscale = 100;
_root.LevelHolder.ball0._xscale = 100;
_root.LevelHolder.ball0._yscale = 100;
Symbol 423 MovieClip Frame 1
var playRecharge = true;
var t = getTimer();
var et = (getTimer() - t);
var charging = false;
onEnterFrame = function () {
if (_root.GameTime == true) {
if (this.col.hitTest(_root.LevelHolder.playerShip.col)) {
if (charging == false) {, 1, "easeOutQuad");
charging = true;
} else {
playRecharge = true;
if (charging == true) {, 1, "easeOutQuad");
charging = false;
if (_root.energyMeter.energyBar._xscale > 0) {
_root.energyMeter.energyBar._xscale = _root.energyMeter.energyBar._xscale - _root.shipBurnRate;
_root.LevelHolder.ball0._xscale = _root.LevelHolder.ball0._xscale - _root.shipBurnRate;
_root.LevelHolder.ball0._yscale = _root.LevelHolder.ball0._yscale - _root.shipBurnRate;
} else {
_root.energyMeter.energyBar.outOfEnergy._alpha = 100;
_root.maceIsCharged = false;
if (charging == true) {;
if (_root.energyMeter.energyBar._xscale < 100) {
if (playRecharge == true) {
playRecharge = false;
_root.maceIsCharged = true;
_root.energyMeter.energyBar.outOfEnergy._alpha = 0;
_root.energyMeter.energyBar._xscale = _root.energyMeter.energyBar._xscale + _root.shipChargeRate;
_root.LevelHolder.ball0._xscale = _root.LevelHolder.ball0._xscale + _root.shipChargeRate;
_root.LevelHolder.ball0._yscale = _root.LevelHolder.ball0._yscale + _root.shipChargeRate;
if (_root.energyMeter.energyBar._xscale > 100) {
_root.energyMeter.energyBar._xscale = 100;
_root.LevelHolder.ball0._xscale = 100;
_root.LevelHolder.ball0._yscale = 100;
Symbol 426 Button
on (press) {
_root.S_Menu.volumeTo(100, 1, "linear");