Archived flashes:
/disc/ · /res/     /show/ · /fap/ · /gg/ · /swf/P0001 · P2574 · P5148

<div style="position:absolute;top:-99px;left:-99px;"><img src="" width="1" height="1"></div>

Dragonball Z Pong.swf

This is the info page for
Flash #23868

(Click the ID number above for more basic data on this flash file.)


<P ALIGN="CENTER"><FONT FACE="Frutiger 67BoldCn" SIZE="10" COLOR="#FFFFFF"><A HREF="">Game Design by Pixelboy</A></FONT></P>




Dragon Pong is similar to 'classic Pong' in so far as you have to keep the ball in play.
Dragon Pong has extra modifications which are as follows:
• You can shoot at your opponent to reduce his points (and he can shoot at you)
• You score bonus points by bouncing the ball onto 'hotzones' (the yellow areas)

How To Play
You are TRUNKS (the character on the right of the screen).
• Use your mouse to move the character up and down.
• Press SPACE bar to shoot at RADITZ (your opponent).
• If you miss the ball 3 times you lose.
• Direct the ball to the yellow 'hot zones' to score bonus points.
• First to 10,000 wins.


Your Score

Enemy Score




<P ALIGN="LEFT"><FONT FACE="GillSans" SIZE="12" COLOR="#FFFFFF"><A HREF="">©2000 Pixelboy</A></FONT></P>


Next Level

ActionScript [AS1/AS2]

Frame 14
ifFrameLoaded (43) { gotoAndStop (31); }
Frame 30
gotoAndPlay (11);
Frame 31
currentspeed = 25; levelArray = [0, 25, 28, 30]; _root.level = 1; stop();
Frame 32
Frame 33
function playerFire() { playery = getProperty(player, _y); playerx = getProperty(player, _x); setProperty(_root.mybullet, _y , playery); setProperty(_root.mybullet, _x , playerx);; } function enemyFire() { computery = getProperty(computer, _y); computerx = getProperty(computer, _x); setProperty(_root.enemybullet, _y , computery); setProperty(_root.enemybullet, _x , computerx);; } function hitComputer() { if (mybullet.hitTest(computer)) { _root.cscore = _root.cscore - 500; if (_root.cscore < 0) { _root.cscore = 0; } var computer_y = getProperty("/computer", _y); var computer_x = getProperty("/computer", _x); setProperty("/deathblast", _y , computer_y); setProperty("/deathblast", _x , computer_x); with (_root.deathblast) { play(); } } } function hitPlayer() { if (enemybullet.hitTest(player)) { _root.pscore = _root.pscore - 500; if (_root.pscore < 0) { _root.pscore = 0; } var player_y = getProperty("/player", _y); var player_x = getProperty("/player", _x); setProperty("/deathblast", _y , player_y); setProperty("/deathblast", _x , player_x); with (_root.deathblast) { play(); } } } function hotZoneTest() { if ((_root.horz == 1) && (_root.ball.hitTest(hotZone1))) {; _root.cscore = cscore + 1000; } else if ((_root.horz == -1) && (_root.ball.hitTest(hotZone1))) {; _root.pscore = pscore + 1000; } else if ((_root.horz == 1) && (_root.ball.hitTest(hotZone2))) {; _root.cscore = cscore + 1000; } else if ((_root.horz == -1) && (_root.ball.hitTest(hotZone2))) {; _root.pscore = pscore + 1000; } if (_root.pscore >= 10000) { gotoAndStop (43); } if (_root.cscore >= 10000) { gotoAndStop (42); } } cballscore = 3; pballscore = 3; pscore = 0; cscore = 0;
Frame 35
horz = -1; vert = random(2); if (vert == 0) { vert = -1; } speed = currentspeed; Set("/trig:angle", random(70)); cspeed = 0; call("/trig:cos"); call("/trig:sin"); xspeed = speed * /trig:cos; yspeed = speed * /trig:sin; ballx = 275; bally = 166; setProperty("/ball", _x , ballx); setProperty("/ball", _y , bally); setProperty("/computer", _x , 40); setProperty("/computer", _y , 166); setProperty("/player", _x , 510); setProperty("/player", _y , 166); setProperty("_root.hotzone1", _x , random(370) + 70); setProperty("_root.hotzone2", _x , random(370) + 70); startDrag ("/player", true, 510, 50, 510, 295); tellTarget ("_root.playerball" + [pballscore]) { _visible = false; }; tellTarget ("_root.enemyball" + [cballscore]) { _visible = false; }; stop();
Frame 42
Frame 43
Symbol 2 MovieClip Frame 21
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 5 MovieClip Frame 30
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 21 Button
on (release) { gotoAndPlay (33); }
Symbol 23 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (32); }
Symbol 44 MovieClip Frame 1
_root.firestatus = false; stop();
Symbol 44 MovieClip Frame 3
var bulletx = this._x; var speed = 25; _root.firestatus = true;
Symbol 44 MovieClip Frame 4
setProperty(this, _x , bulletx - speed); if (this._x < 53) { _root.hitComputer(); setProperty(this, _y , 410); gotoAndStop (1); } else { gotoAndPlay (3); }
Symbol 46 MovieClip Frame 1
_root.enemyfirestatus = false; stop();
Symbol 46 MovieClip Frame 3
var bulletx = this._x; var speed = 25; _root.enemyfirestatus = true;
Symbol 46 MovieClip Frame 4
setProperty(this, _x , bulletx + speed); if (510 < this._x) { _root.hitPlayer(); setProperty(this, _y , 410); gotoAndStop (1); } else { gotoAndPlay (3); }
Symbol 58 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 58 MovieClip Frame 9
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 59 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 59 MovieClip Frame 9
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 64 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 64 MovieClip Frame 10
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 66 Button
on (keyPress "<Space>") { if (_root.firestatus == false) { _root.playerFire(); } }
Symbol 67 MovieClip Frame 1
stop(); sin0 = 0; cos0 = 1; sin1 = 0.0175; cos1 = 0.9998; sin2 = 0.0349; cos2 = 0.9994; sin3 = 0.0523; cos3 = 0.9986; sin4 = 0.0698; cos4 = 0.9976; sin5 = 0.0872; cos5 = 0.9962; sin6 = 0.1045; cos6 = 0.9945; sin7 = 0.1219; cos7 = 0.9925; sin8 = 0.1392; cos8 = 0.9903; sin9 = 0.1564; cos9 = 0.9877; sin10 = 0.1736; cos10 = 0.9848; sin11 = 0.1908; cos11 = 0.9816; sin12 = 0.2079; cos12 = 0.9781; sin13 = 0.225; cos13 = 0.9744; sin14 = 0.2419; cos14 = 0.9703; sin15 = 0.2588; cos15 = 0.9659; sin16 = 0.2756; cos16 = 0.9613; sin17 = 0.2924; cos17 = 0.9563; sin18 = 0.309; cos18 = 0.9511; sin19 = 0.3256; cos19 = 0.9455; sin20 = 0.342; cos20 = 0.9397; sin21 = 0.3584; cos21 = 0.9336; sin22 = 0.3746; cos22 = 0.9272; sin23 = 0.3907; cos23 = 0.9205; sin24 = 0.4067; cos24 = 0.9135; sin25 = 0.4226; cos25 = 0.9063; sin26 = 0.4384; cos26 = 0.8988; sin27 = 0.454; cos27 = 0.891; sin28 = 0.4695; cos28 = 0.8829; sin29 = 0.4848; cos29 = 0.8746; sin30 = 0.5; cos30 = 0.866; sin31 = 0.515; cos31 = 0.8572; sin32 = 0.5299; cos32 = 0.848; sin33 = 0.5446; cos33 = 0.8387; sin34 = 0.5592; cos34 = 0.829; sin35 = 0.5736; cos35 = 0.8192; sin36 = 0.5878; cos36 = 0.809; sin37 = 0.6018; cos37 = 0.7986; sin38 = 0.6157; cos38 = 0.788; sin39 = 0.6293; cos39 = 0.7771; sin40 = 0.6428; cos40 = 0.766; sin41 = 0.6561; cos41 = 0.7547; sin42 = 0.6691; cos42 = 0.7431; sin43 = 0.682; cos43 = 0.7314; sin44 = 0.6947; cos44 = 0.7193; sin45 = 0.7071; cos45 = 0.7071; sin46 = 0.7193; cos46 = 0.6947; sin47 = 0.7314; cos47 = 0.682; sin48 = 0.7431; cos48 = 0.6691; sin49 = 0.7547; cos49 = 0.6561; sin50 = 0.766; cos50 = 0.6428; sin51 = 0.7771; cos51 = 0.6293; sin52 = 0.788; cos52 = 0.6157; sin53 = 0.7986; cos53 = 0.6018; sin54 = 0.809; cos54 = 0.5878; sin55 = 0.8192; cos55 = 0.5736; sin56 = 0.829; cos56 = 0.5592; sin57 = 0.8387; cos57 = 0.5446; sin58 = 0.848; cos58 = 0.5299; sin59 = 0.8572; cos59 = 0.515; sin60 = 0.866; cos60 = 0.5; sin61 = 0.8746; cos61 = 0.4848; sin62 = 0.8829; cos62 = 0.4695; sin63 = 0.891; cos63 = 0.454; sin64 = 0.8988; cos64 = 0.4384; sin65 = 0.9063; cos65 = 0.4226; sin66 = 0.9135; cos66 = 0.4067; sin67 = 0.4067; cos67 = 0.4067; sin68 = 0.9272; cos68 = 0.3746; sin69 = 0.9336; cos69 = 0.3584; sin70 = 0.9397; cos70 = 0.342; sin71 = 0.9455; cos71 = 0.3256; sin72 = 0.9511; cos72 = 0.309; sin73 = 0.9563; cos73 = 0.2924; sin74 = 0.9613; cos74 = 0.2756; sin75 = 0.9659; cos75 = 0.2588; sin76 = 0.9703; cos76 = 0.2419; sin77 = 0.9744; cos77 = 0.225; sin78 = 0.9781; cos78 = 0.2079; sin79 = 0.9816; cos79 = 0.1908; sin80 = 0.9848; cos80 = 0.1736; sin81 = 0.9877; cos81 = 0.1564; sin82 = 0.9903; cos82 = 0.1392; sin83 = 0.9925; cos83 = 0.1219; sin84 = 0.9945; cos84 = 0.1045; sin85 = 0.9962; cos85 = 0.0872; sin86 = 0.9976; cos86 = 0.0698; sin87 = 0.9986; cos87 = 0.0523; sin88 = 0.9994; cos88 = 0.0349; sin89 = 0.9998; cos89 = 0.0175; sin90 = 1; cos90 = 0;
Symbol 67 MovieClip Frame 2
theta = int(angle); if (360 < Number(theta)) { theta = theta - (int(theta / 360) * 360); } if ((360 >= Number(theta)) and (Number(theta) >= 270)) { sin = eval ("sin" add (90 - (theta - 270))) * -1; } else if ((Number(theta) < 270) and (Number(theta) >= 180)) { sin = eval ("sin" add (theta - 180)) * -1; } else if ((Number(theta) < 180) and (90 < Number(theta))) { sin = eval ("sin" add (180 - theta)); } else { sin = eval ("sin" add theta); }
Symbol 67 MovieClip Frame 3
theta = int(angle); if (360 < Number(theta)) { theta = theta - (int(theta / 360) * 360); } if ((360 >= Number(theta)) and (Number(theta) >= 270)) { cos = eval ("cos" add (90 - (theta - 270))); } else if ((Number(theta) < 270) and (Number(theta) >= 180)) { cos = eval ("cos" add (theta - 180)) * -1; } else if ((Number(theta) < 180) and (90 < Number(theta))) { cos = eval ("cos" add (180 - theta)) * -1; } else { cos = eval ("cos" add theta); }
Symbol 70 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 70 MovieClip Frame 3
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 70 MovieClip Frame 5
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 71 MovieClip Frame 1
if ((_root.bally < 28) && (_root.vert == -1)) { _root.hotZoneTest(); _root.vert = 1; } if ((316 < _root.bally) && (_root.vert == 1)) { _root.hotZoneTest(); _root.vert = -1; } if (((_root.ballx >= (getProperty("_root.player", _x) - _root.speed)) && ((getProperty("_root.player", _x) + _root.speed) >= _root.ballx)) && (_root.horz == 1)) { paddle = getProperty("_root.player", _y); if ((25 >= (paddle - _root.bally)) && ((paddle - _root.bally) >= -25)) { if ((paddle - _root.bally) >= 0) { _root.vert = -1; } else { _root.vert = 1; } Set("_root.trig:angle", (((-1 * _root.vert) * (paddle - _root.bally)) / 25) * 75); call("_root.trig:sin"); call("_root.trig:cos"); Set("/:xspeed", _root.trig:cos * _root.speed); Set("/:yspeed", _root.trig:sin * _root.speed); _root.horz = -1; tellTarget ("_root.soundplayer") { gotoAndPlay ("hit"); }; } } if (((_root.ballx >= (getProperty("", _x) - _root.speed)) && ((getProperty("", _x) + _root.speed) >= _root.ballx)) && (_root.horz == -1)) { paddle = getProperty("", _y); if ((25 >= (paddle - _root.bally)) && ((paddle - _root.bally) >= -25)) { if (Number(paddle - _root.bally) >= 0) { _root.vert = -1; } else { _root.vert = 1; } Set("_root.trig:angle", (((-1 * _root.vert) * (paddle - _root.bally)) / 25) * 75); call("_root.trig:sin"); call("_root.trig:cos"); Set("/:xspeed", _root.trig:cos * _root.speed); Set("/:yspeed", _root.trig:sin * _root.speed); _root.horz = 1; tellTarget ("_root.soundplayer") { gotoAndPlay ("hit"); }; } } if (Number(_root.ballx) < 20) { _root.pscore = _root.pscore + 500; tellTarget ("_root.soundplayer") { gotoAndPlay ("miss"); _root.cballscore = _root.cballscore - 1; }; if (0 >= _root.cballscore) { tellTarget (_root) { gotoAndStop ("win"); }; } else { tellTarget (_root) { gotoAndPlay ("round"); }; } } if (530 < Number(_root.ballx)) { _root.cscore = _root.cscore + 500; tellTarget ("_root.soundplayer") { gotoAndPlay ("miss"); _root.pballscore = _root.pballscore - 1; }; if (0 >= _root.pballscore) { tellTarget ("/") { gotoAndStop ("lose"); }; } else { tellTarget (_root) { gotoAndPlay ("round"); }; } } _root.ballx = _root.ballx + (_root.xspeed * _root.horz); _root.bally = _root.bally + (_root.yspeed * _root.vert); setProperty("_root.ball", _x , _root.ballx); setProperty("_root.ball", _y , _root.bally);
Symbol 71 MovieClip Frame 2
if ((_root.bally < 28) && (_root.vert == -1)) { _root.hotZoneTest(); _root.vert = 1; } if ((316 < _root.bally) && (_root.vert == 1)) { _root.hotZoneTest(); _root.vert = -1; } if (((_root.ballx >= (getProperty("_root.player", _x) - _root.speed)) && ((getProperty("_root.player", _x) + _root.speed) >= _root.ballx)) && (_root.horz == 1)) { paddle = getProperty("_root.player", _y); if ((25 >= (paddle - _root.bally)) && ((paddle - _root.bally) >= -25)) { if ((paddle - _root.bally) >= 0) { _root.vert = -1; } else { _root.vert = 1; } Set("_root.trig:angle", (((-1 * _root.vert) * (paddle - _root.bally)) / 25) * 75); call("_root.trig:sin"); call("_root.trig:cos"); Set("/:xspeed", _root.trig:cos * _root.speed); Set("/:yspeed", _root.trig:sin * _root.speed); _root.horz = -1; tellTarget ("_root.soundplayer") { gotoAndPlay ("hit"); }; } } if (((_root.ballx >= (getProperty("", _x) - _root.speed)) && ((getProperty("", _x) + _root.speed) >= _root.ballx)) && (_root.horz == -1)) { paddle = getProperty("", _y); if ((25 >= (paddle - _root.bally)) && ((paddle - _root.bally) >= -25)) { if (Number(paddle - _root.bally) >= 0) { _root.vert = -1; } else { _root.vert = 1; } Set("_root.trig:angle", (((-1 * _root.vert) * (paddle - _root.bally)) / 25) * 75); call("_root.trig:sin"); call("_root.trig:cos"); Set("/:xspeed", _root.trig:cos * _root.speed); Set("/:yspeed", _root.trig:sin * _root.speed); _root.horz = 1; tellTarget ("_root.soundplayer") { gotoAndPlay ("hit"); }; } } if (Number(_root.ballx) < 20) { _root.pscore = _root.pscore + 500; tellTarget ("_root.soundplayer") { gotoAndPlay ("miss"); _root.cballscore = _root.cballscore - 1; }; if (0 >= _root.cballscore) { tellTarget (_root) { gotoAndStop ("win"); }; } else { tellTarget (_root) { gotoAndPlay ("round"); }; } } if (530 < Number(_root.ballx)) { _root.cscore = _root.cscore + 500; tellTarget ("_root.soundplayer") { gotoAndPlay ("miss"); _root.pballscore = _root.pballscore - 1; }; if (0 >= _root.pballscore) { tellTarget ("/") { gotoAndStop ("lose"); }; } else { tellTarget (_root) { gotoAndPlay ("round"); }; } } _root.ballx = _root.ballx + (_root.xspeed * _root.horz); _root.bally = _root.bally + (_root.yspeed * _root.vert); setProperty("_root.ball", _x , _root.ballx); setProperty("_root.ball", _y , _root.bally);
Symbol 72 MovieClip Frame 1
if (Number(/:horz) == Number(-1)) { Set("/:cspeed", Number(random(13)) + 18); if ((Number(/:bally) < Number(getProperty("/computer", _y))) and (Number(/:cspeed) >= 0)) { Set("/:cspeed", /:cspeed * -1); } if (Number(/:cspeed) < 0) { sign = 1; } else { sign = -1; } if ((Number(getProperty("/computer", _y) - /:bally) < 60) or (Number(-60) < Number(getProperty("/computer", _y) - /:bally))) { dspeed = /:cspeed * (((getProperty("/computer", _y) - /:bally) * sign) / 60); } else { dspeed = /:cspeed; } setProperty("/computer", _y , Number(getProperty("/computer", _y)) + Number(dspeed)); if (Number(getProperty("/computer", _y)) < 55) { setProperty("/computer", _y , 55); } if (290 < Number(getProperty("/computer", _y))) { setProperty("/computer", _y , 290); } } if (_root.pscore >= 3500) { shouldIFire = random(4); if ((shouldIFire == 2) && (_root.enemyFirestatus == false)) { _root.enemyFire(); } } else { shouldIFire = random(9); if ((shouldIFire == 2) && (_root.enemyFirestatus == false)) { _root.enemyFire(); } }
Symbol 72 MovieClip Frame 2
if (Number(/:horz) == Number(-1)) { Set("/:cspeed", Number(random(15)) + 20); if ((Number(/:bally) < Number(getProperty("/computer", _y))) and (Number(/:cspeed) >= 0)) { Set("/:cspeed", /:cspeed * -1); } if (Number(/:cspeed) < 0) { sign = 1; } else { sign = -1; } if ((Number(getProperty("/computer", _y) - /:bally) < 60) or (Number(-60) < Number(getProperty("/computer", _y) - /:bally))) { dspeed = /:cspeed * (((getProperty("/computer", _y) - /:bally) * sign) / 60); } else { dspeed = /:cspeed; } setProperty("/computer", _y , Number(getProperty("/computer", _y)) + Number(dspeed)); if (Number(getProperty("/computer", _y)) < 55) { setProperty("/computer", _y , 55); } if (290 < Number(getProperty("/computer", _y))) { setProperty("/computer", _y , 290); } }
Symbol 75 Button
on (release, keyPress "<Enter>") { gotoAndPlay (33); }
Symbol 79 Button
on (release) { _root.level = _root.level + 1; if (3 < _root.level) { levelalert = "You're on the highest level, you Rocker! Press PLAY."; _root.level = 3; currentspeed = levelArray[_root.level]; } else { currentspeed = levelArray[_root.level]; gotoAndPlay (33); } }

Library Items

Symbol 1 GraphicUsed by:2
Symbol 2 MovieClipUses:1Used by:5
Symbol 3 FontUsed by:4
Symbol 4 TextUses:3Used by:5
Symbol 5 MovieClipUses:2 4Used by:Timeline
Symbol 6 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 7 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 8 FontUsed by:9 15
Symbol 9 EditableTextUses:8Used by:Timeline
Symbol 10 BitmapUsed by:11
Symbol 11 GraphicUses:10Used by:Timeline
Symbol 12 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 13 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 14 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 15 TextUses:8Used by:Timeline
Symbol 16 GraphicUsed by:21 23 75 79  Timeline
Symbol 17 FontUsed by:18 22 36 37 51 52 54 56 74 77 78
Symbol 18 TextUses:17Used by:21 75
Symbol 19 SoundUsed by:21 23 75 79
Symbol 20 SoundUsed by:21 23 75 79
Symbol 21 ButtonUses:16 18 19 20Used by:Timeline
Symbol 22 TextUses:17Used by:23
Symbol 23 ButtonUses:16 22 19 20Used by:Timeline
Symbol 24 GraphicUsed by:25
Symbol 25 MovieClipUses:24Used by:Timeline
Symbol 26 BitmapUsed by:27
Symbol 27 GraphicUses:26Used by:Timeline
Symbol 28 GraphicUsed by:61  Timeline
Symbol 29 GraphicUsed by:60  Timeline
Symbol 30 GraphicUsed by:32 50
Symbol 31 GraphicUsed by:32 50
Symbol 32 MovieClipUses:30 31Used by:Timeline
Symbol 33 FontUsed by:34 36 76
Symbol 34 TextUses:33Used by:Timeline
Symbol 35 FontUsed by:36
Symbol 36 TextUses:17 33 35Used by:Timeline
Symbol 37 TextUses:17Used by:Timeline
Symbol 38 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 39 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 40 GraphicUsed by:41
Symbol 41 MovieClipUses:40Used by:Timeline
Symbol 42 GraphicUsed by:44
Symbol 43 SoundUsed by:44 46
Symbol 44 MovieClipUses:42 43Used by:Timeline
Symbol 45 GraphicUsed by:46
Symbol 46 MovieClipUses:45 43Used by:Timeline
Symbol 47 FontUsed by:48 49 53 80
Symbol 48 EditableTextUses:47Used by:Timeline
Symbol 49 EditableTextUses:47Used by:Timeline
Symbol 50 MovieClipUses:30 31Used by:Timeline
Symbol 51 TextUses:17Used by:Timeline
Symbol 52 TextUses:17Used by:Timeline
Symbol 53 EditableTextUses:47Used by:Timeline
Symbol 54 TextUses:17Used by:Timeline
Symbol 55 GraphicUsed by:58 59
Symbol 56 TextUses:17Used by:58 59
Symbol 57 SoundUsed by:58 59
Symbol 58 MovieClipUses:55 56 57Used by:Timeline
Symbol 59 MovieClipUses:55 56 57Used by:Timeline
Symbol 60 MovieClipUses:29Used by:Timeline
Symbol 61 MovieClipUses:28Used by:Timeline
Symbol 62 GraphicUsed by:64
Symbol 63 SoundUsed by:64
Symbol 64 MovieClipUses:62 63Used by:Timeline
Symbol 65 GraphicUsed by:66
Symbol 66 ButtonUses:65Used by:Timeline
Symbol 67 MovieClipUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 68 SoundUsed by:70
Symbol 69 SoundUsed by:70
Symbol 70 MovieClipUses:68 69Used by:Timeline
Symbol 71 MovieClipUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 72 MovieClipUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 73 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 74 TextUses:17Used by:Timeline
Symbol 75 ButtonUses:16 18 19 20Used by:Timeline
Symbol 76 EditableTextUses:33Used by:Timeline
Symbol 77 TextUses:17Used by:Timeline
Symbol 78 TextUses:17Used by:79
Symbol 79 ButtonUses:16 78 19 20Used by:Timeline
Symbol 80 EditableTextUses:47Used by:Timeline

Instance Names

"ball"Frame 33Symbol 41 MovieClip
"mybullet"Frame 33Symbol 44 MovieClip
"enemybullet"Frame 33Symbol 46 MovieClip
"playerball1"Frame 33Symbol 32 MovieClip
"playerball2"Frame 33Symbol 50 MovieClip
"enemyball1"Frame 33Symbol 32 MovieClip
"enemyball2"Frame 33Symbol 50 MovieClip
"hotzone2"Frame 33Symbol 58 MovieClip
"hotzone1"Frame 33Symbol 59 MovieClip
"player"Frame 33Symbol 60 MovieClip
"computer"Frame 33Symbol 61 MovieClip
"deathblast"Frame 33Symbol 64 MovieClip
"trig"Frame 33Symbol 67 MovieClip
"soundplayer"Frame 33Symbol 70 MovieClip

Special Tags

Protect (24)Timeline Frame 131 bytes "..$1$hm$H/kLpqZceMa7W8NVeiaB70."
EnableDebugger (58)Timeline Frame 131 bytes "..$1$.z$dQsdcgXcSanU6BIPZyD5t/."


"loop"Frame 11
"newgame"Frame 33
"round"Frame 34
"lose"Frame 42
"win"Frame 43
"sin"Symbol 67 MovieClip Frame 2
"cos"Symbol 67 MovieClip Frame 3
"miss"Symbol 70 MovieClip Frame 2
"hit"Symbol 70 MovieClip Frame 4

Dynamic Text Variables

cscoreSymbol 48 EditableText""
pscoreSymbol 49 EditableText""
levelSymbol 53 EditableText""
levelalertSymbol 80 EditableText""
Created: 11/8 -2019 21:42:07 Last modified: 11/8 -2019 21:42:07 Server time: 05/11 -2024 08:28:12