Frame 1
function SeaGulls(sx1, sy1, sxv1, syv1, sw1, sx2, sy2, sxv2, syv2, sw2, sx3, sy3, sxv3, syv3, sw3, sx4, sy4, sxv4, syv4, sw4, sx5, sy5, sxv5, syv5, sw5, sx6, sy6, sxv6, syv6, sw6) {
this.sgx1 = sx1;
this.sgy1 = sy1;
this.sgxv1 = sxv1;
this.sgyv1 = syv1;
this.sgw1 = sw1;
this.sgx2 = sx2;
this.sgy2 = sy2;
this.sgxv2 = sxv2;
this.sgyv2 = syv2;
this.sgw2 = sw2;
this.sgx3 = sx3;
this.sgy3 = sy3;
this.sgxv3 = sxv3;
this.sgyv3 = syv3;
this.sgw3 = sw3;
this.sgx4 = sx4;
this.sgy4 = sy4;
this.sgxv4 = sxv4;
this.sgyv4 = syv4;
this.sgw4 = sw4;
this.sgx5 = sx5;
this.sgy5 = sy5;
this.sgxv5 = sxv5;
this.sgyv5 = syv5;
this.sgw5 = sw5;
this.sgx6 = sx6;
this.sgy6 = sy6;
this.sgxv6 = sxv6;
this.sgyv6 = syv6;
this.sgw6 = sw6;
function RoomXY(x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, x4, y4, x5, y5, x6, y6, x7, y7, x8, y8, x9, y9, x10, y10) {
this.ex1 = x1;
this.ey1 = y1;
this.ex2 = x2;
this.ey2 = y2;
this.ex3 = x3;
this.ey3 = y3;
this.ex4 = x4;
this.ey4 = y4;
this.ex5 = x5;
this.ey5 = y5;
this.ex6 = x6;
this.ey6 = y6;
this.ex7 = x7;
this.ey7 = y7;
this.ex8 = x8;
this.ey8 = y8;
this.ex9 = x9;
this.ey9 = y9;
this.ex10 = x10;
this.ey10 = y10;
slyman = {};
titlescreen = {};
rainbows = {};
gateway = {};
slydrop = {};
blkscn = {};
wscrn = {};
strb = {};
gmov = {}; = attachMovie("slyvester", "slyman2", 0, 1); = attachMovie("slyvester", "slyman1", 700, 1);
titlescreen = attachMovie("Title", "titlescn", 500, 1);
rainbows = attachMovie("RainbowSlide", "Rbs", 490, 1);
gateway = attachMovie("gate", "gate1", 501, 1);
blkscn = attachMovie("BlackScreen", "black", 9500, 1);
black._alpha = 0;
gate1._x = 240;
gate1._y = 368;
slyman1._x = 269;
slyman1._y = 220;
Rbs._y = -148;
rooms = 8;
walls = new Array(rooms);
ladders = new Array(rooms);
hlasers = new Array(rooms);
vlasers = new Array(rooms);
spikes = new Array(rooms);
door = new Array(rooms);
gell = new Array(rooms);
solid = new Array(rooms);
eggs = new Array(11);
seagull = new Array(7);
roomxy = new Array();
roomxy[1] = new RoomXY(144, 80, 464, 80, 80, 208, 48, 304, 496, 336, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
roomxy[2] = new RoomXY(144, 240, 464, 224, 464, 240, 48, 336, 464, 288, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
roomxy[3] = new RoomXY(592, 96, 112, 256, 240, 256, 560, 256, 592, 336, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
roomxy[4] = new RoomXY(432, 144, 432, 192, 432, 240, 496, 192, 592, 192, 48, 336, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
roomxy[5] = new RoomXY(48, 80, 592, 80, 112, 128, 336, 192, 336, 240, 336, 304, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
roomxy[6] = new RoomXY(496, 80, 144, 320, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
roomxy[7] = new RoomXY(48, 96, 48, 256, 48, 336, 336, 272, 400, 224, 560, 336, 464, 128, 496, 160, 528, 192, 560, 224);
roomxy[8] = new RoomXY(48, 240, 176, 192, 208, 144, 496, 128, 528, 176, 496, 224, 528, 272, 496, 320, 592, 336, 0, 0);
sgdata = new Array();
sgdata[1] = new SeaGulls(-96, -96, 16, 8, 100, 0, 160, 16, 0, 100, 240, 352, 0, -8, 100, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
sgdata[2] = new SeaGulls(80, 384, 0, -24, 100, 656, 168, -16, 0, 100, 512, 0, 0, 8, 400, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
sgdata[3] = new SeaGulls(48, 0, 0, 8, 100, 176, 0, 0, 24, 100, 656, 100, -16, 0, 200, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
sgdata[4] = new SeaGulls(80, 368, 0, -12, 200, 112, 512, 0, -12, 200, 700, 342, -24, 0, 100, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
sgdata[5] = new SeaGulls(120, 320, 0, 0, 200, 496, -128, 0, 12, 100, 496, -32, 0, 12, 100, 528, 600, 0, -12, 100, 528, 504, 0, -12, 100, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
sgdata[6] = new SeaGulls(-64, -32, 16, 8, 100, -128, 100, 12, 0, 400, -64, 100, 12, 0, 400, 800, 344, -12, 0, 400, 628, 344, -12, 0, 400, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
sgdata[7] = new SeaGulls(272, 600, 0, -12, 200, -128, 280, 16, 0, 200, -32, 280, 16, 0, 200, 592, 600, 0, -12, 100, 592, 484, 0, -12, 100, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
sgdata[8] = new SeaGulls(800, 340, -24, 0, 100, 464, -128, 0, 12, 200, 464, -64, 0, 12, 200, 528, -96, 0, 12, 200, 528, -32, 0, 12, 200, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
sgdata[9] = new SeaGulls(304, -32, 0, 12, 200, -24, 176, 24, 0, 400, 700, 176, -24, -24, 100, 208, 400, -24, -24, 100, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
i = 1;
while (i < (rooms + 1)) {
walls[i] = {};
ladders[i] = {};
hlasers[i] = {};
vlasers[i] = {};
spikes[i] = {};
door[i] = {};
gell[i] = {};
solid[i] = {};
j = 1;
while (j < 11) {
eggs[j] = {};
k = 1;
while (k < 7) {
seagull[k] = {};
score = {}; = attachMovie("Text", "text1", 200, 1);
Frame 2 = attachMovie("slyvester", "slyman1", 700, 1);
titlescreen = attachMovie("Title", "titlescn", 500, 1);
rainbows = attachMovie("RainbowSlide", "Rbs", 490, 1);
gateway = attachMovie("gate", "gate1", 501, 1);
numgulls = 0;
go = 0;
k = 1;
while (k < 7) {
if (sgdata[9]["sgw" + k] > 0) {
seagull[k].mc = attachMovie("Seagull", "seagull" + k, 1000 + k, 1);
seagull[k].mc._x = sgdata[9]["sgx" + k];
seagull[k].mc._y = sgdata[9]["sgy" + k];
seagull[k].mc._alpha = 100;
seagull[k].mc._xscale = sgdata[9]["sgw" + k];
numgulls = numgulls + 1;
gate1._x = 240;
gate1._y = 368;
slyman1._x = 269;
slyman1._y = 220;
Rbs._y = -148;
black._alpha = 0;
_root.image = 1;
onEnterFrame = function () {
Rbs._y = Rbs._y + 8;
if (Rbs._y > 64) {
Rbs._y = -148;
if (Key.isDown(32)) {
go = 1;
p = 1;
while (p < (numgulls + 1)) {
seagull[p].mc._x = seagull[p].mc._x + sgdata[9]["sgxv" + p];
seagull[p].mc._y = seagull[p].mc._y + sgdata[9]["sgyv" + p];
if ((((seagull[p].mc._x > 800) or (seagull[p].mc._y > 602)) or (seagull[p].mc._x < -128)) or (seagull[p].mc._y < -128)) {
seagull[p].mc._x = sgdata[9]["sgx" + p];
seagull[p].mc._y = sgdata[9]["sgy" + p];
if (go == 1) {
slyman1._y = slyman1._y + 8;
black._alpha = ((slyman1._y - 220) / 254) * 100;
if (slyman1._y > 474) {
gotoAndPlay (5);
Frame 3
onEnterFrame = function () {
slyman1._y = slyman1._y + 8;
if (slyman1._y > 474) {
gotoAndPlay (5);
Frame 5
onEnterFrame = function () {
removeMovieClip(slyman1); = attachMovie("slyvester", "slyman2", 0, 1);
slyxstart = 320;
slyystart = -16;
slyman2._x = 336;
slyman2._y = -32;
rm = 0;
newgame = 0;
slys = 3;
text1._x = 0;
text1._y = 370;
numeggs = 0;
numgulls = 0;
Frame 6
onEnterFrame = function () {
gotten = 0;
rm = rm + 1;
slys = slys + 1;
numeggs = 0;
numgulls = 0;
j = 1;
while (j < 11) {
if (roomxy[rm]["ex" + j] > 0) {
eggs[j].mc = attachMovie("Egg", "egg" + j, 300 + j, 1);
eggs[j].mc._x = roomxy[rm]["ex" + j];
eggs[j].mc._y = roomxy[rm]["ey" + j];
eggs[j].mc._alpha = 100;
numeggs = numeggs + 1;
k = 1;
while (k < 7) {
if (sgdata[rm]["sgw" + k] > 0) {
seagull[k].mc = attachMovie("Seagull", "seagull" + k, 100 + k, 1);
seagull[k].mc._x = sgdata[rm]["sgx" + k];
seagull[k].mc._y = sgdata[rm]["sgy" + k];
seagull[k].mc._alpha = 0;
seagull[k].mc._xscale = sgdata[rm]["sgw" + k];
numgulls = numgulls + 1;
i = 1;
while (i < (rooms + 1)) {
door[rm].mc = attachMovie("screenDoor" + rm, "door" + rm, 70 + rm, 1);
door[rm].mc._x = 16;
door[rm].mc._y = 48;
Frame 7
onEnterFrame = function () {
blk = 100;
img = 1;
_root.image = img;
laserc = 0;
jump = 0;
osc = 0;
slyd = 0;
slyx = slyxstart;
slc = 0;
slyy = slyystart; = rm;
_root.slys = slys;
slyman2._xscale = 100;
slyman2._yscale = 100;
i = 1;
while (i < (rooms + 1)) {
walls[rm].mc = attachMovie("ScreenWalls" + rm, "walls" + rm, 20 + rm, 1);
ladders[rm].mc = attachMovie("ScreenLadders" + rm, "ladders" + rm, 30 + rm, 1);
spikes[rm].mc = attachMovie("ScreenSpikes" + rm, "spikes" + rm, 60 + rm, 1);
gell[rm].mc = attachMovie("ScreenGell" + rm, "gell" + rm, 80 + rm, 1);
solid[rm].mc = attachMovie("ScreenSolid" + rm, "solid" + rm, 90 + rm, 1);
walls[rm].mc._alpha = 0;
ladders[rm].mc._alpha = 0;
spikes[rm].mc._alpha = 0;
gell[rm].mc._alpha = 0;
solid[rm].mc._alpha = 0;
walls[rm].mc._x = 16;
walls[rm].mc._y = 48;
ladders[rm].mc._x = 16;
ladders[rm].mc._y = 48;
spikes[rm].mc._x = 16;
spikes[rm].mc._y = 48;
gell[rm].mc._x = 16;
gell[rm].mc._y = 48;
solid[rm].mc._x = 16;
solid[rm].mc._y = 48;
Frame 10
walls[rm].mc._alpha = 100;
ladders[rm].mc._alpha = 100;
spikes[rm].mc._alpha = 100;
gell[rm].mc._alpha = 100;
solid[rm].mc._alpha = 100;
slyman2._alpha = 100;
onEnterFrame = function () {
black._alpha = blk;
if (blk > 0) {
blk = blk + -10;
slyman2._x = slyx;
slyman2._y = slyy;
if (Key.isDown(17)) {
slys = slys + 1;
if (Key.isDown(37)) {
slyd = -16;
slyc = -16;
img = 3 + osc;
osc = 1 - osc;
if (Key.isDown(39)) {
slyd = 16;
slyc = 17;
img = 5 + osc;
osc = 1 - osc;
if (Key.isDown(38)) {
img = 1 + osc;
osc = 1 - osc;
if ((((Math.round((slyx + 16) / 32) == ((slyx + 16) / 32)) and (ladders[rm].mc.hitTest(slyx + 16, slyy, true) or ladders[rm].mc.hitTest(slyx + 16, slyy + 24, true))) and (!walls[rm].mc.hitTest(slyx + 16, slyy - 8, true))) and (!(solid[rm].mc.hitTest(slyx + 16, slyy - 8, true) and (!door[rm].mc.hitTest(slyx + 16, slyy - 8, true))))) {
slyy = slyy + -8;
_root.image = img;
if ((((((((walls[rm].mc.hitTest((slyx + slyc) + 16, slyy, true) or walls[rm].mc.hitTest((slyx + slyc) + 16, slyy + 16, true)) or walls[rm].mc.hitTest((slyx + slyc) + 16, slyy + 24, true)) or solid[rm].mc.hitTest((slyx + slyc) + 16, slyy, true)) or solid[rm].mc.hitTest((slyx + slyc) + 16, slyy + 16, true)) or solid[rm].mc.hitTest((slyx + slyc) + 16, slyy + 24, true)) or door[rm].mc.hitTest((slyx + slyc) + 16, slyy, true)) or door[rm].mc.hitTest((slyx + slyc) + 16, slyy + 16, true)) or door[rm].mc.hitTest((slyx + slyc) + 16, slyy + 24, true)) {
slyd = 0;
slyx = slyx + slyd;
slyd = 0;
fall = 0;
if ((((((((((jump == 0) and (!solid[rm].mc.hitTest(slyx + 24, slyy + 32, true))) and (!solid[rm].mc.hitTest(slyx + 8, slyy + 32, true))) and (!walls[rm].mc.hitTest(slyx + 24, slyy + 32, true))) and (!ladders[rm].mc.hitTest(slyx + 24, slyy + 32, true))) and (!ladders[rm].mc.hitTest(slyx + 24, slyy + 24, true))) and (!door[rm].mc.hitTest(slyx + 24, slyy + 32, true))) and (!walls[rm].mc.hitTest(slyx + 8, slyy + 32, true))) and (!ladders[rm].mc.hitTest(slyx + 8, slyy + 32, true))) and (!door[rm].mc.hitTest(slyx + 8, slyy + 32, true))) {
fall = 1;
slyy = slyy + 8;
if (walls[rm].mc.hitTest(slyx + 16, slyy, true)) {
fall = 1;
slyy = slyy + 8;
if ((((((((Key.isDown(32) and (fall == 0)) and (jump == 0)) and (!walls[rm].mc.hitTest(slyx + 24, slyy - 8, true))) and (!solid[rm].mc.hitTest(slyx + 24, slyy - 8, true))) and (!door[rm].mc.hitTest(slyx + 24, slyy - 8, true))) and (!walls[rm].mc.hitTest(slyx + 8, slyy - 8, true))) and (!solid[rm].mc.hitTest(slyx + 8, slyy - 8, true))) and (!door[rm].mc.hitTest(slyx + 8, slyy - 8, true))) {
jump = 7;
if (walls[rm].mc.hitTest(slyx + 24, slyy - 16, true)) {
jump = 6;
if (jump > 0) {
jump = jump - 1;
osc = 1 - osc;
if (jump > 4) {
slyy = slyy + -8;
laserc = laserc + 1;
if (laserc == 16) {
hlasers[rm].mc = attachMovie("ScreenHLasers" + rm, "hlasers" + rm, 40 + rm, 1);
hlasers[rm].mc._x = 16;
hlasers[rm].mc._y = 48;
hlasers1._alpha = 100;
if (laserc == 32) {
vlasers[rm].mc = attachMovie("ScreenVLasers" + rm, "vlasers" + rm, 50 + rm, 1);
vlasers[rm].mc._x = 16;
vlasers[rm].mc._y = 48;
laserc = 0;
if ((((vlasers[rm].mc.hitTest(slyx + 16, slyy + 8, true) or hlasers[rm].mc.hitTest(slyx + 16, slyy + 8, true)) or vlasers[rm].mc.hitTest(slyx + 16, slyy + 16, true)) or hlasers[rm].mc.hitTest(slyx + 16, slyy + 16, true)) or spikes[rm].mc.hitTest(slyx + 16, slyy + 16, true)) {
disolve = 100;
gotoAndPlay (15);
k = 1;
while (k < (numeggs + 1)) {
if (eggs[k].mc.hitTest(slyx + 16, slyy + 24, true)) {
gotten = gotten + 1;
if (gotten >= numeggs) {
if (slyx > 616) {
slyxstart = 48;
slyystart = slyy;
gotoAndPlay (18);
if (slyx < 16) {
slyxstart = 592;
slyystart = slyy;
gotoAndPlay (18);
if (slyy > 368) {
slyystart = 64;
slyxstart = slyx;
gotoAndPlay (18);
p = 1;
while (p < (numgulls + 1)) {
seagull[p].mc._alpha = 100;
seagull[p].mc._x = seagull[p].mc._x + sgdata[rm]["sgxv" + p];
seagull[p].mc._y = seagull[p].mc._y + sgdata[rm]["sgyv" + p];
if ((((seagull[p].mc._x < (slyx + 24)) and (seagull[p].mc._x > (slyx - 24))) and (seagull[p].mc._y > (slyy - 24))) and (seagull[p].mc._y < (slyy + 24))) {
disolve = 100;
gotoAndPlay (15);
if ((((seagull[p].mc._x > 800) or (seagull[p].mc._y > 602)) or (seagull[p].mc._x < -128)) or (seagull[p].mc._y < -128)) {
seagull[p].mc._x = sgdata[rm]["sgx" + p];
seagull[p].mc._y = sgdata[rm]["sgy" + p];
if (((rm == 8) and (slyx == 80)) and (slyy == 320)) {
gotoAndPlay (20);
Frame 15
onEnterFrame = function () {
slyman2._x = slyx;
slyman2._y = slyy;
slyman2._alpha = disolve;
disolve = disolve + -5;
if (disolve < 1) {
slys = slys + -1;
if (slys > -1) {
gotoAndPlay (16);
} else {
slys = 0;
gotoAndPlay (23);
Frame 16
onEnterFrame = function () {
black._alpha = black._alpha + 10;
if (black._alpha >= 100) {
gotoAndPlay (7);
Frame 18
onEnterFrame = function () {
black._alpha = black._alpha + 10;
if (black._alpha >= 100) {
gotoAndPlay (6);
Frame 20 = attachMovie("WinScreen", "winscreen1", 9000, 1); = attachMovie("Strobe", "strobe1", 8999, 1);
strobe1._x = 470;
strobe1._y = 200;
strobe1._xscale = 150;
strobe1._yscale = 150;
onEnterFrame = function () {
strobe1._rotation = strobe1._rotation + 5;
if (Key.isDown(32)) {
black._alpha = 100;
gotoAndPlay (2);
Frame 23 = attachMovie("GameOver", "gameover1", 9005, 1);
i = 1;
while (i < (rooms + 1)) {
j = 1;
while (j < 11) {
k = 1;
while (k < 7) {
onEnterFrame = function () {
if (Key.isDown(32)) {
black._alpha = 100;
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 14 MovieClip [Slyvester] Frame 1
onEnterFrame = function () {
if (_root.image == 1) {
gotoAndPlay (2);
if (_root.image == 2) {
gotoAndPlay (3);
if (_root.image == 3) {
gotoAndPlay (4);
if (_root.image == 4) {
gotoAndPlay (5);
if (_root.image == 5) {
gotoAndPlay (6);
if (_root.image == 6) {
gotoAndPlay (7);
Symbol 14 MovieClip [Slyvester] Frame 2
Symbol 14 MovieClip [Slyvester] Frame 3
Symbol 14 MovieClip [Slyvester] Frame 4
Symbol 14 MovieClip [Slyvester] Frame 5
Symbol 14 MovieClip [Slyvester] Frame 6
Symbol 14 MovieClip [Slyvester] Frame 7