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Eskimo Game.swf

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Flash #24057

(Click the ID number above for more basic data on this flash file.)








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Anleitung: Sie möchten gerne nach Grönland fliegen. Doch
bevor Sie fliegen können müssen Sie lernen die Karte von
Grönland zu lesen. Die Karte besteht aus einfachen Würfeln.
Sie müssen nun auf drei Stufen verteilt versuchen die Karte zu
entschlüsseln. Vor jeder Stufe erhalten Sie Tipps, wie die
Karte zu entschlüsseln ist und ein Beispiel zur
Entschlüsselung. Klicken Sie auf "Weiter" um die erste Stufe
zu starten.

Achtung: Dieses Spiel wird Sie evtl. eine Menge Zeit kosten.
Es wäre möglich, dass Ihr Verstand imens gefordert wird.


Stufe 1: In Grönland gibt es einige Eisbären. Um sich vor diesen
zu schützen müssen Sie als erstes erkennen wo sich diese
Die Eisbären sitzen immer paarweise um Eislöcher herum.
Es gibt auch Eislöcher um die keine Eisbären herum sitzen.
Allerdings gibt es keine Eisbären ohne Eislöcher. Wo Eisbären
sind, sind halt auch Eislöcher!
Finden Sie die Anzahl der Eisbären und Eislöcher heraus und
tippen Sie sie in die weißen Felder oben links ein. Klicken Sie
danach auf bestätigen um die Zahlen zu übermitteln. Wenn eine
eingabe Richtig ist erscheint nach der Bestätigung ein güner
Punkt vor der jeweiligen Anzahl!
Bevor Sie würfeln werden Sie ein Biespiel sehen.
Klicken Sie auf "Weiter" um Stufe 1 zu starten!









mal richtig raten um auf die nächste Stufe zu gelangen!

Stufe 2: Die Eisbären sitzen natürlich nicht Grundlos um
die Eislöcher. Sie sitzen dort um Fische zu fangen, denn
Eisbären sind auch manchmal hungrig!
Wie gesagt sind die Fische unter Ihnen in den Eislöchern. Wo
keine Eislöcher sind gibt es auch keine Fische!
Die Fische haben allerding Angst von den Eisbären gefressen
zu werden. Daher sind in Eislöchern mit vielen Eisbären
weniger Fische und dort wo weniger Eisbären sitzen gibt es
also auch mehr Fische!
Versuchen Sie nun die Anzahl der Eisbären, der Eislöcher und
der Fischer heraus zu finden.
Bevor Sie würfeln werden Sie ein Biespiel sehen.
Klicken Sie auf "Weiter" Stufe 2 zu starten!








Stufe 3: Du hast jetzt schon viel über Grönland gelernt. Du
kannst nun die letzte Prüfung machen und hast wenn du Sie
abgeschlossen hast genug Wissen um nach Grönland zu
Es gibt in Grönland natürlich nicht nur Eisbären, Eislöcher
und Fische. Es gibt dort auch Eskimos. Auch die Eskimos
haben Angst um ihr Leben und halten deshalb auch immer
einen großen Sicherheitsabstand von den Eisbären ein.
Finden Sie nun auch noch die Eskimos und geben Sie die
Anzahl der Eskimos ein!
Bevor Sie würfeln werden Sie ein Biespiel sehen.
Klicken Sie auf "Weiter" um Stufe 3 zu Starten!










mal richtig raten um das Spiel zu gewinnen.

Sie haben alle drei Stufen
erfolgreich abgeschlossen! Sie
sind nun für eine Reise nach
Grönland bereit!


Instructions: You would to fly to Greenland. But before you
can fly, you must learn to read the map of Greenland. The map
consists of simple cubes. You must try to decode the map on
three Levels. Before you start a Level, you get a tip and an
example how to decode the map.
Click on "Next" to show the tip for Level one.

Warning: This Game will possibly cost much Time. It would
be possible that your understanding is demanded strongly.


Level 1: In Greenland live many polar bears. To protect your self
you must recognize where they be.
The polar bears always sit in pairs around ice holes.
There are ice holes to, where no palar bears. There are ice holes
too, where no polar bears but there are no polar bears without ice
holes. Where polar bears are, there are also ice holes!
Find out the number of polar bears and ice holes and type it into
the white fields on the top left. Click on "OK" to submit your
numbers. If a number is right, there appears a green dot left beside
the number.
Before you roll the dices you see an Example.
Click on "Next" to start Level 1!


Ice holes

Polar bears





Right Answers to enter the next Level!

Level 2: The polar bears don't sit around the ice holes
without a reason. They want to catch fishes because they are
The fishes are under them in the ice holes. Where are no ice
hole, there an no fishes, too.
The fishes fear the polar bears because the polar bears want
to eat them. So if there are less polar bears, there are more
fishes and if there mor polar bears there are less fishes.
Find out the number of polar bears, ice holes and fishes.
Before you roll the dices you see an example.
Click the "Next"-Button to enter Level 2!


Ice holes

Polar bears





Level 3: You have learned very much about Greenland.
Now you can absolve the last level.
There aren't only polar bears, ice holes and fishes in
Greenland. There live many eskimos, too.
The Eskimos fear the polar bears, too. So the are stay on a
high distance to the polar bears.
Find out the number of the polar bears, the ice holes, the
fishes and the eskimos!
Before you roll the dices you see an example.
Click the "Next"-Button to enter Level 2!


Ice holes

Polar bears







Right Answers to win the Game!

You have absolved all three Levels!
You can now fly to Greenland.


ActionScript [AS1/AS2]

Frame 1
if (_framesloaded >= _totalframes) { gotoAndPlay (3); } else { geladen = this.getBytesLoaded(); gesamt = this.getBytesTotal(); prozent = Math.round((geladen / gesamt) * 100); ladebalken._xscale = prozent; }
Frame 2
gotoAndPlay (1);
Frame 4
if (_global.Behaviors == null) { _global.Behaviors = {}; } if (_global.Behaviors.Sound == null) { _global.Behaviors.Sound = {}; } if (typeof(this.createEmptyMovieClip) == "undefined") { this._parent.createEmptyMovieClip("BS_TN", new Date().getTime() - (Math.floor(new Date().getTime() / 10000) * 10000)); _global.Behaviors.Sound.TN = new Sound(this._parent.BS_TN); } else { this.createEmptyMovieClip("_TN_", new Date().getTime() - (Math.floor(new Date().getTime() / 10000) * 10000)); _global.Behaviors.Sound.TN = new Sound(this.BS_TN); } _global.Behaviors.Sound.TN.attachSound("TN"); _global.Behaviors.Sound.TN.start(0, 1);
Frame 138
if (_global.Behaviors == null) { _global.Behaviors = {}; } if (_global.Behaviors.Sound == null) { _global.Behaviors.Sound = {}; } if (typeof(this.createEmptyMovieClip) == "undefined") { this._parent.createEmptyMovieClip("BS_TN", new Date().getTime() - (Math.floor(new Date().getTime() / 10000) * 10000)); _global.Behaviors.Sound.TN = new Sound(this._parent.BS_TN); } else { this.createEmptyMovieClip("_TN_", new Date().getTime() - (Math.floor(new Date().getTime() / 10000) * 10000)); _global.Behaviors.Sound.TN = new Sound(this.BS_TN); } _global.Behaviors.Sound.TN.attachSound("TN"); _global.Behaviors.Sound.TN.start(0, 1);
Frame 139
stop(); _global.Behaviors.Sound.TN.stop("TN"); btn_german.onRelease = function () { gotoAndStop (140); }; btn_english.onRelease = function () { gotoAndStop (148); };
Frame 140
stop(); btn_weiter.onRelease = function () { gotoAndStop (141); };
Frame 141
stop(); btn_weiter.onRelease = function () { gotoAndStop (142); };
Frame 142
function z\u00E4hlen(zahl) { if (zahl == 1) { eisl\u00F6cher++; } else if (zahl == 3) { eisl\u00F6cher++; Set("eisb\u00E4ren", eisb\u00E4ren + 2); } else if (zahl == 5) { eisl\u00F6cher++; Set("eisb\u00E4ren", eisb\u00E4ren + 4); } } function w\u00FCrfeln() { function rotation() { z\u00E4hler++; Set("eisl\u00F6cher", 0); fische = 0; Set("eisb\u00E4ren", 0); zahl1 = random(6) + 1; zahl2 = random(6) + 1; zahl3 = random(6) + 1; w\u00FCrfel1.gotoAndStop(zahl1); z\u00E4hlen(zahl1); w\u00FCrfel2.gotoAndStop(zahl2); z\u00E4hlen(zahl2); w\u00FCrfel3.gotoAndStop(zahl3); z\u00E4hlen(zahl3); if (z\u00E4hler == 30) { clearInterval(rotate); btn_submit.enabled = true; btn_submit._alpha = 100; } }; eskimos = random(11); txt_eisb\u00E4ren.text = ""; txt_l\u00F6cher.text = ""; eisb\u00E4ren_richtig._visible = false; l\u00F6cher_richtig._visible = false; mc_w\u00FCrfeln.arme.links.hand1.gotoAndStop(5); mc_w\u00FCrfeln.arme.rechts.hand2.gotoAndStop(5); mc_w\u00FCrfeln.arme.gotoAndPlay(1); var rotate; var z\u00E4hler = 0; rotate = setInterval(rotation, 50); } function auswerten() { if ((tipeisb\u00E4ren == eisb\u00E4ren) && (tipl\u00F6cher == eisl\u00F6cher)) { counter--; eisb\u00E4ren_richtig._visible = true; l\u00F6cher_richtig._visible = true; if (counter == 0) { gotoAndStop (143); } } else { counter = 3; if (tipeisb\u00E4ren == eisb\u00E4ren) { eisb\u00E4ren_richtig._visible = true; } if (tipl\u00F6cher == eisl\u00F6cher) { l\u00F6cher_richtig._visible = true; } } btn_submit.enabled = false; btn_submit._alpha = 50; } stop(); w\u00FCrfel1.gotoAndStop(5); w\u00FCrfel2.gotoAndStop(3); w\u00FCrfel3.gotoAndStop(4); Set("tipeisb\u00E4ren", 0); Set("tipl\u00F6cher", 0); counter = 3; btn_submit.enabled = false; btn_submit._alpha = 50; eisb\u00E4ren_richtig._visible = false; l\u00F6cher_richtig._visible = false; mc_w\u00FCrfeln.arme.links.hand1.gotoAndStop(5); mc_w\u00FCrfeln.arme.rechts.hand2.gotoAndStop(5); btn_w\u00FCrfeln.onRelease = function () { w\u00FCrfeln(); }; btn_submit.onRelease = function () { Set("tipeisb\u00E4ren", int(txt_eisb\u00E4ren.text)); Set("tipl\u00F6cher", int(txt_l\u00F6cher.text)); auswerten(); };
Frame 143
stop(); btn_weiter.onRelease = function () { gotoAndStop (144); };
Frame 144
function z\u00E4hlen(zahl) { if (zahl == 1) { eisl\u00F6cher++; fische = fische + 6; } else if (zahl == 3) { eisl\u00F6cher++; Set("eisb\u00E4ren", eisb\u00E4ren + 2); fische = fische + 4; } else if (zahl == 5) { eisl\u00F6cher++; Set("eisb\u00E4ren", eisb\u00E4ren + 4); fische = fische + 2; } } function w\u00FCrfeln() { function rotation() { z\u00E4hler++; Set("eisl\u00F6cher", 0); fische = 0; Set("eisb\u00E4ren", 0); zahl1 = random(6) + 1; zahl2 = random(6) + 1; zahl3 = random(6) + 1; w\u00FCrfel1.gotoAndStop(zahl1); z\u00E4hlen(zahl1); w\u00FCrfel2.gotoAndStop(zahl2); z\u00E4hlen(zahl2); w\u00FCrfel3.gotoAndStop(zahl3); z\u00E4hlen(zahl3); if (z\u00E4hler == 30) { clearInterval(rotate); btn_submit.enabled = true; btn_submit._alpha = 100; } }; eskimos = random(11); txt_eisb\u00E4ren.text = ""; txt_l\u00F6cher.text = ""; txt_fische.text = ""; eisb\u00E4ren_richtig._visible = false; l\u00F6cher_richtig._visible = false; fische_richtig._visible = false; mc_w\u00FCrfeln.arme.links.hand1.gotoAndStop(5); mc_w\u00FCrfeln.arme.rechts.hand2.gotoAndStop(5); mc_w\u00FCrfeln.arme.gotoAndPlay(1); var rotate; var z\u00E4hler = 0; rotate = setInterval(rotation, 50); } function auswerten() { if (((tipeisb\u00E4ren == eisb\u00E4ren) && (tipl\u00F6cher == eisl\u00F6cher)) && (tipfische == fische)) { counter--; eisb\u00E4ren_richtig._visible = true; l\u00F6cher_richtig._visible = true; fische_richtig._visible = true; if (counter == 0) { gotoAndStop (145); } } else { counter = 3; if (tipeisb\u00E4ren == eisb\u00E4ren) { eisb\u00E4ren_richtig._visible = true; } if (tipl\u00F6cher == eisl\u00F6cher) { l\u00F6cher_richtig._visible = true; } if (tipfische == fische) { fische_richtig._visible = true; } } btn_submit.enabled = false; btn_submit._alpha = 50; } stop(); w\u00FCrfel1.gotoAndStop(6); w\u00FCrfel2.gotoAndStop(5); w\u00FCrfel3.gotoAndStop(1); Set("tipeisb\u00E4ren", 0); Set("tipl\u00F6cher", 0); tipfische = 0; counter = 3; btn_submit.enabled = false; btn_submit._alpha = 50; eisb\u00E4ren_richtig._visible = false; l\u00F6cher_richtig._visible = false; fische_richtig._visible = false; mc_w\u00FCrfeln.arme.links.hand1.gotoAndStop(5); mc_w\u00FCrfeln.arme.rechts.hand2.gotoAndStop(5); btn_w\u00FCrfeln.onRelease = function () { w\u00FCrfeln(); }; btn_submit.onRelease = function () { Set("tipeisb\u00E4ren", int(txt_eisb\u00E4ren.text)); tipfische = int(txt_fische.text); Set("tipl\u00F6cher", int(txt_l\u00F6cher.text)); auswerten(); };
Frame 145
stop(); btn_weiter.onRelease = function () { gotoAndStop (146); };
Frame 146
function z\u00E4hlen(zahl) { if (zahl == 1) { eisl\u00F6cher++; fische = fische + 6; } else if (zahl == 3) { eisl\u00F6cher++; Set("eisb\u00E4ren", eisb\u00E4ren + 2); fische = fische + 4; } else if (zahl == 5) { eisl\u00F6cher++; Set("eisb\u00E4ren", eisb\u00E4ren + 4); fische = fische + 2; } } function w\u00FCrfeln() { function rotation() { z\u00E4hler++; Set("eisl\u00F6cher", 0); fische = 0; Set("eisb\u00E4ren", 0); zahl1 = random(6) + 1; zahl2 = random(6) + 1; zahl3 = random(6) + 1; w\u00FCrfel1.gotoAndStop(zahl1); z\u00E4hlen(zahl1); w\u00FCrfel2.gotoAndStop(zahl2); z\u00E4hlen(zahl2); w\u00FCrfel3.gotoAndStop(zahl3); z\u00E4hlen(zahl3); if (z\u00E4hler == 30) { clearInterval(rotate); btn_submit.enabled = true; btn_submit._alpha = 100; } }; eskimos = random(11); txt_eisb\u00E4ren.text = ""; txt_l\u00F6cher.text = ""; txt_fische.text = ""; txt_eskimos.text = ""; eisb\u00E4ren_richtig._visible = false; l\u00F6cher_richtig._visible = false; fische_richtig._visible = false; eskimos_richtig._visible = false; mc_w\u00FCrfeln.arme.links.hand1.gotoAndStop(5); mc_w\u00FCrfeln.arme.rechts.hand2.gotoAndStop(5); mc_w\u00FCrfeln.arme.gotoAndPlay(1); var rotate; var z\u00E4hler = 0; rotate = setInterval(rotation, 50); } function auswerten() { if ((((tipeisb\u00E4ren == eisb\u00E4ren) && (tipl\u00F6cher == eisl\u00F6cher)) && (tipfische == fische)) && (tipeskimos == eskimos)) { counter--; eisb\u00E4ren_richtig._visible = true; l\u00F6cher_richtig._visible = true; fische_richtig._visible = true; eskimos_richtig._visible = true; if (counter == 0) { gotoAndStop (147); } } else { counter = 3; if (tipeisb\u00E4ren == eisb\u00E4ren) { eisb\u00E4ren_richtig._visible = true; } if (tipl\u00F6cher == eisl\u00F6cher) { l\u00F6cher_richtig._visible = true; } if (tipfische == fische) { fische_richtig._visible = true; } if (tipeskimos == eskimos) { eskimos_richtig._visible = true; } } btn_submit.enabled = false; btn_submit._alpha = 50; } stop(); w\u00FCrfel1.gotoAndStop(2); w\u00FCrfel2.gotoAndStop(5); w\u00FCrfel3.gotoAndStop(3); Set("tipeisb\u00E4ren", 0); Set("tipl\u00F6cher", 0); tipeskimos = 0; tipfische = 0; counter = 3; btn_submit.enabled = false; btn_submit._alpha = 50; eisb\u00E4ren_richtig._visible = false; l\u00F6cher_richtig._visible = false; fische_richtig._visible = false; eskimos_richtig._visible = false; mc_w\u00FCrfeln.arme.links.hand1.gotoAndStop(5); mc_w\u00FCrfeln.arme.rechts.hand2.gotoAndStop(5); btn_w\u00FCrfeln.onRelease = function () { w\u00FCrfeln(); }; btn_submit.onRelease = function () { Set("tipeisb\u00E4ren", int(txt_eisb\u00E4ren.text)); tipfische = int(txt_fische.text); Set("tipl\u00F6cher", int(txt_l\u00F6cher.text)); tipeskimos = int(txt_eskimos.text); auswerten(); };
Frame 147
stop(); btn_nochmal.onRelease = function () { gotoAndStop (140); };
Frame 148
stop(); btn_weiter.onRelease = function () { gotoAndStop (149); };
Frame 149
stop(); btn_weiter.onRelease = function () { gotoAndStop (150); };
Frame 150
function z\u00E4hlen(zahl) { if (zahl == 1) { eisl\u00F6cher++; } else if (zahl == 3) { eisl\u00F6cher++; Set("eisb\u00E4ren", eisb\u00E4ren + 2); } else if (zahl == 5) { eisl\u00F6cher++; Set("eisb\u00E4ren", eisb\u00E4ren + 4); } } function w\u00FCrfeln() { function rotation() { z\u00E4hler++; Set("eisl\u00F6cher", 0); fische = 0; Set("eisb\u00E4ren", 0); zahl1 = random(6) + 1; zahl2 = random(6) + 1; zahl3 = random(6) + 1; w\u00FCrfel1.gotoAndStop(zahl1); z\u00E4hlen(zahl1); w\u00FCrfel2.gotoAndStop(zahl2); z\u00E4hlen(zahl2); w\u00FCrfel3.gotoAndStop(zahl3); z\u00E4hlen(zahl3); if (z\u00E4hler == 30) { clearInterval(rotate); btn_submit.enabled = true; btn_submit._alpha = 100; } }; eskimos = random(11); txt_eisb\u00E4ren.text = ""; txt_l\u00F6cher.text = ""; eisb\u00E4ren_richtig._visible = false; l\u00F6cher_richtig._visible = false; mc_w\u00FCrfeln.arme.links.hand1.gotoAndStop(5); mc_w\u00FCrfeln.arme.rechts.hand2.gotoAndStop(5); mc_w\u00FCrfeln.arme.gotoAndPlay(1); var rotate; var z\u00E4hler = 0; rotate = setInterval(rotation, 50); } function auswerten() { if ((tipeisb\u00E4ren == eisb\u00E4ren) && (tipl\u00F6cher == eisl\u00F6cher)) { counter--; eisb\u00E4ren_richtig._visible = true; l\u00F6cher_richtig._visible = true; if (counter == 0) { gotoAndStop (151); } } else { counter = 3; if (tipeisb\u00E4ren == eisb\u00E4ren) { eisb\u00E4ren_richtig._visible = true; } if (tipl\u00F6cher == eisl\u00F6cher) { l\u00F6cher_richtig._visible = true; } } btn_submit.enabled = false; btn_submit._alpha = 50; } stop(); w\u00FCrfel1.gotoAndStop(5); w\u00FCrfel2.gotoAndStop(3); w\u00FCrfel3.gotoAndStop(4); Set("tipeisb\u00E4ren", 0); Set("tipl\u00F6cher", 0); counter = 3; btn_submit.enabled = false; btn_submit._alpha = 50; eisb\u00E4ren_richtig._visible = false; l\u00F6cher_richtig._visible = false; mc_w\u00FCrfeln.arme.links.hand1.gotoAndStop(5); mc_w\u00FCrfeln.arme.rechts.hand2.gotoAndStop(5); btn_w\u00FCrfeln.onRelease = function () { w\u00FCrfeln(); }; btn_submit.onRelease = function () { Set("tipeisb\u00E4ren", int(txt_eisb\u00E4ren.text)); Set("tipl\u00F6cher", int(txt_l\u00F6cher.text)); auswerten(); };
Frame 151
stop(); btn_weiter.onRelease = function () { gotoAndStop (152); };
Frame 152
function z\u00E4hlen(zahl) { if (zahl == 1) { eisl\u00F6cher++; fische = fische + 6; } else if (zahl == 3) { eisl\u00F6cher++; Set("eisb\u00E4ren", eisb\u00E4ren + 2); fische = fische + 4; } else if (zahl == 5) { eisl\u00F6cher++; Set("eisb\u00E4ren", eisb\u00E4ren + 4); fische = fische + 2; } } function w\u00FCrfeln() { function rotation() { z\u00E4hler++; Set("eisl\u00F6cher", 0); fische = 0; Set("eisb\u00E4ren", 0); zahl1 = random(6) + 1; zahl2 = random(6) + 1; zahl3 = random(6) + 1; w\u00FCrfel1.gotoAndStop(zahl1); z\u00E4hlen(zahl1); w\u00FCrfel2.gotoAndStop(zahl2); z\u00E4hlen(zahl2); w\u00FCrfel3.gotoAndStop(zahl3); z\u00E4hlen(zahl3); if (z\u00E4hler == 30) { clearInterval(rotate); btn_submit.enabled = true; btn_submit._alpha = 100; } }; eskimos = random(11); txt_eisb\u00E4ren.text = ""; txt_l\u00F6cher.text = ""; txt_fische.text = ""; eisb\u00E4ren_richtig._visible = false; l\u00F6cher_richtig._visible = false; fische_richtig._visible = false; mc_w\u00FCrfeln.arme.links.hand1.gotoAndStop(5); mc_w\u00FCrfeln.arme.rechts.hand2.gotoAndStop(5); mc_w\u00FCrfeln.arme.gotoAndPlay(1); var rotate; var z\u00E4hler = 0; rotate = setInterval(rotation, 50); } function auswerten() { if (((tipeisb\u00E4ren == eisb\u00E4ren) && (tipl\u00F6cher == eisl\u00F6cher)) && (tipfische == fische)) { counter--; eisb\u00E4ren_richtig._visible = true; l\u00F6cher_richtig._visible = true; fische_richtig._visible = true; if (counter == 0) { gotoAndStop (153); } } else { counter = 3; if (tipeisb\u00E4ren == eisb\u00E4ren) { eisb\u00E4ren_richtig._visible = true; } if (tipl\u00F6cher == eisl\u00F6cher) { l\u00F6cher_richtig._visible = true; } if (tipfische == fische) { fische_richtig._visible = true; } } btn_submit.enabled = false; btn_submit._alpha = 50; } stop(); w\u00FCrfel1.gotoAndStop(6); w\u00FCrfel2.gotoAndStop(5); w\u00FCrfel3.gotoAndStop(1); Set("tipeisb\u00E4ren", 0); Set("tipl\u00F6cher", 0); tipfische = 0; counter = 3; btn_submit.enabled = false; btn_submit._alpha = 50; eisb\u00E4ren_richtig._visible = false; l\u00F6cher_richtig._visible = false; fische_richtig._visible = false; mc_w\u00FCrfeln.arme.links.hand1.gotoAndStop(5); mc_w\u00FCrfeln.arme.rechts.hand2.gotoAndStop(5); btn_w\u00FCrfeln.onRelease = function () { w\u00FCrfeln(); }; btn_submit.onRelease = function () { Set("tipeisb\u00E4ren", int(txt_eisb\u00E4ren.text)); tipfische = int(txt_fische.text); Set("tipl\u00F6cher", int(txt_l\u00F6cher.text)); auswerten(); };
Frame 153
stop(); btn_weiter.onRelease = function () { gotoAndStop (154); };
Frame 154
function z\u00E4hlen(zahl) { if (zahl == 1) { eisl\u00F6cher++; fische = fische + 6; } else if (zahl == 3) { eisl\u00F6cher++; Set("eisb\u00E4ren", eisb\u00E4ren + 2); fische = fische + 4; } else if (zahl == 5) { eisl\u00F6cher++; Set("eisb\u00E4ren", eisb\u00E4ren + 4); fische = fische + 2; } } function w\u00FCrfeln() { function rotation() { z\u00E4hler++; Set("eisl\u00F6cher", 0); fische = 0; Set("eisb\u00E4ren", 0); zahl1 = random(6) + 1; zahl2 = random(6) + 1; zahl3 = random(6) + 1; w\u00FCrfel1.gotoAndStop(zahl1); z\u00E4hlen(zahl1); w\u00FCrfel2.gotoAndStop(zahl2); z\u00E4hlen(zahl2); w\u00FCrfel3.gotoAndStop(zahl3); z\u00E4hlen(zahl3); if (z\u00E4hler == 30) { clearInterval(rotate); btn_submit.enabled = true; btn_submit._alpha = 100; } }; eskimos = random(11); txt_eisb\u00E4ren.text = ""; txt_l\u00F6cher.text = ""; txt_fische.text = ""; txt_eskimos.text = ""; eisb\u00E4ren_richtig._visible = false; l\u00F6cher_richtig._visible = false; fische_richtig._visible = false; eskimos_richtig._visible = false; mc_w\u00FCrfeln.arme.links.hand1.gotoAndStop(5); mc_w\u00FCrfeln.arme.rechts.hand2.gotoAndStop(5); mc_w\u00FCrfeln.arme.gotoAndPlay(1); var rotate; var z\u00E4hler = 0; rotate = setInterval(rotation, 50); } function auswerten() { if ((((tipeisb\u00E4ren == eisb\u00E4ren) && (tipl\u00F6cher == eisl\u00F6cher)) && (tipfische == fische)) && (tipeskimos == eskimos)) { counter--; eisb\u00E4ren_richtig._visible = true; l\u00F6cher_richtig._visible = true; fische_richtig._visible = true; eskimos_richtig._visible = true; if (counter == 0) { gotoAndStop (155); } } else { counter = 3; if (tipeisb\u00E4ren == eisb\u00E4ren) { eisb\u00E4ren_richtig._visible = true; } if (tipl\u00F6cher == eisl\u00F6cher) { l\u00F6cher_richtig._visible = true; } if (tipfische == fische) { fische_richtig._visible = true; } if (tipeskimos == eskimos) { eskimos_richtig._visible = true; } } btn_submit.enabled = false; btn_submit._alpha = 50; } stop(); w\u00FCrfel1.gotoAndStop(2); w\u00FCrfel2.gotoAndStop(5); w\u00FCrfel3.gotoAndStop(3); Set("tipeisb\u00E4ren", 0); Set("tipl\u00F6cher", 0); tipeskimos = 0; tipfische = 0; counter = 3; btn_submit.enabled = false; btn_submit._alpha = 50; eisb\u00E4ren_richtig._visible = false; l\u00F6cher_richtig._visible = false; fische_richtig._visible = false; eskimos_richtig._visible = false; mc_w\u00FCrfeln.arme.links.hand1.gotoAndStop(5); mc_w\u00FCrfeln.arme.rechts.hand2.gotoAndStop(5); btn_w\u00FCrfeln.onRelease = function () { w\u00FCrfeln(); }; btn_submit.onRelease = function () { Set("tipeisb\u00E4ren", int(txt_eisb\u00E4ren.text)); tipfische = int(txt_fische.text); Set("tipl\u00F6cher", int(txt_l\u00F6cher.text)); tipeskimos = int(txt_eskimos.text); auswerten(); };
Frame 155
stop(); btn_nochmal.onRelease = function () { gotoAndStop (148); };
Symbol 32 Button
on (release) { getURL ("", "_blank"); }
Symbol 69 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 69 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 69 MovieClip Frame 3
Symbol 69 MovieClip Frame 4
Symbol 69 MovieClip Frame 5
Symbol 69 MovieClip Frame 6
Symbol 74 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 74 MovieClip Frame 25
if (_root.eskimos == 1) { links.hand1.gotoAndStop(1); rechts.hand2.gotoAndStop(6); } if (_root.eskimos == 2) { links.hand1.gotoAndStop(1); rechts.hand2.gotoAndStop(1); } if (_root.eskimos == 3) { links.hand1.gotoAndStop(2); rechts.hand2.gotoAndStop(1); } if (_root.eskimos == 4) { links.hand1.gotoAndStop(3); rechts.hand2.gotoAndStop(1); } if (_root.eskimos == 5) { links.hand1.gotoAndStop(3); rechts.hand2.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.eskimos == 6) { links.hand1.gotoAndStop(2); rechts.hand2.gotoAndStop(4); } if (_root.eskimos == 7) { links.hand1.gotoAndStop(4); rechts.hand2.gotoAndStop(3); } if (_root.eskimos == 8) { links.hand1.gotoAndStop(3); rechts.hand2.gotoAndStop(5); } if (_root.eskimos == 9) { links.hand1.gotoAndStop(5); rechts.hand2.gotoAndStop(4); } if (_root.eskimos == 10) { links.hand1.gotoAndStop(5); rechts.hand2.gotoAndStop(5); } if (_root.eskimos == 0) { links.hand1.gotoAndStop(6); rechts.hand2.gotoAndStop(6); }
Symbol 83 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 83 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 83 MovieClip Frame 3
Symbol 83 MovieClip Frame 4
Symbol 83 MovieClip Frame 5
Symbol 83 MovieClip Frame 6
Symbol 105 MovieClip Frame 1

Library Items

Symbol 1 Sound [wind.wav]
Symbol 2 Sound [TN]
Symbol 3 GraphicUsed by:4
Symbol 4 MovieClipUses:3Used by:11
Symbol 5 GraphicUsed by:6
Symbol 6 MovieClipUses:5Used by:11
Symbol 7 GraphicUsed by:8
Symbol 8 MovieClipUses:7Used by:11
Symbol 9 GraphicUsed by:10
Symbol 10 MovieClipUses:9Used by:11
Symbol 11 MovieClipUses:4 6 8 10Used by:Timeline
Symbol 12 FontUsed by:13 14 19 20
Symbol 13 EditableTextUses:12Used by:Timeline
Symbol 14 TextUses:12Used by:Timeline
Symbol 15 GraphicUsed by:16
Symbol 16 MovieClipUses:15Used by:Timeline
Symbol 17 GraphicUsed by:18
Symbol 18 MovieClipUses:17Used by:Timeline
Symbol 19 EditableTextUses:12Used by:Timeline
Symbol 20 EditableTextUses:12Used by:Timeline
Symbol 21 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 22 FontUsed by:23 24 33 34
Symbol 23 TextUses:22Used by:Timeline
Symbol 24 TextUses:22Used by:Timeline
Symbol 25 GraphicUsed by:32
Symbol 26 FontUsed by:27 30
Symbol 27 TextUses:26Used by:32
Symbol 28 FontUsed by:29
Symbol 29 TextUses:28Used by:32
Symbol 30 TextUses:26Used by:32
Symbol 31 GraphicUsed by:32
Symbol 32 ButtonUses:25 27 29 30 31Used by:Timeline
Symbol 33 TextUses:22Used by:Timeline
Symbol 34 TextUses:22Used by:Timeline
Symbol 35 GraphicUsed by:40 43
Symbol 36 FontUsed by:37 38 41 42
Symbol 37 TextUses:36Used by:40
Symbol 38 TextUses:36Used by:40
Symbol 39 GraphicUsed by:40
Symbol 40 ButtonUses:35 37 38 39Used by:Timeline
Symbol 41 TextUses:36Used by:43
Symbol 42 TextUses:36Used by:43
Symbol 43 ButtonUses:35 41 42Used by:Timeline
Symbol 44 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 45 FontUsed by:46 47 50 56 97 106 113 116 125 129 130 133 134 135 139 149 151 158 159 168 170 171
Symbol 46 TextUses:45Used by:Timeline
Symbol 47 TextUses:45Used by:Timeline
Symbol 48 GraphicUsed by:53 131 138 172
Symbol 49 GraphicUsed by:53 131 138 172
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Symbol 52 GraphicUsed by:53 131
Symbol 53 ButtonUses:48 49 50 51 52Used by:Timeline
Symbol 54 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 55 FontUsed by:56 106
Symbol 56 TextUses:45 55Used by:Timeline
Symbol 57 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 58 GraphicUsed by:75
Symbol 59 GraphicUsed by:60
Symbol 60 MovieClipUses:59Used by:75
Symbol 61 GraphicUsed by:62
Symbol 62 MovieClipUses:61Used by:74
Symbol 63 GraphicUsed by:69
Symbol 64 GraphicUsed by:69
Symbol 65 GraphicUsed by:69
Symbol 66 GraphicUsed by:69
Symbol 67 GraphicUsed by:69
Symbol 68 GraphicUsed by:69
Symbol 69 MovieClipUses:63 64 65 66 67 68Used by:72 73
Symbol 70 GraphicUsed by:71
Symbol 71 MovieClipUses:70Used by:72 73
Symbol 72 MovieClipUses:69 71Used by:74
Symbol 73 MovieClipUses:69 71Used by:74
Symbol 74 MovieClipUses:62 72 73Used by:75
Symbol 75 MovieClipUses:58 60 74Used by:Timeline
Symbol 76 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 77 GraphicUsed by:83
Symbol 78 GraphicUsed by:83
Symbol 79 GraphicUsed by:83
Symbol 80 GraphicUsed by:83
Symbol 81 GraphicUsed by:83
Symbol 82 GraphicUsed by:83
Symbol 83 MovieClipUses:77 78 79 80 81 82Used by:Timeline
Symbol 84 GraphicUsed by:89 95 142 148
Symbol 85 FontUsed by:86 90 91 92 93 94 96 98 107 108 109 110 111 112 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 126 140 143 144 145 146 147 150 152 153 154 155 156 157 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 169
Symbol 86 TextUses:85Used by:89
Symbol 87 GraphicUsed by:89 95
Symbol 88 GraphicUsed by:89 95
Symbol 89 ButtonUses:84 86 87 88Used by:Timeline
Symbol 90 EditableTextUses:85Used by:Timeline
Symbol 91 EditableTextUses:85Used by:Timeline
Symbol 92 EditableTextUses:85Used by:Timeline
Symbol 93 EditableTextUses:85Used by:Timeline
Symbol 94 TextUses:85Used by:95
Symbol 95 ButtonUses:84 94 87 88Used by:Timeline
Symbol 96 TextUses:85Used by:Timeline
Symbol 97 EditableTextUses:45Used by:Timeline
Symbol 98 TextUses:85Used by:Timeline
Symbol 99 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 100 GraphicUsed by:101
Symbol 101 MovieClipUses:100Used by:Timeline
Symbol 102 GraphicUsed by:103
Symbol 103 MovieClipUses:102Used by:Timeline
Symbol 104 SoundUsed by:105
Symbol 105 MovieClipUses:104Used by:Timeline
Symbol 106 TextUses:45 55Used by:Timeline
Symbol 107 EditableTextUses:85Used by:Timeline
Symbol 108 EditableTextUses:85Used by:Timeline
Symbol 109 EditableTextUses:85Used by:Timeline
Symbol 110 EditableTextUses:85Used by:Timeline
Symbol 111 EditableTextUses:85Used by:Timeline
Symbol 112 EditableTextUses:85Used by:Timeline
Symbol 113 EditableTextUses:45Used by:Timeline
Symbol 114 GraphicUsed by:115
Symbol 115 MovieClipUses:114Used by:Timeline
Symbol 116 TextUses:45Used by:Timeline
Symbol 117 EditableTextUses:85Used by:Timeline
Symbol 118 EditableTextUses:85Used by:Timeline
Symbol 119 EditableTextUses:85Used by:Timeline
Symbol 120 EditableTextUses:85Used by:Timeline
Symbol 121 EditableTextUses:85Used by:Timeline
Symbol 122 EditableTextUses:85Used by:Timeline
Symbol 123 EditableTextUses:85Used by:Timeline
Symbol 124 EditableTextUses:85Used by:Timeline
Symbol 125 EditableTextUses:45Used by:Timeline
Symbol 126 TextUses:85Used by:Timeline
Symbol 127 GraphicUsed by:128
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Symbol 130 TextUses:45Used by:131
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Symbol 132 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 133 TextUses:45Used by:Timeline
Symbol 134 TextUses:45Used by:Timeline
Symbol 135 TextUses:45Used by:138
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Symbol 137 GraphicUsed by:138 172
Symbol 138 ButtonUses:48 49 135 136 137Used by:Timeline
Symbol 139 TextUses:45Used by:Timeline
Symbol 140 TextUses:85Used by:142
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Symbol 142 ButtonUses:84 140 141Used by:Timeline
Symbol 143 EditableTextUses:85Used by:Timeline
Symbol 144 EditableTextUses:85Used by:Timeline
Symbol 145 EditableTextUses:85Used by:Timeline
Symbol 146 EditableTextUses:85Used by:Timeline
Symbol 147 TextUses:85Used by:148
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Symbol 149 EditableTextUses:45Used by:Timeline
Symbol 150 TextUses:85Used by:Timeline
Symbol 151 TextUses:45Used by:Timeline
Symbol 152 EditableTextUses:85Used by:Timeline
Symbol 153 EditableTextUses:85Used by:Timeline
Symbol 154 EditableTextUses:85Used by:Timeline
Symbol 155 EditableTextUses:85Used by:Timeline
Symbol 156 EditableTextUses:85Used by:Timeline
Symbol 157 EditableTextUses:85Used by:Timeline
Symbol 158 EditableTextUses:45Used by:Timeline
Symbol 159 TextUses:45Used by:Timeline
Symbol 160 EditableTextUses:85Used by:Timeline
Symbol 161 EditableTextUses:85Used by:Timeline
Symbol 162 EditableTextUses:85Used by:Timeline
Symbol 163 EditableTextUses:85Used by:Timeline
Symbol 164 EditableTextUses:85Used by:Timeline
Symbol 165 EditableTextUses:85Used by:Timeline
Symbol 166 EditableTextUses:85Used by:Timeline
Symbol 167 EditableTextUses:85Used by:Timeline
Symbol 168 EditableTextUses:45Used by:Timeline
Symbol 169 TextUses:85Used by:Timeline
Symbol 170 TextUses:45Used by:Timeline
Symbol 171 TextUses:45Used by:172
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Instance Names

"ladebalken"Frame 1Symbol 16 MovieClip
"btn_german"Frame 139Symbol 40 Button
"btn_english"Frame 139Symbol 43 Button
"btn_weiter"Frame 140Symbol 53 Button
"btn_weiter"Frame 141Symbol 53 Button
"mc_würfeln"Frame 142Symbol 75 MovieClip
"würfel2"Frame 142Symbol 83 MovieClip
"würfel1"Frame 142Symbol 83 MovieClip
"würfel3"Frame 142Symbol 83 MovieClip
"btn_würfeln"Frame 142Symbol 89 Button
"txt_löcher"Frame 142Symbol 92 EditableText
"txt_eisbären"Frame 142Symbol 93 EditableText
"btn_submit"Frame 142Symbol 95 Button
"eisbären_richtig"Frame 142Symbol 101 MovieClip
"löcher_richtig"Frame 142Symbol 103 MovieClip
"sound"Frame 142Symbol 105 MovieClip
"btn_weiter"Frame 143Symbol 53 Button
"mc_würfeln"Frame 144Symbol 75 MovieClip
"würfel2"Frame 144Symbol 83 MovieClip
"würfel1"Frame 144Symbol 83 MovieClip
"würfel3"Frame 144Symbol 83 MovieClip
"btn_würfeln"Frame 144Symbol 89 Button
"txt_fische"Frame 144Symbol 110 EditableText
"txt_löcher"Frame 144Symbol 111 EditableText
"txt_eisbären"Frame 144Symbol 112 EditableText
"btn_submit"Frame 144Symbol 95 Button
"eisbären_richtig"Frame 144Symbol 101 MovieClip
"löcher_richtig"Frame 144Symbol 103 MovieClip
"fische_richtig"Frame 144Symbol 115 MovieClip
"sound"Frame 144Symbol 105 MovieClip
"btn_weiter"Frame 145Symbol 53 Button
"mc_würfeln"Frame 146Symbol 75 MovieClip
"würfel2"Frame 146Symbol 83 MovieClip
"würfel1"Frame 146Symbol 83 MovieClip
"würfel3"Frame 146Symbol 83 MovieClip
"btn_würfeln"Frame 146Symbol 89 Button
"txt_fische"Frame 146Symbol 120 EditableText
"txt_löcher"Frame 146Symbol 121 EditableText
"txt_eisbären"Frame 146Symbol 122 EditableText
"txt_eskimos"Frame 146Symbol 124 EditableText
"btn_submit"Frame 146Symbol 95 Button
"eisbären_richtig"Frame 146Symbol 101 MovieClip
"löcher_richtig"Frame 146Symbol 103 MovieClip
"fische_richtig"Frame 146Symbol 115 MovieClip
"eskimos_richtig"Frame 146Symbol 128 MovieClip
"sound"Frame 146Symbol 105 MovieClip
"btn_nochmal"Frame 147Symbol 131 Button
"btn_weiter"Frame 148Symbol 138 Button
"btn_weiter"Frame 149Symbol 138 Button
"mc_würfeln"Frame 150Symbol 75 MovieClip
"würfel2"Frame 150Symbol 83 MovieClip
"würfel1"Frame 150Symbol 83 MovieClip
"würfel3"Frame 150Symbol 83 MovieClip
"btn_würfeln"Frame 150Symbol 142 Button
"txt_löcher"Frame 150Symbol 145 EditableText
"txt_eisbären"Frame 150Symbol 146 EditableText
"btn_submit"Frame 150Symbol 148 Button
"eisbären_richtig"Frame 150Symbol 101 MovieClip
"löcher_richtig"Frame 150Symbol 103 MovieClip
"sound"Frame 150Symbol 105 MovieClip
"btn_weiter"Frame 151Symbol 138 Button
"mc_würfeln"Frame 152Symbol 75 MovieClip
"würfel2"Frame 152Symbol 83 MovieClip
"würfel1"Frame 152Symbol 83 MovieClip
"würfel3"Frame 152Symbol 83 MovieClip
"btn_würfeln"Frame 152Symbol 142 Button
"txt_fische"Frame 152Symbol 155 EditableText
"txt_löcher"Frame 152Symbol 156 EditableText
"txt_eisbären"Frame 152Symbol 157 EditableText
"btn_submit"Frame 152Symbol 148 Button
"eisbären_richtig"Frame 152Symbol 101 MovieClip
"löcher_richtig"Frame 152Symbol 103 MovieClip
"fische_richtig"Frame 152Symbol 115 MovieClip
"sound"Frame 152Symbol 105 MovieClip
"btn_weiter"Frame 153Symbol 138 Button
"mc_würfeln"Frame 154Symbol 75 MovieClip
"würfel2"Frame 154Symbol 83 MovieClip
"würfel1"Frame 154Symbol 83 MovieClip
"würfel3"Frame 154Symbol 83 MovieClip
"btn_würfeln"Frame 154Symbol 142 Button
"txt_fische"Frame 154Symbol 163 EditableText
"txt_löcher"Frame 154Symbol 164 EditableText
"txt_eisbären"Frame 154Symbol 165 EditableText
"txt_eskimos"Frame 154Symbol 167 EditableText
"btn_submit"Frame 154Symbol 148 Button
"eisbären_richtig"Frame 154Symbol 101 MovieClip
"löcher_richtig"Frame 154Symbol 103 MovieClip
"fische_richtig"Frame 154Symbol 115 MovieClip
"eskimos_richtig"Frame 154Symbol 128 MovieClip
"sound"Frame 154Symbol 105 MovieClip
"btn_nochmal"Frame 155Symbol 172 Button
"hand2"Symbol 72 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 69 MovieClip
"hand1"Symbol 73 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 69 MovieClip
"rechts"Symbol 74 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 72 MovieClip
"links"Symbol 74 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 73 MovieClip
"arme"Symbol 75 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 74 MovieClip

Special Tags

ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 1 as "wind.wav"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 2 as "TN"

Dynamic Text Variables

prozentSymbol 13 EditableText"100"
prozentSymbol 19 EditableText"100"
prozentSymbol 20 EditableText"100"
counterSymbol 97 EditableText"3"
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Created: 25/5 -2019 14:50:10 Last modified: 25/5 -2019 14:50:10 Server time: 03/01 -2025 07:19:32