Frame 1
fscommand ("showmenu", "false");
fscommand ("trapallkeys", "true");
if (_root.load_bar._currentframe >= 99) {
gotoAndStop (4);
} else {
Instance of Symbol 11 MovieClip "load_bar" in Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
byteloaded = _root.getBytesLoaded();
bytetotal = _root.getBytesTotal();
loaded = int((byteloaded / bytetotal) * 100);
t = getTimer();
percent = ((((loaded + "% ( ") + int(byteloaded / 1000)) + " K / ") + int(bytetotal / 1000)) + " K )";
percent = ((percent + "\rÏÂÔØËٶȣº") + (int((byteloaded / t) * 100) / 100)) + " K/s";
timeloaded = int(t / 1000);
timeremain = int((timeloaded * (bytetotal - byteloaded)) / byteloaded);
timeremain = ((int(timeremain / 60) + "'") + int(timeremain % 60)) + "\"";
timeloaded = ((int(timeloaded / 60) + "'") + int(timeloaded % 60)) + "\"";
downloadtime = ((("ÒÑÓÃʱ¼ä£º" + timeloaded) + "\r") + "Ê£Óàʱ¼ä£º") + timeremain;
_root.downloadtime = _root.load_bar.downloadtime;
Frame 2
gotoAndPlay (1);
Frame 6
Frame 10
function angle(x1, y1, x2, y2) {
if ((x2 < x1) and (y1 == y2)) {
var angleval = 0;
} else if ((x1 == x2) and (y2 < y1)) {
angleval = (Math.PI/2);
} else if ((x1 < x2) and (y1 == y2)) {
angleval = Math.PI;
} else if ((x1 == x2) and (y1 < y2)) {
angleval = 4.71238898038469;
} else {
angleval = Math.atan(Math.abs(y1 - y2) / Math.abs(x1 - x2));
if ((x1 < x2) and (y2 < y1)) {
angleval = Math.PI - angleval;
} else if ((x1 < x2) and (y1 < y2)) {
angleval = Math.PI + angleval;
} else if ((x2 < x1) and (y1 < y2)) {
angleval = (Math.PI*2) - angleval;
function radian(val1, ang1, val2, ang2) {
var cx = ((val1 * Math.cos(ang1)) + (val2 * Math.cos(ang2)));
var cy = ((val1 * Math.sin(ang1)) + (val2 * Math.sin(ang2)));
if ((0 < cx) and (cy >= 0)) {
var radianval = Math.atan(cy / cx);
} else if ((0 < cx) and (cy < 0)) {
radianval = (Math.PI*2) + Math.atan(cy / cx);
} else if (cx < 0) {
radianval = Math.PI + Math.atan(cy / cx);
} else if ((cx == 0) and (0 < cy)) {
radianval = (Math.PI/2);
} else if ((cx == 0) and (cy < 0)) {
radianval = 4.71238898038469;
function selectball(dong, xdong, ydong, ball, banjing) {
var j = angle(xdong, ydong, xposition[ball], yposition[ball]);
if (((((dong >= 0) and (mcname[dong]._visible == true)) or (dong < 0)) and (dong != ball)) and ((Math.abs(j - speeddir[ball]) < (Math.PI/2)) or (((Math.PI*2) - Math.abs(j - speeddir[ball])) < (Math.PI/2)))) {
if ((((speeddir[ball] != 0) and (speeddir[ball] != (Math.PI/2))) and (speeddir[ball] != Math.PI)) and (speeddir[ball] != 4.71238898038469)) {
var xx = (((((Math.tan((Math.PI/2) + speeddir[ball]) * xdong) + yposition[ball]) - ydong) - (Math.tan(speeddir[ball]) * xposition[ball])) / (Math.tan((Math.PI/2) + speeddir[ball]) - Math.tan(speeddir[ball])));
var yy = ((Math.tan((Math.PI/2) + speeddir[ball]) * (xx - xdong)) + ydong);
} else if ((speeddir[ball] == 0) or (speeddir[ball] == Math.PI)) {
var xx = xdong;
var yy = yposition[ball];
} else if ((speeddir[ball] == (Math.PI/2)) or (speeddir[ball] == 4.71238898038469)) {
var xx = xposition[ball];
var yy = ydong;
var dottoline = (((xdong - xx) * (xdong - xx)) + ((ydong - yy) * (ydong - yy)));
if (dottoline < banjing) {
xx = xx - (Math.sqrt(banjing - dottoline) * Math.cos(speeddir[ball]));
yy = yy - (Math.sqrt(banjing - dottoline) * Math.sin(speeddir[ball]));
if ((((xx - xposition[ball]) * (xx - xposition[ball])) + ((yy - yposition[ball]) * (yy - yposition[ball]))) < (((xhitdot[ball] - xposition[ball]) * (xhitdot[ball] - xposition[ball])) + ((yhitdot[ball] - yposition[ball]) * (yhitdot[ball] - yposition[ball])))) {
xhitdot[ball] = xx;
yhitdot[ball] = yy;
hitmark[ball] = dong;
function selecthole(num5) {
if ((xposition[num5] < (50 + conx)) and (yposition[num5] < (50 + cony))) {
var sb = selectball(-2, 30 + conx, -30 + cony, num5, 1369);
sb = selectball(-3, -30 + conx, 30 + cony, num5, 1369);
sb = selectball(-21, -12.5 + conx, -12.5 + cony, num5, 306);
} else if ((xposition[num5] < (50 + conx)) and ((300 + cony) < yposition[num5])) {
var sb = selectball(-4, -30 + conx, 320 + cony, num5, 1369);
sb = selectball(-5, 30 + conx, 380 + cony, num5, 1369);
sb = selectball(-22, -12.5 + conx, 362.5 + cony, num5, 306);
} else if ((((300 + conx) < xposition[num5]) and (xposition[num5] < (400 + conx))) and ((300 + cony) < yposition[num5])) {
var sb = selectball(-6, 320 + conx, 380 + cony, num5, 1369);
sb = selectball(-7, 380 + conx, 380 + cony, num5, 1369);
sb = selectball(-23, 350 + conx, 367.5 + cony, num5, 306);
} else if (((650 + conx) < xposition[num5]) and ((300 + cony) < yposition[num5])) {
var sb = selectball(-8, 670 + conx, 380 + cony, num5, 1369);
sb = selectball(-9, 730 + conx, 320 + cony, num5, 1369);
sb = selectball(-24, 712.5 + conx, 362.5 + cony, num5, 306);
} else if (((650 + conx) < xposition[num5]) and (yposition[num5] < (50 + cony))) {
var sb = selectball(-10, 730 + conx, 30 + cony, num5, 1369);
sb = selectball(-11, 670 + conx, -30 + cony, num5, 1369);
sb = selectball(-25, 712.5 + conx, -12.5 + cony, num5, 306);
} else if ((((300 + conx) < xposition[num5]) and (xposition[num5] < (400 + conx))) and (yposition[num5] < (50 + cony))) {
var sb = selectball(-12, 380 + conx, -30 + cony, num5, 1369);
sb = selectball(-13, 320 + conx, -30 + cony, num5, 1369);
sb = selectball(-26, 350 + conx, -17.5 + cony, num5, 306);
function dkft(bb, dx, dy) {
var j = angle(dx, dy, xposition[bb], yposition[bb]);
if ((j >= speeddir[bb]) or ((((j >= 0) and (j < (Math.PI/2))) and (speeddir[bb] >= 4.71238898038469)) and (speeddir[bb] < (Math.PI*2)))) {
var k = (j - speeddir[bb]);
if (k < 0) {
k = k + (Math.PI*2);
j = j - Math.PI;
if (j < 0) {
j = j + (Math.PI*2);
speeddir[bb] = j + k;
if (speeddir[bb] >= (Math.PI*2)) {
speeddir[bb] = speeddir[bb] - (Math.PI*2);
} else if ((speeddir[bb] >= j) or ((((speeddir[bb] >= 0) and (speeddir[bb] < (Math.PI/2))) and (j >= 4.71238898038469)) and (j < (Math.PI*2)))) {
var k = (speeddir[bb] - j);
if (k < 0) {
k = k + (Math.PI*2);
j = j - Math.PI;
if (j < 0) {
j = j + (Math.PI*2);
speeddir[bb] = j - k;
if (speeddir[bb] < 0) {
speeddir[bb] = speeddir[bb] + (Math.PI*2);
function baifang(bfx, bfy, bn) {
var i = 0;
while (i < 22) {
if (mcname[i]._visible == true) {
if (196 >= (((bfx - xposition[i]) * (bfx - xposition[i])) + ((bfy - yposition[i]) * (bfy - yposition[i])))) {
i = 23;
if (i == 22) {
mcname[bn]._x = bfx;
mcname[bn]._y = bfy;
xposition[bn] = bfx;
yposition[bn] = bfy;
mcname[bn]._visible = true;
} else {
if (nn == bn) {
nn = nn - 1;
if (0 < nn) {
var pp = baifang(cqwzx[nn], cqwzy[nn], bn);
nn = nn - 1;
} else {
var pp = baifang(cqwzx[nn] + (2 * mm), cqwzy[nn], bn);
mm = mm + 1;
function resthit(index1, index2, hmark) {
var ang11 = angle(xposition[index1], yposition[index1], xposition[index2], yposition[index2]);
if (Math.abs(speeddir[index2] - ang11) < (Math.PI/2)) {
var jud = Math.abs(speeddir[index2] - ang11);
} else if (((Math.PI*2) - Math.abs(speeddir[index2] - ang11)) < (Math.PI/2)) {
var jud = ((Math.PI*2) - Math.abs(speeddir[index2] - ang11));
var spd11 = (speedval[index2] * Math.cos(jud));
var spd12 = (speedval[index2] * Math.sin(jud));
if (((speeddir[index2] >= ang11) and ((speeddir[index2] - ang11) < (Math.PI/2))) or ((speeddir[index2] < ang11) and ((speeddir[index2] - ang11) < -4.71238898038469))) {
ang12 = ang11 + (Math.PI/2);
if (ang12 >= (Math.PI*2)) {
ang12 = ang12 - (Math.PI*2);
} else if (((ang11 >= speeddir[index2]) and ((ang11 - speeddir[index2]) < (Math.PI/2))) or ((ang11 < speeddir[index2]) and ((ang11 - speeddir[index2]) < -4.71238898038469))) {
ang12 = ang11 - (Math.PI/2);
if (ang12 < 0) {
ang12 = (Math.PI*2) + ang12;
if ((index2 == 0) and (0 < circd)) {
var cx = ((cirval * Math.cos(cirdir)) + (spd12 * Math.cos(ang12)));
var cy = ((cirval * Math.sin(cirdir)) + (spd12 * Math.sin(ang12)));
ang12 = radian(cirval, cirdir, spd12, ang12);
spd12 = Math.sqrt((cx * cx) + (cy * cy));
circd = 0;
cirval = 0;
cirdir = 0;
speedval[index1] = spd11;
speeddir[index1] = ang11;
speedval[index2] = spd12;
speeddir[index2] = ang12;
hitmark[index1] = -1;
xhitdot[index1] = 2000;
yhitdot[index1] = 2000;
var i = 0;
while (i < 22) {
if ((i != index1) and (i != index2)) {
var callfun = selectball(i, xposition[i], yposition[i], index1, 196);
if (((((7 + conx) >= xposition[index1]) or (xposition[index1] >= (693 + conx))) or ((7 + cony) >= yposition[index1])) or (yposition[index1] >= (343 + cony))) {
var sh = selecthole(index1);
hitmark[index2] = -1;
xhitdot[index2] = 2000;
yhitdot[index2] = 2000;
var i = 0;
while (i < 22) {
if ((i != index1) and (i != index2)) {
callfun = selectball(i, xposition[i], yposition[i], index2, 196);
if (((((7 + conx) >= xposition[index2]) or (xposition[index2] >= (693 + conx))) or ((7 + cony) >= yposition[index2])) or (yposition[index2] >= (343 + cony))) {
var sh = selecthole(index2);
if ((index2 == 0) and (mbq == 0)) {
mbq = index1;
mysound = new Sound();
mysound.setVolume(speedval[index1] / 20);
function motionhit(num1, num2) {
var ang11 = angle(xposition[num1], yposition[num1], xposition[num2], yposition[num2]);
var ang21 = (ang11 + Math.PI);
if (ang21 >= (Math.PI*2)) {
ang21 = (Math.PI*2) - ang21;
if ((Math.abs(speeddir[num2] - ang11) < (Math.PI/2)) or (((Math.PI*2) - Math.abs(speeddir[num2] - ang11)) < (Math.PI/2))) {
if (Math.abs(speeddir[num2] - ang11) < (Math.PI/2)) {
var jud12 = Math.abs(speeddir[num2] - ang11);
} else if (((Math.PI*2) - Math.abs(speeddir[num2] - ang11)) < (Math.PI/2)) {
var jud12 = ((Math.PI*2) - Math.abs(speeddir[num2] - ang11));
if (Math.abs(speeddir[num1] - ang11) < Math.PI) {
var jud11 = Math.abs(speeddir[num1] - ang11);
} else if (((Math.PI*2) - Math.abs(speeddir[num1] - ang11)) < Math.PI) {
var jud11 = ((Math.PI*2) - Math.abs(speeddir[num1] - ang11));
if (Math.cos(jud11) >= 0) {
var spd11 = ((speedval[num2] - (speedval[num1] * Math.cos(jud11))) * Math.cos(jud12));
} else {
var spd11 = (speedval[num2] * Math.cos(jud12));
var spd12 = (spd11 * Math.tan(jud12));
if (((speeddir[num2] >= ang11) and ((speeddir[num2] - ang11) < (Math.PI/2))) or ((speeddir[num2] < ang11) and ((speeddir[num2] - ang11) < -4.71238898038469))) {
ang12 = ang11 + (Math.PI/2);
if (ang12 >= (Math.PI*2)) {
ang12 = ang12 - (Math.PI*2);
} else if (((ang11 >= speeddir[num2]) and ((ang11 - speeddir[num2]) < (Math.PI/2))) or ((ang11 < speeddir[num2]) and ((ang11 - speeddir[num2]) < -4.71238898038469))) {
ang12 = ang11 - (Math.PI/2);
if (ang12 < 0) {
ang12 = (Math.PI*2) + ang12;
if ((Math.abs(speeddir[num1] - ang21) < (Math.PI/2)) or (((Math.PI*2) - Math.abs(speeddir[num1] - ang21)) < (Math.PI/2))) {
if (Math.abs(speeddir[num1] - ang21) < (Math.PI/2)) {
var jud22 = Math.abs(speeddir[num1] - ang21);
} else if (((Math.PI*2) - Math.abs(speeddir[num1] - ang21)) < (Math.PI/2)) {
var jud22 = ((Math.PI*2) - Math.abs(speeddir[num1] - ang21));
if (Math.abs(speeddir[num2] - ang21) < Math.PI) {
var jud21 = Math.abs(speeddir[num2] - ang21);
} else if (((Math.PI*2) - Math.abs(speeddir[num2] - ang21)) < Math.PI) {
var jud21 = ((Math.PI*2) - Math.abs(speeddir[num2] - ang21));
if (Math.cos(jud21) >= 0) {
var spd21 = ((speedval[num1] - (speedval[num2] * Math.cos(jud21))) * Math.cos(jud22));
} else {
var spd21 = (speedval[num1] * Math.cos(jud22));
var spd22 = (spd21 * Math.tan(jud22));
if (((speeddir[num1] >= ang21) and ((speeddir[num1] - ang21) < (Math.PI/2))) or ((speeddir[num1] < ang21) and ((speeddir[num1] - ang21) < -4.71238898038469))) {
ang22 = ang21 + (Math.PI/2);
if (ang22 >= (Math.PI*2)) {
ang22 = ang22 - (Math.PI*2);
} else if (((ang21 >= speeddir[num1]) and ((ang21 - speeddir[num1]) < (Math.PI/2))) or ((ang21 < speeddir[num1]) and ((ang21 - speeddir[num1]) < -4.71238898038469))) {
ang22 = ang21 - (Math.PI/2);
if (ang22 < 0) {
ang22 = (Math.PI*2) + ang22;
mysound = new Sound();
mysound.setVolume((speedval[num1] + spd12) / 20);
if ((2.8 < Math.abs(ang11 - speeddir[num1])) and (Math.abs(ang11 - speeddir[num1]) < 3.5)) {
spd11 = spd11 + (speedval[num1] * 0.02);
var cx = ((spd11 * Math.cos(ang11)) + (spd22 * Math.cos(ang22)));
var cy = ((spd11 * Math.sin(ang11)) + (spd22 * Math.sin(ang22)));
speedval[num1] = Math.sqrt((cx * cx) + (cy * cy));
speeddir[num1] = radian(spd11, ang11, spd22, ang22);
if ((2.8 < Math.abs(ang21 - speeddir[num2])) and (Math.abs(ang21 - speeddir[num2]) < 3.5)) {
spd21 = spd21 + (speedval[num2] * 0.02);
cx = (spd12 * Math.cos(ang12)) + (spd21 * Math.cos(ang21));
cy = (spd12 * Math.sin(ang12)) + (spd21 * Math.sin(ang21));
speedval[num2] = Math.sqrt((cx * cx) + (cy * cy));
speeddir[num2] = radian(spd12, ang12, spd21, ang21);
hitmark[num1] = -1;
xhitdot[num1] = 2000;
yhitdot[num1] = 2000;
var i = 0;
while (i < 22) {
if ((i != num1) and (i != num2)) {
var callfun = selectball(i, xposition[i], yposition[i], num1, 196);
if (((((7 + conx) >= xposition[num1]) or (xposition[num1] >= (693 + conx))) or ((7 + cony) >= yposition[num1])) or (yposition[num1] >= (343 + cony))) {
var sh = selecthole(num1);
hitmark[num2] = -1;
xhitdot[num2] = 2000;
yhitdot[num2] = 2000;
var i = 0;
while (i < 22) {
if ((i != num1) and (i != num2)) {
callfun = selectball(i, xposition[i], yposition[i], num2, 196);
if (((((7 + conx) >= xposition[num2]) or (xposition[num2] >= (693 + conx))) or ((7 + cony) >= yposition[num2])) or (yposition[num2] >= (343 + cony))) {
var sh = selecthole(num2);
function motion(num, name) {
if (((speedval[num] >= 10) and (name._visible == true)) and (mhitm[num] == -1)) {
var xm = (xposition[num] + ((speedval[num] * 0.02) * Math.cos(speeddir[num])));
var ym = (yposition[num] + ((speedval[num] * 0.02) * Math.sin(speeddir[num])));
speedval[num] = speedval[num] - ((speedval[num] / 1.3) * 0.02);
if ((speedval[num] < 40) and (hitmark[num] != -1)) {
speeddir[num] = angle(xhitdot[num], yhitdot[num], xposition[num], yposition[num]);
if (((((((7 + conx) >= xposition[num]) or (xposition[num] >= (693 + conx))) or ((7 + cony) >= yposition[num])) or (yposition[num] >= (343 + cony))) and (((((7 + conx) < xm) and (xm < (693 + conx))) and ((7 + cony) < ym)) and (ym < (343 + cony)))) and (hitmark[num] == 2000)) {
hitmark[num] = -1;
if (num == 0) {
cirval = speedval[0] / 5;
var dd1 = (((xhitdot[num] - xposition[num]) * (xhitdot[num] - xposition[num])) + ((yhitdot[num] - yposition[num]) * (yhitdot[num] - yposition[num])));
var dd2 = (((xm - xposition[num]) * (xm - xposition[num])) + ((ym - yposition[num]) * (ym - yposition[num])));
if ((dd2 >= dd1) and (xhitdot[num] != 2000)) {
xposition[num] = xhitdot[num];
yposition[num] = yhitdot[num];
name._x = xhitdot[num];
name._y = yhitdot[num];
if ((-1 < hitmark[num]) and (hitmark[num] < 1000)) {
var disb = (((xhitdot[num] - xposition[hitmark[num]]) * (xhitdot[num] - xposition[hitmark[num]])) + ((yhitdot[num] - yposition[hitmark[num]]) * (yhitdot[num] - yposition[hitmark[num]])));
if ((disb < 197) and (195.8 < disb)) {
var callfunction = resthit(hitmark[num], num, 1);
} else {
hitmark[num] = -1;
xhitdot[num] = 2000;
yhitdot[num] = 2000;
var i = 0;
while (i < 22) {
var callfun = selectball(i, xposition[i], yposition[i], num, 196);
} else if (hitmark[num] < -1) {
if (hitmark[num] < -20) {
name._visible = false;
mysound = new Sound();
if (6 < num) {
hqjds = hqjds + 1;
} else if ((0 < num) and (num < 7)) {
bfcq[0] = bfcq[0] + 1;
bfcq[num] = num;
} else {
mqjd = 0;
} else {
var sb = hitmark[num];
hitmark[num] = -1;
xhitdot[num] = 2000;
yhitdot[num] = 2000;
if (sb == -8) {
var l = dkft(num, 670 + conx, 380 + cony);
sb = selectball(-9, 730 + conx, 320 + cony, num, 1369);
sb = selectball(-24, 712.5 + conx, 362.5 + cony, num, 306);
} else if (sb == -11) {
var l = dkft(num, 670 + conx, -30 + cony);
sb = selectball(-10, 730 + conx, 30 + cony, num, 1369);
sb = selectball(-25, 712.5 + conx, -12.5 + cony, num, 306);
} else if (sb == -9) {
var l = dkft(num, 730 + conx, 320 + cony);
sb = selectball(-8, 670 + conx, 380 + cony, num, 1369);
sb = selectball(-24, 712.5 + conx, 362.5 + cony, num, 306);
} else if (sb == -10) {
var l = dkft(num, 730 + conx, 30 + cony);
sb = selectball(-11, 670 + conx, -30 + cony, num, 1369);
sb = selectball(-25, 712.5 + conx, -12.5 + cony, num, 306);
} else if (sb == -13) {
var l = dkft(num, 320 + conx, -30 + cony);
sb = selectball(-12, 380 + conx, -30 + cony, num, 1369);
sb = selectball(-26, 350 + conx, -17.5 + cony, num, 306);
} else if (sb == -6) {
var l = dkft(num, 320 + conx, 380 + cony);
sb = selectball(-7, 380 + conx, 380 + cony, num, 1369);
sb = selectball(-23, 350 + conx, 367.5 + cony, num, 306);
} else if (sb == -12) {
var l = dkft(num, 380 + conx, -30 + cony);
sb = selectball(-13, 320 + conx, -30 + cony, num, 1369);
sb = selectball(-26, 350 + conx, -17.5 + cony, num, 306);
} else if (sb == -7) {
var l = dkft(num, 380 + conx, 380 + cony);
sb = selectball(-6, 320 + conx, 380 + cony, num, 1369);
sb = selectball(-23, 350 + conx, 367.5 + cony, num, 306);
} else if (sb == -2) {
var l = dkft(num, 30 + conx, -30 + cony);
sb = selectball(-3, -30 + conx, 30 + cony, num, 1369);
sb = selectball(-21, -12.5 + conx, -12.5 + cony, num, 306);
} else if (sb == -3) {
var l = dkft(num, -30 + conx, 30 + cony);
sb = selectball(-2, 30 + conx, -30 + cony, num, 1369);
sb = selectball(-21, -12.5 + conx, -12.5 + cony, num, 306);
} else if (sb == -4) {
var l = dkft(num, -30 + conx, 320 + cony);
sb = selectball(-5, 30 + conx, 380 + cony, num, 1369);
sb = selectball(-22, -12.5 + conx, 362.5 + cony, num, 306);
} else if (sb == -5) {
var l = dkft(num, 30 + conx, 380 + cony);
sb = selectball(-4, -30 + conx, 320 + cony, num, 1369);
sb = selectball(-22, -12.5 + conx, 362.5 + cony, num, 306);
var i = 0;
while (i < 22) {
var callfun = selectball(i, xposition[i], yposition[i], num, 196);
if (hitmark[num] == -1) {
hitmark[num] = 2000;
} else if (((((7 + conx) >= xm) or (xm >= (693 + conx))) or ((7 + cony) >= ym)) or (ym >= (343 + cony))) {
var biaozhi2 = 1;
var xm1 = xm;
var ym1 = ym;
if ((7 + conx) >= xm1) {
xm1 = 7 + conx;
ym1 = (Math.tan(speeddir[num]) * ((7 + conx) - xposition[num])) + yposition[num];
if (((ym1 >= (20 + cony)) and ((330 + cony) >= ym1)) and (xposition[num] >= (7 + conx))) {
biaozhi2 = 2;
name._x = xm1;
name._y = ym1;
if (((Math.PI/2) < speeddir[num]) and (Math.PI >= speeddir[num])) {
speeddir[num] = Math.PI - speeddir[num];
} else if ((Math.PI < speeddir[num]) and (speeddir[num] < 4.71238898038469)) {
speeddir[num] = 9.42477796076938 - speeddir[num];
} else if (xm1 >= (693 + conx)) {
xm1 = 693 + conx;
ym1 = (Math.tan(speeddir[num]) * ((693 + conx) - xposition[num])) + yposition[num];
if (((ym1 >= (20 + cony)) and ((330 + cony) >= ym1)) and ((693 + conx) >= xposition[num])) {
biaozhi2 = 2;
name._x = xm1;
name._y = ym1;
if ((speeddir[num] >= 0) and ((Math.PI/2) >= speeddir[num])) {
speeddir[num] = Math.PI - speeddir[num];
} else if ((4.71238898038469 < speeddir[num]) and (speeddir[num] < (Math.PI*2))) {
speeddir[num] = 9.42477796076938 - speeddir[num];
} else if ((7 + cony) >= ym1) {
if (speeddir[num] == 4.71238898038469) {
xm1 = xposition[num];
} else {
xm1 = (((7 + cony) - yposition[num]) / Math.tan(speeddir[num])) + xposition[num];
ym1 = 7 + cony;
if ((((xm1 >= (20 + conx)) and ((330 + conx) >= xm1)) or ((xm1 >= (370 + conx)) and ((680 + conx) >= xm1))) and (yposition[num] >= (7 + cony))) {
biaozhi2 = 2;
name._x = xm1;
name._y = ym1;
if (speeddir[num] == 4.71238898038469) {
speeddir[num] = (Math.PI/2);
} else {
speeddir[num] = (Math.PI*2) - speeddir[num];
} else if (ym1 >= (343 + cony)) {
if (speeddir[num] == (Math.PI/2)) {
xm1 = xposition[num];
} else {
xm1 = (((343 + cony) - yposition[num]) / Math.tan(speeddir[num])) + xposition[num];
ym1 = 343 + cony;
if ((((xm1 >= (20 + conx)) and ((330 + conx) >= xm1)) or ((xm1 >= (370 + conx)) and ((680 + conx) >= xm1))) and ((343 + cony) >= yposition[num])) {
biaozhi2 = 2;
name._x = xm1;
name._y = ym1;
if (speeddir[num] == (Math.PI/2)) {
speeddir[num] = 4.71238898038469;
} else {
speeddir[num] = (Math.PI*2) - speeddir[num];
if (biaozhi2 == 1) {
if (hitmark[num] == -1) {
hitmark[num] = -1;
xhitdot[num] = 2000;
yhitdot[num] = 2000;
name._x = xm1;
name._y = ym1;
xposition[num] = name._x;
yposition[num] = name._y;
var sh = selecthole(num);
} else {
name._x = xm;
name._y = ym;
xposition[num] = name._x;
yposition[num] = name._y;
} else if (biaozhi2 == 2) {
if ((num == 0) and (0 < circd)) {
_root.cirdir = _root.speeddir[0] - (((_root.circd - 1) * Math.PI) / 4);
if (_root.cirdir < 0) {
_root.cirdir = _root.cirdir + (Math.PI*2);
var cx = ((cirval * Math.cos(cirdir)) + (speedval[0] * Math.cos(speeddir[0])));
var cy = ((cirval * Math.sin(cirdir)) + (speedval[0] * Math.sin(speeddir[0])));
speeddir[0] = radian(cirval, cirdir, speedval[0], speeddir[0]);
speedval[0] = Math.sqrt((cx * cx) + (cy * cy));
circd = 0;
cirval = 0;
cirdir = 0;
xposition[num] = name._x;
yposition[num] = name._y;
var i = 0;
while (i < 22) {
var callfun = selectball(i, xposition[i], yposition[i], num, 196);
} else {
var k2 = 1;
var k = 0;
while (k < 22) {
if ((k != num) and (mcname[k]._visible == true)) {
if (speedval[k] < 8) {
speedval[k] = 0;
if (mhitm[k] != -1) {
var sp1 = 0;
} else {
var sp1 = speedval[k];
var xk = (xposition[k] + ((sp1 * 0.02) * Math.cos(speeddir[k])));
var yk = (yposition[k] + ((sp1 * 0.02) * Math.sin(speeddir[k])));
if ((((xm - xk) * (xm - xk)) + ((ym - yk) * (ym - yk))) < 196) {
if (210 < (((xposition[k] - xposition[num]) * (xposition[k] - xposition[num])) + ((yposition[k] - yposition[num]) * (yposition[k] - yposition[num])))) {
while ((((xm - xk) * (xm - xk)) + ((ym - yk) * (ym - yk))) < 196) {
xk = xk - ((sp1 * 0.001) * Math.cos(speeddir[k]));
yk = yk - ((sp1 * 0.001) * Math.sin(speeddir[k]));
xm = xm - ((speedval[num] * 0.001) * Math.cos(speeddir[num]));
ym = ym - ((speedval[num] * 0.001) * Math.sin(speeddir[num]));
xposition[k] = xk;
yposition[k] = yk;
xposition[num] = xm;
yposition[num] = ym;
name._x = xposition[num];
name._y = yposition[num];
mcname[k]._x = xposition[k];
mcname[k]._y = yposition[k];
if (mhitm[k] == -1) {
speedval[k] = speedval[k] - ((speedval[k] / 1.3) * 0.02);
mhitm[k] = num;
var callfunction = motionhit(k, num);
k2 = 22;
if (k2 == 1) {
xposition[num] = xm;
yposition[num] = ym;
name._x = xm;
name._y = ym;
} else if ((speedval[num] >= 10) and (-1 < mhitm[num])) {
mhitm[num] = -1;
if (((speedval[num] < 10) and (speeddir[num] != -1)) or ((name._visible == false) and (xposition[num] != 2000))) {
speedval[num] = 0;
speeddir[num] = -1;
xhitdot[num] = 2000;
yhitdot[num] = 2000;
hitmark[num] = -1;
mhitm[num] = -1;
if (name._visible == false) {
xposition[num] = 2000;
yposition[num] = 2000;
var i = 0;
while (21 >= i) {
if (0 < Math.abs(speedval[i])) {
i = 23;
if ((((i == 22) and (jiesubz == 1)) and (mqjd == 1)) and (wb._visible == true)) {
mouse._visible = true;
mouse._x = _root._xmouse;
mouse._y = _root._ymouse;
raval = angle(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse, wb._x, wb._y);
cue1._x = wb._x - (10 * Math.cos(raval));
cue1._y = wb._y - (10 * Math.sin(raval));
cue1._rotation = (57.2957795130823 * raval) + 180;
if (i == 22) {
if (mbq == 0) {
cffs = 4;
if (jqbz == 1) {
if (0 < bfcq[0]) {
var p = 1;
while (p < 7) {
if ((0 < bfcq[p]) and (bfcq[p] < 3)) {
cffs = 4;
} else if ((0 < bfcq[p]) and (2 < bfcq[p])) {
cffs = bfcq[p] + 1;
if ((0 < mbq) and (mbq < 7)) {
if (cffs < (mbq + 1)) {
cffs = mbq + 1;
if ((0 < cffs) and (cffs < 4)) {
cffs = 4;
} else if (0 < hqjds) {
ddfs = hqjds;
hqsy = hqsy - hqjds;
} else if (jqbz == 0) {
if (hqsy == -2) {
if ((7 - cqsy) != mbq) {
cffs = mbq + 1;
if ((0 < cffs) and (cffs < 4)) {
cffs = 4;
if (0 < bfcq[0]) {
var p = 1;
while (p < 7) {
if (((p != (7 - cqsy)) and (0 < bfcq[p])) and (cffs < (bfcq[p] + 1))) {
cffs = bfcq[p] + 1;
if ((0 < cffs) and (cffs < 4)) {
cffs = 4;
if (((p == mbq) and (p == (7 - cqsy))) and (0 < bfcq[p])) {
ddfs = bfcq[p] + 1;
var cq = cqsy;
cqsy = cqsy - 1;
} else if (0 < bfcq[0]) {
var p = 1;
while (p < 7) {
if (((p != mbq) and (0 < bfcq[p])) and (cffs < (bfcq[p] + 1))) {
cffs = bfcq[p] + 1;
if ((0 < cffs) and (cffs < 4)) {
cffs = 4;
if ((p == mbq) and (0 < bfcq[p])) {
ddfs = bfcq[p] + 1;
if (6 < mbq) {
cffs = 7;
if (0 < hqjds) {
hqsy = hqsy - hqjds;
if (cffs < 4) {
cffs = 4;
if ((mqjd == 0) and (cffs < 4)) {
cffs = 4;
if (dqdr == 1) {
if (cffs == 0) {
p1 = p1 + ddfs;
p2 = p2 + cffs;
if (dqdr == 0) {
if (cffs == 0) {
p2 = p2 + ddfs;
p1 = p1 + cffs;
var p = 6;
while (0 < p) {
if ((((hqsy == -2) and (p != (7 - cq))) or (-2 < hqsy)) and (0 < bfcq[p])) {
var hh = baifang(cqwzx[p], cqwzy[p], p);
if (mqjd == 0) {
wb._visible = true;
wb._x = _xmouse;
wb._y = _ymouse;
if ((0 < cffs) or (ddfs == 0)) {
dqdr = 1 - dqdr;
shijian = 30;
shijian2 = 30;
if (dqdr == 1) {
wb2._x = -40 + conx;
} else if (dqdr == 0) {
wb2._x = 160 + conx;
if (0 < hqsy) {
jqbz = 1;
} else {
jqbz = 0;
} else if (0 < hqsy) {
jqbz = 1 - jqbz;
} else {
jqbz = 0;
hqjds = 0;
mbq = 0;
cffs = 0;
ddfs = 0;
var p = 0;
while (p < 7) {
bfcq[p] = 0;
if (0 < hqsy) {
syfs = (hqsy * 8) + 27;
} else if (cqsy == 6) {
syfs = 27;
} else if (cqsy == 5) {
syfs = 25;
} else if (cqsy == 4) {
syfs = 22;
} else if (cqsy == 3) {
syfs = 18;
} else if (cqsy == 2) {
syfs = 13;
} else if (cqsy == 1) {
syfs = 7;
} else if (cqsy == 0) {
var wcry1 = new Sound();
syfs = 0;
jiesubz = 2;
win._visible = true;
lose._visible = true;
if (p1 < p2) {
var pl1x = pl1._x;
var pl1y = pl1._y;
pl1._x = pl2._x;
pl1._y = pl2._y;
pl2._x = pl1x;
pl2._y = pl1y;
pl1._visible = true;
pl2._visible = true;
if ((0 >= hqsy) and (hqsy >= -1)) {
hqsy = hqsy - 1;
timeout._visible = false;
win._visible = false;
lose._visible = false;
pl1._visible = false;
pl2._visible = false;
if (conx != 50) {
fscommand ("allowscale", "false");
conx = 50;
cony = 100;
circd = 0;
cirval = 0;
cirdir = 0;
aimmark = 0;
shijian = 30;
shijian2 = 30;
p1 = 0;
p2 = 0;
syfs = 147;
second = 0;
jqbz = 1;
dqdr = 1;
jiesubz = 1;
hqjds = 0;
mqjd = 1;
mbq = 0;
cffs = 0;
ddfs = 0;
hqsy = 15;
cqsy = 6;
mcname = new Array(21);
xposition = new Array(21);
yposition = new Array(21);
speedval = new Array(21);
speeddir = new Array(21);
xhitdot = new Array(21);
yhitdot = new Array(21);
hitmark = new Array(21);
bfcq = new Array(6);
cqwzx = new Array(6);
cqwzy = new Array(6);
mhitm = new Array(21);
wb._x = 130 + conx;
wb._y = 210 + cony;
xposition[0] = wb._x;
yposition[0] = wb._y;
yb._x = 140 + conx;
yb._y = 235 + cony;
xposition[1] = yb._x;
yposition[1] = yb._y;
cqwzx[1] = 140 + conx;
cqwzy[1] = 235 + cony;
gb._x = 140 + conx;
gb._y = 115 + cony;
xposition[2] = gb._x;
yposition[2] = gb._y;
cqwzx[2] = 140 + conx;
cqwzy[2] = 115 + cony;
brb._x = 140 + conx;
brb._y = 175 + cony;
xposition[3] = brb._x;
yposition[3] = brb._y;
cqwzx[3] = 140 + conx;
cqwzy[3] = 175 + cony;
bb._x = 350 + conx;
bb._y = 175 + cony;
xposition[4] = bb._x;
yposition[4] = bb._y;
cqwzx[4] = 350 + conx;
cqwzy[4] = 175 + cony;
cb._x = 525 + conx;
cb._y = 175 + cony;
xposition[5] = cb._x;
yposition[5] = cb._y;
cqwzx[5] = 525 + conx;
cqwzy[5] = 175 + cony;
blb._x = 637 + conx;
blb._y = 175 + cony;
xposition[6] = blb._x;
yposition[6] = blb._y;
cqwzx[6] = 637 + conx;
cqwzy[6] = 175 + cony;
rb1._x = 545 + conx;
rb1._y = 175 + cony;
xposition[7] = rb1._x;
yposition[7] = rb1._y;
rb2._x = (rb1._x + 12.1243556529821) + 1;
rb2._y = (rb1._y - 7) - 1;
xposition[8] = rb2._x;
yposition[8] = rb2._y;
rb3._x = rb2._x;
rb3._y = (rb1._y + 7) + 1;
xposition[9] = rb3._x;
yposition[9] = rb3._y;
rb4._x = (rb1._x + 24.2487113059643) + 2;
rb4._y = (rb1._y - 14) - 2;
xposition[10] = rb4._x;
yposition[10] = rb4._y;
rb5._x = rb4._x;
rb5._y = rb1._y;
xposition[11] = rb5._x;
yposition[11] = rb5._y;
rb6._x = rb4._x;
rb6._y = (rb1._y + 14) + 2;
xposition[12] = rb6._x;
yposition[12] = rb6._y;
rb7._x = (rb1._x + 36.3730669589464) + 3;
rb7._y = (rb1._y - 21) - 3;
xposition[13] = rb7._x;
yposition[13] = rb7._y;
rb8._x = rb7._x;
rb8._y = (rb1._y - 7) - 1;
xposition[14] = rb8._x;
yposition[14] = rb8._y;
rb9._x = rb7._x;
rb9._y = (rb1._y + 7) + 1;
xposition[15] = rb9._x;
yposition[15] = rb9._y;
rb10._x = rb7._x;
rb10._y = (rb1._y + 21) + 3;
xposition[16] = rb10._x;
yposition[16] = rb10._y;
rb11._x = (rb1._x + 48.4974226119286) + 4;
rb11._y = (rb1._y - 28) - 4;
xposition[17] = rb11._x;
yposition[17] = rb11._y;
rb12._x = rb11._x;
rb12._y = (rb1._y - 14) - 2;
xposition[18] = rb12._x;
yposition[18] = rb12._y;
rb13._x = rb11._x;
rb13._y = rb1._y;
xposition[19] = rb13._x;
yposition[19] = rb13._y;
rb14._x = rb11._x;
rb14._y = (rb1._y + 14) + 2;
xposition[20] = rb14._x;
yposition[20] = rb14._y;
rb15._x = rb11._x;
rb15._y = (rb1._y + 28) + 4;
xposition[21] = rb15._x;
yposition[21] = rb15._y;
var q = 0;
while (21 >= q) {
speedval[q] = 0;
speeddir[q] = -1;
hitmark[q] = -1;
mhitm[q] = -1;
xhitdot[q] = 2000;
yhitdot[q] = 2000;
if (q < 7) {
bfcq[q] = 0;
mcname[0] = _root.wb;
mcname[1] = _root.yb;
mcname[2] =;
mcname[3] = _root.brb;
mcname[4] =;
mcname[5] = _root.cb;
mcname[6] = _root.blb;
mcname[7] = _root.rb1;
mcname[8] = _root.rb2;
mcname[9] = _root.rb3;
mcname[10] = _root.rb4;
mcname[11] = _root.rb5;
mcname[12] = _root.rb6;
mcname[13] = _root.rb7;
mcname[14] = _root.rb8;
mcname[15] = _root.rb9;
mcname[16] = _root.rb10;
mcname[17] = _root.rb11;
mcname[18] = _root.rb12;
mcname[19] = _root.rb13;
mcname[20] = _root.rb14;
mcname[21] = _root.rb15;
nn = 6;
mm = 1;
var ravall = _root.angle(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse, _root.wb._x, _root.wb._y);
cue1._x = _root.wb._x - (10 * Math.cos(ravall));
cue1._y = _root.wb._y - (10 * Math.sin(ravall));
cue1._rotation = (57.2957795130823 * ravall) + 180;
} else {
wb._x = xposition[0];
wb._y = yposition[0];
yb._x = xposition[1];
yb._y = yposition[1];
gb._x = xposition[2];
gb._y = yposition[2];
brb._x = xposition[3];
brb._y = yposition[3];
bb._x = xposition[4];
bb._y = yposition[4];
cb._x = xposition[5];
cb._y = yposition[5];
blb._x = xposition[6];
blb._y = yposition[6];
rb1._x = xposition[7];
rb1._y = yposition[7];
rb2._x = xposition[8];
rb2._y = yposition[8];
rb3._x = xposition[9];
rb3._y = yposition[9];
rb4._x = xposition[10];
rb4._y = yposition[10];
rb5._x = xposition[11];
rb5._y = yposition[11];
rb6._x = xposition[12];
rb6._y = yposition[12];
rb7._x = xposition[13];
rb7._y = yposition[13];
rb8._x = xposition[14];
rb8._y = yposition[14];
rb9._x = xposition[15];
rb9._y = yposition[15];
rb10._x = xposition[16];
rb10._y = yposition[16];
rb11._x = xposition[17];
rb11._y = yposition[17];
rb12._x = xposition[18];
rb12._y = yposition[18];
rb13._x = xposition[19];
rb13._y = yposition[19];
rb14._x = xposition[20];
rb14._y = yposition[20];
rb15._x = xposition[21];
rb15._y = yposition[21];
var ravall = _root.angle(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse, _root.wb._x, _root.wb._y);
cue1._x = _root.wb._x - (10 * Math.cos(ravall));
cue1._y = _root.wb._y - (10 * Math.sin(ravall));
cue1._rotation = (57.2957795130823 * ravall) + 180;
Instance of Symbol 137 MovieClip in Frame 10
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 149 MovieClip "circ" in Frame 10
/* no clip actions */
Instance of Symbol 151 MovieClip "aimdot" in Frame 10
onClipEvent (keyDown) {
if (-10 < _root.cue1._y) {
if (Key.getCode() == 53) {
_root.circd = 5;
this._x = _root.circ._x;
this._y = _root.circ._y + 16;
} else if (Key.getCode() == 49) {
_root.circd = 1;
this._x = _root.circ._x;
this._y = _root.circ._y - 16;
} else if (Key.getCode() == 52) {
_root.circd = 4;
this._x = _root.circ._x + 12;
this._y = _root.circ._y + 12;
} else if (Key.getCode() == 54) {
_root.circd = 6;
this._x = _root.circ._x - 12;
this._y = _root.circ._y + 12;
} else if (Key.getCode() == 51) {
_root.circd = 3;
this._x = _root.circ._x + 16;
this._y = _root.circ._y;
} else if (Key.getCode() == 55) {
_root.circd = 7;
this._x = _root.circ._x - 16;
this._y = _root.circ._y;
} else if (Key.getCode() == 50) {
_root.circd = 2;
this._x = _root.circ._x + 12;
this._y = _root.circ._y - 13;
} else if (Key.getCode() == 56) {
_root.circd = 8;
this._x = _root.circ._x - 12;
this._y = _root.circ._y - 13;
} else if (Key.getCode() == 48) {
_root.circd = 0;
this._x = _root.circ._x;
this._y = _root.circ._y;
Instance of Symbol 161 MovieClip "wb" in Frame 10
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
var callfunction = _root.motion(0, _root.mcname[0]);
Instance of Symbol 163 MovieClip "gb" in Frame 10
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
var callfunction = _root.motion(2, _root.mcname[2]);
Instance of Symbol 165 MovieClip "brb" in Frame 10
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
var callfunction = _root.motion(3, _root.mcname[3]);
Instance of Symbol 167 MovieClip "yb" in Frame 10
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
var callfunction = _root.motion(1, _root.mcname[1]);
Instance of Symbol 169 MovieClip "bb" in Frame 10
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
var callfunction = _root.motion(4, _root.mcname[4]);
Instance of Symbol 171 MovieClip "cb" in Frame 10
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
var callfunction = _root.motion(5, _root.mcname[5]);
Instance of Symbol 173 MovieClip "blb" in Frame 10
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
var callfunction = _root.motion(6, _root.mcname[6]);
Instance of Symbol 175 MovieClip "rb1" in Frame 10
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
var callfunction = _root.motion(7, _root.mcname[7]);
Instance of Symbol 175 MovieClip "rb2" in Frame 10
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
var callfunction = _root.motion(8, _root.mcname[8]);
Instance of Symbol 175 MovieClip "rb3" in Frame 10
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
var callfunction = _root.motion(9, _root.mcname[9]);
Instance of Symbol 175 MovieClip "rb4" in Frame 10
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
var callfunction = _root.motion(10, _root.mcname[10]);
Instance of Symbol 175 MovieClip "rb5" in Frame 10
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
var callfunction = _root.motion(11, _root.mcname[11]);
Instance of Symbol 175 MovieClip "rb6" in Frame 10
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
var callfunction = _root.motion(12, _root.mcname[12]);
Instance of Symbol 175 MovieClip "rb7" in Frame 10
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
var callfunction = _root.motion(13, _root.mcname[13]);
Instance of Symbol 175 MovieClip "rb8" in Frame 10
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
var callfunction = _root.motion(14, _root.mcname[14]);
Instance of Symbol 175 MovieClip "rb9" in Frame 10
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
var callfunction = _root.motion(15, _root.mcname[15]);
Instance of Symbol 175 MovieClip "rb10" in Frame 10
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
var callfunction = _root.motion(16, _root.mcname[16]);
Instance of Symbol 175 MovieClip "rb11" in Frame 10
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
var callfunction = _root.motion(17, _root.mcname[17]);
Instance of Symbol 175 MovieClip "rb12" in Frame 10
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
var callfunction = _root.motion(18, _root.mcname[18]);
Instance of Symbol 175 MovieClip "rb13" in Frame 10
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
var callfunction = _root.motion(19, _root.mcname[19]);
Instance of Symbol 175 MovieClip "rb14" in Frame 10
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
var callfunction = _root.motion(20, _root.mcname[20]);
Instance of Symbol 175 MovieClip "rb15" in Frame 10
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
var callfunction = _root.motion(21, _root.mcname[21]);
Instance of Symbol 177 MovieClip "mouse" in Frame 10
onClipEvent (mouseMove) {
if (((((0 < _root.cue1._y) and (10 < _root._xmouse)) and (_root._xmouse < 790)) and (60 < _root._ymouse)) and (_root._ymouse < 490)) {
this._visible = true;
startDrag (this, true);
} else {
this._visible = false;
onClipEvent (mouseDown) {
if (((_root.mqjd == 0) and ((140 + _root.conx) >= _root._xmouse)) and (3600 >= ((((_root._xmouse - 140) - _root.conx) * ((_root._xmouse - 140) - _root.conx)) + (((_root._ymouse - 175) - _root.cony) * ((_root._ymouse - 175) - _root.cony))))) {
var i = 1;
while (i < 22) {
if (_root.mcname[i]._visible == true) {
if (196 >= (((_root._xmouse - _root.xposition[i]) * (_root._xmouse - _root.xposition[i])) + ((_root._ymouse - _root.yposition[i]) * (_root._ymouse - _root.yposition[i])))) {
i = 23;
if (i == 22) {
_root.wb._x = _root._xmouse;
_root.wb._y = _root._ymouse;
_root.xposition[0] = _root._xmouse;
_root.yposition[0] = _root._ymouse;
_root.mqjd = 1;
Instance of Symbol 161 MovieClip "wb2" in Frame 10
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((_root.cony < _root.cue1._y) or (_root.timeout._visible == true)) {
time = new Date();
if (_root.second != time.getSeconds()) {
_root.second = time.getSeconds();
_root.shijian2 = _root.shijian2 - 1;
if (_root.shijian2 >= 0) {
_root.shijian = _root.shijian2;
if (_root.shijian2 == 0) {
if (_root.timeout._visible == false) {
wcry = new Sound();
_root.timeout._visible = true;
_root.cue1._x = 100;
_root.cue1._y = -20;
_root.cue1._rotation = 0;
_root.aimmark = 0;
} else if (_root.shijian2 == -2) {
_root.dqdr = 1 - _root.dqdr;
_root.shijian = 30;
_root.shijian2 = 30;
if (_root.dqdr == 1) {
_root.wb2._x = -40 + _root.conx;
} else if (_root.dqdr == 0) {
_root.wb2._x = 160 + _root.conx;
if (0 < _root.hqsy) {
_root.jqbz = 1;
} else {
_root.jqbz = 0;
_root.timeout._visible = false;
var ravalw = _root.angle(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse, _root.wb._x, _root.wb._y);
_root.cue1._x = _root.wb._x - (10 * Math.cos(ravalw));
_root.cue1._y = _root.wb._y - (10 * Math.sin(ravalw));
_root.cue1._rotation = (57.2957795130823 * ravalw) + 180;
Instance of Symbol 208 MovieClip "cue1" in Frame 10
onClipEvent (mouseMove) {
var i = 0;
while (21 >= i) {
if (0 < Math.abs(_root.speedval[i])) {
i = 23;
if (((((i == 22) and (_root.jiesubz == 1)) and (_root.mqjd == 1)) and (_root.wb._visible == true)) and (_root.timeout._visible == false)) {
_root.mouse._visible = true;
var raval = _root.angle(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse, _root.wb._x, _root.wb._y);
this._x = _root.wb._x - (10 * Math.cos(raval));
this._y = _root.wb._y - (10 * Math.sin(raval));
this._rotation = (57.2957795130823 * raval) + 180;
} else if (_root.mqjd == 0) {
_root.wb._x = _root._xmouse;
_root.wb._y = _root._ymouse;
onClipEvent (mouseDown) {
if ((((0 < this._y) and (_root.speedval[0] == 0)) and (_root.mouse._visible == true)) and (_root.timeout._visible == false)) {
_root.aimmark = 1;
gotoAndPlay (50);
onClipEvent (mouseUp) {
if ((((0 < this._y) and (_root.speedval[0] == 0)) and (_root.mouse._visible == true)) and (_root.timeout._visible == false)) {
_root.aimmark = 2;
if (this._currentframe < 250) {
_root.speedval[0] = 10 * (this._currentframe - 50);
} else {
_root.speedval[0] = 2000;
_root.cirval = _root.speedval[0] / 5;
var raval = _root.angle(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse, _root.wb._x, _root.wb._y);
_root.speeddir[0] = raval;
if (0 < _root.circd) {
_root.cirdir = _root.speeddir[0] + (((_root.circd - 1) * Math.PI) / 4);
if (_root.cirdir >= (Math.PI*2)) {
_root.cirdir = _root.cirdir - (Math.PI*2);
var i = 1;
while (21 >= i) {
var j = _root.angle(_root.xposition[i], _root.yposition[i], _root.xposition[0], _root.yposition[0]);
if ((Math.abs(j - raval) < (Math.PI/2)) or (((Math.PI*2) - Math.abs(j - raval)) < (Math.PI/2))) {
if ((((raval != 0) and (raval != (Math.PI/2))) and (raval != Math.PI)) and (raval != 4.71238898038469)) {
var xx = (((((Math.tan((Math.PI/2) + raval) * _root.xposition[i]) + _root.yposition[0]) - _root.yposition[i]) - (Math.tan(raval) * _root.xposition[0])) / (Math.tan((Math.PI/2) + raval) - Math.tan(raval)));
var yy = ((Math.tan((Math.PI/2) + raval) * (xx - _root.xposition[i])) + _root.yposition[i]);
} else if ((raval == 0) or (raval == Math.PI)) {
var xx = _root.xposition[i];
var yy = _root.yposition[0];
} else if ((raval == (Math.PI/2)) or (raval == 4.71238898038469)) {
var xx = _root.xposition[0];
var yy = _root.yposition[i];
var dottoline1 = (((_root.xposition[i] - xx) * (_root.xposition[i] - xx)) + ((_root.yposition[i] - yy) * (_root.yposition[i] - yy)));
if (dottoline1 < 196) {
xx = xx - (Math.sqrt(196 - dottoline1) * Math.cos(_root.speeddir[0]));
yy = yy - (Math.sqrt(196 - dottoline1) * Math.sin(_root.speeddir[0]));
if ((((xx - _root.xposition[0]) * (xx - _root.xposition[0])) + ((yy - _root.yposition[0]) * (yy - _root.yposition[0]))) < (((_root.xhitdot[0] - _root.xposition[0]) * (_root.xhitdot[0] - _root.xposition[0])) + ((_root.yhitdot[0] - _root.yposition[0]) * (_root.yhitdot[0] - _root.yposition[0])))) {
_root.xhitdot[0] = xx;
_root.yhitdot[0] = yy;
_root.hitmark[0] = i;
this._x = _root.wb._x - (7 * Math.cos(raval));
this._y = _root.wb._y - (7 * Math.sin(raval));
_root.aimdot._x = _root.circ._x;
_root.aimdot._y = _root.circ._y;
if ((_root.hitmark[0] == -1) and (((((7 + conx) >= _root.xposition[0]) or (_root.xposition[0] >= (693 + conx))) or ((7 + cony) >= _root.yposition[0])) or (_root.yposition[0] >= (343 + cony)))) {
_root.hitmark[0] = 2000;
Symbol 20 Button
on (release) {
getURL ("", "_blank");
Symbol 23 MovieClip Frame 545;
Symbol 36 Button
on (release) {;
Symbol 38 Button
on (release) {
Symbol 39 MovieClip Frame 310
Symbol 56 MovieClip Frame 4
Symbol 59 MovieClip Frame 130
Symbol 62 Button
on (release) {
Symbol 66 MovieClip Frame 195
Symbol 69 Button
on (release) {
Symbol 72 MovieClip Frame 271
Symbol 75 Button
on (release) {
gotoAndPlay (201);
Symbol 78 MovieClip Frame 1
gotoAndPlay(random(35) + 2);
Symbol 79 MovieClip Frame 200
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 84 Button
on (release) {
getURL ("", "_blank");
Symbol 92 Button
on (release) {
if (_root.conx == 50) {
} else {
Symbol 95 MovieClip Frame 106
Symbol 108 MovieClip Frame 50
Symbol 134 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 153 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 156 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 159 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 197 Button
on (release) {
_root.conx = 0;
gotoAndStop (6);
Symbol 200 Button
on (release) {
if (0 < _root.cue1._y) {
if ( == true) {
_root.conx = 0;
Symbol 204 Button
on (release) {
fscommand ("quit", "true");
on (keyPress "q") {
fscommand ("showmenu", "true");
Symbol 208 MovieClip Frame 1
if (_root.aimmark == 1) {
gotoAndPlay (50);
} else if (_root.aimmark == 2) {
} else {
Symbol 208 MovieClip Frame 50
if (_root.aimmark == 2) {
this._x = 100;
this._y = -20;
this._rotation = 0;
_root.aimmark = 0;
_root.mouse._visible = false;
Symbol 224 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 224 MovieClip Frame 20