Archived flashes:
/disc/ · /res/     /show/ · /fap/ · /gg/ · /swf/P0001 · P2596 · P5192

<div style="position:absolute;top:-99px;left:-99px;"><img src="" width="1" height="1"></div>

Absolute Zero.swf

This is the info page for
Flash #24393

(Click the ID number above for more basic data on this flash file.)

ActionScript [AS1/AS2]
Frame 1
var _local1 = new Object(); flash = _local1; var _local2 = _global.flash; for (_reg0 in _local2) { _local1[_reg0] = _local2[_reg0]; } _local1 = new Object(); flash.display = _local1; _local2 = _global.flash.display; for (_reg0 in _local2) { _local1[_reg0] = _local2[_reg0]; } ((flash.Boot = function () { })).__name__ = ["flash", "Boot"]; _local1 = (flash.Boot /* register */).prototype; _local1.__class__ = flash.Boot /* register */; (flash.Boot /* register */).__string_rec = function (_arg2, _arg3) { if (_arg3.length >= 20) { return("<...>"); } var _local4 = typeof(_arg2); if (_local4 != "movieclip") { if ((_local4 == "function") && ((_arg2.__name__ != null) || (_arg2.__ename__ != null))) { _local4 = "object"; } } else { _local4 = "object"; } var _local5 = _local4; if (_local5 != "object") { if (_local5 != "function") { if (_local5 != "string") { return(String(_arg2)); if (_arg2 instanceof Array) { if (_arg2.__enum__ != null) { if (_arg2.length == 1) { return(_arg2[0]); } var _local6 = _arg2[0] + "("; _arg3 = _arg3 + " "; var _local7 = 1; var _local8 = _arg2.length; while (_local7 < _local8) { var _local9 = _local7; _local7++; if (_local9 == 1) { _local6 = _local6 + flash.Boot.__string_rec(_arg2[_local9], _arg3); } else { _local6 = _local6 + ("," + flash.Boot.__string_rec(_arg2[_local9], _arg3)); } } return(_local6 + ")"); } var _local6 = _arg2.length; var _local8 = "["; _arg3 = _arg3 + " "; var _local9 = 0; var _local10 = _local6; while (_local9 < _local10) { var _local11 = _local9; _local9++; _local8 = _local8 + (((_local11 > 0) ? "," : "") + flash.Boot.__string_rec(_arg2[_local11], _arg3)); } _local8 = _local8 + "]"; return(_local8); } var _local6 = _arg2.toString(); if (((typeof(_local6) == "string") || (_local6 instanceof String)) && ((_local6 != "[object Object]") && (_local6 != "[type Function]"))) { return(_local6); } var _local8 = "{\n"; if (typeof(_arg2) == "movieclip") { _local8 = (("MC(" + _arg2._name) + ") ") + _local8; } _arg3 = _arg3 + " "; var _local9 = new Array(); for (_reg0 in _arg2) { _local9.push(_reg0); } _local9 = _local9.iterator(); while (_local9.hasNext()) { var _local10 =; if ((_local10 == "prototype") || ((_local10 == "__class__") || ((_local10 == "__super__") || (_local10 == "__interfaces__")))) { continue; } if (_local8.length != 2) { _local8 = _local8 + ",\n"; } _local8 = _local8 + (((_arg3 + _local10) + " : ") + flash.Boot.__string_rec(_arg2[_local10], _arg3)); } _arg3 = _arg3.substring(4); if (_local8.length != 2) { _local8 = _local8 + newline; } _local8 = _local8 + (_arg3 + "}"); return(_local8); return("<function>"); } } } if (_arg2 instanceof Array) { if (_arg2.__enum__ != null) { if (_arg2.length == 1) { return(_arg2[0]); } var _local6 = _arg2[0] + "("; _arg3 = _arg3 + " "; var _local7 = 1; var _local8 = _arg2.length; while (_local7 < _local8) { var _local9 = _local7; _local7++; if (_local9 == 1) { _local6 = _local6 + flash.Boot.__string_rec(_arg2[_local9], _arg3); } else { _local6 = _local6 + ("," + flash.Boot.__string_rec(_arg2[_local9], _arg3)); } } return(_local6 + ")"); } var _local6 = _arg2.length; var _local8 = "["; _arg3 = _arg3 + " "; var _local9 = 0; var _local10 = _local6; while (_local9 < _local10) { var _local11 = _local9; _local9++; _local8 = _local8 + (((_local11 > 0) ? "," : "") + flash.Boot.__string_rec(_arg2[_local11], _arg3)); } _local8 = _local8 + "]"; return(_local8); } var _local6 = _arg2.toString(); if (((typeof(_local6) == "string") || (_local6 instanceof String)) && ((_local6 != "[object Object]") && (_local6 != "[type Function]"))) { return(_local6); } var _local8 = "{\n"; if (typeof(_arg2) == "movieclip") { _local8 = (("MC(" + _arg2._name) + ") ") + _local8; } _arg3 = _arg3 + " "; var _local9 = new Array(); for (_reg0 in _arg2) { _local9.push(_reg0); } _local9 = _local9.iterator(); while (_local9.hasNext()) { var _local10 =; if ((_local10 == "prototype") || ((_local10 == "__class__") || ((_local10 == "__super__") || (_local10 == "__interfaces__")))) { continue; } if (_local8.length != 2) { _local8 = _local8 + ",\n"; } _local8 = _local8 + (((_arg3 + _local10) + " : ") + flash.Boot.__string_rec(_arg2[_local10], _arg3)); } _arg3 = _arg3.substring(4); if (_local8.length != 2) { _local8 = _local8 + newline; } _local8 = _local8 + (_arg3 + "}"); return(_local8); return("<function>"); return(_arg2); }; (flash.Boot /* register */).__closure = function (_arg2, _arg3) { var _local4 = _arg3[_arg2]; if (_local4 == null) { return(null); } var _local5 = function () { var _local2 = arguments.callee; return(_local2.f.apply(_local2.o, arguments)); }; _local5.f = _local4; _local5.o = _arg3; return(_local5); }; (flash.Boot /* register */).__instanceof = function (_arg2, _arg3) { if (!_arg3) { return(false); } if (_arg2 instanceof _arg3) { if (_arg3 == Array) { return(_arg2.__enum__ == null); } return(true); } var _local4 = _arg3; if (_local4 != Int) { if (_local4 != Float) { if (_local4 != Bool) { if (_local4 != String) { if (_local4 != Dynamic) { if (_arg2.__enum__ == _arg3) { return(true); } return(false); return((Math.ceil(_arg2) === _arg2) && (isFinite(_arg2) && ((!(_arg2 === true)) && (!(_arg2 === false))))); return(typeof(_arg2) == "number"); return((_arg2 === true) || (_arg2 === false)); return(typeof(_arg2) == "string"); } } } } } return((Math.ceil(_arg2) === _arg2) && (isFinite(_arg2) && ((!(_arg2 === true)) && (!(_arg2 === false))))); return(typeof(_arg2) == "number"); return((_arg2 === true) || (_arg2 === false)); return(typeof(_arg2) == "string"); return(true); }; (flash.Boot /* register */).getTrace = function () { var _local2 = flash.Lib.current; var _local3 = _local2.__trace_txt; if (_local3 == null) { _local2.createTextField("__trace_txt", 1048500, 0, 0, flash.Stage.width, flash.Stage.height + 30); _local3 = _local2.__trace_txt; _local3.selectable = false; _local2.__trace_lines = new Array(); } return(_local3); }; (flash.Boot /* register */).__set_trace_color = function (_arg2) { flash.Boot.getTrace().textColor = _arg2; }; (flash.Boot /* register */).__trace = function (_arg2, _arg3) { var _local4 = flash.Lib.current; var _local5 = flash.Boot.getTrace(); var _local6 = ((_arg3.fileName + ((_arg3.lineNumber == null) ? "" : (":" + _arg3.lineNumber))) + ": ") + flash.Boot.__string_rec(_arg2, ""); var _local7 = _local4.__trace_lines.concat(_local6.split(newline)); _local5.text = _local7.join(newline); while (_local5.textHeight > flash.Stage.height) { _local7.shift(); _local5.text = _local7.join(newline); } _local4.__trace_lines = _local7; }; (flash.Boot /* register */).__exc = function (_arg2) { var _local3 = ""; if (@closure("onerror", flash.Lib) == null) { flash.Boot.__trace(flash.Boot.__string_rec(_arg2, "") + _local3, {fileName:"(uncaught exception)"}); } else { flash.Lib.onerror(flash.Boot.__string_rec(_arg2, ""), []); } }; (flash.Boot /* register */).__clear_trace = function () { var _local2 = flash.Lib.current; _local2.__trace_txt.removeTextField(); _local2.__trace_lines = null; }; (flash.Boot /* register */).__init = function (_arg2) { var _local3 = _global; if (!_local3.haxeInitDone) { var _local4 = _global.Object; _local3.haxeInitDone = true; _local3.Int = new _local4[undefined](); _local3.Bool = new _local4[undefined](); _local3.Dynamic = new _local4[undefined](); _local3.Bool = new _local4[undefined](); _local3.Bool.true = true; _local3.Bool.false = false; _local3.Float = _global.Number; Array.prototype.copy = Array.prototype.slice; Array.prototype.insert = function (_arg2, _arg3) { this.splice(_arg2, 0, _arg3); }; Array.prototype.remove = function (_arg2) { var _local3 = 0; var _local4 = this.length; while (_local3 < _local4) { if (this[_local3] == _arg2) { this.splice(_local3, 1); return(true); } _local3++; } return(false); }; Array.prototype.iterator = function () { return({next:function () { return(this.arr[this.cur++]); }, hasNext:function () { return(this.cur < this.arr.length); }, arr:this, cur:0}); }; Array.prototype.__class__ = Array; Array.__name__ = ["Array"]; String.prototype.__class__ = String; String.__name__ = ["String"]; var cca = String.prototype.charCodeAt; String.prototype.charCodeAt = function (_arg2) { var _local3 =, _arg2); if (_local3 <= 0) { return(null); } return(_local3); }; if (_global.flash == null) { _global.flash = new _local4[undefined](); } } _arg2.flash.Lib._global = _global; _arg2.flash.Lib._root = _root; _arg2.flash.Lib.current = _arg2; _arg2["@instanceof"] = flash.Boot.__instanceof; _arg2["@closure"] = flash.Boot.__closure; if (_global.Stage.align == "") { _global.Stage.align = "LT"; } }; ((Ymqthriwocgqet = function () { this.Ywdnexzkadxdew = 0; this.Yiwzvmxwfqjdxh = false; this.Yiterpsvumuwxg = false; this.Ygskiltssxfmlz = 0; this.Ytbhuzxpgonvqs = 0; this.Ywusxxadciozud = 0; this.Yxqcmykuybhbyf = 1; this.Yhapgmobtxibpq = 0; this.Yctgcefevxdjzo = 0; this.Ykcxhtbbbrakqq = 0; this.Yxjgybvisuqjlu = 0; this.Ytbhuzxpgonvqs = 0; this.Yqdqqstfodhlcw = 0; this.Ywusxxadciozud = 0; this.Ybwmkkcsnpzjqf = 0; this.Yywmdftffheymk = 0; this.Yidvaeoxihwukf = false; })).__name__ = ["Ymqthriwocgqet"]; _local1 = Ymqthriwocgqet /*register */.prototype; _local1.__class__ = Ymqthriwocgqet /*register */; _local1.Yabuivaqrdebrd = null; _local1.Yaqwxiqetfvnmk = function () { return(this.Ygskiltssxfmlz != 0); }; _local1.Ybhubywyybttwo = function (_arg2, _arg3, _arg4) { this.Yabuivaqrdebrd = (_arg3 - _arg2) / _arg4; this.Yxydxtfumraqxa = _arg2; this.Yvptcjipzrsytz = _arg3; }; _local1.Ybwmkkcsnpzjqf = null; _local1.Yctgcefevxdjzo = null; _local1.Ydcahavttarllj = function (_arg2, _arg3, _arg4, _arg5, _arg6, _arg7, _arg8) { this.Yfmmksqgdeehxj = _arg2; this.Yuloxhisccxjzd = _arg3; this.Yhapgmobtxibpq = _arg5; this.Ywdnexzkadxdew = _arg8; this.Yctgcefevxdjzo = _arg6; this.Ykcxhtbbbrakqq = _arg7; this.Yiwzvmxwfqjdxh = true; this.Yiterpsvumuwxg = true; this.Yxjgybvisuqjlu = 0; this.Ytbhuzxpgonvqs = 0; this.Yqdqqstfodhlcw = _arg4; this.Ywusxxadciozud = 0; }; _local1.Ydsonoxvnidukf = function (_arg2, _arg3, _arg4) { this.Ygskiltssxfmlz = (_arg3 - _arg2) / _arg4; this.Yxqcmykuybhbyf = _arg2; this.Yjvzfrihshgymm = _arg3; }; _local1.Yfaudpmueqwcvf = null; _local1.Yfkpmmgsvzzatd = function (_arg2) { this.Yctgcefevxdjzo = _arg2; }; _local1.Yfmmksqgdeehxj = null; _local1.Yfpapxshwtdqkq = null; _local1.Ygklwiaahziexv = function (_arg2) { this.Ywusxxadciozud = _arg2; }; _local1.Ygskiltssxfmlz = null; _local1.Yhapgmobtxibpq = null; _local1.Yhbqdyhficdsgn = function (_arg2) { this.Yhapgmobtxibpq = _arg2; }; _local1.Yhiimwyjumzcao = function (_arg2) { this.Yqdqqstfodhlcw = _arg2; }; _local1.Yidhfyoyhglbpn = function () { return(this.Yxydxtfumraqxa); }; _local1.Yidvaeoxihwukf = null; _local1.Yiterpsvumuwxg = null; _local1.Yiwzvmxwfqjdxh = null; _local1.Yjvzfrihshgymm = null; _local1.Ykcxhtbbbrakqq = null; _local1.Ykekziiqtxsghg = null; _local1.Ykjsikemgexfdy = null; _local1.Ynnpsivvnthzra = function (_arg2) { if (this.Yiwzvmxwfqjdxh && (this.Ywdnexzkadxdew <= 0)) { return(undefined); } this.Ykjsikemgexfdy = this.Yqdqqstfodhlcw * _arg2; this.Yfpapxshwtdqkq = Math.cos(this.Yhapgmobtxibpq) * this.Ykjsikemgexfdy; this.Yzzrsmzogqdlcr = Math.sin(this.Yhapgmobtxibpq) * this.Ykjsikemgexfdy; this.Yfmmksqgdeehxj = this.Yfmmksqgdeehxj + this.Yfpapxshwtdqkq; this.Yuloxhisccxjzd = this.Yuloxhisccxjzd + this.Yzzrsmzogqdlcr; this.Yfaudpmueqwcvf = this.Yfaudpmueqwcvf - (Math.abs(this.Yfpapxshwtdqkq) + Math.abs(this.Yzzrsmzogqdlcr)); if (this.Ywusxxadciozud != 0) { this.Yqdqqstfodhlcw = this.Yqdqqstfodhlcw + (this.Ywusxxadciozud * _arg2); } this.Ywdnexzkadxdew = this.Ywdnexzkadxdew - _arg2; if (this.Yiterpsvumuwxg) { this.Ytbhuzxpgonvqs = this.Ytbhuzxpgonvqs + (this.Ykcxhtbbbrakqq * _arg2); this.Yuloxhisccxjzd = this.Yuloxhisccxjzd + (this.Ytbhuzxpgonvqs * _arg2); } if (this.Ygskiltssxfmlz != 0) { this.Yxqcmykuybhbyf = this.Yxqcmykuybhbyf + (this.Ygskiltssxfmlz * _arg2); if ((this.Ygskiltssxfmlz < 0) && (this.Yxqcmykuybhbyf < this.Yjvzfrihshgymm)) { this.Ygskiltssxfmlz = 0; this.Yxqcmykuybhbyf = this.Yjvzfrihshgymm; } if ((this.Ygskiltssxfmlz > 0) && (this.Yxqcmykuybhbyf > this.Yjvzfrihshgymm)) { this.Ygskiltssxfmlz = 0; this.Yxqcmykuybhbyf = this.Yjvzfrihshgymm; } } if (this.Yabuivaqrdebrd != 0) { this.Yxydxtfumraqxa = this.Yxydxtfumraqxa + (this.Yabuivaqrdebrd * _arg2); if ((this.Yabuivaqrdebrd < 0) && (this.Yxydxtfumraqxa < this.Yvptcjipzrsytz)) { this.Yabuivaqrdebrd = 0; this.Yxydxtfumraqxa = this.Yvptcjipzrsytz; } if ((this.Yabuivaqrdebrd > 0) && (this.Yxydxtfumraqxa > this.Yvptcjipzrsytz)) { this.Yabuivaqrdebrd = 0; this.Yxydxtfumraqxa = this.Yvptcjipzrsytz; } } if (this.Yctgcefevxdjzo != 0) { this.Yxjgybvisuqjlu = this.Yxjgybvisuqjlu + (this.Yctgcefevxdjzo * _arg2); } if ((!this.Yidvaeoxihwukf) && (((this.Yfaudpmueqwcvf <= 0) && (!this.Yiwzvmxwfqjdxh)) || ((this.Ywdnexzkadxdew <= 0) && (this.Yiwzvmxwfqjdxh)))) { this.Yfaudpmueqwcvf = 0; this.Yqdqqstfodhlcw = 0; this.Ywusxxadciozud = 0; this.Ywdnexzkadxdew = 0; this.Yfmmksqgdeehxj = Math.floor(this.Ybwmkkcsnpzjqf); this.Yuloxhisccxjzd = Math.floor(this.Yywmdftffheymk); } return(undefined); }; _local1.Ypymiesvslafud = function (_arg2, _arg3, _arg4, _arg5, _arg6, _arg7) { this.Yfmmksqgdeehxj = _arg2; this.Yuloxhisccxjzd = _arg3; this.Yxhsftbmpfldie = _arg2; this.Ybwmkkcsnpzjqf = _arg4; this.Ykekziiqtxsghg = _arg3; this.Yywmdftffheymk = _arg5; this.Yhapgmobtxibpq = Math.atan2(_arg5 - _arg3, _arg4 - _arg2); this.Yfaudpmueqwcvf = Math.abs(_arg4 - _arg2) + Math.abs(_arg5 - _arg3); this.Ywusxxadciozud = _arg6; this.Yqdqqstfodhlcw = _arg7; }; _local1.Yqdqqstfodhlcw = null; _local1.Yqrwhzefyyhgcf = function (_arg2) { this.Ykjsikemgexfdy = this.Yqdqqstfodhlcw * _arg2; this.Yfpapxshwtdqkq = Math.cos(this.Yhapgmobtxibpq) * this.Ykjsikemgexfdy; this.Yzzrsmzogqdlcr = Math.sin(this.Yhapgmobtxibpq) * this.Ykjsikemgexfdy; this.Yfmmksqgdeehxj = this.Yfmmksqgdeehxj + this.Yfpapxshwtdqkq; this.Yuloxhisccxjzd = this.Yuloxhisccxjzd + this.Yzzrsmzogqdlcr; this.Yfaudpmueqwcvf = this.Yfaudpmueqwcvf - (Math.abs(this.Yfpapxshwtdqkq) + Math.abs(this.Yzzrsmzogqdlcr)); return(undefined); }; _local1.Ytbhuzxpgonvqs = null; _local1.Yuloxhisccxjzd = null; _local1.Yuqtlhvjfojqvn = function () { return((this.Yabuivaqrdebrd != 0) && (this.Yxydxtfumraqxa != this.Yvptcjipzrsytz)); }; _local1.Yuzztmrxxnyxkh = function () { return((this.Yiwzvmxwfqjdxh && (this.Ywdnexzkadxdew > 0)) || ((!this.Yiwzvmxwfqjdxh) && (this.Yfaudpmueqwcvf > 0))); }; _local1.Yvglxhzqcxemgq = function () { return(this.Yxqcmykuybhbyf); }; _local1.Yvptcjipzrsytz = null; _local1.Yvrdtxzighmvwa = function () { return(this.Yhapgmobtxibpq); }; _local1.Ywdnexzkadxdew = null; _local1.Ywusxxadciozud = null; _local1.Yxhsftbmpfldie = null; _local1.Yxjgybvisuqjlu = null; _local1.Yxqcmykuybhbyf = null; _local1.Yxydxtfumraqxa = null; _local1.Yyjgqrockggour = function () { return(this.Yxjgybvisuqjlu); }; _local1.Yywmdftffheymk = null; _local1.Yzzrsmzogqdlcr = null; ((Ydmrhjyhrmnykv = function (_arg3, _arg4) { super(); this.Yknsbibcjhkcgt = 18; this.Ycciazmgadizip = 99999 /* 0x01869F */; this.Yvxjecbowrougn = new Array(); this.Ycocnqumaedvdy = new Array(); this.Ycndlqxqjuxibk = ""; this.Yxhjgxkwgcixii = 0; this.Yayaleymnvzvxc = 0; this.Yreqoiairhyjeu = 0; this.Yexnqkesrqbrbh = 0; this.Ynkoivyatassvr = _arg4; var _local5 = 0; var _local6 = 0; var _local7 = 128 * 4; while (_local6 < _local7) { var _local8 = _local6; _local6++; this.Ycocnqumaedvdy[_local8] = 0; } _local6 = 0; _local7 = 128; while (_local6 < _local7) { var _local8 = _local6; _local6++; var _local9 = 0; while (_local9 < _arg3.length) { if (_arg3[_local9] == _local8) { _local5 = _arg3[_local9] * 4; this.Ycocnqumaedvdy[_local5] = _arg3[_local9 + 1]; this.Ycocnqumaedvdy[_local5 + 1] = _arg3[_local9 + 2]; this.Ycocnqumaedvdy[_local5 + 2] = _arg3[_local9 + 3] - _arg3[_local9 + 1]; this.Ycocnqumaedvdy[_local5 + 3] = _arg3[_local9 + 4] - _arg3[_local9 + 2]; } _local9 = _local9 + 5; } } })).__name__ = ["Ydmrhjyhrmnykv"]; Ydmrhjyhrmnykv /*register */.__super__ = Ymqthriwocgqet; //Ydmrhjyhrmnykv /*register */ extends Ymqthriwocgqet _local1 = Ydmrhjyhrmnykv /*register */.prototype; _local1.__class__ = Ydmrhjyhrmnykv /*register */; _local1.SetPos = function (_arg2, _arg3) { var _local4 = 0; var _local5 = 0; var _local6 = 0; this.Yaizgzoybzysla = 0; this.Yreqoiairhyjeu = _arg2; this.Yexnqkesrqbrbh = _arg3; var _local7 = 0; var _local8 = this.Ycndlqxqjuxibk.length; while (_local7 < _local8) { var _local9 = _local7; _local7++; _local4 = this.Ycndlqxqjuxibk.charCodeAt(_local9); if (_local4 != 32) { this.Yaizgzoybzysla = this.Yaizgzoybzysla + this.Ycocnqumaedvdy[(_local4 * 4) + 2]; } else { this.Yaizgzoybzysla = this.Yaizgzoybzysla + 10; } this.Yaizgzoybzysla = this.Yaizgzoybzysla + this.Ynkoivyatassvr; } if (this.Yayaleymnvzvxc != 1) { if (this.Yayaleymnvzvxc == 2) { _local5 = -this.Yaizgzoybzysla; } } else { _local5 = -Math.floor(this.Yaizgzoybzysla / 2); } _local7 = 0; _local8 = 0; while (_local8 < this.Ycndlqxqjuxibk.length) { _local4 = this.Ycndlqxqjuxibk.charCodeAt(_local8); this.Yvxjecbowrougn[_local8].Ytuhhtcbgnnvjh(Math.floor(_local5 + _arg2), Math.floor(_local6 + _arg3)); if (_local4 != 32) { if (_local4 != 10) { if (((_local5 + this.Ycocnqumaedvdy[(_local4 * 4) + 2]) + this.Ynkoivyatassvr) <= this.Ycciazmgadizip) { _local5 = _local5 + this.Ycocnqumaedvdy[(_local4 * 4) + 2]; _local5 = _local5 + this.Ynkoivyatassvr; } else { _local6 = _local6 + this.Yknsbibcjhkcgt; _local5 = 0; _local8 = _local7; } } else { _local6 = _local6 + this.Yknsbibcjhkcgt; _local5 = 0; } } else { _local7 = _local8 - 1; if (_local5 != 0) { _local5 = _local5 + 6; } } _local8++; } }; _local1.Yaizgzoybzysla = null; _local1.Yayaleymnvzvxc = null; _local1.Ycciazmgadizip = null; _local1.Ycndlqxqjuxibk = null; _local1.Ycocnqumaedvdy = null; _local1.Ycqtkqqkzghfiu = function () { var _local2 = 0; var _local3 = this.Ycndlqxqjuxibk.length; while (_local2 < _local3) { var _local4 = _local2; _local2++; this.Yvxjecbowrougn[_local4].Yqloszticxvcmm.swapDepths(Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Ybftdmzggyvous.Ythzjldrofyxlq.getNextHighestDepth()); } }; _local1.Yexnqkesrqbrbh = null; _local1.Yhwxkmoknsvlwt = function (_arg2) { this.Ycciazmgadizip = _arg2; }; _local1.Yifghzbokoxgtv = function () { return(this.Yaizgzoybzysla); }; _local1.Yjffzicrvdovvs = function (_arg2) { this.Yayaleymnvzvxc = _arg2; this.SetPos(this.Yreqoiairhyjeu, this.Yexnqkesrqbrbh); }; _local1.Yknsbibcjhkcgt = null; _local1.Ynkoivyatassvr = null; _local1.Yosczluwluniew = function (_arg2) { this.Yknsbibcjhkcgt = _arg2; }; _local1.Yreqoiairhyjeu = null; _local1.Ytrjwpflphltxu = function () { var _local2 = 0; var _local3 = this.Yxhjgxkwgcixii; while (_local2 < _local3) { var _local4 = _local2; _local2++; this.Yvxjecbowrougn[_local4].Ytrjwpflphltxu(); this.Yvxjecbowrougn[_local4] = null; } this.Ycocnqumaedvdy = null; }; _local1.Yuuorzdsmfzyho = function (_arg2, _arg3) { var _local4 = 0; var _local5 = this.Yxhjgxkwgcixii; while (_local4 < _local5) { var _local6 = _local4; _local4++; this.Yvxjecbowrougn[_local6].Hide(); } if (this.Yxhjgxkwgcixii < _arg3.length) { _local4 = _arg3.length - this.Yxhjgxkwgcixii; if (_local4 > 0) { _local5 = 0; var _local6 = _local4; while (_local5 < _local6) { var _local7 = _local5; _local5++; this.Yvxjecbowrougn[_local7 + this.Yxhjgxkwgcixii] = new Yntciewbscfyld(_arg2, 0, 0, false, false); } this.Yxhjgxkwgcixii = this.Yxhjgxkwgcixii + _local4; } } this.Ycndlqxqjuxibk = _arg3; _local4 = 0; _local5 = 0; var _local6 = this.Ycndlqxqjuxibk.length; while (_local5 < _local6) { var _local7 = _local5; _local5++; _local4 = this.Ycndlqxqjuxibk.charCodeAt(_local7) * 4; this.Yvxjecbowrougn[_local7].Ystfodkyoquxyx(this.Ycocnqumaedvdy[_local4], this.Ycocnqumaedvdy[_local4 + 1], this.Ycocnqumaedvdy[_local4 + 2], this.Ycocnqumaedvdy[_local4 + 3]); this.Yvxjecbowrougn[_local7].Yqifnqbgjmopge(); } this.SetPos(this.Yreqoiairhyjeu, this.Yexnqkesrqbrbh); }; _local1.Yvxjecbowrougn = null; _local1.Yxhjgxkwgcixii = null; ((Ybqqfygcfoikxf = function () { this.Yosesibvyrlekd = flash.Lib.getTimer(); this.Frame(); })).__name__ = ["Ybqqfygcfoikxf"]; _local1 = Ybqqfygcfoikxf /*register */.prototype; _local1.__class__ = Ybqqfygcfoikxf /*register */; _local1.Frame = function () { this.Yesgbkwzvswizb = flash.Lib.getTimer(); this.Yjhqhjpxrvmzec = 1000 / (this.Yesgbkwzvswizb - this.Yosesibvyrlekd); this.Yxlcdcnodhfgwg = (this.Yesgbkwzvswizb - this.Yosesibvyrlekd) / 1000; this.Yosesibvyrlekd = this.Yesgbkwzvswizb; }; _local1.Yesgbkwzvswizb = null; _local1.Yjhqhjpxrvmzec = null; _local1.Yloxuygdzdhjiw = function () { return(this.Yjhqhjpxrvmzec); }; _local1.Yosesibvyrlekd = null; _local1.Yqipzpeoqwgcrb = function () { return(this.Yxlcdcnodhfgwg); }; _local1.Yxlcdcnodhfgwg = null; _local1 = new Object(); flash.text = _local1; _local2 = _global.flash.text; for (_reg0 in _local2) { _local1[_reg0] = _local2[_reg0]; } ((StringBuf = function () { this.b = ""; })).__name__ = ["StringBuf"]; _local1 = StringBuf /*register */.prototype; _local1.__class__ = StringBuf /*register */; _local1.add = function (_arg2) { this.b = this.b + flash.Boot.__string_rec(_arg2, ""); }; _local1.addChar = function (_arg2) { this.b = this.b + String.fromCharCode(_arg2); }; _local1.addSub = function (_arg2, _arg3, _arg4) { this.b = this.b + _arg2.substr(_arg3, _arg4); }; _local1.b = null; _local1.toString = function () { return(this.b); }; _local1 = new Object(); flash.geom = _local1; _local2 = _global.flash.geom; for (_reg0 in _local2) { _local1[_reg0] = _local2[_reg0]; } _local1 = new Object(); flash.filters = _local1; _local2 = _global.flash.filters; for (_reg0 in _local2) { _local1[_reg0] = _local2[_reg0]; } ((Ywfuwisuhkwuim = function (_arg2, _arg3) { this.Ycdhamfvthcynn = _arg2; this.Yytudtguowxttx(_arg3); this.Ykhthwewnrzxgx = false; })).__name__ = ["Ywfuwisuhkwuim"]; _local1 = Ywfuwisuhkwuim /*register */.prototype; _local1.__class__ = Ywfuwisuhkwuim /*register */; _local1.Ybezmdmhgoaivw = function (_arg2) { if (this.Ykhthwewnrzxgx) { return(undefined); } this.Yigcdiobpdpzjn.start(_arg2); }; _local1.Ybziuwvsxztlxe = function () { this.Ykhthwewnrzxgx = false; }; _local1.Ycdhamfvthcynn = null; _local1.Ygndjyrmgvkghk = function () { this.Ymucvzjerlfbdx(); this.Ykhthwewnrzxgx = true; }; _local1.Yigcdiobpdpzjn = null; _local1.Ykhthwewnrzxgx = null; _local1.Ylekeljrqvxwhv = function (_arg2) { if (this.Ykhthwewnrzxgx) { return(undefined); } this.Yigcdiobpdpzjn.start(0, _arg2); }; _local1.Ymucvzjerlfbdx = function () { this.Yigcdiobpdpzjn.stop(this.Ycdhamfvthcynn); }; _local1.Ytldrythhpbbgk = function () { this.Yigcdiobpdpzjn.stop(); }; _local1.Ytrjwpflphltxu = function () { this.Yigcdiobpdpzjn.stop(); this.Yigcdiobpdpzjn = null; }; _local1.Yyhxokxpclnpok = function (_arg2) { this.Yigcdiobpdpzjn.setVolume(_arg2 * 100); }; _local1.Yytudtguowxttx = function (_arg2) { this.Yigcdiobpdpzjn = null; this.Yigcdiobpdpzjn = new flash.Sound(_arg2); this.Yigcdiobpdpzjn.attachSound(this.Ycdhamfvthcynn); }; ((IntIter = function (_arg2, _arg3) { this.min = _arg2; this.max = _arg3; })).__name__ = ["IntIter"]; _local1 = IntIter /*register */.prototype; _local1.__class__ = IntIter /*register */; _local1.hasNext = function () { return(this.min < this.max); }; _local1.max = null; _local1.min = null; = function () { return(this.min++); }; ((Yiguatelurpkds = function () { })).__name__ = ["Yiguatelurpkds"]; _local1 = Yiguatelurpkds /*register */.prototype; _local1.__class__ = Yiguatelurpkds /*register */; Yiguatelurpkds /*register */.Yxqmfkfensiznd = function (_arg2) { var _local3 = 0; var _local4 = _arg2.length; var _local5 = 0; var _local7 = 0; var _local6 = new Array(); _local6[0] = 0; _local6[1] = 0; var _local8 = 0; var _local9 = 2; while (_local8 < _local9) { var _local10 = _local8; _local8++; _local7 = _local10; if (_local7 >= _local4) { _local7 = 0; } var _local11 = 0; var _local12 = _local4; while (_local11 < _local12) { var _local13 = _local11; _local11++; _local6[_local10] = _local6[_local10] + _arg2.charCodeAt(_local7); if (_local6[_local10] > 256) { _local6[_local10] = _local6[_local10] - 256; } if (_local10 > 0) { _local6[_local10] = _local6[_local10] + _local6[_local10 - 1]; } if (_local6[_local10] > 256) { _local6[_local10] = _local6[_local10] - 256; } _local7++; if (_local7 >= _local4) { _local7 = 0; } } } _local3 = (_local6[1] << 8) | _local6[0]; return(_local3); }; Yiguatelurpkds /*register */.Yioqazfvsogeup = function (_arg2, _arg3) { var _local4 = Yiguatelurpkds.Yxqmfkfensiznd(_arg3); var _local5 = _arg2.length; var _local6 = 0; var _local8 = ""; var _local9 = 0; var _local7 = new Array(); _local7[0] = _local4 & 255; _local7[1] = (_local4 >> 8) & 255; var _local10 = 0; var _local11 = _local5; while (_local10 < _local11) { var _local12 = _local10; _local10++; _local9 = _arg2.charCodeAt(_local12) + _local7[_local6]; if (_local9 > 256) { _local9 = _local9 - 256; } _local8 = _local8 + Yiguatelurpkds.Yegzebezyceoxg(_local9); _local6++; if (_local6 > 1) { _local6 = 0; } } return(new String(_local8)); }; Yiguatelurpkds /*register */.Yzoxxzsylbnoqm = function (_arg2) { var _local3 = 21162; var _local4 = _arg2.length; var _local5 = 0; var _local7 = ""; var _local8 = 0; var _local10 = 65; var _local6 = new Array(); _local6[0] = _local3 & 255; _local6[1] = (_local3 >> 8) & 255; var _local11 = 0; while (_local11 < _local4) { var _local9 = _arg2.charAt(_local11); _local9 = _local9 + _arg2.charAt(_local11 + 1); var _local12 = Yiguatelurpkds.Yjrcbyqsgublzu(_local9); var _local13 = _local12 - _local6[_local5]; if (_local13 < 0) { _local13 = 256 + _local13; } _local7 = _local7 + Std.chr(_local13); _local5++; if (_local5 > 1) { _local5 = 0; } _local11 = _local11 + 2; _local8++; } return(new String(_local7)); }; Yiguatelurpkds /*register */.Yegzebezyceoxg = function (_arg2) { var _local3 = Math.floor(_arg2 / 16); var _local4 = _arg2 - (_local3 * 16); var _local5 = "0123456789ABCDEF"; return(new String(_local5.charAt(_local3) + _local5.charAt(_local4))); }; Yiguatelurpkds /*register */.Yjrcbyqsgublzu = function (_arg2) { var _local3 = 0; var _local4 = 0; var _local5 = _arg2.length - 1; while (_local5 >= 0) { _local4 = _arg2.charCodeAt((_arg2.length - 1) - _local5); if ((_local4 >= 48) && (_local4 <= 57)) { _local4 = _local4 - 48; } if ((_local4 >= 65) && (_local4 <= 71)) { _local4 = _local4 - 65; _local4 = _local4 + 10; } if (_local5 == 0) { _local3 = _local3 + _local4; } if (_local5 > 0) { _local3 = _local3 + (_local4 * (16 * _local5)); } _local5--; } return(_local3); }; ((Std = function () { })).__name__ = ["Std"]; _local1 = Std /*register */.prototype; _local1.__class__ = Std /*register */; Std /*register */.is = function (_arg2, _arg3) { return(flash.Boot.__instanceof(_arg2, _arg3)); }; Std /*register */.string = function (_arg2) { return(flash.Boot.__string_rec(_arg2, "")); }; Std /*register */.int = function (_arg2) { return(Math.floor(_arg2)); }; Std /*register */.bool = function (_arg2) { return((_arg2 != 0) && ((_arg2 != null) && (_arg2 != false))); }; Std /*register */.parseInt = function (_arg2) { var _local3 = _global.parseInt(_arg2); if (Math.isNaN(_local3)) { return(null); } return(_local3); }; Std /*register */.parseFloat = function (_arg2) { return(_global.parseFloat(_arg2)); }; Std /*register */.chr = function (_arg2) { return(String.fromCharCode(_arg2)); }; Std /*register */.ord = function (_arg2) { if (_arg2 != "") { return(_arg2.charCodeAt(0)); } return(null); }; Std /*register */.random = function (_arg2) { return(random(_arg2)); }; Std /*register */.resource = function (_arg2) { return(flash.Boot.__res[_arg2]); }; ((MISSION_ID = new Object())).__ename__ = ["MISSION_ID"]; ["ESCORT"].__enum__ = MISSION_ID /*register */; MISSION_ID /*register */.ESCORT = ["ESCORT"]; ["HOSTILE_TAKOVER"].__enum__ = MISSION_ID /*register */; MISSION_ID /*register */.HOSTILE_TAKOVER = ["HOSTILE_TAKOVER"]; ["MAKING_ROOM"].__enum__ = MISSION_ID /*register */; MISSION_ID /*register */.MAKING_ROOM = ["MAKING_ROOM"]; ["MISSION_CODE"].__enum__ = MISSION_ID /*register */; MISSION_ID /*register */.MISSION_CODE = ["MISSION_CODE"]; ["RECONNAISSANCE"].__enum__ = MISSION_ID /*register */; MISSION_ID /*register */.RECONNAISSANCE = ["RECONNAISSANCE"]; ["RECOVERY"].__enum__ = MISSION_ID /*register */; MISSION_ID /*register */.RECOVERY = ["RECOVERY"]; ["TRAINING"].__enum__ = MISSION_ID /*register */; MISSION_ID /*register */.TRAINING = ["TRAINING"]; ((OBJECT_ID = new Object())).__ename__ = ["OBJECT_ID"]; ["ASTEROID_LARGE"].__enum__ = OBJECT_ID /*register */; OBJECT_ID /*register */.ASTEROID_LARGE = ["ASTEROID_LARGE"]; ["ASTEROID_SMALL"].__enum__ = OBJECT_ID /*register */; OBJECT_ID /*register */.ASTEROID_SMALL = ["ASTEROID_SMALL"]; ["ASTEROID_SOLID_LARGE"].__enum__ = OBJECT_ID /*register */; OBJECT_ID /*register */.ASTEROID_SOLID_LARGE = ["ASTEROID_SOLID_LARGE"]; ["ASTEROID_SOLID_SMALL"].__enum__ = OBJECT_ID /*register */; OBJECT_ID /*register */.ASTEROID_SOLID_SMALL = ["ASTEROID_SOLID_SMALL"]; ["BULLETS"].__enum__ = OBJECT_ID /*register */; OBJECT_ID /*register */.BULLETS = ["BULLETS"]; ["CHAT"].__enum__ = OBJECT_ID /*register */; OBJECT_ID /*register */.CHAT = ["CHAT"]; ["ENEMY_BULLET"].__enum__ = OBJECT_ID /*register */; OBJECT_ID /*register */.ENEMY_BULLET = ["ENEMY_BULLET"]; ["ENEMY_DRONE"].__enum__ = OBJECT_ID /*register */; OBJECT_ID /*register */.ENEMY_DRONE = ["ENEMY_DRONE"]; ["ENEMY_FIRE_SHIP"].__enum__ = OBJECT_ID /*register */; OBJECT_ID /*register */.ENEMY_FIRE_SHIP = ["ENEMY_FIRE_SHIP"]; ["ENEMY_GHOST"].__enum__ = OBJECT_ID /*register */; OBJECT_ID /*register */.ENEMY_GHOST = ["ENEMY_GHOST"]; ["ENEMY_SHIP1"].__enum__ = OBJECT_ID /*register */; OBJECT_ID /*register */.ENEMY_SHIP1 = ["ENEMY_SHIP1"]; ["ENEMY_SHIP2"].__enum__ = OBJECT_ID /*register */; OBJECT_ID /*register */.ENEMY_SHIP2 = ["ENEMY_SHIP2"]; ["ENEMY_SHIP3"].__enum__ = OBJECT_ID /*register */; OBJECT_ID /*register */.ENEMY_SHIP3 = ["ENEMY_SHIP3"]; ["EXPLOSION"].__enum__ = OBJECT_ID /*register */; OBJECT_ID /*register */.EXPLOSION = ["EXPLOSION"]; ["HEALTH"].__enum__ = OBJECT_ID /*register */; OBJECT_ID /*register */.HEALTH = ["HEALTH"]; ["PLAYER_BULLET"].__enum__ = OBJECT_ID /*register */; OBJECT_ID /*register */.PLAYER_BULLET = ["PLAYER_BULLET"]; ["PLAYER_SHIP"].__enum__ = OBJECT_ID /*register */; OBJECT_ID /*register */.PLAYER_SHIP = ["PLAYER_SHIP"]; ["SPACE_MAN"].__enum__ = OBJECT_ID /*register */; OBJECT_ID /*register */.SPACE_MAN = ["SPACE_MAN"]; ["SPACE_STATION"].__enum__ = OBJECT_ID /*register */; OBJECT_ID /*register */.SPACE_STATION = ["SPACE_STATION"]; ((ENEMY_AI = new Object())).__ename__ = ["ENEMY_AI"]; ["BRAKE_HARD"].__enum__ = ENEMY_AI /*register */; ENEMY_AI /*register */.BRAKE_HARD = ["BRAKE_HARD"]; ["BRANCH_FIRE"].__enum__ = ENEMY_AI /*register */; ENEMY_AI /*register */.BRANCH_FIRE = ["BRANCH_FIRE"]; ["BRANCH_OFF"].__enum__ = ENEMY_AI /*register */; ENEMY_AI /*register */.BRANCH_OFF = ["BRANCH_OFF"]; ["FIRE_GUNS"].__enum__ = ENEMY_AI /*register */; ENEMY_AI /*register */.FIRE_GUNS = ["FIRE_GUNS"]; ["FLEE_AREA"].__enum__ = ENEMY_AI /*register */; ENEMY_AI /*register */.FLEE_AREA = ["FLEE_AREA"]; ["SCOUT"].__enum__ = ENEMY_AI /*register */; ENEMY_AI /*register */.SCOUT = ["SCOUT"]; ["TRACK_PLAYER"].__enum__ = ENEMY_AI /*register */; ENEMY_AI /*register */.TRACK_PLAYER = ["TRACK_PLAYER"]; ["TRACK_PLAYER_CLOSE"].__enum__ = ENEMY_AI /*register */; ENEMY_AI /*register */.TRACK_PLAYER_CLOSE = ["TRACK_PLAYER_CLOSE"]; ["TRACK_PLAYER_FAR"].__enum__ = ENEMY_AI /*register */; ENEMY_AI /*register */.TRACK_PLAYER_FAR = ["TRACK_PLAYER_FAR"]; ["TURN_LEFT"].__enum__ = ENEMY_AI /*register */; ENEMY_AI /*register */.TURN_LEFT = ["TURN_LEFT"]; ["TURN_RIGHT"].__enum__ = ENEMY_AI /*register */; ENEMY_AI /*register */.TURN_RIGHT = ["TURN_RIGHT"]; ((ENEMY_TARGET = new Object())).__ename__ = ["ENEMY_TARGET"]; ["ASTRONAUT"].__enum__ = ENEMY_TARGET /*register */; ENEMY_TARGET /*register */.ASTRONAUT = ["ASTRONAUT"]; ["NOTHING"].__enum__ = ENEMY_TARGET /*register */; ENEMY_TARGET /*register */.NOTHING = ["NOTHING"]; ["PLAYER"].__enum__ = ENEMY_TARGET /*register */; ENEMY_TARGET /*register */.PLAYER = ["PLAYER"]; ((Ygrdueebqcpcdg = function () { this.Yvdyiqlhkesvah = 0; this.Ycihrngtrbqiak = 0; this.Yrzippcccastxf = -1; })).__name__ = ["Ygrdueebqcpcdg"]; _local1 = Ygrdueebqcpcdg /*register */.prototype; _local1.__class__ = Ygrdueebqcpcdg /*register */; _local1.Ycihrngtrbqiak = null; _local1.Yrzippcccastxf = null; _local1.Yvdyiqlhkesvah = null; ((Yntciewbscfyld = function (_arg3, _arg4, _arg5, _arg6, _arg7) { super(); this.Yaqcinvanmervl = true; this.Yqloszticxvcmm = Yntciewbscfyld.Yvkvdevdlkqeex.Ythzjldrofyxlq.createEmptyMovieClip("Blank_" + Yntciewbscfyld.Ylifmphekqumox, Yntciewbscfyld.Yvkvdevdlkqeex.Ythzjldrofyxlq.getNextHighestDepth()); this.Yamoxrucczubeu = false; if (!_arg7) { this.Yzlakqepdrsbqo = this.Yqloszticxvcmm.attachMovie(_arg3, "Image_" + Yntciewbscfyld.Ylifmphekqumox, this.Yqloszticxvcmm.getNextHighestDepth()); this.Yijvhlourjwqnx = _arg6; this.Yjyvsldqhvbfri(); } else { this.Yzlakqepdrsbqo = this.Yqloszticxvcmm.createEmptyMovieClip("Blank_Loaded" + Yntciewbscfyld.Ylifmphekqumox, Yntciewbscfyld.Yvkvdevdlkqeex.Ythzjldrofyxlq.getNextHighestDepth()); this.Yzlakqepdrsbqo.loadMovie(_arg3); this.Yamoxrucczubeu = false; this.Yijvhlourjwqnx = _arg6; } this.Yfmmksqgdeehxj = _arg4; this.Yuloxhisccxjzd = (this.Yuloxhisccxjzd = _arg5); this.Yzgqkbrudkntlr = 0; this.Yqloszticxvcmm._x = _arg4; this.Yqloszticxvcmm._y = _arg5; Yntciewbscfyld.Ylifmphekqumox++; })).__name__ = ["Yntciewbscfyld"]; Yntciewbscfyld /*register */.__super__ = Ymqthriwocgqet; //Yntciewbscfyld /*register */ extends Ymqthriwocgqet _local1 = Yntciewbscfyld /*register */.prototype; _local1.__class__ = Yntciewbscfyld /*register */; Yntciewbscfyld /*register */.Yvkvdevdlkqeex = null; _local1.Hide = function () { this.Yzlakqepdrsbqo._visible = false; this.Yqloszticxvcmm._visible = false; this.Yzlakqepdrsbqo.enabled = false; this.Yqloszticxvcmm.enabled = false; this.Yqloszticxvcmm._alpha = this.Yqloszticxvcmm._alpha - 1; this.Yaqcinvanmervl = false; }; _local1.Yamoxrucczubeu = null; _local1.Yaqcinvanmervl = null; _local1.Yawdljsrbohwlh = function () { if (!this.Yijvhlourjwqnx) { return(!(((this.Yfmmksqgdeehxj + this.Yzlakqepdrsbqo._width) < 0) || ((this.Yfmmksqgdeehxj > flash.Stage.width) || (((this.Yuloxhisccxjzd + this.Yzlakqepdrsbqo._height) < 0) || (this.Yuloxhisccxjzd > flash.Stage.height))))); } return(!(((this.Yfmmksqgdeehxj + (this.Yzlakqepdrsbqo._width / 2)) < 0) || (((this.Yfmmksqgdeehxj - (this.Yzlakqepdrsbqo._width / 2)) > flash.Stage.width) || (((this.Yuloxhisccxjzd + (this.Yzlakqepdrsbqo._height / 2)) < 0) || ((this.Yuloxhisccxjzd - (this.Yzlakqepdrsbqo._height / 2)) > flash.Stage.height))))); }; _local1.Yawsnbkbcimhif = function (_arg2) { this.Yqloszticxvcmm._alpha = _arg2; }; _local1.Ybseawyndncoob = function (_arg2) { this.Yqrwhzefyyhgcf(_arg2); }; _local1.Ydylqmaktioycx = function (_arg2, _arg3) { this.Yzlakqepdrsbqo._x = -_arg2; this.Yzlakqepdrsbqo._y = -_arg3; }; _local1.Yemmhmelhytlpc = function () { return(this.Yzlakqepdrsbqo._height); }; _local1.Yfrekfgsjcbmui = function (_arg2) { this.Yzgqkbrudkntlr = _arg2; this.Yqloszticxvcmm._rotation = this.Yzgqkbrudkntlr * Yntciewbscfyld.Yksggfhhruavjt; }; _local1.Ygknmfzfleolyq = function (_arg2) { this.Yuloxhisccxjzd = _arg2; this.Yqloszticxvcmm._y = this.Yuloxhisccxjzd; return(this.Yuloxhisccxjzd); }; _local1.Ygqzvqgbnrcgri = function (_arg2) { this.Yfmmksqgdeehxj = _arg2; this.Yqloszticxvcmm._x = this.Yfmmksqgdeehxj; return(this.Yfmmksqgdeehxj); }; _local1.Ygrvukvrtkbidr = function () { if (this.Yzlakqepdrsbqo == null) { return(false); } if ((this.Yzlakqepdrsbqo.getBytesLoaded() == this.Yzlakqepdrsbqo.getBytesTotal()) && (this.Yzlakqepdrsbqo.getBytesTotal() != 0)) { this.Yamoxrucczubeu = true; this.Yjyvsldqhvbfri(); } return(this.Yamoxrucczubeu); }; _local1.Yijvhlourjwqnx = null; _local1.Yjyvsldqhvbfri = function () { this.Yzlakqepdrsbqo.cacheAsBitmap = true; if (this.Yijvhlourjwqnx) { this.Yzlakqepdrsbqo._x = (-this.Yzlakqepdrsbqo._width) / 2; this.Yzlakqepdrsbqo._y = (-this.Yzlakqepdrsbqo._height) / 2; } }; _local1.Yotxyrueyrgtkm = function () { return(this.Yzlakqepdrsbqo._width); }; _local1.Yqifnqbgjmopge = function () { this.Yzlakqepdrsbqo._visible = true; this.Yqloszticxvcmm._visible = true; this.Yzlakqepdrsbqo.enabled = true; this.Yqloszticxvcmm.enabled = true; this.Yqloszticxvcmm._alpha = 100; this.Yaqcinvanmervl = true; }; _local1.Yqloszticxvcmm = null; _local1.Ysokleidcqgytr = function () { this.Yzlakqepdrsbqo.removeMovieClip(); this.Yzlakqepdrsbqo = null; this.Yqloszticxvcmm.removeMovieClip(); this.Yqloszticxvcmm = null; }; _local1.Ystfodkyoquxyx = function (_arg2, _arg3, _arg4, _arg5) { var _local6 = Math.floor(_arg2); var _local7 = Math.floor(_arg3); var _local8 = Math.floor(_arg4); var _local9 = Math.floor(_arg5); var _local10 = new flash.geom.Rectangle(_local6, _local7, _local8, _local9); if (!this.Yijvhlourjwqnx) { this.Yzlakqepdrsbqo._x = 0; this.Yzlakqepdrsbqo._y = 0; } else { this.Yzlakqepdrsbqo._x = (-_arg4) / 2; this.Yzlakqepdrsbqo._y = (-_arg5) / 2; } this.Yzlakqepdrsbqo.scrollRect = _local10; }; _local1.Ysvmzeljqednws = function () { return(this.Yqloszticxvcmm._alpha); }; _local1.Ytrjwpflphltxu = function () { this.Yzlakqepdrsbqo.removeMovieClip(); this.Yzlakqepdrsbqo = null; this.Yqloszticxvcmm.removeMovieClip(); this.Yqloszticxvcmm = null; }; _local1.Ytuhhtcbgnnvjh = function (_arg2, _arg3) { this.Yqloszticxvcmm._x = _arg2; this.Yqloszticxvcmm._y = _arg3; }; _local1.Ytwrgifcgnctvm = function () { return(this.Yqloszticxvcmm._y); }; _local1.Yvwfiuiupsalkk = function () { return(this.Yqloszticxvcmm._x); }; _local1.Ywyglmgxaqfpzf = function (_arg2) { this.Ynnpsivvnthzra(_arg2); this.Ytuhhtcbgnnvjh(Math.floor(this.Yfmmksqgdeehxj), Math.floor(this.Yuloxhisccxjzd)); this.Yawsnbkbcimhif(this.Yvglxhzqcxemgq() * 100); this.Yfrekfgsjcbmui(this.Yyjgqrockggour()); }; _local1.Yzgqkbrudkntlr = null; _local1.Yzlakqepdrsbqo = null; _local1.getRot = function () { return(this.Yzgqkbrudkntlr); }; _local1.setScale = function (_arg2, _arg3) { this.Yqloszticxvcmm._xscale = _arg2; this.Yqloszticxvcmm._yscale = _arg3; }; ((Ymlbzvipzhooka = function (_arg3, _arg4, _arg5, _arg6, _arg7) { this.Ywictohieesmzs = false; this.Yraocnpkngtjbx = false; this.Yuzcespiqlaoob = _arg6; this.Yltjotnyisacab = new Yujqvlqfqsovwc("thrust", 0, 0, true, false); this.Yltjotnyisacab.Yhhgzfwafsplxm(0, 3, 11, 15, 10, 100); this.Yltjotnyisacab.Ydylqmaktioycx(5.5, 7.5); this.Yltjotnyisacab.Yaqcinvanmervl = true; this.Yltjotnyisacab.Ytuhhtcbgnnvjh(-100, -100); this.Ycrsbjslcmfcko = new Yujqvlqfqsovwc("tractorbeam", 0, 0, true, false); this.Ycrsbjslcmfcko.Ydylqmaktioycx(0, 32); this.Ycrsbjslcmfcko.Yqloszticxvcmm.blendMode = "add"; this.Ycrsbjslcmfcko.Ytuhhtcbgnnvjh(-100, -100); super(_arg3, 0, 0, false, false); this.Ydylqmaktioycx(_arg4, _arg5); this.Yjusmmlzbaohdf = 0; this.Yutsxchlaojolb = 0; this.Yyjsggmcvkzmgd = 0; this.Ylslgbddezhnbh = 0.97; this.Ylhucmwrmoksje = 0; this.Ytczeerydhuznk = true; this.Yzqelmmkcwyryn = Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Yzqelmmkcwyryn; Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Yzqelmmkcwyryn++; this.Yqguxutvkvjwqv = true; this.Ytuhhtcbgnnvjh(-100, -100); this.Yjgqptwveefbzq = true; this.Ycsubgykgeewvv = 100; this.Yabtitvkanyoqg = 175; this.Ybhulxpzdaftgd = 175; this.Ybnvfjpvoeutvn = new Yntciewbscfyld("map_dot", 0, 0, true, false); if (this.Ybnvfjpvoeutvn != null) { this.Ybnvfjpvoeutvn.Hide(); this.Ybnvfjpvoeutvn.Ytuhhtcbgnnvjh(-100, -100); } this.Ynweizvcbbbrhd = _arg7; if (this.Ynweizvcbbbrhd == OBJECT_ID.ENEMY_DRONE) { this.Ylhucmwrmoksje = (Math.random() * 1) + 1; } this.Ycmhnxsnhwnyhi = 1 + (Math.random() * 0.2); this.Yqylfulcecsuvd = ENEMY_AI.SCOUT; this.Ygtsjlzeeegwsv = ENEMY_TARGET.PLAYER; if (this.Ynweizvcbbbrhd == OBJECT_ID.PLAYER_SHIP) { this.Ycmhnxsnhwnyhi = 1; this.Yqpzhjdlxjsyim = 1.1; } this.Yhbtjfomqaiopq = 0; this.Yuerjjjqfprpco = true; this.Yqcbijutqmajhy = false; })).__name__ = ["Ymlbzvipzhooka"]; Ymlbzvipzhooka /*register */.__super__ = Yntciewbscfyld; //Ymlbzvipzhooka /*register */ extends Yntciewbscfyld _local1 = Ymlbzvipzhooka /*register */.prototype; _local1.__class__ = Ymlbzvipzhooka /*register */; Ymlbzvipzhooka /*register */.Yktnpoporhpvtq = null; Ymlbzvipzhooka /*register */.Yiwyoskuhdonjy = null; _local1.Yabtitvkanyoqg = null; _local1.Ybhulxpzdaftgd = null; _local1.Ybnvfjpvoeutvn = null; _local1.Ybwamzhmswjvzm = null; _local1.Ycmhnxsnhwnyhi = null; _local1.Ycrsbjslcmfcko = null; _local1.Ycsubgykgeewvv = null; _local1.Ycwzmjjhryzypx = function () { return(this.Yiirqmcibpmqqq); }; _local1.Ydoxfzgtgmqwxi = function (_arg2, _arg3) { this.Ypzevgivbyplbt = _arg2; this.Yhrmsnwuuxqrud = _arg3; }; _local1.Ygmadqjoovgcdy = function () { return(this.Ywictohieesmzs); }; _local1.Ygtsjlzeeegwsv = null; _local1.Ygxulhtnwkrqnn = function () { this.Yhbtjfomqaiopq = 0; var _local2 = this.Yqylfulcecsuvd; if (_local2 != ENEMY_AI.FIRE_GUNS) { if (_local2 != ENEMY_AI.BRANCH_FIRE) { if (_local2 != ENEMY_AI.SCOUT) { if (_local2 != ENEMY_AI.TRACK_PLAYER_FAR) { if (_local2 != ENEMY_AI.TRACK_PLAYER_CLOSE) { if (_local2 != ENEMY_AI.TURN_LEFT) { if (_local2 != ENEMY_AI.TURN_RIGHT) { // unexpected jump this.Yqylfulcecsuvd = ENEMY_AI.BRANCH_FIRE; this.Yabtitvkanyoqg = 2; // unexpected jump if (Math.random() <= 0.5) { this.Yqylfulcecsuvd = ENEMY_AI.TRACK_PLAYER_CLOSE; } else { this.Yqylfulcecsuvd = ENEMY_AI.TRACK_PLAYER_FAR; } // unexpected jump this.Ywxtnkstptqfdi = this.Ynyoziiwkmvmfe + (Math.random() * this.Yodzctkxcrwyoq); this.Ywbsruyuxwgdwb = this.Yzxuycosihmojr + (Math.random() * this.Yogrhclelzcezk); // unexpected jump this.Yqylfulcecsuvd = ENEMY_AI.FIRE_GUNS; this.Yabtitvkanyoqg = 1; this.Yhbtjfomqaiopq = 0.2; // unexpected jump this.Yqylfulcecsuvd = ENEMY_AI.FIRE_GUNS; this.Yabtitvkanyoqg = 1; this.Yhbtjfomqaiopq = 0.2; // unexpected jump this.Yabtitvkanyoqg = 4; this.Yqcbijutqmajhy = true; this.Yhbtjfomqaiopq = 1.5; // unexpected jump } } } } } } } else { this.Yqylfulcecsuvd = ENEMY_AI.BRANCH_FIRE; this.Yabtitvkanyoqg = 2; // unexpected jump if (Math.random() <= 0.5) { this.Yqylfulcecsuvd = ENEMY_AI.TRACK_PLAYER_CLOSE; } else { this.Yqylfulcecsuvd = ENEMY_AI.TRACK_PLAYER_FAR; } // unexpected jump this.Ywxtnkstptqfdi = this.Ynyoziiwkmvmfe + (Math.random() * this.Yodzctkxcrwyoq); this.Ywbsruyuxwgdwb = this.Yzxuycosihmojr + (Math.random() * this.Yogrhclelzcezk); // unexpected jump this.Yqylfulcecsuvd = ENEMY_AI.FIRE_GUNS; this.Yabtitvkanyoqg = 1; this.Yhbtjfomqaiopq = 0.2; // unexpected jump this.Yqylfulcecsuvd = ENEMY_AI.FIRE_GUNS; this.Yabtitvkanyoqg = 1; this.Yhbtjfomqaiopq = 0.2; // unexpected jump this.Yabtitvkanyoqg = 4; this.Yqcbijutqmajhy = true; this.Yhbtjfomqaiopq = 1.5; // unexpected jump this.Yabtitvkanyoqg = 4; this.Yqcbijutqmajhy = true; this.Yhbtjfomqaiopq = 1.5; } this.Yuerjjjqfprpco = false; }; _local1.Ygyccsawufvaef = function () { if (this.Ynweizvcbbbrhd != OBJECT_ID.PLAYER_SHIP) { if ((this.Ynweizvcbbbrhd == OBJECT_ID.ENEMY_SHIP1) || ((this.Ynweizvcbbbrhd == OBJECT_ID.ENEMY_SHIP2) || ((this.Ynweizvcbbbrhd == OBJECT_ID.ENEMY_SHIP3) || (this.Ynweizvcbbbrhd == OBJECT_ID.ENEMY_DRONE)))) { if (this.Ynweizvcbbbrhd == OBJECT_ID.ENEMY_DRONE) { this.Yqcbijutqmajhy = true; } if (this.Yaqcinvanmervl && ((this.Ylhucmwrmoksje < 0) && ((this.Yabtitvkanyoqg > 0) && ((this.Yqylfulcecsuvd == ENEMY_AI.FIRE_GUNS) || ((this.Yqylfulcecsuvd == ENEMY_AI.BRANCH_FIRE) || (this.Yqcbijutqmajhy)))))) { this.Yqcbijutqmajhy = false; this.Ylhucmwrmoksje = 0.3; return(this.Yraocnpkngtjbx); } } } else if (this.Yaqcinvanmervl && ((this.Ylhucmwrmoksje < 0) && (this.Yabtitvkanyoqg > 0))) { this.Ylhucmwrmoksje = 0.2; return(true); } return(false); }; _local1.Yhbtjfomqaiopq = null; _local1.Yhrmsnwuuxqrud = null; _local1.Yiirqmcibpmqqq = null; _local1.Yjgqptwveefbzq = null; _local1.Yjusmmlzbaohdf = null; _local1.Ylaxmfqkbdmcke = function (_arg2) { var _local3 = _arg2.Yfmmksqgdeehxj - _arg2.Ytuzzpuynlhvks; var _local4 = _arg2.Yuloxhisccxjzd - _arg2.Yzwvpzedduysye; var _local5 = _local3 / 5; var _local6 = _local4 / 5; if (!((_local5 > 1) || (_local6 > 1))) { return(this.Yziqhiunfdldby(_arg2)); } var _local7 = Math.floor(_local5); if (_local6 > _local5) { _local7 = Math.floor(_local6); } var _local8 = this.Yfmmksqgdeehxj; var _local9 = this.Yuloxhisccxjzd; var _local10 = 0; var _local11 = _local7; while (_local10 < _local11) { var _local12 = _local10; _local10++; var _local13 = (_arg2.Ytuzzpuynlhvks + (_local5 * _local12)) - _local8; var _local14 = (_arg2.Yzwvpzedduysye + (_local6 * _local12)) - _local9; var _local15 = Math.sqrt((_local13 * _local13) + (_local14 * _local14)); if (_local15 < (this.Yuzcespiqlaoob + _arg2.Yvqlfzihfohtiq())) { return(true); } } return(false); }; _local1.Ylerjmgmbwizdn = function (_arg2, _arg3) { var _local4 = flash.Stage.width / 2; var _local5 = 380 / 2; var _local6 = _arg2.Yvwfiuiupsalkk() - _local4; var _local7 = _arg2.Ytwrgifcgnctvm() - _local5; var _local8 = this.Yfmmksqgdeehxj + (Math.cos(this.Yjusmmlzbaohdf) * 80); var _local9 = this.Yuloxhisccxjzd + (Math.sin(this.Yjusmmlzbaohdf) * 80); var _local10 = _local8 - _arg2.Yfmmksqgdeehxj; var _local11 = _local9 - _arg2.Yuloxhisccxjzd; var _local12 = ((_local10 * _local10) + (_local11 * _local11)) < 1600; if (this.Yscuocktwpvirl(_arg2.Yjpdcegoprcnvy()) && (_local12 && (this.Yqguxutvkvjwqv || (_arg3)))) { _arg2.Ypymiesvslafud(_arg2.Yfmmksqgdeehxj, _arg2.Yuloxhisccxjzd, _local8, _local9, 80, 50); this.Yqguxutvkvjwqv = false; _arg2.Yhmtlqtmvyztql = true; _arg2.Yidvaeoxihwukf = false; _arg2.Ypfwvalhojvqcm = false; } if ((!_local12) && (_arg2.Yhmtlqtmvyztql)) { _arg2.Yhmtlqtmvyztql = false; } }; _local1.Ylhucmwrmoksje = null; _local1.Ylldcqpajrqxrj = function () { return(this.Yyjsggmcvkzmgd / 350); }; _local1.Ylontstvqbghqv = function (_arg2, _arg3, _arg4, _arg5) { this.Ynyoziiwkmvmfe = _arg2; this.Yzxuycosihmojr = _arg3; this.Yodzctkxcrwyoq = _arg4; this.Yogrhclelzcezk = _arg5; }; _local1.Ylslgbddezhnbh = null; _local1.Yltjotnyisacab = null; _local1.Ylyvktqlvvpbms = function () { return(this.Ycsubgykgeewvv); }; _local1.Ymbhwkfjrwkfza = function (_arg2) { if (this.Ynweizvcbbbrhd != OBJECT_ID.PLAYER_SHIP) { this.Yqpzhjdlxjsyim = Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Ybaybbdwopnonl; this.Ylhucmwrmoksje = this.Ylhucmwrmoksje - _arg2; this.Yhbtjfomqaiopq = this.Yhbtjfomqaiopq - _arg2; var _local3 = this.Yqylfulcecsuvd; if (_local3 != ENEMY_AI.TRACK_PLAYER_CLOSE) { if (_local3 != ENEMY_AI.TRACK_PLAYER_FAR) { if (_local3 != ENEMY_AI.BRANCH_FIRE) { if (_local3 != ENEMY_AI.FIRE_GUNS) { if (_local3 != ENEMY_AI.SCOUT) { if (_local3 != ENEMY_AI.TURN_LEFT) { if (_local3 != ENEMY_AI.TURN_RIGHT) { if (_local3 != ENEMY_AI.TRACK_PLAYER) { // unexpected jump this.Ywolrsrnkefbdy(_arg2, 42400); // unexpected jump this.Ywolrsrnkefbdy(_arg2, 75000); // unexpected jump this.Yyeuffbxnopuze(_arg2, 200000); // unexpected jump this.Ywolrsrnkefbdy(_arg2, 60000); // unexpected jump this.Yvmcvbsqncgsns(_arg2, 490000, 210); // unexpected jump this.Yrawosbrydywhr(_arg2); this.Yyrzjtvobuqtrn(_arg2, this.Ypjzxqoaybxllk); // unexpected jump this.Yokkskbkldwszz(_arg2); this.Yyrzjtvobuqtrn(_arg2, this.Ypjzxqoaybxllk); // unexpected jump } } } } } } } } else { this.Ywolrsrnkefbdy(_arg2, 42400); // unexpected jump this.Ywolrsrnkefbdy(_arg2, 75000); // unexpected jump this.Yyeuffbxnopuze(_arg2, 200000); // unexpected jump this.Ywolrsrnkefbdy(_arg2, 60000); // unexpected jump this.Yvmcvbsqncgsns(_arg2, 490000, 210); // unexpected jump this.Yrawosbrydywhr(_arg2); this.Yyrzjtvobuqtrn(_arg2, this.Ypjzxqoaybxllk); // unexpected jump this.Yokkskbkldwszz(_arg2); this.Yyrzjtvobuqtrn(_arg2, this.Ypjzxqoaybxllk); // unexpected jump this.Ypsqmghntroipq(_arg2); } if ((this.Yqylfulcecsuvd == ENEMY_AI.FIRE_GUNS) && (this.Yqpflykchqgoks() <= 0)) { this.Yuerjjjqfprpco = true; } if (((this.Yhbtjfomqaiopq < 0) && (this.Yuerjjjqfprpco)) || ((this.Yhbtjfomqaiopq < (-5)) && ((this.Yqylfulcecsuvd == ENEMY_AI.BRANCH_FIRE) && (this.Yuerjjjqfprpco == false)))) { this.Ygxulhtnwkrqnn(); } this.Yfrekfgsjcbmui(this.Yjusmmlzbaohdf); this.Yfmmksqgdeehxj = this.Yfmmksqgdeehxj + this.Ysnjjjkdwqwouv(_arg2); this.Yuloxhisccxjzd = this.Yuloxhisccxjzd + this.Yxvzgnxorauyka(_arg2); this.Yqloszticxvcmm._x = (this.Yfmmksqgdeehxj - this.Ypzevgivbyplbt) + (flash.Stage.width / 2); this.Yqloszticxvcmm._y = (this.Yuloxhisccxjzd - this.Yhrmsnwuuxqrud) + (378 / 2); _local3 = this.Yfmmksqgdeehxj - this.Ypzevgivbyplbt; var _local4 = this.Yuloxhisccxjzd - this.Yhrmsnwuuxqrud; if (Math.sqrt((_local3 * _local3) + (_local4 * _local4)) >= 600) { this.Yraocnpkngtjbx = false; } else { this.Yraocnpkngtjbx = true; } var _local5 = 0; var _local6 = 0; if (!(((Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Yjbpotowroiqdj != 1) && (Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Yjbpotowroiqdj != 3)) || (Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Yaqyxvrdhpguck || (Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Yqyzfwuslmfpmw)))) { _local5 = ((this.Yfmmksqgdeehxj - this.Ypzevgivbyplbt) * 0.0344) + 140; _local6 = ((this.Yuloxhisccxjzd - this.Yhrmsnwuuxqrud) * 0.028) + 420; } else { _local5 = ((this.Yfmmksqgdeehxj - this.Ypzevgivbyplbt) * 0.0172) + 140; _local6 = ((this.Yuloxhisccxjzd - this.Yhrmsnwuuxqrud) * 0.014) + 420; } if ((!this.Ybnvfjpvoeutvn.Yaqcinvanmervl) && ((_local5 > 98) && ((_local6 > 385) && ((_local5 < 184) && (_local6 < 455))))) { this.Ybnvfjpvoeutvn.Yqifnqbgjmopge(); } if (this.Ybnvfjpvoeutvn.Yaqcinvanmervl && (!((_local5 > 98) && ((_local6 > 385) && ((_local5 < 184) && (_local6 < 455)))))) { this.Ybnvfjpvoeutvn.Hide(); } if (this.Ybnvfjpvoeutvn.Yaqcinvanmervl) { this.Ybnvfjpvoeutvn.Ytuhhtcbgnnvjh(_local5, _local6); this.Ybnvfjpvoeutvn.Yqloszticxvcmm.swapDepths(Yntciewbscfyld.Yvkvdevdlkqeex.Ythzjldrofyxlq.getNextHighestDepth()); } } else { this.Yltjotnyisacab.Yoghhnzvwgaxsw(_arg2); if (this.Ylyvktqlvvpbms() <= 0) { this.Yyjsggmcvkzmgd = 0; return(undefined); } this.Ylhucmwrmoksje = this.Ylhucmwrmoksje - _arg2; var _local3 = Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Yywlhhcgcobfbr(); if (!(flash.Key.isDown(_local3) && (this.Yjgqptwveefbzq))) { this.Yjgqptwveefbzq = !flash.Key.isDown(_local3); this.Yofcwzbujelavp(); } else { if (!this.Yiirqmcibpmqqq) { this.Yqguxutvkvjwqv = true; } this.Yiirqmcibpmqqq = true; this.Ycrsbjslcmfcko.Ytuhhtcbgnnvjh(this.Yvwfiuiupsalkk() + (Math.cos(this.Yjusmmlzbaohdf) * 24), this.Ytwrgifcgnctvm() + (Math.sin(this.Yjusmmlzbaohdf) * 24)); this.Ycrsbjslcmfcko.Yfrekfgsjcbmui(this.Yjusmmlzbaohdf); this.Yutsxchlaojolb = this.Yutsxchlaojolb + (_arg2 * 4); var _local4 = ((Math.abs(Math.cos(this.Yutsxchlaojolb)) * 0.4) + 0.6) * 100; this.Ycrsbjslcmfcko.Yawsnbkbcimhif(_local4); } _local3 = Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Yawwaskoinadij(); if (flash.Key.isDown(_local3)) { this.Yrawosbrydywhr(_arg2); } _local3 = Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Ybzefetooziejx(); if (flash.Key.isDown(_local3)) { this.Yokkskbkldwszz(_arg2); } this.Yfrekfgsjcbmui(this.Yjusmmlzbaohdf); this.Yltjotnyisacab.Ytuhhtcbgnnvjh(this.Yvwfiuiupsalkk() - (Math.cos(this.Yjusmmlzbaohdf) * 23), this.Ytwrgifcgnctvm() - (Math.sin(this.Yjusmmlzbaohdf) * 23)); this.Yltjotnyisacab.Yfrekfgsjcbmui(this.Yjusmmlzbaohdf); this.Yltjotnyisacab.Yawsnbkbcimhif((this.Yyjsggmcvkzmgd / 350) * 100); this.Yltjotnyisacab.setScale((this.Yyjsggmcvkzmgd / 350) * 150, 100); _local3 = Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Ywbveauixiftcg(); var _local4 = Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Yiqtwekaphmalt(); if (!flash.Key.isDown(_local3)) { if (!flash.Key.isDown(_local4)) { this.Yyjsggmcvkzmgd = this.Yyjsggmcvkzmgd * this.Ylslgbddezhnbh; if (Math.abs(this.Yyjsggmcvkzmgd) >= 1) { this.Yqguxutvkvjwqv = true; } else { this.Yyjsggmcvkzmgd = 0; } this.Ywictohieesmzs = false; } else { this.Ytacujyfwprbst(_arg2, -200); } } else { this.Yyrzjtvobuqtrn(_arg2, 350); } Ymlbzvipzhooka.Yktnpoporhpvtq = this.Yjusmmlzbaohdf; Ymlbzvipzhooka.Yiwyoskuhdonjy = this.Yyjsggmcvkzmgd; } if (this.Ytczeerydhuznk && (this.Ybwamzhmswjvzm != null)) { this.Ybwamzhmswjvzm.Ytuhhtcbgnnvjh(this.Yvwfiuiupsalkk(), this.Ytwrgifcgnctvm()); } this.Ycrsbjslcmfcko.Yqloszticxvcmm.swapDepths(Yntciewbscfyld.Yvkvdevdlkqeex.Ythzjldrofyxlq.getNextHighestDepth()); if (this.Ynweizvcbbbrhd == OBJECT_ID.PLAYER_SHIP) { this.Yqloszticxvcmm.swapDepths(Yntciewbscfyld.Yvkvdevdlkqeex.Ythzjldrofyxlq.getNextHighestDepth()); } }; _local1.Ymbupmktwrlwcg = function () { return(this.Yabtitvkanyoqg / this.Ybhulxpzdaftgd); }; _local1.Ynouptawrwclty = function (_arg2) { this.Yabtitvkanyoqg = this.Yabtitvkanyoqg - _arg2; if (this.Yabtitvkanyoqg > this.Ybhulxpzdaftgd) { this.Yabtitvkanyoqg = this.Ybhulxpzdaftgd; } }; _local1.Ynweizvcbbbrhd = null; _local1.Ynyoziiwkmvmfe = null; _local1.Yodzctkxcrwyoq = null; _local1.Yofcwzbujelavp = function () { this.Yiirqmcibpmqqq = false; this.Ycrsbjslcmfcko.Ytuhhtcbgnnvjh(-100, -100); }; _local1.Yogrhclelzcezk = null; _local1.Yokkskbkldwszz = function (_arg2) { var _local3 = 1 - Math.abs(this.Yyjsggmcvkzmgd / 350); if (_local3 < 0.25) { _local3 = 0.25; } if (this.Yiirqmcibpmqqq) { _local3 = 0.125; } this.Yjusmmlzbaohdf = this.Yjusmmlzbaohdf + (((5 * _arg2) * _local3) * this.Yqpzhjdlxjsyim); if (this.Yjusmmlzbaohdf > (Math.PI * 2)) { this.Yjusmmlzbaohdf = this.Yjusmmlzbaohdf - (Math.PI * 2); } this.Yqguxutvkvjwqv = true; }; _local1.Ypjzxqoaybxllk = null; _local1.Ypsqmghntroipq = function (_arg2) { var _local3 = (((Math.cos(Ymlbzvipzhooka.Yktnpoporhpvtq) * Ymlbzvipzhooka.Yiwyoskuhdonjy) * 12.5) * _arg2) + this.Ypzevgivbyplbt; var _local4 = (((Math.sin(Ymlbzvipzhooka.Yktnpoporhpvtq) * Ymlbzvipzhooka.Yiwyoskuhdonjy) * 12.5) * _arg2) + this.Yhrmsnwuuxqrud; var _local5 = this.Yfmmksqgdeehxj; var _local6 = this.Yuloxhisccxjzd; var _local7 = _local3 - _local5; var _local8 = _local4 - _local6; var _local9 = Math.atan2(_local8, _local7); this.Yjusmmlzbaohdf = _local9; }; _local1.Ypzevgivbyplbt = null; _local1.Yqcbijutqmajhy = null; _local1.Yqguxutvkvjwqv = null; _local1.Yqpflykchqgoks = function () { return(this.Yabtitvkanyoqg); }; _local1.Yqpzhjdlxjsyim = null; _local1.Yqylfulcecsuvd = null; _local1.Yraocnpkngtjbx = null; _local1.Yrawosbrydywhr = function (_arg2) { var _local3 = 1 - Math.abs(this.Yyjsggmcvkzmgd / 350); if (_local3 < 0.25) { _local3 = 0.25; } if (this.Yiirqmcibpmqqq) { _local3 = 0.125; } this.Yjusmmlzbaohdf = this.Yjusmmlzbaohdf - (((5 * _arg2) * _local3) * this.Yqpzhjdlxjsyim); if (this.Yjusmmlzbaohdf < 0) { this.Yjusmmlzbaohdf = this.Yjusmmlzbaohdf + (Math.PI * 2); } this.Yqguxutvkvjwqv = true; }; _local1.Yscuocktwpvirl = function (_arg2) { return((_arg2 != OBJECT_ID.PLAYER_BULLET) && (_arg2 != OBJECT_ID.ENEMY_BULLET)); }; _local1.Ysnjjjkdwqwouv = function (_arg2) { return((Math.cos(this.Yjusmmlzbaohdf) * this.Yyjsggmcvkzmgd) * _arg2); }; _local1.Ysppnqsqyftrzr = null; _local1.Ytacujyfwprbst = function (_arg2, _arg3) { this.Yyjsggmcvkzmgd = this.Yyjsggmcvkzmgd - (_arg2 * 900); if (this.Yyjsggmcvkzmgd < _arg3) { this.Yyjsggmcvkzmgd = _arg3; } this.Yqguxutvkvjwqv = true; this.Ywictohieesmzs = true; }; _local1.Ytcrxusadturay = function (_arg2) { this.Ycsubgykgeewvv = this.Ycsubgykgeewvv - _arg2; if (this.Ycsubgykgeewvv > 100) { this.Ycsubgykgeewvv = 100; } }; _local1.Ytczeerydhuznk = null; _local1.Ytkcziucfzhldw = function () { this.Ycrsbjslcmfcko.Hide(); this.Yltjotnyisacab.Hide(); this.Hide(); }; _local1.Yuerjjjqfprpco = null; _local1.Yutsxchlaojolb = null; _local1.Yuzcespiqlaoob = null; _local1.Yvmcvbsqncgsns = function (_arg2, _arg3, _arg4) { var _local5 = this.Ypzevgivbyplbt; var _local6 = this.Yhrmsnwuuxqrud; var _local7 = this.Yfmmksqgdeehxj; var _local8 = this.Yuloxhisccxjzd; var _local9 = this.Ywxtnkstptqfdi - _local7; var _local10 = this.Ywbsruyuxwgdwb - _local8; var _local11 = Math.atan2(_local10, _local9); var _local12 = (_local9 * _local9) + (_local10 * _local10); _local9 = _local5 - _local7; _local10 = _local6 - _local8; var _local13 = (_local9 * _local9) + (_local10 * _local10); if ((_local13 < _arg3) && ((this.Ynweizvcbbbrhd != OBJECT_ID.ENEMY_GHOST) && (!Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Yjiihpzuwwjqoe))) { this.Yqylfulcecsuvd = ENEMY_AI.TRACK_PLAYER_FAR; } if (_local11 < 0) { _local11 = (Math.PI - Math.abs(_local11)) + Math.PI; } var _local14 = this.Yjusmmlzbaohdf - _local11; if ((Math.abs(_local14) > 0.1) && (_local12 > 800)) { if (Math.abs(_local14) <= Math.PI) { if (this.Yjusmmlzbaohdf <= _local11) { this.Yokkskbkldwszz(_arg2); } else { this.Yrawosbrydywhr(_arg2); } } else if (this.Yjusmmlzbaohdf >= _local11) { this.Yokkskbkldwszz(_arg2); } else { this.Yrawosbrydywhr(_arg2); } } if (_local12 <= 800) { this.Ytacujyfwprbst(_arg2, 0); this.Yyjsggmcvkzmgd = this.Yyjsggmcvkzmgd * this.Ylslgbddezhnbh; if (Math.abs(this.Yyjsggmcvkzmgd) < 1) { this.Yyjsggmcvkzmgd = 0; this.Yuerjjjqfprpco = true; this.Yhbtjfomqaiopq = -1; } } else { this.Yyrzjtvobuqtrn(_arg2, _arg4); } }; _local1.Ywbsruyuxwgdwb = null; _local1.Ywictohieesmzs = null; _local1.Ywolrsrnkefbdy = function (_arg2, _arg3) { var _local4 = (((Math.cos(Ymlbzvipzhooka.Yktnpoporhpvtq) * Ymlbzvipzhooka.Yiwyoskuhdonjy) * 9.5) * _arg2) + this.Ypzevgivbyplbt; var _local5 = (((Math.sin(Ymlbzvipzhooka.Yktnpoporhpvtq) * Ymlbzvipzhooka.Yiwyoskuhdonjy) * 9.5) * _arg2) + this.Yhrmsnwuuxqrud; var _local6 = this.Yfmmksqgdeehxj; var _local7 = this.Yuloxhisccxjzd; var _local8 = _local4 - _local6; var _local9 = _local5 - _local7; var _local10 = Math.atan2(_local9, _local8); if (_local10 < 0) { _local10 = (Math.PI - Math.abs(_local10)) + Math.PI; } var _local11 = this.Yjusmmlzbaohdf - _local10; if (Math.abs(_local11) > 0.075) { if (Math.abs(_local11) <= Math.PI) { if (this.Yjusmmlzbaohdf <= _local10) { this.Yokkskbkldwszz(_arg2); } else { this.Yrawosbrydywhr(_arg2); } } else if (this.Yjusmmlzbaohdf >= _local10) { this.Yokkskbkldwszz(_arg2); } else { this.Yrawosbrydywhr(_arg2); } } var _local12 = (_local8 * _local8) + (_local9 * _local9); if (_local12 <= _arg3) { this.Ytacujyfwprbst(_arg2, 0); this.Yyjsggmcvkzmgd = this.Yyjsggmcvkzmgd * this.Ylslgbddezhnbh; if (Math.abs(this.Yyjsggmcvkzmgd) < 1) { this.Yyjsggmcvkzmgd = 0; } if ((this.Ygtsjlzeeegwsv == ENEMY_TARGET.PLAYER) && (this.Yqylfulcecsuvd != ENEMY_AI.FIRE_GUNS)) { if (Math.random() <= 0.6) { this.Yqylfulcecsuvd = ENEMY_AI.FIRE_GUNS; this.Yabtitvkanyoqg = 3; this.Yhbtjfomqaiopq = 0.75; this.Yuerjjjqfprpco = true; } else { this.Yqylfulcecsuvd = ENEMY_AI.BRANCH_FIRE; this.Yabtitvkanyoqg = 1; this.Yhbtjfomqaiopq = 1.5; this.Yuerjjjqfprpco = true; } } } else if (this.Yqylfulcecsuvd != ENEMY_AI.TRACK_PLAYER_CLOSE) { this.Yyrzjtvobuqtrn(_arg2, 350); } else { if ((this.Yhbtjfomqaiopq < (-5)) && (_local12 < 90000)) { this.Yabtitvkanyoqg = 1; this.Yqcbijutqmajhy = true; } _local12 = _local12 - _arg3; _local12 = _local12 / 75000; if (_local12 > 1.1) { _local12 = 1.1; } if (_local12 < 0.75) { _local12 = 0.75; } this.Yyrzjtvobuqtrn(_arg2, 350 * _local12); } }; _local1.Ywxtnkstptqfdi = null; _local1.Yxvzgnxorauyka = function (_arg2) { return((Math.sin(this.Yjusmmlzbaohdf) * this.Yyjsggmcvkzmgd) * _arg2); }; _local1.Yxxpruwpmsihti = function () { this.Ybnvfjpvoeutvn.Ytrjwpflphltxu(); this.Ybnvfjpvoeutvn = null; this.Yltjotnyisacab.Ytrjwpflphltxu(); this.Yltjotnyisacab = null; this.Ycrsbjslcmfcko.Ytrjwpflphltxu(); this.Ycrsbjslcmfcko = null; this.Yzlakqepdrsbqo.removeMovieClip(); this.Yzlakqepdrsbqo = null; this.Yqloszticxvcmm.removeMovieClip(); this.Yqloszticxvcmm = null; }; _local1.Yyeuffbxnopuze = function (_arg2, _arg3) { var _local4 = (((Math.cos(Ymlbzvipzhooka.Yktnpoporhpvtq) * Ymlbzvipzhooka.Yiwyoskuhdonjy) * 9.5) * _arg2) + this.Ypzevgivbyplbt; var _local5 = (((Math.sin(Ymlbzvipzhooka.Yktnpoporhpvtq) * Ymlbzvipzhooka.Yiwyoskuhdonjy) * 9.5) * _arg2) + this.Yhrmsnwuuxqrud; var _local6 = this.Yfmmksqgdeehxj; var _local7 = this.Yuloxhisccxjzd; var _local8 = _local4 - _local6; var _local9 = _local5 - _local7; var _local10 = Math.atan2(-_local9, -_local8); if (_local10 < 0) { _local10 = (Math.PI - Math.abs(_local10)) + Math.PI; } var _local11 = this.Yjusmmlzbaohdf - _local10; if (Math.abs(_local11) > 0.075) { if (Math.abs(_local11) <= Math.PI) { if (this.Yjusmmlzbaohdf <= _local10) { this.Yokkskbkldwszz(_arg2); } else { this.Yrawosbrydywhr(_arg2); } } else if (this.Yjusmmlzbaohdf >= _local10) { this.Yokkskbkldwszz(_arg2); } else { this.Yrawosbrydywhr(_arg2); } } if (((_local8 * _local8) + (_local9 * _local9)) >= _arg3) { this.Ytacujyfwprbst(_arg2, 0); this.Yyjsggmcvkzmgd = this.Yyjsggmcvkzmgd * this.Ylslgbddezhnbh; if (Math.abs(this.Yyjsggmcvkzmgd) < 1) { this.Yyjsggmcvkzmgd = 0; } if (this.Ygtsjlzeeegwsv == ENEMY_TARGET.PLAYER) { if (Math.random() >= 0.5) { this.Yqylfulcecsuvd = ENEMY_AI.TRACK_PLAYER_FAR; } else { this.Yqylfulcecsuvd = ENEMY_AI.TRACK_PLAYER_CLOSE; } } } else { this.Yyrzjtvobuqtrn(_arg2, 345); } }; _local1.Yyhswgapcnhziw = function (_arg2, _arg3) { var _local4 = this.Yfmmksqgdeehxj; var _local5 = this.Yuloxhisccxjzd; var _local6 = _arg2.Yfmmksqgdeehxj; var _local7 = _arg2.Yuloxhisccxjzd; var _local8 = _local6 - _local4; var _local9 = _local7 - _local5; var _local10 = Math.sqrt((_local8 * _local8) + (_local9 * _local9)); return(_local10 < _arg3); }; _local1.Yyjsggmcvkzmgd = null; _local1.Yyrzjtvobuqtrn = function (_arg2, _arg3) { this.Yyjsggmcvkzmgd = this.Yyjsggmcvkzmgd + (_arg2 * 480); if (this.Yiirqmcibpmqqq && (_arg3 > 120)) { _arg3 = 120; } if (this.Yyjsggmcvkzmgd > (_arg3 * this.Ycmhnxsnhwnyhi)) { this.Yyjsggmcvkzmgd = _arg3 * this.Ycmhnxsnhwnyhi; } this.Ywictohieesmzs = true; }; _local1.Yziqhiunfdldby = function (_arg2) { var _local3 = this.Yfmmksqgdeehxj; var _local4 = this.Yuloxhisccxjzd; var _local5 = _arg2.Yfmmksqgdeehxj; var _local6 = _arg2.Yuloxhisccxjzd; var _local7 = _local5 - _local3; var _local8 = _local6 - _local4; var _local9 = Math.sqrt((_local7 * _local7) + (_local8 * _local8)); return(_local9 < (this.Yuzcespiqlaoob + _arg2.Yvqlfzihfohtiq())); }; _local1.Yzqelmmkcwyryn = null; _local1.Yzxuycosihmojr = null; ((Yujqvlqfqsovwc = function (_arg3, _arg4, _arg5, _arg6, _arg7) { super(_arg3, _arg4, _arg5, _arg6, _arg7); })).__name__ = ["Yujqvlqfqsovwc"]; Yujqvlqfqsovwc /*register */.__super__ = Yntciewbscfyld; //Yujqvlqfqsovwc /*register */ extends Yntciewbscfyld _local1 = Yujqvlqfqsovwc /*register */.prototype; _local1.__class__ = Yujqvlqfqsovwc /*register */; _local1.Ybnhubcobchnqy = null; _local1.Ydtoizpzgdjjfd = null; _local1.Yhhgzfwafsplxm = function (_arg2, _arg3, _arg4, _arg5, _arg6, _arg7) { this.Ytdapcboakxwzx = _arg2; this.Ynkatlramhzwgm = _arg7; this.Ydtoizpzgdjjfd = _arg3; this.Yrlnvpkrkatktt = _arg4; this.Yumlhbfyfvgdxc = _arg5; this.Yaqcinvanmervl = false; this.Ybnhubcobchnqy = _arg6; this.Yjqiqewycyrqhs = false; this.Ystfodkyoquxyx(0, 0, this.Yrlnvpkrkatktt, this.Yumlhbfyfvgdxc); }; _local1.Yjqiqewycyrqhs = null; _local1.Ynkatlramhzwgm = null; _local1.Yoghhnzvwgaxsw = function (_arg2) { if (this.Yaqcinvanmervl) { this.Ynnpsivvnthzra(_arg2); } else { this.Ybseawyndncoob(_arg2); } if ((!this.Yaqcinvanmervl) || (this.Ynkatlramhzwgm == 0)) { this.Yaqcinvanmervl = false; return(undefined); } this.Yawsnbkbcimhif(this.Yvglxhzqcxemgq() * 100); this.Yfrekfgsjcbmui(this.Yyjgqrockggour()); if (this.Ydtoizpzgdjjfd == 1) { return(undefined); } this.Ystfodkyoquxyx(Math.floor(this.Ytdapcboakxwzx) * this.Yrlnvpkrkatktt, 0, this.Yrlnvpkrkatktt, this.Yumlhbfyfvgdxc); this.Ytdapcboakxwzx = this.Ytdapcboakxwzx + (_arg2 * this.Ybnhubcobchnqy); if ((this.Ytdapcboakxwzx >= this.Ydtoizpzgdjjfd) || (this.Ytdapcboakxwzx < 0)) { if (!this.Yjqiqewycyrqhs) { this.Ytdapcboakxwzx = 0; } else { if (this.Ytdapcboakxwzx >= 0) { this.Ytdapcboakxwzx = this.Ydtoizpzgdjjfd - (this.Ytdapcboakxwzx - this.Ydtoizpzgdjjfd); } else { this.Ytdapcboakxwzx = this.Ytdapcboakxwzx + Math.abs(this.Ytdapcboakxwzx); } this.Ybnhubcobchnqy = this.Ybnhubcobchnqy * (-1); } if (this.Ynkatlramhzwgm > -1) { this.Ynkatlramhzwgm--; } } }; _local1.Yrlnvpkrkatktt = null; _local1.Ytdapcboakxwzx = null; _local1.Yumlhbfyfvgdxc = null; ((Ysxemcmrpvtuyp = function (_arg3, _arg4, _arg5, _arg6) { this.Ypfwvalhojvqcm = false; this.Yuzcespiqlaoob = _arg6; this.Ynweizvcbbbrhd = _arg5; super(_arg3, 0, 0, _arg4, false); this.Ylslgbddezhnbh = 1; this.Yfqvpmftjtmnjt = false; this.Yhmtlqtmvyztql = false; this.Ygcurclmljiipb = 0; this.Yctgcefevxdjzo = 0; this.Yzqelmmkcwyryn = Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Yzqelmmkcwyryn; Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Yzqelmmkcwyryn++; if (this.Ynweizvcbbbrhd != OBJECT_ID.SPACE_MAN) { if (this.Ynweizvcbbbrhd != OBJECT_ID.HEALTH) { this.Ybnvfjpvoeutvn = null; } else { this.Ybnvfjpvoeutvn = new Yntciewbscfyld("map_dotb", 0, 0, true, false); } } else { this.Ybnvfjpvoeutvn = new Yntciewbscfyld("map_dotb", 0, 0, true, false); } if (this.Ybnvfjpvoeutvn != null) { this.Ybnvfjpvoeutvn.Hide(); this.Ybnvfjpvoeutvn.Ytuhhtcbgnnvjh(-100, -100); } })).__name__ = ["Ysxemcmrpvtuyp"]; Ysxemcmrpvtuyp /*register */.__super__ = Yujqvlqfqsovwc; //Ysxemcmrpvtuyp /*register */ extends Yujqvlqfqsovwc _local1 = Ysxemcmrpvtuyp /*register */.prototype; _local1.__class__ = Ysxemcmrpvtuyp /*register */; _local1.Ybnvfjpvoeutvn = null; _local1.Ydoxfzgtgmqwxi = function (_arg2, _arg3) { this.Ypzevgivbyplbt = _arg2; this.Yhrmsnwuuxqrud = _arg3; }; _local1.Yfbzqgsqfwckdh = null; _local1.Yfqvpmftjtmnjt = null; _local1.Ygcurclmljiipb = null; _local1.Ygmwaiktsqcxcc = function (_arg2) { if (this.Ynweizvcbbbrhd == OBJECT_ID.SPACE_MAN) { this.Yqdqqstfodhlcw = this.Yqdqqstfodhlcw * this.Ylslgbddezhnbh; } this.Ytuzzpuynlhvks = this.Yfmmksqgdeehxj; this.Yzwvpzedduysye = this.Yuloxhisccxjzd; this.Yoghhnzvwgaxsw(_arg2); if ((this.Yctgcefevxdjzo == 0) && (this.Yywwcowovwrxoa(this.Ynweizvcbbbrhd))) { this.Yfrekfgsjcbmui(this.Yvrdtxzighmvwa()); } this.Yqloszticxvcmm._x = (this.Yfmmksqgdeehxj - this.Ypzevgivbyplbt) + (flash.Stage.width / 2); this.Yqloszticxvcmm._y = (this.Yuloxhisccxjzd - this.Yhrmsnwuuxqrud) + (378 / 2); if (!((this.Yqloszticxvcmm._x < -20) || ((this.Yqloszticxvcmm._x > (flash.Stage.width + 20)) || ((this.Yqloszticxvcmm._y < -20) || (this.Yqloszticxvcmm._y > (378 + 20)))))) { this.Yqifnqbgjmopge(); } else { this.Hide(); } var _local3 = 0; var _local4 = 0; if (!(((Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Yjbpotowroiqdj != 1) && (Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Yjbpotowroiqdj != 3)) || (Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Yaqyxvrdhpguck || (Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Yqyzfwuslmfpmw)))) { _local3 = ((this.Yfmmksqgdeehxj - this.Ypzevgivbyplbt) * 0.0344) + 140; _local4 = ((this.Yuloxhisccxjzd - this.Yhrmsnwuuxqrud) * 0.028) + 420; } else { _local3 = ((this.Yfmmksqgdeehxj - this.Ypzevgivbyplbt) * 0.0172) + 140; _local4 = ((this.Yuloxhisccxjzd - this.Yhrmsnwuuxqrud) * 0.014) + 420; } if (!((this.Ynweizvcbbbrhd != OBJECT_ID.SPACE_MAN) && ((Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Yurwypvluymwrq && (this.Ynweizvcbbbrhd != OBJECT_ID.HEALTH)) || (Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Yurwypvluymwrq == false)))) { if ((!this.Ybnvfjpvoeutvn.Yaqcinvanmervl) && ((_local3 > 98) && ((_local4 > 385) && ((_local3 < 184) && (_local4 < 455))))) { this.Ybnvfjpvoeutvn.Yqifnqbgjmopge(); } if (this.Ybnvfjpvoeutvn.Yaqcinvanmervl && (!((_local3 > 98) && ((_local4 > 385) && ((_local3 < 184) && (_local4 < 455)))))) { this.Ybnvfjpvoeutvn.Hide(); } if (this.Ybnvfjpvoeutvn.Yaqcinvanmervl) { this.Ybnvfjpvoeutvn.Ytuhhtcbgnnvjh(_local3, _local4); this.Ybnvfjpvoeutvn.Yqloszticxvcmm.swapDepths(Yntciewbscfyld.Yvkvdevdlkqeex.Ythzjldrofyxlq.getNextHighestDepth()); } } if ((this.Yfmmksqgdeehxj <= -7000) || ((this.Yfmmksqgdeehxj >= 7000) || ((this.Yuloxhisccxjzd <= -7000) || (this.Yuloxhisccxjzd >= 7000)))) { this.Yfmmksqgdeehxj = this.Yfmmksqgdeehxj * (-1); this.Yuloxhisccxjzd = this.Yuloxhisccxjzd * (-1); } if (((this.Yqloszticxvcmm._x < -60) || (this.Yqloszticxvcmm._x > (flash.Stage.width + 60))) || ((this.Yqloszticxvcmm._y < -60) || (this.Yqloszticxvcmm._y > (flash.Stage.height + 60)))) { if (!((this.Ynweizvcbbbrhd == OBJECT_ID.PLAYER_BULLET) || (this.Ynweizvcbbbrhd == OBJECT_ID.ENEMY_BULLET))) { this.Hide(); } else { this.Yfqvpmftjtmnjt = true; } } }; _local1.Yhmtlqtmvyztql = null; _local1.Yhrmsnwuuxqrud = null; _local1.Yjpdcegoprcnvy = function () { return(this.Ynweizvcbbbrhd); }; _local1.Ylaxmfqkbdmcke = function (_arg2) { var _local3 = _arg2.Yfmmksqgdeehxj - _arg2.Ytuzzpuynlhvks; var _local4 = _arg2.Yuloxhisccxjzd - _arg2.Yzwvpzedduysye; var _local5 = _local3 / 5; var _local6 = _local4 / 5; if (!((_local5 > 1) || (_local6 > 1))) { return(this.Yziqhiunfdldby(_arg2)); } var _local7 = Math.floor(_local5); if (_local6 > _local5) { _local7 = Math.floor(_local6); } var _local8 = this.Yfmmksqgdeehxj; var _local9 = this.Yuloxhisccxjzd; var _local10 = 0; var _local11 = _local7; while (_local10 < _local11) { var _local12 = _local10; _local10++; var _local13 = (_arg2.Ytuzzpuynlhvks + (_local5 * _local12)) - _local8; var _local14 = (_arg2.Yzwvpzedduysye + (_local6 * _local12)) - _local9; var _local15 = Math.sqrt((_local13 * _local13) + (_local14 * _local14)); if (_local15 < (this.Yuzcespiqlaoob + _arg2.Yvqlfzihfohtiq())) { return(true); } } return(false); }; _local1.Ylslgbddezhnbh = null; _local1.Ylzsklhevzvozk = function (_arg2, _arg3, _arg4, _arg5, _arg6, _arg7) { this.Yfaudpmueqwcvf = 99999999 /* 0x5F5E0FF */; this.Ygklwiaahziexv(0); this.Yhbqdyhficdsgn(_arg5); this.Yqdqqstfodhlcw = _arg4; this.Yctgcefevxdjzo = _arg7; if ((this.Yctgcefevxdjzo == 0) && (this.Yywwcowovwrxoa(this.Ynweizvcbbbrhd))) { this.Yfrekfgsjcbmui(_arg5); } this.Yfmmksqgdeehxj = _arg2; this.Yuloxhisccxjzd = _arg3; this.Yaqcinvanmervl = true; this.Yzqelmmkcwyryn = Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Yzqelmmkcwyryn; Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Yzqelmmkcwyryn++; this.Yfbzqgsqfwckdh = -1; }; _local1.Ynweizvcbbbrhd = null; _local1.Ypfwvalhojvqcm = null; _local1.Ypzevgivbyplbt = null; _local1.Ytkagzulcujugu = function (_arg2, _arg3) { this.Yfmmksqgdeehxj = _arg2; this.Yuloxhisccxjzd = _arg3; }; _local1.Ytrjwpflphltxu = function () { if (this.Ybnvfjpvoeutvn != null) { this.Ybnvfjpvoeutvn.Ytrjwpflphltxu(); this.Ybnvfjpvoeutvn = null; } this.Yzlakqepdrsbqo.removeMovieClip(); this.Yzlakqepdrsbqo = null; this.Yqloszticxvcmm.removeMovieClip(); this.Yqloszticxvcmm = null; }; _local1.Ytuzzpuynlhvks = null; _local1.Yuzcespiqlaoob = null; _local1.Yvqlfzihfohtiq = function () { return(this.Yuzcespiqlaoob); }; _local1.Yywwcowovwrxoa = function (_arg2) { return((_arg2 != OBJECT_ID.SPACE_MAN) && ((_arg2 != OBJECT_ID.ASTEROID_LARGE) && ((_arg2 != OBJECT_ID.ASTEROID_SMALL) && ((_arg2 != OBJECT_ID.ASTEROID_SOLID_LARGE) && (_arg2 != OBJECT_ID.ASTEROID_SOLID_SMALL))))); }; _local1.Yziqhiunfdldby = function (_arg2) { var _local3 = this.Yfmmksqgdeehxj; var _local4 = this.Yuloxhisccxjzd; var _local5 = _arg2.Yfmmksqgdeehxj; var _local6 = _arg2.Yuloxhisccxjzd; var _local7 = _local5 - _local3; var _local8 = _local6 - _local4; var _local9 = Math.sqrt((_local7 * _local7) + (_local8 * _local8)); return(_local9 < (this.Yuzcespiqlaoob + _arg2.Yvqlfzihfohtiq())); }; _local1.Yzqelmmkcwyryn = null; _local1.Yzwvpzedduysye = null; ((Yfrqgxolakmkxa = function () { Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Ybftdmzggyvous = new Ylctglanetgtjg(); this.Ympqheqvurriws = new Ybqqfygcfoikxf(); this.Ympqheqvurriws.Frame(); Yntciewbscfyld.Yvkvdevdlkqeex = Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Ybftdmzggyvous; this.Yqpmftppxngase = false; Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Ybftdmzggyvous.Ythzjldrofyxlq._visible = false; Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Ybftdmzggyvous.Ythzjldrofyxlq.useHandCursor = true; Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Ynfysnogqgoazz = false; Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Yyzsutlrijzphy = false; Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Ybftdmzggyvous.Ythzjldrofyxlq.onMouseDown = function () { Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Ynfysnogqgoazz = true; Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Yyzsutlrijzphy = false; }; Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Ybftdmzggyvous.Ythzjldrofyxlq.onMouseUp = function () { Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Yyzsutlrijzphy = true; Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Ynfysnogqgoazz = false; }; Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Ybftdmzggyvous.Ythzjldrofyxlq.onKeyDown = function () { if (flash.Key.getCode() == 13) { Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Yyusiwdxltaczy = true; } }; flash.Key.addListener(Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Ybftdmzggyvous.Ythzjldrofyxlq); Ycrvgcenyrujss.Yjyvsldqhvbfri(); this.Ysgupfcztsdamr = 0; this.Yerssckxauwild = 0; this.Yblxmwbgoclzzu = 0; Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Ybftdmzggyvous.Ythzjldrofyxlq._visible = true; this.Ykbslyknezwvgl = false; this.Ycigmeuyekfeds = "Welcome to the Akia Space Protection Agency. I'm Katyana and I'll be your missions co-ordinator from now on.\n\nTo the right of my transmitted image you'll see missions available to you. Mouse over one and I'll provide you with more info about that mission. Click on it to accept the mission."; this.Yxupyyypruhmbh = "Here are the basic controls.\n\nThe arrow keys will control your ship.\nThe space bar fires your weapon.\nThe 'z' key engages the tractor beam.\n\nClick to enter a secure training area and see more detailed help."; this.Ygynvgbuuclblu = "This is a straight forward mission. You must go out and destroy Trelogan fighters. They have been causing trouble in various sectors where the Antech Mining Co. is trying to secure new mining bases.\n\nIn this game mode your score is tracked and can be submitted."; this.Yleuogayzwyuze = new Array(); this.Yleuogayzwyuze[0] = "Stranded,first,This is the first mission in a series. When you pass this one you move onto the next. The series missions always appear between Training and Making Space.\nMiners from the Antech Mining Co. have been stranded in various positions within sector 53. Go and retrieve them. If any die you will fail the mission.,1,300,5000,5000,59,4,-1061,-1136,0,0,-0.000962386141047988,0,0,4,-681,-1384,0,0,-0.299485899880289,0,0,4,-906,-1439,0,0,-0.332082511778959,0,0,4,-792,-665,0,0,-0.359349202764849,0,0,4,-1097,-526,0,0,0.381519278921894,0,0,4,-1746,81,0,0,0.183243012839576,0,0,4,-1737,-635,0,0,0.327325565660058,0,0,4,-1627,-1889,0,0,-0.491870114576011,0,0,4,-1760,-1753,0,0,0.241811498879367,0,0,4,-912,-1960,0,0,0.0743902551822319,0,0,4,-1335,-1954,0,0,0.242389779417957,0,0,4,-1305,-1283,0,0,0.0718002601395362,0,0,4,-1386,-1580,0,0,-0.236737906344579,0,0,4,-926,-1802,0,0,0.388392090745453,0,0,4,18,-430,0,0,0.217369247096297,0,0,4,308,-189,0,0,0.117134720374427,0,0,4,154,56,0,0,-0.423968857118845,0,0,4,-283,-89,0,0,0.299446565005671,0,0,4,-302,-233,0,0,0.179450880121184,0,0,4,752,-651,0,0,-0.262321807799079,0,0,4,583,348,0,0,-0.361211633245094,0,0,4,867,420,0,0,0.107117529309875,0,0,4,-857,559,0,0,0.410343960817132,0,0,4,-548,518,0,0,-0.498572309500804,0,0,4,6,919,0,0,0.0275129440834341,0,0,4,97,1092,0,0,-0.223000894171652,0,0,4,35,422,0,0,0.101814086363564,0,0,4,-116,-1416,0,0,0.259467043336233,0,0,4,247,-1206,0,0,-0.105144867023986,0,0,8,-641,-963,0,0,0,0,0,8,59,-1089,0,0,0,0,0,1,-1648,720,0,0,0,446,545,4,-1320,689,0,0,0.0739953595092498,0,0,4,-1447,1008,0,0,0.345709751288271,0,0,4,-1557,618,0,0,-0.0862485694634954,0,0,8,-1307,902,0,0,0,0,0,8,-1328,983,0,0,0,0,0,8,-1320,1067,0,0,0,0,0,4,752,-1813,0,0,-0.0772180704293857,0,0,4,550,-1587,0,0,0.39266666299322,0,0,4,1064,-1173,0,0,0.473666639986293,0,0,4,1229,-209,0,0,0.132520508315657,0,0,4,914,1264,0,0,0.434361412624997,0,0,4,-440,1376,0,0,0.298242651763485,0,0,4,-434,1210,0,0,0.114446302696339,0,0,5,-526,1279,0,0,-0.0899514814791975,0,0,5,-541,1502,0,0,0.484449893228919,0,0,5,29,-2124,0,0,0.481579608741021,0,0,5,115,-1923,0,0,0.486546408844435,0,0,4,-231,-2130,0,0,0.0929489669357189,0,0,8,-71,-2076,306,0,8,0,0,8,59,-1977,118,0,5,0,0,8,1036,1228,0,0,0,0,0,8,1039,1428,0,0,0,0,0,1,881,-160,0,0,0,248,297,1,1264,-1996,0,0,0,396,495,1,-896,-1220,0,0,0,149,149,3,655,1412,0,0,0,297,248,10,-1634,-478,0,0,0,0,0,60,0.8,0,34"; this.Yleuogayzwyuze[1] = "Fading Fast,psycle,This Mission Code Is PSYCLE\n\nYou are half way across the sector and your ships hull is breaking down quickly. You need to race back as fast as possible. You must collect all the health kits or you will not finish the mission.,0,0,5000,5000,45,10,-2404,-2410,39,102,0,0,0,6,-2234,-2439,0,0,0.490070030088569,0,0,6,-2425,-2284,0,0,-0.414437846706453,0,0,6,-2151,-2130,0,0,-0.0251534676762081,0,0,6,-2033,-1941,0,0,-0.317489355251887,0,0,6,-1806,-2146,0,0,-0.239462849562738,0,0,6,-1681,-1886,0,0,0.20433190684036,0,0,6,-1765,-1677,0,0,-0.239758597565702,0,0,6,-2254,-1758,0,0,0.242274534768553,0,0,6,-2428,-1567,0,0,-0.100746539701124,0,0,6,-2461,-1294,0,0,-0.146155078264957,0,0,6,-2365,-892,0,0,0.367924478774855,0,0,6,-2021,-885,0,0,-0.0451722389763092,0,0,6,-2184,-329,0,0,0.204355554983185,0,0,6,-1977,-359,0,0,0.239552886569664,0,0,6,-1921,-115,0,0,-0.338208141195685,0,0,6,-1775,-218,0,0,-0.0821053951895355,0,0,6,-1560,-82,0,0,0.468023165114235,0,0,6,-1592,53,0,0,-0.254045337789713,0,0,6,-1027,173,0,0,-0.0908182028638284,0,0,6,-753,-135,0,0,0.0154802373216861,0,0,6,-254,-240,0,0,-0.362164322222659,0,0,6,-259,-48,0,0,0.489562437399087,0,0,6,649,56,0,0,-0.211683653160782,0,0,6,560,207,0,0,0.410040704957228,0,0,6,1041,456,0,0,0.34964076841699,0,0,6,1149,353,0,0,0.348168794926335,0,0,6,1471,868,0,0,-0.301780017931843,0,0,6,1657,744,0,0,0.0674549581331457,0,0,6,1602,1171,0,0,0.0749089646036313,0,0,6,1862,1102,0,0,0.147422039717167,0,0,6,1702,1498,0,0,-0.282284760280645,0,0,6,1902,1492,0,0,-0.3887719064433,0,0,6,1801,1744,0,0,0.12584077549439,0,0,9,1805,1623,0,0,0,0,0,9,-1575,-18,0,0,0,0,0,9,-2183,-881,0,0,0,0,0,9,-1993,-251,0,0,0,0,0,9,-2226,-1387,0,0,0,0,0,9,-1867,-1991,0,0,0,0,0,9,-1995,-1713,0,0,0,0,0,9,-2217,-2294,0,0,0,0,0,9,-706,69,0,0,0,0,0,9,560,117,0,0,0,0,0,9,1563,809,0,0,0,0,0,60,0.9,1,34"; this.Yleuogayzwyuze[2] = "Guard Duty,louke,This Mission Code Is LOUKE\n\nThe Trelogans have setup up guard drones around several stranded astronauts. These drones are immune to your guns. You must find a different way to destroy them. Be careful not to kill any astronauts.,0,0,5000,5000,42,10,-146,-130,0,0,0,0,0,6,-1639,-797,0,0,-0.257462945653807,0,0,6,-2053,-727,0,0,-0.343151394670434,0,0,6,-1715,-404,0,0,0.375321734638569,0,0,6,-1997,-958,0,0,-0.244149908769946,0,0,8,-1980,-862,0,0,0,0,0,8,-1818,-879,0,0,0,0,0,8,-1731,-811,0,0,0,0,0,11,-1742,-566,0,0,0,0,0,11,-1623,-1038,0,0,0,0,0,11,-2077,-1117,0,0,0,0,0,6,-1959,-271,0,0,0.132863217328146,0,0,6,-1355,-1307,0,0,0.435034803550241,0,0,6,-1611,-1323,0,0,0.421546474062626,0,0,6,-2157,-1331,0,0,0.444030121874078,0,0,8,965,-1220,0,0,0,0,0,8,1191,-1236,0,0,0,0,0,8,1086,-1057,0,0,0,0,0,6,1233,-1313,0,0,-0.19753295169097,0,0,6,1078,-1185,0,0,-0.056893047204657,0,0,6,1159,-1468,0,0,0.0186426087835071,0,0,6,826,-1379,0,0,0.0525044284539784,0,0,6,1056,-832,0,0,-0.156575466811925,0,0,6,854,-949,0,0,-0.108287486996636,0,0,11,1218,-851,0,0,0,0,0,11,1269,-1561,0,0,0,0,0,11,816,-1077,0,0,0,0,0,2,1152,-522,0,0,0,545,594,6,1027,-1720,0,0,0.247840057009757,0,0,5,-248,-1886,114,15,15,0,0,4,-489,-1197,0,0,-0.372794240653885,0,0,4,273,-761,0,0,-0.0443140522317561,0,0,4,-855,-491,0,0,0.144422941209945,0,0,4,-1674,479,0,0,-0.287280562700369,0,0,4,-694,158,0,0,-0.0732290998907895,0,0,4,740,468,0,0,-0.103969777749837,0,0,4,-250,877,0,0,0.0630020129322084,0,0,4,401,-180,0,0,-0.116987498764409,0,0,4,1819,-934,0,0,0.256153055353161,0,0,4,-1048,739,0,0,-0.070940604233621,0,0,3,-1158,718,0,0,0,0,0,4,-137,245,0,0,0.167158669171463,0,0,70,1.3,0,25"; this.Yleuogayzwyuze[3] = "Energy Leak,stasis,This Mission Code Is STASIS\n\nIt looks like you have an energy leak coming from your life support system. You must race back in time before your energy runs out. Be sure to collect all health kits along the way or you won't make it. Be carefull this sector has more asteroid and Trelogan activity.,0,0,5000,5000,49,10,-179,-2451,90,94,0,0,0,6,-402,-2234,0,0,0.282637788812927,0,0,6,63,-2239,0,0,0.163103963091552,0,0,6,-394,-1767,0,0,0.382841684800965,0,0,6,-85,-1638,0,0,-0.269068311326703,0,0,6,-819,-1197,0,0,-0.304675044866593,0,0,6,-562,-1008,0,0,0.487992139061909,0,0,6,-1310,-743,0,0,-0.207401113914047,0,0,6,-1459,-386,0,0,0.499650677200244,0,0,6,-1233,-345,0,0,-0.160091693820475,0,0,6,-1210,335,0,0,-0.0228685641302115,0,0,6,-1082,238,0,0,0.264756446594725,0,0,6,-933,717,0,0,0.0880525231305754,0,0,6,-816,689,0,0,-0.476502556342866,0,0,6,-663,1233,0,0,0.0442408372388412,0,0,6,-516,1151,0,0,0.1145032302544,0,0,6,-95,1740,0,0,-0.205526747138019,0,0,6,0,1599,0,0,-0.113631414535284,0,0,6,566,1804,0,0,-0.413268955384041,0,0,6,579,2017,0,0,-0.387404812913111,0,0,6,1227,1694,0,0,0.338045991416111,0,0,6,1382,1880,0,0,-0.410324800252134,0,0,6,1877,1335,0,0,-0.0452300508251554,0,0,6,1744,1293,0,0,-0.427429704427454,0,0,6,1837,1009,0,0,0.173755522665454,0,0,6,1992,1023,0,0,-0.45175481306005,0,0,6,1994,501,0,0,-0.218503451309401,0,0,6,2167,525,0,0,-0.0540316195944471,0,0,6,2121,335,0,0,-0.129537381524936,0,0,9,2097,436,0,0,0,0,0,9,1863,1166,0,0,0,0,0,9,980,1910,0,0,0,0,0,9,-460,1325,0,0,0,0,0,9,-877,704,0,0,0,0,0,9,-1306,-526,0,0,0,0,0,9,-364,-1462,0,0,0,0,0,4,-437,32,139,13,-6,0,0,4,-1213,-725,313,15,0,0,0,4,1563,1616,0,0,-0.027437527909613,0,0,4,881,420,14,15,17,0,0,4,-1343,1446,0,0,0,0,0,3,418,-284,0,0,0,396,297,3,1290,-1672,0,0,0,446,347,2,-1318,2020,0,0,0,347,347,2,-1961,-1821,0,0,0,297,248,9,-683,1057,0,0,0,0,0,9,253,1807,0,0,0,0,0,9,1617,1559,0,0,0,0,0,4,-1037,-594,0,0,-0.373927059058997,0,0,0,1.3,1,25"; this.Yleuogayzwyuze[4] = "Overcrowded,packed,This Mission Code Is PACKED\n\nWe have recently discovered that sector 67 has become totally over run with Trelogan fighters and drones. We need you to go in there and totally wipe them out.,0,0,5000,5000,51,10,1278,-1378,0,0,0,0,0,4,-1521,-1953,0,0,-0.129883200223503,0,0,4,-1769,-1302,0,0,-0.16537855596532,0,0,4,-751,-1507,0,0,0.220036933068203,0,0,4,-1137,-627,0,0,0.22478249935656,0,0,4,289,-479,0,0,0.309041542843469,0,0,4,300,-1924,0,0,-0.231108097234326,0,0,4,1676,-1910,0,0,-0.277128285624612,0,0,4,1557,-915,0,0,-0.0129748585228691,0,0,4,1278,575,0,0,-0.179903679378286,0,0,4,287,-1273,0,0,-0.133689673912567,0,0,4,-1058,1097,0,0,-0.389144077379789,0,0,4,-669,293,0,0,0.170334648653089,0,0,4,507,1496,0,0,0.286922759742906,0,0,4,1730,1603,0,0,-0.495462284886959,0,0,4,-2022,330,0,0,0.325328222860269,0,0,5,-1598,246,0,0,0.046335362618014,0,0,5,-462,-657,0,0,0.193636532730254,0,0,5,-277,-479,0,0,0.179414696376498,0,0,5,-1866,-817,0,0,-0.420321151111424,0,0,5,1076,-500,0,0,-0.480376411685895,0,0,5,247,302,0,0,-0.296195284368561,0,0,5,-113,999,0,0,-0.431633264725857,0,0,5,1631,47,0,0,-0.166515627720633,0,0,4,-253,-1670,0,0,0.313179141754834,0,0,2,-1535,-1051,0,0,0,99,149,3,470,-885,0,0,0,149,149,11,624,252,0,0,0,0,0,11,-1452,752,0,0,0,0,0,11,-527,-851,0,0,0,0,0,6,-433,-1234,0,0,-0.0113717343245501,0,0,6,-80,-998,0,0,-0.484087312120985,0,0,6,981,52,0,0,0.256443554887755,0,0,6,13,-13,0,0,-0.17876569166722,0,0,6,-577,1610,0,0,-0.295042305158005,0,0,6,-1251,87,0,0,0.320435335310379,0,0,6,-1724,1374,0,0,-0.20394847714526,0,0,2,-59,724,0,0,0,99,99,3,1350,1227,0,0,0,297,198,4,1067,-1312,0,0,-0.188971524447655,0,0,4,805,-203,0,0,0.0692033854169787,0,0,4,-736,-258,0,0,-0.130406824234131,0,0,4,-1532,-300,0,0,0.0521995846890843,0,0,4,-1384,-1769,0,0,-0.4835929702891,0,0,4,1273,-1919,0,0,-0.212144560977884,0,0,4,1822,-439,0,0,0.435893646411548,0,0,4,1004,801,0,0,0.206542845213107,0,0,4,541,964,0,0,-0.0642704365608611,0,0,6,915,-112,0,0,0.260817257576071,0,0,6,-1803,712,0,0,-0.49087837058626,0,0,1,-1050,-2217,0,0,0,99,99,70,1.5,0,20"; this.Yleuogayzwyuze[5] = "Finished,done,You have finished all the missions.\n\nPlease visit to see if more missions are available., 0,0,5000,5000,0,0"; Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Yjbpotowroiqdj = 0; this.Ybvhmiklkccxhj = false; this.Yuzindddbpmngc = new Array(); this.Ykggrirnbqtbjt = 0.6; this.Ybnoycmnzhksro = 0.8; this.Yighgrrqufkuhz = new List(); this.Yqsamrpcgeckxv = new List(); this.Ynfxwymokdfaze = new List(); this.Yylpixgnkrpyte = 0; this.Yfqdfslrgcfvrs = false; Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Yjiihpzuwwjqoe = false; this.Yotakwlcxvhxhg = 0; this.Yufaxknpxwijmu = null; this.Yvpxtgoobbrubd = true; this.Yretadlammiyhy(); })).__name__ = ["Yfrqgxolakmkxa"]; _local1 = Yfrqgxolakmkxa /*register */.prototype; _local1.__class__ = Yfrqgxolakmkxa /*register */; Yfrqgxolakmkxa /*register */.Yzqelmmkcwyryn = null; Yfrqgxolakmkxa /*register */.Yqtczvaczjgaff = null; Yfrqgxolakmkxa /*register */.Ybftdmzggyvous = null; Yfrqgxolakmkxa /*register */.Ymuxfcirmpvlsz = null; Yfrqgxolakmkxa /*register */.Yaqyxvrdhpguck = null; Yfrqgxolakmkxa /*register */.Yqyzfwuslmfpmw = null; Yfrqgxolakmkxa /*register */.Ymoomfrjirqkfv = null; Yfrqgxolakmkxa /*register */.Yduvazcaslivsv = null; Yfrqgxolakmkxa /*register */.Yoxgfvdjkccqff = null; Yfrqgxolakmkxa /*register */.Ynfysnogqgoazz = null; Yfrqgxolakmkxa /*register */.Yyzsutlrijzphy = null; Yfrqgxolakmkxa /*register */.Ywgavcsnwncxyk = null; Yfrqgxolakmkxa /*register */.Yyusiwdxltaczy = null; Yfrqgxolakmkxa /*register */.Yjbpotowroiqdj = null; Yfrqgxolakmkxa /*register */.Ybaybbdwopnonl = null; Yfrqgxolakmkxa /*register */.Ycciiydxamfztf = null; Yfrqgxolakmkxa /*register */.Yndgslqnuvndzq = null; Yfrqgxolakmkxa /*register */.Yjetyjqplzvpcs = null; Yfrqgxolakmkxa /*register */.Yqgriapthtnigr = null; Yfrqgxolakmkxa /*register */.Yxkulnijhdrthk = null; Yfrqgxolakmkxa /*register */.Yxgevidbqlgsbs = null; Yfrqgxolakmkxa /*register */.Ynhkhcxhbyxgox = null; Yfrqgxolakmkxa /*register */.Yciyjqzmdnfcqe = null; Yfrqgxolakmkxa /*register */.Ybishmzhteaggj = null; Yfrqgxolakmkxa /*register */.Yxujshnjmtnboo = null; Yfrqgxolakmkxa /*register */.Yurwliyakusdzs = null; Yfrqgxolakmkxa /*register */.Ywonyfxxswerui = null; Yfrqgxolakmkxa /*register */.Yurwypvluymwrq = null; Yfrqgxolakmkxa /*register */.Yjiihpzuwwjqoe = null; Yfrqgxolakmkxa /*register */.Yexonmyubnrasg = function (_arg2) { flash.Lib.getURL(_arg2, "_blank"); }; Yfrqgxolakmkxa /*register */.Yawwaskoinadij = function () { return(Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Yjetyjqplzvpcs); }; Yfrqgxolakmkxa /*register */.Ybzefetooziejx = function () { return(Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Yqgriapthtnigr); }; Yfrqgxolakmkxa /*register */.Ywbveauixiftcg = function () { return(Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Ycciiydxamfztf); }; Yfrqgxolakmkxa /*register */.Yywlhhcgcobfbr = function () { return(Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Yxgevidbqlgsbs); }; Yfrqgxolakmkxa /*register */.Ynaefaxvczkiyv = function () { return(Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Yxkulnijhdrthk); }; Yfrqgxolakmkxa /*register */.Yiqtwekaphmalt = function () { return(Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Yndgslqnuvndzq); }; Yfrqgxolakmkxa /*register */.Yqvdbrdtteqrit = function () { var _local2 = flash.Lib._root.getBytesLoaded() / flash.Lib._root.getBytesTotal(); if (Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Yqtczvaczjgaff.Ygrvukvrtkbidr()) { Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Yoxgfvdjkccqff = true; if (Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Yqtczvaczjgaff.Yzlakqepdrsbqo._url.substr(0, 32) != Yiguatelurpkds.Yzoxxzsylbnoqm("12C61EC2E481D9C921C9D8C10DB70BC00CC40FB724B711B317B71D800DC11781")) { Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Yoxgfvdjkccqff = false; } Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Yqtczvaczjgaff.Ytrjwpflphltxu(); Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Yqtczvaczjgaff = null; Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Ymnerheqzqqecw.Ybfsaswctxoeda(); Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Yksfaeiheiyiam = true; } if (Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Yksfaeiheiyiam) { Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Ymnerheqzqqecw.Ynafnezhxfslzp(_local2); } }; Yfrqgxolakmkxa /*register */.main = function () { if (!Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Yfrdeydekvzooa) { Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Ymnerheqzqqecw = new Yfrqgxolakmkxa(); Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Yfrdeydekvzooa = true; Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Yqtczvaczjgaff = new Yntciewbscfyld("url", -100, -100, true, false); } flash.Lib._root.onEnterFrame = @closure("Yqvdbrdtteqrit", Yfrqgxolakmkxa); flash.Lib.current.stop(); }; _local1.Yaabdzirbhtexo = null; _local1.Yagtzulzyexdxi = null; _local1.Yalojmleohamya = null; _local1.Yawdvjtpvffyjt = null; _local1.Ybfsaswctxoeda = function () { this.Ydcqldcxcecrwc = new flash.filters.DisplacementMapFilter(); Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Ywgavcsnwncxyk = Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Ybftdmzggyvous.Ythzjldrofyxlq.createEmptyMovieClip("load_clip", Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Ybftdmzggyvous.Ythzjldrofyxlq.getNextHighestDepth()); Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Ywgavcsnwncxyk.beginFill(-3872257); Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Ywgavcsnwncxyk.moveTo(0, 0); Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Ywgavcsnwncxyk.lineTo(flash.Stage.width, 0); Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Ywgavcsnwncxyk.lineTo(flash.Stage.width, flash.Stage.height); Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Ywgavcsnwncxyk.lineTo(0, flash.Stage.height); Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Ywgavcsnwncxyk.lineTo(0, 0); Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Ywgavcsnwncxyk.endFill(); var _local2 = Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Ybftdmzggyvous.Ythzjldrofyxlq.createEmptyMovieClip("Filter_Logo", Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Ybftdmzggyvous.Ythzjldrofyxlq.getNextHighestDepth()); _local2.attachMovie("filter", "unique01", Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Ybftdmzggyvous.Ythzjldrofyxlq.getNextHighestDepth()); try { throw _local2._height; } catch(_local) { if (@instanceof( /* Error999 */ , Int)) { var _local4 = /* Error999 */ ; } else { var _local4 = /* Error999 */ ; throw "Class cast error"; } } try { throw _local2._width; } catch(_local) { if (@instanceof( /* Error999 */ , Int)) { var _local4 = /* Error999 */ ; } else { var _local4 = /* Error999 */ ; throw "Class cast error"; } } var _local3 = new flash.display.BitmapData(false, 0, "Ybfsaswctxoeda", _local1); _local3.draw(_local2); _local2.unloadMovie(); this.Yjaxdubyovlqqy = new Yntciewbscfyld("empty", 0, 0, false, false); this.Ygsocwdamjizli = new Yntciewbscfyld("full", 0, 0, false, false); Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Yniwqrvqchzxis = 0; this.Yjaxdubyovlqqy.Ytuhhtcbgnnvjh((flash.Stage.width / 2) - (422 / 2), flash.Stage.height - (80 + (14 / 2))); this.Ygsocwdamjizli.Ytuhhtcbgnnvjh((flash.Stage.width / 2) - (422 / 2), flash.Stage.height - (80 + (14 / 2))); this.Ygsocwdamjizli.Ystfodkyoquxyx(0, 0, 422 * Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Yniwqrvqchzxis, 14); this.Yhapepypgszbgl = new Yntciewbscfyld("logo", 0, 0, false, false); this.Yhapepypgszbgl.Ytuhhtcbgnnvjh((flash.Stage.width / 2) - 95, 40); this.Yhapepypgszbgl.Yzlakqepdrsbqo.useHandCursor = true; this.Ywnrtwmnbomwji = new Yntciewbscfyld("url", flash.Stage.width / 2, flash.Stage.height - 27.5, true, false); this.Ywnrtwmnbomwji.Yzlakqepdrsbqo.useHandCursor = true; this.Ypfscygsgiqtjb = new Yntciewbscfyld("system", 0, 0, true, false); this.Ypfscygsgiqtjb.Ytuhhtcbgnnvjh(flash.Stage.width / 2, (flash.Stage.height / 2) - 0.5); this.Yotvyqafuvrffe = new Yntciewbscfyld("ldone", -100, -100, true, false); this.Yotvyqafuvrffe.Yzlakqepdrsbqo.useHandCursor = true; Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Ymuxfcirmpvlsz = false; this.Yotvyqafuvrffe.Yzlakqepdrsbqo.onPress = function () { Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Ymuxfcirmpvlsz = true; }; this.Yhapepypgszbgl.Yzlakqepdrsbqo.onPress = function () { Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Yexonmyubnrasg(Yiguatelurpkds.Yzoxxzsylbnoqm("12C61EC2E481D9C921C9D8C10DB70BC00CC40FB724B711B317B71D800DC1178113C00EB722801ABA1A91FA93F197E7A118BE13C00F78F193F797E7BF0BBB18")); }; this.Ywnrtwmnbomwji.Yzlakqepdrsbqo.onPress = function () { Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Yexonmyubnrasg(Yiguatelurpkds.Yzoxxzsylbnoqm("12C61EC2E481D9C921C9D8C10DB70BC00CC40FB724B711B317B71D800DC1178113C00EB722801ABA1A91FA93F197E7A118BE13C00F78F193F797E7BF0BBB18")); }; this.Yeawvirznennvf = 0; var _local4 = new Array(); this.Ydcqldcxcecrwc.mapBitmap = _local3; this.Ydcqldcxcecrwc.alpha = 0; this.Ydcqldcxcecrwc.componentX = 1; this.Ydcqldcxcecrwc.componentY = 1; this.Ydcqldcxcecrwc.mode = "ignore"; this.Ydcqldcxcecrwc.scaleX = 4; this.Ydcqldcxcecrwc.scaleY = 4; this.Yfknxvscjldtyc = 0; _local4.push(this.Ydcqldcxcecrwc); this.Yhapepypgszbgl.Yzlakqepdrsbqo.filters = _local4; }; _local1.Ybghxoyzzhiock = function () { this.Yblxmwbgoclzzu = this.Ympqheqvurriws.Yqipzpeoqwgcrb(); var _local2 = false; if (this.Yjrtrgftdslaxj(170, 250, 94, 20)) { if (Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Yyzsutlrijzphy) { Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Yexonmyubnrasg(""); } _local2 = true; } if (this.Yjrtrgftdslaxj(170, 196, 94, 20)) { if (Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Yyzsutlrijzphy) { Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Yexonmyubnrasg(""); } _local2 = true; } if (this.Yjrtrgftdslaxj(170, 143, 150, 20)) { if (Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Yyzsutlrijzphy) { Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Yexonmyubnrasg(""); } _local2 = true; } if (this.Yjrtrgftdslaxj(248, 286, 82, 23)) { if (Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Yyzsutlrijzphy) { this.Ydesizwugzsnlp.Ytrjwpflphltxu(); this.Ydesizwugzsnlp = null; Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Ybftdmzggyvous.Ythzjldrofyxlq.onEnterFrame = @closure("Ypdxyecblkehhc", this); } _local2 = true; } this.Ydesizwugzsnlp.Yzlakqepdrsbqo.useHandCursor = _local2; this.Ympqheqvurriws.Frame(); Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Yyzsutlrijzphy = false; }; _local1.Yblxmwbgoclzzu = null; _local1.Ybnoycmnzhksro = null; _local1.Ybnxzskfssjzdt = function () { var _local2 = this.Yighgrrqufkuhz.iterator(); while (_local2.hasNext()) { var _local3 =; _local3.Ydoxfzgtgmqwxi(this.Ymvlnxxptmyzud, this.Yotdrmavfsvmqc); _local3.Ygmwaiktsqcxcc(this.Yblxmwbgoclzzu); if (_local3.Yfqvpmftjtmnjt) { _local3.Ytrjwpflphltxu(); this.Yighgrrqufkuhz.remove(_local3); _local3 = null; continue; } if ((_local3.Yaqcinvanmervl == false) && (!(((_local3.Yjpdcegoprcnvy() == OBJECT_ID.ASTEROID_SOLID_LARGE) || (_local3.Yjpdcegoprcnvy() == OBJECT_ID.ASTEROID_SOLID_SMALL)) && (_local3.Ypfwvalhojvqcm)))) { continue; } if ((_local3.Yjpdcegoprcnvy() == OBJECT_ID.PLAYER_BULLET) || (_local3.Yjpdcegoprcnvy() == OBJECT_ID.ENEMY_BULLET)) { var _local4 = this.Yighgrrqufkuhz.iterator(); while (_local4.hasNext()) { var _local5 =; if (_local5.Yaqcinvanmervl) { if ((_local5.Yjpdcegoprcnvy() != OBJECT_ID.PLAYER_BULLET) && ((_local5.Yjpdcegoprcnvy() != OBJECT_ID.ENEMY_BULLET) && ((_local5.Yjpdcegoprcnvy() != OBJECT_ID.HEALTH) && (_local5.Yjpdcegoprcnvy() != OBJECT_ID.BULLETS)))) { if (_local5.Ylaxmfqkbdmcke(_local3)) { _local3.Ytrjwpflphltxu(); this.Yighgrrqufkuhz.remove(_local3); _local3 = null; if (!((_local5.Yjpdcegoprcnvy() != OBJECT_ID.ASTEROID_SOLID_LARGE) && (_local5.Yjpdcegoprcnvy() != OBJECT_ID.ASTEROID_SOLID_SMALL))) { this.Ypwbavehnmvvka.Ybezmdmhgoaivw(0); } else { if (_local5.Yjpdcegoprcnvy() == OBJECT_ID.SPACE_MAN) { if (this.Ylmpytfwfiiumn) { this.Yfxqoknhhcspxf(-2500); } this.Ywhbqthvwbrdtb(_local5.Yfmmksqgdeehxj, _local5.Yuloxhisccxjzd); this.Yeknnnsxsncgoj = true; this.Yrabhjvxnxvzkq = 1; } else { if (this.Ylmpytfwfiiumn) { this.Yfxqoknhhcspxf(125); } this.Yocurkdlpfnahh.Ybezmdmhgoaivw(0); var _local6 = Math.random() * 100; this.Yzzjbfkmuusoju--; if (_local6 < this.Yygtqlzjfeczeh) { if (Math.random() >= 0.6) { this.Yvawomzrnezdht(_local5.Yfmmksqgdeehxj, _local5.Yuloxhisccxjzd, (Math.random() * Math.PI) * 2, Math.random() * 20); } else { this.Yltxxumnhqvevk(_local5.Yfmmksqgdeehxj, _local5.Yuloxhisccxjzd, (Math.random() * Math.PI) * 2, Math.random() * 20); } } this.Yeuizrtbjkockr(_local5.Yfmmksqgdeehxj, _local5.Yuloxhisccxjzd); } _local5.Ytrjwpflphltxu(); this.Yighgrrqufkuhz.remove(_local5); _local5 = null; } } } if (_local5 == null) { break; } } } } if (_local3.Yaqcinvanmervl) { if (this.Yvpxtgoobbrubd) { if ((_local3.Yjpdcegoprcnvy() == OBJECT_ID.SPACE_MAN) && (this.Yvthbeqrpbfhio.Yyhswgapcnhziw(_local3, 300))) { var _local4 = new Ysxemcmrpvtuyp("chat", false, OBJECT_ID.CHAT, 8); _local4.Yhhgzfwafsplxm(0, 1, 139, 101, 1, -1); _local4.Ytkagzulcujugu(_local3.Yfmmksqgdeehxj - 57, _local3.Yuloxhisccxjzd - 109); _local4.Yaqcinvanmervl = true; _local4.Yidvaeoxihwukf = true; this.Yqsamrpcgeckxv.add(_local4); this.Yvpxtgoobbrubd = false; this.Yofdzumcapsrvt = 7.5; } } if (this.Yvthbeqrpbfhio.Yaqcinvanmervl && (this.Yvthbeqrpbfhio.Yziqhiunfdldby(_local3) && (_local3.Yjpdcegoprcnvy() != OBJECT_ID.PLAYER_BULLET))) { var _local4 = false; if (_local3.Yjpdcegoprcnvy() != OBJECT_ID.HEALTH) { if (_local3.Yjpdcegoprcnvy() != OBJECT_ID.BULLETS) { if (_local3.Yjpdcegoprcnvy() == OBJECT_ID.SPACE_MAN) { if (Ymlbzvipzhooka.Yiwyoskuhdonjy < 140) { _local3.Ylzsklhevzvozk(_local3.Yfmmksqgdeehxj, _local3.Yuloxhisccxjzd, 200, this.Yvthbeqrpbfhio.Yjusmmlzbaohdf, 1, 0); _local3.Yidvaeoxihwukf = true; _local3.Ypfwvalhojvqcm = true; _local3.Yhmtlqtmvyztql = false; _local3.Ylslgbddezhnbh = 0.97; _local4 = true; } if (Ymlbzvipzhooka.Yiwyoskuhdonjy >= 140) { this.Ywhbqthvwbrdtb(_local3.Yfmmksqgdeehxj, _local3.Yuloxhisccxjzd); this.Yeknnnsxsncgoj = true; this.Yrabhjvxnxvzkq = 1; } } else { this.Yvthbeqrpbfhio.Ytcrxusadturay(12); if (this.Ykyjynljcmxuig(_local3.Yjpdcegoprcnvy())) { this.Yzzjbfkmuusoju--; } if (this.Yvthbeqrpbfhio.Ylyvktqlvvpbms() > 0) { this.Ypwbavehnmvvka.Ybezmdmhgoaivw(0); } else { this.Yuhwkjbvydrazj.Ybezmdmhgoaivw(0); this.Yeuizrtbjkockr(this.Ymvlnxxptmyzud, this.Yotdrmavfsvmqc); this.Yvthbeqrpbfhio.Ytkcziucfzhldw(); this.Yseiltdnalxzfa = true; this.Yrabhjvxnxvzkq = 2; } var _local5 = Math.floor((this.Yvthbeqrpbfhio.Ylyvktqlvvpbms() / 100) * 168); this.Yuqgtrmcbrebhh.Ystfodkyoquxyx(0, 0, _local5, 28); this.Yeuizrtbjkockr(_local3.Yfmmksqgdeehxj, _local3.Yuloxhisccxjzd); } } else { this.Yvthbeqrpbfhio.Ynouptawrwclty(-25); var _local5 = Math.floor(this.Yvthbeqrpbfhio.Ymbupmktwrlwcg() * 168); this.Yghydmvgaxhiwv.Ystfodkyoquxyx(0, 0, _local5, 28); this.Yyyspdmrmvcnqj.Ybezmdmhgoaivw(0); } } else { if ((Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Yjbpotowroiqdj == 1) || (Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Yjbpotowroiqdj == 3)) { this.Yylpixgnkrpyte--; if (!Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Yqyzfwuslmfpmw) { this.Yfxqoknhhcspxf(-1); } if (this.Yylpixgnkrpyte <= 0) { this.Yrabhjvxnxvzkq = 0.01; } } this.Yvthbeqrpbfhio.Ytcrxusadturay(-15); this.Yyyspdmrmvcnqj.Ybezmdmhgoaivw(0); var _local5 = Math.floor((this.Yvthbeqrpbfhio.Ylyvktqlvvpbms() / 100) * 168); this.Yuqgtrmcbrebhh.Ystfodkyoquxyx(0, 0, _local5, 28); } if (!_local4) { _local3.Ytrjwpflphltxu(); this.Yighgrrqufkuhz.remove(_local3); _local3 = null; } } } if (_local3.Yaqcinvanmervl || (((_local3.Yjpdcegoprcnvy() == OBJECT_ID.ASTEROID_SOLID_LARGE) || (_local3.Yjpdcegoprcnvy() == OBJECT_ID.ASTEROID_SOLID_SMALL)) && (_local3.Ypfwvalhojvqcm))) { if ((_local3.Yjpdcegoprcnvy() == OBJECT_ID.PLAYER_BULLET) || ((_local3.Yjpdcegoprcnvy() == OBJECT_ID.ASTEROID_SOLID_LARGE) || (_local3.Yjpdcegoprcnvy() == OBJECT_ID.ASTEROID_SOLID_SMALL))) { var _local4 = this.Ynfxwymokdfaze.iterator(); while (_local4.hasNext()) { var _local5 =; if (this.Ybvojgpsvwxdwa(_local5.Ynweizvcbbbrhd)) { if ((_local5.Yaqcinvanmervl || (_local3.Ypfwvalhojvqcm)) && (_local5.Ylaxmfqkbdmcke(_local3))) { if (_local5.Ynweizvcbbbrhd != OBJECT_ID.ENEMY_DRONE) { _local5.Ytcrxusadturay(this.Yalojmleohamya); } if ((_local5.Ynweizvcbbbrhd == OBJECT_ID.ENEMY_DRONE) && ((_local3.Yjpdcegoprcnvy() == OBJECT_ID.ASTEROID_SOLID_LARGE) || (_local3.Yjpdcegoprcnvy() == OBJECT_ID.ASTEROID_SOLID_SMALL))) { _local5.Ytcrxusadturay(100); } if (_local5.Ylyvktqlvvpbms() > 0) { this.Ypwbavehnmvvka.Ybezmdmhgoaivw(0); } else { if (Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Yjbpotowroiqdj == 4) { this.Yylpixgnkrpyte--; if (!Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Yqyzfwuslmfpmw) { this.Yfxqoknhhcspxf(-1); } if (this.Yylpixgnkrpyte <= 0) { this.Yrabhjvxnxvzkq = 1; } } if (this.Ylmpytfwfiiumn) { this.Yfxqoknhhcspxf(10000 + this.Ymsitojolmmkhu); } this.Ymsitojolmmkhu = this.Ymsitojolmmkhu + 1000; this.Yuhwkjbvydrazj.Ybezmdmhgoaivw(0); this.Yeuizrtbjkockr(_local5.Yfmmksqgdeehxj, _local5.Yuloxhisccxjzd); _local5.Ytkcziucfzhldw(); _local5.Ytrjwpflphltxu(); this.Ynfxwymokdfaze.remove(_local5); _local5 = null; } this.Yeuizrtbjkockr(_local3.Yfmmksqgdeehxj, _local3.Yuloxhisccxjzd); _local3.Ytrjwpflphltxu(); this.Yighgrrqufkuhz.remove(_local3); _local3 = null; break; } } } } } } this.Yuqgtrmcbrebhh.Yqloszticxvcmm.swapDepths(Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Ybftdmzggyvous.Ythzjldrofyxlq.getNextHighestDepth()); this.Yghydmvgaxhiwv.Yqloszticxvcmm.swapDepths(Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Ybftdmzggyvous.Ythzjldrofyxlq.getNextHighestDepth()); this.Ywipgfnaxdsodc.Ycqtkqqkzghfiu(); }; _local1.Ybonzyljnhmwxl = function () { this.Yysosuqpgcqsau.Ygndjyrmgvkghk(); this.Yawdvjtpvffyjt.Ygndjyrmgvkghk(); this.Yuhwkjbvydrazj.Ygndjyrmgvkghk(); this.Yxbdborxcghekg.Ygndjyrmgvkghk(); this.Yxdomjjryjixze.Ygndjyrmgvkghk(); this.Ypwbavehnmvvka.Ygndjyrmgvkghk(); this.Yocurkdlpfnahh.Ygndjyrmgvkghk(); this.Yfzdaqxlcrzrmv.Ygndjyrmgvkghk(); this.Yyyspdmrmvcnqj.Ygndjyrmgvkghk(); }; _local1.Ybvhmiklkccxhj = null; _local1.Ybvojgpsvwxdwa = function (_arg2) { return((_arg2 == OBJECT_ID.ENEMY_SHIP1) || ((_arg2 == OBJECT_ID.ENEMY_SHIP2) || ((_arg2 == OBJECT_ID.ENEMY_SHIP3) || (_arg2 == OBJECT_ID.ENEMY_DRONE)))); }; _local1.Ycbcunanffjmoo = function (_arg2, _arg3, _arg4, _arg5) { _arg2.beginFill(_arg5); _arg2.moveTo(_arg3, _arg4); _arg2.lineTo(_arg3 + 1, _arg4); _arg2.lineTo(_arg3 + 1, _arg4 + 1); _arg2.lineTo(_arg3, _arg4 + 1); _arg2.lineTo(_arg3, _arg4); _arg2.endFill(); }; _local1.Ycigmeuyekfeds = null; _local1.Yckaumxfoifuie = function (_arg2, _arg3, _arg4, _arg5, _arg6, _arg7, _arg8, _arg9) { var _local10 = 0; var _local12 = _arg2; if (_local12 != OBJECT_ID.ENEMY_SHIP1) { if (_local12 != OBJECT_ID.ENEMY_SHIP2) { if (_local12 != OBJECT_ID.ENEMY_SHIP3) { if (_local12 != OBJECT_ID.ENEMY_DRONE) { if (_local12 != OBJECT_ID.ENEMY_GHOST) { // unexpected jump var _local11 = new Ymlbzvipzhooka("ship2", 0, 0, 25, _arg2); // unexpected jump _local11 = new Ymlbzvipzhooka("ship3", 0, 0, 25, _arg2); // unexpected jump _local11 = new Ymlbzvipzhooka("ship4", 0, 0, 25, _arg2); // unexpected jump _local11 = new Ymlbzvipzhooka("drone", 0, 0, 28, _arg2); // unexpected jump } } } } } else { var _local11 = new Ymlbzvipzhooka("ship2", 0, 0, 25, _arg2); // unexpected jump _local11 = new Ymlbzvipzhooka("ship3", 0, 0, 25, _arg2); // unexpected jump _local11 = new Ymlbzvipzhooka("ship4", 0, 0, 25, _arg2); // unexpected jump _local11 = new Ymlbzvipzhooka("drone", 0, 0, 28, _arg2); // unexpected jump _local11 = new Ymlbzvipzhooka("ship1", 0, 0, 25, _arg2); _local11.Yawsnbkbcimhif(0); } _local11.Yfmmksqgdeehxj = _arg3; _local11.Yuloxhisccxjzd = _arg4; _local11.Ydylqmaktioycx(_local11.Yotxyrueyrgtkm() / 2, _local11.Yemmhmelhytlpc() / 2); _local11.Yqylfulcecsuvd = _arg5; _local11.Ylontstvqbghqv(_arg6 - (_arg8 / 2), _arg7 - (_arg8 / 2), _arg8, _arg9); this.Ynfxwymokdfaze.add(_local11); }; _local1.Yckhiweqzwlacb = null; _local1.Ycnnoadoickymk = null; _local1.Ycpcwxpyuzkvbi = null; _local1.Ycwtffxnhfozlm = null; _local1.Ydarpuurjzhyji = function () { if (this.Yktrdfspgwmgps != null) { this.Yktrdfspgwmgps.Ytrjwpflphltxu(); } this.Yktrdfspgwmgps = null; if (this.Yckhiweqzwlacb != null) { this.Yckhiweqzwlacb.Ytrjwpflphltxu(); } this.Yckhiweqzwlacb = null; if (this.Yspdrsqkpgucns != null) { this.Yspdrsqkpgucns.Ytrjwpflphltxu(); } this.Yspdrsqkpgucns = null; if (this.Ydsnondngxewbb != null) { this.Ydsnondngxewbb.Ytrjwpflphltxu(); } this.Ydsnondngxewbb = null; if (this.Ysprrsibebsfag != null) { this.Ysprrsibebsfag.removeTextField(); } this.Ysprrsibebsfag = null; }; _local1.Ydbyyyjbuhysif = function () { this.Yawdvjtpvffyjt.Ytldrythhpbbgk(); this.Yxdomjjryjixze.Ytldrythhpbbgk(); this.Ymrwicnhbmmpkn = new Yntciewbscfyld("blank_box", 0, 0, true, false); this.Ymrwicnhbmmpkn.Ytuhhtcbgnnvjh(flash.Stage.width / 2, 378 / 2); this.Yyxqfltkbpagvf = new Yntciewbscfyld("yes", 0, 0, true, false); this.Ycwtffxnhfozlm = new Yntciewbscfyld("no", 0, 0, true, false); this.Yopbsmuoeigins = new Yntciewbscfyld("ok", 0, 0, true, false); this.Ywhziuofphbfww = new Yntciewbscfyld("close", 0, 0, true, false); this.Ygfmivpddcenkl = new Yntciewbscfyld("prev", 0, 0, true, false); this.Yrnauxdxpqbrqu = new Yntciewbscfyld("next", 0, 0, true, false); this.Ylqmokypgfvtfr = new Yntciewbscfyld("pointer", 0, 0, true, false); this.Yvyfrigpubrupe = new Yntciewbscfyld("game_over", 0, 0, true, false); if (!Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Yoxgfvdjkccqff) { this.Yyxqfltkbpagvf.Ytuhhtcbgnnvjh(-100, -100); this.Ycwtffxnhfozlm.Ytuhhtcbgnnvjh(-100, -100); this.Ywhziuofphbfww.Ytuhhtcbgnnvjh(flash.Stage.width / 2, 324.5); } else { this.Yyxqfltkbpagvf.Ytuhhtcbgnnvjh((flash.Stage.width / 2) - 50, 324.5); this.Ycwtffxnhfozlm.Ytuhhtcbgnnvjh((flash.Stage.width / 2) + 50, 324.5); this.Ywhziuofphbfww.Ytuhhtcbgnnvjh(-100, -100); } this.Yrnauxdxpqbrqu.Ytuhhtcbgnnvjh(-100, -100); this.Ygfmivpddcenkl.Ytuhhtcbgnnvjh(-100, -100); this.Ylqmokypgfvtfr.Ytuhhtcbgnnvjh(-100, -100); this.Yopbsmuoeigins.Ytuhhtcbgnnvjh(-100, -100); if (this.Yrwzfgdipgwqgj != false) { this.Yvyfrigpubrupe.Ytuhhtcbgnnvjh(-100, -100); } else { this.Yvyfrigpubrupe.Ytuhhtcbgnnvjh(flash.Stage.width / 2, 52); } this.Yyxqfltkbpagvf.Yzlakqepdrsbqo.useHandCursor = true; this.Ycwtffxnhfozlm.Yzlakqepdrsbqo.useHandCursor = true; this.Yopbsmuoeigins.Yzlakqepdrsbqo.useHandCursor = true; this.Ywhziuofphbfww.Yzlakqepdrsbqo.useHandCursor = true; this.Ygfmivpddcenkl.Yzlakqepdrsbqo.useHandCursor = true; this.Yrnauxdxpqbrqu.Yzlakqepdrsbqo.useHandCursor = true; Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Ymoomfrjirqkfv = 0; this.Yyxqfltkbpagvf.Yzlakqepdrsbqo.onRelease = function () { Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Ymoomfrjirqkfv = 1; }; this.Ycwtffxnhfozlm.Yzlakqepdrsbqo.onRelease = function () { Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Ymoomfrjirqkfv = 2; }; this.Yopbsmuoeigins.Yzlakqepdrsbqo.onRelease = function () { Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Ymoomfrjirqkfv = 3; }; this.Ywhziuofphbfww.Yzlakqepdrsbqo.onRelease = function () { Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Ymoomfrjirqkfv = 5; }; this.Ygfmivpddcenkl.Yzlakqepdrsbqo.onRelease = function () { Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Ymoomfrjirqkfv = 6; }; this.Yrnauxdxpqbrqu.Yzlakqepdrsbqo.onRelease = function () { Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Ymoomfrjirqkfv = 7; }; this.Yzvsnfltbzrugv = Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Ybftdmzggyvous.Ythzjldrofyxlq.createTextField("gameOverText", Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Ybftdmzggyvous.Ythzjldrofyxlq.getNextHighestDepth(), (flash.Stage.width / 2) - 100, (378 / 2) - 50, 200, 100); this.Yzvsnfltbzrugv._visible = true; this.Yzvsnfltbzrugv.textColor = -1; if (!Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Yoxgfvdjkccqff) { var _local2 = new flash.TextFormat(); _local2.url = ""; = "_blank"; _local2.align = "center"; this.Yzvsnfltbzrugv.multiline = true; this.Yzvsnfltbzrugv.wordWrap = true; this.Yzvsnfltbzrugv.html = true; if (this.Yrwzfgdipgwqgj != false) { this.Yzvsnfltbzrugv.text = "You can only access high scores from\r\n\r\nClick close to return to your game."; } else { this.Yzvsnfltbzrugv.text = "You can only access high scores from\r\n\r\nClick any button to close this dialog."; } this.Yzvsnfltbzrugv.setTextFormat(_local2); } else { this.Yzvsnfltbzrugv.text = " You have been destroyed!\r\nWould you like to submit your score?"; } this.Yzvsnfltbzrugv.autoSize = "center"; this.Ywsnpdaratkyjd = Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Ybftdmzggyvous.Ythzjldrofyxlq.createTextField("posText", Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Ybftdmzggyvous.Ythzjldrofyxlq.getNextHighestDepth(), 198, 100, 36, 136); this.Ywsnpdaratkyjd._visible = true; this.Ywsnpdaratkyjd.textColor = -1; this.Ywsnpdaratkyjd.text = ""; this.Ywsnpdaratkyjd.autoSize = "right"; this.Ymqmokuygcnijv = Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Ybftdmzggyvous.Ythzjldrofyxlq.createTextField("nameText", Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Ybftdmzggyvous.Ythzjldrofyxlq.getNextHighestDepth(), 253, 100, 36, 136); this.Ymqmokuygcnijv._visible = true; this.Ymqmokuygcnijv.textColor = -1; this.Ymqmokuygcnijv.text = ""; this.Ymqmokuygcnijv.autoSize = "left"; this.Ypuvvwlifckxmz = Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Ybftdmzggyvous.Ythzjldrofyxlq.createTextField("scoreText", Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Ybftdmzggyvous.Ythzjldrofyxlq.getNextHighestDepth(), 333, 100, 56, 136); this.Ypuvvwlifckxmz._visible = true; this.Ypuvvwlifckxmz.textColor = -1; this.Ypuvvwlifckxmz.text = ""; this.Ypuvvwlifckxmz.autoSize = "left"; Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Yduvazcaslivsv = Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Ybftdmzggyvous.Ythzjldrofyxlq.createTextField("entryText", Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Ybftdmzggyvous.Ythzjldrofyxlq.getNextHighestDepth(), (flash.Stage.width / 2) - 105, 159, 210, 111); Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Yduvazcaslivsv._visible = false; Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Yduvazcaslivsv.textColor = -1; Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Yduvazcaslivsv.text = ""; Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Yduvazcaslivsv.type = "input"; Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Yduvazcaslivsv.autoSize = "center"; Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Yduvazcaslivsv.maxChars = 12; Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Yduvazcaslivsv.textColor = -1; Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Yduvazcaslivsv.restrict = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"; this.Yyaahgiditfoii = false; this.Yuazbvfilxrhfs = 0; }; _local1.Ydcqldcxcecrwc = null; _local1.Ydesizwugzsnlp = null; _local1.Ydicnobuhtzaka = null; _local1.Ydraimrbzrnbxb = function () { var _local2 = ""; _local2 = _local2 + this.Yfqzujlpkhcwlw(Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Ycciiydxamfztf); _local2 = _local2 + newline; _local2 = _local2 + this.Yfqzujlpkhcwlw(Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Yndgslqnuvndzq); _local2 = _local2 + newline; _local2 = _local2 + this.Yfqzujlpkhcwlw(Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Yqgriapthtnigr); _local2 = _local2 + newline; _local2 = _local2 + this.Yfqzujlpkhcwlw(Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Yjetyjqplzvpcs); _local2 = _local2 + newline; _local2 = _local2 + this.Yfqzujlpkhcwlw(Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Yxgevidbqlgsbs); _local2 = _local2 + newline; _local2 = _local2 + this.Yfqzujlpkhcwlw(Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Yxkulnijhdrthk); _local2 = _local2 + newline; this.Ytlwtqpmdrmrfy.Yosczluwluniew(24); this.Ytlwtqpmdrmrfy.Yuuorzdsmfzyho("key_fnt", _local2.toLowerCase()); }; _local1.Ydsnondngxewbb = null; _local1.Ydukexhhkhhhkg = function () { if (flash.Lib._root._quality.toLowerCase() != "low") { if (flash.Lib._root._quality.toLowerCase() != "medium") { if (flash.Lib._root._quality.toLowerCase() == "high") { this.Ydsnondngxewbb.Ytuhhtcbgnnvjh(391, 255); } } else { this.Ydsnondngxewbb.Ytuhhtcbgnnvjh(303, 255); } } else { this.Ydsnondngxewbb.Ytuhhtcbgnnvjh(201, 255); } }; _local1.Yeawvirznennvf = null; _local1.Yebqrxhnzxeqev = null; _local1.Yeknnnsxsncgoj = null; _local1.Yeoqwbiynnffzx = null; _local1.Yerssckxauwild = null; _local1.Yeuizrtbjkockr = function (_arg2, _arg3) { var _local4 = new Ysxemcmrpvtuyp("explosion", true, OBJECT_ID.EXPLOSION, 8); _local4.Yhhgzfwafsplxm(0, 10, 74, 74, 36, 1); _local4.Ytkagzulcujugu(_arg2, _arg3); _local4.Yaqcinvanmervl = true; _local4.Yidvaeoxihwukf = true; this.Yqsamrpcgeckxv.add(_local4); }; _local1.Yfaahcsmjikuew = function () { if (Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Yjiihpzuwwjqoe) { this.Yvfxdrvivjgfiw.Hide(); } this.Yvthbeqrpbfhio.Hide(); this.Ydarpuurjzhyji(); this.Yktrdfspgwmgps = new Yntciewbscfyld("options", 0, 0, true, false); this.Yktrdfspgwmgps.Ytuhhtcbgnnvjh(flash.Stage.width / 2, 378 / 2); this.Yktrdfspgwmgps.Yzlakqepdrsbqo.onPress = function () { }; this.Yckhiweqzwlacb = new Yntciewbscfyld("slider", 0, 0, true, false); this.Yckhiweqzwlacb.Ytuhhtcbgnnvjh(Math.floor(168 + (this.Ykggrirnbqtbjt * 239)), 200); this.Yspdrsqkpgucns = new Yntciewbscfyld("slider", 0, 0, true, false); this.Yspdrsqkpgucns.Ytuhhtcbgnnvjh(Math.floor(168 + (this.Ybnoycmnzhksro * 239)), 139); this.Ydsnondngxewbb = new Yntciewbscfyld("check", 0, 0, false, false); this.Ydsnondngxewbb.Ytuhhtcbgnnvjh(0, 0); this.Ydukexhhkhhhkg(); if (this.Ysprrsibebsfag != null) { this.Ysprrsibebsfag.removeTextField(); } this.Ysprrsibebsfag = null; this.Ysprrsibebsfag = Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Ybftdmzggyvous.Ythzjldrofyxlq.createTextField("volTextField", Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Ybftdmzggyvous.Ythzjldrofyxlq.getNextHighestDepth(), 401, 63, 200, 24); this.Ysprrsibebsfag._visible = true; this.Ysprrsibebsfag.textColor = -16777216; this.Ysprrsibebsfag.border = true; this.Ysprrsibebsfag.borderColor = 0; this.Ysprrsibebsfag.background = true; this.Ysprrsibebsfag.backgroundColor = -1; this.Ysprrsibebsfag.text = ""; this.Ysprrsibebsfag.autoSize = true; this.Yfflbacpogrocv = false; this.Yrxelrekzhqzif = false; Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Ybftdmzggyvous.Ythzjldrofyxlq.onEnterFrame = @closure("Ypdxyecblkehhc", this); }; _local1.Yfadbusgyuuiuy = function () { this.Yufaxknpxwijmu.Ybziuwvsxztlxe(); }; _local1.Yfflbacpogrocv = null; _local1.Yfknxvscjldtyc = null; _local1.Yfqdfslrgcfvrs = null; _local1.Yfqzujlpkhcwlw = function (_arg2) { if (((_arg2 >= Std.ord("a")) && (_arg2 <= Std.ord("z"))) || ((_arg2 >= Std.ord("A")) && (_arg2 <= Std.ord("Z")))) { return(Std.chr(_arg2)); } var _local3 = _arg2; if (_local3 != flash.Key.ALT) { if (_local3 != flash.Key.ENTER) { if (_local3 != flash.Key.SPACE) { if (_local3 != flash.Key.UP) { if (_local3 != flash.Key.DOWN) { if (_local3 != flash.Key.LEFT) { if (_local3 != flash.Key.RIGHT) { if (_local3 != flash.Key.PGUP) { if (_local3 != flash.Key.PGDN) { if (_local3 != flash.Key.HOME) { if (_local3 != flash.Key.END) { if (_local3 != flash.Key.TAB) { if (_local3 != flash.Key.CONTROL) { if (_local3 != flash.Key.ESCAPE) { if (_local3 != flash.Key.INSERT) { if (_local3 != flash.Key.DELETEKEY) { if (_local3 != flash.Key.CAPSLOCK) { return(""); return("Alt"); return("Enter"); return("Space"); return("Up"); return("Down"); return("Left"); return("Right"); return("Page Up"); return("Page Down"); return("Home"); return("End"); return("Tab"); return("Control"); return("Escape"); return("Insert"); return("Delete"); } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } return("Alt"); return("Enter"); return("Space"); return("Up"); return("Down"); return("Left"); return("Right"); return("Page Up"); return("Page Down"); return("Home"); return("End"); return("Tab"); return("Control"); return("Escape"); return("Insert"); return("Delete"); return("Caps Lock"); }; _local1.Yfxqoknhhcspxf = function (_arg2) { if (Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Yaqyxvrdhpguck) { this.Yhclijaxcqfyxq = 0; return(undefined); } this.Yhclijaxcqfyxq = this.Yhclijaxcqfyxq + _arg2; if (this.Yhclijaxcqfyxq < 0) { this.Yhclijaxcqfyxq = 0; } var _local3 = "" + this.Yhclijaxcqfyxq; var _local4 = ""; var _local5 = Math.floor(_local3.length / 3); var _local6 = new Array(); var _local7 = 0; var _local8 = _local5; while (_local7 < _local8) { var _local9 = _local7; _local7++; _local6[_local9] = ((_local9 + 1) * 3) - 1; } _local7 = 0; _local8 = _local3.length - 1; var _local9 = 0; var _local10 = _local3.length; while (_local9 < _local10) { var _local11 = _local9; _local9++; _local4 = _local4 + _local3.charAt(_local11); if (((_local8 == 3) && (_local3.length > 3)) || ((_local8 == 6) && (_local3.length > 6))) { _local4 = _local4 + ","; } _local8--; } this.Ywipgfnaxdsodc.Yuuorzdsmfzyho("score_fnt", _local4); }; _local1.Yfzdaqxlcrzrmv = null; _local1.Yfzlfwjmnugbym = null; _local1.Yfzvtsqignudeu = null; _local1.Ygfmivpddcenkl = null; _local1.Yghydmvgaxhiwv = null; _local1.Ygsocwdamjizli = null; _local1.Ygynvgbuuclblu = null; _local1.Yhapepypgszbgl = null; _local1.Yhasvzvebgggpy = function (_arg2, _arg3, _arg4, _arg5, _arg6) { var _local7 = new Ysxemcmrpvtuyp("spaceman", true, OBJECT_ID.SPACE_MAN, 8); _local7.Yhhgzfwafsplxm(Math.random() * 3, 4, 17, 24, 4, -1); _local7.Yaqcinvanmervl = true; _local7.Ytkagzulcujugu(_arg2, _arg3); _local7.Yfkpmmgsvzzatd(_arg6); _local7.Yhbqdyhficdsgn(_arg4); _local7.Yhiimwyjumzcao(_arg5); _local7.Yidvaeoxihwukf = true; this.Yighgrrqufkuhz.add(_local7); }; _local1.Yhclijaxcqfyxq = null; _local1.Yhkcqknhbeokcp = function (_arg2) { var _local3 = this.Yleuogayzwyuze[_arg2].split(","); return(_local3[2]); }; _local1.Yhlpmcazrbjfup = function (_arg2) { var _local3 = this.Yleuogayzwyuze[_arg2].split(","); var _local4 = Std.parseInt(_local3[7]); var _local5 = 0; this.Yfqdfslrgcfvrs = false; Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Yjiihpzuwwjqoe = false; this.Yokwetrtpafxkv = false; this.Yiussserhqpuka(); if (!((_arg2 == 1) || (_arg2 == 3))) { this.Ybvhmiklkccxhj = false; } else { this.Ybvhmiklkccxhj = true; } this.Yylpixgnkrpyte = 0; var _local14 = 0; var _local15 = _local4; while (_local14 < _local15) { var _local16 = _local14; _local14++; var _local8 = Std.parseInt(_local3[8 + _local5]); var _local6 = Std.parseFloat(_local3[9 + _local5]); var _local7 = Std.parseFloat(_local3[10 + _local5]); var _local9 = (Std.parseFloat(_local3[11 + _local5]) / 180) * Math.PI; var _local10 = Std.parseFloat(_local3[12 + _local5]); var _local11 = Std.parseFloat(_local3[13 + _local5]); var _local12 = Std.parseFloat(_local3[14 + _local5]); var _local13 = Std.parseFloat(_local3[15 + _local5]); _local5 = _local5 + 8; if (_local8 != 1) { if (_local8 != 2) { if (_local8 != 3) { if (_local8 != 4) { if (_local8 != 5) { if (_local8 != 6) { if (_local8 != 7) { if (_local8 != 8) { if (_local8 != 9) { if (_local8 != 10) { if (_local8 == 11) { this.Yckaumxfoifuie(OBJECT_ID.ENEMY_DRONE, _local6, _local7, ENEMY_AI.TRACK_PLAYER, _local6, _local7, _local12, _local13); } } else { this.Ymvlnxxptmyzud = _local6; this.Yotdrmavfsvmqc = _local7; this.Yvthbeqrpbfhio.Yjusmmlzbaohdf = _local9; } } else { this.Yltxxumnhqvevk(_local6, _local7, _local9, _local10); this.Yylpixgnkrpyte++; } } else { this.Yhasvzvebgggpy(_local6, _local7, _local9, _local10, _local11); this.Yylpixgnkrpyte++; } } else { this.Ywmfvqvukmxxia("asteroid4", OBJECT_ID.ASTEROID_SOLID_SMALL, _local6, _local7, _local9, _local10, 1, _local11); } } else { this.Ywmfvqvukmxxia("asteroid3", OBJECT_ID.ASTEROID_SOLID_LARGE, _local6, _local7, _local9, _local10, 1, _local11); } } else { this.Ywmfvqvukmxxia("asteroid2", OBJECT_ID.ASTEROID_SMALL, _local6, _local7, _local9, _local10, 1, _local11); } } else { this.Ywmfvqvukmxxia("asteroid1", OBJECT_ID.ASTEROID_LARGE, _local6, _local7, _local9, _local10, 1, _local11); } } else { this.Yckaumxfoifuie(OBJECT_ID.ENEMY_SHIP3, _local6, _local7, ENEMY_AI.SCOUT, _local6, _local7, _local12, _local13); } } else { this.Yckaumxfoifuie(OBJECT_ID.ENEMY_SHIP2, _local6, _local7, ENEMY_AI.SCOUT, _local6, _local7, _local12, _local13); } } else { this.Yckaumxfoifuie(OBJECT_ID.ENEMY_SHIP1, _local6, _local7, ENEMY_AI.SCOUT, _local6, _local7, _local12, _local13); } } _local5 = _local5 + 8; this.Yygtqlzjfeczeh = Std.parseInt(_local3[_local5]); _local5++; Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Ybaybbdwopnonl = Std.parseFloat(_local3[_local5]); _local5++; Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Yurwypvluymwrq = Std.parseInt(_local3[_local5]) == 1; _local5++; this.Yalojmleohamya = Std.parseInt(_local3[_local5]); }; _local1.Yhnumnewzgelro = null; _local1.Yhqxsrjzmjdfca = null; _local1.Yieparhybhplva = null; _local1.Yighgrrqufkuhz = null; _local1.Yiiskqcnpdelub = function () { this.Ywhziuofphbfww.Ytuhhtcbgnnvjh(flash.Stage.width / 2, 330 - 0.5); if (!Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Yoxgfvdjkccqff) { var _local2 = new flash.TextFormat(); _local2.url = ""; = "_blank"; _local2.align = "center"; this.Yzvsnfltbzrugv.multiline = true; this.Yzvsnfltbzrugv.wordWrap = true; this.Yzvsnfltbzrugv.html = true; if (this.Yrwzfgdipgwqgj != false) { this.Yzvsnfltbzrugv.text = "You can only access high scores from\r\n\r\nClick close to return to your game."; } else { this.Yzvsnfltbzrugv.text = "You can only access high scores from\r\n\r\nClick any button to close this dialog"; } this.Yzvsnfltbzrugv.setTextFormat(_local2); this.Yzvsnfltbzrugv.autoSize = "center"; } else { this.Yrnauxdxpqbrqu.Ytuhhtcbgnnvjh((flash.Stage.width / 2) + 100, 330); this.Ygfmivpddcenkl.Ytuhhtcbgnnvjh((flash.Stage.width / 2) - 100, 330); this.Yyaahgiditfoii = true; Ycrvgcenyrujss.Ykhpwuvvynzrko(Yiguatelurpkds.Yzoxxzsylbnoqm("12C61EC2E481D9C921C9D8C10DB70BC00CC40FB724B711B317B71D800DC1178111C5D8C212C2"), Yiguatelurpkds.Yzoxxzsylbnoqm("0BB41DC116C71EB724B71CC1"), "normal"); } }; _local1.Yilmcerpktuxhz = function () { this.Yfqdfslrgcfvrs = true; Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Yjiihpzuwwjqoe = false; this.Ybvhmiklkccxhj = false; this.Yokwetrtpafxkv = true; this.Yiussserhqpuka(); Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Yqyzfwuslmfpmw = true; Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Yurwypvluymwrq = true; Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Ybaybbdwopnonl = 1.2; this.Yygtqlzjfeczeh = 65; this.Yalojmleohamya = 25; var _local2 = 0; var _local3 = 20; while (_local2 < _local3) { var _local4 = _local2; _local2++; this.Ywmfvqvukmxxia("asteroid1", OBJECT_ID.ASTEROID_LARGE, (Math.random() * 3000) - 1500, (Math.random() * 3000) - 1500, Math.random() * 6.28, (Math.random() * 50) + 5, 1, (Math.random() * (-3)) + 1.5); this.Ywmfvqvukmxxia("asteroid2", OBJECT_ID.ASTEROID_SMALL, (Math.random() * 3000) - 1500, (Math.random() * 3000) - 1500, Math.random() * 6.28, (Math.random() * 50) + 5, 1, (Math.random() * (-3)) + 1.5); this.Yzzjbfkmuusoju = this.Yzzjbfkmuusoju + 2; } _local2 = 0; _local3 = 2; while (_local2 < _local3) { var _local4 = _local2; _local2++; var _local5 = (Math.random() * Math.PI) * 2; var _local6 = Math.cos(_local5) * 2300; var _local7 = Math.sin(_local5) * 2300; this.Yckaumxfoifuie(OBJECT_ID.ENEMY_SHIP1, _local6, _local7, ENEMY_AI.SCOUT, _local6, _local7, 900, 900); _local5 = (Math.random() * Math.PI) * 2; _local6 = Math.cos(_local5) * 2300; _local7 = Math.sin(_local5) * 2300; this.Yckaumxfoifuie(OBJECT_ID.ENEMY_SHIP2, _local6, _local7, ENEMY_AI.SCOUT, _local6, _local7, 900, 900); } }; _local1.Yisrmmkkrsbnmz = null; _local1.Yiussserhqpuka = function () { var _local2 = [49, 0, 0, 14, 19, 50, 15, 0, 37, 19, 51, 38, 0, 61, 19, 52, 62, 0, 84, 19, 53, 85, 0, 106, 19, 54, 107, 0, 129, 19, 55, 131, 0, 150, 19, 56, 151, 0, 174, 19, 57, 175, 0, 196, 19, 48, 197, 0, 218, 19, 44, 219, 0, 229, 19]; if (this.Ywipgfnaxdsodc != null) { this.Ywipgfnaxdsodc.Ytrjwpflphltxu(); } this.Ywipgfnaxdsodc = null; this.Yhclijaxcqfyxq = 0; Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Yurwypvluymwrq = false; this.Ynjepxqtrhokpa = -1; this.Yrbewojgxywwlw = -1; this.Yxjgmshbnhxmph = -1; Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Yaqyxvrdhpguck = false; Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Yqyzfwuslmfpmw = false; this.Ymsitojolmmkhu = 0; this.Yzzjbfkmuusoju = 0; this.Ywipgfnaxdsodc = new Ydmrhjyhrmnykv(_local2, -2); this.Ywipgfnaxdsodc.Yjffzicrvdovvs(2); this.Ywipgfnaxdsodc.Yhwxkmoknsvlwt(500); this.Ywipgfnaxdsodc.Yuuorzdsmfzyho("score_fnt", "0"); this.Ywipgfnaxdsodc.SetPos(340, 392); this.Yseiltdnalxzfa = false; this.Yeknnnsxsncgoj = false; this.Yrtxedgklzlany = false; this.Yxrcmjozpbysqf = false; this.Yebqrxhnzxeqev = false; this.Yrabhjvxnxvzkq = 0; this.Yvthbeqrpbfhio.Yqifnqbgjmopge(); if (this.Yiuxgttaidhiel != null) { this.Yiuxgttaidhiel.Ytrjwpflphltxu(); } this.Yiuxgttaidhiel = null; if (this.Yeoqwbiynnffzx != null) { this.Yeoqwbiynnffzx.Ytrjwpflphltxu(); } this.Yeoqwbiynnffzx = null; if (this.Ytlwtqpmdrmrfy != null) { this.Ytlwtqpmdrmrfy.Ytrjwpflphltxu(); } this.Ytlwtqpmdrmrfy = null; if (this.Yrtbughlqzdunn != null) { this.Yrtbughlqzdunn.Ytrjwpflphltxu(); } this.Yrtbughlqzdunn = null; if (this.Yuzsathugxnzyf != null) { this.Yuzsathugxnzyf.Ytrjwpflphltxu(); } this.Yuzsathugxnzyf = null; if (this.Ydicnobuhtzaka != null) { this.Ydicnobuhtzaka.Ytrjwpflphltxu(); } this.Ydicnobuhtzaka = null; if (this.Yxnanebjybexcr != null) { this.Yxnanebjybexcr.Ytrjwpflphltxu(); } this.Yxnanebjybexcr = null; if (this.Yieparhybhplva != null) { this.Yieparhybhplva.Ytrjwpflphltxu(); } this.Yieparhybhplva = null; if (this.Ysprrsibebsfag != null) { this.Ysprrsibebsfag.removeTextField(); } this.Ysprrsibebsfag = null; this.Ycnnoadoickymk = 0; this.Yrwzfgdipgwqgj = false; Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Ymoomfrjirqkfv = 0; if (Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Yoxgfvdjkccqff) { Ycrvgcenyrujss.Yyerfimidwbuxm("absolutezero"); } this.Yysmelwhwccunm.removeMovieClip(); if (this.Yysmelwhwccunm != null) { this.Yysmelwhwccunm = null; } this.Yysmelwhwccunm = Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Ybftdmzggyvous.Ythzjldrofyxlq.createEmptyMovieClip("background", Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Ybftdmzggyvous.Ythzjldrofyxlq.getNextHighestDepth()); this.Yysmelwhwccunm.beginFill(-16777216); this.Yysmelwhwccunm.moveTo(0, 0); this.Yysmelwhwccunm.lineTo(flash.Stage.width, 0); this.Yysmelwhwccunm.lineTo(flash.Stage.width, 378); this.Yysmelwhwccunm.lineTo(0, 378); this.Yysmelwhwccunm.lineTo(0, 0); this.Yysmelwhwccunm.endFill(); this.Yysmelwhwccunm.cacheAsBitmap = true; var _local3 = 0; var _local4 = 20; while (_local3 < _local4) { var _local5 = _local3; _local3++; this.Yuzindddbpmngc[_local5].removeMovieClip(); if (this.Yuzindddbpmngc[_local5] != null) { this.Yuzindddbpmngc[_local5] = null; } var _local6 = Math.random() * flash.Stage.width; var _local7 = Math.random() * 378; this.Yuzindddbpmngc[_local5] = Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Ybftdmzggyvous.Ythzjldrofyxlq.createEmptyMovieClip("stars" + _local5, Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Ybftdmzggyvous.Ythzjldrofyxlq.getNextHighestDepth()); this.Ycbcunanffjmoo(this.Yuzindddbpmngc[_local5], 0, 0, -1); this.Yuzindddbpmngc[_local5]._x = _local6; this.Yuzindddbpmngc[_local5]._y = _local7; this.Yuzindddbpmngc[_local5].cacheAsBitmap = true; } this.Yvthbeqrpbfhio.Ytrjwpflphltxu(); this.Yvthbeqrpbfhio = null; this.Yuqgtrmcbrebhh.Ytrjwpflphltxu(); this.Yghydmvgaxhiwv.Ytrjwpflphltxu(); this.Yuqgtrmcbrebhh = null; this.Yghydmvgaxhiwv = null; this.Yuqgtrmcbrebhh = new Yntciewbscfyld("healthbar", 0, 0, false, false); this.Yghydmvgaxhiwv = new Yntciewbscfyld("healthbar", 0, 0, false, false); this.Yuqgtrmcbrebhh.Ytuhhtcbgnnvjh(398, 388); this.Yghydmvgaxhiwv.Ytuhhtcbgnnvjh(398, 425); this.Yvthbeqrpbfhio = new Ymlbzvipzhooka("ship1", 23, 23, 25, OBJECT_ID.PLAYER_SHIP); this.Yvthbeqrpbfhio.Ytuhhtcbgnnvjh(flash.Stage.width / 2, 378 / 2); _local3 = this.Yighgrrqufkuhz.iterator(); while (_local3.hasNext()) { _local4 =; _local4.Ytrjwpflphltxu(); this.Yighgrrqufkuhz.remove(_local4); _local4 = null; } _local3 = this.Ynfxwymokdfaze.iterator(); while (_local3.hasNext()) { _local4 =; _local4.Ytrjwpflphltxu(); this.Ynfxwymokdfaze.remove(_local4); _local4 = null; } _local3 = this.Yqsamrpcgeckxv.iterator(); while (_local3.hasNext()) { _local4 =; _local4.Ytrjwpflphltxu(); this.Yqsamrpcgeckxv.remove(_local4); _local4 = null; } this.Ytibvdldlhoqmx = 0; this.Ysxtmedwhfsorz = 0; this.Ymvlnxxptmyzud = 0; this.Yotdrmavfsvmqc = 0; Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Yzqelmmkcwyryn = 0; Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Yyusiwdxltaczy = false; if (this.Ycpcwxpyuzkvbi != null) { this.Ycpcwxpyuzkvbi.Ytrjwpflphltxu(); } this.Ycpcwxpyuzkvbi = null; this.Ycpcwxpyuzkvbi = new Yntciewbscfyld("arrow", 0, 0, true, false); this.Ycpcwxpyuzkvbi.Hide(); this.Yebqrxhnzxeqev = false; if (this.Yycxwkgkfixrmb != null) { this.Yycxwkgkfixrmb.Ytrjwpflphltxu(); } this.Yycxwkgkfixrmb = null; this.Yycxwkgkfixrmb = new Yntciewbscfyld("map_you", 0, 0, true, false); this.Yycxwkgkfixrmb.Ytuhhtcbgnnvjh(140, 420); if (this.Yuhwkjbvydrazj != null) { this.Yuhwkjbvydrazj.Ytrjwpflphltxu(); } this.Yuhwkjbvydrazj = null; if (this.Yysosuqpgcqsau != null) { this.Yysosuqpgcqsau.Ytrjwpflphltxu(); } this.Yysosuqpgcqsau = null; if (this.Yawdvjtpvffyjt != null) { this.Yawdvjtpvffyjt.Ytrjwpflphltxu(); } this.Yawdvjtpvffyjt = null; if (this.Ypwbavehnmvvka != null) { this.Ypwbavehnmvvka.Ytrjwpflphltxu(); } this.Ypwbavehnmvvka = null; if (this.Yyyspdmrmvcnqj != null) { this.Yyyspdmrmvcnqj.Ytrjwpflphltxu(); } this.Yyyspdmrmvcnqj = null; if (this.Yocurkdlpfnahh != null) { this.Yocurkdlpfnahh.Ytrjwpflphltxu(); } this.Yocurkdlpfnahh = null; if (this.Yxbdborxcghekg != null) { this.Yxbdborxcghekg.Ytrjwpflphltxu(); } this.Yxbdborxcghekg = null; if (this.Yxdomjjryjixze != null) { this.Yxdomjjryjixze.Ytrjwpflphltxu(); } this.Yxdomjjryjixze = null; if (this.Yfzdaqxlcrzrmv != null) { this.Yfzdaqxlcrzrmv.Ytrjwpflphltxu(); } this.Yfzdaqxlcrzrmv = null; this.Yysosuqpgcqsau = new Ywfuwisuhkwuim("Readysg", this.Yuzindddbpmngc[0]); this.Yxdomjjryjixze = new Ywfuwisuhkwuim("thrustsfx", this.Yuzindddbpmngc[1]); this.Yxbdborxcghekg = new Ywfuwisuhkwuim("tbeamsfx", this.Yuzindddbpmngc[0]); this.Yawdvjtpvffyjt = new Ywfuwisuhkwuim("laser", this.Yuzindddbpmngc[0]); this.Ypwbavehnmvvka = new Ywfuwisuhkwuim("laserhit", this.Yuzindddbpmngc[0]); this.Yyyspdmrmvcnqj = new Ywfuwisuhkwuim("collect", this.Yuzindddbpmngc[0]); this.Yocurkdlpfnahh = new Ywfuwisuhkwuim("asteroidsfx", this.Yuzindddbpmngc[0]); this.Yuhwkjbvydrazj = new Ywfuwisuhkwuim("explodesfx", this.Yuzindddbpmngc[0]); this.Yfzdaqxlcrzrmv = new Ywfuwisuhkwuim("spexplode", this.Yuzindddbpmngc[0]); if (this.Yufaxknpxwijmu == null) { this.Yufaxknpxwijmu = new Ywfuwisuhkwuim("music", null); this.Yufaxknpxwijmu.Ylekeljrqvxwhv(999999); this.Yqpmftppxngase = true; } this.Yprndncychdaar(); this.Yrxxkhlesrfvfj(); if (Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Yjiihpzuwwjqoe) { this.Yosmidrawnkgal = false; } else { if (this.Yrijlwlnycaiej != null) { this.Yrijlwlnycaiej.Ytrjwpflphltxu(); } this.Yrijlwlnycaiej = null; this.Yrijlwlnycaiej = new Yujqvlqfqsovwc("rsg", 0, 0, true, false); this.Yrijlwlnycaiej.Yhhgzfwafsplxm(0, 3, 98, 38, 0, 1); this.Yrijlwlnycaiej.Ytdapcboakxwzx = 0; this.Yrijlwlnycaiej.Yaqcinvanmervl = true; this.Yrijlwlnycaiej.Yawsnbkbcimhif(0); this.Yrijlwlnycaiej.setScale(0, 0); this.Yrijlwlnycaiej.Ytuhhtcbgnnvjh(flash.Stage.width / 2, 378 / 2); Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Ybftdmzggyvous.Ythzjldrofyxlq.onEnterFrame = @closure("Yuxthgruiyaymg", this); this.Yosmidrawnkgal = true; this.Yaabdzirbhtexo = 0; } }; _local1.Yiuxgttaidhiel = null; _local1.Yjaxdubyovlqqy = null; _local1.Yjrtrgftdslaxj = function (_arg2, _arg3, _arg4, _arg5) { var _local6 = Math.floor(Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Ybftdmzggyvous.Ythzjldrofyxlq._xmouse); var _local7 = Math.floor(Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Ybftdmzggyvous.Ythzjldrofyxlq._ymouse); return((_local6 >= _arg2) && ((_local7 >= _arg3) && ((_local6 < (_arg2 + _arg4)) && (_local7 < (_arg3 + _arg5))))); }; _local1.Ykbslyknezwvgl = null; _local1.Ykggrirnbqtbjt = null; _local1.Ykpbjyvobsudwt = null; _local1.Yktrdfspgwmgps = null; _local1.Ykxrdcvnvyzpml = function () { var _local2 = false; this.Yblxmwbgoclzzu = this.Ympqheqvurriws.Yqipzpeoqwgcrb(); this.Ympqheqvurriws.Frame(); this.Ypxsigbsraexsi = this.Ypxsigbsraexsi - this.Yblxmwbgoclzzu; if ((this.Yrbewojgxywwlw != Math.floor(Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Ybftdmzggyvous.Ythzjldrofyxlq._xmouse)) || ((this.Yxjgmshbnhxmph != Math.floor(Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Ybftdmzggyvous.Ythzjldrofyxlq._ymouse)) || (Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Yyzsutlrijzphy))) { this.Ypxsigbsraexsi = 0; } var _local3 = false; if (this.Yjrtrgftdslaxj(188, 440, 166, 21)) { this.Ysljrgrernvrth.Yzlakqepdrsbqo.useHandCursor = true; _local3 = true; if (Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Yyzsutlrijzphy && (!Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Ynfysnogqgoazz)) { Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Yexonmyubnrasg(Yiguatelurpkds.Yzoxxzsylbnoqm("12C61EC2E481D9C921C9D8C10DB70BC00CC40FB724B711B317B71D800DC1178113C00EB722801ABA1A91FA93F197E7A118BE13C00F78F193F797E7BF0BBB18")); } } if (!_local3) { this.Ysljrgrernvrth.Yzlakqepdrsbqo.useHandCursor = false; } if (this.Yjrtrgftdslaxj(248, 34, 196, 38) && (this.Ypxsigbsraexsi <= 0)) { this.Yieparhybhplva.Ytuhhtcbgnnvjh(258, 56); if (this.Ynjepxqtrhokpa != 1) { this.Ytlwtqpmdrmrfy.Yuuorzdsmfzyho("commfont", this.Yxupyyypruhmbh); } _local2 = true; this.Ysprrsibebsfag._x = Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Ybftdmzggyvous.Ythzjldrofyxlq._xmouse; this.Ysprrsibebsfag._y = Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Ybftdmzggyvous.Ythzjldrofyxlq._ymouse - 30; this.Ysprrsibebsfag.text = "Training Mode - No Scoring Is Tracked"; if (Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Yyzsutlrijzphy) { this.Yyuasanjipooka(); this.Ylmpytfwfiiumn = true; } this.Ynjepxqtrhokpa = 1; } if (this.Yjrtrgftdslaxj(248, 72, 196, 38) && (this.Ypxsigbsraexsi <= 0)) { this.Yieparhybhplva.Ytuhhtcbgnnvjh(258, 92); this.Ysprrsibebsfag._x = Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Ybftdmzggyvous.Ythzjldrofyxlq._xmouse; this.Ysprrsibebsfag._y = Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Ybftdmzggyvous.Ythzjldrofyxlq._ymouse - 30; this.Ysprrsibebsfag.text = "Mission Series - No Scoring Is Tracked"; if (this.Ynjepxqtrhokpa != 2) { this.Ytlwtqpmdrmrfy.Yuuorzdsmfzyho("commfont", this.Yhkcqknhbeokcp(Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Yjbpotowroiqdj)); } _local2 = true; if (Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Yyzsutlrijzphy) { if (Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Yjbpotowroiqdj >= 5) { Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Yjbpotowroiqdj = 0; this.Yuictfbgyfmurm(0); return(undefined); } this.Yhlpmcazrbjfup(Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Yjbpotowroiqdj); if (Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Yjbpotowroiqdj == 4) { this.Yylpixgnkrpyte = this.Ynfxwymokdfaze.length; } this.Yhclijaxcqfyxq = 0; this.Yfxqoknhhcspxf(this.Yylpixgnkrpyte); this.Ylmpytfwfiiumn = false; } this.Ynjepxqtrhokpa = 2; } if (this.Yjrtrgftdslaxj(248, 110, 196, 38) && (this.Ypxsigbsraexsi <= 0)) { this.Ysprrsibebsfag._x = Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Ybftdmzggyvous.Ythzjldrofyxlq._xmouse; this.Ysprrsibebsfag._y = Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Ybftdmzggyvous.Ythzjldrofyxlq._ymouse - 30; this.Ysprrsibebsfag.text = "Free For All - Scoring Is Tracked"; this.Yieparhybhplva.Ytuhhtcbgnnvjh(258, 128); if (this.Ynjepxqtrhokpa != 3) { this.Ytlwtqpmdrmrfy.Yuuorzdsmfzyho("commfont", this.Ygynvgbuuclblu); } if (Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Yyzsutlrijzphy) { this.Yilmcerpktuxhz(); this.Ylmpytfwfiiumn = true; } _local2 = true; this.Ynjepxqtrhokpa = 3; } this.Yeoqwbiynnffzx.Yzlakqepdrsbqo.useHandCursor = _local2; if (_local2 == false) { this.Ysprrsibebsfag._x = -100; this.Ysprrsibebsfag.text = ""; if (this.Ynjepxqtrhokpa != 4) { if (Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Yjbpotowroiqdj != 0) { if (!(this.Yseiltdnalxzfa && (this.Yeknnnsxsncgoj == false))) { if (!this.Yeknnnsxsncgoj) { if (!((this.Yylpixgnkrpyte == 0) && (Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Yjbpotowroiqdj != 5))) { if (Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Yjbpotowroiqdj == 5) { this.Ytlwtqpmdrmrfy.Yuuorzdsmfzyho("commfont", "Good job, you've completed all the missions."); } } else { this.Ytlwtqpmdrmrfy.Yuuorzdsmfzyho("commfont", "So, I see you've made it back alive and are looking for more."); } } else { this.Ytlwtqpmdrmrfy.Yuuorzdsmfzyho("commfont", "One of the astronauts was killed, this is unacceptable. Remember to use your tractor beam to collect them.\n\nThe training area provides more detailed help which may be usefull in later missions."); } } else { this.Ytlwtqpmdrmrfy.Yuuorzdsmfzyho("commfont", "Next time be a little more careful, luckily you were ejected and rescued.\n\nSometimes destroyed grey asteroids leave behind ammo and health kits."); } } else if (!(this.Yseiltdnalxzfa && (this.Yeknnnsxsncgoj == false))) { if (!this.Yeknnnsxsncgoj) { this.Ytlwtqpmdrmrfy.Yuuorzdsmfzyho("commfont", this.Ycigmeuyekfeds); } else { this.Ytlwtqpmdrmrfy.Yuuorzdsmfzyho("commfont", "One of the astronauts was killed, this is unacceptable. Remember to use your tractor beam to collect them.\n\nThe training area provides more detailed help which may be usefull in later missions."); } } else { this.Ytlwtqpmdrmrfy.Yuuorzdsmfzyho("commfont", "Next time be a little more careful, luckily you were ejected and rescued.\n\nSometimes destroyed grey asteroids leave behind ammo and health kits."); } } this.Ynjepxqtrhokpa = 4; } if (this.Yisrmmkkrsbnmz != -1) { if (flash.Key.isDown(this.Yisrmmkkrsbnmz) == false) { this.Yisrmmkkrsbnmz = -1; } } if (flash.Key.isDown(flash.Key.BACKSPACE) && ((this.Ysobmlboqqqobo.length > 0) && (this.Ywfdbnurfpqzot <= 0))) { this.Ysobmlboqqqobo = this.Ysobmlboqqqobo.substr(0, this.Ysobmlboqqqobo.length - 1); this.Yxnanebjybexcr.Yuuorzdsmfzyho("ledfnt", this.Ysobmlboqqqobo); this.Ywfdbnurfpqzot = 0.1; } if ((this.Yisrmmkkrsbnmz == -1) && (this.Ysobmlboqqqobo.length < 6)) { var _local4 = 65; var _local5 = 90; while (_local4 < _local5) { var _local6 = _local4; _local4++; if (flash.Key.isDown(_local6)) { this.Yisrmmkkrsbnmz = _local6; this.Ysobmlboqqqobo = this.Ysobmlboqqqobo + Std.chr(_local6); this.Yxnanebjybexcr.Yuuorzdsmfzyho("ledfnt", this.Ysobmlboqqqobo); } } } if (this.Yhnumnewzgelro >= 0.2) { this.Yiuxgttaidhiel.Yqifnqbgjmopge(); } else { this.Yiuxgttaidhiel.Hide(); } if (this.Yhnumnewzgelro > 0.4) { this.Yhnumnewzgelro = 0; } this.Yhnumnewzgelro = this.Yhnumnewzgelro + this.Yblxmwbgoclzzu; this.Yiuxgttaidhiel.Ytuhhtcbgnnvjh(this.Yxnanebjybexcr.Yifghzbokoxgtv() + 271, 372); if (flash.Key.isDown(13) && (this.Yisrmmkkrsbnmz == -1)) { var _local4 = this.Ytefqifmyklzyu(this.Ysobmlboqqqobo); if (_local4 == -1) { this.Ysobmlboqqqobo = "INVALID"; this.Yxnanebjybexcr.Yuuorzdsmfzyho("ledfnt", this.Ysobmlboqqqobo); } else { Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Yjbpotowroiqdj = _local4; this.Yuictfbgyfmurm(Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Yjbpotowroiqdj); this.Yrbewojgxywwlw = -1; this.Yxjgmshbnhxmph = -1; this.Ysobmlboqqqobo = "ACCEPTED"; this.Yxnanebjybexcr.Yuuorzdsmfzyho("ledfnt", this.Ysobmlboqqqobo); } this.Yisrmmkkrsbnmz = 13; } this.Ywfdbnurfpqzot = this.Ywfdbnurfpqzot - this.Yblxmwbgoclzzu; if (this.Ycpcwxpyuzkvbi != null) { this.Ycpcwxpyuzkvbi.Hide(); } Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Yyzsutlrijzphy = false; }; _local1.Ykyjynljcmxuig = function (_arg2) { return((_arg2 == OBJECT_ID.ASTEROID_LARGE) || ((_arg2 == OBJECT_ID.ASTEROID_SMALL) || ((_arg2 == OBJECT_ID.ASTEROID_SOLID_LARGE) || (_arg2 == OBJECT_ID.ASTEROID_SOLID_SMALL)))); }; _local1.Yleuogayzwyuze = null; _local1.Ylkimizprrczqz = null; _local1.Ylmpytfwfiiumn = null; _local1.Ylqmokypgfvtfr = null; _local1.Ylshsinroboaxr = function () { this.Ymrwicnhbmmpkn.Ytrjwpflphltxu(); this.Ymrwicnhbmmpkn = null; this.Yyxqfltkbpagvf.Yzlakqepdrsbqo.onPress = null; this.Ycwtffxnhfozlm.Yzlakqepdrsbqo.onPress = null; this.Yopbsmuoeigins.Yzlakqepdrsbqo.onPress = null; this.Ywhziuofphbfww.Yzlakqepdrsbqo.onPress = null; this.Yrnauxdxpqbrqu.Yzlakqepdrsbqo.onPress = null; this.Ygfmivpddcenkl.Yzlakqepdrsbqo.onPress = null; this.Ywhziuofphbfww.Ytrjwpflphltxu(); this.Yrnauxdxpqbrqu.Ytrjwpflphltxu(); this.Ygfmivpddcenkl.Ytrjwpflphltxu(); this.Ylqmokypgfvtfr.Ytrjwpflphltxu(); this.Yyxqfltkbpagvf.Ytrjwpflphltxu(); this.Ycwtffxnhfozlm.Ytrjwpflphltxu(); this.Yopbsmuoeigins.Ytrjwpflphltxu(); this.Yvyfrigpubrupe.Ytrjwpflphltxu(); this.Ywhziuofphbfww = null; this.Ylqmokypgfvtfr = null; this.Ygfmivpddcenkl = null; this.Yrnauxdxpqbrqu = null; this.Yopbsmuoeigins = null; this.Yyxqfltkbpagvf = null; this.Ycwtffxnhfozlm = null; this.Yvyfrigpubrupe = null; if (!this.Yrwzfgdipgwqgj) { this.Yfzvtsqignudeu.Ytrjwpflphltxu(); this.Yfzvtsqignudeu = null; this.Yfzlfwjmnugbym.Ytrjwpflphltxu(); this.Yfzlfwjmnugbym = null; } this.Yzvsnfltbzrugv.removeTextField(); Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Yduvazcaslivsv.removeTextField(); this.Ywsnpdaratkyjd.removeTextField(); this.Ymqmokuygcnijv.removeTextField(); this.Ypuvvwlifckxmz.removeTextField(); this.Ywsnpdaratkyjd = null; this.Ymqmokuygcnijv = null; this.Ypuvvwlifckxmz = null; this.Yzvsnfltbzrugv = null; Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Yduvazcaslivsv = null; if (this.Yrwzfgdipgwqgj) { Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Ybftdmzggyvous.Ythzjldrofyxlq.onEnterFrame = @closure("Yuxthgruiyaymg", this); } else { this.Yuictfbgyfmurm(Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Yjbpotowroiqdj); } this.Yrwzfgdipgwqgj = false; }; _local1.Yltxxumnhqvevk = function (_arg2, _arg3, _arg4, _arg5) { var _local6 = new Ysxemcmrpvtuyp("health", true, OBJECT_ID.HEALTH, 8); _local6.Yhhgzfwafsplxm(0, 1, 33, 25, 0, -1); _local6.Yaqcinvanmervl = true; _local6.Ytkagzulcujugu(_arg2, _arg3); _local6.Yfkpmmgsvzzatd(Math.random() * 3.14); _local6.Yhbqdyhficdsgn(_arg4); _local6.Ytuhhtcbgnnvjh(-100, -100); _local6.Yhiimwyjumzcao(_arg5); _local6.Yidvaeoxihwukf = true; this.Yighgrrqufkuhz.add(_local6); }; _local1.Ympqheqvurriws = null; _local1.Ymqmokuygcnijv = null; _local1.Ymrwicnhbmmpkn = null; _local1.Ymsitojolmmkhu = null; _local1.Ymvcohzahswbvr = function () { this.Yblxmwbgoclzzu = this.Ympqheqvurriws.Yqipzpeoqwgcrb(); this.Ympqheqvurriws.Frame(); this.Yrijlwlnycaiej.Yqloszticxvcmm.swapDepths(Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Ybftdmzggyvous.Ythzjldrofyxlq.getNextHighestDepth()); this.Yrijlwlnycaiej.Yoghhnzvwgaxsw(this.Yblxmwbgoclzzu); this.Yrijlwlnycaiej.setScale(this.Yaabdzirbhtexo * 200, this.Yaabdzirbhtexo * 200); if (this.Yaabdzirbhtexo <= 0.75) { this.Yrijlwlnycaiej.Yawsnbkbcimhif(100); } else { this.Yrijlwlnycaiej.Yawsnbkbcimhif(100 - (((this.Yaabdzirbhtexo - 0.75) / 0.25) * 100)); } this.Yaabdzirbhtexo = this.Yaabdzirbhtexo + (this.Yblxmwbgoclzzu * 2); if (this.Yaabdzirbhtexo > 1) { this.Yaabdzirbhtexo = 0; this.Yrijlwlnycaiej.Ytdapcboakxwzx++; if (this.Yrijlwlnycaiej.Ytdapcboakxwzx == 3) { this.Yrijlwlnycaiej.Yaqcinvanmervl = false; } } if (this.Yrijlwlnycaiej.Yaqcinvanmervl == false) { this.Yrijlwlnycaiej.Ytrjwpflphltxu(); this.Yrijlwlnycaiej = null; Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Ybftdmzggyvous.Ythzjldrofyxlq.onEnterFrame = @closure("Yuxthgruiyaymg", this); this.Yvthbeqrpbfhio.Yqifnqbgjmopge(); } }; _local1.Ymvlnxxptmyzud = null; _local1.Ynafnezhxfslzp = function (_arg2) { this.Yblxmwbgoclzzu = this.Ympqheqvurriws.Yqipzpeoqwgcrb(); try { throw this.Ydcqldcxcecrwc; } catch(_local) { if (@instanceof( /* Error999 */ , flash.filters.DisplacementMapFilter)) { var _local4 = /* Error999 */ ; } else { var _local4 = /* Error999 */ ; throw "Class cast error"; } } var _local3 = "Ynafnezhxfslzp"; _local3.scaleX = Math.cos(this.Yeawvirznennvf) * 3; _local3.scaleY = Math.sin(this.Yeawvirznennvf) * 3; var _local4 = new Array(); _local4[0] = _local3; this.Yeawvirznennvf = this.Yeawvirznennvf + (this.Yblxmwbgoclzzu * 2.5); this.Yhapepypgszbgl.Yzlakqepdrsbqo.filters = _local4; this.Ygsocwdamjizli.Ystfodkyoquxyx(0, 0, 422 * Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Yniwqrvqchzxis, 14); if (!((Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Yniwqrvqchzxis >= 1) && (!Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Ymuxfcirmpvlsz))) { if (!((Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Yniwqrvqchzxis >= 1) && ((this.Yfknxvscjldtyc <= 0) && (Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Ymuxfcirmpvlsz)))) { if (!((Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Yniwqrvqchzxis >= 1) && (Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Ymuxfcirmpvlsz))) { this.Yfknxvscjldtyc = this.Yfknxvscjldtyc + (this.Yblxmwbgoclzzu * 100); } else { this.Yfknxvscjldtyc = this.Yfknxvscjldtyc - (this.Yblxmwbgoclzzu * 100); Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Yniwqrvqchzxis = 1; } } else { Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Yniwqrvqchzxis = 1; this.Yhapepypgszbgl.Ytrjwpflphltxu(); this.Ygsocwdamjizli.Ytrjwpflphltxu(); this.Yjaxdubyovlqqy.Ytrjwpflphltxu(); this.Ywnrtwmnbomwji.Ytrjwpflphltxu(); this.Yotvyqafuvrffe.Ytrjwpflphltxu(); Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Ywgavcsnwncxyk.unloadMovie(); Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Ywgavcsnwncxyk = null; this.Yhapepypgszbgl = null; this.Ygsocwdamjizli = null; this.Yjaxdubyovlqqy = null; this.Ywnrtwmnbomwji = null; this.Yotvyqafuvrffe = null; this.Ywcgxbsrkuhyxm(); flash.Lib._root.onEnterFrame = null; this.Yvmnjqtbldykxo(); } } else { Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Yniwqrvqchzxis = 1; this.Yotvyqafuvrffe.Ytuhhtcbgnnvjh(flash.Stage.width / 2, flash.Stage.height - 115); var _local5 = Math.abs(Math.sin(this.Yeawvirznennvf)); this.Yotvyqafuvrffe.Yawsnbkbcimhif(_local5 * 100); } Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Yuryomgazljpzv = _arg2; Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Yzmgtxjvccmtxf = Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Yuryomgazljpzv - Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Yniwqrvqchzxis; if (!Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Yoxgfvdjkccqff) { if (Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Yzmgtxjvccmtxf > 0.5) { Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Yzmgtxjvccmtxf = 0.5; } } else if (Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Yzmgtxjvccmtxf > 0.75) { Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Yzmgtxjvccmtxf = 0.75; } if ((Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Yuryomgazljpzv == 1) && (Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Yniwqrvqchzxis >= 0.9)) { Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Yzmgtxjvccmtxf = 0.1; } Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Yniwqrvqchzxis = Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Yniwqrvqchzxis + (Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Yzmgtxjvccmtxf * this.Yblxmwbgoclzzu); if (this.Yfknxvscjldtyc > 100) { this.Yfknxvscjldtyc = 100; } this.Yhapepypgszbgl.Yzlakqepdrsbqo._alpha = this.Yfknxvscjldtyc; this.Ygsocwdamjizli.Yzlakqepdrsbqo._alpha = this.Yfknxvscjldtyc; this.Yjaxdubyovlqqy.Yzlakqepdrsbqo._alpha = this.Yfknxvscjldtyc; this.Ywnrtwmnbomwji.Yzlakqepdrsbqo._alpha = this.Yfknxvscjldtyc; this.Yotvyqafuvrffe.Yzlakqepdrsbqo._alpha = this.Yfknxvscjldtyc; this.Ypfscygsgiqtjb.Yzlakqepdrsbqo._alpha = this.Yfknxvscjldtyc; this.Ympqheqvurriws.Frame(); Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Yyzsutlrijzphy = false; }; _local1.Ynfxwymokdfaze = null; _local1.Ynjepxqtrhokpa = null; _local1.Yntulvxelgxrya = function (_arg2) { var _local3 = this.Yleuogayzwyuze[_arg2].split(","); return(_local3[0]); }; _local1.Yobyyenvqtdabs = function () { this.Yufaxknpxwijmu.Ygndjyrmgvkghk(); }; _local1.Yocurkdlpfnahh = null; _local1.Yofdzumcapsrvt = null; _local1.Yokwetrtpafxkv = null; _local1.Yopbsmuoeigins = null; _local1.Yosmidrawnkgal = null; _local1.Yotakwlcxvhxhg = null; _local1.Yotdrmavfsvmqc = null; _local1.Yotvyqafuvrffe = null; _local1.Ypdxyecblkehhc = function () { var _local2 = false; this.Yblxmwbgoclzzu = this.Ympqheqvurriws.Yqipzpeoqwgcrb(); this.Ympqheqvurriws.Frame(); var _local3 = Math.floor(Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Ybftdmzggyvous.Ythzjldrofyxlq._xmouse); var _local4 = Math.floor(Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Ybftdmzggyvous.Ythzjldrofyxlq._ymouse); var _local5 = false; if (this.Yjrtrgftdslaxj(188, 440, 166, 21)) { this.Ysljrgrernvrth.Yzlakqepdrsbqo.useHandCursor = true; _local5 = true; if (Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Yyzsutlrijzphy && (!Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Ynfysnogqgoazz)) { Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Yexonmyubnrasg(Yiguatelurpkds.Yzoxxzsylbnoqm("12C61EC2E481D9C921C9D8C10DB70BC00CC40FB724B711B317B71D800DC1178113C00EB722801ABA1A91FA93F197E7A118BE13C00F78F193F797E7BF0BBB18")); } } if (!_local5) { this.Ysljrgrernvrth.Yzlakqepdrsbqo.useHandCursor = false; } if (!Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Ynfysnogqgoazz) { this.Yfflbacpogrocv = false; this.Yrxelrekzhqzif = false; this.Ysprrsibebsfag.text = ""; this.Ysprrsibebsfag._y = -100; } if ((this.Yjrtrgftdslaxj(168, 126, 239, 31) && (!this.Yfflbacpogrocv)) || (this.Yrxelrekzhqzif)) { if (Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Ynfysnogqgoazz) { if (_local3 < 168) { _local3 = 168; } if (_local3 > (168 + 239)) { _local3 = 239 + 168; } this.Ybnoycmnzhksro = (_local3 - 168) / 239; this.Yspdrsqkpgucns.Ytuhhtcbgnnvjh(Math.floor(168 + (this.Ybnoycmnzhksro * 239)), 139); this.Yprndncychdaar(); this.Yrxelrekzhqzif = true; } this.Ysprrsibebsfag._x = _local3; this.Ysprrsibebsfag._y = _local4 - 30; this.Ysprrsibebsfag.text = ("Volume: " + Math.floor(this.Ybnoycmnzhksro * 100)) + " Volume of 0 Disables"; if (this.Ybnoycmnzhksro != 0) { this.Yzihnsluevrrwd(); } else { this.Ysprrsibebsfag.text = "Disabled"; this.Ybonzyljnhmwxl(); } _local2 = true; } if ((this.Yjrtrgftdslaxj(168, 187, 239, 31) && (!this.Yrxelrekzhqzif)) || (this.Yfflbacpogrocv)) { if (Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Ynfysnogqgoazz) { if (_local3 < 168) { _local3 = 168; } if (_local3 > (168 + 239)) { _local3 = 239 + 168; } this.Ykggrirnbqtbjt = (_local3 - 168) / 239; this.Yckhiweqzwlacb.Ytuhhtcbgnnvjh(Math.floor(168 + (this.Ykggrirnbqtbjt * 239)), 200); this.Yrxxkhlesrfvfj(); this.Yfflbacpogrocv = true; } this.Ysprrsibebsfag._x = _local3; this.Ysprrsibebsfag._y = _local4 - 30; this.Ysprrsibebsfag.text = ("Volume: " + Math.floor(this.Ykggrirnbqtbjt * 100)) + " Volume of 0 Disables"; if (this.Ykggrirnbqtbjt != 0) { this.Yfadbusgyuuiuy(); if (!this.Yqpmftppxngase) { this.Yufaxknpxwijmu.Ylekeljrqvxwhv(999999); this.Yqpmftppxngase = true; } } else { this.Ysprrsibebsfag.text = "Disabled"; this.Yobyyenvqtdabs(); this.Yqpmftppxngase = false; } _local2 = true; } if (this.Yjrtrgftdslaxj(158, 251, 71, 21)) { if (Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Yyzsutlrijzphy) { flash.Lib._root._quality = "low"; } _local2 = true; } if (this.Yjrtrgftdslaxj(254, 251, 71, 21)) { if (Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Yyzsutlrijzphy) { flash.Lib._root._quality = "medium"; } _local2 = true; } if (this.Yjrtrgftdslaxj(349, 251, 71, 21)) { if (Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Yyzsutlrijzphy) { flash.Lib._root._quality = "high"; } _local2 = true; } this.Ydukexhhkhhhkg(); if (this.Yjrtrgftdslaxj(145, 286, 82, 34)) { _local2 = true; if (Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Yyzsutlrijzphy) { this.Yyqxmipapcgotz(); } } if (this.Yjrtrgftdslaxj(247, 286, 82, 34)) { if (Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Yyzsutlrijzphy) { var _local6 = [97, 0, 1, 11, 22, 98, 12, 1, 24, 22, 99, 26, 1, 37, 22, 100, 40, 1, 52, 22, 101, 53, 1, 64, 22, 102, 66, 1, 76, 22, 103, 78, 1, 90, 22, 104, 92, 1, 104, 22, 105, 106, 1, 113, 22, 106, 115, 1, 124, 22, 107, 127, 1, 139, 22, 108, 140, 1, 150, 22, 109, 152, 1, 167, 22, 110, 168, 1, 181, 22, 111, 183, 1, 195, 22, 112, 197, 1, 208, 22, 113, 210, 1, 223, 22, 114, 224, 1, 237, 22, 115, 238, 1, 249, 22, 116, 250, 1, 262, 22, 117, 263, 1, 275, 22, 118, 277, 1, 290, 22, 119, 291, 1, 306, 22, 120, 307, 1, 321, 22, 121, 322, 1, 335, 22, 122, 336, 1, 348, 22, 49, 349, 1, 358, 22, 50, 360, 1, 372, 22, 51, 374, 1, 386, 22, 52, 388, 1, 400, 22, 53, 402, 1, 413, 22, 54, 415, 1, 426, 22, 55, 428, 1, 440, 22, 56, 442, 1, 454, 22, 57, 455, 1, 466, 22, 48, 469, 1, 481, 22]; if (this.Yuruqwqmgnkebd != null) { this.Yuruqwqmgnkebd.Ytrjwpflphltxu(); } this.Yuruqwqmgnkebd = null; this.Yuruqwqmgnkebd = new Yntciewbscfyld("key_panel", 0, 0, true, false); this.Yuruqwqmgnkebd.Ytuhhtcbgnnvjh(flash.Stage.width / 2, 378 / 2); this.Yuruqwqmgnkebd.Yzlakqepdrsbqo.onPress = function () { }; if (this.Ytlwtqpmdrmrfy != null) { this.Ytlwtqpmdrmrfy.Ytrjwpflphltxu(); } this.Ytlwtqpmdrmrfy = null; this.Ytlwtqpmdrmrfy = new Ydmrhjyhrmnykv(_local6, -1); this.Ytlwtqpmdrmrfy.Yjffzicrvdovvs(0); this.Ytlwtqpmdrmrfy.Yhwxkmoknsvlwt(300); this.Ydraimrbzrnbxb(); this.Ytlwtqpmdrmrfy.SetPos(290, 94); this.Ytnhpxismdeewc(); Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Ybftdmzggyvous.Ythzjldrofyxlq.onEnterFrame = @closure("Yrhnkmxxexywdr", this); } _local2 = true; } if (this.Yjrtrgftdslaxj(348, 286, 82, 34)) { _local2 = true; if (Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Yyzsutlrijzphy) { this.Ydarpuurjzhyji(); Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Ybftdmzggyvous.Ythzjldrofyxlq.onEnterFrame = @closure("Yuxthgruiyaymg", this); if (this.Yvthbeqrpbfhio.Ylyvktqlvvpbms() > 0) { this.Yvthbeqrpbfhio.Yqifnqbgjmopge(); } if (Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Yjiihpzuwwjqoe) { this.Yvfxdrvivjgfiw.Yqifnqbgjmopge(); } } } this.Yktrdfspgwmgps.Yzlakqepdrsbqo.useHandCursor = _local2; Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Yyzsutlrijzphy = false; }; _local1.Ypfscygsgiqtjb = null; _local1.Yprndncychdaar = function () { this.Yxdomjjryjixze.Yyhxokxpclnpok(this.Ybnoycmnzhksro); this.Yxbdborxcghekg.Yyhxokxpclnpok(this.Ybnoycmnzhksro); this.Yysosuqpgcqsau.Yyhxokxpclnpok(this.Ybnoycmnzhksro); this.Yawdvjtpvffyjt.Yyhxokxpclnpok(this.Ybnoycmnzhksro); this.Ypwbavehnmvvka.Yyhxokxpclnpok(this.Ybnoycmnzhksro); this.Yyyspdmrmvcnqj.Yyhxokxpclnpok(this.Ybnoycmnzhksro); this.Yocurkdlpfnahh.Yyhxokxpclnpok(this.Ybnoycmnzhksro); this.Yuhwkjbvydrazj.Yyhxokxpclnpok(this.Ybnoycmnzhksro); }; _local1.Ypuvvwlifckxmz = null; _local1.Ypwbavehnmvvka = null; _local1.Ypxsigbsraexsi = null; _local1.Yqpmftppxngase = null; _local1.Yqsamrpcgeckxv = null; _local1.Yrabhjvxnxvzkq = null; _local1.Yrbewojgxywwlw = null; _local1.Yretadlammiyhy = function () { Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Ycciiydxamfztf = 38; Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Yndgslqnuvndzq = 40; Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Yjetyjqplzvpcs = 37; Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Yqgriapthtnigr = 39; Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Yxkulnijhdrthk = 32; Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Yxgevidbqlgsbs = 90; }; _local1.Yrhnkmxxexywdr = function () { this.Yblxmwbgoclzzu = this.Ympqheqvurriws.Yqipzpeoqwgcrb(); this.Ympqheqvurriws.Frame(); var _local2 = false; if (!this.Yvhyfbekznagol()) { if (!this.Yjrtrgftdslaxj(134, 90, 306, 23)) { if (!this.Yjrtrgftdslaxj(134, 116, 306, 23)) { if (!this.Yjrtrgftdslaxj(141, 142, 306, 22)) { if (!this.Yjrtrgftdslaxj(134, 165, 306, 20)) { if (!this.Yjrtrgftdslaxj(134, 189, 306, 20)) { if (this.Yjrtrgftdslaxj(134, 212, 306, 22)) { if (Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Yyzsutlrijzphy) { Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Yxkulnijhdrthk = -1; this.Ydraimrbzrnbxb(); } _local2 = true; } } else { if (Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Yyzsutlrijzphy) { Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Yxgevidbqlgsbs = -1; this.Ydraimrbzrnbxb(); } _local2 = true; } } else { if (Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Yyzsutlrijzphy) { Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Yjetyjqplzvpcs = -1; this.Ydraimrbzrnbxb(); } _local2 = true; } } else { if (Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Yyzsutlrijzphy) { Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Yqgriapthtnigr = -1; this.Ydraimrbzrnbxb(); } _local2 = true; } } else { if (Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Yyzsutlrijzphy) { Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Yndgslqnuvndzq = -1; this.Ydraimrbzrnbxb(); } _local2 = true; } } else { if (Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Yyzsutlrijzphy) { Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Ycciiydxamfztf = -1; this.Ydraimrbzrnbxb(); } _local2 = true; } } else { var _local3 = Std.ord("a"); var _local4 = Std.ord("z"); while (_local3 < _local4) { var _local5 = _local3; _local3++; if (flash.Key.isDown(_local5)) { this.Yzscksocimmqys(_local5); } } _local3 = Std.ord("Ygqzrexhpmuhvl"); _local4 = Std.ord("Z"); while (_local3 < _local4) { var _local5 = _local3; _local3++; if (flash.Key.isDown(_local5)) { this.Yzscksocimmqys(_local5); } } if (flash.Key.isDown(flash.Key.ALT)) { this.Yzscksocimmqys(flash.Key.ALT); } if (flash.Key.isDown(flash.Key.ENTER)) { this.Yzscksocimmqys(flash.Key.ENTER); } if (flash.Key.isDown(flash.Key.SPACE)) { this.Yzscksocimmqys(flash.Key.SPACE); } if (flash.Key.isDown(flash.Key.UP)) { this.Yzscksocimmqys(flash.Key.UP); } if (flash.Key.isDown(flash.Key.DOWN)) { this.Yzscksocimmqys(flash.Key.DOWN); } if (flash.Key.isDown(flash.Key.LEFT)) { this.Yzscksocimmqys(flash.Key.LEFT); } if (flash.Key.isDown(flash.Key.RIGHT)) { this.Yzscksocimmqys(flash.Key.RIGHT); } if (flash.Key.isDown(flash.Key.PGUP)) { this.Yzscksocimmqys(flash.Key.PGUP); } if (flash.Key.isDown(flash.Key.PGDN)) { this.Yzscksocimmqys(flash.Key.PGDN); } if (flash.Key.isDown(flash.Key.HOME)) { this.Yzscksocimmqys(flash.Key.HOME); } if (flash.Key.isDown(flash.Key.END)) { this.Yzscksocimmqys(flash.Key.END); } if (flash.Key.isDown(flash.Key.TAB)) { this.Yzscksocimmqys(flash.Key.TAB); } if (flash.Key.isDown(flash.Key.CONTROL)) { this.Yzscksocimmqys(flash.Key.CONTROL); } if (flash.Key.isDown(flash.Key.ESCAPE)) { this.Yzscksocimmqys(flash.Key.ESCAPE); } if (flash.Key.isDown(flash.Key.INSERT)) { this.Yzscksocimmqys(flash.Key.INSERT); } if (flash.Key.isDown(flash.Key.DELETEKEY)) { this.Yzscksocimmqys(flash.Key.DELETEKEY); } if (flash.Key.isDown(flash.Key.CAPSLOCK)) { this.Yzscksocimmqys(flash.Key.CAPSLOCK); } } if (!this.Yjrtrgftdslaxj(146, 286, 82, 34)) { if (!this.Yjrtrgftdslaxj(247, 286, 82, 34)) { if (this.Yjrtrgftdslaxj(348, 286, 82, 34)) { if (Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Yyzsutlrijzphy) { this.Yxkzhmepvwepnm(); if (this.Yuruqwqmgnkebd != null) { this.Yuruqwqmgnkebd.Ytrjwpflphltxu(); } this.Yuruqwqmgnkebd = null; if (this.Ytlwtqpmdrmrfy != null) { this.Ytlwtqpmdrmrfy.Ytrjwpflphltxu(); } this.Ytlwtqpmdrmrfy = null; Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Ybftdmzggyvous.Ythzjldrofyxlq.onEnterFrame = @closure("Ypdxyecblkehhc", this); } _local2 = true; } } else { if (Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Yyzsutlrijzphy) { this.Ysccqoftnwrtpy(); if (this.Yuruqwqmgnkebd != null) { this.Yuruqwqmgnkebd.Ytrjwpflphltxu(); } this.Yuruqwqmgnkebd = null; if (this.Ytlwtqpmdrmrfy != null) { this.Ytlwtqpmdrmrfy.Ytrjwpflphltxu(); } this.Ytlwtqpmdrmrfy = null; Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Ybftdmzggyvous.Ythzjldrofyxlq.onEnterFrame = @closure("Ypdxyecblkehhc", this); } _local2 = true; } } else { if (Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Yyzsutlrijzphy) { this.Yretadlammiyhy(); this.Ydraimrbzrnbxb(); } _local2 = true; } this.Yuruqwqmgnkebd.Yzlakqepdrsbqo.useHandCursor = _local2; Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Yyzsutlrijzphy = false; }; _local1.Yrijlwlnycaiej = null; _local1.Yrkwpqrvdhzjbc = function () { var _local2 = this.Yvthbeqrpbfhio.Ygmadqjoovgcdy() == false; if (!Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Yjiihpzuwwjqoe) { this.Yvthbeqrpbfhio.Ymbhwkfjrwkfza(this.Yblxmwbgoclzzu); } if (this.Ybvhmiklkccxhj && (this.Yvthbeqrpbfhio.Ylyvktqlvvpbms() > 0)) { if (Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Yjbpotowroiqdj != 1) { this.Yvthbeqrpbfhio.Ytcrxusadturay((((100 - (this.Yvthbeqrpbfhio.Ylyvktqlvvpbms() - 5)) / 100) * 30) * this.Yblxmwbgoclzzu); } else { this.Yvthbeqrpbfhio.Ytcrxusadturay((((100 - (this.Yvthbeqrpbfhio.Ylyvktqlvvpbms() - 5)) / 100) * 31) * this.Yblxmwbgoclzzu); } var _local3 = Math.floor((this.Yvthbeqrpbfhio.Ylyvktqlvvpbms() / 100) * 168); this.Yuqgtrmcbrebhh.Ystfodkyoquxyx(0, 0, _local3, 28); if (this.Yvthbeqrpbfhio.Ylyvktqlvvpbms() <= 0) { this.Yuhwkjbvydrazj.Ybezmdmhgoaivw(0); this.Yeuizrtbjkockr(this.Ymvlnxxptmyzud, this.Yotdrmavfsvmqc); this.Yvthbeqrpbfhio.Ytkcziucfzhldw(); this.Yseiltdnalxzfa = true; this.Yrabhjvxnxvzkq = 2; } } if (_local2) { if (this.Yvthbeqrpbfhio.Ygmadqjoovgcdy()) { this.Yxdomjjryjixze.Ylekeljrqvxwhv(99999); } } if (!this.Yvthbeqrpbfhio.Ygmadqjoovgcdy()) { this.Yxdomjjryjixze.Ymucvzjerlfbdx(); } else { var _local3 = (this.Yvthbeqrpbfhio.Ylldcqpajrqxrj() * this.Ybnoycmnzhksro) * 0.3; this.Yxdomjjryjixze.Yyhxokxpclnpok(_local3); } var _local3 = Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Ynaefaxvczkiyv(); if ((flash.Key.isDown(_local3) == false) && (this.Yxrcmjozpbysqf)) { this.Yxrcmjozpbysqf = false; } if (flash.Key.isDown(_local3) && (this.Yvthbeqrpbfhio.Ygyccsawufvaef() && (!this.Yxrcmjozpbysqf))) { if (this.Ykbslyknezwvgl) { var _local4 = this.Yighgrrqufkuhz.iterator(); while (_local4.hasNext()) { var _local5 =; if (_local5.Yaqcinvanmervl) { if (_local5.Yhmtlqtmvyztql) { _local5.Ylzsklhevzvozk(_local5.Yfmmksqgdeehxj, _local5.Yuloxhisccxjzd, 200, this.Yvthbeqrpbfhio.Yjusmmlzbaohdf, 1, 0); _local5.Yidvaeoxihwukf = true; _local5.Yhmtlqtmvyztql = false; this.Yvthbeqrpbfhio.Yofcwzbujelavp(); this.Yvthbeqrpbfhio.Yjgqptwveefbzq = false; this.Yvthbeqrpbfhio.Yfkpmmgsvzzatd(0); this.Yxrcmjozpbysqf = true; _local5.Ypfwvalhojvqcm = true; } } } } else { this.Yawdvjtpvffyjt.Ybezmdmhgoaivw(0); var _local4 = 0; var _local5 = 2; while (_local4 < _local5) { var _local6 = _local4; _local4++; var _local7 = new Ysxemcmrpvtuyp("player_bullet", true, OBJECT_ID.PLAYER_BULLET, 4); _local7.Yhhgzfwafsplxm(0, 1, Math.floor(_local7.Yotxyrueyrgtkm()), Math.floor(_local7.Yemmhmelhytlpc()), 1, -1); var _local8 = (Math.cos(this.Yvthbeqrpbfhio.Yjusmmlzbaohdf) * 9) - (Math.sin(this.Yvthbeqrpbfhio.Yjusmmlzbaohdf) * ((_local6 * 20) - 10)); var _local9 = (Math.sin(this.Yvthbeqrpbfhio.Yjusmmlzbaohdf) * 9) + (Math.cos(this.Yvthbeqrpbfhio.Yjusmmlzbaohdf) * ((_local6 * 20) - 10)); _local7.Ylzsklhevzvozk(this.Ymvlnxxptmyzud + _local8, this.Yotdrmavfsvmqc + _local9, 700, this.Yvthbeqrpbfhio.Yjusmmlzbaohdf, 1, 0); _local7.Yidvaeoxihwukf = true; this.Yighgrrqufkuhz.add(_local7); this.Yvthbeqrpbfhio.Ynouptawrwclty(1); } _local4 = Math.floor(this.Yvthbeqrpbfhio.Ymbupmktwrlwcg() * 168); this.Yghydmvgaxhiwv.Ystfodkyoquxyx(0, 0, _local4, 28); } } this.Ykbslyknezwvgl = false; if (!this.Yvthbeqrpbfhio.Ycwzmjjhryzypx()) { if (this.Yrtxedgklzlany) { this.Yrtxedgklzlany = false; this.Yxbdborxcghekg.Ymucvzjerlfbdx(); var _local4 = this.Yighgrrqufkuhz.iterator(); while (_local4.hasNext()) { var _local5 =; _local5.Yhmtlqtmvyztql = false; _local5.Ygcurclmljiipb = 0; } } } else { if (!this.Yrtxedgklzlany) { this.Yxbdborxcghekg.Ylekeljrqvxwhv(9999); } this.Yrtxedgklzlany = true; var _local4 = false; var _local5 = this.Yighgrrqufkuhz.iterator(); while (_local5.hasNext()) { var _local6 =; if (_local6.Yhmtlqtmvyztql) { _local4 = true; } _local6.Yhmtlqtmvyztql = false; if (_local6.Yaqcinvanmervl == false) { continue; } if (this.Ykbslyknezwvgl != false) { _local6.Yhmtlqtmvyztql = false; } else { this.Yvthbeqrpbfhio.Ylerjmgmbwizdn(_local6, _local4); if (_local6.Yhmtlqtmvyztql) { this.Ykbslyknezwvgl = true; _local6.Ygcurclmljiipb = _local6.Ygcurclmljiipb + this.Yblxmwbgoclzzu; if ((_local6.Yjpdcegoprcnvy() == OBJECT_ID.SPACE_MAN) && (_local6.Ygcurclmljiipb >= 1)) { this.Yofdzumcapsrvt = 0; this.Yylpixgnkrpyte--; if (!Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Yqyzfwuslmfpmw) { this.Yfxqoknhhcspxf(-1); } if (this.Yylpixgnkrpyte <= 0) { this.Yrabhjvxnxvzkq = 1; } this.Yyyspdmrmvcnqj.Ybezmdmhgoaivw(0); _local6.Ytrjwpflphltxu(); this.Yighgrrqufkuhz.remove(_local6); _local6 = null; } } } } } if (this.Ylmpytfwfiiumn) { if (this.Ynfxwymokdfaze.length <= 1) { var _local4 = 0; var _local5 = 2; while (_local4 < _local5) { var _local6 = _local4; _local4++; var _local7 = (Math.random() * Math.PI) * 2; var _local8 = Math.cos(_local7) * 3000; var _local9 = Math.sin(_local7) * 3000; this.Yckaumxfoifuie(OBJECT_ID.ENEMY_SHIP1, _local8, _local9, ENEMY_AI.SCOUT, _local8, _local9, 500, 500); } } if (this.Yzzjbfkmuusoju < 25) { var _local4 = 0; var _local5 = 5; while (_local4 < _local5) { var _local6 = _local4; _local4++; var _local7 = (Math.random() * Math.PI) * 2; var _local8 = (Math.cos(_local7) * 2500) + this.Ymvlnxxptmyzud; var _local9 = (Math.sin(_local7) * 2500) + this.Yotdrmavfsvmqc; this.Ywmfvqvukmxxia("asteroid1", OBJECT_ID.ASTEROID_LARGE, _local8, _local9, Math.random() * 6.28, (Math.random() * 50) + 5, 1, (Math.random() * (-3)) + 1.5); _local7 = (Math.random() * Math.PI) * 2; _local8 = (Math.cos(_local7) * 2500) + this.Ymvlnxxptmyzud; _local9 = (Math.sin(_local7) * 2500) + this.Yotdrmavfsvmqc; this.Ywmfvqvukmxxia("asteroid2", OBJECT_ID.ASTEROID_SMALL, _local8, _local9, Math.random() * 6.28, (Math.random() * 50) + 5, 1, (Math.random() * (-3)) + 1.5); this.Yzzjbfkmuusoju = this.Yzzjbfkmuusoju + 2; } } } var _local4 = this.Ynfxwymokdfaze.iterator(); while (_local4.hasNext()) { var _local5 =; _local5.Ydoxfzgtgmqwxi(this.Ymvlnxxptmyzud, this.Yotdrmavfsvmqc); _local5.Ymbhwkfjrwkfza(this.Yblxmwbgoclzzu); if (!(this.Yebqrxhnzxeqev && (this.Ylmpytfwfiiumn))) { if ((this.Yebqrxhnzxeqev == false) && (this.Ylmpytfwfiiumn)) { this.Ycpcwxpyuzkvbi.Hide(); } } else { var _local6 = Math.atan2(_local5.Yuloxhisccxjzd - this.Yotdrmavfsvmqc, _local5.Yfmmksqgdeehxj - this.Ymvlnxxptmyzud); this.Ycpcwxpyuzkvbi.Yfrekfgsjcbmui(_local6); this.Ycpcwxpyuzkvbi.Ytuhhtcbgnnvjh((flash.Stage.width / 2) + (Math.cos(_local6) * 100), (380 / 2) + (Math.sin(_local6) * 100)); this.Ycpcwxpyuzkvbi.Yqifnqbgjmopge(); } if (_local5.Ygyccsawufvaef() && (!this.Yseiltdnalxzfa)) { var _local6 = new Ysxemcmrpvtuyp("player_bullet", true, OBJECT_ID.ENEMY_BULLET, 4); _local6.Yhhgzfwafsplxm(0, 1, Math.floor(_local6.Yotxyrueyrgtkm()), Math.floor(_local6.Yemmhmelhytlpc()), 1, -1); _local6.Ylzsklhevzvozk(_local5.Yfmmksqgdeehxj + (Math.cos(_local5.Yjusmmlzbaohdf) * 30), _local5.Yuloxhisccxjzd + (Math.sin(_local5.Yjusmmlzbaohdf) * 30), 600, _local5.Yjusmmlzbaohdf, 1, 0); _local6.Yidvaeoxihwukf = true; this.Yighgrrqufkuhz.add(_local6); _local5.Ylhucmwrmoksje = 0.3; if (_local5.Ynweizvcbbbrhd == OBJECT_ID.ENEMY_DRONE) { _local5.Ylhucmwrmoksje = 1; } if (!Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Yjiihpzuwwjqoe) { this.Yawdvjtpvffyjt.Ybezmdmhgoaivw(0); } _local5.Ynouptawrwclty(1); } } if (this.Ylmpytfwfiiumn) { if (this.Yzjhhnibeaefae() != false) { this.Yebqrxhnzxeqev = false; } else { this.Yebqrxhnzxeqev = true; } } }; _local1.Yrnauxdxpqbrqu = null; _local1.Yrtbughlqzdunn = null; _local1.Yrtxedgklzlany = null; _local1.Yrwzfgdipgwqgj = null; _local1.Yrxelrekzhqzif = null; _local1.Yrxxkhlesrfvfj = function () { this.Yufaxknpxwijmu.Yyhxokxpclnpok(this.Ykggrirnbqtbjt); }; _local1.Ysccqoftnwrtpy = function () { if (Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Ycciiydxamfztf == -1) { Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Ycciiydxamfztf = Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Ynhkhcxhbyxgox; } if (Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Yndgslqnuvndzq == -1) { Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Yndgslqnuvndzq = Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Yciyjqzmdnfcqe; } if (Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Yjetyjqplzvpcs == -1) { Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Yjetyjqplzvpcs = Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Ybishmzhteaggj; } if (Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Yqgriapthtnigr == -1) { Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Yqgriapthtnigr = Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Yxujshnjmtnboo; } if (Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Yxkulnijhdrthk == -1) { Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Yxkulnijhdrthk = Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Yurwliyakusdzs; } if (Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Yxgevidbqlgsbs == -1) { Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Yxgevidbqlgsbs = Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Ywonyfxxswerui; } }; _local1.Yseiltdnalxzfa = null; _local1.Ysgupfcztsdamr = null; _local1.Ysljrgrernvrth = null; _local1.Ysobmlboqqqobo = null; _local1.Yspdrsqkpgucns = null; _local1.Ysprrsibebsfag = null; _local1.Ysvjoqxrzfgrib = function () { this.Yblxmwbgoclzzu = this.Ympqheqvurriws.Yqipzpeoqwgcrb(); this.Ympqheqvurriws.Frame(); var _local2 = false; var _local3 = false; if (this.Yjrtrgftdslaxj(212, 166, 153, 17) && (!Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Yoxgfvdjkccqff)) { if (Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Yyzsutlrijzphy) { } _local3 = true; Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Yyzsutlrijzphy = false; } this.Yuruqwqmgnkebd.Yzlakqepdrsbqo.useHandCursor = _local3; if (!(this.Yyaahgiditfoii && (Ycrvgcenyrujss.Yhzwtqrrcfpczo()))) { if (!(this.Yyaahgiditfoii && (!Ycrvgcenyrujss.Yhzwtqrrcfpczo()))) { if ((!this.Yyaahgiditfoii) && (!Ycrvgcenyrujss.Yhzwtqrrcfpczo())) { if (Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Ymoomfrjirqkfv != 5) { if (Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Ymoomfrjirqkfv != 6) { if (Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Ymoomfrjirqkfv == 7) { this.Ysgupfcztsdamr++; if (this.Ysgupfcztsdamr > this.Yerssckxauwild) { this.Ysgupfcztsdamr = this.Yerssckxauwild; } _local2 = true; Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Ymoomfrjirqkfv = 0; } } else { this.Ysgupfcztsdamr--; if (this.Ysgupfcztsdamr < 0) { this.Ysgupfcztsdamr = 0; } _local2 = true; Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Ymoomfrjirqkfv = 0; } } else { if (!Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Yjiihpzuwwjqoe) { this.Yvthbeqrpbfhio.Yqifnqbgjmopge(); } else if (this.Yvfxdrvivjgfiw != null) { this.Yvfxdrvivjgfiw.Yqifnqbgjmopge(); } this.Ylshsinroboaxr(); Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Ymoomfrjirqkfv = 0; } } } else { this.Yyaahgiditfoii = false; this.Yzvsnfltbzrugv.text = ""; this.Ywsnpdaratkyjd.text = ""; this.Ymqmokuygcnijv.text = ""; this.Ypuvvwlifckxmz.text = ""; var _local4 = Ycrvgcenyrujss.Ypjipasgmzysqh(); this.Yerssckxauwild = Math.floor(_local4 / 10); if ((_local4 - (this.Yerssckxauwild * 10)) == 0) { this.Yerssckxauwild--; } if (_local4 > 10) { _local4 = 10; } var _local5 = 0; var _local6 = _local4; while (_local5 < _local6) { var _local7 = _local5; _local5++; this.Ywsnpdaratkyjd.text = this.Ywsnpdaratkyjd.text + (("" + (_local7 + 1)) + newline); this.Ymqmokuygcnijv.text = this.Ymqmokuygcnijv.text + (Ycrvgcenyrujss.Yatmomtufeyizo(_local7) + newline); this.Ypuvvwlifckxmz.text = this.Ypuvvwlifckxmz.text + this.Yzuharbemqxwjy(Std.parseInt(Ycrvgcenyrujss.Yyznjosjuupylj(_local7))); this.Ypuvvwlifckxmz.text = this.Ypuvvwlifckxmz.text + newline; } if (!this.Yrwzfgdipgwqgj) { _local5 = Ycrvgcenyrujss.Ykxphvpbwsmbmb(Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Yduvazcaslivsv.text, "" + this.Ycnnoadoickymk); if (_local5 != -1) { this.Ysgupfcztsdamr = Math.floor(_local5 / 10); this.Yhqxsrjzmjdfca = _local5 - (this.Ysgupfcztsdamr * 10); this.Ylqmokypgfvtfr.Ytuhhtcbgnnvjh(127, 110 + (15 * this.Yhqxsrjzmjdfca)); this.Ylkimizprrczqz = this.Ysgupfcztsdamr; _local2 = true; } } } } else { this.Yuazbvfilxrhfs = this.Yuazbvfilxrhfs + this.Yblxmwbgoclzzu; if (this.Yuazbvfilxrhfs > 0.4) { this.Yuazbvfilxrhfs = 0; } if (this.Yuazbvfilxrhfs >= 0.2) { this.Yzvsnfltbzrugv.text = ""; } else { this.Yzvsnfltbzrugv.text = "Retrieving Scores..."; } if (Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Ymoomfrjirqkfv == 5) { Ycrvgcenyrujss.Yovathocnlxphm(); if (!Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Yjiihpzuwwjqoe) { this.Yvthbeqrpbfhio.Yqifnqbgjmopge(); } else if (this.Yvfxdrvivjgfiw != null) { this.Yvfxdrvivjgfiw.Yqifnqbgjmopge(); } this.Ylshsinroboaxr(); Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Ymoomfrjirqkfv = 0; } } if (_local2) { var _local4 = Ycrvgcenyrujss.Ypjipasgmzysqh() - (this.Ysgupfcztsdamr * 10); if (_local4 > 10) { _local4 = 10; } var _local5 = this.Ysgupfcztsdamr * 10; var _local6 = _local5 + _local4; this.Ywsnpdaratkyjd.text = ""; this.Ymqmokuygcnijv.text = ""; this.Ypuvvwlifckxmz.text = ""; var _local7 = _local5; var _local8 = _local6; while (_local7 < _local8) { var _local9 = _local7; _local7++; this.Ywsnpdaratkyjd.text = this.Ywsnpdaratkyjd.text + (("" + (_local9 + 1)) + newline); this.Ymqmokuygcnijv.text = this.Ymqmokuygcnijv.text + (Ycrvgcenyrujss.Yatmomtufeyizo(_local9) + newline); this.Ypuvvwlifckxmz.text = this.Ypuvvwlifckxmz.text + this.Yzuharbemqxwjy(Std.parseInt(Ycrvgcenyrujss.Yyznjosjuupylj(_local9))); this.Ypuvvwlifckxmz.text = this.Ypuvvwlifckxmz.text + newline; } if (!((!this.Yrwzfgdipgwqgj) && (this.Ylkimizprrczqz == this.Ysgupfcztsdamr))) { this.Ylqmokypgfvtfr.Ytuhhtcbgnnvjh(-100, -100); } else { this.Ylqmokypgfvtfr.Ytuhhtcbgnnvjh(127, 110 + (15 * this.Yhqxsrjzmjdfca)); } } Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Yyzsutlrijzphy = false; }; _local1.Ysxtmedwhfsorz = null; _local1.Ytefqifmyklzyu = function (_arg2) { var _local3 = 0; var _local4 = this.Yleuogayzwyuze.length; while (_local3 < _local4) { var _local5 = _local3; _local3++; var _local6 = this.Yleuogayzwyuze[_local5].split(","); if (_local6[1] == _arg2.toLowerCase()) { return(_local5); } } return(-1); }; _local1.Ytibvdldlhoqmx = null; _local1.Ytlwtqpmdrmrfy = null; _local1.Ytnhpxismdeewc = function () { Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Ynhkhcxhbyxgox = Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Ycciiydxamfztf; Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Yciyjqzmdnfcqe = Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Yndgslqnuvndzq; Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Ybishmzhteaggj = Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Yjetyjqplzvpcs; Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Yxujshnjmtnboo = Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Yqgriapthtnigr; Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Yurwliyakusdzs = Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Yxkulnijhdrthk; Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Ywonyfxxswerui = Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Yxgevidbqlgsbs; }; _local1.Yuazbvfilxrhfs = null; _local1.Yuctbkvmfocobg = function (_arg2) { var _local3 = new Ygrdueebqcpcdg(); var _local4 = Math.floor(Math.round(Math.random() * 4)); while (_local4 == _arg2) { _local4 = Math.floor(Math.round(Math.random() * 4)); } var _local5 = _local4; if (_local5 != 0) { if (_local5 != 1) { if (_local5 != 2) { if (_local5 != 3) { // unexpected jump _local3.Yvdyiqlhkesvah = -5; _local3.Ycihrngtrbqiak = Math.random() * flash.Stage.height; // unexpected jump _local3.Yvdyiqlhkesvah = flash.Stage.width + 5; _local3.Ycihrngtrbqiak = Math.random() * flash.Stage.height; // unexpected jump _local3.Yvdyiqlhkesvah = Math.random() * flash.Stage.width; _local3.Ycihrngtrbqiak = -5; // unexpected jump } } } } else { _local3.Yvdyiqlhkesvah = -5; _local3.Ycihrngtrbqiak = Math.random() * flash.Stage.height; // unexpected jump _local3.Yvdyiqlhkesvah = flash.Stage.width + 5; _local3.Ycihrngtrbqiak = Math.random() * flash.Stage.height; // unexpected jump _local3.Yvdyiqlhkesvah = Math.random() * flash.Stage.width; _local3.Ycihrngtrbqiak = -5; // unexpected jump _local3.Yvdyiqlhkesvah = Math.random() * flash.Stage.width; _local3.Ycihrngtrbqiak = flash.Stage.height + 5; } return(_local3); }; _local1.Yufaxknpxwijmu = null; _local1.Yuhwkjbvydrazj = null; _local1.Yuictfbgyfmurm = function (_arg2) { var _local3 = [65, 0, 1, 12, 16, 66, 17, 1, 28, 16, 67, 33, 1, 45, 16, 68, 49, 1, 61, 16, 69, 65, 1, 77, 16, 70, 81, 1, 92, 16, 71, 96, 1, 108, 16, 72, 112, 1, 126, 16, 73, 129, 1, 135, 16, 74, 138, 1, 148, 16, 75, 151, 1, 163, 16, 76, 166, 1, 176, 16, 77, 180, 1, 195, 16, 78, 198, 1, 211, 16, 79, 215, 1, 228, 16, 80, 232, 1, 244, 16, 81, 248, 1, 260, 16, 82, 264, 1, 277, 16, 83, 281, 1, 292, 16, 84, 297, 1, 309, 16, 85, 311, 1, 324, 16, 86, 329, 1, 340, 16, 87, 344, 1, 361, 16, 88, 362, 1, 375, 16, 89, 379, 1, 391, 16, 90, 393, 1, 405, 16, 97, 408, 1, 417, 16, 98, 421, 1, 431, 16, 99, 435, 1, 445, 16, 100, 448, 1, 459, 16, 101, 462, 1, 471, 16, 102, 476, 1, 483, 16, 103, 485, 1, 495, 16, 104, 498, 1, 508, 16, 105, 512, 1, 518, 16, 106, 519, 1, 526, 16, 107, 529, 1, 539, 16, 108, 541, 1, 547, 16, 109, 550, 1, 564, 16, 110, 568, 1, 578, 16, 111, 582, 1, 592, 16, 112, 595, 1, 605, 16, 113, 609, 1, 619, 16, 114, 623, 1, 631, 16, 115, 633, 1, 642, 16, 116, 646, 1, 652, 16, 117, 655, 1, 665, 16, 118, 669, 1, 679, 16, 119, 682, 1, 695, 16, 120, 697, 1, 707, 16, 121, 710, 1, 721, 16, 122, 723, 1, 732, 16, 49, 738, 1, 745, 16, 50, 750, 1, 760, 16, 51, 764, 1, 774, 16, 52, 778, 1, 788, 16, 53, 791, 1, 801, 16, 54, 805, 1, 815, 16, 55, 820, 1, 829, 16, 56, 833, 1, 842, 16, 57, 846, 1, 856, 16, 48, 860, 1, 870, 16, 46, 874, 1, 877, 16, 44, 882, 1, 886, 16, 33, 892, 1, 897, 16, 39, 902, 1, 906, 16]; var _local4 = [65, 0, 1, 8, 11, 66, 9, 1, 15, 11, 67, 17, 1, 24, 11, 68, 26, 1, 33, 11, 69, 34, 1, 40, 11, 70, 42, 1, 49, 11, 71, 51, 1, 58, 11, 72, 59, 1, 66, 11, 73, 68, 1, 74, 11, 74, 76, 1, 83, 11, 75, 84, 1, 91, 11, 76, 93, 1, 99, 11, 77, 101, 1, 108, 11, 78, 109, 1, 117, 11, 79, 118, 1, 125, 11, 80, 126, 1, 134, 11, 81, 135, 1, 142, 11, 82, 143, 1, 150, 11, 83, 151, 1, 159, 11, 84, 161, 1, 166, 11, 85, 168, 1, 176, 11, 86, 177, 1, 183, 11, 87, 185, 1, 192, 11, 88, 194, 1, 200, 11, 89, 202, 1, 208, 11, 90, 211, 1, 216, 11]; Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Ybftdmzggyvous.Ythzjldrofyxlq.onEnterFrame = @closure("Ykxrdcvnvyzpml", this); this.Yawdvjtpvffyjt.Ytldrythhpbbgk(); this.Yxdomjjryjixze.Ytldrythhpbbgk(); this.Ynjepxqtrhokpa = -1; this.Yhnumnewzgelro = 0; this.Yisrmmkkrsbnmz = -1; this.Ysobmlboqqqobo = ""; if (this.Yvfxdrvivjgfiw != null) { this.Yvfxdrvivjgfiw.Hide(); } this.Yvthbeqrpbfhio.Hide(); if (this.Yeoqwbiynnffzx != null) { this.Yeoqwbiynnffzx.Ytrjwpflphltxu(); } this.Yeoqwbiynnffzx = null; this.Yeoqwbiynnffzx = new Yntciewbscfyld("comm_panel", 0, 0, false, false); this.Yeoqwbiynnffzx.Ytuhhtcbgnnvjh(129, 25); this.Yeoqwbiynnffzx.Yzlakqepdrsbqo.onPress = function () { }; this.Yeoqwbiynnffzx.Yqloszticxvcmm.swapDepths(Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Ybftdmzggyvous.Ythzjldrofyxlq.getNextHighestDepth()); if (this.Yiuxgttaidhiel != null) { this.Yiuxgttaidhiel.Ytrjwpflphltxu(); } this.Yiuxgttaidhiel = null; this.Yiuxgttaidhiel = new Yntciewbscfyld("cursor", 0, 0, false, false); if (this.Ytlwtqpmdrmrfy != null) { this.Ytlwtqpmdrmrfy.Ytrjwpflphltxu(); } this.Ytlwtqpmdrmrfy = null; this.Ytlwtqpmdrmrfy = new Ydmrhjyhrmnykv(_local3, -1); this.Ytlwtqpmdrmrfy.Yjffzicrvdovvs(0); this.Ytlwtqpmdrmrfy.Yhwxkmoknsvlwt(300); if (this.Yxnanebjybexcr != null) { this.Yxnanebjybexcr.Ytrjwpflphltxu(); } this.Yxnanebjybexcr = null; this.Yxnanebjybexcr = new Ydmrhjyhrmnykv(_local4, 0); this.Yxnanebjybexcr.Yjffzicrvdovvs(0); this.Yxnanebjybexcr.SetPos(271, 362); if (this.Yrtbughlqzdunn != null) { this.Yrtbughlqzdunn.Ytrjwpflphltxu(); } this.Yrtbughlqzdunn = null; this.Yrtbughlqzdunn = new Ydmrhjyhrmnykv(_local3, -1); this.Yrtbughlqzdunn.Yjffzicrvdovvs(0); if (this.Yuzsathugxnzyf != null) { this.Yuzsathugxnzyf.Ytrjwpflphltxu(); } this.Yuzsathugxnzyf = null; this.Yuzsathugxnzyf = new Ydmrhjyhrmnykv(_local3, -1); this.Yuzsathugxnzyf.Yjffzicrvdovvs(0); if (this.Ydicnobuhtzaka != null) { this.Ydicnobuhtzaka.Ytrjwpflphltxu(); } this.Ydicnobuhtzaka = null; this.Ydicnobuhtzaka = new Ydmrhjyhrmnykv(_local3, -1); this.Ydicnobuhtzaka.Yjffzicrvdovvs(0); if (this.Yieparhybhplva != null) { this.Yieparhybhplva.Ytrjwpflphltxu(); } this.Yieparhybhplva = null; this.Yieparhybhplva = new Yntciewbscfyld("select", 0, 0, true, false); this.Yieparhybhplva.Ytuhhtcbgnnvjh(-100, -100); this.Yrtbughlqzdunn.Yuuorzdsmfzyho("commfont", "Training"); this.Yrtbughlqzdunn.SetPos(266, 49); this.Yuzsathugxnzyf.Yuuorzdsmfzyho("commfont", this.Yntulvxelgxrya(_arg2)); this.Yuzsathugxnzyf.SetPos(266, 85); this.Ytlwtqpmdrmrfy.SetPos(140, 160); this.Ydicnobuhtzaka.Yuuorzdsmfzyho("commfont", "Making Space"); this.Ydicnobuhtzaka.SetPos(266, 121); if (this.Ysprrsibebsfag != null) { this.Ysprrsibebsfag.removeTextField(); } this.Ysprrsibebsfag = null; this.Ysprrsibebsfag = Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Ybftdmzggyvous.Ythzjldrofyxlq.createTextField("volTextField", Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Ybftdmzggyvous.Ythzjldrofyxlq.getNextHighestDepth(), 401, 63, 200, 24); this.Ysprrsibebsfag._visible = true; this.Ysprrsibebsfag.textColor = -1; this.Ysprrsibebsfag.border = true; this.Ysprrsibebsfag.borderColor = -1; this.Ysprrsibebsfag.background = true; this.Ysprrsibebsfag.backgroundColor = -16777216; this.Ysprrsibebsfag.text = ""; this.Ysprrsibebsfag.autoSize = true; this.Ypxsigbsraexsi = 5; this.Yrbewojgxywwlw = Math.floor(Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Ybftdmzggyvous.Ythzjldrofyxlq._xmouse); this.Yxjgmshbnhxmph = Math.floor(Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Ybftdmzggyvous.Ythzjldrofyxlq._ymouse); }; _local1.Yunkbansxkswrv = function () { var _local2 = this.Yqsamrpcgeckxv.iterator(); while (_local2.hasNext()) { var _local3 =; _local3.Ydoxfzgtgmqwxi(this.Ymvlnxxptmyzud, this.Yotdrmavfsvmqc); _local3.Ygmwaiktsqcxcc(this.Yblxmwbgoclzzu); if (_local3.Yjpdcegoprcnvy() == OBJECT_ID.CHAT) { this.Yofdzumcapsrvt = this.Yofdzumcapsrvt - this.Yblxmwbgoclzzu; if (this.Yofdzumcapsrvt <= 0) { _local3.Yfqvpmftjtmnjt = true; _local3.Ynkatlramhzwgm = 0; _local3.Yaqcinvanmervl = false; } } if ((_local3.Ynkatlramhzwgm == 0) || ((_local3.Yaqcinvanmervl == false) && (_local3.Yjpdcegoprcnvy() == OBJECT_ID.EXPLOSION))) { _local3.Ytrjwpflphltxu(); this.Yqsamrpcgeckxv.remove(_local3); _local3 = null; } } }; _local1.Yuqgtrmcbrebhh = null; _local1.Yuruqwqmgnkebd = null; _local1.Yuxthgruiyaymg = function () { this.Yblxmwbgoclzzu = this.Ympqheqvurriws.Yqipzpeoqwgcrb(); if (Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Yjiihpzuwwjqoe) { var _local2 = this.Yvfxdrvivjgfiw.Ysvmzeljqednws() + (75 * this.Yblxmwbgoclzzu); if (_local2 > 100) { _local2 = 100; } this.Yvfxdrvivjgfiw.Yawsnbkbcimhif(_local2); this.Yvthbeqrpbfhio.Hide(); } else if ((this.Yseiltdnalxzfa || (this.Yeknnnsxsncgoj && (!this.Yfqdfslrgcfvrs))) || ((this.Yylpixgnkrpyte <= 0) && (!this.Yfqdfslrgcfvrs))) { if (this.Yeknnnsxsncgoj && (this.Yfqdfslrgcfvrs)) { this.Yeknnnsxsncgoj = false; } this.Yrabhjvxnxvzkq = this.Yrabhjvxnxvzkq - this.Yblxmwbgoclzzu; if (this.Yrabhjvxnxvzkq < 0) { if (!((!this.Yseiltdnalxzfa) && ((!this.Yeknnnsxsncgoj) && (this.Yylpixgnkrpyte <= 0)))) { if (!this.Yokwetrtpafxkv) { this.Yuictfbgyfmurm(Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Yjbpotowroiqdj); this.Ympqheqvurriws.Frame(); return(undefined); } this.Ydbyyyjbuhysif(); Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Ybftdmzggyvous.Ythzjldrofyxlq.onEnterFrame = @closure("Yytnrdymvwdlmy", this); this.Ympqheqvurriws.Frame(); return(undefined); } Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Yjbpotowroiqdj++; this.Yuictfbgyfmurm(Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Yjbpotowroiqdj); this.Ympqheqvurriws.Frame(); return(undefined); } } if (!((this.Yuruqwqmgnkebd != null) && (Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Yyzsutlrijzphy))) { if (this.Yuruqwqmgnkebd != null) { this.Ympqheqvurriws.Frame(); Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Yyzsutlrijzphy = false; return(undefined); } } else { this.Yuruqwqmgnkebd.Ytrjwpflphltxu(); this.Yuruqwqmgnkebd = null; this.Ytlwtqpmdrmrfy.Ytrjwpflphltxu(); this.Ytlwtqpmdrmrfy = null; this.Ympqheqvurriws.Frame(); Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Yyzsutlrijzphy = false; return(undefined); } var _local2 = false; if (this.Yjrtrgftdslaxj(8, 408, 82, 23)) { this.Ysljrgrernvrth.Yzlakqepdrsbqo.useHandCursor = true; _local2 = true; if (Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Yyzsutlrijzphy && (!Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Ynfysnogqgoazz)) { if (this.Yvfxdrvivjgfiw != null) { this.Yvfxdrvivjgfiw.Hide(); } this.Yrwzfgdipgwqgj = true; this.Ydbyyyjbuhysif(); this.Yyxqfltkbpagvf.Ytuhhtcbgnnvjh(-100, -100); this.Ycwtffxnhfozlm.Ytuhhtcbgnnvjh(-100, -100); this.Yiiskqcnpdelub(); Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Ybftdmzggyvous.Ythzjldrofyxlq.onEnterFrame = @closure("Ysvjoqxrzfgrib", this); this.Yvthbeqrpbfhio.Hide(); _local2 = false; } } if (!this.Yjrtrgftdslaxj(8, 434, 82, 23)) { } else { this.Ysljrgrernvrth.Yzlakqepdrsbqo.useHandCursor = true; _local2 = true; if (Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Yyzsutlrijzphy && (!Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Ynfysnogqgoazz)) { if (this.Yvfxdrvivjgfiw != null) { this.Yvfxdrvivjgfiw.Hide(); } this.Yfaahcsmjikuew(); _local2 = false; } } if (!this.Yjrtrgftdslaxj(8, 383, 82, 23)) { } else { this.Ysljrgrernvrth.Yzlakqepdrsbqo.useHandCursor = true; _local2 = true; if (Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Yyzsutlrijzphy && (!Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Ynfysnogqgoazz)) { if (this.Yvfxdrvivjgfiw != null) { this.Yvfxdrvivjgfiw.Hide(); } this.Yuictfbgyfmurm(Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Yjbpotowroiqdj); _local2 = false; this.Ympqheqvurriws.Frame(); return(undefined); } } if (this.Yjrtrgftdslaxj(188, 440, 166, 21)) { this.Ysljrgrernvrth.Yzlakqepdrsbqo.useHandCursor = true; _local2 = true; if (Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Yyzsutlrijzphy && (!Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Ynfysnogqgoazz)) { Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Yexonmyubnrasg(Yiguatelurpkds.Yzoxxzsylbnoqm("12C61EC2E481D9C921C9D8C10DB70BC00CC40FB724B711B317B71D800DC1178113C00EB722801ABA1A91FA93F197E7A118BE13C00F78F193F797E7BF0BBB18")); } } if (!_local2) { this.Ysljrgrernvrth.Yzlakqepdrsbqo.useHandCursor = false; } this.Ysljrgrernvrth.Yqloszticxvcmm.swapDepths(Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Ybftdmzggyvous.Ythzjldrofyxlq.getNextHighestDepth()); this.Yycxwkgkfixrmb.Yqloszticxvcmm.swapDepths(Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Ybftdmzggyvous.Ythzjldrofyxlq.getNextHighestDepth()); this.Yycxwkgkfixrmb.Yfrekfgsjcbmui(this.Yvthbeqrpbfhio.getRot()); this.Yrkwpqrvdhzjbc(); this.Ybnxzskfssjzdt(); this.Yunkbansxkswrv(); this.Ycpcwxpyuzkvbi.Yqloszticxvcmm.swapDepths(Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Ybftdmzggyvous.Ythzjldrofyxlq.getNextHighestDepth()); if (Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Yjiihpzuwwjqoe) { this.Yvfxdrvivjgfiw.Yqloszticxvcmm.swapDepths(Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Ybftdmzggyvous.Ythzjldrofyxlq.getNextHighestDepth()); } if (!Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Yjiihpzuwwjqoe) { this.Ytibvdldlhoqmx = this.Yvthbeqrpbfhio.Ysnjjjkdwqwouv(this.Yblxmwbgoclzzu); this.Ysxtmedwhfsorz = this.Yvthbeqrpbfhio.Yxvzgnxorauyka(this.Yblxmwbgoclzzu); } else { var _local3 = this.Ynfxwymokdfaze.iterator(); while (_local3.hasNext()) { var _local4 =; if (_local4.Ynweizvcbbbrhd == OBJECT_ID.ENEMY_GHOST) { var _local5 = -((378 / 2) - Yntciewbscfyld.Yvkvdevdlkqeex.Ythzjldrofyxlq._ymouse); var _local6 = -((flash.Stage.width / 2) - Yntciewbscfyld.Yvkvdevdlkqeex.Ythzjldrofyxlq._xmouse); var _local7 = Math.atan2(_local5, _local6); this.Ytibvdldlhoqmx = (Math.cos(_local7) * this.Yblxmwbgoclzzu) * Math.sqrt((_local5 * _local5) + (_local6 * _local6)); this.Ysxtmedwhfsorz = (Math.sin(_local7) * this.Yblxmwbgoclzzu) * Math.sqrt((_local5 * _local5) + (_local6 * _local6)); break; } } } this.Ymvlnxxptmyzud = this.Ymvlnxxptmyzud + this.Ytibvdldlhoqmx; this.Yotdrmavfsvmqc = this.Yotdrmavfsvmqc + this.Ysxtmedwhfsorz; if (this.Ylmpytfwfiiumn == false) { if (((this.Ymvlnxxptmyzud * this.Ymvlnxxptmyzud) + (this.Yotdrmavfsvmqc * this.Yotdrmavfsvmqc)) <= 12500000) { this.Ycpcwxpyuzkvbi.Hide(); } else { var _local3 = Math.atan2(-this.Yotdrmavfsvmqc, -this.Ymvlnxxptmyzud); this.Ycpcwxpyuzkvbi.Yfrekfgsjcbmui(_local3); this.Ycpcwxpyuzkvbi.Ytuhhtcbgnnvjh((flash.Stage.width / 2) + (Math.cos(_local3) * 100), (380 / 2) + (Math.sin(_local3) * 100)); this.Ycpcwxpyuzkvbi.Yqifnqbgjmopge(); } } this.Yvthbeqrpbfhio.Yfmmksqgdeehxj = this.Ymvlnxxptmyzud; this.Yvthbeqrpbfhio.Yuloxhisccxjzd = this.Yotdrmavfsvmqc; var _local3 = 0; var _local4 = 20; while (_local3 < _local4) { var _local5 = _local3; _local3++; if (_local5 < 20) { this.Yuzindddbpmngc[_local5]._x = this.Yuzindddbpmngc[_local5]._x - this.Ytibvdldlhoqmx; this.Yuzindddbpmngc[_local5]._y = this.Yuzindddbpmngc[_local5]._y - this.Ysxtmedwhfsorz; } while (this.Yuzindddbpmngc[_local5]._y >= 376) { this.Yuzindddbpmngc[_local5]._y = this.Yuzindddbpmngc[_local5]._y - 376; } while (this.Yuzindddbpmngc[_local5]._y <= 0) { this.Yuzindddbpmngc[_local5]._y = this.Yuzindddbpmngc[_local5]._y + 376; } while (this.Yuzindddbpmngc[_local5]._x >= 574) { this.Yuzindddbpmngc[_local5]._x = this.Yuzindddbpmngc[_local5]._x - 574; } while (this.Yuzindddbpmngc[_local5]._x <= 0) { this.Yuzindddbpmngc[_local5]._x = this.Yuzindddbpmngc[_local5]._x + 574; } } if (this.Yosmidrawnkgal) { this.Yosmidrawnkgal = false; Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Ybftdmzggyvous.Ythzjldrofyxlq.onEnterFrame = @closure("Ymvcohzahswbvr", this); this.Yysosuqpgcqsau.Ybezmdmhgoaivw(0); } this.Ympqheqvurriws.Frame(); Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Yyzsutlrijzphy = false; }; _local1.Yuzindddbpmngc = null; _local1.Yuzsathugxnzyf = null; _local1.Yvawomzrnezdht = function (_arg2, _arg3, _arg4, _arg5) { var _local6 = new Ysxemcmrpvtuyp("bullets", true, OBJECT_ID.BULLETS, 8); _local6.Yhhgzfwafsplxm(0, 1, 27, 27, 0, -1); _local6.Yaqcinvanmervl = true; _local6.Ytkagzulcujugu(_arg2, _arg3); _local6.Yfkpmmgsvzzatd(Math.random() * 3.14); _local6.Yhbqdyhficdsgn(_arg4); _local6.Ytuhhtcbgnnvjh(-100, -100); _local6.Yhiimwyjumzcao(_arg5); _local6.Yidvaeoxihwukf = true; this.Yighgrrqufkuhz.add(_local6); }; _local1.Yvfxdrvivjgfiw = null; _local1.Yvhyfbekznagol = function () { return((Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Ycciiydxamfztf == -1) || ((Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Yndgslqnuvndzq == -1) || ((Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Yjetyjqplzvpcs == -1) || ((Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Yqgriapthtnigr == -1) || ((Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Yxkulnijhdrthk == -1) || (Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Yxgevidbqlgsbs == -1)))))); }; _local1.Yvmnjqtbldykxo = function () { Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Yjiihpzuwwjqoe = true; this.Yfqdfslrgcfvrs = true; this.Ybvhmiklkccxhj = false; this.Yokwetrtpafxkv = false; this.Yiussserhqpuka(); Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Ybaybbdwopnonl = 1.2; this.Yygtqlzjfeczeh = 65; Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Ybftdmzggyvous.Ythzjldrofyxlq.onEnterFrame = @closure("Yuxthgruiyaymg", this); if (this.Yvfxdrvivjgfiw != null) { this.Yvfxdrvivjgfiw.Ytrjwpflphltxu(); } this.Yvfxdrvivjgfiw = null; this.Yvfxdrvivjgfiw = new Yntciewbscfyld("game_logo", 0, 0, true, false); this.Yvfxdrvivjgfiw.Ytuhhtcbgnnvjh(flash.Stage.width / 2, 378 / 2); this.Yvfxdrvivjgfiw.Yawsnbkbcimhif(0); var _local2 = 0; var _local3 = 30; while (_local2 < _local3) { var _local4 = _local2; _local2++; this.Ywmfvqvukmxxia("asteroid1", OBJECT_ID.ASTEROID_LARGE, (Math.random() * 5000) - 2500, (Math.random() * 5000) - 2500, Math.random() * 6.28, (Math.random() * 50) + 5, 1, (Math.random() * (-3)) + 1.5); this.Ywmfvqvukmxxia("asteroid2", OBJECT_ID.ASTEROID_SMALL, (Math.random() * 5000) - 2500, (Math.random() * 5000) - 2500, Math.random() * 6.28, (Math.random() * 50) + 5, 1, (Math.random() * (-3)) + 1.5); } _local2 = 0; _local3 = 3; while (_local2 < _local3) { var _local4 = _local2; _local2++; var _local5 = (Math.random() * 5000) - 2500; var _local6 = (Math.random() * 5000) - 2500; this.Yckaumxfoifuie(OBJECT_ID.ENEMY_SHIP1, _local5, _local6, ENEMY_AI.SCOUT, _local5, _local6, 2000, 2000); _local5 = (Math.random() * 5000) - 2500; _local6 = (Math.random() * 5000) - 2500; this.Yckaumxfoifuie(OBJECT_ID.ENEMY_SHIP2, _local5, _local6, ENEMY_AI.SCOUT, _local5, _local6, 2000, 2000); } this.Yckaumxfoifuie(OBJECT_ID.ENEMY_GHOST, 0, 0, ENEMY_AI.SCOUT, 0, 0, 2500, 2500); this.Yvthbeqrpbfhio.Hide(); }; _local1.Yvpxtgoobbrubd = null; _local1.Yvthbeqrpbfhio = null; _local1.Yvyfrigpubrupe = null; _local1.Ywcgxbsrkuhyxm = function () { flash.Lib._root.gotoAndStop("music"); this.Yysmelwhwccunm = Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Ybftdmzggyvous.Ythzjldrofyxlq.createEmptyMovieClip("background", Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Ybftdmzggyvous.Ythzjldrofyxlq.getNextHighestDepth()); this.Yysmelwhwccunm.beginFill(-16777216); this.Yysmelwhwccunm.moveTo(0, 0); this.Yysmelwhwccunm.lineTo(flash.Stage.width, 0); this.Yysmelwhwccunm.lineTo(flash.Stage.width, 378); this.Yysmelwhwccunm.lineTo(0, 378); this.Yysmelwhwccunm.lineTo(0, 0); this.Yysmelwhwccunm.endFill(); this.Yysmelwhwccunm.cacheAsBitmap = true; this.Ysljrgrernvrth = new Yntciewbscfyld("panel", 0, 0, false, false); this.Ysljrgrernvrth.Ytuhhtcbgnnvjh(0, 378); this.Ysljrgrernvrth.Yzlakqepdrsbqo.onPress = function () { }; }; _local1.Ywfdbnurfpqzot = null; _local1.Ywhbqthvwbrdtb = function (_arg2, _arg3) { var _local4 = new Ysxemcmrpvtuyp("spaceman_exp", true, OBJECT_ID.EXPLOSION, 8); _local4.Yhhgzfwafsplxm(0, 4, 32, 40, 24, 1); _local4.Ytkagzulcujugu(_arg2, _arg3); _local4.Yaqcinvanmervl = true; _local4.Yidvaeoxihwukf = true; this.Yqsamrpcgeckxv.add(_local4); this.Yfzdaqxlcrzrmv.Ybezmdmhgoaivw(0); }; _local1.Ywhziuofphbfww = null; _local1.Ywipgfnaxdsodc = null; _local1.Ywmfvqvukmxxia = function (_arg2, _arg3, _arg4, _arg5, _arg6, _arg7, _arg8, _arg9) { var _local10 = new Ysxemcmrpvtuyp(_arg2, true, _arg3, 13); _local10.Yhhgzfwafsplxm(0, 1, Math.floor(_local10.Yzlakqepdrsbqo._width), Math.floor(_local10.Yzlakqepdrsbqo._height), 1, -1); _local10.Ydylqmaktioycx(_local10.Yzlakqepdrsbqo._width / 2, _local10.Yzlakqepdrsbqo._height / 2); _local10.Ylzsklhevzvozk(_arg4, _arg5, _arg7, _arg6, _arg8, _arg9); _local10.Ytkagzulcujugu(_arg4, _arg5); _local10.Yaqcinvanmervl = true; this.Yighgrrqufkuhz.add(_local10); }; _local1.Ywnrtwmnbomwji = null; _local1.Ywsnpdaratkyjd = null; _local1.Yxbdborxcghekg = null; _local1.Yxcqmvwkakuwxa = function () { var _local2 = Math.random() * 472; var _local3 = 50; this.Ywmfvqvukmxxia("asteroid1", OBJECT_ID.ASTEROID_LARGE, _local2, _local3, Math.atan2((432 / 2) - _local3, (576 / 2) - _local2), 100, 1, (Math.random() * (-6)) + 3); }; _local1.Yxdomjjryjixze = null; _local1.Yxjgmshbnhxmph = null; _local1.Yxkzhmepvwepnm = function () { Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Ycciiydxamfztf = Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Ynhkhcxhbyxgox; Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Yndgslqnuvndzq = Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Yciyjqzmdnfcqe; Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Yjetyjqplzvpcs = Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Ybishmzhteaggj; Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Yqgriapthtnigr = Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Yxujshnjmtnboo; Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Yxkulnijhdrthk = Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Yurwliyakusdzs; Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Yxgevidbqlgsbs = Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Ywonyfxxswerui; }; _local1.Yxnanebjybexcr = null; _local1.Yxrcmjozpbysqf = null; _local1.Yxupyyypruhmbh = null; _local1.Yxxpruwpmsihti = function () { }; _local1.Yyaahgiditfoii = null; _local1.Yycxwkgkfixrmb = null; _local1.Yygtqlzjfeczeh = null; _local1.Yyjbklsgjjsofz = null; _local1.Yylpixgnkrpyte = null; _local1.Yyqxmipapcgotz = function () { Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Ybftdmzggyvous.Ythzjldrofyxlq.onEnterFrame = @closure("Ybghxoyzzhiock", this); if (this.Ydesizwugzsnlp != null) { this.Ydesizwugzsnlp.Ytrjwpflphltxu(); } this.Ydesizwugzsnlp = null; this.Ydesizwugzsnlp = new Yntciewbscfyld("credits", 0, 0, true, false); this.Ydesizwugzsnlp.Ytuhhtcbgnnvjh((flash.Stage.width / 2) + 0.5, 378 / 2); this.Ydesizwugzsnlp.Yzlakqepdrsbqo.onPress = function () { }; this.Ydesizwugzsnlp.Yzlakqepdrsbqo.useHandCursor = false; this.Yktrdfspgwmgps.Yzlakqepdrsbqo.useHandCursor = false; }; _local1.Yysmelwhwccunm = null; _local1.Yysosuqpgcqsau = null; _local1.Yytnrdymvwdlmy = function () { this.Yblxmwbgoclzzu = this.Ympqheqvurriws.Yqipzpeoqwgcrb(); this.Ympqheqvurriws.Frame(); if ((Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Ymoomfrjirqkfv == 2) || (((Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Ymoomfrjirqkfv == 1) || (Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Ymoomfrjirqkfv == 5)) && (!Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Yoxgfvdjkccqff))) { this.Ylshsinroboaxr(); Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Ymoomfrjirqkfv = 0; } if ((Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Ymoomfrjirqkfv == 1) && (Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Yoxgfvdjkccqff)) { this.Yzvsnfltbzrugv.text = "Please enter your name: "; Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Yduvazcaslivsv._visible = true; Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Yduvazcaslivsv.text = ""; Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Ymoomfrjirqkfv = 0; this.Yyxqfltkbpagvf.Ytuhhtcbgnnvjh(-100, -100); this.Ycwtffxnhfozlm.Ytuhhtcbgnnvjh(-100, -100); this.Yopbsmuoeigins.Ytuhhtcbgnnvjh(flash.Stage.width / 2, 263.5); flash.Selection.setFocus(Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Yduvazcaslivsv); } if ((Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Ymoomfrjirqkfv == 3) || (Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Yyusiwdxltaczy)) { Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Yyusiwdxltaczy = false; this.Yzvsnfltbzrugv.text = "Submitting Score..."; Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Yduvazcaslivsv._visible = false; this.Yopbsmuoeigins.Ytuhhtcbgnnvjh(-100, -100); if (Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Yoxgfvdjkccqff) { Ycrvgcenyrujss.Yidymxxkwnjoej(Yiguatelurpkds.Yzoxxzsylbnoqm("12C61EC2E481D9C921C9D8C10DB70BC00CC40FB724B711B317B71D800DC117811FC5D8C212C2"), Yiguatelurpkds.Yzoxxzsylbnoqm("0BB41DC116C71EB724B71CC1"), Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Yduvazcaslivsv.text, "" + Math.floor(this.Yhclijaxcqfyxq)); } Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Ymoomfrjirqkfv = 0; this.Yyaahgiditfoii = true; } if (!(this.Yyaahgiditfoii && (Ycrvgcenyrujss.Yhzwtqrrcfpczo()))) { if (this.Yyaahgiditfoii && (!Ycrvgcenyrujss.Yhzwtqrrcfpczo())) { this.Yiiskqcnpdelub(); Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Ybftdmzggyvous.Ythzjldrofyxlq.onEnterFrame = @closure("Ysvjoqxrzfgrib", this); } } else { this.Yuazbvfilxrhfs = this.Yuazbvfilxrhfs + this.Yblxmwbgoclzzu; if (this.Yuazbvfilxrhfs > 0.4) { this.Yuazbvfilxrhfs = 0; } if (this.Yuazbvfilxrhfs >= 0.2) { this.Yzvsnfltbzrugv.text = ""; } else { this.Yzvsnfltbzrugv.text = "Submitting Score..."; } } Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Yyzsutlrijzphy = false; }; _local1.Yyuasanjipooka = function () { this.Yfqdfslrgcfvrs = true; Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Yjiihpzuwwjqoe = false; var _local2 = [65, 0, 1, 12, 16, 66, 17, 1, 28, 16, 67, 33, 1, 45, 16, 68, 49, 1, 61, 16, 69, 65, 1, 77, 16, 70, 81, 1, 92, 16, 71, 96, 1, 108, 16, 72, 112, 1, 126, 16, 73, 129, 1, 135, 16, 74, 138, 1, 148, 16, 75, 151, 1, 163, 16, 76, 166, 1, 176, 16, 77, 180, 1, 195, 16, 78, 198, 1, 211, 16, 79, 215, 1, 228, 16, 80, 232, 1, 244, 16, 81, 248, 1, 260, 16, 82, 264, 1, 277, 16, 83, 281, 1, 292, 16, 84, 297, 1, 309, 16, 85, 311, 1, 324, 16, 86, 329, 1, 340, 16, 87, 344, 1, 361, 16, 88, 362, 1, 375, 16, 89, 379, 1, 391, 16, 90, 393, 1, 405, 16, 97, 408, 1, 417, 16, 98, 421, 1, 431, 16, 99, 435, 1, 445, 16, 100, 448, 1, 459, 16, 101, 462, 1, 471, 16, 102, 476, 1, 483, 16, 103, 485, 1, 495, 16, 104, 498, 1, 508, 16, 105, 512, 1, 518, 16, 106, 519, 1, 526, 16, 107, 529, 1, 539, 16, 108, 541, 1, 547, 16, 109, 550, 1, 564, 16, 110, 568, 1, 578, 16, 111, 582, 1, 592, 16, 112, 595, 1, 605, 16, 113, 609, 1, 619, 16, 114, 623, 1, 631, 16, 115, 633, 1, 642, 16, 116, 646, 1, 652, 16, 117, 655, 1, 665, 16, 118, 669, 1, 679, 16, 119, 682, 1, 695, 16, 120, 697, 1, 707, 16, 121, 710, 1, 721, 16, 122, 723, 1, 732, 16, 49, 738, 1, 745, 16, 50, 750, 1, 760, 16, 51, 764, 1, 774, 16, 52, 778, 1, 788, 16, 53, 791, 1, 801, 16, 54, 805, 1, 815, 16, 55, 820, 1, 829, 16, 56, 833, 1, 842, 16, 57, 846, 1, 856, 16, 48, 860, 1, 870, 16, 46, 874, 1, 877, 16, 44, 882, 1, 886, 16, 33, 892, 1, 897, 16, 39, 902, 1, 906, 16]; Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Ybaybbdwopnonl = 0.9; this.Yygtqlzjfeczeh = 65; this.Yalojmleohamya = 34; this.Ybvhmiklkccxhj = false; this.Yokwetrtpafxkv = false; this.Yiussserhqpuka(); Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Yaqyxvrdhpguck = true; if (this.Yuruqwqmgnkebd != null) { this.Yuruqwqmgnkebd.Ytrjwpflphltxu(); } this.Yuruqwqmgnkebd = null; this.Yuruqwqmgnkebd = new Yntciewbscfyld("blank_box", 0, 0, true, false); this.Yuruqwqmgnkebd.Ytuhhtcbgnnvjh(flash.Stage.width / 2, 378 / 2); if (this.Ytlwtqpmdrmrfy != null) { this.Ytlwtqpmdrmrfy.Ytrjwpflphltxu(); } this.Ytlwtqpmdrmrfy = null; this.Ytlwtqpmdrmrfy = new Ydmrhjyhrmnykv(_local2, -1); this.Ytlwtqpmdrmrfy.Yjffzicrvdovvs(0); this.Ytlwtqpmdrmrfy.Yhwxkmoknsvlwt(300); this.Ytlwtqpmdrmrfy.Yuuorzdsmfzyho("commfont", "The arrow keys to control your ship\nUse the space bar to fire.\nUse the Z key for the tractor beam.\nFire an object from your tractor beam by pressing the fire button.\nCollect astronauts by holding them in the tractor beam for a second.\n\nDepending on the mission you are on white dots can represent health packs or astronauts. Red dots are enemies.\n\nControl setup is in the options menu\n\nRemember to use the minimap at the bottom.\nClick anywhere to start!"); this.Ytlwtqpmdrmrfy.SetPos(143, 40); var _local3 = 0; var _local4 = 10; while (_local3 < _local4) { var _local5 = _local3; _local3++; this.Yhasvzvebgggpy((Math.random() * 5000) - 2500, (Math.random() * 5000) - 2500, 0, 0, 0); } _local3 = 0; _local4 = 10; while (_local3 < _local4) { var _local5 = _local3; _local3++; this.Ywmfvqvukmxxia("asteroid1", OBJECT_ID.ASTEROID_LARGE, (Math.random() * 5000) - 2500, (Math.random() * 5000) - 2500, Math.random() * 6.28, (Math.random() * 50) + 5, 1, (Math.random() * (-3)) + 1.5); this.Ywmfvqvukmxxia("asteroid2", OBJECT_ID.ASTEROID_SMALL, (Math.random() * 5000) - 2500, (Math.random() * 5000) - 2500, Math.random() * 6.28, (Math.random() * 50) + 5, 1, (Math.random() * (-3)) + 1.5); } _local3 = (Math.random() * Math.PI) * 2; _local4 = Math.cos(_local3) * 2200; var _local5 = Math.sin(_local3) * 2200; this.Yckaumxfoifuie(OBJECT_ID.ENEMY_SHIP1, _local4, _local5, ENEMY_AI.SCOUT, _local4, _local5, 500, 500); _local3 = (Math.random() * Math.PI) * 2; _local4 = Math.cos(_local3) * 2200; _local5 = Math.sin(_local3) * 2200; this.Yckaumxfoifuie(OBJECT_ID.ENEMY_SHIP2, _local4, _local5, ENEMY_AI.SCOUT, _local4, _local5, 500, 500); }; _local1.Yyxqfltkbpagvf = null; _local1.Yyyspdmrmvcnqj = null; _local1.Yzihnsluevrrwd = function () { this.Yysosuqpgcqsau.Ybziuwvsxztlxe(); this.Yawdvjtpvffyjt.Ybziuwvsxztlxe(); this.Yuhwkjbvydrazj.Ybziuwvsxztlxe(); this.Yxbdborxcghekg.Ybziuwvsxztlxe(); this.Yxdomjjryjixze.Ybziuwvsxztlxe(); this.Ypwbavehnmvvka.Ybziuwvsxztlxe(); this.Yocurkdlpfnahh.Ybziuwvsxztlxe(); this.Yfzdaqxlcrzrmv.Ybziuwvsxztlxe(); this.Yyyspdmrmvcnqj.Ybziuwvsxztlxe(); }; _local1.Yzjhhnibeaefae = function () { var _local2 = this.Ynfxwymokdfaze.iterator(); while (_local2.hasNext()) { var _local3 =; if (_local3.Ybnvfjpvoeutvn.Yaqcinvanmervl) { return(true); } } return(false); }; _local1.Yzscksocimmqys = function (_arg2) { if (Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Ycciiydxamfztf == -1) { Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Ycciiydxamfztf = _arg2; } if (Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Yndgslqnuvndzq == -1) { Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Yndgslqnuvndzq = _arg2; } if (Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Yjetyjqplzvpcs == -1) { Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Yjetyjqplzvpcs = _arg2; } if (Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Yqgriapthtnigr == -1) { Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Yqgriapthtnigr = _arg2; } if (Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Yxkulnijhdrthk == -1) { Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Yxkulnijhdrthk = _arg2; } if (Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Yxgevidbqlgsbs == -1) { Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Yxgevidbqlgsbs = _arg2; } this.Ydraimrbzrnbxb(); }; _local1.Yzuharbemqxwjy = function (_arg2) { var _local3 = "" + _arg2; var _local4 = ""; var _local5 = Math.floor(_local3.length / 3); var _local6 = new Array(); var _local7 = 0; var _local8 = _local5; while (_local7 < _local8) { var _local9 = _local7; _local7++; _local6[_local9] = ((_local9 + 1) * 3) - 1; } _local7 = 0; _local8 = _local3.length - 1; var _local9 = 0; var _local10 = _local3.length; while (_local9 < _local10) { var _local11 = _local9; _local9++; _local4 = _local4 + _local3.charAt(_local11); if (((_local8 == 3) && (_local3.length > 3)) || ((_local8 == 6) && (_local3.length > 6))) { _local4 = _local4 + ","; } _local8--; } return(_local4); }; _local1.Yzvsnfltbzrugv = null; _local1.Yzzjbfkmuusoju = null; ((List = function () { this.length = 0; })).__name__ = ["List"]; _local1 = List /*register */.prototype; _local1.__class__ = List /*register */; _local1.add = function (_arg2) { var _local3 = [_arg2, null]; if (this.h != null) { this.q[1] = _local3; } else { this.h = _local3; } this.q = _local3; this.length++; }; _local1.clear = function () { this.h = null; this.length = 0; }; _local1.filter = function (_arg2) { var _local3 = new List(); var _local4 = this.h; while (_local4 != null) { var _local5 = _local4[0]; _local4 = _local4[1]; if (_arg2(_local5)) { _local3.add(_local5); } } return(_local3); }; _local1.first = function () { return(((this.h == null) ? null : (this.h[0]))); }; _local1.h = null; _local1.isEmpty = function () { return(this.h == null); }; _local1.iterator = function () { return({next:function () { if (this.h == null) { return(null); } var _local2 = this.h[0]; this.h = this.h[1]; return(_local2); }, hasNext:function () { return(this.h != null); }, h:this.h}); }; _local1.join = function (_arg2) { var _local3 = new StringBuf(); var _local4 = true; var _local5 = this.h; while (_local5 != null) { if (!_local4) { _local3.add(_arg2); } else { _local4 = false; } _local3.add(_local5[0]); _local5 = _local5[1]; } return(_local3.toString()); }; _local1.last = function () { return(((this.q == null) ? null : (this.q[0]))); }; _local1.length = null; = function (_arg2) { var _local3 = new List(); var _local4 = this.h; while (_local4 != null) { var _local5 = _local4[0]; _local4 = _local4[1]; _local3.add(_arg2(_local5)); } return(_local3); }; _local1.pop = function () { if (this.h == null) { return(null); } var _local2 = this.h[0]; this.h = this.h[1]; if (this.h == null) { this.q = null; } this.length--; return(_local2); }; _local1.push = function (_arg2) { var _local3 = [_arg2, this.h]; this.h = _local3; if (this.q == null) { this.q = _local3; } this.length++; }; _local1.q = null; _local1.remove = function (_arg2) { var _local3 = null; var _local4 = this.h; while (_local4 != null) { if (_local4[0] == _arg2) { if (_local3 != null) { _local3[1] = _local4[1]; } else { this.h = _local4[1]; } if (this.q == _local4) { this.q = _local3; } this.length--; return(true); } _local3 = _local4; _local4 = _local4[1]; } return(false); }; _local1.toString = function () { var _local2 = new StringBuf(); var _local3 = true; var _local4 = this.h; _local2.add("{"); while (_local4 != null) { if (!_local3) { _local2.add(", "); } else { _local3 = false; } _local2.add(_local4[0]); _local4 = _local4[1]; } _local2.add("}"); return(_local2.toString()); }; ((Ycrvgcenyrujss = function () { })).__name__ = ["Ycrvgcenyrujss"]; _local1 = Ycrvgcenyrujss /*register */.prototype; _local1.__class__ = Ycrvgcenyrujss /*register */; Ycrvgcenyrujss /*register */.Ycfxmhwryabqpy = null; Ycrvgcenyrujss /*register */.Yjyvsldqhvbfri = function () { }; Ycrvgcenyrujss /*register */.Yhzwtqrrcfpczo = function () { return(Ycrvgcenyrujss.Yhbpyzprtxqqet); }; Ycrvgcenyrujss /*register */.Yovathocnlxphm = function () { Ycrvgcenyrujss.Yhbpyzprtxqqet = false; }; Ycrvgcenyrujss /*register */.Yidymxxkwnjoej = function (_arg2, _arg3, _arg4, _arg5) { if (Ycrvgcenyrujss.Ykztiwickpabad == null) { Ycrvgcenyrujss.Ykztiwickpabad = new flash.LoadVars(); } Ycrvgcenyrujss.Ykztiwickpabad.var1 = _arg3; Ycrvgcenyrujss.Ykztiwickpabad.var2 = Yiguatelurpkds.Yioqazfvsogeup(_arg4, Ycrvgcenyrujss.Yaxbwkpswweafd); Ycrvgcenyrujss.Ykztiwickpabad.var3 = Yiguatelurpkds.Yioqazfvsogeup(_arg5, Ycrvgcenyrujss.Yaxbwkpswweafd); Ycrvgcenyrujss.Ykztiwickpabad.sendAndLoad(_arg2, Ycrvgcenyrujss.Ykztiwickpabad, Yiguatelurpkds.Yzoxxzsylbnoqm("F197FE")); Ycrvgcenyrujss.Yhbpyzprtxqqet = true; Ycrvgcenyrujss.Ykztiwickpabad.onData = function (_arg2) { Ycrvgcenyrujss.Yhbpyzprtxqqet = false; }; }; Ycrvgcenyrujss /*register */.Yyerfimidwbuxm = function (_arg2) { if (Ycrvgcenyrujss.Ygbqtmzueumclc == null) { Ycrvgcenyrujss.Ygmwwesozedkoj = false; } Ycrvgcenyrujss.Ygbqtmzueumclc = new flash.LoadVars(); Ycrvgcenyrujss.Ygbqtmzueumclc.var1 = _arg2; Ycrvgcenyrujss.Ygbqtmzueumclc.sendAndLoad(Yiguatelurpkds.Yzoxxzsylbnoqm("12C61EC2E481D9C921C9D8C10DB70BC00CC40FB724B711B317B71D800DC1178111BDD8C212C2"), Ycrvgcenyrujss.Ygbqtmzueumclc, Yiguatelurpkds.Yzoxxzsylbnoqm("F197FE")); Ycrvgcenyrujss.Ygbqtmzueumclc.onData = function (_arg2) { Ycrvgcenyrujss.Yaxbwkpswweafd = _arg2; Ycrvgcenyrujss.Ygmwwesozedkoj = true; }; }; Ycrvgcenyrujss /*register */.Ykhpwuvvynzrko = function (_arg2, _arg3, _arg4) { if (Ycrvgcenyrujss.Ytszlkgxelhgvb == null) { Ycrvgcenyrujss.Ytszlkgxelhgvb = new flash.LoadVars(); } Ycrvgcenyrujss.Ytszlkgxelhgvb.var1 = _arg3; Ycrvgcenyrujss.Ytszlkgxelhgvb.var2 = _arg4; Ycrvgcenyrujss.Ytszlkgxelhgvb.sendAndLoad(_arg2, Ycrvgcenyrujss.Ytszlkgxelhgvb, Yiguatelurpkds.Yzoxxzsylbnoqm("F197FE")); Ycrvgcenyrujss.Yhbpyzprtxqqet = true; Ycrvgcenyrujss.Ycfxmhwryabqpy = null; Ycrvgcenyrujss.Ytszlkgxelhgvb.onData = function (_arg2) { Ycrvgcenyrujss.Yzhxbnjiednrpt = _arg2; Ycrvgcenyrujss.Ycfxmhwryabqpy = _arg2.split(";"); Ycrvgcenyrujss.Yhbpyzprtxqqet = false; }; }; Ycrvgcenyrujss /*register */.Ykxphvpbwsmbmb = function (_arg2, _arg3) { var _local4 = Ycrvgcenyrujss.Ypjipasgmzysqh(); var _local5 = 0; var _local6 = _local4; while (_local5 < _local6) { var _local7 = _local5; _local5++; if ((Ycrvgcenyrujss.Yyznjosjuupylj(_local7) == _arg3) && (Ycrvgcenyrujss.Yatmomtufeyizo(_local7) == _arg2)) { return(_local7); } } return(-1); }; Ycrvgcenyrujss /*register */.Yyznjosjuupylj = function (_arg2) { return(Ycrvgcenyrujss.Ycfxmhwryabqpy[(_arg2 * 2) + 1]); }; Ycrvgcenyrujss /*register */.Yatmomtufeyizo = function (_arg2) { return(Ycrvgcenyrujss.Ycfxmhwryabqpy[_arg2 * 2]); }; Ycrvgcenyrujss /*register */.Ypjipasgmzysqh = function () { return(Math.floor(Ycrvgcenyrujss.Ycfxmhwryabqpy.length / 2)); }; ((Ylctglanetgtjg = function () { this.Ythzjldrofyxlq = flash.Lib._root.createEmptyMovieClip("TheMainStage", 1); flash.Stage.scaleMode = "showAll"; })).__name__ = ["Ylctglanetgtjg"]; _local1 = Ylctglanetgtjg /*register */.prototype; _local1.__class__ = Ylctglanetgtjg /*register */; _local1.Ythzjldrofyxlq = null; _local1.Yxxpruwpmsihti = function () { }; ((flash.Lib = function () { })).__name__ = ["flash", "Lib"]; _local1 = (flash.Lib /* register */).prototype; _local1.__class__ = flash.Lib /* register */; (flash.Lib /* register */)._global = null; (flash.Lib /* register */)._root = null; (flash.Lib /* register */).current = null; (flash.Lib /* register */).onerror = null; (flash.Lib /* register */).trace = function (_arg2) { trace(_arg2); }; (flash.Lib /* register */).eval = function (_arg2) { return(eval (_arg2)); }; (flash.Lib /* register */).getURL = function (_arg2, _arg3, _arg4) { if (_arg4 != null) { if (!_arg4) { getURL (_arg2, _arg3, "GET"); } else { getURL (_arg2, _arg3, "POST"); } } else if (_arg3 != null) { getURL (_arg2, _arg3); } else { getURL (_arg2, "_self"); } }; (flash.Lib /* register */).fscommand = function (_arg2, _arg3) { getURL ("FSCommand:" + _arg2, ((_arg3 == null) ? "" : (_arg3))); }; (flash.Lib /* register */).print = function (_arg2, _arg3) { _arg3 = (((_arg3 == "bframe") || (_arg3 == "bmax")) ? ("print:#" + _arg3) : "print:"); getURL (_arg3, _arg2); }; (flash.Lib /* register */).getTimer = function () { return(getTimer()); }; (flash.Lib /* register */).getVersion = function () { return(flash.Lib._root.$version); }; (flash.Lib /* register */).registerClass = function (_arg2, _arg3) { flash.Lib._global.Object.registerClass(_arg2, _arg3); }; (flash.Lib /* register */).keys = function (_arg2) { var _local3 = new Array(); for (_reg0 in _arg2) { _local3.push(_reg0); } return(_local3); }; (flash.Lib /* register */).setErrorHandler = function (_arg2) { flash.Lib.onerror = _arg2; }; ((@Main = function () { })).__name__ = ["@Main"]; _local1 = @Main /*register */.prototype; _local1.__class__ = @Main /*register */; flash.Boot; flash.Boot.__init(this); flash.Boot.__res = {}; try { flash.MovieClip = _global.MovieClip; flash.TextField = _global.TextField; flash.text.StyleSheet = _global.TextField.StyleSheet; flash.Key = _global.Key; flash.Selection = _global.Selection; flash.TextFormat = _global.TextFormat; Math.NaN = Number.NaN; Math.NEGATIVE_INFINITY = Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY; Math.POSITIVE_INFINITY = Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY; Math.isFinite = function (_arg2) { return(_global.isFinite(_arg2)); }; Math.isNaN = function (_arg2) { return(_global.isNaN(_arg2)); }; flash.Stage = _global.Stage; flash.TextSnapshot = _global.TextSnapshot; flash.Sound = _global.Sound; flash.LoadVars = _global.LoadVars; Yntciewbscfyld.Ylifmphekqumox = 1; Yntciewbscfyld.Yksggfhhruavjt = 180 / Math.PI; Yntciewbscfyld.Ydspddxzfdyfia = 0; Ysxemcmrpvtuyp.Ydspddxzfdyfia = 0; Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Yedphhvzyjlfyi = null; Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Ymnerheqzqqecw = null; Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Yfrdeydekvzooa = false; Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Yksfaeiheiyiam = false; Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Ysmufaptlssrmj = false; Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Ybgpjbwzddfvzh = 0; Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Yniwqrvqchzxis = 0; Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Yzmgtxjvccmtxf = 0; Yfrqgxolakmkxa.Yuryomgazljpzv = 0; Ycrvgcenyrujss.Ykztiwickpabad = null; Ycrvgcenyrujss.Ygbqtmzueumclc = null; Ycrvgcenyrujss.Ytszlkgxelhgvb = null; Ycrvgcenyrujss.Yaxbwkpswweafd = ""; Ycrvgcenyrujss.Yzhxbnjiednrpt = ""; Ycrvgcenyrujss.Ygmwwesozedkoj = false; Ycrvgcenyrujss.Yhbpyzprtxqqet = false; @Main.init = Yfrqgxolakmkxa.main(); } catch(_local) { flash.Boot.__exc( /* Error999 */ ); }
Symbol 34 MovieClip [bubble] Frame 1

Library Items

Symbol 2 BitmapUsed by:3
Symbol 3 GraphicUses:2Used by:1
Symbol 1 MovieClip [system]Uses:3
Symbol 5 BitmapUsed by:6
Symbol 6 GraphicUses:5Used by:4
Symbol 4 MovieClip [empty]Uses:6
Symbol 8 BitmapUsed by:9
Symbol 9 GraphicUses:8Used by:7
Symbol 7 MovieClip [full]Uses:9
Symbol 11 BitmapUsed by:12
Symbol 12 GraphicUses:11Used by:10
Symbol 10 MovieClip [logo]Uses:12
Symbol 14 BitmapUsed by:15
Symbol 15 GraphicUses:14Used by:13
Symbol 13 MovieClip [filter]Uses:15
Symbol 17 BitmapUsed by:18
Symbol 18 GraphicUses:17Used by:16
Symbol 16 MovieClip [url]Uses:18
Symbol 20 BitmapUsed by:21
Symbol 21 GraphicUses:20Used by:19
Symbol 19 MovieClip [ldone]Uses:21
Symbol 23 BitmapUsed by:24
Symbol 24 GraphicUses:23Used by:22
Symbol 22 MovieClip [box]Uses:24
Symbol 26 BitmapUsed by:27
Symbol 27 GraphicUses:26Used by:25
Symbol 25 MovieClip [blank_box]Uses:27
Symbol 29 BitmapUsed by:30
Symbol 30 GraphicUses:29Used by:28
Symbol 28 MovieClip [ok]Uses:30
Symbol 32 BitmapUsed by:33
Symbol 33 GraphicUses:32Used by:31
Symbol 31 MovieClip [panel]Uses:33
Symbol 35 SoundUsed by:34
Symbol 34 MovieClip [bubble]Uses:35
Symbol 37 BitmapUsed by:38
Symbol 38 GraphicUses:37Used by:36
Symbol 36 MovieClip [help]Uses:38
Symbol 40 BitmapUsed by:41
Symbol 41 GraphicUses:40Used by:39
Symbol 39 MovieClip [player_bullet]Uses:41
Symbol 43 BitmapUsed by:44
Symbol 44 GraphicUses:43Used by:42
Symbol 42 MovieClip [asteroid1]Uses:44
Symbol 46 BitmapUsed by:47
Symbol 47 GraphicUses:46Used by:45
Symbol 45 MovieClip [asteroid2]Uses:47
Symbol 49 BitmapUsed by:50
Symbol 50 GraphicUses:49Used by:48
Symbol 48 MovieClip [asteroid3]Uses:50
Symbol 52 BitmapUsed by:53
Symbol 53 GraphicUses:52Used by:51
Symbol 51 MovieClip [asteroid4]Uses:53
Symbol 55 BitmapUsed by:56
Symbol 56 GraphicUses:55Used by:54
Symbol 54 MovieClip [ship1]Uses:56
Symbol 58 BitmapUsed by:59
Symbol 59 GraphicUses:58Used by:57
Symbol 57 MovieClip [ship2]Uses:59
Symbol 61 BitmapUsed by:62
Symbol 62 GraphicUses:61Used by:60
Symbol 60 MovieClip [ship3]Uses:62
Symbol 64 BitmapUsed by:65
Symbol 65 GraphicUses:64Used by:63
Symbol 63 MovieClip [ship4]Uses:65
Symbol 67 BitmapUsed by:68
Symbol 68 GraphicUses:67Used by:66
Symbol 66 MovieClip [thrust]Uses:68
Symbol 70 BitmapUsed by:71
Symbol 71 GraphicUses:70Used by:69
Symbol 69 MovieClip [tractorbeam]Uses:71
Symbol 73 BitmapUsed by:74
Symbol 74 GraphicUses:73Used by:72
Symbol 72 MovieClip [spaceman]Uses:74
Symbol 76 BitmapUsed by:77
Symbol 77 GraphicUses:76Used by:75
Symbol 75 MovieClip [spaceman_exp]Uses:77
Symbol 79 BitmapUsed by:80
Symbol 80 GraphicUses:79Used by:78
Symbol 78 MovieClip [comm_panel]Uses:80
Symbol 82 BitmapUsed by:83
Symbol 83 GraphicUses:82Used by:81
Symbol 81 MovieClip [commfont]Uses:83
Symbol 85 BitmapUsed by:86
Symbol 86 GraphicUses:85Used by:84
Symbol 84 MovieClip [select]Uses:86
Symbol 88 BitmapUsed by:89
Symbol 89 GraphicUses:88Used by:87
Symbol 87 MovieClip [map_dot]Uses:89
Symbol 91 BitmapUsed by:92
Symbol 92 GraphicUses:91Used by:90
Symbol 90 MovieClip [map_dotb]Uses:92
Symbol 94 BitmapUsed by:95
Symbol 95 GraphicUses:94Used by:93
Symbol 93 MovieClip [map_doty]Uses:95
Symbol 97 BitmapUsed by:98
Symbol 98 GraphicUses:97Used by:96
Symbol 96 MovieClip [map_you]Uses:98
Symbol 100 BitmapUsed by:101
Symbol 101 GraphicUses:100Used by:99
Symbol 99 MovieClip [star1]Uses:101
Symbol 103 BitmapUsed by:104
Symbol 104 GraphicUses:103Used by:102
Symbol 102 MovieClip [ledfnt]Uses:104
Symbol 106 BitmapUsed by:107
Symbol 107 GraphicUses:106Used by:105
Symbol 105 MovieClip [cursor]Uses:107
Symbol 109 BitmapUsed by:110
Symbol 110 GraphicUses:109Used by:108
Symbol 108 MovieClip [healthbar]Uses:110
Symbol 112 BitmapUsed by:113
Symbol 113 GraphicUses:112Used by:111
Symbol 111 MovieClip [options]Uses:113
Symbol 115 BitmapUsed by:116
Symbol 116 GraphicUses:115Used by:114
Symbol 114 MovieClip [slider]Uses:116
Symbol 118 BitmapUsed by:119
Symbol 119 GraphicUses:118Used by:117
Symbol 117 MovieClip [check]Uses:119
Symbol 121 BitmapUsed by:122
Symbol 122 GraphicUses:121Used by:120
Symbol 120 MovieClip [explosion]Uses:122
Symbol 124 BitmapUsed by:125
Symbol 125 GraphicUses:124Used by:123
Symbol 123 MovieClip [health]Uses:125
Symbol 127 BitmapUsed by:128
Symbol 128 GraphicUses:127Used by:126
Symbol 126 MovieClip [bullets]Uses:128
Symbol 130 BitmapUsed by:131
Symbol 131 GraphicUses:130Used by:129
Symbol 129 MovieClip [drone]Uses:131
Symbol 133 BitmapUsed by:134
Symbol 134 GraphicUses:133Used by:132
Symbol 132 MovieClip [arrow]Uses:134
Symbol 136 BitmapUsed by:137
Symbol 137 GraphicUses:136Used by:135
Symbol 135 MovieClip [key_panel]Uses:137
Symbol 139 BitmapUsed by:140
Symbol 140 GraphicUses:139Used by:138
Symbol 138 MovieClip [key_fnt]Uses:140
Symbol 142 BitmapUsed by:143
Symbol 143 GraphicUses:142Used by:141
Symbol 141 MovieClip [score_fnt]Uses:143
Symbol 145 BitmapUsed by:146
Symbol 146 GraphicUses:145Used by:144
Symbol 144 MovieClip [game_logo]Uses:146
Symbol 148 BitmapUsed by:149
Symbol 149 GraphicUses:148Used by:147
Symbol 147 MovieClip [yes]Uses:149
Symbol 151 BitmapUsed by:152
Symbol 152 GraphicUses:151Used by:150
Symbol 150 MovieClip [no]Uses:152
Symbol 154 BitmapUsed by:155
Symbol 155 GraphicUses:154Used by:153
Symbol 153 MovieClip [close]Uses:155
Symbol 157 BitmapUsed by:158
Symbol 158 GraphicUses:157Used by:156
Symbol 156 MovieClip [prev]Uses:158
Symbol 160 BitmapUsed by:161
Symbol 161 GraphicUses:160Used by:159
Symbol 159 MovieClip [next]Uses:161
Symbol 162 BitmapUsed by:163
Symbol 163 GraphicUses:162Used by:28
Symbol 28 MovieClip [ok]Uses:163
Symbol 165 BitmapUsed by:166
Symbol 166 GraphicUses:165Used by:164
Symbol 164 MovieClip [game_over]Uses:166
Symbol 168 BitmapUsed by:169
Symbol 169 GraphicUses:168Used by:167
Symbol 167 MovieClip [credits]Uses:169
Symbol 171 BitmapUsed by:172
Symbol 172 GraphicUses:171Used by:170
Symbol 170 MovieClip [rsg]Uses:172
Symbol 174 BitmapUsed by:175
Symbol 175 GraphicUses:174Used by:173
Symbol 173 MovieClip [chat]Uses:175
Symbol 177 Sound [tbeamsfx]
Symbol 178 Sound [thrustsfx]
Symbol 179 Sound [explodesfx]
Symbol 180 Sound [readysg]
Symbol 181 Sound [spexplode]
Symbol 182 Sound [laserhit]
Symbol 183 Sound [collect]
Symbol 184 Sound [asteroidsfx]
Symbol 185 Sound [laser]Used by:176
Symbol 176 MovieClipUses:185
Symbol 187 Sound [music]
Symbol 186 MovieClip

Special Tags

FileAttributes (69)Timeline Frame 1Access local files only, Metadata not present, AS1/AS2.
FileAttributes (69)Timeline Frame 1Access local files only, Metadata not present, AS1/AS2.
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 1 as "system"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 4 as "empty"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 7 as "full"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 10 as "logo"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 13 as "filter"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 16 as "url"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 19 as "ldone"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 22 as "box"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 25 as "blank_box"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 28 as "ok"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 31 as "panel"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 34 as "bubble"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 36 as "help"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 39 as "player_bullet"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 42 as "asteroid1"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 45 as "asteroid2"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 48 as "asteroid3"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 51 as "asteroid4"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 54 as "ship1"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 57 as "ship2"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 60 as "ship3"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 63 as "ship4"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 66 as "thrust"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 69 as "tractorbeam"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 72 as "spaceman"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 75 as "spaceman_exp"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 78 as "comm_panel"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 81 as "commfont"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 84 as "select"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 87 as "map_dot"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 90 as "map_dotb"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 93 as "map_doty"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 96 as "map_you"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 99 as "star1"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 102 as "ledfnt"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 105 as "cursor"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 108 as "healthbar"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 111 as "options"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 114 as "slider"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 117 as "check"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 120 as "explosion"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 123 as "health"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 126 as "bullets"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 129 as "drone"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 132 as "arrow"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 135 as "key_panel"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 138 as "key_fnt"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 141 as "score_fnt"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 144 as "game_logo"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 147 as "yes"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 150 as "no"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 153 as "close"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 156 as "prev"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 159 as "next"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 28 as "ok"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 164 as "game_over"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 167 as "credits"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 170 as "rsg"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 173 as "chat"
FileAttributes (69)Timeline Frame 3Access local files only, Metadata not present, AS1/AS2.
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 3Symbol 177 as "tbeamsfx"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 3Symbol 178 as "thrustsfx"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 3Symbol 179 as "explodesfx"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 3Symbol 180 as "readysg"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 3Symbol 181 as "spexplode"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 3Symbol 182 as "laserhit"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 3Symbol 183 as "collect"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 3Symbol 184 as "asteroidsfx"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 3Symbol 185 as "laser"
FileAttributes (69)Timeline Frame 4Access local files only, Metadata not present, AS1/AS2.
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 4Symbol 187 as "music"
Tag 0x309 (777)Timeline Frame 23 bytes "rfx"


"game"Frame 2
"sounds"Frame 3
"music"Frame 4
Created: 25/5 -2019 02:20:52 Last modified: 25/5 -2019 02:20:52 Server time: 18/01 -2025 09:29:20