/disc/ · /res/ — /show/ · /fap/ · /gg/ · /swf/ | P0001 · P2596 · P5191 |
This is the info page for Flash #24532 |
Space empires was made by yosi hollander. All rights reserved to |
C |
Planets O. |
Diplomacy |
Overview |
F. level |
War |
Economy |
Determent |
Buildings |
Espionage |
Def. fleet |
Ata. fleet |
Morale |
Fight O. |
Attitude |
Space empires- Overview |
SE (space empires) is a turn based strategy game, where you play for the humans against 3 other races in a battle for domination in the galaxy spine. Each race starts with 2 planets out of 8. your goal is to have all 8 under your command. you loose when you've got no planets left. The main map gives you a look on the sector, here you can see the planets in the sector and give your planets commands. In the Control panel in the bottom you can give different commands, not regarding your planets. At any time you can click on the help button for help |
1 |
Overview |
You start with two planets- Dolanim and Vayom. This game is turn based. That mean you can play only on your turn. At your turn- you can do one of the folloing: - Giving your planets new orders. (see "planets") - Talk with the other races (see "Diplomacy") - Building new ships for your attack fleet see "ata. fleet") - Attack an enemy palanet or insert a spy (see "War") After you did all you want, click on the "Next Turn" button at the right buttom corner, to pass the turn to the other races. All the races can do to you whatever you can at their turn. After they'll finish- it will be your turn again. |
2 |
Planets Overview |
Planets are the most important asset in the game, since they are the main way to gain AC (the currency of Arjahun). Clicking on a planet that under your control- (you start with Dolanim and Vayom) will open the planet's menu. |
3 |
Build new building |
Build Deffence S. Ship |
Sell Deffence S. Ships |
Planet Info |
City hall |
To build new building To build/ sell defence ships (protecting the planet (def. fleet) General info on the planet |
Planets- Buildings |
In order to iprove your planets Ac output per turn, to improve their inhabitants morale (see morale next),or to get general benefits, you can build buildings on your planets. Click on "build new building" from the planet menu of the planet you want to build on. It will take you to Construction menu, where you can choose which building to build. click on the building picture to build it. (first make sure you have enough money for it). * The gun and the turret will give this planet higher deffence in case of invation. * The market and the trade center will improve the planet Ac output. You'll learn about the rest of the buildings later. |
4 |
Planets- Deffence Ships |
Since holding the planets is the goal of SE you must do everything to insure that your planets will stay in your hand. All the other races wish to take over your planets, and might try to invade them from time to time. if you have enough def. ships on the attacked planet, you will manage to drive away their attacks. You build deffence ships by clicking "Build def ship" in the planet menu. This will take you to the def ships menu, where you can choose what ship to bye (simmilar to building a building). There's 2 types of ships to buy, you'll learn later what the difference between them (see War). Notice: Each planet has its own deffence ships, and they cannot be moved from one planet to another. Also- they can't be used to attack enemy planets, but only to protect the planet they were built on. Also- be aware that def ship like attack ships demands support of Ac per turn. |
5 |
Planets- Morale I |
A planet moral level grades the happiness of the people who lives on that planet from 1 to 100. You can see a planet mor. level by clicking "Planet Info" in the planet menu. As long as the planet's morale is above 50 its ok, but if it goes bellow it- that might cause it's setlers to go on a strike, or even revolt. You can improve the people's morale by building a Harmony generator and a Coloseum, but most important is to bust up the luxury funds (you learn how to do it later. see Economy). If the morale goes too low you'll see one of thoes marks next to the planet in the main map. - strike. You will recieve less Ac from the planet - Revolt. you're people stop working, and no Ac will be gained |
6 |
R! |
Planets- Morale II |
Another cause for resentment is your army. Every atack ship you build (see atack fleet), and war against other races (see diplomacy) might reduce your people's morale. To fight anti war resentment, you need to increase your propaganda funds, to convince the people to support you (see economy ) or to build a Mind stabilizer on the revolting planet. You need to do that only if there's resntment from war/ army. this want improve the morale otherwise, since its only reduces the effects of the war on your people. Notice: Only attack fleet cause resentment, so you can build def fleet freely. |
7 |
Economy I |
Ac is needed to do anything in SE, from buying ships to maintaining the peace. You gain Ac from your planets. Each planet gives you a certain amount of Ac per turn. you also get Ac from trading with other races (see diplomacy). In the control panel click on the "economy" button. This will bring you to the economy panel. In here you can see how much Ac you'll get next turn, and choose how much AC to invest in: Military- Improves your fighting. see F. level. Culture- Improve the attitude of the alliens. see Diplomacy. Propaganda- Invest only if there's anti war resentment. Invest as much as needed to gain back your people support (The more ata. ships you have, the more prop you need). Luxury- you need about 40 Ac per planet to keep the morale balanced (EG- if you have 3 planets put it on 120 ac), but invest more if needed. |
8 |
Economy II |
How much to invest in army |
9 |
Tax. Income: + Trade: + Unit support: - G. Expenses: - |
Total Income: |
Army Morale Propaganda Culture |
How much to invest in Morale |
How much to invest in Prop. |
How much to invest in Culture Gross Ac you gain from planets and trade. Outcome for unit support, and luxury, culture, prop, army Net income (Gathered to the ac you have already) |
Fight- Overview |
A battle allways acure when one race attacks another race's planet. In that situation- the atacker's Atack fleet faces the Defence fleet of the planet he attacks. Either the attacker will win and the planet will turn to his control, or the deffender will manage to drive the attack away. Anyway, both to try to invade a planet, or to be in a threat of invation by an allien race, you must be at war with that allien (see diplomacy). |
10 |
Fight- Attack fleet |
Clicking on the Military button in the control panel will open the military menu. Clicking on build attack s. ship will lead you to the atack ship menu, where you can buy 3 types of atack ships (see War to see the difference between them). Notice: like def ships , atack ships also need support of a certain amount of Ac per turn. Atack ships are needed to Invade other planets, so as more atack ships you have, the greater chanse you got for a sucssesful invation (see War). Atack ships also deters your enemies from atacking you. At the black market you can buy special weapons that will help you in a fight (see War). |
11 |
Attack fleet- Spaceport |
Build Attack S. Ship |
sell Attack S. Ship |
Gal. black market |
Fight- Fighting level |
As you could see in "Economy", you choose how much to invest in military. The more you invest, the faster you'll level up a Fighting level. Each f. level improves both of your def and attack ship's fighting and shield points. This is important, so invest as much as you can. A good fighting level is sometimes better than some extra ships in battle. |
12 |
War I |
If you want to attack an enemy planet, press the "attack planet" button at the control panel, and choose planet to attack. After you select a planet to atack, or an enemy have atacked one of your planets, the battle menu will open. If you are the attacker, you can choose here how many ships of each kind to send. click here to send the attack and here to abort it. Notice:If you'll abort now, you might loose some of your ships by the deffenders |
13 |
Ships to send |
Pick All |
1/2 |
Pick 50% |
3/4 |
Pick 75% |
Send fleet |
Abort atack |
Med. Ships: Battleships: Artillery: Fighting: |
Small s.: Capitol s.: Fighting : Defence : |
Battle for |
War II |
Either if you are attacking or deffending you'll get to the battle screen next. A battle, like the game is turn based. each turn you choose the way your ships will fight (4 options), and clicking "next clash", to the next turn. The attacker's attack fleet will face the planet deffence fleet. the one who left with no ships, looses the battle. *here you see the target of your ships *click here to use a s. weapon you bought at the b. market *choose the way you want your ships to fight (see next page) *click the "C" b. for next turn *How much ships each one has |
14 |
Battle for |
s ata: b ata: art: |
s def: b def: p def: |
Amount: Info: |
Inventory |
War III |
15 |
There are 5 types of ships in SE. 2 deffencive and 3 of the attacking fleet. Either for attacking a planet or deffending an invation, you better have them all. Small deffender- week and cheep, but can kill artillery. Capitol Deffender- Powerful deffender Small atacker- Good against the small def. you need about 2 for each small defffender. Capitol attacker- good against Capitol deffender. much weeker, though. Attacking Artillery- Very week, but does great damage. artillery can't stay by itself in a battle without other types of ships (if all the rest are dead), otherwise it will be easily destroyed by the deffenders. If there's a sign next to ship it means its protected from hostile fire. |
War IV |
16 |
Each turn you need to select the atack position from the war panel: Split- small def vs. small ata, and big def vs. big attacker. Parry- changes the artillery's target. Massive- All atack the big ones Block- All atack the small ones. After that, you can use a special weapon from the inventory panel (if you bought one in the black market). this are very usefull and can help your ships in battle, so you better have some just in case. you can use one weapon per battle turn. After your done, press the "C" button to pass the turn. this will go on untill one of the sides left with no ships. If the deffender lost, the attacker gain control on that planet. if you're the attacker you can retreat by pressing the "R" b. (same as aborting the atack) |
Figh-Espionage |
17 |
Cost: Chance: |
Spy menu |
Sabotage |
Investigate planet |
In order to improve your invation abillity, you better insert a spy to the planet you wish to attack. click on the "insert spy" button" from the control panel, and choose a planet. this will lead you to the espionage menu. Here, you can investigate the planet, so you can tell what's you're facing, and get proparly prepared. Click here to try sabotage a deffence structure Notice: you don't have to be at war when doing this, but you might get cought, and that may cause a diplomatic crisis (see diplomacy). |
Diplomacy |
18 |
There are 3 diplomatic states possible with each of the other races. War- two races fighting each other. Peace- No fighting is aloud. Trade- Like peace, only there's trading, what gives you more Ac per turn. To contact another race, click on the diplomacy button in the control panel, then choose the race you want to speak with. There, you can try to improve your diplo status, declare war, and other things. |
Diplomacy- Attitude |
19 |
The race attitude to you affects the chances for making peace, sighning a trade pack, coming to your aid when your at trouble and declaring war on you. The better it's attitude is the higher the chances it will like to improve your status, and not get in war with you. attitude is determin by the folloing: Culture funds at the economy menu- That will increas your popularity among the other races. Try not to get less than 80 ac, and invest more if you have. Embasies- building them on your planet will improve your negotiation ability (Notice: only the first 2 will make affect!) Trust- Each time you declare war without a reason, the alliens trust you a bit less. it's very hard to restore their trust, so be carefull with this. |
Diplomacy- Determent |
20 |
The bigger army you have, and the higher your fighting level is, the more the alliens will fear you. The more they fear you the lower the chances they will dare to declare war on you. That's why it is important to build an attack army even if you're not planning an attack soon. Notice: some actions may cause a diplo crisis or cause an allien race to hate you so much that culture funds wan't help to improve his attitude. In that case the best you can do, is to try giving him a gift as a token of friendship. |
Some 65,000,000 years ago the dinosaurs ruled the earth- a small planet at the end of Arjahun sector. Human always thought them to be stupid animals. what they did not know is that one of them- the Destoy was much smarter than humans are. That race lived in peace, with no wish for expansion, But when the destoy scientists discovered an asteroid that is about to crash into the earth, they knew they have no choice but to leaving or to be extinct. Many years later, a new race now rule this planet- the human, but the destoys have never forgot their ancient homeland. |
In the other side of the Arjahun, lives safely Ne'hxfjika- the Kweipomic (A powerful race living in a planet called Kweipom) female regent. Her lonley days in the royal palace have come to an end as she met Lauhus, a Zoy (Anothe race in Arjahun) general. But they were discovered by Ne'hxfjika's evel maid called Tixhegall. when the kweipom ruler was told about this, he exciled the princes and her lover away from Kweipom. |
Homeless and raged, the unwanted couple made his way to Amis Zoy- the Zoy home planet. There, they earned the trust of the locals, and persuade them to get into a revenge war against the kweipom |
After years of endless battles, an old Destoy women came to lauhus. That women was Tixhegall. "How dare you come here!" he shout, "I can kill you in a moment!" "Silent!" she sad, "Im here to help. if you wish to know how to defeat the kweipom, you must know about the Arjahun spine". |
Made of eight planets, the one who will rule the entire spine of arjahun, will gain its increadible power. so she said and vanished in a flash of light. was it real, or only a vision? |
What he does'nt know, is that he wasn't the only one to see that vision. 3 other saw that women as well. The leaders of the strongest races in Arjahun, the Destoy, Kweipom and Zoy. Now, each one of the four with its own reason wish to hold the entire spine, and it's great power. |
Select difficulty |
Easy |
Normal |
Hard |
Enter you name: |
Player |
Select appearance: |
GO |
Loading... |
? |
Help |
There are 5 types of ships in SE. 2 deffencive and 3 of the attacking fleet. Either for attacking a planet or deffending an invation, you better have them all. Small deffender- week and cheep, but can kill artillery. Capitol Deffender- Powerful deffender Small atacker- Good against the small def. you need about 2 for each small defffender. Capitol attacker- good against Capitol deffender. much weeker, though. Attacking Artillery- Very week, but does great damage. artillery can't stay by itself in a battle without other types of ships (if all the rest are dead), otherwise it will be easily destroyed by the deffenders. |
AC |
Dolanim- |
Metorime |
Gohem3 |
Vayom |
Tolmar |
Kweipom |
Kor Mayem |
Amis zoy |
/ |
Planet: Tolmar Ruler: |
Planet: Metorime Ruler: |
Planet: Gohem- 3 Ruler: |
Planet: Amis Zoy Ruler: |
Planet: Vayom Ruler: |
Planet: Amis Zoy Ruler: |
Planet: Kweipom Ruler: |
Planet: Dolanim Ruler: |
Attack enemy planet |
Insert spy |
Economy |
Military |
Diplomacy |
Sell Attack S. Ships |
Galactic black market |
Attack fleet |
Ship Type: Allready exist: Cost: Info: Support: Attack: Shield: |
Longrage- T600 250 AC Small fighter 3 AC per turn 1-3 10 |
Flying T-rex 4 600 AC Battleship 5 AC per turn 3-5 25 |
Space Blaster P-9 750 AC Artillery ship 8 AC per turn 6-11 10 |
Ship Type: Allready exist: Cost: Info: Support: |
Sell Attack fleet |
130 |
350 |
Worth: |
Available sh.: |
400 |
My finest generator, will make you invisable for a round. your enemy ships will have a 1:3 chance to miss their target 850 AC |
That gen will create a one turn force field, protecting the deffenders. any small ship that enter it takes a 1-3 damage. 400 AC |
A basic repair bot that will fix your damaged ships during battle (good for one battle round 75 AC |
Illegal weaponry |
basic pt missiles that will give your smaller fighters +1 fighting for a single battle round 200 AC |
A fog gen that will blind your enemy's artillery for one battle round, reducing its efficiency by 40% 450 AC |
These are called Mayhem missiles, and they will make the attacker's capitol ships more vulnerableby 20% for one battle turn 650 AC |
These are the only remains of some ancient civilization who lived here thousands of years ago. Don't know what it does but it got to be worth it. 1000 AC |
That thing is a planet blaster canon. it will bombard the attacked planet from space, razing any deffence structure on the surface 900 AC |
This is a t-bot shield, it worth as 5 shield points for all your ship, for a single battle round 750 AC |
Weird elien tech |
Generators |
A basic pulse canon that will give your capitol ships +1 fighting for a single battle round 250 AC |
Allready have: |
Economy |
Army Luxury Propaganda Culture |
General Info |
Army Morale Propoganda Culture |
Diplomacy level- Fighting level- Trust- % Popularity- Power- |
4 |
Zoy |
Kweipom |
Destoy |
Stat. |
Status: Attitude: Determent: |
Race to contact: |
Our incredible power is second to none, a perfect combination of diplomacy, military strength and culture superiority. none of the other races dares to undermine our dominance. |
There is no match to our military, and that what's keeping the peace. Although the other races show respect for us, They would be much happier without us. |
We are masters when it comes to force, but inferior in words. The other races hate us, and wishing our downfall, it is our mighty army who deters them. |
The aliens love us. They think we are peaceful and kind (they dont know us very well), and have no wish to fight us. Our army is average, but it seems sufficient as long as we are as populare as now. |
We are doing ok, more or less. The aliens are not a great fan of us, but theyv'e got better things on their minds besides killing us. Our millitary like our diplomatic skill is average. that seems ok for now. |
The other races hate us, and are planning our annihilation as we speak. Although our army is not bad, can it handle that much hate? |
Our army is pathetic compares to the other race's, and the only reason they don't destroy us is because they like us. Still, we can't relly on their mercy for long. |
We are in a dangerous situation, where we hardly have an army, and the alliens like us less each day. If we'll continue like this, it might be the end of us. |
This is the worse as it gets! Our army is almost not exist, our diplomatic skills are pathetic, and we are that close to be extincted by the raging aliens who both hate us and ridicule our non existent army. |
Zoy |
Destoy |
Kweipom |
Human |
Popularity Trust |
Ambassador of |
War |
Peace |
Trade |
I wish to give you a gift |
(Back to diplomacy Menu) |
The Zoy |
The Destoy |
The Kweipom |
Nevermind... |
- City hall |
- Construction yard |
Planetaric Light Shield 1000 Ac Increase planet defence by 1 level |
Trade Center 1500 Ac Boosts up economy by 5-10% |
Embassy 1400 Ac Give 1 diplomacy level (max. 2) |
Coliseum 1200 Ac Increase Morale by 5% |
Harmony generator 1500 Ac Increase morale by 10% |
Mind stabilizer 1300 Ac Reduces resentment caused by war or high conscription |
War Academy 1500 Ac Increase fighting training by 15-25% |
Marketplace 1300 Ac Boosts up economy by 5-10% |
Anti missiles canon 900 Ac Increase planet defence by 1 level |
Building: Exist: Cost: Info: |
Police Station 1250 Ac Prevent Enemy spy actions |
Fireblade- J89 150 Small Defender 2 per turn 3-5 30 |
Space Condor- 7 450 Heavy vessel 4 per turn 6-8 65 |
- Defence fleet click on the ship you want to buy |
Ship Type: Allready exist: Cost: Info: |
80 |
250 |
AC Worth: |
Available: |
- Ship market click on the ship you want to sell |
Deffence: Morale: |
- Info |
Climate: Arid/ Warm Area: 509 M. Sq. Km Sat.\ Moons: 0 Gravity: Medium Native Race: Dolan Population: 2,200 M. Loyalty: Human |
Planet: Dolanim Capitol: Semanin |
When human came here for the first time They found the Dolans (Dolanim's native race) in a cruel war against the Destoy. The Dolans were happy to ally with the humans for protection. Dolanim is a tough world with little resources and arable area, yet relatively thriving. |
Climate: Tropical Area: 600 M. Sq. Km Sat.\ Moons: 2 Gravity: Medium Native Race: none Population: 2,500 M. Loyalty: Human |
Planet: Vayom Capitol: Voyom c. |
The first human settlers who came here 100 years ago were amazed to find this paradise unpopulated. Today, Vayom is the greatest human stronghold in the region, and full of life. |
Climate: Very warm Area: 360 M. Sq. Km Sat.\ Moons: 0 Gravity: Very low Native Race: Klekoids Population: 1,800 M. Loyalty: Zoy |
Planet: Gohem 3 Capitol: Reluz'iz |
On that rocky arid little planet, the Zoy built a small colony some 200 years ago. Rumors tell that this planet use to be the home of the Klekoids, which have disappeared in a suspicious manner. |
Climate: Cool Area: 401 M. Sq. Km Sat.\ Moons: 1 Gravity: Low Native Race: Zoy Population: 2,200 M. Loyalty: Zoy |
Planet: Amis Zoy Capitol: Culchurai |
Amis zoy is the zoy homeland. It's abundant, but small and crowdy. Allthough seem harmless, the Zoy can be very cruel when it comes to their territory. Amis zoy was use to be the homeland of many species, which have all disappeared in a suspicious manner in the past century. |
Climate: Very cold Area: 760 M. Sq. Km Sat.\ Moons: 6 Gravity: High Native Race: Tolmars Population: 2300 M. Loyalty: Destoy |
Planet: Tolmar Capitol: Requs |
It seems that the hail and the snow never stop falling in tolmar. That is why the Destoys was so happy to colonize it. Most of the Destoys who live here are miners in Tolmars great mines near its north pole. Thoes mines have great significance to the Destoy's economy. |
Climate: Cold/ stormy Area: 880 M. Sq. Km Sat.\ Moons: 5 Gravity: Very high Native Race: Destoy Population: 2,500 M. Loyalty: Destoy |
Planet: Metorime Capitol: Metoro |
20 years after escaping from earth, The Destoys have built here their new home. They have managed to get adapted to Metorime's cold weather. Since this planet is poor with resources, the Destoys had to found new mining colonies. Tolmar is the most important among them. |
Climate: furious Area: 305,400 MSKm Sat.\ Moons: 9 Gravity: Very low Native Race: None Population: 1,700 M. Loyalty: Kweipom |
Planet: Kor mayem Capitol: Mayem |
No one can live on this gas giant, but a couple of space cities surround it constantly. The zoy were interested in this planet mostly for research, but it turned into a great colony, some 100 years latter. |
Climate: Diversified Area: 790 M. Sq. Km Sat.\ Moons: 0 Gravity: High Native Race: Kweipom Population: 2,300 M. Loyalty: Kweipom |
Planet: Kweipom Capitol: Kwei Jun |
Kweipom is a buautiful planet covered mostly with water. Its the kweipoms home planet. The Kweipom are amphibian, so they have no problem live underwater. Kweipom is a race of scientists and explorers, and mostly peacefull. |
Atacking small s. |
Atacking artillery |
Atacking Capital s. |
Defence small s. |
Defence Capital s. |
Split forces |
Parry enemy forces |
Attack Major ships |
Block enemy fighters |
Spl |
Par |
Mas |
Art |
small ata: Capitol ata: artillery: |
small def: capitol def: Planet def: |
Fighting: |
Fighting : |
Red allert!!! a planet which is under our control is under the attack of the all deffenders to their positions now!! |
Next Clash |
Retreat\ Surrender |
Planet blaster- Destroys one deffence structure |
Mayhem missiles, +10% Damage to big deffence ships |
Pt missiles- small ships fig+1 |
Stealth gen.- Deffence ships 1:3 chance to miss |
Repair bot- Repair all damaged ships |
Space fog gen artillery fig -4 |
Pulse canon- Cap. ships fig+1 |
Galactic divinity, fig+1 for all ships for whole battle |
Tbot shield- +5 shield for all ships |
Force field- (Def). small ships take 1-3 damage |
You were defeated by your enemy |
Victory! You've Cunqured |
Alas! We lost |
You've drove away your foes |
150 AC |
Sabotage defence structure |
250 AC |
Your spy has failed in his mission. luckily, the local police didn't manage to discover who sent him |
Your spy has failed in his mission. This caused a diplomatic incident |
With no other choice, you have escaped the battlefield, but some of your ship were taken down before they mange to leave the sector |
A defence structure on that planet was sabotaged. The police can't tell who did this. |
You must declare war on a race before you can attack one of it's planets. |
End turn |
Select Planet |
A message from the |
We had enough with your lies and tricks. We know all about your evel plans, and we will not let tnem happen. prepare to die, Human! |
A message from the |
You Humans are not that bad, but these are hard times you know? we have no choice but to demand you to share some of your whelth with us, or we'll end the trade pack... |
Fine, I'll pay. Forget it! |
We have a new plan for this galaxy, and you are not encluded in it. yet, some cash might change our minds. pay us, or face death! |
This war leads nowhere and our people suffer for nothing. let us end this, and open a new page. |
The war will stop when you'll die! Yes! let us end this war. |
The has declared war on the |
The have made peace with the |
The report that they have lost one of their planets to the witnesses report many casualties, and hundreds of thousands of refugees trying to leave the planet. |
It is the end of the With the lost of their last planet, this once great civilization has stop to exist. |
We are sorry, but we have no interest to continue trading with you. yet, we hope to keep the peace. |
Youv'e conqured the last planet of Arjahun spine, but you discovered no great power. Instead, looking toward the sky- you can see a flash of light, and you hear Tixhegall voice screaming and laughing. Though she sad nothing, you've relize it yourself. It was all too late now. |
Back to main menu |
Total points: |
Back to main menu |
You gave all you had, but that wasn't enough. The human race was defeated, and lost it control in this part of the universe. You will always be remmembered as the greate leader of the human colonies of Arjahun |
Defeat! |
ActionScript [AS1/AS2]
Frame 1madz._x = (ml * 3) - 60; ml = (_root.getBytesLoaded() / _root.getBytesTotal()) * 100; _global.gogo = 25;Frame 2if (ml == 100) { gotoAndPlay (3); } else { gotoAndPlay (1); }Frame = 0; _global.points = 0;; d = 1; _global.rekz = 0; _global.rekd = 0; _global.rekk = 0; f = 1; _global.tyt = 0; _global.turn = 0; _global.dsmo = 0; _global.dbmo = 0; _global.asmo = 0; _global.abmo = 0; _global.dsmmo = 0; _global.dbmmo = 0; _global.asmmo = 0; _global.abmmo = 0; _global.aammo = 0; _global.dip = 0; = 25; nisr = 1; nisp = 8; stop(); = new Array("0", "human", "zoy", "destoy", "kweipom"); _global.paname = new Array("0", "Dolanim", "Vayom", "Gohem 3", "Amis Zoy", "Tolmar", "Metorime", "Kor Mayem", "Kweipom"); = new Array("0", 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2); _global.death = new Array("0", false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false); _global.powere = new Array("0", "0", 0, 0, 0); _global.doh = new Array("0", "no", "no", "no", "no", "no", "no", "no", "no"); _global.prule = new Array("0", 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4); _global.popul = new Array("0", 22, 21, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1); _global.diplo = new Array("0", "0", "peace", "peace", "peace", "peace", "peace", "peace"); _global.anger = new Array("0", "0", 0, 0, 0); _global.pop = new Array("0", "0", 26, 26, 26); _global.dipat = new Array("0", "0", 0, 0, 0); _global.deter = new Array("0", "0", 0, 0, 0); _global.detern = new Array("Taunt", "Disregard", "Careful", "Fear", "Panic"); _global.dipan = new Array("0", "Despise", "Hostile", "Reluctant", "Suspicious", "Apathic", "Curious", "Good willing", "cordial", "Friendly", "Admire"); _global.fig = new Array("0", 1, 1, 1, 1); _global.figg = new Array("0", 0, 0, 0, 0); _global.figgm = new Array("0", 0, 0, 0, 0); _global.expa = new Array("0", 80, 80, 80, 80); _global.def = new Array("0", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); _global.modify = new Array("0", 0, 0, 0, 0); _global.aasf = new Array("0", 0, 0, 0, 0); _global.aabf = new Array("0", 0, 0, 0, 0); _global.aaaf = new Array("0", 0, 0, 0, 0); _global.asmo = new Array("0", 0, 0, 0, 0); _global.abmo = new Array("0", 0, 0, 0, 0); _global.aamo = new Array("0", 0, 0, 0, 0); _global.asmmo = new Array("0", 0, 0, 0, 0); _global.abmmo = new Array("0", 0, 0, 0, 0); _global.aammo = new Array("0", 0, 0, 0, 0); _global.mor = new Array("0", 60, 60, 60, 60, 60, 60, 60, 60); _global.pmor = new Array("0", 60, 60, 60, 60, 60, 60, 60, 60); _global.sin = new Array("0", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); _global.order = new Array("0", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); _global.dsmo = new Array("0", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); _global.dbmo = new Array("0", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); _global.dsmmo = new Array("0", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); _global.dbmmo = new Array("0", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); _global.dsf = new Array("0", 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6); _global.dbf = new Array("0", 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3); _global.emb = new Array("0", "no", "no", "no", "no", "no", "no", "no", "no"); _global.mar = new Array("0", "no", "no", "no", "no", "no", "no", "no", "no"); _global.tra = new Array("0", "no", "no", "no", "no", "no", "no", "no", "no"); _global.ent = new Array("0", "no", "no", "no", "no", "no", "no", "no", "no"); _global.lab = new Array("0", "no", "no", "no", "no", "no", "no", "no", "no"); _global.min = new Array("0", "no", "no", "no", "no", "no", "no", "no", "no"); _global.gun = new Array("0", "no", "no", "no", "no", "no", "no", "no", "no"); _global.tur = new Array("0", "no", "no", "no", "no", "no", "no", "no", "no"); _global.war = new Array("0", "no", "no", "no", "no", "no", "no", "no", "no"); _global.pol = new Array("0", "no", "no", "no", "no", "no", "no", "no", "no"); ye = 2267; mo = 0; _global.heco = 400; _global.dip = 0; = 0; _global.expl = 80; _global.expc = 80; _global.expt = 240; _global.hf = 1; = 1; _global.tran = 0; _global.emn = 0; _global.ret = 0.65; _global.scim = 0; _global.pul = 0; _global.poc = 0; _global.rep = 0; _global.fie = 0; _global.fog = 0; _global.may = 0; _global.tbo = 0; _global.ste = 0; _global.bla = 0; _global.div = 0; = true;Frame 4stop(); pap = 1; _global.diffi = 1; _global.diffic = 0;Frame 5app.gotoandplay(pap); _global.poi = 400 + (_global.diffic * 200); _global.p = 0; _global.helper = 4; _global.expa[2] = 90 + (_global.diffic * 20); _global.expa[3] = 85 + (_global.diffic * 15); _global.expa[4] = 85 + (_global.diffic * 15); _global.fig[2] = _global.diffic + 1; _global.fig[3] = _global.diffic + 1; _global.fig[4] = _global.diffic + 1;Frame 6_global.points = 1; doli.gotoandstop(_global.prule[1]); vayi.gotoandstop(_global.prule[2]); gohi.gotoandstop(_global.prule[3]); amii.gotoandstop(_global.prule[4]); toli.gotoandstop(_global.prule[5]); meti.gotoandstop(_global.prule[6]); kori.gotoandstop(_global.prule[7]); kwei.gotoandstop(_global.prule[8]); map.doli.gotoandstop(_global.prule[1]); map.vayi.gotoandstop(_global.prule[2]); map.gohi.gotoandstop(_global.prule[3]); map.amii.gotoandstop(_global.prule[4]); map.toli.gotoandstop(_global.prule[5]); map.meti.gotoandstop(_global.prule[6]); map.kori.gotoandstop(_global.prule[7]); map.kwei.gotoandstop(_global.prule[8]); stop();[1] = 0;[2] = 0;[3] = 0;[4] = 0; _global.warp = 0; _global.warr = 0; _global.tdeter = 0; _global.tdipat = 0; _global.ang = _global.anger[4]; _global.heco = 0; _global.ectr = 0; = 0; co = 1; while (co < 5) { if (co > 1) { rand = (random(3) + 3) / 4; _global.pop[co] = _global.pop[co] + ((_global.expc / 80) - rand); if ((_global.anger[co] > 0) and (_global.anger[co] < _global.pop[co])) { _global.pop[co] = _global.anger[co]; } if (_global.pop[co] > 60) { _global.pop[co] = 60; } if (_global.pop[co] < -20) { _global.pop[co] = -20; } _global.dip = _global.emn; if (_global.dip > 2) { _global.dip = 2; } _global.dipr = (random(21) - 10) + (_global.dip * 5); _global.dipat[co] = Math.floor((( + _global.pop[co]) + _global.dipr) / 10); if (_global.dipat[co] > 10) { _global.dipat[co] = 10; } if (_global.dipat[co] < 1) { _global.dipat[co] = 1; } if ((_global.dipat[co] > 4) and (_global.diplo[co] == "war")) { _global.dipat[co] = 4; } if ((_global.expc < 85) and (_global.dipat[co] == 7)) { _global.dipat[co] = _global.dipat[co] - 1; } if ((_global.expc < (85 + random(10))) and (_global.dipat[co] == 8)) { _global.dipat[co] = _global.dipat[co] - 1; } if ((_global.expc < (100 + random(10))) and (_global.dipat[co] > 8)) { _global.dipat[co] = _global.dipat[co] - 1; } _global.deter[co] = 50 + ((((((_global.fig[1] - _global.fig[co]) * 10) + ((_global.aabf[1] - _global.aabf[co]) * 2)) + ((_global.aasf[1] - _global.aasf[co]) * 1)) + ((_global.aaaf[1] - _global.aaaf[co]) * 3)) + ((_global.modify[1] - _global.modify[co]) * 10)); if (_global.deter[co] > 100) { _global.deter[co] = 100; } if (_global.deter[co] < 0) { _global.deter[co] = 0; } if (_global.diplo[co] == "trade") { _global.ectr = _global.ectr + (random(11) + 60); } _global.tdeter = _global.tdeter + _global.deter[co]; _global.tdipat = _global.tdipat + _global.dipat[co]; } if (co > 1) { } _global.figg[co] = _global.figg[co] + (_global.expa[co] + _global.figgm[co]); if (_global.figg[co] > (1200 + (_global.fig[co] * 400))) { _global.fig[co] = _global.fig[co] + 1; _global.dsmo[co] = _global.dsmo[co] + 2; _global.dsmo[co] = _global.dsmo[co] + 4; _global.asmo[co] = _global.asmo[co] + 1; _global.abmo[co] = _global.abmo[co] + 2; _global.aamo[co] = _global.aamo[co] + 1; _global.figg[co] = 0; _global.poi = _global.poi + (10 + (_global.diffic * 5)); } co = co + 1; } qq3.hz = _global.diplo[2]; qq3.hd = _global.diplo[3]; = _global.diplo[4]; qq3.atnz = _global.dipan[_global.dipat[2]]; qq3.atnd = _global.dipan[_global.dipat[3]]; qq3.atnk = _global.dipan[_global.dipat[4]]; qq3.atiz = _global.dipat[2]; qq3.atid = _global.dipat[3]; qq3.atik = _global.dipat[4]; co = 1; while (co < 9) {[_global.prule[co]] =[_global.prule[co]] + 1; if (_global.prule[co] == 1) { rand = ((random(3) + 3) / 4) * 2; _global.pmor[co] = _global.pmor[co] + ((_global.expl / (20 *[1])) - rand); if (_global.pmor[co] < 0) { _global.pmor[co] = 0; } if (_global.pmor[co] > 85) { _global.pmor[co] = 85; } _global.prop = _global.expp - ([1] * 10); if (_global.min[co] == "yes") { _global.prop = _global.prop + 20; } if (_global.prop < 0) { _global.prop = 0; } _global.sin[co] = (((_global.aaaf[1] * 5) + (_global.aabf[1] * 4)) + (_global.aasf[1] * 2)) - _global.prop; if (_global.sin[co] > 100) { _global.sin[co] = 100; } if (_global.sin[co] < 0) { _global.sin[co] = 0; } _global.mor[co] = _global.pmor[co] - _global.sin[co]; if (_global.ent[co] == "yes") { _global.mor[co] = _global.mor[co] + 5; } if (_global.lab[co] == "yes") { _global.mor[co] = _global.mor[co] + 10; } if (_global.mor[co] < 0) { _global.mor[co] = 0; } if (((_global.expl < (55 *[1])) and (_global.mor[co] > 75)) and (_global.mor[co] < 88)) { _global.mor[co] = _global.mor[co] - 4; } if ((_global.expl < (70 *[1])) and (_global.mor[co] >= 88)) { _global.mor[co] = _global.mor[co] - 6; } if (_global.mor[co] > 50) { _global.order[co] = 1; } if ((_global.mor[co] <= 50) and (_global.mor[co] > 40)) { _global.order[co] = 2; } else if ((_global.mor[co] <= 40) and (_global.mor[co] > 30)) { _global.order[co] = 3; } else if (_global.mor[co] <= 30) { _global.order[co] = 4; } } if ((_global.prule[co] == 1) and (_global.order[co] < 4)) { _global.heco = _global.heco + ((_global.popul[co] * (12 - ((_global.order[co] - 1) * 5))) + _global.mor[co]); if (_global.mar[co] == "yes") { _global.heco = _global.heco + (random(10) + 45); } if (_global.tra[co] == "yes") { _global.heco = _global.heco + (random(10) + 45); } = + ((_global.dsf[co] * 2) + (_global.dbf[co] * 4)); } co = co + 1; } = + (((_global.aaaf[1] * 8) + (_global.aabf[1] * 5)) + (_global.aasf[1] * 3)); _global.ecneto = (_global.heco + _global.ectr) - ( + _global.expt); co = 2; = + _global.ecneto; mo = mo + 1; if (mo > 12) { mo = 1; ye = ye + 1; } if ([1] == 8) { gamew = true; _global.poi = _global.poi + (1000 + (_global.diffic * 500)); gotoAndPlay (29); } else if ([1] == 0) { gamew = false; gotoAndPlay (30); } else { gotoAndPlay (7); } Mouse.hide(); rule1 =[_global.prule[1]]; rule2 =[_global.prule[2]]; rule3 =[_global.prule[3]]; rule4 =[_global.prule[4]]; rule5 =[_global.prule[5]]; rule6 =[_global.prule[6]]; rule7 =[_global.prule[7]]; rule8 =[_global.prule[8]]; poin._x = _xmouse; poin._y = _ymouse; ri1.gotoandstop(_global.order[1]); ri2.gotoandstop(_global.order[2]); ri3.gotoandstop(_global.order[3]); ri4.gotoandstop(_global.order[4]); ri5.gotoandstop(_global.order[5]); ri6.gotoandstop(_global.order[6]); ri7.gotoandstop(_global.order[7]); ri8.gotoandstop(_global.order[8]); b = comm[4]; doi = _global.expa[nisr]; if (_global.rekz > 0) { _global.rekz = _global.rekz + 1; if (_global.rekz == (3 + _global.diffic)) { _global.rekz = 0; } } if (_global.rekk > 0) { _global.rekk = _global.rekk + 1; if (_global.rekk == (3 + _global.diffic)) { _global.rekk = 0; } } if (_global.rekd > 0) { _global.rekd = _global.rekd + 1; if (_global.rekd == (3 + _global.diffic)) { _global.rekd = 0; } }Frame 7_global.helper = 4; forb = _global.forbid[1]; _global.p =[nisr]; if (_global.endm == true) { qq1._visible = true; qq2._visible = true; qq3._visible = true; qq4._visible = true; qq5._visible = true; qq6._visible = true; } Mouse.hide(); _global.points = 1; poin._x = _xmouse; poin._y = _ymouse; atas = ((_global.asf * 2) + (_global.abf * 5)) + (_global.aaf * 7); if (_global.dol == 1) { dols = (pdol.sf * 2) + ( * 4); } temp1 = _global.aasf[nisr]; temp2 = _global.aabf[nisr]; temp3 = _global.aaaf[nisr];Frame 8Mouse.hide(); poin._x = _xmouse; poin._y = _ymouse; = _global.fig[nisr]; _global.hf = _global.fig[1]; gotoAndPlay (7);Frame 11_global.helper = 14; if (_global.endm) { qq1._visible = true; qq2._visible = true; qq3._visible = true; qq4._visible = true; qq5._visible = true; qq6._visible = true; gotoAndPlay (8); }Instance of Symbol 1223 MovieClip in Frame 11onClipEvent (load) { startDrag ("", true); } onClipEvent (load) { Mouse.hide(); }Frame 12gotoAndPlay (11);Frame 13_global.helper = 18; if (_global.endm) { qq1._visible = true; qq2._visible = true; qq3._visible = true; qq4._visible = true; qq5._visible = true; qq6._visible = true; gotoAndPlay (8); }Instance of Symbol 1229 MovieClip in Frame 13onClipEvent (load) { startDrag ("", true); } onClipEvent (load) { Mouse.hide(); }Frame 14gotoAndPlay (13);Instance of Symbol 1223 MovieClip in Frame 15onClipEvent (load) { startDrag ("", true); } onClipEvent (load) { Mouse.hide(); }Frame 17_global.forbid[1] = false; _global.forbid[2] = false; _global.forbid[3] = false; _global.forbid[4] = false; _global.forbid[5] = false; _global.forbid[6] = false; _global.forbid[7] = false; _global.forbid[8] = false; _global.powere[2] = (((_global.fig[2] * 5) + _global.aasf[2]) + (_global.aabf[2] * 2)) + (_global.aaaf[2] * 3); _global.powere[3] = (((_global.fig[3] * 5) + _global.aasf[3]) + (_global.aabf[3] * 2)) + (_global.aaaf[3] * 3); _global.powere[4] = (((_global.fig[4] * 5) + _global.aasf[4]) + (_global.aabf[4] * 2)) + (_global.aaaf[4] * 3); qq1._visible = false; qq2._visible = false; qq3._visible = false; qq6._visible = false; = false; co = 1; while (co <= 8) { if (_global.prule[co] > 1) { if (((_global.dsf[co] < (2 + (_global.diffi * (_global.tyt * 2)))) and (_global.tyt > 2)) and (_global.dsf[co] < ((((_global.tyt * _global.diffic) * 2) + (_global.diffi * 13)) + ((_global.diffi * ([1] - 2)) * 2)))) { rand = random(2 + _global.diffic) + 1; if (_global.tyt < 3) { rand = 1; } _global.dsf[co] = _global.dsf[co] + rand; } if ((_global.dbf[co] < (_global.diffi * (_global.tyt * 2))) and (_global.dbf[co] < ((((_global.tyt * _global.diffic) * 2) + (_global.diffi * 10)) + ((_global.diffi * ([1] - 2)) * 2)))) { rand = random(3 + _global.diffic) + 1; if (_global.tyt < 3) { rand = 1; } _global.dbf[co] = _global.dbf[co] + rand; } if (_global.gun[co] == "no") { rand = random(100 - (_global.diffi * 10)) + 1; if (rand < 10) { _global.gun[co] = "yes"; _global.def[co] = _global.def[co] + 1; } } if (_global.tur[co] == "no") { rand = random(100 - (_global.diffi * 10)) + 1; if (rand < 10) { _global.tur[co] = "yes"; _global.def[co] = _global.def[co] + 1; } } rand3 = random(120); if (rand3 == 0) { _global.order[co] = 3; } else { _global.order[co] = 1; } } co = co + 1; } co = 2; while (co <= 7) { if (co <= 4) { if (([co] == 0) and (_global.death[co] == false)) { _global.death[co] = true; _global.doh[co] = "eli"; } if ((((_global.aasf[co] < (4 + (_global.diffi * (_global.tyt * 4)))) and (_global.tyt > 0)) and (_global.aasf[co] < ((((_global.tyt * _global.diffic) * 2) + (_global.diffi * 24)) + ((_global.diffi * ([1] - 2)) * 4)))) and (_global.death[co] == false)) { rand = random(4 + (_global.diffic * 2)) + 1; if (_global.tyt < 3) { rand = 1; } _global.aasf[co] = _global.aasf[co] + rand; } if ((((_global.aabf[co] < (2 + (_global.diffi * (_global.tyt * 2)))) and (_global.tyt > 0)) and (_global.aabf[co] < (((_global.tyt * _global.diffic) + (_global.diffi * 12)) + ((_global.diffi * ([1] - 2)) * 2)))) and (_global.death[co] == false)) { rand = random(3 + _global.diffic) + 1; if (_global.tyt < 3) { rand = 1; } _global.aabf[co] = _global.aabf[co] + rand; } if ((((_global.aaaf[co] < (_global.diffi * _global.tyt)) and (_global.tyt > 0)) and (_global.aaaf[co] < (((_global.tyt * _global.diffic) + (_global.diffi * 5)) + (_global.diffi * ([1] - 2))))) and (_global.death[co] == false)) { _global.aaaf[co] = _global.aaaf[co] + 1; } _global.cwf = ((_global.dipat[co] * 10) + _global.deter[co]) - (_global.diffic * 10); if ((((_global.cwf < 180) and (_global.cwf >= 140)) and (_global.diplo[co] != "war")) and (!_global.death[co])) { rand = random(_global.cwf + 400); } else if ((((_global.cwf < 140) and (_global.cwf >= 100)) and (_global.diplo[co] != "war")) and (!_global.death[co])) { rand = random(((_global.cwf - 100) * 3) + 60); } else if ((((_global.cwf < 100) and (_global.cwf >= 60)) and (_global.diplo[co] != "war")) and (!_global.death[co])) { rand = random((_global.cwf - 70) + 20); } else if (((_global.cwf < 60) and (_global.diplo[co] != "war")) and (!_global.death[co])) { rand = random((_global.cwf / 10) + 2); } if ((((rand == 0) and (_global.doh[co] == "no")) and (!_global.death[co])) and (_global.tyt > 0)) { if (_global.diplo[co] == "peace") { _global.doh[co] = "dwh"; _global.diplo[co] = "war"; } else if (_global.diplo[co] == "trade") { _global.doh[co] = "ct"; _global.diplo[co] = "peace"; } } if (((((rand == 1) and (_global.doh[co] == "no")) and (!_global.death[co])) and (_global.tyt > 0)) and ((_global.diplo[c] == "peace") or (_global.diplo[c] == "trade"))) { if (_global.diplo[co] == "peace") { _global.doh[co] = "mow"; } else if (_global.diplo[co] == "trade") { _global.doh[co] = "mop"; } } if (((_global.diplo[co] == "war") and (_global.doh[co] == "no")) and (_global.death[co] == false)) { rand = random(_global.deter[co]) + 1; if (rand <= 2) { _global.doh[co] = "atah"; } if (rand == 3) { _global.doh[co] = "sw"; } } } if (co > 4) { if (((_global.diplo[co] == "peace") and (_global.doh[co] == "no")) and (((((co == 5) and (!_global.death[2])) and (!_global.death[3])) or (((co == 6) and (!_global.death[2])) and (!_global.death[4]))) or (((co == 7) and (!_global.death[4])) and (!_global.death[3])))) { rand = random(60); if (rand == 0) { _global.diplo[co] = "war"; _global.doh[co] = "dwe"; } } if (((_global.diplo[co] == "war") and (_global.doh[co] == "no")) and (((((co == 5) and (!_global.death[2])) and (!_global.death[3])) or (((co == 6) and (!_global.death[2])) and (!_global.death[4]))) or (((co == 7) and (!_global.death[4])) and (!_global.death[3])))) { rand = random(19); if ((rand == 0) or (rand == 1)) { _global.doh[co] = "atae"; } if (rand == 2) { _global.doh[co] = "mpe"; _global.diplo[co] = "peace"; } } } co = co + 1; } co = 2; gotoAndPlay (18);Frame 18stop(); = co; doi = _global.doh[co]; _global.mesn =[co]; _global.epn = _global.pname[_global.pla]; _global.blm = ( * 1) / 5; if (_global.doh[co] == "dwh") { sfs.gotoandplay(co); emess.gotoandplay(1); } else if ((_global.doh[co] == "mop") and ( <= 4)) { sfs.gotoandplay(co); emess.gotoandplay(2); } else if ((_global.doh[co] == "eli") and ( <= 4)) { sfs.gotoandplay(co); emess.gotoandplay(8); } else if ((_global.doh[co] == "mow") and (co <= 4)) { sfs.gotoandplay(co); emess.gotoandplay(3); } else if ((_global.doh[co] == "sw") and (co <= 4)) { sfs.gotoandplay(co); emess.gotoandplay(4); } else if ((_global.doh[co] == "ct") and (co <= 4)) { sfs.gotoandplay(co); emess.gotoandplay(9); } else if (_global.doh[co] == "dwe") { if (co == 5) { _global.mesn = "Zoy"; _global.mesn2 = "Destoy"; sfs.gotoandplay(5); } else if (co == 6) { _global.mesn = "Zoy"; _global.mesn2 = "Kweipom"; sfs.gotoandplay(6); } else if (co == 7) { _global.mesn = "Destoy"; _global.mesn2 = "Kweipom"; sfs.gotoandplay(7); } emess.gotoandplay(5); } else if (_global.doh[co] == "mpe") { if (co == 5) { _global.mesn = "Zoy"; _global.mesn2 = "Destoy"; } else if (co == 6) { _global.mesn = "Zoy"; _global.mesn2 = "Kweipom"; } else if (co == 7) { _global.mesn = "Destoy"; _global.mesn2 = "Kweipom"; } emess.gotoandplay(6); sfs.gotoandplay(6); } else if (_global.doh[co] == "atae") { if (co == 5) { if ((_global.powere[2] >= _global.powere[3]) and ([3] > 1)) { cata = 2; cdef = 3; } else if ([2] > 1) { cata = 3; cdef = 2; } } else if (co == 6) { if ((_global.powere[2] >= _global.powere[4]) and ([4] > 1)) { cata = 2; cdef = 4; } else if ([2] > 1) { cata = 4; cdef = 2; } } else if (co == 7) { if ((_global.powere[3] >= _global.powere[4]) and ([4] > 1)) { cata = 3; cdef = 4; } else if ([3] > 1) { cata = 4; cdef = 3; } } co2 = 1; _global.mesn =[cata]; _global.mesn2 =[cdef]; sfs.gotoandplay(cata + cdef); while (co2 <= 8) { if ((_global.prule[co2] == cdef) and ([cdef] > 1)) { stop(); _global.prule[co2] = cata; if (_global.dsf[co2] > 8) { _global.dsf[co2] = _global.dsf[co2] - 3; } if (_global.dsf[co2] > 4) { _global.dbf[co2] = _global.dbf[co2] - 1; } if (_global.aasf[cata] > 10) { _global.aasf[cata] = _global.aasf[cata] - 2; } if (_global.aabf[cata] > 6) { _global.aabf[cata] = _global.aabf[cata] - 1; } if (_global.aaaf[cata] > 3) { _global.aaaf[cata] = _global.aaaf[cata] - 1; } co3 = co2; emess.gotoandplay(7); co2 = 9; } else if ([cdef] < 2) { co2 = 9; gotoAndPlay (19); } else { co2 = co2 + 1; } } } else { gotoAndPlay (19); }Frame 19stop(); doi = _global.doh[co]; if (_global.doh[co] == "atah") { co2 = 1; pmv = 0; co3 = 0; while (co2 <= 8) { if (_global.prule[co2] == 1) { if (((_global.dsf[co2] + (_global.dbf[co2] * 2)) < pmv) or (co3 == 0)) { co3 = co2; pmv = _global.dsf[co2] + _global.dbf[co2]; } } co2 = co2 + 1; } _global.pla = co3; = _global.pla; _global.pname = _global.paname[_global.pla]; _global.wdef = 1; _global.wata = co; pdol.gotoandplay(10); } else if (co < 7) { co = co + 1; gotoAndPlay (18); } else { gotoAndPlay (20); }Frame 24gotoAndPlay (26);Frame 25stop(); gotoAndPlay (24);Frame = true; qq1._visible = true; qq2._visible = true; qq3._visible = true; qq6._visible = true; gotoAndPlay (6);Frame 29stop();Frame 30stop();Symbol 36 Buttonon (release) { getURL ("", "_blank"); }Symbol 40 Buttonon (release) { gotoAndPlay (2); }Symbol 44 Buttonon (release) { gotoAndPlay (20); }Symbol 48 Buttonon (release) { _root.gotoAndPlay(4); }Symbol 52 Buttonon (release) { gotoAndPlay (4); }Symbol 55 Buttonon (release) {; }Symbol 56 Buttonon (release) {; }Symbol 57 Buttonon (release) { gotoAndPlay (2); }Symbol 63 Buttonon (release) { gotoAndPlay (1); }Symbol 67 MovieClip Frame 1stop();Symbol 67 MovieClip Frame 2stop();Symbol 69 Buttonon (release) {; }Symbol 70 MovieClip Frame 165gotoAndPlay (55);Symbol 88 Buttonon (release) { gotoAndPlay (2); }Symbol 89 Buttonon (release) { nextFrame(); }Symbol 98 Buttonon (release) { prevFrame(); }Symbol 149 Buttonon (release) { _global.expa = _global.expa + 5; _global.expt = _global.expt + 5; }Symbol 150 Buttonon (release) { _global.expa = _global.expa - 5; _global.expt = _global.expt - 5; }Symbol 151 Buttonon (release) { _global.expm = _global.expm + 5; _global.expt = _global.expt + 5; }Symbol 152 Buttonon (release) { _global.expm = _global.expm - 5; _global.expt = _global.expt - 5; }Symbol 153 Buttonon (release) { _global.expp = _global.expp + 5; _global.expt = _global.expt + 5; }Symbol 154 Buttonon (release) { _global.expp = _global.expp - 5; _global.expt = _global.expt - 5; }Symbol 155 Buttonon (release) { _global.expc = _global.expc + 5; _global.expt = _global.expt + 5; }Symbol 156 Buttonon (release) { _global.expc = _global.expc - 5; _global.expt = _global.expt - 5; }Symbol 215 MovieClip Frame 1stop();Symbol 215 MovieClip Frame 2stop();Symbol 215 MovieClip Frame 3stop();Symbol 215 MovieClip Frame 4stop();Symbol 220 MovieClip Frame 1stop();Symbol 220 MovieClip Frame 2stop();Symbol 220 MovieClip Frame 3stop();Symbol 220 MovieClip Frame 4stop();Symbol 225 MovieClip Frame 1stop();Symbol 225 MovieClip Frame 2stop();Symbol 225 MovieClip Frame 3stop();Symbol 225 MovieClip Frame 4stop();Symbol 230 MovieClip Frame 1stop();Symbol 230 MovieClip Frame 2stop();Symbol 230 MovieClip Frame 3stop();Symbol 230 MovieClip Frame 4stop();Symbol 235 MovieClip Frame 1stop();Symbol 235 MovieClip Frame 2stop();Symbol 235 MovieClip Frame 3stop();Symbol 235 MovieClip Frame 4stop();Symbol 257 Buttonon (release) { gotoAndPlay (2); }Symbol 278 MovieClip Frame 1gotoAndPlay(_global.gogo);Symbol 278 MovieClip Frame 2stop();Symbol 278 MovieClip Frame 3stop();Symbol 278 MovieClip Frame 4stop();Symbol 278 MovieClip Frame 5stop();Symbol 278 MovieClip Frame 6stop();Symbol 278 MovieClip Frame 7stop();Symbol 278 MovieClip Frame 8stop();Symbol 278 MovieClip Frame 9stop();Symbol 278 MovieClip Frame 10stop();Symbol 278 MovieClip Frame 11stop();Symbol 278 MovieClip Frame 12stop();Symbol 278 MovieClip Frame 13stop();Symbol 278 MovieClip Frame 14stop();Symbol 278 MovieClip Frame 15stop();Symbol 278 MovieClip Frame 16stop();Symbol 278 MovieClip Frame 17stop();Symbol 278 MovieClip Frame 18stop();Symbol 278 MovieClip Frame 19stop();Symbol 278 MovieClip Frame 20stop();Symbol 278 MovieClip Frame 21stop();Symbol 278 MovieClip Frame 22stop();Symbol 278 MovieClip Frame 25stop();Symbol 278 MovieClip Frame 26stop();Symbol 278 MovieClip Frame 27stop();Symbol 278 MovieClip Frame 28stop();Symbol 278 MovieClip Frame 29stop();Symbol 278 MovieClip Frame 30stop();Symbol 287 Buttonon (release) { _global.diffi = 1.5; _global.diffic = 1; gotoAndPlay (2); }Symbol 288 Buttonon (release) { _global.diffi = 2; _global.diffic = 2; gotoAndPlay (3); }Symbol 290 Buttonon (release) { _global.diffi = 1; _global.diffic = 0; gotoAndPlay (1); }Symbol 291 MovieClip Frame 1stop();Symbol 291 MovieClip Frame 2stop();Symbol 291 MovieClip Frame 3stop();Symbol 298 Buttonon (release) { gotoAndPlay (5); }Symbol 312 MovieClip Frame 1stop();Symbol 312 MovieClip Frame 2stop();Symbol 312 MovieClip Frame 3stop();Symbol 312 MovieClip Frame 4stop();Symbol 312 MovieClip Frame 5stop();Symbol 312 MovieClip Frame 6stop();Symbol 312 MovieClip Frame 7stop();Symbol 312 MovieClip Frame 8stop();Symbol 312 MovieClip Frame 9stop();Symbol 312 MovieClip Frame 10stop();Symbol 312 MovieClip Frame 11stop();Symbol 312 MovieClip Frame 12stop();Symbol 312 MovieClip Frame 13stop();Symbol 313 Buttonon (release) { if (pap <= 12) { pap = pap + 1; app.gotoandplay(pap); } }Symbol 314 Buttonon (release) { if (pap > 1) { pap = pap - 1; app.gotoandplay(pap); } }Symbol 324 Buttonon (release) { gotoAndPlay(_global.helper); }Symbol 326 Buttonon (release) { gotoAndPlay (1); }Symbol 342 Buttonon (release) { gotoAndPlay (2); }Symbol 343 MovieClip Frame 1stop();Symbol 343 MovieClip Frame 2stop();Symbol 343 MovieClip Frame 3stop();Symbol 343 MovieClip Frame 4stop();Symbol 343 MovieClip Frame 5stop();Symbol 343 MovieClip Frame 6stop();Symbol 343 MovieClip Frame 7stop();Symbol 343 MovieClip Frame 8stop();Symbol 343 MovieClip Frame 9stop();Symbol 343 MovieClip Frame 10stop();Symbol 343 MovieClip Frame 11stop();Symbol 343 MovieClip Frame 12stop();Symbol 343 MovieClip Frame 13stop();Symbol 343 MovieClip Frame 14stop();Symbol 343 MovieClip Frame 15stop();Symbol 343 MovieClip Frame 16stop();Symbol 343 MovieClip Frame 17stop();Symbol 343 MovieClip Frame 18stop();Symbol 343 MovieClip Frame 19stop();Symbol 343 MovieClip Frame 20stop();Symbol 343 MovieClip Frame 21stop();Symbol 357 MovieClip Frame 1stop();Symbol 357 MovieClip Frame 2stop();Symbol 357 MovieClip Frame 3stop();Symbol 357 MovieClip Frame 4stop();Symbol 364 MovieClip Frame 1stop();Symbol 364 MovieClip Frame 2stop();Symbol 364 MovieClip Frame 3stop();Symbol 364 MovieClip Frame 4stop();Symbol 369 MovieClip Frame 1stop();Symbol 369 MovieClip Frame 2stop();Symbol 369 MovieClip Frame 3stop();Symbol 369 MovieClip Frame 4stop();Symbol 374 MovieClip Frame 1stop();Symbol 374 MovieClip Frame 2stop();Symbol 374 MovieClip Frame 3stop();Symbol 374 MovieClip Frame 4stop();Symbol 379 MovieClip Frame 1stop();Symbol 379 MovieClip Frame 2stop();Symbol 379 MovieClip Frame 3stop();Symbol 379 MovieClip Frame 4stop();Symbol 384 MovieClip Frame 1stop();Symbol 384 MovieClip Frame 2stop();Symbol 384 MovieClip Frame 3stop();Symbol 384 MovieClip Frame 4stop();Symbol 389 MovieClip Frame 1stop();Symbol 389 MovieClip Frame 2stop();Symbol 389 MovieClip Frame 3stop();Symbol 389 MovieClip Frame 4stop();Symbol 394 MovieClip Frame 1stop();Symbol 394 MovieClip Frame 2stop();Symbol 394 MovieClip Frame 3stop();Symbol 394 MovieClip Frame 4stop();Symbol 399 MovieClip Frame 1stop();Symbol 399 MovieClip Frame 2stop();Symbol 399 MovieClip Frame 3stop();Symbol 399 MovieClip Frame 4stop();Symbol 406 MovieClip Frame 1stop();Symbol 406 MovieClip Frame 2stop();Symbol 406 MovieClip Frame 3stop();Symbol 406 MovieClip Frame 4stop();Symbol 412 Buttonon (release) { if ( { _global.pla = 5; _global.pname = "Tolmar"; _global.endm = false; if (_global.points > 1) { _root.qq1._visible = false; _root.qq2._visible = false; _root.qq3._visible = false; _root.qq4._visible = false; _root.qq5._visible = false; _root.qq6._visible = false; _global.endm = false; } _global.endm = false; if ((_global.points == 1) and (_global.prule[5] == 1)) { pdol.gotoandplay(2); } if ((_global.points == 2) and (_global.prule[5] > 1)) { _global.wata = 1; _global.wdef = _global.prule[5]; pdol.gotoandplay(10); } if ((_global.points == 3) and (_global.prule[5] > 1)) { pdol.gotoandplay(41); } } }Symbol 418 Buttonon (release) { if ( { _global.pla = 6; _global.pname = "Metorime"; _global.endm = false; if (_global.points > 1) { _root.qq1._visible = false; _root.qq2._visible = false; _root.qq3._visible = false; _root.qq4._visible = false; _root.qq5._visible = false; _root.qq6._visible = false; _global.endm = false; } _global.endm = false; if ((_global.points == 1) and (_global.prule[6] == 1)) { pdol.gotoandplay(2); } if ((_global.points == 2) and (_global.prule[6] > 1)) { _global.wata = 1; _global.wdef = _global.prule[6]; pdol.gotoandplay(10); } if ((_global.points == 3) and (_global.prule[6] > 1)) { pdol.gotoandplay(41); } } }Symbol 424 Buttonon (release) { if ( { _global.pla = 3; _global.pname = "Gohem 3"; _global.endm = false; if (_global.points > 1) { _root.qq1._visible = false; _root.qq2._visible = false; _root.qq3._visible = false; _root.qq4._visible = false; _root.qq5._visible = false; _root.qq6._visible = false; _global.endm = false; } _global.endm = false; if ((_global.points == 1) and (_global.prule[3] == 1)) { pdol.gotoandplay(2); } if ((_global.points == 2) and (_global.prule[3] > 1)) { _global.wata = 1; _global.wdef = _global.prule[3]; pdol.gotoandplay(10); } if ((_global.points == 3) and (_global.prule[3] > 1)) { pdol.gotoandplay(41); } } }Symbol 430 Buttonon (release) { if ( { _global.pla = 4; _global.pname = "Amis Zoy"; _global.endm = false; if (_global.points > 1) { _root.qq1._visible = false; _root.qq2._visible = false; _root.qq3._visible = false; _root.qq4._visible = false; _root.qq5._visible = false; _root.qq6._visible = false; _global.endm = false; } _global.endm = false; if ((_global.points == 1) and (_global.prule[4] == 1)) { pdol.gotoandplay(2); } if ((_global.points == 2) and (_global.prule[4] > 1)) { _global.wata = 1; _global.wdef = _global.prule[4]; pdol.gotoandplay(10); } if ((_global.points == 3) and (_global.prule[4] > 1)) { pdol.gotoandplay(41); } } }Symbol 435 Buttonon (release) { if ( { _global.pla = 2; _global.pname = "Vayom"; _global.endm = false; if (_global.points > 1) { _root.qq1._visible = false; _root.qq2._visible = false; _root.qq3._visible = false; _root.qq4._visible = false; _root.qq5._visible = false; _root.qq6._visible = false; _global.endm = false; } _global.endm = false; if ((_global.points == 1) and (_global.prule[2] == 1)) { pdol.gotoandplay(2); } if ((_global.points == 2) and (_global.prule[2] > 1)) { _global.wata = 1; _global.wdef = _global.prule[2]; pdol.gotoandplay(10); } if ((_global.points == 3) and (_global.prule[2] > 1)) { pdol.gotoandplay(41); } } }Symbol 441 Buttonon (release) { if ( { _global.pla = 7; _global.pname = "Kor Mayem"; _global.endm = false; if (_global.points > 1) { _root.qq1._visible = false; _root.qq2._visible = false; _root.qq3._visible = false; _root.qq4._visible = false; _root.qq5._visible = false; _root.qq6._visible = false; _global.endm = false; } _global.endm = false; if ((_global.points == 1) and (_global.prule[7] == 1)) { pdol.gotoandplay(2); } if ((_global.points == 2) and (_global.prule[7] > 1)) { _global.wata = 1; _global.wdef = _global.prule[7]; pdol.gotoandplay(10); } if ((_global.points == 3) and (_global.prule[7] > 1)) { pdol.gotoandplay(41); } } }Symbol 447 Buttonon (release) { if ( { _global.pla = 8; _global.pname = "Kweipom"; _global.endm = false; if (_global.points > 1) { _root.qq1._visible = false; _root.qq2._visible = false; _root.qq3._visible = false; _root.qq4._visible = false; _root.qq5._visible = false; _root.qq6._visible = false; _global.endm = false; } _global.endm = false; if ((_global.points == 1) and (_global.prule[8] == 1)) { pdol.gotoandplay(2); } if ((_global.points == 2) and (_global.prule[8] > 1)) { _global.wata = 1; _global.wdef = _global.prule[8]; pdol.gotoandplay(10); } if ((_global.points == 3) and (_global.prule[8] > 1)) { pdol.gotoandplay(41); } } }Symbol 453 Buttonon (release) { if ( { _global.pla = 1; _global.pname = "Dolanim"; _global.endm = false; if (_global.points > 1) { _root.qq1._visible = false; _root.qq2._visible = false; _root.qq3._visible = false; _root.qq4._visible = false; _root.qq5._visible = false; _root.qq6._visible = false; _global.endm = false; } if ((_global.points == 1) and (_global.prule[1] == 1)) { pdol.gotoandplay(2); } if ((_global.points == 2) and (_global.prule[1] > 1)) { _global.wata = 1; _global.wdef = _global.prule[1]; pdol.gotoandplay(10); } if ((_global.points == 3) and (_global.prule[1] > 1)) { pdol.gotoandplay(41); } } }Symbol 459 Buttonon (release) { _global.points = 2; _global.endm = false; qq1._visible = false; qq2._visible = false; qq3._visible = false; qq4._visible = false; qq5._visible = false; qq6._visible = false; gotoAndPlay (11); }Symbol 464 Buttonon (release) { _global.points = 3; _global.endm = false; qq1._visible = false; qq2._visible = false; qq3._visible = false; qq4._visible = false; qq5._visible = false; qq6._visible = false; gotoAndPlay (13); }Symbol 469 Buttonon (release) { if ( { = false; _global.endm = false; _root.qq1._visible = false; _root.qq2._visible = false; _root.qq6._visible = false; gotoAndPlay (10); } }Symbol 474 Buttonon (release) { if ( { = false; _global.endm = false; _root.qq1._visible = false; _root.qq2._visible = false; _root.qq6._visible = false; gotoAndPlay (2); } }Symbol 479 Buttonon (release) { if ( { = false; _global.endm = false; _root.qq1._visible = false; _root.qq2._visible = false; gotoAndPlay (20); } }Symbol 480 Buttonon (release) { = false; _global.endm = false; _root.qq1._visible = false; _root.qq2._visible = false; _root.qq6._visible = false; gotoAndPlay (10); }Symbol 482 Buttonon (release) { = false; _root.qq1._visible = false; _root.qq2._visible = false; _root.qq6._visible = false; gotoAndPlay (20); }Symbol 484 Buttonon (release) { = true; _global.endm = true; gotoAndPlay (1); }Symbol 487 Buttonon (release) { gotoAndPlay (3); }Symbol 489 Buttonon (release) { gotoAndPlay (5); }Symbol 492 Buttonon (release) { gotoAndPlay (7); }Symbol 500 Buttonon (release) { if ( >= 250) { _global.aasf[1] = _global.aasf[1] + 1; asf = asf + 1; = - 250; } }Symbol 506 Buttonon (release) { if ( >= 600) { _global.aabf[1] = _global.aabf[1] + 1; abf = abf + 1; = - 600; } }Symbol 512 Buttonon (release) { if ( >= 750) { _global.aaaf[1] = _global.aaaf[1] + 1; aaf = aaf + 1; = - 750; } }Symbol 516 Buttonon (release) { if (_global.aaaf[1] >= 1) { _global.aaaf[1] = _global.aaaf[1] - 1; = + 400; } }Symbol 518 Buttonon (release) { if (_global.aasf[1] >= 1) { _global.aasf[1] = _global.aasf[1] - 1; = + 130; } }Symbol 519 Buttonon (release) { if (_global.aabf[1] >= 1) { _global.aabf[1] = _global.aabf[1] - 1; = + 350; } }Symbol 535 Buttonon (release) { if ( >= 850) { _global.ste = _global.ste + 1; = - 850; } }Symbol 541 Buttonon (release) { if ( >= 400) { _global.fie = _global.fie + 1; = - 400; } }Symbol 547 Buttonon (release) { if ( >= 75) { _global.rep = _global.rep + 1; = - 75; } }Symbol 556 Buttonon (release) { if ( >= 200) { _global.poc = _global.poc + 1; = - 200; } }Symbol 562 Buttonon (release) { if ( >= 450) { _global.fog = _global.fog + 1; = - 450; } }Symbol 568 Buttonon (release) { if ( >= 650) { _global.may = _global.may + 1; = - 650; } }Symbol 574 Buttonon (release) { if ( > 1000) { _global.div = _global.div + 1; = - 1000; } }Symbol 580 Buttonon (release) { if ( >= 900) { _global.bla = _global.bla + 1; = - 900; } }Symbol 586 Buttonon (release) { if ( >= 750) { _global.tbo = _global.tbo + 1; = - 750; } }Symbol 594 Buttonon (release) { if ( >= 250) { _global.pul = _global.pul + 1; = - 250; } }Symbol 598 Buttonon (release) { = false; _global.endm = false; _root.qq1._visible = false; _root.qq2._visible = false; _root.qq6._visible = false; gotoAndPlay (2); }Symbol 606 Buttonon (release) { if (_global.expa[1] < 160) { _global.expa[1] = _global.expa[1] + 5; _global.expt = _global.expt + 5; } }Symbol 608 Buttonon (release) { if (_global.expa[1] >= 5) { _global.expa[1] = _global.expa[1] - 5; _global.expt = _global.expt - 5; } }Symbol 610 Buttonon (release) { if (_global.expl < ([1] * 80)) { _global.expl = _global.expl + 5; _global.expt = _global.expt + 5; } }Symbol 612 Buttonon (release) { if (_global.expl >= 5) { _global.expl = _global.expl - 5; _global.expt = _global.expt - 5; } }Symbol 613 Buttonon (release) { if (_global.expp < (80 *[1])) { _global.expp = _global.expp + 5; _global.expt = _global.expt + 5; } }Symbol 615 Buttonon (release) { if (_global.expp >= 5) { _global.expp = _global.expp - 5; _global.expt = _global.expt - 5; } }Symbol 616 Buttonon (release) { if (_global.expc < 160) { _global.expc = _global.expc + 5; _global.expt = _global.expt + 5; } }Symbol 618 Buttonon (release) { if (_global.expc >= 5) { _global.expc = _global.expc - 5; _global.expt = _global.expt - 5; } }Symbol 622 Buttonon (release) { gotoAndPlay (12); }Symbol 654 Buttonon (release) { if (_global.rekz == 0) { talk = 2; jump = 4; talky = "Zoy"; _global.rekz = 1; gotoAndPlay (22); } else { mes = "The Zoy Didn't answer your call"; } }Symbol 662 Buttonon (release) { if (_global.rekk == 0) { talk = 4; talky = "keipom"; _global.rekk = 1; jump = 0; gotoAndPlay (22); } else { mes = "The Kweipom Didn't answer your call"; } }Symbol 670 Buttonon (release) { if (_global.rekd == 0) { talk = 3; talky = "Destoy"; _global.rekd = 1; jump = 8; gotoAndPlay (22); } else { mes = "The Destoy Didn't answer your call"; } }Symbol 674 Buttonon (release) { gotoAndPlay (21); }Symbol 693 MovieClip Frame 1stop();Symbol 693 MovieClip Frame 2stop();Symbol 693 MovieClip Frame 3stop();Symbol 693 MovieClip Frame 4stop();Symbol 693 MovieClip Frame 5stop();Symbol 693 MovieClip Frame 6stop();Symbol 693 MovieClip Frame 7stop();Symbol 693 MovieClip Frame 8stop();Symbol 693 MovieClip Frame 9stop();Symbol 696 Buttonon (release) { = true; gotoAndPlay (20); }Symbol 717 MovieClip Frame 2stop();Symbol 717 MovieClip Frame 3stop();Symbol 717 MovieClip Frame 4stop();Symbol 717 MovieClip Frame 6stop();Symbol 717 MovieClip Frame 7stop();Symbol 717 MovieClip Frame 8stop();Symbol 717 MovieClip Frame 10stop();Symbol 717 MovieClip Frame 11stop();Symbol 717 MovieClip Frame 12stop();Symbol 721 MovieClip Frame 54gotoAndPlay (2);Symbol 721 MovieClip Frame 118gotoAndPlay (55);Symbol 721 MovieClip Frame 142gotoAndPlay (119);Symbol 726 MovieClip Frame 1stop();Symbol 726 MovieClip Frame 2stop();Symbol 726 MovieClip Frame 3stop();Symbol 726 MovieClip Frame 4stop();Symbol 741 MovieClip Frame 1stop();Symbol 741 MovieClip Frame 2stop();Symbol 741 MovieClip Frame 3stop();Symbol 741 MovieClip Frame 4stop();Symbol 741 MovieClip Frame 5stop();Symbol 741 MovieClip Frame 6stop();Symbol 741 MovieClip Frame 7stop();Symbol 741 MovieClip Frame 8stop();Symbol 741 MovieClip Frame 9stop();Symbol 741 MovieClip Frame 10stop();Symbol 741 MovieClip Frame 11stop();Symbol 741 MovieClip Frame 12stop();Symbol 755 MovieClip Frame 1stop();Symbol 755 MovieClip Frame 2stop();Symbol 755 MovieClip Frame 3stop();Symbol 759 Buttonon (release) { gotoAndPlay (24); }Symbol 760 Buttonon (release) { gotoAndPlay (23); }Symbol 761 Buttonon (release) { gotoAndPlay (25); }Symbol 765 Buttonon (release) { gotoAndPlay (27); }Symbol 772 Buttonon (release) { if ((_global.diplo[talk] = "war")) { = - random(3); gotoAndPlay (24); } else { gotoAndPlay (24); } }Symbol 773 Buttonon (release) { gotoAndPlay (20); }Symbol 783 Buttonon (release) { if (_global.diplo[talk] == "peace") { _global.diplo[talk] = "trade"; = - blm; gotoAndPlay (20); } if (_global.diplo[talk] == "war") { _global.diplo[talk] = "peace"; = - blm; gotoAndPlay (20); } if (_global.diplo[talk] == "trade") { = - blm; gotoAndPlay (20); } }Symbol 788 Buttonon (release) { _global.endm = true; gotoAndPlay (20); }Symbol 793 Buttonon (release) { if (talk != 2) { _global.diplo[2] = "war"; if (talk == 3) { _global.diplo[5] = "war"; } if (talk == 4) { _global.diplo[6] = "war"; } _global.endm = true; gotoAndPlay (20); } }Symbol 794 Buttonon (release) { if (talk != 4) { _global.diplo[4] = "war"; if (talk == 2) { _global.diplo[6] = "war"; } if (talk == 3) { _global.diplo[7] = "war"; } _global.endm = true; gotoAndPlay (20); } }Symbol 795 Buttonon (release) { if (talk != 3) { _global.diplo[3] = "war"; if (talk == 2) { _global.diplo[5] = "war"; } if (talk == 4) { _global.diplo[7] = "war"; } _global.endm = true; gotoAndPlay (20); } }Symbol 799 MovieClip Frame 1stop();Symbol 799 MovieClip Frame 2stop();Symbol 799 MovieClip Frame 3asf = _global.aasf[1]; abf = _global.aabf[1]; aaf = _global.aaaf[1];Symbol 799 MovieClip Frame 4gotoAndPlay (3);Symbol 799 MovieClip Frame 5asf = _global.aasf[1]; abf = _global.aabf[1]; aaf = _global.aaaf[1];Symbol 799 MovieClip Frame 6gotoAndPlay (5);Symbol 799 MovieClip Frame 7stop();Symbol 799 MovieClip Frame 10_global.ecneto = (_global.ectr + _global.heco) - ( + _global.expt); expa = _global.expa[1];Symbol 799 MovieClip Frame 11gotoAndPlay (10);Symbol 799 MovieClip Frame 12stop(); itd = _global.tdeter / 3; itp = (_global.tdipat / 3) * 10; itr = * 4;Symbol 799 MovieClip Frame 20stop(); mes = " "; dtz = _global.detern[math.floor(_global.deter[2] / 25)]; dtzn = _global.deter[2]; dtd = _global.detern[math.floor(_global.deter[3] / 25)]; dtdn = _global.deter[3]; dtk = _global.detern[math.floor(_global.deter[4] / 25)]; dtkn = _global.deter[4]; if (_global.tdeter > 240) { if (_global.tdipat > 21) { stat.gotoandplay(1); } else if ((_global.tdipat <= 21) and (_global.tdipat > 12)) { stat.gotoandplay(2); } else if (_global.tdipat <= 12) { stat.gotoandplay(3); } } if ((_global.tdeter <= 240) and (_global.tdeter > 130)) { if (_global.tdipat > 21) { stat.gotoandplay(4); } else if ((_global.tdipat <= 21) and (_global.tdipat > 12)) { stat.gotoandplay(5); } else if (_global.tdipat <= 12) { stat.gotoandplay(6); } } if (_global.tdeter <= 130) { if (_global.tdipat > 21) { stat.gotoandplay(7); } else if ((_global.tdipat <= 21) and (_global.tdipat > 12)) { stat.gotoandplay(8); } else if (_global.tdipat <= 12) { stat.gotoandplay(9); } } if (!_global.death[4]) { kwel._visible = true; kwed._visible = false; } else { kwel._visible = false; kwed._visible = true; } if (!_global.death[3]) { desl._visible = true; desd._visible = false; } else { desl._visible = false; desd._visible = true; } if (!_global.death[2]) { zoyl._visible = true; zoyd._visible = false; } else { zoyl._visible = false; zoyd._visible = true; }Symbol 799 MovieClip Frame 21stop(); hz = _global.diplo[2]; hd = _global.diplo[3]; hk = _global.diplo[4]; zd = _global.diplo[5]; zk = _global.diplo[6]; dk = _global.diplo[7];Symbol 799 MovieClip Frame 22stop(); pop = _global.pop[talk] + 40; trus1 = * 4; _global.rekrand = true; sou.gotoandplay(2 + jump); if (talk == 4) { sou2.gotoandplay(119); } else if (talk == 3) { sou2.gotoandplay(55); } else { sou2.gotoandplay(2); } _global.rel = _global.diplo[talk]; if (_global.diplo[talk] == "peace") { face.gotoandstop(jump + 2); dips.gotoandstop(2); xxx = false; open = "what do you want?"; yopen1 = "I want to Suggest a Trade pack"; yopen2 = "Pay me 200 AC or you're dead!"; yopen3 = "Prepare yourself to WAR!!!"; } if (_global.diplo[talk] == "war") { face.gotoandstop(jump + 4); dips.gotoandstop(1); open = "One last wish before you die?"; yopen1 = "I want to Suggest peace"; yopen2 = "Pay me 200 AC and I'll consider peace!"; yopen3 = "You're still going to die!!!"; } if (_global.diplo[talk] == "trade") { xxx = true; face.gotoandstop(jump + 1); dips.gotoandstop(3); open = "what can I do for the human, my friend?"; yopen1 = "help me! My evel enemy has attacked me, "; yopen2 = "Pay me 200 AC or I'll cancel the trade pack"; yopen3 = "I had enaugh of you... The pack is over!!!"; };Symbol 799 MovieClip Frame 23stop(); blm = random(301) + 100; rand = random(166) + 35; if (_global.diplo[talk] == "peace") { if ((_global.deter[talk] < rand) and (rand <= 150)) { face.gotoandstop(jump + 4); sou.gotoandplay(jump + 4); open = "Your threats are pathetic, and so are u!"; yopen1 = "I didn't mean to threat you..."; yopen2 = "Than prepare to die, this is WAR!"; _global.pop[talk] = _global.pop[talk] - 10; } if (_global.deter[talk] > rand) { face.gotoandstop(jump + 2); sou.gotoandplay(jump + 3); open = " Fine! I'll pay... Now get lost!"; yopen1 = "Pleasure to do buisness with you"; yopen2 = "I still gonna kill you, Prepare for war!"; sou.gotoandplay(jump + 3); = + blm; } if (rand > (100 + _global.deter[talk])) { gotoAndPlay (24); } } if (_global.diplo[talk] == "trade") { if ((_global.deter[talk] < rand) and (rand <= 150)) { face.gotoandstop(jump + 3); sou.gotoandplay(jump + 4); open = "This is not the way to treat friends!"; yopen1 = "Your'e right. forgive me"; yopen2 = "Some friend! the pack is over!"; _global.pop[talk] = _global.pop[talk] - 10; } if (_global.deter[talk] > rand) { face.gotoandstop(jump + 2); sou.gotoandplay(jump + 3); open = " If you need money just ask... here it is."; yopen1 = "Pleasure to do buisness with you"; yopen2 = "That's all? The pack is over!"; = + blm; } if (rand > (100 + _global.deter[talk])) { gotoAndPlay (24); } } if (_global.diplo[talk] == "war") { if (_global.deter[talk] < rand) { face.gotoandstop(jump + 4); sou.gotoandplay(jump + 4); open = "Ha Ha! Prepare to die Stupid human!"; yopen1 = "Whatever!"; yopen2 = "Not if I'll kill you first!"; _global.pop[talk] = _global.pop[talk] - 10; } if (_global.deter[talk] > rand) { face.gotoandstop(jump + 2); sou.gotoandplay(jump + 3); _global.diplo[talk] = "peace"; _global.rel = "peace"; dips.gotoandplay(2); open = " Ok, If that is what needed to stop the war..."; yopen1 = "Pleasure to do buisness with you"; yopen2 = "Thanks for the AC, but I still gonna kill you!"; = + blm; } }Symbol 799 MovieClip Frame 24stop(); if ((_global.diplo[talk] == "war") and (xxx == true)) { open = "You shell pay for you'r crimes! (WAR)"; sou.gotoandplay(4 + jump); face.gotoandstop(jump + 4); _global.pop[talk] = _global.pop[talk] - 10; _global.anger[talk] = 10; _global.diplo[talk] = "war"; _global.rel = "war"; dips.gotoandstop(1); } if ((_global.diplo[talk] == "peace") and (xxx == false)) { open = "If you want to die- so be it! (WAR)"; sou.gotoandplay(4 + jump); face.gotoandstop(jump + 4); _global.diplo[talk] = "war"; _global.rel = "war"; dips.gotoandstop(1); _global.anger[talk] = 10; _global.pop[talk] = _global.pop[talk] - 30; = - (random(4) + 2); } if (_global.diplo[talk] == "trade") { open = "Sorry you feel that way, but as you wish (PEACE)"; _global.diplo[talk] = "peace"; _global.rel = "peace"; dips.gotoandstop(2); _global.anger[talk] = 60; = - (random(3) + 1); _global.pop[talk] = _global.pop[talk] - 15; face.gotoandstop(jump + 3); sou.gotoandplay(jump + 4); }Symbol 799 MovieClip Frame 25stop(); if (_global.diplo[talk] == "peace") { rand = random(100) + 1; rand2 = random(6) + 1; if ((rand > (130 - (_global.dipat[talk] * 8))) and (_global.dipat[talk] > 5)) { if (((_global.dipat[talk] < 9) and (rand2 < 4)) or ((_global.dipat[talk] > 8) and (rand2 < 3))) { gotoAndPlay (26); } else { _global.diplo[talk] = "trade"; _global.rel = "trade"; dips.gotoandstop(3); face.gotoandstop(jump + 1); sou.gotoandplay(jump + 3); open = "Very well, May our friendship last forever"; yopen1 = "Great, thats all"; } } else { face.gotoandstop(jump + 3); sou.gotoandplay(jump + 4); open = "Why should we mess with your primitive race!?"; yopen1 = "As you wish, thats all"; } } if (_global.diplo[talk] == "war") { rand = random(100) + 1; rand2 = random(3) + 1; if (rand > (110 - (_global.dipat[talk] * 10))) { if (((_global.dipat[talk] < 6) and (rand2 < 3)) or ((_global.dipat[talk] > 5) and (rand2 < 2))) { gotoAndPlay (26); } else { _global.diplo[talk] = "peace"; _global.rel = "peace"; dips.gotoandstop(2); face.gotoandstop(jump + 1); sou.gotoandplay(jump + 3); open = "This war isn't good, it's time for peace!"; yopen1 = "The war is over then"; } } else { face.gotoandstop(jump + 4); sou.gotoandplay(jump + 4); open = "Can't handle the war? Fight or die!"; yopen1 = "I See you in hell"; } } if ((_global.diplo[talk] == "trade") and (xxx == true)) { rand = random(100) + 1; rand2 = random(6) + 1; if ((rand > (130 - (_global.dipat[talk] * 6))) and (_global.dipat[talk] > 5)) { if (((_global.dipat[talk] < 9) and (rand2 < 4)) or ((_global.dipat[talk] > 8) and (rand2 < 3))) { gotoAndPlay (26); } else { gotoAndPlay (28); } } else { face.gotoandstop(jump + 3); sou.gotoandplay(jump + 4); open = "Why should I die for you???"; yopen1 = "As you wish!"; } }Symbol 799 MovieClip Frame 26stop(); blm = * 0.2; if (blm < 75) { blm = 75; } face.gotoandstop(jump + 2); sou.gotoandplay(jump + 3); if (_global.diplo[talk] == "peace") { open = "Mmm. maybe some Ac will persuade me-"; yopen1 = "Fine... (Trade)"; yopen2 = "Forget it! "; } if (_global.diplo[talk] == "war") { sou.gotoandplay(jump + 4); open = "No reason to keep you alive! some Ac will be one...-"; yopen1 = "Here's your money (Peace)"; yopen2 = "I'll die before I pay you!!"; } if (_global.diplo[talk] == "trade") { sou.gotoandplay(jump + 3); open = "I'll help you for Ac-"; yopen1 = "Sure... (Allied)"; yopen2 = "Forget it! "; }Symbol 799 MovieClip Frame 27stop(); blm = * 0.2; if (blm < 75) { blm = 75; } rand = random(4); if ((rand == 0) and (_global.diplo[talk] != "war")) { face.gotoandstop(jump + 1); sou.gotoandplay(jump + 3); = - blm; _global.anger[talk] = 0; _global.dipat[talk] = _global.dipat[talk] + 1; open = "Very well, I accept you gift"; } else { face.gotoandstop(jump + 3); sou.gotoandplay(jump + 4); open = "I need not your pity gifts! "; }Symbol 799 MovieClip Frame 28stop(); face.gotoandstop(jump + 1); sou.gotoandplay(jump + 3); open = "Who's bugging you?";Symbol 803 Buttonon (release) { gotoAndPlay (3); }Symbol 804 Buttonon (release) { gotoAndPlay (5); }Symbol 805 Buttonon (release) { gotoAndPlay (9); }Symbol 806 Buttonon (release) { gotoAndPlay (7); }Symbol 807 Buttonon (release) { = true; _global.endm = true; gotoAndPlay (1); }Symbol 819 MovieClip Frame 1stop();Symbol 819 MovieClip Frame 2stop();Symbol 819 MovieClip Frame 3stop();Symbol 819 MovieClip Frame 4stop();Symbol 819 MovieClip Frame 5stop();Symbol 819 MovieClip Frame 6stop();Symbol 819 MovieClip Frame 7stop();Symbol 819 MovieClip Frame 8stop();Symbol 828 Buttonon (release) { if (( >= 1000) and (_global.tur[_global.pla] == "no")) { _global.poi = _global.poi + (10 + (_global.diffic * 5)); _global.def[_global.pla] = _global.def[_global.pla] + 1; _global.tur[_global.pla] = "yes"; = - 1000; } }Symbol 833 Buttonon (release) { if (( >= 1500) and (_global.tra[_global.pla] == "no")) { _global.poi = _global.poi + (10 + (_global.diffic * 5)); _global.tra[_global.pla] = "yes"; = - 1500; } }Symbol 838 Buttonon (release) { if (( >= 1400) and (_global.emb[_global.pla] == "no")) { _global.poi = _global.poi + (15 + (_global.diffic * 10)); _global.emn = _global.emn + 1; _global.emb[_global.pla] = "yes"; = - 1400; } }Symbol 844 Buttonon (release) { if (( >= 1200) and (ent[_global.pla] == "no")) { _global.poi = _global.poi + (10 + (_global.diffic * 5)); _global.ent[_global.pla] = "yes"; = - 1200; } }Symbol 850 Buttonon (release) { if (( >= 1500) and (_global.lab[_global.pla] == "no")) { _global.poi = _global.poi + (10 + (_global.diffic * 5)); _global.lab[_global.pla] = "yes"; _global.scim = _global.scim + 10; = - 1500; } }Symbol 856 Buttonon (release) { if (( >= 1300) and (_global.min[_global.pla] == "no")) { _global.poi = _global.poi + (10 + (_global.diffic * 5)); _global.min[_global.pla] = "yes"; = - 1300; } }Symbol 862 Buttonon (release) { if (( >= 1500) and (_global.war[_global.pla] == "no")) { _global.poi = _global.poi + (10 + (_global.diffic * 5)); _global.war[_global.pla] = "yes"; _global.figgm[1] = _global.figgm[1] + 10; = - 1500; } }Symbol 868 Buttonon (release) { if (( >= 1300) and (_global.mar[_global.pla] == "no")) { _global.poi = _global.poi + (10 + (_global.diffic * 5)); _global.mar[_global.pla] = "yes"; = - 1300; } }Symbol 873 Buttonon (release) { if (( >= 900) and (_global.gun[_global.pla] == "no")) { _global.poi = _global.poi + (10 + (_global.diffic * 5)); _global.def[_global.pla] = _global.def[_global.pla] + 1; _global.gun[_global.pla] = "yes"; = - 900; } }Symbol 875 Buttonon (release) { if (( >= 1000) and (_global.tur[_global.pla] == "no")) { _global.def[_global.pla] = _global.def[_global.pla] + 1; _global.tur[_global.pla] = "yes"; = - 1000; } }Symbol 876 Buttonon (release) { if (( >= 1500) and (tra[_global.pla] == "no")) { _global.tra[_global.pla] = "yes"; = - 1500; } }Symbol 877 Buttonon (release) { if (( >= 1400) and (_global.emb[_global.pla] == "no")) { _global.emn = _global.emn + 1; _global.emb[_global.pla] = "yes"; = - 1400; } }Symbol 878 Buttonon (release) { if (( >= 2200) and (ent[_global.pla] == "no")) { _global.ent[_global.pla] = "yes"; = - 2200; } }Symbol 879 Buttonon (release) { if (( >= 1500) and (shie != "yes")) { shie = "yes"; = - 1500; } }Symbol 880 Buttonon (release) { if (( >= 1700) and (_global.min[_global.pla] == "no")) { _global.min[_global.pla] = "yes"; = - 1700; } }Symbol 881 Buttonon (release) { if (( >= 3000) and (_global.war[_global.pla] == "no")) { _global.war[_global.pla] = "yes"; = - 3000; } }Symbol 882 Buttonon (release) { if (( >= 1800) and (_global.mar[_global.pla] == "no")) { _global.mar[_global.pla] = "yes"; = - 1800; } }Symbol 883 Buttonon (release) { if (( >= 900) and (_global.gun[_global.pla] == "no")) { _global.def[_global.pla] = _global.def[_global.pla] + 1; _global.gun[_global.pla] = "yes"; = - 900; } }Symbol 889 Buttonon (release) { if (( >= 1650) and (pol[_global.pla] == "no")) { _global.pol[_global.pla] = "yes"; = - 1650; } }Symbol 897 Buttonon (release) { if ( >= 150) { _global.dsf[_global.pla] = _global.dsf[_global.pla] + 1; sf = sf + 1; = - 150; } }Symbol 903 Buttonon (release) { if ( >= 450) { _global.dbf[_global.pla] = _global.dbf[_global.pla] + 1; bf = bf + 1; = - 450; } }Symbol 916 Buttonon (release) { if (_global.dsf[_global.pla] > 0) { _global.dsf[_global.pla] = _global.dsf[_global.pla] - 1; = + 80; } }Symbol 917 Buttonon (release) { if (_global.dbf[_global.pla] > 0) { _global.dbf[_global.pla] = _global.dbf[_global.pla] - 1; = + 250; } }Symbol 960 MovieClip Frame 1stop();Symbol 960 MovieClip Frame 2stop();Symbol 960 MovieClip Frame 3stop();Symbol 960 MovieClip Frame 4stop();Symbol 960 MovieClip Frame 5stop();Symbol 960 MovieClip Frame 6stop();Symbol 960 MovieClip Frame 7stop();Symbol 960 MovieClip Frame 8stop();Symbol 986 Buttonon (release) { gotoAndPlay (2); _global.atw = "spl"; }Symbol 991 Buttonon (release) { gotoAndPlay (3); _global.atw = "par"; }Symbol 996 Buttonon (release) { gotoAndPlay (4); _global.atw = "mas"; }Symbol 1001 Buttonon (release) { gotoAndPlay (5); _global.atw = "art"; }Symbol 1015 Buttonon (release) { gotoAndPlay (13); _global.atw = "par"; }Symbol 1016 Buttonon (release) { gotoAndPlay (14); _global.atw = "mas"; }Symbol 1017 Buttonon (release) { gotoAndPlay (15); _global.atw = "art"; }Symbol 1019 Buttonon (release) { gotoAndPlay (12); _global.atw = "spl"; }Symbol 1022 MovieClip Frame 1_global.atw = "spl"; gotoAndPlay(_global.go);Symbol 1022 MovieClip Frame 2stop();Symbol 1022 MovieClip Frame 3stop();Symbol 1022 MovieClip Frame 4stop();Symbol 1022 MovieClip Frame 5stop();Symbol 1022 MovieClip Frame 11_global.atw = "spl"; gotoAndPlay (12);Symbol 1022 MovieClip Frame 12stop();Symbol 1022 MovieClip Frame 13stop();Symbol 1022 MovieClip Frame 14stop();Symbol 1022 MovieClip Frame 15stop();Symbol 1037 MovieClip Frame 2gotoAndPlay (1);Symbol 1052 MovieClip Frame 2gotoAndPlay (1);Symbol 1055 Buttonon (release) { as = _global.asf * (10 + _global.asmo[_global.wata]); ab = _global.abf * (25 + _global.abmo[_global.wata]); aa = _global.aaf * 10; ds = _global.dsf[_global.pla] * (30 + _global.dsmo[_global.wdef]); db = _global.dbf[_global.pla] * (65 + _global.dbmo[_global.wdef]); gotoAndPlay (11); }Symbol 1058 Buttonon (release) { = true; _global.aasf[1] = _global.aasf[1] + math.round(_global.asf * _global.ret); _global.asf = 0; _global.aabf[1] = _global.aabf[1] + math.round(_global.abf * _global.ret); _global.abf = 0; _global.aaaf[1] = _global.aaaf[1] + math.round(_global.aaf * _global.ret); _global.aaf = 0; gotoAndPlay (43); }Symbol 1062 Buttonon (release) { if (_global.aasf[1] > 0) { _global.asf = _global.asf + 1; _global.aasf[1] = _global.aasf[1] - 1; } }Symbol 1066 Buttonon (release) { if (_global.asf > 0) { _global.asf = _global.asf - 1; _global.aasf[1] = _global.aasf[1] + 1; } }Symbol 1067 Buttonon (release) { if (_global.aabf[1] > 0) { _global.abf = _global.abf + 1; _global.aabf[1] = _global.aabf[1] - 1; } }Symbol 1068 Buttonon (release) { if (_global.abf > 0) { _global.abf = _global.abf - 1; _global.aabf[1] = _global.aabf[1] + 1; } }Symbol 1069 Buttonon (release) { if (_global.aaaf[1] > 0) { _global.aaf = _global.aaf + 1; _global.aaaf[1] = _global.aaaf[1] - 1; } }Symbol 1070 Buttonon (release) { if (_global.aaf > 0) { _global.aaf = _global.aaf - 1; _global.aaaf[1] = _global.aaaf[1] + 1; } }Symbol 1071 Buttonon (release) { _global.aaf = _global.aaf + _global.aaaf[1]; _global.aaaf[1] = 0; _global.asf = _global.asf + _global.aasf[1]; _global.aasf[1] = 0; _global.abf = _global.abf + _global.aabf[1]; _global.aabf[1] = 0; }Symbol 1072 Buttonon (release) { _global.aaf = _global.aaf + _global.aaaf[1]; _global.aaaf[1] = 0; hel = Math.round(_global.aaf / 2); _global.aaf = _global.aaf - hel; _global.aaaf[1] = _global.aaaf[1] + hel; _global.asf = _global.asf + _global.aasf[1]; _global.aasf[1] = 0; hel = Math.round(_global.asf / 2); _global.asf = _global.asf - hel; _global.aasf[1] = _global.aasf[1] + hel; _global.abf = _global.abf + _global.aabf[1]; _global.aabf[1] = 0; hel = Math.round(_global.abf / 2); _global.abf = _global.abf - hel; _global.aabf[1] = _global.aabf[1] + hel; }Symbol 1073 Buttonon (release) { _global.aaf = _global.aaf + _global.aaaf[1]; _global.aaaf[1] = 0; hel = Math.round(_global.aaf * 0.25); _global.aaf = _global.aaf - hel; _global.aaaf[1] = _global.aaaf[1] + hel; _global.asf = _global.asf + _global.aasf[1]; _global.aasf[1] = 0; hel = Math.round(_global.asf * 0.25); _global.asf = _global.asf - hel; _global.aasf[1] = _global.aasf[1] + hel; _global.abf = _global.abf + _global.aabf[1]; _global.aabf[1] = 0; hel = Math.round(_global.abf * 0.25); _global.abf = _global.abf - hel; _global.aabf[1] = _global.aabf[1] + hel; }Symbol 1075 Buttonon (release) { if (_global.hasf > 0) { _global.asf + 1; _global.hasf - 1; } }Symbol 1079 Buttonon (release) { if (_global.habf > 0) { _global.abf + 1; _global.habf - 1; } }Symbol 1082 Buttonon (release) { gotoAndPlay (4); }Symbol 1085 MovieClip Frame 2gotoAndPlay (1);Symbol 1085 MovieClip Frame 3stop();Symbol 1085 MovieClip Frame 4stop();Symbol 1092 Buttonon (release) { gotoAndPlay (13); }Symbol 1096 Buttonon (release) { = true; _global.aasf[1] = _global.aasf[1] + math.round(_global.asf * _global.ret); _global.asf = 0; _global.aabf[1] = _global.aabf[1] + math.round(_global.abf * _global.ret); _global.abf = 0; _global.aaaf[1] = _global.aaaf[1] + math.round(_global.aaf * _global.ret); _global.aaf = 0; if (cardu == 1) { if (_global.wata == 1) { _global.abmmo[1] = _global.abmmo[1] - 1; } else { _global.dbmmo[_global.wdef] = _global.dbmmo[_global.wdef] - 1; } } if (cardu == 2) { if (_global.wata == 1) { _global.abmmo[1] = _global.abmmo[1] - 1; } else { _global.dbmmo[_global.wdef] = _global.dbmmo[_global.wdef] - 1; } } if (cardu == 5) { _global.aammo[_global.wata] = _global.aammo[_global.wata] + 4; } if (cardu == 6) { _global.dbmo[_global.wdef] = _global.dbmo[_global.wdef] + 10; db = _global.dbf[_global.pla] * (65 + _global.dbmo[_global.wdef]); } if (cardu == 7) { _global.dbmo[_global.wdef] = _global.dbmo[_global.wdef] - 5; _global.dsmo[_global.wdef] = _global.dsmo[_global.wdef] - 3; db = _global.dbf[_global.pla] * (65 + _global.dbmo[_global.wdef]); ds = _global.dbf[_global.pla] * (65 + _global.dbmo[_global.wdef]); } if (cardu == 8) { _global.dsmmo[_global.def] = _global.dsmmo[_global.def] + 2; _global.dbmmo[_global.def] = _global.dbmmo[_global.def] + 1; } if (cardu10) { _global.dsmmo[1] = _global.dsmmo[1] - 1; _global.dbmmo[1] = _global.dbmmo[1] - 1; } cardu = 0; _global.endm = true; gotoAndPlay (43); }Symbol 1098 MovieClip Frame 1stop();Symbol 1098 MovieClip Frame 2stop();Symbol 1104 Buttonon (release) { if (((_global.bla >= 1) and (cardu == 0)) and (_global.wata == 1)) { _global.bla = _global.bla - 1; cardu = 9; if (_global.gun[_global.pla] == "yes") { _global.gun[_global.pla] == "no"; _global.def[_global.pla] = _global.def[_global.pla] - 1; } else if (_global.tur[_global.pla] == "yes") { _global.tur[_global.pla] == "no"; _global.def[_global.pla] = _global.def[_global.pla] - 1; } } }Symbol 1110 Buttonon (release) { if (((_global.may >= 1) and (cardu == 0)) and (_global.wata == 1)) { _global.may = _global.may - 1; cardu = 6; _global.dbmo[_global.wdef] = _global.dbmo[_global.wdef] - 10; db = _global.dbf[_global.pla] * (65 + _global.dbmo[_global.wdef]); } }Symbol 1116 Buttonon (release) { if ((_global.poc >= 1) and (cardu == 0)) { _global.poc = _global.poc - 1; cardu = 2; if (_global.wata == 1) { _global.asmmo[1] = _global.asmmo[1] + 1; } else { _global.dsmmo[_global.wdef] = _global.dsmmo[_global.wdef] + 1; } } }Symbol 1122 Buttonon (release) { if (((_global.ste >= 1) and (cardu == 0)) and (_global.wata == 1)) { _global.ste = _global.ste - 1; _global.cardu = 8; bas = as; bab = ab; nab = _global.asf; nas = _global.abf; ab = ab + (_global.abf * 3); as = as + (_global.asf * 2); } }Symbol 1128 Buttonon (release) { if ((_global.rep >= 1) and (cardu == 0)) { _global.rep = _global.rep - 1; cardu = 3; if (_global.wata == 1) { as = Math.ceil(as / (10 + _global.asmo[1])) * 10; ab = Math.ceil(ab / (25 + _global.abmo[1])) * 25; aa = Math.ceil(aa / (10 + _global.aamo[1])) * 10; } else { ds = Math.ceil(ds / (30 + _global.asmo[1])) * 30; db = Math.ceil(as / (65 + _global.abmo[1])) * 65; } } }Symbol 1134 Buttonon (release) { if ((_global.fog >= 1) and (cardu == 0)) { _global.fog = _global.fog - 1; cardu = 5; _global.aammo[_global.wata] = _global.aammo[_global.wata] - 4; } }Symbol 1140 Buttonon (release) { if ((_global.pul >= 1) and (cardu == 0)) { _global.pul = _global.pul - 1; cardu = 1; if (_global.wata == 1) { _global.abmmo[1] = _global.abmmo[1] + 2; } else { _global.dbmmo[_global.wdef] = _global.dbmmo[_global.wdef] + 2; } } }Symbol 1146 Buttonon (release) { if (((_global.div >= 1) and (cardu == 0)) and (cardu10 == false)) { _global.div = _global.div - 1; cardu10 = true; cardu = 10; if (_global.wata == 1) { _global.abmmo[1] = _global.abmmo[1] + 1; _global.asmmo[1] = _global.asmmo[1] + 1; _global.aammo[1] = _global.aammo[1] + 2; } else { _global.dsmmo[1] = _global.dsmmo[1] + 1; _global.dbmmo[1] = _global.dbmmo[1] + 1; } } }Symbol 1152 Buttonon (release) { if (((_global.tbo >= 1) and (cardu == 0)) and (_global.wata > 1)) { _global.tbo = _global.tbo - 1; _global.cardu = 7; bds = ds; bdb = db; ndb = _global.dbf[_global.pla]; nds = _global.dsf[_global.pla]; db = db + (_global.dbf[_global.pla] * 6); ds = ds + (_global.dsf[_global.pla] * 3); } }Symbol 1158 Buttonon (release) { if (((_global.fie >= 1) and (cardu == 0)) and (_global.wata > 1)) { _global.fie = _global.fie - 1; cardu = 4; as = as * 0.9; } }Symbol 1169 Buttonon (release) { = true; _global.endm = true; if (_global.wata == 1) { _root.gotoAndPlay(7); gotoAndPlay (1); } else { _root.gotoAndPlay(20); gotoAndPlay (1); } }Symbol 1180 MovieClip Frame 1stop();Symbol 1180 MovieClip Frame 2stop();Symbol 1180 MovieClip Frame 3stop();Symbol 1180 MovieClip Frame 4stop();Symbol 1187 Buttonon (release) { rage = 15; if ( >= 150) { = - 150; rand = random(2); if (rand == 0) { _global.poi = _global.poi + (5 + (_global.diffic * 3)); gotoAndPlay (9); } else { gotoAndPlay (42); } } }Symbol 1194 Buttonon (release) { rage = 10; if ( >= 250) { = - 250; rand = random(3); if (rand == 0) { if (_global.gun[_global.pla] == "yes") { _global.gun[_global.pla] = "no"; _global.def[_global.pla] = _global.def[_global.pla] - 1; } else if (_global.tur[_global.pla] == "yes") { _global.tur[_global.pla] = "no"; _global.def[_global.pla] = _global.def[_global.pla] - 1; } _global.poi = _global.poi + (10 + (_global.diffic * 5)); gotoAndPlay (45); } else { gotoAndPlay (42); } } }Symbol 1198 MovieClip Frame 1stop();Symbol 1198 MovieClip Frame 2stop();Symbol 1204 MovieClip Frame 1stop();Symbol 1204 MovieClip Frame 2stop(); clook.gotoandplay(_global.pla); = false;Symbol 1204 MovieClip Frame 3embe = _global.emb[_global.pla]; mare = _global.mar[_global.pla]; trae = _global.tra[_global.pla]; ente = _global.ent[_global.pla]; mine = _global.min[_global.pla]; gune = _global.gun[_global.pla]; ture = _global.tur[_global.pla]; ware = _global.war[_global.pla]; pole = _global.pol[_global.pla]; labe = _global.lab[_global.pla];Symbol 1204 MovieClip Frame 4gotoAndPlay (3);Symbol 1204 MovieClip Frame 5stop(); bf = _global.dbf[_global.pla]; sf = _global.dsf[_global.pla];Symbol 1204 MovieClip Frame 6gotoAndPlay (6);Symbol 1204 MovieClip Frame 7bf = _global.dbf[_global.pla]; sf = _global.dsf[_global.pla];Symbol 1204 MovieClip Frame 8gotoAndPlay (7);Symbol 1204 MovieClip Frame 9stop(); bf = _global.dbf[_global.pla]; sf = _global.dsf[_global.pla]; infom.gotoandplay(_global.pla); mor = _global.mor[_global.pla]; def = _global.def[_global.pla]; sin = _global.sin[_global.pla]; pmor = _global.pmor[_global.pla];Symbol 1204 MovieClip Frame 10stop(); _global.sf00 = _global.dsf[_global.pla]; _global.bf00 = _global.dbf[_global.pla]; _global.def00 = _global.def[_global.pla]; = false; = _global.fig[_global.wdef]; _global.hf = _global.fig[_global.wata]; _global.mus = true; cardu10 = false; as = _global.asf * (10 + _global.asmo[_global.wata]); ab = _global.abf * (25 + _global.abmo[_global.wata]); aa = _global.aaf * 10; cardu = 0; if (_global.wata == 1) { if (_global.diplo[wdef] != "war") { gotoAndPlay (46); } else { _global.asf = _global.aasf[1]; _global.aasf[1] = 0; _global.abf = _global.aabf[1]; _global.aabf[1] = 0; _global.aaf = _global.aaaf[1]; _global.aaaf[1] = 0; _global.go = 2; attacker = "human"; deffender =[prule[_global.pla]]; canv.gotoandplay(1); canb._visible = true; } } else { _global.asf = _global.aasf[_global.wata]; _global.aasf[_global.wata] = 0; _global.abf = _global.aabf[_global.wata]; _global.aabf[_global.wata] = 0; _global.aaf = _global.aaaf[_global.wata]; _global.aaaf[_global.wata] = 0; attacker =[_global.wata]; deffender = "Human"; _global.go = 12; canb._visible = false; canv.gotoandplay(3); } plock = false; _global.atw = "spl"; ab1.gotoandplay(_global.wata); as1.gotoandplay(_global.wata); aa1.gotoandplay(_global.wata); ds1.gotoandplay(_global.wdef); db1.gotoandplay(_global.wdef);Symbol 1204 MovieClip Frame 11bmas = " "; if (_global.pul == 0) { card1._visible = false; } if (_global.poc == 0) { card2._visible = false; } if (_global.rep == 0) { card3._visible = false; } if (_global.fie == 0) { card4._visible = false; } if (_global.fog == 0) { card5._visible = false; } if (_global.may == 0) { card6._visible = false; } if (_global.tbo == 0) { card7._visible = false; } if (_global.ste == 0) { card8._visible = false; } if (_global.bla == 0) { card9._visible = false; } if (_global.div == 0) { card10._visible = false; } nik = _global.asmmo[1]; _global.endm = false; if (_global.wata == 1) { if ((((_global.abf < 1) or (_global.dsf[_global.pla] < 1)) or (_global.aaf < 1)) and (!plock)) { pan.par._visible = false; if (_global.atw == "par") { pan.gotoandplay(1); } } if (((_global.asf < 1) or (_global.dbf[_global.pla] < 1)) and (!plock)) { pan.mas._visible = false; if (_global.atw == "mas") { pan.gotoandplay(1); } } if (((_global.dsf[_global.pla] < 1) or ((_global.abf < 1) and (_global.aaf < 1))) and (!plock)) { = false; if (_global.atw == "art") { pan.gotoandplay(1); } } if (((_global.dsf[_global.pla] < 1) and (_global.asf >= 1)) and ((_global.dbf[_global.pla] >= 1) and (_global.abf < 1))) { plock = true; pan.spl._visible = false; pan.gotoandplay(4); _global.atw = "mas"; } if (((_global.dsf[_global.pla] >= 1) and (_global.asf < 1)) and ((_global.dbf[_global.pla] < 1) and (_global.abf >= 1))) { plock = true; pan.spl._visible = false; pan.gotoandplay(5); _global.atw = "art"; } } if (_global.wata > 1) { if ((_global.dsf[1] < 1) or (_global.aaf < 1)) { pan.par._visible = false; if (_global.atw == "par") { pan.gotoandplay(11); } } if ((_global.abf < 1) or (_global.dsf[1] < 1)) { pan.mas._visible = false; if (_global.atw == "mas") { pan.gotoandplay(11); } } if ((_global.dbf[1] < 1) or (_global.asf < 1)) { = false; if (_global.atw == "art") { pan.gotoandplay(11); } } if (((_global.dsf[_global.pla] < 1) and (_global.asf >= 1)) and ((_global.dbf[_global.pla] >= 1) and (_global.abf < 1))) { plock = true; pan.spl._visible = false; pan.gotoandplay(15); _global.atw = "art"; } if (((_global.dsf[_global.pla] >= 1) and (_global.asf < 1)) and ((_global.dbf[_global.pla] < 1) and (_global.abf >= 1))) { plock = true; pan.spl._visible = false; pan.gotoandplay(14); _global.atw = "mas"; } } if (_global.wata == 1) { canb._visible = true; if ((_global.asf == 0) and (_global.abf == 0)) { win = false; _global.aaf = 0; gotoAndPlay (40); } else if ((_global.dsf[_global.pla] == 0) and (_global.dbf[_global.pla] == 0)) { win = true; _global.poi = _global.poi + (200 + (_global.diffic * 100)); _global.prule[_global.pla] = 1; _global.emb[_global.pla] = "no"; _global.mar[_global.pla] = "no"; _global.tra[_global.pla] = "no"; _global.min[_global.pla] = "no"; _global.ent[_global.pla] = "no"; _global.gun[_global.pla] = "no"; _global.tur[_global.pla] = "no"; _global.lab[_global.pla] = "no"; _global.war[_global.pla] = "no"; _global.pol[_global.pla] = "no"; gotoAndPlay (40); } else { pan._visible = true; co = 1; if ((_global.atw == "art") or (_global.dsf[_global.pla] < 1)) { safea._visible = true; } else { safea._visible = false; if ((_global.atw == "spl") and (_global.dsf[_global.pla] < 1)) { safes._visible = true; } else { safes._visible = false; } } if (((_global.atw == "par") or (_global.atw == "spl")) and (_global.dbf[_global.pla] < 1)) { safeb._visible = true; } else { safeb._visible = false; } } } else { canb._visible = false; if ((_global.asf == 0) and (_global.abf == 0)) { win = true; _global.poi = _global.poi + (10 + (_global.diffic * 5)); gotoAndPlay (40); } else if ((_global.dsf[_global.pla] == 0) and (_global.dbf[_global.pla] == 0)) { win = false; _global.dsf[_global.pla] = 5; _global.dbf[_global.pla] = 10; _global.poi = _global.poi - (200 + (_global.diffic * 100)); _global.prule[_global.pla] = _global.wata; if (_global.emb[_global.pla] == "yes") { _global.emn = _global.emn - 1; } if (_global.war[_global.pla] == "yes") { _global.figgm = _global.figgm - 10; } gotoAndPlay (40); } else { pan._visible = true; co = 1; } safeb._visible = false; safea._visible = false; safes._visible = false; } = false; if (_global.asf == 0) { asx.gotoandplay(2); } if (_global.abf == 0) { abx.gotoandplay(2); } if (_global.aaf == 0) { aax.gotoandplay(2); } if (_global.dsf[_global.pla] == 0) { dsx.gotoandplay(2); } if (_global.dbf[_global.pla] == 0) { dbx.gotoandplay(2); }Symbol 1204 MovieClip Frame 12_global.sf00 = _global.dsf[_global.pla]; _global.bf00 = _global.dbf[_global.pla]; _global.def00 = _global.def[_global.pla]; gotoAndPlay (11);Symbol 1204 MovieClip Frame 13pan._visible = false; dsm = 0; dbm = 0; asm = 0; abm = 0; aam = 0;Symbol 1204 MovieClip Frame 27while ((co <= _global.dsf[_global.pla]) and (_global.dsf[_global.pla] > 0)) { dsm = dsm + (((random(3) + _global.fig[_global.wdef]) + 3) + _global.dsmmo[_global.wdef]); co = co + 1; } co = 1; while ((co <= _global.dbf[_global.pla]) and (_global.dbf[_global.pla] > 0)) { dbm = dbm + (((random(3) + fig[_global.wdef]) + 6) + _global.dbmmo[_global.wdef]); co = co + 1; } co = 1; while ((co <= _global.asf) and (_global.asf > 0)) { asm = asm + ((((random(3) + _global.fig[_global.wata]) - _global.def[_global.pla]) + 1) + _global.asmmo[_global.wata]); co = co + 1; } co = 1; while ((co <= _global.abf) and (_global.abf > 0)) { abm = abm + ((((random(3) + _global.fig[_global.wata]) - _global.def[_global.pla]) + 3) + _global.abmmo[_global.wata]); co = co + 1; } co = 1; while ((co <= _global.aaf) and (_global.aaf > 0)) { aam = aam + ((((random(6) + _global.fig[_global.wata]) + 6) - _global.def[_global.pla]) + _global.aammo[_global.wata]); co = co + 1; } if (_global.wata == 1) { if (_global.atw == "spl") { gotoAndPlay (28); } if (_global.atw == "par") { gotoAndPlay (29); } if (_global.atw == "mas") { gotoAndPlay (30); } if (_global.atw == "art") { gotoAndPlay (31); } } else { if (_global.atw == "spl") { gotoAndPlay (33); } if (_global.atw == "par") { gotoAndPlay (34); } if (_global.atw == "mas") { gotoAndPlay (35); } if (_global.atw == "art") { gotoAndPlay (36); } } co = 1;Symbol 1204 MovieClip Frame 28co = 1; ds = ds - asm; as = as - dsm; if (_global.abf > 0) { db = db - abm; ab = ab - dbm; } else { as = as - dbm; } if (_global.aaf > 0) { if (_global.dbf[_global.pla] > 0) { db = db - aam; } else { ds = ds - aam; } } x = ds / (30 + _global.dsmo[_global.wdef]); _global.dsf[_global.pla] = Math.round(x); if (_global.dsf[_global.pla] < 0) { _global.dsf[_global.pla] = 0; } x = db / (65 + _global.dbmo[_global.wdef]); _global.dbf[_global.pla] = Math.round(x); if (_global.dbf[_global.pla] < 0) { _global.dbf[_global.pla] = 0; } x = as / (10 + _global.asmo[_global.wata]); _global.asf = Math.round(x); if (_global.asf < 0) { _global.asf = 0; } x = ab / (25 + _global.abmo[_global.wata]); _global.abf = Math.round(x); if (_global.abf < 0) { _global.abf = 0; } x = aa / (10 + _global.aamo[_global.wata]); _global.aaf = Math.round(x); if (_global.aaf < 0) { _global.aaf = 0; } dsmd = dsm; dbmd = dbm; asmd = asm; abmd = abm; aamd = aam; gotoAndPlay (39);Symbol 1204 MovieClip Frame 29co = 1; ds = ds - aam; if (_global.asf > 0) { ds = ds - asm; as = as - (dsm * 0.75); aa = aa - (dsm * 0.25); } else { ab = ab - dsm; } db = db - abm; ab = ab - dbm; x = ds / (30 + _global.dsmo[_global.wdef]); _global.dsf[_global.pla] = Math.round(x); if (_global.dsf[_global.pla] < 0) { _global.dsf[_global.pla] = 0; } x = db / (65 + _global.dbmo[_global.wdef]); _global.dbf[_global.pla] = Math.round(x); if (_global.dbf[_global.pla] < 0) { _global.dbf[_global.pla] = 0; } x = as / (10 + _global.asmo[_global.wata]); _global.asf = Math.round(x); if (_global.asf < 0) { _global.asf = 0; } x = ab / (25 + _global.abmo[_global.wata]); _global.abf = Math.round(x); if (_global.abf < 0) { _global.abf = 0; } x = aa / (10 + _global.aamo[_global.wata]); _global.aaf = Math.round(x); if (_global.aaf < 0) { _global.aaf = 0; } dsmd = dsm; dbmd = dbm; asmd = asm; abmd = abm; aamd = aam; gotoAndPlay (39);Symbol 1204 MovieClip Frame 30co = 1; db = db - ((asm + aam) + abm); if (_global.aaf > 0) { as = as - (dsm * 0.75); aa = aa - (dsm * 0.25); } else { as = as - dsm; } if (_global.abf > 0) { ab = ab - dbm; } else { as = as - dbm; } x = ds / (30 + _global.dsmo[_global.wdef]); _global.dsf[_global.pla] = Math.round(x); if (_global.dsf[_global.pla] < 0) { _global.dsf[_global.pla] = 0; } x = db / (65 + _global.dbmo[_global.wdef]); _global.dbf[_global.pla] = Math.round(x); if (_global.dbf[_global.pla] < 0) { _global.dbf[_global.pla] = 0; } x = as / (10 + _global.asmo[_global.wata]); _global.asf = Math.round(x); if (_global.asf < 0) { _global.asf = 0; } x = ab / (25 + _global.abmo[_global.wata]); _global.abf = Math.round(x); if (_global.abf < 0) { _global.abf = 0; } x = aa / (10 + _global.aamo[_global.wata]); _global.aaf = Math.round(x); if (_global.aaf < 0) { _global.aaf = 0; } dsmd = dsm; dbmd = dbm; asmd = asm; abmd = abm; aamd = aam; gotoAndPlay (39);Symbol 1204 MovieClip Frame 31co = 1; ds = ds - ((asm + aam) + abm); if (_global.abf > 0) { ab = ab - dbm; } else { as = as - dbm; } if (_global.asf > 0) { as = as - dsm; } else { ab = ab - dsm; } x = ds / (30 + _global.dsmo[_global.wdef]); _global.dsf[_global.pla] = Math.round(x); if (_global.dsf[_global.pla] < 0) { _global.dsf[_global.pla] = 0; } x = db / (65 + _global.dbmo[_global.wdef]); _global.dbf[_global.pla] = Math.round(x); if (_global.dbf[_global.pla] < 0) { _global.dbf[_global.pla] = 0; } x = as / (10 + _global.asmo[_global.wata]); _global.asf = Math.round(x); if (_global.asf < 0) { _global.asf = 0; } x = ab / (25 + _global.abmo[_global.wata]); _global.abf = Math.round(x); if (_global.abf < 0) { _global.abf = 0; } x = aa / (10 + _global.aamo[_global.wata]); _global.aaf = Math.round(x); if (_global.aaf < 0) { _global.aaf = 0; } dsmd = dsm; dbmd = dbm; asmd = asm; abmd = abm; aamd = aam; gotoAndPlay (39);Symbol 1204 MovieClip Frame 33co = 1; if (_global.asf > 0) { ds = ds - asm; as = as - dsm; } else { db = db - asm; } if (_global.abf > 0) { db = db - abm; ab = ab - dbm; } else { ds = ds - abm; } if (_global.aaf > 0) { if (_global.dbf[_global.pla] > 0) { db = db - aam; } else { ds = ds - aam; } } x = ds / (30 + _global.dsmo[_global.wdef]); _global.dsf[_global.pla] = Math.round(x); if (_global.dsf[_global.pla] < 0) { _global.dsf[_global.pla] = 0; } x = db / (65 + _global.dbmo[_global.wdef]); _global.dbf[_global.pla] = Math.round(x); if (_global.dbf[_global.pla] < 0) { _global.dbf[_global.pla] = 0; } x = as / (10 + _global.asmo[_global.wata]); _global.asf = Math.round(x); if (_global.asf < 0) { _global.asf = 0; } x = ab / (25 + _global.abmo[_global.wata]); _global.abf = Math.round(x); if (_global.abf < 0) { _global.abf = 0; } x = aa / (10 + _global.aamo[_global.wata]); _global.aaf = Math.round(x); if (_global.aaf < 0) { _global.aaf = 0; } dsmd = dsm; dbmd = dbm; asmd = asm; abmd = abm; aamd = aam; gotoAndPlay (39);Symbol 1204 MovieClip Frame 34co = 1; if (_global.asf > 0) { ds = ds - asm; as = as - (dsm * 0.75); aa = aa - (dsm * 0.25); } else { db = db - asm; aa = aa - (dsm * 0.25); ab = ab - (dsm * 0.666666666666667); } if (_global.abf > 0) { db = db - abm; ab = ab - dbm; } else { ds = ds - abm; } if (_global.aaf > 0) { if (_global.dbf[_global.pla] > 0) { db = db - aam; } else { ds = ds - aam; } } x = ds / (30 + _global.dsmo[_global.wdef]); _global.dsf[_global.pla] = Math.round(x); if (_global.dsf[_global.pla] < 0) { _global.dsf[_global.pla] = 0; } x = db / (65 + _global.dbmo[_global.wdef]); _global.dbf[_global.pla] = Math.round(x); if (_global.dbf[_global.pla] < 0) { _global.dbf[_global.pla] = 0; } x = as / (10 + _global.asmo[_global.wata]); _global.asf = Math.round(x); if (_global.asf < 0) { _global.asf = 0; } x = ab / (25 + _global.abmo[_global.wata]); _global.abf = Math.round(x); if (_global.abf < 0) { _global.abf = 0; } x = aa / (10 + _global.aamo[_global.wata]); _global.aaf = Math.round(x); if (_global.aaf < 0) { _global.aaf = 0; } dsmd = dsm; dbmd = dbm; asmd = asm; abmd = abm; aamd = aam; gotoAndPlay (39);Symbol 1204 MovieClip Frame 35co = 1; ab = ab - (dsm + dbm); if (_global.dsf[_global.pla] > 0) { ds = ds - asm; } else { db = db - asm; } if (_global.dbf[_global.pla] > 0) { db = db - abm; db = db - aam; } else { ds = ds - dbm; ds = ds - aam; } x = ds / (30 + _global.dsmo[_global.wdef]); _global.dsf[_global.pla] = Math.round(x); if (_global.dsf[_global.pla] < 0) { _global.dsf[_global.pla] = 0; } x = db / (65 + _global.dbmo[_global.wdef]); _global.dbf[_global.pla] = Math.round(x); if (_global.dbf[_global.pla] < 0) { _global.dbf[_global.pla] = 0; } x = as / (10 + _global.asmo[_global.wata]); _global.asf = Math.round(x); if (_global.asf < 0) { _global.asf = 0; } x = ab / (25 + _global.abmo[_global.wata]); _global.abf = Math.round(x); if (_global.abf < 0) { _global.abf = 0; } x = aa / (10 + _global.aamo[_global.wata]); _global.aaf = Math.round(x); if (_global.aaf < 0) { _global.aaf = 0; } dsmd = dsm; dbmd = dbm; asmd = asm; abmd = abm; aamd = aam; gotoAndPlay (39);Symbol 1204 MovieClip Frame 36co = 1; as = as - (dsm + dbm); if (_global.dsf[_global.pla] > 0) { ds = ds - asm; } else { db = db - asm; } if (_global.dbf[_global.pla] > 0) { db = db - abm; db = db - aam; } else { ds = ds - dbm; ds = ds - aam; } x = ds / (30 + _global.dsmo[_global.wdef]); _global.dsf[_global.pla] = Math.round(x); if (_global.dsf[_global.pla] < 0) { _global.dsf[_global.pla] = 0; } x = db / (65 + _global.dbmo[_global.wdef]); _global.dbf[_global.pla] = Math.round(x); if (_global.dbf[_global.pla] < 0) { _global.dbf[_global.pla] = 0; } x = as / (10 + _global.asmo[_global.wata]); _global.asf = Math.round(x); if (_global.asf < 0) { _global.asf = 0; } x = ab / (25 + _global.abmo[_global.wata]); _global.abf = Math.round(x); if (_global.abf < 0) { _global.abf = 0; } x = aa / (10 + _global.aamo[_global.wata]); _global.aaf = Math.round(x); if (_global.aaf < 0) { _global.aaf = 0; } dsmd = dsm; dbmd = dbm; asmd = asm; abmd = abm; aamd = aam; gotoAndPlay (39);Symbol 1204 MovieClip Frame 39if (cardu == 1) { if (_global.wata == 1) { _global.abmmo[1] = _global.abmmo[1] - 2; } else { _global.dbmmo[_global.wdef] = _global.dbmmo[_global.wdef] - 2; } } if (cardu == 2) { if (_global.wata == 1) { _global.asmmo[1] = _global.asmmo[1] - 1; } else { _global.dsmmo[_global.wdef] = _global.dsmmo[_global.wdef] - 1; } } if (cardu == 5) { _global.aammo[_global.wata] = _global.aammo[_global.wata] + 4; } if (cardu == 6) { _global.dbmo[_global.wdef] = _global.dbmo[_global.wdef] + 7; db = _global.dbf[_global.pla] * (65 + _global.dbmo[_global.wdef]); } if (cardu == 7) { if (_global.dbf[_global.pla] > ndb) { db = bdb; _global.dbf[_global.pla] = ndb; } if (_global.dsf[_global.pla] > nds) { ds = bds; _global.dbs[_global.pla] = nds; } } if (cardu == 8) { if (_global.abf > ndb) { ab = bab; _global.abf = nab; } if (_global.asf > nas) { as = bas; _global.asf = nas; } } cardu = 0; gotoAndPlay (11);Symbol 1204 MovieClip Frame 40stop(); if (_global.wata == 1) { if (win) { _global.aasf[1] = _global.aasf[1] + _global.asf; _global.poi = _global.poi + (_global.asf * (0.5 + (_global.diffic * 0.5))); _global.asf = 0; _global.aabf[1] = _global.aabf[1] + _global.abf; _global.poi = _global.poi + (_global.abf * (1 + (_global.diffic * 1))); _global.abf = 0; _global.aaaf[1] = _global.aaaf[1] + _global.aaf; _global.poi = _global.poi + (_global.aaf * (0.5 + (_global.diffic * 0.5))); _global.aaf = 0; wins.gotoandstop(2); } else { wins.gotoandstop(1); } if (cardu10) { _global.abmmo[1] = _global.abmmo[1] - 1; _global.asmmo[1] = _global.asmmo[1] - 1; _global.aammo[1] = _global.aammo[1] - 1; } } else { if (win) { wins.gotoandstop(4); _global.aasf[_global.wata] = _global.aasf[_global.wata] + _global.asf; _global.asf = 0; _global.aabf[_global.wata] = _global.aabf[_global.wata] + _global.abf; _global.abf = 0; _global.aaaf[_global.wata] = _global.aaaf[_global.wata] + _global.aaf; _global.aaf = 0; } else { wins.gotoandstop(3);[1] =[1] - 1; } if (cardu10) { _global.dsmmo[1] = _global.dsmmo[1] - 1; _global.dbmmo[1] = _global.dbmmo[1] - 1; } }Symbol 1204 MovieClip Frame 41stop(); cinv = "1:2"; if (_global.pol[_global.pla] == "yes") { cinv = "1:3"; } csab = "1:3"; if (_global.pol[_global.pla] == "yes") { csab = "1:5"; }Symbol 1204 MovieClip Frame 42stop(); rand = random(2) + 1; if (rand == 1) { smasa.gotoandplay(2); if (_global.pop[_global.prule[_global.pla]] >= 10) { _global.pop[_global.prule[_global.pla]] = 10; } if ((_global.anger[_global.prule[_global.pla]] >= rage) or (_global.anger[_global.prule[_global.pla]] == 0)) { _global.anger[_global.prule[_global.pla]] = rage; } } else { smasa.gotoandplay(1); }Symbol 1204 MovieClip Frame 43stop();Symbol 1204 MovieClip Frame 45stop();Symbol 1204 MovieClip Frame 46stop();Symbol 1213 Buttonon (release) { _global.doh[1] = "no"; _global.doh[2] = "no"; _global.doh[3] = "no"; _global.doh[4] = "no"; _global.doh[5] = "no"; _global.doh[6] = "no"; _global.doh[7] = "no"; _global.turn = _global.turn + 1; if ((turn / (20 * (_global.tyt + 1))) == 1) { _global.expa[2] = _global.expa[2] + (4 + (_global.diffic * 10)); _global.expa[3] = _global.expa[3] + (3 + (_global.diffic * 10)); _global.expa[4] = _global.expa[4] + (3 + (_global.diffic * 10)); _global.tyt = _global.tyt + 1; } gotoAndPlay (17); }Symbol 1221 Buttonon (release) { _global.endm = true; gotoAndPlay (7); }Symbol 1237 Buttonon (release) { _root.gotoandplay(19); }Symbol 1243 Buttonon (release) { = - _global.blm; _root.gotoandplay(19); }Symbol 1244 Buttonon (release) { _global.diplo[] = "peace"; _root.gotoandplay(19); }Symbol 1249 Buttonon (release) { _global.diplo[] = "war"; _root.gotoandplay(19); }Symbol 1253 Buttonon (release) { _root.gotoandplay(19); }Symbol 1271 MovieClip Frame 1stop();Symbol 1271 MovieClip Frame 2stop();Symbol 1271 MovieClip Frame 3stop();Symbol 1271 MovieClip Frame 4stop();Symbol 1271 MovieClip Frame 5stop();Symbol 1271 MovieClip Frame 6stop();Symbol 1271 MovieClip Frame 7stop(); _global.cpla = _global.paname[co3];Symbol 1271 MovieClip Frame 8stop();Symbol 1271 MovieClip Frame 9stop();Symbol 1279 MovieClip Frame 2stop();Symbol 1279 MovieClip Frame 3stop();Symbol 1279 MovieClip Frame 4stop();Symbol 1279 MovieClip Frame 5stop();Symbol 1279 MovieClip Frame 6stop();Symbol 1279 MovieClip Frame 7stop();Symbol 1290 Buttonon (release) { _global.gogo = 2; gotoAndPlay (3); }Symbol 1297 Buttonon (release) { gotoAndPlay (3); _global.gogo = 2; }
Library Items
Symbol 1 Graphic | Used by:Timeline | |
Symbol 2 Graphic | Used by:Timeline | |
Symbol 3 Graphic | Used by:4 | |
Symbol 4 MovieClip | Uses:3 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 5 Graphic | Used by:8 | |
Symbol 6 Font | Used by:7 | |
Symbol 7 EditableText | Uses:6 | Used by:8 |
Symbol 8 MovieClip | Uses:5 7 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 9 Graphic | Used by:70 Timeline | |
Symbol 10 Font | Used by:11 | |
Symbol 11 Text | Uses:10 | Used by:70 Timeline |
Symbol 12 Graphic | Used by:Timeline | |
Symbol 13 Graphic | Used by:14 | |
Symbol 14 MovieClip | Uses:13 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 15 Graphic | Used by:16 | |
Symbol 16 MovieClip | Uses:15 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 17 Graphic | Used by:18 | |
Symbol 18 MovieClip | Uses:17 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 19 Graphic | Used by:20 | |
Symbol 20 MovieClip | Uses:19 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 21 Graphic | Used by:Timeline | |
Symbol 22 Graphic | Used by:70 | |
Symbol 23 Graphic | Used by:70 | |
Symbol 24 Graphic | Used by:70 | |
Symbol 25 Graphic | Used by:70 | |
Symbol 26 Graphic | Used by:70 | |
Symbol 27 Graphic | Used by:70 | |
Symbol 28 Graphic | Used by:70 | |
Symbol 29 Graphic | Used by:70 | |
Symbol 30 Sound | Used by:70 | |
Symbol 31 Graphic | Used by:70 | |
Symbol 32 Graphic | Used by:70 | |
Symbol 33 Graphic | Used by:36 | |
Symbol 34 Graphic | Used by:36 | |
Symbol 35 Graphic | Used by:36 | |
Symbol 36 Button | Uses:33 34 35 | Used by:70 |
Symbol 37 Graphic | Used by:40 55 69 | |
Symbol 38 Graphic | Used by:40 55 69 | |
Symbol 39 Graphic | Used by:40 55 69 | |
Symbol 40 Button | Uses:37 38 39 | Used by:70 |
Symbol 41 Graphic | Used by:44 56 | |
Symbol 42 Graphic | Used by:44 56 | |
Symbol 43 Graphic | Used by:44 56 | |
Symbol 44 Button | Uses:41 42 43 | Used by:70 |
Symbol 45 Graphic | Used by:48 | |
Symbol 46 Graphic | Used by:48 | |
Symbol 47 Graphic | Used by:48 | |
Symbol 48 Button | Uses:45 46 47 | Used by:70 |
Symbol 49 Graphic | Used by:52 57 | |
Symbol 50 Graphic | Used by:52 57 | |
Symbol 51 Graphic | Used by:52 57 | |
Symbol 52 Button | Uses:49 50 51 | Used by:70 |
Symbol 53 Sound | Used by:70 459 464 469 474 479 480 481 482 597 598 645 | |
Symbol 54 Graphic | Used by:70 | |
Symbol 55 Button | Uses:37 38 39 | Used by:70 |
Symbol 56 Button | Uses:41 42 43 | Used by:70 |
Symbol 57 Button | Uses:49 50 51 | Used by:67 |
Symbol 58 Graphic | Used by:67 | |
Symbol 59 Graphic | Used by:63 88 326 484 696 807 1082 1169 1221 1237 | |
Symbol 60 Graphic | Used by:63 88 326 484 696 807 1082 1169 1221 1237 | |
Symbol 61 Graphic | Used by:63 88 326 484 696 807 1082 1169 1221 1237 | |
Symbol 62 Sound | Used by:63 88 326 484 696 807 1082 1169 1221 1237 | |
Symbol 63 Button | Uses:59 60 61 62 | Used by:67 |
Symbol 64 Font | Used by:65 66 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 87 92 95 97 100 102 104 106 108 110 112 114 116 117 119 120 121 123 124 125 127 128 129 133 135 137 138 139 141 143 144 145 146 161 162 163 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 173 175 177 179 181 184 187 189 192 194 196 197 198 199 200 202 204 205 206 207 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 244 245 246 247 248 249 251 252 254 255 256 258 259 293 322 341 345 346 347 358 409 410 415 416 421 422 427 428 433 434 438 439 444 445 450 451 454 457 462 467 472 477 488 490 494 495 514 517 521 522 523 525 526 532 533 538 539 544 545 549 553 554 559 560 565 566 571 572 577 578 583 584 587 588 591 592 595 596 600 601 602 603 604 605 607 609 611 614 617 620 624 625 626 627 628 629 630 631 632 633 635 636 637 638 639 640 641 642 643 644 649 650 651 652 657 658 659 660 665 666 667 668 672 683 694 697 698 699 700 701 702 703 704 705 706 744 745 746 750 752 754 756 757 762 763 767 768 770 771 774 775 776 778 779 781 782 784 787 790 792 796 797 798 808 809 822 823 874 890 904 905 906 908 910 911 912 913 915 918 919 921 922 923 924 925 926 927 928 929 931 932 933 934 936 937 938 940 941 942 944 945 947 948 949 950 952 953 954 956 957 958 965 967 970 973 976 979 984 989 994 999 1004 1007 1010 1013 1023 1024 1025 1026 1027 1028 1029 1030 1031 1032 1033 1034 1035 1036 1039 1040 1041 1042 1043 1044 1045 1046 1047 1048 1049 1050 1051 1059 1060 1063 1064 1065 1076 1077 1078 1081 1083 1086 1087 1091 1095 1171 1173 1174 1176 1177 1179 1185 1186 1189 1191 1192 1196 1197 1200 1202 1203 1209 1216 1217 1218 1219 1224 1225 1230 1231 1232 1234 1235 1236 1239 1240 1241 1242 1245 1246 1247 1248 1251 1252 1254 1256 1257 1258 1260 1261 1262 1264 1265 1266 1267 1268 1269 1270 1280 1281 1282 1283 1284 1292 1293 1294 1296 1298 1299 1300 | |
Symbol 65 Text | Uses:64 | Used by:67 |
Symbol 66 Text | Uses:64 | Used by:67 70 |
Symbol 67 MovieClip | Uses:57 58 63 65 66 | Used by:70 |
Symbol 68 Sound | Used by:70 | |
Symbol 69 Button | Uses:37 38 39 | Used by:70 |
Symbol 70 MovieClip | Uses:22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 9 11 36 40 44 48 52 53 54 55 56 67 66 68 69 | Used by:278 |
Symbol 71 Graphic | Used by:278 343 | |
Symbol 72 Text | Uses:64 | Used by:278 343 |
Symbol 73 Text | Uses:64 | Used by:278 343 |
Symbol 74 Text | Uses:64 | Used by:278 343 |
Symbol 75 Text | Uses:64 | Used by:278 343 |
Symbol 76 Text | Uses:64 | Used by:278 343 |
Symbol 77 Text | Uses:64 | Used by:278 343 |
Symbol 78 Text | Uses:64 | Used by:278 343 |
Symbol 79 Text | Uses:64 | Used by:278 343 |
Symbol 80 Text | Uses:64 | Used by:278 343 |
Symbol 81 Text | Uses:64 | Used by:278 343 |
Symbol 82 Text | Uses:64 | Used by:278 343 |
Symbol 83 Text | Uses:64 | Used by:278 343 |
Symbol 84 Text | Uses:64 | Used by:278 343 |
Symbol 85 Graphic | Used by:86 89 98 257 342 1290 1297 | |
Symbol 86 Button | Uses:85 | Used by:278 343 |
Symbol 87 Text | Uses:64 | Used by:278 343 |
Symbol 88 Button | Uses:59 60 61 62 | Used by:278 |
Symbol 89 Button | Uses:85 | Used by:278 343 |
Symbol 90 Bitmap | Used by:91 | |
Symbol 91 Graphic | Uses:90 | Used by:278 343 |
Symbol 92 Text | Uses:64 | Used by:278 343 |
Symbol 93 Font | Used by:95 101 105 120 124 128 134 138 142 157 158 159 162 166 174 178 203 239 242 250 253 256 260 266 269 272 274 276 341 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 684 685 686 687 688 689 690 691 692 766 786 1286 | |
Symbol 94 Font | Used by:95 131 210 280 281 282 283 292 294 296 318 320 498 499 503 504 509 510 517 747 748 764 769 777 780 785 789 791 826 827 831 832 836 837 841 842 847 848 853 854 859 860 865 866 871 872 886 887 895 896 900 901 1101 1102 1107 1108 1113 1114 1119 1120 1125 1126 1131 1132 1137 1138 1143 1144 1149 1150 1155 1156 1206 1208 1211 | |
Symbol 95 Text | Uses:93 64 94 | Used by:278 343 |
Symbol 96 Graphic | Used by:278 343 | |
Symbol 97 Text | Uses:64 | Used by:278 343 |
Symbol 98 Button | Uses:85 | Used by:278 343 |
Symbol 99 Graphic | Used by:278 | |
Symbol 100 Text | Uses:64 | Used by:278 343 |
Symbol 101 Text | Uses:93 | Used by:278 343 |
Symbol 102 Text | Uses:64 | Used by:278 343 |
Symbol 103 Graphic | Used by:278 343 | |
Symbol 104 Text | Uses:64 | Used by:278 343 |
Symbol 105 Text | Uses:93 | Used by:278 343 |
Symbol 106 Text | Uses:64 | Used by:278 343 |
Symbol 107 Graphic | Used by:278 | |
Symbol 108 Text | Uses:64 | Used by:278 343 803 |
Symbol 109 Graphic | Used by:278 | |
Symbol 110 Text | Uses:64 | Used by:278 343 804 |
Symbol 111 Graphic | Used by:278 | |
Symbol 112 Text | Uses:64 | Used by:278 343 806 |
Symbol 113 Graphic | Used by:278 | |
Symbol 114 Text | Uses:64 | Used by:278 343 805 |
Symbol 115 Graphic | Used by:278 343 | |
Symbol 116 Text | Uses:64 | Used by:278 343 |
Symbol 117 Text | Uses:64 | Used by:278 343 |
Symbol 118 Graphic | Used by:278 | |
Symbol 119 Text | Uses:64 | Used by:278 343 |
Symbol 120 Text | Uses:93 64 | Used by:278 343 |
Symbol 121 Text | Uses:64 | Used by:278 343 |
Symbol 122 Graphic | Used by:278 | |
Symbol 123 Text | Uses:64 | Used by:278 343 |
Symbol 124 Text | Uses:93 64 | Used by:278 343 |
Symbol 125 Text | Uses:64 | Used by:278 343 |
Symbol 126 Graphic | Used by:278 | |
Symbol 127 Text | Uses:64 | Used by:278 343 |
Symbol 128 Text | Uses:93 64 | Used by:278 343 |
Symbol 129 Text | Uses:64 | Used by:278 343 |
Symbol 130 Graphic | Used by:278 343 357 | |
Symbol 131 Text | Uses:94 | Used by:278 343 357 |
Symbol 132 Graphic | Used by:278 | |
Symbol 133 Text | Uses:64 | Used by:278 343 |
Symbol 134 Text | Uses:93 | Used by:278 343 |
Symbol 135 Text | Uses:64 | Used by:278 343 |
Symbol 136 Graphic | Used by:278 | |
Symbol 137 Text | Uses:64 | Used by:278 343 |
Symbol 138 Text | Uses:93 64 | Used by:278 343 |
Symbol 139 Text | Uses:64 | Used by:278 343 |
Symbol 140 Graphic | Used by:278 343 | |
Symbol 141 Text | Uses:64 | Used by:278 343 |
Symbol 142 Text | Uses:93 | Used by:278 343 |
Symbol 143 Text | Uses:64 | Used by:278 343 |
Symbol 144 Text | Uses:64 | Used by:278 343 799 |
Symbol 145 Text | Uses:64 | Used by:278 343 799 |
Symbol 146 Text | Uses:64 | Used by:278 343 |
Symbol 147 Graphic | Used by:149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 180 313 314 606 608 610 612 613 615 616 618 1062 1066 1067 1068 1069 1070 1075 1079 | |
Symbol 148 Graphic | Used by:149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 180 313 314 606 608 610 612 613 615 616 618 1062 1066 1067 1068 1069 1070 1075 1079 | |
Symbol 149 Button | Uses:147 148 | Used by:278 343 799 |
Symbol 150 Button | Uses:147 148 | Used by:278 343 799 |
Symbol 151 Button | Uses:147 148 | Used by:278 343 799 |
Symbol 152 Button | Uses:147 148 | Used by:278 343 799 |
Symbol 153 Button | Uses:147 148 | Used by:278 343 799 |
Symbol 154 Button | Uses:147 148 | Used by:278 343 799 |
Symbol 155 Button | Uses:147 148 | Used by:278 343 799 |
Symbol 156 Button | Uses:147 148 | Used by:278 343 799 |
Symbol 157 Text | Uses:93 | Used by:278 343 |
Symbol 158 Text | Uses:93 | Used by:278 343 |
Symbol 159 Text | Uses:93 | Used by:278 343 |
Symbol 160 Graphic | Used by:278 | |
Symbol 161 Text | Uses:64 | Used by:278 343 |
Symbol 162 Text | Uses:93 64 | Used by:278 343 |
Symbol 163 Text | Uses:64 | Used by:278 343 |
Symbol 164 Graphic | Used by:278 343 | |
Symbol 165 Text | Uses:64 | Used by:278 343 |
Symbol 166 Text | Uses:93 64 | Used by:278 343 |
Symbol 167 Text | Uses:64 | Used by:278 343 |
Symbol 168 Text | Uses:64 | Used by:278 343 799 |
Symbol 169 Text | Uses:64 | Used by:278 343 487 |
Symbol 170 Text | Uses:64 | Used by:278 343 |
Symbol 171 Text | Uses:64 | Used by:278 343 |
Symbol 172 Graphic | Used by:278 | |
Symbol 173 Text | Uses:64 | Used by:278 343 |
Symbol 174 Text | Uses:93 | Used by:278 343 |
Symbol 175 Text | Uses:64 | Used by:278 343 |
Symbol 176 Graphic | Used by:278 | |
Symbol 177 Text | Uses:64 | Used by:278 343 |
Symbol 178 Text | Uses:93 | Used by:278 343 |
Symbol 179 Text | Uses:64 | Used by:278 343 |
Symbol 180 Button | Uses:147 148 | Used by:278 343 1085 |
Symbol 181 Text | Uses:64 | Used by:278 343 1085 |
Symbol 182 Graphic | Used by:185 1071 | |
Symbol 183 Graphic | Used by:185 1071 | |
Symbol 184 Text | Uses:64 | Used by:185 1071 |
Symbol 185 Button | Uses:182 183 184 | Used by:278 343 |
Symbol 186 Graphic | Used by:190 1072 | |
Symbol 187 Text | Uses:64 | Used by:190 1072 |
Symbol 188 Graphic | Used by:190 1072 | |
Symbol 189 Text | Uses:64 | Used by:190 1072 |
Symbol 190 Button | Uses:186 187 188 189 | Used by:278 343 |
Symbol 191 Graphic | Used by:195 1073 | |
Symbol 192 Text | Uses:64 | Used by:195 1073 |
Symbol 193 Graphic | Used by:195 1073 | |
Symbol 194 Text | Uses:64 | Used by:195 1073 |
Symbol 195 Button | Uses:191 192 193 194 | Used by:278 343 |
Symbol 196 Text | Uses:64 | Used by:278 343 1055 |
Symbol 197 Text | Uses:64 | Used by:278 343 1058 |
Symbol 198 Text | Uses:64 | Used by:278 343 |
Symbol 199 Text | Uses:64 | Used by:278 343 |
Symbol 200 Text | Uses:64 | Used by:278 343 |
Symbol 201 Graphic | Used by:278 | |
Symbol 202 Text | Uses:64 | Used by:278 343 |
Symbol 203 Text | Uses:93 | Used by:278 343 |
Symbol 204 Text | Uses:64 | Used by:278 343 |
Symbol 205 Text | Uses:64 | Used by:278 343 966 |
Symbol 206 Text | Uses:64 | Used by:278 343 |
Symbol 207 Text | Uses:64 | Used by:278 343 |
Symbol 208 Graphic | Used by:209 | |
Symbol 209 MovieClip | Uses:208 | Used by:278 343 1204 |
Symbol 210 Text | Uses:94 | Used by:278 343 1204 |
Symbol 211 Graphic | Used by:215 | |
Symbol 212 Graphic | Used by:215 | |
Symbol 213 Graphic | Used by:215 | |
Symbol 214 Graphic | Used by:215 | |
Symbol 215 MovieClip | Uses:211 212 213 214 | Used by:278 343 1204 |
Symbol 216 Graphic | Used by:220 | |
Symbol 217 Graphic | Used by:220 | |
Symbol 218 Graphic | Used by:220 | |
Symbol 219 Graphic | Used by:220 | |
Symbol 220 MovieClip | Uses:216 217 218 219 | Used by:278 343 1204 |
Symbol 221 Graphic | Used by:225 | |
Symbol 222 Graphic | Used by:225 | |
Symbol 223 Graphic | Used by:225 | |
Symbol 224 Graphic | Used by:225 | |
Symbol 225 MovieClip | Uses:221 222 223 224 | Used by:278 343 1204 |
Symbol 226 Graphic | Used by:230 | |
Symbol 227 Graphic | Used by:230 | |
Symbol 228 Graphic | Used by:230 | |
Symbol 229 Graphic | Used by:230 | |
Symbol 230 MovieClip | Uses:226 227 228 229 | Used by:278 343 1204 |
Symbol 231 Graphic | Used by:235 | |
Symbol 232 Graphic | Used by:235 | |
Symbol 233 Graphic | Used by:235 | |
Symbol 234 Graphic | Used by:235 | |
Symbol 235 MovieClip | Uses:231 232 233 234 | Used by:278 343 1204 |
Symbol 236 Text | Uses:64 | Used by:278 343 1204 |
Symbol 237 Text | Uses:64 | Used by:278 343 |
Symbol 238 Text | Uses:64 | Used by:278 343 |
Symbol 239 Text | Uses:93 64 | Used by:278 |
Symbol 240 Text | Uses:64 | Used by:278 343 |
Symbol 241 Text | Uses:64 | Used by:278 343 |
Symbol 242 Text | Uses:93 64 | Used by:278 343 |
Symbol 243 Graphic | Used by:278 343 | |
Symbol 244 Text | Uses:64 | Used by:278 343 |
Symbol 245 Text | Uses:64 | Used by:278 343 |
Symbol 246 Text | Uses:64 | Used by:278 343 1204 |
Symbol 247 Text | Uses:64 | Used by:278 343 1204 |
Symbol 248 Text | Uses:64 | Used by:278 343 |
Symbol 249 Text | Uses:64 | Used by:278 343 1187 |
Symbol 250 Text | Uses:93 | Used by:278 343 |
Symbol 251 Text | Uses:64 | Used by:278 343 |
Symbol 252 Text | Uses:64 | Used by:278 343 |
Symbol 253 Text | Uses:93 | Used by:278 343 |
Symbol 254 Text | Uses:64 | Used by:278 343 |
Symbol 255 Text | Uses:64 | Used by:278 343 |
Symbol 256 Text | Uses:93 64 | Used by:278 343 |
Symbol 257 Button | Uses:85 | Used by:278 |
Symbol 258 Text | Uses:64 | Used by:278 343 |
Symbol 259 Text | Uses:64 | Used by:278 343 |
Symbol 260 Text | Uses:93 | Used by:278 343 |
Symbol 261 Graphic | Used by:278 | |
Symbol 262 Font | Used by:263 | |
Symbol 263 Text | Uses:262 | Used by:278 |
Symbol 264 Graphic | Used by:278 | |
Symbol 265 Graphic | Used by:278 | |
Symbol 266 Text | Uses:93 | Used by:278 |
Symbol 267 Graphic | Used by:278 | |
Symbol 268 Graphic | Used by:278 | |
Symbol 269 Text | Uses:93 | Used by:278 |
Symbol 270 Graphic | Used by:278 | |
Symbol 271 Graphic | Used by:278 | |
Symbol 272 Text | Uses:93 | Used by:278 |
Symbol 273 Graphic | Used by:278 | |
Symbol 274 Text | Uses:93 | Used by:278 |
Symbol 275 Graphic | Used by:278 | |
Symbol 276 Text | Uses:93 | Used by:278 |
Symbol 277 Graphic | Used by:278 | |
Symbol 278 MovieClip | Uses:70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 86 87 88 89 91 92 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 185 190 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 209 210 215 220 225 230 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 279 Graphic | Used by:Timeline | |
Symbol 280 Text | Uses:94 | Used by:291 |
Symbol 281 Text | Uses:94 | Used by:291 |
Symbol 282 Text | Uses:94 | Used by:291 |
Symbol 283 Text | Uses:94 | Used by:291 |
Symbol 284 Graphic | Used by:286 287 288 290 759 760 761 765 772 773 783 788 793 794 795 1243 1244 1249 1253 | |
Symbol 285 Graphic | Used by:286 287 288 290 | |
Symbol 286 Button | Uses:284 285 | Used by:291 |
Symbol 287 Button | Uses:284 285 | Used by:291 |
Symbol 288 Button | Uses:284 285 | Used by:291 |
Symbol 289 Graphic | Used by:291 | |
Symbol 290 Button | Uses:284 285 | Used by:291 |
Symbol 291 MovieClip | Uses:280 281 282 283 286 287 288 289 290 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 292 Text | Uses:94 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 293 EditableText | Uses:64 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 294 Text | Uses:94 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 295 Graphic | Used by:298 | |
Symbol 296 Text | Uses:94 | Used by:298 |
Symbol 297 Graphic | Used by:298 | |
Symbol 298 Button | Uses:295 296 297 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 299 Graphic | Used by:312 | |
Symbol 300 Graphic | Used by:312 | |
Symbol 301 Graphic | Used by:312 | |
Symbol 302 Graphic | Used by:312 | |
Symbol 303 Graphic | Used by:312 | |
Symbol 304 Graphic | Used by:312 | |
Symbol 305 Graphic | Used by:312 | |
Symbol 306 Graphic | Used by:312 | |
Symbol 307 Graphic | Used by:312 | |
Symbol 308 Graphic | Used by:312 | |
Symbol 309 Graphic | Used by:312 | |
Symbol 310 Graphic | Used by:312 | |
Symbol 311 Graphic | Used by:312 | |
Symbol 312 MovieClip | Uses:299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 313 Button | Uses:147 148 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 314 Button | Uses:147 148 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 315 Graphic | Used by:Timeline | |
Symbol 316 Font | Used by:317 | |
Symbol 317 Text | Uses:316 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 318 Text | Uses:94 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 319 Graphic | Used by:324 | |
Symbol 320 Text | Uses:94 | Used by:324 |
Symbol 321 Graphic | Used by:324 | |
Symbol 322 Text | Uses:64 | Used by:324 |
Symbol 323 Graphic | Used by:324 | |
Symbol 324 Button | Uses:319 320 321 322 323 | Used by:343 |
Symbol 325 Graphic | Used by:343 | |
Symbol 326 Button | Uses:59 60 61 62 | Used by:343 |
Symbol 327 Graphic | Used by:343 | |
Symbol 328 Graphic | Used by:343 | |
Symbol 329 Graphic | Used by:343 | |
Symbol 330 Graphic | Used by:343 | |
Symbol 331 Graphic | Used by:343 | |
Symbol 332 Graphic | Used by:343 | |
Symbol 333 Graphic | Used by:343 | |
Symbol 334 Graphic | Used by:343 | |
Symbol 335 Graphic | Used by:343 | |
Symbol 336 Graphic | Used by:343 | |
Symbol 337 Graphic | Used by:343 | |
Symbol 338 Graphic | Used by:343 | |
Symbol 339 Graphic | Used by:343 | |
Symbol 340 Graphic | Used by:343 | |
Symbol 341 Text | Uses:93 64 | Used by:343 |
Symbol 342 Button | Uses:85 | Used by:343 |
Symbol 343 MovieClip | Uses:324 325 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 86 87 326 89 91 92 95 96 97 71 98 327 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 328 108 329 110 330 112 331 114 115 116 117 332 119 120 121 333 123 124 125 334 127 128 129 130 131 335 133 134 135 336 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 337 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 338 173 174 175 339 177 178 179 180 181 185 190 195 196 197 198 199 200 340 202 203 204 205 206 207 209 210 215 220 225 230 235 236 237 238 341 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 342 258 259 260 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 344 Graphic | Used by:Timeline | |
Symbol 345 Text | Uses:64 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 346 EditableText | Uses:64 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 347 EditableText | Uses:64 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 348 Text | Uses:93 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 349 Text | Uses:93 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 350 Text | Uses:93 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 351 Text | Uses:93 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 352 Text | Uses:93 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 353 Text | Uses:93 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 354 Text | Uses:93 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 355 Text | Uses:93 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 356 Graphic | Used by:357 | |
Symbol 357 MovieClip | Uses:130 356 131 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 358 Text | Uses:64 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 359 Graphic | Used by:401 | |
Symbol 360 Graphic | Used by:364 | |
Symbol 361 Graphic | Used by:364 | |
Symbol 362 Graphic | Used by:364 | |
Symbol 363 Graphic | Used by:364 | |
Symbol 364 MovieClip | Uses:360 361 362 363 | Used by:401 |
Symbol 365 Graphic | Used by:369 | |
Symbol 366 Graphic | Used by:369 | |
Symbol 367 Graphic | Used by:369 | |
Symbol 368 Graphic | Used by:369 | |
Symbol 369 MovieClip | Uses:365 366 367 368 | Used by:401 |
Symbol 370 Graphic | Used by:374 | |
Symbol 371 Graphic | Used by:374 | |
Symbol 372 Graphic | Used by:374 | |
Symbol 373 Graphic | Used by:374 | |
Symbol 374 MovieClip | Uses:370 371 372 373 | Used by:401 |
Symbol 375 Graphic | Used by:379 | |
Symbol 376 Graphic | Used by:379 | |
Symbol 377 Graphic | Used by:379 | |
Symbol 378 Graphic | Used by:379 | |
Symbol 379 MovieClip | Uses:375 376 377 378 | Used by:401 |
Symbol 380 Graphic | Used by:384 | |
Symbol 381 Graphic | Used by:384 | |
Symbol 382 Graphic | Used by:384 | |
Symbol 383 Graphic | Used by:384 | |
Symbol 384 MovieClip | Uses:380 381 382 383 | Used by:401 |
Symbol 385 Graphic | Used by:389 | |
Symbol 386 Graphic | Used by:389 | |
Symbol 387 Graphic | Used by:389 | |
Symbol 388 Graphic | Used by:389 | |
Symbol 389 MovieClip | Uses:385 386 387 388 | Used by:401 |
Symbol 390 Graphic | Used by:394 | |
Symbol 391 Graphic | Used by:394 | |
Symbol 392 Graphic | Used by:394 | |
Symbol 393 Graphic | Used by:394 | |
Symbol 394 MovieClip | Uses:390 391 392 393 | Used by:401 |
Symbol 395 Graphic | Used by:399 | |
Symbol 396 Graphic | Used by:399 | |
Symbol 397 Graphic | Used by:399 | |
Symbol 398 Graphic | Used by:399 | |
Symbol 399 MovieClip | Uses:395 396 397 398 | Used by:401 |
Symbol 400 Graphic | Used by:401 | |
Symbol 401 MovieClip | Uses:359 364 369 374 379 384 389 394 399 400 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 402 Graphic | Used by:406 | |
Symbol 403 Graphic | Used by:406 | |
Symbol 404 Graphic | Used by:406 | |
Symbol 405 Graphic | Used by:406 | |
Symbol 406 MovieClip | Uses:402 403 404 405 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 407 Graphic | Used by:412 | |
Symbol 408 Graphic | Used by:412 | |
Symbol 409 Text | Uses:64 | Used by:412 |
Symbol 410 EditableText | Uses:64 | Used by:412 |
Symbol 411 Graphic | Used by:412 | |
Symbol 412 Button | Uses:407 408 409 410 411 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 413 Graphic | Used by:418 | |
Symbol 414 Graphic | Used by:418 | |
Symbol 415 Text | Uses:64 | Used by:418 |
Symbol 416 EditableText | Uses:64 | Used by:418 |
Symbol 417 Graphic | Used by:418 | |
Symbol 418 Button | Uses:413 414 415 416 417 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 419 Graphic | Used by:424 | |
Symbol 420 Graphic | Used by:424 | |
Symbol 421 Text | Uses:64 | Used by:424 |
Symbol 422 EditableText | Uses:64 | Used by:424 |
Symbol 423 Graphic | Used by:424 | |
Symbol 424 Button | Uses:419 420 421 422 423 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 425 Graphic | Used by:430 | |
Symbol 426 Graphic | Used by:430 | |
Symbol 427 Text | Uses:64 | Used by:430 |
Symbol 428 EditableText | Uses:64 | Used by:430 |
Symbol 429 Graphic | Used by:430 | |
Symbol 430 Button | Uses:425 426 427 428 429 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 431 Graphic | Used by:435 | |
Symbol 432 Graphic | Used by:435 | |
Symbol 433 Text | Uses:64 | Used by:435 |
Symbol 434 EditableText | Uses:64 | Used by:435 |
Symbol 435 Button | Uses:431 432 433 434 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 436 Graphic | Used by:441 | |
Symbol 437 Graphic | Used by:441 | |
Symbol 438 Text | Uses:64 | Used by:441 |
Symbol 439 EditableText | Uses:64 | Used by:441 |
Symbol 440 Graphic | Used by:441 | |
Symbol 441 Button | Uses:436 437 438 439 440 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 442 Graphic | Used by:447 | |
Symbol 443 Graphic | Used by:447 | |
Symbol 444 Text | Uses:64 | Used by:447 |
Symbol 445 EditableText | Uses:64 | Used by:447 |
Symbol 446 Graphic | Used by:447 | |
Symbol 447 Button | Uses:442 443 444 445 446 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 448 Graphic | Used by:453 | |
Symbol 449 Graphic | Used by:453 | |
Symbol 450 Text | Uses:64 | Used by:453 |
Symbol 451 EditableText | Uses:64 | Used by:453 |
Symbol 452 Graphic | Used by:453 | |
Symbol 453 Button | Uses:448 449 450 451 452 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 454 EditableText | Uses:64 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 455 Graphic | Used by:459 | |
Symbol 456 Graphic | Used by:459 | |
Symbol 457 Text | Uses:64 | Used by:459 |
Symbol 458 Graphic | Used by:459 | |
Symbol 459 Button | Uses:455 456 457 458 53 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 460 Graphic | Used by:464 | |
Symbol 461 Graphic | Used by:464 | |
Symbol 462 Text | Uses:64 | Used by:464 |
Symbol 463 Graphic | Used by:464 | |
Symbol 464 Button | Uses:460 461 462 463 53 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 465 Graphic | Used by:469 480 597 | |
Symbol 466 Graphic | Used by:469 480 597 | |
Symbol 467 Text | Uses:64 | Used by:469 480 597 |
Symbol 468 Graphic | Used by:469 480 597 | |
Symbol 469 Button | Uses:465 466 467 468 53 | Used by:799 |
Symbol 470 Graphic | Used by:474 481 598 | |
Symbol 471 Graphic | Used by:474 481 598 | |
Symbol 472 Text | Uses:64 | Used by:474 481 598 |
Symbol 473 Graphic | Used by:474 481 598 | |
Symbol 474 Button | Uses:470 471 472 473 53 | Used by:799 |
Symbol 475 Graphic | Used by:479 482 645 | |
Symbol 476 Graphic | Used by:479 482 645 | |
Symbol 477 Text | Uses:64 | Used by:479 482 645 |
Symbol 478 Graphic | Used by:479 482 645 | |
Symbol 479 Button | Uses:475 476 477 478 53 | Used by:799 |
Symbol 480 Button | Uses:465 466 467 468 53 | Used by:799 |
Symbol 481 Button | Uses:470 471 472 473 53 | Used by:799 |
Symbol 482 Button | Uses:475 476 477 478 53 | Used by:799 |
Symbol 483 Graphic | Used by:799 | |
Symbol 484 Button | Uses:59 60 61 62 | Used by:799 |
Symbol 485 Graphic | Used by:487 489 492 803 804 805 806 | |
Symbol 486 Graphic | Used by:487 489 804 806 | |
Symbol 487 Button | Uses:485 169 486 | Used by:799 |
Symbol 488 Text | Uses:64 | Used by:489 |
Symbol 489 Button | Uses:485 488 486 | Used by:799 |
Symbol 490 Text | Uses:64 | Used by:492 |
Symbol 491 Graphic | Used by:492 803 805 | |
Symbol 492 Button | Uses:485 490 491 | Used by:799 |
Symbol 493 Graphic | Used by:799 | |
Symbol 494 Text | Uses:64 | Used by:799 |
Symbol 495 Text | Uses:64 | Used by:799 892 |
Symbol 496 Graphic | Used by:500 518 | |
Symbol 497 Graphic | Used by:500 518 | |
Symbol 498 Text | Uses:94 | Used by:500 518 |
Symbol 499 EditableText | Uses:94 | Used by:500 518 |
Symbol 500 Button | Uses:496 497 498 499 | Used by:799 |
Symbol 501 Graphic | Used by:506 519 | |
Symbol 502 Graphic | Used by:506 519 | |
Symbol 503 Text | Uses:94 | Used by:506 519 |
Symbol 504 EditableText | Uses:94 | Used by:506 519 |
Symbol 505 Graphic | Used by:506 519 | |
Symbol 506 Button | Uses:501 502 503 504 505 | Used by:799 |
Symbol 507 Graphic | Used by:512 516 | |
Symbol 508 Graphic | Used by:512 516 | |
Symbol 509 Text | Uses:94 | Used by:512 516 |
Symbol 510 EditableText | Uses:94 | Used by:512 516 |
Symbol 511 Graphic | Used by:512 516 | |
Symbol 512 Button | Uses:507 508 509 510 511 | Used by:799 |
Symbol 513 Graphic | Used by:799 | |
Symbol 514 Text | Uses:64 | Used by:799 |
Symbol 515 Graphic | Used by:799 | |
Symbol 516 Button | Uses:507 508 509 510 511 | Used by:799 |
Symbol 517 Text | Uses:94 64 | Used by:799 |
Symbol 518 Button | Uses:496 497 498 499 | Used by:799 |
Symbol 519 Button | Uses:501 502 503 504 505 | Used by:799 |
Symbol 520 Graphic | Used by:799 | |
Symbol 521 Text | Uses:64 | Used by:799 |
Symbol 522 Text | Uses:64 | Used by:799 |
Symbol 523 Text | Uses:64 | Used by:799 |
Symbol 524 Graphic | Used by:799 914 | |
Symbol 525 Text | Uses:64 | Used by:799 |
Symbol 526 Text | Uses:64 | Used by:799 |
Symbol 527 Graphic | Used by:799 | |
Symbol 528 Graphic | Used by:529 | |
Symbol 529 MovieClip | Uses:528 | Used by:799 |
Symbol 530 Graphic | Used by:535 | |
Symbol 531 Graphic | Used by:535 | |
Symbol 532 Text | Uses:64 | Used by:535 |
Symbol 533 EditableText | Uses:64 | Used by:535 |
Symbol 534 Graphic | Used by:535 | |
Symbol 535 Button | Uses:530 531 532 533 534 | Used by:799 |
Symbol 536 Graphic | Used by:541 | |
Symbol 537 Graphic | Used by:541 | |
Symbol 538 Text | Uses:64 | Used by:541 |
Symbol 539 EditableText | Uses:64 | Used by:541 |
Symbol 540 Graphic | Used by:541 | |
Symbol 541 Button | Uses:536 537 538 539 540 | Used by:799 |
Symbol 542 Graphic | Used by:547 | |
Symbol 543 Graphic | Used by:547 | |
Symbol 544 Text | Uses:64 | Used by:547 |
Symbol 545 EditableText | Uses:64 | Used by:547 |
Symbol 546 Graphic | Used by:547 | |
Symbol 547 Button | Uses:542 543 544 545 546 | Used by:799 |
Symbol 548 Graphic | Used by:550 | |
Symbol 549 Text | Uses:64 | Used by:550 |
Symbol 550 MovieClip | Uses:548 549 | Used by:799 |
Symbol 551 Graphic | Used by:556 | |
Symbol 552 Graphic | Used by:556 | |
Symbol 553 Text | Uses:64 | Used by:556 |
Symbol 554 EditableText | Uses:64 | Used by:556 |
Symbol 555 Graphic | Used by:556 | |
Symbol 556 Button | Uses:551 552 553 554 555 | Used by:799 |
Symbol 557 Graphic | Used by:562 | |
Symbol 558 Graphic | Used by:562 | |
Symbol 559 Text | Uses:64 | Used by:562 |
Symbol 560 EditableText | Uses:64 | Used by:562 |
Symbol 561 Graphic | Used by:562 | |
Symbol 562 Button | Uses:557 558 559 560 561 | Used by:799 |
Symbol 563 Graphic | Used by:568 | |
Symbol 564 Graphic | Used by:568 | |
Symbol 565 Text | Uses:64 | Used by:568 |
Symbol 566 EditableText | Uses:64 | Used by:568 |
Symbol 567 Graphic | Used by:568 | |
Symbol 568 Button | Uses:563 564 565 566 567 | Used by:799 |
Symbol 569 Graphic | Used by:574 | |
Symbol 570 Graphic | Used by:574 | |
Symbol 571 Text | Uses:64 | Used by:574 |
Symbol 572 EditableText | Uses:64 | Used by:574 |
Symbol 573 Graphic | Used by:574 | |
Symbol 574 Button | Uses:569 570 571 572 573 | Used by:799 |
Symbol 575 Graphic | Used by:580 | |
Symbol 576 Graphic | Used by:580 | |
Symbol 577 Text | Uses:64 | Used by:580 |
Symbol 578 EditableText | Uses:64 | Used by:580 |
Symbol 579 Graphic | Used by:580 | |
Symbol 580 Button | Uses:575 576 577 578 579 | Used by:799 |
Symbol 581 Graphic | Used by:586 | |
Symbol 582 Graphic | Used by:586 | |
Symbol 583 Text | Uses:64 | Used by:586 |
Symbol 584 EditableText | Uses:64 | Used by:586 |
Symbol 585 Graphic | Used by:586 | |
Symbol 586 Button | Uses:581 582 583 584 585 | Used by:799 |
Symbol 587 Text | Uses:64 | Used by:799 |
Symbol 588 Text | Uses:64 | Used by:799 |
Symbol 589 Graphic | Used by:594 | |
Symbol 590 Graphic | Used by:594 | |
Symbol 591 Text | Uses:64 | Used by:594 |
Symbol 592 EditableText | Uses:64 | Used by:594 |
Symbol 593 Graphic | Used by:594 | |
Symbol 594 Button | Uses:589 590 591 592 593 | Used by:799 |
Symbol 595 Text | Uses:64 | Used by:799 |
Symbol 596 Text | Uses:64 | Used by:799 |
Symbol 597 Button | Uses:465 466 467 468 53 | Used by:799 |
Symbol 598 Button | Uses:470 471 472 473 53 | Used by:799 |
Symbol 599 Graphic | Used by:799 | |
Symbol 600 EditableText | Uses:64 | Used by:799 |
Symbol 601 EditableText | Uses:64 | Used by:799 |
Symbol 602 EditableText | Uses:64 | Used by:799 |
Symbol 603 EditableText | Uses:64 | Used by:799 |
Symbol 604 Text | Uses:64 | Used by:799 |
Symbol 605 Text | Uses:64 | Used by:799 |
Symbol 606 Button | Uses:147 148 | Used by:799 |
Symbol 607 EditableText | Uses:64 | Used by:799 |
Symbol 608 Button | Uses:147 148 | Used by:799 |
Symbol 609 EditableText | Uses:64 | Used by:799 |
Symbol 610 Button | Uses:147 148 | Used by:799 |
Symbol 611 EditableText | Uses:64 | Used by:799 |
Symbol 612 Button | Uses:147 148 | Used by:799 |
Symbol 613 Button | Uses:147 148 | Used by:799 |
Symbol 614 EditableText | Uses:64 | Used by:799 |
Symbol 615 Button | Uses:147 148 | Used by:799 |
Symbol 616 Button | Uses:147 148 | Used by:799 |
Symbol 617 EditableText | Uses:64 | Used by:799 |
Symbol 618 Button | Uses:147 148 | Used by:799 |
Symbol 619 Graphic | Used by:622 | |
Symbol 620 Text | Uses:64 | Used by:622 |
Symbol 621 Graphic | Used by:622 | |
Symbol 622 Button | Uses:619 620 621 | Used by:799 |
Symbol 623 Graphic | Used by:799 | |
Symbol 624 EditableText | Uses:64 | Used by:799 |
Symbol 625 EditableText | Uses:64 | Used by:799 |
Symbol 626 EditableText | Uses:64 | Used by:799 |
Symbol 627 EditableText | Uses:64 | Used by:799 |
Symbol 628 Text | Uses:64 | Used by:799 |
Symbol 629 EditableText | Uses:64 | Used by:799 |
Symbol 630 EditableText | Uses:64 | Used by:799 |
Symbol 631 EditableText | Uses:64 | Used by:799 |
Symbol 632 EditableText | Uses:64 | Used by:799 |
Symbol 633 EditableText | Uses:64 | Used by:799 |
Symbol 634 Graphic | Used by:799 | |
Symbol 635 EditableText | Uses:64 | Used by:799 |
Symbol 636 EditableText | Uses:64 | Used by:799 |
Symbol 637 EditableText | Uses:64 | Used by:799 |
Symbol 638 EditableText | Uses:64 | Used by:799 |
Symbol 639 Text | Uses:64 | Used by:799 |
Symbol 640 EditableText | Uses:64 | Used by:799 |
Symbol 641 EditableText | Uses:64 | Used by:799 |
Symbol 642 EditableText | Uses:64 | Used by:799 |
Symbol 643 EditableText | Uses:64 | Used by:799 |
Symbol 644 EditableText | Uses:64 | Used by:799 |
Symbol 645 Button | Uses:475 476 477 478 53 | Used by:799 |
Symbol 646 Graphic | Used by:799 | |
Symbol 647 Graphic | Used by:654 | |
Symbol 648 Graphic | Used by:654 | |
Symbol 649 Text | Uses:64 | Used by:654 |
Symbol 650 EditableText | Uses:64 | Used by:654 |
Symbol 651 EditableText | Uses:64 | Used by:654 |
Symbol 652 EditableText | Uses:64 | Used by:654 |
Symbol 653 Graphic | Used by:654 | |
Symbol 654 Button | Uses:647 648 649 650 651 652 653 | Used by:799 |
Symbol 655 Graphic | Used by:662 | |
Symbol 656 Graphic | Used by:662 | |
Symbol 657 EditableText | Uses:64 | Used by:662 |
Symbol 658 EditableText | Uses:64 | Used by:662 |
Symbol 659 EditableText | Uses:64 | Used by:662 |
Symbol 660 Text | Uses:64 | Used by:662 |
Symbol 661 Graphic | Used by:662 | |
Symbol 662 Button | Uses:655 656 657 658 659 660 661 | Used by:799 |
Symbol 663 Graphic | Used by:670 | |
Symbol 664 Graphic | Used by:670 | |
Symbol 665 EditableText | Uses:64 | Used by:670 |
Symbol 666 EditableText | Uses:64 | Used by:670 |
Symbol 667 EditableText | Uses:64 | Used by:670 |
Symbol 668 Text | Uses:64 | Used by:670 |
Symbol 669 Graphic | Used by:670 | |
Symbol 670 Button | Uses:663 664 665 666 667 668 669 | Used by:799 |
Symbol 671 Graphic | Used by:674 | |
Symbol 672 Text | Uses:64 | Used by:674 |
Symbol 673 Graphic | Used by:674 | |
Symbol 674 Button | Uses:671 672 673 | Used by:799 |
Symbol 675 Font | Used by:676 | |
Symbol 676 Text | Uses:675 | Used by:799 |
Symbol 677 Graphic | Used by:678 | |
Symbol 678 MovieClip | Uses:677 | Used by:799 |
Symbol 679 Graphic | Used by:680 | |
Symbol 680 MovieClip | Uses:679 | Used by:799 |
Symbol 681 Graphic | Used by:682 | |
Symbol 682 MovieClip | Uses:681 | Used by:799 |
Symbol 683 Text | Uses:64 | Used by:799 |
Symbol 684 Text | Uses:93 | Used by:693 |
Symbol 685 Text | Uses:93 | Used by:693 |
Symbol 686 Text | Uses:93 | Used by:693 |
Symbol 687 Text | Uses:93 | Used by:693 |
Symbol 688 Text | Uses:93 | Used by:693 |
Symbol 689 Text | Uses:93 | Used by:693 |
Symbol 690 Text | Uses:93 | Used by:693 |
Symbol 691 Text | Uses:93 | Used by:693 |
Symbol 692 Text | Uses:93 | Used by:693 |
Symbol 693 MovieClip | Uses:684 685 686 687 688 689 690 691 692 | Used by:799 |
Symbol 694 EditableText | Uses:64 | Used by:799 |
Symbol 695 Graphic | Used by:799 | |
Symbol 696 Button | Uses:59 60 61 62 | Used by:799 |
Symbol 697 EditableText | Uses:64 | Used by:799 |
Symbol 698 EditableText | Uses:64 | Used by:799 |
Symbol 699 Text | Uses:64 | Used by:799 |
Symbol 700 Text | Uses:64 | Used by:799 |
Symbol 701 Text | Uses:64 | Used by:799 |
Symbol 702 Text | Uses:64 | Used by:799 |
Symbol 703 EditableText | Uses:64 | Used by:799 |
Symbol 704 EditableText | Uses:64 | Used by:799 |
Symbol 705 EditableText | Uses:64 | Used by:799 |
Symbol 706 EditableText | Uses:64 | Used by:799 |
Symbol 707 Graphic | Used by:799 | |
Symbol 708 Sound | Used by:717 | |
Symbol 709 Sound | Used by:717 | |
Symbol 710 Sound | Used by:717 | |
Symbol 711 Sound | Used by:717 | |
Symbol 712 Sound | Used by:717 | |
Symbol 713 Sound | Used by:717 | |
Symbol 714 Sound | Used by:717 | |
Symbol 715 Sound | Used by:717 | |
Symbol 716 Sound | Used by:717 | |
Symbol 717 MovieClip | Uses:708 709 710 711 712 713 714 715 716 | Used by:799 |
Symbol 718 Sound | Used by:721 | |
Symbol 719 Sound | Used by:721 | |
Symbol 720 Sound | Used by:721 | |
Symbol 721 MovieClip | Uses:718 719 720 | Used by:799 |
Symbol 722 Graphic | Used by:741 | |
Symbol 723 Graphic | Used by:726 | |
Symbol 724 Graphic | Used by:726 | |
Symbol 725 Graphic | Used by:726 | |
Symbol 726 MovieClip | Uses:723 724 725 | Used by:741 |
Symbol 727 Graphic | Used by:741 | |
Symbol 728 Graphic | Used by:741 | |
Symbol 729 Graphic | Used by:741 | |
Symbol 730 Graphic | Used by:741 | |
Symbol 731 Graphic | Used by:741 | |
Symbol 732 Graphic | Used by:741 | |
Symbol 733 Graphic | Used by:741 | |
Symbol 734 Graphic | Used by:741 | |
Symbol 735 Graphic | Used by:741 | |
Symbol 736 Graphic | Used by:741 | |
Symbol 737 Graphic | Used by:741 | |
Symbol 738 Graphic | Used by:741 | |
Symbol 739 Graphic | Used by:741 | |
Symbol 740 Graphic | Used by:741 | |
Symbol 741 MovieClip | Uses:722 726 727 728 729 730 731 732 733 734 735 736 737 738 739 740 | Used by:799 |
Symbol 742 Graphic | Used by:743 | |
Symbol 743 MovieClip | Uses:742 | Used by:799 |
Symbol 744 Text | Uses:64 | Used by:799 |
Symbol 745 EditableText | Uses:64 | Used by:799 |
Symbol 746 EditableText | Uses:64 | Used by:799 |
Symbol 747 Text | Uses:94 | Used by:799 |
Symbol 748 EditableText | Uses:94 | Used by:799 |
Symbol 749 Graphic | Used by:755 | |
Symbol 750 Text | Uses:64 | Used by:755 |
Symbol 751 Graphic | Used by:755 | |
Symbol 752 Text | Uses:64 | Used by:755 |
Symbol 753 Graphic | Used by:755 | |
Symbol 754 Text | Uses:64 | Used by:755 |
Symbol 755 MovieClip | Uses:749 750 751 752 753 754 | Used by:799 |
Symbol 756 EditableText | Uses:64 | Used by:799 |
Symbol 757 EditableText | Uses:64 | Used by:799 |
Symbol 758 Graphic | Used by:759 760 761 765 772 773 783 788 793 794 795 1243 1244 1249 1253 | |
Symbol 759 Button | Uses:284 758 | Used by:799 |
Symbol 760 Button | Uses:284 758 | Used by:799 |
Symbol 761 Button | Uses:284 758 | Used by:799 |
Symbol 762 EditableText | Uses:64 | Used by:799 |
Symbol 763 EditableText | Uses:64 | Used by:799 |
Symbol 764 EditableText | Uses:94 | Used by:799 |
Symbol 765 Button | Uses:284 758 | Used by:799 |
Symbol 766 Text | Uses:93 | Used by:799 |
Symbol 767 EditableText | Uses:64 | Used by:799 |
Symbol 768 EditableText | Uses:64 | Used by:799 |
Symbol 769 EditableText | Uses:94 | Used by:799 |
Symbol 770 EditableText | Uses:64 | Used by:799 |
Symbol 771 EditableText | Uses:64 | Used by:799 |
Symbol 772 Button | Uses:284 758 | Used by:799 |
Symbol 773 Button | Uses:284 758 | Used by:799 |
Symbol 774 EditableText | Uses:64 | Used by:799 |
Symbol 775 EditableText | Uses:64 | Used by:799 |
Symbol 776 Text | Uses:64 | Used by:799 |
Symbol 777 EditableText | Uses:94 | Used by:799 |
Symbol 778 EditableText | Uses:64 | Used by:799 |
Symbol 779 EditableText | Uses:64 | Used by:799 |
Symbol 780 EditableText | Uses:94 | Used by:799 |
Symbol 781 EditableText | Uses:64 | Used by:799 |
Symbol 782 EditableText | Uses:64 | Used by:799 |
Symbol 783 Button | Uses:284 758 | Used by:799 |
Symbol 784 EditableText | Uses:64 | Used by:799 |
Symbol 785 EditableText | Uses:94 | Used by:799 |
Symbol 786 EditableText | Uses:93 | Used by:799 |
Symbol 787 EditableText | Uses:64 | Used by:799 |
Symbol 788 Button | Uses:284 758 | Used by:799 |
Symbol 789 EditableText | Uses:94 | Used by:799 |
Symbol 790 EditableText | Uses:64 | Used by:799 |
Symbol 791 EditableText | Uses:94 | Used by:799 |
Symbol 792 Text | Uses:64 | Used by:799 |
Symbol 793 Button | Uses:284 758 | Used by:799 |
Symbol 794 Button | Uses:284 758 | Used by:799 |
Symbol 795 Button | Uses:284 758 | Used by:799 |
Symbol 796 Text | Uses:64 | Used by:799 |
Symbol 797 Text | Uses:64 | Used by:799 |
Symbol 798 Text | Uses:64 | Used by:799 |
Symbol 799 MovieClip | Uses:469 474 479 480 481 482 483 484 168 487 489 492 493 494 495 500 506 512 513 514 515 516 517 518 519 520 521 522 523 524 525 526 527 529 535 541 547 550 556 562 568 574 580 586 587 588 594 595 596 597 598 599 144 600 601 602 603 145 604 605 606 607 608 609 610 611 612 613 614 615 616 617 618 622 623 624 625 626 627 628 149 629 150 630 151 631 152 153 632 154 155 633 156 634 635 636 637 638 639 640 641 642 643 644 645 646 654 662 670 674 676 678 680 682 683 693 694 695 696 697 698 699 700 701 702 703 704 705 706 707 717 721 741 743 744 745 746 747 748 755 756 757 759 760 761 762 763 764 765 766 767 768 769 770 771 772 773 774 775 776 777 778 779 780 781 782 783 784 785 786 787 788 789 790 791 792 793 794 795 796 797 798 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 800 Graphic | Used by:969 972 975 978 981 1204 | |
Symbol 801 Graphic | Used by:802 | |
Symbol 802 MovieClip | Uses:801 | Used by:1204 |
Symbol 803 Button | Uses:485 108 491 | Used by:1204 |
Symbol 804 Button | Uses:485 110 486 | Used by:1204 |
Symbol 805 Button | Uses:485 114 491 | Used by:1204 |
Symbol 806 Button | Uses:485 112 486 | Used by:1204 |
Symbol 807 Button | Uses:59 60 61 62 | Used by:1204 |
Symbol 808 Text | Uses:64 | Used by:1204 |
Symbol 809 EditableText | Uses:64 | Used by:1204 |
Symbol 810 Graphic | Used by:819 | |
Symbol 811 Graphic | Used by:819 | |
Symbol 812 Graphic | Used by:819 | |
Symbol 813 Graphic | Used by:819 | |
Symbol 814 Graphic | Used by:819 | |
Symbol 815 Graphic | Used by:819 | |
Symbol 816 Graphic | Used by:819 | |
Symbol 817 Graphic | Used by:819 | |
Symbol 818 Graphic | Used by:819 | |
Symbol 819 MovieClip | Uses:810 811 812 813 814 815 816 817 818 | Used by:1204 |
Symbol 820 Graphic | Used by:821 | |
Symbol 821 MovieClip | Uses:820 | Used by:1204 |
Symbol 822 Text | Uses:64 | Used by:1204 |
Symbol 823 EditableText | Uses:64 | Used by:1204 |
Symbol 824 Graphic | Used by:828 875 | |
Symbol 825 Graphic | Used by:828 875 | |
Symbol 826 Text | Uses:94 | Used by:828 875 |
Symbol 827 EditableText | Uses:94 | Used by:828 875 |
Symbol 828 Button | Uses:824 825 826 827 | Used by:1204 |
Symbol 829 Graphic | Used by:833 876 | |
Symbol 830 Graphic | Used by:833 876 | |
Symbol 831 Text | Uses:94 | Used by:833 876 |
Symbol 832 EditableText | Uses:94 | Used by:833 876 |
Symbol 833 Button | Uses:829 830 831 832 | Used by:1204 |
Symbol 834 Graphic | Used by:838 877 | |
Symbol 835 Graphic | Used by:838 877 | |
Symbol 836 Text | Uses:94 | Used by:838 877 |
Symbol 837 EditableText | Uses:94 | Used by:838 877 |
Symbol 838 Button | Uses:834 835 836 837 | Used by:1204 |
Symbol 839 Graphic | Used by:844 878 | |
Symbol 840 Graphic | Used by:844 878 | |
Symbol 841 Text | Uses:94 | Used by:844 878 |
Symbol 842 EditableText | Uses:94 | Used by:844 878 |
Symbol 843 Graphic | Used by:844 878 | |
Symbol 844 Button | Uses:839 840 841 842 843 | Used by:1204 |
Symbol 845 Graphic | Used by:850 879 | |
Symbol 846 Graphic | Used by:850 879 | |
Symbol 847 Text | Uses:94 | Used by:850 879 |
Symbol 848 EditableText | Uses:94 | Used by:850 879 |
Symbol 849 Graphic | Used by:850 879 | |
Symbol 850 Button | Uses:845 846 847 848 849 | Used by:1204 |
Symbol 851 Graphic | Used by:856 880 | |
Symbol 852 Graphic | Used by:856 880 | |
Symbol 853 Text | Uses:94 | Used by:856 880 |
Symbol 854 EditableText | Uses:94 | Used by:856 880 |
Symbol 855 Graphic | Used by:856 880 | |
Symbol 856 Button | Uses:851 852 853 854 855 | Used by:1204 |
Symbol 857 Graphic | Used by:862 881 | |
Symbol 858 Graphic | Used by:862 881 | |
Symbol 859 Text | Uses:94 | Used by:862 881 |
Symbol 860 EditableText | Uses:94 | Used by:862 881 |
Symbol 861 Graphic | Used by:862 881 | |
Symbol 862 Button | Uses:857 858 859 860 861 | Used by:1204 |
Symbol 863 Graphic | Used by:868 882 | |
Symbol 864 Graphic | Used by:868 882 | |
Symbol 865 Text | Uses:94 | Used by:868 882 |
Symbol 866 EditableText | Uses:94 | Used by:868 882 |
Symbol 867 Graphic | Used by:868 882 | |
Symbol 868 Button | Uses:863 864 865 866 867 | Used by:1204 |
Symbol 869 Graphic | Used by:873 883 | |
Symbol 870 Graphic | Used by:873 883 | |
Symbol 871 Text | Uses:94 | Used by:873 883 |
Symbol 872 EditableText | Uses:94 | Used by:873 883 |
Symbol 873 Button | Uses:869 870 871 872 | Used by:1204 |
Symbol 874 Text | Uses:64 | Used by:1204 |
Symbol 875 Button | Uses:824 825 826 827 | Used by:1204 |
Symbol 876 Button | Uses:829 830 831 832 | Used by:1204 |
Symbol 877 Button | Uses:834 835 836 837 | Used by:1204 |
Symbol 878 Button | Uses:839 840 841 842 843 | Used by:1204 |
Symbol 879 Button | Uses:845 846 847 848 849 | Used by:1204 |
Symbol 880 Button | Uses:851 852 853 854 855 | Used by:1204 |
Symbol 881 Button | Uses:857 858 859 860 861 | Used by:1204 |
Symbol 882 Button | Uses:863 864 865 866 867 | Used by:1204 |
Symbol 883 Button | Uses:869 870 871 872 | Used by:1204 |
Symbol 884 Graphic | Used by:889 | |
Symbol 885 Graphic | Used by:889 | |
Symbol 886 Text | Uses:94 | Used by:889 |
Symbol 887 EditableText | Uses:94 | Used by:889 |
Symbol 888 Graphic | Used by:889 | |
Symbol 889 Button | Uses:884 885 886 887 888 | Used by:1204 |
Symbol 890 EditableText | Uses:64 | Used by:1204 |
Symbol 891 Graphic | Used by:892 | |
Symbol 892 MovieClip | Uses:891 495 | Used by:1204 |
Symbol 893 Graphic | Used by:897 916 | |
Symbol 894 Graphic | Used by:897 916 | |
Symbol 895 Text | Uses:94 | Used by:897 916 |
Symbol 896 EditableText | Uses:94 | Used by:897 916 |
Symbol 897 Button | Uses:893 894 895 896 | Used by:1204 |
Symbol 898 Graphic | Used by:903 917 | |
Symbol 899 Graphic | Used by:903 917 | |
Symbol 900 Text | Uses:94 | Used by:903 917 |
Symbol 901 EditableText | Uses:94 | Used by:903 917 |
Symbol 902 Graphic | Used by:903 917 | |
Symbol 903 Button | Uses:898 899 900 901 902 | Used by:1204 |
Symbol 904 Text | Uses:64 | Used by:1204 |
Symbol 905 EditableText | Uses:64 | Used by:1204 |
Symbol 906 EditableText | Uses:64 | Used by:1204 |
Symbol 907 Graphic | Used by:914 | |
Symbol 908 Text | Uses:64 | Used by:914 |
Symbol 909 Graphic | Used by:914 | |
Symbol 910 Text | Uses:64 | Used by:914 |
Symbol 911 Text | Uses:64 | Used by:914 |
Symbol 912 Text | Uses:64 | Used by:914 |
Symbol 913 Text | Uses:64 | Used by:914 |
Symbol 914 MovieClip | Uses:907 908 909 910 911 912 524 913 | Used by:1204 |
Symbol 915 Text | Uses:64 | Used by:1204 |
Symbol 916 Button | Uses:893 894 895 896 | Used by:1204 |
Symbol 917 Button | Uses:898 899 900 901 902 | Used by:1204 |
Symbol 918 EditableText | Uses:64 | Used by:1204 |
Symbol 919 EditableText | Uses:64 | Used by:1204 |
Symbol 920 Graphic | Used by:1204 | |
Symbol 921 Text | Uses:64 | Used by:1204 |
Symbol 922 Text | Uses:64 | Used by:1204 |
Symbol 923 EditableText | Uses:64 | Used by:1204 |
Symbol 924 EditableText | Uses:64 | Used by:1204 |
Symbol 925 EditableText | Uses:64 | Used by:1204 |
Symbol 926 EditableText | Uses:64 | Used by:1204 |
Symbol 927 EditableText | Uses:64 | Used by:1204 |
Symbol 928 Text | Uses:64 | Used by:960 |
Symbol 929 Text | Uses:64 | Used by:960 |
Symbol 930 Graphic | Used by:960 | |
Symbol 931 Text | Uses:64 | Used by:960 |
Symbol 932 Text | Uses:64 | Used by:960 |
Symbol 933 Text | Uses:64 | Used by:960 |
Symbol 934 Text | Uses:64 | Used by:960 |
Symbol 935 Graphic | Used by:960 | |
Symbol 936 Text | Uses:64 | Used by:960 |
Symbol 937 Text | Uses:64 | Used by:960 |
Symbol 938 Text | Uses:64 | Used by:960 |
Symbol 939 Graphic | Used by:960 | |
Symbol 940 Text | Uses:64 | Used by:960 |
Symbol 941 Text | Uses:64 | Used by:960 |
Symbol 942 Text | Uses:64 | Used by:960 |
Symbol 943 Graphic | Used by:960 | |
Symbol 944 Text | Uses:64 | Used by:960 |
Symbol 945 Text | Uses:64 | Used by:960 |
Symbol 946 Graphic | Used by:960 | |
Symbol 947 Text | Uses:64 | Used by:960 |
Symbol 948 Text | Uses:64 | Used by:960 |
Symbol 949 Text | Uses:64 | Used by:960 |
Symbol 950 Text | Uses:64 | Used by:960 |
Symbol 951 Graphic | Used by:960 | |
Symbol 952 Text | Uses:64 | Used by:960 |
Symbol 953 Text | Uses:64 | Used by:960 |
Symbol 954 Text | Uses:64 | Used by:960 |
Symbol 955 Graphic | Used by:960 | |
Symbol 956 Text | Uses:64 | Used by:960 |
Symbol 957 Text | Uses:64 | Used by:960 |
Symbol 958 Text | Uses:64 | Used by:960 |
Symbol 959 Graphic | Used by:960 | |
Symbol 960 MovieClip | Uses:928 929 930 931 932 933 934 935 936 937 938 939 940 941 942 943 944 945 946 947 948 949 950 951 952 953 954 955 956 957 958 959 | Used by:1204 |
Symbol 961 Graphic | Used by:1204 | |
Symbol 962 Graphic | Used by:963 | |
Symbol 963 MovieClip | Uses:962 | Used by:1204 |
Symbol 964 Graphic | Used by:966 | |
Symbol 965 EditableText | Uses:64 | Used by:966 |
Symbol 966 MovieClip | Uses:964 205 965 | Used by:1204 |
Symbol 967 Text | Uses:64 | Used by:969 |
Symbol 968 Graphic | Used by:969 | |
Symbol 969 Button | Uses:800 967 968 | Used by:1204 |
Symbol 970 Text | Uses:64 | Used by:972 |
Symbol 971 Graphic | Used by:972 | |
Symbol 972 Button | Uses:800 970 971 | Used by:1204 |
Symbol 973 Text | Uses:64 | Used by:975 |
Symbol 974 Graphic | Used by:975 | |
Symbol 975 Button | Uses:800 973 974 | Used by:1204 |
Symbol 976 Text | Uses:64 | Used by:978 |
Symbol 977 Graphic | Used by:978 | |
Symbol 978 Button | Uses:800 976 977 | Used by:1204 |
Symbol 979 Text | Uses:64 | Used by:981 |
Symbol 980 Graphic | Used by:981 | |
Symbol 981 Button | Uses:800 979 980 | Used by:1204 |
Symbol 982 Graphic | Used by:986 1003 1019 | |
Symbol 983 Graphic | Used by:986 1003 1019 | |
Symbol 984 Text | Uses:64 | Used by:986 1003 1019 |
Symbol 985 Graphic | Used by:986 1003 1019 | |
Symbol 986 Button | Uses:982 983 984 985 | Used by:1022 |
Symbol 987 Graphic | Used by:991 1006 1015 | |
Symbol 988 Graphic | Used by:991 1006 1015 | |
Symbol 989 Text | Uses:64 | Used by:991 1006 1015 |
Symbol 990 Graphic | Used by:991 1006 1015 | |
Symbol 991 Button | Uses:987 988 989 990 | Used by:1022 |
Symbol 992 Graphic | Used by:996 1009 1016 | |
Symbol 993 Graphic | Used by:996 1009 1016 | |
Symbol 994 Text | Uses:64 | Used by:996 1009 1016 |
Symbol 995 Graphic | Used by:996 1009 1016 | |
Symbol 996 Button | Uses:992 993 994 995 | Used by:1022 |
Symbol 997 Graphic | Used by:1001 1012 1017 | |
Symbol 998 Graphic | Used by:1001 1012 1017 | |
Symbol 999 Text | Uses:64 | Used by:1001 1012 1017 |
Symbol 1000 Graphic | Used by:1001 1012 1017 | |
Symbol 1001 Button | Uses:997 998 999 1000 | Used by:1022 |
Symbol 1002 Graphic | Used by:1022 | |
Symbol 1003 Button | Uses:982 983 984 985 | Used by:1022 |
Symbol 1004 Text | Uses:64 | Used by:1022 |
Symbol 1005 Graphic | Used by:1022 | |
Symbol 1006 Button | Uses:987 988 989 990 | Used by:1022 |
Symbol 1007 Text | Uses:64 | Used by:1022 |
Symbol 1008 Graphic | Used by:1022 | |
Symbol 1009 Button | Uses:992 993 994 995 | Used by:1022 |
Symbol 1010 Text | Uses:64 | Used by:1022 |
Symbol 1011 Graphic | Used by:1022 | |
Symbol 1012 Button | Uses:997 998 999 1000 | Used by:1022 |
Symbol 1013 Text | Uses:64 | Used by:1022 |
Symbol 1014 Graphic | Used by:1022 | |
Symbol 1015 Button | Uses:987 988 989 990 | Used by:1022 |
Symbol 1016 Button | Uses:992 993 994 995 | Used by:1022 |
Symbol 1017 Button | Uses:997 998 999 1000 | Used by:1022 |
Symbol 1018 Graphic | Used by:1022 | |
Symbol 1019 Button | Uses:982 983 984 985 | Used by:1022 |
Symbol 1020 Graphic | Used by:1022 | |
Symbol 1021 Graphic | Used by:1022 | |
Symbol 1022 MovieClip | Uses:986 991 996 1001 1002 1003 1004 1005 1006 1007 1008 1009 1010 1011 1012 1013 1014 1015 1016 1017 1018 1019 1020 1021 | Used by:1204 |
Symbol 1023 Text | Uses:64 | Used by:1037 |
Symbol 1024 Text | Uses:64 | Used by:1037 |
Symbol 1025 EditableText | Uses:64 | Used by:1037 |
Symbol 1026 EditableText | Uses:64 | Used by:1037 |
Symbol 1027 EditableText | Uses:64 | Used by:1037 |
Symbol 1028 EditableText | Uses:64 | Used by:1037 |
Symbol 1029 EditableText | Uses:64 | Used by:1037 |
Symbol 1030 EditableText | Uses:64 | Used by:1037 |
Symbol 1031 EditableText | Uses:64 | Used by:1037 |
Symbol 1032 EditableText | Uses:64 | Used by:1037 |
Symbol 1033 EditableText | Uses:64 | Used by:1037 |
Symbol 1034 EditableText | Uses:64 | Used by:1037 |
Symbol 1035 EditableText | Uses:64 | Used by:1037 |
Symbol 1036 EditableText | Uses:64 | Used by:1037 |
Symbol 1037 MovieClip | Uses:1023 1024 1025 1026 1027 1028 1029 1030 1031 1032 1033 1034 1035 1036 | Used by:1204 |
Symbol 1038 Graphic | Used by:1204 | |
Symbol 1039 EditableText | Uses:64 | Used by:1052 |
Symbol 1040 EditableText | Uses:64 | Used by:1052 |
Symbol 1041 EditableText | Uses:64 | Used by:1052 |
Symbol 1042 EditableText | Uses:64 | Used by:1052 |
Symbol 1043 EditableText | Uses:64 | Used by:1052 |
Symbol 1044 EditableText | Uses:64 | Used by:1052 |
Symbol 1045 EditableText | Uses:64 | Used by:1052 |
Symbol 1046 EditableText | Uses:64 | Used by:1052 |
Symbol 1047 EditableText | Uses:64 | Used by:1052 |
Symbol 1048 EditableText | Uses:64 | Used by:1052 |
Symbol 1049 EditableText | Uses:64 | Used by:1052 |
Symbol 1050 EditableText | Uses:64 | Used by:1052 |
Symbol 1051 EditableText | Uses:64 | Used by:1052 |
Symbol 1052 MovieClip | Uses:1039 1040 1041 1042 1043 1044 1045 1046 1047 1048 1049 1050 1051 | Used by:1204 |
Symbol 1053 Graphic | Used by:1055 | |
Symbol 1054 Graphic | Used by:1055 | |
Symbol 1055 Button | Uses:1053 196 1054 | Used by:1204 |
Symbol 1056 Graphic | Used by:1058 | |
Symbol 1057 Graphic | Used by:1058 | |
Symbol 1058 Button | Uses:1056 197 1057 | Used by:1204 |
Symbol 1059 Text | Uses:64 | Used by:1204 |
Symbol 1060 Text | Uses:64 | Used by:1204 |
Symbol 1061 Graphic | Used by:1085 | |
Symbol 1062 Button | Uses:147 148 | Used by:1085 |
Symbol 1063 EditableText | Uses:64 | Used by:1085 |
Symbol 1064 EditableText | Uses:64 | Used by:1085 |
Symbol 1065 EditableText | Uses:64 | Used by:1085 |
Symbol 1066 Button | Uses:147 148 | Used by:1085 |
Symbol 1067 Button | Uses:147 148 | Used by:1085 |
Symbol 1068 Button | Uses:147 148 | Used by:1085 |
Symbol 1069 Button | Uses:147 148 | Used by:1085 |
Symbol 1070 Button | Uses:147 148 | Used by:1085 |
Symbol 1071 Button | Uses:182 183 184 | Used by:1085 |
Symbol 1072 Button | Uses:186 187 188 189 | Used by:1085 |
Symbol 1073 Button | Uses:191 192 193 194 | Used by:1085 |
Symbol 1074 Graphic | Used by:1085 | |
Symbol 1075 Button | Uses:147 148 | Used by:1085 |
Symbol 1076 EditableText | Uses:64 | Used by:1085 |
Symbol 1077 EditableText | Uses:64 | Used by:1085 |
Symbol 1078 EditableText | Uses:64 | Used by:1085 |
Symbol 1079 Button | Uses:147 148 | Used by:1085 |
Symbol 1080 Graphic | Used by:1085 | |
Symbol 1081 Text | Uses:64 | Used by:1085 |
Symbol 1082 Button | Uses:59 60 61 62 | Used by:1085 |
Symbol 1083 EditableText | Uses:64 | Used by:1085 |
Symbol 1084 Graphic | Used by:1085 | |
Symbol 1085 MovieClip | Uses:1061 1062 1063 1064 1065 1066 1067 1068 1069 1070 181 1071 1072 1073 1074 1075 1076 1077 1078 180 1079 1080 1081 1082 1083 1084 | Used by:1204 |
Symbol 1086 EditableText | Uses:64 | Used by:1204 |
Symbol 1087 EditableText | Uses:64 | Used by:1204 |
Symbol 1088 Sound | Used by:1204 | |
Symbol 1089 Graphic | Used by:1092 | |
Symbol 1090 Graphic | Used by:1092 | |
Symbol 1091 Text | Uses:64 | Used by:1092 |
Symbol 1092 Button | Uses:1089 1090 1091 | Used by:1204 |
Symbol 1093 Graphic | Used by:1096 | |
Symbol 1094 Graphic | Used by:1096 | |
Symbol 1095 Text | Uses:64 | Used by:1096 |
Symbol 1096 Button | Uses:1093 1094 1095 | Used by:1204 |
Symbol 1097 Graphic | Used by:1098 | |
Symbol 1098 MovieClip | Uses:1097 | Used by:1204 |
Symbol 1099 Graphic | Used by:1104 | |
Symbol 1100 Graphic | Used by:1104 | |
Symbol 1101 EditableText | Uses:94 | Used by:1104 |
Symbol 1102 Text | Uses:94 | Used by:1104 |
Symbol 1103 Graphic | Used by:1104 | |
Symbol 1104 Button | Uses:1099 1100 1101 1102 1103 | Used by:1204 |
Symbol 1105 Graphic | Used by:1110 | |
Symbol 1106 Graphic | Used by:1110 | |
Symbol 1107 EditableText | Uses:94 | Used by:1110 |
Symbol 1108 Text | Uses:94 | Used by:1110 |
Symbol 1109 Graphic | Used by:1110 | |
Symbol 1110 Button | Uses:1105 1106 1107 1108 1109 | Used by:1204 |
Symbol 1111 Graphic | Used by:1116 | |
Symbol 1112 Graphic | Used by:1116 | |
Symbol 1113 Text | Uses:94 | Used by:1116 |
Symbol 1114 EditableText | Uses:94 | Used by:1116 |
Symbol 1115 Graphic | Used by:1116 | |
Symbol 1116 Button | Uses:1111 1112 1113 1114 1115 | Used by:1204 |
Symbol 1117 Graphic | Used by:1122 | |
Symbol 1118 Graphic | Used by:1122 | |
Symbol 1119 EditableText | Uses:94 | Used by:1122 |
Symbol 1120 Text | Uses:94 | Used by:1122 |
Symbol 1121 Graphic | Used by:1122 | |
Symbol 1122 Button | Uses:1117 1118 1119 1120 1121 | Used by:1204 |
Symbol 1123 Graphic | Used by:1128 | |
Symbol 1124 Graphic | Used by:1128 | |
Symbol 1125 EditableText | Uses:94 | Used by:1128 |
Symbol 1126 Text | Uses:94 | Used by:1128 |
Symbol 1127 Graphic | Used by:1128 | |
Symbol 1128 Button | Uses:1123 1124 1125 1126 1127 | Used by:1204 |
Symbol 1129 Graphic | Used by:1134 | |
Symbol 1130 Graphic | Used by:1134 | |
Symbol 1131 EditableText | Uses:94 | Used by:1134 |
Symbol 1132 Text | Uses:94 | Used by:1134 |
Symbol 1133 Graphic | Used by:1134 | |
Symbol 1134 Button | Uses:1129 1130 1131 1132 1133 | Used by:1204 |
Symbol 1135 Graphic | Used by:1140 | |
Symbol 1136 Graphic | Used by:1140 | |
Symbol 1137 EditableText | Uses:94 | Used by:1140 |
Symbol 1138 Text | Uses:94 | Used by:1140 |
Symbol 1139 Graphic | Used by:1140 | |
Symbol 1140 Button | Uses:1135 1136 1137 1138 1139 | Used by:1204 |
Symbol 1141 Graphic | Used by:1146 | |
Symbol 1142 Graphic | Used by:1146 | |
Symbol 1143 EditableText | Uses:94 | Used by:1146 |
Symbol 1144 Text | Uses:94 | Used by:1146 |
Symbol 1145 Graphic | Used by:1146 | |
Symbol 1146 Button | Uses:1141 1142 1143 1144 1145 | Used by:1204 |
Symbol 1147 Graphic | Used by:1152 | |
Symbol 1148 Graphic | Used by:1152 | |
Symbol 1149 EditableText | Uses:94 | Used by:1152 |
Symbol 1150 Text | Uses:94 | Used by:1152 |
Symbol 1151 Graphic | Used by:1152 | |
Symbol 1152 Button | Uses:1147 1148 1149 1150 1151 | Used by:1204 |
Symbol 1153 Graphic | Used by:1158 | |
Symbol 1154 Graphic | Used by:1158 | |
Symbol 1155 EditableText | Uses:94 | Used by:1158 |
Symbol 1156 Text | Uses:94 | Used by:1158 |
Symbol 1157 Graphic | Used by:1158 | |
Symbol 1158 Button | Uses:1153 1154 1155 1156 1157 | Used by:1204 |
Symbol 1159 ShapeTweening | Used by:1162 | |
Symbol 1160 ShapeTweening | Used by:1162 | |
Symbol 1161 Graphic | Used by:1162 | |
Symbol 1162 MovieClip | Uses:1159 1160 1161 | Used by:1163 |
Symbol 1163 MovieClip | Uses:1162 | Used by:1204 |
Symbol 1164 ShapeTweening | Used by:1166 | |
Symbol 1165 Graphic | Used by:1166 | |
Symbol 1166 MovieClip | Uses:1164 1165 | Used by:1204 |
Symbol 1167 Sound | Used by:1204 | |
Symbol 1168 Graphic | Used by:1204 | |
Symbol 1169 Button | Uses:59 60 61 62 | Used by:1204 |
Symbol 1170 Graphic | Used by:1180 | |
Symbol 1171 Text | Uses:64 | Used by:1180 |
Symbol 1172 Graphic | Used by:1180 | |
Symbol 1173 Text | Uses:64 | Used by:1180 |
Symbol 1174 EditableText | Uses:64 | Used by:1180 |
Symbol 1175 Graphic | Used by:1180 | |
Symbol 1176 Text | Uses:64 | Used by:1180 |
Symbol 1177 EditableText | Uses:64 | Used by:1180 |
Symbol 1178 Graphic | Used by:1180 | |
Symbol 1179 Text | Uses:64 | Used by:1180 |
Symbol 1180 MovieClip | Uses:1170 1171 1172 1173 1174 1175 1176 1177 1178 1179 | Used by:1204 |
Symbol 1181 Graphic | Used by:1182 | |
Symbol 1182 MovieClip | Uses:1181 | Used by:1204 |
Symbol 1183 Graphic | Used by:1187 | |
Symbol 1184 Graphic | Used by:1187 | |
Symbol 1185 Text | Uses:64 | Used by:1187 |
Symbol 1186 EditableText | Uses:64 | Used by:1187 |
Symbol 1187 Button | Uses:1183 249 1184 1185 1186 | Used by:1204 |
Symbol 1188 Graphic | Used by:1194 | |
Symbol 1189 Text | Uses:64 | Used by:1194 |
Symbol 1190 Graphic | Used by:1194 | |
Symbol 1191 Text | Uses:64 | Used by:1194 |
Symbol 1192 EditableText | Uses:64 | Used by:1194 |
Symbol 1193 Graphic | Used by:1194 | |
Symbol 1194 Button | Uses:1188 1189 1190 1191 1192 1193 | Used by:1204 |
Symbol 1195 Graphic | Used by:1204 | |
Symbol 1196 Text | Uses:64 | Used by:1198 |
Symbol 1197 Text | Uses:64 | Used by:1198 |
Symbol 1198 MovieClip | Uses:1196 1197 | Used by:1204 |
Symbol 1199 Graphic | Used by:1204 | |
Symbol 1200 Text | Uses:64 | Used by:1204 |
Symbol 1201 Graphic | Used by:1204 | |
Symbol 1202 Text | Uses:64 | Used by:1204 |
Symbol 1203 Text | Uses:64 | Used by:1204 |
Symbol 1204 MovieClip | Uses:800 802 803 804 805 806 807 808 809 819 821 822 823 828 833 838 844 850 856 862 868 873 874 875 876 877 878 879 880 881 882 883 889 890 892 897 903 904 905 906 914 915 916 917 918 919 920 921 922 923 924 925 926 927 960 961 963 966 969 972 975 978 981 1022 209 210 215 220 225 230 235 1037 1038 1052 1055 1058 1059 1060 1085 1086 1087 1088 1092 1096 236 1098 1104 1110 1116 1122 1128 1134 1140 1146 1152 1158 1163 1166 1167 1168 1169 1180 1182 1187 1194 246 247 1195 1198 1199 1200 1201 1202 1203 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 1205 Graphic | Used by:1213 | |
Symbol 1206 Text | Uses:94 | Used by:1213 |
Symbol 1207 Graphic | Used by:1213 | |
Symbol 1208 Text | Uses:94 | Used by:1213 |
Symbol 1209 Text | Uses:64 | Used by:1213 |
Symbol 1210 Graphic | Used by:1213 | |
Symbol 1211 Text | Uses:94 | Used by:1213 |
Symbol 1212 Sound | Used by:1213 | |
Symbol 1213 Button | Uses:1205 1206 1207 1208 1209 1210 1211 1212 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 1214 Graphic | Used by:1215 | |
Symbol 1215 MovieClip | Uses:1214 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 1216 EditableText | Uses:64 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 1217 EditableText | Uses:64 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 1218 EditableText | Uses:64 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 1219 Text | Uses:64 | Used by:1220 |
Symbol 1220 MovieClip | Uses:1219 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 1221 Button | Uses:59 60 61 62 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 1222 Graphic | Used by:1223 | |
Symbol 1223 MovieClip | Uses:1222 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 1224 EditableText | Uses:64 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 1225 EditableText | Uses:64 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 1226 Graphic | Used by:1229 | |
Symbol 1227 Graphic | Used by:1229 | |
Symbol 1228 Graphic | Used by:1229 | |
Symbol 1229 MovieClip | Uses:1226 1227 1228 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 1230 EditableText | Uses:64 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 1231 EditableText | Uses:64 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 1232 EditableText | Uses:64 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 1233 Graphic | Used by:1271 | |
Symbol 1234 Text | Uses:64 | Used by:1271 |
Symbol 1235 EditableText | Uses:64 | Used by:1271 |
Symbol 1236 Text | Uses:64 | Used by:1271 |
Symbol 1237 Button | Uses:59 60 61 62 | Used by:1271 |
Symbol 1238 Graphic | Used by:1271 | |
Symbol 1239 Text | Uses:64 | Used by:1271 |
Symbol 1240 EditableText | Uses:64 | Used by:1271 |
Symbol 1241 Text | Uses:64 | Used by:1271 |
Symbol 1242 EditableText | Uses:64 | Used by:1271 |
Symbol 1243 Button | Uses:284 758 | Used by:1271 |
Symbol 1244 Button | Uses:284 758 | Used by:1271 |
Symbol 1245 Text | Uses:64 | Used by:1271 |
Symbol 1246 EditableText | Uses:64 | Used by:1271 |
Symbol 1247 Text | Uses:64 | Used by:1271 |
Symbol 1248 EditableText | Uses:64 | Used by:1271 |
Symbol 1249 Button | Uses:284 758 | Used by:1271 |
Symbol 1250 Graphic | Used by:1271 | |
Symbol 1251 EditableText | Uses:64 | Used by:1271 |
Symbol 1252 Text | Uses:64 | Used by:1271 |
Symbol 1253 Button | Uses:284 758 | Used by:1271 |
Symbol 1254 Text | Uses:64 | Used by:1271 |
Symbol 1255 Graphic | Used by:1271 | |
Symbol 1256 EditableText | Uses:64 | Used by:1271 |
Symbol 1257 Text | Uses:64 | Used by:1271 |
Symbol 1258 EditableText | Uses:64 | Used by:1271 |
Symbol 1259 Graphic | Used by:1271 | |
Symbol 1260 EditableText | Uses:64 | Used by:1271 |
Symbol 1261 Text | Uses:64 | Used by:1271 |
Symbol 1262 EditableText | Uses:64 | Used by:1271 |
Symbol 1263 Graphic | Used by:1271 | |
Symbol 1264 EditableText | Uses:64 | Used by:1271 |
Symbol 1265 Text | Uses:64 | Used by:1271 |
Symbol 1266 EditableText | Uses:64 | Used by:1271 |
Symbol 1267 EditableText | Uses:64 | Used by:1271 |
Symbol 1268 Text | Uses:64 | Used by:1271 |
Symbol 1269 EditableText | Uses:64 | Used by:1271 |
Symbol 1270 Text | Uses:64 | Used by:1271 |
Symbol 1271 MovieClip | Uses:1233 1234 1235 1236 1237 1238 1239 1240 1241 1242 1243 1244 1245 1246 1247 1248 1249 1250 1251 1252 1253 1254 1255 1256 1257 1258 1259 1260 1261 1262 1263 1264 1265 1266 1267 1268 1269 1270 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 1272 Graphic | Used by:1279 | |
Symbol 1273 Graphic | Used by:1279 | |
Symbol 1274 Graphic | Used by:1279 | |
Symbol 1275 Graphic | Used by:1279 | |
Symbol 1276 Graphic | Used by:1279 | |
Symbol 1277 Graphic | Used by:1279 | |
Symbol 1278 Graphic | Used by:1279 | |
Symbol 1279 MovieClip | Uses:1272 1273 1274 1275 1276 1277 1278 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 1280 EditableText | Uses:64 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 1281 EditableText | Uses:64 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 1282 EditableText | Uses:64 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 1283 EditableText | Uses:64 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 1284 EditableText | Uses:64 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 1285 Graphic | Used by:Timeline | |
Symbol 1286 Text | Uses:93 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 1287 Graphic | Used by:1288 | |
Symbol 1288 MovieClip | Uses:1287 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 1289 Graphic | Used by:Timeline | |
Symbol 1290 Button | Uses:85 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 1291 Graphic | Used by:Timeline | |
Symbol 1292 Text | Uses:64 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 1293 EditableText | Uses:64 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 1294 Text | Uses:64 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 1295 Graphic | Used by:Timeline | |
Symbol 1296 EditableText | Uses:64 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 1297 Button | Uses:85 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 1298 Text | Uses:64 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 1299 Text | Uses:64 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 1300 Text | Uses:64 | Used by:Timeline |
Instance Names
"madz" | Frame 1 | Symbol 4 MovieClip |
"menu" | Frame 3 | Symbol 278 MovieClip |
"app" | Frame 4 | Symbol 312 MovieClip |
"app" | Frame 5 | Symbol 312 MovieClip |
"ri1" | Frame 6 | Symbol 357 MovieClip |
"ri2" | Frame 6 | Symbol 357 MovieClip |
"ri3" | Frame 6 | Symbol 357 MovieClip |
"ri4" | Frame 6 | Symbol 357 MovieClip |
"ri5" | Frame 6 | Symbol 357 MovieClip |
"ri1" | Frame 6 | Symbol 357 MovieClip |
"ri8" | Frame 6 | Symbol 357 MovieClip |
"ri7" | Frame 6 | Symbol 357 MovieClip |
"ri6" | Frame 6 | Symbol 357 MovieClip |
"map" | Frame 6 | Symbol 401 MovieClip |
"doli" | Frame 6 | Symbol 406 MovieClip |
"gohi" | Frame 6 | Symbol 406 MovieClip |
"meti" | Frame 6 | Symbol 406 MovieClip |
"toli" | Frame 6 | Symbol 406 MovieClip |
"vayi" | Frame 6 | Symbol 406 MovieClip |
"kwei" | Frame 6 | Symbol 406 MovieClip |
"kori" | Frame 6 | Symbol 406 MovieClip |
"amii" | Frame 6 | Symbol 406 MovieClip |
"qq1" | Frame 6 | Symbol 459 Button |
"qq2" | Frame 6 | Symbol 464 Button |
"qq3" | Frame 6 | Symbol 799 MovieClip |
"pdol" | Frame 6 | Symbol 1204 MovieClip |
"qq6" | Frame 6 | Symbol 1213 Button |
"poin" | Frame 6 | Symbol 1215 MovieClip |
"emess" | Frame 18 | Symbol 1271 MovieClip |
"sfs" | Frame 18 | Symbol 1279 MovieClip |
"smenu" | Symbol 278 MovieClip Frame 2 | Symbol 70 MovieClip |
"safea" | Symbol 278 MovieClip Frame 16 | Symbol 209 MovieClip |
"safeb" | Symbol 278 MovieClip Frame 16 | Symbol 209 MovieClip |
"safes" | Symbol 278 MovieClip Frame 16 | Symbol 209 MovieClip |
"ab1" | Symbol 278 MovieClip Frame 16 | Symbol 215 MovieClip |
"db1" | Symbol 278 MovieClip Frame 16 | Symbol 220 MovieClip |
"ds1" | Symbol 278 MovieClip Frame 16 | Symbol 225 MovieClip |
"as1" | Symbol 278 MovieClip Frame 16 | Symbol 230 MovieClip |
"aa1" | Symbol 278 MovieClip Frame 16 | Symbol 235 MovieClip |
"safea" | Symbol 343 MovieClip Frame 15 | Symbol 209 MovieClip |
"safeb" | Symbol 343 MovieClip Frame 15 | Symbol 209 MovieClip |
"safes" | Symbol 343 MovieClip Frame 15 | Symbol 209 MovieClip |
"ab1" | Symbol 343 MovieClip Frame 15 | Symbol 215 MovieClip |
"db1" | Symbol 343 MovieClip Frame 15 | Symbol 220 MovieClip |
"ds1" | Symbol 343 MovieClip Frame 15 | Symbol 225 MovieClip |
"as1" | Symbol 343 MovieClip Frame 15 | Symbol 230 MovieClip |
"aa1" | Symbol 343 MovieClip Frame 15 | Symbol 235 MovieClip |
"toli" | Symbol 401 MovieClip Frame 1 | Symbol 364 MovieClip |
"meti" | Symbol 401 MovieClip Frame 1 | Symbol 369 MovieClip |
"gohi" | Symbol 401 MovieClip Frame 1 | Symbol 374 MovieClip |
"vayi" | Symbol 401 MovieClip Frame 1 | Symbol 379 MovieClip |
"doli" | Symbol 401 MovieClip Frame 1 | Symbol 384 MovieClip |
"kori" | Symbol 401 MovieClip Frame 1 | Symbol 389 MovieClip |
"kwei" | Symbol 401 MovieClip Frame 1 | Symbol 394 MovieClip |
"amii" | Symbol 401 MovieClip Frame 1 | Symbol 399 MovieClip |
"site" | Symbol 741 MovieClip Frame 1 | Symbol 726 MovieClip |
"zoyl" | Symbol 799 MovieClip Frame 20 | Symbol 654 Button |
"kwel" | Symbol 799 MovieClip Frame 20 | Symbol 662 Button |
"desl" | Symbol 799 MovieClip Frame 20 | Symbol 670 Button |
"kwed" | Symbol 799 MovieClip Frame 20 | Symbol 678 MovieClip |
"desd" | Symbol 799 MovieClip Frame 20 | Symbol 680 MovieClip |
"zoyd" | Symbol 799 MovieClip Frame 20 | Symbol 682 MovieClip |
"stat" | Symbol 799 MovieClip Frame 20 | Symbol 693 MovieClip |
"sou" | Symbol 799 MovieClip Frame 22 | Symbol 717 MovieClip |
"sou2" | Symbol 799 MovieClip Frame 22 | Symbol 721 MovieClip |
"face" | Symbol 799 MovieClip Frame 22 | Symbol 741 MovieClip |
"dips" | Symbol 799 MovieClip Frame 22 | Symbol 755 MovieClip |
"spl" | Symbol 1022 MovieClip Frame 1 | Symbol 986 Button |
"par" | Symbol 1022 MovieClip Frame 1 | Symbol 991 Button |
"mas" | Symbol 1022 MovieClip Frame 1 | Symbol 996 Button |
"art" | Symbol 1022 MovieClip Frame 1 | Symbol 1001 Button |
"art" | Symbol 1022 MovieClip Frame 11 | Symbol 1001 Button |
"clook" | Symbol 1204 MovieClip Frame 2 | Symbol 819 MovieClip |
"infom" | Symbol 1204 MovieClip Frame 9 | Symbol 960 MovieClip |
"asi" | Symbol 1204 MovieClip Frame 10 | Symbol 969 Button |
"pan" | Symbol 1204 MovieClip Frame 10 | Symbol 1022 MovieClip |
"safea" | Symbol 1204 MovieClip Frame 10 | Symbol 209 MovieClip |
"safeb" | Symbol 1204 MovieClip Frame 10 | Symbol 209 MovieClip |
"safes" | Symbol 1204 MovieClip Frame 10 | Symbol 209 MovieClip |
"ab1" | Symbol 1204 MovieClip Frame 10 | Symbol 215 MovieClip |
"db1" | Symbol 1204 MovieClip Frame 10 | Symbol 220 MovieClip |
"ds1" | Symbol 1204 MovieClip Frame 10 | Symbol 225 MovieClip |
"as1" | Symbol 1204 MovieClip Frame 10 | Symbol 230 MovieClip |
"aa1" | Symbol 1204 MovieClip Frame 10 | Symbol 235 MovieClip |
"canb" | Symbol 1204 MovieClip Frame 10 | Symbol 1058 Button |
"canv" | Symbol 1204 MovieClip Frame 10 | Symbol 1085 MovieClip |
"canb" | Symbol 1204 MovieClip Frame 11 | Symbol 1096 Button |
"abx" | Symbol 1204 MovieClip Frame 11 | Symbol 1098 MovieClip |
"asx" | Symbol 1204 MovieClip Frame 11 | Symbol 1098 MovieClip |
"aax" | Symbol 1204 MovieClip Frame 11 | Symbol 1098 MovieClip |
"dsx" | Symbol 1204 MovieClip Frame 11 | Symbol 1098 MovieClip |
"dbx" | Symbol 1204 MovieClip Frame 11 | Symbol 1098 MovieClip |
"card9" | Symbol 1204 MovieClip Frame 11 | Symbol 1104 Button |
"card6" | Symbol 1204 MovieClip Frame 11 | Symbol 1110 Button |
"card2" | Symbol 1204 MovieClip Frame 11 | Symbol 1116 Button |
"card8" | Symbol 1204 MovieClip Frame 11 | Symbol 1122 Button |
"card3" | Symbol 1204 MovieClip Frame 11 | Symbol 1128 Button |
"card5" | Symbol 1204 MovieClip Frame 11 | Symbol 1134 Button |
"card1" | Symbol 1204 MovieClip Frame 11 | Symbol 1140 Button |
"card10" | Symbol 1204 MovieClip Frame 11 | Symbol 1146 Button |
"card7" | Symbol 1204 MovieClip Frame 11 | Symbol 1152 Button |
"card4" | Symbol 1204 MovieClip Frame 11 | Symbol 1158 Button |
"wins" | Symbol 1204 MovieClip Frame 40 | Symbol 1180 MovieClip |
"smasa" | Symbol 1204 MovieClip Frame 42 | Symbol 1198 MovieClip |
Special Tags
Protect (24) | Timeline Frame 1 | 31 bytes "..$1$DK$vuhT79IkOSFDeigQJ6amU1." |
Dynamic Text Variables
_global.plname | Symbol 293 EditableText | "Player" |
mo | Symbol 346 EditableText | "" |
ye | Symbol 347 EditableText | "" |
rule5 | Symbol 410 EditableText | "" |
rule6 | Symbol 416 EditableText | "" |
rule3 | Symbol 422 EditableText | "" |
rule4 | Symbol 428 EditableText | "" |
rule2 | Symbol 434 EditableText | "" |
rule7 | Symbol 439 EditableText | "" |
rule8 | Symbol 445 EditableText | "" |
rule1 | Symbol 451 EditableText | "" | | Symbol 454 EditableText | "" |
asf | Symbol 499 EditableText | "" |
abf | Symbol 504 EditableText | "" |
aaf | Symbol 510 EditableText | "" |
_global.ste | Symbol 533 EditableText | "" |
_global.fie | Symbol 539 EditableText | "" |
_global.rep | Symbol 545 EditableText | "" |
_global.pul | Symbol 554 EditableText | "" |
_global.fog | Symbol 560 EditableText | "" |
_global.may | Symbol 566 EditableText | "" |
_global.div | Symbol 572 EditableText | "" |
_global.bla | Symbol 578 EditableText | "" |
_global.tbo | Symbol 584 EditableText | "" |
_global.pul | Symbol 592 EditableText | "" |
_global.heco | Symbol 600 EditableText | "" |
_global.ectr | Symbol 601 EditableText | "" | | Symbol 602 EditableText | "" |
_global.ecneto | Symbol 603 EditableText | "" |
expa | Symbol 607 EditableText | "" |
_global.expt | Symbol 609 EditableText | "" |
_global.expl | Symbol 611 EditableText | "" |
_global.expp | Symbol 614 EditableText | "" |
_global.expc | Symbol 617 EditableText | "" |
_global.heco | Symbol 624 EditableText | "" | | Symbol 626 EditableText | "" |
_global.ecneto | Symbol 627 EditableText | "" |
_global.expa | Symbol 629 EditableText | "" |
_global.expt | Symbol 630 EditableText | "" |
_global.expm | Symbol 631 EditableText | "" |
_global.expp | Symbol 632 EditableText | "" |
_global.expc | Symbol 633 EditableText | "" |
_global.heco | Symbol 635 EditableText | "" | | Symbol 637 EditableText | "" |
_global.ecneto | Symbol 638 EditableText | "" |
_global.dip | Symbol 640 EditableText | "" |
_global.hf | Symbol 641 EditableText | "4" |
itp | Symbol 642 EditableText | "" |
itd | Symbol 643 EditableText | "" |
itr | Symbol 644 EditableText | "" |
hz | Symbol 650 EditableText | "" |
atnz | Symbol 651 EditableText | "" |
dtz | Symbol 652 EditableText | "" |
hk | Symbol 657 EditableText | "" |
atnk | Symbol 658 EditableText | "" |
dtk | Symbol 659 EditableText | "" |
hd | Symbol 665 EditableText | "" |
atnd | Symbol 666 EditableText | "" |
dtd | Symbol 667 EditableText | "" |
mes | Symbol 694 EditableText | "" |
hk | Symbol 697 EditableText | "" |
hd | Symbol 698 EditableText | "" |
hz | Symbol 703 EditableText | "" |
zk | Symbol 704 EditableText | "" |
zd | Symbol 705 EditableText | "" |
dk | Symbol 706 EditableText | "" |
pop | Symbol 745 EditableText | "" |
trus1 | Symbol 746 EditableText | "" |
talky | Symbol 748 EditableText | "" |
open | Symbol 756 EditableText | "" |
yopen1 | Symbol 757 EditableText | "" |
yopen2 | Symbol 762 EditableText | "" |
yopen3 | Symbol 763 EditableText | "" |
_global.rel | Symbol 764 EditableText | "" |
pop | Symbol 767 EditableText | "" | | Symbol 768 EditableText | "" |
talky | Symbol 769 EditableText | "" |
open | Symbol 770 EditableText | "" |
yopen1 | Symbol 771 EditableText | "" |
yopen2 | Symbol 774 EditableText | "" |
open | Symbol 775 EditableText | "" |
_global.rel | Symbol 777 EditableText | "" |
open | Symbol 778 EditableText | "" |
yopen1 | Symbol 779 EditableText | "" |
_global.rel | Symbol 780 EditableText | "" |
open | Symbol 781 EditableText | "" |
yopen1 | Symbol 782 EditableText | "" |
yopen2 | Symbol 784 EditableText | "" |
_global.rel | Symbol 785 EditableText | "" |
blm | Symbol 786 EditableText | "" |
open | Symbol 787 EditableText | "" |
_global.rel | Symbol 789 EditableText | "" |
open | Symbol 790 EditableText | "" |
_global.rel | Symbol 791 EditableText | "" |
_global.pname | Symbol 809 EditableText | "" |
_global.pname | Symbol 823 EditableText | "" |
ture | Symbol 827 EditableText | "" |
trae | Symbol 832 EditableText | "" |
embe | Symbol 837 EditableText | "" |
ente | Symbol 842 EditableText | "" |
labe | Symbol 848 EditableText | "" |
mine | Symbol 854 EditableText | "" |
ware | Symbol 860 EditableText | "" |
mare | Symbol 866 EditableText | "" |
gune | Symbol 872 EditableText | "" |
pole | Symbol 887 EditableText | "" |
_global.pname | Symbol 890 EditableText | "" |
sf | Symbol 896 EditableText | "" |
bf | Symbol 901 EditableText | "" |
_global.pname | Symbol 905 EditableText | "" |
_global.pname | Symbol 906 EditableText | "" |
_global.pname | Symbol 918 EditableText | "" |
_global.pname | Symbol 919 EditableText | "" |
sf | Symbol 923 EditableText | "" |
bf | Symbol 924 EditableText | "" |
mor | Symbol 925 EditableText | "" |
def | Symbol 926 EditableText | "" |
_global.pname | Symbol 927 EditableText | "" |
_global.pname | Symbol 965 EditableText | "" |
_global.asf | Symbol 1025 EditableText | "" |
_global.abf | Symbol 1026 EditableText | "" |
_global.sf00 | Symbol 1027 EditableText | "" |
_global.bf00 | Symbol 1028 EditableText | "" |
_global.aaf | Symbol 1029 EditableText | "" |
_global.def00 | Symbol 1030 EditableText | "" |
_global.asf | Symbol 1031 EditableText | "" |
_global.abf | Symbol 1032 EditableText | "" |
_global.sf00 | Symbol 1033 EditableText | "" |
_global.bf00 | Symbol 1034 EditableText | "" |
_global.aaf | Symbol 1035 EditableText | "" |
_global.def00 | Symbol 1036 EditableText | "" | | Symbol 1039 EditableText | "" |
_global.hf | Symbol 1040 EditableText | "" |
attacker | Symbol 1041 EditableText | "" |
deffender | Symbol 1042 EditableText | "" |
_global.hf | Symbol 1043 EditableText | "" |
_global.asf | Symbol 1044 EditableText | "" |
_global.abf | Symbol 1045 EditableText | "" |
sf | Symbol 1046 EditableText | "" |
bf | Symbol 1047 EditableText | "" |
def | Symbol 1049 EditableText | "" |
_global.aaf | Symbol 1050 EditableText | "" | | Symbol 1051 EditableText | "" |
_global.asf | Symbol 1063 EditableText | "" |
_global.abf | Symbol 1064 EditableText | "" |
_global.aaf | Symbol 1065 EditableText | "" |
_global.asf | Symbol 1076 EditableText | "" |
_global.abf | Symbol 1077 EditableText | "" |
_global.aaf | Symbol 1078 EditableText | "" |
_global.mesn | Symbol 1083 EditableText | "" |
attacker | Symbol 1086 EditableText | "" |
deffender | Symbol 1087 EditableText | "" |
_global.bla | Symbol 1101 EditableText | "" |
_global.may | Symbol 1107 EditableText | "" |
_global.poc | Symbol 1114 EditableText | "" |
_global.ste | Symbol 1119 EditableText | "" |
_global.rep | Symbol 1125 EditableText | "" |
_global.fog | Symbol 1131 EditableText | "" |
_global.pul | Symbol 1137 EditableText | "" |
_global.div | Symbol 1143 EditableText | "" |
_global.tbo | Symbol 1149 EditableText | "" |
_global.fie | Symbol 1155 EditableText | "" |
_global.pname | Symbol 1174 EditableText | "" |
_global.pname | Symbol 1177 EditableText | "" |
cinv | Symbol 1186 EditableText | "" |
csab | Symbol 1192 EditableText | "" | | Symbol 1216 EditableText | "" | | Symbol 1217 EditableText | "" | | Symbol 1218 EditableText | "" | | Symbol 1224 EditableText | "" | | Symbol 1225 EditableText | "" | | Symbol 1230 EditableText | "" | | Symbol 1231 EditableText | "" | | Symbol 1232 EditableText | "" |
_global.mesn | Symbol 1235 EditableText | "" |
_global.mesn | Symbol 1240 EditableText | "" |
_global.blm | Symbol 1242 EditableText | "" |
_global.mesn | Symbol 1246 EditableText | "" |
_global.blm | Symbol 1248 EditableText | "" |
_global.mesn | Symbol 1251 EditableText | "" |
_global.mesn | Symbol 1256 EditableText | "" |
_global.mesn2 | Symbol 1258 EditableText | "" |
_global.mesn | Symbol 1260 EditableText | "" |
_global.mesn2 | Symbol 1262 EditableText | "" |
_global.mesn | Symbol 1264 EditableText | "" |
_global.mesn2 | Symbol 1266 EditableText | "" |
_global.mesn | Symbol 1267 EditableText | "" |
_global.mesn | Symbol 1269 EditableText | "" | | Symbol 1280 EditableText | "" | | Symbol 1281 EditableText | "" | | Symbol 1282 EditableText | "" | | Symbol 1283 EditableText | "" | | Symbol 1284 EditableText | "" |
_global.poi | Symbol 1293 EditableText | "" |
_global.poi | Symbol 1296 EditableText | "" |