Frame 2
ifFrameLoaded (8) {
gotoAndStop (4);
Frame 3
gotoAndPlay (2);
Frame 4
setProperty("/plugtest", _x , "2000");
setProperty("/plugtest", _y , "2000");
tellTarget ("/time1") {
fscommand ("allowscale", "false");
Frame 5
lives = "100";
specialon = "0";
nrgon = "0";
xstart = "40";
ystart = "45";
xend = "510";
lines = "30";
linediv = "10";
split = "200";
pos = "280";
splitdif = "20";
dif = "20";
score = "0";
player = "240";
smaller = "0";
i = "1";
while (lines >= i) {
Set("array1_" add i, "180");
Set("array2_" add i, "380");
i = i + "1";
tellTarget ("/alien/nrg") {
gotoAndStop (10);
Frame 6
i = "1";
while (lines >= i) {
duplicateMovieClip ("/master", "clone_" add i, i);
setProperty("/clone_" add i, _x , xstart);
setProperty("/clone_" add i, _y , ystart + (i * linediv));
setProperty("/clone_" add i, _xscale , eval ("array1_" add i) - xstart);
duplicateMovieClip ("/master", "clone_" add (i + lines), i + lines);
setProperty("/clone_" add (i + lines), _x , eval ("array2_" add i));
setProperty("/clone_" add (i + lines), _y , ystart + (i * linediv));
setProperty("/clone_" add (i + lines), _xscale , xend - eval ("array2_" add i));
i = i + "1";
duplicateMovieClip ("/spec", "special", "8000");
duplicateMovieClip ("/nr", "nrg", "8001");
Frame 7
splitold = split;
i = "2";
while (lines >= i) {
Set("array1_" add (i - "1"), eval ("array1_" add i));
Set("array2_" add (i - "1"), eval ("array2_" add i));
i = i + "1";
splitdif = (splitdif + random("4")) - "2";
if ("10" < splitdifdif) {
splitdif = "8";
if (splitdifdif < (-"10")) {
splitdif = -"8";
split = split + splitdif;
if (("250" - smaller) < split) {
split = "250" - smaller;
splitdif = -"8";
if (split < ("80" - smaller)) {
split = "80" - smaller;
splitdif = "8";
dif = (dif + random("6")) - "2.5";
if ("10" < dif) {
dif = "8";
if (dif < (-"10")) {
dif = -"8";
Set("array1_" add lines, eval ("array1_" add lines) + ((splitold - split) / "2"));
Set("array2_" add lines, eval ("array2_" add lines) - ((splitold - split) / "2"));
Set("array1_" add lines, eval ("array1_" add lines) + dif);
Set("array2_" add lines, eval ("array2_" add lines) + dif);
if (eval ("array1_" add lines) < (xstart + "50")) {
dif = "9";
splitdif = -"9";
if ((xend - "50") < eval ("array2_" add lines)) {
dif = -"9";
splitdif = -"9";
i = "1";
while (lines >= i) {
setProperty("/clone_" add i, _x , xstart);
setProperty("/clone_" add i, _y , ystart + (i * linediv));
setProperty("/clone_" add i, _xscale , eval ("array1_" add i) - xstart);
setProperty("/clone_" add (i + lines), _x , eval ("array2_" add i));
setProperty("/clone_" add (i + lines), _y , ystart + (i * linediv));
setProperty("/clone_" add (i + lines), _xscale , xend - eval ("array2_" add i));
i = i + "1";
if (array1_4 >= pos) {
pos = pos + "10";
setProperty("/alien", _x , pos);
tellTarget ("/autsch_s") {
lives = lives - "10";
if (lives == "0") {
gotoAndStop (9);
tellTarget ("/alien") {
if (pos >= array2_4) {
pos = pos - "10";
setProperty("/alien", _x , pos);
tellTarget ("/autsch_s") {
lives = lives - "10";
if (lives == "0") {
gotoAndStop (9);
tellTarget ("/alien") {
score = score + "10";
if ("0" < nrgon) {
if (((nrgon == "4") and (nrgpos >= (pos - "10"))) and ((pos + "10") >= nrgpos)) {
if (lives < "200") {
lives = lives + "10";
tellTarget ("/point_s") {
setProperty("/nrg", _x , "3000");
nrgon = "1";
tellTarget ("/alien") {
nrgon = nrgon - "1";
setProperty("/nrg", _y , ystart + (nrgon * linediv));
setProperty("/nrg", _x , nrgpos);
if (nrgon == "0") {
setProperty("/nrg", _x , "3000");
nrg = random("150");
if (nrg == "1") {
nrgon = lines;
nrgpos = (random((eval ("array2_" add lines) - eval ("array1_" add lines)) - "20") + eval ("array1_" add lines)) + "10";
setProperty("/nrg", _y , ystart + (nrgon * linediv));
setProperty("/nrg", _x , nrgpos);
if ("0" < specialon) {
if (((specialon == "4") and (specialpos >= (pos - "10"))) and ((pos + "10") >= specialpos)) {
score = score + "2000";
tellTarget ("/point_s") {
setProperty("/special", _x , "3000");
specialon = "1";
tellTarget ("/alien") {
specialon = specialon - "1";
setProperty("/special", _y , ystart + (specialon * linediv));
setProperty("/special", _x , specialpos);
if (specialon == "0") {
setProperty("/special", _x , "3000");
special = random("40");
if (special == "1") {
specialon = lines;
specialpos = (random((eval ("array2_" add lines) - eval ("array1_" add lines)) - "20") + eval ("array1_" add lines)) + "10";
setProperty("/special", _y , ystart + (specialon * linediv));
setProperty("/special", _x , specialpos);
if ((score >= "200000") and (smaller == "76")) {
smaller = "80";
if ((score >= "190000") and (smaller == "72")) {
smaller = "76";
if ((score >= "180000") and (smaller == "68")) {
smaller = "72";
if ((score >= "170000") and (smaller == "64")) {
smaller = "68";
if ((score >= "160000") and (smaller == "60")) {
smaller = "64";
if ((score >= "150000") and (smaller == "56")) {
smaller = "60";
if ((score >= "140000") and (smaller == "52")) {
smaller = "56";
if ((score >= "130000") and (smaller == "48")) {
smaller = "52";
if ((score >= "120000") and (smaller == "44")) {
smaller = "48";
if ((score >= "110000") and (smaller == "40")) {
smaller = "44";
if ((score >= "100000") and (smaller == "36")) {
smaller = "40";
if ((score >= "90000") and (smaller == "32")) {
smaller = "36";
if ((score >= "80000") and (smaller == "28")) {
smaller = "32";
if ((score >= "70000") and (smaller == "24")) {
smaller = "28";
if ((score >= "60000") and (smaller == "20")) {
smaller = "24";
if ((score >= "50000") and (smaller == "16")) {
smaller = "20";
if ((score >= "40000") and (smaller == "12")) {
smaller = "16";
if ((score >= "30000") and (smaller == "8")) {
smaller = "12";
if ((score >= "20000") and (smaller == "4")) {
smaller = "8";
if ((score >= "10000") and (smaller == "0")) {
smaller = "4";
tellTarget ("/alien/nrg") {
gotoAndStop(int(/:lives / "10"));
Frame 8
gotoAndPlay (7);
Frame 9
i = "1";
while (lines >= i) {
setProperty("/clone_" add i, _xscale , "0");
setProperty("/clone_" add (i + lines), _xscale , "0");
i = i + "1";
duplicateMovieClip ("/spec", "special", "8000");
duplicateMovieClip ("/nr", "nrg", "8001");
Symbol 30 Button
on (release) {
Symbol 35 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 37 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 41 Button
on (release) {
getURL ("", "_blank");
Symbol 42 Button
on (release) {
setProperty("../plugtest", _x , "2000");
setProperty("../plugtest", _y , "2000");
Symbol 53 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 55 Button
on (keyPress "<Right>") {
pos = pos + "16";
setProperty("/alien", _x , pos);
on (keyPress "<Left>") {
pos = pos - "16";
setProperty("/alien", _x , pos);
Symbol 59 Button
on (release) {
gotoAndPlay (5);