Frame 1
ifFrameLoaded (47) {
gotoAndStop (3);
loaded = Math.round(getBytesLoaded() / 1024);
total = Math.round(getBytesTotal() / 1024);
percent = Math.round((loaded / total) * 100);
lbFrm = int((percent / 100) * 15) + 2;
Frame 2
gotoAndPlay (1);
Frame 3
this.onEnterFrame = function () {
var _local1 = _root;
_local1.sessionactive = String(_local1.sessionactive);
if ((_currentframe < 5) && ((_local1.sessionactive == "true") or (_local1.sessionactive == "false"))) {
showlogin = true;
if (_local1.sessionactive == "false") {
loadMovieNum ("ingame_login.swf", 5);
this.onEnterFrame = function () {
_root.lginx = 70;
_root.lginy = 330;
if ((_currentframe > 5) && (showlogin == true)) {
trace("remove login");
showlogin = false;
unloadMovieNum (5);
delete _local1.sessionactive;
Instance of Symbol 42 MovieClip "menu" in Frame 3
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
((_root.veryFirstGame != 1) ? ((_root.soundOn = 1)(_root.veryFirstGame = 1)) : 0);
if (_root.soundOn != 1) {
(menuSound.gotoAndStop(1));// not popped
} else {
(menuSound.gotoAndStop(2));// not popped
Frame 7
Frame 13
_root.game_id = 9;
_root.gamename = "tenpinbowling";
Instance of Symbol 52 MovieClip "10" in Frame 13
onClipEvent (load) {
xc = (yc = (rc = (Xmin = (Ymin = 0))));
ballWeight = 0.025;
ballFriction = 0.0003;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
pR = Math.sqrt((_root.gXBallSpeed[s] * _root.gXBallSpeed[s]) + (_root.gYBallSpeed[s] * _root.gYBallSpeed[s]));
((pR != 0) ? ((sinTheta = _root.gYBallSpeed[s] / pR)) : 0);
cDiv = Math.sqrt(1 - (sinTheta * sinTheta));
((cDiv != 0) ? ((theta = Math.atan(sinTheta / cDiv))) : 0);
if (_root.gXBallSpeed[s] < 0) {
_root.gBallAngle = 270 - (theta / 0.0175);
if (_root.gXBallSpeed[s] > 0) {
_root.gBallAngle = (theta / 0.0175) + 90;
ang = _root.gBallAngle + ((_root.gSpinPower - 10) / 5);
radians = (180 + ang) * (Math.PI/180);
_root.x2 = -Math.sin(radians);
_root.y2 = Math.cos(radians); = Math.sqrt((_root.gXBallSpeed[s] * _root.gXBallSpeed[s]) + (_root.gYBallSpeed[s] * _root.gYBallSpeed[s]));
_root.gXBallSpeed[s] = _root.x2 *;
_root.gYBallSpeed[s] = _root.y2 *;
if (_root.PL == 1) {
if (_root.gPowerStatus != "moving") {
((_root[10]._x > _root.cornerBR._x) ? ((_root[10]._x = _root.cornerBR._x)) : 0);
((_root[10]._x < _root.cornerBL._x) ? ((_root[10]._x = _root.cornerBL._x)) : 0);
_root[10]._x = _root[10]._x + ((_root.xmouse - _root[10]._x) / 5);
_root.powerBar._x = _root[10]._x;
if (_root.gPowerStatus == "set") {
cDiv = Math.sqrt((_root.x * _root.x) + (_root.y * _root.y));
_root.gXBallSpeed[s] = (_root.x / cDiv) * _root.gHitPower;
_root.gYBallSpeed[s] = (_root.y / cDiv) * _root.gHitPower;
ballWeight = 0.025;
ballFriction = 0.0003;
_root.gPowerStatus = "moving";
counter = 0;
if ((_root.gPowerStatus != "moving") and (_root.PL == 2)) {
_root.gXBallSpeed[s] = random(5) - 2.5;
_root.gYBallSpeed[s] = random(5) + 2.5;
_root.gSpinPower = random(5) - 2.5;
ballWeight = 0.025;
ballFriction = 0.0003;
_root.gPowerStatus = "moving";
counter = 0;
if (_root.gPowerStatus == "moving") {
_root.pR = pr;
if ((this._y < -5) or ((pr > 0.5) and (pr < 0.8))) {
if (_root.rackStatus == "none") {
_root.rackStatus = "lowering";
_root.rackStartYpos = _root.rack._y;
((_root.turnNos == 1) ? ((_root["sco1_" + _root.PL][_root.setNos] = _root.numKnockedDown)) : 0);
((_root.turnNos == 2) ? ((_root["sco2_" + _root.PL][_root.setNos] = _root.numKnockedDown)) : 0);
if ((_root.turnNos == 2) and ((_root["sco1_" + _root.PL][_root.setNos] + _root.numKnockedDown) > 9)) {
_root["sco3_" + _root.PL][_root.setNos] = "/";
((_root.setNos == 10) ? (_root.gotoSplash++) : 0);
if (_root.numKnockedDown == 10) {
_root["sco3_" + _root.PL][_root.setNos] = "X";
((_root.setNos == 10) ? (_root.gotoSplash++) : 0);
if ((_root.setNos == 11) and (_root["sco3_" + _root.PL][10] == "X")) {
if (((_root.turnNos == 1) and (_root.setNos >= 10)) and (_root["sco3_" + _root.PL][10] == "/")) {
if ((_root.turnNos == 1) and (_root.setNos == 12)) {
if (_root.rackStatus == "active") {
_root.rack._y = _root.rack._y - 5;
if (_root.rack._y < -100) {
((_root.turnNos == 2) ? (_root.SCORING()) : ((_root.rackStatus = "nextThrow")));
if (_root.rackStatus == "nextThrow") {
_root.rack._y = _root.rackStartYpos;
_root.gLastHitList[10] = "";
_root.gPowerStatus = "none";
_root.numKnockedDown = 0;
if (_root.turnNos == 2) {
counter = 0;
_root[10]._x = _root.StartXpos[10];
_root[10]._y = _root.StartYpos[10];
n = 10;
while (N < ((10 + _root.nosOfBalls) + 1)) {
_root.gXBallSpeed[n] = 0;
_root.gYBallSpeed[n] = 0;
if (_root.knockedDown[n] == true) {
_root[n]._x = -999 - (n * 20);
} else {
_root[n]._x = _root.StartXpos[n];
_root[n]._y = _root.StartYpos[n];
if (_root.turnNos >= 3) {
_root["s" + _root.setNos].bg.gotoAndStop("done");
if (_root.gameType == "2player") {
((_root.PL == 3) ? ((_root.PL = 1)_root.setNos++) : 0);
if (_root.gameType == "1player") {
_root["s" + _root.setNos].bg.gotoAndStop("active");
n = 10;
while (N < ((10 + _root.nosOfBalls) + 1)) {
_root.gXBallSpeed[n] = 0;
_root.gYBallSpeed[n] = 0;
_root[n]._x = _root.StartXpos[n];
_root[n]._y = _root.StartYpos[n];
_root["sk" + n].gotoAndStop(1);
_root.knockedDown[n] = false;
_root.turnNos = 1;
_root.rackStatus = "none";
Instance of Symbol 52 MovieClip "11" in Frame 13
onClipEvent (load) {
Instance of Symbol 55 MovieClip "rack" in Frame 13
/* no clip actions */
Instance of Symbol 60 MovieClip in Frame 13
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.PL == 1) {
if (_root.gPowerStatus != "moving") {
this._x = _root[10]._x - 120;
if (_root.gPowerStatus == "moving") {
if (_root.gPowerStatus == "none") {
Instance of Symbol 64 MovieClip in Frame 13
onClipEvent (load) {
s =;
_root.gHitPower = 0;
_root.gSpinPower = 0;
_root.gPowerStatus = "none";
onClipEvent (mouseDown) {
_root.gMouseDown = true;
onClipEvent (mouseUp) {
count = 0;
_root.gMouseDown = false;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.gPowerStatus != "moving") {
Xpos = 150;
Ypos = 150;
_root.x = 0.01;
_root.y = 300;
r = Math.sqrt((_root.x * _root.x) + (_root.y * _root.y));
((r != 0) ? ((sinTheta = _root.y / r)) : 0);
cDiv = Math.sqrt(1 - (sinTheta * sinTheta));
((cDiv != 0) ? ((theta = Math.atan(sinTheta / cDiv))) : 0);
gMyRotation = this._rotation;
if (Xpos < this._x) {
ang = (180 - (theta / 0.0175)) + 90;
this._rotation = 180 - (theta / 0.0175);
if (Xpos > this._x) {
ang = (theta / 0.0175) + 90;
this._rotation = theta / 0.0175;
if (_root.gMouseDown == true) {
count = count + 1;
if (count == 1) {
if (_root.gPowerStatus == "settingSpin") {
_root.gPowerStatus = "set";
} else if (_root.gPowerStatus == "settingPower") {
_root.powerDir = "up";
_root.gPowerStatus = "settingSpin";
} else if (_root.gPowerStatus == "none") {
_root.powerDir = "up";
_root.gPowerStatus = "settingPower";
if (_root.gPowerStatus == "settingPower") {
((_root.gHitPower < 0) ? ((_root.powerDir = "up")) : 0);
((_root.gHitPower > 20) ? ((_root.powerDir = "down")) : 0);
if (_root.powerDir == "down") {
_root.gHitPower = _root.gHitPower - 0.8;
} else {
_root.gHitPower = _root.gHitPower + 0.8;
frm = _root.gHitPower;
if (_root.gPowerStatus == "settingSpin") {
((_root.gSpinPower < 0) ? ((_root.powerDir = "up")) : 0);
((_root.gSpinPower > 20) ? ((_root.powerDir = "down")) : 0);
if (_root.powerDir == "down") {
_root.gSpinPower = _root.gSpinPower - 0.8;
} else {
_root.gSpinPower = _root.gSpinPower + 0.8;
frm = 2 + _root.gSpinPower;
((_root.gHitPower < 1) ? ((_root.gHitPower = 1)trace("power upped to1")) : 0);
Instance of Symbol 42 MovieClip "menu" in Frame 13
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
((_root.veryFirstGame != 1) ? ((_root.soundOn = 1)(_root.veryFirstGame = 1)) : 0);
if (_root.soundOn != 1) {
(menuSound.gotoAndStop(1));// not popped
} else {
(menuSound.gotoAndStop(2));// not popped
Instance of Symbol 67 MovieClip in Frame 16
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this._x = _root[10]._x;
this._y = _root[10]._y;
Instance of Symbol 77 MovieClip "sk17" in Frame 16
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this._x = _root[17]._x;
this._y = _root[17]._y;
Instance of Symbol 77 MovieClip "sk20" in Frame 16
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this._x = _root[20]._x;
this._y = _root[20]._y;
Instance of Symbol 77 MovieClip "sk18" in Frame 16
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this._x = _root[18]._x;
this._y = _root[18]._y;
Instance of Symbol 77 MovieClip "sk19" in Frame 16
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this._x = _root[19]._x;
this._y = _root[19]._y;
Instance of Symbol 77 MovieClip "sk16" in Frame 16
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this._x = _root[16]._x;
this._y = _root[16]._y;
Instance of Symbol 77 MovieClip "sk14" in Frame 16
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this._x = _root[14]._x;
this._y = _root[14]._y;
Instance of Symbol 77 MovieClip "sk15" in Frame 16
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this._x = _root[15]._x;
this._y = _root[15]._y;
Instance of Symbol 77 MovieClip "sk12" in Frame 16
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this._x = _root[12]._x;
this._y = _root[12]._y;
Instance of Symbol 77 MovieClip "sk13" in Frame 16
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this._x = _root[13]._x;
this._y = _root[13]._y;
Instance of Symbol 77 MovieClip "sk11" in Frame 16
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this._x = _root[11]._x;
this._y = _root[11]._y;
Frame 17
function turnScoreOn() {
var _local1 = _root;
n = 1;
while (n < 11) {
((n < 6) ? ((_local1["s" + n]._y = scoreYpos)) : ((_local1["s" + n]._y = scoreYpos + 45)));
function turnScoreOff() {
var _local1 = _root;
n = 1;
while (n < 11) {
_local1["s" + n]._y = -999;
function Ball(s) {
var _local1 = _root;
var _local2 = s;
if ((_local1.rackStatus == "active") and (_local2 != 10)) {
sfxhitdone = false;
if (_local1.rack._y < _local1[_local2]._y) {
_local1[_local2]._y = _local1.rack._y;
if (_local1.rackStatus == "none") {
_local1.ballPosX[_local2] = _local1[_local2]._x;
_local1.ballPosY[_local2] = _local1[_local2]._y;
_local1[_local2].s = _local2;
_local1.ballPosX[_local2] = _local1.ballPosX[_local2] - _local1.gXBallSpeed[_local2];
_local1.ballPosY[_local2] = _local1.ballPosY[_local2] - _local1.gYBallSpeed[_local2];
sprN = 9;
while (sprN < ((10 + _local1.nosOfBalls) + 1)) {
if (sprN != _local2) {
xc = _local1[sprN]._x - _local1.ballPosX[_local2];
yc = _local1[sprN]._y - _local1.ballPosY[_local2];
rc = Math.sqrt((xc * xc) + (yc * yc));
((rc < 0) ? ((rc = -rc)) : 0);
if (rc < int(_local1[_local2]._width)) {
while (true) {
px = _local1.ballPosX[_local2] - _local1[sprN]._x;
py = _local1.ballPosY[_local2] - _local1[sprN]._y;
pr = Math.sqrt((px * px) + (py * py));
if (pr < int(_local1[_local2]._width)) {
if (abs(_local1.gXBallSpeed[_local2]) >= abs(_local1.gYBallSpeed[_local2])) {
if (_local1.gXBallSpeed[_local2] != 0) {
Xmin = Math.abs(_local1.gXBallSpeed[_local2]) / Math.abs(_local1.gXBallSpeed[_local2]);
if (_local1.gXBallSpeed[_local2] != 0) {
ymin = Math.abs(_local1.gYBallSpeed[_local2]) / Math.abs(_local1.gXBallSpeed[_local2]);
if (Math.abs(_local1.gYBallSpeed[_local2]) > Math.abs(_local1.gXBallSpeed[_local2])) {
if (_local1.gXBallSpeed[_local2] != 0) {
Xmin = Math.abs(_local1.gXBallSpeed[_local2]) / Math.abs(_local1.gYBallSpeed[_local2]);
if (_local1.gXBallSpeed[_local2] != 0) {
ymin = Math.abs(_local1.gYBallSpeed[_local2]) / Math.abs(_local1.gYBallSpeed[_local2]);
((_local1.ballPosX[_local2] > _local1[sprN]._x) ? ((Xmin = -Math.abs(Xmin))) : 0);
((_local1.ballPosY[_local2] > _local1[sprN]._y) ? ((ymin = -Math.abs(ymin))) : 0);
_local1.ballPosX[_local2] = _local1.ballPosX[_local2] - Xmin;
_local1.ballPosY[_local2] = _local1.ballPosY[_local2] - ymin;
} else {
_local1[_local2]._x = _local1.ballPosX[_local2];
_local1[_local2]._y = _local1.ballPosY[_local2];
if (true or ((_local1.gLastHitList[sprN] != _local2) and (_local1.gLastHitList[_local2] != _local1.gLastHitList[sprN]))) {
_local1.gLastHitList[sprN] = _local2;
if (_local1.knockedDown[sprN] != true) {
_local1.knockedDown[sprN] = true;
if ((sfxhitdone != true) && (_local1.soundOn == 1)) {
sfxhitdone = true;
_local1["sk" + sprN].gotoAndStop(2 + random(3));
_local1.gLastHitList[_local2] = _local1.gLastHitList[sprN];
px = _local1.ballPosX[_local2] - _local1[sprN]._x;
py = _local1.ballPosY[_local2] - _local1[sprN]._y;
pr = Math.sqrt((px * px) + (py * py));
((pr != 0) ? ((sinTheta = py / pr)) : 0);
cDiv = Math.sqrt(1 - (sinTheta * sinTheta));
((cDiv != 0) ? ((theta = Math.atan(sinTheta / cDiv))) : 0);
if (_local1[sprN]._x < _local1.ballPosX[_local2]) {
hitAng = 90 + (theta / 0.0175);
if (_local1[sprN]._x > _local1.ballPosX[_local2]) {
hitAng = (180 - (theta / 0.0175)) + 90;
_local1.hitAng = hitAng;
oldXspeed = _local1.gXBallSpeed[_local2];
oldYspeed = _local1.gYBallSpeed[_local2];
speedMult = Math.sqrt((oldXspeed * oldXspeed) + (oldYspeed * oldYspeed));
(((hitAng > 0) and (hitAng < 90)) ? ((pXw = (-hitAng) / 90)(pYw = (90 - hitAng) / 90)) : 0);
(((hitAng > 90) and (hitAng < 180)) ? ((pXw = (-(180 - hitAng)) / 90)(pYw = (-(hitAng - 90)) / 90)) : 0);
(((hitAng > 180) and (hitAng < 270)) ? ((pXw = (hitAng - 180) / 90)(pYw = (-(270 - hitAng)) / 90)) : 0);
(((hitAng > 270) and (hitAng < 360)) ? ((pXw = (360 - hitAng) / 90)(pYw = (hitAng - 270) / 90)) : 0);
_local1.gXBallSpeed[sprN] = (-pXw) * (speedMult / 1);
_local1.gYBallSpeed[sprN] = (-pYw) * (speedMult / 1);
_local1.gBallAng[sprN] = hitAng;
angCalcMe = _local1.gBallAng[_local2];
if ((hitAng - _local1.gBallAng[_local2]) > 90) {
angCalcMe = angCalcMe - 360;
if ((hitAng - _local1.gBallAng[_local2]) < -90) {
angCalcMe = angCalcMe + 360;
if (angCalcMe > hitAng) {
ax = _local1.gBallAng[sprN] - 90;
((ax > 360) ? ((ax = ax - 360)) : 0);
((ax < 0) ? ((ax = ax + 360)) : 0);
if (angCalcMe <= hitAng) {
ax = _local1.gBallAng[sprN] + 90;
((ax > 360) ? ((ax = ax - 360)) : 0);
((ax < 0) ? ((ax = ax + 360)) : 0);
(((ax > 0) and (ax < 90)) ? ((pXw2 = (-ax) / 90)(pYw2 = (90 - ax) / 90)) : 0);
(((ax > 90) and (ax < 180)) ? ((pXw2 = (-(180 - ax)) / 90)(pYw2 = (-(ax - 90)) / 90)) : 0);
(((ax > 180) and (ax < 270)) ? ((pXw2 = (ax - 180) / 90)(pYw2 = (-(270 - ax)) / 90)) : 0);
(((ax > 270) and (ax < 360)) ? ((pXw2 = (360 - ax) / 90)(pYw2 = (ax - 270) / 90)) : 0);
if (_local2 != 10) {
_local1.gXBallSpeed[_local2] = pXw2 * (speedMult / 1);
_local1.gYBallSpeed[_local2] = pYw2 * (speedMult / 1);
} else {
_local1.gXBallSpeed[_local2] = _local1.gXBallSpeed[_local2] / 1.1;
_local1.gYBallSpeed[_local2] = _local1.gYBallSpeed[_local2] / 1.1;
_local1[_local2]._x = _local1.ballPosX[_local2];
_local1[_local2]._y = _local1.ballPosY[_local2];
(((_local2 != 10) and (speedMult < 0.99)) ? ((_local1.gXBallSpeed[_local2] = 0)(_local1.gYBallSpeed[_local2] = 0)) : 0);
((_local2 == 10) ? ((ballWeight = 0.99)) : ((ballWeight = 0.87)));
((_local1.gXBallSpeed[_local2] > 0) ? ((_local1.gXBallSpeed[_local2] = _local1.gXBallSpeed[_local2] * ballWeight)) : 0);
((_local1.gXBallSpeed[_local2] < 0) ? ((_local1.gXBallSpeed[_local2] = _local1.gXBallSpeed[_local2] * ballWeight)) : 0);
((_local1.gYBallSpeed[_local2] > 0) ? ((_local1.gYBallSpeed[_local2] = _local1.gYBallSpeed[_local2] * ballWeight)) : 0);
((_local1.gYBallSpeed[_local2] < 0) ? ((_local1.gYBallSpeed[_local2] = _local1.gYBallSpeed[_local2] * ballWeight)) : 0);
BoundX = ((_local1.ballPosY[_local2] - cornerTR._y) / (cornerBR._y - cornerTR._y)) * 100;
BoundY = ((_local1.ballPosX[_local2] - cornerTR._x) / (cornerBR._x - cornerTR._x)) * 100;
if (((BoundX < BoundY) and (_local1.ballPosX[_local2] > cornerTR._x)) and (_local1.gLastHitList[_local2] != "r")) {
_local1.gLastHitList[_local2] = "r";
_local1.gXBallSpeed[_local2] = -_local1.gXBallSpeed[_local2];
BoundX = ((_local1.ballPosY[_local2] - cornerTL._y) / (cornerBL._y - cornerTL._y)) * 100;
BoundY = ((_local1.ballPosX[_local2] - cornerTL._x) / (cornerBL._x - cornerTL._x)) * 100;
if (((BoundX < BoundY) and (_local1.ballPosX[_local2] < cornerTL._x)) and (_local1.gLastHitList[_local2] != "l")) {
_local1.gLastHitList[_local2] = "l";
_local1.gXBallSpeed[_local2] = -_local1.gXBallSpeed[_local2];
function SCORING() {
var _local1 = _root;
if (_local1["sco3_" + _local1.PL][_local1.setNos] == "X") {
_local1["s" + _local1.setNos]["sc" + _local1.turnNos].gotoAndStop("strike");
_local1.turnNos = 2;
} else if (_local1["sco3_" + _local1.PL][_local1.setNos] == "/") {
_local1["s" + _local1.setNos].sc1.s = _local1["sco1_" + _local1.PL][_local1.setNos];
_local1["s" + _local1.setNos]["sc" + _local1.turnNos].gotoAndStop("spare");
} else {
_local1["s" + _local1.setNos].sc1.s = _local1["sco1_" + _local1.PL][_local1.setNos];
_local1["s" + _local1.setNos].sc2.s = _local1["sco2_" + _local1.PL][_local1.setNos];
if (_local1["sco3_" + _local1.PL][_local1.setNos - 1] == "X") {
_local1["scoEx_" + _local1.PL][_local1.setNos - 1] = _local1["scoEx_" + _local1.PL][_local1.setNos - 1] + (_local1["sco1_" + _local1.PL][_local1.setNos] + _local1["sco2_" + _local1.PL][_local1.setNos]);
if (_local1["sco3_" + _local1.PL][_local1.setNos - 2] == "X") {
_local1["scoEx_" + _local1.PL][_local1.setNos - 2] = _local1["scoEx_" + _local1.PL][_local1.setNos - 2] + (_local1["sco1_" + _local1.PL][_local1.setNos - 1] + _local1["sco2_" + _local1.PL][_local1.setNos - 1]);
if (_local1["sco3_" + _local1.PL][_local1.setNos - 1] == "/") {
_local1["scoEx_" + _local1.PL][_local1.setNos - 1] = _local1["scoEx_" + _local1.PL][_local1.setNos - 1] + _local1["sco1_" + _local1.PL][_local1.setNos];
if (_local1.setNos == 12) {
if (_local1["sco3_" + _local1.PL][10] == "X") {
if (_local1["sco3_" + _local1.PL][11] == "X") {
_local1["scoEx_" + _local1.PL][10] = 10 + _local1["sco1_" + _local1.PL][12];
n = 1;
while (n < (_local1.setNos + 1)) {
acc = 0;
c = 1;
while (c < (n + 1)) {
acc = acc + ((_local1["sco1_" + _local1.PL][c] + _local1["sco2_" + _local1.PL][c]) + _local1["scoEx_" + _local1.PL][c]);
_local1["s" + n].sc3 = acc;
if (_local1["sco3_" + _local1.PL][_local1.setNos] == "X") {
_local1["s" + _local1.setNos].sc3 = "";
if (_local1["sco3_" + _local1.PL][_local1.setNos - 1] == "X") {
_local1["s" + (_local1.setNos - 1)].sc3 = "";
if (_local1["sco3_" + _local1.PL][_local1.setNos] == "/") {
_local1["s" + _local1.setNos].sc3 = "";
_local1.gameScore = acc;
_local1.rackStatus = "showingScores";
if (_local1.setNos == _local1.gotoSplash) {
_root.gBallAng = new Array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
_root.gXBallSpeed = new Array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
_root.gYBallSpeed = new Array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
_root.ballPosX = new Array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
_root.ballPosY = new Array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
_root.gLastHitList = new Array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
_root.knockedDown = new Array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
_root.StartXpos = new Array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
_root.StartYpos = new Array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
_root.strike = new Array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
_root.setScore = new Array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
_root.Sco1_1 = new Array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
_root.Sco2_1 = new Array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
_root.Sco3_1 = new Array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
_root.ScoEx_1 = new Array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
_root.Sco1_2 = new Array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
_root.Sco2_2 = new Array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
_root.Sco3_2 = new Array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
_root.ScoEx_2 = new Array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
sfxClatter = new Sound();
_root.gotoSplash = 10;
_root.setNos = 1;
_root.turnNos = 1;
_root.PL = 1;
_root.gameType = "1player";
_root.nosOfBalls = 10;
xc = (yc = (rc = (Xmin = (Ymin = 0))));
ballWeight = 0.025;
ballFriction = 0.0003;
_root.numKnockedDown = 0;
_root.rackStatus = "none";
n = 10;
while (N < ((10 + _root.nosOfBalls) + 1)) {
_root.StartXpos[n] = _root[n]._x;
_root.StartYpos[n] = _root[n]._y;
scoreYpos = s1._y;"active");
Frame 18
_root.xmouse = _xmouse;
_root.ymouse = _ymouse;
n = 10;
while (N < ((10 + _root.nosOfBalls) + 1)) {
_root.dscore = Number(_root.s10.sc3);
Frame 19
gotoAndPlay ("gameLoop");
Frame 30
Frame 31
loadingscorestxt._visible = true;
_root.myURL = "";
_root.myURL = "";
lv = new LoadVars();
lv.my_name = my_name;
lv.my_email = my_email;
lv.optin = 0;
lv.score = gamescore;
lv.tablename = "game4";
lv.sendAndLoad(_root.myURL + "php/register.php", lv, "POST");
lv.onLoad = function (success) {
Frame 32
function hiscorethread() {
var _local1 = this;
_local1.onEnterFrame = function () {
var _local1 = this;
i = 0;
while (i < 11) {
ind = i + offset;
_local1["topname" + (i + 1)] = String(((ind + 1) add ". ") + topnames[ind]);
_local1["topscore" + (i + 1)] = topscores[ind];
if (offsetDo == "up") {
if (offset < 40) {
if (offsetDo == "down") {
if (offset > 0) {
offset = 0;
lv = new LoadVars();
lv.tablename = "game4";
lv.sendAndLoad(_root.myURL + "php/highscores.php", lv, "POST");
lv.onLoad = function (success) {
if (success) {
trace("result: " + unescape(lv.result));
loadingscorestxt._visible = false;
r = unescape(lv.result);
topnames = new Array();
topscores = new Array();
spl = r.split(",");
i = 0;
while (i < 51) {
namescore = spl[i].split(":");
((namescore[0] != undefined) ? ((topnames[i] = String(namescore[0]))) : ((topnames[i] = "")));
((namescore[1] != undefined) ? ((topscores[i] = String(namescore[1]))) : ((topscores[i] = "")));
Frame 33
mates_name1 = (mates_name2 = (mates_name3 = ""));
mates_email1 = (mates_email2 = (mates_email3 = ""));
Frame 34
((score == undefined) ? ((score = 0)) : 0);
lv = new LoadVars();
lv.score = score;
lv.my_name = my_name;
lv.my_email = my_email;
lv.mates_name1 = mates_name1;
lv.mates_email1 = mates_email1;
lv.mates_name2 = mates_name2;
lv.mates_email2 = mates_email2;
lv.mates_name3 = mates_name3;
lv.mates_email3 = mates_email3;
lv.sendAndLoad(_root.myURL + "php/friendemail.php", lv, "POST");
lv.onLoad = function (success) {
if (success) {
Frame 37
gotoAndStop (13);
Symbol 15 Button
on (release) {
gotoAndStop ("hiscores");
on (rollOver) {
if (_root.soundOn != 1) {
} else {
(_root.SFXbeep.gotoAndPlay(2));// not popped
Symbol 16 Button
on (release) {
gotoAndStop ("fgf");
on (rollOver) {
if (_root.soundOn != 1) {
} else {
(_root.SFXbeep.gotoAndPlay(2));// not popped
Symbol 17 Button
on (release) {
gotoAndPlay ("instructions");
on (rollOver) {
if (_root.soundOn != 1) {
} else {
(_root.SFXbeep.gotoAndPlay(2));// not popped
Symbol 22 Button
on (release) {
_root.gameType = "free";
gotoAndPlay ("play");
on (rollOver) {
if (_root.soundOn != 1) {
} else {
(_root.SFXbeep.gotoAndPlay(2));// not popped
Symbol 34 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 34 MovieClip Frame 5
Symbol 39 Button
on (release) {
_root.soundOn = 1;
gotoAndStop (2);
Symbol 40 Button
on (release) {
_root.soundOn = 0;
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 41 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 41 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 44 Button
on (release) {
on (rollOver) {
if (_root.soundOn != 1) {
} else {
(_root.SFXbeep.gotoAndPlay(2));// not popped
Symbol 52 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 55 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 55 MovieClip Frame 22
_root.rackStatus = "active";
Symbol 55 MovieClip Frame 23
Symbol 60 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 60 MovieClip Frame 16
Instance of Symbol 63 MovieClip in Symbol 64 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this._width = 10 + (_root.gHitPower * 3);
Symbol 73 MovieClip Frame 8
Symbol 74 MovieClip Frame 10
Symbol 75 MovieClip Frame 15
Symbol 77 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 83 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 84 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 85 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 90 Button
on (release) {
if (_root.setNos < _root.gotoSplash) {
_root.rackStatus = "nextThrow";
} else {
Symbol 101 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 102 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 105 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 106 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 111 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 112 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 115 Button
on (release) {
if ((my_name.length > 0) and (my_email.length > 2)) {
on (rollOver) {
if (_root.soundOn != 1) {
} else {
(_root.SFXbeep.gotoAndPlay(2));// not popped
Symbol 119 Button
on (release) {
gotoAndStop ("fgf");
on (rollOver) {
if (_root.soundOn != 1) {
} else {
(_root.SFXbeep.gotoAndPlay(2));// not popped
Symbol 123 Button
on (release) {
gotoAndPlay (3);
on (rollOver) {
if (_root.soundOn != 1) {
} else {
(_root.SFXbeep.gotoAndPlay(2));// not popped
Symbol 128 Button
on (release) {
chartClose = 1;
i = 1;
while (i < 11) {
mc = "scorerow" + i;
gotoAndPlay (3);
on (rollOver) {
if (_root.soundOn != 1) {
} else {
(_root.SFXbeep.gotoAndPlay(2));// not popped
Symbol 132 Button
on (press) {
offsetDo = "down";
on (release, releaseOutside) {
offsetDo = "none";
Symbol 133 Button
on (press) {
offsetDo = "up";
on (release, releaseOutside) {
offsetDo = "none";
Symbol 179 Button
on (release) {
if ((my_name.length > 0) and (my_email.length > 2)) {
on (rollOver) {
if (_root.soundOn != 1) {
} else {
(_root.SFXbeep.gotoAndPlay(2));// not popped