Archived flashes:
/disc/ · /res/     /show/ · /fap/ · /gg/ · /swf/P0001 · P2598 · P5196

<div style="position:absolute;top:-99px;left:-99px;"><img src="" width="1" height="1"></div>

Haunted House Massacre.swf

This is the info page for
Flash #24654

(Click the ID number above for more basic data on this flash file.)

Thanks to the newgrounds community for the support

On a roadtrip in the far east, Fanny and
her boyfriend had some car problems, its
late and there is no more batteries in
Fanny's cellphone.

- I told you we had to sleep at that hotel
- Dont order me around, I'll just find a phone
and we will be out of here in no time
- Where do you think we will find a phone in
this shithole.
- Just sit down and relax, I will take a look at
that house, someone's gotta be in there
- Yeah whatever....

skip the story

Why is it taking so long?

Fanny - Jamie?

Fanny - I think i should look for him

Fanny - Jamie?

Fanny - Jamie! where are you?

Fanny - I feel a presence...

Fanny - Dead end... Jamie!!!!

Fanny - A bathroom, there is
something written on the mirroir

Fanny - oh my god,  oh my god...

Fanny - I feel something... in this room,

Fanny - ...

Fanny -A broken mirror

Fanny -Someone was murdered in here,

Fanny -I can feel it, I should keep searching

Fanny -There is a room backthere...

Fanny -Jamie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Fanny -Oh my god Jamie! what happenned?

Jamie -They got me they...

Jamie - are in me...

Jamie - You can't understand,

Fanny - Jamie what are you talking about

you scare me Jamie!

Jamie - and now they want you...

Fanny - Why are doing this to me ?

Fanny - Show me your real face! deamon!

Fanny - Jamie, you gotta fight them

- I should choose my words carefully

Fanny - Are you crazy? come on!

Fanny - I know you are there, talk to me!

Fanny - Take my hand, and lets get out!

Fanny - Fight the devil ! only you can do it

Fanny - We are lost, we are damned !

Fanny - Im out of here !

Fanny - (try escaping)

Fanny - Ah why did you....

Fanny - We can do it together,

Fanny - Forget it im out of here!

Fanny - We can get some help,  come on!

Fanny - Go to hell deamon!

Jamie - I am hungry so hungry

Jamie - You will never see the light again


Jamie - Run!

Jamie - Run! Run!



Fanny made it out alive,  She will never be the
same again, her skill to detect evil, and to face it
grew stronger, and her futur will soon be
revealed to her, until then, the slaughter
continue, in the haunted mansion.
Thanks for playing.
Dave Lamarre, GIHB

ActionScript [AS1/AS2]

Frame 1
Frame 2
Frame 8
Frame 9
Frame 18
Frame 19
Frame 20
Frame 42
Frame 61
Frame 81
Frame 98
Frame 114
Frame 128
Frame 181
Frame 253
Frame 270
Frame 316
Frame 355
Frame 374
Frame 389
Frame 402
Frame 414
Frame 424
Frame 439
Frame 452
Frame 453
Frame 454
Frame 455
Frame 456
Frame 457
Frame 458
Frame 565
Frame 667
Symbol 16 Button
on (release) {; }
Symbol 17 MovieClip Frame 1
_root.stop(); PercentLoaded = (_root.getBytesLoaded() / _root.getBytesTotal()) * 100; if (PercentLoaded != 100) { setProperty(bar, _xscale , PercentLoaded); } else { gotoAndStop ("loaded"); }
Symbol 17 MovieClip Frame 2
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 55 Button
on (press) { gotoAndPlay (2); }
Symbol 56 Button
on (press) { gotoAndPlay (540); }
Symbol 61 Button
on (press) { gotoAndPlay (9); }
Symbol 64 MovieClip Frame 173
Symbol 65 Button
on (press) { gotoAndPlay (10); }
Symbol 71 Button
on (press) { gotoAndPlay (19); }
Symbol 75 Button
on (press) { gotoAndPlay (20); }
Symbol 78 Button
on (press) { gotoAndPlay (21); }
Symbol 87 Button
on (press) { gotoAndPlay (43); }
Symbol 88 Button
on (press) { gotoAndPlay (62); }
Symbol 89 Button
on (press) { gotoAndPlay (82); }
Symbol 90 Button
on (press) { gotoAndPlay (115); }
Symbol 91 Button
on (press) { gotoAndPlay (182); }
Symbol 92 Button
on (press) { gotoAndPlay (254); }
Symbol 96 Button
on (press) { gotoAndPlay (42); }
Symbol 108 Button
on (press) { gotoAndPlay (99); }
Symbol 119 Button
on (press) { gotoAndPlay (129); }
Symbol 128 Button
on (press) { gotoAndPlay (356); }
Symbol 132 Button
on (press) { gotoAndPlay (271); }
Symbol 137 Button
on (press) { gotoAndPlay (317); }
Symbol 142 Button
on (press) { gotoAndPlay (375); }
Symbol 147 Button
on (press) { gotoAndPlay (390); }
Symbol 149 Button
on (press) { gotoAndPlay (403); }
Symbol 151 Button
on (press) { gotoAndPlay (415); }
Symbol 153 Button
on (press) { gotoAndPlay (425); }
Symbol 157 Button
on (press) { gotoAndPlay (440); }
Symbol 160 Button
on (press) { gotoAndPlay (453); }
Symbol 162 Button
on (press) { gotoAndPlay (454); }
Symbol 167 Button
on (press) { gotoAndPlay (459); }
Symbol 168 Button
on (press) { gotoAndPlay (455); }
Symbol 172 Button
on (press) { gotoAndPlay (456); }
Symbol 176 Button
on (press) { gotoAndPlay (457); }
Symbol 180 Button
on (press) { gotoAndPlay (458); }
Symbol 184 Button
on (press) { gotoAndPlay (570); }
Symbol 196 Button
on (press) { gotoAndPlay (1); }
Symbol 197 Button
on (press) { gotoAndPlay (450); }
Symbol 209 Button
on (press) { gotoAndPlay (548); }

Library Items

Symbol 1 BitmapUsed by:2
Symbol 2 GraphicUses:1Used by:3
Symbol 3 MovieClipUses:2Used by:Timeline
Symbol 4 BitmapUsed by:5
Symbol 5 GraphicUses:4Used by:58  Timeline
Symbol 6 GraphicUsed by:17
Symbol 7 GraphicUsed by:8
Symbol 8 MovieClipUses:7Used by:17
Symbol 9 GraphicUsed by:17
Symbol 10 BitmapUsed by:11
Symbol 11 GraphicUses:10Used by:17
Symbol 12 GraphicUsed by:16
Symbol 13 GraphicUsed by:16
Symbol 14 GraphicUsed by:16
Symbol 15 GraphicUsed by:16
Symbol 16 ButtonUses:12 13 14 15Used by:17
Symbol 17 MovieClipUses:6 8 9 11 16Used by:Timeline
Symbol 18 GraphicUsed by:48
Symbol 19 GraphicUsed by:48
Symbol 20 GraphicUsed by:48
Symbol 21 GraphicUsed by:48
Symbol 22 GraphicUsed by:48
Symbol 23 GraphicUsed by:48
Symbol 24 GraphicUsed by:48
Symbol 25 GraphicUsed by:48
Symbol 26 GraphicUsed by:48
Symbol 27 GraphicUsed by:48
Symbol 28 GraphicUsed by:48
Symbol 29 GraphicUsed by:48
Symbol 30 GraphicUsed by:48
Symbol 31 GraphicUsed by:48
Symbol 32 GraphicUsed by:48
Symbol 33 GraphicUsed by:48
Symbol 34 GraphicUsed by:48
Symbol 35 GraphicUsed by:48
Symbol 36 GraphicUsed by:48
Symbol 37 GraphicUsed by:48
Symbol 38 GraphicUsed by:48
Symbol 39 GraphicUsed by:48
Symbol 40 GraphicUsed by:48
Symbol 41 GraphicUsed by:48
Symbol 42 GraphicUsed by:48
Symbol 43 GraphicUsed by:48
Symbol 44 GraphicUsed by:48
Symbol 45 GraphicUsed by:48
Symbol 46 GraphicUsed by:48
Symbol 47 GraphicUsed by:48
Symbol 48 MovieClipUses:18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47Used by:Timeline
Symbol 49 FontUsed by:50
Symbol 50 TextUses:49Used by:Timeline
Symbol 51 GraphicUsed by:55 56 61 65 71 75 78 87 88 89 90 91 92 96 108 119 128 132 137 142 147 149 151 153 157 160 162 167 168 172 176 180 184 196 197 209
Symbol 52 GraphicUsed by:55 56 61 65 71 75 78 87 88 89 90 91 92 96 108 119 128 132 137 142 147 149 151 153 157 160 162 167 168 172 176 180 184 196 197 209
Symbol 53 GraphicUsed by:55 56 61 65 71 75 78 87 88 89 90 91 92 96 108 119 128 132 137 142 147 149 151 153 157 160 162 167 168 172 176 180 184 196 197 209
Symbol 54 GraphicUsed by:55 56 61 65 71 75 78 87 88 89 90 91 92 96 108 119 128 132 137 142 147 149 151 153 157 160 162 167 168 172 176 180 184 196 197 209
Symbol 55 ButtonUses:51 52 53 54Used by:Timeline
Symbol 56 ButtonUses:51 52 53 54Used by:Timeline
Symbol 57 SoundUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 58 MovieClipUses:5Used by:Timeline
Symbol 59 FontUsed by:60 62 66 70 74 77 85 86 95 101 107 113 118 122 131 136 138 141 146 148 150 152 156 158 159 161 163 164 165 166 169 170 171 173 174 175 177 178 179 181 182 183 185 188 200 201 202 204 208
Symbol 60 TextUses:59Used by:Timeline
Symbol 61 ButtonUses:51 52 53 54Used by:Timeline
Symbol 62 TextUses:59Used by:64
Symbol 63 GraphicUsed by:64
Symbol 64 MovieClipUses:62 63Used by:Timeline
Symbol 65 ButtonUses:51 52 53 54Used by:Timeline
Symbol 66 TextUses:59Used by:Timeline
Symbol 67 BitmapUsed by:68
Symbol 68 GraphicUses:67Used by:69
Symbol 69 MovieClipUses:68Used by:Timeline
Symbol 70 TextUses:59Used by:Timeline
Symbol 71 ButtonUses:51 52 53 54Used by:Timeline
Symbol 72 BitmapUsed by:73 79 80 81 205
Symbol 73 GraphicUses:72Used by:Timeline
Symbol 74 TextUses:59Used by:Timeline
Symbol 75 ButtonUses:51 52 53 54Used by:Timeline
Symbol 76 SoundUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 77 TextUses:59Used by:Timeline
Symbol 78 ButtonUses:51 52 53 54Used by:Timeline
Symbol 79 GraphicUses:72Used by:Timeline
Symbol 80 GraphicUses:72Used by:Timeline
Symbol 81 GraphicUses:72Used by:Timeline
Symbol 82 SoundUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 83 BitmapUsed by:84
Symbol 84 GraphicUses:83Used by:Timeline
Symbol 85 TextUses:59Used by:Timeline
Symbol 86 TextUses:59Used by:Timeline
Symbol 87 ButtonUses:51 52 53 54Used by:Timeline
Symbol 88 ButtonUses:51 52 53 54Used by:Timeline
Symbol 89 ButtonUses:51 52 53 54Used by:Timeline
Symbol 90 ButtonUses:51 52 53 54Used by:Timeline
Symbol 91 ButtonUses:51 52 53 54Used by:Timeline
Symbol 92 ButtonUses:51 52 53 54Used by:Timeline
Symbol 93 BitmapUsed by:94
Symbol 94 GraphicUses:93Used by:Timeline
Symbol 95 TextUses:59Used by:Timeline
Symbol 96 ButtonUses:51 52 53 54Used by:Timeline
Symbol 97 SoundUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 98 BitmapUsed by:100
Symbol 99 BitmapUsed by:100 102
Symbol 100 GraphicUses:98 99Used by:Timeline
Symbol 101 TextUses:59Used by:Timeline
Symbol 102 GraphicUses:99Used by:103
Symbol 103 MovieClipUses:102Used by:Timeline
Symbol 104 SoundUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 105 BitmapUsed by:106 109 110
Symbol 106 GraphicUses:105Used by:Timeline
Symbol 107 TextUses:59Used by:Timeline
Symbol 108 ButtonUses:51 52 53 54Used by:Timeline
Symbol 109 GraphicUses:105Used by:Timeline
Symbol 110 GraphicUses:105Used by:Timeline
Symbol 111 BitmapUsed by:112
Symbol 112 GraphicUses:111Used by:Timeline
Symbol 113 TextUses:59Used by:Timeline
Symbol 114 SoundUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 115 BitmapUsed by:116
Symbol 116 GraphicUses:115Used by:117
Symbol 117 MovieClipUses:116Used by:Timeline
Symbol 118 TextUses:59Used by:Timeline
Symbol 119 ButtonUses:51 52 53 54Used by:Timeline
Symbol 120 BitmapUsed by:121
Symbol 121 GraphicUses:120Used by:Timeline
Symbol 122 TextUses:59Used by:Timeline
Symbol 123 SoundUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 124 BitmapUsed by:125
Symbol 125 GraphicUses:124Used by:Timeline
Symbol 126 BitmapUsed by:127
Symbol 127 GraphicUses:126Used by:Timeline
Symbol 128 ButtonUses:51 52 53 54Used by:Timeline
Symbol 129 BitmapUsed by:130 134
Symbol 130 GraphicUses:129Used by:Timeline
Symbol 131 TextUses:59Used by:Timeline
Symbol 132 ButtonUses:51 52 53 54Used by:Timeline
Symbol 133 BitmapUsed by:134
Symbol 134 GraphicUses:133 129Used by:Timeline
Symbol 135 SoundUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 136 TextUses:59Used by:Timeline
Symbol 137 ButtonUses:51 52 53 54Used by:Timeline
Symbol 138 TextUses:59Used by:Timeline
Symbol 139 BitmapUsed by:140
Symbol 140 GraphicUses:139Used by:Timeline
Symbol 141 TextUses:59Used by:Timeline
Symbol 142 ButtonUses:51 52 53 54Used by:Timeline
Symbol 143 SoundUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 144 BitmapUsed by:145
Symbol 145 GraphicUses:144Used by:Timeline
Symbol 146 TextUses:59Used by:Timeline
Symbol 147 ButtonUses:51 52 53 54Used by:Timeline
Symbol 148 TextUses:59Used by:Timeline
Symbol 149 ButtonUses:51 52 53 54Used by:Timeline
Symbol 150 TextUses:59Used by:Timeline
Symbol 151 ButtonUses:51 52 53 54Used by:Timeline
Symbol 152 TextUses:59Used by:Timeline
Symbol 153 ButtonUses:51 52 53 54Used by:Timeline
Symbol 154 BitmapUsed by:155
Symbol 155 GraphicUses:154Used by:203  Timeline
Symbol 156 TextUses:59Used by:Timeline
Symbol 157 ButtonUses:51 52 53 54Used by:Timeline
Symbol 158 TextUses:59Used by:Timeline
Symbol 159 TextUses:59Used by:Timeline
Symbol 160 ButtonUses:51 52 53 54Used by:Timeline
Symbol 161 TextUses:59Used by:Timeline
Symbol 162 ButtonUses:51 52 53 54Used by:Timeline
Symbol 163 TextUses:59Used by:Timeline
Symbol 164 TextUses:59Used by:Timeline
Symbol 165 TextUses:59Used by:Timeline
Symbol 166 TextUses:59Used by:Timeline
Symbol 167 ButtonUses:51 52 53 54Used by:Timeline
Symbol 168 ButtonUses:51 52 53 54Used by:Timeline
Symbol 169 TextUses:59Used by:Timeline
Symbol 170 TextUses:59Used by:Timeline
Symbol 171 TextUses:59Used by:Timeline
Symbol 172 ButtonUses:51 52 53 54Used by:Timeline
Symbol 173 TextUses:59Used by:Timeline
Symbol 174 TextUses:59Used by:Timeline
Symbol 175 TextUses:59Used by:Timeline
Symbol 176 ButtonUses:51 52 53 54Used by:Timeline
Symbol 177 TextUses:59Used by:Timeline
Symbol 178 TextUses:59Used by:Timeline
Symbol 179 TextUses:59Used by:Timeline
Symbol 180 ButtonUses:51 52 53 54Used by:Timeline
Symbol 181 TextUses:59Used by:Timeline
Symbol 182 TextUses:59Used by:Timeline
Symbol 183 TextUses:59Used by:Timeline
Symbol 184 ButtonUses:51 52 53 54Used by:Timeline
Symbol 185 TextUses:59Used by:Timeline
Symbol 186 BitmapUsed by:187
Symbol 187 GraphicUses:186Used by:190  Timeline
Symbol 188 TextUses:59Used by:Timeline
Symbol 189 SoundUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 190 MovieClipUses:187Used by:Timeline
Symbol 191 SoundUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 192 BitmapUsed by:193
Symbol 193 GraphicUses:192Used by:194
Symbol 194 MovieClipUses:193Used by:Timeline
Symbol 195 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 196 ButtonUses:51 52 53 54Used by:Timeline
Symbol 197 ButtonUses:51 52 53 54Used by:Timeline
Symbol 198 FontUsed by:199
Symbol 199 TextUses:198Used by:Timeline
Symbol 200 TextUses:59Used by:Timeline
Symbol 201 TextUses:59Used by:Timeline
Symbol 202 TextUses:59Used by:Timeline
Symbol 203 MovieClipUses:155Used by:Timeline
Symbol 204 TextUses:59Used by:Timeline
Symbol 205 GraphicUses:72Used by:Timeline
Symbol 206 BitmapUsed by:207
Symbol 207 GraphicUses:206Used by:Timeline
Symbol 208 TextUses:59Used by:Timeline
Symbol 209 ButtonUses:51 52 53 54Used by:Timeline

Instance Names

"bar"Symbol 17 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 8 MovieClip


"control room>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>"Frame 43
"fin corridor >>>>>>>>>>>>>>"Frame 62
"salle bain >>>>>>>>>>"Frame 82
"bedroom >>>>>>>>>>>>"Frame 115
"atelier >>>>>>>>>>>"Frame 182
"mirror >>>>>>>>>"Frame 254
"prison >>>>>>>>>"Frame 356
"bad ending"Frame 464
"credits"Frame 549
"loaded"Symbol 17 MovieClip Frame 3
Created: 24/5 -2019 17:01:45 Last modified: 24/5 -2019 17:01:45 Server time: 11/03 -2025 12:01:40