Archived flashes:
/disc/ · /res/     /show/ · /fap/ · /gg/ · /swf/P0001 · P2575 · P5149

<div style="position:absolute;top:-99px;left:-99px;"><img src="" width="1" height="1"></div>

It's a Knockout.swf

This is the info page for
Flash #24823

(Click the ID number above for more basic data on this flash file.)


Please wait!





Tournament Edition!

You are Ying Chong Po! Your
challenger is Willy "Winston" G

Use the keys on the keyboard
to knock him out!
Use the Arrow Keys to move left and right
Punch Left = Z    Punch Right = X
Help? = H



Challenger Profile - Press C

(Press B to go back)

Age: 29
Hometown: Kingston, Jamaica
Wins and Losses: 7 Wins, 15 Losses
Profile: Willy G, famed for his microphone head
afro (which some claim is an advantage) is a skillfull
fighter. Not the most aggressive boxer, but he
instinctively knows when he's weakened his opponent
enough to let rip!

(Press B to go back)

Use arrow keys to navigate help

Your background:
Age: 20
Hometown: Tokyo, Japan
Wins and Losses: 0 Wins, 0 Losses
Profile: You left your hometown to pursue your fighting
career. Your family and relatives believe you have
chosen the wrong path in life, and you are determined
to prove them wrong.
The Tournament consists of five fights, with prize
money of $50,000 to the winner only!


As a new figher on the scene, all your opponents are
much more experienced and technically superior to you
as you start this tournament.
As you progress through, you will need to fight smarter
and use your increased abilities to the fullest.
In later rounds, your agility will increase and your
health will regain faster when you back off.

<P ALIGN="LEFT"><FONT FACE="Comic Sans MS" SIZE="12" COLOR="#FFFFFF"><B>After each round you are given a score for that fight <SBR/>and you&apos;ll recieve various points depending on how well <SBR/>you have fought in that fight.</B></FONT></P><P ALIGN="LEFT"><FONT FACE="Comic Sans MS" SIZE="12" COLOR="#FFFFFF"><B> </B></FONT></P><P ALIGN="LEFT"><FONT FACE="Comic Sans MS" SIZE="12" COLOR="#FFFFFF"><B>You carry each fight score throughout the tournament <SBR/>and when you win the tournament you can submit your <SBR/>score to the tournament champions website!</B></FONT></P><P ALIGN="LEFT"><FONT FACE="Comic Sans MS" SIZE="12" COLOR="#FFFFFF"><B> </B></FONT></P><P ALIGN="LEFT"><FONT FACE="Comic Sans MS" SIZE="12" COLOR="#FFFFFF"><B>This game was developed by the VISION studios</B></FONT></P><P ALIGN="LEFT"><FONT FACE="Comic Sans MS" SIZE="12" COLOR="#FFFFFF"><A HREF=""><B></B></A></FONT></P><P ALIGN="LEFT"><FONT FACE="Comic Sans MS" SIZE="12" COLOR="#FFFFFF"><A HREF=""><B>Click here for current scores and rankings</B></A></FONT></P><P ALIGN="LEFT"><FONT FACE="Comic Sans MS" SIZE="12" COLOR="#FFFFFF"><B>Press Q to quit the game at any time</B></FONT></P>

Ying Chong Po

Willy "Winston" G





Man 2 AI
Left Punch
Right Punch
Move Left
Move Right
Check Distance
from man1
Check Distance
to Punch
Check to move
Check Score
Move RIght
Move Left Fast
Man 1 Health
Man 2 Health



Get some rest before
your next fight!
It only gets tougher
from here!

Your total score:

Fight score:

Try again next year...
(Hint: Mr G ain't no slouch, but Po -
you got to just go for it!)




After the defeat of Mr G, your
new challenger, from the
streets of New York -


Age: 24
Hometown: New York, America
Wins and Losses: 10Wins, 3 Losses
Profile: Spikes infamous speed makes him one of
the most dangerous fighters in the tournament.
An unlucky draw for you, but beating Spike so
early on will give you
an edge further in
the tournament.
Watch out for quick
lunges and fast

"Speedy" Spike Malony

Man 2 AI
Left Punch
Right Punch
Move Left
Move Right
Check Distance
from man1
Check Distance
to Punch
Check to move
Check Score
Move RIght
Move Left Fast
Man 1 Health
Man 2 Health

Looking good for success
in this tournament!

Try again next year...
(Hint: Try being more selective with your
punches. Ol' Speedy sure can dodge!)


A victorious win over Spike,
only leads to


Age: 39
Hometown: Dublin, Republic Of Ireland
Wins and Losses: 22 Wins, 4 Losses
Profile: O'Brien takes his fighting as seriously
as his drinking. (VERY seriously!!) His large
powerful build makes him a serious contendor
for the tournament
finals. His ability to
knock out his opponents
is equal only to his
lack of speed.

Doug "3 Bellies" O'Brien

But it ain't over yet!

Try again next year...
(Hint: He may be strong, but use your agility
to keep away from those hooks)



3 Bellies down,
2 fights to go!
- Next fight -


Age: 21
Hometown: Sydney, Australia
Wins and Losses: 9 Wins, 0 Losses
Profile: This sunny opponent is not to be under-
estimated. Her charm is almost as harmful as her
bite! The only fighter in the tournament who attacks
with her feet and is unbeaten in all other fights.
Stay on YOUR toes and watch out for her
deep blows!!! This girl
does NOT like being
horizontal on a mat...

Ying Chong Po

Jenny "Twinkle Toes" Star

Only one fight left -
now second place just won't do!

Try again next year...
(Hint: She may not be able to kick as fast as
you can punch, but when she's not kicking her
agility blocks all attempts to knock her out)



It's the final showdown
Your opponent -


Age: 35
Hometown: Moscow, Russia
Wins and Losses: 42 Wins, 0 Losses
Profile: Undefeated in his 17 year career as a
professional fighter. His height and strength
makes him the most dangerous fighter
in the tournament. He is as fast,
strong and agile as any of your
previous opponents. You will need
skill (and luck) to beat him, and
beat him you must!! Or return home
as a loser....

The Baron

You are the champion!

Submit Score

Enter your initials

Note: You must have an internet
connection to submit your score!


2nd place shame!
(Hint: Use your improved agility and health regen
rate to your advantage)


<P ALIGN="LEFT"><FONT FACE="Arial" SIZE="20" COLOR="#FFFFFF"><A HREF=""><B></B></A></FONT></P>

ActionScript [AS1/AS2]

Frame 1
setProperty("", _xscale , (60 / _level0.getBytesTotal()) * _level0.getBytesLoaded()); if (getProperty("_level0", _totalframes) == getProperty("_level0", _framesloaded)) { gotoAndPlay (3); } fscommand ("showmenu", "false"); fscommand ("allowscale", "false"); fscommand ("trapallkeys", "true");
Frame 2
gotoAndPlay (1);
Frame 3
score1 = 9999; score2 = 9999; score3 = 9999; score4 = 9999; score5 = 9999;
Frame 111
stop(); setProperty("_root.willyprofile", _visible , "0"); setProperty("", _visible , "0");
Frame 112
man1hitpoints = "30"; man2hitpoints = "30"; Set("/:totalscore", "0"); score1 = "9999"; score2 = "9999"; score3 = "9999"; score4 = "9999"; score5 = "9999";
Frame 134
gotoAndPlay (133);
Frame 155
if (winner eq 2) { gotoAndStop (157); }
Frame 156
stop(); Set("/:score1", /:score1 + (/:man1hitpoints * 150)); if (/:man1hitpoints == 30) { tellTarget ("_root.fight") { gotoAndStop (25); Set("/:score1", /:score1 + 5000); }; } Set("/:totalscore", /:score1);
Frame 157
stop(); Set("/:score1", 0); Set("/:totalscore", 0);
Frame 170
fscommand ("allowscale", "false");
Frame 266
setProperty("_root.spikeprofile", _visible , "0"); stop();
Frame 269
man1hitpoints = "30"; man2hitpoints = "30";
Frame 291
gotoAndPlay (290);
Frame 312
if (winner eq 3) { gotoAndStop (314); }
Frame 313
stop(); Set("/:score2", /:score2 + (/:man1hitpoints * 250)); if (/:man1hitpoints == 30) { tellTarget ("_root.fight") { gotoAndStop (25); }; Set("/:score2", /:score2 + 6000); } Set("/:totalscore", /:score1 + /:score2);
Frame 314
stop(); Set("/:score2", 0); Set("/:totalscore", /:score1 + /:score2);
Frame 327
fscommand ("allowscale", "false");
Frame 423
setProperty("_root.3belliesprofile", _visible , "0"); stop();
Frame 437
man1hitpoints = "20"; man2hitpoints = "30";
Frame 459
gotoAndPlay (458);
Frame 480
if (winner eq 4) { gotoAndStop (482); }
Frame 481
stop(); Set("/:score3", /:score3 + (/:man1hitpoints * 395)); if (/:man1hitpoints == 20) { tellTarget ("_root.fight") { gotoAndStop (25); }; Set("/:score3", /:score3 + 7000); } Set("/:totalscore", (/:score1 + /:score2) + /:score3);
Frame 482
stop(); Set("/:score3", 0); Set("/:totalscore", (/:score1 + /:score2) + /:score3);
Frame 500
fscommand ("allowscale", "false");
Frame 596
setProperty("_root.3belliesprofile", _visible , "0"); stop();
Frame 610
man1hitpoints = "20"; man2hitpoints = "30";
Frame 632
gotoAndPlay (631);
Frame 653
if (winner eq 5) { gotoAndStop (655); }
Frame 654
stop(); Set("/:score4", /:score4 + (/:man1hitpoints * 622)); if (/:man1hitpoints == 20) { tellTarget ("_root.fight") { gotoAndStop (25); }; Set("/:score4", /:score4 + 8000); } Set("/:totalscore", ((/:score1 + /:score2) + /:score3) + /:score4);
Frame 655
stop(); Set("/:score4", 0); Set("/:totalscore", ((/:score1 + /:score2) + /:score3) + /:score4);
Frame 673
fscommand ("allowscale", "false");
Frame 769
setProperty("_root.3belliesprofile", _visible , "0"); stop();
Frame 783
man1hitpoints = "20"; man2hitpoints = "30";
Frame 805
gotoAndPlay (804);
Frame 826
if (winner eq 6) { gotoAndStop (828); }
Frame 827
stop(); Set("/:score5", /:score5 + (/:man1hitpoints * 2312)); if (/:man1hitpoints == 20) { tellTarget ("_root.fight") { gotoAndStop (25); }; Set("/:score5", /:score5 + 9000); } Set("/:totalscore", (((/:score1 + /:score2) + /:score3) + /:score4) + /:score5);; result = "Sending, please wait...";
Frame 828
stop(); Set("/:score5", 0); Set("/:totalscore", (((/:score1 + /:score2) + /:score3) + /:score4) + /:score5);
Frame 876
fscommand ("quit");
Symbol 13 Button
on (release, keyPress "q") { gotoAndPlay (836); }
Symbol 27 MovieClip Frame 1
if (((getProperty("_root.man2", _x) - (getProperty("_root.man2", _width) / 2)) < ((getProperty("_root.man1", _x) + getProperty("_root.man1", _width)) - 70)) and (getProperty("/man2", _currentframe) < 35)) { Set("/:man1hitpoints", /:man1hitpoints - 1); tellTarget ("_root.man1") { gotoAndPlay (35); }; tellTarget ("_root.punchsounds") { play(); }; tellTarget ("_root.man1healthrising") { stop(); }; }
Symbol 27 MovieClip Frame 2
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 39 MovieClip Frame 1
if ((((getProperty("_root.man2", _x) - getProperty("_root.man2", _width)) + 84) < (getProperty("_root.man1", _x) + (getProperty("_root.man1", _width) / 2))) and (getProperty("/man1", _currentframe) < 35)) { Set("/:man2hitpoints", /:man2hitpoints - 1); tellTarget ("_root.man2") { gotoAndPlay (35); }; tellTarget ("_root.punchsounds") { play(); }; }
Symbol 39 MovieClip Frame 2
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 48 Button
on (release, keyPress "<Space>") { gotoAndPlay (112); stopAllSounds(); }
Symbol 50 Button
on (release, keyPress "c") { setProperty("_root.willyprofile", _visible , "1"); }
Symbol 51 Button
on (release, keyPress "b") { setProperty("_root.willyprofile", _visible , "0"); setProperty("", _visible , "0"); }
Symbol 53 Button
on (release, keyPress "h") { setProperty("", _visible , "1"); }
Symbol 65 Button
on (release, keyPress "<Right>") { gotoAndStop (5); }
Symbol 67 Button
on (release, keyPress "<Left>") { gotoAndStop (1); }
Symbol 68 Button
on (release, keyPress "<Right>") { gotoAndStop (10); }
Symbol 70 Button
on (release, keyPress "<Left>") { gotoAndStop (5); }
Symbol 71 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 71 MovieClip Frame 5
Symbol 71 MovieClip Frame 10
Symbol 73 Button
on (release, keyPress "q") { gotoAndPlay (945); }
Symbol 81 Button
on (press, keyPress "x") { gotoAndPlay (10); }
Symbol 82 Button
on (press, keyPress "z") { gotoAndPlay (15); }
Symbol 83 MovieClip Frame 6
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 91 MovieClip Frame 1
tellTarget ("legs") { stop(); }; stop();
Symbol 91 MovieClip Frame 13
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 91 MovieClip Frame 18
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 91 MovieClip Frame 37
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 91 MovieClip Frame 45
Symbol 91 MovieClip Frame 60
Set("/:winner", "1");
Symbol 92 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 92 MovieClip Frame 5
setProperty("/man1", _x , getProperty("/man1", _x) - 1);
Symbol 92 MovieClip Frame 6
setProperty("/man1", _x , getProperty("/man1", _x) - 1);
Symbol 92 MovieClip Frame 7
setProperty("/man1", _x , getProperty("/man1", _x) - 1);
Symbol 92 MovieClip Frame 8
setProperty("/man1", _x , getProperty("/man1", _x) - 1);
Symbol 92 MovieClip Frame 9
setProperty("/man1", _x , getProperty("/man1", _x) - 1);
Symbol 92 MovieClip Frame 10
setProperty("/man1", _x , getProperty("/man1", _x) - 1);
Symbol 93 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 93 MovieClip Frame 5
setProperty("/man1", _x , getProperty("/man1", _x) + 1);
Symbol 93 MovieClip Frame 6
setProperty("/man1", _x , getProperty("/man1", _x) + 1);
Symbol 93 MovieClip Frame 7
setProperty("/man1", _x , getProperty("/man1", _x) + 1);
Symbol 93 MovieClip Frame 8
setProperty("/man1", _x , getProperty("/man1", _x) + 1);
Symbol 93 MovieClip Frame 9
setProperty("/man1", _x , getProperty("/man1", _x) + 1);
Symbol 93 MovieClip Frame 10
setProperty("/man1", _x , getProperty("/man1", _x) + 1);
Symbol 94 MovieClip Frame 6
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 97 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 97 MovieClip Frame 12
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 97 MovieClip Frame 17
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 97 MovieClip Frame 37
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 97 MovieClip Frame 49
Symbol 97 MovieClip Frame 60
Set("/:winner", "2");
Symbol 112 MovieClip Frame 21
Symbol 115 Button
on (release, keyPress "<Left>") { if (70 < getProperty("/man1", _x)) { tellTarget ("man1.legs") { gotoAndPlay ("1"); }; tellTarget ("man1moveleft") { gotoAndPlay (5); }; tellTarget ("_root.man1healthrising") { play(); }; } }
Symbol 116 Button
on (release, keyPress "<Right>") { if (getProperty("/man1", _x) < 281) { tellTarget ("man1.legs") { gotoAndPlay (1); }; tellTarget ("man1moveright") { gotoAndPlay (5); }; } }
Symbol 117 MovieClip Frame 1
if (113 < /:score1) { Set("/:score1", /:score1 - 13); }
Symbol 120 MovieClip Frame 1
gotoAndPlay(random(38) + 1);
Symbol 120 MovieClip Frame 5
tellTarget ("_root.man2") { gotoAndPlay (10); };
Symbol 120 MovieClip Frame 6
tellTarget ("_root.man2") { gotoAndPlay (10); };
Symbol 120 MovieClip Frame 10
tellTarget ("_root.man2") { gotoAndPlay (10); };
Symbol 120 MovieClip Frame 13
tellTarget ("_root.man2") { gotoAndPlay (10); };
Symbol 120 MovieClip Frame 14
tellTarget ("_root.man2") { gotoAndPlay (10); };
Symbol 120 MovieClip Frame 18
tellTarget ("_root.man2") { gotoAndPlay (10); };
Symbol 120 MovieClip Frame 25
tellTarget ("_root.man2") { gotoAndPlay (10); };
Symbol 120 MovieClip Frame 26
tellTarget ("_root.man2") { gotoAndPlay (10); };
Symbol 120 MovieClip Frame 27
tellTarget ("_root.man2") { gotoAndPlay (10); };
Symbol 120 MovieClip Frame 31
tellTarget ("_root.man2") { gotoAndPlay (10); };
Symbol 120 MovieClip Frame 35
tellTarget ("_root.man2") { gotoAndPlay (10); };
Symbol 120 MovieClip Frame 36
tellTarget ("_root.man2") { gotoAndPlay (10); };
Symbol 120 MovieClip Frame 39
tellTarget ("_root.man2") { gotoAndPlay (10); };
Symbol 121 MovieClip Frame 1
gotoAndPlay(random(38) + 1);
Symbol 121 MovieClip Frame 5
tellTarget ("_root.man2") { gotoAndPlay (15); };
Symbol 121 MovieClip Frame 6
tellTarget ("_root.man2") { gotoAndPlay (15); };
Symbol 121 MovieClip Frame 9
tellTarget ("_root.man2") { gotoAndPlay (15); };
Symbol 121 MovieClip Frame 11
tellTarget ("_root.man2") { gotoAndPlay (15); };
Symbol 121 MovieClip Frame 13
tellTarget ("_root.man2") { gotoAndPlay (15); };
Symbol 121 MovieClip Frame 14
tellTarget ("_root.man2") { gotoAndPlay (15); };
Symbol 121 MovieClip Frame 18
tellTarget ("_root.man2") { gotoAndPlay (15); };
Symbol 121 MovieClip Frame 19
tellTarget ("_root.man2") { gotoAndPlay (15); };
Symbol 121 MovieClip Frame 20
tellTarget ("_root.man2") { gotoAndPlay (15); };
Symbol 121 MovieClip Frame 23
tellTarget ("_root.man2") { gotoAndPlay (15); };
Symbol 121 MovieClip Frame 26
tellTarget ("_root.man2") { gotoAndPlay (15); };
Symbol 121 MovieClip Frame 29
tellTarget ("_root.man2") { gotoAndPlay (15); };
Symbol 121 MovieClip Frame 30
tellTarget ("_root.man2") { gotoAndPlay (15); };
Symbol 121 MovieClip Frame 31
tellTarget ("_root.man2") { gotoAndPlay (15); };
Symbol 121 MovieClip Frame 37
tellTarget ("_root.man2") { gotoAndPlay (15); };
Symbol 121 MovieClip Frame 38
tellTarget ("_root.man2") { gotoAndPlay (15); };
Symbol 121 MovieClip Frame 39
tellTarget ("_root.man2") { gotoAndPlay (15); };
Symbol 123 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 123 MovieClip Frame 5
setProperty("/man2", _x , getProperty("/man2", _x) - 1); tellTarget ("_root.man2.legs") { gotoAndPlay (1); };
Symbol 123 MovieClip Frame 6
setProperty("/man2", _x , getProperty("/man2", _x) - 1);
Symbol 123 MovieClip Frame 7
setProperty("/man2", _x , getProperty("/man2", _x) - 1);
Symbol 123 MovieClip Frame 8
setProperty("/man2", _x , getProperty("/man2", _x) - 1);
Symbol 123 MovieClip Frame 9
setProperty("/man2", _x , getProperty("/man2", _x) - 1);
Symbol 123 MovieClip Frame 10
setProperty("/man2", _x , getProperty("/man2", _x) - 1);
Symbol 124 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 124 MovieClip Frame 5
setProperty("/man2", _x , getProperty("/man2", _x) + 1); tellTarget ("_root.man2.legs") { gotoAndPlay (1); }; tellTarget ("_root.man2healthrising") { play(); };
Symbol 124 MovieClip Frame 6
setProperty("/man2", _x , getProperty("/man2", _x) + 1);
Symbol 124 MovieClip Frame 7
setProperty("/man2", _x , getProperty("/man2", _x) + 1);
Symbol 124 MovieClip Frame 8
setProperty("/man2", _x , getProperty("/man2", _x) + 1);
Symbol 124 MovieClip Frame 9
setProperty("/man2", _x , getProperty("/man2", _x) + 1);
Symbol 124 MovieClip Frame 10
setProperty("/man2", _x , getProperty("/man2", _x) + 1);
Symbol 125 MovieClip Frame 1
if ((getProperty("/man2", _x) - getProperty("/man1", _x)) < 48) { tellTarget ("_root.moverightfast") { gotoAndPlay (5); }; }
Symbol 125 MovieClip Frame 2
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 126 MovieClip Frame 1
if ((getProperty("/man2", _x) - getProperty("/man1", _x)) < 56) { tellTarget ("_root.Man2LeftPunch") { play(); }; tellTarget ("_root.Man2RightPunch") { play(); }; } else { tellTarget ("_root.Man2LeftPunch") { stop(); }; tellTarget ("_root.Man2RightPunch") { stop(); }; }
Symbol 126 MovieClip Frame 2
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 127 MovieClip Frame 1
if (130 < (getProperty("/man2", _x) - getProperty("/man1", _x))) { tellTarget ("_root.AIMoveLeft") { gotoAndPlay (5); }; }
Symbol 127 MovieClip Frame 2
gotoAndPlay(random(24) + 1);
Symbol 127 MovieClip Frame 5
if (130 < (getProperty("/man2", _x) - getProperty("/man1", _x))) { tellTarget ("_root.AIMoveLeft") { gotoAndPlay (5); }; } else { tellTarget ("_root.AIMoveRight") { gotoAndPlay (5); }; }
Symbol 127 MovieClip Frame 8
if (130 < (getProperty("/man2", _x) - getProperty("/man1", _x))) { tellTarget ("_root.moveleftfast") { gotoAndPlay (5); }; } else { tellTarget ("_root.moveleftfast") { gotoAndPlay (5); }; }
Symbol 127 MovieClip Frame 9
if (130 < (getProperty("/man2", _x) - getProperty("/man1", _x))) { tellTarget ("_root.moveleftfast") { gotoAndPlay (5); }; } else { tellTarget ("_root.moveleftfast") { gotoAndPlay (5); }; }
Symbol 127 MovieClip Frame 10
if (130 < (getProperty("/man2", _x) - getProperty("/man1", _x))) { tellTarget ("_root.AIMoveLeft") { gotoAndPlay (5); }; } else { tellTarget ("_root.AIMoveLeft") { gotoAndPlay (5); }; }
Symbol 127 MovieClip Frame 11
if (130 < (getProperty("/man2", _x) - getProperty("/man1", _x))) { tellTarget ("_root.AIMoveLeft") { gotoAndPlay (5); }; } else { tellTarget ("_root.AIMoveLeft") { gotoAndPlay (5); }; }
Symbol 127 MovieClip Frame 16
if (130 < (getProperty("/man2", _x) - getProperty("/man1", _x))) { tellTarget ("_root.AIMoveLeft") { gotoAndPlay (5); }; } else { tellTarget ("_root.AIMoveRight") { gotoAndPlay (5); }; }
Symbol 127 MovieClip Frame 20
if (130 < (getProperty("/man2", _x) - getProperty("/man1", _x))) { tellTarget ("_root.AIMoveLeft") { gotoAndPlay (5); }; } else { tellTarget ("_root.AIMoveRight") { gotoAndPlay (5); }; }
Symbol 127 MovieClip Frame 24
if (130 < (getProperty("/man2", _x) - getProperty("/man1", _x))) { tellTarget ("_root.AIMoveLeft") { gotoAndPlay (5); }; } else { tellTarget ("_root.AIMoveLeft") { gotoAndPlay (5); }; }
Symbol 127 MovieClip Frame 25
if (130 < (getProperty("/man2", _x) - getProperty("/man1", _x))) { tellTarget ("_root.AIMoveLeft") { gotoAndPlay (5); }; } else { tellTarget ("_root.AIMoveLeft") { gotoAndPlay (5); }; }
Symbol 128 MovieClip Frame 1
if (0 >= /:man2hitpoints) { tellTarget ("_root.AIMoveLeft") { stop(); }; tellTarget ("_root.AIMoveRight") { stop(); }; tellTarget ("_root.man2.head") { stop(); }; tellTarget ("_root.Man2LeftPunch") { stop(); }; tellTarget ("_root.Man2RightPunch") { stop(); }; tellTarget ("_root.checkdistancefromman1") { stop(); }; tellTarget ("_root.checkdistancetopunch") { stop(); }; tellTarget ("_root.checkmoveclose") { stop(); }; tellTarget ("_root.man1") { gotoAndStop (60); }; tellTarget ("_level0") { gotoAndPlay (141); }; gotoAndStop (5); } setProperty("", _width , /:man2hitpoints * 2); setProperty("", _width , /:man1hitpoints * 2); if (0 >= /:man1hitpoints) { tellTarget ("_root.AIMoveLeft") { stop(); }; tellTarget ("_root.AIMoveRight") { stop(); }; tellTarget ("_root.man2.head") { stop(); }; tellTarget ("_root.Man2LeftPunch") { stop(); }; tellTarget ("_root.Man2RightPunch") { stop(); }; tellTarget ("_root.checkdistancefromman1") { stop(); }; tellTarget ("_root.checkdistancetopunch") { stop(); }; tellTarget ("_root.checkmoveclose") { stop(); }; tellTarget ("_root.man2") { gotoAndStop (60); }; tellTarget ("_level0") { gotoAndPlay (141); }; gotoAndStop (5); }
Symbol 128 MovieClip Frame 2
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 128 MovieClip Frame 5
if (0 >= /:man2hitpoints) { tellTarget ("_root.checkmoveclose") { stop(); }; tellTarget ("_root.checkdistancetopunch") { stop(); }; tellTarget ("_root.checkdistancefromman1") { stop(); }; tellTarget ("_root.Man2RightPunch") { stop(); }; tellTarget ("_root.Man2LeftPunch") { stop(); }; tellTarget ("_root.man2.head") { stop(); }; tellTarget ("_root.AIMoveRight") { stop(); }; tellTarget ("_level0") { gotoAndPlay (141); }; tellTarget ("_root.AIMoveLeft") { stop(); }; tellTarget ("_root.man1") { gotoAndStop (60); }; tellTarget ("_root.man2") { gotoAndPlay (40); }; } if (0 >= /:man1hitpoints) { tellTarget ("_root.checkmoveclose") { stop(); }; tellTarget ("_root.checkdistancetopunch") { stop(); }; tellTarget ("_root.checkdistancefromman1") { stop(); }; tellTarget ("_root.Man2RightPunch") { stop(); }; tellTarget ("_root.Man2LeftPunch") { stop(); }; tellTarget ("_root.man2.head") { stop(); }; tellTarget ("_root.AIMoveRight") { stop(); }; tellTarget ("_level0") { gotoAndPlay (141); }; tellTarget ("_root.AIMoveLeft") { stop(); }; tellTarget ("_root.man2") { gotoAndStop (60); }; tellTarget ("_root.man1") { gotoAndPlay (40); }; }
Symbol 129 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 129 MovieClip Frame 5
setProperty("/man2", _x , getProperty("/man2", _x) + 3); tellTarget ("_root.man2.legs") { gotoAndPlay (1); };
Symbol 129 MovieClip Frame 6
setProperty("/man2", _x , getProperty("/man2", _x) + 3);
Symbol 129 MovieClip Frame 7
setProperty("/man2", _x , getProperty("/man2", _x) + 3);
Symbol 129 MovieClip Frame 8
setProperty("/man2", _x , getProperty("/man2", _x) + 2);
Symbol 129 MovieClip Frame 9
setProperty("/man2", _x , getProperty("/man2", _x) + 2);
Symbol 129 MovieClip Frame 10
setProperty("/man2", _x , getProperty("/man2", _x) + 1);
Symbol 131 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 131 MovieClip Frame 3
Symbol 131 MovieClip Frame 5
Symbol 131 MovieClip Frame 7
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 132 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 132 MovieClip Frame 5
setProperty("/man2", _x , getProperty("/man2", _x) - 2); tellTarget ("_root.man2.legs") { gotoAndPlay (1); };
Symbol 132 MovieClip Frame 6
setProperty("/man2", _x , getProperty("/man2", _x) - 2); tellTarget ("_root.man2.legs") { gotoAndPlay (1); };
Symbol 132 MovieClip Frame 7
setProperty("/man2", _x , getProperty("/man2", _x) - 2); tellTarget ("_root.man2.legs") { gotoAndPlay (1); };
Symbol 132 MovieClip Frame 8
setProperty("/man2", _x , getProperty("/man2", _x) - 2); tellTarget ("_root.man2.legs") { gotoAndPlay (1); };
Symbol 132 MovieClip Frame 9
setProperty("/man2", _x , getProperty("/man2", _x) - 2); tellTarget ("_root.man2.legs") { gotoAndPlay (1); };
Symbol 132 MovieClip Frame 10
setProperty("/man2", _x , getProperty("/man2", _x) - 2); tellTarget ("_root.man2.legs") { gotoAndPlay (1); };
Symbol 133 MovieClip Frame 50
if (/:man1hitpoints < 30) { Set("/:man1hitpoints", /:man1hitpoints + 1); }
Symbol 134 MovieClip Frame 66
if (/:man2hitpoints < 30) { Set("/:man2hitpoints", /:man2hitpoints + 1); }
Symbol 137 Button
on (release, keyPress "<Space>") { gotoAndPlay (158); stopAllSounds(); }
Symbol 146 Button
on (release, keyPress "<Space>") { gotoAndPlay (49); stopAllSounds(); }
Symbol 151 Button
on (release, keyPress "q") { gotoAndPlay (991); }
Symbol 159 MovieClip Frame 1
if ((((getProperty("_root.man2", _x) - getProperty("_root.man2", _width)) + 75) < (getProperty("_root.man1", _x) + (getProperty("_root.man1", _width) / 2))) and (getProperty("/man1", _currentframe) < 35)) { Set("/:man2hitpoints", /:man2hitpoints - 1); tellTarget ("_root.man2") { gotoAndPlay (35); }; tellTarget ("_root.punchsounds") { play(); }; tellTarget ("_root.man2healthrising") { stop(); }; }
Symbol 159 MovieClip Frame 2
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 167 Button
on (release, keyPress "<Space>") { gotoAndPlay (269); stopAllSounds(); }
Symbol 175 Button
on (release, keyPress "c") { setProperty("_root.spikeprofile", _visible , "1"); }
Symbol 176 Button
on (release, keyPress "b") { setProperty("_root.spikeprofile", _visible , "0"); }
Symbol 178 Button
on (release, keyPress "q") { gotoAndPlay (1102); }
Symbol 183 MovieClip Frame 6
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 185 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 185 MovieClip Frame 12
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 185 MovieClip Frame 17
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 185 MovieClip Frame 37
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 185 MovieClip Frame 49
Symbol 185 MovieClip Frame 60
Set("/:winner", "3");
Symbol 191 Button
on (release, keyPress "<Left>") { if (70 < getProperty("/man1", _x)) { tellTarget ("man1.legs") { gotoAndPlay ("1"); }; tellTarget ("man1moveleft") { gotoAndPlay (5); }; tellTarget ("_root.man1healthrising") { play(); }; } }
Symbol 192 Button
on (release, keyPress "<Right>") { if (getProperty("/man1", _x) < 281) { tellTarget ("man1.legs") { gotoAndPlay (1); }; tellTarget ("man1moveright") { gotoAndPlay (5); }; } }
Symbol 193 MovieClip Frame 1
if (109 < /:score2) { Set("/:score2", /:score2 - 9); }
Symbol 196 MovieClip Frame 1
gotoAndPlay(random(38) + 1);
Symbol 196 MovieClip Frame 2
tellTarget ("_root.man2") { gotoAndPlay (10); };
Symbol 196 MovieClip Frame 3
tellTarget ("_root.man2") { gotoAndPlay (10); };
Symbol 196 MovieClip Frame 7
tellTarget ("_root.man2") { gotoAndPlay (10); };
Symbol 196 MovieClip Frame 8
tellTarget ("_root.man2") { gotoAndPlay (10); };
Symbol 196 MovieClip Frame 9
tellTarget ("_root.man2") { gotoAndPlay (10); };
Symbol 196 MovieClip Frame 10
tellTarget ("_root.man2") { gotoAndPlay (10); };
Symbol 196 MovieClip Frame 13
tellTarget ("_root.man2") { gotoAndPlay (10); };
Symbol 196 MovieClip Frame 18
tellTarget ("_root.man2") { gotoAndPlay (10); };
Symbol 196 MovieClip Frame 21
tellTarget ("_root.man2") { gotoAndPlay (10); };
Symbol 196 MovieClip Frame 22
tellTarget ("_root.man2") { gotoAndPlay (10); };
Symbol 196 MovieClip Frame 23
tellTarget ("_root.man2") { gotoAndPlay (10); };
Symbol 196 MovieClip Frame 31
tellTarget ("_root.man2") { gotoAndPlay (10); };
Symbol 196 MovieClip Frame 32
tellTarget ("_root.man2") { gotoAndPlay (10); };
Symbol 196 MovieClip Frame 33
tellTarget ("_root.man2") { gotoAndPlay (10); };
Symbol 196 MovieClip Frame 39
tellTarget ("_root.man2") { gotoAndPlay (10); };
Symbol 197 MovieClip Frame 1
gotoAndPlay(random(38) + 1);
Symbol 197 MovieClip Frame 5
tellTarget ("_root.man2") { gotoAndPlay (15); };
Symbol 197 MovieClip Frame 6
tellTarget ("_root.man2") { gotoAndPlay (15); };
Symbol 197 MovieClip Frame 12
tellTarget ("_root.man2") { gotoAndPlay (15); };
Symbol 197 MovieClip Frame 13
tellTarget ("_root.man2") { gotoAndPlay (15); };
Symbol 197 MovieClip Frame 14
tellTarget ("_root.man2") { gotoAndPlay (15); };
Symbol 197 MovieClip Frame 18
tellTarget ("_root.man2") { gotoAndPlay (15); };
Symbol 197 MovieClip Frame 19
tellTarget ("_root.man2") { gotoAndPlay (15); };
Symbol 197 MovieClip Frame 20
tellTarget ("_root.man2") { gotoAndPlay (15); };
Symbol 197 MovieClip Frame 21
tellTarget ("_root.man2") { gotoAndPlay (15); };
Symbol 197 MovieClip Frame 28
tellTarget ("_root.man2") { gotoAndPlay (15); };
Symbol 197 MovieClip Frame 29
tellTarget ("_root.man2") { gotoAndPlay (15); };
Symbol 197 MovieClip Frame 30
tellTarget ("_root.man2") { gotoAndPlay (15); };
Symbol 197 MovieClip Frame 31
tellTarget ("_root.man2") { gotoAndPlay (15); };
Symbol 197 MovieClip Frame 34
tellTarget ("_root.man2") { gotoAndPlay (15); };
Symbol 197 MovieClip Frame 35
tellTarget ("_root.man2") { gotoAndPlay (15); };
Symbol 197 MovieClip Frame 36
tellTarget ("_root.man2") { gotoAndPlay (15); };
Symbol 198 MovieClip Frame 1
if (130 < (getProperty("/man2", _x) - getProperty("/man1", _x))) { tellTarget ("_root.AIMoveLeft") { gotoAndPlay (5); }; }
Symbol 198 MovieClip Frame 2
gotoAndPlay(random(24) + 1);
Symbol 198 MovieClip Frame 5
if (130 < (getProperty("/man2", _x) - getProperty("/man1", _x))) { tellTarget ("_root.AIMoveLeft") { gotoAndPlay (5); }; } else { tellTarget ("_root.AIMoveRight") { gotoAndPlay (5); }; }
Symbol 198 MovieClip Frame 8
if (130 < (getProperty("/man2", _x) - getProperty("/man1", _x))) { tellTarget ("_root.moveleftfast") { gotoAndPlay (5); }; } else { tellTarget ("_root.moveleftfast") { gotoAndPlay (5); }; }
Symbol 198 MovieClip Frame 9
if (130 < (getProperty("/man2", _x) - getProperty("/man1", _x))) { tellTarget ("_root.moveleftfast") { gotoAndPlay (5); }; } else { tellTarget ("_root.moveleftfast") { gotoAndPlay (5); }; }
Symbol 198 MovieClip Frame 10
if (130 < (getProperty("/man2", _x) - getProperty("/man1", _x))) { tellTarget ("_root.AIMoveLeft") { gotoAndPlay (5); }; } else { tellTarget ("_root.AIMoveLeft") { gotoAndPlay (5); }; }
Symbol 198 MovieClip Frame 11
if (130 < (getProperty("/man2", _x) - getProperty("/man1", _x))) { tellTarget ("_root.AIMoveLeft") { gotoAndPlay (5); }; } else { tellTarget ("_root.AIMoveLeft") { gotoAndPlay (5); }; }
Symbol 198 MovieClip Frame 16
if (130 < (getProperty("/man2", _x) - getProperty("/man1", _x))) { tellTarget ("_root.AIMoveLeft") { gotoAndPlay (5); }; } else { tellTarget ("_root.AIMoveRight") { gotoAndPlay (5); }; }
Symbol 198 MovieClip Frame 20
if (130 < (getProperty("/man2", _x) - getProperty("/man1", _x))) { tellTarget ("_root.moveleftfast") { gotoAndPlay (5); }; } else { tellTarget ("_root.moveleftfast") { gotoAndPlay (5); }; }
Symbol 198 MovieClip Frame 23
if (130 < (getProperty("/man2", _x) - getProperty("/man1", _x))) { tellTarget ("_root.AIMoveLeft") { gotoAndPlay (5); }; } else { tellTarget ("_root.AIMoveRight") { gotoAndPlay (5); }; }
Symbol 198 MovieClip Frame 24
if (130 < (getProperty("/man2", _x) - getProperty("/man1", _x))) { tellTarget ("_root.AIMoveLeft") { gotoAndPlay (5); }; } else { tellTarget ("_root.AIMoveLeft") { gotoAndPlay (5); }; }
Symbol 198 MovieClip Frame 25
if (130 < (getProperty("/man2", _x) - getProperty("/man1", _x))) { tellTarget ("_root.AIMoveLeft") { gotoAndPlay (5); }; } else { tellTarget ("_root.AIMoveLeft") { gotoAndPlay (5); }; }
Symbol 199 MovieClip Frame 1
if (0 >= /:man2hitpoints) { tellTarget ("_root.AIMoveLeft") { stop(); }; tellTarget ("_root.AIMoveRight") { stop(); }; tellTarget ("_root.man2.head") { stop(); }; tellTarget ("_root.Man2LeftPunch") { stop(); }; tellTarget ("_root.Man2RightPunch") { stop(); }; tellTarget ("_root.checkdistancefromman1") { stop(); }; tellTarget ("_root.checkdistancetopunch") { stop(); }; tellTarget ("_root.checkmoveclose") { stop(); }; tellTarget ("_root.man1") { gotoAndStop (60); }; tellTarget ("_level0") { gotoAndPlay (297); }; gotoAndStop (5); } setProperty("", _width , /:man2hitpoints * 2); setProperty("", _width , /:man1hitpoints * 2); if (0 >= /:man1hitpoints) { tellTarget ("_root.AIMoveLeft") { stop(); }; tellTarget ("_root.AIMoveRight") { stop(); }; tellTarget ("_root.man2.head") { stop(); }; tellTarget ("_root.Man2LeftPunch") { stop(); }; tellTarget ("_root.Man2RightPunch") { stop(); }; tellTarget ("_root.checkdistancefromman1") { stop(); }; tellTarget ("_root.checkdistancetopunch") { stop(); }; tellTarget ("_root.checkmoveclose") { stop(); }; tellTarget ("_root.man2") { gotoAndStop (60); }; tellTarget ("_level0") { gotoAndPlay (297); }; gotoAndStop (5); }
Symbol 199 MovieClip Frame 2
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 199 MovieClip Frame 5
if (0 >= /:man2hitpoints) { tellTarget ("_root.checkmoveclose") { stop(); }; tellTarget ("_root.checkdistancetopunch") { stop(); }; tellTarget ("_root.checkdistancefromman1") { stop(); }; tellTarget ("_root.Man2RightPunch") { stop(); }; tellTarget ("_root.Man2LeftPunch") { stop(); }; tellTarget ("_root.man2.head") { stop(); }; tellTarget ("_root.AIMoveRight") { stop(); }; tellTarget ("_level0") { gotoAndPlay (297); }; tellTarget ("_root.AIMoveLeft") { stop(); }; tellTarget ("_root.man1") { gotoAndStop (60); }; tellTarget ("_root.man2") { gotoAndPlay (40); }; } if (0 >= /:man1hitpoints) { tellTarget ("_root.checkmoveclose") { stop(); }; tellTarget ("_root.checkdistancetopunch") { stop(); }; tellTarget ("_root.checkdistancefromman1") { stop(); }; tellTarget ("_root.Man2RightPunch") { stop(); }; tellTarget ("_root.Man2LeftPunch") { stop(); }; tellTarget ("_root.man2.head") { stop(); }; tellTarget ("_root.AIMoveRight") { stop(); }; tellTarget ("_level0") { gotoAndPlay (297); }; tellTarget ("_root.AIMoveLeft") { stop(); }; tellTarget ("_root.man2") { gotoAndStop (60); }; tellTarget ("_root.man1") { gotoAndPlay (40); }; }
Symbol 200 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 200 MovieClip Frame 5
setProperty("/man2", _x , getProperty("/man2", _x) + 5); tellTarget ("_root.man2.legs") { gotoAndPlay (1); }; tellTarget ("_root.man2healthrising") { play(); };
Symbol 200 MovieClip Frame 6
setProperty("/man2", _x , getProperty("/man2", _x) + 4);
Symbol 200 MovieClip Frame 7
setProperty("/man2", _x , getProperty("/man2", _x) + 3);
Symbol 200 MovieClip Frame 8
setProperty("/man2", _x , getProperty("/man2", _x) + 2);
Symbol 200 MovieClip Frame 9
setProperty("/man2", _x , getProperty("/man2", _x) + 2);
Symbol 200 MovieClip Frame 10
setProperty("/man2", _x , getProperty("/man2", _x) + 2);
Symbol 201 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 201 MovieClip Frame 5
setProperty("/man2", _x , getProperty("/man2", _x) - 3); tellTarget ("_root.man2.legs") { gotoAndPlay (1); };
Symbol 201 MovieClip Frame 6
setProperty("/man2", _x , getProperty("/man2", _x) - 3); tellTarget ("_root.man2.legs") { gotoAndPlay (1); };
Symbol 201 MovieClip Frame 7
setProperty("/man2", _x , getProperty("/man2", _x) - 3); tellTarget ("_root.man2.legs") { gotoAndPlay (1); };
Symbol 201 MovieClip Frame 8
setProperty("/man2", _x , getProperty("/man2", _x) - 3); tellTarget ("_root.man2.legs") { gotoAndPlay (1); };
Symbol 201 MovieClip Frame 9
setProperty("/man2", _x , getProperty("/man2", _x) - 2); tellTarget ("_root.man2.legs") { gotoAndPlay (1); };
Symbol 201 MovieClip Frame 10
setProperty("/man2", _x , getProperty("/man2", _x) - 2); tellTarget ("_root.man2.legs") { gotoAndPlay (1); };
Symbol 202 Button
on (release, keyPress "<Space>") { gotoAndPlay (315); stopAllSounds(); }
Symbol 210 Button
on (release, keyPress "q") { gotoAndPlay (1148); }
Symbol 217 MovieClip Frame 1
if ((((getProperty("_root.man2", _x) - getProperty("_root.man2", _width)) + 72) < (getProperty("_root.man1", _x) + (getProperty("_root.man1", _width) / 2))) and (getProperty("/man1", _currentframe) < 35)) { Set("/:man2hitpoints", /:man2hitpoints - 1); tellTarget ("_root.man2") { gotoAndPlay (35); }; tellTarget ("_root.punchsounds") { play(); }; tellTarget ("_root.man2healthrising") { stop(); }; }
Symbol 217 MovieClip Frame 2
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 224 Button
on (release, keyPress "<Space>") { gotoAndPlay (437); stopAllSounds(); }
Symbol 230 MovieClip Frame 6
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 234 Button
on (release, keyPress "c") { setProperty("_root.3belliesprofile", _visible , "1"); }
Symbol 235 Button
on (release, keyPress "b") { setProperty("_root.3belliesprofile", _visible , "0"); }
Symbol 237 Button
on (release, keyPress "q") { gotoAndPlay (1270); }
Symbol 245 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 245 MovieClip Frame 12
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 245 MovieClip Frame 17
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 245 MovieClip Frame 37
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 245 MovieClip Frame 50
Symbol 245 MovieClip Frame 60
Set("/:winner", "4");
Symbol 252 Button
on (release, keyPress "<Left>") { if (70 < getProperty("/man1", _x)) { tellTarget ("man1.legs") { gotoAndPlay ("1"); }; tellTarget ("man1moveleft") { gotoAndPlay (5); }; tellTarget ("_root.man1healthrising") { play(); }; } }
Symbol 253 Button
on (release, keyPress "<Right>") { if (getProperty("/man1", _x) < 281) { tellTarget ("man1.legs") { gotoAndPlay (1); }; tellTarget ("man1moveright") { gotoAndPlay (5); }; } }
Symbol 254 MovieClip Frame 1
if (105 < /:score3) { Set("/:score3", /:score3 - 5); }
Symbol 255 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 255 MovieClip Frame 5
setProperty("/man1", _x , getProperty("/man1", _x) - 2);
Symbol 255 MovieClip Frame 6
setProperty("/man1", _x , getProperty("/man1", _x) - 2);
Symbol 255 MovieClip Frame 7
setProperty("/man1", _x , getProperty("/man1", _x) - 2);
Symbol 255 MovieClip Frame 8
setProperty("/man1", _x , getProperty("/man1", _x) - 1);
Symbol 255 MovieClip Frame 9
setProperty("/man1", _x , getProperty("/man1", _x) - 1);
Symbol 255 MovieClip Frame 10
setProperty("/man1", _x , getProperty("/man1", _x) - 1);
Symbol 256 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 256 MovieClip Frame 5
setProperty("/man1", _x , getProperty("/man1", _x) + 1);
Symbol 256 MovieClip Frame 6
setProperty("/man1", _x , getProperty("/man1", _x) + 1);
Symbol 256 MovieClip Frame 7
setProperty("/man1", _x , getProperty("/man1", _x) + 2);
Symbol 256 MovieClip Frame 8
setProperty("/man1", _x , getProperty("/man1", _x) + 2);
Symbol 256 MovieClip Frame 9
setProperty("/man1", _x , getProperty("/man1", _x) + 1);
Symbol 256 MovieClip Frame 10
setProperty("/man1", _x , getProperty("/man1", _x) + 1);
Symbol 258 MovieClip Frame 1
gotoAndPlay(random(38) + 1);
Symbol 258 MovieClip Frame 2
tellTarget ("_root.man2") { gotoAndPlay (10); };
Symbol 258 MovieClip Frame 3
tellTarget ("_root.man2") { gotoAndPlay (10); };
Symbol 258 MovieClip Frame 7
tellTarget ("_root.man2") { gotoAndPlay (10); };
Symbol 258 MovieClip Frame 8
tellTarget ("_root.man2") { gotoAndPlay (10); };
Symbol 258 MovieClip Frame 9
tellTarget ("_root.man2") { gotoAndPlay (10); };
Symbol 258 MovieClip Frame 10
tellTarget ("_root.man2") { gotoAndPlay (10); };
Symbol 258 MovieClip Frame 13
tellTarget ("_root.man2") { gotoAndPlay (10); };
Symbol 258 MovieClip Frame 18
tellTarget ("_root.man2") { gotoAndPlay (10); };
Symbol 258 MovieClip Frame 21
tellTarget ("_root.man2") { gotoAndPlay (10); };
Symbol 258 MovieClip Frame 22
tellTarget ("_root.man2") { gotoAndPlay (10); };
Symbol 258 MovieClip Frame 23
tellTarget ("_root.man2") { gotoAndPlay (10); };
Symbol 258 MovieClip Frame 31
tellTarget ("_root.man2") { gotoAndPlay (10); };
Symbol 258 MovieClip Frame 32
tellTarget ("_root.man2") { gotoAndPlay (10); };
Symbol 258 MovieClip Frame 33
tellTarget ("_root.man2") { gotoAndPlay (10); };
Symbol 258 MovieClip Frame 39
tellTarget ("_root.man2") { gotoAndPlay (10); };
Symbol 259 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 259 MovieClip Frame 5
setProperty("/man2", _x , getProperty("/man2", _x) - 1); tellTarget ("_root.man2.legs") { gotoAndPlay (1); };
Symbol 259 MovieClip Frame 7
setProperty("/man2", _x , getProperty("/man2", _x) - 1);
Symbol 259 MovieClip Frame 9
setProperty("/man2", _x , getProperty("/man2", _x) - 1);
Symbol 260 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 260 MovieClip Frame 5
setProperty("/man2", _x , getProperty("/man2", _x) + 1); tellTarget ("_root.man2.legs") { gotoAndPlay (1); }; tellTarget ("_root.man2healthrising") { play(); };
Symbol 260 MovieClip Frame 7
setProperty("/man2", _x , getProperty("/man2", _x) + 1);
Symbol 260 MovieClip Frame 9
setProperty("/man2", _x , getProperty("/man2", _x) + 1);
Symbol 261 MovieClip Frame 1
if (0 >= /:man2hitpoints) { tellTarget ("_root.AIMoveLeft") { stop(); }; tellTarget ("_root.AIMoveRight") { stop(); }; tellTarget ("_root.man2.head") { stop(); }; tellTarget ("_root.Man2LeftPunch") { stop(); }; tellTarget ("_root.Man2RightPunch") { stop(); }; tellTarget ("_root.checkdistancefromman1") { stop(); }; tellTarget ("_root.checkdistancetopunch") { stop(); }; tellTarget ("_root.checkmoveclose") { stop(); }; tellTarget ("_root.man1") { gotoAndStop (60); }; tellTarget ("_level0") { gotoAndPlay (466); }; gotoAndStop (5); } setProperty("", _width , /:man2hitpoints * 2); setProperty("", _width , /:man1hitpoints * 3); if (0 >= /:man1hitpoints) { tellTarget ("_root.AIMoveLeft") { stop(); }; tellTarget ("_root.AIMoveRight") { stop(); }; tellTarget ("_root.man2.head") { stop(); }; tellTarget ("_root.Man2LeftPunch") { stop(); }; tellTarget ("_root.Man2RightPunch") { stop(); }; tellTarget ("_root.checkdistancefromman1") { stop(); }; tellTarget ("_root.checkdistancetopunch") { stop(); }; tellTarget ("_root.checkmoveclose") { stop(); }; tellTarget ("_root.man2") { gotoAndStop (60); }; tellTarget ("_level0") { gotoAndPlay (466); }; gotoAndStop (5); }
Symbol 261 MovieClip Frame 2
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 261 MovieClip Frame 5
if (0 >= /:man2hitpoints) { tellTarget ("_root.checkmoveclose") { stop(); }; tellTarget ("_root.checkdistancetopunch") { stop(); }; tellTarget ("_root.checkdistancefromman1") { stop(); }; tellTarget ("_root.Man2RightPunch") { stop(); }; tellTarget ("_root.Man2LeftPunch") { stop(); }; tellTarget ("_root.man2.head") { stop(); }; tellTarget ("_root.AIMoveRight") { stop(); }; tellTarget ("_level0") { gotoAndPlay (466); }; tellTarget ("_root.AIMoveLeft") { stop(); }; tellTarget ("_root.man1") { gotoAndStop (60); }; tellTarget ("_root.man2") { gotoAndPlay (40); }; } if (0 >= /:man1hitpoints) { tellTarget ("_root.checkmoveclose") { stop(); }; tellTarget ("_root.checkdistancetopunch") { stop(); }; tellTarget ("_root.checkdistancefromman1") { stop(); }; tellTarget ("_root.Man2RightPunch") { stop(); }; tellTarget ("_root.Man2LeftPunch") { stop(); }; tellTarget ("_root.man2.head") { stop(); }; tellTarget ("_root.AIMoveRight") { stop(); }; tellTarget ("_level0") { gotoAndPlay (466); }; tellTarget ("_root.AIMoveLeft") { stop(); }; tellTarget ("_root.man2") { gotoAndStop (60); }; tellTarget ("_root.man1") { gotoAndPlay (40); }; }
Symbol 262 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 262 MovieClip Frame 5
setProperty("/man2", _x , getProperty("/man2", _x) + 2); tellTarget ("_root.man2.legs") { gotoAndPlay (1); };
Symbol 262 MovieClip Frame 6
setProperty("/man2", _x , getProperty("/man2", _x) + 2);
Symbol 262 MovieClip Frame 7
setProperty("/man2", _x , getProperty("/man2", _x) + 1);
Symbol 262 MovieClip Frame 8
setProperty("/man2", _x , getProperty("/man2", _x) + 2);
Symbol 262 MovieClip Frame 9
setProperty("/man2", _x , getProperty("/man2", _x) + 2);
Symbol 262 MovieClip Frame 10
setProperty("/man2", _x , getProperty("/man2", _x) + 1);
Symbol 263 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 263 MovieClip Frame 5
setProperty("/man2", _x , getProperty("/man2", _x) - 1); tellTarget ("_root.man2.legs") { gotoAndPlay (1); };
Symbol 263 MovieClip Frame 6
setProperty("/man2", _x , getProperty("/man2", _x) - 1); tellTarget ("_root.man2.legs") { gotoAndPlay (1); };
Symbol 263 MovieClip Frame 7
setProperty("/man2", _x , getProperty("/man2", _x) - 2); tellTarget ("_root.man2.legs") { gotoAndPlay (1); };
Symbol 263 MovieClip Frame 8
setProperty("/man2", _x , getProperty("/man2", _x) - 2); tellTarget ("_root.man2.legs") { gotoAndPlay (1); };
Symbol 263 MovieClip Frame 9
setProperty("/man2", _x , getProperty("/man2", _x) - 1); tellTarget ("_root.man2.legs") { gotoAndPlay (1); };
Symbol 263 MovieClip Frame 10
setProperty("/man2", _x , getProperty("/man2", _x) - 1); tellTarget ("_root.man2.legs") { gotoAndPlay (1); };
Symbol 264 MovieClip Frame 50
if (/:man1hitpoints < 20) { Set("/:man1hitpoints", /:man1hitpoints + 1); }
Symbol 265 MovieClip Frame 66
if (/:man2hitpoints < 30) { Set("/:man2hitpoints", /:man2hitpoints + 1); }
Symbol 266 Button
on (release, keyPress "<Space>") { gotoAndPlay (488); stopAllSounds(); }
Symbol 276 Button
on (release, keyPress "q") { gotoAndPlay (1321); }
Symbol 281 MovieClip Frame 1
if ((((getProperty("_root.man2", _x) - getProperty("_root.man2", _width)) + 69) < (getProperty("_root.man1", _x) + (getProperty("_root.man1", _width) / 2))) and (getProperty("/man1", _currentframe) < 35)) { Set("/:man2hitpoints", /:man2hitpoints - 1); tellTarget ("_root.man2") { gotoAndPlay (35); }; tellTarget ("_root.punchsounds") { play(); }; }
Symbol 281 MovieClip Frame 2
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 288 Button
on (release, keyPress "<Space>") { gotoAndPlay (610); stopAllSounds(); }
Symbol 293 MovieClip Frame 6
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 298 Button
on (release, keyPress "q") { gotoAndPlay (1443); }
Symbol 314 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 314 MovieClip Frame 12
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 314 MovieClip Frame 17
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 314 MovieClip Frame 37
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 314 MovieClip Frame 47
Symbol 314 MovieClip Frame 60
Set("/:winner", "5");
Symbol 319 Button
on (release, keyPress "<Left>") { if (70 < getProperty("/man1", _x)) { tellTarget ("man1.legs") { gotoAndPlay ("1"); }; tellTarget ("man1moveleft") { gotoAndPlay (5); }; tellTarget ("_root.man1healthrising") { play(); }; } }
Symbol 320 Button
on (release, keyPress "<Right>") { if (getProperty("/man1", _x) < 281) { tellTarget ("man1.legs") { gotoAndPlay (1); }; tellTarget ("man1moveright") { gotoAndPlay (5); }; } }
Symbol 321 MovieClip Frame 1
if (103 < /:score4) { Set("/:score4", /:score4 - 3); }
Symbol 323 MovieClip Frame 1
gotoAndPlay(random(38) + 1);
Symbol 323 MovieClip Frame 5
tellTarget ("_root.man2") { gotoAndPlay (10); };
Symbol 323 MovieClip Frame 7
tellTarget ("_root.man2") { gotoAndPlay (10); };
Symbol 323 MovieClip Frame 14
tellTarget ("_root.man2") { gotoAndPlay (10); };
Symbol 323 MovieClip Frame 20
tellTarget ("_root.man2") { gotoAndPlay (10); };
Symbol 323 MovieClip Frame 27
tellTarget ("_root.man2") { gotoAndPlay (10); };
Symbol 323 MovieClip Frame 36
tellTarget ("_root.man2") { gotoAndPlay (10); };
Symbol 324 MovieClip Frame 1
gotoAndPlay(random(38) + 1);
Symbol 324 MovieClip Frame 5
tellTarget ("_root.man2") { gotoAndPlay (15); };
Symbol 324 MovieClip Frame 9
tellTarget ("_root.man2") { gotoAndPlay (15); };
Symbol 324 MovieClip Frame 14
tellTarget ("_root.man2") { gotoAndPlay (15); };
Symbol 324 MovieClip Frame 20
tellTarget ("_root.man2") { gotoAndPlay (15); };
Symbol 324 MovieClip Frame 26
tellTarget ("_root.man2") { gotoAndPlay (15); };
Symbol 324 MovieClip Frame 35
tellTarget ("_root.man2") { gotoAndPlay (15); };
Symbol 324 MovieClip Frame 39
tellTarget ("_root.man2") { gotoAndPlay (15); };
Symbol 325 MovieClip Frame 1
if (0 >= /:man2hitpoints) { tellTarget ("_root.AIMoveLeft") { stop(); }; tellTarget ("_root.AIMoveRight") { stop(); }; tellTarget ("_root.man2.head") { stop(); }; tellTarget ("_root.Man2LeftPunch") { stop(); }; tellTarget ("_root.Man2RightPunch") { stop(); }; tellTarget ("_root.checkdistancefromman1") { stop(); }; tellTarget ("_root.checkdistancetopunch") { stop(); }; tellTarget ("_root.checkmoveclose") { stop(); }; tellTarget ("_root.man1") { gotoAndStop (60); }; tellTarget ("_level0") { gotoAndPlay (639); }; gotoAndStop (5); } setProperty("", _width , /:man2hitpoints * 2); setProperty("", _width , /:man1hitpoints * 3); if (0 >= /:man1hitpoints) { tellTarget ("_root.AIMoveLeft") { stop(); }; tellTarget ("_root.AIMoveRight") { stop(); }; tellTarget ("_root.man2.head") { stop(); }; tellTarget ("_root.Man2LeftPunch") { stop(); }; tellTarget ("_root.Man2RightPunch") { stop(); }; tellTarget ("_root.checkdistancefromman1") { stop(); }; tellTarget ("_root.checkdistancetopunch") { stop(); }; tellTarget ("_root.checkmoveclose") { stop(); }; tellTarget ("_root.man2") { gotoAndStop (60); }; tellTarget ("_level0") { gotoAndPlay (639); }; gotoAndStop (5); }
Symbol 325 MovieClip Frame 2
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 325 MovieClip Frame 5
if (0 >= /:man2hitpoints) { tellTarget ("_root.checkmoveclose") { stop(); }; tellTarget ("_root.checkdistancetopunch") { stop(); }; tellTarget ("_root.checkdistancefromman1") { stop(); }; tellTarget ("_root.Man2RightPunch") { stop(); }; tellTarget ("_root.Man2LeftPunch") { stop(); }; tellTarget ("_root.man2.head") { stop(); }; tellTarget ("_root.AIMoveRight") { stop(); }; tellTarget ("_level0") { gotoAndPlay (639); }; tellTarget ("_root.AIMoveLeft") { stop(); }; tellTarget ("_root.man1") { gotoAndStop (60); }; tellTarget ("_root.man2") { gotoAndPlay (40); }; } if (0 >= /:man1hitpoints) { tellTarget ("_root.checkmoveclose") { stop(); }; tellTarget ("_root.checkdistancetopunch") { stop(); }; tellTarget ("_root.checkdistancefromman1") { stop(); }; tellTarget ("_root.Man2RightPunch") { stop(); }; tellTarget ("_root.Man2LeftPunch") { stop(); }; tellTarget ("_root.man2.head") { stop(); }; tellTarget ("_root.AIMoveRight") { stop(); }; tellTarget ("_level0") { gotoAndPlay (639); }; tellTarget ("_root.AIMoveLeft") { stop(); }; tellTarget ("_root.man2") { gotoAndStop (60); }; tellTarget ("_root.man1") { gotoAndPlay (40); }; }
Symbol 326 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 326 MovieClip Frame 5
setProperty("/man2", _x , getProperty("/man2", _x) + 5); tellTarget ("_root.man2.legs") { gotoAndPlay (1); }; tellTarget ("_root.man2healthrising") { play(); };
Symbol 326 MovieClip Frame 6
setProperty("/man2", _x , getProperty("/man2", _x) + 4);
Symbol 326 MovieClip Frame 7
setProperty("/man2", _x , getProperty("/man2", _x) + 3);
Symbol 326 MovieClip Frame 8
setProperty("/man2", _x , getProperty("/man2", _x) + 2);
Symbol 326 MovieClip Frame 9
setProperty("/man2", _x , getProperty("/man2", _x) + 2);
Symbol 326 MovieClip Frame 10
setProperty("/man2", _x , getProperty("/man2", _x) + 2);
Symbol 327 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 327 MovieClip Frame 5
setProperty("/man2", _x , getProperty("/man2", _x) - 2); tellTarget ("_root.man2.legs") { gotoAndPlay (1); };
Symbol 327 MovieClip Frame 6
setProperty("/man2", _x , getProperty("/man2", _x) - 2); tellTarget ("_root.man2.legs") { gotoAndPlay (1); };
Symbol 327 MovieClip Frame 7
setProperty("/man2", _x , getProperty("/man2", _x) - 2); tellTarget ("_root.man2.legs") { gotoAndPlay (1); };
Symbol 327 MovieClip Frame 8
setProperty("/man2", _x , getProperty("/man2", _x) - 2); tellTarget ("_root.man2.legs") { gotoAndPlay (1); };
Symbol 327 MovieClip Frame 9
setProperty("/man2", _x , getProperty("/man2", _x) - 2); tellTarget ("_root.man2.legs") { gotoAndPlay (1); };
Symbol 327 MovieClip Frame 10
setProperty("/man2", _x , getProperty("/man2", _x) - 2); tellTarget ("_root.man2.legs") { gotoAndPlay (1); };
Symbol 328 Button
on (release, keyPress "<Space>") { gotoAndPlay (661); stopAllSounds(); }
Symbol 336 Button
on (release, keyPress "q") { gotoAndPlay (1494); }
Symbol 343 MovieClip Frame 1
if ((((getProperty("_root.man2", _x) - getProperty("_root.man2", _width)) + 78) < (getProperty("_root.man1", _x) + (getProperty("_root.man1", _width) / 2))) and (getProperty("/man1", _currentframe) < 35)) { Set("/:man2hitpoints", /:man2hitpoints - 1); tellTarget ("_root.man2") { gotoAndPlay (35); }; tellTarget ("_root.punchsounds") { play(); }; tellTarget ("_root.man2healthrising") { stop(); }; }
Symbol 343 MovieClip Frame 2
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 353 Button
on (release, keyPress "<Space>") { gotoAndPlay (783); stopAllSounds(); }
Symbol 362 Button
on (release, keyPress "q") { gotoAndPlay (1616); }
Symbol 367 MovieClip Frame 6
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 373 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 373 MovieClip Frame 12
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 373 MovieClip Frame 17
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 373 MovieClip Frame 37
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 373 MovieClip Frame 44
Symbol 373 MovieClip Frame 60
Set("/:winner", "6");
Symbol 378 Button
on (release, keyPress "<Left>") { if (70 < getProperty("/man1", _x)) { tellTarget ("man1.legs") { gotoAndPlay ("1"); }; tellTarget ("man1moveleft") { gotoAndPlay (5); }; tellTarget ("_root.man1healthrising") { play(); }; } }
Symbol 379 Button
on (release, keyPress "<Right>") { if (getProperty("/man1", _x) < 281) { tellTarget ("man1.legs") { gotoAndPlay (1); }; tellTarget ("man1moveright") { gotoAndPlay (5); }; } }
Symbol 380 MovieClip Frame 1
if (103 < /:score5) { Set("/:score5", /:score5 - 1); }
Symbol 382 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 382 MovieClip Frame 5
setProperty("/man2", _x , getProperty("/man2", _x) - 1); tellTarget ("_root.man2.legs") { gotoAndPlay (1); };
Symbol 382 MovieClip Frame 6
setProperty("/man2", _x , getProperty("/man2", _x) - 1);
Symbol 382 MovieClip Frame 7
setProperty("/man2", _x , getProperty("/man2", _x) - 1);
Symbol 382 MovieClip Frame 8
setProperty("/man2", _x , getProperty("/man2", _x) - 1);
Symbol 382 MovieClip Frame 9
setProperty("/man2", _x , getProperty("/man2", _x) - 1);
Symbol 382 MovieClip Frame 10
setProperty("/man2", _x , getProperty("/man2", _x) - 1);
Symbol 383 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 383 MovieClip Frame 5
setProperty("/man2", _x , getProperty("/man2", _x) + 1); tellTarget ("_root.man2.legs") { gotoAndPlay (1); }; tellTarget ("_root.man2healthrising") { play(); };
Symbol 383 MovieClip Frame 6
setProperty("/man2", _x , getProperty("/man2", _x) + 1);
Symbol 383 MovieClip Frame 7
setProperty("/man2", _x , getProperty("/man2", _x) + 1);
Symbol 383 MovieClip Frame 8
setProperty("/man2", _x , getProperty("/man2", _x) + 1);
Symbol 383 MovieClip Frame 9
setProperty("/man2", _x , getProperty("/man2", _x) + 1);
Symbol 383 MovieClip Frame 10
setProperty("/man2", _x , getProperty("/man2", _x) + 1);
Symbol 384 MovieClip Frame 1
if (0 >= /:man2hitpoints) { tellTarget ("_root.AIMoveLeft") { stop(); }; tellTarget ("_root.AIMoveRight") { stop(); }; tellTarget ("_root.man2.head") { stop(); }; tellTarget ("_root.Man2LeftPunch") { stop(); }; tellTarget ("_root.Man2RightPunch") { stop(); }; tellTarget ("_root.checkdistancefromman1") { stop(); }; tellTarget ("_root.checkdistancetopunch") { stop(); }; tellTarget ("_root.checkmoveclose") { stop(); }; tellTarget ("_root.man1") { gotoAndStop (60); }; tellTarget ("_level0") { gotoAndPlay (812); }; gotoAndStop (5); } setProperty("", _width , /:man2hitpoints * 2); setProperty("", _width , /:man1hitpoints * 3); if (0 >= /:man1hitpoints) { tellTarget ("_root.AIMoveLeft") { stop(); }; tellTarget ("_root.AIMoveRight") { stop(); }; tellTarget ("_root.man2.head") { stop(); }; tellTarget ("_root.Man2LeftPunch") { stop(); }; tellTarget ("_root.Man2RightPunch") { stop(); }; tellTarget ("_root.checkdistancefromman1") { stop(); }; tellTarget ("_root.checkdistancetopunch") { stop(); }; tellTarget ("_root.checkmoveclose") { stop(); }; tellTarget ("_root.man2") { gotoAndStop (60); }; tellTarget ("_level0") { gotoAndPlay (812); }; gotoAndStop (5); }
Symbol 384 MovieClip Frame 2
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 384 MovieClip Frame 5
if (0 >= /:man2hitpoints) { tellTarget ("_root.checkmoveclose") { stop(); }; tellTarget ("_root.checkdistancetopunch") { stop(); }; tellTarget ("_root.checkdistancefromman1") { stop(); }; tellTarget ("_root.Man2RightPunch") { stop(); }; tellTarget ("_root.Man2LeftPunch") { stop(); }; tellTarget ("_root.man2.head") { stop(); }; tellTarget ("_root.AIMoveRight") { stop(); }; tellTarget ("_level0") { gotoAndPlay (812); }; tellTarget ("_root.AIMoveLeft") { stop(); }; tellTarget ("_root.man1") { gotoAndStop (60); }; tellTarget ("_root.man2") { gotoAndPlay (40); }; } if (0 >= /:man1hitpoints) { tellTarget ("_root.checkmoveclose") { stop(); }; tellTarget ("_root.checkdistancetopunch") { stop(); }; tellTarget ("_root.checkdistancefromman1") { stop(); }; tellTarget ("_root.Man2RightPunch") { stop(); }; tellTarget ("_root.Man2LeftPunch") { stop(); }; tellTarget ("_root.man2.head") { stop(); }; tellTarget ("_root.AIMoveRight") { stop(); }; tellTarget ("_level0") { gotoAndPlay (812); }; tellTarget ("_root.AIMoveLeft") { stop(); }; tellTarget ("_root.man2") { gotoAndStop (60); }; tellTarget ("_root.man1") { gotoAndPlay (40); }; }
Symbol 385 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 385 MovieClip Frame 5
setProperty("/man2", _x , getProperty("/man2", _x) - 3); tellTarget ("_root.man2.legs") { gotoAndPlay (1); };
Symbol 385 MovieClip Frame 6
setProperty("/man2", _x , getProperty("/man2", _x) - 3); tellTarget ("_root.man2.legs") { gotoAndPlay (1); };
Symbol 385 MovieClip Frame 7
setProperty("/man2", _x , getProperty("/man2", _x) - 3); tellTarget ("_root.man2.legs") { gotoAndPlay (1); };
Symbol 385 MovieClip Frame 8
setProperty("/man2", _x , getProperty("/man2", _x) - 3); tellTarget ("_root.man2.legs") { gotoAndPlay (1); };
Symbol 385 MovieClip Frame 9
setProperty("/man2", _x , getProperty("/man2", _x) - 2); tellTarget ("_root.man2.legs") { gotoAndPlay (1); };
Symbol 385 MovieClip Frame 10
setProperty("/man2", _x , getProperty("/man2", _x) - 2); tellTarget ("_root.man2.legs") { gotoAndPlay (1); };
Symbol 395 Button
on (release) { gotoAndPlay (5); }
Symbol 399 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 399 MovieClip Frame 5
initials = ((((initial1 add ".") add initial2) add ".") add initial3) add "."; myDate = new Date(); date = ((((myDate.getUTCDate() + 1) add "/") add (myDate.getUTCMonth() + 1)) add "/") add myDate.getUTCFullYear(); time = (myDate.getHours() add ".") add myDate.getMinutes(); loadVariablesNum (((((((("" add initials) add "&Recordset1_score=") add /:totalscore) add "&Recordset1_date=") add date) add "&Recordset1_time=") add time) add "&Recordset1_Insert=Insert&Recordset1_Action=&Recordset1_Position=FIL%3AORD%3AABS%3A1KEY%3APAR%3A&Recordset1_Bindings=initials%21*%2BFRM%21*%2BRecordset1_initials%21*%2Bscore%21*%2BFRM%21*%2BRecordset1_score%21*%2Bdate%21*%2BFRM%21*%2BRecordset1_date%21*%2Btime%21*%2BFRM%21*%2BRecordset1_time", 0);
Symbol 399 MovieClip Frame 6
result = /:result;
Symbol 399 MovieClip Frame 7
gotoAndPlay (6);

Library Items

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Symbol 309 GraphicUsed by:314
Symbol 310 GraphicUsed by:314
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Symbol 312 GraphicUsed by:313
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Symbol 314 MovieClipUses:293 285 283 279 281 304 292 286 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 313 89 16Used by:Timeline
Symbol 315 EditableTextUses:98Used by:Timeline
Symbol 316 EditableTextUses:11Used by:Timeline
Symbol 317 EditableTextUses:11Used by:Timeline
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Symbol 319 ButtonUses:63 64Used by:Timeline
Symbol 320 ButtonUses:63 64Used by:Timeline
Symbol 321 MovieClipUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 322 EditableTextUses:98Used by:Timeline
Symbol 323 MovieClipUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 324 MovieClipUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 325 MovieClipUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 326 MovieClipUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 327 MovieClipUsed by:Timeline
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Symbol 331 EditableTextUses:75Used by:Timeline
Symbol 332 TextUses:2 45Used by:Timeline
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Symbol 342 GraphicUsed by:343
Symbol 343 MovieClipUses:341 342Used by:360 373  Timeline
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Symbol 345 MovieClipUses:344Used by:360 373  Timeline
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Symbol 347 MovieClipUses:346Used by:360 373  Timeline
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Symbol 352 TextUses:165Used by:Timeline
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Symbol 367 MovieClipUses:358Used by:373
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Symbol 369 GraphicUsed by:373
Symbol 370 GraphicUsed by:373
Symbol 371 GraphicUsed by:373
Symbol 372 GraphicUsed by:373
Symbol 373 MovieClipUses:347 345 367 340 343 348 368 369 370 371 89 88 372 16Used by:Timeline
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Symbol 376 EditableTextUses:11Used by:Timeline
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Symbol 379 ButtonUses:63 64Used by:Timeline
Symbol 380 MovieClipUsed by:Timeline
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Symbol 382 MovieClipUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 383 MovieClipUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 384 MovieClipUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 385 MovieClipUsed by:Timeline
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Symbol 388 EditableTextUses:75Used by:Timeline
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Symbol 392 EditableTextUses:389Used by:399
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Symbol 395 ButtonUses:393 394Used by:399
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Symbol 397 TextUses:75Used by:399
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Symbol 399 MovieClipUses:390 391 392 395 396 397 398Used by:Timeline
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Symbol 403 EditableTextUses:75Used by:Timeline
Symbol 404 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
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Instance Names

"loading"Frame 1Symbol 8 MovieClip
"willyprofile"Frame 111Symbol 59 MovieClip
"help"Frame 111Symbol 71 MovieClip
"man2health"Frame 112Symbol 80 MovieClip
"man1health"Frame 112Symbol 80 MovieClip
"man1"Frame 112Symbol 91 MovieClip
"man1moveleft"Frame 112Symbol 92 MovieClip
"man1moveright"Frame 112Symbol 93 MovieClip
"man2"Frame 112Symbol 97 MovieClip
"fight"Frame 130Symbol 112 MovieClip
"Man2LeftPunch"Frame 133Symbol 120 MovieClip
"Man2RightPunch"Frame 133Symbol 121 MovieClip
"AIMoveLeft"Frame 133Symbol 123 MovieClip
"AIMoveRight"Frame 133Symbol 124 MovieClip
"checkdistancefromman1"Frame 133Symbol 125 MovieClip
"checkdistancetopunch"Frame 133Symbol 126 MovieClip
"checkmoveclose"Frame 133Symbol 127 MovieClip
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"punchsounds"Frame 133Symbol 131 MovieClip
"moveleftfast"Frame 133Symbol 132 MovieClip
"man1healthrising"Frame 133Symbol 133 MovieClip
"man2healthrising"Frame 133Symbol 134 MovieClip
"spikeprofile"Frame 266Symbol 174 MovieClip
"man2health"Frame 269Symbol 80 MovieClip
"man1health"Frame 269Symbol 80 MovieClip
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"man1moveright"Frame 269Symbol 93 MovieClip
"man2"Frame 269Symbol 185 MovieClip
"fight"Frame 287Symbol 112 MovieClip
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"man1moveright"Frame 290Symbol 93 MovieClip
"man2"Frame 290Symbol 185 MovieClip
"Man2LeftPunch"Frame 290Symbol 196 MovieClip
"Man2RightPunch"Frame 290Symbol 197 MovieClip
"AIMoveLeft"Frame 290Symbol 123 MovieClip
"AIMoveRight"Frame 290Symbol 124 MovieClip
"checkdistancefromman1"Frame 290Symbol 125 MovieClip
"checkdistancetopunch"Frame 290Symbol 126 MovieClip
"checkmoveclose"Frame 290Symbol 198 MovieClip
"moverightfast"Frame 290Symbol 200 MovieClip
"moveleftfast"Frame 290Symbol 201 MovieClip
"punchsounds"Frame 290Symbol 131 MovieClip
"man1healthrising"Frame 290Symbol 133 MovieClip
"man2healthrising"Frame 290Symbol 134 MovieClip
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"3belliesprofile"Frame 423Symbol 233 MovieClip
"man2health"Frame 437Symbol 80 MovieClip
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"man1moveright"Frame 437Symbol 93 MovieClip
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"fight"Frame 455Symbol 112 MovieClip
"man1moveleft"Frame 458Symbol 255 MovieClip
"man1moveright"Frame 458Symbol 256 MovieClip
"man2"Frame 458Symbol 245 MovieClip
"Man2LeftPunch"Frame 458Symbol 258 MovieClip
"Man2RightPunch"Frame 458Symbol 197 MovieClip
"AIMoveLeft"Frame 458Symbol 259 MovieClip
"AIMoveRight"Frame 458Symbol 260 MovieClip
"checkdistancefromman1"Frame 458Symbol 125 MovieClip
"checkdistancetopunch"Frame 458Symbol 126 MovieClip
"checkmoveclose"Frame 458Symbol 198 MovieClip
"moverightfast"Frame 458Symbol 262 MovieClip
"moveleftfast"Frame 458Symbol 263 MovieClip
"punchsounds"Frame 458Symbol 131 MovieClip
"man1healthrising"Frame 458Symbol 264 MovieClip
"man2healthrising"Frame 458Symbol 265 MovieClip
"head"Frame 551Symbol 281 MovieClip
"3belliesprofile"Frame 596Symbol 296 MovieClip
"man2health"Frame 610Symbol 80 MovieClip
"man1health"Frame 610Symbol 80 MovieClip
"man1"Frame 610Symbol 91 MovieClip
"man1moveleft"Frame 610Symbol 92 MovieClip
"man1moveright"Frame 610Symbol 93 MovieClip
"man2"Frame 610Symbol 314 MovieClip
"fight"Frame 628Symbol 112 MovieClip
"man1moveleft"Frame 631Symbol 255 MovieClip
"man1moveright"Frame 631Symbol 256 MovieClip
"Man2LeftPunch"Frame 631Symbol 323 MovieClip
"Man2RightPunch"Frame 631Symbol 324 MovieClip
"AIMoveLeft"Frame 631Symbol 259 MovieClip
"AIMoveRight"Frame 631Symbol 260 MovieClip
"checkdistancefromman1"Frame 631Symbol 125 MovieClip
"checkdistancetopunch"Frame 631Symbol 126 MovieClip
"checkmoveclose"Frame 631Symbol 198 MovieClip
"moverightfast"Frame 631Symbol 326 MovieClip
"moveleftfast"Frame 631Symbol 327 MovieClip
"punchsounds"Frame 631Symbol 131 MovieClip
"man1healthrising"Frame 631Symbol 264 MovieClip
"man2healthrising"Frame 631Symbol 265 MovieClip
"head"Frame 724Symbol 343 MovieClip
"head"Frame 730Symbol 343 MovieClip
"3belliesprofile"Frame 769Symbol 360 MovieClip
"man2health"Frame 783Symbol 80 MovieClip
"man1health"Frame 783Symbol 80 MovieClip
"man1"Frame 783Symbol 91 MovieClip
"man1moveleft"Frame 783Symbol 92 MovieClip
"man1moveright"Frame 783Symbol 93 MovieClip
"man2"Frame 783Symbol 373 MovieClip
"fight"Frame 801Symbol 112 MovieClip
"man1moveleft"Frame 804Symbol 255 MovieClip
"man1moveright"Frame 804Symbol 256 MovieClip
"Man2LeftPunch"Frame 804Symbol 258 MovieClip
"Man2RightPunch"Frame 804Symbol 197 MovieClip
"AIMoveLeft"Frame 804Symbol 382 MovieClip
"AIMoveRight"Frame 804Symbol 383 MovieClip
"checkdistancefromman1"Frame 804Symbol 125 MovieClip
"checkdistancetopunch"Frame 804Symbol 126 MovieClip
"checkmoveclose"Frame 804Symbol 198 MovieClip
"moverightfast"Frame 804Symbol 326 MovieClip
"moveleftfast"Frame 804Symbol 385 MovieClip
"punchsounds"Frame 804Symbol 131 MovieClip
"man1healthrising"Frame 804Symbol 264 MovieClip
"man2healthrising"Frame 804Symbol 265 MovieClip
"bar"Symbol 8 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 7 MovieClip
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"head"Symbol 59 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 39 MovieClip
"bar"Symbol 80 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 7 MovieClip
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"head"Symbol 174 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 159 MovieClip
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"head"Symbol 233 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 217 MovieClip
"legs"Symbol 233 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 230 MovieClip
"head"Symbol 233 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 217 MovieClip
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"head"Symbol 245 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 217 MovieClip
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"head"Symbol 245 MovieClip Frame 60Symbol 217 MovieClip
"legs"Symbol 296 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 293 MovieClip
"head"Symbol 296 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 281 MovieClip
"legs"Symbol 314 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 293 MovieClip
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"legs"Symbol 314 MovieClip Frame 10Symbol 292 MovieClip
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"legs"Symbol 314 MovieClip Frame 42Symbol 293 MovieClip
"head"Symbol 314 MovieClip Frame 42Symbol 281 MovieClip
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"head"Symbol 373 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 343 MovieClip

Special Tags

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Dynamic Text Variables

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Created: 24/5 -2019 11:59:59 Last modified: 24/5 -2019 11:59:59 Server time: 14/11 -2024 06:41:30