Frame 1
_root.createEmptyMovieClip("soundLib", 1);
soundLib.createEmptyMovieClip("holder_1", 1);
sound_aah = new Sound(soundLib.sound1);
soundLib.createEmptyMovieClip("holder_2", 1);
sound_yes = new Sound(soundLib.sound1);
soundLib.createEmptyMovieClip("holder_3", 1);
sound_onf = new Sound(soundLib.sound1);
soundLib.createEmptyMovieClip("holder_4", 1);
sound_dance = new Sound(soundLib.sound1);
soundLib.createEmptyMovieClip("holder_5", 1);
sound_ho = new Sound(soundLib.sound1);
soundLib.createEmptyMovieClip("holder_6", 1);
sound_ha = new Sound(soundLib.sound1);
soundLib.createEmptyMovieClip("holder_7", 1);
sound_slap = new Sound(soundLib.sound1);
soundLib.createEmptyMovieClip("holder_8", 1);
sound_footstep = new Sound(soundLib.sound1);
Instance of Symbol 119 MovieClip "pingobrain" in Frame 1
onClipEvent (mouseDown) {
if (dragBar.hitTest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse, true)) {
drag = 1;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.pngSad < 0) {
_root.pngSad = 0;
if (this._y < 40) {
this._y = this._y - ((this._y - 40) * 0.3);
if (this._y > 340) {
this._y = this._y + ((340 - this._y) * 0.3);
if (this._x < 40) {
this._x = this._x - ((this._x - 40) * 0.3);
if (this._x > 450) {
this._x = this._x + ((450 - this._x) * 0.3);
onClipEvent (mouseUp) {
drag = 0; = new Date();
with (choices) {
data.x = this._x;
data.y = this._y;
data.bgColor = "red";
data.pngName = _root.pngName;
data.title = "bard";
data.pngTorso = _root.pngTorso;
data.pngEyes = _root.pngEyes;
data.eyeRound = _root.eyeRound;
data.pngAss = _root.pngAss;
data.pngFoot = _root.pngFoot;
data.gravity = _root.gravity;
data.pngJump = _root.pngJump;
data.pngHands = _root.pngHands;
data.seconds = Math.floor( * 0.001);
saveResult = choices.flush();
if (saveResult == false) {
trace("please check your player settings to make sure you allow data to be saved to your computer");
choices.onStatus = function (status) {
if (status.code == "SharedObject.Flush.Failed") {
if (status.code == "SharedObject.Flush.Success") {
doesExist = false;
for (item in {
doesExist = true;
if (doesExist) {
trace("data loaded");
onClipEvent (load) {
oframe = 2;
this.lock = 0;
ref = this._name;
drag = 0;
choices = SharedObject.getLocal(ref);
txName.text =;
thisTime = new Date();
tt = Math.floor(thisTime.getTime() * 0.001);
last =;
name =;
_root.pngTorso =;
_root.pngAss =;
_root.pngFoot =;
_root.pngName =;
_root.pngEyes =;
if (_root.pngEyes == undefined) {
_root.pngEyes = 100;
if (_root.pngName == undefined) {
_root.pngName = "drag me";
_root.gravity =;
_root.pngJump =;
_root.pngHands =;
_root.eyeRound =;
wait = Math.floor(tt - last);
_root.pngAnger = wait;
_root.message = "";
if (wait > 20) {
_root.message = "youve been gone for a long time";
Date.SEC = 1000;
Date.MIN = Date.SEC * 60;
Date.HOUR = Date.MIN * 60;
Date.DAY = Date.HOUR * 24;
Date.YEAR = Date.DAY * 365;
Date.LEAP = Date.DAY * 366;
this._x =;
this._y =;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
timePass.text = ((((_root.pngName.toUpperCase() + " has been alone for ") + [Math.floor(wait / 60)]) + " minutes and ") + wait) + " seconds";
if (_y < -20) {
_y = -20;
_alpha = _xscale;
if (this.hitTest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse, true) and (drag == 0)) {
_xscale = (_xscale + ((150 - _xscale) * _root.response));
_yscale = (_yscale + ((150 - _yscale) * _root.response));
if (_currentframe == 1) {
fall = 1;
} else if (this.lock != 1) {
if (_currentframe != 1) {
oframe = _currentframe;
gotoAndStop (1);
saveResult = choices.flush();
_xscale = (_xscale + ((_root.iconSize - _xscale) * _root.response));
_yscale = (_yscale + ((Math.floor(_root.iconSize * 0.8) - _yscale) * _root.response));
if (drag == 1) {
_x = (_x + ((_root._xmouse - _x) * _root.response));
_y = (_y + ((_root._ymouse - (_y + sp)) * _root.response));
Instance of Symbol 214 MovieClip "full" in Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_root.msx = Math.floor(_xmouse - x0);
_root.msy = Math.floor(_ymouse - y0);
x0 = _xmouse;
y0 = _ymouse;
Instance of Symbol 226 MovieClip in Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.toy == "fireworks") {
duplicateMovieClip ("/spark1", "spark" add total, total);
dragX = _root._xmouse;
dragY = _root._ymouse;
setProperty("/spark" add total, _x , dragX);
tellTarget ("/spark" add total) {
myTotal = /:total;
v0X = /:dragX - /:oldDragX;
v0Y = /:dragY - /:oldDragY;
setProperty("/spark" add total, _y , dragY);
oldDragX = dragX;
oldDragY = dragY;
if (total > 25) {
total = 1;
onClipEvent (load) {
total = 1;
_root.gravmax = -5;
_root.xmax = 7;
_root.ymax = 7;
_root.lifemax = 3;
_root.scalemax = 100;
Frame 2
Instance of Symbol 228 MovieClip "bar" in Frame 2
onClipEvent (load) {
tkb = _root.getBytesTotal();
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
scale = (_root.getBytesLoaded() / tkb) * 100;
this._xscale = scale;
if (scale == 100) {
Instance of Symbol 238 MovieClip in Frame 2
onClipEvent (load) {
this.fri = 0.9;
this.acc = 900 + random(200);
this.ox = this._x;
this.dirx = -1;
this._x = this.ox + (this.dirx * _root.flee);
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this.fri = _root.fri;
this._x = this._x + (speedx * 2);
difx = (this.ox - this._x) + (_root.fle * this.dirx);
if (difx > 0) {
xaccel = (difx * difx) / this.acc;
} else {
xaccel = (-(difx * difx)) / this.acc;
speedx = (speedx + xaccel) * this.fri;
Instance of Symbol 240 MovieClip in Frame 2
onClipEvent (load) {
this.fri = 0.9;
this.acc = 900 + random(200);
this.ox = this._x;
this.dirx = 1;
this._x = this.ox + (this.dirx * _root.flee);
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this.fri = _root.fri;
this._x = this._x + (speedx * 2);
difx = (this.ox - this._x) + (_root.fle * this.dirx);
if (difx > 0) {
xaccel = (difx * difx) / this.acc;
} else {
xaccel = (-(difx * difx)) / this.acc;
speedx = (speedx + xaccel) * this.fri;
Frame 3
Instance of Symbol 15 MovieClip in Symbol 16 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this._xscale = this._xscale + ((_parent.xs - this._xscale) * 0.6);
Symbol 26 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 26 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 30 Button
on (press) {
gotoAndStop (3);
_root.pnlWidth = "200";
Symbol 31 Button
on (press) {
gotoAndStop (4);
_root.pnlWidth = "300";
Symbol 32 Button
on (press) {
gotoAndStop (6);
_root.pnlWidth = "150";
Symbol 36 Button
on (press) { = "home";
gotoAndStop (2);;
_root.masterZoom = 100;
_root.pnlWidth = "100";
Instance of Symbol 46 MovieClip "dragger" in Symbol 47 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (mouseDown) {
if ((this.hitTest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse, true) == true) and (this._x < 101)) {
this.drag = 1;
onClipEvent (mouseUp) {
this.drag = 0;
onClipEvent (load) {
this._x = _root[_parent.stat];
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this.drag == 1) {
this._x = _parent._xmouse;
if (this._x > 100) {
this._x = 100;
if (this._x < 0) {
this._x = 0;
_root[_parent.stat] = this._x;
if (_root[_parent.stat] < _parent.statMin) {
_root[_parent.stat] = _parent.statMin;
Symbol 51 Button
on (press, release) {
_root.toy = "fireworks";
_root.masterZoom = 50;
gotoAndStop (1);
_root.masterZoom = 100; = 1; = 0;
Instance of Symbol 53 MovieClip in Symbol 56 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this._alpha = random(25) + 75;
Instance of Symbol 55 MovieClip in Symbol 56 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this._rotation = this._rotation + (random(10) + 1);
Instance of Symbol 55 MovieClip in Symbol 56 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this._rotation = this._rotation + (random(10) + 1);
Instance of Symbol 55 MovieClip in Symbol 56 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this._rotation = this._rotation + (random(10) + 1);
Instance of Symbol 55 MovieClip in Symbol 57 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this._alpha = random(50) + 40;
Symbol 58 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 59 Button
on (press) {
_root.masterZoom = 50;
gotoAndStop (1);;
_root.masterZoom = 100; = 0; = 0;
_root.toy = "none";
Symbol 62 Button
on (press) {
_root.toy = "ball";
_root.masterZoom = 65;
gotoAndStop (1); = 0; = 1;
Symbol 66 Button
on (press, release) {
_root.toy = "bees";
_root.masterZoom = 50;
gotoAndStop (1);
_root.masterZoom = 100; = 1; = 0;
Symbol 69 MovieClip Frame 1
Instance of Symbol 68 MovieClip "ball" in Symbol 69 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
this.pathRadius = random(1000) + 1000;
this.degrees = 0;
hyp = random(4) + 4;
ox = _x;
oy = _y;
rSpeed = random(3000) - 1500;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
with (Math) {
radians = this.degrees * (PI / 180);
xCoor = hyp * sin(radians);
yCoor = hyp * cos(radians);
this._x = xCoor + ox;
this._y = yCoor + oy;
this.degrees = this.degrees + rSpeed;
Instance of Symbol 68 MovieClip "ball" in Symbol 69 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
this.pathRadius = random(1000) + 1000;
this.degrees = 0;
hyp = random(4) + 4;
ox = _x;
oy = _y;
rSpeed = random(3000) - 1500;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
with (Math) {
radians = this.degrees * (PI / 180);
xCoor = hyp * sin(radians);
yCoor = hyp * cos(radians);
this._x = xCoor + ox;
this._y = yCoor + oy;
this.degrees = this.degrees + rSpeed;
Instance of Symbol 68 MovieClip "ball" in Symbol 69 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
this.pathRadius = random(1000) + 1000;
this.degrees = 0;
hyp = random(4) + 4;
ox = _x;
oy = _y;
rSpeed = random(3000) - 1500;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
with (Math) {
radians = this.degrees * (PI / 180);
xCoor = hyp * sin(radians);
yCoor = hyp * cos(radians);
this._x = xCoor + ox;
this._y = yCoor + oy;
this.degrees = this.degrees + rSpeed;
Instance of Symbol 68 MovieClip "ball" in Symbol 69 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
this.pathRadius = random(1000) + 1000;
this.degrees = 0;
hyp = random(4) + 4;
ox = _x;
oy = _y;
rSpeed = random(3000) - 1500;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
with (Math) {
radians = this.degrees * (PI / 180);
xCoor = hyp * sin(radians);
yCoor = hyp * cos(radians);
this._x = xCoor + ox;
this._y = yCoor + oy;
this.degrees = this.degrees + rSpeed;
Instance of Symbol 68 MovieClip "ball" in Symbol 69 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
this.pathRadius = random(1000) + 1000;
this.degrees = 0;
hyp = random(4) + 4;
ox = _x;
oy = _y;
rSpeed = random(3000) - 1500;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
with (Math) {
radians = this.degrees * (PI / 180);
xCoor = hyp * sin(radians);
yCoor = hyp * cos(radians);
this._x = xCoor + ox;
this._y = yCoor + oy;
this.degrees = this.degrees + rSpeed;
Instance of Symbol 68 MovieClip "ball" in Symbol 69 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
this.pathRadius = random(1000) + 1000;
this.degrees = 0;
hyp = random(4) + 4;
ox = _x;
oy = _y;
rSpeed = random(3000) - 1500;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
with (Math) {
radians = this.degrees * (PI / 180);
xCoor = hyp * sin(radians);
yCoor = hyp * cos(radians);
this._x = xCoor + ox;
this._y = yCoor + oy;
this.degrees = this.degrees + rSpeed;
Instance of Symbol 68 MovieClip "ball" in Symbol 69 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
this.pathRadius = random(1000) + 1000;
this.degrees = 0;
hyp = random(4) + 4;
ox = _x;
oy = _y;
rSpeed = random(3000) - 1500;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
with (Math) {
radians = this.degrees * (PI / 180);
xCoor = hyp * sin(radians);
yCoor = hyp * cos(radians);
this._x = xCoor + ox;
this._y = yCoor + oy;
this.degrees = this.degrees + rSpeed;
Instance of Symbol 68 MovieClip "ball" in Symbol 69 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
this.pathRadius = random(1000) + 1000;
this.degrees = 0;
hyp = random(4) + 4;
ox = _x;
oy = _y;
rSpeed = random(3000) - 1500;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
with (Math) {
radians = this.degrees * (PI / 180);
xCoor = hyp * sin(radians);
yCoor = hyp * cos(radians);
this._x = xCoor + ox;
this._y = yCoor + oy;
this.degrees = this.degrees + rSpeed;
Instance of Symbol 68 MovieClip "ball" in Symbol 69 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
this.pathRadius = random(1000) + 1000;
this.degrees = 0;
hyp = random(4) + 4;
ox = _x;
oy = _y;
rSpeed = random(3000) - 1500;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
with (Math) {
radians = this.degrees * (PI / 180);
xCoor = hyp * sin(radians);
yCoor = hyp * cos(radians);
this._x = xCoor + ox;
this._y = yCoor + oy;
this.degrees = this.degrees + rSpeed;
Instance of Symbol 68 MovieClip "ball" in Symbol 69 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
this.pathRadius = random(1000) + 1000;
this.degrees = 0;
hyp = random(4) + 4;
ox = _x;
oy = _y;
rSpeed = random(3000) - 1500;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
with (Math) {
radians = this.degrees * (PI / 180);
xCoor = hyp * sin(radians);
yCoor = hyp * cos(radians);
this._x = xCoor + ox;
this._y = yCoor + oy;
this.degrees = this.degrees + rSpeed;
Instance of Symbol 68 MovieClip "ball" in Symbol 69 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
this.pathRadius = random(1000) + 1000;
this.degrees = 0;
hyp = random(4) + 4;
ox = _x;
oy = _y;
rSpeed = random(3000) - 1500;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
with (Math) {
radians = this.degrees * (PI / 180);
xCoor = hyp * sin(radians);
yCoor = hyp * cos(radians);
this._x = xCoor + ox;
this._y = yCoor + oy;
this.degrees = this.degrees + rSpeed;
Instance of Symbol 68 MovieClip "ball" in Symbol 69 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
this.pathRadius = random(1000) + 1000;
this.degrees = 0;
hyp = random(4) + 4;
ox = _x;
oy = _y;
rSpeed = random(3000) - 1500;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
with (Math) {
radians = this.degrees * (PI / 180);
xCoor = hyp * sin(radians);
yCoor = hyp * cos(radians);
this._x = xCoor + ox;
this._y = yCoor + oy;
this.degrees = this.degrees + rSpeed;
Symbol 70 Button
on (press, release) {
_root.toy = "knife";
_root.masterZoom = 50;
gotoAndStop (1);
_root.masterZoom = 100; = 1; = 0;
Symbol 75 MovieClip Frame 1
myMovieName = "Clip" + String(ClipCount);
fire.duplicateMovieClip(myMovieName, clipCount);
if (clipCount > 10) {
clipCount = 0;
Instance of Symbol 72 MovieClip "fire" in Symbol 75 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
_root.xspeed = 1;
_root.xsize = 100;
this._xscale = (random(100) + 15) + _root.xsize;
this._yscale = (this._xscale * 0.5) + _root.ysize;
this._alpha = 50;
xspeed = xspeed + ((random(10) / 300) + _root.xspeed);
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this._name != "fire") {
if (xspeed < 0) {
xspeed = 0;
if (xspeed > 0) {
xspeed = xspeed + (_root.xspeed / 10);
fade = fade + 0.01;
this._alpha = this._alpha - ((fade * 2) + _root.faderate);
this._y = this._y - ((fade * 4) + _root.yspeed);
this._x = this._x + xspeed;
this._yscale = random(_x) * 3;
if (this._alpha < 0) {
Instance of Symbol 74 MovieClip in Symbol 75 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this._rotation = -((_parent._x - _parent._parent.pingo._x) * 0.3);
Symbol 76 Button
on (press, release) {
_root.toy = "disco";
_root.masterZoom = 50;
gotoAndStop (1);
_root.masterZoom = 100; = 0;
_root.sound_dance.start(0, 1110);
Instance of Symbol 86 MovieClip in Symbol 87 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
this.oy = this._y;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this._y = this.oy + (_parent._parent._parent.pingo.speedy * 0.2);
Instance of Symbol 99 MovieClip "line0" in Symbol 100 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this._yscale > 100) {
this._yscale = this._yscale + ((100 - this._yscale) * 0.4);
if (this._xscale != _root[_parent.em]) {
this._xscale = _root[_parent.em];
this._yscale = 200;
Symbol 113 Button
on (release) {
gotoAndStop (2);
Symbol 115 Button
on (release) {
_root.float = 1;
_root.pngName = "";
_root.pngTorso = 30;
_root.pngEyes = 50;
_root.pngAss = null;
_root.pngFoot = null;
_root.gravity = 60;
_root.pngJump = 50;
_root.pngHands = null;;
gotoAndStop (2);
Symbol 117 Button
on (press) {
gotoAndStop (3);
Symbol 119 MovieClip Frame 1
Instance of Symbol 16 MovieClip in Symbol 119 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
this.xs = 100;
Symbol 119 MovieClip Frame 2
Instance of Symbol 16 MovieClip in Symbol 119 MovieClip Frame 2
onClipEvent (load) {
this.xs = 240;
Instance of Symbol 26 MovieClip in Symbol 119 MovieClip Frame 2
onClipEvent (mouseDown) {
if (this.hitTest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse, 0) == 1) {
if (_parent.lock == 0) {
_parent.lock = 1;
} else {
_parent.lock = 0;
onClipEvent (load) {
if (_parent.lock == 0) {
} else {
Instance of Symbol 47 MovieClip in Symbol 119 MovieClip Frame 2
onClipEvent (load) {
this.stat = "masterZoom";
this.statAdj = 2;
this.statMin = 30;
this.statMax = 200;
Symbol 119 MovieClip Frame 3
Instance of Symbol 16 MovieClip in Symbol 119 MovieClip Frame 3
onClipEvent (load) {
this.xs = 300;
Instance of Symbol 47 MovieClip in Symbol 119 MovieClip Frame 3
onClipEvent (load) {
this.stat = "pngFoot";
this.statAdj = 2;
this.statAdj2 = -50;
this.statMin = -100;
this.statMax = 200;
Instance of Symbol 47 MovieClip in Symbol 119 MovieClip Frame 3
onClipEvent (load) {
this.stat = "pngAss";
this.statAdj = 2;
this.statAdj2 = -50;
this.statMin = -100;
this.statMax = 200;
Instance of Symbol 47 MovieClip in Symbol 119 MovieClip Frame 3
onClipEvent (load) {
this.stat = "pngHands";
this.statAdj = 2;
this.statAdj2 = -50;
this.statMin = -100;
this.statMax = 200;
Instance of Symbol 47 MovieClip in Symbol 119 MovieClip Frame 3
onClipEvent (load) {
this.stat = "pngTorso";
this.statAdj = 3;
this.statMin = 0;
this.statMax = 100;
Instance of Symbol 47 MovieClip in Symbol 119 MovieClip Frame 3
onClipEvent (load) {
this.stat = "pngEyes";
this.statAdj = 2;
this.statAdj2 = -50;
this.statMin = -100;
this.statMax = 200;
Instance of Symbol 47 MovieClip in Symbol 119 MovieClip Frame 3
onClipEvent (load) {
this.stat = "eyeRound";
this.statAdj = 2;
this.statAdj2 = -50;
this.statMin = -100;
this.statMax = 200;
Symbol 119 MovieClip Frame 4
Instance of Symbol 16 MovieClip in Symbol 119 MovieClip Frame 4
onClipEvent (load) {
this.xs = 350;
Instance of Symbol 100 MovieClip in Symbol 119 MovieClip Frame 4
onClipEvent (load) {
this.em = "pngAnger";
Instance of Symbol 100 MovieClip in Symbol 119 MovieClip Frame 4
onClipEvent (load) {
this.em = "pngLove";
Instance of Symbol 100 MovieClip in Symbol 119 MovieClip Frame 4
onClipEvent (load) {
this.em = "pngJoy";
Instance of Symbol 100 MovieClip in Symbol 119 MovieClip Frame 4
onClipEvent (load) {
this.em = "pngShock";
Instance of Symbol 100 MovieClip in Symbol 119 MovieClip Frame 4
onClipEvent (load) {
this.em = "pngFear";
Instance of Symbol 100 MovieClip in Symbol 119 MovieClip Frame 4
onClipEvent (load) {
this.em = "pngHate";
Instance of Symbol 100 MovieClip in Symbol 119 MovieClip Frame 4
onClipEvent (load) {
this.em = "pngSad";
Instance of Symbol 100 MovieClip in Symbol 119 MovieClip Frame 4
onClipEvent (load) {
this.em = "pngVigilance";
Symbol 119 MovieClip Frame 5
Instance of Symbol 16 MovieClip in Symbol 119 MovieClip Frame 5
onClipEvent (load) {
this.xs = 301;
Instance of Symbol 100 MovieClip in Symbol 119 MovieClip Frame 5
onClipEvent (load) {
this.em = "pngAdreneline";
Symbol 119 MovieClip Frame 6
Instance of Symbol 16 MovieClip in Symbol 119 MovieClip Frame 6
onClipEvent (load) {
this.xs = 300;
Symbol 130 MovieClip Frame 23
Symbol 131 Button
on (press) {
_root.masterZoom = 100;
gotoAndStop (2);
Instance of Symbol 138 MovieClip in Symbol 139 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this._rotation = (this.orotation - (_root.shear * 0.1)) + (ox * 0.5);
onClipEvent (load) {
this.orotation = this._rotation;
ox = _x;
Symbol 152 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 152 MovieClip Frame 2
Instance of Symbol 158 MovieClip in Symbol 159 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.toy == "disco") {
this._alpha = random(200);
this._rotation = random(100);
} else {
this._alpha = 0;
Instance of Symbol 158 MovieClip in Symbol 159 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.toy == "disco") {
this._alpha = random(200);
this._rotation = -random(100);
} else {
this._alpha = 0;
Symbol 170 MovieClip Frame 1
Instance of Symbol 170 MovieClip in Symbol 175 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
Instance of Symbol 175 MovieClip in Symbol 177 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
zap = _root.pngAnger;
fr = Math.round(zap * 0.1) + 1;
Instance of Symbol 180 MovieClip in Symbol 181 MovieClip Frame 1
/* no clip actions */
Instance of Symbol 181 MovieClip "lidBottom" in Symbol 184 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this._y != _parent._parent._parent.eyeLidBottom) {
this._y = this._y + ((_parent._parent._parent.eyeLidBottom - this._y) * _parent._parent._parent.blinkSpeed);
if (_parent._parent._parent.eyeRight.asBlink == 1) {
this._y = 0;
_parent.lidTop._y = 0;
_parent._parent._parent.eyeRight.asBlink = 0;
Instance of Symbol 183 MovieClip "lidTop" in Symbol 184 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this._y != _parent._parent._parent.eyeLidTop) {
this._y = this._y + ((_parent._parent._parent.eyeLidTop - this._y) * _parent._parent._parent.blinkSpeed);
Symbol 187 MovieClip Frame 1
Instance of Symbol 87 MovieClip in Symbol 187 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.pngTerror != 1) {
this._xscale = 100 + (_root.pngJoy * 0.5);
this._yscale = this._xscale;
if (_root.pngTerror == 1) {
this._yscale = (this._xscale = 60);
onClipEvent (load) {
this.ox = this._x;
this.oy = this._y;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this._y = (this.oy + (_parent._parent._parent.pingo.speedy * 0.2)) + (_parent._parent._parent._ymouse * 0.1);
if (this._y > 5) {
this._y = 5;
if (this._y < -60) {
this._y = -60;
this._x = this.ox + (((-_root.vex) * 0.1) * _parent.dir);
if ((_root.toy == "ball") or (_root.pngVigilance > 30)) {
this._x = this.ox + ((_parent._parent._parent.toyBall._x * 0.01) * _parent.dir);
Instance of Symbol 184 MovieClip "lid" in Symbol 187 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this._rotation != _root.pngLidRot) {
this._rotation = this._rotation + ((_root.pngLidRot - _this._rotation) * 0.1);
Instance of Symbol 186 MovieClip in Symbol 187 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this._rotation = _root.pngAnger * 0.8;
this._xscale = 50 + (_root.pngAnger * 1.3);
this._yscale = 50 + (_root.pngAnger * 1.5);
this._x = ox + (_root.pngAnger * 0.1);
this._y = oy + (_root.pngAnger * 0.2);
onClipEvent (load) {
this.ox = _x;
this.oy = _y;
Symbol 187 MovieClip Frame 2
Instance of Symbol 181 MovieClip "lidBottom" in Symbol 189 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this._y != _parent._parent._parent.eyeLidBottom) {
this._y = this._y + ((_parent._parent._parent.eyeLidBottom - this._y) * _parent._parent._parent.blinkSpeed);
if (_parent._parent._parent.eyeLeft.asBlink == 1) {
this._y = 0;
_parent.lidTop._y = 0;
_parent._parent._parent.eyeLeft.asBlink = 0;
Instance of Symbol 183 MovieClip "lidTop" in Symbol 189 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this._y != _parent._parent._parent.eyeLidTop) {
this._y = this._y + ((_parent._parent._parent.eyeLidTop - this._y) * _parent._parent._parent.blinkSpeed);
Symbol 190 MovieClip Frame 1
Instance of Symbol 87 MovieClip in Symbol 190 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.pngTerror != 1) {
this._xscale = 100 + (_root.pngJoy * 0.5);
this._yscale = this._xscale;
if (_root.pngTerror == 1) {
this._yscale = (this._xscale = 60);
onClipEvent (load) {
this.ox = this._x;
this.oy = this._y;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this._y = (this.oy + (_parent._parent._parent.pingo.speedy * 0.2)) + (_parent._parent._parent._ymouse * 0.1);
if (this._y > 5) {
this._y = 5;
if (this._y < -60) {
this._y = -60;
this._x = this.ox + (((-_root.vex) * 0.1) * _parent.dir);
if ((_root.toy == "ball") or (_root.pngVigilance > 30)) {
this._x = this.ox + ((_parent._parent._parent.toyBall._x * 0.01) * _parent.dir);
Instance of Symbol 189 MovieClip "lid" in Symbol 190 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this._rotation != _root.pngLidRot) {
this._rotation = this._rotation + ((_root.pngLidRot - _this._rotation) * 0.1);
Instance of Symbol 186 MovieClip in Symbol 190 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this._rotation = _root.pngAnger * 0.8;
this._xscale = 50 + (_root.pngAnger * 1.3);
this._yscale = 50 + (_root.pngAnger * 1.5);
this._x = ox + (_root.pngAnger * 0.1);
this._y = oy + (_root.pngAnger * 0.2);
onClipEvent (load) {
this.ox = _x;
this.oy = _y;
Symbol 190 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 194 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 194 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 199 MovieClip Frame 1
function poop() {
body10._yscale = 200;
_root.pngPoop = _root.pngPoop + 1;
drops = _root.pngPoop;
duplicateMovieClip (_parent.poop, "poop" + drops, drops);
_parent["poop" + drops]._x = _parent.pingo._x;
function piss() {
_root.pngPoop = _root.pngPoop + 1;
drop = _root.pngPoop;
duplicateMovieClip (_parent.piss, "piss" + drop, drop);
_parent["piss" + drop]._x = _parent.pingo._x;
function jump(ht) {
_parent.pingo.speedy = -ht;
function blink(bsp) {
_parent.pingo.eyeLeft.asBlink = 1;
_parent.pingo.eyeRight.asBlink = 1;
nbClip = 6;
i = 0;
while (i < nbClip) {
duplicateMovieClip (foot, "foot" + i, i);
this["foot" + i].x = -30;
this["foot" + i].y = 0;
this["foot" + i].z = -10;
this["foot" + i].dir = -1;
i = 5;
while (i < 6) {
duplicateMovieClip (foot, "foot" + i, i);
this["foot" + i].x = 30;
this["foot" + i].y = 0;
this["foot" + i].z = -10;
this["foot" + i].dir = 1;
i = 10;
while (i < 11) {
duplicateMovieClip (body, "body" + i, i);
this["body" + i].x = 0;
this["body" + i].y = 0;
this["body" + i].z = 15;
i = 12;
while (i < 13) {
duplicateMovieClip (mouth, "mouth" + i, i);
this["mouth" + i].x = 0;
this["mouth" + i].y = -20;
this["mouth" + i].z = -2;
i = 35;
while (i < 36) {
duplicateMovieClip (hand, "hand" + i, i);
this["hand" + i].x = 60;
this["hand" + i].y = -20;
this["hand" + i].z = 0;
this["hand" + i].dir = 1;
i = 37;
while (i < 38) {
duplicateMovieClip (hand, "hand" + i, i);
this["hand" + i].x = -60;
this["hand" + i].y = -20;
this["hand" + i].z = 0;
this["hand" + i].dir = -1;
Instance of Symbol 162 MovieClip "body" in Symbol 199 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
if (this._name == "body") {
this._visible = 0;
origin_x = 0;
origin_y = 0;
regular_size = 100;
d = 350;
_root.topd = 350;
trans = (Math.PI/180);
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
y = (-_parent.foot0.yxc) - (_parent.foot0._yscale * 0.2);
if (this._name != "body") {
_root.vex = Math.floor(rotated_x * 6);
rotation_angle = rotation_angle + (_root.rotation_angle - rotation_angle);
sin_angle = Math.sin(Number(rotation_angle) * trans);
cos_angle = Math.cos(Number(rotation_angle) * trans);
if (z < -300) {
_visible = false;
} else {
_visible = true;
z = z + _root.inc_z;
rotated_x = (x * cos_angle) - (z * sin_angle);
rotated_z = (z * cos_angle) + (x * sin_angle);
d = _root.topd;
perspective_ratio = d / (d + z);
x = rotated_x;
z = rotated_z;
perspective_x = x * perspective_ratio;
perspective_y = y * perspective_ratio;
this._x = origin_x + perspective_x;
this._y = origin_y + perspective_y;
this._xscale = (regular_size * perspective_ratio) + _root.pngAss;
this.stretch = _parent.speedy;
if (this.stretch > 0) {
this.stretch = 0;
this._yscale = ((regular_size * perspective_ratio) - (this.stretch * 2)) + (_root.pngTorso * 2);
_root.vector = Math.floor(this._x + 16);
Instance of Symbol 91 MovieClip "foot" in Symbol 199 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
if (this._name == "foot") {
this._visible = 0;
origin_x = 0;
origin_y = 0;
oy = 0;
regular_size = 100;
d = 350;
_root.topd = 350;
trans = (Math.PI/180);
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this._name == "foot5") {
padx = _parent.foot0._y;
if (Math.abs(_parent.speedx2 > 0)) {
if (y != yx) {
y = y - ((y - yx) * 0.5);
if (this.dir == 1) {
yx = (oy + (((Math.abs(_parent._parent.pingo._x - _root.targetx) * 0.1) * _root.raise) * 0.5)) + 4;
if (this.dir == -1) {
yx = (oy - (((Math.abs(_parent._parent.pingo._x - _root.targetx) * 0.1) * _root.raise) * 0.5)) + 4;
} else {
y = oy;
if (this._name != "foot") {
rotation_angle = _root.rotation_angle;
sin_angle = Math.sin(Number(rotation_angle) * trans);
cos_angle = Math.cos(Number(rotation_angle) * trans);
if (z < -300) {
_visible = false;
} else {
_visible = true;
z = z + _root.inc_z;
rotated_x = (x * cos_angle) - (z * sin_angle);
rotated_z = (z * cos_angle) + (x * sin_angle);
d = _root.topd;
perspective_ratio = d / (d + z);
x = rotated_x;
z = rotated_z;
perspective_x = x * perspective_ratio;
perspective_y = y * perspective_ratio;
this._visible = _parent.foot;
this._x = (origin_x + perspective_x) - (padx * 1);
this._y = ((origin_y + perspective_y) - (_parent.speedy * 0.1)) - 10;
this._xscale = (this._yscale = (regular_size * perspective_ratio) + _root.pngFoot);
_alpha = (100 * perspective_ratio);
Instance of Symbol 164 MovieClip in Symbol 199 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.pngShock < 0) {
_root.pngShock = 0;
if ( < 0) { = 0;
if ( < 0) { = 0;
if ( > 200) { = 200;
if ( > 200) { = 200;
if (_root.fear < 0) {
_root.fear = 0;
if (_root.fear > 200) {
_root.fear = 200;
_root.anger = _root.anger - 0.1;
if (_root.anger < -20) {
_root.anger = -20;
_root.loneliness = _root.loneliness - 0.1;
if (_root.loneliness < -100) {
_root.loneliness = 0;
this._visible = 0;
if (_root.pngShock > 60) {
_root.rot = Math.floor(((-_xmouse) * 0.05) * 6);
if (_root.rot > 88) {
_root.rot = 88;
if (_root.rot < -88) {
_root.rot = -88;
_root.rotation_angle = (_root.vex - _root.rot) / 6;
_root.inc_z = 0;
Instance of Symbol 177 MovieClip "mouth" in Symbol 199 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
if (this._name == "mouth") {
this._visible = 0;
origin_x = 0;
origin_y = 0;
regular_size = 100;
d = 350;
_root.topd = 350;
trans = (Math.PI/180);
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this._name != "mouth") {
if (_root.pngShock > 80) {
} else {
y = (-_parent.body10.y) - (_parent.body10._yscale * 0.8);
rotation_angle = _root.rotation_angle;
sin_angle = Math.sin(Number(rotation_angle) * trans);
cos_angle = Math.cos(Number(rotation_angle) * trans);
if (z < -300) {
_visible = false;
} else {
_visible = true;
z = z + _root.inc_z;
rotated_x = (x * cos_angle) - (z * sin_angle);
rotated_z = (z * cos_angle) + (x * sin_angle);
d = _root.topd;
perspective_ratio = d / (d + z);
x = rotated_x;
z = rotated_z;
perspective_x = x * perspective_ratio;
perspective_y = y * perspective_ratio;
this._x = origin_x + perspective_x;
this._y = origin_y + perspective_y;
this._xscale = (regular_size * perspective_ratio) - Math.abs(x * 40);
this.stretch = _parent.speedy;
if (this.stretch > 0) {
this.stretch = 0;
this._yscale = (regular_size * perspective_ratio) - (this.stretch * 1);
_alpha = (100 * perspective_ratio);
Instance of Symbol 187 MovieClip "eyeRight" in Symbol 199 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
if (this._name == "eye") {
this._visible = 0;
origin_x = 0;
origin_y = 0;
regular_size = 100;
d = _root.topd;
trans = (Math.PI/180);
x = 20;
y = -50;
z = -10;
dir = -1;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this._name != "eye") {
y = _parent.body10.y - _parent.body10._height;
rotation_angle_x = 0;
rotation_angle_y = _root.rotation_angle;
rotation_angle_z = 0;
sin_a = Math.sin(Number(rotation_angle_x) * trans);
cos_a = Math.cos(Number(rotation_angle_x) * trans);
sin_b = Math.sin(Number(rotation_angle_y) * trans);
cos_b = Math.cos(Number(rotation_angle_y) * trans);
sin_c = Math.sin(Number(rotation_angle_z) * trans);
cos_c = Math.cos(Number(rotation_angle_z) * trans);
z = z + _root.inc_z;
rx1 = x;
ry1 = (y * cos_a) - (z * sin_a);
rz1 = (z * cos_a) + (y * sin_a);
rx2 = (rx1 * cos_b) - (rz1 * sin_b);
ry2 = ry1;
rz2 = (rz1 * cos_b) + (rx1 * sin_b);
rx3 = (rx2 * cos_c) - (ry2 * sin_c);
ry3 = (ry2 * cos_c) + (rx2 * sin_c);
rz3 = rz2;
perspective_ratio = d / (d + z);
perspective_x = x * perspective_ratio;
perspective_y = y * perspective_ratio;
x = rx3;
y = ry3;
z = rz3;
this._x = origin_x + perspective_x;
this._y = origin_y + perspective_y;
this._xscale = (((regular_size * perspective_ratio) + (-50 + _root.pngEyes)) + _root.eyeRound) * dir;
this._yscale = (regular_size * perspective_ratio) + (-50 + _root.pngEyes);
this._rotation = x * 0.4;
if (z > (_parent.body10.z + 100)) {
gotoAndStop (2);
} else {
gotoAndStop (1);
Instance of Symbol 190 MovieClip "eyeLeft" in Symbol 199 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
if (this._name == "eye") {
this._visible = 0;
origin_x = 0;
origin_y = 0;
regular_size = 100;
d = _root.topd;
trans = (Math.PI/180);
x = -20;
y = -50;
z = -10;
dir = 1;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this._name != "eye") {
y = _parent.body10.y - _parent.body10._height;
rotation_angle_x = 0;
rotation_angle_y = _root.rotation_angle;
rotation_angle_z = 0;
sin_a = Math.sin(Number(rotation_angle_x) * trans);
cos_a = Math.cos(Number(rotation_angle_x) * trans);
sin_b = Math.sin(Number(rotation_angle_y) * trans);
cos_b = Math.cos(Number(rotation_angle_y) * trans);
sin_c = Math.sin(Number(rotation_angle_z) * trans);
cos_c = Math.cos(Number(rotation_angle_z) * trans);
z = z + _root.inc_z;
rx1 = x;
ry1 = (y * cos_a) - (z * sin_a);
rz1 = (z * cos_a) + (y * sin_a);
rx2 = (rx1 * cos_b) - (rz1 * sin_b);
ry2 = ry1;
rz2 = (rz1 * cos_b) + (rx1 * sin_b);
rx3 = (rx2 * cos_c) - (ry2 * sin_c);
ry3 = (ry2 * cos_c) + (rx2 * sin_c);
rz3 = rz2;
perspective_ratio = d / (d + z);
perspective_x = x * perspective_ratio;
perspective_y = y * perspective_ratio;
x = rx3;
y = ry3;
z = rz3;
this._x = origin_x + perspective_x;
this._y = origin_y + perspective_y;
this._xscale = (((regular_size * perspective_ratio) + (-50 + _root.pngEyes)) + _root.eyeRound) * dir;
this._yscale = (regular_size * perspective_ratio) + (-50 + _root.pngEyes);
this._rotation = x * 0.4;
if (z > (_parent.body10.z + 100)) {
gotoAndStop (2);
} else {
gotoAndStop (1);
Instance of Symbol 194 MovieClip "hand" in Symbol 199 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
if (this._name == "hand") {
this._visible = 0;
origin_x = 0;
origin_y = 0;
regular_size = 100;
d = 350;
_root.topd = 350;
trans = (Math.PI/180);
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this._name != "hand") {
if (_root.defend == 11) {
if (Math.abs(_root.targetx - _parent.pingo._x) > 200) {
} else {
y = (-_parent.body10._height) + 50;
rotation_angle = _root.rotation_angle;
sin_angle = Math.sin(Number(rotation_angle) * trans);
cos_angle = Math.cos(Number(rotation_angle) * trans);
z = z + _root.inc_z;
rotated_x = (x * cos_angle) - (z * sin_angle);
rotated_z = (z * cos_angle) + (x * sin_angle);
d = _root.topd;
perspective_ratio = d / (d + z);
x = rotated_x;
z = rotated_z;
perspective_x = x * perspective_ratio;
perspective_y = y * perspective_ratio;
this._visible = _parent.hand;
this.stretch = Math.abs(_parent.speedy);
this._x = origin_x + perspective_x;
this._y = (origin_y + perspective_y) - this.stretch;
this._xscale = ((regular_size * perspective_ratio) * dir) + (_root.pngHands * 2);
this._yscale = (regular_size * perspective_ratio) + (_root.pngHands * 2);
_alpha = (100 * perspective_ratio);
this._rotation = (-_parent._parent.speedy) * 2;
Instance of Symbol 65 MovieClip "pngToyBall" in Symbol 199 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = 0;
origin_x = 0;
origin_y = 0;
regular_size = 200;
z = -30;
x = 0;
d = 350;
_root.topd = 350;
trans = (Math.PI/180);
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this._name != "mouth") {
y = _parent.hand35.y - 30;
rotation_angle = _root.rotation_angle;
sin_angle = Math.sin(Number(rotation_angle) * trans);
cos_angle = Math.cos(Number(rotation_angle) * trans);
if (_root.caught == 0) {
_visible = false;
} else {
_visible = true;
z = z + _root.inc_z;
rotated_x = (x * cos_angle) - (z * sin_angle);
rotated_z = (z * cos_angle) + (x * sin_angle);
d = _root.topd;
perspective_ratio = d / (d + z);
x = rotated_x;
z = rotated_z;
perspective_x = x * perspective_ratio;
perspective_y = y * perspective_ratio;
this._x = origin_x + perspective_x;
this._y = origin_y + perspective_y;
this._xscale = regular_size * perspective_ratio;
this._yscale = regular_size * perspective_ratio;
_alpha = (100 * perspective_ratio);
Symbol 202 MovieClip Frame 13
Symbol 205 MovieClip Frame 51
Symbol 212 MovieClip Frame 2
_root.masterZoom = 100;
Instance of Symbol 149 MovieClip "bounds" in Symbol 212 MovieClip Frame 2
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.toy == "disco") {
} else {
gotoAndStop (1);
Instance of Symbol 159 MovieClip in Symbol 212 MovieClip Frame 2
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this._x != _parent.pingo._x) {
this._x = this._x + ((_parent.pingo._x - this._x) * 0.6);
if (_root.toy == "disco") {
this._alpha = random(300);
} else {
this.alpha = 100;
Instance of Symbol 161 MovieClip in Symbol 212 MovieClip Frame 2
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this._x = _parent.pingo._x;
Instance of Symbol 199 MovieClip "pingo" in Symbol 212 MovieClip Frame 2
onClipEvent (load) {
_root.pngCuriosity = 40;
pressing = 0;
_root.gravity = 25;
gravity = _root.gravity + 1;
_root.pngJump = 100;
floor = 100;
floorx1 = (-_parent.bounds._width) * 0.5;
floorx2 = _parent.bounds._width * 0.5;
bounce = (obounce = 0.5);
speedx = 20;
speedy = -250;
_root.raise = 1;
_root.step = 10;
eyeLidBottom = 30;
eyeLidTop = -30;
blinkSpeed = 0.2 + (_root.pngAnger * 0.001);
blinkFreq = 35;
on (press) {
pressing = 1;
blinkSpeed = 1;
blinkFreq = 5;
on (release, releaseOutside) {
pressing = 0;
blinkSpeed = 0.2 + (_root.pngAnger * 0.001);
blinkFreq = 35;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (pressing) {
_root.vex = 0;
_root.targetx = 0;
_root.pngFear = _root.pngFear + 5;
_root.pngJoy = _root.pngJoy + 5;
_root.rotationAngle = 0;
this._x = this._x + ((_parent._xmouse - this._x) * 0.6);
this._y = this._y + ((_parent._ymouse - this._y) * 0.6);
speedx = this._x - x0;
speedy = this._y - y0;
_root.pngAnger = _root.pngAnger + speedx;
x0 = this._x;
y0 = this._y;
if (_root.pngAnger > 100) {
_x = (_x + (random(20) - 10));
if (random(blinkFreq) < 3) {
eyeLidBottom = 35 - (_root.pngAnger * 0.2);
eyeLidTop = -35 + (_root.pngAnger * 0.2);
_root.step = _root.step + _root.raise;
if (_root.step > 9) {
speedy = speedy - 1;
_root.raise = _root.raise * -1;
if (_root.step < 0) {
_root.raise = _root.raise * -1;
if (_root.pngFear > 40) {
if (_root.pngHate > 95) {
if (Math.abs(_root.targetx - _x) > 30) {
_x = (_x + (((_root.targetx - _x) - (speedx2 * 0.1)) * 0.04));
if (((random(40 - (_root.pngAdreneline * 0.35)) + 1) == 1) and (_parent.toyBall._visible != 1)) {
_root.targetx = body10._x + (random(2000 + (_root.pngAdreneline * 10)) - 1000);
speedy = speedy + gravity;
this._y = this._y + (speedy / 4);
if (_parent._x != (-this._x)) {
_parent._x = _parent._x + (((-this._x) - _parent._x) * 0.2);
_root.shear = _parent._x;
if (pressing == 0) {
_parent._y = _parent._y + ((((-this._y) + 160) - _parent._y) * 0.4);
if (this._y > floor) {
if (Math.abs(_root.targetx - _x) > 30) {
_x = (_x + (((_root.targetx - _x) - (speedx2 * 0.1)) * 0.04));
if (((random(40 - (_root.pngAdreneline * 0.35)) + 1) == 1) and (_parent.toyBall._visible != 1)) {
_root.targetx = body10._x + (random(2000 + (_root.pngAdreneline * 10)) - 1000);
this._y = floor;
speedy = speedy * (-bounce);
if (_root.toy != "disco") {
bounce = obounce;
if (_root.toy == "disco") {
speedy = -160;
bounce = 0.98;
if ((((random(30) + 1) == 9) and (_root.toy == "ball")) and (_root.caught == 0)) {
dox = random(20);
speedy = -10 + random(100);
if (dox > 10) {
} else {
speedy = -((random(10) + 50) - (_parent.toyBall._y - _parent.pingo.y));
if (((random(30 - (_root.pngAdreneline * 0.35)) + 1) == 1) and (_root.toy == "knife")) {
speedy = -((random(10) + 100) - (_parent.toyBall._y - _parent.pingo.y));
_root.rot = -(_root.targetx - _parent.pingo._x);
speedx2 = Math.abs(_root.rot);
if (_parent.toyBall._visible) {
_root.targetx = _parent.toyBall._x;
if (_parent.fireworks._visible) {
_root.targetx = _parent.fireworks._x;
if (_parent.butterflies._visible) {
_root.targetx = _parent.butterflies._x;
if (_root.toy == "disco") {
_root.targetx = random(100) - 50;
_root.pngAnger = _root.pngAnger - 10;
_root.pngJoy = _root.pngJoy + 5;
_root.pngFocus = 100;
_root.pngAdreneline = 100;
_root.pngLove = 100;
if ((this._x < floorx1) || (this._x > floorx2)) {
speedx = speedx * (-bounce);
_root.targetx = _root.targetx * -0.5;
if (this._x < floorx1) {
this._x = floorx1;
} else if (this._x > floorx2) {
this._x = floorx2;
_root.pngVigilance = _root.pngVigilance - 0.3;
_root.pngAdreneline = _root.pngAdreneline - 1;
_root.pngHate = _root.pngHate - 0.5;
if (_root.pngHate > 100) {
_root.pngHate = 100;
if (_root.pngHate < 0) {
_root.pngHate = 0;
if (_root.pngAnger > 100) {
_root.pngAnger = 100;
if (_root.pngAnger < 0) {
_root.pngAnger = 0;
if (_root.pngShock > 100) {
_root.pngShock = 100;
_root.message = "my god!";
if (_root.pngShock < 0) {
_root.pngShock = 0;
if (_root.pngJoy > 100) {
_root.pngJoy = 100;
if (_root.pngJoy < 0) {
_root.pngJoy = 0;
if (_root.pngFear > 100) {
_root.pngFear = 100;
if (_root.pngFear < 0) {
_root.pngFear = 0;
if (_root.pngVigilance > 100) {
_root.pngVigilance = 100;
if (_root.pngVigilance < 0) {
_root.pngVigilance = 0;
if (_root.pngAdreneline > 100) {
_root.pngAdreneline = 100;
if (_root.pngAdreneline < 1) {
_root.pngAdreneline = 1;
Instance of Symbol 205 MovieClip "piss" in Symbol 212 MovieClip Frame 2
onClipEvent (load) {
Instance of Symbol 65 MovieClip "toyBall" in Symbol 212 MovieClip Frame 2
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
this.gravity = 30;
floor = 100;
floorx1 = (-_parent.bounds._width) * 0.5;
floorx2 = _parent.bounds._width * 0.5;
bounce = 0.98;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this._rotation = this._x;
if ((random(30) == 7) and (_root.caught == 1)) {
if (_root.toy == "ball") {
this._visible = 1;
this._y = this._y - 200;
this.speedx = random(100) + 100;
this.speedy = 300;
_root.caught = 0;
if (pressing) {
if (_root.toy == "ball") {
this._visible = 1;
_root.pngShock = _root.pngShock - 5;
_root.pngVigilance = _root.pngVigilance + 10;
this._x = this._x + ((_parent._xmouse - this._x) * 0.3);
this._y = this._y + ((_parent._ymouse - this._y) * 0.3);
this.speedx = (_parent._xmouse - this._x) * 1;
this.speedy = _root.msy;
} else {
if (_root.caught == 1) {
this._x = _parent.pingo._x;
this._y = _parent.pingo._y;
if (this._visible == 1) {
_root.pngTerror = 0;
_root.targ = this;
if (this.hitTest(_parent.pingo.body10)) {
this._visible = 0;
_root.caught = 1;
this.speedy = this.speedy + this.gravity;
this._x = this._x + (this.speedx / 2);
this._y = this._y + (this.speedy / 5);
if (this._y > floor) {
this._y = floor;
this.speedy = this.speedy * (-bounce);
if (this._x < floorx1) {
this._x = floorx1;
this.speedx = this.speedx * (-bounce);
if (this._x > floorx2) {
this._x = floorx2;
this.speedx = this.speedx * (-bounce);
onClipEvent (mouseDown) {
_root.caught = 0;
pressing = 1;
onClipEvent (mouseUp) {
if (this._visible == 1) {
_root.pngSad = _root.pngSad - 5;
_root.pngJoy = _root.pngJoy + 5;
_root.pngAnger = _root.pngAnger - 5;
_root.pngLove = _root.pngLove + 2;
_root.pngHate = _root.pngHate - 10;
pressing = 0;
Instance of Symbol 65 MovieClip "block" in Symbol 212 MovieClip Frame 2
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this.hitTest(_parent.pingo.body10) == 1) {
_root.targetx = 0;
_root.pngShock = 110;
_root.anger = 100;
_root.vex = 0;
Instance of Symbol 75 MovieClip "knife" in Symbol 212 MovieClip Frame 2
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this._x != _parent._xmouse) {
this._x = this._x + ((_parent._xmouse - this._x) * 0.5);
if (this._y != _parent._ymouse) {
this._y = this._y + ((_parent._ymouse - this._y) * 0.5);
if (this.hitTest(_parent.pingo) and (this._visible == 1)) {
_root.pngVigilance = _root.pngVigilance + Math.abs(_root.msx * 0.5);
_root.pngFear = _root.pngFear + Math.abs(_root.msx * 0.4);
_root.pngAdreneline = _root.pngAdreneline + Math.abs(_root.msx * 0.5);
_root.pngAnger = _root.pngAnger + Math.abs(_root.msx * 0.1);
_root.pngHate = _root.pngHate + 5;
_root.pngShock = _root.pngShock - Math.abs(_root.msx * 0.1);
_root.pngJoy = _root.pngJoy - 5;
_parent.pingo.speedx1 = 300;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.toy != "knife") {
this._visible = 0;
} else if (_root.toy == "knife") {
this._visible = 1;
_root.pngTerror = 1;
onClipEvent (load) {
_root.pngTerror = 1;
Instance of Symbol 69 MovieClip "bees" in Symbol 212 MovieClip Frame 2
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this._x != _parent._xmouse) {
this._x = this._x + ((_parent._xmouse - this._x) * 0.3);
if (this._y != _parent._ymouse) {
this._y = this._y + ((_parent._ymouse - this._y) * 0.3);
if (this.hitTest(_parent.pingo) and (this._visible == 1)) {
_root.pngFear = _root.pngFear + 5;
_root.pngVigilance = _root.pngVigilance + 5;
_root.pngShock = _root.pngShock - 5;
_root.pngAnger = _root.pngAnger + 5;
_root.pngJoy = _root.pngJoy - 5;
_parent.pingo.speedx1 = 300;
this._rotation = 90 + ((this._x - _parent.pingo._x) * 0.2);
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.toy != "bees") {
this._visible = 0;
} else if (_root.toy == "bees") {
this._visible = 1;
Instance of Symbol 211 MovieClip "pingobrator" in Symbol 212 MovieClip Frame 2
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.toy != "pingobrator") {
this._visible = 0;
} else if (_root.toy == "pingobrator") {
this._visible = 1;
_root.pngTerror = 0;
if (this._x != _parent._xmouse) {
this._x = this._x + ((_parent._xmouse - this._x) * 0.5);
if (this._y != _parent._ymouse) {
this._y = this._y + ((_parent._ymouse - this._y) * 0.5);
if (this.hitTest(_parent.pingo) and (this._visible == 1)) {
_root.pngAnger = _root.pngAnger - 5;
_root.pngHate = _root.pngHate - 5;
_root.pngShock = _root.pngShock - 5;
Instance of Symbol 58 MovieClip "fireworks" in Symbol 212 MovieClip Frame 2
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this._x != _parent._xmouse) {
this._x = this._x + ((_parent._xmouse - this._x) * 0.3);
if (this._y != _parent._ymouse) {
this._y = this._y + ((_parent._ymouse - this._y) * 0.3);
if (this.hitTest(_parent.pingo) and (this._visible == 1)) {
_root.pngFear = _root.pngFear - 5;
_root.pngJoy = _root.pngJoy + 5;
_root.pngVigilance = _root.pngVigilance + 9;
_root.pngHate = _root.pngHate - 5;
_root.pngAnger = _root.pngAnger - 5;
_root.pngHate = _root.pngHate - 5;
_parent.pingo.speedx1 = 300;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.toy != "fireworks") {
this._visible = 0;
} else if (_root.toy == "fireworks") {
this._visible = 1;
if (_root.speak == 0) {
_root.speak = 1;
_root.sound_aah.onSoundComplete = function () {
_root.speak = 0;
_root.pngShock = (this._y * 0.3) + 50;
Symbol 214 MovieClip Frame 1
_root.response = 0.25;
_root.speak = 0;
_root.iconSize = 30;
_root.gravity = 30;
_root.pngJump = 50;
_root.pngBounce = 0.72;
_root.pngShock = 0;
_root.pngJoy = 0;
_root.pngSad = 0;
_root.pngHate = 0;
_root.pngLove = 0;
_root.pngVigilance = 0;
_root.pngAdreneline = 40;
_root.pngFear = 0;
_root.caught = 0;
_root.topd = 350;
_root.grav = 0;
Instance of Symbol 213 MovieClip "pingo3d" in Symbol 214 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this._xscale != _root.masterZoom) {
if (Math.abs(_root.masterZoom - this.xscale) > 10) {
this._xscale = this._xscale + ((_root.masterZoom - this._xscale) * 0.1);
this._yscale = this._xscale;
onClipEvent (load) {
this._yscale = (this._xscale = 300);
Symbol 224 MovieClip Frame 1
initScale = Number(/:scalemax) + Number(random(100));
trace("myTotal" add myTotal);
setProperty("spark1", _xscale , initScale);
setProperty("spark1", _yscale , initScale);
dir = random(2);
if (Number(dir) == 1) {
xvelocity = Number(Number(random(/:xmax)) + 1) + Number(v0X / 2);
} else {
xvelocity = (Number(random(/:xmax)) + 1) - (v0X / 2);
yvelocity = (Number(random(/:ymax)) + 3) - (v0Y / 2);
life = (Number(random(/:lifemax)) + 1) * 30;
dec = Number(int(120 / life)) + 1;
time = 1;
Symbol 224 MovieClip Frame 2
if (life > 0) {
xscale = getProperty("spark1", _xscale);
yscale = getProperty("spark1", _yscale);
y_velocity = Number(yvelocity) + Number((/:gravmax * ((time / 30) * (time / 30))) / 2);
yvelocity = y_velocity;
if (Number(dir) == 0) {
setProperty("spark1", _x , getProperty("spark1", _x) - xvelocity);
} else {
setProperty("spark1", _x , Number(getProperty("spark1", _x)) + Number(xvelocity));
setProperty("spark1", _y , getProperty("spark1", _y) - y_velocity);
setProperty("spark1", _xscale , getProperty("spark1", _xscale) - dec);
setProperty("spark1", _yscale , getProperty("spark1", _yscale) - dec);
setProperty("spark1", _alpha , getProperty("spark1", _alpha) - dec);
} else {
removeMovieClip("../spark" add myTotal);
Symbol 224 MovieClip Frame 3
gotoAndPlay (2);