Frame 1
totalBytes = this.getBytesTotal();
version = "standalone";
startingHole = 1;
player1Char = 1;
numPlayers = 1;
Frame 2
totalBytesLoaded = this.getBytesLoaded();
percent = (totalBytesLoaded / totalBytes) * 100;
if (percent >= 100) {
gotoAndStop (9);
percent = int(percent) + "% loaded.";
ls = Math.round((totalBytesLoaded / (getTimer() / 1000)) / 10.24) / 100;
var speedload = (("@ " + ls) + "kbs");
Frame 3
gotoAndPlay (2);
Frame 9
function tempBlock() {
mx = _root._XMouse;
my = _root._yMouse;
returnVal = true;
i = -1;
while ((++i) < shotBlockArr.length) {
if (shotBlockArr[i].hitDetect()) {
returnVal = false;
_root.shotBlockArr = [];
_root.okToShoot = tempBlock;
Symbol 51 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 51 MovieClip Frame 5
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 51 MovieClip Frame 14
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 51 MovieClip Frame 20
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 51 MovieClip Frame 30
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 51 MovieClip Frame 45
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 51 MovieClip Frame 55
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 51 MovieClip Frame 68
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 51 MovieClip Frame 79
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 51 MovieClip Frame 92
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 51 MovieClip Frame 106
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 51 MovieClip Frame 116
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 51 MovieClip Frame 124
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 51 MovieClip Frame 132
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 51 MovieClip Frame 140
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 60 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 68 Button
on (release) {
Symbol 80 MovieClip Frame 264
Symbol 84 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 91 Button
on (release) {
gotoAndStop (2);
Symbol 97 Button
on (release) {
Symbol 100 Button
on (release) {
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 101 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 101 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 142 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 143 MovieClip Frame 1
function setPar() {
var i = -1;
s1 = 0;
s2 = 0;
while ((++i) < _parent.par.length) {
this["p" + (i + 1)] = _parent.par[i];
if (8 >= i) {
s1 = s1 + this["p" + (i + 1)];
} else {
s2 = s2 + this["p" + (i + 1)];
function setScores() {
var i = 0;
while (_parent.numPlayers >= (++i)) {
j = i - 1;
this["c" + i] = _parent.names[j];
var n = -1;
this[("c" + i) + "fs"] = 0;
while ((++n) < _parent["saveParScores" + i].length) {
this[(("c" + i) + "s") + (n + 1)] = _parent["saveParScores" + i][n];
this[(("c" + i) + "st") + (n + 1)] = _parent.strokesSaved[i - 1][n];
if (8 >= n) {
this[("c" + i) + "fs"] = this[("c" + i) + "fs"] + this[(("c" + i) + "s") + (n + 1)];
this[("c" + i) + "fst"] = this[("c" + i) + "fst"] + this[(("c" + i) + "st") + (n + 1)];
} else {
this[("c" + i) + "fs2"] = this[("c" + i) + "fs2"] + this[(("c" + i) + "s") + (n + 1)];
this[("c" + i) + "fst2"] = this[("c" + i) + "fst2"] + this[(("c" + i) + "st") + (n + 1)];
function clearFields() {
var i = -1;
while (18 >= (++i)) {
this["s" + i] = "";
this["c1s" + i] = "";
this["c2s" + i] = "";
this["c1st" + i] = "";
this["c2st" + i] = "";
this["p" + i] = "";
c1fst = 0;
c1fst2 = 0;
c1fs2 = 0;
c2fst = "";
c2fst2 = "";
c2fs2 = "";
if (1 < _parent.numPlayers) {
c2fst = 0;
c2fst2 = 0;
c2fs2 = 0;
fs = "";
fs1 = "";
fs2 = "";
c1fs = "";
c2fs = "";
c1 = "";
c2 = "";
face1 = _parent.player1char;
face2 = _parent.player2char;
Symbol 143 MovieClip Frame 2
theHole = "Hole " + _parent.holeNumber;
strokes = _parent.strokesSaved[0][_parent.strokesSaved[0].length - 1];
hn = _parent.holeNumber - 2;
par = _parent.par[hn];
if (strokes == undefined) {
strokes = 0;
shotScore = 0;
} else {
shotScore = (15 - strokes) * 10;
if (strokes < par) {
shotScore = shotScore * par;
if (gameOver == "yes") {
clicker._visible = false;
current_time = _parent.current_time;
totalTime = (_parent.total_minutes * 60) * 1000;
timeLeft = totalTime - current_time;
timeBonus = Math.floor((timeLeft / totalTime) * 1000);
if (!_parent.forced) {
shotScore = shotScore + timeBonus;
} else {
shotScore = 0;
_parent.current_score = _parent.current_score + shotScore;
current_score = _parent.current_score;
if (gameOver == "yes") {
_parent.gotoAndStop("end screen");
Symbol 143 MovieClip Frame 25
Symbol 144 MovieClip Frame 1
function setPar() {
var i = -1;
s1 = 0;
s2 = 0;
while ((++i) < _parent.par.length) {
this["p" + (i + 1)] = _parent.par[i];
if (8 >= i) {
s1 = s1 + this["p" + (i + 1)];
} else {
s2 = s2 + this["p" + (i + 1)];
function setScores() {
var i = 0;
while (_parent.numPlayers >= (++i)) {
j = i - 1;
this["c" + i] = _parent.names[j];
var n = -1;
this[("c" + i) + "fs"] = 0;
while ((++n) < _parent["saveParScores" + i].length) {
this[(("c" + i) + "s") + (n + 1)] = _parent["saveParScores" + i][n];
this[(("c" + i) + "st") + (n + 1)] = _parent.strokesSaved[i - 1][n];
if (8 >= n) {
this[("c" + i) + "fs"] = this[("c" + i) + "fs"] + this[(("c" + i) + "s") + (n + 1)];
this[("c" + i) + "fst"] = this[("c" + i) + "fst"] + this[(("c" + i) + "st") + (n + 1)];
} else {
this[("c" + i) + "fs2"] = this[("c" + i) + "fs2"] + this[(("c" + i) + "s") + (n + 1)];
this[("c" + i) + "fst2"] = this[("c" + i) + "fst2"] + this[(("c" + i) + "st") + (n + 1)];
function clearFields() {
var i = -1;
while (18 >= (++i)) {
this["s" + i] = "";
this["c1s" + i] = "";
this["c2s" + i] = "";
this["c1st" + i] = "";
this["c2st" + i] = "";
this["p" + i] = "";
c1fst = 0;
c1fst2 = 0;
c1fs2 = 0;
c2fst = "";
c2fst2 = "";
c2fs2 = "";
if (1 < _parent.numPlayers) {
c2fst = 0;
c2fst2 = 0;
c2fs2 = 0;
fs = "";
fs1 = "";
fs2 = "";
c1fs = "";
c2fs = "";
c1 = "";
c2 = "";
face1 = _parent.player1char;
face2 = _parent.player2char;
Symbol 144 MovieClip Frame 2
theHole = "Hole " + _parent.holeNumber;
strokes = _parent.strokesSaved[0][_parent.strokesSaved[0].length - 1];
hn = _parent.holeNumber - 2;
par = _parent.par[hn];
if (strokes == undefined) {
strokes = 0;
shotScore = 0;
} else {
shotScore = (15 - strokes) * 10;
if (strokes < par) {
shotScore = shotScore * par;
if (gameOver == "yes") {
clicker._visible = false;
current_time = _parent.current_time;
totalTime = (_parent.total_minutes * 60) * 1000;
timeLeft = totalTime - current_time;
timeBonus = Math.floor((timeLeft / totalTime) * 1000);
if (!_parent.forced) {
shotScore = shotScore + timeBonus;
} else {
shotScore = 0;
_parent.current_score = _parent.current_score + shotScore;
current_score = _parent.current_score;
if (gameOver == "yes") {
_parent.gotoAndStop("end screen");
Symbol 144 MovieClip Frame 25
Symbol 153 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 153 MovieClip Frame 5
Symbol 155 MovieClip Frame 1
controllerPath = _parent._parent._parent;
Symbol 155 MovieClip Frame 2
ballName = "ball" + controllerPath.controller.ballNumber;
point = new Object();
relativeX = _parent[ballName]._x - _x;
relativeY = _parent[ballName]._y - _y;
point.x = relativeX;
point.y = relativeY;
if (this.hitTest(point.x, point.y, true)) {
xs = controllerPath.controller.xMov[controllerPath.controller.ballNumber];
ys = controllerPath.controller.yMov[controllerPath.controller.ballNumber];
s = math.sqrt((xs * xs) + (ys * ys));
if (0 < s) {
if (sand.puff._currentframe == 1) {
if (1 < s) {
sand.puff._x = relativeX;
sand.puff._y = relativeY;
controllerPath.controller.onSand = true;
} else {
} else {
controllerPath.controller.onSand = false;
Symbol 155 MovieClip Frame 3
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 155 MovieClip Frame 4
ballName = "ball" + controllerPath.controller.ballNumber;
point = new Object();
point.x = _parent[ballName]._x - _x;
point.y = _parent[ballName]._y - _y;
if (this.hitTest(point.x, point.y, true)) {
controllerPath.controller.onSand = true;
} else {
controllerPath.controller.onSand = false;
Symbol 163 MovieClip Frame 1
controllerPath = _parent._parent._parent;
myNum = ++controllerPath.controller.numboxes;
_name = ("box" + myNum);
sinY = controllerPath.controller.sinY;
sinX = controllerPath.controller.sinX;
cosY = controllerPath.controller.cosY;
cosX = controllerPath.controller.cosX;
fx = (tl._x * (_xscale / 100)) + _x;
fy = (tl._y * (_xscale / 100)) + _y;
zp = ((fx / cosY) - (fy / (sinY * sinX))) * (1 / ((cosY / sinY) + (sinY / cosY)));
top = zp;
xp = (1 / cosY) * (fx - (zp * sinY));
left = xp;
fx = (br._x * (_xscale / 100)) + _x;
fy = (br._y * (_yscale / 100)) + _y;
zp = ((fx / cosY) - (fy / (sinY * sinX))) * (1 / ((cosY / sinY) + (sinY / cosY)));
bottom = zp;
xp = (1 / cosY) * (fx - (zp * sinY));
right = xp;
rm = right;
tm = top;
_visible = 0;
Symbol 169 MovieClip Frame 1
controllerPath = _parent._parent._parent;
sinY = controllerPath.controller.sinY;
sinX = controllerPath.controller.sinX;
cosY = controllerPath.controller.cosY;
cosX = controllerPath.controller.cosX;
fx = (center._x * (_xscale / 100)) + _x;
fy = (center._y * (_xscale / 100)) + _y;
zp = ((fx / cosY) - (fy / (sinY * sinX))) * (1 / ((cosY / sinY) + (sinY / cosY)));
xp = (1 / cosY) * (fx - (zp * sinY));
centerX = xp;
centerZ = zp;
fx = (radius._x * (_xscale / 100)) + _x;
fy = (radius._y * (_yscale / 100)) + _y;
zp = ((fx / cosY) - (fy / (sinY * sinX))) * (1 / ((cosY / sinY) + (sinY / cosY)));
xp = (1 / cosY) * (fx - (zp * sinY));
radX = xp;
rad = math.abs(centerX - radX);
radius._visible = 0;
center._visible = 0;
Symbol 169 MovieClip Frame 2
if (_name == "hole") {
} else if (_name == "hole2") {
} else if (_name == "hole3") {
Symbol 171 MovieClip Frame 1
if (_name != "shadow") {
num = _name.substr(6);
_x = _parent["ball" + num]._x;
_y = _parent["ball" + num]._y;
Symbol 178 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 178 MovieClip Frame 10
Symbol 178 MovieClip Frame 20
Instance of Symbol 178 MovieClip "sploosh" in Symbol 179 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
Symbol 180 MovieClip Frame 1
controllerPath = _parent._parent._parent;
Symbol 180 MovieClip Frame 2
ballName = "ball" + controllerPath.controller.ballNumber;
point = new Object();
relativeX = _parent[ballName]._x - _x;
relativeY = _parent[ballName]._y - _y;
point.x = relativeX;
point.y = relativeY;
if (this.hitTest(point.x, point.y, true)) {
xs = controllerPath.controller.xMov[controllerPath.controller.ballNumber];
ys = controllerPath.controller.yMov[controllerPath.controller.ballNumber];
s = math.sqrt((xs * xs) + (ys * ys));
if (0 < s) {
if (puddle.sploosh._currentframe == 1) {
if (5 < s) {
} else {
puddle.sploosh._x = relativeX;
puddle.sploosh._y = relativeY;
controllerPath.controller.onPuddle = true;
} else {
controllerPath.controller.onPuddle = false;
} else {
controllerPath.controller.onPuddle = false;
Symbol 180 MovieClip Frame 3
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 186 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 192 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 192 MovieClip Frame 2
currentBallName = _parent._parent._parent.controller.currentBallName;
_x = _parent[currentBallName]._x;
_y = _parent[currentBallName]._y;
Symbol 199 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 202 MovieClip Frame 1
controllerPath = _parent._parent._parent;
myNum = ++controllerPath.controller.numBumpers;
_name = ("bumper" + myNum);
sinY = controllerPath.controller.sinY;
sinX = controllerPath.controller.sinX;
cosY = controllerPath.controller.cosY;
cosX = controllerPath.controller.cosX;
fx = (c._x * (_xscale / 100)) + _x;
fy = (c._y * (_xscale / 100)) + _y;
zp = ((fx / cosY) - (fy / (sinY * sinX))) * (1 / ((cosY / sinY) + (sinY / cosY)));
centerZ = zp;
xp = (1 / cosY) * (fx - (zp * sinY));
centerX = xp;
fx = (r._x * (_xscale / 100)) + _x;
fy = (r._y * (_yscale / 100)) + _y;
zp = ((fx / cosY) - (fy / (sinY * sinX))) * (1 / ((cosY / sinY) + (sinY / cosY)));
rz = zp;
xp = (1 / cosY) * (fx - (zp * sinY));
rx = xp;
radius = math.abs(centerX - rx);
rm = rx;
tm = rz + radius;
top = centerZ - radius;
bottom = centerZ + radius;
right = centerX + radius;
left = centerX - radius;
Symbol 209 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 212 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 245 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 278 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 311 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 344 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 373 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 375 MovieClip Frame 1
Instance of Symbol 374 MovieClip "head5" in Symbol 375 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (data) {
_visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 374 MovieClip "head6" in Symbol 375 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (data) {
_visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 374 MovieClip "head4" in Symbol 375 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (data) {
_visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 374 MovieClip "head3" in Symbol 375 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (data) {
_visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 374 MovieClip "head2" in Symbol 375 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (data) {
_visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 374 MovieClip "head1" in Symbol 375 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (data) {
_visible = false;
Symbol 376 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 379 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 379 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 379 MovieClip Frame 3
Symbol 380 MovieClip Frame 1
function init(pp1, pp2) {
p1 = pp1;
p2 = pp2;
currentChar = p1;
function sendToFrame() {
step = "";
rotShift = 5.625;
rotation = arrowRot;
if (rotation < 0) {
rotation = rotation + 360;
if (360 < rotation) {
rotation = rotation - 360;
i = 0;
while (frames >= (++i)) {
if ((rotation >= (degreeStep * (i - 1))) && (rotation < (degreeStep * i))) {
step = i;
if ((rotation >= ((degreeStep * (i - 1)) - rotShift)) && (rotation < ((degreeStep * i) - rotShift))) {
swingStep = 25 * factor;
function setAllFrames(theFrame) {
theStartFrame = theFrame;
player.head["head" + currentChar].gotoAndStop(theFrame);
function mouseMoveFxn() {
if (controllerPath.controller.moveEnded == "yes") {
ballName = controllerPath.controller.currentBallName;
function setStrengthBar() {
bar.gotoAndStop(Math.round(100 * factor));
function mouseDownFxn() {
if (_root.okToShoot()) {
if (controllerPath.controller.moveEnded == "yes") {
if (followMouse == true) {
followMouse = false;
if ((rot == "") || (rot == null)) {
rot = 0;
if ((factor == "") || (factor == null)) {
factor = 0.25;
controllerPath.controller.shoot(rot, factor);
_visible = 0;
function follow() {
if (followMouse == true) {
ballName = controllerPath.controller.currentBallName;
var bx = _parent[ballName]._x;
var by = _parent[ballName]._y;
var fx = _parent._xMouse;
var fy = _parent._yMouse;
var zp = (((fx / cosY) - (fy / (sinY * sinX))) * (1 / ((cosY / sinY) + (sinY / cosY))));
var xp = ((1 / cosY) * (fx - (zp * sinY)));
var x1 = xp;
var z1 = zp;
var fx = bx;
var fy = by;
var zp = (((fx / cosY) - (fy / (sinY * sinX))) * (1 / ((cosY / sinY) + (sinY / cosY))));
var xp = ((1 / cosY) * (fx - (zp * sinY)));
var x2 = xp;
var z2 = zp;
var xDiff = (x1 - x2);
var zDiff = (z1 - z2);
rot = math.atan2(zDiff, xDiff) + math.pi;
rotation = ((rot - math.pi) * 180) / math.pi;
if (rotation < 0) {
rotation = rotation + 360;
var xDiff = (_parent._xMouse - bx);
var yDiff = (_parent._yMouse - by);
lineRot = math.atan2(yDiff, xDiff);
arrowRot = (lineRot * 180) / math.pi;
arrow._rotation = arrowRot + 180;
_x = _parent[ballName]._x;
_y = _parent[ballName]._y;
function setClubFrame(factor) {
zeroFrame = 10;
maxFrame = 18;
frameStep = maxFrame - zeroFrame;
clubFrame = zeroFrame + int(factor * frameStep);;
function getStrength() {
var fx = (_parent._xMouse - _x);
var fy = (_parent._yMouse - _y);
var dis = math.sqrt((fx * fx) + (fy * fy));
var minDis = 10;
var maxDis = 80;
var minFac = 0.06;
factor = (dis - minDis) / maxDis;
if (factor < minFac) {
factor = minFac;
if (1 < factor) {
factor = 1;
function showMe(name) {
return(((("head" + currentChar) == name) ? true : false));
function changeColorOLD(path, r, g, b) {
trace("path=" + path);
myColor = new Color(path);
colorTransform = {ra:100, rb:r, ga:100, gb:g, ba:100, bb:b, aa:100, ab:0};
function setHead(fromHead) {
if (fromHead == "yes") {
var i = 0;
while ((++i) < 7) {
player.head["head" + i]._visible = false;
player.head["head" + currentChar].gotoAndStop(theStartFrame);
if (headsLoaded >= numPlayers) {
player.head["head" + currentChar]._visible = true;
player._visible = true; = player.ef;
function changeCharacter(newChar) {
buildCharacter(this["p" + newChar]);
function buildCharacter(whichCharacter) {
currentChar = whichCharacter;
charPath = player;
charPath.shirt.changeColor = changeColor;
charPath.pants.changeColor = changeColor; = changeColor;
charPath.shirt.changeColor(this["character" + whichCharacter][0], this["character" + whichCharacter][1], this["character" + whichCharacter][2]);
charPath.pants.changeColor(this["character" + whichCharacter][3], this["character" + whichCharacter][4], this["character" + whichCharacter][5]);["character" + whichCharacter][6], this["character" + whichCharacter][7], this["character" + whichCharacter][8]);
numPlayers = _parent._parent._parent.numPlayers;
headsLoaded = 1;
controllerPath = _parent._parent._parent;
player._visible = false;
_x = _parent.ball0._x;
_y = _parent.ball0._y;
makeInvis = false;
if (makeInvis) {
player._visible = 0;
frames = 32;
degreeStep = 360 / frames;
ballName = controllerPath.controller.currentBallName;
sinY = controllerPath.controller.sinY;
sinX = controllerPath.controller.sinX;
cosX = controllerPath.controller.cosX;
cosY = controllerPath.controller.cosY;
character1 = [255, 255, 255, 1, 84, 222, 247, 186, 168];
character2 = [1, 173, 1, 0, 0, 153, 238, 186, 149];
character3 = [120, 105, 228, 47, 191, 190, 247, 187, 168];
character4 = [197, 52, 52, 44, 123, 254, 234, 150, 100];
changeColor = function (r, g, b) {
myColor = new Color(this);
colorTransform = {ra:100, rb:r, ga:100, gb:g, ba:100, bb:b, aa:100, ab:0};
init(controllerPath.player1Char, controllerPath.player2Char);
Instance of Symbol 376 MovieClip "player" in Symbol 380 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
function ef() {
if (Key.isDown(Key.SHIFT)) {
_alpha = 35; = 35;
} else {
_alpha = 100; = 100;
run = ef;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
Instance of Symbol 379 MovieClip "patch" in Symbol 380 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
_visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 150 MovieClip in Symbol 381 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
Instance of Symbol 163 MovieClip in Symbol 381 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
_visible = 0;
Instance of Symbol 202 MovieClip in Symbol 381 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
_visible = 0;
Instance of Symbol 380 MovieClip "line" in Symbol 381 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (mouseMove) {
onClipEvent (mouseDown) {
Instance of Symbol 384 MovieClip in Symbol 386 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
Instance of Symbol 380 MovieClip "line" in Symbol 386 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (mouseMove) {
onClipEvent (mouseDown) {
Instance of Symbol 385 MovieClip "pad" in Symbol 386 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
_visible = 0;
Symbol 391 MovieClip Frame 1
controllerPath = _parent._parent._parent;
myNum = ++controllerPath.controller.numBanks;
_name = ("bank" + myNum);
sinY = controllerPath.controller.sinY;
sinX = controllerPath.controller.sinX;
cosY = controllerPath.controller.cosY;
cosX = controllerPath.controller.cosX;
fx = (tl._x * (_xscale / 100)) + _x;
fy = (tl._y * (_xscale / 100)) + _y;
zp = ((fx / cosY) - (fy / (sinY * sinX))) * (1 / ((cosY / sinY) + (sinY / cosY)));
top = zp;
xp = (1 / cosY) * (fx - (zp * sinY));
left = xp;
fx = (br._x * (_xscale / 100)) + _x;
fy = (br._y * (_yscale / 100)) + _y;
zp = ((fx / cosY) - (fy / (sinY * sinX))) * (1 / ((cosY / sinY) + (sinY / cosY)));
bottom = zp;
xp = (1 / cosY) * (fx - (zp * sinY));
right = xp;
tm = top;
rm = right;
_visible = 0;
angle = 45;
Symbol 393 MovieClip Frame 1
controllerPath = _parent._parent._parent;
myNum = ++controllerPath.controller.numboxes;
_name = ("box" + myNum);
sinY = controllerPath.controller.sinY;
sinX = controllerPath.controller.sinX;
cosY = controllerPath.controller.cosY;
cosX = controllerPath.controller.cosX;
fx = (tl._x * (_xscale / 100)) + _x;
fy = (tl._y * (_xscale / 100)) + _y;
zp = ((fx / cosY) - (fy / (sinY * sinX))) * (1 / ((cosY / sinY) + (sinY / cosY)));
top = zp;
xp = (1 / cosY) * (fx - (zp * sinY));
left = xp;
fx = (br._x * (_xscale / 100)) + _x;
fy = (br._y * (_yscale / 100)) + _y;
zp = ((fx / cosY) - (fy / (sinY * sinX))) * (1 / ((cosY / sinY) + (sinY / cosY)));
bottom = zp;
xp = (1 / cosY) * (fx - (zp * sinY));
right = xp;
rm = right;
tm = top;
_visible = 0;
Instance of Symbol 389 MovieClip in Symbol 394 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
Instance of Symbol 380 MovieClip "line" in Symbol 394 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (mouseMove) {
onClipEvent (mouseDown) {
Instance of Symbol 385 MovieClip "pad" in Symbol 394 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
_visible = 0;
Symbol 400 MovieClip Frame 1
controllerPath = _parent._parent._parent;
myNum = ++controllerPath.controller.numboxes;
_name = ("box" + myNum);
sinY = controllerPath.controller.sinY;
sinX = controllerPath.controller.sinX;
cosY = controllerPath.controller.cosY;
cosX = controllerPath.controller.cosX;
fx = (tl._x * (_xscale / 100)) + _x;
fy = (tl._y * (_xscale / 100)) + _y;
zp = ((fx / cosY) - (fy / (sinY * sinX))) * (1 / ((cosY / sinY) + (sinY / cosY)));
top = zp;
xp = (1 / cosY) * (fx - (zp * sinY));
left = xp;
fx = (br._x * (_xscale / 100)) + _x;
fy = (br._y * (_yscale / 100)) + _y;
zp = ((fx / cosY) - (fy / (sinY * sinX))) * (1 / ((cosY / sinY) + (sinY / cosY)));
bottom = zp;
xp = (1 / cosY) * (fx - (zp * sinY));
right = xp;
rm = right;
tm = top;
bl._visible = 0;
br._visible = 0;
tl._visible = 0;
tr._visible = 0;
Symbol 407 MovieClip Frame 1
controllerPath = _parent._parent._parent;
myNum = ++controllerPath.controller.numBanks;
_name = ("bank" + myNum);
sinY = controllerPath.controller.sinY;
sinX = controllerPath.controller.sinX;
cosY = controllerPath.controller.cosY;
cosX = controllerPath.controller.cosX;
fx = (tl._x * (_xscale / 100)) + _x;
fy = (tl._y * (_xscale / 100)) + _y;
zp = ((fx / cosY) - (fy / (sinY * sinX))) * (1 / ((cosY / sinY) + (sinY / cosY)));
top = zp;
xp = (1 / cosY) * (fx - (zp * sinY));
left = xp;
fx = (br._x * (_xscale / 100)) + _x;
fy = (br._y * (_yscale / 100)) + _y;
zp = ((fx / cosY) - (fy / (sinY * sinX))) * (1 / ((cosY / sinY) + (sinY / cosY)));
bottom = zp;
xp = (1 / cosY) * (fx - (zp * sinY));
right = xp;
tm = top;
rm = right;
_visible = 0;
angle = 135;
Symbol 409 MovieClip Frame 1
controllerPath = _parent._parent._parent;
myNum = ++controllerPath.controller.numBanks;
_name = ("bank" + myNum);
sinY = controllerPath.controller.sinY;
sinX = controllerPath.controller.sinX;
cosY = controllerPath.controller.cosY;
cosX = controllerPath.controller.cosX;
fx = (tl._x * (_xscale / 100)) + _x;
fy = (tl._y * (_xscale / 100)) + _y;
zp = ((fx / cosY) - (fy / (sinY * sinX))) * (1 / ((cosY / sinY) + (sinY / cosY)));
top = zp;
xp = (1 / cosY) * (fx - (zp * sinY));
left = xp;
fx = (br._x * (_xscale / 100)) + _x;
fy = (br._y * (_yscale / 100)) + _y;
zp = ((fx / cosY) - (fy / (sinY * sinX))) * (1 / ((cosY / sinY) + (sinY / cosY)));
bottom = zp;
xp = (1 / cosY) * (fx - (zp * sinY));
right = xp;
tm = top;
rm = right;
_visible = 0;
angle = 315;
Symbol 411 MovieClip Frame 1
controllerPath = _parent._parent._parent;
myNum = ++controllerPath.controller.numBanks;
_name = ("bank" + myNum);
sinY = controllerPath.controller.sinY;
sinX = controllerPath.controller.sinX;
cosY = controllerPath.controller.cosY;
cosX = controllerPath.controller.cosX;
fx = (tl._x * (_xscale / 100)) + _x;
fy = (tl._y * (_xscale / 100)) + _y;
zp = ((fx / cosY) - (fy / (sinY * sinX))) * (1 / ((cosY / sinY) + (sinY / cosY)));
top = zp;
xp = (1 / cosY) * (fx - (zp * sinY));
left = xp;
fx = (br._x * (_xscale / 100)) + _x;
fy = (br._y * (_yscale / 100)) + _y;
zp = ((fx / cosY) - (fy / (sinY * sinX))) * (1 / ((cosY / sinY) + (sinY / cosY)));
bottom = zp;
xp = (1 / cosY) * (fx - (zp * sinY));
right = xp;
tm = top;
rm = right;
_visible = 0;
angle = 225;
Symbol 413 MovieClip Frame 1
controllerPath = _parent._parent._parent;
myNum = ++controllerPath.controller.numboxes;
_name = ("box" + myNum);
sinY = controllerPath.controller.sinY;
sinX = controllerPath.controller.sinX;
cosY = controllerPath.controller.cosY;
cosX = controllerPath.controller.cosX;
fx = (tl._x * (_xscale / 100)) + _x;
fy = (tl._y * (_xscale / 100)) + _y;
zp = ((fx / cosY) - (fy / (sinY * sinX))) * (1 / ((cosY / sinY) + (sinY / cosY)));
top = zp;
xp = (1 / cosY) * (fx - (zp * sinY));
left = xp;
fx = (br._x * (_xscale / 100)) + _x;
fy = (br._y * (_yscale / 100)) + _y;
zp = ((fx / cosY) - (fy / (sinY * sinX))) * (1 / ((cosY / sinY) + (sinY / cosY)));
bottom = zp;
xp = (1 / cosY) * (fx - (zp * sinY));
right = xp;
rm = right;
tm = top;
_visible = 0;
Instance of Symbol 398 MovieClip in Symbol 414 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
Instance of Symbol 380 MovieClip "line" in Symbol 414 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (mouseMove) {
onClipEvent (mouseDown) {
Instance of Symbol 402 MovieClip in Symbol 414 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
Instance of Symbol 404 MovieClip in Symbol 414 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
Instance of Symbol 405 MovieClip in Symbol 414 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
Symbol 418 MovieClip Frame 1
controllerPath = _parent._parent._parent;
sinY = controllerPath.controller.sinY;
sinX = controllerPath.controller.sinX;
cosY = controllerPath.controller.cosY;
cosX = controllerPath.controller.cosX;
fx = (center._x * (_xscale / 100)) + _x;
fy = (center._y * (_xscale / 100)) + _y;
zp = ((fx / cosY) - (fy / (sinY * sinX))) * (1 / ((cosY / sinY) + (sinY / cosY)));
xp = (1 / cosY) * (fx - (zp * sinY));
centerX = xp;
centerZ = zp;
fx = (radius._x * (_xscale / 100)) + _x;
fy = (radius._y * (_yscale / 100)) + _y;
zp = ((fx / cosY) - (fy / (sinY * sinX))) * (1 / ((cosY / sinY) + (sinY / cosY)));
xp = (1 / cosY) * (fx - (zp * sinY));
radX = xp;
rad = math.abs(centerX - radX);
radius._visible = 0;
center._visible = 0;
Symbol 418 MovieClip Frame 2
if (_name == "hole") {
} else if (_name == "hole2") {
} else if (_name == "hole3") {
Symbol 420 MovieClip Frame 1
controllerPath = _parent._parent._parent;
myNum = ++controllerPath.controller.numboxes;
_name = ("box" + myNum);
sinY = controllerPath.controller.sinY;
sinX = controllerPath.controller.sinX;
cosY = controllerPath.controller.cosY;
cosX = controllerPath.controller.cosX;
fx = (tl._x * (_xscale / 100)) + _x;
fy = (tl._y * (_xscale / 100)) + _y;
zp = ((fx / cosY) - (fy / (sinY * sinX))) * (1 / ((cosY / sinY) + (sinY / cosY)));
top = zp;
xp = (1 / cosY) * (fx - (zp * sinY));
left = xp;
fx = (br._x * (_xscale / 100)) + _x;
fy = (br._y * (_yscale / 100)) + _y;
zp = ((fx / cosY) - (fy / (sinY * sinX))) * (1 / ((cosY / sinY) + (sinY / cosY)));
bottom = zp;
xp = (1 / cosY) * (fx - (zp * sinY));
right = xp;
rm = right;
tm = top;
_visible = 0;
Symbol 422 MovieClip Frame 1
controllerPath = _parent._parent._parent;
myNum = ++controllerPath.controller.numboxes;
_name = ("box" + myNum);
sinY = controllerPath.controller.sinY;
sinX = controllerPath.controller.sinX;
cosY = controllerPath.controller.cosY;
cosX = controllerPath.controller.cosX;
fx = (tl._x * (_xscale / 100)) + _x;
fy = (tl._y * (_xscale / 100)) + _y;
zp = ((fx / cosY) - (fy / (sinY * sinX))) * (1 / ((cosY / sinY) + (sinY / cosY)));
top = zp;
xp = (1 / cosY) * (fx - (zp * sinY));
left = xp;
fx = (br._x * (_xscale / 100)) + _x;
fy = (br._y * (_yscale / 100)) + _y;
zp = ((fx / cosY) - (fy / (sinY * sinX))) * (1 / ((cosY / sinY) + (sinY / cosY)));
bottom = zp;
xp = (1 / cosY) * (fx - (zp * sinY));
right = xp;
rm = right;
tm = top;
_visible = 0;
Symbol 427 MovieClip Frame 1
lb._visible = 0;
tb._visible = 0;
rb._visible = 0;
bb._visible = 0;
Instance of Symbol 380 MovieClip "line" in Symbol 427 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (mouseMove) {
onClipEvent (mouseDown) {
Instance of Symbol 417 MovieClip in Symbol 427 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
Instance of Symbol 418 MovieClip "hole" in Symbol 427 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
_visible = 0;
Instance of Symbol 385 MovieClip "pad" in Symbol 427 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
_visible = 0;
Instance of Symbol 202 MovieClip in Symbol 427 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
_visible = 0;
Instance of Symbol 202 MovieClip in Symbol 427 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
_visible = 0;
Symbol 431 MovieClip Frame 1
controllerPath = _parent._parent._parent;
myNum = ++controllerPath.controller.numboxes;
_name = ("box" + myNum);
sinY = controllerPath.controller.sinY;
sinX = controllerPath.controller.sinX;
cosY = controllerPath.controller.cosY;
cosX = controllerPath.controller.cosX;
fx = (tl._x * (_xscale / 100)) + _x;
fy = (tl._y * (_xscale / 100)) + _y;
zp = ((fx / cosY) - (fy / (sinY * sinX))) * (1 / ((cosY / sinY) + (sinY / cosY)));
top = zp;
xp = (1 / cosY) * (fx - (zp * sinY));
left = xp;
fx = (br._x * (_xscale / 100)) + _x;
fy = (br._y * (_yscale / 100)) + _y;
zp = ((fx / cosY) - (fy / (sinY * sinX))) * (1 / ((cosY / sinY) + (sinY / cosY)));
bottom = zp;
xp = (1 / cosY) * (fx - (zp * sinY));
right = xp;
rm = right;
tm = top;
_visible = 0;
Symbol 432 MovieClip Frame 1
controllerPath = _parent._parent._parent;
myNum = ++controllerPath.controller.numboxes;
_name = ("box" + myNum);
sinY = controllerPath.controller.sinY;
sinX = controllerPath.controller.sinX;
cosY = controllerPath.controller.cosY;
cosX = controllerPath.controller.cosX;
fx = (tl._x * (_xscale / 100)) + _x;
fy = (tl._y * (_xscale / 100)) + _y;
zp = ((fx / cosY) - (fy / (sinY * sinX))) * (1 / ((cosY / sinY) + (sinY / cosY)));
top = zp;
xp = (1 / cosY) * (fx - (zp * sinY));
left = xp;
fx = (br._x * (_xscale / 100)) + _x;
fy = (br._y * (_yscale / 100)) + _y;
zp = ((fx / cosY) - (fy / (sinY * sinX))) * (1 / ((cosY / sinY) + (sinY / cosY)));
bottom = zp;
xp = (1 / cosY) * (fx - (zp * sinY));
right = xp;
rm = right;
tm = top;
_visible = 0;
Symbol 433 MovieClip Frame 1
controllerPath = _parent._parent._parent;
myNum = ++controllerPath.controller.numboxes;
_name = ("box" + myNum);
sinY = controllerPath.controller.sinY;
sinX = controllerPath.controller.sinX;
cosY = controllerPath.controller.cosY;
cosX = controllerPath.controller.cosX;
fx = (tl._x * (_xscale / 100)) + _x;
fy = (tl._y * (_xscale / 100)) + _y;
zp = ((fx / cosY) - (fy / (sinY * sinX))) * (1 / ((cosY / sinY) + (sinY / cosY)));
top = zp;
xp = (1 / cosY) * (fx - (zp * sinY));
left = xp;
fx = (br._x * (_xscale / 100)) + _x;
fy = (br._y * (_yscale / 100)) + _y;
zp = ((fx / cosY) - (fy / (sinY * sinX))) * (1 / ((cosY / sinY) + (sinY / cosY)));
bottom = zp;
xp = (1 / cosY) * (fx - (zp * sinY));
right = xp;
rm = right;
tm = top;
_visible = 0;
Instance of Symbol 380 MovieClip "line" in Symbol 434 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (mouseMove) {
onClipEvent (mouseDown) {
Instance of Symbol 430 MovieClip in Symbol 434 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
Instance of Symbol 418 MovieClip "hole" in Symbol 434 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
_visible = 0;
Symbol 444 MovieClip Frame 1
controllerPath = _parent._parent._parent;
type = "x1";
myNum = ++controllerPath.controller.numBelts;
_name = ("belt" + myNum);
sinY = controllerPath.controller.sinY;
sinX = controllerPath.controller.sinX;
cosY = controllerPath.controller.cosY;
cosX = controllerPath.controller.cosX;
fx = (tl._x * (_xscale / 100)) + _x;
fy = (tl._y * (_xscale / 100)) + _y;
zp = ((fx / cosY) - (fy / (sinY * sinX))) * (1 / ((cosY / sinY) + (sinY / cosY)));
top = zp;
xp = (1 / cosY) * (fx - (zp * sinY));
left = xp;
fx = (br._x * (_xscale / 100)) + _x;
fy = (br._y * (_yscale / 100)) + _y;
zp = ((fx / cosY) - (fy / (sinY * sinX))) * (1 / ((cosY / sinY) + (sinY / cosY)));
bottom = zp;
xp = (1 / cosY) * (fx - (zp * sinY));
right = xp;
rm = right;
tm = top;
tl._visible = 0;
br._visible = 0;
bl._visible = 0;
tr._visible = 0;
Symbol 445 MovieClip Frame 1
controllerPath = _parent._parent._parent;
myNum = ++controllerPath.controller.numboxes;
_name = ("box" + myNum);
sinY = controllerPath.controller.sinY;
sinX = controllerPath.controller.sinX;
cosY = controllerPath.controller.cosY;
cosX = controllerPath.controller.cosX;
fx = (tl._x * (_xscale / 100)) + _x;
fy = (tl._y * (_xscale / 100)) + _y;
zp = ((fx / cosY) - (fy / (sinY * sinX))) * (1 / ((cosY / sinY) + (sinY / cosY)));
top = zp;
xp = (1 / cosY) * (fx - (zp * sinY));
left = xp;
fx = (br._x * (_xscale / 100)) + _x;
fy = (br._y * (_yscale / 100)) + _y;
zp = ((fx / cosY) - (fy / (sinY * sinX))) * (1 / ((cosY / sinY) + (sinY / cosY)));
bottom = zp;
xp = (1 / cosY) * (fx - (zp * sinY));
right = xp;
rm = right;
tm = top;
_visible = 0;
Symbol 447 MovieClip Frame 1
controllerPath = _parent._parent._parent;
myNum = ++controllerPath.controller.numboxes;
_name = ("box" + myNum);
sinY = controllerPath.controller.sinY;
sinX = controllerPath.controller.sinX;
cosY = controllerPath.controller.cosY;
cosX = controllerPath.controller.cosX;
fx = (tl._x * (_xscale / 100)) + _x;
fy = (tl._y * (_xscale / 100)) + _y;
zp = ((fx / cosY) - (fy / (sinY * sinX))) * (1 / ((cosY / sinY) + (sinY / cosY)));
top = zp;
xp = (1 / cosY) * (fx - (zp * sinY));
left = xp;
fx = (br._x * (_xscale / 100)) + _x;
fy = (br._y * (_yscale / 100)) + _y;
zp = ((fx / cosY) - (fy / (sinY * sinX))) * (1 / ((cosY / sinY) + (sinY / cosY)));
bottom = zp;
xp = (1 / cosY) * (fx - (zp * sinY));
right = xp;
rm = right;
tm = top;
_visible = 0;
Symbol 448 MovieClip Frame 1
controllerPath = _parent._parent._parent;
myNum = ++controllerPath.controller.numBanks;
_name = ("bank" + myNum);
sinY = controllerPath.controller.sinY;
sinX = controllerPath.controller.sinX;
cosY = controllerPath.controller.cosY;
cosX = controllerPath.controller.cosX;
fx = (tl._x * (_xscale / 100)) + _x;
fy = (tl._y * (_xscale / 100)) + _y;
zp = ((fx / cosY) - (fy / (sinY * sinX))) * (1 / ((cosY / sinY) + (sinY / cosY)));
top = zp;
xp = (1 / cosY) * (fx - (zp * sinY));
left = xp;
fx = (br._x * (_xscale / 100)) + _x;
fy = (br._y * (_yscale / 100)) + _y;
zp = ((fx / cosY) - (fy / (sinY * sinX))) * (1 / ((cosY / sinY) + (sinY / cosY)));
bottom = zp;
xp = (1 / cosY) * (fx - (zp * sinY));
right = xp;
tm = top;
rm = right;
_visible = 0;
angle = 135;
Symbol 449 MovieClip Frame 1
controllerPath = _parent._parent._parent;
myNum = ++controllerPath.controller.numBanks;
_name = ("bank" + myNum);
sinY = controllerPath.controller.sinY;
sinX = controllerPath.controller.sinX;
cosY = controllerPath.controller.cosY;
cosX = controllerPath.controller.cosX;
fx = (tl._x * (_xscale / 100)) + _x;
fy = (tl._y * (_xscale / 100)) + _y;
zp = ((fx / cosY) - (fy / (sinY * sinX))) * (1 / ((cosY / sinY) + (sinY / cosY)));
top = zp;
xp = (1 / cosY) * (fx - (zp * sinY));
left = xp;
fx = (br._x * (_xscale / 100)) + _x;
fy = (br._y * (_yscale / 100)) + _y;
zp = ((fx / cosY) - (fy / (sinY * sinX))) * (1 / ((cosY / sinY) + (sinY / cosY)));
bottom = zp;
xp = (1 / cosY) * (fx - (zp * sinY));
right = xp;
tm = top;
rm = right;
_visible = 0;
angle = 225;
Instance of Symbol 380 MovieClip "line" in Symbol 450 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (mouseMove) {
onClipEvent (mouseDown) {
Instance of Symbol 438 MovieClip in Symbol 450 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
Instance of Symbol 202 MovieClip in Symbol 450 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
_visible = 0;
Instance of Symbol 202 MovieClip in Symbol 450 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
_visible = 0;
Symbol 455 MovieClip Frame 1
if (done != "yes") {
done = "yes";
controllerPath = _parent._parent._parent;
myNum = ++controllerPath.controller.numBelts;
_name = ("belt" + myNum);
sinY = controllerPath.controller.sinY;
sinX = controllerPath.controller.sinX;
cosY = controllerPath.controller.cosY;
cosX = controllerPath.controller.cosX;
fx = (tl._x * (_xscale / 100)) + _x;
fy = (tl._y * (_xscale / 100)) + _y;
zp = ((fx / cosY) - (fy / (sinY * sinX))) * (1 / ((cosY / sinY) + (sinY / cosY)));
top = zp;
xp = (1 / cosY) * (fx - (zp * sinY));
left = xp;
fx = (br._x * (_xscale / 100)) + _x;
fy = (br._y * (_yscale / 100)) + _y;
zp = ((fx / cosY) - (fy / (sinY * sinX))) * (1 / ((cosY / sinY) + (sinY / cosY)));
bottom = zp;
xp = (1 / cosY) * (fx - (zp * sinY));
right = xp;
rm = right;
tm = top;
tl._visible = 0;
br._visible = 0;
bl._visible = 0;
tr._visible = 0;
this.gotoAndPlay(random(_totalframes + 2));
Symbol 456 MovieClip Frame 1
if (done != "yes") {
done = "yes";
controllerPath = _parent._parent._parent;
myNum = ++controllerPath.controller.numBelts;
_name = ("belt" + myNum);
sinY = controllerPath.controller.sinY;
sinX = controllerPath.controller.sinX;
cosY = controllerPath.controller.cosY;
cosX = controllerPath.controller.cosX;
fx = (tl._x * (_xscale / 100)) + _x;
fy = (tl._y * (_xscale / 100)) + _y;
zp = ((fx / cosY) - (fy / (sinY * sinX))) * (1 / ((cosY / sinY) + (sinY / cosY)));
top = zp;
xp = (1 / cosY) * (fx - (zp * sinY));
left = xp;
fx = (br._x * (_xscale / 100)) + _x;
fy = (br._y * (_yscale / 100)) + _y;
zp = ((fx / cosY) - (fy / (sinY * sinX))) * (1 / ((cosY / sinY) + (sinY / cosY)));
bottom = zp;
xp = (1 / cosY) * (fx - (zp * sinY));
right = xp;
rm = right;
tm = top;
tl._visible = 0;
br._visible = 0;
bl._visible = 0;
tr._visible = 0;
this.gotoAndPlay(random(_totalframes + 2));
Symbol 462 MovieClip Frame 1
controllerPath = _parent._parent._parent;
Symbol 462 MovieClip Frame 2
ballName = "ball" + controllerPath.controller.ballNumber;
point = new Object();
relativeX = _parent[ballName]._x - _x;
relativeY = _parent[ballName]._y - _y;
point.x = relativeX;
point.y = relativeY;
if (this.hitTest(point.x, point.y, true)) {
xs = controllerPath.controller.xMov[controllerPath.controller.ballNumber];
ys = controllerPath.controller.yMov[controllerPath.controller.ballNumber];
s = math.sqrt((xs * xs) + (ys * ys));
if (0 < s) {
if (sand.puff._currentframe == 1) {
if (3 < s) {
sand.puff._x = relativeX;
sand.puff._y = relativeY;
controllerPath.controller.onSand = true;
} else {
} else {
controllerPath.controller.onSand = false;
Symbol 462 MovieClip Frame 3
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 462 MovieClip Frame 4
ballName = "ball" + controllerPath.controller.ballNumber;
point = new Object();
point.x = _parent[ballName]._x - _x;
point.y = _parent[ballName]._y - _y;
if (this.hitTest(point.x, point.y, true)) {
controllerPath.controller.onSand = true;
} else {
controllerPath.controller.onSand = false;
Instance of Symbol 178 MovieClip "sploosh" in Symbol 464 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
Symbol 465 MovieClip Frame 1
controllerPath = _parent._parent._parent;
sinY = controllerPath.controller.sinY;
sinX = controllerPath.controller.sinX;
cosY = controllerPath.controller.cosY;
cosX = controllerPath.controller.cosX;
fx = _x - 110;
fy = _y - 25;
zp = ((fx / cosY) - (fy / (sinY * sinX))) * (1 / ((cosY / sinY) + (sinY / cosY)));
xp = (1 / cosY) * (fx - (zp * sinY));
Symbol 465 MovieClip Frame 2
ballName = "ball" + controllerPath.controller.ballNumber;
point = new Object();
relativeX = _parent[ballName]._x - _x;
relativeY = _parent[ballName]._y - _y;
point.x = relativeX;
point.y = relativeY;
if (this.hitTest(point.x, point.y, true)) {
if (math.abs(controllerPath.controller.yPos[controllerPath.controller.ballNumber] - controllerPath.controller.floor) < 2) {
xs = controllerPath.controller.xMov[controllerPath.controller.ballNumber];
ys = controllerPath.controller.yMov[controllerPath.controller.ballNumber];
s = math.sqrt((xs * xs) + (ys * ys));
if (4 < s) {
} else {
puddle.sploosh._x = relativeX;
puddle.sploosh._y = relativeY;
controllerPath.controller.hitPool(xp, zp);
Symbol 465 MovieClip Frame 3
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 468 MovieClip Frame 1
controllerPath = _parent._parent._parent;
myNum = ++controllerPath.controller.numboxes;
_name = ("box" + myNum);
sinY = controllerPath.controller.sinY;
sinX = controllerPath.controller.sinX;
cosY = controllerPath.controller.cosY;
cosX = controllerPath.controller.cosX;
fx = (tl._x * (_xscale / 100)) + _x;
fy = (tl._y * (_xscale / 100)) + _y;
zp = ((fx / cosY) - (fy / (sinY * sinX))) * (1 / ((cosY / sinY) + (sinY / cosY)));
top = zp;
xp = (1 / cosY) * (fx - (zp * sinY));
left = xp;
fx = (br._x * (_xscale / 100)) + _x;
fy = (br._y * (_yscale / 100)) + _y;
zp = ((fx / cosY) - (fy / (sinY * sinX))) * (1 / ((cosY / sinY) + (sinY / cosY)));
bottom = zp;
xp = (1 / cosY) * (fx - (zp * sinY));
right = xp;
rm = right;
tm = top;
_visible = 0;
Symbol 473 MovieClip Frame 1
controllerPath = _parent._parent._parent;
myNum = ++controllerPath.controller.numboxes;
_name = ("box" + myNum);
sinY = controllerPath.controller.sinY;
sinX = controllerPath.controller.sinX;
cosY = controllerPath.controller.cosY;
cosX = controllerPath.controller.cosX;
fx = (tl._x * (_xscale / 100)) + _x;
fy = (tl._y * (_xscale / 100)) + _y;
zp = ((fx / cosY) - (fy / (sinY * sinX))) * (1 / ((cosY / sinY) + (sinY / cosY)));
top = zp;
xp = (1 / cosY) * (fx - (zp * sinY));
left = xp;
fx = (br._x * (_xscale / 100)) + _x;
fy = (br._y * (_yscale / 100)) + _y;
zp = ((fx / cosY) - (fy / (sinY * sinX))) * (1 / ((cosY / sinY) + (sinY / cosY)));
bottom = zp;
xp = (1 / cosY) * (fx - (zp * sinY));
right = xp;
rm = right;
tm = top;
bl._visible = 0;
br._visible = 0;
tl._visible = 0;
tr._visible = 0;
Symbol 476 MovieClip Frame 1
if (done != "yes") {
done = "yes";
controllerPath = _parent._parent._parent;
myNum = ++controllerPath.controller.numBelts;
_name = ("belt" + myNum);
sinY = controllerPath.controller.sinY;
sinX = controllerPath.controller.sinX;
cosY = controllerPath.controller.cosY;
cosX = controllerPath.controller.cosX;
fx = (tl._x * (_xscale / 100)) + _x;
fy = (tl._y * (_xscale / 100)) + _y;
zp = ((fx / cosY) - (fy / (sinY * sinX))) * (1 / ((cosY / sinY) + (sinY / cosY)));
top = zp;
xp = (1 / cosY) * (fx - (zp * sinY));
left = xp;
fx = (br._x * (_xscale / 100)) + _x;
fy = (br._y * (_yscale / 100)) + _y;
zp = ((fx / cosY) - (fy / (sinY * sinX))) * (1 / ((cosY / sinY) + (sinY / cosY)));
bottom = zp;
xp = (1 / cosY) * (fx - (zp * sinY));
right = xp;
rm = right;
tm = top;
tl._visible = 0;
br._visible = 0;
bl._visible = 0;
tr._visible = 0;
this.gotoAndPlay(random(_totalframes + 2));
Symbol 478 MovieClip Frame 1
if (done != "yes") {
done = "yes";
controllerPath = _parent._parent._parent;
myNum = ++controllerPath.controller.numBelts;
_name = ("belt" + myNum);
sinY = controllerPath.controller.sinY;
sinX = controllerPath.controller.sinX;
cosY = controllerPath.controller.cosY;
cosX = controllerPath.controller.cosX;
fx = (tl._x * (_xscale / 100)) + _x;
fy = (tl._y * (_xscale / 100)) + _y;
zp = ((fx / cosY) - (fy / (sinY * sinX))) * (1 / ((cosY / sinY) + (sinY / cosY)));
top = zp;
xp = (1 / cosY) * (fx - (zp * sinY));
left = xp;
fx = (br._x * (_xscale / 100)) + _x;
fy = (br._y * (_yscale / 100)) + _y;
zp = ((fx / cosY) - (fy / (sinY * sinX))) * (1 / ((cosY / sinY) + (sinY / cosY)));
bottom = zp;
xp = (1 / cosY) * (fx - (zp * sinY));
right = xp;
rm = right;
tm = top;
tl._visible = 0;
br._visible = 0;
bl._visible = 0;
tr._visible = 0;
this.gotoAndPlay(random(_totalframes + 2));
Symbol 479 MovieClip Frame 1
if (done != "yes") {
done = "yes";
controllerPath = _parent._parent._parent;
myNum = ++controllerPath.controller.numBelts;
_name = ("belt" + myNum);
sinY = controllerPath.controller.sinY;
sinX = controllerPath.controller.sinX;
cosY = controllerPath.controller.cosY;
cosX = controllerPath.controller.cosX;
fx = (tl._x * (_xscale / 100)) + _x;
fy = (tl._y * (_xscale / 100)) + _y;
zp = ((fx / cosY) - (fy / (sinY * sinX))) * (1 / ((cosY / sinY) + (sinY / cosY)));
top = zp;
xp = (1 / cosY) * (fx - (zp * sinY));
left = xp;
fx = (br._x * (_xscale / 100)) + _x;
fy = (br._y * (_yscale / 100)) + _y;
zp = ((fx / cosY) - (fy / (sinY * sinX))) * (1 / ((cosY / sinY) + (sinY / cosY)));
bottom = zp;
xp = (1 / cosY) * (fx - (zp * sinY));
right = xp;
rm = right;
tm = top;
tl._visible = 0;
br._visible = 0;
bl._visible = 0;
tr._visible = 0;
this.gotoAndPlay(random(_totalframes + 2));
Instance of Symbol 178 MovieClip "sploosh" in Symbol 481 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
Symbol 482 MovieClip Frame 1
controllerPath = _parent._parent._parent;
sinY = controllerPath.controller.sinY;
sinX = controllerPath.controller.sinX;
cosY = controllerPath.controller.cosY;
cosX = controllerPath.controller.cosX;
fx = _x - 110;
fy = _y - 25;
zp = ((fx / cosY) - (fy / (sinY * sinX))) * (1 / ((cosY / sinY) + (sinY / cosY)));
xp = (1 / cosY) * (fx - (zp * sinY));
Symbol 482 MovieClip Frame 2
ballName = "ball" + controllerPath.controller.ballNumber;
point = new Object();
relativeX = _parent[ballName]._x - _x;
relativeY = _parent[ballName]._y - _y;
point.x = relativeX;
point.y = relativeY;
if (this.hitTest(point.x, point.y, true)) {
if (math.abs(controllerPath.controller.yPos[controllerPath.controller.ballNumber] - controllerPath.controller.floor) < 2) {
xs = controllerPath.controller.xMov[controllerPath.controller.ballNumber];
ys = controllerPath.controller.yMov[controllerPath.controller.ballNumber];
s = math.sqrt((xs * xs) + (ys * ys));
if (4 < s) {
} else {
puddle.sploosh._x = relativeX;
puddle.sploosh._y = relativeY;
controllerPath.controller.hitPool(xp, zp);
Symbol 482 MovieClip Frame 3
gotoAndPlay (2);
Instance of Symbol 380 MovieClip "line" in Symbol 483 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (mouseMove) {
onClipEvent (mouseDown) {
Instance of Symbol 455 MovieClip in Symbol 483 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
type = "z2";
Instance of Symbol 456 MovieClip in Symbol 483 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
type = "z21";
Instance of Symbol 456 MovieClip in Symbol 483 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
type = "z21";
Instance of Symbol 456 MovieClip in Symbol 483 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
type = "z21";
Instance of Symbol 459 MovieClip in Symbol 483 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
Instance of Symbol 470 MovieClip in Symbol 483 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
Instance of Symbol 471 MovieClip in Symbol 483 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
Instance of Symbol 475 MovieClip in Symbol 483 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
Instance of Symbol 476 MovieClip in Symbol 483 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
type = "x21";
Instance of Symbol 476 MovieClip in Symbol 483 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
type = "x21";
Instance of Symbol 456 MovieClip in Symbol 483 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
type = "z21";
Instance of Symbol 478 MovieClip in Symbol 483 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
type = "x11";
Instance of Symbol 479 MovieClip in Symbol 483 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
type = "z11";
Symbol 488 MovieClip Frame 1
controllerPath = _parent._parent._parent;
sinY = controllerPath.controller.sinY;
sinX = controllerPath.controller.sinX;
cosY = controllerPath.controller.cosY;
cosX = controllerPath.controller.cosX;
fx = _x - 110;
fy = _y - 25;
zp = ((fx / cosY) - (fy / (sinY * sinX))) * (1 / ((cosY / sinY) + (sinY / cosY)));
xp = (1 / cosY) * (fx - (zp * sinY));
Symbol 488 MovieClip Frame 2
ballName = "ball" + controllerPath.controller.ballNumber;
point = new Object();
relativeX = _parent[ballName]._x - _x;
relativeY = _parent[ballName]._y - _y;
point.x = relativeX;
point.y = relativeY;
if (this.hitTest(point.x, point.y, true)) {
if (math.abs(controllerPath.controller.yPos[controllerPath.controller.ballNumber] - controllerPath.controller.floor) < 2) {
xs = controllerPath.controller.xMov[controllerPath.controller.ballNumber];
ys = controllerPath.controller.yMov[controllerPath.controller.ballNumber];
s = math.sqrt((xs * xs) + (ys * ys));
if (4 < s) {
} else {
puddle.sploosh._x = relativeX;
puddle.sploosh._y = relativeY;
controllerPath.controller.hitPool(xp, zp);
Symbol 488 MovieClip Frame 3
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 490 MovieClip Frame 1
controllerPath = _parent._parent._parent;
myNum = ++controllerPath.controller.numboxes;
_name = ("box" + myNum);
sinY = controllerPath.controller.sinY;
sinX = controllerPath.controller.sinX;
cosY = controllerPath.controller.cosY;
cosX = controllerPath.controller.cosX;
fx = (tl._x * (_xscale / 100)) + _x;
fy = (tl._y * (_xscale / 100)) + _y;
zp = ((fx / cosY) - (fy / (sinY * sinX))) * (1 / ((cosY / sinY) + (sinY / cosY)));
top = zp;
xp = (1 / cosY) * (fx - (zp * sinY));
left = xp;
fx = (br._x * (_xscale / 100)) + _x;
fy = (br._y * (_yscale / 100)) + _y;
zp = ((fx / cosY) - (fy / (sinY * sinX))) * (1 / ((cosY / sinY) + (sinY / cosY)));
bottom = zp;
xp = (1 / cosY) * (fx - (zp * sinY));
right = xp;
rm = right;
tm = top;
_visible = 0;
Symbol 491 MovieClip Frame 1
controllerPath = _parent._parent._parent;
myNum = ++controllerPath.controller.numBanks;
_name = ("bank" + myNum);
sinY = controllerPath.controller.sinY;
sinX = controllerPath.controller.sinX;
cosY = controllerPath.controller.cosY;
cosX = controllerPath.controller.cosX;
fx = (tl._x * (_xscale / 100)) + _x;
fy = (tl._y * (_xscale / 100)) + _y;
zp = ((fx / cosY) - (fy / (sinY * sinX))) * (1 / ((cosY / sinY) + (sinY / cosY)));
top = zp;
xp = (1 / cosY) * (fx - (zp * sinY));
left = xp;
fx = (br._x * (_xscale / 100)) + _x;
fy = (br._y * (_yscale / 100)) + _y;
zp = ((fx / cosY) - (fy / (sinY * sinX))) * (1 / ((cosY / sinY) + (sinY / cosY)));
bottom = zp;
xp = (1 / cosY) * (fx - (zp * sinY));
right = xp;
tm = top;
rm = right;
_visible = 0;
angle = 45;
Instance of Symbol 380 MovieClip "line" in Symbol 492 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (mouseMove) {
onClipEvent (mouseDown) {
Instance of Symbol 487 MovieClip in Symbol 492 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
Instance of Symbol 385 MovieClip "pad" in Symbol 492 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
_visible = 0;
Symbol 493 MovieClip Frame 1
function getInfo(x, y) {
_root.point = new Object();
_root.point.x = x;
_root.point.y = y;
function scrollMe() {
ok = true;
if (key.isDown(key.LEFT)) {
endX = endX + xs;
ok = false;
xwent = true;
} else if (key.isDown(key.RIGHT)) {
endX = endX - xs;
xwent = true;
ok = false;
if (key.isDown(key.UP)) {
endY = endY + ys;
ywent = true;
ok = false;
} else if (key.isDown(key.DOWN)) {
ywent = true;
endY = endY - ys;
ok = false;
if (ok) {
ballName = "ball" + _parent._parent.controller.ballNumber;
name = _parent._parent.controller.currentBallName;
point = new Object();
point.x = this[name]._x;
point.y = this[name]._y;
x = point.x;
y = point.y;
if (x < xborder) {
if (!xwent) {
endX = endX + xshift;
} else {
_parent.getInfo(xborder, y);
x = _root.point.x - this[name]._x;
endX = x;
_x = x;
} else if ((700 - xborder) < x) {
if (!xwent) {
endX = endX - xshift;
} else {
_parent.getInfo(700 - xborder, y);
x = _root.point.x - this[name]._x;
endX = x;
_x = x;
if (y < yborder) {
if (!ywent) {
endY = endY + yshift;
} else {
_parent.getInfo(x, yborder);
y = _root.point.y - this[name]._y;
endY = y;
_y = y;
} else if ((400 - yborder) < y) {
if (!ywent) {
endY = endY - yshift;
} else {
_parent.getInfo(x, 400 - yborder);
y = _root.point.y - this[name]._y;
endY = y;
_y = y;
xwent = false;
ywent = false;
xMov = (endX - _x) * k;
_x = (_x + xMov);
yMov = (endY - _y) * k;
_y = (_y + yMov);
function loadMe() {
ball._visible = false;
shadow._visible = false;
dot1._visible = false;
dot2._visible = false;
dot3._visible = false;
dot4._visible = false;
xborder = 120;
xs = 10;
ys = 10;
yborder = 90;
homeX = _x;
k = 0.3;
endX = homeX;
xwent = false;
ywent = false;
xshift = 100;
yshift = 60;
k = 0.3;
startY = _y;
xwent = true;
ywent = true;
endY = _y;
endX = _x;
courseShift = 100;
shift = 60;
k = 0.3;
xGive = 30;
yGive = xgive;
Instance of Symbol 381 MovieClip "course" in Symbol 493 MovieClip Frame 5
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
onClipEvent (load) {
loadMe = _parent.loadMe;
scrollMe = _parent.scrollMe;
Instance of Symbol 386 MovieClip "course" in Symbol 493 MovieClip Frame 10
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
onClipEvent (load) {
loadMe = _parent.loadMe;
scrollMe = _parent.scrollMe;
Instance of Symbol 394 MovieClip "course" in Symbol 493 MovieClip Frame 16
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
onClipEvent (load) {
loadMe = _parent.loadMe;
scrollMe = _parent.scrollMe;
Instance of Symbol 414 MovieClip "course" in Symbol 493 MovieClip Frame 21
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
onClipEvent (load) {
loadMe = _parent.loadMe;
scrollMe = _parent.scrollMe;
Instance of Symbol 427 MovieClip "course" in Symbol 493 MovieClip Frame 26
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
onClipEvent (load) {
loadMe = _parent.loadMe;
scrollMe = _parent.scrollMe;
Instance of Symbol 434 MovieClip "course" in Symbol 493 MovieClip Frame 31
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
onClipEvent (load) {
loadMe = _parent.loadMe;
scrollMe = _parent.scrollMe;
Instance of Symbol 450 MovieClip "course" in Symbol 493 MovieClip Frame 36
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
onClipEvent (load) {
loadMe = _parent.loadMe;
scrollMe = _parent.scrollMe;
Instance of Symbol 483 MovieClip "course" in Symbol 493 MovieClip Frame 40
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
onClipEvent (load) {
loadMe = _parent.loadMe;
scrollMe = _parent.scrollMe;
Instance of Symbol 492 MovieClip "course" in Symbol 493 MovieClip Frame 46
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
onClipEvent (load) {
loadMe = _parent.loadMe;
scrollMe = _parent.scrollMe;
Symbol 501 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 501 MovieClip Frame 61
Symbol 527 MovieClip Frame 26
Symbol 537 MovieClip Frame 13
Symbol 550 MovieClip Frame 15
Symbol 555 MovieClip Frame 10
Symbol 560 MovieClip Frame 13
Symbol 565 MovieClip Frame 25
Symbol 616 MovieClip Frame 41
Symbol 642 MovieClip Frame 41
Symbol 655 MovieClip Frame 41
Symbol 660 MovieClip Frame 39
Symbol 661 MovieClip Frame 1
function done() {
gotoAndStop (1);
function startAni(num) {
Symbol 661 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 661 MovieClip Frame 11
Symbol 661 MovieClip Frame 19
Symbol 661 MovieClip Frame 27
Symbol 661 MovieClip Frame 33
Symbol 661 MovieClip Frame 39
Symbol 661 MovieClip Frame 50
Symbol 661 MovieClip Frame 56
Symbol 661 MovieClip Frame 62
Symbol 679 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 686 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 688 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 695 MovieClip Frame 1
function changePlayer(name) {
if (1 < numPlayers) {
playerText = names[name] + "'s Turn.";
total_minutes = 3;
current_score = 0;
count = true;
version = _parent.version;
holeNumber = _parent.startingHole - 1;
player1Char = _parent.player1Char;
timesCalled = 0;
imTesting = "yes";
if (_root.ptype == 1) {
totalHoles = 3;
} else {
totalHoles = 9;
maxStrokes = 15;
par = new Array();
strokes = new Array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
strokesSaved = new Array(new Array(), new Array());
par = [2, 2, 3, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4, 3, 4, 5, 3, 4];
numPlayers = _parent.numPlayers;
char1 = 1;
char2 = 2;
proceed = "no";
score = new Array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
parScore = new Array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
strokes = new Array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
names = new Array();
var i = -1;
while ((++i) < numPlayers) {
names[i] = _parent["player" + (i + 1)];
this["saveParScores" + (i + 1)] = new Array();
if ((version != "mplayer") || (wereHere == "yes")) {
if (_root.playedYet != "yes") {
_root.playedYet = "yes";
gotoAndStop (2);
} else {
gotoAndStop (2);
} else {
Instance of Symbol 40 MovieClip "head1" in Symbol 695 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (data) {
Instance of Symbol 40 MovieClip "head2" in Symbol 695 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (data) {
Instance of Symbol 40 MovieClip "head3" in Symbol 695 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (data) {
Instance of Symbol 40 MovieClip "head3" in Symbol 695 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (data) {
Instance of Symbol 40 MovieClip "head4" in Symbol 695 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (data) {
Instance of Symbol 40 MovieClip "head5" in Symbol 695 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (data) {
Instance of Symbol 40 MovieClip "head6" in Symbol 695 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (data) {
Instance of Symbol 51 MovieClip "soundfx" in Symbol 695 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
_visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 54 MovieClip "sounds" in Symbol 695 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
_visible = false;
Symbol 695 MovieClip Frame 2
function startGame() {
byPass = true;
gotoAndStop (11);
Symbol 695 MovieClip Frame 11
function forceEnd() {
endOfGame = "yes";
forced = true;
gotoAndStop (11);
function tallyScore() {
if (0 < holeNumber) {
var i = 0;
while (numPlayers >= (++i)) {
var j = (i - 1);
score[j] = score[j] + strokes[j];
strokesSaved[j][holeNumber - 1] = strokes[j];
var thisPar = (strokes[j] - par[holeNumber - 1]);
parScore[j] = parScore[j] + thisPar;
this["saveParScores" + i].push(thisPar);
if (totalHoles < holeNumber) {
holeNumber = totalHoles;
endOfGame = "yes";
if (endOfGame == "yes") {
endOfGame = "no";
gotoAndStop (25);
} else {
gotoAndStop (19);
if (numPlayers == 1) {
playerText = "Good Luck!";
if (byPass) {
byPass = false;
gotoAndStop (35);
Instance of Symbol 86 MovieClip "timer_clip" in Symbol 695 MovieClip Frame 11
onClipEvent (load) {
function getTime() {
if (_parent.count) {
_parent.current_time = getTimer() - base;
if (((total_minutes * 60) * 1000) < _parent.current_time) {
_parent.current_time = (total_minutes * 60) * 1000;
_parent.count = false;
_visible = false;
total_minutes = _parent.total_minutes;
base = getTimer();
_parent.current_time = 0;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
Instance of Symbol 144 MovieClip "scoreCard" in Symbol 695 MovieClip Frame 25
onClipEvent (load) {
_parent.count = false;
gameOver = "yes";
Symbol 695 MovieClip Frame 35
function setStrokeText(num) {
strokeText = "Number of strokes: " + strokes[num];
stroke_clip.gotoAndStop(strokes[num] + 1);
strokes = new Array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
hole = "hole" + holeNumber;
whichHole = "Hole " + holeNumber;
currentPar = par[holeNumber - 1];
whichPar = "Par " + currentPar;
strokeText = "Number of strokes: 0";
proceed = "no";
Instance of Symbol 147 MovieClip "controller" in Symbol 695 MovieClip Frame 35
onClipEvent (load) {
function endTheMove(args) {
moveEnded = "yes";
_parent.screenSync._visible = 0;
function shotMessage(msgType, numStrokes) {
if (msgType == "shotlimit") {
shotMsg = "limit";
if (msgType == "ballin") {
if (numStrokes == 1) {
shotMsg = "hole in one";
} else if (((((par - numStrokes) == 2) || ((par - numStrokes) == 4)) || ((par - numStrokes) == 3)) && (numStrokes != 1)) {
shotMsg = "eagle";
} else if ((par - numStrokes) == 1) {
shotMsg = "birdie";
} else if ((par - numStrokes) == 0) {
shotMsg = "par";
} else if ((par - numStrokes) == -1) {
shotMsg = "bogey";
} else if ((par - numStrokes) == -2) {
shotMsg = "double bogey";
} else if ((par - numStrokes) < -2) {
meanMsg = random(3) + 1;
shotMsg = "bad" + meanMsg;
function manualShoot(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7, arg8, arg9) {
if (arg9 != _root.username) {
moveEnded = "no";
_parent.screenSync._visible = 1;
xPos[0] = arg3;
yPos[0] = arg4;
zPos[0] = arg5;
xPos[1] = arg6;
yPos[1] = arg7;
zPos[1] = arg8;
shoot(arg1, arg2, "manual");
function traceArgs() {
argText = "";
var i = -1;
while ((++i) < args.length) {
argText = argText + (((("arg" + i) + "=") + args[i]) + ",");
_parent.argText = argText;
function sendShot(rot, factor) {
args = new Array();
args[0] = "shot";
args[1] = rot;
args[2] = factor;
args[3] = xPos[0];
args[4] = yPos[0];
args[5] = zPos[0];
args[6] = xPos[1];
args[7] = yPos[1];
args[8] = zPos[1];
args[9] = _root.userName;
_parent.history = _parent.history + ((("sendShot\rrot=" + rot) + ",factor=") + factor);
function changeTurns() {
if (ballNumber == myBallNumber) {
args = new Array();
args[0] = "endmove";
args[1] = _root.userName;
if (_parent.strokes[ballNumber] >= _parent.maxStrokes) {
death[ballNumber] = true;
gamePath[currentBallname]._visible = 0;
gamePath["shadow" + ballNumber]._visible = 0;
var i = -1;
changeTheTurn = false;
while ((++i) < numPlayers) {
if (death[i] == false) {
changeTheTurn = true;
if (changeTheTurn != true) {
ballInPlay = false;
if ((multiPlayer == true) && (changeTheTurn == true)) {
turnLoop = true;
while (turnLoop) {
turnLoop = false;
if ((numPlayers - 1) < ballNumber) {
ballNumber = 0;
if (death[ballNumber] == true) {
turnLoop = true;
if (changeTheTurn == true) {
currentBallName = "ball" + ballNumber;
gamePath["ball" + ballNumber]._visible = 1;
gamePath["shadow" + ballNumber]._visible = 1;
gamePath.line._x = gamePath[currentBallName]._x;
gamePath.line._y = gamePath[currentBallName]._y;
function characterOnBench() {
tempName = currentBallName;
if (ballNumber == 0) {
tempNum = 1;
} else {
tempNum = 0;
if (1 < numPlayers) {
if (currentBallName == "ball0") {
currentBallName = "ball1";
} else {
currentBallName = "ball0";
var benchx = gamePath.bench1._x;
var benchy = gamePath.bench1._y;
var ballX = gamePath[currentBallName]._x;
var ballY = gamePath[currentBallName]._y;
bDis1 = math.sqrt(((ballX - benchx) * (ballX - benchx)) + ((ballY - benchY) * (bally - benchy)));
var benchx = gamePath.bench2._x;
var benchy = gamePath.bench2._y;
bDis2 = math.sqrt(((ballX - benchx) * (ballX - benchx)) + ((ballY - benchY) * (bally - benchy)));
if (ballNumber == 0) {
charNum = 1;
} else {
charNum = 0;
if (bDis2 >= bDis1) {
this["currentBench" + charNum] = "bench1";
} else if (bDis2 < bDis1) {
this["currentBench" + charNum] = "bench2";
gamePath[this["currentBench" + charNum]].kids.gotoAndStop(_parent[("player" + (charNum + 1)) + "char"] + 1);
currentBallName = tempName;
function shoot(rot, factor, shotType) {
if (((shotType == "manual") && (ballNumber != myBallNumber)) || (shotType != "manual")) {
stopped = false;
maxSpeed = 14;
if ((key.isDown(key.UP) && (key.isDown(key.RIGHT))) && (_parent.version != "mplayer")) {
maxSpeed = 20;
var speed = (factor * maxSpeed);
xMov[ballNumber] = speed * math.cos(rot);
zMov[ballNumber] = speed * math.sin(rot);
volume = 100 * factor;
soundVol = Math.ceil(volume / 25);
playSound("hit" + soundVol);
_parent.history = _parent.history + ((((("shootfunction\rrot=" + rot) + ",factor=") + factor) + ",shottype=") + shottype);
_parent.history = _parent.history + ((("ballnumber=" + ballnumber) + ",myballnumber=") + myballnumber);
if (shotType != "manual") {
sendShot(rot, factor);
function readyToShoot() {
gamePath.line._visible = 1;
gamePath.line.changeCharacter(ballNumber + 1);
gamePath.line._x = gamePath[currentBallName]._x;
gamePath.line._y = gamePath[currentBallName]._y;
if ((ballInPlay && (_parent.version != "mplayer")) || (ballInPlay && (ballNumber == myBallNumber))) {
gamePath.line.followMouse = true;
function addScore(target) {
name = target;
var fx = eval (name).rm;
var fy = eval (name).tm;
var zp = (((fx / cosY) - (fy / (sinY * sinX))) * (1 / ((cosY / sinY) + (sinY / cosY))));
var xp = ((1 / cosY) * (fx - (zp * sinY)));
var itsScore = ((zp * zp) + xp);
var i = -1;
var len = score.length;
while (len >= (++i)) {
if (itsScore < score[i][1]) {
tempScoreA = new Array();
tempScoreB = new Array();
tempScoreA = score.slice(0, i);
tempScoreA.push(new array(name, itsScore));
tempScoreB = score.slice(i);
score = new Array();
score = tempScoreA.concat(tempScoreB);
var i = 10000;
} else if (i == len) {
score.push(new array(name, itsScore));
function setWalls() {
var showWalls = false;
if (showWalls == false) {
gamePath.leftWall._visible = 0;
gamePath.rightWall._visible = 0;
gamePath.topWall._visible = 0;
gamePath.bottomWall._visible = 0;
var fx = gamePath.leftWall._x;
var fy = gamePath.leftWall._y;
var zp = (((fx / cosY) - (fy / (sinY * sinX))) * (1 / ((cosY / sinY) + (sinY / cosY))));
var xp = ((1 / cosY) * (fx - (zp * sinY)));
leftWall = xp;
var fx = gamePath.topWall._x;
var fy = gamePath.topWall._y;
var zp = (((fx / cosY) - (fy / (sinY * sinX))) * (1 / ((cosY / sinY) + (sinY / cosY))));
var xp = ((1 / cosY) * (fx - (zp * sinY)));
topWall = zp;
var fx = gamePath.rightWall._x;
var fy = gamePath.rightWall._y;
var zp = (((fx / cosY) - (fy / (sinY * sinX))) * (1 / ((cosY / sinY) + (sinY / cosY))));
var xp = ((1 / cosY) * (fx - (zp * sinY)));
rightWall = xp;
var fx = gamePath.bottomWall._x;
var fy = gamePath.bottomWall._y;
var zp = (((fx / cosY) - (fy / (sinY * sinX))) * (1 / ((cosY / sinY) + (sinY / cosY))));
var xp = ((1 / cosY) * (fx - (zp * sinY)));
bottomWall = zp;
function orderDepths() {
objectStartDepth = 100;
objectStep = 5;
var i = -1;
while ((++i) < score.length) {
eval (score[i][0]).swapDepths(objectStartDepth + (i * objectStep));
eval (score[i][0]).depth = objectStartDepth + (i * objectStep);
function orderBall() {
var ballScore = ((zPos[ballNumber] * zPos[ballNumber]) + xPos[ballNumber]);
var i = -1;
while ((++i) < score.length) {
var top = eval (score[i][0]).top;
var bottom = eval (score[i][0]).bottom;
var right = eval (score[i][0]).right;
var left = eval (score[i][0]).left;
var oSlope = ((top - bottom) / (left - right));
var ballSlope = ((top - zPos[ballNumber]) / (left - xPos[ballNumber]));
nname = eval (score[i][ballNumber]);
if ((((ballSlope < oSlope) && (left < xPos[ballNumber])) && ((zPos[ballNumber] - (rad * 2)) < bottom)) && (top < (zPos[ballNumber] + (rad * 2)))) {
ballDepth = (objectStartDepth + (i * objectStep)) + 2;
var i = 100000;
} else if (i == (score.length - 1)) {
ballDepth = 50;
var i = 100000;
function setBallPos() {
death = new Array();
death[ballNumber] = false;
if (multiplayer == true) {
death = new Array();
oldBallNumber = ballNumber;
var i = -1;
while ((++i) < numPlayers) {
ballNumber = i;
duplicateMovieClip (gamePath.ball, "ball" + ballNumber, (i * 5) + 1);
gamePath["ball" + ballNumber]._x = gamePath.pad._x;
gamePath["ball" + ballNumber]._y = gamePath.pad._y;
gamePath.line._x = gamePath.pad._x;
gamePath.line._y = gamePath.pad._y;
gamePath["ball" + ballNumber].gotoAndStop(ballNumber + 1);
gamePath["ball" + ballNumber]._visible = 0;
duplicateMovieClip (gamePath.shadow, "shadow" + i, i * 5);
gamePath["shadow" + ballNumber]._visible = 0;
death[i] = false;
currentBallName = "ball" + ballNumber;
var fx = gamePath[currentBallName]._x;
var fy = gamePath[currentBallName]._y;
zp = ((fx / cosY) - (fy / (sinY * sinX))) * (1 / ((cosY / sinY) + (sinY / cosY)));
xp = (1 / cosY) * (fx - (zp * sinY));
xPos[ballNumber] = xp;
zPos[ballNumber] = zp;
yPos[ballNumber] = startFloor;
var x = xPos[ballNumber];
var y = yPos[ballNumber];
var z = zPos[ballNumber];
gamePath[currentBallName]._x = (z * sinY) + (x * cosY);
gamePath[currentBallName]._y = (y * cosX) - (((z * cosY) - (x * sinY)) * sinX);
gamePath["shadow" + ballNumber]._x = (z * sinY) + (x * cosY);
gamePath["shadow" + ballNumber]._y = (floor * cosX) - (((z * cosY) - (x * sinY)) * sinX);
initX[ballNumber] = xPos[ballNumber];
initZ[ballNumber] = zPos[ballNumber];
ballNumber = oldBallNumber;
currentBallName = "ball" + ballNumber;
gamePath["ball" + ballNumber]._visible = 1;
gamePath["shadow" + ballNumber]._visible = 1;
} else {
duplicateMovieClip (gamePath.ball, "ball" + ballNumber, 10);
gamePath["ball" + ballNumber]._x = gamePath.pad._x;
gamePath["ball" + ballNumber]._y = gamePath.pad._y;
gamePath.line._x = gamePath.pad._x;
gamePath.line._y = gamePath.pad._y;
duplicateMovieClip (gamePath.shadow, "shadow" + ballNumber, 9);
var fx = gamePath[currentBallName]._x;
var fy = gamePath[currentBallName]._y;
zp = ((fx / cosY) - (fy / (sinY * sinX))) * (1 / ((cosY / sinY) + (sinY / cosY)));
xp = (1 / cosY) * (fx - (zp * sinY));
xPos[ballNumber] = xp;
zPos[ballNumber] = zp;
yPos[ballNumber] = startFloor;
initX[ballNumber] = xPos[ballNumber];
initZ[ballNumber] = zPos[ballNumber];
function update() {
var name = currentBallName;
if (terrainOn) {
xMov[ballNumber] = xMov[ballNumber] * terrain;
zMov[ballNumber] = zMov[ballNumber] * terrain;
var x = (xPos[ballNumber] + xMov[ballNumber]);
var y = (yPos[ballNumber] + yMov[ballNumber]);
var z = (zPos[ballNumber] + zMov[ballNumber]);
xPos[ballNumber] = x;
yPos[ballNumber] = y;
zPos[ballNumber] = z;
gamePath[name]._x = (z * sinY) + (x * cosY);
gamePath[name]._y = (y * cosX) - (((z * cosY) - (x * sinY)) * sinX);
gamePath["shadow" + ballNumber]._x = (z * sinY) + (x * cosY);
gamePath["shadow" + ballNumber]._y = (floor * cosX) - (((z * cosY) - (x * sinY)) * sinX);
if (((((((((math.sqrt((xMov[ballNumber] * xMov[ballNumber]) + (zMov[ballNumber] * zMov[ballNumber])) < minSpeed) && (math.abs(floor - yPos[ballNumber]) < 2)) && (onRamp != true)) && (onBelt != true)) && (onRamp1 != true)) && (onRamp2 != true)) && (onRamp3 != true)) && (onRamp4 != true)) && (onRamp5 != true)) {
if (stopped == false) {
xMov[ballNumber] = 0;
zMov[ballNumber] = 0;
stopped = true;
} else {
stopped = false;
function wallDetection() {
var tempZ = (zPos[ballNumber] + zMov[ballNumber]);
var tempX = (xPos[ballNumber] + xMov[ballNumber]);
if (bottomWall < tempZ) {
tempZ = bottomWall;
zMov[ballNumber] = zMov[ballNumber] * -1;
if (tempZ < topWall) {
tempZ = topWall;
zMov[ballNumber] = zMov[ballNumber] * -1;
if (tempX < leftWall) {
tempX = leftWall;
xMov[ballNumber] = xMov[ballNumber] * -1;
if (rightWall < tempX) {
tempX = rightWall;
xMov[ballNumber] = xMov[ballNumber] * -1;
xPos[ballNumber] = tempX;
zPos[ballNumber] = tempZ;
function ball2ballcollisionDetection() {
var i = 0;
while (numBumpers >= (++i)) {
var name1 = ballNumber;
var bumperName = ("bumper" + i);
var tempX1 = (xPos[name1] + xMov[name1]);
var tempX2 = gamePath[bumperName].centerX;
var tempZ1 = (zPos[name1] + zMov[name1]);
var tempZ2 = gamePath[bumperName].centerZ;
var tempRad2 = gamePath[bumperName].radius;
if (math.sqrt(((tempX1 - tempX2) * (tempX1 - tempX2)) + ((tempZ1 - tempZ2) * (tempZ1 - tempZ2))) < (rad + tempRad2)) {
ball2BallHappened = true;
ball2BallReaction(i, j, tempX1, tempX2, tempZ1, tempZ2);
function ball2BallReaction(n, m, tempX1, tempX2, tempZ1, tempZ2) {
n = ballNumber;
m = 1;
mass = new Array(1, 100000);
var vx1 = xMov[ballNumber];
var vx2 = 0;
var vy1 = zMov[ballNumber];
var vy2 = 0;
var initialMomentum = math.sqrt((vx1 * vx1) + (vy1 * vy1));
var x = (-(tempX1 - tempX2));
var y = (-(tempZ1 - tempZ2));
var ang = Math.atan2(y, x);
var cosTheta = math.cos(ang);
var sinTheta = math.sin(ang);
var vx1p = ((vx1 * cosTheta) + (vy1 * sinTheta));
var vx2p = ((vx2 * cosTheta) + (vy2 * sinTheta));
var vy1p = ((vy1 * cosTheta) - (vx1 * sinTheta));
var vy2p = ((vy2 * cosTheta) - (vx2 * sinTheta));
P = (mass[0] * vx1p) + (mass[m] * vx2p);
V = vx1p - vx2p;
var v1f = ((P - (mass[m] * V)) / (mass[0] + mass[m]));
var v2f = (V + v1f);
var vx1p = v1f;
var vx2p = v2f;
var vx1 = ((vx1p * cosTheta) - (vy1p * sinTheta));
var vx2 = ((vx2p * cosTheta) - (vy2p * sinTheta));
var vy1 = ((vy1p * cosTheta) + (vx1p * sinTheta));
var vy2 = ((vy2p * cosTheta) + (vx2p * sinTheta));
xMov[n] = vx1;
zMov[n] = vy1;
function ball2BankDetection() {
var tempX = (xPos[ballNumber] + xMov[ballNumber]);
var tempZ = (zPos[ballNumber] + zMov[ballNumber]);
var i = 0;
while (numBanks >= (++i)) {
var bankName = ("bank" + i);
var left = gamePath[bankName].left;
var top = gamePath[bankName].top;
var right = gamePath[bankName].right;
var bottom = gamePath[bankName].bottom;
if (((((left < (tempX + rad)) && ((tempX - rad) < right)) && (top < (tempZ + rad))) && ((tempZ - rad) < bottom)) && (ballCollided == false)) {
angle = gamePath[bankName].angle;
if (triangleSlopeDetect(angle, left, right, top, bottom, tempX, tempZ)) {
xPos[ballNumber] = tempX;
zPos[ballNumber] = tempZ;
ballCollided = true;
go = true;
function triangleSlopeDetect(angle, left, right, top, bottom, tempX, tempZ) {
returnVal = false;
if (angle == 225) {
var bankSlope = ((top - bottom) / (left - right));
var ballBankSlope = ((top - tempZ) / (left - tempX));
if ((ballBankSlope < bankSlope) && (0 < ballBankSlope)) {
returnVal = true;
} else if (angle == 315) {
var bankSlope = ((top - bottom) / (right - left));
var ballBankSlope = ((top - tempZ) / (right - tempX));
if ((bankSlope < ballBankSlope) && (ballBankSlope < 0)) {
returnVal = true;
} else if (angle == 135) {
var bankSlope = ((top - bottom) / (right - left));
var ballBankSlope = ((top - tempZ) / (right - tempX));
if ((ballBankSlope < bankSlope) && (ballBankSlope < 0)) {
returnVal = true;
} else if (angle == 45) {
var bankSlope = ((top - bottom) / (left - right));
var ballBankSlope = ((top - tempZ) / (left - tempX));
if ((bankSlope < ballBankSlope) && (0 < ballBankSlope)) {
returnVal = true;
function ball2BankReactions(angle) {
alpha = angle;
var cosAlpha = math.cos((alpha * math.pi) / 180);
var sinAlpha = math.sin((alpha * math.pi) / 180);
var vyi = zMov[ballNumber];
var vxi = xMov[ballNumber];
var vyip = ((vyi * cosAlpha) - (vxi * sinAlpha));
var vxip = ((vxi * cosAlpha) + (vyi * sinAlpha));
var vyfp = (-vyip);
var vxfp = vxip;
var vyf = ((vyfp * cosAlpha) + (vxfp * sinAlpha));
var vxf = ((vxfp * cosAlpha) - (vyfp * sinAlpha));
xMov[ballNumber] = vxf;
zMov[ballNumber] = vyf;
function ball2BeltDetection() {
tempX = xPos[ballNumber] + xMov[ballNumber];
tempZ = zPos[ballNumber] + zMov[ballNumber];
onBelt = false;
var i = 0;
while (numBelts >= (++i)) {
var boxName = ("belt" add i);
left = gamePath[boxName].left;
top = gamePath[boxName].top;
right = gamePath[boxName].right;
bottom = gamePath[boxName].bottom;
beltType = gamePath[boxName].type;
if ((((left < (tempX + rad)) && ((tempX - rad) < right)) && (top < (tempZ + rad))) && ((tempZ - rad) < bottom)) {
onBelt = true;
beltSpeed1 = 0.8;
if (beltType == "x1") {
xMov[ballNumber] = xMov[ballNumber] + 0.5;
} else if (beltType == "x11") {
xMov[ballNumber] = xMov[ballNumber] + beltSpeed1;
} else if (beltType == "x2") {
xMov[ballNumber] = xMov[ballNumber] - 0.5;
} else if (beltType == "x21") {
xMov[ballNumber] = xMov[ballNumber] - beltSpeed1;
} else if (beltType == "x3") {
xMov[ballNumber] = xMov[ballNumber] + 1.5;
} else if (beltType == "z1") {
zMov[ballNumber] = zMov[ballNumber] - 0.5;
} else if (beltType == "z11") {
zMov[ballNumber] = zMov[ballNumber] - beltSpeed1;
} else if (beltType == "z2") {
zMov[ballNumber] = zMov[ballNumber] + 0.5;
} else if (beltType == "z21") {
zMov[ballNumber] = zMov[ballNumber] + beltSpeed1;
function ball2BoxDetection() {
tempX = xPos[ballNumber] + xMov[ballNumber];
tempZ = zPos[ballNumber] + zMov[ballNumber];
var i = 0;
while (numBoxes >= (++i)) {
var boxName = ("box" add i);
left = gamePath[boxName].left;
top = gamePath[boxName].top;
right = gamePath[boxName].right;
bottom = gamePath[boxName].bottom;
disregard = gamePath[boxName].disregard;
collision = "no";
if ((((((left < (tempX + rad)) && ((tempX - rad) < right)) && (top < (tempZ + rad))) && ((tempZ - rad) < bottom)) && (disregard != "yes")) && (ballCollided == false)) {
ballCollided = true;
side = determineSideOfCollision(tempX, tempZ, left, right, top, bottom);
ball2BoxReaction(side, left, right, top, bottom);
function ball2BoxReaction(side, left, right, top, bottom) {
var xVel = xMov[ballNumber];
var zVel = zMov[ballNumber];
if (side == "left") {
xVel = xVel * -1;
xPos[ballNumber] = left - rad;
} else if (side == "right") {
xVel = xVel * -1;
xPos[ballNumber] = right + rad;
} else if (side == "top") {
zVel = zVel * -1;
zPos[ballNumber] = top - rad;
} else if (side == "bottom") {
zVel = zVel * -1;
zPos[ballNumber] = bottom + rad;
xMov[ballNumber] = xVel;
zMov[ballNumber] = zVel;
function determineSideOfCollision(tempX, tempZ, left, right, top, bottom) {
ballSlope = zMov[ballNumber] / xMov[ballNumber];
z = zPos[ballNumber];
x = xPos[ballNumber];
if (((z - rad) >= top) && ((x - rad) >= left)) {
var region = 1;
} else if (((z - rad) >= top) && (right >= (x + rad))) {
var region = 2;
} else if ((bottom >= (z + rad)) && (right >= (x + rad))) {
var region = 3;
} else if ((bottom >= (z + rad)) && ((x - rad) >= left)) {
var region = 4;
if (region == 1) {
var regionY1 = top;
var regionX1 = left;
var regionY2 = bottom;
var regionX2 = right;
var regionSlope = ((regionY2 - regionY1) / (regionX2 - regionX1));
var ballRegionSlope = ((z - regionY1) / (x - regionX1));
if (ballRegionSlope >= regionSlope) {
var side = "bottom";
} else {
var side = "right";
} else if (region == 2) {
var regionY1 = top;
var regionX1 = right;
var regionY2 = bottom;
var regionX2 = left;
var regionSlope = ((regionY2 - regionY1) / (regionX2 - regionX1));
var ballRegionSlope = ((z - regionY1) / (x - regionX1));
if (regionSlope >= ballRegionSlope) {
var side = "bottom";
} else {
var side = "left";
} else if (region == 3) {
var regionY1 = bottom;
var regionX1 = right;
var regionY2 = top;
var regionX2 = left;
var regionSlope = ((regionY2 - regionY1) / (regionX2 - regionX1));
var ballRegionSlope = ((z - regionY1) / (x - regionX1));
if (ballRegionSlope >= regionSlope) {
var side = "top";
} else {
var side = "left";
} else if (region == 4) {
var regionY1 = bottom;
var regionX1 = left;
var regionY2 = top;
var regionX2 = right;
var regionSlope = ((regionY2 - regionY1) / (regionX2 - regionX1));
var ballRegionSlope = ((z - regionY1) / (x - regionX1));
if (regionSlope >= ballRegionSlope) {
var side = "top";
} else {
var side = "right";
function moundDetection() {
moundName = "mound";
maxMoundY = -30;
var moundRad = gamePath[moundName].rad;
var moundCenterX = gamePath[moundName].centerX;
var moundCenterZ = gamePath[moundName].centerZ;
var dis = math.sqrt((((xPos[ballNumber] + xMov[ballNumber]) - moundCenterX) * ((xPos[ballNumber] + xMov[ballNumber]) - moundCenterX)) + (((zPos[ballNumber] + zMov[ballNumber]) - moundCenterZ) * ((zPos[ballNumber] + zMov[ballNumber]) - moundCenterZ)));
if (moundRad >= dis) {
floor = (1 - (dis / moundRad)) * maxMoundY;
} else {
floor = 0;
function holeDetection() {
var holeIncreasePercent = 15;
var holeRad = ((gamePath.hole.rad * (100 + holeIncreasePercent)) / 100);
var holeX = gamePath.hole.centerX;
var holeZ = gamePath.hole.centerZ;
var dis = math.sqrt((((xPos[ballNumber] + xMov[ballNumber]) - holeX) * ((xPos[ballNumber] + xMov[ballNumber]) - holeX)) + (((zPos[ballNumber] + zMov[ballNumber]) - holeZ) * ((zPos[ballNumber] + zMov[ballNumber]) - holeZ)));
if ((holeRad >= dis) && (death[ballNumber] != true)) {
holeSpeed = math.sqrt((xMov[ballNumber] * xMov[ballNumber]) + (zMov[ballNumber] * zMov[ballNumber]));
if ((maxHoleCollectSpeed >= holeSpeed) && (math.abs(yPos[ballNumber] - floor) < 2)) {
xPos[ballNumber] = holeX;
zPos[ballNumber] = holeZ;
xMov[ballNumber] = 0;
zMov[ballNumber] = 0;
yMov[ballNumber] = 0;
gamePath[currentBallName]._visible = 0;
gamePath["shadow" + ballNumber]._visible = 0;
death[ballNumber] = true;
shotMessage("ballin", _parent.strokes[ballNumber]);
} else {
yMov[ballNumber] = yMov[ballNumber] - holeTooFastHop;
} else if (death[ballNumber] == true) {
xMov[ballNumber] = 0;
zMov[ballNumber] = 0;
yMov[ballNumber] = 0;
function dummyHoles() {
if (hole == "hole15") {
newY = topFloor;
newXmov = 0;
newZmov = -4;
} else if (hole == "hole16") {
newY = topFloor;
newXmov = 7;
newZmov = 0;
} else if (hole == "hole11") {
newY = topFloor;
newXmov = 2;
newZmov = 0;
newXmov = 0;
newZmov = -4;
} else if (hole == "hole19") {
newY = topFloor;
newXmov = 7;
newZmov = 0;
newXmov = 0.8;
newZmov = 0;
} else if (hole == "hole20") {
newY = topFloor;
newXmov = 2;
newZmov = 0;
} else if (hole == "hole18") {
newY = topFloor;
newXmov = 2;
newZmov = 0;
newY = topFloor;
newXmov = 2;
newZmov = 0;
newY = topFloor;
newXmov = 0;
newZmov = -1;
newY = topFloor;
newXmov = 2;
newZmov = 0;
} else if (hole == "hole21") {
newY = topFloor;
newXmov = 2;
newZmov = 0;
newY = topFloor;
newXmov = 2;
newZmov = 0;
newY = topFloor;
newXmov = 2;
newZmov = 0;
newY = topFloor;
newXmov = 2;
newZmov = 0;
function secondaryHoleDetection4() {
var holeIncreasePercent = 10;
var holeRad = ((gamePath.hole3.rad * (100 + holeIncreasePercent)) / 100);
var holeX = gamePath.hole5.centerX;
var holeZ = gamePath.hole5.centerZ;
var newX = gamePath.dummy5.centerX;
var newZ = gamePath.dummy5.centerZ;
var dis = math.sqrt((((xPos[ballNumber] + xMov[ballNumber]) - holeX) * ((xPos[ballNumber] + xMov[ballNumber]) - holeX)) + (((zPos[ballNumber] + zMov[ballNumber]) - holeZ) * ((zPos[ballNumber] + zMov[ballNumber]) - holeZ)));
if ((holeRad >= dis) && (death[ballNumber] != true)) {
holeSpeed = math.sqrt((xMov[ballNumber] * xMov[ballNumber]) + (zMov[ballNumber] * zMov[ballNumber]));
if (maxHoleCollectSpeed >= holeSpeed) {
xPos[ballNumber] = newX;
zPos[ballNumber] = newZ;
yPos[ballNumber] = newY;
xMov[ballNumber] = newXmov;
zMov[ballNumber] = newZmov;
yMov[ballNumber] = 0;
} else {
yMov[ballNumber] = yMov[ballNumber] - holeTooFastHop;
function secondaryHoleDetection3() {
var holeIncreasePercent = 10;
var holeRad = ((gamePath.hole4.rad * (100 + holeIncreasePercent)) / 100);
var holeX = gamePath.hole4.centerX;
var holeZ = gamePath.hole4.centerZ;
var newX = gamePath.dummy4.centerX;
var newZ = gamePath.dummy4.centerZ;
var dis = math.sqrt((((xPos[ballNumber] + xMov[ballNumber]) - holeX) * ((xPos[ballNumber] + xMov[ballNumber]) - holeX)) + (((zPos[ballNumber] + zMov[ballNumber]) - holeZ) * ((zPos[ballNumber] + zMov[ballNumber]) - holeZ)));
if ((holeRad >= dis) && (death[ballNumber] != true)) {
holeSpeed = math.sqrt((xMov[ballNumber] * xMov[ballNumber]) + (zMov[ballNumber] * zMov[ballNumber]));
if (maxHoleCollectSpeed >= holeSpeed) {
xPos[ballNumber] = newX;
zPos[ballNumber] = newZ;
yPos[ballNumber] = newY;
xMov[ballNumber] = newXmov;
zMov[ballNumber] = newZmov;
yMov[ballNumber] = 0;
} else {
yMov[ballNumber] = yMov[ballNumber] - holeTooFastHop;
function secondaryHoleDetection2() {
var holeIncreasePercent = 10;
var holeRad = ((gamePath.hole3.rad * (100 + holeIncreasePercent)) / 100);
var holeX = gamePath.hole3.centerX;
var holeZ = gamePath.hole3.centerZ;
var newX = gamePath.dummy3.centerX;
var newZ = gamePath.dummy3.centerZ;
var dis = math.sqrt((((xPos[ballNumber] + xMov[ballNumber]) - holeX) * ((xPos[ballNumber] + xMov[ballNumber]) - holeX)) + (((zPos[ballNumber] + zMov[ballNumber]) - holeZ) * ((zPos[ballNumber] + zMov[ballNumber]) - holeZ)));
if ((holeRad >= dis) && (death[ballNumber] != true)) {
holeSpeed = math.sqrt((xMov[ballNumber] * xMov[ballNumber]) + (zMov[ballNumber] * zMov[ballNumber]));
if (maxHoleCollectSpeed >= holeSpeed) {
xPos[ballNumber] = newX;
zPos[ballNumber] = newZ;
yPos[ballNumber] = newY;
xMov[ballNumber] = newXmov;
zMov[ballNumber] = newZmov;
yMov[ballNumber] = 0;
} else {
yMov[ballNumber] = yMov[ballNumber] - holeTooFastHop;
function secondaryHoleDetection() {
var holeIncreasePercent = 10;
var holeRad = ((gamePath.hole2.rad * (100 + holeIncreasePercent)) / 100);
var holeX = gamePath.hole2.centerX;
var holeZ = gamePath.hole2.centerZ;
var newX = gamePath.dummy2.centerX;
var newZ = gamePath.dummy2.centerZ;
var dis = math.sqrt((((xPos[ballNumber] + xMov[ballNumber]) - holeX) * ((xPos[ballNumber] + xMov[ballNumber]) - holeX)) + (((zPos[ballNumber] + zMov[ballNumber]) - holeZ) * ((zPos[ballNumber] + zMov[ballNumber]) - holeZ)));
if ((holeRad >= dis) && (death[ballNumber] != true)) {
holeSpeed = math.sqrt((xMov[ballNumber] * xMov[ballNumber]) + (zMov[ballNumber] * zMov[ballNumber]));
if (maxHoleCollectSpeed >= holeSpeed) {
xPos[ballNumber] = newX;
zPos[ballNumber] = newZ;
yPos[ballNumber] = newY;
xMov[ballNumber] = newXmov;
zMov[ballNumber] = newZmov;
yMov[ballNumber] = 0;
floor = newY;
} else {
yMov[ballNumber] = yMov[ballNumber] - holeTooFastHop;
function playSound(soundName) {
if (_root.soundToggle) {
if (soundName == "wall") {
theSpeed = math.sqrt((xMov[ballNumber] * xMov[ballNumber]) + (zMov[ballNumber] * zMov[ballNumber]));
volume = ((theSpeed / maxSpeed) * 100) - 10;
if (volume < 10) {
volume = 10;
if ((floor - wallHeight) < (yPos[ballNumber] + yMov[ballNumber])) {
soundVol = Math.ceil(volume / 25);
playSound("hardBounce" + soundVol);
} else {
soundName = "electric";
} else {
function rampDetection() {
if (hole == "hole2") {
rl = leftWall;
rr = rightWall;
rt = -270;
rb = -100;
var tempX = (xPos[ballNumber] + xMov[ballNumber]);
var tempZ = (zPos[ballNumber] + zMov[ballNumber]);
if ((((rl < (tempX + rad)) && ((tempX - rad) < rr)) && (rt < (tempZ + rad))) && ((tempZ - rad) < rb)) {
if (onRamp == false) {
var h = math.abs(topFloor - bottomFloor);
var l = math.abs(rt - rb);
theta = math.atan2(h, l);
sinTheta = math.sin(theta);
cosTheta = math.cos(theta);
tanTheta = sinTheta / cosTheta;
yMov[ballNumber] = yMov[ballNumber] * ((-zMov[ballNumber]) * sinTheta);
zMov[ballNumber] = zMov[ballNumber] * cosTheta;
onRamp = true;
floor = bottomFloor - ((tempZ - rt) * tanTheta);
zMov[ballNumber] = zMov[ballNumber] + (((-gravity) * sinTheta) * cosTheta);
yMov[ballNumber] = yMov[ballNumber] + (((-gravity) * sinTheta) * sinTheta);
} else {
onRamp = false;
if (hole == "hole3") {
rl = leftWall;
rr = rightWall;
rt = -370;
rb = -260;
var tempX = (xPos[ballNumber] + xMov[ballNumber]);
var tempZ = (zPos[ballNumber] + zMov[ballNumber]);
if ((((rl < (tempX + rad)) && ((tempX - rad) < rr)) && (rt < (tempZ + rad))) && ((tempZ - rad) < rb)) {
if (onRamp == false) {
var h = math.abs(topFloor - bottomFloor);
var l = math.abs(rt - rb);
theta = math.atan2(h, l);
sinTheta = math.abs(math.sin(theta));
cosTheta = math.abs(math.cos(theta));
tanTheta = math.abs(sinTheta / cosTheta);
yMov[ballNumber] = yMov[ballNumber] * (zMov[ballNumber] * sinTheta);
zMov[ballNumber] = zMov[ballNumber] * cosTheta;
onRamp = true;
floor = topFloor + (math.abs(tempZ - rt) * tanTheta);
zMov[ballNumber] = zMov[ballNumber] + ((math.abs(gravity) * sinTheta) * cosTheta);
yMov[ballNumber] = yMov[ballNumber] + ((math.abs(gravity) * sinTheta) * sinTheta);
} else {
onRamp = false;
if (hole == "hole19") {
rl = leftWall;
rr = rightWall;
rt = -230;
rb = -134;
var tempX = (xPos[ballNumber] + xMov[ballNumber]);
var tempZ = (zPos[ballNumber] + zMov[ballNumber]);
if ((((rl < (tempX + rad)) && ((tempX - rad) < rr)) && (rt < (tempZ + rad))) && ((tempZ - rad) < rb)) {
if (onRamp1 == false) {
var h = math.abs(topFloor - bottomFloor);
var l = math.abs(rt - rb);
theta = math.atan2(h, l);
sinTheta = math.abs(math.sin(theta));
cosTheta = math.abs(math.cos(theta));
tanTheta = math.abs(sinTheta / cosTheta);
yMov[ballNumber] = yMov[ballNumber] * (zMov[ballNumber] * sinTheta);
zMov[ballNumber] = zMov[ballNumber] * cosTheta;
onRamp1 = true;
floor = topFloor + (math.abs(tempZ - rt) * tanTheta);
zMov[ballNumber] = zMov[ballNumber] + ((math.abs(gravity) * sinTheta) * cosTheta);
yMov[ballNumber] = yMov[ballNumber] + ((math.abs(gravity) * sinTheta) * sinTheta);
} else {
onRamp1 = false;
if (hole == "hole19") {
rl = 580;
rr = 614;
rt = topWall;
rb = bottomWall;
var tempX = (xPos[ballNumber] + xMov[ballNumber]);
var tempZ = (zPos[ballNumber] + zMov[ballNumber]);
if (((((rl < (tempX + rad)) && ((tempX - rad) < rr)) && (rt < (tempZ + rad))) && ((tempZ - rad) < rb)) && (380 < tempX)) {
if (onRamp2 != true) {
var h = math.abs(topFloor - bottomFloor);
var l = math.abs(rr - rl);
theta = math.atan2(h, l);
sinTheta = math.abs(math.sin(theta));
cosTheta = math.abs(math.cos(theta));
tanTheta = math.abs(sinTheta / cosTheta);
yMov[ballNumber] = yMov[ballNumber] * (xMov[ballNumber] * sinTheta);
xMov[ballNumber] = xMov[ballNumber] * cosTheta;
onRamp2 = true;
onRamp = true;
floor = math.abs(tempX - rl) * tanTheta;
xMov[ballNumber] = xMov[ballNumber] + ((math.abs(gravity) * sinTheta) * cosTheta);
yMov[ballNumber] = yMov[ballNumber] + ((math.abs(gravity) * sinTheta) * sinTheta);
} else {
onRamp = false;
onRamp2 = false;
if (hole == "hole20") {
rl = -282;
rr = -113;
rt = topWall;
rb = bottomWall;
var tempX = (xPos[ballNumber] + xMov[ballNumber]);
var tempZ = (zPos[ballNumber] + zMov[ballNumber]);
if (((((rl < (tempX + rad)) && ((tempX - rad) < rr)) && (rt < (tempZ + rad))) && ((tempZ - rad) < rb)) && (tempZ < -220)) {
if (onRamp1 != true) {
var h = math.abs(topFloor - bottomFloor);
var l = math.abs(rr - rl);
theta = math.atan2(h, l);
sinTheta = math.abs(math.sin(theta));
cosTheta = math.abs(math.cos(theta));
tanTheta = math.abs(sinTheta / cosTheta);
yMov[ballNumber] = yMov[ballNumber] * (xMov[ballNumber] * sinTheta);
xMov[ballNumber] = xMov[ballNumber] * cosTheta;
onRamp1 = true;
onRamp = true;
floor = math.abs(tempX - rl) * tanTheta;
xMov[ballNumber] = xMov[ballNumber] + ((math.abs(gravity) * sinTheta) * cosTheta);
yMov[ballNumber] = yMov[ballNumber] + ((math.abs(gravity) * sinTheta) * sinTheta);
} else {
onRamp = false;
onRamp1 = false;
if (hole == "hole6") {
rl = leftWall;
rr = rightWall;
rt = 270;
rb = 380;
var tempX = (xPos[ballNumber] + xMov[ballNumber]);
var tempZ = (zPos[ballNumber] + zMov[ballNumber]);
if ((((rl < (tempX + rad)) && ((tempX - rad) < rr)) && (rt < (tempZ + rad))) && ((tempZ - rad) < rb)) {
if (onRamp == false) {
var h = math.abs(topFloor - bottomFloor);
var l = math.abs(rt - rb);
theta = math.atan2(h, l);
sinTheta = math.abs(math.sin(theta));
cosTheta = math.abs(math.cos(theta));
tanTheta = math.abs(sinTheta / cosTheta);
yMov[ballNumber] = yMov[ballNumber] * (zMov[ballNumber] * sinTheta);
zMov[ballNumber] = zMov[ballNumber] * cosTheta;
onRamp = true;
floor = topFloor + (math.abs(tempZ - rt) * tanTheta);
zMov[ballNumber] = zMov[ballNumber] + ((math.abs(gravity) * sinTheta) * cosTheta);
yMov[ballNumber] = yMov[ballNumber] + ((math.abs(gravity) * sinTheta) * sinTheta);
} else {
onRamp = false;
if (hole == "hole5") {
rl = leftWall;
rr = 220;
rt = -190;
rb = -100;
var tempX = (xPos[ballNumber] + xMov[ballNumber]);
var tempZ = (zPos[ballNumber] + zMov[ballNumber]);
if ((((rl < (tempX + rad)) && ((tempX - rad) < rr)) && (rt < (tempZ + rad))) && ((tempZ - rad) < rb)) {
if (onRamp1 != true) {
var h = math.abs(topFloor - bottomFloor);
var l = math.abs(rt - rb);
theta = math.atan2(h, l);
sinTheta = math.abs(math.sin(theta));
cosTheta = math.abs(math.cos(theta));
tanTheta = math.abs(sinTheta / cosTheta);
yMov[ballNumber] = yMov[ballNumber] * (zMov[ballNumber] * sinTheta);
zMov[ballNumber] = zMov[ballNumber] * cosTheta;
onRamp = true;
onRamp1 = true;
floor = topFloor + (math.abs(tempZ - rb) * tanTheta);
zMov[ballNumber] = zMov[ballNumber] - ((math.abs(gravity) * sinTheta) * cosTheta);
yMov[ballNumber] = yMov[ballNumber] + ((math.abs(gravity) * sinTheta) * sinTheta);
} else {
onRamp = false;
onRamp1 = false;
if (hole == "hole5") {
rl = 270;
rr = 380;
rt = -40;
rb = bottomWall;
var tempX = (xPos[ballNumber] + xMov[ballNumber]);
var tempZ = (zPos[ballNumber] + zMov[ballNumber]);
if ((((rl < (tempX + rad)) && ((tempX - rad) < rr)) && (rt < (tempZ + rad))) && ((tempZ - rad) < rb)) {
if (onRamp2 != true) {
var h = math.abs(topFloor - bottomFloor);
var l = math.abs(rr - rl);
theta = math.atan2(h, l);
sinTheta = math.abs(math.sin(theta));
cosTheta = math.abs(math.cos(theta));
tanTheta = math.abs(sinTheta / cosTheta);
yMov[ballNumber] = yMov[ballNumber] * (xMov[ballNumber] * sinTheta);
xMov[ballNumber] = xMov[ballNumber] * cosTheta;
onRamp = true;
onRamp2 = true;
floor = topFloor + (math.abs(tempX - rl) * tanTheta);
xMov[ballNumber] = xMov[ballNumber] + ((math.abs(gravity) * sinTheta) * cosTheta);
yMov[ballNumber] = yMov[ballNumber] + ((math.abs(gravity) * sinTheta) * sinTheta);
} else {
onRamp = false;
onRamp2 = false;
if (hole == "hole17") {
rl = leftWall;
rr = rightWall;
rt = -220;
rb = -150;
var tempX = (xPos[ballNumber] + xMov[ballNumber]);
var tempZ = (zPos[ballNumber] + zMov[ballNumber]);
if ((((rl < (tempX + rad)) && ((tempX - rad) < rr)) && (rt < (tempZ + rad))) && ((tempZ - rad) < rb)) {
if (onRamp1 != true) {
var h = math.abs(topFloor - bottomFloor);
var l = math.abs(rt - rb);
theta = math.atan2(h, l);
sinTheta = math.abs(math.sin(theta));
cosTheta = math.abs(math.cos(theta));
tanTheta = math.abs(sinTheta / cosTheta);
yMov[ballNumber] = yMov[ballNumber] * (zMov[ballNumber] * sinTheta);
zMov[ballNumber] = zMov[ballNumber] * cosTheta;
onRamp = true;
onRamp1 = true;
floor = topFloor + (math.abs(tempZ - rb) * tanTheta);
zMov[ballNumber] = zMov[ballNumber] - ((math.abs(gravity) * sinTheta) * cosTheta);
yMov[ballNumber] = yMov[ballNumber] + ((math.abs(gravity) * sinTheta) * sinTheta);
} else {
onRamp = false;
onRamp1 = false;
if (hole == "hole17") {
rl = leftWall;
rr = rightWall;
rt = -110;
rb = -35;
var tempX = (xPos[ballNumber] + xMov[ballNumber]);
var tempZ = (zPos[ballNumber] + zMov[ballNumber]);
if (((((rl < (tempX + rad)) && ((tempX - rad) < rr)) && (rt < (tempZ + rad))) && ((tempZ - rad) < rb)) && (100 < tempX)) {
if (onRamp2 != true) {
var h = math.abs(topFloor - bottomFloor);
var l = math.abs(rt - rb);
theta = math.atan2(h, l);
sinTheta = math.abs(math.sin(theta));
cosTheta = math.abs(math.cos(theta));
tanTheta = math.abs(sinTheta / cosTheta);
yMov[ballNumber] = yMov[ballNumber] * ((-zMov[ballNumber]) * sinTheta);
zMov[ballNumber] = zMov[ballNumber] * cosTheta;
onRamp = true;
onRamp2 = true;
floor = topFloor + (math.abs(tempZ - rt) * tanTheta);
zMov[ballNumber] = zMov[ballNumber] + ((math.abs(gravity) * sinTheta) * cosTheta);
yMov[ballNumber] = yMov[ballNumber] + ((math.abs(gravity) * sinTheta) * sinTheta);
} else {
onRamp = false;
onRamp2 = false;
if (hole == "hole7") {
rl = leftWall;
rr = rightWall;
rt = -335;
rb = -300;
var tempX = (xPos[ballNumber] + xMov[ballNumber]);
var tempZ = (zPos[ballNumber] + zMov[ballNumber]);
if ((((rl < (tempX + rad)) && ((tempX - rad) < rr)) && (rt < (tempZ + rad))) && ((tempZ - rad) < rb)) {
if (onRamp1 != true) {
var h = math.abs(topFloor - bottomFloor);
var l = math.abs(rt - rb);
theta = math.atan2(h, l);
sinTheta = math.abs(math.sin(theta));
cosTheta = math.abs(math.cos(theta));
tanTheta = math.abs(sinTheta / cosTheta);
yMov[ballNumber] = yMov[ballNumber] * (zMov[ballNumber] * sinTheta);
zMov[ballNumber] = zMov[ballNumber] * cosTheta;
onRamp = true;
onRamp1 = true;
floor = topFloor - (math.abs(tempZ - rt) * tanTheta);
zMov[ballNumber] = zMov[ballNumber] - ((math.abs(gravity) * sinTheta) * cosTheta);
yMov[ballNumber] = yMov[ballNumber] + ((math.abs(gravity) * sinTheta) * sinTheta);
} else {
onRamp = false;
onRamp1 = false;
if (hole == "hole7") {
rl = leftWall;
rr = rightWall;
rt = -290;
rb = -255;
var tempX = (xPos[ballNumber] + xMov[ballNumber]);
var tempZ = (zPos[ballNumber] + zMov[ballNumber]);
if ((((rl < (tempX + rad)) && ((tempX - rad) < rr)) && (rt < (tempZ + rad))) && ((tempZ - rad) < rb)) {
if (onRamp2 != true) {
var h = math.abs(topFloor - bottomFloor);
var l = math.abs(rt - rb);
theta = math.atan2(h, l);
sinTheta = math.abs(math.sin(theta));
cosTheta = math.abs(math.cos(theta));
tanTheta = math.abs(sinTheta / cosTheta);
yMov[ballNumber] = yMov[ballNumber] * (zMov[ballNumber] * sinTheta);
zMov[ballNumber] = zMov[ballNumber] * cosTheta;
onRamp = true;
onRamp2 = true;
floor = (-bottomFloor) + (math.abs(tempZ - rt) * tanTheta);
zMov[ballNumber] = zMov[ballNumber] + ((math.abs(gravity) * sinTheta) * cosTheta);
yMov[ballNumber] = yMov[ballNumber] + ((math.abs(gravity) * sinTheta) * sinTheta);
} else {
onRamp = false;
onRamp2 = false;
if (hole == "hole7") {
rl = leftWall;
rr = rightWall;
rt = -210;
rb = -185;
var tempX = (xPos[ballNumber] + xMov[ballNumber]);
var tempZ = (zPos[ballNumber] + zMov[ballNumber]);
if ((((rl < (tempX + rad)) && ((tempX - rad) < rr)) && (rt < (tempZ + rad))) && ((tempZ - rad) < rb)) {
if (onRamp3 != true) {
var h = math.abs(topFloor - bottomFloor);
var l = math.abs(rt - rb);
theta = math.atan2(h, l);
sinTheta = math.abs(math.sin(theta));
cosTheta = math.abs(math.cos(theta));
tanTheta = math.abs(sinTheta / cosTheta);
yMov[ballNumber] = yMov[ballNumber] * (zMov[ballNumber] * sinTheta);
zMov[ballNumber] = zMov[ballNumber] * cosTheta;
onRamp = true;
onRamp3 = true;
floor = topFloor - (math.abs(tempZ - rt) * tanTheta);
zMov[ballNumber] = zMov[ballNumber] - ((math.abs(gravity) * sinTheta) * cosTheta);
yMov[ballNumber] = yMov[ballNumber] + ((math.abs(gravity) * sinTheta) * sinTheta);
} else {
onRamp = false;
onRamp3 = false;
if (hole == "hole7") {
rl = leftWall;
rr = rightWall;
rt = -165;
rb = -130;
var tempX = (xPos[ballNumber] + xMov[ballNumber]);
var tempZ = (zPos[ballNumber] + zMov[ballNumber]);
if ((((rl < (tempX + rad)) && ((tempX - rad) < rr)) && (rt < (tempZ + rad))) && ((tempZ - rad) < rb)) {
if (onRamp4 != true) {
var h = math.abs(topFloor - bottomFloor);
var l = math.abs(rt - rb);
theta = math.atan2(h, l);
sinTheta = math.abs(math.sin(theta));
cosTheta = math.abs(math.cos(theta));
tanTheta = math.abs(sinTheta / cosTheta);
yMov[ballNumber] = yMov[ballNumber] * (zMov[ballNumber] * sinTheta);
zMov[ballNumber] = zMov[ballNumber] * cosTheta;
onRamp = true;
onRamp4 = true;
floor = (-bottomFloor) + (math.abs(tempZ - rt) * tanTheta);
zMov[ballNumber] = zMov[ballNumber] + ((math.abs(gravity) * sinTheta) * cosTheta);
yMov[ballNumber] = yMov[ballNumber] + ((math.abs(gravity) * sinTheta) * sinTheta);
} else {
onRamp = false;
onRamp4 = false;
if (hole == "hole9") {
rl = leftWall;
rr = rightWall;
rt = -280;
rb = -237;
var tempX = (xPos[ballNumber] + xMov[ballNumber]);
var tempZ = (zPos[ballNumber] + zMov[ballNumber]);
if ((((rl < (tempX + rad)) && ((tempX - rad) < rr)) && (rt < (tempZ + rad))) && ((tempZ - rad) < rb)) {
if (onRamp != true) {
var h = math.abs(topFloor - bottomFloor);
var l = math.abs(rt - rb);
theta = math.atan2(h, l);
sinTheta = math.abs(math.sin(theta));
cosTheta = math.abs(math.cos(theta));
tanTheta = math.abs(sinTheta / cosTheta);
zMov[ballNumber] = zMov[ballNumber] * 0.9;
onRamp = true;
floor = topFloor - (math.abs(tempZ - rt) * tanTheta);
zMov[ballNumber] = zMov[ballNumber] - ((math.abs(gravity) * sinTheta) * cosTheta);
yMov[ballNumber] = yMov[ballNumber] + ((math.abs(gravity) * sinTheta) * sinTheta);
} else {
onRamp = false;
if (hole == "hole10") {
rl = -17;
rr = 32;
rt = topWall;
rb = bottomWall;
var tempX = (xPos[ballNumber] + xMov[ballNumber]);
var tempZ = (zPos[ballNumber] + zMov[ballNumber]);
if ((((rl < (tempX + rad)) && ((tempX - rad) < rr)) && (rt < (tempZ + rad))) && ((tempZ - rad) < rb)) {
if (onRamp2 != true) {
var h = math.abs(topFloor - bottomFloor);
var l = math.abs(rr - rl);
theta = math.atan2(h, l);
sinTheta = math.abs(math.sin(theta));
cosTheta = math.abs(math.cos(theta));
tanTheta = math.abs(sinTheta / cosTheta);
yMov[ballNumber] = yMov[ballNumber] * (xMov[ballNumber] * sinTheta);
xMov[ballNumber] = xMov[ballNumber] * cosTheta;
onRamp = true;
onRamp2 = true;
floor = (-math.abs(tempX - rr)) * tanTheta;
xMov[ballNumber] = xMov[ballNumber] + ((math.abs(gravity) * sinTheta) * cosTheta);
yMov[ballNumber] = yMov[ballNumber] + ((math.abs(gravity) * sinTheta) * sinTheta);
} else {
onRamp = false;
onRamp2 = false;
if (hole == "hole11") {
rl = leftWall;
rr = 290;
rt = -407;
rb = -342;
var tempX = (xPos[ballNumber] + xMov[ballNumber]);
var tempZ = (zPos[ballNumber] + zMov[ballNumber]);
if ((((rl < (tempX + rad)) && ((tempX - rad) < rr)) && (rt < (tempZ + rad))) && ((tempZ - rad) < rb)) {
if (onRamp1 != true) {
var h = math.abs(topFloor - bottomFloor);
var l = math.abs(rt - rb);
theta = math.atan2(h, l);
sinTheta = math.abs(math.sin(theta));
cosTheta = math.abs(math.cos(theta));
tanTheta = math.abs(sinTheta / cosTheta);
yMov[ballNumber] = yMov[ballNumber] * (zMov[ballNumber] * sinTheta);
zMov[ballNumber] = zMov[ballNumber] * cosTheta;
onRamp = true;
onRamp1 = true;
floor = topFloor - (math.abs(tempZ - rt) * tanTheta);
zMov[ballNumber] = zMov[ballNumber] - ((math.abs(gravity) * sinTheta) * cosTheta);
yMov[ballNumber] = yMov[ballNumber] + ((math.abs(gravity) * sinTheta) * sinTheta);
} else {
onRamp = false;
onRamp1 = false;
if (hole == "hole11") {
rl = leftWall;
rr = 290;
rt = -307;
rb = -238;
var tempX = (xPos[ballNumber] + xMov[ballNumber]);
var tempZ = (zPos[ballNumber] + zMov[ballNumber]);
if ((((rl < (tempX + rad)) && ((tempX - rad) < rr)) && (rt < (tempZ + rad))) && ((tempZ - rad) < rb)) {
if (onRamp2 != true) {
var h = math.abs(topFloor - bottomFloor);
var l = math.abs(rt - rb);
theta = math.atan2(h, l);
sinTheta = math.abs(math.sin(theta));
cosTheta = math.abs(math.cos(theta));
tanTheta = math.abs(sinTheta / cosTheta);
yMov[ballNumber] = yMov[ballNumber] * (zMov[ballNumber] * sinTheta);
zMov[ballNumber] = zMov[ballNumber] * cosTheta;
onRamp = true;
onRamp2 = true;
floor = (-math.abs(tempZ - rb)) * tanTheta;
zMov[ballNumber] = zMov[ballNumber] + ((math.abs(gravity) * sinTheta) * cosTheta);
yMov[ballNumber] = yMov[ballNumber] + ((math.abs(gravity) * sinTheta) * sinTheta);
if (zMov[ballNumber] < 0) {
yMov[ballNumber] = 0;
yPos[ballNumber] = floor;
} else {
onRamp = false;
onRamp2 = false;
if (hole == "hole11") {
rl = leftWall;
rr = 290;
rt = -207;
rb = -141;
var tempX = (xPos[ballNumber] + xMov[ballNumber]);
var tempZ = (zPos[ballNumber] + zMov[ballNumber]);
if ((((rl < (tempX + rad)) && ((tempX - rad) < rr)) && (rt < (tempZ + rad))) && ((tempZ - rad) < rb)) {
if (onRamp3 != true) {
var h = math.abs(topFloor - bottomFloor);
var l = math.abs(rt - rb);
theta = math.atan2(h, l);
sinTheta = math.abs(math.sin(theta));
cosTheta = math.abs(math.cos(theta));
tanTheta = math.abs(sinTheta / cosTheta);
yMov[ballNumber] = yMov[ballNumber] * (zMov[ballNumber] * sinTheta);
zMov[ballNumber] = zMov[ballNumber] * cosTheta;
onRamp = true;
onRamp3 = true;
floor = topFloor - (math.abs(tempZ - rt) * tanTheta);
zMov[ballNumber] = zMov[ballNumber] - ((math.abs(gravity) * sinTheta) * cosTheta);
yMov[ballNumber] = yMov[ballNumber] + ((math.abs(gravity) * sinTheta) * sinTheta);
} else {
onRamp = false;
onRamp3 = false;
if (hole == "hole11") {
rl = leftWall;
rr = 290;
rt = -111;
rb = -38;
var tempX = (xPos[ballNumber] + xMov[ballNumber]);
var tempZ = (zPos[ballNumber] + zMov[ballNumber]);
if ((((rl < (tempX + rad)) && ((tempX - rad) < rr)) && (rt < (tempZ + rad))) && ((tempZ - rad) < rb)) {
if (onRamp4 != true) {
var h = math.abs(topFloor - bottomFloor);
var l = math.abs(rt - rb);
theta = math.atan2(h, l);
sinTheta = math.abs(math.sin(theta));
cosTheta = math.abs(math.cos(theta));
tanTheta = math.abs(sinTheta / cosTheta);
yMov[ballNumber] = yMov[ballNumber] * (zMov[ballNumber] * sinTheta);
zMov[ballNumber] = zMov[ballNumber] * cosTheta;
onRamp = true;
onRamp4 = true;
floor = (-math.abs(tempZ - rb)) * tanTheta;
zMov[ballNumber] = zMov[ballNumber] + ((math.abs(gravity) * sinTheta) * cosTheta);
yMov[ballNumber] = yMov[ballNumber] + ((math.abs(gravity) * sinTheta) * sinTheta);
if (zMov[ballNumber] < 0) {
yMov[ballNumber] = 0;
yPos[ballNumber] = floor;
} else {
onRamp = false;
onRamp4 = false;
if (hole == "hole11") {
rl = leftWall;
rr = 290;
rt = -7;
rb = 106;
var tempX = (xPos[ballNumber] + xMov[ballNumber]);
var tempZ = (zPos[ballNumber] + zMov[ballNumber]);
if ((((rl < (tempX + rad)) && ((tempX - rad) < rr)) && (rt < (tempZ + rad))) && ((tempZ - rad) < rb)) {
if (onRamp5 != true) {
var h = math.abs(topFloor - bottomFloor);
var l = math.abs(rt - rb);
theta = math.atan2(h, l);
sinTheta = math.abs(math.sin(theta));
cosTheta = math.abs(math.cos(theta));
tanTheta = math.abs(sinTheta / cosTheta);
yMov[ballNumber] = yMov[ballNumber] * (zMov[ballNumber] * sinTheta);
zMov[ballNumber] = zMov[ballNumber] * cosTheta;
onRamp = true;
onRamp5 = true;
floor = topFloor - (math.abs(tempZ - rt) * tanTheta);
zMov[ballNumber] = zMov[ballNumber] - ((math.abs(gravity) * sinTheta) * cosTheta);
yMov[ballNumber] = yMov[ballNumber] + ((math.abs(gravity) * sinTheta) * sinTheta);
} else {
onRamp = false;
onRamp5 = false;
if (hole == "hole12") {
rl = 487;
rr = 580;
rt = topWall;
rb = bottomWall;
var tempX = (xPos[ballNumber] + xMov[ballNumber]);
var tempZ = (zPos[ballNumber] + zMov[ballNumber]);
if ((((rl < (tempX + rad)) && ((tempX - rad) < rr)) && (rt < (tempZ + rad))) && ((tempZ - rad) < rb)) {
if (onRamp1 != true) {
var h = math.abs(topFloor - bottomFloor);
var l = math.abs(rr - rl);
theta = math.atan2(h, l);
sinTheta = math.abs(math.sin(theta));
cosTheta = math.abs(math.cos(theta));
tanTheta = math.abs(sinTheta / cosTheta);
yMov[ballNumber] = yMov[ballNumber] * (xMov[ballNumber] * sinTheta);
xMov[ballNumber] = xMov[ballNumber] * cosTheta;
onRamp = true;
onRamp1 = true;
floor = math.abs(tempX - rl) * tanTheta;
xMov[ballNumber] = xMov[ballNumber] + ((math.abs(gravity) * sinTheta) * cosTheta);
yMov[ballNumber] = yMov[ballNumber] + ((math.abs(gravity) * sinTheta) * sinTheta);
} else {
onRamp = false;
onRamp1 = false;
if (hole == "hole12") {
rl = 615;
rr = 716;
rt = topWall;
rb = bottomWall;
var tempX = (xPos[ballNumber] + xMov[ballNumber]);
var tempZ = (zPos[ballNumber] + zMov[ballNumber]);
if ((((rl < (tempX + rad)) && ((tempX - rad) < rr)) && (rt < (tempZ + rad))) && ((tempZ - rad) < rb)) {
if (onRamp2 != true) {
var h = math.abs(topFloor - bottomFloor);
var l = math.abs(rr - rl);
theta = math.atan2(h, l);
sinTheta = math.abs(math.sin(theta));
cosTheta = math.abs(math.cos(theta));
tanTheta = math.abs(sinTheta / cosTheta);
yMov[ballNumber] = yMov[ballNumber] * (xMov[ballNumber] * sinTheta);
xMov[ballNumber] = xMov[ballNumber] * cosTheta;
onRamp = true;
onRamp2 = true;
floor = math.abs(tempX - rr) * tanTheta;
xMov[ballNumber] = xMov[ballNumber] - ((math.abs(gravity) * sinTheta) * cosTheta);
yMov[ballNumber] = yMov[ballNumber] + ((math.abs(gravity) * sinTheta) * sinTheta);
} else {
onRamp = false;
onRamp2 = false;
if (hole == "hole13") {
rl = 657;
rr = 705;
rt = topWall;
rb = bottomWall;
var tempX = (xPos[ballNumber] + xMov[ballNumber]);
var tempZ = (zPos[ballNumber] + zMov[ballNumber]);
if ((((rl < (tempX + rad)) && ((tempX - rad) < rr)) && (rt < (tempZ + rad))) && ((tempZ - rad) < rb)) {
if (onRamp != true) {
var h = math.abs(topFloor - bottomFloor);
var l = math.abs(rr - rl);
theta = math.atan2(h, l);
sinTheta = math.abs(math.sin(theta));
cosTheta = math.abs(math.cos(theta));
tanTheta = math.abs(sinTheta / cosTheta);
onRamp = true;
floor = math.abs(tempX - rl) * tanTheta;
xMov[ballNumber] = xMov[ballNumber] + ((math.abs(gravity) * sinTheta) * cosTheta);
yMov[ballNumber] = yMov[ballNumber] + ((math.abs(gravity) * sinTheta) * sinTheta);
} else {
onRamp = false;
if (hole == "hole14") {
rl = 106;
rr = 221;
rt = topWall;
rb = bottomWall;
var tempX = (xPos[ballNumber] + xMov[ballNumber]);
var tempZ = (zPos[ballNumber] + zMov[ballNumber]);
if ((((rl < (tempX + rad)) && ((tempX - rad) < rr)) && (rt < (tempZ + rad))) && ((tempZ - rad) < rb)) {
if (onRamp != true) {
var h = math.abs(topFloor - bottomFloor);
var l = math.abs(rr - rl);
theta = math.atan2(h, l);
sinTheta = math.abs(math.sin(theta));
cosTheta = math.abs(math.cos(theta));
tanTheta = math.abs(sinTheta / cosTheta);
yMov[ballNumber] = yMov[ballNumber] * (xMov[ballNumber] * sinTheta);
xMov[ballNumber] = xMov[ballNumber] * cosTheta;
onRamp = true;
floor = (-math.abs(tempX - rr)) * tanTheta;
xMov[ballNumber] = xMov[ballNumber] + ((math.abs(gravity) * sinTheta) * cosTheta);
yMov[ballNumber] = yMov[ballNumber] + ((math.abs(gravity) * sinTheta) * sinTheta);
} else {
onRamp = false;
if (hole == "hole15") {
rl = leftWall;
rr = rightWall;
rt = -280;
rb = -228;
var tempX = (xPos[ballNumber] + xMov[ballNumber]);
var tempZ = (zPos[ballNumber] + zMov[ballNumber]);
if (((((rl < (tempX + rad)) && ((tempX - rad) < rr)) && (rt < (tempZ + rad))) && ((tempZ - rad) < rb)) && (tempX < 370)) {
if (onRamp1 == false) {
var h = math.abs(topFloor - bottomFloor);
var l = math.abs(rt - rb);
theta = math.atan2(h, l);
sinTheta = math.abs(math.sin(theta));
cosTheta = math.abs(math.cos(theta));
tanTheta = math.abs(sinTheta / cosTheta);
yMov[ballNumber] = yMov[ballNumber] * (zMov[ballNumber] * sinTheta);
zMov[ballNumber] = zMov[ballNumber] * cosTheta;
onRamp = true;
onRamp1 = true;
floor = topFloor + (math.abs(tempZ - rb) * tanTheta);
zMov[ballNumber] = zMov[ballNumber] - ((math.abs(gravity) * sinTheta) * cosTheta);
yMov[ballNumber] = yMov[ballNumber] + ((math.abs(gravity) * sinTheta) * sinTheta);
} else {
onRamp = false;
onRamp1 = false;
if (hole == "hole15") {
rl = 520;
rr = 564;
rt = topWall;
rb = bottomWall;
var tempX = (xPos[ballNumber] + xMov[ballNumber]);
var tempZ = (zPos[ballNumber] + zMov[ballNumber]);
if (((((rl < (tempX + rad)) && ((tempX - rad) < rr)) && (rt < (tempZ + rad))) && ((tempZ - rad) < rb)) && (380 < tempX)) {
if (onRamp2 != true) {
var h = math.abs(topFloor - bottomFloor);
var l = math.abs(rr - rl);
theta = math.atan2(h, l);
sinTheta = math.abs(math.sin(theta));
cosTheta = math.abs(math.cos(theta));
tanTheta = math.abs(sinTheta / cosTheta);
yMov[ballNumber] = yMov[ballNumber] * (xMov[ballNumber] * sinTheta);
xMov[ballNumber] = xMov[ballNumber] * cosTheta;
onRamp2 = true;
onRamp = true;
floor = math.abs(tempX - rl) * tanTheta;
xMov[ballNumber] = xMov[ballNumber] + ((math.abs(gravity) * sinTheta) * cosTheta);
yMov[ballNumber] = yMov[ballNumber] + ((math.abs(gravity) * sinTheta) * sinTheta);
} else {
onRamp = false;
onRamp2 = false;
if (hole == "hole16") {
rl = leftWall;
rr = rightWall;
rb = -186;
rt = -283;
var tempX = (xPos[ballNumber] + xMov[ballNumber]);
var tempZ = (zPos[ballNumber] + zMov[ballNumber]);
if (((((rl < (tempX + rad)) && ((tempX - rad) < rr)) && (rt < (tempZ + rad))) && ((tempZ - rad) < rb)) && (tempX < 316)) {
if (onRamp1 == false) {
var h = math.abs(topFloor - bottomFloor);
var l = math.abs(rt - rb);
theta = math.atan2(h, l);
sinTheta = math.abs(math.sin(theta));
cosTheta = math.abs(math.cos(theta));
tanTheta = math.abs(sinTheta / cosTheta);
yMov[ballNumber] = yMov[ballNumber] * (zMov[ballNumber] * sinTheta);
zMov[ballNumber] = zMov[ballNumber] * cosTheta;
onRamp = true;
onRamp1 = true;
floor = topFloor + (math.abs(tempZ - rb) * tanTheta);
zMov[ballNumber] = zMov[ballNumber] - ((math.abs(gravity) * sinTheta) * cosTheta);
yMov[ballNumber] = yMov[ballNumber] + ((math.abs(gravity) * sinTheta) * sinTheta);
} else {
onRamp = false;
onRamp1 = false;
function holeSpecific() {
if (hole == "hole2") {
var tempZ = (zPos[ballNumber] + zMov[ballNumber]);
if ((tempZ + rad) < rt) {
floor = bottomFloor;
} else if (rb < (tempZ - rad)) {
floor = topFloor;
if (hole == "hole15") {
var tempX = (xPos[ballNumber] + xMov[ballNumber]);
var tempZ = (zPos[ballNumber] + zMov[ballNumber]);
if (((tempZ - rad) < -280) && (tempX < 370)) {
floor = bottomFloor;
} else if ((-228 < (tempZ + rad)) && (tempX < 370)) {
floor = topFloor;
} else if (((tempX - rad) < 520) && (380 < tempX)) {
floor = topFloor;
} else if ((564 < (tempX + rad)) && (380 < tempX)) {
floor = bottomFloor;
if (hole == "hole16") {
var tempX = (xPos[ballNumber] + xMov[ballNumber]);
var tempZ = (zPos[ballNumber] + zMov[ballNumber]);
if (((tempZ - rad) < -283) && (tempX < 500)) {
floor = bottomFloor;
} else if ((-186 < (tempZ - rad)) && (tempX < 340)) {
floor = topFloor;
} else if (500 < tempX) {
floor = topFloor;
if (hole == "hole3") {
var tempZ = (zPos[ballNumber] + zMov[ballNumber]);
if ((tempZ + rad) < rt) {
floor = topFloor;
} else if (rb < (tempZ - rad)) {
floor = bottomFloor;
if (hole == "hole5") {
if (((onRamp == false) && (onRamp1 != true)) && (onRamp2 != true)) {
var tempZ = (zPos[ballNumber] + zMov[ballNumber]);
var tempX = (xPos[ballNumber] + xMov[ballNumber]);
if ((-100 < tempZ) && (tempX < 270)) {
floor = topFloor;
} else {
floor = bottomFloor;
if (hole == "hole6") {
var tempZ = (zPos[ballNumber] + zMov[ballNumber]);
if ((tempZ - rad) < 270) {
floor = topFloor;
} else if (380 < (tempZ + rad)) {
floor = bottomFloor;
if (hole == "hole20") {
var tempZ = (zPos[ballNumber] + zMov[ballNumber]);
var tempX = (xPos[ballNumber] + xMov[ballNumber]);
if (tempZ < -220) {
if ((tempX - rad) < -282) {
floor = topFloor;
} else if (-113 < (tempX + rad)) {
floor = bottomFloor;
} else {
floor = topFloor;
if (hole == "hole19") {
var tempZ = (zPos[ballNumber] + zMov[ballNumber]);
var tempX = (xPos[ballNumber] + xMov[ballNumber]);
if (tempX < 300) {
if ((tempZ - rad) < -230) {
floor = topFloor;
} else if (-134 < (tempZ + rad)) {
floor = bottomFloor;
} else if (tempX < 580) {
floor = topFloor;
} else if (614 < tempX) {
floor = bottomFloor;
if (hole == "hole7") {
var tempZ = (zPos[ballNumber] + zMov[ballNumber]);
if ((tempZ + rad) < -335) {
floor = topFloor;
} else if (-130 < (tempZ - rad)) {
floor = topFloor;
if (hole == "hole9") {
var tempZ = (zPos[ballNumber] + zMov[ballNumber]);
if ((tempZ + rad) < rt) {
floor = topFloor;
} else if (rb < (tempZ - rad)) {
floor = -bottomFloor;
if (hole == "hole10") {
var tempX = (xPos[ballNumber] + xMov[ballNumber]);
if (rr < (tempX + rad)) {
floor = topFloor;
} else if ((tempX - rad) < rl) {
floor = -bottomFloor;
if (((((((hole == "hole11") && (onRamp != true)) && (onRamp1 != true)) && (onRamp2 != true)) && (onRamp3 != true)) && (onRamp4 != true)) && (onRamp5 != true)) {
var tempX = (xPos[ballNumber] + xMov[ballNumber]);
var tempZ = (zPos[ballNumber] + zMov[ballNumber]);
if ((tempZ - rad) < -407) {
floor = topFloor;
} else if ((-342 < (tempZ + rad)) && ((tempZ - rad) < -307)) {
floor = -bottomFloor;
} else if ((-238 < (tempZ + rad)) && ((tempZ - rad) < -207)) {
floor = topFloor;
} else if ((-141 < (tempZ + rad)) && ((tempZ - rad) < -111)) {
floor = -bottomFloor;
} else if ((-38 < (tempZ + rad)) && ((tempZ - rad) < -7)) {
floor = topFloor;
} else if (106 < (tempZ + rad)) {
floor = -bottomFloor;
if (rr < tempX) {
floor = topFloor;
if ((((hole == "hole12") && (onRamp != true)) && (onRamp1 != true)) && (onRamp2 != true)) {
var tempX = (xPos[ballNumber] + xMov[ballNumber]);
if (((tempX - rad) < 487) || (716 < (tempX + rad))) {
floor = topFloor;
} else if ((594 < (tempX - rad)) && ((tempX + rad) < 630)) {
floor = bottomFloor;
if (hole == "hole13") {
var tempX = (xPos[ballNumber] + xMov[ballNumber]);
if (rr < (tempX + rad)) {
floor = bottomFloor;
gamepath["moveMe" + ballNumber] = "yes";
} else if ((tempX - rad) < (rr - 10)) {
floor = topfloor;
if (hole == "hole14") {
var tempX = (xPos[ballNumber] + xMov[ballNumber]);
if (rr < (tempX + rad)) {
floor = topFloor;
} else if ((tempX - rad) < rl) {
floor = -bottomFloor;
if (hole == "hole17") {
if (((onRamp == false) && (onRamp1 != true)) && (onRamp2 != true)) {
var tempZ = (zPos[ballNumber] + zMov[ballNumber]);
var tempX = (xPos[ballNumber] + xMov[ballNumber]);
if ((tempZ + rad) < -220) {
floor = bottomFloor;
} else if ((-150 < (tempZ - rad)) && ((tempZ + rad) < -110)) {
floor = topFloor;
} else if (-35 < (tempZ - rad)) {
floor = bottomFloor;
if (tempX < 95) {
floor = topFloor;
function altitude() {
yMovMin = 0.8;
yMov[ballNumber] = yMov[ballNumber] + gravity;
if ((math.abs(yMov[ballNumber]) < yMovMin) && (math.abs(yPos[ballNumber] - floor) < 1)) {
yMov[ballNumber] = 0;
if (floor < (yPos[ballNumber] + yMov[ballNumber])) {
yPos[ballNumber] = floor;
yMov[ballNumber] = yMov[ballNumber] * floorBounciness;
function sandTrap() {
if (onSand == true) {
terrain = sandyTerrain;
function hitPuddle() {
if (onPuddle == true) {
terrain = puddleTerrain;
function hitPool(x, z) {
xMov[ballNumber] = 0;
zMov[ballNumber] = 0;
xPos[ballNumber] = x;
zPos[ballNumber] = z;
function speedFilter() {
if (hole == "hole16") {
var tempX = (xPos[ballNumber] + xMov[ballNumber]);
if ((360 < tempX) && (tempX < 450)) {
sMax = 7;
if (sMax < xMov[ballNumber]) {
xMov[ballNumber] = sMax;
} else if (xMov[ballNumber] < (-sMax)) {
xMov[ballNumber] = -sMax;
if (sMax < zov[ballNumber]) {
zMov[ballNumber] = sMax;
} else if (zMov[ballNumber] < (-sMax)) {
zMov[ballNumber] = -sMax;
function ball2FanDetection() {
var i = 0;
while (numFans >= (++i)) {
var name1 = ballNumber;
var bumperName = ("fan" + i);
var tempX1 = (xPos[name1] + xMov[name1]);
var tempX2 = gamePath[bumperName].centerX;
var tempZ1 = (zPos[name1] + zMov[name1]);
var tempZ2 = gamePath[bumperName].centerZ;
var tempRad2 = gamePath[bumperName].radius;
if (math.sqrt(((tempX1 - tempX2) * (tempX1 - tempX2)) + ((tempZ1 - tempZ2) * (tempZ1 - tempZ2))) < (rad + tempRad2)) {
yMov[ballNumber] = yMov[ballNumber] - 2;
zMov[ballNumber] = zMov[ballNumber] + 0.5;
_visible = false;
if ((_root.userName == null) || (_root.userName == "")) {
moveEnded = "yes";
_parent.screenSync._visible = 0;
ballNumber = 0;
currentBallName = "ball0";
testMode = true;
if (testMode) {
_root.soundToggle = true;
if (_parent.myColor == "b") {
args = new Array();
args[0] = "proceed";
args[1] = _root.userName;
initX = new Array();
initZ = new Array();
if (_parent.version == "mplayer") {
myColor = _parent.myColor;
if (myColor == "w") {
moveEnded = "yes";
myBallNumber = 0;
hisBallNumber = 1;
} else if (myColor == "b") {
myBallNumber = 1;
hisBallNumber = 0;
hole = _parent.hole;
gamePath = _parent.course.course;
numPlayers = _parent.numPlayers;
if (1 < numPlayers) {
multiPlayer = true;
} else {
multiPlayer = false;
i = numPlayers - 1;
while (5 >= (++i)) {
gamePath["ball" + i]._visible = 0;
gamePath["shadow" + i]._visible = 0;
wallHeight = 10;
go = true;
ballInPlay = true;
onRamp = false;
terrainOn = true;
xMov = new Array();
yMov = new Array();
zMov = new Array();
score = new Array();
xMov[ballNumber] = 0;
zMov[ballNumber] = 0;
yMov[ballNumber] = 0;
rad = gamePath.ball._width / 2;
floorBounciness = -0.25;
minSpeed = 0.3;
maxHoleCollectSpeed = 6;
holeTooFastHop = 2;
numBanks = 0;
numBelts = 0;
numBoxes = 0;
numBumpers = 0;
numFans = 0;
topFloor = 0;
par = _parent.par[_parent.holeNumber - 1];
floor = topFloor;
startFloor = topFloor;
if (_parent.holeNumber == 2) {
bottomFLoor = 35;
startFloor = bottomFloor;
} else if (_parent.holeNumber == 3) {
bottomFLoor = 58;
startFloor = bottomFloor;
} else if (_parent.holeNumber == 5) {
bottomFLoor = 65;
startFloor = bottomFloor;
} else if (_parent.holeNumber == 6) {
bottomFLoor = 40;
} else if (_parent.holeNumber == 7) {
bottomFLoor = 15;
} else if (_parent.holeNumber == 9) {
bottomFLoor = 170;
} else if (_parent.holeNumber == 10) {
bottomFLoor = 45;
startFloor = bottomFloor;
} else if (_parent.holeNumber == 11) {
bottomFLoor = 45;
} else if (_parent.holeNumber == 12) {
bottomFLoor = 30;
} else if (_parent.holeNumber == 13) {
bottomFLoor = 90;
} else if (_parent.holeNumber == 14) {
bottomFLoor = 190;
startFloor = -bottomFloor;
} else if (_parent.holeNumber == 15) {
bottomFLoor = 55;
} else if (_parent.holeNumber == 16) {
bottomFLoor = 40;
} else if (_parent.holeNumber == 17) {
bottomFLoor = 40;
startFloor = bottomFloor;
} else if (_parent.holeNumber == 19) {
bottomFLoor = 50;
} else if (_parent.holeNumber == 20) {
bottomFLoor = 115;
floor = topFloor;
xPos = new Array();
zPos = new Array();
yPos = new Array();
yPos[ballNumber] = floor;
mainTerrain = 0.97;
sandyTerrain = 0.8;
puddleTerrain = 0.9;
terrain = mainTerrain;
gravity = 0.7;
yAng = 45;
xAng = 30;
sinY = (cosY = math.sin((yAng * math.pi) / 180));
cosX = math.cos((xAng * math.pi) / 180);
sinX = math.sin((xAng * math.pi) / 180);
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
lTime = getTimer();
terrain = mainTerrain;
if (ballInPlay) {
ballCollided = false;
terrain = mainTerrain;
ball2BallHappened = false;
if (ball2BallHappened) {
} else {
gamePath.line._visible = 0;
if (48 < refreshDelay) {
_parent.x = xPos[ballNumber];
_parent.z = zPos[ballNumber];
_parent.floor = floor;
Instance of Symbol 681 MovieClip in Symbol 695 MovieClip Frame 35
onClipEvent (load) {
function setTime() {
var time = (max_time - _parent.current_time);
var minutes = Math.floor(time / ms_in_min).toString();
var seconds = Math.floor((time % ms_in_min) / ms_in_sec).toString();
var miliseconds = Math.floor((time % ms_in_min) % ms_in_sec).toString();
var len = miliseconds.length;
var i = 0;
while (i < len) {
var num = miliseconds.substr(i, 1);
var name = ("ms" + (len - i));
this[name].gotoAndStop(Number(num) + 1);
var len = seconds.length;
var i = 0;
while (i < len) {
var num = seconds.substr(i, 1);
var name = ("s" + (len - i));
this[name].gotoAndStop(Number(num) + 1);
var len = minutes.length;
var i = 0;
while (i < len) {
var num = minutes.substr(i, 1);
var name = ("m" + (len - i));
this[name].gotoAndStop(Number(num) + 1);
ms_in_min = 60000;
ms_in_sec = 1000;
max_min = _parent.total_minutes;
max_time = max_min * ms_in_min;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
Instance of Symbol 689 MovieClip "score_clip" in Symbol 695 MovieClip Frame 35
onClipEvent (load) {
function setScore(score) {
score = score.toString();
var len = score.length;
var i = 0;
while (i < len) {
var num = score.substr(i, 1);
var name = ("s" + ((len - i) + (4 - len)));
this[name]._visible = true;
this[name].gotoAndStop(Number(num) + 1);
if (3 < len) {
c1._visible = true;
if (6 < len) {
c2._visible = true;
if (9 < len) {
c3._visible = true;
function clean() {
var i = 1;
while (12 >= i) {
this["s" + i]._visible = false;
var i = 1;
while (3 >= i) {
this["c" + i]._visible = false;
Symbol 695 MovieClip Frame 53
gcode = _root.gcode;
score = current_score;
if (score == 0) {
score = 5;
if (_root.url_dest == null) {
getURL ("game.cfm", "_self", "POST");
} else {
getURL (_root.url_dest, "_self", "POST");