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zeitgeist addresses anonymous.swf

This is the info page for
Flash #250025

(Click the ID number above for more basic data on this flash file.)


This is a member of the zeitgeist movement.

the zeitgeist movement started posting

on the /f/ board in 2009. Only a year

after the zeitgeist movement's conception

in 2008.

Anonymous has called

the zeitgeist movement a cult,

and has called

the zeitgeist movement's content spam.

Both of these accusations are not true.

The zeitgeist movement as well as

the Venus project promotes

a new social system called

a resource-based economy,

which is the scientific method

applied to social concern.

In such a system it would be impossible

to monetarily profit from war,

pollution, mental illness or even

poverty like we see with the current

model, namely free market capitalism.

People have suggested that the zeitgeist

movement is a politically left movement.

However the zeitgeist movement is not

political. the zeitgeist movement is rooted

in science.

The transgender cult for example, whose

agenda is to prey on children and desires

them to mutilate their bodies and genitals,

the zeitgeist movement sees them as

mentally ill as well as the so called

doctors which carry out these medically

unneeded procedures. And mental illness

is more common in more unequal countries.

The zeitgeist bible known as

the zeitgeist movement defined,

has scientific sources.

Not only that is that

the zeitgeist movement defined is

under creative commons,


while actual cults like

Christianity, Mormonism, and scientology,


their books are under human copyright,

because they wish to monetarily profit

from and want legal protection of their

works. In reality all books, designs, music

and art, belong to this reality as it is

our reality that already allows the

combination to exist. Meaning copyright is

a form of plagiarism.

Also there's the accusation that

the zeitgeist movement is a vegan

and is anti-meat. Also untrue.

What the zeitgeist movement promotes

is being sustainable. It promotes

being in balance with nature.

The zeitgeist movement defined for

example clearly mentions eating fish

from fish farms.

What the zeitgeist movement is against

is consumerism. Meaning creating food for

a monetary profit, taking too much from

the earth than needed. Food should be

abundant so everyone gets to eat.

Not just some people who can afford it.

Besides Food, how we achieve material

abundance is through a system of

strategic access. Sort of like a

public library. Where people use an item

and return it when the person no

needs it. This would eliminate needless ego

seeking social status and stealing

because there would be nothing to gain

stealing something when people

have the same access to property.

The only way a resource based economy

will happen is through organic

word of mouth.

From people understanding the benefits

of a scientifically based social system

where everyone's needs are met.

instead of a religious, political, monetary,

market system which foundationally lies

to people by claiming that the ownership

of material possessions is what will lead

to happiness. The market claims that

exclusivity is normal, when as previously

mentioned the more divided or unequal the

society, the more mentally ill

and violent the society.

Also there is the accusation that

Peter Joseph is the leader of

the zeitgeist movement.

This is simply untrue.

Peter Joseph founded the zeitgeist

movement and laid the groundwork

for the zeitgeist movement's

train of thought in zeitgeist addendum

and zeitgeist moving forward.

But the first zeitgeist film,

zeitgeist the movie, has nothing to do

with the zeitgeist movement's advocation

of a resource-based economy.

The first zeitgeist film is mentioned on the

zeitgeist movement's wikipedia page

essentially for no reason other than a

false association.

So why does the zeitgeist movement

promote itself on the /f/ board?

Well because I like flash.

Flash allows for the creativity

the zeitgeist movement needs to properly

express itself.

So the zeitgeist movement will

continue to be promoted on

/F/ in the future.

End of Message.

ActionScript [AS1/AS2]

Frame 6041

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FileAttributes (69)Timeline Frame 1Access local files only, Metadata not present, AS1/AS2.
Created: 14/9 -2022 06:34:30 Last modified: 14/9 -2022 06:34:30 Server time: 11/03 -2025 12:44:17