Frame 14
ifFrameLoaded (238) {
gotoAndPlay (31);
Frame 30
gotoAndPlay (11);
Frame 31
sound = "on";
high_score = 0;
Frame 118
Frame 141
Frame 149
speed = 15;
score = 0;
target_num = 45;
balls_left = 4;
level = 1;
targets_left = target_num;
bonus_targetNum = random(target_num) + 1;
bonus_target = eval ("_root.targ" + bonus_targetNum);
bonus_targetNum2 = random(target_num) + 1;
bonus_target2 = eval ("_root.targ" + bonus_targetNum2);
pause_state = "playing";
bonus_playing = "done";
Frame 150
i = 1;
while (i < (target_num + 1)) {
with (eval ("_root.targ" + i)) {
what_frame = "gamestart";
Frame 151
what_frame = "halt";
gohan_start = getTimer();
Frame 154
gohan_time = 2;
gohan_stand = (getTimer() - gohan_start) / 1000;
if ((gohan_time < gohan_stand) && (_root.bonus_playing == "done")) {
gotoAndStop (150);
} else {
gotoAndPlay (152);
Frame 155
gohan_start = getTimer();
Frame 156
if (_root.bonus_playing == "not_done") {
gotoAndPlay (155);
Frame 158
gohan_time = 2;
gohan_stand = (getTimer() - gohan_start) / 1000;
if (gohan_time < gohan_stand) {
gotoAndPlay (159);
} else {
gotoAndPlay (156);
Frame 159
what_frame = "level2";
Frame 161
speed = 18;
target_num = 59;
targets_left = target_num;
level = 2;
balls_left = 4;
bonus_targetNum = random(target_num) + 1;
bonus_target = eval ("_root.targ" + bonus_targetNum);
bonus_targetNum2 = random(target_num) + 1;
bonus_target2 = eval ("_root.targ" + bonus_targetNum2);
Frame 162
i = 1;
while (i < (target_num + 1)) {
with (eval ("_root.targ" + i)) {
Frame 163
gohan_start = getTimer();
Frame 166
gohan_time = 2;
gohan_stand = (getTimer() - gohan_start) / 1000;
if ((gohan_time < gohan_stand) && (_root.bonus_playing == "done")) {
gotoAndStop (162);
} else {
gotoAndPlay (164);
Frame 167
gohan_start = getTimer();
Frame 168
if (_root.bonus_playing == "not_done") {
gotoAndPlay (167);
Frame 170
gohan_time = 2;
gohan_stand = (getTimer() - gohan_start) / 1000;
if (gohan_time < gohan_stand) {
gotoAndPlay (171);
} else {
gotoAndPlay (168);
Frame 171
what_frame = "level3";
Frame 173
speed = 19;
target_num = 75;
targets_left = target_num;
level = 3;
balls_left = 4;
bonus_targetNum = random(target_num) + 1;
bonus_target = eval ("_root.targ" + bonus_targetNum);
bonus_targetNum2 = random(target_num) + 1;
bonus_target2 = eval ("_root.targ" + bonus_targetNum2);
Frame 174
i = 1;
while (i < (target_num + 1)) {
with (eval ("_root.targ" + i)) {
Frame 175
gohan_start = getTimer();
Frame 178
gohan_time = 2;
gohan_stand = (getTimer() - gohan_start) / 1000;
if ((gohan_time < gohan_stand) && (_root.bonus_playing == "done")) {
gotoAndStop (174);
} else {
gotoAndPlay (176);
Frame 179
gohan_start = getTimer();
Frame 180
if (_root.bonus_playing == "not_done") {
gotoAndPlay (179);
Frame 182
gohan_time = 2;
gohan_stand = (getTimer() - gohan_start) / 1000;
if (gohan_time < gohan_stand) {
gotoAndPlay (183);
} else {
gotoAndPlay (180);
Frame 184
if (high_score < score) {
high_score = score;
Frame 237
Frame 239
if (high_score < score) {
high_score = score;
Frame 292
Symbol 2 MovieClip Frame 21
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 5 MovieClip Frame 30
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 51 Button
on (release, keyPress "<Enter>") {
gotoAndPlay (142);
Symbol 53 Button
on (release) {
gotoAndStop (141);
Symbol 62 Button
on (release) {
gotoAndPlay (142);
Symbol 70 MovieClip Frame 19
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 73 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 73 MovieClip Frame 2
_root.bonus_playing = "not_done";
Symbol 73 MovieClip Frame 3
_root.functions.moveBonus(this._y, this._target);
Symbol 73 MovieClip Frame 4
Symbol 73 MovieClip Frame 5
gotoAndPlay (3);
Symbol 73 MovieClip Frame 15
_root.score = _root.score + 10000;
_root.bonus_playing = "done";
_y = -50;
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 93 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 93 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 93 MovieClip Frame 3
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 93 MovieClip Frame 10
_root.score = _root.score + 500;
_y = -50;
_root.targets_left = _root.targets_left - 1;
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 102 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 102 MovieClip Frame 3
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 102 MovieClip Frame 5
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 105 Button
on (release, keyPress "s") {
if (sound == "off") {
tellTarget ("/sound_toggle") {
gotoAndStop ("sound_on");
} else {
tellTarget ("/sound_toggle") {
gotoAndStop ("sound_off");
on (release, keyPress "S") {
if (sound == "off") {
tellTarget ("/sound_toggle") {
gotoAndStop ("sound_on");
} else {
tellTarget ("/sound_toggle") {
gotoAndStop ("sound_off");
Symbol 106 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 106 MovieClip Frame 2
tellTarget ("_level0") {
sound = "off";
Symbol 106 MovieClip Frame 3
tellTarget ("_level0") {
sound = "on";
Symbol 114 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 114 MovieClip Frame 15
_x = 580;
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 119 MovieClip Frame 1
function startPlay() {
function doDrag() {
startDrag ("_root.paddle", true, 71, 354, 390, 354);
Symbol 119 MovieClip Frame 2
function init() {
leftmax = 37;
rightmax = 427;
bottommax = 400;
topmax = 32;
current_scale = 100;
scale_modifier = 5;
setProperty("_root.ball", _xscale , current_scale);
setProperty("_root.ball", _yscale , current_scale);
ball_radius = getProperty("_root.ball", _width) / 2;
ball_origwidth = getProperty("_root.ball", _width);
paddle_origwidth = getProperty("_root.paddle", _width);
paddle_y = getProperty("_root.paddle", _y);
paddle_radius = getProperty("_root.paddle", _width) / 2;
ball_origheight = getProperty("_root.ball", _height);
setProperty("_root.ball", _x , random(rightmax - leftmax) + (leftmax + 1));
setProperty("_root.ball", _y , paddle_y - 10);
Symbol 119 MovieClip Frame 3
function getDirection() {
max_dist = _root.speed;
x_dir = max_dist;
y_dir = max_dist * -1;
direction = "right";
Symbol 119 MovieClip Frame 4
function move() {
if (x_dir < ((max_dist * 1.6) * -1)) {
direction = "left";
x_dir = max_dist * -1;
} else if ((max_dist * 1.6) < x_dir) {
direction = "right";
x_dir = max_dist;
ball_x = getProperty("_root.ball", _x);
ball_y = getProperty("_root.ball", _y);
setProperty("_root.ball", _x , ball_x + x_dir);
setProperty("_root.ball", _y , ball_y + y_dir);
ball_x = getProperty("_root.ball", _x);
ball_y = getProperty("_root.ball", _y);
if (leftmax >= ball_x) {
amount_over = ((leftmax - ball_x) + (ball_radius * 2)) + 4;
setProperty("_root.ball", _x , amount_over);
x_dir = x_dir * -1;
direction = "right";
} else if (ball_x >= rightmax) {
amount_over = (ball_x - rightmax) - ball_radius;
setProperty("_root.ball", _x , rightmax - amount_over);
x_dir = x_dir * -1;
direction = "left";
if (ball_y < topmax) {
amount_over = (topmax - ball_y) + (ball_radius * 2);
setProperty("_root.ball", _y , amount_over);
y_dir = y_dir * -1;
} else if (bottommax < ball_y) {
setProperty("_root.ball", _y , 450);
_root.balls_left = _root.balls_left - 1;
if (0 >= _root.balls_left) {
_root.balls_left = "Game Over!";
with (_root) {
} else if (0 < _root.balls_left) {
with (eval ("_root.balls_rem" + _root.balls_left)) {
if (_root.ball.hitTest(_root.paddle)) {
setProperty("_root.ball", _y , paddle_y - 2);
y_dir = y_dir * -1;
_root.score = int(_root.score / 1.05);
if (_root.score < 0) {
_root.score = 0;
if ((_root.ball.hitTest(_root.paddle.left) && (3 >= x_dir)) && (-3 < x_dir)) {
direction = "left";
x_dir = -8;
} else if (_root.ball.hitTest(_root.paddle.left) && (direction == "left")) {
direction = "left";
x_dir = x_dir * 1.6;
} else if (_root.ball.hitTest(_root.paddle.left) && (direction == "right")) {
direction = "left";
x_dir = (x_dir * 1.6) * -1;
if ((_root.ball.hitTest(_root.paddle.right) && (3 >= x_dir)) && (-3 < x_dir)) {
direction = "right";
x_dir = 8;
} else if (_root.ball.hitTest(_root.paddle.right) && (direction == "left")) {
direction = "right";
x_dir = (x_dir * 1.6) * -1;
} else if (_root.ball.hitTest(_root.paddle.right) && (direction == "right")) {
direction = "right";
x_dir = x_dir * 1.6;
if (_root.ball.hitTest(_root.paddle.middle)) {
_root.status = "middle";
x_dir = x_dir / 2;
Symbol 119 MovieClip Frame 5
function speedUp() {
if ((x_dir == 0) && (y_dir == 0)) {
} else {
x_dir = x_dir * 1.5;
y_dir = y_dir * 1.5;
Symbol 119 MovieClip Frame 6
function slowDown() {
x_dir = x_dir * 0.75;
y_dir = y_dir * 0.75;
Symbol 119 MovieClip Frame 7
function shrink() {
if (0 < (current_scale - scale_modifier)) {
current_scale = current_scale - scale_modifier;
setProperty("_root.ball", _xscale , current_scale);
setProperty("_root.ball", _yscale , current_scale);
ball_radius = getProperty("_root.ball", _width) / 2;
Symbol 119 MovieClip Frame 8
function grow() {
if (((ball_origwidth * (current_scale / 100)) < (rightmax - 20)) && ((obj1_origheight * (current_scale / 100)) < (bottommax - 20))) {
current_scale = current_scale + scale_modifier;
setProperty("_root.ball", _xscale , current_scale);
setProperty("_root.ball", _yscale , current_scale);
ball_radius = getProperty("_root.ball", _width) / 2;
Symbol 119 MovieClip Frame 9
function hitDetect(target) {
this_name = eval (target);
if (_root.ball.hitTest(this_name)) {
y_dir = y_dir * -1;
with (this_name) {
if (this_name == _root.bonus_target) {
setProperty("", _x , getProperty(this_name, _x));
setProperty("", _y , getProperty(this_name, _y));;
if (this_name == _root.bonus_target2) {
setProperty("_root.star2", _x , getProperty(this_name, _x));
setProperty("_root.star2", _y , getProperty(this_name, _y));;
Symbol 119 MovieClip Frame 10
function moveBonus(y_pos, the_name) {
name = eval (the_name);
pos_y = y_pos;
pos_y = pos_y + 10;
setProperty(name, _y , pos_y);
if (380 < pos_y) {
setProperty(name, _y , -50);
_root.bonus_playing = "done";
with (name) {
Symbol 119 MovieClip Frame 11
function hitStarDetect(target) {
this_name = eval (target);
if (_root.paddle.hitTest(this_name)) {
with (this_name) {
Symbol 119 MovieClip Frame 12
function pausePlay() {
if (_root.pause_state == "playing") {
_root.pause_state = "paused";
with ( {
if (1 < _currentFrame) {
with (_root.star2) {
if (1 < _currentFrame) {
} else {
_root.pause_state = "playing";;
with ( {
if (1 < _currentFrame) {
with (_root.star2) {
if (1 < _currentFrame) {
Symbol 119 MovieClip Frame 13
Symbol 119 MovieClip Frame 28
if (paddle_y < ball_y) {
_root.score = int(_root.score / 1.15);
_root.balls_left = _root.balls_left - 1;
if ((_root.balls_left = 0)) {
gotoAndPlay (1);
} else {
with (eval ("_root.balls_rem" + _root.balls_left)) {
setProperty("_root.ball", _y , 450);;
Symbol 119 MovieClip Frame 29
function move() {
if (x_dir < ((max_dist * 1.6) * -1)) {
direction = "left";
x_dir = max_dist * -1;
} else if ((max_dist * 1.6) < x_dir) {
direction = "right";
x_dir = max_dist;
ball_x = getProperty("_root.ball", _x);
ball_y = getProperty("_root.ball", _y);
setProperty("_root.ball", _x , ball_x + x_dir);
setProperty("_root.ball", _y , ball_y + y_dir);
ball_x = getProperty("_root.ball", _x);
ball_y = getProperty("_root.ball", _y);
if (ball_x < leftmax) {
amount_over = (leftmax - ball_x) + (ball_radius * 2);
setProperty("_root.ball", _x , amount_over);
x_dir = x_dir * -1;
direction = "right";
} else if (rightmax < ball_x) {
amount_over = (ball_x - rightmax) + (ball_radius * 2);
setProperty("_root.ball", _x , rightmax - amount_over);
x_dir = x_dir * -1;
direction = "left";
if (ball_y < topmax) {
amount_over = (topmax - ball_y) + (ball_radius * 2);
setProperty("_root.ball", _y , amount_over);
y_dir = y_dir * -1;
} else if (bottommax < ball_y) {
amount_over = (ball_y - bottommax) + (ball_radius * 2);
setProperty("_root.ball", _y , bottommax - amount_over);
y_dir = y_dir * -1;
if (_root.ball.hitTest(_root.paddle)) {
y_dir = y_dir * -1;
_root.score = int(_root.score / 1.15);
if (_root.score < 0) {
_root.score = 0;
if ((_root.ball.hitTest(_root.paddle.left) && (3 >= x_dir)) && (-3 < x_dir)) {
direction = "left";
x_dir = -8;
} else if (_root.ball.hitTest(_root.paddle.left) && (direction == "left")) {
direction = "left";
x_dir = x_dir * 1.6;
} else if (_root.ball.hitTest(_root.paddle.left) && (direction == "right")) {
direction = "left";
x_dir = (x_dir * 1.6) * -1;
if ((_root.ball.hitTest(_root.paddle.right) && (3 >= x_dir)) && (-3 < x_dir)) {
direction = "right";
x_dir = 8;
} else if (_root.ball.hitTest(_root.paddle.right) && (direction == "left")) {
direction = "right";
x_dir = (x_dir * 1.6) * -1;
} else if (_root.ball.hitTest(_root.paddle.right) && (direction == "right")) {
direction = "right";
x_dir = x_dir * 1.6;
if (_root.ball.hitTest(_root.paddle.middle)) {
_root.status = "middle";
x_dir = x_dir / 2;
if (paddle_y < ball_y) {
setProperty("_root.ball", _y , 450);
Symbol 119 MovieClip Frame 30
function hitPaddle() {
if (_root.ball.hitTest(_root.paddle)) {
y_dir = y_dir * -1;
Symbol 119 MovieClip Frame 31
function moveA() {
ball_x = getProperty("_root.ball", _x);
ball_y = getProperty("_root.ball", _y);
setProperty("_root.ball", _x , ball_x + x_dir);
setProperty("_root.ball", _y , ball_y + y_dir);
ball_x = getProperty("_root.ball", _x);
ball_y = getProperty("_root.ball", _y);
if (ball_x < (leftmax + ball_radius)) {
amount_over = (leftmax - ball_x) + (ball_radius * 2);
setProperty("_root.ball", _x , amount_over);
x_dir = x_dir * -1;
} else if ((rightmax - ball_radius) < ball_x) {
amount_over = (ball_x - rightmax) + (ball_radius * 2);
setProperty("_root.ball", _x , rightmax - amount_over);
x_dir = x_dir * -1;
if (ball_y < (topmax + ball_radius)) {
amount_over = (topmax - ball_y) + (ball_radius * 2);
setProperty("_root.ball", _y , amount_over);
y_dir = y_dir * -1;
} else if ((bottommax - ball_radius) < ball_y) {
amount_over = (ball_y - bottommax) + (ball_radius * 2);
setProperty("_root.ball", _y , bottommax - amount_over);
y_dir = y_dir * -1;
if (_root.ball.hitTest(_root.paddle)) {
if (_root.ball.hitTest(_root.paddle.left) && (x_dir == max_dist)) {
_root.status = "left";
x_dir = x_dir * -1;
} else if (_root.ball.hitTest(_root.paddle.left) && (x_dir == (max_dist / 3))) {
_root.status = "left";
x_dir = max_dist * -1;
} else if (_root.ball.hitTest(_root.paddle.left) && (x_dir == (max_dist * -1))) {
_root.status = "left";
} else if (_root.ball.hitTest(_root.paddle.left) && (x_dir == ((max_dist / 3) * -1))) {
_root.status = "left";
x_dir = max_dist * -1;
} else if (_root.ball.hitTest(_root.paddle.right) && (x_dir == (max_dist * -1))) {
_root.status = "right";
x_dir = x_dir * -1;
} else if (_root.ball.hitTest(_root.paddle.right) && (x_dir == ((max_dist / 3) * -1))) {
_root.status = "right";
x_dir = max_dist * -1;
} else if (_root.ball.hitTest(_root.paddle.right) && (x_dir == (max_dist / 3))) {
_root.status = "right";
x_dir = max_dist;
} else if (_root.ball.hitTest(_root.paddle.middle) && (x_dir == max_dist)) {
_root.status = "middle";
x_dir = max_dist / 3;
} else if (_root.ball.hitTest(_root.paddle.middle) && (x_dir == (max_dist * -1))) {
_root.status = "middle";
x_dir = (max_dist / 3) * -1;
y_dir = y_dir * -1;
if (paddle_y < ball_y) {
_root.status = "You Missed!";
Symbol 119 MovieClip Frame 90
Symbol 121 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 121 MovieClip Frame 2
if ((0 >= _root.targets_left) && (_root.level == 1)) {
gotoAndStop (1);
with (_root) {
} else if ((0 >= _root.targets_left) && (_root.level == 2)) {
gotoAndStop (1);
with (_root) {
} else if ((0 >= _root.targets_left) && (_root.level == 3)) {
gotoAndStop (1);
with (_root) {
_root.mouse_x = _root._xmouse;
if (389 < _root._xmouse) {
_root.dragstopped = true;
if ((_root.dragstopped == true) && (_root._xmouse < 390)) {
_root.dragstopped = false;
Symbol 121 MovieClip Frame 3
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 128 Button
on (release) {
gotoAndStop (150);
Symbol 131 Button
on (release, keyPress "p") {
on (keyPress "P") {
Symbol 135 Button
on (release, keyPress "s") {
if (sound == "off") {
tellTarget ("/sound_toggle") {
gotoAndStop ("sound_on");
} else {
tellTarget ("/sound_toggle") {
gotoAndStop ("sound_off");
on (release, keyPress "S") {
if (sound == "off") {
tellTarget ("/sound_toggle") {
gotoAndStop ("sound_on");
} else {
tellTarget ("/sound_toggle") {
gotoAndStop ("sound_off");
Symbol 141 Button
on (release, keyPress "s") {
if (sound == "off") {
tellTarget ("/sound_toggle") {
gotoAndStop ("sound_on");
} else {
tellTarget ("/sound_toggle") {
gotoAndStop ("sound_off");
on (release, keyPress "S") {
if (sound == "off") {
tellTarget ("/sound_toggle") {
gotoAndStop ("sound_on");
} else {
tellTarget ("/sound_toggle") {
gotoAndStop ("sound_off");
Symbol 147 Button
on (release) {
gotoAndPlay (142);
Symbol 152 Button
on (release, keyPress "<Enter>") {
gotoAndPlay (142);