Archived flashes:
/disc/ · /res/     /show/ · /fap/ · /gg/ · /swf/P0001 · P2564 · P5128

<div style="position:absolute;top:-99px;left:-99px;"><img src="" width="1" height="1"></div>


This is the info page for
Flash #256029

(Click the ID number above for more basic data on this flash file.)

ActionScript [AS1/AS2]
Combined Code
movieClip 2 drumbeat6 { frame 1 { removeMovieClip(this); } } movieClip 4 drumbeat5 { frame 1 { removeMovieClip(this); } } movieClip 6 drumbeat4 { frame 1 { removeMovieClip(this); } } movieClip 8 drumbeat3 { frame 1 { removeMovieClip(this); } } movieClip 10 drumbeat2 { frame 1 { removeMovieClip(this); } } movieClip 12 xraybar { frame 1 { lifespan = 50; Yspeed = 2 + Math.random() * 3; this._alphamax = 30 + Math.random() * 70; this._alpha = this._alphamax; this._yscale = 20 + Math.random() * 50; onEnterFrame = function () { this._y += Yspeed; lifespan -= 1; this._alpha = alphamax * Math.random(); if (lifespan <= 0) { removeMovieClip(this); } if (this._y > 100) { removeMovieClip(this); } }; } } movieClip 18 vanish { frame 11 { stop(); removeMovieClip(this); } } movieClip 22 { } movieClip 24 orb_nice { frame 1 { this.xspeed = 12 + Math.random() * 13; lifespan = 0; rot = 0; hityet = 100; gotoAndStop(Math.ceil(Math.random() * 2)); onEnterFrame = function () { if (this.HB.hitTest(this._parent.red_ball) && this._parent.note_lock <= 0) { this._parent.note_power += 0.6; if (hityet > 0) { if (hityet == 100) { hityet = 5; } } this._parent.growth = 2; this.xspeed * 0.96; } else { pregplus = 0; } if (hityet < 100 && hityet > 0) { hityet -= 1; this._parent.note_power += 1; } rot += 0.32; if (rot > 6.283185307179586) { rot -= 6.283185307179586; } this._rotation = +(Math.sin(rot) * 4); this._x -= this.xspeed; if (this._x < 0) { removeMovieClip(this); } this.xspeed = Math.max(0, this.xspeed * 0.97); if (this.xspeed < 1) { this.lifespan += 1; } if (lifespan > 15) { this._alpha = Math.floor(Math.random() * 2) * 50; } if (lifespan > 30) { removeMovieClip(this); } }; } } movieClip 28 orb_mean { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(Math.ceil(Math.random() * 2)); onEnterFrame = function () { if (this.HB.hitTest(this._parent.red_ball)) { this._parent.note_lock = Math.min(this._parent.note_lock + 9, 100); _root.pregbubsmade = 0; } this._x -= 5; if (this._x < 0) { removeMovieClip(this); } }; } } movieClip 30 music_bubble { } movieClip 31 laser { frame 1 { var rotplus = 10 - Math.random() * 20; var lifespan = 20; onEnterFrame = function () { colourset = '0x' + Math.floor(Math.random() * 99) + Math.floor(Math.random() * 99) + Math.floor(Math.random() * 99); this._rotation += rotplus; if (this._rotation > 0 && this._rotation < 180) { this._rotation += 180; } var v2 = new flash.filters.GlowFilter(colourset, 100, 4, 4, 3, 1, true, false); this.filters = [v2]; if (lifespan > 0) { lifespan -= 1; } else { removeMovieClip(this); } }; } } movieClip 33 { frame 1 { rotplus = 3 + Math.random() * 5; onEnterFrame = function () { if (_root.beating > 0) { this._xscale = 115; } if (this._xscale > 100) { this._xscale = Math.max(100, this._xscale - 5); } this._yscale = this._xscale; this._rotation += rotplus; }; } } movieClip 35 preg_bub { frame 1 { rot = 0; rotplus = 0.01 + Math.random() * 0.2; movespeed = 0; active = false; lifepoints = 50; beatplus = 0; onEnterFrame = function () { if (_root.resetN > 0) { removeMovieClip(this); } if (_root.beating > 0) { beatplus = 5; } if (beatplus > 0) { beatplus -= 1; } rot += rotplus; if (rot > 6.283185307179586) { rot -= 6.283185307179586; } if (this.hitTest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse, false)) { _root.overpregbub = 2; } movespeed = Math.min(movespeed + 0.002, 1); this._xscale = 100 + 50 * movespeed; if (active == true) { this._xscale = 150; if (this.hitTest(_root.lydia.belly.midpoint)) { if (_root.growcheck != 1) { _root.growcheck = 50; } bellydif = Math.max(Math.floor(this.lifepoints * 0.05), 1); _root.bellyglow = true; _root.Tbellysize += bellydif; this.lifepoints -= bellydif; this._xscale = 150 * (this.lifepoints * 0.02); if (this.lifepoints <= 0) { removeMovieClip(this); } } } this._xscale += beatplus * 5; this._yscale = this._xscale; this._x += (XSB + Math.sin(rot) * 15 - this._x) * movespeed; this._y += (YSB + Math.cos(rot) * 15 - this._y) * movespeed; }; this.onPress = function () { active = true; movespeed = 0; XSB = _root.lydia._x + _root.lydia.belly._x + _root.lydia.belly.midpoint._x; YSB = _root.lydia._y + _root.lydia.belly._y + _root.lydia.belly.midpoint._y; }; } } movieClip 37 C_E { frame 1 { onEnterFrame = function () { this._xscale += 26; this._yscale = this._xscale; this._alpha -= 10; if (this._alpha < 0) { removeMovieClip(this); } }; } } // unknown tag 88 length 122 movieClip 41 showhintbutton { frame 1 { rot = 0; startx = x; starty = y; lifespan = 100; var whiteglow = new flash.filters.GlowFilter(65280, 15, 15, 15, 3, 5, false, false); this.onEnterFrame = function () { rot += 0.15; if (rot >= 6.283185307179586) { rot -= 6.283185307179586; } this._y = -Math.abs(Math.sin(rot) * 6); lifespan -= 1.5; this._alpha = lifespan; if (lifespan <= 0) { removeMovieClip(this); } this.filters = [whiteglow]; }; } } movieClip 43 keychecker { frame 1 { this._alpha = 0; onEnterFrame = function () { _root.allkeyscheck = 3; if (this.hitTest(_root.music_grid.red_ball)) { removeMovieClip(this); } }; } } movieClip 45 ach_obj { frame 1 { rot = 0; startx = x; starty = y; lifespan = 200; var whiteglow = new flash.filters.GlowFilter(5635925, 15, 15, 15, 3, 5, false, false); this.onEnterFrame = function () { rot += 0.15; if (rot >= 6.283185307179586) { rot -= 6.283185307179586; } this._y = -Math.abs(Math.sin(rot) * 6); lifespan -= 1.5; this._alpha = lifespan; if (lifespan <= 0) { removeMovieClip(this); } this.filters = [whiteglow]; }; } } movieClip 47 drumbeat1 { frame 1 { removeMovieClip(this); } } frame 1 { stop(); var testing = false; var zoeytotal = _root.getBytesTotal(); var thisloaded = 0; var zsize2 = 1; var zsize = 1; var ztotalsize = 300; var my_cm = new ContextMenu(); my_cm.builtInItems.rewind = false; my_cm.builtInItems.print = false; = false; my_cm.builtInItems.forward_back = false; my_cm.builtInItems.loop = false; = my_cm; zoey.body.lbar.onPress = function () { if (testing == true) { if (zsize2 < 330) { zsize2 += 15; } else { zsize2 = 1; } } else { if (zoeyloaded == 300) { gotoAndStop(2); } } }; onEnterFrame = function () { var v2 = _root.getBytesLoaded(); if (testing == true) { zoeyloaded = (zsize / ztotalsize) * 300; } else { zoeyloaded = (v2 / zoeytotal) * 300; } if (zsize2 != zsize) { zsize += Math.floor((zsize2 - zsize) / 15); } zoey.head.eye.gotoAndStop(1 + Math.floor(zoeyloaded / 30)); zoey.head.hornsandears.gotoAndStop(1 + Math.floor(zoeyloaded / 30)); zoey.head.mouth.gotoAndStop(1 + Math.floor(zoeyloaded / 30)); zoey.body.l_breast.gotoAndStop(Math.floor(zoeyloaded * 3)); zoey.body.r_breast.gotoAndStop(Math.floor(zoeyloaded * 3)); zoey.body.shirt.gotoAndStop(Math.floor(zoeyloaded * 3)); zoey.body.lbar.gotoAndStop(Math.floor(zoeyloaded * 3)); }; } movieClip 54 { } movieClip 79 { } movieClip 92 { } movieClip 105 { } movieClip 107 { } movieClip 115 { } movieClip 119 { } movieClip 126 { } movieClip 133 { } movieClip 145 { } movieClip 146 { } movieClip 147 { } frame 2 { var debugging = false; BBB._alpha = 0; if (debugging == false) { eyeshifter._visible = false; speakerbox.round_b._visible = false; } var muted = false; mute_b.gotoAndStop(1); var DBID = 500; var drumbeatval = 1; lydia.kransky._visible = false; = false; lydia.belly.SB._visible = false; lydia.L_arm4.twitch._visible = false; lydia.belly.egg._visible = false; var pregbubsmade = 0; var growcheck = 0; var firsthelp = false; var Xrayunlocked = false; var Xrayon = false; var Xraysize = 0; var finetune_unlocked = false; var finetune_on = false; var finetune = 0; var finetuneglow = 0; var raveparty_unlocked = false; var secretending_unlocked = false; var keydetect = new Object(); var keyspressed = []; Key.addListener(keydetect); detectSecretCode = function (n, c) { if (Key.getCode() == _root[n + 'code'][_root[n + 'sofar'].length]) { _root[n + 'sofar'].push(Key.getCode()); if (_root[n + 'sofar'].length >= _root[n + 'code'].length) { activatecode = c; charSpeak(-c); if (activatecode == 1) { if (Xrayunlocked == false) { Xrayunlocked = true; _panel.Xray_b._visible = true; } } if (activatecode == 2) { if (finetune_unlocked == false) { finetune_unlocked = true; _panel.finetune_b._visible = true; } } if (activatecode == 3) { if (raveparty_unlocked == false) { raveparty_unlocked = true; _panel.rave_party_b._visible = true; } } if (activatecode == 4) { if (secretending_unlocked == false) { secretendingunlocked = true; _panel.secretend_b._visible = true; } } if (activatecode == 5) { if (birthclicks > 0 && Tbellysize >= 500) { birthclicks = 0; } } activatecode = 0; } } else { _root[n + 'sofar'] = []; } }; keydetect.onKeyDown = function () {}; var Xraysofar = new Array(); var Xraycode = [73, 87, 65, 78, 84, 84, 79, 87, 73, 78, 83, 79, 77, 69, 83, 69, 69, 84, 72, 82, 79, 85, 71, 72, 83, 75, 73, 78]; var finetunesofar = new Array(); var finetunecode = [67, 85, 83, 84, 79, 77, 73, 83, 69, 72, 69, 82, 66, 69, 76, 76, 89, 83, 73, 90, 69]; var ravesofar = new Array(); var ravecode = [68, 79, 78, 84, 66, 69, 84, 65, 82, 68, 89, 84, 79, 84, 72, 69, 80, 65, 82, 84, 89]; var secretsofar = new Array(); var secretcode = [80, 65, 84, 69, 78, 84, 80, 69, 78, 68, 73, 78, 71, 83, 69, 67, 82, 69, 84, 69, 78, 68, 73, 78, 71]; var birthsofar = new Array(); var birthcode = [66, 73, 82, 84, 72]; var laborsofar = new Array(); var laborcode = [76, 65, 66, 79, 82]; var laboursofar = new Array(); var labourcode = [76, 65, 66, 79, 85, 82]; var deliversofar = new Array(); var delivercode = [68, 69, 76, 73, 86, 69, 82]; var overpregbub = 0; var screenshake = 0; var KP = new Object(); var keyspots = new Object(); keyspots.A = {'xpos': 1, 'ypos': 2}; keyspots.B = {'xpos': 5, 'ypos': 3}; keyspots.C = {'xpos': 3, 'ypos': 3}; keyspots.D = {'xpos': 3, 'ypos': 2}; keyspots.E = {'xpos': 3, 'ypos': 1}; keyspots.F = {'xpos': 4, 'ypos': 2}; keyspots.G = {'xpos': 5, 'ypos': 2}; keyspots.H = {'xpos': 6, 'ypos': 2}; keyspots.I = {'xpos': 8, 'ypos': 1}; keyspots.J = {'xpos': 7, 'ypos': 2}; keyspots.K = {'xpos': 8, 'ypos': 2}; keyspots.L = {'xpos': 9, 'ypos': 2}; keyspots.M = {'xpos': 7, 'ypos': 3}; keyspots.N = {'xpos': 6, 'ypos': 3}; keyspots.O = {'xpos': 9, 'ypos': 1}; keyspots.P = {'xpos': 10, 'ypos': 1}; keyspots.Q = {'xpos': 1, 'ypos': 1}; keyspots.R = {'xpos': 4, 'ypos': 1}; keyspots.S = {'xpos': 2, 'ypos': 2}; keyspots.T = {'xpos': 5, 'ypos': 1}; keyspots.U = {'xpos': 7, 'ypos': 1}; keyspots.V = {'xpos': 4, 'ypos': 3}; keyspots.W = {'xpos': 2, 'ypos': 1}; keyspots.X = {'xpos': 2, 'ypos': 3}; keyspots.Y = {'xpos': 6, 'ypos': 1}; keyspots.Z = {'xpos': 1, 'ypos': 3}; keyspots[32] = {'xpos': 0, 'ypos': 4}; keyspots[65] = {'xpos': 1, 'ypos': 2}; keyspots[66] = {'xpos': 5, 'ypos': 3}; keyspots[67] = {'xpos': 3, 'ypos': 3}; keyspots[68] = {'xpos': 3, 'ypos': 2}; keyspots[69] = {'xpos': 3, 'ypos': 1}; keyspots[70] = {'xpos': 4, 'ypos': 2}; keyspots[71] = {'xpos': 5, 'ypos': 2}; keyspots[72] = {'xpos': 6, 'ypos': 2}; keyspots[73] = {'xpos': 8, 'ypos': 1}; keyspots[74] = {'xpos': 7, 'ypos': 2}; keyspots[75] = {'xpos': 8, 'ypos': 2}; keyspots[76] = {'xpos': 9, 'ypos': 2}; keyspots[77] = {'xpos': 7, 'ypos': 3}; keyspots[78] = {'xpos': 6, 'ypos': 3}; keyspots[79] = {'xpos': 9, 'ypos': 1}; keyspots[80] = {'xpos': 10, 'ypos': 1}; keyspots[81] = {'xpos': 1, 'ypos': 1}; keyspots[82] = {'xpos': 4, 'ypos': 1}; keyspots[83] = {'xpos': 2, 'ypos': 2}; keyspots[84] = {'xpos': 5, 'ypos': 1}; keyspots[85] = {'xpos': 7, 'ypos': 1}; keyspots[86] = {'xpos': 4, 'ypos': 3}; keyspots[87] = {'xpos': 2, 'ypos': 1}; keyspots[88] = {'xpos': 2, 'ypos': 3}; keyspots[89] = {'xpos': 6, 'ypos': 1}; keyspots[90] = {'xpos': 1, 'ypos': 3}; var beatrate = 4.16; var beatrate = 8; var nextbeat = 0; var beating = 0; var boomboxpower = false; var MNID = 430; SW = 60; keydetect.onKeyDown = function () { detectSecretCode('Xray', 1); detectSecretCode('finetune', 2); detectSecretCode('rave', 3); detectSecretCode('secret', 4); detectSecretCode('birth', 5); detectSecretCode('labor', 5); detectSecretCode('labour', 5); detectSecretCode('deliver', 5); debug_01.text = String.fromCharCode(Key.getCode()); KP = String.fromCharCode(Key.getCode()); KP = Key.getCode(); debug_01.text = KP; if (KP != 32) { music_grid.red_ball.XSB = (0.5 * keyspots[KP].ypos + keyspots[KP].xpos) * SW; } else { music_grid.red_ball.XSB = Math.max(music_grid.spacebox._x - music_grid.spacebox._width / 2 + SW * 0.5, music_grid.red_ball.XSB); music_grid.red_ball.XSB = Math.min(music_grid.spacebox._x + music_grid.spacebox._width / 2 - SW * 0.5, music_grid.red_ball.XSB); } var1 = (0.5 + keyspots[KP].ypos + keyspots[KP].xpos) * SW; music_grid.red_ball.YSB = keyspots[KP].ypos * SW; keyspressed.push(KP); }; keydetect.onKeyUp = function () { debug_01.text = ''; debug_02.text = keyspots[KP].xpos; }; var glowplus = 0; var bellysize = 1; var Tbellysize = 1; var bustsize = 1; var Tbustsize = 1; var hipsize = 1; var Thipsize = 1; var naked = false; var resetN = 0; var birthclicks = 500; var birthing = 0; var birthwinddown = 0; var over_ears = false; var ending = 0; var finalpush = 0; var birthlegrot = 0; var backupState = ''; var states = new Object(); var CurState = new Object(); var lpX = lydia.head.eyes.LP._x; var lpY = lydia.head.eyes.LP._y; var rpX = lydia.head.eyes.RP._x; var rpY = lydia.head.eyes.RP._y; var stateTimer = 0; var speechTimer = 0; var speech = new Object(); var next_speech = 0; var current_speech = bellysize; var canchat = true; var ranlines = new Array(); var ranspeech = 8000; resetLines = function () { ranlines = []; ranlines.push(1); ranlines.push(2); ranlines.push(3); ranlines.push(4); ranlines.push(5); }; resetLines(); updateEyeText = function () { eyeshifter.LPX_txt.text = 'x' + -(lpX - lydia.head.eyes.LP._x); eyeshifter.RPX_txt.text = 'x' + -(rpX - lydia.head.eyes.RP._x); eyeshifter.LPY_txt.text = 'y' + -(lpY - lydia.head.eyes.LP._y); eyeshifter.RPY_txt.text = 'y' + -(rpY - lydia.head.eyes.RP._y); speechTimer += 50; stateTimer += 50; }; eyeshifter.LPB_U.onPress = function () { lydia.head.eyes.LP._y -= 1; updateEyeText(); }; eyeshifter.LPB_D.onPress = function () { lydia.head.eyes.LP._y += 1; updateEyeText(); }; eyeshifter.LPB_L.onPress = function () { lydia.head.eyes.LP._x -= 1; updateEyeText(); }; eyeshifter.LPB_R.onPress = function () { lydia.head.eyes.LP._x += 1; updateEyeText(); }; eyeshifter.RPB_U.onPress = function () { lydia.head.eyes.RP._y -= 1; updateEyeText(); }; eyeshifter.RPB_D.onPress = function () { lydia.head.eyes.RP._y += 1; updateEyeText(); }; eyeshifter.RPB_L.onPress = function () { lydia.head.eyes.RP._x -= 1; updateEyeText(); }; eyeshifter.RPB_R.onPress = function () { lydia.head.eyes.RP._x += 1; updateEyeText(); }; var colourchar1 = new Color(lydia.tubetop); var colourchar2 = new Color(lydia.belt); var colourchar3 = new Color(lydia.R_leg.pant); var colourchar4 = new Color(lydia.L_leg.pant); var basecolour = new Object(); var colourplus = 0; updatecolour = function () { basecolour.ra = 100; = 100; = 100; basecolour.rb = colourplus * 150; = colourplus * 250; = colourplus * 150; colourchar1.setTransform(basecolour); colourchar2.setTransform(basecolour); colourchar3.setTransform(basecolour); colourchar4.setTransform(basecolour); }; speech[-4] = {'_line': 'Why are you looking at me like that?', '_expression': 'concern', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[-3] = {'_line': 'Are those rave lights? I think we\'re going to get along just fine.', '_expression': 'giddy', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[-3] = {'_line': 'Are those rave lights? I think we\'re going to get along just fine.', '_expression': '', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[-2] = {'_line': 'What are you doing over there? Does it involve me?', '_expression': 'weird', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[-1] = {'_line': 'What was that? Did you just whisper some magic?', '_expression': 'weird', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech.noturnoff = {'_line': 'Don\'t you DARE turn off this beat.', '_expression': 'glare', '_arm': '', '_line2': 'Not like you could anyway, these beats are UNSTOPPABLE!', '_expression2': 'intoit', 'arm2': ''}; speech.poweroff0 = {'_line': 'Hey, didja get it? The mystical mix tape? Supposedly listening to it is better than sex.', '_expression': 'excited', '_arm': '', '_line2': 'You do!? Well put it on then! I\'ve GOT to hear this', '_expression2': 'eager', 'arm2': ''}; speech.poweroff1 = {'_line': 'What are you waiting for? Put it on!', '_expression': 'anticipation', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech.poweroff2 = {'_line': 'Aren\'t you excited to hear this? I know I am.', '_expression': 'beaming', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech.poweroff3 = {'_line': 'The mystical mixtape, mine to hear at last. I can\'t wait!', '_expression': 'dream', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech.poweroff4 = {'_line': 'This is gonna be one hell of a dope party. ', '_expression': 'challenge', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech.poweroff5 = {'_line': 'I hope it\'s eurobeat. That\'s by far my favourite.', '_expression': 'squee', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech.poweroff6 = {'_line': 'I could do with a snack, now that you mention it.', '_expression': 'think', '_arm': '', '_line2': '-Or twelve. I\'m a big eater, doncha know.', '_expression2': 'chat', 'arm2': ''}; speech.poweroff7 = {'_line': 'Be gentle with my piercings if you wanna look with your hands.', '_expression': 'concern', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech.poweroff8 = {'_line': 'Well, that\'s coming on pretty strong, isn\'t it? Were you drinking before you showed up?', '_expression': 'grumble', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech.poweroff9 = {'_line': 'That\'s not a very good pickup line, y\'know.', '_expression': 'scold', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech.poweroff10 = {'_line': 'What could this sound like? Is it even possible to be all genres at once?', '_expression': 'think', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech.poweroff11 = {'_line': 'Heeheehee. I feel like a kid in a candy store!', '_expression': 'giddy', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[12] = {'_line': 'unused', '_expression': '', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[13] = {'_line': 'unused', '_expression': '', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[14] = {'_line': 'unused', '_expression': '', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[15] = {'_line': 'unused', '_expression': '', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[16] = {'_line': 'unused', '_expression': '', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[17] = {'_line': 'unused', '_expression': '', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[18] = {'_line': 'unused', '_expression': '', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[19] = {'_line': 'unused', '_expression': '', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[20] = {'_line': 'unused', '_expression': '', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[0] = {'_line': 'Ooooh, sick melody.', '_expression': 'beat', '_arm': '', '_line2': 'Great start, but maybe not living up to its reputation.', '_expression2': 'relax', 'arm2': ''}; speech[1] = {'_line': 'I\'d get up and dance, but I think I\'d better stay sitting down. I have a feeling this is about to get goood.', '_expression': 'chat', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[2] = {'_line': 'I hope the world is ready for this thing. I hope I am, for that matter.', '_expression': 'nervous', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[3] = {'_line': 'I\'m waiting for that beat to drop. I don\'t know if I can take it.', '_expression': 'giddy', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[4] = {'_line': 'The legendary mix-tape. A disc jockey\'s dream come true. I\'m strapped in.', '_expression': 'squee', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[5] = {'_line': 'I\'m glad I got the best boombox I could. I feel like playing this through cheap speakers would be a sin.', '_expression': 'boombox', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[6] = {'_line': 'You like to party too, huh?', '_expression': 'flirt', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[7] = {'_line': 'Hey man, that\'s not a disc board.', '_expression': 'scold', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[8] = {'_line': 'Oh come on! I\'m obviously not that into it yet.', '_expression': 'annoyed', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[9] = {'_line': 'Hey man, that\'s not cool!', '_expression': 'glare', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[10] = {'_line': 'I have a feeling this is about to get REAAL good.', '_expression': '', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[11] = {'_line': 'idle7', '_expression': '', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[12] = {'_line': 'unused', '_expression': '', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[13] = {'_line': 'unused', '_expression': '', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[14] = {'_line': 'unused', '_expression': '', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[15] = {'_line': 'unused', '_expression': '', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[16] = {'_line': 'unused', '_expression': '', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[17] = {'_line': 'unused', '_expression': '', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[18] = {'_line': 'unused', '_expression': '', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[19] = {'_line': 'unused', '_expression': '', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[20] = {'_line': 'unused', '_expression': '', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[50] = {'_line': 'Oooh, I just got chills down my spine...', '_expression': 'shiver', '_arm': '', '_line2': 'And all over my body...', '_expression2': 'nervous', 'arm2': ''}; speech[51] = {'_line': 'Feel the fur stand up on the back of your neck?', '_expression': 'giddy', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[52] = {'_line': 'Have you seen my mic. I might wanna try freestylin\' to this.', '_expression': 'happy', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[53] = {'_line': 'I feel tingly everywhere. I hope that\'s normal.', '_expression': 'unsure', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[54] = {'_line': 'Yo, this is lit. Imagine playing this up in the club.', '_expression': 'chat', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[55] = {'_line': 'Who knew a beat could be both chill and hot?', '_expression': 'beat', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[56] = {'_line': 'Heh, yeah, it feels a bit like that.', '_expression': 'flirt', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[57] = {'_line': 'What, are you trying to do?', '_expression': 'confused', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[58] = {'_line': 'Hey! Get your hand out of my bra.', '_expression': 'yell', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[59] = {'_line': 'Hey c\'mon! Don\'t take me outta the experience like this.', '_expression': 'scold', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[60] = {'_line': 'unused', '_expression': '', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[61] = {'_line': 'unused', '_expression': '', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[62] = {'_line': 'unused', '_expression': '', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[63] = {'_line': 'unused', '_expression': '', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[64] = {'_line': 'unused', '_expression': '', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[65] = {'_line': 'unused', '_expression': '', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[66] = {'_line': 'unused', '_expression': '', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[67] = {'_line': 'unused', '_expression': '', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[68] = {'_line': 'unused', '_expression': '', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[69] = {'_line': 'unused', '_expression': '', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[60] = {'_line': 'unused', '_expression': '', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[100] = {'_line': 'Oooh, this beat is sick as....', '_expression': 'lust', '_arm': '', '_line2': '-as sick as me, it\'s making me sick... and I love it!', '_expression2': 'sick', 'arm2': ''}; speech[101] = {'_line': 'Aaaah, it sits heavy in my chest like a warm meal.', '_expression': 'intoit', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[102] = {'_line': 'You know a beat is intense when it makes you wanna puke.', '_expression': 'prepared', '_arm': '', '_line2': '-and I\'m not even in the club.', '_expression2': 'chuckle', 'arm2': ''}; speech[103] = {'_line': 'Uuuuh, It\'s like when I tried drinking.', '_expression': 'fedup', '_arm': '', '_line2': 'Seriously, I hate that stuff. It makes me sick instantly.', '_expression2': 'grumble', 'arm2': ''}; speech[104] = {'_line': 'I think I should have eaten before the mixtape. It needs to come with a warning.', '_expression': 'pout', '_arm': '', '_line2': 'Well... I guess its reputation is a warning...', '_expression2': 'think', 'arm2': ''}; speech[105] = {'_line': 'I feel like these beats could cure anything, even if they do cause nausea...', '_expression': 'chat', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[106] = {'_line': 'Oooh, that helps.', '_expression': 'dream', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[107] = {'_line': 'Ah, c\'mon. Are you trying to make me puke? That\'s the quickest way to ruin a party.', '_expression': 'glare', '_arm': '', '_line2': 'Second to idiots drinking too much, but that\'s another story.', '_expression2': 'mutter', 'arm2': ''}; speech[108] = {'_line': 'Since when is that supposed to cure nausea?', '_expression': 'confused', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[109] = {'_line': 'Ow! I can tell you get kicked out of clubs a lot.', '_expression': 'yell', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[110] = {'_line': 'idle6', '_expression': '', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[111] = {'_line': 'idle7', '_expression': '', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[112] = {'_line': 'unused', '_expression': '', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[113] = {'_line': 'unused', '_expression': '', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[114] = {'_line': 'unused', '_expression': '', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[115] = {'_line': 'unused', '_expression': '', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[116] = {'_line': 'unused', '_expression': '', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[117] = {'_line': 'unused', '_expression': '', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[118] = {'_line': 'unused', '_expression': '', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[119] = {'_line': 'unused', '_expression': '', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[120] = {'_line': 'unused', '_expression': '', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[150] = {'_line': 'I can feel it, I feel the bass thumping in my stomach!', '_expression': 'pleasure', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[151] = {'_line': 'I\'m not sick anymore, I\'m adapting to the sick beat instead.', '_expression': 'confident', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[152] = {'_line': 'Can you feel it. Can you feel it in your toes?! In your fingers!?', '_expression': 'eager', '_arm': '', '_line2': 'Especially in your stomach.', '_expression2': 'concern', 'arm2': ''}; speech[153] = {'_line': 'I can\'t believe it, this tune just keeps getting better.', '_expression': 'cheer', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[154] = {'_line': 'If I could eat the beats, this is what they would taste like.', '_expression': 'tasty', '_arm': '', '_line2': 'I feel myself getting full.', '_expression2': 'satisfied', 'arm2': ''}; speech[155] = {'_line': 'Unf, I hope I can learn to make beats like this. I NEED it.', '_expression': 'lust', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[156] = {'_line': 'Ooooh, it\'s like the beats are IN me. A PART of me! We can both feel them.', '_expression': 'happy', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[157] = {'_line': 'At least stay in time with the beat if you\'re gonna do that!', '_expression': 'grumble', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[158] = {'_line': 'It\'s good, but it doesn\'t match these lit tunes.', '_expression': 'flirt', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[159] = {'_line': 'Do I have to call security!?', '_expression': 'glare', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[160] = {'_line': 'unused', '_expression': '', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[161] = {'_line': 'unused', '_expression': '', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[162] = {'_line': 'unused', '_expression': '', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[163] = {'_line': 'unused', '_expression': '', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[164] = {'_line': 'unused', '_expression': '', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[165] = {'_line': 'unused', '_expression': '', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[166] = {'_line': 'unused', '_expression': '', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[167] = {'_line': 'unused', '_expression': '', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[168] = {'_line': 'unused', '_expression': '', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[169] = {'_line': 'unused', '_expression': '', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[160] = {'_line': 'unused', '_expression': '', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[200] = {'_line': 'Aaaah! The beats! The crescendo is here! I can\'t handle it!', '_expression': 'powerful', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[201] = {'_line': 'My ears! They\'re transcending reality.', '_expression': 'giddy', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[202] = {'_line': 'I thought I was ready, I was wrong. So wrong.', '_expression': 'concern', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[203] = {'_line': 'I am one with the music. It pulses through me like precious lifeblood!', '_expression': 'dream', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[204] = {'_line': 'If beats could kill...', '_expression': 'sly', '_arm': '', '_line2': 'Wait, maybe these beats CAN kill...', '_expression2': 'nervous', 'arm2': ''}; speech[205] = {'_line': 'Ooooh, am I dying and going to Heaven? Because Heaven is LIT in that case.', '_expression': 'cheer', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[206] = {'_line': 'Yes! Yes! It just gets better and better!', '_expression': 'pleasure', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[207] = {'_line': 'Ah, stop it! Not when the music\'s this good!', '_expression': 'pout', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[208] = {'_line': 'Oh man. It\'s too much. It\'s just too much!', '_expression': 'lust', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[209] = {'_line': 'Even that can\'t get me out. I might be stuck listening to this.', '_expression': 'worried', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[210] = {'_line': 'unused', '_expression': '', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[211] = {'_line': 'unused', '_expression': '', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[212] = {'_line': 'unused', '_expression': '', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[213] = {'_line': 'unused', '_expression': '', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[214] = {'_line': 'unused', '_expression': '', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[215] = {'_line': 'unused', '_expression': '', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[216] = {'_line': 'unused', '_expression': '', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[217] = {'_line': 'unused', '_expression': '', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[218] = {'_line': 'unused', '_expression': '', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[219] = {'_line': 'unused', '_expression': '', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[220] = {'_line': 'unused', '_expression': '', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[250] = {'_line': 'Huh!? AAAH! MY BOOMBOX!? WHAT HAPPENED!?', '_expression': 'shockbox', '_arm': '', '_line2': 'I guess those beats must have been too much for it- AAAAH MY BELLY! WHAT THE-!?!?!?', '_expression2': 'shockbelly', 'arm2': ''}; speech[251] = {'_line': 'Did the mixtape survive?', '_expression': 'pout', '_arm': '', '_line2': 'If it was destroyed, it might be for the best. I don\'t think the world is ready for this kind of power.', '_expression2': 'defeat', 'arm2': ''}; speech[252] = {'_line': 'Better than sex!? That mixtape outright knocked me up.', '_expression': 'worried', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[253] = {'_line': 'This, this is unreal man. I\'m actually pregnant, for real.', '_expression': 'amazed', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[254] = {'_line': 'I suppose I could have opened my eyes more, but I was trying not to betray my ears.', '_expression': 'grumble', '_arm': '', '_line2': 'Besides, I doubt I could have stopped listening even if I wanted to.', '_expression2': 'nervous', 'arm2': ''}; speech[255] = {'_line': 'I wonder if my child will be talented in music. With beats that strong...', '_expression': 'think', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[256] = {'_line': 'Ohh... your rubbing, and the child\'s movements. It feels... rhythmic.', '_expression': 'pleasure', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[257] = {'_line': 'Are you trying to dab on me? That\'s not how that works.', '_expression': 'fedup', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[258] = {'_line': 'I can\'t believe I didn\'t notice those getting bigger.', '_expression': 'wonder', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[259] = {'_line': 'Ow! Hey! Thanks for the reminder, jerk!', '_expression': 'scold', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[260] = {'_line': 'unused', '_expression': '', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[261] = {'_line': 'unused', '_expression': '', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[262] = {'_line': 'unused', '_expression': '', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[263] = {'_line': 'unused', '_expression': '', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[264] = {'_line': 'unused', '_expression': '', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[265] = {'_line': 'unused', '_expression': '', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[266] = {'_line': 'unused', '_expression': '', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[267] = {'_line': 'unused', '_expression': '', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[268] = {'_line': 'unused', '_expression': '', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[269] = {'_line': 'unused', '_expression': '', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[260] = {'_line': 'unused', '_expression': '', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[300] = {'_line': 'AaAaaaaa! What was that!?', '_expression': 'shockbelly', '_arm': '', '_line2': 'Oh- oh no. It can\'t be my time to deliver already!?', '_expression2': 'fear', 'arm2': ''}; speech[301] = {'_line': 'I-I can\'t believe I\'m about to become a mother...', '_expression': 'nervous', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[302] = {'_line': 'I thought I\'d heard songs that caused me pain before. Nothing compares to this.', '_expression': 'regret', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[303] = {'_line': 'I- I think it\'s still moving to the same beat.', '_expression': 'amazed', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[304] = {'_line': 'What on earth is this child going to look like? I hope they won\'t have speakers for ears.', '_expression': 'worried', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[305] = {'_line': 'I can\'t believe this actually hurts so much....', '_expression': 'stunned', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[306] = {'_line': 'Ooooh, that helps. Thank you.', '_expression': 'pleasure', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[307] = {'_line': 'Can- can you seriously not?!?', '_expression': 'scold', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[308] = {'_line': 'Anything to take my mind off what\'s happening...', '_expression': 'think', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[309] = {'_line': 'Dude! Seriously!? What\'s your deal!?', '_expression': 'yell', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[310] = {'_line': 'unused', '_expression': '', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[311] = {'_line': 'unused', '_expression': '', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[312] = {'_line': 'unused', '_expression': '', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[313] = {'_line': 'unused', '_expression': '', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[314] = {'_line': 'unused', '_expression': '', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[315] = {'_line': 'unused', '_expression': '', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[316] = {'_line': 'unused', '_expression': '', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[317] = {'_line': 'unused', '_expression': '', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[318] = {'_line': 'unused', '_expression': '', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[319] = {'_line': 'unused', '_expression': '', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[320] = {'_line': 'unused', '_expression': '', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech.birth1 = {'_line': 'Grrrrph!!', '_expression': 'babypush1', '_arm': '', '_line2': 'AAaaa! Is this what it\'s supposed to feel like...', '_expression2': 'shockbelly', 'arm2': ''}; speech.birth2 = {'_line': 'AaaAAAaaa!! ', '_expression': 'babypush3', '_arm': '', '_line2': 'Oh man.... that\'s gonna take some getting used to...', '_expression2': 'fear', 'arm2': ''}; speech.birth3 = {'_line': 'Eeeeurg!!', '_expression': 'babypush1', '_arm': '', '_line2': 'I- I don\'t know if I can take this... I\'ve never been in so much pain...', '_expression2': 'pout2', 'arm2': ''}; speech.birth4 = {'_line': 'GgrrrrRRrrrr!!!', '_expression': 'babypush2', '_arm': '', '_line2': 'I- I gotta stay calm... I gotta concentrate...', '_expression2': 'girded', 'arm2': ''}; speech.birth5 = {'_line': 'AaaaAaaaaagh!!', '_expression': 'babypush4', '_arm': '', '_line2': 'I can stay focused during the exceptionally loud music in the club. I can outlast this too....', '_expression2': 'struggling', 'arm2': ''}; speech.birth6 = {'_line': 'EeeaAAaaaaa!!', '_expression': 'babypush1', '_arm': '', '_line2': 'What!? Already!? It can\'t be time already!', '_expression2': 'shockbelly', 'arm2': ''}; speech.birth7 = {'_line': 'Well, here I go....AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA', '_expression': 'babypushfinal', '_arm': '', '_line2': 'No! Not yet!! I\'m not reaaady!!', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[350] = {'_line': 'Did... did I seriously give birth to....', '_expression': 'amazed', '_arm': '', '_line2': 'I had Jazz Jackrabbit\'s son!! OMG, I\'m such a fangirl!', '_expression2': 'shiver', 'arm2': ''}; speech[351] = {'_line': 'I wonder if anyone\'s gonna believe me!?', '_expression': 'unsure', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[352] = {'_line': 'I hope Eva understands....', '_expression': 'think', '_arm': '', '_line2': 'Actually, maybe it\'s better I keep this to myself....', '_expression2': 'concern', 'arm2': ''}; speech[353] = {'_line': 'I wonder how he\'d react....', '_expression': 'wonder2', '_arm': '', '_line2': 'Probably not well. I don\'t think he even knows my name...', '_expression2': 'sad', 'arm2': ''}; speech[354] = {'_line': 'Y\'know, I had a dream like this once....', '_expression': 'wistful', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[355] = {'_line': 'Welcome to the world, Jazz jr.', '_expression': 'love', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[356] = {'_line': 'And there\'s nothing left. Pretty cool, huh?', '_expression': 'confident', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[357] = {'_line': 'And just what do you think you\'re doing?', '_expression': 'grumble', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[358] = {'_line': 'Yeah, wow. I never thought I\'d end up with a bust like this.', '_expression': 'astonished', '_arm': '', '_line2': 'I\'m not complaining though...', '_expression2': 'tease', 'arm2': ''}; speech[359] = {'_line': 'I just became a mother, and that\'s the first thing you do?!', '_expression': 'yell', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[360] = {'_line': 'unused', '_expression': '', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[361] = {'_line': 'unused', '_expression': '', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[362] = {'_line': 'unused', '_expression': '', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[363] = {'_line': 'unused', '_expression': '', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[364] = {'_line': 'unused', '_expression': '', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[365] = {'_line': 'unused', '_expression': '', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[366] = {'_line': 'unused', '_expression': '', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[367] = {'_line': 'unused', '_expression': '', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[368] = {'_line': 'unused', '_expression': '', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[369] = {'_line': 'unused', '_expression': '', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[360] = {'_line': 'unused', '_expression': '', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[400] = {'_line': 'Wait! what!? W-where did that come from!!', '_expression': 'shockbelly', '_arm': '', '_line2': 'AaaaH! Again!?', '_expression2': 'pain', 'arm2': ''}; speech[401] = {'_line': 'What just happened?! How did I get pregnant again so fast!?', '_expression': 'fear', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[402] = {'_line': 'What\'s the limit on this magic? I\'m scared!', '_expression': 'unsure', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[403] = {'_line': 'I hope I don\'t develop a phobia about pregnancy. That would suck...', '_expression': 'nervous', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[404] = {'_line': 'It didn\'t even repair my boombox.', '_expression': 'curse', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[405] = {'_line': 'The power of this mixtape... it keeps breaking new ceilings.', '_expression': 'shockbox', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[406] = {'_line': 'At least that feels nice...', '_expression': 'relax', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[407] = {'_line': 'Yes, I noticed. Thank you.', '_expression': 'mutter', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[408] = {'_line': 'They didn\'t change size at all!', '_expression': 'astonished', '_arm': '', '_line2': '...that might be for the best....', '_expression2': 'uncomfortable', 'arm2': ''}; speech[409] = {'_line': 'If I had a security team, they\'d be on you right now.', '_expression': 'scold', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[410] = {'_line': 'unused', '_expression': '', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[411] = {'_line': 'unused', '_expression': '', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[412] = {'_line': 'unused', '_expression': '', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[413] = {'_line': 'unused', '_expression': '', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[414] = {'_line': 'unused', '_expression': '', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[415] = {'_line': 'unused', '_expression': '', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[416] = {'_line': 'unused', '_expression': '', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[417] = {'_line': 'unused', '_expression': '', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[418] = {'_line': 'unused', '_expression': '', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[419] = {'_line': 'unused', '_expression': '', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[420] = {'_line': 'unused', '_expression': '', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech.birth11 = {'_line': 'Aaaah!!!', '_expression': 'babypush2', '_arm': '', '_line2': ' I can\'t believe I have to go through this again!!!', '_expression2': 'terrified', 'arm2': ''}; speech.birth12 = {'_line': 'Grreaagh!', '_expression': 'babypush3', '_arm': '', '_line2': 'Wasn\'t once enough!? I mean, C\'mon!!!', '_expression2': 'yell', 'arm2': ''}; speech.birth13 = {'_line': 'HHhhnnnngggg!!', '_expression': 'babypush1', '_arm': '', '_line2': 'Then again, Jazz Jr is a lovely little thing....', '_expression2': 'love', 'arm2': ''}; speech.birth14 = {'_line': 'AaaAaaIioouuuu!', '_expression': 'babypush2', '_arm': '', '_line2': 'Come on then, new baby!! I\'m not scared!!', '_expression2': 'challenge', 'arm2': ''}; speech.birth15 = {'_line': 'OooOw --owwowwwww', '_expression': 'babypush4', '_arm': '', '_line2': '*Huff*... okay, maybe I\'m a bit scared.', '_expression2': 'concern', 'arm2': ''}; speech.birth16 = {'_line': 'HHhhhhRrrrrrgGggGgg!!', '_expression': 'babypush1', '_arm': '', '_line2': 'A-Almost done.... Just one more should do it...', '_expression2': 'tired', 'arm2': ''}; speech.birth17 = {'_line': 'Well, here I go....again...AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!', '_expression': 'babypushfinal', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[450] = {'_line': 'I- did I have Spaz\'s baby too?', '_expression': 'amazed', '_arm': '', '_line2': 'I hope Spaz can handle that. I don\'t think he\'s as mature as his brother.', '_expression2': 'unsure', 'arm2': ''}; speech[451] = {'_line': 'Heehee. He has my eyes. I can\'t wait to see Jazz jr\'s', '_expression': 'giddy', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[452] = {'_line': 'I think I\'ll call my second son... Twitch.', '_expression': 'lovetwitch', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[453] = {'_line': 'At least now I\'ll have an easier time explaining this...', '_expression': 'brightside', '_arm': '', '_line2': '-Well, not MUCH easier. But how else could I have two brothers\' babies at the same time.', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[454] = {'_line': 'I don\'t like Spaz as much as Jazz.', '_expression': 'think', '_arm': '', '_line2': 'But I love his son just as much as my other.', '_expression2': 'cuddle', 'arm2': ''}; speech[455] = {'_line': 'Even if he didn\'t look like Spaz, his twitches give him away.', '_expression': 'stifle', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[456] = {'_line': 'It feels good to be back to my soft flat stomach.', '_expression': 'happy', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[457] = {'_line': 'You sure don\'t discriminate with waistlines, do you.', '_expression': 'grumble', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[458] = {'_line': 'I can\'t decide if I\'m happy or sad those didn\'t get any bigger.', '_expression': 'uncomfortable', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[459] = {'_line': 'Let\'s leave it to my boys to cause pain in my breasts!', '_expression': 'sly', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[460] = {'_line': 'unused', '_expression': '', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[461] = {'_line': 'unused', '_expression': '', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[462] = {'_line': 'unused', '_expression': '', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[463] = {'_line': 'unused', '_expression': '', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[464] = {'_line': 'unused', '_expression': '', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[465] = {'_line': 'unused', '_expression': '', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[466] = {'_line': 'unused', '_expression': '', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[467] = {'_line': 'unused', '_expression': '', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[468] = {'_line': 'unused', '_expression': '', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[469] = {'_line': 'unused', '_expression': '', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[460] = {'_line': 'unused', '_expression': '', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[500] = {'_line': 'Aaaa!! How many babies am I going to have?', '_expression': 'shockbelly', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[501] = {'_line': 'Am I gonna have Lori\'s baby now? Is that even possible?', '_expression': 'fear', '_arm': '', '_line2': '-Well, nothing about any of this should be possible.', '_expression2': 'weird', 'arm2': ''}; speech[502] = {'_line': 'I really hope this is the last one. I\'m sure I can only stretch so much.', '_expression': 'worried', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[503] = {'_line': 'I really, really hope the third time\'s the charm.', '_expression': 'terrified', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[504] = {'_line': 'I don\'t think I\'m getting any more used to this.', '_expression': 'disappointed', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[505] = {'_line': 'This one... doesn\'t feel like the others.', '_expression': 'astonished', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[506] = {'_line': 'Doesn\'t it feel... smooth to you?', '_expression': 'confused', '_arm': '', '_line2': 'Well... smoother.', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[507] = {'_line': 'Aaaaaa! Don\'t do that.', '_expression': 'pain', '_arm': '', '_line2': 'My poor belly...', '_expression2': 'pout2', 'arm2': ''}; speech[508] = {'_line': 'Anything to take my mind off the pain...', '_expression': 'relax', '_arm': '', '_line2': 'It does feel really good actually.', '_expression2': 'relief', 'arm2': ''}; speech[509] = {'_line': 'I\'ll get some payback, just you wait!', '_expression': 'glare', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[510] = {'_line': 'unused', '_expression': '', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[511] = {'_line': 'unused', '_expression': '', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[512] = {'_line': 'unused', '_expression': '', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[513] = {'_line': 'unused', '_expression': '', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[514] = {'_line': 'unused', '_expression': '', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[515] = {'_line': 'unused', '_expression': '', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[516] = {'_line': 'unused', '_expression': '', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[517] = {'_line': 'unused', '_expression': '', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[518] = {'_line': 'unused', '_expression': '', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[519] = {'_line': 'unused', '_expression': '', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[520] = {'_line': 'unused', '_expression': '', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech.birth21 = {'_line': 'AaaauUgh!!', '_expression': 'babypush1', '_arm': '', '_line2': 'Huh? That... feels different....', '_expression2': 'astonished2', 'arm2': ''}; speech.birth22 = {'_line': 'GrrAaaughh', '_expression': 'babypush4', '_arm': '', '_line2': 'W-what\'s different this time?', '_expression2': 'concern', 'arm2': ''}; speech.birth23 = {'_line': '*Hissss* It Huuuurts!!', '_expression': 'babypush3', '_arm': '', '_line2': '*pant* It\'s not like it hurts any less.', '_expression2': 'struggling', 'arm2': ''}; speech.birth24 = {'_line': 'AaaaAAiiieee!!', '_expression': 'babypush2', '_arm': '', '_line2': 'But it... doesn\'t feel like wet fur...', '_expression2': 'think2', 'arm2': ''}; speech.birth25 = {'_line': 'GuuuHuHuuuuu!!!', '_expression': 'babypush3', '_arm': '', '_line2': '-Well, one way or another, it\'s coming out of me.', '_expression2': 'girded', 'arm2': ''}; speech.birth26 = {'_line': 'AaaaaAAaAAaAaaaa', '_expression': 'babypush1', '_arm': '', '_line2': 'Ooouuh, that felt...weird...I think I\'m almost there...', '_expression2': 'amazed', 'arm2': ''}; speech.birth27 = {'_line': 'Well, here I go....For the last time... I hope...', '_expression': 'babypushfinal', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[550] = {'_line': 'Oh... it\'s...Devan\'s son.....', '_expression': 'surprise', '_arm': '', '_line2': 'Oh well, can\'t blame a child for their parents. I love him all the same.', '_expression2': 'acceptance', 'arm2': ''}; speech[551] = {'_line': 'A name? Well...', '_expression': 'chat', '_arm': '', '_line2': 'I\'m leaning towards Kransky. It\'s cute. ', '_expression2': 'chuckle', 'arm2': ''}; speech[552] = {'_line': 'I had three kids, one at a time. Pretty lucky for a rabbit, I\'d say.', '_expression': 'challenge', '_arm': '', '_line2': 'I shouldn\'t tempt fate like that.', '_expression2': 'concern', 'arm2': ''}; speech[553] = {'_line': 'His shell matches my hair. ', '_expression': 'proud', '_arm': '', '_line2': 'Oh, what? You can\'t see it?', '_expression2': 'confused', 'arm2': ''}; speech[554] = {'_line': 'I gave birth to a half-turtle. Even for what I\'ve been through, that\'s a new experience.', '_expression': 'weird', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[555] = {'_line': 'This is... gonna create some awkward family reunions...', '_expression': 'defeat', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[556] = {'_line': '-and I\'m STILL flat down there. I must have two lucky rabbits\' feet.', '_expression': 'astonished', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[557] = {'_line': 'You\'d better not be planning on putting more kids in me like that.', '_expression': 'glare', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[558] = {'_line': 'With three kids, I hope these will do...', '_expression': 'wonder', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[559] = {'_line': 'If you think that\'s funny, it\'s not. Quit it!', '_expression': 'scold', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[560] = {'_line': 'unused', '_expression': '', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[561] = {'_line': 'unused', '_expression': '', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[562] = {'_line': 'unused', '_expression': '', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[563] = {'_line': 'unused', '_expression': '', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[564] = {'_line': 'unused', '_expression': '', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[565] = {'_line': 'unused', '_expression': '', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[566] = {'_line': 'unused', '_expression': '', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[567] = {'_line': 'unused', '_expression': '', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[568] = {'_line': 'unused', '_expression': '', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[569] = {'_line': 'unused', '_expression': '', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[560] = {'_line': 'unused', '_expression': '', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; eyeshifter.TE_B.onPress = function () { boomboxpower = true; Tbellysize = 500; setState('shriek'); stateTimer = 222; speechTimer = 222; }; states.acceptance = {'eyes': 'gibboussad', 'mouth': 'yaysmall', '_lpx': -11, '_lpy': 3, '_rpx': -12, '_rpy': 8}; states.amazed = {'eyes': 'inwideup', 'mouth': 'openbig', '_lpx': -3, '_lpy': 4, '_rpx': -10, '_rpy': 6}; states.annoyed = {'eyes': 'gibbousmad', 'mouth': 'tall', '_lpx': 0, '_lpy': -4, '_rpx': 0, '_rpy': -4}; states.anticipation = {'eyes': 'inopenup', 'mouth': 'yaybig', '_lpx': 0, '_lpy': 0, '_rpx': 0, '_rpy': -1}; states.astonished = {'eyes': 'wideup', 'mouth': 'openlip', '_lpx': 0, '_lpy': 5, '_rpx': -10, '_rpy': 6}; states.astonished2 = {'eyes': 'inwideup', 'mouth': 'openplain', '_lpx': 0, '_lpy': 5, '_rpx': -10, '_rpy': 6}; states.babypush1 = {'eyes': 'tightVmad', 'mouth': 'grinding', '_lpx': 0, '_lpy': 0, '_rpx': 0, '_rpy': 0}; states.babypush2 = {'eyes': 'tightVsad', 'mouth': 'grinding', '_lpx': 0, '_lpy': 0, '_rpx': 0, '_rpy': 0}; states.babypush3 = {'eyes': 'tightVmad', 'mouth': 'scream', '_lpx': 0, '_lpy': 0, '_rpx': 0, '_rpy': 0}; states.babypush4 = {'eyes': 'tightVsad', 'mouth': 'scream', '_lpx': 0, '_lpy': 0, '_rpx': 0, '_rpy': 0}; states.babypushfinal = {'eyes': 'tightVsad', 'mouth': 'bigscream', '_lpx': 0, '_lpy': 0, '_rpx': 0, '_rpy': 0}; states.beaming = {'eyes': 'inwideup', 'mouth': 'grinsmall', '_lpx': 0, '_lpy': 0, '_rpx': 0, '_rpy': 0}; states.beat = {'eyes': 'inhalfVsad', 'mouth': 'grinsmall', '_lpx': 0, '_lpy': -4, '_rpx': 0, '_rpy': -4}; states.boombox = {'eyes': 'gibbousplain', 'mouth': 'yaybig', '_lpx': -8, '_lpy': 3, '_rpx': -8, '_rpy': 6}; states.brightside = {'eyes': 'openup', 'mouth': 'yayplain', '_lpx': 1, '_lpy': -2, '_rpx': -10, '_rpy': -2}; states.challenge = {'eyes': 'halfmad', 'mouth': 'yayplain', '_lpx': 0, '_lpy': 0, '_rpx': 0, '_rpy': 0}; = {'eyes': 'halfplain', 'mouth': 'yayplain', '_lpx': 0, '_lpy': 0, '_rpx': 0, '_rpy': 0}; states.cheer = {'eyes': 'wideVsad', 'mouth': 'yaytall', '_lpx': 0, '_lpy': -8, '_rpx': -6, '_rpy': -9}; states.chuckle = {'eyes': 'parabolaup', 'mouth': 'grinplain', '_lpx': 0, '_lpy': 0, '_rpx': 0, '_rpy': 0}; states.confident = {'eyes': 'shutVmad', 'mouth': 'grinsmall', '_lpx': 0, '_lpy': 0, '_rpx': 0, '_rpy': 0}; states.concern = {'eyes': 'opensad', 'mouth': 'openplain', '_lpx': 0, '_lpy': 0, '_rpx': 0, '_rpy': 0}; states.confused = {'eyes': 'opentwist', 'mouth': 'openbig', '_lpx': 0, '_lpy': 0, '_rpx': 0, '_rpy': 0}; states.cuddle = {'eyes': 'parabolaplain', 'mouth': 'yayplain', '_lpx': 0, '_lpy': 0, '_rpx': 0, '_rpy': 0}; states.curse = {'eyes': 'inopenmad', 'mouth': 'openbig', '_lpx': -13, '_lpy': 1, '_rpx': -12, '_rpy': 5}; states.defeat = {'eyes': 'halfVsad', 'mouth': 'openround', '_lpx': 0, '_lpy': 8, '_rpx': 5, '_rpy': 5}; states.disappointed = {'eyes': 'ingibboussad', 'mouth': 'openlip', '_lpx': 1, '_lpy': 6, '_rpx': -10, '_rpy': 7}; states.dream = {'eyes': 'inhalfVsad', 'mouth': 'yaysmall', '_lpx': -2, '_lpy': -4, '_rpx': -4, '_rpy': -3}; states.eager = {'eyes': 'inopenup', 'mouth': 'grinplain', '_lpx': 0, '_lpy': 0, '_rpx': 0, '_rpy': 0}; states.excited = {'eyes': 'wideup', 'mouth': 'yaybig', '_lpx': 0, '_lpy': 0, '_rpx': 0, '_rpy': 0}; states.fear = {'eyes': 'opensad', 'mouth': 'openbig', '_lpx': -2, '_lpy': 5, '_rpx': -9, '_rpy': 6}; states.flirt = {'eyes': 'inhalfmad', 'mouth': 'yayplain', '_lpx': 0, '_lpy': 0, '_rpx': 0, '_rpy': 0}; states.fedup = {'eyes': 'ingibbousmad', 'mouth': 'tall', '_lpx': 0, '_lpy': -3, '_rpx': 0, '_rpy': -3}; states.giddy = {'eyes': 'inwideup', 'mouth': 'biteyay', '_lpx': 0, '_lpy': 0, '_rpx': 0, '_rpy': 0}; states.girded = {'eyes': 'opensad', 'mouth': 'openplain', '_lpx': 1, '_lpy': 6, '_rpx': -9, '_rpy': 6}; states.glare = {'eyes': 'openVmad', 'mouth': 'opensmall', '_lpx': 0, '_lpy': 0, '_rpx': 0, '_rpy': 0}; states.grumble = {'eyes': 'halfVmad', 'mouth': 'openplain', '_lpx': 0, '_lpy': 0, '_rpx': 0, '_rpy': 0}; states.happy = {'eyes': 'inopenplain', 'mouth': 'yaybig', '_lpx': 0, '_lpy': 0, '_rpx': 1, '_rpy': -2}; states.intoit = {'eyes': 'shutVsad', 'mouth': 'yayplain', '_lpx': 0, '_lpy': 0, '_rpx': 0, '_rpy': 0}; = {'eyes': 'inhalfsad', 'mouth': 'yaysmall', '_lpx': 1, '_lpy': 6, '_rpx': -2, '_rpy': 6}; states.lovetwitch = {'eyes': 'inhalfsad', 'mouth': 'yaysmall', '_lpx': 1, '_lpy': 6, '_rpx': -2, '_rpy': 6}; states.lust = {'eyes': 'inhalfVsad', 'mouth': 'biteyay', '_lpx': 0, '_lpy': 0, '_rpx': 0, '_rpy': 0}; states.mutter = {'eyes': 'inhalfmad', 'mouth': 'gritplain', '_lpx': 1, '_lpy': 0, '_rpx': 4, '_rpy': 0}; states.nervous = {'eyes': 'inopensad', 'mouth': 'openplain', '_lpx': -3, '_lpy': -1, '_rpx': -4, '_rpy': 0}; states.pain = {'eyes': 'tightmad', 'mouth': 'openbig', '_lpx': -1, '_lpy': 0, '_rpx': 6, '_rpy': 0}; states.pleasure = {'eyes': 'ingibbousup', 'mouth': 'yaybig', '_lpx': 0, '_lpy': -3, '_rpx': -3, '_rpy': -3}; states.prepared = {'eyes': 'inhalfmad', 'mouth': 'biteyay', '_lpx': 0, '_lpy': 0, '_rpx': 0, '_rpy': 0}; states.powerful = {'eyes': 'tightmad', 'mouth': 'biteyay', '_lpx': 0, '_lpy': 0, '_rpx': 0, '_rpy': 0}; states.pout = {'eyes': 'inhalfmad', 'mouth': 'openlip', '_lpx': -1, '_lpy': 0, '_rpx': 6, '_rpy': 0}; states.pout2 = {'eyes': 'openVsad', 'mouth': 'openlip', '_lpx': 0, '_lpy': 4, '_rpx': -10, '_rpy': 5}; states.proud = {'eyes': 'ingibboussad', 'mouth': 'yayplain', '_lpx': -10, '_lpy': 2, '_rpx': -11, '_rpy': 6}; states.relax = {'eyes': 'halfplain', 'mouth': 'yaysmall', '_lpx': 0, '_lpy': 0, '_rpx': 0, '_rpy': 0}; states.relief = {'eyes': 'shutsad', 'mouth': 'tongueyay', '_lpx': 0, '_lpy': 0, '_rpx': 0, '_rpy': 0}; states.regret = {'eyes': 'inwideVsad', 'mouth': 'openplain', '_lpx': 0, '_lpy': -13, '_rpx': -3, '_rpy': -13}; = {'eyes': '', 'mouth': '', '_lpx': 0, '_lpy': 0, '_rpx': 0, '_rpy': 0}; states.sad = {'eyes': 'halfsad', 'mouth': 'square', '_lpx': 0, '_lpy': 5, '_rpx': 5, '_rpy': 4}; states.satisfied = {'eyes': 'shutVsad', 'mouth': 'tongueyay', '_lpx': 0, '_lpy': 0, '_rpx': 0, '_rpy': 0}; states.scold = {'eyes': 'openVmad', 'mouth': 'openround', '_lpx': 0, '_lpy': 2, '_rpx': 0, '_rpy': 1}; states.shiver = {'eyes': 'tightVsad', 'mouth': 'grinbig', '_lpx': 0, '_lpy': 0, '_rpx': 0, '_rpy': 0}; states.shockbelly = {'eyes': 'wideVsad', 'mouth': 'wide', '_lpx': -3, '_lpy': 7, '_rpx': -11, '_rpy': 8}; states.shockbox = {'eyes': 'inwideup', 'mouth': 'openbig', '_lpx': -11, '_lpy': 1, '_rpx': -11, '_rpy': 5}; states.shriek = {'eyes': 'parabolamad', 'mouth': 'openbig', '_lpx': 0, '_lpy': 0, '_rpx': 0, '_rpy': 0}; states.sick = {'eyes': 'inopentwist', 'mouth': 'openplain', '_lpx': 1, '_lpy': -1, '_rpx': -7, '_rpy': 0}; states.sly = {'eyes': 'inhalfmad', 'mouth': 'grinsmall', '_lpx': 0, '_lpy': -1, '_rpx': 5, '_rpy': 0}; states.squee = {'eyes': 'parabolaup', 'mouth': 'grinsmall', '_lpx': 0, '_lpy': 0, '_rpx': 0, '_rpy': 0}; states.stifle = {'eyes': 'inopenVsad', 'mouth': 'biteyay', '_lpx': 0, '_lpy': 0, '_rpx': 0, '_rpy': 0}; states.struggling = {'eyes': 'inopenVsad', 'mouth': 'openbig', '_lpx': 0, '_lpy': -2, '_rpx': -9, '_rpy': -1}; states.stunned = {'eyes': 'inwideup', 'mouth': 'square', '_lpx': 0, '_lpy': 0, '_rpx': -7, '_rpy': 0}; states.surprise = {'eyes': 'openup', 'mouth': 'rectangle', '_lpx': -10, '_lpy': 2, '_rpx': -11, '_rpy': 5}; states.tasty = {'eyes': 'ingibbousVsad', 'mouth': 'tongueyay', '_lpx': 0, '_lpy': -1, '_rpx': 0, '_rpy': -2}; states.tease = {'eyes': 'ingibboustwist', 'mouth': 'tongueyay', '_lpx': 0, '_lpy': -1, '_rpx': 5, '_rpy': -2}; states.terrified = {'eyes': 'wideVsad', 'mouth': 'openround', '_lpx': 0, '_lpy': -10, '_rpx': -5, '_rpy': -11}; states.think = {'eyes': 'ingibboustwist', 'mouth': 'opensmall', '_lpx': 0, '_lpy': -1, '_rpx': 5, '_rpy': -2}; states.think2 = {'eyes': 'ingibboussad', 'mouth': 'opensmall', '_lpx': 0, '_lpy': -2, '_rpx': -5, '_rpy': -2}; states.tired = {'eyes': 'inhalfsad', 'mouth': 'opensmall', '_lpx': 0, '_lpy': 2, '_rpx': -6, '_rpy': 1}; states.uncomfortable = {'eyes': 'gibboussad', 'mouth': 'rectangle', '_lpx': 1, '_lpy': 6, '_rpx': -10, '_rpy': 7}; states.unsure = {'eyes': 'opensad', 'mouth': 'openplain', '_lpx': 0, '_lpy': -1, '_rpx': 5, '_rpy': -2}; states.weird = {'eyes': 'opentwist', 'mouth': 'square', '_lpx': 0, '_lpy': -1, '_rpx': 0, '_rpy': -1}; states.wistful = {'eyes': 'opensad', 'mouth': 'yaysmall', '_lpx': 0, '_lpy': -5, '_rpx': -9, '_rpy': -4}; states.wonder = {'eyes': 'openup', 'mouth': 'openplain', '_lpx': 1, '_lpy': 6, '_rpx': -9, '_rpy': 6}; states.wonder2 = {'eyes': 'openup', 'mouth': 'openplain', '_lpx': 1, '_lpy': -2, '_rpx': -10, '_rpy': -2}; states.worried = {'eyes': 'wideVsad', 'mouth': 'openplain', '_lpx': 0, '_lpy': -1, '_rpx': -3, '_rpy': -2}; states.yell = {'eyes': 'inwideVmad', 'mouth': 'wide', '_lpx': 0, '_lpy': -2, '_rpx': 0, '_rpy': -3}; states.idle0 = {'eyes': 'shutplain', 'mouth': 'up', '_lpx': 0, '_lpy': 0, '_rpx': 0, '_rpy': 0}; states.idle1 = {'eyes': 'shutplain', 'mouth': 'up', '_lpx': 0, '_lpy': 0, '_rpx': 0, '_rpy': 0}; states.idle5 = {'eyes': 'openup', 'mouth': 'down', '_lpx': 0, '_lpy': 5, '_rpx': -9, '_rpy': 6}; states.idleB1 = {'eyes': 'wideVsad', 'mouth': 'breathing', '_lpx': -3, '_lpy': 6, '_rpx': -10, '_rpy': 8}; states.idlePB1 = {'eyes': 'ingibboussad', 'mouth': 'up', '_lpx': 1, '_lpy': 7, '_rpx': -4, '_rpy': 6}; states.idlePB2 = {'eyes': 'ingibboussad', 'mouth': 'up', '_lpx': -10, '_lpy': 2, '_rpx': -11, '_rpy': 7}; states.idlePB3 = {'eyes': 'ingibbousVsad', 'mouth': 'up', '_lpx': -2, '_lpy': 2, '_rpx': 8, '_rpy': 1}; setState = function (str) { stateTimer = 35 + speech_b._txt.length * 1.5; if (CurState != str) { CurState = str; lydia.head.eyes.gotoAndPlay(states[CurState].eyes); lydia.head.mouth.gotoAndPlay(states[CurState].mouth); lydia.head.eyes.LP._x = lpX + states[CurState]._lpx; lydia.head.eyes.LP._y = lpY + states[CurState]._lpy; lydia.head.eyes.RP._x = rpX + states[CurState]._rpx; lydia.head.eyes.RP._y = rpY + states[CurState]._rpy; } }; moveArm = function (u_s) { if (lydia.arm._currentlabel != u_s) { lydia.arm.gotoAndPlay(lydia.arm._currentlabel + '2' + u_s); } }; charSpeak = function (n, f) { if (boomboxpower == false && Tbellysize < 500 && f == true) { n = 'poweroff' + n; } speechTimer = speech[n]._line.length * 2.3; speech_b._txt.text = speech[n]._line; setState(speech[n]._expression); moveArm(speech[n]._arm); if (speech[n].forcekick == true) { kickran = 8000; } if (speech[n]._line2 != '') { if (secondline != n) { secondline = n; } else { speechTimer = speech[n]._line2.length * 2.3; speech_b._txt.text = speech[n]._line2; setState(speech[n]._expression2); moveArm(speech[n]._arm2); if (f == false) { secondline = -5000; } } } else { secondline = -5000; } if (f == true) { speechTimer = speech[n]._line.length * 2.3; speech_b._txt.text = speech[n]._line; setState(speech[n]._expression); moveArm(speech[n]._arm); } }; var beatmax = 18; speakerbox.round_b.onPress = function () { music_grid.note_power = 100; }; speakerbox.beatup_b.onPress = function () { beatmax = Math.max(6, beatmax - 1); this.hasbeenpressed = true; }; speakerbox.beatdown_b.onPress = function () { beatmax = Math.min(36, beatmax + 1); this.hasbeenpressed = true; }; speakerbox.beatrestart_b.onPress = function () { nextbeat = beatmax; this.hasbeenpressed = true; }; music_grid._visible = false; speakerbox.power_b.onPress = function () { if (boomboxpower == false) { boomboxpower = true; music_grid._visible = true; charSpeak(0); } else { charSpeak('noturnoff', false); } this.hasbeenpressed = true; }; lydia.head.onPress = function () { speechTimer = 0; forceDelay = 0; ranspeech = 1; }; speech_b.onPress = function () { if (speechTimer > 10) { speechTimer = 10; stateTimer = 15; } }; reset = function () { music_grid._visible = false; Tbellysize = 1; Tbustsize = 0; Thipshize = 0; resetTimer = 0; next_speech = 0; helpcancelled = 0; birthing = 0; birthclicks = 500; naked = false; boomboxpower = false; fixspeakerbox(); birthing = 0; ending = 0; finalpush = 0; resetN = 2; lydia.kransky._visible = false; = false; lydia.belly.SB._visible = false; lydia.L_arm4.twitch._visible = false; lydia.belly.egg._visible = false; Dthing = lydia.tubetop; Dthing._alpha = 100; Dthing._xscale = 100; Dthing._yscale = 100; Dthing = lydia.belt; Dthing._alpha = 100; Dthing._xscale = 100; Dthing._yscale = 100; Dthing = lydia.R_leg.pant; Dthing._alpha = 100; Dthing._xscale = 100; Dthing._yscale = 100; Dthing = lydia.L_leg.pant; Dthing._alpha = 100; Dthing._xscale = 100; Dthing._yscale = 100; updateClothes(); }; countdown = function (a, b) { if (_root[a] > b) { _root[a] -= 1; } }; minmax = function (a, b, c) { if (_root[a] < b) { _root[a] = b; } if (_root[a] > c) { _root[a] = c; } }; smoothAdjust = function (s1, s2, mu) { if (_root[s1] != _root[s2]) { if ((_root[s2] - _root[s1]) * mu > 1 || (_root[s2] - _root[s1]) * mu < -1) { _root[s1] += Math.floor((_root[s2] - _root[s1]) * mu); } else { if ((_root[s2] - _root[s1]) * mu < 0) { _root[s1] -= 1; } else { if ((_root[s2] - _root[s1]) * mu > 0) { _root[s1] += 1; } } } } }; circular = function (astart, a, aplus) { if (_root[a + 'started'] != 8) { _root[a] = astart; _root[a + 'started'] = 8; } if (_root[a] < 6.283185307179586) { _root[a] += aplus; } else { _root[a] -= 6.283185307179586; } }; squaredistance = function (x1, x2, y1, y2) { return Math.sqrt((x1 - x2) * (x1 - x2) + (y1 - y2) * (y1 - y2)); }; lydia.belly.onPress = function () { startrub = 10; }; lydia.l_breast.onPress = function () { bstartrub = 10; }; lydia.r_breast.onPress = lydia.l_breast.onPress; onMouseUp = function () { mousepressed = false; if (startrub > 1) { startrub = 2; } if (bstartrub > 1) { bstartrub = 2; } rubbing = 0; brubbing = 0; mousemove = 0; if (finetune_on == true) { Tbellysize = ((_xmouse - _panel.finetune_b._x) / 140) * 500; minmax('Tbellysize', 0, 500); Tbellysize = Math.round(Tbellysize); _panel.finetune_b.greenbox._alpha = 250; next_speech = Math.floor(Tbellysize / 100); } finetune_on = false; }; var CEID = 0; onMouseDown = function () { mousepressed = true; if (over_ears == true && Tbellysize >= 500 && birthclicks > 0) { birthclicks -= 50; var v1 = attachMovie('C_E', 'CE1', 400 + CEID); CEID += 1; if (CEID > 10) { CEID = 0; } v1._x = _xmouse; v1._y = _ymouse; } }; helpcheck = function (n, n1) { if (n.hitTest(_xmouse, _ymouse, true) == true) { _panel.helpbox._txt.text = helpspeech[n1]._line; } }; makeKick = function (kx, ky) { var v1 = lydia.belly.midpoint.attachMovie('babykick', 'kick' + kickID, kickID); v1._x = kx; v1._y = ky; v1.centerx = 0; v1.centery = 0; v1._rotation * 360; kickID += 1; if (kickID > 200) { kickID -= 100; } }; fixspeakerbox = function () { speakerbox.innerbox.gotoAndStop(1); speakerbox.power_b._visible = true; speakerbox.beatup_b._visible = true; speakerbox.beatdown_b._visible = true; speakerbox.beatrestart_b._visible = true; }; lydia.r_ear.startrot = lydia.r_ear._rotation; lydia.l_ear.startrot = lydia.l_ear._rotation; lydia.r_ear.startX = lydia.r_ear._x; lydia.l_ear.startX = lydia.l_ear._x; var BBLBXS = speakerbox.beatdown_b._x; var BBLBYS = speakerbox.beatdown_b._y; var BBRBXS = speakerbox.beatup_b._x; var BBRBYS = speakerbox.beatup_b._y; var PYS = _panel._y; var PYSB = _panel._y; _panel.reset_b._txt.text = 'Reset'; var resetD = 0; _panel.revert_b._txt.text = 'Revert'; _panel.chatter_b._txt.text = 'Chatter'; _panel.birth_b._txt.text = 'Birth'; _panel.Xray_b._txt.text = 'X-ray\n iwanttowinsomeseethroughskin'; _panel.finetune_b._txt.text = 'Fine Tune\n customiseherbellysize'; _panel.secretend_b._txt.text = 'Secret Ending\n patentpendingsecretending'; rave_screen._visible = false; _panel.rave_party_b._txt.text = 'Rave Party!\n (seizure warning) dontbetardytotheparty'; var birth_delay = 0; _panel.onEnterFrame = function () { if (this.backing.hitTest(_xmouse, _ymouse, true)) { if (firsthelp == false) { firsthelp = true; var v2 = _panel.help_b.attachMovie('showhintbutton', 'SHB1', 2); } PYSB = PYS - 100; } else { PYSB = PYS; } if (_panel._y != PYSB) { _panel._y += (PYSB - _panel._y) * 0.3; } if (resetD > 0) { resetD -= 1; if (this.reset_b._currentframe < 2) { this.reset_b.gotoAndStop(2); } if (beating > 0) { this.reset_b.gotoAndPlay(2); } this.reset_b._txt.text = 'Really?'; } else { this.reset_b.gotoAndStop(1); this.reset_b._txt.text = 'Reset'; } if (birthing > 0) { this.revert_b._alpha = 50; } else { this.revert_b._alpha = 100; } if (birth_delay > 0) { birth_delay -= 1; if (this.birth_b._currentframe == 1) { this.birth_b.gotoAndStop(2); } else { if (beating > 0) { this.birth_b.gotoAndPlay(2); } } if (Tbellysize < 500) { this.birth_b._txt.text = 'Not yet'; } else { this.birth_b._txt.text = birthclicks; if (birthing > 0) { this.birth_b._txt.text = 'Pushing'; } } if (birthing == 9 || birthing == 19 || birthing == 29) { this.birth_b._txt.text = 'Done'; } if (nomorebirth > 0) { nomorebirth -= 1; this.birth_b._txt.text = 'Done'; } } else { if (this.birth_b._currentframe > 1) { this.birth_b.gotoAndStop(1); } this.birth_b._txt.text = 'Birth'; } }; birthturn = 0; _panel.birth_b.onPress = function () { if (birthing > 0) { if (birth_delay <= 0) { birth_delay = 50; if (birthing != 9 && birthing != 19 && birthing != 29) { charSpeak('birth' + birthing, true); birthing += 1; birthturn = 4; } else { nomorebirth = birth_delay; } } else { birth_delay = 50; } } else { birth_delay = 30; } if (Tbellysize >= 500) { birthclicks = Math.max(birthclicks - 1, 0); } }; _panel.chatter_b.onPress = function () { canchat = !canchat; _panel.chatter_b._txt.text = 'Chatter'; }; _panel.revert_b.onPress = function () { if (birthing <= 0) { if (Tbellysize >= 500) { fixspeakerbox(); music_grid._visible = true; boomboxpower = true; } Tbellysize -= 50; next_speech = Tbellysize; } }; _panel.help_b.onPress = function () { helpmode = !helpmode; if (helpmode == true) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } }; _panel.reset_b.onPress = function () { if (resetD <= 0) { resetD = 22; } else { resetD = 0; reset(); } }; _panel.Xray_b._visible = Xrayunlocked; _panel.Xray_b.onPress = function () { Xrayon = !Xrayon; if (Xrayon == true) { _panel.Xray_b.gotoAndStop(2); } else { _panel.Xray_b.gotoAndStop(1); } _panel.Xray_b._txt.text = 'X-ray\n iwanttowinsomeseethroughskin'; }; _panel.finetune_b._visible = finetune_unlocked; _panel.finetune_b.onPress = function () { finetune_on = true; }; _panel.rave_party_b._visible = raveparty_unlocked; _panel.rave_party_b.onPress = function () { rave_screen._visible = !rave_screen._visible; if (rave_screen._visible == true) { _panel.rave_party_b.gotoAndStop(2); } else { _panel.rave_party_b.gotoAndStop(1); } _panel.rave_party_b._txt.text = 'Rave Party!\n (seizure warning) dontbetardytotheparty'; }; _panel.secretend_b._visible = secretending_unlocked; _panel.secretend_b.onPress = function () { if (ending == 1 || ending == 3) { ending += 1; finalpush = 0; birthing += 2; bellysize = 1; } }; speakerbox.beat1_b.hasbeenpressed = false; speakerbox.beat1_b.onPress = function () { drumbeatval = 1; reset_beat_buttons(); speakerbox.beat1_b.gotoAndStop(2); }; speakerbox.beat2_b.hasbeenpressed = false; speakerbox.beat2_b.onPress = function () { drumbeatval = 2; reset_beat_buttons(); speakerbox.beat2_b.gotoAndStop(2); }; speakerbox.beat3_b.hasbeenpressed = false; speakerbox.beat3_b.onPress = function () { drumbeatval = 3; reset_beat_buttons(); speakerbox.beat3_b.gotoAndStop(2); }; speakerbox.beat4_b.hasbeenpressed = false; speakerbox.beat4_b.onPress = function () { drumbeatval = 4; reset_beat_buttons(); speakerbox.beat4_b.gotoAndStop(2); }; speakerbox.beat5_b.hasbeenpressed = false; speakerbox.beat5_b.onPress = function () { drumbeatval = 5; reset_beat_buttons(); speakerbox.beat5_b.gotoAndStop(2); }; speakerbox.beat6_b.hasbeenpressed = false; speakerbox.beat6_b.onPress = function () { drumbeatval = 6; reset_beat_buttons(); speakerbox.beat6_b.gotoAndStop(2); }; reset_beat_buttons = function () { speakerbox.beat1_b.gotoAndStop(1); speakerbox.beat2_b.gotoAndStop(1); speakerbox.beat3_b.gotoAndStop(1); speakerbox.beat4_b.gotoAndStop(1); speakerbox.beat5_b.gotoAndStop(1); speakerbox.beat6_b.gotoAndStop(1); }; mute_b.onPress = function () { muted = !muted; if (muted == true) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } }; reset_beat_buttons(); speakerbox.beat1_b.gotoAndStop(2); var lydia_arm_rot = -1; var lydia_forarm_rot = -1; var lydia_forearm_startrot = 0; var LLFASR = lydia.L_arm2.forearm._rotation; var helpmode = false; var helpspeech = new Object(); helpspeech.blank = {'_line': 'blank'}; helpspeech.secret_end = {'_line': 'This is the secret ending button. Click on it when it\'s not greyed out to make a secret ending happen.'}; helpspeech.blank = {'_line': 'blank'}; helpspeech.beanbag = {'_line': 'This is a beanbag. It\'s comfortable to sit on.'}; helpspeech.Dbox = {'_line': 'This box displays the current beats per minute (BPM) of the speakers.'}; helpspeech.Mgrid = {'_line': 'This is the music grid. Using the keyboard or the mouse, Guide the orb over the unbroken notes.'}; helpspeech.Morb = {'_line': 'This is the music orb. If it touches broken notes, it will temporarily be disabled. Touching unbroken notes will make its note bigger until it frees itself. '}; helpspeech.speakerpower = {'_line': 'Clicking on this will activate the boombox. You will then have permission to play whatever music you like in the background.'}; helpspeech.speaker = {'_line': 'This is a speaker. It produces audible sound.'}; helpspeech.beat_b = {'_line': 'This is one of the buttons that changes how the drum beat sounds.'}; helpspeech.mute = {'_line': 'This will mute, or unmute the sound of this game. Lydia can still hear it regardless though.'}; helpspeech.hidden = {'_line': 'This button produces magic bubbles. It\'s supposed to be a debugging feature, so I\'m not sure how you got to see it.'}; helpspeech.beatrateup = {'_line': 'Clicking this will increase the BPM of the speakers.'}; helpspeech.beatratedown = {'_line': 'Clicking this will decrease the BPM of the speakers.'}; helpspeech.beatreset = {'_line': 'This will start the beat at the time you click it. '}; helpspeech.beatrate = {'_line': 'Clicking this will decrease the BPM of the speakers.'}; helpspeech.birth = {'_line': 'Clicking on this will bring you closer to making Lydia give birth, if she\'s able.'}; helpspeech.revert = {'_line': 'Clicking on this button will make Lydia\'s belly smaller.'}; helpspeech.reset = {'_line': 'Clicking on this will put everything back the way it was when you arrived.'}; helpspeech.face = {'_line': 'This is Lydia\'s face. Not only is it a pretty face, but clicking on it will make her chat with you.'}; helpspeech.belly = {'_line': 'This is Lydia\'s waist. It remains narrow, despite how much of a big eater she is.'}; helpspeech.belly2 = {'_line': 'This is Lydia\'s waist. There\'s some slight width here. Perhaps her diet has finally caught up with her.'}; helpspeech.belly3 = {'_line': 'This is Lydia\'s waist. It\'s quite expanded. She is definitely pregnant now.'}; helpspeech.bust = {'_line': 'These are Lydia\'s breasts. Most women have a "Look but don\'t touch" policy regarding their own pairs.'}; helpspeech.foot = {'_line': 'This is one of Lydia\'s feet. Despite their size, she\'s not ticklish. They do have their own mind when it comes to music, though. '}; helpspeech.chatter = {'_line': 'Clicking on this will toggle whether or not Lydia idly talks to you or not.'}; helpspeech.helpme = {'_line': 'This is the help button. Clicking on it will activate help mode, which will in turn teach you about things you mouse over.'}; helpspeech.ears = {'_line': 'This is one of Lydia\'s ears. Given their size, she\'s especially vulnerable to sound based attacks and magic.'}; helpspeech.default = {'_line': 'You have activated help mode. Move your mouse over things to learn more about them.'}; onEnterFrame = function () { if (resetN > 0) { resetN -= 1; } if (Tbellysize < 100 && boomboxpower == false) { Tbellysize = 1; } _panel.helpbox._txt.text = helpspeech.default._line; helpcheck(_root.beanbag, 'beanbag'); helpcheck(speakerbox.L_speaker, 'speaker'); helpcheck(speakerbox.R_speaker, 'speaker'); helpcheck(speakerbox.power_b, 'speakerpower'); helpcheck(speakerbox.beatup_b, 'beatrateup'); helpcheck(speakerbox.beatdown_b, 'beatratedown'); helpcheck(speakerbox.beatrestart_b, 'beatreset'); helpcheck(speakerbox.displaybox, 'Dbox'); helpcheck(speakerbox.beat1_b, 'beat_b'); helpcheck(speakerbox.beat2_b, 'beat_b'); helpcheck(speakerbox.beat3_b, 'beat_b'); helpcheck(speakerbox.beat4_b, 'beat_b'); helpcheck(speakerbox.beat5_b, 'beat_b'); helpcheck(speakerbox.beat6_b, 'beat_b'); helpcheck(_root.mute_b, 'mute'); if (debugging == true) { helpcheck(speakerbox.round_b, 'hidden'); } overpregbub = Math.max(0, overpregbub - 1); if (overpregbub > 0) { _panel.helpbox._txt.text = 'Clicking on this will make it fly into Lydia\'s belly, and start to make her more pregnant! '; } helpcheck(_panel.secretend_b, 'secret_end'); helpcheck(_panel.revert_b, 'revert'); helpcheck(_panel.help_b, 'helpme'); helpcheck(_panel.chatter_b, 'chatter'); helpcheck(_panel.reset_b, 'reset'); helpcheck(_panel.birth_b, 'birth'); helpcheck(lydia.l_ear, 'ears'); helpcheck(lydia.r_ear, 'ears'); helpcheck(lydia.head, 'face'); helpcheck(lydia.l_breast, 'bust'); helpcheck(lydia.r_breast, 'bust'); helpcheck(lydia.belly, 'belly'); if (Tbellysize > 101) { helpcheck(lydia.belly, 'belly2'); } if (Tbellysize > 300) { helpcheck(lydia.belly, 'belly3'); } helpcheck(lydia.R_leg.foot, 'foot'); helpcheck(lydia.L_leg.foot, 'foot'); helpcheck(_root.music_grid, 'Mgrid'); helpcheck(music_grid.red_ball, 'Morb'); if (finetune_on == true) { _panel.finetune_b.greenbox._x = Math.min(140, Math.max(0, _xmouse - (_panel.finetune_b._x + _panel._x))); } _panel.finetune_b.greenbox._alpha = Math.max(100, _panel.finetune_b.greenbox._alpha - 10); if (helpmode == true) { if (_panel.helpbox._alpha < 85) { _panel.helpbox._alpha = Math.min(100, _panel.helpbox._alpha + 12); } if (beating > 0) { _panel.help_b.gotoAndPlay(2); } } else { if (_panel.helpbox._alpha > 0) { _panel.helpbox._alpha = Math.max(0, _panel.helpbox._alpha - 12); } } if (canchat == true) { if (_panel.chatter_b._currentframe <= 1) { _panel.chatter_b.gotoAndStop(2); _panel.chatter_b._txt.text = 'Chatter'; } if (beating > 0) { _panel.chatter_b.gotoAndPlay(2); } } else { if (_panel.chatter_b._currentframe > 1) { _panel.chatter_b.gotoAndStop(1); _panel.chatter_b._txt.text = 'Chatter'; } } switch (current_speech) { case 0: backupState = 'idle0'; break; case 50: backupState = 'idle1'; break; case 100: backupState = 'idle1'; break; case 150: backupState = 'idle1'; break; case 200: backupState = 'idle1'; break; case 250: backupState = 'idle5'; break; case 300: backupState = 'idleB1'; break; case 350: backupState = 'idlePB1'; break; case 400: backupState = 'idleB1'; break; case 450: backupState = 'idlePB2'; break; case 500: backupState = 'idleB1'; break; case 550: backupState = 'idlePB3'; } beatrate = (30 / beatmax) * Math.PI; if (boomboxpower == false) { circular(0.4, 'ear_rot', 0.021); } else { circular(0.4, 'ear_rot', beatrate * 0.01); } if (Xrayon == false) { Xraysize = Math.max(Xraysize - (1 + Xraysize / 10), 0); } else { Xraysize = Math.min(Xraysize + (1 + Xraysize / 10), 100); } lydia.belly.womb_mask._xscale = Xraysize; lydia.belly.womb_mask._yscale = Xraysize; lydia.Xray._xscale = Xraysize; lydia.Xray._yscale = Xraysize; lydia.l_ear._rotation = Math.sin(ear_rot) * 3; lydia.r_ear._rotation = Math.sin(-ear_rot) * 3; lydia.l_ear._x += (lydia.l_ear.startX - lydia.l_ear._x) * 0.1; lydia.r_ear._x += (lydia.r_ear.startX - lydia.r_ear._x) * 0.1; nextbeat += 1; speakerbox.displaybox._txt.text = Math.round((30 / beatmax) * 60); beating = Math.max(0, beating - 1); if (nextbeat > beatmax) { nextbeat -= beatmax; beating = 1; if (boomboxpower == true && muted == false) { var v5 = attachMovie('drumbeat' + drumbeatval, 'drumbeat' + DBID, DBID); DBID += 1; if (DBID > 530) { DBID = 500; } } glowplus = 5; if (boomboxpower == true) { lydia.L_arm.gotoAndPlay(4); lydia.R_arm.gotoAndPlay(4); lydia.l_ear._x = lydia.l_ear.startX - beating * 5; lydia.r_ear._x = lydia.r_ear.startX - beating * 5; } } glowplus = Math.max(glowplus - 1, 0); var v2 = new flash.filters.GlowFilter(65535, 15, 16 + glowplus, 16 + glowplus, 1 + glowplus, 1, false, false); if (bellyglow == true) { if (Tbellysize < 100) { lydia.tubetop.filters = [v2]; lydia.belt.filters = [v2]; lydia.R_leg.pant.filters = [v2]; lydia.L_leg.pant.filters = [v2]; } else { lydia.belly.filters = [v2]; lydia.l_fakebreast.filters = [v2]; lydia.r_fakebreast.filters = [v2]; } bellyglow = false; } else { lydia.belly.filters = []; lydia.tubetop.filters = []; lydia.belt.filters = []; lydia.R_leg.pant.filters = []; lydia.L_leg.pant.filters = []; lydia.l_fakebreast.filters = []; lydia.r_fakebreast.filters = []; } if (lydia.tubetop._alpha > 90) { lydia.l_breast.nip._visible = false; } else { lydia.l_breast.nip._visible = true; } countdown('stateTimer', 0); countdown('speechTimer', 0); if (stateTimer <= 5) { setState(backupState); if (secondline != -5000) { charSpeak(secondline, false); } } startrub = Math.max(0, startrub - 1); if (startrub == 1 && mousemove < 1) { charSpeak(current_speech + 7, true); } bstartrub = Math.max(0, bstartrub - 1); if (bstartrub == 1 && mousemove < 1) { charSpeak(current_speech + 9, true); } if (mousemove > 1 && overbelly == true) { startrub = 0; if (rubbing <= 0) { charSpeak(current_speech + 6, true); } rubbing = 10; } if (mousemove > 1 && overbreast == true) { bstartrub = 0; if (brubbing <= 0) { charSpeak(current_speech + 8, true); } brubbing = 10; } if (xmsb != _xmouse || ymsb != _ymouse) { if (mousepressed == true) { mousemove += squaredistance(xmsb, _xmouse, ymsb, _ymouse) / 5; mousemove = Math.max(0, mousemove - 1); mousemove = Math.max(20, mousemove); } xmsb = _xmouse; ymsb = _ymouse; } rubbing = Math.max(0, rubbing - 1); brubbing = Math.max(0, brubbing - 1); over_ears = false; if (lydia.l_ear.hitTest(_xmouse, _ymouse, true) == true) { over_ears = true; } if (lydia.r_ear.hitTest(_xmouse, _ymouse, true) == true) { over_ears = true; } overbreast = false; overbelly = false; if (lydia.l_breast.hitTest(_xmouse, _ymouse, true) == true) { overbreast = true; } if (lydia.r_breast.hitTest(_xmouse, _ymouse, true) == true) { overbreast = true; } if (lydia.belly.hitTest(_xmouse, _ymouse, true) == true) { overbelly = true; } if (canchat == false) { ranspeech = 8004; } if (speechTimer <= 0) { countdown('forceDelay', 0); if (forceDelay == 1) { ranspeech = 7850; } if (forceDelay <= 0) { countdown('ranspeech', 0); if (Math.random() * 8000 > ranspeech) { rannum = Math.floor(Math.random() * ranlines.length); charSpeak(current_speech + ranlines[rannum], true); ranlines.splice(rannum, 1); if (ranlines.length <= 0) { resetLines(); } forceDelay = 40; } } } else { ranspeech = 8004; } if (Tbellysize < 500 && finetune_on == true) { boomboxpower = true; fixspeakerbox(); } smoothAdjust('bellysize', 'Tbellysize', 0.1); smoothAdjust('bustsize', 'Tbustsize', 0.1); smoothAdjust('hipsize', 'Thipsize', 0.1); Tbustsize = Tbellysize; Thipsize = Tbellysize; var v3 = Math.floor(Tbellysize / 100) + Math.min(1, birthing) + ending; current_speech = v3 * 50; minmax('Tbellysize', 0, 500); if (v3 * 100 >= next_speech) { charSpeak(current_speech, true); next_speech += 100; } if (bellysize > 1 && bellysize < 100) { circular(0, 'colourRot', 0.3); colourplus = bellysize * 0.015 + Math.sin((nextbeat / 100) * Math.PI * 2) * 0.15; updatecolour(); } ravebeat = Math.sin((nextbeat / 100) * Math.PI * 2) * 0.15; if (bellysize >= 100 && boomboxpower == true) { Dthing = lydia.tubetop; if (Dthing._alpha > 0) { Dthing._alpha -= 5; Dthing._xscale += 2.5; Dthing._yscale += 2.5; } Dthing = lydia.belt; if (Dthing._alpha > 0) { Dthing._alpha -= 5; Dthing._xscale += 2.5; Dthing._yscale += 2.5; } Dthing = lydia.R_leg.pant; if (Dthing._alpha > 0) { Dthing._alpha -= 5; Dthing._xscale += 2.5; Dthing._yscale += 2.5; } Dthing = lydia.L_leg.pant; if (Dthing._alpha > 0) { Dthing._alpha -= 5; Dthing._xscale += 2.5; Dthing._yscale += 2.5; } } if (Tbellysize >= 400 && boomboxpower == true) { lydia.R_arm._visible = false; lydia.R_arm2._visible = true; lydia.L_arm._visible = false; lydia.L_arm2._visible = true; if (lydia_arm_rot <= -1) { lydia_arm_rot = 0; } else { lydia_arm_rot += beatrate * 0.01 * Math.PI; if (lydia_arm_rot > 6.283185307179586) { lydia_arm_rot -= 6.283185307179586; } } if (lydia_forarm_rot <= -1) { lydia_forarm_rot = 0; } else { lydia_forarm_rot += beatrate * 0.01 * Math.PI; if (lydia_forarm_rot > 6.283185307179586) { lydia_forarm_rot -= 6.283185307179586; } } if (lydia_forearm_startrot < 50) { lydia_forearm_startrot += 0.5; } lydia.R_arm2._rotation = lydia_forearm_startrot + Math.sin(lydia_arm_rot) * 5 + beating; lydia.R_arm2.forearm._rotation = Math.sin(lydia_forarm_rot) * 8; lydia.L_arm2._rotation = -lydia_forearm_startrot - Math.sin(lydia_arm_rot) * 5 + beating; lydia.L_arm2.forearm._rotation = LLFASR + Math.sin(-lydia_forarm_rot) * 8; } else { lydia.R_arm._visible = true; lydia.R_arm2._visible = false; lydia.L_arm._visible = true; lydia.L_arm2._visible = false; if (lydia_forearm_startrot > 50) { lydia_forearm_startrot -= 1; } } if (Tbellysize >= 500 && boomboxpower == false) { lydia.R_arm._visible = false; lydia.R_arm2._visible = false; lydia.R_arm3._visible = true; lydia.L_arm._visible = false; lydia.L_arm2._visible = false; lydia.L_arm3._visible = true; if (lydia.L_arm3._currentframe == 1) { lydia.L_arm3.gotoAndPlay(2); } if (lydia.R_arm3._currentframe == 1) { lydia.R_arm3.gotoAndPlay(2); } } else { lydia.L_arm3._visible = false; lydia.R_arm3._visible = false; } lydia.L_arm4._visible = lydia.L_arm3._visible; lydia.L_arm4.gotoAndStop(lydia.L_arm3._currentframe); if (birthing >= 9) { lydia.R_arm4._visible = true; lydia.R_arm3._visible = false; } else { lydia.R_arm4._visible = false; } realbellysize = Math.max(bellysize - 100, 1); if (ending == 1 || ending == 3 || ending == 5) { realbellysize = 1; } realbustsize = Math.max(bustsize - 100, 1); realhipsize = Math.max(hipsize - 100, 1); lydia.belly.gotoAndStop(realbellysize); lydia.belly.egg.gotoAndStop(realbellysize); lydia.belt.gotoAndStop(Math.max(bellysize - 100, 1)); lydia.l_breast.gotoAndStop(realbustsize); lydia.l_fakebreast.gotoAndStop(realbustsize); lydia.r_breast.gotoAndStop(realbustsize); lydia.r_fakebreast.gotoAndStop(realbustsize); lydia.tubetop.gotoAndStop(realbustsize); lydia.R_leg.gotoAndStop(realhipsize); lydia.R_leg.pant.gotoAndStop(realhipsize); lydia.L_leg.gotoAndStop(realhipsize); lydia.L_leg.pant.gotoAndStop(realhipsize); lydia.beanbottom.gotoAndStop(realhipsize); circular(0.4, 'testrot', 0.6); if (speech_b._alpha < speechTimer * 10) { speech_b._alpha += 10; } else { speech_b._alpha = speechTimer * 10; } if (speech_b._alpha > 100) { speech_b._alpha = 100; } if (speech_b._alpha < 1) { speech_b._visible = false; } else { speech_b._visible = true; } if (Tbellysize >= 250 && finished != 1) { if (beating > 0) { bellysize -= 7 + Math.floor(Tbellysize / 60); } kickran += 1; if (Math.random() * 5000 < Tbellysize + kickran && kickran > 0) { kickran = -25; makeKick(25 - Math.random() * 50, 25 - Math.random() * 50); } } else { kickran = 0; } if (growcheck > 1) { growcheck -= 1; } if (pregbubsmade >= 2 && secretending_unlocked == false) { secretending_unlocked = true; _panel.secretend_b._visible = true; var v4 = _panel.secretend_b.attachMovie('ach_obj', 'ach1', 1); v4._x += 70; v4._txt.text = 'Achievement Get: Create 2 preg-bubbles without touching a bad note'; } if (speakerbox.power_b.hasbeenpressed == true && speakerbox.beatup_b.hasbeenpressed == true && speakerbox.beatdown_b.hasbeenpressed == true && speakerbox.beatrestart_b.hasbeenpressed == true && speakerbox.beat1_b.hasbeenpressed == true && speakerbox.beat2_b.hasbeenpressed == true && speakerbox.beat3_b.hasbeenpressed == true && speakerbox.beat4_b.hasbeenpressed == true && speakerbox.beat5_b.hasbeenpressed == true && speakerbox.beat6_b.hasbeenpressed == true) { if (raveparty_unlocked == false) { raveparty_unlocked = true; v4 = _panel.rave_party_b.attachMovie('ach_obj', 'ach1', 1); _panel.rave_party_b._visible = true; v4._x += 70; v4._txt.text = 'Achievement Get: Click every button on the boombox'; } } if (allkeyscheck > 0) { allkeyscheck -= 1; } else { if (Xrayunlocked == false) { Xrayunlocked = true; v4 = _panel.Xray_b.attachMovie('ach_obj', 'ach1', 1); _panel.Xray_b._visible = true; v4._x += 110; v4._txt.text = 'Achievement Get: move the music orb over every square space on the grid'; } } birthlegrot = birthing; while (birthlegrot > 10) { birthlegrot -= 10; } if (birthlegrot == 9) { birthlegrot = 0; } if (ending == 5) { birthlegrot = 3; } lydia.R_leg.RSB = birthlegrot * -1; if (lydia.R_leg.RSB != lydia.R_leg._rotation) { lydia.R_leg._rotation += (lydia.R_leg.RSB - lydia.R_leg._rotation) * 0.2; } _panel.secretend_b._alpha = 25; if (birthturn > 0) { birthturn -= 0.4; } if (Tbellysize >= 500) { if (birthclicks <= 0) { birthclicks = 0; if (birthing == 0) { birthing = 1; } } if (birthing == 7 || birthing == 17 || birthing == 27) { finalpush = 1; } if (finalpush > 0) { finalpush += 1; } if (finalpush > 10 && finalpush < 70) { BBB._alpha = Math.min(100, BBB._alpha + 3.5); } if (finalpush > 70) { finalpush = 70; BBB._alpha = Math.max(0, BBB._alpha - 3.5); lydia.L_arm4.gotoAndStop('baby'); if (ending == 0) { ending = 1; birthing = 9; = false; } if (ending == 1) { _panel.secretend_b._alpha = 100; } if (ending == 2) { ending = 3; birthing = 19; spazz_baby._visible = true; lydia.L_arm4.twitch._visible = true; lydia.belly.SB._visible = false; } if (ending == 3) { _panel.secretend_b._alpha = 100; } if (ending > 3) { _panel.secretend_b._alpha = 10; } if (ending == 4) { ending = 5; birthing = 29; lydia.kransky._visible = true; lydia.belly.egg._visible = false; } } birthwinddown += 1; if (birthwinddown > 25) { birthwinddown = 0; birthclicks = Math.max(0, birthclicks - 1); } if (growcheck > 1) { if (finetune_unlocked == false) { finetune_unlocked = true; v4 = _panel.finetune_b.attachMovie('ach_obj', 'ach1', 1); _panel.finetune_b._visible = true; v4._x += 70; v4._txt.text = 'Achievement Get: Grow from zero to max in one go.'; } } if (boomboxpower == true) { speakerbox.innerbox.gotoAndStop(2); speakerbox.power_b._visible = false; boomboxpower = false; music_grid._visible = false; screenshake = 10; speakerbox.beatup_b._visible = false; speakerbox.beatdown_b._visible = false; speakerbox.beatrestart_b._visible = false; } } if (bellysize < 2) { = false; lydia.belly.SB._visible = false; } else { if (ending == 0) { = true; } if (ending == 2) { lydia.belly.SB._visible = true; = false; } if (ending == 4) { lydia.belly.egg._visible = true; lydia.belly.SB._visible = false; } } if (screenshake > 0) { screenshake -= 1; _root._x = -5 + Math.random() * 5; _root._y = -5 + Math.random() * 5; } if (debugging == true) { debug_01.text = drumbeatval; debug_02.text = Tbellysize; debug_03.text = birthing; } else { debug_01.text = ''; debug_02.text = ''; debug_03.text = ''; } }; } movieClip 150 { frame 1 { this._parent.push(letterboxes); var KC = attachMovie('keychecker', 'keyC1', 1); this.onPress = function () { this._parent.red_ball.XSB = this._x; this._parent.red_ball.YSB = this._y; touchedyet = true; }; } } movieClip 152 { frame 1 { this.onPress = function () { this._parent.red_ball.XSB = _root._xmouse - this._parent._x; this._parent.red_ball.YSB = this._y; }; } } movieClip 155 { } movieClip 156 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 157 { frame 1 { orbID = 0; yset1 = -1; yset2 = -1; looplock = 50; lastspawn = 0; goodspawn = 0; note_power = 0; note_lock = 0; growth = 0; beatplus = 0; var LB = new Object(); var doublepause = 0; onEnterFrame = function () { if (_root.boomboxpower == false) { lastspawn = 2; } if (_root.beating > 0) { beatplus = 5; } if (beatplus > 0) { beatplus -= 1; } red_ball._x += (red_ball.XSB - red_ball._x) * 0.2; red_ball._y += (red_ball.YSB - red_ball._y) * 0.2; red_ball.inner_note._xscale = note_power; red_ball.inner_note._yscale = red_ball.inner_note._xscale; red_ball.red_cover._alpha = note_lock; red_ball.gotoAndStop(1); if (growth > 0) { growth -= 1; red_ball.gotoAndStop(2); red_ball.inner_note._xscale = note_power + beatplus * 5; red_ball.inner_note._yscale = red_ball.inner_note._xscale; red_ball._xscale = 100 + beatplus * 4; red_ball._yscale = red_ball._xscale; } lastspawn = Math.max(0, lastspawn - 1); goodspawn += 0.01; if (note_lock > 0) { note_lock = Math.max(0, note_lock - 1); } if (note_power >= 100) { note_power = 0; _root.pregbubsmade += 1; var v2 = _root.attachMovie('preg_bub', 'preg_bub' + _root.MNID, _root.MNID); randomPI = Math.random() * Math.PI; v2._x = _root.music_grid._x + red_ball._x; v2._y = _root.music_grid._y + red_ball._y; v2.XSB = 530 - 150 * Math.sin(randomPI); v2.YSB = 405 - 150 * Math.cos(randomPI); _root.MNID += 1; if (_root.MNID > 480) { _root.MNID -= 50; } } for (i in letterboxes) { LB = letterboxes[i]; if (red_ball.hitTest(LB) == true) { LB.touchedyet = true; LB._visible = false; } } if (lastspawn <= 0) { lastspawn = 25; yset1 = -1; yset2 = -1; yset3 = -1; if (Math.random() < goodspawn) { goodspawn = 0.05; yset1 = Math.floor(Math.random() * 3); var v3 = attachMovie('orb_nice', 'orb' + orbID, orbID); v3._x = 900; v3._y = Qbox._y + yset1 * 60; orbID += 1; } if (Math.random() < 0.75) { yset2 = Math.floor(Math.random() * 3); if (looplock > 0 && yset2 >= 0) { doublepause = Math.max(0, doublepause - 1); var v4 = attachMovie('orb_mean', 'orb' + orbID, orbID); v4._x = 900; v4._y = Qbox._y + yset2 * 60; orbID += 1; } } if (Math.random() < 0.525 && doublepause <= 0) { looplock = 50; yset3 = Math.floor(Math.random() * 3); for (;;) { if (!(yset3 == yset2 && looplock > 0)) break; looplock -= 1; yset3 = Math.floor(Math.random() * 3); } if (looplock > 0 && yset3 >= 0) { doublepause = 2; v4 = attachMovie('orb_mean', 'orb' + orbID, orbID); v4._x = 900; v4._y = Qbox._y + yset3 * 60; orbID += 1; } } } }; } } // unknown tag 88 length 128 movieClip 163 { } movieClip 166 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 168 { frame 1 { hasbeenpressed = false; } } movieClip 169 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 171 { frame 1 { onEnterFrame = function () { if (_root.beating > 0 && _root.boomboxpower == true) { this._xscale = 125; } this._xscale = Math.max(100, this._xscale * 0.95); this._yscale = this._xscale; }; } } movieClip 174 { frame 2 { hasbeenpressed = true; } } movieClip 175 { frame 1 { ystart = this._y; beatrestart_b.gotoAndStop(2); onEnterFrame = function () { if (_root.beating > 0 && _root.boomboxpower == true) { this._y = ystart - 5; } if (this._y < ystart) { this._y += 1; } }; var colourchar1 = new Color(this); var colourchar2 = new Color(lydia.belt); var colourchar3 = new Color(lydia.R_leg.pant); var colourchar4 = new Color(lydia.L_leg.pant); var basecolour = new Object(); var colourplus = 0; updatecolour = function () { basecolour.ra = 100; = 100; = 100; basecolour.rb = colourplus * 150; = colourplus * 250; = colourplus * 150; colourchar1.setTransform(basecolour); colourchar2.setTransform(basecolour); colourchar3.setTransform(basecolour); colourchar4.setTransform(basecolour); }; } } movieClip 177 { } movieClip 179 { } movieClip 181 { } movieClip 186 { } movieClip 190 { frame 1 { Fstartrot = foot._rotation; onEnterFrame = function () { if (_root.beating > 0 && _root.boomboxpower == true) { foot._rotation -= 5; } if (foot._rotation != Fstartrot) { foot._rotation += (Fstartrot - foot._rotation) * 0.2; } }; } } movieClip 192 { } movieClip 198 { } movieClip 199 { } movieClip 201 { } movieClip 202 { frame 1 { rot = 0; rot2 = 0; rotstart = this._rotation; headYS = head._y; earYS = R_ear._y; onEnterFrame = function () { rot += 0.08699999999999999; if (rot > 6.283185307179586) { rot -= 6.283185307179586; } this.head._y = headYS + Math.sin(rot) * 3; this.R_ear._y = earYS + Math.sin(rot) * 3; rot2 += 0.123; if (rot2 > 6.283185307179586) { rot2 -= 6.283185307179586; } this._rotation = rotstart + Math.cos(rot2) * 5; }; } } movieClip 204 { } movieClip 208 { } movieClip 225 { } movieClip 232 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 11 { stop(); } } movieClip 234 { } movieClip 237 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 254 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 258 { } movieClip 265 { } movieClip 271 { } movieClip 274 { } movieClip 280 { } movieClip 284 { } movieClip 291 { frame 5 { gotoAndStop(1); } } movieClip 297 { } movieClip 300 { } movieClip 307 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 309 { } movieClip 310 { } movieClip 311 { frame 1 { leftright = 1; Llegrotstart = L_leg._rotation; Rlegrotstart = R_leg._rotation; onEnterFrame = function () { if (L_leg._rotation != Llegrotstart) { L_leg._rotation += (Llegrotstart - L_leg._rotation) * 0.1; } if (R_leg._rotation != Rlegrotstart) { R_leg._rotation += (Rlegrotstart - R_leg._rotation) * 0.1; } if (_root.beating > 0 && _root.birthing < 8) { if (leftright == 1) { leftright = -1; L_leg._rotation -= 15; L_leg.gotoAndPlay(2); } else { leftright = 1; R_leg._rotation -= 15; R_leg.gotoAndPlay(2); } } }; } } movieClip 316 { } movieClip 319 { } movieClip 320 { } movieClip 324 { } movieClip 325 { } movieClip 330 { frame 1 { onEnterFrame = function () { if (this._x != this.XSB) { this._x += (this.XSB - this._x) * 0.4; } if (this._y != this.YSB) { this._y += (this.YSB - this._y) * 0.4; } }; } } movieClip 331 { } movieClip 335 { } movieClip 339 { } movieClip 342 { } movieClip 343 { } movieClip 347 { } movieClip 348 { frame 1 { Lear_Rstart = head.L_ear._rotation; Rear_Rstart = head.R_ear._rotation; head_Rstart = head._rotation; Lfoot_Rstart = L_leg.foot._rotation; Rfoot_Rstart = R_leg.foot._rotation; rot = 0; onEnterFrame = function () { rot += 0.08699999999999999; if (rot > 6.283185307179586) { rot -= 6.283185307179586; } head.RSB = head_Rstart + Math.sin(rot) * 4; if (head.L_ear._rotation != Lear_Rstart) { head.L_ear._rotation += (Lear_Rstart - head.L_ear._rotation) * 0.1; } if (head.R_ear._rotation != Rear_Rstart) { head.R_ear._rotation += (Rear_Rstart - head.R_ear._rotation) * 0.1; } if (head._rotation != head.RSB) { head._rotation += (head.RSB - head._rotation) * 0.1; } if (L_leg.foot._rotation != Lfoot_Rstart) { L_leg.foot._rotation += (Lfoot_Rstart - L_leg.foot._rotation) * 0.1; } if (R_leg.foot._rotation != Rfoot_Rstart) { R_leg.foot._rotation += (Rfoot_Rstart - R_leg.foot._rotation) * 0.1; } if (Math.random() < 0.01) { head.L_ear._rotation += 10; } if (Math.random() < 0.01) { head.R_ear._rotation += 10; } if (Math.random() < 0.01) { head._rotation += 10; } if (Math.random() < 0.01) { L_leg.foot._rotation += 10; } if (Math.random() < 0.01) { R_leg.foot._rotation += 10; } }; } } movieClip 351 { } movieClip 356 { } movieClip 359 { } movieClip 365 { } movieClip 370 { frame 1 { } frame 1 { Fstartrot = foot._rotation; } } movieClip 375 { } movieClip 381 { } movieClip 383 { } movieClip 386 { } movieClip 427 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 11 { stop(); } } movieClip 450 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 11 { stop(); } frame 12 { stop(); } frame 13 { stop(); } } movieClip 454 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 460 { frame 1 { stop(); rot = 0; onEnterFrame = function () { if (this._visible == true) { rot += 0.022; if (rot > 6.283185307179586) { rot -= 6.283185307179586; } this._rotation = Math.sin(rot) * 3; } }; } } movieClip 474 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 478 { } movieClip 484 { } movieClip 553 { frame 1 { _CL = _currentframe; } frame 2 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 3 { _CL = _currentframe; } frame 4 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 5 { _CL = _currentframe; } frame 6 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 7 { _CL = _currentframe; } frame 8 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 9 { _CL = _currentframe; } frame 10 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 11 { _CL = _currentframe; } frame 12 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 13 { _CL = _currentframe; } frame 14 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 15 { _CL = _currentframe; } frame 16 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 17 { _CL = _currentframe; } frame 18 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 19 { _CL = _currentframe; } frame 20 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 21 { _CL = _currentframe; } frame 22 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 23 { _CL = _currentframe; } frame 24 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 25 { _CL = _currentframe; } frame 26 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 27 { _CL = _currentframe; } frame 28 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 29 { _CL = _currentframe; } frame 30 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 31 { _CL = _currentframe; } frame 32 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 33 { _CL = _currentframe; } frame 34 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 35 { _CL = _currentframe; } frame 36 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 37 { _CL = _currentframe; } frame 38 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 39 { _CL = _currentframe; } frame 40 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 41 { _CL = _currentframe; } frame 42 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 43 { _CL = _currentframe; } frame 44 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 45 { _CL = _currentframe; } frame 74 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 75 { _CL = _currentframe; } frame 76 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 77 { _CL = _currentframe; } frame 86 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 87 { _CL = _currentframe; } frame 101 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 102 { _CL = _currentframe; } frame 112 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 113 { _CL = _currentframe; } frame 114 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } } movieClip 633 { frame 1 { _CL = _currentframe; } frame 2 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 3 { _CL = _currentframe; } frame 4 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 5 { _CL = _currentframe; } frame 6 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 7 { _CL = _currentframe; } frame 8 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 9 { _CL = _currentframe; } frame 10 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 11 { _CL = _currentframe; } frame 12 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 13 { _CL = _currentframe; } frame 14 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 15 { _CL = _currentframe; } frame 16 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 17 { _CL = _currentframe; } frame 18 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 19 { _CL = _currentframe; } frame 20 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 21 { _CL = _currentframe; } frame 22 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 23 { _CL = _currentframe; } frame 24 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 25 { _CL = _currentframe; } frame 26 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 27 { _CL = _currentframe; } frame 28 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 29 { _CL = _currentframe; } frame 30 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 31 { _CL = _currentframe; } frame 32 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 33 { _CL = _currentframe; } frame 34 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 35 { _CL = _currentframe; } frame 36 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 37 { _CL = _currentframe; } frame 38 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 39 { _CL = _currentframe; } frame 40 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 41 { _CL = _currentframe; } frame 42 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 43 { _CL = _currentframe; } frame 44 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 45 { _CL = _currentframe; } frame 46 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 47 { _CL = _currentframe; } frame 48 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 49 { _CL = _currentframe; } frame 50 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 51 { _CL = _currentframe; } frame 52 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 53 { _CL = _currentframe; } frame 54 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 55 { _CL = _currentframe; } frame 56 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 57 { _CL = _currentframe; } frame 58 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 59 { _CL = _currentframe; } frame 60 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 61 { _CL = _currentframe; } frame 62 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 63 { _CL = _currentframe; } frame 64 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 65 { _CL = _currentframe; } frame 66 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 67 { _CL = _currentframe; } frame 68 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 69 { _CL = _currentframe; } frame 70 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 71 { _CL = _currentframe; } frame 72 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 73 { _CL = _currentframe; } frame 74 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 75 { _CL = _currentframe; } frame 76 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 77 { _CL = _currentframe; } frame 78 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 79 { _CL = _currentframe; } frame 80 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 81 { _CL = _currentframe; } frame 82 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 83 { _CL = _currentframe; } frame 84 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 85 { _CL = _currentframe; } frame 86 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 87 { _CL = _currentframe; } frame 88 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 89 { _CL = _currentframe; } frame 90 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 91 { _CL = _currentframe; } frame 92 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 93 { _CL = _currentframe; } frame 94 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 95 { _CL = _currentframe; } frame 96 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 97 { _CL = _currentframe; } frame 98 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 99 { _CL = _currentframe; } frame 100 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 101 { _CL = _currentframe; } frame 102 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 103 { _CL = _currentframe; } frame 104 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 105 { _CL = _currentframe; } frame 106 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 107 { _CL = _currentframe; } frame 108 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 109 { _CL = _currentframe; } frame 110 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 111 { _CL = _currentframe; } frame 112 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 113 { _CL = _currentframe; } frame 114 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 115 { _CL = _currentframe; } frame 116 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 117 { _CL = _currentframe; } frame 118 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 119 { _CL = _currentframe; } frame 120 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 121 { _CL = _currentframe; } frame 122 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 123 { _CL = _currentframe; } frame 124 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 125 { _CL = _currentframe; } frame 126 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 127 { _CL = _currentframe; } frame 128 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 129 { _CL = _currentframe; } frame 130 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 131 { _CL = _currentframe; } frame 132 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 133 { _CL = _currentframe; } frame 134 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 135 { _CL = _currentframe; } frame 136 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 137 { _CL = _currentframe; } frame 138 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 139 { _CL = _currentframe; } frame 140 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 141 { _CL = _currentframe; } frame 142 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 143 { _CL = _currentframe; } frame 144 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 145 { _CL = _currentframe; } frame 146 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 147 { _CL = _currentframe; } frame 148 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 149 { _CL = _currentframe; } frame 150 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 151 { _CL = _currentframe; } frame 152 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 153 { _CL = _currentframe; } frame 154 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } } movieClip 635 { frame 1 { this.rotstart = this._rotation; rot = 0; onEnterFrame = function () { if (_root.boomboxpower == true) { if (_root.beating > 0 && _root.boomboxpower == true) { this._rotation -= 5; } this._rotation = Math.min(rotstart, this._rotation * 0.9); } else { rot += 0.034; if (rot > 6.283185307179586) { rot -= 6.283185307179586; } this._rotation = rotstart + Math.sin(rot) * 3 - _root.birthturn; } }; } } movieClip 637 { frame 1 { XBID = 0; XRspawn = 0.05; onEnterFrame = function () { this._alpha = 80 + Math.random() * 20; if (Math.random() < XRspawn) { XRspawn = 0.05; var v2 = this.Iball.attachMovie('xraybar', 'X1' + XBID, XBID); XBID += 1; if (XBID > 10) { XBID = 0; } } else { XRspawn += 0.003; } }; } } movieClip 638 { } movieClip 640 { frame 1 { Rplus = 0; Gplus = 33; Bplus = 66; newlaser = 0; laserID = 0; onEnterFrame = function () { this._alpha = 100 + _root.ravebeat * 300; if (newlaser > 0) { newlaser -= 1; } else { newlaser = 3; var v3 = attachMovie('laser', 'las' + laserID, laserID); v3._x = Math.random() * 800; v3._rotation = Math.random() * 360; v3._alpha = 150; laserID += 1; } if (laserID > 100) { laserID = 0; } Rplus += 1; Gplus += 1; Bplus += 1; if (Rplus > 100) { Rplus = 0; } if (Gplus > 100) { Gplus = 0; } if (Bplus > 100) { Bplus = 0; } }; } } movieClip 643 { } movieClip 650 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 8 { gotoAndStop(2); } } movieClip 657 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 8 { gotoAndStop(2); } } movieClip 662 { } movieClip 665 { } movieClip 667 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { onEnterFrame = function () { if (_root.beating > 0) { this.WB._y = 93; } if (this.WB._y > -3) { this.WB._yscale = 100 + _root.beatmax; this.WB._y -= _root.beatrate * 1.1; } }; } } movieClip 670 { } movieClip 671 { } movieClip 673 { } movieClip 676 { } // unknown tag 88 length 282 movieClip 683 { } movieClip 685 { } movieClip 690 { frame 1 { this._alpha = 50; } } movieClip 693 { }
Created: 8/5 -2024 22:29:43 Last modified: 8/5 -2024 22:29:43 Server time: 20/06 -2024 11:28:21