Archived flashes:
/disc/ · /res/     /show/ · /fap/ · /gg/ · /swf/P0001 · P2565 · P5129

<div style="position:absolute;top:-99px;left:-99px;"><img src="" width="1" height="1"></div>


This is the info page for
Flash #256101

(Click the ID number above for more basic data on this flash file.)

ActionScript [AS1/AS2]
Combined Code
frame 1 { function openLink(obj, item) { getURL('', '_blank'); } function geturl() { geturlslack(); } function geturlWinLose() { geturlslack(); } function geturlslack() { _root.getURL('', '_blank'); } var my_cm = new ContextMenu(); my_cm.hideBuiltInItems(); my_cm.customItems.push(new ContextMenuItem('Nguồn:', openLink, true)); jenisGameJudul = 'partyslacking'; jenisGameJudul1 = 'party-slacking'; = my_cm; } movieClip 32 { } movieClip 1094 { #initclip if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { var v1 = function (clipLocation, frameRate, initGameFunction, haveMultiLang) { System.useCodepage = false; this.location = clipLocation; if (haveMultiLang) { this.loadLang(); } else { _root.nowLang = 'Multi Languange Disabled'; _root.gameURL = this.url + this.countryURL; this.location.lang_mc._visible = false; } this.updateLang(); this.initGame = initGameFunction; this.introTimer = frameRate * 4; this.timerMax = frameRate * 7; this.initContextMenu(); this.location.startBut._visible = false; this.location.gotoAndStop('preloader'); this.location.onEnterFrame = mx.utils.Delegate.create(this, this.update); this.location.startBut.onRelease = mx.utils.Delegate.create(this, this.initIntro); this.location.moreGames.onRelease = mx.utils.Delegate.create(this, this.getGameURL); }; com.gg123.preloader_as2 = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; v2.initContextMenu = function () { var v2 = new ContextMenu(); v2.hideBuiltInItems(); v2.customItems.push(new ContextMenuItem('Nguồn:', this.openLink, true)); = v2; }; v2.openLink = function (obj, item) { getURL(_root.gameURL, '_blank'); }; v2.loadLang = function () { var v3 = SharedObject.getLocal(this.saveData, '/'); this.nowLang =; if (this.nowLang == undefined) { this.nowLang = 'USA'; } _root.nowLang = this.nowLang; }; v2.saveLang = function () { var v2 = SharedObject.getLocal(this.saveData, '/'); = this.nowLang; v2.flush(); }; v2.changeLang = function (lang) { this.nowLang = lang; _root.nowLang = lang; this.location.lang_mc.defFlag.gotoAndStop(this.nowLang); this.updateLang(); }; v2.updateLang = function () { this.preloadJenisKhusus1 = 0; __reg0 = _root.nowLang; if (__reg0 === 'Brazil') { this.countryURL = ''; this.domU = '_combr'; _root.gameURL = this.url; return undefined; } if (__reg0 === 'Portugal') { this.countryURL = ''; this.domU = '_combr'; _root.gameURL = this.url; return undefined; } if (__reg0 === 'USA') { this.countryURL = '.com/'; this.domU = '_com'; _root.gameURL = this.url; return undefined; } if (__reg0 === 'UK') { this.countryURL = ''; this.domU = '_couk'; _root.gameURL = this.url; return undefined; } if (__reg0 === 'India') { this.countryURL = ''; this.domU = '_coin'; _root.gameURL = this.url; return undefined; } if (__reg0 === 'Canada') { this.countryURL = '.com/'; this.domU = '_com'; _root.gameURL = this.url; return undefined; } if (__reg0 === 'Germany') { this.countryURL = '.de/'; this.domU = '_de'; _root.gameURL = this.url; return undefined; } if (__reg0 === 'France') { this.countryURL = '.fr/'; this.domU = '_fr'; _root.gameURL = this.url; return undefined; } if (__reg0 === 'Italy') { this.countryURL = '.it/'; this.domU = '_it'; _root.gameURL = this.url; return undefined; } if (__reg0 === 'Netherlands') { this.countryURL = '.nl/'; this.domU = '_nl'; _root.gameURL = this.url; return undefined; } if (__reg0 === 'Poland') { this.countryURL = '.pl/'; this.domU = '_pl'; _root.gameURL = this.url; return undefined; } if (__reg0 === 'Ukraine') { this.countryURL = '.ru/'; this.domU = '_ru'; _root.gameURL = this.url; return undefined; } if (__reg0 === 'Russia') { this.countryURL = '.ru/'; this.domU = '_ru'; _root.gameURL = this.url; return undefined; } if (__reg0 === 'Sweden') { this.countryURL = '.se/'; this.domU = '_se'; _root.gameURL = this.url; return undefined; } if (__reg0 === 'Indonesia') { this.countryURL = ''; this.domU = '_coid'; _root.gameURL = this.url; return undefined; } if (__reg0 === 'Turkey') { this.preloadJenisKhusus1 = 1; this.countryURL = '.com/'; this.domU = '_tk'; _root.gameURL = this.url; return undefined; } if (__reg0 === 'Spain') { this.countryURL = '.com/'; this.domU = '_jdc'; this.preloadJenisKhusus1 = 2; _root.gameURL = this.url; return undefined; } if (__reg0 === 'Venezuela') { this.countryURL = '.com/'; this.domU = '_jdc'; this.preloadJenisKhusus1 = 2; _root.gameURL = this.url; return undefined; } if (__reg0 === 'Chile') { this.countryURL = '.com/'; this.domU = '_jdc'; this.preloadJenisKhusus1 = 2; _root.gameURL = this.url; return undefined; } if (__reg0 === 'Mexico') { this.countryURL = '.com/'; this.domU = '_jdc'; this.preloadJenisKhusus1 = 2; _root.gameURL = this.url; return undefined; } if (__reg0 === 'Peru') { this.countryURL = '.com/'; this.domU = '_jdc'; this.preloadJenisKhusus1 = 2; _root.gameURL = this.url; return undefined; } if (__reg0 === 'Argentina') { this.countryURL = '.com/'; this.domU = '_jdc'; this.preloadJenisKhusus1 = 2; _root.gameURL = this.url; return undefined; } if (__reg0 === 'Columbia') { this.countryURL = '.com/'; this.domU = '_jdc'; this.preloadJenisKhusus1 = 2; _root.gameURL = this.url; return undefined; } this.countryURL = '.com/'; this.domU = '_com'; _root.gameURL = this.url; return undefined; }; v2.initIntro = function () { this.saveLang(); this.location.gotoAndStop('intro'); this.location.onEnterFrame = mx.utils.Delegate.create(this, this.introWait); delete this.location.startBut.onRelease; }; v2.getGameURL = function () { getURL(_root.gameURL, '_blank'); }; v2.update = function () { if (this.timer < this.timerMax) { ++this.timer; } = Math.min(this.timer / this.timerMax, this.location.getBytesLoaded() / this.location.getBytesTotal()) * 480 - 480; if ( == 0) { this.location.startBut._visible = true; this.timer = 0; delete this.location.onEnterFrame; } }; v2.introWait = function () { if (this.timer > this.introTimer) { delete this.location.onEnterFrame; delete this.location.moreGames.onRelease; this.initGame(); return undefined; } ++this.timer; }; v2.timer = 0; v2.url = ''; v2.countryURL = '.com/'; v2.domU = '_com'; v2.nowLang = 'USA'; v2.saveData = 'LangSelect'; v2.preloadJenisKhusus1 = 0; ASSetPropFlags(com.gg123.preloader_as2.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 1095 { #initclip if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { var v1 = function (f) { super(); this.func = f; }; mx.utils.Delegate = v1; mx.utils.Delegate extends Object; var v2 = v1.prototype; v1.create = function (obj, func) { var v2 = function () { var v2 =; var v3 = arguments.callee.func; return v3.apply(v2, arguments); }; = obj; v2.func = func; return v2; }; v2.createDelegate = function (obj) { return mx.utils.Delegate.create(obj, this.func); }; ASSetPropFlags(mx.utils.Delegate.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 1096 __Packages.gg123API.as2.API { #initclip if (!_global.gg123API) { _global.gg123API = new Object(); } if (!_global.gg123API.as2) { _global.gg123API.as2 = new Object(); } if (!_global.gg123API.as2.API) { var v1 = function (isDebug) { trace('init'); this.gg123_url = _root.gg123_url; this.gg123_username = _root.gg123_username; this.gg123_game = _root.gg123_game; this.gg123_connection = _root.gg123_connection; var v3 = new LoadVars(); v3.load(this.gg123_url + '/api' + '/' + this.gg123_game + '/' + this.gg123_connection + '/connected'); v3.onLoad = function (success) { if (success) { this.textField.text = '\rvariable loaded'; trace('variable loaded'); return undefined; } this.textField.text = '\rapi load failed'; trace('api load failed'); }; }; gg123API.as2.API = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; v2.submitScore = function (boardID, score) { var v3 = this.gg123_url + '/api' + '/' + this.gg123_game + '/' + this.gg123_connection + '/submit'; var v2 = new LoadVars(); v2.board = boardID; v2.score = score; v2.sendAndLoad(v3, v2, 'POST'); v2.onLoad = function (success) { trace(score); if (success) { this.textField.text = '\rsubmit success'; trace('submit success'); return undefined; } this.textField.text = '\rsubmit failed'; trace('submit failed'); }; }; ASSetPropFlags(gg123API.as2.API.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } frame 2 { function initGame() { gotoAndStop(4); } var nowLang = 'Country Name'; var gameURL = 'Game URL here'; var FRAMERATE = 25; var haveMultiLang = true; var myPreloader = new com.gg123.preloader_as2(this, FRAMERATE, initGame, haveMultiLang); } frame 2 { function changeLang(ID) { nowLang = lang[ID][1]; globUrl = lang[ID][2]; startVar = lang[ID][3]; scoreVar = lang[ID][4]; playWithVar = lang[ID][5]; insVar = lang[ID][6]; subScoreVar = lang[ID][7]; pmgVar = lang[ID][8]; tryAgainVar = lang[ID][9]; subVar = lang[ID][10]; playVar = lang[ID][11]; puodVar = lang[ID][12]; nextLevelVar = lang[ID][13]; timeVar = lang[ID][14]; clearedVar = lang[ID][15]; nameVar = lang[ID][16]; pointVar = lang[ID][17]; domU = lang[ID][18]; congVar = lang[ID][19]; pmosgVar = lang[ID][20]; sendVar = lang[ID][21]; sleepVar = lang[ID][22]; youScoredVar = lang[ID][23]; dtoVar = lang[ID][24]; dtgVar = lang[ID][25]; dtpVar = lang[ID][26]; gtcVar = lang[ID][27]; ctcVar = lang[ID][28]; nextVar = lang[ID][29]; moreGamesVar = lang[ID][30]; paVar = lang[ID][31]; itsdVar = lang[ID][32]; chtpVar = lang[ID][33]; dragAllVar = lang[ID][34]; mixAllVar = lang[ID][35]; fireVar = lang[ID][36]; potVar = lang[ID][37]; waterVar = lang[ID][38]; chickenVar = lang[ID][39]; waitVar = lang[ID][40]; finishVar = lang[ID][41]; noodlesVar = lang[ID][42]; saltVar = lang[ID][43]; middleFireVar = lang[ID][44]; mcgVar = lang[ID][45]; cAnywhereVar = lang[ID][46]; clickMeVar = lang[ID][47]; trace(posisiHalPreload + 'ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ'); btnTekenP.jenis.gotoAndStop(posisiHalPreload); myLang = ID; gglogo.gotoAndStop(nowLang); startBut.a(); } function ubahSetting() { _root.now1Lang = _root.nowLang; preloadJenisKhusus = 0; __reg0 = _root.nowLang; if (__reg0 === 'India') { _root.myLang = 1; } else { if (__reg0 === 'UK') { _root.myLang = 2; } else { if (__reg0 === 'USA') { _root.myLang = 3; } else { if (__reg0 === 'Brazil') { _root.myLang = 4; } else { if (__reg0 === 'Portugal') { _root.myLang = 4; } else { if (__reg0 === 'Germany') { _root.myLang = 5; } else { if (__reg0 === 'France') { _root.myLang = 7; } else { if (__reg0 === 'Italy') { _root.myLang = 8; } else { if (__reg0 === 'Netherlands') { _root.myLang = 9; } else { if (__reg0 === 'Poland') { _root.myLang = 10; } else { if (__reg0 === 'Ukraine') { _root.myLang = 11; } else { if (__reg0 === 'Russia') { _root.myLang = 11; } else { if (__reg0 === 'Sweden') { _root.myLang = 12; } else { if (__reg0 === 'Indonesia') { _root.myLang = 13; } else { if (__reg0 === 'Turkey') { _root.myLang = 14; preloadJenisKhusus = 1; } else { if (__reg0 === 'Spain') { _root.myLang = 6; preloadJenisKhusus = 2; } else { if (__reg0 === 'Venezuela') { _root.myLang = 6; preloadJenisKhusus = 2; } else { if (__reg0 === 'Chile') { _root.myLang = 6; preloadJenisKhusus = 2; } else { if (__reg0 === 'Mexico') { _root.myLang = 6; preloadJenisKhusus = 2; } else { if (__reg0 === 'Peru') { _root.myLang = 6; preloadJenisKhusus = 2; } else { if (__reg0 === 'Argentina') { _root.myLang = 6; preloadJenisKhusus = 2; } else { if (__reg0 === 'Columbia') { _root.myLang = 6; preloadJenisKhusus = 2; } else { trace('nowLang ga kebaca'); _root.myLang = 3; } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } _root.myLang -= 1; changeLang(_root.myLang); trace(_root.myLang + 'OKKKK'); local_data = SharedObject.getLocal('user_data', '/'); = _root.myLang; local_data.flush(); } calonBtnP._visible = false; lang = new Array(); lang = [['English', 'India', '', 'Bắt đầu', 'High Scores', 'Play with highscores at', 'Hướng dẫn', 'Submit your score?', 'Game khác', 'Thử lại', 'Submit', 'Chơi', 'Press up or down arrow key to start', 'next level', 'Thời gian:', 'Hoàn thành!', 'your name', 'Points:', '_coin', 'Chúc mừng', 'Game khác', 'send', 'sleep meter', 'Điểm của bạn:', 'dice the onion', 'dice the garlic', 'dice the parsley (click on it)', 'grate the carrot', 'cut the chicken', 'Tiếp tục', 'Game khác', 'Chơi lại', 'It\'s delicious!', 'Click here to play with highscores', 'Drag all ingredients to the pot in the correct order', 'Mix all the ingredients with a spoon', 'Fire', 'Pot', 'Water', 'Chicken', 'Wait', 'Finish', 'Noodles', 'Salt', 'Middle Fire', 'More cooking games?', 'Click chuột', 'Click Me'], ['English', 'UK', '', 'Start', 'High Scores', 'Play with highscores at', 'Instructions', 'Submit your score?', 'Play More Games', 'try again', 'Submit', 'Play', 'Press up or down arrow key to start', 'next level', 'Time:', 'Cleared!', 'your name', 'Points:', '_couk', 'Congratulations', 'Play more slacking games', 'send', 'sleep meter', 'You scored:', 'dice the onion', 'dice the garlic', 'dice the parsley (click on it)', 'grate the carrot', 'cut the chicken', 'next', 'MORE GAMES', 'PLAY AGAIN', 'It\'s delicious!', 'Click here to play with highscores', 'Drag all ingredients to the pot in the correct order', 'Mix all the ingredients with a spoon', 'Fire', 'Pot', 'Water', 'Chicken', 'Wait', 'Finish', 'Noodles', 'Salt', 'Middle Fire', 'More cooking games?', 'Click anywhere to kiss', 'Click Me'], ['English', 'USA', '.com', 'Start', 'High Scores', 'Play with highscores at', 'Instructions', 'Submit your score?', 'Play More Games', 'try again', 'Submit', 'Play', 'Press up or down arrow key to start', 'next level', 'Time:', 'Cleared!', 'your name', 'Points:', '_com', 'Congratulations', 'Play more slacking games', 'send', 'sleep meter', 'You scored:', 'dice the onion', 'dice the garlic', 'dice the parsley (click on it)', 'grate the carrot', 'cut the chicken', 'next', 'MORE GAMES', 'PLAY AGAIN', 'It\'s delicious!', 'Click here to play with highscores', 'Drag all ingredients to the pot in the correct order', 'Mix all the ingredients with a spoon', 'Fire', 'Pot', 'Water', 'Chicken', 'Wait', 'Finish', 'Noodles', 'Salt', 'Middle Fire', 'More cooking games?', 'Click anywhere to kiss', 'Click Me'], ['Portugese', 'Brazil', '', 'Iniciar', 'Altas Pontuações', 'Jogue com recordes em', 'Instruções', 'Envie o seu score?', 'Jogar Mais Jogos', 'Tente Novamente', 'Enviar', 'Tocar', 'Pressione para cima ou para baixo, seta para iniciar', 'Próximo Nível', 'Tempo:', 'Cleared!', 'Seu Nome', 'Pontos:', '_combr', 'Congratulations', 'Joga mais jogos Slacking', 'enviar', 'pé arrastando', 'Você marcou:', 'pique a cebola', 'pique o alho', 'pique a salsa (clique nela)', 'Rale a cenoura', 'corte o frango', 'próximo', 'Jogos mais', 'Jogar outra vez', 'É uma delícia!', 'Clique aqui para brincar com recordes', 'Arraste todos os ingredientes para a panela na ordem correta', 'Misture todos os ingredientes com uma colher', 'Fogo', 'Pote', 'Água', 'Frango', 'Espere', 'Terminar', 'Talharim', 'Sal', 'Fogo Médio', 'Mais jogos de cozinha?', 'Clique em qualquer lugar para beijar', 'Clique em mim'], ['German', 'Germany', '.de', 'Start', 'High Scores', 'Spiele um Highscores auf', 'Anleitung', 'Punkte speichern?', 'Mehr Spiele ', 'Nochmal', 'Eintragen', 'Spielen', 'Pfeiltaste oben oder unten, um zu starten', 'Weiter', 'Zeit:', 'Geschafft!', 'Dein Name', 'Punkte:', '_de', 'Glückwünsche', 'Mehr Spiele', 'senden', 'Schlaf-o-Meter', 'Deine Punkte:', 'Schneide die Zwiebel', 'Schneide den Knoblauch', 'Schneide die Petersilie (draufklicken)', 'Rasple die Möhre', 'Schneide das Huhn klein', 'weiter', 'Mehr Spiele', 'Nochmal', 'Superlecker!', 'Hier klicken, um mit Highscore zu spielen', 'Pass auf, dass du die Zutaten in der richtigen Reigenfolge in den Topf gibst', 'Mische die Zutaten dann mit einem Löffel kräftig durch', 'Temperatur', 'Topf', 'Wasser', 'Huhn', 'Warten', 'Fertig', 'Nudeln', 'Salz', 'Mittlere Stufe', 'Mehr Kochspiele?', 'Klicken Sie irgendwo zu küssen', 'Klick mich'], ['Spanish', 'Spain', '.com', 'Iniciar', 'Altas Puntuaciones', 'Juega con puntuaciones más altas en', 'Instrucciones', 'Envía tu puntos?', 'Jugar Más juegos', 'Inténtelo de Nuevo', 'Enviar', 'Juegar', 'Presione hacia arriba o abajo para iniciar', 'Siguiente Nivel', 'Tiempo:', 'Autorizado!', 'Su Nombre', 'Puntos:', '_jdc', 'Felicidades', 'Juega más juegos Slacking', 'enviar', 'arrastrando los pies', 'Usted anotó:', 'Pique la cebolla', 'dado el ajo', 'dado el perejil (haga clic sobre él)', 'rallar la zanahoria', 'cortar el pollo', 'próximo', 'Más Juegos', 'Tócala otra vez', '¡Es delicioso!', 'Haga clic aquí para jugar con mejores puntuaciones', 'Arrastre todos los ingredientes a la olla en el orden correcto', 'Mezclar todos los ingredientes con una cuchara', 'Fuego', 'Olla', 'Agua', 'Pollo', 'Esperar', 'Terminar', 'Fideos', 'Sal', 'Medio Fuego', 'Más juegos de cocina?', 'Haga clic en cualquier lugar de besar', 'Click Me'], ['French', 'France', '.fr', 'Démarrer', 'Les Scores Les Plus élevés', 'Jouez avec highscores à', 'Instructions', 'Soumettez votre score?', 'Jouer à des jeux', 'Essayez de Nouveau ', 'Envoyer', 'Jouer', 'Appuyez sur haut ou bas pour démarrer', 'Niveau Suivant', 'Heure:', 'Cleared!', 'Votre Nom', 'Points:', '_fr', 'Félicitations', 'Jouer plus de jeux Slacking', 'envoyer', 'pieds traînant', 'Vous avez marqué:', 'dés l\'oignon', 'dés l\'ail', 'dés le persil (cliquez dessus)', 'grille de la carotte', 'couper le poulet', 'la prochaine', 'Plus de Jeux', 'Jouer à nouveau', 'C\'est délicieux!', 'Cliquez ici pour jouer avec highscores', 'Faites glisser tous les ingrédients dans la casserole dans le bon ordre', 'Mélanger tous les ingrédients avec une cuillère', 'Feu', 'Pot', 'Eau', 'Poulet', 'Attendez', 'Finir', 'Nouilles', 'Sel', 'Feu au Moyen', 'Plus de jeux de cuisine?', 'Cliquez n\'importe où pour embrasser', 'Cliquez-moi'], ['Italy', 'Italy', '.it', 'Inizio', 'Punteggi più alti', 'Gioca con punteggi più alti a', 'Istruzioni per l\'uso', 'Invia il tuo punteggio?', 'Gioca Più Giochi', 'Riprova', 'Inoltrare', 'Giocare', 'Premere freccia su o giù per avviare', 'il livello è completo', 'Tempo:', 'Passato!', 'il tuo nome', 'Punti:', '_it', 'Congratulazioni', 'Gioca altri giochi Slacking', 'inviare', 'piedi trascinando', 'Hai totalizzato:', 'tagliare a dadini la cipolla', 'dadi l\'aglio', 'tagliare a dadini il prezzemolo (click su di esso)', 'grattugiare la carota', 'tagliare il pollo', 'prossimo', 'Altri giochi', 'Gioca ancora', 'E \'delizioso!', 'Clicca qui per giocare con i punteggi più alti', 'Trascinare tutti gli ingredienti al piatto nell\'ordine corretto', 'Mescolare tutti gli ingredienti con un cucchiaio', 'Fuoco', 'Pentola', 'Acqua', 'Pollo', 'Aspettare', 'Finire', 'Tagliatelle', 'Sale', 'Medio Fuoco', 'Più giochi di cucina?', 'Clicca ovunque a baciare', 'Click Me'], ['Dutch', 'Netherlands', '.nl', 'Start', 'Hoge Scores', 'Speel met highscores te', 'Instructies', 'Geef uw score?', 'Meer games spelen', 'Probeer het opnieuw', 'Indienen', 'Spelen', 'Druk op pijl omhoog of omlaag-toets om te beginnen', 'Volgende niveau', 'Tijd:', 'Geslaagd!', 'Uw Naam', 'Punten:', '_nl', 'Felicitaties', 'Speel meer verslappende spelletjes', 'sturen', 'sleep meter', 'U behaald:', 'snijd de ui', 'snijd de knoflook', 'snijd de peterselie (klik erop)', 'Rasp de wortel', 'Snijd de kip', 'volgende', 'Meer Games', 'Speel opnieuw', 'Het is heerlijk!', 'Klik hier om te spelen met highscores', 'Sleep alle ingrediënten om de pot in de juiste volgorde', 'Meng alle ingrediënten met een lepel', 'Brand', 'Pot', 'Water', 'Kip', 'Wacht', 'Afmaken', 'Pasta', 'Zout', 'Midden-Fire', 'Meer koken spelletjes?', 'Klik ergens om te kussen', 'Klik op mij'], ['Polish', 'Poland', '.pl', 'Zacząć', 'Wysoka ocenę', 'Graj z najlepszych wyników w', 'Instrukcje', 'Prześlij swój wynik?', 'Odtwórz Więcej gier', 'Spróbuj ponownie', 'Przesłać', 'Grać', 'Prasa górę lub w dół klawisz, aby uruchomić', 'Następny poziom', 'Czas:', 'Rozliczone!', 'Imię i nazwisko', 'Punkty:', '_pl', 'Gratulacje', 'Zagraj w więcej gier Slacking', 'wysłać', 'stóp przeciągając', 'Jesteś strzelił:', 'kostkę cebulę', 'kroić czosnek', 'kostkę pietruszki (kliknij na niego)', 'ruszt marchewkę', 'cięcia kurczaka', 'następny', 'Więcej gier', 'Odtwórz ponownie', 'Jest pyszne!', 'Kliknij tutaj aby zagrać z najlepszych wyników', 'Przeciągnij wszystkie składniki do garnka w odpowiedniej kolejności', 'Wymieszać wszystkie składniki z łyżką', 'Pożar', 'Garnek', 'Woda', 'Kurczak', 'Czekać', 'Czekać', 'Kluski', 'Sól', 'Pożar Bliski', 'Więcej gry gotowanie?', 'Kliknij gdziekolwiek się całować', 'Kliknij mnie'], ['Russian', 'Russia', '.ru', 'начало', 'высокие баллы', 'Играйте с рекордами на', 'Инструкция', 'Добавить ваш счет?', 'Играть Подробнее Игры', 'попробуйте еще раз', 'Отправить', 'Играть', 'Нажмите верхнюю или нижнюю клавишу со стрелкой для начала', 'следующий уровень', 'Время:', 'Зачет!', 'Ваше имя', 'Очки:', '_ru', 'Поздравления', 'Играйте больше расшатывание игры', 'послать', 'перетащить ног', 'Вы набрали:', 'нарезать лук', 'нарезать чеснок', 'нарезать петрушку (кликните по нему)', 'натереть морковь', 'резать курицу', 'следующий', 'Больше игр', 'Играть снова', 'Это вкусно!', 'Нажмите здесь, чтобы играть с рекордов', 'Перетащите все ингредиенты в кастрюлю в правильном порядке', 'Смешайте все ингредиенты с ложкой', 'Пожар', 'Горшок', 'Воды', 'Курица', 'Подожди', 'Окончание', 'Лапша', 'Соль', 'Средние пожарной', 'Более приготовления игры?', 'Щелкните в любом месте, чтобы поцеловать', 'Click Me'], ['Sweden', 'Sweden', '.se', 'Start', 'Poäng', 'Spela med toppresultat på', 'Instruktioner', 'Skicka in din poäng?', 'Spela fler spel', 'Försök igen', 'Skicka in', 'Spela', 'Tryck upp eller ned piltangent för att starta', 'Nästa nivå', 'Tid:', 'Cleared!', 'Ditt namn', 'Poäng:', '_se', 'Gratulationer', 'Spela mer slacking spel', 'skicka', 'dra fötterna', 'Du poäng:', 'tärna löken', 'tärna vitlök', 'tärna persilja (klicka på den)', 'Riv morot', 'skär kycklingen', 'nästa', 'Mer spel', 'Spela igen', 'Det är jättegott!', 'Klicka här för att spela med rekord', 'Dra alla ingredienser till potten i rätt ordning', 'Blanda alla ingredienserna med en sked', 'Brand', 'Pot', 'Vatten', 'Kyckling', 'Vänta', 'Avsluta', 'Noodles', 'Salt', 'Mitten Brand', 'Fler matlagning spel?', 'Klicka var som helst att kyssa', 'Klicka på mig'], ['Indonesian', 'Indonesia', '', 'Mulai', 'Skor Tertinggi', 'Main dengan skor tertinggi di', 'Instruksi', 'Ajukan skor Anda?', 'Main Lebih Banyak Game', 'coba lagi', 'Ajukan', 'Main', 'Tekan tombol panah atas atau bawah untuk memulai', 'Level selanjutnya', 'Waktu:', 'Beres!', 'nama Anda', 'Skor:', '_coid', 'Selamat', 'Main game slacking lainnya', 'kirim', 'tingkat tidur', 'Nilai Anda:', 'potong bawang bombay', 'potong bawang putih', 'potong peterseli (di-klik)', 'kerat wortel', 'potong ayam', 'selanjutnya', 'LEBIH BANYAK GAME', 'MAIN LAGI', 'Lezat!', 'Klik di sini untuk bermain dengan skor tertinggi', 'Tarik semua bahan ke panci dengan urutan yang benar', 'Campur semua bahan dengan menggunakan sendok', 'Api', 'Panci', 'Air', 'Ayam', 'Tunggu', 'Selesai', 'Mi', 'Garam', 'Api Tengah', 'Main lebih banyak game memasak?', 'Klik di mana saja untuk mencium', 'Klik Saya'], ['Turkish', 'Turkey', '.com', 'Başla', 'Rekor', 'Rekor için burada oyna', 'Açıklama', 'Puanları kaydet?', 'Daha Fazlası', 'Tekrar', 'Kaydet', 'Oyna', 'Yukarı veya aşağı yön oku ile başla', 'Devam', 'Zaman:', 'Başarıldı!', 'İsmin', 'Skor:', '_tk', 'Tebrikler', 'Daha Fazlası', 'Gönder', 'Uyku metre', 'Skorun:', 'Soğanı kes', 'Sarmsağı kes', 'Maydonozu doğra (üzerine tıkla)', 'Havucu rendele', 'Tavuğu kuşbaşı kes', 'devam', 'Daha Fazlası', 'TEKRAR', 'Harika leziz!', 'Rekorlu oynamak için buraya tıkla', 'Malzemeleri doğru şekilde sırasıyla koymaya dikakt et', 'Sonra kaşık ile iyice karıştır', 'Derece', 'Tencere', 'Su', 'Tavuk', 'Bekle', 'Bitti', 'Makarna', 'Tuz', 'Orta derece', 'Başka mutfak oyunları?', 'Öpmek için herhangi bir yere tıklayın', 'Bana tıkla']]; local_data = SharedObject.getLocal('user_data', '/'); myLang =; trace(myLang); if (myLang == undefined || myLang > 13) { posisiHalPreload = 1; __reg0 = System.capabilities.language; if (__reg0 === 'en') { posisiHalPreload = 8; myLang = 2; } else { if (__reg0 === 'nl') { posisiHalPreload = 21; myLang = 8; } else { if (__reg0 === 'fr') { posisiHalPreload = 18; myLang = 6; } else { if (__reg0 === 'de') { posisiHalPreload = 17; myLang = 4; } else { if (__reg0 === 'it') { posisiHalPreload = 6; myLang = 7; } else { if (__reg0 === 'pl') { posisiHalPreload = 7; myLang = 9; } else { if (__reg0 === 'pt') { posisiHalPreload = 10; myLang = 3; } else { if (__reg0 === 'ru') { posisiHalPreload = 1; myLang = 10; } else { if (__reg0 === 'es') { posisiHalPreload = 16; myLang = 5; } else { if (__reg0 === 'sv') { posisiHalPreload = 15; myLang = 11; } else { if (__reg0 === 'tr') { myLang = 13; posisiHalPreload = 9; } else { posisiHalPreload = 8; myLang = 2; } } } } } } } } } } } = myLang; local_data.flush(); local_data = SharedObject.getLocal('user_data', '/'); myLang =; trace(myLang); } trace(nowLang + 'ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ'); __reg0 = _root.nowLang; if (__reg0 === 'Russia') { posisiHalPreload = 1; } else { if (__reg0 === 'Venezuela') { posisiHalPreload = 2; } else { if (__reg0 === 'Chile') { posisiHalPreload = 3; } else { if (__reg0 === 'Mexico') { posisiHalPreload = 4; } else { if (__reg0 === 'Peru') { posisiHalPreload = 5; } else { if (__reg0 === 'Italy') { posisiHalPreload = 6; } else { if (__reg0 === 'Poland') { posisiHalPreload = 7; } else { if (__reg0 === 'USA') { posisiHalPreload = 8; } else { if (__reg0 === 'Turkey') { posisiHalPreload = 9; } else { if (__reg0 === 'Brazil') { posisiHalPreload = 10; } else { if (__reg0 === 'UK') { posisiHalPreload = 11; } else { if (__reg0 === 'Portugal') { posisiHalPreload = 12; } else { if (__reg0 === 'Ukraine') { posisiHalPreload = 13; } else { if (__reg0 === 'Argentina') { posisiHalPreload = 14; } else { if (__reg0 === 'Sweden') { posisiHalPreload = 15; } else { if (__reg0 === 'Spain') { posisiHalPreload = 16; } else { if (__reg0 === 'Germany') { posisiHalPreload = 17; } else { if (__reg0 === 'France') { posisiHalPreload = 18; } else { if (__reg0 === 'India') { posisiHalPreload = 19; } else { if (__reg0 === 'Columbia') { posisiHalPreload = 20; } else { if (__reg0 === 'Netherlands') { posisiHalPreload = 21; } else { if (__reg0 === 'Indonesia') { posisiHalPreload = 22; } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } changeLang(myLang); } movieClip 36 { } movieClip 44 { } movieClip 45 { } // unknown tag 88 length 78 movieClip 48 { } button 50 { on (release) { _root.ubahSetting(); gotoAndStop(4); } } movieClip 59 { frame 1 { stop(); } } button 149 { on (rollOver) { a1.nextFrame(); } on (rollOut) { a1.gotoAndStop(1); } on (release) { _root.myPreloader.changeLang('Russia'); _parent.calonBtnP._visible = false; _parent.btnTekenP.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.btnTekenP.jenis.gotoAndStop(1); } } button 150 { on (rollOver) { a12.nextFrame(); } on (rollOut) { a12.gotoAndStop(1); } on (release) { _root.myPreloader.changeLang('Portugal'); _parent.calonBtnP._visible = false; _parent.btnTekenP.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.btnTekenP.jenis.gotoAndStop(12); } } button 151 { on (rollOver) { a4.nextFrame(); } on (rollOut) { a4.gotoAndStop(1); } on (release) { _root.myPreloader.changeLang('Mexico'); _parent.calonBtnP._visible = false; _parent.btnTekenP.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.btnTekenP.jenis.gotoAndStop(4); } } button 152 { on (rollOver) { a15.nextFrame(); } on (rollOut) { a15.gotoAndStop(1); } on (release) { _root.myPreloader.changeLang('Sweden'); _parent.calonBtnP._visible = false; _parent.btnTekenP.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.btnTekenP.jenis.gotoAndStop(15); } } button 153 { on (rollOver) { a2.nextFrame(); } on (rollOut) { a2.gotoAndStop(1); } on (release) { _root.myPreloader.changeLang('Venezuela'); _parent.calonBtnP._visible = false; _parent.btnTekenP.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.btnTekenP.jenis.gotoAndStop(2); } } button 154 { on (rollOver) { a13.nextFrame(); } on (rollOut) { a13.gotoAndStop(1); } on (release) { _root.myPreloader.changeLang('Ukraine'); _parent.calonBtnP._visible = false; _parent.btnTekenP.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.btnTekenP.jenis.gotoAndStop(13); } } button 155 { on (rollOver) { a3.nextFrame(); } on (rollOut) { a3.gotoAndStop(1); } on (release) { _root.myPreloader.changeLang('Chile'); _parent.calonBtnP._visible = false; _parent.btnTekenP.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.btnTekenP.jenis.gotoAndStop(3); } } button 156 { on (rollOver) { a14.nextFrame(); } on (rollOut) { a14.gotoAndStop(1); } on (release) { _root.myPreloader.changeLang('Argentina'); _parent.calonBtnP._visible = false; _parent.btnTekenP.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.btnTekenP.jenis.gotoAndStop(14); } } button 157 { on (rollOver) { a5.nextFrame(); } on (rollOut) { a5.gotoAndStop(1); } on (release) { _root.myPreloader.changeLang('Peru'); _parent.calonBtnP._visible = false; _parent.btnTekenP.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.btnTekenP.jenis.gotoAndStop(5); } } button 158 { on (rollOver) { a16.nextFrame(); } on (rollOut) { a16.gotoAndStop(1); } on (release) { _root.myPreloader.changeLang('Spain'); _parent.calonBtnP._visible = false; _parent.btnTekenP.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.btnTekenP.jenis.gotoAndStop(16); } } button 159 { on (rollOver) { a6.nextFrame(); } on (rollOut) { a6.gotoAndStop(1); } on (release) { _root.myPreloader.changeLang('Italy'); _parent.calonBtnP._visible = false; _parent.btnTekenP.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.btnTekenP.jenis.gotoAndStop(6); } } button 160 { on (rollOver) { a17.nextFrame(); } on (rollOut) { a17.gotoAndStop(1); } on (release) { _root.myPreloader.changeLang('Germany'); _parent.calonBtnP._visible = false; _parent.btnTekenP.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.btnTekenP.jenis.gotoAndStop(17); } } button 161 { on (rollOver) { a7.nextFrame(); } on (rollOut) { a7.gotoAndStop(1); } on (release) { _root.myPreloader.changeLang('Poland'); _parent.calonBtnP._visible = false; _parent.btnTekenP.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.btnTekenP.jenis.gotoAndStop(7); } } button 162 { on (rollOver) { a18.nextFrame(); } on (rollOut) { a18.gotoAndStop(1); } on (release) { _root.myPreloader.changeLang('France'); _parent.calonBtnP._visible = false; _parent.btnTekenP.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.btnTekenP.jenis.gotoAndStop(18); } } button 163 { on (rollOver) { a8.nextFrame(); } on (rollOut) { a8.gotoAndStop(1); } on (release) { _root.myPreloader.changeLang('USA'); _parent.calonBtnP._visible = false; _parent.btnTekenP.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.btnTekenP.jenis.gotoAndStop(8); } } button 164 { on (rollOver) { a19.nextFrame(); } on (rollOut) { a19.gotoAndStop(1); } on (release) { _root.myPreloader.changeLang('India'); _parent.calonBtnP._visible = false; _parent.btnTekenP.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.btnTekenP.jenis.gotoAndStop(19); } } button 165 { on (rollOver) { a9.nextFrame(); } on (rollOut) { a9.gotoAndStop(1); } on (release) { _root.myPreloader.changeLang('Turkey'); _parent.calonBtnP._visible = false; _parent.btnTekenP.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.btnTekenP.jenis.gotoAndStop(9); } } button 166 { on (rollOver) { a20.nextFrame(); } on (rollOut) { a20.gotoAndStop(1); } on (release) { _root.myPreloader.changeLang('Columbia'); _parent.calonBtnP._visible = false; _parent.btnTekenP.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.btnTekenP.jenis.gotoAndStop(20); } } button 167 { on (rollOver) { a10.nextFrame(); } on (rollOut) { a10.gotoAndStop(1); } on (release) { _root.myPreloader.changeLang('Brazil'); _parent.calonBtnP._visible = false; _parent.btnTekenP.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.btnTekenP.jenis.gotoAndStop(10); } } button 168 { on (rollOver) { a21.nextFrame(); } on (rollOut) { a21.gotoAndStop(1); } on (release) { _root.myPreloader.changeLang('Netherlands'); _parent.calonBtnP._visible = false; _parent.btnTekenP.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.btnTekenP.jenis.gotoAndStop(21); } } button 169 { on (rollOver) { a11.nextFrame(); } on (rollOut) { a11.gotoAndStop(1); } on (release) { _root.myPreloader.changeLang('UK'); _parent.calonBtnP._visible = false; _parent.btnTekenP.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.btnTekenP.jenis.gotoAndStop(11); } } button 170 { on (rollOver) { a22.nextFrame(); } on (rollOut) { a22.gotoAndStop(1); } on (release) { _root.myPreloader.changeLang('Indonesia'); _parent.calonBtnP._visible = false; _parent.btnTekenP.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.btnTekenP.jenis.gotoAndStop(22); } } movieClip 171 { } frame 3 { var gg123_api = new gg123API.as2.API(true); } // unknown tag 88 length 110 // unknown tag 88 length 68 // unknown tag 88 length 217 // unknown tag 88 length 88 // unknown tag 88 length 61 // unknown tag 88 length 62 movieClip 187 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 190 { } movieClip 192 { } movieClip 193 { } movieClip 195 { } movieClip 198 { } movieClip 199 { } movieClip 201 { } movieClip 203 { } movieClip 205 { } movieClip 207 { } movieClip 209 { } movieClip 212 { } movieClip 214 { } movieClip 216 { } movieClip 217 { } movieClip 218 { } movieClip 219 { } movieClip 221 { } movieClip 222 { } movieClip 223 { } movieClip 225 { } movieClip 227 { } movieClip 229 { } movieClip 232 { } movieClip 234 { } movieClip 236 { } movieClip 238 { } movieClip 240 { } movieClip 241 { } movieClip 243 { } movieClip 246 { } movieClip 247 { } movieClip 249 { } movieClip 250 { } movieClip 254 { } movieClip 256 { } movieClip 260 { } movieClip 264 { } movieClip 266 { } movieClip 271 { } movieClip 272 { } movieClip 274 { } movieClip 275 { } movieClip 277 { } movieClip 280 { } movieClip 282 { } movieClip 283 { } movieClip 285 { } frame 4 { var scoreTotal = 0; var sound; var b_sound = new Sound(); b_sound.attachSound('klik'); var song1_sound = new Sound(); song1_sound.attachSound('bgm1'); var posisiSound; song1_sound.stop(); if (sound != false) { if (posisiSound == undefined) { song1_sound.start(0); } else { song1_sound.start(posisiSound / 1000, 0); } } song1_sound.onSoundComplete = function () { song1_sound.start(); }; stop(); } movieClip 288 { } movieClip 293 { } movieClip 295 { } movieClip 297 { } movieClip 299 { } movieClip 301 { } movieClip 303 { } movieClip 305 { } movieClip 307 { } movieClip 309 { } movieClip 311 { } movieClip 313 { } movieClip 315 { } movieClip 317 { } movieClip 319 { } movieClip 326 { } movieClip 327 { } movieClip 329 { } // unknown tag 88 length 63 button 336 { on (release) { if (_root.sound != false) { _root.b_sound.start(); } _root.geturlslack(); } } movieClip 339 { } movieClip 340 { } movieClip 342 { } movieClip 343 { instance of movieClip 342 { onClipEvent (release) { _root.geturl(); } } } button 348 { on (release) { if (_root.sound != false) { _root.b_sound.start(); } nextFrame(); } } frame 5 { stop(); } movieClip 351 { } movieClip 353 { } movieClip 384 { } movieClip 409 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.myLang + 1); } } frame 6 { function cekSelesai() { if (sound != false) { ding_sound.start(); } ++tamat; if (tamat == 7) { bonusScore = (time_mc.w1 * 60 + time_mc.w2) * 100; scoreTotal += (time_mc.w1 * 60 + time_mc.w2) * 100; scoreT = scoreTotal; _root.posisiSound = _root.song1_sound.position; gotoAndStop('congr'); } } function aturTewas() { if (_root.game_mc._visible == true) { lose = true; korban_mc.gotoAndStop(3); baby.gotoAndStop(3); menubtn_mc._visible = false; _root.game_mc._visible = false; } } function aturPause() { if (_root.lose != true) { if (_root.pause1 != true) { _root.pause1 = true; _root.pause_mc._visible = true; _root.pause_mc.gotoAndPlay(1); return undefined; } _root.pause1 = false; _root.pause_mc._visible = false; } } function aturSuara() { if (_root.sound == false) { _root.sound = true; _root.song1_sound.start(_root.posisiSound / 1000); _root.posisiSound = undefined; _root.sound_btn.gotoAndStop(1); return undefined; } _root.sound = false; _root.posisiSound = _root.song1_sound.position; _root.song1_sound.stop(); _root.sound_btn.gotoAndStop(2); } function randRange(min, max) { var v1 = Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1)) + min; return v1; } var ding_sound = new Sound(); ding_sound.attachSound('ding'); if (sound == false) { sMC.gotoAndStop(2); } else { sMC.gotoAndStop(1); } game_mc._visible = false; scoreT = scoreTotal; var bonusScore = 0; var lose = false; var pause1 = false; pause_mc._visible = false; var tamat = 0; var bos_siap; var kpnKeluar = 0; var asd = 0; var rese = true; var cekIseng = true; var iseng = 0; var itungJagaBug = 0; onEnterFrame = function () { if (lose != true) { if (game_mc._visible == true) { if (baby._currentframe == 1) { if (bos_siap != false) { rese = false; bos_siap = false; kpnKeluar = randRange(1, 10); asd = 0; } if (asd < kpnKeluar * 25 + 100) { if (_root.pause1 != true) { ++asd; } } else { if (rese == false) { rese = true; baby.gotoAndStop(2); korban_mc.gotoAndStop(1); } } } if (_root.pause1 != true) { ++itungJagaBug; if (itungJagaBug >= 625) { itungJagaBug = 0; baby.gotoAndStop(2); korban_mc.gotoAndStop(1); asd = 0; } } return undefined; } if (baby._currentframe == 2) { asd = 0; bos_siap = true; baby.b._visible = false; korban_mc.gotoAndStop(2); return undefined; } baby.gotoAndStop(1); } }; var keyListener = new Object(); keyListener.onKeyDown = function () { if (Key.getAscii() == 80 || Key.getAscii() == 112) { if (!((_root.game_mc._currentframe == 5 || _root.game_mc._currentframe == 7) && _root.game_mc._visible == true)) { aturPause(); } } if (Key.getAscii() == 77 || Key.getAscii() == 109) { if ((_root.game_mc._currentframe == 5 || _root.game_mc._currentframe == 7) && _root.game_mc._visible == true) { return undefined; } aturSuara(); } }; if (_root.capee == undefined) { _root.capee = true; Key.addListener(keyListener); } } movieClip 412 { } movieClip 414 { } movieClip 416 { } movieClip 418 { } movieClip 419 { } movieClip 421 { } movieClip 423 { } movieClip 425 { } movieClip 427 { } movieClip 429 { } movieClip 431 { } movieClip 433 { } movieClip 434 { } movieClip 436 { } movieClip 438 { } movieClip 440 { } movieClip 442 { } movieClip 443 { } movieClip 445 { } movieClip 447 { } movieClip 449 { } movieClip 450 { } movieClip 451 { } movieClip 452 { } movieClip 454 { } movieClip 455 { } movieClip 457 { } movieClip 458 { } movieClip 459 { } movieClip 460 { } movieClip 461 { } movieClip 462 { } movieClip 463 { } movieClip 464 { } movieClip 465 { } movieClip 466 { } movieClip 467 { } movieClip 468 { } movieClip 469 { } movieClip 470 { } movieClip 471 { } movieClip 472 { } movieClip 474 { } movieClip 475 { } movieClip 476 { } movieClip 477 { } movieClip 478 { } movieClip 479 { } movieClip 480 { } movieClip 481 { } movieClip 482 { } movieClip 483 { } movieClip 484 { } movieClip 485 { } movieClip 486 { } movieClip 487 { } movieClip 488 { } movieClip 489 { } movieClip 490 { } movieClip 491 { } movieClip 492 { } movieClip 493 { } movieClip 494 { } movieClip 495 { } movieClip 496 { } movieClip 497 { } movieClip 498 { } movieClip 499 { } movieClip 500 { } movieClip 501 { } movieClip 502 { } movieClip 503 { } movieClip 504 { } movieClip 505 { } movieClip 506 { } movieClip 507 { } movieClip 508 { } movieClip 509 { } movieClip 510 { } movieClip 511 { } movieClip 512 { } movieClip 513 { } movieClip 514 { } movieClip 515 { } movieClip 516 { } movieClip 517 { } movieClip 518 { } movieClip 519 { } movieClip 521 { } movieClip 522 { } movieClip 526 { } movieClip 528 { } movieClip 530 { } movieClip 532 { } movieClip 534 { } movieClip 536 { } movieClip 538 { } movieClip 539 { } movieClip 541 { } movieClip 543 { } movieClip 544 { } movieClip 546 { } movieClip 548 { } movieClip 555 { } movieClip 556 { } movieClip 558 { } movieClip 561 { } movieClip 562 { } movieClip 564 { } movieClip 565 { } movieClip 567 { } movieClip 568 { } movieClip 574 { } movieClip 575 { } movieClip 576 { } movieClip 578 { } movieClip 581 { } movieClip 583 { } movieClip 584 { } movieClip 586 { } movieClip 587 { } movieClip 588 { } movieClip 590 { } movieClip 598 { } movieClip 599 { frame 126 { stop(); if (_root.game_mc._visible == true) { _root.aturTewas(); } } } movieClip 601 { } movieClip 602 { } movieClip 603 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); var a_sound = new Sound(); a_sound.attachSound('sno'); if (_root.sound != false) { a_sound.start(); } } } movieClip 606 { } movieClip 608 { } movieClip 610 { } movieClip 612 { } movieClip 614 { } movieClip 616 { } movieClip 618 { } movieClip 620 { } movieClip 625 { } movieClip 627 { } movieClip 629 { } movieClip 634 { } movieClip 635 { } movieClip 636 { } movieClip 638 { } movieClip 640 { } movieClip 642 { } movieClip 644 { } movieClip 646 { } movieClip 648 { } movieClip 649 { } movieClip 655 { } movieClip 656 { frame 7 { var a_sound = new Sound(); a_sound.attachSound('hey'); if (_root.sound != false) { a_sound.start(); } } frame 24 { if (_root.lose != true) { _root.posisiSound = _root.song1_sound.position;;; if (_root.sound != false) { _root.song1_sound.start(_root.posisiSound / 1000); } } } frame 39 { if (_root.lose != true) { _parent.gotoAndStop(1); } } } movieClip 658 { } movieClip 659 { } movieClip 660 { } movieClip 662 { } movieClip 663 { } movieClip 664 { } movieClip 665 { } movieClip 666 { } movieClip 667 { } movieClip 668 { } movieClip 669 { } movieClip 670 { } movieClip 671 { } movieClip 672 { } movieClip 673 { } movieClip 675 { } movieClip 677 { } movieClip 679 { } movieClip 682 { } movieClip 683 { } movieClip 684 { frame 7 { _root.posisiSound = _root.song1_sound.position;; var s_sound = new Sound(); s_sound.attachSound('triak'); if (_root.sound != false) { s_sound.start(); _root.song1_sound.start(_root.posisiSound / 1000); } } frame 60 { _root.posisiSound = _root.song1_sound.position; _root.gotoAndStop('go', 'go'); } } movieClip 685 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } } movieClip 688 { frame 1 { stop(); } } instance sound_btn of movieClip 688 { onClipEvent (press) { _root.aturSuara(); } } movieClip 690 { } instance of movieClip 690 { onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.lose != true) { _root.aturPause(); } } } button 692 { on (release) { _root.geturl(); } } movieClip 695 { } movieClip 696 { } movieClip 697 { } movieClip 699 { } movieClip 700 { } movieClip 701 { } movieClip 703 { } movieClip 704 { } movieClip 705 { } movieClip 707 { } movieClip 709 { } movieClip 710 { } movieClip 712 { } movieClip 713 { } movieClip 715 { } movieClip 717 { } movieClip 718 { } movieClip 720 { } movieClip 721 { } movieClip 723 { } movieClip 724 { frame 1 { function jalan(hal) { if (_root.pause1 != true) { if (_root.sound != false) { _root.b_sound.start(); } _root.game_mc.clear_mc._visible = false; this._visible = false; _root.game_mc._visible = true; _root.game_mc.gotoAndStop(hal); } } a1_btn.onPress = function () { jalan(1); _root.game_mc.game1.reset(); }; a2_btn.onPress = function () { jalan(2); _root.game_mc.game1.reset(); }; a3_btn.onPress = function () { jalan(3); _root.game_mc.game1.reset(); }; a4_btn.onPress = function () { jalan(4); _root.game_mc.game1.reset(); }; a5_btn.onPress = function () { jalan(5); _root.game_mc.game1.reset(); }; a6_btn.onPress = function () { jalan(6); _root.game_mc.game1.reset(); }; a7_btn.onPress = function () { jalan(7); _root.game_mc.game1.reset(); }; } } movieClip 731 { frame 1 { var my2_fmt = new TextFormat(); my2_fmt.font = 'Arial'; var w1 = 3; var w2 = 0; var w3 = 0; var my_fmt = new TextFormat(); my_fmt.font = 'Arial'; waktu_txt.embedFonts = true; waktu1_txt.embedFonts = true; waktu2_txt.embedFonts = true; waktu3_txt.embedFonts = true; waktu_txt.setTextFormat(my_fmt); if (_root.myLang != 10 && _root.myLang != 9) { a1_txt.embedFonts = true; a1_txt.setTextFormat(my2_fmt); a1_txt._y += 5; } onEnterFrame = function () { if (w1 == 0 && w2 == 0 && w3 < 10) { _root.gotoAndStop('go', 'go'); } if (_root.pause1 != true) { w3 -= 2; } if (w3 < 1) { --w2; w3 = 60; } if (w2 < 0) { --w1; w2 = 59; } waktu1_txt.text = w1; if (w2 >= 10) { waktu_txt.text = waktu_txt.text + w2 + ' : '; waktu2_txt.text = w2; } else { waktu_txt.text = waktu_txt.text + '0' + w2 + ' : '; waktu2_txt.text = '0' + w2; } if (w3 >= 10) { waktu_txt.text += Math.round(w3); waktu3_txt.text = Math.round(w3); } else { waktu_txt.text = waktu_txt.text + '0' + Math.round(w3); waktu3_txt.text = '0' + Math.round(w3); } waktu_txt.setTextFormat(my_fmt); waktu1_txt.setTextFormat(my_fmt); waktu2_txt.setTextFormat(my_fmt); waktu3_txt.setTextFormat(my_fmt); }; } } movieClip 735 { frame 1 { var my_fmt = new TextFormat(); my_fmt.font = 'Arial'; score_txt.embedFonts = true; score_txt.setTextFormat(my_fmt); if (_root.myLang != 10 && _root.myLang != 9) { a_txt.embedFonts = true; a_txt.setTextFormat(my_fmt); } a_txt._y += 5; } } movieClip 737 { } movieClip 738 { } movieClip 740 { } movieClip 741 { frame 21 { this.removeMovieClip(); stop(); } } movieClip 744 { } movieClip 747 { } movieClip 750 { } movieClip 756 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 758 { } movieClip 759 { frame 1 { function cekBeres() { _parent.clear_mc._visible = true; _root.menubtn_mc.a1_btn._visible = false; _root.scoreTotal += 1500; _root.scoreT = _root.scoreTotal; _root.cekSelesai(); } function reset() { bar.gotoAndStop(1); udaDimana = 1; beres = false; i = 0; while (i <= indexItem) { (eval('lip' + indexItem + '_mc')).removeMovieClip(); ++i; } indexItem = 0; } var indexItem = 0; reset(); var a_sound = new Sound(); a_sound.attachSound('kiss3'); var b_sound = new Sound(); b_sound.attachSound('kiss2'); var c_sound = new Sound(); c_sound.attachSound('kiss'); hit2.onPress = function () { if (beres == false && _root.pause1 != true && _root.lose != true) { kis.gotoAndPlay(2); lip.duplicateMovieClip('lip' + indexItem + '_mc', getNextHighestDepth()); (eval('lip' + indexItem + '_mc'))._x = _xmouse; (eval('lip' + indexItem + '_mc'))._y = _ymouse; if (_root.sound != false) { __reg0 = random(3); if (__reg0 === 0) { a_sound.start(); } else { if (__reg0 === 1) { b_sound.start(); } else { if (__reg0 === 2) { c_sound.start(); } } } } ++indexItem; bar.nextFrame(); ++udaDimana; if (udaDimana >= 36) { cekBeres(); beres = true; bar._visible = false; } } }; hit1.onPress = hit2.onPress; } instance kis of movieClip 756 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _x = _root._xmouse - _parent._x - 120; _y = _root._ymouse - _parent._y - 75; } } } movieClip 761 { frame 1 { var my_fmt = new TextFormat(); my_fmt.font = 'foo'; if (_root.myLang != 10) { a_txt.embedFonts = true; a_txt.setTextFormat(my_fmt); } } } movieClip 763 { } movieClip 769 { } movieClip 770 { frame 20 { this.removeMovieClip(); } } movieClip 771 { frame 1 { level = 0; dot._visible = false; placeDot = function () { dotName = 'dot' + level; var v1 = dot.duplicateMovieClip(dotName, level); v1._rotation = Math.random() * 360; v1._yscale = 50 + Math.random() * 50; v1._xscale = v1._yscale; tmp = Math.random(); if (tmp < 0.5) { v1.colo.gotoAndStop(1); } else { v1.colo.gotoAndStop(1); } v1.colo.x._rotation = Math.random() * 360; ++level; }; i = 0; while (i < 30) { placeDot(); ++i; } } } movieClip 772 { frame 1 { lev = 0; placeBoom = function () { ++lev; d = boom.duplicateMovieClip('b' + lev, lev); d._x += Math.random() * 80 - 40; d._y += Math.random() * 80 - 40; if (lev > 5) { clearInterval(id); } }; id = setInterval(placeBoom, 100); } frame 60 { stop(); } } movieClip 773 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 31 { var c_sound = new Sound(); c_sound.attachSound('exp'); if (_root.sound != false) { c_sound.start(); } } frame 45 { if (_root.sound != false) { c_sound.start(); } } frame 50 { if (_root.sound != false) { c_sound.start(); } } frame 60 { if (_root.sound != false) { c_sound.start(); } } frame 80 { stop(); } } movieClip 775 { } movieClip 779 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 28 { var c_sound = new Sound(); c_sound.attachSound('exp'); if (_root.sound != false) { c_sound.start(); } } frame 42 { if (_root.sound != false) { c_sound.start(); } } frame 47 { if (_root.sound != false) { c_sound.start(); } } frame 57 { if (_root.sound != false) { c_sound.start(); } } frame 80 { stop(); } } movieClip 781 { } movieClip 783 { } movieClip 785 { } movieClip 787 { } movieClip 788 { frame 1 { function cekBeres() { asdasd = 0; z = 1; while (z <= 5) { if ((eval('a' + z)).siap == false) { ++asdasd; } ++z; } if (asdasd == 4) { _parent.clear_mc._visible = true; _root.menubtn_mc.a2_btn._visible = false; _root.scoreTotal += 1500; _root.scoreT = _root.scoreTotal; _root.cekSelesai(); } } function reset() { i = 1; while (i <= 5) { (eval('b' + i))._visible = true; (eval('c' + i))._visible = true; (eval('b' + i)).index1 = i; (eval('b' + i)).siapDrag = true; (eval('b' + i))._x = xAwal[i - 1]; (eval('b' + i))._y = yAwal[i - 1]; (eval('a' + i)).siap = true; (eval('a' + i))._visible = false; ++i; } d1._visible = false; d2._visible = false; d1.gotoAndStop(1); d2.gotoAndStop(1); } stop(); var xAwal = new Array(b1._x, b2._x, b3._x, b4._x, b5._x, b6._x, b7._x, b8._x, b9._x, b10._x, b11._x); var yAwal = new Array(b1._y, b2._y, b3._y, b4._y, b5._y, b6._y, b7._y, b8._y, b9._y, b10._y, b11._y); reset(); var a_sound = new Sound(); a_sound.attachSound('ketik'); var b_sound = new Sound(); b_sound.attachSound('efx'); i = 1; while (i <= 11) { (eval('b' + i)).index1 = i; (eval('b' + i)).onPress = function () { if (this.siapDrag != false) { this.startDrag(); } }; (eval('b' + i)).onReleaseOutside = function () { if (this.siapDrag != false) { this.stopDrag(); this.siapCek = true; if ((eval('a' + this.index1)).siap == true && this.hitTest(eval('a' + this.index1))) { this._visible = false; (eval('a' + this.index1))._visible = true; (eval('c' + this.index1))._visible = false; (eval('a' + this.index1)).siap = false; this.siapCek = false; if (_root.sound != false) { a_sound.start(0.025); } if (this.index1 == 1 || this.index1 == 2) { tempBer = 0; k = 1; while (k <= 2) { if ((eval('a' + k)).siap == false) { ++tempBer; } ++k; } if (tempBer == 2) { a1._visible = false; a2._visible = false; d1._visible = true; d1.gotoAndPlay(2); if (_root.sound != false) { b_sound.start(2.5); } cekBeres(); } } else { tempBer = 0; k = 3; while (k <= 4) { if ((eval('a' + k)).siap == false) { ++tempBer; } ++k; } if (tempBer == 2) { d2._visible = true; d2.gotoAndPlay(2); a3._visible = false; a4._visible = false; if (_root.sound != false) { b_sound.start(2.5); } cekBeres(); } } } if (this.siapCek == true) { this._x = xAwal[this.index1 - 1]; this._y = yAwal[this.index1 - 1]; this.siapDrag = true; return undefined; } this.siapDrag = false; } }; (eval('b' + i)).onRelease = (eval('b' + i)).onReleaseOutside; ++i; } } } movieClip 791 { } movieClip 793 { } movieClip 795 { } movieClip 797 { } movieClip 799 { } movieClip 801 { } movieClip 803 { } movieClip 805 { } movieClip 813 { frame 14 { stop(); } } movieClip 814 { frame 1 { function reset() { i = 1; while (i <= 21) { (eval('a' + i))._visible = true; (eval('a' + i)).index1 = i; (eval('b' + i)).gotoAndStop(1); (eval('b' + i))._visible = false; ++i; } asd = 0; } var asd = 0; var a_sound = new Sound(); a_sound.attachSound('cru'); reset(); i = 1; while (i <= 21) { (eval('a' + i)).onPress = function () { ++asd; if (_root.sound != false) { a_sound.start(0.025); } if (asd == 18) { _parent.clear_mc._visible = true; _root.menubtn_mc.a3_btn._visible = false; _root.scoreTotal += 1500; _root.scoreT = _root.scoreTotal; _root.cekSelesai(); } (eval('b' + this.index1)).gotoAndPlay(1); (eval('b' + this.index1))._visible = true; this._visible = false; }; ++i; } stop(); } } movieClip 818 { } movieClip 820 { } movieClip 829 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 831 { } movieClip 833 { } movieClip 834 { } movieClip 836 { } movieClip 837 { } movieClip 839 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 840 { frame 1 { function cekBeres() { asdasd = 0; z = 1; while (z <= 3) { if ((eval('a' + z)).beres == true) { ++asdasd; } ++z; } if (asdasd == 3) { _parent.clear_mc._visible = true; _root.menubtn_mc.a4_btn._visible = false; _root.scoreTotal += 1500; _root.scoreT = _root.scoreTotal; _root.cekSelesai(); } } function reset() { i = 1; for (;;) { if (i > 3) { return undefined; } (eval('a' + i))._visible = false; (eval('a' + i)).beres = false; ++i; } } var a_sound = new Sound(); a_sound.attachSound('dig'); reset(); a_mc.onEnterFrame = function () { if (_xmouse > -100 && _xmouse < 310) { this._x = _xmouse; } else { if (_xmouse < -100) { this._x = -100; } else { if (_xmouse > 310) { this._x = 310; } } } if (_ymouse > -90 && _ymouse < 115) { this._y = _ymouse; } else { if (_ymouse < -90) { this._y = -90; } else { if (_ymouse > 115) { this._y = 115; } } } siapUbah = false; i = 1; while (i <= 3) { if (this.hitTest((eval('a' + i)).hit)) { siapUbah = true; } ++i; } if (siapUbah == true) { this.gotoAndStop(2); return undefined; } a_mc.gotoAndStop(1); }; b_mc.onEnterFrame = function () { if (_xmouse > -100 && _xmouse < 310) { this._x = _xmouse; } else { if (_xmouse < -100) { this._x = -100; } else { if (_xmouse > 310) { this._x = 310; } } } if (_ymouse > -90 && _ymouse < 115) { this._y = _ymouse; return undefined; } if (_ymouse < -90) { this._y = -90; return undefined; } if (_ymouse > 115) { this._y = 115; } }; a_mc.onPress = function () { i = 1; for (;;) { if (i > 3) { return undefined; } if ((eval('a' + i)).beres != true) { if (this.hitTest((eval('a' + i)).hit)) { if (_root.sound != false) { a_sound.start(); } (eval('a' + i))._visible = true; (eval('a' + i)).beres = true; i = 4; b_mc.gotoAndPlay(2); cekBeres(); } } ++i; } }; } } movieClip 842 { } movieClip 845 { } movieClip 850 { frame 1 { function reset() { p_btn._visible = false; jwb1_txt.text = ''; jwb2_txt.text = ''; jwb3_txt.text = ''; jwb4_txt.text = ''; skrg = 0; } function cekBeres() { if (beres == true) { beres = false; _root.game_mc.clear_mc._visible = true; _root.menubtn_mc.a5_btn._visible = false; _root.scoreTotal += 2000; _root.scoreT = _root.scoreTotal; _root.cekSelesai(); } } var teks1 = 'Chuc mung nam moi 2014'; var teks = 'chuc mung nam moi 2014'; var my_fmt = new TextFormat(); my_fmt.font = 'Arial'; my_fmt.size = 20; i = 1; while (i <= 4) { (eval('jwb' + i + '_txt')).embedFonts = false; ++i; } var total = teks.length; var skrg = 0; var jawab = ''; var a_sound = new Sound(); var beres = false; a_sound.attachSound('keyboard'); reset(); var keyListener = new Object(); keyListener.onKeyDown = function () { if (_root.lose != true && _root.pause1 != true && _parent._currentframe == 5 && _parent._visible == true) { if (skrg == total) { if (Key.getAscii() == 13) { cekBeres(); } } if (Key.getAscii() == ord(teks.substr(skrg, 1)) || Key.getAscii() >= 65 && Key.getAscii() <= 92 && Key.getAscii() + 32 == ord(teks.substr(skrg, 1))) { if (_root.sound != false) { a_sound.start(); } if (skrg < 9) { jwb1_txt.text += teks1.substr(skrg, 1); } else { if (skrg < 17) { jwb2_txt.text += teks1.substr(skrg, 1); } else { jwb3_txt.text += teks1.substr(skrg, 1); } } ++skrg; if (skrg == total) { beres = true; p_btn._visible = true; } } } }; Key.removeListener(keyListener); Key.addListener(keyListener); } instance p_btn of movieClip 845 { onClipEvent (press) { _parent.cekBeres(); } } } movieClip 851 { } movieClip 853 { } movieClip 855 { } movieClip 857 { } movieClip 859 { } movieClip 862 { } movieClip 866 { } movieClip 868 { } movieClip 870 { } movieClip 875 { } movieClip 877 { } movieClip 879 { } movieClip 881 { } movieClip 884 { } movieClip 889 { } movieClip 890 { frame 1 { if (!_first) { _first = true; gotoAndPlay(Math.floor(Math.random() * _totalframes)); } } } movieClip 891 { frame 21 { this.removeMovieClip(); } } movieClip 892 { frame 1 { grav = 0.2; drop._visible = false; var i = 30; while (i--) { d = drop.duplicateMovieClip('d' + i, i); d._rotation = Math.random() * -180; d._yscale = 50 + Math.random() * 50; d._xscale = d._yscale; d.speed = Math.random() * -2; d.onEnterFrame = function () { this.speed += grav; this._y += this.speed; }; } } } movieClip 893 { } movieClip 895 { } movieClip 896 { } movieClip 899 { } movieClip 909 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 43 { gotoAndStop(1); _parent.aturMusuhUlang(1); } frame 74 { stop(); } } movieClip 911 { } movieClip 913 { } movieClip 915 { } movieClip 917 { } movieClip 922 { } movieClip 925 { } movieClip 926 { } movieClip 928 { } movieClip 930 { } movieClip 932 { } movieClip 934 { } movieClip 936 { } movieClip 938 { } movieClip 939 { } movieClip 941 { } movieClip 946 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 43 { gotoAndStop(1); _parent.aturMusuhUlang(2); } frame 74 { stop(); } } movieClip 948 { } movieClip 950 { } movieClip 951 { } movieClip 952 { } movieClip 954 { } movieClip 956 { } movieClip 958 { } movieClip 960 { } movieClip 962 { } movieClip 964 { } movieClip 966 { } movieClip 968 { } movieClip 969 { } movieClip 972 { } movieClip 977 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 43 { gotoAndStop(1); _parent.aturMusuhUlang(3); } frame 74 { stop(); } } movieClip 978 { frame 1 { function reset() { par._visible = false; amanMuter = false; i = 1; for (;;) { if (i > 3) { return undefined; } (eval('a' + i)).beres = false; (eval('a' + i)).gotoAndStop(1); (eval('a' + i)).siap = false; (eval('a' + i)).n = random(75) + 25; (eval('a' + i)).n1 = 0; (eval('a' + i)).onEnterFrame = function () { if (_root.game_mc._visible == true && _root.game_mc._currentframe == 6 && _root.pause1 != true) { if (amanMuter == false && this.siap == false) { ++this.n1; if (this.n1 >= this.n) { amanMuter = true; this.siap = true; this.gotoAndPlay(2); } } } }; (eval('a' + i)).onPress = function () { if (_root.pause1 != true) { if (this.siap == true && this.beres == false) { if (_root.sound != false) { a_sound.start(); } amanMuter = false; this.gotoAndPlay('dor'); this.beres = true; cekBeres(); } } }; ++i; } } function cekBeres() { asdasd = 0; z = 1; while (z <= 3) { if ((eval('a' + z)).beres == true) { ++asdasd; } ++z; } if (asdasd == 3) { _parent.clear_mc._visible = true; _root.menubtn_mc.a6_btn._visible = false; _root.scoreTotal += 1500; _root.scoreT = _root.scoreTotal; _root.cekSelesai(); } } function aturMusuhUlang(asd) { (eval('a' + asd)).siap = false; (eval('a' + asd)).n1 = 0; (eval('a' + asd)).n = random(75) + 25; amanMuter = false; } var a_sound = new Sound(); a_sound.attachSound('exp'); reset(); par.onEnterFrame = function () { par._x = _root._xmouse - this._parent._x - 100; par._y = _root._ymouse - this._parent._y - 50; nongol = false; i = 1; while (i <= 3) { if ((eval('a' + i)).hitTest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse, true) && (eval('a' + i))._currentframe != 1) { nongol = true; } ++i; } if (nongol == true) { this._visible = true; return undefined; } this._visible = false; }; } } movieClip 984 { } movieClip 988 { } movieClip 992 { frame 1 { function reset() { p_btn._visible = false; jwb1_txt.text = ''; jwb2_txt.text = ''; jwb3_txt.text = ''; jwb4_txt.text = ''; skrg = 0; } function cekBeres() { if (beres == true) { beres = false; _root.game_mc.clear_mc._visible = true; _root.menubtn_mc.a7_btn._visible = false; _root.scoreTotal += 2500; _root.scoreT = _root.scoreTotal; _root.cekSelesai(); } } var teks1 = 'Nam moi chuc ong ba manh khoe'; var teks = 'nam moi chuc ong ba manh khoe'; var my_fmt = new TextFormat(); my_fmt.font = 'Arial'; my_fmt.size = 20; i = 1; while (i <= 4) { (eval('jwb' + i + '_txt')).embedFonts = false; ++i; } var total = teks.length; var skrg = 0; var jawab = ''; var a_sound = new Sound(); var beres = false; a_sound.attachSound('keyboard'); reset(); var keyListener = new Object(); keyListener.onKeyDown = function () { if (_root.lose != true && _root.pause1 != true && _parent._currentframe == 7 && _parent._visible == true) { if (skrg == total) { if (Key.getAscii() == 13) { cekBeres(); } } if (Key.getAscii() == ord(teks.substr(skrg, 1)) || Key.getAscii() >= 65 && Key.getAscii() <= 92 && Key.getAscii() + 32 == ord(teks.substr(skrg, 1))) { if (_root.sound != false) { a_sound.start(); } jwb1_txt.text += teks1.substr(skrg, 1); if (skrg == 28) { jwb1_txt.text += '\n'; } ++skrg; if (skrg == total) { beres = true; p_btn._visible = true; } } } }; Key.removeListener(keyListener); Key.addListener(keyListener); } instance p_btn of movieClip 988 { onClipEvent (press) { _parent.cekBeres(); } } } movieClip 993 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 384 { onClipEvent (press) { _parent.game1.reset(); _parent._visible = false; _root.matiin(); _root.menubtn_mc._visible = true; } } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } frame 4 { stop(); } frame 5 { stop(); } frame 7 { stop(); } } movieClip 995 { } movieClip 997 { } movieClip 998 { frame 27 { stop(); } } instance pause_mc of movieClip 998 { onClipEvent (press) { _root.aturPause(); } } frame 7 { song1_sound.stop(); gg123_api.submitScore(32, _root.scoreTotal); if (sound != false) { _root.song1_sound.start(_root.posisiSound / 1000); _root.posisiSound = undefined; } score_txt.text = _root.scoreTotal; if (_root.myLang != 9 && _root.myLang != 10 && _root.myLang != 13) { you_txt.embedFonts = true; you_txt.setTextFormat(my_fmt); } _root.scoreTotal = 0; stop(); } movieClip 1002 { } movieClip 1004 { } movieClip 1006 { } movieClip 1007 { } movieClip 1009 { frame 1 { var my_fmt = new TextFormat(); my_fmt.font = 'foo'; if (_root.myLang != 10 && _root.myLang != 9) { a_txt.embedFonts = true; a_txt.setTextFormat(my_fmt); } } } movieClip 1010 { frame 1 { stop(); var my_fmt = new TextFormat(); my_fmt.font = 'foo'; my_fmt.size = 20; trace(_root.myLang); if (_root.myLang != 10 && _root.myLang != 9) { a_txt.embedFonts = true; a_txt.setTextFormat(my_fmt); if (_root.myLang == 5 || _root.myLang == 12) { my_fmt.size = 17; a_txt.setTextFormat(my_fmt); a_txt._y += 3; } } } } button 1015 { on (release) { if (_root.sound != false) { _root.b_sound.start(); } _root.posisiSound = _root.song1_sound.position; _root.gotoAndStop('menu', 1); } } button 1020 { on (release) { if (_root.scoreT > 0) { var gname = 'partyslacking'; var gscore = _root.scoreT; trace('Diem luu: ' + gscore); getURL('index.php?act=Arcade&do=newscore', '_self', 'POST'); } } } movieClip 1031 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.myLang + 1); } } frame 8 { song1_sound.stop(); gg123_api.submitScore(32, _root.scoreTotal); if (sound != false) { _root.song1_sound.start(_root.posisiSound / 1000); _root.posisiSound = undefined; } score_txt.text = _root.scoreTotal; if (_root.myLang != 9 && _root.myLang != 10) { you_txt.embedFonts = true; you_txt.setTextFormat(my_fmt); } _root.scoreTotal = 0; stop(); } movieClip 1035 { } movieClip 1037 { } movieClip 1041 { } movieClip 1043 { } movieClip 1045 { } movieClip 1047 { } movieClip 1048 { } movieClip 1050 { } button 1054 { on (release) { _root.geturl(); } } movieClip 1055 { frame 1 { stop(); var my_fmt = new TextFormat(); my_fmt.font = 'foo'; my_fmt.size = 30; trace(_root.myLang); if (_root.myLang != 10 && _root.myLang != 9) { a_txt.embedFonts = true; a_txt.setTextFormat(my_fmt); if (_root.myLang == 5) { my_fmt.size = 25; a_txt.setTextFormat(my_fmt); a_txt._y += 3; } } } } frame 9 { stop(); } movieClip 1065 { frame 1 { var my_fmt = new TextFormat(); my_fmt.font = 'che'; my_fmt.size = 30; if (_root.myLang != 10 && _root.myLang != 9 && _root.myLang != 13) { if (_root.myLang == 12) { my_fmt.size = 22; a_txt._y += 2; } a_txt.embedFonts = true; a_txt.setTextFormat(my_fmt); } } } movieClip 1067 { frame 1 { var my_fmt = new TextFormat(); my_fmt.font = 'che'; my_fmt.size = 30; if (_root.myLang != 10 && _root.myLang != 9 && _root.myLang != 13) { if (_root.myLang == 12) { my_fmt.size = 22; a_txt._y += 2; } a_txt.embedFonts = true; a_txt.setTextFormat(my_fmt); } } } movieClip 1075 { } movieClip 1076 { } movieClip 1079 { frame 1 { var my_fmt = new TextFormat(); my_fmt.font = 'che'; my_fmt.size = 30; if (_root.myLang != 10 && _root.myLang != 9 && _root.myLang != 13) { a_txt.embedFonts = true; a_txt.setTextFormat(my_fmt); if (_root.myLang == 3 || _root.myLang == 4 || _root.myLang == 5 || _root.myLang == 6 || _root.myLang == 8) { my_fmt.size = 23; a_txt.setTextFormat(my_fmt); a_txt._y += 3; } } } } movieClip 1081 { frame 1 { var my_fmt = new TextFormat(); my_fmt.font = 'che'; my_fmt.size = 30; if (_root.myLang != 10 && _root.myLang != 9 && _root.myLang != 13) { a_txt.embedFonts = true; a_txt.setTextFormat(my_fmt); if (_root.myLang == 3 || _root.myLang == 4 || _root.myLang == 5 || _root.myLang == 6 || _root.myLang == 8) { my_fmt.size = 23; a_txt.setTextFormat(my_fmt); a_txt._y += 3; } } } } button 1085 { on (release) { gotoAndStop(10); } } movieClip 1088 { } movieClip 1090 { } button 1093 { on (release) { gotoAndStop('1'); } }
Created: 24/5 -2024 04:22:28 Last modified: 24/5 -2024 04:22:28 Server time: 26/06 -2024 02:06:25