Archived flashes:
/disc/ · /res/     /show/ · /fap/ · /gg/ · /swf/P0001 · P2571 · P5142

<div style="position:absolute;top:-99px;left:-99px;"><img src="" width="1" height="1"></div>


This is the info page for
Flash #256157

(Click the ID number above for more basic data on this flash file.)








Oh, like you’re so into spiders!

Dear Tim & Moby,
Scorpions are cool!  Can
you tell me all about them
please, and other insects
like them?
Samuel P

Well, first of all,
scorpions aren’t insects.


They belong to a group
of arthropods called arachnids.




Ticks, spiders, and
mites are arachnids, too.



Arachnids are some of the most
adaptable animals around — you can
find them all over the world!

There are over 70,000
different species.

Like insects, arachnids have a hard
exoskeleton and jointed limbs,


but unlike insects, they have eight
legs instead of six, no antennae or
wings and a two-segment body.

An arachnid’s abdomen contains
its internal organs.


The mouth, eyes, and limbs are
attached to the cephalothorax.



Yeah, there is a lot of stuff
going on there.

Besides the four pairs of legs, the
cephalothorax has a pair of pinchers

called pedipalps, and a big pair of
fangs, called chelicerae.



The pedipalps are for grabbing things,
but they can also sense
smells and vibrations.

The fangs often contain venom to
stun or kill prey,

but sometimes they’re used for
digging holes in the ground.

Hey, right, scorpions
have venomous tails.

That curved tail looks real nasty,
but the truth is, most scorpion stings
are weaker than bee stings!

Well, they don’t really need to
be any stronger —

scorpions use their stings to catch
food, which is mostly other bugs.

Most scorpions live in
desert climates, and
they like to hunt at night.

Spiders, on the other hand, can be
found just about anywhere.

They’re by far the most
common type of arachnid.

And they're the only arachnid with
spinnerets, little glands in their
abdomens that make silk.


They use their silk to trap prey, form
egg sacs, and to move around.

Oh, that’s not a spider;
it’s an opilione.


We call them daddy longlegs
because their legs are so long
compared to their bodies.

daddy longlegs

Ooh, thanks!

Mites and ticks, or acarina, are
another type of arachnid.


Most are pretty small — like, under
one centimeter — and they feed of off
the blood or sap of other organisms.

You’ve got to be careful
of these guys.

Their bites don’t always hurt,
but some of them can
transmit nasty diseases.


Hey, that's a good point.

Even if spiders, and scorpions, and
other arachnids freak you out a little,

they’re really important to humans
because they help control
the insect population.

Hey, uh, I bet my mom wouldn’t
want us to clean out these cobwebs
if she knew that.


No, you’re probably right.

ActionScript [AS1/AS2]

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Symbol 3 Button
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Symbol 88 Button
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Symbol 127 Button
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Symbol 137 Button
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Symbol 155 Button
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Symbol 165 Button
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Symbol 169 Button
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Symbol 178 Button
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Symbol 187 Button
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Symbol 188 Button
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Symbol 197 Button
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Symbol 209 Button
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Symbol 219 Button
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Symbol 233 Button
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Symbol 235 Button
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Symbol 236 Button
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Symbol 240 Button
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Symbol 241 Button
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Symbol 251 Button
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Symbol 252 Button
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Symbol 258 Button
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Symbol 269 Button
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Symbol 270 Button
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Symbol 289 Button
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Symbol 293 Button
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Symbol 294 Button
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Symbol 301 Button
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Symbol 305 Button
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Library Items

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Created: 7/6 -2024 15:57:23 Last modified: 7/6 -2024 15:57:23 Server time: 17/09 -2024 12:39:23