Archived flashes:
/disc/ · /res/     /show/ · /fap/ · /gg/ · /swf/P0001 · P2572 · P5144

<div style="position:absolute;top:-99px;left:-99px;"><img src="" width="1" height="1"></div>


This is the info page for
Flash #256314

(Click the ID number above for more basic data on this flash file.)

ActionScript [AS1/AS2]
Combined Code
movieClip 6 miniclipLogoDarkBGSmall { frame 1 { this.onRelease = function () { getURL('', '_blank'); }; } } movieClip 8 { } movieClip 10 mcKeuMarker { } movieClip 13 mcWhaleDebris { } movieClip 19 mcSplashZwembad { frame 1 { stop(); this.cacheAsBitmap = true; this.onEnterFrame = function () { this._rotation += (90 - this._rotation) / 20; }; this.gotoAndStop(random(5) + 1); } } frame 1 { TextField.prototype.tabEnabled = false; Button.prototype.tabEnabled = TextField.prototype.tabEnabled; MovieClip.prototype.tabEnabled = TextField.prototype.tabEnabled; ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, ['tabEnabled'], 1); ASSetPropFlags(Button.prototype, ['tabEnabled'], 1); ASSetPropFlags(TextField.prototype, ['tabEnabled'], 1); } frame 1 {'');'');'');''); urlStart = _url.indexOf('://') + 3; urlEnd = _url.indexOf('/', urlStart); domain = _url.substring(urlStart, urlEnd); LastDot = domain.lastIndexOf('.') - 1; pfixEnd = domain.lastIndexOf('.', LastDot) + 1; domain = domain.substring(pfixEnd, domain.length); if (domain == '' || domain == '') { this.wrongDomainText._visible = false;; } else { stop(); this.wrongDomainText._visible = true; } } movieClip 22 { frame 1 { this._visible = false; } } movieClip 23 rw2Level15_3 { frame 1 { this.dobber = false; this.cacheAsBitmap = true; } } // unknown tag 88 length 63 movieClip 27 { } movieClip 29 { } movieClip 30 { frame 1 { this._visible = false; } } movieClip 32 { } movieClip 34 { } movieClip 36 { } movieClip 38 mask { frame 41 { stop(); this.klaar = true; } } movieClip 41 bergen_0 { } movieClip 44 bergen_1 { } movieClip 47 bergen_2 { } movieClip 50 bergen_3 { } movieClip 53 bergen_4 { } movieClip 56 bergen_5 { } movieClip 59 bergen_6 { } movieClip 62 bergen_7 { } movieClip 65 bergen_8 { } movieClip 68 bergen_9 { } movieClip 71 bergen_10 { } movieClip 74 bergen_11 { } movieClip 77 bergen_12 { } movieClip 80 bergen_13 { } movieClip 83 bergen_14 { } movieClip 86 bergen_15 { } movieClip 89 bergen_16 { } movieClip 92 strand_0 { } movieClip 95 strand_1 { } movieClip 98 strand_2 { } movieClip 101 strand_3 { } movieClip 105 { frame 1 { this.cacheAsBitmap = true; } } movieClip 106 strand_4 { } movieClip 109 strand_5 { } movieClip 112 strand_6 { } movieClip 116 { frame 1 { this.cacheAsBitmap = true; } } movieClip 117 strand_7 { } movieClip 120 strand_8 { } movieClip 123 strand_9 { } movieClip 126 strand_10 { } movieClip 129 strand_11 { } movieClip 132 strand_12 { } movieClip 135 strand_13 { } movieClip 138 strand_14 { } movieClip 141 strand_15 { } movieClip 144 strand_16 { } movieClip 147 strand_17 { } movieClip 150 strand_18 { } movieClip 153 strand_19 { } movieClip 156 strand_20 { } movieClip 162 { frame 587 { gotoAndPlay(231); } } movieClip 165 { frame 1 { this._visible = false; } } movieClip 166 { } movieClip 167 { frame 1 { this.breath = {'x': this._x, 'y': this._y, 'mc': this, 't': 0, 'a': 1.5, 'T': 4, 'w': Math.PI, 'bPos': this._y}; this.onEnterFrame = function () { this._y = this.breath.bPos + this.breath.a * Math.sin(this.breath.w * this.breath.t); this.breath.t += 0.03333333333333333; }; } } movieClip 168 verfvlek { } movieClip 173 { } // unknown tag 88 length 11 movieClip 176 { } movieClip 179 { } movieClip 180 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 183 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 184 { } movieClip 185 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 189 { } movieClip 190 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 193 { } movieClip 194 { } movieClip 196 mcGrenade { } movieClip 197 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 199 mcRocket { } movieClip 200 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 201 { } movieClip 202 { } movieClip 209 { frame 1 { if (this.loopCount == null) { this.loopCount = 0; } else { ++this.loopCount; } trace(this.loopCount); if (this.loopCount >= 5) { this.loopCount = 0; this.stop(); } } frame 1 { = 'GOLD: ' +; } frame 2 { = 'GOLD: ' +; } frame 3 { = 'GOLD: ' +; } frame 4 { = 'GOLD: ' +; } } movieClip 210 { frame 1 { stop(); = 'GOLD: ' +; } frame 2 { this.goldAnimText.goldText = 'GOLD: ' +; } } movieClip 211 { } movieClip 213 { } movieClip 214 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 218 { } movieClip 219 { } movieClip 232 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 234 { } movieClip 235 { } movieClip 241 { } movieClip 242 { } movieClip 244 { } movieClip 246 { frame 1 { this._visible = false; } } movieClip 247 rw2Level1 { frame 1 { stop(); this.dobber = false; } } movieClip 253 { } movieClip 254 rw2Level1Scroll { } movieClip 255 { frame 1 { this.nr1.penguin.frameNr = 1; this.nr2.penguin.frameNr = 2; this.nr3.penguin.frameNr = 3;; } } movieClip 259 { } movieClip 261 { } movieClip 262 { frame 1 { this._visible = false; } } movieClip 264 { frame 1 { stop(); this.animDone = false; } frame 15 { stop(); this.animDone = true; } } movieClip 274 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 275 { frame 1 { this._visible = false; } } movieClip 276 { frame 1 { this._visible = false; } } movieClip 278 { } movieClip 279 { frame 1 { this.gotoAndStop(this._parent._parent.frameNr); } } movieClip 286 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 287 { frame 1 { stop(); this.frameNr = this._parent.frameNr; } frame 7 { stop(); } } movieClip 290 { } movieClip 291 { frame 1 { stop(); if (this.timesplayed == null) { this.timesplayed = 0; } if (this.timesplayed < 2 && Math.random() > 0.6) { ++this.timesplayed; play(); } else { this.timesplayed = 0; } } frame 9 { ++this.timesplayed; } } movieClip 294 ammo_chinees { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 295 { } movieClip 296 { frame 1 { stop(); this.animDone = false; } frame 15 { stop(); this.animDone = true; } } movieClip 299 { } movieClip 306 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 309 { } movieClip 312 { } movieClip 313 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 316 { frame 1 { this._visible = false; } } movieClip 318 { } movieClip 319 { frame 1 { this.actief = true; this.nogEenKeer = true; this.onEnterFrame = function () { var v2 = true; if (this.actief == false) { if (this.nogEenKeer == true) { this.nogEenKeer = false; } else { v2 = false; } } else { this.nogEenKeer = true; } if (v2 == true) { this.clear(); this.lineStyle(1, '0x5B3C11'); this.moveTo(punt1._x, punt1._y); this.lineTo(pijl._x, pijl._y); this.lineTo(punt2._x, punt2._y); } }; } } movieClip 321 { } movieClip 331 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 333 { } movieClip 338 { frame 1 { this.gotoAndStop(this._parent._parent.frameNr); } } movieClip 339 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 344 { } movieClip 348 { } movieClip 350 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 354 { } movieClip 357 { } movieClip 359 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 360 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 7 { stop(); } } movieClip 362 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 363 { } movieClip 365 { } movieClip 366 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 368 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 370 { frame 1 { this.gotoAndStop(this._parent._parent.frameNr); } } movieClip 371 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 7 { stop(); } } movieClip 372 { frame 1 { if (_global.specialWeaponID != null) { this.gotoAndStop(_global.specialWeaponID); } else { this.gotoAndStop(_global.baddieID); } this.frameNr = this._parent.frameNr; } } movieClip 375 { } movieClip 378 { } movieClip 381 { } movieClip 384 { frame 1 { this.gotoAndStop(this._parent.frameNr); } } movieClip 389 { frame 1 { this.gotoAndStop(this._parent.frameNr); } } movieClip 394 { frame 1 { this.gotoAndStop(this._parent.frameNr); } } movieClip 396 { frame 1 { this.gotoAndStop(this._parent.frameNr); } } movieClip 401 { frame 1 { this.gotoAndStop(this._parent.frameNr); } } movieClip 403 { frame 1 { this.gotoAndStop(this._parent.frameNr); } } movieClip 405 { } movieClip 408 { frame 1 { this.gotoAndStop(this._parent.frameNr); } } movieClip 411 { frame 1 { this.gotoAndStop(this._parent.frameNr); } } movieClip 413 { } movieClip 414 { frame 1 { this.gotoAndStop(_global.baddieID); this.frameNr = this._parent.frameNr; } } movieClip 417 { frame 1 { stop(); if (this.timesplayed == null) { this.timesplayed = 0; } if (this.timesplayed < 2 && Math.random() > 0.6) { ++this.timesplayed; play(); } else { this.timesplayed = 0; } } frame 9 { ++this.timesplayed; } } movieClip 418 { } movieClip 421 { frame 1 { stop(); if (this.timesplayed == null) { this.timesplayed = 0; } if (this.timesplayed < 2 && Math.random() > 0.6) { ++this.timesplayed; play(); } else { this.timesplayed = 0; } } frame 9 { ++this.timesplayed; } } movieClip 426 { frame 1 { this.gotoAndStop(this._parent.frameNr); } } movieClip 431 { } movieClip 434 { frame 1 { this.gotoAndStop(this._parent.frameNr); } } movieClip 439 { } movieClip 442 { frame 1 { this.gotoAndStop(this._parent.frameNr); } } movieClip 445 { } movieClip 448 { } movieClip 449 { frame 1 { this.gotoAndStop(this._parent.frameNr); } frame 3 { trace('DONTS222222222 ' + this._parent._parent.dontShowZwemband); if (this._parent._parent.dontShowZwemband == true) { = false; } } } movieClip 458 { frame 1 { this.gotoAndStop(this._parent.frameNr); } } movieClip 461 { frame 1 { stop(); if (this.timesplayed == null) { this.timesplayed = 0; } if (this.timesplayed < 2 && Math.random() > 0.6) { ++this.timesplayed; play(); } else { this.timesplayed = 0; } } frame 9 { ++this.timesplayed; } } movieClip 464 { frame 1 { this.gotoAndStop(this._parent.frameNr); } } movieClip 467 { } movieClip 468 { } movieClip 469 { frame 1 { this.gotoAndStop(this._parent.frameNr); } } movieClip 471 { frame 1 { this.gotoAndStop(this._parent._parent.frameNr); } } movieClip 474 { frame 1 { this.gotoAndStop(this._parent.frameNr); } } movieClip 479 { frame 1 { this.gotoAndStop(this._parent.frameNr); } } movieClip 481 { frame 1 { this.gotoAndStop(this._parent._parent.frameNr); } } movieClip 482 { frame 1 { this.gotoAndStop(this._parent.frameNr); } } movieClip 488 { frame 1 { this.gotoAndStop(this._parent.frameNr); } } movieClip 493 { frame 1 { this.gotoAndStop(this._parent.frameNr); } } movieClip 497 { frame 1 { this.gotoAndStop(this._parent.frameNr); } } movieClip 503 { } movieClip 505 { frame 1 { this.gotoAndStop(this._parent.frameNr); } } movieClip 506 { frame 1 { this.gotoAndStop(_global.baddieID); this.frameNr = this._parent.frameNr; } } movieClip 511 { } movieClip 516 { frame 1 { this.frameNr = this._parent.frameNr; } } movieClip 521 { frame 1 { this.frameNr = this._parent.frameNr; } } movieClip 522 { frame 1 { stop(); holder._visible = false; } frame 13 { if (Math.random() > 0.5) { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } movieClip 523 { } movieClip 526 { } movieClip 529 { } movieClip 532 { } movieClip 533 { frame 1 { this.gotoAndStop(this._parent.frameNr); } } movieClip 536 { } movieClip 539 { } movieClip 542 { } movieClip 543 { frame 1 { this.gotoAndStop(this._parent.frameNr); } } movieClip 546 { } movieClip 549 { } movieClip 552 { } movieClip 553 { frame 1 { this.gotoAndStop(this._parent.frameNr); } } movieClip 557 { } movieClip 559 { } movieClip 560 { frame 1 { stop(); holder._visible = false; } frame 13 { if (Math.random() > 0.5) { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } movieClip 561 { } movieClip 564 { } movieClip 567 { } movieClip 568 { frame 1 { this.gotoAndStop(this._parent.frameNr); } } movieClip 570 { } movieClip 572 { } movieClip 574 { } movieClip 575 { frame 1 { this.gotoAndStop(this._parent.frameNr); } } movieClip 578 { } movieClip 581 { } movieClip 584 { } movieClip 587 { } movieClip 588 { frame 1 { this.gotoAndStop(this._parent.frameNr); } } movieClip 591 { } movieClip 594 { } movieClip 595 { frame 1 { this.gotoAndStop(this._parent.frameNr); } } movieClip 598 { } movieClip 599 { frame 1 { this.gotoAndStop(this._parent.frameNr); } } movieClip 601 { } movieClip 603 { } movieClip 605 { } movieClip 607 { } movieClip 608 { frame 1 { this.gotoAndStop(this._parent.frameNr); } } movieClip 611 { } movieClip 614 { } movieClip 616 { } movieClip 619 { } movieClip 620 { frame 1 { this.gotoAndStop(this._parent.frameNr); } } movieClip 622 { } movieClip 623 { frame 1 { this.gotoAndStop(this._parent.frameNr); } } movieClip 626 { } movieClip 629 { } movieClip 632 { } movieClip 635 { } movieClip 636 { frame 1 { this.gotoAndStop(this._parent.frameNr); } } movieClip 642 { } movieClip 646 { } movieClip 648 { } movieClip 654 { } movieClip 658 { } movieClip 660 { } movieClip 666 { } movieClip 670 { } movieClip 672 { } movieClip 677 { } movieClip 678 { frame 1 { this.gotoAndStop(this._parent.frameNr); } } movieClip 680 { } movieClip 682 { } movieClip 684 { } movieClip 685 { frame 1 { this.gotoAndStop(this._parent.frameNr); } } movieClip 687 { } movieClip 689 { } movieClip 691 { } movieClip 692 { frame 1 { this.gotoAndStop(this._parent.frameNr); } } movieClip 693 { frame 1 { this.gotoAndStop(_global.baddieID); this.frameNr = this._parent.frameNr; } } movieClip 695 { frame 1 { this._visible = false; } } movieClip 698 { frame 1 { this.gotoAndStop(this._parent.frameNr); } } movieClip 699 { frame 1 { stop(); this.gotoAndStop(_global.baddieID); this.frameNr = this._parent.frameNr; } } movieClip 702 { } movieClip 704 { } movieClip 706 { frame 1 { this._visible = false; this.cacheAsBitmap = true; } } movieClip 707 { frame 1 { this.frameNr = this._parent.frameNr; } } movieClip 710 { } movieClip 711 { frame 9 { stop(); = 30 + random(80); this.onEnterFrame = function () {; if ( <= 0) {; } }; } frame 15 { this._parent.gotoAndStop('stand'); } } movieClip 712 { frame 1 { stop(); if (this.timesplayed == null) { this.timesplayed = 0; } if (this.timesplayed < 2 && Math.random() > 0.6) { ++this.timesplayed; play(); } else { this.timesplayed = 0; } } frame 9 { ++this.timesplayed; } } movieClip 713 { frame 1 { stop(); if (this.timesplayed == null) { this.timesplayed = 0; } if (this.timesplayed < 2 && Math.random() > 0.6) { ++this.timesplayed; play(); } else { this.timesplayed = 0; } } frame 9 { ++this.timesplayed; } } movieClip 716 { frame 1 { this.gotoAndStop(this._parent._parent.frameNr); } } movieClip 717 { frame 1 { this.gotoAndStop(this._parent._parent.frameNr); } } movieClip 718 { frame 1 { this.gotoAndStop(this._parent._parent.frameNr); } } movieClip 719 { frame 1 { this.gotoAndStop(_global.baddieID); } } movieClip 722 { } movieClip 723 { frame 1 { if (_global.specialWeaponID != null) { this.gotoAndStop(_global.specialWeaponID); } else { this.gotoAndStop(_global.baddieID); } this.frameNr = this._parent.frameNr; } } movieClip 724 { frame 1 { this.frameNr = this._parent.frameNr; } } movieClip 726 { frame 1 { stop(); this.weapon._visible = false; } frame 2 { this.weapon._visible = false; } frame 3 { this.weapon._visible = false; } frame 6 { trace('DONTSSSSSSS ' + this.dontShowZwemband + ' ' +; } } movieClip 727 char_baddie { } movieClip 729 rw2Level2_2 { frame 1 { stop(); this.dobber = true; } } movieClip 734 { } movieClip 736 rw2Level2 { frame 1 { this.dobber = false; this.cacheAsBitmap = true; } frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 737 { frame 1 { this.nr1.penguin.frameNr = 1; this.nr2.penguin.frameNr = 2; _global.baddieID = 'security';; } } movieClip 740 rw2Level3_2 { frame 1 { stop(); this.dobber = false; this.cacheAsBitmap = true; } } movieClip 742 rw2Level3_3 { frame 1 { stop(); this.dobber = false; this.cacheAsBitmap = true; } } movieClip 744 rw2Level3 { frame 1 { this.dobber = false; this.cacheAsBitmap = true; } frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 746 { frame 1 { this.nr1.penguin.frameNr = 1; this.nr2.penguin.frameNr = 2; this.nr3.penguin.frameNr = 3; _global.baddieID = 'neighbour';; } } movieClip 748 rw2Level14_2 { frame 1 { this.dobber = false; this.cacheAsBitmap = true; } } movieClip 752 rw2Level14 { frame 1 { this.dobber = false; this.cacheAsBitmap = true; } frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 754 rw2Level14_3 { frame 1 { this.dobber = false; this.cacheAsBitmap = true; } } movieClip 757 { } movieClip 760 { frame 1 { stop(); this.animDone = false; } frame 14 { stop(); this.animDone = true; } } movieClip 763 { } movieClip 764 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 765 { } movieClip 766 { frame 1 { stop(); if (this.timesplayed == null) { this.timesplayed = 0; } if (this.timesplayed < 2 && Math.random() > 0.6) { ++this.timesplayed; play(); } else { this.timesplayed = 0; } } frame 9 { ++this.timesplayed; } } movieClip 767 { } movieClip 768 { frame 1 { stop(); this.animDone = false; } frame 15 { stop(); this.animDone = true; } } movieClip 771 { } movieClip 772 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 775 { } movieClip 778 { } movieClip 779 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 782 { frame 1 { this._visible = false; } } movieClip 785 { } movieClip 786 { frame 1 { this.actief = true; this.nogEenKeer = true; this.onEnterFrame = function () { var v2 = true; if (this.actief == false) { if (this.nogEenKeer == true) { this.nogEenKeer = false; } else { v2 = false; } } else { this.nogEenKeer = true; } if (v2 == true) { this.clear(); this.lineStyle(1, '0x5B3C11'); this.moveTo(punt1._x, punt1._y); this.lineTo(pijl._x, pijl._y); this.lineTo(punt2._x, punt2._y); } }; } } movieClip 789 { } movieClip 790 { frame 1 { stop(); if (this.timesplayed == null) { this.timesplayed = 0; } if (this.timesplayed < 2 && Math.random() > 0.6) { ++this.timesplayed; play(); } else { this.timesplayed = 0; } } frame 9 { ++this.timesplayed; } } movieClip 800 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 801 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 804 { } movieClip 807 { } movieClip 808 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 811 { } movieClip 814 { } movieClip 815 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 816 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 7 { stop(); } } movieClip 817 { frame 1 { if (this._parent.specialID != null) { trace('not null'); this.gotoAndStop(this._parent.specialID); } else { this.gotoAndStop(_global.baddieID); } trace('ID ' + this._parent.specialID); this.frameNr = this._parent.frameNr; } frame 9 { trace('shrmm'); } frame 10 { trace('badme'); } } movieClip 822 { frame 1 { this.gotoAndStop(this._parent.frameNr); } } movieClip 824 { } movieClip 825 { frame 1 { this.gotoAndStop(_global.baddieID); this.frameNr = this._parent.frameNr; } } movieClip 827 { } movieClip 828 { frame 1 { this.gotoAndStop(_global.baddieID); this.frameNr = this._parent.frameNr; } } movieClip 831 { } movieClip 832 { frame 1 { this.gotoAndStop(_global.baddieID); this.frameNr = this._parent.frameNr; } } movieClip 833 { frame 1 { this._visible = false; } } movieClip 834 { frame 1 { this._visible = false; } } movieClip 837 { frame 1 { this.gotoAndStop(this._parent.frameNr); } } movieClip 838 { frame 1 { stop(); this.gotoAndStop(_global.baddieID); this.frameNr = this._parent.frameNr; } } movieClip 839 { } movieClip 840 { } movieClip 841 { frame 1 { this._visible = false; this.cacheAsBitmap = true; } } movieClip 844 { } movieClip 847 { } movieClip 850 { } movieClip 857 { frame 1 { this.gotoAndStop(this._parent.frameNr); } } movieClip 860 { } movieClip 862 { frame 1 { this.gotoAndStop(this._parent.frameNr); } } movieClip 866 { frame 1 { this.gotoAndStop(this._parent.frameNr); } } movieClip 868 { frame 1 { if (this._parent.specialID != null) { this.gotoAndStop(this._parent.specialID); } else { this.gotoAndStop(_global.baddieID); } this.frameNr = this._parent.frameNr; } } movieClip 870 { } movieClip 871 { frame 1 { this.frameNr = this._parent.frameNr; this.specialID = 'shrimp'; } } movieClip 874 { } movieClip 875 { frame 9 { stop(); = 30 + random(80); this.onEnterFrame = function () {; if ( <= 0) {; } }; } frame 15 { this._parent.gotoAndStop('stand'); } } movieClip 877 { frame 1 { if (this._parent._parent.specialID != null) { this.gotoAndStop(this._parent._parent.specialID); } else { this.gotoAndStop(_global.baddieID); } this.frameNr = this._parent._parent.frameNr; } } movieClip 878 { } movieClip 879 { frame 1 { stop(); this.weapon._visible = false; this.specialID = 'shrimp'; } frame 2 { this.weapon._visible = false; } frame 3 { this.weapon._visible = false; } } movieClip 880 char_shrimp { } movieClip 881 { frame 1 { this.nr1.penguin.frameNr = 1; this.nr2.penguin.frameNr = 2; this.nr3.penguin.frameNr = 3; _global.baddieID = 'badmeester';; } } movieClip 884 rw2Level5_3 { frame 1 { stop(); this.dobber = true; this.cacheAsBitmap = true; } } movieClip 886 rw2Level5_4 { frame 1 { stop(); this.dobber = false; this.cacheAsBitmap = true; } } movieClip 890 { } movieClip 895 { } movieClip 897 { } movieClip 898 rw2Level5 { frame 1 { this.dobber = false; this.cacheAsBitmap = true; } frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 900 rw2Level5_2 { frame 1 { stop(); this.dobber = false; this.cacheAsBitmap = true; } } movieClip 901 { frame 1 { this.nr1.penguin.frameNr = 1; this.nr2.penguin.frameNr = 2; this.nr3.penguin.frameNr = 3; this.nr4.penguin.frameNr = 4; _global.baddieID = 'floatingkids';; } } movieClip 907 { } movieClip 908 { } movieClip 920 { } movieClip 921 { } movieClip 922 { } movieClip 924 { frame 1 { this.onEnterFrame = function () { this._rotation += 30; }; } } movieClip 926 { } movieClip 927 { frame 1 { stop(); trace('this | ' + this); } frame 177 { stop(); } } movieClip 928 rw2Level9_heli { frame 1 { this.dobber = true; this.cacheAsBitmap = true; trace('refer mcheli' + this); } frame 1 { stop(); } } // unknown tag 88 length 68 // unknown tag 88 length 67 movieClip 934 rw2Level9_3 { frame 1 { this.dobber = true; this.cacheAsBitmap = true; } frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 936 rw2Level9_2 { frame 1 { this.dobber = false; this.cacheAsBitmap = true; } frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 937 { frame 1 { this.nr1.penguin.frameNr = 1; this.nr2.penguin.frameNr = 2; this.nr3.penguin.frameNr = 3; this.nr4.penguin.frameNr = 4; _global.baddieID = 'security';; } } movieClip 955 rw2Level12 { frame 1 { this.dobber = false; this.cacheAsBitmap = true; } frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 962 rw2Level12_bak { frame 1 { this.dobber = false; this.cacheAsBitmap = true; } } movieClip 963 { frame 1 { this.nr1.penguin.frameNr = 1; this.nr2.penguin.frameNr = 2; this.nr3.penguin.frameNr = 3; this.nr4.penguin.frameNr = 4; _global.baddieID = 'builders';; } } movieClip 970 rw2Level7_2 { frame 1 { stop(); this.dobber = true; this.cacheAsBitmap = true; } } movieClip 971 rw2Level7 { frame 1 { this.dobber = true; this.cacheAsBitmap = true; } frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 980 { frame 1 { this.gotoAndStop(this._parent.frameNr); } } movieClip 981 { frame 1 { this.gotoAndStop(_global.baddieID); this.frameNr = this._parent.frameNr; } } movieClip 987 { } movieClip 989 { } movieClip 990 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { this.handanim.gotoAndPlay(random(14)); } } movieClip 1002 { frame 1 { this.hand.stop(); this.gotoAndStop(this._parent.frameNr); } } movieClip 1003 { frame 1 { this.gotoAndStop(_global.baddieID); this.frameNr = this._parent.frameNr; } } movieClip 1017 { } movieClip 1018 { frame 9 { stop(); = random(15); this.onEnterFrame = function () { if ( <= 0) { delete this.onEnterFrame;; } else {; } }; } } movieClip 1024 { frame 1 { this.gotoAndStop(this._parent.frameNr); } } movieClip 1025 { frame 1 { this.frameNr = this._parent.frameNr; } } movieClip 1026 { } movieClip 1027 { frame 1 { this.gotoAndStop(_global.baddieID); this.frameNr = this._parent.frameNr; } } movieClip 1029 { } movieClip 1030 { frame 1 { this.gotoAndStop(_global.baddieID); this.frameNr = this._parent.frameNr; } } movieClip 1031 { frame 1 { this.gotoAndStop(_global.baddieID); this.frameNr = this._parent.frameNr; } } movieClip 1041 { frame 1 {; this.gotoAndStop(this._parent.frameNr); } } movieClip 1042 { frame 1 { this.gotoAndStop(_global.baddieID); this.frameNr = this._parent.frameNr; } } movieClip 1056 { frame 1 { this.hand.stop(); this.gotoAndStop(this._parent.frameNr); } } movieClip 1057 { frame 1 { this.gotoAndStop(_global.baddieID); this.frameNr = this._parent.frameNr; } } movieClip 1058 { frame 1 { stop(); = 0; this.onEnterFrame = function () {; if ( % 5 == 0) { if (Math.random() < 0.08) { delete this.onEnterFrame;; } } }; } frame 13 { if (Math.random() > 0.5) { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } movieClip 1066 { frame 1 { this.gotoAndStop(this._parent.frameNr); this.knipper.stop(); } } movieClip 1067 { frame 1 { this.frameNr = this._parent.frameNr; } } movieClip 1068 { frame 1 { this.frameNr = this._parent.frameNr; } } movieClip 1069 { frame 1 { this.frameNr = this._parent.frameNr; } frame 105 { this.frameNr = this._parent.frameNr; } frame 105 { stop(); } } movieClip 1070 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { this.weapon._visible = false; } frame 3 { this.weapon._visible = false; this.belly.bellypic.hand.gotoAndStop('move'); } frame 5 { this.belly.bellypic.hand.gotoAndStop(1); } frame 11 { this.belly.bellypic.hand.gotoAndStop('move'); } frame 12 { this.belly.bellypic.hand.gotoAndStop('move'); } frame 13 { this.breath = {'x': this._x, 'y': this._y, 'mc': this, 't': 0, 'a': 3.2, 'T': 4, 'w': 2.094395102393195, 'bPos': this._y}; this.onEnterFrame = function () { this._y = this.breath.bPos + this.breath.a * Math.sin(this.breath.w * this.breath.t); this.breath.t += 0.03333333333333333; }; } } movieClip 1071 char_octobaby { } movieClip 1072 { frame 1 { this.nr1.penguin.frameNr = 1; this.nr2.penguin.frameNr = 2; this.nr3.penguin.frameNr = 3; this.nr4.penguin.frameNr = 4; this.nr5.penguin.frameNr = 5; this.nr6.penguin.frameNr = 6; this.nr7.penguin.frameNr = 7; this.nr8.penguin.frameNr = 8; _global.baddieID = 'security'; this.nr1.penguin.weapon._visible = false; this.nr2.penguin.weapon._visible = false; this.nr3.penguin.weapon._visible = false; this.nr4.penguin.weapon._visible = false; this.nr5.penguin.weapon._visible = false; this.nr6.penguin.weapon._visible = false; this.nr7.penguin.weapon._visible = false; this.nr8.penguin.weapon._visible = false;; } } movieClip 1078 { } movieClip 1079 rw2Level8 { frame 1 { this.dobber = true; this.cacheAsBitmap = true; } frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1080 { frame 1 { this.nr1.penguin.frameNr = 1; this.nr2.penguin.frameNr = 2; this.nr3.penguin.frameNr = 3; this.nr4.penguin.frameNr = 4; _global.baddieID = 'koreans';; } } movieClip 1082 rw2Level15 { frame 1 { this.dobber = false; this.cacheAsBitmap = true; } frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1084 { } movieClip 1085 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1086 { } movieClip 1088 { } movieClip 1089 char_droid { frame 1 { this.breath = {'x': this._x, 'y': this._y, 'mc': this, 't': 0, 'a': 3.2, 'T': 4, 'w': 2.094395102393195, 'bPos': this._y}; this.onEnterFrame = function () { this._y = this.breath.bPos + this.breath.a * Math.sin(this.breath.w * this.breath.t); this.breath.t += 0.04545454545454546; }; } } movieClip 1090 { frame 14 { stop(); } } movieClip 1091 { frame 1 { this.nr1.penguin.frameNr = 2; _global.baddieID = 'security';; } } movieClip 1095 { } movieClip 1100 { } movieClip 1105 { } movieClip 1110 { } movieClip 1113 rw2Level4 { frame 1 { this.dobber = false; this.cacheAsBitmap = true; } frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1115 rw2Level4_2 { frame 1 { stop(); this.dobber = true; this.cacheAsBitmap = true; } } movieClip 1116 { frame 1 { this.nr1.penguin.frameNr = 1; this.nr2.penguin.frameNr = 2; this.nr3.penguin.frameNr = 3; this.nr4.penguin.frameNr = 4; _global.baddieID = 'floatingkids';; } } movieClip 1118 rw2Level11 { frame 1 { this.dobber = true; this.cacheAsBitmap = true; } } movieClip 1127 rw2Level11_2 { frame 1 { stop(); this.dobber = false; this.cacheAsBitmap = true; } } movieClip 1128 { frame 1 { this.nr1.penguin.frameNr = 1; this.nr2.penguin.frameNr = 2; this.nr3.penguin.frameNr = 3; this.nr4.penguin.frameNr = 4; _global.baddieID = 'turtlekids';; } } // unknown tag 88 length 11 movieClip 1140 { } movieClip 1142 { frame 1 { = 25; this.onEnterFrame = function () {; if ( <= 0) { = 25; if (Math.random() > 0.25) { delete this.onEnterFrame;; } } }; } frame 1 { stop(); holder._visible = false; } frame 13 { if (Math.random() > 0.5) { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } movieClip 1144 { } movieClip 1145 { frame 1 { var aFrames = ['one', 'two', 'three', 'four', 'five']; var gotoFrame = random(5); this.gotoAndPlay(aFrames[gotoFrame]); } frame 21 { this.gotoAndStop(1); } frame 42 { this.gotoAndStop(1); } frame 46 { this.gotoAndStop(1); } frame 50 { this.gotoAndStop(1); } frame 65 { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } // unknown tag 88 length 60 movieClip 1155 { frame 312 {; } frame 683 { stop(); this._parent._parent._parent.gotoAndStop('last_level_intro_vervolg'); } } movieClip 1164 { } movieClip 1171 { } movieClip 1172 { } movieClip 1208 { frame 1 { this.cacheAsBitmap = true; } frame 1 { stop(); } frame 35 { stop(); this.wt = 90; this.onEnterFrame = function () { --this.wt; if (this.wt == 0) { delete this.onEnterFrame;; } }; } frame 70 { stop(); this.wt = 70; this.onEnterFrame = function () { --this.wt; if (this.wt == 0) { delete this.onEnterFrame;; } }; } frame 106 { stop(); } frame 162 { stop(); } } movieClip 1211 { } movieClip 1214 { frame 1 { stop(); this.hits = 0; } frame 30 { stop(); this.hits = 1; this.done = true; } frame 60 { stop(); this.done = true; this.hits = 2; } frame 296 { stop(); this.done = true; this.hits = 3; } } movieClip 1215 { frame 1 { this.healthbar._visible = false; } } movieClip 1217 rw2Level10 { frame 1 { this.dobber = false; this.cacheAsBitmap = true; } frame 1 { stop(); this.whalecontainer.whale.gotoAndStop('grootst'); this.journalisten.stop(); } } movieClip 1218 { frame 1 { this.nr1.penguin.frameNr = 1; this.nr2.penguin.frameNr = 2; this.nr3.penguin.frameNr = 3; this.nr4.penguin.frameNr = 4; _global.baddieID = 'security';; this.pic.whalecontainer.healthbar._visible = false; } } movieClip 1219 { } movieClip 1221 { } movieClip 1223 { } movieClip 1224 { frame 1 { stop(); this.onRollOver = function () { this.gotoAndStop(2); }; this.onRollOut = function () { this.gotoAndStop(1); }; this.onReleaseOutside = function () { this.gotoAndStop(1); }; } } movieClip 1226 { frame 1 { this.onRelease = function () { getURL('', '_blank'); }; } } movieClip 1229 { } movieClip 1230 { frame 1 { stop(); this.onRollOver = function () { this.gotoAndStop(2); }; this.onRollOut = function () { this.gotoAndStop(1); }; this.onReleaseOutside = function () { this.gotoAndStop(1); }; } } movieClip 1232 { } movieClip 1233 { frame 1 { stop(); this.onRollOver = function () { this.gotoAndStop(2); }; this.onRollOut = function () { this.gotoAndStop(1); }; this.onReleaseOutside = function () { this.gotoAndStop(1); }; } } movieClip 1235 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1239 { } movieClip 1240 { } movieClip 1242 { } movieClip 1243 { } movieClip 1245 { } movieClip 1246 { } movieClip 1247 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1248 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1250 { } movieClip 1251 { } movieClip 1252 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1253 { frame 1 { stop(); this.onRollOver = function () { this.icoon.gotoAndStop(2); }; this.onRollOut = function () { this.icoon.gotoAndStop(1); }; this.onReleaseOutside = function () { this.icoon.gotoAndStop(1); }; } frame 1 { if (this.callDone != true) { _global.callInitMuteButton(this); this.callDone = true; } } frame 2 { stop(); this.onRollOver = function () { this.icoon.gotoAndStop(2); }; this.onRollOut = function () { this.icoon.gotoAndStop(1); }; this.onReleaseOutside = function () { this.icoon.gotoAndStop(1); }; } frame 3 { stop(); this.onRollOver = function () { this.icoon.gotoAndStop(2); }; this.onRollOut = function () { this.icoon.gotoAndStop(1); }; this.onReleaseOutside = function () { this.icoon.gotoAndStop(1); }; } } movieClip 1254 tussenscherm { frame 1 { this.grenadePic.gotoAndStop(2); this.rocketPic.gotoAndStop(3); this.multiballPic.gotoAndStop(4); this.cost._visible = false; this.logo.onRelease = function () { getURL('', '_blank'); }; } } movieClip 1261 mcExpCloud { frame 33 { this.remove = true; stop(); } } movieClip 1264 mcExpDebris { } movieClip 1271 mcExpFire1 { frame 62 { this.remove = true; stop(); } } movieClip 1278 mcExpFire2 { frame 66 { this.remove = true; stop(); } } movieClip 1279 mcExpSmoke { frame 18 { stop(); = random(10); this.onEnterFrame = function () {; if ( <= 0) { delete this.onEnterFrame;; } }; } frame 46 { this.remove = true; stop(); } } movieClip 1285 mcSmoke { frame 9 { stop(); } } movieClip 1292 mcSnowflake { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1299 mcSnowPieces { } movieClip 1305 mcSplash { frame 1 { stop(); this.cacheAsBitmap = true; this.onEnterFrame = function () { this._rotation += (90 - this._rotation) / 20; }; this.gotoAndStop(random(5) + 1); } } // unknown tag 88 length 70 movieClip 1334 simon_beginTekst { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1337 simon_FinalLevelTekst { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1343 { } movieClip 1344 pole { frame 1 { stop(); this.cacheAsBitmap = true; trace('hippoNW'); } } movieClip 1364 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1365 orca { frame 1 { stop(); } } // unknown tag 88 length 85 movieClip 1375 oppGrrr { frame 1 { this.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1); } } movieClip 1379 { } movieClip 1380 { } movieClip 1381 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 28 { this._parent.readyForClick = true; } frame 140 { stop(); } } movieClip 1383 { } // unknown tag 88 length 11 movieClip 1388 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1389 { } // unknown tag 88 length 68 // unknown tag 88 length 63 movieClip 1400 mcFinishMessage { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { this.moreGames._alpha = 0; this.moreGames.onEnterFrame = function () { if (this._alpha >= 100) { this._alpha = 100; delete this.onEnterFrame; } else { this._alpha += 10; } }; } } movieClip 1402 { } movieClip 1405 { } movieClip 1406 { frame 28 { this._parent.readyForClick = true; } frame 401 { stop(); } } movieClip 1433 mcBeginMessage { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 14 { stop(); } } movieClip 1436 { } movieClip 1438 { } movieClip 1439 mcStopLoop { frame 1 { stop(); this.onRollOver = function () { this.gotoAndStop(2); }; this.onRollOut = function () { this.gotoAndStop(1); }; this.onReleaseOutside = function () { this.gotoAndStop(1); }; } } movieClip 1441 mcKeuLonger { } movieClip 1442 mcKeu { } // unknown tag 88 length 76 movieClip 1452 { frame 1 { stop(); this.onRollOver = function () { this.gotoAndStop(2); }; this.onRollOut = function () { this.gotoAndStop(1); }; this.onReleaseOutside = function () { this.gotoAndStop(1); }; } } movieClip 1455 mcHighScores { frame 1 { Selection.setFocus('input_name'); } } movieClip 1458 { } movieClip 1473 { } movieClip 1478 { } movieClip 1479 { } movieClip 1480 { } movieClip 1486 { } movieClip 1490 { } movieClip 1495 { } movieClip 1499 { } movieClip 1501 { frame 1 { this.breath = {'x': this._x, 'y': this._y, 'mc': this, 't': 0, 'a': 3.2, 'T': 4, 'w': 2.094395102393195, 'bPos': this._y}; this.onEnterFrame = function () { this._y = this.breath.bPos + this.breath.a * Math.sin(this.breath.w * this.breath.t); this.breath.t += 0.04545454545454546; }; } } movieClip 1510 { frame 1 { stop(); this.onRollOver = function () { this.gotoAndStop(2); }; this.onRollOut = function () { this.gotoAndStop(1); }; this.onReleaseOutside = function () { this.gotoAndStop(1); }; } } movieClip 1518 { } movieClip 1521 { frame 1 { stop(); this.onRollOver = function () { this.gotoAndStop(2); }; this.onRollOut = function () { this.gotoAndStop(1); }; this.onReleaseOutside = function () { this.gotoAndStop(1); }; this.onRelease = function () { getURL('', '_blank'); }; } } movieClip 1525 { frame 1 { stop(); this.onRollOver = function () { this.gotoAndStop(2); }; this.onRollOut = function () { this.gotoAndStop(1); }; this.onReleaseOutside = function () { this.gotoAndStop(1); }; } } movieClip 1529 { frame 1 { stop(); this.onRollOver = function () { this.gotoAndStop(2); }; this.onRollOut = function () { this.gotoAndStop(1); }; this.onReleaseOutside = function () { this.gotoAndStop(1); }; } } movieClip 1533 { frame 1 { stop(); this.onRollOver = function () { this.gotoAndStop(2); }; this.onRollOut = function () { this.gotoAndStop(1); }; this.onReleaseOutside = function () { this.gotoAndStop(1); }; } } movieClip 1536 { frame 1 { stop(); this.onRollOver = function () { this.gotoAndStop(2); }; this.onRollOut = function () { this.gotoAndStop(1); }; this.onReleaseOutside = function () { this.gotoAndStop(1); }; } } movieClip 1537 { } movieClip 1538 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1542 { frame 1 { stop(); this.onRollOver = function () { this.gotoAndStop(2); }; this.onRollOut = function () { this.gotoAndStop(1); }; this.onReleaseOutside = function () { this.gotoAndStop(1); }; } } movieClip 1548 { frame 1 { stop(); this.onRollOver = function () { this.gotoAndStop(2); }; this.onRollOut = function () { this.gotoAndStop(1); }; this.onReleaseOutside = function () { this.gotoAndStop(1); }; } } movieClip 1552 { frame 1 { stop(); this.onRollOver = function () { this.gotoAndStop(2); }; this.onRollOut = function () { this.gotoAndStop(1); }; this.onReleaseOutside = function () { this.gotoAndStop(1); }; } } movieClip 1554 { } movieClip 1557 { } movieClip 1559 { } movieClip 1561 { } movieClip 1562 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1563 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1565 { } movieClip 1566 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1567 { frame 1 { stop(); this.onRollOver = function () { this.icoon.gotoAndStop(2); }; this.onRollOut = function () { this.icoon.gotoAndStop(1); }; this.onReleaseOutside = function () { this.icoon.gotoAndStop(1); }; } frame 1 { if (this.callDone != true) { _global.callInitMuteButton(this); this.callDone = true; } } frame 2 { stop(); this.onRollOver = function () { this.icoon.gotoAndStop(2); }; this.onRollOut = function () { this.icoon.gotoAndStop(1); }; this.onReleaseOutside = function () { this.icoon.gotoAndStop(1); }; } frame 3 { stop(); this.onRollOver = function () { this.icoon.gotoAndStop(2); }; this.onRollOut = function () { this.icoon.gotoAndStop(1); }; this.onReleaseOutside = function () { this.icoon.gotoAndStop(1); }; } } movieClip 1571 { frame 1 { stop(); this.onRollOver = function () { this.gotoAndStop(2); }; this.onRollOut = function () { this.gotoAndStop(1); }; this.onReleaseOutside = function () { this.gotoAndStop(1); }; } } movieClip 1576 { frame 1 { stop(); this.onRelease = function () { getURL('', '_blank'); }; } } movieClip 1579 { } movieClip 1580 { frame 1 { this.onRelease = function () { getURL('', '_blank'); }; stop(); this.onRollOver = function () { this.gotoAndStop(2); }; this.onRollOut = function () { this.gotoAndStop(1); }; this.onReleaseOutside = function () { this.gotoAndStop(1); }; } } movieClip 1593 { } movieClip 1594 { frame 1 { stop(); this.onRollOver = function () { this.gotoAndStop(2); }; this.onRollOut = function () { this.gotoAndStop(1); }; this.onReleaseOutside = function () { this.gotoAndStop(1); }; this.onRelease = function () { getURL('', '_blank'); }; } } movieClip 1599 { frame 1 { this.onRelease = function () { getURL('', '_blank'); }; } } movieClip 1600 { } movieClip 1605 { frame 1 { stop(); this.onRollOver = function () { this.gotoAndStop(2); }; this.onRollOut = function () { this.gotoAndStop(1); }; this.onReleaseOutside = function () { this.gotoAndStop(1); }; } } movieClip 1606 howToPlay { } movieClip 1608 { } movieClip 1609 mcControlCenter { frame 1 { function submitScores() { trace('subm'); myScores = random(10); _root.myScores = myScores; if (_url.indexOf('') == -1 && _url.indexOf('') == -1) { trace('domain not allowed'); return undefined; } var v2 = String(random(100000)); } function setupHSBVariables() { this.scoreLocation = '_root.myScores'; this.gamename = 'Raft Wars 2'; this.saveScore = false; this.scoreIsTime = false; this.scoreReversed = false; this.negativeScoreAllowed = false; } function initHighscores() { setupHSBVariables(); } stop(); _global.maakVakjeZee(this.seaContainer, 730, 12438750, 20, 6); _global.maakVakjeZee(this.seaContainer2, 730, 11059166, 30, 3); this.creditsPopup._visible = false;'');'');''); this.scoresBtn.onRelease = function () { trace('submdwdswwswswsd'); initHighscores(); submitScores(); }; this.scoresBtn._visible = false; } } movieClip 1612 mcBg { } movieClip 1614 mcBall { } movieClip 1618 { } movieClip 1619 { frame 1 { stop(); this.timer = 50 + random(250); this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (this.timer > 0) { --this.timer; } else { delete this.onEnterFrame;; } }; } frame 20 { stop(); this.timer = 20 + random(20); this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (this.timer > 0) { --this.timer; } else { delete this.onEnterFrame;; } }; } frame 24 { stop(); this.timer = 50 + random(50); this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (this.timer > 0) { --this.timer; } else { delete this.onEnterFrame;; } }; } } movieClip 1621 { } movieClip 1622 { } movieClip 1624 { } movieClip 1625 { } movieClip 1626 opa { } movieClip 1630 { } movieClip 1631 { frame 1 { this._visible = false; } } movieClip 1632 { frame 1 { this._visible = false; } } movieClip 1640 { } movieClip 1642 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 1643 { frame 1 { if (this._parent._parent._parent.showRocket != true) { this.opzetstuk._visible = false; } trace('SET TO FALSE' + this._parent._parent._parent + ' ' + this._parent._parent._parent.showRocket); } } movieClip 1652 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1656 { frame 1 { this.gotoAndStop(this._parent.frameNr); } } movieClip 1663 { } movieClip 1664 { } movieClip 1667 { frame 1 { this.gotoAndStop(this._parent.frameNr); } } movieClip 1671 { } movieClip 1672 { frame 1 { this.frameNr = this._parent.frameNr; } } movieClip 1673 { frame 1 { this.frameNr = this._parent.frameNr; } } movieClip 1674 { frame 1 { stop(); holder._visible = false; } frame 13 { if (Math.random() > 0.5) { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } movieClip 1681 { frame 1 { var vis = false; var hu = this._parent._parent.helmetUpgrade; var hu1 = this._parent._parent._parent.helmetUpgrade; var hu2 = this._parent._parent._parent._parent.helmetUpgrade; var hu3 = this._parent._parent._parent._parent._parent.helmetUpgrade; if (hu == null || hu1 == null || hu2 == null || hu3 == null) { vis = false; } if (hu == undefined || hu1 == undefined || hu2 == undefined || hu3 == undefined) { vis = false; } if (hu == 1 || hu1 == 1 || hu2 == 1 || hu3 == 1) { vis = true; } if (hu == 2 || hu1 == 2 || hu2 == 2 || hu3 == 2) { vis = true; } this._visible = vis; } } movieClip 1683 { } movieClip 1686 { frame 1 { var vis = false; var hu = this._parent._parent.helmetUpgrade; var hu1 = this._parent._parent._parent.helmetUpgrade; var hu2 = this._parent._parent._parent._parent.helmetUpgrade; var hu3 = this._parent._parent._parent._parent._parent.helmetUpgrade; if (hu == null || hu1 == null || hu2 == null || hu3 == null) { vis = false; } if (hu == undefined || hu1 == undefined || hu2 == undefined || hu3 == undefined) { vis = false; } if (hu == 1 || hu1 == 1 || hu2 == 1 || hu3 == 1) { vis = true; } if (hu == 2 || hu1 == 2 || hu2 == 2 || hu3 == 2) { vis = true; } this._visible = vis; } } movieClip 1688 { } movieClip 1691 { frame 1 { var vis = false; var hu = this._parent._parent.helmetUpgrade; var hu1 = this._parent._parent._parent.helmetUpgrade; var hu2 = this._parent._parent._parent._parent.helmetUpgrade; var hu3 = this._parent._parent._parent._parent._parent.helmetUpgrade; if (hu == null || hu1 == null || hu2 == null || hu3 == null) { vis = false; } if (hu == undefined || hu1 == undefined || hu2 == undefined || hu3 == undefined) { vis = false; } if (hu == 1 || hu1 == 1 || hu2 == 1 || hu3 == 1) { vis = true; } if (hu == 2 || hu1 == 2 || hu2 == 2 || hu3 == 2) { vis = true; } this._visible = vis; } } movieClip 1694 { } movieClip 1695 { frame 1 { this.gotoAndStop(this._parent.frameNr); } } movieClip 1696 { frame 1 { this._visible = false; } } movieClip 1697 { frame 1 { this._visible = false; } } movieClip 1699 { frame 1 { this.gotoAndStop(this._parent.frameNr); } } movieClip 1700 { } movieClip 1701 { } movieClip 1702 { frame 1 { this._visible = false; this.cacheAsBitmap = true; } } movieClip 1703 { } movieClip 1704 { frame 1 { this.frameNr = this._parent.frameNr; } } movieClip 1707 { } movieClip 1708 { frame 9 { stop(); = 30 + random(80); this.onEnterFrame = function () {; if ( <= 0) {; } }; } frame 15 { this._parent.gotoAndStop('stand'); } } movieClip 1713 { frame 9 { stop(); } } movieClip 1724 { } movieClip 1726 { } movieClip 1734 { } movieClip 1735 { frame 1 { this.cacheAsBitmap = true; this.gotoAndStop(this._parent.frameNr); } } movieClip 1736 { frame 1 { stop(); if (this.timesplayed == null) { this.timesplayed = 0; } if (this.timesplayed < 2 && Math.random() > 0.6) { ++this.timesplayed; play(); } else { this.timesplayed = 0; } } frame 9 { ++this.timesplayed; } } movieClip 1737 { frame 1 { this.frameNr = this._parent.frameNr; } } movieClip 1738 { frame 1 { this.frameNr = this._parent.frameNr; } } movieClip 1744 { } movieClip 1751 { frame 1 { if (_global.poolLevel == true) { this.gotoAndStop(random(2) + 1); } else { this.gotoAndStop(random(3) + 1); } } } movieClip 1752 { frame 1 { this.frameNr = this._parent.frameNr; } frame 81 { this._parent._parent.gotoAndStop('stand'); } } movieClip 1753 { frame 1 { this.frameNr = this._parent.frameNr; } } movieClip 1754 { frame 1 { this.frameNr = this._parent.frameNr; } } movieClip 1763 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1764 { frame 1 { this.frameNr = this._parent.frameNr; } frame 34 { this.ijsje.gotoAndStop(2); } frame 62 { this.ijsje.gotoAndStop(3); } frame 97 { this.ijsje.gotoAndStop(4); } frame 145 { this._parent._parent.gotoAndStop('stand'); } } movieClip 1768 { } movieClip 1769 { } movieClip 1770 { } movieClip 1771 { frame 1 { this.frameNr = this._parent.frameNr; } frame 180 { this._parent._parent.gotoAndStop('stand'); } } movieClip 1775 { } movieClip 1778 { } movieClip 1779 { } movieClip 1782 { } movieClip 1783 { } movieClip 1789 { frame 25 { stop(); } } movieClip 1790 { } movieClip 1792 { frame 1 { this.frameNr = this._parent.frameNr; } frame 210 { this._parent._parent.gotoAndStop('stand'); } } movieClip 1797 { } movieClip 1798 { } movieClip 1799 { } movieClip 1800 { frame 1 { this.frameNr = this._parent.frameNr; } frame 180 { this._parent._parent.gotoAndStop('stand'); } } movieClip 1802 { } movieClip 1804 { } movieClip 1807 { } movieClip 1808 { } movieClip 1813 { frame 25 { stop(); } } movieClip 1814 { frame 1 { this.frameNr = this._parent.frameNr; } frame 199 { this._parent._parent.gotoAndStop('stand'); } } movieClip 1817 { } movieClip 1818 { } movieClip 1819 { frame 1 { this.frameNr = this._parent.frameNr; } frame 180 { this._parent._parent.gotoAndStop('stand'); } } movieClip 1820 { frame 1 { this.frameNr = this._parent.frameNr; var aantFrames = 7; if (this._parent.helmetUpgrade >= 1) { aantFrames = 6; } var r = random(aantFrames) + 1; if (r == _global.simonSpecialFrame) { r += 1; if (r > aantFrames) { r = 1; } } _global.simonSpecialFrame = r; this.gotoAndStop(r); this.helmetUpgrade = this._parent.helmetUpgrade; } } movieClip 1821 { frame 1 { stop(); if (this.helmetUpgrade >= 2) { if (this.shieldActive == true) { this.shieldVoor._visible = true; this.shieldAchter._visible = false; } else { this.shieldVoor._visible = false; this.shieldAchter._visible = true; } } else { this.shieldVoor._visible = false; this.shieldAchter._visible = false; } } } movieClip 1822 char_hero { } movieClip 1823 { } movieClip 1824 char_deadwhale { } movieClip 1825 char_bucket { } movieClip 1827 beer { } movieClip 1829 mcMultiball { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1830 ammo_viking { } movieClip 1831 ammo_turtlekids { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1833 ammo_security { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1836 ammo_savage { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1839 ammo_pirate { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1842 ammo_ouder { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1843 ammo_octomom { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1845 ammo_neighbour { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1846 ammo_koreans { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1848 ammo_indiankids { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1849 ammo_gang { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1850 ammo_floatingkids { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1852 ammo_droid { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1853 ammo_builders { } movieClip 1854 ammo_badmeester { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1856 { } movieClip 1857 rw2Level9Beweegruimte { } movieClip 1858 rw2Level8Beweegruimte { } movieClip 1860 { frame 1 { this.cacheAsBitmap = true; } } movieClip 1862 { frame 1 { this._visible = false; } } movieClip 1863 rw2Level8_whale { frame 1 { this.dobber = false; } frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1864 rw2Level7Beweegruimte { } movieClip 1865 rw2Level6Beweegruimte { } movieClip 1866 rw2Level6_whale { frame 1 { this.dobber = false; } frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1873 rw2Level6_2 { frame 1 { this.dobber = true; this.cacheAsBitmap = true; } frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1874 rw2Level6 { frame 1 { this.dobber = true; this.cacheAsBitmap = true; } frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1875 rw2Level5Beweegruimte { } movieClip 1876 rw2Level4Beweegruimte { } movieClip 1877 rw2Level4_droids { frame 1 { this.dobber = false; this.cacheAsBitmap = true; } } movieClip 1878 { frame 1 { this._visible = false; } } movieClip 1879 { frame 1 { this._visible = false; } } movieClip 1880 rw2Level3_4 { frame 1 { stop(); = false; } } movieClip 1881 rw2Level3Beweegruimte { } movieClip 1882 rw2Level2Beweegruimte { } movieClip 1884 { } movieClip 1885 rw2Level1Beweegruimte { } movieClip 1886 rw2Level15Beweegruimte { } movieClip 1887 rw2Level15_2 { frame 1 { this.dobber = false; this.cacheAsBitmap = true; } } movieClip 1888 rw2Level14Beweegruimte { } movieClip 1889 rw2Level13Beweegruimte { } movieClip 1891 rw2Level13 { frame 1 { stop(); this.dobber = true; } } movieClip 1892 rw2Level12Beweegruimte { } movieClip 1893 rw2Level11Beweegruimte { } movieClip 1894 rw2Level11_whale { frame 1 { this.dobber = false; } frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1901 { frame 1 { this.breath = {'x': this._x, 'y': this._y, 'mc': this, 't': 0, 'a': 3.2, 'T': 4, 'w': 2.094395102393195, 'bPos': this._y}; this.onEnterFrame = function () { this._y = this.breath.bPos + this.breath.a * Math.sin(this.breath.w * this.breath.t); this.breath.t += 0.03333333333333333; }; } } movieClip 1902 rw2Level11_3 { frame 1 { stop(); this.dobber = false; this.cacheAsBitmap = true; } } movieClip 1903 rw2Level10Beweegruimte { } movieClip 1904 rw2Level10_2 { frame 1 { stop(); this.dobber = true; } } movieClip 1915 { } movieClip 1918 mcRaft { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1919 intro_fade { } movieClip 1921 mcSky { } movieClip 1924 { } movieClip 1925 { } movieClip 1926 { frame 1 { this.cacheAsBitmap = true; } } movieClip 1929 { } movieClip 1930 { } movieClip 1931 { frame 1 { this.cacheAsBitmap = true; } } movieClip 1934 { } movieClip 1935 { } movieClip 1936 { frame 1 { this.cacheAsBitmap = true; } } movieClip 1937 clouds { frame 1 { this.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1); } } movieClip 1938 { } movieClip 1940 { } movieClip 1942 { frame 1 { this.count = 0; this.onEnterFrame = function () { ++this.count; if (this.count == 20) { this.count = 0; if (Math.random() > 0.3) { var v2 = this.getNextHighestDepth(); var v3 = this.attachMovie('gameWonSmokeCloud', 'gameWonSmokeCloud' + v2, v2); } } }; } } movieClip 1971 { } movieClip 1973 { } movieClip 1975 { frame 1 { stop(); this.onRollOver = function () { this.gotoAndStop(2); }; this.onRollOut = function () { this.gotoAndStop(1); }; this.onReleaseOutside = function () { this.gotoAndStop(1); }; } } movieClip 1976 gameComplete { frame 1 { function submitScores() { if (_url.indexOf('') == -1 && _url.indexOf('') == -1) { trace('domain not allowed'); return undefined; } var _loc1_ = String(random(100000)); hsbHolder.loadMovie('' + _loc1_); } function setupHSBVariables() { this.scoreLocation = '_root.myScores'; this.gamename = 'Raft Wars 2'; this.saveScore = true; this.scoreIsTime = false; this.scoreReversed = false; this.negativeScoreAllowed = false; } function initHighscores() { setupHSBVariables(); setupTestBtn(); } function setupTestBtn() { submitBtn._visible = false; submitBtn.onPress = function () { this._visible = false; submitScores(); }; }'');'');''); stop(); var ps = _global.saveProgress.progress.points; ps = Math.round(ps); this.exit.onRelease = function () { _global.doDeleteSharedObj = true; this._parent._parent.gotoAndPlay('init'); }; this.finalscore.text = 'FINAL SCORE: ' + ps; var myScores = ps; myScores = ps; _root.myScores = ps; initHighscores(); } frame 1 { } } movieClip 1977 { } movieClip 1978 instructionsMuis { } movieClip 1980 { } movieClip 1984 { } movieClip 1986 { frame 1 { stop(); this.onRollOver = function () { this.gotoAndStop(2); }; this.onRollOut = function () { this.gotoAndStop(1); }; this.onReleaseOutside = function () { this.gotoAndStop(1); }; } } movieClip 1987 hudIntructions { } movieClip 1990 { frame 1 { } } movieClip 1993 { } movieClip 1994 radar_char { } movieClip 1998 { } movieClip 2003 { } movieClip 2005 radar { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 2007 { frame 1 { this._visible = false; } } movieClip 2009 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 2010 { } movieClip 2013 { } movieClip 2014 { frame 1 { stop(); this.onRollOver = function () { this.gotoAndStop(2); }; this.onRollOut = function () { this.gotoAndStop(1); }; this.onReleaseOutside = function () { this.gotoAndStop(1); }; } } movieClip 2015 mcShootCannon { frame 1 { calcPower = function (power) { var v1 = power * (1 + (power / 90) * 3); v1 *= 0.22; return v1; }; } frame 1 { getDist = function (mc1, mc2) { var v2 = mc2._x - mc1._x; var v1 = mc2._y - mc1._y; return Math.round(Math.sqrt(v2 * v2 + v1 * v1)); }; getMouseDist = function (mc1) { var v2 = _xmouse - mc1._x; var v1 = _ymouse - mc1._y; return Math.round(Math.sqrt(v2 * v2 + v1 * v1)); }; move = function () { var v8 = parentMc._xmouse - point._x; var v7 = parentMc._ymouse - point._y; var v3 = Math.atan2(v7, v8); var v5 = getMouseDist(point); var v9 = getDist(handle, point); if (v5 > handleLength) { var v6 = handleLength - v5; handle._x = parentMc._xmouse + Math.cos(v3) * v6; handle._y = parentMc._ymouse + Math.sin(v3) * v6; } else { if (v5 < clearHandle) { var v10 = true; handle._x = point._x + Math.cos(v3) * clearHandle; handle._y = point._y + Math.sin(v3) * clearHandle; } else { handle._x = parentMc._xmouse; handle._y = parentMc._ymouse; } } var v2 = (Math.PI + v3) * 180 / Math.PI; if (v2 < 270) { if (v2 < 135) { v2 = 360; } else { v2 = 270; } } handle._rotation = v2; _global.cannonRotation = v2; var v4 = v9; if (v4 < 10) { v4 = 10; } _global.cannonPower = calcPower(v4); if (handle._x > point._x) { handle._x = point._x; if (v2 != 360) { if (handle._y - point._y < clearHandle) { handle._y = point._y + clearHandle; } } } if (handle._y < point._y) { handle._y = point._y; if (point._x - handle._x < clearHandle) { handle._x = point._x - clearHandle; } } }; press = function () { this.onMouseMove = move; }; release = function () { delete this.onMouseMove; }; handle.onPress = press; handle.onRelease = release; handle.onReleaseOutside = release; handle.move = move; clearHandle = 40; handleLength = 132; parentMc = this; _global.cannonRotation = 315; var d = getDist(handle, point); _global.cannonPower = calcPower(d); } } movieClip 2021 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 2023 { frame 1 { stop(); this.onRollOver = function () { this.gotoAndStop(2); }; this.onRollOut = function () { this.gotoAndStop(1); }; this.onReleaseOutside = function () { this.gotoAndStop(1); }; } } movieClip 2027 { frame 1 { stop(); this.onRollOver = function () { this.gotoAndStop(2); }; this.onRollOut = function () { this.gotoAndStop(1); }; this.onReleaseOutside = function () { this.gotoAndStop(1); }; } } // unknown tag 88 length 63 movieClip 2034 { frame 1 { stop(); this.onRollOver = function () { this.gotoAndStop(2); }; this.onRollOut = function () { this.gotoAndStop(1); }; this.onReleaseOutside = function () { this.gotoAndStop(1); }; } } // unknown tag 88 length 63 movieClip 2046 { frame 1 { stop(); this.onRollOver = function () { this.gotoAndStop(2); }; this.onRollOut = function () { this.gotoAndStop(1); }; this.onReleaseOutside = function () { this.gotoAndStop(1); }; } } movieClip 2047 mcHS { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); Selection.setFocus('name'); } frame 4 { stop(); } frame 5 { stop(); } } movieClip 2048 heliLevelMask { } movieClip 2062 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 2063 haai { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 2064 { } movieClip 2065 gameWonSmokeCloud { frame 1 { this.pic.gotoAndStop(random(3) + 1); this.vy = (-2 - Math.random() * 3) / 3; var scale = 30 + random(40); this._xscale = scale; this._yscale = scale; this._x += -30 + random(60); this.count = 0; this.onEnterFrame = function () { ++this.count; this._y += this.vy; if (this.count > 110) { this._alpha -= 0.3; } if (this.count > 30) { this._xscale += 0.2; this._yscale += 0.1; } if (this._alpha <= 0) { this.removeMovieClip(); } }; } } movieClip 2068 mcTurtle { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 2070 mcSter { frame 1 { this.onEnterFrame = function () { this._xscale -= 20; this._yscale -= 20; if (this._xscale <= 0) { this.removeMovieClip(); } }; } } movieClip 2071 mcSnowball { frame 1 { stop(); } } // unknown tag 88 length 68 movieClip 2074 mcDeductPoints { frame 1 { this.count = 10; this.onEnterFrame = function () { this._y -= 1; if (this.count <= 0) { this._alpha -= 4; if (this._alpha <= 10) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } else { --this.count; } }; } } movieClip 2077 mcBigRocket { } movieClip 2080 mcFlits { frame 1 { this.onEnterFrame = function () { this._alpha -= 10; if (this._alpha <= 0) { this.removeMovieClip(); } }; } } movieClip 2083 finalLevelTekst { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 2085 fadeToBlack { frame 20 { stop(); this.done = true; } } movieClip 2114 broer_beginTekst { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 2119 { } movieClip 2120 bird_hit { frame 1 { this.cacheAsBitmap = true; } } movieClip 2123 { } movieClip 2125 { } movieClip 2127 { } movieClip 2129 { } movieClip 2132 { } movieClip 2134 { } movieClip 2136 { } movieClip 2138 { } movieClip 2140 { } movieClip 2141 { } movieClip 2155 { } movieClip 2156 { } movieClip 2161 { } movieClip 2163 { } movieClip 2174 { } movieClip 2178 { } movieClip 2180 { } movieClip 2181 BigDinoSplash { frame 1 { this.onRelease = function () { getURL('', '_blank'); }; } frame 8 { egg.gotoAndStop(1); } frame 23 { egg.gotoAndStop(2); } frame 66 { egg.gotoAndStop(3); } frame 103 { egg.gotoAndStop(4); } frame 265 { stop();; } } movieClip 2183 { } movieClip 2191 badmeesterVHF { frame 155 { stop(); } } movieClip 2263 { frame 1 { this._visible = false; stop(); } frame 97 { stop(); } } frame 1 { function initVector(v, frompoints) { if (frompoints) { v.vx = v.p1.x - v.p0.x; v.vy = v.p1.y - v.p0.y; } else { v.p1.x = v.p0.x + v.vx; v.p1.y = v.p0.y + v.vy; } v.len = Math.sqrt(v.vx * v.vx + v.vy * v.vy); if (v.len > 0) { v.dx = v.vx / v.len; v.dy = v.vy / v.len; v.rx = -v.dy; v.ry = v.dx; v.lx = v.dy; = -v.dx; return v; } v.dx = 0; v.dy = 0; v.rx = -v.dy; v.ry = v.dx; v.lx = v.dy; = -v.dx; return v; } function getIntersection(v1, v2) { var v2 = {}; v2.vx = v1.p1.x - v2.p0.x; v2.vy = v1.p1.y - v2.p0.y; var v6 = v2.vx * v2.dx + v2.vy * v2.dy; if (v6 < 0) { var v5 = v2; return v5; } var v3 = {}; v3.vx = v1.p1.x - v2.p1.x; v3.vy = v1.p1.y - v2.p1.y; v6 = v3.vx * v2.dx + v3.vy * v2.dy; if (v6 > 0) { v5 = v3; return v5; } v5 = projectVector(v2, v2.lx,; return v5; } function bounce(v1, v2) { var v5 = projectVector(v1, v2.dx, v2.dy); var v1 = projectVector(v1, v2.lx,; var v4 = {}; v1.len = Math.sqrt(v1.vx * v1.vx + v1.vy * v1.vy); v1.vx = v2.lx * v1.len; v1.vy = * v1.len; v4.vx = v1.f * v2.f * v5.vx + v1.b * v2.b * v1.vx; v4.vy = v1.f * v2.f * v5.vy + v1.b * v2.b * v1.vy; return v4; } function projectVector(v1, dx, dy) { var v2 = v1.vx * dx + v1.vy * dy; var v1 = {}; v1.vx = v2 * dx; v1.vy = v2 * dy; return v1; } function ball2ball(b1, b2) { var v1 = {}; v1.vx = b1.p1.x - b2.p0.x; v1.vy = b1.p1.y - b2.p0.y; v1.len = Math.sqrt(v1.vx * v1.vx + v1.vy * v1.vy); v1.dx = v1.vx / v1.len; v1.dy = v1.vy / v1.len; return v1; } function insertRecord(hs_score, hs_name, game_id) { var v3 = new LoadVars(); v3.onLoad = function (ok) { if (ok) { var v2 = {'weeklyScorepos': this.weeklyScorepos, 'alltimeScorepos': this.scorepos, 'success': true}; setHS_panel(5, v2); } else { setHS_panel(4); } }; if (hs_name == '') { = 'Enter your name first'; setHS_panel(3); } else { if (isNaN(hs_score) || Number(hs_score) < 0 || Number(hs_score) > 1000000) { = 'Score must be a number between 0 and 1000000'; } else { var v4 = highScoresObj.path + highScoresObj.verwerkFile + '&score=' + hs_score + '&game_id=' + game_id + '&naam=' + hs_name + '&do_alltime=' + highScoresObj.doAlltime + '&do_weekly=' + highScoresObj.doWeekly; trace(v4); v3.load(v4, 'post'); } } } function determineTopPos(hs_score, game_id) { var v2 = new LoadVars(); v2.onLoad = function (ok) { if (ok) { var v2 = {'alltime': this.made_it, 'weekly': this.weekly_made_it}; setHS_panel(2, v2); } else { setHS_panel(4); } }; if (isNaN(highScoresObj.playerScore) || Number(highScoresObj.playerScore) < 0 || Number(highScoresObj.playerScore) > 1000000) { message.text = 'Score must be a number between 0 and 1000000'; } else { var v4 = highScoresObj.path + highScoresObj.get_topFile + '&score=' + hs_score + '&game_id=' + game_id; v2.load(v4, 'post'); } } startMusic = function () { if (level.opponent == 'security' && currentLevel > 4) { playLoop('heavyLoopIntro'); } else { playLoop('casualLoop'); } }; start = function () { var v14 = _global.saveProgress.progress.level; if (v14 == 13 && _global.last_level_introPlayed != true) { _global.last_level_introPlayed = true; deleteGameMcs(); _root.gotoAndStop('last_level_intro'); } else { root = this; saveP = _global.saveProgress; currentLevel = _global.saveProgress.progress.level; levelInit(); _global.baddieID = level.opponent; startMusic(); speelSimpelSFX('whoosh'); ++_global.saveProgress.progress.tries; sky = this.createEmptyMovieClip('skyContainer', 1); main = this.createEmptyMovieClip('mainContainer', 2); hud = this.createEmptyMovieClip('hudContainer', 3); whiteFlash = this.createEmptyMovieClip('whiteFlash', 12); makeMainMcs(); root.attachMovie('mask', 'mask', 100); root.setMask(root.mask); main.createEmptyMovieClip('staticMcs', 13); if (_global.twoPlayer == true) { var v11 = _global.countTurns % 2; } else { var v11 = 0; } if (_global.detail == 'low') { raftLeft.cacheAsBitmap = true; oppRaft.cacheAsBitmap = true; } game = {'sW': 700, 'sH': 500, 'mapWidth': level.mapWidth, 'maxV': 9, 'g': 0.5, 'mc': main, 'cC': main.cC, 'raftHeight': 30, 'raftLevel': 392, 'turn': v11, 'ballSelected': 1, 'ammoChosen': 'snowball', 'startSequence': true, 'endOfGame': false, 'userReady': false, 'shotsFired': 0}; game.particleObjects = []; game.specialObjects = []; game.explosionObjects = []; game.raftMcs = []; game.raftStartPos = 80; game.seaLevel = game.sH - 90; game.animPauze = 0; game.baddiesSoaked = 0; initAchtergrond(); var v39 = sky.attachMovie('mcSky', 'mcSky', 0); var v15 = sky.attachMovie('clouds', 'clouds', 1); v15._x = 100; aTerrain = []; var v5 = 0; while (v5 < level.aRafts.length) { var v16 = level.aRafts[v5]; friendlyContainerMc = raftsVoor; if (level.landLevelSetupMcs == true) { friendlyContainerMc = raftsAchter; } var v13 = friendlyContainerMc.getNextHighestDepth(); var v4 = friendlyContainerMc.attachMovie(v16, 'raft1', v13); v4.cacheAsBitmap = true; game.raftMcs.push(v4); if (level.endLevel == true) { v4.gotoAndStop(1); } else { v4.gotoAndStop(saveP.raftUpgrade); } createRock(v4, false, true, true); ++v5; } v5 = 0; while (v5 < level.aOppRafts.length) { v16 = level.aOppRafts[v5]; var v10 = main['rafts' + level.aOppRaftsDepthInfo[v5]]; v13 = v10.getNextHighestDepth(); if (v5 == 0) { var v17 = 'raft2'; } else { var v17 = 'raft2_' + (v5 + 1); } v4 = v10.attachMovie(v16, v17, v13); v4.cacheAsBitmap = true; game.raftMcs.push(v4); var v6 = true; if (v16 == 'rw2Level9_heli' || v16 == 'rw2Level12_bak') { v6 = false; } if (v5 == 0) { createRock(v4, true, true, v6); } else { createRock(v4, true, false, v6); } if (level.endLevel == true) { if (saveP.raftUpgrade < 3) { v4.buurjochie._visible = false; } } ++v5; } v5 = 0; while (v5 < aTerrain.length) { initVector(aTerrain[v5], true); ++v5; } game.raft1 = {'refPoint': aTerrain[0].p0, 'mc': friendlyContainerMc.raft1, 't': 0, 'a': 3.2, 'T': 4, 'w': 2.094395102393195, 'bPos': aTerrain[0].p0.y, 'cannonPoint': aTerrain[0].p1.x, 'raftnr': 1}; = game.raftX; var v23 =; = game.seaLevel; game.raft1.occupants = []; game.raft2 = {'refPoint': aTerrain[1].p0, 'mc': main['rafts' + level.aOppRaftsDepthInfo[0]].raft2, 'mc2': main['rafts' + level.aOppRaftsDepthInfo[1]].raft2_2, 'mc3': main['rafts' + level.aOppRaftsDepthInfo[2]].raft2_3, 'mc4': main['rafts' + level.aOppRaftsDepthInfo[3]].raft2_4, 't': 0, 'a': 3.2, 'T': 4, 'w': 2.094395102393195, 'bPos': aTerrain[0].p0.y, 'cannonPoint': aTerrain[1].p0.x, 'raftnr': 2}; = game.oppRaftX; var v22 =; = game.seaLevel; game.raft2.occupants = []; scrollMc = scrollContainer.attachMovie(level.scrollMc, 'scrollMc', 0); scrollMc._y -= 400; scrollMc.cacheAsBitmap = true; scrollMc.pic.gotoAndStop(level.poolBGframe); trace('bcframe' + level.poolBGframe + ' ' + scrollMc.pic); v16 = level.raftBeweegruimte; v10 = main.raftsVoor; v13 = v10.getNextHighestDepth(); v17 = 'raftBeweegruimte'; var v8 = v10.attachMovie(v16, v17, v13); v8._x = game.oppRaftX; v8._y = game.seaLevel; game.objects = []; game.objectsOverig = []; game.aantBaddies = 0; var v7 = 'baddie'; if (level.opponent == 'bucket') { v7 = 'bucket'; } if (level.opponent == 'shrimp') { v7 = 'shrimp'; } if (level.opponent == 'deadwhale') { v7 = 'deadwhale'; } var v12 = 0; if (_global.saveProgress.helmetUpgrade != null) { v12 = _global.saveProgress.helmetUpgrade; } createPenguins(game.raft1, game.raftX, 'hero', false, null, v12); createPenguins(game.raft2, game.oppRaftX, v7, true, null, false); if (game.raft2.mc2 != undefined) { game.raft2.mc2._x = game.oppRaftX; game.raft2.mc2._y = game.seaLevel; createPenguins(game.raft2, game.oppRaftX, v7, true, game.raft2.mc2, false); } if (game.raft2.mc3 != undefined) { game.raft2.mc3._x = game.oppRaftX; game.raft2.mc3._y = game.seaLevel; createPenguins(game.raft2, game.oppRaftX, v7, true, game.raft2.mc3, false); } if (game.raft2.mc4 != undefined) { game.raft2.mc4._x = game.oppRaftX; game.raft2.mc4._y = game.seaLevel; createPenguins(game.raft2, game.oppRaftX, v7, true, game.raft2.mc4, false); } main.raftsVoor.raftBeweegruimte.removeMovieClip(); findOverig(game.raft1, game.raftX, null); if (_global.twoPlayer == true) { findOverig(game.raft2, game.oppRaftX, null); } else { findOverig(game.raft2, game.oppRaftX, null); } if (game.raft2.mc2 != undefined) { findOverig(game.raft2, game.oppRaftX, game.raft2.mc2); } if (game.raft2.mc3 != undefined) { findOverig(game.raft2, game.oppRaftX, game.raft2.mc3); } if (game.raft2.mc4 != undefined) { findOverig(game.raft2, game.oppRaftX, game.raft2.mc4); } v5 = 0; while (v5 < game.objects.length) { game.objects[v5].mc.gotoAndStop(game.objects[v5].pose); initObject(game.objects[v5]); ++v5; } v5 = 0; while (v5 < game.objectsOverig.length) { initObject(game.objectsOverig[v5]); ++v5; } game.cannonBalls = []; resetArrayNrs(); if (level.specialEnding == 'verfvlek') { game.sea = {'width': game.mapWidth + 600, 'points': 34}; } else { game.sea = {'width': game.mapWidth + 800, 'points': 58}; } seaContainer._x = -180; seaContainer._y = game.seaLevel; seaContainer2._x = -180; seaContainer2._y = game.seaLevel + 30; if (currentLevel == 5) { seaContainer2._y += 20; } if (level.poolLevel == true) { _global.poolLevel = true; makeWave(seaContainer, game.sH, 11780847, 4, 0.1, game.sea.points, game.sea.width); makeWave(seaContainer2, game.sH, 13490686, 4, 0.1, game.sea.points - 4, game.sea.width); seaContainer2._y += 10; } else { _global.poolLevel = false; makeWave(seaContainer, game.sH, 5606534, 4, 0.1, game.sea.points, game.sea.width); makeWave(seaContainer2, game.sH, 6132622, 4, 0.1, game.sea.points - 4, game.sea.width); } seaInt = setInterval(simWave, 50, seaContainer); seaInt2 = setInterval(simWave, 50, seaContainer2); particleInt = setInterval(moveParticleObjects, 40); explosionInt = setInterval(doExplosions, 30); animInt = setInterval(animatePenguins, 500); twicePerSecInt = setInterval(twicePerSec, 500); init(); if (level.poolLevel != true && level.noHaai != true) { if (currentLevel > 5) { level.orca = true; } if (level.orca == true) { attachOrca(); } else { attachHaai(); } } playSea('sealoop'); game.doPlaySea = true; displayHealthBars(false); main.onEnterFrame = function () { mainLoop(); }; var v9 = hud.attachMovie('miniclipLogoDarkBGSmall', 'miniclipLogoDarkBGSmall', 11); v9._x = game.sW; v9._y = 0; attachBeginMessage(); draw(); simWave(); main.achtergrond._y += 10; } }; makeMainMcs = function () { if (level.landLevelSetupMcs == true) { background = main.createEmptyMovieClip('achtergrond', 0); background = main.createEmptyMovieClip('achtergrondStrand', 1); raftsAchter = main.createEmptyMovieClip('raftsAchter', 3); scrollContainer = main.createEmptyMovieClip('scrollContainer', 6); raftsVoor = main.createEmptyMovieClip('raftsVoor', 7); main.createEmptyMovieClip('pinguinContainer', 5); main.createEmptyMovieClip('pinguinContainerVoor', 2); actionContainer = main.createEmptyMovieClip('actionContainer', 8); seaContainer = main.createEmptyMovieClip('seaContainer', 4); main.createEmptyMovieClip('haaiContainer', 9); splashContainer = main.createEmptyMovieClip('splashContainer', 10); main.createEmptyMovieClip('moveToFrontContainer', 11); seaContainer2 = main.createEmptyMovieClip('seaContainer2', 12); main.createEmptyMovieClip('cC', 13); main.createEmptyMovieClip('logoContainer', 14); } else { background = main.createEmptyMovieClip('achtergrond', 0); background = main.createEmptyMovieClip('achtergrondStrand', 1); raftsAchter = main.createEmptyMovieClip('raftsAchter', 3); scrollContainer = main.createEmptyMovieClip('scrollContainer', 2); raftsVoor = main.createEmptyMovieClip('raftsVoor', 5); main.createEmptyMovieClip('pinguinContainer', 4); main.createEmptyMovieClip('pinguinContainerVoor', 7); actionContainer = main.createEmptyMovieClip('actionContainer', 6); seaContainer = main.createEmptyMovieClip('seaContainer', 8); main.createEmptyMovieClip('haaiContainer', 9); splashContainer = main.createEmptyMovieClip('splashContainer', 10); main.createEmptyMovieClip('moveToFrontContainer', 11); seaContainer2 = main.createEmptyMovieClip('seaContainer2', 12); main.createEmptyMovieClip('cC', 13); main.createEmptyMovieClip('logoContainer', 14); } }; getPosition = function (obj, raftPos) { var v2 = obj.raft.occupants.length; if (obj.raft == game.raft1) { var v1 = -1; } else { var v1 = 1; } if (v2 == 1) { return obj.raft.cannonPoint + 100 * v1; } else { if (v2 == 2) { return obj.raft.cannonPoint + (raftPos + 1) * 100 * v1; } } }; createOverig = function (xPosition, yPosition, charType) { var v5 = main.pinguinContainer.getNextHighestDepth(); var v1 = game.objectsOverig.length; if (level.landLevelSetupMcs == true) { var v3 = main.pinguinContainerVoor.attachMovie(charType, 'hond', v5); } else { var v3 = main.pinguinContainer.attachMovie(charType, 'hond', v5); } var v12 = 'stand'; var v8 = 1; game.objectsOverig[v1] = {'f': 1, 'm': 1, 'r': 30, 'type': charType, 'ballast': true, 'overig': true, 'b': 0.8, 'airf': 0.99, 'arrayNr': v1, 'mc': v3, 'speed': 1.1, 'penguin': false}; var v4 = xPosition; var v2 = yPosition; game.objectsOverig[v1].p0 = {'x': v4, 'y': v2}; game.objectsOverig[v1].raftPos = {'x': v4, 'y': v2}; game.objectsOverig[v1].vx = 0; game.objectsOverig[v1].vy = 0; v3._x = v4; v3._y = v2; if (charType == 'opa') { game.objectsOverig[v1].bYmin = v2 + 10; } }; findOverig = function (rockObj, xPosition, specialMc) { if (specialMc == null) { var v7 =; } else { var v7 = specialMc; } if (optionAI == true) { var v9 = game.aantFriendly; } for (var v8 in v7) { var v1 = v7[v8]; var v5 = v1._name; var v2 = v5.split('_'); if (v2[0] == 'hond') { var v6 = xPosition + v1._x; var v4 = game.raftLevel + v1._y; createOverig(v6, v4 - 10, 'hond'); } else { if (v2[0] == 'opa') { var v6 = xPosition + v1._x; var v4 = game.raftLevel + v1._y; createOverig(v6, v4 - 10, 'opa'); } else { if (v2[0] == 'beer') { var v6 = xPosition + v1._x; var v4 = game.raftLevel + v1._y; createOverig(v6, v4 - 10, 'beer'); } } } } }; createPenguins = function (rockObj, xPosition, charType, optionAI, specialMc, helmetOn) { if (specialMc == null) { var v15 =; } else { var v15 = specialMc; } if (optionAI == true) { var v55 = game.aantFriendly; } else { var v54 = 0; var v55 = 0; } for (var v57 in v15) { var v9 = v15[v57]; var v23 = v9._name; var v2 = v23.split('_'); if (v2[0] == 'p') { var v28 = v2[1] - 1; var v1 = v55 + v28; var v12 = main.pinguinContainer; var v33 = v12.getNextHighestDepth(); if (optionAI == true) { mcName = 'char_'; } else { mcName = 'char_'; } var v3 = charType; if (v2[5] == 'shrimp') { v3 = 'shrimp'; } else { if (v2[5] == 'octobaby') { v3 = 'octobaby'; } else { if (v2[5] == 'droid') { v3 = 'droid'; } else { if (v2[5] == 'deadwhale') { v3 = 'deadwhale'; } } } } var v4 = v12.attachMovie(mcName + v3, 'p' + v1, v1); var v34 = v2[2]; var v26 = false; var v21 = false; if (v2[3] == 'high') { v26 = true; } else { if (v2[3] == 'low') { v21 = true; } } var v25 = false; if (v2[4] == 'sit') { var v10 = 'sit'; } else { var v10 = 'stand'; } if (v2[5] == 'front') { var v11 = true; } else { var v11 = false; } if (v2[5] == 'dienaarfront') { var v29 = true; } else { if (v2[6] == 'dienaarfront') { var v29 = true; } else { var v29 = false; } } if (v2[5] == 'dielosezwemband') { var v24 = true; } else { var v24 = false; } if (v2[5] == 'maskedheli') { var v30 = true; var v18 = true; } else { var v18 = false; var v30 = false; } if (optionAI != true && level.landLevelSetupMcs == true) { v11 = true; } if (v11 == true) { v4.removeMovieClip(); v4 = main.pinguinContainerVoor.attachMovie('char_' + v3, 'p' + v1, v1); } v4.penguin.frameNr = v34; v4.charType = v3; if (optionAI != true && v34 == 2) { var v22 = 'simon'; } else { if (optionAI != true && v2[3] == 'broer') { var v22 = 'broer'; } else { var v22 = 'noname'; } } if (helmetOn != null) { v4.penguin.helmetUpgrade = helmetOn; } if (v3 == 'droid') { var v27 = 0.94; } else { var v27 = 0.99; } game.objects[v1] = {'f': 1, 'm': 1, 'r': 26, 'b': 0.8, 'airf': v27, 'arrayNr': v1, 'mc': v4.penguin, 'pose': v10, 'raft': rockObj, 'speed': 1.1, 'health': 100, 'hitpoints': 0, 'penguin': true, 'naam': v22, 'aimHigh': v26, 'aimLow': v21, 'noBB': v25, 'frameNr': v34, 'geraakt': false, 'vanPlaats': false}; var v8 = xPosition + v9._x; var v7 = game.raftLevel + v9._y; game.objects[v1].p0 = {'x': v8, 'y': v7 - 10}; game.objects[v1].raftPos = {'x': v8, 'y': v7 - 1}; game.objects[v1].vx = 0; game.objects[v1].vy = 0; game.objects[v1].specialCharacter = ''; if (v18 == true) { game.objects[v1].heliDude = true; } else { game.objects[v1].heliDude = false; } if (v3 == 'octobaby') { game.objects[v1].specialCharacter = 'octobaby'; } else { if (v3 == 'bucket') { game.objects[v1].specialCharacter = 'bucket'; } else { if (v3 == 'droid') { game.objects[v1].specialCharacter = 'droid'; game.objects[v1].alwaysShowWeapon = true; game.objects[v1].specialAmmo = true; game.objects[v1].specialAmmoType = 'multiball'; game.objects[v1].specialAmmoPic = 'ammo_droid'; } else { if (v3 == 'deadwhale') { game.objects[v1].immuun = true; } } } } game.objects[v1].dieNaarFront = v29; game.objects[v1].dieLoseZwemband = v24; v4.penguin._x = v8; v4.penguin._y = v7; game.objects[v1].raftMc = v15; if (v30 == true) { game.objects[v1].masked = true; game.objects[v1].maskX = v8; game.objects[v1].maskY = v7; setCharacterMask(game.objects[v1]); } v4.penguin.gotoAndStop(v10); if (optionAI == true && game.objects[v1].alwaysShowWeapon != true) { v4.penguin.weapon._visible = false; } else { if (level.specialGun == 'bigrocket') { if (v22 == 'broer') { v4.showRocket = true; } } v4.penguin.weapon._visible = false; } if (optionAI == true) { game.objects[v1].opponent = true; ++aantBaddies; } else { game.objects[v1].opponent = false; ++v54; } if (optionAI == true) { var v16 = v2[1]; var v5 = main.raftsVoor.raftBeweegruimte['man' + v16]; var v14 = v5._parent._x; var v13 = v5._parent._y; var v31 = v14 + v5._x + v5._width; var v19 = v14 + v5._x; var v17 = v13 + v5._y; var v20 = v13 + v5._y - v5._height; game.objects[v1].bXmax = v31; game.objects[v1].bYmax = v17; game.objects[v1].bXmin = v19; game.objects[v1].bYmin = v20; } } } if (optionAI != true) { game.aantFriendly = v54; } }; setCharacterMask = function (character) { var v2 = main.pinguinContainer.attachMovie('heliLevelMask', 'heliLevelMask', 970); v2._x = character.maskX; v2._y = character.maskY;; character.activeMask = true; }; removeCharacterMask = function (character) {; character.activeMask = false; main.pinguinContainer.heliLevelMask.removeMovieClip(); }; deleteGameMcs = function () { _root.skyContainer.removeMovieClip(); _root.mainContainer.removeMovieClip(); _root.hudContainer.removeMovieClip(); _root.whiteFlash.removeMovieClip(); _root.mask.removeMovieClip(); }; attachHaai = function () { var v1 = main.haaiContainer.attachMovie('haai', 'haai', main.haaiContainer.getNextHighestDepth()); v1._x = random(game.mapWidth); v1._y = game.sH - 50; v1.mcYPos = v1._y; v1.richting = 1; if (Math.random() > 0.5) { v1.richting = -1; } if (v1.richting == 1) { v1.gotoAndStop(2); } v1.speed = 3; }; attachOrca = function () { var v1 = main.haaiContainer.attachMovie('orca', 'haai', main.haaiContainer.getNextHighestDepth()); v1._x = random(game.mapWidth); v1._y = game.sH - 50; v1.mcYPos = v1._y; v1.richting = 1; if (Math.random() > 0.5) { v1.richting = -1; } if (v1.richting == 1) { v1.gotoAndStop(2); } v1.speed = 3; }; createRock = function (rockMc, optionRight, optionMainRock, optionCollideWithAll) { var v11 = game.raftLevel; var v23 = game.raftHeight; var v19 = null; var v1 = rockMc; var v10 = 0; for (var v20 in v1) { var v6 = v1[v20]._name; if ((v6.split('_'))[0] == 'pt') { ++v10; } else { if (v6 == 'sep') { v19 = v20; } } } var v22 = v1['pt_' + v10]._x - v1.pt_1._x; var v9; trace('raftwidth ' + v10 + ' ' + v1['pt_' + v10]._x + ' ' + v1.pt_1._x); if (optionMainRock == true) { if (optionRight == true) { game.oppRaftX = game.mapWidth - game.raftX - v22 - level.startPosAdjustment; v9 = game.oppRaftX; } else { game.raftX = game.raftStartPos; v9 = game.raftX; } } else { v9 = game.oppRaftX; } trace('XPOSsssssssssssssssss ' + v22 + ' ' + level.startPosAdjustment + ' ' + v9 + ' ' + game.oppRaftX + ' ' + v1.pt_1._x + ' ' + game.mapWidth + ' ' + game.raftX); rockMc.mcYPos = v1.pt_1._y; var v2 = 1; while (v2 < v10) { var v5 = v9 + v1['pt_' + v2]._x; var v8 = v11 + v1['pt_' + v2]._y; var v4 = v9 + v1['pt_' + (v2 + 1)]._x; var v7 = v11 + v1['pt_' + (v2 + 1)]._y; var v3 = {'p0': {'x': v5, 'y': v8}, 'p1': {'x': v4, 'y': v7}, 'b': 1, 'f': 0.9, 'rockMc': v1}; if (optionCollideWithAll == false) { v3.collideWithAll = false; } else { v3.collideWithAll = true; } if (Math.abs(v5 - v4) < 160) { aTerrain.push(v3); } ++v2; } if (v19 != null) { level.sep = v9 + v1[v19]._x; } }; scrollGame = function () { var v3 = game.sW; var v2 = cannonBallToFollow; var v4 = v2.p0.x; if (v4 > -10000) { scrollPlus = v4 - v3 / 2 - scrollPos; var v1 = v4 - v3 / 2; if (v1 < 0) { v1 = 0; } else { if (v1 > game.mapWidth - v3) { v1 = game.mapWidth - v3; } } if ( == true) { if (v1 < v2.fireScrollPos + 560 && v2.dir == 'right') { v1 = null; } else { if (v1 > v2.fireScrollPos - 560 && v2.dir == 'left') { v1 = null; } } } if (v1 != null) { scrollPos = v1; main._x = -scrollPos; } if (Math.abs(scrollPlus) > maxScroll * 4) { var v5 = game.cannonBalls[0].p0.x; if (v5 > 200 && v5 < game.mapWidth - 200) { simWave(seaContainer); simWave(seaContainer2); } } } }; shakeMain = function () { if (Math.abs(shake) > 1) { main._y += shake; shake *= -0.8; } else { shake = 0; main._y = 0; } }; doeRotation = function (ob) {}; setRadius = function (ammoObj) { var v4 = Math.abs(ammoObj.vx); var v3 = Math.abs(ammoObj.vy); var v2 = Math.sqrt(ammoObj.vx * ammoObj.vx + ammoObj.vy * ammoObj.vy); v2 = (v2 - 4) * 0.45; if (v2 > 0) { ammoObj.r = Math.round(ammoObj.baseR + v2); } }; mainLoop = function () {; if ( % 15 == 0) { rand500 = Math.random(); } if (shake != 0) { shakeMain(); } handleCollisions(); var v2 = 0; while (v2 < game.objects.length) { var v1 = game.objects[v2]; initObject(v1); maxSpeed(game.objects[v2]); checkStageBounds(v1); checkTerrainCollisions(v1); checkGeraaktCounter(v1); ++v2; } v2 = 0; while (v2 < game.objectsOverig.length) { v1 = game.objectsOverig[v2]; initObject(v1); maxSpeed(v1); checkStageBounds(v1); checkTerrainCollisions(v1); ++v2; } v2 = 0; while (v2 < game.cannonBalls.length) { v1 = game.cannonBalls[v2]; setRadius(v1); initObject(v1); checkStageBounds(v1); checkTerrainCollisions(v1); doeRotation(v1); cannonBallEffects(v1); ++v2; } if (game.cannonBalls.length <= 0) { if (cannonSequence == false) { if (game.shieldActive == true) { setShield('hide'); } } } if (callTurnScroll == true) { switchTurns(); } if (game.startSequence == true) { if (game.turn == 0) { startSequence(); } else { startSequenceLeft(); } } else { if (enemySequence != true && readyForScroll != true) { scrollGame(); } } if (game.tussenscherm != true) { renderBackground(); } if (game.doeAIshot == true) { doeAIshot(); } checkMinorPosDiff(); draw(); moveRaft(); moveSpecialObjects(); }; makeTussenSchermMcs = function (optionRefresh) { if (optionRefresh == true) { raftsAchter = main.createEmptyMovieClip('raftsAchter', 3); scrollContainer = main.createEmptyMovieClip('scrollContainer', 2); raftsVoor = main.createEmptyMovieClip('raftsVoor', 5); main.createEmptyMovieClip('pinguinContainer', 4); main.createEmptyMovieClip('pinguinContainerVoor', 7); main.createEmptyMovieClip('moveToFrontContainer', 11); } else { background = main.createEmptyMovieClip('achtergrond', 0); background = main.createEmptyMovieClip('achtergrondStrand', 1); raftsAchter = main.createEmptyMovieClip('raftsAchter', 3); scrollContainer = main.createEmptyMovieClip('scrollContainer', 2); raftsVoor = main.createEmptyMovieClip('raftsVoor', 5); main.createEmptyMovieClip('pinguinContainer', 4); main.createEmptyMovieClip('pinguinContainerVoor', 7); actionContainer = main.createEmptyMovieClip('actionContainer', 6); seaContainer = main.createEmptyMovieClip('seaContainer', 8); main.createEmptyMovieClip('haaiContainer', 9); splashContainer = main.createEmptyMovieClip('splashContainer', 10); main.createEmptyMovieClip('moveToFrontContainer', 11); seaContainer2 = main.createEmptyMovieClip('seaContainer2', 12); main.createEmptyMovieClip('cC', 13); } }; maakRaftTussenscherm = function (raftNr, helmetNr) { playLoop('menuLoop'); makeTussenSchermMcs(true); trace('CALL maak ' + raftNr + ' ' + helmetNr + ' ' + level.aRafts.length); aTerrain = []; if (raftNr == 3) { game.raftStartPos = 85; } else { if (raftNr == 4) { game.raftStartPos = 85; } } var v2 = 0; while (v2 < level.aRafts.length) { var v4 = level.aRafts[v2]; var v3 = main.raftsVoor.getNextHighestDepth(); var v1 = main.raftsVoor.attachMovie(v4, 'raft1', v3); game.raftMcs.push(v1); v1.gotoAndStop(raftNr); createRock(v1, false, true); ++v2; } v2 = 0; while (v2 < aTerrain.length) { initVector(aTerrain[v2], true); ++v2; } game.raft1 = {'refPoint': aTerrain[0].p0, 'mc': main.raftsVoor.raft1, 't': 0, 'a': 3.2, 'T': 4, 'w': 2.094395102393195, 'bPos': aTerrain[0].p0.y, 'cannonPoint': aTerrain[0].p1.x, 'raftnr': 1}; = game.raftX; var v9 =; = game.raft1.refPoint.y; game.raft1.occupants = []; game.objects = []; game.objectsOverig = []; createPenguins(game.raft1, game.raftX, 'hero', false, null, helmetNr); findOverig(game.raft1, game.raftX, null); v2 = 0; while (v2 < game.objects.length) { game.objects[v2].mc.gotoAndStop(game.objects[v2].pose); initObject(game.objects[v2]); game.objects[v2].mc.bazooka._visible = false; ++v2; } v2 = 0; while (v2 < game.objectsOverig.length) { initObject(game.objectsOverig[v2]); ++v2; } if (level.poolLevel == true) { scrollMc = scrollContainer.attachMovie('rw2Level1Scroll', 'scrollMc', 0); scrollMc.pic.gotoAndStop(1); scrollMc._y -= 490; scrollMc.cacheAsBitmap = true; trace('scrollmc ' + scrollMc); } mainLoop(); }; checkMinorPosDiff = function () { var v2 = 0; while (v2 < game.objects.length) { var v1 = game.objects[v2]; if (Math.abs(v1.vx) < 1) { var v3 = Math.abs(v1.p1.x - v1.raftPos.x); if (v3 > 0 && v3 < 1) { v1.p0.x = v1.raftPos.x; v1.p1.x = v1.p0.x; v1.vx = 0; } } ++v2; } v2 = 0; while (v2 < game.objectsOverig.length) { v1 = game.objectsOverig[v2]; if (Math.abs(v1.vx) < 1) { v3 = Math.abs(v1.p1.x - v1.raftPos.x); if (v3 > 0 && v3 < 1) { v1.p0.x = v1.raftPos.x; v1.p1.x = v1.p0.x; v1.vx = 0; } } ++v2; } }; startTussenscherm = function () { root = this; currentLevel = _global.saveProgress.progress.level; levelInit(); level.landLevelSetupMcs = false; level.hippo = false; saveP = _global.saveProgress; sky = this.createEmptyMovieClip('skyContainer', 1); main = this.createEmptyMovieClip('mainContainer', 2); hud = this.createEmptyMovieClip('hudContainer', 3); whiteFlash = this.createEmptyMovieClip('whiteFlash', 4); makeTussenSchermMcs(); if (_global.twoPlayer == true) { var v3 = _global.countTurns % 2; } else { var v3 = 0; } if (_global.detail == 'low') { raftLeft.cacheAsBitmap = true; oppRaft.cacheAsBitmap = true; } game = {'sW': 700, 'sH': 500, 'mapWidth': 2000, 'maxV': 9, 'g': 0.5, 'mc': main, 'cC': main.cC, 'raftHeight': 30, 'raftLevel': 305, 'turn': v3, 'ballSelected': 1, 'ammoChosen': 'snowball', 'startSequence': true, 'endOfGame': false, 'userReady': false, 'shotsFired': 0}; game.particleObjects = []; game.explosionObjects = []; game.raftMcs = []; game.raftStartPos = 150; game.tussenscherm = true; game.seaLevel = game.sH - 90; initAchtergrond(); var v4 = sky.attachMovie('mcSky', 'mcSky', 0); v4._width = game.sW; maakRaftTussenscherm(saveP.raftUpgrade, saveP.helmetUpgrade); game.cannonBalls = []; resetArrayNrs(); game.sea = {'width': game.mapWidth, 'points': 48}; seaContainer._x = 0; seaContainer._y = game.sH - 180; seaContainer2._x = 0; seaContainer2._y = game.sH - 150; if (level.poolLevel == true) { makeWave(seaContainer, game.sH, 11780847, 4, 0.1, game.sea.points, game.sea.width); makeWave(seaContainer2, game.sH, 13490686, 4, 0.1, game.sea.points - 4, game.sea.width); } else { makeWave(seaContainer, game.sH, 5606534, 4, 0.1, game.sea.points, game.sea.width); makeWave(seaContainer2, game.sH, 6132622, 4, 0.1, game.sea.points - 4, game.sea.width); } seaInt = setInterval(simWave, 50, seaContainer); seaInt2 = setInterval(simWave, 50, seaContainer2); simWave(seaContainer); simWave(seaContainer2); particleInt = setInterval(moveParticleObjects, 40); explosionInt = setInterval(doExplosions, 30); animInt = setInterval(animatePenguins, 500); twicePerSecInt = setInterval(twicePerSec, 500); init(); if (level.poolLevel != true) { attachHaai(); } game.startSequence = false; scrollPos = 0; main.onEnterFrame = function () { mainLoop(); doeHaai(); }; attachTussenscherm(); draw(); scrollPos = 500; renderBackground(); scrollPos = 0; main.achtergrond._y -= 100; main.achtergrondStrand._y -= 55; main.achtergrond._x -= 500; main.achtergrondStrand._x -= 500; }; getDeg = function (obj) { var v1 = Math.atan2(obj.vy, obj.vx) * 180 / Math.PI; return v1; }; getDistancePts = function (obj0x, obj0y, obj1x, obj1y) { var v2 = obj0x - obj1x; var v1 = obj0y - obj1y; return Math.round(Math.sqrt(v2 * v2 + v1 * v1)); }; getDegPts = function (x1, x2, y1, y2) { var v1 = Math.atan2(x1 - x2, y1 - y2) * 180 / Math.PI; return v1; }; clearIntervals = function () { clearInterval(startPlaceShot); clearInterval(seaInt); clearInterval(seaInt2); clearInterval(particleInt); clearInterval(explosionInt); clearInterval(animInt); clearInterval(twicePerSecInt); }; twicePerSec = function () { if (game.cannonBalls[0].type == 'grenade') { speelSimpelSFX('grenade_tick'); } rand500 = Math.random(); if (rand500 < 0.07000000000000001) { playRandomSound(); } if (noVoiceWait > 0) { --noVoiceWait; } if (game.ambulanceCounter > 0) { --game.ambulanceCounter; } }; endOfGameMessage = function (raftNr) { _global.setFadeMusic(); _global.loopPlaying = ''; var v4 = hud.attachMovie('mcFinishMessage', 'mcFinishMessage', 1000); v4._x = game.sW / 2; v4._y = 20; if (game.winner == 2) { _root.lostPromosAndLinksActive = null; v4.gotoAndStop('lose'); v4.logo.onRollOver = function () { this.gotoAndStop(2); _global.lostPromosAndLinksActive = 'logo'; }; v4.logo.onRollOut = function () { _global.lostPromosAndLinksActive = null; this.gotoAndStop(1); }; v4.logo.onReleaseOutside = function () { _global.lostPromosAndLinksActive = null; this.gotoAndStop(1); }; if (_global.saveProgress.progress.level > 2) { = function () { this.gotoAndStop(2); _global.lostPromosAndLinksActive = 'at'; }; v4.promoGames.ap.onRollOver = function () { this.gotoAndStop(2); _global.lostPromosAndLinksActive = 'ap'; }; = function () { this.gotoAndStop(2); _global.lostPromosAndLinksActive = 'rw'; }; v4.promoGames.ap.onRollOut = function () { _global.lostPromosAndLinksActive = null; this.gotoAndStop(1); }; = v4.promoGames.ap.onRollOut; = v4.promoGames.ap.onRollOut; v4.promoGames.ap.onReleaseOutside = function () { _global.lostPromosAndLinksActive = null; this.gotoAndStop(1); }; = v4.promoGames.ap.onReleaseOutside; = v4.promoGames.ap.onReleaseOutside; } else { v4.promoGames._visible = false; } if (game.flagHolder.p0.y < 240) { v4.promoGames._y += 190; } var v14 = getBaddiesSoaked(); var v11 = v14 * 200; v4.soaked = 'BADDIES SOAKED: ' + v14 + ' -> ' + v11 + ' GOLD'; var v8 = v11; if (v8 == null || v8 == undefined) { v8 = 0; } v4.score = 'TOTAL GOLD: ' + v8; += v8; } else { v4.gotoAndStop('win'); _root.lostPromosAndLinksActive = null; v4.logo.onRollOver = function () { this.gotoAndStop(2); _global.lostPromosAndLinksActive = 'logo'; }; v4.logo.onRollOut = function () { _global.lostPromosAndLinksActive = null; this.gotoAndStop(1); }; v4.logo.onReleaseOutside = function () { _global.lostPromosAndLinksActive = null; this.gotoAndStop(1); }; var v13 = Math.round((game.endTimer - game.beginTimer) / 1000); var v10 = game.shotsFired; var v5 = 600 + (level.par - v10) * 150; if (v5 < 0) { v5 = 0; } v5 += 100; if (v5 < 0) { v5 = 0; } if (level.par > 4) { var v16 = 2; } else { var v16 = 1; } if (v10 < level.par) { } else { if (v10 == level.par || v10 <= level.par + v16) { v4.stars.star3.gotoAndStop(2); } else { v4.stars.star2.gotoAndStop(2); v4.stars.star3.gotoAndStop(2); } } var v12 = (level.par * 30 - v13) * 2; if (v12 < 0) { v12 = 0; } v4.fired = 'SHOTS FIRED: ' + v10 + ' (PAR ' + level.par + ')' + ' -> ' + v5 + ' GOLD'; var v14 = getBaddiesSoaked(); var v11 = v14 * 200; v4.soaked = 'BADDIES SOAKED: ' + v14 + ' -> ' + v11 + ' GOLD'; var v9 = v11 + v5; var v7 = v11 + v5 + v12; if (v9 == null || v9 == undefined) { v9 = 0; } if (v7 == null || v7 == undefined) { v7 = 0; } v4.totalgold = 'TOTAL GOLD: ' + v9; _global.saveProgress.progress.points += v7; += v9; ++_global.saveProgress.progress.level; v4.lineBelow = 'TIME USED: ' + v13 + 's - LEVEL SCORE: ' + v7 + ' - TOTAL SCORE: ' + _global.saveProgress.progress.points; } v4.raftNr = raftNr; v4._visible = false; v4.memScrollPos = scrollPos; if (currentLevel == 1) { v4.waitCounter = 100; } else { v4.waitCounter = 0; } v4.victorySoundWait = 50; v4.onEnterFrame = function () { if (this.victorySoundWait == 1) { this.victorySoundWait = null; if (level.specialEnding != 'verfvlek') { speelSimpelSFX('victory'); } } else { --this.victorySoundWait; } var v3 = getMostLeftPenguin(this.raftNr); var v2 = v3.p0.x - game.sW / 2; if (v2 > game.mapWidth - game.sW) { v2 = game.mapWidth - game.sW; } else { if (v2 < 0) { v2 = 0; } } if (level.specialEnding == 'verfvlek') { v2 = main.haaiContainer.verfVlek._x - 500; } if (this.step2 != true) { if (Math.abs(v2 - scrollPos) < 50) { this.step2 = true; } } else { if (this.waitCounter <= 0) { if (this._visible == false) { this._visible = true; delete this.onEnterFrame; this.mouseclick.gotoAndPlay(2); this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (this.readyForClick == true) { initMouseListener('finishMessage'); delete this.onEnterFrame; } }; } } else { --this.waitCounter; } } }; }; maxSpeed = function (obj) { if (obj.vx > game.maxV) { obj.vx = game.maxV; } else { if (obj.vx < -game.maxV) { obj.vx = -game.maxV; } } if (obj.vy > game.maxV) { obj.vy = game.maxV; } else { if (obj.vy < -game.maxV) { obj.vy = -game.maxV; } } }; doDistances = function () { var v2 = game.objects[0]; var v1 = game.objects[1]; var v5 = v1.p1.x - v2.p1.x; var v4 = v1.p1.y - v2.p1.y; var v3 = Math.atan2(v4, v5); v1.p1.x = v2.p1.x + Math.cos(v3) * afst; v1.p1.y = v2.p1.y + Math.sin(v3) * afst; }; resetNoColl = function () { var v1 = 0; while (v1 < game.objects.length) { game.objects[v1].noColl = null; ++v1; } v1 = 0; while (v1 < game.objects.length) { game.objectsOverig[v1].noColl = null; ++v1; } }; hitTestBounds = function (mc, doelMc) { var v1 = mc.getBounds(doelMc); mc.yMin = v1.yMin; mc.yMax = v1.yMax; mc.xMax = v1.xMax; mc.xMin = v1.xMin; }; exitGame = function () { stopSound(); clearIntervals(); sky.removeMovieClip(); hud.removeMovieClip(); main.removeMovieClip(); root.mask.removeMovieClip(); Mouse.removeListener(_global.mouseListener); root.gotoAndStop('begin'); }; _global.exitToIntro = function () { stopSound(); clearIntervals();; _root.hud.removeMovieClip(); _root.main.removeMovieClip(); _root.mask.removeMovieClip(); Mouse.removeListener(_global.mouseListener); _root.replayIntro = true; _root.gotoAndStop('startGame'); }; exitBattle = function () { if (_global.twoPlayer != true) { if (game.winner != 1) { --_global.progress.lives; } _global.saveProgress.rockets = level.player1.rockets; _global.saveProgress.grenades = level.player1.grenades; _global.saveProgress.multiball = level.player1.multiball; } stopSound(); clearIntervals(); sky.removeMovieClip(); hud.removeMovieClip(); main.removeMovieClip(); root.mask.removeMovieClip(); _global.saveProgress.flush(); Mouse.removeListener(_global.mouseListener); if (_global.saveProgress.progress.level == 9 && game.winner == 1) { deleteGameMcs(); playLoop('menuLoop'); root.gotoAndStop('subtro'); } else { if (level.specialEnding == 'deadwhale') { playLoop('menuLoop'); root.gotoAndStop('last_level_endtro'); } else { root.gotoAndStop('overview'); } } }; doRotElas = function (mc, doelScale, doelRot, acc, inertia, k, startRot) { mc.xplus = 0; widthPlus = 0; mc.doelScale = doelScale; mc.inertia = inertia; mc.k = k; mc._rotation = startRot; mc.onEnterFrame = function () { var v2 = this.xplus; x = -mc._rotation + this.doelScale; this.xplus = this.xplus * this.inertia + x * this.k; mc._rotation += this.xplus; if (Math.abs(v2 - this.xplus) <= 0.01) { delete mc.onEnterFrame; } }; }; getBaddiesSoaked = function () { var v3 = 0; var v1 = 0; while (v1 < game.objects.length) { var v2 = game.objects[v1]; if (v2.opponent == true) { ++v3; } ++v1; } trace(game.aantBaddies + ' LEFT ' + v3); var v4 = game.aantBaddies - v3; return v4; }; countAantBaddiesStartGame = function () { game.aantBaddies = 0; var v1 = 0; while (v1 < game.objects.length) { var v2 = game.objects[v1]; if (v2.opponent == true) { ++game.aantBaddies; } ++v1; } }; setDamage = function (obj, damage) { if (obj.specialCharacter != 'bucket') { if (obj.opponent == true) { damage *= 1.1; } else { damage *= 0.9; } obj.hitpoints += damage * 2; if (obj.hitpoints > 100) { obj.hitpoints = 100; } } }; setHealth = function (ob) { -= ob.hitpoints; if ( <= 0) { = 0; ob.r = 0; ob.deceased = true;'die'); if (ob.dieNaarFront == true) { var v4 =; var v3 =; var v2 = main.moveToFrontContainer.attachMovie('char_' + v4, 'p' + v3, v3); trace('ADDNEW ' + v3 + ' ' + v4 + ' ' + v2);; v2.penguin.frameNr = v3; v2.charType = v4; = v2.penguin; = true;'die'); trace('NEW MC!!!!!!!!!!!! ' +; } if (ob.opponent == true) { playVoice('see_you_later', true); } else { playVoice('see_you_later'); } if (ob.masked == true) { removeCharacterMask(ob); } if (ob.heliDude == true) { game.animPauze = 100;; } } ob.hitpoints = 0; }; initObject = function (v) { var v2 = game.g; if (v.specialCharacter == 'droid' && v.deceased != true) { v2 = 0; } v.vy += v2 * v.m; v.p1 = {}; v.p1.x = v.p0.x + v.vx; v.p1.y = v.p0.y + v.vy; v.p0 = v.p1; v.len = Math.sqrt(v.vx * v.vx + v.vy * v.vy); if (v.len > 0) { v.dx = v.vx / v.len; v.dy = v.vy / v.len; } else { v.dx = 0; v.dy = 0; } v.rx = -v.vy; v.ry = v.vx; v.lx = v.vy; = -v.vx; v.vx *= v.airf; v.vy *= v.airf; }; draw = function () { var v2 = 0; while (v2 < game.objects.length) { var v1 = game.objects[v2]; = v1.p1.x; var v3 = v1.p1.y; if (v1.opponent == true) { v3 += 6; } = v3; ++v2; } v2 = 0; while (v2 < game.objectsOverig.length) { v1 = game.objectsOverig[v2]; = v1.p1.x; = v1.p1.y; ++v2; } v2 = 0; while (v2 < game.cannonBalls.length) { v1 = game.cannonBalls[v2]; if (v1.type != 'grenade' || v1.type != 'snowball') { = v1.p1.x; = v1.p1.y + 12; } else { = v1.p1.x; = v1.p1.y; } ++v2; } }; getDistance = function (obj0, obj1) { var v2 = obj0.p0.x - obj1.p0.x; var v1 = obj0.p0.y - obj1.p0.y; return Math.round(Math.sqrt(v2 * v2 + v1 * v1)); }; getDistanceOUD = function (obj0, obj1) { return Math.sqrt(Math.pow(obj0.p1.x - obj1.p1.x, 2) + Math.pow(obj0.p1.y - obj1.p1.y, 2)); }; makeWave = function (mc, deep, clr, jit, turbProb, points, seawidth) { mc.pts = []; mc.springs = []; mc.clr = clr; mc.jit = jit; mc.turbProb = turbProb; mc.deep = deep; mc.stiffK = 0.3; mc.kDamp = 0.85; var v3 = (seawidth + 100) / points + 10; var v1 = 0; while (v1 < points) { mc.pts[v1] = {'x': -50 + v1 * v3, 'y': 0, 'fx': 0, 'fy': 0, 'vx': 0, 'vy': 0, 'restLen': 0.5 * v3, 'jy': 0}; ++v1; } }; simWaveOrig = function (mc) { var v2; v2 = 0; while (v2 < mc.pts.length) { mc.pts[v2].fx = 0; if (Math.random() < mc.turbProb) { mc.pts[v2].fy = Math.random() * mc.jit - mc.jit / 2; } else { mc.pts[v2].fy = 0; } ++v2; } v2 = 0; while (v2 < mc.pts.length - 1) { var v4 = mc.pts[v2]; var v5 = mc.pts[v2 + 1]; var v7 = v5.x - v4.x; var v6 = v5.y - v4.y; var v8 = Math.sqrt(v7 * v7 + v6 * v6); var v11 = mc.stiffK * (v8 - v4.restLen); var v12 = v11 * v7 / v8; var v10 = v11 * v6 / v8; if (v2 != 0) { v4.fx += v12; v4.fy += v10; } if (v2 != mc.pts.length - 2) { v5.fx -= v12; v5.fy -= v10; } ++v2; } mc.clear(); mc.beginFill(mc.clr, 100); var v14 = null; var v13 = null; var v9 = false; v2 = 1; while (v2 < mc.pts.length - 1) { v9 = false; var v3 = mc.pts[v2]; if (v13 == null) { if (v3.x >= scrollPos - maxScroll * 4) { if (v14 == null) { v14 = v2; mc.moveTo(mc.pts[v2].x, mc.pts[v2].y); } if (v3.x >= scrollPos + game.sW + 400 + maxScroll * 4) { if (v13 == null) { v13 = v2; } } else { v9 = true; } } } if (v9 == true) { v3.vx *= mc.kDamp; v3.vy *= mc.kDamp; v3.vx += v3.fx; v3.vy += v3.fy; v3.x += v3.vx; v3.y += v3.vy; mc.lineTo(v3.x, v3.y); } ++v2; } v2 = v13; mc.lineTo(mc.pts[v2].x, mc.pts[v2].y); mc.lineTo(mc.pts[v2].x, mc.deep); mc.lineTo(mc.pts[v14].x, mc.deep); mc.lineTo(mc.pts[v14].x, mc.pts[v14].y); mc.endFill(); }; simWave = function (mc) { var v12 = seaContainer; var v11; lastLine = null; firstLine = null; v11 = 0; while (v11 < mc.pts.length - 1) { var v2 = mc.pts[v11]; v2.draw = false; if (lastLine == null) { if (v2.x >= scrollPos - maxScroll * 4) { if (firstLine == null) { firstLine = v11; mc.moveTo(v2.x, v2.y); } if (v2.x >= scrollPos + game.sW + maxScroll * 12) { if (lastLine == null) { lastLine = v11; } } else { v2.draw = true; mc.pts[v11].fx = 0; if (Math.random() < mc.turbProb) { mc.pts[v11].fy = Math.random() * mc.jit - mc.jit / 2; } else { mc.pts[v11].fy = 0; } } } } ++v11; } v11 = 0; while (v11 < mc.pts.length - 1) { var v3 = mc.pts[v11]; var v4 = mc.pts[v11 + 1]; var v6 = v4.x - v3.x; var v5 = v4.y - v3.y; var v7 = Math.sqrt(v6 * v6 + v5 * v5); var v9 = mc.stiffK * (v7 - v3.restLen); var v10 = v9 * v6 / v7; var v8 = v9 * v5 / v7; if (v11 != 0) { v3.fx += v10; v3.fy += v8; } if (v11 != mc.pts.length - 2) { v4.fx -= v10; v4.fy -= v8; } ++v11; } mc.clear(); mc.beginFill(mc.clr, 100); v11 = 1; while (v11 < mc.pts.length - 1) { v2 = mc.pts[v11]; if (v2.draw == true) { v2.vx *= mc.kDamp; v2.vy *= mc.kDamp; v2.vx += v2.fx; v2.vy += v2.fy; v2.x += v2.vx; v2.y += v2.vy; mc.lineTo(v2.x, v2.y); } ++v11; } if (lastLine == null) { lastLine = mc.pts.length - 1; } v11 = lastLine; mc.lineTo(mc.pts[v11].x, mc.pts[v11].y); mc.lineTo(mc.pts[v11].x, mc.deep); mc.lineTo(mc.pts[firstLine].x, mc.deep); mc.lineTo(mc.pts[firstLine].x, mc.pts[firstLine].y); mc.endFill(); }; simWaveTitle = function (mc) { var v11; lastLine = null; firstLine = null; v11 = 0; while (v11 < mc.pts.length - 1) { var v2 = mc.pts[v11]; mc.pts[v11].fx = 0; if (Math.random() < mc.turbProb) { mc.pts[v11].fy = Math.random() * mc.jit - mc.jit / 2; } else { mc.pts[v11].fy = 0; } ++v11; } v11 = 0; while (v11 < mc.pts.length - 1) { var v3 = mc.pts[v11]; var v4 = mc.pts[v11 + 1]; var v6 = v4.x - v3.x; var v5 = v4.y - v3.y; var v7 = Math.sqrt(v6 * v6 + v5 * v5); var v9 = mc.stiffK * (v7 - v3.restLen); var v10 = v9 * v6 / v7; var v8 = v9 * v5 / v7; if (v11 != 0) { v3.fx += v10; v3.fy += v8; } if (v11 != mc.pts.length - 2) { v4.fx -= v10; v4.fy -= v8; } ++v11; } mc.clear(); mc.beginFill(mc.clr, 100); mc.moveTo(mc.pts[0].x, mc.pts[0].y); v11 = 1; while (v11 < mc.pts.length - 1) { v2 = mc.pts[v11]; v2.vx *= mc.kDamp; v2.vy *= mc.kDamp; v2.vx += v2.fx; v2.vy += v2.fy; v2.x += v2.vx; v2.y += v2.vy; mc.lineTo(v2.x, v2.y); ++v11; } lastLine = mc.pts.length - 1; v11 = lastLine; mc.lineTo(mc.pts[v11].x, mc.pts[v11].y); mc.lineTo(mc.pts[v11].x, mc.deep); mc.lineTo(mc.pts[firstLine].x, mc.deep); mc.lineTo(mc.pts[firstLine].x, mc.pts[firstLine].y); mc.endFill(); }; _global.maakVakjeZee = function (mc, breedte, kleur, points, golf) { game = {'sW': breedte, 'sH': 480, 'tel': 0}; game.sea = {'width': breedte, 'points': 14}; scrollPos = 0; maxScroll = 0; mc.breedte = breedte; var v2 = mc; makeWave(v2, game.sH, kleur, golf, 0.1, points, breedte); = 0; v2.onEnterFrame = function () {; if ( % 4 == 0) { game.sea.width = this.breedte; game.sW = game.sea.width; simWave(this); } }; game.sea.width = breedte; game.sW = game.sea.width; simWave(v2); }; init = function () { if (game.turn == 0) { scrollPos = game.mapWidth - game.sW; } else { scrollPos = 0; } maxScroll = 30; maxS = 0; starMargin = 100; readyForScroll = false; waitForScroll = 25; waitBeforeHealthCheck = 0; repositioning = false; cannonBallCollTime = 0; lastExplosionTime = 0; minCollAnim = 6; firstOpp = 2; healthBarsVisible = true; noVoiceWait = 0; enemySequence = null; callTurnScroll = null; showLevelComplete = false; screenShootPos = 0.36; rand500 = Math.random(); if (rand500 < 0.3) { playRandomSound(); } M_ABS = Math.abs; game.dontShoot = false; = {'schietmannetje': null, 'schietEpox': null, 'rockNr': null}; game.launchDegrees = 0; game.launchPower = 0; game.activeSupersoaker = null; game.maxMapWidth = 4500; game.helpActive = false; game.doeAIshot = false; game.cannonMc = null; game.AIshootObj = null; game.setAIshotTime = null; game.turnsTimeOut = 0; game.drumRollPlayed = false; game.AIshotsFired = 0; game.helmetUpgrade = _global.saveProgress.helmetUpgrade; if (_global.saveProgress.helmetUpgrade >= 2) { game.shieldOn = true; } else { game.shieldOn = false; } if (currentLevel > 6) { game.AIbeginAfwStappen = random(2); } else { if (currentLevel < 3) { game.AIbeginAfwStappen = 2 + random(2); } else { game.AIbeginAfwStappen = 1 + random(2); } } game.extraScroll = 0; = 0; if (level.hippo == true) { var v3 = getMostLeftPenguin(1); var v2 = getMostLeftPenguin(2); game.hippoPos = (v3.p0.x + v2.p0.x) / 2; } rand500 = Math.random(); game.simonBeginTekstKlaar = false; if (currentLevel == 1) { game.instructionsStarted = false; if (_global.doeInstructions == true) { game.instructionsDone = false; game.InstructionsXmouse = [305, 305, 305, 305, 305, 305, 305, 310, 310, 310, 310, 310, 310, 310, 310, 310, 310, 309, 307, 306, 306, 306, 306, 306, 307, 307, 308, 310, 310, 310, 310, 310, 308, 305, 300, 296, 291, 288, 286, 283, 281, 275, 274, 270, 268, 265, 265, 265, 265, 265, 267, 270, 272, 277, 278, 280, 282, 286, 289, 293, 297, 301, 303, 304, 304, 304, 306, 311, 318, 324, 330, 334, 338, 346, 354, 359, 368, 376, 380, 386, 392, 396, 396, 396, 396, 396, 394, 386, 377, 370, 361, 351, 343, 339, 328, 326, 324, 315, 309, 305, 301, 299, 299, 299, 299, 301, 309, 319, 326, 331, 340, 346, 354, 357, 357, 357, 357, 357, 358, 359, 359, 359, 360, 361, 366, 370, 377, 379, 382, 386, 389, 391, 392, 394, 397, 398, 399, 399, 399, 399, 399, 398, 396, 394, 394, 394, 394, 394, 394, 394, 394, 394, 394, 394, 394, 394, 394, 394, 394, 394, 394, 394, 394, 394, 394]; game.InstructionsYmouse = [302, 302, 302, 302, 302, 302, 301, 304, 305, 311, 312, 315, 319, 324, 329, 332, 338, 347, 354, 359, 361, 363, 365, 367, 367, 367, 365, 361, 356, 350, 342, 334, 328, 322, 314, 307, 299, 293, 289, 285, 281, 271, 268, 265, 263, 261, 261, 261, 261, 262, 267, 271, 275, 281, 286, 291, 297, 304, 309, 316, 322, 330, 333, 335, 335, 335, 334, 330, 325, 320, 312, 308, 305, 300, 293, 290, 283, 279, 275, 271, 267, 264, 262, 262, 262, 262, 262, 264, 267, 267, 267, 267, 268, 270, 274, 274, 275, 281, 283, 284, 285, 285, 285, 285, 284, 282, 279, 275, 271, 268, 262, 257, 252, 250, 250, 250, 250, 250, 251, 256, 269, 273, 275, 276, 278, 280, 284, 287, 294, 296, 296, 296, 296, 296, 293, 290, 287, 285, 285, 285, 285, 285, 285, 286, 286, 286, 286, 286, 286, 286, 286, 286, 286, 286, 286, 286, 286, 286, 286, 286, 286, 286, 286, 286, 286]; _global.doeInstructions = false; } else { game.instructionsDone = true; } } else { game.instructionsDone = true; } game.InstructionsFrameArrayNr = 0; game.InstructionsShotFired = false; game.birdHasBeenHit = false; countAantBaddiesStartGame(); _global.lostPromosAndLinksActive = null; game.ambulanceCounter = 0; game.doeMarker = false; game.markerX = 0; game.markerY = 0; game.markerSchietmannetje = null; }; levelInit = function () { var v15 = ['mcRaft']; _global.specialWeaponID = null; switch (currentLevel) { case 1: var v8 = ['rw2Level1']; var v7 = 'rw2Level1Beweegruimte'; var v14 = ['Voor']; level = {'opponent': 'bucket', 'par': 3, 'mapWidth': 1800 + random(0), 'aRafts': v15, 'aOppRafts': v8, 'hippo': false, 'ouders': false, 'noOpponent': true, 'raftBeweegruimte': v7, 'aOppRaftsDepthInfo': v14, 'rockLevel': true}; level.scrollMc = 'rw2Level1Scroll'; level.specialEnding = 'verfvlek'; level.poolLevel = true; level.poolBGframe = 1; level.startPosAdjustment = 30; level.dontHitFriendlies = true; break; case 2: var v8 = ['rw2Level2', 'rw2Level2_2']; var v14 = ['Achter', 'Voor']; var v7 = 'rw2Level2Beweegruimte'; level = {'opponent': 'security', 'par': 4, 'mapWidth': 2200 + random(100), 'aRafts': v15, 'aOppRafts': v8, 'hippo': false, 'ouders': false, 'noOpponent': false, 'raftBeweegruimte': v7, 'aOppRaftsDepthInfo': v14, 'rockLevel': true}; level.scrollMc = 'rw2Level1Scroll'; level.poolLevel = true; level.poolBGframe = 2; level.startPosAdjustment = 0; break; case 3: var v8 = ['rw2Level3_2', 'rw2Level3', 'rw2Level3_3', 'rw2Level3_4']; var v7 = 'rw2Level3Beweegruimte'; var v14 = ['Achter', 'Achter', 'Voor', 'Achter']; level = {'explosiefProjectiel': false, 'opponent': 'neighbour', 'par': 6, 'mapWidth': 2500 + random(200), 'hippo': false, 'aRafts': v15, 'aOppRafts': v8, 'ouders': false, 'noOpponent': false, 'raftBeweegruimte': v7, 'aOppRaftsDepthInfo': v14, 'rockLevel': true}; level.scrollMc = 'rw2Level1Scroll'; level.poolLevel = true; level.poolBGframe = 3; level.startPosAdjustment = -355; break; case 4: var v8 = ['rw2Level14', 'rw2Level14_2', 'rw2Level14_3']; var v14 = ['Voor', 'Achter', 'Voor']; var v7 = 'rw2Level14Beweegruimte'; level = {'opponent': 'badmeester', 'par': 7, 'mapWidth': 2700 + random(300), 'aRafts': v15, 'aOppRafts': v8, 'hippo': true, 'ouders': false, 'noOpponent': false, 'raftBeweegruimte': v7, 'aOppRaftsDepthInfo': v14, 'rockLevel': true, 'rockets': 2, 'grenades': 2}; level.poolLevel = false; level.startPosAdjustment = -250; level.landLevelSetupMcs = true; level.landLevelSetupMcs2 = true; level.birdHippo = true; break; case 5: var v8 = ['rw2Level5', 'rw2Level5_2', 'rw2Level5_3', 'rw2Level5_4']; var v14 = ['Voor', 'Voor', 'Voor', 'Achter']; var v7 = 'rw2Level5Beweegruimte'; level = {'opponent': 'floatingkids', 'par': 6, 'mapWidth': 3300 + random(100), 'aRafts': v15, 'aOppRafts': v8, 'hippo': true, 'ouders': false, 'noOpponent': false, 'raftBeweegruimte': v7, 'aOppRaftsDepthInfo': v14, 'rockLevel': true, 'rockets': 2, 'grenades': 2}; level.poolLevel = false; level.startPosAdjustment = 0; level.birdHippo = true; _global.specialWeaponID = 'floatingkids2'; break; case 6: var v8 = ['rw2Level9_heli', 'rw2Level9_2', 'rw2Level9_3']; var v14 = ['Achter', 'Achter', 'Voor']; var v7 = 'rw2Level9Beweegruimte'; level = {'opponent': 'security', 'par': 7, 'mapWidth': 3200 + random(100), 'aRafts': v15, 'aOppRafts': v8, 'hippo': true, 'ouders': false, 'noOpponent': false, 'raftBeweegruimte': v7, 'aOppRaftsDepthInfo': v14, 'rockLevel': true, 'rockets': 2, 'grenades': 2}; level.poolLevel = false; level.startPosAdjustment = 840; level.birdHippo = true; break; case 7: var v8 = ['rw2Level12', 'rw2Level12_bak']; var v14 = ['Achter', 'Voor']; var v7 = 'rw2Level12Beweegruimte'; level = {'opponent': 'builders', 'par': 6, 'mapWidth': 2700 + random(300), 'aRafts': v15, 'aOppRafts': v8, 'hippo': true, 'ouders': false, 'noOpponent': false, 'raftBeweegruimte': v7, 'aOppRaftsDepthInfo': v14, 'rockLevel': true, 'rockets': 2, 'grenades': 2}; level.poolLevel = false; level.startPosAdjustment = 0; level.landLevelSetupMcs = true; level.birdHippo = true; break; case 8: var v8 = ['rw2Level7', 'rw2Level7_2']; var v14 = ['Achter', 'Voor']; var v7 = 'rw2Level7Beweegruimte'; level = {'opponent': 'octomom', 'par': 8, 'mapWidth': 3300 + random(100), 'aRafts': v15, 'aOppRafts': v8, 'hippo': true, 'ouders': false, 'noOpponent': false, 'raftBeweegruimte': v7, 'aOppRaftsDepthInfo': v14, 'rockLevel': true, 'rockets': 2, 'grenades': 2}; level.poolLevel = false; level.wideRadar = true; level.startPosAdjustment = 0; level.birdHippo = true; break; case 9: var v8 = ['rw2Level8_whale', 'rw2Level8']; var v14 = ['Voor', 'Voor']; var v7 = 'rw2Level8Beweegruimte'; level = {'opponent': 'koreans', 'par': 6, 'mapWidth': 3400 + random(100), 'aRafts': v15, 'aOppRafts': v8, 'hippo': false, 'ouders': false, 'noOpponent': false, 'raftBeweegruimte': v7, 'aOppRaftsDepthInfo': v14, 'rockLevel': true, 'rockets': 2, 'grenades': 2}; level.firstWhaleLevel = true; level.poolLevel = false; level.startPosAdjustment = 0; break; case 10: var v8 = ['rw2Level15', 'rw2Level15_2', 'rw2Level15_3']; var v14 = ['Achter', 'Achter', 'Voor']; var v7 = 'rw2Level15Beweegruimte'; level = {'opponent': 'security', 'par': 7, 'mapWidth': 3300 + random(200), 'aRafts': v15, 'aOppRafts': v8, 'hippo': true, 'ouders': false, 'noOpponent': false, 'raftBeweegruimte': v7, 'aOppRaftsDepthInfo': v14, 'rockLevel': true, 'rockets': 2, 'grenades': 2}; level.poolLevel = false; level.startPosAdjustment = -770; level.landLevelSetupMcs = true; level.landLevelSetupMcs2 = true; level.birdHippo = true; level.poleBirdHigher = true; break; case 11: var v8 = ['rw2Level4', 'rw2Level4_2', 'rw2Level4_droids']; var v14 = ['Voor', 'Voor', 'Voor']; var v7 = 'rw2Level4Beweegruimte'; level = {'opponent': 'floatingkids', 'par': 7, 'mapWidth': 3600 + random(100), 'aRafts': v15, 'aOppRafts': v8, 'hippo': true, 'ouders': false, 'noOpponent': false, 'raftBeweegruimte': v7, 'aOppRaftsDepthInfo': v14, 'rockLevel': true, 'rockets': 2, 'grenades': 2}; level.poolLevel = false; level.startPosAdjustment = 0; level.birdHippo = true; level.multiballOpponent = true; break; case 12: var v8 = ['rw2Level11_whale', 'rw2Level11', 'rw2Level11_2', 'rw2Level11_3']; var v14 = ['Voor', 'Voor', 'Achter', 'Voor']; var v7 = 'rw2Level11Beweegruimte'; level = {'opponent': 'turtlekids', 'par': 8, 'mapWidth': 3700 + random(100), 'aRafts': v15, 'aOppRafts': v8, 'hippo': false, 'ouders': false, 'noOpponent': false, 'explosiefProjectiel': true, 'raftBeweegruimte': v7, 'aOppRaftsDepthInfo': v14, 'rockLevel': true, 'rockets': 2, 'grenades': 2}; level.poolLevel = false; level.startPosAdjustment = -720; level.birdHippo = false; break; case 13: var v8 = ['rw2Level10', 'rw2Level10_2']; var v14 = ['Voor', 'Voor']; var v7 = 'rw2Level10Beweegruimte'; level = {'opponent': 'security', 'par': 7, 'mapWidth': 5400 + random(100), 'aRafts': v15, 'aOppRafts': v8, 'hippo': true, 'ouders': false, 'noOpponent': false, 'raftBeweegruimte': v7, 'aOppRaftsDepthInfo': v14, 'rockLevel': true, 'rockets': 2, 'grenades': 2}; level.poolLevel = false; level.finalLevel = true; level.startPosAdjustment = 0; level.landLevelSetupMcs = true; level.birdHippo = true; level.poleBirdHigher = true; } level.rockets = _global.saveProgress.rockets; level.grenades = _global.saveProgress.grenades; level.multiball = _global.saveProgress.multiball; level.player1 = {'rockets': level.rockets, 'grenades': level.grenades, 'multiball': level.multiball}; if (level.landLevelSetupMcs == true) { level.differentSeaLevelSpace = 40; } else { level.differentSeaLevelSpace = 0; } }; oppGrrr = function (ob) { if (Math.random() > 0.6) { if (ob.heliDude != true) { var v2 ='oppGrrr', 'oppGrrr',; v2._x = 4; v2._y = -75; = 70; v2.onEnterFrame = function () { if ( > 0) {; } else { this.removeMovieClip(); } }; } } }; startSequence = function () { if (game.userReady != false) { if (showLevelComplete != true) { var v2 = 0; } else { var v4 = getMostLeftPenguin(1); var v2 = v4.p0.x - game.sW * (1 - screenShootPos); if (v2 < 0) { v2 = 0; } } var v5 = getMostLeftPenguin(2); var v3 = v5.p0.x; if (level.firstWhaleLevel == true) { v3 -= 1200; } else { if (level.specialEnding == 'deadwhale') { v3 -= 200; } } if (scrollPos > v3 - game.sW / 2) { maxS += (maxScroll / 4 - maxS) / 20; } else { maxS += (maxScroll - maxS) / 40; } var v1 = (v2 - scrollPos) / 8; if (v1 > maxS) { v1 = maxS; } else { if (v1 < -maxS) { v1 = -maxS; } } scrollPos += v1; if (Math.abs(scrollPos - v2) < 1 && showLevelComplete == true) { game.startSequence = false; operateCannon(1); scrollPos = v2; } if (Math.floor(scrollPos) <= 0 && showLevelComplete != true) { if (game.instructionsDone != true) { if (game.instructionsStarted != true) { operateCannonInstructions(1); game.instructionsStarted = true; } } else { showLevelComplete = true; playVoice('start_battle'); attachDialogue(); } } main._x = -scrollPos; } }; attachDialogue = function () { var v4 = 0; while (v4 < game.objects.length) { var v3 = game.objects[v4]; if (v3.naam == 'broer') { var v2 ='broer_beginTekst', 'broer_beginTekst',; v2.gotoAndStop(currentLevel); v2._x = 4; v2._y = -60; if (v2.leeg == true) { = 0; } else { = 80; } v2.onEnterFrame = function () { if ( > 0) {; } else { var v4 = 0; while (v4 < game.objects.length) { var v3 = game.objects[v4]; if (v3.naam == 'simon') { var v2 ='simon_beginTekst', 'simon_beginTekst',; v2.gotoAndStop(currentLevel); v2._x = 4; v2._y = -60; = 120; v2.onEnterFrame = function () { if ( > 0) {; } else { this.removeMovieClip(); game.simonBeginTekstKlaar = true; } }; } ++v4; } this.removeMovieClip(); } }; } ++v4; } }; attachFinalLevelDialogue = function () { var v3 = getMostLeftPenguin(1); var v2 ='finalLevelTekst', 'finalLevelTekst',; v2._x = 4; v2._y = -60; if (v2.leeg == true) { = 0; } else { = 300; } v2.onEnterFrame = function () { if ( > 0) {; } else { this.removeMovieClip(); } }; }; startSequenceLeft = function () { if (game.userReady != false) { if (showLevelComplete != true) { var v2 = game.mapWidth - game.sW; } else { var v5 = getMostLeftPenguin(2); var v2 = v5.p0.x - game.sW * (1 - screenShootPos); if (v2 > game.mapWidth - sw) { v2 = game.mapWidth - sw; } } var v4 = getMostLeftPenguin(1); var v3 = v4.p0.x; if (scrollPos < v3 - game.sW / 2) { maxS += (maxScroll / 4 - maxS) / 20; } else { maxS += (maxScroll - maxS) / 40; } var v1 = (v2 - scrollPos) / 8; if (v1 > maxS) { v1 = maxS; } else { if (v1 < -maxS) { v1 = -maxS; } } scrollPos += v1; if (Math.abs(scrollPos - v2) < 1 && showLevelComplete == true) { game.startSequence = false; operateCannon(2); scrollPos = v2; } if (Math.ceil(scrollPos) >= game.mapWidth - game.sW && showLevelComplete != true) { showLevelComplete = true; playVoice('start_battle'); } main._x = -scrollPos; } }; initMouseListener = function (option) { if (option == 'beginMessage') { _global.mouseListener = new Object(); _global.mouseListener.onMouseDown = function () { game.userReady = true; game.beginTimer = getTimer(); hud.mcBeginMessage.removeMovieClip(); hud.miniclipLogoDarkBGSmall._visible = true; trace('VISIBL>E YESssssssssss'); stopMouseListener(); }; Mouse.addListener(_global.mouseListener); } else { if (option == 'finishMessage') { _global.mouseListener = new Object(); _global.mouseListener.onMouseDown = function () { if (_global.lostPromosAndLinksActive != null) { var v2 = _global.lostPromosAndLinksActive; if (v2 == 'logo') { getURL('', '_blank'); } else { if (v2 == 'at') { getURL('', '_blank'); } else { if (v2 == 'ap') { getURL('', '_blank'); } else { if (v2 == 'rw') { getURL('', '_blank'); } else { _global.rolloverMoreGames = false; stopMouseListener(); hud.mcFinishMessage.removeMovieClip(); exitBattle(); } } } } _global.lostPromosAndLinksActive = null; } else { _global.rolloverMoreGames = false; stopMouseListener(); hud.mcFinishMessage.removeMovieClip(); exitBattle(); } }; Mouse.addListener(_global.mouseListener); } else { if (option == 'intro') { _global.mouseListener = new Object(); _global.mouseListener.onMouseDown = function () { stopMouseListener();; }; Mouse.addListener(_global.mouseListener); } } } }; stopMouseListener = function () { Mouse.removeListener(_global.mouseListener); }; attachBeginMessage = function () { main._x = -scrollPos; var v2 = hud.attachMovie('mcBeginMessage', 'mcBeginMessage', hud.getNextHighestDepth()); v2._y = 20; v2._x = game.sW / 2; hud.miniclipLogoDarkBGSmall._visible = false; trace('VISIBL>E NO ' + hud.miniclipLogoDarkBGSmall + ' ' + hud); v2.parText = 'PAR: ' + level.par; v2.gotoAndStop(currentLevel); v2.onEnterFrame = function () { if (this.readyForClick == true) { initMouseListener('beginMessage'); delete this.onEnterFrame; } }; }; attachSnowball = function (loopMc, ai, obj, optie) { var v2; var v4; var v5; var v3; var v15 = false; var v11 = false; var v25 = obj; if (ai == true) { if (level.opponent == 'turtlekids') { v2 = 'mcTurtle'; v15 = true; } else { v2 = 'ammo_' + level.opponent; } if (optie == 'specialAmmo') { v2 = obj.specialAmmoPic; } if (game.ammoChosen == 'explosiefProjectiel') { v15 = true; } v4 = 0.99; v5 = 0.88; v3 = 0.8; if (game.ammoChosen == 'multiball') { speelSimpelSFX('multiball'); } else { if (level.opponent == 'savage' || level.opponent == 'indiankids' || level.opponent == 'chinees' || level.opponent == 'builders') { speelSimpelSFX('launch_arrow'); } else { speelSimpelSFX('snowball'); } } } else { if (game.ammoChosen == 'snowball') { v2 = 'mcSnowball'; v4 = 0.995; v5 = 1.1; v3 = 0.8; speelSimpelSFX('snowball'); } else { if (game.ammoChosen == 'grenade') { v15 = true; v2 = 'mcGrenade'; v4 = 0.994; v5 = 1.2; v3 = 0.2; speelSimpelSFX('grenade'); } else { if (game.ammoChosen == 'rocket') { v15 = true; v2 = 'mcRocket'; v4 = 0.995; v5 = 0.9; v3 = 0.8; speelSimpelSFX('rocket'); } else { if (game.ammoChosen == 'multiball') { v2 = 'mcMultiball'; v11 = true; v4 = 0.99; v5 = 0.88; v3 = 0.8; speelSimpelSFX('multiball'); } else { if (game.ammoChosen == 'bigrocket') { v15 = true; v2 = 'mcBigRocket'; v4 = 0.997; v5 = 0.9; v3 = 0.8; speelSimpelSFX('rocket'); } } } } } } if (ai == true) { var v8 = _global.oppCannonRotation; } else { var v8 = _global.cannonRotation; } game.cannonBalls[0] = {'f': 1, 'm': v5, 'r': 12, 'baseR': 14, 'dader': v25, 'b': v3, 'rot': rot, 'stopTerrainHittest': false, 'airf': v4, 'arrayNr': 0, 'sb': true, 'timesColl': 0, 'idNm': v2, 'timesHitAnything': 0, 'explosief': v15, 'type': game.ammoChosen, 'fireScrollPos': scrollPos, 'aantMannetjeHits': 0}; var v7 = game.cannonBalls[0]; if (optie != 'instructions') { cannonBallToFollow = v7; } initAmmo(v7, ai, v8, loopMc, 1, v2, 0); if (game.ammoChosen == 'multiball') { game.cannonBalls[1] = {'f': 1, 'm': v5, 'r': 12, 'baseR': 14, 'dader': v25, 'b': v3, 'rot': rot, 'stopTerrainHittest': false, 'airf': v4, 'arrayNr': 1, 'sb': true, 'timesColl': 0, 'idNm': v2, 'timesHitAnything': 0, 'explosief': v15, 'type': game.ammoChosen, 'fireScrollPos': scrollPos, 'aantMannetjeHits': 0}; var v10 = game.cannonBalls[1]; game.cannonBalls[2] = {'f': 1, 'm': v5, 'r': 12, 'baseR': 14, 'dader': v25, 'b': v3, 'rot': rot, 'stopTerrainHittest': false, 'airf': v4, 'arrayNr': 2, 'sb': true, 'timesColl': 0, 'idNm': v2, 'timesHitAnything': 0, 'explosief': v15, 'type': game.ammoChosen, 'fireScrollPos': scrollPos, 'aantMannetjeHits': 0}; var v9 = game.cannonBalls[2]; v9.multiball = true; v10.multiball = v9.multiball; v7.multiball = v9.multiball; if (ai == true) { plusmin = -1; } else { plusmin = 1; } initAmmo(v10, ai, v8, loopMc, 0.96, v2, 4 * plusmin); initAmmo(v9, ai, v8, loopMc, 1.03, v2, 8 * plusmin); game.multiBallJustFired = true; } else { game.multiBallJustFired = false; } resetNoColl(); }; initAmmo = function (ob, ai, degrees, loopMc, afw, ammo, xPlus) { var v6 = main.actionContainer.getNextHighestDepth(); = main.actionContainer.attachMovie(ammo, 'ball' + v6, v6); ob.mannetjeGeraakt = false; if (ai == true) { ob.aiShot = true; } else { ob.aiShot = false; } var v3 = degrees * 0.0174532925199433; var v11 = _global.cannonPower * Math.cos(v3); var v10 = _global.cannonPower * Math.sin(v3); var v7 = v11 / 3; var v8 = v10 / 3; ob.vx = v7 * afw; ob.vy = v8 * afw; ob.rot = 0.3 + Math.random() * 0.7; if (v7 < 0) { ob.rot *= -1; } if (ob.type == 'grenade') { ob.counter = 115; ob.rot *= 40; } else { if (ob.type == 'snowball' || ob.type == 'multiball') { ob.rot *= 40; ob.nrOfSnowballCollisions = 0; } else { ob.rot *= 5; } } if (ob.vx > 0) { ob.dir = 'right'; } else { ob.dir = 'left'; } hitTestBounds(loopMc.loopPoint, main); var v5 = loopMc.loopPoint.xMin; var v4 = loopMc.loopPoint.yMin; v5 += Math.cos(v3) * (8 + xPlus); v4 += Math.sin(v3) * (8 + xPlus); ob.p0 = {'x': v5, 'y': v4}; = v5; ball._y = v4; = getDeg(ob); initObject(ob); }; resetArrayNrs = function () { game.raft1.occupants = []; game.raft2.occupants = []; var v1 = 0; while (v1 < game.objects.length) { var v2 = game.objects[v1]; v2.arrayNr = v1; if (v2.raft == game.raft1) { game.raft1.occupants.push(v1); } else { if (v2.raft == game.raft2) { game.raft2.occupants.push(v1); } } ++v1; } }; resetArrayNrsCannonBalls = function () { var v1 = 0; while (v1 < game.cannonBalls.length) { var v2 = game.cannonBalls[v1]; v2.arrayNr = v1; ++v1; } }; removeObject = function (obj, optie) { if ( == true) {; game.cannonBalls.splice(obj.arrayNr, 1); resetArrayNrsCannonBalls(); } else { if (obj.overig == true) {; game.objectsOverig.splice(obj.arrayNr, 1); } else { if (optie == 'octoBabyZwem') { var v4 =; var v9 = v4.frameNr; var v8 = v4._parent.charType; var v6 = v4._x; var v10 = v4._y;; var v5 = main.pinguinContainer.getNextHighestDepth(); var v3 = main.pinguinContainer.attachMovie('char_octobaby', 'p' + v5, v5); v3.penguin.gotoAndStop('zwem'); v3.penguin._y = game.seaLevel; v3.penguin._x = v6; v3.penguin.frameNr = v9; v3.charType = v8; v3.delX = level.mapWidth - v6 + 100; v3.xPlus = 1 + Math.random(); v3.onEnterFrame = function () { if (this.penguin._x > 3800) { this.removeMovieClip(); } this.penguin._x += this.xPlus; }; game.objects.splice(obj.arrayNr, 1); resetArrayNrs(); } else {; game.objects.splice(obj.arrayNr, 1); resetArrayNrs(); } } } var v7 = game.cannonBalls.length; if ( == true && optie != 'instructions' && v7 <= 0) { manageTurnSwitch(); } }; calcPower = function (power) { var v1 = power * (1 + (power / 90) * 3); v1 *= 0.08; if (v1 < 20) { v1 = 20; } return v1; }; calcLaunch = function () { var v3 = hud.mcKeu; var v9 = v3._x; var v8 = v3._y; if (v9 < 0) { v9 = 0; } if (v8 > game.sH) { v8 = 0; } if (game.instructionsDone != true) { var v6 = game.InstructionsXmouse[game.InstructionsFrameArrayNr]; var v7 = game.InstructionsYmouse[game.InstructionsFrameArrayNr]; hud.instructionsMuis._x = v6; hud.instructionsMuis._y = v7; } else { var v6 = _root._xmouse; var v7 = _root._ymouse; } var v4 = getDegPts(v3._x, v6, v3._y, v7); v4 = -v4 - 90; if (v4 < -60) { v4 = -60; } else { if (v4 > 60) { v4 = 60; } } v3._rotation = v4; var v5 = getDistancePts(v3._x, v3._y, v6, v7); if (v5 > game.maxV * 26) { v5 = game.maxV * 26; } v3.mask._x = Math.round(v5 * 0.75); _global.cannonPower = calcPower(v5); _global.cannonRotation = v4; }; calcMarkerKeu = function (keu, keuX, keuY, xm, ym) { var v1 = getDegPts(keuX, xm, keuY, ym); v1 = -v1 - 90; if (v1 < -60) { v1 = -60; } else { if (v1 > 60) { v1 = 60; } } keu._rotation = v1; var v2 = getDistancePts(keuX, keuY, xm, ym); if (v2 > game.maxV * 26) { v2 = game.maxV * 26; } keu.mask._x = Math.round(v2 * 0.75); }; doeMouseMoveKeu = function () { calcLaunch(); var v3 =; v3._rotation = 180 + _global.cannonRotation; v3.penguin.head.head._rotation = (v3.headAngle * 4 + _global.cannonRotation - v3.flip) / 5; hitTestBounds(v3, main); var v4 = v3.xMin; if (game.instructionsDone != true) { hud.mcKeu._visible = true; } else { if (_root._xmouse < v4) { hud.mcKeu._visible = false; game.dontShoot = true; } else { game.dontShoot = false; hud.mcKeu._visible = true; } } }; exitInstructions = function () { var v1 = 0; while (v1 < game.cannonBalls.length) { var v2 = game.cannonBalls[v1]; removeObject(v2, 'instructions'); ++v1; } hud.mcKeu.removeMovieClip(); game.instructionsDone = true; cannonBallToFollow = null; game.InstructionsShotFired = true; hud.instructionsMuis.removeMovieClip(); hud.hudIntructions.removeMovieClip(); }; attachInitKeu = function (schietMannetje) { _global.mouseListener = new Object(); if (level.specialGun == 'bigrocket') { var v6 = hud.attachMovie('mcKeuLonger', 'mcKeu', hud.getNextHighestDepth()); } else { var v6 = hud.attachMovie('mcKeu', 'mcKeu', hud.getNextHighestDepth()); } if (game.doeMarker == true && level.specialGun != 'bigrocket' && game.markerSchietmannetje == schietMannetje) { var v11 = hud.attachMovie('mcKeuMarker', 'mcKeuMarker', hud.getNextHighestDepth()); if (schietMannetje.bazooka != undefined) { var v13 = schietMannetje.bazooka._x; var v12 = schietMannetje.bazooka._y; } else { var v13 = 0; var v12 = 0; } trace(v13 + ' ' + v12 + ' ' + + ' 111 ' + + ' ' + scrollPos + ' 111 ' + schietMannetje.bazooka._x); v11._x = - scrollPos + v13; v11._y = + v12; calcMarkerKeu(v11, v11._x, v11._y, game.markerX, game.markerY); } v6.schietMannetje = schietMannetje; v6.onEnterFrame = function () { if (this.schietMannetje.bazooka != undefined) { var v5 = this.schietMannetje.bazooka._x; var v4 = this.schietMannetje.bazooka._y; } else { var v5 = 0; var v4 = 0; } this._x = - scrollPos + v5; this._y = + v4; if (game.instructionsDone != true) { if (game.InstructionsFrameArrayNr >= game.InstructionsXmouse.length) { if (game.InstructionsShotFired != true) { vuurSchot('instructions'); hud.mcKeu._visible = false; game.InstructionsShotFired = true; game.telAfterInstructionsShotFired = 50; } else { if (game.telAfterInstructionsShotFired > 0) { --game.telAfterInstructionsShotFired; if (game.telAfterInstructionsShotFired == 24) { var v2 = 0; while (v2 < game.cannonBalls.length) { var v3 = game.cannonBalls[v2]; removeObject(v3, 'instructions'); ++v2; } } } else { if (hud.hudIntructions._alpha > 0) { hud.hudIntructions._alpha -= 4; } else { exitInstructions(); } } } } else { if (hud.hudIntructions._alpha < 100) { hud.hudIntructions._alpha += 4; } else { doeMouseMoveKeu(); ++game.InstructionsFrameArrayNr; if (game.InstructionsFrameArrayNr == game.InstructionsXmouse.length - 80) {; } } } } }; if (v6.schietMannetje.bazooka != undefined) { v13 = v6.schietMannetje.bazooka._x; v12 = v6.schietMannetje.bazooka._y; } else { v13 = 0; v12 = 0; } v6._x = - scrollPos + v13; v6._y = + v12; if (game.instructionsDone == true) { _global.mouseListener.onMouseMove = function () { doeMouseMoveKeu(); }; _global.mouseListener.onMouseDown = function () { doeMouseMoveKeu(); var v3 = true; if (game.helpActive == true) { v3 = false; } if (game.dontShoot == true) { v3 = false; } var v6 = hud.mcShootCannon.nofire1; var v5 = hud.mcShootCannon.nofire2; var v4 = hud.mcShootCannon.nofire3; if (_root._xmouse > v6._x && _root._xmouse < v6._x + v6._width) { if (_root._ymouse > v6._y && _root._ymouse < v6._y + v6._height) { v3 = false; } } if (_root._xmouse > v5._x && _root._xmouse < v5._x + v5._width) { if (_root._ymouse > v5._y && _root._ymouse < v5._y + v5._height) { v3 = false; } } if (_root._xmouse > v4._x && _root._xmouse < v4._x + v4._width) { if (_root._ymouse > v4._y && _root._ymouse < v4._y + v4._height) { v3 = false; } } if (v3 == true) { game.doeMarker = true; game.markerX = _root._xmouse; game.markerY = _root._ymouse; game.markerSchietmannetje =; vuurSchot(); Mouse.removeListener(_global.mouseListener); hud.mcKeu.removeMovieClip(); hud.mcKeuMarker.removeMovieClip(); } }; Mouse.addListener(_global.mouseListener); } calcLaunch(); doeMouseMoveKeu(); }; vuurSchot = function (optie) { var v3 =; var v2 =; var v1 =; if (optie != 'instructions') { playVoice('place_shot'); if (game.ballSelected == 2) { --level['player' + v1].grenades; } else { if (game.ballSelected == 3) { --level['player' + v1].rockets; } else { if (game.ballSelected == 4) { --level['player' + v1].multiball; } } } game.currentShot = v1; cannonSequence = false; }; if (game.ammoChosen == 'bigrocket') { = false; } if (optie != 'instructions') { attachSnowball(v2, false,; } else { attachSnowball(v2, false,, 'ïnstructies'); } if (v3.noBB != true && optie != 'instructions') { if (v1 == 1) { var v5 = -1; } else { var v5 = 1; } v3.vx = v5; } v3.vy = -2; if (optie != 'instructions') { ++game.shotsFired; } cannon.removeMovieClip(); }; initRadar = function () { var v7 = hud.mcShootCannon.radar; if (level.specialEnding == 'verfvlek') { v7._visible = false; } var v11 = v7._width; var v10 = game.mapWidth * 1.3; var v12 = game.mapWidth; var v8 = v11 / v10; var v9 = ((v10 - v12) / 2) * v8 - 20; var v13 = main.pinguinContainer; var v2 = 'geen'; if (level.wideRadar == true) { v7.gotoAndStop(2); } var v5 = 0; while (v5 < game.objects.length) { var v3 = game.objects[v5]; var v6 = v7.getNextHighestDepth(); var v1 = v7.attachMovie('radar_char', 'radar_char' + v6, v6); if (v3.opponent == true) { v1.pic.gotoAndStop(2); } else { v1.pic.gotoAndStop(1); } v1._x = v9 + v3.p0.x * v8; v1._y = -23; if (v2 != 'geen') { if (v1._x < v2._x + v2._width + 1) { v1._x = v2._x + v2._width + 1; } } v2 = v1; v1.pic.healthbar._visible = true; var v4 = * ( / 100); if (v4 < 1) { v4 = 0; } = v4; ++v5; } }; operateCannonInstructions = function (rockNr) { var v8 = game['raft' + rockNr]; initRadar(); displayHealthBars(false); if (_global.quiet == false) { = false; } else { = true; } cannon.selectBall1.gotoAndStop(1); cannon.selectBall2.gotoAndStop(2); cannon.selectBall3.gotoAndStop(3); cannon.rockets_left.text = level['player' + rockNr].rockets; cannon.grenades_left.text = level['player' + rockNr].grenades; if (level['player' + rockNr].rockets <= 0) { cannon.selectBall3.pic.gotoAndStop(2); if (game.ballSelected == 3) { game.ballSelected = 1; } } else { cannon.selectBall3.onRelease = function () { selectBall(3); game.ballSelected = 3; game.ammoChosen = 'rocket'; }; } if (level['player' + rockNr].grenades <= 0) { cannon.selectBall2.pic.gotoAndStop(2); if (game.ballSelected == 2) { game.ballSelected = 1; } } else { cannon.selectBall2.onRelease = function () { selectBall(2); game.ballSelected = 2; game.ammoChosen = 'grenade'; }; } cannon.selectBall1.onRelease = function () { selectBall(1); game.ballSelected = 1; game.ammoChosen = 'snowball'; }; selectBall(game.ballSelected); if (game.ballSelected == 1) { game.ammoChosen = 'snowball'; } else { if (game.ballSelected == 2) { game.ammoChosen = 'grenade'; } else { if (game.ballSelected == 3) { game.ammoChosen = 'rocket'; } } } var v5 = getMostLeftPenguin(rockNr); = v5; =; = rockNr; = v5; =; = rockNr; = function () {}; var v4 = getMostLeftPenguin(rockNr); var v3 =; v3._visible = true; speelSimpelSFX('draw_weapon');; if (rockNr == 1) { v3.flip = 0; v3.headAngle = 0; } else { v3.flip = 180; v3.headAngle = 0; } = true; v3.penguin =; v3.penguinObj = v4; game.activeSupersoaker = v3; var v7 = hud.attachMovie('instructionsMuis', 'instructionsMuis', hud.getNextHighestDepth()); v7.muis.stop(); var v6 = hud.attachMovie('hudIntructions', 'hudIntructions', hud.getNextHighestDepth()); v6._alpha = 0; v6.skip.onRelease = function () { exitInstructions(); }; attachInitKeu(v5); }; selectBall = function (nr) { var v1 = 1; while (v1 < 5) { cannon['selectAmmo' + v1].bg.gotoAndStop(1); ++v1; } cannon['selectAmmo' + nr].bg.gotoAndStop(2); }; initMuteBtn = function (mc) { mc.onRelease = function () { if (_global.quiet == false) { stopLoop(); _global.quiet = true; _global.loopPlaying = ''; = true; } else { _global.quiet = false; = false; startMusic(); } }; if (_global.quiet == false) { = false; } else { = true; } }; operateCannon = function (rockNr) { var v6 = game['raft' + rockNr]; cannon = hud.attachMovie('mcShootCannon', 'mcShootCannon', 0); cannon.gotoAndStop(rockNr); initRadar(); cannon.howToPlay._visible = false; cannon.helpBtn.onRelease = function () { if (game.helpActive == true) { hud.howToPlay.removeMovieClip(); game.helpActive = false; } else { htp = hud.attachMovie('howToPlay', 'howToPlay', hud.getNextHighestDepth()); htp._x = 102; htp._y = 108; game.helpActive = true; htp.xBtn.onRelease = function () { this._parent.removeMovieClip(); game.helpActive = false; }; } }; if (rockNr != 1) { cannon._x = game.sW; } displayHealthBars(false); cannon.sure._visible = false; cannon.exit.onRelease = function () { this._parent.sure._visible = true; this._visible = false; this._parent.radar._visible = false; this._parent.sure.yes.onRelease = function () { exitBattle(); }; = function () { this._parent._parent.exit._visible = true; if (currentLevel != 1) { this._parent._parent.radar._visible = true; } this._parent._visible = false; }; }; initMuteBtn(cannon.loopBtn); cannon.selectAmmo1.pic.gotoAndStop('tennisbal'); cannon.selectAmmo2.pic.gotoAndStop('grenade'); cannon.selectAmmo3.pic.gotoAndStop('rocket'); cannon.selectAmmo4.pic.gotoAndStop('multiball'); cannon.selectAmmo1.indicators._visible = false; cannon.selectAmmo2.indicators.gotoAndStop(level['player' + rockNr].grenades + 1); cannon.selectAmmo3.indicators.gotoAndStop(level['player' + rockNr].rockets + 1); cannon.selectAmmo4.indicators.gotoAndStop(level['player' + rockNr].multiball + 1); if (level.finalSequence == true || level.specialEnding == 'verfvlek') { cannon.selectAmmo1._visible = false; cannon.selectAmmo2._visible = false; cannon.selectAmmo3._visible = false; cannon.selectAmmo4._visible = false; } if (level['player' + rockNr].rockets <= 0) { cannon.selectAmmo3.pic.pic.gotoAndStop(2); if (game.ballSelected == 3) { game.ballSelected = 1; } } else { cannon.selectAmmo3.onRelease = function () { selectBall(3); game.ballSelected = 3; game.ammoChosen = 'rocket'; }; } if (level['player' + rockNr].grenades <= 0) { cannon.selectAmmo2.pic.pic.gotoAndStop(2); if (game.ballSelected == 2) { game.ballSelected = 1; } } else { cannon.selectAmmo2.onRelease = function () { selectBall(2); game.ballSelected = 2; game.ammoChosen = 'grenade'; }; } if (level['player' + rockNr].multiball <= 0) { cannon.selectAmmo4.pic.pic.gotoAndStop(2); if (game.ballSelected == 4) { game.ballSelected = 1; } } else { cannon.selectAmmo4.onRelease = function () { selectBall(4); game.ballSelected = 4; game.ammoChosen = 'multiball'; }; } cannon.selectAmmo1.onRelease = function () { selectBall(1); game.ballSelected = 1; game.ammoChosen = 'snowball'; }; selectBall(game.ballSelected); if (level.specialGun == 'bigrocket') { game.ammoChosen = 'bigrocket'; } else { if (game.ballSelected == 1) { game.ammoChosen = 'snowball'; } else { if (game.ballSelected == 2) { game.ammoChosen = 'grenade'; } else { if (game.ballSelected == 3) { game.ammoChosen = 'rocket'; } else { if (game.ballSelected == 4) { game.ammoChosen = 'multiball'; } } } } } var v5 = getMostLeftPenguin(rockNr); = v5; =; = rockNr; = v5; =; = rockNr; = function () {}; var v4 = getMostLeftPenguin(rockNr); var v3 =; v3._visible = true; if (game.ammoChosen == 'bigrocket') { v3.pic.opzetstuk._visible = true; } if (level.specialEnding == 'deadwhale') { main.raftsVoor.raft2.whalecontainer.healthbar._visible = false; } speelSimpelSFX('draw_weapon');; if (rockNr == 1) { v3.flip = 0; v3.headAngle = 0; } else { v3.flip = 180; v3.headAngle = 0; } = true; v3.penguin =; v3.penguinObj = v4; game.activeSupersoaker = v3; attachInitKeu(v5); }; checkSep = function (obj) { if (obj.raftPos.x < level.sep) { if (obj.p0.x > level.sep) { obj.hitpoints = 100; setHealth(obj); trace('SEPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP'); } } else { if (obj.p0.x < level.sep) { obj.hitpoints = 100; setHealth(obj); trace('SEPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP'); } } }; moveRaft = function () { var v4 = game.raft1; var v9 = aTerrain[0].p0.y; var v8 = v4.bPos + v4.a * Math.sin(v4.w * v4.t); var v5 = v8 - v9; var v1 = 0; while (v1 < aTerrain.length) { var v3 = aTerrain[v1]; if (v3.rockMc.dobber != false) { v3.p0.y += v5; } ++v1; } var v7 = random(14) + 22; v4.t += 1 / v7; v1 = 0; while (v1 < game.raftMcs.length) { var v2 = game.raftMcs[v1]; if (v2.dobber != false) { v2._y = v4.refPoint.y -; } ++v1; } var v6 = main.haaiContainer.haai; v6._y = v6.mcYPos + v5 * 10; }; displayHealthBars = function (option) { if (option == true) { if (healthBarsVisible == false) { var v1 = 0; while (v1 < game.objects.length) { var v2 = game.objects[v1]; = true; healthBarsVisible = true; ++v1; } } } else { if (healthBarsVisible == true) { var v1 = 0; while (v1 < game.objects.length) { var v2 = game.objects[v1]; = false; healthBarsVisible = false; ++v1; } } } }; checkEndSequence = function (raft) { if (raft == 1) { var v1 = getMostLeftPenguin(1); if (v1 != null) { var v3 = v1.p0.x - game.sW * (1 - screenShootPos); if (v3 < 0) { v3 = 0; } v3 += game.extraScroll; } else { var v3 = startEndSequence(1); } activeRaft = game.raft1; return v3; } if (raft == 2) { var v4 = getMostLeftPenguin(2); if (v4 != null) { if (game.drumRollPlayed == false) { speelSimpelSFX('drumroll'); game.drumRollPlayed = true; } v3 = v4.p0.x - game.sW * screenShootPos; if (v3 > game.mapWidth - game.sW) { v3 = game.mapWidth - game.sW; } } else { if (level.noOpponent == true) { v3 = startEndSequence(1); } else { v3 = startEndSequence(2); } } activeRaft = game.raft2; return v3; } if (raft == 3) { v4 = getMostLeftPenguin(2); if (v4 != null) { if (game.drumRollPlayed == false) { speelSimpelSFX('drumroll'); game.drumRollPlayed = true; } v4 = getMostLeftPenguin(1); v3 = v4.p0.x - game.sW * screenShootPos; if (v3 > game.mapWidth - game.sW) { v3 = game.mapWidth - game.sW; } } else { v3 = startEndSequence(1); } activeRaft = game.raft2; } return v3; }; startEndSequence = function (raft) { if (raft == 1) { if (game.endOfGame == true) { var v1 = game.flagHolder; } else { if (level.noOpponent == true) { var v1 = getMostLeftPenguin(1); } else { var v1 = getMostLeftPenguin(2); } } var v3 = v1.p0.x - game.sW / 2; if (v3 > game.mapWidth - game.sW) { v3 = game.mapWidth - game.sW; } if (level.noOpponent == true) { v3 += 158; } if (level.specialEnding == 'verfvlek') { var v4 = game.objects[2]; if (!main.haaiContainer.verfVlek) { game.winner = 2; if (level.noOpponent == true) { game.winner = 1; } v1.flag = true;'flag'); game.flagHolder = v1; attachVerfVlek(); game.endTimer = getTimer(); endOfGameMessage(1); displayHealthBars(false); game.endOfGame = true; hud._visible = true; } v3 = main.haaiContainer.verfVlek._x - 500; } if (game.endOfGame != true) { game.winner = 2; if (level.noOpponent == true) { game.winner = 1; } v1.flag = true;'flag'); game.flagHolder = v1; if (level.noOpponent == true) { endOfGameMessage(1); } else { endOfGameMessage(2); } displayHealthBars(false); game.endOfGame = true; } return v3; } if (game.endOfGame == true) { var v2 = game.flagHolder; } else { var v2 = getMostLeftPenguin(1); } v3 = v2.p0.x - game.sW / 2; if (v3 < 0) { v3 = 0; } if (game.endOfGame != true) { game.endTimer = getTimer(); v2 = getMostLeftPenguin(1); game.winner = 1;'flag'); v2.flag = true; game.flagHolder = v2; endOfGameMessage(1); displayHealthBars(false); game.endOfGame = true; } return v3; }; initFinalSequence = function () { trace('INITFFFFFFFFFFFFINAL'); level.specialEnding = 'deadwhale'; level.finalSequence = true; level.whalehits = 0; level.whaleHasBeenHit = false; level.noOpponent = true; level.specialGun = 'bigrocket'; ++game.turn; enemySequence = false; var v3 = getMostLeftPenguin(1); = true; trace('nexy ' + + ' ' + v3); attachFinalLevelDialogue(); var v1 = 0; while (v1 < game.objects.length) { var v2 = game.objects[v1]; if (v2.immuun == true) { v2.immuun = false; } ++v1; } }; switchTurns = function () { var v18 = game.sW; ++game.turnsTimeOut; if (readyForScroll != true) { var v16 = true; if (game.turn % 2 == 0) { var v13 = 2; } else { var v13 = 1; } var v7 = 0; while (v7 < game['raft' + v13].occupants.length) { var v10 = game['raft' + v13].occupants[v7]; var v2 = game.objects[v10]; if (Math.abs(v2.vx) > 0.4 || Math.abs(v2.vy) > 0.4) { v16 = false; } ++v7; } if (v16 == true) { ++waitBeforeHealthCheck; if (waitBeforeHealthCheck > 20) { waitBeforeHealthCheck = 0; waitForScroll = 25; cannonBallToFollow = null; readyForScroll = true; cannonSequence = true; arrayNrDeductPointsAttached = null; checkForDamage = true; displayHealthBars(true); repositioning = true; if (level.noOpponent != true) { ++game.turn; } if (game.turn % 2 == 1 && _global.twoPlayer != true) { enemySequence = true; } } } } else { if (checkForDamage == true) { if (level.specialEnding == 'deadwhale' && level.whaleHasBeenHit == true) { var v9 = game.objects[0]; var v22 = level.mapWidth - 1300; if (v22 < 0) { v22 = 0; } if (v22 > game.mapWidth - v18) { v22 = game.mapWidth - v18; } var v17 = (v22 - scrollPos) / 8; if (v17 > maxScroll) { v17 = maxScroll; } else { if (v17 < -maxScroll) { v17 = -maxScroll; } } scrollPos += v17; main._x = -scrollPos; var v14 = main.raftsVoor.raft2.whalecontainer.healthbar; if (main.raftsVoor.raft2.whalecontainer.healthbar._visible == false) { if (Math.abs(v22 - scrollPos) < 1) { v14.done = false; v14._visible = true; if (v14.hits == 0) { v14.gotoAndPlay('een'); } else { if (v14.hits == 1) { v14.gotoAndPlay('twee'); } } if (v14.hits == 2) { v14.gotoAndPlay('drie'); } } } else { if (v14.done == true) { if (v14.hits == 3) { exitBattle(); } else { checkForDamage = false; level.whaleHasBeenHit = false; } } } } else { if (pauzeScroll > 0) { --pauzeScroll; } else { var v11 = null; var v7 = 0; while (v7 < game.objects.length) { var v9 = game.objects[v7]; if (v11 == null) { if (v9.hitpoints > 0) { v11 = v9; } } v9.hitByMultiball = false; ++v7; } if (v11 == null) { checkForDamage = false; } else { v9 = v11; var v22 = v9.p0.x - v18 / 2; if (v22 < 0) { v22 = 0; } if (v22 > game.mapWidth - v18) { v22 = game.mapWidth - v18; } var v17 = (v22 - scrollPos) / 8; if (v17 > maxScroll) { v17 = maxScroll; } else { if (v17 < -maxScroll) { v17 = -maxScroll; } } scrollPos += v17; main._x = -scrollPos; if (Math.abs(v22 - scrollPos) < 1) { if (arrayNrDeductPointsAttached != { var v21 = actionContainer.getNextHighestDepth(); var v20 = actionContainer.attachMovie('mcDeductPoints', 'mcDeductPoints' + v21, v21); v20.points.text = '- ' + Math.round(v9.hitpoints); v20._x = v9.p0.x; v20._y = v9.p0.y - 80; arrayNrDeductPointsAttached =; var v23 = - v9.hitpoints; game.turnsTimeOut = 0; if (v9.hitpoints > 15 && v23 > 0) { if (v9.opponent == true) { } else { playVoice('got_hit'); } } } var v19 = * (( - v9.hitpoints) / 100); if (v19 < 1) { v19 = 1; } -= 1; if ( <= v19) { = v19; setHealth(v9); if ( <= 0) { pauzeScroll = 40; if (game.animPauze > 0) { pauzeScroll += game.animPauze; } } } } } } } } else { if (game.turn % 2 == 0) { if (level.noOpponent != true) { var v22 = checkEndSequence(1); } else { var v22 = checkEndSequence(3); } } else { var v22 = checkEndSequence(2); } if (waitForScroll <= 0) { var v17 = (v22 - scrollPos) / 5; if (v17 > maxScroll) { v17 = maxScroll; } else { if (v17 < -maxScroll) { v17 = -maxScroll; } } scrollPos += v17; main._x = -scrollPos; if (repositioning == false) { if (Math.abs(v22 - scrollPos) < 1) { if (game.endOfGame != true) { game.turnsTimeOut = 0; repositionOppositePenguins(); if (game.turn % 2 == 0) { operateCannon(1); } else { startAIshot(); } } readyForScroll = false; callTurnScroll = false; } } } else { --waitForScroll; } var v12 = true; if (game.turn % 2 == 0) { var v13 = 1; } else { var v13 = 2; } var v7 = 0; while (v7 < game['raft' + v13].occupants.length) { var v10 = game['raft' + v13].occupants[v7]; var v2 = game.objects[v10]; if (v2.deceased != true) { var v8 = v2.raftPos.x; var v5 = v2.p0.x; var v15 = true; if (v2.specialCharacter == 'droid') { var v6 = v2.raftPos.y; var v4 = v2.p0.y; if (Math.abs(v4 - v6) > 3) { v12 = false; v2.vanPlaats = true; var v3 = (v6 - v4) / 20; if (Math.abs(v4 - v6) < 6) { v2.vy *= 0.5; } else { if (v3 > 0) { if (v3 > 3) { v3 = 3; } else { if (v3 < 1) { v3 = 1; } } } else { if (v3 < -3) { v3 = -3; } else { if (v3 > -1) { v3 = -1; } } } } v2.vy = v3; } } if (Math.abs(v5 - v8) > 3) { v12 = false; v2.vanPlaats = true; } else { v2.vanPlaats = false; } if (level.sep != null) { checkSep(v2); } v3 = (v8 - v5) / 20; if (Math.abs(v5 - v8) < 6) { v2.vx *= 0.5; v2.vy *= 0.5; } else { if (v3 > 0) { if (v3 > 3) { v3 = 3; } else { if (v3 < 1) { v3 = 1; } } } else { if (v3 < -3) { v3 = -3; } else { if (v3 > -1) { v3 = -1; } } } } v2.vx = v3; if (level.noOpponent != true) { if (v3 > 0.2) { if (v2.pose == 'stand') { if ( != 2) {'walkright'); } } else { if ( != 5) { if (v2.specialCharacter == 'octobaby') {'sitMoveRight'); } else {'walkright'); } } } } else { if (v3 < -0.2) { if (v2.pose == 'stand') { if ( != 3) {'walkleft'); } } else { if ( != 5 && v2.specialCharacter != 'octobaby') {'walkleft'); } else { if (v2.specialCharacter == 'octobaby') {'sitMoveLeft'); } } } } else { if ( != 8) {; } if ( != true && v2.alwaysShowWeapon != true) { = false; } } } } } ++v7; } if (v12 == true) { repositioning = false; game.turnsTimeOut = 0; if (level.finalLevel == true && level.finalSequence != true) { if (getBaddiesSoaked() >= 3) { trace('INITFINAL'); initFinalSequence(); } } } } } if (game.turnsTimeOut > 800) { game.turnsTimeOut = 0; if (game.endOfGame != true) { repositionOppositePenguins(); if (game.turn % 2 == 0) { operateCannon(1); } else { startAIshot(); } } readyForScroll = false; callTurnScroll = false; } }; setShield = function (passvar) { if (_global.saveProgress.helmetUpgrade >= 2) { var v3 = 0; while (v3 < game.raft1.occupants.length) { var v4 = game.raft1.occupants[v3]; var v2 = game.objects[v4]; if (passvar == 'active') { game.shieldActive = true; = true; = true; = false; } else { game.shieldActive = false; = false; = false; = true; } ++v3; } } }; repositionOppositePenguins = function () { if (game.turn % 2 == 0) { if (scrollPos < game.oppRaftX - 500) { var v5 = 2; } } else { if (scrollPos > game.raftX + { var v5 = 1; } } var v3 = 0; while (v3 < game['raft' + v5].occupants.length) { var v4 = game['raft' + v5].occupants[v3]; var v1 = game.objects[v4]; if (v1.deceased != true) { v1.p0.x = v1.raftPos.x; v1.p0.y = v1.raftPos.y; } ++v3; } if (v5 == 1) { v3 = 0; while (v3 < game.objectsOverig.length) { var v2 = game.objectsOverig[v3]; v2.p0.x = v2.raftPos.x; v2.p0.y = v2.raftPos.y; ++v3; } } }; getMostLeftPenguin = function (raftnr) { if (raftnr == 1) { var v4 = -100000; var v6 = null; var v2 = 0; while (v2 < game['raft' + raftnr].occupants.length) { var v3 = game['raft' + raftnr].occupants[v2]; var v1 = game.objects[v3]; if (v1.p0.x > v4) { v6 = v1; v4 = v1.p0.x; } ++v2; } return v6; } raftnr = 2; v4 = 100000; v6 = null; v2 = 0; while (v2 < game['raft' + raftnr].occupants.length) { v3 = game['raft' + raftnr].occupants[v2]; v1 = game.objects[v3]; if (v1.p0.x < v4) { v6 = v1; v4 = v1.p0.x; } ++v2; } return v6; }; startAIshot = function () { ++game.AIshotsFired; displayHealthBars(false); if (level.rockLevel == true) { var v2 = getMostLeftPenguin(2); var v14 = v2.p0.x; var v15 = game.raftLevel - v2.p0.y; var v17 = (4000 - v15) / 4000; if (v2.aimHigh == true) { var v18 = true; } else { var v18 = false; } if (v2.aimLow == true) { var v11 = true; } else { var v11 = false; } } else { var v14 = game.raft2.refPoint.x; var v17 = 1; var v18 = false; } var v19 = 132; var v7 = 0; if (currentLevel > 11) { v7 = 0; } else { if (_global.saveProgress.raftUpgrade == 2) { v7 = 20; } else { if (_global.saveProgress.raftUpgrade == 3) { v7 = 65; } else { if (_global.saveProgress.raftUpgrade == 4) { v7 = 75; } } } } var v12 = v14 - game.raft1.refPoint.x - v7; var v4 = v12 / 2000; var v13 = v4 + v4 / 2.4; v4 = (v13 * 5 + 0.5) / 6.2; if (v18 == true) { var v9 = 34 + random(12); } else { if (storedv11 == true) { var v9 = 18 + random(8); } else { var v9 = 18 + random(28); } } var v16 = Math.abs(7 - (v9 - 30)); if (v9 > 45) { v4 += (v4 - 0.5) / 4; } _global.oppCannonRotation = v9 - 180; var v3 = 10 + v4 * (v19 - 17) + v16 * 1.1; var v10 = 8 - currentLevel; if (v10 > 2) { afwFactor = v10 / 13; } else { afwFactor = 0.15; } if (level.opponent == 'chinees') { afwFactor /= 1.2; } var v8 = game.AIbeginAfwStappen - (game.AIshotsFired - 1); if (v8 > 0) { var v5 = afwFactor * v8 / 3.5; if (Math.random() > 0.5) { v5 = 1 + v5; } else { v5 = 1 - v5; } afwFactor /= v8; } else { var v5 = 1; } v3 *= v5; v3 *= 1 + afwFactor / 2 - Math.random() * afwFactor; v3 *= v17; v3 *= 0.705; if (Math.random() > 0.94) { v3 *= 1.5 - Math.random(); trace(' CRAZZZZZZZZZZZZZYYYYYYYYY'); } if (v3 > 300) { trace('MAXED SHOT 300'); v3 = 300; } _global.cannonPower = v3; if (level.rockLevel == false) { var v6 =; var v20 = -1; } else { = true;; if (_global.specialWeaponID != null) {; } else {; } var v6 =; = true; = true; speelSimpelSFX('draw_weapon'); var v20 = 1; if (storedv2.masked == true) { removeCharacterMask(storedv2); } } v6.penguin =; v6.penguinObj = storedv2; v6.targetRot = v20 * (180 + _global.oppCannonRotation); var v22 = v6.targetRot; = 0; game.AIshootInfo = {'mannetjeObj': storedv2, 'targetRot': v22, 'tel': 0, 'setAIshotTime':}; game.doeAIshot = true; game.cannonMc = v6; game.AIshootObj = storedv2; game.setAIshotTime =; }; doeAIshot = function () { var v2 = game.cannonMc; v2 =; if (game.AIshootObj.specialCharacter == 'droid') { v2 =; var v5 = true; } else { var v5 = false; } v2._visible = true; if ( - game.AIshootInfo.setAIshotTime < 200) { v2._rotation += (game.AIshootInfo.targetRot - v2._rotation) / 12; var v4 =; if (game.AIshootObj.specialCharacter == 'octobaby') { v4 =; } if (level.opponent == 'savage' || level.opponent == 'indiankids') { if (v2.boog.pijl._x < 3) { v2.boog.pijl._x += 0.5; } } v4._rotation += (game.AIshootInfo.targetRot - v2._rotation) / 30; if ( >= 30) { if (Math.round(v2._rotation) == game.AIshootInfo.targetRot || > 200) { var v3 = false; if (level.opponent == 'builders') {; if (v2.animDone == true || > 200) { v3 = true; } } else {; v3 = true; } if (v3 == true) { game.doeAIshot = false; _global.cannonRotation = 315; game.ammoChosen = 'snowball'; trace(game.AIshootObj.specialAmmo + ' special ' + game.AIshootObj.specialAmmoType); if (game.AIshootObj.specialAmmo == true) { game.ammoChosen = game.AIshootObj.specialAmmoType; } else { if (level.explosiefProjectiel == true) { game.ammoChosen = 'explosiefProjectiel'; } else { game.ammoChosen = 'snowball'; } } if (level.multiballOpponent == true) { game.ammoChosen = 'multiball'; } game.currentShot = 2; if (v5 == true) { attachSnowball(v2, true, game.AIshootInfo.mannetjeObj, 'specialAmmo'); } else { attachSnowball(v2, true, game.AIshootInfo.mannetjeObj); } if (game.AIshootInfo.mannetjeObj.noBB != true) { game.AIshootInfo.mannetjeObj.vx = 1; } if (game.AIshootInfo.mannetjeObj.specialCharacter != 'droid') { game.AIshootInfo.mannetjeObj.vy = -2; } cannonSequence = false; enemySequence = false; setShield('active'); } } } else {; } } else { game.doeAIshot = false; playVoice('place_shot'); _global.cannonRotation = 315; if (game.AIshootObj.specialAmmo == true) { game.ammoChosen = game.AIshootObj.specialAmmoType; } else { if (level.explosiefProjectiel == true) { game.ammoChosen = 'explosiefProjectiel'; } else { game.ammoChosen = 'snowball'; } } if (level.explosiefProjectiel == true) { game.ammoChosen = 'explosiefProjectiel'; } game.currentShot = 2; attachSnowball(, true, game.AIshootInfo.mannetjeObj); if (game.AIshootInfo.mannetjeObj.noBB != true) { game.AIshootInfo.mannetjeObj.vx = 1; } game.AIshootInfo.mannetjeObj.vy = -2; cannonSequence = false; enemySequence = false; } }; resetActivePenguins = function () { var v2 = 0; while (v2 < game.objects.length) { var v1 = game.objects[v2];; if (v1.geraakt == true) { v1.geraakt = false; trace('HITBYMULTIBALL???????? ' + v1.hitByMultiball); v1.hitByMultiball = false; } if ( == true) { = false; if (v1.opponent == true) { = 0; } else { = 0; } if (v1.masked == true) { if (v1.activeMask != true) { setCharacterMask(v1); } } } ++v2; } }; negerObj.hitByMultiball; checkGeraaktCounter = function (ob) { if (ob.geraakt == true) { if (ob.geraaktCounter > 0) { --ob.geraaktCounter; if (ob.geraaktCounter <= 0) { ob.geraakt = false; ob.geraaktCounter = null; } } } }; manageTurnSwitch = function () { callTurnScroll = true; resetActivePenguins(); game.drumRollPlayed = false; }; initAchtergrond = function () { var v2 = Math.ceil(game.mapWidth / 347); game.achtergrond = {'aantGras': v2, 'aantBergen': 17, 'aantStrand': 21}; }; doeHaai = function () { var v1 = main.haaiContainer.haai; if (v1._x > game.mapWidth + 100) { v1._x = game.mapWidth + 100; v1.richting = -1; v1.gotoAndStop(1); v1.speed = 2 + random(3); } else { if (v1._x < -100) { v1._x = -100; v1.richting = 1; v1.gotoAndStop(2); v1.speed = 2 + random(3); } } v1._x += v1.speed * v1.richting; }; renderBackground = function () { var v9 = scrollPos; var v6 = 0.5; var v5 = 0.2; v5 = 0.2; main.achtergrond._x = v9 * v6; main.achtergrondStrand._x = v9 * v5; sky.clouds._x = -scrollPos * 0.1 + 100; doeHaai(); var v1 = 0; while (v1 < game.achtergrond.aantBergen) { var v2 = main.achtergrond['bergen_' + v1]; var v3 = 149; if ((v1 + 1) * v3 > scrollPos * v6 && v1 * v3 < scrollPos * v6 + game.sW) { if (v2 == undefined) { v2 = main.achtergrond.attachMovie('bergen_' + v1, 'bergen_' + v1, v1); } v2._x = v1 * v3; v2._y = 200; v2.cacheAsBitmap = true; } else { v2.removeMovieClip(); } ++v1; } v1 = 0; while (v1 < game.achtergrond.aantStrand) { var v4 = v1 + game.achtergrond.aantBergen; v2 = main.achtergrondStrand['strand_' + v1]; v3 = 149; if ((v1 + 1) * v3 > scrollPos * (1 - v5) && v1 * v3 < scrollPos * (1 - v5) + game.sW) { if (v2 == undefined) { v2 = main.achtergrondStrand.attachMovie('strand_' + v1, 'strand_' + v1, v4); } v2._x = v1 * v3; v2._y = 200; v2.cacheAsBitmap = true; } else { v2.removeMovieClip(); } ++v1; } level; if (level.hippo == true) { if (scrollPos <= game.hippoPos + 452) { if (main.raftsAchter.hippo == undefined) { if (level.birdHippo == true) { var v7 = main.raftsAchter.attachMovie('pole', 'hippo', main.raftsAchter.getNextHighestDepth()); } else { var v7 = main.raftsAchter.attachMovie('hippo', 'hippo', main.raftsAchter.getNextHighestDepth()); } if (level.poleBirdHigher == true) { v7.gotoAndStop(2); } v7._x = game.hippoPos; v7._y = 410; v7.mcYPos = v7._y; if (game.birdHasBeenHit == true) { v7.bird._visible = false; } } } else { if (main.raftsAchter.hippo != undefined) { main.raftsAchter.hippo.removeMovieClip(); } } } if (scrollPos <= game.rockPos + 452) { if ( == undefined) { var v8 ='mcRots', 'mcRots',; v8.gotoAndStop(game.rotsFrame); v8.boar.gotoAndStop(game.boarFrame); v8._x = game.rockPos; v8._y = game.grasHoogte; } } else { if ( != undefined) {; } } if (scrollPos <= game.sW / 2) { if ( == undefined) { var v10 ='boom', 'boom',; v10._y = game.grasHoogte; v10._x = game.treeSpace; } } else { if ( != undefined) {; } } if (scrollPos >= game.mapBreedte - game.sW - 350) { if ( != game.mapBreedte) {; var v10 ='boomRechts', 'boomRechts',; v10._x = game.mapBreedte; v10._y = game.grasHoogte; } } else { if ( > -1000000) {; } } = v9; }; animatePenguins = function () { var v2 = 0; while (v2 < game.objects.length) { var v1 = game.objects[v2]; if (v1.walk != true && != true && v1.deceased != true && v1.flag != true && v1.vanPlaats != true) { if (v1.hit != true) { if (v1.pose == 'stand') { if (v1.alwaysShowWeapon != true) { = false; } var v3 = Math.random(); if (v1.naam == 'simon') { if (game.simonBeginTekstKlaar == true) { if (v3 > 0.94) {'special'); } else { if (v3 > 0.47) {; } } } } else { if (v3 > 0.95) { if (game.helmetUpgrade == 2 && v1.opponent != true) { } else {'look'); } } else { if (v3 > 0.6) { if (v1.opponent == true) { var v5 =; } else { if (v1.specialCharacter == 'octobaby') { var v5 =; } else { var v5 =; } }; } } } } else { if (v1.pose == 'sit') { var v3 = Math.random(); if (v1.specialCharacter == 'octobaby') { var v5 =; } else { var v5 =; } if (v3 > 0.9) {; } } } } else { var v4 = true; if (Math.abs(game.objects[v2].vx) > 0.4 || Math.abs(game.objects[v2].vy) > 0.4) { v4 = false; } if (v4 == true) {; v1.hit = false; } } } ++v2; } }; hitPenguin = function (obj) { if (obj.dieLoseZwemband == true) { if (Math.abs(obj.vx) > 3) { = false; = true; = true; var v4 =; var v3 =; var v2 = main.moveToFrontContainer.attachMovie('char_' + v4, 'p' + v3, v3); trace('ADDNEW ' + v3 + ' ' + v4 + ' ' + v2);; v2.penguin.frameNr = v3; v2.charType = v4; = v2.penguin; = true;'hitstand'); obj.hit = true; = 0; obj.hitpoints = 100; = false; = true; = true; } else { trace('vx te laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaag'); } } if (obj.pose == 'stand') {'hitstand'); obj.hit = true; } else { if (obj.pose == 'sit') {'hitsit' + (random(2) + 1)); obj.hit = true; } } }; attachSnowflake = function (startOption) { var v4 = background.snow.getNextHighestDepth(); var v2 = background.snow.attachMovie('mcSnowflake', 'mcSnowflake' + v4, v4); v2._x = scrollPos + random(game.sW); v2._y = 0; if (startOption == true) { v2._y = random(game.sH); } var v6; v2._xscale = 150; v2._yscale = 150; v2.snowfallspeed = 2 + random(5); var v3; if (v2.snowfallspeed < 2) { v3 = 1; } else { if (v2.snowfallspeed < 5) { v3 = 2; } else { v3 = 3; } } v2.gotoAndStop(v3); v2.onEnterFrame = function () { this._y += this.snowfallspeed; if (this._x < scrollPos) { this._x += game.sW; } else { if (this._x > scrollPos + game.sW) { this._x -= game.sW; } else { if (this._y > game.sH) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } } }; }; attachSnowPiece = function (obj, aantal) { var v17 = obj.p1.x; var v15 = obj.p1.y; var v11 = obj.vx; var v9 = obj.vy; var v16 = obj.r; var v14 = actionContainer.getNextHighestDepth(); var v1 = 0; while (v1 < aantal) { var v3 = v14 + v1; var v2 = actionContainer.attachMovie('mcSnowPieces', 'snowPiece' + v3, v3); var v6 = v17 + v1 * 6; var v5 = v15 - v1 * 7 + v16; var v8 = 5 - random(11); var v7 = Math.random() * -6 - 1; var v4 = {'x': v6, 'y': v5, 'vx': v8, 'vy': v7, 'mc': v2}; game.particleObjects.push(v4); v2._xscale = 150; v2._yscale = 150; v2.gotoAndStop(random(6) + 1); ++v1; } }; attachSplash = function (obj, weg, hoger) { obj.r = 24; var v21 = obj.p1.x; var v18 = obj.p1.y; if (hoger == true) { v18 -= 15; } var v14 = obj.vx; var v12 = obj.vy; var v20 = obj.r; var v19 = splashContainer.getNextHighestDepth(); var v11 = Math.round(3 + (obj.vx + obj.vy) / 8); var v1 = 0; while (v1 < v11) { var v3 = v19 + v1; if (level.poolLevel == true) { var v7 = splashContainer.attachMovie('mcSplashZwembad', 'splash' + v3, v3); } else { var v7 = splashContainer.attachMovie('mcSplash', 'splash' + v3, v3); } var v10 = v21 + v1; var v9 = v18 - v1 - v20 - 3; var v15 = obj.vx; var v2 = 0.16 + Math.random(); v2 += v11 / 30; var v6 = v2 * obj.vx; v7._xscale = v2 * 100; v7._yscale = v2 * 100; var v8 = Math.random(); if (v8 > 0.7) { v6 *= -0.4; } var v5 = -(Math.abs(obj.vy) / 2); v5 *= 0.5 + v8; if (obj.deceased == true) { v6 = 4 - random(9); v5 *= 2; } pieceObj = {'x': v10, 'y': v9, 'vx': v6, 'vy': v5, 'mc': v7}; game.particleObjects.push(pieceObj); ++v1; } }; attachBirdHit = function (obj, passX, passY) { var v12 = obj.vx; var v10 = obj.vy; var v13 = obj.r; var v3 = actionContainer.getNextHighestDepth(); v3 = actionContainer.getNextHighestDepth(); var v2 = v3; var v9 = actionContainer.attachMovie('bird_hit', 'bird_hit' + v2, v2); var v6 = passX; var v5 = passY; var v8 = obj.vx * 0.4; var v7 = Math.random() * -6 - 1; var v4 = {'x': v6, 'y': v5, 'vx': v8, 'vy': v7, 'mc': v9}; game.specialObjects.push(v4); }; moveParticleObjects = function () { var v2 = 0; while (v2 < game.particleObjects.length) { var v1 = game.particleObjects[v2]; if (v1.inactive == true) {; game.particleObjects.splice(v2, 1); } else { v1.vy += 0.7; v1.vx *= 0.95; v1.x += v1.vx; v1.y += v1.vy; = v1.x; = v1.y; if (v1.y > game.sH - 30) { v1.inactive = true; } } ++v2; } }; moveSpecialObjects = function () { var v2 = 0; while (v2 < game.specialObjects.length) { var v1 = game.specialObjects[v2]; if (v1.inactive == true) {; game.specialObjects.splice(v2, 1); } else { v1.vy += 0.7; v1.vx *= 0.95; v1.x += v1.vx; v1.y += v1.vy; = v1.x; = v1.y; if (v1.y > game.sH - 30) { v1.inactive = true; } } ++v2; } }; setSnowBackground = function () { var v1 = 0; while (v1 < 19) { attachflake(true); ++v1; } }; renderBackgroundOUD = function () { var v3 = scrollPos - 1500; mountains.bg_f._x = -v3 / 3; mountains.bg_b._x = -v3 / 6; var v1 = 0; for (var v2 in background.snow) { ++v1; } if (v1 < 18) { if (v1 < 14) { var v4 = 0.01; } else { var v4 = 0.8; } if (Math.random() > v4) { attachSnowflake(); } } }; attachVerfVlek = function () { var v2 = main.haaiContainer.attachMovie('verfVlek', 'verfVlek', main.haaiContainer.getNextHighestDepth()); v2._x = game.mapWidth + 200; v2._y = game.sH - 30; var v1 = main.pinguinContainer.attachMovie('badmeesterVHF', 'badmeesterVHF', main.pinguinContainer.getNextHighestDepth()); v1._x = game.mapWidth + 200; v1._y = game.sH - 167; }; attachSmoke = function (obj) { var v6 = actionContainer.getNextHighestDepth(); var v2 = actionContainer.attachMovie('mcSmoke', 'smoke' + v6, v6); var v7 = (-0.5 + Math.random()) * 16; var v5 = obj.vx * 2; if (v5 > obj.r * 1.5) { v5 = obj.r * 1.5; } var v4 = obj.vy * 2; if (v4 > obj.r * 1.5) { v4 = obj.r * 1.5; } v2._x = obj.p0.x + v7 - v5; v2._y = obj.p0.y + v7 - v4; v2._rotation = Math.random() * 360; var v8 = 0.7 * (Math.random() * 0.72); v2._xscale * -v8; v2._yscale * -v8; v2.onEnterFrame = function () { this._y -= 0.5; this._xscale *= 0.96; this._yscale *= 0.96; if (this._xscale < 40) { this.removeMovieClip(); } }; }; attachSter = function (obj) { var v1 = actionContainer.attachMovie('mcSter', 'mcSter', actionContainer.getNextHighestDepth()); v1._x = obj.p0.x; v1._y = obj.p0.y; }; attachFlits = function () { whiteFlash.attachMovie('mcFlits', 'mcFlits', 0); }; cannonBallEffects = function (obj) { if (obj.type == 'rocket' || obj.idNm == 'ammo_savage' || obj.idNm == 'ammo_indiankids' || obj.type == 'bigrocket') { if (Math.random() > 0.6) { attachSmoke(obj); } var v2 = getDeg(obj); = v2; } else { if (Math.abs(obj.rot) > 0) { += obj.rot; obj.rot *= 0.98; } } if (obj.type == 'grenade') { --obj.counter; if (obj.counter <= 0) { createExplosion(obj); explodeCollisions(obj, false); removeObject(obj); } } }; doExplosions = function () { var v2 = 0; while (v2 < game.explosionObjects.length) { var v1 = game.explosionObjects[v2]; if (v1.inactive == true) {; game.explosionObjects.splice(v2, 1); } else { v1.vy += 2 * v1.mass; v1.vx *= 0.95; v1.x += v1.vx; v1.y += v1.vy; = v1.x; = v1.y; if (v1.rotplus) { += v1.rotplus; } if (v1.y > game.sH - 30) { v1.inactive = true; } else { if ( == true) { v1.inactive = true; } } } ++v2; } }; createExplosion = function (obj, hitice) { var v24 = lastExplosionTime; lastExplosionTime = getTimer(); if (lastExplosionTime - v24 > 200) { speelSimpelSFX('explosion'); shake = 10; attachFlits(); var v8 = obj.p1.x; var v7 = obj.p1.y; var v17 = obj.vx; var v14 = obj.vy; var v25 = obj.r; var v6 = actionContainer.getNextHighestDepth(); var v23 = actionContainer.attachMovie('mcExpCloud', 'cloud' + v6, v6); var v10 = {'x': v8, 'y': v7 - 10, 'vx': 0, 'vy': -3, 'mc': v23, 'mass': 0.01}; game.explosionObjects.push(v10); var v3 = 0; while (v3 < 3) { var v4 = v6 + 2 + v3; var v13 = random(2) + 1; var v5 = actionContainer.attachMovie('mcExpFire' + v13, 'fire' + v4, v4); v5._rotation = random(360); var v12 = 5 - random(11); var v11 = Math.random() * -5 - 3; v10 = {'x': v8, 'y': v7 - 20, 'vx': v12, 'vy': v11, 'mc': v5, 'mass': 0.2}; game.explosionObjects.push(v10); ++v3; } if (hitice == true) { v3 = 0; while (v3 < 4) { v4 = v6 + 5 + v3; var v1 = actionContainer.attachMovie('mcExpDebris', 'debris' + v4, v4); v1.gotoAndStop(random(2) + 1); v1._rotation = random(360); v12 = 8 - random(17); v11 = Math.random() * -14 - 5; var v9 = 50 + random(50); v1._yscale = v9; v1._xscale = v1._yscale; v10 = {'x': v8, 'y': v7 - 20, 'vx': v12, 'vy': v11, 'rotplus': v12 * 2, 'mc': v1, 'mass': 0.6}; game.explosionObjects.push(v10); ++v3; } var v21 = 2; } else { var v21 = 4; } v3 = 0; while (v3 < v21) { v4 = v6 + 5 + v3; var v2 = actionContainer.attachMovie('mcExpSmoke', 'smoke' + v4, v4); v2._rotation = random(360); v12 = 5 - random(11); v11 = Math.random() * -5 - 4; var v9 = 40 + random(40); v2._yscale = v9; v2._xscale = v2._yscale; v10 = {'x': v8, 'y': v7 - 20, 'vx': v12, 'vy': v11, 'mc': v2, 'mass': 0.04}; game.explosionObjects.push(v10); ++v3; } } }; initSounds = function () { sound = _root.createEmptyMovieClip('sound', 0); _root.sound.createEmptyMovieClip('sfx', 4); _root.sound.createEmptyMovieClip('loop', 1); _root.sound.createEmptyMovieClip('cRandom', 2); _root.sound.createEmptyMovieClip('voices', 3); _root.sound.createEmptyMovieClip('musicLoop', 0); initSFX(); }; playRandomSound = function () { if (_global.noSound != true) { var v2 = 'random' + (random(8) + 1); random_sounds.attachSound(v2); random_sounds.setVolume(16); random_sounds.start(); } }; initSFX = function () { sfx_snowball = new Sound(_root.sound.sfx); sfx_snowball.attachSound('snowball'); sfx_snowball_launch = new Sound(_root.sound.sfx); sfx_snowball_launch.attachSound('snowball_launch'); sfx_rocket = new Sound(_root.sound.sfx); sfx_rocket.attachSound('rocket'); sfx_grenade = new Sound(_root.sound.sfx); sfx_grenade.attachSound('grenade'); sfx_multiball = new Sound(_root.sound.sfx); sfx_multiball.attachSound('multiball'); sfx_boing = new Sound(_root.sound.sfx); sfx_boing.attachSound('boing'); sfx_launch_arrow = new Sound(_root.sound.sfx); sfx_launch_arrow.attachSound('launch_arrow'); sfx_bark = new Sound(_root.sound.sfx); sfx_bark.attachSound('bark'); sfx_buy = new Sound(_root.sound.sfx); sfx_buy.attachSound('buy'); sfx_grenade_tick = new Sound(_root.sound.sfx); sfx_grenade_tick.attachSound('grenade_tick'); sfx_grenade_collision = new Sound(_root.sound.sfx); sfx_grenade_collision.attachSound('grenade_collision'); sfx_draw_weapon = new Sound(_root.sound.sfx); sfx_draw_weapon.attachSound('draw_weapon'); sfx_explosion = new Sound(_root.sound.sfx); sfx_explosion.attachSound('explosion'); sfx_snowball_hit = new Sound(_root.sound.sfx); sfx_snowball_hit.attachSound('snowball_hit'); sfx_drumroll = new Sound(_root.sound.sfx); sfx_drumroll.attachSound('drumroll'); sfx_whoosh = new Sound(_root.sound.sfx); sfx_whoosh.attachSound('whoosh'); sfx_splash_small = new Sound(_root.sound.sfx); sfx_splash_small.attachSound('splash_small'); sfx_splash_large = new Sound(_root.sound.sfx); sfx_snowbal_hit_terrain = new Sound(v.sound.sfx); sfx_snowbal_hit_terrain.attachSound('snowbal_hit_terrain'); sfx_victory = new Sound(v.sound.sfx); sfx_victory.attachSound('victory'); sfx_see_you_later = new Sound(_root.sound.voices); sfx_byebye = new Sound(_root.sound.voices); sfx_headshot = new Sound(_root.sound.voices); sfx_miss = new Sound(_root.sound.voices); sfx_auw = new Sound(_root.sound.voices); sfx_good_shot = new Sound(_root.sound.voices); sfx_byebye = new Sound(_root.sound.voices); sfx_place_shot = new Sound(_root.sound.voices); sfx_got_hit = new Sound(_root.sound.voices); sfx_start_battle = new Sound(_root.sound.voices); sfx_ambulance = new Sound(_root.sound.voices); random_sounds = new Sound(_root.sound.cRandom); }; playVoice = function (id, oppVoice, passvar) { var v2 = 140; if (oppVoice == true) { var v3 = 'opp'; } else { var v3 = ''; } if (_global.noSound != true) { switch (id) { case 'see_you_later': trace(v3 + ' ' + oppVoice + ' trewst bye'); if (oppVoice == true) { var v7 = 4; } else { var v7 = 4; } var v6 = v3 + 'byebye' + (random(v7) + 1); sfx_see_you_later.attachSound(v6); sfx_see_you_later.setVolume(v2); sfx_see_you_later.start(); break; case 'opaSpecial': var v6 = 'byebye2'; sfx_see_you_later.attachSound(v6); sfx_see_you_later.setVolume(v2); sfx_see_you_later.start(); break; case 'headshot': if (noVoiceWait <= 0) { if (Math.random() > 0.6) { sfx_good_shot.attachSound('good_shot' + (random(6) + 1)); sfx_good_shot.setVolume(v2); sfx_good_shot.start(); } else { var v5 = random(2) + 1; var v6 = 'headshot' + v5; sfx_headshot.attachSound(v6); sfx_good_shot.setVolume(v2); sfx_headshot.start(); } } if (game.multiBallJustFired == true) { noVoiceWait = 4; } break; case 'byebye': if (noVoiceWait <= 0) { if (oppVoice == true) { var v7 = 6; } else { var v7 = 6; } if (level.specialEnding == 'verfvlek') { v7 = 2; } var v6 = v3 + 'byebye' + (random(v7) + 1); sfx_byebye.attachSound(v6); sfx_byebye.setVolume(v2); sfx_byebye.start(); } break; case 'ambulance': var v7 = 2; sfx_ambulance.attachSound(v3 + 'ambulance_' + (random(v7) + 1)); sfx_ambulance.setVolume(v2); sfx_ambulance.start(); sfx_auw.onSoundComplete = null; break; case 'miss': if (noVoiceWait <= 0) { sfx_miss.attachSound('miss' + (random(3) + 1)); sfx_miss.setVolume(v2); sfx_miss.start(); } if (game.multiBallJustFired == true) { noVoiceWait = 4; } break; case 'good_shot': if (noVoiceWait <= 0) { if (level.specialEnding == 'verfvlek') { sfx_good_shot.attachSound('good_shot4'); } else { sfx_good_shot.attachSound('good_shot' + (random(5) + 1)); } sfx_good_shot.setVolume(v2); sfx_good_shot.start(); } if (game.multiBallJustFired == true) { noVoiceWait = 4; } break; case 'auw': trace('AUW ' + passvar); var v7 = 5; sfx_auw.attachSound(v3 + 'auw' + (random(v7) + 1)); sfx_auw.setVolume(v2); sfx_auw.start(); if (game.ambulanceCounter == 0 && passvar > 25) { if (Math.random() > 0.72) { game.ambulanceCounter = 10; noVoiceWait = 10; sfx_auw.onSoundComplete = function () { playVoice('ambulance'); }; } } break; case 'place_shot': startPlaceShot = setInterval(placeShotSFX, 90, v2); break; case 'got_hit': if (noVoiceWait <= 0) { var v5 = random(6) + 1; var v6 = 'got_hit' + v5; sfx_got_hit.attachSound(v6); sfx_got_hit.setVolume(v2); sfx_got_hit.start(); } if (game.multiBallJustFired == true) { noVoiceWait = 4; } } } }; placeShotSFX = function (voiceVolume) { if (_global.noSound != true) { var v2 = true; if (level.specialEnding == 'verfvlek') { var v3 = 6; if (game.shotsFired > 1) { clearInterval(startPlaceShot); v2 = false; } } else { var v3 = random(7) + 1; } if (v2 != false) { var v4 = 'place_shot' + v3; sfx_place_shot.attachSound(v4); sfx_place_shot.setVolume(voiceVolume); sfx_place_shot.start(); clearInterval(startPlaceShot); } } }; randomSFX = function () { if (_global.noSound != true) { if (shortRandom > 0.8) { omgeving_bird.start(); } } }; soundCounters = function () {}; speelSimpelSFX = function (naam, passVar) { if (_global.noSound != true) { switch (naam) { case 'snowball': sfx_snowball.start(); sfx_snowball_launch.start(); break; case 'launch_arrow': sfx_launch_arrow.start(); break; case 'bark': sfx_bark.start(); sfx_bark_launch.start(); break; case 'drumroll': sfx_drumroll.start(); break; case 'victory': sfx_victory.setVolume(200); sfx_victory.start(); break; case 'boing': sfx_boing.start(); break; case 'buy': sfx_buy.start(); break; case 'rocket': sfx_rocket.start(); break; case 'grenade': sfx_grenade.start(); break; case 'multiball': sfx_multiball.start(); break; case 'grenade_tick': sfx_grenade_tick.start(); break; case 'grenade_collision': sfx_grenade_collision.start(); break; case 'explosion': sfx_explosion.start(); break; case 'splash_large': sfx_splash_large.attachSound('splash_large' + (random(2) + 1)); sfx_splash_large.start(); break; case 'splash_small': sfx_splash_small.start(); break; case 'snowball_hit': sfx_snowball_hit.start(); break; case 'snowbal_hit_terrain': sfx_snowbal_hit_terrain.start(); break; case 'draw_weapon': sfx_draw_weapon.start(); break; case 'whoosh': sfx_whoosh.start(); } } }; manageSoundFx = function (naam, difOptie) { switch (naam) { case 'schild': schild_commander.start(); break; case 'mini_attack': if (mini_aanval.counter <= 0) { mini_aanval.counter = 3; var v1 = random(aAanvalVoices.length - 1); mini_aanval.attachSound(aAanvalVoices[v1]); mini_aanval.start(); } break; case 'sfx_raathit': if (aCounters['raat' + difOptie] < getTimer()) { aCounters['raat' + difOptie] = getTimer() + 2000; sfx_raathit.start(); sfx_raathit2.start(); } } }; _global.setFadeMusic = function () { clearInterval(_global.fadeInt); clearInterval(_global.fadeInInt); _global.fadeInt = setInterval(_global.fadeMusic, 100); }; _global.fadeMusic = function () { if (music_loop.getVolume() > 0) { music_loop.setVolume(music_loop.getVolume() - 1); } else { clearInterval(_global.fadeInt); } }; _global.setFadeInMusic = function () { clearInterval(_global.fadeInt); clearInterval(_global.fadeInInt); _global.fadeInInt = setInterval(fadeInMusic, 100); }; _global.fadeInMusic = function () { if (music_loop.getVolume() < 70) { music_loop.setVolume(music_loop.getVolume() + 1); } else { clearInterval(_global.fadeInInt); } }; playLoopOUD = function (loop) { if (_global.loopPlaying != loop) { music_loop.stop(); music_loop = new Sound(_root.sound.musicLoop); music_loop.attachSound(loop); music_loop.start(0, 0); _global.loopPlaying = loop; music_loop.onSoundComplete = function () { this.start(0, 0); }; music_loop.setVolume(60); } }; playLoop = function (loop) { _global.currentLoop = loop; if (_global.noMusic != true) { if (_global.loopPlaying != loop) { stopAllSounds(); if (game.doPlaySea == true) { playSea('sealoop'); } music_loop.stop; clearInterval(_global.fadeInt); music_loop = new Sound(_root.sound.musicLoop); music_loop.attachSound(loop); music_loop.start(0, 0); if (loop == 'heavyLoopIntro') { music_loop.onSoundComplete = function () { playLoop('heavyLoop'); }; } else { music_loop.onSoundComplete = function () { this.start(0, 0); }; } _global.loopPlaying = loop; if (loop == 'heavyLoopIntro' || loop == 'heavyLoop') { music_loop.setVolume(40); } else { music_loop.setVolume(50); } } } }; stopLoop = function () { music_loop.stop(); _global.loopPlaying = ''; }; playSea = function (loop) { if (_global.noSound != true) { seaLoop = new Sound(_root.sound.loop); trace('play sea,,,,,,,,,,, ' + loop + ' ' + _global.noSound + ' s ' + seaLoop); seaLoop.attachSound(loop); seaLoop.start(0, 0); seaLoop.onSoundComplete = function () { this.start(0, 0); }; seaLoop.setVolume(40); } }; _global.callInitMuteButton = function (btn) { initMuteButton(btn); }; initMuteButton = function (btn) { if (_global.noSound == true) { btn.gotoAndStop(3); } else { if (_global.noMusic == true) { btn.gotoAndStop(2); } else { btn.gotoAndStop(1); } } btn.onRelease = function () { if (_global.noSound == true) { unMuteSound(); this.gotoAndStop(1); } else { if (_global.noMusic == true) { muteMusic(); muteSound(); this.gotoAndStop(3); } else { muteMusic(); this.gotoAndStop(2); } } }; }; muteSound = function () { trace('mute'); stopLoop(); stopAllSounds(); _global.noMusic = true; _global.noSound = true; }; unMuteSound = function () { _global.noSound = false; _global.noMusic = false; playLoop(_global.currentLoop, true); if (game.doPlaySea == true) { playSea('sealoop'); } }; muteMusic = function () { stopLoop(); _global.noMusic = true; }; unMuteMusic = function () { _global.noMusic = false; playLoop(_global.currentLoop, true); }; stopSound = function () { seaLoop.stop(); }; enableTellafriend = function () { var v1 = root.mcControlCenter; v1.mcTellafriend._visible = true; v1.mcTellafriend.gotoAndStop(1); v1.mcCredits._visible = false; v1.new_game._visible = false; v1.highscores._visible = false; v1.play_more_games._visible = false; v1.mcTellafriend.ok.onRelease = function () { disableTellafriend(); }; v1.mcTellafriend.cancel.onRelease = function () { disableTellafriend(); }; }; enableCredits = function () { var v1 = root.mcControlCenter; v1.creditsPopup._visible = true; v1.startGameBtns._visible = false; v1.creditsPopup.xBtn.onRelease = function () { disableCredits(); }; v1.credits.onRelease = function () { disableCredits(); }; }; disableCredits = function () { var v1 = root.mcControlCenter; v1.creditsPopup._visible = false; v1.startGameBtns._visible = true; v1.credits.onRelease = function () { enableCredits(); }; }; enableHowToPlay = function () { var v1 = root.mcControlCenter; v1.howToPlay._visible = true; v1.startGameBtns._visible = false; v1.howToPlay.xBtn.onRelease = function () { disableHowToPlay(); }; v1.helpBtn.onRelease = function () { disableHowToPlay(); }; }; disableHowToPlay = function () { var v1 = root.mcControlCenter; v1.howToPlay._visible = false; v1.startGameBtns._visible = true; v1.helpBtn.onRelease = function () { enableHowToPlay(); }; }; disableTellafriend = function () { var v1 = root.mcControlCenter; v1.new_game._visible = true; v1.play_more_games._visible = true; v1.highscores._visible = true; }; createNewGame = function () { _global.inGame = true; _global.twoPlayer = false; _global.doeInstructions = true; _global.saveProgress.progress = {'level': 1, 'lives': 5, 'points': 0, 'tries': 0}; _global.saveProgress.grenades = 0; _global.saveProgress.rockets = 0; _global.saveProgress.multiball = 0; = 0; _global.saveProgress.freegoldClicked = false; _global.saveProgress.raftUpgrade = 1; _global.saveProgress.helmetUpgrade = 0; }; initMenu = function (step) { if (step == 1) { playLoop('menuLoop'); root = this; var v4 = root.attachMovie('mcControlCenter', 'mcControlCenter', 1); v4.gotoAndStop(1); initMuteButton(v4.muteBtn); disableTellafriend(); disableCredits(); disableHowToPlay(); if (_global.saveProgress != null && _global.saveProgress != undefined && _global.saveProgress.progress.level != undefined && _global.saveProgress.progress.level != null && _global.saveProgress.progress.level >= 2 && _global.saveProgress.progress.level <= 15) { v4.startGameBtns.gotoAndStop(2); v4.startGameBtns.newGamePressed._visible = false; v4.startGameBtns.continueSaved.onRelease = function () { delete this.onRelease; var v3 = _root.attachMovie('intro_fade', 'intro_fade', _root.getNextHighestDepth()); v3._alpha = 0; v3.onEnterFrame = function () { if (this._alpha < 100) { this._alpha += 10; } else { root.gotoAndStop('overview'); root.mcControlCenter.removeMovieClip(); this.removeMovieClip(); } }; }; v4.startGameBtns.newGame.onRelease = function () { this._visible = false; this._parent.continueSaved._visible = false; this._parent.newGamePressed._visible = true; this._parent.newGamePressed.yes.onRelease = function () { delete this.onRelease; createNewGame(); var v3 = _root.attachMovie('intro_fade', 'intro_fade', _root.getNextHighestDepth()); v3._alpha = 0; v3.onEnterFrame = function () { if (this._alpha < 100) { this._alpha += 10; } else { root.gotoAndStop('startgame'); root.mcControlCenter.removeMovieClip(); this.removeMovieClip(); } }; }; = function () { this._parent._visible = false; this._parent._parent.continueSaved._visible = true; this._parent._parent.newGame._visible = true; }; }; } else { v4.startGameBtns.gotoAndStop(1); = function () { delete this.onRelease; createNewGame(); var v3 = _root.attachMovie('intro_fade', 'intro_fade', _root.getNextHighestDepth()); v3._alpha = 0; v3.onEnterFrame = function () { if (this._alpha < 100) { this._alpha += 10; } else { root.gotoAndStop('startgame'); root.mcControlCenter.removeMovieClip(); this.removeMovieClip(); } }; }; } v4.play_more_games.onRelease = function () { if (Math.random() > 0.8) { var v1 = ''; } else { var v1 = ''; } getURL(v1, '_blank'); }; v4.addgames.onRelease = function () { getURL('', '_blank'); }; v4.tellafriend.onRelease = function () { disableCredits(); enableTellafriend(); }; v4.credits.onRelease = function () { enableCredits(); }; v4.helpBtn.onRelease = function () { enableHowToPlay(); }; v4.play_more_games.onRelease = function () { disableTellafriend(); disableCredits(); getURL('', '_blank'); }; v4.add_to_site.onRelease = function () { getURL('', '_blank'); }; v4.highscores.onRelease = function () { disableTellafriend(); disableCredits(); var v2 = '' + _global.game_id + '&cache=' + random(100); getURL(v2, '_blank'); }; } else { if (step == 2) { root.mcControlCenter.gotoAndStop(2); var v5 = root.mcControlCenter; v5.hard._alpha = 0; = 4; v5.hard.onEnterFrame = function () { if ( <= 0) { if (this._alpha >= 100) { delete this.onEnterFrame; } else { this._alpha += 8; } } else {; } }; v5.easy._alpha = 0; = 4; v5.easy.onEnterFrame = function () { if ( <= 0) { if (this._alpha >= 100) { delete this.onEnterFrame; } else { this._alpha += 8; } } else {; } }; = 0; = 4; = function () { if ( <= 0) { if (this._alpha >= 100) { delete this.onEnterFrame; } else { this._alpha += 8; } } else {; } }; _global.gameObj = {'level': 3, 'numTries': 0, 'totalPoints': 0, 'bonusPoints': 0, 'wins': 0, 'totalDistance': 0, 'totalJumps': 0}; _global.gameObj.heroColor = 12354348; v5.hard.onRelease = function () { _global.gameObj.difficulty = 1; root.gotoAndStop('start'); }; v5.easy.onRelease = function () { _global.gameObj.difficulty = 0; root.gotoAndStop('start'); }; = function () { _global.gameObj.difficulty = 2; root.gotoAndStop('start'); }; v5.back.onRelease = function () { this._parent.gotoAndStop(1); initMenu(1); }; } } }; checkStageBounds = function (obj) { var v2 = false; var v4 = false; if ( == true) { var v3 = 30; } else { var v3 = 200; } if (obj.p1.x < -obj.r - v3) { if (obj.penguin == true) { speelSimpelSFX('splash_large', 'pauze'); } v2 = true; } else { if (obj.p1.y > game.raftLevel + obj.r + 30 + level.differentSeaLevelSpace) { attachSplash(obj, 6, true); if (obj.penguin == true) { speelSimpelSFX('splash_large'); if (obj.deceased != true) { if (obj.opponent == true) { playVoice('byebye', true); } else { playVoice('byebye'); } } } else { speelSimpelSFX('splash_small'); } if (obj.specialCharacter == 'octobaby') { v4 = true; } v2 = true; } else { if (obj.p1.x > game.mapWidth + obj.r + v3) { if (obj.penguin == true) { speelSimpelSFX('splash_large', 'pauze'); } v2 = true; } } } if (v2 == true) { if ( == true) { if (obj.timesHitAnything == 0 && obj.aiShot == true && obj.mannetjeGeraakt != true) { playVoice('miss'); } } if (cannonBallToFollow == obj) { cannonBallToFollow = null; } if (v4 == true) { removeObject(obj, 'octoBabyZwem'); } else { removeObject(obj); } } }; checkTerrainCollisions = function (obj) { var v17 = true; if (obj.type == 'snowball' || obj.type == 'multiball') { if (obj.nrOfSnowballCollisions > 1) { v17 = false; } } else { if (obj.opponent == true) { var v18 = obj.p0.x; var v19 = obj.p0.y; if (v18 > obj.bXmin && v18 < obj.bXmax && v19 > obj.bYmin && v19 < obj.bXmax) { v17 = true; } else { v17 = false; } } else { if (obj.type == 'opa') { var v19 = obj.p0.y; if (v19 > obj.bYmin) { v17 = false; } } } } if ( == true) { if (M_ABS(obj.p0.x - obj.dader.p0.x) < 300) { v17 = false; } } if (v17 == true) { var v6 = 0; while (v6 < aTerrain.length) { var v3 = aTerrain[v6]; if (v3.collideWithAll == false && obj.opponent != true) { } else { var v7 = obj.p0.x; if (M_ABS(v3.p0.x - v7) < 100 || M_ABS(v3.p1.x - v7) < 100) { var v2 = getIntersection(obj, v3); v2 = initVector(v2, false); var v5 = obj.r - v2.len; if (v5 >= 0) { obj.p1.x += v2.dx * v5; obj.p1.y += v2.dy * v5; var v9 = {'dx': v2.lx, 'dy':, 'lx': v2.dx, 'ly': v2.dy, 'b': obj.b, 'f': v3.f}; var v8 = bounce(obj, v9); obj.vx = v8.vx; obj.vy = -1; obj.vy = v8.vy; if ( == true) { ++obj.timesHitAnything; if (obj.type == 'rocket' || obj.type == 'explosiefProjectiel' || obj.type == 'bigrocket') { attachFlits(); cannonBallToFollow = null; createExplosion(obj, true); if (obj.type != 'bigrocket') { explodeCollisions(obj, false); } removeObject(obj); } else { if (obj.type == 'grenade') { var v4 = Math.abs(obj.vx) + Math.abs(obj.vy); if (v4 < 2) { v4 = 0; } if (Math.random() > 0.5) { v4 *= -1; } = v4; } else { ++obj.nrOfSnowballCollisions; var v10 = cannonBallCollTime; cannonBallCollTime = getTimer(); if (cannonBallCollTime - v10 > 200) { speelSimpelSFX('snowbal_hit_terrain'); obj.stopTerrainHittest = true; } else { if (obj.nrOfSnowballCollisions > 12) { cannonBallToFollow = null; removeObject(obj); } } } } obj.rot = (Math.abs(obj.vx) + Math.abs(obj.vy)) / 2; } } } } ++v6; } } }; explodeCollisions = function (obj, directHit) { var v10 = 1000000; var v11 = null; var v9 = 0; while (v9 < game.objects.length) { var v4 = game.objects[v9]; if (v4.immuun != true) { var v6 = getDistance(obj, v4); var v7 = 350; if (obj.type == 'grenade') { v7 = 400; } if (v6 < v7) { var v1 = {}; v1.vx = obj.p1.x - v4.p0.x; v1.vy = obj.p1.y - v4.p0.y; v1.len = Math.sqrt(v1.vx * v1.vx + v1.vy * v1.vy); if (v6 < v10) { v10 = v6; v11 = v4; } if (v1.len > 0) { v1.dx = v1.vx / v1.len; v1.dy = (v6 / v7) * -2; } else { v1.dx = 1; v1.dy = 1; } var v8 = -(v1.dx * (v7 - v6) / 34); if (obj.type == 'grenade') { var v5 = v1.dx * (v7 - v6) / 18; } else { var v5 = v1.dy * (v7 - v6) / 4; } if (negerObj.specialCharacter != 'droid') { if (v5 > 0) { v5 *= -1; } } if (obj.type == 'grenade') { v8 *= 0.65; v5 *= 0.65; } else { if (obj.type == 'rocket') { v8 *= 0.45; v5 *= 0.45; } } var v12 = Math.abs(v8); var v13 = Math.abs(v5); if (level.opponent == 'indiankids') { if (v4.opponent != true) { v8 /= 3; v5 /= 2.2; v12 = Math.abs(v12 * 0.8); v13 = Math.abs(v13 * 0.8); } } if (level.opponent == 'turtlekids') { if (v4.opponent != true) { v8 /= 3.5; v5 /= 2.8; v12 = Math.abs(v12 * 0.9); v13 = Math.abs(v13 * 0.9); } } if (v4.opponent != true) { if (game.helmetUpgrade == 2) { v8 /= 2; v5 /= 2; } else { if (game.helmetUpgrade == 1) { v8 /= 1.6; v5 /= 1.6; } } } v4.vx += v8; v4.vy += v5; var v2 = (100 / v7) * (v7 - v6); if (v4.opponent == true) { if (obj.type == 'grenade') { v2 *= 0.6800000000000001; } else { if (obj.type == 'rocket') { v2 *= 0.5; } else { v2 *= 0.4; } } } else { if (level.opponent == 'turtlekids') { v2 *= 0.5; } if (level.opponent == 'indiankids') { v2 *= 0.45; } if (game.helmetUpgrade == 2) { v2 *= 0.4; } else { if (game.helmetUpgrade == 1) { v2 *= 0.7; } } } v2 /= 2; v2 += 5; if (directHit == true && obj.type == 'rocket' && v4.geraakt == true) { v2 += 35; } trace('dam ............ | ' + v2); setDamage(v4, v2); if (v12 + Math.abs(v5) > minCollAnim) { if (v4.opponent == false) { if (v4.overig != true) { playVoice('auw', null, v2); } } hitPenguin(v4); } } if (v11 != null) { cannonBallToFollow = v11; } } ++v9; } v9 = 0; while (v9 < game.objectsOverig.length) { v4 = game.objectsOverig[v9]; v6 = getDistance(obj, v4); v7 = 250; if (v6 < v7) { v1 = {}; v1.vx = obj.p1.x - v4.p0.x; v1.vy = obj.p1.y - v4.p0.y; v1.len = Math.sqrt(v1.vx * v1.vx + v1.vy * v1.vy); if (v6 < v10) { v10 = v6; v11 = v4; } if (v1.len > 0) { v1.dx = v1.vx / v1.len; v1.dy = v1.vy / v1.len; } else { v1.dx = 0; v1.dy = 0; } v8 = -(v1.dx * (v7 - v6) / 26); v5 = v1.dy * (v7 - v6) / 3; if (v5 > 0) { v5 *= -1; } v4.vx += v8; v4.vy += v5; v12 = Math.abs(v8); if (level.opponent == 'savage' || level.opponent == 'indiankids') { if (v4.opponent != true) { v8 /= 3.5; v5 /= 1.8; } } if (v12 + Math.abs(v5) > minCollAnim) { speelSimpelSFX('bark'); hitPenguin(v4); } } ++v9; } }; hittestCannonBall_Char = function (projectiel, negerObj, objAnr, objBnr) { var v17 = 0.9; var v12 = true; if (negerObj.opponent != true && level.dontHitFriendlies == true || projectiel.aantMannetjeHits >= 3 || negerObj.geraakt == true || negerObj.immuun == true) { v12 = false; } if (v12 == true) { if (level.ouders == true) { var v13 = game.raftMcs[1].ouders; if (v13.hitTest( {; } } if (projectiel.noColl != negerObj && negerObj.noColl != projectiel) { var v8 = false; var v16 = false; var v10 = false; if (projectiel.idNm == 'ammo_viking') { var v11 =; } else { var v11 =; } if ( { if ( { v8 = true; } v10 = true; negerObj.geraaktCounter = 10; game.bloed.hitMasker = true; } else { if ( { v16 = true; v10 = true; negerObj.geraaktCounter = 10; game.bloed.hitMasker = true; } } if (v10 == true) { projectiel.mannetjeGeraakt = true; negerObj.geraakt = true; var v9 = 1; if (projectiel.type == 'rocket' || projectiel.type == 'explosiefProjectiel' || projectiel.type == 'bigrocket') { createExplosion(projectiel); if (projectiel.type == 'bigrocket') { } else { explodeCollisions(projectiel, true); } } else { if (projectiel.type == 'grenade') { projectiel.rot = 0; ++projectiel.timesHitAnything; speelSimpelSFX('grenade_collision'); } else { speelSimpelSFX('snowball_hit'); } } if (negerObj.specialCharacter == 'droid') { doRotElas(, 0, 20, 8, 0.85, 0.08, -20); } var v5 = 1; var v4 = 1; if (projectiel.type != 'bigrocket') { cannonBallToFollow = negerObj; projectiel.noColl = negerObj; negerObj.noColl = projectiel; projectiel.negerGeraakt = true; speelSFX('grenade_collision'); if (v8 == true) { var v7 = projectiel.vx * 0.5; if (negerObj.opponent != true) { v7 /= 2; } var v6 = Math.abs(projectiel.vy * 0.4) + 0.6; if (projectiel.multiball == true) { if (negerObj.opponent == true) { v7 /= 1.15; v6 /= 1.15; } else { v7 /= 1.3; v6 /= 1.3; } } if (projectiel.explosief == true) { v7 /= 3.5; v6 /= 3.5; } if (negerObj.opponent != true) { if (game.helmetUpgrade == 2) { v7 /= 1.3; v6 /= 1.3; v9 = 1.3; } else { if (game.helmetUpgrade == 1) { v7 /= 1.3; v6 /= 1.3; v9 = 1.3; } } } negerObj.vx += v7; negerObj.vy -= v6; v5 = projectiel.vx * 0.4; if (negerObj.specialCharacter != 'droid') { if (negerObj.vy > 0) { negerObj.vy *= -1; } } else { if (projectiel.vy > 0) { negerObj.vy *= -1; } } var v15 = Math.abs(v5); v4 = projectiel.vy - v15 + Math.random() * v15; } else { var v7 = projectiel.vx * 0.4; var v6 = Math.abs(projectiel.vy * 0.6) + 2; if (projectiel.multiball == true) { if (negerObj.opponent == true) { v7 /= 1.15; v6 /= 1.15; } else { v7 /= 1.6; v6 /= 1.6; } } if (projectiel.explosief == true) { v7 /= 3.5; v6 /= 3.5; } if (negerObj.opponent != true) { if (game.helmetUpgrade == 2) { v7 /= 1.3; v6 /= 1.3; v9 = 1.3; } else { if (game.helmetUpgrade == 1) { v7 /= 1.1; v6 /= 1.1; v9 = 1.1; } } } negerObj.vx += v7; negerObj.vy -= v6; if (negerObj.specialCharacter != 'droid') { if (negerObj.vy > 0) { negerObj.vy *= -1; } } else { if (projectiel.vy > 0) { negerObj.vy *= -1; } } v5 = projectiel.vx * (-0.15 - Math.random() * 0.2); v4 = projectiel.vy * 0.2; var v14 = Math.abs(projectiel.vy); v4 += v14 / 3; v4 = v4; v4 -= Math.random() * v14; v4 -= Math.random() * (projectiel.vx / 2); } var v3 = Math.abs(negerObj.vx) + Math.abs(negerObj.vy); if (negerObj.opponent != true) { v3 *= 2.2; if (projectiel.type == 'snowball') { v3 *= 0.9; } } else { if (projectiel.type == 'snowball') { v3 *= 1.1; } else { v3 *= 1.3; } } if (projectiel.multiball == true) { if (negerObj.hitByMultiball == true) { v3 *= 0.4; trace('LESS DAMAGE SECOND MULTIBALL'); } negerObj.hitByMultiball = true; } v3 /= v9; v3 *= 0.9 + Math.random() * 0.2; if (level.opponent == 'savage' || level.opponent == 'indiankids') { if (negerObj.opponent != true) { v3 *= 0.09; } } if (projectiel.type != 'rocket' && projectiel.type != 'explosiefProjectiel') { setDamage(negerObj, v3); } if (v3 > minCollAnim) { hitPenguin(negerObj); } if (v3 > minCollAnim) { attachSter(projectiel); } projectiel.rot = (Math.abs(projectiel.vx) + Math.abs(projectiel.vy)) / 2; if (game.helmetUpgrade >= 2 && negerObj.opponent != true) { if (v8 == true) { projectiel.vy *= -(0.5 + Math.random() * 0.3); projectiel.vx *= 0.2 + Math.random() * 0.3; } else { if (v16 == true) { projectiel.vx *= -(0.5 + Math.random() * 0.3); projectiel.vy *= -(0.5 + Math.random() * 0.3); } else { projectiel.vx *= -(0.5 + Math.random() * 0.3); projectiel.vy *= -(0.5 + Math.random() * 0.3); } } } else { if (game.helmetUpgrade == 1 && negerObj.opponent != true) { if (v8 == true) { projectiel.vy *= -(0.5 + Math.random() * 0.3); projectiel.vx *= 0.2 + Math.random() * 0.3; projectiel.vx = projectiel.vx; } else { projectiel.vx = v5; projectiel.vy = v4; } } else { if (projectiel.type == 'grenade') { projectiel.vx = v5 / 2; projectiel.vy = v4 / 2; } else { projectiel.vx = v5; projectiel.vy = v4; } } } } else { ++level.whalehits; level.whaleHasBeenHit = true; doRotElas(main.raftsVoor.raft2.whalecontainer, 0, 20, 8, 0.85, 0.08, -20); } if (negerObj.opponent == false) { playVoice('auw', null, storedv3); } else { if (projectiel.timesHitAnything == 0) { if (v8 == true) { playVoice('headshot'); } else { playVoice('good_shot'); } } } if (projectiel.type == 'rocket' || projectiel.type == 'explosiefProjectiel' || projectiel.type == 'bigrocket') { removeObject(projectiel); } } } } }; collideObject = function (objA, objB, objAnr, objBnr, noDamage) { var v4 = 0.9; if (objA.noColl != objB && objB.noColl != objA) { var v28 = objA.p0.x; var v27 = objA.p0.y; var v7 = objB.p0.x - v28; var v5 = objB.p0.y - v27; var v3 = Math.sqrt(v7 * v7 + v5 * v5); if (v3 < objA.r + objB.r) { objA.noColl = objB; objB.noColl = objA; if (objA.geraakt == true) { objAWasAlGeraakt = true; } else { objAWasAlGeraakt = false; } if (objB.geraakt == true) { objBWasAlGeraakt = true; } else { objBWasAlGeraakt = false; } objA.geraakt = true; objB.geraakt = true; var v12 = ball2ball(objB, objA); var v14 = objB.r + objA.r - v12.len; if (v14 >= 0) { objB.p1.x += v12.dx * v14; objB.p1.y += v12.dy * v14; } var v13 = objB.vx; var v9 = objA.vx; var v17 = objB.vy; var v8 = objA.vy; var v6 = Math.sqrt(v9 * v9 + v8 * v8); var v26 = Math.sqrt(v13 * v13 + v17 * v17); if ( == true && objA.type != 'grenade') { var v18 = false; if (objA.type == 'rocket' || objA.type == 'explosiefProjectiel') { v18 = true; createExplosion(objA); explodeCollisions(objA, true); } else { speelSimpelSFX('snowball_hit'); } if (objB.ballast == true) { attachSter(objA); if (objB.type == 'hond') { speelSimpelSFX('bark'); } else { if (objB.type == 'opa') { playVoice('opaSpecial'); } } } else { if (objB.opponent == true) { if (objA.timesHitAnything == 0) { playVoice('good_shot', true); } else { playVoice('auw', true, 0); } } } var v11 = v9 / 2; var v10 = (v6 * v5 / v3) * v4 + v8 / 2; if (objA.multiball == true) { v11 /= 2; v10 /= 2; } if (v18 == true) { v11 /= 3; v10 /= 3; } var v30 = Math.abs(v11); objB.vx += v11; objB.vy += v10; removeObject(objA); if (objB.vy > 0) { objB.vy *= -1; } cannonBallToFollow = objB; var v25 = v30 + Math.abs(v10); if (objBWasAlGeraakt == true) { trace('B WAS AL GERAAKT MULIBALL????????'); v25 /= 3; } if (noDamage != true) { setDamage(objB, v25); } if (v25 > minCollAnim) { hitPenguin(objB); } objA.rot = (Math.abs(objA.vx) + Math.abs(objA.vy)) / 2; if (objB.opponent != true) { playVoice('auw', null, v25); } } else { if (objA.type == 'grenade') { objA.rot = 0; if (objB.type == 'hond') { speelSimpelSFX('bark'); } else { if (objB.opponent == true) { if (objA.timesHitAnything == 0) { playVoice('good_shot', true); } else { playVoice('auw', true, 0); } } else { playVoice('auw', null, 0); } } ++objA.timesHitAnything; speelSimpelSFX('grenade_collision'); var v20 = (v6 * v7 / v3) * v4 / 2 + v9 / 2; var v21 = ((v6 * v5 / v3) * v4 + v8 / 2) / 4; var v29 = Math.abs(v20); objB.vx = v20 / 4; objB.vy = v21; objA.vx = -objB.vx * 0.6; objA.vy = objB.vy * 0.6; if (objB.vy > 0) { objB.vy *= -1; } var v25 = v29 + Math.abs(v21); if (noDamage != true) { setDamage(objB, v25); } if (v25 > minCollAnim) { hitPenguin(objB); } objA.rot = (Math.abs(objA.vx) + Math.abs(objA.vy)) / 2; } else { var v20 = (v6 * v7 / v3) * v4 + v9 / 2; var v21 = (v6 * v5 / v3) * v4 + v8 / 2; objB.vx = v20; objB.vy = v21; var v22 = -(v26 * v7 / v3) * v4 + v13 / 2; var v23 = -(v26 * v5 / v3) * v4 + v17 / 2; objA.vx = v22; objA.vy = v23; if (game.turn % 2 == 0) { var v19 = 1; } else { var v19 = 2; } var v16 = Math.abs(v22) + Math.abs(v23); var v15 = Math.abs(v20) + Math.abs(v21); if (objBWasAlGeraakt == true) { trace('B WAS AL GERAAKT'); v15 /= 3; } if (objAWasAlGeraakt == true) { trace('A WAS AL GERAAKT'); v16 /= 3; } if (objA.raft.raftnr != v19) { if (noDamage != true) { setDamage(objA, v16); } if (v16 > minCollAnim) { if (objA.opponent != true) { if (objA.type == 'hond') { speelSimpelSFX('bark'); } else { playVoice('auw', null, 0); } } hitPenguin(objA); } } if (objB.raft.raftnr != v19) { if (noDamage != true) { setDamage(objB, v15); } if (v15 > minCollAnim) { if (objB.opponent != true) { if (objB.type == 'hond') { speelSimpelSFX('bark'); } else { playVoice('auw', null, 0); } } hitPenguin(objB); } } } } } } }; handleCollisions = function () { var v3 = game.objects.length - 1; while (v3 >= 0) { var v1 = game.objects[v3]; var v2 = v3 - 1; while (v2 >= 0) { var v5 = game.objects[v2]; if (v5.raft == v1.raft) { collideObject(v1, v5, v3, v2); } --v2; } v2 = game.objectsOverig.length - 1; while (v2 >= 0) { v5 = game.objectsOverig[v2]; collideObject(v1, v5, v3, v2, true); --v2; } --v3; } v3 = 0; while (v3 < game.cannonBalls.length) { v1 = game.cannonBalls[v3]; v2 = game.objects.length - 1; while (v2 >= 0) { v5 = game.objects[v2]; hittestCannonBall_Char(v1, v5, v3, v2); --v2; } v2 = game.objectsOverig.length - 1; while (v2 >= 0) { v5 = game.objectsOverig[v2]; collideObject(v1, v5, v3, v2, true); --v2; } if (v1.haaiGeraakt != true) { var v7 = false; var v10 = false; if ( { v7 = true; } if (v7 == true) {; if (v1.type == 'rocket' || v1.type == 'explosiefProjectiel' || v1.type == 'bigrocket') { createExplosion(v1); explodeCollisions(v1, false); removeObject(v1); } speelSimpelSFX('boing'); v1.haaiGeraakt = true; v1.vx *= 0.9; v1.vy *= -1; } } if (level.hippo == true) { var v9 = false; if (v1.hippoGeraakt != true) { var v4 = false; var v8 = false; if ( { v4 = true; if (level.birdHippo == true && game.birdHasBeenHit == true) { if ( { v4 = true; v9 = true; } else { v4 = false; } } } else { if ( { v8 = true; } } var v6 = false; if (v4 == true) { if (v1.type == 'rocket' || v1.type == 'explosiefProjectiel' || v1.type == 'bigrocket') { v6 = true; } if (level.birdHippo == true && game.birdHasBeenHit == true && v9 == true) { v1.vx *= 0.7; v1.vy -= 8 + Math.random() * 6; } else { if (v6 != true) { speelSimpelSFX('boing'); } v1.hippoGeraakt = true; if (level.birdHippo == true) { attachBirdHit(v1, main.raftsAchter.hippo._x, main.raftsAchter.hippo._y + main.raftsAchter.hippo.bird._y); game.birdHasBeenHit = true; v1.vx *= 0.4; main.raftsAchter.hippo.bird._visible = false; attachSter(v1); } else { v1.vx *= 0.9;; } v1.vy -= 12 + Math.random() * 10; } } else { if (v8 == true) { if (v1.type == 'rocket' || v1.type == 'explosiefProjectiel' || v1.type == 'bigrocket') { v6 = true; } speelSimpelSFX('grenade_collision'); v1.hippoGeraakt = true; v1.vx *= -0.3; if (level.birdHippo != true) { v1.vy -= 12 + Math.random() * 10; } } } if (v6 == true) { createExplosion(v1); explodeCollisions(v1, false); removeObject(v1); } } } ++v3; } }; attachTussenscherm = function () { hud.attachMovie('tussenscherm', 'tussenscherm', 0); initTussenscherm(); }; initTussenscherm = function (optionUpdate) { initDoneButton(); var v3 = hud.tussenscherm; v3.sure._visible = false; v3.exit.onRelease = function () { this._parent.sure._visible = true; this._visible = false; this._parent.muteBtn._visible = false; this._parent.sure.yes.onRelease = function () { exitGame(); }; = function () { this._parent._parent.exit._visible = true; this._parent._parent.muteBtn._visible = true; this._parent._visible = false; }; }; initMuteBtn(v3.mute); v3.nextText.gotoAndStop(_global.saveProgress.progress.level - 1); = 'GOLD: ' +; = 'GOLD: ' +; v3.grenades_left.text = _global.saveProgress.grenades; v3.rockets_left.text = _global.saveProgress.rockets; v3.multiball_left.text = _global.saveProgress.multiball; var v5 = 'level' + _global.saveProgress.progress.level; v3.comingup.rafts.gotoAndStop(v5); v3.rocketPic.pic.gotoAndStop('rocket'); v3.grenadePic.pic.gotoAndStop('grenade'); v3.multiballPic.pic.gotoAndStop('multiball'); v3.raftPic.pic.gotoAndStop('raft'); v3.armorPic.pic.gotoAndStop('armor'); updateHud(); var v4 = 1; if (_global.saveProgress.rockets >= 0) { v4 = _global.saveProgress.rockets + 1; } if (v4 > 4) { v4 = 4; } v3.rocketPic.indicators.gotoAndStop(v4); setUpgradeRollOverAndRelease('rocket'); if (_global.saveProgress.grenades >= 0) { v4 = _global.saveProgress.grenades + 1; } if (v4 > 4) { v4 = 4; } v3.grenadePic.indicators.gotoAndStop(v4); setUpgradeRollOverAndRelease('grenade'); if (_global.saveProgress.multiball >= 0) { v4 = _global.saveProgress.multiball + 1; } if (v4 > 4) { v4 = 4; } v3.multiballPic.indicators.gotoAndStop(v4); setUpgradeRollOverAndRelease('multiball'); setUpgradeRollOverAndRelease('raft'); setUpgradeRollOverAndRelease('armor'); }; initDoneButton = function () { var v3 = hud.tussenscherm.comingup; v3.onRelease = function () { clearIntervals(); Mouse.removeListener(_global.mouseListener); var v3 = attachFadeToBlack(); v3.onEnterFrame = function () { if (this.done == true) { root.gotoAndStop('startLevel'); this.removeMovieClip(); } }; };; v3.onRollOver = function () {; }; v3.onReleaseOutside = function () {; }; v3.onRollOut = function () {; }; }; attachFadeToBlack = function () { var v1 = root.attachMovie('fadeToBlack', 'fadeToBlack', 100); return v1; }; buy = function (upgradeID) { var v2 = getCost(upgradeID); switch (upgradeID) { case 'rocket': ++_global.saveProgress.rockets; break; case 'grenade': ++_global.saveProgress.grenades; break; case 'multiball': ++_global.saveProgress.multiball; break; case 'raft': ++_global.saveProgress.raftUpgrade; break; case 'armor': ++_global.saveProgress.helmetUpgrade; if (_global.saveProgress.helmetUpgrade > 2) { _global.saveProgress.helmetUpgrade = 2; } } -= v2; speelSimpelSFX('buy'); initTussenscherm(true); maakRaftTussenscherm(_global.saveProgress.raftUpgrade, _global.saveProgress.helmetUpgrade); }; checkCost = function (upgradeID) { var v4 =; var v3 = getCost(upgradeID); var v2 = true; if (v3 > v4) { v2 = false; } return v2; }; getCost = function (upgradeID) { var v2 = 0; switch (upgradeID) { return v2; case 'rocket': v2 = 250; return v2; case 'grenade': v2 = 200; return v2; case 'multiball': v2 = 300; return v2; case 'raft': var v3 = _global.saveProgress.raftUpgrade; if (v3 == 1) { v2 = 1500; } else { if (v3 == 2) { v2 = 2000; } else { if (v3 == 3) { v2 = 3000; } else { v2 = 2500; } } } return v2; case 'armor': var v4 = _global.saveProgress.helmetUpgrade; if (v4 == 0) { v2 = 2500; } else { if (v4 == 2) { v2 = 4000; } else { v2 = 3000; } } return v2; } return v2; }; checkNewRaft = function () { bestRaft = 4; if (_global.saveProgress.raftUpgrade < bestRaft) { var v2 = true; return v2; } v2 = false; return v2; }; checkNewArmor = function () { bestHelmet = 2; if (_global.saveProgress.helmetUpgrade < bestHelmet) { var v2 = true; return v2; } v2 = false; return v2; }; setUpgradeRollOverAndRelease = function (btnID) { var v3 = hud.tussenscherm[btnID + 'Pic']; = btnID; v3.btnID =; if (btnID == 'armor' && checkNewArmor() == false || btnID == 'raft' && checkNewRaft() == false || btnID == 'rocket' && _global.saveProgress.rockets >= 3 || btnID == 'grenade' && _global.saveProgress.grenades >= 3 || btnID == 'multiball' && _global.saveProgress.multiball >= 3) { delete v3.onReleaseOutside; delete v3.onRelease; delete v3.onRollOut; delete v3.onRollOver;; v3._parent.cost._visible = false; } else { if (btnID == 'raft') { if (checkNewRaft() == false) { } v3.nieuweRaftGetoond = false; v3.onRollOver = function () { if (checkNewRaft() == true) { this._parent.cost._visible = true; var v3 = getCost(this.btnID); this._parent.cost.costText.text = v3;; if (checkCost('raft') != true) {; maakRaftTussenscherm(_global.saveProgress.raftUpgrade + 1, _global.saveProgress.helmetUpgrade); this.nieuweRaftGetoond = true; } else { var v4 = checkNewRaft(); if (v4 == true) { maakRaftTussenscherm(_global.saveProgress.raftUpgrade + 1, _global.saveProgress.helmetUpgrade); this.nieuweRaftGetoond = true; } } } }; v3.onReleaseOutside = function () {; this._parent.cost._visible = false;; if (this.nieuweRaftGetoond == true) { maakRaftTussenscherm(_global.saveProgress.raftUpgrade, _global.saveProgress.helmetUpgrade); this.nieuweRaftGetoond = false; } }; v3.onRollOut = function () {; this._parent.cost._visible = false;; if (this.nieuweRaftGetoond == true) { maakRaftTussenscherm(_global.saveProgress.raftUpgrade, _global.saveProgress.helmetUpgrade); this.nieuweRaftGetoond = false; } }; } else { v3.onRollOver = function () { this._parent.cost._visible = true; var v3 = getCost(this.btnID); this._parent.cost.costText.text = v3;; var v4 = checkCost(this.btnID); if (v4 != true) {; } if (this.btnID == 'armor') { maakRaftTussenscherm(_global.saveProgress.raftUpgrade, _global.saveProgress.helmetUpgrade + 1); } }; v3.onReleaseOutside = function () {; this._parent.cost._visible = false;; if (this.btnID == 'armor') { maakRaftTussenscherm(_global.saveProgress.raftUpgrade, _global.saveProgress.helmetUpgrade); } }; v3.onRollOut = function () {; this._parent.cost._visible = false;; if (this.btnID == 'armor') { maakRaftTussenscherm(_global.saveProgress.raftUpgrade, _global.saveProgress.helmetUpgrade); } }; } v3.onRelease = function () { var v3 = checkCost(this.btnID); var v2 = false; if (v3 == true) { v2 = true; } if (this.btnID == 'raft') { if (checkNewRaft() == true && v3 == true) { v2 = true; } else { v2 = false; } } if (v2 == true) { buy(this.btnID); } }; } }; initYesNo = function (mc) { mc.gotoAndStop(2); mc.yes.onRelease = function () { var v2 = hud.attachMovie('mcHS', 'mcHS', 0); hud.tussenscherm.removeMovieClip(); v2._x = 320; v2._y = 380; _global.startHighscores(v2, _global.saveProgress.progress.points); }; = function () { exitGame(); }; }; _global.startHighscores = function (clip, score) { trace('start scores ' + clip + ' ' + score); setOnLoads(); var v2 = '?rand=' + random(100); trace(_global.freeversion + ' free'); if (_global.freeversion == true) { highScoresObj = {'playerScore': score, 'mc': clip, 'path': '', 'verwerkFile': '' + v2, 'get_topFile': '' + v2}; } else { highScoresObj = {'playerScore': score, 'mc': clip, 'path': '', 'verwerkFile': '/includes/highscores/verwerk_score2007.php' + v2, 'get_topFile': '/includes/highscores/get_top2007.php' + v2}; } setHS_panel(1); trace(clip + ' ' + score + ' start hs'); }; setCancelBtn = function (highscores) { highscores.stop_op._visible = false; = 0; highscores.memFrame = highscores._currentframe; highscores.onEnterFrame = function () {; if ( > 400 || this._currentframe != this.memFrame) { this.stop_op._visible = true; this.stop_op.onRelease = function () { setHS_panel(4); }; delete this.onEnterFrame; } }; }; setHS_panel = function (stap, passObj) { var highscores =; trace('stappen ' + stap + ' ' + highscores); if (stap == 1) { trace('stap 1 ' + highscores); trace(_global.game_id + ' gamID'); setCancelBtn(highscores); determineTopPos(highScoresObj.playerScore, _global.game_id); delete highscores.proceed.onRelease; } else { if (stap == 2) { highscores.gotoAndStop(2); highscores.score.text = highScoresObj.playerScore; if (passObj.alltime == 'yup') { highScoresObj.doAlltime = 1; } else { highScoresObj.doAlltime = 0; } if (passObj.weekly == 'yup') { highScoresObj.doWeekly = 1; } else { highScoresObj.doWeekly = 0; } if (highScoresObj.doAlltime == 1) { highscores.made_it.text = 'Congratulations, you\'ve made it into the all-time highscores!'; } else { if (highScoresObj.doWeekly == 1) { highscores.made_it.text = 'Congratulations, you\'ve made it into the weekly highscores.'; } else { highscores.made_it.text = 'You did not make it into the weekly or alltime highscores.'; highscores.submit._visible = false; highscores.mcExit.text.gotoAndStop(2); } } highscores.submit.onRelease = function () { highscores.gotoAndStop(3); setHS_panel(3); }; highscores.mcExit.onRelease = function () { exitGame(); _; }; } else { if (stap == 3) { highscores.score.text = highScoresObj.playerScore; highscores.message.text = 'Please enter your name'; if (_global.progressie.naam != null) { = _global.progressie.naam; } highscores.submit.onRelease = function () { if ( != '') { insertRecord(highScoresObj.playerScore,, _global.game_id); _global.progressie.naam =; delete highscores.submit.onRelease; var v3 = this._parent; v3.gotoAndStop(1); setCancelBtn(v3); } }; } else { if (stap == 4) { highscores.gotoAndStop(5); highscores.mcExit.text.gotoAndStop(2); highscores.mcExit.onRelease = function () { exitGame(); }; highscores.try_again.onRelease = function () { setHS_panel(1); }; } else { highscores.gotoAndStop(4); highscores.mcExit.text.gotoAndStop(2); highscores.score.text = highScoresObj.playerScore; if (passObj.weeklyScorepos != 'none') { var v5 = 'You are ranked nr ' + passObj.weeklyScorepos + ' in the weekly scores'; } if (passObj.alltimeScorepos != 'none') { v5 += ' and nr ' + passObj.alltimeScorepos + ' in the alltime scores'; } if (passObj.success == true) { highscores.message.text = 'Your score has been added. ' + v5; } else { highscores.message.text = 'There has been an error while submitting your score.'; } highscores.mcExit.onRelease = function () { var v2 = '' + _global.game_id + '&cache=' + random(100); getURL(v2, '_blank'); exitGame(); }; } } } } }; _global.freeversion = true; } frame 1 { _global.sound = this.createEmptyMovieClip('soundContainer', 0); initSounds(); stopAllSounds(); savedData = SharedObject.getLocal('user_data'); if (_global.doDeleteSharedObj == true) { _global.doDeleteSharedObj = false; savedData.clear(); for (var myVariable in { delete[myVariable]; } } _global.saveProgress =; _global.quiet = false; _global.countTurns = 0; } frame 1 { stop(); _global.saveProgress.flush(); initMenu(1); } frame 2 { stop(); screenW = 550; root = this; if (_global.progress.lives < 0) { this.overview.start_game._visible = false; var gameOver = this.overview.attachMovie('mcGameOver', 'mcGameOver', this.overview.getNextHighestDepth()); gameOver._x = screenW / 2; gameOver._y = 100; gameOver.onRelease = function () { this.removeMovieClip(); attachHighScores(); }; } else { if (_global.progress.level > 9) { this.overview.start_game._visible = false; var gameComplete = this.overview.attachMovie('mcGameComplete', 'mcGameComplete', this.overview.getNextHighestDepth()); gameComplete._x = screenW / 2; gameComplete._y = 100; var bonus = _global.progress.lives * 5000; gameComplete.lives = 'bonus: ' + bonus + ' points (' + _global.progress.lives + ' lives left)'; gameComplete.onRelease = function () { this.removeMovieClip(); attachHighScores(); }; } else { this.overview.start_game._visible = true; this.overview.start_game.onRelease = function () { this._parent._parent.gotoAndStop('startgame'); }; } } attachHighScores = function () { _global.inGame = false; var v3 = this.overview.attachMovie('mcHighScores', 'mcHighScores', this.overview.getNextHighestDepth()); v3._x = screenW / 2; v3._y = 100; trace(_global.progress.level + ' level'); var v4 = Math.round(_global.progress.points); if (_global.progress.level > 9) { v4 += _global.progress.lives * 5000; this.overview.mcPoints.points = 'total score: ' + v4; } v3.totalPoints = v4; v3.score = 'your score: ' + v4 + ' points'; v3.click_to_submit.onRelease = function () { root.gotoAndStop('begin'); }; }; this.overview.mcExit.onRelease = function () { this._parent._parent.gotoAndStop('begin'); }; var leftText = _global.progress.lives; if (leftText < 0) { leftText = 0; } overview.penguinsLeft.left = 'x ' + leftText; overview.mcPoints.points = 'total score: ' + Math.round(_global.progress.points); var i = 1; while (i < 11) { if (i > _global.progress.level) { this.overview['l_' + i].gotoAndStop('alpha'); } else { if (i == _global.progress.level) { this.overview['l_' + i].play(); } else { this.overview['l_' + i].gotoAndStop('white'); } } ++i; } } frame 3 { stop(); = 100; trace('set ' + _root.replayIntro); this.onEnterFrame = function () { if ( > 0) {; } else { if (this.textSquare._alpha > 0) { this.textSquare._alpha -= 10; } else { delete this.onEnterFrame;; } } }; } frame 4 { stop(); startIntro(); } movieClip 2275 { } movieClip 2276 { } movieClip 2277 { } movieClip 2281 { } movieClip 2284 { frame 1 { stop(); = 0; this.onEnterFrame = function () {; if ( % 5 == 0) { if (Math.random() < 0.08) { delete this.onEnterFrame;; } } }; holder._visible = false; } frame 13 { if (Math.random() > 0.5) { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } movieClip 2288 { } movieClip 2290 { } movieClip 2291 { frame 14 { stop(); } } movieClip 2297 { } movieClip 2299 { } movieClip 2300 { } movieClip 2301 { frame 14 { stop(); } } movieClip 2302 { frame 153 { this.ballon.gotoAndStop(1); } frame 327 { this.ballon.gotoAndStop(2); } frame 459 { this.ballon.gotoAndStop(3); } frame 470 { } frame 483 { _root.initMouseListener('intro'); } frame 514 { stop();;; } } movieClip 2306 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 2309 { } movieClip 2311 { } movieClip 2312 { frame 1 { this.simon.stop();; this.simon.penguin.bazooka._rotation -= 38; this.simon.penguin.bazooka._x += 8; -= 10; += 8; this.simon.penguin.frameNr = 2; = 1; this.breath = {'x': this._x, 'y': this._y, 'mc': this, 't': 0, 'a': 1.5, 'T': 4, 'w': Math.PI, 'bPos': this._y}; this.onEnterFrame = function () { this._y = this.breath.bPos + this.breath.a * Math.sin(this.breath.w * this.breath.t); this.breath.t += 0.03333333333333333; }; } } movieClip 2313 { frame 24 { stop(); } } movieClip 2314 { frame 1 { this.tennisBalls._visible = false; } } movieClip 2317 { frame 1 { this._alpha = 0; this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (this._alpha < 100) { this._alpha += 10; } else { delete this.onEnterFrame; } }; } } movieClip 2318 { frame 1 { _global.maakVakjeZee(this.seaContainer, 730, 5606534, 26, 1.4); _global.maakVakjeZee(this.seaContainer2, 730, 6132622, 34, 3); stop(); } frame 64 { stop(); mouseYCapture = [172, 168, 164, 163, 163, 157, 154, 153, 151, 149, 149, 143, 139, 137, 134, 131, 129, 129, 116, 115, 115, 115, 115, 115, 115, 121]; mouseYCapture = [173, 171, 170, 168, 166, 165, 163, 160, 160, 155, 151, 147, 152, 154, 150, 137, 125, 117, 115, 114, 114, 114, 114, 114, 114, 115, 116, 119, 120, 122, 123, 128, 129, 129, 132, 136, 137, 141, 143, 146, 150, 157, 161, 166, 168, 172, 177, 177, 178, 178, 178, 176, 173, 168, 163, 155, 154, 153, 153, 153, 153, 153, 153, 153, 153, 157, 157, 158]; mouseYCapture = [155, 153, 153, 151, 151, 148, 144, 143, 141, 138, 136, 132, 132, 128, 127, 124, 124, 124, 124, 124, 124, 124, 124, 124, 126, 129, 129, 131, 133, 137, 139, 139, 147, 149, 151, 153, 154, 155, 161, 163, 165, 169, 170, 172, 174, 176, 176, 176, 176, 176, 181, 181, 181, 181, 181, 181, 181, 173, 172, 171, 170, 168, 168, 164, 164, 163, 162, 161, 161, 159, 159, 157, 157, 156, 155, 151, 150, 150, 149, 148, 147, 147, 145, 145, 145, 145, 145, 145, 145, 145, 145, 145, 146, 146, 147, 147, 147, 147, 147, 147]; mannetjes.mouseArrayPos = 0; mannetjes.bazookaPlayed = false; mannetjes.secondBazookaPlayed = false; mannetjes.secondBazookaCounter = 20; mannetjes.overwinningCounter = 230; mannetjes.overwinningGevierd = false; mannetjes.maxmouseArrayPos = mouseYCapture.length - 1; mannetjes.onEnterFrame = function () { if (this.overwinningGevierd != true) { if (this.overwinningCounter > 0) { --this.overwinningCounter; } else { this.overwinningGevierd = true;'flag'); } } = mouseYCapture[this.mouseArrayPos]; if (this.mouseArrayPos < this.maxmouseArrayPos) { ++this.mouseArrayPos; } else { if (this.bazookaPlayed != true) {; this.tennisBalls._visible = true;; this.bazookaPlayed = true; } else { if (this.secondBazookaPlayed != true) { if (this.secondBazookaCounter == 0) {; this.secondBazookaPlayed = true;; } else { --this.secondBazookaCounter; } } } } }; trace(mannetjes); } } movieClip 2320 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); this.onEnterFrame = function () { this._alpha -= 5; if (this._alpha <= 0) { delete this.onEnterFrame; } }; } } movieClip 2323 { } movieClip 2329 { } movieClip 2341 { } movieClip 2411 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 27 { this._parent._parent._parent.treasureIsMine._visible = false; } frame 76 { this._parent.shipBack._visible = true; this._parent.shipTop._visible = false; } frame 219 { stop(); _root.intro.go._visible = true; _root.intro.skip._visible = false; _root.intro.go.onRelease = function () { this._parent._parent.fade._alpha = 0; this._parent._parent.fade.onEnterFrame = function () { if (this._alpha < 100) { this._alpha += 10; } else { delete this.onEnterFrame;; } }; }; } } movieClip 2412 { frame 1 { this.breath = {'x': this._x, 'y': this._y, 'mc': this, 't': 0, 'a': 3.2, 'T': 4, 'w': 2.094395102393195, 'bPos': this._y}; this.onEnterFrame = function () { this._y = this.breath.bPos + this.breath.a * Math.sin(this.breath.w * this.breath.t); this.breath.t += 0.04545454545454546; }; this.shipBack._visible = false; } } movieClip 2413 { } movieClip 2417 { frame 1 { this._alpha = 0; this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (this._alpha < 100) { this._alpha += 10; } else { delete this.onEnterFrame; } }; } } movieClip 2418 { frame 1 { stop(); this.butthen._visible = false; } frame 1 { _global.maakVakjeZee(this.seaContainer, 750, 5606534, 14, 2); _global.maakVakjeZee(this.seaContainer2, 750, 6132622, 18, 4); } frame 2 { this.butthen._visible = true; } frame 4 { this.butthen._visible = true; } frame 4 { _global.maakVakjeZee(this.seaContainer, 750, 5606534, 14, 2); _global.maakVakjeZee(this.seaContainer2, 750, 6132622, 18, 4); } frame 111 { this.butthen._visible = true; } frame 111 { stop(); = 70; this.onEnterFrame = function () { if ( > 0) {; } else { delete this.onEnterFrame;;; } }; } } movieClip 2419 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); this.onEnterFrame = function () { this._alpha -= 5; if (this._alpha <= 0) { delete this.onEnterFrame; } }; } } movieClip 2421 { } movieClip 2423 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 2424 { frame 1 { this.onRollOver = function () { trace('roll'); this.btn.gotoAndStop(2); }; this.onRollOut = function () { this.btn.gotoAndStop(1); }; this.onReleaseOutside = function () { this.btn.gotoAndStop(1); }; } } movieClip 2426 { } movieClip 2430 { } movieClip 2431 { frame 1 { this.onEnterFrame = function () { this._x -= 0.5; }; } } movieClip 2443 { } movieClip 2450 { } movieClip 2451 { } movieClip 2452 { frame 193 { stop();; } } movieClip 2457 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 2462 { } movieClip 2470 { } movieClip 2471 { frame 15 { stop(); } } movieClip 2476 { frame 345 { stop();; } } movieClip 2477 { } movieClip 2481 { } movieClip 2488 { } movieClip 2492 { } movieClip 2497 { } movieClip 2500 { } movieClip 2504 { } movieClip 2507 { } movieClip 2509 { } movieClip 2512 { } movieClip 2513 { frame 1 { _global.maakVakjeZee(this.seaContainer, 1530, 5606534, 26, 1.4); _global.maakVakjeZee(this.seaContainer2, 1530, 6132622, 34, 3); } } movieClip 2516 { frame 107 { stop();; } } movieClip 2517 { } movieClip 2521 { frame 17 { stop(); } } movieClip 2529 { } movieClip 2531 { } movieClip 2532 { frame 360 { this._parent._parent.flashback._visible = true; this._parent.goldDiamonds._visible = true; this._parent._parent.flashback._alpha = 0;; this._parent._parent.flashback.onEnterFrame = function () { if (this._alpha < 100) { this._alpha += 10; } }; this._parent._parent.beforeHolidays._visible = true; } frame 402 { stop(); } } movieClip 2533 { } movieClip 2535 { } movieClip 2540 { } movieClip 2542 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 285 { this._parent.fade._alpha = 0; this._parent.fade.onEnterFrame = function () { if (this._alpha < 100) { this._alpha += 10; } else { delete this.onEnterFrame;; } }; } } movieClip 2545 { } movieClip 2546 { } movieClip 2547 { } movieClip 2548 { } movieClip 2557 { } movieClip 2558 { } movieClip 2560 { } movieClip 2561 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 130 {; } frame 131 { stop(); } } movieClip 2566 { } movieClip 2570 { } movieClip 2573 { } movieClip 2587 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 67 { stop(); } } movieClip 2590 { } movieClip 2593 { } movieClip 2596 { } movieClip 2597 { } movieClip 2598 { frame 1 { this.gotoAndStop(this._parent.frameNr); } } movieClip 2603 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 16 { stop(); } } movieClip 2605 { frame 1 { this._visible = false; } } movieClip 2606 { } movieClip 2608 { } movieClip 2616 { } movieClip 2617 { frame 11 { stop(); } } movieClip 2618 { frame 1 { this.breath = {'x': this._x, 'y': this._y, 'mc': this, 't': 0, 'a': 1.5, 'T': 4, 'w': Math.PI, 'bPos': this._y}; this.onEnterFrame = function () { this._y = this.breath.bPos + this.breath.a * Math.sin(this.breath.w * this.breath.t); this.breath.t += 0.03333333333333333; }; this.lijf.stop(); } frame 887 { stop(); this._parent._parent.fade._alpha = 0; this._parent._parent.fade.onEnterFrame = function () { if (this._alpha < 100) { this._alpha += 10; } else { delete this.onEnterFrame; if (_root.replayIntro == true) { _root.replayIntro = false; _root.gotoAndStop('overview'); } else { _root.gotoAndStop('startLevel'); } } }; } } movieClip 2619 { frame 1 { _global.maakVakjeZee(this.seaContainer, 1530, 5606534, 26, 1.4); _global.maakVakjeZee(this.seaContainer2, 1530, 6132622, 34, 3); this.plane.onEnterFrame = function () { this._x += 2; }; this.agualand.kidGlijbaanSchaduw._visible = false; this.agualand.onEnterFrame = function () { this._x -= 1.3; if (this._x < -200 && this.kidGlijbaanSchaduw._visible == false) { this.kidGlijbaanSchaduw._visible = true;; } }; this.mountains.onEnterFrame = function () { this._x -= 0.2; }; } } movieClip 2620 { frame 1 { this.skip.onRelease = function () { this._parent.gotoAndStop('sixmonthslater'); }; _global.maakVakjeZee(this.seaContainer, 730, 5606534, 26, 1.4); _global.maakVakjeZee(this.seaContainer2, 730, 6132622, 34, 3); } frame 1 { _root.introMovie = this; stop(); this.go._visible = false; } frame 1 { stop(); this.fade._alpha = 0; } frame 2 { stop(); this.latertext.counter = 30; this.latertext.onEnterFrame = function () { trace(this.counter); if (this.counter <= 0) { delete this.onEnterFrame;; } else { --this.counter; } }; } frame 2 { this.fade._alpha = 0; stop(); this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (this.mask.klaar == true) { delete this.onEnterFrame;; } }; } frame 3 { this.skip.onRelease = function () { this._parent.gotoAndStop('agualand'); }; } frame 3 { stop(); _global.maakVakjeZee(this.seaContainer, 730, 5606534, 26, 1.4); _global.maakVakjeZee(this.seaContainer2, 730, 6132622, 34, 3); this.skip._visible = true; } frame 4 { stop(); } frame 5 { stop(); } frame 6 { stop(); this.flashback._visible = false; this.anim9.goldDiamonds._visible = false; this.fade._alpha = 0; } frame 6 { this.beforeHolidays._visible = false; } frame 7 { this.skip.onRelease = function () { if (_root.replayIntro == true) { _root.replayIntro = false; this._parent._parent.gotoAndStop('overview'); } else { this._parent._parent.gotoAndStop('startLevel'); } }; } frame 7 { stop(); this.fade._alpha = 0; } } frame 5 { stop(); start(); } frame 6 { startTussenscherm(); trace(' rootframe'); } frame 7 { stop(); trace(' doe Entro'); } movieClip 2622 { frame 1 { this.lijf.stop(); } } movieClip 2626 { frame 1 { this.gotoAndStop(_global.saveProgress.raftUpgrade); } } movieClip 2630 { frame 1 { this._visible = false; } } movieClip 2631 { frame 15 { stop(); } } movieClip 2637 { frame 1 { this.breath = {'x': this._x, 'y': this._y, 'mc': this, 't': 0, 'a': 1.5, 'T': 4, 'w': Math.PI, 'bPos': this._y}; this.onEnterFrame = function () { this._y = this.breath.bPos + this.breath.a * Math.sin(this.breath.w * this.breath.t); this.breath.t += 0.03333333333333333; }; if (this._parent.binosDone == true) { this.gotoAndPlay('naBinos'); } } frame 114 { } frame 115 { this.lijf.stop(); } frame 223 { this._parent.gotoAndStop(2); } frame 309 { this.breath = {'x': this._x, 'y': this._y, 'mc': this, 't': 0, 'a': 1.5, 'T': 4, 'w': Math.PI, 'bPos': this._y}; this.onEnterFrame = function () { this._y = this.breath.bPos + this.breath.a * Math.sin(this.breath.w * this.breath.t); this.breath.t += 0.03333333333333333; }; this.lijf.stop(); } frame 409 { this.simonhead.eyes.gotoAndPlay(2); trace(simonhead.eyes + 'SW'); } frame 512 {; } frame 612 { stop(); this._parent.go._visible = true; this._parent.skip._visible = false; this._parent.go.onRelease = function () { this._parent._parent.gotoAndStop('overview'); }; } } movieClip 2639 { } movieClip 2640 { } movieClip 2642 { } movieClip 2643 { frame 1 {; this.onRollOver = function () {; }; this.onRollOut = function () {; }; this.onReleaseOutside = function () {; }; } } movieClip 2644 { frame 1 { _global.maakVakjeZee(this.seaContainer, 1530, 5606534, 26, 1.4); _global.maakVakjeZee(this.seaContainer2, 1530, 6132622, 34, 3); } } movieClip 2645 { frame 1 { play(); } frame 280 { stop(); this._parent._parent.binosDone = true; this._parent._parent.gotoAndStop(1); } } movieClip 2646 { } movieClip 2647 { frame 1 { _global.maakVakjeZee(this.seaContainer, 1530, 5606534, 26, 1.4); _global.maakVakjeZee(this.seaContainer2, 1530, 6132622, 34, 3); stop(); this.go._visible = false; this.skip.onRelease = function () { this._parent._parent.gotoAndStop('overview'); }; } } movieClip 2657 { frame 20 { stop(); } } movieClip 2664 { frame 1 { this.breath = {'x': this._x, 'y': this._y, 'mc': this, 't': 0, 'a': 1.5, 'T': 4, 'w': Math.PI, 'bPos': this._y}; this.onEnterFrame = function () { this._y = this.breath.bPos + this.breath.a * Math.sin(this.breath.w * this.breath.t); this.breath.t += 0.03333333333333333; }; if (this._parent.binosDone == true) { this.gotoAndPlay(272); } } frame 103 { } frame 104 { this.lijf.stop(); } frame 212 { this._parent.gotoAndStop(2); } frame 272 { this.breath = {'x': this._x, 'y': this._y, 'mc': this, 't': 0, 'a': 1.5, 'T': 4, 'w': Math.PI, 'bPos': this._y}; this.onEnterFrame = function () { this._y = this.breath.bPos + this.breath.a * Math.sin(this.breath.w * this.breath.t); this.breath.t += 0.03333333333333333; }; this.lijf.stop(); } frame 408 { this.breath = {'x': this._x, 'y': this._y, 'mc': this, 't': 0, 'a': 1.5, 'T': 4, 'w': Math.PI, 'bPos': this._y}; this.onEnterFrame = function () { this._y = this.breath.bPos + this.breath.a * Math.sin(this.breath.w * this.breath.t); this.breath.t += 0.03333333333333333; }; this.lijf.stop(); } frame 467 { trace(simonhead.eyes + 'SW'); } frame 570 { } frame 676 {; } frame 734 {; } frame 810 { stop(); this._parent.go._visible = true; this._parent.skip._visible = false; this._parent.go.onRelease = function () { this._parent._parent.gotoAndStop('startLevel'); }; } } movieClip 2665 { } movieClip 2667 { frame 1 { this.whale.gotoAndStop('eennagrootst'); this.journalisten.stop(); } frame 36 {; } frame 153 { stop(); this._parent._parent.binosDone = true; this._parent._parent.gotoAndStop(1); } } movieClip 2668 { } movieClip 2669 { frame 1 { _global.maakVakjeZee(this.seaContainer, 1530, 5606534, 26, 1.4); _global.maakVakjeZee(this.seaContainer2, 1530, 6132622, 34, 3); stop(); this.go._visible = false; this.skip.onRelease = function () { this._parent._parent.gotoAndStop('startLevel'); }; } } movieClip 2672 { frame 1 { _global.maakVakjeZee(this.seaContainer, 1530, 5606534, 26, 1.4); _global.maakVakjeZee(this.seaContainer2, 1530, 6132622, 34, 3); stop(); } } movieClip 2673 { frame 1 { this.go._visible = false; this.skip.onRelease = function () { this._parent._parent.gotoAndStop('last_level_intro_vervolg'); }; } frame 96 { stop(); } } movieClip 2679 { frame 1 { this.breath = {'x': this._x, 'y': this._y, 'mc': this, 't': 0, 'a': 1.5, 'T': 4, 'w': Math.PI, 'bPos': this._y}; this.onEnterFrame = function () { this._y = this.breath.bPos + this.breath.a * Math.sin(this.breath.w * this.breath.t); this.breath.t += 0.03333333333333333; }; this.frameNr = 1; } frame 2 { this.lijf.stop(); } frame 293 { stop(); this._parent.gotoAndStop(3); } } movieClip 2682 { } movieClip 2689 { frame 1 { this.breath = {'x': this._x, 'y': this._y, 'mc': this, 't': 0, 'a': 1.5, 'T': 4, 'w': Math.PI, 'bPos': this._y}; this.onEnterFrame = function () { this._y = this.breath.bPos + this.breath.a * Math.sin(this.breath.w * this.breath.t); this.breath.t += 0.03333333333333333; }; this.frameNr = 1; } frame 2 { this.lijf.stop(); } frame 43 { this.simonhead.sleepyeyes._visible = true; } frame 329 { stop(); this._parent._parent.gotoAndStop('gamecomplete'); } } movieClip 2698 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 91 { this._parent._parent.gotoAndPlay('shake1'); } frame 125 { stop(); } } movieClip 2702 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 2703 { frame 1 { if (this.explosionObjects == null) { this.gotoAndPlay('beginpunt'); createDebris = function (mc, aant) { var v4 = 0; while (v4 < aant) { var v2 = mc.getNextHighestDepth(); var v1 = mc.attachMovie('mcWhaleDebris', 'debris' + v2, v2); v1.gotoAndStop(random(2) + 1); v1._rotation = random(360); var v3 = 8 - random(17); var v8 = Math.random() * -14 - 5; var v5 = 40 + random(40); v1._yscale = v5; v1._xscale = v1._yscale; var v7 = {'x': -10, 'y': -2, 'vx': v3, 'vy': v8, 'rotplus': v3 * 2, 'mc': v1, 'mass': 0.6}; mc.explosionObjects.push(v7); ++v4; } }; doExplosions = function (mc) { var v2 = 0; while (v2 < mc.explosionObjects.length) { var v1 = mc.explosionObjects[v2]; if (v1.inactive == true) {; mc.explosionObjects.splice(v2, 1); } else { v1.vy += 2 * v1.mass; v1.vx *= 0.95; v1.x += v1.vx; v1.y += v1.vy; = v1.x; = v1.y; if (v1.rotplus) { += v1.rotplus; } if (v1.y > 1000) { v1.inactive = true; } else { if ( == true) { v1.inactive = true; } } } ++v2; } }; this.explosionObjects = []; this.onEnterFrame = function () { doExplosions(this); }; } } frame 31 { if (this.fastest == true) { if (this.debrisWait == null) { this.debrisWait = 0; } else { ++this.debrisWait; if (this.debrisWait >= 4) { createDebris(this, 5); } else { createDebris(this, this.debrisWait); } } } } frame 34 { if (this.loops == null) { this.loops = 1; } if (this.loops == 5) { this.faster = true; this.gotoAndPlay('uitroepteken'); ++this.loops; } else { if (this.loops == 11) { ++this.loops; this.fastest = true; this.gotoAndPlay('uitroepteken'); } else { if (this.fastest == true) { this.gotoAndPlay('fastest'); ++this.loops; if (this.loops == 21) {; this._parent.cracks._visible = true; } else { if (this.loops == 32) { trace('exp'); this._parent.gotoAndPlay('explode'); } } } else { if (this.faster == true) { ++this.loops; this.gotoAndPlay('normal'); } else { ++this.loops; } } } } } frame 123 { this.gotoAndPlay('normal'); } frame 179 { if (this.fastest == true) { this.excl.gotoAndStop(2); } } frame 230 { this.gotoAndPlay('beginpunt'); } frame 246 { this.gotoAndPlay('terugpunt'); } frame 281 { this.gotoAndPlay('terugpunt'); } } movieClip 2706 { } movieClip 2709 { } movieClip 2712 { } movieClip 2714 { } movieClip 2716 { frame 1 { this.cracks._visible = false; } frame 1 { stop(); } frame 80 { this._parent._parent._parent.gotoAndStop(2); } } movieClip 2718 { frame 1 { this.whale.gotoAndStop('eennagrootst'); } frame 286 { stop(); } frame 323 { this.gotoAndPlay('shake1'); } } movieClip 2719 { } movieClip 2720 { frame 1 { _global.maakVakjeZee(this.seaContainer, 1530, 5606534, 26, 1.4); _global.maakVakjeZee(this.seaContainer2, 1530, 6132622, 34, 3); stop(); this.go._visible = false; } frame 2 { _global.maakVakjeZee(this.seaContainer, 1530, 5606534, 26, 1.4); _global.maakVakjeZee(this.seaContainer2, 1530, 6132622, 34, 3); stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); this.butThenCounter = 0; this.onEnterFrame = function () { ++this.butThenCounter; if (this.butThenCounter >= 40) { delete this.onEnterFrame; this.gotoAndStop(4); } }; } } frame 11 { }
Created: 13/6 -2024 20:21:19 Last modified: 13/6 -2024 20:21:19 Server time: 28/09 -2024 05:41:56