Frame 1
fscommand ("showmenu", "false");
_focusrect = false;
_global.openSite = function () {
getURL ("");
Frame 4
Frame 6
_global.language_pre = "en";
Frame 7
function globalStart() {
debug("Try to start game");
if (_global.settingsLoaded === true) {
_global.slidingBg = true;
_global.maxLevelItem = 0;
_global.currLevel = _global.levels["level_" + levelNum];
_global.gameOver = false;
_global.gameInProcess = true;
_global.charsInProcess = true;
if (_global.levelNum == 1) {
_global.fullRezults = {killed:0, coins:0};
_global.rezults = {killed:0, coins:0};
_global.staticObjects = new Array();
_global.bonusObjects = new Array();
_global.bulletObjects = new Array();
_global.enemyObjects = new Array();
_global.splashedObjects = new Array(); = 0; = 0; = 0; = 0; = 0; = 0; = 0;"queue", "queue",;
_global.PI2 = 57.29578;
_root.clockEFid = _global.queue.addFunc(clockAdder, _root, 5);
_root.changeBGSpeedEFid = _global.queue.addFunc(changeBGSpeed,, 15);, 400);, 1);;, playerS.speed);
var _local4 = ((currLevel.playerArmor == undefined) ? (playerS.maxArmor) : (currLevel.playerArmor));
var _local3 = ((currLevel.playerShield == undefined) ? (playerS.maxShield) : (currLevel.playerShield));, playerS.gun, undefined, _local4, playerS.withoutBase, _local3, playerS.maxShield, playerS.maxArmor);, playerS.weapons[0].shotsTime, 0, playerS.weapons[0].bulletType, playerS.weapons[0].bulletSpeed, playerS.weapons[0].flySteps, playerS.weapons[0].flyMinScale, playerS.weapons[0].flyDistance, playerS.weapons[0].bulletDamage, playerS.weapons[0].splashDamage, playerS.weapons[0].damageRadius, playerS.weapons[0].splashDelay);
i = 1;
while (i < currLevel.playerAvailableWeapons) {, playerS.weapons[i].shotsTime, 0, playerS.weapons[i].bulletType, playerS.weapons[i].bulletSpeed, playerS.weapons[i].flySteps, playerS.weapons[i].flyMinScale, playerS.weapons[i].flyDistance, playerS.weapons[i].bulletDamage, playerS.weapons[i].splashDamage, playerS.weapons[i].damageRadius, playerS.weapons[i].splashDelay);
if (playerS.soundKills != undefined) { = playerS.soundKills;
bg.oEF2 = mainOEF;
_root.bgEFid = _global.queue.addFunc(,, 90);
var i = 0;
while (i < _global.currLevel.level.length) {
if (_global.currLevel.level[i].tank != undefined) {
_global.maxLevelItem = Math.max(_global.maxLevelItem, _global.currLevel.level[i].yoffset);
debug("???????????? ?????? " + _global.maxLevelItem);
setProgressBar(0, _global.maxLevelItem);
_global.maxLevelItem = _global.maxLevelItem + 1.5;
_root.wndComplete._visible = false;
_root.wndPause._visible = false;
_root.bossBar._visible = false;
_global.sound.width = 550;
_global.queue.addFunc(sound.oEF, sound, 95); = _global.envS.newObjectYOffset;
if (_global.envS.debug != 1) {
_root.bottomRuler._visible = ( = (_root.tfTimer._visible = (_root.error._visible = false)));
_global.gameTimeStart = getTimer();
_global.keyGetter = new Object();
keyGetter.onKeyDown = makePause;
keyGetter.onMouseWheel = changeWeaponByMouse;
_global.levelCompleteDelayCounter = 0;
_global.usingBar = (( == 0) ? false : true); = _global.usingBar;
_root.fastZone._visible = (_root.slowZone._visible = false);
if ((_global.currLevel.playerX != undefined) && (_global.currLevel.playerY != undefined)) {
trace("?? ??????");, -_global.currLevel.playerY);
} else {
trace("?? ???????");, -playerS.startY);
_root.gui._visible = true;
} else {
debug("XML data not loaded yet");
function endGameOutput() {
_root.wndComplete.flag = true;
with (_root.wndComplete) {
_visible = true;
System.useCodepage = true;
fscommand ("trapallkeys", true);
_root.depth = 0;
XML.prototype.ignoreWhite = true;
_global.settingsLoaded = false;
fscommand ("trapallkeys", true);
_focusrect = false;
fscommand ("showmenu", false);
createXML = function () {
var _local3 = new XML(str);
_global.settingsLoaded = true;
debug("Settings loaded; parsing...");
var _local2 = 0;
while (_local2 < _local3.firstChild.childNodes.length) {
foo = _local3.firstChild.childNodes[_local2];
parseXMLtoVars(foo, _global);
_global.xmlErrors = new Array("A CDATA section was not properly terminated.", "The XML declaration was not properly terminated.", "The DOCTYPE declaration was not properly terminated.", "A comment was not properly terminated.", "An XML element was malformed.", "Out of memory.", "An attribute value was not properly terminated.", "A start-tag was not matched with an end-tag.", "An end-tag was encountered without a matching start-tag.");
parseXMLtoVars = function (xml, target) {
if (xml.nodeName == "var") {
var _local5 = xml.attributes.value;
if (_global.noSet(_local5) && (xml.nodeValue == null)) {
_local5 = xml.childNodes.join("");
if (String(parseFloat(_local5)) == _local5) {
_local5 = parseFloat(_local5);
if ( != null) {
target[] = _local5;
// unexpected jump
if (xml.nodeName == "array") {
target[] = new Array();
var _local4 = target[];
var _local3 = 0;
while (_local3 < xml.childNodes.length) {
} else if (xml.nodeName == "object") {
var _local4 = new Object();
for (var _local3 in xml.attributes) {
if (_local3 != "name") {
parseXMLtoVars(new XML(((("<var name=\"" + _local3) + "\"\tvalue=\"") + xml.attributes[_local3]) + "\" />").firstChild, _local4);
var _local3 = 0;
while (_local3 < xml.childNodes.length) {
parseXMLtoVars(xml.childNodes[_local3], _local4);
if ( != null) {
target[] = _local4;
} else {
str = "";
str = str + "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"windows-1251\"?>";
str = str + "<settings>";
str = str + "<object name=\"envS\">";
str = str + "<object name=\"playerOffset\">";
str = str + "<var name=\"top\" value=\"65\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"bottom\" value=\"0\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"left\" value=\"15\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"right\" value=\"15\" />";
str = str + "</object>";
str = str + "<object name=\"enemyOffset\">";
str = str + "<var name=\"top\" value=\"-600\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"bottom\" value=\"-600\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"left\" value=\"-300\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"right\" value=\"-300\" />";
str = str + "</object>";
str = str + "<object name=\"bulletOffset\">";
str = str + "<var name=\"top\" value=\"0\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"bottom\" value=\"0\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"left\" value=\"-10\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"right\" value=\"-10\" />";
str = str + "</object>";
str = str + "<object name=\"allOffset\">";
str = str + "<var name=\"top\" value=\"-600\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"bottom\" value=\"-600\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"left\" value=\"-250\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"right\" value=\"-250\" />";
str = str + "</object>";
str = str + "<object name=\"blinks\">";
str = str + "<object name=\"hit\" color=\"#FF0000\" amount=\"40\" times=\"5\" step=\"2\" />";
str = str + "<object name=\"shield\" color=\"#0066cc\" amount=\"40\" times=\"3\" step=\"2\" />";
str = str + "<object name=\"takebonus\" color=\"#FFFFFF\" amount=\"40\" times=\"5\" step=\"3\" />";
str = str + "</object> ";
str = str + "<object name=\"textZ_en\">";
str = str + "<var name=\"intro\" ><b>How to Play:</b><br /> - You need to get to the end of the level destroying as many enemy units on your way as possible.<br /> - Pick up bonuses and health packs - they are going to help you on your mission.<br /><b>Controls:</b><br />- The space commando is controlled by the arrow keys \u0093left\u0094, \u0093right\u0094, \u0093up\u0094 and \u0093down\u0094, or keys \u0093W\u0094, \u0093A\u0094, \u0093S\u0094 & \u0093D\u0094.<br />- Use the mouse cursor to aim.<br />- Use left mouse key to fire.<br /> - To choose alternative weapons (if available), use keys \"1\", \"2\" \"3\", or the mouse wheel, or directly the mouse cursor. </var>";
str = str + "<var name=\"completeString1\" >Enemies Kills :</var>";
str = str + "<var name=\"completeString2\" >Enemies survived :</var>";
str = str + "<var name=\"completeString3\" >Structures Destroyed :</var>";
str = str + "<var name=\"completeString4\" >Shots :</var>";
str = str + "<var name=\"completeString5\" >Accuracy :</var>";
str = str + "<var name=\"playerDiedTitle\" >Game Over</var>";
str = str + "<var name=\"levelCompleteTitle\" >Level Completed!</var>";
str = str + "<var name=\"gameCompleteTitle\" >You have Completed the Game!</var>";
str = str + "<var name=\"gamePausedTitle\" >Pause</var>";
str = str + "<var name=\"gamePausedString\" ><br />Return to the game?</var>";
str = str + "</object>";
str = str + "<var name=\"screenSpeed\" value=\"4\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"screenFastSpeed\" value=\"4\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"screenSlowSpeed\" value=\"4\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"screenSpeedFactorUp\" value=\"1.1\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"screenSpeedFactorDown\" value=\"0.95\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"debug\" value=\"0\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"lazerDebug\" value=\"0\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"soundDebug\" value=\"0\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"multipleFireAngle\" value=\"10\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"newObjectYOffset\" value=\"-100\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"splashTests\" value=\"5\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"levelCompleteDelay\" value=\"30\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"defaultRotation\" value=\"0\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"soundKills\" value=\"none\" />";
str = str + "</object>";
str = str + "<object name=\"playerS\">";
str = str + "<var name=\"speed\" value=\"8\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"speedFactor\" value=\"14\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"rotationFactor\" value=\"8\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"base\" value=\"bigfoot_player\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"gun\" value=\"player_gun\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"maxArmor\" value=\"100\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"maxShield\" value=\"0\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"recoil\" value=\"0\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"recoilLength\" value=\"1\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"startX\" value=\"275\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"startY\" value=\"50\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"withoutBase\" value=\"1\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"soundKills\" value=\"none\" />";
str = str + "<array name=\"weapons\">";
str = str + "<object>";
str = str + "<var name=\"bulletType\" value=\"playerShoot\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"bulletSpeed\" value=\"20\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"bulletDamage\" value=\"0\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"shotsTime\" value=\"5\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"splashDamage\" value=\"10\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"damageRadius\" value=\"10\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"splashDelay\" value=\"2\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"flySteps\" value=\"0\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"flyMinScale\" value=\"20\" />";
str = str + "</object>";
str = str + "</array>";
str = str + "</object>";
str = str + "<object name=\"mainUnits\">";
str = str + "<object name=\"graider\">";
str = str + "<var name=\"top\" value=\"0\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"base\" value=\"graider\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"gun\" value=\"enemy_gun\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"armor\" value=\"300\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"bulletType\" value=\"playerShoot\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"cannonTimeOffset\" value=\"0\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"flySteps\" value=\" 0\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"flyMinScale\" value=\"10\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"flyDistance\" value=\"100\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"cannonAngle\" value=\"t\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"splashDamage\" value=\"0\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"damageRadius\" value=\"0\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"bulletSpeed\" value=\"7\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"bulletDamage\" value=\"5\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"reloadingTime\" value=\"70\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"clip\" value=\"4\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"shotsTime\" value=\"6\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"ai\" value=\"0\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"withoutBase\" value=\"0\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"ignoreHit\" value=\"0\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"ignoreSplash\" value=\"0\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"ignoreDirect\" value=\"0\" />";
str = str + "</object>";
str = str + "<object name=\"red_car_with_gun\">";
str = str + "<var name=\"top\" value=\"0\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"base\" value=\"car3\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"gun\" value=\"enemy_gun\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"armor\" value=\"40\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"bulletType\" value=\"playerShoot\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"cannonTimeOffset\" value=\"0\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"flySteps\" value=\" 0\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"flyMinScale\" value=\"10\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"flyDistance\" value=\"100\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"cannonAngle\" value=\"t\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"splashDamage\" value=\"0\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"damageRadius\" value=\"0\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"bulletSpeed\" value=\"7\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"bulletDamage\" value=\"10\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"reloadingTime\" value=\"30\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"clip\" value=\"2\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"shotsTime\" value=\"4\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"ai\" value=\"0\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"withoutBase\" value=\"0\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"ignoreHit\" value=\"0\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"ignoreSplash\" value=\"0\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"ignoreDirect\" value=\"0\" />";
str = str + "</object>";
str = str + "<object name=\"red_car\">";
str = str + "<var name=\"top\" value=\"0\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"base\" value=\"car3\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"gun\" value=\"\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"armor\" value=\"40\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"bulletType\" value=\"playerShoot\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"cannonTimeOffset\" value=\"0\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"flySteps\" value=\" 0\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"flyMinScale\" value=\"10\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"flyDistance\" value=\"100\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"cannonAngle\" value=\"t\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"splashDamage\" value=\"0\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"damageRadius\" value=\"0\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"bulletSpeed\" value=\"10\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"bulletDamage\" value=\"30\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"reloadingTime\" value=\"10\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"clip\" value=\"2\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"shotsTime\" value=\"1\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"ai\" value=\"0\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"withoutBase\" value=\"0\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"ignoreHit\" value=\"0\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"ignoreSplash\" value=\"0\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"ignoreDirect\" value=\"0\" />";
str = str + "</object>";
str = str + "<object name=\"blue_car\">";
str = str + "<var name=\"top\" value=\"0\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"base\" value=\"car4\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"gun\" value=\"\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"armor\" value=\"40\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"bulletType\" value=\"playerShoot\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"cannonTimeOffset\" value=\"0\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"flySteps\" value=\" 0\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"flyMinScale\" value=\"10\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"flyDistance\" value=\"100\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"cannonAngle\" value=\"t\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"splashDamage\" value=\"0\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"damageRadius\" value=\"0\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"bulletSpeed\" value=\"10\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"bulletDamage\" value=\"30\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"reloadingTime\" value=\"10\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"clip\" value=\"2\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"shotsTime\" value=\"1\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"ai\" value=\"0\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"withoutBase\" value=\"0\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"ignoreHit\" value=\"0\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"ignoreSplash\" value=\"0\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"ignoreDirect\" value=\"0\" />";
str = str + "</object>";
str = str + "<object name=\"blue_car_with_gun\">";
str = str + "<var name=\"top\" value=\"0\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"base\" value=\"car4\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"gun\" value=\"enemy_gun\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"armor\" value=\"40\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"bulletType\" value=\"playerShoot\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"cannonTimeOffset\" value=\"0\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"flySteps\" value=\" 0\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"flyMinScale\" value=\"10\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"flyDistance\" value=\"100\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"cannonAngle\" value=\"t\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"splashDamage\" value=\"0\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"damageRadius\" value=\"0\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"bulletSpeed\" value=\"7\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"bulletDamage\" value=\"10\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"reloadingTime\" value=\"30\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"clip\" value=\"2\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"shotsTime\" value=\"4\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"ai\" value=\"0\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"withoutBase\" value=\"0\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"ignoreHit\" value=\"0\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"ignoreSplash\" value=\"0\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"ignoreDirect\" value=\"0\" />";
str = str + "</object>";
str = str + "<object name=\"jeep\">";
str = str + "<var name=\"top\" value=\"0\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"base\" value=\"car2\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"gun\" value=\"rocket_gun\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"armor\" value=\"40\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"bulletType\" value=\"rocket\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"cannonTimeOffset\" value=\"0\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"flySteps\" value=\" 0\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"flyMinScale\" value=\"10\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"flyDistance\" value=\"100\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"cannonAngle\" value=\"t\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"splashDamage\" value=\"0\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"damageRadius\" value=\"50\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"bulletSpeed\" value=\"6\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"bulletDamage\" value=\"25\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"reloadingTime\" value=\"80\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"clip\" value=\"1\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"shotsTime\" value=\"1\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"ai\" value=\"0\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"withoutBase\" value=\"0\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"ignoreHit\" value=\"0\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"ignoreSplash\" value=\"0\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"ignoreDirect\" value=\"0\" />";
str = str + "</object>";
str = str + "<object name=\"tank\">";
str = str + "<var name=\"top\" value=\"0\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"base\" value=\"tank\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"gun\" value=\"tank_gun\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"armor\" value=\"450\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"bulletType\" value=\"rocket2\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"cannonTimeOffset\" value=\"0\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"flySteps\" value=\" 0\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"flyMinScale\" value=\"10\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"flyDistance\" value=\"100\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"cannonAngle\" value=\"t\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"splashDamage\" value=\"0\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"damageRadius\" value=\"50\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"bulletSpeed\" value=\"6\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"bulletDamage\" value=\"25\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"reloadingTime\" value=\"80\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"clip\" value=\"1\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"shotsTime\" value=\"1\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"ai\" value=\"0\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"withoutBase\" value=\"0\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"ignoreHit\" value=\"0\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"ignoreSplash\" value=\"0\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"ignoreDirect\" value=\"0\" />";
str = str + "</object>";
str = str + "<object name=\"car1\">";
str = str + "<var name=\"top\" value=\"0\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"base\" value=\"car1\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"gun\" value=\"big_rocket_gun\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"armor\" value=\"50\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"bulletType\" value=\"rocket\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"cannonTimeOffset\" value=\"0\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"flySteps\" value=\"0\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"flyMinScale\" value=\"10\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"flyDistance\" value=\"100\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"cannonAngle\" value=\"t\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"splashDamage\" value=\"0\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"damageRadius\" value=\"50\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"bulletSpeed\" value=\"6\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"bulletDamage\" value=\"20\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"reloadingTime\" value=\"45\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"clip\" value=\"2\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"shotsTime\" value=\"5\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"ai\" value=\"0\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"withoutBase\" value=\"0\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"ignoreHit\" value=\"0\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"ignoreSplash\" value=\"0\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"ignoreDirect\" value=\"0\" />";
str = str + "</object> ";
str = str + "<object name=\"car5\">";
str = str + "<var name=\"top\" value=\"0\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"base\" value=\"car5\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"gun\" value=\"\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"armor\" value=\"40\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"bulletType\" value=\"\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"cannonTimeOffset\" value=\"0\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"flySteps\" value=\" 0\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"flyMinScale\" value=\"10\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"flyDistance\" value=\"100\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"cannonAngle\" value=\"t\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"splashDamage\" value=\"0\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"damageRadius\" value=\"0\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"bulletSpeed\" value=\"5\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"bulletDamage\" value=\"10\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"reloadingTime\" value=\"1000\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"clip\" value=\"1\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"shotsTime\" value=\"1\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"ai\" value=\"0\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"withoutBase\" value=\"0\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"ignoreHit\" value=\"0\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"ignoreSplash\" value=\"0\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"ignoreDirect\" value=\"0\" />";
str = str + "</object>";
str = str + "<object name=\"UFO_Boss\">";
str = str + "<var name=\"top\" value=\"1\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"base\" value=\"UFO_Boss\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"gun\" value=\"empty_gun, empty_gun, empty_gun\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"armor\" value=\"2000\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"bulletType\" value=\"plasma_bullet, plasma_bullet, plasma_bullet\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"cannonTimeOffset\" value=\"0, 0, 0\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"flySteps\" value=\" 0, 0, 0\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"flyMinScale\" value=\"10, 10, 10\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"flyDistance\" value=\"100, 100, 100\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"cannonAngle\" value=\"h0, h40, h-40\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"splashDamage\" value=\"0\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"damageRadius\" value=\"0\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"bulletSpeed\" value=\"10, 12, 12\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"bulletDamage\" value=\"10, 10, 10\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"reloadingTime\" value=\"0, 0, 0\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"clip\" value=\"3, 3, 3\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"shotsTime\" value=\"4, 3, 3\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"ai\" value=\"0\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"withoutBase\" value=\"0\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"ignoreHit\" value=\"0\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"ignoreSplash\" value=\"0\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"ignoreDirect\" value=\"1\" />";
str = str + "</object> ";
str = str + "<object name=\"alien\">";
str = str + "<var name=\"top\" value=\"0\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"base\" value=\"soldier_base\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"gun\" value=\"alien\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"armor\" value=\"5\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"bulletType\" value=\"playerShoot\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"cannonTimeOffset\" value=\"0\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"flySteps\" value=\" 0\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"flyMinScale\" value=\"10\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"flyDistance\" value=\"100\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"cannonAngle\" value=\"w0\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"splashDamage\" value=\"0\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"damageRadius\" value=\"50\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"bulletSpeed\" value=\"6\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"bulletDamage\" value=\"10\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"reloadingTime\" value=\"8000\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"clip\" value=\"1\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"shotsTime\" value=\"1\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"ai\" value=\"0\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"withoutBase\" value=\"0\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"ignoreHit\" value=\"0\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"ignoreSplash\" value=\"0\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"ignoreDirect\" value=\"0\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"soundKills\" value=\"alien_cow_death\" />";
str = str + "</object>";
str = str + "<object name=\"human_white\">";
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str = str + "<var name=\"base\" value=\"soldier_base\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"gun\" value=\"human_white\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"armor\" value=\"1\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"bulletType\" value=\"playerShoot\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"cannonTimeOffset\" value=\"0\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"flySteps\" value=\" 0\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"flyMinScale\" value=\"10\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"flyDistance\" value=\"100\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"cannonAngle\" value=\"w0\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"splashDamage\" value=\"0\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"damageRadius\" value=\"50\" />";
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str = str + "<var name=\"bulletDamage\" value=\"10\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"reloadingTime\" value=\"8000\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"clip\" value=\"1\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"shotsTime\" value=\"1\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"ai\" value=\"0\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"withoutBase\" value=\"0\" />";
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str = str + "<var name=\"ignoreSplash\" value=\"0\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"ignoreDirect\" value=\"0\" />";
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str = str + "</object> ";
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str = str + "<var name=\"gun\" value=\"human_red\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"armor\" value=\"1\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"bulletType\" value=\"playerShoot\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"cannonTimeOffset\" value=\"0\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"flySteps\" value=\" 0\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"flyMinScale\" value=\"10\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"flyDistance\" value=\"100\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"cannonAngle\" value=\"w0\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"splashDamage\" value=\"0\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"damageRadius\" value=\"50\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"bulletSpeed\" value=\"6\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"bulletDamage\" value=\"10\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"reloadingTime\" value=\"8000\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"clip\" value=\"1\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"shotsTime\" value=\"1\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"ai\" value=\"0\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"withoutBase\" value=\"0\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"ignoreHit\" value=\"0\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"ignoreSplash\" value=\"0\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"ignoreDirect\" value=\"0\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"soundKills\" value=\"human_death1, human_death2\" />";
str = str + "</object> ";
str = str + "<object name=\"bunker1\">";
str = str + "<var name=\"top\" value=\"0\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"base\" value=\"bunker1\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"gun\" value=\"gun_soldier\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"armor\" value=\"300\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"bulletType\" value=\"playerShoot2\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"cannonTimeOffset\" value=\"0\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"flySteps\" value=\" 0\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"flyMinScale\" value=\"10\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"flyDistance\" value=\"100\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"cannonAngle\" value=\"t\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"splashDamage\" value=\"0\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"damageRadius\" value=\"50\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"bulletSpeed\" value=\"7\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"bulletDamage\" value=\"10\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"reloadingTime\" value=\"80\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"clip\" value=\"2\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"shotsTime\" value=\"7\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"ai\" value=\"0\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"withoutBase\" value=\"0\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"ignoreHit\" value=\"0\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"ignoreSplash\" value=\"0\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"ignoreDirect\" value=\"0\" />";
str = str + "</object>";
str = str + "<object name=\"bunker2\">";
str = str + "<var name=\"top\" value=\"0\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"base\" value=\"bunker2\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"gun\" value=\"gun_soldier\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"armor\" value=\"300\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"bulletType\" value=\"playerShoot2\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"cannonTimeOffset\" value=\"0\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"flySteps\" value=\" 0\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"flyMinScale\" value=\"10\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"flyDistance\" value=\"100\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"cannonAngle\" value=\"t\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"splashDamage\" value=\"0\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"damageRadius\" value=\"50\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"bulletSpeed\" value=\"7\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"bulletDamage\" value=\"10\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"reloadingTime\" value=\"80\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"clip\" value=\"2\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"shotsTime\" value=\"7\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"ai\" value=\"0\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"withoutBase\" value=\"0\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"ignoreHit\" value=\"0\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"ignoreSplash\" value=\"0\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"ignoreDirect\" value=\"0\" />";
str = str + "</object>";
str = str + "<object name=\"soldier\">";
str = str + "<var name=\"top\" value=\"0\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"base\" value=\"soldier_base\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"gun\" value=\"soldier\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"armor\" value=\"1\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"bulletType\" value=\"playerShoot\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"cannonTimeOffset\" value=\"0\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"flySteps\" value=\" 0\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"flyMinScale\" value=\"10\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"flyDistance\" value=\"100\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"cannonAngle\" value=\"t\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"splashDamage\" value=\"0\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"damageRadius\" value=\"50\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"bulletSpeed\" value=\"6\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"bulletDamage\" value=\"10\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"reloadingTime\" value=\"80\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"clip\" value=\"1\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"shotsTime\" value=\"1\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"ai\" value=\"0\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"withoutBase\" value=\"0\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"ignoreHit\" value=\"0\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"ignoreSplash\" value=\"0\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"ignoreDirect\" value=\"0\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"soundKills\" value=\"human_death1,human_death2\" />";
str = str + "</object>";
str = str + "<object name=\"tank_Boss\">";
str = str + "<var name=\"top\" value=\"0\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"base\" value=\"tank_Boss\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"gun\" value=\"boss_tank_gun, gun_soldier, gun_soldier, rocket_gun, rocket_gun\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"armor\" value=\"7000\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"bulletType\" value=\"rocket2, playerShoot, playerShoot, rocket, rocket\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"cannonTimeOffset\" value=\"0, 0, 0, 0, 0\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"flySteps\" value=\" 0, 0, 0, 0, 0\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"flyMinScale\" value=\"10, 10, 10, 10, 10\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"flyDistance\" value=\"100, 100, 100, 100, 100\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"cannonAngle\" value=\"t, w-45, w45, w-135, w135\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"splashDamage\" value=\"0, 0, 0, 0, 0\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"damageRadius\" value=\"0, 0, 0, 0, 0\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"bulletSpeed\" value=\"10, 12, 12, 10, 10\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"bulletDamage\" value=\"25, 5, 5, 15, 15\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"reloadingTime\" value=\"60, 80, 80, 100, 100\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"clip\" value=\"1, 6, 6, 1, 1\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"shotsTime\" value=\"1, 5, 5, 1, 1\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"ai\" value=\"0\" />";
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str = str + "<var name=\"ignoreHit\" value=\"0\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"ignoreSplash\" value=\"0\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"ignoreDirect\" value=\"0\" />";
str = str + "</object>";
str = str + "</object>";
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str = str + "<var name=\"way\" value=\"line_way\" />";
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str = str + "<var name=\"yratio\" value=\"100\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"mratio\" value=\"2\" />";
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str = str + "<var name=\"factor\" value=\"1\" />";
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str = str + "<var name=\"startFrame\" value=\"1\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"endFrame\" value=\"-1\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"wayCycle\" value=\"1\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"rotatedByWay\" value=\"1\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"movedWay\" value=\"0\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"movedWayOffset\" value=\"0\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"movedWayXSpeed\" value=\"0\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"movedWayYSpeed\" value=\"0\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"thereCanBeOnlyOne\" value=\"0\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"dieImmediatly\" value=\"0\" />";
str = str + "</object>";
str = str + "<object name=\"circle_way\">";
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str = str + "<var name=\"xratio\" value=\"100\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"yratio\" value=\"100\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"mratio\" value=\"2\" />";
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str = str + "<var name=\"endFrame\" value=\"-1\" />";
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str = str + "<var name=\"movedWayXSpeed\" value=\"0\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"movedWayYSpeed\" value=\"0\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"thereCanBeOnlyOne\" value=\"0\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"dieImmediatly\" value=\"0\" />";
str = str + "</object>";
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str = str + "<var name=\"way\" value=\"sin_way\" />";
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str = str + "<var name=\"yratio\" value=\"100\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"mratio\" value=\"2\" />";
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str = str + "<var name=\"movedWayXSpeed\" value=\"0\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"movedWayYSpeed\" value=\"0\" />";
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str = str + "</object>";
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str = str + "<var name=\"yratio\" value=\"100\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"mratio\" value=\"2\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"rotate\" value=\"0\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"factor\" value=\"1\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"xoffset\" value=\"0\" />";
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str = str + "<var name=\"endFrame\" value=\"-1\" />";
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str = str + "<var name=\"movedWayXSpeed\" value=\"0\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"movedWayYSpeed\" value=\"0\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"thereCanBeOnlyOne\" value=\"0\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"dieImmediatly\" value=\"0\" />";
str = str + "</object>";
str = str + "<object name=\"player_way\">";
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str = str + "<var name=\"way\" value=\"player\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"speed\" value=\"3\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"followPlayer\" value=\"1\" />";
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str = str + "<var name=\"movedWayXSpeed\" value=\"0\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"movedWayYSpeed\" value=\"0\" />";
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str = str + "</object>";
str = str + "<object name=\"standingUnits\">";
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str = str + "<var name=\"splashDamage\" value=\"10\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"damageRadius\" value=\"30\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"splashDelay\" value=\"6\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"top\" value=\"1\" />";
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str = str + "<var name=\"ignoreSplash\" value=\"1\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"ignoreDirect\" value=\"1\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"immortal\" value=\"0\" />";
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str = str + "<var name=\"splashDamage\" value=\"10\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"damageRadius\" value=\"30\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"splashDelay\" value=\"6\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"top\" value=\"1\" />";
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str = str + "<var name=\"ignoreSplash\" value=\"1\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"ignoreDirect\" value=\"1\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"immortal\" value=\"0\" />";
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str = str + "<var name=\"splashDamage\" value=\"10\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"damageRadius\" value=\"30\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"splashDelay\" value=\"6\" />";
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str = str + "<var name=\"ignoreHit\" value=\"1\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"ignoreSplash\" value=\"1\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"ignoreDirect\" value=\"1\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"immortal\" value=\"0\" />";
str = str + "</object> ";
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str = str + "<var name=\"armor\" value=\"100\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"splashDamage\" value=\"10\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"damageRadius\" value=\"30\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"splashDelay\" value=\"6\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"top\" value=\"1\" />";
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str = str + "<var name=\"ignoreSplash\" value=\"1\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"ignoreDirect\" value=\"1\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"immortal\" value=\"0\" />";
str = str + "</object> ";
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str = str + "<var name=\"splashDamage\" value=\"10\" />";
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str = str + "<var name=\"ignoreDirect\" value=\"1\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"immortal\" value=\"0\" />";
str = str + "</object> ";
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str = str + "<var name=\"damageRadius\" value=\"30\" />";
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str = str + "<var name=\"ignoreSplash\" value=\"1\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"ignoreDirect\" value=\"1\" />";
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str = str + "</object> ";
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str = str + "<var name=\"splashDamage\" value=\"10\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"damageRadius\" value=\"30\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"splashDelay\" value=\"6\" />";
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str = str + "<var name=\"ignoreSplash\" value=\"1\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"ignoreDirect\" value=\"1\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"immortal\" value=\"0\" />";
str = str + "</object> ";
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str = str + "<var name=\"splashDamage\" value=\"10\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"damageRadius\" value=\"30\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"splashDelay\" value=\"6\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"top\" value=\"0\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"ignoreHit\" value=\"1\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"ignoreSplash\" value=\"1\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"ignoreDirect\" value=\"1\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"immortal\" value=\"0\" />";
str = str + "</object> ";
str = str + "<object name=\"road4\">";
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str = str + "<var name=\"damageRadius\" value=\"30\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"splashDelay\" value=\"6\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"top\" value=\"0\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"ignoreHit\" value=\"1\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"ignoreSplash\" value=\"1\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"ignoreDirect\" value=\"1\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"immortal\" value=\"0\" />";
str = str + "</object> ";
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str = str + "<var name=\"armor\" value=\"100\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"splashDamage\" value=\"10\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"damageRadius\" value=\"30\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"splashDelay\" value=\"6\" />";
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str = str + "<var name=\"ignoreSplash\" value=\"1\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"ignoreDirect\" value=\"1\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"immortal\" value=\"0\" />";
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str = str + "<object yoffset=\"4\" xoffset=\"300\" object=\"fence\" />";
str = str + "<object yoffset=\"4\" xoffset=\"250\" object=\"fence\" />";
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str = str + "<object yoffset=\"4\" xoffset=\"150\" object=\"fence\" />";
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str = str + "<object yoffset=\"4\" xoffset=\"450\" object=\"fence\" />";
str = str + "<object yoffset=\"4\" xoffset=\"500\" object=\"fence\" />";
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str = str + "<object yoffset=\"1.3\" xoffset=\"45\" object=\"tree4\" />";
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str = str + "<object yoffset=\"5\" xoffset=\"96\" object=\"fence\" />";
str = str + "<object yoffset=\"5\" xoffset=\"146\" object=\"fence\" />";
str = str + "<object yoffset=\"5.2\" xoffset=\"87\" object=\"silo\" />";
str = str + "<object yoffset=\"4.3\" xoffset=\"470\" object=\"cow2\" />";
str = str + "<object yoffset=\"4.6\" xoffset=\"226\" object=\"cow1\" />";
str = str + "<object yoffset=\"4.4\" xoffset=\"400\" object=\"fence\" />";
str = str + "<object yoffset=\"4.4\" xoffset=\"450\" object=\"fence\" />";
str = str + "<object yoffset=\"4.4\" xoffset=\"500\" object=\"fence\" />";
str = str + "<object yoffset=\"4.4\" xoffset=\"550\" object=\"fence\" />";
str = str + "<object yoffset=\"4.6\" xoffset=\"442\" object=\"mill\" />";
str = str + "<object yoffset=\"4.4\" xoffset=\"41\" object=\"tree4\" />";
str = str + "<object yoffset=\"4\" xoffset=\"181\" object=\"tree1\" />";
str = str + "<object yoffset=\"3.7\" xoffset=\"351\" object=\"tree1\" />";
str = str + "<object yoffset=\"4\" xoffset=\"483\" object=\"tree4\" />";
str = str + "<object yoffset=\"1.2\" xoffset=\"488\" object=\"cow2\" />";
str = str + "<object yoffset=\"1.1\" xoffset=\"390\" object=\"fence\" />";
str = str + "<object yoffset=\"1.1\" xoffset=\"440\" object=\"fence\" />";
str = str + "<object yoffset=\"1.1\" xoffset=\"490\" object=\"fence\" />";
str = str + "<object yoffset=\"1.1\" xoffset=\"540\" object=\"fence\" />";
str = str + "<object yoffset=\"2.4\" xoffset=\"335\" object=\"stone\" />";
str = str + "<object yoffset=\"3.1\" xoffset=\"343\" object=\"tree1\" />";
str = str + "<object yoffset=\"3.2\" xoffset=\"525\" object=\"tree1\" />";
str = str + "<object yoffset=\"3.4\" xoffset=\"483\" object=\"tree1\" />";
str = str + "<object yoffset=\"3.3\" xoffset=\"12\" object=\"tree2\" />";
str = str + "<object yoffset=\"2.6\" xoffset=\"518\" object=\"tree4\" />";
str = str + "<object yoffset=\"2.8\" xoffset=\"116\" object=\"tree3\" />";
str = str + "<object yoffset=\"2.5\" xoffset=\"292\" object=\"tree1\" />";
str = str + "<object yoffset=\"2.2\" xoffset=\"95\" object=\"tree1\" />";
str = str + "<object yoffset=\"2.1\" xoffset=\"422\" object=\"tree2\" />";
str = str + "<object yoffset=\"1.6\" xoffset=\"192\" object=\"stone\" />";
str = str + "<object yoffset=\"1.7\" xoffset=\"232\" object=\"tree4\" />";
str = str + "<object yoffset=\"1.5\" xoffset=\"496\" object=\"tree3\" />";
str = str + "<object yoffset=\"1.3\" xoffset=\"36\" object=\"tree4\" />";
str = str + "</array>";
str = str + "</object>";
str = str + "<object name=\"level_10\">";
str = str + "<var name=\"comment1_en\" >Level 2</var>";
str = str + "<var name=\"playerX\" value=\"300\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"playerAvailableWeapons\" value=\"1\" />";
str = str + "<var name=\"playerShield\" value=\"0\" />";
str = str + "<array name=\"level\">";
str = str + "<object yoffset=\"2.2\" xoffset=\"275\" rotate=\"0\" mainObj=\"tank_Boss\" tank=\"line_way\" mratio=\"2\" endFrame=\"2\" wayCycle=\"1\" rotatedByWay=\"0\" bossBar=\"1\"/>";
str = str + "<object yoffset=\"6.4\" xoffset=\"268\" bonus=\"armor\" />";
str = str + "<object yoffset=\"4.2\" xoffset=\"320\" bonus=\"armor\" />";
str = str + "<object yoffset=\"2.8\" xoffset=\"370\" bonus=\"armor\" />";
str = str + "<object yoffset=\"8.3\" xoffset=\"317\" bonus=\"armor\" />";
str = str + "<object yoffset=\"7.3\" xoffset=\"366\" bonus=\"coin\" />";
str = str + "<object yoffset=\"6.6\" xoffset=\"505\" bonus=\"coin\" />";
str = str + "<object yoffset=\"6\" xoffset=\"223\" bonus=\"coin\" />";
str = str + "<object yoffset=\"6\" xoffset=\"168\" bonus=\"coin\" />";
str = str + "<object yoffset=\"5.2\" xoffset=\"369\" bonus=\"armor\" />";
str = str + "<object yoffset=\"5.1\" xoffset=\"321\" bonus=\"coin\" />";
str = str + "<object yoffset=\"4.1\" xoffset=\"117\" bonus=\"coin\" />";
str = str + "<object yoffset=\"4.1\" xoffset=\"168\" bonus=\"coin\" />";
str = str + "<object yoffset=\"3.3\" xoffset=\"418\" bonus=\"coin\" />";
str = str + "<object yoffset=\"3.2\" xoffset=\"472\" bonus=\"coin\" />";
str = str + "<object yoffset=\"2.6\" xoffset=\"121\" bonus=\"coin\" />";
str = str + "<object yoffset=\"2.5\" xoffset=\"70\" bonus=\"coin\" />";
str = str + "<object yoffset=\"1.6\" xoffset=\"165\" bonus=\"coin\" />";
str = str + "<object yoffset=\"1.7\" xoffset=\"383\" bonus=\"coin\" />";
str = str + "<object yoffset=\"1.2\" xoffset=\"222\" bonus=\"coin\" />";
str = str + "<object yoffset=\"1.2\" xoffset=\"322\" bonus=\"coin\" />";
str = str + "<object yoffset=\"1.2\" xoffset=\"268\" bonus=\"rockets\" />";
str = str + "<object yoffset=\"11.2\" xoffset=\"376\" object=\"tree1\" />";
str = str + "<object yoffset=\"10.3\" xoffset=\"116\" object=\"tree3\" />";
str = str + "<object yoffset=\"9.7\" xoffset=\"392\" object=\"tree4\" />";
str = str + "<object yoffset=\"8.8\" xoffset=\"246\" object=\"tree1\" />";
str = str + "<object yoffset=\"8.3\" xoffset=\"484\" object=\"tree2\" />";
str = str + "<object yoffset=\"8.1\" xoffset=\"133\" object=\"tree3\" />";
str = str + "<object yoffset=\"7.9\" xoffset=\"46\" object=\"tree3\" />";
str = str + "<object yoffset=\"7.4\" xoffset=\"386\" object=\"tree1\" />";
str = str + "<object yoffset=\"6.9\" xoffset=\"50\" object=\"tree3\" />";
str = str + "<object yoffset=\"6.6\" xoffset=\"517\" object=\"tree3\" />";
str = str + "<object yoffset=\"6.1\" xoffset=\"327\" object=\"tree1\" />";
str = str + "<object yoffset=\"6.3\" xoffset=\"183\" object=\"tree4\" />";
str = str + "<object yoffset=\"5.8\" xoffset=\"24\" object=\"tree4\" />";
str = str + "<object yoffset=\"5.8\" xoffset=\"530\" object=\"tree4\" />";
str = str + "<object yoffset=\"5.6\" xoffset=\"286\" object=\"tree3\" />";
str = str + "<object yoffset=\"5.2\" xoffset=\"87\" object=\"tree1\" />";
str = str + "<object yoffset=\"5.1\" xoffset=\"432\" object=\"tree2\" />";
str = str + "<object yoffset=\"4.8\" xoffset=\"207\" object=\"tree2\" />";
str = str + "<object yoffset=\"4.6\" xoffset=\"504\" object=\"tree1\" />";
str = str + "<object yoffset=\"4.5\" xoffset=\"443\" object=\"tree1\" />";
str = str + "<object yoffset=\"4.4\" xoffset=\"508\" object=\"tree1\" />";
str = str + "<object yoffset=\"4.2\" xoffset=\"324\" object=\"tree3\" />";
str = str + "<object yoffset=\"4.3\" xoffset=\"20\" object=\"tree4\" />";
str = str + "<object yoffset=\"3.6\" xoffset=\"378\" object=\"tree2\" />";
str = str + "<object yoffset=\"3.3\" xoffset=\"513\" object=\"tree1\" />";
str = str + "<object yoffset=\"3.7\" xoffset=\"153\" object=\"tree3\" />";
str = str + "<object yoffset=\"3.4\" xoffset=\"119\" object=\"tree4\" />";
str = str + "<object yoffset=\"3\" xoffset=\"377\" object=\"tree3\" />";
str = str + "<object yoffset=\"2.9\" xoffset=\"81\" object=\"tree1\" />";
str = str + "<object yoffset=\"2.3\" xoffset=\"340\" object=\"tree1\" />";
str = str + "<object yoffset=\"2.5\" xoffset=\"172\" object=\"tree2\" />";
str = str + "<object yoffset=\"2.3\" xoffset=\"504\" object=\"tree4\" />";
str = str + "<object yoffset=\"2\" xoffset=\"517\" object=\"tree3\" />";
str = str + "<object yoffset=\"2\" xoffset=\"57\" object=\"tree1\" />";
str = str + "<object yoffset=\"1.6\" xoffset=\"169\" object=\"tree4\" />";
str = str + "<object yoffset=\"1.2\" xoffset=\"44\" object=\"tree3\" />";
str = str + "<object yoffset=\"1.7\" xoffset=\"370\" object=\"tree2\" />";
str = str + "<object yoffset=\"1.2\" xoffset=\"430\" object=\"tree4\" />";
str = str + "</array>";
str = str + "</object>";
str = str + "</object>";
str = str + "</settings>";
_global.isChild = function (arr, item) {
var _local2 = false;
for (var _local3 in arr) {
if (arr[_local3] == item) {
_local2 = _local3;
_global.changeDebugText = function () {
_global.debug = function (str) {
if (str == undefined) {
str = "";
_root.tf_debug.text = str;
if (str != "") {
if (_global.envS.debug == 1) {
_root.debugInt = setInterval(changeDebugText, 5000);
_global.debugLog = _global.debugLog + (str + newline);
_global.debugLog = "";
_global.drawRect = function (target, x1, y1, x2, y2) {
target.moveTo(x1, y1);
target.lineTo(x2, y1);
target.lineTo(x2, y2);
target.lineTo(x1, y2);
target.lineTo(x1, y1);
_global.trim = function (str) {
str = String(str);
var _local3 = -1;
do {
var a = str.charAt(_local3);
} while ((((a == " ") || (a == newline)) || (a == "\r")) || (a == "\t"));
var _local2 = str.length;
do {
var a = str.charAt(_local2);
} while ((((a == " ") || (a == newline)) || (a == "\r")) || (a == "\t"));
str = str.substring(_local3, _local2 + 1);
if (String(parseFloat(str)) == str) {
str = parseFloat(str);
_global.alphaIn = function () {
this._alpha = this._alpha + 5;
if (this._alpha > 100) {
this._alpha = 100;
delete this.onEnterFrame;
_global.alphaOut = function () {
if (this.step > this.maxStep) {
this._alpha = this._alpha - 5;
if (this._alpha < 0) {
this._alpha = 0;
delete this.onEnterFrame;
_global.noSet = function (a) {
if (a == undefined) {
if (a == null) {
if (String(a) == "") {
if (a == "undefined") {
if ((typeof(a) == "number") && (isNaN(a))) {
_global.nullCharWidth = 20;
_global.charSpacer = 15;
_global.charWaiter = function () {
if (!charsInProcess) {
if (this.step == undefined) {
this.step = 0;
if (this.step >= this.maxstep) {
this._visible = true;;
delete this.onEnterFrame;
_global.makeText = function (str, white, lnk) {
if (white == undefined) {
white = false;
if (lnk == undefined) {
lnk = "MovieAnimation1";
white = Boolean(white);
for (var _local15 in _root.charCont) {
var _local7 = new Array();
var _local8 = 0;
var _local9 = 0;
var _local4 = 0;
while (_local4 < str.length) {
var _local6 = str.charAt(_local4);
if (_local6 != " ") {
var _local5 = _local6.toLowerCase();
if (white && (isNaN(parseInt(_local6)))) {
_local5 = "w" + _local5;
var _local10 = _root.charCont.getNextHighestDepth();
var _local3 = _root.charCont.attachMovie(lnk, "c" + _local10, _local10);
_local3.char.attachMovie("char_" + _local5, "c", 0);
_local3.maxstep = 3 + (2 * (str.length - _local4));
_local3._visible = false;
_local3.onEnterFrame = _global.charWaiter;
if (_local4 != 0) {
_local3._x = ((_local8 + (_local9 / 2)) + _global.charSpacer) + (_local3.char.c._width / 2);
_local8 = _local3._x;
_local9 = _local3.char.c._width / 2;
} else {
_local8 = _local8 + (((_local9 / 2) + _global.charSpacer) + (_global.nullCharWidth / 2));
_local9 = _global.nullCharWidth;
var _local13 = _local7[_local7.length - 1];
_local4 = 0;
while (_local4 < _local7.length) {
_local7[_local4]._x = _local7[_local4]._x - (_local13._x / 2);
_global.fadeInFunc = function () {
this._alpha = this._alpha + 5;
if (this._alpha >= 100) {
this._alpha = 100;
delete this.onEnterFrame;
_global.fadeOutFunc = function () {
this._alpha = this._alpha - 5;
if (this._alpha <= 0) {
this._alpha = 0;
this._visible = false;
delete this.onEnterFrame;
_global.fadeIn = function () {
_root.fader._visible = true;
_root.fader._alpha = 0;
_root.fader.onEnterFrame = fadeInFunc;
_global.fadeOut = function () {
_root.fader._visible = true;
_root.fader._alpha = 100;
_root.fader.onEnterFrame = fadeOutFunc;
_global.allowToStart = false;
mainOEF = function () {
if (_global.gameInProcess) {
var _local47 = Math.round((getTimer() - gameTimeStart) / 1000);
var _local46 = _local47 % 60;
if (_local46 < 10) {
_local46 = "0" + _local46;
var _local48 = Math.floor(_local47 / 60);
_root.tfTimer.text = (_local48 + ":") + _local46;
var _local44 =;
var _local45 =;
var _local31 = 0;
while (_local31 < bonusObjects.length) {
var _local36 = bonusObjects[_local31]._x - _local44;
var _local32 = bonusObjects[_local31]._y - _local45;
var _local38 = Math.sqrt((_local36 * _local36) + (_local32 * _local32));
if (_local38 < 60) {[_local31].bonusType);
bonusObjects[_local31].onEnterFrame = getOff;
bonusObjects.splice(_local31, 1);
var _local39 = false;
_local31 = 0;
for ( ; _local31 < bulletObjects.length ; _local31++) {
var _local5 = bulletObjects[_local31];
var _local12 = new Object();
(_local12.x = _local5.p1._x);
(_local12.y = _local5.p1._y);
var _local19 = new Object();
(_local19.x = _local5.p2._x);
(_local19.y = _local5.p2._y);
var _local24 = false;
if (_local5.flySteps != 0) {
var _local37 = _global.clock - _local5.startClock;
if (_local37 == (_local5.flySteps - 1)) {
_local24 = true;
if (!_local24) {
} else {
if (_local24) {
makeSplash(_local5, _local12, _local5.object == 1, _local5.object != 1);
if (_local5.object == 1) {
if ((_local5.type == "lazer") || (_local5.type == "lazer2")) {
var _local14 = true;
var _local27 = 0;
var _local7 = new Array();
var _local35 = Math.sin(_local5.fireAngle);
var _local33 = Math.cos(_local5.fireAngle);
if (_global.envS.debug) {
if (_global.envS.lazerDebug && (!_local39)) {
if (_root.pointZ == undefined) {
_root.createEmptyMovieClip("pointZ", _root.getNextHighestDepth());
_local39 = true;
_root.pointZ.lineStyle(1, 16711935);
while (_local14) {
var _local11 = {x:(Math.round(((10 * _local27) * 10) * _local33) / 10) + _local5._x, y:((Math.round(((10 * _local27) * 10) * _local35) / 10) + + _local5._y};
if (_local11.y < (0 + _local5.offsetTop)) {
_local14 = false;
if (_local11.y > (400 - _local5.offsetBottom)) {
_local14 = false;
if (_local11.x < (0 + _local5.offsetLeft)) {
_local14 = false;
if (_local11.x > (550 - _local5.offsetRight)) {
_local14 = false;
if (_global.envS.debug && (_global.envS.lazerDebug)) {
drawRect(_root.pointZ, _local11.x - 3, _local11.y - 3, _local11.x + 3, _local11.y + 3);
if (_local14) {
var _local18 = new Array();
var _local25 = new Array();
var _local23 = 0;
while (_local23 < staticObjects.length) {
if (!staticObjects[_local23].ignoreHit) {
_local23 = 0;
while (_local23 < _local18.length) {
var _local8 = 0;
while (_local8 < _local7.length) {
if (_local18[_local23].body.hitTest(_local7[_local8].x, _local7[_local8].y, true)) {
if (_global.envS.debug && (_global.envS.lazerDebug)) {
drawRect(_root.pointZ, _local7[_local8].x - 3, _local7[_local8].y - 3, _local7[_local8].x + 3, _local7[_local8].y + 3);
_local18.splice(_local23, 1);
_local23 = 0;
while (_local23 < _local25.length) {
var _local4 = _local25[_local23];
debug("lazer damage = " + _local5.damage);
var _local13 = _local4.armor;
debug((((((((("static object " + _local4) + " health = ") + _local4.armor) + " (") + _local13) + "), obj splash damage = ") + _local4.splashDamage) + ", radius = ") + _local4.damageRadius);
if (_local4.armor <= 0) {
var _local17 = new Array();
var _local26 = new Array();
_local23 = 0;
while (_local23 < enemyObjects.length) {
if (!enemyObjects[_local23].ignoreHit) {
_local23 = 0;
while (_local23 < _local17.length) {
var _local8 = 0;
while (_local8 < _local7.length) {
if (_local17[_local23].body.hitTest(_local7[_local8].x, _local7[_local8].y, true)) {
if (_global.envS.debug && (_global.envS.lazerDebug)) {
drawRect(_root.pointZ, _local7[_local8].x - 3, _local7[_local8].y - 3, _local7[_local8].x + 3, _local7[_local8].y + 3);
_local17.splice(_local23, 1);
_local23 = 0;
while (_local23 < _local26.length) {
var _local4 = _local26[_local23];
debug("lazer damage = " + _local5.damage);
var _local13 = _local4.armor;
if ((_local4.thereCanBeOnlyOne == 0) || ((_local4.thereCanBeOnlyOne == 1) && (enemyObjects.length == 1))) {
debug((((((((("static object " + _local4) + " health = ") + _local4.armor) + " (") + _local13) + "), obj splash damage = ") + _local4.splashDamage) + ", radius = ") + _local4.damageRadius);
} else {
var _local14 = false;
var _local23 = 0;
while (_local23 < staticObjects.length) {
if (staticObjects[_local23].ignoreHit) {
} else {
var _local10 = false;
var _local16 = false;
_local10 = staticObjects[_local23].body.hitTest(_local12.x, _local12.y, true);
if (!_local10) {
_local16 = staticObjects[_local23].body.hitTest(_local19.x, _local19.y, true);
if (_local10 || (_local16)) {
var _local4 = staticObjects[_local23];
debug("rocket damage to standing = " + _local5.damage);
var _local13 = _local4.armor;
debug((((((((("static object " + _local4) + " health = ") + _local4.armor) + " (") + _local13) + "), obj splash damage = ") + _local4.splashDamage) + ", radius = ") + _local4.damageRadius);
if (!_local24) {
makeSplash(_local5, _local12);
if (_local4.armor <= 0) {
_local14 = true;
if (_local14) {
_local23 = 0;
while (_local23 < enemyObjects.length) {
if (enemyObjects[_local23].ignoreHit) {
} else {
var _local10 = false;
var _local16 = false;
_local10 = enemyObjects[_local23].body.hitTest(_local12.x, _local12.y, true);
if (!_local10) {
_local16 = enemyObjects[_local23].body.hitTest(_local19.x, _local19.y, true);
if (_local10 || (_local16)) {
var _local4 = enemyObjects[_local23];
debug((("rocket damage to enemy = " + _local5.damage) + " ~ ") + _local5);
var _local13 = _local4.armor;
if ((_local4.thereCanBeOnlyOne == 0) || ((_local4.thereCanBeOnlyOne == 1) && (enemyObjects.length == 1))) {
if (!_local24) {
makeSplash(_local5, _local12);
debug((((((((("static object " + _local4) + " health = ") + _local4.armor) + " (") + _local13) + "), obj splash damage = ") + _local4.splashDamage) + ", radius = ") + _local4.damageRadius);
} else {
if (!_local24) {
} else if (_local5.object == 0) {
var _local10 = false;
var _local16 = false;
_local10 =, _local12.y, true);
if (!_local10) {
_local16 =, _local19.y, true);
if (_local10 || (_local16)) {
debug("????? ?????????! ???? " + _local5.damage);;
if (_local5.init && (_local24)) {
if ( > 0) {
var _local20 = new Array();
var _local23 = 0;
while (["p" + _local23] != undefined) {
var _local34 = {["p" + _local23]._x,["p" + _local23]._y};;
_local31 = 0;
while (_local31 < staticObjects.length) {
if (staticObjects[_local31].ignoreDirect) {
} else {
var _local4 = staticObjects[_local31];
if ( {
var _local15 = false;
_local23 = 0;
while (_local23 < _local20.length) {
_local15 = _local15 | _local4.hitBody.hitTest(_local20[_local23].x, _local20[_local23].y, true);
if (_local15) {
if (_local15) {
if (staticObjects[_local31].immortal) {
if ( != 1) { = 1;
if ( > 0) { = -7;
} else { = 7;
}"s_car_collision",, true);
} else {
debug("????? ?????????? ? ??????! ???? " + (_global.noSet(_local4.directdamage) ? (-_local4.armor) : (-_local4.directdamage))); == 0) ? (-_local4.armor) : (-_local4.directDamage)));
checkSplash(_local4, false);
_local31 = 0;
while (_local31 < enemyObjects.length) {
if (enemyObjects[_local31].ignoreDirect) {
} else {
var _local4 = enemyObjects[_local31];
if ( {
var _local15 = false;
var _local23 = 0;
while (_local23 < _local20.length) {
_local15 = _local15 | _local4.hitBody.hitTest(_local20[_local23].x, _local20[_local23].y, true);
if (_local15) {
if (_local15) {
debug("????? ?????????? ? ??????! ???? " + damage);;
if ((_local4.thereCanBeOnlyOne == 0) || ((_local4.thereCanBeOnlyOne == 1) && (enemyObjects.length == 1))) {
_local31 = 0;
while (_local31 < splashedObjects.length) {
var _local40 = splashedObjects.length;
_local31 = 0;
while (_local31 < _local40) {
var _local4 = splashedObjects[_local31];
if ((_local4.delay <= 0) && (_local4.obj.armor > 0)) {
splashedObjects.splice(_local31, 1);
if ((_local4.obj.armor <= 0) && (_local4.spl)) {
oldMainSegment = mainSegment;
mainSegment = Math.floor( / 40) / 10; = mainSegment;
if ( < mainSegment) { = mainSegment;
setProgressBar(mainSegment, _global.maxLevelItem);
if ((((mainSegment >= _global.maxLevelItem) || ((!slidingBg) && (slidingLimit == 0))) && (enemyObjects.length == 0)) || (_global.gameOver)) {
if ((++_global.levelCompleteDelayCounter) < _global.envS.levelCompleteDelay) {
if (_global.gameOver) {
makeText("Mission Failed");
_root.mainGamePauser.makePause(22, 100);
} else {
makeText("Mission Done", true, "MovieAnimation2");
if (_global.levels["level_" + (levelNum + 1)] != undefined) {
_root.mainGamePauser.makePause(22, 100);
} else {
_root.mainGamePauser.makePause(33, 100);
} else if (mainSegment != oldMainSegment) {
klopStr = "=======================================";
_local31 = 0;
while (_local31 < _global.currLevel.level.length) {
var _local5 = _global.currLevel.level[_local31];
if (_local5.yoffset == mainSegment) {
if (_local5.tank != undefined) {
var _local6 = new Object();
for (var _local41 in _local5) {
_local6[_local41] = _local5[_local41];
var _local30 = movingUnits[_local6.tank];
for (var _local41 in _local30) {
if (_local6[_local41] == undefined) {
_local6[_local41] = _local30[_local41];
var _local29 = mainUnits[_local6.mainObj];
for (var _local41 in _local29) {
if (_local6[_local41] == undefined) {
_local6[_local41] = _local29[_local41];
var _local21 = (( == 1) ? (this.topEnemyMC) : (this.enemyMC));
var _local22 = _local21.depth++;
var _local4 = _local21.attachMovie("enemy", "e" + _local22, 1000000 - _local22);
_local4.moveTo(((_local6.factor == -1) ? (550 - _local6.xoffset) : (_local6.xoffset)), (-this._y) + _global.envS.newObjectYOffset);
if (_local6.way != "") {
if (_local6.way == "player") {
_local4.setMotion(_local6.way, _local6.speed, _local6.followPlayer);
} else {
_local4.setMotion(_local6.way, _local6.mratio, _local6.xratio, _local6.yratio, _local6.rotate, _local6.factor, _local6.startFrame, _local6.endFrame, _local6.wayCycle, _local6.rotatedByWay);
} else {
_local4.setMotion(((_local6.xspeed == undefined) ? 0 : (_local6.xspeed)), ((_local6.yspeed == undefined) ? 0 : (_local6.yspeed)));
_local4.initTank(_local6.base, _local6.gun, this.player, _local6.armor, _local6.withoutBase, _local6.bossBar);
_local4.initGun(_local6.reloadingTime, _local6.shotsTime, _local6.clip, _local6.bulletType, _local6.bulletSpeed, _local6.flySteps, _local6.flyMinScale, _local6.flyDistance, _local6.bulletDamage, _local6.cannonAngle, _local6.cannonTimeOffset,, _local6.splashDamage, _local6.damageRadius, _local6.splashDelay);
_local4.initFlags(_local6.ignoreHit, _local6.ignoreSplash, _local6.ignoreDirect, _local6.immortal);
if (_local6.movedWay == 1) {
_local4.initWayMotion(_local6.movedWayOffset, _local6.movedWayXSpeed, _local6.movedWayYSpeed);
if (_local6.thereCanBeOnlyOne != undefined) {
_local4.thereCanBeOnlyOne = _local6.thereCanBeOnlyOne;
if (_local6.dieImmediatly != undefined) {
_local4.dieImmediatly = _local6.dieImmediatly;
if (_local6.soundKills != undefined) {
_local4.soundKills = _local6.soundKills;
_local5.original_pos = _local5.yoffset;
_local5.yoffset = -1000000;
} else if (_local5.object != undefined) {
var _local9 = new Object();
for (var _local41 in _local5) {
_local9[_local41] = _local5[_local41];
var _local28 = standingUnits[_local9.object];
for (var _local41 in _local28) {
if (_local9[_local41] == undefined) {
_local9[_local41] = _local28[_local41];
var _local21 = (( == 1) ? (this.envTop) : (this.env));
var _local22 = _local21.depth++;
_local21.attachMovie(_local9.linkage, "o" + _local22, 1000000 - _local22);
var _local4 = _local21["o" + _local22];
_local4.setMotion(0, 0);
_local4.moveTo(_local9.xoffset, (-this._y) + _global.envS.newObjectYOffset);
_local4.initSplash(_local9.splashDamage, _local9.damageRadius, _local9.splashDelay);
_local4.initFlags(_local9.ignoreHit, _local9.ignoreSplash, _local9.ignoreDirect, _local9.immortal);
for (var _local41 in _local9) {
_local4[_local41] = _local9[_local41];
_local5.original_pos = _local5.yoffset;
_local5.yoffset = -1000000;
} else if (_local5.bonus != undefined) {
var _local21 = this.topBonus;
var _local22 = _local21.depth++;
bonusObjects.push(_local21.attachMovie("bonus_" + _local5.bonus, "b" + _local22, 1000000 - _local22));
var _local4 = _local21["b" + _local22];
_local4._x = _local5.xoffset;
_local4._y = (-this._y) + _global.envS.newObjectYOffset;
_local4.bonusType = _local5.bonus;
_local5.original_pos = _local5.yoffset;
_local5.yoffset = -1000000;
} else if (_local5.command != undefined) {
if (_local5.command == "slideConstant") {
_global.slidingBg = false;
_global.slidingfactor = _local5.factor;
_global.slidingLimit = _local5.limit;
if (_local5.command == "slideNormal") {
_global.slidingBg = true;
_global.clock = 0;
clockAdder = function () {
changeBGSpeed = function () {
if (_global.scrollBG_debugFlag === true) {
if (!_global.slidingBg) { = * slidingfactor;
if (slidingfactor > 1) {
if ( > slidingLimit) { = slidingLimit;
if (slidingfactor < 1) {
if ( < slidingLimit) { = slidingLimit;
} else if (_global.gameInProcess) {
if (_global.currLevel.screenSpeed != undefined) { = _global.currLevel.screenSpeed;
var _local5 =;
var _local6 = +;
var _local8 = _root.fastZone.hitTest(_local5, _local6, 1);
var _local7 = _root.slowZone.hitTest(_local5, _local6, 1);
var _local3 = _global.envS.screenSpeed;
if (_local8) {
_local3 = _global.envS.screenFastSpeed;
if (_local7) {
_local3 = _global.envS.screenSlowSpeed;
if (_local3 != {
if (_local3 > {
var _local4 = * _global.envS.screenSpeedFactorUp;
if (_local4 > _local3) {
_local4 = _local3;
if (_local3 < {
var _local4 = * _global.envS.screenSpeedFactorDown;
if (_local4 < _local3) {
_local4 = _local3;
if ((_local3 == 0) && (_local4 < 0.05)) {
var _local4 = 0;
if ((_local3 > 0) && (_local4 < 0.05)) {
var _local4 = 0.05;
} = _local4;
} = ( *;
_global.checkSplash = function (obj, flag, flag2) {
var _local8 = splashedObjects.length;
if (obj == undefined) {
if (flag == undefined) {
flag = true;
if (flag2 == undefined) {
flag2 = true;
if (flag2) {
var _local2 = 0;
while (_local2 < staticObjects.length) {
if (staticObjects[_local2].ignoreSplash) {
} else if (checkSplashOne(obj, staticObjects[_local2])) {
splashedObjects.push({obj:staticObjects[_local2], from:obj._name, dmg:obj.splashDamage, delay:obj.splashDelay, spl:true});
_local2 = 0;
while (_local2 < enemyObjects.length) {
if (enemyObjects[_local2].ignoreSplash) {
} else if (checkSplashOne(obj, enemyObjects[_local2])) {
splashedObjects.push({obj:enemyObjects[_local2], from:obj._name, dmg:obj.splashDamage, delay:obj.splashDelay, spl:false});
if (flag) {
if (checkSplashOne(obj, {
splashedObjects.push({, from:obj._name, dmg:obj.splashDamage, delay:obj.splashDelay, spl:false});
var _local3 = "";
var _local2 = 0;
while (_local2 < splashedObjects.length) {
_local3 = _local3 + (((((((_local2 + ": obj=") + splashedObjects[_local2].obj) + ", damage=") + splashedObjects[_local2].dmg) + ", from=") + splashedObjects[_local2].from) + ((_local2 == (splashedObjects.length - 1)) ? "" : newline));
checkSplashOne = function (a, b) {
if (a == b) {
if (!a.spl.hitTest(b.body)) {
var _local7 = _global.envS.splashTests;
var _local5 = {x:a.spl._x, y:a.spl._y};
var _local8 = {x:b.body._x, y:b.body._y};
dx = _local5.x - _local8.x;
dy = _local5.y - _local8.y;
d = Math.sqrt((dx * dx) + (dy * dy));
al = Math.atan2(dy, dx);
al = al - (((5 / PI2) * (_local7 - 1)) / 2);
if (d < (a.damageRadius / 2)) {
i = 0;
while (i < _local7) {
var _local3 = _local5.x - ((Math.cos(al) * a.damageRadius) / 2);
var _local4 = _local5.y - ((Math.sin(al) * a.damageRadius) / 2);
al = al + (5 / PI2);
if (b.body.hitTest(_local3, _local4, true)) {
_global.setProgressBar = function (now, all) {
if (!usingBar) {
now = now - 1;
all = all - 1;
var _local2 = (100 * now) / all;
if (_local2 > 100) {
_local2 = 100;
if (_local2 < 1) {
_local2 = 1;
} = ((_local2 * 77) / 100) - 102;
_global.makePause = function (flag) {
if (_global.gameOver) {
if ((Key.isDown(27) || (Key.isDown(80))) || (flag)) {
if (_global.gameInProcess) {
_global.charsInProcess = false;
_global.gameInProcess = false;
_root.wndPause._visible = true;
} else {
trace("Un paused");
_global.gameInProcess = true;
_global.charsInProcess = true;
_root.wndPause._visible = false;
if (_global.envS.debug == 1) {
if (Key.isDown(8)) {
if (_global.scrollBG_debugFlag == undefined) {
_global.scrollBG_debugFlag = false;
_global.scrollBG_debugFlag = !_global.scrollBG_debugFlag;
if (_global.scrollBG_debugFlag) {, 0);
_global.changeWeaponByMouse = function (dir) {
if (_global.gameInProcess) {
if (dir == 0) {
dir = ((dir > 0) ? -1 : 1);
var _local3 =[0].currentGun + dir;
if (_local3 >=[0].gunZ.length) {
_local3 = 0;
if (_local3 < 0) {
_local3 =[0].gunZ.length - 1;
if ([0].changeGun(_local3)) {
_root.lbar.weaponSelector.gotoAndStop(_local3 + 1);
oldTab = Key.isToggled(9);
_global.explodePause = function () {
if (this.delay == undefined) {
this.delay = 0;
if ((++this.delay) >= this.maxDelay) {;
if (this.destroyer) {
if (this.destroyTarget.gunHolder != this.destroyTarget) {
delete this.onEnterFrame;
_global.stopAllEngines = function () {
if (_root.pointZ != undefined) {
delete _global.keyGetter;
_global.gameInProcess = false;
delete _global.queue;
var _local5 = 0;
var _local4 = 0;
while (_local4 < _global.currLevel.level.length) {
var _local3 = _global.currLevel.level[_local4];
if (_local3.original_pos != undefined) {
_local3.yoffset = _local3.original_pos;
} else if (_local3.yoffset == -1000000) {
_global.getOff = function () {
this._yscale = this._yscale + ((-2 - this._yscale) / 3);
this._xscale = this._yscale;
if (this._xscale <= 0) {
delete this.onEnterFrame;
_global.makeSplash = function (shot, point, enemyFlag, playerFlag) {
if (enemyFlag == undefined) {
enemyFlag = true;
if (playerFlag == undefined) {
playerFlag = true;
if ((shot.splashDamage == 0) || (shot.splashDamage == undefined)) {
var _local6 =;
var _local7 = _local6.depth++;
var _local3 = _local6.attachMovie("userSplash", "sf" + _local7, 1000000 - _local7);
_local3.setMotion(0, 0);
var _local5 = {x:point.x, y:point.y};
_local3.moveTo(_local5.x, _local5.y);
_local3.initSplash(shot.splashDamage, shot.damageRadius, shot.splashDelay, true);
checkSplash(_local3, playerFlag, enemyFlag);
if (_global.envS.debug != 1) {
_local3.spl._visible = false;
_global.makeBreef = function (done) {
if (done == true) {
if (this.mode == 1) {
while (this.currText < 3) {
if (this.currText == 1) {
var _local4 = this.breefText1;
var _local5 = _root.wnd.intro1;
if (this.currText == 2) {
var _local4 = this.breefText2;
var _local5 = _root.wnd.intro2;
while (this.step < _local4.length) {
do {
var str = _local4.charAt(++this.step);
} while (str == "\r");
if (str == "|") {
_local5.text = _local5.text + str;
this.step = -1;
this.step2 = 0;
this.mode = 2;
} else if (this.mode == 1) {
if (this.currText == 1) {
var _local4 = this.breefText1;
var _local5 = _root.wnd.intro1;
if (this.currText == 2) {
var _local4 = this.breefText2;
var _local5 = _root.wnd.intro2;
if (this.step == undefined) {
this.step = -1;
if (this.step2 == undefined) {
this.step2 = 0;
if (this.step2 >= this.delay) {
this.step2 = 0;
do {
var str = _local4.charAt(++this.step);
} while (str == "\r");
if (str == "|") {
_local5.text = _local5.text + str;
if (Math.random() < 0.5) {"menu");
if (this.step >= _local4.length) {
if (this.currText == 1) {
this.currText = 2;
this.step = -1;
this.step2 = 0;
} else {
this.mode = 2;
_root.prebreefFunc = function () {
stop(); = 0;;
if (_global.levels["level_" + levelNum] != undefined) {
wnd.levelNum.text = _global.levelNum;
wnd.breefText1 = _global.levels["level_" + levelNum]["comment1_" + language_pre];
wnd.breefText2 = _global.levels["level_" + levelNum]["comment2_" + language_pre];
if ((wnd.breefText1 == undefined) || (wnd.breefText1 == "")) {
wnd.breefText1 = _global.levels["level_" + levelNum]["comment_" + language_pre];
if (wnd.breefText1 == undefined) {
wnd.breefText1 = "";
if (wnd.breefText2 == undefined) {
wnd.breefText2 = "";
wnd.currText = 1;
var _local3 = _global.levels["level_" + levelNum].typerDelay;
if (_local3 == undefined) {
_local3 = 0;
_root.wnd.delay = _local3;
_root.wnd.intro1.text = "";
_root.wnd.intro2.text = "";
_root.wnd.mode = 1;
_root.wnd.onEnterFrame = makeBreef;
Frame 8
_global.levelNum = 0;
Instance of Symbol 9 MovieClip "mainGamePauser" in Frame 8
onClipEvent (load) {
makePause = function (act, ms) {
if (noSet(ms) || (noSet(act))) {
action = (step = (maxstep = 0));
work = false;
} else {
work = true;
action = act;
maxstep = ms;
step = 0;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (work) {
if (step >= maxstep) {
var aa = action;
if (aa == 1) {
} else if (aa == 2) {
} else if (aa == 3) {
_root.wndComplete._visible = true;
} else if (aa == 33) {
makePause(3, 20);
} else if (aa == 22) {
makePause(2, 20);
Frame 9
intro_text.htmlText = _global.envS["textZ_" + language_pre].intro;
Frame 10
makeText("mission " + levelNum, true);
Frame 11
if (_global.levels["level_" + levelNum] != undefined) {
_global.allowToStart = true;
Symbol 8 MovieClip Frame 1
_visible = false;
Symbol 11 MovieClip Frame 1
if (!((_global.envS.debug == 1) && (_global.envS.markerDebug == 1))) {
_visible = false;
Symbol 18 MovieClip Frame 1
Instance of Symbol 9 MovieClip "ex2" in Symbol 19 MovieClip [graider] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
delay = 5;
Instance of Symbol 9 MovieClip "ex3" in Symbol 19 MovieClip [graider] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
delay = 7;
Symbol 992 MovieClip [__Packages.checkedObject] Frame 0
class checkedObject extends MovieClip
var _x, _y, ticket, removeMovieClip, unloadMovie;
function checkedObject () {
offsetTop =;
offsetBottom = _global.envS.allOffset.bottom;
offsetLeft = _global.envS.allOffset.left;
offsetRight = _global.envS.allOffset.right;
x = Math.round(_x);
y = Math.round(_y);
function check() {
if (((isNaN(x) || (!isFinite(x))) || (isNaN(y))) || (!isFinite(y))) {
if (y < (( + offsetTop)) {
if (offReaction == "die") {
if (offReaction == "stand") {
y = ( + offsetTop;
if (y > ((( + 400) - offsetBottom)) {
if (offReaction == "die") {
if (offReaction == "stand") {
y = (( + 400) - offsetBottom;
if (x < (0 + offsetLeft)) {
if (offReaction == "die") {
if (offReaction == "stand") {
x = 0 + offsetLeft;
if (x > (550 - offsetRight)) {
if (offReaction == "die") {
if (offReaction == "stand") {
x = 550 - offsetRight;
function inQueue(a) {
if (!init) {
if (a == undefined) {
a = 50;
ticket = _global.queue.addFunc(oEF, this, a);
init = true;
function outQueue() {
if (init) {
init = false;
function oEF() {
if (!init) {
function kill() {
if (!deathFromOutside) {
var offsetTop = 0;
var offsetBottom = 0;
var offsetLeft = 0;
var offsetRight = 0;
var offReaction = "die";
var x = 0;
var y = 0;
var init = false;
var deathFromOutside = false;
var dieImmediatly = false;
Symbol 993 MovieClip [__Packages.movingObject] Frame 0
class movingObject extends checkedObject
var wayLinkage, y, x, _parent, way, attachMovie, check, _x, _y;
function movingObject () {
function setMotion(a, b, xr, yr, r, f, sf, ef, wc, rbw) {
if (typeof(a) == "string") {
if (a == "player") {
wayMode = false;
wayLinkage = "";
var _local8 = {x:x, y:y};
var _local9 = {,};;
var _local17 = _local9.x - _local8.x;
var _local19 = _local9.y - _local8.y;
var _local11 = Math.atan2(_local19, _local17);
speedXY = parseFloat(b);
if (isNaN(speedXY) || (!isFinite(speedXY))) {
speedXY = 1;
speedX = speedXY * Math.cos(_local11);
speedY = speedXY * Math.sin(_local11);
xr = parseInt(xr);
if (xr == 1) {
followPlayer = true;
} else {
if (a == undefined) {
wayLinkage = a;
if (b != undefined) {
wayRatio = b;
if (xr != undefined) {
xratio = xr;
if (yr != undefined) {
yratio = yr;
if (r != undefined) {
rotate = r / _global.PI2;
if (f != undefined) {
factor = f;
if (sf != undefined) {
startFrame = sf;
if (ef != undefined) {
endFrame = ef;
if (wc != undefined) {
wayCycle = wc;
if (rbw != undefined) {
rotatedByWay = ((rbw == 1) ? true : false);
way = attachMovie(wayLinkage, "way", 100);
firstStep = startFrame;
if (way != undefined) {
var _local4 = way.klop._x;
_local4 = _local4 * factor;
var _local5 = way.klop._y;
if (xratio != 100) {
_local4 = _local4 * (xratio / 100);
if (yratio != 100) {
_local5 = _local5 * (yratio / 100);
if (rotate != 0) {
var _local13 = Math.sqrt((_local4 * _local4) + (_local5 * _local5));
var _local12 = Math.atan2(_local5, _local4);
var _local14 = _local13 * Math.cos(rotate + _local12);
var _local15 = _local13 * Math.sin(rotate + _local12);
} else {
var _local14 = _local4;
var _local15 = _local5;
way._x = way._x - _local14;
way._y = way._y - _local15;
if (endFrame == -1) {
endFrame = way._totalframes;
if (endFrame < startFrame) {
var _local18 = startFrame;
startFrame = endFrame;
endFrame = _local18;
wayDir = -1;
way._xscale = factor * xratio;
way._yscale = yratio;
way._rotation = r;
if (_global.envS.debug != 1) {
way._visible = false;
wayMode = true;
} else {
if (a != undefined) {
speedX = a;
if (b != undefined) {
speedY = b;
wayMode = false;
initMove = true;
function initWayMotion(mwo, sx, sy) {
movedWay = true;
movedWayOffset = mwo;
movedWayCount = 0;
movedWayXSpeed = sx;
movedWayYSpeed = sy;
function oEF() {
if (initMove) {
if (wayMode) {
var _local4 = way._currentframe + (wayDir * wayRatio);
if ((wayDir > 0) && (_local4 > endFrame)) {
wayPassed = true;
if (wayCycle == 1) {
_local4 = endFrame;
if (wayCycle == 2) {
wayDir = wayDir * -1;
_local4 = _local4 + (_local4 - endFrame);
if (wayCycle == 3) {
_local4 = startFrame + (_local4 - endFrame);
if ((wayDir < 0) && (_local4 < startFrame)) {
wayPassed = true;
if (wayCycle == 1) {
_local4 = startFrame;
if (wayCycle == 2) {
wayDir = wayDir * -1;
_local4 = startFrame + (startFrame - _local4);
if (wayCycle == 3) {
_local4 = endFrame - (startFrame - _local4);
var _local13 = way.klop._x;
var _local14 = way.klop._y;
var _local6 = way.klop._x - _local13;
_local6 = _local6 * factor;
var _local5 = way.klop._y - _local14;
if (xratio != 100) {
_local6 = _local6 * (xratio / 100);
if (yratio != 100) {
_local5 = _local5 * (yratio / 100);
if (rotate != 0) {
var _local11 = Math.sqrt((_local6 * _local6) + (_local5 * _local5));
var _local10 = Math.atan2(_local5, _local6);
speedX = _local11 * Math.cos(rotate + _local10);
speedY = _local11 * Math.sin(rotate + _local10);
} else {
speedX = _local6;
speedY = _local5;
} else if (followPlayer) {
var _local7 = {x:x, y:y};
var _local8 = {,};;
var _local15 = _local8.x - _local7.x;
var _local12 = _local8.y - _local7.y;
var _local9 = Math.atan2(_local12, _local15);
speedX = speedXY * Math.cos(_local9);
speedY = speedXY * Math.sin(_local9);
x = x + speedX;
y = y + speedY;
if (wayMode) {
way._x = way._x - speedX;
way._y = way._y - speedY;
if (movedWay) {
if ((++movedWayCount) > movedWayOffset) {
x = x + (-movedWayXSpeed);
speedX = speedX + (-movedWayXSpeed);
if ((movedWayYSpeed == 0) || (movedWayYSpeed == undefined)) {
var _local5 =;
} else {
var _local5 = -movedWayYSpeed;
y = y + _local5;
speedY = speedY + _local5;
function moveTo(a, b) {
x = a;
y = b;
function moveBy(a, b) {
x = x + a;
y = y + b;
function redraw() {
_x = Math.round(x);
_y = Math.round(y);
var initMove = false;
var speedX = 0;
var speedY = 0;
var speedXY = 0;
var wayMode = false;
var wayRatio = 1;
var rotatedByWay = true;
var followPlayer = false;
var xratio = 100;
var yratio = 100;
var rotate = 0;
var factor = 1;
var startFrame = 1;
var endFrame = -1;
var wayCycle = 1;
var wayDir = 1;
var firstStep = 1;
var movedWay = false;
var movedWayOffset = 0;
var movedWayCount = 0;
var movedWayXSpeed = 0;
var movedWayYSpeed = 0;
var wayPassed = false;
Symbol 994 MovieClip [__Packages.damagableObject] Frame 0
class damagableObject extends movingObject
var blinkObject, bar, createEmptyMovieClip, bar1, bar2, x;
function damagableObject () {
if (_global.envS.debug == 1) {
blinkObject = this;
function initArmor(a) {
startArmor = (armor = a);
function initFlags(ih, is, id, im) {
ignoreHit = ((ih == 1) ? true : false);
ignoreSplash = ((is == 1) ? true : false);
ignoreDirect = ((id == 1) ? true : false);
immortal = ((im == 1) ? true : false);
function initBar() {
bar = createEmptyMovieClip("bar", 3);
bar1 = bar.createEmptyMovieClip("bar1", 2);
_global.drawRect(bar, -15, -2, 15, 2);
bar1.lineStyle(0, 0);
_global.drawRect(bar1, -15, -2, 15, 2);
bar._y = -20;
bar2 = bar.createEmptyMovieClip("bar2", 1);
_global.drawRect(bar2, 0, -2, 30, 2);
bar2._x = -15;
function changeArmor(delta) {
if (!live) {
armor = armor + delta;
if (delta < 0) {
if (armor > startArmor) {
armor = startArmor;
if (armor <= 0) {
armor = 0;
live = false;
function showArmor() {
if (_global.envS.debug == 1) {
bar2._xscale = (100 * armor) / startArmor;
function destroy(flag) {
if ((soundKills != "none") && (soundKills != undefined)) {
if ((soundKills == "") || (soundKills == undefined)) {
if ((_global.envS.soundKills != "none") && (_global.envS.soundKills != undefined)) {, x, flag);
} else {
var _local3 = soundKills.split(",");
if (_local3.length == 0) {
_local3 = [soundKills];
var _local4 = Math.floor(Math.random() * _local3.length);[_local4]), x, flag);
if (_global.envS.debug == 1) {
bar._visible = false;
live = false;
function oEF() {
if (blinkFlag) {
var _local5 = Math.floor(blinkCounter / blinkStep);
var _local4 = Math.floor(blinkCounter / blinkStep);
if (_local5 != _local4) {
var _local3 = {ra:100, ga:100, ba:100, aa:100, rb:0, gb:0, bb:0, ab:0};
if ((_local4 % 2) == 1) {
_local3.ra = ( = ( = 100 - blinkAmount));
_local3.rb = Math.round((blinkColorR * blinkAmount) / 100); = Math.round((blinkColorG * blinkAmount) / 100); = Math.round((blinkColorB * blinkAmount) / 100);
new Color(blinkObject).setTransform(_local3);
if (blinkCounter > ((2 * blinkStep) * blinkTimes)) {
blinkFlag = false;
function startBlink(col) {
blinkColor = _global.envS.blinks[col].color;
blinkColorR = parseInt(blinkColor.substr(1, 2), 16);
blinkColorG = parseInt(blinkColor.substr(3, 2), 16);
blinkColorB = parseInt(blinkColor.substr(5, 2), 16);
blinkAmount = _global.envS.blinks[col].amount;
blinkTimes = _global.envS.blinks[col].times;
blinkStep = _global.envS.blinks[col].step;
blinkCounter = 0;
blinkFlag = true;
function stopBlink() {
if (blinkFlag) {
var _local2 = {ra:100, ga:100, ba:100, aa:100, rb:0, gb:0, bb:0, ab:0};
new Color(blinkObject).setTransform(_local2);
blinkFlag = false;
var live = true;
var armor = 0;
var startArmor = 0;
var blinkColor = "#000000";
var blinkColorR = 0;
var blinkColorG = 0;
var blinkColorB = 0;
var blinkAmount = 0;
var blinkTimes = 0;
var blinkCounter = 0;
var blinkFlag = false;
var blinkStep = 0;
var directDamage = 0;
var soundKills = "";
var ignoreHit = false;
var ignoreSplash = false;
var ignoreDirect = false;
var immortal = false;
var notCount = 0;
Symbol 995 MovieClip [__Packages.tankClass] Frame 0
class tankClass extends damagableObject
var live, base, attachMovie, body, hitBody, _parent, gunHolder, _name, getDepth, _x, _y, cannons, blinkObject, target, initArmor, x, y, speedX, speedY, baseRotation, rotatedByWay, _ymouse, _xmouse, dieImmediatly, deathFromOutside, initMove;
function tankClass () {
function initTank(a, b, c, ar, wb, bb) {
if (!live) {
if (bb === 1) {
bossBarFlag = true;
if (bossBarFlag) {
_root.bossBar._visible = true;
_root.bossBar._alpha = 0;
_root.bossBar.onEnterFrame = _global.alphaIn;
base = attachMovie(a, "base", 1);
body = base.body;
hitBody = base.hitBody;
if (hitBody == undefined) {
hitBody = base.body;
body._visible = false;
hitBody._visible = false;
if (_parent._parent.enemyMC2 == undefined) {
gunHolder = this;
} else {
_parent._parent.enemyMC2.createEmptyMovieClip(_name + "_gun", getDepth());
gunHolder = _parent._parent.enemyMC2[_name + "_gun"];
base._rotation = _global.envS.defaultRotation;
gunHolder._x = _x;
gunHolder._y = _y;
cannons = new Array();
var _local5 = b.split(",");
if (_local5 == undefined) {
_local5 = new Array();
var _local4 = 0;
while (_local4 < _local5.length) {
_local5[_local4] = _global.trim(_local5[_local4]);
cannons[_local4] = gunHolder.attachMovie(_local5[_local4], "gun" + _local4, _local4 + 2, {parent:this, myNum:_local4});
if (wb == 1) {
withoutBaseFlag = true;
if (withoutBaseFlag) {
blinkObject = gunHolder;
target = c;
function initGun(t, mt, c, bt, bs, fs, fm, fd, bd, to, ca) {
if (!live) {
var _local7 = t.split(",");
if (_local7 == undefined) {
_local7 = new Array();
var _local14 = mt.split(",");
if (_local14 == undefined) {
_local14 = new Array();
var _local9 = c.split(",");
if (_local9 == undefined) {
_local9 = new Array();
var _local4 = bt.split(",");
if (_local4 == undefined) {
_local4 = new Array();
var _local5 = bs.split(",");
if (_local5 == undefined) {
_local5 = new Array();
var _local11 = fs.split(",");
if (_local11 == undefined) {
_local11 = new Array();
var _local13 = fm.split(",");
if (_local13 == undefined) {
_local13 = new Array();
var _local8 = fd.split(",");
if (_local8 == undefined) {
_local8 = new Array();
var _local10 = bd.split(",");
if (_local10 == undefined) {
_local10 = new Array();
var _local12 = ca.split(",");
if (_local12 == undefined) {
_local12 = new Array();
var _local6 = to.split(",");
if (_local6 == undefined) {
_local6 = new Array();
var _local3 = 0;
while (_local3 < _local4.length) {
cannons[_local3].addGun(_global.trim(_local7[_local3]), _global.trim(_local14[_local3]), _global.trim(_local9[_local3]), _global.trim(_local4[_local3]), _global.trim(_local5[_local3]), _global.trim(_local11[_local3]), _global.trim(_local13[_local3]), _global.trim(_local8[_local3]), _global.trim(_local10[_local3]), _global.trim(_local12[_local3]), _global.trim(_local6[_local3]));
function addGun(t, mt, c, bt, bs, fs, fm, fd, bd, to, ca) {
if (!live) {
var _local7 = t.split(",");
if (_local7 == undefined) {
_local7 = new Array();
var _local14 = mt.split(",");
if (_local14 == undefined) {
_local14 = new Array();
var _local9 = c.split(",");
if (_local9 == undefined) {
_local9 = new Array();
var _local4 = bt.split(",");
if (_local4 == undefined) {
_local4 = new Array();
var _local5 = bs.split(",");
if (_local5 == undefined) {
_local5 = new Array();
var _local11 = fs.split(",");
if (_local11 == undefined) {
_local11 = new Array();
var _local13 = fm.split(",");
if (_local13 == undefined) {
_local13 = new Array();
var _local8 = fd.split(",");
if (_local8 == undefined) {
_local8 = new Array();
var _local10 = bd.split(",");
if (_local10 == undefined) {
_local10 = new Array();
var _local12 = ca.split(",");
if (_local12 == undefined) {
_local12 = new Array();
var _local6 = to.split(",");
if (_local6 == undefined) {
_local6 = new Array();
var _local3 = 0;
while (_local3 < _local4.length) {
cannons[_local3].addGun(_global.trim(_local7[_local3]), _global.trim(_local14[_local3]), _global.trim(_local9[_local3]), _global.trim(_local4[_local3]), _global.trim(_local5[_local3]), _global.trim(_local11[_local3]), _global.trim(_local13[_local3]), _global.trim(_local8[_local3]), _global.trim(_local10[_local3]), _global.trim(_local12[_local3]), _global.trim(_local6[_local3]));
function oEF() {
var _local4 = x;
var _local5 = y;
if ((x == _local4) && (y == _local5)) {
var _local3 = 0;
while (_local3 < cannons.length) {
} else {
var _local3 = 0;
while (_local3 < cannons.length) {
gunHolder._x = _x;
gunHolder._y = _y;
function rotateBase() {
if (!((speedX == 0) && (speedY == 0))) {
baseRotation = (Math.atan2(speedY, speedX) * _global.PI2) + 90;
if (rotatedByWay) {
base._rotation = baseRotation;
gunHolder._rotation = base._rotation;
function rotateGun() {
if (target == undefined) {
var _local3 = 0;
while (_local3 < cannons.length) {
cannons[_local3]._rotation = (Math.atan2(_ymouse - cannons[_local3]._y, _xmouse - cannons[_local3]._x) * _global.PI2) + 90;
} else {
var _local6 = {x:target._x, y:target._y};
var _local3 = 0;
while (_local3 < cannons.length) {
var _local4 = {x:cannons[_local3]._x, y:cannons[_local3]._y};
var _local5 = cannons[_local3].cannonAngleType;
if (_local5 == "t") {
cannons[_local3]._rotation = ((Math.atan2(_local6.y - _local4.y, _local6.x - _local4.x) * _global.PI2) - gunHolder._rotation) + 90;
} else if (_local5 == "w") {
cannons[_local3]._rotation = cannons[_local3].cannonAngle;
} else if (_local5 == "h") {
cannons[_local3]._rotation = (cannons[_local3].cannonAngle - gunHolder._rotation) + 180;
function bang(obj) {
if (!live) {
var _local4 = false;
var _local2 = 0;
while (_local2 < cannons.length) {
var _local3 = cannons[_local2].bang(obj);
_local4 = _local4 || (_local3);
function destroy(flag) {
var _local10 =;
var _local8 = 1;
var _local7 = _local10.getNextHighestDepth();
var _local9 = base;
if (_local9.ex1 == undefined) {
_local9 = cannons[0];
while (_local9["ex" + _local8] != undefined) {
var _local6 = _local9["ex" + _local8];
_local10.attachMovie("explode", "fx" + _local7, _local7);
var _local5 = _local10["fx" + _local7];
_local5._rotation = ((_local6._rotation == 0) ? (Math.random() * 360) : (_local6._rotation));
_local5._x = x - _local6._x;
_local5._y = y - _local6._y;
_local5._xscale = (_local5._yscale = _local6._xscale * 10);
if (_local6.delay != undefined) {
_local5.maxDelay = _local6.delay;
_local5.onEnterFrame = _global.explodePause;
} else {
if ((_local8 > 2) && (dieImmediatly == 0)) {
_local5.destroyer = true;
_local5.destroyTarget = this;
deathFromOutside = true;
function kill() {
if (bossBarFlag) {
_root.bossBar.step = 0;
_root.bossBar.maxStep = 30;
_root.bossBar._alpha = 100;
_root.bossBar.onEnterFrame = _global.alphaOut;
if (!deathFromOutside) {
if (gunHolder != this) {
var _local6 = cannons[0]._currentframe;
var _local5 = 0;
while (_local5 < cannons.length) {
if ((cannons[0]._currentframe == 1) || (cannons[0]._currentframe == _local6)) {
} else {
initMove = false;
var _local5 = 0;
while (_local5 < cannons.length) {
function changeGun(newWeapon) {
function changeArmor(delta) {
if (bossBarFlag) { = (100 * armor) / startArmor;
var armor = 0;
var startArmor = 0;
var thereCanBeOnlyOne = 0;
var withoutBaseFlag = false;
var bossBarFlag = false;
Symbol 996 MovieClip [__Packages.enemyClass] Frame 0
class enemyClass extends tankClass
var offsetTop, offsetBottom, offsetLeft, offsetRight, cannons, wayPassed, bang, armor;
function enemyClass () {
offsetTop =;
offsetBottom = _global.envS.enemyOffset.bottom;
offsetLeft = _global.envS.enemyOffset.left;
offsetRight = _global.envS.enemyOffset.right;
function initGun(t, mt, c, bt, bs, fs, fm, fd, bd, ba, to, ai, sd, dr, del) {
super.initGun(t, mt, c, bt, bs, fs, fm, fd, bd, to, ba);
if (ai != undefined) { = ai;
if ((sd != undefined) && (sd != 0)) {
var _local4 = sd.split(",");
if (_local4 == undefined) {
_local4 = new Array();
var _local6 = dr.split(",");
if (_local6 == undefined) {
_local6 = new Array();
var _local5 = del.split(",");
if (_local5 == undefined) {
_local5 = new Array();
var _local3 = 0;
while (_local3 < cannons.length) {
cannons[_local3].initSplash(_local4[_local3], _local6[_local3], _local5[_local3]);
function oEF() {
if (wayPassed) {
ai = 0;
if (ai == 0) {
function kill() {
if (armor <= 0) {
} else {
var _local4 = 0;
while (_local4 < _global.enemyObjects.length) {
if (_global.enemyObjects[_local4] == this) {
_global.enemyObjects.splice(_local4, 1);
var ai = 0;
Symbol 997 MovieClip [__Packages.bulletClass] Frame 0
class bulletClass extends movingObject
var offsetTop, offsetBottom, offsetLeft, offsetRight, y, x, _xscale, _yscale;
function bulletClass () {
offsetTop =;
offsetBottom = _global.envS.bulletOffset.bottom;
offsetLeft = _global.envS.bulletOffset.left;
offsetRight = _global.envS.bulletOffset.right;
startClock = _global.clock;
function set damage(d) {
if (d >= 0) {
__damage = d;
function get damage() {
function check() {
if (y < (( + offsetTop)) {
if (y > ((( + 400) - offsetBottom)) {
if (x < (0 + offsetLeft)) {
if (x > (550 - offsetRight)) {
function removeFromArray() {
var _local3 = 0;
while (_local3 < _global.bulletObjects.length) {
if (_global.bulletObjects[_local3] == this) {
_global.bulletObjects.splice(_local3, 1);
function kill() {
function oEF() {
if (flySteps != 0) {
var _local5 = (_global.clock - startClock) + 1;
var _local4 = (3.141593 / (flySteps - 1)) * (_local5 - 1);
_xscale = (_yscale = Math.round(10 * ((Math.sin(_local4) * (100 - flyMinScale)) + flyMinScale)) / 10);
if (_global.clock != startClock) {
var __damage = 0;
var startClock = 0;
var flySteps = 0;
var flyMinScale = 0;
Symbol 998 MovieClip [__Packages.queue] Frame 0
class queue extends MovieClip
function queue () {
actions = new Array();
newActions = new Array();
_global.queue = this;
function addFunc(func, obj, priority) {
if (priority == undefined) {
priority = 50;
newActions.push({func:func, obj:obj, pr:priority, ticket:ticket});
sync = false;
function remove(t) {
var _local2 = 0;
while (_local2 < actions.length) {
if (actions[_local2].ticket == t) {
actions.splice(_local2, 1);
_local2 = 0;
while (_local2 < newActions.length) {
if (newActions[_local2].ticket == t) {
newActions.splice(_local2, 1);
function clear() {
delete actions;
delete newActions;
actions = new Array();
newActions = new Array();
ticket = 0;
sync = true;
function onEnterFrame() {
if (_global.gameInProcess) {
if (!sync) {
while (newActions.length > 0) {
actions.sortOn("pr", Array.NUMERIC);
sync = true;
var _local3 = 0;
while (_local3 < actions.length) {
var _local4 = actions.length;
if (actions.length != _local4) {
var actions = new Array();
var newActions = new Array();
var ticket = 0;
var sync = true;
Symbol 999 MovieClip [__Packages.splashedObject] Frame 0
class splashedObject extends damagableObject
var hitBody, body, spl, splashDamage, damageRadius, splashDelay, _xscale, _yscale, gotoAndPlay, x, y, armor, notCount;
function splashedObject () {
if (hitBody == undefined) {
hitBody = body;
body._visible = false;
hitBody._visible = false;
if (_global.envS.debug != 1) {
spl._visible = false;
function initSplash(sd, dr, delay, flag) {
if (flag == undefined) {
flag = false;
splashDamage = sd;
damageRadius = dr;
splashDelay = delay;
if (!flag) {
spl._xscale = (spl._yscale = dr);
} else {
_xscale = (_yscale = dr);
function destroy() {
_global.debug(this + ": ????? ??????!");
var _local9 = 1;
var _local10 =;
while (this["p" + _local9] != undefined) {
var _local5 = this["p" + _local9];
var _local8 = _local10.getNextHighestDepth();
_local10.attachMovie("explode", "fx" + _local8, _local8);
var _local6 = _local10["fx" + _local8];
_local6._rotation = _local5._rotation;
_local6._xscale = _local5._xscale;
_local6._yscale = _local5._yscale;
_local6._x = x + _local5._x;
_local6._y = y + _local5._y;
var _local7 = 0;
while (_local7 < _global.staticObjects.length) {
if (_global.staticObjects[_local7] == this) {
_global.staticObjects.splice(_local7, 1);
function kill() {
if (armor <= 0) {
if (notCount != 1) {
var _local4 = 0;
while (_local4 < _global.staticObjects.length) {
if (_global.staticObjects[_local4] == this) {
_global.staticObjects.splice(_local4, 1);
Symbol 1000 MovieClip [__Packages.cannon] Frame 0
class cannon extends MovieClip
var myNum, parent, _x, _y, fires, gunZ, _rotation, localToGlobal;
function cannon () {
var _local4 = myNum + 1;
var _local5 = parent.base["head" + _local4];
if ((_local5 == undefined) && (_local4 == 1)) {
_local5 = parent.base.head;
if (_local5 == undefined) {
_global.debug((("CANNOT FIND CANNON MOUNT POINT FOR TANK " + parent) + " CANNON N ") + _local4);
} else {
_x = _local5._x;
_y = _local5._y;
fires = new Array();
fireNum = 1;
_local4 = 0;
while (this["shoot" + _local4]) {
fires.push(this["shoot" + _local4]);
function initGun() {
gunZ = new Array();
currentGun = 0;
function addGun(t, mt, c, bt, bs, fs, fm, fd, bd, ca, to) {
gunZ.push(new weapon(this));
gunZ[gunZ.length - 1].init(t, mt, c, bt, bs, fs, fm, fd, bd, to);
if (ca == undefined) {
ca = "t";
cannonAngleType = ca.charAt(0);
if (((cannonAngleType != "t") && (cannonAngleType != "w")) && (cannonAngleType != "h")) {
cannonAngleType = "t";
if (cannonAngleType != "t") {
cannonAngle = parseFloat(ca.substr(1, 100));
function bang(obj) {
function makeBang(bt, bs, dm, obj, gunObj, angle) {
if (angle == undefined) {
angle = 0;
if (fires.length > 1) {
if (fireNum > fires.length) {
fireNum = 1;
var _local13 =;
var _local15 = _local13.getNextHighestDepth();
var _local4 = _local13.attachMovie(bt, "f" + _local15, _local15);
var _local17 = ((_rotation - 90) + angle) + parent.gunHolder._rotation;
var _local6 = _local17 / _global.PI2;
_local4._rotation = _local17 - 90;
var _local7 = {x:fires[fireNum - 1]._x, y:fires[fireNum - 1]._y};
var _local8 = {x:_local7.x, y:_local7.y};
_local4.moveTo(_local7.x, _local7.y);
_local4.flySteps = gunObj.flySteps;
_local4.flyMinScale = gunObj.flyMinScale;
if (gunObj.flySteps == 0) {
_local4.setMotion(bs * Math.cos(_local6), bs * Math.sin(_local6));
} else {
_local4._rotation = 0;
if (obj == 1) {
var _local10 = _root._xmouse - _local8.x;
var _local11 = _root._ymouse - _local8.y;
var _local16 = Math.sqrt((_local10 * _local10) + (_local11 * _local11));
_local6 = Math.atan2(_local11, _local10);
var _local19 = ((parent.base._xmouse > 0) ? 1 : -1);
_local6 = _local6 + ((_local19 * angle) / _global.PI2);
_local4.setMotion((_local16 * Math.cos(_local6)) / (gunObj.flySteps - 1), (_local16 * Math.sin(_local6)) / (gunObj.flySteps - 1));
if (obj == 0) {
if (cannonAngleType == "t") {
var _local9 = {,};
_local4.setMotion((_local9.x - _local8.x) / (gunObj.flySteps - 1), (_local9.y - _local8.y) / (gunObj.flySteps - 1));
} else {
bs = gunObj.flyDistance / (gunObj.flySteps - 1);
_local4.setMotion(bs * Math.cos(_local6), bs * Math.sin(_local6));
_local4.damage = dm;
_local4.object = obj;
_local4.type = bt;
_local4.fireAngle = _local6;
if ((gunObj.splashDamage != 0) && (gunObj.splashDamage != undefined)) {
_local4.splashDamage = gunObj.splashDamage * (gunObj.nuke ? 2 : 1);
_local4.damageRadius = gunObj.damageRadius * (gunObj.nuke ? 2 : 1);
_local4.splashDelay = gunObj.splashDelay;
function changeGun(newWeapon) {
if (newWeapon == currentGun) {
if (newWeapon >= gunZ.length) {
_global.debug(("Cannot change weapon to " + newWeapon) + ", not inited");
_global.debug((("Changing weapon from " + currentGun) + " to ") + newWeapon);
currentGun = newWeapon;
function initSplash(sd, dr, del) {
gunZ[gunZ.length - 1].initSplash(sd, dr, del);
var fireNum = 1;
var cannonAngleType = "t";
var cannonAngle = 0;
var currentGun = 0;
Symbol 1001 MovieClip [__Packages.weapon] Frame 0
class weapon
var myObj, bulletSpeed;
function weapon (target) {
myObj = target;
empty = true;
multiple = 1;
function initSplash(sd, dr, del) {
splashDamage = sd;
damageRadius = dr;
splashDelay = del;
function init(t, mt, c, bt, bs, fs, fm, fd, bd, to) {
if (bt == undefined) {
if (to == undefined) {
to = 0;
flySteps = parseInt(fs);
if (isNaN(flySteps) || (!isFinite(flySteps))) {
flySteps = 0;
flyMinScale = parseInt(fm);
if (isNaN(flyMinScale) || (!isFinite(flyMinScale))) {
flyMinScale = 0;
flyDistance = parseInt(fd);
if (isNaN(flyDistance) || (!isFinite(flyDistance))) {
flyDistance = 100;
empty = false;
startReloadTime = (reloadTime = t);
startReloadMicroTime = (reloadMicroTime = mt);
clip = c;
if (bt != undefined) {
bulletType = bt;
if (bs != undefined) {
bulletSpeed = bs;
damage = bd;
reload = true;
to = parseInt(to);
if (isNaN(to) || (!isFinite(to))) {
to = 0;
bangTime = _global.clock + to;
function bang(obj) {
if (empty) {
if ((reloadMicroTime == reloadTime) && (reloadTime == 0)) {
if ((!reload) && ((_global.clock - bangTime) < reloadMicroTime)) {
if (reload && ((_global.clock - bangTime) < reloadTime)) {
if (reload) {
reload = false;
shootCount = 0;
shootCount++;"s_" + bulletType, myObj.parent._x);
if (shootCount == clip) {
reload = true;
bangTime = _global.clock;
var _local3 = damage * (doubleDamage ? 2 : 1);
if (multiple == 1) {
myObj.makeBang(bulletType, bulletSpeed, _local3, obj, this);
} else if (multiple == 3) {
myObj.makeBang(bulletType, bulletSpeed, _local3, obj, this, -1 * _global.envS.multipleFireAngle);
myObj.makeBang(bulletType, bulletSpeed, _local3, obj, this);
myObj.makeBang(bulletType, bulletSpeed, _local3, obj, this, 1 * _global.envS.multipleFireAngle);
} else if (multiple == 5) {
myObj.makeBang(bulletType, bulletSpeed, _local3, obj, this, -2 * _global.envS.multipleFireAngle);
myObj.makeBang(bulletType, bulletSpeed, _local3, obj, this, -1 * _global.envS.multipleFireAngle);
myObj.makeBang(bulletType, bulletSpeed, _local3, obj, this);
myObj.makeBang(bulletType, bulletSpeed, _local3, obj, this, 1 * _global.envS.multipleFireAngle);
myObj.makeBang(bulletType, bulletSpeed, _local3, obj, this, 2 * _global.envS.multipleFireAngle);
} else if (multiple == 7) {
myObj.makeBang(bulletType, bulletSpeed, _local3, obj, this, -3 * _global.envS.multipleFireAngle);
myObj.makeBang(bulletType, bulletSpeed, _local3, obj, this, -2 * _global.envS.multipleFireAngle);
myObj.makeBang(bulletType, bulletSpeed, _local3, obj, this, -1 * _global.envS.multipleFireAngle);
myObj.makeBang(bulletType, bulletSpeed, _local3, obj, this);
myObj.makeBang(bulletType, bulletSpeed, _local3, obj, this, 1 * _global.envS.multipleFireAngle);
myObj.makeBang(bulletType, bulletSpeed, _local3, obj, this, 2 * _global.envS.multipleFireAngle);
myObj.makeBang(bulletType, bulletSpeed, _local3, obj, this, 3 * _global.envS.multipleFireAngle);
var empty = true;
var bulletType = "gunshot";
var flySteps = 0;
var flyMinScale = 0;
var flyDistance = 100;
var reloadTime = 0;
var startReloadTime = 0;
var reloadMicroTime = 0;
var startReloadMicroTime = 0;
var clip = 0;
var reload = false;
var multiple = 1;
var doubleDamage = false;
var doubleSpeed = false;
var shootCount = 0;
var bangTime = 0;
var damage = 0;
var splashDamage = 0;
var damageRadius = 0;
var splashDelay = 0;
var nuke = false;
Symbol 1002 MovieClip [__Packages.playerClass] Frame 0
class playerClass extends tankClass
var offsetTop, offsetBottom, offsetLeft, offsetRight, offReaction, playerBaseRotation, base, cannons, bar, startArmor, my_Speed, my_DirAngle, my_WheelAngle, my_DirX, my_DirY, my_OmegaMax, my_WheelOmega, my_SpeedMax, my_Break, my_Acc, my_Max_Angle_Shift, my_Collision_Reaction, my_LastMaxSegment, my_MainSegment, speedX, speedY, x, y, _rotation, init, initMove, armor, startBlink, live;
function playerClass () {
offsetTop =;
offsetBottom = _global.envS.playerOffset.bottom;
offsetLeft = _global.envS.playerOffset.left;
offsetRight = _global.envS.playerOffset.right;
offReaction = "stand";
oldTab = Key.isToggled(9);
speedFactor = _global.playerS.speedFactor;
rotationFactor = _global.playerS.rotationFactor;
function setMotion(a, b) {
super.setMotion(0, 0);
startBaseSpeedX = (baseSpeedX = a);
startBaseSpeedY = (baseSpeedY = b);
playerBaseRotation = (realRotation = (base._rotation = -_global.envS.defaultRotation));
function initTank(a, b, c, ar, wb, sh, msh, mar) {
shield = sh;
maxShield = msh;
super.initTank(a, b, c, ar, wb);
var _local4 = 0;
while (_local4 < cannons.length) {
cannons[_local4]._y = cannons[_local4]._y * -1;
if (_global.envS.debug == 1) {
bar._y = 20;
startArmor = Math.max(mar, ar);
my_Speed = 0;
my_DirAngle = 0;
my_WheelAngle = 0;
my_DirX = 0;
my_DirY = -1;
var _local8 = Math.sin(my_DirAngle * 0.01745329);
c = Math.cos(my_DirAngle * 0.01745329);
var _local6 = my_DirX;
var _local7 = my_DirY;
my_DirX = (_local6 * c) - (_local7 * _local8);
my_DirY = (_local7 * c) + (_local6 * _local8);
my_OmegaMax = 12;
my_WheelOmega = 12;
my_SpeedMax = 8;
my_Break = 2;
my_Acc = 0.5;
my_Max_Angle_Shift = 85;
my_Collision_Reaction = 0;
my_LastMaxSegment = 1;
my_MainSegment = 1;
function oEF() {
if (my_Collision_Reaction) {
if (my_Speed < 0) {
if (my_Speed >= 0) {
my_Speed = 0;
my_Collision_Reaction = 0;
} else if (my_Speed > 0) {
if (my_Speed <= 0) {
my_Speed = 0;
my_Collision_Reaction = 0;
} else {
var _local9 = (my_OmegaMax / my_SpeedMax) * my_Speed;
_local9 = _local9 / 2;
if (_local9 < 0) {
_local9 = -_local9;
var _local14 = my_DirAngle;
if (my_DirAngle > my_WheelAngle) {
my_DirAngle = my_DirAngle - _local9;
if (my_DirAngle < my_WheelAngle) {
my_DirAngle = my_WheelAngle;
} else if (my_DirAngle < my_WheelAngle) {
my_DirAngle = my_DirAngle + _local9;
if (my_DirAngle > my_WheelAngle) {
my_DirAngle = my_WheelAngle;
if (_local14 != my_DirAngle) {
my_DirX = 0;
my_DirY = -1;
var _local12 = Math.sin(my_DirAngle * 0.01745329);
var _local13 = Math.cos(my_DirAngle * 0.01745329);
var _local10 = my_DirX;
var _local11 = my_DirY;
my_DirX = (_local10 * _local13) - (_local11 * _local12);
my_DirY = (_local11 * _local13) + (_local10 * _local12);
if (Key.isDown(37) || (Key.isDown(65))) {
my_WheelAngle = my_WheelAngle - my_WheelOmega;
if ((my_DirAngle - my_WheelAngle) > 20) {
my_WheelAngle = my_DirAngle - 20;
} else if ((my_DirAngle - my_WheelAngle) < -20) {
my_WheelAngle = my_DirAngle + 20;
} else if (Key.isDown(39) || (Key.isDown(68))) {
my_WheelAngle = my_WheelAngle + my_WheelOmega;
if ((my_DirAngle - my_WheelAngle) > 20) {
my_WheelAngle = my_DirAngle - 20;
} else if ((my_DirAngle - my_WheelAngle) < -20) {
my_WheelAngle = my_DirAngle + 20;
if (Key.isDown(38) || (Key.isDown(87))) {
my_Speed = my_Speed + my_Acc;
if (my_Speed > my_SpeedMax) {
my_Speed = my_SpeedMax;
} else if (Key.isDown(40) || (Key.isDown(83))) {
my_Speed = my_Speed - my_Acc;
if (my_Speed < (-my_SpeedMax)) {
my_Speed = -my_SpeedMax;
if ((((!Key.isDown(38)) && (!Key.isDown(40))) && (!Key.isDown(87))) && (!Key.isDown(83))) {
if (my_Speed > 0) {
my_Speed = my_Speed - 0.4;
if (my_Speed < 0) {
my_Speed = 0;
} else if (my_Speed < 0) {
my_Speed = my_Speed + 0.4;
if (my_Speed > 0) {
my_Speed = 0;
if ((my_MainSegment <= 1) || (my_MainSegment <= (my_LastMaxSegment - 0.6))) {
if (((my_Speed < 0) && (my_DirY < 0)) || ((my_Speed > 0) && (my_DirY > 0))) {
my_Speed = 0;
speedX = 0;
speedY = 0;
x = x + (my_DirX * my_Speed);
y = y + (my_DirY * my_Speed);
_rotation = my_DirAngle;
if (x <= _global.envS.playerOffset.left) {
my_DirX = 0;
x = _global.envS.playerOffset.left + 5;
my_WheelAngle = 0;
my_DirAngle = 0;
} else if (x >= (550 - _global.envS.playerOffset.right)) {
my_DirX = 0;
x = (550 - _global.envS.playerOffset.right) - 5;
my_WheelAngle = 0;
my_DirAngle = 0;
if (!(init && (initMove))) {
if (_global.gameInProcess) {
if (autoFire) {
if (cannons[0].gunZ[0].multiple != 1) {
cannons[0].fireNum = 0;
if (bang(1)) {
recoilAngle = 0;
recoilTimer = 0;
var _local7 = 0;
while (_local7 < cannons[0].gunZ.length) {
var _local6 = cannons[0].gunZ[_local7];
if (_local6.reload) {
var _local5 = 100 * ((_global.clock - _local6.bangTime) / _local6.reloadTime);
} else {
var _local5 = 100 * ((_global.clock - _local6.bangTime) / _local6.reloadMicroTime);
if (_local5 > 100) {
var _local5 = 100;
var _local8 = _root.lbar["w" + _local7].ico;
if ((_local5 < 100) || (_local8._currentframe <= 50)) {
_local8.gotoAndPlay(Math.ceil(_local5 / 2));
function check() {
if (y == ((( + 400) - offsetBottom)) {
if ((playerDx == 0) && (playerDy == 0)) {
playerBaseRotation = 0;
function initGun(t, mt, c, bt, bs, fs, fm, fd, bd, sd, dr, del) {
super.initGun(t, mt, c, bt, bs, fs, fm, fd, bd);
if ((sd != undefined) && (sd != 0)) {
var _local4 = sd.split(",");
if (_local4 == undefined) {
_local4 = new Array();
var _local6 = dr.split(",");
if (_local6 == undefined) {
_local6 = new Array();
var _local5 = del.split(",");
if (_local5 == undefined) {
_local5 = new Array();
var _local3 = 0;
while (_local3 < cannons.length) {
cannons[_local3].initSplash(_local4[_local3], _local6[_local3], _local5[_local3]);
showWeapon(cannons[0].gunZ.length - 1);
function addGun(t, mt, c, bt, bs, fs, fm, fd, bd, sd, dr, del) {
super.addGun(t, mt, c, bt, bs, fs, fm, fd, bd);
if ((sd != undefined) && (sd != 0)) {
var _local4 = sd.split(",");
if (_local4 == undefined) {
_local4 = new Array();
var _local6 = dr.split(",");
if (_local6 == undefined) {
_local6 = new Array();
var _local5 = del.split(",");
if (_local5 == undefined) {
_local5 = new Array();
var _local3 = 0;
while (_local3 < cannons.length) {
cannons[_local3].initSplash(_local4[_local3], _local6[_local3], _local5[_local3]);
showWeapon(cannons[0].gunZ.length - 1);
function showWeapon(n) {
var _local3 = cannons[0].gunZ[n];
_root.lbar["w" + n].gotoAndStop((("on" + (_local3.doubleDamage ? "dbl" : "")) + (_local3.nuke ? "nuke" : "")) + (_local3.triple ? "tri" : ""));
function onMouseDown() {
if (_global.gameInProcess) {
autoFire = true;
function onMouseUp() {
if (_global.gameInProcess) {
trace("Firing Stopped");
autoFire = false;
function bang(obj) {
var _local3 = super.bang(obj);
if ((_local3 && (cannons[0].currentGun == 1)) && (cannons[0].gunZ[1].nuke)) {
cannons[0].gunZ[1].nuke = false;
cannons[0].gunZ[1].bulletType = "rocket";
function showArmor() {
super.showArmor(); = Math.round((100 * armor) / startArmor);
function changeShield(delta) {
shield = shield + delta;
if (shield > maxShield) {
shield = maxShield;
if (shield < 0) {
shield = 0;
if (delta > 0) {
function changeArmor(delta) {
if (!live) {
if (delta < 0) {
var _local3 = Math.ceil(delta / 2);
if (shield < (-_local3)) {
_local3 = -shield;
var _local4 = delta - _local3;
} else {
var _local3 = 0;
var _local4 = delta;
function destroy() {
_global.gameOver = true;
function applyBonus(type) {
switch (type) {
case "guns" :"s_bonus", x, true);
cannons[0].gunZ[0].bulletType = "playerShoot";
cannons[0].gunZ[0].bulletDamage = 0;
cannons[0].gunZ[0].bulletSpeed = 20;
cannons[0].gunZ[0].flySteps = 0;
cannons[0].gunZ[0].damageRadius = 4;
cannons[0].gunZ[0].splashDamage = 10;
cannons[0].gunZ[0].startReloadTime = 5;
cannons[0].gunZ[0].startReloadMicroTime = 5;
cannons[0].gunZ[0].reloadTime = cannons[0].gunZ[0].startReloadTime;
cannons[0].gunZ[0].reloadMicroTime = cannons[0].gunZ[0].startReloadMicroTime;
case "rockets" :"s_bonus", x, true);
cannons[0].gunZ[0].bulletType = "rocket";
cannons[0].gunZ[0].bulletDamage = 0;
cannons[0].gunZ[0].bulletSpeed = 20;
cannons[0].gunZ[0].flySteps = 0;
cannons[0].gunZ[0].damageRadius = 100;
cannons[0].gunZ[0].splashDamage = 150;
cannons[0].gunZ[0].startReloadTime = 20;
cannons[0].gunZ[0].startReloadMicroTime = 20;
cannons[0].gunZ[0].reloadTime = cannons[0].gunZ[0].startReloadTime;
cannons[0].gunZ[0].reloadMicroTime = cannons[0].gunZ[0].startReloadMicroTime;
case "mortir" :"s_bonus", x, true);
cannons[0].gunZ[0].bulletType = "ball_fire";
cannons[0].gunZ[0].bulletSpeed = 5;
cannons[0].gunZ[0].flySteps = 21;
cannons[0].gunZ[0].damageRadius = 150;
cannons[0].gunZ[0].splashDamage = 150;
cannons[0].gunZ[0].startReloadTime = 20;
cannons[0].gunZ[0].startReloadMicroTime = 20;
cannons[0].gunZ[0].reloadTime = cannons[0].gunZ[0].startReloadTime;
cannons[0].gunZ[0].reloadMicroTime = cannons[0].gunZ[0].startReloadMicroTime;
case "armor" :"s_bonus", x, true);
changeArmor(startArmor / 2);
case "damage" :"s_bonus", x, true);
cannons[0].gunZ[0].bulletType = "playerShoot2";
cannons[0].gunZ[0].splashDamage = cannons[0].gunZ[0].splashDamage * 2;
case "coin" :"s_money", x, true);
var playerDx = 0;
var playerDy = 0;
var baseSpeedX = 0;
var baseSpeedY = 0;
var startBaseSpeedX = 0;
var startBaseSpeedY = 0;
var speedFactor = 0;
var rotationFactor = 0;
var realRotation = 0;
var rotSign = 0;
var shield = 0;
var maxShield = 0;
var recoilTimer = 10;
var recoilAngle = 0;
var oldTab = false;
var autoFire = false;
Symbol 1003 MovieClip [__Packages.soundCollector] Frame 0
class soundCollector extends MovieClip
var col, getNextHighestDepth, createEmptyMovieClip;
function soundCollector () {
col = new Array();
var _local5 = 0;
while (_local5 < arrayLength) {
var _local8 = getNextHighestDepth();
var _local7 = createEmptyMovieClip("mc_" + _local8, _local8);
var _local4 = new Sound(_local7);
_local4.onSoundComplete = scomplete;
var _local6 = {mc:_local7, snd:_local4, free:true, cont:false, pri:false}; = _local6;
_global.sound = this;
function set width(w) {
if (w >= 0) {
__width = w;
function get width() {
function set volume(v) {
if (v >= 0) {
__volume = v;
function get volume() {
function set enable(e) {
__enable = e;
if (!__enable) {
var _local2 = 0;
while (_local2 < arrayLength) {
function get enable() {
function play(linkage, xpos, priority, num, volume) {
if (!__enable) {
if (priority == undefined) {
priority = false;
if (num == undefined) {
num = 1;
if (num == -1) {
num = 1000000000 /* 0x3B9ACA00 */;
var _local12 = false;
var _local7 = -1;
var _local5 = 0;
var _local6 = -1;
var _local3 = 0;
while (_local3 < arrayLength) {
if (col[_local3].free) {
_local7 = _local3;
if (!col[_local3].pri) {
var _local4 = col[_local3].snd.position / col[_local3].snd.duration;
if (_local4 > _local5) {
_local5 = _local4;
_local6 = _local3;
if (_local7 == -1) {
if (priority) {
if (_global.envS.debug && (_global.envS.soundDebug)) {
_global.debug(((((("Sound collector: all slots busy, using slot " + _local6) + " (") + col[_local6].linkage) + ": ") + (col[_local6].snd.position / col[_local6].snd.duration)) + ")");
_local7 = _local6;
} else if (_global.envS.debug && (_global.envS.soundDebug)) {
_global.debug("Sound collector: all slots busy, this sound skipping because of their low priority");
if (_local7 != -1) {
var _local8 = col[_local7];
_local8.snd.setVolume(this.volume); = undefined;
if (xpos != undefined) {
if (typeof(xpos) == "number") {
if (typeof(xpos) == "movieclip") { = xpos;
} else {
_local8.snd.start(0, num); = false;
_local8.linkage = linkage;
_local8.pri = priority;
function stop(linkage) {
var _local2 = 0;
while (_local2 < arrayLength) {
if (col[_local2].linkage == linkage) {
col[_local2].free = true;
function scomplete() {
var _local2 = this; = true;
function oEF() {
var _local2 = 0;
while (_local2 < arrayLength) {
if (col[_local2].target != undefined) {
function calcPan(xpos) {
return((((100 * xpos) / __width) * 2) - 100);
var arrayLength = 8;
var __volume = 100;
var __width = 100;
var __enable = true;
Symbol 1004 MovieClip [__Packages.bgClass] Frame 0
class bgClass extends movingObject
var prePos_bg1, prePos_bg2, _y, bg1, bg2;
function bgClass () {
prePos_bg1 = -1200;
prePos_bg2 = -2400;
function check() {
if ((bg1._y + _y) > 400) {
prePos_bg1 = bg1._y;
bg1._y = bg1._y - 2400;
if ((bg2._y + _y) > 400) {
prePos_bg2 = bg2._y;
bg2._y = bg2._y - 2400;
if ((prePos_bg1 + _y) < 400) {
bg1._y = prePos_bg1;
if ((prePos_bg2 + _y) < 400) {
bg2._y = prePos_bg2;
function oEF() {
Symbol 31 MovieClip Frame 1
Instance of Symbol 30 MovieClip in Symbol 31 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
total = _root.getBytesTotal();
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
loaded = _root.getBytesLoaded();
percent = int((loaded / total) * 100);
text = percent + "%";
if (loaded == total) {
Symbol 84 MovieClip [explode] Frame 2"eexplode", sx);
Symbol 84 MovieClip [explode] Frame 25
Symbol 85 MovieClip [player] Frame 1
#initclip 62
Object.registerClass("player", playerClass);
Symbol 86 MovieClip [enemy] Frame 1
#initclip 14
Object.registerClass("enemy", enemyClass);
Symbol 87 MovieClip [bullet] Frame 1
#initclip 15
Object.registerClass("bullet", bulletClass);
Symbol 88 MovieClip [queue] Frame 1
#initclip 16
Object.registerClass("queue", queue);
Symbol 101 MovieClip Frame 10
Symbol 102 MovieClip [userSplash] Frame 1
#initclip 17
Object.registerClass("userSplash", splashedObject);
Symbol 102 MovieClip [userSplash] Frame 16
Symbol 110 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 117 MovieClip [player_gun] Frame 1
#initclip 18
Object.registerClass("player_gun", cannon);
Symbol 117 MovieClip [player_gun] Frame 2
Symbol 117 MovieClip [player_gun] Frame 3
Symbol 118 MovieClip [ship_gun] Frame 1
#initclip 19
Object.registerClass("ship_gun", cannon);
Symbol 123 MovieClip [ball_fire] Frame 1
#initclip 20
Object.registerClass("ball_fire", bulletClass);
Symbol 128 MovieClip [road6] Frame 1
#initclip 21
Object.registerClass("road6", splashedObject);
Symbol 131 MovieClip [barn] Frame 1
#initclip 22
Object.registerClass("barn", splashedObject);
Symbol 136 MovieClip [silo] Frame 1
#initclip 23
Object.registerClass("silo", splashedObject);
Symbol 141 MovieClip [house1] Frame 1
#initclip 24
Object.registerClass("house1", splashedObject);
Symbol 146 MovieClip [house2] Frame 1
#initclip 25
Object.registerClass("house2", splashedObject);
Symbol 151 MovieClip [house3] Frame 1
#initclip 26
Object.registerClass("house3", splashedObject);
Symbol 156 MovieClip [house4] Frame 1
#initclip 27
Object.registerClass("house4", splashedObject);
Symbol 159 MovieClip [tree1] Frame 1
#initclip 28
Object.registerClass("tree1", splashedObject);
Symbol 160 MovieClip [tree2] Frame 1
#initclip 29
Object.registerClass("tree2", splashedObject);
Symbol 161 MovieClip [tree3] Frame 1
#initclip 30
Object.registerClass("tree3", splashedObject);
Symbol 162 MovieClip [tree4] Frame 1
#initclip 31
Object.registerClass("tree4", splashedObject);
Instance of Symbol 9 MovieClip in Symbol 171 MovieClip [bigfoot_player] Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this._parent.wheels1._rotation = this._parent._parent.my_WheelAngle - this._parent._parent.my_DirAngle;
this._parent.wheels2._rotation = this._parent._parent.my_WheelAngle - this._parent._parent.my_DirAngle;
Instance of Symbol 9 MovieClip "ex2" in Symbol 171 MovieClip [bigfoot_player] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
delay = 10;
Instance of Symbol 9 MovieClip "ex3" in Symbol 171 MovieClip [bigfoot_player] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
delay = 15;
Symbol 174 MovieClip [road1] Frame 1
#initclip 32
Object.registerClass("road1", splashedObject);
Symbol 175 MovieClip [road2] Frame 1
#initclip 33
Object.registerClass("road2", splashedObject);
Symbol 176 MovieClip [road3] Frame 1
#initclip 34
Object.registerClass("road3", splashedObject);
Symbol 177 MovieClip [road4] Frame 1
#initclip 35
Object.registerClass("road4", splashedObject);
Symbol 178 MovieClip [road4a] Frame 1
#initclip 36
Object.registerClass("road4a", splashedObject);
Symbol 190 MovieClip [fence] Frame 1
#initclip 37
Object.registerClass("fence", splashedObject);
Symbol 190 MovieClip [fence] Frame 2
Symbol 191 MovieClip [fence_broken] Frame 1
#initclip 38
Object.registerClass("fence_broken", splashedObject);
Symbol 196 MovieClip [stone] Frame 1
#initclip 39
Object.registerClass("stone", splashedObject);
Instance of Symbol 9 MovieClip "charCont" in Symbol 218 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (gameInProcess) {;
} else {
Instance of Symbol 9 MovieClip in Symbol 219 MovieClip [UFO_Boss] Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (already_init == undefined) {
already_init = 0;
if (already_init == 0) {
already_init = 1;
this._parent._parent.movedWay = true;
this._parent._parent.movedWayOffset = 150;
this._parent._parent.movedWayXSpeed = 0;
this._parent._parent.movedWayYSpeed = 0;
shadow_shift_max = 10;
this._parent._parent.movedWayXSpeed = (-( - this._parent._parent.x)) / 50;
this._parent._parent.movedWayYSpeed = (-(( - 250) - this._parent._parent.y)) / 10;
if (this._parent._parent.armor >= (this._parent._parent.startArmor * 0.8)) {
this._parent._parent.cannons[0].gunZ[0].startReloadTime = 3000;
this._parent._parent.cannons[0].gunZ[0].reloadTime = this._parent._parent.cannons[0].gunZ[0].startReloadTime;
this._parent._parent.cannons[1].gunZ[0].startReloadTime = 3000;
this._parent._parent.cannons[1].gunZ[0].reloadTime = this._parent._parent.cannons[0].gunZ[0].startReloadTime;
this._parent._parent.cannons[2].gunZ[0].startReloadTime = 3000;
this._parent._parent.cannons[2].gunZ[0].reloadTime = this._parent._parent.cannons[0].gunZ[0].startReloadTime;
} else if ((this._parent._parent.armor < (this._parent._parent.startArmor * 0.8)) && (this._parent._parent.armor >= (this._parent._parent.startArmor * 0.5))) {
this._parent._parent.cannons[0].gunZ[0].startReloadTime = 48;
this._parent._parent.cannons[0].gunZ[0].reloadTime = this._parent._parent.cannons[0].gunZ[0].startReloadTime;
} else if (this._parent._parent.armor < (this._parent._parent.startArmor * 0.5)) {
this._parent._parent.cannons[0].gunZ[0].startReloadTime = 48;
this._parent._parent.cannons[0].gunZ[0].reloadTime = this._parent._parent.cannons[0].gunZ[0].startReloadTime;
this._parent._parent.cannons[1].gunZ[0].startReloadTime = 48;
this._parent._parent.cannons[1].gunZ[0].reloadTime = this._parent._parent.cannons[0].gunZ[0].startReloadTime;
this._parent._parent.cannons[2].gunZ[0].startReloadTime = 48;
this._parent._parent.cannons[2].gunZ[0].reloadTime = this._parent._parent.cannons[0].gunZ[0].startReloadTime;
Symbol 238 MovieClip [playerShoot] Frame 1
#initclip 40
Object.registerClass("playerShoot", bulletClass);
Instance of Symbol 9 MovieClip "charCont" in Symbol 266 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (gameInProcess) {;
} else {
Symbol 267 MovieClip [mill] Frame 1
#initclip 41
Object.registerClass("mill", splashedObject);
Symbol 272 MovieClip [cliff] Frame 1
#initclip 42
Object.registerClass("cliff", splashedObject);
Symbol 277 MovieClip [rocket] Frame 1
#initclip 43
Object.registerClass("rocket", bulletClass);
Symbol 286 MovieClip [cow1] Frame 1
#initclip 44
Object.registerClass("cow1", splashedObject);
Symbol 286 MovieClip [cow1] Frame 2
Symbol 288 MovieClip [cow2] Frame 1
#initclip 45
Object.registerClass("cow2", splashedObject);
Symbol 288 MovieClip [cow2] Frame 2
Symbol 289 MovieClip [rocket_gun] Frame 1
#initclip 46
Object.registerClass("rocket_gun", cannon);
Symbol 297 MovieClip [3_barrels] Frame 1
#initclip 47
Object.registerClass("3_barrels", splashedObject);
Symbol 297 MovieClip [3_barrels] Frame 10
Instance of Symbol 8 MovieClip "ex2" in Symbol 301 MovieClip [tank] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
delay = 10;
Symbol 304 MovieClip [tank_gun] Frame 1
#initclip 48
Object.registerClass("tank_gun", cannon);
Symbol 305 MovieClip [empty_gun] Frame 1
#initclip 49
Object.registerClass("empty_gun", cannon);
Instance of Symbol 9 MovieClip "charCont" in Symbol 311 MovieClip [bonus_coin] Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (gameInProcess) {;
} else {
Instance of Symbol 9 MovieClip "charCont" in Symbol 316 MovieClip [bonus_armor] Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (gameInProcess) {;
} else {
Instance of Symbol 9 MovieClip "charCont" in Symbol 321 MovieClip [bonus_damage] Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (gameInProcess) {;
} else {
Instance of Symbol 9 MovieClip "charCont" in Symbol 326 MovieClip [bonus_mortir] Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (gameInProcess) {;
} else {
Instance of Symbol 9 MovieClip "charCont" in Symbol 331 MovieClip [bonus_rockets] Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (gameInProcess) {;
} else {
Symbol 336 MovieClip [wall] Frame 1
#initclip 50
Object.registerClass("wall", splashedObject);
Symbol 336 MovieClip [wall] Frame 2
Symbol 350 MovieClip Frame 1
_visible = false;
Symbol 354 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 408 MovieClip [soldier] Frame 1
#initclip 51
Object.registerClass("soldier", cannon);
Instance of Symbol 9 MovieClip "charCont" in Symbol 408 MovieClip [soldier] Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (gameInProcess) {;
} else {
Symbol 408 MovieClip [soldier] Frame 17
gotoAndPlay (1);
Instance of Symbol 351 MovieClip in Symbol 408 MovieClip [soldier] Frame 37
onClipEvent (load) {
ts = getTimer();
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((getTimer() - ts) > 2000) {
_parent._parent._alpha = _parent._parent._alpha - 5;
if (_parent._parent._alpha <= 0) {
Instance of Symbol 8 MovieClip "ex2" in Symbol 415 MovieClip [tank_Boss] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
delay = 10;
Instance of Symbol 8 MovieClip "ex3" in Symbol 415 MovieClip [tank_Boss] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
delay = 15;
Instance of Symbol 8 MovieClip "ex4" in Symbol 415 MovieClip [tank_Boss] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
delay = 15;
Instance of Symbol 8 MovieClip "ex5" in Symbol 415 MovieClip [tank_Boss] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
delay = 20;
Instance of Symbol 8 MovieClip "ex6" in Symbol 415 MovieClip [tank_Boss] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
delay = 20;
Symbol 416 MovieClip [enemy_gun] Frame 1
#initclip 52
Object.registerClass("enemy_gun", cannon);
Symbol 420 MovieClip [big_rocket_gun] Frame 1
#initclip 53
Object.registerClass("big_rocket_gun", cannon);
Symbol 423 MovieClip [boss_tank_gun] Frame 1
#initclip 54
Object.registerClass("boss_tank_gun", cannon);
Symbol 430 MovieClip [gun_soldier] Frame 1
#initclip 55
Object.registerClass("gun_soldier", cannon);
Symbol 432 MovieClip [playerShoot2] Frame 1
#initclip 56
Object.registerClass("playerShoot2", bulletClass);
Symbol 443 MovieClip Frame 1
if (_currentframe == 1) {
Symbol 443 MovieClip Frame 5
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 443 MovieClip Frame 15
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 443 MovieClip Frame 19
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 447 MovieClip [rocket2] Frame 1
#initclip 57
Object.registerClass("rocket2", bulletClass);
Symbol 465 MovieClip [human_red] Frame 1
#initclip 58
Object.registerClass("human_red", cannon);
Instance of Symbol 9 MovieClip "charCont" in Symbol 465 MovieClip [human_red] Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (gameInProcess) {;
} else {
Symbol 465 MovieClip [human_red] Frame 15
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 465 MovieClip [human_red] Frame 17
Symbol 482 MovieClip [human_white] Frame 1
#initclip 59
Object.registerClass("human_white", cannon);
Instance of Symbol 9 MovieClip "charCont" in Symbol 482 MovieClip [human_white] Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (gameInProcess) {;
} else {
Symbol 482 MovieClip [human_white] Frame 15
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 482 MovieClip [human_white] Frame 17
Symbol 486 MovieClip [plasma_bullet] Frame 1
#initclip 60
Object.registerClass("plasma_bullet", bulletClass);
Symbol 486 MovieClip [plasma_bullet] Frame 24
Symbol 521 MovieClip [alien] Frame 1
#initclip 61
Object.registerClass("alien", cannon);
Instance of Symbol 9 MovieClip "charCont" in Symbol 521 MovieClip [alien] Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (gameInProcess) {;
} else {
Symbol 521 MovieClip [alien] Frame 31
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 521 MovieClip [alien] Frame 33
Instance of Symbol 9 MovieClip in Symbol 597 MovieClip [MovieAnimation1] Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (charsInProcess) {;
} else {
Symbol 597 MovieClip [MovieAnimation1] Frame 91
Instance of Symbol 9 MovieClip in Symbol 598 MovieClip [MovieAnimation2] Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (charsInProcess) {;
} else {
Symbol 598 MovieClip [MovieAnimation2] Frame 91
Symbol 599 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 640 Button
on (release) {"menu");
Symbol 645 Button
on (release) {"menu");
Symbol 650 Button
on (press) {"menu");
Symbol 683 Button
on (release) {
gotoAndPlay (2);
on (release) {
_root.soundstatus = "off";
Symbol 686 Button
on (release) {
gotoAndPlay (1);
on (release) {
_root.soundstatus = "on";
Symbol 687 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 687 MovieClip Frame 2
Instance of Symbol 691 MovieClip in Symbol 692 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
_root.soundstatus = "on";
_root.bgsound = new Sound(_level0);
_root.gamesound = new Sound(_level1);
maxvolume = 100;
minvolume = 0;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.soundstatus == "on") {
step = 5;
if (_root.soundstatus == "off") {
step = -5;
maxvolume = maxvolume + step;
if (maxvolume > 100) {
maxvolume = 100;
if (maxvolume < 0) {
maxvolume = 0;
Symbol 699 MovieClip Frame 1
_visible = false;
Symbol 699 MovieClip Frame 3
if (!sound.enable) {
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 699 MovieClip Frame 7
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 699 MovieClip Frame 12
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 700 MovieClip [#soundz] Frame 1
#initclip 63
Object.registerClass("#soundz", soundCollector);
Symbol 706 Button
on (release) {"menu");
gotoAndStop ("menu");
Symbol 724 MovieClip Frame 1
_x = 275;
_y = 200;
Symbol 955 MovieClip [#BGfull] Frame 1
#initclip 64
Object.registerClass("#BGfull", bgClass);
Symbol 974 Button
on (release) {"menu");
Symbol 977 MovieClip Frame 1
_x = 275;
_y = 200;
Symbol 985 Button
on (release) {"menu");
Symbol 990 Button
on (release) {
Symbol 991 MovieClip Frame 1
_x = 275;
_y = 200;
ttz = _global.envS["textZ_" + language_pre];
title.text = ttz.gamePausedTitle;
tf.htmlText = ttz.gamePausedString;